#it's sweet tho
faofinn · 1 year
Day 31 - Ambulance Ride
They'd not long been in the back of the ambulance when Finn started to regain consciousness. He spat the airway from his mouth and knocked the mask off his face, rolling onto his side. He'd not yet worked out where he was, but he was always more comfortable on his side. 
As someone readjusted the mask on his face, he jerked back, eyes wide.
"It's alright, just sorting this. It's Finn, yeah? You're alright. You've had a few seizures." The medic said to him. "Your brother’s here, don't you worry."
Finn narrowed his eyes, trying to make sense of the figure in front of him. At the mention of his brother, he perked up, looking expectantly around. 
Fao reached across for his brother’s hand. “I’m here, Finn.”
"Fuzzy." He managed, fidgeting his feet.
“You had a couple of seizures. Makes you feel a bit odd.” He reassured. “You’re okay.”
“I know, I know.”
"Finn, where hurts? I know it’s all gonna be a bit difficult right now."
He moved to look at the paramedic, pulling a face. He didn’t see why he he's we being asked, especially when it was so obvious. 
“Finn? Can you tell them what’s hurting? They’re not mind readers.”
"I don't care." He huffed, settling back down.
“They care, though. They want to help. Is it your head?”
"Mm. Maybe."
"Are we playing charades?" He laughed softly. "I'll change the question. Do you want some pain relief?"
Finn thought about it for a second, weighing it up. For him to be in the back of the ambulance, he'd have had more than one seizure, which meant he already had a cannula in. He squinted his eyes to check which arm, and then held it out wordlessly. 
"I'll take that as a yes." He laughed. "I'll grab you something."
Fao couldn’t help but laugh too. “Honestly, Finn. You’re daft sometimes.” 
"'M not."
The paramedic got Finn the medication he needed, squeezing his hand once he was done. “There. That should sort that pain out, wherever it is.”
Finn settled after that, the pain relief adding to the post seizure haze. He was content enough to sleep. 
They were typically a long way from the hospital, and the journey in the ambulance dragged. Finn had dozed off, and Fao watched him closely. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d have a break from seizures and then start again. He watched the rise and fall of his chest, every breath, waiting for something. He knew he was paranoid, and that his brother was older now, but he still saw that broken ten year old, his baby brother. He’d always been protective over Finn, and that hadn’t changed now he was a grumpy teenager. 
Eventually, after what felt like an age, they pulled up at the hospital, and Fao scrambled out of the ambulance to follow his brother into the building. Unfortunately, it was just the start to another long, long day.
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hematomes · 2 years
Do they pay good ? Is it like part time or just like a minimum wage job do you get any health coverage cndnd
i haven't read the papers yet nura abskzk it was just the 1st interview
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candywraptor · 3 months
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From novahee_ on Twitter
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majunju · 5 months
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scarabia aftermath
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months
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There is no such thing as personal space between them.
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yumethefrostypanda · 9 months
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I think the right shot gives a pretty good idea how big Simon's arms are.
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sayakame · 2 months
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Just gege washing his San Lang’s hair 🧡
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imissthestarswhenicry · 3 months
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whos he texting?🤨
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veveisveryuncool · 3 months
kirby characters as things my group of 1st graders have said while volunteering
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consider this a part 2 of this from last year lol
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milesworld96 · 8 months
I’m not joking when I talk ab how much I love them and that I’d die for them
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rendevok · 1 year
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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wellship · 1 year
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He just can't stand by and watch...
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blighted-lights · 3 months
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ravage is #1 personal space stealer and heater, 10/10 would recommend having him as an amica. usually he'd be sleeping curled around soundwave's head but the other cassettes are out harassing starscream on patrol, so soundwave's chest is free real estate
anyways send me asks with ur soundwave and ravage hcs and mayhaps i'll draw them soon
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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Oh, Aang, you're really in it now...
This is Zu—I mean, Jian Li and Katara's second meeting in the Kyoshi Warriors AU. The first proper one, anyway.
Once they get through a minor difference of opinion or two (“I can carry my own basket!” “Never said you—” “I'm not weak!” “I didn't—” “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean—” “Would you listen for once, woman?!” ) they'll become nearly inseparable.
For now Jian Li will carry Katara's basket all the way to the Kyoshi Warriors' dojo and, once there, they'll mercilessly tease Sokka when they see him in uniform.
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aithusarosekiller · 1 month
Why is it so funny to imagine the different reactions to Reg coming out as gay. Because I feel like it was obvious to almost everyone except him for a very long time.
Like for the sake of the joke we're pretending homophobia is practically not a thing. Maybe it's a modern au or smth but:
Regulus: I'm gay.
Barty 'amazing academic skills 0 people skills' crouch jr: ... 😧 seriously? You? Men? REALLY??? LIKE REALLY??? ACTUALLY???
Dorcas; who he'd temporarily dated when they were both questioning their sexualities: mhm, same
Pandora and Narcissa: I had a feeling. I wanted to wait for you to tell me first though.
James, who'd somehow missed the memo when everyone else had already found out: Really? Oh! That's...yeah that's good. Yup. That's great for us-you. Great for you. I did not know that but I'm glad you're comfortable with it and.....stuff. Very supportive of that. Yeah. So. That's great! ...anyway-
Remus, Peter, Mary, and Lily: yeah that checks out honestly
Marlene, finding out when it's casually mentioned by barty at some point: I fucking KNEW IT!!
Sirius, knowing he's telling him because it's the closest he can plausibly get to telling his parents: a soft little forehead kiss and a gentle 'I know' that just completely heals his inner child
Evan: *requires a definition* ohhhh, that's weird. Chill tho.
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bonesandbolts · 6 months
Ok, these songs are certified bops, but I can understand why they weren't included in the album. They all have a different feel to them. They're definitely better on their own like this.
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