#it's the most batshit insane thing ever. i know.
klanced · 1 year
mx katie klanced are we voting voltron straight through in the worst fandom poll or genshin. your troops await
i am so sad i missed this poll. i am now going to hold you all hostage and force you to read my outrage. i know this ship sailed literally two weeks ago but LISTEN TO ME!!!!!
anyway i cannot BELIEVE that voltron lost to south park. the category was "most annoying fandom." this is distinctly different than "most annoying show" or "worst show," and it is NOT synonymous with "most unhinged fans." okay? for this poll, what matters is the group character and cultural staying power of the fandom that organized around the show.
an annoying fandom must be:
incredibly vocal and prominent, to the point that even the most reluctant and detached layperson still has some vague idea of the fandom's biggest discourse/fights, usually entirely against their will; and
annoying, in the sense that the fandom's presence (or even a mere reference to their presence) is enough to actively disrupt or impede one's ability to enjoy online internet spaces; and
the fandom is annoying BECAUSE of the source material in question.
point 1 is fairly subjective, as it's all based on one's own experience or perception of a show's cultural diffusion across the broader public consciousness. so i weigh it less heavily when ranking how annoying a show is.
for point 2 i would argue that south park is annoying, and south park fans are annoying, but the south park fandom itself is NOT as annoying (i.e., the fandom is the least annoying aspect of south park). this is because i firmly believe you can differentiate between south park fans versus the south park fandom.
[[actually if i can be frank -- does south park actually have an organized fandom? obviously they have fans, i have seen them in the twitter wilds (usually in the context of out-of-context incredibly well-developed yaoi art/content of? 10 year olds ?????????). but is there actually a cohesive fandom that routinely interacts and develops concepts together? is there a collective identity ??????? my gut reaction is no, but this is very much an online space i don't enter, so what do i know? i also have no idea what that fandom can even talk about, other than the yaoi (although you could easily say this to the voltron fandom as well). whatever, for this argument i will presuppose that there IS a organized south park fandom with a fairly coherent and cohesive identity.]]
anyway, what i wanted to highlight is that there are certainly incredibly annoying individual south park fans who are outrageous, vulgar, and vile. so you would think that, if you put all these annoying individuals into a single collective, that single group would have skyrocketing amounts of annoyingness. but that doesn't seem to happen. i cannot recall any specific complaints about the south park fandom; personal stories involving individual south park fans, sure, but what does the fandom actually do on a broad scale?? if there is any sort of discourse or mobilization, it seems to be fairly contained and localized.
so how can a collective fandom somehow be less annoying than its individual parts? this brings me to point three: an annoying fandom MUST be annoying BECAUSE of its source material. and this does not apply in the south park fandom's case.
to qualify as an annoying fandom, it is not enough to be a group of annoying fans loosely connected by a shared interest; rather, the source material ITSELF must be the inciting incident that galvanizes the group to organize and THEN become annoying.
is the south park fandom annoying? to some extent yes, of course. but i would argue that the south park fandom is annoying, not specifically because of the show in question, but rather because the fandom is comprised of persons who were already predisposed to being annoying, regardless of whether or not they had ever watched south park. this is a subtle but incredibly important distinction.
south park's vulgar and vile humor certainly enables its most annoying fans, but the continued annoying activities of said fans are NOT dependent on the show's existence. a shithead south park fan was always going to be a shithead, now they just have cartman to idolize.
i have spent a lot of time talking about south park. let us now move on to voltron and the voltron fandom.
in contrast to south park, the voltron fandom qualifies as an annoying fandom because its annoying activities were entirely dependent on the existence of voltron the show. would individual voltron fans still have been annoying even if they had never stumbled upon voltron? of course. but the voltron fandom was an organized collective of people that specifically came together to BE ANNOYING ABOUT VOLTRON. and then they made it everyone else's problem.
the voltron fandom was like an ouroboros devouring its own tail; a symbol of infinity, referencing the literally never-ending fighting; and it survived entirely by maiming and cannibalizing itself. the voltron fandom actively ruined every online space it entered. i saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by voltron.
honestly, i would argue that the voltron fandom's impact has completely altered the way online fandom functions to this day. the voltron fandom capitalized on the momentum started by the steven universe fandom and other early 2010s online fandoms, and spawned an entire new flavor of fandom discourse that was obsessed with morality and virtue. truthfully, it feels disingenuous to frame what happened as something innocuous as "fandom discourse"; it almost feels like a disservice to the levels of personal faith, passion, and vitriol people poured into voltron. the terms "pro-shipping" and "anti-shipping" have been around for ages, but the voltron fandom turned "pro" and "anti" into genuine identity markers.
this post is already way too insane so i need to quit while i'm ahead. but i would just like to conclude by reiterating that south park has annoying fans but not necessarily an annoying fandom, whereas the voltron fandom was annoying specifically BECAUSE it was the voltron fandom. i think the south park fandom could dissolve tomorrow and assimilate into other similar fandoms without a problem. whereas the voltron fandom was like lightning in a bottle; the activities of the voltron fandom are quintessentially wrapped up in the specific details, characteristics, and attributes of voltron. if voltron's characters or story was even slightly different -- if, say, every character was a college-student for example -- then the nature and activities of the fandom would have been irrevocably different.
and that is why voltron is the more annoying fandom and SHOULD HAVE SWEPT SOUTH PARK IN THE POLL.
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pawnshopsblue · 8 months
lorelais weird beef with jess in s2 is like. u are a grown woman. moreover the weird bit where she kinda sorta prioritizes her daughter's whiny bf over her actual daughter is. u are a grown woman and that is a teenage manchild.
#watching s2 ep19 rn which is like. lorelai 'i can't lie to dean why are you asking me to lie to dean' its like.. i know everyone and their#mother on this website says it that deans clinginess and anger borders on emotional abuse and lorelai encourages it? sort of? and its so#annoying. especially in this episode where its like so insane that rory doesn't say something about it. then again i guess it doesn't go#in line with the writers' dean most perfect bf alive shtick. but if u want him to be perfect then write him better and less annoying?#also lorelais hatred hatred of a 17yo kid is sooo strange when they have her as this totally understanding empathetic adult and she suddenl#can't empathize with the kid who is arguably the most like her and maybe needs it the most. so ooc. and annoying.#PLUS most especially her freak out at luke after the car accident is sooo#batshit insane yelling at luke that he has an obligation to rory and her over his nephew its like. hm. are u fr. also acting like a hairlin#fracture is the most terrible thing to ever happen ever!!! get a grip its so annoying how she goes on and on about it like its catastrophic#i get the overreacting mother bit. obviously. but this is still so stupid insane.#i love lorelai but this ep is her worst maybe. on par with the s7 arc#and speaking of christopher hayden is sooo smarmy and disgusting acting like superdad for one and a half episode before he fucks off to be#a dickhead again. so annoying that my most beloved episode ever is so annoying in its last 10 minutes
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myname-isnia · 1 month
Suiren is Aplatonic
#bc I said so. argue with a wall#she's my character I can do what I want#look once I realised I was spec and claimed a bunch of identities under that umbrella#I began wanting to give some of them to my characters#alasie fulfills my aroace rep needs and honestly that's enough for now#bc with how prominent family is in my stories I can't really go for afamilial#but it very recently occured to me that suiren straight up doesn't have friends#of course for the most part it's because of trauma and her entire community hating her#but even after her recovery.. I just never gave her a friend?#she has her family + people like opal and bolin who are considered family and kuvira. that's it#the only friend she's ever had in my multiverse of madness is alasie. and even then 'friend' is pushing it#they would only know each other for a few weeks before Suiren has to bail and probably didn't interact all that much#and honestly. even in utos I don't see her as someone who'd go around making friends#maybe there are a few people who she's on good terms with but not quite on friendship level#if any of that makes sense#and hey. why am I making excuses. suiren is mine if I say she's aplatonic then she's aplatonic#she feels romantic/sexual and familial attraction but not platonic. end of story#but since she does have that thing with alasie I will say that she's once again like me. plato-indifferent aplatonic#though technically I’m demiplatonic but yk. same difference#she doesn't care much either way whether she has friends or not and will care if she has them. but more as a person than a friend yk?#she is a kind and caring person by nature even though her demeanor hides it. it comes with her set of beliefs#so she will care for and love people. but not consider them friends#it's nearly midnight so I'm yet again on tumblr with my batshit insane takes#sotrl suiren
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kil9 · 10 months
dear god what have I done in the tags.
#99.txt#they cut me off i didnt even finish the story gwhdhhsnvj#yeah so basically :) i steamed milk without foam. because they didnt want foam. the no foam drink#and im so smart and sexy and good at an espresso machine#and shes like ''uu STILL have to foam it ven !!!!!!''#im like ''huh. they dont want foam tho.''#shes like ''you have to FOAM the milk its in the BOOK 🙂''#at this point she has already GRABBED THE CUP from my hand to put her shitty giant bubbles in.#so im like ''ok . then. how. do i make it with no foam :)''#shes like ''um ??? u pour it in and then take it off the top ?? thats why we have SPOONS ?''#AS IF THIS IS FUCKING OBVIOUS. AND NOT THE DUMBEST SHIT IVE EVER HEARD.#OUOIUOUHHHH SHES TALKIJG TO ME LIKE IM FUCKING STUPID. YEAH SILLY ME DUMMY ME I DIDNT KNOW THAT A SPOON IS JUST TO PUT FOAM INTO A DRINK#AND THEN TAKE IT RIGHT BACK OUT AGAIN LIKE AN INSANE PERSON.#AAAAAGHAHV SILLY ME OOPSIE#even if the book says that i dont even care. the book is dumb as hell#i know how to steam milk without foam like. i know how to do my job. im so damn cool and sexy and smart#and everyone wants to work a steamer like me FUCK YOU my manager#acting like im stupid all the time and then does the MOST BATSHIT THINGS EVER#i dont even know.#another manager made me talk to her cos i was complaining. and im like ''yeah i feel like u talk down to me''#and her response basically boiled down to ''no i dont :)'' like. ok. so what now#she was also like ''oh im just like this 😊'' and im like. huh. so you either never thought about how that makes ppl around u feel.#or u just dont care ? ? that sounds like a really cool and healthy way to live your life
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artemis32 · 3 months
yandere superfam drabble i
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listen, i have a ton of ideas for the batfam. really, i do. but come on. superfam.
dc masterlist
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Thinking about Clark and his family as yanderes.
Individually, they're enough of a headache, but together? Damn.
Clark Kent sees himself as your father. The problem with him as a yandere is, he's genuinely terrifying. I mean, ignoring the fact that this man is literally Superman, he's also incredibly delusional.
I think most people downplay, or forget exactly how strong this man is. He's strong, fast, and so insanely smart. All that being said, there is literally zero chance of you avoiding him, under any circumstances.
The only saving grace in this situation is the fact that he's, like I said, delusional. Not in a 'oh, I know this is kind of wrong, but I can justify it as being right' kind of way. Rather, he wholeheartedly believes he's helping you, doing the best thing for you by allowing his obsession and thoughts of you overtake your life.
You don't even have the luxury of a slow descent into the situation. His mindset regarding you shifted really quickly, and by the time you were clued in on it, you'd already been stolen away to a farm in the middle of nowhere, ripped away from your life without warning.
The only aspect of his mindset that doesn't quite fit in with the delusional yandere archetype is the fact that, if you push the right buttons, he will absolutely fly off the handle. That in itself proves that, no matter how much he insists otherwise, he knows what he's done to you is wrong.
Jon Kent is a carbon copy of his father. He firmly believes that your place in life is with them, as a part of their family. The fact that you weren't born into the family means nothing to him. If you weren't meant to be with them, the your paths would never have crossed.
The only difference between him and Clark is that Jon has no doubt in his mind that what they're doing is okay. Clark is delusional; Jon is deranged. A part of you believes you can't really blame him - he's a child, a product of his environment. If that's what he was taught his whole life, by the people he loved and trusted, then of course he didn't see a problem with it. But the larger part of you still hated him, hated the fact that he saw you as the crazy one, as if his family hadn't abducted you from your crappy Metropolis apartment in the middle of the night.
And the fact that he was a few years younger than you didn't stop him from treating you like a child. Granted, he was insanely strong and fast, but that didn't mean you had to enjoy him manhandling you as easily as his father and brother whenever he thought you were getting too fussy.
Conner Kent, a few years your senior, isn't like Clark or Jon. He's completely aware of what they're doing to you, of how invasive and creepy it is. He just doesn't care.
I'd almost argue that him being fully aware of how wrong it all was might've been creepier than the shared delusion of Clark and Jon, especially since he could stare you dead in the eye, blank faced at the sight of your tears, and tell you in the most monotonous voice you've ever heard that he didn't care about what you wanted.
Besides a few uncanny moments with him, he was mostly pretty cocky and snide, with this keen way of getting under your skin. It's almost as if he revelled in the fact that you knew he knew they were wrong, the fact that he could do something to help you get away from all this, but he just... didn't.
The worst part was, if he hadn't, you know, kidnapped you, you might've liked him. He was easy to like, if you ignored the annoying sarcasm and ever-present smirk, the type of person you might've wanted to be friends with.
Too bad he spoiled all that by being batshit crazy.
Lois Lane, to her credit, was against the idea at first. She acted as the voice of reason in the family. Or, at least, she tried to. But the men in her family were nothing if not determined.
She realised how crazy, how morally wrong it was to rip someone away from their life for what you thought might be best for them. She also realised how terrified you'd be, surrounded by people, beings who were so much stronger than you, able to subdue you with little more than the tip of a pinky finger.
But, in the end, they won her over. The idea of someone to take care of, someone normal in the family - someone like her, and a daughter to boot - the offer was too sweet to pass up on. She's an odd mix of mindsets, a point somewhere between Clark's delusion and Conner's unwavering sanity, and that makes her scarier than the rest of them, somehow.
The fact that she knows it's wrong, but is able to convince herself it's for your own good - that's terrifying.
Though, she is great in the motherly role, acting as neutral ground for whenever one of the others overwhelm you past what you can reasonably handle. She seems to have a sixth sense for your threshold too, appearing as if out of thin air whenever you're close to snapping at one of the three men who are always in your hair.
Out of all four of them, you'd admit to liking her the most, though admittedly, it's for a selfish reason. She's the easiest person to slip by - the rest of them have super sight and hearing, and even if you could slip away, they'd catch up to you in a few seconds flat. Lois, as much as you may dislike her, was only human. Yes, she had this weird sense for when you'd try to pull something, but for the most part, you had more leeway with her than anyone else.
As a result, you stuck to her like glue, which lead to Jon whining that you were playing favourites. Jon, you could understand. He was a child, one who was used to getting his way most of the time. Clark, however, also tended to develop a strangely endearing pout whenever you ignored him, one that had even Lois caving and forcing you to spend time with someone other than her.
One thing all of them had in common was the fact that they were so damn clingy. They seemed magnetically drawn to you, hanging off of you like children at all hours of the day. It was infuriating, constantly having your personal space intruded upon.
Even at night, when you tried to sleep, you'd wake to find Conner or Jon sliding in beside you, or, even worse, you'd mysteriously wake up in Clark and Lois' bed the next morning. That always made you uncomfortable - how had they managed to move you several rooms down without you once waking up?
Your only saving grace was that all four had their own lives outside of the household, often leaving for work or school, or even patrols, so you very rarely had to deal with all four at the same time. Your favourite days were the ones when it was just you and Lois. You could slip away in the morning, right after Jon caught the bus to school, and spend the entire day away from the prison-like household.
They at least trusted you enough to let you roam around the farm freely. Well, not trusted, exactly. More like, they knew you couldn't get far before one of them caught up to you.
The perks of living in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.
On the bright side, they acted as if the entire household revolved around you. You could decide what everyone ate for breakfast and dinner, you could decide the 'family activity' of the week. They tended to give in to what you wanted pretty easily, on the condition that you gave them something in return, whether it be attention, affection, or some crudely handmade gift that wasn't worth much.
Despite their joyful front though, they could all be terrifying, especially Clark. You'd learnt that the hard way when they'd first taken you. One of them snapping usually only happened if you put yourself in harm's way, but there were other circumstances where they (Clark), felt punishment was warranted.
You'd once made the mistake of making genuinely hurting Lois (or, her feelings at least), to the point of making her cry. Once, and never again.
But since then, you'd learnt how to play your cards, how to skate by in the Kent household with only a small dose of anxiety. You'd managed to avoid being metaphorically (and literally) shackled to the bed, like when you'd first arrived. Time had made things easier - time, and getting to know them.
As much as you were loathed to admit it, getting to know them had made it easier to handle them. It'd been a hard pill to swallow originally, but as the months went by, you'd had to accept the fact that you weren't going anywhere, and it was better to adapt to the situation than remain sullen and miserable for the rest of your life.
They seemed to believe you were slowly but surely coming around to the idea of being a part of their family. You definitely acted like it. But deep down, you were biding your time, waiting, planning for the perfect moment.
You'd leave, run and hide, go to furthest corner of the earth to get away from them. You always thought you would, and one day, you did.
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overmorrowpine · 2 months
hiccup is feral and everyone (including me) just Forgets this
things this menace did that we kinda just??? never thought about?????
- spared the life of the most deadly dragon near berk. not only that, but cut him loose from the netting that, for all hiccup knew, was the only reason toothless wasn't killing him
- proceeded to Befriend that dragon, the first viking to do so in like?? ever??? (valka doesn't count. she was gone 20 years i think she loses the title of viking)
- got the other teenagers his age to RIDE those dragons they were training to kill INTO BATTLE??? HOW DID THE DRAGONS JUST ALLOW THAT. HOW DID THE PEOPLE ALLOW THAT.
- and WON
- [handwaves at all the shows] i haven't watched those recently and also this post would be a mile long so i will just highlight One thing
also, in movie two:
(to be fair the changing his mind was a fair thought process considering alvin. and dagur. and viggo. although that took MONTHS and required his team to forsake him first anyway that wasn't even hiccup that was a random monstrous nightmare in a cave. but he probably thought it was him somewhat i don't know if the monstrous nightmare even came up in conversation)
- what else did he do that was feral he was less off-the-walls batshit insane in this movie the above point was kinda it
- OH YEAH pulled his dragon OUT OF MIND CONTROL with the power of LOVE and TALKING GENTLY and KINDNESS. which has NEVER happened according to drago and he's had that bewilderbeast for years if not DECADES
- that whole rescue mission was wild actually
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oxydiane · 1 year
sns is so fucking unhinged and nobody will ever be them i’m sorry. you start the series and it’s like oh haha look at these goofy angsty rivals! they hate each other! then sasuke dies for naruto thirty chapters in giving up his dream of revenge and naruto goes batshit insane. now you’re like ah they’re friends i guess that’s cute! and sasuke is trying to kill naruto because he’s the most important person in his life which is . ok and it becomes the driving force of everything or something. sasuke leaves and naruto dedicates the rest of his life to bringing him back and you’re still a casual fan so ur like he’s doing it for the promise right? then orochimaru says sasuke is his and naruto goes batshit insane feral homicidal (again) and after that sasuke reappears and they have ??? like five different panels dedicated to them staring at each other??? and he jumps off a mountain and hugs naruto for some reasons just to whisper some gay shit in his ear kishimoto frankly needs to be jailed drawing this and keep that best friend nonsense going. anyways. you have sasuke become a convicted terrorist to which the normal people response is “ok we need to hunt him down” and when naruto learns they’re gonna hunt him down he starts screaming crying throwing up he has a panic attack he can’t breathe he’s falling in the snow he gets on his knees and begs them to spare his BFF. after having a meltdown over the thought of sasuke dying what may possibly be the natural coping mechanism any stable person would adapt? of course realising that if sasuke dies he can die too. so he sees sasuke again and after he attempts murdering sakura twice and expresses the intent to murder kakashi he’s like. i will bear the burden of your hatred and die with you hehe and if we both die you won’t be an uchiha and i won’t be the jinchuuriki to the nine tails and we’ll be able to understand each other better in a different lifetime! WE’LL MEET AGAIN IN THE AFTERLIFE BECAUSE NOT EVEN DEATH CAN DO US PART! and sasuke (just as insane as him) doesn’t even flinch he’s like what the fuck is wrong with you but then ok let’s fuckingggf die together on my god i will kill your first anyways . then they find out they are soulmates and get cute matching tattoos on their hands and decide to fight to the death once more because sasuke is back on his i will shoulder all the hatred of the world alone and i need to kill you because i love you more than anyone else in the world actually you’re the only person i love so you need to DIE and naruto is like I WILL NOT LET YOU SHOULDER THAT HATRED ALONE I WILL FREE YOU FROM THE PAIN and they fight and despite all the whatever weapons used in the war it’s a fuckinggg fistfight in which just as sasuke is about to inflict what he thinks is the last blow says “farewell… my one and only…………………. (very long pause to accentuate how heteronormative this next word is gonna be) FRIEND” and fucking stops using his sharingan because not even then he can record the image of naruto dying especially by his hand but naruto STOPS HIM LIKE A f cHAMP and they end up blowing each other’s arms off (rip the matchies) and as they’re bleeding to the fucking death sasuke is like you’re the only person that has never tried to severe their ties with me why do you go so far for me and naruto from the depths of comphet hell is like because you’re my FRIEND and sasuke being absolutely done with this bullshit is like ok what the fuck does that mean to you then and this is where it gets even gayer and relatable because naruto is like i don’t KNOW i just know that when you hurt i hurt and i just can’t take it and isn’t that the most gay experience thing ever? naruto knows what it feels like to have friends but what he feels for sasuke is so bone deep and unconventional that he cannot make sense of it and can only describe the pain it brings. after that sasuke CRIES LIKE THEYVE GOT ME SOOO FUCKED UP but you know what got me even more fucked up?
naruto waking up bloodied and battered and half alive with one arm missing but still wondering if that was heaven because sasuke was next to him. sasuke looking so happy and peaceful when saying “i lost” as a stark contrast to him looking and feeling like half of his body was being torn apart when he “won” against naruto in vote1 and left him. the bitterness of victory vs the sweetness of losing if you will. AND HIM COMPARING WHAT HE FEELS FOR NARUTO TO PRAYING MY GODD. did i forget to mention that then we learn that Ohhh it was never a stupid shallow rivalry as we all thought! they have actually been watching each other from afar since they were little freshly traumatised children and have longed to hold each other’s hands since then! what was it sasukeeee you felt warm and fuzzy when you saw naruto to thought of it as a weakness? these two are so astronomically hopelessly desperately obsessed in love with each other it’s ridiculous i’ve had ENOUGH free me from this mental prison
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fandomfucker · 2 months
Do you think you could do one for Rhea were it’s all about how she posts about her girlfriend on social media? Like she posts about her girl and the fans just go wild for it? Can make it fluff, smut, whatever takes your fancy. Could be headcannons if you want? ❤️‍🔥🌸
YES!! I love this one cause I literally think about these things all the time. Doing headcannons so I can fit more in🫡
Lemme know if yall want a part 2!
I've said it before, I'll say it again; Rhea loves doing TikTok trends with you
Whether you're running into her and she swings you around or your eyes are inches away from her tits, she loves them and she loves the reactions ya'll get from the fans
She constantly reposts fanart of not just the two of you, but fanart of just you
There's even some of you and her dogs which she commissioned the og artists to paint on a canvas so she could put them up around the house
And edits of course
She lives for the edits people make of you
You're not super active on twitter however Rhea will always find some way to flirt with you on every single post you make, no matter what its about. A winking emoji, some heart eyes, or the filthiest implications
and the mosherz always go batshit when she does it
she also reposts ever single one of your posts to hype you up no matter what it is
She also loves to just take pictures/videos of you when you're completely unaware and just totally natural because those are the things she loves most about you
Every milestone post has a caption so long most people dont even bother to finish reading it
of course its all about how much she loves you and how proud she is of you but omg its so long
she will bully the fuck out of anyone leaving even the slightest mean comment
like to the point they delete their account
she just loves to show you off every chance she gets
because you're hers and she's yours and everyone needs to know that
every thirst pic/video she posts goes to you first so you're always the first to see them
You also get bonus content thats not posted😉
sometimes you'll be in one of her tiktoks or thirst posts from Raw (or a ppv) and the caption is always something super raunchy that makes the fans freak out for the next few weeks
or until the next post
You've been obsessed with the Harley Quinn show on Max recently so for Halloween you made Rhea dress up as the Poison Ivy to your Harley Quinn
You won best costume and there was tons of fanart made of the two of you as them
You like to do face masks and you wanted Rhea to join you but she'd only do it if you would agree to do a little photoshoot with her with them on for her insta
She also took a little polaroid of you to keep in her wallet
On that note, when you revealed that Rhea keeps one of those mini photo albums for polaroids in her carry-on (no matter where she goes) FILLED with polaroids of you, you and the dogs, or the occasional ones of the two of you, or all four of you, Twitter blew up
it was all anyone could talk about for weeks
"The cutest thing ever!!😍 Rhea loves her SO MUCH😭"
She has "Belongs to Y/F/N" in her bio on all socials
Constantly taking pictures of you because "you're just so beautiful, babe"
The fans are in love with how in love you are
Like its a fairytale and they're living for it
She constantly talks about you in interviews and always reposts those clips specifically so that just in case people didn't watch/listen to that particular instance of her gushing about you, now they have
The fans cosplay as the two of you just like they do with Rhea and Dom
you are THE it couple
Everyone wishes they were you
When you got engaged, you changed your name in your insta bio to Mrs. Ripley and the fans actually went insane
like to the point that the official WWE accounts got involved
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sweet-honey-fruit · 2 years
I saw you were asking for a request so I thought of something. What would the harbingers (Dottore, Pantalone, Tartaglia, Capitano, Arlecchino) do if someone hurt they're s/o to get information about them? Have a nice day btw :D
This this THIS! I’m a sucker for these kinds of things. It’s definitely a guilty pleasure of mine with these scenarios. Thank you for this, I had a lot of fun writing it!
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Harbingers With Hurt S/O
Warnings: Violence, mentions/descriptions of torture and death, use of pet names, possibly OOC Capitano cause there’s literally little to no information about him, spoilers for Fatui Harbingers lore
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She doesn’t want to admit how badly her heart ached when she saw you walk in battered in wounds and bruises. Yet you still greeted her with a bright smile.
All she did was stare at you with a blank look on her face, wrapping her arms around you and giving you a kiss on the top of your head
You held a special place in her heart, so seeing you like this raised an unbelievable amount of worry and anger, but she wouldn’t let you see that
Her voice came out in a hushed whisper, swaying you back and forth slightly, “Tell me my beloved, what has happened to you?”
You’re hesitant, of course. You know how she can get, especially when it comes to you
But you especially know how she gets when you’re not upfront and honest with her
“Treasure Hoarders wanted information about the whereabouts of the delusion factory,” The moment the words leave your mouth, she brought you closer to her before letting go
Her face is stone cold, but you can practically feel the infuriation radiating off of her like a waterfall
It leaves you shaking a little bit, and you’re not even the one she’s livid at
She sends you to Dottore to get patched up, making sure to not-so-subtly threaten him to keep you safe and to not turn you into one of his experiments
She’s using these circumstances as a training exercise for some of her children in the House of the Hearth to gather information
Once she has the information she needs, you better believe she’s going absolutely batshit crazy
And I’m talking about leaving the Treasure Hoarders mangled bodies at other Treasure Hoarder camps to send a message
That message being that if they touch you again, she’ll make sure every single one of them will perish by her hands personally
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He’s not the type of man that pays attention to those that he deems weaker than him
He doesn’t find them worthy enough for his time
Yet when one of his Fatui subordinates delivered him the news that you’ve been captured and tortured by a group of Nabushi in Inazuma-
Well, he could make this one exception, couldn’t he?
He’ll seek to hunt them down himself
He wants them to understand the mistake they did for touching the only person he has deemed worthy for his endless time and attention
For every mark that was bestowed upon you, he will make sure he doubles it both in numbers and in pain
He won’t outright kill them, he wants to get back home to you as soon as possible
But we will leave them barely conscious
Surely the Rifthounds can take care of them. They gotta eat too after all.
He’s grinning the whole time he walks away
Hearing them scream for him to save them as the Rifthounds bite away at their flesh
For anyone else the sickening sounds of tearing flesh and blood curdling screams would be enough to show mercy
But to him it’s music to his ears
Maybe next time they would think twice before using you to get information
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He’s cackling to himself when he found out
The poor subordinates that informed him are quivering and praying to The Tsaritsa that they won’t feel his wrath
Cause this man is insane, but in that moment, that is the most insane he has ever been
Thankfully The Tsaritsa seemed to answer their prayers cause he dismisses them to bring you to him
Although one managed to climb up the list to be his next test subject when they declare that you’re being seen by a Sneznayan doctor so it “might not be a good time”
He snaps out a “I’ll treat them myself, your lucky my priority lies with them right now, otherwise I’d already have your flesh ripped away and replaced with metal”
He makes a mental note to do it later, for when you’re escorted in, he’s furtively seething
Littered in cuts and bruises, a deep cut slashed along your side, and lightning shaped scars surrounding it
He has a good idea who did it already, and why it was done
As he’s treating you, he’s tracing along the lightning scars, letting out a small hum
“My dear, tell me, what exactly happened.”
This man intimidates you from his voice alone, and you can’t even form the words to speak
Even though he knows, he wants to hear you say it, to just confirm that his anger is justified
Not that he cares on rather it is or isn’t, but his superiors certainly do
He can sense your timidness which makes him grin. He finds it so cute, but now is hardly the time to be having those thoughts
He reassures you that it’s okay, you can tell him. He’ll make it all go away. He’ll make them go away. Just tell him, he’s there for you.
And you do tell him in a hoarse voice, and he finds it pitiful.
Some Dancing Thunder Kairagi thinking that they’re entitled enough to put a hand on you, just because they believed you would tell them the Fatui’s plans
He doesn’t say anything after that, staying uncharacteristically quiet. Which is more daunting to you than if he were to spill out threats
He continues to treat you in silence. And once he’s done he’s escorting you back to your shared bedroom within the palace.
After, he’s having some of his subordinates fetch the ones that hurt you. When they are brought in, well, let the experiments commence
He’s certainly enjoying hearing them scream in agony as he tests out the effects of having multiple delusions. Hearing them beg, and plead for him to stop. But he doesn’t. He’s sure you did the same thing. Pleading them to just let you go. They didn’t stop till some Fatui Skirmisher’s stepped in, so why should he? But there wont be any Skirmisher’s saving them.
He’s making sure they suffer for a long, long time
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“Oh, how pitiful” he states as he walks into Dottore’s lab
He’s been told that you’ve been sent there after having a— rough encounter, to put it lightly— with a few Shogunate soldiers
He saw the pure exhaustion on your face, and yet he still maintained a smile
“I can see you were determined to give it your all. But do not worry sweetheart, for I will fill in and give it my all for you.”
He won’t only hurt the Shogunate soldiers indirectly, oh no. He’ll hurt the whole Shogunate army.
Slowly, he would cut off their money supply through the Northland Bank (don’t ask how that works, I don’t know myself but for the sake of this, it works). I mean, you can’t do anything without the very thing that gives you the pathway to do anything in the first place, right?
He’ll watch from the shadows as the Shogunate army is scrambling for funds, and ultimately scrambling to regain power
It would take a meeting with Kujou Sara in order to settle things. His only request was that the Shogunate stays out of the Fatui’s business, and most importantly, stay away from you.
You know how I said he would hurt them indirectly? That’s because he’ll have others do it for him.
He’ll give some to Dottore as test subjects, and some to Arlecchino for target practice for the kids. He’s just as much of a supplier as he is a taker.
While everything is going on outside of your knowledge, he’s keeping you close to him. Holding you, walking you to and from work, and even allowing you to tag along with him on more PG related missions for lack of a better term
He’s a man of endless influence throughout Teyvat, and he will not hesitate to use it to rip apart the nations for you. Especially if they dared to touch you like they did.
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Definitely the most sane one when it comes to it, and that’s saying something
Especially since he’s the one that witnessed it first hand
As stated previously in another post, he’s already paranoid anytime you’re not around him since the Fatui have a lot of enemies
So when he went out looking for you since you took a tad bit longer to get groceries than it normally would, he found out that his paranoia was justified
Imagine his surprise when he found out that it’s not Treasure Hoarders or Hilichurls, no, it’s the Millelith of all people hurting you
“Well well, what did I just walk in on? Am I interrupting something?” He has a smile on his face but it doesn’t seem very happy
Perhaps that’s because his eyes are showing nothing but unadulterated hatred towards the group of men that think it was a good idea to beat you around for information on him and the Fatui
“If you wanted information you could have just came and ask me yourself, but instead you had to go out and dig yourselves your own grave. What a shame.”
He’ll instruct you to turn away, cause he’s pretty sure that what he’s about to do to them would traumatize you for life. He doesn’t want that for you.
When you do, this man is pulling out all the stops
Slicing and dicing, aiming and shooting, hydro and electro
He wants to watch them suffer, and he’s grinning like a mad man when he watches the life drain from their eyes
As much as he wanted to make them suffer more, he had to cut it short since he still had to prioritize you
He’s going to pick you up and carry you back home no matter how much you want to protest and insist that you’re okay
But this man is stubborn and he’s not having any of it.
He’s taking you home and cuddling you close, not letting you go even after you’re all cleaned up
His laid-back persona is broken as he apologizes to you, that he’s sorry that he put you in danger
Please reassure him that it’s not his fault and give him plenty of kisses
He’s not leaving your side for a LONG TIME
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jeff-from-marketing · 3 months
Hey it's been a hot minute, I'm gonna go off about Helldivers 2 for a bit, because the whole thing fascinates me.
Funnily enough it's not even the actual game itself that truly fascinates me, as great as it is. I do genuinely think that, while not perfect, it's a very solid game that knows what kind of experience it wants to deliver, and does a fantastic job delivering on it. The Starship Troopers-esque satire is hilarious, and I love how much the gameplay reinforces that satire through things like reinforcements canonically being a whole new Helldiver sent into the meat grinder, and that the mission still counts as a celebrated victory even if you never make it back alive. I could even talk about how the objectively clunky system for calling in orbital support is actually a positive for the game, but only this game and the type of experience it's selling.
But none of that is what fascinates me about this game so much. Because y'see, I played the first Helldivers game, and it was also a great bit of fun! It's actually why I was interested in the second one to begin with. But I also know that the first Helldivers was not a very wide reaching game, none of Arrowhead's games have been. They've not done poorly by any means, they're still in business and have been for over a decade now. But they've always been fairly niche affairs. Until now. To really sell the picture, I wanna rattle off player counts for their previous games:
Magicka in 2011, Arrowhead's first big game and published by Paradox, had an all-time max player count of 11,727 players according to SteamDB. I don't believe it was on any other storefronts, but I could be mistaken. A quick wikipedia visit tells me that the game sold roughly a million units over a year which, again, not bad! Especially for a game that is admittedly fairly unusual, but is a lot of fun!
The Showdown Effect in 2013, which I only just found out about right now after double checking my numbers, had a all time high of just 3,284 according to SteamDB, and is now delisted from Steam. Though apparently there's a remake from another company happening? There's a lot less info on this one in general.
Gauntlet in 2014, this one I do know a bit more about since I also played this one. A remake of the original 1985 game, and was a good bit of fun as well! This one is trickier to get an accurate player count reading, because it did have a PS4 release and those are harder to find numbers for. Regardless, it was also on Steam, so therefore I can use those numbers at least, which gives me a max consecutive player count of 12,730. I don't know how much PS4 factored into this.
And now we get to the real interesting one: Helldivers 1. Again, this is tricky because not only was it on console, but it was actually on console before it was ever on PC, which heavily skews numbers. SteamDB has the peak at just 6,744, but this doesn't sit right with me. I've seen estimates of 50k people around the place, some say 35k, but never a solid source. It's also very difficult to search atm because of how much Helldivers 2 is blowing up. Speaking of...
So Helldivers 1 is their most popular game, and I'll be generous and say that the 50k count is the accurate one. So surely Helldivers 2 can't be that much more- oh I'm not even going to pretend, you already know what's going on here. The game has reached ~450k concurrent players just on Steam alone! And the game also exists on PS5, and if I recall correctly: there's official statements saying that the player counts are roughly equal with each other. That means a peak of ~900,000 individual players. To illustrate how bonkers batshit insane that is, motherfucking Fortnite has a current consecutive player count of roughly one million.
Let me reiterate: a game that came out of basically nowhere with little marketing, from a small studio with only about 100 employees, is rivaling the juggernaut that is fucking Fortnite. That is insane.
As someone who has played all of Arrowhead's previous games besides The Showdown Effect, this is bonkers. There's a reason the sentiment was "there's no way to have predicted this" when the servers were at their worst, because look at the previous data! How is anyone supposed to predict a sequel to a niche game (from a company very few people have heard about) to get a ~1800% increase in max player count? Their initial server capacity was 250k, which would've been very optimistic if you were just going by Helldivers 1 numbers. But then that wasn't enough. And then 360k wasn't enough. And then 450k wasn't enough. We're now at 700k server capacity and just finally getting things under control. This game just exploded in a way no one could have reasonably predicted. And I have no idea why this is the case either.
I'm not saying it's not deserved; it absolutely is! Like I said, game is great, and there's not even any shitty business practices I can bitch at this time! It's just so sudden and out of nowhere that it baffles me. Such a small percentage of these players would've even heard of the first game, let alone played it. It didn't have a massive marketing campaign, this is pretty much all spread through word of mouth, which is insane in its own right. It's not even like the game is entering an untapped market, it shares its existence with games like Deep Rock Galactic, Vermintide, Darktide, the actual Starship Troopers game, probably some others I'm forgetting. And yet, despite all of this, it breached containment something fierce. I don't have a big conclusion to make from all this, I'd love to be able to say "oh people are just getting tired of Triple A- oh I'm sorry, Quadruple A gaming and this is a breath of fresh air" and it is that, as was Baldur's Gate 3, but I'm not naive enough to think that's the main reason. Not when so many other great games continue to go undiscovered, and so many people still end up buying whatever the next big Triple A thing is. It's a great game to play with friends, and there's a lot going for it and a lot of charm, but such is also the case for the other games I already listed in this paragraph and they don't see the same popularity.
Whether it's just dumb fucking luck, or a really oddly specific set of circumstances at play that I can't see, I'm just dumbfounded and flabbergasted. But I'm not exactly gonna complain. It's fun getting sent into the meat grinder to spread Managed Democracy, and I'm glad the game is doing as well as it is, though I do hope that the devs get to have a bit of rest once the dust finally settles a little bit.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie decides that he wants to do a whole Day in the Life of a Middle School Math Teacher thing when Steve gets the go-ahead that Eddie can come talk to his class. Steve thinks that’s dumb because it’s not like he has an interesting life.
The first video in the series starts the night before. Eddie is filming Steve while they get ready for bed (mostly removing the five hundred pillows Steve insists they need
on their bed) while he warns Eddie that these kids are not like The Party. Middle school kids have not developed empathy yet and they’re mean in like, an accurate way. It’s like having 16 to 22 Erica Sinclairs every class period.
It then cuts to the morning where Steve is lecturing Eddie on the do’s and don’t’s. DO encourage students to find safe creative outputs to express themselves. DO talk about your struggles in school and how you overcame them. DON’T tell them about the illegal shit we used to do. DON’T antagonize student athletes and, for the love of god, DON’T climb on the tables. This lecture spans every room in their house as they both get ready.
The second video is filmed inside of seventh grade English teacher, Mrs Casal’s Honda Civic. Steve doesn’t drive anymore and Eddie insisted on joining his teacher carpool, a decision he has come to regret and Patty Casal drives like she wants them all to die. He’s squeezed in the back between Ozzy and another teacher that keeps fussing with his jacket collar.
The whole video is just zoomed in on Eddie’s face while you can hear four middle school teachers telling the most batshit insane stories you’ve ever head. The caption is: Why am I having RV flashbacks?
The third Tiktok is just Eddie filming Steve reviewing the last test with the students before Eddie’s Q&A. The text overlay says, “Why is this so hot?” Hot for Teacher is playing.
Eddie doesn’t actually film his little Q&As with Steve’s classes because it feels weird to film kids he doesn’t know, but a lot of the students do so videos go up on Tiktok of Eddie answering each question sincerely while still maintaining his usual chaotic Eddie charm. A student called his music old and Eddie flipped backwards off his chair, grabbing his chest, “You wound me! Rock n Roll never gets old and it never dies!”
He does talk about the hurtles he had to jump to get into the music industry, how his uncle bought him his first guitar and that he had to teach himself because they couldn’t afford lessons. He talked about school and his three repeats of senior year. He talked about how Dustin and Nancy sat down with him and worked out a way to teach him that actually worked. One student asked why he was with a math teacher when he could be married to a celebrity and Eddie tells them, “Don’t let the dorky sweater fool you. Mr H, over there is a total bad A S S. Coolest guy I’ve ever met. He’s saved my life.”
Someone does try to ask about the murder allegations but Steve shuts that down so fast no one dares to try again. It gives Eddie the worst case of heart eyes ever seen by man.
Steve’s class before lunch asks Eddie if he wants to eat with them and he says of course. It’s only by good fortune that one of the students catch on video Steve calling ‘Mr Munson’ back to his desk and then tells Eddie that if he climbs on a table, Steve will give him detention.
Eddie does, in fact, stand on the tables. He gives a big dramatic lecture about forced conformity but instead of talking about jocks and basketball, he talks about instagram and Tiktok and how it’s constantly hounding kids into looking a certain way, acting a certain way, and it’s destroying creativity. And that’s what’s killing the kid’s.
And Steve does, in fact, walk into the cafeteria mid-way through this speech. He lets him get through the important bits before calling out for Edward Munson to get off the table.
Someone post this whole speech on Tiktok and Eddie duets the video from detention because Steve was not kidding.
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spacedace · 6 months
Fuck whatever DC is doing with the al Ghul's characterizations and story lines, I've decided that from now on the al Ghul's are gonna be DC's version of the Addams Family instead.
Now I don't mean just give the various al Ghul's the exact personalities of the various Addams and call it a day. That's boring, that erases all the interesting parts of the al Ghuls, that's just using "find & replace" and not actually adding anything. I mean give them the vibes of the Addams Family.
Keep the al Ghul's as the al Ghul's with all their scheming and machinations and world domination attempts but give them all the unhinged energy, the casually insane view of the world, the deranged levels of love and devotion for family. Make them that group where objectively they are batshit insane but also you cannot argue with the fact that they are indisputably the most stable and functional family in the entire universe.
They're creepy, they're kooky, they're mysterious and spooky. Ra's many opulent homes and impenetrable fortresses are a museum and the al Ghul's really are a screa-um whenever people come to see-um (or when they lay waste upon their enemies in a surprise attack that has been planned for months and is just the first domino in a series that will ultimately lead to achieving a far greater goal).
They all love each other and want each other to be happy, they express this primarily with stabbing and murder attempts (its fine, death is a thing that happens to other people).
And forget the League of Assassins being a cult. Just make the whole vast globe spanning organization a collection of cousins/aunts/uncles/dear old friends ect. No one (not even the al Ghuls, if they cared to keep track of such things) is sure who is actually related to them and who just got absorbed into the ever expanding family tree based on their vibes being right.
(Is Sensei Ra's father you ask? Well he's certainly someone's father - probably.
Anyway have you heard about Cousin Cheshire? Despicable poisoner of a young woman, capable of the most horrific things imaginable - yes she is the sweetest dear. Like I was saying though, she just had a baby!
Everyone in the family is just so excited to throw a baby shower to celebrate! Ubu has really gone all out with the spike traps, he does so love getting to welcome a new addition to the family.
Talia of course has cultivated a brand new strain of the most toxic plants imaginable to make a brand new kind of necrotizing poison. You know, as a nice little romantic gift for Cousin Cheshire and that young man of hers. It really is so important to make sure you take time for you and your partner to go on dates and have a few pitched battles to the death on dark rooftops in the pounding rain when you have children.
Now there is some to-do about it all of course, you know how family get together can be. Everyone is arguing over who should get to give little Lian her first weapon and what it should be. Nyssa is pushing for grenades but Ra's is insisting on a sword - he's traditional like that you know - but Dusan has the vote so far on throwing knives. You know the kind that have the little divots along the edges of the blades them to make it easier to get the poison you dip them in to stick.)
I'm just saying that the al Ghuls should be a delightful cross between the Bond Villains they were originally conceived as and the lovingly unhinged Addams Family. It just feels correct in my heart.
(Again keep the interesting aspects of the characters and the nuances of who each of them are like their drive to save the world through destroying humanity and their strong environmentalist leanings and their constantly playing 5D chess and everything, but like, take away the racism and the cartoonishly evil for no reason bullshit and give them some fun feral energy to go along with it).
#batman#ra's al ghul#al ghul family#talia al ghul#nyssa raatko#cheshire dc#sensei dc#no more racism and fucked up dark family dynamics#the al ghuls aggressively adore each other#violence and schemes is their love language#in the full au version of all of this i'd like to imagine how canon plot points change with the al ghuls having these vibes#Just imagine Damian still trying to kill Tim when he first ends up in Bruce's care#but instead of it being a ploy to get rid of a threat its because he's just so excited to meet one of his big brothers#and attempted murder is just how you tell someone in your family that you love them#Tim just SO CONFUSED because Damian is talking so animatedly about how happy he is to get to have some brotherly bonding with Tim#while ACTIVELY trying to run him through with a sword#idk how things change with Cass exactly but i feel like they would in this#like either David Cain isn't an absolute monster or the al ghuls catch wind of what he's doing & are like#This is NOT how al ghuls treat family! what is this shameful behavior! She can't even insult you while you fight!#fighting and violence is a perfectly healthy way to express your love but only if there's actually LOVE involved!#The Heretic & other Damian clones still get made but only because Talia just misses her son so much that she makes more of him#Nyssa has just been bopping around the world for a few centuries & pops up every now and then to have a death match with her baby sister#i just have a lot of strong feelings about the al ghuls deserving better and combined that with the vibes of my favorite unhinged family#Dick still hates Talia but Talia takes all his insults as her darling step son telling her how much he loves her#which only drives Dick even crazier#Tim rocks up to the League of Assassins during his whole trying to prove Bruce is alive thing already seen as an al ghul#Oh yeah that's Cousin Timothy he's one of Talia's kids - never met a truer al ghul in your life#You see how he blew up all those bases? Ra's cried he was so proud#Ra's spoils his grandkids absolutely rotten which is giving Bruce SO MANY gray hairs
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pupyuj · 10 months
[cw: smut, oral, cunnilingus]
can't help but want to be wonyoung's cuz baby definitely has an oral fixation 😵‍💫😵‍💫 doesn't matter if she's domming or subbing, she will eat your pussy and you can't ever say no to her, not to that face 🥺
she can literally eat you out anywhere and everywhere 😭 ur car, in a bathroom stall, a changing room at the mall, and her favorite: in your room bcs you would just sit and let her do her work on your mouth 🤭 and she's so random with her timings too, bcs she just can't help but be turned on whenever you're doing anything, or even when you're not doing a lot at all :(( like maybe the two of you are watching a movie and it could the sweetest, most tooth-rotting film ever and yet beside you, wony is super horny bcs you look so cute in ur pajamas and before you know it, your hands are buried in her hair while she's taking you to the stars using her mouthh ugh 🫠🫠🫠
but like imagine doing some work in your room one day and you're so busy that you don't really talk to wonyoung, who's sitting in your bed with her arms crossed and pouting bcs she wants your attention sooo bad she's such a needy baby i swear 💔 and bcs you absolutely refused to take your eyes off of your laptop, you don't notice your lovely girlfriend sneaking underneath your desk until you feel her tugging at your panties (which was the only thing you decided to wear that night bcs you were well on your way to going to sleep after you were finished)... and she's using her teeth to pull it off 😭😭
"oh don't mind me baby, just keep doing what you're doing," she says in between licks, smiling at how you've actually neglected your work and instead focused on her, just like she wanted all this time.
her just completely hoisting your legs up on her shoulders, face completely buried in your cunt :((( she's sucking on your clit and dipping her tongue inside your hole, all while looking up at you, feeling herself get wet at the sight of you becoming such a mess for her 😳
SHES SUCH A SLUT FOR FACERIDING !!!!! wonyoung going batshit insane because you're rolling your hips and drowning her in your cunt, and she loves it so fucking much that it all just makes her want to work harder at making you cum 😩😩 and she definitely cums untouched at the taste of your juices and the sound of your moans while you're riding her 😵‍💫
and wony's definitely into 69 cuz sometimes she needs to be taken care of too, but you literally cannot separate her mouth from your pussy so the position is nearly perfect, one of her favorites!! 🤭🫠
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lovecomedy · 4 months
If you need any convincing that Noel and Liam Gallagher are incestuous freaks (affectionate), here's the basic information you need
First of all. The kisses
Loch Lomond kiss, where they just... made out on stage in front of cameras. Cool. There's a gif with every photo from every angle.
Another kiss, this time in Japan. Here's the actual video.
And here's the same video but together with nice quotes from their 2016 documentary:
Here's a 2005 award event where they kiss again and also look quite in love
And here's Liam straight up groping Noel during concerts:
General stage antics and more groping:
Ok. Let's talk about the music, then
Oasis has a song that Noel wrote called "My Sister Lover". The title speaks for itself, really. It includes amazing lyrics such as "You're my lover, I'm your brother"
But there's more! Noel used the same chorus of this song (with different lyrics) for a song he released in his solo album, 20 years later. It's called "Lock All the Doors". The very first line says: "She wore a star-shaped tambourine, prettiest girl I’d ever seen". And guess... guess who famously played a star-shaped tambourine? Liam! And Noel was the one that gifted him the fucking tambourine!!
Liam wrote a song for Oasis called Guess God Thinks I'm Abel
I'll just link everything that's been said about this song, because it really is batshit insane that this song exists
(It's common in the north of England to refer to things and people as "our". When either Liam or Noel say "our kid", they're talking about each other)
Liam has the tendency of thinking every song Noel writes is about him, including the love songs
Here he says "I'm his muse", along with some other interesting quotes
Ok, now we're on to suspicious quotes!
They had sex last night, according to Liam
This one is my favorite:
Of course this one is just all the weird quotes jammed in one post, you can feel yourself going crazy as you read it
Noel assures us that Liam knows about his arse
Other people confirming that they act like a couple
This one, it has Noel saying Liam is deeply in love with him. At the bottom, Liam's tweet.
Actually Liam always tweets things that basically confirm they're relationship. Like when somebody asked him if he ever rimmed Noel. Yeah.
This radio interview is where the most lovely quotes come from. Only Noel was supposed to be interviewed but then they both showed up PISSED DRUNK. Transcription in the same post
Even More weird quotes
This one involves the word impregnate
Noel making a suspicious comment about his daughter and son, Anais and Donovan
I think to be convinced you really just need that, but I'd like to add some niceties.
Just genuinely enjoying each other’s company
This is from the Oasis; 10 Minutes Of Noise and Confusion documentary. As Noel is kissing Liam's cheek, Liam is saying "He’s a fucking cunt and I hate him and I love him and he twists my melon, man. He’s the best songwriter in the fucking world.”
Some sweet quotes, and some not some less sweet ones as well
From the Supersonic documentary
Hugging after playing football
Just being silly
To finish off, two wonderful video edits with endearing moments
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normoully · 10 months
no plz tell me all your thoughts about the gregory hate so I can reblog it💀
OHHH boy this is gonna be a long one buckle up
Ever since Gregory was first announced I believe most of the fandom have interpreted him as this frail child who was always on the verge of tears and needed G.Freddy’s protection (think C.C 2.0), but once the game came out most ppl were shocked to see this kid actually has a lot of bite to him and kicked ass (ppl’s first reactions to him destroying the animatronics still make me laugh).
This was MY first introduction to him, so I wasn’t completely taken aback but still pleasantly surprised. Most if not all his actions made sense or at least made sense for a 10yr boy to think/act. Giant robots coming after me with the intention to kill (and insulting me for no damn reason)? Yeah I’d probably add an extra kick in there for good measure. Then came the first repair scene, when Vanessa revealed the high possibility of Gregory being an homeless orphan everything just clicked into place for me.
OF COURSE that’s why Gregory was so aggressive, he had to learn how to fight on his own to survive he’d probably had to face even worse than this! He wasn’t going to let that all go to waste bc some weird murderous rabbit lady wanted to drag him into her plans. It explains why he brushed off G.Freddy’s worries about him bc he’s used to have to just keep moving and bare thru pain, especially in an environment where that’s really the ONLY thing you can do. It’s why he’s so blunt and can come off as rude bc he was most likely never taught how to behave “correctly” bc really who has the time?
He was just using all the knowledge he learned on how to survive from a cruel and harsh environment for another. But this time he has an ally for once, an adult (father) figure who actually cares about his wellbeing, it’s no wonder why he became so attached (but struggles to show it bc he’s not used to it). And through all that easily irritable aggression, there are moments to remind us he’s still a kid.
A useless fridge magnet? Yeah that is pretty lame man.
Now imagine my shock when I see others hating on him and calling him a villain. “How could he KILL the poor animatronics? He was so mean, he’s the true monster!” Wh- DID WE WATCH THE SAME GAME? You mean the same animatronics that says he doesn’t have anyone to care about him? Yeah real sweethearts they are. Gregory isn’t a damn monster, he’s a survivor! He’s doing what he only knows best, IT’S TO SURVIVE!
“How could he be so mean to G.Freddy??? Those are his friends! He made Freddy feel bad!” Trust me when I say that Gregory cares about G.Freddy ALOT, did you see his reactions whenever G.Freddy got hurt??? That’s his father thank you very much!
“How could he have killed Vanny in that one ending?! He’s the real villain!” …Do I even need to explain this one?
And ohhhhhh don’t get me started on the awful “bratty gremlin devil” Gregory HCs. Now this isn’t to say that Gregory can’t be a gremlin or whatever. He can be, he is a bit cheeky, but then some started to intensify it and made it his entire personality. No, Gregory wasn’t just itching to rip Roxy’s eyes out or do the next batshit insane thing, he noticed the other upgrades and put two and two together (It gets more weird and slightly disrespectful when they add in the homeless thing as if that automatically makes someone act “feral”….tiktok.)
And then we have the complete opposite where some portray him as what I mentioned in the first paragraph. The poor helpless child who cant handle anything by himself…even though that’s complete bullshit (he’s also usually portrayed to be obnoxiously sweet for some reason). I don’t think many ppl realize how often were not in G.Freddy during SB, and Gregory is described to be quick on his feet and wits (plus his tools) and he doing damn well by himself! [Obviously this isnt to say that he didnt need G.Freddy’s help and protection, ofc he did, he just didnt need to RELY on it like some ppl make it seem he did].
(I know we went a bit off-topic for the last two paragraphs, trust me it connects)
All of this comes down to simply that some just can’t accept the fact that Gregory isn’t their perfect victim. He doesn’t crumble to the floor and beg for G.Freddy to help him up like they want him too. He’s not shy and sheepishly asking for help like they think he’s supposed to. And when they realize that part they try to push him into the other far end where he’s crazy, cold, and cruel. But he’s not. He cares, and he cares deeply. He’s still a little boy, he cried and tried to cover his face when he saw Vanny die. He should be leaping in victory, he killed his killer after all right? But he didn’t, bc despite everything she was still a human being, and he was so scared.
He has complex trauma (duh), he’s not this way or that way, and I get it. It’s hard to write or draw that kind of trauma for Gregory, especially when SB didn’t really give us much. But the way ppl act as if that’s what he actually is is soooooo frustrating. In my opinion the fact that his trauma is so complex and the fact he’s not your typical written victim is what makes him so interesting! And I feel like a lot ppl were slowly getting around to it…
Until GGY and Ruin happened and the hate came back so much worse, Welcome to the real Freddy Hell.
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eoieopda · 3 months
svt as attorneys
this was partly inspired by this tiktok. i’m a trial attorney irl and wanted to chime in with my personal headcanons based on the kind of counsel i frequently deal with. for legal reasons, this is a joke.
seungcheol & jihoon — watch out for these two. they’re going to be unassuming & agreeable during pre-trial hearings, and they may even give off the impression that they’re each just a lil fella 🤏🏻 in a big courtroom, but when trial comes around? x-games mode. seriously, who the fuck is that monster, and where has he been until now? even if you win, you’re gonna stumble out of the courthouse with 1% of your life force left.
jeonghan & minghao — the most infuriating thing about them is that they don’t put on much of a case at all?? they just?? gaslight their way through it?? they manage to grab hold of a single, relatively insignificant thread, and they pull and pull and pull until your immaculately structured argument completely unravels. with just a crumb of effort, they have manipulated the jury and ruined your life. rip, diva. it was a good run.
joshua & mingyu — they reek of “big law”. they both come from some giant, (inter)national firm (probably founded by a family member), and you know what? they don’t even really practice your specific area of law. it doesn’t matter. they’re well-dressed, extremely charming, and the jury doesn’t care that they’re talking circular nonsense because their eyes are so sparkly. and because their retainers/fees a) are astronomical and b) aren’t contingent, their only real goal is to make the judge fall in love with them. they succeed. in fact, they’re going golfing together next weekend 😔
junhui — sorry to this man, but he’s either asleep at the counsel table, or he’s secretly playing fruit ninja on his phone underneath said table (people still play this in the year of our lord, 2024??). he doesn’t do a thing during trial itself but will come out with the most aggressive and dramatic closing arguments you’ve ever heard before dipping out without another word. you never see him again, and you’re not even sure if he’s actually real.
soonyoung & seokmin — they’re the type to walk into the attorney conference room outside the courtroom and ask you what the case is about/who their client is. they’ve each absolutely slipped up and called the judge/magistrate “your majesty”. they have no idea what’s going on, and for some reason, you can’t even be mad at them for their incompetence? because they’re just so likable as people? do not hire these men. if you have hired one of these men, fire him immediately, and ask him to get your case file out of his base model kia rio (where he’s kept it & forgotten about it) and give it back to you, expeditiously.
wonwoo & vernon — these big-brained motherfuckers have no pulse. they’re absolutely unflappable. they never raise their voice, never react with more than a nod or a thoughtful “aaah”. they’re silent killers, though; and they’ll blow your shit up without emoting once. their reactions to getting an acquittal or preventing a multi-million dollar award in damages? “wow 😐”
seungkwan & chan — the “true believers”, 100%. they’re junior attorneys with a lot to prove. unlike most attorneys who argue their client’s position, these two fully, personally assume it. even if their client is batshit insane, they’re completely on board; they both can and will die on this hill. (ex: “your honor, the meth lab in my client’s house was created and operated by the unnamed man who lives in his truck in the woods out back. my client had no idea it was in his kitchen. look deeply into his eyes, past the glassiness, and see his innocence!”). they’ll each argue and argue and argue until they walk out hoarse, and when they lose (not due to lack of ability but because their overzealousness scares the jury), they’ll probably cry in their car in the parking lot 😕
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