#anyways thank you for the ask i actually enjoyed writting a lot
eggtartz · 1 year
Hi Alin, could you request a sano shinichiro with a nurse crush, where he always sees her in a lab coat and when she is in casual clothes he discovers SEVERAL tattoos?? it's okay if you don't want to do it!!
a/n : thankyou for requesting this anon and enjoy 🫶🏻
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you were beautiful. that was the first impression of shin towards you when he first time saw you walked pass him when he was visiting manjiro in the hospital. manjiro has gotten sick and needed hospital care so shin has regularly went to hospital by now but this was the first time he actually saw you. it felt ridiculous for him, to have a crush on you like he has crush when he was a teenager.
he would always catch a glimpse of you wearing the lab coat that looked a little bit too big for you, not that he noticed your sleeves needed to be folded or how you need to adjust the coat to fit you properly. he feels like stares sometimes and that it's super weird to do that but he can't help himself.
having no relationships whatsoever with a woman have made him lack knowledge about these kind of stuff. you disappeared into a hallway where shin took another turn to manjiro's room. damn he needed to stop this habit of his.
the next day before visiting manjiro again like he always would, he was staying at the shop fixing some customers engine until he heard the door opened. "hi, i think my motor's a bit busted could you take a look at it?"
"yeah sure, there's a garage behind and i-" when shin turned to look at the person, he almost fell forward. it was you. the nurse who wore the oversized lab coat at the hospital. his crush. his words died in his throat as he looked at you who wore a casual clothing, a sundress to be more specific. the dress complimented your skin beautifully making you look more gorgeous than you already were.
"-do you need help? hello?"
"huh? what was that?"
"i said do you need help? you looked frozen, i thought you weren't feeling well" you said with concern. oh how that tone of yours made him easily swooned again, this time him falling harder. "uh no i-im good! yeah! uh... garage right? yeah, garage!" he stuttered a lot and tripped a lot when guiding you to the garage but you laugh at his behavior anyway. he looks nervous.. you thought.
when shin asked about what was wrong, he noticed you had a butterfly and some writing under them as a tattoo on your right wrist. your left writs had a ribcage tattoo on them. huh, maybe that's why the oversized lab coat, shin thought.
"what does that mean?" he asked. you gave him a questioning look. "your tattoo, the writing. what does it mean?"
"oh! it's something in latin that i've forgot, it was stupid dare i did when i was young" you said while scratching behind of your neck despite it not being itch. shin that was leaning over your motorcycle looked up at you "yeah i think it'll be done tomorrow, you can come again" he said, this time more composed.
you sweetly smiled at him while thanking him again. when you disappeared into the public, shin's heart was thumping so hard it almost fell out from it's ribcage. he looks forward into seeing you tomorrow again <3
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chaiandsage · 5 months
I just wanna say i finally finshed your trust life fic after, admittedly, a long time (I struggle with long fics and typically hate reading them) it was really great I actually had a lot of fun reading it! Im really glad your fic could be the first lobg fic ive read in a really long time and encouraging me to step outta my confort zone for that kinda stuff :} anyways I did actually have a question belive it or not, I was wondering if you had any tips on writting in character for them (them being the traffic games characters) and for writting longer fics?
Hi! Thank you!!
I’m not surprised it took you a while. When I went back to read it all myself, it took me literal weeks to finish, lol. But thank you for giving this one a try anyway. It’s great to know that you still enjoyed it even though it was out of the norm for you
For your question, I think a small, but effective way to achieve that would be to make sure a character’s dialogue includes phrases or words that they usually use often. Same goes for their tone too. So like, I know that people like Joel and Bdubs are usually loud talkers whereas Etho and Lizzie are more on the quiet end. So maybe just try to reflect that and keep things consistent unless the situation calls for something else? I’ll also just try to read things over in that character’s voice and if it feels wrong coming out of their mouth, then I change it according to what feels more accurate
Aside from dialogue tho, you could also try seeing how others seem to write them most often and work off of that? Sorry for the vagueness. I’m not sure I’m the best person to give advice on that subject 😅
Longer fics however… If you’re asking how to stretch a fic out, I think one way to kind of cheat at that would be to have the story take place from more than one perspective. That way there’s twice or more the amount of potential thoughts, problems, backstory, and development to cover (learned this the hard way)
—But if you’re asking how to write a GOOD long fic… I mean, I’d say it’s very important to have the gist of what you expect to happen be already established front and center in an outline. That way you’re not unprepared for anything and have already gotten one of the most difficult parts of writing it done (imo). That’s not to say that straying from your outline is a bad thing. If anything, depending on your story, it could kind of function as a safety net for that sort of thing. So no matter how much you decide to change, you at least know what direction you’re meant to be going in (I really hope I’m making sense here…)
ALSO—keep around a journal, or a notepad, or a log on your phone, or whatever so you can jot down any random ideas that you think would be cool to put in your story that might come to you whenever. Don’t trust yourself to remember to add them in once you start writing, because you won’t/lhj
If your fic has a lot of characters in it, then also make sure to write down and keep track of their relationship or current standing with other characters. For example, it wouldn’t make sense for two people who had beef three chapters ago to suddenly be cool or indifferent around each other the next time they meet up without there having been some kind of resolution (internal or otherwise) in the middle of all that. If someone gets into an argument with another person and then doesn’t see them again for a few chapters, their immediate thought upon seeing them for the first time again, in my opinion, shouldn’t be a cheery or neutral one. Maybe they cooled down a little between those chapters, but I don’t think the problem should have just fixed itself with time alone. That goes for a lot of other situations too
So, yeah, that’s pretty much what came to mind for me. I don’t consider myself an expert on any of this so please feel free to take it with a grain of salt. Regardless, I do hope you’re able to write out what you had in mind :)
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r4y-writes · 1 year
I'm not elaborating much, I've seen several theories about who the author of the book is, I've seen people saying it's Fyodor or Natsume, but I believe it's neither of them and I find the explanation quite simple.
But once again, it's just a theory, and as we all know bsd is known for it's unpredictable outcomes so while I strongly believe this, I also believe it could be all wrong.
Anyway, let's get to the actual theory :)
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The author is Asagiri himself
If you think about it, it actually makes sense. Bsd is a universe similar to a fanfiction, with characters that almost already exist- the writers- except in this world it's like an alternative universe they're in- where these writers have abilities related to their works and live in the present.
I think Asagiri is the author of the book, because as we've seen what's written on the page becomes real- so i thought what if this whole story is the book? In the anime (not in the manga tho, at least i don't remember noticing it) there's this image of the book and the title says "stray dogs", which is a metaphor for the characters in the Bsd universe.
If the current events are happening because they're written on the page, then what if the rest of this story is written on the book?
We never get to see how the writers got their abilities
And, if you actually think about it, it's a bit odd how some of them would notice them- for example, Fukuzawa, his ability is related to the agency. So what before that? Did he have an ability at all before the agency was created? Or does he use it only for those he cares about- but it so, he would use it on his friends and such aswell, right? Something's missing.
Fyodor and the other characters are part of the story
I mean, it makes more sense if it's someone outside of it writting it. Still, there's lots of possibilities and he could be writing about a world he's in, of course. But I feel like it makes more sense if it's an outsider writing it. Fyodor has said himself he wants a world with no abilities, so he's not the writer- why would he write about a world with abilities if he could discard it from the start?
Ranpo said this book is more than just an ability
That's the big thing- Who would have such amount of power? Someone who's not part of the story. Someone who can change it and decide everything as they want. Someone that won't be affected by the changes.
If this isn't an ability how- and who- could create such a thing? The author of the whole series, Asagiri.
But again, there's so many theories out there, so many possibilities, so there's no way none of us can be sure until it's revealed.
If that was it, how would the story end, or keep going after the author was revealed?
I believe it would be a really interesting ending to have the characters realise they're living in a world of fiction, created by someone's imagination, and the different reactions of each finding it out.
Here's some possible endings I thought of:
They decide they don't want to live in a world that's not "real", that's being created by someone else, so they all decide to end the story, maybe by killing themselves and destroying the world. This is the one I'm least convinced about, since it's unlikely they all agree to do the same.
They all agree to keep the world going and keep living their lives because they've grown with it and it's their reality. But again, for the same reasons as the possibility 1, I don't believe much in this one.
Some of them kill themselves, not willing to live in a "fake" world, and some of them decide to stay and keep things as they are.
What do you think? Feel free to discuss theories with me, ask questions, and thanks so much for reading this until here. I hope you enjoyed it!
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allthefujoshiunite · 9 months
Hi, Nora....How are you? Just want say, thanks so much for sharing your BL recs and reviews. I found a lot of my new fav because of you. Really love reading your beautiful writting about what you're reading.
You have post your favorite seme in BL, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite uke in BL? And why you love them?
Also can I ask your favorite female characters in BL manga/manhwa?
Sorry for asking too much and I know I've already sending you an ask some time ago, I hope it's okay (if it's from the same person)....
Hope you have a nice day....
Hiiii ~ I'm good, how are you? Reading your message really warmed my heart :3 I know I'm like a broken record, but hearing people enjoy the stuff I put effort writing in makes me feel ecstatic. Take these hearts!!
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Very good questions, and I had a hard time picking uke characters because I love them so much??? Interestingly, when I first started reading BL I found myself gravitating towards the seme but in recent years I like uke characters more. Tropes and trends surely change in years so it's possible that more artists started writing the type of characteristics that I love. Anyways, enough rambling and onto the recommendations!
If I had to find one characteristic that I ADORE in an uke, that would be emotional maturity. They may not be experienced romantic relationship-wise or confused/mislead depending on the situation but I love it when they are honest to themselves and their love interest/partner. Here are some recent or all-time favorites that fit this bill:
An Extremely Haphazard and Weak-willed Kiss - Koshino (desperately need that 2nd vol!!)
Tsubame's Happiness - Arima Arashi
The Farthest Love in the World - Asou Mitsuaki
His Little Amber - Natsume Kazuki
All That Pierces The Heart - Kari Sumako (I admit Akira is not that emotionally mature but my heart just felt his pain! Please give this one a read if you haven't.)
The New Recruit - Moscareto & ZEC
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Honorable mentions would be Semantic Error, FANGS, Birds of Shangri-la, The Insatiable Man, Between the Stars, Like the Beast, Golden Sparkle, I'll Make You Cry.
As you can see... my brain fried up trying to limit the characters I love to a list! Not possible.
As for female characters in BL!
As you know, they aren't as prominent in BL for whatever reason, so it wasn't too hard to limit myself (sadly). I like that they increasingly become a part of the narrative, as a character themselves and not just for jealousy reasons! Here are my top 3:
The Insatiable Man: Jiho has two older sisters, and while at first one of them is not as likable as the other, both serve very important roles in the narrative and Jiho's journey, including their mother. I'll wither away if we don't get the 3rd season anytime soon.
Who Can Define Popularity?: There are two female characters in this story that I especially like, one of them is the friends with the main couple, and the other is the sister of the main character Siwon. This completed manhwa is a MUST READ because it's fun, it's emotional and full of goodness.
Love For Sale: I know I know, you're SO tired of me bringing up this series everytime I get an ask but what's a girl to do???? It's just THAT good! I actually adore the uke in this as well but I held back, so cut me some slack for mentioning it here. The main character Namwoo has an older sister, Eunjung. I like her not only because she's her own character, interesting and have lots to offer, her and her brother's relationship is extremely similar to what we have with my older brother. And because of that similarity, reading about their relationship was super emotional for me.
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Honorable mention: They aren't exactly in the center but Traces of the Sun has two side characters that are a joy to see when they make a cameo.
Aaaand that's a wrap! I'm sorry I rambled for too long :'D You can send me an ask whenever you want, I don't mind. It was really fun to put together and I might rewrite it as a Top 5 post on my blog as well, so thank you for the idea! Hope you have a good day and enjoyed reading another list of mine.
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godly-tomatoe · 2 years
Hii <3
I saw you're doing match ups, so I'd like to request one :) (I'll probably drop a request too when I get an idea ^-^)
For the match-up:
I'm bi, so any genders is good with me!
I'm a 21 years old woman, 5ft, chubby, short brown hair and hasel eyes. I'm french, so english is my second language
I'm introverted, emotional, sort of a mom friend, and pretty sarcastic. I also swear a lot (though I manage to keep it down when needed)
I have a bit of social anxiety, so I don't like crowds/loud places
I enjoy video-games, SF/Fantasy movies, drawing, baking and sewing/embroidery
I hope you get the requests you want, good luck on your writting 💕
Hi honey!! I hope you're meaning for the quarry, and if not just lmk and ill redo it!! thank you for your request :)
I match you with... Max!! lets just imagine you're in Lauras place lol. when you guys met he definitely was the one to first start talking to you and you guys immediately clicked. you like how funny he is and he likes that you can just listen to him. he definitely thinks you are absolutely adorable and immediately catches feelings for you. especially when you guys start to get closer and you start to open up to him, he really likes how funny you can be and if you have an accent he is actually smitten by it. you definitely help him if he makes any stupid decisions and tell him not to do something if he brings up a stupid idea lol. he probably will try to help you with your social anxiety but will always ask if you're uncomfortable. he likes to hear you speak French and always ask if you can try to teach him. you guys definitely play video games together all the time. when you guys start to date your guys's favorite date night idea together is just hanging out and watching movies and baking random things. you definitely have to teach him because he is horrible at baking. you will sew him things but make sure he doesn't get into it because he will fuck it all up somehow lol. when you guys decided to become counselors at the camp you were pretty iffy on it but he reassures you that he will be there as well so you guys go. when you guys get into the jail y'know after everything happens he will immediately make sure you're safe and make your well being his first priority. anyways you guys fit together very very well and after the camp incidents you both will be like 100000x more closer than before, and you'll help each other with your traumas.
I thought this would be a cute pair up, I hope you liked this!! have a great day :)
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wonderlandhatter · 3 years
what is your favorite spencer reid canon, then write a drabble about it!
probably that this genius man  with a bookshelf of degrees wants to be a cowboy, i love that scene where he says it and when jj asks what he would do with cows he's just like (idk id look at them and pet them).
i think penelope would find out about this an for his birthday or just on some random day she would take him to one of those farms thta lets you pet andfeed the animals, hed be so happy. i have a vivi image of him while petting a fluffy cow he would start talking to it and knowing him hed start giving the cow facts about cows lol.
You and Penelope had been friends for as long as she could remember, she knew you had a farm with the most beautiful horses, the fluffiest cows and the softest sheep, she also knew Spencer dreamt of being a cowboy and that she needed a birthday present for him that would be as perfect as her boy genius was, and maybe she hoped the shy genius would fall for the vibrant cowgirl.
when they arrived at the farm Spencer felt like he was on cloud 9, he had started bouncing on the passenger seat when the car drove past the  the most majestic horses he had  ever seen. 
when they arrived Penelope introduced him to your father who whad agreed to take them around the farm while you took care of the last of your jobs around the farm. He first took Penelope and Spencer to see the cows as those were the ones he had seemed the most excited about.
Spencer nearly squealed when he saw the fluffy cows but held himself back as to not embarrass himself infront of just a manly cowboy. Penelope did no such thing as soon as she saw them she started jumping and running to the edge of the fence, how she did that in her heels was a mystery to spencer and physics.
Spencer stood beside Penelope, your father left them there so he could work and informed them you'd be there to help them as soon as you were free.
 They looked at the fluffy cows , enjoying observing them in silence, relishing in the peace., “I think that one looks like a Stephanie” piped up Penelope pointing to cow that looked particularly sassy, Spencer turned to penelope  amused at her statement and asked what he knew she wanted “why do you think that Garcia?”, “well just look at her pretty boy she has all the bulls at her feet, and look at her hair all the other cows would be jealous, she's just so confident and sassy and ahhh oh my god wonder boy one of them is coming to you”. Spencer nearly gave himself whiplash turning to look at the cow that was about to make him the happiest man alive.
He would have been more than happy just looing at them, getting to pet one might actually make him explode with happiness, and he was fine with that, he could die a happy man  having pet a fluffy cow. The cow came right up to him, closer than he was expecting, sniffing his lovely button up cardigan
“His name is Camile” you piped up now standing beside him, Spencer  jumped at the sound of your voice not having hear you approach as he was completely wrapped up in the cow in front of him, after he composed himself he glanced at you and had to double take, you were beautiful just like an angel sent to earth purely to make him a stuttering fool in front of you.
You almost (key word there is almost lol) made him forget about the fluffy cow in front of him. You looked at him and smiled at his flustered expression at being caught staring, having such a cute man look at you like that made you blush too and look down, you spoke up again quickly trying to get his attention off of you, “you can pet him, you know, he's very friendly and loves the attention”.
Spencer was apprehensive at first, he didn't want to accidentally hurt her, he looked to his left to see if Penelope would do it first but she had found some baby ducklings following their mother and was taking pictures to send to Hotch because she said they were the ducklings and Hotch was the mother. 
“Here I can do it first” you said as you put your hand on top of Camille's  head and started to scratch, Spencer giggled when he saw Camille's reaction, you really weren't lying when you said he’d like it,.
Spencer slowly put his hand on Camille's head after being comforted by eeing you do it and after giving him an encouraging smile and head nod toward Camille. As soon as he touched her fur it felt like heaven, he started scratching  Camille with both hands, “she's so soft, its amazing” you milled at him, he looked adorable, “yeah she is, she's probably one of the softest here”. 
“Did you know cows have 32 teeth, they will chew about 50 times in a minute, making their jaws move about 40000 times a da.. sorry I didn't mean to start that”, you had enjoyed hearing his little fact he looked so happy telling it and it broke your heart a bit when his face fell when he stopped himself, “no no keep going I liked hearing it, and i think Camille did too”, Spencer smiled at the Camille comment and then looked at you to find any microexpretions that'd indicate you were lying but he found nothing but your genuine eyes and kind smile.
“Um well the main stomach of a cow, the rumen, holds up yo 50 gallons of food that has been partially digested.” he was about to keep going when  felt the fluffy cloud of heaven move away form him, “did I hurt her? I'm sorry I didn't mean to oh no she must hate me “,  you stopped him before he would make himself feel worse “hey hey no don't worry you did nothing wrong it’s just feeding time, she’ll be back in about half an hour”, Spencer was slightly embarrassed at his reaction, you just thought it was cute, “oh ok”. You both stood there for a minute not wanting to leave yet, just looking at the lovely cows being gathered so they could eat.
You were the first to speak up, “um penny said you liked horses”,  Spencer brightened up at that, “yes I really do, when I was younger I had a friend that had one and it was the most beautiful animal I'd ever seen, I spent most of that summer pretending I was a cowboy” he said smiling at the beloved memory, “well we happen to have horses here, we could go see them if you'd like”, “really?”, “yeah of course, they are my  personal favourite, I could ride them all day, you know if you'd like you could ride one”, Spencer's eyes nearly popped out of his head ,”really?”, “ yeah of course, you've got the boots for it”, spencer looked down admiring the boot Penelope had gifted him for his birthday. 
“Let me just get the saddles, give me a minute ok” you ran off to the barn leaving Spencer behind as he stared at your running figure, you were perfect, the farm was perfect, this was perfect.
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shinidamachu · 2 years
You're a fantastic writer! ✏️ I'm curious before the whole Yashahime disaster, what was your ideal post canon ideas for Inuverse?
Some examples would be how many kids did Inukag have and do they look more human or demonic? What are the next gen kids personalities like? Did the well reopen? Is Sessomaru a good uncle/brother to Inukag and kids? How are Mirsan, Shippo, and Koga doing? Do you imagine the Inugang having more slice of life adventures or going on another serious adventure like Horai Island?
Sorry, that this is a lot to ask, I really enjoy your writing, anyways keep up the wonderful work! 🌟
.Well, thank you, first of all. You're very sweet for saying that about my writting.
And honestly? In my opinion, Inuyasha had a very satisfying, very definitive ending. The main characters have all earned their happily ever after and a continuation wasn't at all needed unless you wanted to mess this up. Sometimes the healthy thing to do is just let the piece of media you love go and revisit it or explore fanfiction if you miss it.
Which doesn't mean an official Inuyasha sequel couldn't have been done right. I know that because over the years, this fandom has written absolutely mind blowing post canon fanfics.
I'm talking about stories that have engaging and interesting plots, flawless characterization and actually fit right into the world of Inuyasha, not only respecting the lore and rules of its universe but expanding on it and adding substance to it, filling in the blanks the original left instead of creating more.
There are many, many examples of that, but to me, the ideal post canon, non next generation universe is the one written in Light Me a Lantern by @inuyashasforest (and I still can't believe we got this masterpiece for free). Compare it to Yashahime and you'll see the difference between writting with passion and love for the original story and writting so you can make money. It's disconcerting.
That being said, I talked about how many kids I'd like Inuyasha and Kagome to have here. As for their personalities and what do they look like, I expressed my thoughts about it here, but was specifically talking about Moroha since she was the one thing Sunrise did right.
Any children Inuyasha and Kagome eventually bring into the world would have to be only 1/4 demon as opposite to Inuyasha's 1/2. This means less demonic features and more human characteristics. I like the idea that their children would be a perfect mix of them, just like Moroha, only with a few outstanding demonic attributes here and there. Like, Moroha has the fangs, her brother could have white hair, her other sibling could have dog ears and so on. But never all at once.
I enjoy Moroha as a big sister and I like to picture her baby brother as a mama's little boy. He would be sensitive, shy, smart and very talented in artistic ways.
As for the Mirsan kids, I love the concept of the twins being huge flirts so Miroku pays for his sins. One of them having his spiritual powers while the other takes after her mother and becomes a great demon slayer also amuses me to no end. And I adore the name Hisui for their babyboy. Only I think instead of being a demon slayer he could grow up to be the leader of the village or have an equivalent position of political power.
The Well never opened again (I've talked about this before, but couldn't find the more in dept post I made, so I'll just summarize it here): the Well reopening greatly takes emotional weight away from the narrative. it diminishes Kagome's final choice, it annihilates the "bittersweetness" of her return, it keeps the story from circling back from Inuyasha being a lonely half demon being despised by everyone to the same Inuyasha now having someone willing to sacrifice everything for him. And it also leaves no room for Inuyasha and Kagome to figure it out how this sacrifice affects their relationship and grow from it as characters and as a couple. Of course you can interpret the ending in a different way, but I'm personally very passionate about this one.
Sesshomaru treats his nieces and nephews the same way he treated Rin and Kohaku. He grows to respect Inuyasha in his cold, silent way, but he's still closer to Kagome. One, because Kagome makes him. Two, because there's just too much story between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, both of them deciding things are good the way they are, no reason to force it.
Miroku and Sango are doing great. They rebuilt Sango's village, their kids and friends are the joy of their lives. They often go on missions together when Inuasha and Kagome are free to babysit and or when their kids are old enough. And just like in Yashaime (because that part was actually interesting), Miroku feels a bit useless without the Wind Tunnel so he does his best to get stronger in different ways (ways that do not unclude basically abandoning his family) and he achieves that goal with a lot of effort and Sango's constant support.
Shippo becomes a very famous figure in the kitsune community because his tricks improve greatly and he grows up to be one of the greatest names in the story of transfiguration. Koga runs the rebuilt (and thrieving) Wolf Tribe with Ayame by his side. They're now human friendly thanks to the Inugang, with whom he regularly keeps touch.
I don't really have a preference as for if they would have more slice of life adventures or another serious quest when I'm reading fanfic. But if we're talking official content, I'd go for a new life or death mission in a heartbeat, because as much as slice of life is pure and cute and wholesome, I'd be waiting for something to happen all the time, then get frustrated and bored once it doesn't.
It's one thing to deliberately search for slice of life content, which I often do. Another one is being fed nothing but slice of life while Sunrise makes easy profit off it without any real effort to give us something that actually can be categorized as a sequel, not just another epilogue.
If we're paying for a whole show with at least two seasons, we should get slice of life and a real adventure while we're at it. Unless it's, like, a very compact list of episodes (half a season tops) made to be nothing but extra content to rise founds for charity or something of the sorts, in which case it would be acceptable.
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
Hi Kate! ^^
I finally can have a rest after a lot things that I been go thought and I just wanted to spend the time with your precious and gorgeous writtings! I really love to read them honestly.
Moreover, after reading a Platonic Yandere! Mafia! Whitebeard Pirates with Teen! Reader I had an idea...and I made a art of it! Well..it's not really done yet but I really like the way I drew Pops!
That's why...if you- if you feeling okay with this. Can you..Can you maybe make a Part 3 of it?. Please?
After the first day after the Y/n's brother and father disappearance - she actually feeled free a bit. No one shout ot on her, No one is verbally hurting her or physically- she is kind of safe.
However, after days passed (it was already week after they disappeared) she started to worry about her brother and father which little surprised her. It's not like she was sick worried , it's more of a wonder where they were.
Usually she could always see her brother with his friends at the places that they liked to go - but he wasn't there, only his friends having fun together. Without him.
She could understand why father is not coming home for days - he was always stressed because of work which is really easy to understand. But she knew that he would always came home at weekends and at night time. But he didn't.
While Y/n was starting to worry about the disappearance. There was just a..a simple conversation between Pops , Marco , Vista. About what to do with the two bastards. Should they make them suffer from long and miserable pain or mentally destroy their minds until they will beg to kill them instead of letting the go?
While right now, Y/n is sitting behind of the door thinking of does this man watching me all the way to my home to kidnapp me too?
I'm really sorry if it's way to much-
I just couldn't not to think of the Mad and Protective Pops and his sons who is pissed that some stupid bastards even dared to touch their little precious sister/daughter-
Sorry, anyway if you feel uncomfortable with it - ignore this message and go eat something healthy and relax.
Have a great day!
🥺thank you so much, Cherry, for the nice comment. It makes me so happy that you like my writings. I am glad to write for you as well!
Also, can I see the art when your done?! You can totally pm me, only if that’s okay, of course! I would love to see it.
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Yandere Whitebeards Stalk HCs Part 3
Of course (Y/N) feels free!
At first she didn’t really notice her father and brother missing. She thought that maybe they went somewhere without telling her. It wouldn’t be the first time.
She felt relieved. Able to run around the home without getting yelled at. Or coming home without her own family glaring at her.
She didn’t have to hide away in her room.
A week of silence and calmness, for once, she started to get a little nervous. Her family may be mean to her, but they are the only family she has.
So (Y/N) looked around for them. Made sure that they were at least okay.
She stopped by the restaurant her brother likes to hang out with friends. His friends were there, alright, but not her brother.
“Have you seen my brother?” She asked them.
“Nah. Haven’t seen him around.” One of the friends say, quickly going back to talking. They were smiling like nothing happened, or they didn’t care.
She moved on. Days of looking for her family and she couldn’t find them anywhere. (Y/N) didn’t feel too sad about it, but she couldn’t help hit worry.
But on her way home, she heard some men talking in an alleyway. She was curious, hiding behind the door to listen. Maybe she’ll find something about her family.
“What should we do? They definitely don’t deserve anything good for what they have done to her.” Pops asks the other men.
“Let’s make them suffer miserable pain!” Marco suggests.” Marco says excitedly.
“Or mentally destroy their minds to where they’ll want us to kill them.” Vista says with a more even voice. He was more serious.
“We’ll have to think about it. For now, watch over (Y/N) and make sure she doesn’t find out.” Pops says, ending the conversation.
(Y/N) was terrified. She quickly headed home, sliding to the floor and hugging her knees.
“Those men….are stalking me…? They said my name….! Are they going to kidnap me, too?!”
It was best for her not to leave her home, until she knew more about these men.
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kaito-is-baby · 3 years
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Plot: Todoroki gets jealous when he sees you flirting with Kirishima and you take advantage of it to finally confess your feelings (fluff, a lot of fluff) (gn!reader)
Hiii~ this is heavily inspired by this @pillow4iida 's post, please go check it, their writting is amazing and I love them. The point is as I was reading it I thought about a very similar scenario but where Todoroki is not so... experienced and confident, I usually think about him as an awkward boy when it comes to socialize so it must be even worst when flirting, the point is, he is very cute and this post is very fluffy to me, Shoto is a cutie
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"Kiri just give it back!" you said between soft laughs
You were on your toes, clinging onto Kirishima's arm trying to grab your pencilcase from his hand, your pitchy voice echoed through the walls of your class
He giggled knowing you couldn't reach it, you were too small to do so and he always teased you about your low height
"Come on, y/n, you can't grab it?" He teased you with a fake pout on his face "I can give it back if you let me write whatever I want on your face" that fake pout easily turned into a devilish smirk
But it soon disappeared when a taller hand grabbed it from behind him
"This is theirs, isn't it?" He sounded particularly annoyed by Kirishima's existence right now
You smiled widely seeing the boy behind your red head friend, It was Shoto, one of your closest friends on the UA and the only boy who made your stomach ache like this just by looking at you
You had try to flirt with him many times, you even went to some dates together but he never seemed to catch on it, or maybe he just did not like you back
"Y/N?" His voice woke you up from your own thoughts and once you came back to reality you found his heterochromatic eyes looking directly at yours while he held your case in his arm, pointing at you, waiting for you to grab it
"Oh, yes..." you nervously laughed grabbing it back "thanks Sho"
It had already been months since he told you to call him by his first name and as you two grew closer you found yourself calling him Sho more than you believed correct but... it was a nickname only you called him, it made you feel so special to him that you couldn't stop using it
Maybe you could have thought why did he let you use that nickname on the first place, you oblivious mess
"You're welcome, I don't like him messing with you" again he sounded uncommonly annoyed
Well, he wasn't really messing with you, you two were jocking and flirting around... just what 16 year olds teens usually do between classes but you were not going to reject a protective and helping Shoto, you always enjoyed those little details he had for you even when they weren't really necessary
But then it hitted you, you were flirting with Kirishima, not that you liked him, you just had an impresive flirting nature, but Shoto looked so annoyed, so... jealous?
A smirk came to your lips as you found the perfect moment to try and discover if your feelings were at all corresponded
"Sho, can we talk for a moment?"
"Uh... sure, yeah" Usually you would've said whatever came to your mind and start a conversation with him instead of asking him for a moment. It made him kind of nervious
You finally reached the emergency stairs, they were lonely and quiet, and you two could sit one in front of each other comfortably
So you chose it as your new personal couch
Once you had him right in front of you you decided to shoot your shot
You took his hands on yours before asking
"Do you ever... just... want to bond a little with us? Live some good experiences?"
"I don't quite understand you" He admitted, with his eyes on both your hands, swinging them back and forth and rubbing yours with his thumbs
"Sho, back there with Kirishima" you started, gripping at his hands with more strength so he could slightly relax
"That was flirting"
"Oh, I'm sorry for interrumping" he apologized with his usual monotone voice tone empty of any feelings
Except this time he wasn't sorry at all and neither were his feelings untouched, he was extremely jealous and glad he had interrupted you before it became something worse
“No, that’s not the point. What I mean is... we all kind of flirt around and talk to each other all the time, I mean, that's what people our age does. But you don't seem to do that with any of us, why?” You asked. Still holding and swinging his hands you felt how the slight relax that you had managed to get him disappeared as they tensed
After some seconds, his hands relaxed again and he came back to rubbing yours with his thumbs
“Well I guess I’ve never been in that kind of situation” he confessed smiling while looking down.
He had been in situations like that, you had flirted with him countless times, you had asked him out, you two even went to see a movie together last week, how was that not clear enough to see it as a date?
Inside your head your heartbeats sounded worryingly fast, the fear of being rejected suddenly disappeared thinking that maybe he was just too oblivious to flirt like any other boy your age
You were still holding his hands, now locking your fingers with his, gathering the courage you needed to finally ask him about his feelings
"But... have you never been in that situation because you have never liked anyone that way or...?"
"I don't really know, how it is to like someone to want to flirt with them?" No sign of embarrassment or nervousness on his face, he was inexpressive as always even asking something like that
As impossible as it seemed his small knowledge about feelings, reactions and human relationships always got to impress you and even more when he did not seem to realise that his question was quite rare
"Well, to flirt there isn't much really, it's just having some chemistry? Like... you find them attractive and want to have a good time with them so you flirt, it's not something so special really"
"Hmm" He shook his head and you felt like you were losing him "then I'm not going to flirt with anyone, I don't really like that, isn't it kinda like... jocking?"
"Yes! Yes it really is! Is just that the person you are jocking with... well you would like them to be so near you, to touch you... to feel their breath on you and taste their lips, you know what I mean? " you felt your cheeks heat up the moment you realized you two were still holding hands while explaining this to him, but you stood there anyways, holding onto him
He looked at you, staring directly at your eyes, confused, not relating really to that feeling
"I'm not good with jokes, I don't think I will be good with that either"
His eyes placed onto yours made your brain malfunction and just... start talking about your own feelings
"Sometimes it may be even better... you are craving to see them or to be with them because you want to be by their side, listen to their voice... it makes you quite happy just to hear it. And... and whenever you see them all you want to do is kiss them, everywhere, everytime" now you had went over the top explaining how you yourself felt about him and everything you heard in your head was 'please, cut me off please, don't listen to me, forget about this' but his answer did surprise you
"Hmm I think I get it, yeah... I may have felt that, yes"
"Yes?" Your eyes opened in disbelief
"Yeah, I think I do" Still, his usual monotone tone, as if he weren't admitting to have some strong feelings towards someone
Being honest a little piece of your heart broke at that moment, was he really feeling that way for someone? Then no flirting or teasing would make you look any interesting to him
"What should I do in that case then?"
"You... you should tell them about how you feel, you are smart, and the strongest on our class and... you're handsome and polite and so sweet truly..." you stopped yourself before you regretted saying anything else "I'm sure they will return your feelings" you managed to get out a smile to calm the boy, yet your heart ached incredibly
"Okay, so... tell them straight out?" You nodded, incapable of talking anymore
"Y/N" you looked at him again "I do feel that way about you, is that okay?"
Is that okay? Was he asking if that was okay? You couldn't help but to laugh
To laugh the sadness and tension this whole situation had brought to you
"Did I say something wrong?" He asked, truly concerned
"Nothing, you've never said anything wrong" you said approaching your face to his, placing your hands on his cheeks and reaching to his lips, planting a very sweet and innocent kiss on them, a fast one, just to reassure him that you felt the same way "after all, I feel the same way"
"Oh. Then... what do we do now?" Oh God, this was going to be a difficult relationship
"What do you think goes now dummy?" You said teasingly, with your hand still resting on his left cheek
"Kiss me back, you idiot" you chuckled and his lips found yours this time
You melted in a sweet kiss with a taste of mint, warm and sadly, soba
"What do you think if we go on like... our 5th date today?"
"I... have asked you out so many times... I always took it as dates but you never seemed to realize or... wanted to make any move so I thought you just did not like me"
"I'm stupid" Shoto hid his face on his hands but his expression remained the same, as always inexpressive
"What?" You laughed
"I am not good at this things, I can't catch signals or... when you were flirting, I was the one to think you did not like me and that's why I never made a move, I'm sorry"
"Well, I should have been the one to make a move first and I was too scared to because... I actually really liked you so... it's a tie! We both are stupid" You laughed and with your sweet laugh his face brightened and the softest smile grew on his face
"Let's have our first date as a couple, shall we?"
He nodded kinda awkwardly, he is not the best at those things so don't expect many shows of affections from him and even less on public, you will have to be the one to hold his hand or kiss his cheek, at least at the beginning, he is new to this but he loves you more than he thought he would ever love someone
Later on that date you asked him, laughing and teasing him, holding on his arm
"Was that you first kiss, Sho?"
"Uhm... well, yes" his cheeks grew slightly red and his eyes kept looking at his feets, usually he was incredibly confident so seeing him like this catched you off guard
"Well, don't worry, it will be the first of many more I plan on giving you" you said, placing your hand softly on his cheek to turn around his face, now facing yours, you got on your toes and kissed him for the third time today, making those words true, you will make sure you give him many many kisses and cuddles from now on
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leewritesstuff · 3 years
Keeping Up With The Hollands | 04
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Summary: You and Tom were offered to document your life since you are both famous in the entertainment industry. Now as you got older you left the entertainment industry and head for the medical field. How difficult can it be? Also, did I mention that you have kids?
Pervious | CHAPTER 04 | Next
Series Masterlist
WORDS: 1.6+k
Writting this made me laugh at some parts pfftt. Anyway let's pretend that Far Away From Home was shooting during the time the boys were of age (forgot their age ngl 2 or 3 somewhere there)
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Tom woke up first, sensing something on his face. He opened his eyes and catch a small foot in front of him. In confusion, he turned and notice all of his children on his king-size bed. Slowly but gently, he removed the feet that belonged to Edward.
He got up and head to the kitchen. Preparing breakfast for the family. His girlfriend Y/N was on a press conference for her charity.
"So today, we are going on the set of Spiderman Far From Home. Um, I'm not really sure how I'm going to do that and take care of four children. I know Harrison said he will be there but... I'm scared" he said to the camera as he tries to flip the pancake.
"I actually tried hiring a babysitter, they only lasted a few hours. I think I had forgotten to tell them that there would be more than one kids. Anyway, Ed and Chase gave them hell so they all left." After flipping the pancakes, Tom separated them, one for each boy and three for him, with some whipped cream on them.
Finish fixing up breakfast, he goes to wake up the boys, seeing as they are on a time limit. When he got there, he saw Jake up, trying to wake up his brothers.
Tom smile and ruffle the boy's hair, "Morning bud, you slept well?" Jake gave him a toothy grin and nodded. Jake got up and jumped into Chase's body making the boy yell, which woke up Max.
"Get up" Chase got up and pushed Jake down the bed, the two starting a fight. Jake's leg accidentally kicked Ed in his face, making the boy cry. Tom pulled away Chase from Jake and grabbed Ed, trying to soothe his nose.
"Alright, alright, it was an accident okay? You're okay" Once the boy calmed down, he picked up Maxton and carried him to the kitchen, as his two other ducklings followed.
Chase and Jake climbed into their highchair while Tom put Ed and Max in there's. He grabbed the prepared plates and gave them it.
Tom sat down in front of them, trying to feed each of the boys, "Chase is the only one who could fully feed himself, so I have to help the others."
Max took a piece of pancake and gave it to Tom, when Tom saw what he was doing, he opened his mouth and let Max feed him.
"Thank you Max for sharing." Max smiled and nodded and continued eating. After the boys were finished, Tom took their plates and washed them.
When he was done, he went to get the boys dressed including himself.
They made it to the studio safely. Tom took out each boy and placed name tags on them. He took Chase hand's who was holding Ed, then Jake's then Max and walked towards the entrance.
"Pa where we at?" Questioned Ed as he looked around the building.
"Well, we're at my work. You get to see Ironman, Thor-"
"Do we get to see Batman?" Tom looked at Max as if he just asked the weirdest question. As he was going to answer, Ed beat him to it.
"No stupid, they have Captin America"
"Aye! Don't call your brother stupid!" Ed pouted but kept quiet. After checking in with security and handing the children their passes they were allowed to enter.
As they were walking, Tom felt something heavy on his foot. He looked down and noticed Maxton was on it, he let out a sigh and tried to get the boy off of him.
"Max let go, I need to walk"
"Max, come on buddy, I need my foot"
Tom huffed and bent down, then he grabbed the boy making him scream. He tried shaking the boy off his foot but he wouldn't move. Giving up, he grabbed back Chase's hand and dragged his right foot.
"Stay then. Bloody hell"
On his way to his trailer, he showed the boys all the objects that were on the walls, the posters, the banners, the pictures of people etc etc.
Tom had left the boys in the lounge area with his stylist, Rachael since she asked too. He was grateful for that, but what he didn't mention was that they were slippery. Literally.
The poor woman's attention was more focused on Jake and  Maxton fighting to get the last box of juice, that she didn't notice that both Ed and Chase were missing. Somehow, both boys ended up by the set where Tom was shooting his scene for Far Away Home.
They watch as 'Spiderman' fought Mysterio. Wanting to go help his father, Chase quickly took off his clothes and ran onto the set and started hitting Mysterio.
(I'm sorry I had to laugh at this scene pffttt)
"Someone's Kid is on set!" someone shouted
"Whoa! Hey hey! Get me down!" Tom yelled when he notices what's going on. Jake who was playing as Mysterio, 'fell' onto the ground yelling, "Argh! You got me! Man down!" Giggles and laughter could be heard around the seat.
After they got Tom down, he quickly grabbed his son, and shield him, "Mate, I get you're trying to save me and all but you need to keep your clothes on"
Chase smiled at his father, dimples on display. Tom couldn't hold in his laugh and just started bursting out. Jake got up from the ground and head over to the duo. "I guess we have a new spiderman?"
The director yelled for everyone to take a break, Tom, Chase and Jake head over to where Ed and Jacob were enjoying themselves at the buffet table.
"Ed, I thought I left you at Rachel's? Why didn't you stop your brother?"
"He's older" "Yes he is, but you know sometimes he acts like a div and you're stronger than him, so why didn't you?" "I saw food" Both  Jake and Jacob laughed at that while Tom let out a sigh. He picked up the other boy and carried them to who knows where. They spent a good few minutes looking for the other two Hollands. After giving him, Tom carried the two to the lounge area. Tom got irritated when he saw both Jake and Max sitting next to Zendaya and Angourie who was entertaining the two.
"You're shitting me right?" The four turned towards the voice, Max with his bag on his back and  Jake running up to their father's leg and hugging him.
"Daddy said a bad word" "Pay the cookie jar!" Both girls laughed at their friend, watching as his children scold him for cursing. Tom squeezed into the girls and sat on the couch. Noticing that his brother was nude, Max goes up to Tom and turned around. The said man opened the bag and took out some clothes.
While he was putting on the clothes on his eldest son, he kept mumbling about how 'what's with you and clothes?' and 'I will glue them onto you' or 'You have some issues with clothes'
Both girls found the whole scene to be entertaining considering the eldest son was fidgeting and feeling squirmish. Zendaya who had Max on her lap, played with the boy's hair while Angourie tickled Jake. Ed kept on enjoying his juice box.
After finishing dressing the boy, Tom took out a juice box from the bag and handed it to Chase. "Now keep your clothes on okay?" The boy nodded his head in return.
"So what's his issue with pants? Is it too tight or something?" Questioned Zendaya.
"No. He just doesn't like clothes for whatever reason. We're trying to break him out of it but it's hard. The lad just likes to keep his bits cool" "Tom never say that again please" "I'm just saying"
As he was going to say something else Rachel burst into the room panting and sweating, gasping for air. Quickly Tom got up and handed her a bottle of water while Zendaya rubs her back.
"Are you okay?" questioned Angourie. After calming herself down, Rachel turned to Tom and quickly started spurting out apologizes, "I-I'm sorry,  I got distracted by Max and Jake? I think and then I lost the other two and then I told the two that were with me to stay put but when I came back they were gone!"
"Rachel, love, it's alright. I forgot to explain hay they tend to wonder about so that's my fault. I shouldn't have given you four kids. They are a lot to handle" After trying to reassure the woman, he turned to his troublemakers who all gave him a cheeky smile.
"You should apologise for worrying Mrs Rachel."
"We're sorry" The woman nodded her head and left the room, feeling tired after all of the stunts that were pulled on her today.
Since Chase interrupted the scene, the director decided to call it a day and sent everyone home. After Tom changes out of his suit, he heads back to the lounge to pick up his troublesome children.
Once they got home, Tom took them to the shower, after doing that he dressed the boys into their nightwear with the extra stress from Chase.
Once they were out cold, Tom grabbed his phone and called his wife.
"Hey love"
"Hey, you sound tired, how was today?" He took his hand and rubbed his forehead. A minute had passed.
"It was alright until Max and Jake gave Rachel the slipped, then while I was shooting Chase ran onto the scene and started hitting Jake" "He what?!" "Oh! Not our Jake, I mean Jake Gyllenhaal" "Almost got me rilled up"
"Yeah no, we were shooting a scene and Chase thought I was being attacked so he started hitting Jake, it was cute and funny but it did give me the day off. I got them ice cream, so we had a good day, yeah"
"Well I'm glad you guys enjoy yourself" "Yeah.. I miss you. I'm going to bed alright?" "Sure, night, love you" "Love you too"
Tom hangs up the phone and heads to bed, as soon as he laid down, he heard yelling in the other room.
"You got to be pissing me!" He complained but head into the other room to try and get his trouble makers back to sleep.
T A G L I S T @webmeupspiderdaddy @runawayolives @nerdy-collector-festival @hopelessromm@bi-lmg @speedyhandsbonkpalace (If you see this then I couldn't tag you) Want to be added? Then message me!
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shadowdianne · 3 years
Fic writer review [Or a fic writer tag game if you prefer]
I was tagged by @naralanis and I can already see her grin all the way from where I am xd Thank you, dear, for the tag, let’s see what are my answers, shall we.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
*bursts out laughing* Adding both pseuds I have… 535 according to the account info but by counting them all I’m reaching 541 so I’m guessing it’s counting some drafts I need to re-find.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I seriously hated you for this one xd I was going to do it by hand by I decided one-third there that I value my mental stability a little bit more xd according to the stats page back at a03 that number would be 1257884. It may be wrong. I think there should be a few more numbers up there but the majority of my works are one-shots so *shrugs* There’s also the fact that counting my ao3 things only is shaving off like half of it Xd Anyway, can we laugh at the fact that I’m a pain in the ass and that I’ve written a lot? More than I should have, that’s for sure
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Trick question because I haven’t crossposted everything I wrote back in ffnet and I actually erased some fics from my account back there so the numbers are a little blurry there.
When I had the entirety of my work posted both in ffnet and a03 I had written for: Twilight (Bella/Alice) Glee (Faberry and there were a couple Pezberry and I don’t fucking remember the pairing name for Santana and Quinn), Harry Potter (Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Narcissa, Hermione/Bellatrix) OUAT (SwanQueen and several oneshots focusing on the mad hatter and the blue fairy solely back at ffnet that were written in Spanish and never translated), I actually had a veeeery old au prompt of Frozen (Elsanna in where I wrote them as non sibilings), Rizzoli and Isles (Rizzles), Dishonored 2 (Emily Kaldwin/Alexi Mayhew), Lara Croft and Wonder Woman, Supergirl (SuperCorp/Supercat) I had a 100 one -or maybe two??- (Clexa), The Shannara Chronicles (Amberle/Eretreia [Or Princess Rover], Rwby [Blake Belladona/Yang], The Worst Witch (Hecate Hardbroom and Pippa Pentangle), The Half of it, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Madam Satan/Zelda Spellman) and… I think that’s it(?) I may be forgetting some but probably nothing important if I’m not remembering it lol.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Ah, we are going to go there, uh? Xd My works are not the kudos and comment getting type Xd So I was quite surprised when I went to check this.
1: Cracked it I wrote this one back in 2017, it was a prompt done by an anon: Lena is nerding with one of her projects at home, mumbling mostly to herself because she’s stuck and Kara casually mentions how to solve the problem like it’s nothing. I really had some fun with this. It was back when some us, SQeeners were fully doing the jump between OUAT and SuperGirl (I mean, there had already been some crossover as for fandom is related but this when the girls were actually getting their conjoined voice within the fandom)
2: Dateless I honestly needed to check what this one was about but I think I can see why this one shot has the amount of kudos it has. It’s a short and sweet idea and responds to the Teachers Au that went SO well with SQ. Everyone thinks they hate each other and try to set them up with other people whilst they, in truth, are dating. I don’t remember if I wrote them as married rather than dating but despite being from 2017 as well is one cheeky enough to be cool Xd I probably would edit some lines now *shudders*
3: After you I truly didn’t expect this one to be top 3. Makes me think of a lot of things, if I’m being honest Xd. After you was a one shot written almost feverishly as an answer to the fabulous drawings that Sejic did of both Lara Croft and Wonder Woman back at 2018 or something. It’s just Lara and Diana being himbos but not at all with each other.
4: How about… How about is one I remember perfectly, it was my answer to the ending of the Half of it film. I had SOME thoughts about it, let’s just stop there Xd I really liked the film itself but I think and I thought at the time that my response to wishing for a final scene at the very end of the credits responds to me being in a different personal moment than the characters. I really wanted to explore my feelings about it and so I wrote about them finding each other again after some time passes. It was also something I wrote after quite the hiatus so I took it as something I could write about without focusing too much on the why.
5: Come to me
Ahh, SuperCorp Xd I remember this one actually. A friend of mine and I were talking about descriptions, and she mentioned quite off-handedly how she wanted a fic in where Kara’s back was described. I complied… more or less.
Fun tidbit, despite the big volume of my work is obviously set in ouat there’s only 1 SQ fic there as you can see, the others are either SuperCorp or the random one shots I created for Wonderwoman/Lara Croft and The half of it. *sighs in deep thought* I’m also not going to look too much into how almost all of the fics were posted and written back in 2017. Nope, not at all.
*Small voice screaming you peaked in 2017 and everything else is garbage jumps back and forth*
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I tend to always respond, yup. I truly value comments. I might have gone for spells of time in where I didn’t have the mental capacity to check in old fics because I truly didn’t know what to answer but I treasure every single comment and you all who comment know that I can start to ramble in the answers xd -sorry about that- I really really REALLY love interaction.
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending:
Ok, Nara, come on, this one is a catch for me. I’ve written angst in far too many fics to remember the angstiest one :P I have the most recent one, though, that is the easy one to think about: Goodbye.Written for @delirious-comfort. I’m just going to say “Kisses with their last dying breath” as an idea of what awaits inside but I’ve written about death and loss and angst quite a lot. There were some I wrote back to SQ with Regina needing to kill Emma during the Dark Swan arc that, to this day, I still love and some others in where Regina is the one that dies, again and again, trapped by magic while Emma watches. I have the loss in mental destruction form and… I REALLY like my angst y’know xd
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not counting Lara and Wonder Woman not really! I think it comes from the fact that I loooove worldbuilding as a whole and some pairings would require all my focus into making the world perfect which in turn would make me self conscious on the OOCness of it all.
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
*snorts* I’ve received hate due to the pairing I’ve written about, how I’ve written about it, the amount I’ve written, how slow or quick I can be, the usage of some tropes, the lack of usage of those same tropes… Let’s just go with: yuuuup.
9. Do you write smut?
I’ve written smut, yeah! But I can already see the pointed looks of some so let’s elaborate Xd I write smut when asked and sometimes when not asked but there’s a part of me I like to call a terrible tease that prefers writing the beginning of a scene, taunt it, focus on what happens before the sex scene per se as I find it more enjoyable to write. The process of escalation is always the best for me to see what can I do it by using both dialogue and descriptors tbh, so I tend to tease more than show.
9. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A few weeks ago I’d have said: Maybe(?) But trying to follow the trail of some other fics that had been stolen from some friends -I think it was me trying to find more about the page that stole something from your Nara!- I found some pages in where my fics had been reposted. In some it was stated that the person posting the fic wasn’t the author but I had never been contacted in order to see if I’d say yes to such a thing and in some others the page was locked up but I could still see someone was pretending to be the author. I did the thing and got some of those down.
Pointed note: Ask me if you want to post or translate or anything. I will look into you and answer you if you seem honest about the thing. But despite every joke and self-deprecating comment those 500 and then some fics represent MY time so very kindly I say fuck off to those who wish to steal from me and if I catch you… you don’t really want to see me angry, trust me.
10. Ever had a fic translated?
I’ve given permission to some, yeah, but never heard it back from them so I’m guessing it didn’t stick.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I’ve written series alongside other authors as @stregaomega for example. And some others that are unpublished -looking at you @carsonnieve - I’ve also done collabs… but fics co-written in the sense of two authors same chapters I don’t have anything posted I’m afraid :P
13. All-time favourite ship?
*snorts*, I guess the obvious answer is SQ uh? And I do think they were the ones that allowed me to read and write SO much. The one I feel more strongly about, however, is Bering and Wells from Warehouse 13.
14. WIP you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
All of them counts as a valid answer? But if I only could finish one that would be Arcadia. With A forgotten Promise second and the one I did as an Assassins Creed AU third. (I don’t remember the name so there’s no link, sorry xd)
15. Writing strengths?
Uhhhh, you REALLY want me to say that? I don’t fucking know!! To me everything I write is garbage. I always try to go for the feelings so I guess. Dunno xd I’ve been told I’m good at worldbuilding and to be honest is what I enjoy the most.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Everything Xd Pacing? What I hate the most sometimes is dialogue, I would count it as a weakness but I’m always far too focused on description rather than dialogue. I don’t think it’s a bad thing per se but it’s something that I don’t do as much.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I’m conflicted. Always. Majorly because I think that having bilingual characters in fanfiction is portrayed and expected in a way that I don’t feel it’s honest with how bilingual people -us- talk. So if I go by what I know I do I think it’s not what readers hope to see when it comes to that and if I go for how canonically is hoped to be found I don’t think it’s logical. But that’s me and my overthinking Xd If I have the option I like to do it.
18. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Belice! Or Bella/Alice. Worst first fic ever but oh, well, I’m always saying that :P
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
Uhh… Don’t make me do this XD Agh, I don’t know. I’ve always been very vocal about Metallic Ink because I let myself enjoy the process of creating a magic system almost out of zero and that was fun. Despite hating some of the writing process and that I’d do it differently now I think I’m going to stick with that answer. Or anything that had any steampunk-based undertone. To be honest I like more thinking of concepts, I had one in where Emma was a thief and it involved the robbery of a ring that was Regina’s one way ticket to freedom I then later repurposed that I adored thinking about so let’s go with…. Yeah, I love having the option of changing things up a little and focus on how characters would fit in different aesthetics for this one Xd
Annnd… these are four pages, gods. I’m just going to tag @waknatious @carsonnieve @stregaomega here and see what they do- Enjoy the questionnaire ladies :P
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kamabukokompachiro · 4 years
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Dirty Thoughts:
Bakugo x Reader ( Gender Neutral)
1412 Words
Author words : It’s my first time writting and English is not my mother tongue so please be indulgent with me ! If you have any suggestions on how I could do a better work I’ll gladly take them ! Ho another thing "🍑" is us the reader with no specific gender and I think that’s all, enjoy bye bye !
He really thought he was discrete about it. Checking you out while you were talking with your friend group.
Starting with your legs, your thighs then he would say it but your ass too,
Never initiating eye contact with you he would advert his eyes every time you start to talk to him, only glaring at you when you tried to make jokes. He likes you heck he does but being the Katsuki we know him to be hell never tell anyone about that, not wanting to be considered a simp or anything stupid like that.
As usual while begging with the Bakusquad his eyes would advert to you and once again started checking you out without your knowledge of course but hey careful he is watching ? But respectfully of course, he is kinda a gentleman after all. Mama didn’t raise a bad boy.
🛑: “And then i- bakubro you are staring ” Kirishima started
⚡️: “Like always~ ” it was Denki turn
💥: “ The fuck I’m not ! Why would I ? ”
👽:”You kinda are, you know Bakugo if you find them that attractive why won’t you tell them? Do you want me to do it ? “ Now it was Mina who playfully asked knowing perfectly what the angry blond réponse would be.
💥: “I told you I fucking don’t check them out! Why would I go and talk with them? Fucking extra….”
📦: “Yeah….if you continue like that they would probably think you hate them or something.”
👽: “They actually does, we kinda are friends and they told me about how this mister over there was hating them.”
💥: “I’m not! ! “ Bakugo shouted a little bit louder that he ented, gaining the scared looks of his classmate, your being one of them.
🛑: “Chill bro ! That’s what it looks like ! You know they’ll never love you that way right? Be careful, they are pretty popular, I heard this Shinsou in 1B came often to talk to them, I think he will ask them out soon…”
💥: “What? That Shinsou kid? Who’s not even in 1A? Why the fuck would they go out with him? Having low standar like that tch”
⚡️: “I think he is pretty cool!”
👽: “And cute!”
💥: “If you don’t shut up right now I’ll blow your asses up !”
⚡️: “Oops looks like Aizawa sense I just came, time for torture to start, try to stay concentrated baku~ku~gooooo”
💥: “The fuck do you mean?”
🛑👽⚡️📦: “Haha”
😪: For this assignment you’ll be working by pairs. I already made the groups you can’t change, the project is due in one week until then you will not have any other homework so put your all into it, you and your partner will practically live together from now on on for a week, that’s all class dismiss
Of course the pairs were wrote on the board and of course who do you think bakugo had been paired with ?
Why the fuck are you talking to me like I’m some fucking old man? Two bad words in the same sentence?
Classy bakugo classy
I’m sorry I ...u…
wait are you stuttering ? Okay he wouldn’t admit it but that? That is so freaking cute.
He could die right on the spot, why do you look like that? All uhhg he couldn’t quite point it but that is something that made him stares at with longer than he intended.
🍑: “Bakugo go San...bakugo San?”
💥: “What”
🍑: “You are..staring…”
💥: “I’m not ! And stop calling me that !”
🍑: “Yessir !”
💥: “Hun?”
🍑: “Sorry that was a joke… so hull for the project it’s friday today so the dorms are closed I would like to go in my house but my parents are inviting a lot a family this weekend so we pourrait pas concentrate sorry BUT we can go to the library if you want maybe ?”
💥: “No.”
🍑: “Hun? Why not ?”
💥: “To much people, all the extras are gonna be there, give me your phone
Here, I texted you my address, tomorrow ten don’t be late !”
🍑: “Yes! See you tomorrow… and he is gone … well ! At least he didn’t kill me”.
This night let’s say that Bakugo didn’t really sleep, try to understand him please, a young boy in this age and shape ? You? How crush was coming tomorrow and you’ll be staying in is house, in his room where his bed was? He watched enough adult movies to know what could happen and let’s say that the thought of you wearing only…well nothing was enough for him to lose all track of sleep.
While our angry boy was fighting his dirty thought you too couldn’t sleep but not for the same reasons. While he was excited you were scared I mean he didn’t like you right? He could scream at you, worst even, could he punch you?? You really hope not. And that’s how you two spent your first weekend Night, basically thinking about each other.
10.00 that’s exactly the hour you rang at Katsuki houses door.
🍑: “Hello Madame Bakugo I’m listener nice to meet you !”
👩‍🦳💥: “How you must be Katsuki’s classmate enter please ! Waaa you really are cute aren’t you ?”
🍑: “N-no I’m really not but thanks you, you too are really pretty mam!”
💥: “Oi! At least you are not late, come here let’s get to my room.”
🍑: “Sure! See you mam!”
👩‍🦳💥: “I’ll go get you some snacks !”
🍑: “Thank you very much !”
You two walked together to his room, installed yourselves and started to work.
After a few hours of hard work :
🍑” Bakugo… Bakugo…….BAKUGO!”
🍑: “I finished, and you are staring...again…”
💥: “I already told you I’m not, let me see!”
🍑: “ Soooo, is it good enough ?”
💥: “Not too bad, well that concludes today’s work.”
🍑“Yeah! ... I’m so tired …”
💥: “…. Lay down…”
🍑: “ What did you say? 👁👄👁”
💥: “I said lay down if you want... I’ll get you to the train’s station after.”
🍑: “On the floor??? 👀👀”
💥: “On the bed ! You are stupid aren’t you ??”
🍑: “W-w-w-what ? No I cannot I- ?!”
💥: “I will not touch you WTF! You said you were tired didn’t you??”
🍑: “... I did...ok but...are you going to lay with me…?”
💥: “I’m tired too ! I made almost all the work!”
🍑: “No you didn’t !”
You then proceed to lay on the bed with Katsuki.
Not gonna lie, your heart was kinda racing at the moment, Katsuki’s one probably too, but he wouldn’t ever admit it !
Fuck why are you facing him?? He tough you will look at the wall or somewhere else that way he could have spied on you in all discretion.
🍑: “Bakugo..?”
💥: “Yeah?”
🍑: “Do you hate me?”
💥: “….no.”
🍑: “Then why ...why you look at me like that? Everyday at school you always look at me, even when you think I can’t see you…”
💥: “...I wasn’t really discreet about it hun…”
🍑: “No haha”
💥: “You pretty”
🍑: “What??”
💥: “You heard me now go to sleep!”
🍑: “I cannot,not after that wtf bakugo ??”
💥: “Shhht I’m tired !”
🍑: “But ?”
💥: “Shhht…. Oi..”
🍑: “I thought I should sleep?”
💥: “Fuck it! Can I...touch you ?”
🍑: “Where??”
💥: “Your face…”
🍑: “Weird…”
💥: “Yes or no dumbass?”
🍑: “Haha go for it ! But...be nice please…”
💥: “Yeah...close your eyes.”
You then Proceed to do it slowly, you shut your eyes waiting for anything from bakugo. You feel him shift and then something on your cheek, his hand you suppose. After a little while something softer again were on your lips. He was kiss’ing you and that wasn’t a dream, he really was kissing you holy fuck !
🍑: “Katsuki…”
💥: “Fuck, don’t ever call me Bakugo again go it ?”
🍑: “Yeah…”
💥: “Promised ?”
🍑: “Promise.”
💥: “Good, now let’s get the fuck to sleep!”
🍑: “Haha yeah sure, did you set up the alarm ?”
💥: “Of course! Who you take Me for ?”
That’s weird, today Katsuki was soft, the complet opposition of how he is at school. Maybe he was in a good mood because you worked well today or maybe that was just for you. Anyway Too much question too little answer but all you wanted right now was to stay in his arms and freaking sleep!
If you want the audio version of it here’s the link to my YouTube Chanel for a more immersive experience : Bakugo has dirty thoughts about you | BNHA ASMR| Bakugo x Listener https://youtu.be/h5lu-3bNrks
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randomshyperson · 3 years
hi! skam anon over here! I would really like to read some Nora (the skam spain one) x reader honestly. Maybe something where the reader is Cris older sister and she's been travelling a lot and finally comes back and is excited to meet her little sister friends and she has an instant crush on Nora? maybe when her and Alejandro were fighting and not a thing. And I promise I won't hate it, I just would really like to read something with her
Hello Anon! Funny fact, i never watched Nora season hahaha So i hope this is not too bad. Also is short cause i don’t really know the characters but is sweet ;) Witting this made me miss joana btw haha
i’ll try to focus on wanda request now, cause i really don’t connect with other characters ;( but it was nice writting this anyway. 
good reading!
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Nora Grace x Reader
Warnings: None, all fluffy
Words:  1806 (short one).
Two years ago
Miami, 5:30 a.m.
You are lying in bed, a warm arm around your waist. You awake to the sound of your cell phone vibrating, and groan softly as you reach for it on the dresser.
- Hola? - You mumble as you answer it, sitting up in your bed.
- Hey, Y/N. - You hear a female voice. It's Cris. You blink in surprise.
- Cris? Is everything okay? - you ask feeling worried immediately. 
Your sister gives a dry laugh on the other end of the line.
- Yeah. - She says breathlessly, sounding tearful. - I wanted to tell you that I like someone. - You frown, but don't interrupt her. - But it is a girl.
You blink, then want to laugh. If only Chris knew what you were up to.
- I don't know what to do. - She confesses and you know she is crying.
- Cris is okay. - You assure her, getting up and walking to the balcony. - Have you told her yet?
Cris laughs again.
- She has a boyfriend. 
- Damn it, Cris. - You mumble. - You had to like the one who's already taken, right? - You try to joke and Cris gives a weak laugh. You swallow dryly trying to think of what to say next. - Listen, thanks for telling me this. I wish I could be there with you.
- That's fine. - She assures me. - You were the first person I wanted to tell.
You smile.
- Wow, baby sister, you are so sweet. - You scoff slightly and Chris laughs. - But seriously, talk to your girl. Make things clear between you two.
Cris sighed. 
- Thank you. - Cris says after a few minutes. You'd like to hug her.
You stayed on the cell phone with your sister for a few more minutes until you hung up. You found it ironic that your younger sister came out of the closet before you did, but you didn't say anything.
The next year, when you came home for Cris' birthday, you also told her before you left that you also liked girls, and Cris laughed and hugged you, saying that you always seemed to. 
Now you were back for your sister's graduation, after traveling almost the entire United States. You intended to avoid your mother's questions about college when you arrived at the door of your house carrying your bags.
After hugging and greeting everyone, you got ready together with Chris for the ceremony, and then you all drove to her high school, which had once been yours. It was strange to return, even though it had only been three years since you left.
Then the ceremony began, and you smiled and clapped your hands together with everyone else, and then Cris ran up to you and your brothers, ecstatic with happiness.
- I'm so proud of you. - You said to her as you hugged her. She smiled and thanked you, and then she waved to some girls in the distance.
- Hey, try not to flirt with my friends. - she joked.
- I'm not going to f... fuck. - You whispered the last part as a blonde girl reached you, followed by the others. You swallowed hard, trying to cover it up.
- Y/N, this is Nora, Eva, and Viri. - She introduced them, you already knew Amira, and she just nodded. You thought maybe you were staring at the blonde, Nora, too much, so you blinked and forced a smile, holding out your hand to greet them. And then Chris let out an excited exclamation, and ran toward Joana, who you only knew from video calls, and had just arrived on the scene.
- They are cute. - You commented with a smile watching your sister jump on the other girl's lap and hug her while laughing. 
When Cris came back to you guys, she said she would like to celebrate for real. You told her not to tell your mother that you were taking them to a real party. And so you ended up in one of the most exclusive clubs in Madrid, with VIP tickets courtesy of a friend of yours from Miami. Good thing they were all eighteen years old, you thought as you walked into the club. The girls were very excited.
After a few minutes of dancing, drinking, and greeting old friends, you were curious to meet Nora, so when she went to get something from the bar, you followed her.
- Hey. - You called out to her, leaning against the counter beside her. She smiled at you. - Tell me again how I didn't meet you before.
She lets out a little laugh.
- Cris told me you were traveling. - She says. - We've been friends for four years, I guess it was bad luck.
You sip your drink, smiling. Then the bartender brought her something, and she thanked him.
- What did you order? 
- Anything without alcohol. 
You looked at her drink, and let out a giggle.
- Wow, Paulo gave you the worst non-alcoholic drink in this place. - You commented with a smile, and then leaned back on the counter, sliding your hand to the inside. You let out a contented exclamation as you reach for what you are looking for. - You'll like this one. - Nora looks at you curiously, and you hold out a small circular bottle. - Don't tell anyone that I showed you my secret hiding place.
You joke, and reach for two small glasses from the bar and place them on the counter, pouring some for both of you. Seeing Nora bite her lip, you quickly clarify:
- There's no alcohol in it, it's just cider. - You say with a smile. - I got it in Ireland, it tastes very good. I brought it here when I graduated, because there was nothing alcohol-free to drink in this place.
Nora smiles, and reaches for the glass. You toast before taking a sip.
- Wow, that's really good. - She comments, and you smile.
You are startled when Cris and her friends join you, looking considerably more cheerful than before. But you smile, and let yourself be pulled onto the dance floor.
This is the longest you have stayed home since high school. It had been two weeks since you were back in your old room, and when Cris asked, you told her you were choosing your next destination. But you knew that it was because you didn't want to say goodbye to Nora.
When Cris said that she was going away with her friends two weeks ago, and you had the perfect excuse to ask for all her friends' numbers for safety. And it all started with a little emoji and "take care of my sister" so that you would make a habit of talking to Nora every day for the next two weeks. 
You didn't want to admit it, but you were completely hooked. When Chris came back, you were nervous about seeing Nora again, but you texted her that you would like to see her, and she called you for a date in town. You were smiling at your cell phone screen a few seconds before Chris came into the room.
- Ulala, who are you texting? - She teased, and you were startled, quickly putting the phone down and feeling your face heat up. She looked at you with amusement. - Wow, it's a girl, isn't it?
You laughed, sitting up in bed. 
- Actually I wanted to talk to you about it. - You start awkwardly, and Cris looks at you curiously, sitting down in the chair at the study table. You take a deep breath. - I'm going out with Nora.
Cris blinks in surprise.
- Nora? My friend Nora? - You nod. Cris looks in shock for a few seconds, but then she laughs. - Oh my God, I can't believe you're her mystery crush. Eva is going to love this.
- Aren't you angry?
- What? Of course not! - she says, looking excited. You feel a sense of relief wash over your body. - This is actually amazing! After Miguel and Alejandro, she seems so happy now.
You run your hand through your hair, really happy with Chris's reaction. 
- That's good to know. - You comment with a smile.
Eventually you tell her that you have been talking to Nora for the past few weeks, that you really like her, and that you are afraid that the distance will eventually separate you. Cris hopes that things will work out for both of you. 
When you leave home to meet Nora, you are relatively anxious. But you are immediately more relaxed when you see her, and she walks timidly toward you, and then hugs you tightly by the neck, while you close your eyes to enjoy the feeling.
- It's good to see you. - You comment when you two part. Nora smiles with flushed cheeks.
You spend the day walking around the city, talking about your favorite subjects. And then you walk into a library.
While Nora is distracted by the bookshelves, you are distracted by her. And she blushes and smiles when she catches you looking. You end up buying her a book of poetry, saying that you wish she had something to remember you by when you get back on the road. And then you leave the bookstore, and walk back.
- Do you already know when you are leaving? - she asks a moment later. You have your hands in your pockets as you walk beside her.
- By the weekend. - You say. - I've already found a room and a temporary job.
Nora bites her lip, keeping quiet for a moment. 
- Why do you always leave?
You blink in surprise at the question and give a sad smile.
- I really don't have a reason to stay. - You say, looking down at the ground. - My parents are fine, my brothers are graduated and well. And even Chris is already looking for an apartment with Joana. There is nothing holding me here.
You are beginning to think you said the wrong thing, because Nora stops walking and says nothing for a few seconds. And you stop walking to stand in front of her with a worried expression.
- What about us? - she asks in a low tone. And you swallow dryly. - What happens when you leave?
You feel your cheeks flush, and look away quickly.
- I would like to continue this. - You confess. - But I understand if you feel that the distance doesn't w-mmp...
Nora shuts you up with a kiss on the mouth as she advances against you. And it's sweet and gentle, and makes your whole body electrify. She pulls away quickly, though, as if to confirm that everything is okay. And when you see her, her eyes dark, you bring your mouths together again, now kissing properly.
- Don't go - She asks breathlessly between kisses. You smile against her lips when you agree.
When you drive her home, you hold hands all the way there. And on the same day you look for a job in Barcelona.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
What Baking Can Do (Rosnali) - Athena2
Summary: Rosé keeps making food for Denali as a way of expressing her crush, not knowing that Denali feels the same way.
A/N: Writing has been slow for me lately, but I'm glad I was able to finish this! It's basically just pure fluff, and I hope you enjoy! Please leave some feedback if you'd like, I really appreciate it! Thank you to Writ for betaing!
Title from the song from Waitress because I'm basic.
Rosé might live in the city now, but in the small southern town where she spent most of her childhood, every woman had an arsenal of pie and casserole recipes to whip out at a moment’s notice for birthdays, funerals, and new neighbors.
Rosé just so happens to have a new neighbor, and as she knocks on the door, a fresh strawberry pie in one hand, she feels the pride her mother must have felt in welcoming someone new, giving them a nice gift.
Even if she’s already friends with the new neighbor she’s welcoming.
“You didn’t have to do this, Rosie,” Denali says as she takes the pie, a huge smile on her face showing her dimples. “I mean, we’re already friends. Hell, I should make you something for telling me about this apartment in the first place.”
It’s true that Rosé had gone right to Denali when she found out the apartment was up for sale, knowing that she and her roommate Kahmora hated the tiny apartment they had, with the shower that always broke and the heat that never went on. She was just helping out a friend. A friend she’s just happened to have a crush on for a year now, since the night Jan introduced them at some club.
“It’s nothing,” Rosé insists. “You know I like to bake.”
“Why complain, Denali?” Kahmora asks. “It’s food that’s actually edible.”
“My food is perfectly edible!” Denali sputters. She bites her lip as Kahmora stares, and nods in admittance to herself. “Look, no one’s ever died from eating my cooking.”
“No one’s ever really enjoyed it, either,” Kahmora mumbles under her breath.
Rosé holds back a smile. Denali’s struggles in the kitchen have been well-known in the time Rosé’s known her, with Rosé’s favorite being the pancakes that Denali somehow burnt and left raw at the same time. She’s always been so busy with skating and work that she never got much practice at cooking, and Rosé pushes away the thought of teaching her, of her hand curling around Denali's as they mix ingredients.
“Keep mumbling, Kahmora. Maybe I’ll eat the whole pie myself.”
“I’ll see you, Denali.” Rosé leaves them to fight over the pie and heads back down the hall, passing apartments full of people she’d welcomed with food at one point. There’s Kylie and her roommates Ra’jah and Scarlet, who loved the peach cobbler Rosé made. Then Brooke and Vanessa, who demolished her chocolate cake, next door to Raja and Manila, who she still makes almond tarts for from time to time. It’s Rosé’s favorite part of making something, really--to have someone love it so much. Rosé thinks of the smile on Denali’s face and knows this won’t be the last time she makes her something.
Rosé’s normally much smoother, more confident. If Denali were anyone else, Rosé would’ve been open about her crush and already asked her out months ago. But there’s something different about Denali, something that makes Rosé hesitant to take such a leap, to confess her feelings, because if it ruins things between them, then she’d lose a friend she really cares about.
Food is safer than feelings, so Rosé ignores everything and busies herself in making dinner, not realizing how much spaghetti she’s making until it’s all piled in the bowl. There’s enough to feed a village, even after she and Jan eat. Rosé stares at the bowl and figures Denali wouldn’t mind some.
Her heart leaps into her throat when Denali opens the door. Her hair is up in a bun and she looks adorable in her tie dye sweatshirt, soft and sweet in a way that makes Rosé’s chest hurt.
“I made way too much food,” Rosé says, handing Denali the bowl. “I didn’t want to waste it, so I figured I’d give you some.”
“Thank you.” Denali flashes her dimples. “Hey, do you want to come in? Kahmora’s out with some friends.”
“Sure.” Rosé follows close behind Denali, moving past boxes she hasn't unpacked yet on their way to the kitchen. The apartment feels like Denali already, with sneakers by the door and video games in the living room.
Denali hums with joy as she eats the first bite, and Rosé grins, her body buzzing with that rush of someone loving what she made. No matter how many times it happens, it will always be special to her.
“How was work?” Rosé asks.
“It was good! My coffee tasted so good this morning, and all my lessons went well, and I saw this adorable dog—not as adorable as you, Donut,” Denali adds to her dog, who’s curled up under the table.
Rosé just laughs as Denali talks, and it’s easy. So easy. Easy being friends like this, just talking and laughing. Watching Denali’s eyes widen and listen to her laugh just makes Rosé like her more, but it also makes her want to hold back on admitting her crush a bit more. Because the more she likes Denali, the more she has to lose if things go wrong.
Denali bursts into laughter as Rosé shares stories of her day, and it’s enough.
It’s nice, knowing Denali is open to accepting leftovers. Rosé usually makes small recipes for her and Jan, and it’s nice to make whatever she wants, even if it feeds a crowd, and just bring some down the hall instead of giving herself a headache trying to halve fractions of ingredients.
She makes chicken and potatoes and cookies and brownies, extras carefully wrapped up and delivered to Denali, each one letting them have time to talk and just be around each other. They talk about work, about friends, about funny things Donut did that day. And Rosé loves every second of it.
Rosé finds herself making more things than she probably should, but she can’t help it. Cooking started out as a stress reliever for her, when she and Jan were up to their eyes in paperwork trying to open the dance and vocal studio. Jan suggested she make something to relax, and Rosé remembered how much she had loved to be at her mother’s side when she was little, watching her roll out pie crust. She remembered how much she loved creating something out of a pile of ingredients, the soothing repetition of mixing batter, the joy of watching someone eat what she made.
She’s made things all the time since, and part of her knows she’s making more now just so she can give them to Denali. Jan’s always teased her for baking enough to run a bakery when she’s in love, and Rosé doesn’t want to admit how true it is. Because baking is a form of love for her, a way of transforming her love and work into something people can eat. A way of caring for them and loving them at the same time.
Not that Denali knows any of that.
Denali sighs as she shuffles to the elevator after the skating class from hell. She had parents almost fight her because costumes haven’t come in yet, like Denali controls the mail, then yell at her some more for not giving their kid the solo in the group performance.
Rosé slips in the elevator with her, and Denali smiles a bit just seeing her, with her big green eyes and soft red waves. Rosé always makes her happy, since the night they met, and being around her just feels right to Denali. So right that Denali likes to invite her in when she drops off food, just for an excuse to spend more time with her. So right that Denali wishes they could do it all the time, that they could always be close, maybe even close enough to kiss--but no, they’re nothing more than friends. Especially not when Denali is standing here in old sweatpants and smelling like a skating rink locker room. How could Rosé ever like her back anyway? She makes fancy pastries with fancy names and Denali almost set ramen on fire once.
“Rough day?” Rosé asks.
Denali groans as her answer. “If I ever become a parent, please don’t let me be like the ones at the skating rink.”
Rosé snorts. “Tell me about it. I’ve had parents follow me to the parking lot because their kid isn’t famous yet.”
Denali manages a smile. It’s nice to know she isn’t the only one, that someone else understands.
“Is there anything I can do?” Rosé asks.
Denali’s heart flutters at how she’s always so caring, so kind. Just friends, they’re just friends. “I don’t think so. I’ll probably just take a bath and watch TV. Thanks, though.”
“Of course.”
They head to their own apartments, and Denali soaks in the tub until the water runs cold, the stress of the day leaving her.
There’s a knock on her door as she turns on the TV. Denali groans and throws the door open, only to find a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the welcome mat.
Still warm.
Rosé turns down the hall and almost smacks into her neighbor, Kylie, who’s on her way to walk her dog. Gizmo licks happily at Rosé’s ankle, and she would pet him like she normally does, but her hands are full of the pan that might be just a little too big, if Kylie’s staring is any indication.
“What’s that?”
“Mac and cheese I made for Denali.”
Kylie blinks at her. “Hun, are you sure that’s for Denali and not a school cafeteria?”
“Well, I mean, she can freeze it if she wants,” Rosé stammers.
“I hope she’s got a big freezer.” Kylie looks at her thoughtfully. Rosé’s always thought Kylie has some sixth sense, able to figure out your feelings and what you need to hear just from looking at you, and she’s about to be on the receiving end of it. “You should tell her,” Kylie says softly.
Rosé doesn’t bother to ask how she knows. “I don’t—I don’t want to lose her if she doesn’t feel the same way,” Rosé says, eyes on the floor.
“I don’t think you have to worry.” Kylie heads for the stairs, and Rosé stands in the hall like an idiot before taking a breath and going to Denali’s door.
Someday. Maybe someday she’ll tell her.
Denali knocks on Rosé’s apartment, trying to calm her heart. There’s no reason for it to be racing like this, not when she’s knocked on Rosé’s door to bring back her food containers a dozen times. Not when she talks to Rosé almost every day.
Denali isn’t sure if she’s disappointed or relieved when Jan opens the door.
“I just wanted to bring Rosé her plate back,” Denali says.
Jan nods. “I’ll give it to her. You can come in, if you want. There’s some leftover blondies on the counter.”
Denali follows her inside, taking in the apartment with wide eyes like she’s never seen it before. Being in the kitchen feels special, like she’s in Rosé’s sacred space. Denali peeks at the soft pink stand mixer and utensils beside it, at the worn recipe box and well-used cookbooks on the other counter. She thinks of Rosé standing here, carefully measuring out ingredients, flour in her red hair, and her heart tugs painfully. What she would give to be around Rosé in her element like this, at her side while she cooks. “She really likes cooking, huh?”
Jan rolls her eyes. “You have no idea. She loves cooking for people, especially when she really likes them. It’s basically her love language. When she was with her last girlfriend, this place was like a freaking bakery. Not that I’m complaining, because her stuff is amazing. Even if she makes a giant mess of the place.”
“It is,” Denali says, but then she freezes as Jan’s words hit. Especially when she really likes them. Does that mean Rosé likes her? Likes her as more than a friend, if she cooks this much when she really likes someone? If cooking is her love language? It’s normal for Rosé to cook a lot, Jan said so. And Rosé still cooks for other people, has her friend Lagoona over for dinner every week. But Denali thinks of how many carefully-wrapped plates and full containers Rosé has given her the past few months, juicy chicken and thick soups and buttery shortbread cookies, and knows it’s more than anyone else has gotten. Rosé likes her, and the food is her way of showing it.
Denali usually isn’t so oblivious. Then again, she usually isn’t so hesitant around her crushes either. But maybe she was so oblivious and hesitant with Rosé because she didn’t possibly think Rosé could like her back.
But Rosé does. She likes Denali.
And if food is love to Rosé, then Denali has an idea.
Rosé hums as she unlocks her apartment. Jan has a date tonight, so it’s just her, and she’s really in the mood for takeout. Maybe she’ll order from that Chinese place--
Rosé drops her keys when sees someone in the apartment, and she drops her heart when she realizes the person is Denali. Denali, who’s standing in her living room for some reason.
“Um, not that I’m not happy to see you, Denali,” Rosé says, easing her way inside, “But what the hell?”
Denali’s cheeks are flushed and some hair has escaped her ponytail, and her smile is one of the brightest she’s ever seen. “Jan let me in so I could surprise you.”
“Well, I’m definitely surprised.”
“But not surprised enough,” Denali gloats.
“There’s more? Haven’t I had enough near-heart attacks today?”
Denali just smirks and leads her into the kitchen, where Rosé sees the table laid out with candles and a fancy tablecloth and huge platters of food.
“I thought I’d cook for you for a change,” Denali says. “I’m not the greatest, but they’re my mom’s recipes and I had her FaceTime me to help, and I don’t think you’ll get food poisoning or anything—“
“You cooked for me,” Rosé says softly, looking at Denali in awe.
“I did.” Denali bites her lip, and her cheeks flush even more. “Rosé, I--I realized how much cooking means to you. And what you were trying to tell me with your food. I want to tell you that I...I feel the same way. I like you, I’m trying to say, and that’s why I wanted to cook for you.”
Rosé reaches for Denali’s hand, squeezing it gently for proof that this is real. That Denali really does like her too. That Denali took all the love Rosé puts into her cooking and gave it back to her. “I like you so much, Denali. For a while now. I just wasn’t sure if you--”
“Well I wasn’t sure if you would like me,” Denali laughs softly.
Rosé snorts. “We could’ve done this a while ago if we weren’t idiots.”
“But we’re doing it now.” And then Denali is leaning in, her lips meeting Rosé’s like coming home. Denali’s kiss is soft and sweet, just like her, warm and passionate yet still gentle. It’s everything Rosé has dreamt of, and she can’t resist going back in for another.
And another.
“Hey, the food’s gonna get cold,” Denali says, and they laugh all the way to the table.
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thomaslightwood · 3 years
Hi!! Can I ask please for I’m so proud of you with Gabrily please?
Anonymous asked: Fluff 44 for Gabrily
Anonymous asked: Please would you do stay with Gabrily please?
Hello guys! I hope you don't mind I combined all your prompts - but to make three different fics would take a lot of time so I decided to do this longer one shot instead.
Also, this is my first TID fic ever so please tell me what you think 🙏 I hope you enjoy this!
Send me prompt(s) + a ship and I will write something little for you!
PROMPTS: (11# fluff) “I’m so proud of you.” + (44# fluff) “You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.” +“Please, would you stay?”
(It's set in Modern AU because writting fic set in 19th century cost me more research and time)
In Gabriel's dream was a lot of screaming. How father was talking nonsense and his skin was turning into a disgusting mess of scales.
Gabriel opened his eyes, struggling to breath. For one terrifying moment he couldn't move. Theoretically he knew why - his mind woke up before his body. It was still awful.
When he fully returned to his senses he sat up in bed. He was sweating. The apartment around him was dark and quiet. Gabriel shivered and looked at the clock. It was two a.m.
He closed his eyes. He didn't want to be alone right now, in this big flat. But Gideon was out of the city. He didn't feel comfortable to call most of his friends. He could think only for one person.
He grabbed his phone. It took a few seconds for his eyes to get used to the light. He dialed the number.
This is stupid, he thought. It's ridiculous. She would be pissed. I shouldn't have-
“Gabriel, what the hell?”
Gabriel took a deep breath. He was right. She was pissed.
“Do you know what time it is? I swear, if this is some stupid prank, I-”
“It's not a prank,” Gabriel said. His voice was a little hoarse. “It's... it's not, I swear. I just... I... I didn't want to be alone.”
In the following silence Gabriel regretted calling Cecily. To wake her up in the middle of the night and to tell her some bullshit. “I'm sorry I called you, it's stupid-”
“Where are you?” she asked.
“What? I'm in my apartment, but why-”
“Good,” Cecily said. “I will be there in fifteen minutes,” and hung up.
Gabriel stared at the phone for a minute. Was she really...
“By the angel,” he murmured. “This woman.”
He was sweaty so he decided to take a shower before Cecily's arrival. He wouldn't be able to sleep tonight anyway. Not anymore.
Gabriel just put clothes on when he heard the ring at the door. As he opened it Cecily was standing in front of him. She was clearly in her sleeping clothes, her hair in a messy ponytail. She was beautiful.
“You look like shit,” she said instead of hello.
“Thank you," he said sarcastically. He knew he didn't look good. There were shadows under his eyes, his hair was still messy from the shower. This wasn't his first sleepless night. Just the worst.
“I brought some stuff,” Cecily said and entered the apartment without waiting for Gabriel's response.
“I wanted to buy pizza but at this hour I wasn't sure there would be open restaurants, so,” she shrugged. “We have a few kinds of chips, candy, popcorn and chocolate ice cream.”
“I...,” he didn't know what to say. “He couldn't believe Cecily was doing all this for him. In the middle of the night. “I love chocolate ice cream.”
“Me too,” Cecily said amused. She went to the kitchen like she was in her own house. Gabriel followed mainly because he didn't have much of a choice.
She opened the fridge. Arched an eyebrow. “When was the last you went out to buy something?”
“I dunno,” Gabriel said, sitting on a chair on the table. “Last week?”
“Last week? We are Thursday now.”
“Oh. Well,” Gabriel shrugged.
Cecily looked at him with narrowed eyes. “In the morning we are going to the store to buy you something healthy.”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“But now... It's time for junk food. With what do you wanna start?”
“The ice cream,” Gabriel said immediately.
“Wise choice.”
They sat on the table together, bowl with ice cream in front of them.
After a few minutes of silence, Cecily quietly said, “Do you want to talk about what happened?”
Gabriel hesitated. “It's silly.”
“And ridiculous.”
“And you may be mad at me.”
“Just spill it Lightwood.”
“I had a nightmare,” Gabriel sighed. “For a while now. About... about my father.”
He didn't say anything else. Cecily already knew. Together they killed the worm his father became, after all.
“It's not silly,” Cecily said quietly, “Or ridiculous,” after a pause, she added, “And I'm definitely not mad. If anything, I'm glad.”
“Really?” Gabriel said, confused. “You're glad you were woken up in two in the morning?”
She rolled her eyes. “No, dumbass. I'm glad you called me so you're not alone now.”
Then she shook her head. “Glad that I was woken up at three a.m.,” she murmured. “You’re an idiot.”
Gabriel grinned. “But I am your idiot.”
Cecily rolled her eyes again but smiled.
“So,” she said after they ate the ice cream in their bowls. “I'm not here just to sit in your kitchen and be depressed. Let's watch something.”
“Okay,” Gabriel said. “I don't know much about films and stuff though.”
“Don's worry,” Cecily said with a devilish smile. “I have something in mind.”
In the end, they watched SpongeBob SquarePants. Gabriel was traumatized.
It made him laugh though. He also liked to watch Cecily smile.
They ate some popcorn and teased each other all the time. Cecily was joking how Gabriel didn't know shit for mundanes shows. Gabriel said at least he hadn't grown up with a talking sponge.
After they watched around five episodes, Gabriel realized it's past three a.m. He anxiously looked at Cecily. She probably should go home - he had bothered her enough for the night. But he couldn't imagine what he would do without her for the rest of the night. He would be alone again, waiting in the empty apartment for the sunlight.
She probably felt his gaze on her because she turned to him. They watched each other, their faces close. Gabriel could smell the chocolate ice cream in Cecily's breath.
He slowly leaned towards her, not sure what he was doing. Their lips touched, hesitantly at first. But they became braver. Cecily took his face in hands and kissed him furiously. He wrapped hands around her waist and returned the kiss with the same passion.
After they couldn't resist the need for air anymore, they withdrew from each other. They turned away from each other, trying to catch their breath. It was so hot in here. Was it this hot before?
“Please,” he said wait raw voice. “Would you stay?” He knew he was egoistic. But he wanted to have Cecily's company as long as he could.
She even didn't look at him as she said, “Isn't it obvious? Do you think I will come if I didn't plan to spend the night here?”
Gabriel felt relief. But couldn't not make a joke about this. “Considering what just happened, this sounds dirty,” he grinned.
Cecily arched an eyebrow at him. “Don't worry, Mr. Lightwood. I will preserve your dignity and honor.”
He hit her with a pillow.
Some time in the morning Cecily said she should go. But she made Gabriel promise her that he will go to buy himself vegetables and products - and that he will cook something healthy.
Gabriel promised.
After she left, he made a list of all products he could think of - vegetables, eggs, milk. And when he returned he started to cook. He has never done it before but it shouldn't be too hard, right?
He sent a photo to Cecily, saying As promised, I'm cooking. I think it's not bad.
A few minutes later he got a text back. I’m so proud of you, dumbass
He grinned when he saw it. They texted a few more minutes and Cecily said she would come soon to try this mess you call food
Gabriel was excited when she came. “Here it is!” he said.
Cecily sat on the table and he put a bowl and spoon in front of her. “Try it!“
Cecily did. At the first bite she froze. She slowly chewed it with a strange expression.
“What,” she said slowly, “the actual fuck I just ate.”
“It's one of the stuff mum was cooking.”
“Gabriel,” she said gently. “I think SpongeBob messed up with you because I'm pretty sure you cooked the sponge together with this.”
“I did not!”
“This only makes it worse!”
“It can't be that bad!” Gabriel said. “Give it to me.” He grabbed it from Cecily who was more than willing to give it to someone else and ate. He slowly chewed it like her and swollen with effort. “It's... It's not that bad...”
Cecily shook her head. “You are not allowed in the kitchen anymore!”
“But it's eatable! It can be-”
“No! Your food will kill me faster than any demon.”
They continued to argue, Gabriel unwilling to admit his bad cooking skills.
In the end they just ordered pizza.
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squeeneyart · 4 years
Breathe in the Salt - Chapter 16
Beta read as always is @thesnadger!
A week sure flies by.
Martin gets some of his thoughts sorted.
Nothing happened.
The sky was unchanged in every way but for the time that had passed. They had bid Evan a good night (“Oh, right, it’s evening now? Should probably give you some idea about time when we talk.”), and Martin stood at the front entrance to stare through the small window. It was grey and downright gloomy out there. Nothing new.
“D’you think Simon and that woman just wanted to mess with me?” Martin said. “Like, say some spooky stuff to make sure I stay quiet about the whole thing?”
“It’s possible,” Jon said, exhaustion clear in his voice. “But there’s still a sky, which is good news, I suppose.”
“And not everything is sky,” Sasha added helpfully. “That seems more Simon’s speed than getting rid of it.”
Tim stretched his arms above his head. “Either way, keep an eye out for a warning text before we all become professional skydivers.”
“At least I’ll have a job lined up?” He wanted to muster up some more concern but after a day of waiting the suspense had run out. If something was going to happen, there was nothing he could do. “Well, goodnight. And don’t stay here too late! You all won’t make it another day without getting proper sleep.”
His eye landed on Jon, who huffed a little. “Yes, yes, we’ll all get a proper rest. Unlike the others I don’t do coffee. Though, let me walk you out. I’d like to get another look at the sky.”
It wasn’t the smoothest transition to accompanying Martin outside, but lack of sleep didn’t make for good excuses. Martin nodded and walked out with Jon in tow.
Once outside, Jon folded his hands together and seemed to consider something. “I think I’m a bit of a broken record at this point, but I wanted to apologize for earlier. I had become concerned about the lack of response from Elias and wanted to get it all back to him before too long.”
Martin looked at him carefully. “So… you think it’ll be enough?”
“Yes. It might even be overkill, but now that I’ve promised multiple people to help fix things, it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Jon let his hands fall to his sides. “The apology still stands, though.”
“Well, with you staying longer I’m sure I’ll find a way to even out the apologies between us. There are always papers to scatter.” Martin smiled sheepishly and adjusted the bag hanging from his shoulder. “But it would be nice if you didn’t have something to apologize for in the first place.”
“Yes, I recognize that.” Jon rubbed his arm. “I’m trying. I hope that much is clear.”
Martin sighed, the final piece of irritation drifting away. “Yeah, I know. I do accept it, the apology. But maybe try to go without needing to? For like a day?”
Straightening, Jon nodded. “I can do that. Or try, at least.”
“That’s all I ask.” All of that out of the way, Martin relaxed. “I guess I’ll be going. Big day tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, it will be.”Jon stood there as if about to say something else, stopping himself several times. Finally, in earnest, he said, “I’ll… I’ll do as much as I can, to help.”
“See you tomorrow, then.”
As Martin walked away, he glanced back and saw that Jon had remained on the front steps, turning his gaze upward with a frown. If this had been a trick, Martin thought, it had done its job quite nicely. He almost regretted bringing it up to the others. They all shouldn’t have had to worry about nothing.
No, that wouldn’t have worked. One of them would’ve picked up on it. Sasha probably, though with that kind of intuition she also should’ve known better than to keep Naomi’s warning a secret from him.
But she apologized, and had only wanted to help. And she had been right about the results. There was no arguing that. It didn’t make it less upsetting, but putting it behind him wouldn’t be difficult. They were all going to be around each other, after all. Martin wanted to enjoy that.
He passed the place where he’d fallen. There was no sign of the event of course, no crack in the street or mark of a skull hitting concrete. No one had been there to witness it, either.
The sky was getting darker still, the street filling more and more with chill and emptiness. Ahead was the wooded cliffside that split his home away from the rest of town, and Martin dearly wished he had someone to walk home with.
The TV was on when he returned home. He slid off his jacket and damp boots by the door and stayed there in his wool socks. There was a numbness to his knees, a soreness to his throat that he couldn’t swallow away. It was getting colder outside, and the sea air always got worse as the year crept closer to winter.
Tea would fix it, once Mum was off to bed.
A sore throat meant talking less, which is what she preferred anyway. He nodded to her once in her chair, then went into dinner preparations. Something warm, something hearty, and something simple. He grabbed the container of beef stew and a cylinder of dinner roll dough from the fridge. Simple and, even better, fast.
Before long there were steaming bowls of meat and vegetables on the table with rolls for dipping. He thanked his past self for thinking ahead as he and his mother ate in silence.
She said nothing, did nothing but her usual routine. There was no going outside with the intense chill that had settled onto the beach. Instead, she went straight to bed without a word spoken.
A tingling in his throat kept him from uttering a single goodnight. He turned out her lamp and closed her door, returning to the kitchen to wash the dishes and make himself some tea with honey. While waiting for the water to boil, he checked his phone and saw a text from earlier.
Tim: got home alright?
Martin: sorry. yeah i made it fine
He hoped his response hadn’t come too late to be worrisome, but Tim responded rather quickly.
Tim: gotcha. no tumbles?
Martin: no nothing
Tim: good. ill let the others know
Tim: so i guess tomorrow is gonna be interesting. its a bit weird to get a project really started on a friday but i was thinking we could all get food afterwards tomorrow, maybe get some drinks
Tim: usually jon skips out on that sort of thing but on trips its easier to get him since he hates making food choices in new places
Tim: you in?
Martin’s thumbs twitched over the phone keyboard. When was the last time he bothered sitting in a restaurant instead of getting takeout? Or went to a bar?
He would have to get his mother settled in with dinner and everything. Her usual bedtime was early, but they were late workers so maybe it would be fine? Would it be fine? Would he be fine?
Shit, he needed to respond.
Martin: sure that would be nice. what time?
Tim: probably later evening, since we’ll be settling work stuff. thinkin 8 or 9 if that works
Martin: yeah that’s perfect actually
Tim: great, see you bright and early! 👍
Martin: have a good night!
Slumping against the counter, Martin looked over the short conversation a few times (perhaps more than a few) and then pocketed his phone.
This was fine. It was getting some food with some people. He would be fine.
The kettle whistled and he nearly jumped out of his skin. Tea, he was making tea for himself. So he did, adding honey and milk to his liking. It was too sweet for his mother or anyone else he knew, but this was for him.
He took the steaming mug in both hands and looked out the window. The sky was still there, as were the beach and crashing waves though he could barely see them. His house still stood around him with the lights on and heat running.
Savings were something he’d finally managed to have in the recent months after years of low-wage customer service positions. He and his mother could survive without income for a little while. Getting through the whole of winter would be a stretch, but his spending habits were fairly restrained and his mother’s medication would still be covered. In the meantime there were other avenues for making money, so this job wasn’t the end-all-be-all.
God, it had been nice though. Martin would hold onto the pay for as long as he could during the whole saving-Evan process, but after that he would have a lot to figure out.
Draining the rest of his mug, he rinsed it out and set it into the sink. The tea had done its job in soothing his throat. The extra warmth in his hands was a blessing as well. He wondered if Jon would be keeping warm at all, though he suspected the truth would be disappointing.
No matter. If the others were working there a while longer Jon would have to adjust to the weather eventually, or else deal with Martin pushing hot mugs of tea into his hands until he learned. Maybe he’d toss in a scarf to complete the set.
With one last glance out the kitchen window, he walked out into the hall and up the stairs, turning off each light as he went. Once in his room, Martin slipped into his pyjamas and reached into the drawer of his bedside table. His poetry notebook had gone ignored for several days, and that needed rectifying.
Where would he even start? The last page he’d written seemed like it was from years before, not a week. Now he had a whole swirl of worries about the future he hadn’t had to deal with since he was in school. Worries and fears and-
And a silly, one-sided thing that while completely hopeless was a nice thing to feel all the same. So just like school, except he had people to meet on a Friday night.
Looking out his window a final time, Martin sat in his bed, bent over his notebook, and began to write. It was clunky at first, the words getting stuck somewhere in his pen or his throat. Part of his mind kept drifting to his mobile on the bedside table, wondering if Tim was still available to talk a bit more about the day ahead. Tiny things to fill a text log, like food options or how Martin would meet up with them. For a moment he even considered asking Tim for Jon and Sasha’s numbers, in case of emergencies.
Better to have that conversation in person, he thought, pulling his attention back to the page. Soon after he was writing short couplets at a quick pace, scraps of rhyme and feeling, until he checked his phone and found an hour had passed. Sleep, he thought. He needed sleep.
It was almost disappointing to have the writing go by so quickly, but there was no helping it. The poetry notebook was placed neatly into its drawer, his glasses were set onto the table, and Martin, wrapped in a thick blanket, stared out into the night until his eyes were too heavy to hold open.
It wasn’t his alarm that woke him the next morning but his ringtone. When he checked the screen, he found notifications for several missed calls from Tim and hurried to answer.
“Tim? What’s-”
One by one, files and folders were packed into car trunks.
He’d wasted no time in getting there, booking it all the way across town, but when he arrived Martin could say nothing at all. Standing near the stairs, he could only watch as the three researchers marched out of the lighthouse with their work things.
Sasha kept the most calm of the three, nodding at Martin as she walked past him. Her fingers tapped furiously on the side of a box, nails making dents in the cardboard.
Something between misery and confusion pulled at Tim’s mouth. More than once Martin worried he would keel over with nausea, but he stayed upright as if out of spite. He met Martin’s eyes a couple of times with a friendly smile, but it never stuck for long.
Jon was stone faced, though his jaw kept clenching and unclenching. He had only looked at Martin once, keeping that neutral expression to the best of his ability but unable to mask his frustration. Whatever he wanted to say, it wouldn’t be said there.
Behind Martin, Peter Lukas stood with his hand gripping the railing, equal measures tired and irritated and making no attempt to hide how much he didn’t want to be there. No, none of them would be saying anything except their goodbyes.
“Thanks for having us,” Tim said, shaking Martin’s hand. “I’m sure you’ll be happy to have a quiet workplace again.”
“Right. Have a safe trip.” It was the easiest thing for Martin to say, his mind not yet caught up.
Tim backed away to join the others who simply waved or nodded their goodbyes. Something in Martin’s chest twisted
“Yes, I’m sure you’ve seen now that it’s a poor environment for multiple employees. The acoustics make it unbearable.” Peter smiled something empty. “Tell Elias I will be unavailable for communication for the next few weeks, at the least.”
Jon opened the door to his rental car and said, voice dripping with acid, “I’m sure we’ll speak with him very soon.”
“Perfect. Well, you’d best be going. Wouldn’t want to keep your workplace understaffed any longer.” With that, Peter glanced at Martin and jerked his chin to the front entrance before walking inside.
As Peter disappeared from sight, Sasha’s calm face twisted into furious determination. She nodded at Martin again, then stepped into the driver’s side of the rental and closed the door behind her. Tim sighed, holding up his phone and mouthing “later” before entering the passenger’s side.
Jon gave Martin a familiar look before slipping into his own car. Both vehicles left the lot, vanishing into the fog.
“What did I tell you? Academics,” Peter said, picking some lint off his sleeve. “Now, before I go, there are just a few things.”
It took all of Martin’s will not to drag his feet on the way to his desk. The folded table was gone, but dirty footprints littered his newly-mopped floor from where it had been. He focused on the different shoe sizes and shapes in the mud and slush.
"They certainly made a mess of the place, didn't they? You'll have to redo this floor, of course. The upstairs can wait until next week. Just keep to the usual schedule there."
His desk was still littered with papers he’d pushed aside before his nap the day before.
"You've fallen behind on paperwork as well. Understandable with all the blustering from those three, I really can’t imagine. Ah, well, it's nothing a few extra hours on the weekend won't take care of."
Martin dropped in the chair he’d sat in for months, overlooked by that crest and its ridiculous seal, eyes dead and glassy.
"Oh, and I’ve made some changes to your workload. It's all written down here.” Peter placed a piece of paper on the desk. “Pretty straightforward. I don't imagine that any of it will be a problem for you."
With a dull nod, Martin dragged the page toward himself without looking at it. An updated part of his work contract. More things for him to accomplish that weekend most likely, as if it was all a punishment.
Peter breathed in sharply through his nose and clapped his hands together, looking much more refreshed. “I did miss the sound of this place. I have other business, of course, so I’ll leave you to it, hm?”
Not waiting for a response, Peter strode away and out of the building with a decisive click of the door. Martin was left to himself in that wide, empty space, spending five, ten, fifteen minutes just staring at nothing.
Stupid. If their boss had meant for them to stay longer, they wouldn’t have gone through more extensive measures the day before. They should’ve known better than to make plans that were never going to happen.
Or he had just been so clearly desperate for help that they played it cool until it was time to get out.
No, that wasn’t fair (though he wasn’t ruling it out entirely). Tim’s invitation the night before would’ve just been cruel if that were the case, and Tim didn’t seem like the type to pull something so mean. And none of them seemed happy about Elias’ decision, especially with all of the work they’d put in. Sasha certainly wasn’t close to dropping anything.
And Jon had made a promise, even if he had a hard time keeping them.
Eventually, Martin looked down at the page in front of him.
Up and around he ran, panic and dizziness squeezing at his skull and threatening to pull him backward off his feet.
Stumbling into the upmost level of the lighthouse, Martin whispered through haggard breaths, “No, no, no, no-”
He hurried across the room, placing a hand on the dial and giving it a twist. “Evan? Evan, can you hear me?”
He waited for familiar voices with no success. Again, “Evan? It’s me, Martin. Peter left already, so just say something.”
A perfectly ordinary silence washed over him. He sank to the floor, his hand still brushing against the dial as if it made a difference. From his other hand fell a brand new set of panel instructions. An extra note was left at the bottom, something about the importance of proper lighthouse management to landbound ships.
Through the windows morning continued to break over the ocean, familiar cliffs just visible through the fog down below.
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