#jackal x male reader
masked-men-fantasy · 22 days
One position for the rest of your life (Call of Duty)
If you had to choose only one position to have intercourse for the rest of your life, what would that position be? You have 10 seconds; your time starts now.
NSFW Content. MDNI.
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"And if I agree to do that, what will I get in return?" Jackal did not answer but instead asked you back.
"Err, my thanks?" You tried to think of what you could offer him back. Although this was supposed to be just a quick, funny question for a couple things,.
"No deal," he replied quickly and started to walk away.
"Fine. How about I let you come inside anytime you want? No question ask." Even you surprise yourself with what comes to mind.
Jackal paused and walked back to you. He used his pistol to cause a clank sound on his mask. It is like he is trying to taunt you that you, for once, can finally give him a good idea.
"Now we are talking." He snorted. "No, take it back now."
"And what position are we talking about?" You asked and tried to return to the main topic.
"Breeding position." You can feel that he definitely gives you a foxy smile through that intimidating mask. Jackal patted your shoulder as if he tried to imply that he was victorious. He laughed with a deep voice as he walked away behind your back.
This guy... you can never win him. And you can never get enough of him, too.
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Mace panicked at first. His eyes say the expression, 'Just one? Damn, that's gotta be boring as fuck', but then he just answered out loudly.
You were confused by that. What the hell is 'Calendar'? What the heck is that kind of sex position?? Is it a new kink where you said January and he would cum???
But then he reached for his phone in his pocket and showed you an image.
It is an illustration of this year's calendar. Each day has a different sex position drawn inside it. And you found that he made some circle signs on the exact same day that you and him had some fun together.
Now, you understand his 'Calendar' position. Very wise answer.
"Hey, this means no more excuses for no sex from now on." He chuckled and pointed to the sex position on his phone. Today is spooning. "I will be waiting for you in my room tonight."
Cheeky bastard, you whimpered.
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"Missionary," he answered shortly. "I don't bloody want anything more than seeing you when I hold you close, ever."
Simon had a rough time in the past. He does not want anything more than vanilla sex. Simple, clean, and sensual, and most importantly, he just wants you.
Watching your face through the entire session is another main reason. He wants to kiss you, share body warmth, make hickies on your collar bones, and whisper sweet nothing until you both reach that heavenly feeling together.
"It doesn't have to be sex; if it means that I can just have you by my side, I don't care about anything else." He explained further.
He held your hand tight throughout the conversation.
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"I will just go fuck someone else then," Nikto answered frigidly, then walked away like nothing had happened.
Wha... What??? You can't just do that!? Hello!?
You have to rush out to stop him and explain to him that it is just a question and that you have no plan to do it in real life or whatsoever.
Nikto does not believe, and you end up getting dragged to his room.
"Don't ask me a dumb question like that again." He murmured while he railed your naked body on the balcony. His member pierced through your tight hole. Nikto has no mercy with his pace, although he can hear your moaning voice that becomes incontrollable.
"моя шлюха (My slut), you are too perfect to do boring shit like that. Now show everyone who you belong to." You could sense that he was smiling through his mask when he said that sentence. He raises your legs up to show everyone nearby the barrack that both of your bodies are connected and that you are his.
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qtipcottonbuds · 2 years
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jealous atsumu when someone won’t take no for a answer for yous lot tbh i rushe dthis o balls
warnings ;; possible mild language, jealousy, jealous sex, semi-public sex, clothed sex (sort of), humiliation and slight degradation, rough-ish sex, atsumu is vulgar in this i apologize etc
by qtipcottonbuds 2022. do not repost.
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“C’mon, answer it. Wouldn’t wanna keep him waitin,’ sweetheart, would ya?”
The mobile phone continues to buzz atop the bedside table, vibrating against the wood; and it’s irritating, grating at his ears, but more than anything, the bright screen flashing intermittently with both the number, and their name, is what gets Atsumu the most. Always ringing near enough to every hour of everyday - you were too soft, too sweet, brushing them off gently - you didn’t want any confrontation. But, Atsumu knew, he knew first hand their intentions.
It was far from innocent.
Keening into his hand, muffling your whines, you insistently shake your head back at him - maybe if he was in your position, Atsumu would consider responding in the same manner you just had. Resisting initially, and attempting to shrug his palm firmly situated across your lips off to stop him; it was adorable, the eagerness of your will to fight back, to push him off. Yet, only to relax in the said hold, complacent and pliable with each roll of his hips, slow and methodical, sinking deeper, kissing your insides. A perverse pacifier.
(People aren’t kind, and Atsumu is far from kind).
“Well, if you ain’t gonna do it, I’ll do it for ya.”
Leaning downwards and grasping onto the mobile, Atsumu swipes across the call button allowing it to connect; a smile, plastered with ill-intent, on his lips. His gaze is heavy, holding your own, and he can tell you hate it. The helplessness, the fear - a restrained pleading to stop - if anything, it was fueling the fire further.
“So, yer the so-called colleague, yeah? Workin’ with them on that project,'' a hum, masked with civility, “What’s with the confusion, m’sure ya know who I am, right? Most people do, when they listen. Are ya any good at listenin?’ Takin’ in information?”
Easing his grasp across your mouth, patting the side of your cheek affectionately, Atsumu rolls his hips yet again, languidly, the fat glans of his cock angling in such a way you abruptly arch up into the touch, your thighs parting wider, almost eagerly. 
“Good, good. I like t’hear that. Love it when people listen, ya’know, makes ya feel heard. Seen. Anyway; I know all about ya. My sweetheart, pretty thing, too nice, too soft - just can’t be mean - but, I can. They told me everythin’. Askin’ ‘em for a date, not leavin’ ‘em alone, even when they said no. That they’ve got a boyfriend. Ya’know what no means, don’t ya?”
Sliding in with an audible squelch, he continues, tutting at the whine you let out.
“Y’wanna know why they were takin’ so long to respond, why they weren’t pickin’ up? ‘Cause we were fuckin,’” the audible spluttering on the other end of the receiver has Atsumu questioning how long he can maintain this facade, playing civil, when he’d rather lay them flat out cold, “I bet, you’ve thought about fuckin’ em too. Haven’t you? Creamin’ yourself over the thought of it, doing sappy shit. I can’t blame ya, I’m the same; but the difference is, I’m the one actually doing it - ya wanna hear it? A little ASMR for ya.”
Thumbing across the circular icon of the ‘speaker’ button, he repositions the mobile directly above the base of his cock, coated in a creamy ring, before dragging his cock back out, resting at the fat slit with a squelch!
Atsumu goes to respond, a petty remark on his lips, but the dial tone that cuts through the line confirms everything.
“I fuckin’ thought as much. Now, where were we, sweetheart?”
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286 notes · View notes
Y/N, hugs Jackal : Happy birthday!
Y/N, give him a big smooch on his cheek : Is there anything you want as a gift?
Jackal, blushed from the kiss :
Jackal, scratch behind his head : Oh, thank you, but no—
Jackal, returns the kiss to them on their cheek : ——spending time with you is more than enough. Honestly, I’m just glad you didn’t dump another surprise party on me this year.
Y/N, chuckles : Of course, no surprise party this year!
Y/N, takes his hands into their own : Just you and me all by ourselves! ………on an unrelated note, let’s eat dinner out tonight, my treat!
Jackal, looks at them with so much love : Anywhere with you is good, Mi tesoro. 💝
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
The Jackal and the Bird | 3
chapter summary: Harrow decides to make an unwanted appearance and Steven learns something new.
a/n: enjoy :)
(t/w): m/m, canon-typical violence
for m/nblm, no fem aligned
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The Hot Guy From Work Kicks Ass
When Steven described his ideal first date, he didn’t think he’d put ‘a deadly car chase with men he didn’t know’ anywhere on the list.
In fact, he’d put it under the Things I Don’t Want to Do column. But he still found himself driving a slow cupcake van, chased by random men who were shooting at him, alongside the hot guy from work.
You were focused on the men behind you. You lacked a gun, instead, you stood at the back of the truck, keeping the doors shut. You directed Steven as best you could, trying to keep him calm. It wasn't really working, but he appreciated the effort. At least you seemed to know what you were doing.
“C’mon, move your arse!” He huffed, slamming the wheel. The older woman in the other car moved aside. “Thank you! So sorry, thank you!” …only for her to flip him off a moment later.
“Focus, Steven!” You reminded, gripping the door handle tighter when a loud thud sounded in the car. You muttered a curse under your breath, turning your attention to the doors. He didn't know how the hell you weren't getting shot, but he was thankful for whatever luck you were having.
In all honesty, you'd been hit several times by now, though it all healed faster than Steven could see.
You watched him take deep breaths, trying to focus on the road ahead. Confident that it would take a while for anyone to break through the doors, you moved toward the front of the truck.
Steven didn't even realize how much he'd been muttering until you put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped a bit, looking over to you for a second before switching back to the road.
You climbed into the passenger seat, looking at him sympathetically. "I know you're confused, Steven, but just focus on driving for me, okay? I'll worry about them," you assured.
He glanced over to you, hands gripping the wheel so tight he shook. Eventually, he nodded, giving his full attention to the road again.
Unfortunately, one of the men behind you managed to reach the car, shooting open the handles. He staggered his way to the front, attempting to grab onto Steven only to get a cupcake thrown in his face.
It gave you the chance to grab his arm, fully throwing him out of the van. Hopefully, Steven didn't have time to assess your strength.
"I'm sorry about the cupcake," he mumbled, as if the owner could still hear him.
He could hear the sound of you fighting other men, occasionally hearing one of the men yell. He resisted the urge to turn around, willing himself to focus on the road. Though it was tempting, he managed.
The gunshot was what finally made him turn around.
A brought on a strange sensation, though one he was familiar with. Like he was thrown out of his own body. His eyes shifted back, muscles tensing, and then everything went black.
He wasn't sure how long he was out, but when he woke up, things looked a bit different.
He whipped around, looking over his surroundings. The first thing that drew his attention was the gun in his hand. He fumbled with it, finally gripping it tightly.
You sat next to him, though he focused his eyes back on the road as fast as he could.
"Wake up Marc!" A loud voice boomed, nearly startling him out of his skin. “If he loses the scarab, I’ll kill you both!”
Frankly, the giant loud mystery voice was a bit terrifying, so (for now) he’d just go along with it.
“Good shot,” You chuckled, not concerned with the echoing shots from other cars behind you.
“Oh, bollocks, you’re bleeding,” Steven said, tearing his eyes from the road and looking over to your face. Bright red blood was dripping down your face, small drops seeping into your shirt. He barely managed to tear his eyes away, half focused on you and half on the road.
Your brows furrowed, tapping around your face until you felt warm blood. You looked perplexed before humming.
“No worries, it isn’t mine.”
Steven nodded slowly, unsure whether that made him feel better or worse.
“I don’t understand what’s happening,” Steven complained, half speaking to you and half to the mystery voice in his head.
“Truck, stupid!” The voice shouted.
“What?” He questioned, unsure what was even said.
His eyes widened, skidding around a truck full of logs before the same feeling of panic took over his chest and his eyes shifted back.
When he woke up again, he was faced with a car driving toward him, several aggressive-looking men staring him in the eye.
“Huh?” He questioned, looking around him before putting the pieces together. “Oh god, I’m driving backwards.”
You were firing off a few shots at the cars in front of you through the broken windshield. He was concerned for your safety, but it seemed like you could handle yourself.
When another man peaked out of the truck, gun pointed at him, he launched the gun in his hand at the car, hoping it would at least crack the windshield.
“Did he just throw the gun?!” The voice questioned. He even heard a quiet sigh from your direction.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t his brightest idea, but in fairness, he had no idea what the hell was happening.
“I don’t know what I’m doing!” He shouted, trying to explain to you and the voice.
“Then leave us be, parasite!” The voice sounded annoyed, as if Steven was nothing more than an inconvenience.
“I know Steven, it’s okay.” You offered, your voice much calmer than the loud one in his head. It was calming to hear you talk, and you brought whatever comfort you could in the confusing mess he was in.
The engine let out a sputter before he felt his vision fade and the tight feeling return to his chest. He looked over at you, confused and afraid before everything faded out yet again.
Waking up was slightly better this time, but anything was better than driving backwards without a license. The engine was sputtering more now, before finally giving out.
“Oh come on, come on!” He yelled desperately, slapping the dashboard as if it would help.
“It’s not exactly made for high-speed chases,” You muttered. You were right of course, but he was hoping that it would start again, even for a little. Just enough to get out of sight.
It didn’t take long for the men to catch up, pulling behind the van.
“Stay here, Steven,” You said. Steven only nodded, completely unsure what to do.
But you barely had the chance to take a few steps before logs came barreling down from the ledge above, slamming into the cars and whoever was standing with them.
Steven let out a rather undignified yelp, “Oh shit!”
Before it all went black again.
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Sun streamed through the window, hitting Steven’s side of the bed. He huffed, nearly turning to go back to sleep before he realized what the hell just happened.
He bolted up, wrinkled sheets falling down his chest, covered by a shirt that wasn’t his.
“Oh god,” He muttered, looking around the room.
It certainly wasn’t his flat. It was larger, much larger, and had a separate bedroom.
Glancing down at the bed next to him clued him in though. Your half-asleep form lay next to him, jolted from his sudden movement.
The reality of sitting in a bed, any bed, brought a rush of relief over him. He chuckled, soon fully laughing. Though he was lacking his usual leg harness, there was still a feeling of comfort in knowing he hadn’t woken up halfway across the room and gotten kicked out.
“Oh god,” He mumbled again, this time in relief.
He slumped back into the bed with another harsh movement, now fully waking you up.
“Bit early for you, love,” You said, your voice rough. Marc hadn’t really spoken last night. There was no explanation, no word, nothing. Just a simple good night before he slid into your bed. At least he was still sleeping in the same bed as you.
And that sentence alone almost sent Steven into cardiac arrest.
The way you said it. The gravelly sound of your voice early in the morning was one thing. How strangely domestic it was to hear was another. But what really did him in, was hearing the soft “love” you uttered, staring straight at him.
“You alright?” You questioned, brow lifted.
Steven snapped out of his thoughts, stuttering a bit.
All the while, you were rather confused. Marc wasn’t really a morning person (though he often didn’t have a choice in the matter), but right now he seemed more awake than he was the previous night.
He looked nervous, trying to stutter out a reply. It only took a moment for you to realize this was not, in fact, your husband.
It was somewhat disappointing, mostly because you had a million and one things to ask Marc, but Steven was also a welcome party.
“Steven.” You smiled at him as he nodded softly. His hair was messy, curls frizzy from sleeping on your pillows. You were sure your hair didn’t look much better, but it looked strangely good on him.
“You alright there?”
“Did I have off today?” He questioned under his breath, mostly to himself.
You shook your head. “I may have called us out of work, not like Donna could stop me.” You chuckled. His brow furrowed.
“Oh, it’s Friday. I’ve got off anyway, no need to trouble yourself for me,” He chuckled, looking away from you.
Oh. Right. That.
The main issue with that statement was that Steven still thought it was Friday. Considering that you and Marc had been… busy the past few days, it was most definitely Sunday.
You’d kept Steven out of work, saying the two of you had a family emergency (the look on Donna’s face when you told her you were married was something you’d savor for years).
“Um, Steven,” you said, cringing slightly. “It’s Sunday.”
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Last I checked, Friday still comes after Thursday,” he joked. You could hear the nervous tone of his voice.
“Sorry, love. Definitely Sunday.” You grabbed your phone, clicking open the screen and showing him the date.
He muttered something under his breath. “I’ve gotta go, yeah?” He hurriedly stood from the bed, nearly tripping over the shoes Marc had left beside the bed. His clothes weren’t nearby, leaving him to nervously look around the room. He let out a small curse, looking back toward you.
“Steven, you can stay, you know?” You reassured. “I like you being here.”
He seemed too nervous to listen to you, like a startled animal looking for a way out.
“No, I just,” He huffed, turning back to you after making sure his clothes weren’t anywhere visible. “I’ve gotta get home. Got a fish, and I’ve definitely gotta get back into work, I mean–”
“Steven. Don’t be so nervous, I want you here.” He still seemed stiff, but the tension stayed in his shoulders. “If you want to leave, I won’t stop you, just let me grab you a change of clothes.”
You stood from the bed, clad in only your boxers. Steve froze a bit, but nodded. He didn’t really know where to look, first making clear eye contact before suddenly finding the wall far too interesting.
You chuckled, pulling out some of your ill-fitting clothing and tossing it to him. It wasn’t a perfect fit, but it would certainly do.
“I’ll return your clothes another time, alright?”
He left with a swift nod, barely avoiding hitting his shoulder on your door frame.
You sighed softly at how nervous he was. He was so different from Marc. Marc always held himself with confidence, Steven seemed afraid to just be in your presence.
For now, it was an adjustment you’d have to get used to.
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``That’s not Gus, I know that’s not Gus,” Steven mumbled, hand on his chin.
The fish in question was swimming in the tank. The tank that most certainly did not belong to him (whatever that fish’s name was). The now missing Gus had completely disappeared, though Steven doubted he’d gotten up and walked away.
“If you’re Gus, then I’m the bloody queen of Shiba,” He huffed, walking toward his kitchen only to hit his foot against a desk.
He let out an instant hiss, glaring down at the wood as if that would help. But the closer he looked, the more he noticed the odd position.
“What’s this about?” He questioned.
What he hadn’t been expecting was some kind of secret cabinet in his walls.
The only notable item was a cell phone. It only contained two contacts, neither of which were very helpful.
The first titled “Layla”, the second simply labeled “Cariño”
“Alright…” He clicked on Layla, holding the phone up to his ear as it dialed.
“Oh my god, you’re alive!”
A woman immediately answered, surprising him.
“Yeah… alright.”
“That’s it?! I’ve been texting and calling you for months! You couldn’t give me any sign that you were okay? What about your husband?! Have you even talked to him since?!” She let out a heavy sigh, calming herself down. “I thought something happened to you two. Where are you? Where’ve you been? Are you with him now?”
Steven had no idea what to say. First off, this “Layla” seemed beyond upset with him, and next, she was the second person to tell him he had a husband. Apparently.
“Sorry, I just found this phone in my flat and I’m just trying to figure out whose it is.”
There was a beat of silence before “Layla” spoke, sounding even more confused. “What's with this accent?”
“What's happening right now? Let me talk to him, okay?”
“Sorry, who? Who do you think I am?”
“What do you mean ‘who’, Marc? Is he not there?”
“What did you just call me? Why did you call me Marc, and who are you talking about?”
He waited for an answered only to hear the buzz of a disconnected line. He pulled the phone away from his ear, mumbling as he dialed again only to receive no answer.
He sighed, slumping in the chair before looking down at the phone again. One more contact, and hopefully this one would be more helpful.
Steven, stop.
A sudden voice made him jolt. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard it, he knew that much. But there was no one else in his flat. There never was.
So, he assumed it was him. His head, most likely. Maybe he was just tired.
Steven, no.
He ignored it this time, dialing the next number.
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“Is this some kind of joke?”
Whatever the hell he was doing, it wasn’t funny.
You usually kept the burner phones Marc gave you in your bedside table. Since finding him again, you’d forgotten your usual routine of staring at the phone, hoping it would ring.
But now? He had to be mocking you.
“Sorry, what?”
You huffed, holding the phone tight against your ear, your grip squeezing the metal.
“Don’t break another one, my friend,” Anubis chuckled, lounging on the couch in your room. You only rolled your eyes at him, but lessened your grip.
“You heard me Marc, this isn’t funny. If you’re trying to make fun of me I don’t get the joke.” This was a call you’d waited so long for, and of course it only happens after you already find him.
“Why do you people keep calling me Marc? I found a phone in my flat, I’m trying to figure out what on Earth it’s doing there.”
The fury faded out, but came back quickly. Marc told Steven absolutely nothing. Though you didn’t understand their situation, or their relationship, Steven was probably confused as hell.
“Y/n? Why are you a contact on the weird phone in my walls?”
A question you didn’t know how to answer.
“It’s a long story,” you said, internally sighing. “Did you call anyone else?”
“Just some lady named Layla. She called me Marc too. Kept yelling at me for being British. What am I supposed to do about that, change nationality?”
He laughed at his own joke, but you couldn’t bring yourself too.
If he called Layla, that meant she was almost undoubtedly tracking the phone. Which also meant that Marc would not be happy if she ended up in the middle of all this again.
“It’s alright Steven, I know her. She was probably just confused.”
There was a beat of silence, and you were certain you could hear Steven mumbling to himself (something about an annoying mirror).
“Alright then. If you’re sure."
"I'll see you tomorrow, Steven."
"Yeah, um, one quick question. What exactly does 'Cariño mean?"
"Cariño?" You paused a moment. It might overwhelm Steven slightly. You supposed it was more up to Marc than you, if there was a way for Marc to explain. "It's... just a term of endearment in Spanish."
You heard Steven hum. "Right, then. I'll see you tomorrow."
He hung up, the line going silent. You tossed the phone back into the drawer, letting out a heavy sigh.
“Sometimes I still wonder how you fell for a mortal.” Anubis’ voice echoed through the room along with a low-toned chuckle.
You sighed at the comment. Ever since marrying Marc, Anubis asked you that fairly constantly.
“Sometimes I do too,” you hummed in agreement. Marc had his moments, yes, and sometimes you did regret falling for a mortal.
But not because of who Marc is, only that your time with him was limited.
“It couldn’t be Ra?”
You sighed. This was a complaint you got… more often than you like to admit.
“He’s too absorbed with himself,” You waved Anubis off, settling down on the bed again. “And I hardly know what he’s saying half the time, he talks too fast.”
Anubis groaned slightly, that much you both could agree on. “Sekhmet?”
You chuckled, “I’m pretty sure she’d rip my head off before I suggested it. Have you seen her breathe fire?” She was nice enough when she wasn’t angry, but that was rare.
“Min! He was always nice,” Anubis lamented.
You rolled your eyes, “He can’t go a full conversation without flirting with someone. He’d cheat on me within the hour.”
Anubis at least had to agree with that. “Reshep then, he was quite a warrior.”
You raised a brow “Is he even around anymore? Besides, Qadesh would have a snake around my throat in seconds.” You shivered at the idea. Qadesh was always sweet, but that wasn’t someone you were up to testing.
Anubis huffed, the room falling silent for a moment. “I supposed the mortal will do.”
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He was alone in the flat, he knew that much. Unless he counted Fake Gus, which he wasn’t going to do.
“Hello?” Steven’s head whipped around, looking over his flat from his position.
Steven, you need to stop.
The voice was familiar. The kind of familiar that stings in the back of your mind, as if you aren’t quite sure where you know it from. Had he met them before? Maybe an old friend? A neighbor?
Neighbor, it had to be neighbor.
“Who said that?” He questioned, taking some weary steps toward the center of his flat. It wasn’t the cleanest, which made it hard to see if anyone was there.
You’re gonna get yourself in trouble. Don’t get him involved.
“Oh, no no no, mate,” Steven muttered, nervously chuckling. “Someone’s having a laugh.”
He looked into the mirror to his side, certain he saw his reflection glaring.
“Oh god, oh god.” When he focused, he could only see himself. No one else was there, no one else could be there.
Steven. Stop looking.
The voice was firm, as if speaking to an out of hand child. A pawn that had moved a step out of line.
He swung open the door, spotting nothing. He let out a heavy sigh, muttering ‘bloody hell’ under his breath.
The calm didn’t last long though.
It was taller than him. Much, much taller.
It stalked over him like a predator gazing at weak prey. As if it knew he was nothing more than an ant. And above all, it was fucking terrifying.
He could see through it’s skull, the large, cavernous eyes glaring through him. It looked surprisingly regal, even as it chased him down the halls, the overhead lights blinking rapidly.
It was a bird, that much was obvious. But it most certainly wasn’t alive.
The skin was completely missing, and it sported the body of a human being, a human much to tall to be… well, human.
He wanted to sob. He wanted to scream and run, and he found himself launching into the elevator, pinned to the back as it slowly stalked down the hall.
He made eye contact, or at least he thought he did. The empty sockets made it hard to tell where the creature was gazing.
He was preparing for whatever bony talons it had to come out and grab him when a woman appeared out of nowhere.
“Hold the door,” She said calmly. Thankfully she was close, because Steven had in no way processed her request.
“Thank you,” She offered, nodding at him nervously.
As his heart began to slow, he realized he was half on the ground, probably staring at the woman like she was mad.
“Hiya,” he said nervously, giving her a timid wave as he attempted to recompose himself.
“Hi,” she said, not looking at him for too long. “You alright?”
“Fine, thank you,” He reassured, trying not to let his voice crack. “Just… lost my contact lens.” He propped himself up, standing with the assistance of the rail behind him. Honestly, he was still dizzy from running with so much adrenaline pumping through him.
“Hope you find it.”
The ride was quiet and awkward, though Steven hoped the poor lady didn’t hate him despite how disheveled he was.
“Electrical problems in the building, innit?” He questioned, silently hoping someone besides him had seen everything earlier.
He was gather that the answer was no from how confused the woman looked. “Always the same, innit?” She nervously laughed, clearly uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Steven was just as uncomfortable, and he hardly noticed the way she shifted away from him.
“Are we back on the fifth floor?” Steven didn’t even remember going down. How long was he sitting in the elevator for?
“Yes the fifth,” The woman spoke as the doors opened. “My friend Claire lives here, I’m visiting her. She’s expecting me.”
She pounded on the door, waiting for someone to open it while repeatedly glancing at Steven as the elevator doors closed.
Steven would’ve felt worse it he was more focused. His heart was still beating fast, air still unable to stay in his lungs. As if he just couldn’t inhale enough.
The next day wasn’t much better.
He swore he spotted the skeletal bird again on his way to work. That and the man from his dream was following him.
He tried to brush it off, he really did. But even though he knew he sounded insane, he still asked J.B. not to let anyone in. Not that he agreed.
It wasn’t until he saw the man from the bus again that he truly freaked out.
Your day was less eventful so far. Donna had complimented another of your suits for the third time that day, Anubis was chatting about how he disliked Marc, and the museum was just as full as usual.
It wasn’t until you saw Harrow sneaking around that you thought anything was amiss.
You approached him without hesitation, hoping Steven wouldn’t spot him.
“Is this your brightest plan?” You questioned, looking over the odd group who seemed to linger by him, no doubt his followers. “You had to know I’d be here, or did I evade your sight?”
He looked slightly surprised, though you had to admit that he covered it well. If you were human you might’ve missed it. It seems he truly didn’t expect you there. Interesting.
“The half-god. Have I done something to upset you?” He questioned. Half was a techniq
“The half-god. Have I done something to upset you?” He questioned. Half was a technicality, but who was really keeping track at this point.
“Leave Steven out of this. He doesn’t have your scarab. Move on to whatever being you have murder next.”
Harrow only hummed at your words, opening his mouth to retort when another voice interrupted.
“Y/n…?” Steven’s meek voice drew your attention. He looked confused, as if he’d spent time gathering the courage just to say something. “Do… do you know him?”
You glared at Harrow, watching as he completely turned his back to you. A bold move.
“Not in a way that matters.”
“So you really do work here,” Harrow began, disrupting your conversation with Steven.
Steven mumbled something under his breath, nervously grasping at the strap of his bag.
“I assumed ‘Steven Grant’ was an alias. Imagine my surprise to find you here.” Part of you was pissed that Steven had to mention his actual name, though you knew Harrow would’ve found him either way.
“Ronnie!” Steven turned, trying to grab the attention of a nearby security guard. “This man right here has been following me, now, I don’t know if—”
Steven was cut off by the guard rolling up his sleeve, revealing a tattoo of balanced scales. “Praise Ammit.”
Steven looked surprisingly hurt, “Ronnie? You’re part of this?” He huffed at the lack of response, turning back to Harrow. “Mate, I don’t have your bloody beetle. I swear.”
That wasn’t exactly a lie, Steven didn’t have the beetle. The issue was that Marc did.
“Oh, no. The scarab doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to her.” Harrow gestured to a painted figure, the art chipping slightly. “Do you know Ammit?”
“Do I know Ammit? No, not personally,” Steven joked, growing increasingly uncomfortable when neither Harrow nor his men saw the humor. “Egyptian deity, right? World’s first bogerman.”
“She was only the ‘bogeyman’ for evildoers.” Harrow insisted.
“...right…” Steven mumbled, backing off a bit from the man in front of him.
“She grew weary of having to wait for sinners to commit their crime before punishing them. Would you wait to weed a garden until after the roses were dead?” Harrow took a threatening step forward, forcing Steven to take a step back.
He shook his head nervously, “I wouldn’t do that.”
“Ammit would wash the world with innocent blood and leave no one left,” You insisted. You didn’t know her well, you barely knew her at all, really. She was the second god to ever be condemned, right after your father.
“Until a person commits an evil act, they’re innocent,” You explained. “Besides, what about the guilty who have innocent children? Ammit would destroy innocent children and family lines without a second thought. Or do you believe those innocent children should be tortured simply for having an ‘evil’ parent?”
Harrow turned to you now, though he didn’t let his sight fully leave Steven.
“Of course not. Ammit only punishes those who deserve it.” His words were hardly true. “The justice of Ammit surveys the whole of our lives. Past, present, and future.”
He turned back to Steven, watching the man nervously nod in agreement, whispering a quiet “got it”.
“She knows what we’ve done,” Harrow insisted, his voice growing more firm. “What we will do.”
“Great, okay. Well, the books must’ve left that part out.” You admired Steven for joking, but with how frightened he looked, you weren’t sure he was joking.
“Consider this, had Ammit been free, she would’ve prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought,” Harrow’s voice grew louder, gesturing out as he stepped forward. Steven stepped back, avoiding the man as best he could.
“Nero, the Armenian genocide, Pol Pot.”
“Not nice people.” At this point Steven was running on pure survival instinct, though you hoped he knew you wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Not until you were long dead.
“But she was betrayed.”
“Was she,” Steven questioned, looking around for a way out.
“By indolent fellow gods.” Harrow turned to you with aggression. You didn’t regret anything of course, Ammit was a danger. It was all a blur really, after Set was taken out of the Annead, Anubis took his place. He had done most of the heavy lifting. Ammit most likely blamed you too, though. “By her own avatar.”
Now that you remembered. Alexander the Great. Admittedly, he was pretty great.
“‘Avatar’, blue people. Love that film.” Steven clutched his bag closer, more frantic about leaving. You took a step closer, ready to jump in the second Harrow tried anything.
“By Avatar, what I mean—”
“You mean the anime?”
“Steven. Stop it.”
Steven froze, his voice fading before he spoke softly. “Are you going to kill me?”
“He won’t touch you,” You reassured, reminding Harrow of your presence.
“It’s maddening, isn’t it. The voice in your head. Relentless, forever unsatisfied.” Harrow likely meant Khonshu, but with Marc in his head, Steven was overwhelmed. “No matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there’s nothing left but a hollow shell. And the more you ask for help, the more you begin to sound like the boy who cried wolf.”
Steven had calmed ever so slightly, though he still reminded you of a frightened cat preparing to run. “I can’t help you,” He shook his head rapidly, as if trying to convince Harrow.
“I am trying to help you.”
“Don’t pretend.” Your eyes narrowed, watching Harrow like a hawk stalking its prey.
“I saw you kill that woman in the Alps.” Steven said as firmly as he could manage, taking a small step toward you.
“I only told her what millions more will soon learn.”
“They don’t need to learn,” You argued back, your tone firm. If anything, you’d prefer Harrow to focus on you instead of Steven. But Marc was at the center of everything, and as far as Harrow knew, they were one and the same.
“Do you want to know the truth?” Harrow firmly grabbed Steven’s arm, bringing his forearms forward.
“Don’t you touch him Harrow,” You said, stepping closer.
Almost immediately, you were grabbed by two other people. They held onto your forearms, subtly, but firmly. It was enough for any outsiders to think you were just a weird group of friends. It was for the best really, the last thing you needed was civilians getting involved.
Harrow’s arms gripped Steven’s tightly, the dark scale tattoo shifting.
Steven was innocent, that much you knew. But by Ammit’s standards? Marc wasn’t. And you had no idea how she’d assess them.
“...there’s chaos in you.” Harrow’s words were quiet, you barely heard them from a few feet away.
“There’s what?” Steven questioned, expression turning serious.
You sighed, deciding you’d had enough. No, you didn’t feel like explaining magical powers to the police, but it was worth the risk.
Dark particles swirled around your hands, golden specks littered throughout them.
You sent out a pulse of energy, forcing your captor’s hands away from your wrists.
Harrowed turned around to face you, realizing you were a more prevalent threat. You nodded to Steven, who thankfully got your message and left.
You kept the energy covering your hands, a silent threat to everyone around you.
“You know I’m not one to anger gods,” Harrow began.
He was riding a thin line with you. Though a small percentage, you were still part human. But as the son of Set… well… people didn’t tend to mess with the son of evil incarnate.
The real question was how far Harrow was willing to go… how far he’d test the little protection Ammit offered.
None of the gods would defend her, and you doubted they’d defend him. But Harrow wasn’t known for being reasonable.
“You of all people should understand,” Harrow claimed. “Isn’t your title the ‘God of Balance’? With Set gone, they need a demigod to replace him.” Though, technically, he hadn’t said anything wrong, you felt defensive nonetheless. Bringing up your father wasn’t a good route for anyone to take.
“If you know me, then you know damn well I’m not a fan of Ammit.” You knew Ammit remembered you. She had to.
“Perhaps,” Harrow relented. “But I know you understand her.”
Harrow stepped back, waving off the rest of his followers. As much as you wanted to argue, you were happy to see him go.
The only thing that made you freeze up, was when you caught Steven’s eye in the doorway.
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tags: @queenofthekill @bigdog310 @yumeillu @annoyingmarvelreader @flaminbread @howlingmoonaite @kr-mlk @zayisbored @sl33pyt1r3 @pshhbam @spicydonut25 @dilf-licker @what-the-heckin-heck @murdickdocked @some-times-funny @manlypinky @silvercrescentwolf @winxschester @vlktorheartssage @ravenqueen27
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wttcsms · 1 month
triple trouble, atsumu miya
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pairing atsumu miya x f!reader word count 1.6k synopsis atsumu steals every reporters' attention as he introduces the media to his triplets during a post-game interview; or, more accurately, his triplets steal all the attention. like father, like sons. content contains domestic fluff, dad!atsumu, atsumu & reader are married and so in love, babies, mention of pregnancy more in this collection!
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The flashes of cameras going off, the constant exclamations of “Miya! Miya!” coming from the crowd of journalists and reporters all vying for his attention, the fact that the foldout chairs they use for all these post-game interviews are harder on your ass than falling on asphalt — all of this is being handled with ease by a smug Atsumu Miya.
Or, normally all of this would be handled with ease by a smug Atsumu Miya.
But right now, the Atsumu Miya struggling to take a seat in the most uncomfortable chair known to man, dyed hair a mess, his usual trademark smirk replaced by furrowed brows and a look of concentration, doesn’t appear to be the godlike adversary on the court. In fact, he looks oddly human. 
The cause of what has humbled this cocky athlete and reduced him to mere mortal man are the three chubby toddlers he’s cradling in his arms. 
All of them are identical, from their chubby cheeks to their little grubby hands. Heads full of thick, dark brown hair (reminiscent of their father’s natural color) poke out from Atsumu’s hold, and the eighteen-month-olds’ eyes are all full of childlike wonder as they watch the crowd, confused as to who all these people are. 
After finally getting settled into his seat, Atsumu addresses the crowd casually, as if he didn’t spend the last two minutes ensuring that his baby boys weren’t going to slip from his arms while he tried to prepare for this interview. Akimitsu is secured in his left arm, Akihiko in the right, leaving poor Akinari to cling onto Atsumu’s neck. 
While athletes have been getting more comfortable with bringing their kids up on stage with them, no one has ever seen a professional athlete haul his three babies with him. 
A fact that one reporter is more than happy to point out.
“Miya, wife put you on babysitting duty?” A male journalist calls out from the crowd. A few chuckles follow, but Atsumu just smiles at the mention of you.
“Nah. It’s not babysittin’ if they’re your damn kids, right? Besides, she deserves a break.” A few appreciative murmurs flutter through the crowd. 
After the initial surprise of seeing identical triplets being carried in the MSBY Black Jackals’ setter’s arms, the reporters are back to business as usual. They’re all professionals — even if hearing Atsumu give them a great quote to use as a hook (“I respect Nakamura as a human bein’ but calling him a setter for a professional league volleyball team is an insult to setters everywhere.”) is followed by him cooing sweet words of affirmation to whichever of his sons happens to be babbling in his ears. 
“Nakamura isn’t a very good player, is he, Akihiko?” No one outside of your family and his teammates have ever heard Atsumu sound so affectionate. His words are practically coated in sugar, and it’s hard to remember that he’s insulting another player in the league whenever he’s practically bumping noses with his toddler son when he says it. 
Akihiko, most likely due to his father’s influence, lets out a stream of enthusiastic gurgles that Atsumu automatically translates to him being in complete agreement with him. 
“Write that down.” He says to the crowd. “Even my baby knows he’s shit at the game.” 
There’s a few more minutes of Atsumu answering the usual post-game questions, but halfway through one of his responses, Akinari loses his grip on Atsumu’s neck and is about to tumble to the floor before Atsumu’s reflexes kick in. You’ve made a joke once that you think Atsumu’s reflexes have become heightened after becoming a father; his athletic instincts have merged with the famous “dad reflexes” all fathers seem to be gifted with. (Atsumu tells reporters that this is why he keeps on becoming a better player; people think his family would hold him back, but once again, family is his greatest blessing.)
“Ya gotta hang onto me, buddy.” Atsumu can’t even pretend to be stern when he tells this to Akinari, who only smiles at him and exclaims something unintelligible. He shifts Akinari to his left arm, relaxes back in his seat, and is even excited to answer a question concerning his play style compared to Tobio Kageyama’s, but as he readjusts the two boys in his arms, Atsumu can’t help but startle at the fact that he has three kids. Not just two. 
Momentarily panicked, he almost wants to ask why the hell no one told him one of his kids jumped ship but then he feels a tug on the bottom hem of his volleyball shorts. 
Peering under the table, Atsumu is greeted with the sight of Akimitsu’s mischievous little face. He’s the oldest of the three and takes after Atsumu the most — meaning, he’s the cutest little nightmare there could ever be. 
“Whatcha doin’ under the table, Mitsu?” Atsumu asks, and Akimitsu gives out a happy, gleeful shriek. He’s clapping his grubby hands together and cheering. 
“Dada found me!” 
“I did find ya, buddy.” Atsumu coos. “Now why don’t you come sit on daddy’s lap?” 
After wrangling up all his kids once more, Atsumu sighs and looks up at the timer in front of him. 
“I have enough time for one more question.” He tells the crowd.
“Are you excited to get out of here and get back home to the wife?” 
“I’m always happy to come home to [Name]. If there’s a professional league for motherhood, she’s going into the hall of fame. I don’t know how she handles these fools by herself all day.” 
Akihiko takes a tiny, chubby hand and smacks Atsumu in the face. Repeatedly. 
“Home! Home!” His slaps get slightly more aggressive, but Atsumu’s received some serves with his face before, so it doesn’t really phase him. “Home! Mama!” 
“Well, you heard the man.” Atsumu actually gives a genuine smile for the cameras. “We gotta head home.”
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You’re applying your moisturizer in the bathroom despite the mirror being fogged up from the hot shower. It’s probably why you don’t anticipate strong arms wrapping themselves around your body, and you gasp before your muscle memory recognizes him. Your body easily relaxes against his, and you’re smiling as you ask your husband, 
“Had a good day today?”
“We took ‘em in two straight sets. Slaughtered the other team to the point where it wasn’t even fair.” He angles his head just right so he can kiss you on the cheek, but you gently slap him away.
“I’m putting on moisturizer right now.”
“Great. My lips are dry.” He goes in for another kiss, and even though you’re giggling, trying to pull away from him, he still plants a peck on your soft skin. “Should I go for seconds, just for good measure?” He teases.
“Hmm, I guess so.” 
“Oh? What’s with the change? Realize how much you can’t live without my touch?” He pulls you in closer to him, your back pressed firmly against his chest. He’s fresh out the shower, stray droplets of water greedily clinging onto his skin. 
“Maybe.” You tilt your head back on the front of his shoulder so that you can see him. “You know your interview is trending on Twitter, right?” 
“Oh, yeah? Bet Nakamura’s pissed.” Atsumu sounds too happy at the concept. 
“No. There’s actually an interesting clip that keeps going around. Someone already used it as an intro for a thirst edit of you.” 
You like it when Atsumu is thinking. There’s an adorable crease in between his furrowed brows, and you can practically see him going through the memory files in his brain, trying to figure out what could possibly be worthy of inspiring an edit of him. 
“You seriously don’t know?” You’re laughing at him, and it’s the sweetest sound in the world. Atsumu doesn’t take kindly to being the butt of a joke, but from the moment he saw you, he knew he’d do anything to stay by your side, even becoming a fucking court jester if that’s what it took. 
You reach for your phone on the counter, taking a few seconds to load up the fan edit you have favorited. 
He’s burying his face in your hair, hiding away as he hears the audio of him going now why don’t you come sit on daddy’s lap playing on a loop. He groans when you let it replay, uncharacteristically shy as you keep telling him to watch it. 
“The comments are the best part, though, baby!” You haven’t been able to stop giggling at jackingthejackalsoff’s very bold and very true statement of yeah, if i were [name], i’d pop out triplets for him too tf 😭🙏.  
As Atsumu’s hands travel to rest against the growing swell of your belly, you tease him. “So, when the twins are born, do you think you’ll have enough space in your arms to haul all five of our kids, or should we finally use that baby chest carrier Shoyo gifted us?” 
“I can carry all of ‘em and you onto that stage.” He regrets making this smug remark whenever you slightly drop your teasing tone and use what he dubs The Mom Voice on him.
“Oh? If that’s true, then why did it take you so long to realize Akimitsu crawled out of your arms while you were busy calling your opponents scrubs?” 
“Have I ever told you what a wonderful mother you are? And this moisturizer! Wow, I don’t know what you’ve been doing with your skin, baby, but keep it up.” He’s peppering your face with more kisses, hurriedly trying to change the subject, and you gladly let him.
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festive · 1 year
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✿ - cyno x fem!reader
content+warnings: fem!reader, pet names used, established relationships, vaginal penetration, vaginal fingering, use of vibrators, multiple orgasms.
✿ - a/n: posted on my ao3 a few days ago, decided to post here. anyways more scholar!reader x cyno. happy holidays, y’all!
++ tagging: @bubble4u @thicksimpx
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Cyno's been worried about you; lately, he's overheard from the other students just how hard you've been working — day in and day out, dedicating yourself to your studies; even Faruzan had mentioned you once or twice to him in hopes that he could help.
Although, as clever as Cyno was, not even he knew what he could do — yeah, Cyno could play mother hen and tell you not to overwork yourself, but even he knows you're way too stubborn to listen, and you would probably shrug him off with 'just five more minutes.
Not knowing how he could help, he turned to a friend. He's thankful he caught Kaveh when he did, much to the blonde's dismay seeing as how Kaveh was complaining about being locked out again.
But considering how fond of Cyno, Kaveh was, as soon as he heard the dilemma, he was more than willing to help. He had given the smaller male plenty of solutions, yet they all led him to the same place.
A foreign goods vendor on the outskirts of the bazaar, that's what the eccentric blonde had told him.
Cyno walks around mindlessly, his eyes falling on all the different shops and trinkets that decorate the way. From the candy to the freshly baked goods, he'd bring you some later as a treat after he buys what he needs first.
Cyno did a fantastic job brushing off all the cowering looks he received from countless people, wondering what archon-forsaken thing sent him to the bazaar. Even with his disguise, the jackal ears that stood proudly on his hood were very distinguishable.
Look for the stand on the furthest part of the bazaar. It's hard to miss. Kaveh's words ring through Cyno's head. The stand on the most distant part.. he murmurs.
And sure enough, after walking for what felt like hours. There stood the shop, hidden behind two other stalls, draped in deep purple and golden clothes — although nothing distinguished this seller from the others.
"Are you the shopkeeper?"
He's greeted by a taller woman that dwarfed him completely in height, with darker skin — long purple hair that was parted down the middle, but what stood out the most was the pair of long, fluffy ears that protruded proudly from her head, reminiscent of Tighnari's, and the geo vision that rested upon her neck.
"Why yes, you're correct, young general mahamatra," Cyno quirks an eyebrow, and the woman laughs, pushing aside the candles and other exotic goods across the counter. "I am Sheba. I've heard all about you from Kaveh,"
Sheba, as she calls herself, ducks underneath her desk. Cyno can hear her fumbling with whatever's under there — watching as her puffy tail sways back and forth until she finally gets up.
"I have exactly what you need," Her cerulean eyes beam, lighting up in joy as she places an item on the counter, nearly pushing it into Cyno's hold.
Cyno glances at it expectantly, snatching it off the counter.
It looks like it's made of the same advanced technology the ruin guards are made of, he thinks — knowing exactly what their reactor cores look like, he finds it odd how the device has the same designs.
"Is this a weapon?" Cyno asks, curiously looking over the wand-shaped item he was handed — the object's outline reflecting in his ruby-red eyes. Cyno's seen many odd devices, runes, and mechanisms, but nothing compares to this. He continues examining it, checking for any blades.
The merchant laughs, nearly doubling over in amusement. "Hah, surely you jest?" Then, wiping at her eyes as water collects around the edges.
Cyno stares at her blankly, lips formed into a straight line before summoning his weapon. Sheba jumps, eyes locking onto the sharp blade of his polearm.
"Ahaha, no need for violence. Here, allow me to demonstrate," cautiously Sheba gestures towards the device, palm shakily reaching forward until finally, Cyno places the object in her palms. She chooses her following words wisely, she's heard of all the rumors and tales that circled the General Mahamatra, and she was determined not to be the next story in the tavern.
"Look," Sheba says while pushing one of the buttons. Cyno watches as the device's intrinsic designs glow before it starts up, the blunt end of the object vibrating furiously. "See, like this," The woman laughs awkwardly, trying to save her hide.
"I see,"
To further sell her point, she starts talking about how advanced the piece of technology is. "It's popular amongst the women in Fontaine. In fact," She drawls, watching as Cyno looms in closer. "they all recommended this as their best way to relieve built-up stress."
It's working. Cyno's further intrigued; his ears perk up when she mentions the stress part.
"And look," Holding out the device, Sheba waves it around before pressing another button. "It even comes with different vibrations, and you can control the speed!" She chirps, demonstrating all its settings.
"How much," Cyno asks, arms folded against his chest.
"200,000 mora."
"That's a scam,"
Sheba sighs, ears drooping dramatically before taking the toy in her palms. "I guess you don't really want to help your beloved that much," She turns away, a sly smirk playing on her lips while she waits for the white-haired man to fall victim to her ploy.
And just like that, it happens.
"I love my beloved wife very much," Cyno grumbles, reaching for his pouch that carried all his mora before dropping it on the counter. "It's yours."
"Sold," Sheba beams, "and just for you, I'll wrap it, just like a gift!"
After completing the transaction, Cyno picks up his purchase before trailing off.
Kaveh was right. His friend was a lovesick fool, Sheba thinks.
"Thanks for the purchase. I hope to see you again soon." She beams, waving off the smaller man, praying to the archons she'll see him again — fools like him were her favorite, easy buyers.
Cyno didn't even realize he was gone for so long until he felt the cold desert air brush against his skin, making haste towards your home away from school.
He can see the candle-lit room from your opened window. The more he peeks in. Finally, he can see you hunched over your desk on the other side.
He's quick and quiet — effortlessly sneaking in through the open window. You don't even realize he's in your room until he speaks up.
"My dove," his voice is soft but enough to startle you, nearly causing you to shriek as you jump in your seat.
"Oh, archons, Cyno, you nearly gave me a heart attack." You sigh, your heart still pounding from the scare you received mere minutes before.
Your lover apologizes, "You've been overworking yourself," Cyno points to the bags that have grown underneath your eyes, then to the paperwork in front of you.
"I know," You let out a heavy breath, "but look, I'm almost done," Before you pick your pen up, Cyno snatches it away, careful not to hurt you.
"Tonight, I want you to relax,"
"I'm not asking you. You will," Cyno's voice is stern, causing you to lean back in your seat, defeated. Your eyes wander to the bags placed in his hands, and soon enough, his gaze follows yours.
"What's that," You point. Cyno merely shrugs, placing them both on your bed before digging through them. You're quick to recognize the smell that wafts through the air.
"Padisarah pudding," you inquire, sniffing the air for good measure. "I want it,"
A gentle smile tugs at Cyno's lips as a soft laugh escapes him. "After,"
You huff. "What else did you get?"
Cyno's hands fumble with the other bag. You can hear the sound of paper wrinkling as he searches for whatever it is. "A foreign gift," unboxing the 'gift,' Cyno holds it up.
You nearly choke on your spit as you realize what he bought precisely. "That's a vibrator," you cover your face in embarrassment, having heard countless stories about how your friends had enjoyed them.
"A what," Cyno looks at you perplexed, as he examines the vibrator again. "The merchant said this was popular amongst the women,"
You try to stifle a laugh, although you fail horribly. "Oh, I'm sure it is,"
As soon as you stop laughing, you explain to Cyno its purpose, feeding his curiosity as he stares between you and the toy.
"Can we use it?" Cyno asks all too eagerly.
"Can we try it,"
Although embarrassing, it's pretty endearing seeing how eager Cyno was to use it. You nod, "I don't see why not, but how do to go about this?" Then, you question, did he want to watch you use it? You wonder.
A sly smirk tugs at the corner of his lips, "You'll see."
The buzzing sound coming from the vibrator resonates through the room — mixed in with the soft gasps and whimpers that fall from your lips.
Your lover hums, rubbing circles into the softness of your breasts. Your legs are shaking above his, and it's getting harder for you to keep them extended —- sensing this, he spreads them even further using his limbs; your knees fold over him as he forces them open.
"Relax for me, my dove," Cyno dips his head further into the crook of your neck, placing gentle kisses upon the column until finally, his lips stop behind your ear.
"You've been working so hard lately, let me take care of you." The drop of timbre in his voice, mixed with his warm breath fanning against your skin, is enough for the hair on your neck to stand up while it sends shivers down your spine.
Leaving no room for argument, you recline to your fate — allowing yourself to relax as the toy rubs against your clit, massaging the poor bundle of nerves in a tantalizing slow motion.
"Cyno," you moan breathlessly as you allow your body to lay limp against his — closing your eyes, you let your head lul against his chest as you focus on the sensation, allowing your fantasies to race through your mind.
Cyno's hand plays with your breast while the other grips the vibrating wand, holding it between your legs as the heads nudged between your folds, vibrating against your clit.
The position your lover has you in is embarrassing, leaving nothing to be hidden as you're forced to stare at your semi-naked body in the mirror. In addition, your robe is awkwardly out of place, the ends bunched up around your waist, while the top is undone, hanging loose enough to expose your chest to the cool air.
"You're so beautiful," He praises, and you gasp — the toy bringing you even closer to your orgasm. You grab his wrist, your breaths becoming shallow as the coil in your tummy tightens.
"'S close," You slur, fidgeting in his lap, your ass grinding against his growing erection with enough friction to cause him to groan.
Even his grasp on the vibrator becomes shaky, as you continue to grind your hips against his, bucking your cunt into the toy.
"'S close, 's close," You cry out, Cyno presses another button, and you can hear the faint click before the head of the toy speeds up.
Although there's another faint noise, and just as you're about to cum, the toy stops — leaving you pent up at your high without a way down before the feeling disappears.
You look at Cyno horrified, and he mutters a string of curses under his breath. "Stupid cat, selling me a defective good," he swears in reference to the merchant from before.
"I—" he bites on his inner cheek, "I can fix this," Tossing the dead toy to the side, Cyno traces your folds with his fingers. Your slick catching on his digits. "You're so wet," He breathes against your shoulder before placing a sweet kiss on your skin.
You shudder, feeling Cyno sink his fingers into your heat. He starts with two, slowly pushing them in and out of your cunt — slightly stretching your hole with each thrust.
"More!" You whine, and you can feel Cyno's muscles flex against your back as he hunches over you — speeding up his ministrations.
As soon as your slick pools around him, he slides in an extra finger — curving them just enough to prod and poke at your spongiest spot that has you seeing stars.
He's sure he's found it by how your thighs quiver around his and how your breath hitches in your throat. Finally, he pulls back, retracting his fingers before sliding them back in with enough precision to impale that sensitive spot inside you.
Spots of white decorate your sight as that familiar feeling from before comes back. Your hands claw at Cyno's muscular thighs, your nails leaving scratches across his flesh.
"Gonna cum," You moan, drool spilling from the corner of your lips. You nearly lose it as you feel Cyno thumb at your clit — vigorously rubbing circles into the hardened nub.
Your body falls limp against Cyno's hold, your orgasm hitting you hard as he lazily pumps his fingers inside you while your walls spasm around him.
He kisses your temple, his lips soft against your skin.
"You did so well. You know that?" Cyno hums, and you can still feel his erection straining against you.
"What 'bout you," you slur, still hazy from your orgasm.
"Ah, don't worry about it," He says, placing a chaste kiss upon your lips.
"But I want to," Your hands weakly fumble with the hem of his pants until you finally free his cock — he hisses, feeling you guide him towards your cunt. Spreading your folds with his shaft as you grind yourself against him.
"You're dangerous. You know that?"
Cyno lays with his back against the bed, beads of sweat forming along his brows as he anxiously watches you.
You lift your hips slightly, aligning yourself with the leaky tip of Cyno's cock — rubbing it up and down your folds.
Cyno groans, and you feel him shudder underneath you before he mutters out a quick ‘don’t tease me’, there’s a pause, and you hear a ‘please’ after — it’s small, but desperate enough for you to almost feel bad.
"Sorry," you mumble, sinking your hips against his. You nearly choke on your spit as Cyno's cock forces its way inside you — his sheer girth alone, feeling like it'll split you in two.
A soft moan escapes Cyno's lips as he bottoms out, the warmth of your gummy walls wrapping around him going insane.
There's a smirk on your face as you lean closer to Cyno, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. "Gonna take care of you,"
You wait for a moment, giving yourself enough time to relax around his girth.
Cyno, unsure of what to do, places his hands loosely on your hips, the tips of his thumbs rubbing circles in the softness of your skin.
His eyebrows are furrowed, and you can see his lips quiver as he tries to hold himself back — his flustered expression was cute, you think.
Your pace starts off slow while you relish in the way your lover's cock fits inside you — much to his dismay, Cyno rolls his hips against yours, desperately looking for more friction.
"Cyno," You moan, and the man underneath you groans, gritting his teeth — he can barely take it. He needs more.
Cyno doesn't say a word, and the grip on your hips becomes bruising, but before you have the chance even to think — you're flipped onto your back with your lover looming over you.
"Cyno," You look at him in surprise. Cyno readjusts your body into a better position — throwing your legs carelessly over his shoulders as he guides his cock back toward your hole.
You nearly choke on your spit as Cyno slams into you with a relentless pace, your arms wrap around his body in hopes of grounding yourself — though the more he ruts into you, the harder it is for you to think.
Especially when the tip of his cock pounds against your cervix with each movement while his shaft drags along your walls — all you can think about is how good he feels inside you.
"You feel so good," he groans, although you can barely register the words coming from his mouth. Your brain feels fuzzy, and it's getting harder for you to concentrate.
Cyno's name falls off your lips like a prayer as he continues thrusting into you, your walls squeezing tightly around him — it's not long before he pulls another orgasm from you.
This time you scream, falling slack against the covers. Cyno wraps an arm around you, almost possessively, while he readjusts your body to slam into you with a better angle.
He pants, his heavy balls slapping against your ass with a pap noise. He's close.
All it takes is a few more thrusts before his cock twitches for the last time — spilling his seed inside your cunt as he idly thrusts into you until he's sure you've thoroughly milked him.
The mixture of your juices seeps out from your folds as he pulls away with a squelching sound. His hold on your waist falters, but his arm still rests across your flesh. You can feel the sweat dripping from him.
You both don't say anything, preferring to bask in the silence of your post-orgasmic bliss and enjoy each other's presence. Until your stomach growls and your eyes shoot open. Suddenly you remember the treat he had brought before.
“Cyno, I want the pudding!”
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secondaxispoint · 1 year
Din Djarin x Male!Mando!Reader
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Male!Mando!Reader
Warning: None!
Content: Fluff
This is from Din’s perspective so the reader has a nickname. No use of y/n. Hope you guys enjoy!
Din had been so used to living alone that when another Mandalorian offered to join him in his travels, it took him a while to come to terms with it. The man was quiet and intelligent. He was a bit taller than him and had a broad frame. Din had watched the other hunter in action and was surprised he had never met him before. His reddish tinted beskar and durasteel armour looked similar to his own, Mandalorian sigil forged proudly on his shoulder.
Once Din had stepped on board, along with his new partner, he was pleasantly greeted by Grogu. He smiles under his helmet and leans down to pick the creature up. He turns to the other man and starts introductions.
“This is Grogu, Grogu this is…”
He pauses, releasing that he never got a name from the other hunter. He looks up from the little beast he held in his arms. A bit of tension left his shoulders when he heard the warrior laugh through his helmet and step a bit closer.
“Jackal. Nice to meet you little guy.”
Din watches as he leans down and reaches a hand to Grogu who giggles happily and grabs one of his gloved fingers. 
“You can get to know him after we get out of here. For now you should get familiar with the controls and layout of the ship.”
Jackal nods and Grogu releases his grip. Din puts him down and makes for the small area where he keeps his weapons. Jackal’s rifle is still clasped to his back and his blaster is still on his hip. He’d have to clear a spot for the other’s weapons. But for now, Din puts his stuff away and leads the man to the very front of the ship. When he hears Jackal’s footsteps become irregular, he looks back to see that Grogu has attached himself to the taller man's calf.
“Y’know it would be easier for both of you if you just picked him up.”
He heard Jackal stifle a laugh as he bent down to pick up the clingy child. Once he had Grogu securely in his arms, he continued on behind Din.
It took a few hours, but the three finally found a safe place to rest for a while. Jackal volunteered to stay up a bit longer due to the lack of space in the ship. Din felt sort of bad but trusted the man to his own devices. He tried to retreat back to his and Grogu’s cramped sleeping quarters but the little one refused to go with him. Grogu climbed up and forced himself into Jackal’s lap. He chuckled and told Din that it was okay and that he would watch over Grogu while he slept.
Din had slept through most of the night, only waking when he heard a quiet knock on the shudder. He opens it to see Jackal standing with a sleeping Grogu in his arms. He silently shuffled out of the sleeping area and offered it to the other. Jackal had a bit tougher time fitting in the makeshift bed but he made it work. Din stretched and prepared himself for the day.
Two years later, the three of you were still together. Din and Jackle had been dancing around their feelings for eachother for over half of it. They shared little moments here and there but never explicitly confronted the other about it. Neither of them wanted to ruin the partnership that they had been building. So feelings continue to go unacknowledged. At least they do until a bounty goes sideways and Jackal almost gets himself killed trying to save Din.
So they both sit in the Razor Crest, panting and bloody. The ship was completely silent besides the ragged breaths coming from the hunters. Grogu was safe and sound with Peli, far away from the shit storm the two created for themselves. Din noticed the stiff and pained posture Jackal had taken. He stood and walked over to the medical area, grabbing a kit, and bringing it back to Jackal.
Din assisted Jackal, laying him down on the floor, and taking his armour off. Albeit not being the cleanest place to tend to an open wound, it was all they had at the moment. With his chest piece off and his weapon put aside, Jackal helped pull the undershirt up enough so that Din could tend to his injury. He had a large vertical gash on his lower left abdomen. Din saw that his midsection was littered with varying healed scars.
He stitches up and bandages the slash before leaning back giving the other some breathing room. Sitting back on his heels, he watched Jackal’s chest rise and fall steadily. Jackal reaches a hand to Din, which he grasps in his own. He helped the man sit up and get up into the co-pilot’s seat in the control room. He grabbed a fresh set of clothes for the injured hunter and gave him some privacy to change. Din stood outside the door, nervously swaying back and forth.
He waited for Jackal to trudge out, hand on his side. Din let out a sigh of relief and offered Jackal his armour back. He didn’t put it back on, instead opting to set it aside and sitting back down in his seat with a groan. Din moved behind him, too restless to sit. He put his hand on the back of Jackal’s chair and spun it around. He wanted to make absolute sure that his partner was going to be okay.
Jackal tilted his head, confused. Din knelt down in front of him with his hands on both sides of the armrests. Jackal said nothing but leaned forward slightly. Din moved his hands down to Jackal’s knees, not pressing any further, just simply setting them there. Din could hear his breath hitch through his helmet. Jackal sat stiff and still until Din started to pull away. Neither man said anything. Jackal grabbed one of Din’s hands and pulled him up to eye level. Slowly leaning forward, Din gently touched his helmet to Jackal’s. He leaned back and sighed.
“What’s wrong?”
Jackal asked, genuinely concerned. Din looked up, and got an idea.
“Do you trust me?”
Din asked the man in front of him.
“With my life.”
The ease with which he said it made Din a bit dizzy.
“Sit tight.”
Din walked to the control panel and Jackal heard him flip a few switches. The lights dimmed and then turned off fully, leaving the men in almost complete darkness. Din carefully moved back in front of Jackal and kneeled in front of him once again. He slowly takes his helmet off and audibly sets it down, hoping Jackal knows what he’s implying. Luckily he does.
He hears Jackal take off his helmet and gently presses it into his hand for him to put down. After placing the helmet down next to his own, Din leaned back up. He stopped about an inch away, he could feel Jackal’s breath on his face.
“Is this okay?”
Din asked in a hushed tone. Instead of responding, Jackal closed the distance between them. The kiss is slow and meaningful. Almost two years of pent up feelings and unresolved tension shone through their intimacy. Jackal moved his hand up and rested it on the back of Din’s neck, the other cupped his jaw. Din tilted his head to deepen the kiss.
Jackal was the first to pull away for air but Din didn’t want the kiss to end. He moved down to pepper Jackal’s neck in love bites and small kisses. Din felt a groan rumble in the back of Jackal’s throat. He finally pulled back and listened to the other man pant in the darkness. Din started to stand up but before he could, Jackal grabbed his hands once again. Only this time he pulled Din towards him.
Din was tugged into Jackal’s lap. Once he was comfortable and not anywhere near Jackal’s injury, Din grabbed both sides of his face and yanked him in again. This time their kiss was more heated. Hands wandered. They both made the most of it since they were probably never going to see each other's faces. Jackal felt the stubble on Din’s face, and ran his fingers through his soft hair.
Although Din couldn’t see, he could imagine what the man in front of him looked like. Flushed cheeks with half-lidded and glossed over eyes. He felt as his cheeks started to burn at the thought. Din was shocked back into reality by a pained groan coming from Jackal. He jumped out of the man’s lap and apologised for losing focus.
“It’s alright Din I’m okay. But maybe we should take a little break for today.”
Jackal chuckled lightly and Din smiled into the darkness. Din fumbled around the ground and grabbed the helmets, putting his on and handing Jackal his. Once both of the Mandalorians were covered, Din slowly turned the lights back on. He saw Jackal, still seated, with his clothes a bit ruffled. He was breathing a bit heavier than normal but other than that he looked okay. He walked back over and offered to lead the fellow hunter back to the makeshift bed with a concealed smile. Jackal accepted his offer gratefully, and the two packed themselves in the small space. They both slept peacefully for the first time in years.
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suckingsugu · 2 days
Lover’s Game
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a/n — on my haikyuu shit bc of the new movie, and who better to write for than the loml atsumu?
content — atsumu x fem! reader, fem bodied reader, set in the time skip, stripping game involved, it’s kinda like strip poker but with wins and losses, slight nsfw(stripping obvi),kinda suggestive, i think that’s it lmk if i missed anything! not proofread
synopsis — when you started dating the MSBY Jackal’s very own atsumu miya in high school, you knew he was competitive, but when you beat him in smash bros? the game you two had agreed to already seemed like a bad idea.
✿.。.“Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?”.。.✿
“ HAHHHH??" ” your boyfriends scream rang out in your ears, seeing the tv filled with the victory pose of Princess Peach with the ‘1st place!’ placed next to her.
You’d never played smash bros before, having grown up as an only child who played sports most of the time, but beating your very kinda competitive boyfriend on your first time while playing the only character you knew?
Atsumu wouldn’t, no he couldn’t , have this. He had spent his whole life holding the “reigning super smash bros champion” title over Samu’s head, and he could not be beat by a newbie! especially because he didn’t want to be the first one to have to do the punishment the two of you had agreed on.
“ ‘yer cheatin’!!” the dyed blonde accused as he pointed a finger at you , cheeks puffed out like one of a child. “i am not! quit being a sore loser!”you yelled back at him- pointing back at him as well. “yeah huh!” “nuh uh!” “yeah—”
“just take your shirt off! we already agreed!”you huffed as atsumu shook his head. “you just said ‘some’ item of clothes! so…”the male took off his sock.
his. freaking. sock. you rolled your eyes before hitting the next button,“fine. shut up and grab your controller you bum.” you did love your boyfriend, but now that you’d tasted sweet victory? you never wanted to let go of it.
Round two went to atsumu
“hah! i’m the best!”he laughed as he watched you slowly take off your bra from under your shirt. maybe if he decided to be a horned up mess you’d win faster.
Round three - atsumu
off went your own sock while atsumu proclaimed you only had ‘beginners luck’
Round four - you
you watched as atsumu pulled his shirt off with one hand, your tongue sneaking out to wet your lips. “quit bein’ a perv you freak.” he teased, but how were you not supposed to look when your PRO VOLLEYBALL PLAYER boyfriend took off his shirt like he was in a porno?!
Round five - atsumu
fine. if atsumu wanted to continue to brag, you’d simply make sure his brain short circuited. you stared him straight in his amber eyes as you slipped off the thong you’d been wearing under your skirt.
Round six - you
“that’s not fair, you were teasin’ me!”atsumu accused, finger back in your face as he slid off his shorts. “you’re a bad loser, miya…”and woo weee if that didn’t get him riled up.
Round seven - atsumu
maybe calling your boyfriend the name by which he associated with his brother wasn’t the best idea. to you, he was “tsumu” or “atsumu” never was he “miya.” “since ya wanna be like that- you deserved to lose.” he said, nostrils flared as you took off your shirt- watching as his favorite part of you came spilling out into the open.
Round eight - stalemate.
no one got the chance to even select their new characters before atsumu was picking you up and throwing you on your shared bed. with the both of you only wearing one sock as he was covered only by his boxers and you only by a skirt.
“i’ll show you how much of a sore loser i can be, baby.”atsumu smirked against your lips before snaking his hand under your skirt.
maybe you should’ve started playing video games with atsumu much sooner.
✿.。.“ it’s just a game but really, I'm bettin' on all three”.。.✿
and that’s it for my fav guy ever😻
likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!
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ornii · 1 year
When it gets Dark Outside
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Must be fun being a Super Hero, right?
Spider Gwen X Male Reader. (Y/n) has been flaking on his Girlfriend for a while now, and unfortunately it all comes to a head.
So. Let’s do this, one last time
My name is (Y/n) Riley, turns out my birth was your normal Mom and Dad stork story, I was created in a lab by a man named the Jackal, using the DNA of a guy named Peter Parker, unfortunately my dna wasn’t purely his and was mixed up somehow, letting me not look exactly like him. And for the last two years I’ve been New Yorks Spider-Man after Peter decided to retire and live comfortably with his Girlfriend, and I gladly took on the mantle of The Scarlet Spider-Man.
You know the rest, saved the day, got the girl and have been doing pretty decent hero work if I could say so myself. One of the biggest helps in that was my girlfriend, Gwen. She doesn’t know about my powers, I’m too worried what she might say, but it’s getting too much to hide, and I’m worried it’ll blow up in my face. Well, I guess it’s too late for that now.
It was ranging to be an average New York night for most. Bustling city, beautiful lights, and your run of the mill Supervillain trying to rob a bank, shocker.
Speaking of Shocking, The Scarlet Spider-Man swings though the city until he lands on a light pole, as police quickly surround a large bank embedded into central street.
“Long day?” He asks to the Police chief, George Stacy, who frowns at the web head.
“Focus, we got Shocker in the main Lobby, zapping anyone and anything that gets even a few feet near the parking lot, we’ve cut off the block to avoid casualties and civilians.” George said, Spider-Man nods and points to the bank.
“I’ll take out shocker, it’s up to you guys to finish clearing the block in case something happens.” He swings away and lands on the wall, crawling in though a window he sneaks onto the roof, the bank is, well was before it got blown to bits, a nice regal place. Marble floors, beautiful pillars and all, Spider-Man stood up and smirked. Standing below him was shocker, ready to fight anyone coming into the door.
“Got a hot date shocker?” He says, Shocker turns without hesitation and blasts his electric bolts, Spider-Man leaps out of the way and onto a pillar.
“Oh Cmon man? You’re breaking my heart.”
“Grrr! Step off Spider before I fry you!”
“Yeah, Like im Gonna let that happen, so why don’t you do your old man a favor and just surrender?” He asks, Shocker responds by attacking again, Spider-Man leaps over him and fired his web shooters, beginning to slowly web up the shocker, avoiding a blast but getting knocked into a pillar, he sees shocker wind up for a big blast, using his slingers he hurls a table at him, letting the attack hit that and causing a substantial sound wave, knocking the glass out of the doors, Spider-Man lands from the attack and prepares to fight, before seeing an incoming call on his mask. Gwen.
“Uh, Hello?” He asks, inside his dormitory, Gwen was sitting there, waiting for him.
“(Y/n)? Where are you? I thought you were ready to study?”
“Uh Yeah! I Just had small detour?” He says, avoiding a death blast, he webs shocker by the ankle, making him trip.
“Look I promise I’ll be there, just wait a little longer.”
“.. you aren’t doing anything dangerous are you?”
“No, you know me.” He says back, trying to convince the girl, who was silent for a moment.
“…Yeah.” Gwen responds with a bit of deadpanned sadness. She hangs up and Spider-Man turns to shocker.
“Alright, can we wrap this up I have something super important to—“ he says, before another incoming call appears.
“Again? What she’s—“ his distracted headspace was the perfect opportunity for Shocker, who hits him with a heavy blast to the chest, sending him flying out of the building in slow motion in front of the police, time slows down and he quickly fires his webs against the wall, using the momentum like a slingshot, he flies back though the building door with a big drop kick, sending Shocker into the wall stumbling, he changes his cartridges and fires his classic impact webs! The hit and explode on contract with Shocker, webbing him perfectly. He grabs and spins him around before hurling the villain right out into police custody. He sighs with relief and collapses down to one leg.
“Well.. that sucked, alright.” He stands up, taking a few deep breaths, before swinging out of the bank and back to his dormitory, bring a Highschool student on a boarding school in New York wasn’t the worst thing, granted he had no roommate so keeping his identity was much easier without his parents walking in on him. Granted it still was a hassle with school, but he made it work, he stumbled into the room via the window, tumbling in as he held his side, he tore off his mask to sigh in pain.
“Okay, just gotta get to—“ he looks up, and his eyes ran straight into Gwen’s, she looks rightfully stunned as he stands up, holding his side.
“I..can explain.” He says, and Gwen starts to get, obviously frustrated.
“Is this what you’ve been doing?”
“… Yeahhhh..” (Y/n) sadly admits, and Gwen was at a loss for words.
“I thought you were working at a homeless shelter or something, you’re Spider-Man? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to! I just never really knew how you’d react.” He responds, her anger grows.
“So you lied? All this time?”
“Yeah, for a good reason Gwen! If I had told you and they found out who I was, I don’t know what would happen if something happened to you because of me.. I’d never forgive myself.” He admits, and her anger slowly began to subside.
“What do you mean?” She asks, and he sits down on his bed.
“If someone found out that I’m Spider-Man, they’d go for the people I love the most… and that’s, you.” He says in a halfway confession.
“..Love?” She asks and he nods, Gwen approached and sat next to him, her hand gently laying on his.
“I totally understand why you’d feel that way, I see you fight for you life protecting everyone, my dad included, even though he hates your guts. I was mad But, i Understand why..” she admits, and she smiles so, earnestly and the way she always smiles just, warms his heart.
“Thanks Babe, you don’t know how much it means to me to get this off my chest.” He says, Gwen slowly leans in, and (Y/n) does as well, taking the opportunity to try to kiss her, suddenly a hole in the ceiling begins to form seemingly out of some scientific tech, and a white figure landed. She Checks a device on her wrist.
“Rats, might not be the right universe to—“ she halts as she slowly turns to her side, and sees (Y/n) and Gwen staring at her, which was more of a surprise since Gwen was staring at another version of herself
Spider-Gwen. Normal gwen turns to (Y/n).
“So.. Something else you didn’t tell me about?”
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masked-men-fantasy · 23 days
Ask about their manhood size Headcanon (Call of Duty)
Headcanon for my beloved masked men from Call of Duty. What are their sizes down there?
NSFW Content. MDNI.
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He hid his surprise under the mask when you asked the question about his private part. Not that he hates the question; he is just surprised...
Around 8 1/2 inches.
He has a shower-type cock. So you won't see much difference when he is soft and hard.
Same color as his skin.
Not clean-shaven, but also not bushy. Well-trimmed. It is for the sake of cleanliness, he claimed.
He is proud of his size. He believes that this is the perfect size to satisfy you.
Never, ever joke about his manhood. Because if you do, he will show you what this cock can do until dawn.
"Come on, try to keep up," would be the last thing you hear before you collapse in his arm.
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He will just drag you to the nearest toilet and let you find out with your own eyes. Or hands.
Judging from your eyesight, that should be somewhere around 7-8 inches, give or take.
Trimmed, almost fully shaven.
What surprises you is that his cock also has a crocodile scar, similar to what he has on his body.
He would ask you if you wanted to feel how those scars worked inside. And luckily, your curiosity is likely to win over reason and logic this time.
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"Confidential," he said.
But if you insist on him enough, with some help from a shot of Baileys, he will give you a hint.
"Can you see a watch on my wrist? Flatten it. That is the exact same length as what I have down there."
Luckily, you and Simon have the same model of watch. So you just flatten it on the counter bar to see the answer.
Let's just say you are more than satisfied with the truth that has been revealed.
"Now that I tell you about my secret, you gotta tell me yours to," Ghost said shortly in a husky voice, but his eyes surely mean he looks for something more than just a typical secret from you.
Oh... you think you know where this is going now.
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"нет (No)" He answered coldly. And no matter how many times you beg, he will not answer.
Until one day, you find him naked in the locker room by accident.
It is neither that big nor that long, probably because it is soft now. So you think it is quite normal size.
But the main event is what happened after. You are not sure why, but probably because of his nervousness, his manhood suddenly grows—rapidly, tremendously.
6 inches total, with somewhere around 5–6 inches of girth. It might not be that long, but the girth is insanely huge. You wonder if someone would be able to take all of that in.
Now that he is fully erected, he has to find someone to take responsibility for this matter. And then his eyes were drawn to you.
"Take care of this now, сука (bitch)," Nikto said as he held his shaft that pointed directly to you.
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second-axis-point · 1 year
din djarin x reader where they’re like- work frenemies with bounty hunting but one day while they’re competing for the same bounty, reader is ahead of Din but is ambushed or something so hes badly injured and din finds him, takes him back to the Crest, and patches him up? din being a worried and stressed dude TM and maybe confessions and cuddling?
thank you so much and have a great day! your writing is freaking great :D
Pairing: Din Djarin x Male!Reader
Warnings: Slight blood and injury
Content: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, No use of Y/N, reader has a nickname, Din being a worried and stressed due ™ 
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Love the enemy to lovers plot. Din being a worried and stressed out dude ™ is probably my favourite to write. Sorry if this is a bit too long, thank you for the request!! 💚
Partners in Crime
No one ever knew your real name and you had always kept your face covered. You had been given the nickname Jackal due to your agility and sheer hunting abilities. You wore light armour and a dark cowl that hung down to the back of your knees as well as a jet black mask that looked similar to a flattened death trooper helmet.
The first time you met the Mandalorian was during a group hunt. There were several bounties and Greef told him that he could use the help. He protested, insisting that he can do it on his own. You stood beside Karga with your arms crossed, watching the argument silently. You noticed that you were an inch or two taller than him yet he still seemed more intimidating. The Mandalorian finally gave in and waved you along. You grabbed your rifle and clipped it to your back before following him to his ship.
It was an Old Republic gunship. One that you hadn’t seen for a while. He motioned for you to board first, not trusting you behind him. Once you were in the cockpit, you noticed a little green creature settled in the co-pilot’s seat. You cocked your head to one side and watched the small thing snore peacefully. You heard footsteps behind you.
“If you put one mark on him, there’s no place you will be able to hide from me.” 
The Mandalorian threatened you. You turned and put your hands, signalling that you were no threat to the little beast in the seat.
“Take it easy Mando, I wouldn’t even consider it.”
Your voice buzzed clearly through the modulator in your helmet. He nodded and moved to the little creature, picking him up and moving past you. You followed him curiously and watched as he put the critter in a hammock that hung in the small bunk. Once the Mando turned, he stared daggers at you and moved his hand up to the blaster that sat on his waist. You realise that you had accidentally sort of cornered him. You apologised quietly and shuffled back up the ladder.
You slowly pulled your rifle off your back and set it down on the floor, letting the fellow hunter know that you had no intention of using it against him. The rest of the hunt was a breeze. You caught the four bounties and returned with no hassle whatsoever. You had worked with him a few more times after that, forming a sort of friendship. It had been a few months since you last saw him and you were sort of starting to miss him.
Right now, you were sitting across from Greef and discussing the latest parameters of your latest bounty when the familiar Mando walked up to the table. You two exchanged a respectful nod before you finished your conversation with Karga. The mission seemed a bit riskier than you were used to but it didn’t bother you too much. As you were walking out, you heard him shout out to you.
“Jackal! Why don’t you take Mando with you?”
You turned and saw both Greef and the Mandalorian face you. You took a second to think. It would be nice to have some extra muscle if things went sideways. You nodded and the Mando followed you to your own ship. You were about to board when you heard the Mandalorian behind you.
“Why don’t we take mine?”
You stop for a second and shrug your shoulders. You turn on your heel and follow him back to the Razor Crest. You see the small green creature again, Grogu, you remember. You wave to the little guy.
“Hey buddy. I kind of have to sit there, would you mind hoppin’ down?”
Grogu babbled something before sliding down onto the floor. You thanked him and sat down. The Mando sat down as well and took off. You were in space for about thirty seconds before you felt the little one clawing up your leg. He settled himself on your lap and closed his eyes. You saw the Mando look back.
“Sorry about that. Grogu, leave him alone.”
You shook your head and laughed.
“He’s alright. He seems pretty comfortable.”
The Mandalorians gaze lingered a bit longer than it should’ve before he turned back to the front.
“Feel free to rest, we have quite a long way to the location.”
You leaned your head back and not wanting to disturb Grogu, crossed your arms. You nodded off for a few hours, only waking when the little one started knocking on your chestplate and a familiar voice scolding him for it.
“Knock it off Grogu, let him sleep.”
He stopped for a second before hitting it one more time, probably out of spite. You laughed, blowing your cover. You sat up and rolled your shoulders, groaning when you heard a crack. You heard the other man chuckle.
“Getting old, Jackal?”
“Shut it Mando.”
You feigned irritation and stretched your legs while Grogu still sat in your lap.
You perked up.
He kept his attention turned to the front.
“Call me Din.”
You smiled under your helmet and nodded.
“Alright. Nice to meet you Din.”
He nodded and started to land the clunky ship.
Din found a friend to watch over Grogu while the two of you followed the bounty chit to a run down old Imperial base. Your target was an ex-stormtrooper who had been scampering around, screwing people over, and selling valuable information to the wrong people. It was overgrown and looked completely abandoned. You both slid your blasters from your holsters and walked carefully. You were treading in front of Din, keeping him behind you.
You heard a noise around the corner and the both of you raised your blasters. A rat ran from the shadows, distracting you from the tripwire that was pulled tight in front of you. You noticed too late, only able to shove the Mandalorian away before the trap went off. The explosion blew you back onto the floor. The ringing in your ears was persistent and brain melting. White hot pain radiates from your knee and under your bestplate. You couldn't move, eyes fixated on the dirty ceiling. Quick shallow breaths shook your chest, spreading the sting throughout your ribs.
You saw Din lean into your line of vision. He was talking but you couldn’t make out what he was saying. He then tried to sit you up causing you to scream in agony. You finally made out what he was saying as he leaned you against the wall, keeping his hand on your shoulder.
“It’s alright. I got him. You're going to be okay.”
He sounded frantic. He looked around before taking his hand away.
“I’ll be right back. I'm going to get the bounty on the ship and come back, okay.”
You tried to say something but all you could muster was a quick nod. He got to his feet and ran off to grab the bounty. This was it. You were going to die here. The Mandalorian was probably not coming back. He shouldn’t come back. You made a stupid mistake and now you were paying for it. If he had any sense left, he would take the bounty and leave you there. The thought of never seeing the Mandalorian again made your heart clench. You really started to like him. Your spiralling thoughts were interrupted by heavy footsteps. Din once again popped into your line of sight, bacta spray and medkit in hand. 
“Hey, you doing okay?”
His voice was uncharacteristically soft. He took off his gloves and placed them down next to your foot. You nodded, a lie, but he didn’t have to know.
“I’m going to spray your injuries down alright? I’m going to have to rip your trousers a bit.” 
He pointed down at the obvious gouge in your knee and you jerked your head up. He took the knife from his boot and carefully cut through the fabric around your injured knee. You watched as the gash was slowly exposed. You heard Din suck in a breath through his teeth. He picked up the bacta spray and held it up to your injury. He thoroughly covered it before looking over you again. He saw the bloody patch that had spread from under your breastplate.
“A piece of shrapnel bounced up and cut through your abdomen. This is going to hurt like hell but I need to lay you on your back.”
He barely gave you a moment to respond before he had his hands back on your shoulders and was laying you back. You ground loudly, not having enough energy to scream. He pulls up your shirt by the hem and tucked it up. Blood was running down your side. The hole in your abdomen was gushing and making you feel a bit lightheaded. 
He used his knife to dig out the shrapnel. The hallway spun as you felt the blade dig around. Din apologised profusely and finally got the piece of metal out. You would have blacked out if not for the constant of Din’s worried voice. He quickly stitched up the slash and sprayed it thoroughly. He let you rest for about a minute before he insisted on getting you back to the Razor Crest. You were dreading the thought of getting up but you knew it had to be done. The gashes in your knee and stomach were feeling slightly better but walking was going to be a challenge.
You reached up and he grabbed your hand, pulling you to your feet. An explosive agony shot through your entire left side. You screamed, ragged and raw. Uneven breaths rocked your chest. Din threw your arm over his shoulders and wrapped the other around your waist, being careful of your wound. You probably would have been more flustered about being this close to him if you hadn’t practically died ten minutes ago. He practically dragged you back to the ship and laid you down in his bunk. You finally allowed yourself to slip away from consciousness.
Waking up, the pain had severely lessened. You moved up with a groan. You realised that both your waist and knee had been wrapped up as well as all your armour had been taken off. All except for your helmet. You heard Din’s voice from outside the bunk.
“I thought that you would prefer it if I left that on.”
You nodded.
“Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.”
Your voice was hoarse and your throat was killing you. When you looked over, you saw that Din had also removed his armour. He had a worried looking Grogu tucked into his arms.
“He was really worried about you y'know.”
Din stated. He looked down at the creature in his arms and then back at you.
“And so was I.”
You felt your face and ears heat up. He was worried about you. You were glad you still had your helmet on, hiding your flustered expression. You remember that you were still laid back in Din’s bunk, taking over his space.
“I’ll be alright. Sorry for taking over your bed.”
You started to shuffle out of the bunk but were stopped by Din’s hand on your thigh. If you weren't flustered before, you sure as hell were now. He looked down and retracted his hand.
“Sorry. It’s okay, you need the rest more than I do. I'll just put Grogu in his hammock and sleep in the cockpit.”
He raised the creature up to his little swing but stopped when he started flailing. He reached his hands towards you, making small grabbing motions. Din looked down at you.
“Would you mind? I don’t want him to disturb you but I'm afraid he won’t sleep if I put him up there.”
You nod, hearing the exhaustion in his voice.
“Why don’t you shuffle in here?”
You take Grogu from him and tuck him into the crook of your elbow.
“Without armour, I’m sure the both of us could fit pretty easily.”
He hesitates and you take it as rejection.
“You don’t have to obviously but-”
He cut you off by dropping a knee onto the edge of the bunk. He climbs in next to you, your back to his chest. He dimms the already soft light. You felt that it was okay to remove your helmet, he most likely wouldn’t be able to see you. So you reached your unoccupied arm up and pulled the helmet from your head. You set it in the corner and held Grogu closer to you. You felt Din shuffle behind you, probably getting comfortable.
You felt Din reach an arm around your waist and the other around your chest. He pulled you flush against him. You felt his breath on your neck. He had taken off his helmet too. You closed your eyes just in case. You knew about the Mandalorian creed and didn’t want to disrespect it or cross a line. You had just gotten close to him and you didn’t want to screw it up already.
“I thought you died when that tripwire went off.”
His voice wavered, unfiltered by his helmet.
“I thought that I would never see you again and it-”
He stuttered.
“I realised that I might be more attached to you then I originally thought.”
His voice was quiet and soft. You felt him nuzzle into the back of your neck. You raise one hand and reach behind you, brushing your fingers through his hair lightly.
“It’s alright Din. I’m okay.”
He pulled you closer and placed a tentative kiss to your nape. You’d never have thought that this is how your mission and partnership with the Mandalorian would have turned out.
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
Hihiii! are you fine with male x male!reader?
If so I have a request! shadow(SAGA) x jackal!reader!
This is set after Sonic forces, Reader being mistaken as infinite and well Shadow confronts Infinite(reader) well notice little too late that reader wasnt really infinite and become a little akward to them.
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Note || hello hello! I hope this was fulfilling, such a neat idea :}
WC || 356
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You were no stranger to undisputable discrimination.
But this was blown way out of proportions, especially even for the ultimate lifeform himself. 
“Believe me when I say I am NOT Infinite.” You grimaced, lifting up your hands in surrender as to appease the shadowed hedgehog. His eyes remained furrowed, he was unconvinced. He was unsure. But you had no idea what to do to reassure him that you weren’t that jackal, hell you never even interacted with the guy – you’ve only ever seen him at a distance. You frowned, your tooth poking out in the process.
“Now, just how will you make me believe that?” He says, one eye narrowing – ears folding downward then back up once again as he walks sideways. You groan, Shadow was being impossible to convince. Then an idea shone through your mind, you take another step backward before clearly thinking about it more. You didn’t want to agitate him, lest before you got your chance. 
It didn’t help that you were a jackal yourself, you would guess. You pointed to your face, “Well did you see his face? Any scars or anything, I don’t have all that.” You sheepishly smiled, seeing his look of thinking form on his face. Finally he was taking your words into consideration.
Then complete silence followed, Shadow looked up at you, appearing as if he finally realized his mistake. He sighs, palming the temple of his head. “I was mistaken, I… was in the wrong.” He says, words almost drawn out as if he wasn’t used to saying them. You chuckle, the stress of having to defend yourself finally left your body. Your tail swayed side to side, self-soothing your being. You particularly didn’t know what to say now, as the situation had become terse with awkwardness. 
“Well.. wanna go get food to eat?” You say, jabbing a thumb right behind you. He looks up at you with careful curiosity. You laugh as you elaborate, “Normally food is the last thing on anyone’s mind after such a situation such as er, Infinite.”
Shadow for once, nodded, feeling glad you weren’t an enemy. 
“You have my thanks.”
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
The Jackal and the Bird | Prologue
summary: your life as a demigod (and friend of Anubis) is fairly normal. that is, until you spot your husband at a museum... insisting his name is steven... and saying he doesn't even remember you. and to top it all off, some guy is trying to help a giant crocodile kill some people. great.
(t/w): m/m, violence, cursing
for m/nblm, no fem aligned
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Your house was completely silent, save for the soft patter of rain on your windows.
Even though it was 3 am and storming, you could still hear the sound of distant cars honking. London was like New York in that way, it never truly slept.
You were stuck in your own head, blocking out the sounds of the world.
“You must leave soon,” A voice called, breaking the enjoyable quiet. “There are souls to carry over.”
The voice was deep, so deep it rumbled through your chest. The first time you’d heard it, it had startled you, but now you’d grown accustomed to it.
You sighed. In some ways, you hated your job.
Not your normal job, of course. Collecting and studying ancient artifacts was your passion.
No. You hated your night job.
“Who is it this time?” You questioned, standing up from your couch. You were still dressed for your day job, having been too tired to bother changing once you came home. The National Art Museum in London had just released an exhibit on the Ennead, and since you were the only curator, it had taken up a lot of your time.
“Two young women. Set to die in their homes.” The voice didn’t sound sad, despite the grim topic. You knew it wasn’t a lack of empathy, he was just so used to witnessing death. You too had grown numb to it, though watching souls pass on had never gotten easier.
“I take it they don’t go peacefully,” You assumed, slipping off your blazer.
“Do they ever?”
No. They didn’t.
You took a deep breath, summoning your suit.
As Anubis’ avatar, your suit was centered around jackals. Your golden eyes were the only thing visible in the dark night sky. The rest of your outfit was black, save for the ankh in the middle of your chest. Pieces of your suit flowed like dark mummy wrappings, moving with the wind. Though your eyes were sometimes obscured by your hood, they were usually enough to terrify your targets.
Your suit was always empowering. Something about the look of fear in those you passed judgment on would send a rush of adrenaline through you. It was both frightening and incredible.
After a moment or two, you walked over to your window, sliding it open and closing it behind you, clinging onto the side of your apartment (perhaps apartment wasn’t the right word, maybe penthouse).
You jumped onto the roof of the next building with ease. After only a second, Anubis appeared beside you, holding his staff topped with an ankh.
The god was much taller than you, likely twice your height. His clothing was dark, and he wore a similar hood to yours. The only non-human part of him, besides his height, was his jackal head. Even with his purely golden eyes, you could tell he was staring off into the night.
Black curls of wrappings floated off him, as if he was one of the mummies he watched over. Besides his eyes, the golden ankh in the center of his chest was the only sign of color. It glinted in the moonlight, much like the same symbol on your chest.
You inhaled deeply, taking in London’s night air. It wasn’t nearly as clean as the remote corners of the world you’d been to, but it was better than your stuffy apartment.
“You must be careful. I smell a bird…” Anubis’ nose twitched as if someone had swiped a feather below it.
You crane your head up to look him in the eyes, tilting your head.
“A bird?” You questioned. “Did Thoth choose an avatar? I thought he was still in Egypt, he hates working with humans.”
Thoth was one of the few other gods you’d ever had contact with. He didn’t like humans very much, usually regarding them as having lower intelligence. Since he was the god of wisdom, he wasn’t really wrong.
“I’m not certain, the smell is faint.”
You sighed. Sometimes you wished things could be easy.
“Do you think he’ll interfere?” You didn’t think you were ready for another discussion with Thoth. Somehow, the god always seemed condescending. Sure, he was smarter than just about anyone, but you still didn’t like being talked down to by an overgrown bird.
“He may, old friend.” Anubis huffed. “We will need to watch for him.”
You nodded, watching as Anubis vanished into sand on the night air.
You hopped from rooftop to rooftop with ease, heading toward the location of your next targets.
A skill of yours was sensing those who would die soon. Finding soon-to-be-dead souls was a talent you wish you didn’t have.
Sometimes you’d see them on the street, their souls out of place in the crowds. You always went out of your way to be nice to them, but there wasn’t any way you could help. Sadly, death was inevitable. Even if you helped them dodge their set death, fate would find another way to kill them.
It didn’t make it any less heartbreaking.
The innocent souls of the world may not have had anyone to help, but you and Anubis would make sure they carried onto the field of reeds.
You landed on the roof of your target building soon after.
You slid open a window, landing on the wooden floor quietly.
It was a fairly modern apartment, nothing impressive, but definitely wealthier than most. It smelled like the various flowers that decorated the room, sitting in vases around you.
But what stuck with you most, was the screaming.
Actually, ‘begging’ was a better word.
It was a woman, likely younger than you, pleading with an unknown figure. You could hear it in the living room, coming from one of the other open doors, presumably the bedroom.
Her voice cracked every few seconds, interrupted by her sobs. Your heart broke for her, though you knew you couldn’t help.
You heard the sound of glass breaking, and a shrill scream, followed by more crying.
You inhaled deeply, using one of the skills Anubis granted you.
The gift (or curse) of being a fly on the wall. A rush of warmth spread through your body as you stepped into the bedroom, completely unsensed by those around you. Even though they couldn’t see you, you’d still have to be careful not to make any noise.
Two women were on the ground, one’s head in the lap of the other. You didn’t need to be Anubis’ avatar to see that she was fading fast.
A large wound covered her stomach, and bright red blood pooled onto the floor, barely visible in the lamp-lit room.
“Simone… please…”
You could hear the other woman’s quiet pleas, holding the other, who was presumably Simone, close to her chest. She was attempting to talk, begging for someone named Anne (who you assumed was the other girl) to run. She wasn’t strong enough to speak above a quiet whisper. You doubted even Anne could hear her.
“You can’t leave me,” Anne said firmly, grasping Simone’s face with a gentleness you recognized. You held Marc the same way. Your heart broke just a little more for them.
Simone was dying quickly. You could feel her soul fading, slowly pulled by Anubis’ power. Anne was injured as well. Though it wasn’t enough to kill her, you knew it would be a matter of time.
You could hear heavy footsteps approaching, and it seemed Anne heard the same thing.
She stood up, quickly and quietly rushing to shut the door, but a man dressed in all black reached it first, forcing it open. Anne stepped back, standing in front of Simone.
You could sense her fear. It ran through her veins like a drug. But you could also sense her determination. She would go down swinging, you could tell.
“Was wonderin’ where you got to,” The man laughed. He had an American accent, his voice gruff and harsh. “That bitch dead yet?” He gestured to Simone, who was slipping away ever faster. She likely had less than a few minutes now.
“Don’t you talk about her like that,” Anne spoke firmly, staring the man down. The fear in her body started to waver, turning to pure anger.
Another man walked in behind him. “Quit talking. We need to go, she probably called the cops.”
The other man, as if he only just realized that, nodded and moved forward.
He took out a knife, glinting in the low light of the room.
He slashed at Anne, and she stepped back quickly. You could see it had cut her shirt, but she seemed unharmed.
She swung up her leg, kicking him in the face and knocking him to the ground.
You were impressed. Her kick was messy and she nearly fell over after, so it was obvious she had no fight training. But you could respect someone like her.
The man’s knife had clattered to the floor with him, and Anne picked it up, quickly stabbing the man in the neck. It wasn’t his jugular, but she dug it in deep, taking it out and stabbing again. She was just about to do it a third time when a shot rang out.
She could only shakily look down as blood poured from her own neck, dripping down onto the floor. She looked over to Simone, falling to the ground with her.
“I give him one damn job,” The other man muttered, hooking his pistol back up to his thigh.
The man on the floor was choking, blood pouring from his neck and mouth.
“Have fun with that,” The one in the doorway said, walking back through the house.
You sped in front of him, finally releasing your camouflage and staring at him.
Once he turned a corner, he jumped at the sight of you before him, a dark mask with golden eyes staring him down. You could feel fear sting his mind, but he pushed it away.
“The hell are you? One of those hero freaks?” He unstrapped his gun, pointing it at your head.
“Far from it.”
His eyes narrowed as he fired. The bullet bounced off your mask, not even scratching it. He looked surprised, firing several more bullets in succession.
You sighed. They never caught on that bullets wouldn’t work.
You simply walked up to him, enduring his fire until, finally, his clip ran out.
Your hand wrapped around his neck, cutting off his airflow.
“May Anubis judge you harshly.”
Clamping your hand down, you heard a loud snap. You dropped him to the ground, feeling Anubis drag his soul away with no further words.
You made your way back to the bedroom. The first man was standing up now, staggering to the door while holding his wound. He met your eyes when you walked in, and fear spread through him like wildfire.
“May your soul be condemned to the sands,” You said firmly, whipping out a golden ankh from your chest and using the sharp end to slice through his jugular. More blood fell from his throat and he collapsed almost immediately. Anubis dragged him away.
You finally turned to the two women, both now lying dead on the cold floor. You sighed. This part of your job was always the saddest.
You reached into their bodies, pulling their souls from their corpses.
Even their souls were afraid when they saw you, but Anne seemed to calm after looking over you.
“Are you the reaper? Death, I mean.”
You considered her question. “In some ways, yes, I am.”
She nodded. Simone was staring at Anne, tears sparkling in her eyes.
“You should’ve run.” She said, one hand covering her mouth as she tried not to cry. Guilt raged through her.
“I wasn’t leaving you.” Anne said, her voice unwavering.
“It is alright,” You reassured. “You will have time to talk in the field of reeds.”
“The what?” Simone questioned.
You didn’t answer, simply resting a hand on them. “May Anubis judge you kindly.”
They dissipated into mist, their spirits fading from the world.
You slipped into the night, far too ready to return home.
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Marc was confused.
Marc was very confused.
According to Khonshu two murderers and thieves they’d been tracking had just landed in London. They picked a fairly standard house as their target, and it was the perfect time to end them.
But now that he stood in the home, four bodies littered the floor.
“The hell happened here?” He asked, looking over two women, one with a bullet wound and the other one stabbed.
Khonshu sat on an armchair in the corner.
“It smells like a mutt,” The god said angrily.
Marc’s mask faded as he somehow looked even more confused.
“The dog is nearby, I can smell him,” Khonshu said, as if it was meant to clarify.
“Yeah, that doesn’t explain anything,” Marc commented, looking over to the man with throat wounds on the floor. His blood was puddled around the room, as if he’d staggered from place to place before finally giving up.
“The Jackal, Death,” Khonshu began. “Anubis’ jackal is likely near. You must be careful with him, he is not a man to be trifled with or underestimated.”
“Another avatar?” Marc was slightly curious.
Khonshu sighed, as if he was already tired of explaining. “He is not simply an avatar, like humans would be. He is the son of Set, but he spends far too much time around Anubis.” It was easy to tell the god had some animosity toward Anubis, for whatever reason.
“So basically two more gods just interrupted our mission?” Marc questioned. “If they’re so good at this why don’t you get a team up or something? Send them a list of the people I’m supposed to hunt down,” Marc suggested, thankful he wouldn’t have to add more bodies to his count that night.
“They have rules and methods that must be followed. They do not just kill, they condemn the wicked for eternity. And they’re very picky about receiving help.”
Marc paused for a second, nearly laughing despite the blood under his feet. “All I’m hearing is that you tried to get in on their operation and they said they’re too cool for you.”
Khonshu was silent for a moment, forcing a smile and a scoff from Marc. “If that is how you would like to say it, yes.” Khonshu agreed.
Marc left the bedroom, stepping over the second man’s body in the doorway. He slipped out a window without another word.
At least his hands were clean tonight.
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marcia-11111 · 11 months
Somewhere only we know - Sae Itoshi x fem! reader
It's a fluff with some angsty pieces. Reader is a captain of the coeducational team of Real Madrid, the new idea of World's Soccer Association. A mention of reader's sad past. Sae may be a little ooc.
Sae Itoshi is a character who belongs to the authors of the manga and anime "Blue lock".
h/c - hair colour
e/c - eye colour
s/t - skin tone
Please don't translate, plagiarise nor use my works on other social media platforms, etc.
As harsh, cold, and distant as Sae Itoshi has become since his arrival in Spain, he was still only a human. The wind caused his reddish-brown hair to move. The new idea of the World Soccer Association dismayed him. Coeducational team? What a farce. Playing with women didn’t bother him, but having more people on his contact list was indeed troubling. At that point in time, Sae certainly hadn’t thought he would meet the bane of his existence. As much as Y/N L/N was an infuriating woman with her beautiful h/c hair and s/t skin, he could not have removed the picture of the striker from his head. How dare she have flashed her sparkling e/c eyes at him? Did she not realize how he must have felt next to Y/N? 
A Japanese prodigy. A genius midfielder. A member of Real Madrid's youth team. An asshole. A handsome male who is rude to interviewers. Because of his outstanding soccer career, the older Itoshi earned numerous titles and nicknames. Everything would have been flowing altogether if it weren’t for the new captain of Real Madrid’s coeducational team, Y/N L/N. He remembered their first meeting too well. No matter how hard he tried, he persisted in having forgotten her; he could not have done so. 
That Monday evening after practice. One week ago, when Sae’s teal eyes met Y/N’s e/c one, he kept his distance, never exposing that his distant nature was only a facade. She came up to him. 
“Leave me be. You probably know who I am, so I won’t bother with saying anything more to you.” He said it coldly. His demeanor didn’t discourage her. 
“A kind of peculiar way to introduce yourself to the new captain of Real Madrid, Sae Itoshi. I do not have to announce who I am either.” Y/N chuckled. Of course he knew who she was—Y/N L/N, the ex-captain and ex-striker of the Brazilian pro-team, Jackals. Her former teammates were such prodigies as herself. Even though she was already a star, Sae could not have been less bothered by the woman’s presence until their gazes met for the first time. He felt a bizarre feeling—it wasn’t butterflies, but a sense of familiarity. The midfielder noticed a bandage on her right arm, not having dared to ask what had happened to her. 
“I am not interested in talking with you.” The Japanese prodigy remained completely unfazed, despite a glint of surprise he (luckily) managed to contain. 
“Mhm. As if I wanted to talk with someone who has your attitude,” She replied calmly. “Y/N L/N.  Whether it’s a pleasure or not to see me for you, I do not care. My responsibility as a captain is to inform teammates of upcoming matches and not indulge in personal matters. You are a midfielder, correct?” Y/n added. Sae was flabbergasted. That woman appalled him to no end. Her beauty, her remarks, her personality. She is the new captain!? Good luck to members who cannot handle sarcasm and criticism. 
“... Correct.” Sae answered. His tone of voice was still as cold as the Arctic Ocean. He scanned the h/c’s woman's body, trying not to stare.
“Good. We have a practice match tomorrow. With FC Barcelona. Coeducational team. See you soon.” After having said that, his new captain just walked away. He didn’t want to be bothered by anyone; however, why did he feel the urge to run after her? He stayed in place, completely frozen due to the events of the past few minutes. The practice match against the rival team ended with a score of 4:3 for Real Madrid. Y/N proved herself one more time.
One month later, Sae found himself wandering aimlessly around the shores of Barcelona. Staring at the sea was his favorite pastime. It eased the mind of the young prodigy. The calm waves differed greatly from the people he was forced to be surrounded by. The feeling of the sand under his bare feet, freedom from any kinds of obligations, and hustle of the soccer world... 
What the boy could not have expected was to meet someone as strong and confident as Y/N, crying on the beach. She appeared vulnerable yet powerful, beautiful yet sad. 
“Why do you still haunt my mind? Why did my former team disband? Just why?” She sobbed to herself. They were the only two people on that shore. “Glass-shattered… That much for half a year not being present in the soccer world. Everything slipped through my fingers.” A young female took the sand in her hand and let it fall on the beach. “Just like this sand.”
Sae observed Y/N’s movements. She seemed so weak and strong at the same time. A fragile but poisonous flower. 
“Welcome back home, Y/N. In my hometown, which feels so foreign.” She sighed and sobbed. 
“Are you alright?” The question left the Japanese prodigy’s mouth before he could have ever thought about it. The weather and scenery didn’t match the scene before his eyes. Sae felt a sharp feeling in his chest—was it empathy, care, love, or sympathy? He wasn’t sure. The urge to embrace the cute woman in the midfielder's arms strengthened every second.
“No, I am not.” That answer was enough for him. Fuck it. Let him do what his heart wants for the first time in a while. Even if it was reckless for himself and his own career, Sae Itoshi hugged Y/N. The young male would be damned if he left her there alone without anyone to lean on. It was certain. He would not allow her to feel the same way he did after his arrival in Spain. Young, alone, and inexperienced in life. Some people have physical homes, others have spiritual ones, and some are lucky enough to have both. 
The male’s eyes widened when Y/N snuggled up to him. He stayed calm, but wrapped his muscular arms around the woman’s waist. 
“Do you have anyone to rely on?” He carefully stroked the girl’s back while she sobbed. 
“My parents are constantly not home; friends are abroad. My past is quite ominous, Sae… I had been the captain of the world’s best female prodigies in Rio de Janeiro. Everything ended when one of my teammates cheered. I was forced to disband the team. She shattered a glass trophy on my right arm; this is why it has been bandaged since then,” She revealed. “Barcelona is my hometown, but it feels so foreign.”
“...” Sae didn't answer; he just stroked Y/N’s back in a circular motion. “Shhh…” The girl started to sob again, this time into the older Itoshi’s chest. It didn’t bother him at all, contrary to what he thought earlier. Emotions were only an obstacle that prevented him from becoming the best. Maybe he was wrong. After all, within all his pride and coldness, Sae Itoshi wasn't a stranger to admitting his own mistakes. 
“Sae…” Y/N’s voice took him out of his train of thought. 
“Yes, querida?” The young male didn't notice that he used a nickname, which enhanced their proximity. However, the girl’s attention was somewhere else. 
“Could we dance in the streets of Barcelona? Please, Sae. It has been my dream since I was a young girl.” She whispered her request. Sae’s heart started to beat faster, no matter how hard he tried to collect this organ. 
“Yes…” Sae stood up first, helping the girl stand up. No matter how much he hated to admit it, he was still a caring person deep down. Behind the closed curtains and walls of ice, a warm heart beat. Sae Itoshi, in all his fame, glory, and achievements, existed as a human being, not a god. 
The girl softly smiled at him and jumped slightly. 
“There is a cozy area. Without paparazzi. I liked to go there when I was younger, with all of my troubles. The music always matches the feelings of a person!” Y/N exclaimed. Her e/c eyes examined Sae’s expression. When she checked for any signs of disapproval and found none, her precious smile brightened. The young woman intertwined her fingers with the man’s and showed him the way to the venue. “It’s here!” 
The music played. The rays of the evening sun illuminated the area. Y/N had never seemed more ecstatic than in that moment. Her skin and eyes were shining due to the light. Sae’s heart must have stopped beating. 
“美しい (utsukushii).” He whispered, not spotting Y/N’s curious gaze while she stared at the boy. Little did she know the word Sae said meant ‘beautiful’. 
“Shall we dance?” The older Itoshi didn’t reply but instead began to dance with her. ‘Somewhere only we know’ by Keane was played. Spain indeed felt like an empty, foreign land for him. The feeling of the sea nearing comforted both of them. Even though Sae could remember the streets of Madrid and Barcelona by heart, they have never given him a sense of familiarity. Always a foreigner, no matter where he found himself. And it appeared Y/N felt the same. Both of them didn’t have a place to begin. The world, which was once a cruel and cold place, seemed to have warmed along with their dance. 
Sae wrapped one arm around Y/N’s waist, signaling that he finally let her in. The other hand was intertwined with the girl’s. They kept on dancing in a comfortable place, such as the venue. They didn’t need any words to explain what they felt. The birds sang as the song continued. It wasn’t just a mere intimate moment, but an entanglement of souls. A lonely tear fell down Sae’s cheek. After so long, he found home in a woman. She was perfect. An angel. The light to his darkness, kindness to his mean nature. This was the place he had earned to find the sense of proximity that Sae Itoshi craved. After all that happened to him in Spain, the prodigy found happiness. 
“Y/N… I-” He couldn’t continue his sentence. The world would be cursed if she didn’t feel the same way as he does. Was it the end of everything? Their last dance? Or the beginning of something new? Even the gods themselves wondered. That endearing smile of hers—how much he wished to shield it from the world. Sae didn’t dare break the silence anymore. The romantic lyrics made his heart pound harder as the music reached its climax. Their bodies together felt like poetry. Not a forbidden one. The destined one. Everything fit perfectly, and they moved in sync. And once the music ended, gathering up his whole courage, Sae Itoshi made the first move: he hugged Y/N, embracing her tightly. 
“This has been wonderful... This song… It reminds me of you. Y/N.” He whispered as the tears fell down his cheeks. The young male was joyful when the girl let him embrace her. What he did not expect was the next question. 
“Do you finally feel at home, Sae? Thousands of kilometers away from your motherland.” He nodded, still clinging to Y/N.
“I do feel like I am at home, Y/N. I feel like I finally found peace in your arms. That is what I have always longed for," he confessed. For the first time abroad, the boy felt at home. “Do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer?”
“Certainly not. We can hold onto each other forever.” The girl’s voice made him smile. He kept holding her close to his chest. 
“I’ll be glad to stay like this forever.” He hugged her even tighter. The tears stopped streaming down his cheeks. 
“I have a confession to make.”
“I am all ears.” He didn’t let go of the young woman. 
“Barcelona has been my hometown since I was born. Currently, this city feels so foreign. The unfamiliarity terrified me. I had spent so much time abroad, resulting in my becoming a stranger here. However, today… I found peace with you. I finally feel at home.” Y/N revealed. She didn’t even stutter. Sae’s embrace tightened even more. 
“You know that I feel the exact same way?” A chuckle escaped the midfielder’s mouth. “I think I actually feel at home too, with you.”
“Maybe we are each other's destiny? Who knows? It fills me with joy. To be with someone, I don’t have to spend a lifetime translating my soul.” The girl looked into Sae’s teal eyes. He caressed her cheek. 
“It’s the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced. Not having to translate my soul to you. Just one look, one thought, one word, and we understand each perfectly. I know I come off as rude, distant, and cold as well. We didn’t get off on the right foot. However, as the time went by, you showed me something more than a pretty girl with monstrous soccer skills—someone I could lean on. A person who became my home abroad.” Sae took a deep breath. “I love you, Y/N. And the world would be damned if my feelings were not reciprocated.”
There it was. She kissed him softly but passionately. The shock faded away quickly, and he returned the favor, tasting her lips for the first time. That day was his dream come true. He didn’t expect to fall in love and become smitten with someone. It didn’t matter now. After all, Sae Itoshi was still a human, even with all his medals and prizes.
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love-beyond-space-war · 9 months
can I be cheeky and request the non-requested story you were gonna do then dropped in favor of requests only: Alliance - Thel 'Vadamee?
I didn't really have ideas and that's why I got rid of it but I'll see what I can do! Here's a short story of Thel saving a marine darling during Attack on Crow's Nest.
Thel 'Vadam (Halo 3) x Human Marine! Reader
Synopsis: You try to get used to having a Sangheili, a species who used to be your enemy, around more often.
Content Warning: Romantic/Platonic Pairing (Dubious), Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character, Xenophobia due to War, Takes place before Chief was found at first then time skips to after, Canon typical violence and death.
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The UNSC gaining help of the Sangheili was very important to win the Human-Covenant war. You understood this but still struggled with the idea of working with them. They were your enemy for a long time, after all.
In fact the one who frequented your base concerned you the most. Thel' Vadam, an Arbiter of the Sangheili, had done a ton of damage to humanity alone. He had glassed planets and hindered humanity in the past.
For that... you struggled to welcome him.
Thel was always polite when talking to human leaders and usually paid other marines no mind. You could tell the stares got to him at times but offered no comfort. You were also a marine stationed at The Crow's Nest that still feared Thel like many others.
Thel working with The Chief himself was an admirable trait. Despite this you couldn't just forgive his crimes. You mostly stayed out of the way and only answered questions when talked to.
Thel often came to base with other Sangheili but even then you typically stayed away. You had your own thoughts on Sangheili. Thoughts you'd keep quiet about.
Turns out Thel's Sangheili had their own thoughts about humans.
One of your encounters started in hostility when you accidentally got in the way of one of his soldiers. You were roughly pushed away from your workplace as a Sangheili growls before laughing at how high you jumped. You couldn't stop your beating heart.
Said Sangheili was then kicked into place when by Thel, The Arbiter. You could see Thel glaring at his subordinate before pushing him along. You then see Thel give you an apologetic look for his dishonorable brother.
"Did he hurt you?" He asks you. You struggle to find your words but eventually find something to say.
"Easy to do but it's nothing much, Sir...?" You reply. "I don't blame his actions, tension is a little high."
"I see." Thel hums. "I'll discipline him after seeing your Commander. Take care."
You'll admit you're thankful Thel knows how to keep his Sangheili in line. That interaction didn't help how you felt about the Sangheili as a whole... but you did respect Thel a bit more. Regardless... it still felt weird to be around him.
As much as Sangheili are helping the UNSC, you'd have to wait until Master Chief was located before this war could be changed.
Your next encounter with Thel was actually on a "mission" with the Chief himself. Once found, Chief was brought to The Crow's Nest. However, shortly after said base was attacked by Covenant.
As a marine should you fought with all you had. You stayed in the barracks and tried to defend against the waves and waves of Jackals and Grunts. It's when Brutes got involved that you began to falter.
You've seen Brutes tear marines apart, quite literally. You tried to give it your all, spraying bullets into crowds of Covenant. Despite this it was certainly a futile effort.
Before you knew it you were picked up off the ground by your neck like a toy. Claws threatened to crush your windpipe as you were disarmed. You stare the Brute in the eyes as it roared at you.
Even in your situation you try to fight. You struggle and claw at the hand around your throat. You try to kick the chest of the beast but it only laughs at your attempts.
You begin to fear for your life... until the familiar streaks of a plasma sword slide through the Brute's chest like butter.
The Brute drops you as it roars in pain, falling to the ground with an audible thump. You flinch when you barely land on your feet, looking up to see your savior. Your eyes grow wide when you see who it was.
Thel looks down at you with a plasma sword on hand. You feel your throat close as conflicting emotions bounce around your head. Thel, the one who's massacred countless humans in his past, saved you... a weak marine.
"Can you walk?" Thel asks you and you nod, regaining your footing and searching for a nearby weapon, Covenant or not.
"Yes, Sir!" You bellow, the Sangheili gesturing you to follow him.
"Your Sergeant has prepared a ship for us to leave. I've come to gather the other humans at the barracks." Thel explains, looking back to make sure you're keeping pace with him. "You're lucky I found you, Jiralhanae would eat a human like you once they killed you."
You feel yourself gulp, fear gripping you at the idea of that.
"The help is appreciated...." You say softly, running to keep up with the taller Sangheili. You push away your thoughts for his kind to share your gratitude towards him. It's fair to say he's earned it for saving your life.
"It is no issue." Thel states, aiming his Carbine down a hallway. "We are both soldiers fighting against a common enemy now. I'm supposed to aid you."
"Then I will do the same, Sir." You offer, Thel glancing back towards you.
"You fought well back there. The Jiralhanae are challenging foes."
"Brutish..." you hiss under your breath.
"Indeed." Thel snorts. "The name you give them certainly fits."
You were surprised how casual a conversation with Thel can be as he escorted you and other marines to a Pelican. To repay the favor you made it a goal to watch his back. You were also quite thankful The Chief came in to clear the landing pad of Brutes with Thel.
Taking your promise to heart you fired at Covenant troops until it was clear enough to lead. Even when you missed, Thel or Master Chief were quick to clear the threat. By the end of it Sergeant Johnson was escorting Thel and the marines onto the Pelican.
You found yourself taking a seat by your safety, sighing in relief once the ship closed. Thel looked down at you to notice you were there but said nothing. Instead, you spoke up in a whisper tone.
"Thanks for everything... you've earned my respect." You smile, the Sangheili looking back at you.
"It was the right thing to do, wasn't it. I think you've proven yourself as a warrior in training. I hope you're promoted in the future." Thel answers back, listening to the Pelican roar away.
After this... you think you can accept Sangheili a bit more. The past will never be forgotten, you are aware of what Sangheili have done before. Yet the fact Thel saved you made you rethink things.
Maybe you'll accept Thel and his species as a whole faster than you thought after this war is over.
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sassycheesecake · 11 months
A/N: Hi everyone! This is a request from one of my readers! The request was to write the „Dream A Little Of Me“ in the male reader perspective. Also, instead of the manager, the reader is the Athletic Trainer for the MSBY Jackals. Hope you guys like it! Enjoy <3
genre: a lil‘ angst, fluff, smut in the beginning
warnings: sex dream, male masturbation, cursing
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Shūgo Meian x Reader “Dream A Little Of Me”
“Oh (Y/N)... that feels so good… yeah j-just like that. Holy shit! O-Ohh…” Meian moans heavily with your wandering touches.
His broad chest rises and falls fast, his mind is all over the place.
Your skilled tongue swirls around the head of his long cock, making it twitch with need and he blissfully pants as precum starts dripping from the tip.
”(Y/N) please… stop teasing me… I want to fuck you so bad.” Meian tangles his hand in your hair and tugs on it occasionally. His other hand fists the sheets of the bed.
You willingly let go of his cock, making a ‘pop’ noise as you retreated from his form.
A mix string of saliva and precum connects your wet lips and his tip and Meian throws his head back in satisfaction, trying to calm his breathing.
Looking at him with a glint in your eyes, you crawl onto his lap, placing each leg next to his waist.
Meian stares at you with flushed cheeks, a small smile growing on the corner of his lips.
Placing your hands to rest on his ripped abdomen, you begin to sit down on him with a dreamy sigh, feeling him stretch your insides out.
Gasping at his enormous size, he too, moans shakily at the feeling of your tight hole squeezing him.
”Hah, hah. Gosh you feel amazing!”, scrunching his face in gratification, he places his giant hands on your hips, grasping them tightly, surely leaving marks.
Meian opens his eyes and looks at you with pure love and adoration.
”(Y/N)… I love y-“ , Meian’s voice stops suddenly and you hear your annoying alarm going off.
You wake up with a startling gasp, scooching back and moving to sit up against your headboard as you try to calm your breathing and your racing heart. Your hair is slightly sweaty, no doubt about the stimulation you felt in your dream. It felt so real.
Unbelievable, this is now the third time you dreamed about the MSBY’s Captain like this.
Rubbing your hands over your face, you groan in sexual frustration as you replay the images in your head over a naked Shūgo Meian confessing his feelings for you.
Looking down, you see your boner pressing up against your dark bed sheets, a small wet spot marks the sheet.
‘Great.‘ You think to yourself as you slowly reach for your hard member, thinking about the raven-haired Middle Blocker and Captain.
Just everything about that guy is perfect. His smile, his stature, his personality, he’s just a dream come true.
As a Captain of a Pro Volleyball team, he is strict with his teammates and is not afraid to scold three certain rascals for their shenanigans (every day) from time to time.
As the Athletic Trainer of MSBY, you just graduated from the Hardin-Simmons University in Texas.
They offer one of the best Athletic Trainer programs, moving there after you graduated High School in Tokyo.
You remember your first day with the Jackals, as if it happened yesterday.
It was an early Monday morning five months ago and you being nervous to meet the team was an understatement.
Standing in front of the gym doors of the official training hall of the MSBY Black Jackals in Osaka, your trembling hands reach for the door handle and you push it open with ease, having built a sturdy and strong frame after years of working on your body.
The first thing you notice is the smell.
It’s a mix between sweat, lemon and a faint hint of ‘Dark Temptation’ Axe deodorant spray.
Your eyes find the team, playing a three-on-three match, not noticing yet that you have walked in.
Coach Foster hears you first and he tells his team to take a small break while he talks to you.
After saying those words, the team finally looks at you and it’s making you feel small.
Even though you’re not the smallest person, their massive height DO intimidate you.
“Thank you for your application, I am guessing you’re (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N). Correct?” Foster asks you.
You bow deep in respect, confirming his question.
“Nice to meet you sir, yes I am.”
Foster nods, telling you they already did warm ups for about 30 minutes with a 15 minute jog round in the gym hall. Now they were just doing a small session until you arrived.
The Coach gathers the team around, telling them to introduce themselves.
After each introduction of the team members, Meian, the last one on the left, speaks up and introduces himself.
While hearing his deep voice, you barely listen to what he’s saying, too distracted by his body and gorgeous face.
Feeling your heartbeat go a little faster than usual, you try to snap out of your trance, thankfully being successful with it before anyone notices you checking out the team captain.
When the ravenette is done talking, he flashes you a dazzling smile, almost sending you into cardiac arrest.
Now, the first few weeks weren’t so bad.
You helped the team with their stretches, correcting their forms, delivering medical care if necessary, monitoring athletic events, obviously watching their practices from the side and giving out tips so they avoid injuries during real matches and practice matches.
You’re with the team three times a week, each time you can’t help but watch Meian a little more than the others.
The way his jersey sticks to his big torso, the way you help him stretch by touching his back when you feel his strong back muscles, whenever he wipes the sweat off of his face with his shirt, you can see his abs and holy shit what you wouldn’t do to actually feel them and not just dream about touching them.
Still, you need to stay professional about this because it’s your job and your attraction unfortunately only grew with time.
It happened like two months ago when you started your deep and strong crush on the raven-haired man intensified.
Almost every day after work, your brain gathers the memory as if it happened yesterday.
Everyone was done with training, headed straight to the showers and left the volleyball gym in a hurry. Or so you thought.
It was around 18:00 and training officially ended 30 minutes ago. Guessing that all the players have already left since it was so quiet, you wanted to shower as well since you were meeting up with a local friend from town. Since time was too close to the meet up, you wouldn’t have had time to go home, shower, change and drive into town again.
Noticing the door was still unlocked, you didn’t think much of it, simply deciding that Meian forgot to lock the room after he left, since he and the coach are the only ones with a key to the lockers.
When you entered the still light up locker room you didn’t expect a half-naked Meian to be standing in front of his locker with just a white fluffy towel wrapped around his waist.
Your eyes followed the water droplets as they ran down on the massive muscles on his torso and stomach, watched as they got soaked into the towel.
Meian turned his head in your direction and stared at you in shock but it was more the curiosity than shock that showed on his face.
After a few seconds, you felt an extraordinary heat blow up on your face and you let out a small squeak as you turned around and left as quickly as you entered.
Meian stared dumbfounded at the door where you left and heard a small amount of apologies getting quieter and quieter.
He just chuckled at your behavior and resumed changing.
‘Oh God, oh God, oh God! You just burst into the locker room with a half-naked Meian still standing there, what must he think of me?!’
Well you can forget about meeting up with your friend since you can cross out the thought of having a shower before meeting up. Exiting the doors of the gym hall, the cold air surprisingly makes it easier to breathe, helping your blushing face to calm down as well.
Once Meian was done changing, he saw you waiting outside and it was pouring down.
Wanting to clear the awkward air after the embarrassing encounter, he approached you and offered to drive you home but as soon your ears picked up on his voice, your eyes were wide and you told him off, saying you were going to miss the train to meet up with a friend.
Meian tried to stop you but you were already sprinting to the train station in the rain saying you were going to be fine on your own.
The Middle Blocker stared sadly after your retreating form and kicked a trash can over in frustration. The loud bang of the trash can falling down on the pavement echoed in the silent night.
Some of the trash landed on the floor and after he heaved out a deep sigh he picked up the trash and put it back in before he went home.
Meian has been developing feelings for you ever since you started and those feelings only started to grow the more time he spent talking to you. And now he thinks he blew his chance of getting closer to you. He purposely pretended to have troubles with some muscles, so you’d come over and put your strong hands on him, to feel the pressure of your muscles on his own, inwardly making the Middle Blocker sigh in bliss whenever he would feel the heat of your skin on his own.
Ever since that incident, you have been avoiding him like a pest. Always walking in a different direction whenever he is near, not talking to him any way except when it’s absolutely necessary, it’s almost driving him insane.
When he needed help with a stretch, you started to wear gloves and your voice sounded cold, almost apathetic when you talked to him.
Meian thought he had a good relationship with you but your sudden strange and distant behavior makes him think you had a change of heart.
He honestly thought you liked him the same way he liked you. Maybe his mind was just playing tricks on him but nonetheless he decided to leave you alone.
His teammates notice the relationship change between you two, making it feel like two parents who had a bitter divorce because the other one got custody over the children.
Inunaki and Tomas notice it first when they have a small three-on-three match together after an intense training match.
They both take a drink from their water bottles, wiping the sweat off of their necks with towels, watching you write something down on your notepad before packing up your stuff.
Helping them with the clean up, you gather the towels and put them into the washing basket.
Then they watch you pick up the scattered volleyballs around the court and Meian is about to grab the one you’re about to pick up when your eyes make contact with his dark ones.
For a moment, neither of you say anything, simply staring at each other.
All of sudden, you straighten up and walk around him with a neutral expression on your face, still not saying anything, beginning to drop the volleyballs into the wagon.
Meian’s remorseful gaze follows your figure and he breathes out slowly and closes his eyes, grabbing the ball with his hands and throws it into the volleyball cart.
Inunaki nudges Tomas with his elbow, gaining the Middle Blocker’s attention.
“Did something happen between Cap and (Y/N)?” He questions him.
Tomas looks at you and then Meian, before he answers with a clueless shrug of his shoulders.
“Don’t know about Cap but I just feel like (Y/N) is lately more quiet than usual.”
“Yeah but like a couple of weeks ago, they were talking so much and seemed really friendly towards each other. Then just like that-”, he snaps his fingers, “they act like complete strangers.”
Tomas thinks for a few moments before he decides to speak up again.
“Maybe something DID happen between them that causes them to behave like that. I mean look at them, they are acting like they’ve never interacted with one another.”
Atsumu appears and joins their conversation. He rests his sweaty arm on Inunaki’s shoulder as he leans against him.
“What we talkin’ ‘bout?” the sandy-blonde asks and Inunaki grimaces at the gesture but doesn’t shrug him off.
Tomas begins to answer.
“We’ve just been talking about how Meian and (Y/N) have been acting differently toward each other. Almost like there’s a visible tension hanging in the air.”
Atsumu grins at that, not being able to refrain the next words from spilling out.
“Ya think they fucked? Maybe he didn’t give ‘im a good time and he tries ta avoid ‘im cuz of it.” The Setter laughs.
The Libero and Middle Blocker’s faces change into disbelief and disgust and Inunaki shrugs Atsumu off.
“Meian doesn’t strike me as the type to just sleep with someone to get their dick wet. Unlike you of course.” Tomas grins cheekily at Atsumu and he scowls at him.
“Fuck off.” The blonde man spits at him before walking off.
Inunaki shakes his head at their behavior and looks back at you.
You’re looking troubled, almost sad as you collect the towels together from Bokuto and Hinata as they hand you their black towels as well.
The energetic duo seems to notice your expression and their smiles drop immediately as they ask you what is troubling you with concerned faces.
You just shake your head and wave them off, walking away to resume packing up the rest of your stuff to go home.
Hinata and Bokuto share a look of worry but leave you be.
The Wing Spikers walk into the direction of the locker room of the MSBY Jackals followed by the rest of the teammates.
Inunaki and Tomas both agree that they should ask their Captain in the locker rooms about his and your tense body language and silent treatments lately.
Coach Foster has also noticed your change of attitude as well, your usual cheerful expression replaced by a dark cloud of sadness looming over you.
Walking over to you, he tries to indulge in a talk with you.
”(Y/N)? You okay? The guys didn’t say anything mean or inappropriate to you did they?” Foster starts.
Startled by his sudden voice, you turn around to him with a small smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Y-Yeah I am fine, having some private trouble sir.”
He purses his lips at your answer and advises you to leave the trouble at home and not bring it to work.
Accepting his advice you apologize for your behavior and you promise him to be in a better mood tomorrow.
~ At the same time in the locker room ~
The team members of MSBY are all freshly showered, getting dressed and ready to go home.
Meian rubs his head dry with a towel and Tomas and Inunaki share a quick glance before nodding to each other.
Tomas clears his throat and Meian whips his head and his direction with an arched eyebrow.
“Yeah? Did you need something?” Meian asks him.
“Uhh…” , he begins.
Tomas turns his head to look at Inunaki and he just sends him a thumbs up with an unsure smile as encouragement.
Meian looks at Inunaki, back to Tomas and begins to get slightly irritated at his teammate’s behavior.
”Well?” Meian starts to get impatient and Tomas is not used to this side of him.
“Inunaki and I were wondering if something happened between you and (Y/N). We just feel like you had such great chemistry with him and it’s like the next day, you’re acting like you don’t know each other.”
Bokuto, Hinata, Atsumu and even Sakusa slow down their movements, quite intrigued by what the raven-haired Middle Blocker has to say.
Meian stops for a second, pondering what to say.
”I don’t know.” He begins.
“You know when I had to stay behind to clean the mess you guys left in the locker room? (Y/N) saw me while I was there. He’s been distant since.” The spiky black-haired Middle Blocker explains.
Questions started flowing through the room immediately, not acknowledging the fact that Meian was pissed about the dirty laundry that they left on the floor for him to clean up.
”Woah, did he see you naked??” Wide golden eyes stare in amazement at Meian.
“Did he confess his undying love to you or something?” Hinata suggests with stars in his eyes.
“Please tell me you didn’t have sex with him in here, I am going to kill you if you did.” Sakusa scrunches his face in disgust and anger.
” Or was it yer size that was disappointin’?” Atsumu teases with a shit-eating grin.
Meian looks at his team and puts on his MSBY sweats, only giving one answer.
”No we didn’t do anything inappropriate, he just saw me in a towel and ran out like the room was on fire.”
Silence, followed by some laughter from Atsumu’s and Bokuto’s side.
“Is that it? Then why do you look so down about it?” Barnes finally joins the group, already dressed and ready to go.
Meian blows air through his nose, looking at Barnes with tired eyes.
“I like him. A lot. Maybe more than I’d care to admit. But now I feel like I ruined my chances with him.”
Atsumu leans against the locker next to Meian’s and starts taunting him.
”Awww he too shy to admit he wants yer dick? Is that why ya been so pissy lately bro?”
Meian doesn’t look at Atsumu and puts on a fresh new shirt from his locker.
Still ignoring his teammates, he puts his bag over his shoulder and leaves the locker room without a word of goodbye, slamming the door on his way out.
Everybody gapes at the Captain’s reaction, if you could even call that a reaction and turn to glare at their Setter.
Atsumu is aware of everyone’s eyes on him and he just says cluelessly with wide eyes “What?” when he glimpses in the round.
Bokuto’s excited deep voice breaks the silence.
”I think they’re SO cute together!” Bokuto puts his hands over his heart and sighs dreamily.
”So do I! Maybe we can convince them to talk together!” Hinata suggests.
“Are you serious? Are you going to play matchmaker?” The curly dark-haired Outside Hitter asks Hinata in a ridiculous tone when he puts on a fresh mask from his bag.
“Omi you should totally participate! Consider this a team building exercise!“ Bokuto beams.
“Yeah Omi-Omi! Join the group of ‘Match made in Heaven’!” Atsumu adds.
“No.” Sakusa says bluntly and leaves the locker rooms without another word.
”I don’t think we should snoop our noses in their mess. They are both adults after all, they need to sort this out themselves.” Barnes swings his bag over his shoulder and bids his teammates goodbye.
Tomas, Atsumu, Bokuto, Inunaki and Hinata are the only ones left now in the changing room.
“Well you can definitely count us in.“ Inunaki smiles at his teammates with a supportive thumbs up and a wide grin, while Tomas just nods his head in agreement with a small smile on his face.
“Awesome! Let operation ‘Jackal Love‘ spring into action!“ The white-haired boasts his fists in the air with a massive grin on his excited face.
“Shōyō, text ‘im ta meet ‘us’ tomorrow at the local bar in town, yannow the one that’s called ‘Cloudhouse’ or something like that? He’ll probably answer ya unlike the rest of us. Besides Bokkun, ya have da best connection with ‘im.” Atsumu puts the word ‘us’ in a quotation with his fingers.
Hinata takes out his phone and starts to write the message to you, while the remaining MSBY members peeking over his shoulder to read what he types down.
~ Back to you ~
You walk your way home in the cold dark to the train station without saying goodbye to the team, listening to ‘On My Own’ by Ashes Remain.
Sitting in the cold train wagon, you hide your face into your thick black hoodie, trying to stay warm.
You feel a vibration in the pocket of your jacket, signaling you got a text. Grabbing the phone out, you unlock it to open the message from Hinata.
> Ninja Shōyō 17:48 <
‘(Y/N)!!! We are all going out to the bar
tomorrow night! We wanted to invite you to come along! 😃’
> You 17:50 <
‘Sorry Shōyō. I am usually pretty tired after work, maybe another time.’
Hinata pouts at your answer, showing the others your reply.
“Be a lil‘ bit more persistent bro!“ Atsumu tells Hinata.
Hinata thinks for a moment, before he starts typing again.
> Ninja Shōyō 17:51 <
‘Awww c’mon! 😭😭 Bo and I will be very sad otherwise! 🥲’
Thinking for a few moments, you actually agree. You haven’t been out in a while and the constant hiding from Meian has been tiring you out.
> You 17:59 <
‘Alright. Okay. What time and where?’
> Ninja Shōyō 18:00 <
‘Let’s say 19:00 @Cloudhouse!!’
> You 18:01 <
When the rest of the MSBY Jackals read your message they all cheer loudly and text their Captain to be there at the same time.
~ The next day ~
It’s 18:15 and Coach Foster decided to let everyone go home early today since it’s Friday. Atsumu took care of the reservation, paying extra so the two of you don’t have to deal with too much of a crowd.
The operation “Jackal Love” starts now. The matchmakers except Meian, you and the non-participant Sakusa, know about their hooking-up-plan.
As everyone gets ready to go home, Hinata and Bokuto have been excited all day long, getting on Sakusa‘s nerves.
Once Meian hits the showers, Sakusa walks over to Hinata with an aggravated scowl.
“Will you stop it?! Your constant twitching and giddiness is getting on my nerves!“
Sakusa‘s foul mood doesn’t scare Hinata in the slightest.
”Ahhh I am sorry I can’t! I am so excited for (Y/N) and Meian’s secret date tonight!” The orange haired Wing Spiker gloats.
Sakusa’s scowl changes into disbelief and he whips his head into Bokuto’s and Atsumu’s direction.
”You’re joking right? You didn’t seriously set those two up for tonight.“ The Outside Hitter hisses at them.
“Why not? It’s ‘bout damn time somethin’ happened between ‘em. I cannot take their sexual tension anymore.“ Atsumu defends.
Sakusa scoffs in disgust and leaves the locker room to go home. Before he exits the room though, Bokuto calls after him.
“Omi! I will keep you updated on the lovebirds!“
Sakusa doesn’t reply and closes the door.
Inunaki waves his teammates over in a hurried manner and the rest gets changed quickly before moving over to their Libero.
“Okay guys, Meian will be out of the showers in a little bit, we only have a few minutes. So here’s the plan again. Meian and (Y/N) will meet each other at the Cloudhouse in about 45 minutes. What are you all going to say or write in the group chat when the clock strikes 19:00?“ Inunaki asks in the round.
“Samu needed help movin’ somethin’.“ Atsumu answers easily.
“The new Call of Duty Game came out and Bokkun and I forgot to pick it up and we only have today to pick it up before they send it back!“ Hinata adds.
“Tomas twisted his ankle in the subway and I need to drive him home.“ Barnes sighs while crossing his arms over his chest.
Inunaki nods happily with every answer, giving his own reply after Barnes‘ answer.
“Great! Now let’s all get out of here!“ The light-haired Libero shoos the rest of the team out, except Meian who just turned the shower off.
Walking into the locker room with a black towel around his waist, Meian notices that it’s deadly quiet.
Not thinking much of it, he changes into a long-sleeved black polo shirt along with a pair of black ripped jeans and black-and-white All Star sneakers.
Spraying some ‘Dark Temptation’ on him, he finishes packing his bag and heads out towards his car.
Noticing that some of the cars of the players are gone, Meian thinks that his teammates are already on their way to the bar.
After 15 minutes, Meian arrives in front of the colorful LED sign that reads ‘CLOUDHOUSE’’ in cursive writing.
What’s weird though is, that no members of the Jackals are in front of the building.
The building’s lights are on and he sees some people walking around and getting inside but he doesn’t see any familiar faces.
While Meian waits in his car, little rain droplets begin to fall on his windshield, the sound gently disturbing the silence.
After about 8 minutes of waiting, the time now being 18: 55, Meian gets out of his car and while he is walking towards the club, he takes his phone out of his pocket and texts his teammates.
‘MSBY Jackals 🐾’
> Me <
Where are you guys? Aren’t we meeting at 19:00 @Cloudhouse?
> Pestilence #1 <
Ahh sorry cap, Bo and I had to pick up the new COD game!
They would have sent it back otherwise and I already paid for it…
We won’t be able to make it sorry!😕
> Pestilence #2 <
What he said 🤩☝🏻
> Pestilence #3 <
Samu needed help movin a new cabinet into his apartment,
sorry it was last minute won’t make it either sorry 🤐
> Sakusa <
I am not coming anyway.
> Me <
Are you serious??😡 Barnes? Tomas? Inunaki?
> Barnes <
Adriah twisted his ankle badly in the subway, taking him home
we won’t make it either
> Inunaki <
Yeah my dog ate something bad I have to take him to the vet sorry
> Me <
Well I am going home then if no one is coming…
> Pestilence #3 <
(Y/N) is comin tho. Just go with him 😁
As Meian is about to turn around and leave, you show up.
Slightly drenched from the sudden rain, you tighten your jacket a little bit more around yourself.
Taking your headphones out of your ears you widen your eyes a bit and give him a tight smile and pack your headphones away into your jeans pocket.
‘’Where is everyone? We are both on time” you question him.
Meian heaves out a deep sigh before he answers you.
“They bailed on us, it’s just you and me. I hope that’s okay” The Captain rubs his neck nervously.
Honestly, you could scream right now. Out of excitement or frustration, you’re not really sure about that.
Somehow you get the feeling that the scheming members of the team have something to do with this.
Nonetheless, you give him a small smile and nod.
Meian returns your smile and opens the door for you to enter first. The doorbell chimes softly with your arrival.
Quietly thanking him for opening the door, you walk in and are greeted by flashing lights and loud music playing.
Meian follows you inside and begins to look for a free spot to sit down with you.
It is a busy night, a lot of people are occupying the tables and the bar, laughing and drinking with family or friends.
The Middle Blocker eventually spots a free corner, telling you to follow him.
As you both sit down, a waitress comes over and lays the drink and food menu down on the table, winking at you while eyeing your body up and down.
Your clear your throat and you sneak a peek at Meian to find an annoyed look on his face but quickly relaxing when she leaves.
It is quiet for a while, neither of you know how to start the conversation or in other words how to address the elephant in the room.
“Meian I -”, “(Y/N) listen -” you both start.
“Go ahead.” He beckons you.
You weren’t exactly sure where to start. Apologizing seems the best way to start the conversation.
“I just want to start by saying how sorry I am to have burst in the locker rooms the other day. I-I thought everyone has already left and I didn’t expect to see you still in there. Naked. B-Barely covered.” Squeaking like a shy little mouse, your voice gets quieter at the end of your sentence.
You can feel your cheeks and your neck heating up like crazy and you don’t have the nerve to look at the Captain's face.
For a few seconds Meian is not saying anything until he chuckles a little bit and leans forward to meet your eyes that are still focused on the table.
“Hey (Y/N), look at me. Please.” He pleads in a soft voice.
You force yourself to look up, straighten your posture and he gives you a warm smile with a look of adoration and… something else you can’t quite place.
His pupils are dilated as he stares at you.
Only a person in deep love would look at another person like Meian is looking at you right now.
“It was just the wrong time at the wrong place. Accidents happen.” He begins.
The waitress comes back and writes down your order, putting her acrylic nails on your shoulder, making you flinch away from her and she takes her leave again.
Leaving you two alone again, Meian continues where he was left off.
He clears his throat and a small blush decorates his cheeks. Looking at his massive hands, he fidgets a little bit before looking at you again.
“I just wanted to apologize as well. I am sorry that I didn’t talk to you after the incident happened. I just felt you’re too uncomfortable around me and I didn’t want to make it worse.”
“You don’t make me uncomfortable at all! I just… I really like you Meian. I thought if I didn’t talk to you anymore my feelings for you would disappear.” Quickly realizing what you just said your eyes feel like they bulge out of your sockets and you place your hands against your face to hide the shame.
“Please ignore what I just said. This was a bad idea.” You try to get up and leave but Meian snatches your wrist before you can disappear.
“No! Wait! Please don’t walk away again! I feel the same way about you (Y/N).” The Middle Blocker confesses.
Did you hear that right? The Captain of a professional Volleyball team likes you too?!
You sit down again but Meian doesn’t let go of your hands, instead he tightens his hold around them.
“I liked you for quite some time now, I was just honestly sure you didn’t like me in the same way. But you have no idea how happy it makes me right now to hear you say that.” He begins to lace your fingers together with his gorgeous smile.
You blush at his comment and as you are about to reply, the waitress comes with your two beers and a nacho plate. Slipping a little note on the table, no doubt with her number on it.
It is now a very nice atmosphere, the two of you talking about your favorite shows, your high school lives and about the team.
“That woman seems pretty into you.” Meian laughs.
You laugh along with him, the alcohol no doubt relaxing you.
“She ain’t my type. And I am here with you. Also, I am not interested in women.” You wink at him with a teasing smile.
After dinner is over, Meian pays for your guys’ drinks and food and opens the door for you to let you out first.
It is still pouring outside and you turn towards each other, getting wet by the rain.
The temperature has cooled down, making your breaths visible to the eye. Yet the cold doesn’t bother either of you. The thought of knowing that you return each others’ feelings makes your heart warm enough.
“So… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Meian.” You stare into his dark eyes while stuffing your cold hands into your big jacket.
“Call me Shūgo. Do you want me to drive you home? My car is right over there.” He suggests.
“No it’s okay the train station is not far from here.” You assure him.
Meian steps a little bit closer to you and takes your cold hands from your pockets into his warm ones.
“I know this seems kind of forward… but ever since I saw you for the first time, I really wanted to kiss you. Can I?” He whispers, his face coming closer to yours.
You answer him by removing your hands from his and stand on a little bit to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him towards you.
Feeling his soft lips against yours makes your body explode in fireworks. Meian envelopes his arms around your waist and pulls you even closer to him.
The rain makes this kiss even better, it feels more romantic, more intimate.
The two of you continue to kiss, feeling his tongue trying to enter your mouth, you grant him access and the Captain begins to explore your mouth.
Fingers carding through his now very wet hair, he sighs heavily and swallows your moans.
Finally pulling apart from each other what feels like an eternity, you are both panting and smiling at each other like idiots in love. Which you are.
“Do you want to come back to my place?” He grins at you cheekily.
“So bad.” You grin back and follow him to his car.
Le next day
Everyone except Meian is already in the locker room the next morning. Oddly enough no one questions it because they can already guess why the Captain is late.
As soon as the rest enters the gym, they are greeted by the sight of gross PDA between their Captain and their Athletic trainer.
You try to push Meian away with a blush and a smile as you help him with sit ups as he tries to get closer to you.
“Shūgo, stop it! They will be here any second” you scold him in a laughing voice, pushing his face away with your hand.
“No can do handsome, want to feel all of you again like last night and this morning.” You begin to stand up and Meian follows your movement, eyeing you like a predator.
Visible marks decorate his neck and your body is still so sore from last night and this morning, no doubt from Meian rocking your world.
Especially your back, hips and butt hurt, from his harsh grabbing at your hips, to your soreness of your ass, feeling like Meian stretched your insides out multiple times.
Which he did.
No one says anything. The team just stands by the entrance and watches in a mix of happiness, cringe and disgust at the sight.
Sakusa turns to his teammates with a pissed expression, as begins to walk in.
“This is all your fault. I would rather take the silent treatment act over this any day.”
“What have we done?” Inunaki asks with a shuddering voice.
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