#its soo. for those who don’t know its about the actual worst relationship in the world
onomatopiya · 8 months
i have NOT been able to nano but after i finish my accursed stats homework its time to go back to writing about Her (lila)
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
Yeah seriously finding people who hate Dean is soo fun!!!
Yes like fr the narrative just sides with him and that possession plot line was fucked up. Especially since Dean does know Sam’s problems with angels and the whole consent thing. And he knows that Sam has trauma. Like when you think about it like that it’s even more fucked up. And god I hated that they made Sam forgive him! Especially since Sam just set boundaries with Dean and his relationship. And then suddenly we’re supposed to actually give a thought about dean’s pain as if he wasn’t the one who caused Sam’s pain. Like come on!!! Why would they do that?!?
Oh my god it is the worst how those fans just reduce Sam to the uncle. As if Sam wasn’t the only one who actually saw goodness in jack. Who knew not to hate on a literal child cuz of who his father is. And it makes it worse that they reduce it cuz Sam was the victim of jack’s father Lucifer. And yet sam still decided to parent jack and see kindness in him. Also it’s so ironic how that one scene that they talk about when jack was born: is a scene where Dean is giving alcohol to a person that was on earth for like 2 days. Like I seriously don’t care that jack looks older, dude was only on earth for 2 days and was introduced to alcohol.
Exactly like legit so many people hate John for abusing his kids but when Dean does it apparently it’s okay???? Also the worst thing is how so many people just reduce Dean to being the ‘dad’ figure to all kids when he legit hurts all the kids/teenagers he comes in contact with. But then Sam parents them and actually understands things from their pov, and apparently he isn’t a good enough person to call a ‘dad’. Like gah it just bothers me sooo much!!
Ohh that’s good that you enjoyed it and yeah I totally get the binging/watching just petered out. Like especially with this long of a show with 15 seasons and with so many episodes too. Like it isn’t an easy watch at all. I’m honestly not a big binger with shows either so I totally get it. Also yeah makes sense that you absorbed and looked up stuff. That must have been an experience on its own lol. Also it might be good that you just heard it cuz if you already hate Dean just from hearing about his actions, oh boy would you be pissed seeing it on screen.
Like even if he didn't know Sam's issues with consent and possession it's fucked up that he would trick Sam like that, but he DOES know and he does it anyway and he's like "I'd do it again because it saved you and you would do the same thing!!" trying to act like what he did wasn't a terrible thing to do regardless of his reasons. And then Sam says "No I wouldn't" because Sam knows what that feels like, to be possessed, to lose moments of your life and not know why, to lose control of your body, and he wouldn't put someone through that. But Dean misinterprets this as "oh you don't love me" doesn't he? ugh.
Sam was putting his whole effort into raising that kid and treating him right even though, frankly, he would have the right to react poorly to anyone related to Lucifer being in his home, but no! He does the opposite of what Dean does and treats that kid like a kid and give him a decent chance! And yet he's labelled as the Uncle simply because "Jack is Cas's kid and Dean is his husband so-" no! fuck off! I literally have a whole tag that's "sam is the only winchester i wholeheartedly trust with a child" because it's true.
I struggle with watching shows that are only 20-30 minutes long, I could not handle watching 15 (?) seasons of a show with 20 episodes 40-50 minutes long. skip all that nonsense, read the wiki and see snippets on tumblr instead.
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renaerys · 3 years
PPG One-Shot: Spelling Bee (Brick/Blossom)
Happy birthday to @genovah​! She is always inspiring me to come up with more PPG content, a true hero. I’m back with another entry in the ongoing Shooketh, Not Stirred high school AU Reds series for your entertainment. As always, this can be read alone, but it happens in the same universe as part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5. This is also posted on my AO3.
Summary: Brick and Blossom hunker down in the library to study for the upcoming regional spelling bee.
***Reblogs are extremely appreciated, since this probably won’t show up in the tags due to cursing. Thank you! <3
In fairness, Brick had come to the library during his free period with the pure intention to learn. And he was certainly learning something. But somewhere between sliding into his seat opposite Blossom and watching her lips move around insouciant as if it were a strawberry slathered in ganache, his purity was torn from his weak, teenage boy fingers and there was absolutely no going back. 
“Brick, are you listening to me?” She touched his hand across the table. 
“Did you need me to repeat the word?”
“In-SOO-see-uhnt.” She sounded it out slowly, and hand to god, that dominating SOO went straight to his cock.
This, of course, was fine. 
“Origin?” he asked. 
She twirled her hair around her finger and puckered her lips. “French.”
Blossom mistook his increasingly horny stupor for plain old stupor and sighed. “Are you even trying? Because if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were completely fine with Darla Dimpleton going to regionals instead of one of us.”
“I am not fine with that.”
Darla Dimpleton was an unassuming, unthreatening nobody with the personality of plain oatmeal. Brick would never have even bothered to learn her name had she not committed the cardinal sin of scoring so much extra credit while everyone else was busy having lives that she stole the number one GPA right from under him. Which meant she stole it from under Blossom too. Which meant Brick was no longer a respectable silver medal to Blossom’s gold, but currently ranked third and therefor merely happy to be on the podium at all (and for the record, no one has ever been happy merely to be on the podium, just like no one has ever been happy winning Most Improved: you sucked, and now you suck a little less. Except this time, you actually suck more because Darla fucking Dimpleton decided to Quaker Oats her way to the top of this rat race that doesn’t actually matter, but it’s the principle of the thing, i.e., the only thing that matters.). 
All of this to say, Darla Dimpleton was the Worst™ and she was one hundred percent going down. 
“Are you sure? Because you’re being awfully cavalier about this. Some might even call you insouciant.”
It was a testament to Brick’s powerful fondness for winning and being seen doing it that he spelled insouciant in one Darla Dimpleton-shaped cock blocking breath.
Blossom smiled like she knew something. “Much better.”  
Yeah, she knows a lot of things.
The problem with dating, Brick was convinced, was that suddenly the mundane became extraordinary. Everyday experiences that he had previously taken for granted—flying around Townsville, enjoying a cup of coffee, thwarting his sometimes murderous demonic overlord from distributing incriminating polaroids, that sort of thing—were suddenly exciting, thrilling even. Because now he got to do those things with Blossom, and Blossom was cool in a smarmy, elitist sort of way that both softened his heart and hardened his dick all at the same time, and that was kind of A Lot to deal with at 9 a.m. on a Tuesday.
“All right, do me,” Blossom said, and Brick coughed so badly his aforementioned weak, teenage boy fingers shook to stifle himself. 
Mercy, he thought, probably. But all his blood was rushing south and it was going to take a supernatural willpower to get through these words so that one of them could beat the upstart porridge peasant to this year’s regional spelling bee. 
“You’re the boss,” he said, because it was true, and also because he liked the way she looked at him when he said it. Like he was now the ganache-coated strawberry in this overextended metaphor that he was too laden with Homeric concupiscence being in her general proximity to unpack. 
Concupiscence, there’s a ten dollar word for you, you horny genius. 
He made a mental note to brag to Blossom about this later. 
“Okay, let’s see…” Brick made a show of organizing the flashcards so that she wouldn’t see him discreetly re-situate his pants under the table. “Your word is cymotrichous.”
Blossom tapped her lips, and Brick found himself sympathizing with the Puritans in their absolute befuddlement over the libidinous effect of women having lips. Witchcraft, surely. “Could you use it in a sentence for me?”
Compelled entirely by black magic and therefor not responsible for his imminently questionable choices, Brick obliged her with: “Thinking about how I’d rather run my fingers through your cymotrichous hair for the rest of free period instead of sit here spelling words no one’s ever heard of.”
Blossom, who he was dead certain was extremely thirsty for him and had been for years long before they ever reconciled their rivalry, leaned over the desk separating them. Her hair, long and loose and indeed quite wavy today, was tempting. “Brick, are you flirting with me?”
It was a well-known fact of being a Weak-Fingered, Teenage Boy that one must never reveal such weakness, especially not in front of one’s girlfriend. On the other hand, co-opting said weakness and rebranding it as the suave truth was galaxy brain levels of flirting. And Brick, as has already been established, was a horny genius. “Yup.” He leaned in to meet her, and he twirled her hair between his fingers because they were weak for her, indeed. “How am I doing?”
Blossom, too determined to let her thirst deter her from her goal of sweet, academic retribution and bragging rights, tapped a finger to his lips. “Great. But we have so many words to spell, and only thirty minutes left to do them all. So get shuffling, stud.”
Well, he could work with that. One thing that made his relationship with Blossom work very well was their insatiable competitiveness. Whether they were whaling on each other over an empty parking lot, debating the efficacy of post-its as a note-taking device, or combining their powers to Captain Planet a cornmeal know-it-all back down the leaderboard where she belonged, they were relentless glory chasers. And the greater the challenge, the more they enjoyed the experience and each other. 
Blossom spelled her word perfectly, by the way. She stretched out the o-u-s at the end in a bewitching little whisper as she pulled away and her hair slipped through his fingers. That moment when the light changes and the temperature shifts and you’re weightless in a state of existential anticipation of something monumental about to happen, but not quite? That happened. Thirty minutes to explore the shape of that anticipation was enough time to taste it but not enough to savor it. Which, Brick supposed, was about to make this the best thirty minutes he was likely going to get all week. 
“Are you ready?” Blossom watched him from behind the card she’d drawn. She had a glint in her eyes that told him she was smiling behind that card. 
“Your word is eudaemonic.”
That fucking gorgeous ooh again.
“Define it.”
Blossom flushed as though he had just ordered her to bend over. She bit her lip (it must have been a ten Hail Mary’s kind of day when the Witch-Finder General caught a flesh and blood woman doing that with her improbably sorcerous lips) and grinned. “It means producing happiness. Based on the idea of happiness as the proper end of conduct.”
Producing happiness, which is proper, much like how Blossom came off as proper and even prim around adults, when really she was the most fun, most confident, most person he’d ever met, especially when she was spelling in that chiffon top (son of a bitch, that was a great top on her), and the only conduct he was interested in was of the happiest kind.
“Oh.” His throat clenched, and then his stomach twisted, and then his pants grew little too tight again in a full-body chain reaction that began and ended with a fierce determination not to give in first even though it would mean release because release would be meaningless without this etymological tête-à-tête. 
Don’t think about tête-à-têtes. 
Seventeenth century, noun, borrowed from the French meaning literally “head to head” (please, please stop hurting yourself like this).
Brick cleared his throat. “Yup. Got it. E-u-d…”
Crisis averted, Brick picked the next card and promptly choked on his own tongue. Blossom made a show like she was concerned and are you all right? and please drink some water. Brick drank her water, which of course she had had her anatomically heretical lips on earlier, which was just fantastic for him. Tuesday fucking morning. 
Milieu was her word. 
“Milieu, hmm.” Blossom’s smile was spellbinding, which was a pun because he punned when he panicked. “Origin?”
You bitch, he thought, and be cool, and also, witchcraft.
Brick leaned back in his chair, slipped his trembling hands in his pockets, and squeezed every ounce of anything you can do I can do better into a winsome grin. “French.”
Blossom’s adult-facing façade cracked like an egg, and he got a glimpse of the raw delight she felt for this game, for the words, and for him for making it happen. For cultivating the electric milieu, if you will, currently driving them both into a state of impassioned, competitive euphoria at 9:42 a.m. in the library. 
“Right, um…” She stumbled over her words, and Brick had to restrain himself from crowing for joy and risk the rheumy-eyed librarian coming to scold them. 
By the time they got through another set of words, they were each visibly frustrated and doubly turned on by the other’s masochistic resolve not to throw in the towel. 
“Okay, ready for another round?” 
She wasn’t even trying to hide her intentions now, and that was just fine with Brick. “Of course.”
One more.
If it was another French word, he was fucking done. 
“Really?” Blossom truly had ice in her veins for the way she was able to school her face then. He couldn’t read her, and that was very bad. 
If it’s another fucking French word…
He could be over the desk and on her faster than you could say concupiscence. 
“Okay.” Blossom set down the flashcard she’d drawn and folded her hands on the table. She looked him dead in the eye licked her lips. “Succedaneum.”
The bookshelf shook but Brick’s fingers didn’t as they pinned Blossom’s over a Dewey Decimal-stamped spine and he kissed her with all the horny passion of a teenage genius who would make a note to thank the devil for giving women lips. One of his better ideas. 
“Hey, has anyone seen Blossom? I’ve sent her, like, four texts!” Bubbles shoved her phone, open to the ignored texts in question, in her sister’s face. “She was supposed to help me with Chem homework.”
Buttercup ducked. “No, and watch where you’re swinging that thing.”
“I saw her earlier,” Boomer said. “She was with Brick coming out of first period.”
“Oh, yeah.” Mike slung his arm around Boomer’s shoulders. “Don’t they both have a free period right now?”
Buttercup rolled her eyes. “What a scam. Whoever decided to give the A-students free periods while the rest of us mere mortals gotta slave away is a straight-up Supervillain.”
Boomer snapped his fingers. “Hey, I just remembered! They both decided to compete for the spot at the regional spelling bee this year. I bet that’s what they’re doing.”
“God, that’s the saddest thing I have ever heard in my life. That’s a new low even for Blossom.”
“I heard there’s a cash prize for the regional winner,” Bubbles said. “It’s like twenty thousand bucks! Remember, everyone in school signed up and we had to have that assembly to narrow it down?”
“Twenty thou— How the tits did I miss that?!”
“I mean, it was all over the school,” Mike said. “We signed up too.”
“What? And no one thought to tell me I could’ve won the lottery?”
Boomer chuckled. “Dude, come on. You wouldn’t have stood a chance in hell against Darla Dimpleton.”
Bubbles cast Boomer a not worth it look, and he just sighed. “So, if they’re studying for the spelling bee, do you think they’re in the library?”
At that moment, Butch came bursting down the hall a little too fast to be human. Open lockers rattled on their hinges as he passed, and a Sophomore girl’s binder went flying, scattering looseleaf papers everywhere. Buttercup looked ready to punch him in the dick for breaking the no powers in school rule. “Guys, you’re gonna shit!” 
“Calm down before you blow a load, Jesus Christ.” Buttercup yanked him back down to the floor so he wouldn’t spontaneously float. 
Sensibly, Boomer asked, “Why?”
“‘Cause Brick and Blossom are making out in the library right now!”
Mike cringed. “Oh, come on.”
“The hell they are,” Buttercup said. 
Bubbles smiled. “Good for them.”
“I’m serious! There were books everywhere, and the noise—”
“Oh look, there goes my dignity. Better catch it before it gets away. C’mon, moron.” Buttercup dragged Butch down the hall over his protests. “What were you even doing in the library? I didn’t think you knew where it was…”
“Like that could ever happen,” Mike said. “Those two wouldn’t waste a minute of study time if it means beating out the competition.”
Boomer did not look so convinced. “I don’t know. I mean, they’re officially, for real dating now,”—“Finally!” Mike interjected—“so it’s not that unbelievable.”
The bell for the next period rang. Bubbles groaned thinking of stewing for an hour of Chem. At least she shared that class with Boomer and would not have to suffer alone. They parted from Mike and walked together through the throng of students rushing to get to their next period.
“Hey, do you think…” 
“I mean…” Boomer shrugged. 
They rounded the corner and nearly ran into Blossom dashing to her next class with a rushed “Got your texts talk later bye!” before she disappeared into the crowd. 
Bubbles whirled on Boomer. “Did you see her buttons—”
“Completely uneven—”
The late bell rang and made them jump. Among the last stragglers, they both dashed a bit too fast to get to class and made it to their seats just as Mr. Micelli finished writing a problem on the board. 
Boomer winked when she caught his eye a couple desks away from hers, and it took everything she had not to laugh.
“Good for her,” Bubbles said to herself. 
“You are late,” Mr. Micelli said. 
Everyone turned to watch Brick sink into his seat, his short hair totally askew and looking healthily flushed for a Tuesday morning. 
Boomer burst out laughing and needed a whole minute to calm down. 
He’d tell her later that the detention was worth it.
Witchcraft! 👁️👄👁️✨
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stilemawillow · 3 years
Hi can I request a dadlevi x momreader where they have a teenage daughter and the 104th cadet boys gave a crush on her and Levi gets really protective and the reader has to reassure him that she's not a baby anymore pleaseeee thank you😁
welp, i’m usually slow as a sloth with requests but if you don’t mind it being a short drabble i can sure as hell crack up sth soo sorry if it’s a bit too short but here goes, hope you like it anonie (also i kind of said trabble and it turned out 1500 words, sorry) ________________________________________________
“This is getting out of hand, Levi.” Your words were low around the table at the mess hall as your raven-haired husband fixed the cadets across from you with a murderous glare. You put a hand to his tense shoulder and could distinctly hear Mike and Hanji snort from next to you at Levi’s click of the tongue - still, his abuse didn’t stop.
Your daughter glanced at her father once, smiling happily from her place in between the cheerful males of the 104th squad and proceeding to be rather oblivious when it came to his foul mood. Admittedly, he hadn’t spoken about it to anybody but, as the mother of his rather grown-up child and the woman who’d spent well over two decades with him already, you didn’t need a verbal explanation to gather why he was being so pissy.
Since your daughter had been enlisted in the Corps (something her and Levi and you and her had had two separate rather long arguments about), she was in the spotlight, or, well, something of the sort. She was kind enough to communicate with her peers and funny enough to make them laugh, and the looks she’d mostly inherited from you did its part when it came to charming the rookies you’d later checked were named Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Connie Springer, Armin Arlert and partly, the very special Eren Jaeger.
They were her comrades and she regarded them as such - close people she would protect and work with in the future, and they regarded her the same with just a little bit of an ulterior motive. Naturally, parents were good at noticing those stuff and the usually emotion-incompetent Levi Ackerman was no exception when it came to Jean’s heart eyes mirroring his own aimed at you in the past.
As a good father who couldn’t, however, reveal his identity straight-up, he made sure to mentor the kids as harshly as he could, strict in his teachings and rather sadistic out of them. The poor boys had handled stable and kitchen duty more than any previous rookies enlisted and two or three of them had gotten lucky enough to clean up a whole storage of 3DM gear and run laps till they fainted. You were nurturing when it came to those undeserved mishaps and ended up playing the good cop who gave the poor boys water and let them sleep for the rest of the day.
Levi didn’t know it but the harder his punishments got, the more reason his daughter had to pity the boys and question her father’s behaviour. We arrive at a moment where he could no longer think of a suitable punishment to pull through with enough reason and, of course, your endless nagging on the topic. Your daughter didn’t need to know about this secret little bickering, as the cadets didn’t know she was your child and nobody but the superiors were aware of your relationship with Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
“I’m just monitoring.” The raven’s excuse was laughable as you were leaving the mess hall and he literally stalked his daughter and her tall charmers to the training fields, where you decided to pull him along into the building and have a little talk.
“This is ridiculous, do you realise what you’re doing?” Your question struck nothing in him as he made his way to the second floor of the building only so he could observe from above the training the 104th cadets would undertake with Hanji. His hawk eyes pierced the window and the boys surrounding his precious little baby, and in that moment you felt a little soft when it came to reprimanding him.
“I’m watching my fucking child.” He argued with a grumble and crossed arms, making you sigh as you leaned against the window and observed his features. You could guess only by the pissed off twitch of his brow your daughter had been paired to combat with some of the boys he so disliked.
“But she’s not in danger.” You objected with a snort to which he rolled his eyes. “Also our child.” The addition made his frown more sarcastic, then you pushed at his shoulder and glanced outside. The sun was shining and your husband was silent - and you had to be a good wife and mother at the same time. “Now, I need you to hear me out. Our daughter is fifteen years old and she’s part of the worst group possible. Maybe we can concern ourselves more with her safety and happiness, not so much with the boys she has as friends.”
“It’s unacceptable for them to slack off this much, not to mention you’re defending her. You pointed it out, she’s just fifteen.” The emphasis was a cold slap in your face, then you were eyeing him pointedly.
“Levi,” his grey hues left the window for a second to lock with your gaze, “I was fifteen when I met you.” Your words made him suck in a breath but his obstinance had no limits when it came to his overprotective nature.
“All the more fucking reason for me to protect her.”
“No, all the more reason for us to watch from afar and let her live her life. She’s a teenager once and the fact she’s bonding with her comrades isn’t going to kill her.” The brow he quirked at you made you glare, then you beat him to speaking. “She’s not a baby anymore, we take care of her, yes, but we have to give her some freedom too. Otherwise, we’ll get a rebellious period and I can’t handle managing both your explosive asses once that happens.” His spiteful snort was provocative but his figure turned away from the window to glare at you - good, so he was buckling.
“My ass is explosive only when I drink too much coffee.” His childish retort made you chuckle - you took it as him admitting defeat by not addressing the issue any further.
“And when Hanji cooks.” Your joke called forth an eye-roll from him, then his lips pursed and you smiled at his pale countenance. “It’s fine being worried, she’s been sheltered her whole life and suddenly you’re forced to watch her form connections with people who’re not us. I would say, however,” your smile slowly curled into a smirk as you glanced at the training fields through the window, “she can beat up the boys if they annoy her without your help.”
His brows furrowed and his attention followed your gaze, and you watched your fifteen-year-old daughter flip the blond Reiner Braun over her shoulder with a move Levi had taught her when she was ten. He fell to the ground and, from experience, you knew how much it hurt when all the air was pushed out of your lungs in that moment. Next thing he knew, a foot had stepped on his dominant hand’s wrist and a small hand held a wooden knife to his throat.
In your peripheral vision, you saw the satisfied flicker in Levi’s orbs and decided he wouldn’t be arguing with you on the topic of this anymore. Also, he might as well spare the boys their duties. If his daughter could handle the biggest one this easily, she could land a kick to the testicles effortlessly if any of them proved problematic. You shook your head at the sight and how proud Levi seemed due to it, then you realised he was back to watching you.
“On the topic of us meeting when you were still a brat, are you insinuating anything?” You began waving your hands around in a “no” when he glared at the field, then at you. You’d just denied when he tactfully cut in with: “Far as I remember, you jumped me and you had eighteen.” You let out an awkward laugh and his glare got all the more deadly.
“Haha, about that. I actually lied so you’d let me.” The slow admittance slipped past your dry lips and you watched your husband doubt everything you’d told him in your shared life. You could see him recall everything and make sure he was in the right - except you’d been stupid as a teenager and twice as scheming.
“But your birthday had passed.” He argued coldly, unsuspecting of the truth and ever so sweet because he put so much trust in you.
“And about that, my birthday’s kind of a month after the date I told you.” You watched his eyes widen and began ranting, as per tradition when he came close to blowing a fuse and you wanted to avoid being collateral damage. “I know what you’re thinking, I’m so lucky that my wife is even younger than I thought she was, she’s so attractive and youthful---”
“I���m thinking how I’m about to beat your ass in our next combat session for lying to me for twenty fucking years, that’s what I’m thinking.”
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zhoufeis · 3 years
Yay! The newbie (me) has finished 10 korean dramas
....... and here are my ratings.
- Ratings for: W - Two Worlds | Extraordinary You | Bring it on, ghost! | Hotel del Luna | The Tale of Nok-du | Run On | Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung | Romance is a Bonus Book | Radio Romance | A Love So Beautiful
- Also mentioned: Memories of the Alhambra | My Country - The New Age | Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol | Signal | Mr. Queen | Tale of the Nine Tailed | Goblin | My First First Love | Moon Lovers | The Crowned Clown
Let’s rate from worst to best:
10) Romance is a Bonus Book. Rating: 2,1 / 5 stars - skip it.
- I kept seeing this show on my dash and since my first kdrama watch was W Two Worlds with the wonderful Lee Jong-suk, I decided to give it a chance.
- But hell, no one warned me how bad it actually is. I’m not talking about the acting (the cast is actually quite solid), but I’m referring to... the plot (or lack thereof), the love story (let’s rather call it one-sided obsession) and the wasted potential. Let’s start with the set-up. A company producing books, a single mother who needs a job, her childhood best friend who works for the company. Yeah, it’s not precisely complex or inventive, but it’s something to work with. Create nice dynamics at the working place, have some yearning between the two leads, give them heartwarming moments and a confession of how they’ve always been in love with each other. There’s just one problem: she really never, ever had any romantic feelings for her childhood best friend. She keeps calling him a brother and insists on him being her closest friend (which seems a stretch since she lied to him for a year about her separation from her husband and kept sort of creeping up into his house to eat and shower there without letting him know). Anyway, I could oversee this (even though I hate the trope of childhood best friends becoming lovers in adult life just because one is a man and the other a woman) if AT LEAST we actually get to see her falling for him slowly within the show. But we just.... don’t. He confesses his love to her - as she is actually starting to see someone else, and let me tell you, she actually seemed to be into the second lead -, then promises her not to push his feelings onto her... but that’s exactly what he does (I guess I don’t need to mention I ended up not being his biggest fan), and she ends up falling for him for unknown reasons. Eh. Okay. I started rooting for the second leads halfway into the show. Hae-rin & Eun-ho as well as Seo-joo & Dan-i appeared to me as the much more shippable pairings. I might have actually cried for Hae-rin & Eun-ho at some point of the show, but well... Moving on to... everything else. I enjoyed some scenes in the company, but not enough that I could tell you any right now because there wasn’t anything very memorable. The show basically thrives in some random scenes usually involving one of the two leads rather than in scenes with the two of them. That random author’s suicide has stuck with me as well as the letters that song hae-rin has wrote to our male lead over the years. The talk about fears between eun-ho and that author has stuck with me too, but other than that... there’s just nothing really happening. I was patiently waiting for a plot to come but nothing ever came. It just feels like a bunch of really uninteresting subplots put into one show. I don’t wanna judge it too harshly, but one of the other modern day dramas I will discuss further down this list also simply works with a bunch of subplots coming together - and it’s wonderfully executed (it’s ‘Run On’, for those of you who are wondering!)
- Favorite character:
Tumblr media
- Positive: nice friendship between women (dan-i & hae-rin); delivery of lee jong-suk, jeong eu-gene & park gyu-young; one strong scene involving a life lesson every few eps
- Negative: no main plot, dull subplots... nothing happens, very cheesy at some points, the protagonizing couple is quite problematic and unshippable, their chemistry is not strong enough to oversee that; i really don’t know why people like this show.
9) Radio Romance. Rating: 3,2 / 5 stars - it’s cute.
- Radio Romance is the show on this list that drives me into conflict with myself. Because some things about this show are very strong; others (many) very, very weak. I guess the main problem is that the show’s set-up mostly shouldn’t be taken too seriously, but it deals with some heavy topics that need to be taken seriously. And unlike quality japanese animes or some quality chinese drama that usually achieve to make you realize what can be taken as a joke and what can not, Radio Romance is sort of incapable of keeping that balance. You gotta figure it for yourself.
- While offering a quite enjoyable cast and some quite different personalities within the show, there is no one particularly standing out. As you will see as we go further down on this list, this is not my only Kim So-hyun drama, it was also not my first, and I can promise you that it won’t be my last. I simply adore this actress, she’s enjoyable to watch. I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of her, which is why I checked out the show in the first place. Compared to her other characters though, Song Geu-rim is kind and nice and all, but not too memorable. She’s portraying a nice girl next door here with a dream to become a good radio script writer. And if not even her character stands out, as expected, none of the others will either. As for the plot... We don’t really have one, I suppose. If you count the plot making the radio show, I suppose then episode 3 or 4 is the last with actual development. I was hoping for more conflicts and plot twists involving Soo-ho’s backstory - and we got them, but very, very, very late on the show. Basically, getting through the first 7 eps felt very easy to me, due to the change of locations and relationship growth, and getting through the last 3 as well. Although the last was such a cheesy ending, you have no idea. The middle part suffered from a lack of plot and character development as well as it suffered from a focus on the love triangle - which I totally could have lived without. Like, istg, what was the POINT of this love triangle? Soo-ho and Geu-rim had to deal with enough things already, bringing in yet another obstacle through the tercero and putting the focus onto this love triangle was just soooo cliché. And don’t even get me started on how they also went with the problematic love triangle tropes rather than to at least make it somewhat adorable or funny. It was also boring. I kept pausing the episodes there and didn’t keep watching for days. It was only at the end of episode 13 that things finally got interesting again when we finally got to learn more about Soo-ho’s backstory. From then on, I was able to end the show within 2 days. So, no, the backstory was not the thing that drives me into conflict though. What drives me into conflict is how such a quite flat story was able to portray a very good, very realistic case of depression and PTSD. Like wow. This must have been one of the few shows, in which we have a canonically diagnosed character who does not fall into stereotypes and in which his depression isn’t used as a mere plot device to get the ship together and cure him by that. His depression is underlying at all times, sometimes more, sometimes less. He is told to get treatment (”no treatment, no medication.”), he has moments in which his depression mentally and physically restrains him from acting. It’s a very layered, realistic depiction and I adored every single bit of it. Meanwhile, the character isn’t defined by his depression nevertheless - there’s more to Soo-ho then just the depression, and after all, he was an outstanding character (to correct what I said before because I was lying xD). So... for all the lack of plot and development and predictable storytelling, the depiction of depression and the peacefulness of the protagonizing couple save that show.
- Favorite character:
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- Negative: unnecessary love triangles with unnecessary clichés; barely any plot; sheer boredom in the middle of the show; takes itself and its tropes way too seriously.
- Positive: complex character who is suffering from depression and PTSD; layered, realistic depiction of depression; adorable couple that transmits peacefulness.
8) Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung. Rating: 3,5 / 5 stars - nice, but it is no must-watch.
- I feel genuinely bad for putting this right after Radio Romance and Romance is a Bonus Book, because Rookie Historian was, simply put, muuuuuuuuch better. I got invested in the characters and their backstories. The story is quite more complex in retrospect than it seemed at first, but the show’s issue is that this is rather less apparent in more than the first quarter of the show. I really don’t even recall what happened in those first few episodes because it is rather unimportant for the rest of the show, with minor exceptions. The story truly starts picking up around episode 9 and has a strong run until around episode 15. The last quarter of the show then is wayyyyy too fast-moving, too many things happening and we barely spend time on things I then wished to spend more time on. Unfortunately, despite having a good set-up and a quite fine cast, I don’t think I’ll remember anything in particular about this show in a year. It’s a nice watch, even though I sometimes really had to motivate myself to keep watching in the first eps, but it hasn’t lingered in my memory after I finished it.
- Favorite character:
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- Positive: rather lots of plot; positive female relationships; feminism; shin se-kyung; leading couple as well as the second leading couple, even though romance is not at the core of the show; nice messages about morality and truth.
- Negative: the first few eps are really.... slow-moving. To the point that I’d recommend putting the first 8 eps into 2-3 eps and giving more space in the end. Especially the last 4 eps of the show are way too fast-moving. Furthermore, there’s some plotholes. My biggest issue though is the glorification of europe's christianity during the 18th and 19th century. I was not expecting that in a korean drama but it seemed utterly wrong in my eyes, specifically because the show used it to promote that chrisitianity promotes equality of all races and genders. Not to be a bitch, but europe’s christian beliefs have never stopped europeans from discriminating women and non-white people, not then and not now.
- My general impression of the show is quite positive, but I’m not sure I’d willingly watch it again since knowing all the plot twists and storylines actually is enough to be watched once with that show. An experience that I haven’t made with the other kdramas that are higher ranked on this list.
7) A Love So Beautiful. Rating: 3,5 / 5 stars - if you really don’t want to think at all and just watch a light, easy to follow show, that is your pick. However, NOT recommended for first-time kdrama watchers - it gives you a totally wrong impression of what kdramas are actually capable of achieving.
- I’d like to point out that this show has surprised me in a good way - but there’s things that need to be pointed out here, so let me make three paragraphs: the first will talk about my impression of the first 16 eps; the second will talk about the last 8 eps; and the last will talk about how this show was cute, but could have been incredible, but didn’t use its potential correctly.
- Episodes 1-16: Look, the thing about those eps is very easy to point out: it’s not quality and it is never pretending to be (unlike romance is a bonus book, which pretends to be some smart, adult quality show but is just trash). Those eps cannot be taken totally serious. You have to go in there knowing exactly what is awaiting you. I started it because when I saw the trailer, I immediately realized all the tropes that Extraordinary You (higher ranked, you will see later) was making fun of. What you see is exactly what you get: Clichéd characters, clichéd love story, average acting, average directing, simple dialogue, clichéd love triangle, predictable developments - a simple romcom put into a tv show format. It’s cliché over cliché over cliché put into a het high school love story. And you know what? After weeks of studying for and writing my uni exams, it was exactly what I needed. The show is so over the top with its clichés that it’s genuinely funny. The lightheartedness and the non-existing complexity just add to that. Basically, you could argue that it’s all so bad with its clichés, which is why it becomes hilarious. Unlike other kdramas, it has a straightforward plot: a girl is in love with a boy and wants to be with him. It’s as easy as that. The show clearly loves featuring every trope you could associate with het love stories, but honestly, it’s so light and breezy and such a fast watch (due to the fact that each ep is between 20-25 minutes), you will finish those first 16 episodes before you know you even started it (I made it in less than 2 days). I want to repeat here though, it’s not for someone who starts with kdramas and hasn’t watched other kdramas. It cannot be taken seriously - and you only cannot take it seriously when you have seen things like Extraordinary You or W or, I guess, a bunch of high school kdramas. But I’m telling you, this is the only Kdrama on this list that you can watch in the most stressful time of your life and it will make you feel better. It won’t make you cry, it will make you laugh, and the moment it is out of your sight, you will forget about it - at least, that’s the case about the first 16 eps. And then we get to...
- Episodes 17-24: guys, what have I gotten myself into? As these people finished high school and their problems actually also got more adult, I started to grow genuinely attached, specifically to the ship. When she got sick and he didn’t even know although he’s a DOCTOR? When she was sexually harassed and didn’t know how to talk to him about it because their relationship was filled with other problems? When he left for 3 years and later told her that he had hoped she’d follow him because she always has... and then she didn’t? When he said that everyone is under the impression that she is more dependent on him but that he is actually the one who cannot imagine a life without her? IT ALL HURT BADLY. Because 1) so many years passed in such a short amount of time on the show and it felt like someone was ripping my heart out. I got genuinely reminded of that stupid US movie “One Day” - and y’all know how that movie ended. And because 2) there was a very realistic notion in the adult relationship portrayed. Not only did it point out how differently relationships/friendships can develop once you outgrow your teenage years and start navigating your life by yourself, but the problems, the misunderstandings, the different perceptions of time, the different perceptions of how friendships and relationships are developing - I honestly could relate to it a lot, looking at it from a 24yo perspective because it is something I have been experiencing as well since I finished high school. You feel more lonely and tend to perceive some time as passing by quickly, other times, it feels like everything is going so slow. These last 8 eps completely differ from my perception that I had in the first 16 eps of the show, as the tone is much more serious and the things depicted realistic and relatable. I also sobbed a lot. I didn’t sob at all, ever, in the first 16 eps, but the last 8 were me crying a lot and feeling my heart hurt as the years passed by and these two just spent them apart.
- So, what do I criticize about this show? The show’s pacing. I genuinely loved the change of feeling between high school and adult life, between ridiculousness and seriousness, and I know the show wants to celebrate youth at the end of the day. But I honestly believe this show could have worked so much better if u cut the high school episodes down to 8 episodes and rather spend a few more eps exploring their young adult lives. It would have worked so much better because their young adult selves were genuinely relatable, as well as their problems. The growth within the characters, realizing that the way they acted as teenagers were often self-centred or that they didn’t think that much about the consequences or how other people felt was nicely done. The show had potential. The dialogues were bearable, the camera work had hints of something great. In other words, I believe that with more carefulness to directing and dialogue, the show could have genuinely been a quality romance drama. The potential was there, but it wasn’t used the way it should have been. In the last 8 eps, you simply get a whiff on what this show could have actually been. Because the realistic character and relationship writing was right there - and if it had been put together with awesome directing and better pacing, everything could have been incredible.
Favorite character:
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Negative: the show’s pacing; the waste of potential to be an actual quality romance.
Positive: the un-seriousness of the first 16 eps, which were just so clichéd that it all was hilarious, compared to the seriousness of problems and development depicted in the past 8 eps.
6) Run On. Rating: 4,2 / 5 stars - recommend
- I’m gonna be honest here and tell you something about me you might have guessed by now: Modern-day shows with no sci-fi nor fantasy elements are not particularly my thing. I usually sort of hate-watch them. Romance is a Bonus Book, A Love So Beautiful and Radio Romance are all of such shows and while I was even capable watching two of them without ending up hating them, they’re far from being my fave. Objectively, they’re okay-ish shows, nothing to be considered quality tv according to my cultural studies though. Subjectively, they just suffer even more from the fact that I’m very keen on being critical of such shows. But what happens when I find a non-fantasy, non-scifi modern-day show that is actually... good? Run On is the answer. Run On has memorable characters, their funny, unique characteristics, and simple conflicts put into nice subplots that often talk real-life problems such as bullying or self-neglegance. At the end of the day, this show is a love poem. It’s a love poem to self-love, self-respect, to friendship, to character growth, to family bonds, to achieving your goals, to making new goals, to kindness, and to life itself. That’s really what it is. You will find yourself in, at least, one of the characters. You will see them struggle, fight, grow, become better, and at the end of the day, the most important thing is that you are capable of living with yourself. I personally got attached to all of the stories and I adored how nothing was ever done over the top. Everything was subtle, multiple subplots working together... to form stories of life. It’s more than just a simple “feelgood” show and less than a devastating tragedy, it truly shows you life and puts it into an aesthetic form, that never neglects its reality. Which leads me to something I should point out here: it’s creatively done. From the fact that Seon-gyeom is waiting for Mi-joo at the end of the track to the drawings of Young-hwa that have Dan-ah in them to Dan-ah realizing that people experience the same things differently due to the fact that experience itself is different to everyone to Mi-joo imagining movie plots with the people she surrounds herself with to Seon-gyeom starting to live with Young-hwa in a small flat rather than to live lonely in a big, fancy hotel room - the things the characters go through in this show are not only talked about, but they’re often expressed through art, in all its forms. And these characters, these dynamics, the art, the conflicts are all subtly but carefully put together into subplots that form the show and very nice messages. The most important take-away I had from this show is that the way we treat us and the people around us is the highest form of art. And the show is a love poem to that.
- Favorite character:
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- Positive: the cast (especically the core four), the characters (especially the core four); the wonderful messages about respect, kindness and self-love; the subplots working together, reflecting how life is also not just some simple chronological order of things but rather multiple experiences that we remember and that shape us; life is constant growth.
- Negative: i think the only thing i truly have to criticize is that you never really know what the plot even is. While I do enjoy how the subplots all work together, I would have wished for deeper inspections of some plots. And while it is easy just for some headcanons to come to mind, I still think the show could have incorporated more. Considering the treatment of art forms and how it takes a prominent role within the story (due to Young-hwa and Mi-joo, respectively), I also would have liked to have some cultural nods and references - and interpretations. I think the show used about 85% of its potential - and the potential was great, which is why the rating is still very good.
5) Bring it on, ghost! Rating: 4,2 / 5 stars - recommend, especially good for people who want to have a focus on romance coupled with a supernatural plot and who want a happy ending
- While the story is pretty easy to follow, often seems to be predictable and familiar, the show still promotes nice messages about forgiveness and regret. The strong side of the show isn’t particularly that though - this show is entirely saved by the two leading actors. Kim So-hyun and Teacyeon portray two incredibly lovable characters you will see yourself drawn to. They furthermore have a chemistry that you just have to love and their bickering is just the best part of all. This is mixed with some tragic moments - in present time as well as in the past - and what you get is a romantic show with a bit of comedy, with a bit of tragedy, but with a very happy ending. If you exchanged the actors with two less skilled actors or two people who simply don’t have a lot of chemistry, this show simply wouldn’t work. Their performances are the shining light of this drama, mixed with some funny side characters that you get to enjoy as well. The reason why it ends up higher on the list than Run On - despite Run On probably having generally the better dialogue writing as well as better camera work and even more beautiful messages - is due to the sole work of the two leads who simply carry this show on their back and the fact that despite having some more or less necessary subplots, there is a main plot here that will take a faster, darker turn in the second half of the show. And I personally just enjoy having a main plot to hold onto as well as I always enjoy a bit of fantasy more than modern day real live shows. On top of that, add some devastating backstory and top-notch character development for Park Bong-pal, and a badass, slightly violent, sassy characterization of Kim Hyun-ji. This show will simply leave you with a huge smile on your face, despite being made for people who enjoy tragedy as well.
- Favorite characters:
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- Negative: subplots sometimes take the focus, a familiar story, stereotypical portrayal of ghosts (yes, ahre, i said it), no real plot twists (which can be a good thing, too, since the show rather simply unfolds each part of the story over the course of its run)
- Positive: the two leading actors, their incredibly shippable couple, a happy ending. If I was going to recommend a light-hearted, happy kdrama that has some tragic parts but ends happily and isn’t that hard to follow, I’ll recommend you this one.
4) The Tale of Nok-du. Rating: 4,6 / 5 stars - strongly recommend.
- If you ever are in search for an unproblematic dummy as protagonist, watch this show. He’s a dummy you just have to love. You laugh about him, you laugh with him, you cry for him. He’s a puppy, you cry with him. And the best thing is, this puppy falls in love with a girl who can be quite rude and annoyed, but he always makes her smile and genuinely is attentive to her. The most frustrating thing about both of them is that each of them keeps a secret they cannot tell each other because they refuse to hurt each other - and this almost leads to tragedy. Better even, they’re portrayed by two very skillful actors. You’ll love them in the blink of an eye. And then there’s the cute second lead, portrayed by Kang Tae-oh. Yes, cute. Until he really isn’t. I’ve never seen an actor being able to turn around a character to 180° in no time. Some talent that is. And now let’s just say - the plot is nice. It is not the most complex one, but it is interesting to follow and you are always eager to find out new information to collect and put the pieces together. If you are searching for a show that is simply entertaining and nice to watch and featrures a great cast and nice characters and ranges from comedy to tragedy, this is your pick.
- Favorite characters:
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- Negative: the narrative change in the middle of the show that shifted the focus away from women to men (even though it made sense within the story, it was still a very sudden and harsh change, especially if you consider that these women were mostly slaughtered to death)
- Positive: CAST (specifically the three mains are just beyond amazing); an innocent, pure, absolutely adorable protagonizing couple that will steal your heart; feminism; male protagonist being a feminist who ends up working with badass women for his entire lifetime; directing; narration practices - this show is the one that draws the line between the ones i discussed above and the really great ones because it is the first on the list to be capable of telling a story by constantly keeping your nerves up while also not overstimulating the viewer with too much information at once. Only the other 3 shows which will follow now were able to do the same - and it’s what makes people watch or quit, and that’s why it’s so important: constant plot development, no unnecessary side plots, and handing your audience enough information to make them keep watching but not enough to guess the entire plot yet. The Tale of Nok-du was able to do exactly that and I honestly enjoyed the ride.
3) W - Two Worlds. Rating: 4,8 / 5 stars - strongly recommend, must watch.
- I’d like to point out first that my top 3 are interchangeable. I sometimes tend to change my mind which one of the three I adore the most, and W is definitely in those top 3. Firstly, I’d like to let you know that W was my first Kdrama watch. And it blew me away. I was in awe with Lee Jong-suk, with Han Hyo-joo, with the narration of this drama, with the plot, with the direction, with the leading couple, the cast, THE DIALOGUE. Everything about this drama was excellently executed. The slow-moving narration in episode 1, the extra long scene of Chul holding the writer at gunpoint, the writer ‘becoming’ the killer (which he has always been anyway), the philosophy behind it, the creativity. I was blown away by literally everything about this drama and I believe it to be one of the strongest dramas ever made. Furthermore, what I also really adored, is that you don’t need to necessarily be into the couple in order to enjoy this show anyway because the plot takes the spotlight - but since the couple is always involved in the main plot, you get to enjoy plot, dialogue and couple at once. An interesting thing that I want to note here is that a few weeks after finishing the show, I stumbled upon reddits criticizing Lee Tae-hwan for his acting in general. I don’t know if he just perfectly suited the role of Chul’s bodyguard in W, but I highkey enjoyed watching him in this drama.
- Favorite characters:
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- Negative: I would have adored if Yeon-joo took a more prominent role in the resolution of the story (last 2 episodes) since the ‘hero arc’ went all to Chul there. And another negative aspect is that the show lives from very strong dialogues throughout all episodes, all incredible, all amazing and then - the very last scene. The last words spoken on the show, as a voice-over of Chul and Yeon-joo, are rather dull compared to the rest of the show.
- Positive: narration device, leaving out information to fill us in later and blowing our minds away (PEOPLE, I THOUGHT CHUL DIED), complex main characters, complex plot, no unnecessary subplots, no unnecessary romantic drama, no unnecessary cheesiness, DIALOGUE, direction, the cast in general*.
*I tried Memories of the Alhambra, as I found out that the same people who also made W were in charge of that drama, and I have to admit that I was intensely let down, specifically by the casting. Hyun Bin was alright-ish (not very memorable though), but Park Shin-hye was unbearable for me after episode 3. I stopped watching. If the plot was as interesting as the one of W though, I would have kept watching. But seeing as nothing really happened in those first 3 eps other than the lead killing his old best friend and playing video games that appear to turn into reality, I felt like I was wasting my time.
2) Extraordinary You. Rating: 5 / 5 stars - strongly recommend for hopeless romantics, people who suffer from second lead syndrome and people who like getting into philosophical debates.
- Extraordinary You was the second kdrama I ever watched. And. And. And. And I almost gave it up after episode one. It seemed somewhat ridiculous to me, way too fast-moving. I would regret my entire life if I had given it up right there and then. Because PEOPLE, IT IS SO GOOD. Not only does it feature a very healthy main couple, it leaves you emotionally devastated because there’s a backstory that you only get to know in the second half of the show but which influences your entire perception of the first half - and jeez, by the time I reached half of the show, I was yelling and screaming and crying my eyes out. You ever want to see a love so deep that it transcends consciousness and universes? A love so deep that time and space become mere nothings? That’s what you get in this show. And one of the best parts is that the ‘’’’’actual’’’’’ lead (in the ancient story within the show, not the story of the show) aka Baek Kyung* does NOT get the girl. But that doesn’t mean you won’t fricking suffer with him. Jeez, I bawled my eyes out for him, too. But Haru/Dan-oh, guys, they’re.... everything. Oh and all of that is nicely mixed up in a strong, complex plot that leaves nothing unexplained. Not everything is explained through words - the show is high on symbolism rather than dialogue - but everything makes sense. And the ending, oh that stupid ending. As beautiful as heartbreaking. Since the plot is put into a philosophical perspective throughout the show, the show also raises questions about existence and being. Yes, I yelled when Heidegger was mentioned. So not only do you get to see a beautiful, heartbreaking love story; adorable, complex characters; time-and-space-transcending friendships, you also get to laugh, cry and think about your own existence and your own place in this world. This show is a delight.
- Favorite character:
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- Negative: you will cry and cry and cry and then laugh and then cry and cry and cry. It’s really not fun. Emotionally devastating. No, but for real... I wished we had a more complex depiction of the female characters that aren’t Dan-oh (specifically Ju-da, Sae-mi and Su-hyang), and a bit less focus on the guys therefore (I love them all but I thought the girls could have gotten some screen time of theirs while I would have accepted Jinmichae, Do-hwa and Nam-ju to get a bit less)
- Positive: Honestly? EVerything. Directing, casting, characterization, narration, love story, friendships, everything.
-  *Let me say something about Baek Kyung, portrayed by Lee Jae-wook. That character could have simply been an asshole. The set-up was there, the writer of the comic also made him that way. But Lee Jae-wook has portrayed this character with so much depth that it is impossible not to feel bad for him. His entire life stages (hahahaha, I’m so funny) are a tragic mess. The fact that he eventually realizes that who he is and who the writer made him are eventually indeed two different people after all - but that they both share being in love with Eun Dan-oh - is as important as it is devastating. Cause it makes you realize that he can finally move his life more freely with that knowledge - become a better person outside of the stages (only if given the chance by the writer though) - while also never finding a happy ending. Firstly, because happy endings don’t exist in their world anyway because endings - if happy or sad - are always endings to these characters’ existences and because it is glaringly obvious his happy ending would include having Dan-oh by his side also outside of the stages. That is denied to him and will always be denied to him. And as a viewer, you understand that and you want nothing else, but the fact that he doesn’t even appear in the new story, not getting a chance at a new life this time, just adds a tragic notion onto all of this that no one asked for. I’d like to thank Lee Jae-wook here for such an incredible portrayal. I started Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol because of him and, unfortunately, had stop watching after 2 episodes because Go A-ra is simply... a terrible actress. I can’t put it any other way. I’m looking forward to other dramas with him and the rest of the cast though. Extraordinary You definitely had a huge advantage already by having a quite young, but incredibly talented mass of actors and actresses.
1) Hotel del Luna. Rating: 5 / 5 stars - strongly recommend, must watch.
- It wasn’t thaaaat surprising to me that I would love this show. It was rather.... obvious that this would happen because a fantasy show set in modern day with the involvement of other time eras and a badass, broken, strong female lead is simply my taste. What I did not expect was this to become my favorite tv show of all time. I don’t even know where to start. I guess Jang Man-wol is a good starting point. Because I live for such characters. Characters like hers are precisely of my taste (I had similar people to her before - Ámbar Smith from Argentina’s Soy Luna or Melody Paz from Argentina’s Casi Ángeles - and also after her - Seo Dan-ah from Korea’s Run On), but Jang Man-wol takes the no.1 spot in all tv characters ever. She’s so layered, so complex, so well-written. She’s not predictable, but she’s also not ever surprising. She comes across as one of the most relatable tv characters you could ever see because she isn’t just one thing. She’s very contrary, she can be soft and loving or harsh and ruthless, sometimes all at the same time. She can be forgiving, she can be arrogant, self-hating, self-loving, lazy, passionate, she is quite literally everything. And while in the show’s set-up she is punished for hundreds of years when other, much more problematic people were allowed to leave this world sooner than her, the narrative wants you to feel sorry for her. You see her flaws, you see she’s anything but perfect but it won’t make you conclude that her punishment was ever deserved. The more you get into this show, the more you will ache. Because you know that there is only one possible ending to the show - for her to finally find peace. And that... that can only be achieved if she finally is allowed to leave this world. And it hurts and pains because, obviously, there is a love story. A love story that goes back to when she was a child 1,300 years ago. A love story that reunites her with the guy who saved her these 1,300 years ago and who now finds her again, someone who makes her care about her life again. As deeper as you go into the show, the more you will cry, the more you will suffer. And you will feel conflicted. You will want her to get her revenge while you will want to protect her. You will want her to finally be able to leave this world, but you won’t want her to leave Chan-sung. You will want her to actually care about her own fate while you will also want her to make the mistakes that worsen everything. It is a beautiful character put into a story that mixes fantasy, comedy, tragedy, soulmates, life, death, revenge, a stunning cinematography and strong dialogues into one. And what you get is the probably best show ever made.
- Favorite character:
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- Negative: There is really only one minor thing I’d criticize. While all the chars are rather complex and all subplots and character arcs work within the main plot frame and round up the entire story perfectly, there is one subplot I personally got a bit tired of because it is definitely the most unconnected one to the main plot - this concerns the romance arc of yu-na and hyun-joong. I wasn’t hating it, but I just didn’t need it for this story.
- Positive: This show has everything. I told you above already all the things I like. On top of that, I’d like to add that it has a beautiful found family story arc, promotes wonderful messages, has gotten itself the most excellent leading actress with IU who just beautifully portrays Jang Man-wol in all her depth. The show leaves you with your heart aching while there will be a smile on your face. Emotional devastation is just how this show works.
- Kdrama I'm currently watching: The Crowned Clown
- Kdramas I plan on watching soon: My Country - The New Age (watched 2 eps so far) | Signal (watched 1 ep so far) | Mr. Queen | Tale of the Nine Tailed | Moon Lovers
- Kdramas I abandoned because I didn’t get into them / disliked them: My First First Love | Goblin | Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol | Memories of the Alhambra
- If you have any suggestions for me based on my likes and dislikes, send them to me. I’m open to everything :)
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vlogsquadssquad · 4 years
davids perfume
summary: y/n and David have an unspoken crush on each other but David releases the perfume ad and y/n doesn't know what to think
a/n: all this Charlotte and David drama had inspired me to write this. love you guys!
warnings: swearing, a teensy bit angst.
mood board:
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- your pov
“alright guys, you ready?” david asks as he has his hand on the remote ready to push play.
i’m sitting next to him unable to sit still. our eyes meet as he glanced around to everyone. i smile, “yes, dave! i’m so excited, push play!”
he looks at me almost apologetically. and hesitates. “actually, i-“
“give me that!” i snatch the remote and push play and rub his shoulder as the music starts. he smiles at me with his lips but his eyes say something else. i watch the screen and the whole time he’s watching me.
my eyebrows raise at the more romantic parts of the video. he places his hand on my knee and i’m startled. i look to him and smile like everything’s ok. but my heart is on fire. i feel sick. as the music slows down a scene of her laying in the sheets and his hands all over her, my jaw drops. i didn’t know they were together. he squeezes my leg and i slowly make eye contact with the man next to me. i laugh in disbelief, and look back to the screen. the ending. finally.
“soo, what’d you think?” he asks everyone but only looks to me. i’m shocked and i don’t know what to say. how could i say it’s broken my heart in a million pieces, i’m in love with you but we’re only friends?
ilya finally chimes in, “dude, it’s a soft core porn. i’m gonna go wack it.” everyone laughs as ilya fakes going to his room. i’m still shocked. i just slept over at his house for a movie night and he had a girlfriend? i mean i slept on the couch but still.
“y/n? did you like it?” he asks me.
“yeah, i mean, wow, it’s just-it’s great! who directed it? i need their info now!” i chuckle. david smiles.
“you really liked it? your opinion is important to me.”
“uhm, well yes. i loved it.” i try to reassure him. “it’s very... romantic.”
“yeah, well all those ads are-“
my phone rings. “hello? yes. okay well can- so the part is booked? well i thought- okay i’ll be there soon.” i hung up the phone and smiled to david.
“i have to go, but i loved it. i’m happy, you’re happy, we’re all happy!” i shout as i grab my stuff and head out the door.
on the drive to my agents office i can’t help but feel the tears in my eyes. i try to stay calm and collected.
- davids pov
i head to my room looking for my phone. I find it on my nightstand and text in the group chat. “thoughts?” not even a second goes by when my messages are flooding in.
“where's part 2?”
“that was hot!”
“relationship goals!”
y/n ‘liked’ that last message. 
I slumped on my bed and I checked twitter. everyone was losing their minds. I felt overwhelmed so I checked tiktok, then instagram. maybe filming the ad wasn't a good idea. my manager convinced me to do it. 
as I scroll through instagram, I see charlottes post. “our kids?” I read aloud, confused. I comment back something very professional when I see y/n already liked the post. this is my worst nightmare. I think she thinks Charlotte and I are an item. I call y/n but it goes to voicemail. fuck.
I decide to livestream to occupy my mind. message after message I see people talking about the video. I very quickly try to shut it down the best way I knew how.
Tumblr media
“congrats on the girlfriend, Dave.” I read and tried to laugh. “I don't have a girlfriend” I continue to laugh.
- your pov
its night time now. davids tried calling me 4 times now, but I just can't face him yet. how could I? its so complicated. I think I love him and I think- or I thought he loved me too. now I realize the flirty tiktoks, the insta stories were all just for likes and views. I place an order for chipotle. David was the one who got me hooked on it. I sigh and throw my phone on the couch.
 I put on some comfy clothes, aka a big shirt and no pants. I go to grab a drink from the fridge and I slump in the couch waiting for my food. as I scroll through all my social media I see people fawning over David and Charlotte. post after post, Im breaking as I read every word they're saying. my eyes go foggy with tears once again and I hear a knock on the door. 
“coming!” I wipe away the tears and grab some cash to tip. I open the door and im met with a beautiful face. 
“hey” he breathed. “I don't need any money, but thanks.” he smiled.
my hand fell and my body felt warm. “hi, come in!”
“thanks, uhm, I tried calling but...”
“yeah, i’m sorry, i’ve been busy.”
“have you?” he asks. 
I shrug and pout my lips. “I don't know what you want me to say, Dave.”
“I want to know what you're thinking, what you're feeling.”
“I don't want us to be weird. you're my best friend.” I confess
“y/n, I can promise you, it won't be weird.”
“I don't even know how to put it in words...” there's silence as I search for the words.
“y/n... ?”
“i’m so happy for you and Charlotte,” I look to the floor. “I just-i think ive been falling for you and didn't realize, but I promise ill be over it I just need some space, I don't want our friendship-” 
“okay, ill stop you there. there's no Charlotte and me. that video was filmed months ago, and it was awkward and a joke because those ads are always- look, it wasn't serious. it was for the ad, it was jacks idea, and I-”
“yeah, but that worries me too. is everything just about money and views for you?”
“what? y/n, how could you even say that, you know me!” his eyebrows were furrowed and his face was turning red.
“I don't know, I- I didn't think you'd exploit your relationship like that either-”
“there's no relationship!” he yells.
“I know, I know, but it makes it a little questionable still. Am I just a source of views for you, David. be honest.”
“no. not at all. I didn't know how to tell you but... fuck it. i’m insanely obsessed with you. i’m pretty sure you're my soulmate and when I think of my future, I always picture you beside me.” he sighs and takes my hands. “I want my life with you. after watching your reaction to the video I realized I made a mistake and I understand if you're upset with me. but I don't want to waste time anymore.”
I slightly smile. “you could've asked me to do the ad, i’m an actress you know.”
he chuckles. “I thought about it. but I didn't want to exploit you, despite how you think of me.”
I playfully slap his chest and bite my lip.
“I don't think that, Dave.” i’m almost whispering.
“good” he whispers back. “can I kiss you, I feel like this is a good first kiss momen-” I push my lips to his. the kiss is soft but David puts his hands on my waist and pulls me in deeper. my whole body melts into his and I feel whole. my life feels whole.
ahhhhhhhh so cute! thanks for reading!!!!
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theadusa · 3 years
All the dramas I’ve watched in 2020
These are all the dramas that I watched in 2020, with some review there should be NO Spoilers. I think I watched a lot more than usual probably because what else am I supposed to do between school and quarantine. So this is gonna be a long one...
Crash Landing on You (Lee Jung-hyo, 2019-2020)
Main Leads: Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin
Episodes: 16, 70 to 110 Minutes 
Thoughts: I enjoyed this drama, and it was a good one to start 2020 with. I thought it was a perfect blend of romance, comedy, heartfelt, found family, action, and some tragedy. I would highly recommend it, especially for those who are new to Kdramas. Also fun fact this is my first Hyun Bin drama. Rating: Fun and adorable
Tale of Nokdu (Kim Dong-hwi, 2019)
Main Leads: Jang Dong Yoon and Kim So Hyun
Episodes: 32, 35 minutes
Thoughts: I actually started watching this when it was airing but I stopped around episode 13 because of my busy schedule and finished it in the new year. I adore the main couple, the romance, comedy, the found family, and the women center story. I thought it shined the brightest when it was focused on the group and its funny and warm moments but once it got too political it kinda fell flat. I loved the ending, however. Also, I really like Jang Dong Young as an actor, I saw him in Solomon’s Perjury (2016) and Mr. Sunshine (2018) and I loved how he played Nok Du too. Rating: I love a women’s only widow village
I’ll Find You When The Weather is Nice (Han Ji-seung, 2020)
Main Leads: Seo Kang Joon and Park Min Young
Episodes: 16, 60 minutes 
Thoughts: I really liked this drama, probably one of my favorites this year. As you will notice I enjoy quieter and more slow-burn stories. Also, I am a fan of Park Min Young she tends to pick more interesting and strong-willed female roles, so it is really enjoyable to watch.  Rating: makes me want to own a book store.
King: The Eternal Monarch (Kim Eun-sook, 2020)
Main Leads: Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun
Episodes: 16, 70 Minutes
Thoughts: Confession; I am actually not the biggest fan of Lee Min Ho, nothing against him I just hate rich bratty characters and he tends to play them. However, I surprisingly really liked his character, he wasn’t a rich brat he actually was likable. I also really like Kim Go Eun, she is actually one of the main reasons why I watched and also with all the hype around it. Woo Do Hwan, who I have always liked, stole the whole show, however. I didn’t hate it like a lot of people, I really liked the characters, I liked the romance and the action. Also, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun’s hugs were absolutely fabulous. It wasn’t my favorite and there were too many product placements, but I don’t think it was the worst drama this year. Rating: Lukewarm 
A Piece of your mind (Lee Sang-yeob, 2020)
Main Leads: Jung Hae In and Chae Soo Bin
Episodes: 12, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I actually really liked this drama despite the low views, again I’m big on slow burn stories and character focus. I believe the episodes were cut from 16 to 12 I don’t know exactly why maybe because of the Pandemic or due to viewership or a mixture of both. Despite its being cut short I really liked the ending, and I thought the two leads were sweet. Rating: Wish we had more time to develop the characters.
Its Okay not to be Okay (Park Shin Woo, 2020) 
Main Leads: Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Yea Ji and Oh Jung Se 
Episodes: 16, 70 to 85 minutes
Thoughts: Out of all the dramas I talked the most about this one. I have always been a fan of Seo Yea Ji since Save Me (2017) and Lawless Lawyer (2018) and I am happy to see her getting more recognition because of this role. The entire cast was amazing and I think I cried every episode. Such a good and heart-wrenching drama which is why I chose to watch it before work every time. Rating: I would let Seo Yea Ji stab me with a knife anytime.
Mystic Pop up bar (Jeon Chang-geun, 2020) 
Main Leads: Hwang Jung Eum and Yook Sung Jae and Choi Won Young
Episodes: 12, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I actually watched this while I was watching Its Okay Not to Be Okay and it was a nice balance to it because this was more of a found family story with less heartbreaking moments. Though it did have its share of heartbreak. I really liked all the characters and their relationship. Also, I am a sucker for bureaucratic fantasy/ magic, and kdramas are so good at it. Rating: I wish it was 16 episodes. 
When the Camila Bloom (Cha Yeong Hoon, 2019) 
Main Leads: Gong Hyo Jin and Kang Ha Neul
Episodes: 20, 63 to 75 minutes
Thoughts: I liked the story overall, the romance was cute and the mystery was interesting but I thought the family expectations was the best part of the story. This was not my favorite drama, but it was enjoyable and heartfelt. I watched it right after It's Okay Not to Be Okay and while I was watching Flower of Evil (2020) which probably is why I was so underwhelmed by it. Rating: Sweet romance and adorable found family.
Flower of Evil (Kim Cheol Kyu, 2020) 
Main Leads: Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won
Episode:16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: This was my favorite drama of this year. I went into this drama not thinking much of it, and I mainly watched it as a post drama blues drama. It was an action and thriller which I mainly don’t get attached to plus I am a huge fan of Lee Joon Gi. I should have known better, I cared so much about all the characters, the acting phenomenal, also every time they showed their hands I cried. This drama left me shriveled and empty inside. Rating: Lee Joon Gi will literally kill me one day. 
Put Your Head On My Shoulders (Zhu Dongning, 2019) 
Main Leads: Xing Fei and Lin Yi 
Episodes: 24, 40 to 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is the first Chinese drama on this list. I thought it was cute, I liked the couple and thought it was alright. I started to dislike the male lead later in the series but it was overall fine. It was basic and sweet with very little drama. Rating: It did its job.
The School Nurse Files ( Lee Kyoung Mi, 2020)
Main Leads: Jung Yu Mi and Nam Joo Hyuk
Episodes: 6,  45 to 57 minutes
Thoughts: This is probably my second favorite drama. I couldn’t tell what happened in the drama but I loved it. I thought it was weird and fascinating, and just so magical. I loved the children and just how the whole school was just off its rocker. I also think that Nam Joo Hyuk does really well in serious roles, and I thought he did a really good job here. Rating: 1 jelly heart.  
Mr. Heart (Park Sun Jae, 2020) 
Main Leads: Cheon Seung Ho and Lee Se Jin
Episodes: 8, 11 Minutes
Thoughts: This was 8 episodes of start fluff and I adored it. Apparently, it is apart of a BL series by Park Sun Jae and there is a movie version that I haven’t watched. If you want to destress and watch just fluff this is the show for you. Rating: If it is any sweeter I would be going to the dentist. 
You are My Destiny ( Ding Ying Zhou, 2020) 
Main Leads: Xing Zhao Lin  and Liang Jie
Episodes: 36, 45 minutes
Thoughts: I hated this drama, I thought it was the worst thing ever. I don’t know why I even watched all 36 episodes. Apparently, it is a remake of a popular 2008 Twaniese drama Fated to Love You and there is a Korean remake of it as well. I have watched neither of them, so I was brand new to this story. I hated, despised the male lead. He was whiny, entitled, and an asshole. The only good part of the drama was the male and female lead actually had a lot of chemistry, unfortunately, they are playing awful characters. Rating: This was made in 2020???
First Romance (Ding Pei, 2020) 
Main Leads: Wan Peng and Riley Wang
Episodes: 24, 45 Minutes
Thoughts: This is another Chinese drama. Similar to Mr. Heart (2020) this show was super fluffy. I really liked the main couple they seem to respect each other and they both had adorable crushes on each other. I loved the whole dumb jock and dumb artist dynamic it was so funny. Rating: Cute!!! 
Lost Romance ( Eri Hao, 2020) 
Main Leads: Marcus Chang and Vivian Sung
Episodes: 20, 70 minutes 
Thoughts: This is the only Twainese drama on this list. I think I liked this drama, I actually only remember very little of this drama. I like the CEO in the real world more than the book world, and I also really liked the female lead except she lowkey stalked the CEO like that was not okay. Rating: I think I liked it???
When We Were Young ( Deng Ke, Liu Guo Hui, 2018)
Main Leads: Neo Hou and Wan Peng and Gala Zhang and Pan Mei and Ye Marcus Li
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: I really liked this film, I loved all the characters and thought it was all very heartfelt. I cried like a baby, and Hua Biao was such a touching and relatable character. And the whole grandma story hit so close to home. Rating: Made me cry like a baby.
Moment of 18 ( Sim Na Yeon, 2019)
Main Leads: Ong Seong Wu and Kim Hyang Gi
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I really liked this drama, and I thought the romance was so cute. I also really liked the relationship between the moms and was sad that the rich mom was a bitch and ruined the friendship. I also wasn’t a big fan of the ending, but I loved the rest of it. Rating: The main lead is part of a boy group because he had a random singing moment. 
Perfect and Casual ( Li Shuang, 2020) 
Main Leads: Miles Wei and Xu Ruo Han
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is another Chinese drama on this list. I’m pretty sure it's considered an Idol drama so that sets your expectations. I really liked this drama a lot, I am a big fan of contract marriages and I thought the leads were so cute together. Also, this is the first contract marriage drama where the leads don’t break up which I like. A lot of the drama came from outside of the relationship. Rating: You can’t analyze love.
Le Coup De Foudre ( Wang Zhi, 2019) 
Main Leads: Janice Wu and Zhang Yujian
Episodes: 35, 45 minutes
Thoughts: My favorite Chinese drama on this list. I loved this drama, I thought it was sweet and simple and the main couple was so realistic. Unpopular opinion I disliked the second couple and the best friend I thought she was annoying and brattish. However, I adore the main couple and their relationship. Rating: Realistic sweet romance. 
More Than Friends ( Choi Sung Bum, 2020)
Main Leads: Ong Seong Wu and Shin Ye Eun
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I enjoyed the overall story and characters. I loved the group and their relationships. Also, Young-Hee made me cry, and her relationship with Hyun Jae was so sweet. The main leads were also sweet, and I related a lot to Lee So. I just didn’t like the back and forth. Rating: How many times can we break up in a drama. 
Be With You ( Zhou Miao, 2020) 
Main Leads: Ji Xiao Bing and Zhang Ya-Qin
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is the last Chinese drama I watched this year. It was alright, the romance was sweet, I really like the female lead, and the male lead was nice to look at. It was okay. Also, the second couple was so ??? She was his boss, enemy, and older than him, what?? Rating: Sometimes you need to fall in love to be creative. 
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo ( Kim Kyu Tae, 2016) 
Main Leads: Lee Joon Gi and Lee Ji Eun (IU) 
Episodes: 20, 60 minutes
Thoughts: I know I am really late watching this, but I finally did. I went in knowing this would hurt me and Lee Joon Gi already scared me this year ( damn this man) so I was fully prepared. I really wasn’t,  it so much. (SPOIlERS) When Wang Eun and Park Soon Deok died I sob like a baby (SPOILER ENDING). It took me a long time to finish this show because its heart so much, like it physically hurt me. The show was really good, and heartbreaking, and the ending stabs me in the heart 20 times. Rating: Lee Joon Gi is trying to kill me with tears. 
Persona ( Lee Kyoung Mi, Yim Pil Sung, Jeon Go Woon, and Kim Jong Kwan, 2019) 
Main Leads: Lee Ji Eun (IU) 
Episodes: 4, 19 to 27
Thoughts: This is a collection of mini-films by directors. 4 separate stories are starring Lee Ji Eun. I thought all of them good, especially “ Kiss Burn” and “Walking at Night.” There isn’t much else to this, more than it is an artistic display of filmmaking. Rating: Hipster Kdrama
Come and Hug Me ( Choi Joon-bae, 2018) 
Main Leads: Jang Ki-Yong and Jin Ki-Joo
Episodes: 32, 35 minutes
Thoughts: I actually just finished this show today. I really liked it, I thought it was both sweet and heartwarming/wrenching. I hated that one journalist and the public like why are they blaming a victim. I didn’t watch it with my full mind because I’ve been distracted lately, but I did enjoy it. Rating: another cute but sad couple. 
Movies I watched this year: 
Spell Bound ( Hwang In Ho, 2011)
Main Cast: Son Ye Jin and Lee Min Ki
Running Time: 114 Minutes
Thoughts: I watched this at like 12 am after a bad day and it was cute. I love RomCom fantasy, which I think Korean media does really well. I don’t know what else to say except it is a really cute romance. Rating: Is it the ghost or the butterflies
The Host ( Bong Joon Ho, 2006)
Main Cast: Song Kang Ho and Byun Hee Bong and Park Hae Il and Bae Doona and Go, Ah Sung
Running Time: 119
Thoughts: This film I had to actually watch for class. It was a really good film which is expected from Bong Joon Ho. I love monster films and I thought this was a good rendition of this film. Also, The monster was so cool especially from 2006. I thought it was heartbreaking, stirring, and so beautifully shot. Rating: Oscar-worthy Direction 
Little Forest ( Yim Soon-rye, 2018) 
Main Cast: Kim Tae Ri  and Ryu Jun Yeol and Moon So Ri and Jin Ki Joo
Running Time: 103 minutes
Thoughts: I really, really liked this film. It reminded me so much of I’ll Find You When The Weather is Nice (2020) that I thought that it was based on this film but it isn’t. I have watched this film 3 times since October and every time I watch it have made bread. I really just love everything about this film, how quiet it is, the cinematography, the acting, just everything. Rating: Three loaves of bread. 
Always ( Song Il Gon, 2011)
Main Cast: So Ji Sub and Han Hyo Joo
Running Time: 106 Minutes
Thoughts: I thought it was okay, I watched it while I was knitting so I was distracted a bit. But I thought the couple was sweet, and the characters were interesting. Rating: It's Okay.
       Currently watching 
True Beauty ( Kim Sang-hyeop, 2020-) 
Main Cast: Moon Ga Young and Cha Eun Woo and Hwang In Yeop
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes 
Thoughts: This is currently an ongoing series that is actually really popular. Apparently, it is based on a webtoon, which I haven’t read. I like it so far, I always liked Moon Ga Young and I think she is a great actress. She plays Im Ju Kyung in a likable and insecure way, instead of someone annoying which could easily happen. I will be continuing watching. Rating so far: Okey dokey yo.
Live On ( Kim Sang-woo, 2020-) 
Main Cast: Jung Da Bin and Hwang Min Hyun
Episodes: 8?, 60 Minutes
Thoughts: I really Like this show. The main couple is sweet and supportive. I really like the female lead, I like that she is cold and kinda quiet, but with a sweet spot if you are not a dick. I really like the main relationship conflict comes from friendship instead of romance, I think it makes the show more interesting. Rating: I want to Join a Broadcast group.  
On My List: 
I actually don’t have anything else on my list so if anyone has recommendations please tell me. I am thinking about watching Mr. Queen ( 2020) because I really like Shin Hye Sun. I also want to watch Sweet Home (2020) the Netflix series. But please recommend me some dramas!!!
This is such a long list, and I had fun doing it and going back over all the dramas. I hope everyone has a good New year and that we will have many more good dramas in 2021!
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TV Quiz Questions:
Choose 4 6 of your favourite TV Shows: You should try this out too...
1. Sherlock
2. Teen Wolf
3. Nancy Drew
4. Supernatural
5. Wizards of Waverley Place
6. The Originals
The first character I fell in love with:
Sherlock Holmes
Stiles Stilinski
Nancy Drew
Dean Winchester
Alex Russo
Klaus Mikaelsson
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Mycroft Holmes
Derek Hale (I was really suspicious in the beginning but now he is one of my fave characters)
Justin Russo
Freya Mikaelson (I was worried she would be evil at first)
The character everyone else loves that I hate:
Mary Morsten (John deserved better from the beginning)
Cora was kind of annoying
I don't have one .. yet
I think some people agree with me - Mary Winchester
I don’t have one
I don’t hate him but Vincent could be so frustrating
The character everyone else hates that I love:
I don’t have one
Deucalion turned out to be pretty good character - even as a villain
I actually really like Amanda Bobbsey - she’s so sweet. (I just don’t want her as Ace’s girlfriend)
Lucifer - He’s just misunderstood (lots of people agree to with me to)
I don’t have one
I actually wanted Finn Mikaelson to come back
The character I would have sex with:
Sherlock is hot
All the guys on teen wolf- Stiles, Derek, Scott, Isaac, Theo, Liam …..
Ace - I know he would be so sweet
Dean Winchester and Castiel are at the top of my list but if I was being real … all of them
None but only cause I think of them as eternally young
All the Mikaelson men and Marcel and Jackson but first things first Klaus
Who are your five favourite characters (In order):
Sherlock, John, Mycroft, Mrs Hudson, Lestrade
Stiles, Scott, Derek, Coach, Lydia
The Drew Crew- Nancy , Ace, George, Bess, Nick (In order)
Dean, Castiel, Sam, Crowley, Bobby
Alex, Harper, Justin, Max, Jerry
Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, Freya, Hayley, Kol
Favourite minor character:
Mycroft (does he count?)
Coach - THE FUNNIEST GUY EVER and all of the parents
Ryan Hudson- I want to see his relationship with Nancy grow
Charlie- I miss her so much
Mr Laritate
Hope Mikaelson
A pairing that you love (Romantic and Non- Romantic):
I love Sherlock and John but I really want more Sherlock and Mycroft (the brothers are so cute)
Stiles and Derek- They are hilarious!!!
Ace and Nancy - Nace supremacy
Sam and Dean are the centre of everything but I love Dean and Cas too
Alex and Harper- the besties
Klaus and Hope - he loves her unconditionally
Favourite season:
Sherlock- Season 3
Teen Wolf- Season 3
Nancy Drew- Season 2
Supernatural- Season 4 and 5
Wizards of Waverly Place- Season 4
The Originals - Season 1
Favourite episode:
Season 3 episode 1 - The Empty House
Season 3 episode 18 - Riddled
Season 1 episode 17 - The Girl in the Locket
Season 4 episode 18 - The Monster at the End of This Book
Season 4 episode 21 - Wizards of Apartment 13B
Season 1 episode 21 - From a Cradle to a Grave
Character you would kill off:
Molly - its not that I don’t love her but she’s not essential to the story
Baeden - Sterek needs to happen
Carson Drew - It would be interesting to see how Nancy would handle losing both of her parents
Sam and Dean should have been together in death and life
Professor Krumbs - It would parallel the Harry Potter series with Dumbledore
Marcel should have died for a short time and then resurrected - Klaus would realise how much he loved him
The character that I think the show ruined:
John Watson - He wasn’t ruined AT ALL but he was less impressed by Sherlock as the seasons went on
Kira Yukimura- She deserved better
Nick (Ned Nickerson) - only because he’s really different to his book counterpart but I don’t hate him
Crowley - He didn’t deserve to die at all
Mason - I don’t think it was in character for him to ‘cheat’ on Alex - he loved her
Hope Mikaelson - she contributed to the death of her mother
The most attractive male and female character:
Male: Shelock Female: None (I don’t remember)
Male: Derek Hale Female: Lydia Martin
Male: Ace Female: Bess Marvin
Male: Dean Winchester Female: Bella
Male: Mason Female: Alex Russo
Male: Klaus Mikaelson Female: Hayley Marshall
The character death that was the worst for me:
Sherlock’s fake death - John crying was heartbreaking
Allison Argent - she died in the arms of the man she loved and her dad was devastated
Lucy Sable - she killed herself because of extreme bullying and never got to meet her daughter
The first death of Sam - Dean’s speech made me cry soo much
No one died - that I remember
Klaus and Elijah- They died together
The character that is the most like me:
Molly - I am an awkward fangirl of Sherlock too
I don’t think I am similar to any but Id love to be as charming as Stiles and as brave as Scott and smart as Lydia
I’m not like any of the characters but I think I relate most to George- I too have many younger siblings.
Castiel and I are both awkward AF and I don’t understand enough pop culture references
Alex and I are both lazy AF
I have a temper that could rival that of Klaus
The characters that deserved better:
All of them deserve the world but I think Mycroft deserves better
Stiles and Derek deserve to be happy together
Nancy deserves better. She should be happy with Ace and not have to deal with her dad lying and the Hudsons
All of the characters deserve to be happy on Supernatural - They deserve the world, Dean , Sam and Castiel
Max should have got to keep his magic and be happy with his siblings
All of the Mikaelsons deserved to live happily - Klaus should have gotten to raise his daughter
My four least favorite characters, past or present:
Moriarty (I loved to hate him), Sargent Sally Donavan, Mary
Erica, Mr Lahey , Kali , Meredith Walker
Gil Bobbsey (he’s so manipulative), Everrett Hudosn, Ceila Hudson, Diana Marvin
Metatron, God, Samuel Campbell, Mary Winchester
Gigi, Stevie, Hugh Normous, Gorog
Esther, Mikael, Dhalia, Aurora de Martel
A character I’m indifferent about:
Anderson - he felt remorseful after thinking that Sherlock was dead
Kira - Her character was good but I dint love her
Bess - she can be a little shallow at times
Meg- her voice annoyed me sometimes but she loved Cas
Professor Krumbs could be little mean
Sometimes I loved her and other I hated her but in the end I think she is a strong female character
A ship I’ve never been able to get into/ shouldn’t have happened:
John and Mary - She wasn’t a great wife
Derek and Baeden- I didn’t see any chemistry at all
Nick and Nancy - Even they are endgame in the books, they didn’t have any chemistry on screen
Sam and Ruby - Mostly cause she was really sus from the beginning
Justin and Rosie - He was better with Juliet
Hope and Roman - He used her and that’s horrible on such a young girl
A ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Sherlock and John whether it be friends are lovers - they are supreme
Stiles and Derek- Even though its not canon its the best ship on the show
Nancy and Ace- They haven’t gotten together yet but I love the angst
Cas and Dean whether it be friends are lovers - they are supreme
Alex and Mason - those 2 were cute
Rebekah and Marcel- It took so long for them to be together but they finally got there
A cute, low-key ship:
Sherlock and Mycroft (not romantically- ew) as the best of brothers
Scott and Alison were so soft
Nick and George are cute- they are healthy and communicate really well
Sam and Elieen
Justin and Juliet - those nerdy cuties
Davina and Kol
My favourite storyline/moment:
Sherlock tells John he is alive - that was shocking
Dark Stiles - Nigutsune
Nancy finding about her true heritage and talking to Ryan and Nace
Cas saves Dean and becomes a part of the rest of the show
Alex erases herself and her brothers in the movie
All Klaus and Hope scenes
A storyline that never should have been written:
Sherlock’s long lost sister
The whole of season 6b
The death of Owen Marvin - he didn’t deserve to die.
Dean’s final death and Sam having to live without him
Alex and Justin accidentally turn Max int a girl
The death of Klaus, Elijah and Hayley in the final season just because of legacies
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
 this is it... the final post.... 226 through THE END!!!!!
this shit with mu qing and the river of lava is SOOOO dramatic im loving it
oh my god theyre on a FUCKING bridge of course they are okay let’s go boys
“You’re right. We’re alike. You think me odd, I think you to be rather weird too.” - so what im getting from this is that xie lian and mu qing are the only characters in this book with working gaydar okay yup got it this checks out
god... the fact that xie lian is ready to be like “look mu qing we can just forget about the past it doesnt matter we dont have to be friends i know you dont like me but im not gonna let you die over it” and then mu qing is like “.... god i really do admire you huh”
“You...certainly...are rather amazing. You’re...also...a better person...than me. Long story short, I...very much wanted...to become your f-f-friend.”  - going to think about this for the rest of all time im about to become utterly unintelligible im overcome with emotions
“And, at the end of the white silk band, Feng Xin was gripping Ruoye with one hand while the other was holding on to a steel-faced Mu Qing, and he shouted towards him.” - the fucking IMAGE of this im gonna cry this is everything i could have asked for im so happy also mu qing dangling there like “ welp. guess ill live“
“Feng Xin was almost burnt by that pillar of fire, and he shouted in outrage. “WHAT’S WITH THIS BAND OF DOG SHITS, ATTACKING PEOPLE WHILE THEY’RE DOWN, SO VILE! FUCK YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!” Xie Lian responded, “IF THEIR ENTIRE FAMILIES ALL LOOK LIKE THAT, YOU SURE YOU WANT TO FUCK THEM??” - theyre so funny!!! and theyre best friends!!! theyre joking together now in the middle of all this i could cry theyre back!!!
“Using sticks as arrows, he held the bow with one hand and used his teeth to bite back the bowstring.” - no clue how practical this is but okay archer boy. hot
i actually have so many little quips between the three of them highlighted but we’d be here all night if i included them all. im literally so delighted by this omg worth the wait
“Each sabre strike slashed to the bone. It wasn’t like Xie Lian had never seen Hua Cheng use the sabre before in the past, but his style had always been easy and leisurely, nonchalant and casual. Rather than say he was handling a weapon, it was more like he was toying with a small knife. Yet those blade marks were filled with killing intent. It was easy to imagine just how skilled the one exchanging blows with him was, and how perilous this battle.” you have no idea how mad i was when i read this and thought we missed witnessing the fight between hc and jw omg
“Behind him, Feng Xin muttered, “Dear fucking god, may all the gods and buddhas grant their blessings, that better absolutely be Crimson Rain Sought Flower, otherwise he’s gonna go mad!” “Stop your rubbish,” Mu Qing berated. “We’re all the gods and buddhas ourselves and we can’t grant shit, just keep up with him! Look at the stumbling way he’s running, he’s gonna trip and fall to his bloody death before he even sees the man!” - okay i know i said no more quips but this is literally too funny i just wanted to read it again
“ However, for whatever reason, that vicious ghost, in its muddled state, took that large group of live mortals under its wing and fled for many days. In the end, they were still surrounded by millions of ghosts, trapped in a dead end, and it was going to be eaten along with those humans.” [...] “That vicious ghost almost made a move against those humans, but for some reason, in the end, it didn’t. It instead used one of its own eyes as the price to forge a blood weapon. That vicious ghost was already forcibly hanging on with its last breath; after digging out its eye it should’ve broken apart completely. Yet somehow something had shocked it, and it instead woke to its senses completely. “ - THIS IS AMAZING ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? IS THIS ALL WE GET ABOUT HIS GHOSTLY LORE?????? HUA CHENGGGGGGGG
“What a terrible offence, his old habit had come out, and he quickly apologized. “I’m sorry! You don’t have to listen to me!” Hua Cheng, however, only smiled happily. “Everything gege tells me is the best advice, so why wouldn’t I listen?” - this isnt the fucking time afjdkfjsdkl they really never stop
“So you can hold the illusion of a perfect Crown Prince of Wuyong to face and dismiss the Jun Wu now. Isn’t that your objective? Did you think I don’t know what you’re thinking?” “THAT’S NOT IT!” Guoshi cried. “Stop getting tied up in right and wrong, victories and defeat, I’VE NEVER THOUGHT THAT WAY BEFORE!” - jun wu only being able to see xie lian as his successor and believing that thats all anyone else sees too... okay
honestly this whole final showdown was a blast i cant put everything in but it was so much fun to read. the DRAMA the LAVA the SHOUTING t
“Hua Cheng had poured too much spiritual power into him. There really was too much, so much that it was completely outside the amount the cursed shackle could withstand.” - okay.... okay... the love you give will set you free... okay....
“With Jun Wu in his grip, he carried both their bodies and forcefully slammed into the incomparably-solid rock wall! He used all of his power in this smash, and in the rumbling and crashing of rocks, he also heard the sound of something breaking.” [...] “A moment later, Jun Wu suddenly asked, “That move. What is it called?” “...” Xie Lian raised his sleeve and wiped away the blood on the side of his face. “Shattering boulders on the chest.” YES!!!!! YES!!!!! xie lian actually lived that life!!!!!! i loved this detail so much
“After a moment of silence, Xie Lian took off the bamboo hat carried on his back, took it in his hand, and covered it over Jun Wu’s face.” - xie lian... good... another detail i love. a hat that protects from the rain, given in a moment of need, even to someone who has caused you hardship... we do not forget the kindness granted to us
“There was gratefulness, there was shame, there was heartache, there was wild joy, but above all else, there was incurable love.” - :pleading: i wish it was just that easy tbh. “i have to tell you about the worst parts of myself” “ive already seen them and i dont care i still love you“ truly the dream
“ It’s been so long since anyone listened to me talk, won’t you stay? Don’t...actually do this. I won’t be able to take it. Twice, it’s been twice already! I really don’t want there to be a third time!!!” - the bit about just wanting someone to listen to him talk... xie lian... :(
emily corpse bride moment.... i knew it had to happen.... butterflies.... death and rebirth.... inevitable
xianle trio bickering about ruoye..... mu qing complaining but not letting anyone else fix it... im so happy
“The Rain Master sat down on the spot, looking like she was going to perform a passing service for her. After all, Xuan Ji was the only one left of the Kingdom of Yushi besides herself.”  - xuan ji you sure the hell were... a character. this little moment tho..... yushi huang... many thoughts
“ Who hasn’t made promises, or swore to the mountains and the seas when they were young? Talking of affection, of love, of forevers. But, the longer I hang around in the world, the more I understand, something like ‘forever’ is impossible. It’s never going to be possible. Having it once was already good enough. No one can truly achieve it. I don’t believe in it anymore.” - jian lan im happy for you bummer it didnt work out with feng xin but yeah that was looooong ago. also this quote me same mood kin but its chill. having it once was already good enough
although yeah tbh if theres anyone who can have a forever like that... it would be a ghost and a god
fasdfjadklfj GOD... pour one out for ling wen.. but is that not the truth of this world? the one can be pardoned for being good at paperwork that no one else wants to do? isnt that the plot of the shawshank redemption?
okay but the fact that all xie lian’s friends come to visit him while he waits for hua cheng is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... fengqing coming together to try to get him out of the house but get scared off by his cooking... amazing
“Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.” - im completely unaffected by this. im not lying i swear (i am lying im very emotionally affected)
okay i love this final wrap up chapter party its so fun. mu qing moving on from the broom thing!!! good for him!! the beggars get their reward!!! the fun ghost city chefs!! SQX!!!! and he xuan is?? here too??? he’s hungry??? fjadlkfjsdl
“The grounds that Feng Xin and Mu Qing had just swept were once again filthy from that giant crowd of muddy feet. Mu Qing gripped his broom, looking like he felt someone had infected him with fleas, and his eyes were wide.” - me when my dad comes into the kitchen when ive just finished washing dishes i get it king
the little folklore bit... fun!!! oh my god its over..... :(
that was really fun i had a blast reading it and on the whole really liked it i WISH soo badly that hua cheng had gotten more outside of being cunty and devoted even tho those are both important i just wish there was more about like how he got by during those 800 years and like did he ever have doubts? what shaped his worldview was it all xie lian or was it his experience as a mortal as well? why is he so mean to e’ming? theres bits and pieces here and there and i know it was already SO long but that really would have been great if there was more about hc cuz tbh by the end, at least for me, the hualian relationship didnt actually feel as fleshed out as the xianle trio relationship like i still liked hualian’s dynamic and it was really sweet how much they clearly really liked each other and  everything but i kind of wish some of the other subplots had been dropped or diminished in favor of more hc development i think that would have been cool
but anyway thats some of my thoughts and i really did enjoy the hell out of book 5 that was a riot and uhhh thanks to everyone who read these or commented *lends you spiritual energy through a high five*
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thanks for ur as always deepful analyses and answers ! another ask for u : im soo afraid in the next chapter momo will be homophobic towards ht !! I mean except Zzx who seems at ease with his sexuality, the other boys all seem kind of homophobic. Jy called ht repulsive bc he called him pretty while he was a guy, Ht is very agressive in his advances (which i linked to toxic virility which entails homophobia) ; then both of them changed for the better bc of their feelings for another man. 1/?
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Good evening, dear anon-san!
“thanks for ur as always deepful analyses and answers !”
I’m glad you’ve enjoyed them! Every time people send me questions it always makes me happy and to be honest, a bit taken aback because I’m just a little old me. But I’m glad my answers have had such a positive reception and given people food for thought. And it’s always a pleasant surprise when people feel like they can come to my ask box with their interpretations and strike up a conversation.
Homophobia is a very complex topic, and I wondered where I should start to unravel this ask. But soon I realized before I can even begin that I have to take a moment to sort out my own feelings. Whenever people say the boys in 19 Days are abusive or homophobic for whatever reason I tend to get ticked off. It’s a knee-jerk reaction, often sparked by my own bias, but something that can very easily cloud my answer and make it unfair for you. Exchanging interpretations and perspectives requires a level of objectivity and the ability to rise above your own bias. I can’t dismiss something just because it uncomfortably pokes my nerve. Instead, I should take a step back, try and see things from another point of view, and find some common ground.
I’m not saying I had to struggle to agree with you on anything but your ask certainly reminded me of how challenging yet rewarding it is to actually listen to an interpretation that differs from my own and try to objectively look at the story from that point of view. It hurts your brain at first but is surprisingly freeing in the end.
Because you addressed so many things in your ask, I will tie my answer together under the theme of homophobia and give it some structure that way. This will be my great 19 Days - homophobia edition. \(^v^)/
Sexual orientation and environment
Let’s start with the biggest context you brought up in your ask: social and cultural environment. I’m not familiar enough with Chinese culture to have anything definite to say about its attitude towards LGBT people. Of course, I’ve heard of the discrimination and even blatant hate by their government but I don’t have any idea about how ordinary, modern-day Chinese people view others with different sexual orientations. Not to mention, it’s always risky to take fictional works as an accurate representation of the milieu in which they’re set.
But I do think that 19 Days discusses homophobia in societies, though on a more general level. As Jian Yi has come to realize his feelings towards Zhan Zheng Xi, we’ve also gotten glimpses of his struggles. They’re surrounded by other kids in school, and from the very early chapters it’s been implied two guys being that close together or comfortable with that level of skinship turns people’s heads (ch. 53, 54, 55, and 57):
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Of course, those panels also poke fun at the stereotype of girls being interested in cute guys being cute together. The girls stare, take pictures, and even smile knowingly. This bothered ZZX because it put him in awkward situations and created misunderstandings that would be embarrassing to correct. And the more he would try to deny and correct them, the more he would probably end up looking suspicious. But the bottom line is, he was increasingly conscious of the weird looks and attention JY’s antics were attracting and didn’t want people to get the wrong picture of his friendship with JY. All of that could give us some hints on how two boys being close might be viewed by their peers, but it should also be kept in mind that those kinds of “gay panic” moments are a big part of the humor you find in 19 Days.
Having a crush on someone of the same gender gets more serious tones after JY kissed ZZX (ch. 142)
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The secret was finally out in the open. JY had carried his feelings in his heart for a long time. He had wanted to confess them so many times and often hidden them behind jokes and antics. Perhaps every time he had jumped to hug ZZX he had caught a whiff of his scent and enjoyed the feeling of him in his arms. But to take the definite last step of confessing and lifting that curtain had always terrified him. And who wouldn’t have been scared? Not only would you have to come out but also risk losing your childhood best friend. It could be JY had even thought of never telling ZZX about his feelings because it could go horribly wrong.
For a while, things are somewhat put on pause after the first reveal which I found very realistic. JY wasn’t flat-out rejected but ZZX most definitely needed a moment to sort out his own feelings. He pestered JY to be straight with him (pun not intended...) and made it clear it would be safe for JY to rely on him and free himself of the burden. Despite that JY was still very unsure if his confession won’t result in ZZX abandoning him because “gay” is abnormal and disgusting (ch. 164):
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Even when JY finally confessed he was expecting to be rejected in disgust (ch. 209):
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But he had sort of reached the point of just finally getting it all out even if ZZX wouldn’t return his feelings. Even if it meant they wouldn’t be friends anymore. At least he had said it. He had heartbreakingly little faith that their kind of relationship wouldn’t be completely doomed. Thank god he had fallen for someone like ZZX. I don’t think I’ve never been as grateful for a character like him before.
A tangible example of how Zhanyi and their environment collided was Xiao Hui’s character (ch. 158):
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When she called JY a disgusting gay, it was the first time he was facing that kind of homophobia. Though her actions were frustrating, I think Xiao Hui’s character was a good addition to Zhanyi. At first, she lashed out both because she was hurt and publicly humiliated but also no doubt because she had internalized the idea that heterosexuality was the norm and anything else was abnormal and wrong. Later on, she had had time to lick her wounds and calm down (ch. 258):
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She still has a crush on ZZX but even though she probably realizes she doesn’t have a chance she still wants a clear rejection from ZZX. It still hurts and stings but doesn’t upset her as much. It could even be she’s a little happy for them. I think Xiao Hui’s character is a good example that people are capable of changing and reflecting when they’re given a chance. And no one should be forever held accountable and punished for the mistakes they made and have since bettered themselves.
In a broader sense, I think Zhanyi also discusses what kind of future a same-sex couple could have in society (ch. 268):
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That drawing on the wall is my favorite Zhanyi moment. As cute as ZZX drawing him and JY together was, it also carries some bittersweet undertones. The original drawing represents the norm: a boy and a girl in love but if there are no skirts involved, it’s a whole other story. To be open about their relationship would most probably never be an option for JY and ZZX. Something as simple as holding hands in public would take courage and threaten to complicate other aspects of their lives (school, work, family). They don’t have the same privilege as straight people to openly and safely share their feelings and have that universal experience.
Your ask was mainly about Mo Guan Shan and He Tian, but I wanted to take a moment to talk about their environment since you also referred to it. And the easiest way for that seemed to be to talk about the progress of Zhanyi. As you suggested, it does seem the society in which all of the characters live is very much heteronormative which puts pressure on the characters to fit in. And if they fail that, they will face homophobia and most probably feel the need to hide their true selves. Case in point, Zhanyi.
Boys being boys
As much as I know that phrase is deemed Problematic™ these days, I think it fits the dynamics of the boys of 19 Days. They mess with each other, and all of that is typical humor for the comic. Personally, I’ve never taken any of their teasing and good-natured bullying seriously because it’s how 15-year-old boys are around each other.
However, I just finished talking about the environment under which influences and discourses the boys have grown up. I don’t feel like I can ignore what I had just been saying and brush it off as “oh well, they’re just boys” if they’ve always been surrounded by certain attitudes. Does that mean the boys have also internalized those attitudes towards gay people despite having feelings for someone of the same sex? Does that make them a representation of toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia?
In all honesty, I’m struggling to answer those questions. On one hand, I do agree that society’s norms of what is masculine put a lot of pressure on boys when growing up. You have to act, talk, dress, and be in a certain way to be accepted, and it doesn’t take a lot for kids to internalize those ideas. And as you said, acting or looking gay (not to mention, actually being one) is probably the worst a young boy could be. Being gay is often linked to everything a proper man shouldn’t be: sissy, effeminate, sensitive, weak, submissive, on the bottom. The list goes on and on.
On the other hand, do I think you can see that in the four main boys of 19 Days? I suppose it’s possible if that’s the direction you want to take. If you look at anything through those lenses, you can probably find toxic masculinity everywhere. Do I think HT, MGS, JY and ZZX are homophobic because they possibly showcase traits of toxic masculinity? I guess. I don’t know. I see where that interpretation comes from, but some part of my brain never manages to make the full connection between those two. I’m constantly having a feeling that my way of thinking differs from your interpretation but I can’t properly validate or argue my opinions.
Perhaps taking a look at the examples you mentioned might help. You talked about JY being homophobic when this was his response to HT calling him good looking (ch. 108):
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I can’t exactly deny that panel couldn’t be taken as toxic masculinity. I might even agree with you on that. I wouldn’t probably go as far as saying JY was being homophobic but it does seem like his masculinity was threatened or questioned in that situation. Interestingly, I’ve seen that phrase pop up a lot in yaoi/shounen-ai comics. Characters who are in a gay relationship don’t often feel comfortable with guys complimenting them - or even the guy they’re in love with. I’ve always wondered that. Does that mean there’s a level of self-denial in those characters or is it just a cultural thing? Does it embarrass them?
In general, I think all of that has to do with their age, and another good example of that would be ZZX and JY’s reaction to HT messing with MGS (ch. 289 and 298):
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I’ve seen people calling those moments homophobic as well and can’t really agree with them. I would say those reactions have more to do with teenage boys being awkward and embarrassed. HT putting the moves on MGS in front of them is embarrassing and something they don’t wish to see. I mean, I wouldn’t want to see my friends constantly acting like that around me either. Seeing public displays of affection embarrasses me and makes me awkward as hell. (Though, I don’t know if that’s just a Finnish thing...)
In short, I see a lot of how the boys act around each other just natural to how teenage boys are. They mess with each other and standing up for yourself in that sense (for example, getting revenge, being physical, or returning the verbal teasing) is important and typical. That’s how I see JY’s words in the example you mentioned: he felt like HT was messing with him and shot back. All of that could, of course, be seen as internalized toxic masculinity, but I don’t think it’s quite as blatant as people sometimes make it out to be. I’ve always taken it as boys just being boys and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
What comes to HT being pushy and overbearing, I don’t see that being connected to toxic masculinity and making him homophobic because of that. It feels a bit of a stretch and shakey. Instead, I actually think HT is quite comfortable with both of his own feelings for MGS and the idea of same-sex relationships in general (ch. 187):
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The little heart-to-hearts JY and HT occasionally have also show us that despite often making fun of each other, they can take it more seriously when needed. JY would have never asked about having feelings for another male if he couldn’t trust HT wouldn’t make fun of him.
The case of Mo Guan Shan
You talked a lot about MGS, so I thought I’d take a closer look at his character separately. You made some interesting points I’ve also been thinking about and was glad they popped up in your ask.
Since we’ve talked about toxic masculinity so far, let’s continue on that. You mentioned that MGS is prone to homophobia because he’s had to act tough. Upholding a certain kind of image is essential in gangs. Being weak and submissive - aka gay, as I talked about above - isn’t an option in that line of work.
I agree with you on all of that. Why MGS is so uncomfortable with HT being physical with him is at least partly because he can’t come across as someone who can be taken advantage of (ch. 250):
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If he can be physically overpowered and made vulnerable, it means he can be submitted. In the masculine world, physical strength seems to be the final and ultimate law that settles all the disputes at the latest. And if you lose in that you’re on the bottom or at least lower on the hierarchy. Now, multiply that mentality by a lot to fit it in the world of teenage gangs and the borderline criminal underworld. So, yes, I would most definitely say MGS doesn’t want himself to be put in that situation. Much less anyone finding out about it.
Then again, the story has kind of revisited that idea when HT “joined” MGS’s gang and his underlings started seeing HT around more. And they seem somewhere between intimidated by HT and impressed their boss has managed to make someone like HT call him “brother”. That fits the same mentality of strength, but I can’t honestly see Buzzcut or other members of the gang giving MGS a hard time even if they found out about HT’s affections. Chances are, they would be even more impressed, bless them.
Overall, I think MGS lashing out (or being homophobic) is mostly due to him not trusting HT and HT slowly but surely wearing him out and making him see his own prejudice against people like HT. Yelling out insults has been the easiest way to fight HT’s affections, although it’s not proven very successful. It’s also important to remember MGS is fairly inexperienced when it comes to love and romantic affection (ch. 222):
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He’s always been rejected and discriminated by his peers and over the years, he’s started to mirror that behavior and push people away. Having crushes (let alone having a girlfriend) has never really been a concern for him. And it’s not like he’s had time for something like romance anyway because working has taken so much of his time. In this regard, MGS isn’t that mature or experienced and tends to get uncomfortable and lash out very quickly.
I’ve already talked about the note and what kind of role I think it will have (if it will be addressed at all). And I’m not really worried about MGS saying something homophobic to HT. I think we’re way past of him being like “I don’t speak to a homo” at this point already. He’s been aware of HT’s affections for a good while by now and even tentatively warmed up to some of it (for example, the aquarium date and the studs). (Even though, I think it’s still too early to talk about MGS being in love with HT.)
MGS has come a long way, and I might even say he’s gained some sexuality-related maturity on the way. Slowly but surely, he’s become comfortable with having HT around, and if after all this development he would say something like that, it would be a pretty big step backward. Of course, that doesn’t mean he can’t throw insults and lash out but let’s not forget we’re talking about a purebred tsundere here. That’s always going to happen with him.
And while we’re keeping it real, it’s not like HT would pay any mind to those insults. After MGS asked for the studs, I think HT’s resolve has only strengthened.
I hope this answer makes some sense, to me it feels like a bit of a mess of this and that. A lof of “I can’t deny that but still...” You really threw some hard questions and challenged my thinking a lot. Thank you!
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E2
quarantine diaries: may 27 2020
season 2 episode 2: “Inclement weather”
i know y’all said that kane and bellamy arent canonical father and son but i could really see it in this episode. these writers are planted this plot point but then they drop it?? im really curious as to why they did this.
those guns really didn’t level the playing fields bc lets be honest the grounders can fuck it up guns or no guns. and fuck you kane trying to blame and guilt bellamy. not in my household. these kids had no chance of surviving if it werent for mama clarke and pap bellamy. lets also recall the fact that you were part of the council that sent these kids down here in the first place with not actual hope that they would survive.
“this should be fun”-murphy **are they really setting up murphy as the sarcastic/relatable character??? i cant. 
kane really spewing out laws but if you havent noticed y’all arent on the ark no more 
they are pushing this maya and jasper ship. soo loong jasper x octavia ship.
why did they give clarke a key card? did these people not know that learn from last time? ooooo that person dont look so good? ‘Chernobyl’ the writers said. 
new intro. this art is something else. and im not be sarcastic here. i genuinely like this intro. but i do hope it changes for each of the new seasons just to make things more interesting.
raven be in pain but still be a baddie with impeccably perfect eyebrows. seriously tho? are they gonna perform surgery with no anesthesia? like raven this is no minor procedure.
oooooooo what is this grounder with this weird as haircut and mike tysons face tattoo 
this place has breakfast buffets? ok i see the validity behind jasper not wanting to leave 
why was the baby in the drawer tho. jaha gets a second chance to be a father. giving him a new purpose and reason to live??? 
just shut up finn. and ooo raven this gonna hurt. i cant believe abby actually agreed to performing this operations especially in these conditions. literally abby is operating while her patient is lucid and screaaaaming her ass off.
stop it murphy. i dont care. murphy you will never be on the same level as prettyboy bellamy
big yikes. the grounders be sending messages
i cant believe that these people are actually obliging clarke its not she has actual authority and agency to do anything.
where did that baby get that chess piece.??? 
yes it can be that crazy. is jaha really going to use a missile to travel back to earth? ummm im no scientist by any means i dont even have my b.s. degree yet but im pretty sure that this is not a stable idea. but im willing suspend logic if y’all are
the guys name is nyko. more like geico. “He can save in 15 minutes or less” i couldnt help myself. would have been better if his name was washington. you know because of lincoln.
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what type of payback is this octavia?! im never doing you a favor cause you’d really do some stupid shit. is octavia really that strong tho cuz that guy is huge in comparison. and she referred to lincoln as a “something” girl he is not an object. he is not to be objectified. he is a human being. **im being ironic here but dont @ me
seriously this trope of only having one healer is getting old. and nyko looks old so are they telling me that nyko doesnt even have an apprentice? ok sure.
hey raven. one leg is better than none. count your blessings. look at this guy. he has one leg too but hes still out here thriving
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but it would be awesome if they gave raven a robotic leg. like that would take her badassness to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL
“my personal favorite not getting speared by grounders” of course they had jasper say this line.
so the helmet cracked yet none of it when in his eyes. why am i even asking? i already said i would suspend all logic.
when that baby disappear...i was like really so no glass in the eye yet the baby somehow managed to get out. the baby aint jack jack...but the baby is wells **tears** im glad they brought wells back. even if it was for this brief moment. but jaha really be crazy
that finn head shake tho at 31:21 that was my reaction to murphy saying what about me. no bellamy. dont take murphy. fuck but this just shows how much better bellamy is than murphy. when bellamy says let bygones be bygones. he means it unlike murphy who is the embodiment of a snake
wait jasper is sitting at a piano. are they hinting that he can play it??? damn these kids be talented
ow clarke just oww clarke. she dont even scream that loud.
again youre telling me nyko couldnt over power octavia. the guy is twice her size. i may be a feminist and say girl power but im also a realist. this girl cant be that strong. but i guess having solar radiation blood gives these spacers inhuman strength now because might as well. that or if youre a healer even if you all buff and muscular its just for looks and you cant actually fight. 
wow reapers. these two never get a break. they just wanna bone but the universe is just out to get them.
you know i think the purpose of this episode is to show that octavia is just as crazy for lincoln as he is for her. cuz up to this point it did kinda seem like a one side relationship considering the amount of effort that lincoln put in, in comparison to octavia. so moral of the story is that they both be crazy so they be perfect together
they really like jaha cuz this plot armor is crazy. his missile plan actually worked?? and what are the chances that he land in the desert?
millers father? yes. 
i really don’t like these tie dye yellow patient outfits
woah hold up. people handing upside down. blood. moaning. people in cages. writes said “human trafficking? we got you cover” never would i ever expected to see the topic of human trafficking touched on in this show. this is a CW show right???! but here we are.
anya!!! my queen has returned!! but in the worst possible way.
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eat0crow · 5 years
Chase the Wind
Hello all!! This was written for day four of the Movie Week AU’s event hosted by @lukacouffaineappreciationmonth .  My ETERNAL gratitude to my lovely co-mother @nottesilhouette for betaing this. She takes my writing and makes it soo shiny! ___________________
“Okay, don’t freak out,” Marinette says from her place beside the massive red and black speckled nadder. 
“Oh my gods, oh my fucking gods,” Luka breathes, stumbling back against the rock wall he had just snuck through.
Marinette takes a step toward him and raises her hands in a placating gesture. “I said don’t freak out.”
“I’m not freaking out.” The words fall flat as they leave his mouth and he can hear the edge of hysteria creeping in.
Apparently, the dragon must be able to hear his impending breakdown as well because it lets out a low hiss, narrows its eyes, and goes to move forward. Marinette extends one arm out in front placing it on the nadder’s head and halting its progression toward Luka. It bucks and chirps, and thankfully stays back.
 “Luka.” Marinette’s voice is lost somewhere in the sea of self-denial Luka is liberally trying to pour over his brain because there is no way, none whatsoever that Marinette has really been hiding a dragon just a few miles away from the village this whole time.
Marinette is a lot of things and subtle is not one of them.
“Really, I’m good.” He stands up a bit straighter, dusts his pants off and takes a singular step forward. “I’m very firmly not freaking out.”
He reaches out to Marinette but drops his hand quickly back to his when the dragon lets out an ear-splitting roar, ducking around Marinette’s outstretched hand and rushing forward with its head lowered to the ground and spikes furled up.
He has never been happier for Marinette’s quick reflexes because she is nose to nose with him in less than a second, throwing her arms out behind her and holding the irritated creature back. For all that the dragon is still thrashing and wild, it doesn’t cross the barrier Marinette has created with her body. Instead, it raises its head again and screams with all its might. The writhing is short lived and subsides a bit as the dragon relaxes back behind Marinette, its spikes still clearly on display.
Luka stumbles back once again and presses against the wall trying to make himself smaller in the vain hope that the dragon who clearly is not his biggest fan will let him leave and live to see another day. “Yup, this is fine. Perfectly fine!” He winces at the way his voice cracks and pitches high at the end.
“Luka!” Marinette’s voice breaks the carefully constructed paper wall that has previously been holding back the panic Luka is very firmly trying to avoid.
“Okay, I’m freaking out. Kill me, Marinette, but there’s a fucking dragon behind you, come on!”
“You shouldn’t have followed me.” Marinette has a point. He really shouldn’t have invaded her privacy and followed after her without her knowledge.
But Marinette has been disappearing from the village for months now and what was previously just being written off as another one of her strange quirks was now raising eyebrows. People were starting to talk especially as winter drew ever closer and her absences not showing any signs of slowing down.     
Several rumors have already been spreading around the village. It didn’t take anyone especially clever to hear them and after his first time stumbling into a conversation about his best friend, Luka has made a point to listen. He’s heard any number of different tales at this point. And while the majority of them are harmless, the most popular being speculations of a hidden romance, there are those that will be dangerous if left unchecked. 
His name has cropped up a number of times amongst various circles and is far from the only one. Felix and Adrien are both popular contenders. Kagami’s name has even been mentioned once in dark whispers and disapproving tones. Luka’s heart always feels a sharp jagged pang go through it whenever he happens to overhear such talk.
Because he would like to think that Marinette has been his friend long enough to realize that he would support her in anything regardless of who she chose. His friendship isn’t conditional. No matter what her decision is, he would stand by her side in support. 
“Oh, well, forgive me for worrying about you,” Luka says and his voice is loud and angry and upset. He has been worrying for so long, months, and to be denied the right feels like a punch to the stomach.
Marinette is just as angry and she all but spits, “What did you expect to find when you followed me?!” 
“Not fucking this, that’s for sure,” he says, as he gestures vaguely in front of him. Toward Marinette and the dragon. Toward the entire mess they have found themselves in. At this point he isn’t picky. “I thought you were hiding like a secret boyfriend, not a secret dragon.”
A secret relationship was one thing. It was hardly the worst thing he has heard whispered about her, and while he did his best to protect Marinette and has gotten into more fights than she would ever know of over it, he can only do so much.
Lila works unspeakably quickly and efficiently. She has been whispering in the ears of anyone that would listen about how Marinette was courting bad fortune for weeks. She has spun tales of Marinette making deals with witches and inviting hoards of dragons down on them. And while Luka has never been one to put much stock in anything she that comes out of her mouth, the same could not be said for everyone else.
It had been a bad year for them all, dragon raids had been frequent and brutal. Most of the cattle had been carted off and the lakes were already showing signs of running sparse. It promised to be harsh winter with small rations, a winter that the more superstitious amongst them are eager to pin on Marinette.
There are those that whisper of banishment.
Worse yet, there are those that will call for a trail.
And Luka knows that if Lila is given her way, if Marinette is taken before the elders and tried for witchcraft, she will be convicted and banishment will be the last thing she is sentenced with.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous this is,” Luka yells, he’s not referring to the massive reptile behind her but the situation as a whole.
He knows that Marinette has hardly been around the village. He barely sees her outside of her parent’s bakery and can honestly not remember the last time they bumped into each other at the market. With such little time spent interacting with anyone, it’s hardly surprising that Marinette is ignorant of the rumors going around.
“I know what I’m doing!”
Luka has little doubt that Marinette knows what she’s doing with the dragon. It’s plain to see to anyone looking that the nadder trusts her and more than that respects her authority. He has every confidence that between the two of them Marinette is the only one with even a shred of hope of leaving this encounter with all limbs attached.
No, the dragon isn’t what Luka is scared of.
He knows that monsters aren’t the creatures just trying to survive. Real monsters are far more ruthless.
Luka would take his chances entrusting his life to Marinette’s dragon before he would turn his back to Lila.
 “Honestly, Mari, the dragon eating us is the least of our worries,” he sighs.
“Tikki would never,” Marinette huffs, her voice indignant.
“Oh no,” Luka moans and doesn’t even try and resist the urge to bury his face in his hands. “Oh, no.”
“Luka, what’s-.”
 He cuts her off and gives her the blandest look he can muster. “You named it.”
Just like that, all Luka’s hope of the situation magically fixing itself disappears. 
Marinette has a big heart. She always has, and always will. It’s what Luka loves most about her. Nevertheless, he can’t help but wish that it wasn’t big enough to fit an entire dragon. You have to draw the line somewhere, and Luka would like to think it should have been drawn at large predator who can bite you in half without even trying.
Of all Lila’s stories to be true, it just had to be the one that would get them killed for treason.
“And that’s so bad because…” Marinette wonders, her voice trailing off and confusion clouding her eyes.
“Once you name it, you get attached to it. Everyone knows that!”
Hell, Luka still remembers trying to hide Whiskers and his many many relatives when he and Marinette were eight. He thinks some of the offspring are still living in his family’s storeroom. If she’s named it, she’s adopted it and Luka isn’t entirely sure how he feels about a nadder in the family.
No one could convince her to get rid of her pet rats. He highly doubts he could convince her to get rid of her pet dragon.
“People are starting to get suspicious, Mari, we need a plan.” He takes a moment to look into her eyes and strengthen his resolve. This is by far the craziest thing he’s ever done. The craziest thing they have ever done. “If the elders find out, we’ll be lucky to be banished. It’s more than likely we’ll be burned or hung.”
“You don’t actually expect me to leave you to deal with this all on your own, do you?”
The smile that lights up Marinette’s face is blinding as she throws herself at him and squeezes for all that she is worth. Luka may be a fool but at least he’s a fool in love. He would do anything, he realizes as he tightens his grip on her and feels Tikki come to sniff his hair, absolutely anything to make her face light up like that.
He would help her hide a hundred pet dragons all to see that smile permanently etched onto her face.
She pushes away a moment later, taking a step back into the dragon’s chest, keeps her hands on his shoulders and holding him at arm’s length. Tikki backs up with her, letting out chirps and coos as she inspects him.
Tikki must find something she likes because she lets out a happy trill and rubs her head against Marinette’s back. Luka has never thought a dragon could be gentle but can hardly find another word to describe her. Marinette doesn’t budge an inch and shows no signs of the horns having hurt her.
“Luka.” Marinette grabs his hand and looks him in the eye. “Do you trust me?”
“With my life.” Luka means it with every ounce of his being.
She nods in acknowledgment, and that one action has more confidence in it than anything Luka has ever seen from Marinette before.
“Luka, I would like you to officially meet Tikki.” Her movements are slow and precise as she carefully places their conjoined hands down onto Tikki’s snout just between her eyes. Luka is hypnotized by the pair of large slitted eyes that stare back into his own and hardly registers Marinette slipping her hand away and angling herself toward the dragon. “Tikki, this is Luka.”
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rycewrites · 5 years
lookism rant #1
so... it’s spring break. and i’ve spent the entire break doing what any smart ap student would do: ignoring my five looming ap tests and draining my phone battery by looking at webtoons and instagram. since most of my favorite webtoons are on hiatus, i have resolved to rereading my favorites, and one that i’ve reread the most so far is lookism. as spring break comes to a finish in two days, i decided to get my life back on track and instead of simply rereading the comic, i will rant about my most and least favorite characters starting with the fandom’s all-time favorite character (yes, if you check the wiki for lookism there is a poll and it is fact that he is the majority’s favorite), jay hong/hong jae yeol. (also, note that these are my opinions so if you disagree with them don’t be offended but i would be happy to hear other people’s opinions on the webtoon! please comment who would be on your list because i need to talk to more people who read lookism!)
top favorite characters~
1. jay hong/hong jae yeol:
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let’s just list off reasons why everyone loves him: he is well-dressed (even plans out other people’s outfits), generous (gives daniel literally everything he wants), selfless (he fricking took in enu’s pups even though he is scared of dogs), RICH (main reason for kouji’s admiration), strong (manz uses his systema well), and CAN RIDE A MOTORCYCLE (yes, i love a man who can ride a bike). he may not be the most dynamic character, but his static puppy status makes it impossible for me to put him lower on this list. we honestly don’t know that much about his backstory and i am super curious about why his family relationships are so strained (except with his sister, joy). for now, he remains a mystery, but like an attractive mystery. overall, me -> ( ・_・)♡
2. zach lee/lee jin sung:
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honestly hated this boi in the beginning because he was a big bully to daniel, but  he has been through some SERIOUS character development. mira was a big part in this but i feel like overall his morals have changed so much even when mira isn’t around. he does still fight often, but now it’s not meaningless violence as he uses his boxing skills to defend his friends (ex: defending johan during the god dogs arc).
i also hated his eyebrows and hair in the beginning of the comic but like that’s personal preference. however, in the last few episodes, his hair looks SO GOOD (reference image above).
he is second on my list of favorite characters because i feel that his development throughout the story has been the most dynamic. he not only changed mentally as he overlooks lookism more (ex: he is not only friends with big daniel but also little daniel) but also physically as he doesn’t simply depend on his inherent talent for boxing but actually goes back and trains again in order to get better (to defend mira >.<)
in the future, i hope to see more development with his relationship with mira and his friends because i hold a lot of high hopes for this boi! ♥‿♥
3. vasco/lee eun tae/tabasco:
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BIG CUTIE ENERGY ♥╣[-_-]╠♥! first off, he may not have as much long-term development over the course of the story like zach, but we do see a lot of his development with his own arc and bullying story. he was always a pure boi and his inherent innocence creates a discrepancy with his appearance which makes him more endearing in my opinion. the idea of lookism is very apparent in his character because most people look at him and see him as a gangster or someone very intimidating, but in reality his personality and mindset are very innocent (showing another way that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover). i honestly LOVED the scene in the god dogs arc in which he defended zach and daniel joins in because that friendship is GOLDEN. i love how he always strives to be stronger and more powerful to defeat the evil in the world because it shows that he truly cares about the weaker people and those impacted by lookism. in my opinion, i think that vasco and zach will end up being the most powerful in the story (but that’s my opinion)
4. mira kim/kim mi jin:
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pure! cute! sweet! moral! (✿ ♥‿♥)! mira is just an all-around great gal that makes it impossible for me to find flaws with. although she isn’t super major in terms of daniel’s story, she does impact zach significantly and makes him a better person. like she is the sole reason that zach has become a character that i truly admire and like. (although she did think that daniel was the r-word when he tried hitting on her in the beginning of the story. but throughout the story we see that she isn’t really a person to judge people on looks and stuff as we see that she gives jasmine the benefit of the doubt even after the vasco fiasco)
5. yena/eli jang’s (jang hyun’s) daughter:
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honestly too cute for words. like the episodes where zach and mira find her are my favorites so i just wanted to include her in my favorite character list. also, she seems to be a character that really impacts other characters (zach and eli really changed for her ಥ_ಥ)
least favorite characters~
park ji ho:
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always doing dumb things and making it harder for the people around him. he tries too hard to be a part of the popular group and as zach said, he doesn’t really think of them as friends because he just thinks about what the benefits are for hanging out with daniel and co. i think we all went from being tolerant of jiho in the beginning and then hating him at the end. i especially hated how he kept blaming other people and yet not accepting when people were being friendly. especially during the fake bank account arc, he just brushed off daniel when he asked jiho if he wanted to go to the convenience store then jiho goes running back to daniel and his friends when he realizes his mistake. overall, -123912830/10.
2. james gong:
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don’t even know where to start with this punk. very violent for very little reason! i know i stated before that i hate jiho but i still felt kinda bad for him when he realized that james had sold the bank account he made for him. just overall a very intimidating character that hurt zach (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
3. jasmine huh:
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needs to get her shit(ake) together. first off, she almost got vasco expelled from the school because of her lies. like big! red! flag! it seems that she really doesn’t care about other people (except james) and is willing to put so many other people at risk to save her own behind. also, i hate how she uses other people. like how she uses mira to make money when mira didn’t do anything wrong ヾ(゚д゚)ノ. i hope she one day realizes that her lies are gonna hurt so many other people and then herself.
4. heemin kim/zeus/creepy dude from the boot camp arc:
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sexual assault is a big no in this household. i hate how he thinks that being handsome can defend him of his crimes! also, he broke zach’s arms which made me FLIP OUT. LIKE HOW DO YOU DARE TO HARM MY BOXER BOI. he also attacked mira, an actual angel ლ(゚д゚ლ). words can’t describe how much i hate this man but numbers can -> 0/10
5. logan lee/lee tae sung:
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big bully energy. he needs to lay his hands off of everyone (especially zoe!). blackmail? big no go in this household. he also dumped his plate of food on mira? BIG NO GO! he needs to get his life together and realize that people don’t hate him because he’s “ugly,” it’s because he has THE WORST PERSONALITY!
6. strong contenders for least favorite: stalker girl, animal cruelty cat mom/hoarder, zoe’s stalker
characters that i need more information about to form stronger opinions about~
vin jin/jin ho bin:
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dislike him because he abused enu but also want to know more about him. big bully energy but i feel like he has a deep backstory behind him so i want to know more. why did he quite judo? why does he wear sunglasses? hope he gets over his superiority complex and changes because i feel like he has a lot of potential.
2. eli jang/jang hyun:
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so far, very cute and strong is all i have to say about him. also, he is a good dad like that scene where he put out that god dog’s cigarette? MAJOR PROPS TO YOU ELI. i’m very curious about his backstory as well because it seems that he was a contender for gun’s successor but he changed drastically to take care of yena. i also just love a man with good hair sooo…
3. jong gun + joon goo:
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i want to know more about these two! like what’s their backstory? why did gun create the 4 big crews? why was goo sent to the juvenile detention center before? (look at vasco’s bullying arc for reference) why did gun leave goo alone with the money collection? overall very mysterious and i want to learn more.
random characters that just deserve appreciation~
crystal choi/choi soo jung:
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we stan a strong female character. however, i don’t like how she is immediately prejudiced against handsome men in the beginning of her appearance. i think over time she’ll realize that her prejudice isn’t right and her experience as someone who has to deal with lookism doesn’t justify her immediate judgements. however, we need more female fighters in this story so she is a big yes.
2. duke pyeon:
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3. daniel park/park hyung suk:
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honestly, he’s a great character and all, but i don’t know if he could ever reach favorite character status. i just have a mindset that makes me unable to pick the protagonist as a favorite character because i feel like they are sometimes created specifically to just bring the story together. don’t get me wrong, he’s a great person, defends his friends, and doesn’t fight for no reason, but i feel like there isn’t anything super special about his personality (other than the fact that he has two bodies but like so does crystal). he also looks like kim seokjin in his new body which is a big plus.
4. inu/enu + inu/enu’s pups:
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i love dogs
5. mary kim/idk her korean name someone help me:
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strong female character? i think yes. honestly such a fav. she doesn’t take sh*t from vin jin and i honestly want to know more about her character and background. *spoiler alert* i read ahead in the korean version and saw that she can beat people up too so like… she’s a bada**.
6. kouji:
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as a person interested in computer science, I STAN. i also love a man with good hair. his cocky personality is sometimes off-putting but honestly his confidence is endearing at times. also we both love money!
7. jace park/park bum jae:
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during vasco’s bullying story, i was so sad when he left vasco, but i love how he realized that he should’ve been a better friend and has stuck with vasco after all of this time. also love how he listens to vasco and tries to make him happy even when he knows that vasco does some silly things (like planting durian seeds in korea)
8. zoe park/park ha neul:
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i love her development! she still fights with herself over whether she should like big daniel or small daniel, which displays her internal conflict with lookism. over time she has stopped judging people solely on their appearance and she is even able to distinguish between daniel and his cousin! (in my opinion, if daniel doesn’t end up with jay he better end up with zoe instead)
9. daniel’s (hyung suk’s) mother:
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10. song johan:
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deserved better. he was just trying to help his mom which makes him so pure! but i feel like he should realize that he has friends (zach and mira) that could help him get through his problems! overall, want to see more of him and i hope he develops even more.
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vanicanela18 · 5 years
Seeing as I decided to open a tumblr with not even a miserable new fanfic, I’ll post an old work of mine that you can also view in AO3, just so I don’t have the blog too empty.
Title: new glasses.
Fandom: Banana Fish.
Summary: Eiji and Sing go to buy glasses.
Major Character Death
Relationship: Okumura Eiji & Sing Soo Ling (platonic).
Characters: Okumura Eiji, Sing Soo Ling, Ash Lynx.
Other tags: Manga spoilers, Pre-Garden of Light, Angst, comfort/hurt
“What about these?”
Sing ponders Eiji’s appearance and analyzes the soft features of his face, dark eyes behind the thick, ebony frame of the glasses he’s trying out. Apparently it’s a new model that’s being plenty popular among young people, modern and elegant, but Sing shakes his head.
“They don’t suit you. Too thick. You look weird.”
Eiji lets out a long-suffering sigh, passing a hand through his already disarrayed hair. When he rolls his eyes, a sign of his increasing irritation, it’s obvious the hour they have spent trying out glasses is starting to wear him out. Sing bites his bottom lip to contain a smirk from betraying his amusement.
“You’re being far pickier than I would’ve thought,” declares the man, closing his eyes and massaging his temples, a habit he’s picked from the many weeks he spent suffering from headaches until Sing forced him to go to the medic.
“Well, it’s your fault for asking for my help.”
“I thought it would be quicker if I had someone else to help me decide.” Eiji turns, taking off the glasses, but Sing can tell he’s trying to contain a smile. He’s always been quick to forgive, too kind to hold grudges. “I didn’t know you had such a fashion sense that you would reject every frame I’ve tried for the past hour.”
Sing shrugs, cringing internally when he reasons that Yut-Lung must be rubbing off on him. “It’s strange to see you with glasses.”
Sing doesn’t explain how most of the frames change Eiji’s face and make him look older, accentuating the lines around his eyes and the growing hair that nowadays he has to tie in a half up-do to keep it away from his face. He doesn’t elaborate in how, although it has already been four years since his death, they seem to make him more closed off and lonely.
There are also those who are really awful though and Sing wonders how they can even be in exhibition, let alone sell.
“Maybe I should just stick with contacts,” muses Eiji with the ghost of a smile lifting the corners of his lips, walking away to give the rejected glasses to the exhausted clerk that has evidently lost hope they will find something to buy that day.
“Maybe,” he agrees quietly, crossing his arms over his chest. He listens to Eiji and the clerk discussing about the cost of contacts lenses absently, focusing in the soft cadence of Eiji’s voice and not the words spoken while he watches the countless frames the optic has in store. A frame, silver and thin, catches his eye even though it’s almost hidden behind a few other thicker and more colorful glasses.
His breath catches in his throat.
“Sing, I think I’ll decide to purchase contacts lenses or else I will spend the rest of my life in this shop,” says Eiji, approaching him, but Sing has to blink a few times and remind himself to breathe to get rid of the ghost behind his eyelids. The Japanese young man frowns, noticing his eyes fixed on the glasses.
“Oh? What is it? You found some glasses you like?”Before he can dismiss it, Eiji follows his gaze. He hears a tiny, quiet gasp when his eyes lock with the glasses and Sing’s heart crumbles.
The change is immediate. Eiji’s body turns rigid; his eyes are hazed and mind lost in a memory that even though Sing doesn’t understand he recognizes it for what it is: a ghost that still doesn’t free Eiji from his chains, one that he doesn’t even want to escape from.
The glasses are identical to the ones Ash held in his hand that day in the library. Sing never saw him wearing them, but he’s certain Eiji did.
“We should go,” whispers Sing, alarmed, and though his voice was as gentle as he could possibly muster it to be Eiji startles violently, as if woken up from a nightmare.
“Sir,” the clerk calls uncertainly, holding a box of contact lenses in her left hand, “are you going to buy the contacts then?”
Sing ignores her, grabbing Eiji’s hand cautiously and squeezing it gently. It’s cold and slightly sweaty, but the grip seems to ground him and he blinks slowly, eyes brimming with tears.
Eiji lets go of his hand, fingers slipping through his like water, and approaches the frame. Sing watches him helplessly, clenching his jaw. His hands tremble when he lifts them to touch the glasses.
“I had… forgotten…” he mumbles, voice odd and full of emotion, “I had forgotten he used to… wear glasses… a frame just like this one.”
Sing curses under his breath.
“Do you… want to try them out, sir?” asks the clerk, her tone hesitatingly hopeful and totally oblivious to the increasing tension in the air. “They’re a bit of an old model, you see, but I’m sure they’ll look…”
“I’m taking them.” Eiji’s words possess an edge he had a long time without hearing, and just like that Sing knows it’s useless to try to argue with him. The clerk beams while relief exudes from her, grabbing the frame and putting it in its case along with the paper that has scribbled the crystals’ formula. He sighs deeply, attempting to swallow the lump in his throat and waiting for Eiji to pay.
The walk home is silent. Sing tries to ignore Eiji’s quiet sniffles, the sound of his sleeves rubbing against his eyes to contain the overflowing tears. He knows physical contact in this moment is not welcome and there is nothing he can do unless he wants him to have a meltdown in the middle of the street.
As soon as they arrive in the apartment Eiji locks himself up in his room and Sing knows firsthand he won’t be out for dinner. Nevertheless, he stays, ignoring the knot that tightens painfully in his stomach and playing absentmindedly with Buddy.
The ghosts during the night will be too present for Eiji to be alone. And, maybe, they will be for Sing too.
Two weeks later, when Sing arrives to the apartment for dinner, Eiji is waiting for him. When he locks his gaze with his, Sing has the feeling that Eiji’s not really looking at him, and the suspicion is confirmed in the dullness that resides in his eyes.
He’s holding something in his hands.
“I went to pick them up today,” he explains quietly, without any welcome home or how was your day, “would you tell me how they look?”
“You should’ve done that before you bought them,” he replies halfheartedly. Eiji smiles something that looks more like a grimace, painful and twisted.
“Just do it, please.”
Sing nods and guilt swirls in his stomach. He knows it’s his fault. If he had said yes to the previous glasses and wouldn’t have been so picky he never would’ve spotted those cursed glasses in the first place and sent Eiji in a spiral of memories and ghosts. Eiji is strong, but there is so much that a person can bear.
When he puts them on, maybe the worst thing is that they actually look good on him.
The curves of the glasses complement the gentle lines of Eiji’s face, the thin silver frame standing out against his raven hair. They make him look slightly older, more mature. Sing has heard about people that look more beautiful with glasses, and although he didn’t believe it now he thinks it might be true.
Eiji looks up at him and something clears in his eyes, now the chestnut color a warmer, more present shade. He knows that it is him experiencing a sharper world after months of a steadily blurring sight, but Sing has always liked pretending.
He tries to smile.
“They suit you just fine.”
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jmkitsune · 5 years
all odd :)
1: Name
3: Fears
Abandonment, sensory deprivation, failure
5: 4 turns on
based on previous girlfriends
1- curves (tits, ass, hips, thighs, stomach)
2- longer hair
3- eyes
4- sarcastic and clever sense of humor
7: My best friend
can’t pick one but Britt, Adrienne, and Moosey
9: My best first date
never had “first dates” I was usually in relationships already when the dating stuff happened
11: What do I miss
too many things honestly
13: Favourite color
purple and crimson
15: Favourite quote
“When someone says impossible- they usually mean improbable.”
17: Favourite food
honestly probably 
19: What am I listening to right now
watching Godzilla soo listening to Godzilla wreck monsters
21: Shoe size
9 and a half
23: Hair color
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Favourite movie
I have too many to list, movies are kinda a huge thing for me, but lets say star wars cause its always a consistent
29: Favourite band
linkin park probably
31: Someone I love
my friends
33: My relationship with my parents
mom- could be better
dad- non existent
35: Tattoos and piercing I have
I have six tattoos
37: The reason I joined Tumblr
boredom back in 2009/2010 or so
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
not anymore
41: When did I last hold hands?
2 months ago
43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
I don’t drink/get drunk sooo
47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
live with my mother yeah
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
Britt, Adrienne, Moosey, pretty much 95% my friend group
51: When was the last time I hugged someone?
2 months ago
53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
no idea honestly, like no one is jumping out at the moment
57: What’s my strangest talent?
I don’t think many of my talents are that strange to be honest
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind, but don’t mind in front on certain circumstances
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
of the two? online- hands free
63: Do I believe in magic?
I believe people are capable of making magic if they believe in it themselves
65: What’s the weather like right now?
67: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
used to, now its just a smell I notice
69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
broken heart
71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
no but my siblings can and its iritating
73: Favourite animal?
75: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
77: How can you win my heart?
be a specific person
79: What is my favorite word?
probably wicked
81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
let me go back to the start
83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
shadow jumping- being able to walk into a shadow and reappear someone else out of another shadow
85: What is my current desktop picture?
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I hadn’t actually changed it yet
87: Bought condoms?
uhhh I didn’t buy them technically, but I remember the last time was like mid june, steph came home saying “I have acquired the anti baby ritual materials!”
89: Failed a class?
junior year- failed chemistry
91: Kissed a girl?
93: Had job?
I’ve had quite a few jobs
95: Bullied someone on the internet?
I have not
97: Played on a sports team?
I was on my high school soccer team my freshmen year, but didn’t stay the whole season
99: Did drugs?
101: Drank alcohol?
Used to, a LOT, stopped for a while, but then stopped fully back in 2015 or so
103: Been overweight?
105: Been to a wedding?
107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Gotten my heart broken?
A FEW TIMES, kinda a skill I’m getting exceedingly good at
111: Broken a bone?
not yet
113: Been to prom?
two proms actually
115: Fly by helicopter?
117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Wore make up?
yes, used to wear eye liner and nail polish in high school
121: Had oral sex?
123: Voted in a presidential election?
yup, every election since 2008
125: Had a surgery?
127: Stalked someone on a social network?
*sighs* honestly as much as I sometimes want to because of heartbreak- no I haven’t I know the second I go looking I’m just going to find pain
129: Been fishing?
yes, used to go when I was a kid, wasn’t my thing
131: Been rejected by a crush?
hahahahahaha I’ve been rejected by one crush a few times
133: What do I want for birthday?
second chance
135: Was I named after anyone?
sadly too many people in the family
137: What was my favourite toy as a child?
thomas the tank engine train toys and legos
139: Where do I want to live when older?
with the love of my life
141: One of my scars, how did I get it?
I have three tiny scars on my left wrist- I got them when my friend at the time Eden gripped my arm cause I took her wallet jokingly and until I gave it back she gripped tighter, she never broke skin but she did leave three nail marks in my wrist
143: Am I afraid of the dark?
no, I’m afraid of what might be in it
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
once, was worth it, went and got slushies
147: What I’m really bad at
keeping that which I want most without driving it away
also really bad at not trying to take on everything by myself when there are those who could have and would have helped me when I needed it in the past
149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
That I scared them because of what I did out of love 
151: What do I like about myself
I’m passionate, loyal, ambitious, creative, romantic, fiercely devoted and an idealist dreamer
153: Something I fantasize about
a reunion and forgiveness
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sadlove4you · 5 years
The 30 Day Tumblr Challenge
We are at it again bois.
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Day 3 - My Favourite TV Show/Series
Okay so I don’t know why I’m excited to tell you my favourite shows. I definitely have a few of my favourites, also cartoon shows and anime if that counts lol
Okay starting off with:
1. OnMyBlock
You guys don’t understand how obsessed I am with this show!! This is one of my #1 favourites and now S2 is coming in a few days like holy shiit, feels like we been waiting forever. Watching the teaser and seeing Ruby opening his eyes at the end at me jumping 😂. I mean if they were thinking of not putting Ruby in S2 and he died then I ain’t watching S2. But can I say that Spooky is is fine as hell 😍 But anyway I recommend you guys go watch it, it’s da best, if you into that teen drama.
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2. The Office
I love the Office, I always wanted to watch it from seeing memes on insta or Facebook all the time and now I finally got the chance too. It’s so funny and you just get every joke and just laugh. Also one good thing too is every episode is so entertaining and you don’t get bored. So if you wanting to find a new tv show to watch then come to this one. Another thing is that I love Michael’s personality, just trying to be the cool boss and even tho some episodes he can be annoying but then his very caring at the same time. Its cute how he finds everyone like a second family to him. Also can never get enough of Jim’s pranks on Dwight.
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3. Black Mirror
Gotta say this is a pretty interesting tv series, I thought it would be one of those shows that just drag on but literally every episode is different and has its own story. I like how some of the episodes try to connect to the real world and what we do in our society. Also the fancy technology in this series sis pretty impressive but same time don’t want that type of technology being invented now lol I would have to say one of my favourite episode would have to be S4 Ep 4 - Hang the DJ. I was so confused at first and thinking the couple were trapped in some sort of game or world but at the end when it was them in a simulation for a actually a dating app, just blew my mind. That it was the process of the dating app to find the perfect match was really impressive. Also there’s a few keys points on how we work our dating life in the real world. But I was also happy there was a happy ending not like it is with Black Mirror. Another one of my favourite was S3 Ep1 - Nosedive just because I could relate to how we get sucked in the social media world and not in the real world. I more based on the you know you always wanting so many followers on social media and all these likes on your photos from people who you hardly hangout. Just seeing people or friends more higher then you, you kind of get that feeling you wish you were like that. Another thing too is now a days we see heaps and heaaappsss of fitness models that really hit you with ‘I want a body like that’ It kind of puts your self esteem down and trying to love your own body. I mean yes some models do help and motivate you to workout and all that but you gotta put in a lot of work and I’m just too lazy 😂
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3. The End of the F***ing World
It’s a very unique show I must say. Even though James intention was to murder Alyssa in the first place but I still love the relationship between the two even though it was an unusual connection. But James came to fall in love with Alyssa eventually. If it weren’t for that creepy dude he murdered then we probably would of had a different story.
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Okay now I’m getting into my favourite cartoon/anime shows
1. Tokyo Ghoul
One of my favourite anime series ever. Love a bit of action and gore which is what this series showed. Note that I’m not into the romantic animes, it kinda bores me. But honestly S3 was complete shit and was so confusing. Didn’t even connect with the last 2 seasons. But the other 2 seasons was 👌🏾 Noice.
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2. Berserk
Listen if you want a bit of more gore and action then you should watch this. Love this show, literally finished it in a day and a half 😅. Guts is the main man and is probably my favourite character. But just a warning the ending is kinda fucked up and dark but I literally kept watching in confusion because it just escalated so quickly. I even read a few articles on what the ending meant but I’m still confused but overall still love the show. Was sad that everyone died suddenly expect Casca as one of the remake movies showed she survived but was obviously traumatised and lost her mind. Then had a demon baby which was fucked.
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3. Rick & Morty
Gotta love this show man. Never knew I would like a show like this and understand all the humor 😂
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4. Regular Show, Adventure Time & Amazing world of Gumball
If you don’t know what’s these shows are then GTFO! Jks but seriously these are pretty much the best cartoon shows ever, especially on Cartoon Network. Literally watch these shows growing up but I had a little sister that would watch these shows with me and our dad didn’t like it because of the crude humor and so on. So I haven’t watch these in awhile and going back to them is so nostalgic. It’s sad that these 3 shows had to end. I mean obviously a show gotta end somewhere but still. It won’t be the same :(
5. Love Death + Robots
I got to say this is a very interesting series. The animation was amazing but I was gobsmacked at the CGI which looked soooo realistic in some episodes. Literally finished it in a day. I mean yes it is a bit graphic but overall it was funny, dark and imaginative. But I do understand the sexual violence towards women in the series but at the end they got their revenge. But to say Sonnies Edge was probably my favourite episode and hope we can get a series happening or I’ll be disappointed haha.
Okayy I guess I’m done. Idk why I was so excited to talk about this topic for some reason. But tbh I’m not really a huge tv show fan as I mentioned before sometimes shows drag on and it gets really boring and I just move on to the next show. I mean these shows above are probably the only ones I enjoy the most out of every other show.
A good example of a show that drags on is Riverdale, literally. I hate this show so much and idk how people are still watching it. First season was really good then it just got worst. I mean is it just me or Veronica is really annoying and being with Archie is even worse.
Also another show that pissed me off was Shameless! ughhh really ticked me off when Debby eventually had the baby and the way she acts so stubborn literally fucked me right off. You know when you watch a show and it just doesn’t go the way it should and then you just stop watching. Also Game of Thrones, I’m that percent of people that hasn’t watch this shit at all. I recommend if you haven’t watch this show then don’t start because literally every episode is an hour and there’s like what, 20 odd episodes in the 6S. So good luck if you gonna start. But I did watch the first 2 episodes of S1 but it’s kinda weird with the brother sister thing lol I should just make a post of all the shows I hate and why 😂
But anywayyy sorry if this was soo long. Didn’t think it would be and it sucked because I couldn’t put more gifs in haha But if your feeling bored then recommended watching a few of these bad boys I have put down but if you have any that don’t drag on and are actually worth watching and not boring. Then please tell because I don’t want to start watching a show and then get disappointed during it.
Alright then see you guys tomorrow for Day 4
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