#its rubish
weirdraccoon · 11 months
I made myself cry.
My supervisor when he saw I waited for him for fifteen minutes after closing time: I should've told you to not wait for me, you could've leave on time.
Me: Meh I don't have anything else to do.
Superv: Yes you do. You have to go home!
Me, a language nerd: I don't have a home. My cat and I spend the nights in one of my dad's apartments, and there's also where my PS4 is. But that's not my home.
Now I want to die again.
Wonder what he thinks about me now... He's very friendly tho, I like him.
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floja-draw · 1 year
i can be the only one who saw that?
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its the cute guy leather armor i think?? its just in a rubish box now </3
its from grian hermitcraft season 9 episode 36 at 13:26
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izacore · 2 years
I hate to sound like rad but where the hell is Louis and his promo?there are 9days until his album is out and he is MIA and has only those record signings announced.no radioplay or tv performances! they are acting as if he is taylor swift so he can drop album and be mia.not to mention the promo that he does is focused on his fatherhood which ok if you are doing other interesting stuff but how the hell is that going to sell anything?its like this promo cycle is/was used to show us we are all crazy and he is indeed father but all the other stuff is boring too-constant talk about drinking and him not doing anything besides watchin rubish tv-they turned him into caricature.
I don't think simply expressing some criticism and concern over the direction of Louis' promo strategy qualifies you as a rad (you'd have to blame Harry and Jeff for all of that first lmao).
Having said that, I do admit I don't understand where all of this is going. I think where lthq failed first, was when announcing the album in general. They had one chance to grab the gp's attention and they didn't make use of it. In my opinion, a comeback for an artist like Louis should be with a bang, so that all eyes could be on him and personally I think that neither the album cover nor lead single were exciting enough for that.
I'm just confused because Louis presumably spent 3 years crafting this album, we know he has been writing in 2020 already but whatever is happening now feels kinda.... half-assed? Like the main purpose of releasing this album is going back on tour and having an excuse to talk about his "son" so that he can assure his parenthood lmao. All that with the image they are giving him that I would also lean towards saying that it makes him a caricature. He comes off as a lazy manchild who spends his days partying and sleeping and doesn't like anything when we know that his mind and Louis himself is much more than that! I don't know why they're insisting on dumbing him down and erasing his uniqueness but here we are.
It's 9 days before the release, the fandom is almost dead, gp has no idea he is coming out with new music and they still try driving us away. I really, really think that it will eventually bite them in the ass because at some point the twitter fans who are here only because they think everything is ending soon will leave when they'll realize it's not. Wish I could tell you if it's his teams arrogance, incompetence or they just simply have their hands tied but I'm just really lost.
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singfanglob · 1 year
Big Daddy/Marcus and Gang as Vines
Characters from Sing (2016) and Sing 2 (2021) belong to Universal Pictures/Universal City Studios, INC., Illumination Entertainment, and its respectful owners.
Okay so this is going to be Big Daddy/Marcus and his Gang recreate different viral vine memes. Shoutout to all the Vine stars for inspiring this.
Vine 1: Leather Chairs by Thomas Sanders
All other seasons
Barry: Ahh. This is comfortable, mate.
Vine 2: Getting Things out of The Tree by Sam and Colby
-Barry Throws Frisbee, but it gets stuck-
Stan: I'll Get it Out!
-Stan Throws Ball, but it gets stuck-
Barry: I'll Get It Out
-Barry Throws Chair, but it gets stuck-
Stan: I'll Get it Out!
-Stan Throws Boogieboard, bit it gets stuck
Barry: I'll Get it Out!
-Barry Throws Bike, but it gets stuck-
Vine 3: Do It For the Vines by Unknown
Barry: Do it for the vine.
Johnny: I ain't gonna do it!
Barry: Do it for the vine.
Stan: I ain't gonna do it!
Barry: Do it for the vine.
Big Daddy/Marcus: I'll do it, lad!
-Big Daddy/Marcus Starts to do Michael Jackson's Moonwalk-
Ash: Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!
Vine 4: Parents Always ask you to Do Stuff when Friends are Over by Lance Stewart
Johnny: Dad, do I need to do anything today?
Big Daddy/Marcus: No, son.
-10 Minuets Later-
Vine 5: FR E SH A VOCA DO By Gasoleen
Big Daddy/Marcus: Come do DelTaco. They got a new thing called Fr-e-sh-a...Freeeheheheheh........Fr-e-sh A-voca-dohohoo. FR-E-SH A-VOCA-DO!!!!!
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
Wanted you to know I couldn't stop thinking about your post SO I CAME TO RANT.
The one about Thomas following his father's steps and declaring his love to Alastair publically BY MISTAKE. And then trying to escape the room.
Like seriously I stared at the ceiling at 1 am and was like. ZIA YOU'RE A GENIUS. BRILLIANT human being.
History tends to repeat itself in CC's books in a way and I AM CONVINCED. IT'S. GONNA. HAPPEN.
They're already married in Thomas's eyes. Alastair just doesn't know yet.
It's even better when after he makes that sudden public announcement he comes up with the worse excuse to leave the room like "Oh NO I hear Oscar Wilde fighting a battalion of bees" "Uh, I scheduled a very important fight-to-death quarrel with the vampire next door at this very moment. Gotta go" "Kit left his hat in the lab! He can't be without a hat right?" (*didn't bring a hat as well*)
And none of them have it including Alastair so they talk (MISTLETOE ?? JSJD)
He's the dumbest best boy in love am I right?
And I don't know what happens next but they are in love your honor thank you
ILY AND YEAH HISTORY DOES REPEAT ITSELF AND ITD BE SO PERFECT. Thomastair has proved time and time again to parallel sophideon. Most notable of all was in second book one side of the ship decided they could not possibly be together as to not hurt the other while still loving the other fully while the other side decided to fight for their love. Why should we cut parallels there?
(Pls the hat ones killing me 😭)
Tbh I have a certain kind of stupid idea to this. I feel while the parallel will be made the resolution will be different. Gideon just outright expressed his feelings but after years of Thomas repressing everything he feels I dont think Thomas would be able to express it all at once
These have been, almost half a decade of brewing feelings in the making and theres no real way to actually say all that on the spot
I feel while Thomas would take a bit longer to gather himself, hed manage it.
So I'm just imagining Thomas showing up at Alastairs door with his journal from years ago. And with trembling hands he actually reads the first tging he ever write about Alastair. Then some more
Until suddenly hes finally speaking and awcknolading hes rubish at this but its been years of loving him that brought him here
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tanayashaw · 1 year
Enjoy some rubish drawings of Tanaya lol 😆
@fanficwriter284 Here are some references for you.
(1st photo isn't mine. Its reference pic. The last 3 sketches are mine. 😁)
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wonderlandhatter · 3 years
what is your favorite spencer reid canon, then write a drabble about it!
probably that this genius man  with a bookshelf of degrees wants to be a cowboy, i love that scene where he says it and when jj asks what he would do with cows he's just like (idk id look at them and pet them).
i think penelope would find out about this an for his birthday or just on some random day she would take him to one of those farms thta lets you pet andfeed the animals, hed be so happy. i have a vivi image of him while petting a fluffy cow he would start talking to it and knowing him hed start giving the cow facts about cows lol.
You and Penelope had been friends for as long as she could remember, she knew you had a farm with the most beautiful horses, the fluffiest cows and the softest sheep, she also knew Spencer dreamt of being a cowboy and that she needed a birthday present for him that would be as perfect as her boy genius was, and maybe she hoped the shy genius would fall for the vibrant cowgirl.
when they arrived at the farm Spencer felt like he was on cloud 9, he had started bouncing on the passenger seat when the car drove past the  the most majestic horses he had  ever seen. 
when they arrived Penelope introduced him to your father who whad agreed to take them around the farm while you took care of the last of your jobs around the farm. He first took Penelope and Spencer to see the cows as those were the ones he had seemed the most excited about.
Spencer nearly squealed when he saw the fluffy cows but held himself back as to not embarrass himself infront of just a manly cowboy. Penelope did no such thing as soon as she saw them she started jumping and running to the edge of the fence, how she did that in her heels was a mystery to spencer and physics.
Spencer stood beside Penelope, your father left them there so he could work and informed them you'd be there to help them as soon as you were free.
 They looked at the fluffy cows , enjoying observing them in silence, relishing in the peace., “I think that one looks like a Stephanie” piped up Penelope pointing to cow that looked particularly sassy, Spencer turned to penelope  amused at her statement and asked what he knew she wanted “why do you think that Garcia?”, “well just look at her pretty boy she has all the bulls at her feet, and look at her hair all the other cows would be jealous, she's just so confident and sassy and ahhh oh my god wonder boy one of them is coming to you”. Spencer nearly gave himself whiplash turning to look at the cow that was about to make him the happiest man alive.
He would have been more than happy just looing at them, getting to pet one might actually make him explode with happiness, and he was fine with that, he could die a happy man  having pet a fluffy cow. The cow came right up to him, closer than he was expecting, sniffing his lovely button up cardigan
“His name is Camile” you piped up now standing beside him, Spencer  jumped at the sound of your voice not having hear you approach as he was completely wrapped up in the cow in front of him, after he composed himself he glanced at you and had to double take, you were beautiful just like an angel sent to earth purely to make him a stuttering fool in front of you.
You almost (key word there is almost lol) made him forget about the fluffy cow in front of him. You looked at him and smiled at his flustered expression at being caught staring, having such a cute man look at you like that made you blush too and look down, you spoke up again quickly trying to get his attention off of you, “you can pet him, you know, he's very friendly and loves the attention”.
Spencer was apprehensive at first, he didn't want to accidentally hurt her, he looked to his left to see if Penelope would do it first but she had found some baby ducklings following their mother and was taking pictures to send to Hotch because she said they were the ducklings and Hotch was the mother. 
“Here I can do it first” you said as you put your hand on top of Camille's  head and started to scratch, Spencer giggled when he saw Camille's reaction, you really weren't lying when you said he’d like it,.
Spencer slowly put his hand on Camille's head after being comforted by eeing you do it and after giving him an encouraging smile and head nod toward Camille. As soon as he touched her fur it felt like heaven, he started scratching  Camille with both hands, “she's so soft, its amazing” you milled at him, he looked adorable, “yeah she is, she's probably one of the softest here”. 
“Did you know cows have 32 teeth, they will chew about 50 times in a minute, making their jaws move about 40000 times a da.. sorry I didn't mean to start that”, you had enjoyed hearing his little fact he looked so happy telling it and it broke your heart a bit when his face fell when he stopped himself, “no no keep going I liked hearing it, and i think Camille did too”, Spencer smiled at the Camille comment and then looked at you to find any microexpretions that'd indicate you were lying but he found nothing but your genuine eyes and kind smile.
“Um well the main stomach of a cow, the rumen, holds up yo 50 gallons of food that has been partially digested.” he was about to keep going when  felt the fluffy cloud of heaven move away form him, “did I hurt her? I'm sorry I didn't mean to oh no she must hate me “,  you stopped him before he would make himself feel worse “hey hey no don't worry you did nothing wrong it’s just feeding time, she’ll be back in about half an hour”, Spencer was slightly embarrassed at his reaction, you just thought it was cute, “oh ok”. You both stood there for a minute not wanting to leave yet, just looking at the lovely cows being gathered so they could eat.
You were the first to speak up, “um penny said you liked horses”,  Spencer brightened up at that, “yes I really do, when I was younger I had a friend that had one and it was the most beautiful animal I'd ever seen, I spent most of that summer pretending I was a cowboy” he said smiling at the beloved memory, “well we happen to have horses here, we could go see them if you'd like”, “really?”, “yeah of course, they are my  personal favourite, I could ride them all day, you know if you'd like you could ride one”, Spencer's eyes nearly popped out of his head ,”really?”, “ yeah of course, you've got the boots for it”, spencer looked down admiring the boot Penelope had gifted him for his birthday. 
“Let me just get the saddles, give me a minute ok” you ran off to the barn leaving Spencer behind as he stared at your running figure, you were perfect, the farm was perfect, this was perfect.
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From Afar.
This is not a prompt but rather something I have written, I thought I’d give the hard stuff ago instead of leaving all to you guys. Please check it out and tell me what you think.
Summary: In a world where Krypton does not exist, Kara is the girl who witnessed the murder of her entire family. Without a love for science she has left her family's company in the capable hands of J'onn J'onzz and the Danvers. When Lena's mother was killed in a Car crash she was taken into the Luthor household by her father and was given the happy loving childhood that she deserved. Kara and Lena first meet in childhood and Kara immediately feels drawn to the younger girl, follow the story of when they meet again in their adulthood and their relationship blossoms into something more. (Will contain other characters from the arrowverse).
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arcaneyounot · 2 years
Caitlyn: I hate valentines day. Its just a time for people to spend money on rubish that dosent even matter
Vi: I got you a teddy bear-
Caitlyn about to cry: You did?
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monstrumpologin · 2 years
tanz der vampire is rubish, but the twilight kind of rubish. its comfort trash and we love it. we know its faults but we still enjoy it because of nostalgia and the soundtrack is good
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imeverywoman420 · 3 years
“maybe if you were *a better person* youd be happy in a mediocre relationship living a fear based lifestyle taking what you can get trying not to be too disruptive too much etc”
What am i some kind of rube? the farmers daughter? im pure west virginia but i will literally kill myself b4 i act like a rubish insecure prey animal ill tell you that one for free...... I dont take what im given i get what i want...... im built so different its obvious
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k00258238 · 3 years
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Attempted a geli plate using the workshop video as a tutorial, couldn't find non flavoured glycerine in any chemist and I think the honey and lemon substitute i used is why the block came out so rubish and crumbly but it made for some interesting creations in its unique design.
A wine bottle served as my roller and I used various acrylic paints aswell as black and white paper, the block was falling apart more and more with every print so I had to give up after only 6.
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lost1nspac3 · 4 years
Who Am I?
The marauders put two and two together. They knew that Remus was alone, and just needed to feel loved. So that's what they did. When they got back to where they were camping, they started up the fire again and got the story of what happened from Remus. If it wasn't for Sirius holding his hand Remus would have run away again“i came out and- and my dad was angry. He threw pictures of our family across the room, broke vases, chairs, and the coffee table. He burned all photos that had me in them.....” Remus paused. It still hurt to tell the story. But now, he was safe. He was with his friends. “he- get threatened me. Called me a disgrace, disappoint, fag, so on....... My mom wasn't happy about this. She agreed with what he said but didnt like the way he was reacting by breaking things.... She cared more about a vase than her child..... ” Remus trailed off, leaving it at that. He wasn't going to say what happened next. “he hurt you didn't he” Peter said, putting a hand over his mouth. Remus nodded • • • The 4 marauders fell alseep about 5am. They were up all night talking, and ended up all in a bundle, hugging.People say that love has to be shown in words. But Remus Lupin knows this isnt true. When Remus Lupin is around bia friends, he feels loved. Even if thy are just sitting there. He feels loved. He feels wanted. He feels cared for.Remus grew up where love was a sore topic. Love was girl and boy. Not girl and girl or boy and boy. Remus thought gays were brave. He thought they're cool. He looked up to them. He knew he was onw of them when he met Sirius Black He knew he was in love. But he didnt tell anyone. He kept it a secret. He put on a mask. He hid who he was. And he hated itRemus Lupin is the friend that waits for you when you tie youe shoe. Remus Lupin is rhe friend that listens when you need to talk. Remus Lupin is the one that's scared to be him. Remus lupin is the one that loves everyoneRemus Lupin is who we need more of in this world."THIS IS RUBISH!" Sirius yelled, running a hand through his hair. "how does this stuff even work!??" It was summer, and the sun was setting. Remus, Sirius, James, and Peter were camping in the woods, something they did every summer. Dora Potter gave James some little challenge things for them to do, and some were harder than others. The first one was to do something no one has done before. This one was easy, mainly because of Sirius' wild imagination. He came up with the idea to turn into his dog form (also known as snuffles) when on a broom with James, whilst Remus and Peter set off fireworks. It was somwthing else, and if you didn't know the marauders, it'd seem really weird. "were lucky this stuff won't be on O.W.L.s " Peter said as he syarywd handing out some snacks he bought. "bloody hell, theres O.W.L.s next year!" James said, looking up from the paper he had been staring at. "im not ready for those-" they were all sitting around the fire, which was the only source of light other than the moon and stars in the sky (and their wands, but the only one that remembered that was Remus) Remus hasn't looked up from the paper, yet was listening to everything in the conversation. He was thinking about the question on the paper that Sirius was yelling about. He didnt know what to put for it. Who are you? At first, the boys thought the answer was there name. But then, they realized the question had much more to it. Who are you? What parts are you made of? What Makes you different? James and Peter had found a few things to write down, but Remus, nor Sirius, couldn't think of anything. 'what am I?' he had said when they got to this challenge. 'a werewolf?' he finished, rubbing the back of his neck. He had almost said 'monster' but stopped himself. He knew that wouldnt go over too well..... He truly had no idea what to write. Peter had written how he wad a good listener, how he was caring and kind, and how he knew small things about his friends that not many people knew. James had written about how he was a believer. He believed in himself and his friends, and someimes even his peers. (If they weren't a Slytherin that was. He really didnt like Slytherins.) He wrote that he would never give up on his friends and trusts them with his life. Sirius was also having trouble thinking about things, because of where he came from. He wasn't loved or cared for by anyone other than the Potters or his friends.
James and Peter went to get some more snacks from the tent when Remus and Sirius stayed at the fire, Remus never looking up from the paper. "I DONT KNOW WHO I AM!" Sirius yelled, throwing his arms into the air. "I DONT KNOW!" Even though Remus wasn't showing it, he was just as frustrated as Sirius was. He was starting to get mad at James' mom for giving them these challenges. After 5 minutes James and Peter came back to the fire, holding bunches of foods and snacks. Remus didn't eat anything though, He said he wasnt hungry. After about half an hour, Sirius came up with some things, saying that he was different and indepenident. It made sense, he was the first non-Slytherin in his family. "your brave " Remus said, looking up from the paper for the first time. "your brave for going back to that place every summer" Sirius looked into Remus' eyes for a second before nodding and writing that down. A little flutter of hope had gone through him when remus had said that he was brave. Remus wished he could say that HE was brave. Yeah, he had moments when he was brave, but most of the time he was a loser. His mind flashed to a month ago, when summer had just stared. The month he wished never happened. That's when evwrything went down hill. He hadnt told anyone about what happened thought. Just kept it to himself. His friends didn't need to know he was homeless. That's when Remus wrote something on the paper for the first time. He curled the y at the end of the word aroundd the bottom of it, making the word be underlined with the y's tail. He stared down at the word and sighed. It was who he was and he couldn't change that.
The word was gay.
After the word gay, remus wrote a few things the other said. Brave. Smart. Kind In small print off to the side though, Remus had a wrote things he didn't want anyone to see. alone, monster, disappointment, failure, ugly.... Most of the list is what he got told when he came out. None of it was from his friends, but more of less his parents. Remus kept adding to the list, adding homophobic slurs he got called by others, and other hurtful things that he knew he was, no matter what people told him.
Its was about 2 in the morning when Sirius feel asleep, then about 2:30 when peter and Remus fell asleep. James, who was still wide awake, notices the small handwriting in the corner of Remus' parchment. He read the words. Alone. Monster. Disappointment Failure. Ugly. Faggot. Mistake. Accident. Unlovable. Unnoticed. Homeless
James bit his lip and looked over at Remus. He was hugging himself in his sleep. 'hes homeless?' james thought to himself, setting the parchment back where Remus had set it. James didn't know what to do, or what to think. So he woke Sirius up.
"whadyawantProngs" Sirius muttered. He and james were farther away from the team and fire, james didn't want anyone to heae them. (He mainly didnt want Remus to know he read the paper). "its about Remus " james said. "i didnt know who else to tell, but he wrote really bad things about himself Sirius. He isn't ok." James paused and looked at Sirius, who now looked worried. "he wrote a monster, and that he's ugly and a disappointment and an accident and a f-" James couldnt being himself tk say the word. "he said he was homeless, Sirius. Something happened. He needs help Sirius sighed and rubbed his eyes. "lets talk about this tomorrow. Right now Rey is with us, and he's safe. Well ask him a out it tomorrow. Er- later today I guess James nodded and started walking back to the tent. But when they got there, the fire was out, and Remus was gone. All they found was a sobbing Peter.
"h-he r-ra-ran" Peter stumbled around the words, trying to stop sobbing. He couldnt believe what had happened. He could barely remember it. He had told the story to the best of his ability. At this point he was just repeating things.
Not long after James and Sirius left, Remus had woken up. He saw the paper had gotten moved and started freaking out mentally. Thats when it happened Thats when Lyall(a/n: sorry if its spelt wrong) Lupin apreared. Thats when Remus screamed, but it was muffled but his father putting his hand over his sons mouth. Peter woke at Remus' scream, and watched everything that happened under his eyelashes, not daring to open his eyes anymore. Peter heard the words Remus' dad spoke. Peter heard the quiet sobs Remus let out. Peter heard Remus call his name. Peter heard the calls for help. "Remus?" he muttered, acting like he had just woken up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, then acted like he was just seeing the sence before him for the first time. Before Peter could say anything else, Remus' father dropped Remus and disappeared again. Peter went over to Remus. "are you ok? Should I get the oth-" Remus had fun before Peter could finish the sentence.
"shhhh Pete it wasnt your fault, calm down " James said, slightly hugging his friend. Peter nodded. It took a a few minutes, but soon he had calmed down. "we need to find him " Sirius said. He had beem staring at the paper remus had wrote on, re-reading everything on it. He was almost in tears. He couldnt believe anything that Remus had written. It hurt his heart. "i agree. Peter, did you see what direction he went in?" Peter nodded and started walking in the direction Remus went in. Sirius' hands were shaking. He had tears in his eyes that broke free when they couldnt find Remus. "we'll never find him..." he said, sitting on a rock. Thats when he heard it. Crying. "Rey?" Sirius looked around. There was no one there. "hey James? Did you bring the cloak?" James looked at Sirius. "yeah. Why do you ask?" Sirius bit his lip slightly. He knew where Remus was. "no reason " he lied, getting up. He walked between some trees that were behind the rock he had been sitting on and saw the log. "rey?" the cries stopped. Sirius sighed and sat on the log, right next to where Remus would be if he could be seen. That's when he felt him. Remus had put his head on Sirius' shoulder. Sirius could hear the cries, he could feel Remus trying to catch his breath. Thats when James came back to where Sirius and Remus were. He sat on the other side of Remus and reached out to pull the cloak off Remus. Sirius hugged Remus, the james hugged him too, waving Peter over. If there was anything Remus needed right now, it was love. And that's what the other marauders would give.
The marauders put two and two together. They knew that Remus was alone, and just needed to feel loved. So that's what they did. When they got back to where they were camping, they started up the fire again and got the story of what happened from Remus. If it wasn't for Sirius holding his hand Remus would have run away again
“i came out and- and my dad was angry. He threw pictures of our family across the room, broke vases, chairs, and the coffee table. He burned all photos that had me in them.....” Remus paused. It still hurt to tell the story. But now, he was safe. He was with his friends. “he- get threatened me. Called me a disgrace, disappoint, fag, so on....... My mom wasn't happy about this. She agreed with what he said but didnt like the way he was reacting by breaking things.... She cared more about a vase than her child..... ” Remus trailed off, leaving it at that. He wasn't going to say what happened next. “he hurt you didn't he” Peter said, putting a hand over his mouth. Remus nodded • • • The 4 marauders fell alseep about 5am. They were up all night talking, and ended up all in a bundle, hugging.
People say that love has to be shown in words. But Remus Lupin knows this isnt true. When Remus Lupin is around bia friends, he feels loved. Even if thy are just sitting there. He feels loved. He feels wanted. He feels cared for.
Remus grew up where love was a sore topic. Love was girl and boy. Not girl and girl or boy and boy. Remus thought gays were brave. He thought they're cool. He looked up to them. He knew he was onw of them when he met Sirius Black He knew he was in love. But he didnt tell anyone. He kept it a secret. He put on a mask. He hid who he was. And he hated it
Remus Lupin is the friend that waits for you when you tie youe shoe. Remus Lupin is rhe friend that listens when you need to talk. Remus Lupin is the one that's scared to be him. Remus lupin is the one that loves everyone
Remus Lupin is who we need more of in this world.
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rewind-reviews · 4 years
So I've Been Playing... Animal Crossing New Horizons
So I've been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons and I have somethings to say. Animal Crossing is a weird concept to me, I never fully understood why people (me included) enjoy a game where you have no real objective, no one telling you what to do or how to do it, no end goal, nothing. A whole bunch of games have tried to capture the magic Animal Crossing has but personally I never really liked them. I don't enjoy your harvest moons or games like my time at Portia the only thing that came a little close was Stardew Valley but even then I could never play it alone. Animal Crossing is a different story. The Animal Crossing franchise has always been one that I can turn to in the darkest and saddest times in my life to just calm down and bring a smile to my face.
I wasn't really excited for March 20th to roll around and Animal Crossing to turn up at my door I was honestly more excited to play Doom Eternal but you will be hearing about that soon enough. I didn't care about watching the directs and everything they added didn't interest me at all. That being said I adore this game it quickly cemented itself as part of my daily routine and I have put way more hours into it than I expected to.
First off the game look and sounds amazing. Every little detail in New Horizons oozes charm, its all adorable giving everything the look and sound you expect it to make and I mean come on for the first time in the series some of the villagers are actually fluffy!! KK's music is still some of the best to ever exist in any video game and the villagers still talk in that cutesy gobbledygook way they always have. I will admit some of the poses your character makes can look a little demented but that's hardly a big deal.
The Core gameplay is where I'm going to struggle. Like I said earlier there is no real objective in Animal Crossing it's just a game about making friends with some funny little animal characters, decorating your house and doing some activities like fishing, catching bugs and finding fossils. They added a lot to shake up the gameplay a tiny bit without changing how the core game works. This time instead of starting in a preexisting town or village or are on a totally deserted island and it's your job as the island rep to make the place all nice and pretty. I love this being given a 100% fresh space to work off feels great plus you can now put furniture anywhere on the island not just your house so what if you want to make a clifftop cinema facing out to sea? you can do that, you want to make a Zen garden? you can do that! you can make your island look as nice or as bad or any way you want!
I mentioned crafting earlier and it's not something I was really excited about and I'm still not. To me, the crafting is just something that's there. You will use crafting to make all the tools you need to do anything on the island this can be catching bugs, fishing or any of the other things I spoke about. This means you will spend a lot of time collecting resources to make the things you need which is fine but it also means your tools break. I find this super annoying especially with the event that's currently running but I will talk more about that later. You will also use crafting to make basic furniture and some more exotic and out there things providing you find the recipe first. Recipes can be obtained in several ways, some you can buy, some you find washed up on the beach, some just come to you in a flash on inspiration and sometimes villagers give them to you. This is another thing I find a little annoying because there is no guarantee you will ever get the recipe you want plus most of the things you can make look kinda rubish anyway at least I think so.
Another new feature is a handy little thing called "Nook Miles". Nook miles are basically a secondary currency that can only be redeemed at the ATM type thing in the island resources building. Using these you can get a few unique items for your house or island but the best things you can buy are inventory upgrades so you can hold more stuff or Nook miles tickets. Nook miles tickets let you fly to other islands to gather resources that may not be available on your island or maybe meet a new villager you can get to live on your island. I LOVE THIS!! I have spent most nights going to one of these islands to fish or catch bugs I just find them so relaxing plus when there is a villager there they always cheer you on when you catch something which just gives me the biggest boost and on top of that they are a great way to make some extra money so you can buy more stuff!!
Now to the one big issue I have with New Horizons... the Bunny Day event. Up until April 12th you will find six different types of egg around not only your island but every island you visit. You can use these eggs to craft special bunny day items (that all look horrible) you have water eggs, leaf eggs, ground eggs, air eggs, wood eggs and stone eggs. these eggs are obtained when you do the normal things you do like chopping trees, fishing, digging up markings on the floor or shooting down flying presents. On paper, it sounds like a good idea until you remember you only have a certain amount of uses on each tool before it breaks and you have to make a new one. This wouldn't be a problem if these eggs weren't so common!! While fishing one night I went through two fishing rods and came out with over 30 water eggs and hardly any fish. I don't bother looking for fossils because its more than likely just an egg. Chopping trees is pointless because guess what?? EGGS!! all you ever seem to find are eggs plus they don't even sell for much so you are just wasting tools when all you want to do is catch some damn fish!!!! I really do hope they don't make all future events like this because it might just be enough to make me put the game down and go back to Wild World or New Leaf until the event is over.
Animal Crossing New Horizons is an amazing game and everyone should be playing it to help get through the uncertain and downright scary times we are in right now, I mean come on who doesn't want to make friends with a robot duck and a kind-hearted squirrel. It's a game where you can do whatever you want and you don't have to worry for a while and I think right now that's what we all need. Now if you will excuse me I have to go and calm down after catching my 100th water egg.
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s-mok · 4 years
i recently told my dad that in a town i live in rainbow posters of some show had been hung on the streets. it made me happy for no particular reason. just. u know. gay.
but a week later all of them had been vadalised and scrawled on with some black paint. i told my dad, that becouse of that i do not feel safe there anymore. he laughed and asked ,,why? ,,becouse some idiot painted on a poster?
i coulnd't find an answer. i thought i was being ridicolous
but now i know. it was an act of symbolic violence. to be more particular i came up with a metaphor.
imagine your hair is green. you were born that way and there is nothing you can do about it. and you love your hair becouse it makes you you. the place where you live is populated mostly by violet haired people. you hear some voices of hate towards your green hair and all people like you. That you should shave it off and be bald becouse they find green disgusting. thay you should wear a hat and never take it off so you do not shove your greennes down their throat.
these voices do make you sad and angry sometimes but its nothing you have to worry about. a few violet dorks are just loud with their hateful opinions. a greenphobic comunity isnt bigger than sevral dozen people. they cant and wont hurt you. you have your own community with a beautiful history and friends who are almost like a family to you.
and than one day you see some posters on the streets. its a show about green haired person. nothing fascinating, but you feel represented and seen. you feel like you belong to the place you live and function. you arent a stray or a defective part. you are valid just as green as you are.
a week later all of the posters are destroyed. ripped off of walls and throwed into rubish binns or painted on with violet. the person drawn on them wasnt offensive by any chanse. they werent portrayed as a contraversial one or a rebel against something considered as justful. it was just a green human figure. they didint even have face features, a stickman. destroyed for beeing green. destroyed without a chanse for anything.
how does this make you feel?
i do not feel safe anymore. i start to wonder if someday they will go from punching and vandalising a poster to acting the same on me, just as they went from hatespeech to symbolical violence. i wonder if someday i will be killed for beeing rainbow as i am. i wonder if someday being me, will enough to be not worth living
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pennyvvice · 4 years
“ maybe i should take the lead on this.”
As the other expressed its concern of them being lost, pennywise should’ve stayed in the sewers and never listen to its brother’s rubish-them being out here? in the mountains. how the hell did this happen !! it becomes obvious. it snorts. If it’s an attempt to prove he’s better it will fight to prove not. “NO.” It pushed its sibling away and back before it walked toward the woods. “I know where i am going.” yeah, they are definitely lost …your evil twin didn’t have any troubles with its sense of direction but outside derry, it’s a new whole world. 
red dead redemption 2 ( accepting ) @thespiderboiii
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