#its hard to sound sarcastic over a post
beenbaanbuun · 2 months
the butler w/ addams!matz
good… so, so good.
your eyes are squeezed shut, teeth gripping onto your bottom lip for dear life. with every thrust of seonghwa’s hips, it gets harder and harder for you to stay silent, but you can’t let a moan slip free. not when you have hongjoong behind you reminding you that your mutt is still asleep… you wouldn’t want to wake him up so early, right?
in reality, you know that hongjoong doesn’t care. you know it’s just one more thing for the two of them to have control over, telling you how loud or quiet you’re allowed to be. normally, they like to head you squeal, but this morning it seems they want to watch you struggle. they want to see your face contort as you desperately attempt to keep your squeaks inside. they want to tease you as you look up at them with watery eyes. they just want to be mean.
seonghwa slips a finger through the ring of your collar, tugging on it a little in a way that normally has you whimpering for them. today, you just squeeze your eyes shut and let your laboured breathing echo through the room. the moan that’s trying to bubble up from your throat quickly gets shut down. you’re a good girl, you remind yourself; good girls follow instructions.
“that’s it,” hums at his normal volume, blatantly disregarding his own rules. it’s as if he doesn’t care about the werewolf supposedly sleeping a few rooms over. as if he already knows that yeosang is probably perched right outside their door, waiting for the second the bed stops squeaking so he can come in and ‘guard’ you whilst you’re still lost in the mist of post-orgasm bliss. “keep those little sounds to yourself, hm? it’s still too early for you to be as loud as you usually are.”
you squirm in protest, but with seonghwa’s dick deep inside of you, you only make it more difficult for yourself. his solid member prods a against your walls in a way that has you melting. a bolt of pleasure shoots up your spine and your jaw drops, a strangled gargle coming out of you as you’re too late to quell the sound all together. you half expect a a quick spank to your thigh, or some sort of foul-mouthed reprimand, but hongjoong just gives you a low chuckle as he kisses your temple.
you’re grateful for the softness; you wouldn’t have been able to stop the sounds if they were to turn up the roughness.
“such a brat…” he grins against your skin as his hand finds purchase on your stomach, slowly making its way south.
“not a brat,” you rebut. your voice is strained from barely being able to hold back the moan that wants to fall from you as hongjoong’s fingers find your clit. you suck in a harsh breath as he rubs teasingly slow circles against you. the tension in your stomach is building like an elastic band, tugging at your sanity as it gets closer and closer to snapping. with the determined finger on your bud and the increasingly sloppy thrusts into your hole, it’s only a matter of time.
but seonghwa reaches his high first, muttering a quick apology before burying himself deep within your walls and letting his cum flow into you. you clench around him, just the way you know he likes you to. it pulls a long, guttural moan from his throat as you milk him dry. you can’t help but internally scoff at the knowledge that he’s allowed to make as much noise as he wants and yet you’re a brat if you let so much as a peep slip. you pout your lips in dismay, a sarcastic comment on the tip of your tongue, but then hongjoong kisses you and everything melts into the abyss of pleasure. suddenly you don’t care about the hypocrisy of your mommy and daddy’s rules; you just care about them.
and that’s when you cum too; with seonghwa’s softening dick plugging your cum-filled hole, hongjoong’s lips on yours and his finger on your clit, it’s hard to hold it in. your stomach muscles tense as your spine lifts from the mattress in a perfect arc. neither of them bother to pin you back down, simply enjoying how your pleasure feels to them. the way your lips part slightly against hongjoong’s as you let out another tiny sound into his awaiting maw, the way you grind into seonghwa’s oversensitive cock as he tries to keep some of his own sounds at bay. it all feels so perfect…
and then it’s over.
you chest heaves as hongjoong slows his digits to a stop before pulling his hand away to rest on your thigh. seonghwa pulls out too, a soft grunt echoing through the room as he topples to the side of you and tugs you into his chest. you feel the way his cum oozes from your twitching hole so you clench, desperate to keep as much of it inside as possible. you’re not sure why; it just feels right.
hongjoong shuffles in closer until you’re pressed between the two of them, a mound of sticky bodies, each of you indistinguishable from the next. it’s warm and sweaty and honestly a little gross feeling, but you find yourself too tired to care. you close your eyes, tipping your head against seonghwa’s chest. his hand meets the back of your head, fingers delving into your hair and tangling themselves within your locks. you focus on that soft tugging as the door to the bedroom unlatches and a pair of footsteps make their way to the bed.
“morning, yeosang,” hongjoong mumbles as the werewolf crawls onto the foot of the bed and flops tiredly onto the pile of feet. it’s hardly the comfiest spot for him to lie, but he doesn’t care. as long as he gets to be close to you, he finds himself caring increasingly little about his own comfort. “i hope we didn’t wake you,” it’s hard to miss the teasing in his voice; you let your elbow ‘accidentally’ jab into his ribs.
“i was awake before the three of you even started,” the wolf hums as his tail flicks. it lands suspiciously close to your leaking pussy; you really hope he doesn’t mind getting seonghwa’s cum in his fur. “i started guarding at 7:30,” he says, although he really means that he started listening in on the fucking at that time, “and then there was a knock on the door at 7:50 so i went to investigate. it was just some guy claiming to be your new butler. i told him to wait in the living room but i’ll be surprised if he stayed; the sound of the bed squeaking is surprisingly loud down there. i think you’ve scarred him for life…”
“oh hell,” hongjoong pulls himself up into a sitting position, though his hand never leaves your thigh. you smile as he gives the flesh a gentle squeeze, “i forgot that he was supposed to arrive today,” with his other hand he wipes at his face frustratedly, “thank the devil we made our little dove keep the volume down; i’m not quite sure i want a complete stranger hearing all your pretty sounds.”
you can’t help but blush at his words, the idea of someone outside of the three of them hearing your moans setting something alight within you. something good, or something bad… you’re not quite sure know the answer to that just yet. although, the way your thighs involuntarily clench, trapping yeosang’s tail between them, seems to have you leaning in one direction. the wolf yelps a little, but it seems only you pick up on it. you release your grip on his tail and look at him in apology; all you get in response is a knowing smirk.
that annoying little mutt…
“we best go and greet the poor man,” seonghwa sighs, although the way he tightens his grip on you lets you know that he intents to let hongjoong do all of that. your daddy gets the message and lets his hand slip from your thigh. you whine, but he only huffs out a laugh as he stands up. before you can complain any more, he pats the mattress as an invitation. yeosang takes it, squirming his way up the bed until he’s flush to your back, just like hongjoong had been. you melt into his warmth.
“you can’t say ‘we’ and then refuse to move, cara mia,” he laughs as he picks up the silk bottoms he’d been wearing not too long ago. they slide over his thighs and sit low on his hips; you let out a contented sigh at the view, “but i suppose i don’t quite mind; so long as my loves are happy, i’d do whatever you asked of me.”
“does that include me?” yeosang purrs. hongjoong scoffs.
“don’t get ahead of yourself, mutt,” the door to the bedroom unlatches once more, “you’re lucky i’m not forcing you to give san the grand tour…”
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seraphicsentences · 3 months
pleaseee could you write an abby anderson x weather girl reader where they’re at the WLF base and abby catches reader staring at her hehehe
IM SORRY FOR TAKING 100 YEARS TO WRITE THIS AND THEN DELIVERING THIS MID ASS PIECE. i do hope you enjoy though i love you babe 😚😚
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tags: abby anderson x reader, abby anderson x weather girl, EXHIBITIONISM, cunnilingus (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), kinda mean abby anderson? idk man, the whole WLF base is probably a lil traumatized
AN: thank you to @insanermin and @f3mme-f4tale for reviewing this for me i’m endlessly grateful for the two of you bless your beautiful souls. credits to my favorite girl for helping me come up with what to write for this request. i love youuuu
it was the crack of dawn, sun just barely peeking its way over the tops of WLF’s buildings, yet the heat was unbearable.
“83 fucking degrees Fahrenheit, jesus christ,” you muttered to yourself, checking the stationed thermometers posted around the perimeter.
the base was, for the most part, quiet. only few unlucky individuals working mindlessly at their respective morning assignments.
you strolled down your usual path, squinting at the streams of sunlight cast on the side of your face, dancing into your vision.
“hey weather girl,” a voice called from behind.
abby anderson. as if you even needed to turn around to recognize her unmistakable, raspy, teasing tone.
you whipped around, watching intently as abby bent out from under a stock-filled tent, arms filled.
“need some help?” you joked, stifling a giggle that arose when abby dipped abruptly to catch a bag of bait between her teeth.
what you wouldn’t give to be that bag of bait, you bit your lip, eyes trained on abby’s busy mouth.
hmphmpsh abby sarcastically laughed against the plastic, snapping you out of your dirty-minded haze and sending a flush across the back of your neck.
you meet her examining eyes, breath hitching as she squints slightly, a smirk etched into her gaze. embarrassed at the thought of her catching you, you open your mouth in attempt to sway the conversation— but she beats you to it, breaking the stare-down a beat later, spitting the bag out into a small pile on the wood deck.
god, you would let her spit bait into your mouth if she wanted.
“so what’re we at today? it’s gotta be at least 90 out,” abby wipes at her forehead, making small talk as she organizes the rest of the stock.
“try 83. though i wouldn’t be surprised if we do reach 90 once the sun is fully risen,” you reply, raising a hand to block some of pesky rays ruining your god-sent view.
“no fucking waaaay!” abby drags out, astounded. “we are definitely at 90 by now, do you see me? im drenched!”
so am i, you think to yourself.
“trust the expert. your body temperature’s just extra high from physical exertion. whoever put you on for outdoor stock at this hour has it out for you,” you comment, eyes dragging as abby lifts the bottom of her tank to wipe her face, revealing a rather impressive display of rock-solid abdominals.
you catch her gaze, this time her having an eyebrow raised, and immediately look away, the flush on your neck spreading to the tips of your ears. as hard as you tried not to stare, abby wasn’t doing much to help, especially not while decked out in a translucent white tank, black bra beneath a stark contrast, begging for your attention.
abby’s dark green cargos hugged her thighs deliciously, highlighting her thick, defined quads as she shifted about.
lifting a large sealed box of who knows what from one end of the deck to the other, she grunted under the weight, leaving your mind to wander yet again to a different sort of situation where you might find yourself blessed enough to hear that pretty sound.
“yeah, whatever- i’ll tru-trust the expert,” she breathes out, voice strained. strands of her blonde— almost golden in the sun— hair stuck to her face with sweat, which glistened perfectly on her skin, making abby look almost angelic as she crossed into the sun’s direct heat.
“yeah,” you exhaled, at a loss for words under the confines of her entrancing beauty. you stood there a second longer, before suddenly snapping out of your daze, clearing your throat. “i’m, uh, gonna head to the station, i think,” you stuttered, despite your usual propensity for word flow heard throughout the WLF base every morning.
“desperate to get rid of me?” abby faux gasps.
you sputtered at her accusation, “no-no, i-“
“shhhh-shhh, i know honey, i know,” she cuts you off, bitable lips curling up into a half-smirk.
traitorous feet already walking their way towards the radio station, you desperately try to recover from your embarrassment, tripping over your words, “i-you, uh,” you try.
abby twists her head over her shoulder in your direction, cocking it in a way that makes your heart twist in your chest and a pulse thrum between your thighs.
“you can come!” you blurt without a second thought. “with me— i mean, to the station,” you add, trying to clarify.
faced with an jaw-dropped confused-yet beautiful abby anderson, you continue rambling, “it’s indoors! i mean obviously, because of the, um, radio equipment, but you know, you’re probably hot— well you are, but- shit- that’s not what i-“
“okay, okay, okay,” abby bursts out chuckling, which you’d enjoy a whole lot more if it weren’t at your sake, “you don’t have to convince me, sweetheart, i’m already there,” she holds her hands up in surrender.
your heart skips a beat at the nickname, brain racing at a million miles per hour when you catch the sight of abby’s built frame sauntering it’s way over to you, small towel slung lazily over one shoulder, braid swaying slightly with every step.
you swallow harshly at her approach, turning promptly around to lead the way in a brisk pace.
abby laughs to herself as she follows, “aw, don’t run, i want to see your pretty face.”
your face heats at the compliment, before proceeding to flush a nuclear red at another comment she mutters haphazardly under her breath, “though i’m not complaining about my view from here.”
she half jogs to catch up with you, though your supposed speed-walk is no competition for what she’d consider a stroll with her long limbs.
you see her looking-no, ravishing- your figure out the corner of your eye, her tongue pressed to the side of her cheek, as you silently yell at your cheeks to cool themselves down.
your eyes can’t seem to deny themselves such an appeasing view, though, darting to the side to steal a glance at abby’s translucent tank, and your attraction is clear, at least to abby.
“want something, honey?”
you cough in response, choking on the saliva you didn’t even notice gather as a physical response to abby’s presence (me), as the two of you, thankfully, arrive at the station at last.
“ladies first,” you joke, swinging the door open with the backwards weight of your body.
“such a gentlemen,” abby quips back, winking at you as she strolls through the opening.
the pair of you let out a collective sigh at the blast of cold air blowing softly from the studio. it’s a vacant space, but the constant flow of electricity needed to notify the base in the face of an emergency allows it to stay up and running.
you make a beeline to your set-up area, tangled wires running along every side of the desks, hooked up to all sorts of peculiar devices: microphones, barometers, fancy thermometers. abby finds herself surprisingly impressed by the sophisticated knickknacks you mindlessly twist and turn to read, as if flipping through a toddler-level picture book.
“where’d you learn how to work all of this?” she asks.
“stole some books off an old lab,” you reply, shooting her a shy smile, “like to read, i s’ppose.”
across the room, abby rests her elbows on the table behind her, crossing her legs and letting her head drop to one side. “smart girl,” she praises, cheeky smile slipping onto her face.
you bite the fat of your cheek, holding back a grin of your own before turning back to finish jotting down the day’s data into a tattered mini notepad.
you grab a sleek broadcasting mic off one of your shelves, shoving some of the wires aside on the main desk to make room for it to rest, before hooking one of the tinier cables into the mic, and twisting around to find an audio interface to plug the other end into.
“what am i doing here?” abby says all of a sudden, breaking your hustling focus.
you freeze, letting the cable drop as you look down. “i don’t know.”
abby pauses. “let me rephrase,” she strolls over, positioning herself lush behind you. she runs her arms down the sides of your arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake in spite of it being blisteringly hot out.
“what do you want me to do here?” she rasps by your ear, your head subsequently tilting to feel the heat of her breath on your neck.
“i-i don’t kn-“
“yes you do. just like i know exactly the mess i’ll find under these itty bitty shorts of yours.” she whispers, “you’re a terrible liar, sweetheart.”
a whimper slips out from your lips, head rolling back onto abby’s shoulder as you meet her sharp eyes with your pleading ones. your legs cross, squeezing shut, humiliated by the arousal that had gathered in reaction to, what, a 5 minute conversation with her? how pathetic.
“don’t think i didn’t notice your ogling earlier,” she continues, tracing her big hands lighting across your stomach, feeling your skin rise and fall with your increasingly rapid breaths. “your eyes give you away. i know what’s going on in that pretty little mind up there.”
your lips part as you roll your head further, almost completing a circle. the way you’re faced, you’re breathing desperate huffs directly into abby’s own mouth. she grazes a hand up between your two breasts, hard and pointed from a combination of the room’s dropped temperature and your arousal, then sliding her grip gently around your neck, holding your face close in place.
“you think you can get away with those slutty thoughts of yours? makin’ everyone think you’re such a good innocent girl, but no, you’re just a fucking whore aren’t you? isn’t that right, pretty?” she presses, tsking at your averting gaze.
“eyes on me, honey. you can’t hide. tell me what you really what,” she says into your mouth, lips just barely brushing over your own, the fucking tease.
you pant, eyes glued to her tempting mouth, desperate to close the distance. but you’ve got a job to do, and what’s fun without a bit of teasing? she deserves a taste of her own medicine, the bitch.
“what i really want…” you whisper back, “is to tell the base how fucking hot it is today,” you say at a normal volume, pushing off her back, and finally plugging the mic into the audio interface.
“duty calls!” you joke, trying to calm your racing heart and ignore the dampness between your legs. you hook the final plug into the wall, hearing a whirring that lets you know everything’s ready to go, before stealing a quick glance at abby to see how she’s taking your unexpected change of demeanor.
abby stands frozen in place, mouth gaping, but tweaked into an almost-smile, evidently shocked. your stomach flutters at the hungry look in her green, now nearly black, pupils, roguish thoughts brewing.
you bring a hand to your heart, dropping your jaw to match hers as you shoot a mocking who me? look in her direction paired with a shrug. winking, you turn back to your morning duties and take a seat, tuning in the frequency.
a click of a switch, an automated voice, and that’s all there really is to it. you’re live.
and your heart’s pounding out of your chest.
and though you’re usually hit with the slightest bit of anxiety over the idea of being listened to by every single individual on the very base, that’s not what you’re thinking about. well, not exactly.
“good morning, WLF!” you chirp, standard lines slipping off your tongue with ease, “hope you all had a great night’s rest! i know i sure did. today is august 2nd, 2038, and boy, you guys in for a sweat today! let’s check in with sophie and see what she has to say— sophie, you’re on!”
shaking out a breath, you click a button to tune in a livestream from the second weather station across the base, sophie’s station.
“hey girl, what’s up?” sophie’s cherry voice comes crackling through.
“the usual. wanna tell us how things have been looking on your end?”
“you betcha! good morning WLF, you heard it from our girl yourselves, it is goddamn hot out! my readings say that…” sophie continues, rattling off her collected data in a long, number-filled ramble.
you tune out, waiting for your cue to list your end’s data as you bounce your leg mindlessly up and down.
“oh you’ve really got everyone fooled, huh?” abby drawls behind you. you jump, temporarily forgetting her presence in the midst of your reporting.
you swivel your chair around to her, smiling cheekily as you press a finger to her lips in silence’s universal sign.
oh? abby mouths. we’re still live? she asks.
you nod your head slowly.
“then you’re gonna have to keep quiet for me sweetheart,” she leans in to whisper at a decibel just barely above zero. “unless you want everyone on base to know how much of a slut you are,” she adds, dropping to her knees before you.
“what are you-?!” you whisper hastily, stopping yourself to mutter lowly, “i’m the slut? look who’s on their fucking knees in a fucking radio station.”
she presses a chaste kiss to your thigh, smiling and shhhhing against your skin, mumbling, “shut up and focus. the base depends on you.”
with even just the lightest brush of abby’s buff frame against your knees, your legs fall open, beckoning her between them.
invisible hands to pulling her into your trap.
“abby,” is all you can get out, panting in need of her touch.
“focus, baby.”
she pulls your shorts and underwear down to the floor with a swift tug, smirk haughty as faced with your dripping mess.
“knew it,” she mouths, looking up devilishly at you. keeping your eyes trapped in her hypnotic gaze, she leans in slowly, tongue out, to catch your weeping pussy in a french kiss.
“fuck,” you breathe out, thighs trembling in resistance to clamp her head between them only just to keep her tongue against you.
she makes out sloppily with your folds, hands gripping your waist tightly to lock your body in place, pressing you firm against the chair despite your incessant squirming.
the point of her tongue traces down in a tease, slipping just barely into your pulsing hole to steal a taste of freshly dripped slick, before running it back upwards to firmly press into your neglected clit.
“ah!” you hiss, head thrown to the ceiling as your nails dig into the arms of the chair, hips attempting to buck further into abby’s warm mouth.
“you there, station one? i think the connection’s a bit warbly today,” a crackly voice interrupts your mind fog.
shit. sophie must’ve finished her report by now. you situate yourself up as best as you can— seeing as how abby won’t let go of your hips, or move away for that matter.
“hey sophie, yes i’m here! sorry ‘bout that, i-uh, yeah. there must be something up with the frequency today,” you sputter out.
“no worries! why don’t you go ahead and share your mornings data with us?” she laughs back.
“yeah, yeah, so my rea-fuck-“
you sharply take in a breath, sucking in your teeth. you look down. god, if that isn’t the hottest sight you’ve ever seen.
abby’s looking up through her eyelashes, your arousal smeared across the bottom half of her face, dripping to her chin. she dashes out a tongue to catch the corner of her mouth, smirk wolfish from her mischievous actions. she lifts an eyebrow, matching your prior who me? mock, as if she didn’t just set every nerve ending of your clit alight.
and while you could be absolutely furious with her for fucking with you on live, all you want from her is more.
“everything alright, station 1?”
you jump. “i-sorry- just, uh banged my knee up.” you mean to shoot a scolding look at abby, but just wound it up to be embarrassingly pleading.
she pouts sarcastically, and without breaking eye contact she bows in again to capture your puffy clit between her lips, sucking softly while flicking her tongue over and over again. it’s downright sinful.
“oh!” you whine, right hand darting to tug at abby’s braid, keeping her moving face moving against the place you need her most.
“um, station 1, i can take over if you’d like?”
your face flames. caught up in abby’s dizzying ministrations, your body’s screaming to say yes. yes, as in, yes sophie please fucking take over. and yes, as in, yes abby right there.
and you almost do, say yes to the first one, i mean. but a stinging pinch from abby tips you the other way.
“i, shit, sorry- i mean, yeah, sorry. sorry kids! don’t listen to me!” you babble, eyebrows scrunched and hips still grinding.
abby continues to torture your clit: her warm, wet tongue lapping up every last drop of your slick and pressing it rhythmically against that swollen button. your cunt tightens around nothing, desperate for something, anything, to fill ‘er up.
shit, you mutter to yourself, thrumming pussy impossible to ignore. “the temp-ah-temperature o-on my end read 83 degrees on my e-enndd-god,” you carry on, breathless, “ahem. we’re looking at clear, s-sunny skies all day, so be sure to wear some sort of- mmph- heat protectant,” you finish off your sentence sounding quite a bit more like a pornstar doing a dirty beach-scene than intended, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
“give me one, uh, one sec-cond to double check the read- readings,” you stumble out quickly.
“no problem! while we wait on our girl, WLF, i’ll tell you about what last minute assignments we still need people for, so listen up…” sophie entertains.
“abby,” you whine, covering the mic with your free hand in attempt to muffle your sounds. you can barely form a sentence with the way her nose nudges your clit while her tongue runs zig zags along your folds.
“i know,” she cooes, chucking, “keep it down, you’re on live.”
you silently will yourself not to cry out when abby stretches your legs further apart, shaking her head left and right to stimulate every crevice of your weeping cunt. back arching off the chair, you whimper out a strangled noise, “i cant, i cant, i cant” you chant.
abby’s drags turn to kisses, watching your legs tremble with an endearing gaze as she makes her way up your stomach and to your face. pressing a kiss against your cheek, then your nose, and alas, your parted lips, she whispers, “this is what you wanted, wasn’t it? so shut up and be good for me, yeah baby?”
you nod feverishly, heavy-lidded and staring intoxicated as abby bites bruises into your neck, only to soothe it a moment later with a flat-striped lick of her tongue.
“mmm god, abby, i need you,” you practically slur out, moaning her name like a ritual.
“you’ve got me,” is all she says. her calloused hand slides up from the bottom of your shirt, squeezing your breast harshly, as if she can’t get enough, needing to completely ravish you.
“here, abby, need you here,” you groan, emphasizing it with the buck of your hips.
“alright, alright,” she shushes you with a kiss, hand sliding back down to cup your heat gently, feeling your desperation. “right here, huh? you aching for it, sweetheart?”
your only response is to catch her lips in a needy kiss, tongue pushing into her mouth, eager to taste yourself on abby.
hmmph abby groans against your lips, fingers dipping shallowly into your coated hole.
“you can scream my name as loud as you want once you finish your report.“
“you don’t want to let the base down, do you? how else are we supposed to know how dripping hot it’s gonna be out today?” she murmurs, emphasizing her words with a push of her thick fingers deeper into you.
your eyebrows scrunch, vision dizzy with need as you look up at the sight before you. a pretty pink hue glazing her sun kissed cheeks, abby tilts her head, finding delight in your struggle to come back to reality.
“c’mon, honey, you got it,” she purrs, running a hand to push the hair away from your face.
you narrow your eyes, pushing majority of the fog to a corner of your mind and uncovering your shaky hand from off the mic.
“sorry about that, folks,” you shakily speak up, “-and thanks soph. i’ll be out of your hair in just a second. as for today, we seem to be getting a light breeze coming in from the east at about 8 miles per hour, so it might hopefully provide a little bit of relief from the heat.”
in the meanwhile, abby hoists your figure up off the chair, shorts and panties still hooked askew around one of your ankles. a hitch in your voice signals your end’s confusion, but you continue on regardless, slave to abby’s actions.
she pushes your torso over slightly, having you put most of your weight on the desk as you hover over your mic, hair flicked over one shoulder.
“as for the air quality, it’s testing to be relatively clear. the spores don’t seem to be getting passed over by the wind, so no need to worry with the masks today! i’ll check in in the afternoon to see if that’s cha- nhghh,” you jolt forward, voice breaking and hips hitting the table as abby thrusts two fingers tightly into your heat from behind, twisting them to reach that ridged, aching spot.
“-changed,” you correct, exhaling sharply. your eyes roll involuntarily as abby picks up her pace, curling her fingers on every outstroke, other hand delivering languid circles to your puffy clit. you can feel the burn of her stare down your spine, head turning over your shoulder briefly to confirm, and catching sight of the two of you in the mirror on the back wall.
your flushed face, rumpled top, and trembling, kiltered, bent over position contrasted with abby’s working muscles as she stood strongly gripping your waist was a sight to behold.
“what would you do if i made you scream for me right now?” abby breathes out, grunting. “should we let the base know how much of a slut you are for me?” she asks, “fuck your special spot real good in front of everyone? right here?” she punctuates with a downright sinful massage against your g-spot.
she huffs out a quiet laugh when you rush to stifle a whimper against your forearm.
“nah, i think i’ll keep you for myself,” she says, tugging you by your hair to hiss “you’re mine.”
your legs nearly collapse right on the spot.
“like that, huh? now be good for me baby. you can take it,” she says lowly by your ear, fisting your hair back even more to take in your disheveled state before shoving your head down nose to nose with the mic.
you grip onto the stand in attempt to ground yourself. fucking abby.
“for now you sh-should be okay withou-ooout a mask on hand t-though,” you stumble through your words, racing to finish the report. “our trusty barom-meter indicates stable conditions— so i g-guess that means the- mmph- the world isn’t gonna expl-plode today?”
you fall to your forearms, losing balance with the aggressiveness of abby’s thrusts, walls clinging to her fingers, as if not to let a second by without her magic touch. abby kicks a leg between your two, sliding one to the side to spread you further before her as she slips a third finger in easily. your lips parts in a silent scream, hand racing to stuff it’s knuckle in your mouth to bite down on.
nails digging into the table, and mind begging forgiveness from god for all the fucking sin you’re committing, you speed
through a shitty conclusion, “overall, it’s a g-great day to sweat. that’s all i’ve got for you to-today. stay safe, stay cool, and enjoy the sun! bye!”
you rip the cord out of the audio interface before you can get the entirety of your final word out, loud moans borderline pornographic from being held back for so long.
“aw, you didn’t enjoy having an audience?” abby teases, fingers speeding up to coax more of your sounds out.
“fuck you, abby,” you gasp out, collapsing face-against-the-desk in pleasure.
“it’s okay, honey, your drenched pussy answers my question— i mean, look at you dripping right down my fingers,” she rasps, pinching your clit meanly.
god, you wanted to shove her fucking face into your cunt. at least that would get her to shut up.
“abby, i’m gonna-!” you cry, knees threatening to buckle.
“show me, pretty girl. fucking come all over my hand,” she spreads your sticky folds with a spare finger, swiping at the edges to effectively stimulate every part of your core.
you buck your hips back with every thrust, desperate to finish as you scream abby’s name like it’s the only word you know.
“fuck,” abby curses under her breath, arm curling around your front to hold your crumbling body up, hands busy bringing you to heaven. she wanted to live in this moment.
“ah- god, abs!” you weep, forehead digging into cables as you shudder in ecstasy, cum dribbling out of your overworked pussy, coating abby’s hands in your mess.
“god, abs,” you repeat between gasps, slowly regaining your vision back as abby lifts you up to lean your sweating figure against her matching one.
“so much for escaping the heat, huh?”
~ man oh man i tried guys. hope this satiated your weather girl needs ;)
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astralnymphh · 9 months
veiled affections ⚝ | ellie williams
☆࿐-ˊˎ farm!ellie x fem!reader
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✧˖ ° 🕯 bright blessings!
AN: quick little smut to hold me off before i work on a bigger project/series fic!! more casual and less proofread like my last one but still pretty good ifya ask me <3
tags/cw: NSFW!! SMUT!! 18+ MDNI, usual playful bickering, one second of cuddiling, poetic ahh writing, very mild foreplay, hella dirty talk, lotsa swearing, oral (receiving) spitting, clit stim (receiving), petnames (babe, baby, good girl)
WC: 2k+
designated song: stargirl interlude - the weekend & lana del rey
synopsis; swept under your fossil gray wool blanket, a body deprived of slumber and living the effects of back-bending chores all around the farmhouse has you fatigued and yearning to supply the last ounce of energy with a bit of literature. eventually, ellie will set that book on rain check, and your fatigue, ..and her boredom. honestly, she'll definitely be the one to steal your energy instead of the book. 
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radiance incarnate is what lies behind the glass pane just ahead of your bed-post. lunar light outstanding the dark night, never lacking a few stars that flecked the sky above the nocturnal forest, at least what you could perceive through a regular sized window. fusing with the comfortability of your mattress and cloaked in a warm wool blanket makes for a nice end-of-the-day reward while you immerse yourself in the realm of 'the odyssey'. ellie's not in bed. not in the room. she's presumably downstairs finishing up something, so not a clue of her coming is on your mind.
you wriggle around the soft bed altering your position to have one leg bent and the other draped over, the book upheld by the bulk of your thigh making it easier to flip through. page by page, word by word, space and time diminishes around you and is replaced by this entrancing world of mycenaean greece portraying the aegean sea. the room was dimly lit and still, minus the muted sounds of an owl and crickets chirping beyond the wooden walls. serenity lasts for a good half hour before an upsurge of hard rubber footsteps wake the floor by the bedroom door to the right of you.
"hey babe- ooh, what'cha reading?" ellie's voice grapples your focus to her profile, attired in her white shirt, grubby denim and converse that look like they've been dragged to hell.
"the odyssey." you respond as she begins to lurk closer, arms crossed.
she swipes her tongue across her lips, saying, "y'know.. savage starlight might be more.. fun to read?" in an obviously sarcastic note, creasing her brows together accompanying a brass smirk.
"to you, maybe. I actually enjoy this a lot." you cave the book over your chest, sitting like a roof, "you just don't have a mature taste."
"whadda'ya mean? comics are for everyone, and actually easy to understand." she clambers atop of your hips, descending her face upon you, "unlike the odyssey."
"pshh, the odyssey is a classic." you highlight.
"you're just mad that im right." 
you pucker a pout, slowly lifting the book between your noses till ellie knocks it down plumb on your collarbone.
"ah-uh," she intently strikes spires into your eyes with her persuasive peer, narrowing those lids in an undeniably tantalizing way, "can't ignore this now."
"you're right." you spat out and divided the space with your book again.
"c'mon.." she prys the book from your limp grasp, leaving it astray to the bed adjacent to you, "I'm here now, aren't I?" a humbly intimate whisper croaks from her toothy grin.
you banish your sight to the headboard above, pondering the words that would wisp from your lips, "I have a few pages left, babe, then we'll do whatever.."
"mmk, 'gonna lay on you though." she giggles and shuffles along the length of you, interlacing your limbs together and smushing her cheek on your stomach. her arms swathe your hips and tuck underneath your butt.
the book diverged from your fingertips finds its way back, cuddled between your thumbs and eclipses ellie's head from your vision. your pupils root back to the muster of sentences lining the page, with a certain breath gusting onto your mildly exposed midriff.
a scant minute survives before a husk is heard, "mmph- so warm.." the tip of her nose drags on your skin as she faces downward, marking an indulgent smooch to your abdomen. 
that brought a melliferous smile to draw out, instilled with admiration from her speckled kisses. it anchors your attention unwillingly when these kisses continue but you'd rather void it and tread on with reading as ellie treads on with a rampancy of taunting kisses. normally, this'd be blasé, but tonight, it's turning your tides.
ellie muffles, "wann' kiss every inch.." her nibbles subside in target of your navel, nuzzling on the pouch of your belly and biting your shorts' band, "fuck.."
"what're up to?" the book slants down.
"just showin' my love.." her tone airs up and turns raspy. 
"I think it's more than that." you dig at her transparent peak in sensuality and prod her foot with yours.
ellie can't necessarily disprove this, she was blatantly horny but wanted to keep that 'under the covers' till you shared the feeling outwardly. a shameless smirk paints her mouth regardless, "y'know what I really wanna do?"
a gnaw at her lower lip fracts the answer briefly, uttering, "I wanna eat your fucking pussy." and blunt she was, verdant eyes fastened to yours. she's so eager for you, clawing at your loins.
a shudder bolts the extent of your nerves and you clench around nothing but a throb at the contents of her question, visibly ruffled up by it, "babe.." 
"can I?"
nary a gloom of doubt inhabits your mind, the way she's laying on your body, patient to taste you revs you up like a torrent of arousal. oh my fucking goddess. it's making you go wild.
"shit- m'kay, lemme just.." ellie wrinkles up the sheet in her fist, tossing it overhead till her head was obscured by it. the amber hue of her hair is subtle under the thin pearly sheet as she slithers down between the interstice of your thighs.
maybe the now carnal environment made it inconvenient to carry on with the perusal of your book, but you're elevating it back up from your sternum regardless. the vivid thought of her eating you out while you read is a bit elating, is it not?
ellie's cunning lips park at the epitome of your core, locking her biceps under your slack legs and dangling her still shoe-clad feet off the beds' brink.
"can't wait to see that beautiful fucking pussy.." her veiled voice has strings of raw ardor plucking in her throttle rippling onto your clothed entrance with a muggy pant on every word.
an unheard gulp passes through to the trench of your chest, sending out a reflex of sweet sensations to your pelvis, whimpering, "mhh- ellie.."
"shhhshhh.. i got'chu.." 
she begins to pleat your panties over themselves and slip them off your legs, whizzing them away to some lifeless nook of the tucked-in sheets.
"fuck.. shit-" ellie heaves in awe, even day after day of seeing you bare, it's so titillating to her, drool is abandoning her lips.
the paragraphs living on the pages merge into an unintelligible blob as your vision drowses and the only sensation you can detect is her breath lathering your exposed slit. an open 'ptui' is heard prior to a wet glob landing on your clit and evoking a jolt from your body.
"so sensitive.." she pokes fun at your reaction, slapping her digits down on your sappy pussy and rubbing the spit through your folds, which to much avail, juts your body again.
"fck!" you hack out a swear at each writhe and prod.
"yeah, like that?" 
the grip on your book tightens, causing it to tremor in your shaky hold.
"gonna taste so fuckin' good, mmh.." she murmurs to herself but you catch the gist since immediately after her lips envelop your clit and enlist deft torpedo laps to it.
a heap of pleasurous pricks throb in your cunt and garner a gentle mewl from your chords, whining, "gh- mhhhn.." tenderly in growing bliss.
ellie laps your clit in brisk flicks while sucking it up with noises similar to kissing resounding through the sheer fabric cascading over her head.
you observe the cover moving with every mild thrust of her head, creasing and shuffling with the halo of her hair. a hand prowls from the sheets' hem and searches for anywhere to rest, to which you beckon it to your breast.
she realizes this and gives it duo squeezes for good measure and her unemployed fingers knead the squishy flesh of your ass, all while smirking.
"mmhh~ I wanna see you.." you mumble into the whafted-shut book, knocking off the already sliding sheet with your knee to reveal a flushed ellie with her nose buried in your crotch, her pretty face poised between your thighs, stuffed in your cunt.
her irises hark this newfound horizon before her and diffuse an intense glare that shudders your soul, sinking her lips deeper into those parted folds and drinking up your sticky deluge.
her mouth disconnects with threads of saliva and slick following, "this pussy tastes s'fucking divine, you know that right?"
"could go down n'you for breakfast, lunch n' dinner.. fuck- baby.." 
ellie retreats her keen tongue, dipping into your entrance and soaking up the lewd coating of your walls. oral sounds of her mouth practically having a make-out sesh with your puffy lips overflow the room and bounce like an echo betwixt your ears.
"ohh my godd.." your moans enhance and amplify in the sea of ebbing relief and flowing pleasure.
her pecan speckled skin tinted with rose is glazed with a sinful slick from how far she pushed her face in, a terribly arousing sight to behold when she withdraws to praise her own work.
"how's m'pretty girl doing?"
"s-so.. closee.."
"want' you to moan my name when you do, yeah?"
"I wanna know how fuckin' good I make you feel." her sharp curses stay unyielding in her expression.
"mh-mhghmm.." your throat clogs up in anticipation.
ellie pours over your bare stature one last time before gripping the back of your knees and pushing them up till your feet meet the sky.
"that's better."
her lips smash into your cunt once again and prove to be frothing with a craving for you, clenched brows and grunting into your groin intently. she explores every attainable inch like she knows it, licking up your pre-cum like it's the last fucking meal on earth.
"oh- fuck!" you wail out, webbing your fingers in her frizzed up locks by habit.
her inhuman speeds catch you out of the blue, binding her tastebuds with your natural taste and delighted in every millisecond of it. she hoists onto her knees and hovers over your bottom half, wriggling her tongue over your entire opening and sending that abused clit into overdrive.
"el-ell.. ellie! i can't fucki- ah!" a high squeak blazes from your gullet.
she blurts out, "cum on m'fuckin' face." submerged in your folds.
"els.. mh!"
it's the end for you when she starts purposefully moaning on your bud, finally ushering your climax to dull your senses and numbfuck your consciousness. your reality is painted with a globe of starlight just by the heavenly feeling of it.
"good girl..-fck, there there..." ellies gingerly tone conflicts with her devilish play, drinking up the breach of cum gushing from your orgasm.
"oof.. jeez.." you recline your legs once her hands flee, huffing your way down from the celestial heavens.
ellie clambers up and collapses next to you, a smug and prideful visage staring back at your profile. 
"did ya finish those pages?"
"erm, no." 
she butts off a laugh, "eh, well.." her palm advances your bangs, hooking them behind the conch of your ear, "ended up having more fun, yeah?'
"i- yeah.. I guess.."
"you guess?"
"coulda been a lot better."
"whaaaat?" she mimicked an offended countenance.
"like it's nothing to write home about-"
"u're just trynna rile me up!"
"what if I am?" you boldy tease, tutting your skull side-to-side.
and that's ellie's one weakness, teasing. her brows hike, hollering "ohhh- I see how it is!" and rolls on top of you and thrusts her pelvis down with clear intention, "c'mere-"
"fhmm--" her willowy finger seals your lips, heeding the provocation you've cast into her mind.
"you're on."
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hoep you enjoyed <3
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webslinger-holland · 4 months
Best Pilot in the Galaxy | Tech from The Bad Batch
Summary: During a mission, Tech has a hard time allowing his ship to be driven by someone else.
Warning: slight angst and argument
Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader Pilot
Type: Oneshot
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The Marauder was sitting on a world in the Outer Rim called Cassander. It was a lush, green planet with a few major bodies of water. However, most notably, the planet was growing in population and had recently become Ord Mantell's most competitive trading rival.
The ship was nearly empty, except for a singular pilot sitting in the cockpit. She was not the rightful owner of the ship, but had been assigned this mission with the group of rouge clones that did own the ship. The squad was located somewhere in the capital city nearby, attempting to steal the package in which they had come for. The pilot waited patiently for the pickup call.
Now, the pilot had been waiting for nearly two hours for the call to come through the comms. She did everything she could think of to pass the time, which included rummaging through the squad's belongings. Though she didn't find anything of value.
The gonk droid made a noise as he waddled into the cockpit. The pilot went through the ship's log, seeing all the planets the squad had recently visited. Their last stop happened to be Ord Mantell where they were assigned this mission in particular.
"Y/n! Come in," Hunter's voice sounded desperate over the comms. She quickly jolted forward in her seat, pressing the button to relay a message back.
"Read you loud and clear," Y/n responded. She began clicking buttons on the control panel, preparing the ship for liftoff.
"We need a pick up. We've been compromised," Hunter explained. He was panting on the other end of the line, which probably meant they were running.
"What part of stealth mission is so hard to understand?"
"Just hurry. We don't have a lot of time. They're sending air support," Hunter warned her.
"Oh great," Y/n scoffed sarcastically.
"I'm sending you our coordinates," Tech interjected over the communications.
As the Marauder departed off the ground, the landing gear retracted back into the ship. The wings moved downwards as the ship was angled towards the sky. The engine roared to life; the ship began flying towards the rendezvous location.
The workers from the trading post were shooting their blasters at the criminals running away from them. They tried to keep up with them, firing relentlessly as they got away with some of their own goods.
It was Wrecker, Hunter, and Tech who were carrying the heavy cargo in the form of a shipping container. Normally, it would take four guys to carry the cargo, but since Wrecker was so strong, he was able to carry the left side without help. Behind them, Echo and Omega fired shots back at the workers. They covered them as the rest ran as fast as they could.
"Whatever is in here, it better be worth it." Wrecker grunted, dodging the blaster fire.
"As long as we get paid," Hunter responded.
The small squad continued running through the vast forest, maneuvering around trees in hopes of using its coverage to their advantage. They came into a clearing with the workers getting closer each second. All of the sudden, a cliff came into their view which caused them to halt in their place.
"Where's our ride?" Echo asked desperately. He peered around his shoulder with his gun still raised.
"There!" Omega pointed into the sky.
The Marauder rounded the corner of the mountain, coming into their line of view. It flew over to the edge of the cliff to meet them. The ramp lowered to hover right by the cliff, allowing the squad to climb aboard the vessel.
The blaster fire was beginning to hit the sides of the ship. The squad fired back, striking a few of the workers down. Once everyone was aboard, Hunter slammed the button on the side of the wall so the ramp was lifted.
"That's everyone," Hunter shouted. "Get us out of here!"
"Roger that," Y/n said.
Pulling a lever, the thrusters sent a powerful volt back which propelled the ship forward rapidly. By steering the ship, Y/n directed the ship back into the mountain range. She could hear the air support coming up behind them. She took a sharp turn to deter them.
The sharp turn caused each member of the squad to loose their footing and grab something nearby to steady themselves. Carefully, Tech quickly made his way into the cockpit. He leaned over the back of the pilot's seat, resting his hand on the panel for support. He hadn't taken the time to remove his helmet.
"That is sufficient," Tech announced to the pilot. "I'll take it from here."
"A little busy here," Y/n stated instead. She turned the wheel to the left, taking another sharp turn which made everything in the ship turn that way. And Tech ended up leaning a little into her.
"Wrecker," Tech ordered. He moved to sit in the co-pilot seat which was where Echo usually sat. "Get to the tail gun."
There were at least six smaller ships following them at this point, firing as many rounds as possible. The Marauder swayed to the left and right, expertly dodging each blast aimed at them. In the tail gun, Wrecker got into position before firing back at the ships. He managed to hit one of them, but it wasn't enough to bring the ship down.
Back in the cockpit, Tech began pressing a few buttons on the control panel. The pilot glared at him through the corner of her eye, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. She maintained her grip on the sides of the wheel.
"Transitioning controls back to co-pilot," Tech announced. He went to press the final red button, but she swatted his hand away. "What are you doing?" Tech demanded an explanation.
"I know how to fly," Y/n said through gritted teeth. Her eyes were still facing forward as she focused on the task at hand.
"I never said you didn't," Tech informed her. "I am simply stating that I am ready to transition controls back to me as I am more capable of flying this vessel than you. It is my ship after all," Tech said as a matter of factly.
Hunter rolled his eyes in the background. He knew it was pointless to argue over the comment.
"You weren't hired to be the pilot for this mission," Y/n argued back. "I can get us out of this."
With that comment, one of the blaster fires struck the right wing which caused it to catch on fire. The two of them peered out the window, spotting the trail of black smoke falling behind the hit.
"You were saying?" Tech replied. He gestured to the damage done to his ship. She rolled her eyes at him.
A few more ships began trailing behind them. They began firing more shots towards them. There was no way one ship could take the whole fleet down.
"Uh guys," Wrecker announced from the tail gun. "We've got more incoming."
Ignoring the comment, Tech quickly transitioned controls back to his wheel before the other pilot could protest. He gripped the wheel harshly, moving the wheel to take a sharp left hand turn. The ship was forced to swerve around the side of the mountain; a few of the enemy ships crashed into the sides as a result. She switched controls back to her wheel, taking a right hand turn. The ship weaved around another mountainside.
Behind the googles of his helmet, Tech squinted his eyes in slight irritation. He changed controls once again. He quickly grabbed onto the lever, pulling it backwards so the thrusters gave another jolt of energy. Now they were flying a little faster.
Nevertheless, another blaster hit managed to strike the back of the ship. The Marauder jolted forward from the force of the blast. The two pilots lurched forward in their seats. The others continued to hold onto things for support.
"You aren't doing much better," Y/n replied snakily. She reached forward to press the button once more. She turned the wheel as far as she could, which caused the ship to completely turn around. She pulled the lever for the extra push.
"What are you doing?" Tech exclaimed. "Are you trying to get us killed?"
Down in the tail gun, Wrecker began firing at the ships flying directly in front of them. With his expertise, he struck down three ships. Those ships exploded into a million pieces, fierce flames erupting around them. The Marauder flew through the fire without taking damage.
The enemy ships needed to turn around before continuing their chase. They quickly swerved their ships. Once the ships were facing the right way, the thrusters kicked in for that extra power. And the enemy continued their pursuit.
"I will only say this one more time," Tech's modulated voice spoke through his helmet. He turned to face her in his seat. His eyes looked angry behind his googles. "Relinquish controls now."
"Over my dead body," Y/n challenged him. She didn't take her eyes off him.
In the background, Hunter and Echo seemed to raise their eyebrows at the two pilots. They looked between them, half expecting one of them to cave in and go back to flying the ship. But neither of them faltered.
"Uh guys," Omega interrupted them.
Both of them directed their line of attention back towards flying the ship. With a quick maneuver, they managed to dodge the mountain they were heading straight for at the last second. A few more ships crashed into it.
"You're both going to get us all killed if you don't figure something out," Hunter shouted behind them.
Reaching forward, Y/n went to press a few more buttons, but Tech swatted her hand away this time. He went ahead and pressed his own buttons. He was punching in the coordinates for their destination.
"You are not the best pilot in the galaxy," Y/n claimed. She glanced at him through the corner of her eye. He kept putting in the coordinates.
"Hardly a measurable cause," Tech said with a roll of his eyes in annoyance.
"You haven't made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs," Y/n added. It was like she was insisting that it could be measurable.
"I have a theory that it can be done in twelve," Tech stated as a matter of factly.
"I highly doubt that," Y/n chuckled at the comment.
Suddenly, Y/n pressed the wheel forward with all of her might. The ship began to descend down at a rapid pace, shifting into a nose dive position. The ground was growing closer and closer with each second. The enemy ships following right behind them, firing non-stop.
Both Hunter and Echo were holding onto panels behind them. The force of falling forwards was pushing them back. They were unable to move.
"You have to pull up--" Tech ordered in a slight panic.
"Oh for the last time," Y/n shouted over him. "I know what I'm doing!"
At the last possible second, the wonderfully skilled pilot pulled the wheel into her chest so that the ship was pulled up. It was so close to touching the ground, but it missed it by a hair. The last two ships crashed into the ground, exploding suddenly and sending debris flying.
Now that the threat of the chase was finally over, Y/n could relax in her seat a little. The rest of the squad was completely silent, realizing that she had managed to get them out of the situation with little damage in the end. Beside her, Tech kept his eye on her since he was still angry with her.
The Marauder started to climb in altitude, shifting towards the edge of the planet's atmosphere. It finally passed through the atmosphere, flying through space. The stars throughout the galaxy sparkled as the planet grew small and smaller. It was now all behind them.
"Are the coordinates to Ord Mantell in?" Y/n wondered. Her voice was so much calmer now. Her shoulders slumped at her sides. But she refused to make eye contact.
"Yes. They are in," Tech informed her softly. His eyes softened behind his helmet. He studied her carefully, trying to figure out what she was thinking in that brain of hers. He quickly shook it off, directing his attention back towards the void of space in front of them.
Without thinking, Tech and Y/n went to reach for the lever to send them into hyperspace. Their hands grazed each other's with neither of them being any closer to the lever than the other. They both awkwardly pulled their hands away upon contact.
"I'm sorry," Y/n muttered under her breath.
He wasn't sure if she was apologizing for the situation they just came out of or the situation that just occurred with the lever. Nevertheless, she reached for the lever once again, pulling it back to send the ship into hyperspace.
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Back at Ord Mantell, the Bad Batch went back to Cid's Parlor. They stood on the other side of her desk, having just delivered the cargo that she paid them to retrieve. She peered into the package, checking to make sure everything was there.
Behind the group, Y/n stood there in total silence. Her eyes were trained on the floor as she shifted in her place awkwardly. She waited for their boss to address them.
Beside her, Tech stood about an arm's length away. He glanced at her through the corner of his eye, taking note of her odd demeanor. He raised his finger and opened his mouth to say something to her, but he was rudely cut off.
"Looks like everything is here," Cid announced. She closed the cargo container. She began rummaging through her drawers, collecting the correct amount of credits to pay both parties.
Now Y/n went to take a few steps forward and made her way through the members of the squad. She stood in front of the desk. Her boss went ahead and placed a handful of credits in her hand.
"That is your cut," Cid told her. She handed the rest of the credits to Hunter. "And here is your cut. I'll call you when I have another job," Cid claimed.
There was a brief moment of silence in the room. Cid went to cross her arms over her chest. She narrowed her eyes at the company of six standing in front of her.
"You guys work well together," Cid said honestly. "You should work together more often."
In response, Y/n breathed a scoff under her breath. The boys turned their heads to look at her, slightly surprised at her reaction. She shook her head in denial.
"Yeah. Like that's ever going to happen," Y/n rolled her eyes at the notion.
Without hesitation, she spun around on the heels of her feet in order to head towards the door. She purposely bumped into Tech's shoulder a little too harshly. She left the room with the door closing behind her.
"What's wrong with her?" Cid scoffed. She looked at the rest of the squad for some form of explanation, but none of them said anything. "Fine! Be all quiet and mysterious. See if I care," Cid said.
By the time the Bad Batch left Cid's office, Y/n was nowhere to be found in the bar. They went to sit down at the bar so they could order drinks to celebrate another successful mission. They sat in complete silence, thinking about what transpired during the mission.
"Where do you think she's gone?" Echo wondered.
Though they never pulled missions together, the Bad Batch knew that the pilot worked for Cid and was stationed at Ord Mantell. They had seen her quite often over the past few months. They had grown familiar of her. And now they worried about her.
"The odds are that she returned to her flat," Tech explained. He pushed the bridge of his googles up to be more secure on his face. He kept his focus on his data pad.
"Probably," Hunter shrugged his shoulders. "But it's late. Which means it's dark out."
"Astute observation," Tech claimed sarcastically. He gave a single nod, but didn't take his eyes off his data pad.
"And she's walking back to her flat...at the edge of town...late at night," Hunter further explained.
"She will be fine," Tech stated. He knew where he was going with this. "She is always saying how she can take care of herself and doesn't need our help. Why would that change now?"
The other members remained silent. They turned their heads to take quick glances at one another. With a silent agreement, Hunter rose to his feet and went to stand by Tech. He roughly grabbed his shoulders and hoisted him out of his seat, much to his dismay.
"Go find her. Make sure she gets home safe. And apologize to her," Hunter ordered.
"I do not see why I have to be the one to apologize when I did noth--" Tech began. He was quickly cut off.
"Tech," Hunter said in a warning tone of voice. He crossed his arms over his chest, showing that he meant business.
"Fine," Tech said in defeat. "I will apologize."
With some hesitation, Tech grabbed his helmet and fitted it over his head. He began making his way towards the door of the parlor, leaving the rest of his crew behind. He walked through the deserted streets of Ord Mantell, passing a few shady people in the process.
Now Tech knew that she lived near the edge of town because she had once mentioned it during a conversation. Besides that, Tech really didn't know where to look and simply hoped he'd bump into her before she got home so he'd know she was safe. He passed by a few alleys, peeking through each one briefly.
The Marauder was parked in a hanger bay only a few blocks away from the parlor. Just as Tech passed by the hanger, he heard a familiar voice coming from his very own ship. He backtracked by taking two steps backwards. He peered into the hangar bay to glance at his ship.
Stepping into the bay, Tech tilted his head to the side in slight curiosity. The right wing of the ship began to move downwards until it lay completely horizontal. A few seconds later, Y/n began descending down the ramp with a toolbox in hand. She walked over to the wing of the ship.
Upon seeing her, Tech sharply inhaled. He felt the back of his throat close up and his shoulders tensed at his sides. He hesitantly took a few steps forward, fiddling with his fingers nervously.
Reaching upwards, Y/n placed the single toolbox onto the flat surface of the ship's wing. She proceeded to grab onto the wing before hoisting herself up onto it. She climbed to the center of the wing to assess the damage inflicted in the crossfire.
At this point, Y/n had no idea that he was also in the hanger bay with her. She opened the toolbox, rummaging through to find the right tool. The damage done to the right wing was a massive gaping hole with burnt edges from the fire. It would eventually need a panel welded to cover it up again. But for now, she focused on the internal repairs.
Thankfully, from the assessment, nothing major had been hit. A few bolts had gotten loose and a few parts needed to be replaced. She focused on that for now.
After grabbing a socket spanner, Y/n leaned down to place her arm into the gaping hole of the wing. It went so far down that her chest was practically pressed against the surface of the wing. She used the spanner to tighten some bolts.
"What...are you doing?" Tech decided to finally announce his presence. He stepped forward until he stood in the light coming from the opening of the hanger bay.
Upon hearing that familiar voice, Y/n only rolled her eyes to herself. She continued her work as she preferred to focus on repairs rather than on him. She grunted softly, making sure that first bolt was nice and tight.
"What do you want Tech?" Y/n wondered. She pulled her arm out of the hole to assess her work. She didn't even bother to glance towards him, knowing he would have sent her a look of disapproval for working on his ship.
Slowly, Tech began to lower his gaze to the floor. He contemplated his next words carefully, fighting the urge to lash out at her for meddling with his ship. He liked things to be a certain way and would have much preferred if he did the actual repairs. Now Tech didn't want to fight with her so he changed his approach.
"I analyzed that you left the parlor on your own and thought it would be better if I accompany you back home," Tech explained. She huffed at his answer.
"I've told you before," Y/n began. "I can--"
"Take care of yourself," Tech finished. He adjusted the lenses of his goggles though he still wore his helmet. He noticed how she fell silent. "Yes, I've gathered that much."
"Why are you really out here?" Y/n wondered. She went to lean down again in order to tighten more bolts.
"I...could ask you the same," Tech replied slowly. He honestly felt like this was the first civil conversation they had ever had.
"I wanted to make some repairs on your precious ship since it was apparently my fault," Y/n claimed. Her tone sounding a little harsher now. She tightened two more bolts in the process.
"That is not what I meant," Tech interjected. He took a step forward. He gazed up at her figure perched on the wing, attempting to reason with her. "I was...caught up in the moment. Shouldn't have said those things," Tech confessed quietly.
"Well, don't worry. As soon as I finish up these repairs, I'll leave and you'll never have to see me again," Y/n responded.
For some reason, Tech couldn't combat a response to her comment. He simply nodded his head understandingly. He lowered his gaze to stare down at the ground and allowed her to finish her repairs in silence. He thought for some time how he could fix this relationship since it wasn't his strong suit. Fixing things was more his style.
"Blast," Y/n's voice pulled him out of his train of thought. He glanced up at her.
The sleeve of her blue flight suit had gotten in the way of her repairs. She had rolled her sleeves up to keep the material out of her way, but the sleeves continued to fall back down to her wrists every time she placed her arm in the hole. She pulled back and rose to her feet.
Without hesitation, Y/n's hands flew to the top button of her flight suit. She began to undue the buttons in which she revealed the black tank top underneath. All the while, Tech studied her carefully as her nimble fingers worked steadily. His pupils dilated behind those goggles of his.
Upon reaching her waistline, Y/n had stopped unbuttoning and shrugged the suit off her shoulders. She tied the sleeves around her waist. She dropped to her knees to continue working without the distraction of her clothes getting in the way.
Slowly, Tech raised his hand to the side of his head and clicked the bottom to save the recording to the drive. He records everything and he was certainly glad he recorded that. He wanted to revisit the recording later for his own 'research' purposes.
"There," Y/n sighed. She sat back on her knees, wiping her dirty hands on the pants of her flight suit. "Repairs are finished."
Naturally, Y/n began to pack away the tools she used and placed them back into the box. She closed the lid of the toolbox, tossing it over the edge of the wing for it to land on the ground with a thump. She then proceeded to jump down off the wing of the ship, landing a little hard so her knees buckled slightly.
Just like she promised, Y/n had every intention of leaving the hanger bay so that they'd never have to see her again. She went to walk away, but just as she passed beside him, Tech reached out and grabbed her forearm. She halted in her steps.
Neither of them could look at each other. She felt his gloved fingers digging into her bare skin, but not hard enough that it would leave marks. She slowly turned to look at him, but he kept his head down.
"I...really came here to apologize," Tech confessed. When Tech lifted his gaze to meet her face, he saw how her eyebrows went up in slight surprise. It definitely caught her off guard.
"I see," Y/n thought about his words carefully. She shifted her balance from one foot to the other. "So all those things you said back on Cassander where just...what?"
He closed his eyes, seriously regretting everything he said. "Like I said earlier, in the moment, I was incredibly frustrated with you."
"Because I wouldn't give up the controls?" Y/n said flatly.
"No, because I recognize that my levels of dopamine are elevated when I'm around you and I distance myself from you in order to prevent that from happening,” Tech confessed before he could even stop himself.
But now, hearing what he just said, Tech quickly averted his gaze away from her. He was thankful to be wearing his helmet so she wouldn't see how bright his cheeks had gotten. He released his grip on her arm, letting it fall back down to his side.
For once, Y/n actually understood what he said. Her eyebrows rose in surprise at this sudden confession. She definitely did not expect him to blurt out his emotions that night, especially after their fight on the ship. She knew better than to tease him at a time like this.
"I-I don't understand why," Tech said rather sadly. That was the first time that he'd spoken those words out loud.
What broke her heart was the tone of defeat laced with his words. It told her that he'd been wrestling with these foreign emotions and thoughts for some time. He didn't know how to react around her and so he acted with defense. He pushed those feeling away, fighting against it.
Hesitantly, Y/n lifted her hands to the sides of his helmet. She went to remove his helmet slowly, revealing his face to her for the first time today. She tossed the helmet to the side without a care in the world, but he still refused to meet her gaze.
"You are probably repulsed by me," Tech began. "From the way I treated you and the words I said to--"
But Tech wasn't able to finish that sentence. Because Y/n had taken his face in her hands and leaned upwards to press her lips against his own. He froze in his place.
His eyes were wide open in surprise. His hands were elevated on either side of him because he didn't know what to do with them. He could feel the softness of her lips still against his own. Before Tech had the chance to process what was happening, Y/n pulled away from him.
The two of them were standing so close together; the chests being pressed against one another's. Their breath mingled as their noses bumped together once or twice. He glanced down at her lips because he wanted nothing more than to taste them once more.
His hands found their way down to her hips with one hand sneaking around her lower back. He pressed that hand into her back which brought her body even closer to his. She released a small gasp.
"Apology accepted," Y/n whispered to him. She played with the edge of the plastoid armor on his chest. "And I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you."
"Why cyare?" Tech wondered. He raised his hand to the side of her face, tucking a single strand of hair behind her ear. He held his hand against her cheek.
"I should have given up the controls. You are the better pilot and it is your ship," Y/n explained with a shake of the head.
"I am not the better pilot," Tech stated firmly.
There was a moment of silence between them. "I can't make split second decisions and calculations like you do when you're flying."
"Well, I've never done the Kessel Run." Tech argued back playfully. He smiled down at her. "At least, not in twelve parsecs."
"Fourteen," Y/n corrected him. "I did it in fourteen."
"Fine. Fourteen," Tech caved in.
Slowly, Tech tilted his head to the side and began to lean down with every intention of kissing her again. But the two of them were interrupted when someone cleared their throat over by the entrance of the hanger bay. The two of them quickly pulled apart and turned to face whoever had interrupted them.
The other members of the Bad Batch stood looking at them near the entrance of the hanger. It was initially Hunter who had cleared his throat to garner their attention; he stood with his arms folded across his chest just as a disapproving father would. Beside him, Wrecker and Omega were practically squealing with each other. They couldn't contain their excitement. And Echo averted his gaze in an awkward manner.
"Care to explain yourselves?" Hunter hinted. He glanced between the two of them with a playful smirk on his face.
"I think they finally confessed that they like each other," Wrecker interrupted. His words coming out louder than anticipated. He nudged Echo who stood beside him.
"You think?" Echo glanced at him.
"It's exciting, isn't it?" Omega smiled at them.
Meanwhile, Tech quickly collected his helmet off the ground and placed it over his head once again. He hoped it would cover the blush creeping up his neck to his face. He knew he wouldn't hear the end of the taunting from his brothers anytime soon.
"Well boys. It looks like we got another member on our crew," Hunter said slowly. "Welcome to the Bad Batch."
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dcangel · 4 months
^^^this gif with Stiles Stilinski if you don’t mind:)
omg ofc ofc!! (link)
also idk how long this ask has been in here, i’ve had my tumblr notifications off bc i was getting spammed from the percy jackson & kronos post, but im grateful for the suggestion<33
mature themes below the cut
the word ‘please’ wasn’t acquainted with stiles’ vocabulary. when he wanted something, he took it. and you willingly gave it up.
yet he found it slipping from his swollen lips like any other word.
your thighs were on either side of his jeans clad hips, your chest pressed to his. though equally clothed, you could feel his desire, his need.
his hands gripped your thighs, fingertips reaching your inner thigh. words were exchanged, but sentences were left unfinished. the air in your lungs wasn’t nearly enough to be considered substantial, the burn coating your throat only served as validation.
the thick, hot air hung heavily around the two of you, tainted with the scent of his cologne and a slight tinge of mint from the gum you had been chewing moments before he placed you on top of him.
you’re core went limp when his hand guided your hips in one swift motion over his, leaving you to chase the sensation just to get another bout of pleasure. so much for the ab strength you’d been working on in the gym while stiles worked towards lacrosse fitness goals.
at times stiles would whine for his own sake, wanting nothing more than to simply sit back and let you take the reigns, but he wanted to work for it today. he wanted to earn that feeling he got from seeing you get off from his doing, or to see the way your face scrunched and your eyebrows knit, your lip being tucked between your teeth while the moans and appreciative mumbles slipped past the small spaces.
“please, baby,” his hands groped at your ass, fingers digging into the covered flesh before releasing as if he hadn’t known his own strength, “you gotta let go. let me guide you.”
the temptation was strong, and you could nearly feel the reward brewing in your gut. but it was hard for you to let him be the one doing the care taking. you couldn’t help that it was in your nature to please others. “i can’t.” you whimpered lazily against his kiss-bitten lips.
a large hand made its way up your side, taking its time to pass over each curve like every little detail, though contained under fabric, was being committed to memory to improve earlier versions. his thumb took a swipe at the underwire of your bra, leaving the slightest tingling sensation.
the other hand sent for the spot you couldn’t keep from dragging across his confined bulge. his fingers slid beneath the fabric of your shorts, stopping once they reached the damp spot on the front of your panties that they’d been looking for. he pressed his thumb to your puffy clit, applying nothing but that small amount of pressure with the pad of his thumb. “yes you can. i know you can.”
his dragged his thumb over and around your swollen bud, drawing a small moan from you, temporarily delaying your movements.
“n…i can’t.” you protested, weakness evident. “please,” you uttered, feeling your hips betray you by grinding downward on his hand.
stiles, emboldened by the move, decided to be greedy. his middle finger snuck under the soaked cloth, finding the source for the wetness instantly. “’feels like you can.” he jeered, smirking against your lips.
the hair at his nape was targeted as a way to ground yourself; your fingers tugging at the brown locks. “stiles, please, i…” his finger gently sunk into you, making you forget your powerless argument.
he smiled and pulled his face from yours, not letting himself miss this perfect view. “that sounds more like it.” his sarcastic tone made the taunt seem snarky. condescending, even.
you felt another long, slim finger easily slid into your wetness, joining the other in stroking your welcoming walls. the energy to keep yourself up right was not found, instead going to the potential build up of something satisfying. you let your limp torso softly collide with his, leaning forward with most of your weight.
amidst the turmoil in your mind, stiles had subtly retracted his fingers, allowing space for him to sink them back in, his two fingers curling as they did so. “’need you to be a good girl and let me help you, alright?”
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shyshva · 11 months
"P2, baby" Lando Norris x Fem Reader
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This season wasn't easy on him or the team. But now, when you see his smile on the podium, spraying champagne at Max, every hour of worrying and feeling like shit was worth it. You take few pictures for the McLaren account to post after all celebrating. You were so proud of him.
His home race and podium, something amazing. You take last glance at happy scene in front of you and you’re going back to the McLaren garage. Your body screams from all that adrenaline, but works first.
Going through paddock you’re locked in your head, reliving the race over and over again. Suddenly you feel someone hands around your body and second later you float in the air with screams of joy in your ears.
"WE DID IT BABY!!!” You turn and see the biggest smile in the world on your boyfriend face.
"I’m so proud of you Lan, you deserved it. You worked hard for this” You say and kiss him with all today's feelings. His hands travel over your body. When your hands reach his sticky from champagne hair he purrs with pleasure. God, you loved this sound. And you loved the man in front of you.
“Hey guys, find a room. People want to walks here without being disgusted” Pierre yell when he walks by you.
"I will kill him one day. He just had to ruin the moment.” Lando whines in your ear and then screams at Pierre. “Fuck off. You’re just jealous.”
It makes you laugh in his race suit.
“Let’s get home, we need to celebrate in different way than we celebrate with Zack.”
“Oh you don’t want to invite him to our bedroom? How weird.” You said sarcastically and laughed when when he squirmed.
"I will think about this to the rest of my life” You laughed and grabbed his hand. You two walked to the garage with big smiles and plans in your head this evening.
its short but cute, i needed to share my happiness from lando p2 with you
if something is wrong with grammar or spelling - im sorry,
either way, love you guys
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buckychristwrites · 1 year
Could This Be | Chap. 10 | j.t.
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Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: One minute, you're single and working for AFC Richmond as the team's medic. The next minute, you're in a fake relationship with the team's handsome striker who you know next to nothing about.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Discussions of Previous Emotional & Physical Domestic Violence. Cussing. Fake Dating
A/N: This is such a baby update, i didn't think it would be fair to give it it's own day soooo double post!
Masterlist | Could This Be Masterlist | Main Blog
“And what is my number one rule for not getting injured?” 
“Don’t be fuckin’ stupid.”
“There we go,” You praised the team, who were sitting in the conference room as you gave your annual presentation about concussions. Usually, you gave it towards the end of the season, when people tended to get sloppy. However, Coach Beard and Roy had approached you to ask if you’d give it early, due to the incident at the Tottenham match.
The door creaked open, everyone turning to see Jamie attempting to sneak in. He froze the second he realised that all eyes were on him. Cheering, your presentation was completely forgotten about by everyone, including yourself, as the players all jumped from their seats and went to greet him. You felt like a deer in headlights just at the sight of him. The joy in his face radiated, even to you from across the room. As everyone settled down, his eyes met yours, softening.
Raising a hand up, he took a seat as he said, “Sorry, sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt ya.”
You blinked as if you just came out of a trance.
“No worries,” You said simply. Throwing a glance back at your powerpoint, you remembered where you were and what you had been doing. “Okay. Any questions?”
Isaac raised a hand. “What if we aren’t being stupid and we get a concussion anyway?” You considered this. 
“That would suggest you weren’t not being stupid enough.” 
He nodded his head in understanding, as if you had just given him a real explanation and not just a sarcastic remark. 
“How do you suggest we not be stupid?” Colin asked. You shrugged. 
“That part is up to you!” You said as nicely as you could. It was hard doing these presentations when you knew damn well that no one paid attention during them. “But you can start by following literally all of the things I said in the powerpoint presentation.”
“What if we missed the powerpoint?” Jamie asked, hand in the air. It took everything in you to not laugh, although a few people in the room did so for you.
“You should request a private session then, since you of all people need to see it.” 
“Oooooooo, a private session!” Dani called out, followed by his teammates all shouting and laughing. 
“What could that entail?” Colin followed up.
“Don’t be fucking cheeky!” You scolded them, shaking your head with a smile on your face. Jamie was looking down at the ground, scratching the back of his neck as he laughed. “Presentation over. Get the hell outta here.” It sounded like a high school classroom, as everyone began talking excitedly as they rose from their seats and filed out of the room. Turning with a sigh, you began to unplug your laptop from the projector. It wasn’t until you were slipping it back in its case when you realised you weren’t alone.
“I was just joking, you know,” You said without looking up. “I won’t make you watch the presentation.”
“Wouldn’t be doin’ much watchin’ anyway,” He admitted from his spot towards the back. “I’d just be listenin’ to ya.”
Trying and failing to not smile, you turned to look at him, hands folded in front of you. He had a devilish grin on his face, as if he knew what he had just said would make you blush, which it did. 
“So you’re back,” You said. He nodded, looking around the conference room.
“In a sense,” He said before his eyes found you again. “I’m working with physio. They have to clear me before I can practise again.”
“You didn’t tell me you were coming back today.”
He shrugged. “I wanted to surprise ya.” A beat passed. “Maybe I was givin’ ya space too.” Something about this made you anxious, your fingers instinctively going to pick at your cuticles.
“You don’t need to do that,” You said softly. He stood up, slowly making his way down the steps towards you. You took him in. It had been days since you had seen him, and you didn’t realise how much you missed him until this moment. A magnetic force fell over your body as your legs yearned to pull you closer, but you resisted, staying in the same spot. 
Something had changed. You could see it in his body language. The way his arms were crossed over his chest like a protective jacket. Or the way he kept his distance. Whatever it was, the feeling made your chest hurt.
“I’m tryin’ not to… pressure ya, is all,” He explained.
You tried not to scoff. “Do you think you’re pressuring me anytime you talk to me?”
But there was pressure anytime you talked to him, although it certainly was not from him. It was from yourself. Your heart screaming to just let him in. 
Why is it so hard?
“No,” He said simply. “I just… worry, I guess.” 
You shifted from one foot to the other. 
“I just don’t want things between us to change,” You said, trying not to sound like your throat was closing up. 
He stared at you, before looking at the floor, shaking his head.
“But they already have, haven’t they?”
He was right. They absolutely had. And you took that sentiment to heart, it not leaving your mind for the duration of the day.
And the night.
And the next day.
And the next.
Until this moment, as you sat on the train on your way to Scotland, your suitcase and dress bag resting on the bench across from you. The phone in your lap vibrated, pulling you from your thoughts.
KJ: U on ur way? x
You: Train just took off, got about 5 hrs to go. xx
KJ: R and I just got here can’t wait for the wedding 2morrow!!!
Dropping the phone back onto your thigh, you turned to stare out the window. The city disappeared, and you were surrounded by trees and greenery. Headphones in, you shuffled your music, allowing yourself to get lost in the melodies and sceneries.
And for the whole duration of that train ride, the only thing you thought of was Jamie.
@daffieapple, @my-left-sock, @buckybarnex, @jelleeyfish, @ricciardhoe3, @picked-off-by-barzal, @lilweirdgal, @hotdoglamp, @loveslide, @rosea-h, @13-7-19-67-71. @wickedheartz, @xxenia14, @zazima, @alainabooks143, @geek-and-proud, @imagines-reblogged, @fuckifuckedup, @booklovingduck, @loveforaugust, @f1maverick, @jamieroyjamieroy, @meisterdani, @hanybunch, @batsy-bats1, @brianandthemays, @heletsmelovehim, @breepboopbap. @jellycolors, @taytaylala12
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baguettehead · 3 months
Luke Castellan X Child of Hades (she/her reader)
Summary - Y/n first arrived at Camp Half-blood when she was 16, it was weird and difficult at first but she met people who made it better and maybe the love of her life?? They're not quite sure yet...
A/n - I know I haven't posted since 2021 but look, the creative juices are flowing and Luke Castellan has me by the balls and he's twisting real fucking hard so...
When you first arrived at Camp Half-Blood you were bloody and confused, to say the least. You had just finished fighting, and killing, a Cyclops. Which apparently exist now, before stumbling into Camp Half-Blood and passing out from blood loss. Honestly, pretty cool way to die you thought as you looked up to the clear sky before your eyes closed and you were out. You woke up in a weird room, got told you were a child of a Greek God, and had a new scar stretching from your collar bone to your shoulder, cool.
Two months later you were claimed. You're sitting in the Hermes cabin when you hear screams from outside. Being fairly new to the whole demi-god thing, you don't immediately jump out of bed and rush to the noise like the others in the Hermes cabin. Instead, you count to ten and slowly rise from your bed and peek your head out of the door to the cabin, only to come face to face with a hellhound. How it got into camp, no ones quite sure, but its staring you down and you're sweating bullets.
"hello.." did you just fucking talk to the hellhound? You could've sworn your survival skills were better than this. But it just tilts its head at you, almost like it recognized you.
As kids with spears and swords begin to circle the creature it sits, staring straight at you, as if waiting. Everyone stops and stares, most looking from the hellhound to you and back again. You look up, confusion in your eyes, begging for help, but they just stare like they're waiting for something. Whether that is for the hound to maul you or not you're not quite sure. Looking up from the hellhound once more you lock eyes with Luke Castellan, someone you had slowly begun to trust at camp. He nods his head as if to tell you to continue and signals the others to wait. Taking a deep breath you straighten your back and look directly into the hell hounds red eyes, "Go home" you say firmly. The hound nods its head, turns around, and begins to walk out of camp. You hold your breath as you watch the hellhound leave over the hill until its gone. The large crowd that accumulated stares in awe before someone lets out a gasp and points above your head. You look up immediately, honestly expecting a dragon or something to fly down at you, only to see the mark of Hades floating above your head.
It's been three years since then, three years as a year round camper, and three years with some of the best friends you ever made.
"sup dickhead" Luke says as he sets his tray down next to you and slips onto the bench. "aw I love pet names" you sarcastically drawl while picking at your food. "Would you rather I call you sweetness? Or my Princess of darkness" he practically purrs the last name as your eyes go wide and a blush coats your cheeks. Your head snaps up to look at him.
His cheeks are red and blushing as he stares at you with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. Like he thinks you are the most beautiful thing in the world, blessed by Aphrodite herself, but not fragile. No, Luke knows you're anything but fragile and can easily hold your own, and that makes him fall even deeper into this pit you have dug for him that he swears will be his grave.
But you don't see this, of course you don't, you're stuck in this treacherous loop of convincing yourself he only see's you as a friend while you're hopelessly in love with him.
Looking back down at your tray you mumble "Princess of darkness doesn't sound half bad", he laughs and pushes your shoulder, "Don't get pompous on me love, being a kid of the big 3 is getting to your head". You muster up the best innocent face you can before saying "what's it like hating from the outside?" you dissolve into a smug smirk as he deadpans at you causing you to fall into a fit of giggles he quickly joins.
As you're both laughing, you leaning on Luke and holding your stomach, Chris and Clarisse join you both setting their trays down. Lunch continues with he two of you bickering, Clarisse and Chris sharing knowing looks.
Later that day you join Luke again, this time for training. Chris mediates as well as you two tend to get carried away.
You often train together as your skill sets are pretty evenly matched even though he loves to hold the title of 'best swordsman in camps history' over your head, like daily. You're warming up and sparring when a group of campers join, notably a few Aphrodite girls, and begin to watch. You roll your eyes as Luke sends them a wave and cheeky smile, they blush and giggle, and you ignore the burning feeling in your stomach. One of the girls even sends you a dirty look, oh fuck no you're not doing this today.
"can you stop flirting with the Aphrodite girls for one minute so we can spar?" you grind out through your teeth, and Luke has the audacity to look smug. "jealous?" he raises his eyebrows looking you in the eyes.
Yea you're definitely kicking his ass.
Chris begins to look uneasy as you raise your sword and he signals the fight to start.
You circle each other before Luke initiates combat, swords making a loud clink as they mash together. You start out somewhat lazy, if theirs anything you know about Luke its his ego. So you let him think he's winning before focusing in on his week points. Luke might be better with a sword than you but you have more stamina. You start striking hard and fast barely giving him a break before you're able to sweep one of his feet and knock him to ground. Crouched over him, holding down the hand holding his sword with your right foot and pressing your sword to his neck, you smile at him. Right as you're about to claim your win he uses his body weight to flip you over and straddle your waist, holding your hands above your head. You struggle for a minute but give up, looking up at him, and realizing just how close to you he is.
His face is inches from yours and you can feel his panting breath on your face. Your breath hitches and a blush rises to your cheeks, but all you can seem to do is stare directly into his eyes. He pulls that stupid cocky grin once more and whispers for only you to hear "nice try princess" and all you want to do is grab the back of neck and smash your lips into his. You probably would have too if it weren't for Chris clearing his throat. Luke quickly jumps off you running over to Chris and you slowly sit up still processing what he said mere seconds ago. As you're staring off into space Luke walks back over to you and extends a hand, a worried look on his face.
"Are you okay?" he quickly asks pulling you up "m' fine" you mutter as you begin to pull away but he pulls you into his chest and begins looking you over for injuries. "did you hit your head? was i too rough? Gods I'm so sorry I got carried away" you cut him off by hugging him and muttering "I'm fine Luke, just got distracted a bit" he holds you there for minute, relishing in your touch, and you make a point to stick your tongue out at the Aphrodite girl over Luke's shoulder as she leaves with her friends. Chris laughs loudly but covers it with a cough as you send him a glare.
Eventually, and much to your dismay, Luke pulls away. He holds your shoulders, still keeping you close, and stares at you with the same look from earlier.
"You're beautiful" he mutters without breaking eye contact "I'm sweating like a pig" you retort and he laughs shaking his head. "go get cleaned up" and with that he kisses your forehead and jogs over to Chris to head back to the Hermes cabin.
You head back to the Hades cabin and bask in the silence for a minute. Silence is a rarity at camp. Hopping in the shower you let the cool water wash away all the dirt and grime on your skin and you think about what he said. Sure, he's called you pretty quite a few times but it was different this time. You've always been touchy with each other and forehead kisses are common but, for some reason this one gave you a spark of hope. As you're questioning basically the past 2 years of your life you hear a knock at the bathroom door and a muffled "almost done?". You realize you've been in the shower for longer than you planned and quickly turn off the water shouting "let me get dressed I'll be right out!" before stepping out and putting on a pair of shorts and oversized hoodie, one that you stole from Luke actually. You step out of the bathroom, still drying your hair, and see Luke on your bed flipping through one of your books.
He looks up and freezes. Sure, he's seen you in his hoodies many times but every time it takes his breath away. It doesn't help that you look ethereal right now. As you sit next to him he pulls you down to lay on his chest and begins scratching your head, your absolute weakness. You melt into him and his touch realizing just how tired you were after that match. You close your eyes and begin to drift into sleep when you feel him plant a kiss to your temple before whispering a barely audible "I'm in love with you".
Your eyes snap open and you can feel his breathing pick up. Raising your head you meet his eyes, not moving from his chest, and he begins "I knew I liked you when you stood up to the hellhound, you looked so scared" you stare at him while he looks past you with a soft smile on his face "but you did it anyways" he shakes his head "I knew I liked you but Gods" he pauses and you hold your breath "I never knew I held the ability to love someone this much" his eyes finally meet yours and he cups your face in his hands "I never knew i could hold my whole world in my hands" your eyes well up with tears and you try to speak but nothing comes out. So instead, you gently press your lips to his and try your hardest to convey all your emotions into one kiss. Pulling away you rest your forehead on his "you make everything worth it" you say staring into his eyes "all the monsters and the absent father, I would go through all of it a thousand times over if it meant I got to meet you" You wipe a fallen tear on his cheek and kiss him again both of you smiling into the kiss. Once you pull away you rest your head back on his chest, both of you adorning dopey grins.
"looks like we have a lot of time to make up for" he says
"we have the rest of our lives to do so" you reply before drifting off to sleep laying on the boy you love more than anything.
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jaemsljn · 2 years
Snow on Concrete | LHC
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SUMMARY: You and Donghyuck had been on bad terms for many years now, even though you share a friend group. Your opinion of him is thrown of its axis, however, when you pull his name for Secret Santa. It seems your friend group had finally gotten sick of the tension between the two of you. Can you both get over your pride for the sake of Christmas? Or does it run too deep?
A/N: this is part of a series of fics I'm going to release leading up to Christmas!! I'm very excited its gonna be each nct dream member in a different christmas/winter scenario.. and I'm going to post a prompt list so you can request for other non dream members as well!! I hope you guys enjoy!!
PAIRING: haechan x gn!reader
GENRE: kinda angsty? enemies to lovers vibes, fluff at the end
WARNINGS: cursing, mark refers to reader as man and dude but that's just bc it’s mark reader isn’t actually gendered, mentions your grandma passing in childhood, I think that’s it let me know if I missed anything!
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You weren’t quite sure the exact moment your years of not quite silent dislike for Donghyuck began, all you know is that it’s been lingering in the air for what seems like forever now. It didn’t help that you shared a friend group, meaning you had little to no chance of avoiding him.
You tried to like the boy, you really did. There was just something about how cocky he was, that stupid smirk he was always wearing, the color of his dumb eyes, and the way his voice sounded like a melody everytime he spoke that made you annoyed by his presence.
That’s why when Renjun informs you that Donghyuck’s going to be present when you guys hang out tonight you’re half tempted to say no.
“You’re being dramatic. It’s not gonna be that bad.” Renjun scolds as he practically drags you out the door to his car.
“Jun, I know you think it’s not that bad but the whole time we’re in a room together I can feel him quietly simmering at my very existence.”
Renjun chuckles at your dramatics, well used to this weird rivalry between you two.
“It’s not like he’s the only one! You give him nothing to work with, y/n. Do you expect him to be nothing but kind and friendly to you when you clearly don’t like him? Besides, he’s really not as bad as you think he is. You just have to give him a chance.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes at your far too optimistic friend and instead elect to just take pause as you hop into his passenger seat, closing the door behind you. When Renjun is in the car and beginning to start the ignition you continue the conversation.
“I’ve tried to like him I really have! There’s just something about him that irks me. And it’s not as one sided as you guys make it seem he’s said shitty stuff to me too. Even when he doesn’t say anything to me he’s always glaring at me like I just took out his entire family and burnt down his house.”
“I think you just take everything he does too personally if i’m honest with you, y/n. He doesn’t have this vendetta against you that you seem to think he does. Seriously. He’s never once said anything bad about you when you’re not around.”
You laugh sarcastically at his words, “I find that very hard to believe.”
Renjun sighs at your stubbornness and seems to give up on the conversation. He turns the radio up and you silently look out the window, feeling a little guilty.
The drive passes by somewhat quickly, not another word being exchanged between you and your friend.
When Renjun has finished parking you take a deep calming breath and get out of the car. You begin slowly walking towards Mark’s apartment, leaving enough time for Renjun to catch up to you before you make it to the door.
He rings the buzzer for Mark to let you in and sighs, yet again, before turning to speak to you.
“Will you please just try to get along with him? It’s almost christmas.”
You consider for a moment before relenting.
“Fine. But if he says something rude to me I’m not gonna just take it.”
“That’s fine. I’m not asking you to let him walk all over you. I’m just asking you to attempt civility for the sake of the holiday.”
As Renjun finishes his sentence the door buzzes open and you both begin your ascent up the stairs to Mark’s apartment.
The moment you knock at Mark’s door it swings open to reveal Donghyuck. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“Hey Hyuck.”
Donghyuck and Renjun pull eachother into some sort of bro hug and exchange greetings. You stand there, admittedly slightly uncomfortable, as you wait for the two boys to finish their moment. 
When Donghyuck and Renjun turn to you you have to physically suppress the urge to frown at the aforementioned boy. Instead, you give him what hopefully looks like a polite smile. 
He, in return, maintains a completely stoic expression and turns to walk into the apartment. So much for civility.
You look to Renjun with an eyebrow raised as to say Do you see what i’m fucking talking about? 
But he just shakes his head and turns on his heels to enter the apartment. You let out one more self pitying sigh before quietly closing the door and walking into Mark’s apartment.
Mark’s place isn’t the biggest but it’s quite cozy. It’s in the middle of all of your guys’ places so you always end up hanging out here. 
You walk further in and are met by the man in question standing in the kitchen grabbing a large amount of cups to assumingely get drinks for everybody.
“Oh shit! Hey dude! I’m glad you could make it. You mind helping me with all this?” 
“Of course. I’m glad I could make it too I haven’t seen you in weeks.”
Mark smiles at your response, nodding sympathetically.
“Exams have been rough, man. We all missed you though! Why didn’t you come hang with us last weekend?” You silently begin helping mark pull down cups for the drinks as you continue your conversation.
“I was finishing up an essay for my english class. I missed you guys too though.”
Mark makes a face of realization where he stands at the fridge grabbing a diet coke for Donghyuck.
“Oh shit, yeah I think Hyuck mentioned that. Aren’t you guys in the same english class?”
You nod awkwardly. You did have the same english class, but, you’d never actually spoken to him in it.
“Well that sucks, man. I don’t know why she gave you guys an assignment so close to break. Uh, can you just grab those few drinks and i’ll carry these ones?”
You respond affirmatively and grab the few drinks Mark couldn’t carry and follow him towards the living room. As you walk in you overhear the end of a conversation. 
Jeno is saying something about how who you assume is Donghyuck is “completely hopeless” based off the fact Donghyuck mutters a quick “fuck off” before they hear you and Mark enter and they suddenly get quiet.
“Hey! Look who the cat dragged in.” Jaemin is the first to speak. Jumping up to help you with the drinks before pulling you into a hug. 
When you pull away Jeno is right behind him pulling you into another hug, greeting you as he does.
Then comes Chenle and Jisung doing so as well. When you’ve finally been passed around the room to all the boys that hadn’t greeted you yet you grab the free seat in between Chenle and Jisung on Mark’s tiny loveseat. Jaemin and Jeno are squeezed together on an arm chair that’s definitely made for one person. Jaemin is sitting more so on Jeno than the chair in a very typical Jaemin fashion.
Renjun and Donghyuck are on the couch, Mark coming to sit next to Donghyuck, handing him his coke as he does.
Chatter immediately fills the space, everybody lamenting about the exams they had just finished.
You get sidetracked in a conversation with Jisung about the newest Marvel movie that’s just been released when suddenly Mark is standing up and clapping his hands to gather everybody’s attention.
Donghyuck scoffs, “What is this a middle school assembly?”
The fact you have to hold back a laugh makes you somehow hate his presence even more. It seems the boy notices the fact you found him amusing because when you look up at him, barely contained giggle still present on your lips he simply smirks and looks back at Mark.
“Shut the fuck up, Hyuck. Anyways, i’ve made the executive decision that we’re gonna do secret santa. Nobody has the money to buy everybody gifts so this’ll be way easier on our wallets. I already have all the names ready so everybody come up one at a time and i’ll give you a random name.”
Jaemin is the first to stand, making grabby hands at Mark, who had at some point gotten out a bunch of folded pieces of paper from god knows where. 
Mark gives Jaemin a slip of paper and announces that everybody should wait until we all have a name to look at them.
One by one everybody receives a name. You’re the last to go. You get your paper and sit back down at your spot on the loveseat. 
Mark takes his spot back next to Donghyuck and tells everybody to look at their paper.
You slowly unfold the slip.
Written in black inc on the paper is the name you had wanted to avoid the most.
Donghyuck <3
And to add insult to injury Mark had put a little heart next to his name, almost as if he knew you’d be the one receiving it. That asshole.
You look up at the owner of the name on your paper and are shocked to find him already looking at you, an unreadable expression on his face. You avert your gaze embarrassed that you were caught looking at him and instead choose to pester Jisung to tell you who he got, trying to ignore that the entire time you can feel  Donghyuck’s gaze burning into the side of your head.
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“Jeno seriously! Just trade me! Just this once! I’ll do whatever you want!” You whine at Jeno from the passenger seat of his car. Renjun was staying late at Mark’s so Jeno offered to give you a ride home.
Jaemin laughs from the backseat clearly amused at your suffering.
“Jaemin… please… remember when I wrote your english essay for you? Remember that? Remember how kind and generous I was for doing that for you? Hm?”
Jaemin laughs even harder when you turn your begging to him.
“Neither of us are gonna trade you, y/n. This is kinda hilarious.” You almost hit Jeno for his love of your misery but decide not to just incase it made him accidentally crash the car you were all in. Well. On second thought, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.
“Why did I have to pick his name? The universe hates me. What am I even gonna get him?”
Jaemin cannot seem to stop laughing at your misery. You throw a sharp glare at him which only doubles his clear glee.
“We’re not even supposed to know who you picked, yet you want us to also help you find a gift? Seems a little fucked up don’t you think, babe?”
“First of all, don’t call me babe when you’re laughing at my agony, Na Jaemin. Second of all, I know nothing about Donghyuck’s interests I seriously need help guys.”
The last time you’d heard Donghyuck talk about any of the things he likes it had been years ago and he wasn’t event talking to you. You’d just happened to hear him mention to Mark that he wanted this new playstation game that was coming out. There was no way he still wanted it or didn’t already have it.
“Um, I think he’s into music right now? He’s been mentioning this one band a lot but I don’t remember what they’re called.”
God bless Jeno for giving you something to work with.
“Okay, I can do something with that. Lemme check his social media.”
You pull out your phone and open twitter. You quickly locate his account in your recently searched.
You begin scrolling through his tweets desperately looking for anything mentioning a band or singer.
“Got it!” you pause, sending Jeno a wry glance, “Michael Jackson? Seriously, Jeno? You couldn’t remember Michael Jackson? And you thought he was a band?”
Jeno just shrugs at you and looks back to the road.
“Wasn’t he into collecting vinyls for awhile? Does he have Michael Jackson ones? That would be a good gift, right?”
“Oh yeah and you know nothing about his interests, right?” Jaemin responds with a teasing lilt to his voice.
“Ignoring Jaemin, yes he is still into collecting vinyls and no I don’t think he has any Michael Jackson ones.” Thank the lord.
“He doesn’t. He gave me a quote unquote vinyl haul at the apartment the other day and he didn’t have any Michael Jackson ones.” Jaemin answers, finally deciding to be helpful.
“Alright. I can work with that. This will be fine.” You say more to yourself than to the boys.
“Yeah you definitely don’t care what he thinks of you.” Never mind. Jaemin is never helpful.
“I don’t care what he thinks of me. I just don’t wanna be the grinch of the friend group.” Nobody in the car seems super convinced.
As you end your sentence Jeno pulls up to your apartment. You say goodbye to the boys, giving Jaemin a quick hug when he gets out to take your spot up front before waving them off and walking up to your place.
Alright. Michael Jackson vinyl. You got this.
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You stop by a record shop the next day and pick out a few vinyls for Donghyuck. You get a couple really early ones, a few of his later works, and one that has his greatest hits on it for good measure.
On your walk back to your apartment you stop by the store to get some wrapping paper and tape and head back home.
Maybe this wouldn’t be as much of a shit show as you thought it would be.
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The date you’d set to exchange your gifts approaches quickly. Chenle had told you he’d had to scramble to get his secret santa gift the day before and you’d laughed at him telling him you’d gotten yours the day after you’d hung out. You felt bad for whoever was receiving the gift Chenle had bought.
You’d gone a bit over the spending limit you’d all set, not even really knowing why. Maybe it was the christmas spirit.
Jeno and Jaemin pull up to pick you up, blasting obnoxious christmas music that you could hear from the stoop of your apartment. 
You pull your coat tighter around you to combat the biting winter air and walk to his car as fast as you can.
The minute you’re settled in the back of the car Jaemin is turning to you and speaking with a teasing grin.
“So, did you get his gift?”
You roll your eyes at him before responding.
“Obviously I got him a gift, Jaemin. I wouldn’t just not get him anything i’m not that much of a dick.
Jeno mutters something under his breath along the lines of only to Donghyuck but you choose to ignore it for the sake of Christmas.
The car ride is spent with all of you loudly singing along to Jaemin’s holiday playlist.
When Jeno pulls up to your destination you begin to feel almost nervous. What if Donghyuck absolutely hated the gift? What if he already had all of these vinyls? 
You pause for a moment.
Why do you care what Donghyuck would think about the gift? It’s not like you like him all that much anyways. You shrug it off as the holiday spirit getting to you once again. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by Jeno opening your car door, clearly exasperated that you were taking so long judging off the sudden burst of chivalry.
The three of you make your way up to Mark’s apartment and the nerves begin to build again. 
Why were you so anxious?
Jaemin knocks on the door, cutting the silence. This time Mark is the one to usher you all into the house. 
He’d given all of you the same cheesy Christmas bag to put your respective gifts in so people couldn’t figure out who their giver was based off the wrappings. Pretty smart on his part in all honesty.
You three take off your winter gear and make your way into the living room. You find that all of your friends had beaten you there.
In the week you hadn’t been to his apartment Mark had decked it out in a shit ton of christmas decorations. He even had a small tree decorated in the corner of the room.
The room was dim and lit by christmas lights lining the corners of the walls and adorning the tree. He had his TV quietly playing christmas music, it was amazingly cozy and cute.
Everybody stands up to greet the three of you, Mark taking your gifts to set them with the rest of the ones sitting under the tree. You hug all the boys until you’re left staring at Donghyuck. You’re taken aback by how… well… adorable he looks. 
He had a red sweater on that has “Merry Christmas” written in loopy letters on the front. The sweater is tucked into a pair of black skinny jeans that look absolutely amazing on him. His dark brown, almost black hair is parted in the middle, a few strands falling onto his forehead. 
The boy just smiles awkwardly at your staring and you swear you can feel yourself begin to blush at the fact you’d been caught ogling the guy you supposedly dislike. You give him a strained smile back and move to sit next to Renjun and Jeno on the loveseat.
When you sit Renjun gives you a look. You don’t have the energy to decode what it means so you simply ignore it. 
“Can we get on with the gift giving? I wanna see what my secret santa got me. As a fair warning though, if it’s another korean textbook i’m seriously hurting everybody in this room.” Chenle says, giving everybody a pointed glance.
He’s obviously still upset over last year’s gift exchange. You weren’t sure who got it for him because they’d never owned up to it. You have a suspicion that’s it was Jaemin because of the note that read “Our baby Chenle needs to study a little more. help jisungie too while you’re at it <3” that was included with it.
Mark agrees and makes quick work of beginning to pass out the gifts.
Your interest in your own gift is outweighed by your nervousness for Donghyuck to open his. You try to ignore the feeling but it gets the best of you and you glance over at the boy perched on the arm chair only to find that, once again, he’s already looking at you.
You notice the way he’s picking at the skin around his fingernails but quickly look back to your gift, not wanting him to notice you staring.
Mark finishes passing the presents out, not without a few comments from your friends, before he’s taking a seat next to Jisung and Jaemin on the couch. Chenle, who had been standing by the arm of the couch takes a seat on the floor in front of Mark.
Mark gives everybody the go ahead to open their gifts and your nerves double. You look over at Donghyuck for a moment before realizing you need to actually open your own present.
You reach into the bag and pull out a small box neatly wrapped in wrapping paper. The paper is covered in cartoon cats wearing santa hats and you almost coo at the sight. Jeno notices as well and comments on how cute it is. You begin to open the gift deliberately, careful not to rip the poor kittens to shreds. 
You swear you hear Donghyuck let out a huff of amusement but don’t pay it much mind.
You finally get the wrapping paper undone and open the box housing your gift.
You gasp at the sight in front of you.
It was an exact replica of a pair of gloves your grandmother had made you when you were little. You absolutely loved them and had been heartbroken when you outgrew them. Your grandmother had passed when you were young so you couldn’t ask her to make you another pair so you simply kept the gloves in a drawer next to your bed, sad that you could no longer use them.
You’re in complete shock. You slip one of the gloves on to find they fit perfectly and your amazement doubles. The gloves were a shade of a darkish sky blue with a white heart on the wrist, accompanied with your name sewed into the right glove next to the little heart. 
They were exactly the same as your last pair. You then belatedly notice a note in the bottom of the box.
“The only picture I had of them was the one you posted on instagram so i’m sorry if they’re not exactly the same. I really tried to match the colors as best as I could and told the lady to make them as close to the original as she was able to. Even if they’re not perfect I hope you like them. I know the last pair meant a lot to you. and i hope you don’t think it’s weird or anything for me to have these made…”
You don’t notice the tears leaking out of your eyes until Renjun is bumping his shoulder with yours and whispering to you. 
“Are you crying?”
You nod shakily and turn to fully show him the gloves. Renjun having known you when you received the original pair, knew how truly adoring you were of those little things.
His eyes widen almost comically at the sight.
“Woah! Those are almost exactly the same! That’s insane!”
You sniffle a little and whisper back to your friend, “I honestly never thought of having somebody make me new ones. I cant believe somebody thought to do this… It really wasn’t you?”
Renjun shakes his head.
“I honestly wouldn’t have thought of that either. That’s amazing though. Makes me feel like my gift giving sucked.”
You let out a soft laugh and go back to admiring the glove on your hand. You stroke a soft finger over the embroidery of your name. It looks exactly the same.
Renjun nudges you once again and points to your bag, there was another box inside.
You smile gratefully and glance up at the others in the room, hoping they weren’t paying particular attention to your emotional outburst. You wanna immediately ask who got these for you so you can tell them how truly touched you are but you decide to wait until everybody’s done.
You look to Mark and find him holding a cheetah stuffie wearing a little snapback, clearly meant to look like him. Jisung next to him has a game for some sort of console, and Chenle below him is holding what looks to be a stuffed animal of a dog.
You then look over at Donghyuck. In what seems to be a new habit for him he’s already looking back at you. But, what shocks you is the soft, almost adoring smile on his face and the fact that his gift sits untouched in his lap. You widen your eyes at him in surprise and he immediately seems to snap out of his stupor and looks down at his gift, awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck, before beginning to unwrap the square shaped present in his lap.
You ignore the way your chest lights up at the smile directed at you and move your attention back to your own gifts.
You carefully remove the glove from your hand and set the pair back snugly into the box, along with the hand written note. You place the lid on top and gently set it back in the bag, scared to somehow damage them. 
You pick up the next box and unwrap it with just as much care as before. You almost laugh when you open it and find a pack of pens and pencils sitting inside. It’s accompanied with a sticky note that says, “Since you always lose yours ;)”
The complete shift in mood from your two presents almost gives you whiplash. You did have a habit of constantly misplacing your pens and pencils. But, it confuses you even more about who your gift giver could be. You didn’t necessarily announce your constant missing writing utensils so it had to be somebody you share a class with.
That means it had to be Donghyuck who you share an english class with, or Jisung and Chenle who you share a history class with.
Before you can give it much real thought you remember that Hyuck is opening the gift you got him and look over to see his reaction.
The boy is excitedly flipping the assorted vinyls over in his hands one by one. A barely concealed eager smile adorning his face.
You feel a weight being lifted of your shoulders.
“Should we show off what we got and guess who got us what?” Jaemin asks the group.
Everybody gives various murmurs of agreement and Jaemin takes this as a cue to show off his gift.
“Okay I got this $50 starbucks gift card. Which is literally the price limit. So whoever got this for me I love and adore you. I also got this film for my camera. My guess is… My little Chenle baby?”
“How did you know?” Chenle’s response is almost immediate and very loud, earning a laugh from you and your friends.
Jaemin walks over to the seated boy and grabs at his cheeks, Chenle swatting his hands away.
“Because it was just thoughtful yet distant enough for it to be you.” Jaemin drags his words out and uses that cute voice he does in a typical Jaemin way that has everybody laughing yet again.
Chenle simply scoffs but can’t hide the smile on his lips.
“Alright, since Jaemin guessed you right you go now Chenle.” Mark announces.
Chenle stands from his spot on the floor and looks around at all of you almost… suspiciously?
“I got this plushie that looks like Daegal. My baby. Mark’s sister. The light of my life.”
“Okay Chenle we get it you really love Daegal.” Jeno cuts the boys praise off with a chuckle lining his words.
“It’s important for me to remind you all, Jeno. They also put this collar on it that has her name which is cute. My guess is…”
Chenle looks around yet again narrowing his eyes warily at everybody.
“My guess is Mark.”
Mark smiles at the boy and shakes his head lightly. Jisung then speaks up.
“It was me. I thought you could take it with you when you have to be away from her. So you don’t miss her and stuff.”
Chenle smiles and pulls Jisung into a bro hug, albeit a bit awkwardly because Jisung is still seated on the couch.
Having had his gift revealed Jisung is the next to stand, Chenle taking his seat, cradling the Daegal stuffed animal in his arms.
Jisung holds up the game he’d received.
“I got this game I’ve wanted for weeks now but didn’t wanna spend my money on because christmas was coming up. Renjun’s the only one i’ve really told about it so I’m guessing it was him.”
Renjun gives an affirmative nod and Jisung lights up with a smile.
“Thanks. I’m really happy I got this. You’re the best, my universemate for a reason.” 
Renjun stands and gives Jisung a side hug, laughing as he speaks.
“Yeah, now I just have to listen to you play it all night.”
Jisung laughs a little bashfully and comes to sit next to you on the couch. 
He leans over to show you the game he’s gotten, clearly ecstatic about it. You smile and tell him how cool it looks, not actually having any interest in the game but you know he’s excited.
“Okay, I got these really nice paints. I’ve mentioned them a few times but honestly they’re so expensive I thought i’d have to save up for them for awhile. I’m not really sure who got them but i’m just gonna guess… Jeno?”
Jeno lights up in that eye smile of his and stands up, telling Renjun it was in fact him.
Renjun, in a rare show of true unadulterated affection, pulls Jeno in for a tight hug and thanks him, which Jeno just laughs and brushes off.
Renjun once again sits next to you on the loveseat, this time in Jeno’s spot.
“I got biking gloves. Also, a new strap for my guitar which says my name. So fucking cool. My guess is Jaemin? No wait Mark. My guess is Mark. Final answer.”
Mark laughs and nods pulling Jeno in for another infamous bro hug. 
“I’m glad you like them, man. I was so scared you were gonna think it was lazy or something.”
“What? No, these are so cool. Seriously, dude, thank you.”
Jaemin yells something about how cute the two boys are and with that Mark grabs his little cheetah and begins his presentation.
“It’s a cheetah stuffed animal with a snapback. I’m assuming it’s supposed to look like me? Super awesome. He’s like my son. I’m gonna guess Jaemin?”
“His name is Cheetah Lee. He is your son.” Jaemin says with a smile.
“Bro, how did you get this tiny little hat for him? It’s so tiny! I didnt know they made little hats!”
Marks amazement at that fact a tiny hat for stuffed animals exists is truly adorable and you know your friends agree with the fond smiles filling the room.
“I ordered it online. It wouldn’t be your son without a little snapback.”
Jaemin’s already found his gift giver so he gestures for you to stand up and show yours.
As you grab the little boxes you come to the realization that there’s only one possibility left for who gave these to you. 
You stand there, eyes wide, staring at the boy in question trying to make sense of it all in your head. Donghyuck seems to be avoiding your gaze, keeping his eyes locked on his fingers that he continues to pick at.
You suddenly feel a little ill.
“Uh, y/n? You gonna go?” Jeno asks.
“Um, yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I got- I got distracted. Yeah, I’ll go.” Your friends seem a little confused at your sudden change in emotion but you try to ignore their questioning stares and attempt to swallow the emotion rising in your throat.
“Um, Okay so I got- Well when I was little I had these gloves my grandma made me. They were my favorite things in the whole world especially after she passed. At some point I outgrew them. And she was- Well y’know she passed so she couldn’t make me new ones. So i’ve just kept them in my bed side drawer all these years. I guess I posted them on instagram? And somebody had new ones made.” 
You pause and try to blink away the tears filling your eyes, opening the box to show the the gloves.
“It seems dumb but i don’t know… those gloves meant so much to me and for some reason I just never thought of getting new ones made. And it’s crazy because these look exactly the same even down to the color of the thread that says my name.” A small hiccup leaves your mouth as tears begin to steadily flow from your eyes. This is… humiliating.
“I think I need a second… Just… give me a second.”
You’re immediately booking it to Mark’s front door, slipping your shoes on, and walking as fast as you can down the stairs to get outside.
It’s not until you’re outside that you realize it’s the middle of winter and your forgot your coat.
More tears leave your eyes as you look down at the gloves clasped in your shaky palms.
You distantly hear the apartment building door open and shut rather harshly. You turn and expect to see Renjun or even Mark but instead you’re met with Donghyuck standing in front of you.
His shoes are obviously hastily thrown on, he hadn’t even bothered to tie the laces and his heel was sticking out of one of them.
His coat was crooked on his body and his chest is rising and falling in rapid breaths.
You have no idea how to start. Before you can decide he’s sticking his arm out towards you. You’re confused for a moment before you realize he’s clutching your coat in his hand.
“You didn’t- Sorry I really took those stairs too fast.” He pauses to take a breath and you would’ve laughed if you weren’t fighting the urge to cry and maybe throw up.
“Okay, I think i’m good now. You left your coat. And your scarf. And I grabbed this hat but now that i’m actually looking at it I don’t even think this is yours.” 
That manages to pull a teary laugh out of you. 
“That’s Jisung’s hat.” You tell him through a few weak giggles. Of course Donghyuck would find a way to make you laugh through all of this. You wish it didn’t make you feel worse.
The sound of your laugh makes his face light up in a grin. He suddenly looks almost proud of grabbing the wrong hat. 
“Well, wear it anyways. It’s cold.”
He hands you your coat first and you slip it on, followed by the scarf, and Jisung’s hat that is way too big for your head.
You look at the ground. Still not entirely sure how to say everything you’re thinking without it coming out as some sort of incomprehensible word vomit.
“Did you… Did you not like them? Because I’m sorry if i crossed a line I just thought-“
You cut him off before he can finish his sentence. 
“Are you serious, Hyuck? I fucking loved them. It was so insanely thoughtful. These are probably the most meaningful gifts i’ve ever gotten and I just-“
The tears are back.
“I was such a dick to you. I was so mean to you for no real reason. And I told myself it wasn’t one sided but then you get these gloves made and how did you even know? That these gloves meant so much to me? I didn’t say it in the post.”
Donghyuck looks nervous to tell you but speaks nonetheless.
“I uh overhead you and Renjun talking a couple years ago. It was winter and you said something about the gloves and how every winter you think about them and your grandma… then you posted that picture recently and I kinda put it together. I guess i didn’t really know how meaningful they were but I assumed? You sounded so sad when you talked about it so I just… I don’t know I thought it would be a nice gift.” He’s scratching the back of his neck and shifting on his feet uncomfortably and you seriously think you’re gonna be sick now.
“I thought you hated me…”
Donghyuck’s eyes are wide when he looks up at you. 
“No I never hated you. You just- well I knew you didn’t like me. And it’s embarrassing but I would get so nervous around you. i’m not usually like that. I just didn’t know how to deal with it… so i just avoided talking to you. And then at a certain point I guess you decided you really didn’t like me and honestly… it kinda hurt my pride,” He chuckles dryly before continuing, “It sounds so egotistical but it’s true. I didn’t think i did anything to make you hate me so much and it kinda pissed me off so I started being a little short when we did talk. But, seriously I never hated you. Never.”
You don’t even know what to say at this point. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry i was so mean to you when you didn’t do anything to deserve it. It was just- I don’t even know honestly. You would get so quiet around me that I just assumed you didn’t like me or something. God, Renjun was right I took everything you did so personally. Like whenever I caught you looking at me I assumed you were judging me and it hurt my pride so I just decided I didn’t like you. Once I decided that I was just unwilling to let go of it. God, I am such a fucking jerk Donghyuck. I’m so sorry. For all of it.”
Donghyuck is taking slow steps towards you now. You can’t stand to look at him so you keep your gaze locked on your shoes. But, you can hear the way the snow crunches under his (still untied) shoes as he takes steady steps to you.
Donghyuck softly pulls the gloves from your hands, you’d forgotten you’d still been holding them this entire time.
You’re a little confused at the action. Maybe he’s really just done with you at this point. He’s gonna take the gloves back and he’ll really hate you now.
You’re even more confused when he pulls you hand up and mutters a soft “hold it there” before he’s slipping the glove on your hand with gentle fingers.
He successfully secured the first glove and puts your hand back down at your side, pulling the other hand up to do the same.
This time when he’s done putting the glove on he keeps his grip on your hand, rubbing a little circle on it with his thumb.
“I’m not mad. I mean we both kinda did the same thing right? Just assumed that we hated each other and ran with it. I really like you. I have all this time and I still do. I get if you need time to get used to the fact I’m not praying on your downfall every second of the day like previously thought.” Again, Donghyuck manages to bring humor into any situation.
“But, I guess i’m asking you to go on a date with me. It doesn’t have to be tomorrow or next week or even this month but-“
You cut Donghyuck off by bringing your now gloved hands up to the sides of his face. You look into those big dumb brown eyes of his and cement yourself on what you’re about to do.
You lean in slowly. Giving him time to pull away if it’s not what he wants.
His eyes flutter closed as you get closer and you take it as permission, pressing your lips against his.
The, embarrassingly, many times you’d imagined kissing Donghyuck could never amount to what you were currently experiencing.
The moment your lips touch his he bring his ice cold fingers up to the sides of your neck, holding you into place.
You both ignore the small yelp you let out at the temperature of his hands.
His hold isn’t imposing or forceful but it’s firm, as if to say i’m here. I have you. Finally, finally, I have you. 
You both pull away after a moment and you can’t help the adoring grin that spreads across your face, and grows even wider when you see Hyuck has one to match.
“Fuck yeah. Jeno said I was hopeless i’m gonna rub this in that fuckers face for years.” You can’t help but laugh at the fact that that’s his first thought after kissing you.
“Hold on. How did we end up getting paired up for Secret Santa?”
Donghyuck pulls his hands off your neck, thinking, and places them on your hips instead. You pull your hands off the sides of his face and settle them on his shoulders.
“Mark.” You both speak at the same time.
“I can’t even be mad. He really helped me out there.” Donghyuck says, wearing a shit eating grin.
“Honestly, yeah. I’ll forgive him since it worked out.”
Donghyuck is pulled you in by the belt loops of your pants as he speaks, smirk ever present, “Oh baby it more than worked out.”
Donghyuck captures your lips in his once again, and while you do thoroughly enjoy the feeling you’re beginning to realize how freezing it is.
Hyuck whines as you pull away again, chasing your lips. You give him a small peck to satiate him enough to let you speak.
“While I would love to stand here kissing you all day i’m freezing my ass off. Also, you literally don’t even have your shoes fully on your feet.”
Donghyuck seems like he just realizes this fact as he snaps his eyes down to his shoes that are, in fact, not even fully put on.
Donghyuck agrees to go inside with one more kiss. He’s then linking your hands together and taking slow steps towards the door. A little wobbly due to the state of his Converse.
“Can you not tell the guys I remembered the glove thing for years? They would never let me live it down.”
You walk back into the apartment building, laughter spilling from your mouth.
Maybe it wasn’t such a shit show after all.
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little bonus scene!
“Oh shit.” Mark mutters. Maybe this wasn’t his best plan after all.
The minute the door shuts Donghyuck is on his feet rushing after you. He grabs your coat and other winter gear off the hook and goes to run after you.
“Hyuck, you don’t have a coat on. or shoes.” Chenle yells after him, far too amused when their friend has just run away crying. 
Donghyuck turns on his heels and rushes back to the shoe rack but in his haste his socked feet slip out from under him and he hits the floor with a loud thump.
Silence engulfs the room as Donghyuck sits there on his ass for a moment. Clearly embarrassed.
Jeno is the first to break out into a hysterical laugh and the rest follow quickly. 
“If any of you mention this to y/n ever I will lose my fucking mind.”
The boys just nod at him, still doubled over laughing. 
Donghyuck, with as much dignity as he can in his current situation, stands up and shoves his feet in his shoes. He then yanks his coat off the hook and forcefully slips his arms into it.
He got the wind knocked out of him when he fell but immediately runs to the door and just hopes you don’t notice how out of breath he is when he gets down there. 
Mark yells something along the lines of “go get ‘em tiger” but it’s barely understandable through the laughter shaking his body still.
The only response they get from Donghyuck is a middle finger before the door is slamming and the apartment is left only with the sounds of laughter.
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A/N: I hope you all enjoyed!! ill be releasing the other members over the course of December. ill post the master list for that in a moment. ill also post a prompt list so you can send requests for skz members or non dream members!! happy holidays!!
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mobileleprechaun · 11 months
On Home, Wally, and their dynamic
Warning: Big Long Post! Rambly. Speculative!
In the early days of the Welcome Home fandom, it was often speculated that Home's role in the narrative was antagonistic, one defined by coercive control and abuse of Wally. This idea of a sinister, manipulative Home has inspired many AUs, pieces of fanart and has overall made a big impression on the fandom's perspective of Home as a character.
While this still remains very possible as an outcome, especially given that the series is still in its prologue, a lot of what I've observed in the latest update has painted a very different picture in my mind.
Below are some miscellaneous observations, both from the update and from information we had prior to the update.
Wally is excited about Eddie potentially being able to lift Home in the storybook recording, as he would like Home to be able to get a hot dog from Howdy's bodega like he and Barnaby always do.
Wally speaks often of his love for Home in the guestbook, and even writes Home's signature for it at the bottom of the page.
Home is shown, in a famous piece of art on Clown's Tumblr, to be the "plus-one" Wally would invite to a wedding, and he's shown smiling fondly at it through the window of the chapel while it peers in from outside.
This piece of promotional art, as well as this crayon drawing from the April Fool's Day prank where Wally briefly took over Clown's Twitter to post his drawings, show a big Wally cradling a small Home in his arms. This is an inversion of their actual relationship, as Wally is just a little guy and Home is a great big house. In the latter drawing, Wally has obsessively written Home's name over and over again.
In the bug vignette featuring Barnaby and Home on the page with the script, Barnaby understands Home perfectly when it speaks and has a fluent back and forth with it. Its responses to him seem amused and sarcastic, and it generally looks to be having fun bantering with him and sassing him. When Barnaby becomes concerned for Wally at the end, Home's noises sound concerned and urgent, like worried questions. It's concerned for Wally's change in behavior too.
Conversely, Wally is shown in his audio excerpts from the show to be socially-awkward and unable to comprehend things like sarcasm and turns of phrase. At his best, he sounds like he's saying things he's rehearsed before. At his worst, especially in the audio messages he leaves, he struggles even to speak, as though he cannot find the right word or that speech itself is hard on him. He begins to hyperventilate and lose his grasp on proper intonation in the latter recordings, likely out of distress or frustration.
In the Morse code message on the So Below page, most people interpret what Home is saying as either "help" or "hello". The former indicates distress on its part, while the latter indicates it trying to go along with Wally, as he introduced it in the previous audio message and explained (while struggling not to hyperventilate) that it makes noises.
In the picture of Wally and Home in "So Below", Home's eye is shuddering in seeming distress while Wally is knelt at its window. Although this is commonly interpreted as an act of worship, Home does not look particularly happy or powerful here. Wally's outstretched hand may be caressing it, or otherwise trying to pat or soothe it. Wally's eyes shudder in a similar manner in the "Stay Quiet" page.
The dark substance beneath Home has begun leaking to the point that it is now visible on the desktop version of the Neighborhood page. This is very likely the same substance mentioned on the secret, staff-only page, which apparently causes "nausea, dizziness and fatigue" upon physical contact.
The impression that I've gotten from this is that Home and Wally are more akin to intimate peers – siblings, very close friends, possibly even romantic partners* – than they are to an abusive guardian and their child. Much of what I'm about to say is speculative, and may not hold up after further updates, but it's nonetheless the vibe I'm getting.
Wally and Home have a deep understanding of one another, deeper even than Wally's friendship with Barnaby. They are bound so tightly that one can scarcely exist without the other. Home shelters Wally within itself, granting him the sanctuary of its own body. Wally, in turn, grants Home a purpose as its inhabitant and tends to its needs, always making sure to help it feel included in neighborhood activities. Both are seen doting on one another with the sort of fondness only years of intimate familiarity can bring. Each is attuned to (and interested in) the other's needs.
Neither Home nor Wally are doing well at this point in the narrative. Wally is audibly deteriorating when he addresses us (or the Question-Answerer) in the audio snippets. He's barely able to keep it together, and some sort of horrific distortion is slipping into his voice. Home, meanwhile, has only seen its sludge problem get worse, and does not seem able to do much at all besides the occasional response in Morse code. These utterances are few and far between, especially compared to how chatty and lively it seemed in the Barnaby vignette. It seems withdrawn, perhaps even exhausted. It is very likely sick.
Home has, up until this point, been "the strong one" in the relationship, as a house must be. In addition to bearing up its body as shelter for Wally, it may have carried the little fellow's social burdens, as it seems to hold its own very well in conversation. But now it's fallen ill. Gravely ill. It's unable to go and look for help, being a house, and is put in a precarious situation due to its immobility. None of the other neighbors are around to help it.
Wally cares for his Home deeply. He is grateful for its shelter and its friendship. He's the only one who can help it now – it's finally his turn to be strong. He wants desperately to protect it, to find help for it, and this is what drives him to reach out. But he doesn't know how one asks for help, or how even to describe the problem. His tranquil neighborhood never made him confront that reality, and he's now left floundering. Home can only watch helplessly, through a haze of sickness, as he humiliates himself again and again in his pained, futile struggle to be understood.
It's driving him mad. It's forcing him to feel emotions he can barely describe. Every attempt only serves to further terrorize the Question-Answerer and double his own anger and misery.
But he can't stop. He must be strong for Home. He will make his neighbor understand.
So TL;DR, I see it as less "Home has Wally trapped!" or "Wally is doing something bad to Home!" and more this heartbreaking nugget from Learning With Pibby. If Home is malevolent, I think Wally's going to be right there at its side. And if he manages not to be, I think it will be a tragic effect of the corruption rather than any innate badness Home has in it. I think we are shown how wonderful and precious this Home can be so it will be all the more heart-wrenching when that is no longer the case. At any rate, I am enthralled and am so grateful to be able to engage with this wonderful piece.
*I hate that I have to even say this, but – please don't misconstrue that I think siblings and romantic partners are the same thing, or any other implication therein. I'm an eldest sibling myself and find the idea abhorrent. I say this only because relationships in a text can be very ambiguous, and there are many flavors of closeness between people that share similarities.
Anyway, thank you so much if you read this far! Welcome Home has really given me the analysis bug again... heehee, bugs.
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rhystial · 8 months
Jax and The Box.
fandom: the amazing digital circus
relationship: jax (romantic/platonic)
warnings: yandere, manipulation (+ emotional), isolation, kinda bullying?? it's jax man idk
let me know if more warnings need to be added!
notes: this is me testing my characterization of jax, i'm so sorry it's short and probably ooc!!! i promise once i write more of him, he will be near canon!!
ignore the plotholes... might edit this book to fix them... maybe
also reader is a jack-in-the-box :)
cross-posted from my ao3.
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You've discovered that counting the days you've been stuck here is surprisingly therapeutic.
The act of keeping track of time, the passage of each day, and the steady increase in numbers is actually calming to you. It provides a sense of order and purpose in an otherwise chaotic and uncertain situation.
However, there is one individual who, sadly, has been known to disturb this peaceful atmosphere from time to time.
"Heeeey, newbie!" The words stretched out into the still air, seemingly echoing with the sound of anticipation.
Your body tensed up in response, ready to either fight or run (well... hop away, since your body didn't quite have legs), depending on the situation. You looked around, scanning the still unfamiliar surroundings for the man who had called out to you.
You had always found Jax's careless and sarcastic attitude to be a bit much, especially in these quiet moments. You were grateful for the moments of peace that you were able to indulge in, but his sudden, loud voice always seemed to ruin the tranquility.
"Hey... Jax." Your words were slow, measured, as if you were gauging his intentions before fully acknowledging his presence. The weary expression on your face was apparent, as if you were exhausted from the day's events and uncertain of how to proceed.
"Y'know, I've been looking for you!" His voice held a hint of playfulness, but the smile that spread across his face was somewhat forced.
As he stepped closer, you instinctively hopped back, your body responding on its own to the sudden invasion of your personal space.
"Oh... have you?" You managed to let out a weak chuckle, the tension in your voice palpable as you uttered.
"Sure have," he purred, "you're quite hard to find — even with that big crate of yours." His tone was full of a peculiar mix of amusement and malice, as if he were toying with you like a cat with a ball of yarn.
As his hand leaned over to pat the side of your box, you felt a wave of unease wash over you, like a storm was brewing inside you. He was too close, and you could feel his breath on your skin. The rhythmic patting was almost hypnotic, but you knew that it was a ploy to distract you and get too close for comfort.
Despite the conflicting emotions, you couldn't help but acknowledge the fact that he was right — you had been hard to locate, it was on purpose.
But somehow, he had managed to find you.
"Anywhoooo," he trailed off with a low hum, snapping you out of your thoughts, "Caine wanted me to grab ya n' whatnot... says there's a new game to be played with 'nother newbie."
You could only stare at him in stunned silence, your brows furrowed and your mind racing as you tried to make sense of his words.
"A new person?" you repeated back to him, your tone laced with a hint of incredulity.
He shrugged his shoulders in a dismissive gesture, turning away from you with a nonchalant sway of his hands. He stops abruptly when he realizes you're not following him, his face contorting into a deep groan as frustration boils just beneath the surface.
His patience seemed to have run thin, as he turned to face you with an exaggerated sigh. "Are you coming, or what?" he asked, his tone sharp and exasperated. You flinched at the sudden shift in his demeanor, surprised with his attitude.
His eyes narrow as he realizes you're not moving, his hand resting on his hip with annoyance. Before he can voice his frustrations, you blurt out a hesitant apology, feeling embarrassed and scared by his sudden change in demeanor.
His silence feels heavy, as if it's pushing down on you, making you feel small and vulnerable. You wish he would say something, anything to break the tension that feels as if it's threatening to crush you. But you can't seem to find the strength to speak either, feeling trapped by the silence between you.
"...Ya need me to carry you?" He breaks the silence, the anger of his immediately washed away.
His offered gesture of what you could only assume to be kindness makes you feel confused... and even a little guilty, even though you're not sure why.
He must've sensed your confusion, for he quickly adds another question, "Or would you prefer that I drag you by your box?" His tone is playful, and his grin grows wider as he waits for your response.
"I'd prefer you to not touch m—" You try to finish your sentence, but your words are lost as you're suddenly lifted off of the ground without any warning.
Two days have passed since the stranger arrived, and they have yet to fully adjust to their surroundings.
Their skittishness was all too familiar, their hesitancy to explore this strange new realm mirroring your own. You've seen their apprehension and fear, the uncertainty in their eyes as they gaze around at the unfamiliar landscape.
It's clear that they're still adjusting to their surroundings, and you can't help but feel empathetic towards their plight.
Jax, on the other hand, didn't seem to care. As the new person stumbled around, you watched in disbelief at his display of apathy.
He seemed to derive a strange pleasure from making the new person miserable.
He would go out of his way to sabotage and humiliate them, tripping them and making a spectacle of their misfortune. His laughter seemed to ring out louder and more harshly every time he saw the new person stumble and fall, each cruel act seeming to bring him more pleasure.
You finally decided to confronted him about this.
"What is wrong with you?" You shout at the rabbit, your voice laced with anger and frustration as you grip the walls of your box tightly. Your eyes are narrowed as you stare him down, your body trembling with the intensity of your emotions.
"What do ya mean?" He counters, his tone casual, almost playful, his smirk never fading. The smugness radiates off of him, making the air heavy and oppressive.
His nonchalant response only serves to further frustrate and anger you, the intensity of your emotions only growing stronger as the rabbit continues to play dumb. You can't understand how he could be so unaware, so disconnected from the harm he was causing.
"Why're you being such a %$!# to Kaufmo?!" Your question came out as a shout, the anger in your voice clear and unmistakeable.
Jax's smug expression flickered for a moment, seemingly surprised by the sudden outburst. For the first time, you saw something behind his eyes — a slight narrowing of his gaze, a subtle twitch of his lips...
"You should be thankful that it's not you." His words were like a dagger to your heart, leaving you feeling a mix of confusion and anger. He was implying that you should be grateful to not be the target of his cruel behavior, that you should accept the fact that he would continue to torment Kaufmo with impunity. You couldn't believe that he could be so heartless, so lacking in empathy.
"It's your fault that I'm feeling the need to blow off steam in the first place." He added to his previous statement, holding a hand up to where his heart would be.
You wanted to lash out, to scream at him, to make him understand how cruel and unkind his words and actions were.
But you couldn't bring yourself to, and you didn't know why.
You've stopped counting the days after that, stopped marking their progression.
Life in the circus has turned into a blurry, endless cycle of days, each one a mirror of the one before it. Each day brings it's own frustrations and triumphs, it's own joy and sorrow, but somehow, they all seem to blend together, creating a seemingly endless loop of monotony.
Avoiding Jax became routine, too.
It was like a second nature, almost instinctual at this point. You've developed a sixth sense for detecting his presence, his footsteps, his voice. You instinctively knew what areas he frequented and which ones he avoided, which paths he took and which ones he left alone.
And yet, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't seem to escape his shadow, his presence weighing on you like a dark cloud.
You found yourself shying away from the rest of the cast, reluctant to engage in their shenanigans for fear of Jax's wrath. The last time you tried to participate, you remembered the way Jax had stepped in, his words cutting like a razor, his gaze cold but tone cheerful.
"You don't get to talk to them."
You didn't know if his words were directed to you, or the other members.
You had given up trying to make connections with anyone else, feeling like as long as Jax was around, you would never be a part of the group. The isolation was starting to take a toll on you, leaving you feeling increasingly alone and disconnected from those around you.
The loneliness was almost too much to bear, your heart aching with a deep, desolate sadness. You had no one to turn to, no one to confide in, no one to comfort you when things felt overwhelming. It felt like you were adrift in an endless sea of isolation, with no land in sight, no one there to help when you struggled.
Despite the pain and suffering that Jax had inflicted upon you, you found yourself longing for his company, the loneliness and isolation of your existence weighing heavy on your shoulders.
You were tired of being alone, of always being in your own box with nobody to talk to.
You stood there in the dim hall, your heart racing with anticipation. The night was quiet, and the only sounds were your heavy breathing and the soft rustle of your clothing as you shifted your weight.
For a long moment, you just stood there, mustering up the courage to knock. Finally, you raised your fist and rapped gently on the door.
The silence stretched out, each passing moment feeling like an eternity. And then, ever so slowly, the door creaked open. Jax stood there, his eyes piercing, his lips curled into a smile.
"Well if it isn't my favorite box-hiding member!" He exclaimed with a cheeky grin. "What brings ya here?"
"I...I just wanted to talk," you finally said, your voice trembling.
Jax's grin only grew wider. "Talk?" he repeated, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes as you took a step closer to him. "Please," you pleaded, "I just miss you, that's all. I miss having someone to talk to."
He had you right where he wanted.
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© rhystial 2023 — my works may not be reproduced in any form and by any means without my consent/permission, translating my works is only okay if i give you the okay.
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cubeshapedlemon · 22 days
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A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening
Norm gets transferred into another new job, in the agricultural sector. As much as he loathes working, he finds another reason to keep coming in.
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Norm Maclean x Chubby!f!reader
4.6k words
cw and tags: smut, fluff, lots of hair pulling, oral sex (f receiving), face sitting (f receiving), piv, flirting, boss/employee romance (it's not a inappropriate power dynamic thing its just how the plot shakes out), breif cum eating, coming untouched, sub!norm, dom!reader, mommy kink
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authors note: heyy yall!!! this fic took longer than the last one cuz yk life but its still out earlier than i thought it would be. The fallout brainrot has been intense and norm deserves some love!!! please tell me if I missed anything in the tags or spelling/grammatical errors. And just as a reminder my asks are always open!!! please send me requests!!! (info in pinned post) I am starting on a new (requested) norm fic pretty much as soon as I have the time. Anywho, check out my masterlist this fic and any others that i post will be updated there. Enjoy!
☆Reader pov☆
It wasn't every day someone new got rotated into one of the agriculture related jobs. It wasn't exactly appealing to most. But for you, you couldn't imagine doing anything else. Maybe that's why they placed him here, hoping your enthusiasm would rub off on him
The him, of course, being Norm Maclean. While the rest of the Maclean’s have a reputation of being dedicated hard workers, this trait was not held by the youngest of them. He didn't seem to be truly interested in anything, most of the time just fiddling with his Pip-Boy playing whatever game he had recently gotten.
When the council told you about the switch you were initially frustrated, hearing some chatter about how much he loathed every job placement he found himself in. If you remember your days of schooling together that sounds about right. While he was always exceptionally bright, he never seemed motivated to use it anywhere. Hopefully you could change that now.
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☆Norm's pov☆
Waking up today Norm managed to be in an even worse mood than normal. Yesterday's meeting with the council was pretty similar to the ones in the past. They berate him politely for a while, look over his performance review, chat in whispers to each other, and then reassign him. 
Though, this time they had decided to do things slightly differently. Usually they would assign him to a specific job, this time they just decided to send him to the agriculture sector, it now being the agricultural manager's job to figure out where he needs to go. Must be tired of handling specifics after reassigning him twelve times now.
Anyway, no use in dwelling on yesterday. Norm lazily drags himself out of bed, taking a quick shower before dressing himself and digging around in the fridge for some of the leftover Cram from dinner last night. Making no haste at all, he eventually makes his way to his new job. Only a few minutes late.
Looking around, he sees everyone else already at work, doing whatever it is they are supposed to do, occasionally stopping to have a quick chat with someone nearby. In his scan he sees someone walking towards him. Figuring she's the agricultural manager he was supposed to meet he gives a tight-lipped smile and an awkward wave. She responds with a polite smile of her own. 
Her walk is confident, hips swaying. She is built with clear strength in her, because of all the farmwork, Norm figures, despite this, her figure is still plush in all the right places. She has a bright, but powerful air around her.
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☆Reader pov☆
Looking him up and down, Norm doesn't seem to have changed much. While obviously he looks older now, his slight figure and short stature are much the same, his permanent scowl still there too. “Well, if it isn't Norm Maclean,” you say, offering your hand to shake. Taking it, he gives what seems like a sarcastic smile, greeting you by name as well.
Brushing that off for now, you continue. “As I'm sure is clear by now, you will be working under me. For the next few days, we will just be figuring out where to place you job-wise. How does that sound?” you ask, keeping a polite, professional tone. 
“Just peachy,” he responds with a sarcastically congenial tone. He really had no idea what he was getting himself into.
He needs someone to mold him, and you are happy to take on that role. While his underlying insecurity is clear, he has a smugness when it comes to work that needs to be broken. And you know just how to do that.
☆          ☆          ☆
☆Norm pov☆
Walking into work the next day Norm is greeted by you, your energy dimmer than yesterday. “You ready to start training?” you ask, no smile, no wave or handshake.  Something deep inside him pangs, he had no commitment to this job, just the same as his last. But in some vague way the idea that he had already disappointed you sits like lead in his stomach. Attempting to shake off that feeling, he tries to go back to his usual unwilling, and uninterested mood.
The first day is pretty simple. It mostly consists of him following you around and listening to you ramble off rules, policies and how the different systems work. When you get to the point where you are explaining the machine maintenance, his interest piques. You would think after being rotated through jobs enough times this would have happened once or twice. Evidently it had not. Though rather disappointingly, you move on swiftly.
☆          ☆          ☆
The following days were grueling. Grueling might be an overstatement, they were difficult. But he had some very enthusiastic help. You were always there to lend a helping hand on whatever task he was struggling at that moment. Many of those tasks being strength-based.
It's not like Norm was out of shape or anything, he just wasn't exactly on your level muscle wise. He would be lying if he said it wasn't nice on some level to see you walk over him with a sarcastic grin every time he struggled to lift something. Just like now in fact, as he struggles to move a particularly heavy crate.
“Need some help there pretty boy?” you come over chuckling, a blush rises to his face at your nickname.“Yes, please. Thank you,” he smiles, looking up at you. Smiling back at him you grab onto the crate, lifting it and setting it on your hip with only a small grunt of effort. “Walk with me,” you say, nodding your head at him as you walk to bring the crate to its home.
☆Reader pov☆
Keeping your pace you wait for Norm to follow you, after a moment or two he joins you at your side. “So, I've been thinking,” you drawl, attempting to get his full attention. “Yes?” he says, probably quicker than he meant to. His tone is clearly eager, but covered with a light veil of his usual sarcasm.
“I think I want to place you in repairs and data entry. You seem to be good at it, does that sound good to you?” you ask, already knowing what his answer will be. “Yes! I mean yeah, that sounds good. When do I start?” Norm looks up at you with gratitude, his too-cool facade breaking in favor of a sly-looking but genuine smile.
“You can start tomorrow,” you say, setting the crate down in its rightful place, turning now to face him. “I still have to get my use outta’ you here before I send you away,” you joke, giving him a smirk of your own. The blush on his face deepens, clearly taking your phrasing in a certain way. He turns his head to the side in a poor attempt to hide it. Deciding to tease him a bit more, you run your fingers through his hair before grasping at the roots. “You getting shy on me now, pretty boy?”
Norm's breath audibly hitches for a moment, his adam's apple bobbing in an almost comical fashion. “No,” he replies, if he was trying to sound convincing you couldn't tell, his tone a simpering whine compared to his usual one. “Sure, sure,” you concede sarcastically, letting go of his hair. “Come on now, there's still work to be done.” you give a playful pat on one of his cheeks before walking ahead a few paces. Not hearing him follow, you turn your head slightly to the side. “You coming Maclean?”
“Yes, ma'am.” Norm quickly answers, moving to follow you now.
☆          ☆          ☆
☆Norm pov☆
For the rest of the day Norm finds himself being exceedingly pathetic. While of course he has had crushes and flings in the past, the one he has now is different. In many ways it embarrassed him. Following the cliché of the dainty damsel in distress and the big strong hero coming in to save and woo her. He of course is the damsel, and the source of distress is just being bad at his job. Anyway, it fits it well enough. He truly did feel like the stereotypical damsel in this situation, he is a fully capable adult and yet he found himself so whipped for his ‘hero’ that he could not get anything done.
He spent the rest of the day periodically doing something of the smallest bit of use. But the majority of the time he was not-so-subtlety checking you out. At some point, you had pulled down your vault suit, tying it at your waist. This gave him a perfect view of your arms as you worked. Every once and a while you would catch him staring, chuckling at his desperate expression and embarrassment at being caught.
☆          ☆          ☆
Moving into his new job position, Norm quickly finds himself at home. There are only one or two other people in his same position so much of the day is just peaceful work on his own. While he does talk to and get along with his coworkers the person he really likes talking to is you. You check in with him in the morning before his shift, asking him how his day is going. All polite chatter with a cheek-burning innuendo slipped in every once and a while. Of course he finds ways to keep that conversation going when he can.
If only he had an inch more confidence. He would return your affections. He tells himself that you're probably just being polite, just regular friendly interactions. The fact that there had been a recent uptick in broken machinery that only he could fix was a coincidence. So was you just feeling like wearing a particularly low cut undershirt on days you felt like checking in on him more than normal. And how your hand always found itself on his lower back while he explained a maintenance issue to you.
You know, super platonic boss stuff. This routine sticks around. You continue with your usual flirts, flounces, and pet names. Oh god, the pet names. You seemed to be laying more on in every single conversation, not that Norm's complaining. After a little while he gains the confidence to flirt back a bit. If you can call his attempts flirting. He figures you get the message.
Today looks to be starting much of the same. Walking into the break room, he starts his regular routine. Putting his lunch in the fridge, making some coffee, and of course, talking with you when you come in three, two, one…
☆Reader pov☆
“Hey pretty boy,” you greet, as usual. “Morning ma'am” he responds respectfully. “Oh come on Norm, you know you don't have to call me ma'am,” You scoff, rolling your eyes at his formality. He chuckles at this, taking a sip from his coffee before refocusing on you. “I know, I know. It just feels right I guess.
“Well I guess I can't argue with that,” you concede, “It does just feel right to have you under me.” Norm chokes on his coffee at this, awkwardly sputtering it back in his cup. “As in our job hierarchy of course,” you smile, taking a sip of your own coffee. “Of course.”
Giggling to yourself for only a moment more you remind yourself of what you actually had to say. “Anyways, I'm writing up your first performance review today,” you inform, tone still light. “Oh?” he questions, anxiety pushing forward in his throat. “Yeah! No need to be worried, you've been an A+ worker these past few weeks.” you see as a wave of calm passes over him. You grin at this, stepping closer towards him. “I was just wondering if you would come to my place for dinner tonight. We could go over it, chat a little.” You step closer again, placing your mug on the counter, stepping in front of him now. Chests a breath away from each other.
You can hear his breath hitch, face turning red at your proximity. Running your hand across his jaw, you grasp his chin, tipping it up, he now looks up at you. Deep brown eyes shining with a glint of something you can't quite place. “Have some fun and such. What do you think about that baby? Sound good?” 
He manages to whine out an affirmative sound. “Good, 7 o'clock, don't be late.” you say, giving his cheek a quick pinch before turning around and bending over an unnecessary amount to grab your coffee off the counter and running off to actually do your job.
☆          ☆          ☆
☆Norm pov☆
The rest of the work day seemed to pass by at an unbearably slow rate. While Norm has plenty to keep himself busy with, he can't keep his mind can only fixate on your earlier conversation. Only a few more grueling hours until your little dinner date.
☆          ☆          ☆
Checking his Pip-boy for what seems like the millionth time today, It's finally time to clock out. Saying short goodbyes to his coworkers, Norm rushes out of work as quickly as possible without looking entirely stupid. He certainly felt stupid. Never in his life has he ever been this desperate for someone. 
Anyway, what do people even do to prepare for a date? Was this a date? Is all this tension not real? Is he just being a dick-brained idiot about all this? Honestly nothing could convince him one way or the other. But at this point who cares? He has to get ready anyway, he has to be presentable for you.
☆          ☆          ☆
☆Reader pov☆
You open your door at 7 o'clock sharp, and just as you agreed to, Norm is standing in front of you. He greets you with a smile. “On time for once, impressive,” you tease, leaning against the side of your door. “Well, I could never leave a woman like you waiting,” he flattered, “May I come in?” 
You chuckle, turning around and waving him inside, “If you promise to be good.” Walking in behind you he breathes out a laugh, “I think I can manage that.” You offer him a seat at the table, which he takes. Your apartment lights are dimmed slightly, the blinds are closed and you have put on some music. It plays just loud enough to be heard, still soft enough to blend into the background.
You busy yourself at the kitchen counter, putting together the last few finishing touches on the meal. “So, how have you been liking the new job?” you prompt, turning your head slightly towards him. “It's pretty good. Certainly better than the last twelve, that's for sure,” he jokes, attention still kept on you. Chuckling a bit at his comment you turn around, a plate in each hand. “Any particular reason you think? A certain task or, coworker, making it worth your while?” you ask, feigning cluelessness.
You walk to the table, setting the plates down while sitting opposite Norm. “You could say that,” he concedes, you hum in acknowledgement, using your fork to push the food around your plate lazily. Looking down at his plate Norm looks back up at you. “I really hate to say it, you went through all this work but,” 
“But what?” you question, concern bubbling lowly in your stomach. “I'm just not really hungry for what you've cooked.” he says, faux sadness in his tone. Catching on now, smile lightly to yourself. Moving your chair to sit closer to him, you play along. “Well I can make you something else if you want? What are you in the mood for?”
Pushing his chair back, he kneels in front of you, hands delicately placed in his lap. He looks up at you with an expression that can only be described as pathetic. “You.” Laughing to yourself you indulge him. Sighing, you run your hand down his face. He leans into your touch, releasing a small whine at the affection. “Is that so?” you tease, widening your stance so he can scoot in farther between your legs.
He nods, leaning further into your touch he delicately delicately reaches to tug off your boots, pausing briefly first. “Please,” he purrs, you nod once, giving him permission. Has he pulls of your boots as you unzip your suit, pulling it down your body. He pauses to toss your boots and socks to the side briefly, before returning his focus. You stand momentarily, pulling off your undershirt as he occupies himself by leisurely pulling your vault suit down, and off of you.
You look down at him, his ever present gaze still fixed onto yours. Running your fingers through his hair you tug him up, he releases a pained, yet sensual moan. Eyes glassy as he pulls himself to stand. “Let's take this to the bedroom pretty boy,” you coo, craning your neck to bring him into a short, but passionate kiss. He whines as you separate, following quickly behind you as you walk to the other room.
Once you are there, you come farther into his space, walking him towards the foot of he bed. When his legs hit it, you push him on, crawling after him. Your legs bracket his own, one hand supporting your weight near his head, the other traces its way around his center. You rub your palm over his growing bulge, pleasantly surprised by the size. “You're looking a little overdressed baby,” you say, moving your hand to his zipper, though it is caught by his.
“Wait, I want to taste you first. Please,” he expresses, hands going to your hips and squeezing the softness there. “Whatever you want,” you declare, leaning down to give him a soft kiss before moving up his body to hover above his face. “Just tap my leg three times if you need a break ok?”
“I won't need one.”
Before you can give what he said another thought you feel your underwear tear off at your hips. Norm quickly tosses the now scrap of fabric somewhere in the room. His arms swiftly wrap around your thighs, pulling you down to meet his open and waiting mouth. Surprised by his sudden actions you fall forward, one hand catching the headboard, the other, falling to his hair. The inertia of the fall forces you to tug. The sensation sparking a deep groan from him, the vibrations dancing across your core delicately.
“Fuck- you caught me off guard. You're supposed to warn a lady about these things,” you chastise half-jokingly, your hips falling into a rhythm. Norm replies with a half-hearted muffled something or other. He is clearly much more engrossed in the task at hand, and much too brainless to respond.
You feel the familiar waves of pleasure spark in your stomach, your body now becoming hypersensitive to touch. The overwhelming feeling causes your hips to buck up, only for them to be slammed back down by Norm. 
As your moans grow louder, his, seem to as well. His tongue flattens across your core, he pushes your hips forward in time with your own movements. His nose bumping into your clit, the extra sensation causing you to release another round of wetness, one that he is all-too eager to lap up. Desperate for more he moves his tongue to your entrance, you clench desperately around as it works its way inside of you. “Fuck baby- you're going to make me come,” you groan out, tugging on his hair once more. 
Something about that seemed to further motivate him. His lewd groans and whimpers only getting louder, and his actions only getting more ferocious. It's not long until your waves of pleasure finally come crashing down. They crash harder than they ever have, an unfamiliar intensity that Norm seems to sense, his moans getting to be almost as loud as yours, if not for your body muffling them. As you come back from your bliss, you lean back, looking down at him. Only then you realized what happened 
The entire lower half of his face is soaked, and the sheets behind him. “Geeze did I just-?” you gasp out, you don't remember the last time you properly squirted. “Mhm…” he affirms, kissing your thighs, and giving your core a few gentle kitten licks. “Please, can we go again? I want to make you do it again…” he whines out, now giving your thighs small nips with his teeth. “I don't know if I can, pretty boy. It was already special when you got me to the first time, another time would be even harder,” you inform, he clearly doesn't like your answer, responding with an annoyed groan. 
“Please, please let me try again. I can do it mommy! I can do it! Just one more!”
Your core involuntarily clenches at the name, his pathetic teary eyes not helping either. “Ok, one more. Be a good boy and help mommy come again.” Eyes lighting up, he smiles with satisfaction. Pulling your hips back to his mouth, he starts again, somehow more enthusiastic than before. Still sensitive from your last orgasm, the next one builds up even faster. “Mnhm- you're so good for me. Just like that.” The waves crash harder and harder than before, pushing you to the edge. Your hips buck wildly against his face, pressure building up once more. After an embarrassingly short amount of time, you come undone once more.
Your entire body tingles from the release, pleasure ebbing from every particle and atom. You soon go boneless, sliding down his body you cuddle up to his side. Grabbing his face to turn to you, Norm gives you a satisfied-looking smirk. “You proud of yourself?” you joke, leaning in to lock lips with him, tasting yourself. He deepens the kiss, turning to fully face you. He slots one of his legs between yours, giving a comfortable pressure where you need him most. His hands go to unclasp your bra. Both of you parting for barely a moment to rid you of it.
As soon as the bra hits the floor, one of his hands goes to cup your breast, squeezing softly. Parting once more, his smug look now has an extra needy layer to it. “I am very proud of myself, yes,” he answers, moving down your body now, capturing one of your nippes in his mouth. Groaning at the sensation, you place your hand back to its rightful spot in his hair. Pulling him closer, you begin to do your own groping as well. Hands tracing down his back, giving a quick squeeze to his butt before trailing back to his front.
His bulge is still going strong, pawing at it firmly, he whines pathetically, releasing from your breast with a pop. “You need me here, pretty boy?” you coo, giving his bulge a delicate squeeze. He only manages to respond with a nod and a few desperate thrusts into your hand. “Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you.” You give him a soft kiss on his lips, pushing him to be flat on his back again. 
Crawling back on top of him, you hover now at his hips, leaning forward to pull down the zipper of his suit. Now fully unzipped, you tug down the suit, revealing his body as you do. He lifts his hips up briefly to help you. Pulling it fully off, you remove his boots and socks as well. He now finds himself in only his light grey boxers. Though, you notice something, crawling up his body again you see it, a dark stain on his boxers. A new, wet stain.
 You give a light gasp, looking up at him. Already knowing what you are reacting to, his face is beet red and turned to the side. He doesn't dare to make eye contact. “Is this what I think it is?” you question, attempting to hide your arousal. “...Yes,” he shamefully admits, face somehow getting more red. “You came just from eating me out?” Not being able to bare speaking anymore he gives a sound in the affirmative. “Geez- thats so hot,” you admit. 
That certainly brings a reaction out of him. He pulls himself up on his elbows, turning his head to face you again. “Really?” he questions, clearly unsure if you were being serious. “Yes really,” you answer, rolling your eyes at his stupidity. Pulling his boxers off, you run your fingers across his skin, collecting some of his leftover spend. You put your fingers into your mouth, moaning at the slight salty taste. You watch his pupils dilate impossibly wider, his erection getting impossibly harder by the second. 
You seductively pull your fingers out, spit dripping from them as you bring them to his hardness. The slickness providing lubricant as you lazily pump a few times. You lick your lips in anticipation, looking up at his desperately flushed cheeks and sympathetic eyes. “I need you baby, You gonna let mommy ride you?” His brain seems to short circuit at your question for a moment, as if he can't believe it's actually happening.
He eventually comes to, responding to you with a nod and a whispered yes. At that you can't help but smile, grabbing his hips, you half-carry-half-push them to the headboard so that he can sit up properly. He releases a quiet whine at the show of strength, pulling you to mount his hips. 
Grasping his hardness again, you swipe the tip through your folds a few times before easily sliding him inside. The sensation causing you both to groan. It's like he was made to be inside you. Not wanting to waste any more time, you quickly start a brutal rhythm. Though, this rhythm soon becomes rather disjointed and irregular. Taking that as a sign, Norm responds by quickly snapping his own hips to match your thrusts. This slight change is very welcome, his tip now battering against that one spot inside of you, your knees going weak at the feeling.
Noticing you falter, he picks up the slack. Holding your hips still, he manages to keep the unearthly pace. Both of your pleasures growing every second. “I-I’m not going to last long,” he admits through a moan. “It's ok pretty boy, neither am I,” you respond, feeling yourself get near the precipice. “Let go for me baby, come for me.”
His body seems to take that as a command, hips stuttering as you feel his warmth seep inside of you. With a few more of his harsh thrusts you come undone alongside him, slumping forward you unintentionally shove your breasts in is face, not that he is complaining. His desperate moans and whimpers now muffled by your chest.
You stay pressed against each other for a long while, not daring to disturb the peace. After a few minutes, you peel yourself off of him, moving him to lay down against your pillows you give him a soft kiss before turning to go to the bathroom. His hand catches your wrist, forcing you to stop. Turning back to him you remove his hand, leaning in to place a delicate kiss to his chest. 
“It’s ok, I will be right back, I just need to get myself cleaned up.” Seeming to take that as a sufficient answer, he nods, allowing you to go. After going to the bathroom you clean yourself up, and grab a fresh washcloth. Wetting it you walk back to the bedroom, already hearing soft snores. Smiling quietly to yourself you clean him up, wiping all evidence of your activities away. 
Tossing the washcloth into your hamper, you climb into bed. Norm unconsciously moves to cuddle into your chest, face cradled between your breasts, one arm holding onto your plush waist. Pulling up the covers you sigh, life can not get better than this.
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stvrniolotrp · 7 months
matt sturniolo x fem!reader oneshot:
summary:matt and reader have been in a very healthy relationship,but what happens when that turns around?do they talk it out?
warnings:angst,fluff,kissing(dont get sensitive on me aint nothing to get mad abt)
inspired by: the song “mine” by taylor swift!
y/ns pov:
my relationship with my boyfriend matt was perfect for a while,he is the best boyfriend i have a ever had. before matt tho i had a boyfriend named hunter,he made me scared of love. not bothering to try with matt since love never lasts in my eyes
but matt opened my eyes,he showed me that love isnt always just fighting.
lately tho,our relationship started becoming rocky,i knew we were gonna face hard times. but everytime we talked or hung out,it ended with a fight,or me being upset.
sometimes i can be dramatic,but i really remember the start of our relationship and when we were still crushing on eachother.
i was sitting on the ledge of the doc by myself just admiring my surroundings and the chilly breeze when my friend matt came out of their house,he slowly made his way up to me and sat next to me,our shoulders touching.
“hey are u okay?why are u out here in the cold?”
“im fine just wanted some fresh air”
i quickly smiled at him feeling my cheeks start blushing
“arent u cold?come here”
he said as he put him arm around me for the first time
end of flashback :
does he even remember that? i thought to all the best memories of our relationship. a few moments later my phone dinged indicating a message
my love💕:do u wanna come over?i really wanna see you
i was confused nonetheless,we still havent made up since our argument earlier that day.but i agreed.
y/n❤️:ill be there in 10 read 1:45 AM
maybe he wanted to make up?i told myself while grabbing my keys and heading out to the front door hopping in my car.
i shuffled my playlist and you are in love by taylor swift came on
once i arrived i knocked on the door and heard faint footsteps come to open the door
“oh hey y/n”
chris said while taking me in a slow embrace and leading me inside,i gave him a smile while i walked to matts room
i hesitated to walk in,instead i decided to knock.
matt opened the door looking at me with a bland look on his face not sparing me a small smile.
“come in”
he lead me into the bedroom and i slowly sat on the edge of the bed while he sat against the headboard
“so why did u wanna see me?”
“i wanted to talk to u”
“okay whats up?”
“look i know we got in an argument earlier but i want u to hear how stupid this all sounds to me”
“oh wow so the situation is stupid?”
i said chuckling sarcastically
“y/n just hear me out”
“i think this is stupid because me liking girls posts isnt a big fucking deal,it really isnt.im really sorry for saying this but ur being fucking dramatic”
he said slightly raising his voice
tears started welling up in my eyes due to his tone,matt never yelled at me like this before.
“matt it isnt a big deal okay,but when ur fans start noticing u liking bikini pictures of instagram models and questioning our relationship status i really dont think im being dramatic”
i said raising my voice almost yelling at this point
“at the start of this whole relationship u said u werent gonna fucking believe anything online or take anything fans say to heart y/n”
he said now fully yelling at me
i stood up as tears started streaming down my face
i said while started to fully sob
i really thought we were gonna fix this,but everything was slipping right out of our hands at this point.
matt didnt say anything he just stared at me with a almost sad look on his face?
i looked over to the clock on his night stand 2:30 am
i ran out of his room,then opened the front door running though it.
i started walking towards my car untill i heard the front foor open and feeling matts presence slowly make its way up to me
“what do u want?”
i said bracing myself for him to call off this relationship
“y/n u said i dont remember anything in this relationship?”
“yes matt if u want to j-“
he cut me off and started talking instead
“well i remember we were sitting right there by the water,i put my arm around u for the first time that night”
“look im-“
“y/n everytime i look at u its like im falling inlove for the first time”
“stop matt ur making me cry even more”
i said slightly giggling
“ill never leave u alone”
“you are the best thing thats ever been mine”
i started full on smiling and stepped forward to give him a hug,he buried his head in my neck and started speaking
“i recognize my mistake and im sorry,im sorry for calling u dramatic u arent. i’ll unfollow any girl u want me to babe i love u”
“i love u more”
i said as i broke our embrace and gave him a soft yet passionate kiss on his lips.
he is the best thing thats ever been mine.
authors notes: im sorry for going on a month long break and not writing anything literally dont ask idk how that happened
as always send requests pleaseeeeeee and tell me ur thoughts!
love u
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The investigation- chapter 4 Colby x y/n 🧸
Tumblr media
CONTENTS: more y/n Lore, tw⚠️ Scratches and blood, fluff, bit of angst, implied sex, cliffhanger
AUTHOURS NOTE: ITS NOT AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS OKAY I’m definitely overstating the angst part and please like and let me know how you feel I worked hard on this. Sorry it took a while to make. I think I might put it on wattpad but if I do I won’t stop posting it here I will post it one both. Ty for reading
Skip to later in the tour
we were in the kitchen and the medium was explaining about the satanic panic that happened for a while witch I found absolutely fascinating.
“They can also form themselves are other entities, like a youthful energy” Colby said
“yes they can desguise themselves” she answered
“and one of the popular theories is that sallie is not just a little girl” Sam added
-skip a bit bc the thing didn’t go off on Colby’s forhead bc he had the necklace-
As we went up the stairs and through the rooms. I felt a strange presence like someone was watching us. They weren’t hostile but they were curious “there’s a woman’s presence here” said the medium reading my mind. Colby put his hand in mine
“is it like..hostile or?” sam asked
“ she just observeing by us” the black pendulum said waving the equipment over the closet “and tall”
“she’s like, ‘whatcha guys looking at?’” We all chuckled at sams joke
-skip to the investigation
While the others set up and checked the equipment seth pulled you out into the hallway for a conversation
“so uh..you have fun last night?” He asked jokeinly
“Uhh what” I say
“your hickeys” he said pointing at you neck
“oh OH OH. Seth I’m so sorry I didn’t even realize” I replied turning bright red with blush
“Lemme guess it was Colby?” He laughed
“how did you know?” I smiled
“y/n” he looked at me sarcastically “ I’m not blind it’s obvious to literally everyone”
(Colby’s pov)
I go over to get y/n and Seth for the investigation and see them laughing together
was Seth flirting with her! That was the first thought that crossed My mind mind. but I needed to calm myself I was jumping to conclusions.
“Time for the investigation” I said a little firm
“okay” y/n said cheerily as she walked into the investigation room but Seth stayed back and whispered in my ear
“ next time you two have ‘fun’ don’t leave such obvious marks on her”
I blushed heavily as we all went back into the investigation room. It’s funny how both Sam and Seth told me to try and keep my hands off y/n. Sam said that I should at least wait till we get back to the hotel before making out together in a haunted house. But it sure was hard she is so beautiful.
(end of Colby’s pov)
When we all got back into the room i see Sam standing over a rem pod with sallie toys all around it almost immediately the rem pod started going off in a very strange and specific pattern. It looked like the ghost was walking around the pod in circles. Obviously everyone freaked out a little bit because the rem pod had never gone off this way before.
“ wait what was that?” Sam said in a whisper we all quickly went over to see it and set up the music box. At first the music box was calibrating but then it started to go off. “Woahh” everyone reacted. For some reason I got bad chills and I was the only person who got this.
Ghosts had always been targeting me in particular more than anyone else. They would seek me out and touch me. They would say my name in the Estes method and would prefer to speak with me more than anyone else. I suppose this is because of my gifts and my connection with the afterlife. From now on I decided that I would try and honor my grandma’s legacy and tap into my abilities.
for majority the investigation went on well but I got this weird feeling as we went on. Like someone or more likely SOMETHING was trying to take hold of me. before we were about to do the Estes method I got this horrible feeling. Like my back was suddenly hot. Really hot. It felt like a burning pain
“ahh” I cried out as I fumbled from the pain
“What’s wrong?” Colby asked catching me
“y/n are you okay” sam said concerned
“ it’s - burning like — hurts so ba- cut” I stutter crying a bit into Colby’s arms.
he looked down “ oh my god” he exclaimed as he took the camera to show a long bleeding scratch all the way down my back. At this point I was crying because of the pain.
Sam and Seth went out to have a discussion about weather they should end the investigation here. They decided to leave me and Colby alone together.
And I collapsed into Colby’s arms as he comforted me “shh it’s okay baby” I cried even harder I felt weak for crying but I was so scared “I love you” I managed out in a shakeup voice he pulled me even closer. The blood had soaked through my white shirt at this point. “I love you too” he said trying to be strong for me but seeing her cry really broke his heart
little did I know thing were about to get a whole lot worse.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Fate Can Be A Lousy Traitor
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: All you wanted to do was search for Daryl - and then you and the rest of the group find themselves in a seemingly hopeless situation. You’d die now. You were sure of that. Negan and the Saviors were going to kill you all. But before that happened, you wanted to tell Darly something very important...
Set in Season 6/7!
Warnings: Negan? A lot of angst, I'd say, TWD stuff, fluff, mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 2,3k
a/n: I promised y'all another Daryl oneshot, didn't? 😅 Well, here it is! I'm so sorry I didn't make it to post it earlier... 🙈 As compensation, you get a second part of this oneshot! 😁 I hope you like this one here! I just LOVE the drama! 😊
Here's Part Two!
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Daryl sat on the stairs to the porch of the house we shared, staring at his feet, hands clasped together. The events of the previous days had left its mark on him. Especially the death of Denise. I watched him from the window, cup of tea in my hands with furrowed brows. I felt incredibly sorry for him, wished I could take the pain and those oppressive thoughts ghosting through his mind away. With a sigh, I emptied the cup and placed it on the sink, before I decided to join him.
Gently, I closed the main door behind me and stepped cautiously over to him, slowly sitting down beside him. "Hey..." I whispered, placing a hand on his forearm. Daryl lifted shortly his head to look at me, before he continued to stare at his feet. I stayed silent for a few moments, just watching him with a compassionate expression. "It's not your fault." My words caused Daryl to snort out a breath. "Yeah, isn' it?" I shook my head. "Yes. It isn't." I saw how he clenched his hands into fists. "It always isn' my fault, right? You all say this every damn time - but it's a lie." He started, swallowing hard. "It is my fault. Always has been..." Denise would still be alive, ya know... All I shoulda done was kill that prick when I had the chance." Daryl snorted out a sarcastic laugh. "But what did I do, instead? I was so stupid and helped 'em. I bloody saved 'em..." I sighed, hated how he took all the blame – again. It was an accident. It was not his fault. "Come 'ere." I mumbled and opened my arms. The archer looked at me with his troubled, desperate blue eyes, fiddling nervously with his fingers. "C'mon." I gently urged him on again to just give in and hug me. I know that he needed it. He swallowed, hesitated for another moment, but then gave in and literally fell into my arms. I hugged him close against my body, held him for a while, before I spoke up again. "It was an accident, Daryl. Maybe you should've killed him, yes. Maybe not. Maybe it would've happened anyway. We don't know... But what I sure know is, that it wasn't your fault. They hurt you, punched you, shackled you - but you decided to let them live. You helped them, did what you think is right. You're a good man, Daryl Dixon - and Denise knew that." I heard him taking a deep breath, before he retreated from the hug. "Okay?" The archer nodded meekly. I gave him a small smile and a soft kiss on his lips, then stood up again, ready to go back into the house, but he held me back. "Y/N?" I turned to face him once again. "Yes?" "I love ya." An even brighter smile darted over my face. "I know... And I love you, too." With a last look at him, I went back into the house.
What I didn't see, was that Daryl had reached into his trousers pockets and fished out the little metal name plate, Denise had gotten in the small shop they were, before she got shot. He clenched his jaw, gripped the name tag tightly and stood up, heading straight for his bike. I realised way too late, that the sounds coming from the street was his motorcycle. When I realised it, I ran out of the house and down the street - but it was too late. "Daryl!" He was already gone... I knew, of course exactly what was on his mind and where he wanted to go - and I didn't like it one bit. It was headless. It was dangerous, but it was also a thing Daryl would do. "Shit!" I cursed, knew very well how much was on the line. So much more than Daryl knew. So much more than the group knew. I couldn't lose him. I just couldn't. And that fear of losing the man I loved, caused my emotions to run wild. In that very moment, I made a decision. Without hesitation, I packed my backpack, stocked up on weapons and headed straight for the gate of Alexandria. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who noticed what had happened and where Daryl went...
"Y/N!" Rick yelled after me. "Y/N!" I didn't stop, neither turned to face him, just walked strictly straight ahead. "Y/N, stop!" Unfortunately, was Rick quicker than I was... He caught up to me and grabbed me by my arm. "Wait!" "No!" I tried to free myself from his grasp. "Let me go! You won't stop me!" But Rick didn't budge, of course, held me in a death grip. "I have to! I won't let you go out there alone! I won't let ya walk straight into a death trap!" "I don't care! I have to find Daryl! I need to find Daryl! I won't let him die out there!" Rick shook quickly his head. "And we won't. We are goin' to find him, I promise, but you are not goin' out before we didn't come up with a plan - and you are certainly not going out there alone." I clenched my jaw and gripped the gun in my hand tighter. "You can't boss me around, Rick! I do what I want to do! Not what you want me to do! You're not my dad!" "That's right - but you are my family!" I looked him deep in the eyes, staring at him without blinking. "And so's Daryl." I hissed, before I ripped my arm out of his grasp and turned my back to walk away again. Rick was like frozen to the ground for a moment, before he came back to his senses and followed me once again. "Daryl is my family, too! And I swear to you, we will find him! We can't just act headless now and you know it!" "He may be your family, but he is so much more for me!" I spat back, looking over my shoulder. Rick ran after me, came to walk beside me. "I know, Y/N! He is your boyfriend, but-" I stopped abruptly in my tracks and pinned the former sheriff harshly against the metal wall, taking him by surprise. The adrenaline coursing through my veins made this possible. Nevertheless was I quite a bit surprised that I made to do this. "He isn't just that, Rick! He is so much more!" For the second time I stared in the man's eyes opposite me, who swallowed hard. I felt how tears pooled in my eyes, before a single one ran down my cheek. "He is..." I inhaled a shaky breath and glanced shortly down. "He is the father of my baby, for God's sake!" I let him go again. "Do you understand now?!" Rick's jaw slackened, mouth falling agape. "Y-You're..." He moved his lips, but no words came out, so he pointed at my stomach. "Yes." I breathed out, trying to prevent even more tears from falling. "That's why I need to find him." Rick stared at me for another second, "Alright..." before he started to nod. "Alright. But you won't go alone. Take somebody with you." "I'll go with her." Michonne's voice suddenly sounded from behind us. "Me too." Glenn came to stand beside her. "I am going with you, too. I know where he went." Rosita stated, crossing her arms over her chest. Rick looked at me. "Okay?" I nodded. "Good. Take care. You all." He sent me a last look, before he passed us by. So, the four of us took a car and started to search for Daryl.
To that point in time, we all didn't have a single clue that each and every one of us ran straight into a trap, set by the Saviors. We already slept with one open at night, after everything that happened... But none of us didn't see that coming. None of us awaited to look the death himself straight in the eyes on that very night...
My whole body was shaking, when we were all told to kneel down by a man with a moustache. We were surrounded by the Saviors with not a single chance to escape. To my sheer horror, wasn't it just me, Glenn, Rosita and Michonne... Oh no... It was almost the whole group. I didn't see Daryl, but I couldn't point out if that was a good sign or a bad sign. We had no other choice, knelt down on the cold, dirty forest ground. I was at the end of line, with Rosita to my left. "Get that other asshole as well!" The man with the moustache shouted. Two Saviors went immediately to one of the cars - and dragged out a man I knew so very well… "Daryl..." I gasped in relief. But then I saw the crimson red stained blanket around him; saw how his shoulder was completely covered in the red liquid. There was still blood trickling down his arm. My eyes went wide, tears starting to immediately build up inside them. He was hurt... Badly. "Daryl!" I literally screamed, wanted to jump up, but one of the men reacted quickly and held me back, pushed me harshly back on the ground. "Daryl!" I cried out, hands trying to reach for him. He got harshly dragged over to me by another man, who threw him to the ground beside me. "Y/N..." The archer breathed out relieved, but weakly. I scrambled the last few inches separating us over to him and quickly threw my arms around him. He returned the hug with a painful groan. Only then I noticed how weak he actually was - and how pale. He must've lost a lot blood. My eyes fell immediately to his blood-smeared shoulder. "Daryl... oh god..." Tears ran down my cheek, while I reached out a shaky hand to softly touch his shoulder and examine the wound. He had been shot. "S okay, Y/N. 'S okay..." He almost slurred. "Main point is that you are alright." I nodded quickly, taking his hand in mine. "I am... I am." I would've loved to hold him again - longer, and kiss him, but one of the Saviors pulled him a bit away from me, making him kneel, too. But I didn't let go of him. Our hands stayed intertwined. We all knew something bad was about to happen, when the man with the moustache announced with a shit-eating grin, "Let's meet the man!" before he knocked his fist against the side of a trailer. I felt another shiver run down my spine; how my heart hammered rapidly against my ribcage, causing my breath to get laboured. Never ever in my life before had I been this afraid. Never. Not even when the dead took over the living. Daryl seemed to sense my fear. He gave my hand a soft squeeze. I looked over to him - straight into his loving eyes. That was the moment, I decided that it was time to tell him. This was probably the last chance I got. It was now or never. Whatever Negan would do with us, it certainly wasn't going to be a coffee party. Who was I kidding? We were most certainly going to die. So, before I was going to more than likely lose Daryl, I wanted to make sure that he knew.
"D-Daryl..." I whispered, voice on the verge of cracking. His eyes met mine once again - and time seemed to froze. This was it. "B-Before we are going to d-die, I-I want to tell you s-something." The archer shook his head immediately. "Don' say somethin' like that, Y/N. We ain't goin' to die. Not 'ere, not now. 'S gonna be alright." I felt how the tear started to blur my vision once again. "We don't know that." "Y/N, I-" Now I was the one shaking my head. "Please, shut up and listen to me." I interrupted him, pleading. "This is important!" I sobbed in a hushed tone. "I will never forgive myself, if I didn't make it to tell you!" Daryl clearly didn't have the strength to argue with me, so he gave in and nodded, squeezing my hand for the third time. "Daryl..." I started again, with a small smile. "Baby... I-I'm pregnant." I could literally see almost in slow motion, how his face fell in surprise and... shock? His mouth opened and closed, but no words escaped his lips. He needed a moment to find his voice again. My words had left him speechless - understandably. "Y-Yer w-wha'? P-Pregnant?" I nodded, hot tears rolling down my face. "I-Imma be a daddy?" He choked out, visibly trying to fight his own tears. "Y-Yes, you are." A strangled, but happy gasp left his lips, followed by a small smile. He leaned over with a wince, wanted to kiss me - but just before our lips could meet, the door of the trailer sprung open with a squeal, revealing a man with short black hair, a leather jacket and a baseball bat in his hands. "Pissing our pants yet?" He asked with a grin on his face. One look at him was enough for me to know, that this was going to get painful for us. Negan would make us pay and suffer to the bones - and I couldn't even share a last kiss with the man I loved. "I love you." I whispered towards Daryl. "I love ya, too. 'N I promise, I won't let him hurt ya. I'd die for ya - 'n the baby." I smiled softly at his words and gripped his hand even tighter, ready to accept my fate.
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
"Women had to fight for their right to wear pants - and now "trans rights activists" destroy all our hard work by telling young girls that they must identify as a boy to be allowed to wear pants!"
On a somewhat related note, we made a lot of progress with fire safety - and now my neighbor's chihuahua totally thinks arson should be legal.
Trans rights activists (and chihuahuas) sure sound dangerous here - and that's because you can make anyone sound scary if you just make up stuff about them.
Arguments like the one above do not reflect reality. The people using them invent a person who doesn't exist, assign extreme opinions that they themselves made up to this non-existent person and then get mad at real people over that. It'd be almost funny if it didn't actively endanger real people.
And yet, it can be so difficult to argue against these types of arguments. After all, how would you prove that my neighbor's chihuahua is NOT a big fan of arson? How can you prove that trans rights activists are NOT secretly all motivated by misogyny?
Proving a negative is incredibly difficult, if not impossible - especially if I desperately want to believe in the evilness of someone and will twist everything you say to fit my worldview.
There is also the issue that, well, this is the internet. If we really want to, we can surely dig up some bad opinions by members of any group... or, in a pinch, just tear some quote out of its original context to make it sound bad. Of course, those posts may just be the isolated opinion of one person and not reflect any widespread belief among the group. They may have been written in a sarcastic way or just have been badly worded. They may be faked entirely by transphobic trolls. But if we ignore all that, I am sure we can actually find enough "evidence" to make it believable that trans men want to take away women's rights or that chihuahuas want to burn down buildings.
If you find yourself investing a lot of time in disproving something like that, remember that you do not even know if I even have a neighbor with a chihuahua.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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