#it's such a good reveal and the cast picks up on it so quick
topaz-mutiny · 2 years
Still continuing my C1 rewatch.
Seeing Ripley reenter the narrative is still as chilling as it was before. Being able to watch Tal’s face as he grows suspicious and eventually filled with dread until it’s confirmed and the whole party realizes what this means.
i’m not ready
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haoboutyou · 5 months
gym crush | choi seungcheol
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fluff | 1151 words | suggestive descriptions. i’m y/n’s just really thirsty
an: please take this as a formal invitation. requests are open! (whether i answer on time is another problem)
you don’t like the gym. absolutely not. it gets super hot and humid inside, it stinks of sweat, and the big machines always intimidate you.
what to do? you’re just a girl.
you usually wouldn’t even phantom the idea of stepping foot into the gym if it wasn’t for your best friend. really, the only reason why you’re even sitting in one right now was because you arrived too early for your meet up with him.
that’s how you ended up perched on a high stool, legs swinging as you patiently look around while soonyoung finishes up his last few sets of… pull-ups? you’re honestly not sure. how he’s still chatting with you while completing his sets – barely panting through it, too – is beyond you.
“so i was thinking,” soonyoung casually starts, lifting himself like he was made of paper. “we can get dinner at the new italian place downtown? i heard they’re having a opening promotion right now.”
“mmh, sounds good.” your eyes are flitting all around the gym, trying to find something interesting enough to catch your attention.
“right, i almost forgot! seokmin texted earlier; he said he’ll drive by to pick us up later too.”
“really? that’s great.” you sound enthusiastic but your hunched posture informs soonyoung otherwise. at this point, your best friend can tell that you’ve tuned out of the conversation. he huffs at the way your eyes zone into the far corner of the gym, where the weight benches are. soonyoung scoffs more when he realises your eyes are trained on a very specific person, watching intently at the way the muscles on his arms bulge every time he lifts a dumbbell.
“yeah, he also said he saw mingyu running into a tree earlier… even said a rat fell on him and started pulling at his hair and controlling him like a robot. do you think the rat would make a better chef than mingyu?”
“wow really? that’s great.” your replies get progressively monotonous as you keep your eyes trained at the corner. yeah, now he definitely knows your mind has completely left the conversation.
your breath hitched as you watched the mystery man run a hand through his faded red hair, baggy t-shirt sleeves hitched up to reveal more of his biceps? triceps? never have you ever wished you paid more attention to your biology lessons back in high school.
everything about this mystery man has you swooning. the thick veins on his hands running up his arms, the way his eyebrows furrow in concentration, how the sweat glistening on his forehead seemed to cast a heavenly glow all around him. you can’t forget the grunts he lets out with every movement, entrancing you with his deep voice. gosh, even his hands are perfect. an angel has descended to soothe all your gym-related problems, converting you into a devout worshipper of his physique.
you’ve never been more thankful for soonyoung’s suggestion to wait in the gym.
soonyoung’s arms may be burning from hanging on the pull-up bar for too long, but he just couldn’t believe his eyes; your mouth is hanging open and– wait, is that drool?! is his best friend really drooling over a man in the gym?!? a laugh of disbelief escapes him as he finishes the last of his rep. soonyoung mutters a quick prayer of thanks to god for gifting him prime blackmailing material. he drops back to the ground and swiftly snaps a picture of you, in all your thirsting glory, before he picks up the rest of his stuff.
“y/n,” he calls out. “i’m gonna hit the showers and then we can go. you good staying here on your own for a bit?”
“yeah, yeah! i’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.” you wave him off, not even bothering to turn towards your best friend. soonyoung lets out another tut as he turns towards the gym’s locker room. that is, before a brilliant idea comes into mind.
the red-haired man turns towards soonyoung’s voice. “hoshi, you’re going already?”
your best friend nods his head, grinning at how your eyes seemed to pop out at the way he was casually talking to your new-found eye candy. “are you doing anything tonight? i’m meeting seokmin and the others for dinner later, wanna join?”
“kwon soonyoung!” you whisper-hiss. “what the hell are you doing? you guys know each other!?” is that blush creeping up your neck he sees? the tips of your ears tinge so pink soonyoung thinks he can almost feel the heat radiating from them.
“thanks, but i’ve already got plans.” the mystery stranger shoots you a gentle smile, flirty (flirty?!) wink (WINK?!?) towards you. still, you can’t hide your disappointment; you would’ve loved to get to know this new-found work of art more.. “maybe next time? you can properly introduce me to your pretty friend then too.”
soonyoung thinks he heard a strangled cry from you, coughing as you somehow manage to choke on your own saliva. he chuckles at your suffering. “sure, hyung. i think she’d like that too!”
soonyoung doesn’t know what to expect when he finally emerges from the locker room cleaned and refreshed, but it definitely wasn’t you raining attacks on his sore arms and shoulders. seungcheol (he had introduced himself to you while soonyoung was gone– in fact, the two of you managed a whole conversation while he was gone (no, you were so shy and embarrassed you were barely able to keep eye contact with him)) waves at the both of you as you leave the gym to wait for seokmin to arrive.
you’re convinced the blush on your cheeks is going to be a permanent feature of tonight. it doesn’t help that it becomes the main topic during dinner with seokmin and mingyu, the other two boys cracking up at soonyoung’s dramatic retelling of your new-found gym crush.
(it also doesn’t help that you had a balled up fist under the table all night, hiding the hastily written phone number on a piece of paper that seungcheol had managed to slip to you while you were leaving, mouthing the words ‘call me!’ behind soonyoung’s back.)
“remember when you couldn’t keep your eyes off me when we first met?” seungcheol swings his arm around you, broad shoulders almost engulfing you whole.
you groan, choosing instead to bury your head into your boyfriend’s chest. soonyoung cackles from across the booth. you have to physically restrain yourself from clawing him alive.
“hyung it wasn’t just that; she was drooling over you!” he wiggles his eyebrows, ignoring the daggers you were staring his way. blush makes its way up your cheeks, dusting them pink.
seungcheol laughs, planting a kiss on the crown of your head.
“if it makes you feel better,” he whispers in your ear. “you were my gym crush too.”
soonyoung almost falls off his seat laughing when you blush even harder.
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whalesforhands · 9 months
the swimsuit dilemma
summary: you’re reminded that swimsuits are back in season after seeing a certain someone on gojo satoru’s lockscreen. (star plasma vessel era)
“Waka Inoue.”
You blink at his phone as it hovers in front of the you, the glowing screen of a gravure model in an all-too revealing bikini that left little to the imagination floating in front of you.
“Oh? Satoru, you changed it?” Suguru’s directly behind you, leaning over the back of the sofa and your seated self to get a good look, the scent of lavender incense with a hint of strawberry weighing heavy on your nose from his closeness.
“Yeah, yeah! Whaddya guys think?” The cellular device waves around lightly, a grin growing on the white-haired boy’s face as he watches your expression, eyes blank as you focus in on her.
“She looks nice, I suppose.” Not his type though. Geto’s response is curt, his eyes much more interested in watching your reaction, the slow tapping of his fingers against the plush material of the seat as they await your opinion.
Would you be jealous? Or would you be so adorably embarrassed, hiding your face away?
“Mmm…” Your eyes are slowly losing their focus as your brain churns, still fully fixated on the picture in front of you. “…do you guys think that style would suit me?”
(Now that’s one unexpected reaction.)
Two pairs of eyes nearly bulge out of their heads, a choke going unheard as your lax expression remains, a tapping of your finger against your chin as you tilted your head to the side in focused thought.
“Shoko mentioned that it was about time I bought a new swimsuit—“ You sigh. “But everything I’ve shown her ends with a rejection…” You slump onto the couch, slightly agitated with your precious Shoko’s resistance to your choices.
“Not cute enough.”
“Choose something else.”
“…are you serious?”
You’re sighing again at the memory of her dissatisfaction with you, at her crossed arms and furrowed brows, a small pout forming on your face as you let the thought simmer on. Inoue Waka must be a model of sorts, you gather. So her clothing must be acceptable by Shoko’s standards, right?
“Inoue-san looks fashionable… Are they expensive? How much allowance would one be…?” Your mumbling doesn’t go unheard as two jaws start to unhinge, red splashing all over their cheeks as you suddenly snapped out of your daze, a thought occurring to you, as a cute smile of realization on your face forms. “Oh, Satoru! Could you show me more—“
The phone is immediately slammed shut. “No.” A smile, no; something akin to an even brighter grin is upon the pretty face of your white-haired friend.
“Eh?” Your head tilts to meet dark, sunglasses clad eyes that rejected you all too soon. “…would it not suit me after all?” There’s an awkward scratching of your cheek as you let out a dry laugh to ease the odd tension in the air.
“No.” Gojo Satoru does not stutter. “It’d suit ya well.” A glimmer of his perfect teeth. “You’d wear it?” Excited blue eyes appear in your view as you simmer in more confusion.
“Well… Yeah. I suppose I would?” Your smile returns as you try to decipher his words.
(Did you just leave yourself open to more teasing…?)
“That’s cute.” A pat to your head that messes with your hair. “But you can’t wear it out,” His smile is too tensed, his face a little too close as he leans in, his breath nearly fanning your lips had you not shifted back slightly. “Okay?”
(Would it look bad on you after all? You’re sighing again as you see him pull away from you, a proud smirk upon his face.)
There’s a shadow cast over Suguru’s eyes when you confusedly lean back, looking up to face him when you feel his larger palm rest upon your shoulder.
“…why don’t you allow us to pick one for you? I’m sure Shoko wouldn’t disapprove of our choices.” His expression is quick to shift, to reveal an all too tense smile, teetering just between the line of mischief and his usual genteel, his chest against the back of your head as his arms settle on both sides of your head, his long fingers mindlessly playing with your hair as you feel Satoru’s head loll and rest on your shoulder in pure boredom.
Hmm… Maybe you should…?
(…or are you just feeling too comfortable right now that you’ll agree to anything they say?)
“We have finished packing our luggage.” Kuroi’s voice rings out as you hear the creaking of the door and the rolling of a few luggages. Her footsteps are quiet against the carpeted floor as your ears pick up on another set of feet tottering in, braided hair swaying as her uniform skirt flutters with her movement.
“We’re ready for the flight to Okinawa!”
(“Riko, please do not yell. We will disturb the neighbors.”
“Oh. Sorry, Kuroi…”)
“Hey.” Riko is leaning in towards you, whispered words and close proximity as you sat beside her on the plane. “What was that about swimsuits?” Her eyes gleam with a hunger to know, to get in on the action whilst her other escorts were far too busy intimidating the other passengers.
You giggle lightly in embarrassment, your cheeks feeling a little hot. “Oh— You heard?”
“Duh.” A smile of pure, unadulterated pride sits upon her smug face. “As the vessel who will become one with the almighty Tengen-sama, of course such matters do not escape my mighty ears!”
(She sounds kind of impudent, you’re not gonna lie.)
You’ll humor her. “Oh, it’s such a trivial matter, great vessel!~” You sing out your praises. “It was just—“ You take a pause for the dramatic effect as you see her cross her arms, nodding at your choice of dramatics.
“Letting them pick my swimsuit for me.” It does sound more embarrassing now that you’re saying this out loud.
“Wha— Don’t let them pick for you!” She’s quick to break character, grabbing onto your hands with a look of stout determination in her eyes.
“I’m much better suited for the job!”
Riko thinks she’s much suited for it due to her yearning to experience the true ‘school girl’ experience! And that includes shopping for clothes.
You did this to yourself. Gojo went online to go find and order the exact same swimsuit on his lockscreen. He thinks it’s ready to be replaced soon too, if you get what I mean.
Geto is upset Riko managed to goad you into picking her as your swimsuit stylist. What kind of future husband is he if doesn’t pick out your clothes with you…?
Whilst in the clothing store, there was quite a battle between the dynamic duo and Riko.
“What do you mean this colour isn’t suitable?!” Gojo is quite frankly offended as he held up the skimpy blue two-piece.
“It looks cheap and nasty, just like your bug eyes!” Riko is sticking out her tongue at him as she hides behind you, grasping onto your shoulders and using you as a shield.
“Come now Riko, you shouldn’t be saying that to your poor security escorts. We’re working very hard, you know?” Geto is quick to jump in, a deep royal purple one piece with a deep-V in the front in his hands, as he appears directly behind the both of you. Riko jumps in surprise, quickly turning around with her arms up defensively.
“Bugger off, you weird, conman-looking delinquent! Your tastes are just as bad!”
He feels a vein pop.
It seems that only you and Kuroi are of sane mind.
KOFI does being in okinawa give you okinawan dreams? (continuation of this specific fic)
nvy’s aftertalk:
HAH u THOUGHT i was gonna do my animal ears special but YOU THOUGHT WRONG WAHAHAHAHA
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ln4bub · 10 months
Okay so how about 21+39 + Oscar. like seven minutes in heaven or spin the bottle situation. (Only if you want tho)
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I saw this request and I just had to write it immediately, this fits Oscar so well
Oscar was never really one for emotion, he was almost impossible to read. So when he reluctantly agreed to play Truth or Dare with you, Logan, Robert, Arthur, and a few of your female friends you were surprised. He was always a ‘stay in the corner and observe’ kinda guy, but now he was sat in a circle, an ice cold beer in his large hand.
“Y/N, it’s your turn.” Logan nudges you, forcing you to take your eyes off Oscar. “Oh, uh dare?” You say, doubting your own choice. It’s Arthur who speaks up, a devious smile on his face.
“I dare you to do that minutes in heaven thing that Logan had to do with a driver of your choosing.” He tells you, the smirk on his face suggesting that he expected himself to be picked.
You stand up, smoothing down your dress before walking over to Oscar and extending your hand. “You coming?” You ask, eyebrow quirked. “He hopes so.” Logan laughs, sending the circle into a fit of giggles. Oscar rolls his eyes before pulling himself up and grasping your hand in his, leading you away to the closet. Arthur trails behind the two of you, locking the door after you enter. “We’ll start a seven minute timer for you, if you want to leave early then knock on the door three times.” You and Oscar confirm that you’re good to go before you hear the soft pad of Arthur walking away.
The two of you are left illuminated by the pale yellow lighting of the closet. The shadows cast over Oscar’s face, revealing a gentle smile. “We, uh, we don’t have to do anything. I have no expectations of you and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Oscar rambles, his eyes avoiding yours.
“Oscar.” You say, attempting to interrupt his rant.
“I don’t want to assume that you picked me because you’re attracted to me, I mean don’t get me wrong I’d like to hope that that’s why but if it’s not that’s totally okay.” He continues.
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
He freezes, lips parted and eyes wide. “You really want that? With me?” He asks. You giggle slightly at his reaction. “Why else would I pick you Oz?” You question, hand coming to cup the back of his neck. He leans in, your breaths mingling in the small space. His lips touch yourself, briefly and softly, but you know they’re there and you whimper, pushing your lips harder against him.
Once he senses your eagerness he’s quick to reciprocate it, his lips moving perfectly with yours. His hand comes to rest on your jaw, his tongue now sliding against your own.
“Oscar, we have seven minutes. Do something please.” You beg against his lips, causing him to groan in response and rest his forehead against yours. “You want me to touch you? To make you cum with everyone outside?” He asks teasingly, shocking you with this switch in demeanour.
“God yes please Oscar.” You whine, grinding your hips against his thigh resting between your legs. His large hand comes to rest under your dress, sliding your underwear to the side and feeling the slick gathering already.
“Is this what I do to you?“ He asks and you nod in response, unable to find words as his fingers find your clit. “Poor girl, you must be so needy. Desperate.” He whispers, placing kisses across your neck as your hand tangles in his hair. You pull lightly when his finger slips inside you, making him moan against your skin.
He curls his fingers against your walls, your back arching in pleasure as you let out a moan of his name. “Oh god, right there, fuck- please.” You babble incoherently as a second finger joins his first.
“So tight for me baby, I want you to cum on my fingers so I can lick them clean. Have the taste of you in my mouth for the rest of the night, d’you want that?” You barely comprehend Oscar’s words, his fingers moving at a rapid pace. Your moans become more high pitched, joined by the slick sounds of Oscar’s fingers moving in and out of you.
“So close Oscar, please, please, please.” You whine, grinding your clit against the palm of his hand as he continues his actions.
“I know Y/N, I know. Soak my hand for me come on, we haven’t got long.” He reminds you, hitting the spot that makes your legs turn to jelly. Your mouth drops open, a moan on the verge of slipping out before Oscar’s mouth covers your own. He muffles the loud moan of his name with his tongue, feeling your walls spasm around his fingers.
“There we go, good girl. Let it go f’me.” He tells you, slowing his fingers but continuing to draw the remnants of your orgasm from your body. When you’re spent he slides his fingers out, sucking them clean with a groan.
Arthur’s knock sounds and the lock clicks open. The two of you hastily pat down your hair and clothing before stepping back into the room. You’re a sight to behold, hair and lipstick messy, dress hitched slightly too high and legs trembling. Oscar’s not much better, flushed cheeks, ruffled hair and a sly grin on his face.
“So, what did you two besties get up to in there?” Logan asks, smirking as you both go beet red. “Didn’t sound like anything people who are ‘just friends’ do.” He adds, quirking an eyebrow. Arthur slaps his hands onto Oscar’s shoulders. “Right there Oscar, so good, oh god.” He mimics, everyone laughing at the way you both side eye each other in awkwardness.
Oscar grabs your hand, pulling you out of the party to finish what you had started. But not until he tells Logan that you’re not just friends, and now everyone knows it.
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sluttynfemme · 1 month
playboy butch x overachiever femme (pov)
You and Miron have an unspoken arrangement for Thursday nights.
Word count -> 5.9k
Contains: praise kink, derogatory praise, fingering, some light masturbation, strap-ons, slight dom/sub, stone butch/pillow princess, femme receiving all, substance use (marijuana), slight overstimulation, butch is called ‘Sir’
The joint you smoked with Miron makes everything soft and hazy. At some point, one of you stubs its smoldering remains out and you migrate from the balcony to her bedroom.
Miron has tacked up multi-colored string lights over her bed and they cast an indigo hue over the plain comforter and walls. You throw yourself onto her bed and hum at the rush of Miron that overwhelms you—smoke, fresh linen, and cologne. It’s so very masculine and butch, and you want to roll around in it like a kitten with catnip.
She chuckles behind you and you feel the graze of fingers on your back thigh. The touch is fleeting. “Make yourself comfortable, princess,” she says.
You’re glad it’s dark because the pet name, even after all this time, still makes you blush.
When you turn your head and peer through your mess of hair, a new source of light bathes the room in white. Miron is fiddling with the TV remote, flipping through movies and shows. Nothing catches her attention, not even the tried and true action movies you know she loves.
You prop yourself up on your elbows and watch her scroll for a few more moments.
“Here,” you say finally. “Give it to me. There’s this anime I’ve been meaning to show you.”
Miron raises a dark eyebrow at you. From this angle, the crookedness of her nose is apparent. Not that you mind. You’ve always thought it made her more handsome. One too many fights, is what she told you when you asked.
“An anime?” she repeats skeptically. Her stupid British accent makes your gut twist with attraction. You’re horny and it makes you stupid. You swallow.
“Yeah.” You push yourself up further, coming to rest on your knees. “You’ll like it. Pretty colors, fight scenes, a hot girl or two. It’s your type.”
Miron has always been able to manipulate you like soft putty in her hands—but she isn’t the only one. You’ve been so good at getting her to do what you want. You’ve known each other for almost 6 months now and you know Miron’s greatest weakness is a pretty girl. It takes some coaxing and pouting, an adjustment to the way you sit so she can admire the length of your legs, but she caves.
You know she only agrees because she doesn’t think she’ll actually be paying attention to the screen. You can tell by the hungry way she looks at you. Most late night hangouts like this end the same way—with the takeout and television abandoned and you naked in her bed.
That’s okay. You know this when you tempt her. You have plans for Miron Sikkari.
With the anime chosen, the two of you settle into her bed. Miron goes first, placing one arm behind her head and beckoning you in with the other. Settled into her side, the smell you’d appreciated earlier is only stronger; warmth blooms in your gut as you find yourself wholly surrounded by it. A shiver trickles down the length of your spine and you sink deeper into Miron when it passes. It’s so hard to relax but Miron’s arms around you and the haze of marijuana leaves you no choice.
You rest your head on her shoulder, leg swung over her tattooed thighs, and you feel warm and safe tucked into her side. A quick glance up reveals that Miron is intently watching the show you picked. This makes you bite your bottom lip, holding onto the mirth.
Miron glances at you from the corner of her eye, her mouth tugging into the shape of amusement.
“So?” she mimics.
You elbow her. “So, what do you think?”
“S’alright. You’ve got a point about the colors.” Her eyes move to focus on you and she grins, a flash of white in the dark. The internal screaming in your head grows louder; you consider yourself thoroughly charmed.
“The episodes are only 20 minutes long,” you supply, ever so helpful.
She laughs and you feel it vibrate through her chest. It’s a wonderful sensation, one you greedily want to keep to yourself. You’re not naive enough to think you’re the only girl Miron pays attention to but you hope you’re the only one who makes her laugh.
“That they are. But y’know, I’m starting to think this supposed ‘bad guy’ may have some points… Doesn’t hurt he’s a good lookin’ guy. They’re just jealous he’s got game and they don’t.”
You scoff but scoot in closer. “You’re missing the point… Keep watching.” And she does.
But now that you’ve thought about Miron laying in this bed with other girls, you can’t stop. You wonder if she plays with their hair like she’s playing with yours or if her hand likes to find the sensitive spot on their ribs just under their breast and rub circles. Your mind churns with the possibilities.
The feelings that accompany those possibilities are complicated. You think of the likely candidates to have made it to this bed and compare yourself to them.
You knew what you were asking for when you started fucking Miron Sikkari regularly. Among the large pool of sapphic people at your university, it’s well-known that Miron doesn’t do monogamous relationships. Hell, you all know that she just doesn’t do relationships, period. And still Miron has no trouble finding connections because you all also can’t resist the warmth of her charm.
To your credit, you’re her longest standing hookup outside of maybe Julia (god, you hate her) but you know that doesn’t mean much. To Miron, at least.
When Miron texts you at 10 o’clock on a weeknight, of course you answer. You know what she wants and you’re more than happy to give it to her. Even if you’re pining after her like every other queer girl on campus, the sex is worth the emotional hell.
God, the idea of Miron laying here touching other girls—girls you know, girls you’re friends with—the way she’s touching you right now doesn’t even make you sad; you’re just fucking angry, but at who?
Jealousy makes you stupid. Being horny does, too. They don’t combine well.
Miron is properly distracted by the show, so you decide now is a good time to make a move. With jealousy and need intertwining in your gut, you decide you’re done simply laying on her chest.
One of your hands is splayed over her stomach. The hem of her tee has bunched up over her hip, revealing a small triangle of smooth tan skin, and you slowly begin to inch your fingers towards it. Even in the winter, Miron manages to retain her gorgeous olive skin and you hate her just a little for it.
The pad of your thumb brushes over her hipbone and you feel her suck in the smallest of breaths. You’re sure she doesn’t even realize it. She’s still staring at the TV, watching colorful characters fight off an angry demon. You’ve seen this anime so many times you can’t even count so it’s easy to keep your attention on Miron.
You continue with small touches, light as you trail them from one hipbone to the other. As you do this, you note Miron’s responses. Her fingers splay against your side and her muscles shift and flex under you. When you run your thumb over the raise of her abdominal muscles, her breathing goes steady and controlled. Miron has always been affectionate, needy for touch in a way much different than your own. It’s one of your favorite things about her and you’re sure it’s what makes her so hard to resist. She’s just so good at making you feel special. Needed, even.
Your fingers brush over her happy trail, your thumb catching on the elastic of her boxers. Her hips twitch—fucking finally, you think—and her grip noticeably tightens.
“What happened to watching your show?” she asks in a low, scratchy voice, hands already beginning to roam.
“I’m bored,” you murmur into her neck. Trailing your nose from her collarbone to her jaw, you find the tender spot behind her ear and place a gentle, teasing kiss there.
“Bored?” She groans as you kiss her neck, peppering a few kisses at the base and paying special attention to other spots with your tongue. “Fuck. Then I suppose we’ll have to do something about that. I take my duties as host—ah, very seriously and I can’t have the guest of honor bored.”
You hum your agreement but continue focusing on the task at hand. There’s a spot you know she particularly likes but finding it is always tricky. You drag your tongue along her skin and nip at the flesh under her jaw. The arm Miron had tucked behind her head comes around and now there are two hands on you, roaming and grasping at your sides, your waist, the nape of your neck.
Purposefully, you suck hard on a spot near her carotid. You pause, soothe it with your tongue before you latch with your lips again. You lay claim to this expanse of Miron’s neck and wickedly hope it deters any other girls she might approach throughout the weekend. Fingers lace through your hair and grip your curls close to your skull.
A whine escapes you and you pant against her. She hasn’t even touched you and yet her attention, the anticipation of being under her microscope, excites you.
Suddenly, those two strong hands are on your waist and you’re being tugged on top to straddle her hips. Miron is firm and warm beneath you and you take a moment to admire her. The details of her features are lost in the dim lighting but you see the angle of her jaw, the shadow of her grin, the glint of something hard in her eyes. There’s something so incredibly butch about her in this moment and it makes you throb with want.
One hand remains on your hip. The other reaches up under your shirt to cup your breast, thumb over the barbell of your piercing, and then her mouth is on yours, hot and persistent.
Miron has always kissed you like this—a little forceful, dominating as she slips her tongue in your mouth and stakes a claim. She’s insistent but methodical, an expert of her craft. You suck on her bottom lip and she kisses you harder.
The hand on your hip begins to guide you, encouraging the rock of your hips as your arms come over her shoulders and you lose yourself in Miron’s kiss. You’re still high and this only makes you dizzier. Her fingers dig into the flesh between your thigh and hip and you moan into her.
When she twists and pulls at your nipple, toying with the piercing mindlessly, you whine openly. Miron pulls away because she likes to watch you. Sometimes you like to put on a show, exaggerating the hitch of your breath and slow roll of your hips. Right now, though, you’re uncontrolled and wild. Your eyes squeeze shut because it just feels so damn good. She rubs circles on your hips and toys with your piercings and fuck you just can’t fucking think straight because you just feel so much.
You lean against her, face pressed into her shoulder. Miron has ignited an unignorable need inside you and you need her to do something to cool the fire before it consumes you. You don’t want to be an overstimulated mess but then again you and Miron probably have different objectives.
“Fuck,” Miron murmurs against you. “You’re pretty like this. You’re so fucking perfect like this.”
You’re so bad with words when you get like this and she knows it. Any other day, any other time, you could match her charm with something at least partially intelligent.
Right now, all you manage is a breathy little moan. Miron chuckles and grabs the meat of your ass. “Just a perfect princess, aren’t you?”
You nod against her. You are, aren’t you? This you believe in wholly.
That’s one thing you know you hold over the girls Miron might see. None of them are stone, none of them are you.
Even with as diverse a queer population as your university has, you and Miron are two of only a handful of stone lesbians on campus.
You know Miron enjoys the random girls’ company but you are different. She knows you’ll never ask to reciprocate or touch her. You are happily content to be fucked sideways until she is tired and done. This, you know from experience, takes quite some time. You take it gladly. Do they?
Miron flips you on to your back and there her fingers are, tugging at the sides of your pants. She’s honed in on you, her gaze raking over your form. You lift your hips for her and she takes off your pants without much effort. You not so subtly tug at the hem of her shirt.
“Off,” you say.
“Bossy tonight, then.”
You roll your eyes.
Miron kneels between your legs. Like this, her tattoos stretch across her sculpted, muscled thighs and you see the mouth of a tiger stretch over her knee.
When she takes her tee off, leaving her in a tight fitted sports bra, you see even more beautiful skin inked with tattoos of all shapes and sizes. You’ve sat and studied them before and your favorite is the barking doberman on her calf. From this angle, you can best view the dragon on her abdomen, done in heavy black. The scales and claws flow with the muscle, beautiful art on a beautiful body. Miron wears her physique and her tattoos like armor, one she is unwilling to remove.
Before she can ask, you reach for the bottom of your shirt and begin to pull it up. Miron, of course, assists you in this, ever the gentleman. She tosses it away.
This leaves you splayed beneath her in your underwear. Miron devours the sight of you, raking her eyes from your open thighs to your heaving chest, and you feel even wetter. Almost like she knows, Miron looks to the growing damp spot on your panties and you see the ghost of her smile. The television, completely forgotten, illuminates her from the back and casts her in shadow; it defines the swell of her biceps and width of her shoulders and you want to desperately wrap your legs around her waist.
“Look at you,” she says. Her eyes are hooded, dark with desire. One of her hands rests on your lower stomach and her thumb strokes the skin just under your navel. “I love getting you like this, you know. I bet you’re soaked and I haven’t even touched you.” With the other hand, she reaches down and runs a knuckle over you. It takes every ounce of your willpower not to shudder and whine. “Of course you are. You’re just a whiny, needy slut. So good for me.”
This breaks you. A strangled sound escapes your throat and you reach for her. “Miron, “ you whine. “Miron, don’t tease me.”
“Oh, but that’s my favorite part, sweetheart.”
She runs her knuckle over you a few more times, just enough that your hips have started squirming and you’ve started panting like a bitch in heat. You press your palms into your eyes and endure the torture.
She teases you mercilessly, stroking you over your panties and occasionally pressing her thumb into your clit. At some point, she leans over and kisses your stomach, peppers them over your rib, and makes her way to your nipples where she sucks one into her mouth and continues to toy with you.
Miron always pays such special attention to you and you love it.
Finally, when she’s satisfied, you feel her hands at your hips again and you immediately lift them. She pulls your panties off easily and the frustrating tension in your body only increases.
“Miron,” you gasp. “Please. Please touch me.” You’ve never been ashamed to beg.
“Look at me,” she says. You do.
She holds your gaze as she dips one finger into your cunt. Your breath catches as she runs a finger up your slit, gathering your cum and pausing to roll your clit between her fingers. She wants to know how swollen you are; she wants to know how far she can push you. Whatever she finds there pleases her because she lets out a low groan.
You jerk when she jerks her thumb over it and she laughs cruelly above you. “Poor baby… So sensitive. How do you want me?”
You struggle to answer, mind foggy with weed and desire, so she pauses her ministrations.
“Answer me, princess,” she repeats, firm.
“Fuck, ah. I-I want you hard. Please make me cum. I wanna come.” When she doesn’t return to touching you, you continue babbling. “I want you hard and fast. I want to come around you. Fuck, please. Please, Sir. Make me cum.”
Miron shudders and you know you’ve just said the magic word. Sir.
She doesn’t answer right away. She pauses just long enough that you notice it and you want to burst out of your skin.
“Good girl.”
Miron pushes one finger in and you shudder, gasping as she quickly enters you. She isn’t kind, only momentarily checking to see if you can accommodate a second finger. You’re just a stupid slut, so of course you can. She inserts another and adjusts so she can pump into you. Miron is hard and rough with your cunt but she’s thorough, moving slowly and deliberately.
You writhe around her, whimpering and squirming as you struggle to decide if it’s too much or too little.
“Hold still.”
This is an impossible task for you and she knows it; her hand, large enough that it covers most of your lower stomach, moves to hold you down. Miron is so very much stronger than you which is why she doesn’t hold it against you when you only continue to squirm, bucking into her hand. Pinned in place, she fucks you just like you asked. The feeling is exquisite, perfect, and all-consuming.
You bite down on your fist to hold back the guttural moans as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Stop that,” Miron says and punctuates it with a punishing curl of her fingers. The sound you make is pathetic. “I wanna hear you. Go on. Let me hear you, princess.”
You remove your gag and, secure in the knowledge that you’ve been given permission, you cry out. The sounds you begin to make originate deep in your chest, scrape along the back of your throat as you grip the sheets and sob.
“Fuck,” you say. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“There it is. God, you’re fucking perfect. Look at you, so needy,” she croons. Pieces of her short, dark hair have fallen across her forehead and her brow is pinched in concentration. “Do you want to cum for me?”
“Yes,” you say. “Yes, yes, yes.”
You can feel that pressure building behind your navel and you know the orgasm will ruin you. Distantly, you still hear Miron speaking; she’s coaching you through it now, soothing you through the violent torrent of sensation. Her gentle words do not match the pace she’s set, stretching you around three fingers and digging into the spongy spot just inside your cunt. Your back arches and every muscle in your body coils so tight you think you might die. You feel yourself pulse around her and your breath catches.
“Then be a good girl and cum for me.”
The orgasm spills over you and you moan in relief. Your fingers and toes tingle; the tension finally dissipates. You ride her hand through the aftermath and she praises you for your endurance.
Miron pulls her fingers free and you whine at the loss. You watch as she places them in her mouth and cleans them, one digit at a time. You’re selective about when you allow her to put her mouth on you, so she always takes a moment to savor the taste of you.
She swears. “You taste so fucking good,” she says and you flush. Horny and stupid, you think.
You lay against the array of pillows, disoriented as you catch your breath. Miron moves from between your thighs, kissing your stomach but avoiding the spots she knows are too sensitive, and comes to lay beside you. She places another brief kiss on your temple, covers your naked body with a blanket, and plays with your hair for a minute or two.
“You’re always so mean,” you finally say. You don’t mean it.
Miron grins. “You like it,” she replies, and she’s right. You rest your eyes; you deserve it.
Even though she has just thoroughly ruined your pussy—you still feel yourself dripping on your thighs—you want more and you know she does too. Miron, who has been hyper-aware of the ‘predatory lesbian’ stereotype since you met her, always waits for you to ask for more.
You appreciate this about her; that she gives you the space to choose, even if she’s never given you reason to worry. You like that even though you know she’s starving for more, she never pushes for it.
Through your daze, you smell smoke. Sweet and musky, you peek open an eye. Miron has summoned another joint and lit up.
You shift, turning to face her. She’s watching you, mindlessly running her thumb over your temple. Smoke drifts from her mouth towards the running ceiling fan. She’s so handsome and your brain screams at you as your heart skips a beat. You know this is so stupid of you. You need to break it off soon, before she breaks your heart, but that is a problem for another day.
“Hi,” you say sheepishly.
“Hello,” she replies and takes another hit. There’s mirth in her eyes that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Can I have some?” You pout a little bit and that makes her laugh.
“I don’t know… what’ll you give me for it?”
You narrow your eyes; Miron stares back, smug. Leaning over, you kiss her. You snake your arms around her neck and slip your tongue in her mouth. She tastes like smoke and she hums against you, seeking more. It’s no surprise when she attempts to slot her knee between your thighs; you almost let her.
With Miron distracted, you steal the joint and scoot away. She snorts and you take a hit. The burn in your throat is pleasant and familiar. As you take in another hit, Miron’s hands slip under the blanket and come around your waist. Her fingers are cold against your skin but you sigh into her. You don’t feel like bratting with her tonight. Silently, you offer her the joint over your shoulder and bring it to her lips when she accepts. The cherry glows red and Miron lets out a small cough to clear her throat.
You two smoke the second joint, ashing it in a cute tray shaped like a slice of pepperoni pizza. Miron only has to reach over you to get to it and her long, athletic arms make that very easy.
Miron leaves the roach smoking in the tray and you watch the thin lines of smoke rise to the ceiling. The smell of weed has become something of a comfort to you and you press yourself into Miron as you let it envelope you.
She nuzzles into your neck and you hum. The kisses she places on you are open-mouthed, and somewhere not too far from your collarbone, she leaves a hickey.
You stretch into her, relish in her warmth and the pleasure and the weed. It doesn’t take much, just a few kisses on the corner of your jaw as she rubs slow circles on your ribs, before you’re moaning again.
You know she won’t touch you anywhere until you ask. And while you don’t mind begging, there’s a part of your brain that is forgetting language and becoming a creature of need. It slows you down and Miron doesn’t like to wait. She bites your shoulder and her fingers pause their ministrations.
It takes you a few deep breaths to float back to your body. Miron is so still behind you, waiting.
“More,” you whine; your fingers dig into the bed. “I want more.”
She hums against you. “Good,” she says softly against your skin. Her fingers crawl inward from your hip and brush against your inner thigh. She finds you smeared all over yourself. “Fuck. You’re so fucking good for me, princess. C’mere. Open up.”
Strong arms pull you flush to her chest. Your head tips back. With one arm under you, she easily reaches your chest to play with as the other continues toward your ruined pussy.
When her fingers dip back into your mess, you mewl and jerk against her hand. Miron gently hushes you, runs her thumb over your nipple, and soothes you as she coaxes an orgasm out of you. She takes such care and time with this one, carefully riding the line of overstimulation with your clit.
You embarrass yourself, rutting and crying against her. Miron praises you for how good you are but you don’t believe her; she encourages you, coaches you through your breathing, and you fail to listen. You pant and grow frustrated with yourself.
You want to cum, you don’t want to disappoint her, you want a million things and all of them feel entirely out of reach. Orgasms like this don’t come easily to you and you don’t think you’re worth the time, but Miron is viciously determined. You want to tell her I can’t but the words won’t come. You know she would just say Yes, you can anyway.
Instead you make incoherent, babbling noises. Miron huffs into your shoulder, a small laugh as her lips curve into a smile against your skin. You squirm too hard and Miron slows her pace, reducing pressure. You go too still and she adjusts the pace as she massages your clit.
You’re not worth the effort but Miron gives it to you. When you cum for the second time, your moan stops in your throat. You cum silently, arched against her, and she holds you tightly as you spasm against her. The orgasm is a wave you ride out. Purple and blue lights dance behind your eyes.
When you stop twitching and you aren’t heaving and whimpering, she grabs your chin and makes you look over your shoulder at her. Her yellow eyes, hooded with desire and intoxication, search your face. “Do you have one more in you or are you done?”
You’ve been fucking consistently for almost three months now. Miron knows your limits and body well enough to know when you can’t take anymore—when you’re too fucked out to make a good judgement call. You, though you’re very close, haven’t quite reached that point.
You nod but that’s not enough for her.
“Say it,” she orders, her gaze piercing. She’s looking for signs that you’re not okay, but she finds none. Her attentiveness makes you feel safe with her.
“I have one more in me.” For good measure, you add: “Sir.”
Satisfied, she peels away from you and sits up. You close your eyes and rest while you can. Miron rummages around the room a bit and you hear the rustle of fabric. A part of you knows what’s coming and the anticipation is excruciating.
Miron has one drawer of her dresser dedicated to her various cocks. The colors and sizes vary, from a monstrous flesh-toned cock she’d received as a gag gift to a practical 5-inch magenta piece. You know she also keeps nipple clamps, silk rope, and flavored condoms right along side the organized basket of vibrators, all of which she keeps meticulously clean. Your favorite, the one she says she keeps for you, is long and black and stretches you wide open. But that’s not why you like it so much. It’s clearly Miron’s favorite too because you’ve felt the difference in the way she moves. You tried one other cock with her and hadn’t tried again; with the black strap, she moves like it’s an extension of her body, a real cock that she can feel you pulse around.
When she comes back to you, she touches a hand to your hip. You open your eyes and there she is above you, rubbing her cock with her left hand as she spreads lube over silicone. Cool fingers enter you as she mixes lube with your cum for safe measure—her cock is big but she always makes sure you’re ready for it.
“On your hands and knees,” she orders softly.
You adjust your position and rest your cheek on a pillow, arms stretched in front of you. The bed dips behind you as she takes her place and a pair of hands adjusts you, angling your hips to better take the brutal fucking coming your way.
“Now,” she says and the steel in her voice makes you quiver. She massages your ass and you feel yourself dripping. “If it’s too much, you’re going to use that word we talked about, yeah? Do you remember what that is?”
You comply, even if it makes you feel a little silly to say it aloud. “Strawberry.”
“And if you can’t speak?”
“Five taps on the bed… or on you.”
“Good girl,” she says and that’s when you feel her.
Compliance has earned you the thing you want most.
The head runs up and down your slit and its unexpected sensation makes you moan into the bed. She’s merciless with her teasing and when you moan too quietly, she brings her hand down hard on your ass. You yelp, but revel in the sting.
“That’s pathetic, princess. We both know you can do better.”
You don’t bother with a response. She doesn’t want your words; she wants obedience.
You feel the head at your entrance before its removed again, which makes you mewl. She runs a knuckle over the swollen length of your cunt, takes a nice look at you.
The sight of your pussy and the red palm print forming on your ass must be driving her insane. You know her wants just as well as she knows yours, so you know it’s especially cruel when you reach between your legs and use your pointer and middle finger to expose yourself. You expose the swollen nub of your clit and spread your labia so she can watch how you clench around nothing.
Miron sucks in a breath and goes so very still behind you. She’s entranced as you touch yourself. You make little noises for her, tiny sounds of pleasure because you want to drive her crazy. You want to see the control she holds over herself snap because she deserves to feel good too.
And it does snap. The head of her cock presses into you, stretching you wide, and she doesn’t stop until her hips are flush against you. The size alone has you groaning and clawing at the bed, the pressure intense and painful and delicious.
Miron kindly waits for you to adjust and experimentally moves her hips, dragging her cock out… and then pushing it back in.
You keen into the pillow, cursing and whimpering to yourself as she sets a pace. Hands position your knees just right and pull you up at the waist; they rest at your hips. Though she’s panting above you, the way she pulls in and out of you is intentional. Maybe it’s a punishment for teasing her so rudely.
You don’t really fucking care. It feels so good that you can’t think about anything else. Trying to survive the pleasure she inflicts upon you is your first priority.
So you rut and hump against her, pressing your ass against her hips and gasping when her cock reaches the deepest part of you. The sounds you make are no longer moans or groans or sighs of pleasure. You are animalistic. She’s stripped you to the nerve and peeled you open to reveal your honest wants.
No hiding, no shame, no fear of retaliation, you let her fuck you and you stop holding onto your responsibilities. They don’t matter. Not right now, not when she shifts her hand up and presses you deeper into the bed. She’s groaning your name, calling you pretty and telling you how goddamn stupid you make her. She puts you where she needs you and you trust her when she does. You know all she wants to do is make you cum, make you feel so good, and wouldn’t it be so cruel to take that from her?
You cry as her cock rubs against every inch of you. There’s a pulse building inside you and you want to give yourself over to it. Fingers dig into your skin. A mouth at the top of your spine across your shoulders. You whimper and beg for more.
Teeth and nails and the sting of impact on your ass make you cry harder. She pulls on your hair and you groan deep in your chest, rolling your hips in time with hers.
“Fuckkk, look at you. Look how pretty, such a good girl for me. My pretty little slut. Are you going to cum? I want you to cum, princess.”
You nod and babble and promise whatever they ask. Anything. Anything to cum, anything to relieve the agony of your orgasm.
Their lips travel your skin and leave a scorching path in their wake. Lips and touch and sensation overwhelm you.
“I wanna cum,” you babble. “Make me cum, please, I need to cum. Make me cum, please. Fuck, Sir. Sir, please I need it. I need it please.” The words tumble from your mouth. “I want you to cum inside me.”
The final slam of their cock—and you fall apart beneath them. Your orgasm escalates into a full-body experience and so every cell in your body explodes with release when you cum.
You come to… later. You’re not sure how long, but you’ve been moved onto your back and the mess between your legs is being cleaned up with something warm and damp. You moan, reaching for the person who hovers above you. This place where the pleasure is too great and you cannot speak leaves you vulnerable but you trust this person. They’ve never left you alone and cold before, so you trust that when you reach, they will come.
Warmth wraps around you and you nuzzle into the source, wrapping your arms around it tight. Hands stroke your cheek, draw shapes onto your shoulders, and slowly untangle the greater knots in your hair.
It takes you an hour to gather your wits. Miron lays with you, offering you water and cracking bad jokes as you regain your words and judgement. When you’re ready, you put your clothes back on and she walks you to the door. She waits on the landing of her apartment as you walk to your car and waves goodbye when you get inside and settle in.
You swallow and wave back, watching the broad shape of her back and shoulders disappear. You sit there in the silence, feeling tired and sticky.
Miron will text you again next Thursday night, as she always does. You don’t have a lab and she has an opening in her schedule that she leaves wide open for you. You might play dumb for thirty minutes, leave her on read for a while just to be mean, but you’ll be back.
Of course you’ll be back.
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iovebarca · 4 months
Hello!! I was wondering if I could request Marc guiu X reader? Maybe they could be shopping? Grocery shopping, Clothes shopping, really anything! It’s totally okay if you can’t write this, I understand! And don’t pressure yourself to write it, take your time and have fun!well that’s all, thank you if you do write this, have a good night :))
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A Dress and a Kiss - Marc Guiu
Authors note: Finally had the time to write something😭 I hope I did your request well !!!❤️
Warnings: incorrect grammar (probably), my first language isn't english so if you notice any mistakes please tell me, just fluff!
WC: 800+
Summary: You and Marc spend the day running errands and shopping together. You surprise him with a beautiful dress and share a tender moment when you reveal it to him at home.
You and Marc stroll hand in hand through the bustling streets, the sun casting a warm glow over the city. Today is a day for errands, but with Marc by your side, even grocery shopping feels like an adventure.
As you enter the grocery store, you grab a cart and begin weaving through the aisles, Marc trailing behind you. With each item you toss into the cart, you exchange playful banter and stolen glances, reveling in the simple joy of being together.
"Hey, do we need more eggs?" Marc asks, holding up a carton with a mischievous grin.
You laugh and shake your head, swatting his arm playfully. "No, we're good on eggs. But grab some milk while you're over there."
Marc nods and heads off to the dairy section, leaving you to navigate the maze of shelves on your own. But it's not long before he's back by your side, a carton of milk in hand and a goofy grin on his face.
"Got it," he announces proudly, depositing the milk into the cart with a flourish.
You roll your eyes affectionately and continue your shopping, enjoying the easy rhythm of your time together.
After checking out at the grocery store, you and Marc make your way to the nearby clothing boutique. As you browse the racks of clothes, Marc offers his opinions on various outfits, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he helps you find the perfect pieces.
"That dress would look amazing on you," he says, holding up a flowy sundress in your favorite color.
You smile at his suggestion, grateful for his input. "You think so?"
"Definitely," he replies, his gaze soft and sincere. "But honestly, you could wear a potato sack and still look beautiful."
You laugh at his cheesy compliment, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "You're too sweet baby."
As you continue to shop, you spot a gorgeous dress tucked away on a display rack. It's perfect for a special occasion, and you can't help but feel a flutter of excitement as you imagine wearing it.
But when you pick it up to inspect it further, you realize that Marc is hovering nearby, trying to catch a glimpse of the dress.
"Hey, no peeking!" you scold playfully, holding the dress close to your chest to shield it from his view.
Marc pouts in mock disappointment, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Aw, come on, just a little peek?"
You shake your head with a grin, tucking the dress securely under your arm. "Nope, it's a surprise. You'll have to wait until I wear it."
Marc laughs and relents, knowing better than to argue with you when you're determined. But as you continue to shop, he can't help but steal curious glances at the hidden treasure tucked safely away in your arms.
After a day of errands and shopping with Marc, you return home with a secret treasure tucked away: a beautiful dress you couldn't resist buying. As you step through the door of your shared apartment, excitement bubbles within you, eager to unveil your surprise.
"Close your eyes and wait right here."
With a chuckle, Marc obliges, closing his eyes and standing still as you slip away to change into your new purchase. As you carefully unzip the bag and slide the dress over your head, you can't help but feel a surge of anticipation. This dress is more than just fabric and seams—it's a symbol of your love and the excitement of sharing special moments with Marc.
Once you're ready, you take a deep breath and step out into the room, the skirt of the dress swishing softly around your legs. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."
Marc's eyes flutter open, and as he takes in the sight of you standing before him in the new dress, his breath catches in his throat. "Wow," he breathes, his gaze roaming over you appreciatively.
You twirl around, the skirt of the dress swirling gracefully around you, and a smile spreads across your face at Marc's awestruck expression. "What do you think?"
"Wow- I think you look absolutely stunning," Marc says, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
But before you can respond, he's crossing the room in quick strides, his hands reaching out to pull you close. "And I think I'm a very lucky man."
In that moment, bathed in the gentle moonlight, you lean in and press a tender kiss to Marc's lips. It's a kiss filled with love and gratitude, a silent expression of everything you feel for him.
His arms wrap around you and you melt into his embrace, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"I love you," he whispers, his voice barely more than a breath against your skin.
"I love you too," you reply, feeling a warmth spread through you at the simple truth of those words.
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cyarikasmoon · 5 months
Rest Now
Bad Batch Hunter x reader
Summary: Hunter returns home after saying goodbye to Omega. *Set just after the Season 3 epilogue scene*
Pairing: Bad Batch Hunter x f!reader
Word Count: 1,539
Warnings: Bad Batch Season 3 spoilers, married Hunter, older hunter, fluff, comfort, cuddles, HUNTER DESERVES LOTS OF CUDDLES AND KISSES
Divider by @freesie-writes & @snotbuggle
A/N: I truly adore this show and just wanted to write a little piece for Hunter. He did so well and is such a good father figure for Omega. That epilogue meant everything to me. I wish we saw older Crosshair and Wrecker, but I'm also quite glad it was a final moment between those two. It was always meant to be them. I will love and cherish them forever.
I hope you all like this. It's a little rough and rushed, and it's just raw emotions being processed onto a page after the finale, but I still wanted to post! Enjoy! x
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It’s almost sunrise when you wake up. You sleepily reach out, cold underneath the sheets, and you realise the familiar warmth of your husband is gone. Your eyes blink open with a frown as you pat the bed, almost to make sure he is actually gone. Sitting up in the bed, you blink blearily, taking in the room. It’s dark, but your eyes adjust quickly, the faint lighting of a new day approaching helping you see the dimly lit room. You roll over the bed gently, and you see his boots are gone, and his overshirt that he had left hanging over the edge of the bed last night.
The entire house is quiet, which almost makes you confident that Batcher is gone as well. You let out a soft whistle, a quick two-tone note. Nothing like the loud army shrill your husband does to call the lurker hound. When there is no distant sound of barking, no heavy pads of paws on the ground, you sigh softly.
Gently getting out of bed, you move to pull on your trousers and the quickest shirt being one of his thick, long sleeved ones. As you slip it on, you breathe in the smell of him and let your shoulders sag. It wasn’t normal for him to be gone this early. His side of the bed had been cold when you had felt it. He had been gone for hours. At least Batcher would be with him. You hope, anyway.
Pulling on a quick small pair of boots, she moves towards the door but pauses by the window as she hears voices outside. As she peers out, she sees Wrecker and Crosshair standing talking. Crosshair is almost silent with his words, speech always raspy and quiet but sharp. Wrecker, thinking he was being quiet, was still quite loud. But the early morning rays indicated it wasn't long till the residents of Pabu would awaken.
Crosshair strokes his chin gently, fingers brushing over the soft wisps of grey turning white hair. His hair finally growing back in revealed it to now finally be more silver white than the original grey it used to be back in the days of the Republic. Wrecker still stands tall, and the body is still accumulating so much muscle, but he looks softer, rounder. Years of enjoying and actually living life and eating good food. His lips are drawn into a tight line from where you can see, his jaw covered in a soft wiry fuzz of scruff - the start of a beard that is accentuated with fine white hairs now amidst the dark ones.
The flurry of quick hand movements between the two have you frowning before you all hear a distant bark. You glance through the window to the right. Coming up over the hill, the rising sun casts light across the path as the old lurker hound ambles up the street. Batcher picks up speed slightly as she spots Crosshair and Wrecker, forever excited to see them. It’s then you see your husband, not too far behind Batcher. He walks slowly, his head down slightly, but he looks up as he spots his brothers.
He seems to stand up straighter then as he notices them, almost instinctively falling back into the roll of Seagerant after so long. Crosshair gets up slowly from where he had knelt down to stroke Batcher, leaving his prosthetic hand to rest on the back of her neck as he faces Hunter. Wrecker’s eyes are full of apprehension as if he knows what Hunter is to tell them, but he desperately doesn't want it to be the case.
When Hunter reaches them, you watch as he simply nods his head and says a few words. The three brothers stand in silence for a moment. Whatever news he had just shared, it brings a sombre moment, but then Wrecker’s smiling. He makes a comment, followed by a booming laugh. Crosshair's face twists up into an amused smirk, and he replies with his own comment. Your husband says something else, and they fall silent for a moment. It’s then Crosshair takes a step forward and rests his hand on Hunter’s shoulder, and they share a look. Before anything can be said, Wrecker envelopes them into his arms, a signature crushing hug from the big man that has them all smiling and reminiscing.
Wrecker puts them down, and they all share a final smile. It’s then the old girl barks, and Crosshair rolls his eyes fondly, the hound sticks to his side, ready for her breakfast. They all seemed to nod and head off in their own separate ways. A new day is beginning after all. As Hunter turns towards your home, you move and gently open the door and lean in the doorway and smile at him.
He glances at you and pauses for a moment, a fond smile on his face before he continues to walk forward to you. Like second instinct, you hold your arms open and let him hold you close and tight against him.
“Hi.” You whisper to him.
“Hey.” He responds softly. His voice reserved slightly, like when he’s lost in thought.
“Hey, come back to me.” You whisper softly, leaning back to cup his tattooed side of his face, fingers brushing over his dark beard.
His eyes tell you everything. They’re tired from being up so early. They’re full of love and adoration for you. They reflect peace. They show sadness. You smile sadly then, as you realise. This is the look of a father who has just had to let go and say goodbye. No matter how much he doesn’t wish for it to be the case.
“Omega?” You ask softly, stepping back, so you both gravitate back into your home.
He nods then. A small smile plays on his lips, his eyes softening.
“She left first thing in the early hours of the morning. Thought she could sneak away.” He chuckles, a gruff noise in his throat.
“She spoke about the Rebellion so often. It was only a matter of time before she would want to go help.” You stroke his cheek as you watch his melancholic expression.
“I know…” He breaks away so he can sit and take his boots off, and you do the same. You both leave them by the door, and he rises to stand in front of you again.
You hold your hand to him, and he instantly takes it.
“You’re a wonderful father, Hunter. I know it. Your brothers know it, and Omega knows it.” You whisper to him, taking both of his hands.
His thumbs stroke along your knuckles in a soothing motion for himself and for you. His left thumb focuses on running across your ring. He raises his eyes to look into yours.
“You’ve raised her wonderfully. She is such a bright, beautiful young woman now, and the Rebellion is lucky to have her.” You say and then grin. “You practically prepared her for this.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes fondly at you, lips quirked up into a small smile.
“I was once told battle droids were easier to handle compared to raising a kid.” He muses. “They weren't wrong.”
“Hunter, love, she’ll be fine. She knows you’ll come if you need her.”
“I’d be there in a heartbeat.” He promises, and his voice is so strong and earnest. You could never not believe him. The sergeant shines through in that moment.
You lean forward and kiss him softly, and his hands move to hold you close. Your foreheads then meet in a keldabe kiss, and you smile at him.
“C’mon old man, let's go back to bed for a bit.” You tease him with a grin.
“Who are you calling old man? The days are just starting.” He rolls his eyes and tries to hide his smile.
“And you’ve hardly slept.” You argue back, nudging your forehead against his. “C’mon, a little nap won’t hurt anyone.”
You lead him to the bedroom and smile as you help him take his overshirt off and drape it back over the edge of the bed. Laying down, he holds you close in his arms and still keeps his eyes open and watching you.
“You’ve done so good, love.” You whisper and lean forward, pressing gentle kisses across his face. “It’s okay to miss her. It’s normal. We all will miss her. But she’ll be okay. She’ll come back one day. Now you can rest.”
HIs eyes close as he embraces your touch. His breathing relaxes.
“Rest love, I’ve got you.” You whisper as you watch him drift off. “We’ve got you. You can rest now.”
You press a final kiss to his brow, right below his bandana, before you lay your head on the pillow next to him. The sun has risen now. You can hear the residents of Pabu begin their day. Birds in the distance. You swear even without enhanced senses like Hunter, you can hear the ocean. You look at him one final time before your eyes drift close. It’s a new day. They're here and alive. How exciting it is to live. To live and to love. To do whatever they want.
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notsosweetchan · 8 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ After Hours With The CEO ˚ʚ♡ɞ
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Warning: Twitter prn link-Smut
Paring: | Minho x Reader |
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Imagine: The meeting had been long and grueling, lasting well into the evening hours. The CEO, Minho, had been particularly tough on you, grilling you about recent numbers and demanding explanations for any discrepancies.
Your heart raced as he finally dismissed the rest of his staff, leaving only you behind. You knew what was coming next, and your body responded with a mix of terror and arousal that made your panties wet.
Minho shut the door behind him, locking it with a heavy click that echoed in the otherwise silent room. He towered above you, his tall frame blocking out most of the light from the overhead fluorescent lamps.
You couldn't help but stare at the bulge in his pants, growing more pronounced with each step he took towards you. He was not wearing his usual suit jacket - he must have taken it off during the meeting - revealing a muscular physique honed by countless hours in the gym. You bit your bottom lip nervously as he approached.
His broad hands gripped your face gently but firmly, pulling you closer for a hungry kiss that left you breathless and wanting more. His mouth tasted of coffee and expensive whiskey as he nipped at your lips before moving down to your neck, sucking hard enough to leave marks on your delicate skin.
His fingers tangled in your hair, tugging just enough to let you know who was in control here."You look so fucking sexy when you're nervous," he murmured against your neck before lifting his head to meet your eyes. "I've wanted this all day."
Minho pushed you forcefully against the wall beside his desk, pinning you there with his body heat. One of his thick thighs slid between yours, parting them and forcing your pussy to rub against the rough fabric of his pants.
Your mind spun as he leaned in to whisper dirty, deliciously filthy things in your ear. You could feel his erection straining against his slacks, and it sent shivers down your spine.
His voice was like velvet as he whispered, "You're going to be so fucking good for me tonight." His free hand slid down to cup your ass and squeeze, pulling you even harder against his throbbing member.
Your dress hiked up slightly, exposing your lace-covered bottoms to his touch. The cool air from the AC unit brushed across your heated skin, making you shiver. Minho took this as an invitation and began trailing soft kisses along your jawline while teasingly biting the lobe of your earlobe.
His other hand snaked beneath your dress and brushed against the bare skin of your thighs, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you. He pushed you further into the wall and ground his hips against yours, making direct contact with his hardness.
He pulled away from the kiss just enough to speak again, his breath hot on your neck again, "You want this, don't you?" He purred. "You want me to fuck you against the my desk? To take what's rightfully mine? Just admit it."
You moaned, arching your back even more into his touch, desperate for him to take control. "Yes..." You panted, unable to hide your arousal any longer.
His touch was electric, making your whole body tingle with anticipation. You could feel yourself growing wet between your legs as he ground against you, teasing you mercilessly.
His scent of expensive cologne and musk filled your nostrils, making you lightheaded with desire. The contrast between the cold air conditioning and the heat of his body made you shudder in pleasure.Minho smirked against your neck, his teeth nipping lightly.
"Good girl," he whispered before he picked you up placing you on his desk. You gasped as Minho picked you up and placed you gently on his desk, a desk that was strewn with papers and files and reports from the long meeting.
He stood over you, his towering form casting a shadow over your body as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants with quick, precise movements.
His cock sprung free, already hardened and leaking pre-cum, presenting itself to you like a shiny sword. It was thick and long, and looked even bigger now that it was free from its confines.
The CEO stepped forward until the tip of his cock was pressing against your wet entrance, teasing you mercilessly as he leaned down to capture your lips in another hungry kiss. His tongue plundered your mouth as he ground himself against you, making you moan into his mouth.
His musky scent enveloped you, mixing with the chemical smell of the air freshener in the room. You were overwhelmed with the taste of him as he devoured your lips, your tongue tangling with his and exploring every inch of his mouth.
Minho's hands roamed over your body possessively as he kissed you and ground against you harder. He tore at your panties roughly, ripping them off with a triumphant growl before tossing them aside.
The air conditioning turned the room colder than before, but it didn't dampen your arousal for him one bit.
"So fucking eager," he murmured against your lips as he thrust his hips forward, pushing himself inside you in one hard stroke that made you gasp at the unexpected intrusion.
Your body welcomed him eagerly, exhaling a soft moan of relief as he began to move inside you with rough, powerful strokes that pushed you back against the cool desk. Each thrust causing a sinful friction that made your toes curl and your walls clench around his cock.
The sound of fabric tearing filled the room as he tore off his dress shirt, revealing his well-toned chest dusted with soft hairs. The sounds of their bodies colliding filled the room; skin slapping against skin, fabric rustling underneath them, and rhythmic grunts of pleasure.
Minho pounded into you without mercy, taking what he believed was his due with every brute force of his hips. The slap of skin against skin echoed in the silence of the office, filling it with the rawness of their primal lust.
His hands roamed over your body possessively, cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples hard enough to make you groan into his mouth.
You arched your back, meeting each of his harsh thrusts with a moan as he fucked you hard against the cool desk, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist to pull him deeper inside you.
His rough hands skimmed down your body, tracing patterns up and down your thighs, sending sparks of pleasure through you with every touch. The taste of him was intoxicating; his lips on yours were softer than his stern demeanor led you to believe they would be.
Minho growled into your ear, "You're mine to fuck, aren't you?" He pulled back slightly to watch your face, his eyes burning with lust."Yes," You gasped between breaths, feeling the climax building inside you with each plunge of his cock.
The smell of his cologne mixed with musk and sex filled the room as he picked up speed, slamming into you harder and harder, like he couldn't get enough.
Your walls clenched around him at the brink of orgasm - but he held off, milking you for all he was worth before finally letting go with a throaty groan and emptying himself inside you.
As he came, Minho's hips bucked wildly, lifting you completely off the desk as he found his release in your tight heat one final time.He let out a primal roar that shook the room, filling you with his seed as he shuddered against you.
Sweat slicked and breathless, he pulled out of you and leaned heavily on the desk, still holding onto your hips.He chuckled darkly before pulling a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
The room was silent except for their ragged breathing and the occasional slap of their bodies. He looked down at you with hooded eyes, "You're perfect," he hissed before zipping up his pants with a smirk.
"Get dressed and meet me in my office tomorrow morning." With that, he left the room, leaving you panting and sore but more than satisfied.
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
Can you write another one for Marc bernal X Reader She is good at magic tricks like playing cards. My request is a little weird but I love magic tricks so much.
Showing Marc a magic trick
Marc Bernal x fem! reader
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The living room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm, cozy ambiance. We had just finished dinner, and Marc was lounging on the couch, his legs stretched out, completely relaxed.
I stood by the coffee table, shuffling a deck of cards with practiced ease, a mischievous grin on my face.
“Okay, Marc,” I said, fanning out the cards in front of him. “Pick a card, any card.”
He narrowed his eyes at me, already suspicious. “You know I’m onto you, right? I’ve seen enough of your tricks to know you’re up to something.”
I chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, you think you’ve got me all figured out, huh? Let’s see about that.”
He reluctantly reached out and pulled a card from the deck, glancing at it before holding it close to his chest. “Alright, I’ve got my card. What now, oh great magician?”
I winked at him, then turned around, making a show of not peeking. “Memorize it, then place it back in the deck.”
He did as instructed, sliding the card back into the deck with a flourish. I shuffled the cards again, cutting the deck several times for good measure.
Marc watched closely, his brow furrowed in concentration, trying to catch any hint of what I was doing.
I could see the gears turning in his head, and it took all my willpower not to burst out laughing.
“Alright, Marc,” I said, holding up the deck. “Is this your card?” I pulled the top card from the deck and showed it to him.
He shook his head, a triumphant smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Nope! Nice try, though.”
I feigned disappointment, then pretended to study the deck, as if searching for something. After a moment, I snapped my fingers. “Ah, I see the problem. Let me just… check your ear.”
Marc raised an eyebrow as I reached over, my hand hovering near his ear. With a quick flick of my wrist, I produced his card from behind his ear, holding it up for him to see.
His jaw dropped, and he immediately burst into laughter. “No way! How did you do that?”
I couldn’t help but laugh along with him. “A magician never reveals her secrets, remember?”
He shook his head, still chuckling. “I swear, you must be cheating somehow. You’re too good at this.”
I shrugged innocently, shuffling the cards again. “Maybe I just have a magical touch.”
Marc leaned forward, eyes narrowing in mock suspicion. “Or maybe you’re using some kind of sleight of hand. Come on, show me how you did it!”
I grinned, loving how invested he was in figuring out the trick. “I could show you, but where’s the fun in that?”
He threw his hands up in defeat, laughing. “Fine, keep your secrets. But one day, I’m going to figure it out.”
I leaned in, tapping the deck of cards against his chest. “Good luck with that. I’ve been practicing for years.”
Marc shook his head, still smiling. “You’re full of surprises, you know that?”
“Wouldn’t want to be predictable,” I replied with a wink.
As I shuffled the cards again, he watched my hands closely, still trying to catch the trick. I could see the determination in his eyes, and it made me laugh even more.
“Alright, alright,” I said, holding up my hands in surrender. “I’ll give you a hint.”
He perked up, leaning in closer. “I’m listening.”
I smiled, flipping over a card to reveal the Queen of Hearts. “The trick isn’t in the cards, Marc. It’s all about the misdirection. You’re so focused on what you think I’m doing, that you miss what’s really happening.”
Marc leaned back, processing what I’d said. Then he laughed, shaking his head. “You’re telling me I’ve been outsmarted this whole time?”
I winked. “Pretty much.”
He crossed his arms, pretending to pout. “I should have known better than to underestimate you.”
I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Don’t worry, Marc. I’ll teach you some tricks of your own. But only if you promise not to use them against me.”
He grinned, pulling me down onto the couch beside him. “Deal. But don’t think I’m going to stop trying to figure out your secrets.”
I settled into his arms, resting my head on his shoulder. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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superblysubpar · 10 months
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All Of This Snow Is Falling, I Can Make You Fall Too:
modern!eddie munson x fem!reader
2.5k words
summary: A trashy reality show, a big reveal, and a disagreement on best friends to lovers being a total cliché.
warnings: modern, teacher, best friend, roommate Eddie - except the teacher thing is really barely mentioned and the only reason it's modern is because of the show | Both him and reader are like late 20s, early 30s but no detailed description of this - it's more so to let you know they've known each other for a LONG time and are still single | no hate to trashy reality shows like The Bachelor, I'm a sucker for em | alcohol mentions | some clothed grinding, ass grabbing making out
the prompts: [french] - a deep, passionate kiss with tongue [STRADDLE] - one muse sits down in the others lap
day 3 of 12 days of superbly subpar writing // requested by @lavendermunson - thank you so much, I hope you love the direction I took it in, I had a lot of fun writing this one 💛
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“It’s back on! I can hear it! Eddie pause it! Quick!”
Your muffled cry from inside a sweatshirt you couldn’t quite find the hole to pop your head through sounded truly panicked as you stumbled out of your bedroom. He laughed, sliding out of the kitchen and did as you asked, swallowing and looking away at the bare skin of your stomach as your shirt pulled higher, trapped in the sweatshirt. 
It was a Friday night, the apartment you two shared dark aside from the blue of the television, the warm glow from the lamp shedding light onto the scattered papers littered with red pen marks, and the occasional burst of white light as the fridge was cracked for another beer or a refill on cereal milk. 
He stood, waiting for you to grab the bowl from his hands, sucking in a breath and ignoring the way his heartbeat picked up speed when you smiled, hair a mess and skin flushed when you finally wrangled the sweatshirt down. He didn’t know what was worse, remembering the day you made the old, hand-bleached sweatshirt, or how your body underneath it looked the day you did. 
It had been the hottest day of the summer, he had been laying in the dark, with a fan blowing on him when the lights flipped on without warning. Wincing and squinting as you stood above him, a lime green bikini top, cut off shorts - that kind the pockets stuck out past the frayed denim, revealing far too much. A grape popsicle in one hand and a bag from the dollar store in the other asking him if he wanted to have some fun. Somehow the girl he’d grown up with, somehow his best friend, and somehow a woman with a figure and confidence and-
He’d struck out on every single date he’d had since, either calling it off himself or girls telling him he should “tell her” whatever the fuck that means. 
Eddie stood in front of you, holding out the bowl of fruit loops, until you took it with both hands, bouncing up and down on your now wool-sock covered toes. He kept his gaze on the bowl as he poured, waiting for you to say ‘when’ and you took the opportunity to admire the way his eyelashes cast a shadow on his skin and the way this new shorter haircut made his curls go every which way and wondering if it’d be weird for you to card your fingers through it. 
You know, as friends do. 
His brown eyes met your gaze, his eyebrows shooting up in a question and you startled out of imagining things you shouldn’t have been about your best friend. “Oh! When! Sorry!”
Nestling yourself between the couch and coffee table, you glanced at the short stories he was grading while he put the milk away and grabbed a beer, your voice calling out around a too big of bite, “One for me please!”
He was already rounding the corner with one in hand and you beamed, putting on a funny voice, “Why thank you good sir.”
Eddie flicked your shoulder as he sat, “You’ve had too much sugar tonight.”
Taking another bite, you drummed your hands on the coffee table, waiting until you had swallowed to look at him, remote poised to hit play. “So, final predictions, Munson?”
He sighed, taking a swig of the amber liquid, letting it coat his tongue as he squinted at the TV. “For the record, again, I do not like this show and I have not been watching it and-”
Your hand waved him off, interrupting, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, your man card is still intact. Just play the game.”
He hunched over the coffee table, elbows on his knees after he ran a hand through his hair. You quickly looked at the TV before your eyes could linger on the muscle flexing in his arm, before your mind could wander to the tattoos that disappeared under the white cotton shirt. Before you could start to wonder about the matching tattoos in script on his ribcage, tracing it with his tong-
“Ex. Totally the ex.” He declared, starting to grade again. 
“No way, they did that like three seasons ago. I think it’s the girl he sent home that first night. The one he talked to, you know? He walked her out? Which is really weird for a first rose ceremony.”
“Uh-huh.” His eyes scanned the story about aliens and cowboys in front of him, his middle schoolers just as unpredictable and weird as you. He loved them. 
You tapped the back of the paper, nodding, “This one should get an A,” you spoke around a mouthful, “Real plot twist ending.”
He tapped your nose with the cap of his red pen, “Who has the teaching degree?”
His lips twitched in a fight of a smile at your eye roll and your snarky, “Who’s home on a Friday night grading twelve year old’s writing while watching ‘The Bachelor’?”
“Not watching,” he took another sip of beer.
He’d lost count of how many years he’d “not” been watching The Bachelor with you, but long enough for The Bachelorette, and then Paradise to be added. 
It became a tradition to record them and wait till your schedules allowed you both to sit down and watch it. This season, they’d been hinting about this episode from the beginning, some big reveal, a person interrupting a date, and you’d been placing bets for a month. 
You nodded, satisfied, hitting play, “I’m right.”
The dramatic music resumed, the heels clicked on the cobblestone as a deep sapphire blue dress was panned up and up-
Eddie’s eyebrows bunched, his stomach did a little twist because of fucking course. He watched as your spoon, overflowing with fruit loops, stopped before your lips. Your mouth parted in a gasp, and you swore. 
“Vanessa?” Hunky bachelor man sputtered on screen. The blonde he’d just been about to makeout with completely forgotten as he stood, smiling through his shock, “What are you doing here?”
“Oh my god,” your spoon clattered into the bowl, pink milk splashing over the side a little as your hands went to your temples, elbows landing hard on the coffee table. 
Vanessa looked at the blonde date, then at him, whispering, “Hey, I know…sorry I’m so nervous.” She laughed a little, reaching for his hand he was already offering out reassuringly, “Can I talk to you?”
Hunky bachelor man didn’t hesitate for a second, nodding, “Of course. Yeah, hold on.”
He excused himself from the other girl, the two walking away and talking incoherently as the camera zoomed in on sad blonde. Eddie was ninety percent certain her name was Rachel and she taught yoga. Or maybe it was Jessica and she was in real estate. 
Either way, sad blonde was now in her confessional. Her blue eyes dead, fake, runny mascara lines running down her cheeks as she stared at something beyond the camera, and a commercial started. Eddie booed. 
Your head whipped around, glaring at him, “Why the hell are you booing?!”
Eddie shook his head, gesturing at the TV and took another swig of his beer, angry. “That’s bullshit.”
You were on your knees, sitting up, eyes wide, tone incredulous, “What do you mean that’s bullshit?!”
“The best friend? C’mon.” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the screen again. 
“I don’t understand why you think that’s bullshit?” Your cheeks hot, hand in your hair as your brain circled through the footage of them from the beginning of the season. The interview with her smiling sadly, wishing him luck and hoping the best for him. Hoping he found what he was looking for. 
You started to message your other bestie:
You: IT WAS THE BEST FRIEND?! Robin: babe, seriously? You didn’t see that coming? YOU?
Your eyes darted over to Eddie, quickly locking your phone again as his adam’s apple bobbed with another gulp. 
Was it that obvious?
Eddie scratched at the label on his bottle, knee bouncing as he shrugged. “I think there’s gonna be some big confession about how she’s always loved him, maybe he says it back, but like, if she always loved him, why weren’t they together before the show? Why is she saying it now?”
“Maybe she didn’t know how she felt fully,” you countered, hand thrown to the TV.
He shook his head again and stood, “If she didn’t know how she felt, why is she there? Why is she a part of the show? I bet they offered her a shit load of money.”
Eddie felt hot, angry at a fake reality show, making people believe best friends fall in love. Making innocent people hope that one day it could happen to them. It was bullshit. It wasn’t real.  
You were on your feet, following him towards the kitchen. “No, no way. That was all her. Couldn’t you see it in her face? She loves him. She just needed to tell him before it was too late.”
Eddie tossed his empty bottle, spinning to find you right on his heel. “Okay, maybe she is. Maybe it’s real and not for TV, but then that’s super shitty of her.”
You laughed, hands on your hips, “What?! How is telling someone you love them, shitty, Eddie?”
He threw his hands in the air, “Because! She had to have known for a long time. Had to have known how she felt. The only reason she’s telling him now is because she’s jealous. Or she’s afraid she’ll lose him, so she’s sabotaging his love life which is selfish.”
Your head shook, but Eddie’s heart accelerated, words tumbling out of him before he could stop them. “I bet that guy has been in love with her since they were like fifteen and every single relationship he’s had has ended because of her. Because,” he licked his lips and spoke faster, hands gesturing wildly, “If it wasn’t him comparing every single girl to her, it was them, dumping him, because of his best friend hanging around making them doubt their relationship.”
His words felt like a bucket of cold water was dumped on you, toes going numb as he finished, voice softer, strained, “And that’s really fucking shitty. If she knew how she felt and never told him.”
“Maybe she was scared to ruin their friendship! Did you ever think about that? And why couldn’t he tell her?” Your cheeks hot, fingers curled in fists at your side as you glared at your best friend. Was he insinuating that you were the reason he was single? Your throat felt dry, head and heart pounding as you blurt out, “What if she lost her best friend in the whole entire world because she was selfish and had to know how his lips felt, huh? What if it didn’t work out?”
Your bodies were magnets, chests almost touching as your breath came sharper, his brown eyes darting over your face - the few inches between you pulsing, like if someone snapped their fingers a fire could start. 
Voice cracking, as you stared at the curve of his lips, “What if the guy who held her hand on a swing set when they were ten and promised to always be there, suddenly wasn’t there?”
Eddie swallowed, nerves of that ten and fifteen year old alive like he never outgrew them because suddenly he wasn’t talking about the show anymore and neither were you. 
Your breath caught in your chest as he reached his hand towards you, heart stumbling over itself it was going so fast as his fingers curled around your jaw. 
His voice was raspy, full of years, but soft, eyes even more so as he leaned in, forehead touching yours.
“Sweetheart, he’s always gonna be there.”
Then he was kissing you.  
His lips parted over yours, a ghost of a touch, before he let a shaky exhale warm them, waiting. 
It was like tasting your favorite food for the first time, the way you tilted to catch his lips again, needing more, the way the movement encouraged him to keep going. The scrape of his short scruff against your skin made your toes curl, spice and mint of his cologne drawing you closer. He parted your mouth with his, a little fuller of a kiss, stealing your breath as he caught your bottom lip with his teeth. Cheap beer and sweet cereal on shared breaths, each of your desperate inhales pushing your chests together, back arching as his hands found your hips and yours climbed higher up his chest. 
The two of you started to stumble backwards, your lips moving a little more desperately against each other until the back of his legs were hitting the couch. Your body followed his, knees landing on either side of his hips as he sat and you spoke into his lips, both panting. “Is this okay?”
Eddie nodded, hands roaming lower, sliding over the curve of your ass as he tapped his nose against yours, brown eyes hidden under heavy lids and blown out pupils. His bottom lip hitting your top with his own question, “This?”
You pressed yourself lower, feeling him hard against you and groaned as he squeezed. “So okay, Eddie.”
He cursed quietly, encouraged your hips, holding them down and thrusting up to meet each roll as he leaned in for more. 
Eddie’s lips brushed over yours in a gentle, deep, and confident way. A man who knows how to kiss, and does so with intent. His hand roamed from your hip, waist, settling against your ribs and scratching as his tongue licked slowly over your bottom lip, releasing a shiver to run through your body. 
Your hands explored up the smooth planes of his chest, over broad shoulders, until they were against the back of his head, fingers running through the short, dark curls there. His mouth savored yours as his hands pressed to the back of your spine, drawing you closer, your chests heaving together, kissing becoming urgent, like you were making up for the years of lost time. 
Gripping each other tightly, each sharp inhale and exhale against one another addicting, demanding you be closer. You tugged on his hair to hear him stutter out your name, a whisper against kiss bitten lips, he rolled his tongue over yours before sucking on your bottom lip to draw a noise from deep within your chest out. 
Teasing and curious touches, using what you’ve grown to know about each other from years of bad (and some good) dating stories, and trying to learn even more yourselves.
“I’ve been in love with you since we were fifteen,” her voice echoed out of the TV speaker and your mouth titled in a smile, teeth scraping against his bottom lip. 
Eddie huffed, the two of you breaking apart, breathless as you laughed together. 
His palms soothed up and down your spine, his nose skimming the bridge of yours as you both took a second to breathe, to realize what had been in front of you the entire time.
“It was always you,” hunky bachelor man choked out. 
Eddie rolled his eyes as you threw your head back in a louder laugh, his smile pressed along the hinge of your jaw, shaking his head as he squeezed your waist. 
Yeah, it was always you. 
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miradelletarot · 4 months
What's your favorite thing about Gale? I hope you feel better soon! 🥺
This is, perhaps the most difficult question for me...there's so much to love!! I don't think I have a *favorite* honestly because he's so damn lovely I can't honestly pick one thing. But, to satisfy the question, I think I will say his vulnerability.
It's a beautifully brave thing to be vulnerable. To let your walls come down, and bear your soul to someone. Especially someone you just met, and you both have a tadpole in your eyes.
Gale takes a quick assessment of your personality and basically says 'yeah, this is a good one,' and proceeds to reveal this darkness within him (that he's SURE you will push him away for). But, he takes that risk at a great cost to his well-being. If you tell him to leave your party, he's taking Midnight Tears, and condemning himself to death (because he'll have no choice). If you offer him support, and let him stay however, he lights up like a beacon. Again, if/when you and Gale become romantic, he's not one to shy away from expressing himself even if it means the result is scaring you away (which we all know he seems to anticipate because...why would anyone love a former chosen?) But again, he's met with love and respect. As your friendship/romance blossoms, so too does his ability to be vulnerable. He's grown to trust you, and value your perspective because you have put your trust in him after all this time. By the end of it all, he's less and less afraid to share the deepest parts of himself with you, and with less fear of rejection.
With that vulnerability comes a deep sense of love, respect, tenderness, and fondness. He feels so much and so deeply that he can't contain himself, but he totally expects everyone around him to cast him aside like an old copy of the Baldur's Mouth.
I hope that answered your question!
And...I'll be ok. Rough day at work, and honestly? I'm not sure what my future is at the office job. Which gives me a great deal of concern, but alas. We press on, and hope for a better tomorrow.
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baby-alien11 · 7 months
Memories: First Public Apearance (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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Since the start of your relationship on end of august, you and Jack decided to keep it private except for close friends and family to have a few months of peace before having the scrutiny of the public on you, at the eyes of the world both of you were good friends who support each other, but behind close doors you were more than friends, you were lovers
And deciding that a hard launch at the last month of the year would be iconic, the Avatar: The Way of Water London premiere would be the perfect oportunity
So, while he and the rest of the cast were doing press, you and your team of stylist were organizing everything to travel to London, return to LA, and Canada
"Okay, the Club L London brown dress is already bought, we just need to try it when we arrive in London, we achieved to pull an Armani archive for LA, and the Norma Kamali will arrive the same day we do in Canada, we have all the shoes and accesories", Nora enlisted while the living room was a mess with clothes, shoes and accesories, "We got the inspiration moodboards for all the looks, and also the street looks for the three cities, we just need to organize everything"
"Do we need another suitcase?", you asked sitting on the floor in the middle of the mess, "I mean, three countries in two weeks, and I'm also staying with Jack and his mom in Virginia for the holidays"
"Just in case", Nora nodded, "We can use one for the premiere looks and another for the regular clothes"
Going to your room, you went to your closet to get another suitcase and bring it to the first floor to continue with the organization
"We'll do your nails the day before leaving to London, and we got the design ready, which is beautiful", Nora continued checking her tablet, "Make up will be provided by Charlotte Tilbury, Fenty Beauty, Rare Beauty and the Nyx Avatar Collection"
"That is a beautiful collection", Lysette, the make up artist, said, "I can't wait to play with it"
"Hey, sorry to interrumpt but there's a package for you, tornado", Skeet said entering the living room with a big box in his arms which was left in a free space in the middle of the chaos, "Biggest PR package so far"
"Holy shit", you murmured getting up to open it revealing a blue box with the title of the next Avatar movie
Smiling, you went to got your phone to send a text to the person you knew will answer your thoughts
My champ
Hey babe, I hope I'm not interrupting anything
But, can I call you?
Not even a minute after you sent those texts, your phone light up with a videocall from Jack which you were quick to answer
"Hello gorgeous", Jack greeted when he saw your face
"Hi babe", you smiled, "How's everything?"
"Good, we're having a break between interviews", Jack responded moving the phone to show his outfit
"Uh, I love the outfit", you signaled, "By the way, guess what just arrived?"
"An advent calendar? Your Casetify order? A new baking book?"
"No, no and no", you responded before moving the camera to show the big blue box, "Straight out of Pandora, it seems"
"I'm glad it arrived before the trip here", Jack smiled, "And it's more of hand picked gifts, than the regular PR box they are sending to the rest"
"In that case I can't wait to open it, any clues on what I can expect inside?"
"I just going to say that you'll love everything is inside"
"Is that Y/N?", you heard Trinity's voice off-screen, "I want to talk to her"
Seeing a bit of tussle between Jack and what seemed to be Trinity, Bailry and Jamie for a few minutes during what you went to the patio to sit in a sofa, it ended when their faces were in the screen and trying to prevent Jack from taking his phone
"Hi, guys", you smiled, "It's nice to see you"
"I miss you", Trinity said, "When are you coming?"
"My flight is in two days", you responded, "We're still organizing the luggage"
"Did you get what I sent you?", Bailey asked
"I did!", you nodded lifting your hand, "I'm already wearing the Baby Vamp Ring and the Donna bundle, and I love the blue in your hair"
"Do you want to know the end of the movie?", Jamie asked
"No, thank you", you responded
"Guys, give me my phone", Jack exclaimed while trying to grab his phone, "I want to talk to my girlfriend"
"You talk to her daily, we don't", Trinity pointed
"Guys, guys", you claimed their attention, "I promise that the moment I arrive we can talk about everything, I promise"
"Ghostface princess promise?", Bailey asked
"Ghostface princess promise", you nodded
Satisfied with that response, they gave Jack his phone back
"Hi again"
"Hi", you laughed, "I can't wait to go there"
"And I can't wait for you to be here", just as Jack was about to speak again, he was called to continue with the interviews, "I guess duty calls"
"I understand", you nodded, "Go there and be the charming boy that you are"
"I love you gorgeous"
"I love you babe"
Ending the call, you returned to the living room where things were still being organized to move the box to another part of the house with good lighting and position the phone with the light ring in a way that the box and you were visible, before starting an instagram live
"Hello dearest friends behind the screen, Y/N here, I hope you are doing well from wherever you are watching this", you greeted looking at the camera, "So, this package arrived a few minutes ago, and you know I love doing unboxings, so lets start, but first I would like to thank the Avatar: The Way of Water team for sending this"
Opening the top of the box, you were welcomed with a hand written card, which you read out loud
"Dear Y/N, in honor of Avatar: The Way of Water releasing soon we would like to sent you some gifts inspired by the incredible world of Pandora, I hope you like everything that is inside the box and make your experience of watching the movie even better, sincerely, your friends from Avatar", you finished reading to look at the camera again, "Aw, thank you guys, I really apreciate it, okay, lets see what's inside"
Leaving the card in the table next to you, you removed the blue and teal paper to start getting the things
"First we have these blind boxes, we have four of them, after the live I'll open them and upload to stories what I got, then whe have these two atokirinas which you can hang in any space you want, I love the atokirinas, they're so cute, next we have a hat, three shirts and a hoodie, we have also a Loungefly Toruk Makto wallet, plushies of an ikran, a pa'li, a palulukan and an ilu, we also got a scented candle, I love scented candles and this one smells amazing, we have a water bottle which I'm going to use for the gym, we also got an...are you serious? It's an action figure of an ikran, it's so beautiful, I love the purple and green combination and the details, and lastly we have...a LEGO of the Tree of Souls! Guys, you're spoiling me a lot! Fun fact: this is my second favorite tree, the first is the Tree of Voices, but it was destroyed, someone has a video of me crying while watching that scene, well, I would like to thank the team of Avatar for these wonderful gifts, I love them so much, I'm so grateful for them and I'm going to enjoy them so much, also for everyone seeing this, don't forget to watch the movie on cinemas on december 16, I'm sure we are going to love it, love you guys, until next time"
Finishing the live, you put everything in the box again to return to the living room and continue with the packing, this time adding the hoodie in everyone of your airport outfits
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When the day of the flight came, and after a ten and a half hours flight, you along with the team of stylists and yours and dad's publicist arrived at London during the afternoon, getting on the van that was sent to go to the hotel were everyone was staying
Arriving at the hotel and getting all the luggage out of the van, your group entered t go to the lobby and get the rooms
"Anna", you exclaimed when she entered the lobby to hug her
"Hi angel", she smiled hugging you back, "I'm so glad you arrived in time"
"I'm also glad to be here", you nodded once the hug ended, "How's everything and everyone?"
"Good, they in the middle of the last interviews of the day", Anna responded while both you returned to the reception, "Tomorrow is the last day and then the next day is the premiere"
Returning to the reception, you filled a form of registration because you'll be staying in the same suite as them, so after they gave the extra key and the rest of your team got theirs, all of you went to the elevators to go to the floors where everyone was staying
While the team stayed in a floor below with the rest of the other teams, you went to the floor were all the cast and part of the crew with their families were staying to walk thought the hall until you and Anna reached the correct door that she opened it helping you with one of your suitcases, even thought if you insisted on carry the two suitcases and the tote bag
"Here's our room", Anna said closing the door, "My room is the one on the left, and Jack and yours is on the right, I think Butters is still eating"
Entering the suite, you saw Butters eating in the dinning room table who at the moment you aproach to scratch him, left his food to greet you because he hasn't see you in a few weeks
"Hi, baby", you said in a small voice scratching him between the ears, "Are you being a good boy? Yes, you are"
"He's enjoying having the room by himself almost all the day", Anna commented, "We often return and he's sleeping in different parts of the whole place"
"Mr Butters is living his best life", you joked
"Angel, do you mind if I leave you for a little while?", Anna asked helping you to carry your things to your room, "They only have two interviews left for the day and I usually am there"
"No, it's okay, don't worry", you assured, "I'm just going to organize my things"
After Anna left making sure you were going to be okay, you started to put some of your things in the bathroom and some of your shoes on the closet, including the sneakers you were wearing, without taking too much space
Once you finished organizing your things, you went to the small kitchen, followed by Butters walking behind you, to drink some water
"So, Butters", you talked to the sphynx cat who jumped into the counter next to you while petting him, "How's fame treating you?"
Just as Butters let a few meows and purrs, the principal door opened inmediatly followed by Jack, still in his interview outfit of the day
"My love!"
Running to each other, both of you met in the middle to collide into a hug, during which Jack lift you up the ground at what you circled his waist with your legs
For a few minutes, both of you stayed in the same position with your arms around his neck and legs arund his waist, while he rounded your waist with his arms, and his head on top of yours, all while Anna stayed in the entrace filming the entire thing
"I missed you", you said
"I missed you too", Jack responded now looking you in the eyes, "I was literally jumping in my seat during all the interviews just thinking about you arriving today"
"I was also hoping that the plane would go faster", you said, "But I rewatched the movie to have it fresh in my mind, and read the three volumes of 'The High Ground' on my iPad, and then I fell asleep for the rest of the flight"
"Hey, what if I go change because they'll kill me if I wrinkle the clothes and then we can talk and have some dinner?"
Nodding, Jack left you put your feet on the ground to go to his room and change to something more comfortable, while you and Anna started to order some room service for dinner
While having dinner, the three of you talked about everything that happened while being in different countries before going to sleep because of the tiring day all of you had
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The next day, while Jack was being styled for the last day of press, you dressed up in a black body, a Burberry skirt, black tights and black high boots, with your hair tied with a hairclip to spend the day with your mom
After being ready and taking your stuff, the three of you went to the first floor to get breakfast at the hotel restaurant were some of the cast were eating, and noticing the table where Trinity and Bailey were, you gave your jacket and purse to Jack before walking silently to them before covering their eyes with your hands
"What's your favorite scary movie?", you said in your best impression of the ghostface voice
"The one you're going to be in", Trinity responded taking you hand that was covering her eyes, "You're here!"
Almost screaming, both girls stood from their seats to share hugs before Jamie, Britain, Filip and Duane joined when seeing the commotion, greeting you when they saw you there
"When did you arrive?", Bailey asked when all of you sat in the table
"Last night", you answered after ordering a coffee, "While you were having the last interviews of the day"
"And we decided to wait until today because all of us were tired", Jack explained with his arm around the back of your chair
"Smart choice", Britain nodded
"So, Y/N, the movie ends with-"
"Goodbye, I'm going to get breakfast", you interrupted Jamie standing from your chair
"I already told you she hates spoilers", Jack said to him before following you to the buffet
"You seriously wanted to tell Y/N Ulrich, the daughter of the first ghostface, the end of the movie?", Duane asked
"It was a joke", Jamie justified, "Besides I told a hundred people the ending"
"Yeah, but she is the ghostface princess, she's horror royalty", Bailey insisted, "And she's a baddie too"
"I heard that", you exclaimed from the buffet, "You're also a baddie and part of horror royalty, Bai"
"By the way, we got renewed for a second season", Bailey said
"I'll be seated", you responded finally returning with a plate of fruit with yogurt and another of regular breakfast food, "So, how's everyone doing?"
"Us we're good, just chilling until we have to go to the premiere tomorrow", Filip said refering to him, Duane and Britain, "Today we're just going watch some movies and going out for lunch, want to join us?"
"I appreciate the offer, but I made plans with my mom to have lunch and spend the day together", you declined, "And I also need to pick up my dress for tomorrow"
"Do you have pictures?", Trinity asked at what you nodded and gave her your phone with the picture of the dress, "It's beautiful, it's giving Evermore"
"And you haven't seen the shoes", you added, "They look like the Tree of Souls"
"Hey, kids", a member of the Avatar media team said getting close to the table, "Sorry for interrupt, but the interviews start in twenty minutes, we need to go"
Eating the most they could of their breakfast, Jack, Trinity, Bailey and Jamie stood from their seats to follow the media person and their families
"See you later, gorgeous", Jack said while sharing a hug, "Enjoy the day and say 'hi' to your mom from me"
"I will", you nodded, "Have fun and go charm everyone, spider boy"
"I love you", Jack smiled with a small kiss
"I love you", you returned the smile
"Where's our kiss?", Duane joked
"Are any of you my girlfriend?", Jack joked, now only circling your waist with an arm to watch the three of them
"No, but we spent four years together", Britain simplified, "We peed in the tank, that was a bonding experience"
"Ew", Bailey groaned, "It's more gross everytime I heard it"
"We all peed in the tank", Jamie exclaimed, "You can't denied it"
"Guys, James is saying that he personally is going to come if you aren't there in five minutes", the media person said reading the message James sent
"Big boss is calling", Trinity commented
Saying the last goodbyes, they left to continue with the last day of interviews, while the four of you returned to eat
"Do you want to see pictures of Jack during filming?", Filip asked
"Absolutely", you exclaimed, "Show me everything"
During the rest of the breakfast, they showed you photos of everyone during the filming of the movies while being careful to not spoil something, and even adding you to the groupchat "Pandora kids"
A bit after finishing breakfast and talking a bit more, you along with Nora and Rachel took a cab to go to the store to get the dress for the next day; arriving at the front of the store, you noticed your moms car parked outside the store and she reclined against it
"Mom", you exclaimed running to her
"Hi baby", Georgina smiled hugging you tightly, "I'm happy to see you here, you look beautiful, I love the outfit"
"Thank you", you smiled twirling a little
Entering the store, they lead the four of you to a private area where the dress was hanging on the wall, with a few couches, small tables, a changing area and a big mirror
"It's even more beautiful in person", you squealed aproaching to saw it better, "I can't wait to try it"
Going to the changing room with the consultant, you changed from your clothes to the dress before stepping out and stand in front of the mirror
"You look stunning", Georgina smiled taking pictures with her phone
"How does it feel?", Nora asked helping you with the heels
"It's comfortable", you responded looking at yourself in the mirror, "I love the fabric, the shape, the color, the slit"
"Can we close the slit?", Georgina joked
"Mom!", you laughed
"And the best part, is that no one has worn it to any red carpet, premiere or event", Rachel, your publicist, said, "And the shoes and the nails are the perfect contrast against the brown"
"With all the complete styling tomorrow it will be perfect", Nora pointed, "I can already picture it"
After returning to your regurlar clothes and while they were packing the dress, you decided to check some things they had in there which end up in buying some things
While leaving the store and waiting for a cab, Nora and Rachel took the dress and the things you bought to take them back to the hotel, while you and Georgina drove to another part where there were stores and coffee shops to walk around
"So, are you excited for tomorrow?", Georgina asked with her arm around your shoulders, "The premiere and making the relationship public"
"Yeah, I can't wait to not hide anymore", you smiled, "Also excited because I know the movie is going to be incredible, by the way, Jack says 'hi'"
"I'm so happy that you found someone who loves you a lot, he's a good guy, and respect of the movie, I literally see giant posters of the characters in every street"
Laughing, both of you continue to walk until she stopped in front of a Hérmes boutique confusing you a bit
"Quit that face, you got three premieres to attend", Georgina joked, "I wanted to give you an early christmas present, and I know you dream of having a Birkin bag some day and that you have to have a sales history, so I decided to get you the first item"
"Thank you so much, mom", you almost sobbed hugging her, "It really means a lot"
"Anything for you, little one"
Entering the boutique, a sales associate aproached with a kind smile
"Miss Cates, welcome", the sales associate greeted, "I'm Irene, I will be your sales associate for the appointment"
"Thank you so much, the appointment is for my daughter, I want her to choose something she likes"
"Hi, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you", you said shaking her hand
Walking around the boutique and seeing the things they offered, until you decided to try some sandals for tomorrow in case you wanted to change shoes for the after party, and also because they were stunning
During the rest of the day, both of you walked around some of the streets and having lunch at a nice restaurant (in which you decided to bought pastries for everyone), before continue with the walk and some shopping in between, until it was time for you to return to the hotel to be in time for the dinner that was organized before the premiere tomorrow
"I wish I could be here tomorrow with you", Georgina sighed while hugging you
"I share the feeling, mom", you said, "But I understand that you have a very important photoshoot"
"But I promise I would have all my twitter and instagram notifications on to see you on the carpet"
After saying goodbye again and making sure that you were inside the hotel, Georgina left while you walked towards the elevator to leave your shopping spree in the room and retouch your make up
"Hello baby Butters", you exclaimed closing the door and leaving the bags in the kitchen table to see the cat waking up from his nap in the back of the couch, "I bought you something to be elegant and cute"
Going through one of the bags, you pulled out a red collar and a pair of glasses for cats and getting them closer so he can sniff them, and having his seal of approval, you put the items on him carefully before taking photos of him and then carrying him in front of the mirror and putting your glasses and taking a few photos of both of you
"We look amazing", you declared sending the photos to Jack and Anna before putting the cat in your lap
Fortunately, the retouch only consisted in removing your jacket, re-aplying your lipstick and releasing your hair from the hairclip and brushing it, so when Jack and Anna returned from the last day of interviews, the three of you went to the first floor where the dinner will be held in a conference room
Arriving there, Anna went to talk to some of the parents while you and Jack walked around the room to find a table, until he saw someone
"Come, I want you to meet someone", Jack smiled walking you towards a small group, "Sig!"
Knowing who he was calling by the nickname, you almost froze in your place if it wasn't for Jack's arm around your waist guiding you towards her, who stopped her conversation to turn to look at both of you with a smile on her face
"Queen Sigourney", you murmured still in shock
"Sig, this is my girlfriend, Y/N", Jack presented both of you
"I've heard so much about you", Sigourney speaked hugging you while you were still in shock, "I'm so happy to meet you"
Separating from the hug, you were still in shock but you gained the hability to speak again
"I'm a great fan of you, it's an honor to meet you", you said not noticing how Jack slipped away, "I'm sorry if I sound like a fangirl, it's just that I admire you a lot, and Alien was the first horror movie that I saw, and I'm sorry if I started rambling"
"That's okay, don't worry", Sigourney laughed, "I also act like that when I met someone that I admire"
"Okay, now I feel a bit calm", you joked, "And I would also like to tell you, that in high school I wrote an essay about you"
"I think that is the best compliment I recieved, what was the name of the essay?"
"'How Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley influenced on the future final girls', and I got an A+ and I was published in the school newspaper along with the other perfect grades"
"If you don't mind I would love to read it"
"Of course! I'll send it to you"
After exchanging numbers, you sending her the essay, talking for a bit more and taking a few photos together, you went to the table where Jack was sitting talking with Duane
"I think I just died and came back to life", you said sitting in the chair next to Jack who was quick to put his arm around your shoulders at what you put your head on his shoulder
"How was the conversation?", Duane asked
"It was like talking to an angel, I swear I was going to fade at any moment, especially because she asked to read my essay about her, and now I have her number on my phone"
"How did you save her?", Jack asked this time
"The only correct answer is 'Queen Sigourney'", you smiled, "And then she saved me as 'The cutest Ulrich', this is one of the best days of my life"
Noticing how James Cameron and Jon Landau were stepping into the small stage with mics on his hands, everyone went to sit at their tables, which include Duane going to the table where his family was, and Anna sitting with you two
"Here's my boy", Stephen Lang said clapping Jack on his back before sitting on his other side, "How's everything going?"
"Good, good, everything's good", Jack nodded, "I wanted to introduce you to someone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend"
"It's nice to finally meet you, Jack has told me a lot about you", Stephen said shaking your hand
"It's nice to meet you too", you smiled, "I'm such a great fan of your work, especially 'Don't Breathe', it's one of my favorites"
"Big fan of horror, I see", Stephen pointed
"I guess it's in my blood", you joked causing everyone to laugh
Interrupting the small conversations, James and Jon gave a speech thanking everyone for being part of the project and things like that, and anouncing a small karaoke between the boys and the girls
"Y/N, you're with us!", Bailey exclaimed from her table
"Of course I am!", you exclaimed back
Running to the stage, the boys choose 'I Want It That Way' and 'Everybody' from The Backstreet Boys (Britain wanted to die from embarrasment during the whole thing) while the three of you choose 'Bad Blood' and 'Look What You Made Me Do' from Taylor Swift, while the adults were having fun watching the small battle
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The next day, which was the premiere, all of you took the oportunity to woke up a bit late until the glam teams arrive to start the prepearing for the afternoon, and it seemed like the rest had the same idea because while having a little brunch thanks to the room service, all of the younger cast came to the room to grab from the box of pastries you bought the day before
When the glam teams arrived and while they started to prepare the things and the outfits, each of you took a shower before sitting to get ready, except for Jack who at the moment was wearing face masks sitting on the couch while playing with Butters
During the process of the hairstyle, your phone started to ring with a groupal videocall from your dad and siblings, which you were quick to accept inmediatly seeing their faces
"Hi everyone", you greeted
"There's the fashion icon of the family", Jakob exclaimed with Megan by his side from their house, "What time is it there?"
"Three twenty-two", you responded
"Here is seven twenty-two", Skeet said taking a sip of her coffee, "How's London?"
"Fortunately, not as cold as I thought, by the way, say 'hi'"
Moving your phone, you pointed at everyone in the room who were happy to greet your family at the screen
"Everyone looks beautiful", Naiia exclaimed, "What time is the premiere?"
"Starts at six, and we have to arrive before nine", Jack said at what you turned the camera to his face again, "We're going to run on caffeine and energy drinks"
"With responsability", Anna pointed at what you moved the phone to her direction, "Only a coffee and an energy drink per premiere"
"Anna, you're a saint only for dealing with those two", Jakob joked causing everyone to laugh
"Especially after tons of caffeine", Skeet continued
After talking for bit more the call ended to let all of you to continue to get ready, when Anna was ready, it was Jacks turn to get ready, while they finished your make up, they started to prepare everything to dress you
"Y/N, it's time", Nora said with tape and scissors
"I thought we were going to use the strapless bra", you frowned
"We don't want to take the risk of the bra falling off mid-premiere so the tape is better", Nora explained
Sighing, you got up from your chair to follow her along with Lysette and Tessa to your room
"Wish me luck", you said before closing the door
"Good luck!", the rest exclaimed
Getting into the tape and dress took twenty minutes, during which you talked with them about random topics, after putting the dress, the four of you got out to see Jack in his suit ready for the premiere while you were still putting on the accesories, shoes and prepearing your purse and the emergency sandals
Once your look was ready, they took a few profesional photos for social media, before getting to the lobby and into the van to go to the premiere
Arriving there, all of you got out of the van and walk a bit hearing people going crazy by seeing the two of you holding hands, before stopping to wait to your turn for the press photos
When it was your turn, both of you walked to the first part of the carpet to let them take photos of you side-hugging, which some of them ended up in both of you looking at each other laughing and smiling, even sharing small kisses on the cheeks and lips, and then some of them were individually
Letting him take photos with the rest of the cast, you followed Rachel to the press area where a reporter from 'People' was waiting to interview you
"Y/N Ulrich! Look at you!", the reporter exclaimed making you laugh, "You never disapoint with your looks, can we talk about this one, if you don't mind?"
"Of course", you smiled, "This whole look is inspired by Jacks character, Spider, this Club L London brown dress represents his costume, the blue accesories the painted blue stripes, the hair is also an interpretation of his hairstyle, the nails are also na'vi themed, and the shoes, I don't know if you can see them, but I bought them because they reminded me of the Tree of Souls"
"I absolutely have no words for your creativity"
"Thank you so much, and it was a team effort with my styling team, they are my fairy godmothers"
"That's a beautiful way to refer to them, now, speaking of the movie, the first one came in 2009 and now in 2022, we're finally seeing the second one and also we have three more movies in the way, how does it feels to be able to see the franchise expand?"
"It's amazing, and I'm not going to lie, I saw the first movie for the first time early this year during one of Jack and I's dates, and I ended up mesmerized by the amazing world that James and Jon created along with the cast and crew, and knowing the effort everyone put during this years of production it adds more value"
"What do you expect to see in the movie?"
"First of all, I don't want to see Neytiri suffering, my girl deserves a break and a nice vacation after everything that happened in the first one, and also I can't wait to see the new part of Pandora, which is Awa'atlu and the metakyinas"
"Well, thank you so much for this interview, it was a pleasure to talk with you, you look incredible, and also congratulations on your relationship with Jack"
"Thank you so much, you look beatiful as well, enjoy the night"
After doing two more interviews, you saw that the cast was doing their interviews, so you went with Anna to keep her company
"How's it going?", you gretted them intervining your arm with hers
"It feels gratifying to see everything became real, I feel proud of him", Anna said a bit emotional
"You have every right to be, you have been with Jack since the beggining, it's a full circle moment", you responded putting your head on her shoulder
After Jack finished his interviews (in which you joined him for two), everyone entered the teather to finally watch the movie
"Y/N, last chance for me to tell you the ending", Jamie joked while all of you walked into the teather
"Not going to happen", you denied, "We're litearlly about to see the movie and I won't let anyone, speacially you, tell me the ending"
"That was hot", Jack murmured in your ear while hugging you from behind
"Thank you", you smiled
Entering the teather, you grabed a bag of butter popcorn and a package of red twists to go sit with Anna, while the cast went to the front to share a few words before the movie
In the end, the movie completely broke you (it was luck that your make up was waterproof) so much that even James Cameron aproached to see if you were okay and to invite you to the set when filming starts again
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silentmagi · 4 months
Rising Star
Welcome back, I hope that you’re all still enjoying the story, and are sharing it with those you think would enjoy it. Last time we were saying good night to our celestial duo, and asking where to go. Our results were:
Those druids are waiting, let’s visit them
So let’s see how they’re doing.
Once more plunging into the depths of the seemingly endless forests, Star was mildly regretting accepting the request from the mayor. Visiting his father-in-law to drop off the scroll was not something she considered in her field of expertise. However, she was an academia student and that didn’t exactly pay when classes weren’t in session.
At least this time there was a worn and marked path leading them, and not the overgrown, barely blazed trail  that led to and from the tower. While she may just be a researcher for the rest of her life, hopefully, if she were to set up a tower, she would make a one or two story library with a well marked, paved, and lit.
She would be able to step out for a glass of wine or cup of tea, and not have to portal all over the planet.
Not having magic meant that this was all supposition, and judging by the pack of wolves that were now flanking them, and probably had been for a while, she imagined that the druids knew they were coming. The lingering thought that they’d been there for a while, was not just as comforting as she hoped supposedly friendly animals would be.
The wolves kept them on the path, one of the younger ones daring to come closer and snuffle at the humans, giving the horse a wide berth. Whatever they were checking for, the wolf seemed satisfied as they licked playfully at Luna’s hand and bounded down the trail with its tail wagging.
Sharing a look with the bard, she felt some of her tension melt as she saw her laughing and shaking her head at the antics. The setting sun was casting a golden glow to the woods, and they could make out the wooden huts and several more animals running around a clearing. Based on what she’d read, that might be the glen up ahead.
The massive mountain of a man wearing a cloak of feathers and waving a staff to get their attention, she would risk a guess that was the man they were to meet with. Pulling out the scroll case, she picked up her pace. “Are you the mayor’s father-in-law?”
“Yes, how is little Gregor? He and my son have been so busy,” the man offered while stroking his gray speckled beard before taking the scroll. Pulling out the start, he gave it a quick glance before furling it back up. “Thank you for bringing this.”
She thought about the large man she had met, and decided to hold off questioning the nickname ‘little’ for him, and answer the question. “He is well, and happy, they saw us off this morning, both are healthy and happy.”
“Good, good, I will have to make a trip to see them again. But come, have a meal with us and share a tale or two. We will give you a place to rest, and show you a shortcut in the morning.”
Luna let out a laugh that caught Star off-guard, causing her to turn and look at the bard. She was currently being tackled and licked by the pack of wolves. “I believe we will stay, thank you.”
What shall we find out tonight?
Revealing the history of the druids.
The druid magic still works
41 notes · View notes
wolfinitethewolf · 3 months
It's here!
Alright! After a long time I can reveal my fic for @sthbigbang, Memories in the Sky!
Really hope you'll all enjoy it, and a really big thanks to the amazing artists who've all done an amazing piece for it! Please do go and check them out! I'll be rebloggin' their amazing work here, but I declare that you go and see it yourself! Actually, another thanks to 'em for putting up with how long it took for me to actually finish it, :D Asides from that, here is the lovely talent behind the amazing artwork for this:
@fleetways Their art @grimly-arts Their art @bittersweet-cj Their art
Heres the link to the AO3 version: MEMORIES IN THE SKY
But if you wanna read it here, a small summary, and under the cut shall be the fic itself :D
Sonic and Tails have had many adventures over the few years that they've known each over. Of course, when you have so many battles, even the painful, adrenaline boosting, and heartfelt battles are easy to move on from.
After battling against Dr. Eggman once again, the classic duo Sonic and Tails sit down together to catch a break and relax. However, as the two look up to the sky, some certain star formations begin to emerge, alongside with a few of their past adventures.
For the STH Big Bang 2024!
Sonic and Tails were sitting together on top of one of the many floating platforms that occupy green hill. Some stray blades of grass were gently blowing in the breeze. The sun was setting, casting its final orange light over the sea right before Sonic and Tails’ eyes. The stars were beginning to come out as the darkness rose over the horizon.
“Haha that was fun, wasn’t it lil’ buddy?” Sonic turned his head towards Tails, smiling in joy at the thrilling conclusion of another battle. “Yeah! Eggman stood no chance! Not when we are both around!” Sonic laughed, sitting up straight, shuffling the grass underneath him. “Haha, right you are! Besides, a few bots is nothing compared to literally anything else you and I have taken down without a problem!”
Tails gives Sonic a cheeky grin. “Oh really? You sure nothing at all has been a hassle for you?” Sonic grins, crossing his arms. “I am certain of it! Nothing can beat me! Now or ever!” After giving his statement, he picks up a blade of grass and fiddles with it in between his fingers.
As the two had their conversation, the sun was finally out of view. Only black with various shades of purple behind the many stars sitting in the sky. Time seemed to freeze, with Sonic and Tails being the only ones still moving and awake.
“Well… What about that time when Knuckles one shot you and took all the Chaos Emeralds?” Sonic gave a short laugh. “Well to be fair, I did not use them as much as I do now. Also he got me by surprise really…” Tails rolled his eyes. “Ok… What about the various races you lost to Jet?” “Hahaha I won a lot more races than he did! Besides, I was letting him win. After all, gotta let him think he won something.” Tails looks over at Sonic with a doubting look. “Ok. Then what about Mecha Sonic? That was more recent.” “C’mon, I had a broken ankle, you can’t count that! Also to make it fair, didn’t you also lose to him when trying to save me?” Sonic grinned, jabbing an elbow at Tails too quick for him to block with either of his tails.
“Haha, well why don’t you ask Mecha what he has to say about that?” Sonic lowered his eyelids. “Ehh, don’t want to bother him, y’know?” Sonic let go of the blade of grass he was playing with, letting it glide through the air into the ocean below them. “Whatever you say…” Just as Tails was about to add on something else, he held his breath, lowering his ears slightly. Changing his mind on whatever he was about to speak.
“Hm? Tails, you all good?” Tails perked back up. “Yeah! I’m all good!” Sonic gave a doubtful look, but moved on anyway. Tails closed his eyes, relaxing and enjoying the quiet.
The stars began to shine and sparkle, illuminating the night as the clouds covered the moon in a blanket.
“Heh. Hey Tails, don’t you think those stars over there look like the Chaos Emeralds? Like, the basic outline of them.” Sonic held a finger up to a group of stars, as Tails opened his eyes and followed where he was looking. “Huh, I guess they do kinda look like them…” Sonic and Tails stare at them in silence before Sonic speaks up. “They sure have come in handy, huh? I mean, we’ve done so much with them! Took down Eggman with them, multiple times may I add. Chaos, Time Eater, Dragon looking Metal Sonic- twice, all the Titans and the End on Starfall Island, and got rid of the Metal Virus! That's just to name a few!” Sonic had both hands on his hip, grinning in pride looking at Tails.
“Well yeah, but- wait, most of your victories were won due to the Chaos Emeralds! So you did technically get help after all!” Tails grinned at Sonic, mimicking what Sonic was doing and placing his hands on his hips in a similar manner. They both sat there in silence for a brief moment before Sonic came up with a response. “Well I mean, who wouldn’t want to fly around golden and all? C’mon, admit it, it's super cool. Pun intended.”
Tails gave Sonic an annoyed look. “First. You did need them. There is no way you would have otherwise. Second. Yeah, it is really cool. Third, That was a really bad pun. I would give that a 2/10.” Sonic gave Tails a dramatic response, pulling a “disheartened” face and resting his palm on his head. “Oh c’mon. That's quite the harsh review. I guess I’ll never do a pun ever again. This world is too cruel to say anything without judgment!” Sonic fell back onto the grass. “I guess that's the end of Sonic. His true enemy is a bad critic review.”
Sonic closed his eyes and smirked. “A bad critic review indeed.” Tails flicked a round stone at Sonic, landing on his forehead. Sonic got up, the stone falling back onto the ground from where Tails picked it up. “Ah. Enough of that. Truth is I am glad to have your help. You, Knuckles, Amy, heck even Shadow! You are all my friends! There is no one else I’d rather have my back than you all!”
“I knew that. Just waited for you to admit it.” Sonic gave a small laugh, smiling. “Ah well. You win some and you lose some.” Just as Sonic said that a stray leaf glided in out of nowhere and smacked itself into Sonic’s face, catching him off guard. Just as quickly as it landed, it took off, following the breeze. Sonic and Tails sat there for no less than a second before going into a fit of laughter, despite it not overall being that funny to begin with.
“Woah! Look at the ocean!” Tails joined in with Sonic gazing at the sea to see the beautiful sight of the stars reflected by the ocean's surface, with various ocean life illuminated underneath submerged by water. “Wait, aren't you supposed to be afraid of water?” Tails gave Sonic a sly side glance. “Well when I am in it. I mean, it can be beautiful. But from afar, and not too close to me…” Tails snickered. “I mean, you say that while we are sitting on a small floating platform almost right above the ocean…” Sonic wrapped one arm around Tails’ shoulder. “Ahh shut it you. You’ll make me wanna run off.” “Don’t be dramatic…”
Sonic and Tails continued to admire the stars as Tails decided to turn Sonic’s earlier comment into a game of sorts. “Look! Don’t those stars look like Trip’s helmet! When you look at it reflected in the water!” Sonic pointed his head downwards. “Yeah they do buddy!”
Sonic picked up a stone off the ground and skilfully tossed it at the ocean, as it skipped across the sea. “The highlight of it all was I remember in Cyber Station when Knuckles knocked me down a platform and sent me flying! Man, now that I think back on it that happened quite a bit, with you having to catch me. Heh. What fun…” Tails gave Sonic an irritated look. “I am pretty sure that was you being stubborn and just leaping before you looked, which then led me to having to catch you…. Quite a few times…” Sonic shrugged. “Eh, same story…”
“Well what about in Speed Jungle when you ran off so fast you were stuck having to beat that robot at the end of the zone all by yourself? You were having a hard time until me, Amy, and Knuckles arrived.” Sonic held a finger up to his chin, rethinking the scenario. “I don’t believe that exactly happened. More like that Knucklehead could not keep up…” As Sonic said that he tossed another stone at the sea, skipping like the previous one. “Oh yeah? You sure about that? Why don’t you sit back and think for a minute?” Tails questioned, as Sonic sat there with his arms folded, reimagining the event.
Sonic had blazed through the jungle, scattering vines, fog, and leaves everywhere. He skillfully jumped in between platforms or walls, not coming to a halt for even a mere second. While he was having a fun time, the rest of his crew was not.
Tails, Amy, and Knuckles were trying their best to keep up with their blue friend, as he left them behind in the dust. It was very easy to see where he was going due to his speed leaving quite the trail behind him. Vines he used to get across were still swinging, wooden bridges still swaying wildly.
“Sonic! Wait up!” Tails cupped his hands around his mouth in an attempt to make himself louder. However, the hedgehog was either ignoring him, or was too far ahead to hear anything the group was saying. Tails spinned his namesakes faster, in hopes of catching up. “Sonic!”
After many failed attempts to catch up, the trio came to a halt to catch their breaths. Amy had her hands on her knees, Tails was gasping for air, and Knuckles stood there, not out of breath but irritated about being left behind. Amy let out a sigh of defeat. “Why does Sonic keep running off like that?” While she finally had the chance to stop running, she picked out stray twigs from her quills and dress, scratches all over her.
Knuckles had his nose to the ground, not saying anything more than a grunt, leaning up against a tall and rounded off rock. Tails was sitting on the ground plucking out all the twigs tangled in his tails’ fur, mattered and rough. “Hopefully he’ll be alright until we reach him…” Amy said as she sat down to catch her breath.
The sound of leaves crunching and twigs snapping echoed around as the blue blur slowed to a walk when in a darker space. Of course, he was speed walking. But nonetheless walking. There was only a little light source guiding him. Only just enough to see his own hands and legs in front of him. For the most part he was feeling his way around.
The jungle surrounding smelt damp and moist; thick warm air making it somewhat hard to breathe. As Sonic guided himself using the smooth stones and rough bark of the trees, he saw a small light up ahead. Getting excited, he dashed forward, finally about to get out. But just as he was halfway there, he tripped over a loose stone, which sent him flying into a vine, launching him upwards as he smacked himself into an overhanging platform. The sound of stones cracking against each other rang out as pebbles and dirt fell alongside Sonic.
Sonic fell with a thud. He got up and tried wiping away the dirt that had gotten into his eyes. He shook any remaining dirt and stones that had gotten stuck to him. Coughing out what had gotten into his mouth, he went at a steady pace towards the exit, rubbing his watering eyes.
Stumbling over his own footing as he readjusted to the dark terrain, eyes still watering, he finally made it out of the dark space, sneezing out the dust that had gotten up his nose. “Gah!” He had to shield his eyes as he stepped out into the sunlight. Shaking it off, he sprinted forwards, only to immediately bump into something cold and smooth. A badnik. It was shaped as an egg, (to no one’s surprise) and had two robotic arms coming out of it.
Sonic grinned, standing up straight as he dashed forwards, trying to get a hit only for it to grapple the above terrain and lift itself up much too high for Sonic to reach. As it gripped the branches of some trees and vines, some fell down gently onto the ground, which would include an oversized leaf falling onto his face, blocking his view.
Unfortunately for Sonic, that was much more than enough time for the badnik to throw itself back onto the ground and send a nasty hit right at him with one of its arms, sending Sonic soaring through the air, rings scattering across the ground. He hits the side of some terrain, cracking the wall underneath him as he tumbles amongst chunks of earth, crunching, sliding and cracking. He lands on his chest, getting buried alive.
Before Sonic could even get out of the rubble, he was grabbed with force and slammed into the ground. A web pattern formed underneath him in the terrain as it cracked open, dust and dirt flying up into the air. Sonic trembling, tries to get back up only for a flurry of hits to keep coming at him. The smell of dust and earth becoming more clear with each his as the sound of earth splitting apart booms through the jungle.
Amy was fidgeting with her hammer while Knuckles and Tails sat together resting up a bit before some loud sounds burst out from up ahead. Clearly Sonic got himself into trouble. “Looks like he needs our help again…” Knuckles mumbled out as he started to walk forward, with Amy getting up to follow along. Tails was already spinning his tails madly, trying to reach Sonic as fast as he could. “Tails wait!” Amy called out as her and Knuckles followed along, the three following the sounds of earth shattering.
Sonic was receiving hit after hit, sending him further into the ground as the small crater in the ground got deeper and deeper. It felt as if in slow motion that a window opened; astray grass speeding through the wind came to a halt, the dust and debris froze, and the robot paused. Quickly, Sonic curled up into a ball, spinning as fast as he could.
The robot sent another hit, however that would be its downfall as once it made contact with the hedgehog, its arm was sawed clean off, sparks and metal flying through the air with a loud screech. An upside for Sonic which he was not prepared for was that the pressure from the hit also sent Sonic flying out of danger, like a slingshot. Still curled tightly in a ball, he cleaved a line of trees right in half until he landed harshly into the ground.
Sonic got up almost in an instant, ignoring the pain all over his body and the sharp ringing in his ears and pumped his fists into the air, happy that he disabled one arm. He sped right back to the fightzone, ready to hit it again when another arm took place of the damaged one and hit Sonic midair. Sonic let out a startled yelp as he was hit once again, tumbling through the ground.
By now due to all the attacks on the poor terrain, there was a very thick cloud of dust going through the air, which was making Sonic’s throat dry and giving him the urge to sneeze more and more. Determined to win, Sonic leapt at the robot once more, attempting to smash clean through another arm.
Carefully navigating the dark, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles safely made it to the exit, where they could already see that quite the fight was going down. Debris was soaring everywhere, a thick coating of dust was making it harder to breath in the area, and the ground was trembling wildly. To top it off, the group could hear Sonic’s iconic spindash bouncing off metal and making an impact in the ground. “We have to help him!” Amy shouted out over the chaos as she grabbed her piko piko hammer out and charged forward, as Knuckles and Tails followed into the battle.
Sonic could not even see where he was going anymore; there was too much dust and dirt fogging the field. While stumbling around to get his footing he was getting attacked from every direction and slammed back into the ground. It was getting far too intense for him to deal with at this rate, with the ground looking like a minefield, and the wildlife facing the consequences. Just as the robot prepares for another blow, it’s knocked right over, landing in one of the many craters in the terrain below, dense, hollow metal making a low clang as the ground shifted beneath it.
“There you are.” Knuckles made his way towards Sonic, head turned down. “Look what happens when you run off.” Amy ran into the scene, treading lightly over gaps in the ground or smoking pits. “Knuckles, don’t be like that, just help him up.” Knuckles grunted in response, waving his arm through the thick smoke as he went to lift Sonic up. However, his arm was shoved aside as Sonic struggled to get up himself, coughing out smoke that he had inhaled during the fight.
As he stood up, shaking under the pressure of the cuts and bruises he had received from the attacks, he turned to face Knuckles, annoyed with the idea of needing help. “M’kay, dealt with worse.” Once up he shook his head and body off, as stones and debris rolled off and clattered on the ground. Coughing too much, he gestures with his hand to the robot getting back up.
Gears and metal clacked together as the metal frames grinded in its strain to get back up. A curved, smooth dent in the side of its body from the hit Knuckles delivered. Lighting up its eyes, the engines whirred loud and fast, as it prepared for the new opponents.
Amy sprinted ahead, mad at it for harming Sonic. Before she could get a swing with her hammer however, the robot grabbed an overhanging tree that had been knocked right down and lifted itself up high, far out of reach from Amy. “Hey, that's not fair! Get back down here!” Amy pouted helplessly as she stared furiously at it.”Tails! Lift me up there so I can give him a taste of my hammer!” However, Tails was instead gazing up at it with a finger up to his chin, lost in thought.” Sonic dragged his right foot through the rubble, the terrain crunching with each step. He put a hand over his friend's shoulder and tilted his head. Tails looked at him, his tails swaying softly in the dirt, dust sticking to his fur and glinting in the lighting. “I think I-”
Tails was pushed out of the way by Sonic when one of the arms launched at them. More dirt flying into the air and all over the group. Tails had protectively shield him and Sonic with his namesakes in reaction to the sudden movement. All the fur on his tails became rough and mattered, feeling like cotton candy as more dirt clung onto them.
Knuckles’ eyes lit up in rage as he lifted up a chunk of rock and threw it at the badnik’s arm, snapping it as the sound of static popping and crackling rang out. The rest of the arm hangs limp, shards of metal falling onto the rest of the arm like rain; static springing out of both ends. It retracted the arm as two new ones took its place.
“Great! How do we disable this thing!” Knuckles clenched his fists and glared at the badnik with pure rage. Another arm launched itself at where Sonic and Tails had landed, as they narrowly dodge it by a hair, jumping opposite directions. Recoiling the new arm fast, as it snapped back to its base.
Amy, Knuckles, and Sonic start dodging the fast attacks, rolling out of harm's way. However, Tails was focusing on the robot more, analyzing its movements. Everything was moving in a pattern for him. Seeing outcomes and logic to use against it.
Sonic was running as best as he could, due to the beating from before. However, his shoe skidded across a loose stone, and he face planted into a deep crater. Seeing another arm target him, he rolled onto his side just in time. The gears clicked over and over as it struggled to pull the arm back. Tails looked closer, and saw what had happened. Because of the crater taking in a lot of damage, there was still loose rubble and terrain that was barely holding up at the edges. So when the arm had dug itself into the ground with force, all that rubble had come down and buried the arm.
The only downside to that was that Sonic had not rolled fully out of the crater, and had his left leg and arm buried. Tails knew what to do. “Knuckles! Climb up the arm and attack the robot from where you impacted it before!” Knuckles nodded, not hesitating for a second, stumbling in small gaps or indents in the ground.
Gripping onto the cold, silky surface of the arm, he dragged himself upwards, digging the tip of his shoes into the small gaps so he did not slide or slip. As the badnik tried to free itself, shaking and jolting, Knuckles pressed himself closer, so he would not go free falling with every movement.
He got higher and higher to the base, his leather shoes squeaking with every step, it became easier to move up, as the base was more stiff and solid unlike the middle and end where it's unstable. Almost able to stand, he started to run up, seeing the small dent on the side of it.
Jumping into the air, he threw a huge hit at the mark, a loud boom as a giant hole revealed gears and wires, metal sheets rattling inside it, resting at the bottom.. Static popped as the robot's arms stopped moving. Knuckles seeing it shut down gilded off it, gracefully landing on the damaged ground as the robot creaked and loosened its grip on the above canopy. Falling with a massive thud that shook the nearby ground, the lights illuminating the eyes dimmed.
Knuckles grunted, as Amy and Tails helped get Sonic’s limbs out of the rubble. “Well that takes care of it.” Brushing off dust, he made his way to the three and grabbed Sonic with one hand, lifting him out without any effort. “This is what happens when you run off. Next time, wait.” Knuckles left it at that and turned his back away, waiting for what they would do next.
Tails ran in front of Sonic, worried. “Are you alright Sonic, that looked like a pretty nasty beating…” Sonic merely closed his eyes and grinned, holding a thumbs up to his pal, assuring he was ok. Sonic then gestured to the path ahead, ready to move on.
Relaying the memory, hand cupping his mouth, he turned to Tails, as his buddy finished ‘correcting’ what Sonic had ended on. “Well I don't remember Knuckles having to step in. Are you sure you remembered that correctly?” Tails rolled his eyes, knowing that Sonic was just lying to keep up his ego. “Regardless, you needed our help when you faced it off alone.” “Ehhh, I think I still had dust in my eye…” Tails laughed it off. “Whatever you want to believe, since I’ll have the correct memory here.” Tails tapped his forehead, taunting Sonic with the fact that he was very much going to bring it up another time.
“Actually another thing I really remember was that giant dragon thing!” Tails shifted. “Do you mean Trip’s superform, or the one you fought?” Sonic picked a stray quill out of his head. “The giant purple one. Don’t really remember much of it now, since it was a while ago, but yeah.” Sonic flicked the quill out of his hand, falling into the ocean with a small splash. Sonic slouched over a little, resting his face in his hands.
Tails gave Sonic a confused stare for a solid 10 seconds. “You mean to tell me you remember Speed Jungle more than something you fought in your superform?” Sonic laughed, his warm breath visible in the cold, sharp air. “Yeah. Wasn’t the coolest thing I fought…” Tails still in disbelief moved on, thinking about how Sonic could forget that so easily.
A cold sharp breeze blew by, raising the fur on Tails’ back. He wrapped both of his tails around his torso. Sonic sat back upright. “Gettin’ pretty cold, huh?” Tails’ ears perked up a little. “No, just a cold breeze. Nothing much…” Sonic looked down at the sea, and behind him at the terrain. “Well I mean I would get something warm like a blanket, but we are sitting on a platform high up so…” Tails glanced down at the scenery below. “Nonono it’s fine! Like I said, just a small breeze.” Sonic shrugged. “Eh, if you say so…”
As the night went on, a small, thin sheet of fog covered the ground and sea, made visible by the various lighting all around. Only just visible.
“Oh Tails, don’t you think that looks like Chaos when he consumed all the Emeralds” Tails corrected Sonic, unfolding his Tails from his body. “You mean Perfect Chaos?” Sonic rolled his eyes at the correction. “Same difference…” “No not really…” Sonic folded his arms. “Moving on from that…” Tails sighed.
“Man, now that I think about it, Chaos did a heck lot of damage. Like, he tore down all of Station Square, huh?” Tails drew in a breath. “I mean, he was like, very big and the flooding did not help. He also drained all the Chaos Emeralds too.” Sonic and Tails both visualized that very event, looking up into the stars as if they were watching the event right before their eyes.
Everything was in ruin. Towers and skyscrapers had tilted over and banged into other buildings, causing collateral damage. Flames from gas stations and electronics flickered and spread, smoke rising through the air and making it hard to breathe or see, as it burned everyone's eyes.
Lights from street lamps and stores flickered on and off, reflecting in the rising water. Streets and pathways had crumbled and caved in, sinking beneath the water. Car alarms were blaring all around, making a loud and distressing sound. However, above all was the deep, piercing roar that Chaos let out as he laid waste to anything still standing, turrets of water blazing through the streets.
G.U.N helicopters circled around, whirring and piercing through the wind.Attempting to disarm the creature, they had sent missiles and rockets at it, screeching as they sped past. No explosions or bangs were heard however as they did no damage to the creature made of water, sinking down to the base of him and floating out to sea.
Finding the attackers, Chaos sent sharp and precise jets of water at the vehicles occupying the skies, cutting clean through. Each one making a loud bang or pop as they all blew up, whatever was left of the frame falling into the water or structures and causing further damage.
Everyone was screaming and running in terror, hiding in toppled buildings that could no longer fall, or evacuating the area, footsteps rippling the water.
However, a few did not flee; standing on a fallen road was Sonic, watching Perfect Chaos continue his reign of terror. As the water levels rise, the smell of salt water and oil becomes more overwhelming by the second, burning at Sonic’s throat. His fur had become damp and heavy, pointing more downwards. His gloves and socks were soaked, darker in color.
He watched as Eggman’s ship slowly flew in, the engines working at a high pitch. “Eggman! Looks like he’s after the Chaos Emeralds too!” Unable to do anything from down below, he watched as Eggman flew in closer to the main scene. Static rings out at a high frequency before they adjust, Eggman’s voice blaring though. “This Egg Carrier Two was made because something like this could happen. You have defied your master, stupid beast. Now you must be destroyed at all costs!”
Facing Perfect Chaos, Eggman prepares to launch something, alarms going off. Chaos sees this and opens his mouth wide open. A ball of energy grows at quick speeds, before a massive laser of blue and purple goes forth, cutting the stress and towers in half as he raises it up to the Egg Carrier, not stopping until it’s facing the sky. Smoke bellows out from the gaps of the Egg Carrier, as sparks follow suit. Purple particles fade out from where the laser was last.
Emergency alarms go out as the ship begins to fall downwards, gliding in between structures, no longer in sight. Last thing to be seen of the ship was the giant ball of fire that shot out from wherever it landed, a giant boom rattling the skies. Before Sonic could make a taunt about that bening the end of him, a small scream is heard as he goes flying high up into the sky, seated in his Eggmobile.
Sonic had seen too much damage in one day for his liking, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. “I’ve had enough! Who do you think you are anyway?” Chaos however, could not hear his angry shouts as he was too tall and too far away. What he did not prepare for was a small, red neon orb to gently fall from the sky towards him. Red particles flickered off the light, fading into the air.
Shuddering above the ground, Sonic holds his hand underneath it, palm facing upwards. “Oh, it’s you, the one who sealed Chaos… In the Master Emerald! Tikal!” As the red light hovered there above his hand, red light reflected with ease over Sonic as water dripped down his fur, glinting and highlighting the dark shadows. Despite his senses burning under the intensifying smell of salt water and smoke, he kept his focus on the moment happening right before him.
A bright flash consumed Sonic’s line of vision as it died out to reveal Tikal standing in front of him, grasping both of her hands. Drawing in a breath, she spoke to the hedgehog. “My heart has always been in the Master Emerald along with chaos’. Now he is filled with anger and sadness.” She looks up at Chaos, in fear and worry, voice quivering. “If it goes on, he’ll eventually destroy the world like he did before!” As she says those final words, Chaos lets out a long, ear-splitting roar as the Chaos Emeralds emerge from him, circling above him.
Lowering his head as he let out a low rumble, the Emeralds blast forward like shooting stars, scattering everywhere. Dark blue plummeted down, clattering like an empty glass bottle as it hit the pavement, scraping the concrete as it rolled on its side, resting at Sonic’s shoe. Before Sonic could even dare to pick it up, the light diminished, dulling to a dark and lifeless gray. Any energy radiating from it faded as its neon pulse slowed. Its final breath was visible in the vivid blue static that bounced off it and onto the ground, jittering across the water.
Tikal in pure dismay, stared down at the cold Emerald, covering her mouth with her hands. “He’s absorbed the Emeralds power! He must be sealed in the Master Emerald, now!” Sonic, looking down at his reflection in the glass Emerald, shook his head. “How can that help?” Sonic looked up to face Tikal, clenching his fist in front of his chest as he stepped forwards, scuffing the Emerald on the ground. “It won't change how he feels inside. His heart will still remain in turmoil and his anger just won’t vanish! He’ll just be trapped forever!”
As he finishes his sentence, the ground below shakes and quivers as Chaos does more damage close by, bellowing cries of rage. Tikal, trying to talk over the commotion, steps closer to Sonic, making herself more easy to hear. “What choice do we have?” Her voice becomes more filled with worry each time the sounds of something being torn apart echoed through the scene.
Nearby, while Sonic had his conversation to Tikal, his friends had seen the displaced Emeralds shoot out and had gone after them. Big had found one by pure chance, as it had drifted through the water and plinked against the cold metal hook of his fishing rod. Neon red fizzling out as if the water was draining it and fading off to sea. Grabbing it out, as water slid down the smooth Emerald, he calmly made his way towards his dear blue friend.
Tails, knowing very well about the situation, did not hesitate to go and fly towards the one that had fallen closest to him. Finding it wedged between the windshield of a car. Glass fragments lay atop the Emerald and hood. Tails grabbed it firmly and yanked it out, small shards of glass flying outwards from the force, chattering on the ground. He brushed off any remaining glass with the side of his hand briskly. With no time to lose, he sped towards Sonic, his tails whirring behind.
Amy had been watching Chaos from afar, standing on a relatively straight tower watching him ditch the Emeralds. Various colors reflecting off of the metal structures and flooding water. In a mere second, a blinding streak of cyan light whipped right past her head and landed with a bang as small chunks of rubble bounced off her hand, protecting her face in reaction.
Opening her eyes and moving her hands to her sides, she saw cyan static pop and fizzle as a darkened Chaos Emerald was left behind. No longer warm or pulsing, but dead and gray. Grabbing it in her palm, she swiftly went to find Sonic.
Knuckles had already known beforehand. So in advancement, he already had a stale Emerald in one hand, clenching it firmly to assure that it would not be going anywhere else. Using only one hand to cling onto the surface of an unstable pillar, he located the other Emerald.
It was drifting away from the city as the water levels had risen. Retracting his namesakes that he had dug into the pillar, as concrete burst outward, he glided downwards towards the lost Emerald. Nabbing the last one, he landed with a splash. To his luck, the water was shallow since he was standing on a sunken bridge. Slowly, he began to make his way back to his friends, water above his waist.
Sonic and Tikal had stood there in silence as Sonic watched Tikal fear the worst about the situation. Hearing slow footsteps, he turned to see Big with an Emerald in hand. Big, oddly calm and happy, reached his arm out, a Chaos Emerald in hand. “Sonic! I found this in the water and thought you could use it!” Big's low voice rattled off the Emerald as Sonic carefully took it out of his hand, not knowing what to say as he saw his other friends arrive with the rest of the Emeralds.
“Hey, Sonic!” Amy cheerfully waved to him as she ran up with another Emerald. “Here, take this!” She enthusiastically shoved it into his other hand, hoping that he could fix everything. Knuckles casually dropped in with two in tow, grinning. “Hey guys, what's up?” Tails joined in next to Knuckles staring at awe at the ones he had collected.
Another loud roar rippled the water as the skies shook and trembled. Tails, seeing this as his chance, walked closer to Sonic, explained what needed to be said. “Chaos only used the negative powers of the Chaos Emeralds.” Locking eyes with Sonic, as Knuckles moved in closer, he continued. “Sonic, you should be able to harness their real power!” Knuckles drew in a heavy breath, stubbornly agreeing. “As much as I hate to admit it, I think Tails is right about this.”
Tails nodding to what he said, finished what he was saying. “Negative forces aren’t the only way to empower the Chaos Emeralds. Our positive feelings toward each other can make them work. Our hearts together form a stronger power!” Knuckles walked up to face Sonic, as he handed over both Emeralds. Sonic cradling them in one arm as he reached over to pick up the one that had fallen beside him earlier.
He looked up to face Tails, as the last Chaos Emerald was offered in the base of both his hands, arms outstretched. Sonic reached out to grab it, holding on for a second. “Thank you.” Gripping onto it and lifting it from Tails, the Chaos Emeralds began to pulse in their lost colors, like a heartbeat.
In a mere second after, a golden light spiked outwards from the hedgehog, growing stronger and bigger each second. A burst of energy sprang outwards, a loud boom as Sonic was no longer on the ground. Rather, he was hovering above it. His now golden quills turned upright. Warmth radiated off of him as the water on his shoes slid onto the ground. A golden aura covered him as the air surrounding him quivered and became disoriented. Looking up to the sky, his eyes now a crimson red, he took, knowing what to do.
Flying above broken streets and upturned roads, he blasted across the terrain, dodging broken glass or metal that was sticking out from every direction. Darting in between buildings searching for Chaos, his golden light trailing behind. Each time he zoomed across the water, it split at the very surface, spraying outwards, fizzling if the water droplets came in close contact to Sonic.
Blazing through a cloud of thick smoke, he spotted Chaos’ emerald eyes. Making a sharp turn, he made a straight beeline at him. Halfway there, he started to drift off and feel dizzy. He was losing the energy to keep going. He needed more rings. Almost bouncing off the water, he spotted a group of golden rings. He took a detour and grabbed them off the ground, cold metal contrasting the warmth of his aura. Feeling a boost of energy, he picked back up the pace, hovering higher up over the sea, he made his way back to Chaos.
Reaching Chaos, he collided with the base of his form, water spraying outwards from where he went blazing into it. Now inside the body of water, he started to spiral right around his base, going higher and higher up, bubbles bursting out from behind in a cyclone. He held his breath deeply, not certain on his ability to breath underwater in a Superform. Sonic’s golden light illuminated Chaos from the inside, bouncing around and making him look like a night lamp. Reaching his neck, his spiral narrowed, until he reached his mind, floating stiffly above his eyes, the only organic things visible inside Chaos.
Chaos screamed in pure agony as Sonic spin dashed into his brain, being vulnerable and out in the open. Loud, high-pitched wails rung out, over all the alarms going off and fire crackling. Flailing his head around, as water gushed out, he slunk into the water, retreating from the scene. Sonic had burst out of Chaos before he sunk down with him too, his gloves and socks heavy from the water absorbed into them.
Sonic looked around in between the toppled towers for where he had gone. A stiff silence filled the air as nothing but the warm buzz off the Chaos Emeralds energy radiated from him. Seeing a tall figure reform in the distance, Sonic shook his head. “Gonna take more than that to leave the battle.” He went forwards, ducking inbetween buildings and windows, not letting anything stop him from reaching Chaos.
Enraged by the attack, as he saw Sonic rapidly jet towards him, he began to act out. Raising his head to the sky, screeching slow and deep, he summoned golden orbs of light around him, launching them forwards at the hedgehog, looking similar to Sonic dashing about in his form. “Well that's not good!” Rolling around in the air, he dodged the attacks, as they collided with the background instead. Since Chaos was not being direct with where they hit, rather, sending them in one general direction, some collided into the buildings ahead of Sonic.
Groaning under the weight of the many walls of metal, as one energy blast hit a tower, the top of its frame began to slide downwards, before the sound of metal screaming against metal rumbled. It came falling down, metal wires and poles snapping as it crashed into the side of another tower. Glass blew outwards from the pressure, bouncing off of Sonic as he sumersalted just quick enough to avoid being crushed between the two structures.
Now with nothing stopping him, he made his way towards Chaos’ head, instead of trailing up the base of him like last time. Curled into a ball, he sliced clean through the water as he made a direct hit to his brain once again, causing more wails and screams. More water gushed out of Chaos as his head dramatically dangled around, banging into the sides of structures. He slowly slunk back down once again, disappearing into the water. From all the chaos and screams, Sonic’s ears had begun to ring loudly, muffling the sounds of anything else.
While Sonic floated there in the spot, arms crossed as he scanned the terrain for where Chaos had popped back up, the water underneath him bubbled. Out of nowhere, Chaos’ tentacles had burst out of the water, attempting to grab Sonic. Sonic merely batted an eye as he watched Chaos grab him, only for the tentacle-shaped water to fizzle and evaporate, not even touching him. Sonic laughed at the attempt, as he whipped his body right around to see Chaos had rised back up behind the attack.
Not even bothering to curl up and hit him with force, he zoomed right up to him, and sent a kick right at his head once more, dealing the final blow. All the water-formed tentacles had burst, falling back into the sea as Chaos screeched once again in a high pitch, much longer than the last two. Water dripped back down into the ocean, as if he was melting. Going down, he faced his head high up into the sky, letting out his final cry as he sunk back down. Once gone, a giant blue flash filled the air, blinding Sonic, and everyone watching nearby.
Sonic, feeling light-headed, knew that his Superform was coming to an end, raced across the landscape to reach his friends, watching as the water flooding the area started to sink down. Only just making it to his friends, he fell through the sky, as Knuckles and Tails caught him, watching as their friend's golden glow almost melted off, fading away along with the warmth of the Chaos energy. “You alright Sonic?” Tails softly asked, wanting to know if he had sustained any injuries from the fight.
Sonic, getting up and leaving his friends grasp, stood up, dusting off some rubble that was stuck in his quills. “I think if anything my shoes took more damage than I did.” Laughing it off, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, turned to see Chaos in his regular form confronted by some chao. “Chaos has changed again. This time, for the better.” Knuckles filled in, seeing him peacefully watch the chao happily call out to him. “Yeah! Super Sonic must have neutralized it, so it’s nice again.” Tails added, watching the happy conclusion.
“Well at the end of the day, I was left with having to buy new gloves, since they forever more smelt like salt water.” Sonic had joked to Tails, as they finished recapping the memory to each other. Tails just laughed at Sonic’s remark, cold air soothing his throat. “At least you had your Superform, that kept you dry. We all got soaked. My tails looked all thin and shaggy!” That time they both laughed.
While sitting there in silence, Sonic took a long breath. “2 to 1.” Tails turned around, hummed in confusion. “I mean, I’ve spotted two shapes in the sky, and you’ve seen one. So that means I am in the lead.” Tails lowered his eyelids in a skeptical way. “Oh really? I can make it 2 to 3, just watch.” Sonic grinned. “Heh, let's see then.”
Both were intensely staring up at the sky for another cluster of stars that were shaped in the image of something familiar to them. As the night moved on, the wind gently whistling by, fog receding back into the air, Tails almost jumped, pointing right above him and Sonic. Sonic squinted his eyes, leaning back as he could not crane his neck up that far. “Don’t you think that looks like Starline’s glove?” Now on his back to see it clearly, Sonic could indeed make that out to be the doctor's glove. “Yeah, but how’d you see that? It’s right above us?”
Tails held up a finger. “I told you I’d get you 2 to 3!” Sonic shrugged, letting out a long exhale. “Well actually 2 to 2.” Sonic said under his breath before saying something else on top of that. “He sure did a lot of messed up things while he was around. Even went after you, didn’t he?” Tails hummed in response, nodding his head stiffly. “What even happened back there? Since me and Shadow were outside dealing with other things. “Honestly not much, he just tried to grab me again, which failed.” “Surely he did more than that!” Sonic doubted Starline turning over just like that. “Honestly, apart from when he had me tied up on the rollercoaster, he did nearly nothing.”
The chateau’s smell of pine wood wafted through the air as Tails, Belle, Rouge, and everyone else there evacuated the people staying to a safer location, as Starline had sent down an avalanche as part of his plan. The ground was faintly rumbling, already giving the warning to leave. Footsteps echoed around the fancy building as everyone ran out. However, while the main crowd was going one way, someone was walking forwards, towards the group of heroes.
Omega’s static voice rang out as he ‘encouraged’ the guests to leave. Tails was covering his ears since he was right beside him. He could, however, hear Rouge. “We should get going, too.” Before they could even take a step, someone announced themselves. “No, you’re not going anywhere.” Starline was standing there, facing down Tails.
“I am having a very long day, so I’ll keep this simple. All I need is young master Prower there… Hand him over and you can go. Deal?” Amy clenched her hammer tightly. “Dream on, jerk!” Amy and Rouge jumped forward to attack the deranged doctor, floorboard creaking as they both stepped forward. Belle just watched, mouth open as she became confused. “Who is that guy?” “Dr. Starline? An Eggman wannabe.”
As Tails says that, Starline presses something on his glove, as a red, loose aura forms around him, deflecting both Rouge and Amy’s attacks easily. Belle, getting worried, steps back a little, the wooden planks on the ground groaning under her weight. “That doesn't look like a wannabe to me…” “Don’t worry. Nobody can beat Amy when she’s made up her mind!” As if to show, Amy gets a direct hit to Starline’s jaw, cracking loudly. Rouge also gets some pretty good hits in too, winding him as she gets him in the chest with a kick.
Getting irritated with the halt in his plans, he pressed something on his glove again, as a blue aura danced around his body. In a flash, he was in front of Tails, a loud boom as he came to a stop. Even Tails had jumped in shock, his namesakes wildly spinning behind him. Starline grabbed onto said tails, pulling at his fur roughly. “Time to go, fox.” He said that last word with a hind of venom, clearly annoyed. Tails, gritting his teeth so hard that he heard them click. “I dont think so.”
Quickly facing Belle, he grabbed her tail, rough rope rubbing against his gloves as he tugged it. Wooden gears clicking into place as the sound of a thin, tight rope quivered. Starline only just noticed her presence right then. “What in the world…?” Belle got scared, voice shaking. “Ah, my tail-” Before she could finish, her legs jumped up in front of her, getting Starline right under the jaw, teeth clashing up as they gritted against each other painfully.
Tears welled up in his eyes, as he grasped his bill, shaking from the shock. “Oh come on! What even was that!” He started to see stars, the hit being a lot more powerful than Tails expected. As the three stood there, with Amy and Rouge approaching fast, the ground shook violently, as rumbling got closer to where they were. “Wait, what is that Sound?” Starline muttered, still feeling sore, a metal taste filling his mouth.
Rouge, Amy, and Tails ran out of the scene as fast as they could, with Tails holding onto Belle’s arm. Starline however, was still disoriented, and could not get out of the way, head beginning to ring, and still seeing stars, making it impossible for him to tell where to go. As Tails and co were safely out of the way, the snow began to build up on the giant glass windows, pressure building up in seconds as more and more snow, trees, and debris piled up.
Starline then realized what would happen, shielding his face with his palms. As if on queue, the glass and wooden beams gave in, snapping like a twig as glass shattered and mixed in with the snow, clattering against the wooden roof and remaining walls. As the snow reached Starline, along with all the shards of glass and splinters of wood, giving Starline nasty cuts, he yelled out as he was buried alive. Underneath the cold, he began to shiver violently, frostbite starting and making the pain in his bill worse. It did not help that some snow had lodged itself up his fancy jacket, giving him a nasty shock.
Tails and everyone else, including the guests, were safe on the higher floors, looking outside as everything down below was buried in thick, solid snow. Even some trees had snapped and fallen down with it. All the fresh snow, being high up the mountains, gave the air a cold, damp, metal smell.
“Huh, I guess not much really happened after all…” Tails just nodded. “Yeah, thankfully his avalanche backfired at just the right time.” Sonic just burst out laughing, almost choking as the night air made his throat dry and hoarse. Coughing a little, he grinned, still chucking. “But you and Belle gave him a good hit! He had it coming if he tried to mess with any of you!” Tails just gave a small laugh, avoiding hurting his throat from the piercing cold. “Yeah, Belle can defend herself much more than she’ll give herself credit. After all, her frame is pretty sturdy and can withstand a lot of damage.”
Sonic sat upright shivering, pressing his knees to his chest and wrapping. “Wow, getting a lot more cold than before!” Tails had his namesakes lightly pressed up to his sides, as he had thicker fur that was withstanding the cold much better. “Well yeah, it's late at night and the sun has gone down. It’s not like there's going to be warm rays of moonlight.” Tails sassed off Sonic, in a know-it-all voice, winding him up.
“Well with all the crazy things going on around us, there might be a moon that acts as the sun!.” He had his hands to his hips, grinning. Of course Sonic was just saying that to be annoying. But Tails played along. “Whatever floats your boat…”“Ahh Tails, why so mean!” They both sat there, as they laughed.
All the fog that was on the ground disappeared, making the reflections in the water much more clear. Sonic and Tails were still holding their heads up to the sky. While the glove and helmet were still fairly easy to see, the stars appearing like Chaos had disappeared somewhere else. Sonic opened a single eye to the glove, lying back down on the ground with his arms propping his head back up. “Well, Starline did much more than try to take you.”
Rather than answering, Tails just focused primarily on the glove. “I mean, he did some pretty bad things. He brought Eggman back to his old self, which then brought the Metal Virus, he then, like we just talked about, tried to take you. He then kidnapped Belle until the Chaotix got there. To top it all off, he then did something to Surge and Kit. It’s a shame that we still don’t know the full story to that either, only that he used a bunch of stuff to make them…”
Sonic’s face had gone from calm to more focused and thoughtful, still not happy with Starlines actions. “Well I am pretty sure he also broke Zavok, Mimic, and Rough and Tumble out too…” Tails had his finger to his chin while Sonic sat upright. “Wait, he was the one who did that?!” Sonic, genuinely confused, stared at Tails with his mouth agape. “Yeah, I thought you knew that already…?” Tails lowered his eyelids as Sonic shook his head. “Nope, too focused on other things to realize that…”
“Well now you know…” Sonic just hummed. “Well I guess it's good now that he is gone.” Sonic held his breath as he stared down into the water. “Do you think Surge and Kit rea-” “Warp Topaz!” Sonic turned an ear to Tails in confusion. “I don't recall Starline using the Warp Topaz on them-” Tails shook his head frantically. “No, I can see the Warp Topaz! When reflected in the water, the stars look like the Warp Topaz! So now it’s 2 to 3, putting me in the lead!” “Oooh. Wait, if you see the Warp Topaz reflected in the water, would that not make the stars show an upside down version of it?” Tails shook his head, humming a no.
“It’s like when you flip a drawing, it looks odd or incorrect one way, and perfect another way.” Sonic squinted his eyes, darting from the sky to the sea. “I mean they both kinda look the same either way-” “Nope!” Tails butted in. Sonic looked up to Tails. “Well I mean, can we really say you get another point? There are a whole heap of stars that look round. You could say any of them are the Topaz.” Rolling his eyes, Tails pointed to the silhouette in the water. “No look, there is the spiral, curling inwards, and the smaller stars further apart look almost like a gradient, which makes sense given the material it's made of.” Sonic, letting out a long sign. “Well I guess that makes me second place now…”
Tails pumped his fists discreetly, whispering under his breath victory. Sonic had leaned back into the soft grass, feeling it brush up against him lightly. Resting with his eyes closed, and taking in another breath, he turned his head to face Tails. “Didn’t we use the Topaz to get all the Chaos Emeralds at once during the Metal Virus?” Tails turned his face down to Sonic, picking off fluff and dirt stuck in his glove. “Yeah, me and Amy had gone after Zomom, while everyone else went after different Zeti.” “Oh yeah! I kinda forgot since I was getting tired. Although I think I only got Cream’s side of the story when she jumped in to help Gemerl with Zeena.”
Still keeping his eyes shut, he turned his head back to the sky, repositioning his head as his quills settled behind his head in an odd way, sticking out in funny angles and poking at his head. “That's an idea. Why don’t you tell me about Zomom? See how you and Amy fought him compared to me?”
Tails stared down at him in a funny way. Sonic did not notice though as he still had his eyes closed to the sky. “Well he had an Emerald and we were not too experienced with fighting him…” “You came back to us, can’t have been that much of a hassle. I mean, it’s Zomom of all people.” “Ok, but still, remember when you fought him he had no Emerald!” Chuckling, Sonic nodded, agreeing.
Wind was whirring by, ears buzzing as he and Amy fell out of the warp portal. His skin was prickling and his fur was standing on end. Getting back to his senses, he reactively grabbed Amy by the arm with both hands, just before they fell onto the ground. “Woah! That was pretty close!” Amy quietly said, looking down to the ground. Smashed glass bottles were scattered everywhere, light glinting off them. Tables were turned or snapped, objects broken on the ground nearby.
“What happened here?” Tails, darting his eyes around until he found a spot on the ground that had no broken glass, flew over slowly, his tails chopping in the wind. “Looks like either the Zombots tore this place apart, or Zomom.”
Landing on the concrete path they both looked around for any signs of Zombots. Something clattered and smashed behind Amy, as she turned around, gripping her hammer tightly, ready to hit the incoming attacker. “Amy wait! I just knocked something over when I landed on the ground with my tails.” He whispered, hand on her shoulder as she dropped her arms downwards. “Tails! You gave me a fright!” Grinning sheepishly, he put a hand behind his head, scratching it. “Sorry…”
Amy sighed as her hammer disappeared from her hands, looking around. “So, where is he?” “Well…” Tails’ ear swiveled around to his right, picking up something. Watching closely, he saw a small group of Zombots inside a crumbled building walking in a line, carrying small plates of food. He pointed to them, catching Amy’s attention. “Judging from the fact that he likes to eat, we follow that.” He whispered at her, as the two stepped around broken glass, heading towards the door of the building they were in.
Tails led the way, ducking under toppled tables and chunks of stone that had fallen from some kind of structure. Using his soft tails like a duster, he briskly shoved aside glass or objects that they could stand on and cause a bit of noise. Only soft scratching of the glass could be heard, scraping against other glass shards or the rough stone underneath them. Amy was pinning her dress down, worried of it snagging onto something and getting caught or dragging it down and making a loud sound.
“Ok, gotta be even more careful here.” He whispered almost under his breath, with Amy only just hearing him. Grabbing the door knob he froze, feeling the inward metal patterns on the fancy handle through his thick glove. He shook his head lightly as he gestured with his hand for Amy to follow.
Walking along the wall, he found a broken window that reached the floor to the ceiling. Pressing their shoes firmly against the ground, leather squeaking with the slow pressure, they both darted towards a vending machine, hiding behind the side of it as they saw the Zombots leaving through another broken door, hanging by a single hinge. Tails had his hand out, stretched in front of Amy as he waited a few more seconds before giving a thumbs up as the two cautiously jogged down the hallway, reaching the door frame and looking outside.
There was Zomom, in the far end of the room, eating non-stop as the group of Zombots they followed dropped their plates down in front of Zomom, leaving almost instantly in their sluggish walk. Confused on what to do, Amy shrugged, holding her palms up to the ceiling. Tails shrugged too, not having a plan as they could not just sneak up on him in the open. They both turned their heads towards Zomom again, watching as they tried to come up with a plan.
Tails sighed, looking at Amy. She gave him a confused look before Tails stepped forwards, brushing debris away with the side of his shoe. “Um…” Tails cleared his throat, as Amy gave tails a concerned look. “Hey Zomom. Long time no see…” His voice was all over the show, shaking in fright of not having a better idea.
He turned his head at a freakish angle, facing the two as Tails bumped his shoulder into Amy, trying to get her to play along. They both took one step forward, sweat trickling down their heads. Zomom, with his mouth full, spoke to them with his thick voice. “Huh? Oh. You’re Sonic’s friend with the weird tail.” He had his gaze on Tails’ shifting namesakes, as he folded them behind his back, keeping them stiff. Uncertain, Tails wiped his head with the side of his glove, trying to put on a fake smile. “Uh yeah, sure. Listen, Zavok sent us to find you.”
In the middle of chewing he spat out; “He did?” Amy looked to Tails, more sweat dripping down the sides of their heads. She too put on a nervous fake smile as she spoke up. “That's right! He needs the Chaos Emerald back. If you give it to us, we’ll take it to him for you.” Her voice was shaking, and Tails could even hear her heart starting to race. He added on to Amy’s sentence. “You won’t even need to stop eating!”
Clutching his fists, Zomom yelled out, angry. “No way! I’ve got Zombots bringing me food from all over!” Standing up, towering over Amy and Tails, spitting out food from his mouth as he yelled. “You two already interrupted my post-lunch pre-dinner snack! So now, I’m gonna squash you!” Tails and Amy backed up, as Tails bumped into an upright bottle on a bench, falling to the ground and smashing, getting the attention of nearby Zombots.
“Run!” Tails and Amy both jumped over the bench, and through the hallway they came through as Zomom jumped after them, swinging his arms around like crazy. Almost out the window that they came through, Zomom landed, caving in the ground he was on and thundering the area, sending the two running away to the ground. Tails banged his head against one of the toppled tables, as a throbbing sensation grew at his temples.
“C’mon Tails, we gotta get out of here!” Grabbing Tails by the shoulder, she lifted him up as she ran, avoiding the further collapsing building as Zomom’s arms hit the walls around, caving in the roof. As he and Amy made it out, Zomom jumped through the hole above, soaring through the air as he chased after the duo.
“How is someone that big that fast?” Amy yelled out as the jumped over obstacles blocking their path on the road. Zomom landed with a thud on the ground once again, toppling Amy and Tails, sending astray items flying. Tails, getting up on his own, hand pushing against his knee, turned to Amy. “Just keep running! Amy grabbed her hammer, swinging around to face Zomom. “No! We came here to get that Chaos Emerald and end this nightmare!” As she ran up to the Zeti, her footsteps heavy as she carried her weapon over her shoulder, Tails flew up. “Wait! Amy, no!” He pinned his ears back, hand outstretched as he tried to get her to stop.
Swinging her hammer, scraping against the tiles on the floor, upturning them as they flew alongside her hit, she got Zomom right in the face, digging into his skin. Holding her hammer in place, looking to Tails as he landed besides her, she gave a confused glance. “I… I can’t believe that worked!”
Raising his head upwards, Zomom had his mouth wrapped around her weapon, teeth scraping against the sturdy material. “Hrmm… Weird flavor…” Tails was starting with his mouth hanging open, not having anything to say, as Amy went pale with disgust and anger. Digging her heels into the tiles on the ground, she pulled really hard on the handle, trying to get it out of his mouth. “Stop that you gross weirdo!” Tails sighed, as he jumped into the air, spinning his tails hard at the back of Zavok’s head. Yelling at the sudden hit, Amy fell backwards, the force of her pulling it out slingshot her onto the pavement, scattering the tiles she hit before.
“Ow! I’m gonna chew you extra hard before swallowing!” Spit flew out of his mouth as he spoke. Amy looked up, her ears tilted back. “Hes… He’s being metaphorical, right?” Tails just smiled, eyes closed, folding his arms. “Why bother with us when you can have my lunch?” Zomom froze as Tails flew up, closer to his head. “I dropped it while you were chasing us. Which is too bad, because it looked really yummy!” Getting up he thundered down the path that he came from, ground shaking with each step. “Ooh! Where?! Where?! I’m starving!”
Tails, looking shocked, as blood rushed to his head,he landed besides Amy; “That was.. A lot easier than I thought it would work out!” Amy was holding her hammer briskly in front of her, watching in disgust as a thick coating of saliva dripped off it and onto the ground. She lowered the head of it to the ground, keeping it away from her. “Tails, what are we going to do? Zomom is too strong for us to take down, and too stupid to outwit!” Cupping his mouth, Tails looked around for where he had run off too. “I don’t know. Sonic made this look way easier before.”
Tails darted an eye behind him, thinking he heard something. “He seems easily distracted. What if one of us baited him while the other grabs the Emerald?” Tails scratched his head, focusing on the scene around him. “It’s risky, but it's worth a shot!” A loud scream shook the ground as Amy whipped her head around, still keeping her hammer a spaced distance from her. Tails’ pupils shrunk, heart racing and blood rushing around, making him go warm.
Watching Zomom smash everything around him in a fit of rage, buildings clattering and rumbling as he hit the walls and pillars, everything crumbling down besides him. “There's nothing here!” Ripping a door right out of its frame, he threw it at Tails, rolling out of the way as it split in two, skyrocketing through the air. “You lied to me!”
Tails and Amy backed up, watching Zomom. “Now you made me hungry and angry. I’m hangry! You wouldn’t like me when I’m hangry!” As he says that, a group of Zombots begin to emerge from the sides of buildings, groaning. “Ah! Time to get to higher ground!” Tails grabbed Amy swiftly, as he lifted her up by the arms. “I don’t think that's going to work!” Amy called out, as Tails glanced down. All the Zombots were climbing the walls of the building Tails was trying to land on. “Grr. Hang on!” Tails flew even higher up, soaring through the sky as he tried to get away.
Holding Amy up was straining his arms, as he started to tire, falling slowly. “I’m gonna have to land!” Before he could, his arms gave out, blood flowing through them fast. Pins and needles were stabbing at his forearm as he watched Amy fall. “Gah!” His namesakes chopping through the air came to a slow halt as he too started to fall downwards.
Amy used her hammer to wedge the head between a chimney and the side of the roof, dangling off the handle. She looked up to see Tails falling slowly. “Hang on, I got you!” Moving her hammer out of the gap, she jumped up, catching Tails in both of her arms as she landed on her feet, a small thud as the leather soles on her shoes absorbed the impact.
“Thanks.” Tails slid out of Amy’s arms, hovering above the ground before landing back down, wind pushed outwards. Tails looked behind Amy’s shoulder, seeing shiny green glint behind her. “Look out!” Without even looking back to see what it was, she swung her hammer around her torso, getting the Zombot right in the chest as the substance formed a giant hole where she hit it. “We gotta keep moving!” Amy nodded as the two started to navigate the buildings, watching as a wave of Zombots followed behind.
Launching her hammer onto the ground, as she propelled herself upwards onto the tiles of a red roof, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Nearly out of breath, she saw Tails fly in besides her, staring at her sudden stop. “We can’t keep this up!” Hearing a Zombot grab a tile, as it slid down and clattered on the ground, she ran forwards, alongside with Tails. “I’m thinking! I’m thinking!”
Zomom, watching from the ground, clenched his fists. “Argh! You two are so annoying!” Jumping up into the ground, he lowered his fists into the pavement, shaking the whole town. Tables, tiles, and stones all flew upwards, alongside the Zombots, Amy, and Tails.
Amy was tripping over, about to fall off the roof she was on. “Tails!” As the ground continued to shake, Tails flew in and grabbed Amy under her arms, straining to lift her up. Flying above the commotion, he dropped Amy on some stable ground, collapsing besides her. She looked down at him. “Are you ok?” Tails got up, dusting off the glass that had launched into his tails. “Yeah, just worn out.” “But we got to kep moving!” “No, we need to stay right here!” His voice quivered, as he stood up.
He looked down to the ground, as the dust settled. They were standing atop of the portcullis, the walls connecting to it cracked and damaged. Hearing Zomon run up to them, Tails signaled for Amy to stand at the left wheel, while Tails stood at the right wheel. Holding his arm out, he watched Zomom get closer. “Hold it… Wait for it…”
Zomom, almost underneath them, ground shaking each step. Tails’ namesakes twitched. “Now!” Curling up and smashing into the wheel, chains clattering against the wall as they broke apart. Amy hit her hammer right into the wheel, spinning wildly. With both doing it at the same time, the gate closed at a rapid speed, almost hitting the ground in a mere second.
Zomom cried out as he got winded, the gate closed with him underneath it, metal bars jammed into the ground. Tails grabbed Amy as he flew down, almost feeling pity for the Zeti crushed in such a way. Almost. He was dazzled, groaning as he lay there, not even trying to get back up. “How do you like that? Overpowered.” Tails patted the blue Emerald, adding onto what Amy said,, “and outsmarted!”
Tails yanked out the Emerald, scratching against the metal that had it held in place. Tails and Amy ran off, heading back into the portal. “Hey! Get back here! Without that I can’t control the-!” Zomom cried out, only to be interrupted by the Zombots groans as they circled him.
Tails and Amy jumped into the Warp Portal, feeling their senses become distorted as their vision blanks out, only to be met with the sight of emerald green grass, falling down. Tails landed on his soft namesakes, cushioning his fall.
“Ha! He stood no chance against my lil bro!” Sonic had his arm around Tails, beaming as he listened into Tails’ story. “Well Amy was there too…” He sheepishly grinned, looking away as he had a hand to the back of his head. “But you also did it! Neither of you could pull it off solo!” Looking up to Sonic, Tails smiled, nodding.
“Wait what is the score so far?” “Uhh… I’m in the lead with 3, and you have… 2?” Sonic jumps up to his feet, darting his head back and forth, scanning the sky cartoonishly. “Welp, gonna have to change that-” Tails shook his head. “I don’t think rapidly looking around is going to help push you in the lead…”
Sonic crossed his arms, pressing them close to his body, feeling the warmth from his breath brush up against his chest. “Well I don’t see you pointing out any more soo… I’ll go ahead and say this is a good method!” Sonic had his hand over his head, scouting the sky. “Well I’d like to see that happen…” Sonic pouted, in a mocking tone; “I’d like to see you get one over me!” Tails’’ namesake whacked Sonic’s leg.
Most of the shapes that the duo pointed out had scattered into the distance, no longer visible. At this point, the sky was clear of any clouds, none above, around, or below them. Glaring down was the moon, acting like a beacon. Tails, by this point, had slumped forwards, in a light sleep. It had only been 10 minutes, but as it was late into the night, it became very hard to stay awake.
Something stood tall over Tails, wrapping him in darkness. “I found one!” Sonic burst forwards, over Tails, as he jolted upright. Tails froze for a second, before turning his head around to see Sonic. “C’mon, was that really necessary?” “Haha sure was, since now I have 3 points!” Tails cocked his head. “Oh really?” Sonic pointed up over the horizon.”I present to you, the Chocolate Chipped Cream Sundae Supreme!”
Tails sat there, looking up at where Sonic was pointing, confused. “What Cream Sundae?” “Right up there! See?” Tails lowered his eyelids. “Yeah, I see the ice cream, but what did you say?” Sonic froze, looking down at Tails, eyes open, before laughing into the night. “Oh yeah! You weren't there! Me and Chip met someone who was making some sundaes! Chip really liked them. Heh, actually that's why I nicknamed him that while he had his lost memory.”
Tails lit up. “Oh Chip! I miss him…” Sonic jumped down, crossing his legs as he looked up to the sky. “Yeah, me too. A real big shame too that we know for a fact we can’t see him again, since he won’t be here for a good few hundred years, but that’s why our time interacting with him was even more special.”
“I guess that is true. But like, what kind of sundae is called that?” Sonic hummed a confused sound, shrugging gently. I guess explaining it all in the title? Either way, I just called it a supreme sundae, since that name is far too long for me to bother ‘round with.” “I mean it would be a pain to write out, but saying it is not exactly a problem…” “Says the one who writes in advanced code hourly!” Sonic quipped in.
“Yet here you are, unable to.” Tails remarked to himself, holding up three fingers to his forehead. Sonic stared back at him, holding his breath in as he thought of a reply. Letting his breath go, releasing the small strain on his chest as he took another breath in, his throat dry from the cold air. “Ehh, sure. I mean, after all, I’ve never done anything at all that is so much cooler than being able to read a buncha 0’s and 1’s. Yet let’s both agree on that.”
Tails had pressed his knees close into his chest, wrapping his arms around them, his namesake’s folded in against his sides. Most of the cold air was not affecting him much to any degree, the only shivers he would get were down his spine, as it was more exposed to the sharp air. Sonic managed to somehow sit there with his legs dangling down the side of the platform, rubbing up against the dirt on the sides of the platform, rough small clusters of dirt, sticking to the back of his legs.
“How’re you not cold at all?” Tails looked directly at Sonic, a cloud of fog escaping his mouth. “Well when you think as much as I do, that's enough willpower to fight off against any kinda weather.” Tails frowned. “With actual facts.” Tails unfolded his left tail to gently whack Sonic’s arm. “Well then I dunno, I just don’t notice it I guess?” Tails shrugged, but before he was able to turn his head back to the sea, Sonic added on, “I even remember Chip asking me that haha!”
Tails pressed himself even more closer, as the night air dropped in temperature. “Was that when you were in Holoska?” “Indeed it was! I explicitly remember Chip’s wings freezing up badly whenever he followed behind me, so sometimes I carried him over to where we were heading off.” “Really?” “Yeah! We were looking for a Moon Medallion to open up the gates to get to the next temple, but it was taking a while to get through since the ice was making it hard to run.”
Sonic and Chip were making an advancement through the white blurs of snowfalls whizzing by as they ran, no sounds other than the piercing wind and Sonic’s footfalls. Running down the path through the thick snow, Sonic only left faint footprints behind, running at such high speeds that he left near no weight for each step as he burst forwards.
Chip’s little wings were slicing through the snow, beating fast as he tried to keep up with Sonic. Although he was not going full speed, the snow and frost was making it difficult for Chip to manage flight at all. Constantly wavering alongside, he came to a sudden slow, lowering to the ground. Sonic felt a change in winds, as he dug his heels into the snow, sinking down slightly as his weight settled atop of the fluffy powder.
Turning his head around, he looked for his companion, only to see Chip submerged in the thick snow, facedown. “Hey, you alright there Chip?” Sonic crouched down on one knee, resting his palm atop of his leg. Sticking his hand out of the snow, as it crumbled down to the sides, Chip held a thumbs up. Freeing his other hand from the snow, he attempted to drag the rest of his body out from the snow.
Sonic sighed, as he went ahead and lifted Chip out of the ground, some snow falling down his palms. “There you go.” Sonic dusted off some of the remaining fluffy powder from his friend's back, using the side of his other hand. “All good?”
Chip cartoonishly shook himself off, standing back up, as some astray snow went flying. Sonic lowered his eyelids, flinching away as some snow flew right at his eyes. “Much better!” Sonic let out a soft laugh, as some snow fell down his head. “Alright then, lets get goin’!”
Just as Sonic went to turn around and continue with their path, Chip grabbed Sonic’s glove tightly. “Sonic wait!” Sonic paused himself, whipping his head around. “Yeah?” Chip, expecting Sonic to not have heard him in time before running off, loosened his grip on his glove. “I don’t think I can fly any further, it’s too cold.”
“Huh, well hold on!” Chip looked up at Sonic, confused. “What do you mean by that-” Just as he said that, Sonic held Chip firmly in both hands, as he blasted off, snow getting kicked up as he ran forth, leaving behind a big pile of snow where he stood.
“Woohooo!” Sonic began to slide down the slope of the mountain, big chunks of snow falling down with him. Echoing through the terrain were the loud booms and rolling of snow, kicking up trees, snapping and bending to the force of the avalanche. Digging his heels into the snow, as he maneuvered around large stones and trees, he went further and further down the hillside. Behind him were feint marks that were left behind his shoes.
Sonic had Chip held secure in his hands, pressed up against his chest. Chip was holding onto Sonic’s arms as hard as he could, frozen in fear. “Wooo! Isn’t this fun Chip?” Sonic called out, over the commotion following behind him. Chip dared to turn his head around, feeling the wind whipping past him as Sonic advanced further down. “I dunno Sonic, what if we get hit by the avalanche?” Chip’s voice quivered, getting cut short with the velocity that Sonic was going down at.
“Huh? I can’t hear you over all the noise behind me!” Sonic shouted out, looking downwards at Chip, keeping his head forwards. “Try speaking up a bit!” Chip turned his head to face Sonic, then down to the ground. “Uhh, nevermind!” He called out, the pitch of his voice unstable. Chip sunk down further into his hands as he heard something loud crash down near where they were sliding down.
Looking back, Chip saw the snow and ice catching up to the duo, nearly at Sonic’s heels. “Uh, Sonic-” Before Chip could warn the hedgehog however, an upturned log soared through the air, landing a few feet ahead of them. “That's no good. Hang on!” Sonic called out, as he fell down to his side, skidding across the snow, as he held Chip up from the ground. Positioning himself, he quickly slid right through the hollowed out segment of the log.
Chip, as he had his eyes firmly shut, opened them up to see that he was fine. “Oh, that wasn’t so bad-” Wind whistling, the avalanche catched up, mere inches away from the two. Branches from toppled trees flung outwards, as a big boulder went soaring right at the two. Crashing into the snow, Sonic had lost his grip on Chip, flying through the air, along with Sonic. Chip was quick to use his wings to the best of his ability, managing to avoid a big fall.
Trying to keep up with the head of the falling snow, he darted his eyes around to find the blue blur. “Sonic! Sonic, where are you?!” His voice echoed through the mountains, until he spotted his friend tumbling out of control amongst the avalanche. Flying as fast as he could, he approached Sonic, hovering nearby. “Sonic, you gotta find something to hold onto!” Still rolling, he yelled out; “I don’t think that’ll be of much hel-'' Shaking his head, Chip spoke over him. “No, the mountain is coming to an end! You’re about to fall!” Although dizzy, Sonic tried to look ahead of him, focusing despite spinning about the snow.
Attempting to slow his descent, he dug his heels back into the snow, finding an open window once his body stopped ragdolling around. Seeing the debris kicked up, he grabbed onto the branch of a pine tree, the strong, fresh smell of it’s leaves and bark filling his senses along with the violent spinning. Climbing on, he ran up the base of the trunk, jumping up and landing on another falling tree, repeating the steps until he saw up ahead some stable ground.
Rolling up into a ball, he propelled himself forwards, only just landing on the safe platform. Falling on his back, Chip landed beside him. “Sonic, are you alright?” Looking at the hedgehogs face, he had his eyelids lowered. “Uhh yeahh, just very dizzy…” Chip looked down to see the remains of the avalanche fall down the slope of the mountain. Sonic shook himself off, as he got back up, wobbling a little. “Ok, let's get back.”
Chip flew up to his face. “But what about the moon medal we need?” Sonic messed around with his quills, pulling out the said medal. “Saw it falling down along with the snow and grabbed onto it. Don’t know how it ended up there though… But anyways, we got it!” Sonic held it up triumphantly. Chip just looked at him awestruck, seeing the mess of his quills, with snow and sticks stuck into his spines. “Alright.”
Sonic looked at Chip. “You all good though, I feel that was a little much when it caught up…” Chip shook his head frantically. “No! That was really fun! Well not at first, but nonetheless exciting!” Sonic let out a breath of relief. “Oh, that's good to hear… Want to do it again?” “Yeah!”
Sonic squinted at Chip, scratching his head, with some of the remaining snow rubbing off onto his gloves. “Since when did you have eight wings?” Chip froze for a moment, holding his breath. “We should probably sit down for a moment before heading back…” Sonic looked at his hands confused, nodding his head, as he sprung himself down. “Yeah, that would be a better idea…”
“...I mean, we got the moon medal in the end! Just cost my ability to see an object as just one object haha!” Tails was just looking at Sonic oddly. “Even when covered in a heft of snow and ice, you were not cold, but you ended up dizzy?” “I mean I was spinning about for a good while until I did some totally cool platforming to safety!” Tails rolled his eyes. “Another great mystery yet to be solved…”
“Eh, but anyways now I’m tied with you, so the actual mystery to be solved here is who is going to get the next point and end the tie!” Sonic held his arms up in a dramatic fashion, determined to win the game that Tails forgot they were playing each and every time Sonic rambled on about an adventure. “Oh yeah! Lucky you were keeping count, I nearly forgot about it…”
Tails put both of his arms above his head, stretching upwards as he let out a yawn. Sonic smirked, cocky. “I thought you were all in it for numbers?” Shutting his eyes, Tails turned his head the other way. “Only the important numbers…” “Now that is harsh.”
In the distance some birds were chirping, the sounds faint, echoing through the high mountains. Above the line of the sea, some orange was glistening, stars fading away. Tails was sleeping on his back, in a deep slumber, curled up. Sonic was snoring, leaning forwards , back arched and arms dangling down. As the warm sun rose from the sea, light hitting the two, Sonic and Tails’ communicator went off.
Sonic jolted upwards, startled as Tails calmy got up. Sonic, regaining his balance, throwing his arms up into the air. Avoiding his fall into the water, he crawled back, keeping his shoes on the ground. “Oh man, we fell asleep!” Tails rubbed his eyes as Sonic continued on. “That;s a shame, I didn’t get to break the tie… Oh well.” Moving his glove back, Sonic fiddled with his communicator.
“Hey Tails, looks like Egghead is already back!” Tails let out an annoyed moan. “Well we should’ve seen that coming…” Sonic shrugged it off. “Well I guess that leaves our little game for later to break the tie.” Jumping back up, Sonic waved his hand at Tails for him to follow. “We can have round two tonight, but not all the way until morning.” Tails replied, standing besides Sonic. “Well let's get going!”
Jumping down, wind whipping through Sonic’s quills, Tails followed suit. Whipping his Tails in the air, he caught the hedgehog, as the two took off, speeding away, orange light hitting their backs. As the last of the stars died out, two vague shapes simmered. A hedgehog and a fox, playing together, standing out from all the little stars scattered near the ocean.
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DFF Questions And Theories Recap
I wanted to do a post where I could put down all the major questions that are still unanwered from the show and give all my thoughts and theories on each.
What Happened to Non?
Earlier I saw this post by @slayerkitty that pretty much outlined my own thoughts on this.
I have been leaning into the idea that the boys pranked and drugged him for a while now. And episode 7 just confirmed it.
What I am the most unsure off, is what happened after. Because the fact that some of these boys seem to be sure he is dead while others aren't makes me think that something happened after the prank
Now is Non alive? This one I am not sure off, if he is I am leaning thowards maybe him being in a coma or catatonic or in some kind of hospitalized situation, maybe under a fake name, thanks to Phi's dad.
Because the Mafia (Tee's Uncle) want him dead, so a fake name for both him and his brother/family might be to keep them safe.
I am not positive he is the third killer (if there even is one) if he is alive.
Most of my brain is on camp Non is dead. For the simple reason that Tan especially seem to be focused on knowing what happened to Non, and/or getting a confession. And if he can talk to Non there would just be no used for that. There would be no need to wait that long. I don't know just a feeling.
Who Are The Killers and How Many there are? And Is Tan Non's older brother?
I will start with the obvious, Phi has to be one of the killers, we are all on board with that.
While my previous theory was that Tan was not the brother and the brother was an unknown player I think I have changed my mind.
I am now 90% sure Tan is New, Non's older brother. Am I still a little bit miffed they probably casted an actor who is the same age as Barcode to play his older brother, yeah, but I figured if the actor pulls it off I can overlook the real life age, it's not like we have not ignored that before in BL land.
About the number I waffle back and fort. I am currently leaning more with there are only two killers. But I can't ever fully commit to it. If you discount the quick appereances I think I have a handle on who did what and when, mostly. And they could have definately pulled it off just Phi and Tan.
Again I do still think the way the guy that is supposed to come pick them up was introduce feel like a set up for a third killer. But it could just be about making sure they are trapped there. I don't know.
I think that Tan might be a bit of blank character on porpouse because if he is the brother, which I am becoming more and more sure with each episode, the bulk of his characterization will be post reveal.
It's definately a delicate balance to struck, because if you make the character too distinct then the reveal feels like it's coming out of nowhere. I really like the actor's microexpression and the way the camera stays on his face sometimes, I think it's very subtle and the actor does a very good job with them.
Who realesed the video?
This section is a bit shorter, I mostly just want to highlight the two post I have seen pointing out some stuff about the video
This one by @firstmix
and This one by @raelle-writing
I wanted to add that maybe Tee and/or Top hide themselves in the office because they thought they could film the teacher giving Non money, and then caught something else instead.
I also think don't think (EDIT: I made a mistake in the og post) it's Jin that realesed the video.
Humans or Suprenatural
I am firmly on camp there is no supernatural, there is no cult. It's all staged.
I think the killers might be using drugs on the boys (see this post by @lukaherehelp for an excelled post on that)
And maybe some sort of induced hynosis/trance on Top, but it also just might be that the drugs and the fear are making him more inclined to help the masked killer, especially if he already thinks it's a ghost.
Also I don't currently have a specific post or remember the specific person sorry my memory is trash, but someone pointed out that sounds, the voices they hear and stuff, might also be used to fuck with people, if you are the person with that theory and see this tell me I will edit this. EDIT: @slayerkitty pointed out it was @shannankle who had this theory, thank you.
I think the dissapearing quick motionless apparitions might be some sort of projection. Specifically something tech related. I am thinking about Tan weirdly awakard talk with White about how he totally doesn't know anything about technology (that was a lie if I ever heard one)
And finally last but certanly not least: What are the killers realtionship/attitude thowards White and What is White role in the story?
White is the wild card, he wasn't supposed to be there. We have at least two conflicting statement on whose idea him coming with them was. Tee initially says, we agreed you would be good if you came and then says actually you didn't want to come and I instited later.
I don't think he is one of the killers there are way too many shots of him alone that make no sense if he is in on it.
Phi seems to be occasionally protective over him. In the scene where they are seeing Tee and White make out he is laughing with everyone but then after Tee says enough my little one will be sad (something of that effect) he turns to see White being embarred and puts a stop to it. He also always seem to want to keep White at the house where he could be safer.
Then of course there is the little awkward moment with the hands when Phi is telling him what to do for the shoot. It was such a odd moment to include, that it makes me believe there is something behind it we are not seeing.
Tan instead seems to be gently stearing him in a specific direction, the direction where he asks questions and wants the truth. Someone left the page of newspaper about Tee's uncle before leaving Fluke and White alone in the house, probably hoping that White would find it. I don't want to used the world manipulation yet, but it does feel a little like he is using him.
White has to be one of the final standing boys. I am not sure if he is going to be the only one. If Jin didn't realsed the video then Jin might also make it. And of course it depends about the killers. Making the killers so symphatethic the audience root for them is always a gamble if you want to end your series with both of them dead.
Is White meant to have some parallels with Non? Tee obviously is trying to change himself and be better for White, although he struggles between care and selfinesh still. White might also come from a poor background, the boys might have been more nice to him because they felt guilty about what happened to Non. There is also that moment with the rash that I think will have a bigger meaning eventually.
And has @shannankle has pointed out in their post on colors. He and Phi have some color connections with the orange.
I think that is it. Obviously the last question is about the ending, but I don't really have any theories I am ready to share for that yet. As you can see I am sure of very little.
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fallenwhumpee · 23 days
"An Hour."
• Masterlist •
Warnings: Hospital settings, aftermath of captivity, mentioned death.
Medic, despite what their job would suggest, wasn't a caregiver. They were just a mechanic working on circuits, not who carefully kept the whole mechanism running. They could fix people, but it was that. Someone would have to take over the aftermath.
Much to Medic's relief, Leader was a caregiver. A good one, even.
Too good, they lately noticed. Too good that it was starting to make Medic worried. But just like every other day, Medic knocked the infirmary door in exactly same time, before opening it fully. Youngest was asleep in the hospital bed - Medic had said Leader that it was unnecessary, but Leader  brought one anyway - and at last drops of their IV.
"An hour," Leader muttered. At this point it felt like a ritual. So, without a word, Medic moved and changed Youngest's IV to antibiotics as Leader deserted the room silently. Probably to sleep.
Good, Medic thought. Leader needed it.
Medic made their way to the armchair, only to see Leader's office keys on it. For a moment, they considered giving it back. They respected privacy, but they were also curious. For the last one month and a half, all Leader did was looking for Youngest, caring for Youngest or staying in their office. The first two was understandable, but the third...
Now Medic could learn whatever Leader was doing in their office.
Medic hesitated. They shouldn’t invade Leader’s privacy—Leader had done nothing to earn suspicion, at all. And Leader never broke anyone's boundries, so Medic doing it to them was just wrong. But something had been gnawing at the back of Medic’s mind for weeks now, something beyond the usual worry for Youngest. Leader’s behavior, so single-minded, so intense, felt wrong. So wrong for someone almost obsessed with making the future better. And if there was something in that office that could explain it...
Steeling themselves, Medic turned and walked down the hall to Leader’s office. The key slid into the lock with an ease that almost felt too simple. "Where's Leader?" Medic shouted. Leader's room was wide open and Leader wasn't there.
"Went for a quick walk," Right Hand shouted back.
Medic took a deep breath. "Okay," they muttered. With a simple twist, the door creaked open. Medic slipped inside, shutting it quietly behind them slowly. The room was dim, the only light filtering through the half-drawn blinds, casting long shadows across the walls. At first glance, it looked like any other office—neat, organized, professional. Just like how Leader liked to keep everything. Medic opened the lights.
Notes. Dozens of them, pinned to a board on the wall, scattered across the desk, and even taped to the edges of the bookshelves, almost creating a wallpaper. Most were in Leader’s precise handwriting, detailing locations, names, dates, and other pieces of information that, together, painted a picture out of a detective's office. Medic’s gaze was drawn to a map on the wall, marked with pins and red string connecting various points. They moved closer, recognizing the locations as places where incidents had occurred—break-ins, disappearances, attacks. All related to Youngest.
Their heart pounded as they picked up a file from the desk. It had a picture, the person's face partially obscured, but there was no mistaking who it was. Medic had seen that face around Whumper—one of the underlings of them. The person had been found dead two weeks ago, the cause still under investigation. There were detailed reports about them, autopsies, locations, biographies... informations that Medic doubted Leader had the authority to kno let alone storing.
They set the file down, their hands trembling slightly. Leader had been gathering evidence, but it wasn’t just about finding Youngest. It was about something more.
Another photo on the desk caught their eye. Medic took it, revealing more photos, more notes underneath. Some were crossed out, others highlighted. A list of names—people connected to the kidnapping—each one with a note beside it: confirmed dead, under surveillance, possible lead.
Some of these people were no longer a threat because they were dead. Was it coincidence, or had Leader...?
The sound of footsteps in the hallway snapped Medic out of their thoughts. They hurriedly closed the folder and placed thr picture back on the desk, glancing around to make sure everything was as they’d found it. The door clicked shut just as the office door opened.
Leader stepped inside, looking tired but alert. They froze for a moment, eyes narrowing as they stared in the sight of Medic standing in their office.
“What are you doing here?” Leader’s voice was calm, but there was an edge to it, a warning.
Medic tried to keep their expression neutral, forcing a casual shrug qs if they weren’t digging through the room for the last ten minutes. “You left your keys on the chair. Thought I’d drop them off.”
Leader’s gaze flicked to the keys in Medic’s hand, then back to their face. For a moment, neither of them moved. Then, slowly, Leader crossed the room, taking the keys with a nod.
“Thank you,” they said, their tone polite but distant. “Please wait for my return next time.”
Medic nodded, feeling the tension in the air like a physical weight. They turned to leave, but couldn’t help one last glance at the desk, at the folder now lying innocently on the surface.
Leader didn’t miss the look. “Is there something else?”
“No,” Medic replied quickly, shaking their head. “Just... take care of yourself, okay? You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
Leader’s expression relaxed, a smile so soft and tender taking over. “Don't worry. Byt you should get some rest too.”
How could Medic be suspicious of them when all Leader did was worrying and caring for the team? Shoving the guilt down, they forced a smile and left the office.
Later that day, Medic was in the break room when the news broke. The television mounted on the wall buzzed with static before the anchor’s voice cut in, somber and urgent.
“We interrupt this program with breaking news. Henchman, a key figure in the recent string of criminal activities linked to the late terrorist Whumper, was found dead earlier this evening. Authorities are investigating, but details remain scarce at this time.”
Medic’s blood ran cold. Henchman—another name on Leader’s list. Dead. Just like the others.
They stood frozen, the room spinning around them. The timeline didn’t add up. Leader couldn’t have done it—they had only left the office for ten minutes, not enough time to cross the city and back. But the coincidences were too many, too pointed.
When Medic next saw Leader, they couldn’t help but study their face, searching for anything. But Leader looked even more drained than the last time, still trying to hold it together desperately. When Medic mentioned the news, Leader’s response was calm, almost indifferent.
“Tragic, but not unexpected,” Leader muttered, shrugging slightly. They weren’t even focused— they looked like they could just collapse and take a twenty four hour nap. “Agency was after them. It was only a matter of time.”
Medic nodded slowly, but the uneasy feeling in their gut only grew. There was something, something that was beyond their understanding. But as Leader walked away, Medic knew one thing for certain— Leader was doing something wrong. It was either their sleeping habits or the team had a huge problem.
Soo, have another random one. This is standalone, but I wrote this with "A Score to Settle" in my mind. Not quite part two, but I began writing with that intention.
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