#its fun that asking for help is pointless. yay!
ikishima · 27 days
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sluggybunny · 3 months
boooooo game dev booo
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(background image is not part of the game it;s a placeholder, i did not create it. the ui is made by me tho) i have been putting off ui stuff so much jdkfhkdsh please help
it's so hard because you have to make small pieces and try and put it together in your brain. ive done mock ups but there's still like so many windows and things to keep in mind. i still have to design all sorts of menus but if i can get the basic elements then its just arranging shit.
this is the main thing thats been like. halting dev on the game because i have to get the ui set up to properly implement all sorts of functions. i do alot of placeholder stuff but i find that it takes a lot of fiddling /going back to edit text and arrangments that i think i should get it out of the way first. i can polish it up layer, i suppose.
i have been paying alot of attention to the ui in games that i play to get some ideas. animations are gonna be hard to figure out.
other things achieved but lack cool visuals to wow and stun the masses:
i created a grid-based location/travel system. this means nothing to the player besides that the world should feel cohesive and put together despite the game being in 2d & text. there will be a mini map. the first area is a town & surrounding forest-y area. im very proud of the coding i did for the location system so please clap
inventory system is somewhat working. there are items and you can pick them up and they all have stats and descriptions. yay! The clothing system works too. You can dress up and the clothing all have style points so you can dress to impress or distress. It will be fun when I get to draw the icons for the clothing because I shifted the game's aesthetics more towards a whimsy victorian-esque thing and i have been endlessly scrolling through various lolita stores.
i created a way to store the npc's data in a nice way. i like objects so much even if it's pointless at times. it will be useful for the player's journal system, it will keep info on the npcs. npcs will have various stats to keep track of like love/dominance and relationship flags. and hopefully birthdays although i am running into an issue of "is this actually a good idea or am i going a little too kojima on this"
ive gotten pretty far for just 1 person and especially someone who doesnt have formal coding knowledge and is too anxious to dare ask any ppl on the forums. if i run into a problem i will just bang my head against it until i figure it out.
anyway idk bye i wanted to ramble bc im lonely
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Peace of Mind (Paul Lahote x Reader)
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A/N: yay! We are finally done! So sorry it took so long to end it, to be honest I liked my angsty ending on the last chapter but there was a bit of an uproar over hurting Paul like that which honestly is so valid
A/N: so warning I tried the tiniest bit of smut, and there’s definitely angst in this one so just be warned
A/N: thank you so much for everyone who has read this series I had a lot of fun with this 💚 as always requests are open and reblogs are appreciated 
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Pauls POV
You blinked twice to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
 You shook your head. There was no way.  You moved closer to the vampire staring back at you.
 “Hey Pa—” Maybe you should have showed some restraint but you all but tackled her. I guess it was a good thing she was a vampire because she definitely would have broken something. As she returned the embrace you buried your head into her neck and breathed in her the smell of her hair. You knew her reappearance couldn’t be good but you didn’t care. You just couldn’t believe she was here. You should be furious, and here you were tightening your hold on her before she disappeared again.
 “I really missed you y/n.”
 “I missed you too Paul, so much.”
 You finally managed to peel yourself away from her, “Are you staying?”
 You saw her face twist with guilt, “I can’t stay for long. I’m here on some unfinished business.”
 You felt your heart sink. You knew it was too much to hope for but you weren’t planning on letting her get away so easily. The anger was finally settling in, still all you could ask was
 “I told you Paul, it wasn’t safe for the reservation if I stayed. Kate would have gotten a small army to wreak havoc on everyone. She would have been able to find me, I had to get help to get stop her from coming down here anyways.”
He two of you moved away from the water and sat on edge of the river back. You knew she was right, but she should have given you the option to go with her.
 “Don’t.” She said, “The pack is your family I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I took you from that.”
 “You can’t decide for me, if I regretted the choice it would have been on me.”
 She sighed at your response. Looking out into the distance. You both knew this argument was pointless. If it was the last time you saw her then you wanted to not end in a fight, you knew she could disappear in a second.
“Well, can you at least come to my house. Just for a while? Before you have to ‘take care of’ whatever it is you came back for?”
 She hesitated, “Okay.” She took your extended hand and let you lead her to your old home. You had kept everything pretty much the same as when she had lived there.
 “Do you need some clothes?”
 “That would actually be great, do you mind if I jump in your shower?”
 Its your shower too, you thought to yourself. “Yeah, of course.”
 She came up to you and pressed her hand against your cheek, gently running her thumb across it. The action caused a shiver to run across your body. You couldn’t let her leave again, you just couldn’t. It didn’t take long for her to come back out. She still was drying her hair when she came out, the sight of her brought back a wave of nostalgia. She was wearing one of your shirts and one of her old pair of leggings. It finally hit you that there were so many things you wanted to tell her and ask
“Wait, your eyes they’re still red…”
 “I was wondering if you were going to ask.”
 “Y/n did you—” you didn’t have to finish the question the answer was obvious, you almost felt betrayed by it all, “How long have you been doing it?”
 “Say it Paul. How long have I been killing people?”
 “Its just, I thought you went with the Cullens. I don’t get it.”
 She rolled her eyes, irritated at the accusations “I had to make some friends in high places to keep the Denalis off the land. Plus some humans deserve it anyway. Turns out I don’t like the animal style diet.”
 “Y/n that’s wrong.”
 “Oh grow up Paul. You can honestly tell me no one deserves to die? Not all the murders who got off free because the system failed, the parents that abuse their kids? Look at me and tell me none of them deserve it, please.”
 The thing was, she was right. Some people did deserve it. You couldn’t say she was wrong. The wolf inside was telling you she the enemy and the other part of you that part that loved her, well he would excuse it even if the people she killed didn’t deserve it. You stayed silent, if you wanted to know about her you couldn’t get on edge like that. You tried to think of something else to say,
 “I’m sorry.” y/n said suddenly, “I should have just done what I came here to do without bothering you. I knew if I said anything it wasn’t going to go well and it was selfish of me to disturb you when you were living your life—”
 Before you could stop yourself, you pressed your lips against hers. You couldn’t stop nor did you want to, you’d been wanting to do that since you saw her again. No, it had been since the day she had left. You felt her hands grab your hair and pull you closer to her. You wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her in too. When you finally pulled back to breathe you rested your forehead on hers.
“Please y/n, don’t leave again. Please.” You could hear your voice breaking.
 “Paul…I’m sorry. I wish I didn’t have to. I doubt you’ll want me here anyway after this.”
 You could hear it in her voice, “Y/n? What are you going to do?”
 “You know vampires live so long sometimes their grudges never go away.” She said as she looked to the door
 “Sorry Paul.” She repeated and by the time you blinked she was gone
 “Dammit!” You screamed as you threw a book against the wall. It had been awhile since you threw whatever was closest to you out of anger. Where the hell was she going? You went to check you phone, you had several missed calls from Sam
 Paul! Have you seen Jacob around?
 “I don’t usually go out of my way to talk to Jacob, Sam.”
 Seriously Paul, Billy and Rachel got stranded. One of their tires gave out, and they need Jacob to come get them. They were on their way back from California.
 The phone fell from your hand. Y/n. You had to get to her before anyone else did.
Paul? Paul?? Are you alright?
You froze as your hand reached the doorknob to leave. Fuck. If you don’t tell Sam this will not go well for anyone.
“Sam we need to find Jacob now.”
Y/n’s POV
 You wiped the venom that fell from your eyes. You hated that you were doing this to Paul. Again. But you had already wasted too much time. Kate wouldn’t wait much longer for an update. It took maybe a minute to get to Jacobs house. You debated on knocking, but honestly you blamed him for things going differently than what you had planned. Kate may have been holding a grudge, but so were you. You wanted to scare him the same way he had terrified you when he had kidnapped you. Remembering everything that happened you filled you with rage again. You decided to go for a bit more dramatic entrance and kick down the door of the garage he was working in.
 “I thought I smelled a leech.” He said not even facing you
 “So you’re back to calling them leeches again. That’s cute.”
 You could see the hairs on his body stand, his original calm demeanor going away for a split second. “Y/n?” he asked as he turned around
 “Great to see you again Jake.” You smiled as sweetly as you could
 “Didn’t think I’d see you back here.”
 “Wish I could say this was a cordial visit. Lets take a ride, yeah?” You pretty much echoed the words he said to make you get in the car that one day.
 “I wasn’t asking.” Before he tried to phase you instantly got next to him. Kicking your leg to where his would snap. You made sure to stifle his scream, time was of the essence now. You grabbed him by the neck and half led, half pushed him towards his car. You peeled out as quickly as you could. Easily passing the boundary line before his car gave out. You had pulled off the side of the rode.
 “You’re going to regret this.” He said through gritted teeth
 You smirked at his absurd amount of confidence, “Not likely.”
 Kate appeared outside of his window, waving her fingers when he saw her. He turned to you, and began a different approach.
“Y/n. I know I should have neve—”
 “A little to late for that…dog.”
 His car door was ripped off. Kate now grabbing him as her current spread into Jacob, “Well, it looks like you actually came through.”
 “Of course I did. You don’t have much time. The deal still stands you cant touch anyone else.”
 “I’m not trying to get on the volturis bad side, beautiful.” She winked at you and stopped playing with Jacob long enough for the words to register.
 “You bitch. How coul—”
 “Kate.” You said simply as she began to torture him again this time ripping him from his seat and throwing him against a tree. Garrett was waiting there to push him back towards Kate, definitely stalling the healing in his leg. Kate brought him to his knees and you kneeled down to meet his eyes
 “We should probably move this away from here. We wouldn’t want anyone to see us. And stop struggling, Kates not even using half of the power she could be exerting.”
 The three of you moved deeper into the woods, making sure to get far enough away from anyone that would be curious enough to explore.
“How co-could…”
 “Didn’t I just tell you not to struggle? My gift has come in handy for the volturi. I knew Kate would want vengeance for her sister, you remember her right? Tanya. She would have completely destroyed the reservation before anyone one of you could react. I couldn’t risk that. So I went to Italy and offered to help as long as they asked the Denalis to be patient. Kate, darling would you like to tell the rest of the story?”
 As a stronger current of electricity made Jacob groan in pain, she threw him to the ground and ensure his leg remained broke. The crunch of bone made you close your eyes, you hated that sound. Then she flipped him over and kneeled down, one knee on his throat.
“See, the volturi doesn’t like people to get away with things. All I had to say was that the wolves had to know they couldn’t attack one of our kind without any repercussions.”
 “You should have accepted the loss of the kid. Katie is not going to make this fun for you.” The pair smiled at eachother.
 Your vision went blurry. Snaps of the pack coming towards you.
“Unfortunately, we are out of time. Kate hun, you’re going to need to wrap it up.”
 “Of course. Garrett?”
You turned to face the clearing where the pack would meet up with you. You heard screams tear through Jacobs mouth as Kate and Garrett had their fun.
“Kate. Two minutes.”
 “Awe no fun. If it makes you feel better this will hurt me more than you.”
 “Doubt it.” Jacob spat out
 “That’s true, your blood is just not going to be that tasty. Garrett have you tried wolf?”
 Jacob finally got quiet. When you turned back he was still staring off into the distance. You felt bad that felt nothing for what he went through.
“Don’t forget the deal you two.”
 “What don’t trust us?” Kate smiled as she wiped Jacobs blood off of her lips, “You have your gift. We keep our word. We won’t come near this land, and none of the other wolved will be harmed.”
 She was right, you did know she finally felt like Justice was served for her sister. Not just Tanya, but Irene too. If the wolves hadn’t killed Laurent she wouldn’t have gone to the volturi so easily. You nodded at the two of them and the pair held hands and ran back towards Alaska. This was the part you were dreading though, you weren’t sure of your outcome. Aro had only let you come because you had given him anything he could need for the next one to two hundred years. You heard the wolves shifting back, you dug the backpack out of a hollowed tree nearby. You’d planned this perfect, no detail left out. You threw the backpack in the direction of the pack backup clothes and water for them to change into.
 Paul ran out first.
“Y/n. What did you do?”
 The others followed behind to see Jacobs body and you leanig agaisnt the tree next to him,
“I was just passing through.”
 “Y/n. You know we can’t let this slide.” Sam said, his voice wavering just the slightest bit. You saw Paul look at him anger flashing through his eyes.
 “No actually you can.” Your anger rose to the surface. You never had been the priority in the pack, Sam was so worried about Emily he never even thought about how you had been the one to save her from suffering the same fate you had. “You owe me Sam.”
 “I owe you? You just murdered someone from the rez, even if you were with the Cullens you broke the treaty.”
 “Actually the treaty says I cant hurt any humans, which I technically haven’t. I don’t need to remind you that if it wasn’t for me Emily would be ‘bloodsucker’ just like me,” you faced Jared, “So would Kim.”
 “Y/n I’m so sorry,” Jared began stammering, you knew he would be the one to crack first, “Kim has never stopped feeling bad-“
 “Shut up Jared. You all should have done something to him when he almost killed me, you did nothing. I was a human and Jacob ended my life. I just came back to return the favor.” You smiled at them, and clasped your hands together, “Now, I do think its about time I take my leave. Don’t you?”
 Sam sighed, you had made a solid argument. Even impressing yourself.
“Sam. Please, shes right you owe her. Y/n is still my imprint. And you owe both of us one.”
 “Alright. But she can’t stay here.”
 “Paul look at y/n, she isn’t on the same diet as the Cullens. We can’t risk it.”
 “He’s right Paul. I don’t plan on changing my diet. Besides I’m needed somewhere anyway.” You picked up Jacob and dropped him at Sams feet. You stood on your tiptoes and gave paul a kiss on the cheek.
 “Please, you can’t leave me again.” Paul was holding your wrists forcing you to look at him, you turned to the rest of the pack, “You should probably take him, Billy is going to call soon.”
 Sam sighed and gestured for some of the other members to help him, once they were out of earshot you sat on the forest floor and Paul followed.
“Paul, you know it won’t work if I stay. I know you can imprint again. I’ve seen you happy with a family. With the pack.”
 “And if I stayed with you?”
 You dropped your head, you couldn’t admit that you didn’t try and look at that future. You didn’t want to know the answer.
“You never looked??”
 “I don’t want to know. I can’t bring myself to do that to you. Paul you’d have to phase forever. I won’t grow old, I can’t have kids, I can’t even have a real job.”
 “Y/n look at me. Look at me.” You forced your eyes to look up at him. “I am telling you, I don’t care how happy I could be. I would only ever be really actually happy with you. You can’t decide how I would feel. If I do one day end up regretting it then I come back and try and start over with a new life.”
 “Come back?”
 “You’re right, you cant stay on the reservation but I can go with you?”
 “Paul. I live with the Volturi. Theres now way you’d feel comfortable in a castle surrounded by vampires, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable not knowing you were safe.”
 “Then find a middle ground. You could still use your gift wherever you are. So… lets find a place that’s somewhat close to them and you can run to them if anything is going to happen.”
 You relented, you desperately wanted everything to work out with Paul.
“Okay, I need to call them. Can we go back to the house for now?”
 You saw Pauls whole body relax as he let out a sigh, “Yeah, yeah lets go.”
 It was later in the evening, you couldn’t believe the leaders agreed with letting you guys be half an hour from the castle. You couldn’t sleep but you felt exhausted, like you had been carrying something heavy for years. You and Paul hadn’t moved from the couch, you knew Paul was afraid to sleep and find you missing again.
“Paul lets at least lay down in the room, you can stay awake in there.”
 “You swear you won’t leave again.”
 “I promise, I’m not going to leave without you.” You knew it would take a while before Paul stopped freaking out about you possibly disappearing. It broke your heart, but you were determined to not break him again. He finally let you lead him to the room where you laid on his chest and listened to his heartbeats.
 “I love you,” you whispered to him not entirely sure if he heard it
 Suddenly you were on the bed with eyes staring at you, “Say it again.”
 “I love you Paul—” be fore you could say anything else his mouth was aginst your again.
 “I love you so much,” he said in between breaths. You would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t missed being like this with him. He was like a drug to you. All you wanted to do was keep going. You let the kiss get deeper and hungrier. It didn’t take long before you felt his tongue inside your mouth, making an involuntary groan come out. This only encouraged him. Your breaths were heavy until he suddenly sat and pulled you up too. He ripped your shirt off, and you could play that game. Perk of having super strength, soon all of your clothes were on the floor and your back was back on the bed. Moans escaped him as he continued to feverishly kiss you, his hand going under the arch of your back as he inched his way inside of you. As you gasped for air you didn’t need Paul began to slow down his kisses as one of his hand gripped your hair. The way he moved in and out of you made you grip the sheets as you let out more moans to match his. His thrusts filling every part of you, how could have ever stayed away this long?
 You weren’t sure how long it took before you both let out a small scream of pleasure at the same time and he almost collapsed then and there. He laid on your chest, tracing his fingers up and down the curves of your body. You ran you hand up and down his back until you finally heard his heart rate finally steady. His entire body relaxed. You heard him murmur in his sleep. Mixtures of ‘don’t leave’ and ‘I love you.’ You made sure to respond to every single thing even he didn’t actually hear you. It was one of those things you didn’t even realized you missed but god how you missed it. You stayed like that the rest of the night, not daring to ruin this precious moment and waking him.
 The sun had barely risen before you felt him stir.
“You’re still here.” He smiled as he nestled into your hair
 “I told you I would be.” You said as you kissed his forehead
 “So, miss y/n.” He began getting his energy back, “where are we off to today?”
 “I think Italy sounds nice.”
 “Sounds perfect.”
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Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @avyannadawn @imtoanonymousforyou @lacychick @quarthly @raindancer2004 @venusdelaroix @volturiwolf @xcastawayherosx @jelly-fishy-babie @fiftyshadesgrl @cole22ann @i-have-found-amazing-fanfics @itzz-me-duh @louisianalady @lendeluxe @happymoon16 @ooreikeoo-blog @sorrow-and-bliss
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hyphypmic · 4 years
Poly!Fling Posse/OC Comfort Fic
Hi hi!!! This is a commissioned work for @edgar-selfships​ ! Thank you for supporting! This is their OC Edgar! Read below the line!
TW: Abuse, Mentions of Abuse
Edgar was already having a pretty rough day. It was bad enough that the test scores they got back were barely passing, their parents called in the middle of that class. It certainly wasn’t about any grades, but it was a drunk call from their mother. Yes, a drunk call at around 4:00PM.
Their family’s alcoholism problem started as far as they could remember. Since they were an only child, all the anger was released on them, if not on each other. Mom’s favorite thing to do was get out the hanger and spank Edgar for the sake of it. Dad’s favorite was simply making them do all the demeaning tasks... then if not done correctly, they will be burned with a cigarette butt.
They were thankful to Jakurai Jinguji, leader of the Shinjuku division, for helping them out of it. Jakurai even went so far as to becoming Edgar’s legal guardian when they turned eighteen. By that time, the biological parents would not have anything to hold over Edgar aside from emotions and abuse. They were able to leave the house of hell and stay with the doctor.
However, even if the doctor is an intimidating man himself, the biological parents won’t leave them alone. Jakurai would answer the phone and leave a mild threat, but alcohol simply numbs the senses to fear. The parents wouldn’t stop.
Jakurai suggested Edgar to block the number, but they knew it was pointless. The parents would not stop. An example of which was that day, the phone call.
The call wasn’t much beyond the usual “you’re useless,” or the misgendering and use of the wrong pronouns, but it did really do a number on them. Edgar had a shitty day, this was the cherry on top. It wasn’t that they weren’t used to the calls and the harassment, it was just completely unnecessary on an already shitty day.
How’s my favorite useless daughter doing? Their mom laughed from the other end of the line. Still messing around with that division?”
Edgar bit their lip. “I’m not your daughter.” They hated it when their parents still referred to him as their “daughter” or even jokingly as their “son.” What’s so difficult to understand about being neither?
No one has the fucking time to say “they” and it’s fucking confusing. Pick a gender and stick to it. Fucking hell.
“Why are you calling, mom?” Edgar cut to the point. They didn’t want to notice the discrimination. They somewhat became numb to it, only that the numbness extended to their heart and usually after that they wouldn’t feel anything...
I was wondering if I could pick you up. Their mother laughed. I miss my favorite pushover. Didn’t we have fun? There was a crash in the background. Ah shit. Fuck. If you were here you’d have cleaned it up like a good girl hm?
Edgar heard their father speak in the background.
Yeah it is our daughter. The mom chuckled again. Your father is asking when will you get your ass back here.
Edgar balled their fist. “Never, mom.”
Hmm. What if we came there ourselves?
“Do you even know where I am right now?”
Hmm. Maybe not at the Jakurai’s house? Probably at school. I’ll go get you myself.
It went on like that for a while, Edgar’s heart sinking every sentence their mom would say. Every single word felt like a stab wound to the heart. Their eyes prickled, but they quickly rubbed the tears away. It would be a lot worse if someone saw them crying. They didn’t want to have to explain what was going on.
Then again, it wasn’t like anyone really cared about them... they shook their head. No. That was Edgar’s mother talking. They knew someone cared about them and fucking loved them for who they are.
Edgar ignored their mother’s comment that she would pick them up from University (mostly because their mother named their high school and not their current college) and simply hung up the phone. They wiped their eyes again and pocketed the phone aggressively. Why couldn’t their parents just leave them alone?
They didn’t even bother finishing the class. Edgar shouldered their bag and walked out of the building. They were wiping away the tears that formed at the corners of their dark eyes. Why did their mom have to call? Just why? It wasn’t fair to them at all. Edgar didn’t need them and they didn’t need Edgar for anything either than a servant or a punching bag. Why the fuck did they even have kids?
Jakurai once told Edgar that their parents don’t define them. He also said that Edgar was one of the sweetest people he has ever met, and it’s incredible that Edgar turned out so wonderfully despite the environment at home. The parents probably had kids because it was unplanned and they couldn’t have an abortion. That would explain the lack of... well, everything.
Edgar was debating whether to go home or to text Jakurai that they would be heading home late because they would sulk around campus when their phone vibrated. Edgar checked the message and smiled. It was a text from Gentaro. Edgar must have been so down that they forgot about their boyfriends. They felt a twang of guilt, but tried to push it down, they were feeling down. Jakurai thought them to cut themselves some slack, even when it was hard.
I’m writing in the café near your university. Want to come after your class? Dice and Ramuda are following. Edgar read the text in Gentaro’s voice. They could imagine Gentaro’s brown hair and sparkling eyes. They could also imagine Gentaro’s massive eyebags from writing all night. They missed him, and naturally the rest of Fling Posse. This kind of thing was very welcome, regardless of the amount of work they had to do when they would get back home to Jakurai.
Edgar typed out a quick reply. Wouldn’t it have been more efficient if you texted the group chat? I mean, if all three of you did. Edgar did feel bad, but that didn’t stop them from pretending they were fine, at least for the moment. I miss you. They typed out, but quickly deleted it. Efficiency is key, you said. Edgar typed instead.
Edgar’s phone buzzed. Well. Aren’t you using big words. Classes must be going well for you. I’m thankful Dice’s grammar hasn’t completely rubbed off on you.
They sighed, knowing very well that classes were not going well at all. Maybe they were doing bad because of their parents? They didn’t really know. Stop bullying him!!! He don’t deserve it >.<
Nyaaaaaaa~ And it’s doesn’t not don’t. Is Dice really rubbing off on you?
I was dating him first before you came along. I have special rights. Besides, he isn’t here.
Still! :PPP
They could imagine Gentaro’s laugh. See you here, darling. Take care.
Edgar managed a smile, sometimes being in a relationship with Fling Posse had its perks, especially when the week (month?) was awful. They sent a quick text to Jakurai saying that they’d be with Fling Posse for a bit and they hurried to the café.
Gentaro wasn’t expecting to see Edgar with red eyes. He also wasn’t expecting to see his significant other twenty minutes before their class was supposed to end. Edgar made their way past the tables, head bowed and practically slumped in the seat next to Gentaro. Even sad, Edgar looked amazing. Their dark eyes went wonderfully with their blonde hair. Their usual blue striped button down complemented the dark ripped jeans. It showed off their figure perfectly. Gentaro was honestly in awe that such a beautiful person (actually, all of Fling Posse actually) would date him.
But nonetheless, that wasn’t the priority at the moment.
“Is something wrong?” Gentaro asked, gently wrapping an arm around Edgar, his traditional kimono serving as somewhat a little blanket for Edgar. As quick as Gentaro’s tongue might be, he wasn’t so insensitive that he would make fun of them for having red eyes. “Are you okay, darling?”
They shook their head, but leaned on Gentaro nonetheless. That was a sure sign that Edgar didn’t want to elaborate just yet. “Can we wait for the others?” They sighed. “I don’t want to have to repeat it.”
Gentaro nodded. “Tough day, darling?” He scooted closer, knowing that they wanted comfort.
Edgar’s eyes warmed at the endearments, while Gentaro’s heart melted a little. Beautiful. He thought. Gentaro simply loved it when they looked at him like that. “Yeah.” They looked at Gentaro’s laptop. “What are you writing?”
Gentaro indulged them, knowing that they wanted a distraction from what happened or just a reason to laugh. “Ah, nothing your brain can handle.” Gentaro poked and nudged them a
little, removing his arm from their shoulders. “It takes a great understanding to be able to handle what I am writing here.”
Edgar managed a small smile. They pointed to a paragraph. “That quite literally says: ‘insert some shit about a hero saving blah blah blah and shit happens then it hits the fan fuckin yay’” Edgar paused. “You sure you didn’t scam those people to give you those awards?”
“That sentence is one of the finest to ever be constructed, thank you very much.” Gentaro gave a gentle flick to Edgar’s nose.
“Ow!” Edgar pouted.
Gentaro laughed and gave Edgar a gentle kiss on the nose. “I’ll order us some tea.”
Edgar blushed at the affection, the blush earning a smile from the writer. The writer called the waiter and ordered his and their favorite tea.
Around thirty or forty minutes and two cups of tea later, Dice and Ramuda came in the café.
“Oi Gentaro.” Dice said, sitting down gracelessly in the chair in front of Edgar. “Did you get food?” He brushed his long blue hair out of his face. “Food?”
“I’m in a café, idiot.” Gentaro said, not even looking up from his writing. “Of course I ordered food.” He sighed. “Edgar insisted on getting extra servings for you.” He raised an eyebrow, still looking at his laptop and typing away. “Happy?”
Dice wrinkled his nose. “Damn. With that kind of tone it’s a wonder that I haven’t killed you.”
“You find me too attractive to kill.” Gentaro looked up from his work. “Right? Even barbarians and neanderthals know beauty.” Gentaro made a monkey-like expression, pushing his lip out and furrowing his eyebrows. “Pretty!” He said in a gruff voice. “Pretty. Do not kill! Ooga.”
“Why you little—“ Dice leaned forward as if getting ready to fight.
Ramuda giggled at the rebuttal, his pink hair in its usual hairstyle. Edgar noticed absent-mindedly that Ramuda was wearing a new set of little star earrings. “Hihi~ It is lovely to see the two of you argue. Makes me laugh.” He poked Dice and the gambler flinched, almost falling off the chair. Ramuda only laughed and poked him again. “Daisu!” Ramuda whispered with every poke. “Daisu, Daisu, Daisu!”
“The fuck is that for?!” Dice said loudly, earning a few glares from other customers... and some curious looks.
“Hey.” Edgar hushed the gambler. “Don’t call attention. You’re not exactly unpopular you know?” Dice had the decency to look sheepish. “Fling Posse is popular everywhere!” Edgar whispered. “You all aren’t exactly discrete when it comes to your styles.”
“Don’t be dumb, Dice.” Gentaro smirked. “Hmm. Maybe that’s why we’re Ramuda, Gentaro and baka—“
Edgar swatted Gentaro. “Hey.” They wrinkled their nose again at Dice. “What did I say about bullying?”
Gentaro only ruffled Edgar’s hair. “You’re cute, but like I said, special privileges as the first boyfriend.”
Dice leaned back. “Hmp.” He waved a hand dismissively. “Doesn’t stop people from ignoring me when I sleep on the street.”
“Hihi~ Maybe that’s why they ignore you Daisuuu~” Ramuda teased, poking the gambler in the ribs some more. “You smell awful!”
Dice groaned and tried to swat Ramuda away, but the smaller man was relentless.
Edgar managed a small laugh only, not able to muster the full one they usually have when Ramuda makes a joke. Even if they were able to banter, a laugh was something else entirely.
Ramuda picked up on that, missing Edgar’s happy laugh. “Is something wrong?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. He knelt on the chair and reached over to hold Edgar’s hand. “Did something happen at school?” He paused. “Wait what time did you get here?” Concern filled Ramuda’s bright blue eyes.
“I got here early, Ramuda.” Edgar said, their earlier happy mood simmering down. Their heart started racing and a hint of numbness went to their fingers.
“You didn’t finish class?” Dice asked softly, sounding concerned as well.
“I didn’t do well on some tests.” Edgar mumbled, playing with Ramuda’s small hand, forcing the slight numbness to go away. “And uh... my... mother.”
The three of them tensed, even Gentaro stopped writing to listen.
“She called.” Edgar finished, sighing. “It wasn’t... it wasn’t nice.”
Gentaro closed his laptop. “Do you want to tell us about it, darling?”
Edgar closed their eyes, took a deep breath and told them what happened during the call. They were biting their lip in some parts, just so that they won’t cry.
Truth be told, it wasn’t just about the call. Edgar poured out some of the bitterness they have been harboring in their heart for a long time. The whole week, it was just difficult. The academics were piled up and their parents wouldn’t stop texting them. The fact that their mother called, that was enough to put them in a slump for a while.
“She always texts me.... And while I know that she doesn’t know where I am and she wouldn’t dare go to Jakurai’s residence... I just hate it. It’s the old fear coming back and it’s been really bad this week because of the load some of my professors are giving me and all of that stuff.” Edgar sniffed. “I don’t like this at all. It’s just been really difficult to deal with lately. I... I’m sorry.”
Gentaro wrapped an arm around their shoulder. “Thank you for sharing.” He wiped away a stray tear that Edgar didn’t notice. “And don’t apologise. We’re here for you.”
Ramuda sighed and kissed Edgar’s hand, the one he’d been holding the whole time while they were talking. “I would offer to take care of them.” Ramuda said, his tone uncharacteristically serious. “However...” Ramuda reached over and cupped Edgar’s cheeks (the sudden motion almost making Dice fall off the chair again. “You told us that you can do it.” Ramuda smiled and squished Edgar’s face a little. “I believe in you! That’s why we love you, Edgar.”
Dice growled and Ramuda reluctantly went back to his chair, patting the gambler on the head for good measure.
“Well.” Dice leaned back and crossed his arms. He scratched the back of his head. “M not exactly good with words.” He paused. “But uh... you know how my mom’s Otome right? Not the best role model for a caring mother.” He leaned forward, fidgeting. “I just want you to know that,” He took a breath. “I admire your strength. It takes big fucking courage to do what you do everyday.” He laughed. “Take it from a homeless guy.”
“Why Dice,” Gentaro smiled, “that’s the most eloquent I have seen you. Have you been reading my books? Oh wait.” Gentaro smiled. “You can’t read.”
Edgar swatted Gentaro on the shoulder, only earning a chuckle from the writer and a pout from Dice.
Gentaro turned Edgar’s face to him. “Like what the idiot said, you have great strength. We are proud of you for facing your own battles and for staying happy. You even have the strength to deal with the three of us all at once. That’s why we love being with you, Edgar.” Gentaro kissed Edgar’s forehead. “We love the light you bring despite what you have experienced. You are strong.”
At that, Edgar finally really teared up and buried themselves in Gentaro’s embrace. Dice then went over and joined the other side, hugging Edgar. They never felt so safe. They were also glad that they had a group to support on and love them for who they are. The moment they came into Fling Posse’s lives, they knew it was for the better. Edgar enjoyed the warmth of the hug and felt peace in their heart.
Ramuda simply smiled and raised his arms. “Yay! Edgar’s better!”
As if on cue, the food arrived, just a bunch of deserts and little sandwiches. Naturally, there was more than enough, mostly because it was Dice who was extremely hungry 24/7.
“Yay!” Ramuda cheered again and clapped, thanking the waiter with a big smile. “Sweets!” He popped the lollipop stick out of his mouth and picked up a spoon. “Don’t make me feed you Edgar!” He waved a spoon at them. “Eat up or I’ll eat your food!”
Dice removed himself from the group hug. “Oi. Don’t you go eating my food either!”
Ramuda stuck out his tongue. “You can’t make me.”
Dice immediately grabbed the second biggest ice cream parfait, the biggest going to Edgar.
Gentaro simply took a sandwich and continued writing. He did though squeeze Edgar’s hand before returning to his writing.
Edgar took the ice cream parfait from Dice and dug in, feeling warmth in their heart. They simply marveled at the fact that the division was with them and they couldn’t possibly imagine a place where they would feel more loved.
“Thanks guys.” Edgar said, spooning their ice cream.
Ramuda smiled. “Anything for you!!!!” He grabbed a cupcake and began biting into it cutely, like he always does. “Yummy!”
Dice simply smiled and continued his feast, already reaching for the next dish. Who knew someone could eat in a cafe as if it was an all you can eat buffet? Gentaro was silent, absorbed in his writing, but Edgar knew that that he was paying attention, the little leg nudge said everything they needed to hear.
Edgar smiled at them again and began to eat, the sadness they felt earlier no longer significant. They weren’t perfectly happy, but they were happy to get to that point with Fling Posse.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 13
Loki had a big grin on his face while some of the local people clapped and cheered for him. He waved and bowed a little before then cutting the ribbon and opening the new homeless shelter that he’d fully funded.
He shook hands with the mayor and posed with him for a few pictures, then gave a small speech before going inside with the mayor and press to show them around. He was very pleased with his work, and everyone else was too. It was going to be a vital part of the community, the homeless situation was getting worse.
When Loki got into his car to leave, James was there too.
‘Nice way of covering up your… disposables.’ James grinned.
‘Always got to make the most of everything I do.’ Loki grinned.
What the caring public didn’t know was there was a mini grave underneath the homeless shelter. An easy way to dispose of bodies that would never be found, especially since it took almost a year to build. Loki had made sure it wasn’t done too quickly.
‘What are you going to do with any future disposables?’ James asked while typing away on his iPad, updating Loki’s accounts.
Loki trailed his finger across his lower lip. ‘See if Jasmine at the crematorium is off maternity leave yet, I lose track of timings. If not, see how persuasive the maternity cover is.’
‘Will do, boss... Samuel and Ethan could always take up digging at the graveyard again if the push comes to shove.’ James said.
Loki chuckled. ‘Indeed. They would just love that.’
Burying bodies at the graveyard was one of the best ways Loki had found for disposing of bodies. For obvious reasons. No one suspected earth being disturbed at such places.
When Loki eventually returned home that night, after dealing with some more business, it was after midnight. He went upstairs and quietly crept into Chloe’s room, she was sound asleep. Loki had learned that she didn’t bother shutting the curtains, and with it being a frosty night the moon was shining brightly straight into her room. Giving him enough light to see without turning on the lamp and waking her up.
He quietly moved the chair closer towards her bed at the bottom, sat down and slowly sipped on his whiskey. He just watched her, sleeping soundly. On occasion she moved round onto her other side or let out a groan. But she looked peaceful.
After a while, she moved onto her back. Loki took that opportunity to have a little fun.
Moving gracefully, he went up the side of the bed and sat down carefully. He slid his hand underneath the blanket and gently touched her leg. When she didn’t stir, he stroked up her inner thigh and brushed the back of his hand against her cunt, only her knickers keeping him out.
She breathed out deeply, but aside from that didn’t move. Loki was encouraged by that, so kept rubbing her with a little more pressure. He turned his hand around and used more of a cupping motion while he rubbed her.
Chloe started responding by moaning slightly and squirming a little. Loki grinned and aimed for where her clit was. He was tempted to slid his hand down her knickers, but had a feeling that would wake her up completely. So he just stuck to stroking her firmly for a while, working her up nicely.
She started moaning louder, that’s when Loki reluctantly stopped. He carefully stood up and took a few steps away, grinning as she groaned in disappointment. But she rolled onto her side and curled herself up into a ball, no doubt squeezing her thighs together, he guessed.
Smirking to himself, he replaced the chair in its rightful place and slipped out of her room.
When Chloe woke up, she was feeling a bit horny. She’d had a weird dream where she was aroused, and it was like she was touching herself. But it also felt quite real in a way, she did wonder if she had touched herself while she was asleep because her knickers were a bit damp.
Not thinking much else of it, she went about her usual morning routine of showering before getting dressed. Then made her way downstairs for breakfast, hoping that Loki wouldn’t be there so she could get peace. But her luck wasn’t in today, as he was sitting at the top of the table with a plate of cereal, tea and a newspaper.
‘Good morning, doll. You’re looking rather radiant this morning.’ He grinned over the paper at her.
She bit her tongue and turned around to leave, but she should’ve known he wouldn’t let her do that.
‘Ah, ah. Come and have breakfast.’ Loki said firmly.
‘God, give me strength.’ She muttered to herself quietly.
Not looking at him, she continued to the table and sat down at her usual seat. She had tried to sit at the opposite end of the table from Loki before, but that didn’t go down too well. So now she didn’t even bother trying.
‘Did you sleep well?’ Loki asked casually while Tania served Chloe’s breakfast.
‘Glad to hear it. I’ve made the decision that you can get your phone back at the end of the week, if you continue to behave.’
‘What’s the catch?’ She blurted out.
‘Catch?’ Loki raised an eyebrow at her.
‘There must be a catch. Why would I get my phone back?’
‘No catch. I’m sure you will be wanting to contact your friends in excitement for starting University next month. And I’m almost certain your mother will be happy to hear from you again.’ Loki said with a smile.
‘I’m… I’m allowed to call people?’
‘Of course. Call, text, email. Surf the internet, whatever it is that you like to do. I’ve upgraded your contract so you have unlimited data, calls and texts. In a few months’ time I will be getting phone upgrades for everyone, yourself included.’
Chloe frowned. She wasn’t sure what to make of it all. But kept quiet, not wanting to risk a slip of the tongue by saying thank you. Because she sure as hell shouldn’t have to be thanking him for her own bloody phone.
She got through the rest of breakfast unscathed. To her relief. And he didn’t call for her or go to her room for the rest of the morning.
But just after two in the afternoon, she was on her way downstairs to get something to eat when the doorbell rang. She stopped at the top of the stairs and crouched down, looking between the railings towards the door to see who it was.
Loki came strolling through to answer. Chloe waited with baited breath, hoping it was someone that might be able to help her out. But it was young children, selling cookies for their primary school trip. She thought Loki would flip, annoyed that he was disturbed. But to her surprise, he was more than welcoming to the children.
‘Ah, what do we have here? They look delicious!’ Loki said animatedly, making the kids smile.
‘We’re selling cookies that we made at school, so we can save up for our school trip to the lake district!’ One of the kids said excitedly, not realising that she was speaking to a dangerous man…
Loki crouched down to their level and smiled brightly. ‘Well, I will definitely buy some. I can’t resist cookies. And Pete here, he has a sweet tooth too.’ Loki said as he motioned to his security guard by the door. Pete smiled down at the kids and nodded.
‘Yay!’ The kids all cheered when Loki stood up again and took his wallet from his pocket.
‘How many do you want, Pete?’ Loki asked, looking to him.
‘I’ll have a whole box, should keep me going till lunch.’ Pete chuckled.
Loki gasped in a mocking manner. ‘Costing me a fortune you are! Maybe I need to put him on a diet.’ He chuckled and winked at the kids, making them laugh.
He pulled out plenty of cash, making the kids go ‘oooo’ when he handed quite a few notes to them. ‘I’ll take five boxes. I have plenty of mouths to feed.’ He grinned.
‘Thank you so much!’ The kids all said in excitement as they gave him five boxes. They then went running down the path to the parents that were waiting for them on the pavement.
Loki waved back when they all waved enthusiastically at him. He handed a box to Pete. ‘Don’t eat them all at once.’
‘No promises there, boss.’ Pete chuckled.
Chloe was a bit surprised at what she’d witnessed. She stood up and had just taken one step back up the stairs, when Loki barked her name, making her halt instantly.
‘Chloe. Stop hiding, come down and enjoy these cookies with me.’
Chloe bit her tongue and cursed internally for being caught. She slowly made her way downstairs and when she looked at Loki, for a split second she found it difficult to think that he was so… dangerous and terrifying.
Because he was holding four boxes, with one of the cookies stuffed half in his mouth already and he had a goofy look about him. And it was also the first time that Chloe had seen him in casual clothing, leather trousers, boots and a dark green shirt with the top few buttons undone. He didn’t take days off that often, even at weekends. It was very rare.
She mentally slapped herself for thinking anything different.
He motioned with his head for her to follow him, so she did, albeit reluctantly. First they went to the kitchen, Loki asked Tania to store the cookies apart from a couple he put on a plate.
‘Come on, doll.’ He called on Chloe like she was a dog as he walked out of the kitchen.
She rolled her eyes and followed him obediently into the living room. She shivered as she entered, she really hated this room.
Her eyes widened as she spotted a game of chess set up on the small table by the fireplace. Loki had put two comfy chairs at either side of it.
Loki put the cookies down next to the chess board and went to the bar to pour them both a drink. ‘Have you played chess before?’ He asked, walking over towards her and the table with two glasses.
‘No. It looks boring and pointless.’ Chloe said, not making eye contact with him, instead she just looked at the board and flicked the King over.
‘Only boring people get bored. Sit down.’ Loki whispered into her ear, suddenly right behind her that made her jump.
It’s going to be a long day. She thought as she took a seat.
- Chloe yawned for the hundredth time in the past hour. She was sitting sideways on the chair with her legs draped over the arm, the whiskey that Loki kept pouring her had allowed her to let her guard down a tiny bit. But she was so bored while Loki talked her through her first game of chess.
She reached out for the last cookie but Loki smacked her hand away and grabbed it first. ‘You’ve had enough cookies.’
‘You’ve got, like, five boxes.’ She grumbled.
‘I did. But it doesn’t mean you are to stuff your face with them all.’ He growled.
She let out a groan and threw her head back.
‘It’s your move.’
She looked at the board and moved her King.
‘You don’t want to do that.’ Loki said.
‘Because then I can take out your King and win.’ Loki said bluntly.
‘Oh, good. You win then!’ She said cheerily and downed the last of her drink, hoping she could go to her room now.
‘You can move it elsewhere, Chloe. This game is just a practice for you. We aren’t finished yet.’ He grinned.
‘Great.’ Chloe sighed and moved her King elsewhere, pleasing Loki.
At this point, she would rather just give him a quick blowjob and be done with spending time with him. Alas, Loki wanted to play chess and Loki always got what he wanted.
So she was stuck.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 13
TITLE: Caught in his web CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 13 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is a crime lord, a very dangerous man in the city. He is owed money, but the man is unable to pay Loki back, so Loki takes his daughter as payment instead.  RATING: M
Loki had a big grin on his face while some of the local people clapped and cheered for him. He waved and bowed a little before then cutting the ribbon and opening the new homeless shelter that he’d fully funded.
He shook hands with the mayor and posed with him for a few pictures, then gave a small speech before going inside with the mayor and press to show them around. He was very pleased with his work, and everyone else was too. It was going to be a vital part of the community, the homeless situation was getting worse.
When Loki got into his car to leave, James was there too.
‘Nice way of covering up your… disposables.’ James grinned.
‘Always got to make the most of everything I do.’ Loki grinned.
What the caring public didn’t know was there was a mini grave underneath the homeless shelter. An easy way to dispose of bodies that would never be found, especially since it took almost a year to build. Loki had made sure it wasn’t done too quickly.
‘What are you going to do with any future disposables?’ James asked while typing away on his iPad, updating Loki’s accounts.
Loki trailed his finger across his lower lip. ‘See if Jasmine at the crematorium is off maternity leave yet, I lose track of timings. If not, see how persuasive the maternity cover is.’
‘Will do, boss… Samuel and Ethan could always take up digging at the graveyard again if the push comes to shove.’ James said.
Loki chuckled. ‘Indeed. They would just love that.’
Burying bodies at the graveyard was one of the best ways Loki had found for disposing of bodies. For obvious reasons. No one suspected earth being disturbed at such places.
When Loki eventually returned home that night, after dealing with some more business, it was after midnight. He went upstairs and quietly crept into Chloe’s room, she was sound asleep. Loki had learned that she didn’t bother shutting the curtains, and with it being a frosty night the moon was shining brightly straight into her room. Giving him enough light to see without turning on the lamp and waking her up.
He quietly moved the chair closer towards her bed at the bottom, sat down and slowly sipped on his whiskey. He just watched her, sleeping soundly. On occasion she moved round onto her other side or let out a groan. But she looked peaceful.
After a while, she moved onto her back. Loki took that opportunity to have a little fun.
Moving gracefully, he went up the side of the bed and sat down carefully. He slid his hand underneath the blanket and gently touched her leg. When she didn’t stir, he stroked up her inner thigh and brushed the back of his hand against her cunt, only her knickers keeping him out.
She breathed out deeply, but aside from that didn’t move. Loki was encouraged by that, so kept rubbing her with a little more pressure. He turned his hand around and used more of a cupping motion while he rubbed her.
Chloe started responding by moaning slightly and squirming a little. Loki grinned and aimed for where her clit was. He was tempted to slid his hand down her knickers, but had a feeling that would wake her up completely. So he just stuck to stroking her firmly for a while, working her up nicely.
She started moaning louder, that’s when Loki reluctantly stopped. He carefully stood up and took a few steps away, grinning as she groaned in disappointment. But she rolled onto her side and curled herself up into a ball, no doubt squeezing her thighs together, he guessed.
Smirking to himself, he replaced the chair in its rightful place and slipped out of her room.
When Chloe woke up, she was feeling a bit horny. She’d had a weird dream where she was aroused, and it was like she was touching herself. But it also felt quite real in a way, she did wonder if she had touched herself while she was asleep because her knickers were a bit damp.
Not thinking much else of it, she went about her usual morning routine of showering before getting dressed. Then made her way downstairs for breakfast, hoping that Loki wouldn’t be there so she could get peace. But her luck wasn’t in today, as he was sitting at the top of the table with a plate of cereal, tea and a newspaper.
‘Good morning, doll. You’re looking rather radiant this morning.’ He grinned over the paper at her.
She bit her tongue and turned around to leave, but she should’ve known he wouldn’t let her do that.
‘Ah, ah. Come and have breakfast.’ Loki said firmly.
‘God, give me strength.’ She muttered to herself quietly.
Not looking at him, she continued to the table and sat down at her usual seat. She had tried to sit at the opposite end of the table from Loki before, but that didn’t go down too well. So now she didn’t even bother trying.
‘Did you sleep well?’ Loki asked casually while Tania served Chloe’s breakfast.
‘Glad to hear it. I’ve made the decision that you can get your phone back at the end of the week, if you continue to behave.’
‘What’s the catch?’ She blurted out.
‘Catch?’ Loki raised an eyebrow at her.
‘There must be a catch. Why would I get my phone back?’
‘No catch. I’m sure you will be wanting to contact your friends in excitement for starting University next month. And I’m almost certain your mother will be happy to hear from you again.’ Loki said with a smile.
‘I’m… I’m allowed to call people?’
‘Of course. Call, text, email. Surf the internet, whatever it is that you like to do. I’ve upgraded your contract so you have unlimited data, calls and texts. In a few months’ time I will be getting phone upgrades for everyone, yourself included.’
Chloe frowned. She wasn’t sure what to make of it all. But kept quiet, not wanting to risk a slip of the tongue by saying thank you. Because she sure as hell shouldn’t have to be thanking him for her own bloody phone.
She got through the rest of breakfast unscathed. To her relief. And he didn’t call for her or go to her room for the rest of the morning.
But just after two in the afternoon, she was on her way downstairs to get something to eat when the doorbell rang. She stopped at the top of the stairs and crouched down, looking between the railings towards the door to see who it was.
Loki came strolling through to answer. Chloe waited with baited breath, hoping it was someone that might be able to help her out. But it was young children, selling cookies for their primary school trip. She thought Loki would flip, annoyed that he was disturbed. But to her surprise, he was more than welcoming to the children.
‘Ah, what do we have here? They look delicious!’ Loki said animatedly, making the kids smile.
‘We’re selling cookies that we made at school, so we can save up for our school trip to the lake district!’ One of the kids said excitedly, not realising that she was speaking to a dangerous man…
Loki crouched down to their level and smiled brightly. ‘Well, I will definitely buy some. I can’t resist cookies. And Pete here, he has a sweet tooth too.’ Loki said as he motioned to his security guard by the door. Pete smiled down at the kids and nodded.
‘Yay!’ The kids all cheered when Loki stood up again and took his wallet from his pocket.
‘How many do you want, Pete?’ Loki asked, looking to him.
‘I’ll have a whole box, should keep me going till lunch.’ Pete chuckled.
Loki gasped in a mocking manner. ‘Costing me a fortune you are! Maybe I need to put him on a diet.’ He chuckled and winked at the kids, making them laugh.
He pulled out plenty of cash, making the kids go ‘oooo’ when he handed quite a few notes to them. ‘I’ll take five boxes. I have plenty of mouths to feed.’ He grinned.
‘Thank you so much!’ The kids all said in excitement as they gave him five boxes. They then went running down the path to the parents that were waiting for them on the pavement.
Loki waved back when they all waved enthusiastically at him. He handed a box to Pete. ‘Don’t eat them all at once.’
‘No promises there, boss.’ Pete chuckled.
Chloe was a bit surprised at what she’d witnessed. She stood up and had just taken one step back up the stairs, when Loki barked her name, making her halt instantly.
‘Chloe. Stop hiding, come down and enjoy these cookies with me.’
Chloe bit her tongue and cursed internally for being caught. She slowly made her way downstairs and when she looked at Loki, for a split second she found it difficult to think that he was so… dangerous and terrifying.
Because he was holding four boxes, with one of the cookies stuffed half in his mouth already and he had a goofy look about him. And it was also the first time that Chloe had seen him in casual clothing, leather trousers, boots and a dark green shirt with the top few buttons undone. He didn’t take days off that often, even at weekends. It was very rare.
She mentally slapped herself for thinking anything different.
He motioned with his head for her to follow him, so she did, albeit reluctantly. First they went to the kitchen, Loki asked Tania to store the cookies apart from a couple he put on a plate.
‘Come on, doll.’ He called on Chloe like she was a dog as he walked out of the kitchen.
She rolled her eyes and followed him obediently into the living room. She shivered as she entered, she really hated this room.
Her eyes widened as she spotted a game of chess set up on the small table by the fireplace. Loki had put two comfy chairs at either side of it.
Loki put the cookies down next to the chess board and went to the bar to pour them both a drink. ‘Have you played chess before?’ He asked, walking over towards her and the table with two glasses.
‘No. It looks boring and pointless.’ Chloe said, not making eye contact with him, instead she just looked at the board and flicked the King over.
‘Only boring people get bored. Sit down.’ Loki whispered into her ear, suddenly right behind her that made her jump.
It’s going to be a long day. She thought as she took a seat.
- Chloe yawned for the hundredth time in the past hour. She was sitting sideways on the chair with her legs draped over the arm, the whiskey that Loki kept pouring her had allowed her to let her guard down a tiny bit. But she was so bored while Loki talked her through her first game of chess.
She reached out for the last cookie but Loki smacked her hand away and grabbed it first. ‘You’ve had enough cookies.’
‘You’ve got, like, five boxes.’ She grumbled.
‘I did. But it doesn’t mean you are to stuff your face with them all.’ He growled.
She let out a groan and threw her head back.
‘It’s your move.’
She looked at the board and moved her King.
‘You don’t want to do that.’ Loki said.
‘Because then I can take out your King and win.’ Loki said bluntly.
‘Oh, good. You win then!’ She said cheerily and downed the last of her drink, hoping she could go to her room now.
‘You can move it elsewhere, Chloe. This game is just a practice for you. We aren’t finished yet.’ He grinned.
‘Great.’ Chloe sighed and moved her King elsewhere, pleasing Loki.
At this point, she would rather just give him a quick blowjob and be done with spending time with him. Alas, Loki wanted to play chess and Loki always got what he wanted.
So she was stuck.
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imaginesnkdorks · 5 years
Hii, thank you so much for blessing my dash with so much SnK content!!! I love it. Also, can I please get a scenario about Levi's s/o comforting him after what happened in the 57th expedition. Thanks!!
Humanity’s Strongest
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Character deaths
[A/N: Yay! You can never have too much SNK content. Took a while with this, but here ya go. Sorry as I am veryyyyyy rusty.]
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It’s only ten in the morning? I feel like I’ve been cleaning for hours, yet time barely passed. I can’t stop fidgeting when I’m nervous. I’m literally a giant ball of nervous energy!
“You’re going to drive a hole on that desk is you wipe it one more time.”  Came a voice behind me. I didn’t even notice someone coming in.
“Levi.” I let go of a deep sigh, and let go of my rag. “Aren’t you happy I’m cleaning?”
“Not when you’re only focusing on one spot. Or doing it out of nervousness.” He walked closer and sat down next to me. He looked at me, clearly encouraging me to talk.
“Tomorrow’s expedition seems bleak.” I said, dropping onto the chair beside him. It’s barely been a month since the last one and we’re off again. We’ve barely buried our dead – at least those that we could still burry.
“Aren’t all our expeditions like that?” He smirked at that. Of course, he’s right. A Survey Corps expedition is never complete without a single death or more. It’s not like we like it that way. Shit happens. There’s still a lot we don’t know about titans. Especially that a person could turn into one.
“I know.” It’s all I could say to that. “Did you come here to make me feel even worse?”
He grabbed my hands, which were still fidgeting, and held on to them. “Tomorrow will be different.” I looked at him as if he sprouted an extra head. I can’t believe it, Levi is being optimistic?
“What?” He asked, suddenly annoyed. His eyes giving that intense look I’ve always loved.
“Nothing.” Moving to intertwine my hands with his, I went on to do our ritual. The one we do before expeditions. “Promise you won’t die.”
He made a face at that, a mix of sadness and determination. His grip became firmer before he answered, “I promise. Promise you won’t die either.”
“Promise.” We both know it’s pointless – we can’t control anything out there. What we can do, however, is try. I was able to live through situations I never thought I could with just the thought of Levi. It makes me feel all warm inside to think that I have that same effect on him.
His hand traveled from mine to my face. “I know I tell you this every time, but be careful. Especially tomorrow, we might face the Armored Titan.” He’d never say it out loud, but I can read the worry in his face. I know it’s a reflection of mine.
“You too, humanity’s strongest.” His lips curved up at my use of that moniker. It is true, he is humanity’s strongest. I’ve seen him fight and it was the single, most encouraging thing I’ve ever seen. He’s like hope in human form.
Silence settled over us, and the comfort I’m used to feeling whenever I’m with him and he alone started to set it when we were so rudely interrupted.
“Oh, Captain Levi, Y/N!” It was Eld, followed by the rest of Levi’s squad. Their faces redden as their eyes settled on Levi and me. Yet another intimate moment interrupted. Levi and I straightened up, and I can see just the tiniest speck of red on Levi’s ears.
“Y/N, will you be having dinner with us?” Petra, ever friendly, asked. I nodded at that. It’s also our tradition to stay together as much as possible before an expedition. And I like that time spent here with his squad. Having Hange as my squad leader is certainly… annoying at times. See, she’s probably the only one with the guts to tease Levi.
“Ah, good evening.” Eren bowed as he joined us. He looks every bit like a normal boy. Nothing that would hint at his ability to become a titan.
Everyone was a little on edge, which is a given since we’ll be leaving the walls tomorrow. But not even that could stop Oluo from running his mouth off. Despite everything, it was nice having dinner with them. And certainly, sleeping in Levi’s arms is something I could never get tired of.
“Black flares!” I reported to Hange as we continued our journey. We’re on supply duty… or maybe canon duty? See, Erwin had the brilliant idea to capture the Armored Titan, which he was so sure would appear on this expedition. However, it wasn’t the Armored Titan.
“It’s almost decimated the whole right flank! It seems to look very feminine, aberrant too. It hasn’t eaten a single soldier, but dragged a bunch of other titans with it!” The soldier reported to us. Chaotic is an understatement.
“I see. Moblit! Fire the flare!” Hange commanded, before turning over to me, “Y/N, relay the news. You know which squad.”
“Yes!” Not everyone knows where Levi’s squad is positioned, but I’m amongst those that do. I took off and hurried to where Levi is. It didn’t take me long before spotting Levi.
“Message to pass along! Right flank recon has been destroyed! Pass this on, to the left.” I told him and his team the moment I was close enough. Thing is, Levi is the only one who really knows what’s going on. I had to censor the message.
“You heard Y/N Petra, go!”
“Yes, sir!” Petra dashed off to relay this info. Just when she started heading left, black flares went off.
“Eren, you fire it!” Levi commanded. I was already riding beside him the moment he finished.
“What a mess. We let it penetrate deep into our formation.” Levi said softly so that only I could hear.
“It isn’t the Armored one. Apparently, it’s leading along a pack of titans.” Black flares just won’t stop from going off now. “Be careful, Levi.” I told him before riding back to my squad.
“You too, Y/N.”
         I was amazed at how composed I was during the whole ordeal. I was able to follow Hange’s every order and help set up our traps in a timely matter. And yes, not much shaking of hands now.
         It didn’t take long before the screams of our fellow soldiers echoed through the forest, accompanied by the heavy thumping that could only belong to a titan. In a heartbeat, Levi and his squad appeared closely followed by the titan.
         “Fire!” At Erwin’s command, a barrage of traps blasted onto the titan. Sparks flew and the smell of smoke wrapped around us. Levi dropped down beside me, a silent conversation going on between us, before joining Erwin on a branch above.
         Attempts to extract whoever’s inside the Titan failed, due to its ability to harden its skin. Tsk, this is definitely harder than I thought.
         “Y/N! We’ll be firing the canons, aim it at the wrists.”
         “Yes!” Calibrating the canons is easy enough for me, and all that’s left to do is to load our explosives. Finally, free enough to take a proper look around, I saw Levi atop the titan’s head.
         “Ooof. It’s really impossible to just use blades?” I asked Levi the moment I joined him.
         “Yes. But that hardly matters. Hey!” He began, addressing whoever’s in this titan, “why not just come out? We don’t have time to waste. So… What do you think will happen to you now?”
         I looked at Levi and as I expected, his eyes have that dangerous glint that never fails to give me shivers. Seeing him like this right now makes me very excited to be back home – in bed with him. Is that weird?
         “Do you believe you can escape? I wish you’d consider all the trouble we’re going through… As I recall, you killed my troops in various ways. Did you find it fun? Right now, I’m having fun. Well, so are you, right? I think you can understand me. Oh right… I wanted to ask you something. Is it okay if we cut off your hands and legs? They’ll grow back, right? I’m talking about your limbs, not the Titan’s. We need you alive, after all…”
         It was possibly the most terrifying Levi has ever been, I wouldn’t be surprised if –
         “Y/N! Are you alright?” Levi inquired, grabbing my shoulders.
         “Yes, just startled.” The titan went on screaming! Levi helped me get back to my feet before stomping on the titan. Which I doubt is the best idea.
         “Levi!” I warned at the sight of three titans, sprinting towards us – well, at the titan whose head we’re still on.
         “I got it!” Levi said before jumping off and get rid of the new titans. We didn’t get a chance to breathe, though, as more titans made their way towards us.
         “Y/N, get out of there!” Levi screamed as these titans are after the same titan we were – the female titan. A blur of steam and titan limbs took over for the next few minutes.
         “No!” It’s a failure. I can’t believe it! The female titan had other titans eat them.
         “Tsk. All those deaths can’t be just for nothing.” Levi probably had the same thoughts as I do. It is a devastating waste of life. But what else can we do?
         “I’ll go get my squad. Stay safe, Y/N.” All I could do was tell him the same thing.
         It didn’t take long before we were rushing out of the forest. My mind was a mess, which isn’t great given where we were, but the flash of thunder-like light and a scream of a titan grabbed my attention.
         “That’s Eren’s scream?” I wondered out loud… no! “Levi!”
         “Y/N, stop!” Hange tried, but I’m already off my horse and on my way to where the sound and light was from. I have a really bad feeling about this!
         It wasn’t difficult to make my way towards them, as Eren’s titan was making a racket that can be heard all over the forest. This is bad. Wherever he is, is Levi’s squad. And the Female Titan as well.
         “Gunther?” No, this can’t be… Eld, Petra, and Oluo? Levi’s whole squad… “Levi, where are you?” Was he able to reunite with them before? I felt cold… I feel sick. Where is he?
         The steady thumping of a titan’s footsteps can be heard nearby. I have to know what happened here. I got closer to where it was and saw Levi. “He’s alive!” Relief flooded me, however, it was short lived. The female titan sensed Levi right behind it and went for him!
         It was over in a flash. Levi blinded the titan and severed the muscles holding its arms up. However, I just now noticed someone else – a new recruit? She went in for the nape!
         “Stop!” Levi and I screamed at the same time. I was too slow… Levi pushed her away and stopped the female titan’s hand. He was able to take Eren back, and we soon found ourselves rushing back to the others.
         We stopped at a field to regroup – treat the injured and take count of the bodies. The bodies that we were able to retrieve. I’ve almost forgotten, but everyone in Levi’s squad is… gone. He was limping towards where their bodies were.
         “Levi.” I wanted to tell him to stop. To take care of himself first. But I understand what is going through his mind right now. They were my friends, too.
         Our travel back wasn’t pleasant. The dread of what’s waiting for us back home is also weighing down on our shoulders. And Levi was quieter than ever.
         I made my way to the dining hall and found it empty. Of course, it would be, it’s only me, Levi and Eren here right now. Once I was done making tea, I went to Levi’s room. Laid on his desk was a couple of Survey Corps patches.
         Setting the tea set down, Levi grabbed my hand before I could pour us a cup each. I felt his need of me in his touch.
         “I wasn’t able to help them…” He said so softly I wouldn’t have heard it If I wasn’t sitting so close to him. I held his hand tighter, trying to make him feel what I was about to say.
         “It’s not your fault.” A sight only me is privy to appeared before me. Tears welled around Levi’s eyes, and he looked as heartbroken as I feel.
         “I know.” Where words fail us, actions didn’t. I pulled him into a hug, careful of his injured leg.
         He grabbed me so hard as if I was the only connection to life and he should never let go. It started as a whimper, but soon he was crying. I was, too. What can I say? Definitely not It’ll be alright. But I told him that anyway.
         Calming down a little, I was able to help him take off his gear and uniform. After bandaging his ankle, we laid down on his bed. Tired physically and emotionally. We were holding onto each other so tight.
         He was sniffling, still not done mourning his fallen comrades.
         “It’s okay to cry, Levi. In my arms, you’re not humanity’s strongest. You’re just Levi, the man I love.” I felt him nod, before kissing me. I didn’t care how tearful the kiss was. All I want to do is to make him feel home.
         “Y/N, thank you.” I didn’t know it was possible, but he hugged me even tighter. “Thank you for keeping your promise.”
         It was then that I decided to keep that promise forever. I’d do my best and live, I’ll make sure Levi won’t experience pain this great again.
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kagehinataboke · 5 years
New prompts? yay I love your work! Can you do number 11 bakutodo but with todoroki being the only one little? Maybe a quirk hit him and it made him a little boy again? Thank youuuu ❤
yes, this sounds so cute!!! big uwu
tdbk: [11] aged down characters
“What… the… fuck?” Bakugou blinks several times, but the nightmarish sight in front of him won’t go away. “What the fuck?” he repeats, because there really isn’t else to say.
“I don’t know,” Todoroki says in his prepubescent, soft, high-pitched voice. “I woke up this morning and found myself like this. I think it’s an after-effect of that villain fight yesterday. Her quirk had something to do with aging, didn’t it?”
“Forget that.” Bakugou gestures at Todoroki’s tiny kid body, enveloped in one of Bakugou’s old skull T-shirts. “You’re a fucking toddler.”
“I actually think I’m around seven or eight,” Todoroki corrects, swinging his legs back and forth on Bakugou’s desk chair. He seems to realize what he’s doing and looks at Bakugou with the utmost desperation. “Please help me get back to normal.”
Part of Bakugou really wants to tell him to fuck off, but he can’t just leave his boyfriend as a kid. That’s very illegal. And gross. But what the hell is he supposed to do to fix this? He’s never de-child-fied someone before. Obviously. Where does he even start?
“Fuck,” Bakugou grumbles aloud, pushing himself out of bed. “Let’s go find Aizawa I guess.”
“Do you think he’ll know how to fix it?” Todoroki follows Bakugou out of the dorm, glancing around nervously. “I don’t want anyone else to see me like this…”
“He always knows how to fix shit like this,” Bakugou dismisses. “Well just explain the situation, tell him about the mission yesterday, and see if we can figure out the villain’s quirk— Icy Hot?” Bakugou turns to find Tododoki several feet behind him.
“My legs are short now,” he mutters after catching up. “Don’t laugh. Can’t you walk slower?”
This might be fun, after all. Bakugou bends down so he’s eye-level with the little Todoroki, trying and failing not to smirk. “I’ll carry you. Hop on my back.” Under normal circumstances, Todoroki would freeze Bakugou’s hand to the wall if he suggested something like this. But the eight-year-old Todoroki isn’t exactly in a position to say no.
“Fine,” he grumbles, “but you’d better not tell anyone about this.”
“Roger that, Ice Princess. Wow, you’re so light. And tiny.” Bakugou shifts Todoroki’s weight, which is barely noticeable. “It’s kinda cute.”
“Shut up and walk.” Todoroki buries his face between Bakugou’s shoulders, tugging on his neckline demandingly. His personality didn’t get any more innocent, at least. It would be comforting if it wasn’t so annoying.
“This is him? Really?” Aizawa squints at Todoroki, who squirms in his chair. “Amazing,” Aizawa continues, poking the cheek where his scar used to be. “His body has completely reverted to a much younger age. I’ve never seen a quirk work like this before.”
Todoroki smacks his hand away impatiently. “Is there a way to fix it or not? I’m sick of being a child.”
“I’ll have to look into the villain’s quirk,” Aizawa mutters, more to himself than to them. He rubs at his eyes, retrieving a phone from his back pocket. “I’ll call Nezu and see what the protocol is for a situation like this. Bakugou, look after him until we know the full extent of the quirk’s effects.”
“This is just fantastic,” Todoroki murmurs as soon as Aizawa disappears into the hall. “Why did this have to happen? We were careful on the mission, weren’t we?”
Bakugou tries to be sympathetic, but it’s taking all the willpower he has not to laugh at the sight of little Todoroki with his stick-thin arms crossed. “We’re always careful,” he says, coughing to hide his amusement. “Some quirks are just fucked up. We couldn’t have seen this coming.”
Todoroki stays silent, but Bakugou can tell he’s sulking. Part of him wants to give the moron shit about it, but if their situations were reversed, he’d be losing his mind. Instead, he pats Todoroki’s tiny shoulder. “It’ll be okay, Icy Hot. Aizawa always figures this type of shit out. See, here he comes now. He’s probably already found a way to get you back to normal.”
“I don’t have a way to get you back to normal,” Aizawa says, shattering Bakugou’s half-assed optimism. “Yet. Nezu is going to speak with the police force to see about analyzing the villain’s quirk. Until then, we’ll just have to monitor you, Todoroki.”
“You’re kidding.” Todoroki’s face falls. “How king will I be stuck like this?”
“We’ll turn you back to normal,” Aizawa assures him. “The safety of the students is U.A.’s top priority… Usually. Nevertheless, it’s pointless to worry. Just lay low for today, and I’ll come to you when we have a solution.” Aizawa gestures at Bakugou. “Take him back to your room. I don’t want him alone.” He lowers his voice to whisper, “And don’t provoke any strong emotions in him. In his current state, I can’t be sure what will happen.”
“UNO. Victory. That’s four wins in a row for me.”
“Why the fuck are you so good at this?” Bakugou slams his cards against the table irritably. “Let’s do something else, before I strangle you.”
“I don’t think you meant to say that out loud.”
“Did I fucking stutter?” Bakugou exhales a tense breath to calm himself down. “Okay… How about some food? Can you stay here until I get back?”
“I want to go with you.”
“No. Do you want others to see you like this?”
Todoroki hesitates, but refuses to give up. “I’m coming with you. Aizawa said not to leave me alone, anyway, so let’s get going.”
Dammit, Bakugou really hates when he’s right… “Fine, asshole. But I’m not carrying you again.” He locks the door and starts down the hallway.
“Then walk slower, Katsuki. That’s not slow in the least, and you know it. You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
Bakugou smirks, slowing to let Todoroki’s corgi legs catch up. “Maybe a little. You’re just so fun-sized.” He tries to pinch Todoroki’s cheek, but quickly jerks his hand away with a yelp. “Ow! What the fuck?”
“What’s wrong?” Todoroki touches his face, frowning at Bakugou questioningly. “What happened?”
“Your face scorched my fucking hand.” Bakugou shows the steaming burn to prove it, and Todoroki’s frown deepens.
“I’m sorry, I… I suppose my quirk isn’t working properly. I hadn’t learned to control it at this point. But I don’t feel any—“ Todoroki suddenly sways, catching himself against the wall. He tugs at his collar. “Ah… it’s hot.”
“Oh, fuck.” Bakugou notices the sweat dripping from Todoroki’s red face and swallows down his panic. He’s overheating like a boiling pot. “Shit. Take your clothes off.”
“That’s… i-inappro…” Todoroki’s eyes roll back in his head. Bakugou has to lunge to catch him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He jerks his hands away from Todoroki’s burning skin, pulling off his borrowed T-shirt in the process. His chest is red-hot, steaming like human skin definitely shouldn’t. “Holy shit. This is no time to panic,” he tells himself, scrambling for his phone. “Have to call Aizawa…”
“Bakugou?” Yaoyorozu is standing a few feet down the hall with Jirou, both sweaty and holding ice-filled water bottles.
“Fuck.” Bakugou quickly stumbles to his feet and yanks ones of the bottles from Jirou’s hand, ripping off the cap. “This better work.” He dumps the ice water over Todoroki, leaping back when hissing steam curls into the air. It does its job, though: Todoroki’s skin returns to a normal color, but he doesn’t wake up.
“What the hell is going on?” Jirou asks, picking up her discarded water bottle. “Wait… Is that—“
“It’s Todoroki,” Bakugou interrupts impatiently, using the skill T-shirt to pat Todoroki’s chest dry. “I don’t have time to explain everything. You can either get lost, or you can help me get this bastard to Aizawa.”
“That was a close call. You’re lucky he wasn’t injured.” Recovery Girl pulls the curtains closed around Todoroki’s bed. “It seems as if he was boiling from the inside out. I managed to cool him off enough to avoid damage.”
Before Bakugou can be relieved, Aizawa’s words bite into him. “Are you deaf? I told you not to get him worked up!”
“I didn’t do shit to him!” Bakugou protests, smacking Aizawa’s hands off his collar. “If anything, this is your fault! Isn’t this school’s ‘top priority’ to protect its students? If you’d done your damn job, he’d have been fine from the fucking start!”
“Now, now; everyone please settle down.” Nezu appears from thin air, as annoyingly calm as always. “There’s no use casting blame after the fact. Besides, the situation has now been resolved. The villain willingly told us how to reverse the effects of her quirk. Todoroki should be back to normal in an hour or so.”
Aizawa narrows his eyes, but he keeps his mouth shut. Bakugou lifts his chin with a scoff. “Whatever. I’m out of here.”
“Don’t.” Nezu halts him with a raised paw. “We’ll go. You should stay. Aizawa?”
The two teachers disappear, and Bakugou reluctantly follows Recovery Girl’s advice to sit by Todoroki’s bedside. The whole day has taken the absolute piss out of him. Fucking villains. Fucking careless Half bastard. Bakugou didn’t even realize how worried he really is until Nezu told him they’d found the solution.
Todoroki gets on his nerves, but if anything serious happened to him… Fuck, it’s better not to even think about. He’s fine now. Most importantly, he won’t be stuck as a kid forever. It’s impossible and disgusting to even think about having romantic feelings for an eight-year-old.
“…Katsuki?” Todoroki mumbles. His voice is back to normal, and when he opens his eyes, the left is framed by his blissfully normal, beautiful scar. “Am I back to normal?”
Bakugou attempts to lighten the serious atmosphere. “Dunno. Have you checked down there?”
“Not funny,” Todoroki warns, but the corners of his lips are twitching. “I didn’t realize how much I liked being a teenager until I was an eight-year-old.”
“I’m glad you’re not a fetus anymore,” Bakugou says with an eye-roll. “It would be amazingly awkward to have to break up with you over it.”
They both laugh, and it lessens the knot of tension in Bakugou’s stomach. Things are back to normal. For the time being, at least. He really needs to have a talk with the school about their safety measures… But for now, he’ll enjoy having his full-sized, mega dipshit of a boyfriend back.
“Move over. I’m coming in.”
“This bed is way too small for two people.”
“Shut up. If we can fit on your sister’s couch together, we can fit here.”
They maneuver into a comfortable position, arms and legs intertwined in a safety net of limbs. Todoroki is back to his normal temperature—a perfect mix of hot and cold—and he fits snugly against Bakugou’s side like a puzzle piece, right where he belongs.
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Suits: One Last Con (9x10)
Okay, so then what happens next is that Harvey and Donna move to Seattle, and they become closer than ever to Rachel and Mike. At least once a week, Harvey and Mike have a "guy's night" while Donna and Rachel have a "girl's night." And then, gradually, they realize they've ended up with the wrong people. So they all get divorced and then Donna and Rachel become a couple, and Mike and Harvey become a couple. Someone please tell me they're writing that fic.
Oh, sorry. Was I supposed to talk about the episode? Let's get to it.
I predicted last week that this episode would be overcrowded, and I wasn't wrong, exactly. I'm grateful that the conflict with Faye was over before the midpoint, so we could have a nice long goodbye with all of the characters. But while I do enjoy that, I also must admit it doesn't make a lot of sense. Faye was a season-long threat, and she's dispatched a third of the way through the finale. It just goes to show that as interesting of a villain as she might have been in the beginning, she didn't really matter. She was a figurehead. She didn't really change anything about these people and their perspectives on their lives. It all felt pretty pointless in the end.
No matter how much fan service a finale has, there are always going to be things that get missed. For example, it seems strange to me that Jessica couldn't have made a cameo at Louis' wedding. She's working on another show for the same creators; how hard would it have been to get her in for a few minutes? And I hate that Alex was the one to go to Katrina. On the one hand, I get it. They needed to find something for Alex to do in this episode, because he's been a pointless character for several weeks. But Harvey and Katrina never get a moment of apology, and that really sucks.
I've talked a lot in these reviews about my issues with Donna and Harvey. It's not that they're painful to watch, or actively unpleasant. The actors do a good job. It's perfectly serviceable. But I think I've finally figured out one of the reasons why they never quite clicked for me as a couple. Harvey is always talking about how Donna knows him better than anyone. But this is what editors mean when they say "show, don't tell." Donna knows Harvey. We've seen it throughout the years. But how does she show that she knows him? Well, she has the supernatural ability to read his mind and predict his requirements whenever the plot requires it. And she acts like is mommy just as often as she acts like his girlfriend, guiding him through his emotions like an enabler.
But Harvey can say again and again that Donna is the one for him, and how well she gets him... and then we can see Mike in the same episode, showing that same thing, instead of telling it. I'm not even pushing for a romantic interpretation, necessarily. It's just that Mike comes in, and they have their quippy banter. They work together to take down Faye. They re-enact Mike's interview with Harvey but in reverse. They find excuses to touch each other. And in an episode that involved two weddings and a health scare, the single most emotional moment in the episode is when Harvey tries to leave Mike's apartment dramatically after telling Mike he's never stopped trusting him, and Mike says "no," like the very idea of Harvey losing his license is torture to him. They have the chemistry. They have the beating heart of this show, and that's been true from day one. It makes the romance between Harvey and Donna pale in comparison.
Also, in an episode that had to accomplish so many things, so quickly, it was odd to add in that little health scare for Sheila. Why did her pregnancy have to have complications? It felt like something to add just to make for some more drama, but we really didn't need that. I'm glad that mother and daughter were both okay.
I was always going to rant and ramble a lot in this review, since it's the last one for the show. But just because I had a lot to say in the "cons" section doesn't mean there was nothing to enjoy here. Let's start with my girl Katrina.
As I said, I was irritated that she and Harvey didn't have an on-screen reconciliation. But I am so, so happy for her that she gets to be name partner! It's so refreshing to have a character arc on this show be about a woman choosing her career over her love life, and having that be an empowering and rewarding choice to make. I'm all about it. She gets to come back to the firm, newly powerful, and stand with Alex, Samantha, and Louis.
Samantha and Alex were both underutilized in this finale, but I get it. I'd rather focus on the longer-standing characters, too. And the show did a good job of making this episode the end of an era for Harvey and Donna, and yet also a new beginning for the others. The image of the new firm name on the wall was really lovely. I especially liked that Samantha acknowledged how crazy it was that they'd kept changing the name, and decided that they can't change it anymore for at least five years. But Litt Wheeler Williams Bennett will be stronger for Katrina's presence among them.
Louis has one of the best glow-ups in TV history. There were times over the years where I didn't think I'd be able to forgive him. I still selfishly hold a grudge for that time when he physically attacked Mike. But at the end of the day, he has actually grown as a person. This is a great example of show vs. tell, actually. We've seen it all season - Louis has been calmer. He gets angry or worked up about something, but he doesn't fly off the handle. When he tells his therapist that he's ready to have him as a friend and have him officiate the wedding, it doesn't feel like empty words. Louis might still need therapy in his life, but he has the tools now to know how to get himself the help he needs. It was so fun to see his "final form" as it were. And then we see it put to the test, as Sheila goes into labor during their wedding ceremony. You might expect him to freak out, but he's calm. He's planned for this, and he's there to be supportive for Sheila during this difficult time. Even while he's frantic for her and the baby in the hospital, he keeps a cool head and doesn't do anything he would later regret. Yay Louis! (ps - Louis learning that Donna and Harvey were leaving was more emotional for me than Harvey and Donna's wedding). (pps - that scene of Donna and Louis holding hands in the elevator gave me LIFE).
It was predictable that Harvey and Donna would step up and take advantage of the pre-arranged wedding - a lot of fans predicted this exact outcome. And while I've spoken extensively on my mixed feelings about their relationship, I can't deny the cuteness of the scene. We get that lovely proposal, with Harvey's mother's ring. We get Mike putting his arms around both of them, with his little quip about being unlicensed to officiate. We get Harvey and Mike gripping hands as Harvey leads Donna out for their first dance. It's all very cute, and I feel happy for the big Darvey fans out there. They totally deserve to see all of that happiness, even if I don't agree with the couple at its core. This is the inevitable conclusion, and it was done quite beautifully.
Will I ever be over how much Harvey and Mike love each other? I really don't think so. Let's talk about the best parts of the episode.
First of all, I already mentioned it above, but that scene at Mike's place was just golden. Mike walking in to find Harvey already there was great - they have always just barged in to each other's personal spaces and that's such a testament to the trust between them. And then you have Harvey telling Mike the truth, and telling him that he's going to have to go on the stand and risk getting disbarred. Mike's reaction is genuine panic, and then the two of them concoct a plan that will save the day. I just love the idea of Harvey going over there not to ask for Mike's help, but because he couldn't stand the thought of Mike thinking he didn't trust him. That's love, baby.
Then you've got the interview-in-reverse thing at the end. I could spend hours just squealing about the fact that Donna and Harvey are leaving the firm and moving to Seattle (my home town! woo!) to be with Mike and Rachel. Hey, maybe the four of them could all be in a poly relationship... but that's for fanfic to decide, I guess. Good finales need to come full circle, and also need to set the characters up for changing futures. This idea of Harvey moving to Seattle, of Mike being Harvey's boss, manages to do both. They are quippy and cute with each other, but also genuine. Harvey decides to leave the firm in order to take out Faye, but he also genuinely wants a fresh start. His life changed forever when Mike walked into his life, and I really do feel like that was the final message the show left me with, when the dust had settled.
So... yeah. I can't find it in myself to be a hardcore Darvey shipper. This finale was never going to cater to all of my needs. But at the end of the day, I was mighty pleased with several of the scenes, and I love where it left all of the characters, in terms of their careers and happiness. For this finale, I'll give a rating of...
For the show as a whole? Well, I hate to break it to anyone who's unaware of this, but Suits isn't that great of a show. It has a couple of really strong elements, but over the years its stories became repetitive, and there's quite a lot that doesn't actually make sense about these characters and their motivations. But I don't grade these shows based on objective quality. I grade them based on the elements that I enjoy most in a show. For years, whenever Suits came back on the air, it was one of the things I looked forward to most each week. I longed for every scrap of content between Harvey and Mike that I could possibly get. There are moments over the years that I have gone back and watched in a loop because of those two. I also liked the way the show deconstructed toxic masculinity, and had a feminist message that didn't feel like something out of an after school special. I had fun watching this show, and I will think of it fondly for years to come. The show over-all gets:
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Smash Cake: Chapter 4; Lucky Charms (Dean)
Believe it or not, asking a girl out on a date is pretty nerve-wracking. I could literally feel the sweat dripping down the back of my neck. Without thinking, I wiped away most of it.
Great, now my palm was all sweaty.
What if she wanted to shake my hand or something? I quickly cleaned it off on my pant leg, praying she wouldn’t notice how fidgety I had become.
Why wasn’t she saying something?
Why did I even bother to ask?
“Um… I’m not sure…” She started, unable to finish her thought. Like me, she rubbed her palm against her pant leg.
And then I spotted Emma blowing bubbles into her glass of milk. That’s it! She was my one-way ticket out of rejection town.
“What if Emma comes along as our chaperone?” I suggested. “That way, we can keep things nice and innocent.” Emma looked up and smiled at the baker. “What do you think?” I asked.
Silence followed my words and it thickened the air around us until it was impossible for me to breathe. Gee, I felt like such an idiot. Clearly, I was making things worse…
“Can we go to the beach? I love the beach!” Emma chimed in, looking back and forth between the two of us. “It’ll be a lot of fun!”
“Sweetie… I’m not sure that’s the best of ideas. The tide gets pretty rough at night.” I said in hopes of calling the whole thing off. At this point, there was little I could do to salvage the situation. I could see Ruby winding her pitch, ready to strike me out and honestly, I didn’t want to hear it. Nothing ruins your day more than a big fat ‘no.’
Emma frowned. “But daddy…” She leaned forward in her seat and stared at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers.  
“How can you say ‘no’ when she’s looking at you like that?” Ruby asked.
I sighed. Once again, Emma knew exactly how to wield my kryptonite to get what she wanted. “Bested by a four-year-old,” I mumbled aloud. “So, yeah, I guess I’m going to the beach tonight.” I was going to end it there but I really couldn’t let this woman go. Maybe I was only making a fool of myself but I had to give it one last try. “You know, it would be better if you tagged along.” I paused, wetting my lips since they were suddenly as dry as parchment paper. Who knew talking to a girl could be this hard? “I promise to keep things friendly. Although I’ll admit, I find you incredibly beautiful.” And there I go, ruining it all. Why couldn’t I have just kept my mouth shut?
“Please, Miss Cupcake Lady! Pretty please with a cherry on top?” Emma turned her puppy dog eyes on the baker. “You can tell me all about the cupcake fairies by the fire!”
Ruby shifted her weight from foot to foot as she bit down on her bottom lip.
“Please…” Emma held the syllable on her tongue.
“Alright, I’ll go.” Ruby conceded as she held up her hands in defeat.
“Yay!” Emma shouted as she jumped down from her stool and clamped Ruby in one hell of a leg binder.
Ruby patted Emma on the head and smiled. “I bet you have her trained to do this.” She said. “You know, most guys use puppies to pick up girls.”
“Well, I work with the hand I was dealt,” I responded with a smirk. “It seems to be working well for me.”
“Seems like being a single dad has its advantages.”
She’s got that right. “Oh, definitely. Emma here is my lucky charm. She never lets me down.”
“No, daddy, you need to go with the blue one.” Emma held up a bow tie, waving it around. “It’s your lucky one.”
“Tell me again why it’s lucky.”
“Because it has polka dots, duh.”
“Oh, how could I forget? That’s perfectly logical.” I took the neck piece and tucked it underneath the collar of my button up. I was much too overdressed for the beach, but when Emma’s the chaperon, Emma makes the rules.
Parenting 101: Your kid controls you; you do not control your kid.
If you think it’s the other way around, then you’re just delusional.
“No, no, no.” She shook her head. “It’s crooked! Daddy has to look nice for the cupcake lady.”
“Why is that?”
“Because you like her.” She answered as she stepped back and looked at me through her squared off fingers like a photographer lining up the perfect shot. “And I like her too.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Do I look okay?”
“Hmm…” She mused before running to the bathroom.
Oh dear, I was in trouble now. I had planned to impress Ruby but with my four-year-old running the show, I was sure to leave the house looking like a clown.
And just as I predicted, Emma emerged with an old enemy – styling gel.
I groaned. Where did she even find that thing? I hadn’t greased my hair in ages, probably since I was a confused teenager. Back then, I thought it cool to look like an alien. Now, not so much.
Why hadn’t I tossed it in the bin? This was my punishment for being such a hoarder. “Emma… are you sure about this?”
“Mhm.” She giggled as she pointed to a nearby chair.  
I hesitated, hoping she’d change her mind.
She didn’t.
For nearly fifteen minutes, she ran her fingers through my hair, twirling thin sections into unicorn spikes. When she finished, she ordered me to close my eyes as she positioned me in front of the mirror.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
I looked awful. Like a Halloween costume gone horribly, horribly wrong.
“Do you like it?” Emma asked, an expectant look on her face.
I swallowed down my pride, smiling at my daughter. “It looks lovely.” I lied. I couldn’t crush her spirits. “Thank you, sweetie.” I kissed the top of her head. “What would I do without you?” I looked down at my watch. “C’mon, you need to get ready. We wouldn’t want to keep Ruby waiting, would we?”
Emma responded by dashing into her room. She had disappeared into her closet before reappearing a few minutes later with her favorite pink dress.
“Are you sure that’s what you want to wear to the beach? What if it gets dirty?”
“I won’t!”
I knew it was pointless to try to convince her otherwise. That pink dress had been through hell and back. She wore it to pretty much every occasion. I feared the day when she would finally outgrow it. She’d be devastated.
“Alright, go get dressed then.”
“And then daddy will do my hair?”
“Of course.”
“Yippee!” She scampered into the bathroom. Hopefully, she wouldn’t find anything else to torture me with while she was in there.
While she was changing, I tried salvaging my appearance, but it was hopeless. Maybe, if I was lucky, Ruby would be attracted to spikey-haired men.
Yeah right. She’ll probably take one look at me and high-tail it the other way.
Why did I ever think that letting Emma help me get ready for a date would be a good idea?
Just then, she emerged from the bathroom, looking like a little princess.
Oh, that's right. She’s adorable and I don’t know how to tell her ‘no.’
She plopped in front of her vanity, holding out her hairbrush in my direction.
I pulled up a chair and positioned myself behind her. She jittered like a roly-poly until I stilled her. Only then did I run the brush through her thick hair.
“Ouch!” She squirmed.
“Sorry.” I worked her hair at a slower, more delicate pace until all the knots had disappeared.
She ran her fingers through her locks to make sure I had done a good job.
“Does it please your majesty?” I asked.
“Very much, good knight!” She flashed me a charming smile before holding out a scrunched of hers. “Use this one. It’s my lucky one.”
“A lucky scrunchie?”
“Mhm. It matches my dress so of course it's lucky.”
“Right,” I said. “That makes sense.” Seriously, how do kids come up with this stuff?
I took the scrunchie and placed it on my lap. Then, I sectioned her hair into three parts and started to weave them together. Despite all my practice, I still wasn’t very good at braiding hair. There were always these loose bits that would stick out every which way. I had no idea where they came from.
Once I was done, Emma whipped her head around and checked my handiwork in the mirror. “Perfect!” She exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.
“You look beautiful, baby girl,” I said as I kissed the top of her head.
She smiled up at me before running off somewhere. I shook my head and grabbed her jacket. I found her in the kitchen with a picnic basket in hand. “What’s in there?” I asked.
“You’ll see…” She rocked on her feet and flashed a mischievous grin. “But it’ll be your most luckiest lucky charm!”
Most luckiest, huh? Well, in that case, maybe this date of mine wouldn’t be such a disaster after all.
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dnd-inspiration · 7 years
Hey, so do you have any tips on writing a short campaign, (maybe, 1 or 2 sessions)? I have a lot of new players, and they want to get a feel for the game with a short story. I have ideas, but im not sure how to tie them up in a satisfying but quick ending. Please help if you can!
1. Simple is best. This idea can take just a few sessions: An evil necromancer who hid in the local “dead forest”. Raises all the local dead animals to protect him from a large guild that has finally tracked him down. He can be found by following a trail of dead plant life. You can drag the campaign out like so: Having the PCs come across a distraught farmer who doesn’t know where his cows went. Find them. Then the PCs come across some ritual looking graves. Then the PCs have to debate if its a human mass grave, or just the local animal carcass dumb, and so on. The forest is sprawling.
2. Start out with an established miniature backstory your PC’s can customize and work with. Its easier to say “You guys work for [company] due to [your individual reasons] and your latest task has you doing [x].” or my favorite “You wake up with a massive headache, bottles all around you. What happened?” Most of my first session is character introductions, why are we here, what is my character's motivation for being in the group, etc etc.
Hi! I’m currently a level 9 (yay just levelled!) eladrin arcane archer fighter 6 and mystic 3 in a homebrew campaign. The idea of the character was for me to have telekinetic powers that help focus my arrows. However, as my party and I levelled, my DM and I realised that the current UA material and stuff in Xanathar’s doesnt scale quite well for the arcane archer in comparison to the warlock and paladin. Any suggestions to help improve the arcane archer subclass?
Not gonna lie, I’m really bad when it comes to rules and stats and changes. I’m more of an ideas girl. That said, lets make some crazy shit up to help you out! I don’t have Xanathar (assuming its a book?) so If my suggestions are in it, awful, or unhelpful sorry! You can try a straight up damage buff like a +2, or adding poison damage. You could be useful by having your arrows make noises for distraction, or intimidation. Fire it above a door, lure guards over with “cries of help” or scare them away with a beasts howl. Arrows that start fires, or release a flood of water, or electrify the area. Arrows that drop random horrors like teeth, black goop, etc.
@ anon
You need help to carry 32million tons, or a player of yours can and its a problem?
First one: A magical mount? Magical gloves/bag that can ONLY be used if its carrying 32million tons minus a few lbs?
Second one: Curse them to wear these boots that are like, super heavy. Make them physically have to carry it. A bag that fits that much stuff is going to be HUGE and not fit through doors.
I’m going have a Lv5 party escape a magical casino/resort where the boss feeds of the souls of brainwashed party goers. So far I have sneaking around the casino and blending in, fighting a giant circus lion, and a magic go kart race. Do you have any suggestions for encounters in this setting?
Smoke filled section has some sneaking. A giant pool party filled with croc people servers! Cocktail waitresses who want to serve you poison or stall you! Card dealers who throw small weapons that can be hidden with cards, [monster that  can act as a security camera for cheating] tracks you.
I'm making my own campaign that takes place on a continent that 11 meteors fell to. 10 green, one blue. The blue has spread a eternal blizard over the land and the green cyristals fend it off. Thus cities rose around them. The catch is anyone lost and alone comes back as part of a undead horde(I wrote up some interesting special and magical undead). This horde is has been waging war against the cites for a long time now. My question is, why would my plays come to a God forsaken place?
1. Something came with the meteors. Its valuable. 2. Finding a lost friend/family member. 3. Paid to see if x region is also infected or not.
I'm doing my first campaign as a DM, and I'm roped with 7 players, fun, but really I do this story I've been mulling over, 7 demon lords, one for each sin, and I wanted to subvert expectations, like it will seem like a rich miserly noble who taxes unfairly might be corrupted by the greed demon lord but I would make it the Robin hood esque npc who's corrupted by pride and his desire for fame and attention. trying to find more creative sin uses.
Gluttony: Ran a foodbank. Stockpiles all the food. Steals all the local animals and starts to set up a feast for himself. Maybe throw in some humans too.
Lust: Has a really, really big thing for flesh. Collects it, wants more.
Pride: I got nothing, sorry.
Sloth: A high ranking official whose duty is to take care of things just… doesn’t care. Doesn’t move, doesn’t delegate, does nothing. Makes others do things for them like bathe, feed, etc. Punishes people who won’t help them.
Envy: ????
Wrath: Demon attaches to the most wronged man in the village. He’s nice, but had bad luck. Rogue carriage kills his wife, his crop is burned from a party gone out of control., etc.
A lot of these are so old I think answering them would be pretty pointless. Please feel free to resend asks, send new ones, or ask for more details or different answers! Also feel free to reblog or reply to this post with more advice or ideas for these people’s questions.
If you would like me to NOT post your question, please tell me that when you send me your question. I finally have my new place and have internet set up so I’m happy to answer your questions and finally post more! Please feel free to send me your art, ideas, inspiration requests, etc!
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buffylikescoke · 7 years
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 11#10
"This is...wrong." ~ Willow Rosenberg
"Crimes Against Nature" is mostly filler. Nothing actually important happens in this issue. It's not even particularly fun. So what's the point?
Buffy, Willow, Spike and Faith infiltrate Pandora project - a government research facility located in Sutro Bath ruins in San Francisco. They decide to approach it from underwater, cute wetsuits and all, using Willow's spell of amphibiousness. I have to say, I liked that spell more when it grew actual gills. What? I kinda wanted see Buffy with gills. Again. As they enter the facility they're suddenly attacked by a giant cyborg octopus that's guarding it. Buffy cuts some of its arms, Spike bites it and fuck you, I like that Spike bites things but it's Willow who gets rid of Mr. Handsy by heating its skin. Another Wonderland callback, yay! With T-MOLLUSC out of their way, the group gets inside proper and what they find inside is a campy horror movie! All that magic taken from supernatural beings? Initiative 2.0 use it to transform animals ( sharks, octopuses, bears - it's a whole zoo down there ) and then augment them with cybernetic implants in order to create super-soldiers. Anyway, Wil33t finds a nearby workstation and begins gathering intelligence, while Buffy, Spike and Faith explore the facility. They find more augmented animals, drones, magical battle suits and a computer-controlled security cyborg, think RoboCop mashed with a Handyman from Bioshock. The cyborg attacks them, but since there's a living human beneath all the metal Buffy is hesitant to just kill him. Instead, the team severs his artificial limbs. Spike menages to tear off his eye implant which disables the remote control, freeing the meatbag inside. He introduces himself as Rudy Diaz, a soldier who volunteered for the project after he lost his limbs in an I.E.D. explosion. Rudy asks Scoobies to kill him. Supposedly, he cannot live without the augmentations and he doesn't want to be repaired and become a cyber-puppet again. Buffy can't bring herself to do it so Spike just kills him. OK, this is utterly vile. The poor guy needed help! The situation he's found himself in obviously colors his judgement and his desire to die and guess what, between Willow ( conveniently not present ) who's capable of healing deadly wounds and Andrew, who builds robots Scoobies have the means to help him. They can grab the poor guy, carry him out of the facility and then figure out the next step, for goodness' sake Buffy, at least get the resident healslut to verify if Ruby truly cannot survive without augmentation. No, they just murder a helpless human. It's disgusting. And if it was just Spike, I would be more understanding, I mean, even with a soul he's still a vampire but I'm not OK with Buffy being OK with this. Look, I don't know what they're doing with the theme of slaying humans this season but I hope it's going somewhere because so far, it's all mostly contradictory garbage. Anyway, Buffy, Spike and Faith join Willow, who's got the data ready. They decide to shut down the facility and cover the cyborg made mess by letting out all the cyber bears, goats, lizards etc out of their cages.  
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Scoobies regroup in a hotel. We get another expositionary scene with Dawn watching television. Third time this season. Seriously, can Dawn actually do something other than watch TV, she used to be Dawn-God, now she's a couch potato. Willow reveals what she's learned. Turns out, POTUS is kept in the dark but the vice president, press secretary and secretary of the supernatural are all in on the conspiracy as they all have visited the now trashed Pandora project. Scoobies decide to expose the people at the top and since the vice president visits San Francisco, presumably to make sure that despite the destruction of the facility everything's still on track, the gang decides to kidnap him and ask some questions. Obviously, it's the vice president, they have to do it stealthily. The idea is to glamour someone, someone who can talk fast without actually saying anything and dish out piles of B.S. without blinking an eye, to look like the vice president so Willow can swap the two without alerting the security. Yeah, they pick Xander. The plan works. While Xander, disguised as the VP, gives an interview, Willow's spell compels the actual vice president to truthfully answer the Scoobies' questions. Their efforts are only partially successful. Turns out, the vice president is not the big bad, merely a run-of-the-mill corrupt politician who himself can't even tell Scoobies who's behind all this chaos because the real villain prevented him from doing that with a spell. They do learn, however, that the first satellite with a wide-range magic absorption array launches very soon and will drain the magic out of everyone in the US. Willow wipes the politicians memories and collects Xander. Later, back in the hotel, Scoobies weigh in their options. Mostly, Buffy wants to keep Spike and Dawn safe, put them on a boat, maybe even relocate them to another dimension but the gang convince her that this is ultimately pointless - their only option is to immediately stop what's happening because soon there won't be any safe place left. And that's what they'll do, right?
You know, I understand that not every issue can fire on all cylinders and...wait, why not? To conclude, the previous issue felt like two issues, this feels like a half. Honestly, I'm kinda disappointed.
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#28: Season 2, Episode 16 - “Wombat Wuv”
Louis is infatuated with the new cheerleading coach, so he decides to become the school mascot in an extremely farfetched attempt to win her over. Meanwhile, Ren becomes a cheerleader and goes into pep overdrive.
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We start this episode at cheerleading practice where we see that Ren is a cheerleader now...? Okay. The girls are getting ready to welcome Ms. Morgan, the new cheer coach. Louis and Twitty are nearby and play the most immature but hilarious prank on Ren. She goes to do a split and Louis sets off a fart noise. Okay.. As I typed that sentence, I was overcome with juvenile cringe. But the noise is so perfectly timed and Louis gets such a kick out of it that I can't even be mad.
Eventually, Ms. Morgan appears and Louis has an out of body experience. Literally. His soul leaves his body and does an interpretive dance for this woman. It's a very memorable moment. He's seriously in awe of her beauty. I love how Twitty wasn't even phased by her, though? Louis was all "DUDE WHO IS THAT?!??" And Twitty said "Eh, idk... some lady" omg.
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Louis’ transparent soul leaving his body to express his feelings in the most random way possible. Only on this show, man. 
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that in addition to seeing that Ren is suddenly a cheerleader now.. we also see that she’s kinda terrible at it. So, how in the world did she make it onto the squad in the first place??? This is a question that always pops into my head every single time I watch this episode. Then, without fail, I always breathe a strange sigh of relief when the writers actually bother to explain the situation through dialogue between Louis and Twitty! Louis casually says that Ren needs the credit for her resumé to show she has school spirit or something... which actually makes sense. A lesser show would’ve made Ren be a cheerleader for this one episode with no explanation whatsoever. But, still. I find it hard to believe they'd just let her on the team for a reason like that. You have to at least be physically capable! Which Ren clearly is not:
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If ya couldn’t tell, she’s the one in the middle causing the entire group to collapse. 
They fall on Kenny the mascot guy -- who you can see was totally out of the line of fire, but purposely threw himself on the ground because the plot demanded it. He quits on the spot and now our story truly begins. Louis gets the bright idea to swoop in and save the day by taking over the mascot gig. He immediately sees this as an opportunity to basically start dating Ms. Morgan. Lawd help me honeychild. YOU'RE 13, LOUIS. It’ll be difficult to have a relationship with Ms. Morgan when she’s busy spending time in prison. 
Louis goes to Ms. Morgan's office and she talks to him in such a sweet and sultry voice which is probably the worst thing she could do in this situation. Louis' heart is beating so loud, he's able to pass it off as some ruckus going on outside. Wow.
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Later that day, Tawny sees him with the mascot suit and assumes he stole it for fun. I love how she says "You should’ve told me! I would've done it with you!" Look at these lil rebels over here! They're so cute. Tawny looks extra goth here too which is awesome, lol. Louis tells her that he's the new mascot. She’s so shocked she shoves him against the lockers, and Shia does the greatest scream here!!! You can see him laughing a bit. I love it. Unfortunately, part of Louis' ugly side comes out right around here. He starts totally blowing Tawny off now because there's a ~new woman~ in his life. He cancels plans with her because he has mascot practice and cryptically won't explain why he took the gig in the first place. "It's just something I had to do" - Wow, Louis. The Dramatics™.
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I just had to include a screenshot of Tawny’s outfit. Black Doc Martens and some peasant flowy gothy dress. Yes. (This was a fast-motion bit, so this is the best cap I could get)  
Louis calls Twitty over for an emergency meeting after school. Idk why but I think it's hilarious how Twitty comes jogging into his room out of breath lol. "I ran all the way over here, what's the emergency?" Friendship goals honestly. Needless to say, Twitty is less than impressed when Louis confesses "I'm in love with Ms. Morgan." Twitty can see right through the infatuation and knows that Louis is living in lalaland. But according to Romance For Boneheads, (a total "For Dummies” knockoff) he has the classic symptoms of a man in love. 
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It's pretty adorable to see Louis all worked up like this, but kinda sad at the same time because this is obviously not going to end well. Twitty suggests "Maybe you just ate some bad bean dip" which is so funny to me, like.... what.
Louis continues ranting about how perfect Ms. Morgan is and says "I think we'd be a fun couple" as he gazes out his window and we get the most ridiculous daydream ever I can't even deal with this. He and Ms. Morgan are returning from a vacation to the Bahamas. Louis randomly starts playing mini bongos (the same ones that are on his windowsill actually! I never noticed that before!) and Ms. Morgan dances around him. Eileen concurs “You two are a fun couple.” Gotta love how his parents approve even though Louis IS THIRTEEN YEARS OLD and Ms. Morgan is definitely at least 30 lol. EDIT: I just checked. The actress was 36 here! omg.
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I love how they made sure Eileen and Steve look somewhere between happy and highly disturbed. Fun fact: This episode was actually directed by Donna Pescow! So... perhaps these facial expressions were her own idea lol. 
Louis starts drooling at the thought and we see THE RETURN OF THE ANNOYING CGI TONGUE FROM GET A JOB. 
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Seriously. Who thought that was a good idea? It just looks awful and so out of place. Y'all know by now how I feel about this surreal stuff they randomly throw in. It just feels weird to me. Anyway, Louis reveals that his master plan is to go to mascot bootcamp and make Ms. Morgan fall in love with him. Easy peasy! Louis is one confident guy, sheesh! Twitty immediately asks "Wait. What about Tawny, dude?" Awwwww. Then we get one of the greatest moments ever. Louis tries to say he thoroughly explained everything to her and that she fully understands, but a flashback to that moment paints a very different picture:
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“Thoroughly explained”? Yeah, not so much. Tawny is so confused, haha. (gif credit)
Cut to Wacky Walter’s Mascot Bootcamp! Where a bunch of mascots come together and learn techniques such as “the basic booty shake” and sizzling on the ground like a strip of bacon.
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What school would have a cow for a mascot? 
Louis has basically found his calling at mascot bootcamp. Wacky Walter was seriously impressed so he decides to give Louis his old jetpack. Yeah, let's just give this 13 year old kid a dangerous, fire powered means of transportation. Good idea. Someone shut this guy down! Have I mentioned that Louis is 13 years old? 
After a successful day at bootcamp, Louis excitedly rushes into Ms. Morgan's office to tell her about the jetpack thing and how he plans to fly around at the pep rally later on... And one of the greatest moments of the entire series happens. THE MORGAN UNIBROW IS REVEALED!!! This is absolutely iconic. Nothing beats this series of Louis Stevens faces. My favorite quote has gotta be “OH YA SHAVE IT, DO YA?!” Here it is in all its glory: 
Since Louis was under the impression Ms. Morgan was a flawless goddess, he cannot handle this flaw of hers... like, at all. So he quits being the mascot and gives her some lame excuse. Eventually, the two of them have a little heart to heart and he confesses the real reason. It's a touching moment. It’s sorta cringy, but I can’t help but laugh when Louis admits: "I wanted to hang out with you. Well..... actually more than that" oh my god. Ms. Morgan tells him that he'll find someone who's just right for him. Louis says “I found her. But I think I messed that up too” in reference to Tawny. I’m dead. So sweet. Yay for Louis/Tawny development!!!
Louis then makes a poor attempt at making up with Tawny and she flat out calls him a jackass. Yes. A JACKASS. On Disney Channel. Holy crap, guys. Tawny is the freaking best honestly. She won’t put up with Louis’ bs for a second and it drives him insane. Dats love. It’s great.
Oh, god! I forgot about Ren's subplot! I’m the worst. Okay. Basically, the other cheerleaders think that Ren isn't perky enough. They encourage her to find her "perky place" and let's just say, Ren goes overboard. She starts cheering for everything. Algebra, the mail, and even her laundry. It's so bad that Steve has to do a mini-intervention. Dang. Once she’s aware of how stupid cheering seems, she starts to think that cheerleading is pointless. Ren shares her negative feelings with the squad before the pep rally and all of the cheerleaders get super depressed. Ren was literally telling the girls that their cheering does no good at all in the grand scheme of life and that they shouldn’t do it anymore. I never understood this, because when they go out to do their routine Ren is still putting in the effort to be extra peppy! It’s almost like she set them up so she’d be the only one who looks good. I never got that. Am I missing something? EXPLAIN!
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The lack of spirit from the cheerleaders spreads a wave of depression across the entire gym. Oops. It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Ms. Morgan tries her best to rally up the crowd but is failing miserably. She gets one kid to do the wave with her... that’s about it.
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Twitty tells Louis “Dude, your ex-girlfriend throws one lousy pep rally” which is pretty funny. Louis decides to save the day once again and puts Wacky Walter’s jetpack to use. He comes running out in costume ready to fly around. Ren screams “HEY, EVERYBODY! LOOK! IT’S THE WOMBAT!!” which sounds so ridiculous like the kind of melodramatic dialogue from movies in the 1930s and 40s -- where the actresses are ~so passionate~ they always sound one breath away from passing out. It makes me laugh.
Louis flies around to some royalty-free “Rocky” theme rip-off before he comes violently crashing down (and lands in a convenient pile of pompoms) because he’s 13 and shouldn’t be trusted with a jetpack -- especially indoors. 
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Tawny takes care of him right away and she’s about to get the nurse when Louis stops her “Tawny, don’t leave. I have to tell you something. You have..... the two most beautiful eyebrows I’ve ever seen” - How precious is that?! Tawny’s brows would unfortunately not be on fleek by today’s standards though. You need to have freaking caterpillars on your face these days. Funny how styles change. BUT THAT’S BESIDE THE POINT. That eyebrow line was such a cute and clever thing to say!!
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The cheerleaders kick Ren off the squad, which is good news for Ren because she wanted to quit. As she walks away from them, the girls do this catchy cheer: “She’s going! Bye bye, farewell, adios, hey hey!” This always gets stuck in my head. 
That’s it! I like this episode a lot. Louis learns the age old lesson of “nobody’s perfect” -- a message Hannah Montana would later drill into our memories for all eternity. It’s really nice. There’s Louis/Tawny content here, so this episode is already winning. It’s just pretty iconic overall imo. Ren’s plot is pretty cute, too! I don’t even know what to say in this little summary paragraph because all of the episodes at this point in the list (#29 - #20) are all solid episodes leaning towards positive for me instead of neutral like most of the episodes in the #50s - #30s.
Thanks for reading!
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grassangel · 6 years
I generally sort Doctor Who stories into mediocre/average, brilliant and absolute pants. About half are average, a quarter are pants and the last quarter are brilliant. This was... mediocre? Mediocre but fun, because I think McTighe is that kind of fan who loves putting in references and I am that kind of fan of who loves that, even if I like them to be a little sneakier than the ones he did
Lizbeth Myles also more or less sums up how I was disappointed with the episode with this tweet .
Is this episode revenge for all the jokes made at Doctor Who’s expense about its use of bubble wrap? (Which is hilarious if it is.)
McTighe is one of the writers who’s a fan of the series isn’t he? Because there’s a lot of pointless little callbacks that only a fan would want to put in.
Like the fez. Though I did like the Doctor asking if it still suited them.
And... uh, do androids count as robots? ‘Cause it’s not just that hidden list in the preview article with K-9, Kamelion and Handles if that’s the case. (Nardole? The reference that’s probably to Shalka!Master (or the Oseidon Adventure copies of the Master)!)
Yeah! The Wasp and the Unicorn reference! (Also, I miss Donna)
And I could swear that console thing in the guy’s office was a reference to a previous prop.
Was that Kamelion’s head in the foyer?
It’s kind of sweet how even computers will ask the Doctor for help. And tried to get her downstairs talking to Charlie. (Unless they were actually asking the TARDIS, because the TARDIS gets into everything, and the TARDIS ordered the fez for the Doctor because it knew she’d investigate? ...My head hurts now.)
Awww... the Doctor missed out on riding the conveyor belts
Hurray for another mention of Ryan’s dyspraxia though
And yay for Yasmin’s police training in how to restrain someone!
Lots of cute little character moments for everyone basically
Including some material for Ryan/Yaz shippers and... 13/Ryan/Yaz shippers?? They were in that alcove for presumably longer than five minutes.
The moral felt... off. On one hand, yes large automated processes depriving people of work (and pay) without the benefits of leisure and a basic universal standard of living is bad. But for that reason technologically proficient millennials don’t want any automation and become terrorists? And that it’s okay to sacrifice the benefits of technology as long as people are put first, regardless of how they are treated? It’s not a dichotomy, you can put people first and have automated systems. (It is classic nu!Doctor Who problem to have a wonky moral like this though. Good intentions and all that, but getting a bit muddled in the delivery.)
Also, I see the whole “Company is closed for a month, but we’re only giving paid leave to our workers for half that” thing and don’t like it.
The Doctor was very pro-robot, and not just ‘robots are only following instructions and whatever they do is the fault of their programming’. Which feels incongruous with y’know, the whole Cyberman thing that happened not too long ago. I would’ve expected a touch more reservation on her part.
That’s neat
Kira’s actress was Amelia in the recent Vanity Fair adaptation, which prompted immediate ‘oooh hey! it’s that actress!’ from my family.
Also Lee Mack’s bit gives me hope that Susan Calman will get her chance to appear on Doctor Who at some point. 
:/ So I guess it’s not just Chibnall writing really long exposition. 
Which was also filmed in such a boring two-shot way as well.
*softly* I really hope, after two episodes with love being a vague theme, that 13/Yasmin isn’t going to be a thing. Because it can only end in pain, and I don’t think the Thasmin fandom would ever be ready for that. (Please see Rose, River and Clara’s stories for reference.)
(Also, I’m not a huge fan of Doctor/Companion romances. But mostly, I do not think Thasmin shippers are prepared for the level of hurt that this ship could bring, as much as it has the potential to be sweet and to demonstrate the Doctor still prefers women.)
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tournesls · 7 years
u probably don't want to read this is just me incoherently rambling on about how I hate school and complaining that life (specifically mine) sucks so maybe don't read
i honestly don’t know how I’m gonna make it through this second trimester. we don’t have semesters in my school or quarters bc we’re k-8 and I’m in 8th and fuck. these are gonna be the worst few months ever. after summer it just gets So Bad. summer is my favorite season GOD I miss her. my skin was clear, I was out doing shit, I was hanging out with my friends, I was pretty healthy and now fucking fall/winter comes and SCHOOL and BASKETBALL and everything goes to shit. I’ve played basketball since 4th grade and this is the first year I’ve been so unmotivated to do it. I love the sport, its the people on my team and the people that aren’t on my team that I hate! the only things Im looking forward to in winter are, my bday which the week after next (yay!), winter break LIKE DEADASS I’m on break rn and I’m anticipating my next one lol, and seeing brockhampton in February, and my best friend’s birthday because we’re gonna do something fun. but my grades are kinda slipping and shit’s becoming harder and I’m going to high school next year, and all my teachers are trying to prepare us and its too fast. my school is oh so special and we get to choose from 5 different high schools, AND MY TOWN IS SO SMALL IT DOESN’T EVEN HAVE ONE. the closest one is about a half hour away and it’s like the second to shittiest one (which would’ve been our default school) and the other closest IS the shittiest one and then all the good schools (that I’m going to have to go to thanks mum) are at least 40 mins away AND THATS EVERY MORNING AND AFTERNOON FOR FOUR FUCKING YEARS. and its just so scary. like we’re not even 3 whole months into the school year and next week people are visiting the shitty high schools (not me) to see what a day’s like there and if they want to go there and we have to choose a high school by the end of January and none of them feel right for me and I hate my teachers and I hate this program because its hard for a 14 year old to choose things and I wish we could all just go to this shitty school like every one else has FOREVER this just happened to start a few years before now and UGONGLKSNFKLAHNL. like my best friend who’s visiting the shittiest school next week (bc her brother goes there and her mom is practically making her go) got this question list and it said shit like “what do you want to do in your life/future” ass shit like WHAT? WE ARE 13 AND 14 YEAR OLDS WE DON’T FUCKING KNOW. MY MOTHER DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO SHES 34 WHAT THE FUCK. I hate this, I hate adults, I hate that they had the decision to let us make our own decision. I hate that I’m so stupid and this is literally nothing IM SO LUCKY. I HATE NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER AND JANUARY AND FEBRUARY and I don’t really like march or April BUT I LOVE MAY AND JUNE AND JULY AND AUGUST and September and October are ok. I’m gonna post this under a read more because I’m so annoying and this is pointless and I deadass want to kill myself because I wouldn’t have to go through all this shit and my sister got taken away from my dad and the last time I saw her was a moth ago and I miss her so much and her moms a driggie my dads a SHITHEAD and I love my mom and i wish my dad loved me and fuck I’m so annoying like tonight? I WAS SO ANNOYING I was hanging out with my best friend and we just went to Walmart and tj maxx with her mum and I was just annoying and I love them so much they’re like my second family. and theres this kid in my class who has the stupidest name but he’s really nice and nerdy and called me LITTLE BEAR which is an inside joke but everyone thought he as creepy up until 7th grade when my friend got a crush on him. everyone called her weird and he said no to her when my friends asked him out for her and it was sad. now I think he’s kinda cute, my best friend thinks he’s cute and we talk about him a lot and he GOT SO TALL over summer vacation and he’s so weird but I got to know him over last weekend because me him and these 3 girls from my class are in this adventuring group thing with kids from another school and he never talks to us in class but me and two of the girls talked to him a lot and we went bowling and he was so nice and funny and I talk to him in school and I told him to watch stranger things. my best friend read our texts WHICH WAS JUST US TALKING ABOUT TV out loud to her mum and they said he liked me and that was weird because no one likes me and he likes this other girl I know and I’m literally so ugly and fat and gross but I’m trying to learn to love myself more and its been working out quite well. social media has actually been helping a bit (weird right?) but idk how I’m gonna get through school. if I cant get through fucking 8th grade then how am I gonna get through high school? life in general? idk what I want to do? I honestly can’t imagine myself outside of the school ive been going to for the past 7 years. I can’t imagine myself getting past the age of 14. I’m 13. I can’t imagine myself in college and I just recently went on a college campus for the first time and I loved it! but it was so weird, so scary. this 8th grade year is so different because there are so many traditions that get thrown at you because this is the last year you’ll be going to this school in this incredibly small town. theres going to spend a whole week in the woods with your class with no phones, theres fundraising for the class trip WHICH IS GONNA BE IN A FRENCH SPEAKING COUNTRY AND IVE BEEN TAKING FRENCH FOR ALMOST 7 YEARS AND I DONT KNOW SHIT (its in Canada) and theres so much community service and traveling and in band we have to perform for older people and I wish I could write this much for the essay I have due last week. the essay is about something I like and something that motivates me (lgbtq rights in schools and how to stop people bullying lgbtq students) I still can’t write it I just hate school and everything about it. I don’t want to go to basketball practice tomorrow but I have to and if it was just a practice id be fine but we’re scrimmaging and ugh I fucking hate my school SO MUCH and have I said how much I hate myself? because its a fucking lot. time goes by so quick and I just want to go to sleep but then everything will be wasted and everything sucks and Im sososoosososooooo tired and I’m so overdramatic and fucking immature and dumb and I think yes I am gonna post this maybe privately though just so I can read it after this winter and oh that reminds me of Kieveee when we had to write letters to ourselves that we’ll get before we graduate stg. I’m not ready for graduation I know ill cry . ill cry so much because when say I FUCKING HATE THIS SCHOOL I CANT WAIT TO GET OUT I actually mean I love this school its my safe place all my friends are here my classmates, though some are annoying, I love all of you and god I’m not ready to be a “big kid” and I wish I was a little kid again and I love u mr. m and mrs.s  and fuck Idont want to leave
ok goodnight school sucks and my life revolves around it
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