#ites outsourcing
genericpuff · 2 months
Webtoons Is Making Moves - So Should You.
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We all saw it coming ages ago and now it's finally here. There's no more beating around the bush or doubting if anyone is "reading into it too much", Webtoons' use of AI in its more recent webtoons is not an accident, not an oversight, but by design, it always has been. And I guaran-fucking-tee you that the work that already exists on the platform won't be safe from Webtoons' upcoming AI integration through scraping and data mining. Sure, they can say they're not gonna replace human creators, but that doesn't change the fact that AI tools, in their current form, can't feasibly exist without stealing from pre-existing content.
Plus, as someone who's tested their AI coloring tools specifically... they're a long, LONG way away from actually being useful. Like, good luck using them for any comic style that isn't Korean manwha featuring predominantly white characters with small heads and comically long legs. And if they do manage to get their AI tools to incorporate more art styles and wider ranges of character identities... again, what do you think it's been trained on?
Also, as an added bit that I found very funny:
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Um, I'm sorry, what fucking year is it? Because platforms like WT and Tapas have both been saying this for years but we're obviously seeing them backpedal on that now with the implementation of in-house publishing programs like Unscrolled which have reinvented the wheel of taking digital webtoons and going gasp physical! It's almost like the platform has learned that there's no sustainable profit to be had in digital comics alone without the help of supplementary streams of income and is now trying to act like they've invented physical book publishing!
"The future of comic publishing, including manga, will be digital"??? My brother in christ, Shonen Jump has been exclusively digital since 2012! What rock have the WT's staff been living under that they're trying to sell digital comics as the "future" to North Americans as if we haven't already been living in that future for over ten years now?? We've had an entire generation of children raised on that same digital media since then! This isn't the selling point you think it is LMAO If anything, the digital media market here in NA is dying thanks to the enshittification of digital content platorms like Netflix, Disney+, and mainstream social media platforms! That "future" is not only already both the past and present, but is swiftly on its way out! Pack it up and go home, you missed the bus!
Literally so much of WT's IPO pitch is just a deadass grift full of corporate buzzwords and empty promises. They're trying so hard to convince people that their business model is infinitely profitable... but if it were, why do they need the public's money? And where are all those profits for the creators who are being exploited day after day to fill their platform with content? Why are so many creators still struggling to pay their bills if the company has this much potential for profit?
Ultimately even their promised AI tools don't ensure profit, they ensure cutting expenses. The extra money they hope to make isn't gonna come from their content generating income, it's gonna come from normal people forking over their money in the hopes that it'll be turned around, and from Webtoons cheapening the medium even further until it's nothing but conveyer belt gruel. Sure, "making more than you spend" is the base definition of "profit", but can we really call it that when it's through the means of gutting features, retiring support programs, letting go editing staff, and limiting resources for their own hired freelancers who are the only reason they even have content to begin with? That's not sustainable profit or growth, that's fighting the tide which can and will carry them away at any moment.
I'm low key calling it now, a year or two from today we're gonna be seeing massive lawsuits and calls to action from the people who invested their money into WT and subsequently lost it into the black hole that is WT's "business model". This is a company that's been operating in the red for years, what about becoming an IPO is gonna make them "profitable"? Let alone profitable enough to pay back their investors in the spades they're expecting? The platform and its app are already shit and they're about to become even worse, we are literally watching this company circle the drain in the modern day's ever-ongoing race to the bottom, enshittification in motion, but they're trying to convince us all the same that they're "innovating".
Webtoons doesn't want to invest in its creators. We as creators need to stop investing in them.
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rad-hound · 2 months
"KOSA is dead in the House."
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Breaking news: The House Republican leadership won’t bring up the children’s online safety bill that the Senate passed with 91 votes on Tuesday.
A House GOP leadership aide told us this about KOSA: “We’ve heard concerns across our Conference and the Senate bill cannot be brought up in its current form.”
This is a big blow to the effort, which is spearheaded by Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.). And it comes just a week after Speaker Mike Johnson told us he’d “like to get [KOSA] done.”
— Andrew Desiderio, Max Cohen and John Bresnahan
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cosmicrhetoric · 6 months
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vimes really hit them with the old
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rhisardthewizard · 1 year
So, the thing currently eating my brain about Ed thinking he's unlovable despite Izzy literally TELLING Ed that he loves him is that Ed has absolutely no reason to believe him.
What did Edward say the first time Stede showed him that book depiction of Blackbeard? "They made me look like a fucking viking vampire clown" he HATES that image, and yet Izzy - the guy who supposedly knows him best - holds it up and fully tells Ed that that's who he's supposed to be.
And it's not like Edward was having a great time before he met Stede; he was so fucking bored with it all that he tracked down the Gentleman Pirate just because he was fascinated by someone having the balls to tell him to fuck off.
So of course Ed doesn't believe Izzy. He thinks (knows) that Izzy loves Blackbeard. He follows Blackbeard. Izzy has already proven that he doesn't love the person nearly so much as he loves the pirate.
As far as Ed has been shown, Izzy only loves the parts of Edward that Ed hates about himself. How is anyone surprised that Ed hates him a little for it?
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caputvulpinum · 1 month
whomst amongst my followers is good at making minecraft modpacks and wants 20 dollars to follow this grocery list because my adhd and also my minecraft virginity is not letting me do this
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autismswagsummit · 2 years
An odd query to have the night before Semifinals, I know, but i was thinking over the Wheel of Doom semifinals and I realized that if the losers from the upcoming rounds go to the Wheel it leaves our Quarterfinals winners at a sharp disadvantage, especially with our most explosive match ever upcoming. But, fair is fair, and it would be unjust of me to not give our Semifinals losers a fair chance. So, as with most moral quandries on this blog, I am asking all of you.
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hallmarkchrismasmovie · 7 months
so ive been having a flare up for 3 whole weeks now, symptoms include:
intense upper abdominal pain after eating
vomiting most solids*
intense back pain at the same height as the stomach pain but at different times
weight loss
*this has lessened since i went to the hospital a week ago and they gave me a new round of pantaparazole (which ive been on before because i have a gerd diagnosis)
ive had flare ups before with similar symptoms but this level of vomiting is new and its never gone on this long. the hospital confirmed its nothing viral and nothing super visible like a stomach bleed or something with my kidneys. does this seem familiar to anyone?
i should note that my doctor is adament its not crohns or colitis because of the stool tests shes done. ive had a colonoscopy, a gastroscopy, and a ct and the only thing they found was enlarged lymph nodes in my large intestine and acid reflux burns in my esophagus.
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greetingsfromuranus · 2 months
Can you draw how Double D baked cookies? :3
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ive been tryin but i forgot how to draw his face again........ one day ill figure this one out
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hello friends i require your assistance
if there���s anyone in the NHL who you could see being a vampire, who is it? u can put it in the tags or if u want to Expand on why feel free to drop me an ask!
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lux-scriptum · 6 months
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Character Aesthetics: Shadow and Veronica
"It's okay, I missed you too," he said, sitting down to loosen the laces on her boots as she let her body flop down onto the hotel bed. "You don't have to do that," Veronica mumbled, her voice muffled by the pillow her face was pressed against. "I know," Shadow said, and pulled her socks off too; Veronica never slept in socks and if that meant her feet got cold, which they always did, she'd just put them against him anyway.
@jezifster my mystery project. i felt inspired. that is all.
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
Roman and Neo Rapunzel AU but Roman’s Rapunzel and Neo is Flynn Rider
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pikslasrce · 6 months
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coulsonlives · 1 year
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Fuck you, Youtube!
For anyone who doesn't know what this is about, Youtube has totally disabled the homepage video recommendations unless you turn on your 'watch history.'
This means your homepage will now be totally blank, and I mean blank, unless you're willing to let youtube record your shit so it can 'improve recommendations in Youtube and other google products.'
And if you don't enable it, every time you visit your homepage you'll just get that nagging message.
Before this happened, for people who disabled their watch history, Youtube just recommended videos based on their liked videos. So a watch history wasn't even needed to get recs.
Fyi I guess.
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statementlou · 2 years
it's always funny to me when people say they don't think Harry and Louis are still together because they're *so different*, especially when those differences are about their public image, because to me the absolute precision of the way their public images divide every possible personality trait is just another one of the things that seems way too tidy to be natural to me and makes me think they ARE. Without each of them having a carefully constructed public face that excluded a lot of things there is just literally no way there wouldn't be SO MUCH MORE overlap given how much we know, even so, that they have in common- and honestly sometimes I wonder if that carries over to business stuff too, if that is also deliberately split in two different directions like, let's try both, you try this way and I'll try this way. When they each had that conversation with a dear friend about deciding to prioritize making music in certain ways and reevaluated what they would be doing, did they also come up with two different ways of doing that stuff and each take one route? Crack theory in a way, but I stand by the first half either way- they have way too many common interests and habits (and too much common history) to avoid mentioning the same things publicly WAY more than they do without an effort being involved. IMO.
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choppedbatliver · 2 years
Thinking about the dcxdp fic that exists only in my mind and in very brief dot points in my notes app :)
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toytulini · 1 month
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its clean its fucking clean i cleaned it
#toy pic post#undescribed#40gal#then dad dismissed how much fucking effort it took whether intentionally or not and i got so angry cos i already was having to#outsource reward chemicals or whatever the fuck to chocolate covered pretzels and a soda#and i was so overwhelmed from exhaustion and overstimulated to be fucking graciously regulating my emotional responses to him saying#Stupid Shit that i just got so angry i had to sleep#but i was. really determined. to manuafacture some kinda fucking reward. so i played viddygame until i fell asleep#bc that seemed like it would be better for my brain than straight up rage napping#anyway. i will. attempt the 90gal tomorrow. todayrrow. im going to. get up and get a snack and then brush my teeth and go to bed for real#bc i just cant stop fucking Horse Sleeping. i guess#so close#still much to do. i have to do the 90 and put the plants back on top of the 40 but its already so much quieter in here#which is good for me not being driven insane by. the sound of my failure to do a task.#shit i still need to dose fertilizer as well. i will try to do that before i go back to sleep#but i was too fucking angry to be thinking about Ratios of Liquid without exploding so its good i didnt attempt it earlier probably#anyway.POSTIVES: ITS CLEAN. I CAN SEE IN THE TANK AGAIN. THE PLANTS I SHOVED IN THE TOP ARE GROWING CRAZY#EVEN IF THEYRE A BIT UGLY AND LEGGY. I DIDNT FIND ANY DEAD FISH. THE KUHLIS CONSTANTLY SWIMMING UNDER THE ALGAE SCRUBBER#WAS A LITTLE ANNOYING AND INCONVENIENT BUT ALSO. CUTE AND ENDEARING. I LOVE THE STUPID NOODLE ANIMALS#i got a lot done today even if it wasnt all i wanted and many of the tasks were tiny. it got the big fucking task done that was hanging ove#over my head for weeks and making me feel intensely guilty. and now its so QUIET. like the 90 is still loud sure! but its just One of them#now!#the fucking palpable relief
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