#it's probably more fun if you play with friends so you can rib each other but unfortunately. i'm a loser
hollow-prey · 8 months
"you can't possibly fail at a dating sim" you clearly haven't met me and my impressive ability to misread social cues and choose the wrong action/dialogue because apparently I have the finesse and romantic charm of a WORM!!!!!
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Shinning Like the Sun
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Hi guys!
I have the new chant for Mariona in my head since yesterday, so this is my way to try to get ride of it 😂
It's kind of short and only fluff, I hope you'll enjoy it :)
Also if someone can tell me who make those gif, I try to find it back on Tumblr but I wasn't able to 😭
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You smile while watching your girlfriend, walking behind her for twenty meters. You both just won your second game with Arsenal for the Champions League, and you feel like Mariona is literally glowing.
She’s walking with Vic, Vivienne Lia and Laia, all happily japing around. You know that she might be a little disappointed not to have scored today either, but she seems so happy right now that your heart clench with love for her.
Her move in north London had surprise a lot of people, she passed ten years of her life in Barcelona, in the same club. She was a very important player for the club, but she still chooses to come in Arsenal. You won’t complain about it, having your girlfriend after two years of being apart is something you really enjoy.
You both had a long discussion before her move, you wanted to be sure that she’s making this for the good reasons, not only for you. You were scared, you still are, that she realizes at one point how it was better when you just have the happily reunions and fun and sweet holidays together.
It seems to be perfect for now, but you are living apart of each other, even if you have to admit that the night you slept separately weren’t majority. Far from it to be honest.
It’s for the same reasons that you stay away from her for now, letting her enjoy her moment with the people who seems to become easily friends with her. You aren’t surprised, Mariona is sweet, kind, funny and always smiling. You feel like she took Barcelona’s sun with her.
“Staying away from the missus?”
You turn in the direction of the voice, smiling softly when you see Katie and Caitlin walking next to you. You shrug softly, you know it’s only a friendly teasing. They both tried to hide their relationship last year, before giving up and living their life like they wanted. It seems to be a pretty great idea, considering how happy they are.
“I just want to let her live her moment; you know?”
They both smile for any answer, and you look in Mario’s direction again. She’s now laughing with Alessia about something, probably the song Arsenal’s fan cooked for her. It probably will stay in your head for days, but you like it for now.
You walk around the pitch with Alessia and Kyra, before joining the rest of the team to hear a quick speech from Jonas. Leah smiles at you and pinch your ribs, like she always did when you played together and played well. It was the case today, you are pretty happy about your performance tonight.
When Jonas release all of you, Gooners are waiting for pictures and signatures, which you do happily. There are more people than when you began to play, but you like make people and kids happy. It’s only several minutes of your time and you enjoy it almost every time. You manage to spot the creeps pretty easily.
You gave your jersey to a little girl with cute blue eyes and a big smile, and you are in a black sport bra when you finally went to the locker room to take a shower and change. You spot Mariona not far from you, making her way probably in the same place and run to catch her.
When you are behind her, you pass your arms around her waist, tiptoeing to be able to kiss her cheek from behind. Her smile is beaming, and you are smiling too.
“Shake it Caldentey” you sing-tease her, your cheek against hers, your front against her back.
She laughs and manages to escape your arms, only to take her coat off. The weather isn’t awful tonight but it’s still way colder than Barcelona, so you aren’t surprised to see Mario wearing one of them. You didn’t expect her to put it on your shoulders, though.
“Aren’t you cold?” you ask, tightening the number 8’s coat around your body.
“A little, but you are the one half-naked here”
You hum and offer her one arm for her to side-cuddle while walking inside the tunnel going to the locker room. She doesn’t hesitate to go against you, and you went to kiss her cheek but sloppily went for somewhere behind her jaw and her neck. For your defense, you both were walking.
The Spaniard doesn’t seem to mind though, passing her arm around your waist for the last meters separating you from the locker room. You can hear the laughs and the music coming from it already.
You let Mariona go with a hint of regret when you are inside it, but you are soon taken by Kyra to dance around the room. Steph manages to save you from her after several minutes, letting you go take a shower. When you finish to prepare yourself, Mariona comes to sit on your cubby, quietly waiting for you.
“Are you both coming to have a drink?” Kyra asks you, suddenly popping next to you again.
“Oh” you say, glancing at Mariona.
To be honest, you would rather go somewhere with your girlfriend only. Maybe ordering something and relax in front of a movie. But maybe Mariona wants to go out with your teammates, you don’t want to deprive her of a good night.
You silently look at each other for several seconds, you trying to read into your girlfriend’s warm eyes.
“I… think… that we will go home” you answer slowly, still looking at Mariona.
The forward smiles at you and nod discreetly, filling you with relief when you understand that you have managed to correctly decipher her thoughts and wants.
“Ok Oldies, like you want”
You shush Kyra away with a foot on her ass, turning in Mario’s direction. She’s smiling again and you sometimes wonder how she never gets to hurt her cheeks. She stands up when you put your last things in your bag and grabs your hand when you leave, saying goodbye to everyone.
Leah and Beth keep you company until you reach your car, sharing a small talk with you. The night has fall for several hours now and the streetlights are on when you drive to leave the stadium.
“Yours or mine?” you ask her.
“Yours” she doesn’t hesitate. “Can I put some music?”
“Of course.”
You smile and roll your eyes when she puts some Spanish music on your Spotify. Since you know her, your algorithm doesn’t have any sense, but you like it. It was always nice to have a reminder of your girlfriend when you were driving around and she still lived in Barcelona.
To win some time, Mario looks for what you want to eat when you will be home. You let her choose and she’s still smiling when she passes your command. When you finally reach your house, you sigh of complacency before getting out of the car. You are living in St-Albans, like a lot of your teammates, in a semi-detached house with a garden.
You abandon your bag with your dirty clothes in the bathroom, choosing to make the laundry tomorrow. Mariona’s bag is waiting next to yours.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have taken a flat finally” Mariona comments with a grin from your couch.
You smile too, sitting next to her before cuddling against her. Her body is always warm and welcoming for you and you love it. You usually are more cold than warm so it’s the perfect contrast for you. You smile when she passes her hand under your hoodie, snuggling even more closer to her. You take advantage of your position to look at her, prodigiously ignoring the movie she had choose.
“You seem happy” you say carefully, not wanting to assume things.
She puts her eyes on you and smile softly before putting some hair behind your ear. Her touch send you shivers. She could have understand your sentence as happy right now, but she seems to catch what you mean easily.
“I am” she smiles. “It was hard to leave Barcelona after all this time, but London has even more to offer than I thought”
She nods, still smiling. You are looking deep in her eyes when you open your mouth again.
“So still no regrets?”
Her hand stayed on your neck after she touch your hair and she uses it to take softly your face against her, kissing you lovingly. While you expend the kiss, she strokes your jaw with her thumb.
“I told you, I was sure it was what I needed. It’s not a surprise for me to see I was right.”
You smile shyly and kiss her one more time before getting back in your first position, you spread on her body. Unfortunately, this moment doesn’t last because soon the bell of your door is ringing in the house, making you jump.
“El sushi está aquí!”
You smile while looking at your girlfriend almost jumping to the door and gets up to go to your kitchen, to grab some extra soja sauce for the sushis. Salty for you, sweet for Mariona. You grab some things to drink too, finding Mariona on your couch, carefully opening the boxes she had choose. You let her decide, you have almost the same tastes for food. Except for soja sauce, maybe.
“I’ll cook something Spanish for you next time” Mariona says after several minutes.
You like to cook to be honest, but just after the games you don’t have necessarily the courage to do it. It’s easier to just use Uber Eat and chill on your couch while you are waiting for your food.
“I’ll help you” you smile.
Like this, you will be able to cook for her too. You don’t know any Spanish receipt but it’s not really a good excuse, you have a Smartphone, and you know how to read. Maybe you could surprise her with a tortilla or something like that. You really need to extend your knowledge on Spanish cooking.
That’s what you discreetly do when your plates are empty, and you are watching another movie. Mariona is now lying on you, her breathing slow and deep, informing you that she might have fall asleep. But you don’t mind.
Playing with her hair with one hand, you are scrolling in a website dedicated to Spain food and you learn a lot of things. Remembering where exactly your girlfriend comes from, you even search for specialties from Mallorca. You might not be able to find every ingredient of the receipts, but you will try your best to bring her some Spain touch in North London.
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tuiccim · 7 months
Wrecked (Part 2)
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Pairing: Alpha Frank Castle x Omega Reader, Alpha Billy Russo x Omega Reader
Trigger Warnings: References to infertility, smut
Summary: When Frank Castle found his way to your small town bar, you thought you had finally found your Alpha despite being a "wrecked omega" but when his best friend, Billy Russo, blows through town, your world tilts on its axis. You thought you found your happy ending but was it just more wreckage for your life?
A/N: Thank you to my beta reader and hype princess, @whisperlullaby
Wrecked Masterlist
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Thursday night ended up being busier than usual with a large group coming in to celebrate… something. You never quite caught the reason. You were so busy tending the bar that you rarely looked up to see faces. It was nice to see the tip jar nearly overflowing towards the end of the night. 
You were pulling drafts for a couple of regulars when the door flew open and a grinning Cecily walked in as if she was a triumphant warrior returning from battle. You laugh and announce loudly, “Batten down the hatches! Hurricane Cecily is blowing through town!”
“Hey!” Cecily laughs as she hugs you, “The place looks great! How are you?”
“I’m great. I’m really good. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.”
“Yes, but for now, I need a drink!” Cecily drags you to the bar. 
“Let me guess… a blue motorcycle?” You smirk. 
“You know me so well,” Cecily grins.
“How was your trip?” You smile as you make her drink.
“Fabulous! Saw the sights, made some friends, and had some good times. Pissed my dad off to all hell and back because I refused the match he arranged,” she giggles.
“He should know better by now,” you laugh. Cecily’s father had won the genetic lottery when he, a beta, and her mother, also a beta, produced an Omega offspring. He had hopes of marrying her off to make connections and strengthen the family standing. What he hadn't planned on was her strong will and refusal to marry until she fell in love. It was something you envied about her and probably one of the things that had drawn the two of you together. She was an Omega that a family centered their hopes on which she refused to comply with and you were the broken Omega who had disappointed your family with your inability to comply. 
“No matter their designation, men are all the same. Hard headed and yet oblivious,” Cecily rolls her eyes.
“Can't argue with that. I-”
"Oh, Jesus. Here we go," Frank's raspy voice interrupts. 
"Hey Frankie," Cecily teases. 
“Welcome back. What trouble are you planning to get into?” Frank asks as he takes the stool next to her.
“All the fun kind,” she grins. 
“Oh, Cec, Frank's best friend is coming to town soon. You'll have to meet him. I have a hunch you two will be hilarious together,” you giggle as Frank narrows his eyes at you. 
“Don't give her any ideas. Those two would tear apart the town together,” Frank turns to Cecily, “And if you let him, your bed, too.”
“Well, I'm certain I can show him a good time while he's here," Cecily says slyly. 
"Heard from him yet?" You ask.
"Yep," Frank says with a withering glance at Cecily. "He'll be here tomorrow. Leaving Sunday night or Monday."
"I can't wait to meet him," you wink at Frank. 
Cecily gives him a wicked smile, "Your best friend must be so interesting. Tell me about him."
Frank looks up at the ceiling as if praying for help but, knowing Cecily won't give up easily, he gives a few details, "He's an Alpha. Owns a security company. Real smooth with the 'megas and isn't the kind anyone can pin down. Just your type."
"What are you trying to say, Frank?" Cecily narrows her eyes. 
"Nothin'," Frank gives a shit eating grin. 
"Mm-hm," Cecily sips her drink. 
"Okay, you two, enough. I've got the room ready for him and a bottle of booze waiting," you say as a fresh group comes through the front door, "Play nice while I deal with the newcomers."
You walked away unworried about the two. Despite the way they ribbed each other, they actually liked one another. Cecily held respect for the man who had seen the gem that is her best friend and Frank was grateful for the unwavering support she showed you. So, while they always had harmless barbs to lob at each other, there was a mutual respect shared. 
Occasionally as you poured drinks and served, you would glance over to see them conversing companionably. In one such moment though, your stomach dropped a bit seeing Cecily's hand on his knee as she leaned in to whisper in his ear. You shook the feeling away, knowing she would never do anything untoward, and relaxed even more when Frank laughed while shaking his head. She was probably making a comment she didn't want overheard. You berated yourself for being so insecure. Frank was a good man and, even if he did choose to leave you for an Omega without your hindrances, he would never hurt you in that way. He would tell you... or he would just disappear, which was one of your biggest fears. One day, you would wake up alone and every trace of your life together would be gone. 
Just the thought was devastating. You had never expected him to stay this long and now you were spoiled by the presence of an Alpha in your life. You shake the negative thoughts away. Frank is your Alpha and he is going to mate you. But even that thought came with doubts. Your mind wouldn't let you believe that he would really mate you. He had said it to comfort you. He hadn't really meant it. He wouldn't tie himself to a wrecked Omega for life. No Alpha would. 
"Hey! Can I get another one?" A voice pulls you out of your melancholy thoughts. 
"You got it," you smile at the man and pour. The night is busy for a Thursday but you manage to make it back over to Frank and Cecily after a while. 
"Frank has been filling me in on his friend. I can't wait to meet him," Cecily smiles. 
"Well then, he's given you more information than he's given me," you laugh with a wink at Frank. 
"That's not true. I've told you stories about Bill," Frank laughs. 
"I had pull teeth just for you to tell me his last name!" You assert. 
"That's highly personal information," Frank smirks. 
"What is his last name?" Cecily asks. 
"Now see what you've started!" Frank exclaims. You stick your tongue out at him and laugh as his face drops. "Oh, very mature," Frank grouses.
"I'm sure your thoughts were when I did it," you tease him, leaning over the bar to whisper the words. 
"You're gonna be using it tonight," Frank groans out and then grabs you by the back of the neck to lay a kiss on you. His tongue plunders your mouth before he releases you with a smirk. You knew you were in for it when you got home and you couldn’t wait. 
“Ugh, now I’m looking even more forward to this friend of yours coming. Maybe I can interest him in a little PDA,” Cecily pouts. “I’m heading out. See ya tomorrow.”
“Night,” you and Frank say in unison. 
“Do you want me to stay?” Frank asks. 
“No, it’s okay. Head to the cabin and rest. I’ll see you in a bit,” you reassure him. 
“Alright. Be careful,” Frank gives a backwards wave as he heads for the door. 
The cabin. You always called it that or the house, never home. Part of you was scared he would correct you if you did; the other part worried it would scare him away. It was a precarious place that you stayed mentally with Frank. A fine line you balanced between loving his presence and fearing his absence. Would you ever feel confident in his commitment?
Billy coming had to mean something. Frank wouldn’t introduce you to his best friend, the closest thing he had to family, if he didn’t have intentions of staying. Maybe it was because you felt like Frank always had his eye on the door, waiting for the moment he would have to leave or for his past to catch up to him. How much did you even really know about his past? Maybe meeting Billy would give you more insight into him. 
When the bar closed a couple of hours later, your bouncer, Jordan, walked you to your car. A precaution he insisted on since the incident with the drunken Alpha. You wondered at times if Frank had asked him (or threatened his life) to ensure you got to your car safely. He really was sweet in his gruff way. 
By the time you made it to the cabin, the windows were dark. The porchlight and a small lamp just inside the front door were on but the rest of the house was dark and quiet. You smile to yourself, remembering Frank offering to stay until closing. Obviously, you had made the right decision to send him home since he was already asleep. He worked hard and deserved the rest. 
You quietly make your way to the bathroom and quickly wash up. You peek out the door at him and a sliver of light falls over his body. His arms were curled behind his head, his bare chest rising and falling with slow breaths, and between his thick thighs his heavy cock laid. You lick your lips and feel a surge of disappointment that he’s not awake but then a wicked thought crosses your mind. He never shies from waking  you up by fucking you… maybe he wouldn’t mind the same treatment. After all, he had said you'd be putting your tongue to work when you got home and you didn't want to make a liar out of him.
Shedding your clothing, you make your way to the bed. The sliver of light from the bathroom still lays over him. When he first came to your house, he would wake at every noise or touch but over the months, he had relaxed and was actually a fairly deep sleeper. Leaning over him, you lick a stripe from tip to base. His cock jumps and he stirs but his eyes don’t open. You repeat the action bringing another small response from him. Taking him into your mouth, you work your way down his thick cock inch by inch, your hand wrapping around what you can’t fit. Frank makes a sexy groan as he flexes towards you, his eyes slowly open as you watch. He grabs your head and moves you slowly up and down. 
“Fuck, this’s the hottest way to be woken up,” he growls. “Couldn’t wait until the morning for this cock, huh, babe? Had to have it in you one way or the other?” 
You moan your agreement while hollowing your cheeks. Frank’s deep growling moans are making you wet and you squeeze your thighs together to relieve the pressure. 
“Goddamn, I can smell you. Getting wet from sucking this cock. Get up here. C’mon,” Frank uses his grip to pull you away from his cock and then up to straddle him. You immediately position him at your entrance and sink down, biting your lip to hold in your moan. “What’d I tell you about that?” Frank pulls your lip from your teeth. 
“Don’t,” you whisper. 
“I wanna hear every sound,” he insists. “Now, you wanted this cock so bad, let’s see what you do with it.” His smirk relays the challenge as he lays back, folding his hands behind his head. 
Never one to back down from such a challenge, you knew you had to make this good. You worked your hips to get every last inch of his thick cock inside of you. He was so thick that each drag of his cock was a direct hit to your g spot but he was in so deep there was a bite of pain when he hit your cervix. You ignored it as you rode him and eventually it lessened to a mere whisper of discomfort. Putting your hands on his chest, you leaned a little more forward to grind your clit against him and let out a long moan as the new angle hit even more pleasurably. 
“That’s what I like to hear,” Frank groans and then flexes up into you. 
“Oh! Fuck,” you whimper. You move more quickly, squeezing him as you barrel yourself towards orgasm. Not worried anymore about living up to his challenge, that first spark had alighted in your belly and you chased it. 
Frank ran his calloused fingertips over your nipples, no longer content to be a mere observer. He squeezed and feathered over them while watching your face. His hips came up to meet yours and your mouth dropped open to let out a small cry. He repeated the motion until he saw that sweet look pass over your face. The one that told him you were too far gone to turn back and he held himself back from coming with you. He wasn’t ready to be done yet. 
“I’m coming,” you cried as the waves of pleasure took over. Your body spasms around him as you ride out the orgasm. 
“Atta, girl. Squeezing my cock so tight. Fuck,” Frank watches as you fall apart on top of him. When your orgasm had run its course, you stopped for a moment to catch your breath but it didn’t last more than a few seconds when a smack landed on your ass and Frank’s gruff voice said, “We ain’t done yet, ‘mega. You wanted this cock so bad, you woke me from a dead sleep. Now you gotta finish what you started. Move that ass.” 
The shit-eating grin on his face made you want to be just a little defiant. You pull off of him and he immediately protests, “Where do you think you're going, ‘mega?” 
Pushing him back down on the bed, you lean in to give him a small but potent kiss. “Trust me, Alpha,” you give him a seductive look before turning around and straddling him again in reverse. You work his cock inside of you again and then look over your shoulder, “You wanted to see me move that ass…”
You bounce on top of him, being sure to give him a full view of your ass cheeks as you fuck him. Frank loved your ass and was always grabbing, slapping, or finding some other way to get his hands on it. Somehow, you had never gotten around to this particular position with him and you could tell right away it wouldn’t be the last time. His hands shot out immediately to grope you, a smack landing only a few seconds later. 
“Fuck, yeah,” Frank growled, his hands never stilling as he watched you fuck him. He was mesmerized by the jiggle of your cheeks with each motion you made while seeing his cock splitting you open. He sucked his thumb into his mouth, wetting it before pressing it to your tight little hole. He rubbed back and forth, teasing just the tip against your ring of muscle, as you rode him harder and harder. 
“Oh, fuck, Alpha. It’s so good,” you whined. The angle was hitting your g spot and you could feel yourself building again. 
“That’s right,” Frank growls, landing another smack to your ass, “Good, little ‘mega. Just need this Alpha’s fat cock splitting you open, huh?”
“Yes!” Is the only word you can manage at this point. You were tiring but the pull of another orgasm and Frank’s words were enough to keep you going. You were dripping from his praise.
“Fuck!” Frank cries out before grabbing your hips and slamming up into you forcefully. He repeats the motion over and over again and you can’t hold in your scream when you come. Frank’s loud grunts as he releases inside makes you clench around him. He flexes a few more times while holding you in place against him. When he had calmed, he pulled out and then positioned you to lay next to him. “Thanks for the wake up call,” he chuckles in your ear. 
“My pleasure,” you laugh. “I think I’ve always known the answer to the question of whether you’re a boobs or butt man but I think tonight solidified it.”
“Ass man, all the way,” Frank’s laugh rumbles through his chest. 
“Shocking,” you tease.
“Mm-hm,” comes out quietly. 
You glance over your shoulder at him and see he’s already drifting back to sleep. You smile to yourself and listen for his breathing to even out before slipping out of the bed to clean up. Glancing back at Frank from the door, you shake your head at his ability to be fucking the life out of you one minute and then practically asleep the next. “I love you,” you whisper to his sleeping form, knowing you’d probably never hear those words from him. 
The next night, Friday, was busy as usual. Frank had sent a text that a water main break had delayed him and he’d be late making it to the bar. It made you a little nervous that you might meet Billy without him here but you try to brush it off and keep up with the crowd. Especially since your other bartender called out. You were glad Cecily had made an early appearance and you set her to work behind the bar with you. She was great at helping out in a pinch and genuinely enjoyed working the bar, as the tip jar showed. Her flirtation skills were on point as you watched her flip her hair and wink at a patron. She knew how to play them like a fiddle. 
She looked gorgeous. Her short, wavy hair fell over her forehead attractively, giving a peekaboo effect that was coquettish. Tight black jeans, boots, and a one shoulder green tank hugged her curves as she twirled a glass in her hand before pulling the tap. You smiled as your eyes followed her for a few moments and she sent you a wink when she caught your stare. 
You were in a lull when the smell hit you, something dark and woodsy and undeniably Alpha. You turned to find a stranger sitting at the end of your bar with his eye on you. His incredibly dark eyes seemed to bore holes right through you. He was handsome, lean but muscular, dark hair brushed back from his forehead in an undercut, and casual clothes that seemed tailor fit. He was dreamy for lack of a better word. Making your way over, you smile at the newcomer, “Well, hello there, stranger. What can I get for you?”
“Whiskey, neat,” the man says as he eyes you. 
“Top shelf,” he interrupts your question. 
Raising an eyebrow at him, you smirk, “I’m afraid this bar’s version of top shelf is Johnny Walker. You strike me as more of a Lagavulin man.”
His face cracks a smile that had probably dropped more than a few pairs of panties, “You’re good, but don’t worry, I’ll stomach the Johnny Walker just fine.”
“You got it, chief,” you turn to pour the drink. Setting it in front of him, you lean on the bar, “What brings you to town?”
“Visiting a friend,” he says as he glances over at Cecily as she puts on a show while making drinks. 
Following his line of vision, you grin, “She’s something, isn’t she?”
“Yeah. Is she the owner?” 
“Mmm, excuse me,” you are distracted by another patron motioning for a refill. You quickly pour the drink and a few others before making it back to him. Pouring him a second drink, you breath in his scent covertly, “Ac-”
“So, do you ever take a customer home?” He gives you a smoldering look.
“Do you always interrupt people?” You counter. 
“Only when going after something I want,” his eyes take a lazy path down to your cleavage before flicking back up to your eyes. You lean in closer to him, lowering your voice conspiratorially you say, “Not really but just occasionally someone tall, dark, and handsome blows through and I find I just can’t resist.” His eyes darken as he studies you and you could read his thoughts as clearly as if he had spoken them aloud. “Oh, and to answer your earlier question, no, I’m the owner… Billy. Welcome to town.”
Part 3
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Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​ for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Would love to see your take on 23 or 28 good potential for fluff or angst or maybe both?
I am such a fluffy bitch! I can't help myself. If I get another one of these I will do angst because I need to work on that. But for now fluffy bullshit is my safe place <3
But I will say this tickled my uh not sfw brain, so watch out for a possible ao3 E addition the other prompt. Maybe! (Probably. the potenial of "Come and get your fix" is insane) But this is "Was it worth it?"
Honestly? You'd think Steve would be used to this by now. He was just not the guy that anyone wanted to be with. First there was Nancy, the worst heartbreak he ever had. Then there was Robin, which was better but still kind of sucked. Until Steve realized that oh, wow, this girl is literally my long lost sister. So with that, he had to admit that he was pretty grateful that she was gay as hell. The alternative would have been an absolute disaster. But even before all of that, girls just didn't like being with him. Or at least staying with him.
He was too much of a hopeless romantic, too clingy, too weird. He always fell beneath expectations. People expected him to be cool, suave, to actually match the whole "King Steve" label and be the high school dream boat that he should be. But...Steve just wasn't like that. He wanted too much too fast, always opening up and sharing shit that made people uncomfortable. That made them pull away and find someone less annoying. So he'd retreat back into the popular boy thing, be charming and a little dickish, find a new girlfriend, and start the process all over again.
People just... didn't like going there with him. Not when there were better options. It felt like the only one who could really handle him was Robin. And lately... Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson who was currently in the middle of crushing all of his feelings into the dust.
He thought...Steve wasn't sure what he thought. But it felt like over the past year they had been moving somewhere, to something more. They were friends by circumstance, from all the Upside Down shit and then with Steve being Dustin's chauffer to the hospital for visits. It had all been so simple at first. They would all talk as a group, it would be fun, and then they'd be on there way until Dustin called him up next. Until one day Steve just went by himself. He wasn't quite sure why he did, but the bright smile that lit up Eddie's face when he saw him made sure that he'd keep doing it.
And they would talk for a long time. For a stupid amount of time honestly, all the way until the nurses kicked him out for getting Eddie too rowdy and excited. But it didn't stop when he got out of the hospital. Steve just started going to house, helping him and his uncle out as they got to know each other more. It's not like he had anything else going on. He just never expected Eddie Munson of all people to slowly become the center of his life.
They just... clicked. In a way that no one had expected, least of all them. They were so different, but they also weren't. Not in the ways that mattered. Besides, Steve liked all the play fights and debates they would have over music and movies. He liked ribbing each other over their taste in clothes and their mutual inability to get girls. He loved it even more when Eddie came out to him in the silliest possible way.
"I can't get girls because I'm gay as fuck and they can sense it. You can't get girls because every straight woman that lives here is apparently stupid. Can being too hot ruin your dating life?"
At the time it had made Steve laugh. It also stirred... something in his chest. Something warm and nice that he didn't have time to examine, not when he was too busy reassuring Eddie that yes, he's okay with it. But no, girls couldn't smell it on him. Not that Eddie cared but Steve actually had 0 clue on why no one was interested in him. Just because he was gay didn't mean the girls of Hawkins high knew that. Why weren't they fawning over him? He was so freaking pretty, and creative and fun and...and that's how Steve realized he wasn't as straight as he thought he was.
And because Steve was Steve that meant that he had to make things weird. He started doing stupid shit, like staring at Eddie's perfect mouth all the time, wearing his clothes with permission, just to smell him throughout the day. They started giving each other little nick names, stupid shit that was so close to being romantic. Like sunshine and angel. They started sleeping in the same bed together, spending more nights with each other than apart. Steve would wake up with Eddie wrapped around him, clinging to him like...like they were something more.
And it felt good. Comfortable and safe. And Steve really thought that this had been different. That whatever was going on with him had to be going on with Eddie too.
But now here he was, standing shell-shocked in his kitchen while his very good friend was trying to talk to him about his crush. His crush that had nothing to do with Steve. It wasn't exactly shocking that Steve had made all of that flirtation up in his head. It wouldn't be the first time, he was just delusional like that.
But that didn't stop his heart from breaking when Eddie said, "So...there's this guy whose like, insanely hot? And I think he might be into me. But... I don't really know what to do about it."
Steve really did not want to hear about this. He didn't like it, the horrifying thought of Eddie getting a boyfriend. Because what partner would be cool with them cuddling up together in bed? Who would be down to have their boyfriend's creepy buddy hanging around them all the time? Calling them stupid shit like sunshine? It wasn't going to happen. And acknowledging that hurt...so much more than Steve had expected.
But Steve was a good friend. That was probably the only thing he had going for him. He'd get past it. He always did. He was just going to have to completely restructure the life he had built around Eddie. That's all.
He shoved his feelings back, smiling despite the fact that he felt like he was dying a little inside, "Oh yeah? Tell me about him."
Steve wasn't sure why he asked that. And the dreamy smiled on Eddie's face when he started talking wasn't helping, "He is just awesome dude. Total catch, an absolute sweetheart. And he just fits with me y'know? And, um, I think he feels the same way. But I'm not sure. I'm too much of a bitch to even ask if he's into dudes. I don't know if telling him is worth the risk."
Part of Steve wanted to be a real piece of shit with that. To tell him that yeah, it's not a good idea. He's probably straight and definitely wouldn't be good for him. They wouldn't love him like Steve could. But that didn't exactly count as being a good friend, did it?
Steve kept it all back, his smile tight when he said, "I think that sometimes the risk can be worth it. Do you think he's worth it?"
Eddie laughed, like Steve said something funny instead of trying to be sincere. But he was smiling, staring down at the counter as he fiddled with his rings, "If it worked out, it would probably be the best thing that ever happened to me."
Steve really really did not need to hear that. He could feel his eyes getting wet. He needed to wrap this shit up and send Eddie on his way to mystery man's house before he started crying, "If that's how you feel then go for it man. He'd be lucky to have you."
Steve's voice broke on the last word, something he tried to hide behind a cough. He just wanted this to be over already.
"I think I'd be lucky to have him," Eddie said with a shrug, "But... do you really think I should? Just go for it?"
"Yeah dude, why not tonight even? If he's not doing anything else you can just hop right over," Steve was willing to sign up for anything that got him out of here faster.
Eddie laughed again, completely out of place. He was circling the counter, coming to a stop in front of Steve with a nervous little smile, "You really think so?"
Why did he have to look at him like that? With this big doe eyes, filled with hope. It was silly, what Steve thought didn't even matter, this had nothing to do with him. But that little fact wasn't helping to clear the lump in his throat.
Steve nodded, not trusting himself with words. He expected Eddie to grin, thank him, and head out into the night to profess his love for some other dude. But that's not what happened.
Instead Eddie settled his hands on Steve's shoulders, giving them a firm squeeze. He looked nervous, but excited, his eyes boring right into Steve's. He took a deep breath before blurting, "I'm in love with you. Like full-blown. A-And it's probably way to early to be saying that but it's true Steve. It's been driving me fucking insane, because I like want you man. In very non-friendship ways."
Steve stared at him, his mouth hanging open like an idiot. He didn't-wait-huh? What? That can't be right. Eddie couldn't have been talking about him because he didn't-he wasn't-but... now that Steve thought about it, who the fuck else would he be talking about? How would he even have a chance to meet someone else when they were attached at the hip?
He felt so stupid. And so relived. He didn't even know what to do with himself, besides stare at Eddie like a moron. And his silence wasn't helping anything.
"I-um, thought that you might feel the same way since, y'know. Everything. And I know you're not gay-"
It was true, Steve wasn't gay. Not entirely but, "I can be gay for you. I'm so gay for you. I might as well be an Eddie-sexual at this point-"
Steve didn't have time to finish his cringy spiel, not when Eddie was pulling him closer and smashing their mouths together. Steve would thank him later for it, but for now he was too busy melting into his arms.
He felt weirdly good when they finally pulled away, almost like he was high. Just from one little kiss.
Eddie was grinning at him, looking at Steve like he was the best thing that ever happened to him. And what an insane thought that was huh? But Steve would take it.
Steve smiled up at him, taking the time to wrap his arms around Eddie's neck, "So...was it worth it? The risk?"
Eddie rolled his eyes, his hands wandering downward to rest on Steve's hips. And then Eddie was actually lifting him into the air and onto the counter, settling between his legs like the gesture didn't just send Steve into a tailspin. Why was that so hot? When did his nerdy friend (boyfriend?) become so smooth?
Eddie chuckled before leaning back in. He pressed a light kiss to the side of Steve's lips, sweet enough for him to know it would be burned into his memory until the end of time, "Like you have to ask."
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lurkingshan · 1 year
10 Things I Love About 3 Will Be Free
I am very late on this one, I know it! But this week I finally sat down with @wen-kexing-apologist and binged the whole thing, and had a grand ol’ time doing it. @waitmyturtles the verdict is two enthusiastic thumbs up. This was such a fun romp, and here are a few of the things I loved most about it:
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Guess who has a new blorbo!! In hindsight it is absolutely absurd that it took a Tay Tawan girlie like me so long to watch this show, because Shin is an instant entry on the all-time fav characters list. I love his sad gay ass. He’s sensitive, he’s lonely, he’s repressed, he’s far too susceptible to Stockholm syndrome, and I would protect him with my life.
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A working class trans character with an actual plot?! Thank you for your endless gifts, P’Jojo. Sure, my girl Mae made some questionable choices (just a little light murder!), but listen, I support her, in the words of @wen-kexing-apologist, embracing her feminine rage. And in the end, she figured out exactly the right target for her rage and lived her best life.
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A Survivor. Gets shit done. Absolutely will kill a man if he forces her hand. Loyal to her boyfriends even when it would probably be smarter to ditch them. Also, she so pretty.
Neo’s tanks and crop tops
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I never claimed not to be shallow.
Neo and Shin’s backstory
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Episode 5 was my favorite of the show and the moment it really clicked for me. I loved getting a glimpse of Shin’s lonely and dejected teen years (I just wanna talk, Ken 🔪🔪🔪). I loved that the basis of Neo and Shin’s relationship and initial attraction was the way they played together. Shin laughed more in his few days with Neo than he probably had in the several years preceding them. I loved that Neo gave him his first kiss and that Shin treasured those memories so dearly.
The Worst Criminals Of All Time
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Truly remarkable these three are still alive by the end of the show. Their ideas were half-baked and their execution was severely lacking. They never had a plan they thought all the way through and they never had a single scheme that went off without a hitch. Luckily, the bad guys chasing them were also thoroughly incompetent, so it all evened out. The only smart person in this show was Miw’s mom, who knew the only prudent move was to stay the hell out of this mess.
Miw and Shin’s friendship
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I just love that these two developed their own bond, even though they’re not into each other the same way they’re both into Neo. They both risked their lives to save the other. They tease and joke with each other. Shin literally wanted to bring his new bestie home to live with him. They’re adorable.
This weird little guy
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Toptap. My guy. What are you doing here and why are you being so strange? Are you good, are you bad, are you chaotic neutral? Who can tell! Certainly not me. But I enjoyed every moment your weird ass was on the screen.
There's a polyamorous relationship, and it’s depicted onscreen!
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Okay, here’s the part where I admit my expectations for the poly romance in this show were a liiiiiiilttle off base. I must gently rib the fandom for leading me to believe this show would have any actual sex in it (or really a focus on romance at all) and once again recite to myself a universal truth: gifs removed from context are so misleading. At the same time, I also must acknowledge how groundbreaking it was at the time to depict polyamory at all. I would have loved a bit more time spent on the actual relationship dynamics and the emotional complexities of this triad they formed, but I recognize that’s not really what this show was about and appreciate they included a polycule in the first place. Now that it’s 2023 and he’s been give a lot more freedom, I look forward to Jojo’s further exploration of sexy polycules in Only Friends.
Against all odds, these crazy kids got their happy ending
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When this show started I did not see any way for them to come out of this in good shape. I was going to be happy if they simply survived. But not only did they survive, they are thriving! Shin has inherited his dad’s legitimate business and discovered he looks hot in a deep V. Neo and Miw are living that beach life they deserve. Everyone loves each other and everyone is at peace. A+, 10/10, would watch again.
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graveyardviolence · 2 months
helloooo I am here to interrogate u for lore abt arden, ur oc, because I recently found out abt ur minyard sibling au and i usually eat that shi up soooo, may I please know more about him???
YES??? hi whoever you are you’re in my good graces i love when ppl ask abt my ocs
Arden Kinsley Minyard, raised by one Joseph Alan Minyard. Tilda basically dropped them off at Joe’s door a couple days after giving birth and never looked back. Arden is in their senior year when Wymack is looking for people to scout. At first glance their file isn’t much to look at. Mediocre playing skills, pretty fast and adaptable but that’s all they seen to bring to the table. But when Wymack looks closer he just knows he cant ignore them. They’re a Minyard, and upon questioning the twins and nicky, one that nobody knew about.
Ardens dad, Joe, is in the air force (yes Arden is a military brat), so Arden is raised on an air force base. They move around frequently, never staying in one place for too long, and during Arden’s developmental years they stick around the south, until Arden is around 7 or so, when they begin to branch out more. It’s not until they’re fifteen, living in the north east, that an incident occurs that puts Joe in prison, leaving Arden to be taken in by their best friend’s family.
They run their mouth more than they play exy
they can mimic any move another player makes without a problem
He hates pickles and onions and other vegetables and throughout most of his childhood his dad had to blend vegetables to get them into his diet
He picks at the skin on his hand so he wears bandaids to keep from bleeding
He has severe insomnia and most nights he doesn’t sleep
He has fucked up red converse that he’s been wearing since he was twelve bc he never grew out of them
He smokes weed
he has a caffeine addiction
He’s prone to random bouts of nausea and will faint/pass out
He gets the allergy injection bc he’s almost deathly allergic to cats but a kitten chased him down and crawled up his leg when he was sixteen and he’s always had a bleeding heart for strays. He hates grocery shopping but bc of his photographic memory he’s always sent out to get them. He’s jumped out of a moving car because he was angry. He lies to people for fun. He’s considered the friendliest Minyard, which he finds outlandish. Robin becomes like his little sister. He enjoys arguing with Kevin, and loves watching his partner air everyone out. He’s got three lobe piercings in each ear, he’s got four tattoos and plans on getting more.
He’s the type to sit out when theres a thunderstorm and get soaked by the rain. He’s definitely been swimming while it was storming. He’s got a vertical labret piercing and a nose ring. he wants an eyebrow piercing. His relationship with his gender is shitty at best and detached at worst. They have sharp teeth. He’s got scars from falling and scraping his knees. He’s had to get stitches after splitting his head open. He’s terrified of undergoing surgery despite knowing getting top surgery would probably put him in a better spot mentally.
Every weekend he sends a letter to his dad updating him on everything that’s happened throughout the week. The first time he goes to Eden’s he gets so drunk he passes out. When he wakes up it’s the next morning and Aaron is flipping his shit bc he thinks Arden has alcohol poisoning. It’s the most fun Arden has had since his sophomore year Homecoming.
His relationship with the twins is tricky. He loves them. He doesn’t know who they are. He’d rather die than be separated from them. He sometimes wishes he’d never met them. Andrew is who he could be. Is everything he’s not, is everything he is. He doesn’t know how to talk to them, but he wants to. He wants, so much that it aches beneath his ribs. He aches for what they could’ve been and mourns something that’s never existed. He’ll defend them to the ends of the earth. He’ll fight for them always. They’re his.
He clings to Nicky and his brightness. He sits with Kevin and Neil and watches exy games despite not caring for the game because he knows it’s important to them. He holds Robin’s hand when she’s upset. He and Renee color in coloring pages together and hang them up on Abbie’s fridge. He and Alison watch drama series together and talk shit afterwards. He goes with Dan and Matt to watch new releases at movie theaters. He cant stand Jack and Sheena together or individually but occasionally they’ll all sit in the living room together and watch cartoons during the early hours of the day.
let me stop before this gets out of hand
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egs-n-bacon · 1 year
Oh ask and you shall certainly receive!!
I would love it if you’re able to write a stu macher x fem!reader where the reader is Randy’s sister and randy (a protective older brother) introduced her and stu when her and randy are both working at the video store and stu falls head over heels and cherishes the ground she walks on! Then eventually she blurts out her feelings for him when they get to be better friends where he obviously admits to her that he’s head over heels and it ends in them becoming official and ending smut? (If you write smut that it!)
Ooooo yes, this is so fun!!
tags: friends to lovers, smut, mutual pining, soft sex, switch!reader, switch!stu, riding, hickeys, oral sex r!receiving
You loved working at the video store. You loved working there for two different reasons. You got to talk about movies all day, giving out recommendations, the other reason is you got to spend time with Stu.
You and Stu were a grade apart, so you didn't spend much time together at school. Which makes the video store perfect.
Your brother introduced you to him last school year. He was so nice, and he treated you with the utmost kindness. He fell head over heels immediately, going to the video store more than he ever has.
Randy caught on pretty quick, and when he asked if you liked Stu and you said yes, he panicked. You just told him that it was fine and Stu didn't even like you, to which he agreed, trying to split a wedge between you too.
Now, here you are two months later working and pining after Stu.
You were listening to your brother groan on about Stu being too old and not good enough for you.
"He's a weirdo, you can find someone better." You just kept pushing your cart and putting movies back.
"If he's that weird, why did you introduce us, Randy?" You bickered
Clearly stumping your brother, he turned and started working on a disorganized shelf. Just as you began to push your cart further down the aisle, the bell on the front door rung.
"Speak of the devil." Randy announced, rolling his eyes.
Stu immediately hurried over to you. "Hey, Stu." You said, gazing into his eyes. A small smile graced your lips, being around him made you so happy.
Stu stared down at you, eyes full of admiration. You stared at each other for a little too long for it to be normal.
Next to you was your brother, standing impatiently. An audible groan left his mouth as he walked away. You looked back at Stu and shared a look of annoyance.
"So you and me, tonight, Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" Stu said, leaning on the shelf stacked with different movies.
"Yess, that sounds amazing." You said smiling at him.
"all right ill meet you there." Stu said with a wink before walking out the front door.
you walked up the driveway to Stus house already feeling your stomach doing summersaults. you walked up the pair of steps and knocked on the painted door. it took no time before Stu opened the door greeting you with a rib crushing hug.
you guys went and sat down on the couch, the movie was already queued up just waiting to play. he pressed play and the film started playing. you both had already watched this, so you weren't paying as much attention. you were talking more than anything.
"so, what was your first impression of me?" Stu questioned.
"well, probably, wow this guy is so hot and tall!" you said half joking. when you looked back at him his eyes were looking into yours. he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, you let him. after all you were borderline in love with him so why wouldn't you? then you remembered.
"Stu, Stu stop." you said a slight look of sadness on your face. "what's wrong?" "Stu i like you, like a lot and i wont kiss you if you don't actually want me." you said staring into his eyes before you could dwell in the sadness he spoke up. "i do like you, i've liked you since we first met." a shocked look spread across your face, you couldn't believe it.
"really!?" you asked "yes!" he said matching your tone. you dove forward, smashing your lips into his. you pushed him back, now straddling his waist. you continued to kiss him pushing your tounge into his mouth.
you began to slide your tounge around his mouth. you let out soft, quiet whimper. you could tell he liked the noise by the way he bucked his hips into you. you stopped kissing him, trying to catch your breath, after you kissed down his cheek to his neck. you covered his neck in lipstick marks. he was groaning in your ear and squirming.
you then sat up taking in deep breath as a way to calm yourself. he grabbed the hem of your top and began pulling it over your head. after he discarded your shirt he reached behind you and unhooked your bra. the cold night air caused your nipples to harden. he leaned up and put his lips around your right breast, sucking and teasing.
he left hickeys up and down your chest, the marks slowly turning purple. you let out multiple high-pitched moans. you pleasure going through your body was like no other, just because it was Stu doing it. he then sat up and started to take off his clothes, you soon followed until you were both completely naked.
"you're so beautiful." he whispered to you. he quickly flipped you both over, him now on top of you. he began to slide down the couch until he was face to face with your pussy.
"you're dripping baby, all for me?" just him saying that made you gush even more. he sunk his head down between your thighs, kissing up to your sopping cunt. he licked a stripe up you, the feeling sending shocks straight to your core. he began to suck on your clit, moaning softly as he did so.
you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly. he let out a perfect noise, in between a moan and a whimper. you felt a knot grow in your stomach, your legs stared to quiver. you squeezed Stus head between your thighs, almost suffocating him.
suddenly waves upon waves of pleasure washed over you. you let out a series of moans and whimpers. after a few minutes you calmed down. you pulled Stu up, grabbing his shoulders and flipping him over onto his back. he looked up at you and smiled, you smiled back.
you reached down and aligned his cock with your entrance. you slowly sunk down, you both simultaneously let out a groan of pleasure. you took a few seconds before bouncing your hips. the feeling of him inside you was amazing, he was hitting all the right spots.
he grabbed your hips, assisting you as your bounces became sloppy due to your impending orgasm. you kept slamming your hips against his, letting out moans that the neighbors probably heard. you felt a familiar feeling pool in your stomach.
you came before he did, and he continued to chase his high, slamming his cock into your sensitive cunt. he came shortly after, letting out the most vulgar noises and you enjoyed every second of it. you collapsed onto his chest, his member exiting you.
you layed next to him just enjoying the afterglow, before you heard Stu speak. "will you be my girlfriend?" you looked at him, knowing the answer was already obvious. "yes!" you said before connecting your lips to his in a loving kiss.
I hope you liked it!!!
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xsezzie · 1 year
You already know Alhaitham and Kaveh for the ask game! 👀
Thank you Sezzie! 💖
~ cute anon
1. on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they? I would say Kaveh is a 10, while Alhaitham is a 7-8 depending on who is trying to tickle him hehe
2. where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
Kaveh: Upper back, ankles, feet, stomach, bellybutton
Alhaitham: Lower back, armpits, back of knees, his ribs and stomach can be a bit ticklish too hehe 3. which spots are they not ticklish?
Alhaitham’s upper back isn’t that ticklish, he finds it very relaxing if tickled there, also his stomach is only ticklish for certain people Kaveh
Kaveh is a walking tickle spot but his shoulders aren’t too ticklish and his chest isn’t either
4. what is their laugh like?
Kaveh starts off with the deeper laugh but it gets more high pitched the longer you tickle him and depending on the spot
Alhaitham has a bit of a raspy/wheezy type of laugh, he does his best to sound normal but after a while he gets a bit squeaky 💕
5. do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
I think it’s more of an affectionate thing between them. Alhaitham would never tickle anyone else. Kaveh will tickle others on occasion, like if he’s playing with young kids or his other friends, though with the latter he gets scared because he knows they will retaliate and wreck him 👀
6. are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
These two are big switches in my mind LOL
7. who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
Each other 😂 Though for Kaveh he tickles others on occasion such as Cyno and Tighnari (if he wants to suffer)
8. who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
Again, each other. BUT Kaveh gets tickled by anyone… Tighnari, Cyno, Faruzan, Collei, even Layla dared to try once 😂
I feel like Alhaitham doesn’t have anyone else, but maybe he’s somewhat piqued the interest of Nahida 💀 9. does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
Not on it’s own, but in the situation it will, like if they are being all tickly and the one says something like “tickle tickle tickle” or “oh are you ticklish?” Or something like that they’re 😳😳 10. are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
Alhaitham is good at hiding because he doesn’t want people touching him, but he will sometimes playfully hide it from Kaveh to annoy him 💕
Kaveh can’t hide it at all but he’s a bit embarrassed by it! 11. would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
Gentle for Kaveh, rough for Alhaitham. Although both are effective on each of them. Alhaitham gets super annoyed that gentle tickling gets him and melts and just turns into a cat when gentle tickled. Rough tickling on Kaveh might get you a knee or elbow 😶 12. is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
Kaveh is too ticklish for a relaxing spot but on the rare occasion he can handle his tummy being rubbed 🥰
Alhaitham LOVES being traced on his upper back/neck :3 13. is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
The middle of Kaveh’s back, that bit right between the shoulder blades (which is conveniently exposed by his outfit hehe) he doesn’t mind it if it’s Alhaitham but overall it gets too much and he squeals and laughs too hard
Alhaitham doesn’t like his thighs being touched, even by Kaveh. Something about it makes him uncomfortable. As for too sensitive, he’s embarrassed about his ears being ticklish hehe 👀 14. would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
Yes. Kaveh for sure because that baby girl loves it when Alhaitham wrecks him. He would probably be physical about it and lay on top of Alhaitham or do little things like blow on his ears, tickle his back, blow raspberries on his neck or something to bug him 😂
Alhaitham would never ever ask directly or really do anything, but Kaveh can tell if he is in a tickling mood because he’s more restless and may be prone to getting slightly irritated. Alhaitham either doesn’t realise or want to acknowledge that ticking is something he wants in those moments 😶 15. does teasing affect them?
Depends on the type. Kaveh will get a little embarrassed if it’s friends, and Alhaitham doesn’t react at all and keeps his cool. But if it’s the two of them with each other… it’s on 💀
Alhaitham especially gets embarrassed if Kaveh tries to baby talk him and say things like “Aww is the scribe ticklish?” etc. Alhaitham is all “you don’t need to remind me like that!” 😋
Kaveh will constantly be telling Alhaitham to shut up even if he’s not talking. All Alhaitham has to do is look at him and he’s like 😳
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trrickytickle · 1 year
⭐Super Mario Bros. Movie- Tickle Headcanons 🍄
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I loved the Mario movie- so many easter eggs, people SLAYED their roles, especially Jack Black. But you wanna know who I also love? @fluffy-lovely-clouds! And they requested these! So yeah! ENJOOOOYY!!! yeah wait before you read have some power-ups as a gift 🍄🌷🪶🦝
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Mario is such a ler. He is optimistic, caring and physically affectionate- but he's actually kind of more of a switch. Tends to tease- things like "I'm gonna get you!" Usually with his dorky commercial Italian accent. He can't take what he dishes out- usually on his brother Luigi, and eventually, Princess Peach and occasionally Toad. He always comes out on top in tickle fights and employs every trick in the book. Speaking of Luigi, he uses his stature to his advantage when However, he can not take what he dishes out at all. Hearty, bellowing laughter. Power-ups can help him become ...more ler? Tickling gets more cat-like when he gets the cat suit, can use the Cape Feather for obvious reasons, And in the post-credits scene, Yoshi is revealed so I feel like he could get Yoshi to help him gang up on a lee >:D The Ice Flower could freeze a lee in place.. I could go on and on and ON, because I literally love it when lers use newly-gained abilities/superpowers/can transform and use it to advantage of tickling hshshsh But I doubt he needs this. After all, he is an elder sibling. As a lee, he is often on the unwilling end of a funny situation in the Mushroom Kingdom. He doesn't hate being tickled but he keeps getting into funny and awkward positions, such as getting ganged up on by the Toads as Peach looks on in awe, being tickled by a mischievous Piranha Plant's tongue an more. However in Brooklyn, tickling was much more .. normal. Less crazytown. He and Luigi tickle each other casually as a means of playing pranks on each other. Worst spot is his stomach and sides- which aforementioned green brother likes to prod at to tease him. Luigi
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-My friend who used to be in my old drama class carried a Luigi plush with him so much and it got decapitated just funny and random SORRY ANYWAY ONTO HCS The more cowardice and younger sibling, he always ends up as the 'lee more often than not. However he isn't shy to tickle Mario a little (..it's a lot) for fun. Blurts out "nononononoNO!!" when being tickled- out of habit. Genuinely a willing lee, just.. Very Luigi. Elaborating on his ler side, Luigi learns from the best. He shares the same technique of teasing and egging-on with the Italian accent, as well as uses his dextrous plumbing fingers to his own wiles. -His most ticklish spots are his knees, neck, armpits, ribs and stomach. This is a laundry list which Mario had memorized. -His own time in the Darklands wasn't really spent being tickled- THAT WAS LITERALLY HELL MY BROTHA. However he did spend it thinking of the playful tickles with Mario to distract him from the noise of his looming cage rattling above lava. However when he gets back to the Mushroom Kingdom.. the denizens are thrilled to see another human- and albeit one just as ticklish as Mario!! Luigi also meets Princess Daisy upon that time- and she's such a ler towards him it's unbelievable. -Also when he meets Polterpup upon fixin' up an old familiar spooky mansion, dog-kisses ensued. Love Polterpup so much man. (Small switch Mario+Luigi section)
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Mario and Luigi are best buds, spaghetti and meatballs, cheese and tomato sauce. But they are extremely prone to some playful grilling. They both put their all into tickle fights, and there is no clear winner- it's just an all-round tussle- whoever starts it probably won't end it. Because of this, they are also amazing tag-team lers- and are incredible at tickling others. They know each other's tickle spots like a plumbing manual, and often employ the tactic of "Not touching you!" as well as the forbidden leg kicks. Just. Familial tickles man. Toad
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-Toad is a chatterbox. A loudmouth. This should be fact and not tickle fiction, but speaking of tickles, the other Toads who once thought of him as eccentric are now tight with him, Mario, Luigi, DK, Peach and the like. Doesn't instigate much, but Mario and Luigi gang up on the little guy like a brother, and Peach gives him some pokes to keep him in line. As a lee, he's jumpy and flails around, laughing out pleas like "I'm gonna die!". He ends up in ticklish situations a lot with the wacky creatures- and eventually wacky humans- of the Mushroom Kingdom. -Donkey Kong once picked him up and played around with him like a stress-toy, tickling him in the process. This just sounds really funny. I like it. Toad's most ticklish spots are his stomach and little feets. -Toad as a ler is incredibly nimble- and of course, talks his lee's ears off. He climbs on top of bigger lers and his hands fly from spot to spot. Tickling Toad may be hilarious but his revenge will be unbearable. Peach
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Though the other Peaches read more lee-leaning to me, I feel like this Peach is a total ler-leaning switch. Being raised by the Toads who were very friendly with her, she got tickled a lot. She also tickled them, let's not lie. Despite being a bad-ass, she is genuinely a really caring ler- unless you REALLY bugged her, then she goes all-out with those fast, full-coverage skitters. She is an incredibly vigilant lee and attempts to avoid the ler's attacks from all directions. Mario learned this by losing a tickle fight with her. She usually has to be held down to get those melodious giggles out of her- and when she is fully vulnerable to the tickling- she does a lot of her classic "damsel-in-distress" crying out. Just picture this. "Mario, help!!" through laughter. Boom. Yeah, that's how she is. Of course, of course, of course she is a kicker. How predictable art thou. DK
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Donkey Kong plays himself up all the time- with all the showboating and flexing, he doesn't want anybody to know he's the least bit ticklish! However, he is indubitably so- and leave it to Mario to expose this to his longtime fans on complete accident. Fortunately they didn't like him any less- particularly that little Diddy Kong- and unfortunately for Mario, revenge was served. Makes chaotic, garbled monkey noises when he laughs. Imagine a gorilla just. Cursing. Very evasive of tickling, but to no avail. Most ticklish on his torso, and incredibly vulnerable to rougher tickles- he's not easy to break! Mario takes advantage of this the most, given their rivalry. Uses his size and fluffy fur to his advantage- picks up smaller lees and mercilessly tickles them. Well, not completely merciless. He's a Kong with a heart, you know. However this can come to a disadvantage when he is brought down to the floor by even the smallest fingers. Bowser
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Bowser is an INCREDIBLE ler, no understatement. He employs tickle interrogation on multiple occasions and delights in the laughter of his victims, laughing loudly and evily along with them and asking them questions through it. He gloats, taunts, and uses his tail and claws to make tickling all the more methodical. With his piano-playing prowess, he enjoys skittering his claws across the lee he has in his draconic clutches. Also he's voiced by Jack Black. As a lee- it's hard to get him as he's HUGE- and can hide oin his shell at any time. The only person who's successfully done so is Kamek, and even so he doesn't dare to. BACK TO LER BOWSER!! Really teasy, will ask the lee stupid questions while tickling them.
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majorbaby · 1 year
Damn, hope you feel better. Hawk/Trapper: 7, 8, 9, 42 And Trapper/BJ: 8, 9, 17, 22, 23, 24
i actually fell asleep as soon as i rb'd the ask game and woke up four hours later feeling a lot better. anyway, thank you <3
ask game
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
I feel like they say it jokingly all the time as part of the flirty thing they have going on. Hawkeye probably has no problem saying it in more serious contexts but I could see Trapper as being less of a words guy, more touch/acts of service/quality time. He might say it in a fit of passion tho ;) This is fine for them. I don't think Hawkeye needs to hear it too often.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
I think it's the same for both of them about the other - shared values. Namely: compassion, playfulness and sincerity. I think Trapper is probably charmed by Hawkeye's razor sharp wit too.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why? I can't think of anything too serious. Hawkeye can be a slob compared to Trapper, it caused their only fight. I could see that causing some tension in a shared living situation. Hawkeye about Trapper... i think Trapper might be a smidge more grounded than Hawkeye. We never saw that cause problems between them on screen but maybe it would have, similar to how BJ will sometimes rib Hawkeye for being outlandish but yk, more playful than BJ ever was about it.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families? I mostly see Daniel as staying out of Hawkeye's love life and I don't vibe with fics that have him being overly involved or forthcoming with his thoughts on Hawkeye's lovers, regardless of the ship. I feel it would almost need to be that way if Hawkeye's with a man in the 50s. I also have a hard time seeing them (Hawk/Trap in this case) living in the same home as Daniel if they're together postwar, they'd need their own space, but they'd probably come back for holidays. Trapper and Daniel are both doctors and they also both strike me as reserved in comparison to Hawkeye, so they might quietly vibe. Fun thing I noticed on rewatch, when Hawkeye does the recording to send to his father, Trapper calls him "Dad" lol, cute. Foreshadowing, even...
I am less optimistic about Trapper's family. I don't see them as being accepting of Trapper being gay/bi - I think he'd quietly divorce Louise, see his kids on weekends and stay mum about his relationships. Not uncommon for the time period. Maybe once Kathy and Becky are older they come to understand who "Uncle Hawkeye" really is to their dad.
huhuhu thank you for indulging me, I hope you're ready for some cracky headcanons.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
I think Trapper might represent some kind of unachievable ideal for BJ. How is this guy so comfortable with himself when talking about sucking another man's dick? I don't know BJ, maybe you should practicing sucking dick and figure that out for yourself.
Trapper's also just full of charm, I know BJ has some jealous tendencies but I really think if they hung out for a while things would blow over and they'd get on fine.
Trapper about BJ... I think Trapper might enjoy the chase and the challenge. Or it could be purely carnal. Or ,ore seriously I think in contrast to Hawkeye, Trapper might come to appreciate BJ's more cautious approach to medicine. If Trapper grew up working class, then there's a part of him that can't afford to be as carefree as Hawkeye, the more shrewd BJ might appeal to him in some ways.
17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
BJ is playing games and Trapper is just extremely upfront and doesn't take the kind of crap that Hawkeye will sometimes put up with. I think he forces BJ's hand a lot quicker than Hawkeye might, because Trapper's not as likely to be baited by BJ.
There's also great smut potential for Trapper breaking BJ in and teaching him to communicate his needs via orgasm denial idk.
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
No! Trapper makes the most lighthearted of jokes and BJ loses his mind! Ends in angry (BJ), amused (Trapper) sex.
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
For me it's about funny, sometimes awful sex. Not un-hawnk-like.
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
They might be experiencing two entirely different relationships, BJ taking things way too seriously and trying to glean Trapper's motives, but Trapper doesn't have a motive beyond being open and sincere and giving BJ earthshattering orgasms. I like the idea of BJ being unable to separate sex from power/control whereas for Trapper it's about fun, love or both.
But I think Trapper being so easygoing might actually make this work - though probably not forever. I can't imagine an endgame situation for them but I think BJ would walk away from it having grown a lot, maybe having some new ideas about what masculinity and sex (and the intersection of these two things) can look like. Basically I think Trapper could fix him and they part on good terms. Maybe they hook up here and there until BJ settles down with some suburban housewife twink (and then, threesomes!!)
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2af-afterdark · 1 year
What are your favourite things to write about? Any tropes, genres, characters, etc?
Oh there are so many~ I love this question
Starting with genres and tropes:
I like platonic things. Just hanging with friends or having mindless fun. I also like snark. People ribbing each other is such a delight and I get to pretend I'm clever when they exchange barbs (in good fun).
I also love writing omegaverse. I know some people aren't into it, but I am. I especially love playing with aspects of the dynamics. ask me about my sapphic omegaverse OCs
I also love soulmate au. I don't publish them a lot, but I love writing small personal stories about soulmates and playing with what it means to actually be someone's soulmate.
If you've read any of my many, many NSFW fics... you may have noticed that I tend to lean into kink more than typical vanilla sex. I admit, I like the power exchange. I crave it. I adore it. I need such a high level of trust.
I also like writing dark content. I wish I was better at it. I love the eerie creeping dread that some other writers can manage. The kind that sends a shiver down your spine and makes you go :0 when the big reveal drops. I wish I could do that. For now, I like what I can do because I've come a long way.
In that same vein... yandere. I love yandere. I love different types of yandere. It's a special kind of comfort food for me. I love writers who can make them sinister, manipulative, and creepy.
As for characters...
My actual skill is in writing secondary and tertiary characters. I've always been better at it. Probably because I get to do whatever I want with them.
I basically only like writing OM Asmodeus as a manipulative diva. I can write him nice, but I'm better at writing him the way I actually view him; horrible. If you're new here, congratulations on learning that I don't like Asmodeus
I love writing for Simeon because he's my hubby 💕 I can play around with him too, since he can be kind, serious, a brat, manipulative, intelligent, silly, out of the loop... he just has so many different traits to play into.
Diavolo is also another person, but I like playing into his more negative aspects; his selfishness, nativity, willfulness to the point of hurting others. I do like him as a himbo too, of course. Depends on the mood.
Malleus can be fun to write too, but he's harder because I avoid the JP fanbase (spoilers and all). That means it's hard to double check stuff I may be forgetting >.> Book 7 has been a nightmare to avoid.
Can't say I have a favorite from WHB quite yet since everything we're doing so far is fanon. Although, the God MC au is wonderful and brings me great joy~ I guess that means I like the angels so far.
I probably forgot something, but that's what comes to mind at the moment.
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Sk8 Rewatch Ep12
You know, if Adam vented by dance skating in the rain more often, we might not have the problems we have now.
God the animation of Adam’s shadow as he dances is so fucking good.
Imagine being this poor fucking tailor man. It’s early in the morning, it’s a fucking monsoon raging outside, and then a lunatic in a matador costume bursts talking about making him a suit.
Sketchy is so cute~
Langa, it is not your job to fix that grown ass man.
Kiriko’s search warrant and subsequent raid on the Shindo household was completely erased from the narrative. Like, she had the warrant and never used it?
Miya asking Shadow about his injuries when Cherry probably cracked his skull in at least two separate places, had an arm and leg in a cast, probably some- at least- cracked ribs, among other things. Listen, if the founders are actually gods you can go ahead and reveal that, but at least acknowledge that Cherry’s injuries were far worse than Shadows.
If season two never finishes up Cherry’s hangups with Adam I will riot.
Imagine going to S, seeing a whole ass tombstone at the finish line and not turning the fuck around to go home.
Honestly, I love Adam’s second costume more than his first, but actually imagine being Langa, walking all the way up there and seeing your opponent dressed like the grim reaper talking about it’s your day of departure.
Langa using Cherry’s move to dodge Adam’s Love Hug Full Swing Kiss Combo. 😍🤩😭
The Zone is just Adam’s way to not feel any pain- something he’s experienced a lot of in life- as he completes his child murder suicide.
Oliver I feel like you could have visited your son long before now.
Adam: So I never had...an Eve to begin with, did I? No, no you did not.
Adam: There’s not...anyone at my side Okay, now who’s fault is that?
While I agree that adults can learn something from children. This 100% should not have been on Langa’s shoulder (thought narratively I understand why it was).
Adam says friends will ultimately betray you, flashing back to the “I have no opinions” scene (which lol ok), but we never get a scene from where Cherry and Joe supposedly betrayed him, showing that that they never did and that Adam left them first.
Adam: Nobody understands me! They never could! No one in this world can read minds. You actually have to tell your loved ones what’s going on with you. And also, Cherry’s repeated asked you what was wrong and you tried to kill him.
You know, in previous episodes, when someone got knocked down, it was an immediate win for their opponent. But when Langa gets up from him and Adam knocking each other down, and Adam was still struggling on the ground, the match is still on. Bullshit.
This show is trying to make me feel for this man, but it’s just not possible. Like, yay, you remembered the fun you used to have with the guy you treat like shit. Good for you.
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Adam almost killed Kaoru, Hiromi, Miya, Carla, and Sketchy with that parachute.
Tadashi as his boss goes to sexually harass a minor again: UWU
I want Koyomi to attend S in season 2.
Don’t worry shadow, they weren’t shown kissing, that could just be her brother or cousin for all you know!
The end scene tries to play Adam letting Tadashi believe he was going to go to jail for weeks as a positive “aw, he cares” scene, but Tadashi really believed that his life was over and Ainosuke is just like “Yeah, no, you’re stuck with me, dog.” Like, that’s a fucking threat coming from this man.
“You’ll be my dog for the rest of our lives.” Listen, have a pet kink if you want fandom. This is still an abusive relationship between a boss and his subordinate. Adam signs his paycheck, owns the house he lives, and could literally do anything he wanted to him. This is not sexy.
Knowing Reki’s and Langa’s luck, they tied.
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izupie · 2 years
I got tagged in this like a bazillion years ago but I only just now remembered about it aaaa - thank you for tagging me @microsuedemouse I do love answering these sorts of things <3
1. three ships: ok here we go
Destiel (Dean/Castiel) - don't boo me I'm right - it's the angel/hunter frenemies to friends to lovers pipeline. theyre cute theyre messy theyre besties theyre fighting theyre risking it all to save each other again. *chefs kiss*
Albether (Albedo/Aether) - boyfriends with secrets and emotional scars find comfort in each other. the quiet one with the bubbly one dynamic. plus they just look cute together im sorry
Izuocha (Izuku/Ochako) - pure fluff. supportive and adorable. theyre uncomplicated to me and make me smile
2. first ship ever: oooooh !! let me cast my mind back.... back...... oh no why is this so far back........ okay!
The first time I can remember wanting two characters to be together is probably when I was a teeny tiny Izupie watching Sailor Moon while I was in primary school, maybe year 3/4 I think? (UK school system - I have no idea what the equivalent would be in the US) (I could google it) (but I don't wanna)
I was obsessed with Sailor Moon every morning on tv. I watched the dub though - back when I had no idea these things were even dubbed over at all. I loooooved Serena and Darien - I'm sorry I know their dub names can give people hives, but I have so many fond memories of them I'll love them even if nobody else does asdfghjk
the whole he's really secretly tuxedo mask thing broke my tiny little mind and I was like gaaasssppp ! and I wanted them to be together even more - their initial I like you/you annoy me dynamic probably informed a lot of my ship preferences going forward
Every time there was an episode focusing on their relationship I would get so invested. they were my first real 'ship' for sure
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3. currently listening: I'm not really listening to any particular music rn - I listen to the radio a lot though! Just a popular music station that plays all the latest hits
4. Last movie: I can't believe this is legit going to be Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings lmaoooo - it's a comfort film and I needed some cheering up after a long hard day at work last week, so I booted up disney plus and on it went. Literally the lowest stakes you can imagine, just lots of pretty visuals, sparkly wings, fairies, upbeat pop songs and a happy ending. ultimate comfort film.
5. currently reading: soooooo much fanfiction. so. much. fanfiction. a shameful amount of fanfiction. but it's sooooooo good.
Destiel has the most fics on AO3 guys. there is so much to choose from. it's glorious. if you can think of ANY trope you enjoy there will be pages of fics for it. I am so spoilt for choice and I'm having so much fun with it
6. currently watching: *looks at the screen like I'm in The Office*
SUPERNATU*gunshot noises*
7. currently consuming: nothing right now but I'm hungry and I'm going to make some dinner soon. I've been snacking on a lot of the chocolate I got for christmas recently ahaaaa
8. currently craving: a hug. which is bizarre because I would describe myself as not-a-huggy-person but I had a dream that I hugged someone the other night and I woke up like. I WANT A HUG. but like. not just a hug. I want a HUG. rib crushingly tight with an even tighter squeeze thrown in there. chins over shoulders. noses in necks. closed eyes. breathe deep. step apart but still holding on. That's a HUG. that's what I want.
Universe - get on that please.
here's the Tagging part, but I'm not sure I want to tag anyone at the moment - so this is a ~free tag~ to anyone reading this that just wants to answer some fun questions! yes, you there!
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xbenscott · 2 years
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New York City is a big place but [ BEN SCOTT ], a [ 35 ] year-old [ CIS MAN ] has made it their home in [ BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, BROOKLYN ]. In this city you can be anything you want to be and [ HE ] is a [ BROADWAY ACTOR ]. Described by loved ones as [ FUN-LOVING, OUTGOING, AND CARING ] but those wanting to bring them down might say they are [ BLUNT, IMPRESSIONABLE, AND DRAMATIC ] but I guess that is up to everyone else to decide! You never know who you’re going to meet around here, but weirdly they look like  [ SAM CLAFLIN ]
tw: violence, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, mentions of homophobia
Name: Benjamin Eric Scott Nicknames: Ben, Scotty, Benny Boy Age: Thirty-five Date of Birth: 24th August 1987 Occupation: Broadway Actor Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Biromantic/bisexual (male leaning) Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York, USA Current Location: Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, New York Time in New York: Forever Face-claim: Sam Claflin
Benjamin “Ben” Scott grew up in Brooklyn, New York, to a stay at home mom and a doctor father.
When he was a kid he wanted to be a spaceman, exactly like Buzz Lightyear. That was the dream.
His mom had other ideas since he’d spend his days putting on plays with the other neighbourhood kids and dancing and singing. So, not long after his 9th birthday, she started to push and finally got him a job on the first Broadway production of The Lion King. That was what he did for almost ten years —- he lived on the stage.
After graduation he went on to study drama at Juilliard School, getting into a kind of routine. School, theatre, school, theatre, and then he’d spend Sunday at the gym. He didn’t have much of a social life, just hung out in seedy bars with his theatre friends, getting into fights and very rarely waking up in his own bed, usually bloody and bruised whenever he did.
He dabbled in relationships here and there, fell for a guy in his final year of college, but things weren’t meant to be. Everything was badly timed. He’s probably still a little in love with him to this day, but he’s never been too good at admitting that out loud.
Finally, following graduation, he got his first movie role, nothing major, but hella exciting for him. Movie roles were pretty rare, though, so he paid for his tiny apartment in Hell’s Kitchen with constant stints on Broadway.
He ended up in a bad place. Fell into an abyss of drink and drugs, going out each night after the show pretty much just trying to pick fights. It was almost a game, trying to hide the bruises the next day.
At 26 the relationship he ended up in was beyond toxic, neither one of them any good for each other and he only landed himself in more trouble.
Things went too far one night on his way home following the show; some guy thinking it was funny to continuously rib him over his sexuality. Ben, seeing red, lost it completely and could have quite easily beat him to death.
Prison was his next port of call. He was there for a year, got out on good behaviour, although his stay behind bars did its job in destroying what little movie career he had left.
Since getting out six years ago he’s been working on his anger issues. He’s been to rehab, attended meetings, seen a therapist and he’s big into meditating. His Frenchie, Simba, helps him through.
For a while he considering moving away, thinking that perhaps a fresh start was what he needed, but who was he kidding? He’d always loved New York and could never leave.
Thankfully an opportunity with a good friend and co-star arose and together they opened a theatre production company. It gave him the perfect excuse to get back into theatre and he needed something to sink his teeth into.
Not long after he did film a pilot for a TV show, although sadly it was never picked up.
Rather suddenly found himself a father to Mira 5 months ago. That certainly wasn’t planned as she was the product of a random couple of nights, but he’s working his way through it and doing his best to be there.
1987: Brooklyn, New York 2006: Hells Kitchen, Manhattan, New York 2015: Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York 2016: Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, New York 2018: Brooklyn, New York
- younger siblings; his has three of them, any gender, go wild. I’d love to see them if you’re interested! - cousins; why not? we love family <3 - college ex; they really did meet at the wrong time, it was never going to work for long, yet ben was so in love with him and he’s still not over it. - toxic ex; this whole relationship was a bad idea. everything about it was toxic, but at the time he couldn’t resist her. maybe if they’d attempted the relationship at another time things would have been better… but definitely not then. other exes from nyc; both in college and after.​ - one night stands; there’s been a lot of them, both in nyc and la. he’s bi so both male and female work. [ blake madden. ] - gym buddies; if he’s not working he pretty much lives in the gym. it’s a great distraction. - close friends; those he’s held dear for years through everything. [ timmy blake. ] - nyc friends; people he’s known for years and trusts completely. - roommate; they share a place in brooklyn. [ bluebell madonna ricci. ]​ - neighbours in brooklyn; it can go however you like. - dog park people; he has simba so he’s there a lot walking him.​ - fellow aa or na people; anyone he’s met through those meetings. - past work colleagues; anyone he’s worked on broadway/stage or on a movie/tv set with in the past.​ - current work colleagues; self explanatory.​​​
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eyrieofsynapses · 2 years
…maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think I like Eliot's hand-to-hand fight scenes more than the ones in big-box movies.
see, I was rewatching a bit of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (yes I've seen some of the MCU, no I have not seen Infinity War or anything past it because I refuse to watch it without other people to cry with and my friends haven’t been available) before I rewatched Rundown. and guys, I adore TWS. easily in my top favorite films of all time. the fight scenes are fantastic! holy heck, the emotional weight! if you asked me which movies I love hand-to-hand in the most, that'd be at the top of the list, easy. Steve and Bucky in that final scene? ohhhhhh my gods.
but then I bounced over to The Rundown Job and just… y’know the bit where Eliot takes out the guys after Hardison signals him at the elevator? it feels so much more fun. I can't pin down exactly why, but it feels closer, more personal, more impactful. probably some of it comes from how Eliot is having--maybe not exactly fun, but how he likes doing his job. there's something about it.
and it's not just TWS that I can compare this back to, either. off the top of my head, I love it more than The Batman's hand-to-hand combat (which is admittedly rough because it's early-years Bruce, but still) and probably most anything else I've seen out of the MCU. animation isn't live-action, obviously, but I've seen some really solid combat in DC's animated work too. like, I haven't seen a ton of hand-to-hand work (it seems the film industry is understandably more fond of sword fights and such), but personally I find that when it comes to sheer fun, Leverage is really hard to beat.
now I'm not gonna compare it to sword-fighting or things like that. that's another ballgame. but hand-to-hand specifically… I'm not a violent person, but I dunno, y'all, there's just something about how Eliot fights that makes him fun to watch in a way I'm not sure I see elsewhere. probably it's partly that I'm just ridiculously fond of him. it is absolutely in large part because Christian Kane a) does his own stunts and works with the choreography, b) actively integrates Eliot's character into his work, and c) is just an all-around fantastic madman of a person.
but! they get so very clever with it! all the different things he'll grab to improvise with! I mean, where else do you get somebody who uses umbrellas, pipe organ pipes, whisks, screen doors, golf clubs, appetizers, literally anything to take opponents out on a regular basis? hauling people up over his shoulders and his back to toss them into dumpsters? comments like "if I'm not honest with you, you can't improve"? counting every single dude in a massive ship and then counting down as he takes each one out? barreling out of nowhere to tackle a dude? who else gives us lines like "that's what makes it fair" to the dude who laughs at him for not carrying a gun?
and it's hardly like we don't know Eliot's going to win--Eliot always wins--but there's still tension to it. he's not so good as to be perfect. he struggles, he comes back with bruises and cuts and the occasional broken rib, it's not like there's nothing at stake here. we've seen him have to let somebody go or otherwise mess up. too many opponents or too much muscle make him wary. he's competent as all hell, but he has to be sly and tricky and clever about how he fights as much as he has to deliver enough force. Eliot doesn't just fight well, he fights smart. he uses his surroundings and knows when to play possum and how to target an opponent's weak spots.
like. goddamn. I can watch him versus Roper in The Carnival Job a hundred times, and it still shakes me to the core to see him go down for that brief moment. in that second, you can believe he's in real danger. and he does come out of it hurt and limping and covered in blood. but we still have no doubt that he's an absolute badass!
oh yeah, and also: he has fun. there's always that little smile he's got when he's about to take down a bunch of unwitting thugs. laughing at Quinn when he's got bruised ribs and bloody teeth. looking at the pipe from the pipe organ in Van Gogh in surprise when it rings when he hits a guy before giving it an appreciative grin. sizing up Mikel and running through each situation (and, you know, that little make-out in the basement). staring at the dude in Lonely Hearts and going "fisticuffs? seriously?" with that tone of amused disbelief before flipping the guy into the harbor.
it's his job and he's not fond of hurting people, exactly, but he takes pride in it and he enjoys proving himself over and over. he enjoys the challenge. and it's kind of impossible not to love watching him beat it every. single. time
anyway yeah, if you ever ask me "who's the most fun to watch fight hand-to-hand?" it's probably always gonna be Eliot, tbh.
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koushou · 4 years
hey can i request a oneshot or hc for megumi, thank you 😩❤️
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pairing : megumi fushiguro x f!reader {small angst + fluff}
warnings : reader injury, gojo being a perv
word count : 3k
a/n : thank u for requesting! i'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, so this was fun to write, i hope you enjoy !
he’s been your rival for as long as you could remember, it was always some kind of competition between the both of you. although, the feeling you both feel for each other, is it truly as simple as hatred? 
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It was the only way to describe the dark haired boy standing in front of you, a smug grin playing on his lips.
“Alright, calm down, you two,” your teacher’s voice rang over to where you were standing as he made his way over.
Gojo sighs, running a hand through his hair as he eyes the both of you. 
“What did I say abo-”
“He clearly had a head start!” You huff, crossing your arms over your chest, glaring down your rival across from you.
“Are you accusing me of cheating?” He raises his eyebrows at you tauntingly.
“Anyone could tell that you ran before sensei blew the whistle!” 
“Maybe you should stop focusing on me, and work on bettering your own abilities instead.” He rolls his eyes while starting to walk away, obviously getting bored of the conversation.
“Okay, okay, come on,” Gojo leads you away before you could tackle the boy with his back turned to you.
Megumi Fushiguro.
Your life-long rival, you guys had been by each other’s side for as long as you could remember.
Not that you wanted to remember, you hated him. And so did he.
Everything was a competition between the both of you, and although you would die before admitting it, your constant battles did improve you as a jujutsu sorcerer.
When you both found out you were going to be attending Jujutsu Tech together, you personally saw it as an opportunity to fight him even more, to prove that you were the stronger one, while Megumi-
Well, he didn’t care. He never cared about anything, anyway.
“Come on, we’re heading to the mission location,” Gojo begins to walk ahead of you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You let out a sigh, wishing you could be in the safe confines of your room instead of fighting alongside your least favorite person in the whole world.
“Sensei, what are the curses’ grades?” You ask after the tall white-haired man, who was getting into the front passenger seat of a black car.
“They said it would be a couple Grade 3’s, nothing too much,” the older man yawns, stretching his arms over his head before cursing as they bump against the car’s roof.
“They also mentioned a special grade or something, I don’t really remember,” Gojo slams the car door shut, leaving you to roll your eyes at the man’s irresponsibility.
About to make your way to the car as well, you stumble as a force pushed you from behind, turning around as you get ready to attack whoever was-
“Try not to die to a couple Grade 3’s, alright?” Megumi smirks down at your fuming expression, before making his way to the car.
“I mean, I know they can be quite a hassle for you, but take your time.”
Inhaling sharply, you massage your temples with one hand, trying to suppress your frustration and holding back from tackling the boy to the ground.
“He’s so immature.” Nobara, one of your closest friends at Jujutsu Tech, comes up to you, rolling her eyes at the boy.
“Ignore him, let’s have some meat buns when we get back.” She sends you a wink before walking towards the car, to which you respond with a laugh.
There will be meat buns waiting when I get back, you thought to yourself, licking your lips unconsciously. It will be worth it, snuggling up back in your fluffy blankets, binging your newest favorite show that was airing today-
“You coming or not?” A voice breaks you from your daydream, snapping your head up.
“Ah, are you scared? Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” Megumi smiles at you mockingly, chuckling as he shoves his hands into his pockets and entering the car in the back seats.
This was going to be a long day.
“We’re here,” Gojo announces, unlocking the car door to get out. 
You all exit the car, stretching as you take note of your surroundings.
The mission assigned this time was to eliminate a couple curses who had sneaked their way into an elementary school. The students were still inside, so you had to be extra careful with fighting.
“Well then, let’s head in.”
Starting to make your way toward the school entrance, a small groan from the side halts you all in your tracks.
A green, slimy creature emerges from the bushes, crawling on its legs as it stares up at all of you.
It leaps forward suddenly, lunging at you, as you raise your sword in time to block it, slicing it in half in one swift motion.
It lets out a final groan as it drops to the ground, melting into a green blob.
“Not too bad, you actually killed it.” Megumi raises an eyebrow in amusement as you clean your sword of any of its remains.
“Thanks for the compliment.” You snarl at him sarcastically, drawing another sigh from Gojo.
You all continue making your way to the school’s front doors, when suddenly your teacher holds an arm out, stopping all of you.
“Shh, listen.”
There was a quiet voice- no, many voices coming from down the hallway of the school. The building was filled with black smoke, restricting your views of where the sounds were coming from.
It sounded as if the many voices were chanting a curse or spell of some sort, and you all knew instantly.
This couldn’t be the doings of a grade 3.
It had to be a special curse.
Gojo steps forward slowly, entering the black smoke as he checks the left hallway, before returning and nodding to you that it was safe.
You nod, slowly making your way into the school as well, turning to check the right hallway. 
The black smoke almost made it hard to breathe, you trying your best to swat away any smoke making your eyes tear up.
The chanting became louder as you entered the hallway, and you saw a figure standing in the middle.
Your breath catches in your throat, ready to turn and tell Gojo what you saw, but could you really describe what it was?
It stood at least two feet above you, with gray skin mixed with red blotches here and there and multiple arms hanging by its side. Horns and unidentifiable liquids stuck to its skin, with its mouth hanging open. It had the sharpest teeth you’d ever seen on a curse- no, you’d ever seen in your life- and drool pooled at the corners of its lips, if you could even call them lips, before dripping down its chin, staining the marble floor.
It continued to chant its spell, however it sounded as if the voices were in your head, in your eardrums, echoing through your brain. 
You could hear your name being called from behind you, probably Gojo, but the chants were getting louder, louder, and louder until the special grade was standing right before you, its tall figure looming over you.
Snap out of it, you thought to yourself, trying to shake its voice out of your head, commanding your legs to move. To turn back. To run.
Finally you felt your legs listening to you, and you turned around and ran. Ignoring the pattering footsteps of the creature following close behind you, you ran as fast as you could.
Finally, you could see the light at the entrance, where you all had been before, and you could almost see their faces, until-
A sharp pain shot through your stomach.
Ah, that voice.
The voice of your rival who had been competing with you, fighting with you, for your whole life.
It was like it all happened in slow motion, like in the movies.
Megumi and the others stood before you, with a horrified expression as their eyes travelled down, down to your stomach.
You followed their gaze, a dark crimson stain beginning to seep through your uniform, a sharp horn stabbed from the back, right through your body.
Ah, this was it. That jerk was right, huh? I am weak after all.
At that moment, your body went limp. All feelings left your limbs, leaving you to free fall forward, eyes closing as you begin to lose consciousness.
But not before you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, stopping you from the impact.
“Y/N! Wake up, come on, wake up—!”
Why do you keep shouting? You’re so loud, be quiet.
“You can’t do this, wake up— please—“
I told you to be quiet, geez, let me sleep already.
And the last crumb of consciousness left your body.
A horrible thumping pain in your head. Hushed voices from next to you. Fingers entangled with yours.
Wait- fingers?
It had never been so hard to open your eyes, wincing as a bright light from above hits you directly. 
Taking a moment to adjust, you finally looked around your surroundings.
It seemed as if you were in a hospital room, long tubes connected to your arms, hands, legs, making it hard for you to move at all.
You notice a doctor and Gojo speaking by the door, but what shocked you was the sleeping boy by your bed.
The sunlight seeping through the window shines on his slender face perfectly, dark strands of hair framing his sleeping face, one you could’ve almost teased him for until you notice his hands. Your hands. 
His fingers entangled with yours by your side, the warmth from his palm radiating through yours as the rise and fall from his breathing caused his hands to move slightly every time.
You wished you could snap a picture of this right now, but the comforting feeling of his hands against yours made you not want to move an inch.
“Ah, you’re awake, Y/N,” You recognized your teacher’s voice as he makes his way over to your bed with a relieved smile.
You feel the boy wake up with a jolt, eyes blinking to focus themselves, before settling on yours and widening. 
It was only then that he became aware of your entangled hands, quickly pulling away and coughing to cover the slight pink spreading across his cheeks.
“How are you feeling?” The doctor next to Gojo asks, holding a clipboard in his hands.
“Just a bit sore in my ribs, but nothing too much.” Megumi glances in your direction, and you would’ve thought it was out of concern before mentally slapping yourself at the absurdity of it.
“Alright, we’ll need to keep you here for a few weeks,” the doctor says, noting something on his clipboard. “I’ll be right back, we still need to give you a check-up.”
He leaves the room, and Gojo takes a seat on the other side of your bed, across from Megumi.
“I’m glad you’re alright, Y/N,” he sighs, before leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms behind his head.
“Good thing you were brought back in time, doc says that any longer and the injury would’ve been more severe.” 
You nod, facing your teacher, “Thank you sensei, I should’ve been more careful.”
He shakes his head, “It was a special grade, my fault for not notifying you all earlier.”
A grin spreads across his face, leaning forward slowly in his seat. 
“But I’m not the one you should be thanking.” He nods his head slightly to your left, making you turn to see a coughing Megumi, who suddenly thought his shoes were the most interesting things in the world.
Gojo chuckles, patting your shoulder as he gets up to leave.
“I’ll leave you two alone, Megumi take care of her, alright?”
Even behind the blindfold, you could sense that he was sending a wink your way.
The boy only grumbles in response, fiddling with his hands nervously.
You stare at him, before bursting out in laughter.
His head shoots up, furrowing his eyebrows as he looks at you still laughing.
“What’s with that gloomy look? Don’t tell me…” 
You tilt your head at him, a smirk spreading across your face.
“Aww, are you worried about me, ‘gumi?” 
The use of the nickname you made for him makes him scoff, turning away from you.
“As if. Just wondering about how stupid you were to get yourself hurt.”
He bites his lips for a moment, as if pondering his next words.
“And stop laughing so hard, what—”
Megumi stops and looks away.
“—what if your wound opens again?” He murmurs quietly, but you managed to catch it.
Your eyebrows raise in surprise, before chuckling at him teasingly, “So you are worried about me, liar.”
“Am not!”
“You totally are.”
“Keep lying to yourself.”
With a sigh, you close your eyes, refusing to argue with the boy any longer.
“By the way, what did sensei mean before? That you were the one I should be thanking?”
You open your eyes, waiting for his answer.
His eyes widen the slightest bit, before looking away once again.
“...s’nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You raise your eyebrows at him, confused.
He shakes his head, showing that he wasn’t going to answer.
Groaning, you roll your eyes at his childish behavior, “God- you’re so infuriating sometimes, why—”
“When you fainted, I carried you all the way to the hospital, okay?! On my own damn legs, I ran all the way here, I don’t know why I did, but I did so stop asking—!”
Megumi shouts, panting as he finishes talking with an unreadable look in his eyes.
You gape at him slightly, still trying to register his words.
“You...carried me here? Why didn’t you just take the car?”
He scoffs, “The car is way too slow, I would be faster. Plus, your injury would’ve gotten worse so you should thank me.”
He eyes you, searching for any emotions on your face, but all you felt was confusion at the moment.
A few beats of silence pass, and Megumi sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“Well? At least say something.” He mumbles, shifting his feet on the floor.
You just look at him, not believing what he said, before laughing softly.
“Man, ‘gumi, if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought you liked me so much that you were scared that I would die.” 
You teased him, expecting a scoff or an insult thrown back of some sort, but he just rolls his bottom teeth in between his teeth, not making eye contact.
“...so what if I do?” He finally says, so softly that you wouldn’t have heard if he wasn’t so close to you.
Wait, why was he so close to you—
The distance between you two closed as he leaned forward to meet your lips with his. The kiss was slow, inexperienced, but honest and passionate. 
Your eyes widened in shock, while his were screwed tight, afraid to open and meet yours.
A contrast to his appearance and personality, his lips were soft, fitting snugly against yours, the taste of him sweet, like cherries.
After a few seconds, he pulls away hesitantly, sitting back down in the chair.
The tension was so thick in the room, not even a knife could cut through it.
It was awkward for a few beats before he spoke.
“I-uh, sorry, I don’t know why I did that,” he rubs the back of his neck, a heavy pink dusting his cheeks.
“It..it’s fine, it was nice,” you spoke softly, almost whispering.
His head shot up, facing you. “You liked it?” 
You bit the inside of your cheeks, before nodding, slowly meeting his gaze. 
“Thank you, for saving me.” 
A small smile spreads across his lips. Not a teasing one he would use when he was making fun of you, not a fake one, no. This was different.
Megumi was genuinely smiling at you like you were the most amazing thing he’s ever seen before.
“No problem,” he speaks, before slowly reaching for your hand.
Watching you with a careful gaze for any signs of discomfort, he intertwines his fingers with yours, giving it a small squeeze.
“... I was scared, you know?” He sighs, eyes never leaving your face.
“Scared that… I would lose the one person I care about.” You flush at his words.
“I know, I treat you like you’re below me all the time, like you’re weak, but I-“ He clears his throat, not wanting to mess this up. He only had one chance after all.
“-I do care about you, and I get happy whenever we fight against each other, or with each other. I was scared that- that I would lose the most important person in my life.”
You couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face, one part of you wanting to tease him like usual, but the other part of you, wanted to do something else.
You tug on his hand that was still holding yours, making him lean forward as you met his lips halfway.
The kiss was a little longer this time, you didn’t have to use words to convey your feelings. He knew. And you knew, too.
Pulling away at last, you lightly flicked his forehead, causing him to pout and rub the sore spot.
You giggle, looking down at your intertwined hands.
“I care about you too, Megumi. A lot. I always have.”
You smile.
“And I always will.”
He smiles widely, leaning forward once again until you hear muffled voices on the other side of the door.
“Do you think they’re having s-”
“Sensei! Stop being so loud, they might hear you—“
The door suddenly slams open with Nobara and Gojo tumbling onto the floor. 
Laughing awkwardly, they finally stand up, nudging the other to speak.
“I- she- uh, we- woah—!” Gojo gasps dramatically at the sight of your hands together.
“So you were having s-”
Both of you flush at the same time, shouting at him.
“We weren’t—!”
You all burst out laughing, feeling Megumi squeeze your hand softly.
Gosh, making you feel butterflies in your stomach like this?
Megumi Fushiguro was truly insufferable.
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