#its baby iroh and zuko
Aang: All life is sacred.
Uncle Iroh: It would be wrong for me to go against my father and brother directly. I refuse to challenge them to an Agni Kai.
Zuko: *avoids hitting Ozai with redirected lightning*
Ozai: *puts Iroh in prison instead of executing him*
Avatar Roku: *Spares Fire Lord Sozin's life*
Ursa, on her way to murder her aging father-in-law in his sleep:
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mugentakeda · 6 months
babys first tiktok. naturally its iroh and zuko
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sapphic-agent · 1 month
As a non-Zutara shipper, one of the worst arguments that came from the wave of Renaissance Kataang shippers was the claim that Zuko and Katara were "barely friends." Like, excuse me? Post Southern Raiders they're practically besties.
Katara opened up to him about exactly what happened when her mother was killed, something she's never done with anyone else (Zuko was also the only one who cared enough to ask)
When she sees Zuko betraying Iroh in the play she asks, in concern, if he really said that and he gives her an open, honest answer
Katara is comfortable enough to tease him about "baby Zuko"
He trusted her- over EVERYONE- to help him fight Azula. He trusted her to have his back (over Sokka, who people claim he's so much closer to)
He was ready and willing to die for her
One thing I absolutely cannot stand in any fandom is making shit up to disparage a ship you don't like and mock its shippers. Katara and Zuko worked hard to build a close bond of trust with one another, that doesn't deserve to be pushed aside because you don't like them together
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lazyveran · 3 months
ask about your arranged marriage au you say >:) :evil_hand_rub:
So. to begin with. Why and How is this what happened? is it a postwar diplomatic treaty thing, and Zuko is already too married to Mai to be the one wed? How much Hell did Azula and Katara put whoever suggested it through, and how did it end up happening anyways? What were each of the girls up to prior to the engagement? how do they feel about it? What does the world look like at the time of this AU, both in terms of the big worldwide stuff and the roles and relationships between the Gaang, whatever side characters are around, and their political positions? Be warned: highly likely that I will continue to enquire
you have unleashed the most self indulgent lore dump. thank you so much for asking. my long winded rambles under the cut
the setting of this au has two major changes; aang is never discovered (im so sorry my baby boy) and iroh is a much more active player within the fire nation. essentially, iroh begins consolidating the white lotus almost immediately after azulon's murder. as such, the fire siblings become terribly co-dependant in both ursa and iroh's absence as he's constantly away scheming against ozai. zuko doesnt get burned at 14. he gets burned at 19! and azula kills ozai for it, setting off a domino effect that lands an underprepared iroh on the throne trying to end the 100 years war as per his agreement with the white lotus members (before azula jumped the gun)
the azutara marriage occurs for like 2000 reasons but the main one is that iroh is forced to make several concessions in order to end the war as his ministers are terribly pro-ozai, thanks to ozai's scheming before azula prematurely offed him, and that the northern water tribe refuses to sign and end the war with the FN, unlike the other nations. azula, having been the princess-general ravaging the earth kingdoms in a five-year long campaign, therefore didnt get to show her face in the water tribes, gets chosen as the one to marry into the southern water tribe. as both a savvy diplomatic move to solidify the peace and to work with said wife towards peace with their sister tribe. iroh has no choice but to agree, and azula as a loyal princess with duty to the throne, also has to agree. (she is terribly, extremely unhappy with this due to ursa-parallel related reasons. and its azula.)
katara is chosen both for her position as the daughter of the chief, and for her prowess as a master bender (to match azula's known reputation). katara herself has been working as a sort of renegade freedom fighter away from the south pole, mostly working against the admiral-prince zuko and his three year campaign against the water tribes. sokka and herself work with an elite team, the black tail wolf pack (extremely indulgent name please forgive me) as guerilla fighters against the fire nation essentially. katara is EXTREMELY unhappy about the marriage alliance that her father has signed her off to, but like azula, her duty to her people and to peace overrides her extreme dislike of the situation.
zuko is the admiral-prince, heir to the throne, burned and shamed by the late firelord ozai, and... marrying toph bei fong. NOW PLEASE hear me out on this. stay with me. as part of the peace agreed by iroh, and the fire nation's precarious position now that expansion and pillaging cant fund their economy, an agreement is made with the earth kingdoms to marry into the wealthiest family in the world. its purely an economic marriage, but since the bei fongs are essentially the only homogenous earth territory ''royals'' that aren't strictly attatched to one kingdom but all of them, and have a daughter to spare, well. their relationship is the funniest to me, they're very much a platonic-married-besties situation. zuko himself is conducting a dreadfully obvious affair with mai, and his siege-weapon of a wife does not care in the slighest. in fact she actively encourages it, as being wife to the heir to the fire nation throne gives her freedom away from her family to be herself. there will be rising tensions between the bei fongs and the fire royals, naturally, as well as toph's own character clashing with the 'no fun allowed' fire nation.
azutara's relationship is an EXTREME slow burn, enemies to enemy-wives to friends to lovers. they're both 20 at the time they're married, but both have been child soldiers for years. azula spends a week acting like an arrogant prat and treating her wife like a peasant through politicking power plays before katara just kicks her ass three times over and azula realises theres actually no power imbalance to play off of. she promptly begins acting like mr darcy. katara has to grapple with the very alien culture of the fire nation and stumbles through all the subtlties of both court and royal life, as well as having to deal with her enemy turned wife and the absolute paradox of a woman that azula is. AND negotiating with her hostile sister tribe into trying to broker peace after a generation of war. i think marrying azula is harder than the whole 'world peace' affair really. they're both miserable and angry and cant understand each other but still see each other
sokka will be an intermitten character, as he becomes a diplomat for the southern water tribe as well as a member of the three nations peace council set up in the wake of the war. im trying to add in suki but im unsure on how, perhaps as another representative or something. ursa will have a plotline and azula will NOT be happy about it at all. iroh is frankly wracked with guilt that in order for peace he has to make the last of his family utterly miserable. all their relationships are complicated and messy and everyone's a little awful
i think a really fun aspect of this au is my odd ideas about azula and gender. azula is, in the eyes of the fire nation, both male AND female. female as a princess, a woman who's royal duties involve marriage and so on. but her status as a master fire bender legally classifies her as male. honestly the fire nation cannot afford to disregard azula on gender lines, since she's the most powerful fire bender on the planet at this point. she's a general in the military too, a traditionally male held role, and so azula herself becomes a grey area in terms of legal gender. as such, azula is technically kataras HUSBAND, not wife. and with that comes all the expectations of a husband over a wife in a royal imperial court. very very indulgent of me i fear
i hope this lore dump/word vomit makes some sort of sense. please feel free to ask more abt this au!!!! i have many many worldbuilding hcs for the fire nation and this au <3333
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Eight
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. A little fighting but nothing too detailed.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
A/N: We’re on our way to Ba Sing Se! And if its not too much trouble could you guys just leave your thoughts and tell me what you thought of this chapter and the story overall please? I would really appreciate it.
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To say things were awkward between her and Zuko would be an understatement.
Where there had been some form of civility between the both of them, despite their constant bickering, now it was............silence. Sure there were a few words exchanged, but they were short and curt, and neither of them would look at the other when they spoke.
It was beginning to get on Iroh’s nerves. He would take their constant bickering any day over whatever this was. Once more he wandered what had happened when Orora had gone after his nephew. Zuko had returned first, dripping wet and without the ostrich horse or Orora. Iroh didn’t have time to worry long. She soon returned as well, perfectly dry and with a protective covering over both her and Chairo to keep from getting wet. She had simply offered Iroh a small shake of her head at his offer of a hot meal, pulled out her sleeping bag, and disappeared under her blanket. 
It had been a few days since that day, and his injuries were on the mend. They were healing remarkably fast. All thanks to Orora and her healing abilities. She would have two healing sessions with him everyday. One in the morning and another one at night. After a few days she allowed him to start practicing a few firebending stances to help his muscles heal properly. But she was always ready in case he pulled a muscle or something of the sort.
During their stay in the rundown hut, Orora had taken to practicing her waterbending stances. She would go through them over and over, until every step was seamless like water running over a rock, and every movement of her arm was as fluid as the water she bended. Given that she needed to practice near water, and Iroh wasn’t about to let her out of his sight for fear of Azula returning, all three of them would go down to the nearby river. And while Iroh would dip his feet in the cool water and Zuko would sulk nearby, Orora would step into the water and practice.
Of course before stepping into the water she had to shed the baggy brown pants and tunic she had worn since the day she had begun her journey disguised as a boy.
Which left her in her underclothes, which consisted of a light blue bandeau wrapped around her chest, leaving her shoulders and stomach completely bare. Around her hips was a sarong type skirt under which she had a pair of, what looked to be, short pants that ended mid-thigh.
Since the time she had chopped off her hair, the strands now just touched her cheeks. Where her pale blue eyes had been the most prominent feature against her tanned skin, now white portion at the front of her hair was what stood out more. The months of traveling had led her to loose whatever baby fat had been left, and while she still thought of herself as unshapely, anyone could see that she was filling out quite well when it came to the curve of her hips and the swell of her breasts. Not to mention the constant walking and waterbending practice she did helped kept her in shape. And though she was eating significantly less then she normally did, she didn’t have a starved look about her face.
All in all, she looked rather healthy considering the circumstances.
After a few moments of contemplation where she stared at her reflection in the clear water, Orora inhaled softly before assuming her first stance and starting her practice.
Completely unaware of a pair of golden eyes taking in her every movement  sitting on the river bank almost entranced. 
Iroh had seen his nephew looking, and a smile pulled at his lips at the expression on the young Prince’s face. “What has you so deep in thought Prince Zuko?” He asked, though there was a certain teasing tone in his words, there was also curiosity and sincerity. That words acted as a reminder that he was staring and he quickly looked away, his cheeks a little red at having been caught staring.
Silence followed his words as Iroh chuckled and returned to watching his student execute a particularly difficult waterbending move to perfection. “Bravo Orora! You are doing very well.” Orora pushed her wet hair back from her forehead to give the older man a grin before returning to her practice. Zuko had caught the move out of the corner of his eyes, and though he would never voice it, he knew that under his Uncle’s guidance, despite their different elements, Orora would become a skilled bender.
“Tell me Prince Zuko, now that you have found your soulmate, is there anything you intend to do something about it?” So perhaps he was being a little nosy, but Iroh was hoping that Orora would be the person to bring a little light, laughter and perhaps love into his nephew’s life. He had been so starved of all three since his mother’s disappearance, and though Iroh tried his best to fill that void, perhaps having another person would help steer Zuko down the right path.
Zuko had visibly stiffened at the question, stubbornly refusing to meet his Uncle’s inquiring gaze. Once more he didn’t reply, though his mind wandered back to the night of the storm. When they had both finally acknowledged what they had been trying to fight since the day they met.
“There is nothing to do about anything, Uncle.” He stated in a flat tone. “Nothing will ever become of it. Our destines will never allow it.” How could anything happen? She was of the Water Tribe and he was from the Fire Nation. If he was ever to have any chance of going back home, he would never be able to take her with him. A prince of the Fire Nation with a water bending soulmate?
Even if the Fire Sages let it slip, his father would never allow it to happen.
Iroh’s expression grew a little grave at what his nephew was implying. “As I have often told you Prince Zuko, destiny works in mysterious ways, but it never throws a problem at a person that they cannot figure out.” He reached out to gently place a hand on his shoulder.
“You will find the answer to this my boy. And sometimes the answer is standing right in front of you.” As he spoke, Iroh’s gaze moved to Orora who was still practicing. Unconsciously Zuko followed his gaze.
And continued to look at her until she was finished with her training and approached the shore. Zuko stood abruptly to his feet as she did, turning his back to her. “I hope you’re feeling up for some traveling Uncle, we will be leaving in the morning.”
Orora frowned, opening her mouth to protest but a silent look from her Master had her sighing. “Well I suppose I should start packing up.” She spoke softly as she quickly dried herself off using waterbending and donning her clothes. Zuko didn’t hear her response, having already started down the path back towards their temporary abode.
“He shouldn’t be traveling this soon.”
Zuko glanced up from where he had been saddling Chairo. Orora had just exited the small hut from where he could already hear the sounds of his Uncle snoring away. He had probably just finished a healing session with him.
“I know, but if we stay here, my sister might find us again.” He didn’t miss the look of surprise she gave him at his calm response. It was a first for him, to respond normally to anything she said. But he was just tired, and didn’t feel it in him to argue with her. “True.” 
If he could be civil, she could be civil.
“I guess we just have to be careful with him.” Zuko gave a small smile as he shook his head. “He may not look it, but he’s tough. He can handle it.” His tone was as reassuring as it could get, and it did ease Orora’s worry a little. A particularly loud snore echoed in the night prompting Orora to smile and for Zuko to let out a small groan of embarrassment.
“Especially after he’s had a good night sleep. Which we should be getting as well.” With one final tug to make sure everything was well and truly packed, Zuko picked up his sleeping mat and moved to walk past Orora and towards the hut.
“Hey Zuko?” The sound of her calling out his name made him pause. He had stopped barely a foot away from her, so the placement allowed them to stand face to face. Just as they had done a few nights ago on the mountain.
There was a certain nervousness about her, but the question that had been gnawing away inside her was what finally compelled her to speak her mind. “Is it because I’m from the water tribe that’s........stopping you?”
He stared at her, the surprise at her question evident in his expression given his parted lips and the how his eyes had widened. Her heart beating almost unbearably fast in her chest, Orora continued. “Because your being from the Fire Nation, not to mention being the Prince is whats stopping me from...........” Her voice trailed off, but her eyes dropped to the finger where the thread was tied.
Pale blue met bright gold, and their gazes held. They held for a long time.
Long enough for Orora to memorize they very shape of his scar, something that she had never really allowed herself to observe before. She also noticed some other things. Like how, for example, how nervous yet soft he looked in that moment. And how when he wasn’t frowning he was actually rather handsome. She was aware how some people would find the scar off-putting, but she didn’t. Scars were a part of life. And while most people hid them, Zuko didn’t have that choice. Still, she did feel herself begin to blush under his intense gaze, but she didn’t let herself look away.
Probably because she wanted to memorize the exact color of his eyes.
Zuko had spent the entire day observing Orora, and even in the past, when he had allowed himself to do so, somehow, she managed to reveal something new and intriguing about herself to him. At the moment he was wandering if the white patch in her hair was just as soft to touch as it was to look at. And then there were her eyes. It was utterly ridiculous how those eyes had the power to invoke feelings within him. Feelings he had made sure lay dormant lest they find the strength to grow stronger. At the moment, he was beginning to feel a little nervous as he struggled to find the words to answer her question.
“Its....not the only thing stopping me.” He responded truthfully, finally diverting his eyes to instead look at the ground between them. Normally he would have brushed her off, but something in her eyes had compelled him to answer.
“I suppose other then being a prince and a firebender, another thing stopping you is my scar. And if you heard how I got it, it would only add to the list of whats stopping you.” What better way to bring himself down even more then to speak of the ugly truth that was in front of her. That she probably looked at everyday. He really should win a prize when it came self-deprecation.
A small sound from Orora made him look back up. And watch in surprise as she stepped forward, her hand raised to gently place her fingers against the scarred skin of his face. The sleeping mat he had been holding fell to the ground as his eyes clashed against the blue of her own. The slight difference in their heights had him tilting his head forward a little.
His mind flashed back to their second meeting, when she had removed the blue spirit mask and seen his face for the first time. She had done the same back then. Did that mean she didn’t find his scar repulsive?
Orora was glad for what she did. For the way she had reached out and touched him. And though he had been surprised at first, she made a promise to never point out to him how she had felt his head lean slightly into her touch. Her thumb brushed against the scar, and all Zuko wanted to do was close his eyes and savor in her touch.
But he didn’t.
He couldn’t.
“It has never stopped me Zuko. And I doubt the story of how you got it would either.” Her voice was soft, so soft that if he hadn’t been standing so close, he would never have heard her properly. As was the norm an argument to negate her words rose in his mind, but another sweep of her thumb had the words fading from his mind. And this time he did allow his eyes to close.
If only to savor in her gentle touch for a few moments.
To allow him this little moment of selfishness.
“Maybe one day, you can tell me. When you’re ready.”
With one final gentle stroke of her thumb and fingers, she pulled back. Zuko didn’t open his eyes, as the younger waterbender began to walk back to the rundown hut. And as she settled into her bedding, she couldn’t help but feel that she had somehow helped put Zuko’s mind and heart at ease with her words.
The thought made her smile. She was still smiling as she slowly fell asleep, thinking of the Fire Nation Prince.
Now all they had to do was work past the fact that he was a prince of the fire nation and she was a waterbender. And though such a feat would take some time, for the first time since he had been made aware of Orora, Zuko allowed himself to feel a little hope.
“Orora! Watch out!”
The warning came just as the stray flaming arrow flew straight towards her exposed arm. Given her sharp reflexes, the waterbender was quickly able to throw up an ice shield and watch it shatter. As the new threat, who Iroh had introduced as the The Rough Rhinos outnumbered them, the best tactic would be to retreat. Which was exactly what Iroh was thinking as he rode past her with his arm stretched out to help her get on Chairo. She was quick to grasp the back of Iroh’s robe to steady herself before throwing her own arm out to help Zuko jump behind her. The momentum of his jump very nearly threw him off the other side, but Orora managed to grip his arm and wrap it around her waist to keep him from slipping any further.
“It's nice to see old friends.” Iroh said, laughter evident in his tone as they made their escape. Behind her, Orora could hear Zuko scoff as he growled. “Too bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to attack you.” His tone was spiteful and normally Orora would have told him off for speaking like that but he had a point. And it seemed Iroh seemed to be thinking along the same lines as well. 
“Hmmm...old friends that don't want to attack me.”
She leaned forward to glance at him from the side. “Do you have anyone in mind who could help us Master?” She asked to which Iroh gave a nod. “I do. And we are by luck heading in the right direction.” So saying he spurred the ostrich-horse to go faster.
The sudden change in pace caused Orora to fall backwards and into Zuko’s chest.
“Watch it!” He still had an arm around her waist to keep himself steady, and perhaps it was the close proximity that made Orora fell just a little nervous about the situation. “You watch it. You nearly fell to the other side when you jumped.” She glanced over her shoulder so she could look at him while they argued.
Zuko glared at her, his eyes narrowing. “Next time we’re attacked by one of Uncle’s old friends maybe you shouldn’t rush into things before assessing the entire situation!” He threw back, to which Orora rolled her eyes.
“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t realize we had the time to asses the threat before attacking. They sure seemed in a hurry to attack us didn’t they?! Or have you forgotten the giant fireball they threw at you?”
Iroh barely suppressed a laugh as he listened to the two teenagers argue. It was nice to hear them speaking properly once more.
“Something amusing, Master?” She may be his student, but Orora had an uncanny ability to make him think before speaking lest he make the young girl angry.
“Not at all. You two carry on with your conversation.”
Though neither teenager felt like doing so. Not when they both realized just how close they were to one another. With Zuko’s arm around Orora’s waist, and back resting against his chest as she leaned against him. They couldn’t even pull away for fear of falling off. With obvious blushes on both their cheeks, they prayed for the journey to soon be over.
For this had to be the most awkward yet pleasant thing that had occurred to the both of them in such a spontaneous manner.
Luckily Iroh’s friends, whoever they were, were not so far. They entered what had once been a lovely oasis, at least according to the inscription Orora had read at the gate, but now it was all rundown and filled with some of the most unsavory people she had ever seen.
While Zuko and Iroh did not seem bothered with the way they were looking at them, Orora felt shivers go up her spine with the way some of the people looked at her. 
At first she tried to glare back. 
Tried to make them stand down. 
But that only made the looks persistent. An uncomfortable feeling settled in her stomach. And though she knew she could take them out if she wanted to she had to keep her head down for Iroh and Zuko’s sake. 
Beside there were so many of them. It was enough leering that it made her loose a little confidence in herself as she directed her gaze towards the ground, hoping to avoid any more unwanted eye contact.
Unconsciously she had stepped a little closer to Zuko, her arm brushing against his as they walked. He had glanced at her, about to tell her to step away a little but he stopped when he caught sight of the slightly fearful expression she wore. He frowned, his eyes instantly assessing their surroundings in case she had seen someone threatening. What he did manage to see were several male onlookers nearly ogling Orora.
White hot anger flashed within him, and his hands clenched as he shot a deadly glare at each and every person who dared look at her that way. One of them seemed to not take the warning look from Zuko, prompting him to nearly take a step in his direction just to throw a punch at him.
However, a hand timidly grasping his stopped him. He did not need to look down to see who it was, but he did begin to walk in front of Orora, almost as if he were shielding her with his body. Orora felt herself starting to relax. If any of these people tried anything she had both Zuko and Iroh to help her.
She wasn’t alone.
Given that their gazes were trained straight ahead, neither of them noticed when the thread between them suddenly glimmered with color before disappearing.
They had entered the rundown shop where apparently they served the best mango drinks. Sipping on her drink, Orora concentrated on the taste as Iroh looked around in search of his friend. “Are you sure they will be here Master. This place doesn’t rally boast......good company does it?” She was referring to the several mercenaries around. They looked like how mercenary would at least.  
Zuko grumbled in agreement. “No one here is going to help us. These people just look like filthy wanderers.”
“So do we.” His Uncle replied with a grin before pointing at something behind Zuko. “Ah, this is interesting. I think I found our friend”
The two teenagers quickly followed Iroh as he led them to a table where an old man sat as if he were waiting for someone. Orora recognized the table and frowned slightly. Zuko seemed to realize what was going on as well. "You brought us here to gamble on Pai Sho?” He said, sounding just as irritated as he looked. Orora rolled her eyes at him, getting a little tired of his rudeness. Sure his presence helped her feel a little safe, but that didn’t stop her from being annoyed by him.
Iroh shook his head. “I don't think this is a gamble.” So saying he led the way towards the table with Zuko and Orora following after him. “May I have this game?” Iroh asked in an almost serene voice. The other man gestured for Iroh to sit down. “The guest has the first move.” He said. Iroh gave a small nod before turning to look at Orora. “My dear, if you would please allow me to borrow a certain tile from you?”
Zuko looked between the Master and Student in confusion. Orora for her part gave a small nod before slowly retrieving the white lotus tile Master Pakku had given her all those months ago and handing it over to Iroh, who placed it in the center of the board.
“I see you favor the white lotus gambit.” The other man said. “Not many still cling to the ancient ways.” Iroh gave a small nod of agreement. “Those who do can always find a friend”
Seemingly satisfied with what Iroh had said, the old man nodded. “Then let us play.”
Orora watched, almost mesmerized as Iroh and the other man placed tile after tile on the board. Never once were they out of sync, neither did they speak a word while they did. Zuko was watching just as intently as she was, though he did sit down while she kept standing.
Finally they each placed the final tile and revealed the pattern they had created.
A lotus flower.
"Welcome, brother.” The old man greeted by opening his arms wide. “The White Lotus opens wide to those who know her secrets.” Never before had Orora felt both curious and perplexed simultaneously. Zuko was helpful enough to voice what they were both feeling in that moment. 
“What are you old gasbags talking about?” Instinctively her hand darted out to slap his arm for being so rude. Knowing what the slap was for, Zuko simply threw her a brief glare before turning his attention back to his Uncle who was smiling widely.
“I always tried to tell you that Pai Sho is more than just a game.” He said as he rolled Orora’s tile over his knuckles and clutched it.
A sudden commotion caused all of them to look up to see a man approach their table. “It's over! You two fugitives are coming with me!” Instantly Orora was on the defensive. She uncorked the water bag at her side, twin ice daggers forming in her hand as she took up a defensive position in front of Zuko and Iroh. Iroh’s friend quickly placed himself before Iroh and Zuko, preventing the man from reaching them.
"I knew it! You two are wanted criminals with a giant bounty on your heads!!” He exclaimed, pointing at the two firebenders. Zuko growled. “I thought you said he would help!” He had reached out to grasp Orora’s elbow to prevent her from attacking anyone who would throw back a bigger punch.
Iroh simply placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder to reassure him, still smiling. “He is. Just watch.” Orora allowed her stance to soften, but only slightly.
“You think you're going to capture them and collect all that gold!?”
That seemed to do the trick. Suddenly the entire establishment was looking at them. Some of the patrons even stood up, pulling out their weapons, ready to attack. Within moments, it was chaos. Through it all, the trio managed to escape with the old man leading the way. And though it wasn’t necessary, Zuko kept a firm grip on Orora’s hand as they ran.
And despite her always thinking she didn’t need help, Orora allowed herself to be helped in that moment.
It felt nice to have someone worry about her safety for once.
They didn’t have to run very long. Soon they reached a small village at the very edge of the desert, and were all ushered inside a little flower shop.
The man, who had introduced himself as Fung, bowed to Iroh. “It is an honor to welcome such a high-ranking member of the Order of the White Lotus. Being a Grand Master, you must know so many secrets.” Zuko, who was getting a little annoyed with the lack of answers snapped. “Now that you played Pai Sho, are you going to do some flower arranging, or is someone in this club going to offer some real help‌.”
This time Orora punched him in the shoulder. “Why do you have to be so rude Zuko?” She admonished him. His only response was to glare at her, which she returned with just as much heat as it was given. While the two teens bickered, Iroh had moved towards the door at the end of the shop and was already going through it. Both Zuko and Orora made to enter but the door was slammed shut in their faces. Iroh opened the small window to smile at the both of them. “I'm afraid it's members only. Wait out here.” With that the window closed and Iroh disappeared.
“Are you pouting Zuko?” Orora asked in a teasing tone. The young Prince gave a response in the negative in an almost annoyed manner. The girl laughed softly to herself before moving off to wander around the flower shop. A still annoyed Zuko frowned and crossed his arms before he moved to lean against a nearby table.
Discretely he shifted his head slightly to sniff at the flower next to him before pulling back.
The atmosphere in the shop was rather relaxed now that they knew someone was willing to help them. Not to mention the little.....talk they had a few nights ago had helped clear the air a little. Neither of them spoke, too tired to actually say anything from the constant running and traveling they had done throughout the day.
Once she was done exploring, Orora came to sit down where Zuko was standing. It didn’t take long for Zuko to finally get tired of standing and lower himself down to the ground beside her. They didn’t have their bed rolls, so it seemed sleeping while sitting up was the best option.
Orora was the first one to fall asleep. Her eyes had been drooping for nearly ten minutes before they finally closed completely and she drifted off to dreamland. Of course, not before her head fell to the side, landing on Zuko’s shoulder where it stayed for the rest of the night.
For his part, Zuko only blushed at the close proximity. It didn’t bother him though. He was beginning to find a lot of things concerning Orora that didn’t bother him. As he felt his own eyes growing heavy with sleep, he let his head rest against the leg of the table behind him.
Of course during the night, his head slowly slipped down to come to rest on top of Orora’s. But neither of them stirred an inch that night. Unconsciously drawing comfort from the others presence.
And during the night the thread between them continued to flicker with color.
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1
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oneatlatime · 7 months
The Desert
Alternate title: Gimme Appa back.
"But I believe, Aang can save the world." no pressure kid.
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I had completely forgotten about these two chuckleheads. For once the 'Previously On' segment is useful rather than spoilery.
Ok Aang is going to get the world's biggest pass this episode, because he's in the suckiest of all situations. But even so, how exactly was Toph supposed to come and get them, when she was both actually blind for once and the only reason the library hadn't drowned them yet?
Aang has something of a history of running away. Does going after Appa count as running away from his friends?
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Zuko's theatre kid tendencies are genetic.
The way Iroh said "What Now?" you know he was actually saying "fuck's sake."
Zuko's hair seems to grow very quickly. I thought that I could use his hair growth to measure time passing but this is not tracking. He barely had a buzz cut in The Chase and now he's fluffy.
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Two things: a) this guy has eyes greyer than Aang this episode. b) He's cocking his hands like that ridiculous Henry Cavill scene from Mission Impossible where he cocks his biceps.
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This guy's spear has piercings. And is coming out of a Dragon's mouth.
I don't know that I'd call these guys legendary. They're zero for two against an Avatar in Drag and two starving refugees with three functioning arms.
Doesn't Katara ever change out her water? Or even use it up and have to refill it?
I said it last episode, and I'll say it again: why did five people, a lemur, and a ten tonne sky bison travel into a desert famous for its desertiness with only a single water pouch between them? Admittedly, if they'd brought extra water and left it on Appa, they'd be having the same problem, but still...
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Is a kids' show actually going to go there?
They actually went there!
Honestly if you're dying of dehydration in the desert, eating strange plants is absolutely the way to go. I'd rather trip my way into the afterlife than just shrivel up and die.
I love the way Aang's glider shadow moves over the dunes. Another one of those tiny details that the animators could have left out, but they didn't!
Sand benders must get crazy high speeds if Aang can't spot even a trace of Appa from up high. He wasn't Appa-napped very long ago.
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Everyone go watch the scene where Aang blows up the mushroom cloud. Go right now I'll wait. And pay attention to Sokka's mouth. It does the wave.
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His mouth does the wave and his arms do the worm. Someone really had fun this episode.
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Zuko breaking the world record for highest number of Fire Nation wanted posters. Despite being the only person on that board who's unquestionably loyal to the Fire Nation. What a nice reward he got for his loyalty.
How is that one wrestler dude's hair so shiny?
Why, other than plot convenience, would Zuko and Iroh be at the Ice Spring?
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I see now that the left hand shadow is Sokka with a Momo on his head. But for just a second I thought it was Ramona from Scott Pilgrim.
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There are some really beautiful colour gradients in this desert.
"We won't survive without Appa." Well yes, but you have to try.
If this is a normal desert they're going to freeze their butts off overnight.
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No comment. Just vibes.
Hey this is a Katara episode! Toph is blind, Sokka's zoinked, Aang's given up, so it's Katara time baby!
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This episode has no business being this pretty.
"Sokka. I was there." I'd be very surprised if Katara's voice actress doesn't have an idiot older brother. That line was delivered a little too perfectly.
I'm not going to comment on every Sokka is high joke, but rest assured I'm finding them all hilarious.
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Those drinks cost a gold piece each. Where did they get five gold pieces from?
Colour me shocked. The chuckleheads actually had a good idea for once.
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Colour me shocked again! I vaguely predicted this!
Zuko. Honey. How are you this dim? He's so very good at missing exactly what's in front of him.
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Big muscles. No brains.
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Very pretty. The sand texture is good too.
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Well that was mean.
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Passive aggressive glider deployment. Also how low is that cloud if Aang can reach it to bend it?
Aang is not shining this episode (understandably) but Katara is going from strength to strength. I NEVER would have thought that she was someone who could keep her cool under pressure like this. Happy to be wrong!
I have no idea if Sokka is going to remember or be aware of this epic trip he's on, but this is probably the best time he's had in months. Certainly since Yue died. He deserves this. Bad timing, but he needed a break.
"You must forgive my nephew. He is not an initiate, and is dumb as shit and incapable of reading the room."
Why is there a flower shop in the middle of the desert? What clients do they have? Obviously it's a front for this pai sho secret society thing, but why did they pick such a nonsensical front?
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Toph has so much personality that it's easy to forget how tiny she is. Like a little gargoyle.
Sokka talking like a Greaser was the thing I didn't know I needed.
Poor Katara. Now you know how your brother feels every time he has to save your bacon from your weekly prison break.
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I am losing my mind over these colours. Especially after The Library.
"I have a natural curiosity." I'm going to start using that.
Oops they found the circle bird nest.
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Hey showrunners, you're going to take Momo from me too? You sure you want to do that? After last episode? Don't give me a pretty sunset with a latte swirl. Give me back Appa, put down Momo, or I'll sic Toph on you.
I do like Toph as a piece of artillery.
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Turns out a combined Appa and Momo -napping is what it takes to get Aang to break his no killing rule. I now know how to defeat the Fire Lord.
The Audacity. Going to Ba-Sing- however the hell that's spelled. The sheer audacity. But then what? What's the plan after they get there? Just live the rest of their lives?
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Rejected Mortal Combat guy.
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You ever have one of those days where you do only your top lip?
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Whoever made that door, and that lock - good job!
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Nothing to see here, just making a delivery of two giant planters in the middle of the desert. The Owl decided to spruce up his entryway.
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Y'all are fucked. Y'all deserve it. Aang has completely lost control. He's spent the whole episode losing it more and more and now he's gone completely off the rails. Has he ever zipped into the Avatar state that fast before?
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Never underestimate the power of a woman who's fed up with everyone's nonsense. Just so fed up.
Well that was sad.
Badass name of the day: Malachi Throne, voice of a character whose name I don't recognise.
Final Thoughts
This was Katara's episode. I'm not going to forgive not getting Appa back, but Katara actually keeping a level head for once was an unexpected delight.
This episode was pretty unrelentingly heavy in the A-plot, which is why I don't understand why Sokka and Momo tripping worked so well. It did work, and I very much enjoyed it, but it should have stuck out like a sore thumb and it didn't. The beat up Sokka quota fulfillled from within by chemicals was a nice creative touch.
I am very happy to see Iroh take the wheel, although I'm not convinced there's a long term plan here beyond get food and shelter. Which, fair enough, goals tend to be short term and immediate when you're in dire straits.
This episode really stomped all over Aang. And then stomped some more. I was surprised how negative and shouty he was at the beginning, but by the end I was surprised how long it took him to lose it. Apart from his staff and his clothes, Appa really is all he has left from before he got frozen. That sandbender punk was rotten to the core.
So I guess we're going to the earth kingdom capital regardless of the eclipse information. Is the rest of the season going to be getting there? I also can't help but notice that it's where Iroh and Zuko are headed as well. Zuko could actively run in the direction opposite to the Avatar and he'd still end up tripping over him. The earth Kingdom is ginormous. And yet, like every two episodes Zuko runs into the Avatar. Is it fate? Is it plot convenience?
I should dislike this episode. It's 24 minutes of our faves getting beat down and not finding Appa, with a b-plot of Zuko being more oblivious than usual. I should dislike it, but I don't. This is definitely going on the rewatch list. It was a very pretty episode, which helped. Beyond that I can't put into words why I liked it, but I did!
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phoenix-king-ozai · 4 months
Ursa in the comic and Ursa in the show are two different people. Seriously show Ursa legit went lol with her kids at a city burning. Not to mention comic Ursa comes off as really stupid because she legit endangered herself, Ozai and Zuko by writing about Ikemi being Zuko's dad because of Azulon found that shit they'd all be fucked. She's lucky Ozai found that shit because if Azulon had, they would all be on the hot seat.
I think they wanted to do something with Ursa but original characterization made it difficult so they just scrapped it in favor of this weird love triangle.
My thoughts on this horrible and horrendous comic: The Search that butcher Ozai & Ursa’s complex characterization along with the Urzai relationship. Even besides destroying my favorite ship, this comic had very piss poor writing and ludicrous decisions!
Zuko mentions that Ozai and Ursa along with their family used to be happy, and we saw that in Zuko's flashbacks. Yang, just decided to make Ursa a victim because in his mind: URSA WOMAN, OZAI BAD MAN, SHE MUST BE HELD, HOSTAGE!!! While Ozai and Ursa arrange marriage does make sense and was confirmed by the creators. It doesn't mean that Ozai and Ursa's relationship was ALWAYS BAD, or SHE WAS KIDNAPPED! Plus, the Urzai relationship is quite normal in the antiquity of Asian societies that the Fire Nation is based on aka Shogunates of Japan and Imperial Chinese Dynasties!!!
Ozai HIMSELF stated in the comics that he tried to be a good father to Zuko and Azula during their young childhood which is canon to flashbacks that Zuko has in the show. Zuko HIMSELF also stated that Ozai tried to be a good father to him and Azula. WHICH ALSO EXPLAINED WHY ZUKO TRIED SO DESPERATELY TO GET BACK IN HIS FATHER'S GOOD GRACE AGAIN AND REGAIN HIS FATHER'S LOVE!
So, in conclusion, Ozai did love and care for Ursa, Zuko, and Azula. Despite, according to the comics he was ALSO FORCED into an eugenics experiment with the granddaughter of his grandfather's old rival and friend. On the orders of his father Fire Lord Azulon and the wishes of the Fire Sages.
People love to give Ursa a pass on how she treated Azula because she was forced into marrying Ozai [which doesn't make sense considering Zuko is also Ozai's child just like Azula] because of Fire Lord Azulon power politically and socially. So, I guess Ozai is justified in how he treated Ursa, Zuko, and Azula simply because Azulon wanted Ursa to be his son's broodmare and for Ozai to train his children to be ruthless powerful fighting soldiers aka human weapons and loyal slaves to him (Azulon) and later Iroh and Lu Ten when they become Fire Lord? According to the logic of Ursa-stans and Ozai & Azula bashers, Ozai simply raised his children how he has been ordered to do and had absolutely NO REASON love and care for them.
Therefore, I get angry when so-called fans and Ursa-stan claimed that Azula had NO RIGHT to be loved and cared for by her own mother Ursa and that her neglectful treatment of Azula is justified because of Ozai's abuse. They like to claim that since Azula is a "rape baby" that Ursa did more than necessary for her daughter, and she has no responsibility to care for her daughter who is becoming more like her abusive husband.
First, canonically Azula IS NOT a rape baby, would you consider Zuko a rape baby then? And if he is, then why is Ursa so fond of Zuko than Azula or makes more of an effort to connect and help Zuko emotionally compared to Azula?
Second, even IF Azula is a rape baby, it is still not justifiable to treat that child horribly because of the action of its father, grandfather, and fire sages. Azula had no choice in being born the daughter of Ozai and Ursa or had a hand in the circumstances of their relationship!
Ozai's harshness and ruthlessness regarding Zuko have nothing to do with Ursa or Ikem's forbidden love! Ozai wants Zuko and Azula to both prove themselves. Ozai doesn't favor Zuko or Azula. It is about which child will succeed Sozin, Azulon, and his legacy as future Fire Lord. In fact, Ozai doesn't want Zuko or Azula to think that they are the “favorite” child. He wants Azula and Zuko to improve through competition. Because of the “only the greatest of pressures can forge diamonds” & “steel sharpen steel” mentality. Ozai has the mentality of an imperialist warlord. Ozai isn't trying to be the world's most loving and caring father but rather continue and build upon a powerful and dominant legacy that his forefathers had created before him. He wants Zuko & Azula to be cold, ruthless, heartless, vicious, and brutal imperialistic warmongers like him (Ozai), his father (Azulon), and his grandfather (Sozin).
Ozai's distaste and despisement of Zuko have NOTHING to do with Ursa and Ozai's arguments in ATLA show canon even in the Comics. Ozai was simply saying that to hurt Ursa's feelings and gaslight her over bullshit letters. Ozai views Zuko as a disappointment of a son, firebender, and prince. His skills in Firebending are pathetic compared to his sister's and his morality from his mother and later uncle is out of line with Ozai and mainstream Fire Nation Elite Imperialists. If Zuko was a ruthless and cold-blooded killer like Azula and was at least just as good as his YOUNGER sister, then Ozai would NOT HAVE ANY PROBLEM with Zuko as his son and heir! Zuko represents everything that Ozai was raised to hate and resent; compassion, morality, mercy, weakness, etc. Ozai hates his son for incompetence as a firebending warrior which is antithetical to Ozai as the strongest firebender in the series along with him being an Agni Kai champion along with the morality and softness that Ursa and later Iroh fostered in Zuko. The fact that Zuko doesn't conform to their society's warrior culture and morality bothers his father since Ozai was likely forced to conform since his own childhood under his father Azulon’s reign. Ozai probably resents that Zuko has his mother and uncle's affection whereas Ozai as a child probably didn't have his mother, Ilah's love to protect and care for him from Azulon's wrath due to her death in childbirth. Iroh got to experience his mother's love and presence along with his father's respect during his childhood, something that Ozai never had. Ozai resents his first-born Zuko son and relates far more with his second-born daughter Azula who is neglected like him.
I believe that Ozai and Ursa have a long loving, complex, and complicated relationship. Ozai’s imperialistic ambition and brainwashing along with paternal abuse by Azulon made him extremely emotionally damaged and unstable. Iroh had Ilah and Zuko had Ursa and later on Iroh to help love and guide them. Ozai probably only had abusive Azulon and neglectful Iroh; who both probably hate him due to Fire Lady Ilah’s death in childbirth.
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midnightpink · 4 months
this love burns so yellow (becoming orange and in its time, exploding)
read it here on ao3
Ten months after Zuko is crowned at seventeen, he faces his first coup.
by: meliebee
Words: 18,767, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English 
Collection: Zuko_angsty_and_cuddly, avatar tingz, Best of: Avatar The Last Airbender, AtLA <25k fics to read, escapism (to forget that the world is a burning hellscape), Best of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Essentials, zukka, Civil War Avatar, Creative Chaos Discord Recs, ive been here since i was twelve and these r the fucking best, ✧ Favourite Fanfictions ✧, Zukka comfort fics, Lumi's library of favourite fics, Psychologeek top picks, Avidreaders ATLA completed faves, My heart is full, ♥️Avis'_Favorites♥️, Happy Fics, superior atla fics, Fics I like, Qqqqqq115, like fresh water during summer, Behold the Sacred Texts, My Cabbages!!!!, my baby firelord zuko, Ridiculously well written fics
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters:  Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Mai (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Suki (Avatar)
Relationship: Mai & Zuko (Avatar), Toph Beifong & Zuko, Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags:  teen and up for the language because toph and zuko are a bit feral and that's canon, Ozai (Avatar) Being a Terrible Parent, like... really, Zuko (Avatar)-centric, Toph Beifong and Zuko are Siblings, they adopt each other. forcefully, Firelord Zuko (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Needs a Hug, he gets many. because he deserves them, Gaang (Avatar) as Family, Gaang (Avatar), Slow Burn, like... a Slow Burn TM, I started writing this wanting to write angst and somewhere along the line it turned into healing, Hurt/Comfort, Zuko's Scar (Avatar), the main character death is NOT one of the gaang !!, Fluff and Angst, Mutual Pining, Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar) - Freeform
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ishipgenfics · 2 years
Cuckoo-Vipers Continued: Part 2
Still based on Cuckoo-Vipers by @muffinlance! Go read it if you haven’t, its great. Also go read my first post about it if you want to know who Asagao is. 
“Daughter, please,” Dad said, standing in front of the wall of blue fire. “Get down from there.”
Asagao frowned. “Mom said I could.”
“She what--”
Dad turned towards Mommy, who shrugged. “If she wants to start making friends with the new Firelord, who am I to stop her?”
Dad sighed. “Daughter. Please. Do not go with Azula.”
Cousin Azula’s grip around her tightened, and her voice echoed throughout the hall of the Fire Lord. “This may be rude to say, Iroh, but I don’t particularly believe you have a choice.”
Dad took a step towards the throne. “Niece--”
Azula’s eyes narrowed, and Asagao thought she could see lightning prickling at her fingertips. “You. Don’t get to call me that.” 
“Niece, please.” Dad looked... scared. Asagao didn’t understand why. Cousin Azula was scary, sure, but only to people who deserved it, like Scary-Fire-Man and Rat-Weasel. She wouldn’t hurt Dad!
... but there was lightning at Azula’s fingertips.
Azula tugged at the fancy Fire Lord robes. “’Zula?” she whispered.
Cousin Azula looked down, eyes softening slightly. It wouldn’t have been noticeable to anyone else, but Asagao could /tell/. “Yes?”
“Don’t hurt Dad, please. He’s not like the rat-weasel and he’s a weaker dragon than you. The dragons by your side would miss him if he was gone.”
Asagao was becoming farely fluent in Azula-speak. 
Azula sighed deeply. “Very well, little dragon.”
Her gaze settled on Dad. “You. Go.” 
Asagao frowned.  She wanted to tell Dad about all the stuff she did, about how well she’d firebent, about how she’d met the Avatar! But there was time, she supposed.
Mommy turned to leave after him, but Azula held up a hand. “You, go get my brother. He’s probably off feeding the turtleducks, or something else inane. And the Avatar too, if he hasn’t already run off.” There was a flicker of genuine worry in this bright golden eyes, and Asagao patted her leg. 
Mommy nodded, and walked out of the room, heels clicking on the cold stone floor. 
Asagao gasped. “I get to meet the Avatar?” 
Azula smirked. “Why yes, you do, if the new dragon can find him. He’s not as impressive as you think he is though. Nothing but a little rabbit mouse who breathes fire and thinks himself a dragon.” 
“How did you meet him?” Asagao asked. 
“Please, Azula,” said a new voice, coming from a person standing in the doorway to the throne room. He looked almost exactly like Cousin Azula. Her cheekbones were a little sharper, maybe,eyes a little less gold, but that was it. If she didn’t know better, she’d think they were twins. “Don’t subject her to your stories.”
Azula crossed her arms. “I am perfectly fine at telling stories, thank you very much.”
Zuko winced. “Azula... most of your stories go, I shot fire. Then he/she/they/an annoying rock died. The end.” 
“Is anything else really necessary?”
Zuko’s eyes went wide. “You- you have to have tension!” he said, gesturing wildly. “Character investment! Plot arcs! You can’t just--” 
“Cousin Zuko!” Asagao said, interrupting the oncoming theater rant. In the throne next to her, Azula let out a quiet sigh of relief. 
“Who are you-- oh,” Cousin Zuko said. “Iroh’s daughter.”
Asagao nodded furiously. “Mhm! I like turtleducks too!”
“Is that so?” Cousin Zuko said. He stepped forward, onto the dais, the blue flames parting around him. Azula did not move to block his path. 
Asagao beamed. “Yeah!” She glanced back and forth. Azula. Zuko. Azula. Zuko. “Woah, you look so similar. If you wore the same clothes I’d never be able to tell you apart!” 
“Really?” Zuko said. 
Asagao giggled. “Well, I guess the voices would give you away a little.”
Some sort of realization seemed to come over Zuko. “Lala--”
“Don’t call me that,” Azula hissed.
Zuko smirked. “Sorry, /Fire Lord/ Lala. Where is Iroh?”
“Oh you know. Here and there.”
“Azula. Please tell me you didn’t /steal/ our baby cousin.”
Azula sniffed. “She’d be better off with me anyway Dum Dum. And I am the Firelord. It’s not like Uncle Useless could do anything to stop me.”
Asagao piped up, eager to be part of the conversation. “She’s really smart. She’s taught me about rat-weasels and dragons and all kinds of stuff!”
Zuko’s brow furrowed. “Rat... weasels? Azula--”
But she never got to hear what Cousin Zuko might have said, because a guard rushed into the hall.
“Fire Lord Azula,” he said, panting. “The Avatar’s bending masters have landed in the courtyard.”
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hello-nichya-here · 4 months
Zucest and concubines II
I might have to post this in its entirety on AO3. Enjoy!
“Come on Azula, one more push!”
Katara’s words set Zuko’s heart racing. Soon, he and Azula would be holding their second child in their arms. Even better, it meant soon Azula would let go of his hand, preferrably before breaking the remaining bones in it.
With a final scream, the room was filled with the sounds of a crying babe.
“It’s a boy!” Katara called out.
“A boy… we have a son Zula.”
“A son… our son.” Azula briefly squeezed her brother’s shattered hand, before reaching out with both of her own. Her hands began grabbing fruitlessly at the air, letting everyone in the room, Katara included, that she wanted her baby.
Katara happily obliged after cleaning the boy off, his cries filling the room as he struggled in the hands of another. His cries faded as Azula pulled him against her, resting his head over her heart, letting their newborn fall asleep to the sound of his mother’s heartbeat.
“He’s beautiful… isn’t he Zuko?”
“Even better, he’s perfect. Because he’s ours.”
Katara smiled at the scene in front of her. Even today, it was hard to believe that the woman she had just helped through her second pregnancy was the same princess who chased her and her friends across the Earth Kingdom.
The same princess who’s mind was all but shattered after losing the Agni Kai. But with time, and effort, and a mountain of patience, Zuko had helped bring her mind back from the brink. It hadn’t been long after when the siblings began seeing each other in a romantic light.
That, likewise, had taken a great deal of patience for people to come around. But they had persevered, and the results spoke for themselves. The other nations were no longer fearful of what Zuko might do under her influence, and the people adored their new Queen.
This wasn’t the Azula who took Ba Sing Se. She wasn’t Ozai’s weapon anymore. She was Zuko’s wife, the much loved Fire Lady, a mother to the royal family and the Fire Nation.
Katara’s reminiscing was cut short when the doors opened, and in rushed the friends and family, Ty Lee first among them. Rushing to Azula’s side, she began bouncing in place, squealing at a volume only dog’s should be able to hear. Said squealing was followed by a barrage of ‘he’s so cute’ and begging Azula to reveal the baby’s name.
Before she could, Iroh stepped forward. In his arms, he held the ever curious Izumi, looking at the event unfolding with rapt attention.
“Before you reveal the name, I think someone else should be with you.”
Smiling, Zuko took Izumi in his arms, her face lighting up with a broad smile as she said “Dada.” Sitting next to Azula, he turned her towards her mother, and the bundle of joy in her arms.
“Izumi, this your brother, Heisei.”
Izumi looked, first at her brother, then at her father, and finally her brother again. As she did this, Heisei opened his eyes, the golden colour he inherited shining brightly. The pair briefly locked eyes, before Izumi began struggling to get closer, while her brother simply turned his head, nuzzling into his mother’s bosom as he tried to sleep.
The adorable scene continued, while Katara made mental notes of who was missing. Only Mai and Toph hadn’t shown up. Mai was to be expected, as she had barely been seen since the royal wedding, where some claim she had exchanged quiet words with Azula, before departing.
Toph on the other hand was an unexpected absence. The metalbending academy she had started was eating up much of her time, but given her newfound friendship with 'Lady Thunderbutt’ it was odd she wasn’t here.
Hours later, and Zuko was back in his office, reviewing paperwork that he had set aside until now. The task of ruling a nation was never truly done, and now he was finalizing the reformation of the Fire Nation’s finances, after Ozai’s policy of looting the Earth Kingdom and bribing pirates was ended.
His attention was turned from the scrolls in front of him to the door, as in walked none other than Toph Beifong.
“We missed you earlier today.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. Had a situation back in Yu Dao, but it’s been settled.”
“One of the colonies? Anything I should know?”
“Nah, it’s fine. I visited Azula just now. Heisei’s adorable. Squishy, but adorable. Can’t wait to hear how the servants talk about Azula now.”
“The servants talk about Azula?”
“Nothing to worry about. They just joke about how Azula was when Izumi was a newborn. Some of them still swear Azula growl’s at them whenever they take Izumi to give her a bath.”
Zuko laughed at the image. “I remember that day. She turns the most adorable shades of red whenever it’s mentioned. It’s fun to tease her with it.”
“Speaking of teasing,” Toph’s voice had taken on a seductive tone, “she mentioned something about you needing some attention of your own.”
Zuko blinked in surprise, before turning to look at Toph. Instead of near the door, as he expected, she was only a few feet from him, crawling on her hands and knees, like before.
“Toph, what are you…” The words died in his throat as Toph reached him, placing her hand on his hardening crotch.
“Isn’t it obvious, master?” Toph gently massaged his manhood through the robes, before turning the chair to face her directly. “Your concubine is here to serve you.”
Without hesitation, Toph freed Zuko’s manhood from his robes, smiling as the throbbing cock was directly in front of her. Taking it in hand, she gave small, quick licks to the tip, teasing him as she brought his manhood to full size. As precum began forming at the tip, she quickly took him in her mouth, down to the very base.
Grunting in satisfaction and surprise, Zuko leaned back as Toph bobbed her head on his cock, the sound of shuffling papers replaced by the sound of Toph choking herself on him. Unconsciously, his hand went down to her head, guiding her as she pleased him.
Finally, with a grunt of satisfaction, he felt himself tense as he prepared to release down her throat. In response, Toph sped up her efforts, moving with a speed that defied the grip her throat had on him. When he finally released his load, she pulled back just enough to taste every rope he shot into her mouth and down her throat.
Licking her lips, she rose to her feet, slowly discarding her clothing as she did so. Zuko watched as her pert breasts were released from their confines, and she practically peeled the clothing from her lower body, teasingly revealing her tight ass.
Overcome by his desire, Zuko rose from his chair, grabbing Toph as he did so, and bending her over his desk, tearing her remaining clothes off as he did so. Soon, her bare backside was jutting out from his desk, with her tight, smooth pussy dripping with anticipation.
“Ohh, master, please hurry and use your concubine.”
Toph’s teasing tone pushed him over the edge, and without hesitation he positioned himself behind her, and thrust into her with all his strength. In a single motion, he filled her entirely, with the tip of his cock kissing the entrance to her fertile womb.
Pulling back, he teasingly pulled out until only the tip remained. Before she could tighten up, he thrust back into her, eliciting a sexy yelp from her. So he repeated the process, again and again, picking up speed as he fucked her. Looking down at her ass, bouncing off his cock, he instinctively spanked her, causing her to moan even louder.
So he did the only thing he could, and spanked her again, and again, until her cheeks were red as his robes, and he felt the pressure building inside. With a final roar, he pulled her onto him entirely, sitting back in his chair as he did so, and thrust straight into her cervix, and came deep inside her womb.
Rope after rope was fired, with Toph’s womb drinking every last drop like a man in the desert given his first drink. When he finally felt the last of his seed released inside her, he looked down at her, and saw the slight bump he had given her, just from his seed alone. As they recovered their breath, Zuko knew there was no way she wouldn’t get pregnant. Azula’s fantasy of assembling a harem for him to breed was becoming reality.
Not long after, Azula woke from her sleep, and looked over to see her son in his cradle, right next to the bed, so she knew her baby was safe. She wouldn’t be satisified knowing her baby was gettting anything but the best treatment, and who could treat a baby better than their mother?
As she pulled the now waking prince into her arms to begin feeding him, she found herself hosting an unexpected visitor.
“Ty Lee? Is something wrong?”
Ty Lee shuffled forward nervously. “Um… well, there might be a little… um, situation that… you should know about.”
“Oh? What seems to be the problem?”
“Well, I heard that Toph had arrived, and I wanted to talk to her about doing some training with the Kyoshi Warriors. The servants said she… went to see Zuko after visiting you.”
A sly grin appeared on Azula’s face. “Oh? And what did you see, when you went after her?”
Ty Lee blinked in surprise at Azula’s question, before a faint crimson appeared in her cheeks. Before she could answer, Azula continued.
“Did you see her and my husband, together, enjoying each other’s bodies?”
Ty Lee nodded, but that didn’t stop Azula, who merely motioned for her to come closer, as she lowered her voice to a whisper.
“Did you see her kneeling in front of him, servicing his throbbing manhood? Did you see how big it was, and wonder how it felt to choke on it? Or maybe you caught them in a more compromising position? Maybe you saw her taking my husband inside her, and wondered how someone so small, can handle something that big?”
Ty Lee nodded furiously to all her questions. She had seen all of it, and denial would serve no purpose, least of all as she felt a growing dampness between her legs. Best to play along and get out of there before she embarassed herself.
Azula seemed to disagree, as once Ty Lee was in arms reach, her free hand shot out, grabbing Ty Lee’s crotch, and gently rubbing it. Azula’s smirk grew as she felt how wet her friend was getting, imagining herself in Toph’s position.
Slowly, and gently, she pulled Ty Lee closer to her, before reaching up, and cupping one of her breasts. Gently squeezing it in her hands, she looked her friend in the eyes, as she asked the most important question.
“Did you want to join?”
Ty Lee surpressed a moan, as she whimpered out her answer.
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pinkrabit · 4 months
ATLA LA Episode 4 Into the Dark
The glowing rock candy 🤤🤤
Iroh and Aang bonding in prison.
"I'm really starting to see what kind of person his is." "I doubt that."
Sokka yelling at Sai like you yell at your father's mistakes
Love how active the fantasy racism is.
Sokka is still so proud of Hakoda. He's so proud to be his son, "My father would never do what you did."
Zuko sneaking in??? We've seen numerous times in the OG his stealth capabilities when he tries. So, I'm excited.
BABY BUMI ! BABY (hes still a baby) AANG !
"I like the parts of Omashu that aren't so depressing :D"
Great touch to openly address labor camps and POWs with the real world terms
"It's time to stop fighting. It's time to fight."
The Flopsy statue needs more recognition.
Even Aang looks at Bumi like he's insane
Bumi, I know he's your friend, but you shouldn't out Aang like that
"Throw him.... a feast!" Aang looking terrified as if his old friend would EVER hurt him because the world has changed so much since he was last in it breaks me.
"Not everyone out there is the enemy"
"If you stand against us, you are."
"You're fighting because of hate. Just like the Fire Benders"
I love how awful a liar Zuko is in every universe. LEARN TO FIB MY BOY
Aang at the table, like, "did my bsf friend forget I'm a vegetarian???"
Bumi being passively aggressive toward Aang, and Aang serving back "It was a tragedy!"
"Don't you care?" Aang, Bumi has a point when he yells at you. I like this Bumi a lot. His anger feels genuine. However irrational it may be.
Sokka slowly vibing is OOC but still appreciated.
"We're doing what we're doing." They're all high. They gotta be.
Are Oma and Shu...? The gay??
I love how women are often portrayed as ending a war or unintentionally starting it, and then there's Azula.
Thanks for the backstory hippie man, wish you had a map though.
Two lovers, forbidden from one another~
"They're doomed 🤠"
Prisoner cruelty!! I know Uncle War Crimes but what about the Geneva Convention?
"The direct path is not always the best path." Paralleled with Aang wanting to find a way to end the war without killing Ozai.
I hate how they took out Kataang in the LA (i understand it'd be weird to allude to making aang's actor kiss kataras, though), but I like "love" in the tunnels being familial instead of romantic. And I like Sokka using his brain to figure stuff out.
"He was 19.. Was it worth it?" "We were at war.. I was a soldier." Such is the awful reality of war. When it comes to soldiers, it's not personal. It's a job, its dehumanizing to yourself and the rest of the world. It's a politcal game. "You (Iroh) know nothing of loss." And then showing his grief.
Iroh didn't want his son to die a war hero, he wanted Lu Ten to be his son.
!!! This was such an important conversation to put into the show. !!!
Zuko having something from Lu Ten 🥺🥺
I want a separate series with just Lu Ten
Leave from the Vine playing 🥺🥺
Bumi ragging on Aang for wanting to be a kid, AS A TWELVE YEAR OLD, makes me so mad.
Yes, he thinks about fun and games. A boy shouldn't be as bitter as an old man.
Zuko showing up to kick ass for his Uncle because that's HIS FUCKING UNCLE. He's still strong enough to break metal WITHOUT BENDING. SHOWING HIS COMPENTENCY.
"We've all seen enough death."
Zuko showing concern for Iroh's Injury to demonstrate his "true" nature of being sensitive and compassionate. Which is why he was banished in the first place.
The WT Siblings just hold each other before their perceived death feels so important to me.
And I feel like we can and should read into the badgermole/ "Love is brightest in the dark" scene.
"Great, how do you think they respond to verbal commands." Sokka can you be Sappy for like 5 minutes please.
"Some of us have to fight, even if we don't want to. That's what it means to he in a WAR!" This show is delivering so many lines and comments about war and its complexities for everybody involved. Just like the original. Y'all wanna sleep on it because of minor character changes????
I have yet to see a character, Suki has come the closest, that has been so awfully OOC that I've had to stop.
Aang asking for help, "one that requires you to make impossible choices" Bumi is a little misguided here but he means well in sharing his knowledge of leading to his friend.
"Learn what it means to be the Avatar!" "No!" Aang will never give up who he is based on others expectations. And the idea that he doesn't have to do things on his own, "like a child" is going to be what wins the war.
Aangs refusal to kill or hurt isn't bad, he's going to make a difference. He's going to save people. He's going to be the Avatar, but he will be an airbender first!
Iroh left to be with his nephew 🥺🥺
He won't let this boy be without a father
"Everything I need is on this boat"
This episode felt a little rushed, and felt like it lacked a little in terms of the Gaang. But in terms of Zuko, it served. Zuko's story felt stronger here. Especially, after seeing Appa fly away, but he chose instead to prioritize his Uncle.
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mugentakeda · 6 months
It's 3am and I'm consumed by this thought that I must share with someone and I think you're one of the few people who will grasp just how truly shit's fucked here but please imagine. A version of the Lu Ten lives AU where Zuko goes to lake laogai for appa and finds his cousin imprisoned instead. Zuko thinks that now that Iroh has his REAL son back, he doesn't need him. Lu Ten is furious that Iroh has let his baby cousins that he practically raised himself get this messed up. Iroh is obliviously overjoyed that he now has both his sons with him safe and sound. The pending implosion is going to be catastrophic.
i think that considering lu tens """death""" (quotations for this au at least) basically changed the course of the war it would only make sense that him turning up alive at such a critical moment would change the course of the war once more. i think the crystal catacombs showdown especially would go Very differently if i consider how i hc lu ten and azulas relationship. so instead of everybody fighting and killing each other its just lu ten cussing iroh out for 45 minutes straight while everyone stays out of the way Respectfully
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stumpyshocky · 4 months
I do enjoy the new LA ATLA show. Its really fun and I loved seeing Kyoshi in action. Im only 2 episodes in but im having a blast. Cried several times in the first episode.
Yess its rough, child actors are not too great, but it can only get better and I hope it makes it to the 3rd season.
Sokka ✔✔
Kyoshi ✔✔✔
Suki ✔🥺 awkward baby
Aang ✔👉👈🥺baby
Katara 👍 struggles with acting but doing good
Zuko ✔✔✔✔✔
Iroh 🍵🍵🍵🍵
Zhao ✔ hes actually really good
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lazyveran · 2 months
Oh lazyveran the fire squad is HORRENDOUS!!!! I love it. Please, elaborate on Azula's particular role in and thoughts on this awful little smorgasboard. Does she feel conflicted about how Katara is changing the dynamics? Dies she even register anything changing? Whats her relationship like with Zuko in this au. What does a day in the life of the squad look like and what does it look like to Katara, who isnt steeped in decades of intricate rituals. Please 
genuinely gives me such joy to make them so awful. terribly terribly nepo babies that will ruin ur life. long rambles below cut hehe
SO! azula is. well she doesnt think there's much wrong with it. i mean, on an intellectual, psycho-analysis level she knows ty lee is a insane, mai is also insane and her brother is [redacted]. but ultimately she doesnt see anything wrong with any of their dynamics because she has LITERALLY no one else as reference. the insane social isolation azula went thru as a child soldier and ozai's fav little nuclear bomb means its difficult for her to parse out toxic or harmful relationships she may have and ultimately, use and utility comes first in any relationship. the fire squad are simultaneously her most trusted confidants, her closest companions, people she'd entrust with her life and legacy and the weight of her father's, and later iroh's, missions to AND assets to be used, strings to be pulled, and loose ends to be monitored. plus she wants to gossip with them. shes the princess, it's her agni given right to bitch and moan abt the peasants!
azula's mindset is all layers of fucked, basically. im aiming for a vibe in which azula herself has no idea how she really approaches and feels for her friends. its emotionally complicated, azula is horrendeous at understanding that kinda thing. the fact that she's so hyperaware of her position as royalty means she locks herself desperately into that role and doesn't allow herself to go beyond it. that implies a distance between her friends she halfheartedly attempts to keep. but the bottom line is that she's insanely loyal because they invest that back into her. azula's a woman who values devotion above all else. she's desperate for it. You Have To Stay. Everyone Else She Loved Has Left Her. STAY. FOREVER. to do so will be to assist and witness her eternal glory and the shining legacy she will deliver to the nation. she will elevate them to the greatest heights, reward their loyalty tenfold!!! JUST STAY. DONT LEAVE HER. NOT LIKE THE DEAD ONES AND THE GONE ONES-
(also, azula is narrow minded in a sense. she understands people implicitly but believes her own personal goals are the Ultimate Ones. everyone wants power, glory, legacy and the love of a nation. they have to, right? why else would she strive to achieve them, if it's not the perfect pinnacle of all human endeavour? she wants to reward her most trusted friends with what she percieves is the ultimate prize in life, so does so from this weird half distance as a princess. shes really weird. her love language is probably acts of service (and all she knows how to do is kill))
azula and katara's relationship is awfully complicated. for a start, azula presumes domination within the relationship. it's sort of something azula just. takes for herself. as her nature, and because katara isnt initially someone she wants to dig her claws in to force them to Stay. she fully expects that she will simply have some new woman near her sometimes and she'll get on with Important Work with the besties. then katara KICKS HER ASS, FORCES her to look and see katara as someone equal, someone worth respecting and listening to. ultimately she does come to respect katara, and that unknowingly starts to change her. as in, azula gets bullied into it. repeatedly. and getting frostbite that one time. and in her draw towards katara, azula begins drifting from the (not at all realised) dependency on her squad and more towards katara. because she has an equal! and thats!!! azula never really thought she'd HAVE one! katara is her WIFE, there's no presumed distance to keep!!!!! so she gets super duper obssessed with that. she wants to eat katara alive, she's enraptured by this woman.
so.. the worst siblings ever... zuko and azula were alone in the palace with only each other for years after ursa's disappearance and azulon's death. it made them so tremendously dependant on each other. azula believes that her brother is the one thing she can protect, wants to save, is her final piece of family and something good and there's no one else, NO ONE else. HE HAS TO STAY. it's very intense. the fire siblings trust each other implicitly and convince themselves that they're going to be stabbed in the back by each other. they're tied together in blood and want to kill each other and constantly butt heads and argue and contradict each other. and they're the united front of the last of ozai's line. the only ones who understand what it was to be a child of ozai and ursa. azula wants to bite zuko's head off and zuko constantly wonders if azula has been sent by a dark spirit to bring endless suffering to his life. true terrible siblings that would raze a country to the ground for the other, then slide a dagger into their back while they watch it burn.
their day to day life is a little boring, really. ty lee flits in and out of the palace on whims. if court is fun, she'll go. if there's a gala, she's there. if its boring? she'll leave to some FN island for a month and a half making connections, meeting nobles, being entertained, probably picking up a WEIRD hobby and/or romantic partner for a week. she sends a bajillion letters back abt her travels - that azula diligently reads and that mai dgaf abt and gets the synopsis off of azula. then ty lee returns, and rinse and repeat.
mai is officially a political advisor, representative of her father and close confidant of the princess-general azula. in reality, she fucks around the palace pursuing whatever she wishes, and conducts a very very terribly obvious affair with zuko that half the goddamn nation knows about. she's happy coasting along, dipping her hand into politics and national affairs every now and then to keep up apperances, and acting as a spy for azula when she wants to. they have a nice little setup.
azula is quite literally busy from sun up to sun down. she's got one billion projects constantly; ranging from political, scholarly, artistic, so on. she manages her own little spy network, she manages half the nobles in court, she micromanages the nation's finances. she's so insanely busy, and thats how she likes it. she always has time for tea with mai and training with zuko somehow. and zuko is much the same. he's never alone in a room, and always has a pile of work to get through. as the crown prince he's heavily involved in all flavours of meetings and consultations. he usually leaves the noble shmoozing to azula, though. he hates them.
they all work together pretty cohesively, since they were born and raised into these roles of nobility. katara was. not. katara absolutely, desperately DESPISES the fn royal court. no one tells her fucking ANYTHING about the tiny intricate sublties. its all very ridiculous to her. the stubborn, proffessional distance everyone keeps with each other is the worst of it for katara, who grew up in a very loving community that has no issues about physical or emotional intimacy. it's terribly lonely. she's stubborn enough to keep bashing her head against the wall trying to work her way through it, bc she refuses to be excluded from the halls of power of her new life. she's also kind of upset that despite being married to azula, she rarely ever SEES her, hardly gets the chance to know her (and connect with the one person she's allowed to have in the endlessly lonely palace halls). azula is simply so absorbed into her duties (and avoiding katara) that they only glimpse each other in their shared quarters. to katara's irritation and mai's distaste, those two seem to be the only people who see each other regularly. its really not a fun time for katara. she stumbles and makes mistakes and it's only then she ever gets to see her wife - and it's always azula's ire that she gets to recieve. toxic yuri.....
SO. thank you for asking abt this. i hope my complete word vomit makes a lick of sense. i adore talking about this au. peace and love on planet azutara
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oneatlatime · 7 months
Atla season two predictions
We're halfway through season 2! I did a post on my thoughts on the show and its characters when I reached the halfway point of season one. My thoughts are mostly the same, and there's only one new character of note (all hail Toph!), so I thought this time I'd mark the halfway point by taking wild stabs at predicting where the rest of the season is going to go. I'm going to try to do at least one prediction per character. This is entirely guesswork. Once the season is done I'll come back to this post and see how prescient/stupid I was. Without further ado...
The season finale will have Azula as the Big Bad and introduce the Fire Lord as the Big Bad for season three. This is exactly what happened in the finale of season one: Zhao was big bad and Azula was introduced. So less prediction, more extrapolating based on existing data. It was a winning formula in season one, so I'm hoping the writers will do it again. I'm also hoping that Azula will follow Zhao's fate because quite frankly I don't like her very much. Tl;dr, Azula and her crew will get swallowed by a giant badger mole spirit.
Toph is getting a subplot. She feels like a character with nothing left to work on, and now that Aang can earthbend, her purpose is accomplished. So she needs another purpose in the story. That, or they're going to leave her behind at some point. I wonder if she's in season three? She'd better be. So either Toph is going to remain a character with no need of an arc, in which case her subplot will revolve around something she already excels at, or the writers are going to throw a curve ball and reveal a heretofore unknown weakness that she's going to have to work around. If it's the former, my money is on one of the idiots from the pro-bending tournament hunting her down to avenge their humiliating defeat at her hands. If it's the latter, my guess would be something intellectual that plays on her high society background. Political intrigue? Spy work? A cult? Maybe she finds out that her parents are colluding with the fire nation? Tl;dr SuperToph, somehow.
Appa comes back. This is not a prediction, this is a DEMAND. He breaks free of his captors (seriously, he went down way too easy), runs away into the wilds of the earth kingdom, and following some innate air bison sense, stumbles upon a lost colony of his fellow bison who escaped Sozin's genocide. (and have somehow remained entirely undiscovered for a century despite being each the size of a house and able to fly to boot well the earth kingdom's got a lot of empty spaces just go with it) They spend a few weeks chilling until Appa gets found. Season three can end with Appa's Air Bison Hunny showing up with a baby sky bison. Tl;dr Papa Appa.
Project Make Zuko Decent gets a new CEO. The current one sucks. Some new character is going to be introduced to provide Zuko with both the motivation and the guidance to become a decent person. Iroh's had a season and a half and made pretty much no progress; Zuko's spent all of season two trying, and has made himself somehow worse. Maybe not worse, but certainly more worn out. Time for new blood. I'd like to think that this show is above cliche, but let's be honest, it's going to be a love interest. They tried it with a kid brother in Zuko Alone and it didn't work. So some nice earth kingdom girl. Like Song, but with more backbone. Maybe she's really good at swords. They can bond over that. I feel like Zuko would be easier to connect with over something he knows he's good at. It would be less fraught than bonding over bending. She also lost her mother to the fire nation; they can bond over that too. The writers laid the groundwork in Zuko Alone, might as well use it. The more Zuko can empathise, the faster he'll get decent. I hate to see a character who exists solely for 'Man Pain' or 'Man Growth,' but let's be honest, Zuko is not self-aware enough to grow without some major hand-holding, and Iroh isn't volunteering. I know that Zuko is on the cover of my season three DVD so his 'get decent' arc has to be complete by the end of season two. Tl;dr Zuko gets schooled.
Sokka has been underutilised this season (as has Katara), so he's going to get something major. The Library set him up to lead the gang to that Earth Kingdom town who's name I forget so they can share the date of the eclipse with the king, but you know Aang isn't budging until they get Appa back. So for the next few episodes, Sokka will be in Master Tracker Mode, using all the skills he learned at the South Pole and more to rescue Appa. There can be flashbacks to him learning the skill from his dad/grandfather/uncles/Bato, then flash forward to see him applying that skill successfully, adapting it to a different climate and incorporating insights he's gained since the show started. We had Zuko Alone, now I want Sokka Alone with the ghosts of his family. Although I don't think Aang would be willing to sit out on Appa retrieval, so Aang's going to have to be urgently needed for Avatar reasons right when Sokka stumbles on the clue that is the key to finding Appa. The group splits and reunites to see the earth kingdom king, Sokka triumphant and Appa in tow. Tl;dr Sokka channels Liam Neeson with probably a lower body count.
Momo is going along with Sokka for aerial reconnaissance.
Katara needs something juicy too. She's mastered waterbending, so her growth has to be personal rather than skills-based. Maybe she gets her world view challenged? Maybe she meets an evil earth kingdom or water tribe person? Evil to the core; she's already met bunches from both nations who are stupid/malicious. Hang on - I forgot about Jet. So she meets an evil water tribe person. In the earth Kindgom. Somehow. Maybe she meets a good fire nation person? How about a fire nation healer/doctor/army medic? Someone who can show her that firebending isn't all bad. Can you heal with any element other than water? I have no idea, but it would be cool if you could. If you really want to challenge her, a fire nation firebending healer who is genuinely compassionate to people of all nations, but who is also proud to be a fire nation citizen and fond of their nation. That would REALLY confuse her. Doubly so if there's some healing technique that she desperately needs to learn from this person. Katara seems like the type to think that one person = one opinion, and that there is only one right opinion, ever, in all things, and that is hers. Show her someone complex, hypocritical, layered, but still a force for overall good. Tl;dr let's torture Katara.
Aang! It's been a while since his duties as Avatar have conflicted with his personal convictions. Actually, it's been a while since his duties as Avatar have come up at all, apart from training and getting chased for being the Avatar. Aang is going to encounter some problem that can only be fixed by an Avatar, likely something like the giant panda from season one. Maybe pissing off the Owl spirit causes unrest in the spirit world? Maybe Aang's going to have to fight a war on two fronts: fire nation v. other nations and spirit world v. physical world? Or maybe Aang's going to have to mediate in a spirit world civil war? Aang's got enough friends in the spirit world that maybe the giant panda and his friends take offence to the owl mouthing off about the avatar and it snowballs from there? It seems to me that pissing off a spirit is the kind of mistake that should have consequences beyond that spirit's episode. And this need for the Avatar comes up just when there's a solid lead on Appa, so Aang has to learn to delegate the Appa-finding to his friends while he's off saving the world. Tl;dr Aang has to do some Avataring.
Iroh needs to get his act together and come up with a better plan than following Zuko at a safe distance. This is more of a wish than a prediction, because Iroh's still very much a big old question mark to me. It's easier to predict what the child/teenage characters are going to do, because apart from maybe Toph, they have limited and already defined means. But Iroh's lived decades. He could very easily have resources, skills, connections, knowledge etc. that viewers haven't seen yet that he could call on at any time. He could pull anything out of the blue and I'd believe it, because that's how the world works when you're a sociable person who knows how to talk your way into things and has spent decades doing so. There have to be some earth kingdom collaborators around from his invading days who could be blackmailed/flattered into helping Iroh and Zuko get back on their feet. Tl;dr Iroh phones a friend. I can see the plot for the rest of the season ending in three ways:
A)Sokka's news about the eclipse causes the earth king to arrange a direct strike on the fire nation capital, killing Azula in the finale. The fire lord escapes, Azula gets promoted to fire nation martyr, and the war enters a new, worse, heightened, far more scorched earth/bloodthirsty state at the start of season three.
B) The Earth King says "yeah kid, we've had star charts for millennia, we know about the eclipse, they know about the eclipse, it'll be the one time their defences are at their absolute highest, this plan is dumb as hell, go away." This is the one I think is most likely.
C) News of the eclipse never reaches the earth king, because it turns out that unless the local king is your nonagenarian former best friend, getting a royal audience is hard if you're a water tribe nobody, and maybe his friend is the Avatar, but he's also twelve, and even in a kid's cartoon letting twelve year olds have a say in national policy is a bit of a stretch. The eclipse nonsense remains a one-episode occurrence that was just the set up required for Appa's Appa-napping, and the rest of the season is spent de-Appa-napping Appa, until a surprise appearance by Zuko jr. and her girlies in the finale.
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commehter · 5 months
The Spirit Tale of Fire Lord Ozai - Avatar the Last Airbender Fanfic
Rating: Mature Genres: Political Drama + Family + Paranormal Adventure = Slice of Life for Fire Lord Zuko Pairings: Mostly Gen, Tui/La (thus far) Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Azula, Agni, Various Spirits, OCs as needed Summary: When La demands justice for Tui's favored mortal, Agni proposes a compromise and spirits become more active in the world of man.
Fire Lord Zuko finds himself entangled in the spirits' schemes. He has been stripped of everything -- down to his name -- except for the golden flame that adorns his head and the throne from which he guides his country. He... has a lot he needs to process, and even more to do.
Chapter 1: The Meddling of Spirits
One moment, Fire Lord Zuko is drifting off to sleep after signing the last of the major peace treaties required to officially end the war between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdoms. In the next moment, he is standing barefoot in a forest and unable to open his eyes.
"Who's there?" he snarls. He can hear his abductors whispering amongst themselves. He hasn't been left unwatched. "What do you want?"
This is far from the first attack he's suffered since ascending to the throne, but it's already the most successful. He has no idea how his kidnappers have removed him from his bedroom, let alone how they got past the high palace walls and transported him beyond the heavily patrolled streets of Caldera.
"Peace, Zuko of Second Fire," a man's voice says from directly in front of him.
Zuko throws a fist blindly at his kidnapper's head. The man laughs as he catches the punch.
There are no flames. His bending isn't responding. Has he been drugged? Is that how they got him out of the palace? The man steps closer -- Heat pours off of his abductor as if he is a living furnace. -- and presses the Fire Lord's fist over his own heart. Enough of Zuko's focus is on not panicking that he allows the repositioning of his arm without any resistance.
"Your favored has poor manners," observes a deeper voice from somewhere to his left, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather just end his line to pay the debt?"
Zuko stiffens. They're after more than just him. Is Mai also being held captive somewhere nearby? Has the baby been harmed? Does their reach extend far enough to threaten Uncle in Ba Sing Se? Do their plans include Azula and Ozai? Both have been officially removed from the line of succession, but that doesn't mean much to some.
"The council is agreed," the man in front of him refutes easily, "The debt can be repaid in full through my plan."
"If your favored is as different from the last three of his line as you think he is," the deeper voice huffs, "If. He is still very young, even for a mortal. He could become much the same as they were, given some time."
"He won't," the first kidnapper states in confidence, "He is young, but he has been tried thoroughly. He will not forget himself to the lure of power or ill-founded ambition."
"My brother is correct," a woman's voice joins the conversation, "Fire Lord Zuko has proven himself to be a man of honor and compassion to the other nations. Do not forget, beloved, my brother's plan also benefits our own favored."
"I have not forgotten, my love," the second voice says, "I simply remain unconvinced. Your brother's plan is radical and has many delicate balances. It may fail more easily than it could succeed, especially with this one's inclusion."
"His inclusion is necessary or the plan has little chance to succeed at all," the first states calmly.
"Who are you people?" Zuko demands, temper nearing its end.
A mix of grumbling and laughter answers him. There are... a lot more kidnappers surrounding him than he had previously thought.
"Oh, child of fire, I am afraid you do not yet realize the magnitude of the situation you have been brought into," the first voice says in gentle amusement. Zuko tenses as the man walks a tight half-circle only to stop behind him. The dull red that has been the shade of his closed eyelids fades to pitch black and a steady heat beats against his back. "Dear Tui, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Zuko of Second Fire, open your eyes and know those who address you today."
His eyes fly open as soon as the words are spoken and his legs immediately buckle at the sight that greets him. It is only the arm suddenly secured around his chest that keeps him upright. There is a second hand resting lightly at his throat. Zuko isn't sure whether or not that's meant to be a threat.
"Peace, child," the first man -- No, he is not a man at all. -- says, breath a warm breeze rushing past his right ear and cheek, "It is not our goal to harm you."
"Spirits?" Zuko squeaks, twisting to look at the being holding him. It is an attempt that is quickly thwarted.
The hand around his neck slides ever so slightly higher to put pressure on the underside of his jaw and effectively traps his head against the spirit's shoulder. Zuko swallows his pride and yields to the hold. It burns to do so, but he isn't equipped to fight spirits, let alone so many and without so much as his firebending to protect himself or a viable exit strategy. The hand at his throat reverts to being a deceptively light and unrestrictive touch.
The spirit laughs merrily, seemingly unbothered by the actions of the mortal man in his grasp. "Indeed," he answers, "This is the Council of Greater World Spirits."
Zuko scans the odd beings before him again but one in particular catches his attention, if only because she is the sole spirit approaching him. The female spirit is almost suspiciously normal-looking compared to the wilder physiques that some of the other spirits possess. Zuko frowns even as the spirit smiles at him. The form she wears is one he recognizes, but not in regards to any spirit.
"I know you," he says, "You were the Northern Water Tribe's princess."
The woman's smile brightens. "I would not have expected you to remember my favored's mortal form. It is a shame you and my Yue were never properly introduced to each other. I believe you would have gotten on well," she tells him, "My name is Tui."
"The Moon Spirit," Zuko whispers. The others have told him the story, about how Princess Yue sacrificed herself to resurrect the moon. Well, Sokka had told him the story once, after he had gotten drunk at some festival, and the others had clarified a few things when Zuko had thought to ask. He's still not completely sure which parts of the tale were factually true and which parts were alcohol-fueled rambling.
"Yes," the pale spirit says, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Zuko of Second Fire."
"Second Fire?" the man amongst spirits finally asks. He's heard the phrase too many times now to continue ignoring it.
The spirit at his back chuckles softly before answering, "I bestowed the gift of flame upon the dragons first, and to mortal man second, child of fire."
"Agni?" he questions weakly.
"So I am," the spirit responds.
He's being held by the greatest deity of the Fire Nation, one of the great spirits that support life throughout the entire world. He doesn't know how to process that thought.
"Tui, if you would," Agni requests as he continues to support Zuko's shock-numbed body.
"Of course, Brother," the moon says before returning her attention to the Fire Lord. "You would no more be able to gaze upon the Sun Spirit's native form than you would his physical manifestation in your world's sky without being blinded by his great light. It is, as it has always been, my happy privilege to reflect Agni's brilliance. Please, allow me to be the means through which you might know my brother's face."
Tui turns on her heel and suddenly a very different spirit is standing in her place. Or, not quite. The Moon Spirit's form remains, as if in dark shadow, behind the shining reflection of Agni. It looks as if the two spirits are standing back-to-back in the space intended only for a solitary spirit. It's surreal but, from what Zuko has heard and occasionally experienced, spirits only make sense about half of the time anyway.
The hand at his throat carefully closes Zuko's dropped jaw for him. The reflection's outstretched arm and hand don't quite line up with the fingers he feels gently pressed against his jaw, but it gets the point across well enough. Agni's reflection looks unexpectedly fond. That's... probably a good thing?
Zuko feels himself being lowered to the ground but he can't tear his eyes away from the reflection sinking into a relaxed kneeling position in front of him. The arms retreat for a moment but heavy hands soon fall upon his shoulders and Zuko honestly isn't sure if he currently has enough control over his own body to prevent himself from falling down completely without the support. Again the reflection is an imperfect match for the real thing, given the angles, but he can't be bothered to care when he's staring up at the face of Agni.
"I have a task for you, Fire Lord," Agni says, expression turning serious, "I am sorry to say it is not one you will be given a choice in taking up, but the council is in agreement that you deserve to be told why it must happen."
Zuko tries to breathe through the building panic. "Okay," he wheezes past his fried nerves, "I'm ready."
"Three years ago, Zhao of Second Fire attempted to slay the Moon Spirit."
"I remember," Zuko says through his tightening throat, "The Ocean Spirit sank the entire invasion fleet and dragged Zhao down to the bottom of the Northern Sea. I saw it happen with my own eyes."
Agni tips his head in a shallow acknowledging nod. "The Ocean Spirit swept up Zhao of Second Fire into a fate far worse than that of a man drowned at the sea floor, but that is a matter already settled. La's actions that day repaid in full the debt for daring to attack a spirit. However, Tui's favored was lost to the mortal world as a result of Zhao's actions and that debt has yet to be repaid. Balance would require that I, likewise, take from the mortal realm my favored. It is no secret that I have promised my strongest blessings upon my first children, the dragons; the leaders of my second children, the Fire Lands' royal line; and the mortal bridge, the Avatar.
"Yue of the Northern Seas was the only favored of Tui and La among mortal men. The council reached the decision that balance and justice would require that every living member of the Fire Lands' royal line be wiped from the mortal realm."
The breath in his lungs stutters as he processes the meaning of Agni's words.
The spirits have condemned his entire family to death.
"No! Please, I can --"
"Peace, child mine." Agni's hand cups his unscarred cheek and Zuko feels a face press against his hair. "And listen well." The spirit withdraws so Zuko can again see the reflection's face.
He can't give up without a fight, and especially not when the fight is for more than just himself. Still, Agni has bid him to listen and he has learned the hard way that it is often best to listen before acting. Zuko takes a steadying breath and nods.
"This was not a decision the council reached quickly and, in that time, I had put together another plan to repay the debt. My proposal caused yet more arguing amongst our numbers, but, eventually, my plan was accepted. Only Ozai of Second Fire will be removed from the mortal world."
"Oh," Zuko's relief bursts from him in a gust of breath that he had not meant to give voice to. Ozai's death will doubtlessly cause a stir, and there will likely be rumors of patricide, but... Considering what the alternative is, he has no complaints. He'll find a way to deal with the fallout.
"There is more to the plan and it will demand much of you," the spirit warns, "It will not be accomplished quickly."
"I can do it," Zuko promises. Whatever the plan is, he'll do his part. For Uncle, and Mai, and the baby, and even Azula.
Agni smiles but something about the Sun Spirit's expression is nonetheless pitying. "You can and I have faith that you will, but, as I said, you are not being given a choice in the matter. You will take up this task. But you will not be working alone. Now that the council is set on this course, many spirits are eager to participate. Tui and I in particular will remain near to guide you, and lesser spirits may also seek you out to offer their services."
Agni retreats and stands. Zuko's head is swimming under the warring relief and dread but he manages to remain sitting upright. "Now, we should get started," the Sun Spirit announces. "La, are you ready?"
The oddly normal-looking Water Tribe man that is actually the Ocean Spirit, apparently, flashes a shark-like grin. "Don't worry about me, King of Flames. I've had more practice in the mortal world than any of you in recent memory," he says in the same voice that had earlier disparaged Zuko's manners and openly wondered if they shouldn't go back to the old plan of indiscriminately killing his entire family. "I'll manage just fine."
"Wait! You still haven't told me what my task is!" Zuko yells.
"Your task is nothing more or less than you would do regardless, given what you have already been told and the situation we are sending you into," Agni says, "Be an honorable Fire Lord. Seek to create and maintain peaceful relations between the Fire Lands and the rest of the world. But please, child of fire, take some time to rest and think. The path before you is long and difficult."
"My moon," La says, offering a hand to Agni's reflection, "let us begin."
Tui spins and Agni's visage drops from her form like the illusion it is. The Moon Spirit takes the ocean's offered hand. She smiles at Zuko as she says, "Remember, young Fire Lord, the burden is not yours to bear alone. We all must do our parts. Call for us if you have need. We will answer."
Agni briefly touches the back of his neck and Zuko has to resist the urge to glance over his shoulder at the Sun Spirit. "I give you now the same charge that I once gave your forefathers: Fire Lord, my blessing is upon you. Go forth and tend to my children and my lands. Bring prosperity and honor to that which has been entrusted to you."
Between one moment and the next, Fire Lord Zuko exits the spirit world as abruptly as he had been pulled into it.
You can read the rest of the story on AO3 or Royal Road.
30 Chapters (WIP)
80k Words (and counting)
Posted 04/16/2022
Happy reading!
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