#jack Thompson x daniel Sousa
incorrectssr · 2 years
Daniel: You like my new top?
Rose, looking at Jack: Yes, he seems very nice.
Jack: *chokes*
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maddysworldofchaos · 2 years
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Peggy: where’s Jack?
Daniel: i got you
Daniel: found him
Peggy: ……i guess that works
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nincompoopydoo · 4 months
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*:・゚✧*:・゚  nincompoopydoo // MCU MASTERLIST
loki laufeyson
⋆ debris and misery [series - on hiatus]: Loki crashes on Sakaar and into your home. you don’t take it lightly when you find there’s a massive hole in your roof. ⋆ to catch someone's eye: During the celebration of Frigga as the Queen of Asgard, Loki finds himself slipping away from the events to the palace courtyard. To where you unfortunately found yourself stumbling towards an escape from your parents. ⋆ in another timeline: stranded on Lamentis, the event of the impending apocalypse seem to mend the fire and fury between you and Loki as deeper feelings begin to come to light. ⋆ for the sake of us: Loki dies (The beginning of Infinity War) and is sent to a place unknown to him, with never ending fields of Asgardian flowers. there, he meets his Sigyn, his late wife. he hadn’t seen her for years ever since her unexpected death of an unknown illness that no Asgardian technology could cure.
sam wilson
⋆ trouble man: you and Sam Wilson are neighbors. never spoke a word a to one another but somewhat developed an unhealthy crush on each other. as a series of unfortunate events that began with the burning of spaghetti, you find yourself entangled in a mess of the appreciation for Marvin Gaye and your fear of cockroaches with the very man himself. ⋆ coming home: Sam’s coming home. ⋆ snowed in: you get a visit from your hot neighbour on Christmas day.
bucky barnes
⋆ whiskey: you’re waitressing at your father’s bar filled with the 107th’s drunk soldiers. In the midst of chaos, you catch the attention of a certain sergeant that goes by the name Bucky. the both of you then realize that one can still find happiness in the middle of a great war.
steve rogers
⋆ pretty beautiful: after the events of Sokovia, Steve and Sam are both on the run, along with Natasha, seeking for a safe house. thankfully, Sam knows the perfect place. ⋆ promises: platonic! you find an unexpected visitor at your doorstep during spaghetti night.
agent jack thompson
⋆ steps of the fire escape: Jack spends the last minutes of New Year’s Eve looking for the morning paper and his cat, Ginny. turns out, Ginny has a knack for discovering those who are spending the last day of the year alone. ⋆ you're gonna be fine, kid [series]: you get shot and the annoying Jack Thompson maybe you’re only hope at surviving after all.  ⋆ knucklehead: where Jack and reader are pissed at each other because you wouldn’t stay off the field and put yourself in danger during a mission while Jack was being a total prick about it although the two of you refuse to admit you love each a little too much. ⋆ pretty confessions: returning to the SSR, golden hour in the midst of New York’s traffic may just lead to some pretty confessions to a very pretty woman in Jack Thompson’s passenger seat. ⋆ unbelievable: you’re strong-witted, frank and independent, and Jack finds it a little unsettling, yet he refuses to admit that he probably adores you a little too much after that one incident at the office. ⋆ babysitter: Jack Thompson finds himself babysitting Daniel and Peggy’s baby daughter. and then realizes he has forgotten how to change nappies. ⋆ baby emergency [babysitter part 2]: you, the Sousa’s neighbour, mistakenly arrive at their doorstep, thinking it was pie night rather than date night. Yet, the sight of a dishevelled, troubled and somewhat handsome Jack Thompson convinced you to help out with baby Nancy. ⋆ call me trixie: you, an aviatrix is partnered with Jack Thompson on a SSR mission.
daniel sousa
⋆ just a gunshot wound: you were badly injured from a mission and Daniel Sousa, your fellow colleague was not the biggest fan of the outcomes of the mission. yet, things get a little heated up, in a bad way, but it may have gave Daniel the courage to act on something he had always wanted to since forever.
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 14 Prompt: "If you don't stop now-"
Summary: When Y/N is the first female agent allowed to work the night shift, side by side with Jack Thompson, Peggy and Daniel want to make sure she doesn't miss the hint.
Word Count: 1,108
Category: Fluff, Humor
Requested by @bandshirts-andbooks! This was so fun to write Babs lol, hope you enjoy!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I scribbled away at the report I was working on, completely ignoring the pointed throat-clearing from my friends on the other side of the desk. The workday was almost over, so if I could just block them out for a little longer-
"If you want to pretend to ignore us, that's fine," said Peggy, her voice light and teasing. I fought back a sigh. "Daniel and I can just have the conversation with ourselves. We know you can hear us."
I made a face, glancing up long enough to make eye contact with both of my friends before slowly and deliberately raising my hands to my ears and plugging them. Since I'd already decided to be this childish, I figured I'd go all out, so I stuck out my tongue too.
Peggy and Daniel shared a look, and then Daniel reached up and grabbed my wrist, pulling one hand away. I glared at him, ready to yank my hand back and continue ignoring them both, but he spoke lowly before I could.
"You know, if you plug your ears, we'll just have to raise our voices so you can hear us."
I narrowed my eyes at him, wordlessly threatening murder, but Daniel didn't blink as he stared back. Finally, after a minute, I sighed.
"Fine. I won't plug my ears. But it's basically five, so maybe you two should just head out. You know, get a jump start on the weekend-"
"And leave you alone with Thompson sooner?"
I turned to glare at Daniel. Like before, he didn't flinch.
"Y/N, listen," started Peggy, leaning forward and looking at me like she was being the reasonable one. "Everyone in this conversation is aware that you have feelings for Thompson. All we're trying to get you to hear is that, since Thompson actually agreed to let you work the night shift with him, making you the first female agent to work a night shift... he might return those feelings."
I sighed, long and hard, through my nose. I put up with so much from these two.
"Great. I've heard you. Now mind your own business, both of you."
"We've long ago made this our business," Peggy responded, an all too pleased smile on her face.
"Yeah, come on," continued Daniel. "I have no idea what you see in Jack, but you clearly like him a lot. And you didn't let up when you saw me and Peggy dancing around each other. So we're not letting this go, either. Not when you spend every minute he's in the room moon-eyed staring at him-"
"Daniel, if you don't stop now-"
"What's going on over here?"
Peggy, Daniel, and I all whirled around at the sound of Jack's voice next to my desk, like kids caught digging in the cookie jar.
"Nothing!" I answered quickly, before whirling back around and glaring at my two friends. "Daniel and Peggy were just saying goodbye before they left for the night."
"Well, then, goodbye. Now get out of here, you two are off the clock and I'm not paying you overtime."
Peggy and Daniel shared a loaded look that I didn't miss, and that I also doubted Jack missed. I rolled my eyes, then the three of us stood.
"You don't have to tell us twice to get us out of here," said Daniel, stretching a little as he got to his feet.
"I sure did," I muttered. He ignored me.
"You two have fun tonight," said Peggy, giving us a pointed smile as she turned away. I narrowed my eyes at her and Daniel as they linked arms and started heading for the doors of the agency together. They didn't look back once, the bastards.
"So... what was all that about?" asked Jack, turning to me the second our friends had cleared the agency doors. I huffed a laugh and turned to face him with a small smile.
"They're still trying to play matchmaker."
"They make any good points?"
I grinned. "Well, they did point out that you must like me if you let me stay to work the late shift with you. They really might be onto something there."
Jack scoffed. "For two of my best detectives they're sure oblivious sometimes."
"I'll say."
Jack and I shared a smile, and then he slowly leaned in until we were almost nose to nose, our breath mingling. His smile widened as his hand moved up to cup my face, and then he closed the rest of the distance and kissed me.
Jack and I had been together for a few months now. It had all started as we worked towards our mutual goal of setting Peggy and Daniel up, mostly so we wouldn't have to watch them exchange longing glances every day at work. In the process, he'd stopping being a dick to me, and I'd realized I actually really liked him. The rest was history.
To be fair to Peggy and Daniel's skills as agents, Jack and I had intentionally been keeping our relationship a secret from the beginning. It wasn't all that high-stakes, but we'd wanted to enjoy the beginning of our relationship without everyone in the office chiming in about it, to our faces or otherwise. We still hadn't told anybody, but our interactions had changed enough for Peggy and Daniel to pick up on the energy. They'd been hounding us both for three weeks to try to set us up, and for our part, Jack and I had just laughed when they weren't looking.
After a few long moments, Jack pulled back, both of us still with grins on our faces.
"So... we gonna tell them?"
I hummed in thought, hopping up to sit on my desk, swinging my legs a little as I fixed Jack with a mischevious smile.
"We probably should. It's gone on long enough that they should probably know."
"But there's still a lot of fun to be had in how we tell them. And, unless some emergency comes in that we have to deal with tonight... we've got plenty of time to figure out the best way we can think of."
"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?" he asked, leaning down to kiss my temple before taking a half step back towards his office. "Because I do."
"I love you too. Now come on, go get a notepad from your office so we can brainstorm ways to mess with our friends."
"Honey, you don't have to tell me twice."
I grinned after the swaggering form of my boyfriend, my heart singing. I really did love him. And this was gonna be fun.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 2 months
Jarvis tapes on Jason’s life (or at least what the footage tells you) 🎞️
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Jason Grayson Underwood was born at twelve-oh-one a.m., April 20th, 1922
at Children's Hospital, San Francisco,
the second child of Fran and Jonathan Underwood. His sister Dolores Marie Underwood only be 5 years old.
On the 16th of June in 1929, Mr & Mrs. Underwood would divorce taking both children their separate ways.
August 30th 1943, Howard Stark and his sister Elizabeth Stark would come into the picture, change his life forever.
Meeting both of them during the war, alongside Agent Margaret ‘Peggy’ Carter. Who would later on become his sister in more ways than one.
Eighty-seven days later Jason met James Bucky Barnes and The Howling Commanders, crossing paths on the battle field with Captain America.
After the war ended, Jason Underwood went on to work for the SSR. He had the opportunity to work selling watches in Texas and New York, but went on to become an associate of the organization.
Which is where he met Agent Jack Thompson, Daniel Sousa and plenty of others.
However he had another job underneath his belt as him, Edwin Jarvis and Agent Carter were given a job to locate Howard Stark’s stolen items while he hide away.
The whole time, half of the country was after him.
That’s when he would met his sister once again, Dottie Underwood, A Black Widow. As she worked with an scientist and Soviet spies to frame Stark’s items as dangerous as they seemed.
It was complicated.
He was not pleased and made sure his sister was behind bar for her crimes, with working for the wrong side. But she did not care, she never did.
He shot the scientist and spies with the help of the SSR who realized who was responsible for all of this.
They freed Howard and his sister from all charges. Jack Thompson became Chief Executive Officer in New York City.
But they all know Peggy Carter deserves all the credit for the job.
Daniel Sosua was promoted to Chief in California.
In 1947 New York City, Chief Jack Thompson and Agent Peggy Carter of the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) apprehend Soviet spy Dottie Underwood.
Newly appointed Chief Daniel Sousa of the Los Angeles SSR office meets with Detective Andrew Henry, who has discovered a woman's body in a frozen lake during a heat wave.
That’s when Jason Underwood was called from his newly acquired home in Los Angeles for the job, requesting Agent Carter to sign onto the job.
Howard and his Elizabeth Stark were living in Los Angeles as well, making films and creating new inventions for their company.
Ten weeks after filming a new movie Howard was creating and working on the case, Jason was driving north one night to his shared studio beach cottage when something highly unusual occurred, something almost magical...
Snow fell in Los Angeles, California. Heavy winds and hail stormed all into one. The car swing over the slippery slope of the bridge as he drove onto the main water, as he tried to pull up.
But failed to get the brakes to work.
The immersion in the frigid water caused Jason's body to go into an anoxic reflex, instantly stopping his breathing and slowing his heartbeat.
Within 2 minutes, Jason Underwood's core temperature had dropped to 87 degrees...
his heart stopped beating.
He was silent underneath the table of water for 7 minutes.
At 11: 55 a bolt of lightning struck the vehicle discharging half a billion volts of electricity and producing 60,000 amperes of current.
Its effect was threefold.
First, the charge defibrillated Jason Undwood's heart.
He was jolted out of his anoxic state causing him to draw his first breath in 3 minutes.
Third, based on Von Lehman's principle of electron compression in deoxyribonucleic acid, which will be discovered in the year two thousand thirty-five, Jason Underwood will henceforth be immune to the ravages of time...
he will never age another day.
Of course, he didn’t know that would be a harsh yet effective condition until later.
Wrapped in a cold sweat, dizziness and fatigue were the consequences of the accident.
He was in bed for a few days at the house or made to be sat down, as a nurse took his temperature while he helped study the case.
A field of zero matter and Whitney Frost, 2 times Oscar nominee who was a scientist at heart, was behind it. They hoped it wouldn’t be the rest of mission and the caseload conditions that harmed them.
But faith had other plans.
Peggy took the rest, after her painful defeat of almost being impaled by the help,to call Jason’s sister Dottie for undercover work.
It wasn’t the best thing, but worked like a charm. Dottie left getting her cut of the money and ran.
Soon enough, Jason, Peggy and others were up for the challenge to help finish the race in their job. It was a long and difficult process for the entire team but they made it work.
Zero matter was seemingly gone. Whitney Frost was put in prison.
Weeks went by.
He studied long and hard for weeks, working with Howard, Peggy, Dr. Wilkie Jones and Ana Jarvis on cases. Figure out the answer to the questions they had from their previous research on the mission.
And the effects left behind.
Jason found nothing on his plate of studies onto what happened to him, as the years went by he noticed his friends slowly turning around with age, as he stayed the same.
It wasn’t zero matter or the previous time on trips that harmed him.
It was something else.
Some would see it differently, thinking it as a blessing that he stopped aging, others might’ve called it a curse.
It just depends on who you were talking to.
For Jason, he made the blonde sick to his stomach and want to hide behind closed doors.
As the years passed, Jason credited her unchanging appearance to a combination of a healthy diet, exercise, heredity, and good luck.
He would travel around, change his name and mind. Leave for a couple of weeks every new decade.
It was all to prevent confusion, controversy and added pressure from anyone who might’ve wanted to sent him to a lab to be tested for his status. 
To protect himself and his loved ones…
// There’s a tale. Remember to like, comment and reblog.
|| Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @ask-starrk @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @rooster-84 and etc
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Rewatching Agent Carter and thinking about how much better the show could be if Peggy and Angie ended up together and so did Sousa and Thompson.
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tessatales · 2 years
I finished watching Agent Carter recently and since that ending I can only think about how I think the first episode of season 3 woulda gone….
Would anyone be interested if I wrote it?
(I’m going to whether people want it or not, it will just depend if I post it or not 😂)
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xoxoavenger · 2 years
Characters I Write For
this is not a complete list, and it will always be updated!! If you don't see a character/fandom on here, message me and we can work something out :)
**I no longer write rpf, pls do not request it
Peter 1, 2, 3, and PS4 Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson Natasha Romanoff Loki Jack Thompson Daniel Sousa Charles Xavier Wade Wilson Matt Murdock
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski Scott McCall Derek Hale Liam Dunbar Isaac Lahey Theo Raken
JJ Maybank John B. Routledge Pope Heyward 
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi Luke Skywalker Poe Dameron Din Djarin
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington Eddie Munson Billy Hargrove Jonathan Byers
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby John Shelby Michael Gray
HBO’s The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Luke Castellan
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redvanillabee · 2 years
July 22
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Fandom: Agent Carter (TV), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Relationship: Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa/Jack Thompson
Characters: Jack Thompson, Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter, Phil Coulson, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons 
Additional Tags:  Alternate Universe—Canon Divergence, Episode: s02e10 Hollywood Ending, Episode: s07e04 Out of the Past, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Timeline Shenanigans, Light Angst
Chapters: 1/3
They say history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
On July 22, 1947, there was an attempt on the life of Jack Thompson, Chief of SSR New York.
Today is July 22, 1955.
Read on AO3
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
Agent Carter Bingo: Masterlist
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i ran agent carter bingo this past year, and it was genuinely so much fun! here is a list of all the fics i’ve done, and they are all separated by type (gen, ship, xreader) for convenience. 
the card still has my old username, but i’ve changed the tag on the event blog so that it’s under my new username, hopefully there won’t be any confusion!
an & between names signifies a platonic relationship, where a / signifies a romantic one.
a 🦩next to a fic signifies that it is an ao3 link. a 👠 next to a fic signifies that it is a tumblr link.
a 💐 next a fic means it’s one of my personal favorites (i picked one from each category).
you can see all the things created for this event over on @agentcarterbingo​, and also in the ao3 collection. 
if you want to keep up with my attempts to write ship/gen fic, my agent carter specific sideblog is @starlightpeggy (it's a new blog, so there's no fic on there yet but there will be). if you're looking for only the reader insert stuff, this blog is where you'll find it!
gen fics (no romantic relationship or a background relationship):
whiskers || peggy carter & daniel sousa & jack thompson 🦩
square: cat summary: Jack’s been changing his hours and behaving oddly around the office, so Peggy and Daniel team up to figure out why.
sorry for your loss (but we have to go) || peggy carter & daniel sousa & jack thompson 🦩 💐
square: funeral summary: Dottie Underwood always had the most inconvenient timing, and Peggy was convinced she was doing this on purpose.
or alternatively: Peggy and Daniel accidentally join the Thompson family, much to Jack’s chagrin.
misery, table for two || angie martinelli & jack thompson (background: peggysous) 🦩
square: “you owe me��� summary: It’s a special kind of pain to watch the person you love go off with someone else, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
or alternatively: Sometimes kindred spirits find each other in the worst of situations, to which they both would agree this was.
night of (cheap) champagne || peggy carter & daniel sousa & jack thompson🦩
square: “i need a drink” summary: Sometimes working for the government meant attending events they had no interest in, and this was no exception to that.
ship fics/edits: 
s.s.b. (strategic scientific babysitters) || peggysous 🦩💐
square: “don’t eat that!” summary: An unexpected guest is brought to the SSR, and it throws things a little out of whack.
or alternatively: Why federal agents should not be considered a replacement for a reputable child care facility.
cottagecore moodboard || cartinelli 👠
square: wine summary: a modern take on a potential date that peggy and angie could have went on.
page-turner of a romance || cartinelli 🦩
square: library summary: Adjusting to the modern world was difficult for Peggy, but one thing she didn’t miss was having to hide her sexuality as much as she did before. So when she falls hard for the librarian with kind eyes and a winning smile, the only thing standing in her way is her own lack of confidence. 
april fool’s revenge || peggysous 🦩 
square: breakup summary: This year, Jack gets a taste of his own medicine on April Fool’s Day.
x reader fics:  
weddings are for moving on || daniel sousa 👠 💐
square: confession summary: You knew it was a bad idea, accepting the responsibility of bridesmaid when you’ve been in love with the groom for as long as you’ve known him. But Jack couldn’t see the pain behind your eyes, and you were going to keep it that way. 
everybody moved on, i stayed there || peggy carter 👠
square: jealousy summary: Peggy told you she was staying in Los Angeles permanently, and you didn’t want to believe her. Three years later, you still can’t seem to let her memory go.
you’re my valentine || rose roberts 👠
square: “you’re not going to believe this”
summary: You wanted to tell her how you felt, but sometimes things get a little complicated.
an even match || dottie underwood 👠
square: “you won’t catch me”
summary: an ex-lover comes to visit, but this relationship is a little more high stakes than just two old friends catching up. 
things that go bump in the night || angie martinelli 👠
square: haunted
summary: You’ve never believed in ghosts, or at least you didn’t until it started to seem that one was haunting your apartment. But maybe the potential of a ghost in your vicinity will finally get you to admit your feelings for the woman you called your best friend.
undercover realizations || howard stark 👠
square: undercover
summary: With only one chance to get the information they need about the reforming Council of Nine, Peggy and Daniel once again take advantage of Howard's social status to get him into the gala that would give them the answers they needed. There's just one problem: he needs a date to go with him, and they're fresh out of suitable candidates.
fighting for us || daniel sousa 👠
square: “kiss me”
summary: You shouldn’t be sad about going on a date, especially with the cute stranger from the diner you eat lunch at. But you have your heart set on a certain SSR Chief, whether you want to admit it or not.
pain medicine promises || peggy carter 👠
square: “this is awkward”
summary: While recovering from a near fatal shot and completely out of your mind on painkillers, you confess your love for a certain SSR agent without realizing that she’s in the room.
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space-helen · 4 hours
Ok it's very likely I'm going to start writing a series again. I know I asked for ideas last time but people just offered characters so more specific ideas would be great!!!
People wanted
- Greg Sanders x reader series
- Jack Thompson x reader series
- Daniel Sousa x reader series
- Fox Mulder x reader series
If you have ideas for any of these. Or any for different characters, let me know.
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
A Reverse Steve Rogers
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Taglist
Requested by @hawaiianpizzaenjoyer !! Thanks for the request, and for being so patient while I got it done! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Y/N, an Avenger, friend of Tony Stark, and the one who helped Steve Rogers adjust to the 21st century after he came out of the ice, gets flung back into the 1940s when something goes wrong on a training mission. She has no idea how long her stay in the 40s might be, but one way or another, it's going to be interesting.
Word Count: 4,684
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: This doesn't follow any of the season 2 timeline lol, just some vague stuff put together for the sake of this story.
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"We could always just find another ticket for her and make up a reason for her to be there on her own..."
"Yeah? Like what? At this event, anybody with the slightest hole in their story is gonna stick out like a sore thumb.”
I looked between Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa as they talked, frantically trying to figure out what to do with me tonight. They were currently in the middle of breaking up a secret society in Los Angeles, and they had a mission disguised as a date tonight where they'd be infiltrating a fancy party being thrown by said society.
Unfortunately for them, I'd landed in their laps (pretty literally) this afternoon, and accidentally thrown a wrench into their whole operation.
One minute, I'd been doing a training mission with the Avengers. The next, I'd been falling on top of  a desk in the SSR in 1947. I still didn't know exactly what had thrown me back in time, but no matter what the cause, the fact didn't change that I was here, and would be for the foreseeable future.
I'd almost had a heart attack when I'd looked up to see THE Peggy Carter, founder of SHIELD and total badass, standing in front of me. I think I freaked her and Daniel out a little by fangirling the minute I got up off the floor, but a stranger landing in the middle of their super high-level organization probably would've landed me in the interrogation room anyway.
Thankfully, I knew Steve Rogers pretty well, and so did Peggy. I'd mentioned his name briefly when trying to explain how I knew who she was, but then I'd been able to use what I knew about Steve and the stories he'd shared with me to convince her I was telling the truth about time travel.
Since then, we'd done some brief introductions and I'd been let out of the interrogation room. I'd been given the bare minimum details of the mission to understand the conversation, and now I sat on the edge of a desk watching Daniel and Peggy talk as they tried to adjust their plans.
"Perhaps Mr. Jarvis would be available on short notice to take her as a date..." mused Peggy.
"Whoa, Jarvis? Oh my gosh, the real person Jarvis is alive and walking around right now. That makes sense," I said, mostly talking to myself.
"That still doesn't solve the problem of them not being on the guest list," continued Daniel, he and Peggy only briefly glancing my way at the outburst.
"Maybe Howard could help us secure another two."
"He already wore out his welcome with these guys to get you in there the first time."
"Did you just say Howard? As in Howard Stark?"
Peggy and Daniel groaned in unison.
"Don't tell me you're a big fan of him too?" groaned Daniel.
"His ego's already big enough as it is," Peggy agreed.
"No, it's not that, I- uh... nevermind." I pushed off the desk, waving off thoughts of Tony. I still wasn't clear on how this time travel stuff worked, and I didn't want to go telling people about Howard Stark's currently nonexistent son without more assurance it wouldn't have any crazy impact first. "Look, you guys clearly don't have space for me in this mission. The best path is a small team, specifically a couple, who can enjoy the night like a regular date while still gathering intel and handling the mission."
Peggy and Daniel shared a look, and I could see an entire conversation passing between them. I continued.
"I might not know much about the forties, but I'm still a capable adult. I'm an Av- I was on a team with Steve to take on missions around the world. I'll be fine handling myself for a bit while you guys take care of business."
"Are you sure?" asked Peggy with a frown.
"We don't want to completely abandon you. Disappearing from your own time and reappearing in another can't be easy," added Daniel.
I gave them a faint smile, momentarily overwhelmed with memories. I'd first met Steve when he'd shown up in the future and needed someone to help him adjust. I'd been a SHIELD agent at the time, responsible for liaising with Tony Stark, so they figured helping a living legend adjust would be nothing compared to that.
They'd been right, and we'd hit it off the bat. When Tony eventually formed the team, I'd been on the roster. And now, I was the one being faced with adjusting to another time.
"It's not easy," I said to Daniel, the smile still on my face. "But I also don't need babysitters when those babysitters have important, world-saving duties to attend to. I actually have a little bit of an advantage, going back in time. I took history classes and whatnot, so I at least have some idea of how this world works."
"Well, if you're sure-"
"Alright! Sousa, Marge, fear not! The cavalry is here."
I turned at the sound of a new voice, but not before I caught Peggy and Daniel rolling their eyes so far back into their heads I couldn't see the pupils. A tall, blond man in a suit was striding across the room towards us, and a second after I started sizing him up he noticed me and did the same.
"Who's this?" he asked, coming to a stop in front of us. Peggy and Daniel didn't answer right away, apparently working together to gather mental strength before entering the conversation with this guy. I just leaned back a bit against the desk and watched.
Peggy and Daniel took a second to make significant eye contact, then sighed as one. Daniel turned to Jack, and Peggy subtly shifted closer to me.
"She's somebody who does a job like ours, but from the future," said Daniel. Jack just stared at him for a minute, then looked to me, and then back at Daniel.
"Sousa, despite what you might think, I'm not stupid."
"Jack, I get that it's hard to believe, but if you actually listen for two seconds-"
Jack huffed and crossed his arms while Daniel kept talking. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Peggy leaning in towards me, and I blocked out the boys' argument as she whispered to me.
"Y/N, I have a favor to ask of you."
"Hit me," I whispered back. Peggy sighed.
"Jack has recently had a moral epiphany," she started. I took half a second to give her a curious glance, and she just rolled her eyes in response. "It's been mostly nice, both to have him on our side and to finally have him respecting me and Daniel and anyone that's not an older man already in power.
"That said, we don't have space for him on this mission. All he's going to do is be a nuisance, and he's far less likely to agree to being benched than you."
"And I take it you have a solution for this?"
"Yes. But it would require throwing you under the bus to keep him occupied tonight."
I paused for a second, giving Jack another good look. He and Sousa were still in the middle of a heated argument while Sousa tried to convince him I was actually a time traveler, and even though they both seemed exasperated, Jack also seemed to be enjoying the back and forth. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth.
"Peggy Carter, it would be an absolute honor to assist you on a mission," I said, turning to her with a smile. "Even if it means spending the evening learning about the forties from a slightly questionable teacher."
"You're a lifesaver," she said, giving me a smile back. She pushed off the desk, moving towards Daniel and Jack to interrupt them but shooting me a wink first. "And don't worry, I'll give you an actual introduction to the decade after this mission is over."
I nodded, then Peggy got Jack and Daniel's attention to put their argument to rest and explain the situation. Jack raised an eyebrow when Peggy told him his job would be keeping me company, but she phrased it well enough that it didn't quite sound like babysitting for either of us. Finally, he agreed, and Peggy and Daniel headed out for their event, leaving me and Jack Thompson alone in the bullpen of the LA SSR.
He stood by the windows, staring out at the traffic below as I spun around in a swivel chair. I kept looking at him, but he didn't look over at me once, at least not that I could catch. Finally, after a few more rotations, I huffed a sigh and pushed myself up. I put my hands on my hips, but Jack still didn't look over.
"Alright, I'm bored out of my mind, which should not be a possibility less than three hours after I suddenly appeared in a different time period," I said. Jack finally looked over at me, raising an unimpressed eyebrow as he did. I continued. "You're supposed to be helping me adjust to this place, since I don't know how long I'm gonna be here. Believe it or not, it didn't take me that long to adjust to this office."
He sighed heavily, but stepped away from the window anyway, stopping a few feet in front of me with his arms across his chest. He stared at me for a few seconds without saying anything, and I just stared right back. I crossed my arms to mirror him and he snorted and rolled his eyes.
"You're really from the future?" he finally asked.
"Did the twenty minutes Peggy and Daniel spent convincing you not settle this matter?"
He grunted, then finally dropped his arms back to his sides.
"Fine. What do you want to do then?"
I grinned. "Any good places to grab a drink and a dance around here?”
"This is only my first week in LA, so if this place ends up being terrible, it's the city's fault and not mine," said Jack as we stepped out of the cab together. I'd taken a second to find a dress to steal from Peggy's emergency disguise stash at the SSR, since my 21st century mission clothes would probably cause a riot if I went out in them, and then Jack and I had jumped in a cab to a spot in town he'd heard about.
"Boooo," I teased as he paid the driver and we headed in together. "You can't consider the possibility of the night being a failure before it's even started! It's a jinx."
"A jinx?"
"Yeah, you know. Like bad luck."
"I know the definition of the word jinx," he scoffed. "I just think it's ridiculous you believe in them."
"Oh, yeah, of course. Actually, I didn't want to tell Peggy and Daniel this, but in the future we've discovered that a lot of things people dismissed as superstitions or bad luck are actually true. Like jinxes. Oh, and breaking a mirror? That actually will mess you up! We didn't realize it until science advanced a little further, I think in the seventies, but it's true."
Jack stared at me for a few seconds, and I stared back with a perfectly neutral expression on my face. Then, he broke into a grin and nudged me with his shoulder.
"You're messing with me."
"I definitely am."
He scoffed and shook his head, but the smile didn't drop off his face. He sighed dramatically, looking up at the club in front of us, then held out his arm for me to take.
"C'mon. You're the one who wanted to experience the time period."
I smiled up at him, then looped my arm through his. He pulled me a little closer, and I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't speed up a bit as we walked into the club together.
Immediately I got hit with the music I associated with the swinging jazz of the 1940s as we stepped into a world of men in suits and women in old-style dresses, all twirling across the dancefloor together.
"Whoa," I breathed. Suddenly, it started to sink in that I was actually in the 1940s, more than 80 years from everything and everyone I knew. A new surge of sympathy for Steve welled up in my chest.
"You alright?" asked Jack, nudging me a little as we stood in the doorway. I took a deep breath in and out, then slowly nodded. "Okay, good. Let's go get a drink.”
I huffed a laugh as he pulled me through the crowd and towards the bar. We managed to find two stools, and Jack pulled my seat out for me before I sat down. I couldn't help giving him a slightly bemused look, which he grunted about as he took the seat next to me.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing," I said, waving him off. "Just, you know... forties."
He turned to stare at me, his eyebrows knit together, but the bartender appeared before he could question what I was talking about.
"What can I get the two of you?" asked the bartender. Jack turned to me, letting me go first.
"I'll have an old fashioned, please."
Both he and Jack looked at me for a second, but I looked right back at both of them like they were crazy for questioning it (because they were). After a second, Jack shrugged and turned back to the bartender.
"I'll do the same."
The bartender nodded, then moved away to make the drinks. I turned and gave Jack a smile.
"Thanks for buying," I said. "I didn't have my wallet on me when I got sucked back in time, and even if I did, I don't think the bartender would be able to accept the kind of bills I carry. I'm not trying to get arrested for counterfeiting a few hours into being in the past."
Jack chuckled. "Sure thing. So, an old fashion, huh?"
"Yeah. It's Ton- uh, it's my friend's favorite drink. He got me drinking them, too."
"Hm. Future sounds like a wild place."
"Honestly, I'd say 1940 is a little wilder."
The bartender set down our drinks, and Jack put a few bills on the table. Then, once he was out of earshot again, I turned to Jack with a smile.
"Cheers," I said, raising my glass in toast. "To new experiences and getting to know each other and this weird ass trip back to the past."
Jack smiled, although I could tell he was fighting it, and clinked his glass with mine before we both took a sip.
"So, Jack Thompson... tell me about the forties."
Jack and I spent the next hour talking about everything from foods that hadn't been invented yet (ranch dressing!) to the weird, national popularity of baseball and how I couldn't wait to see people start getting the memo about the NBA. Some of it was informative, even helpful, but for the most part we just... talked. Laughed. Joked around and enjoyed each other's company like people who'd known each other much longer than a few hours.
For some reason, it just felt easy. Going into this, heading out with someone who was clearly a confident, if not arrogant, man from the 1940s, with Peggy's warnings on top of everything else? Well, let's just say I didn't have the highest of hopes. But by some miracle, whether it was our equally loud and teasing personalities or that fact that I proudly didn't know anything about baseball beyond the fact that games took way too long, rather than the ignorance or indifference he had been expecting... Jack Thompson and I got on like wildfire.
"I'm just saying, when you're watching a legend play, that's the only part of the game that matters!" Jack continued, defending his baseball stance. "And DiMaggio's a legend."
"Yeah, no shit," I scoffed, rolling my eyes to go with it. Jack snorted at my language, but I caught him grinning at me all the same as he took a sip from his drink. "But, unlike in other sports, your legend's only playing for like fifteen minutes out of every hour. Still boring!"
Jack opened his mouth, clearly ready with some other comeback that would do absolutely nothing to change my position, but before he could, the band started up with something I actually recognized.
"Oh my God!" I cried, setting down the now-empty glass that previously held my second old fashioned. "This song- we have to go dance!"
"You know this song?" asked Jack, only looking slightly bemused as he set down his glass and I dragged him towards the dance floor.
"Yeah. Steve plays it all. The damned. Time," I said, finally coming to a stop in the middle of the floor. I moved to drop Jack's hand now that I'd gotten him out here, but he just squeezed it tighter and pulled me closer. "It's one of the only songs from the forties he plays that I can actually stand."
Jack scoffed, wrapping an arm around my waist as we started twirling across the floor together. "You're actually friends with him? Sousa wasn't making that whole thing up?"
"What? No. Actually, I'm the one that helped him adjust to the future not long after he woke up in my time."
Jack nodded, looking thoughtful. "So that's why you recognized Carter? Sousa said you almost fainted from excitement when you first saw her."
"No. I mean, sort of, I guess. But I would've known her even without Steve. She's only the coolest, most badass woman and intelligence pioneer the world has ever known," I said. Jack snorted, and I scowled. "What? You disagree?"
He shrugged. "I mean, I'd probably argue there are some other intelligence pioneers that deserve mention. But... I guess no, I don't necessarily disagree. Just don't mention it to her, alright? I'll deny it, and I don't need her immortalization from a time traveler being thrown in my face every time I work a case with her for the rest of time."
I laughed, and Jack gave me a knowing smile before spinning me out and away from him. He twirled me across the floor before pulling me back to him quickly. We moved in perfect harmony, picking up our pace to match the band and putting the other couples to shame. We quickly got lost in our own little world, to the point that everyone and everything except the music disappeared. When Jack sped up, I sped up a little more, and we easily met each other's challenges, stupid smiles on our faces the whole time.
When a slower song started playing, Jack and I finally relaxed the pace, forgoing the elaborate dance moves to just sway in place and catch our breaths for a minute. I was still a little lost in our moment, enough so that I didn't notice someone else approaching us until he shoved himself part way between me and Jack.
"Hey doll. Mind if I cut in?" The guy leered over me, totally ignoring Jack as he reached for my hand without waiting for my answer. I scoffed, my tired-but-happy smile instantly turning into a scowl. Jack seemed equally frustrated and moved as if he was about to step in and do something about it, but I decided to just take care of it for the both of us.
"Actually, yeah, I do mind," I snapped, fixing the guy with an unimpressed look as I snatched my hand out of his reach. He seemed incredibly surprised by my response, but I plowed ahead anyway. "I'm dancing with someone already, and even if I weren't, I have no interest at all in dancing with you. So... scram. Or beat it. Or whatever people say now."
The man just stood there for a second, open-mouthed, blinking at me in stunned silence. Then, his expression shifted into a scowl and his face started to turn red.
"I- You- How dare you-!"
"Dude, get lost," I said, crossing my arms and staring him down as I talked over him. I glanced over his shoulder to Jack, who also looked shocked but in a pleasantly surprised way, and addressed him. "What's another good way to tell someone to go away?"
He shrugged, a delighted smile growing on his face. "Take a powder?"
"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Jack just nodded, so I looked back at the rude guy. "Alright, take a powder. Hit the bricks. Take a long walk off a short pier. Other creative ways to say leave. I want to dance to this lovely song with my dance partner here, who is not you, so... yeah. Take the blatant instructions."
The man whirled around to Jack, like he expected him to say or do something to reign me in. Jack just shrugged again.
"You heard the lady. I'm not gonna tell you anything she didn't already say."
The man scowled, whipping back to look at me again. I just met him with crossed arms and a look that told him I wouldn't be budging an inch. He spluttered a few more incoherent words in indignation, then stormed off the dance floor and out of sight. I sighed, then faced Jack again.
"How wildly out of place was that for the time period? Both him and me?" I asked. Jack grinned.
"Him? Not very. You? Insanely," he said, taking my hand again as we went back to gently swaying in place. He tugged me a little closer to his chest, and I smiled. "I gotta say though, I sure enjoyed watching it."
"Good. Because I don't actually care at all, and I had a lot of fun doing that."
Jack laughed, throwing his head back before fixing me with a brilliant smile. He twirled me out and away from him again, then pulled me right back into his chest. We swayed together, closer than we'd been all night, and to my surprise I started noticing more than a few butterflies squirming in my chest as I stared up at the SSR Chief. Hm, noted the more logical side of my brain as we moved across the crowded dance floor. Nice, my heart replied as Jack's strong hand laid firmly on my waist and my hand traveled to the collar of his shirt.
Jack and I spent the rest of the night at the club, enjoying the music, the dancing, and each other's company until the place turned on the lights and threw us out. A few times, other men came up to hit on me and "steal me away" from Jack. Each time, I dressed them down and sent them on their way, and each time Jack just grinned and watched me do it. I could still tell he was ready to jump in, that his instinct was to take care of it for me, but he seemed to enjoy watching the jerks splutter and babble in shock and surprise as much as I did.
Afterwards, when we wandered back out onto the LA street together, Jack insisted on escorting me back to Howard Stark's place, where I'd be staying with Peggy. It was going to be incredibly weird staying at Tony's dad's house, meeting him and the real-human Jarvis, but I could process that later. Right now, I wanted to focus on the amazing, less-weird parts of being in the 40s. Specifically Jack Thompson, who I'd just spent a wonderful night enjoying this new time period with.
Jack hailed us a cab, and I rested my head on his shoulder and watched the city go by as the taxi took us out of the city, to the massive Stark mansion. It was basically a 40s version of Tony's Malibu house, and a pang of sadness tightened in my chest when I realized I had no idea when–or if–I would see my friends again.
I took a deep breath and shook those thoughts out of my head as the car came to a stop. All of that was a problem for later, not now. Jack got out first, holding the door for me and offering a hand to help me out, which I took. Rather than dropping it once I stood, he wrapped it around his arm as he asked the cabbie to wait and escorted me towards the house. We stopped on the porch and turned to face each other, and I realized I actually really didn't want the night to end.
"Thanks for showing me around the forties," I said, giving Jack a small smile. "It was actually really fun."
"You don't have to sound so surprised," he griped, but a smile made its way onto his face all the same. "So... I don't know how long you're gonna be here, and obviously we've got a lot of other work to do with Carter and Sousa tomorrow, but... maybe I could take you out again sometime. There's still a lot of forties you haven't seen yet."
"I'd like that," I said, a warm feeling welling up in my chest. I hesitated a second as Jack and I stared at each other on the doorstep, then decided to say fuck it and keep doing what I'd been doing all night: following my impulses. "Quick question: in the forties, if I kiss you on the first date, is that going to scare you off or something?"
Jack grinned. "It might get a raised eyebrow from the cabbie, but I sure as shit won't be complaining."
With that, I grabbed Jack's lapels and tugged him towards me, leaning up just a bit and giving him a kiss. It was short, really just a quick peck since we'd just met, but fireworks exploded in my chest at the sensation anyway.
Jack's grin stayed in place as we pulled apart, and his hand lingered on my waist an extra second before dropping to his side. He took a step backwards, towards the waiting car, even as his eyes stayed on mine. I rested my hand on the doorknob, watching Jack and trying to stay in the moment even as he walked away.
"Welcome to the forties, sweetheart," he called as he made it down the porch steps and into the driveway. "I'll see you at work tomorrow."
I waved, a smile on my own face to match his. "Can't wait."
Jack gave a short wave and one last grin before getting into the cab. I watched as he drove away, a smile still on my own face even after I knew he couldn't see it. Finally, after the lights of the cab faded back into the LA night, I turned on my heel and walked into the house.
I'd been in the 40s for less than twelve hours, and I knew for a fact that I hadn't even scratched the tip of the iceberg on exploring the time period, or what frustrations being eighty years removed from everything I knew would bring. But, despite all that, I'd had a blast tonight, and tomorrow I'd get to start working with THE Peggy Carter. Whether I was only here for another few hours or it turned into months or longer, I couldn't help being excited at the idea of everything that was yet to come for me, not least of all my next date with Jack Thompson.
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xxruinaxxmcu · 1 year
Jack Thompson x Reader
Previous Chapters 
What Lies Before US
Chapter 19
A/N: once again thank you @clinicallydepressedreader for the lovely reblog of the last chapter! I do appreciate every like/feedback a great deal. 
The next morning, before the sun had made its way above the horizon, the two of them packed up their things in the office before making their way back to the bunker. It was still locked, so Jack entered the code to gain access.
“Seems like no one broke out”, he commented sarcastically.
They were greeted by silence as they made their way back towards the interrogation chamber. The first person they came across was Sousa, who looked like he hadn’t slept much.
“You look a bit under the weather”, Y/N said with a small smile, “Everything alright?”
The brunet nodded. “Yeah. Peggy’s asleep. So is her brother.”
“Did you get anything?”, Jack asked, pointing towards the interrogation room with his chin.
“Yeah”, he huffed, “seems like you really are our best interrogator, Jack. What a pity you’ll switch agencies.” He paused: “Apparently, he was captured in 1940 and brought to a facility in East Prussia, where he underwent torture for several years. After the war, HYDRA found new allies in the Soviet Union interested in their research, so the base continued in Kaliningrad.”
“So the Soviets know about that entire mind control stuff?”, Thompson asked, crossing his arms with a scowl. This was bad. HYDRA was a rogue organisation without a state to back it, but the Soviet Union had an entire apparatus behind it.
“Yeah”, Daniel confirmed, “he mentioned that they continued to work on their technique, improve the compliance of their subjects.”
“That’s why he’s only the BETA candidate”, Y/N threw in, “There must be an ALPHA, too. Someone who’s been trained better. That’s what they outlined in that booklet, too. Does he have details on that person?”
Daniel shook his head: “They made sure for candidates not to meet.”
“And do we know if he’s stable without a handler? Or is he just going to revert back into mad-mode?”, Jack questioned.
“I give no guarantees”, Daniel scoffed, “but I think without Keller’s orders, it should be fine. We’ll still send him to see a psychiatrist to look into possible de-programming, in case we were to ever run into another HYDRA scientist again.” His head turned to Y/N. “Thank you, Y/N. I know you could’ve shot him to get our mission done with less personal risk.”
She waved her hand: “Daniel. I’ve pulled the trigger too quick too often. I suppose I can try the other way once in a while.” Feeling Jack’s gaze upon her, she knew that he knew what she felt, even if he disagreed with her feeling that sense of guilt.
“We’ll take him back to L.A. with us”, Daniel said, nudging his head in the direction of where Michael was still locked up, “probably we’ll leave in about ten hours. Peggy organised private means of transportation.”
“You mean she called Stark.”
“I mean she called Stark”, Sousa confirmed Jack’s guess. “Are you coming with us?”
The two exchanged a quick glance.
“I think we have to get our affairs sorted in New York. I have to talk to McKinley to make him interim Chief”, Jack pulled a face, “and yes, I vetted him as thoroughly as I could, and though he doesn’t have my charm, he’s sure as hell not gonna turn out a Communist or HYDRA agent.”
Daniel and Y/N scoffed simultaneously.
“I described you in a great many ways, Thompson, but charming?”, Daniel grinned.
“If you need backup”, Y/N said, not having to say more than that to clarify her offer. Sousa nodded.
“We will.”
“I’ll organise our fights back to New York”, Y/N said to Jack before marching off to one of the offices to call the airline.
When she had left, Jack turned to Sousa.
“I need Carter to spend a weekend with Y/N, get her out of New York.”
“What?”, Sousa raised an eyebrow, “Are you double-crossing someone again?” It was a clearly a joke, but Jack still rolled his eyes.
“No, you jackass”, he huffed, “but there’s something I need to do, and I can’t have her knowing just yet. Come on, it’s awful keeping a secret from a spy, so I need a spy to help me!”
Daniel had his suspicions where this was headed, so he nodded without further question.
A few hours later, Y/N and Jack got ready to leave Miami behind.
“Tell Peggy I wish her all the best”, Y/N said to Sousa when they got ready to enter the taxi, “I think she’s quite busy with everything that’s happened.”
“I will”, Sousa said with a smile, “Thank you for the help.”
“Don’t mention it”, she said, “You two have saved our asses more than enough, too.”
Just when they were about to climb into the cab, the door flew open again and Peggy stormed out to hug Y/N. “You didn’t think I would not say goodbye to you, did you?”
“I’m sure you’ve got bigger things on your mind then waving at me”, Y/N laughed, “especially since I’m sure we’ll speak on the phone before you know it.”
“You can count on it!”, Peggy looked over to Jack, nodding at him. “Thank you, Jack. I even relinquish the desire to shoot you.”
Jack snorted. “Yeah? Thanks, Marge.”
“See you around, you two”, Peggy said with a smile as they departed. For once, despite the entire Michael-situation wasn’t yet resolved completely, their case was closed. Keller was dead. The Arena Club dismantled.
Jack Thompson’s and Y/N L/N’s tenue at the SSR was coming to a close.
They decided to remain at the SSR for four more weeks to wrap things up, then take a few days off with the vacation days that they had, in theory, accumulated but had been unable to ever use because the world wouldn’t stop ending before starting at the CIA in March of 1948. That meant that they had a few weeks of mostly filing and other desk duties, which came to Y/N’s advantage as it gave her wound time to heal without feeling like she was missing out on anything that would’ve needed her skillset. A definite downside to that was, however, that it provided time to think. And as good as they were when dealing with criminals, from mobster to mad scientist, they were equally terrible at handling domestic issues.
And there was a rather big one that they had to take care of one way or another. Their own wedding.
‘Why the hell are you worrying about this, Thompson? You’ve seen how it goes at Carter and Sousa’s. Just don’t fall flat on your face and you’ll be fine’, Jack thought to himself, though he knew he was only kidding himself. There were a million things that could go wrong. Family was a blessing, but it was also a can of worms. And his friends from university and from his time in the Marine Corps didn’t know each other, so they might hate each other. And there was the miniscule thing around Y/N’s family. Or, more precisely, her father.
Their wedding would take place in February, which meant that it would most likely be cold as hell, but there wasn’t much they could do about it, it was one of the only moments – perhaps of their entire lives – where they could be fairly sure that they had time for such an event.
Y/N was a bit confused by the no-discussion-allowed tone Peggy had when she called her one day to inform her that they’d spend a weekend together back in Boston where Peggy knew a childhood friend who was selling wedding dresses. Y/N wasn’t that thrilled to return to that city again so soon – but after being threatened to have to fly to L.A. to meet with her instead, she agreed.
“You sure you don’t want to come?”, Y/N asked when packing her suitcase, looking over to her fiancé. “We don’t really do things traditionally, so I don’t mind if you see the dress before day X.”
“You’re right”, he pushed himself off the wall with a grin, “we did everything up until this moment in an unorthodox manner. Let’s do this one thing the old-fashion way. I’m sure my ma would be livid if we didn’t.” He gave her a quick kiss, causing Y/N to laugh.
“Your ma would be livid if she knew half the crap we’ve done together”, Y/N informed him, “And I don’t even mean just our work now, I doubt she’d be happy with all the stuff that happened before the war, either.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, we were practically saints at university”, he said with a wink, making her scoff.
“Yeah. I hope Nick bites his tongue if he’s around on our wedding day. Don’t want your parents’ image of their saintly son to be destroyed.”
Y/N was greeted by her friend at the airport. “You really didn’t have to fly all across the country just for this silly thing”, Y/N said after giving her a hug, “I’m sure Jack wouldn’t have walked off the altar just because I was wearing a normal dress. With that temper of his, he can’t afford to be picky.”
Peggy laughed at her jab at her fiancé. “You know, Y/N, I have to agree with you on this one! Doesn’t mean you should not do it, still. Maybe I just want to see that airhead speechless once.”
Y/N grinned. “He does have a tendency to want the last word. That, and he doesn’t have the best of filters. Should’ve seen him when we met again after the war. I wasn’t sure if he was about to jump at me to hug me, or slap me, and he just ended up accidentally insulting me.”
“What?”, Peggy looked offended on Y/N’s behalf when she heard that, and Y/N only waved.
“I’m pretty sure he had a rough night before”, she said with a lopsided smile, “and he’s never been good at personal diplomacy. Trust me, you eventually learn to handle and to interpret his insults. Most of them aren’t meant to be taken literally, or even figuratively, they’re just an expression of Thompson-doesn’t-know-what-to-say.”
As they made their way through the city, Y/N sighed. “Didn’t expect to be back here so soon, I have to say. But I guess I can’t hate every city for what happened in it, otherwise, sooner or later, I won’t be able to live in the US entirely.”
“So you’ve gotten over your hatred for L.A.?”, Peggy asked with raised eyebrows.
“No?” The brunette laughed.
“No, but for a whole host of reasons. First”, Y/N raised a finger, “I don’t like the climate. Way to hot. I prefer more moderate weather, and New York’s summers are hot enough. Second, I am deeply weirded out by Hollywood. Feels like throwing a glittering blanket over a pile of dirty laundry.” Peggy laughed at her description of most people’s idolised part of America, but Y/N continued. “Third, I have to be a bit considerate towards Jack. And I doubt he can live in the same city as Howard Stark without accidentally murdering him.”
“Yes, some days, I share that sentiment”, Peggy agreed, “By all his brilliance, he is a nuisance, too.”
Y/N pressed her lips together, wondering if asking about Michael was appropriate. She decided, after having taken a bullet in order to save the man, she had the right to inquire. “How is your brother?”
“I think he is getting better. It is really hard, though, for him to – you know – figure out who he is, again. Who he really is, without mind control, without the programme that they had drilled into him”, Peggy replied, her tone calm and relatively collected. “But I know he’ll get through this. Michael taught me what it means to fight to get what no one thought possible. He survived all they’ve done to him – he’ll get back.”
“We’ll have to look into that programming, though”, Y/N muttered, clenching her jaw, “it doesn’t sound from the notebook that they’re thinking about scaling back their experiments. Chances are, we’ve got several other American or British POWs that underwent similar procedures and are being reintroduced into the country to do their bidding.”
“Yes”, Peggy agreed, frowning at the thought. Then, she shook her head. “But not today. Today, you’re going to find the perfect dress!”
The quaint house stood in the middle of a large plot of land, and if Jack had to ever point to the definition of a house with a white picket fence, it would have been this house. It had everything one would draw on such a picture – trees in the garden, well-maintained flowers. A swing.
A swing? He looked at the wooden contraption. Yes, a swing. But Y/N was an only child – at least, she had been when she left for Europe. Oh well. ‘Here goes nothing’. He fought the urge to abort the mission, to just go home and get married to the girl he wanted to marry without pulling this stunt – he knew she wouldn’t have been mad at him for not doing it. But, once again, his stubborn self could not accept that her father was mad at her decision to leave for Europe. Even if it had taken Jack himself a minute to get around on that decision.
He sighed, and went to ring the doorbell.
First, no one answered the door. Looking through the window next to it, he saw that there was light burning in one of the rooms, so he assumed someone was in there. Then, through the window, he saw a kid walking towards him – maybe fifteen. Dark hair and dark eyes, he looked confused when he opened the door.
“Yes? Can I help you?”, the boy asked.
“I’m looking for Mr. L/N”, Jack replied, “is he here?”
“He’s upstairs”, the boy replied, “who’s asking? I can get him.”
“Jack Thompson”, Jack pulled out his SSR ID, “He might remember me from when he lived in New York. I went to school with his daughter.”
“Dad?”, the boy turned around and yelled upstairs, “someone here to see you! A federal agent!”
Jack heard the footsteps of Y/N’s father descending the stairs. When he saw Jack in the doorframe, his face froze.
“You’re the boy Y/N went to school and university with”, he stated.
“Yes”, Jack nodded, shaking the man’s hand, “Jack Thompson. I’ve worked with your daughter at the SSR after the war, too.”
An aura of darkness, perhaps of sorrow or nostalgia coated the man’s face. “Seems like she couldn’t let it go.”
Jack’s eyebrows twitched upwards. “Sir, her work saved countless lives. During her time in Germany, as well as during her time at the SSR. Most men would be happy settling for half of her record.”
Mr. L/N pressed his lips together. “And you came here to bring me the notice of her passing? Is that it? Your sworn duty as her commanding officer?”
“What?”, Jack frowned, “No. Y/N’s alive and well, sir. I came here to ask you to give your daughter the right to choose. She didn’t have to serve. And yet, she did. And when she came back, she didn’t have to work for an intelligence agency. And yet, she did. Hell, I didn’t task her with half the crap she ended up pursuing at the SSR, and in hindsight, I should thank the Lord that she did. If it hadn’t been for her, I’d be dead.”
Mr. L/N looked over his shoulder, at the boy still standing there. “Give us a moment, Rich.” Then, he stepped outside, alone, to face Jack.
“Mr. Thompson, when Y/N decided to head to England, her mother already knew that she was sick. She just didn’t tell Y/N right away. We didn’t want her to go, because we already knew we’d lose someone within the next years. Before she could tell Y/N, she was on her way to England.” He sounded bitter, angry, because that meant that his only child had left him alone.
“Sir, I get that this must’ve hurt, I do”, Jack clenched his jaw, “but we were all asked to make a sacrifice. We were asked to take up arms and run head first into enemy lines if need be. So yes, your family was ruined by war, even though Y/N came back, and for that, I am sorry. But how many families lost multiple children to the war, how many families were torn apart? She tried to do what was right, and she did a fine job.” He paused. “So I ask, is that resentment really worth ruining the chance of salvaging the relationship you could still have to your daughter? Because she left you in order to serve her country?” For once, he managed not to raise his voice to a hostile level, but he nonetheless stared down Mr. L/N.
“Mr. Thompson”, he said slowly, carefully, “Why did you come here?”
Jack huffed. “I came here to tell you that on February 19th, Y/N L/N will become Misses Y/N Thompson. She was convinced that you would not want to be at her wedding. I came here to ask you myself. And you can say no, but I wanted to give you the chance to not lose your daughter. Yes, she went to war, and yes, she came back different. But she came back. And if you let her, you can have her back, too.”
February 19th was the date Jack had suggested. Y/N knew why that date meant something to him. It was the day he went to hell – February 19th, 1945, had been the day he landed on Iwo Jima. That day would always remain a black mark in his calendar, but this way, he took it back. It would no longer be the worst day of his life, it would be the best day of his life, too. Simply put, it would become the most meaningful day, good and bad, in his life.
Y/N had eventually found a dress – its long sleeves made up by a delicate lace, a deep v-neckline that, nonetheless, was modest, albeit a bit a different cut from the standard dresses. The A-line skirt allowed for easy movement, but did not consist of so much fabric that it would turn into a tripping hazard. Looking in the mirror, she saw Peggy smile at her from behind. Y/N herself didn’t manage to smile. She felt like she was staring at someone else entirely.
“You look stunning, Y/N. Absolutely gorgeous!”, Peggy stated and added with a smile, “What exactly Jack Thompson did to deserve you, I shall never know.”
Y/N couldn’t help but to grin at that remark. She knew that Peggy and Jack had started off – and continued for a long while – on the wrong foot.
“He really was a prick after the war, huh”, Y/N huffed, pulling the fabric around her neckline into place.
“The worst part is – at least he had somewhat of an explanation for it”, Peggy lamented, “But how many others are just as bad as he was and aren’t as marked by the years we spent abroad?”
“Peg, I am sorry to inform you, but if you want to live in a world without being degraded by our wonderful male co-workers”, Y/N said, turning to face the brunette with a cynical smile, “Then you were born at least two hundred years too early.”
“Well, someone has to pave the way, and I suppose, for the time being, that’ll have to be the two of us – and in all fairness, we have come a long way within the SSR”, Peggy replied, and Y/N nodded with one eyebrow raised.
“I suppose we have. Though you’ve had it significantly worse than I did. I was never accused of treason, or kicked out, or blackmailed with another person’s file”, Y/N said dryly.
“Indeed, the accusation of treason mostly came from my now-husband, I was kicked out by Chief Dooley, and blackmailed by Chief Thompson”, she recounted, laughing, “I suppose now I’ve gotten a beating from all the Chiefs, so maybe I am good now.”
“You better be, considering you’ll be heading a new organisation soon”, Y/N winked, “unless you go against yourself – you’ve got only Howard Stark to fear, and I think he has better things to do than to go after you. A suggestion from me – he should invest in a better vault. And security system.”
“Mr. Thompson!”, Jack looked over his shoulder as he was walking back to his car when he saw the kid from before running towards him.
“Can I help you, kid?”, he asked, turning around with an eyebrow raised.
“Dad never mentioned that Y/N was still alive”, the boy said, “He also never said that she was dead, now that I think about it. I guess, I just explained it away, given that she was never here.” He held out his hand: “I’m Rich. I’m Y/N’s stepbrother.”
Stepbrother. That made sense. A son from a previous marriage, whose father either had died, or was so absent that he had started to call Mr. L/N dad.
“Pleasure to meet you, Rich.”
“What is she like?”
Jack knew that he meant it as a completely innocent question, but to him, it was loaded with the memories of about fifteen years that he had, in one way or another, spent with Y/N. He didn’t even know where to begin with. How should he explain to this kid what a person Y/N was?
“Y/N”, he eventually said, elongating her name in the search for words, “She’s, uhm, probably the bravest, kindest, and strongest person I’ve ever met. Words don’t do her justice.”
“Dad hardly ever mentioned her – you said that she served… where did she serve? Dad didn’t seem thrilled about it.”
Jack knew that it wasn’t his story to tell – the spying, the entire tale of Y/N’s time in Germany, but he also wanted to convey to this boy that his ‘dad’ was dead-wrong for having been upset at his daughter, so he decided to rub it right in his face. “She fought against the Nazis. She spent the war in Europe. That’s why she left.”
It had the effect he had wanted – Rich’s mouth fell open as he stared at Jack in disbelief. “What? That’s awesome!”
“Yeah, well”, Jack gave him a lopsided grin and nodded towards the house behind them, “tell that to your dad, will ya, kid?”
“I will, sir!” Jack almost pulled a face at the kid calling him ‘sir’. Only the pencil pushers in the SSR called him that, and even they only rarely did. Most of them just called him ‘Chief’. The last time he was called ‘sir’ right, left and centre was back in the military.
“See you around, Rich.”
When Y/N returned, she wasn’t surprised when Jack was not at either her or his place – though their time at the SSR was coming to an end, he still didn’t like to let go off the wheel entirely just yet. So she headed to the office, where her search was indeed successful.
Entering the office, she felt the eyes of the men inside it on her.
Raising an eyebrow and putting her hands on her hips, she paused. “Is something the matter, gentlemen?”
“We knew about you leaving the SSR together with the Chief, but he only now mentioned that you’ll soon be married”, Goldberg eventually said, causing Y/N to raise her other eyebrow as she laughed.
“Yes, I’m sorry for myself, too.”
“Hey!” She grinned at Jack whose head popped out of the bullpen as he shook his head: “Unbelievable.”
“Congratulations, Y/N. Can’t say I saw that coming when you had your first day here, I thought you’d be more likely his murderer than his wife, but I stand corrected.”
Y/N laughed at Goldberg’s not entirely wrong analysis of hers and Jack’s first meeting post-war.
“What can I say”, she said, “we’ve never done things traditionally. That applies professionally as well as privately, it would seem.”
“I swear, if you now start telling them about our yesteryears, I’ll fire you on the spot”, Jack warned jokingly, “I want to upkeep my reputation for my next job.”
Y/N huffed: “I have no idea what you’re getting at, Jack. Your drinking escapades aside, and your unbelievable ability to make enemies, you were a straight-A student all your life.” And both of these aspects of his personality weren’t all that well-hidden, though, perhaps, his subordinates merely got to see the surface of both.
In fact, that was perhaps one of Jack Thompson’s most proficient traits. He had the capability to adapt to his environment, mould himself into whatever people expected from a person in his situation, put his own personality on the backburner in order to climb the ladder. He had always wanted to be the best – the best at maths, the best at sports, the best at anything he ever did, and he’d do anything to succeed. That didn’t necessarily mean to push others out the way, it certainly meant he fought hard to be better than the next guy, but as harsh as he was to others, he was at least ten times harsher with himself. He was able to build up a wall to reinforce himself to be ready to take on a world that had been incredibly hostile in their lifetime. They had experienced an economic crash and an economic recovery, they had experienced the worst war the world had ever seen. Not only that, but they had fought in it. And then they had come back to a country where they felt like strangers, only to realise that they had to second-guess every person around them. His wall of anger and of sarcasm and rudeness, it was also a wall of hard work, of doubt and of a deep conviction to want to serve this country. It was the wall that only very few got to ever climb, and Y/N was perhaps the one person who knew every brick in the wall.
To understand Jack Thompson was to understand the environment he operated in. That’s how it’s always been – he had been a different person when they were surrounded by other students as he was when he was with his family. He was different when being the SSR Chief, or her fiancé. Essentially, he grew up in a society that valued first and foremost the outcome, rather than the means. And the outcome society valued most was success. That might come across as greedy or selfish, but Y/N knew – at heart, he still did it all with good intentions. He wouldn’t ever back out of a fight in fear over his own life. He was willing to die for his job. And he didn’t trust many others to do a better job than he did himself. Again, this might sound selfish and arrogant to many, but Y/N had seen ‘the others’. Men like Vernon Masters, Calvin Chadwick and so on. They were just as ambitious, but they were cowards. They were willing to sacrifice others for their own success. He was willing to sacrifice himself.
And that, Y/N thought to herself, is why I’m going to marry him – to keep that part of him controlled. Because as much as she admired him for his willingness to give his all for cause and country – she really didn’t want him to become a martyr. She didn’t need for him to become the next Captain America. She was fine with him just being a good man, a man with a long list of flaws and a record of mistakes.
She could not ever imagine being with someone as literally flawless as Steve Rogers – then, she would feel like an absolute imposter. She had just as long a list of flaws and mistakes.
That’s why it worked. They needed each other – and in a sense, they always had.
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September and October Fic Recs!
The end of my September/whole of October ended up being very very very busy so I decided to compress these two months into one! I didn’t get to read quite as much as I wanted to, but when I did have a moment for it, these fics served as much needed breaks from a pretty heavy workload. Check them out and enjoy!
None of these fics are mine! They’re recommendations of other people’s work I’ve read throughout the month(s). Recs are below the cut
Sam Wilson
I’ve got time, I’ve got love by @rodrikstark
A really sweet fic with a very stressed out and anxious reader and our very own Captain America. Sam is so loving and caring in this fic and it was SUCH a good read.
Natasha Romanoff
Meet the Avengers by @ghostofskywalker
A sweet and fluffy Nat fic where she shows SERIOUS heart eyes for the reader! We loving seeing secret dating come to light, it’s always an adorable time
Daniel Sousa
Fighting for Us by @ghostofskywalker
A TRULY adorable fic with Daniel and reader, I absolutely LIVE for fics with confessions of feelings and (as usual with Tori) this one is SO well written!! Daniel is one of my faves too, which makes this an extra fun read.
Jack Thompson
By your side by @writeroutoftime
An ADORABLY fluffy fic of Jack and the reader finally finding a way to get married (with a little help from Peggy) despite the SSR throwing everything possible in their way. SO cute
Peggy Carter
The Agent Next Door by @ghostofskywalker
Straight up one of my favorite fics I’ve ever read. Fantastic energy and interactions between Peggy, Jack, and Daniel, and such an adorable flustered Peggy around her crush. Fantastic fic and a serious must-read
Harry Osborn
So Much It Hurts by @shaded-echoes
Technically more of a tasm!Peter Parker angst than a Harry Osborn x reader, although that is the relationship in the fic. Angst, but SO good and SO well written, omg. I’m not usually an angst person but I absolutely loved this fic. Really good story and a really talented writer
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi
So Close Yet So Far by @ghostofskywalker
The origin of my new favorite trope that I didn’t know existed before now. It’s childhood best friends but in the Jedi Order, which is a uniquely special thing to me. Literally so soft and omg, I love it so much
Anakin Skywalker
Heights by @degreeinsimping
Literally a freaking ADORABLE fic with Anakin taking care of a reader who’s got a crush on him when they’re scared of heights. So fluffy and cute and Anakin is written super well! Love him and this fic
Top Gun
No Specific Pairing
Squadron Disney Trip Headcanons by @mouseymagines
Funny, adorable, and super fitting headcanons of a full-squad Disney trip. Absolutely love to see fluffy headcanons like this. I just wanna see the squad hang out and have fun, yk? Also LOVE imagining going to Disney with them
Johnathan Crane
Untitled by @madame-fear
A freaking ADORABLE fic involving a rescue of reader from a spider, one of my favorite tropes since it is very relatable to my own life lol. Such a cute and also really well written fic!
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Hey Stranger by @robynlilyblack
I was literally squealing at how adorable this fic is!! Very cute relationship and interactions with Sirius and the reader and some FANTASTIC Marauders + Lily and Harry vibes. Screw canon I want this lol!
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Uncle!Cassian x Toddler!Nyx
Walking Through Velaris on a Chilly Night by @fawnandshadows
A very sweet and fluffy little oneshot of Cassian being a good uncle to his adventurous baby nephew. Literally so cute and SUCH good fall vibes
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Keep My Hand in Yours by @harringtown
Some really sweet fluff for our boy Steve! Cuddling, Steve feeling loved and safe, mutual pining and a confession of love - what more could you ask for!
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ssk374 · 1 year
Agent Carter Bingo 2022 Prompt: Flowershop AU Colour: Pink
Characters: Peggy, Jack and Danny
Pairing: Jack Thompson X Daniel Sousa
DRAWING CATS IS HAAAARRRDDD!!! The red-dressed cat is Peggy, the one with the crutch is Daniel, and the one sleeping in the paper bag is Jack. Daniel is taking care of Jack because he was shot in season 2. It's also cute of him to put some flowers on Jack's head. In reality, this is an undercover operation led by Peggy and she's tired of doin' everything herself!! I made Jack gray because he's a gray zone character.
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momentofch-aos · 2 years
Agent Carter Bingo 2022 Masterlist
I've had so much fun doing this so here is the masterlist of the 16 (!!!) fics I've uploaded this year. (the titles are links)
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No 1. It was LA...
When looking through old files, Daisy asks Sousa about one of his old cases.
Square Filled : Whitney Frost
Pairing : Daniel Sousa x Daisy Johnson, previous Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 2 At Long Last, All Was Well
Peggy goes on a mission but is declared missing in action. Daniel deals with work, the children and his own emotions.
Square Filled : Reunion
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 3 Go to Sleep.
Three times they encouraged each other to get some rest.
Square Filled : Go to sleep
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 4 Better Than She Knew Herself
Peggy is on a stakeout when she see’s Daniel enter a flower shop. Misunderstandings and fluff ensues. Peggy meets Daniel's family.
Square Filled : Flower Shop
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 5 As It Should Be
Peggy and Daniel's relationship in season 2 through the eyes of everyone's favourite butler, Edwin Jarvis.
Square Filled : Edwin Jarvis
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 6 Lead The Way
Jack sends Peggy and Daniel off on an overnight mission together... but there's only one bed. Set Post-season 1 - not canon compliant
Square Filled : One Bed
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 7 Sweet Goodbyes to Precious Hellos
Angie receives great news and gets an even better surprise to celebrate!
Square Filled : Angie Martinelli
Pairing : Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli (platonic) background Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa (romantic)
No. 8 Catching A Break
Rose convinces Peggy to go on a blind date, knowing it isn't quite what it seems
Square Filled : Blind date
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 9 Safe in Your Arms (as you are in mine)
Towards the beginning of their relationship, before they went to bed together, Daniel began to notice that Peggy would sleep almost defensively.
Square Filled : Peggy Carter
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 10 My Memory of You
It had been two days since they’d got the diagnosis. Two days since Beth Sousa had sat beside her mother in the doctor’s office while he delivered the news she had been somewhat expecting.
tw : Alzheimer's diagnosis and discussion, grief
Square Filled : Memory
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No 11. The Effect of Good Friendships
Peggy and Daniel save Jack's wedding when he's about to mess up - with the best intentions.
Square Filled : Wedding
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 12 Rich in Love
Tony Stark lived a life of luxury. His father had endless money, which to the general public meant Tony was rich. But Tony knew he was rich in other ways. 
Square Filled : Picnic
No main focus pairing but Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa and Edwin Jarvis x Ana Jarvis involved.
No. 13 Always a Knockout
“Word is that Carter and Thompson are fighting in the main gym sir.”
Square Filled : 'Not Again'
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No 14. No-One Plots Murder Aloud
"I would get away with it you know"
"Yes dear."
Square Filled : Murder
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 15 A Little Reassurance
When his son comes to him to ask a favour, Daniel's quiet night in with the family becomes slightly different.
Prompt : 'Can I Borrow Your Car?'
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
No. 16 Appreciate the Beauty of the Snow
Daniel tries to distract Peggy and it ends up in a snowball fight on the roof.
Prompt : Spring
Pairing : Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
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And just like that, I'm all done.
A lot of these link to my verse that is a continuation of season 2 and onwards and I have so enjoyed writing snippets of their future.
They can all be found linked as a series on my Ao3 here.
Big thanks to @agentcarterbingo for organising, I can't wait to read more of everyone else's work 💜
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