#its not funny or anything just therapeutic
sansofhumor · 2 years
Please hold me responsible, I don't care if I'm dying, I NEED to draw the papyrus comic idea in my head when I get home from work...
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
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Hello! Decided to dedicate this observation list to some pretty sensitive placements. If you have any of these placements or know someone that do, I hope you enjoy the list I've created !
Neptune 7th house people have a urgency to help others. Their compassionate healers who walk out into the world and people grasp on to their presence not knowing the reason why. In due time, they'll recognize that neptune 7th house person spirit is like no others. They have this Mother Theresa spirit to them. Very honest and vulnerable to the ones they love, they can almost certainly have a few tricksters walk amongst their path. Although they are incredibly sweet, they're discernment levels are to the T. Its unfortunate when they don't use it, they just want to see the good in you. They have a dreamy like quality to their presence that others notice right away. Captivating, but mysterious. People have no idea what they're getting into when being with them, but they know if they don't act right the cosmic forces in these people don't mind a cute lil revenge. ;)
Moon in Pisces see the beauty in everything. And it reflects back into their beautiful spirits. They're okay with being misunderstood, its just their empathetic bodies take on so many unwanted reactions and energy it's hard for them to feel accepted. They have a honest approach with life, and try their best not to belittle others with this truth. Their honest with themselves however can sugarcoat the truth a little to put less pressure on their wounds and others. therapeutic souls, they naturally attract others to tell them their deepest thoughts. It purifies them. Just being able to converse with moon pisces babes cleanses their auras and makes the skeletons feel a lil dance inside. No more hiding in their, they can take off their masks with them. Moon pisces babes can also be a little too generous with their funds, do not allow others sob stories to be the reason your wallets are being sucked dry. Tell them no. Boundaries are important with this group.
Venus in Pisces have this dreamy, ethereal nature to them its like a fairytale. Their desires tend to realize itself in practical realities more often then they think. When around others, they are like a dream come true. They have unreal personalities.Their gift in this lifetime is to share the joy and beauty of the inner child. They have a love for the universe and in return the universe gives them more than what they could of asked for. It's a beautiful placement. Venus in pisces must be careful because they attract a lot of narcissists in their corner. The narcs can see their beauty, power, and light and know that it can benefit them. Be smart about who you allow into your temple. You are literally a walking God/Goddess.
Mercury in the 1st House ; Believe it or not they have an innocence to them thats hard to ignore. Their like a youthful little child that never grows old. Their charm is impeccable. They can be little tricksters but in a way that it oozes a beautiful quality to it. Its funny. You can talk to them about anything and you can feel your mind soar because your mind gets to expand itself when your with them. They show you the way to relax and just be in the moment. Their a gift to this world when they're just being themselves.
Moon in the 3rd ; Natural healers. They connect with the community in a way that touches every soul they come in contact with. Very empathetic and need more alone time than most. They have to discern people way more than they would like. No matter how stand-offish they can appear, they still have a regal, likeable nature to them that attracts people like flies. We can naturally feel the sweetness off of them no matter what. Boundaries are something that's difficult for this placement, as their auric fields process information when they're not asking for it.
MOON IN THE 1ST are very likeable and are naturally open individuals. They can be secretive, but that mysterious charm is what pulls in others truest feelings towards them. People who do this to them just have a knowing that they will take what they say and not throw it in their face. They have a naturally sensitive personality so they can push others away easily. Its not by force it's just the way things flow. People with this placement can actually be pretty popular. Its the sweetness we feel off of them, and we just want more of it!
Neptune in the 3rd ; Its their voice. Their voice can soothe people. Its meditation for the spirit. They should consider doing asmr or even meditation videos using their voice! Oracles who learn to trust their gut at a young age, they use this gift to help guide others. They are attracted to the unknown, but this darkness is filled with so much light deep inside. The things that scare us can easily be heavenly to them. They walked that path in order to fight the light. It's just what they do.
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zeltqz · 2 years
the ask was for a sanzu x fem reader nsfw and they’re both getting high together in the car and they do the thing where they bloke smoke in each other’s most and one things leads to another. But I thought it would be funny of on the middle of their sesh, ran calls and idk you could decide if he answers or not. Lol
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— mile high club
ø contents: smoking, smut, possessiveness, fluff, takeomi slander ish bc i hate the mf, friends to lovers, mutual oblivious pining, akashi brothers' mentioned beefing
o word count : 7.1k.
ø notes: is it even a sanzu fic if i dont include some sort of tension and psychological explanation to do with the neglect he faced from Takeomi? no? ok anyway...
@wenumsmol 🫶🏾
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The sun sets over the streets of Tokyo when you park the car in the garage of the Akashi household, having dropped Haru off at home since you’re now his designated driver because his license got suspended for reckless driving.
“We’re here.” The car shuts off when you turn the key, both hands resting on the wheel like the professional, respectable driver you are. “Now get out of my car.”
Sanzu groans from the backseat, laying flat on his back, hand splayed over his forehead, the cold heat from his hands doing wonders to soothe his burning headache. 
“Oi.” Over your shoulder, you peek at him, fighting the urge to poke him awake. “I said we’re here.”
“I know.”
“ So…get out?”
“I don’t wanna.”
“You don’t—” You bite your words, stopping yourself to give yourself time to take a deep breath, soothing your bubbling frustration before it erupts. “You don’t want to enter your own house?”
He raises a long, slender finger, pointing insistently out the window. You follow his gaze to the back corner of the garage, Takeomi’s bike perched on its stand. 
“Ohhh,” you realise, unbuckling your seatbelt to turn and face him fully. “Well..you can’t avoid him forever.”
He removes his hand from his forehead, eyebrows knitted, forehead creased as he glares at you. “Watch me.”
“I’m serious, Haru.”
“So am I.” He’s sitting up, face stern and serious, you swear his green eyes practically glow in the dark as they catch the edge of the yellow tint garage light. 
When it comes to Takeomi, Haruchiyo mainly plans on avoiding him at all costs, dodging him around the house, wearing headphones at full volume just to drown out the sound of his brother’s voice, not coming back home for days on end, rather spending the night at yours or Mikey’s house.
He’s developed different coping mechanisms : talking to Mikey is a big help, though Mikey isn’t one for therapeutic advice, he’s still willing to lend a helping ear and listen to Haruchiyo rant on and on. It’s not much help though, only hearing responses like ‘ hm ’ , ‘ oh ’, and ‘ah’,  maybe if Mikey has a little energy left in him, he’d nod occasionally, but that’s about as much help as you’d get. 
His second coping mechanism is you,  someone he’d befriended a couple months back and kept you by his side secretly ever since, using you as a personal chauffeur and a therapist, but more importantly a best friend. Someone who’d be there for him without judging him and his dirty secrets; someone who likes to be around him not because they’re scared or intimidated, but because they enjoy his presence. 
He cannot be in the right state of mind when talking to his brother, not wanting to remember their interactions in the morning, so he relies on getting stoned or drunk to wipe his memory. It’s a potentially dangerous mechanism, but Sanzu enjoys the adrealine rush of trying something new, enjoys the out of body experiences, the fuzzy feelings, the wild imaginations and visions that make his world look colourful rather than monochromatic. 
“Haru.” You call his name with that sweet voice of yours, one that makes his heart warm. “You can talk to me about anything, okay? I’m always gonna be here for you.” 
He’s looking down at his lap, mouth twisted in a way he always does when he’s deep in thought. You can’t help but wonder just what’s going through that brain of his, knowing fully that up there is a mess of unorganised feelings and emotions he’d never been able to fully process.
“Haru. Is everything oka—”
“You know what I want?” He cuts you off, changing topics with a bright smile. 
His decision to switch topics isn’t something that offends you, knowing that he takes time to fully open up and you’re willing to wait as long as he needs. “What do you want, Haru?”
“I want weed.”
“There’s no weed, wait. What are you doin—” He moves quickly, his lean body brushing past yours, balancing a hand on your lap for leverage as he reaches inside the glove compartment pulling out his stash. “What the hell! You stashed your crap in my car?!”
“Of course I did.” He cackles at the dumbfounded look on your face, moving to the backseat. “Where else would I put it?”
“Uh—I don’t know? Your room? Anywhere but my damn car! I got pulled over the other day. What if I had gotten caught and they searched my car?”
“Did you?” He shrugs half heartedly, opening the ziplock bag. Almost instantly the car smells of marijuana, your nose wrinkles as you try to process it. 
“Well, no…but that’s not the point!”
“Shhhh,” he shushes you, taking his time to roll his blunt, all the while you’re glaring at him. “Stop pouting. You should be thanking me.”
“For what?”
“This.” He licks the joint to seal it, lifting it towards you like it’s his artistic masterpiece. The smile on his face screams child proud of their school project, diamond scars stretching cutely as his smile only widens. “It’s strong. Try it.”
“It better be.” You snatch it from his hands, holding it between your teeth as you manouevr yourself to the backseat to seat beside him. 
His chin is heavy on your shoulder as he watches you light it, wanting to be as close to you as possible not only to get a whiff of that perfume he loves that you practically drown yourself in, but to see your initial reaction to the weed. 
The smoke burns your throat before you could fully inhale, coughing violently whilst pounding on your chest to ease it. Haruchiyo grabs water from the front, tossing it to your lap as you erupt in a series of coughs. “What is that?” 
“I dunno.” He eyes the joint between his two fingers, looking oddly fascinated by it. “I just heard it was strong.”
“No shit.” It hurts when you talk, still feeling the ghost of smoke searing your oesphagus. 
His spare hand hooks onto your legs, and you yelp as he swings them over on his lap, slender fingers rubbing up and down your thigh as he smokes. “You’ll get used to it.”
“I don’t wanna.” You shift upwards on the seats, sitting on his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to rest your forehead against the side of his face and shoulder. The scent of his cologne is overpowered by the marjiuana, but it’s still visible, dipping your face between his neckline and sighing. “This one is too much.” 
“Are my eyes red?” His jaw moves when he speaks, and it tickles as his smooth skin brushes against your cheek.
It pains you to move from your current position, his warmth and scent are soothing to you, but you shift back, turning the car lights on to see better. The corners of his eyes are red, and he’s struggling to keep them fully open. 
“Yeah, they are.” The urge to brush his cheeks is tempting, and your fingers twitch and hesitate by your side.
“Hey hey, wanna see somethin’ cool?” When you nod, he shifts upwards, his hand grabbing to hold onto your waist to ground you before you slip off his lap. 
The sudden contact had you stiffening, blood roaring in your ears as his strong hand held your side. You watch him perform a trick, his diaphragm contracting as he inhales, lips pursed as he exhales, several rings of smoke following suit. Your brows raise in surprise, ready to praise him when he sucks it all back in with one huge breath, the rings dismantling in the air. 
He turns back to look at you, chin high in the air, eyes tinted red gleaming as he grins at you, cheerful and animated. You can’t help it, reaching out to cup his soft cheeks with one hand, tracing over the outline of his lips, the shape of his scars with your thumb. 
It’s like he’s frozen stiff as your fingers feel up his face, and he blinks at you as you look at him with those soft eyes of yours. “You’re so cute, Haru.”
His eyes dilate; from the light in the car, or the strong weed you don’t know, can’t tell. What you can tell is that from his silence, his mind is running wild, thoughts bouncing across his brain from left to right, mirroring the way his eyes dart over your face, your lips, and the curve of your nose.
“So are you.” The words spill out from his lips faster than the blush creeps onto his cheeks. He looks away, embarrassed, clearing his throat before smoking from the joint again. “I learnt it from Ran. That useless lazy fucker is sometimes helpful.”
“Ran, huh?” Your fingers find themselves latched to the front strands of his hair tucked into a ponytail, twirling it on your fingertips. “He’s the tall one, right?”
He chuckles, short and amused, voice muffled from the joint between his lips. “All my friends are tall, ya know?”
“Well maybe if you let me around your friends, I’d be able to identify them.”
“You’ll live without ‘em,” he says, blowing smoke in your face, snorting when you cough and swat the smoke away, then try to hit the side of his face, only for him to catch your hand in time. “Your reflexes suck ass.”
You struggle to shift your hand from his grip, frowning at him. “I’m not a ninja.”
“I can teach you to be one.” 
“You a sensei, now?”
“I’m anything and everything. Like Batman.” 
He smiles when you laugh softly, the sound making him feel lightheaded, paired along with the weed flowing through his veins. “Batman is rich, though. You’re not.”
“I can steal money, all is good.” His hand, warm and hot, slides under the hem of your shirt, leaving a searing trail behind his movements that burns into your skin. “I’ll buy you anything once I get rich. Promise.”
He’s been subtly leaning closer as he speaks the whole time, but you don’t notice until his forehead brushes yours and you’re both staring at each other, daring the other to move closer.  “ Anything? ”
Green eyes fall down to your lips, not even trying to look subtle. “Anything.”
Fuck, at this angle you look so pretty, staring down at him with those dreamy eyes of yours, looking at him like he’s the most precious thing in the world. He always feels like that around you, another reason why he loves getting high around you. It forces him to be vulnerable around you, letting the feelings he’s been shovelling down refsurface.
Though it’s risky, and there’s nothing more he fears than rejection, he’s always been a risk taker. You make him feel good with your words, your presence, your voice, the silly moments you two share alone in his car, your room, his room. 
Your lips are what he favours the most on your face, always glossy with whatever flavour lipbalm you wear that day, and he physically fights the urge to kiss them just to guess it. His eyes are drawn towards your lips like a magnet. The way you bite at them when you’re focused, chew on the skin when you’re nervous, lick them when they’re dry, he notices, and wonders how soft they truly are.
“Do…do you wanna kiss me?” Your question catches him off guard, brows knitting in confusion as he wonders if he’s been speaking his thoughts aloud this entire time, but in truth, he’s been making his intentions obvious as he’s been staring at nothing but your lips the entire time.
“Huh? Don’t be weird.” He instantly facepalms himself mentally, fighting the urge to turn back time to take back his words, but it’s too late when your brows rise, lips parting slightly in surprise before looking down at your lap with a slight frown.
“Oh, sorry. That was weird, wasn’t it?”
“It’s fine.” His heart stings in his chest, he can feel it clenching painfully leaving nothing but a hollow feeling in the depths of his stomach when he realises you’re upset. “Why’d you ask that anyway?”
Maybe he can shift the narrative, find out a way to spin the conversation back to kissing. He still has a chance. “Have you never kissed anyone before?”
“I have!” The pout is back on your face, but not from being sad; he can tell the difference, so he sighs in relief. But still…the way your lower lip juts out slightly has him fighting the urge to tug and bite at it. “I’m not a virgin, idiot.”
He doesn’t bother trying to hide the surprise on his face, and you notice. “What? It’s that hard to believe someone would fuck me? Am I that ugly or something?” 
The effects of the weed start kicking in,  now you feel yourself getting emotional over nothing.
“I never even said anything.” 
“You didn’t need to. I’m not stupid, Haru.”
He flexes his jaw as he glares at you, trying to shovel his anger down. The argument is pointless, so he stays silent, bringing the blunt back to his lips. He inhales it for longer this time, and it can’t possibly be healthy for his lungs, but he doesn’t care.
“What time is it?” you ask, and his hand squeezes your waist tighter, stopping you from squirming from his lap.
“Why do you need the time?”
“Because I gotta get going at seven.”
“...why ?”
“Because…” you chirp, shifting to face him with a huge smile on your face, “I’ve got a date.” 
When you bite down on your lip, he can’t even be bothered to look down at it, or notice it. It’s silent in the car as you wait for Haru to be your best friend/wingman that hypes you, ask you for his name, height, age, job, personality, whatever. But he’s silent, face unreadable, and the tension in the car rises thick when he continues to stay silent; your excitement fades along with your smile.
He knows he’s been silent for too long, now everything is awkward, but he can’t find the right words to say. Congratulations? It’s just a date, what do you expect him to do? Find you wedding rings? 
His brain isn’t co-operating either, not in the right state of mind to process his words like a filter, so he says nothing before he says something he’ll regret.
“...Anyway,” you have to choke your words out, refusing to show your slight embarrassment, “hurry up and get high, so I can leave and get laid.”
“I am high.”
“Then I can leave.”
“No, you can’t.” He glares back when you glare at him, but he can’t find it in himself to control himself any longer. Maybe it was a bad idea to get high in a confided space with you, on his lap, with your face so close to his. 
“Why can’t I?”
“...’cause he’s a loser, and you don’t wanna get laid by a loser.”
You snort. “He’s the only loser available, so maybe I do want to.”
“What if…there’s another loser available?” He goes stiff and still when your eyes flick up to his face, looking concentrated at him eye to eye as if you were trying to decipher his words. “Me. I’m the loser.”
“You?” He simply nods and you do the opposite and shake your head. “You’re not a loser.”
“Yeah, I am.” You shift on his lap when he shrugs, leaning his head back against the headrest, and you watch as smoke leaves his lips as he exhales. 
His senses are intensified with the drugs, your fingers tickling their way up his shoulders, along his neck, to behind his head, lacing them between his soft hair. Leaning down, you hold his face in your hands and kiss him.
The moment your lips touch his, he feels like the world paused, and he’s dying to find whoever has control over the remote of his life so they could press play and he could embrace you like he deserves. Or, maybe he’s dying, and whoever is up there allows him to imagine just one night with you before he fades into nothing.
It’s real, all real. The tender slide of your lips against his are real, the sensation of his teeth sinking into your soft plump lips, biting, and nibbling at it is real, the gentle moans he eagerly draws from your lips when his tongue swipes against yours, wet, messy and sloppy is real. 
“Fuck—” you whisper along the swell of his lips, pulling away to examine his face.
He looks gone, shallow half-lidded eyes looking up at you with blown wide pupils, mouth half open as if he’s forgotten how to close it. 
“Haru, you there?” Your knuckle traces along the side of his face, stopping under his chin, lifting it to look up at you.
“Yeah yeah, ‘m here.” 
Your giggle echoes in his ears, and he’s never been harder in his life, cock pressing uncomfortably tight against his pants. “Good, because you look wasted right now.”
“Just, fuck— stop talkin’. C’mere.” He pulls you down for a kiss with a hand at the back of your head, sloppily working his mouth against yours. He tastes like weed, the smell strong but it doesn’t stop you from licking into his mouth, desperate to drive the strong taste away and replace it. 
Big, strong hands wander the length of your back, slipping under your shirt, cold hands hugging you tight, tight to his body that you can’t help but arch into him.
A sound that comes from the inside of the house has you pulling away, turning to face the window, and he trails his lips down the length of your neck. His nose pokes into the flesh of your neck as he sucks deep, red hickeys onto the plane of your neck, breathing heavily as he savours the feeling of your soft feeling of your skin. 
He could get used to this; the weed makes him feel like your skin is ten times softer, or maybe that’s how it generally feels and you’re just perfect, so soft everywhere. 
“Tak—take this off.” The words are lost to your neck as he sucks along the column of your throat, rogue hands wandering along your chest, up your shirt, kneading your tits through your bra.
“Okay, okay, wait —” When you pull backwards, he follows, leaning up from the seat, lips attached to your neck by the hip. “Haru. If you want to see me naked, you’re gonna have to let me remove my clothes.”
“Just…wait a min’ longer…” He sucks harder, and you shudder as shivers race down your body at the feeling of his teeth nibbling at the sensitive part of your neck. When he’s satisfied, he pulls away, admiring his handiwork. “You look so sexy like this, fuck.” He’s tugging your shirt off, throwing it behind you, uncaring of where it lands. 
Warm hands roam your stomach, your sides, sliding up further to wrap around your throat. “So beautiful ‘n sexy, just for me.”
“You already said sexy.” He hums absentmindedly, obviously not paying attention if the way he’s squeezing the fat of your breasts were any indication. 
“You’re sexy times two.” He grins up at you before pulling your bra cup down, and you inhale sharply when it brushes down your nipple. “No, no actually. Times infinity.”
You flush hot at his words, especially when his lips brush against your ears, biting down against the shell. He’s sweating from the heat in the car plus the heat from both your panting bodies. 
“Don’t you think we should—ah fuck—” He tugs you upwards on his lap, your clothed cunt grinding against his hard cock, hands curling into fists behind his neck. 
“We should what?” His musical chuckle vibrates along your ear, sending cold shivers down your spine, forcing you to arch to chase the feeling away. You squeal when he bites down along your ear once more, smirkingpleasantly at the soft, squishy press of your tits against his chest.
“We should go to your room. I mean there’s not much room in here.” Your neck aches from the angle you’re sitting at, neck bent at an awkward angle to avoid hitting the roof of the car. 
There’s not enough space in this crammed car to fit yourself comfortably. Haru, on the other hand, is more than comfortable, seated on the seats like a king that’s blessed the majestic view of your half naked body atop of his. 
“I got an idea,” he says, not giving you a moment to wonder what he’s thinking before he’s lifting you from his lap, plopping you onto the seats. Your forearm darts quickly to cover your chest when he pops the car door open, lips pressed together tightly as he walks to the front seat, yanks the door open without a care and readjusts the seats back, pushing it till there’s enough room between the wheel. “This space big enough for ya?”
You tilt your head past the seat, surveying the space with a keen eye. There’s enough room for you to kneel down and take his cock in your mouth without a fuss or a struggle. A bed sounds nicer though, the thought of sinking into his soft mattress as he fucks you crosses your mind, but it’s overpowered when you remember his siblings are home and you’d rather die than let them hear you.
“Seems good,” you shrug, sliding quickly out the car; the cold air from the garage AC hits you smack in the chest, hardening your nipples momentarily. 
“Ah, ah wait.” Haru pulls you back before you could climb on top of him. The cute way your tilt your head at him, confused, makes his heart do a triple beat for a moment. “I wanna try somethin’.”
It’s stressful the way he’s manouevring you along the seat, pressing your back into the front seat as he shifts to kneel between your legs. “Hold your legs up for me.”
You swallow hard, unable to taste your saliva with how fast your nerves are racing. Doing as he said, you bring your hands under your thighs, holding them up as he tugs your pants down, struggling to get them past your bent knees, glaring at you when you choke on your laugh, muttering out a quick apology. 
“Don’t apologise now. You’ll be beggin’ for it later, trust me.”
His confidence is over the roof right now, evident in his strong posture, shoulders back as he leans forward, swiping a finger along your folds with ease. 
“You’re really wet.” Your slick catches on the tip of his finger, and you want to hide your face between your hands when his pink tongue darts out to lick at it. 
“Could you maybe not do that? It’s awkward…”
He hums when he looks at you; now it’s his turn to tilt his head at you. “How else am I supposed to eat you out then?” His hands press themselves between yours under your thighs, and your back aches from almost sliding down the seat in this awkward position. “You want me to skip the prep? Fuck you into the seat right now?”
“I mean—” It sounds like a good idea, but then you remember the length and thickness of his cock through his pants and swallow excessively. “Prep please.”
He smiles at you, the car light reflecting off the side of his face as he dips his face closer, digging his fingers into the swell of your thighs, nose pressed against your folds and sniffs so hard it’s like a vacuum, your clit tingles with the need to have his tongue in you. 
“This gonna sound so weird, but I really don’t give a fuck but…” he moans as he licks along your slit, a long, wet stripe from the bottom to the top, “you taste so good, fuck—”
“Haru stop…” He seals his lips around your clit, fingernails digging into your thighs as he sucks hard, numbing your clit with the continous flicks of his tongue moving at rapid speed. “Oh my go—”
Your hands fight the urge to fly to his hair, pull him closer to grind his nose against your stubborn clit, but you remember his instructions, to keep your hands on your thighs, keep you spread open for him. 
He’s devouring your pussy like a starved individual, flicking his tongue rapidly, slurping the wetness that drips from your puffy folds. You try to close your legs, try to squirm away from the ticklish feeling of his wet tongue trying to squeeze its way through your cunt, but it’s intoxicating, and overwhelming, especially when his finger tickles against your hole.
It’s fascinating watching it go in and out, and Haru dreads pulling his mouth away from your cunt but he needs to watch your face as his finger slides knuckle deep inside you. His bloodshot eyes twinkle as he watches your slick coat the length of his finger, translucent liquid dripping down his knuckles to the seat. 
“You always get this wet?”
“I don’t know…” It’s not often you finger yourself, so the experience is first hand. You’re also partially amazed that your body managed to produce this much slick from a single finger. “Wait, wait, right there. That feels so good—”
“Here?” His finger curls inside you, itching the side of that spongy spot. 
“No, no—not there, wait—” Your hips shift to the side a little, then it’s like something switches inside you, hands shaking against your thighs as he spreads you out with a second finger, applying pressure to that spot that has your moans increasing in pitch. 
His cock twitches with the need to replace his fingers, sink himself deep inside you, watch your eyes cross as you melt in pleasure. He leans forward, slurping, sucking along the sensitive hood of your clit.
Your body feels numb, voice coming out as breathy pants as you tilt your head back to hit the headrest, giving into the warm, fuzzy feeling deep inside your abdomdem as he fingers you to your climax. 
He knows that you're close when your walls cling and squeeze his fingers tight, barely giving him enough room to move them. His own tongue slithers through your folds, lapping up the leftover slick. The taste of you is better than he’d expected, and he thinks he could live between your legs for the rest of his life. 
There’s a swell of pride swirling through his chest when he feels you lose yourself on his fingers and tongue, your teeth pressing into your bottom lip painfully as you jolt and sit up from the effects of your orgasm. Your hands forget holding your thighs up, gripping onto his hair tied up loosely in a ponytail and tug him forward, craving the warmth of his mouth sealed around your clit as your world comes tumbling down.
It takes a couple moments for you to get yourself together, still holding painfully onto his hair before letting go. He presses ticklish kisses along your thighs, licking at the wetness spread along them. 
“That was—” You swallow, trying to find the words since your brain isn’t co-operating. “That was so good.”
You look all cute when flustered, face heated and flushed, your pretty lips left open as you pant heavily, desperately trying to catch your breath. 
“Think I found my new addiction.” He grins up at you, big hands squeezing the fat of your thighs as he kneels up between your legs, wrapping them around his waist and leans in for a kiss.
Your hands cup his cheeks, holding him close to you as he licks into your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself on his tongue, giving you a moment to gather your nerves because you’re going to need it. 
“I’m ready,” you mumble into his mouth, feeling the shiver that races down his spine.
“Bet, okay. Hold on.” He draws back, big hands spreading your thighs apart.
You look at him through your lashes as he sheds his shirt, tossing it behind you. His body is lean, capacious, abs faint but visible and your mouth waters, hand flying out to run down his stomach. Your touch is so light, his muscles flinching away from the ticklish feeling. Everything you do to him makes him feel so good. 
He grips both your hands, pinning them above the headrest. “Keep ‘em there,” he says, unbuckling his belt, sliding his pants down to his knees. He grabs a condom from his back pocket, ignoring your humourless stare.
“You planned this?” You gesture at the condoms with your head. 
“Better be safe than sorry.” He bites the end of the wrapper, pulling the condom out, rolling it slowly down his shaft. 
Your eyeroll is cut short when the tip of his cock angles itself at your entrance. He can see the way you’re dripping, the slick smeared along your thighs. 
Warmth engulfs the head of his cock as he slowly pushes it in you, and he hisses, biting his lip to stop himself from thinking how good you feel, how tight you’re going to squeeze his cock, how he’s going to cum inside you—
You’re panting, the tip of his cock stretching you out, almost screaming when it pushes past, the thick head making you dizzy it carves a path inside you. “Ah, Haru that—” He pushes deeper, and his eyes roll back when you clench around him.
Haru swears, gripping onto the base of his cock, squeezing it to stop himself from cumming too quickly, pushing through the urge to shove the rest of his length inside you. He stills halfway, needing to take a moment to compose himself, his mind fuzzy and warm, and he feels lightheaded. 
He has to close his eyes, knowing if he looks down, seeing his cock between your legs, halfway inside you, he’d cum in an instant. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to wait—I can take it,” you pant, hips desperately trying to rut forward. “Please…”
He takes a moment to swallow, groaning lowly, as he pushes the rest of his cock inside you, trying to ignore the tight suction of your walls. The moment he bottoms out, he’s falling forward, dipping his face between your neck and shoulder and moans, the sound desperate and needy, causing your pussy to clench and quiver around him.
You wrap your legs around his waist, arms wrapping around his head as you hold him closely, enjoying the feeling of his breath tickling your shoulders. “You okay?” 
It’s funny how you’re asking him this instead of the other way round, and a part of you feels pride in the fact you could make someone this desperate and needy without effort. 
“I’m good…it’s just…fuck , you’re so tight.” He forces himself to inhale deeply, eyes squeezing shut painfully to compose himself. He shivers at the feeling of your nails raking up and down his hair, scratching at his scalp addictvely. “You’re good though, right? It doesn’t hurt?”
You shake your head, smiling softly at him. “Nah. The seats a little uncomfortable but…that’s about it. You can move, Haru.”
“It’s uncomfy? Oh…” You almost want to cry when he pulls out, but he’s lifting you from the seat, switching your positions, slotting you back down on his lap. 
“You want me to ride you?”
He nods, biting his lip when you grab onto his cock, seating yourself down on his cock. 
“Oh my god—” You feel so full, his thick cock stretches your walls, whimpering beside his ear when he rolls his hips sensually, pressing his cock deeper inside you. 
“ Holy shit , you’re so tight.” Your pussy drives him into a frenzy, eyes threatening to roll back at the way your cunt squeezes him so tight, clinging to every inch of him. 
He swears, voice low, sounding wrecked as you begin riding him a little faster, slowly lifting your hips up and down. The obscene squelch of your pussy grasping pathetically around his thick shaft has him biting his lip so hard he might draw blood. 
“ Haru.” You wail his name, collapsing onto his chest, shuddering when his hands, rough and warm, grab onto your hips to slow your pace down. 
“Yeah?” His voice is quiet, like a whisper, so he clears his throat and tries again. “Yeah? What’s wrong?”
“Lemme move—” You trail your lips down his neck in an attempt to soften him, waiting for him to let go of you so you can move faster. There’s a nudging spot inside you, an itch that needs to be scratched. Your attempt to move is shut down again, frustration building up and up the longer you feel his cock twitch inside you. “Haru please…”
“If I let go, you gotta promise to take it slow.”
“But I wanna make you feel good.” You whisper along his lips, tugging at it with your teeth. He groans into your mouth, and shifts for a moment, his cock follows suit, twitching desperately for some friction. “Wait, do that again.”
“This?” He rolls his hips upwards, rolls your hips backwards and forwards, and you drip a little wetter down his leg, wetting his thighs. 
“Yes. Do it again.” 
He starts a steady pace, steady enough for you to feel the way he’s deliberately aiming at that spot in you that makes you squirm around. 
“I’m so close.” He says beside your ear, his voice lingering in your head, clouded by the feeling of his hands roaming your back, scratching at it with every bounce you give him. 
“Me…me too.” 
He’s tense, gritting his teeth when you clench around him. You shift backwards, unslinking your hands from around his neck to grab at his knees, using them as leverage to support yourself as you roll your hips in circles.
He can feel the energy buzzing between you both, can feel the tingling sensation on the edge of his fingertips, the drugs running through his veins has the regular feeling of sex intensifieid, and he swears he can feel every inch of you. 
Everything is so hot right now, the temperature in the car, the feel of your hands braced against his knees, the way your nails dig into the bone, the way your tits bounce in his face as you fuck yourself on his cock. 
You clench when you cum, and he leans forward suddenly, grabbing your hips to lift you up, slamming you back down with a loud moan, hips jerking as he cums inside you. 
You’re shaking, trembling at the feeling of his cum spurting inside you, the wet sensation is ticklish, cold shivers running down your spine. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good,” he mumbles again, holding you down to feel your greedy walls sucking him in further. “Holy fuck, I could stay here forever.”
“I need a shower.” You say once you come back to your senses, groaning softly when you lift yourself up and off his cock, the wet squelch following after echoes throughout the car. 
“That’s so hot.” He mutters, eyes wide with fascincation as he reaches out to thumb at your clit, enjoying the way you shiver and let out a soft moan as he rubs it in circles. “Holy shit that’s so hot. You’re so hot.”
“I kno—” It’s distracting when you can feel his cum dripping out from you slowly making you lose your train of thought , the drip of it is anticipating until it forms a small pool between both of your bodies. “I know.”
“You hesitated.” 
“I didn’t.”
He removes his thumb, wiping the wetness from it along his tongue, tasting you, and you feel your face flush at the action, burning hot when looks up at you, the corners of his mouth dragging up slowly. “You did.”
“Shut up.” 
Sanzu’s reaching towards the backseat for his stash, and you laugh at how his arm barely reaches it, flailing it uselessly around the air. 
“You’re not gonna reach it, Haru.”
“Watch me.”
He grunts and groans like he’s lifting heavy bricks, and you start to take pity on him. “Dude, just give up.”
 If there’s one thing about Sanzu it’s that he’s determined, but not in the way you think. It’s more the stubborn version, always trying to do the impossible, ignoring you when you tell him it’s not possible, then sulks when he fails. 
He clicks his tongue, shifting you down on his lap so he has more room and this time successfully grabs at it. “Told you. Always hatin’ on me.”
You giggle, faint and shrill, leaning forward to rest your head against his shoulder, watching him dug through the contents of the bag, his slender, skilled fingers professionally rolling another blunt. 
It’s silent in the car again, you two both bask in each other’s presence. Both of you refusing to discuss what happened earlier, not sure if those sudden feelings you felt were because of the weed or if there’s something else deep inside, a false truth you’ve refused to make terms with, or shoved them aside for another unknown reason unbeknownst to you.
Your head is racing with thoughts, pictures of Haru wondering where you suddenly felt these emotions towards him came from. The thought of sharing him with anyone else angers you, but it shouldn’t because you’re both friends. The thought of him laying in a car with another girl on top of him angers you, makes you feel bitter and resentment towards this imaginary woman your brain fabricated inside your head.
It’s like your body is working against you. 
Stupid weed. 
Haru’s gone for the second time today, and for the first time in what felt like ten minutes—in actuality it was only three—you look up at him. He looks like he’s falling asleep, those chubby cheeks of his so promising, so soft, you can’t help but shift upwards, pressing soft kisses against them.
It should be weird to him  that he doesn’t question your sudden out of character movements, but then again you both did just have sex not longer than five minutes ago. 
His phone rings at the backseat, pulling you away from his neck where you were sucking fresh purple hickeys onto and he groans when your ass brushes aginst his cock. It’s been slightly hard the entire time, still not over his recent orgasm, but not strong enough to maintain itself to stand tall. 
“What’re you doin’?” You freeze as your hand hovers over his phone. 
“Your phone’s been ringing non-stop. It’s irritating.” The caller ID is Ran, and part of you wants to answer it so you can know what he looks like. It’s been nudging at your brain the entire time, trying to figure out which one of his friends is who, trying to put the pieces of the faceless group of boys together to solve the puzzle. 
“Just ignore it—okay then.” You answer the phone away, turning the camera away from your naked body onto Sanzu’s face. You squirm around, trying to find where Sanzu threw your bra and shirt as the two engage in small talk.
“What do you want?”
Ran snorts on the other end, his voice deep, familiar, and husky. “Don’t needa get all pissy, you big baby. Takeomi wants to know where you are.”
“What the fuck does that have to do wit’ me?”
“Call him, or somethin’. I don’t fuckin’ know?”
Haru sniffs, nose wrinkling when the smoke he blows out invades his nostrils. “Tell him I’m busy.”
“Being a fuckin’ junkie?” Ran snorts, petty and bitterly, voice now laced in sarcasm. “So productive.”
Haruchiyo rolls his eyes at the same time you put your shirt back on, reaching under your shirt to fix the straps of your bra. “I’m doing more than getting high, you slug. I’m with my friend.”
You had tuned out the conversation from the beginning, your main priority being your clothes, but at the mention of ‘friend’, he jostles his leg, catching your attention. “Say hello.”
“Oh? Who might you be?”
“I’m—” Haruchiyo ends the call before you could even get the first letter of your name out. “What the hell?”
He lazily shrugs, tossing his phone into the backseat without a care. It hits the edge of the seat, before hitting the floor with a mild smack. Two noble fingers grasp at your chin, redirecting your gaze from his probably broken phone to his face. 
The kiss is passionate, and long, his wet slide of his tongue laving itself inside your mouth. Your face grows hot when his lips wrap around the length of your tongue, sucking the moisture from it, replacing it with his own. It’s messy but you don’t care, happily drinking the mixed saliva from his mouth. 
His sharp teeth sink into your lips, stopping you from pulling away, kissing you with fervour as his heavy head spins, and bright flashes of colour appears behind his closed eyes.
“I’m so hungry,” he gasps out when he finally pulls away, wiping the saliva from his mouth with his forearm, giving you back the breath he stole from your lungs with that kiss.
“You want me to drive you to McDonalds?”
He grins up at you, that stupid adorable look on his face that has your heart warming in your chest. “Is this your way of asking me out on a date?”
“It’s my way of forcing some food down your throat before you die of starvation.”
“What if I was thirsty instead?”
“McDonalds sells drinks, dumbass.”
“ Or… ” He places his hands on your hips, pulling you forward on his lap. You yelp at the motion, hands flying to the headrest behind him to stabilise yourself. 
What he’s insinuating is lost to you for a moment, only becoming obvious when his hand snakes down to your pussy, thumb nudging insistently at your clit. His eyes dip down to your chest, your nipples still hard and poking through the thin fabric of your shirt, then drags them back up to your face and smiles.
“You’re so horny.” Your eyeroll is fabricated and fake, part of you deep down wants it too. 
“You like it though.” It’s true, and he knows it too. The defeated look on your face is all he needs to know when he moves to open the car door, nodding his head outside. “Let’s go to my room now.”
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Could I request Heracles, Poseidon, Buddha, and Hades bathing with their s/o?
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Takes a lot of baths due to his extensive training, and therefore sore muscles, and he really enjoys them.
Actually expects his s/o to share his bath with him, after they are officially dating, as it was very common in Greek & Roman cultures to have public baths.
Likes to sit with his back to the rim of the tub with his s/o in front of him, in his lap.
Keeps the bath very hot, due to his high tolerance for heat, so is very cognizant if it’s too hot for his precious s/o. He doesn’t want to boil them alive or anything.
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As the god of the sea, he of course has an enormous bathing pool in his Sapphire Palace. It’s peaceful, quiet, and elegant, much like its owner. And is always at a mild, summer ocean temperature.
No one is allowed to enter his bathing room except him. And then eventually s/o.
They sit close to each other, but still at a respectable distance. Poseidon isn’t here for any funny stuff. He’s here to get clean and maybe, for a few short moments, relax.
He’d spend all day in there, if given the chance, but appreciates that that might not be something s/o wants to do. Gets out when they want to but also likely to go back on his own later to be by himself.
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Doesn't really take a lot of baths. He showers when he starts to smell ripe. Otherwise he just find them kind of frivolous.
If he does take a bath, he prefers something like a hot spring. The natural, heated pools feel very therapeutic to him.
Gets excited if he finds a hot spring, and the type to swing around & play with his s/o rather than take a proper bath.
The one, and only thing, he finds good about baths with his s/o is getting his hair washed. He loves it. And his hair feels so soft & shiny after.
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Takes baths regularly as he’s a strong proprietor in it being a part of mental & physical health.
He has an old copper clawfoot tub in his bath. Very elegant and very large. It can easily fit two, despite how close he sits to s/o.
He prefers to sit across from them, so they can talk easier, but is always touching them in some way.
Also likes to have his hair washed. Prefers they use their shampoo when they do it though, so he can smell their scent long after the bath and remember it fondly.
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asahicore · 2 years
trsr & enha :: their favorite forms of skinship !
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pairing. ot7 enhypen x reader + ot 12 treasure x reader genre/warnings. just fluff after fluff after fluff... the part for heeseung/jihoon/yedam might be slightly suggestive but not even that much, not really proofread word count. 1.5k a/n. another reaction/headcannon type post!! i don't know why but i love writing these, they're just really fun and quick to do. if there's one you'd like to see from me feel free to ask! also i just love my 19 boys lmao so i wanted to include all of them at once, pls lmk what u think of this!!!
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一 cuddling ; junkyu, jungwon, junghwan
simple explanation for junkyu: he’s lazy and wants to stay in bed, but he also loves you so much that he wants to be as close to you as he can. he’s got that i-want-to-crawl-into-your-skin-but-that’s-not-physically-possible-so-i’ll-settle-for-the-next-best-thing kinda vibe, y’know? so get ready for cuddle sessions that last so long that at some point you forget where your body ends and his begins. jungwon and junghwan, on the other hand, like the possibilities that cuddling brings: they have access to your hair, your face, your back, just whatever they want, basically. they like sleepy conversations about anything and everything and the fact that they can speak really quietly because of how close they are to you. it just makes them really warm inside! 
一 playing with their hair ; jake, ni-ki, doyoung, yoshi
puppy line! jake was a no-brainer for this one. he really likes cuddling up to you when napping or watching a movie, and your hand finds its way up to his head and just play with his hair or scratch his head. he loves it far too much and it puts him to sleep like nothing else, but the problem is that he would get so used to it he would start practically pushing his head onto your hand so you’d start doing it… but how could you say no? i can also see something like this calming ni-ki down. if he’s super energetic and running around the room, just thread your hand through his hair and he’ll calm down in one second, it’s just that therapeutic to him. i think he’d also like it if you literally played with his hair, as in if you gave him stupid hair-dos and put a bunch of ribbons in there, he’d just find it funny and it’d also be a good opportunity for him to just stare at your face and without it being creepy. i had a somewhat harder time finding a category for doyoung and yoshi, because they both absolutely love any and every sort of skinship, but i think they fit here. if they really had to choose one form of physical touch, they’d choose this one. they love it especially while cuddling - their head resting in the crook of your neck and you giving them head scratches, maybe telling them about your day or whispering sweet nothings while they drift off to sleep. heaven.
puppy line! jake was a no-brainer for this one. he really likes cuddling up to you when napping or watching a movie, and your hand finds its way up to his head and just play with his hair or scratch his head. he loves it far too much and it puts him to sleep like nothing else, but the problem is that he would get so used to it he would start practically pushing his head onto your hand so you’d start doing it… but how could you say no? i can also see something like this calming ni-ki down. if he’s super energetic and running around the room, just thread your hand through his hair and he’ll calm down in one second, it’s just that therapeutic to him. i think he’d also like it if you literally played with his hair, as in if you gave him stupid hair-dos and put a bunch of ribbons in there, he’d just find it funny and it’d also be a good opportunity for him to just stare at your face and without it being creepy. i had a somewhat harder time finding a category for doyoung and yoshi, because they both absolutely love any and every sort of skinship, but i think they fit here. if they really had to choose one form of physical touch, they’d choose this one. they love it especially while cuddling - their head resting in the crook of your neck and you giving them head scratches, maybe telling them about your day or whispering sweet nothings while they drift off to sleep. heaven.
一 holding hands ; sunoo, jeongwoo
ok, these two are for pretty different reasons. i’ve seen this on enhablr, there seems to be a general consensus that sunoo is somewhat the least physically affectionate of the group - not that he doesn’t like it, but he just expresses his love for you differently. if physical touch was really important to you, he’d of course make an effort, but the only thing that really comes naturally to him is holding your hand. whether you’re walking or sitting, maybe watching a movie or just talking, if you don’t need to use them, his hand finds yours as if by instinct. i think he’d also really like it if you wrapped your hands around his upper arm while you walked, i don’t know why but i can just see it. jeongwoo also really loves holding hands, but i see it more as a too-shy-to-do-anything-else thing (i’m really pushing my shy jeongwoo agenda here). he’s just got this vibe of being super loud and obnoxious around his friends and then super shy and blushy and quiet around the person he likes, namely, you. at first, he can barely look you in the eyes, so when he takes your hand in his for the first time, it’s really a step up. even when he starts getting comfortable around you and showing his completely insane side, the habit stays, so you often find your fingers interlocked with his. he’d die inside if you pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, by the way.
一 peppering their face with kisses ; hyunsuk, jaehyuk, haruto
these three LOVE to be babied, i don’t make the rules. they’re so adorable that i feel like whoever dates them would get cute aggression all the time. it may not be as obvious for haruto than for hyunsuk and jaehyuk, but i just know he lets out his cuter side around his s/o, especially if they’re older. he wouldn’t go full on aegyo or anything, he’s not that crazy, but would definitely act sweeter if he knew it would get him affection. if you started kissing him all over his face, he’d pretend he hated it and tell you to stop with a huge smile on his face, so you’d just keep going. i think it’d make him laugh a lot and he’d (not so) secretly love it. hyunsuk and jaehyuk though? they have no shame. baby talk, pouting, whining, they do it all. they’re practically begging for attention even at their grown age, and the more in-their-face the skinship is, the more they like it, so they would absolutely die for something like this. i can also see them loving this in the morning, like if you woke them up like this… can you imagine the sleepy smiles and giggles… i’m gonna go cry in a corner now.
一 back scratches / massages ; jay, mashiho
these two radiate the strongest husband energy from their respective groups and i will die on this hill. not only do they do the cooking and the cleaning, they also check up on you through regular texts, smother you with affection and know exactly what you need and when you need it. the perfect men if those even existed, basically. they’re just always, always taking care of you. they think so much about your well-being that they sometimes forget their own, so when you offer to scratch their back to help them fall asleep or even a full-on back massage, especially if they’ve had a long day, they may burst into tears. or ask you to marry them right then and there. or both. you would probably have to fight jay to stop him from giving you one in return, though. i think mashiho is less mental than that, so he’d just gladly accept it and lay there, smiling contentedly. 
一 lazy make-outs ; heeseung, jihoon, yedam
absolute menaces, the three of them. making out is like, their favorite way to hang out. they just can’t help themselves - if you’re around, they’re gonna want to have their lips on yours. and the setting is always so obvious, like a dimly-lit room with chill music playing in the background and a conveniently comfortable bed or couch nearby. yedam would invite you over to his studio, pretending he wanted you around while he worked on his music but actually just wanting to be able to kiss you. heeseung would use that movie you’d talked about as an excuse - the laptop would be discarded in ten minutes, but you wouldn’t complain anyway. to be honest, jihoon wouldn’t even try to come up with an excuse. this man will fuckboy-text you ‘u up?’ months into your relationship and show up at your house at random times of the day and night just cause he wants to make out. i wrote ‘lazy make-outs’ because they all give that chill vibe, cuddling or sitting on his lap, their hands resting on your lower back and your own in their hair or something like that. it could last for hours (with water breaks), they like it that much. they also like the moments when you take pauses and chat for a little bit, then get back to business. it’s all very chill but intimate, and they love the feel of you close to them.
一 literally anything but they’d rather die than tell you that ; asahi, sunghoon my two biases… either i have a type or i am projecting onto these men, we’ll never know! you could do anything to these two, as long as you’re not in public, they’d be completely fine with it. hold their hand, touch their hair, kiss their cheek, spank their butt, punch them in the face, if you’re touching them, they’re happy. they just like knowing that you’re being clingy and trying to get their attention. but they will never, ever tell you that. asahi, because he’s just shy like that and although he loves any crumb of affection from you, he neither knows how to tell you that nor how to reciprocate it. he’s trying, though. a kiss on your forehead from him is like a confession of his undying love for you, and if he back-hugs you, in his mind, you’re practically married. sunghoon, however… is a menace. you being clingy inflates his ego, and he will never not tease you about how much you love him and how needy you’re being, when in reality, if you spend ten minutes without kissing or touching him, he’s scared you’ve already moved on to someone else. sometimes you’ll get tired of his shit and want to ignore him for a little while. don’t do that, you’ll kill him. or worse - you’ll make him initiate the skinship, and the few times it’s happened, he almost didn’t survive it. he’s actually just a little shy, so you learn to put up with him. asahi and sunghoon are so cute anyway that you can look over things like that <3
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permanent taglist: @ozymandia-s @bbujiikseu @sd211 @lalalalawon
© asahicore on tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, plagiarize or translate my works. reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!
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sunderingstars · 4 months
☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
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sampo analysis m.list
— a silly little overview of different "sampos" i find interesting
— not meant to be taken super seriously or canonically, but can tie in to some of the theories i have
— in the true spirit of elation, these aren't hills i'm willing to die on, just ones that are fun to play around with :3
— feel free to use for writing/art inspiration!
— i add to this periodically as new sampos catch my eye!
— word count: 3k (good lord)
— 🎭s indicate aha!sampo
☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
🎭 sampo "midlife crisis" koski
— at risk of losing his aeon/emanatorhood
— doesn’t find anything funny anymore
— tired of being behind the scenes
— becoming a buzzkill (having “lines” he won’t cross)
— taking drastic measures to improve his quality of life (fucking off to a random ass snow planet to scam people)
note: may lead to a villain arc — sampo "renewed vigor" koski — in which he remembers why he used to love tormenting people, conquers his midlife crisis, and returns to pure elated insanity. this is bad for everyone involved for obvious reasons
🎭 sampo "how're you gonna win if you never take any risks?" koski
— aha took drastic measures to secure their success, either through memory erasure, mortal transformation, giving up power, or all three
— under the radar, civilian aha
— trying to circumvent “destiny” through delusional self-confidence
— enter sampo i mean aha i mean sampo i mean aha i mean s
sampo "ceaseless watcher's special little boy" koski
— not aha but aha definitely likes him
— perhaps an avatar or emanator of some sort
— whether he likes aha or not is up for debate
— can easily turn into sampo "ceaseless watcher get their ass" koski, in which sampo becomes a little too fond of invoking his status as aha's favorite to accomplish his own goals
alternate possibility: he’s aha’s favorite due to his pathetic nature and slutty hip windows, he just doesn’t know it. he thinks his luck is due to his own talent & skill (it is literally outside eldritch forces beyond his control)
sampo "close enough" koski
— not an actual aeon, but rather a vessel for aha’s power or consciousness on varying levels
— perhaps akin to caelus/stelle being a stellaron receptacle
sampo "let's get you back to bed grandpa" koski
— the wear and tear of a long life has taken its toll on him
— despite the infinity of time, he has become out-of-sync with newer masked fools members, who regard him as an “old timer”
— isn’t shown much respect, and is frequently asked why he isn’t as cool as he used to be
— also know as sampo "L + ratio + fell off" koski
— “peaked in high school” energy
— can be either aha, emanator, or similar high status
🎭 sampo "in rehab" koski
— aeonic existence isn’t easy and can, in fact, take a toll on those that ascend from human forms
— he finally decided that maybe he should make a change
— and has thus embarked on a healing journey
— therapeutic exercises include: scamming people, starting pyramid schemes, selling artifacts on the black market, and more!
sampo "ultimate dealmaker" koski
— in a contract or some sort of deal with aha in exchange for power, money, or a combination or the two
— possession? who knows
🎭 sampo "i'm not mad i'm just disappointed" koski
— doesn’t understand why his children have strayed so far
— “where did i go wrong? why do they think this is funny? do they even care about the worm?”
— has the energy of an exasperated parent watching his kids flush car keys down the toilet again
🎭 sampo "horrified creator" koski
— aha & the masks have outgrown their creator (sampo) and have gone off to do their own aeonic thing, leaving him behind
— he thinks it’s all insane, actually, and he’s very disappointed and very tired
— trying to pick up the pieces of whatever mayhem the aha!masks cause
— aha!masks keep him around for fun
— “i should never have laughed at that goddamn baby”
sampo "me and aha kiss on the weekends" koski
— just a silly little guy who has somehow wormed his way into the heart of an eldritch being
— in it for the mind-bending sex
sampo "blasphemy" koski
— technically affiliated with the masked fools but doesn’t subscribe to their beliefs
— thinks aha is a load of horseshit but needs to keep up with what they’re doing to circumvent it
— may have been formerly in a high-ranking position, or just another guy with a mask
— aha probably wronged him or did some fucked up shit in the past and now he has a vendetta
🎭 sampo "stole my fucking thunder" koski
— someone stole aha’s power. that’s it
— sampo is salty
— 10/10 betrayal plot
potential inverse: he’s the one stealing aha’s power
sampo "my boss sucks and i want to quit" koski
— tired, overworked employee of the masked fools
— views aha as a sort of fucked up insane ceo that he wants nothing to do with but is unfortunately contractually obligated to work for
— wants to start a union
🎭 sampo "next in line" koski
— can also branch into sampo "formerly in line" koski or sampo "abdication" koski
— wherein aha’s power or masks are akin to titles or positions that are passed down between different people, somewhat akin to how “crowns” and “kings” work
— in this case, sampo would either be currently in line for this power, formerly in line for this power, or has actually been in power but abdicated or otherwise lost/gave up/moved on from his position
— this could be natural or otherwise
note: this does not have to be solely for aha, this kind of power transfer could work for other high-ranking positions like emanator or organization leader
🎭 sampo "this price was too steep..." koski
— got a bit cocky and wagered his aeonhood
— is now in a Not Great position
sampo "i hate owing people things" koski
— owes aha one
— does not like owing people things
— doing whatever he needs to cancel out the debt
🎭 sampo "i was crazy back then lol" koski
— the universe’s idea of aha writ large is based on an outdated version of their personality
— this always annoys sampo because he has to be constantly reminded of his insane college days before he mellowed out
— the type to reminisce over wine and say “yeah that worm thing was wild. i was crazy back then huh”
🎭 sampo "committed to the bit" koski
— one of my personal favorites
— became mortal as a joke
— ended up liking it a little too much
— doesn’t really want to go back
sampo "worm on a string" koski
— what is a man if not just another omniscient worm destined for tragedy?
— he’s a puppet, basically
— & he just gets wormed around like he’s on a string
— hence the name
— another one of aha’s classic cosmic jokes
🎭 sampo "one of many" koski
— ties into my split consciousness theory
— aha split their personality into multiple people (either as a joke or for a bigger reason) and sampo is one of those pieces
🎭 sampo "yeah i heard aha was super cool and hot and sexy and smart and did i mention sexy" koski
— big fan of the rumor mill
— can’t help but try to win people over to the elation even when he’s supposed to be laying low
— he’s not fooling anyone. just yesterday serval watched him laugh until he cried because a kid dropped their ice cream. he is not slick
🎭 sampo "reverted to babey" koski
— someway, somehow, aha got reverted back to who they were before they ascended to aeonhood
— now sampo is just really fucking confused (and annoyed because mortal life is pretty annoying)
sampo "character creation screen" koski
— aha just had a silly goofy lil day & wanted to create a guy
— so they did
— sampo acts as a kind of controlled character who’s self-aware about his position as a playable character
— or alternatively he was turned loose with no purpose scaramouche-style and is now just fucking around doing whatever
sampo "failed clone" koski
— obligatory clone theory
— aha tried to clone themself. it wasn’t as funny as they wanted
— sampo is the result
— aha realizing sampo was a bit of a buzzkill: “i don’t want to play with you anymore”
🎭 sampo "vicarious existence" koski
— part of the split consciousness theory
— aha sectioned off or created a part of themself that can live in a way they can’t (i.e. have free will beyond the elation)
— similar to the focalors/furina situation in genshin
sampo "trojan horse" koski
— is his own person, under the impression he has free will, but is being used as an unknowing vehicle for eventual Big Aha Moment
🎭 sampo "can't remember shit" koski
— he forgor :((
— used to be aha but doesn’t know that
— most likely erased his own memory in order to accomplish a planned endgame
🎭 sampo "you don't wanna see me when i transform" koski
— dual consciousness theory
— sampo koski as a human is much more rational and reasonable than eldritch-form aha
— sampo likes to stay as sampo as much as possible because he doesn’t like what he becomes when he changes forms
— may lead to a tragic arc where, in order to defend belobog, he reverts to his aeonic form knowing he won’t be able to transform back
sampo "lmao got you" koski
— all signs pointing towards aeon or emanator status are red herrings
— he’s just really good at gaslighting to get what he wants
sampo "whoops i got attached" koski
— fucked off to belobog for whatever reason
— got surprisingly attached
— belobog now has an extremely powerful entity/protector without even knowing it
— “it’s just a weird insane little place. very charming” — sampo, probably
🎭 sampo "elias bouchard" koski
— just a shell for aha, jonah magnus style
— used to be his own person, but got yoinked along the way
🎭 sampo "5d mind chess" koski
— knows exactly what he’s been doing from the beginning
— strategic placement on belobog to meet the trailblazer
— has done a damn good job of coming off as “normal pathetic scammer mcgee” to distract from larger plans
🎭 sampo "just like everyone else" koski
— for whatever reason, aha is insistent that they be treated just like any other member of the masked fools; same rules, same hierarchy, everything
— this results in everyone looking at him weirdly but not saying anything and trying to strike up casual conversation with their literal aeon
sampo "gimme your eldritch money" koski
— the final form of scammers everywhere
— he’s scammed everyone he possibly can, and now there’s only one thing left: to scam an aeon
— chooses aha + the masked fools because there’s a good chance he’ll get stuff just because aha is amused with him
— tries to link aha up with a pyramid scheme
sampo "you should see me in a crown" koski
— either on a delusional self-confident power trip or gunning for aha’s power
— can be aha, emanator, or other high-ranking position, but aha works the best if sampo wants to go all the way up the ladder
— thinks he’s the best ever and can never fail, pairs well with “5d mind chess” sampo like fine wine
— drunk on power/worship
🎭 sampo "wine aunt" koski
— also known as sampo "washed up aeon" koski
— he’s out of the limelight, whether that means he passed on his power, had it taken from him in a free for all, or just wants to retire, and now he’s kicking back with a margarita and enthralling the belobog locals with “hypothetical” scenarios that are actually crazy mind-bending stories from his glory days
— he’s not as great as he used to be, nor does he have the power of a full-fledged aeon anymore, but belobog appreciates him all the same (goes hand in hand with sampo "just like everyone else" koski)
— “geez yeah, ix is so annoying. such a buzzkill, really, that guy even hates knock-knock jokes. i mean, who hates knock-knock jokes? … hypothetically, of course.” — sampo, probably
🎭 sampo "zhongli the funeral consultant" koski
— aha is secretly “dead” but no one knows
— perhaps the masked fools know, but either way sampo has either already faked his death, is currently doing it, or is planning to in the future
— he just wants to retire man, and if that means he has to “fall” then so be it
sampo "just a silly guy" koski
— there is actually nothing special to this man at all
— he’s just a guy. just a silly little guy
— aha is laughing at all of us for even making theories about him
sampo "aha jr." koski
— sampo is a doll created by aha like in the simulated universe occurrence, having the same appearance as aha’s human form and sharing personality & path attributes
— most likely wants to break away from the elation’s influence but doesn’t know how
— views aha as a really fucked up dad
sampo "oh my god i'm in a cult" koski
— raised in the masked fools, didn’t realize how batshit insane they were until a Formative Traumatic Event occurred and he went “oh.. oh no…..”
— estranged from most of the members but still deals with them in the way you do when you hate your family but have to put up with them at holiday dinners
— maybe got to a high position of power before, but left when he realized it wasn’t good for him
sampo "partners in crime" koski
— him & aha are friends, besties even
— knows the risks of working with an aeon but can’t say no when that much money is involved
🎭 sampo "for funsies" koski
— if aha can give the entire universe’s knowledge to a worm for fun, then by god they can give all of their power and aeonhood to a silly little guy randomly for no reason whatsoever (especially if he doesn’t want it)
— constantly fighting against increasingly powerful eldritch control
— “young god”
— canon in my heart
sampo "reality tv" koski
— part of the vicarious emanator theory
— aha gave him all their power and basically watches him like a reality show
— *pokes sampo with a stick* “hey why aren’t you doing anything” — aha, probably
— constant voyeurism
sampo "communism" koski
— part of the dual consciousness and vicarious emanator theories
— one of aha’s emanators that they share their entire path with
— “our” power
— perhaps some sort of memory or consciousness sharing
sampo "horse girl" koski
— “but your dream is to be an emanator”
— “no that’s your dream dad, not mine”
🎭 sampo "aeons anonymous" koski
— aeon in rehabilitation
— wants to start a former aeon support group
🎭 sampo "power receptacle" koski
— in which the masks function as the true “aha” and sampo has given them up or put them away for safekeeping
— “sparkle please please i’m so serious just let me put it back on once. no seriously only once i promise i won’t go insane like last time i’ll be so normal it’ll only be for five minutes please” — sampo, probably
sampo "one-sided hate boner" koski
— man absolutely hates aha (probably for backstory reasons)
— aha doesn’t care at best and at worst thinks it’s really really funny
— “you burned my house to the ground!”
— “🤷”
— “my family is dead!”
— “🤷”
— bonus points if aha makes him an emanator or something
sampo "significant annoyance" koski
— dedicated to being as annoying as possible to aha, whether out of spite, a vendetta, or sheer interest
— aha finds this funny so they let him stick around
— “he graffitied my mask with a bunch of dicks and it took me years to get it off. isn’t he just the greatest little guy?” — aha, probably
sampo "god's silliest soldier" koski
— aha gives their hardest battles to their silliest soldiers
— and that is sampo
sampo "true wild card" koski
— he’s not aha, an emanator, or any higher status
— he is quite literally just That Good as a regular human being
🎭 sampo "cosmic irony" koski
— “man, it sure would suck to be aha the aeon of elation. glad i don’t have to deal with that. i love being mortal”
— “🎭🎉👀”
sampo "cult leader" koski
— humility is a facade
— “lines” he won’t cross are a facade
— everything is for the purpose of appearing like the perfect leader (or candidate for leader)
— secretly the most insane out of anyone
sampo "secret agent man" koski
— doing aha’s bidding willingly
— a goon. a henchman even
sampo "tainted love" koski
— aha isn’t the most healthy person to be around, on account of the ten billion cosmic torments jokes they throw around on a daily basis
— guinea pig sampo is TIRED
sampo "sacrificial lamb" koski
— may or may not be aware of his sacrificial status
— created or being manipulated into a position where he becomes collateral for aha doing whatever the fuck they wanna do
sampo "impromptu therapist" koski
— the receiver of many rants and complaints unrelated to him within the masked fools
— becomes the “advice friend” even though this man should never be trusted for reliable advice
— but surprisingly he is the most reliable within the masked fools
sampo "sanest masked fool" koski
— just a long-suffering member of an organization whose followers are some of the most insane people you’ll ever meet
— permanent eye bags for having to put up with them
🎭 sampo "michael distortion" koski
— he was a regular guy once, but ended up absorbing aha’s eldritch power one way or another
— potential assimilation into one form
— aha didn’t expect the joke to joke back
sampo "court jester" koski
— similar to "ceaseless watcher's special little boy"
— the king’s (aha’s) favorite little jester
— and also they make out sometimes
— has a semblance of protection afforded to him by being the favorite (he uses this to his advantage)
— “jester’s privilege”
sampo "try me" koski
— aha is physically keeping tabs on the trailblazer
— sampo is too, but only to swat aha’s hand away like a kid reaching into a cookie jar
— usually a mad dash to see who gets there first
— leads to many situations where they make tense eye contact across the street or smth
— subsists off of pure spite & annoyance
🎭 sampo "favored of humanity" koski
— aha is one of the aeons closest with humanity, and has such developed a more “mortal” frame of mind over time
— eventually if you spend enough time around mortals you might just turn back into one
🎭 sampo "hedonist" koski
— why is he doing any of this? who knows
— who can possibly understand the machinations of what an aeon finds funny
— eldritch humor beyond our comprehension
🎭 sampo "cosplayer extraordinaire" koski
— “so this is my humansona his name is sampo koski he likes scamming people and has slutty slutty hip windows”
— likes to stay in character as much as possible
— kinda like playing a dnd character 24/7
sampo "long-suffering host" koski
— somewhat dual consciousness theory
— aha is just up there, and sampo has to listen to their annoying ass constantly
— can be a joke, chill possession scenario, or necessity for aha due to external circumstances
— may be a side effect of emanator status, or may just be another Classic Cosmic Joke™
sampo "unwilling hierophant" koski
— informercial: how would YOU like to receive PERSONAL and INCESSANT psychic messages from eldritch forces beyond your comprehension?
— “geez ew no”
— infomercial: is that a YES?
— “no”
— infomercial: thank you for signing up for our FREE TRIAL service!
— “wait no”
— infomercial: text "NO PLEASE STOP NO" to 69420 to UNSUBSCRIBE from the Laughter’s FREE psychic telepathy service
— phone: thank you for subscribing to our LIFETIME PLAN of FREE, UNCEASING, TORMENTING visions from AHA THE ELATION. please enjoy your COMPLIMENTARY descent into insanity!
— “god fucking damnit”
sampo "vacant apartment" koski
— possession receptacle that’s no longer in use and is left up to his own devices
sampo "moved to iceland and became a sheep herder" koski
— living off the grid
— only came back because something bad is gonna happen to belobog
— can be aha, emanator, or other high-ranking position
🎭 sampo "undercover boss" koski
— keeping tabs on the masked fools because they’re fanatical
— “what the hell guys this is not what i want” — sampo, probably
— they say or do something and he’s just like “not funny. didn’t laugh”
— y’know when people say “if jesus came down to earth, he’d be disappointed at what people are doing in his name” — yea that’s sampo but like for real
— damage control
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© written by sunderingstars. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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lovingaquarius · 10 months
‼️ DISCLAIMER this is completely based on my personal experiences and observations do not take what i say literally i am NOT a professional astrologer‼️
🌸 there’s something with aquarius suns and when upset just going silent. i can attest to this but i’ve seen this alot like if i’m upset at you and can’t leave the immediate vicinity i go MUTE like i can not conjure up the energy or tolerance to say anything. i’m absolutely the type when i’m upset to be on the FARTHEST side of the seat closest to the door cause i just wanna GET AWAY
🌺 maybe it’s bc cancer is ruled by the moon which is a feminine but all the cancer sun males i’ve known have been more feminine or in touch with their feminine and kind of “emotional” (not to cater towards the stereotype that all women are emotional! but we are inherently more emotionally intelligent) they seem to take it rlly personal if you don’t like them back as well. the type who could not be friends with an ex yk
🌼i feel like virgo and capricorn are the placements that like colder, dimly lit environments with a whole bunch of candles lit and blankets -also i feel like cap placements are the ones to be more winter people than summer or spring? lmk if this is resonates with you!!
🌹 maybe some can relate but me and my mercury ruled friend group all will make the most random noises out loud at the most random times. it’s therapeutic honestly 😩 we usually have a random word we’ll make up and keep adding on to it over time until it becomes our own little language LMAO
🌷 idk if this is a gem moon thing because we’re known to be sharers of random knowledge but istg all my friends and some of my family come to me for answers about virtually anything but esp about spirituality. they will literally expect me to have all the answers in the world. i’ve said i don’t know a couple times and ppl have been like “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS!!” LMAOO
🪻 can anyone with 6h neptune or maybe more specifically w piscean energy there (i have aqua sun, neptune in the 12 degree of pisces and than pisces uranus there as well ) have very vivid dreams to the point that you can’t figure out if some things that happened in your life were dreams or not+ frequently have dreams within dreams. i get deja vu at LEAST once a day or i think the correct term would be deja reve which means you feel as if you’ve dreamt that moment before. i’ve had dreams that became real but it’s never important things. for example: before i got my youngest cat i had a dream we got him a year earlier. and then just last week i had a dream that my washing machine started leaking and i ran in there and fell LMAO and then two days later my washing machine started leaking (and this has never happened before) thankfully this time i was careful and did not fall 😌
🌻 let me know if im alone in this but i think it’s kind of funny. i have 11h cancer saturn (rx) and i have all my life struggled with connecting with kids and have never really felt maternal but for my friends i suddenly morph into a whole mother, making sure they’re eating well and sleeping like HUH??
🪷 aries mars/aries 1h
-holding alot of tension in head ex: jaw, eyebrows, neck
^ also getting headaches after crying or getting angry+ have frequent headaches or some kind of headache disorder
a chiropractor could probably be useful for this placement. just ALWAYS be discerning when finding one, getting a good one you trust is essential.
+ face getting flushed easily
(my mom has aries in the 1h and i have aries mars and we both 1. cry when we’re mad, 2. face gets soo flushed from wine, and gets red fast when angry) like sometimes something will make me mad or annoyed and my face will flush and get so hot and red) -its also the same for when i get a LITTLE embarrassed which is NOT often it’s so annoying 🙄
💐 this is specific but as someone w a 7h pieces venus i attract a lot of men with venus in pisces for some reason and i finally get a taste of my own medicine bc they will project all their fantasies onto me and be like “i’m in love with you”…sir we have not had one conversation where you asked anything about me…
🌸 if you have ur moon in the 5h you may be a natural with kids or rlly want to be a mother/parent my mom has this and she is so unbelievably good with kids. all of her family would always drop their kids off at our house so she would take care of them and the PATIENCE SHE HAS WITH THEM?!? unreal. they will be having a whole tantrum and she’ll be holding them just joking around which either made them angrier or calm down but they always would come to respect her and listen. even if they are known to be bratty. they would send their naughty kids to our house and call it “angie boot camp” lmaoo
thank you for reading lmk in the comments if any of these resonate for you! until next time <3
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
A mlm pokeimagines blog? In this economy? God where have you been all my life.
Apologies in advance if its a long ask lol
Seriously though you would not believe how happy I got when I saw this blog pop up! Barely any mlm reader stuff so finding you got my lil poke men loving heart all excited!
If requests are open I was wondering if you could do Emmets reaction to a male reader who loves the fact that Emmet is so blunt? I've seen some stuff like this in the past were reader loves Emmet DESPITE him being so blunt but I love him because of it!! I find it useful and charming!! I have a hard time understanding most people because I'm bad at picking up subtext and stuff in conversation so characters like Emmet that are just blunt and honest are always appreciated!
Also, claiming 🐗 boar anon in advance lol
Hi hi boar anon!!! I’m glad you like my blog so much! I literally made it bc I couldn’t find enough male reader content, and as a trans guy that gendered language is really affirming to me. Also not being courageous enough to get into a relationship with real human people lmao I gotta be gay somehow!! Literally all of you who’ve come to visit me on this blog are so sweet. I changed the blog description up for a reason, it really does feel like I’ve invited a bunch of funny gay guys into my living room and we’re all sitting in a circle whispering about boys. Doing this makes me feel so stupidly comfortable in my own skin and so much like a part of the LGBT community when I’ve had to stand on the sidelines most of my life, I just can’t explain how stupidly therapeutic writing imagines for fictional men from a fictional monster battling game is LMFAOOO
And we’re always here for supporting the autism shit lol, you can pry my autistic submas out of my cold dead hands, my submas will always be pretty heavily headcanoned and a post appreciating those verrry autistic coded traits is a huge win for me :) Emmet deserves to be loved for just being Emmet
Straight (Gay) to the Point— Emmet x Male Reader
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⚪️ — Emmet and Ingo have grown up with a lot to be self conscious about, from their appearances to the behavioral quirks they share and the quirks they don’t. Kids can be cruel when you’re neurodivergent so different. So when you get together with Emmet and he comes to realize you LIKE his speaking patterns, he’s floored.
⚪️ — Emmet has always had a lot to say, but he’s quite bad at phrasing things. Compared to his brother who is a constant stream of consciousness, just prattling on about anything and everything that crosses his mind once you get him into conversation, Emmet needs to carefully plan out each word and it never comes out how he wants. Sometimes it feels like with his more approachable appearance (even if some call it creepy) and Ingo’s ability to talk (even if some say he rambles too much), they’re just two halves of one fully functional person. But you like him. Not his brother. Not him and his brother. You like him. How crazy is that?
⚪️ — He doesn’t have time to waste on careful wording. Do that, and he’d be plotting his course of conversation for ages. And he’s rather aware of that fact, so one day, he offhandedly mentions that he’s sorry his bluntness can be so off-putting, and he really hopes he hasn’t said anything to offend you.
⚪️ — Imagine his surprise when you said the contrary! When he heard you liked him because he said exactly what he meant, and he was always so clear-cut and easy to understand, it was like a fuse blew in him. Growing up, he’d always heard the opposite, and while Ingo never criticized him for it, plenty of other people did call him out for being rude when he didn’t mean to be.
⚪️ — He feels verrrry comfortable in conversation with you, yes indeed. Your sense of communication with one another is very strong and any conflict gets resolved very quickly. Emmet is happy to just talk with you and not have to pretend to have conversational skills he doesn’t have. You like him, his brother likes him, that’s all that matters.
⚪️ — He wants to talk with challengers on the Battle Subway more freely, so he’ll often come to you about the best ways to translate the things he wants to say into more “socially acceptable” ways of saying them. Of course, he’s also fully aware that he can come to you and not need to jump through all those hoops.
⚪️ — Since he’s so comfortable with you, he’ll say just about anything to you or around you and knows he can say things to you that will make you laugh, while others would just shush him for it.
⚪️ — After all, nothing makes you laugh quite as hard as sitting on your bed only to hear “OH DEAR! THE GALVANTULAS ARE MATING ON THE SOFA!” from across the apartment. Like cool Emmet, you definitely did NOT need to hear that—also please make them stop??—but that got the best laugh out of you you’ve had in a while.
⚪️ — He’s genuinely just so funny without trying. Another iconic moment you can recall is when, on a Friday night, a particularly inebriated woman was getting a bit too comfy with Emmet, which he was oblivious to at first, too preoccupied with the joy of battling. When you did tell him, though, you ended up laughing your ass off as he gasped and ran off with great urgency to apologize to the woman, as he was unable to reciprocate her advances due to both being taken and, I quote, “a homosexual”.
⚪️ — You’ve definitely made him a lot more comfortable, even in public situations, which he doesn’t seem to realize. The Battle Subway staff has regularly mentioned Boss Emmet has been way chattier than he used to be (which still doesn’t mean anything dramatic, but it’s a big step to him and that’s all it needs to be!) And anyone who has a problem with Emmet’s mannerisms can answer to you.
⚪️ — You’re more than just Emmet’s boyfriend, you gel perfectly into his family. And granted, that family is only Ingo, both of their Pokemon teams and Elesa ever since she basically adopted them, but it’s perfect anyway. It’s not like Emmet has been telling his brother about how much he wants to marry you eventually or anything.
⚪️ — You have literally so many Joltik grandchildren already.
⚪️ — Since both of you can struggle with reading other people, you often put your heads together to try and figure things out. (If it’s anything like the attempts at two neurodivergent people trying to use their combined knowledge to socially navigate that I’ve been a part of, it probably accomplishes nothing, but at least you can both relate to each other’s struggles and have a good laugh about it at the end of the day.)
⚪️ — He acts like a little kid with a crush around you and when he’s not working, he follows you around like a lost puppy.
⚪️ — He also knows that when he’s specifically feeling insecure about his mannerisms, he can lean on you for comfort, because you unashamedly love that about him. All of it. One night, after a particularly rough day, you remember him cuddling up to you and getting teary-eyed about how much you love him.
⚪️ — Please stay in his life, okay?
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 2 months
b, g, l, u please erinnnnnnn <3
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
I don't think there's anything specific? Sometimes I'll have an idea based on a funny situation that's happened to me. Or I'll write something that's specifically for therapeutic reasons and it will never see the light of day.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Most of the time it's in order. Most of the time- *coughweddingplanneraucough*
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I'll read it over and revise it as I'm writing it, and then once more before posting. Once its out in the universe, it's final.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Only three? You are a special type of evil (jkjkjk)
@sweetlikesunflowersandhoney (Ideas are so creative and the whole vibe of the writing is just *chef's kiss*)
@buffyathena (Someone I can obsess about sashnetra with, also Camgeria fics still are so strong and I miss that ships popularity)
You!!! @thecollectionsof (keeping my crygi obsession high since they were the first rpdr ship I got into)
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We're Off to Find the Bigfoot || Elias, Gael
TIMING: Late January LOCATION: One of the hiking trails SUMMARY: Back from his journey, two WR nerds go hiking together. Gael (@canis-or-cannotis-lycaon thinks they're gonna catch up, while Elias (@eliaskahtri actually has a lead on Bigfoot. CONTENT WARNINGS: None
Despite the constant fear of the unknown that Elias dealt with on a daily basis, it was nice to have consistent friends in his life. Gael was one of those friends. It was funny how similarly they disappeared only to return, and Elias supposed there was a story to tell there. They’d decided to meet up to hike in one of the many trails of The Pines, and Elias was there with a untold goal; Find Bigfoot Again. He didn’t tell Gael that he had a secret motive, but Elias was deadset on getting a higher quality photo of his favorite Sasquatch. The people of Wicked’s Rest seemed intent on calling him Bigfeet, since what, he’s got two feet? Elias didn’t like it.
The telltale slam of a car door jolted Elias out of his thoughts, and he turned to see the familiar figure of Gael approaching. “Oh, hey!” He called out with a bright smile on his face. “I’m surprised you said yes to a hike, seeing as how it’s winter.” Elias noted, but quickly set off toward the trailhead before Gael could change his mind. He was finding Bigfoot, dammit. “So how was your time away from good ol’ Wickeds Rest?” Elias asked, deciding to not jump straight into ‘hey man, we’re off to find Bigfoot, hey! Stop running away!’ 
—— If you had asked Gael what one of the first things he was gonna do upon his victorious return as the successful chemist, ‘going hiking in the middle of winter with his good buddy Elias’ wasn’t at the bottom of the list. Indeed, it felt nice to return to some semblance of normalcy after his journey down to Arizona and back. He felt like he’d learned so much, yet simultaneously nothing at all. Questions had answers but those just had more questions and those didn’t have answers and everything looped back around on itself and suddenly Gael felt similar to the ouroboros, only in this case, it was an unpleasant image of… a dog chasing its tail. But this would be a nice distraction. He could ask more about what Elias had been up to, if anything had changed, and hopefully successfully smother the small part of him that felt like he should’ve told Elias that he was… different. Even moreso than before, and more than before that. The knowledge that Elias had never known Gael before the latter was infected with the strain of lycanthropy was a strange one, and one that Gael had done some serious self-therapeutic training for after his– after Lycaon had murdered… a hiker. Similar to Elias, who was enthusiastically waiting around the bend for the tired, but enthusiastic scientist as the latter shuffled out of his little blue mini-cooper. The taller man, with his smile just as wide as it had ever been, peered down at Gael from under weather-appropriate winter gear and the latter offered his own crooked grin in response. “Psht, the cold never bothered me anyway.” He said, purposefully quoting the damn song that was everywhere for several years longer than it should’ve and tastefully leaving off the fact that it wasn’t the cold weather that was bothering him nearly as much as it was his skeletal structure still revolting against strenuous activity from the recent full moon. There was little time for standing around, as it seemed, for Elias had started off and Gael trudged after him, telling himself to get over any of the aches and pains now because they were only going to get worse on the way back. “It was… enlightening.” He replied as the two walked, finding himself keeping up much easier with Elias even with the throbbing pains going through his body; those two months had him doing some serious cardio and core-building. “Camped out a lot, got to see mi familia again.” He chuckled. “Christmas was an utter disaster but other than that, I think it went well!” He caught up to Elias and looked up at him expectantly. “What about you, how’ve you been?”
— —
Walking in the woods with Gael made Elias feel as if he’d been transported back in time, a time to when he was more naive and trusting of people. Now he wasn’t sure who he could trust. Hell, he felt like sometimes he couldn’t trust Regan on a good day, and he considered her his closest friend. In truth, the Elias that Gael had seen before he had disappeared from town was a different version of himself, or so he liked to think. Sure, he still got excited over things that were part of his interests, but he was a lot more careful about what he was putting out in the universe. Or at least, now he was.
Elias groaned at the quote that Gael dared to utter and rolled his eyes. “Alright, Elsa. Less Disney, more hiking.” He demanded as he picked up his pace, shaking his head. Upon realizing that Gael was lagging behind slightly, Elias relented and slowed his pace. Not everyone was as excited to hike as he was. “I specifically picked out a short and easy trail, that way there’s more talking less exhaustion.” Elias told the shorter man with a nod of his head. 
“I’m glad to hear it, other than the Christmas thing. That blows.” Elias shrugged a shoulder. “I’ve been so busy with work that I didn’t get a chance to go home. My family was pissed, especially because my sister flew in from London.” He rolled his eyes. “They see me all the time, they’ll get over it.” Still, Elias couldn’t help the pang of guilt that rattled through him at the idea of something happening to him here and his family not being able to visit. Maybe he should ease up on the whole working thing… he shook his head, erasing the thought. 
Elias thought about being honest with Gael, about how he knew the truth of certain things, but he didn’t know how much Gael knew. “Well, I…” he frowned, not sure how to word it. “Got myself into trouble, got myself back out of trouble. Work-life balance is atrocious, which means I’ve got more of a work life than a personal life.” He frowned, letting out a huff of frustration. “I’m working on it. Or at least, I’m trying to.” He looked over to Gael, a weird look in his eyes for a moment before he forced it away. “And weird shit I can’t explain that keeps me up at night.” He spoke in a rushed manner, then turned to keep walking.
“Hey, I’m keeping up better than I used to.” Gael insisted in response to both noticing that Elias had to slow down for him again and the comment about how he picked an easy trail on purpose. He better have been, anyway, latent soreness from the full moon aside. “And I’m sorry you missed your family for the holidays,” he added genuinely, even if it was out of obligation. With how often Gael tended to just wander around the country, his family had long since grown accustomed to him likely not coming home for the holidays, which almost made what had happened during Christmas feel all the worse. He didn’t want to think about it, so he shook his head and regarded the taller man once more with a quirk of his brow. “Oh, yeah? What kind of weird shit?” The chemist decided to attempt to use this as a gauge - he still didn’t know how much Elias knew, but he also wondered if whatever Elias had exposed himself (or been exposed) to was still worth attempting to take medication for. 
— —
Elias nearly stopped dead in his tracks as Gael questioned what he was going through. It was a fair question, what kind of weird shit? He could be honest with Gael right now. He knew the guy wouldn’t judge him. He wasn’t sure he had a judgmental bone in his body if he were, to be honest. He took a deep breath and turned to look at Gael. “That job I had when I first moved here turned out to be a fae hangout.” He spoke, gauging the man’s reaction to his truth. “I was a laughing stock, a court jester.” He frowned, looking at the ground. 
“Someone got me out, but it turns out that they’re fae just like them. And… and now I’m learning there’s more out there.” Elias began walking again, a look in his eyes that wasn’t there before. “My best friend is a fae, the guy I’ve been talking to turns into a seal, and who knows! Maybe everyone else is something cool, and I’m just a human left to realize that everything they knew was a lie.” There, he’d spoken his truth. Now it was just a matter of time before Gael asked if he went off his meds.
Though his expression naturally grew more empathetic as Elias told him about how he had worked at the bar before only for it to have turned out to be full of fae, Gael couldn’t keep the uncomfortable knot that had settled into his stomach from starting to unwind gently, almost as though in reaction to how he could hear Elias’ heart pounding in his chest. He had liked to think that he did a sufficient job keeping Ren’s identity as a fae hidden from the taller man, carefully combing the house for notes she left behind on what and what not to do around fae, though it wasn’t out of her safety - he knew Elias would have been far from the type to get her in trouble or treat her differently - but for Elias’ mental sanity. He knew how it felt, even if he hadn’t reacted the same way. For Gael, it was something he assumed was a fever dream during one of his benders. It was something he was so sure might’ve existed (he was religious, after all so far be it for him not to believe in things he couldn’t see), but didn’t apply to him. But Elias was decidedly different. Sensitive, excitable. And surrounded by the things he had no idea existed outside of the books and movies he’d consumed. Gael imagined that was a big culture shock for him, though he was thankful that he had someone help get him out. Then came Elias’ resignation, prompting the chemist with the werewolf parasite inside him to glance out into the woods, putting his hands into his pockets as he thought about that briefly. “...I dunno, I think being human’s pretty cool.” Gael gave a casual shrug, though he wasn’t quite sure why he said that first. “I’m friends with some fae, too. Know a couple of zombies. Werewolves.” He looked at Elias again, his expression earnest, nonverbally telling Elias that he believed him. “You got me beat on knowing a seal, though! But, um… No, I think you’re doing great. At least you know now, right?” Another pause, chewing on whether or not to admit that he wasn’t human, either. At least, not half of him. “Is there anything I can do to help? Like… I dunno, ease the weight? I’m still learning about all of it, too, so I'm not perfect but sometimes it’s easier commiserating with someone else.” Not right now. Not unless Elias asked. 
— —
As they walked further into the woods, Elias came across the area where he’d seen the Bigfoot last. He looked around, searching for a sign that it had been in this area again lately. That’s when he saw it: footprints! Elias pointed down at the large footprints, then looked to Gael with a large grin on his face. Whatever they were talking about before, it didn’t matter to him. Sure, yeah, he had a friend to talk to about all this stuff that knew where he was coming from, great. But Bigfoot! He had to see it again, had to get a better photo this time. 
That’s when it happened. A loud noise came from further in the trees, and there it was. Real, actual bigfoot. It hadn’t spotted the pair, not yet. But there was still time. Elias pulled out his phone and started snapping pictures. “Gael, are you seeing this?” He hissed out, pointing to the sasquatch in the distance. “That’s Bigfoot!” He practically squealed but was trying to keep his voice down as best as possible. “I mean, actually, Bigfoot!” Twice in under the span of a month, it had to be some kind of record, right? “Please tell me you’re seeing this!” He said again, continuing to take pictures. The Bigfoot stomped toward them but still didn’t seem to be getting territorial. They had time. 
The smell met him first, an acrid, matted scent that had crept into his senses during the tail end of what he was saying. And of course though Gael had replied with what he hoped was comfort and connection to Elias, it was eventually met with an overly-enthusiastic point to the ground accompanied with an equally-as-overenthusiastic smile. Brown, darkly-circled eyes glanced at the ground where his gaze was met with the large prints, then back to Elias and he managed to keep his mouth from pursing though he couldn’t stop one of his eyebrows from raising as though to say ‘you’re being serious right now?’ Then again, he supposed there were reasons why Elias had been so sheltered from all the supernatural stuff. What Gael had said previously about how Elias was still childlike in a lot of ways still held weight, it seemed. A small exhale made it through his nose in resignation and he started to attempt to return Elias’ wide grin with a smile of his own when a noise sounded through the wood. Before he could stop himself, he tensed, his hands flying to his ears and his head turned sharply in the direction of the source– “...Yeah, I’m seeing it.” The chemist replied rather softly as though to compensate for Elias’ excited yelling as his tired eyes fell on a large, bipedal creature in the distance with thick, shaggy fur covering it. Details were hard to catch, appearing as it did in the old hoax photos that circulated for a while but it did appear to be humanoid in shape. And carrying a stench with it. Gael’s brow twitched with every noise that came from Elias and after the fourth or fifth one, the scientist removed his eyes from the creature just long enough to try to encourage the taller man to calm down. “Yeah, yeah I see it and–” His head swiveled in the direction of the creature again and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end as it started to get closer to them. “And I think it knows we’re here.”
— — 
Elias was listening to Gael, he swore he was. But he also couldn’t help the need to pull out his phone and start snapping as many pictures as he physically could. Twice now! He’s seen Bigfoot twice! Elias was practically bouncing with excitement, only calming himself to try and take more photos. But no matter how many he took, they all came out blurry. 
Cursing under his breath, he snapped a few more before giving up. Gael was right, that thing was coming right for them. “Maybe we could befriend him!” Elias hissed in response to Gael’s comment, eyes alight with excitement and hope. It met Gael’s worried and annoyed expression, and Elias deflated. Gael was right. 
“Alright, fine. We’ll dip.” He relented, pocketing his phone before grabbing Gael’s arm and beginning to back up slowly. As they did, the Bigfoot began to advance toward them. Bigfoot was fast. “Alright, time to run!” Elias shouted as he pulled Gael away even faster. “Don’t let him catch you!” He shouted before breaking out into a run. 
Uneasiness tugged at the scientist’s stomach despite Elias’ apparent enthusiasm, but he stood his ground as the supposed cryptid kept advancing on them. Gael should’ve been excited, shouldn’t he have? After all, this was one of the things that people talked about, one of the great mysteries of the world that people had seen in hallucinatory states and in dreams and discussed in hushed whispers among their peers. But he wasn’t. Gael couldn’t remember that night he had been attacked, having since assumed that it had been locked away as a mechanism to protect his psyche, but something about this interaction inflamed something in his mind and he could feel Lycaon under his skin wanting to… react. Or was it him? Either way, despite his protests, he stayed next to Elias reliably until the latter came to the conclusion on his own that they should maybe not stick around long enough to find out what Bigfoot did to people who saw him. The taller man looked at him and he returned the look with a mixture of anxiety and dryness, to which he relented. But when Elias decided they needed to go, it was expedient, to be sure. The hand on Gael’s arm was unnecessary but the shifter allowed it, taking tentative steps back as Elias did, keeping his dark eyes on the cryptid. Then, as though from a scene out of a horror movie, the furred, smelly mass of muscle advanced. On a dime, Gael turned and took off after Elias as the latter fled. “Catch me??” He shouted ahead at his companion. “You’re the one who wanted to stay and take pictures!” — — 
Elias let go of Gael’s arm as soon as he knew the man was following him, peeking behind to see how much the cryptid had advanced. After a minute of running, the Bigfoot lost interest and turned back around. As soon as they reached the parking lot, Elias immediately began to go through the photos that he had taken. Blurry. Blurry. Blurry! All blurry! Letting out a noise of frustration, Elias pocketed his phone away and turned to look at Gael. 
“You alright? I… really wasn’t expecting a second encounter.” He spoke, not out of breath from his years of keeping up with his running. He felt bad, watching the expression on Gael’s face. “Uh… welcome back to town?” He spoke more in the form of a question than a definitive statement.
— —
He might not’ve been an experienced hiker still, but if there was one thing that Gael had learned how to do nowadays, it was run. He had too much energy on the days just before the full moon, as he and Ren had unfortunately come to understand, and he had quickly found that the most practical solution was either to work out or to run and they had much easier access to the rural countryside than local gyms open to non-members. So he ran after Elias as the latter led the way as far back as the parking lot where they met up in the first place. As the two came to a stop, realizing that they had run considerably farther than when the cryptid abandoned its pursuit, Gael took deep breaths as he placed his hands on his hips, feeling a furrow on his brow as he returned Elias’ gaze with something sterner than how his expression usually rested. “I’m alright, yeah.” He said, not meaning for his tone to sound so biting but his being relatively out of breath coupled with how he was correct before in that the residual aches and pains from the full moon a couple of days ago would’ve been back and more annoying after their hike made for a combination that shortened his patience. “And I’m guessing that you didn’t get any worthwhile photos.” He gestured to the pocket that Elias put the phone into once the exasperated grunt escaped the taller man. “But hey, I hope whatever you did get was worth derailing our conversation and just running off to go see.” Gael’s gaze was lowered from Elias and his frown was pointed in the direction of the woods now. “I thought we were going hiking to catch up. You should’ve told me that it was really just so you could see Bigfoot or whatever else.” He definitely wasn’t a little sore that their conversation had been abruptly abandoned. He definitely wasn’t a little frustrated that Elias knew more about the supernatural now and he still thought it was somehow a good idea to linger in an obvious place and try to get pictures of things that could be more dangerous than either of them knew. 
— —
As soon as they were safe, Elias instantly deflated at the quality of the photos. Same as the last. Clearly, there was something about the bigfoot that led to these pictures. Was it some kind of signal it gave off? Was the bigfoot emitting some strange radio waves that interfered with something? He didn’t understand that kind of stuff, but he sure wanted to now that it had a possibility to explain why Bigfoot had never been successfully photographed. His own thoughts were quickly interrupted as he realized how angry Gael looked. His face fell and the phone was thrown into his pocket. He felt bad. 
“I…” He trailed off, realizing that he was definitely the asshole in this situation. “Yeah, alright. I fucked up. But I did want to catch up, and I really didn’t expect to actually run into Bigfoot again.” Elias frowned, feeling like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Even worse, it was Gael. He was a good guy, and Elias had already slighted him once before by leaving without a word. 
“I’m sorry.” He finally said, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. “I’m a shitty friend for that. But I really do want to catch up. I think I’m just… bad at it.” He admitted. “The last time I caught up with someone after leaving, they tried to get me to eat something called peascake. The hell is…?” He looked to Gael, then quickly dropped it. “Never mind.” He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. 
It was one of Gael’s weaknesses, depending on how someone chose to perceive it. As the emotions he expressed on his gaunt face were communicated to Elias, the latter reacting appropriately in turn, they began to fade. His brow unfurrowed, the creases in his forehead held less shadow. He didn’t like being upset, despite how easy it came to him nowadays. Elias obviously felt bad about it, and of course Gael couldn’t help but think that he should’ve worded something differently, been kinder, more like how he was before. After exhaling softly and glancing down at the ground for a moment in contemplation, he lifted his gaze again and managed a scoff with a half-smile. “You didn’t– you didn’t fuck anything up.” He stepped closer to the taller man, folding his arms across his chest tenderly. “I just like the transparency. Or to know when the plan changes or that there’s a different one, y’know? I want to help you hunt cryptids. I love your enthusiasm, I really do. We’re friends, and you’re not even a shitty one.” He chuckled now. “Trust me. Maybe we can work something out? Like, for every three high-stakes outings trying to take pictures of Bigfoot, we can have one calmer, more normal meeting. Like over coffee or we can, I dunno, go to the amusement park again.” There was a pause accompanied with a deep inhale. “I have no idea what peascake is, either. Last I checked, you’re the weird one out of the two of us.” The parasite, responsible for his aching body that day, caught his breath in his throat for a moment but Gael swallowed it. “I’m just a guy. A guy who’s still learning about all this supernatural stuff too but just a guy nonetheless.”
— — 
From worried to amused, Elias nodded in agreement with Gael’s suggestion. “Yeah, you’re right. And I can agree to that.” He relented with a soft chuckle. At least Gael didn’t swear him off forever like he probably deserved. “Though I don’t know about the amusement park. I think I may be a bit old for those. And that roller coaster.” He shuddered. “I don’t do high speeds like I used to.” He felt old just saying it aloud, but it was the truth.
Elias pulled his phone back out of his pocket and began going through the blurry photos of the bigfoot. “I know this is a serious conversation, but… I’m a good photographer!” He spoke, showing blurry photo after blurry photo to the other. “Do you think a supernatural creature can emit a certain frequency that causes them to appear blurry on camera?” He asked, genuinely curious about Gael’s input. 
“Next time, I’ll tell you all about what I’ve been up to over a cup of coffee, no hiking.” He held a hand up as if swearing to it. “And you’ll tell me all about your family adventures.” He shifted his weight back and forth, trying to think if there was truly anything worth mentioning. “I guess I’m just not good at talking about myself to people, even if they’re genuinely interested.”
“Yeah, I just recommended the amusement park because it’s got Cryptid merch.” Gael spoke through a purposefully-exaggerated groan, indicating that he wasn’t really big on the roller coasters, either. And it wasn’t about the rides, but he hoped Elias knew that. For all his flaws (and he was more aware of them nowadays than ever), he still wanted to show Elias that he was invested and certainly not the type to give up on a friendship just because there was some miscommunication. 
If he did that, he’d be both a hypocrite and friendless. He didn’t like being either of those, either. 
…Why was he thinking about that? The scientist craned his neck to get a look at the pictures Elias had snapped, scratching at his jawline absently in thought. “Well… the thing was moving pretty fast but I wouldn’t think it would cause that much blur.” He mused. “And it smelled pretty bad but–” The sentence got caught in his throat before he had a chance to admit that if there was some high frequency that was emitted, he might’ve been able to hear it whether he wanted to or not. Human. Gael was a human infected with a parasite. And Elias didn’t know that, nor did he need to know that. Gael had it under control. “Y’know? Maybe! Like uhhh a filter or something it surrounds itself with to give it a hazy appearance? Smudging the camera footage?” Nailed it. He followed up with a nod in response to Elias’ suggestion after that. “Alright, deal. I mean–” He shrugged. “I know we aren’t supposed to make deals but I’m not a fae, you’re not a fae, it’s all good, right? Not that my family adventures were all that… exciting.” A pause. “And that’s okay, you don’t have to be. But at least you know that doesn’t change people’s interest in what you do and like, right?”
Elias stared down at his phone, scrutinizing the photographs as Gael offered explanations, and they were better than Elias could come up with. Finally, he shrugged and pocketed his phone. It wasn’t important right now anyway. He’d have time to research a little bit into it later, if there was even anything to research on. 
The man held up his hands with wide eyes at the mention of a deal or being fae. “I’m decidedly wingless,” he responded with a lopsided smile. “I think for our own benefit, it’s better to just erase that word from our vocabulary for our own benefit.” He advised, scrunching up his face at the idea of being stuck in a fae deal. He didn’t want to experience it. 
“Tell you what, next time you get coffee, give me a buzz, I’ll go along with you. No cryptids.” Elias spoke with a friendly smile. “And if something weird happens, it wasn’t my fault.” He quickly tacked on, not wanting to be held liable if something did happen. It was nice to reconnect with someone, even if it did go a bit awry towards the end there. 
“But I’m not going back to the theme park. I’m done with places that could be possible traps for humans.” He pulled a face, then shuddered. He didn’t trust anything anymore.
Man, he really was bad at talking about himself. Gael, momentarily bewildered by the other man’s ability to just glaze over questions if they were about him, shook his head and recovered from his stupor easily enough, giving the taller man a smile. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Took a long time for me to grow out of saying “thank you”...” He rubbed the back of his head, his brow furrowing slightly. But even pushing all the stuff about fae he’d had several crash courses in out of his head, he nodded in agreement when Elias offered to take him up on coffee. The scientist did love his coffee. And, y’know, just chilling out sometimes. Pretending that for just a day, or even an hour, he was a human. “Sounds good.” Gael smiled again before adding “aaand if something weird happens, it won’t be your fault.” He just hoped it wasn’t his fault. The battle for normalcy was persistent. 
But when Elias mentioned places that acted as possible traps for humans, his expression fell. He didn’t have an explanation for that one. He wanted to say that he was concerned that the entirety of Wicked’s Rest might itself be a trap for humans. With how it seemed to be such a supernatural hotspot, he found himself almost surprised that there were so few people in it that knew about the supernatural in general. But who was Gael to protest? Elias wasn’t incorrect in his suspicion involving the town and the secrets that burst at the seams from every corner. At least the man had connections now, whether it was from his acquaintanceship with Regan or the guy who could turn into a seal (which still rose a bunch of curiosity in the scientist). “I think you’ll be alright.” Gael encouraged rather lightly. “You aren’t like how you were before. You have the power of “knowing things” and “friends who know things” on your side now.” He reached over and gave Elias a pat on the back, indicating that the intensity of their conversation was at a willing end. “Now, are there any more cryptids you’d wanna go find today or are you done for the day?”
All things in time, he supposed, swallowing the fact that he could hear Elias’ heartbeat.
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chichiricatsan · 10 months
For the Writer's ask game – I'm curious about: 3,6 and 15!
Ahh! Thank you, thank you @weer02! I hope your writing isn't causing you to suffer too much its way! Caulscott shippers unite...in our boats...on a sea of tears... ToT <3
3. The WIP you're most attached to.
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UMMM...all...of...them?? GAHH this is such a loaded question gahhhhhhhhhh D: I love them all for various reasons. I guess if I had to pick one right now it'd be the Ryan Lucan/Fem!OC one I mentioned from my first answer to some of these asks - mostly b/c it's more of a coping fic for self-projection but shhhh, we writers don't do that nooooo SHHHHH...
6. Which part of writing annoys you the most?
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Proofreading and editing, writer's block, the existential dread setting in and slipping slowly into madness as one tries to write and more WIP ideas invade like a swarm of locusts until one's mind is a buzzing static of nothingness...? Writing. I love it, but...I hate it all at the same time...?? I hate it with love of course. And in that love, I write out the hate. I am making noooo sense. Or possily the most sense. Hurgh. :T
15. Is there any scene you were/are scared of writing? Why?
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Okay, haha funny gif, but seriously, it's mostly anything to do with affection beyond holding hands and/or outside "status quo" BS. This extends to my drawings as well. I've gotten better over the years, but it's because I've cut myself off from people who've f*cked with me and my sense of worth and sexuality and everything to do with sexual...anything. I was raised very, VERY conservatively, that "ugly" conservatism, and with a lot of shaming, and that shame is so ingrained in my brain that it sometimes makes me physically sick to get over these hurdles. I had to teach myself a lot and learned things from my mother (when she didn't have her own issues to address), friends, and some of my more compassionate and patient doctors over the years (which, sadly, wasn't all that many). These issues also align with my triggers as a survivor of abuse in multiple forms, and I have to work very hard to be in harmony before I can write or draw a scene with a more risqué nature. It's therapeutic to do so, and I admit I'm more comfortable somehow drawing it than writing it, but I think that just stems from me always drawing from a young age rather than writing--a hobby I picked up more at the tail end of high school and whilst in college. I still have yet to do anything past a certain threshold. Sometimes I just don't want to for personal preferences or reasons.
But yeah... tl;dr: I can't draw/write teh sexy times easily :(
-> OG link for anyone wanting to ask me questions or have others ask them!
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heartscrypt · 1 year
i dont hate idia i just think its funny to constantly put him at the bottom. being like "i love the housewardens! (and idias there too ig 🙄🙄)" os peak comedy. also the amount of second hand embarrassment that i feel whenever he opens his mouth to say anything is horrifying. he is horrifying. if he existed in real life id probably hatefollow him on every platform to qrt and repost everything he says with a caption absolutely dunking on him
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
Whumptober* Day 20: It’s Been a Long Day
*We’re getting silly again, folks.
This is another piece that hinges on gender stuff, but not in any deep and-or-introspective sense; it just... is. It’s also one that might ring a bell for anyone who’s read some of the incomplete works I’ve posted. That exchange stuck with me, what can I say?
It was both oddly comforting and keenly disheartening to learn that medical protocols existed in the event that a person arrived in this time, displaced from their own. Emmet would have vastly preferred it if families weren’t torn apart in a way so specific that there was an established gamut of tests to run, but at least there were safety measures in place to ensure the victims’ well being.
He was so, so sick of medical facilities. His own stint into the past had been brief, but still necessitated decontamination and a period of isolation; the first he bowed to, the second he raised a fuss over until they conceded that, having spent weeks together, it was likely the twins had long since been exposed to anything the other carried.
After that, the concerns had turned to more general fare. While Ingo was doing perfectly fine by Hisuian practices, according to modern standards… no. No, he wasn’t. There had been half a dozen concerns to address right off the bat-- malnutrition, readjusting to medications, and a partial detransition among others-- all compounded by the fact that Hisui-era Sinnoan was only mostly compatible with its current day variant.
They’d spent a good portion of time back in Hisui working through Emmet’s half-remembered Sinnoan and Ingo’s archaic version to come to a mostly-accurate understanding of what the other meant when he spoke. It worked wonders in alerting one’s sibling to the presence of an angry alpha or pretentious warden, but was less than ideal for conveying technical jargon.
On the bright side, though, the railway terminology was practically 1:1 from the get go. Small mercies.
Still, the language barrier was a substantial issue, and, both unfamiliar with contemporary practices and unable to understand the offered translations, Ingo frequently deferred to Emmet’s interpretation. It was a role he wasn’t wholly comfortable with, but if the alternative was the problems going unaddressed, he would take it up.
So now here they were, weeks after returning to their era of origin and only just getting home. Any remaining concerns were less a matter of immediate health complications, and more corrective or therapeutic treatments-- and none was more vexing than Ingo’s persisting slouch.
He’d endured a number of back injuries, yes, but there didn’t seem to be any major damage to his spine or shoulders. When asked, he had denied that he was in any pain, so it wasn’t a reactive response. Theoretically it could have been genetic, but he also had this funny thing called an identical twin who didn’t share the ailment.
It was exhausting for everyone involved, and by the time the third round of testing was over, Emmet was beyond happy to collapse into the sofa. After a few minutes passed and he’d had time to gather his wits, he peered out from beneath the arm tossed over his face. Across the room, Ingo plucked at the back brace he’d been recommended, looking as if it had personally offended him.
Yeah, that… that was a problem for future Emmet.
And it would turn out to be a problem for future Emmet, but also a solution-- because, physically incapable of curling his shoulders forward, Ingo subconsciously found a new way around the underlying issue: as soon as they’d managed to apply the brace as per the instructions, he folded his arms over his chest.
It took about half an hour for Emmet to notice, but he maintained the posture that entire time. Even while trying to do other things, one forearm would remain pressed to his body. The reluctance to drop it was puzzling… until it wasn’t.
“Question,” Emmet said, after observing his brother’s attempts to fight Gliscor away from one of their model train sets singlehandedly, “You would have been wearing a sleeveless black undershirt when you arrived in Hisui. What happened to it?”
He was rewarded with a blank stare. “I’m not familiar with with a garment of that nature. If it was on my person at that time, it was likely shredded in the Zoroark attack and subsequently discarded by the clan medic.”
“Yup. Okay. So you are attempting to minimize your chest.”
As if in response, Ingo raised his other arm to join the first, further obscuring the curve of his breasts.
Well there it was. Got it in twelve.
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Emmet circled around behind his twin and took him by the shoulder, steering him back down the hall to their bedrooms.
“We are identical.” He said somewhat unnecessarily, “I have them as well. You are being ridiculous.”
Ingo shot him a dubious look, first to his face and then, briefly, to his chest. Though it didn’t release his hold, the hand nearest Emmet gestured at the difference between them.
“That is due to my binder. You own a number of them as well. We will reestablish how to use them safely. If I am correct and that resolves the matter of your slouch, you may be rid of the back brace.”
Arceus above, all this confusion and it had been something so simple. Emmet couldn’t be mad, though; it was actually kind of funny.
This matter, at least, they didn’t need a doctor to settle.
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catboyfever · 2 years
Harvest Day - Reader/Rabbit
Well, here it is. The first piece of fanfiction I've written in probably close to... seven years? Fair warning I am incredibly rusty at writing this sort of thing so this might not be spectacular. I hope you enjoy it anyway though! It was therapeutic to write this.
Mornings with Rabbit were ordinarily surprisingly lax. While Rabbit liked to keep to his tight morning routine, it became apparent early on that you weren’t as much of a morning person as he was. For him, that didn’t matter too much. It gave him time to get breakfast and tea prepared for you in the morning so that when you joined him everything was just so. However instead of the usual warm greeting to wake you from your slumber like most mornings, Rabbit thrust the door open and shouted. 
“Good morning! I hope you got plenty of rest last night because you know what today is!!” He stepped over to the window and flung it open, revealing the very first signs of dawn. The deep indigo and purples of the early morning sky were slowly turning orange and yellow as the sun continued its lazy ascent. You find it a bit funny, watching the sun's leisurely path while Rabbit is the exact opposite. He’s already got his list out. 
“It’s harvest day, isn’t it?” You ask, yawning as you reluctantly kick the soft blankets off of you. 
“Not just any harvest day. It’s time to harvest my prized carrots we’ve been working on all season !” Rabbit’s enthusiasm was contagious, even at dawn. 
Rabbit begins to rattle off the itinerary for the day while you make the bed, carefully tucking the comforter back onto the mattress. 
“First we eat breakfast, then it’s right out to the field to harvest. Then you’ll help me wash and peel the carrots for our stew tonight. Then dinner and then finally, we can afford some free time.” He looked to you after brandishing his list and upon seeing you sitting on the bed furrowed his brow. 
“Well c’mon! We don’t have any time to spend lollygagging!!” He said while tugging you along to the kitchen. 
Breakfast was quick and simple: just some toast with a generous amount of honey. Plain, but plainly delicious too. The sweet gooey honey contrasting with the crunchy toast was a delight. Watching Rabbit hurriedly chomp away at his toast earned a quizzical glance from him that curled into a warm smile. Rabbit took the plates and quickly rinsed them before pulling one of the cabinet drawers open to toss you a pair of gardening gloves. 
He donned his own work gloves and lead the way to the garden. Rabbit’s garden from an outsider's point of view was something to behold. But being actively involved with it made you appreciate it further. The amount of constant care and meticulous upkeep that was needed to make these vegetables look as good as they do is something else. But to Rabbit it all comes naturally. The result of all that hard work was what today was all about. The harvest. 
Rabbit took a deep breath of the crisp morning air and sighed as he stared out at the rows of small leafy tops of the carrots waiting to be pulled from the ground. 
“Ahh… is there anything more beautiful than a sea of green and orange on harvest day?” He said dreamily. 
Once Rabbit got his hands on his wheelbarrow you had to run to keep up with him. He became a blur of yellow fur while all you could do was push the wheelbarrow behind him to catch the whirlwind of carrots flying towards you. You’d done this with him a few times now but it still amazes you the accuracy with which he can fling the carrots into the wheelbarrow while moving so fast. 
By the early afternoon the field is emptied and the wheelbarrow is overflowing with carrots, much to Rabbit’s delight as you push the heavy cart towards the house. Of course, the work isn’t done yet. 
You help carry in the carrots and rabbit immediately sets to work washing the carrots off in his sink while you peel them. The smooth peeled carrots are stacked neatly on the counter by Rabbit who readies a cutting board for the stew. Though the stew is primarily carrots, Rabbit tasks you with peeling some potatoes, washing some celery, and peeling an onion. 
Once you hand off the prepped vegetables to Rabbit you’re treated to another showing of his attention to detail. He chops the vegetables into neat, uniform pieces, working the knife deftly as the familiar sound of a knife striking a cutting board fills the room. You move onto your final task, bringing some water to a boil and in a separate pot preparing the vegetable stock. 
“Thank you for all your help. You go relax, I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.” Rabbit says. 
You try to convince him to let you stay but truthfully all that’s left is cooking the vegetables and then adding them to the stock. So you return to the living room, sitting down in the plush chair by the fireplace to read a book to pass the time. 
It’s not long before Rabbit calls you to the table for dinner. As you close your book you glance up to the window and notice the deep orange and reds of the sunset outside. You yawn, tired from the long day of work but eager to spend a bit of downtime with Rabbit. 
At the table, the two of you feast on hearty bowls of the fruit of your labors. At first you chalk up the silence at the table to the pace at which both you and Rabbit are devouring the soup. Only once you’re finished do you glance up to see Rabbit starting to doze off. His last spoonful of soup drains back into his bowl as the spoon slips from his grip. He shoots back up after it clangs into the bowl and he promptly apologizes. 
“Sorry… just a little exhausted. Here I’ll clean up and then we can-” You shush him gently while lifting his bowl from the table along with your own. 
“Go lay down, it’ll only take a minute to wash up.” You say. 
Rabbit is too tired to protest, so he takes what feels like the first slow steps of the entire day towards the bedroom. Washing the bowls and pots takes no time at all, but Rabbit tucked himself firmly into bed just as quickly. 
Once he notices you’re in the room though he lifts the blankets and lets you crawl into bed behind him. You hook your arms around the exhausted workbunny and hold him close, nestling your head against his shoulder while he sighs, relaxing at last. The bed only gets warmer as you lay with him. Your body heat joins his, your own tired limbs are finally demanding their rest. 
“I keep wondering how I get you to stick around when Harvest Day comes along. I mean, you could always go off and find Pooh to keep you company…” Rabbit yawns. 
“Are you kidding? There’s no other day when you’re more you, Rabbit. Harvest Day is my favorite day to spend with you.” You assure him while nuzzling his cheek. 
Rabbit turns his body to face you, wearing a tired smile. His black eyes stare into yours before he closes the distance between you, pressing his lips gently to your own. You melt into the soft, brief kiss before he pulls away and yawns, his buck teeth showing for a moment before he pulls you close once again beneath the blankets. 
Your sleepy chatter eventually tapers off to nothing but the slow, rhythmic breathing of Rabbit as the crickets chirp outside the window. You close your eyes, letting Rabbit’s heartbeat and soft, steady breathing lull you to sleep. 
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takeustochurch · 1 year
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'*•.¸♡DEBUT CHURCH !!!♡¸.•*'
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer
location: Tampines (St Hilda's Sec there) service timings: 0830 & 1015 on Sundays for English services, 1015 on Sundays for Children Sunday School, 1530 on Saturdays for Youth Service here's their website for more info!
'*•.¸♡overall impressions (rated by 🌘, 🍳, and 💀!)♡¸.•*'
1. friendliness
🌘: 8/10 - ushers were open and took initiative to help us
🍳: 7/10 - ushers were nice but felt a tiny bit intimidated by them
💀: RIP
2. openness
(we didn't get to ask qns bcs SOMEONE (🍳) WAS TOO COWARDLY)
3. service
🌘: 5/10 - p basic - songs, prayers, slides
🍳: 5/10 - idk what's considered normal but yes seems cool enough!!
💀: RIP
4. programs
🌘: 9/10 - they have a brochure of the events they have upcoming and its rlly clear. from what I see they have a variety of events and stuffs for all ages so I'd say it's pretty enriching. I've never gone to their events before though so...
🍳: 8/10 - programmes look fun, they were talking about a church camp so thats COOL
💀: RIP
5. cult tendency
🌘: 1/10 - not really a cult vibe for me, but maybe that's cause we didn't raise our hands when they asked newcomers to do so, so we didn't get indoctrinated lmao
🍳: 3/10 - real
💀: RIP
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🌘: Pretty cool vibes, the interior is not particularly dim and their stained glass cross and the table with candles they had set up was what got me thinking it looked cool.
The pastor is funny and has a friendly demeanour, no complaints on that end.
The service songs are acceptable. Its the usual stuff praisng God and Jesus, but they had these 3 singers on stage and it sounded good.
It can be abit hard to find since you have to navigate through the entrance of St Hilda's Secondary School, but as long as you're not blur (IM LOOKING AT U 🍳 HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID U END UP IN ANOTHER CHURCH???) it's pretty accessible.
Not very cult like (not anymore than a normal church, anyways). 🍳 was a coward so we didn't get to ask the pastor questions or anything, but they did ask if there were any newcomers (and they asked newcomers to fill up a form that wanted our contact no. and email and address but...yk...from what ik thats pretty standard for churches) and the ushers were generally helpful and friendly.
The service itself was fairly basic, nothing that particularly stood out. They seemed really bonded as a community and they had plenty of events for youth and families both. They had an online brochure of their ongoing and upcoming events and everything so I'd say their events game is strong.
Overall it's not something I particularly want to spend time at, but I'd probably go more if there was less singing and more exploring the text of the bible, because I find the way they interpret it interesting.
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🍳: DEBUT CHURCH!!! (i got lost twice otw) Stained glass was COOL but other than that interior was pretty basic. THEY HAVE A LIVE BAND THAT IS VERY EPIC and the singers voices were so angelic??? Apparently there was an event that day but I wasn't really listening but I think the singers were from another church.
Pastor was funny af tbh love that!!! Has a very community gathering kinda vibe, very bonded and friendly and someone that helped guide me there cos i was LOST ! Meditation parts were lowkey therapeutic felt like asmr.
Overall good experience? Probably just not used to going to church though cos I nearly fell asleep halfway the sermons.
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we will remember you always 😔😔😔 - 🌘 and 🍳
'*•.¸♡ THE END♡¸.•*'
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bluejay-in-write · 2 years
For the fanfic writer asks:
🥺 / 🛒 / 🎶 / 💞 / 🤩
Thank you so much for the ask!!! 🥺☺️ and I am so so sorry this is way longer than I was expecting it to be 😅
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
While I do love my angst and it does get me emotional I think what gets me the most emotional is just casual expressions of love and/or soft moments between characters when someone lets their guard down. For example a character placing a blanket over their friends and keeping vigil for the night or a character who usually keeps to themself having a child latch onto them and refuse to let go. (These two moments being some of my favorites that I've written recently)
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
The most common themes in my fics tend to be found family and finding yourself/personal growth which I know are pretty common everywhere. To go into a bit more detail I want to express to my (future) readers that no matter how lost you are, no matter the mistakes you've made, and no matter who you used to be, you can pull through and things will get better.
I write not only because I love it but also to share my experiences as well as my hopes and dreams for the future. It's both therapeutic in its own way but also I like to think that by expressing some of my own personal experiences through my writing it might help someone else who is going through something similar feel a little less alone and maybe it might give them something to hope for too.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do listen to music while I write although I tend to listen to instrumental music so the lyrics don't distract me from the words in my brain haha. I like to listen to whatever music will put me in the mood for what I'm trying to write at the moment. So for the last few writing sessions I've been listening to fantasy/renaissance music and it's been really helping me get in the right mindset 😄 (for nanowrimo I've been writing on a story I'm co-writing @dryads-veil)
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Okay so I'm going to be difficult and say I don't have a comfort character…I more so have comfort groups that aren't necessarily romantic. I just have certain characters that just make me so happy to write together and make me feel all cozy and soft inside.
Comfort pairings/trios:
Mason/Felix/Jackie… are just the best friends ever Jackie and Felix always giving Mason a heart attack when they get in over their heads when they set their mind to something but always doing their best to make sure he doesn't work too much and has fun and does things outside of his job as a teacher.
(Also honorable mention I love Felix and his little sister Sofia they're very close and their interactions are so funny and adorable and I love them)
Kafele/Amari… Well they have a rough start but even though they can't remember they used to be childhood friends and God they were so adorable and once they learn to trust each other again they would do anything for the other and idk they're both a bit spiky but they make each other soft and I love them so much.
Astraea/Anakin… just owns my whole heart. Astraea trying to be the best Padawan she can be for him in appreciation that he saved her while Anakin just wants her to be the happiest she can be and feels like he's not being a very good Master seeing as Astraea just naturally excels in being a Jedi when it's actually just being terrified to speak up cause of her past but she thinks he's the best Master ever. Idk where I was going with this but the two of them are just really soft for each other and I love it so much.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Ooo this is another hard one… I don't think I really have a particular favorite to write although I have general characters I favor. I'll be honest it's probably kind of obvious that the characters that are easier for me to write are the ones that I relate to personally the most but I think the ones that are the most fun to write for me are the ones that are very active. Characters who are incapable of sitting still and doing nothing, characters who are impatient, curious, passionate, or stubborn are my favorite kinds to write.
Specific characters that fit this would be: Amari (one of my Miraculous Ladybug ocs), Victoria (one of my leverage ocs), Felix and Jackie (in one my original stories with no title so far), the Boys™ Rah, Haeju and Xi’aire (in one of my original stories currently titled The Missing Piece), and an honorable mention for Aisha who so badly wants to acts on her emotions but tends to let her fear get in the way
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