#its kinda fun though very relaxing
amphibianaday · 1 year
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day 1212
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mothram · 7 months
#diana's music diary#good morning#i slept early#it was nice#very cozy#I only slept like 4 hours though cause I had to get up for a delivery... also I'm posting this a couple of hours after waking...#as is becoming usual for these... I've been kind of vibing to music pretty much...#anyway yesterday was good but so exhausting... played lethal company with friends like I'd said which was really fun!! was a little bit of#process getting my bearings in it since I'd seen maybe one second of gameplay before but after a day or two in game I picked it up I'd say!#I mostly just ran away when I saw something scary but I tried scanning a monster and it opened the door which made me scream once ahaha#after that I was a lil tired but we ended up having a session of the project moon ttrpg I'm in kind of out of nowhere#it was short but v fun to play Frei again he kind of completely shut down the distortion singlehandedly which was surprising considering he#has no combat capability.. incapacitated them and read its mind which helped us figure out what we needed to do to resolve the distortion#-peacefully! my partners character did the actual resolving cause Frei is terrified of going near anything as gross as that distortion was#(it was a giant gross greasy burger monster. who was just bob from bobs burgers. he ended up in a polycule with linda and teddy after.)#Frei also read my partners characters mind a bit and maybe upset him a little by mentioning his daughter (her character is divorced lol)#anyway yeah... I was tired after both of those so I kinda got in bed and passed out quickly while listening to music...#idk what I'll do today I'm a bit sore still and I'm v sick and tired rn so I'll probably just relax a bit...#let's make today nice and cozy and good... love u friends thank u for reading <3
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ariel26c · 3 months
🎀Things I’ve learned about Shifting 🎀
1. Background noise doesn’t matter. I come from a Hispanic family household and let me tell you hun it’s freaking loud as hell. It’s like a zoo lol but guess what? I still shifted. At some point you will start to feel your CR kinda “fade away”. I have been in this state where I am in between my CR and DR. I can hear background noise from my CR but I still feel like I’m in a different room or I hear sounds from my DR as well. Has anyone experienced this?? Let me know, I’m curious 🤨
2. Have patience. Allow yourself to relax and naturally connect to your DR. Don’t stress about having random thoughts or having an itch or things like that. Have patience with yourself like seriously you got this babe. Sometimes for me it’s feels like it’s takes 1 or 2 hours until I feel fully connected to my DR. (It’s different for everyone btw) you may take less time than I do. Those things don’t matter if you decide that those things don’t matter.
3. Methods really aren’t needed. If you think about it all methods consist of the same thing usually. It usually consists of affirmations, visualization, subliminal audios, meditation, counting, blah blah blah. If you want to use a method, then do that but don’t force yourself to do a method that doesn’t resonate with you. If you don’t like counting, then don’t count. If you don’t like visualizing, then don’t visualize. Change things up a bit and listen to music that reminds you of your DR or do something that you think is fun.
4. Just because some people like to lie about their shifting experiences doesn’t mean that shifting is fake. Just like in every community there is going to be people that are dishonest or don’t have the best intentions but that doesn’t mean that shifting is a big inside joke. Don’t allow these people to discourage you from shifting to your DR or make you doubt in its existence. Don’t depend on other people's content to feel motivated or believe in shifting. Just KNOW it’s real and motivate yourself to shift. (even though motivation isn’t needed to shift)
5. Shifting is Real. I think we all should know this by now, but I don’t think people really fully understand just how REAL shifting is. I mean you are going to be able to use all of your senses. You will be able to taste food, see your reflection in the mirror, talk to people that may be considered as fictional in this reality, etc. The process of shifting is safe but if you are shifting somewhere that has violence or gore make sure you script your own well-being. High pain tolerance, no trauma, etc.
6. Time isn't important. Just because it's been 4 years or 5 doesn't mean you can't do it. Time doesn't apply to shifting because time is just man-made thing. We created the concept of time not the Universe. Don't blame the Universe for your "Failure". (Spoiler alert: it's not failure) You just need to realize that no matter what, it will happen. It is completely inevitable. Some people have shifted after 5 years so don't give up! It will be worth it.
7. You can't fail at shifting. When you do your method, you will shift to your DR or shift to your CR. You shift all the time. We are constantly shifting consciously or unconsciously. Manifestation and shifting are very much closely related. (But that's another discussion for another time) Just like how we are manifesting on autopilot we are also shifting on autopilot. So, when you do a sleep method, and you wake up in this reality instead of your DR you still shifted. (Just not to your DR) (Get it?)
I hope you found this post helpful! :)
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chisatowo · 2 years
Oh btw the eel girl is named Lee now (also sibling name suggestion) which means all the main five in that story have names now yippee 🎉
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havocskies · 5 months
bro pls pls pls pls 🙏 do an NSFW alphabet with hobie ill do anything?!!!
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i am losing my self respect day by day.
anyway im also sorry for not posting ive been flirting w this dude for the past few days he is so cute but that will not stop me from writing for yg xoxo
╭──╯ . . . . . ༶•┈┈୨♡୧┈┈•༶ . . . . . ╰──╮
- hobie is an absolute GOD at aftercare n i wholeheartedly believe this. especially when he knows he can be a bit much at times, there’s never a time where he skips out on aftercare. i think he would like to just relax, cuddle, and talk for a bit after he cleans you up thoroughly. then probably get a little treat, but he always likes to make sure you actually had fun as well. he’d put all of his attention on you way before he started worrying about himself, you’re always his priority
- i think hobie doesn’t have a MAJOR preference for anything but he seems like a thigh kinda guy. doesn’t matter the gender or size, he’s a thigh enthusiast. not always in a nasty way, he also just thinks they’re comfortable and whatnot. wear anything that shows your thighs and he is all for it 🙌
- im sure hobie keeps up w his health and cares for it, so i don’t think he’d taste horrible. he’s considerate guys 😭 idk if he’d really have a preference for where he cums either. probably asks beforehand or just knows what you prefer but if you’ll let him he’ll switch it up for funsies
- hobie doesn’t really keep secrets much, and i don’t think he’d be doing anything vile enough to really have to keep secrets anyway 😭 he’s just a normal dude imo but thoughts wise ?? he’s definitely imagined some things he’s too scared to talk abt im sure (take that how u will)
- im sorry ik yg see him as like a sex god manwhore but i cant see it 😞 he’s spiderman he’s a nerd and he’s goofy, like yes he’s hot but he definitely fumbles without knowing the opportunity was even there LMAOO but regardless i think his body count is VERY low if not even zero. that doesn’t mean he’s ignorant, though. he’s figured out enough to know what he’s doing and what to do, he’s considerate and never wants his partner to be left out of thought
- i can’t really see him having a favorite position i think he would’ve had little to no opinions but the moment yg find one you specifically like a lot he LOVES it. loves anything that makes you react the most, he’s such a pleaser yg cannot convince me of anything different
- yg write him to be all serious n i dont like it 🙁 he’s hobie he’s gonna crack a few jokes, especially if he’s nervous or he sees you’re nervous and he wants you to relax. probably jokes about how he’ll try his best not to send you to the hospital or wtv (he is not that confident)
- hobie probably isn’t always clean shaven so he believes you don’t have to be either. still he’d at least be trimmed just to make things easier and whatnot. just his preference, whatever you do w yours he could not care less. other than that i think if sony was allowed he’d have a happy trail but unfortunately sony are pussies (im kidding)
- i think hobie would prefer intimacy over anything else. he’d see sex as less of a pleasure thing and more of something to be shared when you’re extremely close. i don’t think sex w him would ever be meaningless, he’s always trying to show how much he loves you
- hobie’s probably just an average dude. doesn’t do it too much bc like ?? why would he when he has you. ofc, if you’re not up to it yea he’ll go somewhere or just deal with it, you’re never obligated in his eyes. i just think he’d prefer you over anything else
- he’s gotta be a little freaky. like i say a lot (im sorry) he does joke abt biting, so he probably has some small kinks but i doubt anything serious. maybe at the most a very minor corruption kink, but its only about introducing you to things if you’re entirely willing. something about knowing he’s the one introducing you to it makes him wanna do it more
- hobie doesn’t strike me as a very public kinda guy. like maybe on occasion, but it’d have to be somewhere he’s pretty sure yg won’t get caught. i do think he’d prefer in your or his own home though, makes it more intimate and less stressful. he would however joke about fucking near someone yg don’t like out of spite
- you’d probably have to be actively trying to get him going, sex is never really the first thing on his mind. ofc it can very well happen unintentionally. i think gestures, positions, anything that shows off something ALONG WITH the clear intent will make him realize. maybe. i still wholeheartedly believe he’s pretty oblivious most of the time, he can be wanting it but he won’t realize you’re trying to make him want it. he’s a little dumb bear with him. he also just doesn’t associate revealing clothing with you wanting sex, so you’ll have to find other ways to get him to realize you want him. anyway i think mostly anything that shows off your thighs will get his mind wandering. anything that shows off their shape or just shows them off in general
N = NO
- in no way ever will you get this dude to do cnc (consensual nonconsensual) he gets sometimes its a trauma response but yg also have to remember he’d have to be getting off by pretending to assault you and i just can’t see it. he couldn’t do it, he’d rather try and help you with that trauma in other ways
- happy to give always 🙌 he sees it as no different than you giving. even so, i don’t think he’d ever ask you for head. he’d see it more as a bonus, not something that’s expected in a relationship. if you’re never comfortable giving or even receiving head he will not be losing sleep whatsoever
- probably likes to switch it up. while i do think most of the stuff he said in his intro were jokes (runway model, inconsistency, labels, etc) i do think he does like to switch things up. he doesn’t like being limited to one thing, he likes to explore a bit and keep you on your toes xoxo
- hobie doesn’t strike me as someone who cares much for quickies. he’d much rather take his time, show he actually loves you. if both of yg are REALLY struggling then yg are going home, end of story. if you were to suggest a quickie he’d be unsure but he’d be willing to try at least
- hobie’s big risk taker im sure, but sex is a lot different than everything else. it’s a lot deeper and meaningful, so he doesn’t want to risk upsetting you or causing problems. idk if he’d even wanna risk being caught bc that’s just an inconvenience to everyone else 🙁🙁 only if it’s inconveniencing someone neither of you like i suppose
- pretty good stamina. not crazy or anything, but he can definitely go for a while. i think he finishes fairly average time but he can go multiple rounds, yk ?? like i said not a sex god guys
- im sure hobie isn’t against toys at all ☠️ kinda goes back to what i said w introducing you to things. he’ll definitely try anything (as long as it’s humane 😭) and really doesn’t have much shame. take that part how u will.
- hobie definitely likes to tease, no doubt. not all the time ofc but he can be an asshole just for jokes. if you’re genuinely upset he’ll stop. plus i think edging and overstimulating would count as something that deserves to have a conversation over first, not everyone’s completely into that and he knows full well
- i don’t think he’d be loud. not a whimperer probably but definitely a groan kinda guy. he has no shame breathing and groaning in your ear if he’s really goin (with you ofc he is)
- switch. i think by default he’s more dom leaning but if you take that position he won’t complain, he thinks it’s hot as hell. would probably let you do almost anything to him 😇
- he’s pretty tall guys, it’s not small that’s for sure. i think honestly he’d be around 6-8, anything above is just scary in my full opinion so that’s not what he has ummm. i do think he’d be pretty normal girth. and, ofc, if he is pierced he would’ve done it himself. a stranger handling and piercing your dick is not for the weak im sure
- probably a pretty normal/average drive. he didn’t think much about sex before you so going without it isn’t a problem for him at all. i don’t think he’d be like horny 24/7 around you, most of the time he’s just happy to be around you
Z = Zzz
- like i said w aftercare hobie prefers to stay up with you and spend time. even if it’s late at night he will try his absolute best, he’s not sleeping until he’s sure you’re comfortable and completely cleaned up. unless you like emptied his balls or destroyed him or something, then aftercare is on you i guess 🤕
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elsaellaelys · 11 months
summary: JJ is the only one that makes Y/N shy.
pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
1.300 words
a/n: Tumblr made this really hard to post. What's going on?
Let me know if you have any requests!
Y/N always seemed to know what to say, everytime, with everybody. She had the answered in the tip of her tongue all the time and never let anything goes by unnoticed. The boys never had a chance coming with pick up lines, she made sure she was in charge, having all of them in the palm of her hands; smoke 'em like a cigarette: puff, pass.
And she was flirty with everybody. So could you misunderstand the reason she and JJ started to cross the line of friendship?
As JJ was just the same, sassy and reckless, constantly messing around, living life for the moment, girls was just a pastime, cold beer and nice weed to feel the fun. Everything was a joke, life was a big joke so, why take it serious when you could just enjoy?
Of course Y/N thought about JJ in a not-just-friendly way, so did he, but it was just a thought. So what if she was a raving beauty? So what if she wanted to see lower into his swim shorts when he was shirtless? Don't everybody thinks that about their good looking friends?
Y/N was just showing her new cargo mini skirt to Kiara, the pogues were setting the hammocks to enjoy the summer twilight, she did a twirl, popping her ass up a little she looked over her shoulder to the curly hair girl behind her. "What do you think? Is it too tight? I hope I still can crouch."
"It looks amazing." Kie answered.
"Hmm." JJ hummed, laid in his hammock he had a perfect view of her.
"What?" she turned around "I look bad?"
"Nah, you look delicious." He played, she giggled, hands on her hips as her head inclined a little. "You think? Wanna have a bite?" she played back.
It's very right it was the way he smiked at her - hands behind his head, sleeveless shirt showing his relaxed arms muscles - that made her blush like that. The pogues shared a look. That was new. She sat in a garden chair, kinda flustered smiled back at him, coming back to Kiara to lightly avoid JJ. "Can you believe I got it from the thrift store? It was up for grabs."
JJ smiled to himself, it was like he found out a superpower. Making Y/N blush like that, like he just caught her out of guard when he clearly didn't. He wanted to make sure it wasn't the hot air in her system, so he build a tension between them all the time they were together, arms around her shoulders, hands running down her arms, face too close to hers when he had the chance, playing with the hair in the back of her neck, with the strings of her bikini just to see the nervous look in her eyes and she hated it, hated even more the fact that she like it, her blood heating up to her head, neck felling so hot, she didn't know why though, it was just JJ, just teasing, but her body had its own reaction without askind for permission, she couldn't do nothing but stand there, unable to vanish that stupid grin out from his face.
The group were currently trying to light up a bonfire for the end of the Friday as they like to do, sit around the fire drink, smoke and laugh, Pope trying to give John B. hints because he couldn't start the fire, a discussion beginning to grow while Kiara was sitted, Y/N standing in front of the place the fire was supposed to be, both laughing at them.
"Don't you think I can't light a fire? I've done it a thousand times, alright?!" John B. bickered.
"I'm just saying how you can do it better!" Pope said back.
"I think I can do it by myself." The matches were going to waste one after one, JB was clearly pissed with Pope and his hints. "I need a fucking lighter, man! Can you give one and shut your mouth?!" he yelled.
JJ threw him a lighter, instinctively going behind Y/N, arms creeping around her body holding her tight against him. She tried dodge from his hold but he was pressing her arms down.
"Can you let me go?!" she squirmed
"Nah, I like staying like this." he smirked, cheek to cheek with her as he rocked her to the sides.
"Let me go!" the girl yelled, everybody staring as she broke away from him, shoving his chest. "Fuck!" she stormed inside the Chateau.
JJ shrugged, eyes wide. "Wow. Didn't see that coming."
"You really didn't?" Kiara sarcastically asked.
"Man, you're provoking her way too much. It's even pitiful." Pope added.
JJ got up, going to find Y/N in the kitchen, her head leaning against the fridge door, eyes closed, she looked like she was trying to calm her nerves, he made her feel so vulnerable she felt embarrassed. He felt guilty as he approached, clearing his throat to make his presence noticed. She looked up at him, dead glare.
"Trying to cool down?" he jocked.
She deep sighed, grabbing a bottle of water. "What do you want?"
"Did I annoyed you? I didn't mean to."
"Really? You've been doing that for a while, it's really shaming, y'know?" she complained.
"Why? Why does it bothers you so much?" JJ asked, getting closer, not with a mean intention, but because he needed to feel her closer. "I'm sorry." he clarified, hands slowly going up to her arms, stroking her skin. "Do I make you nervous? This makes you feel nervous?"
She stared at his chest, not really finding the strength to look in his eyes. It just JJ. What makes him so different from the other guys? "I don't know. Maybe."
"But it's just me." he was right, but that was the problem. "See, there's only us here. Tell me what's wrong."
She shrunk, not wanting to say it.
"I don't want to make you nervous. It's okay." he reassured, hand coming up to her face bringing it up a little, her eyes met his. "Thought you were tough, you're just a little baby."
"I'm not a baby." she protested.
"Oh no? This doesn't make you nervous?" he asked, holding her waist softly, hand sneaking under her shirt, she shook her head. "That's good. Can I...?" he approached her neck, leaving sweet kisses along her jaw line, she whimpered, he smiled into her skin. "You like it, uhm?"
"Stop the teasing, it's exactly what I don't like." she complained,  squeezing his arms tightly.
"'Kay, sorry." he laughed, leaning a bit to capture her lips with his. It was all a little faltering, sure they both wanted that, but it was different, new, that type of conection, the tension. Although, the kiss was the hottest, beyond question, teasing was over, their bodies hot against each other. JJ felt he fell in a trap he created.
Y/N didn't mind the days of annoyance anymore, she wanted him more and more pressed to her body. Tongues slipping, lips swollen, hands clinging to her waist, and hips, and face, ass, cupping, stroking, whimpering lightly.
They broke apart, hearing someone clear the throat behind them, turning around to find Kiara, Pope and John B. standing with mocking grins on their faces.
"We thought you killed each other." Kiara scoffed.
"Clearly not." Pope laughed.
Y/N rolled her eyes "And you're gonna stand here and disturb?"
"Uh, sorry, just grabbing the stuff for the s'mores." John B. apologized crossing the room to the kitchen cabinets. "We're leaving..." he said, returning to add. "Don't do it in my kitchen."
"Get out!" JJ whisper yelled, coming back to her lips, unholdable smile in his face.
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alornights · 1 year
⟢ you took my soul.
➜ in which ! your beauty took their breath away.
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💌 ﹫main 4 + butters stotch.
✩ 🎸 warnings﹗none.
🍓 ⟡ notes — me when subliminals start working, tehehe. based on the jimmy & kyle pretty people drabbles i did. idk what im doing tbh.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ eric cartman.
hates you.
the guy was so confused about why you looked like you were glowing and why his heart was about to beat out of his chest.
death stared you the entire first week you moved to town.
he later confronts you asking if you do witchcraft. you obviously answer you don't. he thinks you're lying and got plastic surgery.
you say you didn't with like the prettiest smile he's ever seen. he takes your word for it and everyone was shocked.
since then he's been like a parasite who always seems to be stuck with you always there to shoo off anyone irrelevant.
thinks he has asthma bc every time he sees you his breath cuts short and fucking hates himself for "having" asthma.
has tried on multiple occasions to "get rid" of people who bothered you even in the slightest way.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ kyle broflovski.
is actually so fucking flustered around you.
when he saw you in the cafeteria walking in he couldn't take his eyes off you the entire time, even with his friends calling for him.
if you even give him the slightest hint you're into him, he will take matters into his own hands and just brag to everyone.
for funsies of course.
deffo helps you away from any unwanted eyes, help meaning may literally threaten them in the worst ways possible.
when he's around you its like he's in a daze for him, he just feels like he's on cloud nine and is living the best life ever.
suddenly becomes the most romantic person ever, not that he wasn't already. but like hella cheesy hopeless romantic.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ stan marsh.
the classic and boring response is a throws up. but he actually doesn't do that contrary to popular beliefs.
he faints instead!
he thought he died since he saw an angel and then his vision went black but he thought hey at least that meant hed be in heaven.
he is stunned when he wakes up in the nurse's office and sees you worried about him of all people.
is like a stuttering mess but he starts slowly but surely relaxing around you, still very nervous talking to you though.
has bragged very purposely in front of wendy that y'all are friends.
while he may not be good at romance, he does try. and by trying i mean he makes u a picnic and brings takeout.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ kenny mccormick.
ay, he has a heart attack because of you.
kidding. but bro does feel his heart like- stop when he sees you walking down the halls like it's some rom-com movie.
instantly starts making moves on you, no hesitation.
doesn't matter whats going on, if he has the chance, hell take it.
at one point thought you were like his actual guardian angel because he had yet to die after meeting you.
still thinks you are and worships the ground you walk on.
very much one of those "ill do anything for you" but he actually will do anything for you, like seriously. just ask.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ butters stotch.
surprisingly the most normal of the bunch.
treats you like a normal human being thankfully.
though he does like stutter around you a lot but that calms down and he's usually back to his normal self in like a day or two.
is very much attached to you especially since his parents have
brags so much to the guys and tells them to "suck on these nuts bitch" because you don't hang out with them, ever.
has tried, and failed, to set up a date with you two. cried himself to sleep, and repeated this process for like a week.
it did work. at his house, in front of his parents! but it was kinda fun, you surprisingly got along with them very well.
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thatonebipotato · 7 months
a somewhat swap au of Scarab and Prismo. i say somewhat because its not just swapping them, i changed a lot of stuff other than just like their jobs. heehoo ok enjoy :]
text descriptions and more information under cut ^^!
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Prismo -
his [physical] body is "frozen" in time
a bit more calloused over his years of working, but still considered very chill
he usually talks people down so he doesn't have the fight them
the crystal weapon is around his neck
it shoots out like a flashlight
the auras/souls of his victims get trapped in jars
pupils go starry when he does this
So here, Prismo is a god auditor! He's still very down to earth, but after years of fighting and monitoring and capturing, he's a bit worn down. That being said, he's still generally considered to be everybody's pal! The crystal he uses can't store the people he gets, so he has to carry around the jars. Because of this, he can usually only detain like two people at once, maybe three if he pushes it.
Prismo has some resentment about not being Wishmaster, but not the way that Scarab would! He just thinks he could do a better job, but he respects Wishmaster Scarab and just kinda lets it slide. He and Scarab are actually pretty close, and if he's injured or just very bored he'll go bother the cosmic bug.
Things he can do that aren't mentioned are that he can walk on walls/defy gravity, make duplicates of himself, and teleport. Duplicating himself and teleporting takes a looot of energy out of him, and considering that he is perpetually tired, he really doesn't use those abilities a lot.
Scarab -
this form resembles his physical body, but is still just a projection
he can touch stuff, but can't feel anything and can't be hurt/damaged
he's a bit more relaxed, but is still quite strict/rule oriented
the wings of his mask can open up, but usually don't
he is very big :)
the time room is less of a room and more like a never-ending labyrinth of paths
only the truly determined will obtain a wish
Scarab as the Wishmaster is a lot more relaxed than in canon, but due to his nature he is still a bit strict about rules and such. He will explain how exactly a wish will work to those who reach their goal, and if they choose to ignore that, they don't get a second chance. He usually won't go further into detail about the rules, either. This is where Prismo's slight distaste comes from, because he thinks that if he were in Scarab's place he would be nicer about it. That's about as far as that goes, though.
The main entrance that everyone is allowed through(the labyrinth) is infinite, but there is space around it(like a pocket dimension inside of a pocket dimension). Getting into the outside space will lead to the rest of the Time Room, but only Scarab has access to that. He spends most of his time floating in the abyss of the main area. There is no set path to find him, and he will instead come to whoever enters, if they're determined enough.
Scarab does not let people wander freely through the Time Room, so most of the other cosmic entities tend to avoid him because he isn't very fun. Prismo doesn't, though. Unlike anyone else who may enter, if Prismo simply calls out for Scarab, he will arrive almost immediately. Though Scarab has a 3D form, he is still confined to the Time Room, and does not find joy in watching the universes(he only does it if he's reeeallly bored, or if it's necessary). And since he blocks off the rest of the room to anyone else, he never gets any visitors, only mortals looking for his favor.
He doesn't mind the isolation at all, but he does enjoy the company that Prismo offers him. He doesn't mind being secluded, but he gets lonely sometimes. Prismo has many tales of his adventures being an auditor, and Scarab has begun keeping notes on all of them. He looks forward to Prismo's next visit always.
That's about all I have to say about them and their lore, at least as a base to build off of later, so uhhh here's they're color pallets :]
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On the left is just how they both look, and the right is just missing the gradient for Scarab so it's easier to see(they don't look super great, but im just laying out the colors)
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hugshughes · 2 months
Liquid Courage J. McCarthy
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JJ McCarthy x fem!reader
synopsis - JJ calls you in the middle of the night, inebriated and affectionate. His confessions leave your heart heavy as he sleeps off his drunken haze on your couch. It isn't until the next morning JJ realizes the extent of what he's admitted.
wc - 3.4k
contains - UNEDITED! super cute! alcohol consumption, underage alcohol consumption, JJ gets drunk, eating, hugging. ALL WHILE SOBER: kissing, touching, makin out kinda. reader is insecure about herself (even though she's so cute and pretty), drunk confession, reader gets sad, cursing, i think that's it! oh takes place like october of last year! Rushed ending sorry
an - based on THIS request! LOVEEEEEEDDDDD THIS REQUEST SO MUCH! this was so cute loved it!! #imnotdead :D
You hummed to yourself as you pranced around your kitchen, the banana bread you just put in the oven leaving the aroma of your apartment warm. Your hair was in a braid down your back, your adorable pink striped Victoria's Secret pajamas soft against your skin. Music played from your Alexa, your nighttime playlist floating through the air, one of Olivia Rodrigo's new songs gracing your ears.
The thick socks covering your feet kept them from the cold of the linoleum in your bathroom. You took out your contacts, throwing them out before slipping on your glasses. You grabbed your phone off the counter after exiting the bathroom, seeing a couple Snapchat notifications, some from TikTok, and a few messages from your best friend. All three of her texts had said something along the lines of how you should've come out tonight. The third one said how JJ McCarthy was asking where you were. You sighed, turning your phone back off and checking on your banana bread.
JJ had been your friend since freshman year. He was very sweet and so kind. He was so mature and was one of the most polite people you knew. You'd always thought he was extremely cute, I mean, who didn't think that? He had the cutest smile, and the softest dirty blonde hair. His blue eyes were gorgeous. He'd started his little flirting game with you about halfway through sophomore year. He'd compliment you endlessly whenever you saw him, he'd randomly ask you out in the middle of a conversation. That same smile on his face, bright as ever. You, of course, took it all as a joke, a cruel one at that. You assumed JJ was just a flirty guy with a flirty personality, you'd experienced it before. There was zero chance someone like JJ McCarthy would like you.
"Come on. You guys really think he's being serious when he says that stuff?"
"Yes! We do, because he likes you, and it's so obvious. He doesn't talk to us like that, does he?"
You rolled your eyes. Starting to get pissed with them. Your brain could not compute the idea of JJ really liking you.
"Why in the world would JJ McCarthy, probably the most eligable bachelor on the campus of Michigan, like me? I'm not one of the prettiest girls at Mich, let alone am I the prettiest girl that likes him!"
Sometimes you would wonder that if you thought you were pretty, then maybe you'd believe them. You had bad underlying insecurities that stopped you from believing that any guy would like you, let alone someone like JJ.
You leaned your forehead against your silver fridge, the cool of the metal relaxing you. You could hear its low whirring and humming with your proximity to it. The sound occupying your brain as a white noise, leading you to close your eyes. You might've actually fallen asleep if the timer for your bread didn't go off, you scrambling to shout at your Alexa to, 'Please, stop!' You grabbed oven mitts and grabbed the tray after sticking a toothpick into it to check the middle. You set the pan down on your cooling rack, sliding your gloves off. You grabbed your phone and paused your music, going to sit on the couch while your bread cooled.
You stalked your friends Snapchat stories, they were all having fun at the big party everyone seemed to be attending. You halted when you saw your best friend's private story, you knew it only had a handful of people so she posted silly and random things on it.
What she'd posted was a zoomed in photo of what resembled JJ McCarthy with his head thrown back against the couch of whatever frat house they were in. His face looked miserable, and the caption on the photo was saying how that's how she too reacted when you didn't come to parties. You immediately slid up, typing in all caps telling her to shut up. You said how he was not upset over you, and how she was stupid and drunk. It was all lighthearted, you both knew it.
She immediately typed back to you, claiming he'd drunkenly asked her at least four times where you were and why you didn't want to come see him. You giggled to yourself, believing it for just a few moments. You typed to her for a few more minutes before your phone started vibrating in your hand, JJ's contact coming onto your screen. You were met with the photo you'd had him saved with, him smiling that bright beautiful smile across the table from you at Panera sometime during last school year. What was JJ calling you for? You slid to answer, holding your phone to your ear. It was oddly quiet on his end, though he was actively attending a party. He called your name, and you called his.
"JJ? What's up? Are you alright?"
"Hi! Oh my gosh, hi. I can't believe you aren't here right now, I was only excited to see you."
You smiled sadly, he was endearing, and so totally plastered.
"Aw, JJ, I'm sorry. Where are you? It's pretty quiet for a party."
"Oh, yeah. I'm just in the bathroom, standin' around. I got bored. Ya' know, I miss you."
He was so drunk, his words were melting together, but his happiness stayed solid throughout.
"Jay, are you alright? Do you need someone to help you leave? Is Blake there? Colston?"
"You should, we can hang out! But yeah, he's 'round here somewhere. Lemme go get 'im."
You said okay, letting the boy look for his friend. The noise on his end got louder as he left the bathroom. You giggled when you heard him shout hey at random people around the house. You heard JJ call your name into his phone, then again.
"JJ, I'm still here. Any luck finding Colston?"
"Why don't you jus' go marry Colston if he's all 'yer gonna talk about"
You barely heard it, he muttered it with the phone a few inches from his mouth. You were shocked at the words JJ said. What?
"What, JJ?"
"Wish y'were talkin' about me."
You smiled, still a bit confused. His drunk mind was extremely silly.
"I'm talking to you, aren't I? The only boy's call I'd pick up this late."
JJ was ecstatic, smiling brightly as he continued through the party, looking for his teammates.
"I see him! Colston! Come here buddy, she wants to talk to you."
You heard a confused colston mutter 'Who's she?' before he took the phone from JJ, seeing your contact before talking to you.
"Oh hey, what's up?"
"JJ is like, absolutely plastered if you couldn't tell. Are you all good? I asked him and he told me he wanted me to pick him up. If I come get him can you bring him to my car? I'm already in my pajamas."
"Yeah, think Jay'll definitely love that. Kid hasn't stopped asking about you since we got here. I'll have him outside whenever 'ya get here."
You responded with an affirmative, thanking Colston. He handed the phone back to JJ, who was very happy to hear your voice again.
"Hey! What's up? Colston said you're coming to get me."
"Yeah, I'll see you in a couple minutes, okay Jay?"
He hung up and you giggled. How did you go from an innocent call with the boy to asking him if he needed to be picked up? You shook your head at yourself, standing and grabbing your keychain.
You left your apartment and drove to the house you knew the party was at. Your friends had told you which house it was in case you changed your mind and came. It was less than ten minutes before you were in front of the bustling house, seeing two boys standing on the sidewalk.
You rolled down the window as they walked over, shouting hey to them. JJ was visibly drunk, stumbling just a little as he leaned into your car, a big smile on his face.
"Hi, pretty."
"Hi, JJ."
Colston helped his teammate into the car, making sure you were good to take care of the boy.
"Yeah, we'll be fine, Colst. I'll let 'im have my couch for tonight. I'll text you if I need anything!"
He nodded, lightly slapping the side of your car twice before retreating to the house. You turned your music back on, leaving it at a low volume as you turned around to drive home. You glanced at JJ and noticed the biggest pout on his face.
"JJ McCarthy. I know I didn't just drive over here to get you just for you to be pouting when you get in my car."
"Just text Colston about it, why don't you?"
You busted out giggling. Drunk JJ was such a treat. His jealousy over your friendship with his teammate was incredibly hilarious.
"I might if you don't start bein' nice t'me."
"Sorry 'm being mean."
He barely murmured it, though it was all you needed. You smiled brightly at him, laughing to yourself. JJ never got drunk, he usually opted for just a drink or two, or being the designated driver.
You got home quickly, making small talk with the now sleepy boy. You parked in your spot, hopping out of the car and walking around the hood to help JJ out. He'd stayed at yours after a party once or twice before, but it had always been with a couple other people. Tonight it was just you two.
You walked in, stepping into the elevator right behind JJ. The two of you stepped out of the elevator as the machine dinged and the doors slid open. JJ grabbed your hand as you walked down the hall to your door. You glanced at him, softly smiling. His eyes were barely open, but he still had a smile on his face. You didn't take the action as anything serious, JJ was a physical touch kind of person. He was always hugging people, patting shoulders, bumping fists. He was extra physical with you though, not that you noticed. You were the only girl he ever really acted like that with, again, not to your acknowledgment.
You wouldn't let yourself believe he liked you. Convinced it would hurt too much when eventually he got a prettier, skinnier, bubblier, more likable girlfriend and left you in the dust. JJ had eyes solely for you, though. He only ever looked at you. He asked anyone and everyone if they knew where you were or if you were coming to the party for God's sake.
You closed the door behind JJ and locked it, telling him to make himself at home. He took his shoes off, trying to neatly organize them in your shoe cubby. He wandered over to the couch as you kicked your shoes off and entered your kitchen. You grabbed a cold water bottle, two Ibuprofen tablets and two Tylenol tablets, the perfect hangover cure. You noticed your still warm banana bread sitting on the counter, perking up.
"Jay, do you want some banana bread?"
You heard his footsteps then saw him come around the corner, his eyebrows raised.
"Hell yes."
You giggled, gesturing for him to come stand by you. You flipped the pan over onto the cooling rack, opening the drawer directly in front of you, pulling out a bread knife. You felt a head slip into the crook of your neck, warm breath on your neck. Heat rushed your face, JJ's contagious smile spreading to you.
"Hi, crazy."
You pointed to the water and pills on the counter as you swerved out of his reach, going to grab a cutting board and a plate.
"Take those and your head won't hurt in the morning. Well, I don't know how much you drank, but that'll definitely make it better."
He nodded, immediately following your directions. He gulped down half of the water bottle while you came back over, laying the loaf of bread on the cutting board. You cut a couple pieces off, setting one onto the plate before sliding it over to JJ. He smiled at you, beginning to devour his snack. Hopefully it would absorb some of the alcohol in his stomach.
"You're amazing, you know."
He said it in a way that made it seem like he meant it on a deeper level than you'd usually assume. He said it like he truly did believe that, and it wasn't just because you fed him warm banana bread. You shook your head, brushing it off as you tore of pieces from your slice.
"No, don't shake your head a'me. You are. You act like you're not but y'are."
He was too good at making you feel special. You were just too scared to believe any of it.
"I just like to take care of people I like."
You smiled innocently at him, shrugging your shoulders as you moved to grab a proper storage container for your bread.
"And I just like when the girl I like believes me when I tell her she's amazing."
You froze in your spot. Sure, JJ had flirted with you for about a year. But, he'd never downright told you he liked you. He's drunk out of his mind. You sighed when you turned around, trying to smile at the boy as you stared into his sleepy eyes.
"You're so sleepy, JJ, and drunk."
He nodded a little, his eyes never leaving yours, that smile never leaving his face. He didn't really notice that you'd downplayed his feelings, he'd noticed even less that he'd straight up told you you were the girl he liked. All he could really notice was how beautiful you looked in the dim light of your kitchen, in your cute pajamas and glasses, hair in a messy braid.
You set JJ up on your couch, getting him another water and some thick and soft blankets and a pillow. You ran your hand through his messy hair as he laid in the couch beneath you. His eyes were begging to close, but he still smiled at you. You quietly told him to go to sleep, turning to leave. You'd only made it to the light switch before he called your name.
"I really do like you, 'm not just drunk. Just get too nervous to tell you, 'm sorry."
Your heart was heavy. You wanted to believe him, but how could you? JJ had never shown what you deemed as genuine interest in you when he wasn't inebriated. All he did was toss flirty comments around, throwing his arm over your shoulder every once in a while.
You couldn't lie and say you didn't notice the different look in JJ's eyes as he peered over the back of your couch. The truth in them.
"If you even remember this in the morning, we can talk about it. Alright?"
"That's perfect."
He smiled at you one last time before sinking below the back of your couch, out of sight.
"Goodnight Jay."
"Night night, pretty."
His words made your heart squeeze. You knew that the affection you felt for JJ wouldn't change, no matter if they were just drunk fibs.
You switched the living room lights off, heading into the kitchen. You set out another water and more pills for whenever JJ woke up in the morning. You checked the locked once more before turning all of the lights off. All you heard as you headed back to your bedroom was JJ's heavy breathing, it calmed your racing heart. You left your door cracked open incase JJ woke up needing something.
Your glasses slid up your head as your rubbed your eyes, sighing. You kept reminding your heart that JJ didn't really know what he was saying, that he would regret it.
The bed you slept countless nights in was uncomfortable as ever tonight, you tossed and turned for most of an over before climbing out of bed. You threw your cute pajamas onto the hardwood floor and traded them for a Lululemon bra and some shorts.
You fell asleep after another forty minutes of shifting every minute or so. Your sleep was light and poor. You woke up a little after four am, just three hours after finally falling asleep. Sleep finally took you again for a couple more hours, just until a little after nine.
After lying and staring at your ceiling for half an hour, you slowly sat up in bed, getting up. You exited your room, dragging yourself to the living room. The couch was empty, the blanket JJ had used folded neatly on top of the pillow. How sweet was he? You turned and walked into the kitchen, finally spotting the dirty blonde boy you wanted to see.
He turned at the sound of your footsteps, smiling. He was holding a water bottle, his eyes tired and his hair still messy.
"Good morning, JJ."
You felt nerves wash over you. This was it, where he either apologizes and regrets everything he said last night, or you got everything you'd hoped for. You went over to where he was leaning against your counter, hopping up to sit on the counter by him. His head fell to your shoulder as if by reflex.
"How do you feel, Jay?"
"Good, better 'cause y'took care of me."
"I just gave you some meds, Jay."
You smiled, leaning your head on his. Maybe it would all be okay. Maybe he would be in love with you. You took a deep breath, now or never.
"Jay, do you-"
You pulled your head from his, turning to give him a look.
"You don't even know what I was gonna say."
"I remember what I said."
You bit your lip, still nervous. You look to where your feet dangled in the air, suddenly scared of his gaze on you.
JJ was nervous as hell too, though. You hadn't said that you liked him back, he definitely remembered that. He was beginning to take your silence as disinterest. He just stared at you, waiting for some indication of how you felt.
"'And?' And, I like you."
Your nerves escaped from your body in a giggle, the churning of your stomach now butterflies. JJ did not appreciate the laughter though, taking it the complete wrong way.
"You don't have to laugh at me, shit."
He reached his hands to his eyes, rubbing hard as he started off, away from you. You giggled again, realizing your mistake. You jumped from the counter, sighing JJ's name out.
"Wait, wait Jay, I'm sorry. It's not like that."
You grabbed his arm, trying to halt the taller and stronger boy wasn't easy without his compliance. You shouted his name again and he stopped, turning to you.
"I'm not laughing 'cause you like me. I'm laughing 'cause I barely slept last night worried that you wouldn't like me."
JJ finally looked at you. His eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
"What's do you mean? I literally told you I liked you!"
"JJ! You were so drunk! I wasn't about to convince myself that JJ McCarthy liked me just 'cause he said so while he was plastered."
"I wasn't plastered! And, what do you mean when y'say it like that?"
You rolled your eyes, halfway annoyed. He didn't get it.
"JJ, you could probably get with any girl on the Michigan campus if you wanted to. I wasn't convinced that out of all of them you'd actually want me."
"How could I not like you?"
The truth in JJ's eyes made you feel seen. Like he actually knew you. You smiled sappily, pulling the boy down by his shoulder, kissing him deeply. One of JJ's hands gripped the back of your head, the other pulling you closer by the small of your back.
There you were, standing in your kitchen kissing the boy you could've sworn never liked you. The boy you'd been infatuated with for a year. He was finally yours.
JJ pulled away from your lips, his hands moving to cup your face. His smile was brighter than ever. You both laughed, looking into each other's eyes for just a few seconds before JJ pulled you back in.
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aidemint · 1 year
To Break A Habit | Routine Doesn’t Get You Kisses Like These
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Summary: You kinda-actually find out he wasn’t joking about the spider stuff. Okay. But you’re totally cool about it. Totally.
Word Count: 5.1k
Pairing: Hobie Brown/GN!Reader
Notes: 5 minutes of screentime and i’ve already wrote more about this guy in a week than i usually write about anything in three months jesus christ
Masterpost | AO3 |  Part 1 | Part 3
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“40081’s got this hoodoo shit goin’ on.” Hobie sighs as he makes his way down the main hall of Spider-HQ, recounting his mission discoveries from days prior. “Some sort of bad luck spell that’s making the world lose its plot.”
Gwen paces beside him, listening intently. “Sinister Six behind it?” she asks with a frown. “Or do you think it’s something else?”
“Not certain,” Hobie responds with a shrug. “But I’m close to catching the anomaly. Things should reset once it’s out of the fabric.”
“Hope it gets resolved soon.” Gwen sucks in a breath from between her teeth. “Miguel’s not looking too happy these days.”
Oddly enough, the mission so far had been almost deceptively easy—three days into the operation Hobie had already located and shut down a multitude of energy pockets emanating from certain parts of the city. A variant of Mysterio or Osborn was bound to show up soon, as the sites were likely siphoning vitality from the dimension. Now he just needed to gather intel about the effects of the magic while playing the waiting game. Luckily for him, he has a direct source.
“Relax Gwendy, it’ll be fine. I even got in touch with one of the locals for—” Hobie starts assuredly, turning to address his drummer, but pauses and swivels around when she’s noticeably no longer keeping up with his stride.
“You what?” Gwen stands frozen in the middle of the walkway, eyes blown as large as dinner plates with her mouth slightly ajar. She readjusts herself with a shake of her head, though her hands and shoulders remain raised and stiff. “Hobie, please tell me you’re not getting to know a civilian. ”
“Then I won’t tell you that I’m ‘getting to know’ a civilian.” A roll of his shoulder and he’s back walking, half-lidded eyes peering at Gwen when she inevitably joins again, bobbing and weaving through a downcurrent flow of Peter Parkers. “And I won’t tell you that it’s strictly for information about the mission.” A coy smile tugs the edges of Hobie’s lips upward. “Probably.”
Gwen looks just about ready to explode at the last quip. “You just told me— Oh my God, you know that, out of everything, is against protocol. Very against protocol,” she hisses, her voice lowering as her lip curls and she leans further into the privacy of only each others’ company. “What will you do when Miguel finds out?”
“You gotta live freely past the propaganda, Gwendy,” Hobie replies nonchalantly, patting a palm on her shoulder as a point of reassurance. “Just think about it.”
The best Gwen can offer him is a wary glance and a moment of hesitation, but he takes it with a grin anyhow. He’s certain she’ll eventually come around—the extent of their friendship isn’t something so miniscule that a few words of indoctrination would ever be enough to turn her.
It’s a nice notion to have, but he unfortunately doesn’t get much time to dwell on it—suddenly, his watch buzzes with an alert.
Hobie checks the device. “Someone’s ringing me, gotta bounce.” A few taps of an orange screen and a twist of a dial, then a portal opens up just shy of his left arm. “Been fun, Gwendy. Don’t blame me if I come back late.”
No matter how hard she rolls her eyes, Gwen can’t help but give into the smile that creeps onto her lips. “Stay safe, loser,” she responds, bumping her fist against his.
“Safe is practically my middle name.” With that, Hobie ducks into the gateway, and disappears.
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How the fuck do you accuse someone of having spider powers without sounding like you’ve gone insane? Since morning you’ve been stuck in a cycle of decision-making for a seemingly hopeless situation. You thought the hard part was over after seeing the guy in the costume swing away on white silly string, but the mostly sleepless night and brainstorming the resolution to be had was another beast altogether. What doesn’t help much either is the fact your favorite pair of jeans are now stained to shit because an idiot thought it would be a good idea to trickshot a half-full Starbucks drink into a trashcan you were standing right next to.
Oh, New York, how it surprises you each day. You swear you’ve never had bad luck like this in your life—and now you’re twenty minutes late, punching in your timecard and hurrying to tie on an apron.
Even through your shift the anxiety doesn’t go away, despite how you try to ignore it. Nervous energy bleeds into your work, shaking hands spilling and dropping drinks; your preoccupied mind is nowhere near as focused as you need to be for the rush—you remake a drink three times in a row before being on the receiving end of a tired lecture from an angry customer.
“Something on your mind?” one of your coworkers ends up asking after most of the crowd has dissipated. “Or just tired?”
You’re on the verge of bursting into tears actually, but you manage to stifle it with a deep breath in. “A lot of both,” you mumble in response. You can’t tell her about Hobie, and it’d be too winding to describe the entirety of everything. She’s pretty good at giving looks of pity and she’s already shot you one following the complaining customer. Honestly another one is the last thing you want to deal with right now. “Maybe I should’ve just skipped work today.”
“Don’t worry, we all have bad days,” she offers with a consoling pat on the arm. “How about you just calm down for a bit and take your break? I’ll make you your favorite drink and get a bowl started for you.”
The gesture does ease your nerves, even if only by a little. You sigh, shoulders slumping, and give your coworker a grateful smile. Parting ways then, she returns to her station to honor her word and you make your way to the back to punch in the start of your break.
Exhaustion starts to seep in when you catch yourself staring blankly at the time card machine, watching the hands of the clock tick away second by second. There hasn’t been significant progress in terms of settling the whole “Hobie Brown is a superhero” dilemma, you realize, just a lot of pain and aching on your part. Maybe it’s time to put the matter to rest just for a brief half an hour—you’ll pick it up later. There isn’t even a guarantee Hobie will show up to the shop anyhow.
Yeah, you have time.
The chunk sound of the punch machine brings you back to your senses and you put away your slip before making your way back to the front of the house.
“Drink’s ready and bowl’s on the way. You can enjoy that while you wait,” your coworker chirps, sliding a cup to you when you emerge from the back. You’re just about to voice your thanks before she cuts in again, gesturing to a spot just beyond the counter. “Oh, and someone asked for you. He’s right over there.”
Your eye is already twitching before you even look. But you suppose you hate yourself and the world at this point, because you slowly turn to where her hand points regardless and find the one man you just made a pact with yourself to not think about.
Hobie greets you by name and gives you a friendly wave. Out of courtesy, you force yourself to return in, lips pressed together in a tight smile with the short extension of your hand.
“Heard it was your break,” he says, approaching the glass panel between the two of you. “Mind if I intrude?”
Yes! you scream internally. Yes I do mind very much!
“No, it’s alright,” you end up saying to him, staving off a growing impulse to whack yourself upside the head.
“Sick,” is all Hobie replies with before he retreats to a nearby table. “I’ll be waiting here—don’t rush yourself.”
It’s right about now that you’re wishing he wasn’t so nice and you didn’t like him so much so that this process of confrontation would go about smoother. Your gaze lingers on him and you bite in the inside of your cheek as you think about the validity of what you witnessed yesterday.
The option to not tell him and maintain your chances of still potentially becoming friends like normal exists. Dodging the awry reputation that comes with the manic conspiracy theorist persona is always good. You’ll get over it one day, right? Leave the suspicions behind and assume that the image was just a hallucination brought about by stress; convince yourself that Hobie Brown is just your average British punk-rocker.
But you can’t fight the feeling in your gut, how it burns, and suddenly you’re leaning over the counter, over the glass.
This is a bad idea. “Hobie,” you call in his direction.
He looks up. “Yeah?”
Shit, this is a bad idea. “I have something to tell you.”
“It’s… I think it’s a matter best told in just our own company.” You look around apprehensively, a slight crease in your brow. “Mind going somewhere more private?”
Trying your best to ignore the suggestive look your coworker shoots at you from your peripheral, you beckon Hobie to come into the back. Walking through the kitchen, you usher him into the storage pantry and shut the door behind you when you join him.
“I’m guessing we’re not just here to kotch?” Hobie teases with the sideways tilt of his head.
“Unfortunately.” Your gaze lowers to the ground at the admission, fingers finding one another and squeezing. “Been thinking about something for a while.”
Hobie lets the change in the air stew until it thickens before responding. “Ready when you are.” His voice is softer, malleable, lost of all its previous playfulness and replaced with a certain kind of sincerity.
The slightest incline of your chin brings your stare back to him. You wish it served the simple purpose of just admiring the slopes and angles of his face, but your lips part and your curled hand trembles, and it all reminds you of the gnawing insecurity.
“I need you to tell me the truth.” You say it slowly, sincerely, keeping your voice as steady as you can despite the way your heart rate thunders. “Please.”
In your supplication, you aren’t certain how to appraise the extent of your desperation, but Hobie’s gaze does not leave yours. He nods wordlessly, a glint of something in his eye and it looks a lot like deference.
You take it as permission to continue. “When you brought up Parker”—you swallow thickly—“you were talking about something real, weren’t you?”
A beat of silence. There isn’t any external reaction from Hobie, standing as still as he had the moment he stopped in front of you, face lax and hands tucked away in his pockets.
“Ain’t got a Scooby-Doo what you’re talking about,” he says plainly, unfaltering in every word. Even then he doesn’t move, fortress-like in his disposition.
Perhaps he truly doesn’t know what you mean, you think. The chance is present, albeit slim, though present nonetheless—and how tightly you clutch this sliver of hope. But for a moment, in your hesitancy and under Hobie’s untelling stare, doubt creeps in—your palms grow clammy against the material of your pants, sweat assisting the glide of your fingers against one another. Your eyes search those of the man in front of you, wishing his look could change so you could find the courage to ground yourself.
What if you’re wrong? What if it’s all a fallacy, some trick of the light? New York is no stranger to oddities but even this seems too extreme. Coincidental talk of Spider-People leading to an impossible accusation. Fucking Spider-People don’t—shouldn’t—exist. The idea grows more absurd the longer you question it. Peter Parker got the short end of the stick, if there was even a long end in the first place, so what the hell are you doing?
But what if you’re right?
A breath rattles through you. “Hobie.” With a new waver in your voice and a tremble to your hands, you stand unsure of how your conviction bleeds through what you say but you try anyhow. “I know you’re gonna think I’m crazy, but I saw a masked man walking on the side of a building yesterday.” The admission comes quickly, riddled with cracks, but you’re entirely too focused on the followup to care. “After the conversation we had about Spider-People, after the whole thing about superheroes, tell me that it wasn’t you up there. Because I saw your— your fucking pins and I’ve never— God, I don’t even know! I’ve never seen something like this.”
Your fists clench, fingers digging crescent-shaped craters into the flesh of your palms. The marks bite, angry red and stinging—perhaps aching even more the absence of Hobie’s response, the seconds you give him to reply.
“Who are you?” Dry—your throat is so dry. Your voice can’t be anything above a whisper with how hoarse the question comes, flaking away with every shallow breath you take.
Silence blankets the both of you then, soundless space a limbo between comfort and unease. Unsure of what to do with it, what to make of the situation you stand in now, you let it hang listlessly, drawing upon an empty room and an even emptier conversation.
It takes a handful of moments for Hobie to even look like he’s processed all that you’ve said. Under your scrutiny, the smallest movement of his eye is the only discernible change to the testament. Whatever goes on inside his head is a complete mystery to you for the few minutes that elapse before he speaks.
Finally, he shifts in his stance. “You want me to just come out with it, yeah?” he asks, not sounding terribly happy, but not as nonplussed as you expected. He sighs when you nod slowly. “Alright. I’ll start from the top, then.”
He tells you his name is still in fact Hobie Brown, and he was bitten by a radioactive spider three years ago. Formerly a runway model, though not a role model, he’s been protecting the streets of his hometown against the PM. When he’s not playing shows, antagonizing fascists, or staging unpermitted political “action-slash-performance art pieces,” he’s out partying with his friends.
“And don’t call me a hero,” he ends with a frown. “Hate the label. Calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologizing, narcissistic autocrat.”
When he stops, you have both hands to your temples, pressing down hard. You can deal with his anti-authority spiel just fine—some part of you even agrees with the sentiment—but there is so much to unpack prior to the statement.
“So you— you have actual spider powers? Oh my God?” you sputter, eyes blown wide in an expression of surprise you’re sure looks exaggeratedly dreadful. “What even— that’s— what even are spider powers?”
“Dunno really.” Hobie gives a shrug. “Enhanced hearing, speed, vision, and sticking to walls are the main perks. Also links up to my—”
“Can you shoot webs out of your butt?” you blurt in a sudden horrible realization.
There’s a few seconds of tense silence before Hobie bursts into laughter, arms crossed around his torso to hold himself, shoulders bunched to his ears. The ring of his joy through the air lifts a weight from it and suddenly the atmosphere doesn’t feel as crushing as before.
Witnessing his state, it doesn’t take long for unease to fade away and for you to start softly chuckling with him.
“You’re so jokes,” Hobie cackles, a hand over his eyes as he leans back. A long, shuddering breath tears through him in his attempt to calm down. “But to answer your question, no I can’t shoot webs out of my arse.”
“Thank God,” you breathe, clutching your heart. “Wouldn’t have looked at you the same if you said you could.”
“I don’t think I can look at you the same after you just asked that.”
“Hey, in my defense it was just to get to know you better.”
“I’m sure that’s all it was.” Hobie gives you a pointed look, but is quick to smile after. “Speaking of which, I came in to ask you something as well.”
“Oh?” You blink. The sudden shift in conversation is unprecedented, taking you slightly by surprise, but suspicion is quick to replace your wonderment when you notice a change in Hobie’s features. A squint narrows your eyes. “What are you plotting?”
“Nothing, it’s just I have an excuse now that you know me better.” He pauses briefly, staring at you for a moment. “I wanted to ask if I could know you a little better.”
Your lips purse in confusion at the phrase, forehead pinching. “But you already know me?” you ask, brow raised. “Don’t tell me you forgot everything already.”
“I didn’t,” Hobie reassures gently. “I was just thinking instead of talking over a counter we could do it over dinner? Maybe a movie, if you have the time?”
A beat passes and suddenly realization sets in, drawing all the air out of you. The smallest groan escapes you as you bury your face in your palms, the skin of your neck and cheeks burning hot. Every inch of you seems more sensitive in your mortification—were you always this close to Hobie, and was his cologne always that strong?
“I’m an idiot,” you whisper from between the gap in your hands. “God, I’m such an idiot.”
Hobie supplies a soft chuckle to ease your embarrassment. “You’re not. It came out pretty corny anyways.”
“I can’t believe I’m getting asked out by a guy with spider powers.”
“Is that a yes or a no?”
You groan again, a tight breath pressed against your fingers. “You are so lucky you’re cute, Hobie Brown.”
It is as endearing as it is exasperating that you can practically hear how big his smile is. “You free tomorrow?”
“Anytime past five,” you reply softly, slowly inching your hands away from your face to peer at him. “Where should I meet you?”
Hobie’s grin tilts sideways at the query, a new sparkle of mischief brightening his eye. “I’ll come pick you up.”
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Dates aren’t exactly a new concept to you—you’ve been on a handful, and they all go about the same. The first time, someone shows up with flowers or a small gift to start the evening right, then you’re whisked away for three hours to some place to hang around and have fun. It’s conventional, it’s safe—sometimes you enjoy the company more than the actual activity, leading to a second or third outing, but there’s nothing too special about the dance you do with routine.
Along this line of reasoning, Hobie crash-landing on your balcony with one of the most ridiculous offers of transportation isn’t exactly the way you imagined your date would start.
“You are not web-swinging me to Manhattan,” you tell him, still inside your apartment, arms crossed and shaking your head vigorously. “I don’t care what you have set up, I’m not gonna risk going splat on the damn concrete.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Hobie pushes playfully. “Promise I won’t drop you.”
You frown, brows furrowing and lips pursing as you glare at him. He returns the look as calm as ever, a slight smile edging the corners of his mouth and stance open in invitation. The way he holds himself has uncertainty creeping to you, forcing out your fervent disagreement in favor of consideration in a rather slick way of persuasion.
Perhaps you should’ve known you wouldn’t win, with the sheer difference in your demeanors. Your staredown continues for a couple of minutes before you sigh, breaking eye contact with a reluctant drop of your chin and a gentle moan of diffidence.
“Can I at least close my eyes?” you mumble, walking out and shutting the balcony door behind you.
“You can do whatever you want,” Hobie replies, sliding on his mask and gloves. “Just hold on tight.”
Stifling a breath when his arm wraps around the small of your back and under your thighs, you cling to his shoulders as he lifts you up and climbs on the railing.
“You ready?” His chest rumbles under your touch when he speaks, and you can only give a small nod in your position, heart pounding against your ribs and face buried deep in the nape of his neck.
Hobie laughs—a deep, warm sound—and then launches off your balcony.
There are no words to truly describe the feeling that swallows you while in freefall. Wind blasts past your ears in violent howls, gravity pulls your figure down but your insides up, and the only thing you have to ground yourself is the feel of Hobie as you clutch him with every bit of strength you possess. Adrenaline thrums through every vein, lighting your nerves on fire and prickling your skin with gooseflesh; even your energy to scream depletes into fueling the rush that floods your senses.
Upon the first pull up, Hobie’s web catching a surface to swing from, your gut lurches and a serrated gasp shudders through you. Your arms pull you impossibly closer to him, fingers clawing to dig deeper into the back of his vest.
“Easy now,” he chuckles, sounding miles away with how loud your heart beats in your ears. “I promised I wasn’t gonna drop you, didn’t I?”
“D-Doesn’t make it better,” you gasp, shivering now that the breeze whips against your back.
“Try to relax—we’ll be there soon.” Though he says it like it’s the easiest thing in the world, it proves contrary to the way his grip tightens around you with the next swing.
Despite how comforting the gesture is, you find that you can’t relax much while still flying through New York a hundred feet in the air.
After what seems like days of travel, Hobie finally lands on solid ground, giving you a moment to catch your breath before setting you down gently. His arms are threaded underneath yours as you try to balance on shaky legs, knees bent and feeling all too much like jelly for your own comfort.
“I feel like a newborn deer,” you sigh, voice trembling from the withdrawal of adrenaline. Jitters quiver your fingers, lightly chatter your teeth, and shake the thin chamber of your chest. “My God, how do you even get used to this?”
“Gotta learn to trust yourself,” Hobie hums smoothly. “First time’s always a tad tricky.”
You only nod, gaze now pinned to the ground as he gradually guides you forward, step by step, until you’re stable enough to slowly walk on your own. From there, the slightest incline of your head brings your attention to a small spread of food and flowers laid out nicely on a patterned blanket. A warmth comes to settle in your core at the sight, softening your eyes and easing the tenseness in your limbs—contentment reaches you and the stress gained from the ride here begins to fade, if only by a little.
“Hobie, this is so sweet,” you coo, pleasure lightening the tone of your voice.
His rings just as sweetly through the evening air. “Good to hear—would’ve been gutted if you didn’t like it.”
You laugh at the response, casting an affectionate glance at him that just grows fonder upon meeting his charming reciprocation. The bend of his brow, the part and curve of his lips, the crinkle of his eye—all of it has you transfixed for a generous moment, barely able to notice the way your navel aches with longing in your stupor.
The feeling persists throughout the evening, present in every winding conversation and instance of quiet shared between the two of you. It’s rather freeing to be unconstrained by the formalities usually held by the label of a first date and to sense such endearment for the whole of it. There is no talking to only talk—every sentiment has meaning, every word punctuated by some semblance of tenderness; there is no awkward atmosphere brought about by nervous tension—you rest comfortably, leaning back on your hands, as does Hobie, elbows on crossed legs, positioned towards you.
Hours pass by easily in the space, kissing the sky with hues of orange and gold and violet as they bid a teary farewell, trails of light following in the wake of their departure. Yawning clouds push to the east, unlined shapes dissipating with the fleeting luster. Soon, the New York city skyline is only a bleak, black horizon that cradles a half-yolked sun just shy of its surface.
Golden rays grace your skin, full and temperate and real. You’re just about to gush to Hobie about how this is your favorite time of the day when you’re stopped by the shallow movement of his arm.
He shifts to pick the carnation laid closest to your hand, snaps off the longer part of its stem, then tucks it delicately behind your ear. Wordlessly, he adjusts the petals, and grins when they seem to his liking.
You’re practically bursting at the seams when he retracts his hand, fingers ghosting the curve of your cheek on their path back. Heat rushes to your neck, white-hot on a quick shot up to heat every inch of your face. The sensation catches your breath, widens your eye, tucks the tip of your bottom lip between your teeth, and all you can do is sit and watch Hobie as he admires you.
There’s a look in his eye that you hope is reflected in yours, how beautiful he is. The warm vermillion hue of the sun hits his complexion and it’s like there’s nothing else in the world to behold but him.
Suddenly you find yourself reaching for the flowers on the blanket, clasping multiple in one hand and halving the stems with the other.
Leaning forward, palms stained with sap, you place the carnations in each of Hobie’s wicks, uncaring of the smell of chlorophyll or the tremble of your fingers. You only return to your seat and wipe your hands when you finish, the expanse of his head dotted in small blooms, all that’s left of the original bouquet messily cut stems and loose leaves.
A breathy laugh escapes you at the sight, light and happy and bright. “You are so pretty, Hobie,” you whisper, your heart swelling with adoration. “And I wanna kiss you so bad right now.”
He smiles. “I’m not going to stop you,” he says, then wraps his arms around you when you crush your lips to his.
You feel you must be drunk on something, but are entirely too far gone to care the slightest bit. Hobie is every bit as soft and warm as you imagined, his hold homely, his scent familiar. Breathing him in, bergamot, plum, and sandalwood filling your lungs, a dreamy sigh stutters out of your nose before you start to move.
The kiss takes on a steady rhythm then, perhaps the easiest thing you’ve had to follow. Each press of your lips against his finds just the right amount of resistance, the feel of his piercing snug as it nudges you in every shift. Your hands find purchase in cupping his face, fingertips smoothing the silver studs that line his ears and thumbs stroking his cheeks.
Hobie’s touch rests just shy of your waist, the bend of his elbows against your ribs, palms flat against your scapula. His chest rises and falls with every breath, a slight hitch in the motion when you crawl to his lap, sitting in the space between his legs.
The two of you share your own pocket of heaven for a minute longer, then with one last kiss, you part. As your eyes flutter open, Hobie slides a hand off your back to thumb your lip, swiping a finger across your bottom one.
You make a questioning noise but remain unmoving as he works, sliding his digit across sensitive skin.
“My lipstick got on you,” he explains when he finishes, showing you black makeup smeared on his thumb. “I liked the look of it, but didn’t know if you did.”
A gentle laugh spouts from you at his kindness. “I’m all for you giving me a makeover next time,” you say with a grin.
Hobie gives a small chuckle back, delight sparkling in his eye. “Good.”
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The afterbuzz of the date still tingles the back of Hobie’s neck even hours later. It’s ten o’clock, the moon at highrise and not a single star in sight in the muddy violet pool that overhangs New York. He’s in the middle of a stakeout, monitoring an energy station reopened as bait for whatever, whoever, might come out in response. The task of fully focusing proves rather hard in the wake of remembering the warmth of you as you held him, the brush of your lips against his, and your small gasps of breath, but he tries anyhow.
Hobie’s just finished shaking off the image of your face in the light of dusk when his watch buzzes. He looks down with a frown, noting the peculiarity of receiving a call this late.
“Gwendy,” he greets, an orange hologram of Stacy appearing with the twist of a dial. “What are you ringing me for?”
“Hey Hobie,” she returns flatly, not providing much else before quickly casting her gaze askance.
From her projection, Hobie can gather that something seems off—Gwen’s stance is completely closed, arms crossed and feet together. What looks like nervousness twists her features, pinches her forehead, pulls her lips tight together. She’s never been good at hiding her emotions, but even this seems exaggerated.
Sobriety seeps into Hobie then, the high of hours ago eroding. “Something wrong?” he asks, voice dropping low.
Gwen pauses, hesitating. “Miguel wants you back at HQ,” is what comes from her after a few seconds. “Now.”
“What about the mission?”
“He just says to leave. There’s been some new intel. That’s all I know.” Gwen swallows thickly, her eyes flickering back to Hobie. “See you soon.”
“Alright, see ya.” The hologram blinks twice, then disappears. Hobie taps on his watch to open a portal back to Earth-928, dubiety sinking its teeth into his thoughts. Miguel was ever the autocrat, so he was never quite fond of the guy, but the way Gwen had come to him—with a fresh feeling that extended beyond terror etched in her expression—that doesn’t sit well. He doesn’t need a spider-sense to recognize that something is amiss.
Somehow, he can’t elude the feeling of dread that creeps to him when he’s swallowed by the vortex.
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nyxyxx · 5 months
Godly Desires - Part 5
Disappeared for a while for holidays and stuff. Happy New Year folks. This chapter is quite short but the good parts come next so that's exciting. (Also with a little bit of lore hehe). I. II. III. IV. V. Warning: This series will contain yandere content and religious themes.
"The City of Wind"
In the woods, stirring from its ancient slumber was a darkness so wicked and vicious, the very life that surrounded it began to wither and decay, rotting away from its presence alone. This darkness, it had a mind of its own, yet had no name to accompany it. Perhaps it once had a name, but said name has been long lost in the archaic oceans of time. Sunk deep within the waters of the world, lived a name so egregious, that uttering it would only bring about misfortune.
There was a prophecy to be told about this darkness. An ancient prophecy, one that was older than the gods themself. A legend told from within the land, an old story that was soon to be unearthed. Though this story would very soon present itself, discovered in the depths of the sea, now is not the time.
"It is the calm before the storm, my love."
"Stop right there!" A young girl emerged from the trees and promptly ran towards you. Dressed in red, white and brown, alongside the pyro vision at her hip, it was the ever-so recognizable Outrider Amber. She stood in front of you, with an air of justice and gentleness. "May the anemo God protect you, stranger!" She announced, suspiciously gazing over your strangely dressed self. "I am Outrider Amber, of the knights of favonius, and who are you?"
"Oh uh...I'm [___]"
Amber simply stared at you in silence, looking a lot different than her typical self. Almost like she was thinking really hard about something, but also staring at you. Noticing how weird she was being, she kinda just turned away from you, her ears tinted a little pinkish.
There was somewhat of an awkward silence following. You gave her a fake name, as Diluc had mentioned it may be a good idea to do so, though you found it to be quite strange. Still, this was just way too awkward. Why wasn't she responding? Did you already do something wrong?
"Oh um...right. Where was I..." Amber snapped back into her usual persona, and thus you carefully explained your situation to her, keeping a few things hidden, but otherwise being truthful. She seemed to relax after a while of talking to her, even opening up a little bit.
"If you'd like, I can take you to the city, there have been lots of monsters in the area recently." She said, a little bit shy. It was uncalled for, but since she was offering you her company, you accepted happily.
Reaching the gates of the city, you glanced up at the sky. Though you had seen Mondstadt many times it looked so much more beautiful in person. Maybe your dream just had such great detail to it. Amber hastily showed you around, though it was mostly unneeded, as the entire city felt so familiar, to you. She quickly mentioned that she had to get back to work, and hoped that you had a good time while you remained in Mondstadt.
You couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was something that you were missing. Some important reason that you had to come here. Like you had been sent here for some purpose that you can't quite remember. You tried really hard to think of what that could've been, but attempting to do only led to your head hurting.
Well, you were here anyways. You might as well try and find something fun to do. So, swallowing those strange feelings, you decided to try someplace that might be interesting. The local tavern, perhaps.
Taglist: @justyoureader; @mmeatt; @iamapotatoe; @clavichordcleffa; @yu-ulda; @c3rtifiedsimp; @eravariety; @vianitry; @dulcedelechenginamo; @reveihehe; @liansh3ng; @angelofdarkness2; @yarabutterfly;
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Oh man, just got caught up on all the Vil stuff of the last few days, and we simps be eating good!
So here’s my contribution to the ever-growing shrine: pre-confession darling always being polite to Vil, but a little distant, a little too star-struck to relax around him. Vil starts to wonder if he’s doing something wrong, if he isn’t good enough…
But THEN *dramatic music* darling’s bag falls over somehow, and some little Vil fan item falls out. Nothing crazy, maybe a button with his face on it, or a perfume model he advertised for that has his picture on the bottle. Something unmistakably fangirl-ish.
Darling only notices when Ace or Deuce points it out, then gets utterly mortified when she sees that Vil had also noticed. Stuffs it back in, tries to laugh it off, but can’t get away from the teasing that yeah, even though they’re still new to this world, they couldn’t resist spending some hard earned thaumarks, and that they’ve grown to admire Vil after the SDC.
Can you imagine? I’m sure Vil would be very nice and not too teasing in the moment, but the second he’s alone? Cue all the embarrassing squealing and rolling on the bed he’d never let anyone see. And the SMUGNESS!! Oh, he’ll be on cloud nine for the next few days, randomly smiling and causing heart attacks in the student population.
Even better, now knowing Darling is a fan, it’s SO much easier to get closer, to offer exclusive tickets to his next movie, to invite darling along on his next photo shoot. And any time darling gets embarrassed and tries to refuse, he can just catch their chin in his hand, and force eye contact as he pouts and reminds them that they’re his fan…
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Vil Schoenheit.
Summary: Vil being a fucking simp for a fan MC.
Note: Y'all Vil simps have taken over this blog now. ARE YOU HAPPY? Had to write a bit for this because I saw it so vividly in my head. Normally I like to imagine MC kinda oblivious to trends and celebrities of Twisted Wonderland so they casually approach the elegant star Vil like "wazzup" but your idea is pretty fun too. Had to bust out my Vil playlist to write this one. ADDED: I just finished it. Have not edited or checked for mistakes. But I feel like its mid? Like, it’s not bad but it’s not good either. But I didn’t want to keep it in the drafts after completing it and I didn’t just want to delete it either. So I’ll post anyways, even though I’m not happy with it. 
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Normally the class consisted of the first years, you'd sit beside Ace and Deuce, usually with Grim seated in your lap. Sometimes Jack, Epel, and even Sebek would be in the same class. But this time you were alone, despite the class being busier than ever.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim were caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing, as per usual. And they were promptly sent to see the Headmaster. Surprisingly you weren't called up, probably because you had been in the bathroom when it went down so you were exempt from detention. Jack, Epel, and Sebek made it to class on time, but they had arrived when the only seats left were across the room. Leaving you seated between unfamiliar third-years because of the joint class today. Well, most of them were unfamiliar, not all of them. Seated directly on your left was Vil Schoenheit, third-year, dorm leader of Pomefiore, and celebrity.
Schoeneheit had greeted you amicably with a rather friendly smile and a how are you? To which you responded with your own nervous smile and a polite response. Truthfully, you believe he only sat beside you because it was one of the only seats left, but you'd like to believe it was because he saw you in a good light now. Were you friends? Probably not. Maybe simple acquaintances was a better term. 
If you were being honest, he still intimidated you. You could recall the looks of disdain he often gave you and your companions before the audition, then there was his strict nature and the fact that he literally cursed your friends with a cake you were five seconds from taking a bite of. Not to mention his overblot and how his unhinged form seemed to focus on you so intently... Yeah, talk about nightmare fuel. But, you decided to give him another chance at possibly being friends. You knew he was famous, but you didn’t know he was famous enough to draw crowds. Which sparked your curiosity and led you to looking him up. What you found were various films, shows, advertisements, and magazines. He was like the actor Emma Watson, singer Britney Spears, and influencer Kim Kardashian all rolled into one. You still can’t believe you had no idea who he was and you had offered him a bowl of cheap instant noodles when he and the others were staying at Ramshackle. Embarrassing... 
You sat rigidly as Vil checked his appearance in the small hand-held mirror, making sure his looks were up to his standards before class began. Uncomfortably you shifted, deciding to occupy yourself by removing your notebook and writing utensils from the bag you kept as a barrier between you and the super star. As you did so, you failed to notice a tiny object fall out of your bag, but he noticed out of the corner of his eye. Curiously he plucked it up between his gloved fingers, about to return it when he took a closer look. 
It was an enamel pin, shiny and sparkling. However, it resembled his face. Or, to be more accurate, one of the characters he played in a recent series. It caused him to freeze, processing what this meant before he moved to tap your shoulder and held out his open palm with the pin on it. “You dropped this.” 
Confused, you turned your head and raised your eyebrow. That’s when you saw it. Your pin in his hand, the pin that looked exactly like him. Mortified, you quickly snatched it, attempting to laugh it off, but heat only began to creep up your neck when you noticed his smug smile. 
Vil propped up his elbow on the table, holding up his head as he remarked slyly, “I didn’t think you were a fan.” 
“Ahaha, yeahhhh... Sorry, is that weird?” 
“Not at all. I’m a little flattered.” Those amethyst eyes of his were studying you so intensely, watching your every little reaction. “I’m simply surprised. Most people tend to not like that character I portrayed, since they’re a villain and all.” 
“What’s wrong with that? I think villains are better than good guys anyways. They always have a better fleshed out backstory or reason for what they do. They’re more relatable, you know? And you did a really good job and making the audience feel for the character! They became my favorite! And–– Ah...” Realizing what you were doing, you shut your mouth. “I mean, you probably get that stuff a lot, huh? I’ll stop now.” 
His eyes were sparkling, surprised as his listened. When you paused, he insisted, “No, no, continue! Any and all feedback is appreciated. Besides,” Vil took the pin from your hands, and he lifted his fingers up to the upper half of your uniform where he pinned the accessory on your clothing. Beaming pridefully at the sight of the accessory, with his face on it, on your uniform, he hummed, “You said, I was your favorite, didn’t you? We still have a few more minutes before class. You’ll indulge me with more conversation, won’t you~?” 
❂     ❂     ❂     ❂     ❂ 
Once alone, Schoenheit allowed his bag to slip off his shoulder. It was a long class, three hours to be exact. Three hours... with you. He released a shaky breath, clutching the spot over his heart that was still beating at a faster than average rate. He could hardly believe his luck. When he heard that today there was to be a joint class between first-years and third-years, he instantly began prepping. He put more effort into his makeup, making sure it was perfect down to the exact particle. He sprayed on his sweetest smelling perfume and picked his cleanest uniform. 
At first he was worried that perhaps he was doing something wrong. You always appeared so... timid whenever he appeared. You could be joking and chatting animatedly with those pesky friends of yours (which he held a raging jealously towards), but when he entered the room, you would go quiet and avoid his gaze. He questioned and scolded himself for everything he did. Why did he used to look at you like a stain? Why didn’t he realize you earlier? Were his efforts at redeeming himself in your eyes, not good enough? Was it something about the way he dressed? Or acted? Or spoke? All this paranoia seemingly evaporated when he striked up a conversation. For the first time in weeks, you talked to him! And it wasn’t just a little chat about homework, or responsibilities, or school rumors. You spoke to him, about him! He knew by the pin and how you spoke about the series, that you had seen him on the show. You had been thinking about him! It quelled all his worries, as just yesterday he feared that you may have secretly loathed him for what he’s done or tried to do. 
As the memory came back to him of what just occurred, Vil clutched himself and squealed. He was already on the bed, rolling around on the sheets and pillows, resisting the urge to simply jump on his mattress and leap with joy! He could vividly recall the way you allowed him to scoot closer to point out some important material in the textbook, as you whispered a witty remark to him which he very quietly chuckled to in order to avoid being caught by the professor, and you even gave him your number! Of course it was to exchange notes and tips, you had said. But he’d use it for so much more than that. 
This was good first step, wasn’t it? You had officially bypassed the acquaintance stage and were now well on your way to the friend stage. Then, more than that, by that was all in due time. For now... 
Vil stopped his squirming, again feeling his heart that was now beating rapidly. Do you know the things he would do just for your attention? Oh, you truly have no idea of the lengths he would do, just for you. Gingerly picking up his phone, he read over the newly registered number. Your number. Slowly opening up a chat, he was partially disappointed to see it was completely empty. You hadn’t sent a thing. But, if all went well, it’d be full and constantly busy by tomorrow evening. His fingers danced across the screen as he typed out his message, reviewing what he wrote over and over again for any errors, any grammar mistakes, or another way to better word what he wants to say. Finally, after a good five minutes of anxiously staring at his screen, he pressed the send button, and watched the text come up in the chat. 
V: [ It was nice to talk to you again. If you’re willing, we should meet again. I got word that Professor Trein plans to have another joint class promptly, and he’ll assign a project so that the first years and third years work together. Would you like to get ahead and research in the library soon? ] 
Then he waited. And waited. And waited some more. After ten minutes, he feared he wouldn’t get a response. Had you given him the wrong number accidentally or purposefully? Was he coming on too strong? What if–– 
Instantly the screen lit up, displaying a new unread message which he hurriedly read. 
Y: [ Vil, right? Thanks for the heads up! Sorry for the kinda late reply Grim took my phone to play games. Anyways, yeah, that sounds good. I can meet you as soon as classes are over tomorrow, if that’s a good time for you?? ] 
V: [ That sounds perfect. ]
You poor thing, you truly don’t have a clue about what you’re getting into, do you?
❂     ❂     ❂     ❂     ❂ 
Again, Vil was prepared. He dressed flawlessly and got to the library early in order to have all the books necessary and stacked up on the table. He greeted you with a friendly smile, and you immediately got to work together. The blonde sat across from you, watching as you sketched out a rough look for the presentation that you wanted to show him and ask for his opinion. As he waited, he ignored the open book in front of him and instead watched at the way you focused on the paper, your hand moving with the pencil to create lines and shapes on the sheet. It was incredible that even the simple little things about you could captivate him. 
After a moment of watching you with a gentle smile and great intrigue, he opened his mouth, “Do you have any plans for afterwards?” 
You paused, looking up in confusion, “H-Huh?” 
“Do you have any plans for afterwards?” He repeated. “I mean, after our study session together. Do you have anything planned for afterwards?” 
“Oooh.” You shrugged before getting back to the sketch, answering as you finished up the drawing. “I mean, I left Grim with the ghosts but he gets grumpy if he doesn’t get tucked in. The Headmaster said Grim wasn’t allowed out, except classes, for at least two day. But, I might go buy some instant foods from Sam’s shop. Then I’ll lead home.” 
“Instant foods...?” Vil murmured incredulously, his smile immediately dropping. All those times he’d spied on you as you ate lunch with your friends, he always thought it was strange that you never ate when he saw you. Despite your company and even Grim eating. But now this? Instant foods? Was it possible that you didn’t have enough money to eat lunch? He was mortified. Swiftly he grabbed your wrist and carefully dragged you out of the library, “Come. Now.” 
“Wh–– What?? Where are we going? What about the project!” 
“A simple project can wait. Our stuff will be where we left it.” He continued to escort you down the hallways, towards what you recognized was the path leading to the cafeteria. That’s when he spoke again, his tone oddly stern, much different from how softly he spoke just minutes before. “You haven’t been eating properly, have you?” 
Your gaze drifted downwards, gazing at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, in order to avoid his stare. “... Hot pockets are still food.” 
“I mean real food.” When there was a lack of response, Vil became angry. Not at you, but at who was responsible. “That wretched crow hasn’t given you a decent allowance, has he? Tsk. I’ll be having a chat with him, but for now...” He led you to the front of the cafeteria, where there was no line. Other few students present were chatting at tables, having a late dinners after their clubs or study sessions. Vil stood behind you with his arms crossed as he instructed, “Order. And I’ll be watching to be certain you have enough on your plate.” 
You were quiet, gazing at the pastries, plates, meats, salads, and other delectable dishes past the glass counters. The menu overhead appeared endless, with a huge variety of food and drinks and desserts. It made your stomach grumble. It was a horrible reminder that you had barely eaten that day. You only had a cheap bag of chips that morning. Ashamed, you avoided his gaze once again as you muttered, “Vil, I can’t afford any of this right now...” 
“I wasn’t asking if you could afford it. I was instructing you to choose what you wanted. I don’t want your money, you could just pay me back in another manner.” When one of the ghost chefs came over, Vil placed a hand over your shoulder and used his other hand to point at several dishes, “My companion here will have one of these, two of those, and five of that. Yes, that plate right there. Oh, and a smoothie as well. Thank you.” Once the ghost was gone, Vil gazed back down at you. You still couldn’t look him in the eye. Carefully he reached forward, gingerly lifting your head up by your chin so you were forced to look at his eyes. His eyes that were normally so cold and judgmental, gazed at you so fondly. “Why won’t you look at me? Aren’t were close?” He pouted to sell the act. “I’m not about to neglect my own darling fan and let them go hungry. That’d be far too cruel. To pay me back, you can accompany me on one of our days off. Say... to see a new movie in town? Well, do you agree? Or shall I order you more plates and see your time to pay me back grow longer~? Surely spending time with me can’t be that bad?”
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fluffymaxsworld · 6 months
hii i just came across your blog and i love your theme!! it’s so cute :))))
can i request könig defending the reader from teasing? maybe she’s a new recruit for kortac and she’s very soft spoken and some other recruits are making fun of her b/c she’s so quiet!! könig overhears this and comes to readers defense!!
thank u bunches!!!
könig x gn!reader
(i changed it a bit so you’re soft spoken and a lil shy)
you’re someone new, like never ever been in the military and your first mission is no other than a undercover one!! you’re so so scared bc you know how hard for you is social interactions, especially talking with strangers, ESPECIALLY on an undercover mission that’s supposed to be your first. and its so uncomfortable bc everyone is so used to this type of missions but you :( so you decide to talk to a superior and share your problem. he’s so kind and doesn’t mind that you’re shy and he tells you it’s okay for you to stay at the base.
four are the people that aren’t picked for the mission, you, two men you barely talked to and this big, scary masked guy (lol guess who is!!).
you kinda feel that feeling of shame for not being in the mission, after all everyone knew that that was supposed to be your first one so you just sit there, staring at your lap and sometimes biting on your nails. that big scary guy (who you finally remembered was könig) just sat in front of you with legs spread and body relaxed.
after awhile the two other men approached you. at first they barely acknowledged your presence but then it seemed like they realized who you were and why you were there.
“you skipped the first mission?” one of them asked.
“and the undercover one, over all! it’s basically free buffet and a couple of trackers!” the other continued.
“i don’t like socializing that much…” you muttered, still glaring holes in your lap. your voice was soft and sweet, definitely not the voice of a military woman. they stared at you for a second and then one of them started laughing.
“that’s the fuckin’ weirdest excuse i’ve ever heard!” he said, looking at his friend.
“woman, you can just say you’re lazy, no need to make up a lie like that”
“it’s not a lie…” you replied, voice shaking. you could feel sweat forming on your forehead and lips trembling. you wanted to bury a hole and hide in it.
“it’s not a lie” someone repeated (woooh🫣). you stared up and saw the big, scary man behind the other two. he looked at them and they cheaply excused them self, saying something like “relax man, we were joking” or “you’re no fun…”.
as soon as the two men stepped out the room he turned around to face you.
“are you okay?” he asked, the eyes softening slightly.
“now i am, thank you” you said, catching up the breaths you lost in that hell of a minute.
“you’re the new recruit, aren’t ya?” he asked. you could tell he was from central europe, germany or austria, he had a very clear accent.
“yeah.” you presented yourself, smiling awkwardly at the situation.
“the captain told me ‘bout ya. can’t handle galas or parties?” he said genuinely. it felt like you could trust him, even if you barely knew his name.
“yes. i don’t like talking to strangers…” you answered.
“my cousin has the same problem, ya know? he doesn’t want to host a party, not even for his 18s” he chuckled.
you could help but smiling, his laugh was contagious.
“you must care a lot about him” i said, now enjoying really much his presence.
“yeah. he gets me. you don’t seem scared of me, though. does it mean i made a good first impression?” he asked with a grin on his face that was so oblivious even with the mask on.
you smiled and nodded.
“we’ll get along really well…”
a/n: my god this was so fun to write!! i have a latin exam tomorrow but i wanted to post it earlier, i hope it was okayy :33
i might do a pt.2 tho i wanna make em kiss😈
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Immortal with an immortal S/o pls(maybe where the s/o isn't a hero)
The Immortal x Immortal male reader
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Im going off my personal headcanon that Immortals name is Abraham or Abe, just cuz its easier to write. A shorty but a goody. I was listening to old people music, cuz I kept imagining them acting like an old married couple.
Having an immortal partner would be something that helps Abes mental state quite a lot, since one of the reasons he struggles mentally is the fact that the people he loves keeps dying from one thing or another.
How you are immortal doesn’t really matter, even if it strong effects your physical appearance. As long as you can come back like immortal can, or somehow can’t die at all.
Maybe you stood by his side back during the beginning of his hero acts, back before it was called being a hero and it was just Abe wanting the best for the world and its people. But you quickly realize being a hero like that isn’t for you.
You do your own thing when Abe goes out to be a hero. You guys have both been alive for so long that neither of you really get jealous or worry too much if you don’t see each other for months. It’s nice to keep in touch though, and you guys make sure to meet up as much as you can.
Maybe you are more focused on something like the arts, performing, writing, and so on. Or you might even be more active in helping the little guy, like food banks and the likes.
Maybe you live in a cabin far away from the cities, up in the mountains where even the GDA leaves you alone. So, its somewhere Abe can come and just relax and be himself. Cue him coming back from a stressful meeting with the guardians, and he immediately relaxes when he hears the music playing from wherever you are.
You are both very old, which means your tastes are kinda dated. With you not being so busy being a hero, you can be a bit more modern, but there’s still lots of old things that make you nostalgic, and stuff you two like to do together.
I could imagine that Abe quite likes to do domestic things together the old way. Like cooking with the old tools, no modern machines or crazy inventions. Just you two, your hands, and whatever tools you guys have had since the 50s.
You guys would also dress quite old at times, even if it was on accident. People end up thinking you guys are some of those people who dress up and act out old times. It gets a little funny when you guys meet other people who do that, who all gush at how great your outfits are, unaware that it’s so good because its actually your clothes from back then.
Abe is also old school romantic. You bet he brings you flowers. You bet he still acts like he’s courting you like some kind of knight. And you bet he gets scandalized and flustered being too affectionate in public. You find it adorable though.
It’s a very common occurrence for you two to dance together. Be it in your kitchen or living room with oldies playing. Or at those clubs that are for the people dressing up and acting like it’s the 50s for fun.
You guys have most likely also been married for many many years. Way before it became illegal for two men to be married, and maybe even before marriage is as we know it now. But Abe would be so flustered thinking about marrying you again.
You can tell what he’s fumbling about since you’ve known him for so long, but its so endearing that you just let him work up the guts to propose again, probably for the 10th time in your guys long lives.
All in all, you help center Abe much more than he is in canon, since he doesn’t have to worry about you growing old and dying, or just you dying in general. He still worries of course, I don’t think he ever doesn’t worry, but its not as bad.
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miel-ji · 1 year
All I Ever Wanted
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Genre: fluff, roommates to lovers, one bed trope, gets kinda angsty for a second
Paring: Non-Idol!Felix x Reader, Friend!Changbin and Hyunjin
Word count: 6.6k
Warnings: slight jealousy, some language
Summary: Your roommate Felix has the idea to take his best friends on a beach trip. You instantly agree, loving the idea and you quickly plan it all.
A/n: I thought it’d be fun to try writing more from the member’s perspective this time, and it was so fun that I might’ve gotten a little carried away. It was originally supposed to be pure fluff, but the writing process had other plans lol
Felix has been craving a beach trip with his best friends (you, Hyunjin, and Changbin), so he jumped at the first opportunity that all of your schedules aligned. He grew up by the beach, so he often longed to be there. Even though the beaches here weren’t the same as Australia, they still helped combat his homesickness just a little. Some of the best memories he has are of him at the beach, and he wants to make new ones now with the best people in his life.
He approached you first with the idea since being roommates meant you were only a door away. His steps were light as he practically bounced down the hall to your door, and he rapped his knuckles against it a few times before calling out to you, “y/n!” His voice held a sing-song quality to it as he said your name.
“Yes?” You called out from your spot on your bed. It was getting late into the night, and you had already settled down. You were fresh and bare faced, and you were wrapped up in your blankets with a plushie resting in one arm and your laptop resting on your lap. You were trying to finish up some work, but you couldn’t help but lose focus as you switched between tabs that were completely irrelevant to the work.
“Can I come in?” Felix asked.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
Felix had an impossibly wide smile as he was buzzing with excitement from what he was going to propose to you. It didn’t even cross his mind that you might say no because the only thing that was filling his mind were all the things he wanted to do with you there. He stepped into your room and softly closed the door behind him before turning on his heel to face you. When you peered up at him from your laptop, he noticed how cozy you looked which momentarily relaxed his racing heart.
He noticed the plushie that you were cuddling and recognized it as the one he got you for ‘Palentines Day’. You had been a bit upset about not having a Valentine this year despite the guy down the hall having a very obvious thing for you who would’ve jumped at the chance to take you on a date. Not that Felix wanted you to go on a date with him since he was simply not good enough for you. Still, Felix wanted to do something nice for you, and when he saw the cat plushie with its rosy cheeks and playful smile, he immediately thought of you. He prayed you wouldn’t read too much into it when he gave it to you, and he prayed you wouldn’t notice that he just gave his other friends a home baked cookie as their gift. But the long hug you gave him when you opened it and the sight of you cuddling it now was worth the risk.
“What’s up, Lix?”
He realized he’d been staring when he let himself get lost in that memory, and he felt a little heat bloom across his cheeks. “Um,” he huffed out a little laugh, trying to shake away the flusteredness. “I have an idea…” he wore his big signature smile, showing off his pretty teeth again.
You mirrored his smile, always loving any idea that he came up with. “Lay it on me,” you patted the spot beside you on the bed to signal for Felix to join you. Skinship was normal in all of Felix’s friendship, so it really didn’t seem like a big deal when Felix made his way over to the bed and crawled in with you. But Felix’s heart didn’t flutter with his other friends the way it did now when you rested your head on his shoulder, nor did his stomach do flips with his other friends the way it did now when he felt your legs brush against his.
“Let’s go to the beach,” he breathed out, not wanting to wait any longer to finally spill his idea. “You and me…” He paused without realizing it, “and Changbin and Hyunjin, of course… the whole friend group.” He gulped while waiting for your response just now realizing that rejection could be imminent.
But then you replied in your sweetest voice, “I’d love that,” and Felix could feel everything falling into place. He giggled and turned to wrap his arms around you in a tight embrace, placing his chin on the top of your head.
“We’re going to have so much, I promise. I gotta go call the others now.” But Felix didn’t make any moves to get up from the hug for a second longer as he gave you one more squeeze. Finally, he released you and climbed out of your bed before slipping out of your room. He paused at the door, “goodnight, y/n,” he said softly.
“Night Lix,” you offered a small smile and returned to the position you were in post- Felix. His eyes drifted back to the plushie in your hold, silently wanting to replace it with himself, but instead he closed your door and padded off to his room.
Today was the day that you were finally going to get away. You’d all planned to go early in the morning, and Felix was struggling more than he thought he would. You had made him some coffee when he stumbled out of his room and into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. His black messy hair was sticking up everywhere, and he could still barely open his eyes as you handed him the warm mug.
He flopped down in one of the chairs at the small kitchen table and accepted it gratefully. You waited to speak to him as he slowly sipped his coffee and let the warmth settle in his bones. He hummed in appreciation and slowly opened his eyes, now fully awake. “Better?” you asked playfully, but he just nodded, the strands of his hair that were sticking up danced along with the movement.
“Much, thank you,” the sleep still in his voice making it sound even deeper. Fondness overtook you, you couldn’t help yourself from reaching across the table to place your hand over his that still rested against the warm coffee mug. Somehow you missed the way Felix stilled under your touch, and he looked into your eyes. You stayed like that, sharing the nice peaceful moment in the kitchen until a knock at the door interrupted you.
Felix cursed his friends in his head for ruining this moment for him while you pulled away and stood up to answer the door. “I’ll get it. You just worry about making yourself pretty.”
“I’m already pretty,” Felix rolled his eyes and mumbled to himself.
“Of course you are, Lix,” you ruffled his hair as you walked past him, and his pout immediately changed to a smile. Felix sighed and slinked off to his room to get ready while you greeted your friends at the door.
When Felix joined you in the main room with everyone a little later, the first thing he noticed was how close you were sitting to Changbin who was showing you something on his phone. Rationally, he knew that you and Changbin were just really close friends. You’d all met in university and managed to maintain a friendship that only grew stronger over the years. But he also knew Changbin was extremely attractive and such a gentleman that he couldn’t blame you if you had developed feelings for him. He really admired Changbin, and he even took inspiration from him in many ways. You deserve someone like him.
Felix thought how silly he was for assuming things though. You were all friends here, and he should stop reading into things just because he caught a little crush on you. Except was it just a little crush if he’s been feeling this way for almost a year now? If you’re the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up and the last thing he thinks about when he sleeps? If he could spend every moment with you and never get tired, and miss you the second you weren’t with him anymore?
He longed to tell you all of this, but he couldn’t help but think about what would happen if you didn’t feel the same. He didn’t want to ruin your safe space that was the apartment by tainting it with the awkwardness of unrequited love. Knowing you, you’d have let him down softly and found a way to keep being friends, but he also wasn’t sure he was ready for things to change.
So he kept all of this bottled up inside and strode fully into the room to make his presence known. He greeted Hyunjin, but his eyes kept sliding back to you and Changbin that were still in your own little world. “You finally ready, Felix?” Hyunjin teased and stood up to hug him.
Felix laughed, “I didn’t take too long, did I? Had to look pretty per Y/n’s request.” You were finally looking his way, so he took the opportunity to wink at you before greeting Changbin. “Is the car ready?”
“Yeah, just need to pack your and Y/n’s things. There’s not much room since Hyunjin needed to pack two bags.” Changbin shot Hyunjin a glare.
“Two bags? We’ll be gone for literally two days,” you said incredulously.
“Um, yeah, but I need to make sure that I have day outfits, night outfits, books, journals, paints, different pairs of shoes-“ Hyunjin said as if you were being the ridiculous ones before Changbin cut him off.
“And that was after negotiating down from three!”
Now you were all laughing as Hyunjin just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “Whatever, you’re still buying me coffee in the mornings while we’re there since you’re basically asking me to rough it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Where’s your bag Y/n? I’ll help you carry it to the car.” Changbin offered.
“Thanks, but I got it, Binnie. I’ve been hitting the gym too, see?” You flexed your arm with your practically non-existent muscle, but Changbin still poked and prodded at it pretending to be impressed.
Felix lips tightened into a line. He couldn’t keep feelings this way. “Already on it!” He called before rushing to both of your rooms to grab the bags before anyone could protest. He groaned a little at the weight of both your bags he bore on his shoulders, of course you both weren’t light packers, before trudging his way to the car.
You followed behind him, feeling a little bad that your hands were free while he carried everything, but he just smiled your way. “We should go to the gym together sometime.”
“Okay, we should,” you agreed, and the weight on his shoulders suddenly felt a little lighter. You finally made it out to the car, and you called out ‘shotgun’ at the same time as Hyunjin. “Rock, paper, scissors,” you suggested while already holding out your hands in position. Felix hated it, but he was secretly hoping you lose so you’d sit in the backseat with him. The first round was a tie, and Felix chewed his lip as you both shook your fist preparing to throw the next one. The second round was another tie, and Felix practically whined from the tension while Changbin raised an eyebrow at him to question why he was so invested. On the third round, Hyunjin threw rock as you threw scissors, and Felix was doing a little victory dance in his head.
Hyunjin broke your scissors with his rock, “ha, I win.” He taunted proudly. You just stuck out your tongue at him as he cackled and climbed in the passenger seat.
“Guess you're stuck with me,” Felix gave you a lopsided grin and lightly nudged your shoulder with his.
“We’ll have our own fun,” you linked your arms briefly, narrowing your eyes in Hyunjin’s direction before walking to the other side of the car to get in. Felix just laughed to himself. Your and Hyunjin’s friendship consisted of bickering like a married couple, but he knew it was all just out of love.
“Okay, is everyone ready?” Changbin adjusted his grip on the steering wheel and looked around to check everyone had on their seatbelts. He threw the car in drive, and Felix was feeling more energized than coffee could ever make him from finally taking this trip.
You, however, were still sulking in your seat a little with your lips pursed as you stared out the window at the world going by. Felix scooted a little closer to you from his seat and poked you in your side to get your attention, “Y/n, you’re pouting.” You jumped slightly when he touched you making him giggle before you turned to him.
“I just wanted control of the music…” Changbin always let whoever was in the passenger seat be the DJ, and while Hyunjin’s taste in music wasn’t bad, you just thought yours was better.
“I have an idea. Here, let me see your phone.” You handed over your phone hesitantly while Felix fished in his pocket for something. He pulled out a wad of white cord that you recognized as wired earbuds and wrinkled your nose teasingly. “What? They’re for the aesthetic,” Felix said while plugging the lightning adapter into your phone.
“They really are,” Hyunjin remarked from the passenger seat.
“Oh, you just hush and listen to your music,” you answered.
“Kk,” he blew you a kiss which you pretended to catch in midair, and threw it back at him. He shrieked and pretended to dodge while turning back around.
“Hey, stop throwing stuff in my car!” Changbin played along.
Felix was glad to see that you had thrown the kiss back instead of keeping it, but then he shook his head at how ridiculous the thought was. Once he untangled the earbuds, he handed you one and stuffed the other in his ear before handing you the phone to play music. The cord had a good distance to be able to sit in your seats respectively, but you still slid a little closer in the seat; your pinkies occasionally brushing each other.
You chose a song, and Felix knew it was the song that you’d been playing all the time around the apartment that week. The memories of you dancing around to it as you cooked or cleaned, sometimes even coaxing him to join you, playing in his head, and he turned it up just a little bit louder. The rest of the car ride was spent like this, your heads tilted towards each other with the shared music playing in your ears. Somewhere along the way though, your pinkies had become entwined not even remembering who had made the move to close the distance.
When the car came to a stop, it was about midafternoon, and everyone was feeling stiff from having spent a couple hours in the car. When you had stopped for something to eat earlier, you all decided to head to the beach first before the hotel to really soak in the first day of your trip. “We’re here!” Changbin announced to the car as you sat up and handed back the earbud to Felix. You looked down at your pinkies linked together, and you wished that you could take a picture of the moment.
“Thank god!” Hyunjin swiftly exited the car, and you wouldn’t be surprised if he dropped to his knees and started kissing the ground. Instead he stretched by the car and urged everyone to hurry up.
Felix didn’t want to be the one to unlink your pinkies, so he waited for you to move. However, after Changbin had also excited the car and a stifling silence entered, you still procrastinated leaving. He wasn't even sure if you were aware of the position of your hands as you seemed to be just admiring the beach from your window. That was until you squeezed his pinkie with yours to signal you were before finally exiting the car and thoroughly leaving Felix speechless.
You had all walked to the edge of the shore as a group, but Hyunjin plopped himself in the sand a few feet away from the water to draw while Changbin did the exact opposite. He practically threw his towel and shirt on Hyunjin as he rushed into the ocean laughing and splashing in the water. It wasn’t exactly summer yet. It was the weird weather inbetween that was warm enough to go for a dip, but the water was still ice cold. That didn’t seem to bother Changbin who waded out in the water up to his thighs and waved at you from the shore. You forgot to wear a bathing suit (which was a great oversight on your part as you thought about it tucked away in your bag), and you just opted to remove your sandals and dip your toes in the sand instead. You stood there, and let the tide wash over them and cause you to sink further in. You closed your eyes and basked in the fresh sea breeze through your hair and the warm sun on your face when you felt an even warmer presence by your side.
You looked over at your perfect view that was Lee Felix. He was gazing back down at you, and you studied the constellation of freckles that dusted his face. You had the urge to take his face into your hands and press kisses to every last one, but instead you continued to admire him. The soft lines of his face and the upward curls of his lips. The way his black hair still shined under the sun and his bangs that framed his dark cat-like eyes.
You were so entranced by him that you almost didn’t notice the way he was admiring you in the same way, and the beach was left forgotten in front of both of you. You reached your hand out to take his pinkie again, and Felix didn’t hesitate in wrapping his around yours. The smile that lit up his face once you were in his hold again was enough to make the sun jealous. Your own smile played across your lips, and you gazed out at the clear sparkling water that stretched out into the horizon. The view was consistent peaceful scenery until Changbin’s muscular frame cut through the water, still splashing around and having fun.
You heard a ‘click’ come from behind you, and turned around to be greeted by Hyunjin squinting through his camera lens that was pointed at you both. “Don’t mind me, go back to looking at the water holding hands. It was a cute scene. Changbin, get out of the frame! You’re ruining the shot!”
Hyunjin walked off to continue yelling at Changbin who just argued back to take pictures of him instead. Felix looked down at your pinkies still hooked together, partly trying to conceal the pink tint on his cheeks Hyunjin’s words caused, but he disagreed. The scene was perfect, and he made a mental note to ask for the picture later from Hyunjin.
When you all arrived at the hotel that night, the moon had taken its shift in the sky with a blanket of stars joining it. You had spent the rest of the day at the beach modeling for Hyunjin’s photography, burying Changbin in the sand, and then having a sand castle building contest with you and Felix as a team. You still believe that you won since Felix had helped you find the perfect shiny little seashells in the water to decorate it with. Felix was more than satisfied with the day knowing that he’d get wonderful sleep tonight replaying all the events at the beach. His favorite by far was when the sun had started to set, and the whole scenery had changed from a bright blue to warm oranges and dusty pinks. Everything had taken on a golden glow, and when he saw it reflected in your eyes, he felt nothing but pure happiness in that moment.
You were going to stay and look at the stars on the beach as well, but everyone was ready to find somewhere to eat dinner and get to the hotel to shower off the sand. When you arrived at the hotel, you made it a point to get out of the car before all the rest to grab your bag before anyone offered to carry it for you. You were a grown woman, dammit, and you were perfectly capable of getting your own things. As your group shuffled into the hotel lobby, you could tell you were all a little exhausted from your sagging shoulders and droopy expressions. You all agreed beforehand that in order to save a bit of money, you’d share rooms. You decided it was easiest just to keep the roommates how they already were: Changbin and Hyunjin, and you and Felix. You didn’t mind having to share with Felix because he was a considerate roommate, and he was very respectful of boundaries. Besides, when you had booked the rooms for everyone, you made sure the bathrooms would have plenty of space to get ready in and you each had your own bed.
Everyone checked in at the front desk, and you slipped the keycard into your pocket, not trusting Felix to keep up with. You weren’t much better with not forgetting things, but Felix managed to lose it or get locked out every. single. time. It was honestly cute how he’d blow up your phone pissed off about how they made the keycards so small and forgettable. Other times, he would FaceTime you and want you to keep him company until someone would finally let him back into his room. These were the nights that you stayed up late to talk because he would use the excuse that you were already in the middle of something, so you should just stay on the phone.
You were all silent as you made your way up to your rooms that were only a couple doors away from each other, lost in thoughts about a warm shower to cleanse the sea salt still lingering on your skin. You said your goodnights to each other by uttering agreeing mumbles and nodding from your door ways before pushing them open and slipping inside. Felix let you enter first following close on your heels in the narrow hallway that led to the rest of the hotel room, and he crashed into you as you came to a sudden stop. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. Are you okay?” Felix quickly grabbed your hips to steady you, letting his own bag fall from his shoulder, when he noticed your expression. He followed your wide-eyed stare into the room, and he realized what caused your reaction.
There was only one bed.
Felix froze behind you as well, and his brain shut down, not thinking about what this would mean. You cleared your throat and turned to face him not realizing he was still so close that there were barely inches between you. You took a step back which caused Felix to do the same scared that you were feeling uncomfortable. “I- I swore I booked a room with two beds…” You spoke softly with your gaze cast on the ground and your brows furrowed.
“Oh…I- It’s totally fine. I can just go bunk with Hyunjin.” Felix quickly scooped his bag from the floor already backing away towards the door. “Don’t even worry, we’ve shared one befo-”
“You can stay…” You cut him off, and Felix’s mouth was slightly parted, still stuck on his last train of thought as he processed what you had just said. “I just mean, it would be unfair to ask that of you…” you gestured to the bed behind you as you said this, “There’s plenty of room, and their room would be too crowded with three people. Just stay…” You smiled at him reassuringly and Felix could feel his apprehension dissolve slightly.
“Are you sure? That chair doesn’t look too bad. I could just-” Felix was referring to the flimsy office chair parked under the desk in the corner of the room.
You laughed slightly, “Felix, it’s fine. We’ve fallen asleep on the couch together before. It’s not like you do taekwondo in your sleep, right?” Felix chuckled at this, and he was glad that you weren’t bothered by the predicament you were in. You were being your usual positive self, making Felix laugh, and relaxing him as always. However, it wasn’t like that time you had fallen asleep together on the couch at all, and you both knew it. The couch was on the smaller side, so you were able to share a blanket; however, you both slept at opposite ends. This time there will only be an arms length in between you, and Felix chose not to think about that right now.
However, he could no longer avoid it. You’d both taken longer than necessary showers to try to procrastinate the inevitable, and Felix had to place two fingers against his neck several times to check his pulse as he listened to you blow-dry your hair. He was sitting in the office chair in the corner trying to focus on the game on his phone when the noisy blow dryer ceased. A couple of minutes later, you walked out from the bathroom finally ready for bed, and Felix had to fight even harder to keep his eyes glued to his phone screen. He heard the rustling of the sheets as you climbed into the bed, and the light from your side of the room blinked out. He wondered how you could just go to bed just like that. But you rolled over on your side to face him, and he saw in the soft lamp light from his side of the room that you were looking at him.
“Are you coming to bed soon? It’s past midnight at this point,” You tried your best to say that flippantly, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t just as flustered at the idea of sharing a bed with Felix.
Felix cut off his phone, and he slowly nodded before dragging his feet over to the edge of the bed. He swallowed continuously and hoped his hands weren’t shaking as he peeled back the covers. He couldn’t help the snail-like pace he was moving in because he really couldn’t even believe what was happening. But there was no denying it as he slid into the bed next to you where the smell of your sweet shampoo greeted him. You were still turned on your side watching him calmly with your hair splayed across your pillow. “Do we need to do the whole ‘put pillows in between us’ thing?” Felix asked and laughed nervously.
You laughed at his comment, and Felix was already trying to think of another one just to hear that sound again. It was his favorite song after all. He shifted on his side to face you as well, making sure to be as close to the edge without falling off as possible. “No, no. I don’t think that’ll be necessary.” You smiled and reached out to ruffle his hair before your arm disappeared beneath the blanket once again. From the simple touch, Felix felt a wave of calmness wash over him. “Do you mind turning off the light, Lix?”
“Right, my bad,” he smiled sheepishly and turned off the lamp that was on his bedside table. The room was immediately plunged into darkness. Felix’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, and the shadows that were swimming in front of him slowly took shape of the hotel room, the bed, and you. “Hey, Y/n?” A small smile crept up on his lips as he tasted your name on his tongue.
“Hm?” The blankets were pulled up over your shoulders, and you had a hand resting under your cheek as you were still turned on your side to Felix.
“Did you have fun today?” The question held vulnerability and sincerity as Felix genuinely wanted you to have had just as much fun today as he had with you.
“Actually, can I tell you something?” You asked with the same vulnerability in your question.
Felix’s heart sped up as he dared to hope, “always.”
“I’m not the biggest fan of the beach,” Felix’s hope was momentarily shattered. He felt bad for dragging you to the beach if you really didn’t want to go. Maybe he should’ve considered that his friends would want to go somewhere else. “But, I had the best time today… I love going anywhere with you, Lix.”
Felix was surprised that he hadn’t melted right then into a puddle. “Me too. I love it too,” You didn’t have to see Felix’s face to know he was smiling because you could hear it in his voice.
Talking with Felix was always the easiest thing in the world, and that night was no exception. When you met Felix, you were still very reserved and assumed that no one cared enough to hear the thoughts in your head. Felix always cared though, and he helped you come out of your shell more. Now, you were completely comfortable sharing anything on your mind with him. That night, you both talked about all your favorite moments you shared that day, and all the memories you now shared before talking about life and what you wanted in the future. You’re not sure how long you and Felix stayed up talking before finally succumbing to sleep, drifting off mid-conversation.
When Felix slowly woke up that morning, the first thing he noticed was that he was no longer in the same position that he’d fallen asleep in. He was now in the middle of the bed, engulfed by your body. You were still fast asleep with your head resting on his shoulder and one of your arms tucked around his body. Felix blinked a few times just to check if he was still dreaming as he looked at your peaceful features. Your face was completely relaxed, and your eyelashes gently rested against your smooth skin. Your lips were slightly parted while the hair that cascaded in front of your face billowed in the small breaths that left from them.
With the arm that wasn’t trapped between your bodies, Felix very carefully tucked the hair back behind your ear. You stirred a little in your sleep, and Felix held his breath hoping he hadn’t caused you to wake up. But you just nuzzled further into his shoulder and adjusted your grip more securely around him. Felix released the breath he was holding in relief and returned to admiring you draped over him. He hoped you were having good dreams. He hoped you were dreaming of him.
It had been a little more than a false alarm though because in the next moment, your eyes softly fluttered open. He could see the thoughts rouse awake in your mind as your eyes wandered up from your bodies to Felix’s eyes. He tried to keep his expression calm, but his breathing became slightly more labored as he waited for what you’d do next. You hesitantly lifted your head from his shoulder and your arm from around him. You brought the back of your hand against your cheek as if to help cool down the heat from a blush.
You were propped on your elbow still by his side when you finally spoke, “sorry… I guess I’m just used to holding something in my sleep…” You trailed off not meeting his eyes. Should he have tried to move from your grip when he first woke up? Would you have been able to look at him then?
“It’s okay, I didn’t mind,” Felix spoke so softly that he almost couldn’t hear himself over the sound of his own heartbeat. Sure you were the one who took him into your arms at some point in the night, but he was the one who knowingly stayed in them the morning after. Had he messed up?
You didn’t say anything for a minute before completely sitting up in bed. “Let’s just… get breakfast, yeah?”
“Yeah,” his voice slightly cracked, so he cleared his throat and tried again, “yeah, you can get ready first.” You just nodded and made your way to the bathroom. When he heard the click of the door shutting behind you, Felix wished desperately he could know what you were thinking. Something seemed to have shifted this morning between you two, and Felix hoped this wasn’t the start of the end.
Felix felt his fears were confirmed when you spent the rest of the trip being as distant as possible from him. Others wouldn’t have been able to detect a change since you still spent time with him and joked around like normally. But Felix didn’t miss the way you would look away when you’d make eye contact or quickly pull away from a hug. It was eating him up inside, but he just wanted to pretend that it wasn’t happening. To keep telling himself nothing really changed.
On the way back from the trip, you took the passenger seat, and Hyunjin didn’t try to put up a fight for it this time. He compliantly sat in the back with Felix, and he offered to watch movies with Felix on his phone. Felix couldn’t focus on the screen though when you were in the front lost in conversation with Changbin, throwing your head back laughing at something he just said. Felix’s heart squeezed at the sight; had it really already been that long since you last genuinely laughed like that with him?
When Changbin and Hyunjin dropped you off at your shared apartment, the moon was once again hanging in the sky. For once there was silence that felt very close to awkward as you wordlessly made your way to the door. The whole building seemed to be reflecting your mood as nothing but overwhelming silence echoed through the halls. In reality, everyone was tucked away into their beds having a peaceful sleep, and Felix knew he should be ready to do the same with how late it was. But he was anything but tired.
You barely even acknowledged him once you arrived at your apartment, saying a halfhearted goodnight before disappearing into your room. Felix stood in his spot and stared at your door long after you went inside, wondering if this was the way things were going to be from now on. What had happened that morning? He should just talk to you. He chewed on his lip while contemplating this, taking a step forward, but ultimately steering away towards his room.
Felix abandoned his bag somewhere near his door, and he didn’t even bother unpacking. He was almost in a stupor as he changed into some pajamas and crawled into bed. He tossed and turned for what felt like forever before completely giving up on sleep and settled on staring up at his ceiling with one hand propped under his head. He replayed that morning over and over, mulling over every little detail. From the peace he felt in your arms, to the guilt when you moved away, to the disappointment after you eventually left. Felix was going to drive himself crazy ruminating like this, always coming to the same conclusion. He missed you.
He made up his mind that the first thing he would do tomorrow was talk to you when he heard shuffling at his door. As if his thoughts had managed to conjure you, there you were quietly slipping into his room. He watched you, confusion evident on his face, as you tiptoed your way over to his bed. “Felix?” Your voice sounded so small when you said his name.
“Y-yes?” Before he could even process what was happening, you had slipped into the bed, your arms wrapping around him and pulling him into you. Holding him exactly the way you had that morning.
“I couldn’t sleep…” you offered as if this could explain everything, and your voice was muffled by his shoulder.
“Fuck, Y/n…” Felix laughed but it came out almost like a scoff, and he didnt mean to come off so harsh. “You can’t just act distant all day, and then crawl in my bed like everything’s okay,” he softened his tone this time, and despite his words, he was relieved that you were holding him again. It was all he ever wanted.
“I-I can explain…” You looked up at him with eyes that were shiny and unguarded.
Felix, once again with the hand that was not tucked in between your bodies, reached over to tuck your hair behind your ear, taking the time to explore the emotions behind your eyes. “Please do, I’ve been so lost all day… Did I do something wrong?”
You were quick to grab his wrist as he pulled his hand away, sliding your hand down to take his in yours, “of course not, Lix… I was just scared.”
“Scared? I don't understand,” now he was confused as well as concerned.
“Scared of how much I liked it… Lix, I couldn’t sleep tonight because you weren’t there.” The confession lingered in the air, and Felix felt the seed of fear from before grow into hope. “Please don’t hate me when I tell you this but…”
“I could never hate you, Y/n,” Felix reassured and adjusted his grip on your hand more securely.
“It made me realize that I’m in love with you… that I’ve been in love with you,” You laughed airly like you couldn’t believe you were actually doing this. “And it’s okay if you’re not, but I needed some time to come to terms that you might not-”
“What makes you think I’m not?” Felix asked instantaneously. He was so excited that he didn’t even have time to breathe.
“You are? Don’t play with me, Felix. I’m serious.” you said a little stern.
“I am too, Y/n.” Felix answered exasperated. “I am so in love with you.” You were still staring up at him wide-eyed, and your lips were slightly parted in incredulity. Felix smiled warmly at you and gathered some courage, “I’ll prove it to you…” His eyes flickered down to your lips. He turned on his side to face you and propped himself up on his elbow. He slightly leaned over you and unlinked your hands to softly cup your jaw. He delicately traced your plump bottom lip with his thumb, “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” That was all it took for Felix to lean down and capture your lips with his. Your breath meddled together as your hand snaked around the back of his neck to pull him closer to you. Felix’s mind spun as you deepened the kiss, and he took the chance to explore your mouth further. The kiss was hungry and desperate, communicating a year’s worth of pinning leading up to this one moment. Your teeth clashed and tongues danced together as you tried to get as close as possible to one another. Felix tugged at your bottom lip with his teeth as he pulled away and met your gaze of matching blown pupils. “Okay,” you struggled catching your breath. “I believe you now.”
“Well, that was easy,” Felix softly laughed and kissed your forehead again just to reinforce his point. “I’ll make sure to keep proving it though.” And Felix meant it. He was ready to show you nothing but love. He settled down on top of you and hugged your waist. He rested his head against your chest and closed his eyes contentedly as you played with his hair. He wanted to enjoy being in the moment and soak in the new discoveries of that night. He knew that there was still more to figure out in this new territory, but that could wait until the morning.
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Summary: After a fun day at a Human World beach, the brothers realize they're sunburned.
Characters: The demon brothers and GN Reader/MC (it could be Asmodeus x Reader if you squint because this is my fic and hey, you're the one who came to the Asmo kissing blog).
Genre: Sickfic (kinda), humor, fluff
Warnings: Canon-typical sibling on sibling violence, sunburn, nonsexual nudity, mild canon-typical innuendo, no major spoilers but MC is in possession of a certain object they obtain in season 2.
“I might have to get rid of that new toner we bought, MC,” said Asmo as he held the door open for you. “My face hurts.”
“Really? My skin feels fine.” You’d known demon skin to be stronger than your own in most cases, so this was perplexing.
Asmo had purchased the toner with you only three days ago from a Human World store famous for selling the most exclusive skincare. It had gone viral online despite its steep price tag, so naturally Asmo had to buy it.
Asmo gasped. “You don’t suppose it contains holy water, do you?”
“That’s not really a common skincare ingredient in the Human World,” you said.
“Humans don’t use it to purify their skin?” He asked.
You shook your head, suppressing a laugh. “But maybe there's something else in the toner that doesn't agree with your skin, let’s take a look at the bottle.”
“Ok! I’ll go get it. And while I'm at it I’ll prepare a bath for the two of us,” He slipped his arm around your waist, leaning into you with his charming smile.
“Maybe…” you said, bumping him gently with your hip.
“We can even try out those bath salts I brought back for you, wouldn't that be nice?”
You had to admit a relaxing bath did sound nice right now. You and the brothers were just coming in from a day at the private beach Diavolo owned in the Human World. The beach was protected by a magical barrier, cloaking it from anyone not authorized to be there. You and the brothers were free to do whatever you wished, including using magic.
It had been a very full day. In the morning you'd surfed a little with Beel, needing to relearn most of what he’d taught you before. And then as soon as you got back to shore, you’d been pulled into a water fight “to the death” that had begun when Satan dumped a handful of sand down Lucifer’s rash guard while he was resting in the shade. You’d mostly been used as a shield between Satan and Mammon against Lucifer. You didn't really mind, though, since you got to see Lucifer's conflicted expression every time he faced you; not that it had really saved you in the end, you’d ended up soaked anyway. Then, Asmo had whisked you away to collect shells in the water with him, with the assistance of mercandy. You’d so enjoyed being merpeople together on your last beach trip that this was truly a treat to experience again. In the water you’d gotten to watch Levi swimming with Lotan, from a distance, of course. Satisfied with the shells you’d collected, you and Asmo dragged yourselves back onto the beach and fell asleep under the umbrella with Belphie, completely exhausted from all the swimming you’d done. You hadn't woken up until the sun had shifted and you were no longer in the shade. At the end of the day, you and the brothers got to watch porpoises breaching in the distance as the sunset lit the sea in shades of pink and gold.
You were grateful the beach Diavolo had lent you came with a vacation home (more like a mansion) just steps away from the shore.
“I call the first shower!” Mammon declared, kicking off his flip-flops.
Levi grabbed his arm before he could run up the stairs. “No, I get the first shower. There’s a raid starting in an hour and I want to login early.”
“Too bad, little bro,” Mammon wrenched his arm out of Levi’s grip. “Hierarchy says I get to go first since I'm older.”
“Really, Mammon, if that’s the case then I’ll be taking the first shower.” said Lucifer.
The three oldest brothers shared one of the mansion’s bathrooms, while the youngest shared another (minus Asmo, since Barbatos had set up a portal to his bathroom at the House of Lamentation). You had your own private bathroom as well, but you didn't mind letting the brothers use it from time to time. It seemed like that would be happening tonight if you ever hoped to have a peaceful dinner.
“One of you can use my bathroom tonight,” You left the three oldest brothers in the foyer to argue, now that an offer to use your bathroom was on the table. You needed some water, you were starting to get a headache, you’d probably had too much sun.
Beel was already in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge for something. Belphie was nearby, sitting at the kitchen island as he rested his cheek on the cool marble counter.
“We’ll have dinner soon, Beel, I just need a drink of water and I’ll get started cooking.”
Beel tossed you a water bottle before grabbing one for himself.
“Can I have a snack while I wait?” He bit into a nectarine, coming to lean against the counter.
“Well you’ve already started.” You teased. You took a long drink of water, mentally checking off all the ingredients you’d need to start dinner. Hopefully one or two of the brothers would agree to assist you, it would go much faster with help.
Beel rolled his cool water bottle against his neck, “I think I missed a spot when I reapplied my sunscreen,” he said. “Can you take a look for me?”
“Sure,” you slipped off the sunglasses you were still wearing as Beel turned around for you. “Oh, Beel I think-”
A blood-curdling scream tore through the mansion.
“Wha-” Belphie woke with a start.
You took of running upstairs, towards the source of the scream. You and the twins were the last to arrive at Asmo’s bathroom.
Asmo threw himself into your arms. “Oh, MC! I’m hideous!” He began to cry. His face was red everywhere except where his sunglasses had been, leaving a white impression of their shape behind, “I don't know how you can bear to look at me!”
“Asmo, you’re not hideous,” You stroked his hair. “I don’t think that’s even possible.”
“I’m not?” He sniffed.
“Not at all, you’re just a little…” You trailed off as you looked around the room. Lucifer, Levi, Satan, Beel, and Belphie (in addition to Asmo) were all severely sunburned. Several of them had already begun to shift uncomfortably. “You’re all-”
“MAMMON WHAT DID YOU DO?” Satan roared. Judging by the dark aura surrounding him, he was about to shift into his demon form.
“Wha’da’ya mean, what did I do?” Mammon ran to hide behind you for protection.
“Clearly this is your fault,” he seethed, the aura beginning to dissipate a little since you were in front of him, but his eyes were on Mammon, “We’ve been cursed, you probably wronged some Human World witch and now we’re all paying for it.”
“While that does sound like something he’d-” Lucifer began.
“You’re not cursed,” said Mammon, cutting him off. “You just have a sunburn.”
Satan paused. “You're saying this happened because we were outside in the sunlight?”
“Is this true, MC?” He looked at you.
You nodded, “It happens to some humans, too.”
“I did remind you to reapply your sunscreen earlier, Satan.” said Lucifer.
Satan growled. “I didn't think it would actually do anything. I’ve never had a sunburn before.” You noticed the new freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheeks. He would have looked so adorable if not for the anger glowing in his eyes.
“Really?” Beel asked.
“Me and Beel and Asmo used to get sunburned all the time when we snuck down to the Human World.” said Belphie.
“That was before sunscreen existed,” Asmo added. “I would never go out without putting it on now. Earlier I just–” He burst into tears again.
Belphie ignored him, continuing to talk to Satan, “You’ve been here a fair amount and it’s never happened?”
“I’m typically summoned to the Human World at night.” Satan answered flatly. “As are most demons, I’d wager.”
“Satan, your poor, virgin skin!” Asmo sobbed.
“My what?”
“Did anyone remember to reapply?” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, recalling that even he hadn’t remembered after the water fight, and then he’d even removed his rash guard, exposing himself further.
“I remembered, and I also put some on Belphie’s face,” said Beel. “But we got burned anyway,”
“What sunscreen did you use?” You asked.
“This one I got from Mammon,” Beel handed you his bottle of sunscreen. You read the label, it was 20 years past its expiration date and the brand name was misspelled.
You shot Mammon a look over your shoulder.
“Must’a got mixed up with my newer stock– uh, purchases.” he lied.
You looked around at the demons in front of you. All six of them were varying shades of red. Satan and Levi seemed to be in the worst condition as they’d been in full sun for most of the day. Asmo, Lucifer, and the twins hadn’t fared much better despite taking advantage of the umbrella’s shade. You could feel the heat of Asmo’s skin on yours, plus more warmth radiating off of Satan. It had to be so painful.
Satan turned back to you and Mammon. “Why don't you two seem to be affected?”
“I don’t get sunburns,” Mammon smirked before ducking behind you again when Satan turned his glare on him.
“Father blessed him with a golden tan complexion,” Asmo pouted. “He was like that when we were angels, too.”
“And you, MC, are you immune like Mammon or do you have some sort of talisman against the rays of the sun?” Satan asked. “I don’t understand how a human could be unaffected when we are all suffering.”
“I don’t have any special talismans, I put on sunscreen before I went outside just like everyone else,” You looked down at your arms. You hadn't been sunburned at all, and you hadn't reapplied your sunscreen either. Your eyes caught on the gold ring you wore on your finger.
“You might have been protected by my Ring of Light,” Lucifer said with a small smile, echoing your thoughts almost exactly.
The others nodded. It was a very powerful magical relic.
“Well now that we've cleared that up,” Satan said through thinly veiled rage. “How long is this agony supposed to last? It feels like spiders are crawling all over my skin.”
You really didn't want to tell him. Judging by the severity of his sunburn it might be… “A week?” you said. “Sometimes it takes longer. But most of the pain occurs in the first few days or so.”
Satan looked like he was about to explode with rage or drown Mammon in the bathtub. Maybe both.
Lucifer cut in before he could do anything. “As we are demons, our cell turnover is faster than humans, which will shorten our recovery time. It will be about 48 hours until we fully heal, I’d estimate, but that also means we’ll be feeling the worst of it tonight.”
You sent the sunburned demons downstairs to the living room, directing them to ice their skin while they waited, so you and Mammon could collect supplies. The mansion was well-stocked thanks to Diavolo and Barbatos preparing it for you ahead of time, but only with Human World essentials. They had wanted you to feel right at home. You doubted the brothers kept very many potion ingredients in their rooms, and definitely not anything that could give relief from a sunburn.
You had Mammon fetch the first aid kit from the kitchen cabinet while you looked through Asmo’s and Lucifer’s skincare collections to see if they had any skin-soothing products. When you were finished, the two of you deposited your loot on the living room’s coffee table. Mammon had found a tiny tube of lidocaine cream, one packet of colloidal oatmeal, and a small jar of aloe gel. You’d come up with a bottle of unscented body lotion and two small tubes of expensive healing ointment; you’d also found a half-full bottle of demon-strength ibuprofen in Lucifer's things, which would definitely be needed to get through the next couple of days. These were your only supplies. You might be able to get the aloe gel to stretch between your six sunburn victims but it would be pretty scarce. As for everything else… you’d cross that bridge when you got there.
Asmo and Beel got started slathering healing ointment and lotion on Belphie who was whining in his sleep.
You scooped some aloe gel into your hand so you could administer care to Satan as Mammon did the same with Levi.
Satan started reciting cat poems under his breath as you rubbed the cool gel into his skin as gently as you could.
“MC, there’s a bottle of Demonus in the basement fridge.” said Lucifer. He sat next to you, his perfect posture rigid, as if moving at all would cause him immense pain. “When you have a moment, please go get it.”
“Demonus would be really nice right now,” Asmo hummed, pressing a generous amount of healing ointment onto his own cheeks.
You gave a sympathetic smile, “You both know that’s just going to dehydrate you and make your skin feel worse.”
You knocked two ibuprofen into Lucifer’s palm as consolation. He gave you a look, taking the bottle from you. He poured out four more into his hand and then passed the rest to Asmo.
Levi screamed at the top of his lungs.
“MAMMON!” You and Lucifer yelled at the same time.
You rushed to Levi’s side only to see the perfectly white handprint of Mammon’s slap contrasting with his lobster red skin. Levi began to cry, inhaling a ragged breath as tears started streaming down his face.
“He insulted me after all I’m doin’ for him?” Mammon defended himself. “He called me a scumbag!”
“Go help Lucifer,” you snapped.
“Ok, ok, I’m goin’.”
Levi couldn’t catch his breath, his shoulders convulsing as his sobs came out in a silent cry. It was a bit disturbing.
You gently placed your hand on the handprint. “May the vestiges of pain that linger within the demon before me be eliminated.” A gold flash sparkled under your hand as you recited the spell. Levi slumped against your shoulder, breathing once more. For once, he wasn't embarrassed that his bare skin was touching yours.
“Are you ok?” you asked him.
He sniffed a few times, still shaking, “The pain from the slap is gone but my skin still feels like it’s on fire,” he said, wiping away a tear.
You had a feeling the healing spell wouldn't be strong enough. It had been worth a try, though.
“MC,” Satan called your attention from the other side of the couch. “The aloe gel has dried and the infernal itching has returned.” He squirmed in his seat.
“Here, try this,” Mammon slid an ice pack over Satan’s shoulders.
“THAT’S MAKING IT WORSE!” Satan tore the ice pack from Mammon’s hands, throwing it at his face and knocking his sunglasses off.
“Ow!” Mammon rubbed the red mark just beginning to bloom on his cheek.
You sighed. This was proving more difficult than you’d expected. There wasn’t enough aloe gel to apply on each brother twice. You needed to come up with a solution.
“Is there any chance we can use a duplication spell on this?” You slid the jar to Mammon, who was still holding his cheek in pain.
He picked up the jar and scanned over the ingredients list. “There’s too much stuff in here, between the two of us we might end up with somethin’ similar but there’s also a chance it’ll make everything worse. I ain’t Lord Diavolo.”
You looked at the dwindling supplies on the table. Asmo and Beel had already exhausted the first tube of healing ointment. “That means we can’t duplicate any of that, either?”
“Probably not.”
“I’m hungry,” Beel complained.
Right. Everyone still needed dinner.
Lucifer handed you his credit card before Mammon had a chance to register what was happening. “Just buy anything we need. Supplies, takeout, I really don’t care right now.” He picked up the tube of lidocaine cream and squeezed the entire contents into his hand, rubbing half of it into his own chest and the other half into Satan’s shoulders.
Well, that certainly made things easier. You turned on an animated movie for them to watch while you and Mammon went to the kitchen. You picked a random takeout menu that was stuck to the fridge and ordered meals for everyone, and Mammon sat at the island and searched Akuzon for sunburn relief products on his D.D.D.
“Does Akuzon even deliver to the Human World?” You asked as you hung up the phone.
“They do for demon lords,” said Mammon as he added another item to the cart. “Levi pays for the premium shipping rate so they deliver anywhere.”
“You’re using Levi’s account?”
“Got locked outta mine…”
You sat next to him, helping him choose the best products to heal his brothers’ damaged skin. Lots of aloe gel and healing ointment, analgesic products too. You also purchased a balm that was supposedly infused with magic to speed up the healing process. The bill would be several hundred Grimm but you didn't think Lucifer would mind, considering the circumstances.
“We got three hour delivery, we just gotta keep ‘em happy ‘till then.” said Mammon.
“NO!” Asmo shrieked from the other room, right as the doorbell rang.
“That’s probably the food,” Mammon sighed, “Do you wanna find out what Asmo’s problem is or should I?”
You pressed your hand to your heart, your pulse still racing from being startled. “It would be better if I went to him,” You were less likely to start a fight between the brothers just by entering the room.
Mammon went to answer the door while you returned to the living room.
“Is everything alright?” You asked tentatively.
“Everything is not alright,” said Asmo. “How dare those disgusting eels tip over their boat, Ariel was just about to get her true love’s kiss!”
You breathed a sigh of relief. It was just about the movie.
“Mmm, eel…” Beel was almost drooling.
“Would the kiss have even worked?” Satan mused. “How could it be true love, Eric just barely learned her name and they’ve known each other for two days.”
“I wonder,” you smiled.
“Come sit with me, darling,” Asmo pulled you onto the couch between him and Lucifer, nuzzling into you, his skin still feverishly warm, “This movie is wonderful. Have you seen the sea witch’s makeup? I should try something like that for fun, don’t you think? It’s such an iconic look.”
They all seemed really into it, which left you pleasantly surprised. Satan was trying to figure out if the story would end the bittersweet way the original fairytale did, Lucifer argued that it wouldn't be appropriate for a children’s movie to end tragically; their conversation was very lighthearted and almost academic. Levi was using his tablet to draft cosplays of various characters from the film, asking you who you wanted to be. Beel was commenting about all the fish he’d like to eat every time they appeared onscreen, while Belphie hummed along to the score. Mammon brought in the food and then everyone was glad to eat while finishing the movie.
There wasn't a dry eye as the credits rolled after Ariel finally got her happy ending with her prince. Not even yours. A mermaid leaving her family to live with her true love in another realm, the irony wasn't lost on you.
“That was great,” said Mammon, dabbing at a tear with a handkerchief, “Should we watch another?”
Belphie’s shoulders shook as he cried quietly.
“What's wrong, Belphie?” Beel asked as all eyes turned to the youngest.
“M-my skin st-still h-hurts,” he hiccuped.
You were worried about that. They’d all been distracted by the movie for a while, the pain was bound to kick in once it ended.
“I’m starting to feel it again, too.” Lucifer popped a few more ibuprofen capsules.
“How much longer until the delivery, Mammon?” You asked.
He checked his D.D.D. “They’re a hundred stops away, should get here by ten.”
“That's two and a half hours from now,”
The brothers began to complain. You didn't blame them, they were still suffering, but it was starting to give you a headache on top of the one you already had. You needed to placate them and clearly Disney movies weren't enough.
They'd used up all of the supplies, the empty containers littering the table. All that was left was the packet of colloidal oatmeal. You picked it up.
Ingredients: Colloidal oatmeal 100%
“Everyone upstairs to Asmo’s bathroom,” you instructed. You took Mammon by the wrist and led him to the kitchen.
“Now what?” He asked.
“This has only one ingredient,” You held up the packet.
“So we can duplicate it. Good idea, MC!”
Mammon helped you locate a large mixing bowl and you emptied the packet into it. You both waved your hands over the bowl, reciting the duplication spell in unison. You had to repeat the spell six times to have enough for what you needed to do.
When you got upstairs, the brothers were all standing around the bathroom looking very uncomfortable, Asmo had already started filling the tub.
“Everyone needs to strip,” you tossed each of them a towel.
The room broke out in half-hearted groans. You were sure if their faces weren't so red from sunburn, most of them would have been blushing.
“It’s nothing I haven't seen before,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“What?” Mammon’s gaze shot to you.
“Nothing…” you gave an innocent smile.
Mammon crossed his arms, muttering something to himself.
“I c- I can’t strip in front of my brothers!” Levi whined.
“It’s no different than bathing at the hot springs,”
“Yeah but I usually–”
You raised an eyebrow, “Are you really in a position to be complaining, Leviathan?”
“N-no…” Levi sniffed.
“MC, look over here, ” Asmo cooed, winking. “I can strip for you, like a good boy.” He swayed his hips, dropping the towel from his shoulders. “Doo doo-doo doo-doo doo doo doo,” he was singing his own sexy background music.
You just stared at him.
Asmo bent down, giving you what was supposed to be a sensual smile, his lips curved wobbly and his eyes were hazed with pain and unshed tears as he moved. But the show must go on, as they say. “Touch me, tease me, feel me up,” He tossed his hair, sliding his hands to the waistband of his swim shorts, beginning to roll them down. “Touch me, tease me, feel me– AHH!” He screamed as the fabric brushed against his inflamed skin.
His swim shorts dropped to the ground unceremoniously, as he writhed in pain. Everywhere the shorts had previously covered was porcelain white. He squeaked, picking up the towel to cover himself. This was not how he wanted you to see him.
The others followed suit in a less dramatic fashion, all stripping out of their swimwear, some more bashful than others for being naked in front of you. You and Mammon dumped the contents of the bowl into the tub, allowing the running water to mix it around.
“Get in,” you said.
And they obeyed.
There was just enough room for the six of them to fit in the tub comfortably. They all relaxed in the warm water, their skin finally feeling soothed. They were quiet. Belphie fell asleep right away, and Satan’s eyes no longer glowed with barely concealed rage.
You sat down on the padded bench next to the tub, your muscles untensing at last, Mammon passed you a water bottle and a single demon-strength ibuprofen, just enough for a human headache.
“Thanks,” you took it, sinking deeper into the bench’s soft cushion.
“I’m gonna go put some music on,” he said.
“Sure, go ahead,” You said, your eyes slipping closed.
When Mammon returned with the portable speaker, you were fast asleep.
“Shh…” said Lucifer.
Mammon set the speaker down and lifted you into his arms.
“Thank you, MC,” the brothers each whispered as Mammon carried you off to your bedroom for a well-deserved rest.
“Sleep well,” said Mammon.
Cross-posted on AO3
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