#izzy masochist hands
kindkiosk · 2 years
izzy's mother was a fighter. but she tried to teach him empathy, when she could. taught him to reach out to cats. to let them come to you. to brush their cheeks across you fingers.
izzy gets older and learns. animals don't always know what's best for them.
what does he get for his efforts? a hand covered in scars. a broken heart with each small body he finds half-buried in the sand. the sound of quiet kitten cries in his ears. his own hungry whines of commiseration echoed back. broken bones and bloody paws and missing eyes.
years later he sits on the floor, the feeling of gore still stuck at the back of his throat.
maybe he doesn't know what's best for him.
but will anyone care when he's found half buried in the sand?
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laceratedlamiaceae · 1 year
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Excuse me??? Sir?
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sunnibits · 5 months
feel the need to say that as of this month it’s officially been two whole years of sunnibits izzyposting, everyone give it up for this wet little freak <3
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carrymelikeimcute · 10 months
Izzy teaching Stede to fight hand-to-hand as an excuse to get to mock him and make him feel bad about himself, only as Stede gets better and actually manages to land some hits, Izzy realises he's kind of getting off on getting knocked on his back by this idiot. Like, the first time Stede makes his nose bleed, Izzy's severely tempted to get nasty right there on deck.
Just, Stede immediately panicking because he just hit IZZY in the nose, and there's blood, and he's apologising and waiting to be stabbed to death and Izzy just like 'fuck yeah...do that again, but harder'. And that's it, that's the moment Stede's like...holy shit, am I...into this???
So they keep 'practicing' until eventually they're both leaning on each other to stay upright and Stede tastes blood on Izzy's teeth when they kiss.
Ed witnessing this utter train wreck with a coffee in one hand and just being like 'ha, noice'.
EDIT - so this is in my wip folder now...
EDIT 2 - I wrote it (with some changes to the above scenario as plot demanded) now set post s2 ep7...
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mermaidlighthouse · 10 months
Why I think Izzy’s death was actually necessary despite me being sad about losing my favorite* character…
So I am once again looking to reframe a moment/scene involving Izzy around Ed because as much as Izzy was his own character (with a wonderful redemption arc) his function in the narrative imo is as an extension of the Blackbeard persona and therefore Ed and his perception of himself
Ok so this is gonna be long but I think it’s necessary to frame this properly
Izzy and Ed’s relationship is one of misery loving company and instead of finding ways to legitimately pull each other up and heal from whatever brought you to that place it turns to one of toxicity where you either repress the trauma (Ed never telling anyone that he killed his father, that he feels like a monster) or express it in ways that only perpetuate the misery. At this point that constant cycle of misery is so familiar it can be difficult for the participants to recognize what they’re doing to themselves and each other and it’s difficult to not fall back into those patterns.
So while Izzy is making strides and having his arc, instead of saying to Ed maybe don’t go looking for darkness when you’re standing in the light, don’t look for trouble or problems that don’t exist just because that’s what you’ve come to expect he says maybe you’re just a mopey twat and there isn’t a fuckin storm, when Ed does apologize for his leg Izzy’s only response is fuck off.
They can’t communicate with each other effectively and it’s already caused issues. When Izzy tells Ed to listen to the feeling of throwing away the trappings of Blackbeard, Ed does but he has also been told by Izzy that Ed isn’t good enough so why would Stede want him now that he’s not gonna be Blackbeard. I think Izzy meant well and had the right sentiment but the fact is that the damage of what they do to each other has already been done. Izzy doesn’t just represent the devil on Ed’s shoulder, he’s the voice in his head telling him he’s worthless without Blackbeard.
So could the narrative have just said Izzy went off on his own or went with the crew in the end? imho no they couldn’t because in order to have a healthy relationship with Stede, and just to be a generally well adjusted person Ed needs to love himself and the constant knowledge that his self loathing can just pop up out of nowhere (something explicitly shown as an Izzy staple) won’t allow him that freedom. (I recognize this isn’t how self development/self esteem works irl but this is a dark comedy rom com just let some things be hand wavy.)
Sometimes the best way to help each other grow and be whole is to recognize that you need to let the other person go. That’s true for BOTH of them.
Izzy dying was the only way they could finally communicate honestly without the jibes and the looming Blackbeard of it all they could just talk to each other as family as people who love each other (this is not my ship and I have a serious issue with the lack of nuanced takes on love in this fandom but that’s a separate issue).
To give Izzy some grace here I would like to point out that his story can also be seen as one that tells the audience that toxic people in your life or people you have complicated relationships with are allowed to grow on their own and make positive changes for themselves BUT that does not mean you have to accept them back in your life, you are not required to give them space after they’ve wronged you. You can celebrate their growth but you don’t owe them anything. Ed can recognize that Izzy has changed but he was never going to fully excise Izzy from his life he’s too familiar and too much a darkness to hide in and it would have created more toxic situations. So yes Izzy had to die.
*I always mean favorite side character because my favorite character is EdStede/StedeEd. If you don’t love them, together and separately then you don’t love the show because this is their story
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samuelroukin · 1 year
no but izzy is such a poseur with only tattoos on his hand and face like babygirl you have an entire juicy body to put some fun pictures on and all you have is that?
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lesbianballofgender · 11 months
I think we all forgot that Izzy moaned ‘Daddy’ in season one so… here’s your reminder
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amxliasxgarbxby · 11 months
⚠️minor ofmd spoilers⚠️
Izzy hands after Blackbeard cut off and force fed him his own toe:
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Also Izzy Hands moments before the whole crew (including him) is supposed to be tortured:
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Conclusion: Izzy Hands you absolute masochist.
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sinfulsunni · 6 months
really wish they did some closer shots on izzy’s face during the amputation scene so I could sexualize it :C
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jellybeanium124 · 10 months
in 1x04 wee john tells izzy "be a dear and make me one of those" and I know there's at least a 60% chance that wee john just wanted to piss him off, but on the off chance john was serious and wanted a hot drink, why the fuck would he want what izzy's drinking?? there's a 100% chance that what's in that mug is the darkest dark roast ever made and it's probably not even of great quality.
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cryptix23 · 11 months
I have seen zero posts about Izzy's "anything you do to me will just turn me on" wtf people
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now that we have canon confirmation that izzy wanted blackbeard/‘provoked’ ed into blackbeard because it was the only way he felt needed to ed, it was the closest he felt to ed was when they were a team and he thought that ed would discard him if he didn’t keep blackbeard alive (because he is in love with ed, not blackbeard, but he didn’t think he could have ed.) i will just block you if i see you saying izzy did it because he was power-hungry or to get his own rocks off… lol
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darkfire359 · 2 years
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carrymelikeimcute · 9 months
Honestly surprised that I have yet to see any cenobite-izzy art/fics.
because....mmmmmmmm yes
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beelzeballing · 11 months
rewatched ofmd (yes, 2 days after i first watched it) but with 2 of my siblings this time. my brother was SO INTENT on hating izzy cuz i keep simping for him but a bit into s2 he finally cracked, paused the episode and went "fuck okay i have to admit something... i actually love izzy, he's hilarious" and i just started screaming "YESSSSSSS HAHAHAHAHA". im still the only izzy simp aboard but i made both of my siblings into izzy likers and thats enough.
i was a little devious even cuz everytime the unicorn appeared, id go "omg heyyyy the unicorn" so the unicorn would be BURNED into their mind by the time The Scene happened. yknow, for a bit more oomph. it worked!
im just a silly little guy whos also a genius... orchestrating situations... collecting converts. izzy converts.
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bougiebutchbitch · 9 months
This fandom continues to be the absolute worst.
Just because a character is canonically a kinky masochist does not mean they 'want' to be abused.
Masochism =/= deserving abuse.
Even if Izzy got off on The Toe Thing (which I certainly believe he did in the first incident!) it was in no way consensual. It happened while he was sleeping.
I hate to break it to you, but people can orgasm while being raped or assaulted. Physical bodily response is NOT the same as consent, and I really hoped we were at a stage in 2023 where that was common knowledge. Apparently not.
As a one-off in Season 1, Ed's mutilation of Izzy was immensely fucked up, but still not a pattern. In Season 2 it became........ blatantly acknowledged on-screen as repeated physical abuse from a guy in a position of power over his subordinate? That Izzy did not enjoy in the slightest, but couldn't escape? That made him break down crying in Fang's arms while Frenchie held his hand? Like...??? How do you see that and interpret those scenes as proof that Izzy 'wanted it'?
Sometimes I'm reminded forcefully of how uneducated people are about kink, abuse, victim blaming, and consent in general. If you think people who enjoy pain in the bedroom are inviting abuse and 'deserve what they get', then frankly, I think your ignorant, kinkshaming, puritanical bullshit shouldn't be welcome in this fandom. It's genuinely harmful.
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