#look around fic
smarchit · 10 months
I just saw someone make a Spotify playlist for one of my favorite fics and now I wanna do one for my mando fic 😭🥺
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hinamie · 8 days
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"I'll show you every day that choosing to live was worth it"
some of my favourite scenes from @hijinks-n-lowjinks' fic things i would miss from the other side . this fic tore my heart out fr but like in a good way and i wanted to pay it homage the only way i know how <3
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petricorah · 6 months
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scenes i loved from Real Enough to Get Me Through by @marriedzukka <333 [ids in alt]
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magpie-trinkets · 5 months
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continuing that "maya tries to contact claire" post, i present you the post-Spirit of Justice follow-up
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ghostbsuter · 11 days
Danny had been around Gotham for a while.
The crime was never ending, but since Batman's arrival, it had gotten better.
The unmistakably CLANK! From around the corner had him jump, wary now. The man walks around the wall, eyes on the black car with— with Batman's symbol at the front.
A child sitting on the ground with a car tire next to him, the Bat Symbol a stark contrast to the shadows.
"Shit, kid. You're bold to rob Batman." Danny didn't really realise he was speaking until the kid looks up, spooked.
"What the fuck?" The kid was clearly of Gotham breed, yelps with a glare.
"I'm impressed," Danny doesn't give the kid the chance to talk, not with the way the tiny terror seems to be glaring and holding his wrench.
"You're quick, got eyes for details and know how to work around cars."
The suspicion in the kids eyes didn't lessen, having gotten up to press himself against the wall, eyes never leaving Danny.
"Here," Our local spook threw a card on the hood of the car. It was his business card.
"If you need income with far fewer risks than stealing from Batman, call me."
He didn't really wait to see the kids reaction, just leaving, bot before shooting a look into the sky the kid clearly caught.
As danny left, the kid looked at the entrance of the alleyway, back to the car, and then to the card.
They had talked for too long. Jason had to leave now, lest Batman actually caught him.
With one last look to the tires and the car, he leaves eith a scowl.
Just barely missing the man with the cape.
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time-slink · 8 months
Voidwalker scar pretty please? 👉👈
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[ ask game ]
HI STIFFF this actually kicked my ass super hard i haven’t drawn scar in forever
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theonewhowails · 10 months
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silly stuff i drew while reading Feel No Evil by @payasita , in which the Lamb does not know how to propose, Narinder does not know how to be alive, and neither of them knows what an obligate carnivore is
bonus? lmao
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moonscape · 4 days
isat: explores the concept of found family outside of the expected nuclear family dynamic. goes even further by being explicitly against the idea of a found family always being nuclear, and shows this by having the characters cringe and express discomfort at the idea of being assigned specific roles. wants you to accept its found family being an amorphous blob
isat fans who don't understand themes outside of fandomized incorrect quote blogs: okay but what if odile was the mom friend and the rest of the group are her kids
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marypsue · 2 years
So if you follow me (and aren't just stopping by because you saw one of my funney viralposts), you probably know that I've been writing a bunch of fanfiction for Stranger Things, which is set in rural Indiana in the early- to mid-eighties. I've been working on an AU where (among other things) Robin, a character confirmed queer in canon, gets integrated into a friend group made up of a number of main characters. And I got a comment that has been following me around in the back of my mind for a while. Amidst fairly usual talk about the show and the AU and what happens next, the commenter asked, apparently in genuine confusion, "why wouldn't Robin just come out to the rest of the group yet? They would be okay with it."
I did kind of assume, for a second or two, that this was a classic case of somebody confusing what the character knows with what the author/audience knows. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like it embodies a real generational shift in thinking that I hadn't even managed to fully comprehend until this comment threw it into sharp perspective.
Because, my knee-jerk reaction was to reply to the comment, "She hasn't come out to these people she's only sort-of known for less than a year because it's rural Indiana. In the nineteen-eighties." and let that speak for itself. Because for me and my peers, that would speak for itself. That would be an easy and obvious leap of logic. Because I grew up in a world where you assumed, until proven otherwise, that the general society and everyone around you was homophobic. That it was unsafe to be known to be queer, and to deliberately out yourself required intention and forethought and courage, because you would get negative reactions and you had to be prepared for the fallout. Not from everybody! There were always exceptions! But they were exceptions. And this wasn't something you consciously decided, it wasn't an individual choice, it wasn't an individual response to trauma, it wasn't individual. It was everybody. It was baked in, and you didn't question it because it was so inherently, demonstrably obvious. It was Just The Way The World Is. Everybody can safely be assumed to be homophobic until proven otherwise.
And what this comment really clarified for me, but I've seen in a million tiny clashing assumptions and disconnects and confusions I've run into with The Kids These Days, is that a lot of them have grown up into a world that is...the opposite. There are a lot of queer kids out there who are assuming, by default, that everybody is not homophobic, until proven otherwise. And by and large, the world is not punishing them harshly for making that assumption, the way it once would have.
The whole entire world I knew changed, somehow, very slowly and then all at once. And yes, it does make me feel like a complete space alien just arrived to Earth some days. But also, it makes me feel very hopeful. This is what we wanted for ourselves when we were young and raw and angrily shoving ourselves in everyone's faces to dare them to prove themselves the exception, and this is what I want for The Kids These Days.
(But also please, please, Kids These Days, do try to remember that it has only been this way since extremely recently, and no it is not crazy or pathetic or irrational or whatever to still want to protect yourself and be choosy about who you share important parts of yourself with.)
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steddielations · 2 years
“Wayne, I have to tell you something.”
Eddie’s nervous out of his mind, he brought Steve with him for support, which he really shouldn’t need, he’s just sitting across the living room talking to his Uncle. Steve’s been great though, insisting on helping Eddie through the aftermath of the Upside Down madness, staying by his side even when everything changed. He lays a hand on Eddie’s knee now, encouraging him to do this.
Eddie just can’t say it. He knows Wayne isn’t like his Dad, he’s not going to send Eddie away when he finds out, but it’s just hard. He’s dumped so much baggage on Wayne through the years and now this, Eddie just can’t do it.
“It’s alright, Ed,” Wayne says after the silence stretches on, “You really think I don’t know already?”
Steve and Eddie exchange a look. “You… you know?”
“Yeah, with the way you two have been attached at the hip, hangin' around keepin' secrets, up all hours of the night. 'Course I figured out somethin' was going on, and I'm fine with whatever it is.”
Eddie breathes a deep sigh of relief, “I mean, I know I’ve dumped some shit on you before, but I just can’t believe you’re really okay with this.”
Wayne assures him, “Ain’t no shame here, son, you can tell me—”
At the same time that Eddie finally blurts out, “I’m a vampire.”
Wayne says, “You’re dating Steve.”
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aerknight · 1 year
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@naffeclipse orcas beach themselves to hunt seals orca!eclipse beaches themself to hunt y/n :)
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hinamie · 3 months
hhmmmmm uh im dusting the cobwebs off my brain trying 2 come up w something interestinf uhh.......anything non spoiler-y you can discuss w regards to geto in the atla au perchance?
hi rin !!!!! tysm fr sending i hope u r doing well <3
atla geto lore fr u courtesy of sam:
he's a waterbender from the northern water tribe. he can bloodbend but finds it distasteful
he gave gojo the betrothal necklace/proposed to him when they were 20 (all of the adult characters are aged up in the fic vs jjk canon ages)
all of his decisions are driven by a desire to lighten the burden placed on gojo's shoulders
aaaaand atla geto draws fr u courtesy of Me :3
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jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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paytowinsundays · 21 days
It’s wild to me that I have seen takes about how Tamlin should have stopped his father and brothers from killing Rhysand’s mother and sister as if he isn’t 14-15 (maybe 16) years old at the time. He is a child, especially for a species that lives forever! His older brothers were willing to kill Tamlin just for expressing an interest in being High Lord and we know his father was something nasty. What young teen is going to be able to go against a group of family, especially ones that have tormented him? He’s out numbered and terrified of them.
Tamlin is incredibly powerful, but I remember something in ACOTAR about him keeping his full abilities on the down-low to avoid provoking his brothers and father. He was so scared of his family that he tried to hide his incredible strength from them. How terrifying would it be to watch your friend’s family be killed at the hands of your own father and brothers and think you can’t do anything or they’ll kill you too. Tamlin doesn’t believe in himself, he thinks he’s nothing more than a killer, and so yeah! Of course this traumatized child would be unable to do anything.
(Plus we don’t even know what happened while Rhysand’s mother and sister were killed. Tamlin very well could have been dragged along or forced to watch.)
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leapdayowo · 2 months
Isa is the one with a nightmare, as a treat :)
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Ya know, obviously Siffrin (whose name auto correct keeps changing to suffering, which is pretty fitting lol) went through hell and back with the loops. All the angsty art and fics around that I totally get and love to see, however I like to imagine the toll their whole journey took on everyone…
It’s brought up in the game how the King’s power over Vuagarde had a huge impact on Bonnie with their sister + with Mirabelle having the weight of saving a country on her shoulders, but I can’t recall if anything was brought up with Isa and Odile? (Oh nooOOoOo, how awful I can’t remember! Guess I’ll just have to rewatch a let’s play of the game again! What a shame… /j) So yeah :3 Nightmares for everyone! Though Sif definitely has gotten quite a lot more baggage from their journey (which I do intend to make art of eventually..)
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viarayy01-blog · 2 months
where are the fics/stories of everyone minus siffrin coming to terms with all the stuff they didn’t get to experience from their friend quests.
where’s all the conversations with mira about how she still feels inadequate in her belief becuase shes been told that she’s going to be alone forever, even if that wasn’t the intention?
where’s all the deep dives into isabeau and his self doubt issues that lead him to wonder if he has to Change again to better fit how his family sees him now?
where’s the tension between odile and the group because one side her biological family was never there for her and she doesn’t want to follow in those footsteps and latch onto something that might not last.
where’s the anger filled outbursts with bonnie and the rest of their family because everything is sugar coated towards them and they can’t help anybody if they don’t know what’s going on?
and where’s the moments where everyone has to realize that just because siffrin’s come to terms with all these facts and nuances about them and their lives doesn’t mean they have.
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
i think isolating the bats from their teams and external support systems is like….. functionally bad. like wdym red hood is on dicks speeddial but his actual soulmate donna troy isn’t. why is everyone in gotham. why do these people have no friends
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