#peggy x angie
kcsplace · 10 months
Marvel looked at Automats and went "make them gay" and I appreciate that.
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sav-the-bi-queen · 4 months
1) Regina x Emma
From once upon a time
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2) Riley x Maya
From girl meets world
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3) Quinn x Rachel
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4) Adora x Catra
From she-ra
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5) Deena X Sam
From fear street trilogy
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6) Harley x Ivy
From Harley Quinn the animated series
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7) Kara x Lena
From super girl
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8) Hen x Karen
From 9-1-1
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9) Peggy x Angie
From agent carter
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10) Cheryl x Toni
From riverdale
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emerysaks · 2 months
heyy could you do a fluffy cartinelli fic where they're old ladies living happily ever after
Thanks for the ask! Gal Pals
A/N: This ask is set in 1981 when Raiders of the Ark premiered. The Uptown Theater was a movie theater nestled in Washington, D.C.’s Cleveland Park neighborhood. Built in 1936, it hosted several world premieres, including Jurassic Park, and it was one of the 32 theaters to play Star Wars on opening day.
Peggy ended up in DC with S.H.I.E.L.D. in this universe, and Angie followed.
“Hurry up, darling. We’re going to be late!” Peggy glanced at her watch and sighed. After almost 35 years, she should be used to Angie running behind schedule.
“Hold your horses, English. I’m coming,” Angie grumbled as she came into the room. “Some of us had to work today and are exhausted.”
“Were your students troublesome?” Peggy teased. She placed her hand on Angie’s back and ushered her through their front door.
“Summer classes are rarely troublesome, Peg,” Angie corrected. “They just get excited because of the summer musical revue.”
Peggy turned the key in the lock and tugged at it. Satisfied their home was secure, she turned to Angie and offered her arm. Angie slipped her own through and shrugged. “Honestly, I shouldn’t complain. Most of the teachers would kill to have interested students.”
“Most teachers didn’t share the stage with Julie Andrews and Carol Channing,” Peggy observed.
Angie rolled her eyes. “I was in the ensemble. I don’t think Julie knew my name until you showed up and started talking in the same posh accent.”
“Such a lovely woman.”
“Meanwhile,” Angie pressed, “I don’t think my resume impresses my students.”
Peggy let her eyes trail down Angie’s form before resting appreciatively on the soft curves of her bottom. “Perhaps not your male students,” she smirked.
Angie scoffed. “I’m 56, Peggy.”
“And they’re hormone-fueled college students. Trust me, I’ve been to your shows. I’ve seen how their eyes wander,” she growled.
Angie slapped her hand against Peggy’s arm. “Stop it. You’re almost 60.”
“I’ll never be too old for jealousy, darling.”
Angie threw her a sly grin. “Are you too old for other things?”
Peggy tugged her closer. “We don’t have to go to the movie tonight,” she winked.
“Nope! I’ve been dreaming of movie popcorn all week,” Angie told her. “We’re going.” She glanced at Peggy and cleared her throat. “We can talk about that… later.”
“Flirting aside,” Peggy smiled, “your students love you, as evidenced by the waitlist every semester. They’re going to be heartbroken when you retire.”
Angie nodded and smoothed a hand down her dress. “I’ll miss them, too.” She gazed thoughtfully at Peggy. “Was it hard for you? Leaving the field and becoming a Director? I know retiring from teaching college drama isn’t the same, but-”
“Darling, I’ve told you many times. Your job is not lesser than mine.”
“You saved the world from Hydra, Pegs. And aliens. And that one guy who could talk to slugs.” She pursed her lips. “That one was weird, and I still don’t fully understand it.”
“And you educate the minds of future generations,” Peggy interrupted. “I daresay your job is more important.”
“Do you miss it?” Angie pressed again.
Peggy grew pensive. She’d been Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. for over thirty years but still sometimes longed for the adrenaline-fueled missions in a foreign country. She’d always enjoyed fieldwork, and although she occasionally participated in missions here and there, her job these days tended to be at a desk, sifting through requests and dealing with bureaucratic nonsense.  
“I do miss it,” Peggy admitted. “I miss the camaraderie in the field. The satisfaction of capturing an enemy agent. Going to sleep at night sore and bruised but knowing the world’s a little bit safer because of it.”
“I don’t miss it,” Angie told her softly. “I hated nights waiting up for you. Hoping you were safe. Cleaning up your bloodied face and hands. Watching you while you slept and wondering if you’d return the next time you left.”
Peggy sighed. She knew all of that. She’d only been released from the hospital for a few days in March 1977 before she tried to volunteer for a mission her team could handle without her. When Angie found out, a particularly explosive argument ensued. In the end, Peggy had trudged into Howard’s office and told him she needed to scale back fieldwork and focus on how she could best serve S.H.I.E.L.D. from her desk.
“I know, and I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that.”
Angie smiled and bumped her shoulder against Peggy’s. “Well, I probably shouldn’t have said some of those things back then. But,” she continued, “it’s much nicer getting to see you every day. Nice to worry less, too.”
“You might not have to worry if Johnson gets his way,” Peggy scowled. “I’ve never seen someone campaign so hard for an unavailable job.”
“Oh, please,” Angie rolled her eyes. “They’ll have to pry your cold dead body out of that chair before you willingly leave.”
Peggy frowned. “That’s a big dramatic.”
“Am I wrong?”
Peggy smiled but didn’t answer. “Tell me again what we’re seeing?”
“Raiders of the Lost Ark?”  Peggy asked, studying the poster plastered outside the Uptown Theater.
“Yup!” Angie grinned.
“Han Solo made a biblical movie?”
Angie laughed and nudged Peggy in the ribs. “Don’t pretend you don’t know the actor’s name. Besides, I know you secretly think Harrison Ford is a dreamboat.”
Peggy turned away from the poster and frowned. “What? No! I merely said he was a nice-looking man.”
“Come on, Pegs. Any time we pass a Star Wars poster, you glance at it appreciatively.”
Peggy huffed. “He’s young enough to be my son.”
Angie giggled. “And Greer Garson was old enough to be my mother, but that didn’t stop me.”
“You always did have a soft spot for English accents,” Peggy murmured affectionately.
“You think?” Angie laughed and slipped her arm back through Peggy’s. “Now, let’s go get some popcorn and find a seat. I’m excited to see Han Solo beat the Nazis.”
Peggy looked startled. “What?”
“You’ll see,” Angie promised. 
Peggy found their seats and waited for Angie to sit before taking hers and handing the giant bucket of popcorn Angie had insisted they buy. As she sipped her drink, she watched Angie fish a bag of candy from her purse, followed by another box of Cracker Jack.
“Retrieving a measuring tape or lamp out next?” Peggy asked dryly.
“I understand that reference,” Angie smirked. “And no, I’m not. But I refuse to pay what they want for a box of Cracker Jack.”
“So, you resort to candy smuggling.”
“Whatever it takes, English. I’m saving money. Be grateful.”
Peggy shook her head in amusement and passed the soda to Angie. 
Angie took a long sip and gazed at Peggy. “You know one of the best things about being old ladies now?”
“I thought we established that we’re not old.”
“Hush, grandma.”
Peggy rolled her eyes but said nothing.
“Nobody gives us a second glance when we go out. We’re just two older – okay, middle-aged ladies – spending time together. Best friends. Gal pals.”
Peggy snorted inelegantly. “Gal pals. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that one.”
Angie laughed. “Yep. Gal pals. Getting popcorn and sharing a soda.”
The lights dimmed, and cheers broke out in the theater as the opening credits began to play. 
Peggy felt a warm palm slip into her lap and brush against her thigh. She glanced at Angie. Her lover’s eyes were fixed on the movie screen, but a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. 
Peggy placed her hand over Angie’s and laced their fingers together. She leaned over and felt Angie shudder when her lips brushed against her ear. 
“What else do these gal pals share, darling?”
Angie turned her head until her lips were almost touching Peggy’s. “I promise to tell you all about it when we get home tonight, English.”
Peggy’s pulse quickened, but ever aware of their surroundings, she pulled away and returned her gaze to the screen. Giving Angie’s hand a squeeze, she settled in her seat and watched Indiana Jones swing across a deep chasm, off to seek his ark and adventure.
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ffshipbracket · 1 year
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angie martinelli from marvel's agent carter is lesbian (headcanon)
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submitted by anonymous
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Rewatching Agent Carter and thinking about how much better the show could be if Peggy and Angie ended up together and so did Sousa and Thompson.
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sincerethoughtsblog · 2 years
She will always be the main event
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Title: Opening Night AO3: Part of “Agent Carter Bingo Moodboards” Rating: General Warnings: None Relationship: Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli Word Count: 137 Additional Tags: Moodboard, Drabble, -Ish, Fluff, Established Relationship, Backstage, Acting, Nervousness, Pet Names, Nervous Angie Martinelli, Summary: Backstage buzzed with nervous excitement, so no one gave a second thought to Angie’s pacing. Notes: Made for the @agentcarterbingo prompt “Nervous.”
After weeks of preparation, opening night finally arrived. Backstage buzzed with nervous excitement, so no one gave a second thought to Angie’s pacing. She peaked behind the curtain for what must have been the eighth time in as many minutes, scanning the audience for any sign of Peggy.
Still nothing.
She sighed, ready to resume her pacing when a stagehand interrupted her.
Angie hurried to her mark and with the rise of the curtain all thoughts and worries fell away. She’d always known she was meant for this, for the stage, and the way her words and actions flowed so effortlessly proved that to her with each and every second.
Only to be tripped up ever so slightly when her eyes locked on another pair in the front row.
Peggy smiled as she mouthed, Hello, darling.
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justabarbiegirl05 · 5 months
Ship so good they say each other's names (Cartinelli)
Ship so good one of them never says the other's name (Glorbie)
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bestqprshipbracket · 7 months
Best Polyamorous Ship Group 1 Round 2
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Peggy: I don't know what I'd do without you, Angie. Angie: Well, for starters, you'd have to cook your own dinner.
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captainsophiestark · 11 days
Broadway Calling
Angie Martinelli x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Angie Martinelli's having a crisis of confidence before an audition. Thankfully, she has someone she loves to help pick her up.
Word Count: 1,746
Category: Fluff
A/N: Happy Friday the 13th everybody!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I grinned as I watched my girlfriend behind the counter of the Automat, moving like a whirlwind as she took care of the last of her responsibilities for the day. The customers at the counter had all the water, coffee, and food they could ask for, the table was wiped, and Angie's apron got hung on the hook in the kitchen all in a matter of moments. Then she was moving towards me, leaving the job behind her before anyone knew what was happening, or had a second to bark another request at her.
Angie's eyes scanned the room as she left her work behind for the day, and the moment she caught sight of me, a beaming smile broke out on her face. My heart stuttered in my chest. I lived to bring that look to her face, and I'd spend all day, every day making her smile like that if I could.
This time, the smile and the little laugh that followed were down to the sign in my hands. I'd written out "Miss Angie Martinelli" in fancy print, holding it up like they did for famous people at the airport. I was picking Angie up to take her to a big audition today, and I wanted to help her feel as confident as possible. To me, she was already a star. It was only a matter of time before the rest of the world figured it out, too.
"Miss Martinelli?" I asked, grinning widely as Angie finally reached me. She gave me a stunning smile in return, dipping into a playful curtsey.
"Right here, honey." She straightened up, closing the rest of the distance between us, and I put down the sign to pull her in for a quick kiss. "You know, this is the kind of celebrity treatment I could get used to."
"I'm sure it's not far off. Chauffeurs, your name in lights, the works. You ready to head out?"
Angie huffed a breath, then gave me a grin that looked a little more forced than usual.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
With that, she linked her arm in mine, pulling me out the door with her. She spoke and moved and smiled like the enthusiastic whirlwind I'd fallen in love with, but something wasn't quite right. She fidgeted in the seat next to me in the car when she didn't think I was looking, and when we got to the place they were holding the audition, her hand shook when she reached for the doorhandle.
"Angie," I said, stopping her halfway out of the passenger seat of my car. "...Are you okay?"
"What? Of course I'm okay," she said, just a little too quickly, waving me off with a laugh. "It's just yet another chance at the rest of my life, the start of my dreams, just waiting to go to some other actress who has god knows what that I don't."
I frowned, shifting closer to Angie across the car's center console as she closed the car door again, flopping back in her seat with a sigh.
"Ange, all the greats ever talk about is how many times they heard no before they finally got their yes. It sucks, and I'd be happy to fight every single idiot of a casting director who ever looked at you and didn't realize how amazing you are, but it doesn't reflect on you. Don't let them convince you that it does."
"How can it not reflect on me?" she snapped, whipping around to face me. "If it wasn't a problem with me, don't you think somebody would've said yes by now?"
"No! Angie, every interview you hear with all these stars is how long they spent working a shitty job, going to shitty auditions just to get shooed out of the room after two lines, before they finally had someone recognize what was hiding there all along. That's you, babe. You are such a bright, shining light of a person, and you're a goddamned fantastic actress, and some day you're going to be on a big radio show laughing about how many people told you no and missed out on signing the biggest star of the generation."
Angie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That's not true. Hell, I was doing my best to keep it together the whole way here and even you could see through my lousy acting."
"Your acting was not lousy. The only reason I didn't start interrogating you at the Automat was because I wasn't totally sure something was wrong! You would've fooled everyone else alive, babe, but I know you. I've got an advantage."
Angie just sighed, shaking her head and sinking back into her seat.
"I just... I don't know how many more times I can take myself to the edge of reason, shaking out of my boots and putting on a show anyway, only for nothing to come of any of it."
"Angie Martinelli. You are a force of nature. I've seen you bulldoze through challenges, hurdles, assholes trying to cause you problems, and everything else in your way. You are an unstoppable whirlwind, and dammit, I refuse to believe there's anything in this life you can't go out and get if you really put your mind to it. Is it gonna be easy? Obviously no! But neither is a lot of the other stuff you've done! You've handled jerks at the Automat, including coworkers. You saved Peggy from a bunch of trained government agents who bought your act hook, line, and sinker. You convinced Miss Fry you're a demure, polite, quiet person that she should take under her wing! You're a fantastic actress, and more than that, you're smart and strong as hell. So fuck everybody who doesn't see it. Don't let them get to you. You're goddamn Angie Martinelli!"
As I spoke, a little bit more of the life came back into Angie with each word. By the time I finished, she wasn't totally back to normal, but she was sitting up straight again and facing me with the first sincere smile she'd had all night.
"You really think so?"
"Yes, Angie. My god, do I have to go in there and fight a casting director for you?"
She grinned, throwing open her car door without taking her eyes off mine.
"I'll let you know in a twenty minutes."
I laughed as Angie turned around and stepped out onto the sidewalk, back straight and chin held high. I saw her take a long, deep breath, just staring up at the building ahead of her, before taking her first purposeful step forward, gaining speed as she went. She only paused once, when she got to the door, to shoot me a determined nod as she disappeared into the belly of the beast. I grinned back at her and gave her a double thumbs-up.
Once Angie was out of sight, I went and parked the car, then moved into the lobby of the building to wait for her. I wished I could sit with her straight through the audition, but I'd just have to settle for seeing her the moment she got out.
I tried not to figdet or look at my watch too often, but it got harder and harder with each passing second. When I finally gave in, it had been almost fifteen minutes since Angie had left the car. She should've been done, or at least close to done, by now.
Ten minutes later, and I still hadn't seen my girlfriend. I stood up, at least to start pacing and maybe to go find Angie, when a door swung open and she appeared. She walked slowly, all of the energy taken out of her, and my heart dropped to my shoes.
"Ange?" I called, taking a few tentative steps towards her. She picked her head up to look at me, her eyebrows drawn and the corners of her mouth pointing down. "Babe, are you okay?"
Slowly, she shook her head.
"I have some bad news," she said, a humorless laugh on her breath. I closed the rest of the distance between us, taking her in my arms as I met her watery eyes.
"Yeah. We're not gonna get to spend as much time together, because I'm going to be in rehearsals every day starting next week."
A grin spread across Angie's face as she said the words, but it still took a second for them to sink in. When it finally did, my heart shot back up into my chest like a rocket, making the room spin under me as relief washed over me. I held on tighter to Angie, beaming at her as her act fell away at last.
"Angie, are you kidding me? CONGRATULATIONS! Babe, that's amazing!" I pulled her in tight for a hug, then after a few long moments, pulled away just enough to kiss her like my life depended on it. We finally broke apart for air, Angie laughing happily as she looked at me.
"Can you believe it? It still doesn't feel real to me."
"Of course I believe it! I never had a doubt."
Angie raised an eyebrow. "You sure looked like you had a doubt when I walked out here."
"Because you looked devastated! The fact that I believed you got rejected is just evidence of how damn good you are! But no more using it on me, okay? That's an unfair superpower."
Angie gigled, shaking her head at me as she smiled, and my heart started doing backflips in my chest. She radiated light and warmth like the sun, and having her look at me with all the love in her eyes made me the luckiest person on planet earth.
"Alright, I promise. As long as you promise to be front row on opening night."
"Are you kidding me? I'd never be anywhere else! Now come on, let's go out somewhere and celebrate. My girlfriend finally got her big break. I gotta go shout about it from the rooftops."
Angie just grinned at me as she took my hand, the two of us heading for the doors side by side and shoulder to shoulder, like we always were. I had her back, she had mine, and that's the way it'd always be. Come crazy secret agents or life-changing auditions or just Mrs. Fry finally getting wise to the fact that Angie and I were dating, we would handle it together. And like that, we were unbeatable.
I was already mentally planning the bouquet and sign I wanted to bring Angie for her opening night.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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Angie: Ah yes, the four love languages.
Angie, pointing at Peggy: My parents were never proud of me.
Angie, pointing at Steve: I'm so freaking tired, god let me rest for five minutes.
Angie, pointing at Howard: Please pay attention to me.
Angie, pointing at Peggy: Touch starved.
Peggy: Hey! Why I get two?!
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sincerethoughtsblog · 2 years
She is so unreal
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originalwitchedits · 1 year
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