#its 6° go back across the street + inside!!!! she makes me so worried
planetary · 8 months
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sweet baby animal i NEED you to go back inside omfg…
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ladyescapism · 1 year
The Fourth Archeron Sister - Part 4
summary: the baby of the family, Deirdre Archeron, is growing up and finding herself. on place she has already found is in a unknowingly requited crush with a certain shadow singer. will they be able to find each other? or will expectations, honor, and other forces get in the way?
a/n: sisterly love at its finest ;) also, sorry for the super long part, i just don't want to keep breaking this up.
Part 3
warnings: nightmares, slut-shaming, assault (but he deserves it)
wc: 4,600
‘I have a date tonight,’ Dierdre thought to herself. 
What was she going to wear? What should she do with her hair? She had no idea. She thought of asking Feyre, but she’s going out with Rhys. Mor? No, she’s in the Court of Nightmares. Nesta? She doubted her siter would come but it was worth a try. 
She used a magic messenger box to send a message to Nesta. 
I have a date tonight with the grocer at 6. Will you help me get ready? I don’t know what to do. If you are busy or not feeling well, don’t worry about it.            
As she placed the note in the box, she recalled the first time she used one.  
“So, I just place the note in the box, close the lid, say the person’s name who I want to receive the message and the note will appear in their box,” she said as she regarded the box with suspicion.  
“Yes,” Az said. “It’s nice for non-emergency messages that don’t have any important information.” 
She turned to look into his kind eyes. 
“Is it magic?” 
“But I don’t have anyone to send messages to. Nesta and Elain are here and Feyre…” she trailed off. 
Was in the Spring Court. Spying for her court and leaving her behind again. 
No. No, Feyre was doing what needed to be done for her court and she would have to deal with it. She wasn’t a child who needed to hold her big sister’s hand to put on some clothes or walk across the street. 
“I know,” Az said, snapping her attention to the handsome male. 
She tried to remember if Az and Feyre were friends. 
“Yes or no. You and my sister are friends.” 
The memory faded as a message popped into her box. 
Of course, I’ll come. See you at 4.
- N
Odd. Nesta didn’t usually read messages that quickly, let alone respond to them. That means that she only had an hour to tidy her apartment and take a bath. 
After speed cleaning her apartment, she was mid-bath when she heard a knock at the door. 
With soapy hair, Deirdre scrambled to put on her dressing robe and make her way over to the door. 
“Well, I hope you don’t plan on going like that,” Nesta deadpanned. 
“No,” she said back. “I just assumed not smelling bad was the first step in impressing a date.” 
Nesta just hummed in agreement. 
Deirdre realized in that moment that Nesta hadn’t been in her apartment since she moved into it. Even then, she stepped inside that living space, looked out the window, made a comment about the view and then left. 
“Well, let me go finish rinsing my hair,” she said, trying not to be awkward. “Feel free to sit in here or in my bedroom.” 
Her sister just nodded. 
Damn her and her silence. 
As Deirdre walked out of the bathing room, she found her sister rooting in her closet. 
“All you have are blouses, long skirts, and trousers,” Nesta said matter-of-factly. 
“Well, it’s all I need really.” 
“You can afford more, and better.” 
“I don’t know how to shop for much else.” 
“Non-sense. Mother used to take us shopping-” she cut herself off. 
“I hardly remember Mother, let alone going shopping with her.” 
“I know. I’m sorry.” 
“I have one dress, it’s just not in the closet,” she offered. “Should I get it out?”
“Yes, let me see.” 
Deirdre kneeled at her bed and felt for the box. 
This dress was the only nice thing that Deirdre had ever felt comfortable buying for herself. It was long, black made of thick linen but with a faint floral pattern embroidered pattern done in a glossier thread along the neckline, cuffs, and hem. 
Nesta looked at it like she looked at everything. As in, Deirdre couldn’t tell if she liked it or not. 
“Do you think it’s too fancy for a simple dinner?”
“Its lovely,” she said after a moment of contemplation. “If you’re overdressed for where he takes you in this, he’s not worth your time.” 
“You think its simple.” 
“It is. But it also has an elegance to it. Prefect for you. Now put it on.” 
Deirdre nodded as she made her way to the bathing room. 
“Not in there,” Nesta said quickly. “You’ll get it wet. Put it on in here.” 
Dierdre looked at her sister in annoyance.
“Oh, I’ve seen you naked plenty of times before, you prude. Just put on the dress.” 
“Yeah, before. It’s different now.” 
Nesta leveled a look at her. 
“I have boobs now,” she whisper-shouted, mostly joking. 
“Oh wow, like I’ve never seen boobs before,” Nesta said with dry sarcasm. 
“Ugh, fine.” 
Deirdre dropped the robe and put on her undergarments. As she begun to put on the dress, she started struggling to get the dress on over her head. She felt Nesta come over and start helping her move the dress down her body. 
Before Deirdre could even try, Nesta was already doing up the buttons along the back. 
Deirdre tried to look at herself in the mirror but found herself looking at her sister instead. 
Nesta had a look of concentration on her face as she fastened the buttons. When she had to move Dierdre’s hair out of the way, they made eye contact in the mirror. 
“See,” Dierdre broke the silence. “I can’t wear dresses all the time. I would never be able to get dressed.” 
“You would learn.” 
As Nesta finished, Deirdre began to look at herself in the mirror. 
She looked good. The square neckline enhanced her boobs but was high enough that she didn’t feel exposed. The seams of the dress gave the illusion of a slim waist and fuller hips. And the embroidery caught the light just enough to give it a little flare. 
“I don’t think you need much makeup,” Nesta said, looking at her sister’s face in the mirror. “You have clear skin, so maybe just a touch up under the eyes, some kohl on your lashes, and some rouge on your cheeks and lips and you’ll be fine. And we’ll put your hair up to show off your neck and face.” 
“Whatever you say.” 
Nesta did all that and they still had an hour left before Deidre had to make her way to the grocer to meet Alex. 
“Would you like to stay for tea?” 
Nesta sat down and stated rubbing her hand along her bump as Deirdre made some tea. She went with ginger for Nesta.
As she prepared the tea tray, she tried to make conversation. 
“I’m surprised that Cassian let you out of his sight this late into the pregnancy. I remember Rhys was extra protective over Feyre during her pregnancy.” 
“He is sitting on the roof.” 
“Should we invite him in,” Deirdre asked with concern. 
“No, I told him we wanted to chat for a bit in private. The roof was the compromise.” 
She finished making the tea and sat down with Nesta and poured them both a cup. 
“Thank you for making ginger. I know you don’t like it, but it helps with the nausea.” 
“I know and you’re welcome. Besides, I think I’ve gotten used to the taste.”
“No, you haven’t. You grimace every time you sip.” 
“No, I don’t.” 
“Yes, you do.” 
“You’re impossible.” 
“And you’re stubborn.” 
“Pot, kettle, black.” 
“I didn’t come here to argue.” 
“And that’s not why I invited you over. You’re right. I don’t like ginger, but I made it because I know it makes you feel better, but I didn’t want to ask and make you feel like you had to say something else for my sake when you came all the way here, stressing out your mate in the process, to help me get ready for a silly date.” 
“That’s why I said thank you,” she said quietly. “And it’s not silly. It’s a big step in gaining more independence.” 
“But I am independent. I live by myself.” 
“I mean emotional independence. I don’t want to offend you, but you rely on Feyre a lot for emotional support and assurance when that should come from yourself.” 
“I do rely on Feyre for a lot. But she took care of me, of us, for so long that I don’t think I know how to take care of myself, emotionally at least.” 
“Well, today marks the first step.”  
They sat and drank and talked for the next 45 minutes. It was the longest they had sat and talked, just the two of them in, well, ever. 
After she collected what she would need for her date, they made their way downstairs. 
When they got outside, Deirdre pulled Nesta in for a hug. Well, as much as a hug as they could get in with the baby bump in the way. 
“Thank you for coming,” she whispered in her sister’s ear. 
“Anytime,” she whispered back. “And I’ll have to take you shopping for dresses before I get busy with the baby.” 
They pulled apart as Cassian landed beside them and wished Dierdre good luck on her date. 
“And remember,” he said as he gathered Nesta in his arms. “If he tries anything sleazy, then use those self-defense moves I taught you on him and then run to the River House. Rhys and Feyre aren’t home, but Az is there looking after Nyx, and he’ll take care of you. Also, you look great.” 
The sudden mention of Az made a wave of guilt wash over her, but she pushed it down as she assured them both she would be fine and waved to them as they took off. 
She made her way to the grocer and sighed a breath of relief as she saw Alex there waiting for her. 
“Alex,” she shouted to get his attention. 
He turned his head and began to walk over to where she was. 
He was a handsome male, with shaggy brown hair and deep brown eyes that crinkled around the edges when he smiled. His build was slim, but not scrawny, and he was scarcely taller than her. 
“Deidre, hey! You look amazing.” 
“Thank you,” she replied, heat rising in her cheeks. “I hope it’s not too fancy for wherever you have planned.” 
“Maybe a little,” he said, smiling sheepishly. “But no matter. You always stand out in a crowd. Now you’ll look the part.” 
He was dressed in dark brown linen trousers and a crisp white shirt. It was plain, no embroidery or dye, typical of the working classes of Velaris for nicer occasions.
“Come on,” he encouraged, offering his arm. “Or we’ll be late.” 
She took his arm, and they made their way through Velaris. They made easy conversation about the weather, books they had read, and a play that was being advertised as they passed the theater. 
They made their way into the southern part of the city, known for being a residential area, and Deidre found herself standing outside a tavern. 
“I’ve never been to a tavern before,” she said nervously. 
“It’s amazing, I promise,” he assured. “I know the owner and called in a favor to get us a reservation. It can get a little loud, but it’s a weekday so it shouldn’t be too crazy. The food is okay, but the drinks are better, and the atmosphere is so fun.” 
She followed him inside. 
Immediately, she was met with the smell of ale and bodies. The floors were covered in bits of food, like it was never mopped. There were people drinking, playing card games, and eating questionable looking food. And if this was the crowd on a weekday, she didn’t want to see how packed it was on a weekend. 
She almost lost Alex in the crowd, given that he darted through the bodies, never looking back to make sure she was following. She made her way to the table he had already sat at. Before she could get comfortable in the chair, the waitress came over. 
“Hey, Alex,” she greeted. “The usual?” 
He agreed. 
“And for you, sweetheart?” 
“Um, a sweet red wine, if you have it,” she answered. 
“Okay, be right back with that.” 
“Thanks, Lara,” Alex said before she walked off. 
Dierdre looked at him and forced a smile. 
“I know this place can be a little much, but I wanted to give you a new experience.” 
“No, I like it,” she lied. “I am more used to a quiet restaurant, but this is more exciting to be sure.” That part wasn’t a lie. 
“I don’t mean to speak out of turn, but you seem a little sheltered. So, I wanted to give you to chance to get out more.” 
“Well, I was living in poverty for many years as well as being sick. My sister, Feyre, has always been very protective of me, so it’s probably true that I’m sheltered.” 
“I didn’t know that you were sick,” he said, sitting up in his chair more. 
Dierdre folded her hands on the sticky table. 
“Not anymore,” she assured him. “When I turned fae, my lungs healed within a few days, but I still got winded from the lack of exercise my entire life. One of the happiest days of my life was when I made the climb from the Place of Thread and Jewels to the River House without needing a break.” She smiled at the memory. 
“Thank the Cauldron for that,” he said. 
The words rang in her head. She didn’t have time to explain about what going in the Cauldron had been like for her before Lara came back with their drinks, and they placed a food order. There were only three things on the menu, so it didn’t take long to decide. 
Just when their conversation picked up again, someone Alex knew walked in the door, and he excused himself to go say hello. She was left alone to contemplate what he said. 
Just let it go, she thought. He made a bad assumption. If he says anymore about it, then you’ll say something. 
Alex came back over with the friend in tow, introducing him as Maxen. 
“So, Dierdre,” Maxen started. “What did Alex have to do to convince you to go on a date with him?” 
“Free groceries for life,” she joked. 
Maxen laughed. “Seems fair.” 
Alex rolled his eyes. 
“I’m kidding,” she corrected, sensing that Alex wasn’t happy. “It took him two months of flirting in his end to click in my head that he was, in fact, flirting, not just being nice. After that, I was pretty easy to ask out.” She turned to smile at Alex to find his happy smile had returned. 
“That’s sweet,” Maxen said. “Well, I wish you two crazy kids a good night and I’ll see you later, Alex. And hopefully you too, Dierdre.” 
“Good night,” she said, finding her way back to her seat. 
“He’s a good guy,” Alex said. 
Deirdre just nodded. 
The rest of the meal was constantly interrupted by Alex getting up to greet people or people coming over to talk to him. Dierdre was alone for more than half the meal. She could swear that she heard the tell-tale whispering of Azriel’s shadows but dismissed the sounds as something else. When they finally finished and made their way out the door, Alex didn’t offer more than one or two responses to her conversation prompts. 
When they made it back to her apartment building, she stopped and turned on her heel a few feet from the threshold. 
“Thank you for the evening, Alex,” Dierdre said. “I really enjoyed myself and experiencing a part of Velaris I had never seen before.” 
Alex gave her a knowing look. “You didn’t like it at all, did you?” 
She grimaced a little. “It’s not that I didn’t like it or apricate it. I am just not a fan of loud, crowded places. That’s all.” 
“I see,” Alex said shaking his head. “I didn’t realize you were so stuck up.” 
She recoiled back like he struck her. 
“Fancy Dierdre Archeron. Sister to the High Lady. So special and too good for a simple tavern with simple food, with simple people.” 
She just huffed and turned to flee up the stairs.
“That tavern wasn’t too good for your sister.” That made her pause and turn to glare at him. “Oh, yeah. She went there all the time. Getting drunk and taking random males home. Maxen, the guy I introduced you too. He took her home once. I just thought that maybe sluttiness ran in the family, so I took a chance on you. But you’re a frigid bitch.” 
Using speed she didn’t know she had, she made for Alex and cracked her open palm across his face. His head whipped to the side. 
“Don’t you talk about my sister like that,” she spat, venom in her voice. She turned and practically ran for her apartment, fearing that he would follow her and retaliate. 
She made it to her apartment and once inside, locked the door behind her. 
Alex, nice, sweet Alex, who told her about the candies that would become her favorite. Alex, who seemed genuinely interested in her. Alex, as it turned out, was good actor that got mean when he drank. 
She let out a shaky breath as she made her way into her apartment, stripping out of her dress and folding it neatly on the back of a chair. 
I’ll deal with it, all of it, later, she thought. 
After changing into her nightgown, she heard a tittering in the corner. A shadow. One of Azriel’s shadows. 
“Tell him I’m well, shadow. And that I’ll speak to him tomorrow.” 
Azriel always found it amusing when she spoke to the shadows directly. 
He’s here he’s here, the shadows whispered to her. 
“Come out come out wherever you are,” she sang, trying to make sure that Azriel never guessed that her night ended poorly. 
He appeared in the doorway of her bedroom.
“Here I am,” he responded. 
She immediately relaxed in his presence. 
She gave him a lazy, tired smile. 
“How was the date?” 
“Fine,” she lied. “Probably won’t be a second one. We agreed that were better off as friends. No sparks.” 
She turned to avoid his gaze. 
“That’s a lie, Dierdre.” 
“No,” she squeaked. 
“Tell me the truth,” he demanded. 
“Not tonight,” she pleaded. “I am not injured. Or harmed. I am just tired and want to go to bed. Please?” 
“Okay,” he allowed. “But first thing in the morning, you tell me everything.” 
“I will.” 
She padded her way over to her bed and looked over her shoulder at him. 
“I don’t need tucked in, ya know.” 
He glared at her. “I know. But I’m going to stay until you fall asleep to leave.” 
“Whatever suits your fancy,” she said, climbing into bed. “Can you cut the light on your way out?” 
He nodded and silently made his way out of the room, doing as he was asked. She heard him whisper good night, but sleep was already well on its way before Dierdre could respond. 
He was beside himself with worry. He knew that she wasn’t physically hurt, he could see that when she came home. He could see the anger and sadness in her eyes. Alongside a little bit of fear. He wanted to go find the male and beat the answers out of him, but against his better judgement, he waited for Dierdre to wake up and tell him what happened first. 
He stayed on the sofa all night. Not sleeping, of course. He picked up one of her books and leafed though it at one point but got bored quickly. 
At one-point Azriel, though he heard her start to cry out like she used to and darted to her bedroom. But realized it was just the springs of her bed squeaking as she shifted in her sleep. 
Azriel couldn’t help himself as he stared at her sleeping form, remembering the nightmares that plagued her for years. 
“No, no, no,” she whimpered. “Let me go…leave me…”  
He ran to her room as soon as the shadows told him that she was in distress. He looked at her, not knowing what to do. 
“NO! NO! FEYRE!” she screamed. 
He couldn’t let her stay in the nightmare any longer, but his presence might scare her. A tall, intimidating male looming over her bed. 
The shadows were at the ready, eager to help the female they had come to like. They moved over her form, caressing her face and neck and gently tugging at her hair. 
She awoke with a gasp, shooting up in her bed like she was poked with a hot stick. She was panting, breathless from the exertion of the dream. 
“Hello?” She was asking like she sensed him or his shadows in the room. 
He made noise and flicked on the light. She was looking at him, wide-eyed and terrified of whatever haunted her dreams this time. 
“Azriel? What’s going on?”
“You were having a nightmare. I had the shadows wake you. It seemed better than to let you scream.” 
Her faced flush in embarrassment. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” 
“Never be sorry for something you can’t control.” 
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“It’s fine, I promise. I was up anyways.” 
She didn’t respond, just stared off into the distance. Azriel was never good with words but cursed himself for not being able to comfort the girl. 
He turned to leave, fearing his presence would make her uncomfortable. 
“Will you stay,” she asked. 
He paused for a moment, then nodded his head and went over to the chair in her room. 
“Yes or no. You were there when I went into the Cauldron.” 
“You were hurt.” 
“Feyre went with Tamlin. To- to spy on him.” 
“You tried to save me.”  
They went only like that for a while. Azriel figured that was what the nightmare was about and recounting it with a clearer head was helping soothe her. 
She thankfully found sleep again, but the thought of leaving her side when she was in such a state felt wrong, right down to his bones. 
He had the same feeling now as he looked at her. She was in a much better place but leaving her still was not an option.
Dierdre didn’t wake till 8 in the morning, hours past when Azriel usually woke. She padded her way to the bathroom before making her way to the living room. 
She jumped a bit when she saw Az. 
“I though you went home and were going to come back later,” she croaked, sleep still evident in her voice. 
“I didn’t want to leave you when you were in distress,” he explained, hoping she wouldn’t be mad at him. 
“Typical,” she grumbled, slightly annoyed, but not mad. 
He followed her over to the kitchen area where she made morning tea for the both of them. 
“I don’t normally eat a big breakfast, but I can make you something,” she offered. 
A voice in head screamed at him to accept the offer, but he shook his head and took a seat. 
They sat in silence at the small kitchen table, fixing their respective teas to their liking. The tension was thick in the air as Deirdre avoided meeting his eyes, trying to get away with not telling him about last night. 
“Dierdre,” he started. “Remember what we talked about last night?” 
She pursed her lips but didn’t say anything. 
He just looked at her. A gentler version of the look he gave people he captured before demanding they talk. Same sentiment, less threatening. 
“Promise not to get mad,” she demanded. 
He just kept looking at her in the same way. 
She sighed, knowing there was no getting around him. “It wasn’t a great date. We went to a loud, crowded, sticky tavern and he left me to talk to other people a lot. When we got back, and he could see that I was lying about having liked the tavern he called me stuck up.” 
Azriel was clenching his fist under the table. 
“Then, he said that,” she sucked in a breath, “one of the people he introduced me too was someone Nesta slept with and he was hoping slutiness ran in the family. Then called me a frigid bitch. I proceeded to slap him and run up here.” 
Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as he thought. He was still fuming and ready to kill the male. Both for the comments about Deirdre and Nesta. 
Azriel could feel his jaw clenching and his pulse getting louder in his ears as Dierdre’s words sunk in. 
Slut. Frigid bitch. 
The insults echoed in his head. 
“Well,” she said, looking a little worried. 
“Thank you for telling me,” he said quickly. “I need to get going. Thanks for the tea.” He stood up and took long strides towards the door. 
“Wait,” she said. 
He turned to look at her. 
“Thanks for staying. And don’t do anything rash. Like try to find him or tell Cassian and get him all worked up too. It’s not worth it. He’s not worth it.” 
She read his mind about his plans to go tell Cassian so they could find the male and teach him some manners together. 
He just sighed and walked out the door. 
“I mean it, Az,” she shouted after him. 
He just glanced over his shoulder and wave goodbye. 
He knew that the grocer boy Alex, had taken her to a tavern, a place she would hate, and left her alone at time, but he didn’t make the shadows follow her home. He wanted to give her a bit of privacy if they kissed or something. But he still showed up to her apartment without invitation directly after a date. She didn’t seem mad, though.
Muscle memory took him to the House of Wind without him even realizing it till he was getting ready to land. 
Cassian wasn’t in the training ring. Probably because it was two hours past their normal training time. He moved to pick up a blade anyways. 
Swinging it in no particular fashion, turning and stepping around the ring, he let the conversation with Deirdre run through his head. 
He called me a frigid bitch, she had said. The insult had him reeling. I promptly slapped him and ran up here. He felt a slight tugging at the corners of his mouth at the idea of Deirdre slapping the shit out of someone. He would have paid good money to see it. 
His movements stopped when he locked eyes with his brother. 
“You missed training,” Cassian said. “Not like you.” 
“I slept in.” Azriel was resisting the urge to tell Cassian the truth. 
“You expect me to believe that?” Cassian crossed his arms. “You haven’t slept in in the 500 years I’ve known you. You could be balls deep in a female, and you’d leave her high and dry if it meant you’d be late for morning training.” 
Damn it. Cassian knew him too well. 
“I was busy.” 
“Not with spymaster stuff. I asked Rhys if you were off on an assignment. And he said that unless an emergency came up, you were free for the next few days.” 
Azriel tried to ignore Cassian and the burning sensation to tell him what happened. 
But Cassian gave him a look. A look that said: Tell me where you were or what you were doing right now or I’m going to beat it out of you. 
Not wanting to get beaten on right now, Azriel reluctantly told him what Deirdre had told him. 
tag list:
@feysandzoyalailover @fanfictioniseverything @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @singhillada @marina468
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Villain AU - Deadlock, Part 7
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 ||
I wanted to write more but I gotta STAHP
I'll maybe have some fluff in the next chapter honohnohnonhonohnohnohnonohnohnonhonhonohnohnohnonhnonohnonh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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The clock was ticking. With every rooftops skipped, Donnie knew that he was getting farther away from where he was actually supposed to be. At least 15 minutes ago. This night patrol was leading to nothing and his brothers only wanted to scan around the area for any troublemakers. It was a waste of time, a waste of energy, a waste of purpose. As they finally stopped on top of a building, overlooking a busy street, the tall terrapin took his chance for an escape...
"Guys, I really need to head back."
The three other turtles turned around to face the other.
"... Why? Need a bathroom break?" started Mikey.
Donnie frowned: "What? No! I have some code back home that I had left to compile. And since this patrol is fruitless right now, I'd prefer to check on it."
He noticed Leo and Raph exchanging a glance, the leader than showing some annoyance.
"Can't it just wait? Who says there can't be anything happening soon?"
"Don't ya wanna spend some time with your brothers?" cut in Raphael.
The purple clad one faked a smile: "I think we already spend much time all together." He didn't want to get their approval. "I'll see you all back at the Lair."
For crying outloud, he was a full grown adult! He didn't quite get himself why he'd need some sort of approval or anything. As he went the opposite way, he quickly flicked his itinerary on his wrist, heading towards his intended destination.
As the three brothers watched the other go, their eyes squinted gradually, following Donnie's path as he kept going across rooftops.
"Is he not gonna drop down for the sewers?" asked the orange one.
Leonardo was already getting suspicious.
"... I don't think so. He must be up to somethin'."
"Let's see what the nerd's up to," added the red banded terrapin.
"You read my mind," concluded the blue one. "Let's move."
It took him unfortunately another 15 minutes to reach the abandonned music store, making him 30 minutes late. As he got to the rendez-vous point, he found the rooftop empty, his mind already worrying that he must've been so late that Vee probably headed back home already. Getting his phone out so he could text her and apologize, he barely started to type when a faint sound stopped him as he walked close to an entrance to the building. ... It sounded like music.
He found the door unlocked, the sound already clearer when he peaked inside. Heading down a staircase, Donnie was then walking into a hallway, his path leading him towards a doorless entrance that gave view to a large room. There were still some old instruments here and there, all covered in a thick layer of dust. And that's also where he saw at one corner of the room an upright piano, a presence sitting at it. Vee was peacefully playing, even though the instrument had some keys not perfectly tuned anymore. The terrapin took a moment to take the scene in, somehow entranced by the skills she was exhibiting. There was this grace in her performance; it was like witnessing a hidden part of herself. ... He felt bad to announce his presence by stepping in and clearing his throat a little.
The woman immediately stopped, looking over her shoulder and showing a smile as she saw him.
"Well well well, look who finally showed up!" she said.
"I'm so sorry," started the mutant as he got closer. "It took me some time to finally get out of patrol.
Vee got up, grabbing a cup she had left on top of the piano, handing it to the male.
"No worries, it gave me a chance to get some practice in. Here- I got you a coffee, but it might be getting cold now. I already drank mine."
Donnie accepted it, already taking a sip. He grimaced a bit after noticing its lukewarm temperature, but still drank the beverage anyway.
"What you were playing sounded nice, what was it?" he asked inbetween sips.
"Ballade slave, by Claude Debussy," answered Vee, first looking at the instrument fondly. "... Anything composed by Debussy is an absolute favorite of mine." She glanced back at the turtle. "But don't get the wrong idea, piano is not my primary instrument. I'm only an amateur - I've learned most of it by myself."
That surprised Donatello a little: "Then what is your main instrument? I know you've studied music, but didn't check for what exactly."
The woman held her head high, her grin filled with pride.
"I'm all about the good ol' saxophone! Spent many years with it, alongside singing. I've also composed in my spare time."
"Well, now I'm curious to hear all of that!"
"All in due time, turtle," added Vee, coming closer. She lightly tapped his left arm, then extending her hand in a waiting gesture to get something. "But first, the data, if you please?"
The mutant smiled lightly, already getting to a pouch attached to his belt. He handed the human a USB stick, then his eyes wandering to her forehead as she inspected the hardware.
"May I?" he asked.
Seeing him point towards her bruise, Vee simply shrugged with a "sure", then feeling the mutant's free hand move some of her hair aside only to get a better view of her left side. The wound was mostly superficial at this point, her bruise now in the usual blueish coloration. His thumb softly brushed against it.
"Does it hurt?"
"If I apply pressure, yeah," answered Vee. "... Don't worry, I won't die. Not yet."
"Wouldn't want that to happen," he added, still looking over.
A quiet chuck escaped the woman, somehow amused to be given any value. As the inspection was over, she brought the key up: "So, what am I expected to find on there? Any specifics or points of interest?"
Donnie tapped something to his right wrist, allowing a device on the upper part of his right backpack strap to come to life and bring holo screens into view. Different schematics appeared, alongside command lines and various codes. Scrolling through some information with a simple movement of his hand, Vee could only observe in awe at such a display.
"I don't want to say I'm jealous, but I kinda am," she said, now standing next to him and looking over the data.
Her awe did not escape him, smiling to himself as he brought something of interest into proper view.
"Surprisingly enough, the Purple Dragons have been looking into biometrics. Fingerprints, facial and voice recognition, even medical devices such as blood monitors, and probably more. It all seems to come to down to collecting data about individuals, but something tells me there might be more... "
"Meh, at least I can give the biometric recognition stuff to my client. He'll be happy enough," shrugged Vee.
"You might be more interested to give him information about specs and powerful hardware the Dragons have been developping. ... I would advise not to deliver the metrics data."
"Then why did you give me the information if you don't want me to do something about it?"
Donnie next brought up different news articles into view, their titles all relating to a similar subject.
"People have been disappearing out of nowhere," he started. "It's not at an alarming state so far, but I suspect that as soon as the technology will be more widespread, those instances will only grow higher. ... Call it a hunch, but I'm inclined to believe that they're looking for specific individuals, based on their biometrics."
Vee snorted in amusement: "What, you want us to play detectives together then?"
"We did agree to work together. So in a sense, yes."
Right. Bringing the Foot Clan down. She couldn't see yet how investigating the Purple Dragons could ever lead back to the other criminal organization... But if it allowed her to spend more time with the turtle and get her hands on the green ooze, then she could entertain this idea.
"Alright, boss, whatever you say."
"We'll need to establish a plan on how we'll spread our research," he said, closing the holo screens. "Who are they dealing with, where are they storing the information, are they sharing the data? I'm also expecting us to do some break-ins as well."
"Does your family agrees to that? ... Personally I'm not really looking forward to working with them."
"They, uh ... still don't know," he admitted. "We'd be going without them."
Vee was instantly amused, showing a sly smile as she was then facing him, toying with one of his mask's tails.
"Oh, so I'm your dirty little secret then?"
"Don't say it like that," puffed the terrapin.
She playfully tapped his plastron, then starting to make her way to the rooftop.
"I'm just teasing you," she added. "I can't deny being surprised by your behavior, that's all."
The other followed her: "I'm not too fond of keeping secrets, but that's all I can do for now."
"Sure thing, buddy. Keep telling yourself that and you'll soon find yourself on the dark side, just like me!"
They got outside, Donnie soon getting a hold of her arm with his free hand.
"You just need some guidance to get out of it."
Vee frowned: "I'm a lost cause, turtle."
"If you keep lying to yourself, sure."
Vee's lips formed a thin line, strangely conflicted. His faith in her seemed awfully misplaced; a naivety that was either genuine or hopeful. She'd never really had anyone see her as anything else than a nuisance, even less so as someone that could ever achieve any good. She left a hand against his, her tone lightly sarcastic only to accompany her forced smile:
"When the world will stop being shitty to me, I'll believe and be your damsel in distress." She got out of his hold, playfully wailing her arms in theatrics. "Oh, Donatello! Save me from this life of villainy!"
The terrapin didn't hide his amusement, watching her act out as he finished his drink - with a renewed grimace. Crushing the cup, he was about to throw it at the trashcan down in the street that Vee stopped him, pointing at the object in his hand.
"Can you teach me how to throw it in correctly? Last time I tried when you were away, but failed miserably..."
"Huh, sure!" he answered, surprised by her request.
Donnie handed her the crinkled cup, both then side by side and facing the street.
"It's all in the wrist," he started to explain. "Once you get a feel of the object you want to throw, you'll be able to determine what kind of force you need to apply to your flick. Think of it like throwing a basketball, but instead of going upward, you'll have to aim downward."
"Woah, I can barely make a goal with a basketball, you're already losing me there."
"Wait, here-"
The terrapin got behind her, his right arm going over hers - mimicking her movement - as his left hand got a hold of her right elbow. He slowly went through the motions, explaining the physics behind them and how she'd need to aim. Vee was grinning all the way through, suddenly enchanted by the proximity. His hold felt strong, yet gentle and precise... To be encased in his arms in such a normal occurence felt like a step she never knew she'd achieve.
"-and then youuuuu- flick!" mumbled Donnie, his right arm lightly following her movement as she threw the cup over.
The object reached its destination with a satisfying clunk, Vee instantly celebrating with cheerful giggles.
"Watch out, NBA, I'll be the next top player," let out Vee, turning around to the male.
"Grow some more, shorty, then you'll be good to go," teased Donnie with a wink.
"Dream crusher!"
"Aye, look at him go, what a player," commented Mikey in amusement.
The trio had been watching Donatello and Vee on the roof, witnessing that little teaching moment. Leonardo exhaled sharply, clearly disapproving the situation.
"... I told him to wait," he said. "Why is he going against us?"
"Well, she does look good," added the orange clad turtle. "Can't blame him for going after that ass."
"She does have a nice ass," said Raph. "We got a nice shot of it one time when Donnie was hackin' into her stuff."
"Guys, can we focus?" stopped Leo with a sneer, exasperated.
That got quiet chuckles out of the other two, the leader still overlooking the scene. As he guessed that Donatello and the woman were saying their goodbyes, he turned to Raphael.
"Raph, you feelin' up for some interrogation tonight?"
He had asked while pointing towards the human.
"I need you to find out what she knows and to have her stop talking with Donnie."
"Didn't he want her to help or somethin'?" questionned the red clad one.
"Doesn't matter right now. Casey wants her out for the moment. We don't know her motives and it's better that she stays out of the picture."
Raphael sighed with an eyeroll, conceeding: "Aight, chief. I don't think she'll like seein' my face after the warehouse, but whatever..."
As the large one was on his way, Leo next nodded to Michelangelo.
"Let's go. We'll meet Donnie at the Lair."
"Just don't be too harsh on him," commented the other terrapin as they were next going. "You know he wouldn't act against us."
"Let's hope so, or else he's in serious trouble."
Donnie wasn't surprised to arrive first at the Lair, greeting his father who was meditating at the center of the main room. To keep the mood quiet, he headed for his workstation, already opening windows at his compute to continue his previous searches. His mind did wander back to Vee for a while, remininscing about that small moment they shared. Hanging with her was always ... interesting. Although he could sense her general disdain for things that were deemed "right", he also knew that she was still mindful to it and sometimes gave it a clear thought. And, frankly, he was starting to appreciate her general being. She was funny, quick, and a good-looking one - that he couldn't deny. Donatello was genuinely starting to care for her... Something he never knew could happen towards anyone that wasn't a relative or long-time friend.
He heard commotion coming from the entrance, steps approaching his way. Peeking away from his screens, it didn't take long before he saw Leonardo standing next to him, brow ridges already frowning.
"What part don't you understand of 'keep her out of it'?" asked the leader
Donnie was taken aback by such a start of conversation.
"... What are you talking about?"
"We saw you with that woman, Don. We know you're still seeing her."
It was now the purple banded mutant's turn to frown.
"I should've known," continued Leo. "That night at the Purple Dragons' warehouse, the way you were interacting with her. Tell me you did ask her to come when we were there."
"No," confidently replied Donatello. "I had no idea she'd be there. It was a complete surprise."
"What does she know? What did you tell her?" the blue one's tone rose.
"That's none of your business."
Oh Leo didn't like that, his nostrils lightly flaring.
"When it comes to this family and critical missions, it sure as hell does. I told you to wait before contacting her again!"
"Well I've waited for too long already!" spat Donnie, getting to his feet and looking down at his brother. "I'm tired of waiting and doubting and not taking any advantages when they're right in front of us. Wake up, for fuck's sake, we need all the help we can get!"
"Donatello!" interjected Splinter's voice from his meditation spot.
Both males were fuming, something that was unusual between them two.
"Stop talking to her and let us do our job," ordered the blue terrapin.
"I won't let you stop me," added the tall one. "We might be onto something, and I can't let her go now. We need to team up."
"Don't be like that, Donnie. I swear, if you don't stop-"
"Enough, Leonardo!"
That time both turtles stopped, turning around to the old rat and Mikey standing nearby. Their father came closer, clearly disapproving of their dispute.
"I did not raise you boys to go at eachothers' throats," started Splinter. "I already have enough with you and Raphael," he added, pointing at Leo. "I won't have you starting that behavior with Donatello as well."
"Sensei, he-"
"If you want to make your point clear, speak, don't shout. The roar of an ocean deafens, unlike the peaceful flow of a river."
"Woah, deep," commented Mikey.
The group took a pause, the leader taking in a deep breath simply to calm himself. As he was about to speak again, Donnie realized something:
"Wait, where's Raph?"
When Leo didn't speak, Michelangelo took it upon himself:
"He went after that woman, bro. Leo asked him to follow her."
"Mikey!" snapped the blue clad one.
The tall mutant didn't wait up, already fearing for Vee as he rushed past his older brother and went for the exit. Leonardo was about to go after him, but was stopped once more by the rat.
"Let him go. We will talk again when he'll come back."
As Vee got home, the first thing she did was to plug the USB key into her computer, verifying that all the files Donnie showed her were indeed present. Noticing the biometrics information, she paused, weighing her options.... In some swift clicks, she opened her conversation with her current client:
smooth_criminal: Here are the agreed files. And as a reason for my lateness, I may have sensitive information to offer for an additional price. I would advise not skipping that opportunity, especially if you want to stay ahead in the game.
... Sure, Donatello had told her not to share the information, but she could still try to sell it...! If the guy said no, that'd be it! Or else, it wasn't her fault. That seemed reasonable enough.
Her attention snapped when she heard a knocking sound at a window - the one that gave to the fire escape stairs. At a first glance from afar, there didn't seem to be any presence next to it. Vee frowned, cautiously getting on her feet and approaching the glass. It couldn't be anyone else than him....
"Donnie?" she said after opening the window and peaking out of it.
Did he forget to tell her something?
"I think ya better start forgettin' that nerd."
She glanced up, noticing a presence sitting at the level above in the metal stairs. As soon as Vee noticed the stranger's shape and their red accents, she gasped and instantly backed inside her living room. The large terrapin came down, then making his way in as well. Compared to Donatello, he was taking much more space, Vee instantly feeling smaller than she already was. Raphael first glanced around the room, taking in the view until he landed on the woman.
"I was expectin' more of an evil lair look, but I guess looks can be deceivin'."
"What do you want?"
Vee was trying her damned best to not appear afraid. The behemoth was only getting closer, backing the woman until she bumped her back into her kitchen table. Getting a sai out, the turtle placed the blade below her chin, lifting her face so she could get a better view of him.
"I wanna know what you know," he started. "We believe Donnie's been going behind our backs, and that ain't very professional of him."
"He didn't tell me anything," said the woman. "We were just hanging out."
A quick chuck left Raph: "Ya want me to believe that?" But he was quickly back to a serious look. "Do bettah than that, smooth criminal."
He got his blade away, prefering to look around the apartment some more.
"We know he wants your help in our... mission. But let's just say that right now not everyone in our party wants you included."
Vee was trying to calm her shivers, lightly rubbing under her chin.
"... What's your stance on this?" she dared ask.
The mutant took seat at her couch, the furniture creaking a little but still standing. His gaze followed her as she slowly made her way towards her computer desk.
"Frankly, I don't give a shit," he answered. "But the moment I find out you're goin' behind our backs, ya gonna regret the moment you were ever born."
Vee let out a weak laugh: "What, you'd kill a woman?"
"Do ya think I ever killed anyone?"
Their eyes locked, Raph obviously wanting to gage her reaction and thinking. The human could barely hold it, frankly a bit scared to truly know... And he indeed did not clarify.
"What do ya know?" he asked once more.
"Nothing important..."
"Woman, I swear, ya better talk-"
"I don't care about your damn 'taking the Foot clan down' mission," cut Vee, raising her tone. "Look, I only saw names and now Donnie thinks that the Purple Dragons are maybe kidnapping people. That's all I know." She pointed towards her opened window. "Now get the fuck out of my apartment!"
Raphael was back up again, his stance menacing as he approached Vee once more. In a flash, the woman grasped a pencil laying on her desk, holding it firmly as if holding a knife sideways, ready to strike. The terrapin stopped, first looking at the makeshift weapon with wide eyes. He instantly exploded in laughter:
"That ain't gonna do shit against me!"
Vee finally realized her position, frowning at her hold. Seeing the turtle still laughing, she prefered to then throw the pencil at him in a fit of rage mixed with fear. That stopped the terrapin right away, his frown instant.
"Don't try my patience, it's very short," he warned.
"Please, go away," she said in a small voice.
Raph tsked, gesturing her whole frame.
"Ya call yourself a villain? Look atchu; all shaken up and shit."
Vee could only shake her head a little, trying to calm her shivers once more: "... I never meant to become a villain. I had no choice. I didn't know what else to do."
... She never thought she'd acknowledge that in such a moment, especially with someone she barely knew. The terrapin frowned, as if disgusted by her weakness.
"Ya ain't no danger," he noted to himself. "Fuck, everyone's getting all paranoid for nothin'..."
He only needed to grab Vee's shoulder, getting her closer only to make himself clear.
"Keep yourself out of our stuff. If we spot you with Donnie again, it's not gonna be just me bargin' in here."
"Next time I'll be prepared," let out Vee.
That got a quiet chuckle out of Raph, letting go of the woman and gently tapping her cheek in amusement.
"Sure, doll."
He next made his way towards the window, giving a glance at the human before slipping out. Looking inside one last time, he pointed at Vee:
"Remember; stay outta our shit!"
And with that he disappeared. ...
Vee remained frozen for a moment, somehow expecting him to come back in at any second. Once she realized that was truly alone, she feebly made her way towards her couch, sitting down and letting her face fall into her palms. She really did say that outloud... She really did say that she had no other choice... At once the weight of many mistakes fell down on her, along the fear she just experienced. She felt like nothing more than a cornered prey, biting down on more than she could chew instead of running away and saving herself. Every actions she ever took had lead to this moment, this horror. This feeling that she was alone in the world, unable to escape this vicious cycle she had fallen into. Tears left her without effort, falling back into her couch, face still hidden in her hands after she'd remove her glasses in a swift movement. Her chest felt heavy, unable to breathe and get any clear thoughts. She wanted to escape. She wanted to run away. She wanted to disappear and never be found again.
She jumped, a hand over her heart as her eyes went instantly to the still opened window. Without her glasses Vee couldn't really make out the shape of who was there, but by the voice's tone she knew it was Donatello. He didn't even ask if she was okay. He must've noticed her tears. Instantly getting in, he removed his backpack only to make himself more comfortable and then headed her way, sitting down by her side. Vee squinted, trying to better decipher his traits with her shit vision.
"... What are you doing here?" she questionned, her voice raspy from sadness.
"Raph was here, didn't he?"
She vaguely gestured towards the window: "You just missed him. Go out and you should catch up to him."
"I won't."
"Then what do you want?" she asked dryly.
"I just wanna make sure you're okay," he simply answered, gently.
That shut Vee up, her harsh eyes now softening. She couldn't bare looking at him as she felt some more tears coming up, her chest clenching.
"... Why do you care about me?" she said in the tiniest, most broken tone.
That next got some sobs out of her, trying to hide herself once more. She barely heard a soft "come here", next feeling her frame get enclosed between arms and soon against the turtle's form. ... Vee never allowed herself to be this vulnerable in front of anyone, but this time she didn't hold back. It did feel nice at some point, the terrapin's hands slowly petting her in soothing motions, tenderly nuzzling the top of her head. At once, the woman felt safe.
She knew that he truly cared.
((Part 8))
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One In a Million Chapter 1: Hello New Friend
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TW: bad family life (mention of being disowned)
Chapt 2 here
"Hello, New Friend. Where have you been all my life?"
Also: If you've read my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series, please note that the Emery in THIS fic is a completely different person and is in no way connected to Dark Angel. TY.
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May 23, 2019 – Paradise, Nevada – 2 Days Before Double or Nothing
Emery stared dejectedly through the glass, as if her sad eyes would make the candy fall from its stuck position. She had already tried shaking the heavy machine, and hitting the glass but to no avail.
“Go effin figure,” she sighed, turning around and walking to the opposite wall 6 feet away. She spun around slowly and slid down the wall, sitting in a heap on the floor with her knees tucked against her chest.
“I get disowned for following my dream… then the airport loses my luggage… a taxi splashes me with street water… the hotel loses my reservation… and now this,” she thought, tears pricking at the corners of her brown eyes. Emery stared unseeingly at the package of MSMs, swallowing the lump in her throat. She wouldn’t cry. She couldn’t.
Emery had no idea how long she sat there, staring at the vending machine. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see people passing by down the halls. She could hear people both inside the hotel and outside in the hot Las Vegas sun. The shower of rain that transpired only two hours ago long since dried up.
“Was this a mistake?” Emery began to wonder,” Ever since I was little… watching people like Jeff and Matt Hardy, Lita… Eddie Guerrero… Rey Mysterio… wrestling was all I ever wanted to do. I saved up money to put myself in classes… to learn… I’ve been on independents… I’ve improved… But my parents… they don’t care… They want me to be like my brother… my sister… A lawyer, doctor or a teacher. Something that is important… but this is important… to me…”
She was so lost in her train of thought, she didn’t notice the man walking down the hall, slow down and come to a stop as he stared at the vending machine for a second. He looked across the hall from the machine to her, and back again.
“Need a hand?” he asked, slightly timidly.
“Hmm?” She questioned, coming out of her trance, noticing his presence,” Oh… No. Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Emery sighed,” I’ve tried. I think fate is trying to tell me I’m making a huge mistake because my luck has been total shit today.”
The young-looking man seemed to take in her appearance, glancing at the candy bar stuck between the glass and the pushers, before giving a determined huff.
“Then you definitely need this.”
Without hesitation, he slammed his whole entire body against the machine, causing Emery to look at him, wide-eyed.
“No—really! It’s okay—”
Again, he slammed his smaller frame against the machine, almost like he didn’t hear her.
“Really- I don’t want you to hurt yourself—"
“C’mon you stupid machine! Drop the fucking candy!” he growled, completely ignoring Emery as he slammed himself against the glass pane one more time. A small thud came from the machine as the brown bag of MNMs finally fell to the bottom. Emery watched as he bent down and retrieved them, then walked over and held them out for her to take, a shy smile on his face.
“Thank you,” she smiled back, truly grateful,” Do you like MNMs? I’ll share them with you, as thanks.”
“Don’t worry about—”
“No, really. Please?”
“Uh… okay. Sure. Thanks,” he nodded, sitting down beside her as she tore open the package and dumped some into his hand,” I’m Marko, by the way.”
“Hmm? Oh! Right—sorry. I’m Emery.”
“Really pretty name,” Marko said, before ducking his head with a blush, chewing the chocolate bits.
“Thanks,” she replied, a soft smile on her face. Maybe something was finally going good? Maybe her luck wasn’t as shit as she thought.
“Are you from around here?” Emery asked him, causing him to look back up at her.
“Nah, I’m from Mississippi. You?”
“Get out! What part?”
“Union City, on the north border. You?”
“Olive Branch, on the north border. Just before you reach Tennessee, actually.”
“I think I’ve heard the name before, actually. What brings you to Nevada? If—if you don’t mind my asking.”
“Nah, you’re cool. I’m here for work, actually. I was asked by this wrestling company to do a match for their show—”
“Wait--! Do you mean All Elite?”
“Yeah!” Marko nodded, surprise and excitement radiating off of him,” Are you here to watch the show?”
“Kind of, like… I’m here for it too. I got a call asking if I wanted to do a match on their pre-show before the Live one.”
“Woah—wait. You wrestle?!” The excitement building between the two of them was growing. They now sat facing each other instead of side by side. Emery’s shit luck is long forgotten. Marko’s worry about his foot injury, and not being ready to wrestle tonight has long been forgotten.
“Yeah! You too?”
Emery gave a nod,” Yeah. I… I tried out for WWE last year but they turned me down, which is okay… but now…”
Now I have no family…
“What’s wrong?” Marko asked, noticing her instant mood change.
“It’s… it’s nothing…” An awkward silence broke out between the two, until Marko suddenly stood up, extending her his hand.
“Come on!”
“W-where are we going?” Emery asked, sliding her hand into his as he effortlessly pulled her up to her feet and began leading her down the hall.
“To the casino floor!”
“C-can you legally gamble?”
Marko stopped short and turned around to face her.
“I’m 22 years old.”
“Yes,” Marko frowned.
“You get that a lot, don’t you? Because of the baby-face thing?”
“More because of my height, actually.”
“Yeah. I’m so short, so I must be a kid.”
“I’m sorry,” Emery apologized, causing Marko to look at her curiously.
“It sounds like it gets annoying… tiring… having people constantly pick at you because of that.”
“I mean… yeah. It can be… I try not to let it, but…”
They stood there, hands still locked together, silence falling between them again.
“So… what were we gonna do then?” She attempted to change the subject.
“Oh! Right!” Marko smiled, as he picked back up by leading her through the halls, through the casino. Eventually, they stopped and Marko looked over at her.
“I’ve found that almost all of these casinos have game rooms! Come on! I bet you I’ll beat you at every game here!”
At least my card still works.
“You’re on!” Emery accepted, scrunching her nose playfully.
This… this was going to be a beautiful friendship.
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colinlegameboy · 1 year
Jacob's Secret
Today was the big day. After dating for 3 months, Jacob had invited Eliza over to his house to hang out. To Jacob, it was a miracle they had even started dating in the first place. He was the epitome of a nerd—6 feet tall, pale, lanky, blotchy face, greasy, short brown hair.
Eliza, on the other hand, was the most popular girl in school, and beautiful to boot. Fair skin, long black hair, curves in all the right places. She was the one that asked Jacob out, to the entire school (especially Jacob)’s surprise. Why she liked him, let alone why she wanted to come over, was still beyond him at this point. But he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth, so he had spent all day prepping the house for her arrival.
Thing was, that was going to take more than just cleaning. Like any nerdy kid his age, Jacob was fond of video games, comics, and the like. That wasn’t what worried him—After all, these days, everyone was a nerd to some extent. But he had one hobby, one that, if Eliza discovered it, he worried she’d turn on him immediately.
After a long day of cleaning and hiding anything that could even remotely give away his hobby, Jacob changed into his favorite orange shirt, and sat on the porch to wait for Eliza. A thick fog had enveloped his street, making it hard to see anything past two houses down either direction. This, of course, just made him more anxious— If he noticed her car coming up, he’d only have a few seconds to compose himself.
As he waited, he rubbed his hands on his thighs vigorously. His eyes flicked from one direction to the other, peeled for Eliza’s red sports car. Then, he chanced a look down at his lap. To his horror, his pants had been stained with a strange, reddish substance. His hands shot up—Indeed, he had forgotten to wash them after putting away the evidence of his hobby. He ran back inside, up to his room and into his bathroom.
Just as he was changing into a new pair of jeans, the doorbell rang. Oh god, he thought. She’s here. OK, Jacob, deep breaths. Deeeeep breaths…
He walked briskly down to the door, his right hand shoved into his pocket to keep it from shaking. He opened the front door, and there she was—Eliza, his beautiful girlfriend, wearing tight skinny jeans and a red tank top. Clearly, she wanted to look good for him, but all he could muster was some basic clothes that probably clashed fashion-wise.
“Hey Jake! You look great!” Eliza (probably) lied.
“Well, you look even better,” Jacob said. “C’mon in.”
He walked her in, his hand still in his pocket, latched onto his thigh. “So, uh,” he said. “What did you want to do? This was kinda your idea.”
“I dunno. Just hang out, I guess. You said you had the new Playstation, right? Where’s that?”
“It’s… Uh… In my room…”
“Cool, let’s head up there, then!”
Jacob’s face went beet red. “M-my room? Are you sure?”
Eliza stared at him for a second, then went red herself. “Oh! Oh, no, I see. Uh… Right, you probably haven’t had any other girls in there…”
Jacob gulped, and straightened himself up. “W-well, would you like to be the first?”
Eliza smiled that beaming smile that always sent butterflies through Jacob’s heart. “Of course! Lead the way.”
As he led Eliza up the stairs, Jacob turned to her, smiling. “What made you think I haven’t had any girls in there, anyway?”
“Oh, shut up,” Eliza said, lightly elbowing him in the side. “You told me day one you hadn’t dated anyone before, and I praised you for your honesty. Don’t tell me you’re just a big, fat liar?”
Jacob’s eyes went wide. “No, of course not, never.” Before Eliza could question him further, they had reached the door to his room.
Jacob opened the door for Eliza, who kept a smile on her face despite likely being utterly disinterested in the nerdy memorabilia smattered across his bedroom. It was relatively large, with a bathroom connected via a door next to the large closet across the bed from the entry door. Facing the bed was a dresser with a small HDTV and a game console atop it. To its right was Jacob’s desk, a lamp and a laptop adorning it.
Jacob’s eyes darted around the room, looking for anything out of place, anything that could give away what he did in his spare time. Nothing immediately gave itself away, though the moisture from the fog outside was steadily creeping through his open window next to his bed.
He quickly made his way to the window to shut it, poorly masking his anxiety as he lost his balance colliding with the foot of the bed. As he shut the window, he looked back to Eliza, who was studying the game cases atop the console.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a light reflected off something small on his desk. As he focused on it, he realized to his horror what it was—A scalpel, tinged red at the blade.
Somehow, thankfully, Eliza had yet to notice it. But how to get her away from the desk? He frantically looked around him, his gaze eventually landing on a sketchbook sticking out from under his bed. Drawing, at least, was a much more normal pastime than what he had been doing lately.
Jacob pulled out the sketchbook. “Hey, look at that!” he said. “I haven’t seen this thing in a while. Used to sketch in it all the time, back in Freshman year.”
“Ooooh, can I see?” Eliza asked.
Perfect, Jacob thought. “Sure! C’mon over.”
Eliza came and sat on the bed. Jacob handed her the book, and she began to pore over it. Slowly, his eyes fixated on her, he backed up towards the desk. Closer and closer he got, his hand reached out behind him. After what seemed like a half-hour, he was able to grab the edge of the desk. He felt around for the scalpel, found it, grabbed hold—
Jacob’s entire body jerked towards the door. The scalpel went flying out of his hands, hitting the bathroom door with a quiet *clink*.
“Awwww, you didn’t tell me you had a cat!” Eliza said.
“Oh, yeah, good ol’ Ruffles, haha,” Jacob said. “You were always going on about your dogs, so I wasn’t sure you were into cats.”
“All animals are baby,” Eliza cooed, walking over to Ruffles. “C’mere, sweet child.”
While she was distracted, Jacob leapt for the scalpel, and stuffed it into his pocket. He quickly got back up and spun around to see Eliza cradling Ruffles.
“Awww, he likes me!” Eliza said. “Don’t you, Ruffles?”
“Y-yeah, he likes pretty much everyone,” Jacob said, scanning the room yet again to see if he had missed anything else. Thankfully, from what he could tell, everything in the room was in order.
As he breathed a quiet sigh of relief, he noticed Eliza’s eyes fixated somewhere. “What’s that thing?” she asked.
He tracked her line of sight to the corner of his closet door. Sticking out of it was a mouse tail.
His face went paler than it already was. “I… It’s… Uh… Hmm…” he stammered.
From the second Eliza put Ruffles down, Jacob knew there was nothing he could do. The relationship was over. She was going to hate him. He would be the laughingstock of the whole school—Dumped by the most popular girl there, over a hobby so weird and creepy that no sane girl would come near him again.
Eliza bent down to inspect the mouse tail. As expected, it was connected to a mouse. “Is this… Some sort of model?” she asked.
Jacob sighed. “Yes. I… I make and paint clay models.”
She turned the model over in her hands, studying it. “This is a model?”
Jacob raised an eyebrow. “Y-yes. That’s what I just said.”
Eliza’s eyes widened. “Holy crap, Jacob, this is amazing! It looks just like a real mouse!”
A flood of feelings washed over Jacob—Confusion, relief, joy, fear. Did she… Like the model?
“Dude, seriously, why would you want to hide this from me?” she asked.
“Well, uh, what kind of weirdo teenager sits around making clay models?” he said. “I thought you’d leave me and… And tell the whole school how weird my hobby was.”
Eliza sighed, set down the model, stood up, and kissed Jacob. “You wanna know why I asked you out?” she said, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to her. Jacob took her invitation.
“We had art class together back in Freshman year. This was before I ended up ‘the most popular girl in school’, so I guess I went unnoticed. I sat behind you, and I saw you drawing in that sketchbook. Those sketches were amazing! You’re really talented, and I guess I… I guess I fell in love with you, right then and there.
“Then I ended up on the cheer squad, and in the ‘popular’ circuit, and everyone in that group was trying to keep me away from you. And then, 3 months ago, I said, ‘fuck it’, and asked you out. And, well, here we are.”
Jacob’s mouth fell agape. “Did… Did you say… Fell in love…?”
Eliza chuckled. “Huh. Guess I did, didn’t I?”
Jacob brought her close and kissed her passionately. They fell onto the bed.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock. The door was left open, and Jacob’s mom was standing in the doorway. “Keep it to kissing, or she ain’t allowed back till you’re 20.”
“Mom!” Jacob said, going beet red. Eliza laughed.
0 notes
wizkiddx · 3 years
hiiiii !!! if you are accepting requests at the moment, can i ask something about reader and tom expecting a baby, one day while he’s drunk she sees him flirting with another women and when she confronts him he snaps at her and tells her he’s not ready for this “shit”. So they broke up and broke contact for months, until he shows in her apartment regretting his words and they talk but she suddenly at that moment gets into labor?!? I remember seeing a concept similar in a movie but I would love if you couldn’t bring it to life! Thank you so much in advance, appreciate your work a lot 🧸🤎
right so I loved this so much it has become a multiple parter and im not even going to apologise. so thanku so so much anon for getting me out a little rut!!!
summary: when toms caught out all hope looks lost - probs part 1 of 3 but it could get a bit longer too lol
warnings: serious angst, reference to abortion, cheating, a whole lot of swearing (im British sorry not sorry)
“Hi babe, just to let you know Yamna’s invited me out for dinner this evening so don’t worry if you get home early and im not back! I love you x”
It was a spur of the moment plan, which was a rarity recently. The past 5 months since you’d found out, you could name barely 5 occasions you’d been out past 8 oclock- trading your heels for fuzzy slippers and dresses for massively oversized tops and joggers. It wasn’t how you had expected to be spending the summer before your 25th birthday but it was now your life. The rooftop bars, the wild nights, the get aways had all sort of been cancelled for… for the rest of your life.
Because an 8 month pregnant belly isn’t something you can ignore.
Sure…. it wasn’t the plan. Not the plan to be pregnant with your boyfriend of only 6 months, who at the time you didn’t even live with. But you were making it work. And now, you were just excited. It was the start of a new story with Tom, and you’d got past the phase of being sad and mourning your youth. Because the little bubba inside of you, she was pretty awesome and you really couldn’t wait to meet her.
So yes, you had been home alone eating ice cream from a tub when Yamna knocked on the door. She’d been one of your best mates for as long as you could remember so when she’d turned up unannounced with mascara smeared under her eyes you’d cancelled your plans of a pathetic alone evening. Her boss had just given her the sack - which was no surprise. He was a backwards tory old git who couldn’t handle the fact Yamna was a woman doing the job better than he could ever dream of.
So yes, you’d suggested going out to the fancy new bar down the road - to celebrate the fact she no longer had to put up with the arsehole. Obviously you couldn’t drink and neither did Yamna, but you go to a bar for the atmosphere - and the selection of mocktails they had was insane.
Your boyfriend Tom was already out, he said he had a meeting and then dinner with some execs he needed to shmoosh. Of course you didn’t mind, but he had been working a lot recently, in order to be able to have the time off when your baby girl arrives.
So after sending a little text and giving Yamna another hug to try and turn the evening from disappointment to celebration you walked out the door with a smile on your face. Maybe you could pretend, just for an evening to not be pregnant and whale-like?
The bar was just a 10 minute walk so it wasn’t long before the two of you were soaking up the atmosphere. It was all decorated in a rustic fashion, with old exposed wood and dangling lightbulbs from the ceiling and the drinks were incredible. The type that have dry ice or flames or some other sort of fantastical display of edible decorations. Even Yamna had perked up, especially when a guy from the table across had bought you both a round of drinks.
“I’m just gonna pop to the loo.”
“Do you really need the toilet or do you just want to parade infornt of the fit rich man who keeps looking at you?”
“ Is both an option?” You laughed as Yamna slipped off her stool, winking rather dramatically as she did so. She was unbelievable - but at least this way she wasn’t thinking about her work, or lack thereof, anymore.
Happily you sat scrolling though your phone, seeing that tom had messaged you with an okay, before flicking through instagram.
And that was where the happiness ended.
For in a hurried manner, with a face looking a lot more ghosted than when she left, Yamna took her seat again.
“Are you okay?” Immediately your worry took over, the way she was biting her lip and not meeting your eyes not helping.
“I um yeh-yeh. Just I think I saw Tom.”
“Tom as in my Tom?” Her almost guilty looking nod had your scrunching your eyebrows, why was it such a big deal Tom was inside?
“He didn’t see me I don’t think but er… he just looked pretty close to a girl and I-“
To be honest you stopped listening at that point, heart dropping out the bottom of your chest. Because it made sense, he had been so distant recently and even if you’d been lying to yourself that it were work - this seemed much more likely. Whilst nodding along, pretending to listen to Yamna, instead your attention was solely focused on fiddling with the promise ring he’d got you after the two of you decided to keep the baby. He’d been so committed, so ready for this unexpected news. He’d said he was in for the long haul.
“sorry I um… it’s probably just a work colleague he needs to sweet talk. I’ll um-I’ll just go say hello.”
“I’m coming with you.” She spoke astutely, very much forcing herself into the situation.
“No no I’ll… I’ll come back if I need you, just wait here.”
Her face was so grim and destitute, as much as you were pretending it was okay - you knew it wasn’t. Before Yamna could protest further, you slipped off your seat ( clumsily thanks to the elephant belly) and walked with fake confidence back inside.
It took you barely 3 seconds to hone in on Tom, call it mothers intuition. He was on a booth in the corner with 5 others on his table but none of whom you recognised. It was 2 other guys and 3 girls - the six all paired off in mathcingly initimate conversations. Apart from that you payed almost zero attention to the others, attention solely focused on your boyfriend and the girl he had his arm round.
She was everything you weren’t. She was skinny - you, as previously mentioned, looked like you had a beachball stuffed under your top. She was blonde with sleek and perfectly styled waves at the tips of her long her - yours was thrown into a messy bun due to the last minute plans.
Most importantly - right now she was wrapped in Toms arms, whilst you stood alone watching.
God knows what came over you, but with confidence you never normally had you marched up to the table, just waiting at the end. One of the men you didn’t recognised, arrogantly asked you ‘can I help you’ - but you completely disregarded it, eyes solely fixed on Tom. He took a moment more to look away from the leggy girl, but as soon as he did his eyes grew massively wide.
“Y/n I-I-“
“Fancy bumping into you, I thought you were out with work executives?” Frantically casting his gaze across the table, you could see the cogs whirring to try and come up with an explanation.
“No I-I was but then Charlie here came over, we used to be mates at school and-“
“Oh fuck off Tom., I cant deal with this right now.”
You didn’t even have the energy to listen to his clearly fake excuses as to why he’d landed himself in that situation. You also certainly did not have it in you to maintain the strong face, you could feel everything shattering inside of you.
Because it was so blindingly obvious by how he had acted. You’d caught him out and you both knew it.
And it fucking hurt like hell.
So you exited the bar as fast as physically possible, hearing the shouts of both Yamna and Tom behind you. You didn’t know what you needed in that moment - except that neither of them were the answer. Tom though, presumably the faster of the two, managed to catch up - grabbing your arm to make you halt in the road.
There was this moment between the two of you that time almost seemed to freeze. The two of you, in an otherwise pretty empty residential street, at 9:30 at night, in a moment that you would never have again. From your point of view, you saw the slightly bloodshot and bleary eyes, widened with panic and fear. For Tom he saw the floods of tears down your cheeks, which you hadn’t even noticed were freely streaming.
But in that moment there was, at least, the slightest bit of peace. The slightest bit of hope - that he could explain, that he had some ludicrous but valid reason for the situation you had walked in on. Just a smidgen of hope that this were recoverable.
But then he had to open his bloody mouth.
“Y/n I swear nothing-“
“That didn’t look like fucking nothing!”
“It was I swear! We just-“
“Tom this is your one and only chance. I don’t care if your off your face, if you don’t give my a miracle of a reason as to what the fuck THAT was - then I’m gone.”
“Don’t say that Y/n, you don’t mean th-“ He tried to grab your hand which you snatched away, like you had just scalded it on a hot plate. Like he had hurt you.
“I swear to god I’ve never meant anything more. So cut the shit.”
“FIne-fine! Um so we were at the meeting and then on the way out I bumped into George and hes been a good mate of mine for years.” All you did was hum, arms crossed and making sure you had a metre of distance between the two of you.
“So he said god you look like you need a drink and I agreed because its been stressful as hell recently.”
“Oh its been stressful; for YOU has it? I’m so sorry Thomas, has it been hard for you while i’ve been throwing my lungs up with morning sickness? Has it been stressful that I’ve been running on zero hours sleep because she kicks me all bloody night? ” Your words were laced in a posioned sarcasm, to which Tom just stammered to.
“Please just let me.” Given he was supposed to be fighting for you, he sounded pretty darn defeated already.
“I said yes to the drink.” He skipped out the bit that had angered you, to which you rolled your eyes at. “And one turned into two and more and then I don’t know-“
“Your going to have to try a lot harder than that.” You deadpanned, taking a small step further back still.
“I mean it! The girls were all his friends and we were just talking.”
“Just talking? All pressed up and arms round her?”
“Yes!” As indignant as he retorted, it didn’t not make up for what you had seen with your own eyes.
“Your such a bullshitter Tom!”
“God why wont you just listen to me?” He cried, wobbly doing a little 360 on the spot, in what appeared to be exasperation.
“Because your just spouting fucking lies! And you try and blame it all on poor little tommo being stressed which is-“
“I HAVE BEEN! Running round after you! I’m just tired of this shit!!! So kill me, for having one night of freedom!”
Tom was too deep in his angry lecture to take any notice of you. Which is why, once finished, he waitied, breath heavy and nose flaring. He was waiting for you to scream back at him. To give it back. He was too drunk to notice the change in your demeanor.
“I’m tired of this shit.”
It was just reverberating round your head. Again and again and again. He was tired of your relationship and you hadn’t even become parents yet. He was at his wits-end and the baby was still unborn. What the fuck was going to happen when baby arrived? Clearly there was no hope. It was dead. Your relationship was dead with no chance of revival.
Because he’d said it. Your relationship was shit, and nobody can put up with something they hate for that long. Not 18 years. Not while bringing up a child.
So with a new sense of dread and fear and complete and total isolation you uttered three single words before hysterically running away.
“Don’t follow me.”
Not now, not ever.
?to be continued?
~~~~~~~~~~gahhhh I hope u enjoyed! I also REALLY CANNOT THINK OF A NAME FOR THIS MINISERIES --> if anyone can think of something pls inbox me!!! ~~~~~~~~
tom taglist: @lovehollandy12 @hollandlover19 @thefernandasantana @hunnybunimdun @hallecarey1@cedricdiggorysimpp @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @pandaxnienke @crossyourpeter @thegirlwiththeimpala @tom-softie @sunwardsss @spiitfiiires @radcloudenthusiast @ladykxxx08 @prancerrparkerr @wildxwidow @Elishi03 @arctic-monkcys @Ownbauer13 @tomhollandlol
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technowoah · 3 years
if you're taking asks for the prompts, can you do 11 and 17 from the angst list with george but have a fluffy ending? she/her pronouns pls
I Can Make It Right
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Thanks for the request babe! The way it came out was gender neutral i dont think I user she/her, but it still works trust me!
George x reader imagine (established)
11) "It's not important apparently"
17) "You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off"
⚠︎ angst with happy ending, unresolved issue but they're gonna fix it dont worry 😌, angry George, swearing
*** = flashback
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You had stood infront of your bathroom mirror finishing up your makeup for the night. Your hair was already done and you had a nice outfit on, not to fancy and not too comfortable. While listening to a playlist George had made for you, you had put down the brushes you were using. It didnt really matter if you cleaned up your makeup that was littered all over the sink right now, but right now you were feeling good.
Today was your and George's 3rd year anniversary and you couldn't be happier about it. Today you two were going to dinner and doing something else which was supposed to be a surprise for you. It was a night on the town.
George and you met 4 years ago actually. You two started out as acquaintances, the slowly grew into friends and then one day he asked you to join him to dinner. At first you were oblivious to his actions, thinking he was just being a good friend, but turns out the more dates you two went on the more you caught on. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend 3 years ago today.
His friends keep on pressuring George to propose already, they think it's been long enough. The only thing close to marriage is a promise ring. He put the ring on your finger as a promise that one day he would marry you, everytime you doubt that he will propose you turn your attention to the cute ring on your finger.
You had turned off the bedroom lights and sat on your bed finally relaxing after struggling to find a decent enough outfit for tonight. George said that he was going to pick you up around 6:00 and now it is 5:47 so you had some time to spare.
You had found yourself scrolling through tiktok because you had nothing else better to do at this moment. It was a guilty pleasure of yours even though you and george both joked around about hating tiktok.
Time began to tick away so you had checked the clock on your phone which said 5:57 pm. You had grabbed shoes that you set up against your bed, slipped them on and grabbed all of your belongings for the night. You stationed yourself in the living room waiting till George came to the door.
Nervousness always came up before a date, it was the anticipation actually. You were excited and nervous about the date as you always were, but today for you was special. It was three years worth of beautiful love. You remembered the time he first said I love you too, it was just like it was yesterday.
"Hey y/n." George looked towards you. You both were sitting on a plaid, plush blanket with a brown woven basket ontop in between you two. It was just like the movies and that why you cringed because of how cheesy it was when George led you to it.
It was sweet, it was extremely sweet and you loved these dates that George always brung you too. You always felt special when you are sitting next to him.
You responded to George. "Yeah Gogy?" You laughed at the use of his nickname.
"Im trying to be serious right now and you call me Gogy." George smiled and shook his head. "Anyways, you know I love you, right?"
"Of course I do-"
"No I love you. I mean. I'm in love with you." George reached to rest his hand ontop of yours and repeated himself. "I'm in live with you y/n."
You wasted no time answering. "Im in love with you too."
George didnt show up yet, but there was no sweat. He was only 3 minutes late, maybe he ran into traffick. Your stomach was rumbling, but you didnt want to eat yet since you two we're planning to go to dinner. Patience is key, and it wasnt like he wasn't late before.
You started to get worried, it's been 10 minutes and still no sign of your boyfriend. You had gotton up several times to check outside of your door only to be met with no one. Your mind was jumping to conclusions about if he forgot your anniversary, but you shut those thoughts out for the time being.
Okay this is getting out of hand. You brung out our phone and began to text George, you couldn't believe that you had waited this long before texting the man.
Where are you? Ive been waiting for 29 minutes?!
[Sent: 6:20pm]
George what are you doing?
[Sent: 6:20pm]
You awaited his text message with your phone faced up on the coffee table infront of you. You didn't want to believe that George woukd forget, or overslept, but that was becoming truth the more minutes passed by with no call or text.
Calling him was useless, because he didn't answer. He didn't hang up on you he just wasn't picking up the phone, like he turned it off. You started to get worried if something happened to him, if he was in a situation where he couldn't call or text you. You wondered if he was safe at home and not out in the middle of the street.
In a flash all your worries subsided when your phone lit up with a notification.
ThisIsNotGeorgeNotFound is live:
Im Playing golf with my friends
That son of a bitch. Pissed off was an understatement, you were fuming. How could he end up streaming at home when you had constantly reminded him about this day, he knew damn well about this day too. How could he?
You ended up grabbing a jacket and your purse and ended up driving to George's place. It seemed like he was mocking you in a way, he knew you had notifications on for Twitch. You loved to support him and his career, but this was making a fool out of yourself.
Your hand tightly gripped the steering wheel as you tried not to run every red light you cane across. You finally came across George's home, you found a place to park and quickly got out of your car and sped walked your way to George's residence. Finally making up to George's door you knocked harshly on the door probably making more noise than what you intended too. You continuously banged on his door until you got fed up.
Remembering that George had given you a key to his house you dig through your purse to get your set of keys out anr unlock his door. You stomped inside his house and closed the door behind you.
"GEORGE! GEORGE!" You yelled through the house. You were being reckless and annoying, but you didnt care at this point you were fuming and needed to tell George how you feel.
You had made your way to George's recording room where he was talking to his friends on discord. George looked towards you in shock clearly not hearing the sounds you were making throughout his house.
"Y/N?!" George yelled and muted his microphone.
"What the hell are you doing?" You exclaimed back.
"Im streaming thats what Im doing!" George sassed back at you, not paying attention to his screen and the chat.
"Dont get smart with me. End the stream."
"What?! No!"
"You heard me, we need to talk." You crossed your arms across your chest. Your heart was beating too fast for your liking and you tried to calm yourself down, but George's comments were getting to you.
George was about to unmute himself and get back to the game. "No we dont-"
"GEORGE END THE FUCKING STREAM! This is embarrassing! Talk to me cause you have some explaining to do." You snapped at him.
A silence tell upon you two and he glared at you before turning to his stream and closing it out.
"Okay guys! Go watch the other boys streams I need to go now! Bye!" George quickly ended and turned off everything.
He turned around to you still sitting in his chair. "What? What do you want?"
"Do you know what today is?" You asked.
"April 30th." George answered bluntly.
"Thats all you have to say?" You asked in shock. "It's our anniversary dickhead!"
"I fucking know that." George said.
"You do? So why did you start streaming and we had dinner plans?!"
"I told you we were streaming! You weren't listening to me!" George stood up from his chair when he said that.
"When the fuck did you tell me this?!"
"A couple days ago! You didn't listen!"
"But you knew that was our anniversary! And we made dinnerr plans-"
George yelled over you. "A month ago! We made those plans a month ago so excuse me for forgetting!"
"So all these other years you remembered our anniversary and went out of your fucking way to cancel other plans around that date, but today you didnt because why?!" Tears were threatening to fall down you cheeks, but you wouldnt let him see you like that.
"Because I planned this already with the boys! And AGAIN you werent listening to me when I said that-"
"There were several other times that you could've told me too! But you didn't!" You sniffed trying to keep the frustrated tears inside.
"I already planned this and I cant go back on my promise-"
"But you can with me?!" You yelled and George stopped talking. He's just studying your face at this point and you hated this silence.
"Its not important apparently." You said while walking out of the recording room.
"You're being a bitch." He mumbled.
"Excuse me?! That is so disrespectful!" You spun around yelled at him.
"You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off." George said in a annoying tone.
"Yeah you should feel like shit! I feel like shit too so-!" You threw your hands up in exasperation and stormed out the room. You had made it to the door before George called out to you again.
"Y/n! Y/n! Please!"
"No! Just..." You paused before opening the door and ushering your way out. "Call me when you get your shit together.
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You were currently curled up on your couch eating leftovers that you had in the refrigerator. That had satisfied your hunger for the night because the dinner was canceled that night. Your anger and sadness had subsided and you were only left with an unusual feeling in your heart. Your relationship felt incomplete, this fight felt incomplete. You didnt break up with him, but you were waiting for closure.
The TV was the only light in the room. It illuminated what it wanted to, you didnt care if it was too dark. Usually you would be cuddled up with George at this ungoldy hour, but you weren't and that made you tear up.
Your sadness was still there, your anger towards George turned into pity. You were sad about the actions he took, but somewhere in your heart you could forgive him. You could forgive and move on if he would come to you.
Speaking of, you had a knock on your door. You didn't have the strength to get up, but you did. Shuffling your way to the door you sluggishly opened it to find George standing there with his hands in his hoodie. The person you wanted to see, but at the same time you wanted to slam that door in his face.
"Hey." George spoke and you gave him a small smile, nothing more.
You turned around to find your seat back on the couch where you were comfortable, but also giving him a silent invitation to come inside. You had sat down on the couch not paying attention to George, but you knew he closed the door, took off his shoes by yours, and put his keys on the table by the door like he always did. It was like a routine to him.
George ended up awkwardly standing beside the couch as you ignored him.
"You know, if you didnt open the door I would've used my keys like you did." George tried to spark up a conversation, but you only hummed in response. You were scared that if you spoke, you would cry.
George ended up making his way to the couch sitting beside you and pulling you into his embrace. Your head was on his chest and you began to sob. You missed this it's only been a few hours, but you had felt that in those few hours you had lost everything. You continued to sob into his hoodie as he rubbed your back and shushed you, whispering sweet nothings into the air only for you to hear.
"Im here, and Im sorry. Im so fucking sorry that I did this to you and I only hope that you can forgive me." George said, his voice cracking a little when he said that. You kept crying.
That's what you wanted to hear all along, that's what you needed. You could forgive him in due time, you always will because you love him, you will always love him. You both can always make it right.
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achillieus · 4 years
let you down. (sebastian stan x reader)
summary: it's a universal truth but it's worth repeating; feelings eat us raw. or just an actor and a girl falling in and out of love over the course of three months.
(this was inspired by sebastian's visit to greece for his movie, monday, and is based on that, so that means in the story we’re in 2018. also i have this posted on ao3 too but while i’m writing the last parts i thought of posting it here too)
pairing: sebastian stan x reader
warnings: alcohol, sexual references, implied depression, sebastian desperately needs to hug the reader, infidelity, it's kinda slowburn because i love the yearning, this part is full of angst and built up tension,
part: 3/6
(other parts)   (masterlist)
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Being Sebastian Stan is not a simple thing. Some days it makes him feel like he is only a porcelain face on screen. Nothing more than photographs and rumors. He had once told an interviewer he was scared people would never know the real Sebastian. What he meant was that he was worried he’d wake up one day and the real him would be vanished.
The world would have eaten him alive.
Walking you home, in empty streets in a small country makes it all easier. His mind is clear of dazzling thoughts and his heart is not racing up. He can smile and no one will be there to take a picture of him.
Somehow that makes him smile more.
And when he does, it feels like Christmas. And you are certain there will come a day where you’ll be so close to oblivion and unable to remember what mint tastes like or what your favorite color is, but you’ll still have the turned up corners of his mouth painted in your head.
He stops walking. You look at him confused. He’s fidgeting with his fingers.
“Back at the party,” he takes a long breath as if trying to slow down his heartbeat, “You were talking with that tall guy.”
He sounds terrified. You don’t understand why. He thinks it’s better that way.
“Yeah I was.” There’s a flicker of surprise in your voice.
“Do you know him well?” You realize you have stopped in front of a pharmacy, the halogen light above you, turning your skin a sick green color.
“I know he’s an actor.” You take a step, finding the courage to walk away from him. “He’s kinda famous here.”
You can hear him move close behind you.
“Do you want me to ask Argyris if he’s single?”
There’s mockery in his voice. It makes you feel intoxicated. It’s your turn to stop walking. Your gaze falls on his face and Sebastian can feel his eyes sting but he keeps them open; wide and pale blue.
Almost green, under this light.
“Oh don’t be sh-“
“No, I mean it. I would never date a famous guy.”
“Why?” A hasted breath escapes his trembling lips. And for a moment you think of kissing him right there; in the middle of the street, but you never do.
His world moves too fast for people like us.
That’s what you want to yell back at him, but then you remember;
The evening Sebastian fell asleep in your couch, he was more than a famous guy. He was clutching on your pillow like a kid and he was humming to himself like your father used to.
And he smiled as he fell asleep.
There is no argument left in you. He’s just a boy.
“I’m scared.” Your words slowly suffocate him. He feels the weight of your heart pulling him down.
He nods.
The next two days pass in a blur. You can hear him laugh with people as they walk up the stairs to Argyris’ flat. You’re not used to him not stopping at your door. It makes your cheeks red and your eyes filled with salty tears.
You haven’t realized until now, but you’ve become dependent on his presence.
So when you open your eyes at 4am with your phone buzzing with an Instagram message, you bite your cheeks.
Are you awake?
You stare at the screen to make sure you read it all correct, until it turns black and then lights up once again.
Why are you scared?
You don’t have to be scared with me.
I’m trying. You want to answer. Help me. You want to answer. Please.
You put your phone away until the words turn blurry.
He’s back at your door the following night. He’s wearing a white tank top and his rings. He must have just finished shooting.
You keep staring at each other, both tongue-tied with the words you’ll never say. He looks worried and desperate. You look tired and desperate. Taylor Swift is playing in the background.
“No more AC/DC?” He laughs and your eyes smile.
“Do you want to talk?” He asks.
You shake your head like you’re at war with yourself.
“Do you want to just stay here?” Your voice is too silent but it’s almost deafening him.
Sebastian thinks that he wants tons of things. He wants to hold you. And he wants to touch you. Everywhere. And he wants to know why there’s sorrow surrounding you. And he wants to take it all away.
And he wants you.
But he knows that he can’t tell you that. These words are too heavy for you to carry on your shoulders. At least for now.
“I’ll stay.” He says with a breath.
You give him an almost smile and all you can feel is gratitude.
You lay in your bed together. You’ve slept with other guys in that bed before. And it’s been nude and sloppy and brutal. But this is different. This is intimacy in its purest form. You’re both fully clothed but you both feel naked. And so close. So close.
All Sebastian can hear is the sound of your breathing and every bone inside him is breaking. He is afraid he’s turning paralyzed.
And then you move your body and bring your forehead next to his. Sebastian inhales deeply. You smell of faded vanilla body cream.
You look at him and you know then you can get used to that. You bury your fingers in the hem of his shirt. You want him to come closer. He knows.
“I’ll stay love,” his voice is steady and sincere “Anytime.”
He calls you love because there’s nothing else to call you. He calls you love because you both need him too.
“I don’t think that’s possible.” Sebastian thinks you’re always too sensible. It’s something you keep between the hollows of your body. “But it’s okay.”
His hand is in your hair. It soothes you.
“What happened? What broke you?” he whispers.
You don’t know what to say. You don’t know how everything started. It's hard to remember but there is one image in the back of your eyes that crawls through your skin and makes you shiver. You try to ignore it.
“I don’t know.” He turns his gaze at you but you look at the cold ceiling. It’s so much easier this way.
He doesn’t answer. He just draws circles in the back of your palm and places his lips against the scalp of your head. And while you’ve never been much of a science person, you’re certain this is how a nuclear attack emerges.
When the sun rises and you wake up, he’s not there. Earth moves slowly as the cold sheets press against your skin.
It’s early, there is a soft breeze coming in from your open window. A man is bickering with this wife across the street.
You can hear her call him a liar.
I’ll stay love.
You can hear him yell his apologies.
Why do people lie? Why do we lie?
You don’t try to search for him. You take a shower and drink some chocolate milk. You pay attention to the silence in the room. You almost forget your heart is still beating.
You bump into Argyris’ girlfriend while taking out the garbage. You like her a lot. She’s strong and pretty and smart. You wonder sometimes, how exactly that feels.
You pray she doesn’t mention him. It doesn’t work.
“He must be flying right now.” Suddenly you feel as if there is something rotten inside your chest. It makes you want to graze your skin and throw away everything that's inside.
You look at her slightly confused.
“He’s flying to Toronto; he has to attend a festival there.” She smiles. You’ve noticed she always smiles.
You just nod and step out of the building. Her voice stops you.
“He’s coming back in some days.”
“I don’t care.” Now she laughs.
“There’s no need to lie.” You take a sharp breath. “He cares too.”
You want to believe her words but they seem like choke chains.
You throw your garbage away.
You keep your rotten chest.
Sebastian sits back at his seat and orders a hundred and one drinks. The airplane is chasing the sun. He’s chasing his thoughts. Neither will ever catch up.
He used to like travelling. Airports, suitcases and foreign hotel rooms made him feel free. Now they make him feel the opposite.
The material on his seat is rugged. He wants to go back to your soft sheets. He can’t.
And then he imagines a place and a time where he could just kiss you without any possible consequences. He imagines a place where you could rest your bodies together for a long time without worries weighing you down. He imagines a place where he gets what he wants. A place where that thing between you two is more than enough.
The sun blinds him. He closes the small window and then his eyes.
Being Sebastian Stan is not a simple thing.
Some days he can’t take it.
You’re sitting on the floor and it’s almost 9 in the morning. You’ve calculated the time difference and it’s 2 in the morning where he is. That sounds wrong. Almost scary.
He left three days ago but he’s everywhere. There are photos of him wearing stupid floral shirts and posing in a sophisticated way. And there’s Nicole Kidman next to him.
God. I’ve become infatuated with a man who plays in movies with Nicole Kidman and Robert Downey Jr.
That’s what you think and you know you’re doomed.
You expect him to send you a message or a picture at first, but he doesn’t. You wonder if your time together was only a blurry puzzle of disconnected memories that somehow fits in his past.
He’ll simply forget all of it.
You try not to think about him but then you meet Argyris in the lobby and you have to bite the inside of your mouth so his name doesn’t jump out from your lips.
You go to bed early that day. You hold onto your pillow and you count the hours that separate you.
(13 hours with a plane)
(25 days with a boat)
You count and you fall asleep.
And you fall in love.
It’s not uncommon to rain in Toronto. But today rain feels heavier on Sebastian’s skin. He remembers the day he met you; it was hot and the sun made the window glass look like it was about to melt. That memory is the cause of his shivering.
Once upon a time he was in love. He was in love with a girl who had ethereal written all over her body. He was in love with a girl who was destined for divinity.
But those were the old days; they are dead and gone now. Your skin glistening under the Athenian sun changed it all.
It’s not easy to feel this way. The sky understands so it opens up and pours down on his dark hair. He presses his eyes closed with his fingers. And he tries to imagine a version of himself that doesn’t think about you that often.
He can’t.
Not even when he has a deity as his girlfriend.
The next time you see him, his hair is a little longer and much messier than you remember. And you have to devour all the sense that’s left inside you as not to touch it with your bare hand.
He has a cigarette in his fingers and a dark jacket thrown around his shoulders and everyone’s asking him about the festival. You just sit on the corner of your neighbor’s flat and listen to laughter and glasses clicking against each other. And you smile.
Smile; because he’s here.
And then he notices you and you’re pretty sure his eyes linger on your face a little longer than it's normal for humans. And his gaze is so brilliantly blank and loony that you don’t know how to respond. And then he starts to cough. And he never looks at you for the rest of the night.
You want to believe it’s better this way.
But it makes you so angry; you want to clench your teeth hard.
It goes like this; you don’t exchange any words for the next two days and it feels like your lips will start to bleed.
And you don’t know but his head feels like battlefield.
“When do you know you can’t stop it?” He asks Argyris. He feels ashamed.
“When you don’t want to stop it.”
He grabs the beer can and drinks his confusion away. He hopes alcohol will send his thoughts to sleep but instead it sends him to your door.
He rests his head against the wooden material. He can hear water running down and he can hear you humming a song.
And the foreign words make no sense to him but somehow they sound like lyrical poetry.
He waits for the water to stop and then he knocks.
Your hair is wet and sticks to your blue shirt. Your eyes grow wide when you see him standing there.
“I thought you’d never come at my door again.”
He looks at the floor.
“I shouldn’t.”
He sounds defeated; defeated by his own self. And you can smell the flammable liquid on his breath. And you can see that he has his nails pressed against his palm. You take his hand in yours and he closes his eyes. You caress the little cuts with your fingers. There are no scars but the skin is still red and painted with fear. You understand and it makes you feel dirty and obscene.
You look thoughtful for a moment and then you decide you can’t go on like this. It will split your souls.
“How’s Canada?” His eyes fill with surprise and he laughs. It gives you pride.
“Never been?”
He takes a step inside your place and his eyes fall on the empty bottle of pills at the kitchen table.
He doesn’t say a word about it.
You love him for that.
“I’ve never been anywhere.” Your cheeks are flushed with a soft raspberry color.
Sebastian realizes then that he wants to show you the entire world. Every corner of it. He wants to hold your hand as you walk beneath the Corsican stars. And he wants to memorize the Northern lights with you by his side. And he wants to see you laugh as he falls off his surf board in New Zealand. And he wants every cliché thing there is to do.
His heart stretches at the thought of it.
“Canada is beautiful in its own way.” He looks out of your window.
You wonder if he’s trying to find some more constellations in the sky, but then he turns around and walks towards you.
“I’ve been there a lot of times.”
Of course you have, you think.
He brushes a strand of hair behind your ears. It’s still damp and cold.
“Have you been to a lot of places?” He smiles and nods.
And then you can sense it; the sharp feeling of heartbreak crawling under your skin. You try to ignore it.
“I used to be grateful I travel all the time.”
You place your hand on his chest. The beating makes you calm.
“You’re not grateful anymore?”
He rubs his palm over his face.
“I am,” he inhales “But sometimes I just want to stay where I am.”
Yeah, I know.
He leaves an hour later, still drunk.
Still in love.
On Sunday, he takes you out for dinner. You tell him you don’t like dates. He promises it’s not a date.
You know you’re both lying.
He orders some red wine and he drinks as he watches you eat. It all feels natural to him. Somewhere at the back of his head though, there’s still some rationality left, that makes him think, this can’t be wrong, when it feels so natural.
He doesn’t drink any more.
You’re playing with the maraschino cherry on your dessert when his phone rings and your world comes crashing down.
You don’t intend to but you see the caller ID.
He had called you love one night.
He feels too guilty to look at you so he grabs the device and gets out of the place.
You want to throw the ice cream on the floor.
And then you want to hit the wall; with your head. But you can’t. So you just bite down at the cherry and wait for him to come back.
And when he does, things are different.
He doesn’t to try to make jokes and you don’t laugh. His eyes are everywhere but on you and your hand stays away from his.
You tell him you’re done with dessert so you can leave.
He has never felt more relieved.
Your pace is fast, but he catches up. You can’t outrun him.
His breath quickens as he comes closer. It’s almost innocent and childlike, the look he gives you.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers and it makes you laugh. You laugh and you shake your head and it’s not enough.
“Why?” He can taste the bitterness all over you. “This wasn’t date. So why are you sorry?”
You keep walking and his breath keeps echoing in your ears. You find the entrance of your building.
You’ve seen the place a hundred times but only now you notice how old it looks. It makes you disgusted. It makes you want to vomit.
It starts with him saying he doesn’t want to hurt anyone.
And then you rest your body at the soiled wall, trying to remind yourself you’ve had your heart broken before. And your eyes are not dry anymore. And you can taste salt in your lips. And he comes closer and he holds you.
You swear you see tears in his cheeks too, but he’s too fast to wipe them away.
“Have you ever done anything only to regret it a second later?”
You’re not certain which one of you asks but you can hear your bones breaking as you throw your head around and he arches his back.
His hands touch the dried tears on your face and it stings like sewing needles. And his lips touch yours. And for a brief moment you feel like you’re stealing from life.
And he can taste all of you; raw.
And it feels like fists that punch him.
And when you pull away you both have already regretted everything.
“Now you have something to be sorry for.”
You wonder if perhaps a broken dignity is better than a broken heart.
i really appreciate feedback, it motivates me tons and also tell me if you’d like to be tagged :)
tagging: @lharrietg @awkward117 @dannaloureen @broccoligf @cutestfangirlvevo @caitdaniels @arymb @buckybarnesishot310 @roguesthetic @itsaliceheree @sara-1705 @dorothea-hwldr @freshfreakoaftrash​ @drinkfantasy
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crackedoutwalnut · 3 years
Never Quite Free (Natasha x Reader)
Summary: Natasha grows concerned after you start ignoring her and decides to check on you.
!TW WARNINGS: Implied sexual assault, PTSD, and panic attacks! (lots of fluff near the end to make up for it i promise)
A/N: just a vent fic,,, as a treat. The song referenced in the fic is Never Quite Free by The Mountain Goats, in case you want to listen to it for context though you don't have to.
It's all good to learn that right outside your window There's only friendly fields and open roads And you'll sleep better when you think You've stepped back from the brink And found some peace inside yourself Laid down your heavy load It gets all right to dream at night Believe in solid skies and slate blue earth below But when you see him you'll know
For the longest time, going out into the world was like maneuvering across a field of landmines. The bombs could be set off by nearly anything, from minute details that had latched themselves to the back of your mind to glaring reminders that were almost impossible to ignore. Anything and everything that reminded you of him had seeped its way into the cracks in your brain, leaving irreparable stains and water damage in its wake. From the smell of cedar and pine aftershave to the brassy sound of a jazz trumpet on a passing radio, these reminders were minuscule as thumbtacks, and yet they felt like railroad spikes being hammered into your chest and skull.
In the past, you would bury yourself in work or drink yourself nearly to death to escape his ever-present grasp on your mind. Your life had been filled with you shoveling meaningless noise into your routine in attempts to block out the alarm that always seemed a pin trigger away from sounding in your head. Then, you met Natasha. You learned that she knew over seven languages and almost exclusively cussed in Russian when she was pissed enough. You memorized her favorite shows and books and how she snored like a lawnmower when she laid on her left side- a fact she vehemently denied. Natasha Romanov was caring, smart, strong, and oh so protective.
It's okay to find the faith to saunter forward With no fear of shadows spreading where you stand And you'll breathe easier just knowing that the worst is all behind you And the waves that tossed the raft all night have set you on dry land It gets okay to praise the day Believe in sheltering skies and stable earth beneath
These little bits of information filled your mind and heart with endearment and love, thoroughly pushing the smell of cedar aftershave and rot to the far back of your mind. And that was where he stayed for the longest time. For a whole two years, you filled your days with movie dates, forehead kisses, and late-night cuddles. She introduced you to her friends, Steve Rogers, Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff; you even befriended Tony Stark- though Natasha never explicitly refers to him as a friend. Everything was going so well for the first time since before you met him. But, like a cockroach, your past is not so easily killed.
But hear his breath come through his teeth,
Walk by faith Tell no one what you've seen
You were at a local coffee shop when you noticed him. He was sitting at the table adjacent to yours, scrolling through his laptop, briefcase at his side. When you beheld him, it was as if your muscles were turning to concrete slabs. They were dragging you down, below the faded wooden floorboards, below the concrete foundation, until you were choking on dirt and rocks. It took you nearly five minutes to realize it was not him. However, him or not, the damage was done. Because you had seen his well-kempt mustache and graying sideburns, had seen his eyes the color of a lethal tundra. You could have sworn you felt those eyes watch you as you rushed out of the café and into the crowded streets.
From that day on, he was back. He visited you in sleep and trailed you all throughout work—a hefty shadow. However, it was not until you were in bed with Natasha that it came to its tipping point.
Your fiancée, having noticed your peculiar attitude, had decided to surprise you with a night of candles and wine. Not wanting her to be more concerned than she already was, you played along. You forced yourself to reciprocate every kiss and caress despite the acid in your throat and the timpani in your chest. Eventually, Natasha swept you off your feet into a bridal style carry and led you into her bedroom. Gently setting you on the bed, she quickly straddled your hips. Leaning down, she cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a heated kiss. You swallowed down bile and half-heartedly opened your mouth to allow her tongue space to explore. She groaned and tore off her shirt as she pulled away from you.
"God, you're so sexy," she murmured, grinding her hips further against your abdomen. Natasha grabbed at your shirt, pulling it off your torso before chucking it across the room. You felt your throat tighten as your upper body was exposed to the elements. Your fiancée set about yanking off your sweatpants, murmuring bits of praise under her breath as she did so. Her gentle lithe hands seemed to grown more masculine and rough the longer they touched your bare skin. Her body morphed into the familiar form of a naked man. His sickeningly familiar graying mustache and coarse chest hair set flares of frigid panic through your body. He was here, he was here, hewasherehewashere.
Your body convulsed and kicked out at your assailant; flashes of his rough hands forcing your legs apart fueled the strength behind your attacks as you lunged to your feet. You shoved him off of you with a borderline unhinged snarl.
"Get the fuck away from me, Castor!" You screamed before hurriedly shoving on your clothes and sprinting out the door of the apartment. He was following you. You could hear his heavy footsteps thudding behind you. Your thighs burned from the sudden exercise, and the roaring in your ears drowned out your surroundings. You shoved your way into the elevator, nearly punching the first-floor button with your fist. Sweat dripped down the nape of your neck as you struggled to suck in breaths of air. Clutching your chest, you allowed your knees to collapse.
When the elevator slid open, you shot to your feet and ran through the lobby, out into the cool night. You clumsily pushed people aside, his voice clawing through your ear canal. You wildly waved down a taxi and slid into the back. Your voice was as flimsy as tissue paper as you gave the driver your address.
When you got home, you slid all three locks into place and snapped your curtains shut. You huddled under your blanket and slowly succumbed to a sleepless night.
Natasha was many things, but a worrier was not one of them. Why should she spend all her time fretting when she could just get up and solve the damn problem herself? However, after three days of complete radio silence on your end, she was sorely tempted to break into your apartment. That night, you had rushed out of her apartment as if the Devil himself had been at your heels. The look in your eyes had been that of a wounded animal. Natasha felt her stomach clench with anxiety as she stared down at her phone. 37 texts, 10 calls, 10 voicemails, and not a single message answered. You were always a punctual texter, which only made her worry worsen.
Natasha shoved her phone back in her back pocket and took a long sip of her coffee. What the hell could have caused you to run out of her apartment mid-sex? Not to mention, who the hell was Castor? Natasha finished off her coffee and set her red and black spider mug in the sink. The cup had been a 6-month anniversary gift, and she made sure to drink out of it every chance she got. After cleaning up the last of her breakfast, Natasha pulled out her phone once more and typed out another message.
Nat: darling I've tried giving you space but its been 3 days and I'm worried. I'm coming over.
Natasha moved to put the device away; however, after a second, she reconsidered it and unlocked it once more.
Nat: I love you <3
Pushing the phone into her pocket, she rushed out the door. When Natasha arrived at your apartment door, she immediately pulled out her phone once more. Nothing. She huffed a shaky breath and pulled out her copy of the apartment key. You had given it to her after you almost burnt down your apartment trying to cook for their date that night. She had to rush over to your apartment to clean up the damage done by the small grease fire and cook you both last-minute spaghetti.
She twisted the key in the lock and quietly pushed the door open. The apartment felt akin to a tomb. The curtains were drawn, and all the lights were off. Dirty dishes were piled up Tetris style in and around the sink, not to mention the empty takeout containers strewn throughout the living room and dining table. The TV was quietly playing It Chapter 2, yet you were nowhere in sight.
Worry continued to grip the assassin's chest as she called out, "Y/n, kotyonok are you here?" Being cautious of the numerous fast-food containers and clothing items thrown about, Natasha made her way towards your bedroom door. She hesitated for a moment before steeling her nerves and carefully knocking on your door. For a moment, she heard nothing, only the faint sound of Pennywise's voice coming from the living room. Then, just as she turned the knob to open the door, she heard whimpering. Her heart ramped up to a gallop as she quickly opened the door to your bedroom.
Natasha was certain she had seen war zone's tidier than this. Clothes covered nearly every inch of the bedroom, mattress, and wardrobe. Not to mention the numerous crumpled tissues and fallen picture frames. However, the state of your room was hardly her first concern because in the center of it all, huddled in shaking ball, was you. Painful sobs were rasping from your lips as you burrowed your face further into your knees. Your hair was tangled and greasy, and you were wearing one of Natasha's sweaters with a food-stained pair of boxer shorts.
The assassin felt sorely tempted to sprint across the rooms and scoop you into her arms. Instead, she went for the safer route, which was carefully wading through the mess over to your side of the bed. Tutting quietly, Natasha swallowed the urge to cry alongside you as she quietly cleared her throat. "Mon trésor, can you hear me?" she whispered, setting a hand next to your own, cautious not to make contact.
Instead of a relieved smile or a tired 'yes' like Natasha had expected, your entire body flinched away as if you had been punched. Your eyes snapped open as you scrambled across the bed, looking around hysterically. "Castor?" you called out, eyes wild with panic.
Natasha furrowed her brows and backed away from you. "Y/n it's me, Nat. I'm not here to hurt you; I just needed to see if you were okay."
Slowly, your eyes shone with recognition. Your body, however, remained as taught as before as you studied your fiancée carefully as if she was a trick or a mirage. Natasha felt her heart fracture slightly at the display of fear. "Nat?" Your voice was quiet and raspy; if she had not seen your mouth move, she would not have registered that you were speaking.
"Yes, kotyonok, it's me."
You furrowed your brows and brought your knees back up to your chest. "Wha-what're you doing here?" You asked, your voice slurred and shaky from the sobs racking your body.
Natasha carefully sat down on the edge of the bed, "I have been so worried about you. After you ran out on me a few days ago, I have been trying to check to see if you are okay."
Your face crumbled once more as you buried your face in your knees, "I-I'm," you hiccup, "Sorry, Nat."
Natasha tutted dotingly and slid back so that she sat beside you, still cautious not to touch. "Hey, hey, it's okay, darling. You're okay; just breathe for me. Can you do that, sweetie?"
You inhaled quick stuttering breathe, which quickly dissolved into hyperventilating. You clutched at your hair and squeezed your eyes shut.
Your fiancée watched with a heartbroken expression, "You're okay, you're okay, just keep trying. Can I touch you?" You nodded shakily as she pulled you onto her lap. Gently, she pulled your fists from your hair and replaced them with her own. She stroked your knotted locks and quietly cooed sweet nothings into your ear. She guided your fist to rest atop her chest as she whispered, "Copy my breathing okay, mon trésor?" Sucking in exaggerated breaths, she held her hand atop your own to keep it in place. After a few tries, your breathing eventually settled, and you let out a long whimpery sigh.
It's all good to learn that from right here the view goes on forever And you'll never want for comfort and you'll never be alone See the sunset turning red let all be quiet in your head And look about, all the stars are coming out They shine like steel swords Wish me well where I go But when you see me you'll know
Natasha smiled and kissed the top of your head, "You're doing so well, my love. Nothings going to get you while I'm here, I promise."
You burrowed further into her lap and placed your head atop her chest, letting the sound of her steady heartbeat soothe you into a lull. The two of you sat there for what seemed like eons as you soaked in the feeling of safety and warmth. Natasha hummed quietly, placing chaste kisses on the crown of your head every once in a while.
Sucking in a breath, you spoke, "He was a family friend." Natasha's humming stopped as she looked down at you. "His name was Castor Davids, and my dad met him at work. He was nice at first, sort of like a goofy rich uncle. He would always buy me new toys and books. He would even take me out for ice cream. Even when I got into fights with my parents, I knew I could always talk to him when I was upset. But then..." you gulped, your voice breaking. Natasha continued stroking your hair. "But then one day, he was babysitting me while my parents were out at a baby shower. H-he..." Your words broke off into a sob, and your fiancée quickly shushed you.
"You're safe; you're here with me. No one can hurt you, I promise. Just relax, darling. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that you're safe now." Eventually, after a few more minutes of comforting words and protective hugs, the phantom hands that had been grasping at you for days disappeared.
You burrowed your head further into her chest and huffed, " 'm sorry I ran out on you the other night. I shoulda texted."
Natasha chuckled humorlessly, "Darling, that is the least of my worries. What I am worried about, however, is the last time you had an actual healthy dinner." You looked down at your lap sheepishly and shrugged. Natasha playfully pinched your side and untangled herself from your hold. You whined at the loss of contact and looked up at her accusingly. "I am going to make you a proper dinner, and we are going to sit down and watch stupid TV shows."
You huffed, "Can we watch House Hunters?"
Natasha sighed and nodded, "Fine, only because I love you, though." You grinned and slid out of bed. Your fiancée inspected you with a grimace, "First, we're going to take a shower."
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
out of the ordinary (chip taylor/reader)
Tumblr media
Title: Out Of The Ordinary
Request: no
Couple: Chip Taylor/Fem!Reader
Category: smut/angst
Content Warning: SEXUAL CONTENT (penetrative sex, fingering, oral (fem), sex while someone is injured, breeding kink, groping, praise kink, multiple orgasms, hair pulling), swearing, blood and other bodily fluids, graphic descriptions of violence(!!!!), mentions of sexual acts, 68 Kill Spoilers, mentions of a dead partner, mentions of drugs (unknown), guns and gun violence, talks about kids (in the very far future),
Word Count: 9,562
Summary: Reader works at a hotel where she sees a lot of things out of the ordinary… Including a man running across the parking lot wearing nothing but a small towel around his waist. If only she knew her day was about to get weirder
A/N: day three of what might have been the biggest mistake of my life. But i had fun! Idk how april does it bc i was struggling. Anyways, here is some chip smut. I didn’t edit this too super well, so please pardon any of the editing errors/grammatical issues. The next ones will/are beta’d and edited… thank you so much for sticking with me on this! Tomorrow is something i had a lot of fun writing!  Here is the masterlist for 7days 7fics! And here’s my main masterlist! Thank you all for the love and support! 
I wish that even though I lived in a small town, in the middle of butt-fucking nowhere, I would see normal things. You know? Things that happen in small towns in the middle fucking nowhere. But, because it’s in the middle of nowhere, and the highway goes right through the middle of our town, we get a lot of… interesting guests. Which makes my job a little entertaining, sometimes. 
Sitting behind a window at a tiny, run-down hotel early morning to mid-afternoon was what I did for a living. 90% of the time I spent my time just sitting there, reading a book/magazine, messing around on my phone, or working on an assignment for my class. That other 10% is checking people in or out of their rooms. 
My day was so close to coming to an end. 11:30… I just needed to be here for one more hour, and then I can go home and go to bed. And, surprisingly, nothing weird had happened. It was a successful day, praise the fucking Lord or whoever is watching down. 
Until, I jinxed myself…I thought I had hit the one allotted out of the ordinary thing for the day. That was until, as I was finishing up this essay, and I heard something from out in the parking lot. When I looked away from my laptop to investigate. And what I saw was not what I was expecting, at all.
A tall man was running across the parking lot, coming right towards the check-in/out window. Now, you might be wondering why this was out of the ordinary. Well, you see, he was running across the parking lot wearing nothing but a face washcloth around his waist. Let’s just say it left little to nothing to the imagination. 
“H-hey! Hi,” he spoke, coming right up to the counter. I was more than happy that there was a counter and window between the two of us. I’m happy he was attractive, in all sense of the words. He was very attractive.  “Do… Do you have a phone… That I could borrow?” he asked, looking at me with actual worry and terror in his eyes and face. I stared at him with a raised brow.
“What happened to the one in your room?” I moved away from my laptop and leaned on the counter beside it. He looked over his shoulder at the room he stayed in. I cocked my head to my shoulder and stared at him. “What room number are you?”
“Uh, that… That doesn’t really matter? Um, I’m running late,” he cringed as he looked back at me. I blinked slowly before looking down at the clipboard with the most recent check-ins. 
“Sure,” I looked right at the last name and noted the time he checked in, “Mister Delacroix?” I slowly looked back at him.
“Well, listen, Chop,” I paused my words as I walked over to the door to let him in. I was just happy he didn’t correct me when I called him the wrong name. I could have corrected myself, but I was just annoyed that I’d probably have to take care of the mess in his room.
“The owner’s son texted me, telling me that the people in your room had a rager last night… So, if I have to go clean that room and see cum and piss all over the room, and a coke tray on the counters, I’m charging you double,” I looked up at him as he entered the office. He was a lot taller standing in front of me. I don’t know why I thought he was shorter. Maybe its because he was standing on lower ground and I was inside.
  “I… Rager?” He stared at me with a confused crease in his brow. I stared at him before slowly nodding. “Do… Do you know who came over? Do you know who it was?”
“I… Uh, I’ll have to ask the owner’s son. But, by the sounds of it, it was a little rough. I’m surprised you’re still up and walking without a limp,” I chuckled. I slowly looked up and down his body, taking in how he looked. He was slightly muscular, and though he had abs, his tummy was slightly pudgy. Which I could get with. I could appreciate a bit of a tummy on a guy like him. 
“Listen,” he started, his words showing more urgency than before. I looked up, away from his body and at his face. It was probably his urgency that got my attention because I definitely almost went a little lower than the towel. “I need to know-Do you have any clothes? This is slightly distracting,” he looked at me. I wasn’t too sure if he was talking distracting for me, or for him. But I do agree, it was very distracting.
“Uhm,” I furrowed my eyebrows as I pulled my stare off him and went to look for the lost and found box, “There’s not much in here, but I’m sure there’s something,” I glanced at him as I placed the box on the counter. 
“Right, thanks,” Chip looked at me before going to dig around in the box, “Do you know who came to my room last night?” 
“I think… Hold on,” I muttered before rushing to the counter, shuffling some papers to find a random sticky note with some sloppy hand writing, “Christ, I forget he doesn’t speak english,” I shook my head as I stared at the writing. “Some goth chick and her boyfriend, or whatever. Uh, yeah, he told me about it this morning before he left. Like, 6 other people I think,” I swallowed roughly and shook my head, “It sounds like they roughed the place up?”
“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” he looked away from the box for a brief moment. I watched as he pulled out a white and red t-shirt (that was left behind by a group of younger women) and a pair of sweat-shorts. “Great, now I gotta go back to that fucking gas station. Fucking fuck,” he muttered to himself as he dropped the towel to the ground. I widened my eyes and couldn’t help but stare at his ass.
“Gas station?” I asked, keeping my eyes on his body as he turned to face me. That was when I got a view of the full frontal package. I swallowed roughly.
“Are… Are you going to turn around?” he looked at me with nervousness in his eyes as he held the pants and shirt close to his body, lower towards his crotchal region. I smirked, raising an eyebrow and cocking my head to the side.
“Nope,” I looked up at him with a smile. When I noticed that he wasn’t going to move to get dressed, I dropped my shoulders before turning around.
“Which gas station are you talking about?” I asked, looking at the ground. I wasn’t entirely sure why I asked which gas station it was he was talking about. There was just one gas station in the whole town, and I knew he was in a bit of trouble.
  From behind me, I could hear Chip muttering strings of profanities to himself. Part of me wondered if he needed help with anything, or if I was just a disposable person in his day. Probably the latter. 
“The one down the street,” his voice was low. I wondered what he was thinking about and what his urgency was all about. “You can turn around. Can I use the phone,” he asked as I turned to face him. I looked at him and held back a laugh. Which, in turn, earned a glare from him. 
“Yeah, yeah, you have to dial 1 before the number you’re calling,” I went to move the phone closer to him, nearly pushing/pulling everything off the counter. 
“Thanks,” he looked over at me before picking up the phone and dialing his number. I watched as he turned away from me. He wasn’t on the phone for very long, and it didn’t sound like it was a good call. 
“I… I gotta go. Can I use your car?” Chip asked as he looked out at the only car in the lot. I followed his gaze at my shitty 2001 Saturn. I furrowed my eyebrows before looking back at him.  
“I can just give you a ride, you know… And, it’d probably be better if you had a partner with you. That phone call didn’t sound good… At all. And, no one will take you seriously dressed like that,” I nodded at his attire. He looked down at what he was wearing before looking back at me. “Back up just in case? No one will notice I’m gone,” I let out a dry laugh. 
“It’ll be dangerous,” he looked at me with worry in his eyes. I shrugged before looking at the ground.
“I could use a little danger in my life,” I laughed before looking back at him, “I’ve been sitting in this stupid office, doing this stupid job since I was 16. The hundreds of people I’ve seen is crazy. This job is boring, I need something risky.” I explained when I noticed he needed more information.
“You could die,” he pointed out. I shrugged like it was no big deal.
“I could die just sitting here. Let me help you,” I stare at him with wide eyes. He looked at the ground and sighed. I could tell he wanted to fight with me, to get me to stay. But I could also tell he really needed help, and really needed to get out of this stupid town and state. 
“Fine, you can come. But, you can’t ask any questions,” he pointed at me. I smiled before closing my laptop and grabbing for my car keys.
“Fine, let’s go,” I looked at him before pushing past him and leaving the office.  
Chip was close behind me, still muttering to himself. From what I did hear, I heard the number 68,000 and then the word dollars. 68,000 dollars??? And he’s in a shit town like this?! What the fuck? What the fuck am I getting myself into? Fuck, this is a mistake… Fuck. 
The ride to the gas station was quiet. Chip must have been thinking of what he was going to say or do when he got there. Let’s just hope it wasn’t Monica there. Bitch is crazy.
“Stay here, I have a feeling what I need isn’t here,” he muttered as he got out of the car. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“W-w-wait, you don’t want me to go with?” I asked as I slipped out of the car too, “Listen, I know the family that owns this gas station. They’re crazy. They’re nuts.”
“I got it. Just… just wait here,” he looked over at me one last time before going in. I stared at the door that he disappeared into before slamming the door shut. I leaned against the side of my car, patiently waiting for Chip to come back out. 
I don’t even know how long he was in there for. But, it was a very long time. Worry took over as I began to overthink things. That dumb bitch probably killed him. 
My worry melted away once he stepped outside with nothing but shame on his face. I raised an eyebrow, watching as he walked closer to me and my car. 
“You look like you saw a ghost or something,” I chuckled as I pushed myself off my car and back around to the drivers’ side of the car.
“No, no it was much worse than a ghost,” he muttered before getting in the car himself. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked towards the doors of the gas station. 
“Whatever,” I shook my head before slipping into the car, “Where to now? Monica’s trailer?” I raised an eyebrow as I glanced over at Chip. I watched as he pulled something out of his mouth and wrinkled his nose. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he looked over at me before looking around my car. 
“Do you have a plan? Or… Or a gun?” I asked as we got closer to the trailer park. He looked at me with a little terror in his eye. No plan or gun? Seriously? Good thing there’s a gun in my glove box. “You can’t go to these guys with just luck, Chip. That’ll get you killed,” I glanced at him as I reached over for the glove box, pulling it open and pulling out the gun.
“What the fuck! Where did that come from?” he asked, watching as I placed the gun on my lap. I glanced at him as I pressed down on the gas, speeding down the highway. “Jesus! Slow down,”
“You’re the one who fucking lost $68,000 to fucking Monica! You go in and get her money-”
“It’s not her-”
“It’s her money now, Chip. Jesus, she stole 3 of my bikes when we were little,” I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Chip looked at me again and nodded. “You’re lucky you have help,” I muttered as I kept my eyes on the road. 
“You know this bitch?” Chip stared at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“She’s my, like, second cousin. My Dad’s niece’s kid,” I shrugged before shaking my head, “She’s a cunt. A fucking cunt,” I scoffed as I remembered my childhood with her. Chip was silent as I pulled into a driveway and parked the car. 
“Oh good, looks like there’s a metal baseball bat in the yard,” I smiled at him. Chip looked at me with wide eyes, actual terror sitting in his eyes. I watched as he unbuckled his seatbelt and rested his hand on the latch to my car. He stayed still for a moment before turning to face me. I could tell that there was a moment of hesitation. I don’t blame him, do be honest. I hesitated to bring him here. Taking him here is basically signing his death warrant.
“Stay… Stay here… If I’m not out in an hour… Call the cops,” he looked at me before slipping out of the car. I watched as he walked up the driveway, picking up the metal bat, and walked towards the door. I almost got out of the car and went after him, but I didn’t. I’ll listen to him. He must have a plan worked out if he didn’t need my help yet.
I swallowed roughly, watching him knock on the door and wait for it to swing open. And when it did, a familiar looking guy stepped out of the trailer. It was obvious he was sizing Chip up, mocking him as he spoke. Chip looked over his shoulder at me, silently pleading for help of some sort. I shrugged, pretending like I didn’t understand what he was asking for. 
A bell ringing came up the driveway and passed me. A familiar blonde riding a bike rode up the driveway. 
“Oh, you again,” Chip spoke out loud at the blonde woman. Amy… Of course. Of course she shows up. She’s probably the one who told him where that bitch, Monica, even lived. I was just happy she didn’t even see me when she rode past me. I didn’t want to be a part of any of that bullshit.
Then he was pulled into the trailer. 
“Fuck, this… This isn’t going to be good,” I muttered as I slouched down into my seat in the safety of my car. I wished there was something more that I could do to help him. Because just sitting here for an hour and waiting to call the cops won’t help me or him, specifically Chip. Fucking around with Monica and her… I don’t even know what to call the people she hands out with. 
I grabbed for my gun again, pulling out the magazine and looking at how much ammo I had. Just as I put my hand on the handle to get out, a loud bang came from near the trailer, causing me to nearly jump out of my seat. I sat, frozen, paralyzed in my spot, staring at the trailer. They’ve just killed Chip. Or, Chip just killed them 
“I don’t know what… What do I do…” I whispered to myself as I stared at the door from the safety of my car. I wasn’t prepared for this at all. What I should have done was follow my own advice to Chip and come up with a secondary plan… I can’t exactly go in there guns blazing… Unless, that’s exactly what I do. They won’t expect Chip to have a partner with him. 
Okay, that’s it… That’s my plan… Bust into the trailer, and just go for it… But, I think… Should I wait the hour Chip told me to wait? What if he’s in trouble? Who am I kidding, he’s totally in trouble. 
I just wish I hadn’t fallen asleep. Because, the next thing I knew it  was morning and Chip was still in Monica’s trailer. Chip was still in danger.  
I quickly fumbled my way out of the back seat and into the front. It was even worse as I rushed to get out of the car, my body nearly falling to the ground. When I was finally out of the car, I recollected myself, hyping myself up as I walked towards the trailer. 
 I had my gun tucked into the back of my pants as I walked. I didn’t want to be quick, but I also didn’t want to be slow. Chip could be in danger, and it was a little bit my fault. He’d be out of that situation if I hadn’t fallen asleep.
My fist carefully knocked on the door, hoping someone would answer sooner rather than later. When the door flew open, Monica was standing in the door frame, looking down at me with slight disgust.
“We don’t want girl scout cookies,” she looked down at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“Good thing I’m not a girl scout, Monica,” I took a deep breath before pulling the gun out from my pants. I lifted it up and pointed it right at her chest. “Where’s Chip,” 
“You want him?” Monica asked, cocking a hip as she leaned against the door frame. She wasn’t even bothered by my weapon being pointed at her chest. It was like she was used to it. “He brought you as back up? Oh that poor boy?” she looked down at the gun. I took a deep breath as I stared at her.  
She knew I wasn’t going to use it. She knew me well enough to know that I just had this stupid gun for looks, and that I wasn’t going to shoot anyone. But, what she doesn’t know is that I’m not afraid of her anymore. She may have tormented me when we were kids. But I’m taking it all back now. 
“Where’s Chip and the money, Monica,” I spoke, my voice low as I spoke. I slowly cocked my gun as I stared at her. 
“Oh, you know about the money too?” she asked before looking into the trailer at her friends and, I’d assume, Chip. “Did you hear that? This slut knows about the money,” she spoke, looking at everyone. I swallowed roughly as she looked back at me, “Is she replacing that other slut we killed last night?” 
“Just go! Get out of here!” I could hear Chip yell from somewhere in the trailer. Monica stared down at me, watching me as my hands shook with the weapon in hand. 
“Too afraid to use that gun?” she mocked in a whiny tone. I blinked slowly as I moved my finger to the trigger. Everything happened so fast, when I opened my eyes, Monica was stumbling back, her hand over stomach where blood was spilling out. Blood was being coughed up as she fell against the couch, looking up at me with wide eyes. “You actually did it,” she coughed, staring at me terror in her eyes. 
“I’m not scared of you anymore, Monica,” I spoke as I stepped into the trailer. I smiled as I looked down at her, cocking my gun and pointing it down at her again, “You terrorized me when we were kids… But not anymore… No,” I took a deep breath before as we made eye contact.
“You don’t have to do this,” she whimpered, looking at me, struggling to move as I got closer to her, “Listen, you can take Chip, and… and the money and go… I’ll leave you alone now…” 
“Sorry just isn’t going to do it, Monica, not this time… Not ever,” I shook my head, “You can burn in hell for all I care,” I scoffed as I stared at her. Blood was dripping down the sides of her lips as she pleaded with me, but at this point I didn’t care about anything she was saying. 
Chip called my name, causing me to look over at him. They really did a number on him. I wonder if they would have gotten this bad had I actually called the cops and did something last night. 
My hands and shoulders dropped as I looked at him. I didn’t even bother with the others around me, I’d take care of them after. 
Or, so I thought… One of Monica’s friends stood up and charged after me. I stumbled back, fumbling to cock the gun before pulling the trigger at him, getting him right in the head. He fell to the ground with a thud, a slab of meat just on the floor. 
“Anyone else?” I looked at the others around me, really feeling my sudden anger and annoyance come through for everyone. The people around me backed away from me. I looked back at Chip, appreciating the way he was looking up at me. Just as I went to my knees to help him, the sound of a shotgun being cocked came from behind me. I froze as the barrel of a gun was pressed right to my head.
“Whatcha doin’ there, Sweet Heart?” a woman’s voice asked from behind me. I took a deep breath as I dropped my gun to the ground. I looked back at Chip and noted how the adoration he had in his eyes slowly turned into terror and fear. “Where’s my money, Chip?” the woman asked. There was a certain fakeness in her words that scared me a bit. 
“I… I don’t have it!” Chip shouted as he struggled to stand up. I cringed as Liza pushed the barrel into my head a bit more. I swallowed roughly as I looked at Chip. 
“L-liza? H-h-how did you… How did you find me?” Chip exclaimed as he looked past me and at the woman.
“I told you, Chip, I always know where you are,” her fake sweetness really struck a chord in me, pissing me off more than I was before. “Now… Where’s my money?”
Someone from the sidelines jumped to their feet and instantly charged at Liza. It was terrifying how quick Liza was to turn and shoot the gun at the man. I quickly moved away and grabbed my gun from the ground. I felt a little bad for moving behind Chip, using him as a shield from this new woman.
“You’re so quick to move on, Chippy,” Liza spoke as she looked back at me. I appreciated that Chip actually covered me instead of cowering away like I half expected him to. “First the whore from last night and now her?” 
“I’m not a slut or a whore,” I stared at her. She cocked her head as she looked over at me. Yet, again another one of Monica’s people came after us, only to be stopped by a different person, their arm being sliced off in one swift motion. If you blinked you would have missed it. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” one of the three girls shouted front he couch. Liza turned to face the person behind her before saying something else. 
“What… What do we do, Chip,” I whispered as I tugged gently on his shirt. He looked over his shoulder at me before lifting his finger to his lips. I stared at him for a moment, watching as he thought of a plan. The level of chaos in the building was starting to stress me out. I wasn’t expecting two terrifying people to show up at an already terrifying place. 
“Go have fun with that one, Dwayne-y,” Liza pointed towards one of the girls on the couch. The guy looked over at the girl before grabbing her and pushing past Chip and I. I fell against the wall and blacked out for a moment. 
When I came too, Liza was standing in front of Chip, talking to him about something. It was eerily quiet in the trailer now, other than Liza and Chip’s voice. My guess was Liza took everyone out. But, why’d she keep me alive? Chip probably bargained for my life. I’m honestly just a bystander in this whole thing, wasn’t I? 
“You can let him run away… you can hunt him down, and kill him… Or… Or you can discipline him.. Teach him to heel or whatever he’s supposed to do,” Liza cocked her head as she looked at Chip. I took a deep breath, looking at the ground and noticed the gun on the ground right behind Chip. “So, Chip, what option do you want?” her tone was filled with that sickening sweetness, and it made me want to beat the shit out of her. 
“Violet said there’s always another option,” Chip spoke softly as he looked at Liza. I carefully moved and grabbed the gun. 
“Oh, she… She did? Well, I don’t see her here… Because she’s dead, Chip,” Liza scoffed. I took a deep and shaky breath before moving around the chair and aiming the gun right at Liza. “Oh, look who’s got the balls now,” Liza looked past Chip and at me. I stared down at her, feeling nervousness in the form of bile rise up my throat. “Are you gonna shoot me? Baby’s gonna sho-” her statement was finished short by a bullet to her head. I closed my eyes and looked down at the ground. 
“Jesus Christ!” Chip shouted as Liza’s body fell to the ground. I took a deep breath before looking down at him. “She’s dead!” 
“She was going to fucking kill both of us, Chip!” I shouted back, looking at him with wide eyes. Chip looked up at me as he stumbled to his feet. 
“Okay, okay,” Chip looked down at me, placing his hand on my shoulder to steady himself. I looked up at him with wide eyes. “$68,000… My clothes, and then we fucking ditch this fucking place,” he pointed towards the door where the creepy man from before dragged a girl. I swallowed roughly as I looked towards the door.
“Here,” I handed him my gun before nodding towards the door. Chip looked down at me, a slight glare in his eyes before he took a step forward. I followed behind him, staying close to his body. He pushed the door open and immediately fired the gun, killing the guy instantly. 
“I’m never going to sleep again, holy fucking shit,” I muttered as I looked at the horrors in front of me. He fucking ripped the girl a part. 
“Stay here for a minute,” Chip muttered before stepping away from me. He didn’t seem bothered by everything. I was impressed that he was able to step into the room more and move stuff around. One he found what he was looking for he came back beside me.
“Let’s fucking go,” he muttered, holding a shoe box under his arm. I looked at the box as I followed behind him. I could kill him right now, and take that 68grand. I could start a new life on my own… 
“Yeah, let’s go,” I looked down at the ground, “Shouldn’t we clean up the place first? Our fingerprints and DNA is all over the place,” I looked around the trailer and at all the dead bodies. Is it bad this didn’t phase me at all? 
“You’re right. Hold this,” he muttered as he shoved the box into my hands. I looked down at it with wide eyes before looking back at Chip. He had a bottle of straight whiskey in his hand and was splashing it around the room, going into the other rooms before coming back. “You think this will be enough?” he asked, looking down at me with a certain exhaustion in his eyes. I tried to look past all the injuries he had earned, but it was hard when they covered his whole face. 
“Hopefully,” I shoved the box back into his arm before leaving the building. I waited just outside as he lit a lighter and tossed it to the floor, causing the whole building to be engulfed in flames. 
“Where to?” Chip asked as we walked back to my car. I looked over my shoulder at the blazing trailer and shrugged.
“Somewhere away from here. But first, we should get you a first aid kit,” 
We drove for a long time. A very long time. I think we both wanted to make sure we were away from Monica’s trailer before we rested for the night. Which also meant we had to wait a long time before Chip could get the proper care he needed. It wasn’t fair to either of us that this was the case at the moment. I wasn’t ever expecting this to be what happened to me the other day when I woke up. I was just happy that after the second day of driving, he was actually okay.
“I’ll go get a room, you stay here,” I looked over at Chip. It looked like he was asleep, which I was expecting, so when he lifted his head and looked over at me I was a little confused. 
“No, no let me,” he mumbled as he fought to get his seatbelt undone.
“Chip, you look like you just got out of Fight Club… Let me go get the room,” I placed a hand on his to stop him from moving anymore. He looked up at me with a little bit of terror in his eyes, “I’ll be right back, I promise,” I kept my voice low as I spoke to him. 
“Okay, you’re right,” he mumbled before moving his hand away from the buckle. Chip rested his head against the head rest before closing his eyes lightly. I sighed deeply before sliding out of the car and towards the entrance of the hotel lobby. 
I kept my voice low the entire time as I spoke to the front desk manager. It was hard when I also looked like I just got out of a war and the manager kept looking at me like that was the case. When they finally handed me the room key, I let out the deepest sigh of relief and returned out to the car. 
“We have a room… Two days…” I looked over at Chip as I drove to a parking spot near our room. 
“Two days… Nice, nice,” he murmured and nodded. I looked over at him and watched as he slowly unbuckled. 
“You go into the room, I’ll grab the food and first aid kit,” I handed him the key before we both got out. Chip nodded before leaving and going towards the room. I made sure to be quick as I grabbed the stuff from the back.
“Should I shower?” 
“No, no, let me clean your wounds up first,” I nodded towards the bed. Chip looked over at the bed before going to sit on it. I was relieved when he laid back on the bed like nothing mattered in the world. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
 “Are you going to play nurse with me?” he asked, looking at me with a playful smirk on his lips. I laughed and nodded as I approached the bed. 
“Unfortunately, I think I’m all you got,” I laughed as I sat on the bed beside him. He sat up and moved closer to him. We were both quiet as I pulled out alcohol wipes and gauze. I looked at his face, trying to figure out where to start. Thankfully the swelling in his eyes went down, but I cracked an ice pack to help. 
“This is gonna sting,” I looked at his face as I lifted the wipe to his face. He winced as I began wiping the wounds on his face.
“Are you okay?” I looked up at him as I carefully placed butterfly band-aids and regular band-aids over the wounds. He looked back at me, a certain softness in his eyes. I was happy that he’d probably just need a few band-aids on his face instead of gauze and stitches like I’d thought. We both didn’t want to go to the hospital… 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay,” he whispered as he tried to not move away from my touch. I frowned looking at his face. “You didn’t have to do this, you know,” he added. I looked down at his hands and nodded. 
“Did you want to go to the hospital and tell them the truth?” I raised an eyebrow as I shifted closer to him with an alcohol pad. He cringed as I pressed it to the open wound on his hand. “Sorry,” I cringed as he flinched.
“You’re right, though… I don't think I could make up a believable lie in the hospital,” he looked at me, watching me clean the injuries.. 
“Was it worth it?” I asked, feeling a small smile grow on my lips. Chip shrugged a bit like he wasn’t too sure what I was talking about.
“Was… Was what worth it?” he asked, trying not to furrow his eyebrows. I laughed lightly and shrugged.
“The 68 grand that you risked your life for, Chip,” I laughed as I grabbed a bandage and picked it open, “Is it okay if the band-aid is pink with butterflies?” I held it up to show him the design. He swallowed roughly before nodding.
“Yeah, it was worth it,” he whispered, causing me to look back at his face. I furrowed my eyebrows when it became my turn to stare at him. “Because if I didn’t lose the $68 thousand... I probably wouldn’t have met you… And you saved my life,” 
“Oh please, don’t compare me to Violet,” I laughed and shook my head. I felt a little bad for bringing up his dead friend, but I personally felt like he was comparing me to her. Just a little bit. 
“I’m not,” he looked taken aback by my sudden statement. I shrugged, not entirely believing him. He knew that too. I looked at him, noting the cut and bruise across his nose. Who knows how long that was going to take to heal, but I hope it didn’t hurt him too much. “I’m being serious,”
“That makes me feel better,” I smiled as I began cleaning up the first aid kit we had bought when we pulled into a new town, “I should probably let you go your own way, come morning. I don’t want to get in the way of you while you’re trying to flee everything” I laughed as I clicked the first aid kit shut, “I’ll let you have my car,” 
“Please stay,” he whispered, watching as I stood and walked across the room. I almost didn’t hear him. But I was preoccupied with my thoughts, trying to figure out how I’d get home if I had given him my car to leave. I was 2 days away from home… That’d be a long way back. “I probably would die if you didn’t come with me,” he added as I turned to face him.
“I’d be pretty useless if I came with. Is your life always like that, Chip?” I asked, placing my fists on my hips. He stayed quiet. “Because if it’s always like that, running from danger and shooting guns…”
“You’ll go back home, I get it. What happened the other day was-”
“I never said that,” I cut him off, “Yeah, what happened the other day was terrifying, Chip. But, I don’t think I’ve ever had such an eventful day in my entire life. I just don’t think I would be able to do that again. That parts gotta go,”
“Consider it gone,” Chip shook his head, watching as I slowly walked back over towards him. I looked down at him, appreciating the way he looked back up at me. “Forgotten. We can… We can buy a house in… In Iowa. Have kids, have a family. Get as far as we can from that place,” he moved his legs and allowed me to stand between them. 
“Iowa?” I scoffed, wrinkling my nose at the thought of moving to Iowa. “And… You want to have kids? After everything that happened? You want to bring kids into this world?” I sighed deeply as I looked down at him. I left out the part of how we just met 4 days ago. He doesn’t even know me. 
“Yeah, but if you were their mother, I think they’d be pretty safe,” Chip laughed as he reached up to grab my hand. I stared at him, feeling my heart swell in my chest. 
“You don’t even know me, Chip,” I laughed lightly. He furrowed his eyebrows before shrugging. “And you already want to have kids with me?”
“I don’t think… I don’t think it matters. You saved my life,” he pointed out. I bit my lower lip as he brushed his thumb across the back of my hand. 
“Yeah,” I paused, taking a deep breath as I stared at him, “You saved mine too, Chip,” I smiled at him, “I think Liza might have killed me if it wasn’t for you,” I laughed lightly out my nose. And, it was true. She probably would have killed me after she knocked me out...
“Well, good thing Dwayne was easy enough to take care of,” he returned the laughter, “Can’t believe I dated that bitch,” he sighed as he looked up at me. 
“Yeah, I was about to say…” I smiled softly. Chip smiled as he carefully tugged my hand so I would fall forward slightly. 
“Kiss me,” he whispered as I braced myself on his shoulder with one hand. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking down at his lips. The cut on his upper lip had thankfully stopped bleeding. 
“Is that a good idea,” I pulled my hand off his shoulder and gently held his face. He wrinkled his nose and closed his eyes. “Chip, I’m serious,” 
“I am too,” he begged as he looked at me, “I could di-”
“You won’t die tomorrow. You’re safe now,” I smiled softly as I looked at him.
“So, what’s stopping you from kissing me,” he asked, pointing out the fact that there was indeed nothing stopping me from kissing him. 
“Why you gotta be like that?” I asked, moving my hand up his face. I carefully brushed the wound on his temple before carding my fingers through his hair. 
“Be like what?” Chip asked as I pushed my hand through his hair and rested it on the back of his head. 
“You’re so… nice. You’re not like other men, the ones who look at women like objects,” I laughed and shook my head, “You wouldn’t even hurt a fly.” 
“You do know I killed, like, bunch of people yesterday,” he asked. I smiled and nodded. He pulled his hand from mine and rested both his hands on my hips. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him.
“Okay, yeah, that’s fair…” I sighed deeply and cocked my head, “You won’t regret it, will you?” I asked, my voice hardly a whisper.
“Regret what? Kissing you?” He asked, his thumbs playing with the hem of my shirt, just barely touching the skin of my hip. I nodded lightly. “Why would I regret kissing you?” 
“Wouldn’t be the first time a guy regret kissing me,” I whispered as I looked away from him, “The last guy I dated… He dated me as a joke… It wasn’t till after we… Well, we did a little bit more than kissing, did he tell me that it was all a joke,” I whispered before looking down at the ground.  
“Nothing about me asking for a kiss is a joke, I promise,” Chip replied, his voice causing me to look back at him. He lifted a hand and rested it on my shoulder. “We don’t even have to do anything… You don’t have to ki-”
“I do… I do want to kiss you, Chip,” I whispered softly, “I’m just scared, that’s all,” I stared down at him.
“You don’t have to be scared,” he smiled softly, running his hand down my arm before grasping my hand. I swallowed roughly before moving to straddle his legs. He took a sharp breath as I adjusted myself on his legs.
“Sorry,” I cringed as I tried to get off his legs. Chip looked at me before resting his hands on my hips, keeping me in place on his lap. 
“It’s okay,” he whispered, bringing a hand back to my face. I stared at him, feeling a small smile grow on my lips.  
After a moment of just staring at each other, I moved forward, closing the space between. Our lips connected, and it was the softest, gentlest kiss ever. Although my lips were still dry, his lips felt dry, drier than the sand on the beach. The blood that was on his lips dried slightly, but it didn’t bother me at all. 
Chip placed his hand on my lower back, moving me closer to his body. My arms wrapped around his neck, my body willingly moving closer to him as if it couldn’t get enough of him. I could tell that he craved me too, his other hand moving hastily around my body. 
“Is this a good idea?” I murmured against his lips. I was careful as I pressed my forehead to his, feeling a small smile tug on my lips. “You’re like… Seriously…” I stopped myself from saying ‘seriously injured’. 
“I’m okay. I’m fine with it if… If you’re fine with it,” he whispered, his hands going back to the hem of my shirt. I closed my eyes and let a deep breath of air out my nose. A small smile grew across my lips as his hand finally slipped up my shirt and up to my bra. “Please tell me your fine with it,” his voice wavered slightly with his words. I swallowed roughly and nodded, our noses brushing together as my head moved.  
“Yeah, yeah it’s… I’m fine with it…” I nodded, taking a deep breath before opening my eyes, “I’m more than fine with it,” I whispered as I looked at him.  
That was when he kissed me again. It was different than before. Because, before it was gentle and soft, like he didn’t want me to melt away. But also it was soft because we both had mild- not so mild injuries, and I knew he didn’t want to hurt me. The differences between this one and that one is, fervent and passionate, it took my breath away.
Chip’s hand on my back fiddled with my bra as he tried to unclasp it. I couldn’t help but laugh as he began to struggle. It was clear he was getting frustrated with the struggle, so when I went to help him, he let out a sigh of relief. 
“Sorry,” he muttered as he fought to pull my shirt off. I laughed and shook my head.
“No, it’s okay,” I whispered before lifting my arms in the air. Chip smiled before pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it somewhere behind me. I sucked in a sharp breath as the cool air hit my bare chest. Chip was careful as he pressed his lips back to mine, then on the side of my mouth, before trailing down my neck. It was gentle, and soft, but it was enough for me to notice him sucking soft spots on my skin. My hands went back to his head, carefully pulling at the hair on the back of his head.  
My head tilted to the side the further down my neck he went. A small gasp fell from my mouth as he attached his lips to my breast. My fingers gently pulled his hair, causing him to hum lightly. It was hard not to react to him and his touch. I needed him more than I needed air.
“D-don’t stop,” I whispered, my words wavering with each syllable. It was so hard to concentrate on anything as he placed his lips around my nipple. A shiver went down my spine, causing me to arch my back into him more. 
Chip stood up, causing me to latch on to him so I wouldn’t fall, before turning around to put me on the bed. I looked up at him, my breathing picking up slightly as he stared down at me. His lower lip was pulled between his teeth as he looked at me.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” I whispered, lifting a hand to his face. He could hear the worry in my words as I spoke, letting his lower lip fall from his mouth. “Your lip is bleeding.” I left out that it was only bleeding a little bit, but it was enough to notice the red. 
“It’s fine,” he whispered, bringing his hand to rest on my cheek. His thumb brushed against my lower lip. My body shivered slightly before I opened my mouth slightly. He smirked before slipping his thumb between my lips. I swirled my tongue around his thumb as I stared at him. 
“Good girl,” Chip hummed, resting his other hand on the mattress by my head. I swallowed roughly before grabbing his shirt and pulling him down to my face. He moved his thumb from my mouth and looked down at me.
“Please don’t make me ask more than once,” I whispered, releasing my hand from his shirt to lift it to his face. He flinched away slightly as my hand barely touched his face. I could feel my face soften as I looked at him. “I won’t hurt you, Chip. You’re safe now,” I whispered as I moved my hand from his face.
“I know, I know,” he shook his head before lowering his face to mine, lightly pressing his lips to mine. I hummed, wrapping my arms around his neck again. “You won’t have to ask more than once,” he murmured against my lips. He looked down at me before pressing his lips to mine again, slowly kissing down my neck and chest. 
Although he was quick to move down my chest, he was slow once he got to my hips. 
“Hold on,” he stepped away from me, rushing to the bathroom real quick. I sat up, resting back on my hands, as I waited for him to come back. 
“What… What are you doing, Chip?” I asked, my patience starting to wear thin as the seconds ticked by. I swallowed roughly as he stepped back out of the bathroom.
“Cleaning my face a little bit more,” he looked at me with a small smile on his lips. I furrowed my eyebrows as he came back to stand between my legs. 
“I-I’m confused,” I looked up at him. Although, I really shouldn’t be confused. I’m the one who said ‘Please don’t make me ask more than once.’ and he obviously wanted it as badly as I did.
“You know,” he smiled as he lifted my hips a little bit before pulling my pants off my body. I suddenly couldn’t control my breathing anymore, and I was left trying to control myself. “Wouldn’t want to get blood everywhere,” he looked up at me as he dropped my pants to the ground.  
I stared at him watching as he lowered to his knees between my legs. He was gentle as pressed his lips to the soft skin on my inner thigh. I took a deep breath, trying so hard to regulate my breathing. My elbows and arms gave out, causing me to lie back hard on the bed. 
“So beautiful,” Chip whispered before blowing softly at my core. I gasped and pressed my head into the bed beneath me. My hands and fingers got knotted up in his hair again, slowly pulling his head closer to my body. 
Chip laughed at me before peppering butterfly kisses over my pussy. I gasped, tugging lightly on his hair. He looked up at me before grasping both of my hands and holding them down on the bed. 
“Ch-chip, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” I whimpered pulling at his hands. He hummed before licking a stripe right up my cunt. I swear, I couldn’t even breathe. He squeezed my hands as he kept licking at me. After a moment, his lips attached around my clit, sucking softly at the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck,” I cried out as he pulled a hand from one of mine. I didn’t even notice that he pushed a finger into me. My free hand went over my mouth as a moan fell from me. Chip obviously enjoyed that sudden reaction, causing him to moan too. The vibrations from him caused me to moan again. 
“ ‘m so close. Please, Chip, so close,” I moved my hand to his hair and pulled on it a lot harder than before. It was like I couldn’t breathe, the wind being knocked from my lungs like I was punched in the gut. “Fuck, Chip,” I moaned, my hips jerking at him. He pulled his hand from mine and placed it firmly on my stomach, holding me down. 
“You’re doing so good, Princess,” he murmured against my body. I cried out when he pressed his lips back on me. 
My mind went fuzzy and my vision turned white. I could feel my toes curling against the rough, scratchy comforter beneath me. My hands gripped his hair and the blanket so tightly I was sure my knuckles would blanch. And the only thing I could say was his name as I came.
My chest heaved as I tried to breathe. When I opened my eyes, Chip was back over me. He smiled, clearly enjoying what had just happened. 
“That was… That was good,” I laughed lightly. Chip returned the laughter before pressing his lips to mine. I hummed following after him as he pulled away from me. 
“That was, like, barely the pregame,” Chip laughed as he looked down at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and smiled softly. “If at all the pregame,”
“Well are you going to get started on the actual game or just leave me alone?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow as I stared at him. Chip laughed again before standing up right to rid himself of his jeans. I quickly moved so I was lying up by the pillows. 
“Are you sure this is okay?” He asked once he was back over me. I swallowed roughly and nodded. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m positive. If I wasn’t… I wouldn’t have let you eat me out the way you did,” I laughed as I brought my hands to his face, “I appreciate you cleaning your face a bit before you did that though. I don’t really want the staph infection or STD,” I laughed harder than I should have. But that in turn caused Chip to glare at me.
“Well, now I don’t think I want to have sex with you,” he looked away from me before sitting up right. I stopped laughing before sitting up to look at him. 
“C’mon, Chip, I was just joking.” I moved so I was closer to him, “I’d love to get a STD from you,” I bit back my laughter as I looked at him. He glared at me again. 
“Shut up,” he muttered, looking down at the bed. I smiled before lifting a hand to his face.
“You’re the one who wants to fuck the girl you just met 4 days ago,” I pointed out as I moved to straddle his waist. He looked at me as I sat on him. “But, to be fair, I also want to have sex with the guy I met 4 days ago so it’d be a little hypocritical of me to judge you,” I shrugged. I tried really hard not to look at his cock, but it was right there… It was obvious that he was painfully hard. “Use me, Chip,” I swallowed roughly as I looked up at his face. His eyes were scanning my face as his hands were resting on my hips. I could feel his fingers digging into my skin, and I was more than happy to let that happen.
What he did next surprised me. He lifted my hips up so I was hovering over him, before slamming me on his cock. A shout came from my mouth as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pressed my face into his shoulder as I tried to breathe properly after the sudden intrusion. 
“Fuck,” I panted before looking up at him after a moment. My muscles clenched around him as I slowly got used to his size. Chip pressed his lips to mine before carefully thrusting up into me. My hips slowly moved, meeting him at the perfect spots. His lips hardly left mine, and when they did it was only for a few moments.
“Gonna fill you up,” Chip mumbled as he pressed his lips to my neck, “Gonna put a baby in you,”
“Please! Don’t stop, fuck,” I cried, rolling my hips against his. My mouth opened around his shoulder, my teeth carefully sinking into his skin. “God,” I whined looking back up at him, “Do it, please, do it,” 
“Yeah? You like that?” Chip groaned as he brought a hand to my chest. I let out a shaky breath and nodded as he massaged my breast. “Being filled with my cum, carrying my child,” he looked up at me. I pressed my lips together and nodded, feeling myself get closer to the edge. 
“Fuck, Chip, please,” I placed my hands on either side of his face and pulling him closer to my face. I pressed my lips to his as he pulled me closer to his body, my chest pressing against his. 
My breathing grew raged as he picked up his pace. His hand dropped to where our bodies met, his finger encircling around my clit. I was pushed right to the edge, calling out his name as he called out mine. His hips faltered slightly as he filled me with his essence. 
My head dropped to his shoulder and my arms wrapped around his chest. It took a while for either of us to move, the intensity of the moment catching up with us. Although, the last few days in general were catching up with me. 
“I gotta clean you up,” Chip finally whispered after a moment. I swallowed roughly before I struggled to get off his lap. 
“You really do want to have kids with me,” I laughed as we finally broke a part, “I mean, yeah I want kids too. But not for a while,” 
“I told you, we gotta get to Iowa first,” Chip looked over at me as he got off the bed. When he noticed that I was a little nervous about that, he came over to my side, “We don’t have to go to Iowa,”
“No, no, I know… It’s just… The thought of leaving… And going with you. The other day was terrifying, with everything th-What if I just left?” 
“I know you're nervous. You have every right to be nervous. If we leave, we can get as far from that place as possible. We can find a safe place and be safe… Together,” he knelt on the ground beside me. I looked down at him and nodded, “Besides, you had the most boring life in that stupid motel,”
“True, true,” I laughed and shook my head, “You’re not going to, like, murder me… Are you?” I looked at him as I carefully grasped his hand.
“No! I wouldn’t do that! After the shit I just said to you with my cock in you? You think I’d kill you?” Chip nearly fell back on the ground, causing me to laugh again. I smiled and nodded.
“Okay, I… I guess if the worst thing you’ll do to me is get me pregnant… Then I think I’m safe.” I looked at him with a small smile, “And that’s not even bad,” I shrugged as I looked at the bed in front of me.
“I won’t murder you if you won’t murder me,” he spoke, lifting his hand and showing me his pinkie. I looked back at him and nodded.
“Promise,” I whispered before interlocking my pinkie with his. 
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
The tit for tat game was well known to both of their top confidants and lieutenants because it had been going on ever since Natsu and Lucy broke up. Plus, it was hard to get around such knowledge considering most of them came from the same neighborhoods. These intrigues ebbed and flowed like waves. Months could pass by without any interactions between the two, at other times they’d go back and forth continuously until one of them finally gave up, and on the odd occasion ended in a huge fight that led to another round of ignoring each other. Up until now, it had been kind of amusing to watch them torture each other because it was better than a drama shows on television. But that didn’t mean Natsu, and Lucy’s friends didn’t worry about one or both being truly hurt one day because of it.
“It’s fine,” Natsu rolled his eyes as Gray chastised him after the soapland incident. The two men were at Natsu’s home after work hours and supposed to be relaxing. But clearly his friend didn’t want to drop the subject. “What’s the big deal?”
“Dude, you let yourself be blindfolded in a public space! Have you forgotten what kind of business we’re in? What if it had been an assassin instead?”
“Oh, that’s just ridiculous. We’re talking about Lucy’s company, and I trust their security measures because she has just as much to lose if a hit took place there.”
“Still, you should be more careful, at least take a bodyguard with you…”
Natsu’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “And what, so they can watch the show? We got any voyeurs on the payroll? Cause I can’t think of anyone here who’d wanna see another guy getting his balls fondled!”
Gray ran a hand down his face. “So not the mental image I wanted. You’re missing the point.” He sighed. “Natsu you are the head of this clan, and your safety is my top priority.”
“I get it, I get it,” Natsu drawled.
“And frankly,” Gray continued, “you’ve become distracted by her lately.”
“Tch! No, I haven’t!”
“Yeah, you are. You think I haven’t noticed? I know you drive by her place sometimes. I know you’ve followed her to that coffee shop she likes to frequent. But ever since her employee was robbed, things have escalated again.”
“You’re imagining things and apparently spying on me. I’m just keeping an eye on the competition.”
“Watching over you is my job! That’s not spying.” Gray crossed his arms. “And oh, it’s no doubt that you’re keeping an eye on her. That’s why you went to Katsunuma’s party and to soapland too. The problem is you’re getting sloppy and sloppy gets people killed.”
Natsu groaned. “Are you done yet? We’re supposed to be enjoying the baseball game, not psychoanalyzing my life.”
“Almost.” Gray placed a hand on his friends’ knee and leaned in. “Natsu, you’ve been chasing that tail since high school, just lock her down and convince her to work together already.”
Natsu snorted a laugh. “Gray we all grew up together, so what in all these years makes you think that’s a possibility? You know damn well Lucy’s not a woman you can control without her consent.” Natsu knew that, and frankly he loved that part of her. In fact, it made him even more fired up whenever he thought about it, just like a treasure you don’t just find but must win at the end of a game. “I’ll find a way, some day.”
“Well until that day arrives, could you promise me you’ll be more cautious?”
“Fine, fine,” Natsu waved his hand. “I’ll back off of Lucy for now.”
“Good.” Gray relaxed back onto his recliner thinking the drama was over.
“However, there is a new guy I want surveillance placed on.”
“The bartender from the party.”
Gray groaned. “Seriously? Why? He’s just a bartender!”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Was he spiking the drinks or something? Dealing drugs at the party?”
Gray huffed. “You really gonna try that? Do I look like an idiot? This is just straight jealousy talking.”
“I don’t care! I want someone to dig up what they can on the guy!”
“No, what you wanna know is if he fucked Lucy that night!”
Natsu jumped up with his fists clenched. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Gray stood up and matched his boss’s energy. “Unless you give me a damn good reason to check into him, I’m not wasting my guy’s time! You might be the boss, but don’t you fucking forget who you’re talking to! I’m not some punk off the streets!”
Realizing he was taking things too far, Natsu sat back down. “Sorry.”
Gray sighed and plopped back down too. “I only joined because you asked me to and you’re my best friend, then I helped you build this new empire, so I’m just as invested in protecting it as you are. But Natsu, personal emotions have led to the downfall of many in this business, and as a friend, I’ll check you any time I think you’re going to far.”
“You’re right…” Natsu sighed too. “She just gets me so worked up.”
“Don’t I know it,” Gray laughed, but stopped when Natsu glared at him. “Sorry, it slipped out.”
“But I swear, there’s something suspicious about him. When he saw me, I thought he just reacted because he thought I was Lucy’s boyfriend or something, but the more I think about it, he might have recognized me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious either.”
“True. But the look in his eyes just made me wonder.”
“Alright…” Gray groaned, “if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have someone do some digging. So, you said he has orange hair and glasses, and the name on his tag was Loke?”
“That’s an unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to check on.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, Gray sent out feelers for any information on this Loke guy. Katsunuma junior gave them their first small lead that the bartender had worked the party through a local food catering company. That catering company was a legitimate business who had both full-time staff as well as independent contractors brought in per event as needed. Loke had been one of the latter. From there Gray obtained a last name, de Lioncourt.
According to his sources at the local precinct, Loke de Lioncourt had no rap sheet, no prior dealings with police, and for all they knew was an average citizen. The man’s Line blog profile listed him as a 28-year-old, Japanese/French American, model and bartender, and it was filled with pictures from events, parties, as well as many gorgeous women— none of which contained Lucy. But as Gray trolled through the man’s feed, he did come across one person he recognized and passed the information along to Natsu.
“Wow, she’s in a bunch of photos,” Natsu mumbled as he scrolled through the blog.
“Well, considering Cana’s reputation are you surprised. Parties and alcohol are the two things that woman lives for.” Gray laughed. “Now see, this makes sense to me. Lucy and him, not so much.”
“Tch… still pisses me off he even tried.”
“Lucy’s a free woman, she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“We’ll see about that,” Natsu mumbled low.
“What was that?” Gray asked with a raised brow.
“Better be nothing, cause this is a dead end. He’s just a flirty bartender. It’s how they make tips.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Natsu sat back in his chair. “So, back to business. What this I heard about some missing stock?”
“Oh, right. One of the warehouse clerks noticed a shortage, but when I checked with Yura, he said the books were fine. I had him show it to me, and it appears the numbers were just inverted by accident. So, instead of 185 kilos, it’s supposed to be 158 kilos.”
“Did you talk to the clerk again? Does he have any history of messing up like this?”
“Nah, he’s one of our better clerks.”
“Just keep an eye on it.”
“Sure thing, boss. By the way, have you seen Gajeel today?” Gray questioned. “I haven’t seen him.”
“He called me this morning said he wasn’t feeling well, thinks he ate something bad for dinner last night.”
“Tch, seriously? Thought he had an iron stomach?”
Natsu shrugged. “Must’a been some bad sushi or something. We ain’t got much happening today, so it’s fine. Anything else? I got some stuff I need to finish.”
Gray tapped his chin. “Just a reminder you have an appointment with our tech guy dropping by later this week to go over some upgrades on the system.”
“Like I’m supposed to know anything about that stuff, it’s what I pay him for.”
“You still gotta approve it,” Gray shrugged and took his leave.
Once the man was completely out of the office, Natsu opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a nondescript box he’d hidden inside. He grinned to himself. It was time to make another special delivery. Even though he’d told Gray he was backing off the whole Lucy and Loke subject, there was no way he was gonna let it slide. Natsu didn’t care if the man seemed legit, and he wasn’t the first nor would probably be the last that he’d eventually scared away. And besides, being a Yakuza boss had a lot of down times too, easily filled with having a little fun.
Today’s little care package was being sent to Lucy by a courier service and Natsu just had to drop it off to the delivery company. Just a normal company like Kuroneko Yamato so it wouldn’t rouse too many suspicions. It was turning into a fun game for him just coming up with ideas of what he could do to rile Lucy up or irritate this Loke guy. Natsu chuckled to himself. So far, his favorite prank was a box of small sized condoms and a bottle of enhancement pills that he’d had delivered to Loke while on the job at another party. He’d even snuck in to watch it delivered, gaining a good laugh when the man took a peek in the box and frowned at its contents.
It was childish, but Natsu didn’t care. Every day for two weeks now, something new was sent to Loke. Random gifts like children’s candy to a toy gun, a big bottle of lubricant wrapped in a bow, a week’s worth of meals sent for lunch one day, even an empty box with rocks inside it just to drive the man crazy wondering who in the world was sending them. Lucy too wasn’t immune to his pranks, though hers had a different feel to them. Flowers with no note attached. Tickets to a canceled show he made up. A supposed dinner invite from Loke that wasn’t real— okay that was to test her, but she didn’t fall for it. And today’s little care package fit right into his prank scheme.
Natsu dropped off the package at a Kuroneko Yamato office with the address instructions already filled out and paid the company’s employee extra to keep their mouths shut. ‘She’s gonna kill me one day,’ he laughed to himself as he rode back to his office. ‘If it’s suffocation by her boobs it wouldn’t be a bad way to go!’
“Anymore stops sir?” The driver asked Natsu.
“Nope. Back to the office.”
He looked at his watch. The package should be arriving at Lucy’s office within the hour. Give or take another to open it, and by 4pm he would be receiving another phone call. Maybe he won’t answer it. Oh, that would piss her off even more! ‘Well, if she’d just take the hint...’
The afternoon was supposed to be mellow at headquarters that day. No shipments, and no appointments. But when Natsu got back, another general in the organization named Jellal Fernandez came to his office to inform him of a problem. One of the new local restaurants in their territory was refusing to cooperate and he wanted to know how Natsu wanted it handled. They were right in the middle of discussing it, when Natsu’s office door flew open with a loud bang!
In stomped Lucy who immediately threw a box at his head, causing Natsu to duck and Jellal to pull his gun.
“Don’t!” Natsu screamed at his general and motioned for him to stand down, to which the man complied. “Do you have a death wish Lucy!”
“Get. Out.” She snapped at the general. “Get out! This is between me and your boss!”
Jellal looked to Natsu, who nodded his head to scram. “I got this, don’t worry.” The man holstered his gun and left, but Natsu could see he’d stayed right outside of the now closed door.
“I take it you didn’t like the gift,” Natsu pretended to stay calm.
“Gee, me throwing it at you give you that impression? I know it’s you sending all these damn deliveries to me and Loke. That needs to stop now!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Play dumb all you want. Just stop! Why are you even doing this?!”
“Take a guess,” he sneered back.
“I could’ve sworn we were adults now, but apparently I’m the only one who grew up. Stay out of my love life Natsu!”
“So, you admit you’re sleeping with the guy!”
“That’s none of your damn business! I can fuck whoever I want!”
“Not as long as I’m alive,” Natsu growled back.
Lucy crossed her arms. “That could be arranged.”
“Is that a threat?!”
“Yes! If you don’t stay out of my love life!”
“A woman shouldn’t be sleepi—”
“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Lucy grabbed a stapler that was within reach and chucked it at Natsu’s head. “Stop trying to control me!”
“Are you crazy?!”
At that moment, Gray barged into the room. He’d heard the screaming from the other side of the office, and when he got close enough to see Jellal standing outside the door, he became alarmed. Why would a general leave Natsu vulnerable! The man told him their boss told him to leave, but as the sounds inside escalated, Gray couldn’t wait anymore.
“Stop it!!” Gray got between them. “What are you two doing! Lucy you shouldn’t be here!”
“Then tell your damn boss to leave me the fuck alone!” Lucy spat back. “Ask him how he’s been harassing Loke and me!”
Gray turned to his boss with a groan. “Natsu, we talked about this!”
“Tell Gray what you been doing!” Lucy pressed. “Show him the stupid packages you send!”
“What packages?” Gray looked to Lucy, then repeated the question as he stared at his boss. “What packages?”
“Tch,” Natsu crossed his arms, “it’s not even that bad.”
Lucy stomped over to where the box fell and picked it up, pulling the contents out. “Bullshit!” She snapped as she held up a very racy, red nightie with flame prints, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a large dildo. “See this shit?!” Lucy shook the floppy latex toy at Gray before chucking it to the ground again. “He includes messages too,” then handed the man a folded piece of paper.
Gray read it aloud, “to make up for what playboy lacks. Had it custom made to my size wink wink. Ugh, seriously man,” he tossed the letter.
Natsu shrugged. “I was just having fun.”
“This is the yakuza, not a daycare!” Gray snaps. “I’m not here to babysit the boss so he stops harassing the competition! There’s more important business to worry about!”
“That’s right listen to Gray,” Lucy sneered.
Gray turned to her. “Oh, you ain’t innocent either, so don’t even try it. You both do things to purposely rile the other up and get mad when there’s consequences. Stop it!” He looked back and forth between the two. “Just stop it already!”
Natsu and Lucy looked away from the man with scowls on their faces. Neither wanted to admit he was right.
“Jellal,” Gray called out. When the man entered, he instructed him to escort Lucy out of there. “Next time, just call me instead. It’s best you two just stay away from each other. Got it?!”
“Yeah,” Lucy grumped.
“Got it?!” Gray questioned his boss.
“Yeah,” Natsu mumbled.
“Fucking like high school,” Gray ran a hand down his face in irritation. “You two need therapy.”
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Sleepover (Collab with @lozzypoz321)
Sebastian Stan x f!teen!co-star!reader, MCU Cast x f!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: fluff, crack honestly
Description: You and the MCU cast have a secret sleepover on set.
Warnings: language!!
A/N by morizoras-cave: this was even more fun than the last fic, loz is so so funny and so so talented and i just feel so comfortable writing with her :) also so many… bad things… happened while we wrote this. I mean it was chaotic.. I hope you enjoy its LONG
A/N by @lozzypoz321​: this was so much fun to write and I loved it!! Honestly you do not want to know what happened behind th scenes because that was a m e s s. Vic is suck and amazing writer and deserves so much love! Hope you enjoy!!
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“Kid, open the door!” your head snapped to the door of your hotel room. You recognised Sebastian’s voice coming from outside. “Open up!”
“I’m coming” you yelled, padding over to the door and opening up. Sebastian and Anthony stood out there. They looked oddly child-like as they stood there with their sleeping bags and dressed in pjs. You snorted. “Well, hello to you too!” 
“Don’t laugh, N/n, this is serious.” Anthony said as you walked out, you also dressed in your marvel pjs and with a sleeping bag in hand. Although, you thought, it was hard to take him seriously when he was dressed in Winnie The Pooh slippers. 
“Whatever you say, man.”
The entirety of the marvel cast had planned a sleepover on set. It was very secret, apparently. You didn’t know the full story, but they had seemingly asked the directors if they could have an onset sleepover and they’d refused, so someone had to steal a key. It was a whole process, but nonetheless you found yourself on the way to set at around 10:30. 
“Is anyone bringing snacks?” you asked. You, Seb and Anthony were walking down the street. You could see the set already. “Damn, I hope so” Anthony mumbled and you all continued walking. 
When you got there Elizabeth was standing outside, holding the door open with what you assumed was the stolen key. She ushered you inside. “You’re late and for some reason I’m not surprised.”
Inside all the others were already waiting, the entirety of the cast. Notably, you could see that Robert, Scarlett and Mark had created a pillow fort, and were hiding out in the coziness with a bag of popcorn. 
“Welcome, late-comers!” Robert greeted you dramatically, standing up in his Iron Man onesie. “You’ve missed the pizzas. You know, because you’re late!” 
“It’s fine, we already ate. Which is why we’re late,” Sebastian pointed nodded to Anthony. You nodded along.
Everyone sat down on a large stretch of couches, blankets and pillows, where Elizabeth had placed a projector pointed to an empty wall of the set. You sat down with Tom (Hiddleston), Sebastian and Mark. It was a rather weird thing to see so many grown men and women (that you had previously had respect for) in their most colourful pjs, but you supposed it was on you to expect any differently from this cast of people. 
Chris (Evans) had picked a movie and, unsurprisingly, he picked Iron Man 1. Robert protested for about two seconds, before he let everyone shower him in compliments because that movie was so damn good. “Okay okay, I guess we can watch it if we really have to”
Scarlett lightly laughed and pressed a button on the projector to start the movie after placing the disk inside that Chris (Evans) had brought from his collection at his house. “Where’s the snacks?” You heard Chris (Hemsworth) loudly whisper to Scarlett who sat next to him. 
“Ooh do we have popcorn?” You quietly asked Sebastian who nodded and reached across Anthony who was laid next to him to retrieve the salted popcorn that Mark had gotten just for you as he was in charge of the snack committee. Chris (Evans) silently got up, after making sure nobody noticed him (except from you), and crawled across the room in his rapunzel pjs on his hands and knees to reach Robert who was now on the verge of unconsciousness with dribble falling from the side of his mouth. Trying to be discreet, he raised his hands scarily behind him, gaining everybody’s attention in the room except Robert, and suddenly pounced on him in a playful manner. 
The man leapt up without warning with wide eyes the size of dinner plates and held his hands up as if he was doing karate in a mode of self defence. Everybody in the room burst out laughing at his reaction, Chris (Evans) reaching for his left pec as he leant back on his knees in a full on belly laugh. “You looked like you were a 6 year old girl” Scarlett laughed out and shook her head towards the man, who was now grumbling as he sat back down on his spot with an abundance of blankets by his side. 
“All the snacks are gone” Anthony exclaimed to the cast, making Tom (Hiddleston) look up from the screen and ponder “well we could do something that doesn’t require food” he suggested, making everyone look at him to continue. 
“I mean, we could play hide and seek?”
“Oh!” You exclaimed excitedly, one of your first inputs of the night “I’d love to play hide and seek! My dad used to do it with me all the time!”
Your happy demeanour made them all smile as you began explaining how he would hide next to you while your brother tried to find both of you. “Well it’s settled then, we’re playing hide and seek!” Chris (Hemsworth) announced in his Australian accent, before you could be told twice, you jumped up and grabbed Sebastian's hand before racing out of the room, not even giving anybody a second glance. 
“Woah, where are we going?” Sebastian chuckled, following your rapid footsteps. “Don’t worry about this, Seb, I’ve the perfect hiding spot!” It was a little bit embarrassing to admit, but every time you entered a new place, you thought about the best hiding spots (in case of an unwarranted game of hide and seek). 
You pulled Sebastian into the costume room and shuffled awkwardly into the back. There, you found your masterful hiding place. It was a vent, but not a small one. It was big. Sebastian looked at you in surprise. “Not bad, Y/n.” 
You popped the cover right off, catching Sebastian off guard. “I unscrewed it back in February,” you explained and jumped inside. Sebastian seemed to want to question you further, but instead just shrugged to himself and followed you inside, closing the vent cover behind him.
“This really is the perfect place,” he mumbled, voice echoing slightly in the vents. It was pretty cold, but stable. “And hey, didn’t you say that your dad used to hide with you?” He asked while looking around the airy place. “Oh, um, yeah” you said sheepishly, just now remembering the moment in the other room. 
“Um- I-I mean, not that you’re my- Like, my dad-” you stammered, blushing at the awkward moment, “Like- My dad is my dad- You’re just- I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to make this awkward, I just-”
“Shut up!” Sebastian hissed suddenly. You looked at him, taken aback. He was staring out the vent covers, and then looked back at you with a grin. He pointed to it silently. Your brows furrowed, and you looked out. You saw Chris in the room, hand holding a flashlight while aiming it around the room, trying to find a sign of anybody. You held your breath. 
“I know you’re in here! I can smell your fear!” he yelled trying to act scary. Meanwhile, he just looked kind of goofy in his Disney princess pjs. You saw Sebastian beside you, trying not to laugh. His face was contorted into a forced frown, but a smile still crept up the corners of his mouth. Seeing his face, you started feeling the urge to laugh too. 
You both laughed silently, trying so hard to not give away your position to Chris. You were failing miserably. 
“I will find you!” Chris said again, and this time Sebastian let out a laugh, immediately clamping a hand over his mouth. His eyes widened and so did yours. Chris stopped moving, snapping his head around furiously. “Who was that? Where are you?” 
You saw the moment Sebastian decided to give up on hiding, as he just suddenly started laughing like a maniac. You did too, both of you clutching your stomachs. Chris scoffed and tore the vent cover off, revealing the two of you laughing uncontrollably. 
“Come on, guys, it wasn’t that funny!” Chris sighed, but he was wrong, it was definitely that funny. You guys went back to the movie room. Robert, Tom, Scarlett and Anthony had all already been found.
“Welcome to the losers!” Tom grumbled. You both sat down with him and chatted while waiting for the others to turn up. The next was Mark, who had been hiding under a table, and then Elizabeth who wasn’t even trying, but was somehow second last anyway. 
Then came the waiting game. Hemsworth, the biggest of you all, the goofiest, and seemingly the easiest to spot, was still at large. Chris was hopelessly searching, but came back every ten minutes with a more and more depressed look on his attractive face.
“I can’t find him!” he admitted finally. There was a collective sigh, and then everyone started searching together, simultaneously calling out “Chris! The aussie one!” Eventually you did find him, crammed behind a couch uncomfortably. 
When you finally did, Anthony (as well as several others) seemed to have only grown hungrier, and the need for snacks was larger than ever. “I swear to god if we don’t find food right now I may just quit the job” Anthony swore and huffed as he crossed both his arms over his chest. “That seems a bit dramatic but okay” Scarlett laughed as the ten of you rounded a corner in the building to only come face to face with an abundance of vending machines that everyone used at break and you all had seemingly forgotten about. “Woah” Tom said, impressed at the arrangement. 
“Food galore,” Elizabeth expressed and was the first one to walk towards, closer to the arrangement, leaving the rest of you by the wall with your jaws dropped. “If I’m sick, don’t blame it on me” you quietly expressed, making Mark laugh from his spot next to you. 
Trying not to seem too excited, Anthony ran forward, eyes following each and every item of edible food and drink. “I think you better hurry up” Tom commented from his spot the furthest from you, noticing the way Anthony and Chris were now eyeing your favourite type of chips. 
“Umm yeah, that sounds like a good idea”
You, Robert and Sebastian immediately went over to the vending machine that was holding doritos, lays, and other classic chips. “Um, about earlier,” you mumbled to the Romanian man as Robert began to shake the machine with force, hoping something would fall down “I didn’t mean it like that” your cheeks flooded with embarrassment as the memory came flashing back to you.
But before you could start apologising even more, he stopped you and sent a reassuring smile your way “don’t worry about it Y/N, I know what you meant.” He gave your shoulder a small squeeze, before going back to watching Robert yelling at the Doritos to “fall out, you big pussy!”
Before Chris (Evans) and Tom could come over to your side of the room to be responsible adults and make a rational decision, Chris (Hemsworth) had already come bounding over to you and kicked the glass where the chips were held behind. He put full force behind the kick, so it shattered and fell loudly with a crash to the ground. 
“Erm. Good idea?”
For no reason at all the situation was just funny to you, so while everyone in the room was stood still shocked (apart from Hemsworth who rocked back and forth on his feet sheepishly) you began to laugh. “What’s funny? You could literally cut your feet if you move!” Tom exclaimed with wide eyes, “you can’t get hurt we need to return you to your mom the same as we got you!”
Without warning Chris (Evans) ran over to you, making sure to carefully avoid the glass panes. “I’m not getting sued for this shit” he muttered as he picked you up and brought you over to a corner, which was a safe distance away from the wreckage.
“Alright, this has gotten out of hand,” Mark ran a hand through his hair, as he surveyed the broken glass on the floor in distress. Elizabeth nodded. You made eye contact with Scarlett and Anthony, who very clearly didn’t share the same concern that Mark and Elizabeth did. You all giggled quietly. 
“But uh, let’s take advantage of the situation, eh?” Chris (Hemsworth) pulled a couple bags of doritos out of the broken vending machine, “Free doritos?” He shook the bags playfully. There was a moment where people seemed to question whether they prioritized their dignity of the free doritos, and it’s fair to say that a large number of them chose the doritos. 
You all went back to the movie room, collapsing on your mattresses and blankets, with your snacks. But before any of you could begin to focus on the movie once again, a sudden gasp broke out from across the room. “He has the last bag of Doritos!”
“No I don’t” Hemsworth was quick to deny Elizabeth’s claim but everyone could see the full bag that he had attempted to stuff under his blanket. All of a sudden, Scarlett leapt out of her sleeping bag, trying to reach the chips before he did, but unfortunately all the gym workouts he had been going to (or yoga lessons you weren’t really sure) were paying off, as he held the woman at bay so he could grab the snack and hold it far out of her reach.
“Give it” she grunted and tried to reach past his grip and take the chips for herself, but before she had a chance, Chris (Evans) jumped up from his spot over by Tom and snatched the bag from him, holding a victorious grin on his face. Chris (Hemsworth) pouted angrily at his costar, not bothering to fight back as he knew it would be a losing battle (he was captain America for Christ’s sake). But you had a trick up your sleeve, you wanted those chips and you were going to get them whether it was the last thing you did.
Picking up the pillow beside you, you held it up as a shield as ran forward as fast as you could, taking in the confused expression Chris held in his face before you smashed into his stomach, knocking the air out of your lungs but unfortunately, not his.
He chuckled deeply as you smashed back into the wooden floors groaning as the pain surged through you. “I don’t think that worked as well as you thought it would” Mark commented from his comfortable spot on his mattress. 
“No, it really didn’t”
The movie ended, and slowly but surely people started going to bed. There were yawns and stretches around you all bundled together on the floor. You too found yourself growing tired, stuffing yourself into your sleeping bag and getting comfortable. 
“Goodnight!” you murmured and those who were awake mumbled it back drowsily. You distinctly heard Sebastian mutter back to you from his sleeping bag “shut up, I’m tired”. You chuckled for the last time that night, as soon sleep overcame you. 
Then, at the the buttcrack of dawn, a scream came from the nearest entrance: “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK-” 
And that was the inspiring story of how body searches became a daily routine on set, so the Russos could make sure no one had gotten their grubby hands on an extra key.
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906 @tamayakii​
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renhaswritersblock · 3 years
Kinktober Day 1: Facesitting||Anonymous Sex - Johnson
Word Count: 2174
Warnings: Oral, overstimulation, faded sex, slight angst
A/N: Hello! So, I kinda got a bit carried away with this one *looks at the word count* hehe. But I hope you enjoy reading this fic. Was a bit hesitant at first while writing this smut, but with a few readings from a couple of friends, I continued writing! It's sort of unfinished, a work in progress. The rest of the kinktober day's will probably be short, not sure yet. I have a few exams this week and work is being a cunt, so the writing will be delayed for a short while, sorry. Also, I refer to Johnson in this fic as "The Man" cause of the anonymous sex part. Anyways, again, hope you enjoy reading! Let me know what you think. I do accept feedback/criticism, just don't abuse that power. And I hope ya'll are having a wonderful day. -Ren
“So, do you mind telling me where the hell we’re going, Frankie?” the strawberry-blonde glanced over at her friend sitting beside her, gripping anxiously at the steering wheel.
Frankie had her head leaned halfway against the open window of the moving car. Feeling the cool summer-night breeze hit her face while her hand traces circles on her wooden thigh. A small yet noticeable grin leisurely forms on the brunette’s face, thinking about tonight’s plans. She had been looking forward to this night for some time, finally be able to get away from the Bang-a-Rang - a place she once called home but is now a prison - and go wherever the river takes her.
“Hello? Earth to Frankie.” Frankie opened her eyes, turning her head swiftly towards the calling of her name. “Are you going to answer my question? Or do I have to turn the damn car around and drive back?”
Frankie pressed her lips together, letting out an exasperate sigh. “You worry too much, V,” she finally replied in a soft, choleric voice.
“No shit,” V retorted, “I rather not have Aunt Rosemary or Dennis be on my fucking ass if you’re doing something that could get us in trouble. Or worse, killed.” She glanced once more at Frankie with a furrowed brow. The brunette rolled her eyes with a snarl, glaring back out the window, head resting in hand. The pale broad’s narrowed eyes dropped into a pitiful look, sighing as she turned her attention back on the road. “Look, hon. I’m trying to be there for you more and back you up, but you can’t just leave me in the dark. You know what happened last time, fuck, it scared the living shit out of me.” Frankie’s eyes darted down at her wrist, seeing the visible dark-faded bruises wrapped around her like a cuff. Her face scrunched mournfully at the memory, remembering how painfully tight those bastards tied the chains. “I don’t want you to die, Frankie,” V finished, becoming teary-eyed.
The strawberry-blonde jumped at the gentle touch of something weighing on her shoulder. Looking over, she saw the olive-skin hand belonging to Frankie, giving a light squeeze for reassurance. “Didn’t know you cared this much about me, V. Thanks,” Frankie gave a half sympathetic smile, V returning a similar smile. “But you should save that melancholic shit-talking for your butch when it gets close to war,” She quipped, making V scowl and slap Frankie’s hand off her shoulder.
“Fuck you, bitch.” Frankie couldn’t help but tilt her head back and release a cackle as V continued staring angrily at the road.
“I’m just fucking with you, puta. You know I love you.” The brunette adjusted herself in her seat, now sitting up straight. “Anyways, a little birdie sent me a note to meet them at this motel in town,” Frankie pulled out a wrinkled note from the pocket of her shorts, handing it to V, “Mira. Thought I could -you know- check it out.” V quickly snatched the piece of paper, silently reading it while keeping an eye on the road.
In town only for tonight. Meet me at the Woodland Motel at 8 pm sharp, don’t be late. See you there.
Ps. bring the thing XO
“The thing?” V quirked up a brow, turning to Frankie with a puzzled expression. All the brunette could do was shrug at her response, fixing her spaghetti strap. V scoffed as she shook her head in disbelief, “Do you even know who you’re meeting? It could be some crazy lunatic who’ll bash your brains out or make you end up in a tub full of ice with a missing organ!” Frankie reached to grab the note out of her friend’s hand as she was waving it around in the air. “Honestly, Frankie. Do you not see the red flags here?”
“Nope.” The brunette answered with a popping sound on the p, “Plus, I know him. Known him for a pretty long time. And besides-” she bends down, tracing her fingers on the smooth wood of her prosthesis. Finding the split crack, she gently pulled at it to reveal a hollowed compartment and a revolver nestled inside. “-if I ever am in danger. I always have this.” She took the gun out of its chamber, swaying it in the air.
Lighting another cigarette, the man watched from his car as the brunette struts out of the front office towards the parked convertible, bending down to lean against the car’s open window of the driver’s side.
The last time he saw her, her shaggy hair was long and vibrant, reaching down to her backside, her bangs acting as curtains to shield away her flaws, as she called it. Now her hair was short - below the ears and sleek, it reminded him of Betty Boop.
It was unclear what she was saying to her friend, but not even a minute passed when the convertible came to life and started to drive off, leaving the girl wiggly waving goodbye. Once the car was out of sight, she twirled in the direction of her room.
He couldn’t help but stare longingly at her ass. How her shorts hugged tightly around the brunette, revealing more of her curves and backside. Even her tight-fitted tank top that displayed her womanly busty’s made the man’s cock twitch as they bounced merrily.
When she entered the motel room, the man waited a couple more minutes, taking one good draw of his cigarette puffing out a cloud of smoke before exiting the vehicle. Throwing the cig on the ground, he swaggers across the street, taking out a spare room key from the pocket of his blazer, and approached quietly to the door to room 6.
Frankie let out a faint moan, feeling a wave of pleasure overtake her as she played frantically with her clit. Her face growing red hot, firmly cupping one of her breasts, whimpering lowly when she twisted the nipple to feel the burning friction and pressed down on a particular spot of her clit that made her see stars.
After she stepped inside the room, the brunette did not waste time quickly disposing of all her clothes and hopped daintily on top of the bed, not even bothering to turn on the light. She wanted to start slowly, gradually roaming her hands around her body and steadily rubbing her slit on the outer layer of her boxers, but the brunette was impatient. Hungry for the pleasure that would push her over the edge. Intimacy she hadn’t felt for a long time.
Now, sprawled out on the bed, Frankie writhed in frustration, her free hand clenching the pillow below her head as she concentrated on the small squelching sounds of her pussy from teasing her bud. Eyes shut tight, biting back her cries of bliss. She could feel it rising, the knot in her stomach tightening, aching to be released. Yet Frankie refused to, not wanting to climax so soon. Not without him.
She wondered where he was. Wishing -fuck- begging for him to show up and claim her, ruin her, make her a mess. Turning her head toward the nightstand, she saw the red numbers illuminate from the digital clock reading 8:22 pm. Maybe he was running late. The river always kept him busy and distracted, slowly drifting him away from her, leaving her to sink further into the watery depths of the current to drown. Maybe she was set up, that this was another one of the pin-up’s sick jokes to get back at her. Frankie’s chest ached tightly at the many dejecting thoughts consuming her, stopping and removing her hand out of her boxers. He’s not showing up, Frankie thought, tears beginning to cloud her vision.
Suddenly, a pair of hands swiftly grabbed her by the leg and thigh, pulling the brunette down at the edge of the bed. Frankie released a startled squeal, opening her eyes widely to see the dark outline of a man hovering above, two dimly lit orbs longingly staring at her. She gazed back up at the man with a slack-jaw, blushing. Wondering how long had he been here, watching her touch herself soundlessly. Her breath hitched, jolting when she felt the cold but comforting touch of the man, delicately tracing her slender frame. Sending her body trembling every time the tip of his fingers draw near a sensitive bit. He moves down to her breasts, burying his face between them, giving small pecks and soft bites of reassurance that left the brunette flush, turning her head to the side biting her fist to hold back the moans. Noticing this, the man then latched his mouth onto one of her nipples. Frankie hissed and jerked at the pleasurable shock as he sank his teeth into her, granting a loud moan to escape from her lips. She could sense the man looking up, smirking smugly. He repeated his action one more time, greedily wanting to hear her whines and soundless beggings.
Hooking a finger on the waistband of her boyshorts, he steadily tugged the fabric down, opening her legs to fully exposing her wetness. The brunette’s breathed heavily as the man left a trail of tender kisses, going down between her legs. Before he could press his lips against her heat, his hand brushed her thigh accidentally, making the girl flinch and back away out of instinct. He looked up at her with a furrowed brow, questioning what he did to make her panic and flee so slightly. Then it hit him. His eyes darted back at her leg and at the wooden prosthesis still strapped onto her mid-thigh, realizing the mistake he made. He looked back up to her, kissing her other leg apologetically, signaling that he wasn’t going to do anything she was thinking of again. Frankie mumbled an ok before moving hesitantly closer, carefully leaning back and opening her legs once more.
Immediately, he sinks his face into her cunt, dragging his tongue up and down her slit to savor her juice. Frankie whined and stirred, arching her back at the feeling of him vigorously eating her out. As his mouth focused on engorging her clit, he worked two fingers into her hole, perfectly sliding inside her.
The brunette choked out a moan at the intrusion, grabbing ahold of the bedsheets as he slowly dragged his fingers out and quickly shoved them back in, setting a rough pace that hit her g-spot with every thrust. Her hips began to move to meet his fingers and tongue as he proceeded to fuck her, picking up his pace and going knuckles deep. She felt pressure build in the pit of her stomach, increasing by the second. With a brisk roll of his tongue over her clit, Frankie arched her back and spasmed into a powerful orgasm.
“Oh, f-fuck!” Frankie’s eyes rolled back as her body shook violently, huffing out of breath at the sensation.
When the brunette came down from her high, she thought that was the end of it. Only for the man to grab both her hips and pulled Frankie closer to his face, continuing to burrow his tongue into her, repeatedly hitting her sweet spot. Frankie tensed up at the feeling of being stimulated again, bracing for another climax that was closing in. She reached down to try and pull his head away from her. To no avail, the man moving it away by extending his hand out to hers, fingers intertwined. No matter how many times she squirmed away from the man’s face, he would always go forward and proceed to work on her cunt, digging his nails into her skin. Then the brunette made an attempt to roll over to detach his lips from her folds, but it only flipped him over to his back, pulling her to sit on his face.
“S-stop. I-It’s too -fuck- It’s too much,” The brunette arose, gripping at the man’s hands as support, as well as to pry them open, “Fu-Fuck, I’m gonna- AH!” She cried out, snapping her head back as another orgasm came crashing shockwaves of ecstasy into her. The man emitted a mm, parting his lips away from her snatch to breathe. Frankie took it as an opportunity to free herself from him, wearily getting off and slumping next to the man on her back, also catching her breath.
Not even a minute had passed when she heard the metal clang of a belt and looked down to see the silhouette of the man seated upwards. He began to remove his pants, tugging them down to his knees, and turned to face the brunette.
“Just give me a minute.” She responded with a raspy voice, lifting herself gradually. Frankie perched at the side of the bed, unclasping the leather strap of her prosthesis. Removing her leg, she leaned it against the wall and crawled back to the middle, spreading out to present herself to the man. With a slight close-lipped smile, she purred, “Ready when you are, cariño.”
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imagine-loki · 3 years
What About Trust, Chapter 6
TITLE: What About Trust CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 6 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki owns a bookshop on Midgard. He had to do something there to try and avoid getting any attention. But he’s not fond of having customers, is rather grumpy and guarded. But then he meets a bright, bubbly and trusting young woman who doesn’t recognise him. To his dismay, he finds himself becoming rather fond of the mortal.  RATING: M
Cleo made her way down the street to Loki’s shop, she was just about there when she saw a young couple running out of the store as fast as they could, almost tripping on their way out.
‘AND DON’T BOTHER COMING BACK!’ Loki roared at them as he stepped outside to make sure they left.
‘Well, that’s one way to get recurring customers.’ Cleo commented, raising an eyebrow at him.
Loki’s face instantly softened. ‘They were spilling coke on my books! They almost spilled all over the very first edition of The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter! Do you know how much that is worth?’
Cleo’s eyes widened. ‘You have the original, like, the very first one ever? The Tale of Peter Rabbit?’
‘I do… And it was almost ruined by those imbeciles.’ He growled.
‘Can I see it?’
Loki huffed and folded his arms over his chest. ‘You’re not listening. It was almost ruined! Value, gone. Poof.’
‘Well we better check it over to make sure they definitely didn’t ruin it.’ Cleo said as she went past him into his shop.
He followed her in and she had already spotted said book on the table by the fire place. She sat down on his chair and pulled it in closer to the table, then carefully opened the book to the first page.
Loki knew he could trust her with his books. She was the only one he knew for certain wouldn’t wreck his prized possessions.
‘Oh wow, this is incredible. I can’t believe it’s the first one. Seriously, how do you get hold of these?’ She asked in awe as Loki wandered over and perched on the arm of the chair.
‘I have my ways… My adopted parents were rather, well off. I grew up surrounded by many of these books they’d managed to acquire over the many years.’ Loki said.
‘I wish my parents had been as into books or music. I mean, they did read and listen to music, but not to the extent that I do. I was always told off for living with my head in the clouds. My nose always stuck in a book or my headphones in to listen to music.’ Cleo admitted.
‘If it’s any consolation, my brother and father was the same. My brother especially was always mocking me for being a book worm. But there’s nothing wrong with it, nothing at all.’ Loki said softly, making her smile.
She looked back at the book and read through it, careful with every single page. When she finished, she closed it and gently put it back on the table. ‘Well, it looks fine to me. So I think it got away unscathed from the coke spilling.’ She smiled up at Loki.
‘Thank you for so graciously checking.’ He chuckled and grabbed the book to return it to its rightful place.
‘You’re welcome.’ She grinned and hopped up to her feet. ‘So, I was thinking.’
‘Uh oh, dangerous.’ Loki teased, smirking as he walked back over to her.
She narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Ha. Ha… I was thinking, if you’re not doing anything tomorrow night, perhaps you’d like to come along to a gig? My friend is in a band and they’re playing at Grand Central Pub.’
‘Hmm.’ Loki folded his arms over his chest. ‘I think I’m washing my hair tomorrow night.’
Cleo glared up at him and put her arms across her chest, too. ‘Don’t be such an ass. You might even enjoy yourself, where’s the harm in that?’
‘Being in a room full of sweaty strangers dancing and gyrating against one another is not my idea of a fun night.’ Loki drawled and wandered over to the nearest book shelf to tidy up a little, even though to Cleo it already looked tidy.
‘What is your idea of a fun night?’ Cleo queried and leaned against the book shelf next to him, getting in his way.
He scowled down at her. ‘A quiet night in with a good book and chocolate is all that I need.’
‘Well, it starts at seven, if you do change your mind. And it’s not a nightclub, it’s a pub. Table seats and a chilled atmosphere.’ Cleo shrugged and started backing away from him. ‘They’re a good band, you might just surprise yourself and enjoy it.’
‘I doubt that.’ Loki mumbled and concentrated on front of him.
Cleo rolled her eyes and shook her head. ‘Alright, your loss.’ She called to him as she headed out.
‘I look forward to hearing all about it the next time you come in to bug me and steal my chair.’ Loki said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, just before she headed out the door.
Loki sighed as he looked up at the pub on front of him. He couldn’t believe he had talked himself into going along.
It wasn’t like he had anything better to do anyway, but still.
If it had been anyone else but Cleo inviting him, he would’ve definitely refused. But the thought of spending more time with her was far too appealing, he couldn’t help himself. And she clearly wanted to spend more time with him, too. Since she had invited him, after all.
When he walked into the bar, he was indeed pleasantly surprised to find it was a relaxed atmosphere. It was busy, but not too busy. There was still room to move around without being pressed against other people.
‘Hey, Luke!’ Came a familiar voice.
He turned to the side and smiled when he saw Cleo at a small table at the back. She motioned him over and grinned when he approached, holding out a bottle of beer towards him.
Raising an eyebrow, he took the drink from her and sat down with her. ‘How did you know I would turn up?’
Cleo shrugged and took a swig of her own beer. ‘I wouldn’t say I knew you would, but I hoped you would. I figured if you weren’t here by ten past, then you wouldn’t turn up and I’d just go join my friends.’
‘I might’ve been fashionably late.’ He shrugged.
‘Nah, you certainly don’t seem to be the type to ever be late to something.’
Loki tilted his head slightly. ‘Why are you not joining your friends? Or having them join us? Where are they?’
‘They’re over there, near the bar.’ She pointed to a table of five people, two guys and three girls. ‘Our friend is the drummer of the band. I also guessed that if you did come along, you wouldn’t want to be subjected to conversing with my friends.’
Loki frowned. ‘We can join them if you want.’
‘Do you want to? Or do you want to stay here at this table?’ Cleo asked, smirking as she knew exactly what his answer would be.
‘It is cosier here…’ He said sheepishly.
Cleo laughed. ‘Don’t worry, I said I’d catch them for a quick catch up after the gig.’
Loki smiled and clinked his bottle with hers. He felt warmed that she had thought about what he would prefer, what he would be comfortable with. No one had really gone out of their way for him before or made a sacrifice to make him happier, no matter how little it was it meant a lot to him.
He ended up really enjoying the gig when it started, even bobbing his head a little in tune with the music. Cleo was moving around in her chair dancing and cheering plenty between songs.
Though Loki found himself looking at Cleo more often than at the band on stage. The way her eyes were sparkling in the light, she was such a cheerful and happy soul. It made Loki feel fuzzy inside whenever he looked at her and was with her.
He knew he was in deep trouble now.
After the gig was over, Cleo went to see her friends and Loki decided to go with her to meet them. He thought after all she did for him, he should at least make an effort and be polite.
Cleo was pleasantly surprised when Loki wasn’t like a bear with a sore head towards them. He greeted them all and commented to her friend in the band about how good the gig was.
‘Are you coming along to the party?’ One of her friends asked.
‘I have to work tomorrow, so should probably head home.’ Cleo said sadly.
‘If you give me five minutes, I’ll walk you home.’ One of her other friends offered, one of the guys. They were always wary about their female friends walking home alone in the dark. Even though it was well lit.
‘I’m heading home too, so I’ll make sure Cleo gets home safely.’ Loki jumped in.
‘Are you sure?’ Cleo asked.
‘Of course.’ Loki nodded with a smile.
After saying bye to her friends, Loki and Cleo headed out into the cool night together.
‘Don’t even say it.’ Loki drawled.
‘What? I didn’t say anything!’ Cleo said, but he had known from the way she skipped along the pavement that she had been about to say something.
‘I know you were about to.’ Loki narrowed his eyes at her.
She grinned and began walking backwards just ahead of him. ‘What, that I told you so?’
‘Yes. That.’ Loki rolled his eyes, making Cleo laugh.
‘Well, in my defence I did tell you so… But I am really glad that you enjoyed it.’ Cleo settled back walking next to him.
It wasn’t too far to Cleo’s place. She lived in a nice block of flats not too far from the city centre. But down a nice quiet residential street so it wasn’t too crazy.
Loki walked her up to the front door of the building.
‘Thank you for inviting me along tonight. It was a pleasant enough evening.’ Loki grinned.
‘I’m glad you decided it was more exciting than washing your hair.’ Cleo quipped, grinning back at him.
Loki chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. ‘Yeah, it turned out to be a little better than doing that.’
‘Because of course the company was exceptional.’ Cleo teased, mocking a bow.
‘It was indeed.’ Loki purred.
The both of them paused a moment, looking into one another’s eyes. Loki’s heart started pounding against his chest and so did Cleo’s. They both began to lean in closer, slowly moving towards one another. Loki glanced down at her lips, almost there…
Suddenly the front door swung open and a tenant from the building came bustling out, moving right through between Loki and Cleo. ‘Sorry, excuse me!’
Loki cleared his throat and Cleo stepped back a bit, feeling a little shy suddenly.
‘Uhm, well, thanks for walking me home, Luke. I really appreciate it.’ She smiled sweetly at him, her cheeks red.
Loki opened his mouth slightly for a moment, about to admit his real name. But he found he just couldn’t do it. Then she would know who he truly was, and all the bad things he’d done… He didn’t want to risk her hating him.
‘The pleasure was all mine, darling.’ He ended up saying charmingly.
He waited until Cleo was safely inside the building and out of sight, heading upstairs, before he headed for home… Muttering curses at himself under his breath the entire way.
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sunlit-squid · 3 years
I don't care about everyone else! i care about you, SQUIDWARD! (simping softness asks)
For those who don’t know, my ask box is open. Send me a simping softness prompt, and I’ll write a short sbsp ficlet for you. ✰
so, uh -- i might have gotten a bit carried away with this prompt. it’s definitely longer than a ficlet, but oh well. either way, it was a lot of fun to write! selfish spongebob is so rarely explored.
fic under the cut. also, just in case, cw: drinking, drunkenness, etc.
Spongebob rose bright and early, long before his foghorn alarm went off at 7:00 a.m. With a cheerful shout, the poriferan jumped out of bed, earning a disgruntled “mrow” from Gary, who was still asleep nearby. Stretching vigorously, the sponge leaned down, planting a soft kiss atop the snail’s shell.
“Gary,” he whispered, practically vibrating with excitement. “Today’s the day!”
Turning away, Gary simply replied “mrow”, in a disdainful way that most certainly meant “whatever.”
Undeterred, Spongebob ran to his calendar. Sure enough, the day’s date -- July 14th -- was circled in bright-red, permanent marker, with the words “My birthday!” written neatly across it. And just below those words, was a tiny drawing of Squidward’s face, with dozens of little red hearts surrounding it.
Making his way over to the window, Spongebob gazed out at Squidward’s moai in the distance. He sighed, dreamily. What was Squidward doing right now? Probably sleeping, in that adorable dress of his.
The sponge lingered there, staring dazedly out at the moai, for perhaps a moment too long. Then, remembering himself, he sprinted to the bathroom. Once inside, Spongebob pointed a finger at his own reflection in the mirror.
“Enough beating around the bush, Mr. Squarepants!” he yelled -- much to Gary’s annoyance. The sponge lowered his voice down to a soft whisper. “Today, you tell him how you feel.”
His reflection simply shrugged. “I mean, okay,” it said. “But this is like, the 57th time you’ve said this.”
“Oh, shush.”
The party was supposed to start at 6:30, but Spongebob, in a manic cleaning fit, had the entire house ready by noon. This year, the party was themed around As The Tide Turns, a very polarizing-but-popular soap opera, especially in Bikini Bottom. If you were a Bikini Bottomite, you either watched the show genuinely, or ironically -- there was absolutely no in-between.
Spongebob and Squidward both genuinely enjoyed the show. It was one of the first things they bonded over, back when Spongebob started working at the Krusty Krab. Through the window to the galley, the two coworkers would talk for hours about the show, and whatever drama was center-stage for that season.
It got to a point where Mr. Krabs -- who only watched ATTT ironically -- got on them both, for shirking their duties.
“If yer gonna flirt,” he’d said, “do it on yer own time.”
So, Spongebob started coming over to Squidward’s house on Friday nights, when the new episodes would air. In fact, even when the show was between seasons, Spongebob still came over, just to watch reruns. It was one of the few times Squidward would (begrudgingly) let Spongebob inside, with no complaints.
Spongebob hummed softly to himself, his eyes scanning the small clipboard in front of him. Food, decorations, party games … Check, check, and check. Everything was present and accounted for -- and he had to admit, the house looked spectacular.
Every room was themed around a different, iconic arc in the ATTT series. His living room, filled with chalk drawings, crime scene tape, and red-string boards, was inspired by the murder mystery arc. His kitchen, decorated with leftover Halloween gear, was inspired by the vampire arc … and so on and so forth. Each and every room had its own particular, careful design -- and in all, it was probably Spongebob’s most intricate and detailed party to date.
That was because it had to be. Spongebob had a plan, a carefully detailed plan -- one that was sure to sweep Squidward Tentacles right off his … er, tentacles. And it went like this:
Squidward and Spongebob’s favorite arc, in all 42 seasons of As The Tide Turns, was the murder mystery. In the arc, the dashing Detective Heartthrob, accompanied by his sidekick-slash-lover Joey, must bring a heinous mass murderer to justice. At the climax, it is revealed that Detective Heartthrob is the true killer -- having been hypnotized by a witch, who was also his evil twin sister, for some reason. In the end, Joey must kill Detective Heartthrob, in a tragic display of love and sacrifice.
The season was thrilling, silly, and emotionally traumatizing, to boot. For months after the finale, Squidward and Spongebob would not shut up about it -- much to the annoyance of Mr. Krabs.
Either way, Spongebob had set up an elaborate, original mystery game, inspired by the events of the show. Each attendee would get a “random” card, assigning them a different role in the story. Squidward would be Detective Heartthrob, and Spongebob would be Joey.
Together, they would embark on an original mystery, one that Spongebob had devised all by himself. After he and Squidward solved the mystery together, and the party was over … Spongebob would finally, finally confess his feelings.
Of course, Spongebob had, more or less, rigged the game to ensure this would happen. Which was cheating, sure, but this was for love! So it couldn't possibly go wrong.
It went wrong. Almost immediately, in fact.
For one, the party started at 6:30 -- and, nearly two hours later, Squidward had yet to show up. Spongebob spent those first two hours lingering by the door, staring out the window towards the moai, and forgetting to refill the punch bowl. Sandy, ever the observant one, noticed immediately.
Pulling Spongebob aside, she asked, in a hushed voice, “Hey, partner. You good?”
“Oh, I’m -- I’m great!” chirped Spongebob, putting on his worst, most unconvincing smile. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Uh-huh,” said Sandy, flatly. “This about Squidward?”
Spongebob blushed, immediately. The squirrel sighed.
“I thought so,” she mumbled, folding her arms across her chest. “Did he say he was gonna come?”
The sponge nodded. “He said, ‘I’ll see if I can make it work’, which in Squidward-speak, is practically a yes!” groaned Spongebob, staring up at Sandy with his huge baby blue eyes. “He’ll come, right, Sandy?”
Sandy hesitated. She didn’t really know Squidward that well … but he did seem to have a soft spot for Spongebob. Awkwardly, she replied, “I mean … I can’t say for sure, but he did say he would try. Let’s be patient, okay, Spongebob? Maybe he just got caught up with something.”
Spongebob sighed, then repositioned his face into its usual chipper smile. “Alrighty. You do usually know what’s best, Sandy.”
“I sure do,” she giggled. “Oh, and Spongebob?”
“Don’t cut his cable this time,” she said, before walking off to get more punch.
By 9:30, the party started to go a bit haywire. At this point, practically all of Bikini Bottom was at Spongebob’s house, except for Squidward -- and Larry thought it would be a great idea to play Truth Or Dare: Extreme Edition. The rules were pretty much the same as Truth Or Dare: Standard Edition, but with one exception: each subsequent truth or dare had to be more extreme than the last.
It started off alright. A few people were dared to take off their pants, or do a somersault down Conch Street while blindfolded. However, as the game progressed, the stakes grew astronomically. At one point, Patrick was dared to eat half of Spongebob’s pineapple. Later, Sandy was dared to juggle three of Plankton’s bombs, while riding a unicycle. Even later, Larry and Mr. Krabs were dared to switch shells and wrestle -- which wasn’t really destructive. Just disturbing.
The dares were stupid, but if there was one thing Bikini Bottomites had, it was a complete lack of common sense. Or any sense, really.
It certainly didn’t help that as the night progressed, the partygoers grew more and more … inebriated. The punch itself was non-alcoholic, but apparently, Karen and Plankton had taken it upon themselves to bring their own alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.
By 10:30, Squidward still hadn’t shown up yet. Several people had either passed out or thrown up. And the pineapple was a complete disaster.
Spongebob sighed. He was seated on his living room sofa now, watching as the partygoers reveled inside (and outside) his home. Of course, the sponge was happy they were enjoying themselves -- but this day was supposed to be about him, and … well, nothing had gone as planned. His entire house was destroyed, it would take days to clean up the mess -- and Squidward hadn’t even bothered to show up! The nerve.
“Hey Patrick,” muttered Spongebob, waving a tired yellow hand at his drunken best friend.
Immediately, the starfish stumbled over to him, drink in hand. “Wha… haha … whasss’ up, Spunchblarb?” he slurred.
Spongebob pointed to the drink in Patrick’s hand. “Could I have that?”
Patrick grinned widely. “Yeeeeeahh! Now -- now, yer talkin’, buddy!” And with that, the starfish handed Spongebob his first drink of the night.
About three drinks in, Spongebob Squarepants was well and truly intoxicated. Which was nice, in a way. Now, the world was a weird, misty haze, and he didn’t have to worry about his pineapple being destroyed, or his party being ruined, or Squidward, or whatever. Now, he could just be peacefully drunk and stupid, just like everybody else in his house. Blissfully unaware of the world around them.
As the night went on, Spongebob began losing track of time. What time was it? Midnight? 3:00 a.m.? Did it even matter?
Over the course of one very stupid evening, Spongebob made more than a few bad decisions. For one, he bought like, ten mops online. Which was both counterproductive (he was a sponge) and financially irresponsible (he was also a frycook). Later, the sponge swam to the surface of the ocean to see how long he could breathe without water. He fainted within the first ten seconds, and had to be retrieved by Larry. After that, the night became a dizzying blur. Spongebob was certain he had been driving, at one point, and also dancing, and maybe singing?
Either way, several hours later, Spongebob was still dancing in his living room, a lampshade stuck on his head, when he felt something on his shoulder. Turning woozily, the sponge tried to get into “kara-tay” position, and ultimately failed.
“Who -- what -- stay back! I’m warning you!” shouted the sponge. “I know … er, kar .. karat … carrots?”
There was a familiar sigh, then a soft chuckle. “Oh, you moron,” came a voice, a voice that Spongebob loved so dearly, even in this drunken state. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“Squ … squib … ?”
“Yeah,” said Squidward, wrenching the lampshade off of Spongebob’s head. “It’s me. Sorry I’m late.”
Spongebob looked up at Squidward -- and in his inebriated, hazy stupor, he couldn’t take it. He loved him so much, and for so long. It hurt. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. “Squi -- Squidward, you -- you came,” the sponge stammered, his bottom lip quivering. “I -- I didn’t think …”
“Hush,” said Squidward, looking around the room. “This is, uh … wow, you really had a rager, huh? I didn’t think you had it in you, Spongebob.”
Stepping away, Squidward began picking up random items off the floor -- the punch bowl, some photographs, and a spilled carton of milk. The octopus had to step over and around several bodies, which were lying passed out on Spongebob’s floor.
“Listen, I’m gonna try and find a way to get everyone home,” said Squidward, sifting his way through the pile of garbage and bodies. “Everyone else is knocked out -- ”
Spongebob had had it. He’d had enough. He’d planned out this whole day perfectly, just for Squidward to not show up, for his whole house to be demolished in the chaos. Sure, he was glad everyone had a good time, but deep down, Spongebob was a little selfish, and deep down --
“I don’t care about everyone else!” shouted Spongebob, clenching his fists at his sides. “I care about you, Squidward!”
Squidward, startled, nearly dropped everything he was holding -- and before he could properly respond, Spongebob fell over, unconscious.
For once, Spongebob didn’t wake up to the sound of his foghorn. Instead, he woke up to the sound of the television nearby. Very soft dialogue wafted its way over to the sponge, bathing him in its pleasant familiarity.
“Why, Joey, I think you’re right -- the killer is closer than we seem to think!”
“Then we best get cracking, Detective Heartthrob!”
Groaning, Spongebob sat up -- a dull, throbbing pain coursing through his skull. Dear Neptune. What happened last night? There was the party, the drinking, and … Squidward, maybe? Spongebob felt his heart drop at the thought of his neighbor, and sighed. He hadn’t gotten to tell Squidward how he felt. Attempt 57 had failed. Miserably.
Blinking slowly, the sponge looked around, and with surprise noted that his bedroom was not a mess, like it had been during the party. In fact, it was squeaky clean. The only thing out of place was the living room television, which had been moved to the end of Spongebob’s bed. The TV was playing an old rerun of As The Tide Turns, from the murder mystery arc. A smile tugged at Spongebob’s lips. How ironic.
Wait a minute. Who moved the TV?
Just then, there were footsteps on the stairs -- the tell-tale pat-pat-pat-pat of someone with four legs. Squidward. He was still here! Steeling himself, Spongebob sat at attention, gripping the blankets tightly.
When Squidward entered, he was holding a tray of food and wearing a long pink apron. When he saw that Spongebob was now conscious, the octopus jumped, nearly dropped the food, then steadied himself just in time.
“Squidward!” said Spongebob, cheerily. “You’re here!”
“Of course I’m here, you nitwit,” muttered Squidward. “Who else was gonna clean up that messy party of yours?”
Squidward crossed the room to place the food tray on Spongebob’s nightstand. Once there, the octopus shoved a glass of water and two pills into the poriferan’s hands, with one simple command: “Drink.”
Spongebob did so, gratefully. Then, he asked, “The party … what all happened?”
“I don’t know, but it was a mess,” sighed Squidward. “I’m pretty sure half the town was completely passed out by the time I got here. I’m surprised the cops didn’t get involved.”
“Oh,” said Spongebob, feeling very guilty all of a sudden. “Did -- did everyone get home okay?”
“Yeah,” said Squidward. “Listen, don’t -- don’t worry about it, okay? I took care of everything. Your house is clean, Gary is fed, everyone got home. That’s all.” Squidward’s cheeks were stained red.
Spongebob smiled, his heart jumping happily in his chest. “Thank you, Squidward.”
After a moment of silence, Squidward brought the food tray up to Spongebob’s lap. “You should … you should eat that,” he muttered, then took a deep breath. “Look, I … I’m sorry I was so late, alright? The truth is, I … I got caught up.”
With a mouthful of food, Spongebob asked, “Wif whaf?”
Squidward grimaced. “You’re disgusting,” he snapped, then looked away, blushing brightly. “Anyway, I … was trying to get ahold of your birthday present. It was supposed to be delivered here, to Conch Street, yesterday -- but I guess there was a mix-up, and it was instead delivered to Conch Road, which is … in an entirely different town. Several hours away.”
Spongebob blinked. “You drove all the way to get it?”
Squidward scowled. “Whatever,” he snapped, pulling a small red present box from beneath Spongebob’s bed. “Either way, it’s here. So, I guess … open it, maybe.”
Shoveling down the rest of his food (much to Squidward’s disgust), the sponge quickly shredded the pristine red wrapping paper to reveal -- a boxed set of the entire As The Tide Turns series. The extended edition, with all the bonus scenes and commentary tracks. And to top it all off -- the box was signed by the stars of the show.
Spongebob looked up at Squidward, eyes shimmering with shock and awe. “Squidward, this is -- this is amazing, I thought they didn’t sell these anymore!”
“Oh, trust me,” said Squidward, shuddering. “You have no idea what I had to do to get my hands on that.”
“Let me guess,” said Spongebob, holding up two yellow hands to form finger-guns. In his best Joey impression, the sponge said, “You had to kill a lotta folks, didn’t ya, Detective Heartthrob?”
Squidward chuckled immediately. In one suave motion, he leaned against Spongebob’s bed, and pointed a finger-gun of his own. In his best Detective Heartthrob impression, the octopus replied, “I did, and I don’t regret it at all, Joey!”
The two laughed for a good long while. Then, suddenly embarrassed once more, Squidward looked away. Taking a deep breath, the octopus said, “Look, Sponge, I -- last night, you said something kinda weird, and I wanted to know if -- if maybe --”
“You said -- you only cared about me, not anyone else, and I -- I wanted to ask,” stammered Squidward, “... what exactly … you meant by that.”
Spongebob’s eyes widened. Oh, barnacles. Did he really say that? Well … there was no hiding it now. Gripping his sheets tight, Spongebob steeled himself for what was to come. “It means I … I wanna keep hanging out with you, Squidward,” said the sponge, staring down at his yellow knuckles. “I wanna hang out with you more than anyone else.”
Squidward swallowed, hard. “Sponge, what are you saying?”
Spongebob looked up. Their eyes met. “I like you,” said the sponge, smiling nervously. “A … a lot.”
A long moment of silence passed. Spongebob’s heart hammered furiously at his chest. Then, Squidward sighed, and picked up the ATTT boxed set. Walking over to Spongebob’s TV, the octopus inserted the first disc, grabbed the remote, and returned to Spongebob’s side.
Lifting the blankets, the octopus said, “Scooch over.”
Spongebob blinked, then did as instructed. “Why?” he asked.
“You really are an idiot,” muttered Squidward, climbing into bed with him. “It’s a Sunday, the Krusty Krab is closed, and we have a whole boxed set to watch together. Might as well start now.”
Spongebob smiled, happily. “So -- so you -- ”
Squidward rolled his eyes. “If you must know, yes, I … I like you,” he snapped. “I’m not gonna drive halfway across the ocean floor for just anybody, you know.”
Spongebob grinned stupidly. “I guess not.”
With that, the show began, its melodramatic theme tune echoing pleasantly across Spongebob’s pineapple home. And just below the bed, Gary let out a soft, contended meow -- which almost certainly meant “finally.”
The line about cutting Squidward’s cable is a reference to the episode “Party Pooper Pants”, in which Spongebob cuts Squidward’s cable to get him to come over for a party.
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smarchit · 4 years
Look Around, Look Around pt 6
Summary: You escaped an abusive marriage, pregnant with your husband’s child. He sends a bounty hunter after you to bring you back. Everything changes. Din Djarin/pregnant!reader, no use of y/n
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: Pregnancy/related topics, implied/referenced rape, mentions of abuse, blood, labor
Notes: Blown away by Tumblr’s response to this tbh. I’m absolutely overwhelmed by all the kind comments <3
He was supposed to take you back to Sorgan after that job. Supposed to take you back and let you spend the last few weeks of your pregnancy in comfort, let you give birth there in safety.
You managed to convince him to take you to a few more planets under the guise of wanting to see if there were any cities with salt baths that would help your swollen feet and legs. He knew you were lying through your teeth, but he never said anything one way or the other.
Now at a little over eight months pregnant and with your own gravitational pull, you walked through a vibrant market place of a large, exotic city during the height of their local fertility festival. You had been given baskets laden with blankets, food, and natural home remedies for easing the pain of birth.
People threw colorful powders and fragrant flowers in the streets at one another and it was extremely difficult not to get caught in their crossfire. You were certain that you were covered in vibrant color - you may have even been the target on more than one occasion because of your pregnancy. Not that you minded. You were having too much fun.
The little one was captivated by brightly colored dancers that spit fire in brilliant arcs across the path. The bells on their ankles caught his attention more and whenever one would cartwheel in front of his pod, he would make a grab for them, despite the gentle scolds from Mando.
You currently were sitting at a round patio table at an outdoor café. Lively music from a nearby band was muffled slightly by the crowd enough that you could speak without losing your voice.
"This is amazing!" you said to Mando, who looked incredibly out of place amidst bright colors and bare skin of the locals. He shifted in his seat and you knew he was scanning the crowd for potential threats. It wasn't personal, and it wasn't anything against the planet or its inhabitants, but more just who Mando was as a person.
Good gods, did the man ever relax?
Mando had ordered a cup of soup for the child, and expressed his displeasure for you turning down food.
"You need to eat something," he said firmly, straightening his back.
"I'm not hungry," you sighed. "The moon is currently displacing my vital organs."
"Your moon is exactly why you have to try to eat something," he said with a sigh. He shook his head and looked back over at the child, who was glancing between the two of you. When Mando looked at him, he smiled and babbled.
"She's moving around a lot in there today," you groaned, rubbing one side of your belly. "Take it easy, little moon. We're not going anywhere."
"Must be getting cramped in there," Mando hummed without looking back at you. He did another once over of the crowd and then sighed.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
He shrugged. "Just too crowded."
"Not a people-person, Mando?" you hummed. 
"You wouldn't be either if you were me."
You supposed that was true. Even a few months ago you wouldn't have come to a place like this where bodies touched and jostled on either side of you. You got comfortable, but you imagined if you were in his boots, you would hate places like this. Too much chaos. Too many things that could go wrong.
"We should go," he said after a moment. He grabbed a basket and helped you to your feet before guiding you through a dip in the crowd.
It took a while to reach the hangar where the Crest was located due to the throng of bodies in your way.
Once you arrived back, Mando handed you a towel to wipe powder from your hair and clothes.
"The puck got activated," he said grimly as he locked the hatch.
You were shaking flower petals from your hair and the smile instantly dropped from your face.
Mando turned to you. "I knew it was too easy. He let you go too easily for that to be the end of it."
You walked backwards until you found a seat and lowered yourself into it. Your heart pounded in your ears and you barely registered his words.
Your husband knows exactly where you are.
He knew what you were doing, where you were going, he might even know where you planned on giving birth. Would he attack then? When you were raw and vulnerable, bed soaked in your blood and eyes wild with instinct?
Like a caged animal. Though injured animals will do anything to protect themselves.
"Hey, hey, don't give out on me," Mando said loud enough to draw you from your fear. He grabbed your shoulders and shook you gently so you would look at him. "You're safe with me, okay? I'm not going to let him take you." 
"Why is he-- Why is he doing this?" you whispered as you felt tears start to fall. You could barely speak. The thought of him finding you touching you, putting his hands on you... On your baby. It made you sick. It made you scared. It made you angry.
"Because he's a coward," Mando said softly, guiding your face back to look at him when you glanced away. "He's small; he has to hurt others to feel better. You are safe. You and your moon." He placed a warm hand on your belly. The baby flip flopped in response.
"Please don't let him get me," you begged. "Promise me. Not me. Not my baby."
Mando looked at you and nodded. "I promise." He leaned up on his knees and pressed his forehead to yours. He held the position for a moment before he got to his feet.
"We're leaving this planet right now," he said. He picked up the baby and set him back in his pod and turned to set coordinates.
"Where will we go?" you asked, suddenly feeling like the smallest person in the galaxy. "Where will we go that he can't find us?"
"I have a few places in mind," he said as the ship dragged itself out of the planet's atmosphere. "Safe places."
"Sorgan?" you asked hopefully.
He paused for a minute. "Sorgan isn't safe. If he knows you were there he'll have people there waiting."
You held on tight as he punched in the coordinates for some unknown planet in on the pad. 
What would you do if it came down to capture and return?
You couldn't help but cry. You looked down at your stomach and cupped both hands around it.
"I'm so sorry, little one," you whispered.
A few hours later, Mando dropped the ship out of hyperspace. A planet lay before you, dark and unfriendly looking in the blackness of space. There were a few lights from cities spread out in the far reaches of the large sprawling continent, but beyond that, you could see nothing.
"What is this place?" you asked.
"Arvala-7," he replied. "I had a... Friend who lived here. Worked on a moisture farm. Helped me with the kid."
"He doesn't live here anymore?" you asked, forcing yourself out of your seat with difficulty. You ignored the pain in your belly and back - normal for this late in your pregnancy. False labor couldn't detract from your fears right now.
"He died," Mando said softly.
"I'm sorry."
He didn't reply and started the deceleration to land in a remote section of desert.
"You should be safe here," he said as he lowered the hatch for the two of you to step out.
"Should be?"
He nodded. "Should be."
"How could he find me?" you asked softly as Mando set about shouldering open the long-locked front door.
"Tracking pucks," he grunted, throwing his whole body against the door. He let out a rather undignified cry as he fell inside when the lock finally gave way and the door banged open. When he stood he fished one out of his pocket and held it out in his palm to you. It flashed a rapid red as it neared you. "That's how."
"Why now?" you asked. Rage welled up in your heart at the thought of this vile man getting a hold of you again.
"Probably just wants to scare you," he said as he set about tidying the little house up. "Knows that baby is coming soon. Just wants to stress you out more."
As if on cue, a particularly rough false contraction hit and you vaulted forward to grip the edge of the table. You arched your back, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure.
"Oh, kriff," you gasped, gritting your teeth. You squeezed your eyes shut and took a few deep breaths in and out. "Maker, I don't want to know how bad the real thing is gonna be."
"You won't be alone," Mando said softly as he placed a hand on your back.
"Yeah, well," you gasped, "No offense, but have you ever delivered a baby?"
Mando was quiet. 
"Yeah, didn't think so."
"You'll be fine," he assured. "Sit. I'm gonna go look around, see what we can salvage and use."
You sighed and nodded. "If you need help, let me know. Sometimes walking helps with the pain."
He looked around at the state of the main living room. "Okay. Here, I'm gonna fix the bed. You go and get the blankets from the ship. Take a few trips if they're heavy."
You took the key from him and started back towards the ship, a hand grasping your belly. It's okay, my moon.
As you boarded the ship and headed towards the bedroom, you heard what sounded like voices from the cockpit. Taunting voices drifted down the ladder and through the corridor to you, though you couldn't make out what was being said. As your heart hammered away in your chest, you tiptoed to the ladder to ascend to the cockpit. 
It became obvious to you as soon as you breached the top of the ladder that the voices were on a recording, an old transmission that must've automatically started playing when the ship picked up a bio feedback on board.
"...don't worry, Mando. We just want the little whore you been travelling with. Not that ugly kid," a low voice growled up at you from the holopad. A thin blue image of a burly, bald man was staring up at you and illuminating the otherwise dark cockpit. "Ain't got nothin' to worry about with us. In and out, like always. She got a good price out on her, and with that baby intact, there's a double offer on 'em. So we call it even, got it? Besides, Xi'an misses you."
Your heart was pounding in your throat as you sank into the pilot's chair. Mando was right. People were looking for you.
A chilling thought entered your mind and no matter how much you tried, you couldn't shake it.
Did Mando turn you in?
You broke out in a cold sweat as you glanced around the cockpit for something that could be used as a weapon. If he knew that you saw this message...
Maybe he didn't have to know you saw it. After all, he just sent you in here to get the bedding. He wouldn't know... You hit delete, hoping maybe he wouldn't find out about it.
You quickly descended the ladder and retrieved some of the bedding and carried it down the ramp of the ship.
Mando was tending to the moisture tanks a little way away from the house and you eyed him warily. It was the first time in six months you had not trusted him. 
Why would he wait until now? Were he and his friends waiting to literally snatch the baby from between your legs and drag you by your hair, kicking and screaming to your ex-husband, a bloody trail dragging behind you?
Mando wouldn't do that. You knew he wouldn't. So why now were you so afraid? Was it just the mounting anxiety of new motherhood catching up to you?
You busied yourself as best you could while you waited for him to come back to the house, both by trying to clean up all the dust that gathered and by watching the baby.
He had been uneasy the last few days, especially around you. He would babble softly and reach for you to pick him up, which you had been having trouble doing due to the fact that you could barely bend over. 
One time he cried so hard and so loud that Mando ended up taking him for a walk off the ship until he fell asleep so your breasts would stop leaking and soaking through your shirt.
The lights came on automatically a few hours later and were droning steadily for half an hour by the time Mando came back inside
"So bad news," he said with a tired sigh as he dropped into a chair at the rickety kitchen table. "Moisture tanks are busted to hell. Looks like Jawas scavved the machinery. I tried to salvage what I could but no luck."
"What are we going to do?" you asked softly.
Mando shrugged. "Gonna have to go find somewhere. We're gonna need a lot of it, especially when that baby decides to make an appearance."
"Should I come with y--"
"No. You're gonna stay here," he said firmly. "I'll leave my gun and a knife for you."
"You're going to leave?" you asked, heart racing.
"I'll only be gone a couple of hours," he said, getting to his feet. He unholstered his blaster and took a knife from his sheath. "Safety is off on that. Use it like I taught you if something happens, okay?"
He handed them both to you and picked up the baby. "I'll leave the ship. If anyone comes, you go inside and you lock that door. Nothing on this planet will get inside. I'll be back by morning."
Mando came over to you and cupped his hand around the back of your head and pulled you close to press his forehead against yours. Second time he's done that...
He seemed hesitant to pull away from you. He placed the baby in his pod and looked back at you, his shoulders tense and squared.
"You'll be safe here. I promise," he said as he opened the door. "I'm gonna take the kid with me. You need to take it easy and he'll just be upset the whole time."
You looked at him, eyes wide with fear as you watched him leave.
For a moment, you debated telling him about the message on his ship. But you knew then he wouldn't leave - and you needed water. Washing, cleaning, sanitation, drinking. A lot of water was necessary, especially if you were going to be here for a while.
He shut the door behind him and you waited a few minutes before you got up and shoved a broom through the door handle, effectively locking it from the inside. If you needed to escape out the back door, it would buy you a moment of time.
He knows where I am. He knows I'm with the Mandalorian... He knows that I am alone.
You had to do something to keep your mind busy and off of the thought of being taken back to evil himself. It wasn't easy, and you desperately wished that he left the baby. He was right though. You needed to rest and sleep as much as you possibly could.
You also wished that you brought something to do to distract you from the excruciating pain that was now tearing itself through your lower body. As quickly as you could, you ran to the section of the abandoned homestead that had once been used to repair the moisture tanks, both now stripped bare of essentials. A passing knowledge of some of how some of this stuff works comes in handy every now and then. You had a timer fastened together in no time, set to beep once a minute. It would keep you alert, at least.
As you made your way back to the main part of the house, the pain subsided. You allowed yourself to eat part of the food that Mando had brought in, hoping that would quell the gnawing feeling in your stomach.
The baby turned and shifted as the night went on, even as you bedded down to for the evening. 
Sleep didn't come easy that night for you and as you lay awake in the darkness of Arvala-7. All you could do was hope that you wouldn't be alone when the baby came.
Mando wasn't back the next morning. He wasn't there to help you out of bed, or to call you me'suum. The Crest was still there though, which brought a little comfort to you that he hadn't simply abandoned you on this desert planet to die of thirst.
He didn't come back by lunchtime.
Or dinner.
Or long after the lights came on.
You found a small leather skin under the bed that had about a day's worth of water in it. It was warm and had a bit of a sandy grit to it, but you drank deeply from it all the same.
That night, in the early hours of the morning, your waters broke.
And you were utterly alone.
TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added!):
@miscellaneous-mando @lestrange2703 @someplace-darker @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @poeticparker @blackbird337 @the-last-twin-of-krypton @divineangelix @c1996 @mell-bell @qhbr2013 @bookszazzy @marvelbros-oneshots @cuteboyking @boomtownboy @connor-challoner @fandom-lover-4 @itsmysticalmystery @love-struck-aries
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