glacierruler · 1 year
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aussiepineapple1st · 10 months
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lovelywillowtree · 2 years
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Horses by a glacier, Iceland, October 2022
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Way We Go Down by Kaleo is Apagender!
requested by @nyxx01
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firapolemos05 · 11 months
I can't forget, I won't forgive this sea
Written for Whumpmas in July
Day 18: Ache
CW: heartache, grief, mentioned character death, failed execution, death of a lover, whumpee accused of a crime they didn’t commit, left for dead, improvised wound treatment, emotional numbness, sea monster
How my triton boy, Jökull, became a warlock.
Taglist: @emmettnet
A wild blast of this new, unfamiliar magic finally managed to frighten away the shark that came too close.
Jökull doesn't know what to feel.
He watches the predator disappear into the sunless depths of the waters beyond the shelf where he landed. Its fins fade into the void.
Perhaps he should cover up his wounds. The scent of blood will only attract more hungry dwellers.
He instinctively reaches for his pack, his hand meeting empty water before he realizes - right, he doesn't have it with him anymore.
They tossed him out with nothing but the clothes on his back and rope fastened to his wrists and ankles. He wasn't going to need anything else where he was expecting to be going.
What good was first aid to a dead man?
'You were lying to us this whole time. You just wanted his share of the loot!'
'That's not true!'
'I can't believe you'd do something so despicable. I thought you loved him.'
'I did! IT WASN'T ME!'
Except Jökull didn't die.
He awakened on the sand bed still tied to that barrel full of stones, his arms and shoulders still a bloody mess where the barnacles had shredded him.
While he may not be able to drown, he should’ve been a shark's tasty free dinner by now. But nothing, not even a crab, had taken any bite of him.
Their last dinner together had been crabs. Sitting up in the crow's nest talking under the starry night.
He shook away the memory.
There were no bandages to be found in the ocean. So unless he wanted to rip apart his clothing, it was time to look for some kelp.
He looked down at the fabric adorning him, decorated with all the tears, scuffs, and stains of the sailing life.
He's a creature of the ocean. He doesn't need clothing.
After a couple hours of swimming, Jökull finally came across a cluster of kelp stalks. The waters were shallower here, beams of sunlight raining down from the surface.
He must be close to land. Some island perhaps.
Sun is gone.
The first few decent looking leaves were torn. He ignored the sting as he layered them onto his skin.
Sunvar is dead. They think he killed him.
Burning tears pricked at his eyes. He squeezed them shut. A broken sob clawed its way up his throat. He clenched his jaw closed.
The sun beams danced across the sand and Jökull refused to watch. So he didn't look at anything. He sat in the shade of the kelp, knees tucked against his chest, face buried in his arms, and did not watch.
The water was quiet. Calm. Caressed his trembling form in a cool embrace. It should've felt like home. The sea was his home.
The sea had taken his light, his love, his heart.
Something nudges his arm, and when Jökull lifts his head his neck is sore and there aren't any more sunbeams. It would hurt, feel like the awful memory slapping him in the face, but his thoughts and attention are stolen by a bright red glow piercing through the darkness.
So it wasn't a hallucination.
The creature had been real. And it was currently hovering next to him staring with eyes bigger than his head.
It was easily big enough to prey on the sharks in this region. Dark blue scales covered its long, eel-like body. A dorsal crest ran the length of its back, nearly reaching the tail fins. Given the bioluminescent red spots below its eyes, and a shining white globule (that suddenly lit up in his face) attached to its head like a fishing lure, it no doubt originated from the abyssal plains of the deep ocean.
Yet it followed him here.
To shallow, sunlit water.
And does not seem to 1. be facing any negative effects of changes in water pressure, and 2. have any intention of devouring him despite the very full mouth of teeth. Teeth that made his capt- former captain's infamous sabers look like butter knives.
Jökull doesn't know what to feel.
The magic powers had been one thing.
"So are you the reason I ain't dead right now?"
He half expected it to talk back; at least then he'd have confirmation that he was losing his mind. But no, it didn't respond in any form of speech. It merely nudged his arm again before coiling its body around his. Gentle. Comforting even. As if he was a clutch of its - her? - eggs in a nest.
It was probably as close to a 'yes' as he was going to get.
Jökull decided the questions could wait for later.
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The Cursed Woman (1859)
me, milo ventimiglia, jökull juliusson, and bobby dalbec; please I beg
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that-bluesybitch · 13 days
Can someone tell me why Jökull Júlíusson is so damn fine?
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music-crush · 3 months
Jökull Júlíusson
Til hamingju með afmælið, Jökull Júlíusson, lead singer for Kaleo!
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So, what all do you remember? I thought you were in love with subnivean? Has that changed with your recovered memories?
Blizzard: Well the drugs probably wore off when you sorta… uh…
Anyways. The drugs included a memory repressant and something else that made you unnaturally happy.
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svissalan · 2 years
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(Quietly starts to update my tumblr with new art again lmfao) SFW only stuff just like before.
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nynnph0 · 3 months
my bioshock headcanons (and canons) pt.1
(should have clarified this, the ages they are all at the time of 1960, or the time they died. so grace, gil, delta, sinclair are not as old as i think they would be by the time bioshock 2 takes place.)
andrew ryan
jewish - belarusian - russian
6'0 · 54 · 1906/01/26
bisexual (heavy f lean) neutral
sander cohen
jewish - american - czech
5'9 · 53 · 1907/07/12
homosexual ally/phobic
brigid tenenbaum
jewish - belarusian - german
5'4 · 32-35 · 192(5-8)/08/08
asexual aromatic lesbian ally
j.s. steinmann
jewish - american - german
6'1 · 49 · 1911/04/30
heteroflexible ally
frank fontaine
american - italian
5'8 · 42 · 1918/03/15
heteroflexible neutral
sofia lamb
6'3 · 48 · 1912/09/23
asexual aromatic ally
(deems love stupid)
augustus sinclair, esquire
panamanian - british - cuban
5'6 · 46 · 1914/07/28
pansexual ally
yi suchong
5'6 · 52 · 1908/12/16
homosexual phobic
gilbert (gil) alexander
polish - romanian
6'4 · 36 · 1924/11/05
homosexual ally
grace halloway
brazilian - american
5'8 · 33 · 1927/11/07
heterosexual ally
anna culpepper
argentinian - caribbean
5'5 · 26 · 1933/09/09
heterosexual ally
reginald (reggie) furey
american - irish
6'3 · 53 · 1905/08/19
heterosexual neutral
jökull (johnny) sigrúnsson
icelandic - finnish
5'9 · 37 · 1923/06/23
bisexual ally
jewish - belarusian - russian - dutch - swiss
6'4 · 4 · 1956/??/??
asexual aromantic ally
mary-catherine (jasmine) jolene
dutch - swiss
5'6 · 30 · 1929/04/30
heteroflexible ally
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glacierruler · 2 years
Masterpost for my story, Corruption and it's Depth.
Vraefnael's (Vrae) background
Esmera's background
Izosul's background
Jökull's background
Setting and the gods and months in this au
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fornasedensgudar · 1 year
Hello! I have a questions but i'm not sure if there's even an answer: do you know whether there is a norse or continental germanic god/goddess that is associated with wind??
Oh Im so glad you asked because I love wind gods and spirits and I got two that I feel like almost no one outside of Scandinavia seemes to know about.
One is norse but not really germanic. The other, is not even norse just swedish af lol.
First I like to tell you about Kåre.
I bet most of you have never heard of him, but I also bet you heard of Ran, or Logi och Ägir.
As some may know, Ran is married to Ägir, a sea jötun. And I bet you know Logi, the jötun who is wild fire personified.
What does this have to do with Ägir? Well Ägir is listed as the brother of Logi and Ägir. Whos father Fornjot, is know in one saga to be the King of the swedish island of Gotland. (Perhaps a hint to an old cult or god of the island.)
These three sons of Fornjot personified the elements or the three most brutal aspects of nature, the wild deep seas, the every hungry wild fires and the ever harsh and cold northen wind. (With a father who rule over an island in the baltic sea that makes rather sense)
The name Kåre is also a swedish word describing a special form of wind or storm.
Kåre is also mentiond in Flatöboken and in one story in Fundinn Nóergr Kåre is the father of Frosti of the frost. But in Hversu the son is named Jökull wish means ice feald. This Jökull is in folklore (mostly in norway) said to be the father of old man winter.
So a lot of maybes here and things that hint he was more well known from Gotland to iceland and norway back in the day but a lot been lost.
But we do know he was a winter and wind jötun and one of the three elemental brothers.
My local group do offerings to him during winter and autum rituals but I know some pepole up north do as well. But overall hes rather forgotten compared to his brothers.
Here is a drawing of him by me:
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THEN we get to the fun local part.
Now who the heck is this and whats her deal?
Well Im from a Village called Asker, In Närke.
And back in the day, the farmers spoke about a troll by some, a Huldra by others and by some a spirit/creature who did not fitt any of the molds. Manny famous writers also wrote about her. Most famous of them all is Selma Lagerlöf.
Ysätters-Kajsas name came from the old Moss/lake in Ysätters thats said to be her home or birthplace, but she ruled the weather (but mainly wind) all over Närke but mostly Asker and the sorounding flat plains and fealds.
Ysätterskällan was likely an old offering place to what once was an old goddess or for spirits witch hints to her older roots before she was said to be an evil troll or forest spirit.
The Kajsa in her name is explained in a intervju with an old farmer from Asker in the start of the 1900s dokumentet in the book "Asker, Sant å sånt"
"that was just wat they named them trolls and giants back in the day"
That might seeme weird but tbh in the 1700s there are stories how pepole would toss coins to Kajsa of the sea while fishing.
Or in the 1800s when some in the Mountains and forest called forest and Mountain spirits for Kajsa as well.
It almost seemed as a form of a so called "noa-name" or maybe as the old man said: "it was just what them trolls was named back in the day."
(Im sure there is someone smarter here who can explain this weird Kajsa thing)
But ok, her wind aspect then?
Well first of all, its windy in East Närke.
Like the start of this old poem said
"Den ljuva Närke slätten, där enbart stormen består."
"The lovely Närke plains, where only the storm remains."
Also in manny stories she is said to controll wind and to travel by air.
In one story its said Ysätters-Kajsa looking down on Närke and was like "man this place is pretty, pepole have it good here, we cant have it like that."
And pretty much just made sure its always a bit windy and would play trick on the humans, making them get lost in forest, stealing laundry that hanged out to dry and in general just make the pepole of Närke just a little less comfy in their home.
But she is also a protector or the land!
In one myth, back in the day when a wild fire almost brought an end to the village of Asked she came to save the pepole, because even if she liked to play tricks on them she also deeply loved the pepole and needed them just as much as she they needed her.
So its said when the fire got to the center of the village, a woman was seen dancing up on the church towers roof and as she did storm clouds started to form and with wind and rain the fires was put out and the Village was saved.
Ysätters-Kajsa drawing by me:
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This is also why my group call to her and giver her offerings for protection. Shes our local trickster and protector spirit of the wind.
But being a very Asker and Närke spirit. This is one I have to say I would think would be very weird and not really ok if like, pagans in america for some reason started to make offeings to. Because this is not just any big ol god or goddess. This is a local myth and spirit and part of my childhood and culture. I added a lot here from books just to get the facts right but I also just str8 up heared stories about her as a kid. She is just the protector of Asker and the bringer of wind in Närke.
Like if you dont live here, dont.
Go with Kåre then instead whos more wind in general.
But I had to share this about her becouse I just love her and wind spirits and gods in general.
Also, this is a good reminder to check what you have local, you might have myths and stories about old spirits and gods of the land you grow up and live in.
As I often say. The best way to do polytheism and anmism is to know and work with your local land and the spiritits and gods within said land. Because thats the best tools you got right here, right now. The land it self.
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basaltbeanz · 3 months
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Jökull, my fighter Dragonborn in my campaign
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quohotos · 7 months
So about the Serpents in the Prophecy of Bane...
I'm almost certain this is an allusion to Jules Verne's seminal piece of speculative fiction about going underground Journey to the Center of the Earth. Exerpt from the Wikipedia page:
The story begins in May 1863, at the home of Professor Otto Lidenbrock in Hamburg, Germany. While leafing through an original runic manuscript of an Icelandic saga, Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel find a coded note written in runic script along with the name of a 16th-century Icelandic alchemist, Arne Saknussemm. When translated into English, the note reads:
Go down into the crater of Snaefells Jökull, which Scartaris's shadow caresses just before the calends of July, O daring traveler, and you'll make it to the center of the earth. I've done so. Arne Saknussemm
Lidenbrock departs for Iceland immediately, taking the reluctant Axel with him. After a swift trip via Kiel and Copenhagen, they arrive in Reykjavík. There they hire as their guide Icelander Hans Bjelke, a Danish-speaking eiderduck hunter, then travel overland to the base of Snæfellsjökull.
In late June they reach the volcano and set off into the bowels of the earth, encountering many dangers and strange phenomena. After taking a wrong turn, they run short of water and Axel nearly perishes, but Hans saves them all by tapping into a subterranean river, which shoots out a stream of water that Lidenbrock and Axel name the "Hansbach" in the guide's honor.Édouard Riou's illustration of an ichthyosaurus (which is actually more like a mosasaurus) battling a plesiosaurus.
Following the course of the Hansbach, the explorers descend many miles and reach an underground world, with an ocean and a vast ceiling with clouds, as well as a permanent Aurora giving light. The travelers build a raft out of semipetrified wood and set sail. While at sea, they encounter prehistoric fish such as Pterichthyodes (here called "Pterichthys") Dipterus (referred to as "Dipterides") and giant marine reptiles from the Age of the Dinosaurs, namely an Ichthyosaurus and a Plesiosaurus. A lightning storm threatens to destroy the raft and its passengers, but instead throws them onto the site of an enormous fossil graveyard, including bones from the Pterodactylus, Megatherium, Deinotherium, Glyptodon, a mastodon and the preserved body of a prehistoric man.
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So that's our culprit. That basically fits the description of the Serpents. Thought that was just a cool detail and reference.
The underground jungle is an element that you could potentially say is also an allusion to Verne, though I think the version in the underland chronicles is significantly different since the depiction in Journey to the center of the earth has light from above whereas all the plants in the underland are basically carnivores and/or feed off of volcanic heat.
It's also possible that this allusion is not deliberate, as much like War of the Worlds, Journey to the Center of the Earth has basically been subsumed into pop culture cannon and referenced so many times that a lot of it's unique elements have just become tropes. Dinotopia also used dinosaurs in a cave surviving the asteroid, Minecraft, Terraria, Spelunky, Noita, and basically any other video game that involves digging will at some point put a Verne styled underground jungle in there.
One YA series that leans really hard into the Journey to the Center of the Earth inspirations is the Tunnels series. I actually read them in 6th grade to attempt to scratch my TUC itch. Let me tell you, they're not as good and don't even come close. Whereas TUC has some tasteful allusions, Tunnels goes all in. The underground people are more evil (if that's possible) and are intent on wiping out all life on the surface. Worst of all, it's set in England!!! There's cool world building, but no giant talking bats so I have no choice but to award it zero stars. It was supposed to be turned into a movie in 2009 and all the books got stickers for that... said movie appears to have never materialized.
Idk, something I thought about while listening to today's @returntoregalia episode
Okay bonus details about how I made this connection: As a kid, wishbone would come on once a week at like 4 pm or something, I didn't get to see it often, but I vividly remember one of the episodes. For anyone who doesn't know, wishbone was PBS show that followed a dog and his human family as they go through some struggle that wishbone (the dog) finds allegorical to a piece of classic, public domain literature. The episodes are split in half with the parts in the present, and the reenactments within the dog's imagination of the classic piece of literature. In one of the few episodes I caught was about Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. I do not recall how this novel was relevant to the characters lives, all I know is that it's way to long to fit into half of a 20 minute episode, so they had to really rush through a lot of parts. In one shot the characters are in this jungle and they run away from a Plesiosaurus puppet.
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chronoran · 2 years
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