#ivar ragnarson x you
mcrco · 1 year
Red String of Fate
repost from my old blog. After losing his wife in battle, Ivar is granted a look into a future life.
Ivar the Boneless, last born son of Ragnar Lothbrok sat upon his throne in the Great Hall of Kattegat. He was a mess, anyone could see it just by looking at him. From the way he chewed his nails to the quick and the way his eyes never lingered in one place - if he could bounce his leg with anxiety, he might have been doing it. What had reduced their great king to such a mess? It had been the loss of you.
During the first attack on Kattegat’s walls by his traitor brother, Hvitserk, who had sided with Bjorn, you had been struck down. He knew without a doubt that the Valkyrie had summoned you to Valhalla, for it had taken several arrows and then finally a knife in your throat to steal the life from you. You were a hero in Ivar’s eyes, a Goddess, even. But none of that could ease the pain that he had lost his wife and would surely soon lose his throne. His throne meant little in comparison to you, for without you, he was truly alone in this world.
He acquitted himself of his throne, hand on his crutch as he pushed up and off the wooden seat and proceeded to quickly limp towards his room. The marriage bed he had shared with you would now permanently remain cold without your warmth and once in the room, he would stare at it with vehemence. As if it was the beds fault you were dead and not Bjorn’s.
Letting the crutch clatter to the floor, Ivar rests his face in his hands to allow himself a moment to cry, to feel pitiful for himself and all that he had lost. Amidst a sob that breaks free of his lips, a bright light scatters across the room without source. It’s enough of a surprise to shake him free of his sorrow and fill him with curiosity - a curiosity that blooms into hope when he makes out your silhouette within the light. With desperate hands he grabs his crutch and walks quickly towards the light, towards you.
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You had met Ivar Lothbrok by pure chance. A silly, almost cheesy movie like run-in at the grocery store. Both of you had reached for the same mango, hands touching before you each pulled back and laughed awkwardly. Names were exchanged and it had felt like you knew each other for a lifetime. What blossomed that day became a full-blown relationship and one year later, you now lived together in a cozy little apartment.
Ivar was sweet on you, but easily jealous though he tried not to be and really, it was the thought that counted. You knew his jealousy was out of love and perhaps even a little bit of his own self-consciousness. Ivar was wheelchair bound most days and sometimes it made him feel ashamed. While he understood that his disability didn’t make him any less worthy or that you loved him any less, growing up he had still suffered the cruelty of children and adults who should have known better, but didn’t. Their careless words or disgusting and abliest jabs sometimes ate at him and you knew it. So you let him be jealous without getting angry about it and often all it took to soothe him was a kiss and a reminder that you were his.
He was in the living room now, watching a movie, a documentary of some sort that you had lost interest in fairly quickly. You had left his side - despite his whining for you to stay and cuddle - to go into the kitchen and make dinner. It was the only excuse you had to flee his boring movie choice and as you left, he had smacked your ass playfully, bringing laughter to your lips and a red tint to your cheeks.
Standing in front of the open fridge to grab ingredients, you hear a strange noise behind you and a flash of light. Turning around, you’re met with the sight of Ivar. Though he now wears something completely different and his long hair is braided back. It takes you a moment to realise that you don’t recognize this outfit he’s in, it’s not something you have ever seen in his wardrobe before.
He looks at you like he’s seen a ghost or a miracle or some combination of the two and before you can ask him questions about the attire and the light and so many other things, he throws his crutch to the ground and launches himself fully into your arms so that you’re the only thing keeping him standing. Under his weight you crumble to the cold, tiled floors and you feel his shoulders shake as he cries.
He pulls out of your arms to sit in your lap, not something he’s ever done before and when he presses his forehead against yours, you see that he’s still crying. Lifting your hands up, you wipe the tears from his blue eyes, concern filling you and your chest constricts with fear that perhaps he’s hurt himself and that the tears are from pain.
He says something, over and over in a language you don’t quite understand. It’s not quite Norwegian, though there are words here and there that you think you recognize. You know Ivar is Norwegian, that it’s his first language and you’ve been trying to learn to speak it for him but these words are almost alien.
“Ivar, what’s wrong?” You press kisses to his tear-stained cheeks and at the sound of your voice, he pulls away, brows furrowing before he asks you what sounds like a question in that strange language.
“What was the crashing noise? Are you okay?” You look up at the doorway to your kitchen at the same time the Ivar in your arms does. There is silence as everyone tries to understand what’s going on.
There is an Ivar in your lap who clearly doesn’t speak English and there is a second Ivar standing in the doorway. You wonder if you’ve gone mad and then the thought hits you that you do not know this beautiful stranger that you were so close to. You look to your lover for a rescue before hiding your embarrassment behind your hands.
Amongst the confusion the Ivar in your lap grabs his forlorn crutch and manages to stand up and you follow suit only for your Ivar to grab you away from him and pull you tight against his side protectively.
“What the fuck is going on?” He asks, looking between you and his lookalike but all you can do is shrug and bite your lip, worrying it between your teeth because you had been kissing the face of a stranger. A handsome stranger, but a stranger nonetheless.
The new Ivar says a flurry of things that you don’t understand and reaches out his free hand to grab at you, as if he too wishes to hold you protectively from his other self.
Your Ivar speaks rapid fire Norwegian and the other Ivar replies only for them both to look confused. “He’s speaking Old Norse,” declares your Ivar, looking more and more perplexed by the moment.
Taking out your phone you do a quick search of the web. Icelandic is the closest thing to Old Norse that still exists and so through the wonders of Google, you’re able to somewhat communicate with this strange, new Ivar.
He tells you that he is Ivar the Boneless and he boasts proudly of his many feats in battle before his voice softens and he explains that you are, or perhaps at least in another life was, his wife. The explanation leaves you all with more questions than answers for none of you can explain how he came to be here or why and the news that you were his wife in that life and the way he looks at you has your Ivar pulling you even closer.
When this new Ivar sees this, he makes a quick grab at you and in a matter of moments, you have two large Norwegian men on the floor, wrestling each other out of jealousy. It doesn’t take you much effort to wedge between them, kissing your Ivar until he calms down. Unfortunately that only enrages the new Ivar and before he can make another attempt at your boyfriend’s life, you give him a quick kiss on the cheek, an action you were usually not so bold to make. It was strange, but this wasn’t your Ivar, so you felt a little shy around him, it made you want to hide but at the same time you could never be afraid of Ivar, no matter what form or life he came from.
“We’re going to have to make the best of this,” you announce as they both grumble and glare at each other. You sigh and lean into your boyfriend, pressing your face into his shirt and he softens.
The other Ivar reaches out, hand on your back gently and you look up at him and bite your lip once more. Is it selfish to say that you wouldn’t be against having two of them? The thought of them sharing you makes your face burn bright and you hide it back against your boyfriend who huffs, clearly making an accurate guess at your thoughts.
This new Ivar seems confused. The wife that he knew was fearless, she was not as shy or soft as you were. She was a fierce shield-maiden that charged into battle and was surely blessed by the Gods for her beauty and bravery. He had watched her face armies, cutting down enemies as if the fight thrilled her to no end. And in fact, it did. Nothing had gotten his wife’s blood going like a battle and the sex that came afterwards was the best. It was the one time that she would take charge. She told him once while covered in blood that she would ride him like a wild mustang and that he would not cum until she was satisfied.
He steps back as it truly sinks in how you were not his. That you were different. But he sees the way you cling to this reincarnation of him and his heart swells to know that you were destined to find your way back to him one day.
Perhaps it was for this reason that the Gods let him have this odd glimpse into the future - reassurance that he would reincarnate and be born anew like many would be in Ragnarok, that the Aesir meant to bring him back to you one day. His goodbye to you in his time was not permanent.
The two Ivars share a look, quietly and wordlessly communicating to each other a promise to protect and cherish you and as you lift your face to stop hiding and look at the new Ivar, he gives you a warm smile and then fades away. As if he were nothing more than a dream.
You reach out to the empty air where he had stood moments ago and then turn to face your Ivar. It was strangely reassuring to know that you had found your way to him over and over again throughout many lifetimes, that he was as bound to you by the red string of fate as you were to him.
“I guess finding out that we were married before ruins the surprise that I was nervous to ask you to marry me now.” From his pocket he pulls out a ring and you laugh. This was surely going to be the most unique and exciting engagement story in all of history.
“Yes. I’ll always say yes, no matter what life we’re living, Ivar.”
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Sitting on the back of a cart as those who remained loyal to him help him escape Kattegat, Ivar thinks about the future. Not a few years from now but rather a few lifetimes. He would be reunited with you one day, the Aesir proved it would be so. That knowledge would sustain him, keep him going through this life. Even in death you were not lost to him, you never were. One day you two would find your way back to each other and perhaps you would continue to find each other again and again, until the Earth finally sank into the sea and true Ragnarok happened.
The Norns had woven your fates together and that was all he needed to keep going, to not give up hope. Your love was neverending.
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multific · 11 months
The Mistress of The Devil
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Ivar the Boneless x DarkWitch!Reader
Warnings: mention of witchcraft, demons
Summary: Dark clothes, dark aura and powers. Where you came from, or who you were, not even Aslaug was sure anymore. All she could recall is that she promised to wed her son to you. And now, the Devil had a wife.
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"I said you will marry her and this is the last I want to hear anything from you Ivar!" hearing his mother yell, Ivar knew, he lost this battle.
He was to marry this unknown woman.
He hated the idea.
Ivar will just simply kill her, he needs no wife.
He said, but the next day, just when Kattegat woke up, there stood a woman.
She was dressed in a black, her smile was kind, too kind for someone dressed so dark.
"My name is Y/N. I came for my wedding."
Everyone was confused. Aslaug ended up showing you around and introducing you to your future husband.
Ivar Ragnarson.
A strong man with an even stronger will. His legs were the proof of it. He never backed down, not letting anything get in his way.
You liked it.
The determination. The fire.
It is just what you need in a husband.
You smiled at Ivar as you two were wed.
Now, you had him.
Everyone knew the name Ivar the Boneless. Everyone feared Ivar the Boneless.
The fearless Viking known for his intelligence and insanity.
But then, a whisper came with the wind.
A whisper of his wife.
A woman, explained as the Darkness herself.
The Christians referred to her as Satan's Wife. 
Would that make Ivar Satan in their logic?
Everyone wondered how could Ivar be so fearless, how could he know so much.
The answer was simple, his wife.
You, with your powers inherited throughout the generations of women in your family.
You, the dark sorceress who fell madly in love with a not so simple Viking.
It was always you.
People who survived Ivar's wrath often said it was as if he had a dark figure standing behind him. The figure was tall, and had long arms and eyes that glow red like blood.
Overexadiration, but not far from the truth.
One of your many beings. 
Sentenced to follow and help Ivar in his fights, the being didn't have a name. It was simply black and tall.
Ivar swore sometimes he could see it from the corner of his eye.
It made him recall a time when he first saw one of your... pets.
It was very late, the fire has nearly gone out, both of you sleeping under furs.
Ivar woke, his mind fuzzy with sleep when he saw someone or rather something in the corner. 
But as his eyes focused and he woke up with a start, the thing vanished.
"What is it, Ivar?" you asked, being awakened from your slumber.
"I saw someone." you looked at the corner he kept on staring at.
"I will deal with it, sleep now." you smiled at him as you stood up and walked towards the entrance of the house.
Ivar followed you, crawling as you opened the door, his words failed him.
You stood a couple steps from the door, looking towards the darkness. You turned to your left, then to your right. As if you saw someone you spoke up, just as Ivar found his way towards the doorway.
"Let him sleep! You are scaring him, I told you before." you said, to him it looked like you have gone mad, then you turned to him. "I told you before, they wouldn't hurt you, don't be afraid of them, Ivar." you said and Ivar swore he saw something move to his right. He quickly looked and saw a pair or long fingers on the wall, the... thing right around the corner, Ivar felt frozen.
Then he saw it.
The face of a being, not human. Illuminated by the light coming from the window, Ivar's pair of blues met with black eyes and skin so pale, Ivar never seen anything like it before.
"It won't hurt you." you said with a lower voice as you watched Ivar. He then looked back at you, you saw his confusion. "They won't hurt you." you said once more and this time, Ivar believed you.
But never after that night did he ever want to see any of your creatures.
You were a rather light sleeper. 
There were occasions when nothing could wake you, and other times where a simple movement from Ivar made you wake up. This was one of those nights.
You were awakened by his simple movement, you couldn't fall back to sleep and so, you decided to just sit by the fire and watch it and Ivar.
Ivar woke up hours later, it was still dark outside and he looked at you.
"Are your demons haunting you again, Wife?"
"Quite the opposite, My King. I'm haunting them." you smirked and Ivar moved to the edge of the bed. 
You stood up and stood still a couple steps away from him.
"What would you do for me, Ivar?" you asked and he looked into your eyes.
"I would burn the entire world. Kill every last person just to get to you. Kill every last demon just to have you with me again." you moved onto the floor, crawling over, you placed your hands on his knees.
"Would you run for me?" you watched his eyes switch. 
You offended him.
You corrected yourself.
"If I give you the ability, would you run to me, run to save me, run to kill them? Would you?"
"C-Can you?" he asked, eyes filling with hope.
And you nodded.
A simple nod.
"Will it hurt?" came his next question.
Another nod.
"It would be worth it. Standing beside you, as the proud husband I am. Run to you? Without a question." he ran his fingers through your hair.
You sealed your deal with a kiss.
Everyone in Kattegat woke up with a feeling of dread.
Then they all saw.
Ivar walking around like nothing happened, as if his legs always worked.
The Devil could walk.
And it terrified everyone.
They only could imagine what his enemies would think, given how his own people were terrified of him. 
His brother always knew Ivar's wife wasn't a regular woman. They had this feeling about her, as they said, there was a darkness around her.
And upon seeing their brother walk, there was no more doubt about it.
She made him walk.
So, was is actually that Ivar married the Devil? Would it actually be the Devil and her husband?
One thing was for sure, now whenever someone looked into the dark of your eyes, they could hear people crying and begging.
And just like with many names in history, yours and Ivar's were eventually melted into one.
It was no longer Ivar the Boneless and his wife.
Soon, all people remembered was the fierce Viking, Ivar the Boneless.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
In case you want to help out a dreamer: patreon.com/multific  
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Hello there :) please could I request something for Vikings with a female reader if possible. Where the reader (a shieldmaiden) meets the ragnarssons for the first time after being taken in by Ragnar when her parents are killed, and they start developing feelings for her later on? 💙
Hey! Thought that making this into headcanons/preferences would be the best format, message me if you want a full work where I elaborate!🌺
Vikings preference: Falling for a shieldmaiden taken in by Ragnar
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Bjorn A little rough around the edges, at first - you're a complete stranger, after all. Maybe he criticizes your posture one day and you're more than willing to make him prove his 'superiority'. Whether you win or lose is not as important as the sole fact that you were a challenge for him, although he might not outright admit that. Despite being a shieldmaiden and Bjorn having witnessed your abilities first-hand, he still perceives you as a woman first - the burden of upbringing, one might say. Because of that, he often tries to fight your battles for you, both on the battlefield and outside of it. Most of the time it's small things: bringing you this, giving you that. He definitely might come off as overbearing at times but there's no malice in his heart - Bjorn genuinely believes he's doing the right thing. The downside is that even your stern words might not knock off his habits (the two of you fought numerous times about his overprotective attitude). That protective side of him comes out especially strong during cold winter months when he needs to be extra sure that you're well-fed and warm. In his hot and cold attitude, you find irrefutable proof of his affection. After all, what else if not love could bring warmth and care out of a man known for his dauntlessness and reserved attitude? Bjorn puts his fondness into words in a very peculiar manner: suggesting your possible gains. In other terms, he hints at all the goods you'd have and the shortages you wouldn't suffer if he could have your hand. See that pile of wood that's going to last you for at least a month? Or the furs on your bed that are just enough to stay warm on a freezing winter night? Without half-truths and subtext, Bjorn assures you that he could provide you so much more. Although 'could' should be read as 'wants to' - a desire he's determined to fulfil only if you agree to be his.
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Ubbe The one who actually talks to you first, with no expectations or prejudice. Even if he did have those, he's capable of looking past them and making a fair judgement only after getting to know you. At first he's a little uncomfortable with the situation and your person because you're kind of like a sister but not really? That apprehension doesn't last long, however: he's a little too smitten with you. To his own surprise, your presence makes the long absence of his father a little easier to bear - Ragnar didn't leave on a whim, he had a reason to do so and it was a good reason. If the other Ragnarsons treat you with malice, thinking of you as the sole reason they had to grow up fatherless, Ubbe is always ready to step in and de-escalate the situation. In some way, he's similar to Bjorn in expressing his affection in the sense of being protective. Ubbe perceives you as a woman, a woman he loves to be exact, and only then a warrior, despite getting a taste of your skills on his own. Just like his half-brother, he'd try to do things for you, deal with the mundane burdens of everyday life; he only cares about you. The thing that sets them apart is Ubbe's willingness to stand back - once he knows you can stand your ground, he lets go a little, although reluctantly. Another thing is that he already acts like your husband despite being yet to earn that title: always being in your vicinity, fighting any men who try to woo you, thinking ahead and gifting you anything you might need in the near future. Whenever his training alongside his brothers, Ubbe tends to tease them saying that you're better than them. Whether that is true or just brotherly spitefulness is yet to be determined. When the moment comes and Ubbe confesses his affections, he's very straight-forward, telling you how much you mean to him.
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Hvitserk Curious and fascinated - you're pretty and courageous. Even if you end up rejecting him (a possibility he doesn't think is realistic), you seem like a great person to be around. He's friendly from day one. Keeps hinting at his romantic interest in you through smooth, sublime and yet unambiguous remarks, so there is no doubt about his intentions. In an attempt to spend more time with you, Hvitserk offered to join you in training. Clashing swords and breadth-of-hair ducks were not enough to stop his flirting (you had this growing suspicion that he's also unnecessarily touchy - not that you were one to complain). The only difference from his daily sweet talk was that with a sword in his hand, Hvitserk's words became vividly more explicit. Some of them caught you off guard but once the surprise washed away, you realized you had nothing against those generous offers becoming true. Even if his brothers are also interested in you, he doesn't see them as a competition or a threat of any sort. His approach wouldn't be a surprise to anyone who had even once seen you two together - there was no chance any other Ragnarson could sweep you off your feet. Truth be told, you knew Hvitserk's feelings before he told you, although it should be clarified that he didn't explicitly confess his affections: during a quite intimate moment, in bed and under furs, he suddenly asked you to marry him. Relationship-wise, out of all the Ragnarsons Hvitserk is the one to treat you the most equally to him.
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Sigurd Begins to be interested in you simply because his brothers were. Then he noticed your ambivalence towards Ivar and how much it was pissing the youngest brother off and Sigurd was instantly on board - he might yet find an ally in you. Out of the Ragnarssons, he is the most invisible brother and so he didn't quite expect to pique your interest. To his surprise, you're the one to accost him, asking about living in Kattegat and the family reputation he has to hold up. Not to mention all the prince's responsibilities he has to suffer. From your own words, Sigurd learned that, just like him, you're not one for big crowds and front rows, preferring to stray from the eye of the storm that so often seemed to emerge around Ragnar and his sons. He finally found someone who understood his perspective and not only that - they shared it. The two of you are often disappearing somewhere together and the general population of Kattegat quite quickly catches on but you and Sigurd care little about those rumours. Definitely spent hours upon hours coming up with a wax poetic ballad about you. He put himself in one of the verses describing his growing fondness for you. Luckily for him, he won't have to change the verse about the shieldmaiden loving some guy named Sigurd back.
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Ivar Acts like he doesn't care and tries to make himself believe that mainly because deep inside he had immediately dismissed the possibility of you being interested in him. You've heard stories of course but a certain degree of scepticism is a trait of a good warrior - it keeps you level-headed. Once when you were sitting on the pier, enjoying a moment of solitude, Ivar approached you only to ask about his father. After all, you'd spent more time with Ragnar than he did, even if he wasn't your actual parent. While sharing stories about the famous Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar noticed that you're neither apprehensive nor fearful of him. In a way, it upsets him - he found himself in a situation where he doesn't have the upper hand. But this surprising and wholly unwelcome vulnerability didn't backfire. Truthfully, the longer you talked about the legend of Ragnar Lothbrok, the more Ivar wished you would stop talking about his father and simply talk about yourself. Except for his parents, you were the only person whose presence he didn't completely detest and Ivar was yet to make an opinion on how that made him feel. He definitely hates seeing you interact with his brothers as he naively thought that he was the only recipient of your sympathies and it's exactly that lack of exclusivity that makes him go out on a limb and make less-than-ambiguous remarks that you happily reciprocate. Sometimes, when he can't sleep at night, Ivar climbs onto his father's throne and dwells on various fantasies of glory and bloodshed. In those dreams, there's always a place for you - a brave and beautiful shieldmaiden that rides into battle by his side and gives birth to his children, who go on to become kings, emperors and conquerors.
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hc-geralt-23 · 1 year
If anyone has any scenarios they would like written you can send me some in my asks or messages me and i will try to get them done.
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lady06reaper · 6 months
Viking x Sweetheart reader. Who on the outside is a big sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly. Said Viking got her from a village.
Only when alone with her husband does she cuss like a sailor and scream when she wants to. Just a overall temper (Viking finds it hot tho-)
She also acts like this around her kids (if she has any) and her kids are absolutely flabbergasted to see how their mom acts outside of home. Often getting secretly slapped upside the head when they say something smart only to realize no one saw it.
- Marshmellow (bit of a crackfic lol)
ya know, this the OPPOSITE of me, I'll cuss anytime, it's only when I'm alone I'm a total "sweetheart"
NSFW lines are slashed, the rest is SFW besides the cussing
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Bjorn wouldn't know it was coming, you were the sweet and doting wife, helping neighbors and playing with the local children
Your were a delicate flower in his eyes, but he knew you could hold your own when need be
Until you came home and slammed your dagger into the table where he was eating
"That mother fucking no tits asshole of a cunt! Who the hell does she think she is?! Talking about my damn husband in that fucking manner!"
his hand stopped mid path to his opened mouth, his eyebrows rose away from his widened eyes
did he hear that correctly? or was the mead taking effect already?
he stayed like that for a few moments until you snapped at him to say something
"Your mouth, where'd you learn to talk like that?"
little to Bjorns knowledge, you had always had that vocabulary, it just only came out when you were pissed
not to mention you prefer to keep the innocent facade up in public, but that doesn't you can't flip the switch if you get pushed more than what you did that day
More occurrences like this happened, though he was prepared to just let you go and cool off
that doesn't mean he didn't help you let out your frustrations with sex either
Now he knew that this delicate flower of his was poisonous
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Ubbe had a feeling that that mouth of yours was dirty, he just never witnessed it
unless you were going down on him
the feeling stayed dormant for the longest time, until he came home to the long house turned upside down
furniture was strewn across from its original places, some were broken too
You were sitting on the throne throwing daggers at a table you had propped up on its side, cussing every time the enlarged knives left your hands
"That *thud* little dicked *thud* no balls *thud* bastard child *thud* of a fucking merchant! *thud*"
he now knew his feeling was right, as they normally were
he was grateful you ran out of daggers when he reached you, or otherwise he feared one would end up in him
he didn't need no explanation, he knew that the merchant you were lewdly referring to must've tried something on you to woo you away from him, it wasn't the first time, but you were so sweet in public that you didn't want to ruin your public look by cussing the man out in public
no words were spoken as he picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the bathtub where you and Ubbe would share a relaxing soak
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Ivar knew from the start that you had a mouth, there was no way you were as innocent as you portrayed
there was always two sides to sword, he just hasn't seen your sharper, more deadlier side
until he about took your blade to his throat when he approached you in the woods while you were hacking a tree with your sword
"What's the matter my dove?" Ivar cocked his head to the side.
"That god damn fish fucking tree humping shit eating whore of woman your brother keeps closely by his side! Bitch tried to say my form was wrong during training!"
and there was your sharper edge
Ivar never understood why you kept this side hidden, especially from him
he figured it was a threat to everyone to have your meaner side out in public, and keep your softer side for him only
but Ivar wasn't you, you preferred to keep this side a secret incase you truly needed it
he thought it was hot watching those profanities drip from your mouth
like his cum did last night when you two were fucking
but, I also know that if he encouraged the sailor talk he would also receive it too, which would most likely turn into a battle of who can come up with the worst names
he liked the fiery side of you and wished you would show it more often
the villagers did not as they heard every cuss word that came out of your mouth, including the whore
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vikingsarememes · 1 year
Of Broken Rabbits - Part 2
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Previous part
Characters: Ivar “the Boneless” Ragnarsson x Reader, Ubbe Ragnarson
Summary: You are still locked in your chamber, Ubbe visits you to convince you to survive, and eventually you were convinced, and Ivar, well, he is trying to be kinder
Word count: 1251
Warnings: mention of abuse and bickering
A/N: none
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
The day had passed, all of the maidens’ attempts to convince you to accept Ivar’s offer failed, you felt yourself grow weaker within the hour, too tired to lift a limp, the day became two and two became three, that’s when you had an unfamiliar visitor, Ubbe, you recognized him from the doomed wedding “Y/N, you look awful” he had told you, you glared at him weakly “what are you doing to yourself? Is this really how you wish to pass?” you nodded “Freyja will have mercy on me” you replied, he laughed “Freyja couldn’t care less about her subjects, otherwise, Ivar would’ve been different” 
You looked at him with teary eyes, you were about to cry if you weren’t too dehydrated and tired “look, Ivar… he has a unique way of showing his feelings, one minute he is the sweetest, the second he wants to burn everyone alive, don’t allow yourself to die a meaningless death because of his tantrum” you didn’t say a word “what is it that he wanted anyways? For you to look nice and eat with him? You can do it, live another day to fight another fight”
His words  made sense, the closer death is, the more you realized, if you die, then it is another girl who will fall a victim of his “bring her mead” he requested from the maidens who obeyed immediately, he took the jar and placed it near your mouth “drink, believe me, this act of bravery is not worth it” 
Spiteful, you drank the mead, emptied the jar, Ubbe smiled at you, he got up and looked at the maidens “help the queen into a gown, she will be dining with us tonight” they obeyed, and you allowed them to dress you and fix your looks, the problem was not you, your death would’ve been meaningless, the problem was your husband, his death would mean something, a better life for the people of Kattegat and ensuring that no woman or maiden will go through his cruelty again.
When you entered the great hall with Ubbe by your arm, guiding you to your rightful seat, all eyes were focused on you, especially Ivar’s, his feelings were mixed between relief and anger “look, my beautiful bride is feeling better” he exclaimed, people cheered, once you were seated, the food rushed to you, of all kinds, drinks as well, Ivar remained quiet.
The night went smoothly, few cheered for you getting better, you guessed Ragnarsons told them that you fell ill, Ivar tried to keep his distance as much as possible besides a few stairs, mainly to make sure that you are still alive, you remained quiet aside from sharing pleasantries with the people of Kattegat.
Returning to your room, you felt your heart clenching, unsure of his reaction, he limped to the bed and took off his braces, and rested his feet on the mattress, you saw the pained expressions on his face, you undressed yourself and re-changed to your nightgown then laid on your side of the bed, ignoring his existence, however, gods had different plans.
“I’m glad you didn’t die out of stupidity” he mumbled, his eyes forward, looking at the fire “you are so stubborn, it is tiring! Why can’t you just accept our lives the way it is?” you scoffed and turned to face him “life? What life? You don’t talk to me, you hit me and we are not even wedded for a month, you stole me from me from my village and you starved me to death!” 
The king rolled his eyes “in my defense, you starved yourself and disobeyed me” you looked at him angrily “I’m supposed to be your wife, not your subject! You supposed to respect me, care about my wellbeing, I’m supposed to be your wife” he furrowed his eyebrows “I respect you, I never humiliated you in front of anyone, I always praise you in your presence, and it’s not like you respect or care about me!” 
The man was getting on every nerve you have, you couldn’t hold back your tongue “are you fucking kidding me? I literally tried to be kind to you and I was met with a don’t tell anyone what happens in the  bedroom, I tried to care for your wellbeing and you hit me! Tell me, what respect can remain with actions like this?” you snapped “I apologized!” he snapped back “saying you are sorry is one thing and meaning it is another!” you attacked back “gods I wish I never met you!” he groaned, shifting to his side of the bed, giving you his back “oh believe me it’s the most mutual feeling we have” you did the same.
You tried to sleep that night but you couldn’t, you kept shifting on the bed, uneven from the days you laid still and waited for your death, Ivar was sensing every movement, it was no surprise when he groaned and sat, glaring at you “woman enough!” he demanded, you rolled your eyes “i’m trying to sleep, not my fault” he rolled his eyes “of course, nothing is ever your fault” he said sarcastically, you wished you had a dagger next to you to stab him right there.
You didn’t reply, he took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and laid down, his attention focused on the ceiling, quiet, for a minute or so “I’m sorry, I’ve been treating you roughly, when I’m mad I don’t see what’s in front of me” he mumbled, you shifted and looked at him “almost sincere” he frowned “it is sincere!” it was, you could feel it, you simply didn’t want to let it go that easily.
He shifted to look at you instead of the ceiling “let’s start over, pretend the last month never happened” you hesitated “I will be kinder to you, I will be a better husband” your hesitation grew, but those piercing blue eyes were making it difficult for you to remain mad at him, you still wanted him dead, but you wanted to believe that he had more to him aside from being a complete psychopathic king.
You sighed and nodded, he offered a gentle smile “thank you Y/N” you didn’t reply “let us spend some time tomorrow, just the two of us, we can do whatever you wish” you wanted to list things you wanted to do, like walking in the fields, swimming in the rivers, playing with the children, but you knew none of these activities was an option anymore, not with your so called husband at least, you thought for a moment “we can go to that farm I saw across from here, with the small abandoned house, we can spend the day there together” he nodded “I will send the servants to prepare it for us at once” you shook your head “let us not, you are the one who said we should do as I wish, and I wish for us to be alone and uninterrupted”
He raised an eyebrow at you “you are a queen, you shouldn’t do mundane chorus like cooking and cleaning” you shrugged “for tomorrow, I’m not a queen and you are not a king, we are a man and a woman” it took him a minute but eventually he was convinced, you grinned, perhaps, away from the flashiness of a ruler’s life, a different side of your husband will appear, a side that made Freyja certain of the wellness of this match.
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barnes-lothbrok · 2 years
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Dance with me
Ivar x reader
Summary - As everyone is celebrating the recent raids. Ivar watches his wife.
Warnings - implied smut, swears, fluff
Word count - 1k
A/n - Honestly not sure what this is. It was meant to be a cute fluff idea and turned into this.
Song and merriment filled the air as the fire in the heath burned. While the snow fell outside, the hall was filled with joy as  the summer raids were celebrated and praise was given to the gods for the bounty the summer had brought them. 
Kattagat was set for the winter months. This year's crops and raids had ensured that the town and surrounding villages wouldn't starve over the coming freeze. 
Ivar sat on his throne, nursing a cup of mead as he watched the celebrations around him. His people were happy, that should have made him happy too but his gut held a bitter feeling. 
While people fucked in corners and songs were sung loudly, his blue eyes were trained on his wife. 
You had the biggest smile on your face as you sang the latest song, with Hvitserk's arm over your shoulders and cheek pressed against his as you both sang completely out of tune. 
"You sound like dying goats" Ubbe teased the pair of you when the song ended. 
You flipped him off. "Fuck you! We are amazing! The best in all the land" 
You defended yours and Hvitserk awful singing before breaking into giggles when Hvitserk sang an unrecognisable tune as if to prove the point. 
"Gods, Hvitty! Ubbe maybe right" you laughed and patted his shoulder. 
"Whatever do you mean? I have the voice of a siren" Hvitserk sang again, right in your ear to which you shoved him playfully away. 
After a few more rounds of ale, people began to boo your duet. You slammed your cup down on the table and climbed on top. 
"Who dares to boo at their queen!" You roared, with a face of pure rage. 
The hall fell silent for a moment and Ivar moved forward in his chair. For the first time that evening he looked excited. 
You were his killer queen. A shield maiden with legend that could almost reveal Lagertha's. Having grown up around the Ragnarsons, it was no surprise that Ivar chose you as his queen. When you wanted to be, you could be just as deadly as he was. 
You were his rose. Beautiful and sweet but you had your thorns. 
The only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the fire and a few moans from dark corners. There was an air of suspense before you burst out laughing. 
"Wow, that was incredible!" You laughed manically, holding your stomach as you doubled over in laughter. "I'm not going to kill anyone while we are celebrating. I was merely going to suggest I dance instead" 
There was a collective sigh of relief as Ivar pouted and slumped back in his chair. Watching his wife kill would have made the festival more fun. 
"Sigurd! Dear brother-in-law of mine!" You yelled "Give us your best tune" 
Sigurd's band began to play and with a shout of "May we blessed another year! SKÁL!" from you, the party was back under way. 
You danced with Hvitserk on the table, having your own little dance battle throwing the oddest movements at each other before waltzing along it. 
He dripped you in front of Ivar, who's upside down face held a deep frown. His head rested in his hand as he looked completely unimpressed.
"Looks like someone needs a smile" Hvitserk smirked as he whispered in your ear. 
You nodded and approached your husband,  gently placing yourself in his lap. You cupped his cheeks as he scowled at you. 
"Having fun without me, wife?" He said bitterly.
"Not as much as I have with you" you replied before gently squishing his cheeks and kissing his pouted lips. 
A small smile broke his frown as he pulled you in for more. He tasted of the mead he'd been drinking. You pulled away as it became more heated and rested your head against his.
It wasn't for the fact that there were people around, you didn't care for that. Many festivals had seen the king and queen almost fucking on the throne. Ivar never let it get further than making out, your pleasure was for his eyes only. 
"Let's go to our room" Ivar whispered but you shook your head
"Dance with me" you said breathlessly as though he'd stolen the air from your lungs with the kiss. 
He suddenly pulled back and stared at you. "Are you trying to make a fool of me?" He frowned. 
Never had you asked him to dance, you knew full well there were things his legs didn't allow him to do. 
"No" you snapped back quickly "no, of course I'm not" your tone softer. 
"Then why ask of me something I can not give?" 
"Just trust me" you looked him in the eyes. You had a plan that much was clear and he would trust you with his life. You had saved it many times. 
He studied your face before nodding as you slowly moved off his lap and held out a hand to him. 
You waited as he picked up his crutch and limped down the throne steps to join you in a clear space. He swallowed as he felt eyes in him but you kept him looking at you with an encouraging smile. 
Sigurd changed the song, as if you had planned for this, while you gently held his arm above you before twirling around and circled him like prey. 
As he was beginning to feel stupid for just standing there, you span into him and whispered "see you are dancing with me" 
It was then he realised you were using his body to dance on. It may not have been the same as other couples danced but as your body swayed against his, your arms around his neck with his hands rested on your hips, he couldn't help the broad smile on his face. 
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Rest Your Weary Hands Snippet 1 - Fierce Protector
This can be read at any time but fits best between parts 12 and 13. It's not one whole story but lots of little ones that didn't justify a whole chapter and didn't fit in the flow of the story.
Part 12
Contains: Medical care, ableism, protective Ivar, protective reader, fluff.
1,197 Words
Comment if you want to be tagged
You and Ivar accept each other as you are, after a while, it became more than just simple acceptance and becomes something else.
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You were rubbing Ivar's legs when the door burst open, it was Hvitserk and Sigurd. You covered Ivar's legs as fast as you could and stood up in front of him. You had only been here one day and you didn't know any of them well at all.
"Don't you know how to knock? I'm treating your Brother, unless it's life-threatening, it can wait." They looked shocked.
"Apologies My Princes, it's very important that I do this in a timely manner." You cast your eyes to the ground expecting to be punished, it seems that Ivar wanted to intercede
"You heard her, go. She'll be with you when she's done with me." They looked at Ivar funny but left anyway.
"I'm sorry about that My Prince, I should have locked the door."
The men behind you were snickering at Ivar while whispering behind their hands, "He can't even walk, why is she bothering.", "Maybe she wants to snatch up a prince without having to fuck one." Ivar looked down at his feet then glanced to you.
"Don't listen to them My Prince, it's not your fault they won't take the time to know you before making assumptions." Ivar gave you a small smile, but didn't seem to pick up so you walked over to the men.
"I have excellent hearing gentlemen, if I ever hear you speaking badly about a Son of Ragnar again, I will have you flogged."
A drunk man was stumbling around The Great Hall while you and Ivar enjoyed a late dinner, "Leave the cripple and come to my bed, pretty girl." He wobbled up to you and put a hand on the back of your chair, leaning in close enough that you could smell meed on his breath.
"I would much rather be In Prince Ivar's presence than yours, now leave before I have you kicked out." The man didn't move so you picked up an empty jug and swung it at his head, he fell over and clutched the bleeding cut.
"Leave now, I won't ask again."
You were sitting at the training ground watching Ivar and Ubbe spar when two warriors walked up to them.
"You've improved Prince Ivar, I guess you can fight like a man now instead of a cripple." the other man laughed, they must have been visiting from elsewhere because no one who lived in Kattagte would speak to Ivar like that. Before anyone else could do anything, you tapped the primary aggressor on the shoulder, when he turned around you reared up and punched him straight in the face. He went down clutching his nose and you turned to the other man.
"Apologise or I won't be just punching you." The man shifted and you crossed your arms over your chest.
"How about, 'I'm sorry Oh Merciful Prince Ivar for my terrible disrespect, thank you for not gutting me." The man turned bright red and looked at the ground.
"Don't look at your feet, look at Ivar and say your sorry." You took a step towards him so you were in his space, Ubbe was standing behind you, ready to step in if it got physical.
"I'm sorry Prince Ivar, I was wrong, you're not a man...." He didn't get to finish his sentence before you were on top of him, slamming his head into the dirt. Ubee left it for a little while, but when it started to sound wet more than crunchy he pulled you off. He actually had to lift you up bodily, off the ground to get you away from the man.
You turned your glare to Ubbe "I wasn't done." Ubbe shook his head.
"You are now." He cast a look back at the men, one now helping the other off the ground.
"If I see you around here again, I will let her finish the job."
To say you were exhausted was an understatement, you were so tired you could barely stand up. There had been incident at the docks and you had been sticking wounds for the last 36 hours with no sleep, the brothers had come to collect you to get you to get some rest for hours, but each time you were busy so you told them to come back.
You were finally done but the walk to The Great Hall seemed like a trek to the mountains so you put out a blanket on the beach and laid down planning to rest for 20 minutes before going back to your room to get some extra sleep.
Ivar was walking to the beach to come and get you, this time he wouldn't give you room to refuse. As he came around to your spot he saw you curled up in a thin blanket. A little bit to your left, two men were going through your bag, you were so fast asleep it was like they weren't even there.
However, you were woken up by the sound of an axe being buried in someone's skull, when you lifted your head up, one man was running away and the other was dead, bleeding on the sand. You rubbed your face and look over at Ivar.
"What did you do that for?" He walked up to the man and pulled the axe out of his head before walking over to you and helping you stand up.
"He was about to steal from you, I don't know what he would have done after that so I planed for the worst." You shook your head at him, but your tone was friendy, "you don't need to kill every person who upsets me Ivar, I can take care of myself."
Ivar was watching you from afar. You were very very drunk, having an animated conversation with one of the junior livestock healers. You were one of the wonderful drunks that told everyone how great they were, it made him laugh.
You reached up into a stretch and a yawn and slapped your hand on the man's shoulder, he could see you vaguely gesturing to the back of the hall where your room was.
The man you were speaking to nodded, gave you a big smile then left, so you started stumbling to your room. Just as he was about to go and help, one of the royal guards stepped in to do it instead. He knew you were in good hands and nothing was going to happen to you but that didn't stop him from stomping over.
"I'll take it from here Erik." Erik was already handing you over to Ivar, "it's alright Ivar, Erik is nice, he was just going to take me to my room." Ivar shook his head.
"I know he's nice y/n, but do you really want him seeing the mess on your shelves, you've been complaining you haven't had the time to get around to cleaning them for days." You pointed at your head and laughed, "you have a really big brain Ivar, I don't want him seeing the mess, but you're ok because your room is in even worse a state."
He shook his head and rolled his eyes.
"Come on giggles, lets get you to bed."
Part 13
Tag list: @ladynightshade30 @katshuya @istorkyou @smears-and-spots @youbloodymadgenius @draculasbride-blog @profoundtyrantharmony @vikingsfranatic @hellie98 @localtrashopossum @polly-jayne @serenitybloodmoon @southernbe @rebyl-dollface @hamburgerslippers @kaybee87 @wintersire @dizzbishh @bubblybrianna @simonsbluee @sukijxhn @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @malevolentmagnificence @rivernell @wittysunflower
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Lost In You (Hvitserk x Reader)
This is my contribution to @maggiescarborough​ 400 followers writing challenge! Congrats again! 
The scenario I chose was the character asking reader/oc out or the other way around. And because why not, it is a Vikings/The Last Kingdom crossover! 
Also this is my first time writing Hvitserk! Yay! Let me know how I did! 
Warnings: angst, a couple swear words, fluff, bad pick-up lines
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​
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  "Who is that?" 
 "Mmmm, which one?" Siri asked, openly ogling in the direction your friend, Erika, had gestured. 
 "Oh, those are some of Ubbe's friends from university." Torvi answered, with a glance over her shoulder. "He invited them since he never sees them anymore."
 "Hot damn. The one with the long hair, I'd like to climb him like a tree all night long." Wiggling her blonde eyebrows, Siri laughed at her own joke. 
 Curious now, you peeked over at the three men who were animatedly talking to Ubbe. There was no denying they were all gorgeous in their own ways. Somehow everyone within the social circle of the Lothbroks was beautiful, as if it was some unspoken requirement. These three certainly exceeded that requirement. Glancing around the backyard, you noticed right away that your friends were not the only ones ogling the newcomers. You doubted the men would be leaving alone tonight. 
 One of the three, with long, dark hair pulled back in a man bun and a crooked smile, caught your eyes staring. A warmth rose to your cheeks at the realization you had been caught. Though as his blue eyes held yours, you found yourself unable to look away, entranced by his unrestrained confidence. After an unending second of staring at one another, he sent you a naughty wink. Your eyes darted away at the raw suggestive feel the simple action had. You had no idea that a simple wink could feel so lascivious….and rousing. 
 "Oh gods, did you see that?" Erika asked, giggling like a schoolgirl. "One just winked this way."
 "Pretty sure he was winking at y/n." Torvi teased, nudging your shoulder as she stood next to you on the back deck.  
 "Yeah, no." You countered, fiddling with the label of the beer bottle in your hand. "That was probably towards one of you guys."
 Torvi sighed, pursing her lips at you. "Don't start this again, y/n. You are gorgeous and anyone who says differently is a blind asshole."
 Taking a sip of your beer, you did not bother to reply. Instead you gave Torvi a smile in thanks but kept your own insecurities to yourself. She had heard you more than enough times complain about things you disliked about yourself. Besides, today was not about you. You were supposed to be here having fun and supporting Ubbe and Torvi. 
 Luckily, Torvi started talking about the latest venue she had checked out for her and Ubbe's wedding next year. It was a perfect distraction since she had asked you to be one of her bridesmaids. Your small group talked about the outdoor wedding she wanted and how beautiful the fall colors would look in the pictures. 
 Ubbe's birthday party was in full swing. The mansion he and his brothers lived in was full of Ubbe's friends and other family friends. You had grown up with the Ragnarssons, your mother and Aslaug were close friends. So whenever they decided to hang out, you tagged along to play with the boys. Because of that, you were close to all of them, having spent just as much time at their house as at your own. Over the years, you had grown particularly close to Hvitserk. The two of you just somehow clicked. On more than one occasion, he would sneak over to your house when he needed a break from the strained dynamics of his family, or he could not handle the animosity between Ivar and Sigurd. The two of you spilled secrets in the dark, promising to never tell another. Both of you shared your first kiss under the stars one night, giggling at how grown up you felt. 
 And somewhere along the way, your feelings of friendship turned into something far stronger. 
 Over the following years, your crush on him endured even as you tried to quell it, doing everything in your power to suppress the unwanted feelings. Not because he was a bad guy. No, he was one of the sweetest guys you knew. He was loyal to a fault, always with a kind word, and happily giving suffocating hugs that felt like being embraced by a gooey marshmallow. 
 No, you refused to become another one of the girls that paraded in and out of his bedroom like the revolving door it was. 
 Besides, he never showed any hint of romantic feelings towards you. Usually he introduced you as one of his best friends. Which was just fine with you, he was one of your best friends and you would not trade that for the world. If fate had it planned that the two of you would only remain friends during your lives, you were happy with that. 
 So you did your best to ignore your unrequited feelings, focusing on finding love beyond him. There had been a couple boyfriends but most were scared away when you tried to bring them around the Ragnarssons. Ivar and Bjorn seemed to get particular enjoyment out of not-so-subtly threatening them. Hvitserk just openly glared the whole time, never saying a word of acknowledgement. Only Ubbe and Sigurd feigned being nice, but even that was less than desirable. Pretty quickly you stopped bringing boyfriends around. It was better for all parties if the Ragnarssons were not involved in your love life. What little it did consist of. 
 Suddenly, Erika's whisper-shout silenced the wedding conversation that was still happening around you. "Oh gods, they are coming over here! Shit! Act natural!" 
 "You're the only one freaking out." Torvi deadpanned, with a good-natured roll of her eyes. She looked up and smiled at Ubbe as he approached with his university friends. 
 "This here is my gorgeous fiancée, Torvi!" Ubbe announced, coming around and wrapping his arms around her waist to plant a sweet kiss on her cheek. She leaned back into his chest without a second thought, the action so instinctual. 
 "Aye, I remember you." One of Ubbe's friends, with a thick Irish accent, said. "You was datin' Bjorn when we first met."
 "Oh yeah, I remember that. One of you was super drunk and kept trying to take his pants off to piss in the fountain." She replied with a knowing smile. 
 The Irishman slung an arm around the dark-haired man, who winked in your direction earlier. "That would be Uhtred here! That was certainly a good night."
 The group laughed as Uhtred threw the Irishman's arm off and the two started a mock fist fight, ending with Uhtred putting the Irishman into a headlock. The two broke apart, laughing jovial and pushing one another like little boys. 
 "Right, where are my manners?" Ubbe said, once the two men settled somewhat. He pointed at each person as he named them, but kept his arms around his fiancée. "These guys are Finan, Uhtred and Sihtric, my mates from university. We roomed together in our first year, and the university couldn't separate us after, no matter how hard they tried. The other lovely ladies here are Erika, Siri and Y/n."
 You gave a polite smile when your name was said but dropped your gaze back to the beer in hand, fiddling with the wrapper on it. Uhtred made a point to catch your eye when you looked up, a charming smile on his face that you were sure made women drop their panties in a heartbeat. Even now you could feel his burning gaze on you, like oil gliding across your skin. 
 Soon Finan began sharing stories from back in their university days and some of the trouble they would get in, especially Ubbe, which made everyone laugh and Ubbe try to defend his honor or just hide his face in the crook of Torvi's neck. 
 "What are you thinking about?"
 You startled at the smooth, husky voice whispering in your ear. How Uhtred suddenly snuck up next to you was a little frightening. You pressed your hand over your racing heart, as if that alone would calm it down. "Um, nothing. Just….nothing." You took a sip of your drink to squelch your blabbering, unnerved and more than a little turned-on by the way his breath ghosted over your skin. 
 He raised a mocking brow, a devilish smirk on his lips as if he could somehow sense what his close proximity alone was doing to you. 
 You decided to break the tension. "It's Uhtred, right?"
 "Yes. Uhtred Ragnarsson."
 "Oh no, not another Ragnarsson!" You gasped, pretending to be horrified. 
 He laughed, a beautiful sound that had you swooning a little. Running a hand over the back of his neck, he grinned down at you. "Luckily, from a very different Ragnar. And how do you know Ubbe?"
 "We grew up together."
 "Ah, you're that y/n. I've heard a lot about you."
 "Hopefully all good things."
 "So far…" he leaned in closer, bringing his lips against your ear and setting your nerves alight, ".... but I wouldn't mind learning more about you."
 You swallowed, the low tone and those bedroom eyes made a warmth curl low in your belly. Your answer came out before you even could comprehend a response. "I'd like that."
 His smile grew, even as his face hovered just over yours. "Can I get you another drink?"
 "Hvitty, what are you staring at?" Sigurd asked, taking a seat near his brothers. Although he may have been talking to Hvitserk, his gaze remained zeroed in a beautiful brunette nearby and the way she kept coyly glancing at him. 
 "Who is that guy?"
 Sigurd finally turned to look in the direction Hvitserk was glaring. "What guy?"
 "The one sitting with y/n." Hvitserk grumbled, rolling his beer bottle between his hands. 
 "You mean the one that looks like he wants to fuck her all night long?" Ivar said bluntly. His arrogant smirk grew when Hvitserk whipped his head around to give Ivar a withering look. Not that his elder brother's look bothered him, actually amusing him further, so he continued speaking. "Ubbe said he was inviting some university friends. Probably one of them."
 "I don't like him." Hvitserk spat out, returning his glare to you and this university friend of Ubbe's. The two of you were standing with a small group, listening to someone with a thick Irish accent tell some kind of story. Hvitserk gritted his teeth as he watched this friend lean down to whisper in your ear, making you smile and laugh. You tried to smack his chest but the guy caught your hand in the last second and brought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on your palm while gazing at you with a look that radiated hunger. 
 "Why?" Ivar needled, watching the drama play out before him with unrestrained glee. 
 Hvitserk finally answered after a minute, caught up in watching you smile bashfully up at the dark-haired stranger, who tugged you towards some nearby chairs. "I don't….I don't trust him."
 Normally the two youngest sons of Ragnar were like oil and water; but in this moment, they glanced at each other and back to their elder brother with matching looks of mischief. 
 "Where is that girl that was sitting on your lap earlier? Figured you would have gone back to her place or up to your bedroom by now." Sigurd casually questioned Hvitserk, leaning back in his seat. "She was pretty, seemed like your type."
 "No, my dear brother, he got rid of her just after he noticed y/n and that guy talking." Ivar said with a shit-eating grin. 
 Hvitserk wanted to snarl at his brothers, tell them to mind their own business. Instead he took a long draw of his beer, pointedly ignoring them. Of course, Ivar would notice something so miniscule as that. His youngest brother noticed everything. Yes, Hvitserk had a girl on his lap, his hands and lips trailing over her exposed skin. The fire in his blood instantly cooled when he looked up long enough to see the stranger talking to you. Without a second thought, he pushed the girl off of his lap, much to her protests and chagrin, and moved to take a seat next to Ivar. He pretended he just wanted some air when really he could not drag his eyes off of you. 
 The youngest Ragnarsson continued, hand tapping idly on one of his leg braces. "It has been some time since y/n had a boyfriend. This might be good for her." 
 "Maybe she'll get laid tonight." Sigurd raised his beer bottle in a mock salute before taking a sip.  
 That last comment pushed him over the edge. Wordlessly, Hvitserk jumped to his feet and walked away, unable to hear it anymore. It was no secret, him and his brothers were protective of you and had chased off a fair number of guys over the years. Though, their protective streak waned after you finally confronted them about leaving your love life alone. Since then, the brothers kept an eye on you but no longer interfered unless you signaled them. The arrangement made sense, you never involved yourself in the many women the brothers pursued, so now they showed you equal courtesy. 
 For some reason tonight, it was different. 
 The flaxen-haired Ragnarsson walked past the other party-goers, ignoring the cheers, laughs, and few calls for his attention. A drinking game started at the fold-out table situated in the grass. Music filled the air, Ubbe's taste in music since this was his party. Suddenly though, it was all too much. 
 Storming inside the house the brothers shared with no real destination in mind except to just move, he was pleased to find the kitchen vacant. Leaning against the marble counter in the kitchen, he ran his hands over his braids, heart pounding for some reason. The urge to punch something, or someone, seemed to grow with each second that passed. He absent-mindedly wondered if this was how Ivar felt all the time. 
 Peering out the window over the kitchen sink, he could see you sitting next to Ubbe's dark-haired friend on a lawn chair. From this position, it appeared you were almost in the guy's lap. One of your hands clasped a beer while the other toyed with the necklace you habitually wore. With a wicked look, the stranger leaned over to whisper in your ear, one of his hands resting on your hip. Whatever he said made you laugh, as you threw your head back, mirth spilling from you. For anyone else, it would have been sweet to watch the two of you, a connection and a growing infatuation evident. 
 The scene caused Hvitserk's blood to boil. He gripped onto the counter's edge to ground himself before he went out there and punched the guy. It made no sense. He had no right to try and separate the two of you. Feelings be damned, every part of his body revolted at the scene unfolding before him and how he allowed it to happen. Slamming his eyes shut, he silently counted to ten, willing himself to settle. He knew he needed to walk away….but his feet refused to move. 
 "Hey, Hvitserk."
 Slowly opening his eyes, he looked over his shoulder at the call of his name. A pretty blonde stood just inside the kitchen, twirling a piece of hair around her finger with an enticing smile and a body begging to be touched. He remembered her. He fucked her a week ago. Staring at her now, her name continued to slip his mind. Did he even know her name at the time?
 "Hey." He replied unenthusiastically, maintaining his grip on the counter edge. 
 "What are you doing in here?" She asked, walking closer to him, her hips swaying with each step. 
 "Oh, well are you bored? Do you need some company?" She trailed a finger down his arm, peeking at him through her long lashes. "I can think of a few ways this night could end for us."
 He looked down at her. Any other time he would have jumped her in a heartbeat. It would have been almost too easy to drag her upstairs and fuck her until they were both delirious with pleasure. 
 "I'm good." He stated, looking away from her and back out the window. 
 "You sure I can't change your mind? I mean last time we had…."
 Uncaring of how harsh he sounded, he shrugged her arm off. "I said I'm good. Fuck off."
 Her eyes widened for a moment before they narrowed at him and she took a step back. "Fine. Fuck you, Hvitserk." She stomped out of the kitchen, each step a clatter on the hard floor. 
 "You just tried." He muttered to himself, dropping his head to his chest.  
 What was wrong with him? He knew what it was though. Or more specifically- who. A war waged in his chest and he worried the repercussions of either side winning. This limbo would surely kill him. 
 Peering out the window, he could not take his eyes off of you. Although you vehemently disagreed, he thought you always looked beautiful. Tonight though, in the fading sunlight, you looked gorgeous. Like a new light had been ignited in you, radiating joy and life. It was mesmerizing to witness. 
 "Hey! Probably should start wrapping the party up in an hour or so. Way more people turned out than I thought." Ubbe said with a beaming smile as he walked into the kitchen, dropping some empty beer bottles on the counter. At his brother's silence, he stopped and really looked at him. "Hvitty, you alright, man?"
 "Yeah, of course." He snarked, not in the mood for his older brother's prying. "Why wouldn't I be?"
 "First, you're lingering in the kitchen like some housecat looking for food, which I guess isn't that strange."
 Hvitserk's lips twitched but he continued to stare out the window.
 "Secondly, it looks like you're trying to set Uhtred's head on fire with how hard you are staring."
 He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face."It's nothing, Ubbe. Don't worry about it. Go head back out."
 After a moment, Ubbe grabbed two new beers from the cooler and came over to his brother's side, passing him one of the drinks. With a murmured thanks, Hvitserk took it, immediately popping the top and taking a long draw. They stood silently for several minutes, just sipping on their beers and watching the party outside in companionable silence. 
 "You going to tell her?" Ubbe finally asked, keeping his gaze straight ahead. 
 Hvitserk stiffened and pressed his lips together, the urge to hit something renewed after Ubbe's question. 
 "You can't get mad at her for wanting love and attention, especially when she's not getting it from the person she wants it from most." Ubbe glanced over at his sullen brother but plowed on. "Look, I know you like fucking around but if you expect her to keep waiting around for you….she won't. And it looks like she and Uhtred are really hitting it off. I won't stop them just cause you won't tell her how you feel."
 "What are you saying, Ubbe?" He growled, though if the steadily increasing anger was directed more at his brother or himself, he could not tell. 
 "I'm saying man up and tell her, or let her go. It's up to you." With a clap on the shoulder, Ubbe headed back outside. 
 Hvitserk took a sip of his beer, Ubbe's words bouncing around in his head. Over the years, the crush you had on him had not gone unnoticed, though he never addressed it. Ubbe eventually confronted him about it, forcing Hvitserk to reveal his own secret. He knew what he wanted. He had known for a long time. Was it too late though? Had he fucked up his chances for real happiness? Did he even deserve you anymore?
 You laughed, covering your mouth to try and muffle the uproarious sound. "That one was great! Ok, ok, tell me another."
 Uhtred sat behind you on the lawn chair, smiling broadly as he took a sip of his beer. Since he walked over to you at the beginning of the party, the two of you had been inseparable. He seemed to take particular pleasure out of making you laugh and currently he was telling you some of the best and worst pick-up lines he knew. Apparently, him and Finan liked to come up with new ones when they were bored. 
 He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your back closer to his chest as he whispered in your ear. "You're so hot, even my zipper is falling for you."
 Giggling, you covered your face. Not just because of the silly line but ever since the two of you sat down, him practically pulling you into his lap, he had you teetering on the edge of arousal. The way his broad chest felt pressed against you, the rumble sound when he chuckled, and those damn bedroom eyes with that smirk which promised so many beautiful, naughty things. It was driving you insane. 
 "Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I'm really feeling a connection." He said, his hand slowly trailing up and down your thigh. 
 "Please tell me someone has used that."
 "Finan did at a pub once."
 "I don't know him, but I'm guessing it worked." 
 Uhtred chuckled, giving you a playful wink. "It did."
 You tried to tamper down the butterflies dancing in your belly from that simple action. "Alright, what is one you've never used?"
 He thought about it for a second then in a flash, he licked up the rim of your ear. 
 "What?" You squirmed and tried to wipe your ear off. "What was that for?"
 He laughed, while his hand kept you pinned to him. "If you lick something, you get to keep it. Everyone knows that. So now you're mine."
 "Well if you're going to claim me, you could have done it without licking my ear."
 You swore his eyes darkened as he stared down at you. His voice husky as he whispered in your ear. "And if there are other parts of you I want to lick?"
 Your breath caught in your throat, desire slipping through your blood. "Guess you need to work on your lines." You whispered back, hoping it sounded confident but sure it sounded more needy with want. 
 "I'm a man of action, I'd rather show you what I want to do."
 "Like what?"
 With a cocky smirk, he slowly lowered his head until his lips touched yours. You gasped but gave in without remorse, allowing him to lead you in a slow dance. His lips were pure seduction, caressing and teasing, making you yearn for more. His tongue flicked over your lips before he pulled back, eyes scanning over your face to gauge your reaction. 
 "That….that was much more convincing than a pick-up line." You breathed out. 
 "I'm glad you approve."
 "What else can you show me?"
 His gaze dropped back to your lips and you tensed with anticipation. 
 You almost gave yourself whip-lash with how quickly you spun your head around at the call of your name. You saw Hvitserk approaching, hands in fists by his side and jaw clenched. His abrupt yell had most of those still around watching the two of you with curiosity. 
 "What?" You asked, your body vibrating with confusion and need.
 "Come here. I need to talk to you." He kept his hard gaze on you, making you feel like a child about to be reprimanded by their older sibling. 
 "Can we talk later?"
 "No, it's important."
 "She's busy right now." Uhtred declared, snaking his arm around your waist. You knew the move was possessive and with the way Hvitserk's eyes narrowed and burned with intensity, you knew Uhtred's move was not for your sake.
 Hvitserk met your eyes, pleading in a way you had never seen before and his tone suddenly soft. "Y/n….please."
 You sighed, those damn puppy dog eyes. "Fine, this better be important." You grumbled, removing yourself from Uhtred's embrace. 
 "Don't take too long, I'll be waiting." Uhtred said, flashing you a charming smirk. 
 You smiled at Uhtred then followed Hvitserk back towards the house. There were a few looks of confusion from those you passed by that you caught, but otherwise most people ignored the two of you, too focused on the party. Besides, everyone knew you and Hvitserk were friends so it was no surprise to see you in one another's company. 
 Your mind wandered as to what the issue could be. Surprise coursed through you as he led you up the stairs towards the brothers' bedrooms. Once Ivar, in a drunken fit, insulted a girl so harshly she had burst into inconsolable, wailing tears, forcing the brothers to pull her away into one of their rooms to calm her down. Maybe something like that had happened again? You tried to remember if you saw Ivar recently but realized you had been too absorbed in Uhtred to truly take notice. 
 Hvitserk led you into his bedroom, the door slamming closed behind you. With a quick glance you noted the two of you were alone. The bed was still made, so he had not brought a girl up yet. Confusion continued to mount within you. 
 "What's going on?" You finally asked, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. 
 Instead of answering, he paced several times in front of you, running his hands over his braids. A couple times he stopped, turning to you and opening his mouth but then immediately closed it to continue pacing. It was quickly becoming infuriating. Plus he was going to ruin his braids with how hard he was running his hands over them. 
 "Hvitty, you need to tell me what is going on or I'm going to go back out. You said it was important."
 His pacing ceased. Twisting to face you, he threw his hands up as he exclaimed, "I want you to marry me!"
 You froze. Your jaw dropped as you stared at him. Only in your wildest fantasies did you ever think you would hear that uttered from his mouth. Years ago, you had buried that fantasy, knowing it would never come to pass. Now you stared at him, staring at you. Both of you seemed shocked by what he just blurted. 
 "Fuck, that's not what I meant to say first." 
 "So….so you don't want to marry me?" You tried to clarify, your mind scrambling to make sense of what just happened. 
 Mumbling something unintelligible, he ran his hands once more over his braids; then in what appeared a split second decision, he advanced closer, dropping to his knees in front of you. "Yes. I do. Fuck. I'm doing this all wrong."
 "Hvitserk, what is going on?"
 He sighed, placing his hands over yours as if to steady himself. His words poured forth like a confession, secrets finally freed yet terrified by the light now on them. "Ever since we were children, it's always been you. Whenever I thought about getting married, buying a house, having children….it was always with you. Never have I thought about it with anyone else. It's always been you….and….and it terrified me. You are one of my closest friends, gods, I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life. I couldn't lose that, lose you. And with watching my parents and their marriage, I didn't….I didn't want us to go through something like that. So I never said anything. I fucked around because it was easier to pretend to be ok with that than realize I only ever saw you in my future….you've all I've ever wanted."
 Stunned, you gaped at him for a long time. "Why…." You licked your lips, mind fumbling to formulate a question. "Why are you telling me this now?"
 "Because you needed to know, or I just needed to tell you. I guess, I just needed to know if you would choose me, even after everything I've done. But if you rather be with someone like that guy out there, I get it. I mean, I figured I lost my chance years ago….but watching you out there. Fuck! I want it to be me. I want your smiles and laughs. I want to steal kisses from you. I want you in my bed, to roll over and hold you close. I want to live with you and kiss you before we leave for work. I want to watch you grow round with our child. I want the fights and frustrations. I just….it's always been you. I just want you….in everything."
 The two of you remained frozen in place for several minutes, his confession weighing heavily in the air around you. You stared into his earnest, brown eyes, searching them, studying them, confirming the truth. His words peeled back the layers you had built around your heart, to protect it from loving him too much. 
 In this moment you knew you teetered on the edge of a knife. If you fell one way, it would be into his arms, into a love you had only ever dreamed about. But if you fell the other way, everything would remain how it had been, you could be friends, freeing you both to pursue others. But this knowledge shared between you would haunt both of your actions forever. 
 Could you do it? After so long of pining after him, of your unrequited affections, did you trust him to fully reciprocate? 
 In your heart, you knew your answer even as he spoke. It laid there tattooed on your heart ever since you were children. 
 You finally broke the tense silence, bringing a hand up to lightly run over his frizzed braids. "You know, most guys ask a girl out on a date first before asking to marry them."
 He chuckled, catching your hand and pressing it to the side of his face. "That's true." 
 "Ask me."
 "What?" His brow furrowed faintly as he stared up at you, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand. 
 You took a deep breath before a small smile teased your lips. "Ask me to go on a date with you."
 "Y/n, will you go on a date with me?"
 "Yes. I would love to."
 His face beamed with a boyish smile and bright eyes alight. It made your heart stutter at how handsome he was, at the pure, genuine joy radiating from him. Surprising you, he kissed your palm quickly before a gleeful laugh escaped him. You could not help your own giggle. Everything felt so surreal, like the two of you had stepped into a dream, a bubble of your own making. Here, reality was irrelevant. You stared at one another with stupid smiles on your faces but neither cared.  
 "Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, gazing up at you with such a look of adoration, you felt yourself melting. 
 "You better."
 Without waiting an extra second, he captured your lips in a kiss that bespoke of longing. It started off with gentle, probing kisses that urged you to respond. A call you had no qualms about answering. Your tongue flicked against the seam of his lips and that was the key to unlock his restraint. Next thing you knew, you were on your back with him hovering over you, worshiping you using his mouth and tongue. You were utterly at his mercy and for once, you completely surrendered yourself to his touch, knowing he would be there to catch you. 
 The two of you laid there on his bed, tangled in one another, your mouths fused together as if you needed the other to continue breathing. Finally when air became a desperate necessity, he pulled back. Immediately, though, he set his forehead to yours, unwilling to move further away than that. 
 "Did you... want to go back out….to the party?" He panted out, his chest heaving just as much as yours. 
 You giggled, running a finger over his cheek to trace his deliciously, swollen lips. "No, I have everything I've ever wanted right here."
 Then you kissed him, letting him taste the truth on your tongue. Soon you became absorbed in each other's touch, utterly entwined and unwilling to ever part again. If this was what it meant to be lost in love, you both hoped to never be found. 
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Ubbe x reader Protecting you
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Pairing: Ubbe x reader
Summary: Reader is a slave who has a hard time behaving. An incident at dinner has her scared and running away from Ivar. Ubbe decides to help her.
Warnings: Mentions of slavery, abuse, death, freezing, mild cursing.
Hey guys! I couldn't sleep so I wrote this instead lol, hope you like it😚
"You should watch what you say y/n, especially in front of Ivar, he can be very cruel" Calise warned as you rolled your eyes for the millionth time.
"How many times do I have to say it Calise?! Just because some foreign bastards stole me from my home and made me a slave doesn't mean I can just accept it. I'm a human being, not property. If one of those bastard brothers tries to hurt me they will be the ones who are sorry" you huffed setting down a large bucket of dish water.
Calise tsked nodding her head, "You won't last long with that attitude... believe me you weren't the first slave to think she wouldn't bend, but these men can be savages and they will not hesitate to beat you into submission.." she sighed when you didnt reply and continued washing silently.
In your mind you were seething. You understood that you couldn't just go around picking fights but you weren't going to be treated like dirt either. Ugh why were the gods punishing you like this?
You decided to try your best at keeping a low profile until a chance of escaping arose. After all if no one noticed you it wouldn't be that difficult to sneak away one night.
Alright brain, are you listening? No more smart mouthed comments. No more under the breath insults. And for the love of gods, no more dirty glares! Let's try to stay alive long enough to escape shall we?
That night you stood behind the chairs of the royal family as they ate and conversed happily. A rare occasion honestly, it was not often that all the brothers got along this well.
Ubbe was more sensible and to be honest you did not mind him much. Hviserk was for the most part ok, his comments about women sometimes made you clench your teeth. Sigurd wasnt that interesting to be honest, and then there was the devilish one known as Ivar, that one you had to be wary of, you had seen him almost choke to death a servant for spilling soup over him.
Your eyes roamed around the hall. Gods standing around was so boring... the first thing you were gonna do when you escaped was relax in a hot bath and feast on the fattiest foods. None of that leftover meat slop you slaves were fed.
Sometimes when you guys were cleaning up you would sneak some food in your mouth quickly. Calise scolded you everytime but hey, the gods taught not to be wasteful. In your eyes you were doing a good thing.
"Are you deaf slave?" A sudden sharp voice cut into your thoughts.
"Sorry, how may I serve you prince Ivar.." you quickly stepped forward.
"My cup is empty" he motioned holding it up mockingly.
This asshole is lucky I don't have my knife anymore...
You quickly filled his cup with ale, a simple task really. No one could've imagined what would happen next.
When you felt a wandering hand over your ass you acted on instinct. No you didnt even stop to think that slapping the craziest man in kattegat was a bad idea.
You stood there eyes wider than saucers. Frozen like a deer as you watched Ivars stunned face turn from the side slowly, a red welt already appearing on his pale skin. Fuck.
You took one giant step back suddenly afraid that he would stab you with a dinner knife right then and there.
"M-my prince, I'm so sorry I did-" you were abruptly cut off when he shot out of his chair, a wild look of murder in his eyes.
Fuck you were done for. Great job you managed to keep yourself in check for like what 7 minutes?!
"Ivar stop!" Aslaug tried to calm him down but he was already out of his chair and limping towards you dangerously. Afraid of him and what he could do you whipped around and darted past a shocked Calise out into the brisk winters air.
You could hear shouting behind you but you were too frightened to stop. Although you probably made it ten times worse by running away. Should you have just stayed and taken the beating?
Surely the brothers or the queen would've intervened before things got too out of hand. You shook your head. Well none of that mattered now, you had to hide before he found you. Gods for a cripple, he sure was fast.
You cursed as another ruthless wind made you shiver. Only a thin dress protected you from the harsh weather. Great instead of being beaten to death you were gonna freeze to death.
Maybe it was better that way.. even if you left kattegat, it's not like you had anywhere else to go. And being captured by bandits on the road didnt seem appealing either. For all your past bravery you were feeling pretty terrified right now.
You hid behind a house taking a deep breath. Ok so you couldn't ask anyone for help for surely they would turn you in. After all no one would risk protecting you for Ivars wrath.
A barn near the house caught your eye, and you immediately snuck through the crack in the door and pulled it shut.
There were some piles of hay, a table for crafting tools of some sort, and above it all was a semi sealed attic.
Seeing no ladder you quickly piled some hay until it was tall enough to climb on. You also pulled as much as you could up with you to cover yourself.
By this point your hands were starting to burn. But you feared going back more than freezing. So you scooched back as far as you could, almost hidden completely and pulled the hay onto your shaking body. It wasn't the furs you slept with but it would have to do.
Wrapping your arms tight you prayed to the gods that you would somehow survive this or at least die a quick death.
At some point the cold turned into burning and then you felt nothing. You couldn't even feel your eyelids as they drooped shut.
"Ivar calm down, she's new she doesn't know how to be a proper slave yet" Ubbe stood blocking the door. The only thing standing between him and your certain death.
"I agree, she doesn't know, so she must be taught a lesson" Ivar growled and tried to push past his brother once more.
Aslaug gently placed a hand on his back, "Ivar please, she is just a slave, she is not worth it"
Ubbe could tell he was starting to calm down, especially when his mother spoke he always listened.
"Ivar you're right, she does need to learn but please, let me go and deal with her" Ubbe pleaded.
Ivar glared at his brother a few moments before sighing and shoving his arm off.
"Fine, just promise me you wont be too easy on her brother" he grumbled making his way back to the chair.
Ubbe sighed in relief and made his way outside. He started to worry because it was heavily snowing and from what he saw you were only dressed in a thin dress.
He actually had no intention of "dealing with you" as Ivar had demanded. In all honesty he thought you reacted as any insulted girl would. It just so happened because you were a slave it wasnt permitted.
Later on after he found you he would probably have a good laugh about this with his brothers. After all it wasnt everyday someone stood up to Ivar the boneless.
Ubbe had been searching far into the night now, no one he asked had any clue where the girl was and he was starting to lose hope.
Part of him wanted to give up and warm up by the fire in his house but part of him knew you would die if he did. He was far too kind to let that happen. So with a sigh he rubbed his hands together trying to generate some heat before he set off again.
Ubbe lightly shook your numb body as he tried his best to bring you to conciousness.
"Wake up, c'mon woman this is not a good place to die" he lightly slapped your cheek.
He clicked his tongue when you didnt even flinch.
He pulled off his outer fur and gently wrapped you in it. Carefully he lifted a hand behind your back and under your knees. Adjusting you until you lay safely in his arms.
He decided to take care of you himself seeing as it was the middle of the night and his house was much closer than the hall. Plus it wasnt a good idea to be around Ivar right now.
He kicked open the door and gently layed you down by the firepit. He got to work lighting it and gathered all the warmest furs he could find.
Once he had you wrapped up in several layers he grabbed a pillow and made himself comfortable beside you. For a moment he just stared at your face, wondering what your name was, where you came from, what you were thinking when you slapped Ivar. The last one made him smile. You were an interesting one indeed.
Death felt cozy...? It was warm and comforting, like the first day of spring after a long winter.
You felt softness everywhere, like a bunch of tiny kittens were cuddling into you. If this was death, this must of been heaven. The smell of wood was soothing, reminding you of your home and the sounds were peaceful. The crackling, singing of birds, snoring....wait a minute...snoring???
Your eyes flew open as the realization that were in fact very much alive sunk in. You could see a wooden ceiling and tried to sit up but someone had piled what had to have been 1000 furs on you, making you feel like a swaddled baby. A very hot and sweaty baby. You tried to lift them off but your arms felt like jelly.
Ubbe heard the commotion and was awake in an instant.
He almost laughed as he watched you wiggle around like a trapped worm.
"Easy now, you're still recovering" Ubbes unmistakable voice echoed through the room.
You twisted around until your eyes landed on his amused ones.
"Prince Ubbe?" Ok now you were officially confused.
"Here" he scooted closer and started removing a few of the layers. When you moved to sit up he placed a hand on your back supporting you. You nodded a thank you and cleared your throat. It felt dry like you hadn't drank water in days.
As if he read your mind the prince reached over to a table where he poured water from a pitcher into a small cup then handed it to you.
After gulping the whole thing down you suddenly felt very awkward as he was just staring at you.
" Um Prince Ubbe?" You looked up.
"What am I doing here.." he let out a tiny laugh which only confused you more.
"You mean you don't remember?" He asked smirking.
"Remember? I don't know what you are talk-.......Oh my god I slapped Ivar!!" you shrieked in disbelief as the memories started to piece back together again.
You suddenly felt very unsafe and began scrambling to get up. What if he was waiting for you to get up just so he could torture you.
As soon as you stood up you felt a wave of dizziness pass and found yourself pitching to the side.
"Woah slow down" Ubbe effortlessly caught you and guided you back onto the ground. "You need to rest, your body has been through a lot." Ubbe said with his hands still supporting you.
You were about to protest when he held a finger to your lips, "Shh listen to me, my brother is not going to hurt you I give you my word." He promised pulling away slightly but still staying close.
You visibly relaxed at his words. Out of all the brothers Ubbe did seem the most trustworthy and kind.
"Although he did say that I should teach you a lesson" he meant it as a joke but you tended up immediately, ready to run again. He quickly noticed and shook his head smiling, "Don't worry, I think you almost freezing to death was punishment enough...how do you feel by the way?" He asked with genuine concern in his eyes.
"I'm fine I think...but I still don't understand how I came to be here with you.." all you remembered was crawling into that barn and feeling so tired.
"After you ran out we calmed down my brother and I convinced him to let me handle you. I searched for you a long time before I got lucky and happened to spot you curled up in the corner. You were nearly dead, I didn't waste time and brought you here to my home. I have to say I am quite surprised you are up already considering how unresponsive you were last night."
As he finished speaking you felt suddenly very vulnerable. All your life you had been on your own. You took care of yourself because that was all you knew. And in one night he had cared for you more than your own parents did your childhood. Suddenly you felt bad for every bad thought of him that ever ran through your mind.
"Thank you...you saved my life and somehow saved me from Ivars wrath as well. You must be a magic prince or something, definitely my new favorite" you let out a tired laugh.
His eyes lit up in amusement. You certainly were an interesting one indeed.
"As long as you don't make a habit of slapping princes I promise nothing will happen to you"
You wanted to believe that but you were a slave, anyone on the street could beat you and no one would bat an eye.
"You can't promise that....I mean no offense but I'm a slave, anyone has the right to punish me with the littlest excuse and no one would care.." you were getting angry at the thought of how many slaves you saw get brutally punished for simple mistakes.
Ubbe was quiet for a moment then shrugged his shoulders, "Then I guess I have no choice"
You tilted your head at his non chalant attitude.
"What do you mean?" You questioned.
"I'll just have to make you mine" he said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Make me his? What is he talking about??
"If I convince my mother to give me you as a personal slave I would be able to watch over you. Down the road I would be able to free you and you could still serve and work for me if you wish."
You sat wide eyed at his words, was he being serious right now??
"You want me to be your slave...? And then you would free me..?"
He nodded his head confirming it.
"I've been in need of someone around the house anyway however I'm not looking for someone to force. If you agree, you would work and I would pay you. But you would be free to do as you please. What do you say"
You were stunned, this man had not only saved your life, he protected you, nursed you and now he was giving you your freedom!?
Again your instincts took over and before you knew what you were doing you launched yourself onto his body gripping him in the tightest hug possible.
"I say yes! Thank you my prince!!" You squeezed him still in disbelief.
He was not expecting that and let out a surprised laugh. When you realized what you had just done you shuffled back embarrassed.
"Ubbe, call me Ubbe from now on" he smiled before opening his mouth again, "Now I think I should know the name of the woman I'm going to be spending alot of time with yeah?"
You looked into his eyes and for the first time you felt so hopeful for the future, "Y/n..my name is Y/n".
He smirked and for the first time in your life you felt those tiny fluttering butterflies that all the girls had talked about.
Oh dear so this was what having a crush on someone felt like..
Thank you for reading! Please lemme know what you thought in the comments 💕
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xxonoiroxx · 5 years
I.W.A.L.Y: chapter 1
Ivar x Reader
W&G: angst, swear words, angry Ivar, confused reader,
“Get out!!”
Everyone scurried out of the room, until it was just Ivar and I left. I was so confused as to what was going on. I’d never seen him so mad and that’s saying a lot because Ivar is very hotheaded.
“Are you okay Ivar?”
“Oh you’d like to know wouldn’t you traitor?”
Wait what did he just say. OKAY I’ve been called many things, but This puts the icing on the cake. I’m probably the most loyal person in all of Kattegat. How dare he accuse me.
“Ivar, what’s going on?”
“You should know min dronning” He says with a certain gleam in his eye.
OKAY now he’s starting to piss me off. Just because he’s the king, doesn’t mean that I have to put up with his shit.
“Gods Ivar just fucking tell me.”
“I’m not gonna waste my time telling you something you already know. Pack your shit and leave Kattegat right now.”
His face has a nice shade of red over it. He’s slightly shaking, probably because of the intense anger. The look on his face. GODS the look on his face. He looks at me as if I’m the worst thing he’s ever seen. As if I’d taken away his favorite knife. His sharp eyes pierce through me. Staring deep into my very existence. Which is strange because he’s only ever looked at me as if I was the cure for his pain, the light in his darkness. As if I was a warrior that had saved him from an inevitable death.
Whatever happened he truly despises me and it doesn’t seem like he’ll let up about it.
“You know what leave your shit, take a damn horse, and leave.” He snarls out angrily.
“You know what fine, but don’t come to me when you finally let up from this tantrum you’re having.”
I push past him and stomp out of the castle. The rest of the Ragnarsons giving me a look of disapproval all except Bjorn who seems genuinely concerned. Mouthing to. to meet him at. The old land? The old lamp? Oh wait the old lake.
When I’m out of the castle everyone shouts at me to just leave already so I do. I pull my hood up and run. I run fast.  All the way to my little old private hut. My brothers always said be prepared, people turn on you fast.
I pack all my stuff and put it in my sack, adjusting all my things onto the horse. DRUM DRUM. I look up and see an angry horde of people marching toward me. I quickly jump onto my horse to leave when suddenly, an arrow comes flying past me. I bolt out of there. Man people are crazy.
It’s fine gotta get to the lake.
“Wake up prinsesse”
You stir in your sleep a bit. You’re just like father, little princess. you and your brother. Mother had two beautiful twins.
You open your pretty e/c eyes and stare up at me. Reaching up with those little hands, but grip my finger so strong.
Small but mighty.
One day you will achieve greatness little prinsesse. you and your little twin.
My little prinsesse. My little y/n.
prinsesse ~ princess
min dronning ~ my queen
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Lovely (Tease?)
I had this thought and wrote this little snippet a while ago. Would anyone like to see this turned into...something?
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You groan as you spot the sails on the horizon. Those are familiar sails and quite frankly, you have come a long way to get away from them. 
“What are they doing here?” you hear Hvitserk ask from beside of Ivar. 
“HOW…” you exclaim in annoyance. 
“How what?!” Ivar asks as he whips around to look at you. 
“Did he find me?”
“Why would he wish to find you?” Ivar asks with narrowed eyes.
“Oh… well…”
“Answer me, woman!”
“Well you see...I’m actually the princess…”
He gazes at you in bewilderment before he glanced over at his bride-to-be. 
You wince, “I would rather...not?”
He just continues to glare at you, “On that ship… there is a very pompous man that wishes to marry me, that I do not wish to marry. My father sent me and my servant here, so I could marry you and I could get rid of him…. However, I decided it would be a better idea if you married my servant, then I could leave and… live my life! See! Everyone is happy! You get a wife! She becomes queen! I get left alone!”
Ivar just narrows his eyes in anger, “So you would rather give up your throne than to marry a cripple hmm?” 
“Honestly… I knew nothing about you when I agreed to marry you, I just wanted to leave and explore the world! It’s nothing personal…”
With that you walk up to King Ivar and pull his dagger from his belt and hand it to him. He gazes down at it in confusion before you grab his hand and pull the blade up to your chest. 
“So, if you could just…. put me out of my misery…” you say gesturing vaguely at the dagger. 
“What?” he asks in bewilderment.
“I would do it myself, but that’s in poor taste… If tales are to be sung of my death I would like it to be more…dramatic… So just do it and embellish as you will. You know she put up a good fight blah, blah, blah, but she was no match for me… Besides, I hear men love impaling women…” You say as you bat your lashes at him. 
He pauses for a moment then just bursts out laughing. 
“You… are… everything they said you were and more…” he pauses for a moment and gives you one of those looks that men give women when they are interested in them. You know the one I’m talking about. 
“Oh no… That was not supposed to happen…” you say as you back away from him.
“The wedding is off… someone draw a bath and prepare a dress for the princes…”
“Oh dear… wait! You weren’t supposed to like me…” you exclaim as you rush after him. Eliza is still standing on the hill gazing angrily at you. 
“I was supposed to be queen!” she says as she stomps her foot petulantly on the ground. 
“Yes… well… no one is getting what they want today!” you yell over your shoulder.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 5 years
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Imagine # 206 - Extended
Gifs NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If either gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
*Sorry this took me so long to write. I was literally in the middle of moving from Ohio to California, and didn't have much time. And then anytime I tried finishing it I got writers block from hell. So I deleted what I was originally writing and redid the entire thing. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!
Pushing open the doors of the Great Hall, I made my presents known to all inside. This was my second time in Kattegat, but it's been many years since I was first here. "Queen Aslaug its a pleasure." I addressed bowing dramatically at the foot of her throne. "Do I know you?" She asked eyeing my shrouded figure. "No." I smiled under my masked cowl. "And yet you know me." She narrowed her eyes tilting her head. "Well who doesn't know of Queen Aslaug wife of King Ragnar, mother of Ubbe Hvitserk Sigurd and Ivar." I stated pointing to each of her sons who were seated at a table near the door. "Your eyes... You're not a child of Ragnar are you?" Aslaug asked looking deep into my piercing blue eyes. "No I am not a child of Ragnar." I laughed softly finding the question truly humorous. "Forgive me I haven't introduced myself. My name is (Y/n) and I am from Hungary. A country far from here, farther than England even." Pulling a jewel encrusted dagger from the back of my belt I handed it to Aslaug. "Here a gift from my homeland." Aslaug smiled taking the dagger from my hand. "It's quite beautiful." She hummed turning it over in her hand. "You didn't come all this way just to give me a dagger did you?" Aslaug asked looking back up at me. "No I didn't. I haven't been to my homeland in a long time, I am a wonderer you see. And I was saving that dagger for someone, but the chances of ever seeing them are nearly impossible. I'm tired of seeing it, it's a constant reminder of something I wish to forget. So I give it to you Queen Aslaug, a beautiful weapon for a beautiful woman." I bowed my head, my left hand resting on the hilt of my sword as my right arm was crossed over my chest. "Well I thank you, please stay here with us as our honorary guest." She smiled waving a slave over to take the dagger away. "Thank you Queen Aslaug, it will be my pleasure to stay here with you all." I smiled under my mask.
That evening a feast was held in my honor, and the sons of Ragnar sat around me curious about who I was and where I was from. "Why do you wear a mask across your mouth?" Ivar asked before I could finish explaining to Ubbe where I was from. Pulling my mask and hood off I smiled at Ivar. "It can be dangerous for a beautiful woman to be traveling alone, not that I can't take care of myself. It just makes it easier to let people believe they must be cautious around me. And not to mention my teeth scare many people in my homeland, they think it is a sign that I am a monster." I emphasized smiling so he could see my fangs. "Are you a monster?" Ivar asked a dark wonder in his eyes. "Maybe I am. Deep down everyone is a monster no one is pure, why would I be any different? Are you a monster Ivar?" I asked arching a single brow. "Like you said no one is pure." He smiled making me laugh warmly. "Good answer." I smiled with a quick wink. "So (Y/n) where did you get that dagger you gave to our mother?" Sigurd asked cutting Ivar off before he could ask anymore questions. "A man I once knew gave that to me while he lay on his death bed." I frowned sipping my mead. "Who was this man?" Ivar asked. "A warlord I was betrothed to. He got sick and he died an hour after giving me that dagger." I looked down at Ivar with a blank face. "Did you love him?" Ivar asked. "Once I think I did, but maybe it was his power I loved, his ruthlessness perhaps. But by the time he lay on his death bed I hated him, he was a pathetic fool that once was the most fearsome man I knew. I was naïve and I am grateful my eyes were opened to see the truth." I hummed a far way look in my eyes as I looked into my mug. "What was his name?" Ivar asked scooting ever so closer to me. "Viktor." I frowned taking a drink of my mead. "Who were you saving the dagger for?" Ivar asked as I sat my mug down. "I was saving it for... For a close ally of his. But since he's never come looking for me I don't think I'll ever see him again." Ivar frowned again. "What if you do see him again?" I laughed. "Then I'll just have to kill him with my sword and forget trying to be ironic." The brothers all frowned silencing whatever conversations they were having. "Kill him, why would you kill him?" Ubbe asked. "Because he's a plague and I wish to see him die by my blade." After a few moments of silence Ivar spoke up. "Well then I wish you luck." He drank from his mug then climbed off of his seat and crawled away.
The next day I went into the woods to hunt for a quick meal, but was unable to get anything because I was being followed. So frustrated I lost the perpetrator and began hunting him. As he leaned to look around a tree I charged him moving fast and silently. Tackling him from his seated position behind a tree I straddled his hips and pined his arms above his head. "Why are you following me?" I asked Ivar who looked rather startled. "How did you do that?" He asked confused. "Why are you following me?" I asked again furry burning in my eyes. "I wanted to know what you were doing." He stated like it was nothing unusual. "I am hunting, now leave me." I glared getting off of him. "Without a bow?" He asked sitting up. "I'm a monster remember." I straightened my back holding my head high. "I want to see." I frowned at his words. "What?" Ivar smiled. "Floki told be stories about creatures from far off lands like you, I want to see you hunt." In the blink of an eye I was on Ivar again pinning him down. "Why hunt when I have easy pray here." I growled bringing my fangs to the skin of his neck. "Do it." Ivar whispered into my ear, making me pull away to look into his eyes. "I won't drain you, but if you are willing to allow me to feed." I leaned down as I spoke putting us face to face. "Go ahead do it." He whispered once more. "Very well." I hummed leaning in closer to his neck biting down, only taking what little I needed to survive.
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His blood pooled in my mouth, igniting a spark in my unbeating heart. When I was finished I healed the puncture wounds and pulled away. "Thank you Ivar." I whispered my face so close to his our lips brushed as we spoke. "You're welcome (Y/n)" Ivar smirked a certain glimmer in his eyes. "Come to me whenever you need to feed." He whispered a now very serious look on his face. "Oh I will." I hummed a playful atmosphere washing over us.
"Now that was unexpected!" Chimed out a voice as they walked towards us. "Ivar I am very impressed!" Laughed Sigurd. Ivar growled in annoyance at his brother's interruption, while I just simply sighed pulling away as I licked the remnants of blood off my lips. "What do you want Sigurd?" Ivar asked sitting up to glare at his brother. "Oh I was coming to find (Y/n), but I guess you beat me to it for once. I wonder did you inform her of your little problem?" I growled trowing a knife at his head, which stuck in the tree just inches away. Sigurd gasped in fear looking at the knife, then turned to me. "Nice throw." He laughed nervously. "I missed, but I never miss on the second try." I threatened pulling out another throwing knife. Sigurd panicked a little and took off running in the other direction, making me and Ivar laugh. "You know what else is unexpected?" I asked Ivar who cocked his head. "What?" He asked with a smile. "I think I've fallen in love with you in this short time we've known eachother." I spoke with a serious expression. "What?" He asked confused. "Forget it." I mumbled realizing how stupid it was to say that. "No (Y/n) wait." Ivar called out as I walked away.
A few days later in the early morning I decided it was time to leave, and began packing what little supplies I could use. Making sure to go unnoticed as I slipped out, even going as far as to walk my black mare out of town, only mounting her when I reached the woods. "I hope you had a good time." I smiled stroking Shadows mane, she whined in response. "Yeah I know, but we have to move on." I mumbled urging her on noticing the sound of someone riding our way, and fast. "Come on." I mumbled getting Shadow to gallop, but whom ever was following me was catching up quick. "Fuck it." I sighed tugging back on Shadows reins making her come to a stop, turning her to stand in the middle of the road. Unsheathing my sword when a white horse pulling a chariot and it's rider came into view.
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The rider came to a halt just a few short feet away from me. "How dare you just leave like that!" Yelled the rider pointing an accusing finger at me. "How dare you leave without saying a word to me!" He yelled removing his helmet and mask. "I have to leave Ivar, and it's better if I didn't tell you." I sighed sheathing my sword urging Shadow to walk, turning my back on Ivar. "NO!" He yelled out riding after me. "You don't get to just leave me like that!" He hollered riding beside me. "And why not?" I asked annoyed that he was following me. "Because I love you!" He yelled out pulling the reins on his horse coming to a stop. "You're the only person that hasn't looked down on me, you've only treated me as an equal. And I've fallen in love with you the same way you've fallen in love with me." I stopped Shadow and turned to Ivar. "You are a mortal one day you will die, and I will be forced to watch." I growled the last part walking Shadow to stand beside him. "You could always turn me." He smirked. "No." I deadpanned moving Shadow to walk away from him. "Well I'm coming with you." Ivar called out urging his horse forward to follow beside me. "No." I growled pulling my sword out holding it to his neck as we stopped once more, hoping to scare him off. "Yes I am, and you won't stop me." He smiled pushing my sword away from his neck making me growl. "I won't turn you." I growled putting my sword away. "We will see." He smiled. "Now let's get moving my love." He added lightly snapping the reins. I huffed gently bumping Shadows side to urge her on. "I want to spend as much time with you as I can, you know before I die." He hummed casually. "And what of your family, your life in Kattegat?" I asked now riding beside him. "I am with you now, and with you I have a better life ahead of me." He smiled at me slowly breaking my will to be angry with him. "I live a dangerous life." I reminded him. "Good." He smiled once more a dangerous look behind his eyes, making me smirk. "Very well." I hummed turning to watch the sunrise ahead of us.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Hi! May I please have a ship for Marvel, My Hero Acadameia, Vikings, and Peaky Blinders? I’m 5’7, dark hair and dark eyes. I’m extroverted and very fun and silly around my friends. I’m pretty professional in my job/school and I take things I’m passionate about pretty seriously. I get bored easily but when I enjoy something I tend to throw myself into it and learn as much about it as possible. I like to work out and stay in shape but I’m also very big into reading, writing, and music. Thank you!
5′7 *sigh* i wish i was that tall. you sound dope btw!
wanna get shipped with someone ask here you can ask as many characters as you want
click here for fandoms list
I ship you with:
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steve is like an old man period thats his life but you are like this party animal. you love to take him out to the city and love to drink with him. you want to see cap turn into either a candy stripper or a crazy political sexy mad man. you always want to see him get out of his box and go crazy. he usually ends up listening to you and getting super drunk where you have to pull his as* back home or he smiles seeing you go silly and being a goofball. he loves to work out so when you go with him you both try to outdo one another. you try to go faster than him but i mean hes a super soldier but he always lets you win. you teach him all the weird modern movies. you tell him and teach him all about the modern life the modern dances and social media. he loves when you take selfies of him and you especially together. you listen intently when he tells you about the war and his life back then. he loves how serious your face gets and you become fully enraptured and you listen and take it all in and you are interested which means so much to steve. he likes how serious you are with missions and avengers, the state of humanity means so much to him so when it means a lot to you he finds it very attractive. he likes how open you are to so many things. 
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likes your height a lot and he is always staring at you. he likes how youre always smiling and you find the good in life and you are passionate about school and he likes that you try to learn every bodies powers. he is so quiet especially when it comes to talking about you so you bring out things in him that no one else has. he likes to make mini ice sculptures for you. your so ecstatic to learn about his powers that you make him freeze up ice cream and make him heat up your ramen. he sees your like good in everything. you are sometimes bored of studying and stuff so shoto helps you with school and he likes to chill in your room and lay on your lap or near you. he gets mesmerized by your looks. he likes to play with your hair when you are writing or reading. you dance to your music and he just sits and watches you dance because he is a tsundere and he aint about that life. sees how passionate you are about life and school and that matters a lot to him and he can see that you are serious about this life and that you want this just as much as he does and he can seriously relate and it means a lot to him. 
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ok ok ok ivar is crazy i know but he hot sorry ok hi...ivar is like that creepy quiet kid that stares at you alllll the time. he stares at you ALL THE TIME! he tries to show you hes intimidating and not to be messed with but you are goofy and do not take him seriously and you tease him. he hates that he cant show you what a true man looks like because he is a crippled but you love him. likes how tough you look and that you dont care what people think you are going to be genuine and yourself, silly and goofy. when no one is looking ivar also gets fun and wild with you especially when he had his cart. he thinks you are probably the smartest person aside from him on this earth. he likes that you try to go forward and farther into creating things to go more smart in the future. you create machinery and are serious in learning new things. ivar though gets into like a shy boi when he is around you. you are somebody that has fun with life and enjoys your friends and he is so stuck up scared and stressed out. you make him see a different side to himself and life. you make life seem fun and with you he does always have fun. you make him smile and laugh.
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tommy is more serious while youre fun and jumpy. you are super into your job which tommy can relate to. sometimes needs your help with writing important papers or just letters. loves to take you on dates and love that you can handle the tough life and make it a great time. his brothers love you. OUR BOI TOMMY THO KNOWS HOW TO DANCE!!! so he always take you out to dance especially to your favorite music. he loves how close you two get. he just cant get enough of you and makes sure he has his eye on you and protects you so he makes sure that his brothers protect you and the rest of the peaky blinders. also tommy likes how tall you are. he likes when you learn about his interests. his kids love you. he just loves your smile and attitude towards life. youre the happiness in his dark depressing dirty world. he is grateful you have entered into his life and he never wants to let you go. 
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lady06reaper · 6 months
Requests you ask for 👀.
I shall give. Viking x Reader
Where said character(s) react to their wife having to defend their children from a bear/forest creature. And easily defeating it. Going from complete deadly killer to momma bear who's hugging her sweet children close.
Love a feral momma bear. - marshmellow
So I really only see this prompt as Bjorn and Ubbe with the kid part BUT since Ivar has a special place in my heart I'll write him with kids as well
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Bjorn was definitely worried, like why was his beloved and their children carrying a dead bear? Are yall alright?!
"Wife! Are you okay? What happened?" Bjorn rose from his seat on the porch and ran over to you and your kin.
You huffed and threw the bear's head and front arms down to the ground, your kids followed suit and laid down on the ground with the dead bear.
"What happened, Bjorn, is that we were hunting and this foul, loathsome, lowlife, bear thought he could harm us. Jokes on it, we're having a feast tonight!" You roared so all of Kattegat could hear you, everyone around cheered in delight.
"That is quite a feat Y/N," Bjorn looked down at the bear and got a thought. He took your hand and led you up on the porch of the great hall, your children followed their dad up there with you. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to my wife once more as Y/N Bear-Killer!" Bjorn raised your hand up with his as everyone celebrated and congratulated you. Your kids hugged your legs as their congratulations to you, you bent down and embraced them. Everyone, including the woodland critters, knew now not to mess with you, especially your children.
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Out of the corner of Ubbe's eye he saw you and your children hauling a moose in a pull wagon... or at least trying to
First of all, you didn't have the pull wagon when you left so when did you come back and grab it?
He had to do a double take on it to make sure it wasn't an illusion by the Trickster God Loki
"Love! What happened? Are you and the children alright?" You sighed and dropped the handles to the cart, the moose slid off of it to the ground. Your children were small enough to sit in the moose's antler, so sit they did, tired from helping their momma.
"I'm fine, nothing but a long soak with herbs won't fix. But this here moose is obviously not alright for it is dead, a punishment for attempting to hurt us," You stretched out your sore and tired muscles, that soak was really starting to sound good.
"Oh my brave, yet crazy wife, I'm glad you are alright, but when did you get the pull cart?"
"Oh that? We borrowed it from a farmer nearby, by the time we would've came here and back to the carcass it would've been already claimed by the wolves," you shrugged as if it was self-explanatory. You beckoned your kids over to you by kneeling and opening your arms, they ran towards you and as soon as they reached you, you picked them up in your arms. "Now, if you'll excuse me, your very strong children and I would like a bath and a nap. Go ahead and clean the moose, we feast tonight."
You turned on your heel and walked towards the long house, leaving a shocked Ubbe staring at your back. Did all of that really just happen?
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I feel like Ivar would get horny if he knew you took down a huge ass wolf (which explains the second pic)
like the first one is "Wow, my wife took down that wolf, who's almost as big as Fenrir? Damn that's hot"
The wolf slung across your shoulders was heavy, but you had no other means of carrying it, and the pelt would make a nice cloak or blanket for your kin. You walked through Kattegat with your child in tow, they were concerned for your wellbeing, but you assured them you were fine. Ivar watched as you hauled the wolf up to the long house, not bothering to get up knowing you were as strong as Freyja. You dropped the wolf at his feet and fell into his open arms and lap.
" It seems you had an eventful hunt, love," Ivar wrapped his arms around your waist, but before he could get comfortable your child crawled up into your lap, it's a good thing Ivar can't feel your combined weight, only the presence.
"Yes, indeed we did, what do you think little one? Should we use the pelt as a blanket, or turn it into a cloak?" The child pondered before saying their answer. "Blanket it is then," you kissed their forehead and let them go. "Now run along and go get Uncle Bjorn, he'll help you turn the wolf into a nice blanket." You smiled as they slid down Ivars legs and ran to get Bjorn.
"Are you alright my love?" Ivar looked over your upper body as he rubbed circles into your lower back.
"Yes, husband, nothing like a good back massage won't fix," you leaned into his touch, being comforted by Ivar was definitely something you needed right now. Ivar gave you a mischievous look through his eyelashes.
"Instead of a massage," he started. "How about I break your back?"
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vikingsarememes · 1 year
Of Broken Rabbits - Part 1
Next Chapter
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Characters: Ivar “the boneless” Ragnarson x Reader, Bjorn “Ironside” Ragnarson
Summary: Y/N is being forced to marry the cruelest of Ragnarsons to keep the peace of her hometown, she sees Ivar’s cruelty first hand and finds an ally in the most unexpected places. 
Word count: 1422
Warnings: mild aggression and violence
A/N: Hi, so… it’s been a while since I published any kind of fics here, so yeah, enjoy and let me know what you guys think!
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
You wept as you walked down the aisle with your white dress and flowers crown, cursing the day you heard the news, you were happy, the daughter of an Jarl that lived in Oslo, a place far from Kattegat, but gods decided that when you go to buy milk in the market with your brother, the king of Kattegat would come across you and admire your presence.
He had threatened your father and brother, you either marry him or he will terminate your entire village, you had begged your father to decline, telling him of a death sentence that he was agreeing on, his first was sent to madness, his wife was murdered by him alongside with his unborn child, but your father reminded you of your duties and sent you off to marry him, sealing your fate with doom and misery.
He sat at the end of the aisle, a crown on his head and a man in white robe ready to marry you, all eyes on you as you tried to held back tears, your father didn’t attend the wedding nor allowed your brother, you were all alone, the ceremonies went hazy the moment you arrived the altar, it was meaningless conversations and congratulations from different people.
After the wedding you were accompanied to your husband’s chamber, he requested to have private time with you, everyone respected their kings’ wish, you stood frozen in the middle of the room “don’t worry, I have no interest in your body” he had told you, untying his leg braces, lifting the damaged ones on the bed to rest “then why did you marry me?” He shrugged “because I wanted to” his answers only made your blood boil “go on, make yourself comfortable, this might become your home for a while”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down then took off your white dress and replaced it with sleeping gown, you crawled into the bed, sobbing quietly, that’s when you felt his breath on your neck, your eyes were open wide “I know you are awake and that you can hear me, if you tell anyone that nothing happened between us I will sacrifice you to Loki” he whispered, you felt your body trembling with fear.
That night you cursed your father and brother for not being strong enough, for not telling him off, for giving you to a monster as if you were nothing but a replaceable treasure of theirs.
The celebratory week passed quietly, Ivar ignored your presence unless someone was watching, his brothers looked at you with pity, knowing too well that you are miserable in this marriage, who wouldn’t be? Imagine marrying the bloodiest man, one that can not walk, one that can not defend you, one that can not give you children, one that can not love.
When you walked down the alter that day, your father’s words repeated themselves “a woman who knows how to love a man can make a rock turn into water” you had hope, that your presence will matter to him, that perhaps he will love you or at least acknowledge your existence, you had hope that the rumors were untrue, but you were nothing more than an arm accessory to him.
He returned one night, wet from the rain, barely able to stand with his crutches and braces, a feeling of worry took over you, you rushed to his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulder to drag him into the bed, he pushed your hand away “don’t, I’m fine” he said aggressively “let me help you, no need to play a strong act in front of me” you whispered, soothingly, but your gesture was met with a slap on the face “I said I’m fine woman!” 
You fell on the ground, your hand right where his handprint was left, with tears in your eyes, you looked at him “you- I wish I never met you” you said, picking your fur coat and running outside of your marital chamber, sobbing, you stood in the rain, trying to wrap your head around what mistakes have you made for the gods to be so cruel to you with this marriage.
You cursed yourself, you cursed him, you cursed your father, and your brother for being too weak to save you from this doomed fate, you prayed for Odin, for Freya and even for Loki to have mercy on you and take your life.
You were sinking in sorrow that you didn’t notice the man standing in front of you until he cleared his throat, your weeping eyes moved to his sight, Bjorn Ironside, Ivar’s brother “Y/N, what are you doing here?” he said, stepping closer, you shook your head, he noticed the handprint on your cheek and sighed “did Ivar do that to you?” 
“Why would you allow such a monster to marry? You are the son of Ragnar, the bravest, yet you couldn’t find the guts to tell him that wedding me is not right” you bursted, the man looked at you with pity, he took off his cloak and covered your already wet one “let’s go somewhere warm before you fall ill” he spoke softly, you rejected his offer and handed him his cloak “let me be, perhaps I would die and my misery will end”
The man sympathized with you, truly, but you knew he wasn’t able to do anything about your situation, you knew he wasn’t going to help you, all he could do is pity you.
Bjorn stood next to you until you calmed down, your guessing was to protect you in case anyone decided to take advantage of your vulnerability, and when you were finally calm, you returned to your bedchamber, the maidens prepared a warm bath for you, and you tried to relax as much as possible, ignoring the man staring at you from the bed.
Once you felt warm enough, you dried your hair by the fire and headed to your shared bed, your back to him, if you can’t get out of this marriage you might as well ignore it, you closed your eyes, that’s when you heard an apology, followed by the  placement the gentlest kiss on your cheek, the one where he hit you, a kiss that you couldn’t believe is coming from the same man.
You didn’t move or say a word, you waited  for him to sleep before you could, although he apologized but part of you still feared him.
The next morning you woke up with him gone, and three maidens showering you with food and gifts “what is all of this?” you asked sleepily “King Ivar had requested that we bring you our finest” the maiden had replied, you examined the items, fresh fruits, gowns of silk, cloaks of the rarest fur, jewelry from different raids, the gesture was nice, if only it wasn’t to beg for your forgiveness “and where is king Ivar?” you requested “breaking the fast with his siblings and the earls, do you wish we call him?” you shook your head.
“Tell him that I reject his gifts when you see him” you told them then returned under the fur blanket, the maidens’ faces were colored yellow of terror, who dares reject anything from the king “but my queen-” one of them pleaded “I don’t remember stuttering” you snapped, they lowered their heads and left the room at once.
It didn’t take long for Ivar to storm into your bedchambers, angry, you knew from the sound of his unpaced crutches and the dragging of his foot, he glared at the maidens who knew it was their cue to leave “why are you being difficult, huh? I apologized, I brought you gifts, what else do you want?” he yelled at you, you rolled your eyes and sat up “I want for you to leave me alone!” you snapped “I can have you beheaded for picking that kind of tone with me” 
You scoffed “please do, it is a better fate than a lifetime with you!” your answer caught him off guard, he was surprised, speechless for a moment, you could swear that you saw sadness in his eyes as well “fine! You can stay here until you rot” he said calmly, then looked at the maidens “she is not to leave the room until she accepts my offerings, if she does not wear one of the gowns and the jewelleries and come dine with me, then she is free to starve to death”
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