#ive seen it on the stall
i-drop-level-one-loot · 3 months
Where in the heck do you work were there's a shitting problem of that magnitude?
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3416 · 5 months
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mitch.. watching the camera.... ok
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bitchkay · 6 months
Mc gives me second hand embarrassment cus-- girl what is you doing?!
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saetoru · 2 years
" 😒gojo" to " 🥺 gojo"
its a very real pipeline !! hes my beloved even tho he drives me up a wall !! but ykw our banter is very good
LMAO BUT sometimes i will get the occasional anon that will be very aggressive like "rmr when u hated gojo ?? u need to back off bc u didn't even like him from the start" and i have to laugh bc i never hated him 💀 like my gojo "slander" was literally just me saying "i dont think gojo is as hot as everyone acts like he is. also he talks a lot"
WHICH I STILL STAND BY bc back then i'd only watched the anime and hadn't touched the manga yet and yall have to be real. like be so real rn. anime gojo is not nearly as hot as manga gojo ok ?? i was unimpressed im ngl
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demoness-one · 1 year
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omfgg they dropped the price by 2 grand bc the u joint ($200 part) broke if i didnt already have 2 cars id be ALL OVER this shit. fb marketplace is an evil evil siren song tempting me to my financial doom. although maybe id be all over it more if it was a standard, the automatic trans doesnt interest me much, theyre known for being kind of weak..
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tr1ppykay · 29 days
something i rarely see addressed on here in discussions of transmasculine bathroom issues is the difference between men's and women's rooms, and the way it excludes transmascs with vulvas.
I am a trans man pre-surgery of any kind. ideally i would like meta with UL, but for euphoria reasons primarily- STPs are expensive and a hassle, so i have no issue sitting to pee. i am 11 months on T and do not pass. using the women's room bothers me, but i live in the southern US so it's safer. i have no issue dealing with it to quickly piss and leave. what i do have an issue with, is when someplace claims to be trans inclusive, but in practice, is not.
i had a pretty awful night. my boyfriend and i had been planning to try out a local goth nightclub for weeks, and we finally got the chance to go. when walking in, there was a sign on the door that said "no racism, no homophobia, no transphobia..." etc. i was excited, thinking that i may actually be able to use the men's restroom for once! a few drinks in and the urge hit- i was feeling anxious, so i asked a staff member if it would be safe for me to use the men's room. "yes of course, we are very inclusive, there are plenty of trans people here." in i went and....
5 urinals, and one single stall- which was out of order.
i turned around and used the women's room. i had no choice. of course, there were 6 stalls in there.
this is not the first time i have experienced issues with men's rooms having a single stall- at a gay strip club, i ran into a similar problem, where the single stall in the men's room was not out of order, but instead, had a line of 20+ people. i, and a few other guys, opted to use the women's room instead of waiting (clearly this design flaw hurts cisgender men as well!)
men's rooms being built only with people with penises in mind, and often all but excluding anyone who needs a stall, is an issue that needs to be addressed far more often.
edit: ive seen a few people in the notes adding their own experiences outside of transmasculinity, saying that they don't want to derail- i want to make clear that nobody is derailing. this issue absolutely intersects with transmisogyny, ableism, and general androphobia (which i define as the way patriarchal expectations hurt all men, not any group systemically oppressing men.) keep adding on your own experiences. this issue affects everyone who has ever needed to use the men's bathroom.
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kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
Some times I have some real concerns and questions about how people use their bathroom at home/the state of their bathroom at home...
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victoria-grimesss · 10 months
tear you apart - part IV
Shiny new Masterlist
->Pairing: König x fem!reader
->Words: 4.7k
->Warning: MDNI!, fluff, König spilling his heart out to his favorite girl, roadhead, car sex, outdoor oral, face sitting, overstimulation, pretty much porn with plot at this point. 
->A/N: A bit different that the other chapter but I wanted to do something a little sweeter.
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Your dreams are luxurious and delicious these nights, a whirlwind of experiences ever since you transferred to the new base. You dream of luxuries far beyond your reach with a man who sure as hell should be out of your reach too. You dine on five star meals on the beach, sip champagne in a clawfoot tub overlooking waterfalls, have ravenous passionate love making sessions in silk sheets. 
König has rewired your brain and embedded himself within you.
You awake in his bed again as has been the same routine for a few weeks now, you’ve moved a stash of your stuff to his room at his request of course. You don't see each other too often during the day so night and early mornings are the times where you catch up and enjoy eachothers company.
Spending a few spare moments to soak in the smell of the sheets you roll out of bed and notice a flower in a tall glass of water sitting beside a note. 
Chicken scratch, yep written by König alright. You smile as you envision him scrawling it quickly before leaving for the day.
My love,
Clear your schedule this afternoon, I plan to take you somewhere very special.
-König, your one and only. (boyfriend)     :)
Huh I guess that's really what the two of you are now. You both danced around the word for a while now. You suppose you were a couple in the grand view of it, slept in the same bed, ate dinner together, got ready for bed together, said goodmorning and goodnight to each other. You could get used to this. Off base dates are far and few too, sometimes you'll take walks around base, the views are amazing nearby and it makes you yearn for your own country-side cottage with a garden.
You ready yourself and go about your day, you’ve flowed into a nice routine as of late. Get up, sometimes with König, eat in the mess hall, workout, training, dinner with König sometimes, and usually not get a lot of sleep together because he's too busy having your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
You can’t complain.
The mess hall is loud and crawling with activity this morning, you enjoy it more than you thought you would. The activity is a welcome distraction from homesickness. You eat in silence, sitting with a few others you’ve somewhat befriended. Bennet hasn't been around lately, thinking of if now you can’t remember the last time you did see him.
You clear your throat,
“Have any of you seen Bennet around?”
One of the other guys laughed.
“Yea I saw him alright. Saw him on his way out. Guy got so scared of the colonel he transferred back to his home base. Guess the two of them clashed over something. But if you ask me, I just don't think the guy was cut out for this line of work.”
“Yeah, that's weird. Strange.” 
You continue eating, your question answered to your requirements. 
König is intimidating, sure he’s nice to you but you can’t imagine being an outsider, being on his bad side, or god forbid being his enemy. The stories you’ve heard about the things he’s done on the battlefield could make anyone uneasy. 
Breakfast finishes up and you head to the gym where you’re thankfully uninterrupted during your workout. Cleaning up you hit your next stop, the shooting range. It’s mostly empty, the weather is nice today so many people are using the outdoor range. 
You take your pistol, silencer equipped and a long range sniper down to the last stall and prep your gear.
You use the sniper first and take deep breaths before firing. 
The door opens and you assume it’s just someone else using the stalls until a voice makes you jump.
“Hold it higher liebling.” 
Your hand grips your heart, putting the gun down you turn fully around, being met with König standing tall with his hands behind his back.
“König, ever heard not to sneak up on someone with a gun?” You lean against the counter.
“Am I mistaken or is that your forte in the field? I’m simply a superior observing my team members, wouldn't want you using the tools the wrong way right?”
He's so quick with his quips, you smile then turn around bringing the gun up leaning your cheek on the side as to see through the scope.
You feel his hands on your hips and he kicks your feet further apart, you look down at his feet that are standing on the outside of yours. 
He brings his head down right next to your ear,
“Hold it back harshly into your shoulder, so the kickback won’t knock you down.”
“You’re making it hard to focus.” 
“I would assume you would be able to focus even with distractions yea? But I suppose our time in bed has proven otherwise.”
You blush but regain your composure quickly until one of his hands stays on your hips and the other brushes your cheek to move your hair slightly.
You shoot once, then twice, hitting the target both times.
His voice has gotten even lower, whisper dancing the line of soundwaves.
“You read my note yea?”
“I did, plan to tell me where we’re going?”
He kisses the shell of your ear then your cheek through his mask. 
“I will see you later then, you’ll meet me in the lower garage at 1500 alright?”
“Oooh, meeting my big strong colonel in a dark garage, I certainly hope he doesn't take advantage of me.” You laugh and bat your lashes at him.
He squeezes your hip and scoffs playfully, 
“Keep talking to me this way and we certainly won’t even make it to the car. Busy yourself and meet me there, don't be late.”
He releases his grasp and you miss it already.
“Shall I pack a bag?” You ask.
“Don't bother, I’ve got everything handled. 
“Yes sir.” 
He steps away from you, walking to the door ignoring all others in the range and you watch him until the door closes. 
Taking a steadying breath you focus once more unto the range, feeling his phantom touch still.
You stop by your room before going to the garage, the lights flicker as you shut your door and you grow more and more excited for the evening to come. 
Opting for a simple two piece set underneath plain jeans, boots, a simple black shirt. 
The walk to the garage is straightforward, taking a dimly lit stairwell downwards and the garage smells of dust and you take it the electrical in this place could use an upgrade. Probably not high on the budget list.
There are rows of military vehicles and equipment, storage and the likes. An area sectioned off from the others hold what looks like personal vehicles, some nice and some looking decrepit. 
A door slams in that area and you make your way over,
“König? That you?” 
“Y/N, yes it is me! Just finishing up, go ahead and get in the doors unlocked.”
He drives a larger SUV, like the kind you see FBI agents driving, suiting you guess you never really pictured what car he drove but you can assume he drives whatever kind of car he can fit in so style types are probably very restricted.
You enter the car, the inside smelling like leather and the cologne he wears. It’s clean, damn near pristine the same as his room. The trunk closes and he gets in, his seat all the way back, he adjusts  and looks over to you, his eyes bright and he's buzzing with excitement. 
“Comfortable?” He smiles softly at you, he's wearing a black tactical long sleeve shirt, dark jeans, boots, and his usual hood of course. He looks good in black.
“Very. Can I ask where we're going yet?”
“Nope, just sit back and relax schatz.” 
He starts the car and pulls out of the garage, informing the guard of his time away.
The tall gray walls of the base and large fences you know melt away into a wonderful countryside with creeks, tall trees, and rounding hills. König has one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your knee, his thumb rubbing small patterns.
“This is nice.” You breathe a sigh of relief, adjusting in your seat and König’s hand on your knee slips higher. 
König looks relaxed, he deserves this. Always working so hard… he should definitely relax.
Your hand wanders from the center console to his arm, rubbing the tight muscles underneath his hoodie. He squeezes the inside of your thigh in thanks.
Trailing your hand down his arm to the outside of his thigh, holding your hand there and tipping your head to look over at him.
He laughs breathily, “What are you doing, liebling?” His eyes shift from the road, your hand, and your face. 
“I just want to show you how much I appreciate you, König.” He shutters hearing his name from your lips and your hand moves to the now hardening bulge in his pants, he readjusts his hips to get more comfortable.
“Scheiße, you’re going to get us killed, sit back down I’m serious.”
He’s not serious, there is not even one percent of serious inflection in his tone, he speaks with need, his mouth already being filled with cotton at your movements.
You’ve leaned over the center console, face next to his ear as you unbutton his pants and palm him through his briefs, he’s solid where he sits and your mouth is already watering.
He shutters and his eyes flutter for a second,
“Eyes ahead baby, I can’t do anything if you don’t keep us steady ok?”
He does not answer, the blood isn't in his head anymore anyway, well not the one on his shoulders at least.
The trees race by the window as fast as your thoughts race in your head, you lean down and kiss him over the cloth, you feel his abdomen grow tense.
“I can stop if you really want-”
“Stop right now and I'll turn the car around.” 
You grin, mumbling a yes sir before moving your hand under the band of his briefs and giving a kiss to the tip. He takes a steady, concentrated, painful breath in and the exhale is so shaky you feel him tremble.
You give small licks from top to bottom, he’s a big guy so there’s certainly more to love. 
“Scheiße, ficken, Liebling ja” 
You take him fully in your mouth and he's warm, and fits right in place. You hum and he moans in response, you don’t think you’ll ever tire of hearing him like that. You take what doesn't fit in your mouth within the grasp of your hand starting at a steady pace. The music playing in the car isn't even registering in your head, the heavy weight in your hand and mouth is all you focus on.
“Fuck my love, your mouth feels-feels spectacular, I do not deserve what you give me.” 
He groans and bucks his hips up into your mouth, one hand on the wheel and the other gently being placed onto your neck, moving to the back of your head where he gently caresses your hair.
You’re working on him until he begins to shudder and you pull away, he tries to chase you with your hips but you lean back and kiss him on his cheek. His eyes are dark and he glances from you and the road.
“You’re going to kill me, Mein Liebling. He's panting, hand now gripping your hair tighter, you’re far from dry down under and touch his hand that's in your hair and move it down your front and under your pantline. You both moan when his fingers make contact with your wetness, he draws uncoordinated shapes into you, from your clit all the way to your entrance. He presses your entrance through your panties and it’s like he’s knocking on a door asking for permission to grant you the pleasure you oh so want, no need.
“König, please. I need you, I know you need me too.”
You whine, looking down at where his cock sits exposed, leaking heavily with every swipe of his fingers on you.
“My love. liebling.” 
He grits through his teeth when you take his hand once more and more your panties to the side allowing him unrestricted access to where the flames burn the brightest.
“Scheiße, du gewinnst” He pulls the car over, sitting on the dirt shoulder of the road, heavy tree cover surrounding you and you hear his heavy breathing.
He puts the car in park, removing his seatbelt and since the seat was already set all the way back due to his size he leans back and pats his lap.
“Come take what you want.” 
Eyes dark and hungry he watches you remove your pants and move over the center console onto his lap, his cock sitting right in front of you so it brushes against your stomach, you get a visual of just how deep he will slip into you. 
You’re shaking with anticipation when you grasp him again, pumping a few times before raising yourself to tease the tip over your panties.
His eyes are focused on where you touch him, his hands on your hips gently, awaiting your move.
“Get on with it..” 
His voice is dark and shadowy, his patience growing thin as you tease and tease him again, he’s a patient man but only for so long.
You play with him until you hear him growl deep in his chest, taking your panties in his grasp and you hear them rip.
“König! You seem to have an affinity for destroying each pair of panties I own.” 
You try to quip back but your voice is so breathily and weak it holds no volume. 
“I’d rather you not wear them at all, when we have a place of our own you won’t.”
You both moan when he pushes your hips down harshly, he sits fully inside you and you feel euphoric, one because he fills you so deliciously it has your mouth watering again and two he mentioned the two of you having a place of your own. Perhaps it’s him being so drunk on lust he says things he does not mean but your head is already slipping on all sane thoughts so you file that away for later.
His head tips back when he’s fully sheathed within you savoring the warmth and wetness you provide. 
“König, fuck. You’re so big.” You whine on top of him and his eyes regain their focus on you, he’s already too sensitive from your mouth earlier you might actually kill him with how tightly you’re wrapped around him.
His grip on your hips is bruising as usual and you have no qualms with it, feeling his grip reminds you this is all real and you need to ground yourself as you begin to move up and down on him the noises amplified in the car.
“Yes, just like that darling, fuck! You’re so, so good, so tight.” 
You start to move faster, spurred on by his praises your breathing grows faster as does his. Your hands try to gain purchase on the wheel behind you as you gain more speed, knocking the horn you breathily laugh and he grabs your hands and puts them on his shoulders. You grip your nails into him and he growls, now thrusting up into you he meets you halfway and you’re moaning his name so loudly now your throat hurts. 
The windows are fogged and you’re sweaty, hair sticking to your forehead.
He moves one hand from your hip to play with your clit, moving smooth and quick circles into you and you bow inwards your hand slapping onto the cold window, leaving a handprint on the fog it slips down and you wrap both arms around his neck your legs growing shaky and weak from your approaching high.
“König, don’t stop don-don’t stop please please.” You’re whining, squirming, and writhing in his lap an utter and complete mess and he drinks you in. Your pleasure makes his throb and balls tighten as he continues rubbing your clit and thrusting up into you.
“I can feel you getting close, you want to cum yea?” 
He’s panting and sounds just as destroyed as you are.
“Yes, I can’t hold on much longer. I want it so bad.” You whine and he stops altogether.
You cry, hitting his chest and trying to move but he holds your hip still.
“König plea-.”
“You want to cum? Beg.” He’s not joking, he’s all serious and you whine again before spewing the filthiest words that’s ever come from your mouth, begging and praising him like a God to be worshiped. 
“Please König, god please I can’t, I need it. You’re so big, I need you to make me cum, fuck.”
“Good girl, always listening and doing what I say, I think you deserve a reward.” 
Before you can say anything he begins his thrusting and rubbing ten-fold and you once again hold onto him like your life depends on it as you cum harder than ever before, your vision is spotty and he’s praising you through it. He follows you through the high seating you firmly on his lap, holding himself as deep and he can reach and flooding you thoroughly. 
You both sit together for a good while, panting growing into soft breaths and you pull away from his chest and look at him, smile on your face.
“You think you can make it the rest of the way now? Are you satisfied?” 
He cups both of your cheeks, kissing your nose through his mask.
“I think I'll be ok for a little bit. Maybe.” 
You move off of him, both of your least favorite part is when he has to leave your warmth, but he’s never gone for long. 
You put on your pants, no panties due to König but you would assume he packed you some more, although his previous words would assume he rather you never wear any.
“Ready?” He’s buckled his pants again and you can’t help but notice the sizable mess you made on his lap, the bottom of his shirt and top of his pants wet.
“König, made a bit of a mess on you, sorry.” You grow shy.
“I like it, it challenges me to make you cum harder the next time.” 
Oh God.
He turns back onto the road and you continue your trip down the road, you roll your window down, still warm from your session and the cool mountain air fills your lungs and you rest a hand out of the window. 
“Liebling, we’re here.”
You shoot up in your seat, König standing on your right side, the passenger door open his hand gently on your shoulder as he shakes you awake.
“You passed out, I clearly tired you out.”
“Shut up, you’re full of yourself.”
He laughs, offering his hand to help you out, you take it and observe the scenery around you. It’s late afternoon now and you’re parked in the driveway of a small countryside home, it’s dark inside so you can assume you’re not staying with anyone. There’s a large field surrounding the home. Trees lining the meadow and plants that held out over the cold weather stand strong and the evening sun is even a bit warmer than it had been recently. 
“König this is beautiful, is this your place?”
“Yea, just somewhere small when I need to get away. Don’t come here often, don’t have many reasons to visit. But I wanted to share this with you.” 
He's unpacking the car, grabbing both of your bags. 
“Do you need help?”
He laughs.
“No, I do not need help.” 
The car is locked and you follow him up the path to the house, clovers dot the front path and a flower box on the window is untouched, dry soil packing the inside.
He opens the door and the ceilings are high, but it’s still cozy, lived in even if he says he doesnt come here often. Shoes are discarded at the door and you hang your jacket on the coat rack.
“This is beautiful König, didn't take you for an interior designer.”
He sets the bags down near the front door and you take in the room.
“I actually had my mother decorate it, I don’t have much of a sense for style like she does.”
“Do you see her often? Your mom.”
“Holidays, I try to call her often but when it’s busy it’s harder. She understands.”
“Well I’m sure she’s very proud to have such an accomplished son.”
He smiles, head tipping down, “I hope so.”
He claps his hands, ending the heartfelt moment.
“You look around, make yourself at home. I will start a fire and later we will go watch the sunset ok?”
“Very well.” 
Your heart is giddy and light. He’s so kind and nice and handsome and sweet and a million other words to describe him. The house is more spacious inside than it appears outside, a large archway leads to the kitchen, one bedroom and a nice bathroom. Everything is high up, the shower head is fit just for him, cabinets stacked high, large bed which looks enticingly comfortable.
“König!” You call for him as you look around.
“Yes, mein Liebling.”
“How long are we staying here?”
“Just for the night my love, couldn't get much time away approved.”
“Oh, ok. Will we come back here eventually?”
“If you wish to do so then we will.” 
You observe the view out of the window and König wraps his arms around your waist.
“Scared me.” You laugh, your hands tracing along his hands and up his arms.
“My apologies, shall we head outside to enjoy the view?” He kisses the top of your head and you melt once more.
“Lead the way.”
He brings a thick blanket with him outside and lays it down in the meadow, you lay with your head on his chest, his arm wrapped securely around you, watching the multitude of colors paint the sky as the sun descends another day, bringing a sweeping array of stars and cool breezes. 
“Thank you König. You’ve been so kind to me and bringing me here means a lot.”
“All that is mine is yours, if you’d allow me I’d like to show my appreciation again.”
You shiver in his grasp and he holds you tighter.
That's all he needed to hear before he lifts up his mask and takes your lips in his, he trails his lips down to your neck and leaves new bright bruises and snakes a hand up your shirt to play with your breasts, nipples hard from the combination of the cold and his touch. 
“Pants off.” He tugs at your waistband and you comply, the cool air hitting your core.
His hand moves down and caresses your body thoroughly, missing no spot.
“Sit on my face Schatz.”
You pause and look at him.
“I don’t want to suffocate you.” 
He actually laughs now, a full laugh.
“I will die a happy man.” You push him back, he’s gleeful and you laugh as well.
“No really darling, you will not ‘suffocate me’ get up here.” He uses heavy quotation marks around his words and you carefully make your way up to his face, knees placed on each side of his head.
He lifts his mask right to above the peak of his nose and he licks his lips eagerly, eyes only focused on where you sit above him.
“Take your shirt off too.” He strokes your thighs slowly leaving goosebumps in his path.
“What if someone sees?!”
“No one is coming out here trust me. I wouldn't have you expose yourself if somewhere were to see what’s all mine right?” He bites his lip as you discard you shirt and bra
Completely exposed outside as you sit above a man you care about fills you with a fire once more.
“It is like I have died and gone to heaven, you are breathtaking.” He kisses the inside of your thighs as he talks, leaving small bites.
He truly feels he's undeserving. The setting sun casts a glow on your back where it illuminates your outline in soft light, it casts on the dips and curves of your body, the swell of your breasts softly lit.
He grows hard again in his pants but wants right now to be all about you.
“Now sit darling and relax.” You sit slowly onto his awaiting mouth, hovering over him as he kisses you first and licks from entrance to your clit. He has to lift his head to reach you which frustrates him.
“I said sit.” He grips your waist and forces you to sit fully on his face, his mouth latching tightly onto your clit and you gasp and he moans, eyes rolling back into his head as he tastes you once more. He can taste the both of you from the car ride and he licks feverishly at you making your head spin. The stubble on his face scratching the inside of your thighs so nicely.
You brace your hand on his head trying to make him slow but he won't relent from his work. He’s a thorough man and once he starts a job he won’t stop until it's finished. He works on you and your chest starts rising faster and faster, he sucks licks and ravages like he’s never eaten before. 
“König, don’t stop please.” 
You moan and tip your head back, he groans as you arch backwards hands bracing on his midsection and you moan freely into the air. His mumbled words vibrate your core and it makes you reach your peak that much quicker.
König doesn't stop, not after you cum and he won’t slow down, his face is soaked and his pupils dilated.
“König it’s too much, please.”
You try to move your hips away and he growls the hands on your waist gets tighter and you’re able to lift just a bit off his lips for reprieve, he whines.
“Please darling, give me another ok? Just a few more.” 
You can’t say no to him, he’s licking his lips again, your fluid soaking his face and nose, it glistens in the sunset glow and you can’t say no to him. So you lower yourself again, he smiles as his mouth meets you halfway. 
“Fuck, König.” It isn’t long before you cum on his mouth another two times, he’s quick to draw it out of you and he knows what buttons to push and ways to move to make you unravel.
By the end he’s kissing the inside of your thighs again and you pant down at him mind turned to sand by his actions.
“You look beautiful like this, we’ll have to do this more often.” His grip is light and his thumb makes patterns on your exposed skin and you shiver from the cold now, the sun fully set and the stars in full swing. 
“Here, let's get you inside, warm up yea?” He gives you his shirt to put on and carries, much to your protest, you back inside where you both shower and sit on the couch in front of the fire.
His arms are wrapped around you and your eyelids grow heavy as you rest on him.
“Yes schatz?”
“Did you mean it earlier when you said we’d have a place of our own?”
He smiles, you can’t see it but he hums at the thought. The two of you retire from the force and he can come home to your awaiting gaze and warm touch.
“I would love it, more than anything. You complete me, relax me and ignite fire within me all the same. To live by your side would be eternal bliss.”
“I would love that too.” 
You smile and cozy yourself closer to him, your eyes grow heavy and you feel content giving yourself to sleep in his arms.
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f1nalboys · 9 months
Movie Night ; Randy Meeks
Randy Meeks x Fem!AFAB!Reader
haiiii guys :3 sorry ive been away for so long. im still not totally back, i had inspo for this after a convo me and tati had and i needed it OUT of my brain tbh!!! pls be gentle with me this is legit the first thing ive written in months JSGJBSGB anyways!!! i hope u all enjoy it take this as a silly kinktober kinda thing? idk <3 peace and love babies ily all
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WARNINGS: smut, dark!randy and if you squint, ghostface!randy, handjob, implied fingering, slight dom!reader but it's switchy, randy gets jerked off to a slasher film, just kinda fucked up if you look at the implications of everything... not proofread bc im so lazy please be kind to me <3
The apartment was dark. Everything had been flicked off, even the overhead light of the oven that Randy always kept on so he could see in the middle of the night, leaving the TV as the only source of light in the entire apartment. On the slightly out of focus screen was a generic slasher from the late 80’s, one Randy had rented and seen a million times before, but he wasn’t focused on the screen. No, he was sitting there with his eyes closed and his head tilted back, his lips pink and swollen, your hand wrapped around his cock.
“Does that feel good, baby?” You purr into his ear, your other hand running through his hair. Your movements are slow, calculated, and Randy is barely able to swallow back a moan as he nods his head, his eyes still squeezed shut. He can feel the vibration of your chest and he flushes, knowing you were laughing at him. “Your favorite scene’s coming up, Ray,” you say, your hand stalling its movements at the base of his cock as you squeeze gently, drawing a sharp hiss from him. “Don’t wanna miss that, now do you?”
Randy shakes his head, swallowing heavily as he forces himself to open his eyes. His pants were shoved down his thighs just enough to pull his cock out and yet you were still fully clothed. He glances over at you and the large smile on your face and he squirms, breathing a little harder as he tries to talk to you. “You sure you don’t wanna ride me, baby?” He asks, giving you a small smile when you shake your head. “You’re such a tease.” He murmurs, moaning when your hand moves up slowly, your grip still tight.
“How am I a tease if I’m letting you cum?”
“Beacuse, fuck,” his head tips forwards before he swallows, looking back up. You were still curled into his side, pressed tight against him, and the movie had gotten to Randy’s favorite chase scene in the entire movie. He glances at you. “Because you’re using your hand.” 
“You seem to be enjoying my hand.”
“Oh, I am, don’t worry. I just know, mmf, fuck, I know that your tight pussy would feel so much better.”
You laugh, shaking your head as your movements speed up a little bit. You squeeze tighter around his tip, drawing a long moan from him. “You’re such a charmer, but you asked for this, remember?” You say, your lips just by his ear as you whisper. “Now, keep your fucking eyes on the screen or I stop completely, okay?”
Randy nods as he lets out a shaky breath, his eyes searching your face and, after deciding you were actually serious, turning to look at the TV. The final girls best friend was being chased all through her large house, the masked killer wielding his knife chasing after her. Randy swallows heavily as your hand begins to move faster, just a little bit, his heart beating in tune with it. 
“Fuck,” he moans as the killer slices at the girl who’s name he can’t even remember, her shirt getting cut off. It was cheesy and stupid, something Randy would normally roll his eyes at, but he knew what came next. His cock throbs under your palm, slick with your spit and his pre-cum, and he whimpers as you begin to swipe your thumb over the head of his cock with each pass of your hand. “Ke-keep going, please?”
His question is closer to a beg, but not quite there. His eyes roll into the back of his head for a second but he keeps them focused hazily on the screen. The girl was running slower, the house dark. Randy’s breathing picks up and his hand, which had been on your thigh, squeezes you tightly, his nails digging into your flesh. The girl was cornered now, the killer standing above her as she begs for him to stop, to leave her alone, to go away. She slinks down the wall, the killer looming tall, his mask and the knife the only discernible thing about him.
Randy’s hips twitch ever so slightly as the killer drags the blade down the girl's tear-streaked cheek, a thin line of blood bubbling up in its wake. He can’t help but replace the girl with you, imagining the fear in your eyes as he, masked and unknown to you just yet, hunts you down like an animal. “Holy shit, baby, fuck!” He grunts as the killer raises his knife and your hand speeds up, jerking him off as quick as you can. Randy’s hips thrust up into your hand as the knife is plunged into the screaming girl's chest.
He grunts, an almost animalistic sound, thrusting his cock into your hand in tune with the knife. He lets the pleasure overtake him, his cock the knife, your hand your body, and he cums, the only other sound besides his moans being the gurgle of life leaving the poor girl’s throat one final time before she slumps over. Randy lets his head tip backwards as he finishes cumming, your hand and his cock covered in cum. His hips stop moving and he sits there beside you, staring at the dark ceiling as he catches his breath.
“How was that?” You murmur. “Everything you thought it would be?” Tilting your head, you bring your hand to your mouth and lick away the cum that has covered your skin, a smug smile on your face. He looks over at you, his cheeks flushed pink, and he gives you a toothy grin, leaning in to kiss you. It’s a sweet kiss, one you always expected from Randy, with just a bit of heat underneath it.  “It was fucking amazing, Y/N.” He says against your lips, his hand coming to rest on the back of your neck. The kiss deepens for just a second before the noises of the movie draw his attention; it was the final chase scene, the bloody battle against good and evil.
When he pulls back his hand slides down your shoulder and arm down to your waist, his large hand tugging at the hem of your shirt. “Get this off,” His voice is gruffer as his hand slides down again, this time to your pants, your breath hitching in your throat at the feeling of his calloused fingertips dipping past your waistband. “And these. Let me repay the favor, final girl.”
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matthewloverr · 3 months
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rock me
matt x blake sanders (fem reader)
summary: when out with some friends at a bar a band is playing, the guitarist catches you eye. feeling bold you decide to approach him, one thing turns into another.
warning: low key age play, fingering, kissing, swearing, underage drinking
me and my friends alanna, brynleigh and emerie heard there was a live band playing at some shitty bar near where we live, he decided if we wanted to risk being kidnapped or killed being there so late at night but we had nothing better to do.
we began getting ready, i chose to wear something more casual because we’ve never been to this place. i wore a black camisole that showed off my red lacy bra under it and low rise jeans and kept my hair straight. before leaving i slid on some bracelets and a necklace and out we went.
the walk was sketchy but thank god our dorms were only two minutes away, as soon as we approached it we knew exactly what we were getting into. they didn’t even card us at the door which wasn’t the worst thing because even though the legal drinking age was 21 me and the girls were still 19, close enough ?
we grabbed some beers from the bartender and were talking for a bit just about school and other boring stuff, i was so caught up in the conversation i barely noticed the band playing. i looked over to see and my stomach did backflips, there was a tall brunette with broad shoulders dressed in a black muscle tank and black pants, i watched his rings as his fingers moved up and down the electric guitar.
i was so fascinated i didn’t even notice him staring back, we made eye contact and she just shot me a quick wink, i just stared down at the half empty bottle in my hand trying to hide my smile. they finished up their song and the drummer announced they would be back. i couldn’t wait.
i was laughing with brynleigh while alanna and emerie were talking to two men who maybe looked around 30 trying to get free drinks, that’s when i felt a presence behind me. i turned to see who it was expecting some weird old guy and i was met with the same boy i saw on stage, he completely towered over me and when i went to turn to brynleigh she had made her way over to alanna and emerie leaving just me and this man.
“hey im matt” he spoke and shot me a quick nod.
“blake” i replied giving him a warm smile.
“i like that name, how old are you?” he questioned me.
i looked around pursing my lips trying to hide my smile, i knew i should lie and say im 21 but he didn’t look much older than me. “im 19, you?”
his eyes widened a bit “you know you’re too young to be here”
i just took a sip of the beer in my hand ignoring his comment “you never answered my question”
“22” he said leaning his elbow against the edge of the bar, his eyes were so beautiful i could stare at them all night.
“not that far off” i replied shrugging my shoulders.
he just smirked at me before he leaned in to my ear so he could whisper but i would still hear him over the trashy radio music they played.
“come to the bathroom” he whispered, and with that he turned to walk and i quickly finished my beer and followed behind him.
this man could literally tell me to rip my clothes off right here and i would and i didn’t even know him.
as soon as we entered the one stall bathroom he locked it and immediately crashed his lips onto mine, the kiss was messy and rough but i didn’t care i mean he was literally the most sexiest man ive ever seen.
he scooped me up putting his hands under my thighs and i wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands tangled in his hair. he slowly started walking towards the sink and placed me on it. my legs immediately spread so he could come between them, he ghosted his fingers over my clothed heat.
i gasped into the kiss and i could feel him smirk against my lips. i lifted myself up so he could slide the jeans off my hips and down to my knees, he just stared at the black lacy underwear and i internally thanked myself for not going with the granny panties.
he moved his kiss down to my jaw and then my neck, he sucked and slightly bit down on the spot under my ear that made me melt under his touch. he kept doing that making sure my neck was marked up and he slowly moved his fingers under my panties.
he moved his fingers through my slick folds pulling back out from my neck. “already so wet and ive barely touched you?” he said with a smirk on his face, a pink blush flew across my cheeks and nose feeling slightly embarrassed.
“you’re so beautiful you know that” he spoke again this time going back into my neck and rubbing his fingers in circles against my clit. i bucked my hips towards him laying my hands gripping against the sink dying for his touch.
he must’ve got the message because a second later he slipped a finger in and a low moan fell from my lips, i felt his finger curl inside me before he added another one. he just kept his motion and pressed his forehead against mine.
he quickened his pace and i could already feel the knot in my stomach forming. my hands gripped on the sink so hard my knuckles turned white. my brows furrowed and my mouth agape.
“i can feel you clenching, let go baby”, his words sent me over the edge and i threw my head back and spread my legs impossibly further apart, a loud string of moans and curses slipping from my mouth. he kept pumping his fingers in and out and let my high ride out before removing his fingers and licking them clean.
i just stared in awe at the man, his chest was heaving up and down and he just stood and admired me. i jumped off the counter and started pulling up my jeans before someone started banging on the door.
“yo matt, you’ve got five minutes to get out here” a voice yelled from the other side of the door, it sounded like matt but not quite it.
i looked at matt and he just rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, i placed one last peck on his lips.
“here’s my number, call me when you get home tonight” he said as he handed me a peice of paper with 10 digits on it. i took it and stuffed it in my back pocket as i grabbed my phone that had fallen down to the floor.
he opened the door and out with both went, i saw all my friends faces as they saw me and him walk out side by side and him pull me into a side hug and place a kiss on the top of my head before heading back stage.
“okay what the fuck just happened” alanna asked me with excitement in her tone.
“honestly i don’t even know, and ive only had one beer” i said chuckling and throwing my hand to my head.
“well you’re in luck” brynleigh spoke before she turned around with a black platter full of tequila shots. “the bartender thinks that’s you’re boyfriend so free shots on the house !!”
my eyes widened and a big smile grew on my face. we each grabbed one cheering and downing them, all of our faces contorted with disgust and we all laughed.
we drank whatever was left in the tiny cups and danced to music while i was busy eyeing matt. i now realize where he got the skills for what had just happened in the bathroom.
the bar was closing and me and the girls were shit faced so we decided to walk back to our dorms, i shared with brynleigh so alanna and emerie said their goodbyes and went to their dorm. i sunk into my bed and remembered the piece of paper in my pocket.
i quickly pulled it out and carefully entered the digits into my phone and named the contact “guitar matt”, i sent a quick message saying i was home and immediately passed out not bothering to look at the message he had sent.
the next morning i woke up and my head was pounding, i realized i still had my shirt and bra on but i must’ve kicked my jeans off in the middle of the night. i grabbed my phone and saw he had texted me. last nights memories flooding my head. i clicked on the message as my eyes scanned what he had said.
“im in town for a week, can’t wait to see you again ;)”
a/n: sorry yall this song plus guitar matt is actually stuck in my head, also this is the only part ! (unless yall want another part cause im low key in love with this ;)) ok bye love you !!
comment to be added to tag list !!
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dark-night-hero · 5 months
「Thru these tears」 Getou Suguru
↳ In which In the end, you're gonna be alright. But it might take a hundred sleepless nights to make memories of him disappear but right now, you can't see nothing through these tears.
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It was one of those days, rare days where he was not by that annoying Gojo Satoru's side. Probably has something to do with him and his love aka your best friend currently walking side by side in front of the two of you and Geto. Nevertheless you could only sigh and roll your eyes, trying not to pay attention to the guy right beside you, looking equally bored as you as you mindlessly follow the leading pair.
"Hey. Wanna stray away from them?" "And leave my bestfriend with that guy?" "Well I can't see why not, they're enjoying." He shrugs acting like the four of you were adults in this Gion Matsuri festival when you were just a bunch of 15 year old teenagers sent on a joint mission with the Tokyo branch to survey the ongoing festival. A mission in which your best friend with his fiance made as their date, catching up with each other as if they have not seen each other for a very long time in which you really doubt.
"Come on, let them be." "But-" "I saw some interesting stalls back there, wanna check them with me?" "..." Looking back and forth between your friend looking safe and side right beside Gojo and his guy right beside you, you sigh. Putting your full attention to him, "What's your name?" You did not fail to notice the way he seems to be taken a back by your question. "Geto, Geto Suguru." "So it's you." "You've heard about me?" "About you and Gojo Satoru over there actually. I'm (Lastname)(First name). It's a pleasure to meet you." You introduce yourself, holding up a hand for a handshake. "I've heard a lot of stories about you too, actually." He replied, taking your hand as the two of you shook hands before letting go, walking on the opposite direction of where the other two was heading. "I hope it's a good news not a bad news." "I could say the same thing about me and Satoru..."
That night was nothing new. The mission came to an end that same night as there was no suspicious person nor special grade curses lurking that night like the report says. Probably because you and your friend have already taken care of things right before the actual joint mission due to your friend wanting to spend more time with Gojo. Looking back of it now, all the stress of that was now gone as you end up experiencing a different thing from what you expected off which is third wheeling from your friend and their fiancee.
"I had fun." You mumble under your breath as the two of you, you and Geto-san is currently waiting at the meet up spot the four of you have agreed to meet upon. Glancing at the man beside you who was quiet, one phone in hand, the other on his pocket. You ended up looking as soon as he glance back at your direction, earning a chuckle. "I had fun today." "Me too." "Though it's quite a shame since there was no curse in sight like the report says" "Ehem. I wonder about what too." "You do?" Once again he looked at you and your eyes end up meeting. Though this time, you end up rolling your eyes at him because he was looking at you like he knows very well why there was no curse in sight. "They're here." You spoke, spotting the couple from distance when you felt a tap on your shoulder. "What's the matter Geto-san?" You asked, looking at him only to find him... quite flustered? "If it's okay with you, can I have your number?"
Your head was throbbing and damn you do not know if it was because of the memories or has something to do with the bandages on your head. It hurts every step you take. Nevertheless that did not stop you from going where you want to go. With a bandage all over your head, dry throat and bleeding hand due to the harsh removal of the IV drop. You navigate your way to see the man you really needed to see right now. Gojo fucking Satoru. The man that could only answer your questions right now, the only one you would listen to right now.
And there after knowing for what is like forever to you walking down this hallway of who knows where. You spotted him, heads down as he dumped into you and damn, never have you ever seen him looking so damn pissed off right now, almost scaring you but you did not dare backdown. "Look where you're goi- oh. It's you." And now by the tone of his voice, the way he was looking at you. He looks more pissed than before yet you did not miss the way those blue iris of his looks at you in embarrassment and pity. Why?
Why do they kept looking at you like that? All while avoiding where in the fucking hell is Suguru was? Despite your throbbing head, you took a hold of Gojo that was about to walk away from you. "Where is Suguru?" You asked, gripping on his wirst. But he did not answer, nor he tried to pull away from your hold. He just stood there, unable to look at you in the face as he if was contemplating to even talk about it. And you are having none of it. "Gojo Satoru. Where is Suguru?" "... know." "What?" "I said I don't know!" With his sudden outburst, you were taken a back, a sudden force between the two of you caused you to let go of him and almost hitting the wall beside if it was not for the person who grabbed you and pull you towards them.
"Satoru!" It was the sound of your best friend, though it was quite different from the last time you have heard of it. "You knew better than to lash out at them!" "Well I'm sorry! They just kept on pissing me off-fuck!" You have never seem him like that. The way the Gojo Saturu looking all distress and angry at the same time. You have never seem him like that causing a bad feeling on your chest. It made you unconsciously cling into your bestfriend's arms that was warped around you giving you some sort of comfort. "Suguru..." You utter your lover's name, looking up to your friend for some sort of answer. "Where is Suguru?"
But just like any other, your friend looked away from you. And if felt like something broke inside you. "Why are you looking away?" Your head is throbbing like shit. "Why can't you- anyone answer me?" Your eyes were bloodshot. "Why won't you say a damn thing?!-" "Because we don't know where he went!" "Do you think that's making any sense-?" You could not helo but to pause for a moment as your head throbbed painfully, awfully painful as some memories came into mind. "Come to think of it..." You look at Gojo, "You're supposed to be dead aren't you? Didn't Toji-? That bastard from zenin clan killed you? Why are you here? How come you're alive?? Also- right, He went after Suguru right? Where is he-?" "That was three years ago, (First name)." What?
"You've been in coma for three years." Your friend explained as gently as they could. "And well... So much have changed all those years ago, (First name)." Your friend then looks away from you and turn to look at Gojo, all you did was to follow your friend's gaze as Gojo looks at them before turning his back at the two of you as if he already leave the explanation in the hands of your friend. And they did, all those things that happened the moment you were in coma, the fall out of the two strongest, the way they started walking into different path. Your condition over the past few years which seems to put more toll not only to your friend but also for your lover. The death of their kohai and lastly. "Last night, it was reported that Geto Suguru killed... murdered 112 villigers and is now a fugitive, someone who is to be kill on sight."
You felt like your entire world was falling apart. It felt like someone ripped ot your lungs from your chest, you could not breathe. Your head could not stop throbbing, it feels like someone kept bashing a hammer in it over and over again. And yet all the words your friend have said was clear. It was so damn clear. "Geto Suguru is now considered as a curse user." Your ears were ringing. You could not help but to gasp, holding on into your head as you curl up forward if it was not for your friend holding you in their arms but you cannot feel it. It hurts. Why? Why why why why why? Why would he do something like that? Why? Just fucking why? Holding on into every bit of sanity you have, you gripped in the arms of your friend and was about to say something when everything went black.
"I know it was out of the blue but I think I like you a lot." Just like he said, it was out of the blue. Very random in the middle of the way you are having right not. Not so far away from you two was the couple who seems to have been spending every bit of time in their life right now. Something you would never understand, yet to understand. Not until the following years. "Quit being silly, Geto-san." You chuckle. Nudging him by his side. It was such a peaceful day, it was also the last day of the joint exercise from both schools. Meaning you would not be meeting again for the mean time.
As soon as you said that, he stopped walking, looking all serious causing your smile to fade away as you too stop walking. "Are you serious?" You asked, dumbfounded. Ever since the joint mission between the four of you, you and Geto have been in contact which each other taking about trivial matters, often talking over the phone with some random stuffs, mostly talking about Gojo and your best friend. Laughing over some matter and openly flirting with each other, something you thought was platonic did really end up having a meaning behind it after denying everything to your bestfriend.
"I like you..." He stated, a meter away from you. "A lot." He added, those black iris of his seems to be searching something from your (eye color) ones. With out mouth opening and closing. "More than Gojo Satoru?" "What?" "What?" Looking dumbfounded at each other, you could not help but to let out a laugh in which he too follows. "What kind of question is that?" He chuckle. "Of course I like you more than Satoru. He's my best friend but you are something else." "That's surprising." You did it again, eyes wide open as you hold up a hand to your lips, ruining the mood but he still laughs at it. "So if it's okay with you, would you like to go out with me?"
"Yeah, sure. Let's date." You replied. And for a moment, as the sunset within the horizon. It's golden like sunlight illuminate his face, causing your eyes to widen as a genuine, by far the happiness smile makes its way on his lips, brushing back his black hair that was still growing like he said he had plan to keep his hair long. He smiles at you and hold up a hand. "I'll make sure you won't regret that." "We'll see about that, Geto-san." You smile back at him, taking his hand. "Call me Suguru." "When I get used to it." "(First name)." It was the first time he called you by your name as it has always been your surname.
You blink, then you look away from him as you felt your cheeks burning. Nevertheless as the two of you continue to walk hand in hand within the same path your bestfriend and their fiance that now seems to have vanished from your sigh was going through, it was peaceful.
"So this is where you've been." You did not look at your friend, who have come by your side as you focused on the cigarette in your hand, right beside you was a countless bottle of beer. You were hoping to get drunk. A few years ago you would not even dare of doing such thing, you were still underage after all and yet here you are. In a blink of an eye you are adult now, very well drinking wishing the next day would never come. There was nothing to look forward into anyway.
Instead of replying to your friend, you just puff out a cloud of smoke before trashing your cigarette on the ground. Reaching out for another on inside the pack only to realize it is now empty. "Fuck." You curse, reaching out for another bottle of beer only to realize there was nothing left but empty bottles for you to throw away. "Fuck." This time you sound even more annoyed than you already are. Bloodshot eyes, dark circles under your eyes, messy hair, clothes you barely manage to put on. "(First name), let's go home."
"I don't understand." You states, brushing your friend suggestion off. "It was just like yesterday... Everything was so fine, we were still students, going on into missions once in while... and now we're adults." "(First name)..." "Everything was fine damn it. I have you, I have Suguru and a huge bright future a head of us. What happened?" "... So much happened..." Your friend replied and you shake your head. "I know that already... I know that already... But for me it was just like yesterday where everything was fine and now..."
Looking around in the same spot where you and Suguru used to go to alot. Hoping, wishing to at least see him in here. But he's not, nor does he ever show any signs of showing up right in front of you, something he had given the chance to Gojo and Shoko.
"Everyone was expecting me to just shrug it off." You chuckle. "They're expecting me to not give a damn about it and trust me, I'm trying." You look down at your shaking hands as your vision starts to get blurry. "But the more I am left off with myself, I kept thinking, why? Why would he do such a thing? I know Suguru, I know he would never do such a thing unless there was a reason behind it." It was just an endless unanswered thoughts of whys. "Why... why would he leave me all alone?" This time, you look at your friend who ended up pulling you in their arms, whispering endless apologies. It was none of their fault anyways.
"It's going to be okay? Alright?" Your best friend caresses your back. "It will be tough, but I'll get you through this- we'll help you through this- okay?" "No... No... You don't understand it. Suguru is the only one I have... Without him... I can't... I just can't." You smile despite the tears rolling down your cheeks. "I don't understand... How did we come into this?" You were late, years too late.
"Stop." "Stop what?" He smiles as you shove your hands on his face. "Stop staring at me like that, I'm embarrassed." "You look like you were enjoying it tho." As you glare at him, you hears a gagging noise right in front of you causing you to roll your eyes at the white haired guy currently playing with the star plasma vessel within the shore. "Don't be like that Satoru, we didn't say a thing whenever you and your fiance kept sucking each other's face right in front of us."
Loving Geto Suguru was fun, a one of a kind love you would never trade for something else. It was the kind of love you never thought you were looking for. He was kind, caring, spoiling you every now and then, and even despite being in the same case of being a special grade sorcerer, he knows how to make you feel protected. With Suguru by your side, you felt sheltered and protected, almost away from the complicated jujutsu world that you live in. Suguru was home.
"Maybe we should go on a trip." "Hmm? All of a sudden? We're still in the middle of this mission you know." You replied to your lover of two years before looking at the still messing around Gojo and Riko within the shore. "Isn't he overworking himself? His infinity is still on." "I know, I was just about to talk to him about it." Suguru sigh causing you to give him a gentle pat in the back. "He has you and me here, there is nothing he should over work himself for. It's quite a shame my bestfriend is currently assigned overseas right now." Strange timing to be honest. "So about that trip you are talking about, what about it?" "Nothing, just you and me on a beach. What do you think? Right after this mission." He asked and of course, with the brightest smile on your face, you agreed.
"Should I cut my hair soon?" As you were about to stand up underneath the huge parasol shielding you and your lover away from the sun, you look back at him, topless and grabbing the end of his hair. "Should you? I think you look good in long hair." "It's quite annoying to maintain it." He huff causing you to laugh and flick his forehead before making your way into the shore where the two troublemakers where still playing at but not before looking back at Suguru before saying, "Hair holds memories you know, it's been two years since your last haircut, but if you do find it annoying. I'll go to the barbers with you."
You cannot sleep. More like you refuse to sleep. You are tired, constantly being sent into missions. Just drowning yourself into endless mission so you would not be having that much time to think about stuffs, to think about him but in the very end he still appears in your dream with memories you long to forget. So here you are, standing still wearing baggy clothes, your feet bringing you into the only place you find some sort of comfort with.
Usually you would stay there for a moment, at least when you finish a pack of cigarette you manage to buy from the nearest convenient store where you have left your car parked when you happened to come across a very familiar looking back. Though the hair that used to be shoulder length tied up in a bun was now let loose, it was not that long, but sure long enough to make you realize it had grown a little long just like how times have passed by while you were in a coma.
"Suguru." His name flowed out of your mouth before you knew it, a name you have not called for so long yet still vivid in your mind. It feels like everything just happened yesterday. And the man upon hearing his name, you saw him flinch, you did not miss the way he does as you took a step towards him but eventually stops. He did not look back nor he did not reply. He just stood there, a couple of steps right in front of you, looking forward into the city light as the two of you would often state at.
"Suguru." Once again you called out his name, this time, sounding a little, perhaps a bit desperate. "Suguru please talk to me." "You aren't supposed to be in here, (First name)." It made you flinch, not because of his words, but by the tone of his voice you are not familiar with. It sounds the same, but you knew it is not the same. "You knew better than to go in here and not expecting to meet me in the process." "That's true... maybe I was ho... I just couldn't go to sleep tonight." "What was that?" There was no reply.
This was not the scene you were expecting when you see him again. Not when the two of you looked quite tired, although his back was turned into you, you could see it by his posture. He was tired. And as much as you want to pull that man into your arms and tell him it was going to be alright. Something side was telling you that this person right in front of you was not the same guy you used to love, that this person right in front of you is someone who is now considered to be one of the most dangerous person within the world or sorcery and curses. But he was still the person you used to love, still love.
As you stand there on your guard, he turn around, causing you to unconsciously took a step back and for a moment, just for a moment you asked yourself if it was the right thing to do as you saw a glint of sadness within those black iris before it vanished like it was never there. "Let's not see each other again, (First name)."
You hate it. You fucking hate him. He was the one who left you with saying a thing, not even a note. So why does he sound like he would never see you again? Why does he sound so fucking sad and hurt when he said that was if he was tying to convince himself when he said that? Glaring at him as he casually walked passed you. You felt your eyes sting as you quickly turn around. "So this is it? Not even hi, hello, goodbye. Just straight up let's not see each other again? Really? Suguru?"
He did not turn around nor did he reply was he just kept walking away from you with in a very calm phase, as if it was intentional, as if he was really showing off the fact that he was walking away from you. "Suguru." He did not stop. "Suguru." This time you sound like you were commanding him. "Suguru." And this time was desperate. "Are you really going to walk away without even explaining yourself to me?" Fuck, fuck these fucking tears that makes your vision all blurry, making you wipe away the tears on your face. Then he spoke, "Nanako and Mimiko often wake up at night, I need to go."
You knew those names from report, the two girls that was causing trouble in that very same village that was murdered by this man right in front of you. You have always thought the two were killed alongside the villagers. And thinking about it now. You could not help but to chuckle despite the tears that was rolling down your cheeks this whole time. It make sense, at the same time it does not make anysense to you why he could easily abandon you over them. Because if he ask you to come with him, you would. You would fucking go with him.
You want to scream, you want to laugh, you want to cry as if you are not already doing that. You felt like you were going inside as you tried to blink away the tears in your eyes. You want to see him, you want to imprint this memory in mind while you can, this memory of him walking away from you in mind as you said your last final words to him. "Walk away and we're done, Geto Suguru." You were so confident when you stated that, so confident that he would, in fact walk away from you and in that, you would finally be able to leave everything about him behind as you finally know the reason why he did such thing.
Except he did not. As soon as you said that, you watch him halt. What the heck? "I said walk away and we're done, Suguru." You look at his back like he was insane as he stay in place. "I said walk away and we're done! What are you doing?!" You are mad, you are starting to go mad. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Are you trying to screw over my feelings? Huh!? Answer me Geto Suguru!" Funny how he chooses them, how he chooses his new ideals over you and when you are finally letting him call it quits. He just could not.
"Fuck!" You screamed, wanting to pull your hair out of frustration and madness as you continue to glare at that back of his. But you knew very well why. He just loved you so much, so much that your accident left a huge scar over him. A guilt of not being there by your side when you almost died. Geto Suguru might have chosen this path but he just could not let you go. And you knew that, you knew that. Those stares you were feeling whenever you went out to finish some dangerous missions. Those anonymous help you kept receiving during critical situations. Just as much as you could not let him go, he could not let you go too. And you hate him for that. You fucking hate him for that.
As tears roll down your cheeks, as painful sobs escape your lips. "I hate you." You sob. "I fucking hate you, Suguru." You knew that he loves you despite of everything. So why does it hurts? "I hate that I love you so fucking much." You do not want to love him anymore. For the sake of both parties, one must step away of you are both doomed. "Goodbye, Suguru."
You hate that at the very end of the way, it was you who decided to walk away. Walking passed his figure, purposely bumping into his shoulder in a very gentle manner. You did not look back, you do not want to look back. For only doing so would make you waiver. Walking back into your car, you started it and never look back, driving away from that place and never to come back. But half way through the drive. You stopped, hitting the breaks before pulling it to the side of the road.
It was clear to you what you both had and who the two of you before and now. But right now, as you curl up in your seat, one hand covering your mouth as you try to cover up your ugly sobs, the other clenching on your chest when your phone rings. But you did not play attention to it because aside from the undescribeable pain you are feeling right now, you cannot see anything else thru these tears. Why does to be in the very end, had to be you who walks away with so much memories between the two of you.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
: Might or may not make a part two in Geto's POV cuz why not but also might not because this might end up as a ff book series if I had more time in the future. Inspired by Thru these tears by Lany.
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prodkatsu · 1 year
he comforts you during a panic attack ⨾ bakugou katsuki
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"hello, love!"
"i don't think i can do this."
"what—" the painful sobbing from the other side interrupted katsuki from finishing his sentence.
"it's too much. the world is spinning around me and i think i'll throw up if this goes on. im not enough prepared for this. they'll know im not the best and im nothing but useless bitch who can't do much other than being nervous. i don't think i can do—" your sobs of panic were interrupted.
"breath, love, breath for me." the soft voice of your boyfriend spoke from the other side — this is the softest you've ever heard him. you take a gulping breath, choking on the process. "i need you to calm down and tell me what happened, 'kay?"
you nod. "words, love, i need words. tell me what happened."
and you started to tell him all your worries and he listened to those, patiently among all the chokes and sobs you let out. "—and i don't think im qualified enough to give this exam. all the people around me are so talented and experienced, and im nothing but a blabbering mess. i don't think i come even close to them." your sobs swallow few words but katsuki caught up to them "it's— i— ugh! i feel so insignificant among all this amazing people. it's tough imagining that i'll even do well, let alone score good."
you started to sob into the phone, praying that no one will use the restroom at this moment. you don't think you'll be able to take the humiliation along with this anxiety.
the line stayed quiet for some time, making you blabber more nonsense than you mean. "im so sorry. i did not mean to disturb you during your duty. i know how busy you are. oh god! i can't even be a good girlfriend—"
"hey! enough. stop saying shit about my girlfriend. i know my girlfriend better than anyone and i love her despite what she thinks of herself, so do not say anything bad about her." he said sternly, his words making you smile through the tears slightly.
clearing his throat, katsuki said in a soft voice, "i was giving you time, love, to organize your thoughts. im sorry it gave you more things to worry." you shake your head on the other side, realising he can't see. "you know what i think, i think you'll do amazing. ive seen you work hard and i know how much effort you put in your work."
"your classmates might be good, but you're better, you can't underestimate your power, you understand?" you nod. "i need words, love." you reply in a shaky voice, "yes."
"good. you need to know it's normal for you to feel nervous but please believe in yourself. i know you have work hard and i know how good you are. you need to believe in yourself and see what an amazing person you are, yes?" you sobbed and reply, "yes."
"good. now go out there and break legs. i mean literally." you laughed which pulled a smile on katsuki's face. "you good now, baby?"
"yes, im better." you wiped your eyes and nod your head.
"that's my girl. you're better you need to know." you hummed and stood up to dust your dress. walking out of the toilet stall, you went to wash your hands.
"'suki, do you ever feel nervous?" there was a pause before his voice came through.
"always, love, always when you're not with me. i always feel nervous that a time can come when im far from you and you get hurt and im not fast enough to save you. this always haunts me in the night." you can hear the vulnerability in his voice. your katsuki was many things but vulnerable wasn't any of them. he only let this side show with you, that's what you admire the most. he was a force to reckon with but soft breeze when he was with you.
"you're the best, 'suki, i love you." katsuki could feel his ears turning red. you still have that effect on him even after being in a relationship for four years, and on the way to get married. "i love you too, baby. now go and do your best."
you whispered a farewell to him and left the restroom with a new earned determination.
you have prepared your best so you don't need to worry about anything else.
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© prodkatsu 2023 — do not plagiarise, translate or repost my work on any other sites. the characters that i write about are not mine (sadly), they belong to their respective creators.
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Yandere Crewmate: Kokushibo
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Wearing the grey suit 
If he’s not already second in command he silently gets that role
Everyone relies on him for stability 
Stone-faced at the first body that drops
He remains level-headed in tense situations
Which perfectly masks the selfishness of his actions
Imposter or not when he’s decided that he loves you–you are his priority
Whether he’s strategically framing others 
Or delivering the food himself 
Whatever it takes to keep you out of harms way 
The only reason he participates in the meetings is that he can’t have you being ejected and to silently sabotage your accusers
The only reason he’s stalled his task is so he could monitor you on the cameras
But what’s most powerful is his subtlety 
He keeps quiet most of the time
He keeps his moves ambiguous 
And even when he’s talking to you he keeps appearances up
While he silently curses himself for not being brave enough to open up to you
He appreciates most when you start the talking yourself
Even if it's over the death of a crewmate:
“Kokushibo! I-I’ve been looking for you!”
The lieutenant quickly disconnected himself from the wiring of the heart monitor. He didn’t need you to know how easily you could trigger a cardiac arrest. Instead, he fiddled with his IV as you walked up, your cute face wrinkled in worry. 
“Did you need something, agent wh–(Y/n)?”
He caught himself, letting your real name grace his lips; an honor you’ve been giving to everyone as the morale of the crew depleted. To his observation, this crew was especially leech-like. In his experience, he’d seen the extremes within different teams: some being especially amicable and others being incredibly cold (he preferred those types). This group had a common trait of veiled friendship, assuring one another and cursing one another behind their backs. It was disgusting. Of course, you were the exception. Genuinely attempting to be friends with most of the crewmates. It disgusted him to see the same smiles turn into snickers the moment you turn your back. 
“Are you doing okay? I know the captain’s been putting a lot of pressure on you lately with the ship acting up and all.”
“It isn’t a problem, it's what I’m experienced at.”
“Well yeah but–”
You stepped toward him. Body standing so close he could feel the heat emanating from your body. Hidden under his burgundy tresses his ears glowed. You looked to the left then to the right-leaning forward as you whispered, warm breath tickling his already fiery ear. “-what about the rumors? The one about one of the escape pods being activated. Isn’t he mad?”
Kokushibo almost couldn’t bring himself to function at the inkling of intimacy even as you pulled away to give him the worried look he often fawned over you for. But alas he answered if only to ease that compassionate concern of yours.
“Not to worry. It’s only a matter of time before all of them are up and running again.” 
You moved back from him, stepping away to habitually pull at the zipper of your suit. He didn’t want to let you go. He wanted to hold you in place as he told you it was he who secured you two’s escape. Suavely lean in and kiss those worried lips. To caress the creases of your face as he lost himself in the world that was you. 
“Okay, well I wish you luck, in finding them. It is pretty jerky to leave the crew when we all agreed to figure this out together.”
But alas he could not. For this reality was cruel and he knew it’d be more than years that’d you’d return his affection in such a way. For this reality had you two placed in the talons of some unknown entity in a killing game. This reality didn’t allow him to emulate the prime suitor. No, Kokushibo is the protector you will never know how much you need. 
“Yes, it would be.”
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jazeswhbhaven · 15 days
saw someone a few days ago asking if jesus exists in the whb universe and i do not think ive seen Anyone point out the fact that we literally got fucking horse jesus and horse virgin mary from the lucifer card. this is not what we meant
also am i the only one who feels bad for that horse having to watch man like lucifer at least couldve taken us to the next stall 💔
- 👽
i feel Luci was just super horny and didn't feel like checking for formalities. At the same time, in his selfie card everyone watched him fuck MC anyways so maybe having a unicorn watch doesn't bother him at all.
but for me animals watching folks doing the nasty is odd, like I know they don't really think much about it, being animals, but at the same time that's why folks tend to put their pets in separate rooms or close the door or something when they're with their partners.
but nope Luci out here just on the stable floor, sitting in hay, ass touching the floor mind you, balls out as well just....taking MC to pound town.
and the result is a indirect pregnant unicorn.
what a wild time we're having.
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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I get suspended, but it’s not that bad. 
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The last time, when I set the toilet paper dispenser on fire, it was a lot more of a traumatising experience than this. Everyone was so concerned about me becoming an arsonist that I needed to spend several hours speaking to a child psychologist about my motivations, which I explained was boredom and a fascination with watching little pieces of one ply toilet paper burn. It was likely the most worrying thing possible that I could have said. Still, through long, tedious conversation and a thousand boring questions and hypothetical scenarios we determined by the end of the week that I am merely troublesome rather than a deliberate menace and threat to the safety of teachers and students.
This is the same personality trait that got me kicked out of the boy scouts at ten. I am a disruptive influence, and the therapist simply recommended more supervision, which I did not receive from my casually neglectful parents. At least I never set a toilet stall on fire again.
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This week is more about watching TV and playing my PlayStation. I do not have to go to a psychologist to go to, just the hospital to get a trio of stitches in my head and checked for a concussion, which I don't have, and then I am back, melding to the couch, playing Grand Theft Auto IV until I am jittery and my eyes are so manic I feel like I have to manually blink them. 
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My mother is extremely kind to me, which is interesting. She panicked after I arrived at Trisha Bailey’s house to collect Ivy earlier than expected last Tuesday with blood pouring from a wound in my head and promptly fainted on the parquet floor in front of two eight year old girls. She had to leave work early to come and get me, and she barely even complained about it. She’s been treating me like I’m made of glass ever since, while I, in tandem, have been making an effort to play up my injuries and fake headaches as much as possible so that she is forced to make snacks for me when she’s home from work. This is a pretty good reason to develop something like Munchausen’s Syndrome, I think. I’m actually being mothered, though it's most likely that she's worried that my dying or having brain damage would mean she'll have to hire a full time nanny or bring in another au pair from France who'll lift individual diamonds from her tennis bracelet over a period of months like the last one did.
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She even brushes my hair back and kisses my forehead at one point, which feels like it is crossing a line, and is so weird that I feel urged to make a joke about it. It pisses her off and she doesn’t come near me again for the rest of the day, but that’s fine. I wanted to be alone with the TV anyway. 
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One evening I go to Jen and Michelle’s, who both coo over me until I part my hair to show them my stitches, which they act disgusted by, but still, they make me snacks and coffee and tell me I am brave for standing up to Fitzy. I don’t deny it even if it’s not what I truly believe. 
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Evan joins us later and acts less disgusted by the gash in my head. He wants to know about Fitzy, who he thinks is a massive dickhead, and how badly I hurt him back. I exaggerate, but figure it’s okay because he is suspended too. It’s not like anybody will see him and call me a liar. I’ll tell them that the thumbnail scratch on his cheek was intentional and they will all believe me. 
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He and I go out onto the seafront and smoke together, far away from Jen, who is supposed to be off them but will beg for one if she smells them, and Michelle, the daughter of a medical doctor who shuns them and judges anyone who doesn’t. 
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“I kind of wish I’d seen the fight,” Evan is saying as we stroll along in the drizzle, and the end of his cigarette crackles and glows in the haze of the night, “Just to see Willy’s stupid face when you smacked it.”
“Yeah, I mean… he looked pissed off I guess. I don’t really remember, I was all adrenaline.”
“I’ve never been in a fight.”
“You don’t want to be. It’s horrible. I only did it because-” I break off and shrug, “Well, you know why, I suppose.”
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I see him peering at me from the corner of my eye as I look over the bay, “Is she worth it?”
I sigh, “Yeah, sure. I don’t know. I think it’s complicated. I don’t regret it but I don’t know if she’d appreciate it either, like she might say that defending her like that is too intense.”
“Is that because you’re not properly together?”
“Hm. She should be grateful,” Evan says around a mouthful of smoke, and I don't respond. 
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“What’s she like?”
I don’t really know how to answer, “Um, she’s nice, she’s, like, sweet under this cool-girl exterior, and really smart.”
Evan laughs, “No, that’s not what I mean. I’m just asking, you know, since she’s supposedly pretty experienced and all that…I just was curious…”
“Oh,” I scratch my head, careful to avoid my stitches which itch almost constantly, “Are you, like, asking me what sex is like? I dunno, man, stick your finger in your mouth. It’s like that times a million.”
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“Oh, c’mon, I’ve done it. Christ sake. I was just wondering if it ever gets better.”
I pause as I try to determine whether he’s really trying to have a heart to heart with me or if I'm just picking him up wrong. Either way it's a bit awkward, and I don’t know what to say other than, “Yeah, man, I mean, I don’t know what your situation is or anything but it gets a lot better,” I flick my cigarette onto the path and immediately start pulling another out of the packet. Not that I usually smoke more than one at a time, it’s just I am hoping my fumbling around will interrupt this conversation. 
It doesn’t. 
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“Michelle is pretty shy, you know, during,” He admits, and my face burns. I really do not want to think about them that way. 
“Most girls are shy. We’re still pretty young.”
“Yeah but, I dunno, it bothers me a bit, and then I see guys like you and girls like Alison and I think that you must have it all figured out. Do you know what I mean?”
“We don’t really, we’re all just kind of muddling our way through.”
“Yeah, but you must have- I mean, you always have a girlfriend.”
I’m surprised he even paid that much attention to me, “Yeah, most of the girls I’ve gone out with never wanted to do anything more than kiss.”
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His eyebrows vanish under his fringe, “Really?”
“Yeah, they’re mostly not ready for anything else. It’s fine, I’m okay with it because it’s just part of how it goes. I just focus on how lucky I feel when someone does want to… let me.”
“Like Alison.”
“I think everything kind of makes sense now,” he smirks, eyes flicking to my head wound, and I’m certain that whatever he is thinking about me now, my motives and my reasoning for fighting my friend in the changing rooms, he is most likely wrong. 
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“Look,” I stop walking and wave my cigarette around vaguely, “you guys will figure it out, huh? I don’t know what to tell you about it. She really seems to like you, so,”
“Yeah,” he says glumly, “I like her too, it’s just that I wish some things were better. Like, she’s barely allowed to come out at night and hang out.”
“Yeah, I suppose that's because her parents are strict.”
“Right! Her mam always gets so annoyed about her being out too late, and then it’s a big drama, and Shell wants to talk about how annoyed she is, and I’m like, why does your mam even care about what you do? You know what I’m saying?”
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“Yeah, I get it. It’d be nice if it were different, but,” I shrug, “You know it’s not for nothing, right? Like, I hate to be the guy that defends someone’s strict parents or whatever, but if they’re not strict on Michelle then they can’t be strict on Jen, and if they’re not strict on Jen, well,” I exhale a lungful of smoke, “You know how it is.”
“It’s annoying though.”
“You’ll have to learn to enjoy Michelle in the light of day, and if you stay together until college then you can do whatever you like.”
“College?” He echoes, pulling a face as though the suggestion of waiting that long is ludicrous and unfathomable, but college doesn’t seem so far away for me. I’m counting down. Fifteen months until we are finished school, I will have one last long, empty summer and then I will leave, I’ll vanish into thin air leaving behind nothing but the shadow of a boy, an imprint on a couch cushion, an unmade bed and a cereal bowl in the sink.
I already have September 2010 circled in bold red marker on a calendar with arrows and asterixis all around it because that's it, freedom. That’s when I will get on a plane and go somewhere far from here and never speak to anybody from this town again. Jen and Ivy and a select few others are the only ones who will know my whereabouts. College, to me, has been aspirational before I was even a teenager.
Evan hasn’t even thought that far ahead. 
“You can probably stick it out until then,” I say flatly, “If you’re in love or whatever.”
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“Uh, yeah totally, I think we are. I think we’re good together, so I can probably just learn to deal with it.”
“It's worth it,” I don’t know why it would be hard anyway. Evan is so lucky. If I was in his position and had a girl who loved me like Michelle apparently loves him I don’t think any sacrifice would be too much. I'd be on top of the world. I only get to see her during the day? Wow, how lucky I’d feel just to be able to do just that. Eighteen months until we have the freedom to do whatever we like with our time together? What’s eighteen months? If it was real love with someone then I’d happily wait years. Maybe Evan is just a bit stupid or something. 
I drop a hand onto his shoulder, forgetting that sudden movements shock him, and he leaps about a meter in the air. I clear my throat as he gathers himself again. “You’ll figure it out.” I say.
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He wants to go back to Michelle’s house where it’s warm and dry, but I’d rather take a walk by the sea for a while. Several days of being cooped up inside have made me feel all soft and cosy, which Doherty would probably say isn’t a good way to feel. He’d want me to take a bracing dip in the sea or run fifteen kilometres in the driving rain just to feel life pumping through my veins on a day like this. Thinking of his big bald head and angry face prompts me to flick my half smoked cigarette away and leave it smouldering in the cycle path. 
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I should stop doing unhealthy things. 
I take out my phone and text Alison. 
Are you around?
I’m at home
Want company?
ok come over
Beginning // Prev // Next
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wandanatsbaby · 8 months
Hey saw that you were taking requests for Lexa so here i am ! could you write smth about soft lexa and an oc or freader grounder that is really pretty and like soft for a grounder ? thankksss :))
Soft Grounder
Pairing: Lexa x Reader
Warnings: none
Lexa watches on with a smile as the night bleeders braid your hair and put little flowers in it. She has a small smile on her face as she watches you interact with them envisioning your future and wondering what you would be like if you both had kids.
Walking up to lexa with a smile you wrap your arms around her as no one is looking and give her a kiss on the cheek. “Good evening Heda.”
“Good evening Hodnes. Join me for lunch? The sky crew will be joining as well.” You nod and follow beside her as she leads you to the dining area. You look around and give Clarke a small wave as you see her sitting with who you recognize as Bellamy.
Lexa pulls out a chair for you at the head of the table and then makes her way to the other end. You never liked having to sit far from her but you knew it was tradition for the Commander's partner to be at the other end.
The night went on pretty smooth with everyone talking and chatting but throughout it all you could spot Bellamy giving you weird glances and whispering stuff to Clarke which made you nervous.
“Bellamy, is there a problem?” Lexa asks as she had seemingly noticed the looks and whispers.
“No Heda I just-”
“Just what? You’ve been giving my wife weird looks all night and whispering to Clarke. I'd like to hear what you have to say.” You send an uneasy look to Lexa not sure you want to hear what the boy was saying about you.
“I was just saying that well. Ive never met a grounder as sweet as her I mean the other day I say her with one of the guys at a stall and she was very sweet.”
“Excuse me. Do you happen to have any more of this?” you asked, pointing to the object you wanted.
“sha hang ona” (Yes hang on) The guy pulled more of the material out and looked at you expectedly.
“What would you like? I have some medicine that Nyko gave me. I also have some jewelry.” The man just politely asked for one of the rings on your fingers but you just gave him a smile and handed him two rings and a bag of different medicine that Nyko had given you. The man tried to deny it but you insisted but ended up walking out with the object you had wanted and a bird that he said was made by his wife. The bird now sat on a stand in your and Lexas room.
“Is there a problem with that?” Lexa started standing up at this point ready to defend you by all means.
“Lexa its okay. Calm down.” The girl did not even spare you a glance as she stared the boy down and you watched him visibly gulp as he shrunk a little in his seat. Clarke trying to control her laughter beside him
“NO! Of course not! I mean its amazing how she acts with Night bleeders. They all looked so happy the other day when she was playing with them”
“Kwin (Queen) Y/n will you please come play with us?” Aden asked as the other children gave you pleading looks. Will a laugh you agreed and ended up chasing them through Polis as many people watched on with small smiles as well.
As you were chasing a younger girl she had ended up tripping on a rock and landing on her knees. She let out a soft cry before covering it up.
“Oh no ash are you okay?” you asked the young girl as you crouched in front of her. You could see the tears in her eyes and the way she tried to hide them. She nodded slowly and looked at you. You attempted to help her stand but quickly swept her into your arms at the sounds of her cries of pain and quickly took her to Niko’s tent to get her seen.
She had made you promise not to leave her until she was allowed to go back to her room with the other Night bleeders and you gladly accepted. You ended up being there for an hour as she had a sprained ankle and needed some rest. You then escorted her to her room and gave her a small kiss on the head.
Lexa turns to Clarke now wanting to know if this information is true.
“Is this true wanheda?” Clarke gives a nod and a slight laugh while looking back to Bellamy's shaking figure.
“Yes Heda its true.”
“Very well then. Just know if anyone were to ever threaten her or anything it would be against the rules and you would be killed immediately.” Bellamy Gave an Immediate nod and gave you a small apology as he continued to eat.
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