#its just...so fucking pretentious im sorry
ahauntedcowboy · 1 year
my biggest pet peeve is when someone is like “you didn’t understand the media”. no i did. i just think its stupid.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I just finished your New Wave fic. I’m convinced everything your write is gold. I loved your TMA fics, with the most heartbreaking demon AU imaginable and the hilarity of Fahrenheit 101. I loved your moon knight fics, starting with Steven talking to animals on the reg at work to the system growing closer with a focus on Jake, i- there’s- it’s sooo much packed into it. When I’m on burnout, of art or writing (maybe life in general at times) I revisit your work and am thrown back into a creative headspace.
You are my favorite writer, you cram so much meaning and thought into your work and it shows. The characters are dumbasses and say the most ridiculous shit and turn around the next chapter and say the most thought provoking thing, and I don’t get whiplash from it because these characters just work! They just do, and I… am very much off track!
Anyways I just got into Batman and reading your fic is fueling that flame! I can’t wait to see what you have in store next, and I shall now stalk your blog for writing tips! I hope you have a nice day broski 💙
Thank you!! This is so sweet thank you so much! This ask is so nice!
Trust me, if there's meaning then it's because I get obsessive over these fics and I massively overthink them. I honestly wish I was better at making simpler, more elegant stories. I feel like nothing I do is truly going to be good until I can find that simplicity.
"Dipshit who says stupid stuff and then turns around and spouts ridiculous philosophy" is just how I talk. But I habitually approach my life from a standpoint of finding humor in everything, if only to soften the blow. I was once told that it's really hard to tell when I'm joking, because everything I say is always half-joking and always half-serious. I feel like that's pretty evident from my narration too...
As for writing advice...um, I was just speaking about this with somebody. When you're plotting a story, the first thing I like to figure out is what I'm trying to say. Everything else should be built around that. The joy of writing is that I think we all have something we want to say, or something we want people to know, or that we have an aspect of ourselves and our lives that we want to express. Most of the time, trying to convey those things verbally just results in a frustrating approximation of your true feelings. I find that when I manage a successful story, the depth and scale of what I'm trying to impart is fully understood and felt. It's rewarding. I think if people aren't understood on some level, by somebody, they kind of die.
Thanks for the sweet ask!!
#dungeon meshi is the peak of storytelling and im not joking#my asks#my writing#(my writing tag is a good place to find my dumb essays!)#i dont consider myself a creative and i barely consider myself a writer#so i professionally have no fucking opinions on art or whatever#also im not sure you can call what i do art in like any meaningful way#but i know a lot of musicians and everything#and so much art is just a person trying to convey something that can't be conveyed through words alone#so much stuff is lost in translation between our brains and our mouths - its like translating english to a foreign language#the meaning can be conveyed but inherently it'll never capture the original meaning exactly in every way#i think art can help you achieve a more perfect translation more than anything else can#you just have to feel like that poor schmuck in j alfred prufrock all the time#'that's not what i meant at all; that is not it - not at all'#JASLKDF sorry for the pretentious tags and also pretentious essay#all i do is write fanfic i dont know shit about this tbh#i just think that idk. there's things in this world that only we know#things that only we can say or understand#and sometimes we have to say them ourselves in our own words#sometimes ppl focus too hard on making their writing sound pretty or correct or 'good'#and they dont focus as much on how pretty writing is a tool to say what youre trying to say more effectively#idk! im sorry for quoting ts eliot some things can't be forgiven etc
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
#hhhhh i just wanna lay in bed watching movies all day. i need some sort of wizard to turn me into a salamander so i dont have to do my job#it takes me all day to relax and for what? its Sunday and i have to grade at e#least 45 lab reports and make a presentation about photosynthesis so i can teach tomorrow so that i can barely tread water#im so behind on grading. and thats not to mention all the other bullshit i should b doing. ugh. i just wanna not do anything#i got covid vaccinated yesterday so im kinda exhausted on top of preexisting exhaustion. anf i would like my problems to stop existing#also i forgot how annoying it is to live in a place with mice. like stop scurrying around in my walls! stop trying to make mouse holes#dont make me murder u bc i will. ill buy mouse traps and thdn youll b sorry#but id rather not do that bc itll b annoying to check the traps and dispose of the bodies. bleh#i just wanna watch surreal movies abt self destruction and cosmic horror#so annihilation and maybe sunshine bc i havent watched it and oh god whats that polish movie uuuuuh#i can't remember. it starts with s i think but all i can think is susperia which is not correct. solaris? i cant remember if i watched#it or just read thr book. idk i like surreal slightly pretentious movies. under the skin is another i lov#god. i dont wanna get up. i still only got 7hrs sleep. i just wanna lay here and decompose#fuck. i have so much to write for Wednesday. and i think i have to share a paper Friday. fuck.#unrelated
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i love these ship name polls so mucj because you can TELL just by looking in the notes who claims to be in the fandom and hasnt actually watched the show. some of these are so obvious guys. pointing at the d.px.d/c fans like. you guys have not actually watched danny phantom and it shows
#IM SORRY. THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING EBER AND HAS BEEN FOR SO LONG. I CAN BE A LITTLE PRETENTIOUS ABOUT IT.#like. GUYS theyre literally called skulktech. if u are in the dp fandom and have not seen ultimate enemy dont even fukcjng TALK to me#thats the most important episode ever#AND I SAW SOMEONE CONFUSED OVER PHANTOM ROCKER.#thats#like#theres literally a rockstar ghost its SO easy to figure that one out. just from context clues#even the more ''obscure'' names. if u do not know pitch pearl. come on. i know that was mkre of a 2014 thing but COME ONNNNNNN#its just so deeply engrained into me that i cannot imagine not knowing them#the names of the CLASSIC ships. i know amethyst ocean fucking sucks as a name. but its the one thats like actually canon#guys i really wanna talk abt danny phantom can you tell.#i admit i was wrong about superfun but like FOR GOOD REASON. YOU HAVE SUPER DANNY AND FUN DANNY. WHY IS IT NOT CALLED SUPERFUN#<< if u are wondering btw. the actual name for them is heroic amusement. what the fuck.#the alt name is the great divide which is better bc it sounds cooler but COME ONNNN super fun was right there.#CAN I JUST SAY. I FUCKING HATE THAT AMETHYST OCEAN IS THE OFFICIAL NAME FOR DANNY AND SAM BECAUSE THE ALT NAME IS FAKEOUT MAKEOUT#AND THATS SOOOO MUCH BETTER. COME ONNNNN#THATS A JOKE THEY USE IN THE SHOW. COME ON.#im sorry im a dpxdc hater. i dont want to be. but its ALL i ever see in the tag anymore and im tireeddddd#im sure its good. im sure its really good. i can see it. i get it. but so many of u have not watched the show and thats just soooooooooo.#augh. let me be a little pretentious about dp. please#do not claim to know my boy if all u have ever seen of him is the fandom perception!!!!@#because a lot of the time!!! fanon danny is worse!!!!!! the fandom made him so. flat. like hes just an angst puppet now.#either that or Generic Superhero Boy.#like youve taken away all his personality....... i miss my boy#do u even know he loves space. do u even know he wrote an essay on the purpleback gorilla. do u even know he backwashes soda.#sorry...... i love him#BADGER CEREAL. LIKE. I HATE THAT AS A SHIP EBEN IF IT IS PLATONIC BUT LIKE. THE NAME. GUYS. ITS. LITERALLY IN THE FIRST EPISODE HES IN.#GUYS. I KNOW YOU ALL KNOW WHO VLAD IS. HOW HAVE YOU NOT SEEN BITTER REUNIONS.
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eyes1nthewoods · 1 year
this horror podcast is devoid of women. this is torture.
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unusualshrimp · 8 months
i hate mental health content like "heal your inner child 🥺" what if i HATE that thing and want to beat it to a pulp. is that allowed because i think that would fix me
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mirmidones · 9 months
ok bitter bitch moment, but i HATE when people repeatedly do not even try themselves to do something and just want me to do it for them.
even when it's something absolutely idiotic, like idk, bc of construction works the main entrance to the school is closed but there is literally a sign on the door that explains how else to enter. all you have to do is read and follow instruction. it's not like i did anything different yesterday when i got there. "nooo i still dont know im scared ill wait for you outside so you can show me" why. just get the fuck inside. or like when they ask me the time schedule literally everyday and at one point im like. or you could look it the fuck up. yknow. just how i do. since it is a class you also want to attend. it's not like the school desk calls me personally to let me and only me know. "what trains do i have to take to come see you?" i dont know, what trains are there? why cant you do it for yourself . and like i obviously dont mind being asked for help and offering help in general. i do mind it when people my own age start treating me like im their second mom or something. and i know it takes 2, i could just shut up and not be helpful but then most of the times it damages me as well as them and when it doesnt it is still super fucking annoying bc i have to sit there and listen to them whine and do nothing about anything and just. idk. patiently pretend to feel anything other that pure rage. and that does feel like a waste of my time
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feywildfox · 2 years
Mm i left bandom space a long long time ago. I mean I'm not that old but ten years ago is still pretty long. And frankly if i overstep lemme know.
Honestly at this point i shouldnt be surprised so many people are actually still inherently racist towards Ray, but also i think, i should be. Because i genuinely expected better from mcr bandom, but again, left bandom spaces a decade ago...
It's pretty sad? Like. I'll admit, I didn't realize Ray was actually a man of colour when i was younger. I think i realized right around the time i left at 15 or so. Which also really goes to show that racism towards him and making him seem as white as possible which definitely i think was a thing. Like in comparison, I knew pete wentz was mixed long before i figured out Ray was a poc. It says a lot about the space at the time and i had honestly thought it'd be better now.
I've loved mcr for years, but i havent been IN love with them for a while. It happens, relationships and feeling wax and wane. But this tour, the excitement and love recently ignited in not just Gerard with all their gender fuckery, but the whole band, has brought a love and joy back into my life for music that hit me in the heart as a preteen and teenager.
And none of that would be possible without Ray Toro putting his all into the feelings and conveying of in his music. Mikey made the band, but ray MAKES the band. He is absolutely fucking integral and it is disgusting & disheartening to see him treated such a way. What the fuck even, hearing that streamers are zooming in on frank during Rays solos?? Like do the fuck better? I'm honestly disappointed as fuck in that shit. Like I know this whole thing is a little disjointed stream of consciousness type post but really. White people do better challenge! Its literally SO fucking easy. The real camera guys are RIGHT THERE showing what to fucking do!
You can love the others as much as you want but jesus fuck give Ray the same fucking courtesy. Stop ignoring your racism, start recognizing the issues that plague you from being white and growing up in white privilege. I sure as fuck still have plenty of shit to work on but at least i can say i can do the bare fucking MINIMUM of giving Ray Toro the respect and attention he absolutely fucking deserves.
Like I do hope this is understood I am not trying to speak over anyone but simply say from one white to another: you need to do better. If that's how you treat a member of supposedly one of your fav bands, i genuinely fear for the poc you encounter in your life. The harm you cause by staying blind may be incremental but it builds up until it's a mountain. Do fucking better.
#not the picturesque emo#fans#its 1 am so this is not. the modt coherent thing but i hope it gets the point across as someone who has been outside of bandom space#i mever realized how big an issue it was but honestly i should have known#im not going point at myself as a pure example of what to do because honestly ive loved mcr from a distance for a while#i have always loved them all but literally its ridiculous coming back ten years later#and finding out that yeah no. rays apparently or whatever the fuck#like uh what. emo is a style#its a sounds a love language a voice for people an expression#sure there are certain clothes or jewelry or makeup that can play into it but NONE of that actually means shit#because it can be turned corpo and ripped up and spat back all sanatized. ray is emo. ray is a man of colour. he's a rock god on the guitar#NONE of that is mutally fucking exclusive! ray toro is just as important as anyone else in the band#ray toro deserves SO much respect and he does NOT deserve to have people claim they are of mcr then treat him like that#you are not an mcr fan you are a pretentious racist asshole who needs to check ther privileges at the fucking gate thank you#fox squawks#im tired and angry now and im sorry to all the poc in the fandom who have to deal w this on a constant basis you all deserve a lot better#im sure yall feel way worse than i do and i genuinely hope people can realize the shit theyve been doing.#i am always happy to go toe to toe w other dumbass white ppl and call them out on their bs#i dont see it because i curate my dash to the point drama is usually a mild breeze at best but i am more than willing to#weaponize my whiteness to force other white ppl to think. if you gotta point me at em do it idc. like a lil attack chihuahua or something.#idk#im lagging now but my fingers dont want to stop typing bc i am nervous abt posting this but yknow. whatever if i fuck up i learn & move on!#we Do Not succumb to white guilt we gracefully say im sorry for that thank you for pointing it out even though you didnt have to i know its#exhausting to do constantly i will keep that in mind and then we do! and we modify our behavior! and we DO. BETTER
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snekdood · 1 year
I feel like the idea of "forgiveness" for people who've hurt you is like... Pretty christian based? Bc ngl. Why tf am i forgiving someone who abused me a lot. If we're talking "mental peace"... Well bud i kinda just gotta not think about it or when i do to work on my emotions around it so i can cope better with my trauma. Literally why am i forgiving people who dont regret hurting me and who would never apologize and how exactly does that bring more "peace"? Bc personally id feel like im ignoring something that bothers me a lot just so i can tolerate being around it when idk. Theres people who i definitely dont need to tolerate being around lol.
#forgiveness#quote unquote#some of these people would actively continue trying to hurt me if i was still around them and literally wtf is the use#of forgiveness then???#being unfazed by their presence seems to be the better alternative as well as ignoring them..?#or idk. literally fucking leaving the room if they arrive.#'forgiveness' is what christians do towards non christians who fail to fail to be christians. its patronizing. its assumptive.#as if those people are somehow spiritually crying out that theyre sorry. thats how christians are w forgiveness.#how tf is what id be doing if i 'forgive' my abusers any different#its 'forgiveness' with the assumption that some day the person whos hurting you or in this case simply not christian will actually#decide you were right and 'apologize' for going against them#idk about you but i dont want to live in a false reality daydream that my abuser will someday be normal and nice and empathetic#how is that a useful belief at all in the long run. im just convincing myself somethings gonna happen that wont.#i think more ppl should go about the world assuming their abuser doesnt give a fuck and never will bc quite honestly that seems more likely#ive never felt peaceful when i attmept to forgive people knowing inside im still upset with them#however i feel much more peaceful when i embrace the fact they dont care and thus i dont have to care about them either 🤷#like accepting the current facts brings me more relief than speculating on the future.#idk but i kinda refuse to forgive people who dont regret their actions towards me and who dont give af about me#if getting caught up in resentment is the issue... then you need some therapy of sorts to work on the resentment so you can get to a point#where you dont give a fuck if they do apologize. not assume someday like a pretentious asshole that theyll apologize#literally im nowhere near that important to my abusers for them to do that
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angered-box · 3 months
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themoonking · 7 months
noticed that some ppl on my dc cartoon poll are being really uppity that their first dc intro was a cartoon from before the dcau or their first intro wasn't a cartoon at all. like.. ok?? just say so?? that's why i gave two options for non cartoons / cartoons that weren't included. like if you're going to get gatekeepy about it just fuck off.
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pissnvinegar · 2 years
gonna throw up and cry i just tried saying hi to my roommate and compliment their shirt and they just brushed me off again. why do i even try
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
okay fr what do you think scara is like in bed? what’s he into, what’re his kinks, the whole shebang?
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modern scaramouche hc's
✭ tags ; sub!chara, dom!reader (they bottom but parts are unspecificed so gn!reader as well), this is also my modern!scaramouche take so just be aware, bratting, rough sex, slapping, hitting, a lil degradation, reader is v careful abt scaramouches boundaries tho, romantic implications reader is stronger than scara + he is short king, etc
✭ wc ; 2.1k (im soooo ashamed. anon im so sorry)
✭ a/n ; this got so out of hand so quickly. this is my personal scaramouche this has nothing to do with anyone but me and my delusions sorry in advance.
like really. cant describe how subjective this is but i also refuse to change my mind or see him any other way. thank u so much for inquiring
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my modern scaramouche is usually aged like. 20-something in college. he goes to a nice university (a very competitive school mind you.) he was really concerned about excelling for like most of his hs career. kind of a loner except tartaglia who adopted him into his friend group.
he panics about his degree for the longest time cause he doesn't know what to do - but settles on civil architecture and minors in fine art.
he has his ears pierced and some other piercings too that he was peer pressured into, but overall likes how they look. he's not usually very dressed up and all of his closet is so oversized because comfort > fashion BUT he never looks like a slob either.
has like 3 other friends on campus (kazuha + mona + childe who somehow followed him there)
complicated relationship with his mom + stepmom (he doesn't hate her but they do not communicate so tons of misunderstandings between them. like sooo many)
and. usually not actively looking to date anyone ever. he had like one crush one time in highschool but chickened out so miserably and SEETHED about it the whole time.
after that he swore to never, ever, ever go back to that dark place and sort of just focused on his career and school. his major is pretty difficult so it takes a lot of his time
plus he's a little pretentious, stuck up little shit so only a few people can handle him in the first place.
anyways. u meet through tartaglia who thinks you two will get along really well (and he's trying to set you both up bc he thinks you two could work well together)
its honestly like oil and water. you're personality just rubs him the wrong way. sure childe is annoying, but he's stupid
you're...not stupid. you're kind of clever and you treat him with like. a sense of disrespect he hates. scaramouche is used to people who let him have the upperhand
but you're always pretty quick to shoot him down. you never let him him get away with anything and you guys have this like... insane back and forth for months
its the slowest of burns. he swears he hates you.
(he doesn't though. he thinks its really fucking attractive that you talk back to him and don't let him intimidate you ever. but he loathes that feeling. he also loathes how nice your laugh is and how easy it is to talk to you)
scaramouche spends. AGES. ages in denial. closes his eyes to it. its like 6 months deep into it - he starts having wet dreams and he wakes up HORRIFIED with himself.
WORSE? scaramouche knows about your sex life. not through you but through observation and gossip. he's not fucking you in the dreams. you're fucking him.
humiliated, he simply tries to ignore it. but it's making him so much moody than usual and because you two spend so much time together - you notice almost right away. of course you do.
"whats got your panties in a twist lately? not that you're usually sunshine and rainbows but you're acting like a little kid"
scaramouche says something mean. like, really mean in response. he's just so frustrated. its a personal jab, farther than he'd usually go.
he's expecting to sabotage himself you know? he does that sometimes. pushes people away when they get too close. it's a miracle he has any friends. he's expecting you to get annoyed and leave.
but there's this like. chill to your voice. and you're looking straight at him.
"you don't talk to me like that, understand? i don't care how shitty your mood is."
one hit k.o. he can't even breathe. what's wrong with him and what is happening to him, and holy shit why do you sound like that.
"sorry," he apologizes (him. he's apologizing first) "just. frustrating,"
and you immediately slink back to your usual self. and he's relieved and a little excited and just overall restless because he can't stop thinking about what just happened.
"it's fine. i like being on your ass or whatever but it's bothering me that you're so moody. maybe you really do need to get laid,"
the joke is one you often to make. it's meant to lighten the mood. but scaramouche is feeling pent-up and horny and that's kind of exactly what he needs
"s-shut up. it's not like you're going to do it,"
internally he's hoping you take the bait. he is equal parts horrified and excited watching you take in the information. you give him a lazy smile as you sit up and look at him.
"huh. do you...want me to do it?"
oh dear god. oh fuck.
"so what if i did?"
and then you laugh, which he can't decipher. he's gearing himself to be made fun of. he watches you with big wide yes as you come sit on the desk near him. feels your fingers trail his jaw and tilt his head up and holy shit he might really die.
he can barely look up at you.
"is that why you've been acting weird for last couple of weeks?" your voice is so smug and scaramouche is so turned on it's stupid. he hates it. hates himself. hates everything
"shut up,"
and then, you grab his chin. really make him look at you and it's startling but he doesn't pull away. you look gleeful.
"that why you've been running with your tail between your legs when you see me?" you hum, your eyes almost predatory "cause you want me to fuck you?"
its times like this scaramouche he could be honest. because that's exactly what he wants, but he hates having to say it.
"as if you could satisfy me," he says, instead. your eyes widen, and it takes you a minute to register it all in your head.
"you're such a fucking brat," you say, light. affectionate, really. it makes his heart pump "you think i can't?"
"i'd like to see you try," he says, absolutely and utterly in disbelief internally. you grin.
"can i kiss you?"
"why're you asking?"
"cause im an asshole, not a villain,"
you and scaramouche makeout in a study room before he decides to to get ahold of himself and invites you into his dorm. he's never been so thankful in his life that his roomate is gone.
when you get scaramouche into bed - it really dawns on him how out of his element he is. he's not a virgin - a few awkward and usually bad hook-ups in his repertoire.
but you're not like them. he's bitey and on edge but you handle him. ask for permission for little things, clarifications for what he's okay with. you're thoughtful, despite how much he's lashing out.
and it's turning scaramouche so much he doesn't know how to handle it other than doing it again. he wants to provoke you so much. he wants to put him in his place over and over.
it's mid makeout he pulls away, frustration all-welled up inside him that he asks. he's hard and needy and needs something to get him off.
"i knew you were all talk," he sneers, putting as much of himself in it as he can "this is nothing,"
you look at him very seriously "you're really asking for it, huh," you say with a sigh "do you know what you're getting into?"
"nothing serious obviously,"
"usually when i deal with brats like you, i treat 'em real rough. im being nice to you cause you're so pent up, but it's like you don't want that," you grab his face again, getting close and personal this time and scaramouche feels like he'll collapse "want me to treat you mean and put you in your place? hit you and make you cry?"
oh it ruins his life. that's exactly what he wants. what he needs from you so much it aches. so much he chokes.
"wh-what the hell are-"
but you make him face forward, look you in your eyes.
"your first lesson is answer me when i talk to you. is that what you want? you can nod if you can't say it,"
so he nods and you laugh.
"yeah? should smack the brat outta you shouldn't i?
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you're asking for permission. despite his everything, there's something affectionate about it. he feels his stomach twist with desire.
"just fucking do it already,"
"tell me if you need to stop,"
"i said—"
it's unceremonious, really. when scaramouche feels the palm of your hands on his cheek, landing heavy and hard as you push him back against the bed. you hit him.
he liked it. makes his cock throb in his fucking jeans, feeling the sting.
"your second lesson is don't fucking mouth at me," you practically spit. there's some roughness in your actions that make scaramouche keen as you crawl on top of him "can't even deal with your moods without lashing out."
scaramouche feels his stomach churn as your hands make rough work of him. you pin his wrists over his head, tell him to keep it there.
and of course he refuses, disobeys - gets to feel how strong you actually are when you spit the words back in his face again to hold fucking still.
scaramouche keeps doing it. keeps pushing until you have to put him back where he belongs forcibly. he doesn't know that he's doing it
but he wants something he can't name, a desire that aches so deep in his chest. he wants you to take responsibility for him - like a promise of some kind.
he likes the way your mouth feels on his skin. your teeth feel so good sinking into pale flesh. the scratch of your nails and sting of your palms as you spank and hit and push his body.
you manhandle him so fucking easily, putting him in every position you can think of. on his knees, or his back - naked and waiting.
you tease scaramouche till he's honest, your voice coarse until he starts giving in.
you're so good with your hands. your fingers, your mouth. you know just the right things to get him all squirmy - praising him when he's getting desperate towards the end.
his sense of shame nowhere to be found as he gets close to the edge. as you tip him over it, he can feel all the tension bleed out of him. goes from bitching, to whiny - needy and not above begging.
he doesn't even understand it. can't wrap his head around it all the way - lets you guide him through the feeling as he starts feeling pliant.
you let him fuck you with mercy. don't make him work for it, just sit on his cock and tell him that he looks so much better when he's all messed up for you and he just. melts completely. like feels like he's gonna fall through the floor.
he cries when he cums. sobs a little as he finally gets relief then melts into your bed like a pile of wet sand as you finish yourself off and overstimulate him a little in the process.
after all is said and done - he falls asleep basically immediately after the high.
when he wakes up the next day - you haven't left. he's like kind of nuzzled up in your arms (which. is wild bc he has always hated physical touch but? apparently not with you)
when you stir awake, you're immediately whistling. you even press a kiss to his forehead and brush his hair out of his face.
"you awake? feel okay?" you hum, so stupidly tender and scaramouche has to fight every urge to push you away.
"im...fine. you're still here," he says unhelpfully. you chuckle.
"yeah. figured you would start spiraling if i left in the middle of the night"
he is horrified at the accuracy.
"it's weird when you're being all...nice to me,"
"its a lot easier since i realize you just wanted to be put in your place," you say with a knowing him. scaramouche elbows you "it's cute, it's cute. don't kill me,"
"you're annoying,"
"yeah, i know. i wiped you down a bit but we should shower and i gotta make sure you're not too hurt anywhere,"
"i'm not a flower,"
"i was bein' pretty rough and its my job to take care of you,"
"why would that be your job?"
"cause im a responsible sexual partner and we're seeing each other, i figure?"
he flushes at the implication. he doesn't want to think about it as he cuddles himself into your side. ugh. whatever.
"who said that?"
"do you want me to see other people?"
"i'll kill you,"
"that's what i thought,"
scaramouche hates it but does not have the confidence to protest you.
scaramouche realizes with the weight of the world on his shoulders that he is the most submissive brat in the fucking world
he decides not to think about it for a while
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xenaliens · 2 months
Could you draw Freeman’s mind in different outfits? I feel like he would wear edgy metal mosh pit clothes but I want to see you put him in cute outfits!!
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heyy sorry it took me so long to do this. ill get to the other ask in my inbox too but. gulp ramble below for designs and overall ideas + garfield mind
for one. apologies for not coloring anything. im rlly sick. but hey. hes a baddie. wut can i say. anyway how i characterize mind usually is prominent in how i design his clothes which is why its fun 2 draw him in stuff that i wouldnt usually assume he’d wear on the daily but things he’d still look GOOD in
imo he seems like how asker headcanoned his outfit style to be but like. hes specifically pretentious about it. hes a gatekeeper in my eyes but also at the same time is so hypocritical abt it
but yea. i think he’d moderately be in a punk / overall metalhead genre, just toned down when hes lazy (which is everyday when in black mesa but ok.) and he doesn’t really variate beyond that, aside from maybe grunge/skater stuff sometimes…
he doesnt really fuck w/ tripp/baggy pants bc they make him stumble. his body aches enough he doesnt need to fall over to make it worse damn!
dont see him being too big of a fan of dresses but if he did wear them he’d probably look good. his hair is brown trust i just color shift stuff a TON. ask me abt it <3
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rinsoap · 1 year
haikyuu men as my icks bc i hate these men sm 👎
inspired by missmeinyourbones !! / not an x reader.
talks in a baby voice bc his mom didnt give him enough attention (me fr) and u feel bad but its literally so bad that u cant help but audibly groan everytime he refers to himself in third person bc "baby wants cuddies 😣"
bokuto... oikawa (on his worst days). lev (ugh i hate lev 👎) kuroo (bokuto rubbed off on him 🙁) asahi.
acts like a mean middle school boy, absolutely ABUSES the laughing cat emoji "thats tuff buddy 😹💀" like STOP IT. he'll jump to touch the door frame or even worse do that stupid fucking thing where he clings onto the door frame and leans his torso forward but his feet stay? why r u built like a bracket ) ???? refuses to wear anything but shorts and a tshirt even if its snowing. he will literally be shivering and is still like "its fine im not weak 😒" and pls do not get me started on the mouth breathing.......
tanaka. atsumu (but he grew out of it eventually!) i am trying to have hope. hinata.
the most pretentious man u will ever meet. he thinks his poetry is groundbreaking but theyre all haikus and all of them can be summed up by "i was the poem..... but she couldnt read 😣💔🥀" like who r u even talking ab ur single ass has one ex from third grade ❌ tries so hard to be witty but is just corny man like wdym u can quote "sniff out a fake nirvana fan anywhere" ????? he will hype up this "underground" song that the "tiktok mob" hasn't "gotten" yet and its why'd you only call me when you're high by arctic monkeys ?
both miya twins..... oikawa. tsukishima (he is of course a fucking prick). semi i rly dont want to believe this but deep down i KNOW. kyotani. kenma.
has the WORSTT fashion sense like he has zero sense of style. im talking fitted sweats or the sweats that are baggy in the crotch area but super skinny and fitted on the legs. he wears full on tech fleece or those ugly fake bape hoodies and calls it y2k like babe....... and what makes it worse is that he's a fashion SNOB. he is insufferable like he thinks he is so cool and has no idea he looks SO BAD 😭
TERUSHIMA (have u even seen him oh my GOD). atsumu (but he actually did grow out of it bc u would not let him live it down). nishinoya. kindaichi... i am so sorry for this but kuroo 🙁
he cannot clean himself for shit 😭😭 like he showers but he just straight up does not wash his ass "but the water runs down it so ???" like it is surprising he even knows what a loofa is. uses one of those dumb ass "8 in 1" IK ur not using ur "shampoo" to wash ur body ❌❌ and his fingernails r always dirty u have no idea how bc whenever u ask he just says "i dont know how they get like thaaat im sooo clean!! 🥺" u already know there's one lie in that sentence its a good bet its ALL a lie.
daichi (it was such a shock tbh but he absolutely ABUSES 3 in 1). atsumu maybe he is a walking ick. terushima (are we surprised?) kenma (he's a gamer duhh). mattsun (until the entire team bullied him for it W seijoh fr 🙏)
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hunniebunniebear · 2 months
The Magnus Protocol!!!
Twelth ep review!!
RIHJT sorry this took a bajillion hears to do sometimes i just forget how the fuck to write.
I actually really struggled to hear what they were sayin at the beginning this time, i had to look at the transcripts but god Sams such a dork. I’m glad That jealousy arc I was worried about doesn’t seem as forefront as I thought it’d be.
Holy shirtballs was I not expecting todays case. I’m not certain I like the pacing of the the mister bonzo case being so soon after we were told to watch out for it but eh minor quibbles. I was NOT expecting mister blobby at the strip club. Fr tho the setting was a great choice. If I were more pretentious (read: smart) I’d say something intelligent about how the nature of the kids entertianmwnt mascot being perverse now. Also the visual of him pulling one these 🤫 is incredible. I was not expecting the like.. in house hitman of the oiar to be such a messy eater if that makes sense. Not subtle in the slightest and I bet he dunt do any clean up.
Gwens reaction to the case is brilliant. I don’t think she realised just how fucked up her job is and I’m pretty damn sure alice has been known. If I wanted to go off on a little theory I’d say alice wasn’t lying when she said the government was in on this supernatural shit. Its giving like government cover up bullshit. Also dyhard fans im seeing the light now.
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