#its called multishipping! look into it
lotus-pear · 1 year
bro i swear to fucking god if i get one more ask slandering me for shipping both fyozai and skk.. im going to find u. idc if ur an anon. mind ur own buisness <3
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buddie-or-tevan · 3 months
Alright here’s a good one: are you a multishipper?? Are you swimming in Buddie and Tevan paradise? Did you look at both and slap an ot3 on them and call it a day? Or do you campaign for your otp and ONLY your otp???
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electricea · 25 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Tumblr media
What’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
I don't really have any OTP for him but I do have a bias for any ship that involves a fellow Phantom Thief since I do think there's already a strong foundation for trust and friendship there and to me, the progression to a romantic relationship would feel more natural.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I'd say most anything - like I've even said in my rules that I'm willing to do fade to blacks or to state or infer our muses have a sexual relationship (provided they would both be adults in said relationship) - I really only draw the line at writing sex/sexual acts or smut. I don't wish to write any of that and I'm not comfortable with it. Also, any sort of toxic or problematic relationship where it's abusive - physically, verbally, emotionally or otherwise - or in which one party is grooming the other or ignoring the other muse's boundaries or consent.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
For his main verse in which he's a teenager, I'd say I draw the line at shipping with eighteen, maybe nineteen year old muses - won't go any older than that if Ryuji is going to remain sixteen or seventeen. As for any alternate verses where he's aged up - that would honestly depend on the nature of the ship itself and how big the age gap is - but broadly, I'd say as long as they're both consenting adults, I don't see any issues - but with that being said, I probably wouldn't exactly be keen on shipping a freshly eighteen year old Ryuji with a thirty year old, for example.
Are you selective when shipping?
I don't really feel that I am - I look for chemistry first and foremost and I go from there - generally if someone expresses shipping to me or offers up a muse they'd like to ship with Ryuji then in nine out of ten instances, I'd say I'm pretty inclined to say yes - so long as the relationship isn't inappropriate or doesn't involve an adult being shipped with a teenager - also I guess what I try to keep an eye out and really look for is how that muse treats Ryuji - because if they're rude to him and don't really treat him all that well, then I would expect that to change - I'm not doing a ship where he continues to be treated like dirt.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Any removal of clothes or touching is where I'd consider it NSFW, personally.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
You don't have to explicitly ask - but bear in mind I'm not a mind reader so engagement on things like shipping calls, sending shippy memes does generally help because I am truly oblivious and have no clue when another mun is also interested in shipping - and to be fair, I do my part as well - I try to make shipping calls and show interest in shipping with others, so it's not just a one way street.
How often do you like to ship?
I kind of feel like I haven't shipped all that often lately - or at least, not many new ships - but I'd like to change that. Shipping's always quite fun.
Are you multiship?
Yep! Sorry, but shipping is just way too much fun to restrict it to only muse and plus I think part of the fun in being multi ship is that it allows you to explore a wide array of ships with all sorts of different muses and I try to treat each ship as its own individual, separate thing - so there's no cheating, no two-timing going on. There are no favourite ships, just a ton of really awesome ones with some amazing muns that I treasure equally.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Uh, is there a neither option for this question? I like talking ships but I'm not ship obsessed - I don't do the Spotify playlists and moodboards, the matching promos or drabbles, etc - but I do enjoy and appreciate them - and it's not as though I'm indifferent to or annoyed by ships. I just like them and I like sharing headcanons whenever one pops into my head.
What is your favourite ship in your current fandom?
I don't really have a favourite ship - that's part of the fun of Persona, yeah? Gotta ship 'em all! (So long as we're excluding the Joker ships with the actual adult women lmao.)
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Uhh, send me shippy memes, like my shipping call, just come running into my dm's, say you want to ship? Just say it outright honestly - I'm not great at picking up on clues or hints, so yeah I might need to hear it actually confirmed by the other mun that they do in fact want to ship, but once I know, I'm happy to get the ball rolling.
Tagged by: @gamenu (Thank you!)
Tagging: Whoever would like to give this a go!
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
Echo back at it again with their two cents an hour after the convo had ended and is irrelevant:
we need to make an anxious anons support group where we watch videos of ccs others have [insert cc]-rsd and help each other out lol
I literally actually can not recommend this enough. When the Drideo dropped I was actually online on a server made for Dream Stans and multiple people stayed online and all gathered at community spawn to support each other. I waited to watch the video because someone in the group volunteered to go first to feed us a list of trigger warnings. Someone was going around tossing flowers to everyone (and is now the reason I have a mc poppy tattoo + dream's first priv twt just being a poppy). And these were people I barely knew outside of the server, if at all. If you think you would benefit from doing something like this absolutely do it.
I think they just wanted ghosti to watch her because they have infantilized their adult daughter and convinced themselves that she needs a babysitter at fucking 18.
Completely valid take Moku but also putting myself in their shoes, if i were a parent w a child at age 18 i gotta say i might ask one of their friends to keep an eye on them, esp if it was them leaving for a con across the county/another continent. Not babysitting style obvi but like a "just make sure they're being safe they will trust your opinions as their friend" type of thing, and its fairly common in the con scene as well- I've been asked by parents of 15-19yo con-goers who I'm acquaintances or friends with to keep a general eye on them, let them do their own thing but intervene if necessary. But we'll never know what Caiti's parents wanted by asking Ghosti this, and whether it was keep a general eye or literally babysit her, Ghosti absolutely 100% fucked up beyond redemption either way. I just feel like a tiny bit of benefit of the doubt regarding what the parents wanted could be afforded.
also a majority of my multishipping was just "dnf+*insert creator I liked that they interactd with* "
Baby Fever Anon let me introduce you to the wonderful concept I call "The Dream (Super)Bowl". It's when the only ships youre interested in being ships with Dream or ships with DNF and no other ship types
oh yes absolutely! After the gogcident i got into a discord call with some people to dissect his first response video and it was so great for calming down. Highly recommend for everyone to get even a gc of friends they the know will be a good shoulder to lean on during stuff like this :) (shoutout to the dreamies gc who was also very level-headed during this)
yeah I totally get that and I've been in both situations so I can understand it for sure! Personally where I think it gets more into "babysitting" territory is the fact that caiti's mom literally /paid/ ghosti. So to me, it looks more transactional and more like a "duty" rather than a friend just keeping a well-meaning eye out for her. Plus caiti lives in the UK by herself most of the time right? So it would seem weird for her mom to not trust her alone at a convention in her home-country but trust her out across the ocean? Either way I get that her mom just wanted her to be safe. Shame that neither caiti or ghosti thought of that as a priority.
also the dream super bowl sounds perfect for me too I love that
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unlimitedgolden · 1 year
I have toontown headcanons to share so I'm going to just go for it + canon honorifics
PRONOUNS!!!!!!11!11 ROMANCE!!11 AHHHHH1!!!11
Deep Diver is a bigender baddie, she/he (Mr/Ms). Update: I think it'd be really funny if Deep Diver was bigender and bisexual. baby bi bi bi,,,
Gatekeeper she/her (Ms) and also the swaggiest butch lesbian you'll ever see
Firestarter he/they (Mr/Mx) otd. My brain says demiboy and I KNOW he is gay as hell
Featherbedder they/he/she (Mx/Mr/Ms), non-binary in some way, most likely genderfluid. I don't know enough about them right now so that's all I got
Major Player he/hymn (Mr) (this is straight up from the official server), and I honestly think he's pan with a preference to men (Buck Ruffler and their freaky fusion)
Chainsaw Consultant looking like a he/they (Mr) transman, I also think he's bi
Mouthpiece my grandma. She/her (Mrs) and I am a trans grandma truther. She is the elder transhet to me.
Rainmaker she/they (Ms/Mx) and CALL ME INSANE BUT I think they're transmasc and I love her ok. Also bi
Witch Hunter he/him (Mr) and I don't know enough about him yet except he seems like a miserable bloke and a hater
Duck Shuffler he/they/it (Mr) transmasc (projecting lowkey) and he is gay as hell as well idc
Treekiller he/him (Mr) and I don't know enough about him yet either SORRY
Plutocrat he/him (Don/Mr) he seems cishet but I also don't know enough about him either
Bellringer he/him (Mr). I think he's cis but experimenting with he/they. Bi, British, Bell.
Prethinker he/him (Mr) transman? Transmasc? Not sure but he's transgender. Also pan
Multislacker He/They but maybe she too (Mr/Mx) methinks genderfluid. Its the colourscheme I promise. Somewhere on the asexual spectrum to me. Romance? Maybe, maybe not. Not sure.
Pacesetter he/him (Mr) + transman swagger with the gay gay boyfriend on top
Prefacing this with the warning of multishipping for funsies and I am a believer of polycules argue with the wall
Deep Diver according to cogs.ink hates Gatekeeper and Treekiller which is so funny to me because I think Deep Diver and Gatekeeper would be cute together
Deep Diver/Gatekeeper with Rainmaker is also so fire. Polycule them NOW
Firestarter and Pacesetter canon boyfriends
Also that one headcanon of Firestarter and Rainmaker being siblings is so cute I'm adopting it
Major Player fused with Duck Shuffler that one time and even though its not a canon event they're really good together. Love wins in every universe
Chainsaw Consultant with Duck Shuffler (thanks Sludge) kissy mwah mwah
Chainsaw Consultant and Rainmaker t4t swagger btw
Rainmaker already mentioned all above but yeah she should get soooo much love. Love wins. Multishipping wins. Polycules win.
Duck Shuffler has two hands to hold one for Major Player and one for Chainsaw Consultant. Polycules babeeey!!! And then I'm on his leg like a diseased animal.
Treekiller and Chainsaw Consultant brothers for realsies
Sometimes I think about that animatic with Plutocrat being interested in Mouthpiece with the spongebob audio. Yknow the one by cogmics. Lives in my head
Bellringer and Prethinker kissing. Idk where it came from but I think they're cute too
Also whoever came up with Pacesetter and Multislacker having a sibling like bond os brilliant. Adopted that hc now too.
Other STUPID HCS before I forget
I was talking to my sister about this one but I think it'd be funny if cogs reproduced by just building their offspring like in the Robots movie.
Building my son from scrap parts I found
And again in convo with my sister it'd be funny if toons reproduced by just drawing their children since they're literally cartoons
She said if you look ugly as a toon sorry your parents were just bad at art LMFAO
Furthermore this was to build our own lore on why our toons are siblings but different species and since we agree our dad would be a cog (which I did design) that he must've drawn our toons
Mfw we are our fathers oc
OK I think that's everything for now. I'm immediately sending this to everyone I know for approval
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lonelyrosebindery · 6 months
What is Lonely Rose Bindery?
If you're reading this, you're probably either interested in fanbinding, or a fic writer trying to ensure I'm not some rando on the internet trying to get your personal information or a scammer planning to illegally sell something. Feel free to message me if you have any concerns that aren't answered below!
I'm TS, but you can also call me Rose. I write fanfic on AO3 here and (previously) Fanfic.net here, blog about diabetes in fandom at @type1diabetesinfandom and @yourfavisdiabetic, and flail about misc fandom stuff on my main @too-short-for-my-own-good. I'm also on Discord @ tooshortformyowngood.
I've been in various fan spaces since the early 2010s, and I'll probably keep at until the day I die! I'm multifandom and multiship. Besides writing, I also draw fan art and make podfics, moodboards, playlists, meta, and headcanons. I've attended local and online cons and been to fan meetups.
And, at the end of 2022, I started fanbinding.
Why do I bind fanfiction?
It's March 29th as I write this, and I've read approximately 2 million words of fanfiction this year. I have over 1600 bookmarks on AO3.
I bind fics primarily to preserve them. I've seen many fics be deleted or locked before I downloaded them. (I'm sure we've all been there.) Keeping a copy on my shelf means I don't have to worry as much about losing a favorite story.
A physical copy makes rereading much easier! I get eye strain easily, and some websites just have horrible formatting.
I get to show a writer that I loved their story enough to HAND BIND it. I've met some amazing people this way!
Traditionally hand-binding fanfic pushes back against the notion that fic isn't "real writing."
What to expect on this blog:
Here, I share some of the fanbinding projects I've done, which includes fic, fan studies, meta, freely-available original fiction, public domain works, comics, and zines. Each book is lovingly crafted to honor its creator/s.
As a proud member of the Renegade Bookbinding Guild @renegadeguild, I'm part of a wonderful community dedicated to celebrating fic writers and preserving fandom's dying gift economy. It's an honor to contribute to this cause, and I love getting the chance to give people a bound copy of their writing/art--it's an amazing feeling to get to hold your own work in your hands!
To Authors & Artists:
To all the talented authors and artists whose works I've bound: consider this an open invitation to reach out to me for an author's copy! It's my small way of saying thank you for the joy (and angst lol) your projects have brought me.
I usually try to contact writers/artists directly, but sometimes it doesn't work. Don't be shy! I want to give you a gift!
I don't share any personal information (I would hope that's obvious, but this IS the internet...), and I encourage people to use a PO Box or a friend's address when being offered a fanbinding. Just make sure the friend or other proxy in question is ok with being sent fanfic!
If you don't want to risk receiving a physical copy, I can share the typeset with you instead! The typeset is the formatted PDF, to make the fic itself look like a traditionally published story. These can be plain or artistic, depending on the project and the style of the typesetter.
If there's artwork that's been made for the fic, please let me know! I look for that but it can be tricky, especially when things aren't linked together.
I do NOT share typesets to anyone outside the Renegade Bookbinding Guild, except the author/artist. Even in Renegade, I only share with established members via personal requests unless the author gives me blanket permission to share with the guild as a whole.
Lonely Rose Bindery operates on a NON-PROFIT basis.
Please note that while I pour my heart and soul into each project, I DO NOT accept commissions! I am a hobbyist driven by a deep, deeeeep love for fanfic. I bind purely for the joy of crafting, and the preservation of stories that mean the world to me.
If you are not the author or artist who worked on a specific fic, do NOT request a copy! You are welcome to ask questions and talk about the craft. My askbox is open, and reblogs are turned on.
Message me if you...
are an author/artist who wants to request multiple copies (i.e. for friends or family, or different editions)
kindly want to help with shipping costs (because international shipping is fucking expensive)
have specific colors or themes in mind for your fic
I will not take requests for specific materials, nor accept payment for any materials used.
Lonely Rose Bindery is not just about preserving fanfiction; it's about celebrating the creativity and community of fandom. With each project, I try to honor the stories and art that I love and to promote a gift economy against the rise of consumerism that has recently plagued multiple fandoms.
I look forward to sharing more fanbinds and continuing to improve my bookbinding skills. I never knew how many ways you can make a book until I started this!
Remember, my askbox is always open, so feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or just to say hello. Happy reading!
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thrilling-oneway · 9 months
You are so right with m/f stuff! I’m not familiar with a lot of VBS shipping discourse, but it’s annoying to see how people can’t write an analysis on how important Tsukasa is to Rui without others dog piling them and saying they’re delusional and ignoring canon for their yaoi “with no content”. (At least on twitter, tumblr is much better with this) And as someone whose also bisexual, it’s so annoying seeing people use bisexuality as a gotcha to ship m/f and act as if its progressive and that it gives them the okay to hate on f/f and m/m pairings.
YES YES EXACTLY. God I hate when people keep saying that ruikasa has no content and their dynamic is underdeveloped whenever anyone talks about them. Like as biased as I am because I like the ship, they do have a very developed dynamic regardless of if you like the ship or not. Literally there's three events about it (potato and pandemonium + it was a pretty big background element in curtain call), one of which is the third event in the game. like if you don't like ritk that's perfectly fine, but when people are dogpilling ritk shippers for talking about their dynamic/pandemonium chapter 8/wtv and saying they're reaching, especially if the person doing this is an account dedicated to another rui ship/are a rui fan, it's a bad look because you're literally ignoring a very significant part of his arc. Ignoring massively important aspects of a character you claim to like just because of a ship is low. This fandom is way too set on everything being about shipping like bruh no one is telling you that you had to view pandemonium as romantic you can view it as platonic perfectly fine and not need to erase parts of rui's character to justify your rui/female character ship.
it's an especially weird situation with VBS as well. as much as I hold the earlier EN fandom to a higher standard there was a lot of discourse around VBS and the fact that they're implied gay. like it used to be a situation where if you admitted you shipped m/f vbs you would get jumped. as a comeback people would accuse biphobia but i never saw huge amounts of people being actually biphobic. saying "an and kohane are quite heavily implied to be lesbians (and it makes some people uncomfortable to see them shipped with men)" is a true statement but people didn't need to attack others over it. not liking a bi headcanon isn't biphobic unless you're actually being biphobic about it yknow? luckily it calmed down after a while but now you get jumped for not shipping m/f which leads us straight back to the statement about an and kohane. gbr the situation with vbs shipping nowadays is much worse than the situation when i first joined, obviously partially bc of the massive increase in fandom size but mainly because people are spewing actual homophobic rhetoric over akty ankh (someone literally tried to claim heterophobia was real bc of people not liking m/f vbs a couple months ago. actually this has happened multiple times).
AND YES GOD THIS FANDOM'S APPROACH TO BI HEADCANONS IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING. Like people only use it as a way to make m/f ships more queer and try to 1 up people with it because oh yes male/female couple are not the norm at all and they're so cool and different and if you add a bi/pan hc on top of that it makes you more progressive (/s). HCing a character as bi does not give you cool points and the fact that so many people only do it for m/f ships pisses me off to no end because people treat it like Straight 2 when bi people can be in m/m and f/f relationships. People can hc whatever they want ofc but it's so obvious sometimes that people are only using bi hcs as a way to quickly round off their hcs for every character so they can multiship or justify their m/f ships as queer and at that point I'd rather they just hc'd them as straight because I don't like seeing my identity used solely for the purpose of making a ship more queer because someone doesn't want their m/f to be a hetship.
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aki-draws-things · 1 year
I hope you don't mind, please let me know if you do mind. But also know, you possibly, maybe dragged me out of writer's block so hooray!
Obviously, Chris belongs to you, I've just happened to fall in love with this adorable one, and his "so absolutely not how I imagined to meet my soulmate" first meeting with Slider 🫠
(Yes, yes, I absolutely and mostly write ice/slider, and I love them together so much...but I also love the "slider is Jake's dad" just as much, so...) (plus, multiship is the way!)
"He does have beautiful eyes."
Was the very first thought, yet Chris was vastly aware it was a very improper first thought. Like, no. For the love of God, no. You're a very well-respected professional, Seresin!
Except for the stranger he had just dragged out of that wrecked car had indeed beautiful eyes.
And a very pretty smile. which shouldn't be the case because the man was most likely heavily concussed, he waved a hand, or perhaps that was his main intention. He kind of waved.
Chris found himself smiling back, kneeling by his side and holding him down when he tried to move because of course, he would try to move, right? Concussed and with most likely some bruised, if not broken, ribs, and he was trying to move and sit.
"Hold still, before you hurt yourself more."
The stranger, blinked, wide-eyed, at him, he breathed slowly, which could be because of the pain, could be him keeping himself calm, or the chest trauma. His breath felt wrong, rattling under Chris' hand.
"My savior..."
Uh... alright, that made him feel like... that felt nice. If only that stranger didn't look like death warmed up to him, of course.
"Marry me..."
Chris didn't blush. Nah, he probably pushed a strand of hair back or scratched his cheek and the red on his face was blood--- Yeah, okay, maybe he blushed, that would be a lot better.
"What? Pain?"
"No, no... we can't marry. We can't because-- cause Ice-- Icey will never let a pretty angel take me away--"
He frowned and Chris swallowed. He was getting worse, he could see it, confused, disoriented. Where the fuck was the ambulance anyway?! And what on God-forsaken Earth was an Icey?!
The stranger blinked, stared straight at Chris and he forced himself to smile at him. The stranger looked kinda dazed and sad.
"Pretty angel would never want to take someone like me..."
If I was the pretty angel, Chris thought, so bloody unprofessionally but he couldn't care less at that moment, I most definitely would.
He didn't have time to say anything, not a syllable, that the stranger became unconscious and the ambulance sirens wailed through the air.
Captain Kazansky always said, from the day he saw a white hair on his head, that Ron was the cause of them. Then he met Maverick, and his white hair were now carefully hidden. Extremely well hidden.
But he wasn't angry, hell, he could never be angry, not as he felt his heart thump fast inside his chest and he crossed corridors over corridors.
Not Maverick, for once, and he thought he would feel happy. Grateful. Something.
He didn't.
Because it was Ron they called about. Because Ron had listed him as his emergency contact, of course, they were family.
Because it wasn't a flight accident, or they would've been together, and he would never let something happen, Ron was coming back to the base, Ron was--
"Ron what the hell you did this time?"
At first, Tom didn't notice the other man in the room when he burst inside, uniform and all, looking ready to throw the hat straight at Ron's face but stopping as soon as he saw the bandages. God, he needed a full report on his injuries. Before now!
Ron whined, and wiggled a hand toward him until Tom finally stepped closer, took his hand gently, intertwining their fingers.
Oh, Chris thought, from a little spot in the corner, he's taken. Well--
"'m sorry Icey..." Ron whined, not looking at his pilot. "Messed up..."
So, that was what an Icey was. A person. An extremely good looking one too.
"Actually, if I maybe speak in his defense-- hi, sorry, I'm Chris, I'm the one who got him out," he smiled, and definitely rambled. "Well... he actually got hit, it wasn't his fault."
Iceman looked at him, his hand still trapped into Slider's, he looked at him.
"Thanks. For getting him out. For saving him. Don't know what I would do without him..."
Ah, so definitely taken... but perhaps-- well, he wasn't picky, if they weren't either.
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Writer ask game! 1, 9, 11, 49
ALSO, I saw your tags on Silver’s CPR fic and… are you in healthcare or were just dragged into a very bad situation and had to do compressions because most people don’t recognize you have to break someone’s rib cage to do proper CPR
Not healthcare! I don't work now, and doubt I could do CPR properly any more because my joint stability in my arms was trashed by genetics, but 10-ish years ago I had a summer job as a lifeguard. And got really, really unlucky with what shift I was on. Not sure what happened - and don't want to know - as it happened in a pool a colleague was watching, but after I cleared both pools we swapped so he could answer questions from the call operator.
(Am very thankful I've never had to use the training we did for babies because that's terrifying just on the dolls.)
Now your number questions!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
All questions tricky, but after scrolling through my (Zelda, because I have too much) fic I'd probably pick Leviathan Legends? Its not the best, and I still need to finish anything else for the series, and is more representative of what my writing at least tries to me. I was a bit surprised by all the physical pain there, but then I'm 9 days into whumptober which has all been Zelda, and there's only 36 fics. So that's a quarter before I've even considered it ^^;
9. How do you find new fic to read?
First is subscription emails from ao3 or things people are reblogging/posting on tumblr to be found on my dash. Depending on if I'm actively looking (email) or it just happens (tumblr). After that, I tend to start looking from character tags (for LU, X-centric tags too). I have favourites whose tabs stay open on my phone, then sometimes I hop from those to another for the day's flavour. Then if there's a lot I haven't read I narrow it to completed fic and/or keywords/keytags like 'fluff' or 'angst with a happy ending'.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
Oh I'm definitely bias. I will play with whomever fits, but I'll tend towards whatever character I'm dangling from the toes. For Zelda stuff my tags currently go - Hyrule (24), Legend (12), Time (9), Sky (8), Warriors (8), non-LU Link (5), Wild (4), Twilight (3), Four (3), Great Fairies (2). Which really tells me I need to write some Wind fic. But then I'm mostly writing cruel things atm, so... I'd rather not angst the kid??? But I'll have a thing. Because he's a good boy and should have something! I... do have one idea for Wind PoV at least, but its for an incredibly au au I've been building. As for why I pick thing... Across fandoms I've tended to notice I drift towards characters with a lot of their details missing. Side characters with interesting tidbits never explored, ones whose lack of presence overshadows the narrative but are long dead... In other fandoms I also really love filling in blanks from canon? Missing scenes and stuff like that (less so Zelda, there's not /missing/ scenes in the same way as you get with film and books, even with LU), events you know happened but not how. Its a similar sort of thing. Hyrule's games give me a very neat framework with a lot of space to play in. Meanwhile Legend just has a very distinctive voice that's fun to dabble in sometimes. The others... Tend to get dragged into fics with one of them as convenient or needed, though Time, Sky, and Wars all have fics where they are the central character having emotions and doing things. As I had ideas. And I have some chaos for Four that's been slowly burning in my brain a long while. Pairing wise... Depends what works for what I'm writing. Even in fandoms where I ship I multiship. LU wise its Legend & Hyrule at the top, but that's as much an artefact of who I like writing most as anything. More you write people the more they show up together.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Theoretically I got my laptop out to today's whumptober prompt, but those get written on the day itself or not at all, and I haven't actually started yet. I have... A lot of WIPs, all of which get poked from time to time. But! Multiple times now has my brain be drawn to the fic summarised as "Princess Aurora's attempts to reconstruct the Legends of the Four Sword with only half-remembered folk stories of her youth and a scattering of pages found in the remains of the burnt-out royal library", so have a bit of that! This is from pretty late, but I tend to write the end of anything before the start.
But then, the Hero of Lightning pulled the ring from his hand. With the motion power cracked through the skies, lightning summoned to its hero's command. Preparing for more sorrow the Hero of Fire called out one last time; the Hero of Lightning's smirk became a softer smile as he looked upon his soul-brother, twisting the lightning to himself - and, more importantly, to the Hero of Darkness. For long had the Hero of Lightning been gathering magic into the ring, limiting the flow within himself in exchange for it passing undetected by the enemy's hands. And now he released it, not at the Demon Lord's back, but rather at the fifth hero, the Hero of Darkness. Realising what had occurred, the Demon Lord turned, throwing much of his power behind a single attack as he lunged at the Hero of Lightning. The smirk vanished into a scream as darkness tore through his chest, a single shot with every intent to kill. And yet, when he fell, there was yet a smile on the Hero of Lightning's bloodied lips; the Demon Lord was too late, and the deed already done.
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I love how I originally shipped Blake with Sun, then I started to ship her with Yang, then with Ilia, and now I also ship Yang with Weiss
RWBY has turned me into such a multishipper I DON’T EVEN HAVE SHIPS ANYMORE I HAVE AN ENTIRE FLEET
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just-antithings · 2 years
A fic writer in my fandom is being called an anti and badmouthed in a Discord channel, with people being encouraged on the downlow not to comment/reblog/kudo/like her stuff. I actually like her work because she does canon compliant fics while the fandom is oversaturated with AUs and it scratches my itch. So I was like, "damn, how disappointing, I follow her tumblr and subscribe to her AO3 and haven't seen anti stuff from her, where did she hide that?" only to be told that she is an anti because she doesn't multiship, blocks people who ship her NOTP and said she doesn't consider herself a proshipper because she finds the term too vague and prone to being interpreted differently based on which group is using it. I literally went @_@ when I saw that. Paraphrasing the convo that followed, I asked to clarify: "So she doesn't harass people, send death threats or advocate for a content she doesn't like to be removed completely?" And the answer I got, paraphrased: "Well, no, but she blocks people over what they ship and doesn't want to call herself a proshipper. And she's a monoshipper, too. Antis are always obsessed with their ship and hate others." And at that point I left the conversation and the Discord server both and spent the past couple of hours leaving long comments on all of her fics, both on Tumblr and AO3. I'm sending this to you to vent so I can excise my negativity about the situation without it slipping into my comments to her. I hope that's okay.
Yea, thats shitty. I also block my notps and depending on the fandom or character, hate multishipping. I also dont directly discribe myself as a porshipper (im not highly active in fandom any more sobik hardly even a shipper at all at this point). The author is very clearly cultivating their own online experience so they can get the most enjoy ment out of it..... You know the thing so many proshippers advocate for. I think its awesome that you are giving her positivity, while also venting somewhere else so she only gets the good parts.
I'm sure most people dont live the whole "i think youre great unlike these other people" like personal if someone dislikes me i dont need people who do like me to bring it up everytime i get a compliment (kind of how a lot of trans advocating posts cant be positive without bring up how much better they are then terfs like yea, but i would like positivity without being reminded about how much certain other people hate me.)
The people in that server are being childish because someone they like wont make the content they want so they are lashing out. They apparently are struggling with the concept that not everything is for them, and instead of going out and looking for things they do enjoy they want to complain. Again childish an its so similar to anti behavior, im not calling them antis but again the same thing applies to antis and them here
Not everything is made for you and other people cultivating their online experience is not a slight on you. Get over yourself and let people use fiction how they want, you dont speak for everyone.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
i just saw your post about crackships vs rarepairs as terminology and yeah. Yeah. it makes me crazy how that language has changed because its not like we havent been having conversations for YEARS about how two men who barely interact will have huge fanbases dedicated to shipping them (which based on lack of shared screentime and unlikeliness of being canon would make them a crackship). like it doesnt STOP being a crackship because it has a large fanbase?
am i maybe bitter because after the incredible v8 episode "dark" i kept seeing people on twitter call blake/ruby a crackship. Maybe. Perhaps. (a pairing of two main characters who have shown time and time again to trust each other to have their backs, look up to and inspire one another, hell ruby and blake's relationship heavily foils adam and blake's, and just lack shared screentime is NOT a crackship.)
crackships can be popular! rarepairs can be something that has more potential than not to be canon! these two things are not interchangeable phrases!
also i have gotten all the way back to where i left off at chapter 11 of skimming eye and the part about cinder's grimm arm aching cold made my HEART ACHE!!!
Hi Cherry, I hope you're having a good one. (: The post in question.
Yes, I agree. Whilst vernacular drift is a real thing and inevitably happens, and language use will try to accommodate what's missing, when it's jargon, it's necessary to try and preserve what's relevant and useful. If 'crackship' is used to describe a 'rarepair', it means we lose both meanings of the terms, and as you can see in that original post, cause a miscommunication.
If someone calls Knightfall a crackship, it reads pretty poorly to me.
I think you pointed out something interesting here about crackships and the Migratory Slash Fandom, where these apparent crackships have a lot of legitimacy lent to them in canon just because of the established panfandom tradition. It didn't even really occur to me to think of those as crackships (I don't think I've been part of the conversation on that end as much). I'm also pretty terrified of incurring the wrath of someone thinking I'm making a bad faith criticism of them. But yeah, seeing two male characters and instantly shipping them for reasons - when they textually have little to no character to speak of - is something that is defintionally a crackship but doesn't read that way upfront to some people. This probably contributes to vernacular shift too.
I understand the motivations of slashshipping; I don't think it's always bad, and fiction is pretty small fry in general, but in the longrun I do think it has not insignificant consequences on narrative analysis. Not taking characters like Cinder seriously, for instance, because she doesn't fit in prefigured slash traditions where male characters are the only important ones.
Speaking personally on slash fandom: slash fandom was pretty much the only fandom which seemed to exist when I joined quite young. It seemed like the only stuff you could be into was slashshipping. It didn't really feel that freeing or interesting to me. It's why I'm kind of defensive about Reylo because it was the first time I felt like I was allowed to be interested in a female character lol.
Regarding Blake/Ruby: I think it's pretty clear R/WBY fandom doesn't really have a handling on what a crackship is, and that pairing is complicated by one half being involved in a canon relationship - but that's never stopped anybody. It might also be because there's a lot of casual crackship-esque multishipping in R/WBY fandom and they might not think there's any serious analysis there - especially when neither Ruby nor Blake are really taken seriously in the way that would necessitate a serious approach to the pairing.
This is an attitude I've personally encountered with Knightfall; it's generally assumed that I multiship or that I only casually ship Knightfall for crack-related reasons, because it's not a serious ship. Obviously Knightfall is extremely serious business.
But yeah, definitionally Blake/Ruby would be a rarepair, not a crackship. You do have the favourable interpretation Ruby as the rose is the eternal bloom of the rose's curse broken. I think that's actually what she is, for the record, and that's why you get Blake and Ruby development post-V6.
In terms of my own personal taste, what usually motivates a lot of shipping is foiling. Because R/WBY is full of foiling everywhere, it's got a lot of opportunities available to people. But I also think it's a great example of romantic foiling or paralleling might be versus what's being done for other purposes - this is a common error in slashfandom, actually, assuming that foiling strictly equals romance.
In that case I think Blake/Ruby has some stuff in favour of it that, again, doesn't make it a crackship, but for me personally I read Blake, Cinder and Ruby all in the same pattern, and to some degree Raven, so I don't ship any of them together. Because they're kind of the same person.
I'm not implying Yang has mummy issues, but she kind of does. I don't think they've gone full Freudian Oedipal, for the record, there's just some narrative symmetry doing things which might seem a little weird at first.
But yeah exactly, crackships can be popular, but rarepairing is a ship predicated upon a smaller fanbase - but not an unjustified pairing. Crackship in this case might be being levelled at you as an insult, though, or vernacular shift. Pretty bad when it's an insult lol, so that's why it's good to keep regular definitions.
Now for something completely different:
also i have gotten all the way back to where i left off at chapter 11 of skimming eye and the part about cinder's grimm arm aching cold made my HEART ACHE!!!
Awww I hope it was nice to read when you were sick, and I hope you're feeling better now. <3 <3 I really enjoyed writing the Dark Curse, sorry about the heartache but that's part of the process. ;) Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the rest when you feel like it. (:
P.S. I saved my whole response just before my Tumblr ask froze and I lost it!!! This is why it's important to save!!!
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topazadine · 2 years
I can't figure out the next chapter for my WIP so instead of doing that, I'm going to do some meta bullshit
Favorite tropes and themes in my writing
Finding intimacy in danger: there's something rather erotic about knowing someone could hurt you but won't
Self-sacrifice: bonus points if it's utterly unnecessary
Constant willingness to face death, especially for loved ones
Secrets and half-truths, concealing information to protect others
Fracturing and fragmenting using weird POVs
Found family :)
Favorite canon additions
Time actually stopped in 2205 thanks to a nuclear war and the Revisionists are trying to go back in time to prevent nuclear energy from ever being discovered, which is why all of TKRB canon takes place in 2205
Revisionists have been locked out of everything after the Meiji Restoration, which is why all TKRB activities take place before that
The honmaru all exist in their own separate spaces to prevent teams from running into one another and activating Kebiishi activity
Swords have different personalities/relationships depending on which citadel they live in (makes multishipping so easy, just hop over to another citadel and check it out)
Corrupt government! Bribes! Evil experimentation!
Nikkari and Juzumaru both have Magic Eyes™
Favorite running gags
Tsurumaru's a fucking glutton and has the taste buds of a small child
Tsurumaru reads Feminine Wives and Kawaii Teen religiously
Tsurumaru and Uguisumaru torment each other (lovingly)
Omokage is unreasonably heavy despite looking tiny
Houchou constantly asking Omokage to turn into something else
Mikazuki hates horses, Tsurumaru loves them
Time devices break any time it's useful to the plot
Tsurumaru is utterly obsessed with Omokage
Ichigo lecturing Tsuru any time he does something rude by calling him by his full name like an angry mom
"Ookanehira got that for me, by the way"
Hasebe's secretly in love with his master, noted lesbian Asari
Any dialogue with Nikkari and Ishikirimaru can be read like one person's speaking
Higekiri just pretends to forget Hizamaru's name because he thinks it's hilarious for some fucking reason
Maeda has woobified Oodenta through plentiful stuffed animals and finger paint drawings
Things I want to explore more in the future
Shokudaikiri/Okurikara, they're SO hard to write though because Okurikara's such a petulant baby
Nikkari's Ghost Detecting Eyeball
Chiyoganemaru (mostly because he's my waifu)
Asari and Ume's relationship
Bitchu Honmaru 2205 reconstruction
Time Agency politics! (might as well get some use out of my International Relations MA because I sure as hell am not going into real life politics lmao)
Revisionist War and its impact on other countries (I'm assuming this was a global war a la Independence Day and other countries had to join in the fight? TSURUMARU IN AMERICA? lmao that'd be really funny)
Cute stuff, I'm so bad at fluff, also porn
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stogerlovesbrewie · 2 years
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This is a multishipping blog dedicated to both Family Guy and American Dad, but mostly Stoger(Steve x Roger) and Brewie(Brian x Stewie). We are two people, Mod Brian and Mod Roger. (More about us under the cut)
DO NOT FOLLOW IF YOU ARE A minor, homophobe, transphobe, aphobe, biphobe, ageist, racist, kinphobe, or any type of hater. If you dont like the ships...DONT LOOK! its simple as that. 
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Now with that aside.... Please enjoy our blog! ❤❤💕💕💋💋💋💖💖
(About the mods below the readmore)
Mod Brian 🐶🍸 he/him, they/them, 36, single(divorced)
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(icon by multifandomlover7)
Hello! You can call me Brian or Mod B. I run this blog occasionally while I pursue my Masters in compsci. I went through some...*ahem* life changes recently so I have been taking some more time to work on my hobbies(hence the blog). I have been a fan of Stoger and Brewie since I originally watched Family Guy and American Dad in 2005. I am also a hardcore furry. (Ask for my FA!) I enjoy talking to everyone so please don’t be afraid to send a message(only if you are over 18).  
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Mod Roger,👽any pronouns 💋28 🍷married 
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(icon by ????)
hey babes.💋 call me Roger, Rog, or R. I am pansexual, genderfluid, and a proud ass mom of one. Multishipper and self proclaimed fujoshi(yes i am THAT bitch!!!!). Also, I am Roger Smith IRL(doubles are ok, i just think of them as another one of my personas!) Currently studying Law, so you can imagine my posts are gonna be a bit sporadic asjfdbsfdsfbjfsf;; Feel free to send me an ask, but don’t talk to me if you can’t handle sass from a tired, wired, and wine-crazy fandom mom!!! 💅
so yeah! thats us! And if you are here to call us cringe, or make fun of us, let the door hit you on the way out! 
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dyed-red · 2 years
Not looking to raise any wars but, do you think if the actor who played Castiel was more conventionally attractive (re: Keegan Allen in a trencoat for ex) would people be more into towards destiel or samstiel or dean/Sam/cass pairings? (Ignoring castiels entire arcs post s6)
i'm a little ??? at this ask, considering that destiel has over 100k fics on ao3:
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i get that not everyone is into misha collins but plenty of people find him attractive, and when he showed up in s4 he was standard cw-level cutie?
if he was shirtless with ripped abs (a la Keegan) in scenes with sam, then sure, there would probably be more sastiel, but i don't think the handsome-factor of misha collins or jared padalecki, or their mutual chemistry in a scene, has all the much to do with the dearth of sastiel content.
mostly the lack of overlap in content and the comparative lack of wincestiel or sastiel is because of bullshit shipwar stuff.
since you said 'not to raise any wars' it's under a cut, and mostly just repeating things that are said elsewhere.
as far as i can tell, there used to be a lot more multishippers, but that ship wars embittered people and that infighting led to "this is the Only ship" mentalities which deterred people from shipping cas with sam, or multishipping sam/dean/cas?
originally there was wincest, then cas hit the scene in S4, and for a while everyone was a-okay with adding more shippable characters to the milieu. actors (including misha collins) joked about wincest and shipping and the show and its creators didn't mind having fun with it.
over time, in fan spaces, more extreme voices gave rise to destihellers who were all too happy to bring morality and anti (fanpol) rhetoric into spn shipping spaces to prop up their ship and put down wincest. wincest(ies) responded in kind by basically saying fuck you to destihellers and multishipping declined as wincest shippers became more insular.
as it progressed, some hellers and misha stans started saying misha was the reason the show was still on the air and started more or less cutting sam out of the narrative and being dicks about him to prop up their ship, and sastiel never took off because fans who liked cas tended to end up in destiel spaces where the 'profound bond' between cas and dean was the rule of order, and where cult-like bullies didn't let people have divergent opinions or ships.
meanwhile, wincesties started calling hellers delusional for their opinions on the show, sometimes in ways that were earned (The Cult really is full of a lot of bullshit) and sometimes just to pick mean fights and put down people's headcanons.
and so it goes?
there's more to it, with extreme stans and their bad behavior and the rise of purity culture and sneaky radfem rhetoric into shipping (and leftist) spaces and the fervent 'everything is queerbaiting' stuff that took off that drove wedges people people and left a bad taste in their mouths over time. shipping became activism for some people and shipping stopped being a thing that was joked about at conventions or safe for the show creators to poke as much fun at because people were taking it way too seriously and demanding that things 'go canon'.
that self-righteousness was infuriating to others, especially wincest shippers (and sam stans). and when you can't stand the people shipping something, you're a lot less likely to ship it yourself, or to enjoy the content being made for it, regardless of what's on the screen. so that's another reason sam/cas didn't take off, and why this potential ot3 never got off the ground. also, ot3s tend to have a lot less content in general than ships with only two characters. fewer people in general are into poly ships, i think?
also, in all this, i'm certainly not unbiased.
i watched the kripke era as it was airing, shipped wincest from the pilot, and when cas came on the scene, my multishipping heart sat up and took notice and went "now that's fun". but i stayed out of ship spaces and fandom in those years and just read fic and mostly didn't know ship wars were in full swing until i came back to fandom almost a decade later and went... "ah, i see."
meaning that when i got back into the show, to my personal opinion, the heller side was deeply frustrating and it turned me away from shipping destiel, despite having enjoyed it fine enough before interacting with the fandom. now it's a NoTP for me. mostly because i couldn't stand most* of the prominent voices on that side except for a few people who were multishippers and also shipping wincest, and even then some of them fell into The Cult of Goob and i had to unfollow 🤷‍♂️
*also just as an addendum, i do still follow multishippers and at least one destiel (non-wincest) shipper, but those are specifically people who i've found to be lovely and non-assholes and who love sam and don't spout the type of entitled rhetoric that soured me off destiel.
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madara-fate · 3 years
it's always pretty funny how "Naruto shipping confessions" have this hate against sakura whilst supporting naruhina , sasunaru and sasuhina and sasukarin . granted I have seen sakura stans who self insert and ship her with everyone but can't stand sasuke multishipping which needs to be called out but some hate sakura with all their hatred . Like they're almost jealous of her . Certain sasuke ship stans say that ss stans are insecure of us but then 90 % of their time is spent in dissing sasusaku and sakura and 10% on their own ship ( because of how boring they are ) . Ofc sakura multishippers weird the hell out of me but these hinata /karin stans almost seem jealous . Hmm geez I wonder why 😘😘
Because both of them have romantic feelings for her once in their life unlike certain someone whose stans talk about multishipping but are deep down mad the guy had genuine feelings for someone else before her so they ship her with sasuke to fulfill the angst which is alright but then they hate on ss and sakura and everything she does .
Scenario b the other character isn't a very popular character and hardly has any ship popularity to the point certain sasuke crackships are more popular 😭 but she is used as a scapegoat by the sns shippers and nh to again hate on sakura . " Oooh karin the only girl who fall in love with sasuke w/o any looks reason " they claim she fell in love because she saved him and smiled at her which is true but if he hadn't saved her she won't love sasuke . Sooo much for love in its purest form .
You go sakura !!!
Someday I'll rant about certain na*usaku stans who love to hate on sasuke .
Mata kondo na 😘😘
Weirdly I actually ship naruhina myself
Honestly, I don't really know what to say to this 🤔
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