#jacquie joy
captainhancock727 · 7 months
Jacquie Joy - Journey to the Border 
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safyresky · 8 days
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 37/52: Diteline Donniline family portrait!
BOOM BABY! DITELINE KIDS! AKA DONNILINE KIDS! Because when Jacqueline and Dite have their kiddos, Dite has had her whole arc and goes by her true name, Hedone! (Which I know I have said a bunch of times already lol but since this is THE Donnieline fam post, it's here for posterity).
This one was by FAR my most intensive scrimble YET. Joy's wings nearly took me OUT. I have NO IDEA how to alt ID this as of yet, oh my GOD. The sketch was finished Friday, the lines Saturday, and the colours took all day Sunday on and off between Year 9 edits (and then drafting this post took most of my evening between episodes of Face Off lol :)
In terms of designs, Milfline is in her usual fit, Milfdone is in a casual fit based on this dress here. And as for the kids...well. I think it's time we officially meet them, shall we? I'll go oldest to youngest!
Meet Joy! She's the oldest of the bunch! Is about 8 (hundred) in this scrimble :) (on the right (our right), with the wings)
Was "born" on accident due to the HUGE amount of joy Jacqueline and Dite felt after being reunited when Venus did some BULLSHIT
(Including, but not limited to, misnaming Hedone for THOUSANDS of years, cursing Jacqueline into an eternal sleep and casting her into the underworld, and setting Hedone on the same journey Psyche went on for Cupid just before Dite was born)
She is the literal embodiment of Joy. Literally.
She has ALL the celestial/god powers!
She can do a little bit of fire and a bit of frost but not as much as her mom, her mom's fam, or her siblings
So she can conjure some flame and some snow/frost but that's about it sprite wise!
Is as talented a weapons master as her Mater
Has 0 (zero) castor magic abilities
Is the Cupid after Donnie (The Third Cupid. Cupid the Third).
Has butterfly wings like Psyche, her grandma!
They start small and grow with her. I based the pattern on monarch patterns and the shape on this clip art lol
The tips are vaguely heart shaped lmao (emphasis on VAGUELY)
In terms of wing pattern itself, it's not final? But the vibe/idea I was going for was a snowflake-esque motif for the top wings, and a combo of hearts and sparks/stars for the bottom wings! Also not sure about colours—I'm deffs gonna use her wings as like, a blank canvas every time!
Joy is just a bundle of Joy. She's an absolute sweetheart. Not a SINGLE PERSON dislikes her, she's just so sweet it's so hard to DISlike her
Seems kind of like a bit of an airhead because she's so full of joy and whimsy and such but she knows when to smarten up and is ALWAYS looking out for her siblings (despite what Bianca thinks)
Her heart pochette was so last minute but I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!
Hair I've always pictured strawberry blonde, but I think it's more orangey thanks to her summer sprite relatives!
Has Jacqueline's eyes!
Hair is fairly curly! Turns out when you constantly freeze your hair into curls, the curls become genetic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Meet Bianca! She's the middlest, and is about 7 (hundred) in this scrimble :) (on the left, with the C: face)
Joy really wanted a sibling and so, for funsies, Dite and Jacquie are like "Oh? What would they be like?" and build a snowman with her, to her specifications lol
They have a very fun time together but then things get...weird
The snowman seems to have a mind of its own. It moves around on them. It doesn't melt. Joy claims it talks to her.
It starts to look more little girl like. Knowing how sprites were originally made, Jacqueline's like hmm...
She talks to MN, who tells her to go to this very sacred section of the Springs and she does and she gets a life light and goes DAMN. OKAY. GUESS WE'VE GOT KID NUMBER TWO ON THE WAY!
She gets home that day, and finds the snowman, and gives it the light life and POOF! Suddenly, Bianca!
She's named after Winter's bio Mom :)
Bianca is FULL Winter sprite; she has 0 god things going on.
She CAN do some castor stuff! Dips into warlock lineage but I'm not sure she has a staff—she Blaises it: wandless magic FTW babieeeeee!
Is the Jack Frost after Jacqueline (The Third Jack Frost. Jack Frost the Third. As you can see I am workshopping how they refer to the latter Legendary Figures lmao)
She has this really cool talent where she can pull the most GORGEOUS colours out of the snow and ice
When she freeze dries, it is more icy looking like her Uncle Jack and she is CONSTANTLY changing the shades. Blues! Pinks! Purples! Sometimes she gets some ORANGE going! She's like YEAH BABY! FUCKIN. COLOURS!
She is a bookworm; of the 3 Donniline kids deffs the more sensible/down to earth/serious one
Which is saying something as she and Robyn do all sorts of shenanigans together lol. Wait until you see the VDay oneshot >:)
When THAWED, her hair is as dark as Jacqueline's and she tends to also put lil colourful streaks in that lol. I keep picturing it as a bit of a poofball? Idk where she got the poofball gene from. Humidity is her enemy lol
Has Dite's eyes!
She likes sweater vests a normal amount, she swears
It's ROBYN! They are the youngest, most hyper active, and the future governor of Crystal Springs (I am not joking. I am so serious. He is the person who finally defeats Blaise in an election)
They are about 6 (hundred) here and are smack dab in the middle of the scrimble
He was gonna give Joy bunny ears but then she got too excited and started hovering and now he's trying to save it with a wave lol
Robyn is genderfluid! Usually goes by he/they but has been known to have some she/her days and has dabbled in neopronouns, I'm sure
Robyn has the most chaotic birth story, because of COURSE he does
Gods started bragging one day and somehow. SOMEHOW Donnie got into it with Jupiter about how HE birthed Minerva from his HEAD, to which Donnie replied "YOU ATE HER MOM AND THEN ASKED VULCAN TO SMASH YOU WITH A HAMMER BECAUSE OF THE HEADACHE SHE GAVE YOU AND BOOM. AUNT MINERVA. THAT'S NOT THE SAME AS GIVING BIRTH. I'LL PROVE IT!"
And then she does. Well, sorta! She doesn't. Y'know. Eat Jacqueline after fucking her or anything like that, and I don't think they conceive traditionally. There's DEFFS some god magic involved.
But anyway, they have a spot of fun, and Dite takes care of the "pregnancy" bit, and Robyn bursts out of her BICEP nine months later lol.
He's always like FULLY FORMED AND READY TO SLAY and then Bianca goes NO YOU WERE A BABY. BABY SHAPED. I WAS THERE AND SAW to which they reply YOU WERE TWO (hundred), FUCK OFF
And then fisticuffs happen as Joy yells about the swear jar
It's deffs still a wip lol but tl;dr: Robyn comes out of Dite's bicep :)
He is full Summer sprite! Loves them some arson and fire. ALSO fully warlockian! Can cast like nobody's bizz! Has his Uncle Fino AND Grunkle Pyros AND Gramps AND Uncle Jack teaching him
Needless to say, he's a force to be reckoned with
Either wears a blazer or denim vest COVERED in buttons and pins. Depends on the plans they've got for the day! Business, or party?
Would probably wear the vest OVER the blazer if they felt so inclined lol
His satchel is bottomless. Got it from B-Man :) It is great for tomfoolery, shenanigans, snacks, and storage!
Has a trans bestie and I think the pair of them accidentally bring back PRE MONARCHY fae. It gets weird.
Was born with fully white hair; he looks full winter sprite but is a summer sprite
When his hair on fire it stays white. Very cool >:)
Also playing with the idea of his flames being blue and white or one or the other! Still thinking about it lol
I tried to see how I liked him with the summer sprite eyes and decided I don't!! So he'll also have the Jacqueline eyes :) Make people assume he's a winter sprite SO FAST until he sets something on fire with their bare hands
He is very proud that he is an enigma ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE lol
And I think that about covers it for these goobers, for now! Bianca's hair is DEFFS very different in my head so I will DEFFS have to do proper doodles of them all to give you guys the full vibe. These guys have been CARTWHEELING in my head, let me tell you. I love them dearly. Have a snippet of their shenanigans:
“How do I look?” “Stunning, jaw-dropping, gorgeous—ready to kick ass, even!” “Oh, stop it,” Donnie said, playfully waving a hand. “Never.” Jacqueline fell back, her head hitting the pillow. “Check on the kids on your way out? Bianca was still awake when I got in.” “Still?!” “One more chapter, she said. You know. Like a liar,” Jacqueline huffed, snuggling into the covers. “Oh, boo! It’s already cold.” Donnie laughed, clipping her charm bracelet onto her wrist. “It’ll warm up. And if not, we’ll make short work of that later.” Donnie did not need to turn around to know that her wife had turned very red. The squeak that came out of the blankets was enough of a tell. Laughing quietly to herself she left the room, keeping the door slightly ajar. Across the hall, another door opened. “Did someone say they needed some WARM?!” Robyn asked, popping out of their room. He wore a throw blanket over his head, clasping it around their neck like a cape. “You know how your Mom is.” Donnie swooped over, giving Robyn a big old hug. “The moment I leave the bed she freezes.” “DUTY CALLS!” Robyn saluted, rushing across the hall and bursting through the door. “CHARGE!” “AH!” There was a poof, pillows hitting the ground as both Jacqueline and Robyn laughed. “Get over here you, I’m fucking freezing.” “MOM! SWEAR JAR!” The door beside Robyn’s burst open, Joy’s head popping out with a small frown. “PUT IT ON MY TAB!” Joy huffed, the stray hairs on her forehead briefly lifting. Donnie tilted her head. She frowned. “Joy.” “Mmmmyes?” “Are you dressed for work?” “Oh, this old thing?” she popped out of her room fully, clothed in Donnie’s old chiton from her Legate days. “YES. Absolutely I am! You said so yourself! Duty calls!” her eyes were wide, with a big old smile to match. She clasped her hands together excitedly, hovering off the ground, her wings fluttering rapidly. “I was just thinking, you know, it being THE day and all, that we’d better be ready to help you however we need!” “SHE DOESN’T SPEAK FOR ME!” Robyn shouted, Jacqueline laughing loudly. “Well, Bianca and I will—” “NO!”
There was a clatter from the room beside the main. Something fell with a hefty thunk; there was a scramble as Bianca’s door burst open. “FIRST of all, I don’t do the Cupid thing! I do the Jack Frost thing! SECONDLY, I’m not going ANYWHERE this morning cuz I’m almost done my book, and it’s a slow burn, and they only JUST admitted their love and I am like. Only one fifty pages in!! THERE’S STILL ONE HUNDRED MORE PAGES! So I’m booked today. Literally.” “Bianca! You should have been asleep hours ago.” “Okay, one more chapter, Mater, then I’ll sleep." “YOU SAID THAT AN HOUR AGO,” Jacqueline shouted from the bedroom. “I’M A SLOW READER,” Bianca shouted back. “THE FUCK YOU ARE!” “SWEAR JAR!” Joy shouted. “I saw her tank that really thick romance last week in like, an hour. It was fascinating,” Robyn continued unabashed, volume as normal as it got with the kids (which was still pretty loud). “It was really good! I was HOOKED! Their magic system was stupid but I couldn’t stop reading. I was like, enthralled with how unreal the mechanics are—HOLD UP. ROBYN.” “WHAT.” “DID YOU START A CUDDLE PUDDLE AND NOT TELL ME?” “…” “YOU BITCH!” "SWEAR JAR!"
From the Valentine's Day Donniline Special, Bedtime Stories, coming to a platform near you in February!
This is 4/5 of the @kscribbs suggestions! It was a simple prompt: a family portrait of Jacquie, Donnie and the kiddos. Did I go overboard? (squints at colours, bios, birth stories, AND the oneshot snippet) very much yes. But hey! Now's a good time as any to show you the lil' guys!!! AND I AM FINALLY CAUGHT UP ON THE SCRIMBLES! AH!
This week's scrimble will be ANOTHER cute one (I TOLD YA I'd have cute to compensate for the angst of #36) and then the week AFTER is an EVEN CUTER ONE I've been DYING to do—topical since that'll be my BIRTHDAY WEEK! YEAH!
Right! I think I've uh. Said enough. Too much, even. Oy vey. These tags are gonna be WILDIN. See y'all with the next scrimble Friday, and Frostmas Y9 before that! :D
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wily-one24 · 10 months
Hope youre feeling better ❤️
Thank you!!! @eoangstlover56
Yes, I am. With hypoglyceamia (otherwise known as Low Blood Sugar), it's usually pretty mild. I feel it coming on and all I have to do is have some sugar and I'm fine.
Sometimes, more often than I'd like, it's really serious. I have had some pretty dramatic low blood sugars. I get incredibly shaky, dizzy, sweaty, my brain loses a lot of function, and it lasts FOREVER. The sugar part is fixed easily and quickly, once you ingest something, but the symptoms last for hours.
Some context, a usual blood sugar range for me is between 5-8 (90 - 145 in US terms), if it drops below 4 (72) that's considered low. That's where I usually hang out.
However, on occasion... and nobody knows why, because my body is a medical mystery that has stumped doctors for decades, my sugar will plummet to ... like... 1.0 (18). Which is NOT GOOD.
I've actually been so low that the blood sugar machine would not recognise it, it just says "LO". Fun times.
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tambourgi · 2 years
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the backbone of society and indeed the internet is actually those websites that grandmas use to send out little animated e-cards
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thedaveandkimmershow · 11 months
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When Jacquie passed away this morning, the news took us by surprise. At the same time, the news didn't take us by surprise. After all, Jacquie's body and mind have been in a steeper decline over the last month and a half.
On the other hand, no one expects that day to be today. Especially when the person in question has been confounding our expectations for quite some time now... to the extent that, even as we observed her decline, we also entertained Thanksgiving with Jacquie. We entertained Christmas with Jacquie. Because with Jacquie...
You never know. 
She proved that over and over again.
The other problem with today being the day is that today's her brother's birthday.
Is her brother's.
Now, Jacquie's dementia seemed to rob her of the people in her life. One by one we were removed from her recognition until the only one left was her husband. But then...
But then he died in the early morning hours of the last day of last year. He and Jacquie were in the same hospital at the time although in separate rooms. And that separation, when they were no longer together 24/7, seemed to let slip that final bond. He didn't come up in conversation after that. To the end of her life, he wasn't part of her reality.
But you know who was? 
Her brother.
I'm not sure the mechanisms underlying Jacquie's experience... but after her hip surgery she regained memories and knowledge. She knew Kimmer's name again. And she knew her brother's name.
On whose birthday she finally departed this life.
It's a sweet juxtaposition. It really is.
One we'll always remember.
I asked Kimmer about her earliest memory of Jacquie and she remembers a family trip to her aunt and uncle's house in Huntington Beach when she was four. And then when she was eight. And then when she was twelve.
Her family took these trips every four years and, from the very first, Kimmer felt Jacquie's energy and personality. And she knew her aunt was her champion. A fellow Creative. Prone to laughter. A talker. Social. Gregarious. With an unforgettable personality.
That last bit about personality, by the way, will stick with me for awhile.
Because even as Jacquie receded into herself this last month or so, we could still recognize her in there. Even when she was at home with her husband when he was alive, her dementia may have derailed her access to memory and knowledge and the people closest to her... it did not, did not, rob her of her personality. A personality that insisted on revealing itself even as her eyes stayed closed most of the time, even as the words became fewer. There was a Jacquie-ness even in her movements, her behavior, her expressions.
She was still there, as far as we could know. Expressing her Jacquie-ness to the outside world in every which way she could. Every way that remained available to her.
And we will definitely, always remember that about her.
She passed away this morning.
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whoworewhatjewels · 1 year
Who Wore What Jewels Weekly
We are rounding up the best jewels of the week from Timothee Chalamet’s astrological-themed Schiaparelli necklace he wore as a belt in Paris to Kerry Washington’s cute personalized letter initial pendants in NYC and Florence Pugh’s amazing curated pearl ear game. Scroll down to see who wore what jewels and vote on your favorite! Enjoy! WHO: Doja Cat WHERE: Victoria Secret Show 2023 WHAT JEWELS:…
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biblio-smia · 7 months
the last thing i need — three
warnings: twd content warnings
pairings: glenn rhee x reader
[one.] [two.] [three.]
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Glenn's absence weighed heavier on your shoulders than you'd anticipated. Occasionally, you'd look behind you and expect to find him there, eyes on you, only to find no one there. Every time you turned to look ended with a shake of your head and turning back to whatever was in front of you.
Perhaps the feeling was as outwardly obvious as it was strong, as Jacqui looked at you with pity in her warm brown eyes, inviting you to sit with the women.
They had taken a break from laundry to sit and chat, but you thought that picking up where they left off would keep your mind off of Glenn.
It didn't work very well.
You blamed one of Glenn's shirts that came up with stains that would never come out. Nevertheless, you tried, taking your time and being extra gentle with the piece of clothing. Even while he was away, Glenn got special treatment from you — and you hated it.
The mission the men departed on should've been calling your name. It did at first, at least for a little while, enticing you with an opportunity to escape the camp you found yourself on.
The desire to go vanished once Glenn revealed he would be going, too.
The brief conversation you had with Glenn weighed on your chest, a feeling too thick to swallow stuck in your throat.
You acted hastily then, overcome with an emotion you didn’t want to admit. Now it was just you and your thoughts, trying to come up with an alternate, much more reasonable explanation.
You told yourself you didn't try to join in on the mission because it'd be harder to separate from the group in the city filled with walkers. There was space to move here, space to slip off quietly if you were more careful than last time.
It wasn't because of the was your lips pulsed after meeting Glenn's cheek. It wasn't because of the way your heart pounded at the thought of him back in the city you barely escaped.
Solitude was familiar. Although it was never true, not with all the walkers you encountered, it was all you'd known for a while. You tried to keep up with it even now at this camp bustling with life, isolating yourself from the women just a few feet away — but the company was tempting.
And stubborn.
Andrea turned to wave you over, patting a spot near her. The rest of the women followed her lead with warm smiles that shone on the darkest parts of you, filling you with an unwilling joy.
You abandoned Glenn's shirt and accepted the invitation, although you were quiet for the most part — save for the little laughs the girls pulled out of you.
The five of you watched as the water glistened in the sunlight, exchanging stories and laughter as they confessed what they missed most about the old word.
"Speaking of things we miss... what's up with you and Glenn?" Andrea inquired with a grin and a bump to your shoulder. The rest of the women were silent but you could tell the question was on their mind, too — they just weren't as straightforward or bold to ask it.
"What?" You asked, feeling a little embarrassed at the question. There was really no reason to, but you couldn't help but feel like the tiptoeing around your own emotions was useless if suspicion of anything between you and Glenn was this high. "No, there's nothing up with us," you shook your head.
"Really? Cause I could've sworn you went into his tent the first night you got here—" Andrea spoke, earning a few gasps and small laughs from the other women.
Oh. She meant that.
Now you were really embarrassed.
You didn't have time to form an answer as a man approached — Carol's husband. His expression was humorless as he pressed for details of your conversation, pushing your group closer and closer to discomfort and defense — namely, Andrea.
You didn't blame her for it. You didn't blame her for calling out Ed's laziness and his abuse towards Carol, the news making your eyes widen and your body move in front of Carol defensively. Your hands weren't enough to stop Ed in the commotion, not as you saw how tightly he was gripping on to Carol.
No, Ed didn't stop until he was beat to a pulp by Shane.
You could hear your heart pound and feel the anxious sweat on your palms as you and the rest of the women did your best to comfort Carol, trying to focus on helping her rather than the violence you'd just witnessed.
Ed deserved it, undoubtedly, but it did not make you any less weary of Shane. Something about the man was off-putting. Something about him made you uneasy but you couldn't figure out what. No one else seemed to pick up on anything strange, so you kept quiet and kept your distance.
But one look at Ed's face told you that maybe you'd have to look out for the living more than the dead.
A stupid part of you waited anxiously for Glenn's return, knowing his presence would ease you even if he was unaware of your caution. It was awful, this feeling — one you'd felt before, but never quite this intense. This feeling would make you stupid if you let it — part of the reason you'd wanted to abandon ship at first hint of it.
There was no time for things like romance anymore, no matter how badly you craved it. It was about survival now.
And yet, you couldn't help but remember how you felt when Glenn's hands were on you, his lips on your neck —
You shook your head. This was no time for that.
Night was beginning to creep up and Glenn still had not returned. That feeling in your throat almost made it impossible to breathe.
The night was eerie despite the soft chatter of voices and crickets, the light of a fire illuminating faces with golden warmth. You took a plate of food and sat off by yourself, taking the opportunity to gather your thoughts. All the plans you'd previously had were in shambles. No next move you thought of felt right. Your fingers tapped on your knee nervously, teeth chewing up your lip in thought.
Maybe, if you hadn’t been alone for so long, you wouldn’t have picked up on the low groans from behind you.
You stood and pulled your knife in one swift motion, plunging the blade into the walker’s head, feeling the blood splatter on you. Another walker replaced the fallen one immediately, a small hoard in pursuit, pushing you towards the others.
The others.
“Walkers!” You called, distancing yourself from the pack just enough to turn around.
But you and your familiarity with being alone were not used to fighting with others. It had been too long since you have had to fight for anyone. Your warning was too late and there was nothing you could do but watch as a walker bit Amy.
Self-preservation is what you know, your attention snapping back to the problem ahead of you just in time. You know these movements better than anything - push them back, stab the knife into their heads, just enough to hit the brain - but the walkers don't stop coming.
All you are aware of are the screams behind you, begging for your attention as your heart lurches with the urge to help families trying to find each other in the chaos that has suddenly taken over camp.
You try to focus, try to convince yourself that helping yourself is helping them, that each walker down is one less walker able to bite and infect.
Gunshots ring out from behind you, next to you, all around you as walkers take over.
“Get to the R.V! Go!” Someone shouts over the sound of the bullets.
The crowd was at least thinning out now. Your arm was tiring from the repetitive movements, but you didn’t dare stop.
Not until there was only one walker left in front of you.
Even in the dim light of the camp, you can recognize her. Your heart feels heavy in your chest and guilt clogs your throat.
What was left of your sister dragged her body towards you, mouth ready to bite.
Your arm fell limp by your side. Your breath caught in your throat. A bullet hit your sister (no, not your sister) and someone screamed. Maybe it was you.
You dropped with her, stationed on your knees as you watched your sister reach for you.
Most of her was missing and the last time you saw her flashed in your mind. She’d yelled at you not to look back at her but you couldn’t help it; Now you were left with the image of her caught in the mouths of walkers, all desperate for a bite.
She’d sacrificed herself for you to continue on. To live.
And here she was now, because you couldn’t bring yourself to shoot her back then.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Your face was wet. Was it blood, sweat, or tears?
Glenn was sure he’d hit a walker with his bullet, but your scream made him doubt himself as he ran. Rick, T-Dog, and Daryl cleared the rest of the hoard, but Glenn’s only worry now was you.
His footsteps slowed as he spotted you, cradling a body that hadn’t been alive in a while. Though the body had stopped moving now - Glenn noticed the knife you plunged into the back of its head.
Glenn called your name softly, kneeling on the ground to join you. His hand came to your shoulder and he could see the tears drip off your face and make silent splatters on the zombie in your arms.
“We can bury her,” Glenn said quietly. “We do that for the ones we love.”
You nodded and your face found Glenn’s chest, your arms letting go of your sister, cold and dead, and clinging on to the warm body next to you. Alive.
You couldn’t be more grateful.
The aftermath was chaos. The bodies, littered everywhere, were unnerving. The children cried and Andrea sat over her sister’s corpse all night.
You knew exactly how she felt. You made sure she knew it, too. She didn’t speak a word as you cleaned as much blood from Amy’s body as you could. Her gaze never left her sister as you cleaned her own hands.
“There,” you said. You looked back at the rest of the group watching you, some desperate to put a bullet in Amy’s brain. “You take all the time you need. Don’t let them take that from you.”
You expected the lack of response as you stood, unwavering as you stared Daryl down, watching as he shook his head and went off to keep dragging the bodies.
You didn’t speak when you heard footsteps follow you to the edge of the woods. You knew who it was, and what he was doing. You wished you could hate him for it.
“Let me help,” Glenn offered from behind you as you looked at your sister’s body. It laid exactly as you’d left it before, but the daylight revealed the horrific state she died in.
You accepted Glenn’s help wordlessly, taking her shoulders while he grabbed her feet.
“Had to fight Dixon to bury our people. I mean, he just wanted to burn them!” Glenn shook his head, eyes glancing up to yours.
He was too good. That was it. That was what you hated so much.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“No, no, I did. For her. For Amy, too. And everyone else back there. We still have to have some humanity, right? Or else we’re just surviving, not... not living.”
Glenn’s words rang in your mind as the two of you carried the body through the thick Georgia heat, sweat dripping down every part of you.
Living. Not just surviving.
Your sister’s last words. Her last wish. For you to live.
You looked back up at Glenn as the two of you dropped your sister in the “Bury” pile, watching as he adjusted his cap and wiped some sweat off his brow.
Live. Not just survive.
Maybe Glenn could help you figure out what that meant.
Soft chatter surrounded you as you sat off to the side, knees pulled up to your chest. You sat away from the group, as you always did, keeping an eye on the people and another on the woods.
There was talk of going to the CDC. You weren't sure how well that was going to work out if the CDC looked like the rest of the world.
But there was something in the group as they spoke to each other, even after everything that had happened today. There was hope, small sparks of it glowing like the embers of a fire.
Maybe you'd let yourself have some of it, too.
"Hey," a voice spoke, pulling up a chair next to you.
"Hey." You glanced up at Glenn, watching him run a hand through his hair, his cap in his hand.
The sun glistened off his skin, making his hair shine as he turned his head to look at you. There was a trace of a smile but an even bigger hint of a question on his lips.
You knew what the question would be. But you still weren't quite sure of your answer.
"What happened in Atlanta?" You ask, hoping to buy yourself time and realizing that everything that had happened after Glenn's returned had prevented you from asking about it sooner.
"Atlanta." Glenn repeats, the place seeming so foreign to him now. "Well, we got the guns." He laughs, sounding too forced, eyes wandering over the faces that remain. You're quiet, feeling the guilt you share heavy in the air.
"But we ran into some guys."
Your eyebrows raise at this - you don't know strangers nowadays to be particularly friendly. Glenn was rare.
"And you just handed over guns?" You didn't mean to sound accusing, but you were trying to paint out what had happened.
"Well... kind of? I mean, we worked out a deal."
"What deal?"
Glenn hesitates, trying to work the story without having to mention the more embarrassing details.
"They were taking care of a whole bunch of elderly people. They were just... abandoned."
You seem to relax at this, at least slightly. "They could've just shot you and taken everything." You're only half-serious but Glenn doesn't quite catch that.
"They really wanted to. Especially Daryl, he had-"
Glenn cuts himself off but he's already piqued your curiosity as you lean forward in your seat, urging Glenn to continue.
"Well, it was a little bit of a situation," Glenn starts exasperatedly. "They had taken one of us, we took one of theirs... It just- It happened really fast!"
"They kidnapped you?"
How bad of a liar is he? Glenn stutters but his lack of a coherent response is enough to fill in the blanks for you.
Your chest hurts strangely, your fingers messing nervously with the hard surface of your nails. You've begun to avoid looking at Glenn just as he glances at you, a heavy silence that a part of you is desperate to fill, nervous it will make Glenn stand and place his chair elsewhere.
You had been saved from answering questions from others about Glenn earlier but nothing was able to halt the constant thoughts you had about him. You're not sure how much longer you can keep running from it - you're not sure how much good it'll do.
"So, the CDC?" You asked, hoping Glenn's answer would help guide you towards one of your own.
"Rick thinks it's our best shot."
"And you trust him?" There was no mockery or accusation in your voice — only genuine curiosity.
Glenn looked down at his cap, nodding a little. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I do."
"You just met him," you noted quietly, knowing very well Glenn had met both you and Rick on the same day.
"You don't need to know someone for years to know you can trust them."
You looked up to see Glenn staring at you. Clearly, he wasn't just talking about Rick.
"That type of thinking could get you killed," you say quietly.
"Or it could save my life."
Your knee bounced anxiously as you thought about it. About what going with these people would mean.
It'd mean companions, for starters. No more nights fighting to stay awake, watching your own back. It'd mean splitting supplies. It'd mean strength in numbers.
You looked at Glenn again.
It could lead to something else, too.
"I'll go with you. To the CDC," you start softly, watching from the corner of your eye as Glenn's head snapped toward you, clearly in disbelief. "It sounds promising."
You barely knew Rick. You barely knew any of these people. But Glenn trusted Rick and you trusted Glenn. That's the only thing you were sure of now.
Glenn looked at you with a boyish, handsome grin and the corners of your lips raised to mirror his.
Your hand reached for Glenn's, interlacing your fingers with his. Your hands found his over and over — throughout the night, in the morning, as you packed into Dale's R.V. and towards the CDC. As you left Jim behind. As you almost died outside of the fortified building. As you finally made it inside.
The building was large and seemed safe enough — there was no way Dr. Jenner could have made it this far if it wasn't. But it wasn't until a large table full of food and drinks was set, laughter chiming in your ears, did you finally begin to relax.
A smile spread on your own face as Carl tries wine for this first time, his face morphing into one of disgust as the rest of you laughed. This mood, light and playful, was one you haven't experienced in who knows how long. There's a thick feeling of appreciation in your throat, hot and heavy in your chest. You're almost emotional, thinking of every sacrifice it took for you to be here, today, laughing and talking over dinner again.
But Shane, always solemn, can't seem to stand the uncharacteristic liveliness that has found the group tonight.
"So, when are you going to tell us what the hell happened here, doc?" The laughter is killed instantly, an uncomfortable silence falling on the once chattering table.
'We're celebrating, Shane," Rick starts, the tension between the former best friends particularly prominent. "Don't need to do this now."
Eyes flicker between the two with an occasional flicker to the doctor in the room, but downward gazes and quiet sips of wine offered neutrality from most.
"Woah, wait a second. This is why we're here, right? This was your move... Supposed to find all the answers. Instead, we found one man. Why?"
"Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just left. Went off to be with their families. And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun, the rest bolted."
"Every last one?" Shane asks dryly, suspiciously.
"No, many couldn't face walking out the door. They... opted out. There was a rash of suicides." Most shuffle uncomfortably, looking at anywhere but at Jenner. "That was a bad time."
"You didn't leave," Andrea notes, one of the only ones still invested in learning about Jenner. "Why?"
"I just kept working. Hoping... to do some good."
It's a good answer for most, no matter the somber tone. It's enough for you; you just hope that Shane's poking and prodding won't push the man that has seen too much too far. The last thing you want is to be kicked out now.
"Dude, you are such a buzzkill, man." Shane avoids Glenn's stare and you cross your arms, decisively done for the night.
Jenner gives you a small tour of the facility, mainly of the rooms you'll be occupying. A piece of you wonders what else there is, but the majority of you aches for a peaceful night.
Jenner has disappeared into a different room and the group has stopped in the middle of the hallway.
"Hot water?" Glenn glances to the rest of the group before his gaze lands on you, standing behind him.
"That's what the man said," T-Dog grins.
Glenn's smile is contagious, creeping up slowly despite you missing what Jenner said. But if Glenn is excited about it, it's got to be worth it.
The hot water on your skin completely is.
You try to savor each drop of water, relishing in the steam curling off the water. You can't remember the last time you had the luxury of hot water but you resign, letting everything roll off of you along with the water.
You scrub at your skin, mindlessly and too roughly, thinking about everything that has happened in the last few days. Everything about the last few months.
Your sister was dead. The guilt in your throat wasn't any easier to swallow.
Something had happened between Rick and Glenn on their trip back to Atlanta. Glenn stuck out his neck for Rick on that very first day that your paths had all crossed, so Rick risked his own for Glenn. At least there was someone else in the group that would do that for him.
Atlanta. Nothing in that overriden city could've prepared you for the overwhelming company you now found yourself traveling with. There was no ounce of you that imagined you might find someone to love again.
You shut the water off once you're sure you've scrubbed every crevice of yourself, your skin rubbed raw in a few places.
The towels you've been given are rough, thin, and terrible shields against the cold air that blasts through the facility but you don't mind. Nothing matters other than the feeling of the fresh clothes Jenner has managed to scrounge up, missing all the dirt and blood that's stained your clothes for months.
A part of you, as you settle into the first empty room you see, wonders how long it'll be until the clothes you're wearing now will be bloodstained again.
You've taken to cleaning off your knife, in the spirit of the fresh scent of soap sticking to your skin and the pristine condition of the garments on your body. You're careful not to stain anything with the shades of red and brown of your knife, barely lifting your head when you hear someone enter the room you've claimed.
"Sorry, didn't think anyone was in here..."
Glenn trails off when he spots your smile, your hand waving him over to the spot next to you. He takes it, body tense as he tries to keep his eyes off of you.
Glenn thought you were perfect before, but without the layer of grime on you, all he wants to do is stare.
Glenn thinks he's being sneaky until your eyes meet his, Glenn's already flushed face reddening even more.
He's too terrified to make a move, still wondering where it is he stands with you. You're not lovers as far as he's aware, though it's a losing battle on his side. Glenn thinks he'd do anything to get inside your head and see for himself what it was you thought about him. He wanted you to like him, desperately, his body aching for contact with yours. He wanted to kiss you until he memorized you and every one of your smiles.
But he'd take whatever it is you wanted to give him. He'd hold your hand whenever you reached for it, on your own terms, right up until you pulled away.
The sudden arrival of man-eating freaks had forced Glenn, for the most part, to mature; to learn how to fight, to look out for others in ways his shitty job as a delivery boy had not yet taught him. From one day to the next, he had outgrown the red uniform that always seemed to smell of food no matter how many times it was washed. Though no one cared to ask about the person Glenn was Before, he liked to think he was the same Glenn who had, with his own will, made it through high school and to college, on his own.
But, in some ways, Glenn still felt immature. All that time he had spent working and studying had left him with little free time for personal indulgences. He had never prioritized romance and now that it was here, in front of him, he found himself on his ass more often than on his feet.
The door opens again and Glenn’s head whips towards it like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t, his flushed face not doing him any favors. But it’s just Shane, so Glenn’s shoulders relax, eyes glancing over the man and landing on the bottle of bourbon in his hand.
Shane spares a sideways glance, eyes stuck on you as he takes a swig from the nearly empty bottle. Glenn’s eyes follow Shane’s and eventually fall on you, too; notably, the knife in your lap, practically shining from how much you’d been wiping it.
"You're a real whiz with that knife.” Shane props himself against the doorframe, probably to keep from stumbling. There’s a sudden smile on his face, too wide to put you at ease. “Good thing I stopped ya from leaving that first night, huh?"
Shane grins through his words as he takes another swig, eyes still stuck on you as Glenn stands. He’s turned towards you, eyes searching for any indication that Shane is just drunk, or out of his mind; but you’re stuck, eyebrows drawn and lips set in a straight line as you stare at Shane right back.
Glenn steps into Shane’s line of sight, effectively breaking the wordless confrontation. Shane’s eyes move to him now, trying to slip past Shane wordlessly. Shane shifts, blocking Glenn’s way. But before he can speak, Glenn has shoved his way into the hallway.
"I'm just looking out for you, man!" Shane calls behind him before his lips find the top of the bottle again.
You’re in front of Shane before you can help it, eyes trying to follow Glenn. But just as he did before, Shane has turned toward you, his large build blocking any easy ways out.
"Why didn't you just kill me that night, then? I know you wanted to."
"That's not true.” There’s a grin on Shane’s face that tells you he’s lying.
The look of amusement on Shane’s face drops. He has learned from last time and fights back when you try to push past him. One of his hands keeps you pinned to the doorframe, pressing painfully on your shoulder.
“You’re just another mouth to feed,” Shane drawls, his breath reeking of alcohol. “You don’t deserve a guy like Glenn.”
There was more to it, you were sure. Glenn had told you that Shane was their leader and wasn’t fond of newcomers. Especially when one wanted his wife and kid back.
You could tell Shane felt challenged by Rick despite their history. Maybe Shane thought of you as a wildcard, neither loyal to him nor Rick. But if you would stick with Glenn, who would clearly follow Rick anywhere, weren’t you a threat?
You pushed Shane’s arm forcefully, the alcohol in his bottle swishing as he stumbles.
“You should’ve killed me,” you say, smiling suddenly. “You’re not getting another chance.”
Glenn moves down the hallway briskly, his feet taking him further and further away from you. There’s that feeling in your chest again, the same one you felt with Glenn back at the camp you had abandoned. It was fear, but it wasn’t the familiar kind that you’d spent months fighting along with the walkers. This one was thicker, heavier, putting a pressure on your chest that made it difficult to breathe. Unfortunately, you had come to care about Glenn Rhee.
And as Glenn walks away, he feels as though he has, once again, found himself on his ass.
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nightmarerodent · 8 months
Did someone say more Kombat Kids? No? Too bad!
Kenshi and Takeda make the same “tch” sound when they are annoyed.
Cassie has been kicked out of multiple bars for punching dudes in the face when they won’t leave her/other girls alone. Like father, like daughter.
Cassie runs a TikTok account where she cronicals the random misadventures of the SF squad.
Most of the technology at the Shirai Ryu was pretty dated growing up, with entertainment mostly consisting of old VHS tapes and a few dvds, so Takeda mostly grew up on 80’s and 90’s media. His favorites were Crocodile Dundee and The Golden Girls.
Jin has a collection of souvenirs he’s gathered from every mission. These range from cool looking rocks, dropped weapons, or even small bits of uniforms from fallen foes. He can recount the stories related to each and every one of them and delights in doing so if someone asks.
Everyone agrees that Jacqui is the most terrifying member of the team because she does not need some kind of special power passed down from some mystical ancestor to beat the crap out of someone. She has fists for that.
Frost suffers from frequent nightmares and when they get particularly bad the only thing that can lull her back to sleep is a very specific recipe for hot chocolate Kuai Liang makes.
Takeda has an irrational fear of those antique porcelain dolls so naturally when Jin found this out it became his life’s mission to lock him in a room full of them.
Cassie once made the mistake of admitting that she had really wanted a brother growing up and Takeda and Jin spent the rest of the day annoying the shit out of her to “show her what she missed out on”.
Sonya once tried to enforce a swear jar to encourage professionalism amongst the team but that ended when Frost and Jin put $50 in the jar each and just started yelling “fuck” at the top of their lungs repeatedly for an hour.
No one encourages the chaotic nature of the kids more than Kung Lao. Watching them give everyone else a hard time brings him a sort of joy that he can enjoy only describe as “payback”.
Kung Lao is the one that made the engagement ring Takeda gave to Jacqui. It is one of his proudest works and keeping the whole thing secret was difficult because Jin kept trying to butt his nose in trying to figure out why his best friend was suddenly spending a lot of time talking with his uncle.
A lot of the grunts working for the SF have a distrust of Takeda due to his status as an outsider and a Shirai Ryu, some even thinking he’s just there to spy on them for the clan. No one voices these complaints though because the last guy that did got the snot beat out of him by Jacqui. Same thing with the person who said Cassie only got her position because of her mother. Now everyone keeps their mouths shut and stay far, far away from the specialist.
Both Frost and Takeda are completely incapable of sitting in a chair normally. Takeda always perches on the arm or on the back of a sofa or bench, while Frost is always sitting sideways, leaning back against the arms.
Jin first thought that most of the team only ever tolerated his presence which caused him to act out, further alienating him from them. Frost of course saw right through him and called him out on it privately. Since then he’s been getting better at recognizing that the others actually do really want him there and enjoy his company, but sometimes the insecurities rise back up.
Hanzo found out Jacqui was dating his Chujin by visiting him at the SF base one morning, and was about to knock on his door only for it to open revealing Jacqui, who had very clearly spent the night, dressed in one of Takeda’s shirts, about to leave. That was a very, very awkward morning and a very embarrassing conversation that they do not speak of.
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Really digging the Frossie War so let’s play with some intro dialogue between the two factions:
Jax: Jacqui refuses to talk to me now.
Takeda: Yeah, I haven’t spoken with her either.
Jax: Bullshit you haven’t.
Sonya: I thought family was sacred to Shirai Ryu.
Honzo: As is the family we choose.
Sonya: Sounds to me like a weak excuse.
Raiden: You’ve turned Kung Lao against me!
Kuai Liang: You have only your own cold heart to blame.
Raiden: We shall rectify your folly through Kombat!
Jin: General Blade. Fancy meeting you here.
Sonya: Cut the crap, Jin. Where’s Cassie?
Jin: Sorry Ma’am, but visiting hours are over.
Jax: One hell of a family feud you’ve got going eh, Cage?
Johnny: Being a dad means making the tough decisions.
Jax: Don’t you and I know it.
oohohohohooho I like how you think
Hanzo: This war is not your fault
Cassie: It's still happening because of me!
Hanzo: No. It is not.
Hanzo: Why must you conspire to ruin your daughter's life?!
Sonya: I'm trying to stop her from making a mistake!
Hanzo: It is never a mistake to follow one's heart
Kuai Liang: Cassandra has made my apprentice very happy in recent months
Sonya: Your point?
Kuai Liang: I do not wish for either of them to lose that joy
Kuai Liang: You disapprove of Cassandra's choice in partner?
Sonya: Look, Sub-Zero, it's nothing personal-
Kuai Liang: On the contrary, it is nothing but
Frost: Why can't I go kill her?!
Kuai Liang: Despite their feud, Cassandra still loves her mother
Frost: Fine. I still think it would solve things
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sketchfanda · 2 months
A Little Moxxie Love Party 3
Herron Hell: Brat Attack!!
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It had cost her a good bit of cash, having to pay through the nose to get it from Joy but the resident halfpint short-stack brat known as Jenna Herron wasn’t too bothered by it. She was a reckless spender when it came to money anyway(lot of which wasn’t even hers, got to love simps especially when robbing them blind), and lot of the stuff the gothic satanic cousin was into was expensive but for what she paid her for? It was going to be so worth it as she stood in the room the Goth shared with that weeb streamer camgirl cousin Jacqui and made some last minute checks to see if it was all set up right because if so? She was going to have herself a whole lot of fun and she wouldn’t even have to pay her soul, talk about a steal of a deal!!
Call her a prideful little runt but she had to say, setting this up down to the last detail wasn’t too bad for an admitted bimbo like herself, as she lit the candles, right down the big one that’d act like her sort of hour glass timer and began to chant and there she had her designated demon boy toy. And in case you need reminding, yes it was Moxxie who as one can guess, was feeling some major lead recognising Joy’s room, only to be confused to find himself face to face with Jenna, literally and figuratively given their similar heights. Suffice to say he was puzzled while Jenna was warming an annoyed pout on her pretty little face. THIS was the best lay Joy ever had in her life?
Jenna:*Sighing as she decided to accept it, starts snapping her fingers and waste little time with this limpdick runt.*”Alright you demonic little simp, you know how this is, get out of the tacky penguin suit and lie on the bed so I can see what I’m working with…” *Seeing the imp just standing there and stare, the shortstack brat’s eye twitched at the idea she was dealing with hell’s equivalent of Forest Gump. Putting her hands on her trim, toned waist as she glared at God’s little gift to the women of Hell like he was brainless* “what’re you dear, dumb and blind and maybe a eunuch? I said we’re gonna fuck!! Don’t you know what to do with a woman unless she’s in a magazine or on a screen? Or did Joy just have you jerk off? You even need a better reason?!!”*Now for those of you wondering Jenna was a a little quick and harsh with the insults, this was a standard routine of hers to work and rile a guy up enough to hatefuck her and if this runt could satisfy Joy then he had to be packing….and growers really went all out when she’d got under their skin.*
Moxxie:*Simply gave Jenna a deadpan look like he usually had for Blitzo when he was being well…Blitzo, and it wasn’t like the shortstack bimbo’s barbs meant anything to him. Hell he used to hear worse from others, Loona especially before he tamed her and thrse days she was an absolute puppy around him.*”Look Miss, I do get what you mean and all but….I’m not really, interested in all honesty so I don’t know…I guess if I got to be here, maybe you can get Joy or something….oh god I actually want to spend time with Joy?!”*Moxxie seriously had to wonder if he did say that, was he really that disinterested in this pint sized Barbie doll? Jenna on the other hand was feeling absolutely livid, this guy didn’t want her company and her hatefuck routine wasn’t getting results…..until she noticed the wedding ring band in his finger.*
Jenna:*Armed with this clue, she thought fast and tried changing gears, now knowing she had a better possible target to try and work the imp into fucking her into next week.*”Well gee I guess you’re in no hurry to run back to your wife then huh? Unless she’s busy sucking off a delivery guy or maybe she’s as bad in bed as you are that even lesbos wouldn’t give her the time of day? ”*It seemed insulting Millie was finally getting a reaction out of Moxxie as the usually rational imp felt himself begin to lose his temper, Jenna was really pushing her luck and little did he know she was just getting started.*”But hey no accounting for taste right? Guess you two just work for each other, bet the day you were born the doctors. Us te wanted to slap your mama!!*Now of course before this point Moxxie might’ve been able to endure the shortstack brat’s barbs to a point given what he deals with from Blitzo but soon as she crossed the line and mentioned his dear departed, beloved mother, all rationality and reason went out The Window! The next thing Jenna knew, she was flying through the air, landing on her back, her clothes torn to pieces, and a naked Moxxie pinning her, eyes blazing red, and practically foaming at the mouth and it was at this point she knew, she fucked around and was about to find out.*”Hey now just a second! I-!!”
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What follows was an intense hate-sex session so intense that Millie could sense a disturbance in the force, so to speak, as the wrath shortstack had a feeling someone had gone a flushed the wrong buttons on her man. Feeling very scaroused as her thighs became soaked with her nectar, a sensation that was plenty mutual among certain other ladies in the possum’s love life, making them wonder just who was the unfortunate butch to both pity and envy right now. While a certain smutmaker in lust felt his determination skyrocket in his personal quest to find and recruit who he felt was a future star in the making but back in the living world in the meantime? Jenna was finding her sex life flashing before her eyes, each and every cock she’s sucked, fucked and milked, every set of balls drained drier than the wallets she had jacked, every single girth and length from the BBCs who wanted to make her a queen of spades to others she couldn’t care to remember.
All of which and whom were all being put to shame because the big red Imp dick that was fucking her with the intent to destroy rocking her goddamn world!! The bimbo shortstack’s howls and moans filling the room along with the heavy thud and creaks of the bed springs as Moxxie was an erotic rabid animal, driven to put the naughty little slut in her place. Right off the bat, he had gone into pounding her in a mating press, balls deep and jackhammering away into that tight snatch as if ensuring her guts would be more messed up than the guy in the Operation game. Bending and folding the size queen brat like an accordion as she felt the most intense sex she never thought possible since the day she lost her virginity. 
Now she was no stranger to positions like cowgirl, missionary or doggy style and with her size and height? Getting hauled around and thrown into being hoisted into something like the full nelson or pinned up against the wall wasn’t an unfamiliar sensation either but with Moxxie fucking her the way he was? Ooh the unreal sensation as that imp clung to her like a barnacle to the hull of a boat, his heavy crimson balls smacking her clit and her ass, the twin meat buns sporting handprints from the constant slaps he was giving them, thst is when they weren’t being occupied having themselves some squeezes of juicy bouncing shortstack tits. All the while her bimbo brain was drowning in pleasure, the words “breed me daddy!”running like a mantra all the while and to think, Moxxie was only getting started!!
Now of course being a Herron girl, there was no way Moxxie wasn’t going to fuck her face but she felt like she was going to suffocate on that demonic cock, her head hanging off the edge of the sure to be demolished bed as her Imp Daddy pounded her mouth and throat like they were pretty much an oral pussy. All in a 69 position of couse as Jenna found first hand that the imp REALLy knew how to eat a girl out, his mouth latched onto her crotch as his tongue slither and plunged deep into her olds. Christ on a stick, she could swear even a lesbian would want to give this a try if they even had to pick a dude!! If this was a dream, don’t wake her the fuck up because she had a feeling this wasn’t even getting to the best part!! 
Seconds and Minutes passed into as many hours for as long as the ritual’s master candle burnt, Moxie showing no signs of slowing down his rabid hatefucking. As if driven to teach the bratty bitch a lesson and leaver her something or rather someone to remember him by, a fucked stupid expression on the bimbo’s face as he pinned her down in a prone bone position on the trashed, sweat and juice soaked bed. Strangling her with her own pigtails as makeshift nooses which really seemed to be a turn on for Jenna, hearts glowing in her eyes thinking if Hell had a guy like this, no wonder Joy was a satanist!! Better to rut in hell than to be play nun in heaven!!
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When the ritual finally wore off and Moxxie was sent back, Millie ran to find him on the couch in an exhausted heap. Concerned as to what happened to her hubby to leave him in such a state like that one time he accidentally got drunk n Beelze-Juice. And rather turned on at the sight of his semi-relaxed, juiced soaked dick, which likely explained what that disturbance she had felt not too long ago. Suffice to say, once he had some r&r and a little extra hydration, Moxxie was going to have quite the details to share….
Meanwhile Jenna was left laying prone bone with her bubble butt in the air, her pussy and ass gushing with an overflow of Moxxie’s demonic baby batter. Twitching and laying as her booty stung with the delicious pain of the imp’s skilled little hands as Joy then entered the room in all her scary hit satanic goth glory. Surveying the erotic crime scene with approval as she breathed in that familiar scent of her much beloved and badly missed imp daddy, fingers scooping up some of the excess jizz as she licked and sucked the clean. The taste making her shudder with the delicious memories of that fateful encounter before she looked at her Barbie doll cousin with amusement.
Joy:”So was worth it?”*She quipped teasingly, earning a shame thumbs up and a hoarse “worth it.” The goth herron then the ritual instructions and items, gathering them up as she made her exit.* “You want another turn? Then you pay double next time.”*As she said this, she finds another one of her cousins with a stack of cash in hand, the wheels in her wicked head turning. At this rate..her little imp daddy might wind up becoming heir much wanted and needed family bull…*
~To be continued……~
Herron Hell:The Handy Girl and The Farm Girl
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The redhead sisters and spawns of the infamous Veronica Herron, the busty farmgirl Violet and her gear head machine sister Virginia currently found themselves with an unfortunate issue, that being the former’s milking machine broke down and the latter can’t fix it, leaving the two flummoxed as to what to do. Especially as no repair men around here knew how to fix one, after all who in the suburbs actually had a milking machine? Which of course left them without s means to ease Violet’s heavy milk tanks of their excess treasure until they get an idea of an instant stud they could try to get them out of this tricky situation. Which soon lead right to the duo carefully sneaking into Joy’s room and steal a certain ritual, instructions and all (written by the satanist goth in a way that even that slacker Jen could understand) a big risk, given how protective she was of her stuff and it being taken or handed without permission, but worth it they figured. 
Thankfully, Joy was out of the house for now as the two followed the layout of the guide and proceeded to summon Moxxie, who going by the apron he had on had likely been working on something in his kitchen. Naturally the redhead Herrons had to resist the urge to squee, not having expected someone or something so cute to come out of Hell of all places, he even had a little bow tie!! Our resident sweet possum of course was equal parts annoyed and confused, this again? And why was he feeling a familiar sense of danger he felt he knew all too well?
Violet:”oh my goodness, just look it him and his suit, he’s like a little butler!!*The busty milktank Herron couldn’t help but squee as she grabbed and smooshed Moxxie’s freckled face, wanting to nuzzle and snuggle him in a manner akin to Janet and her plush toys. The imp blushing as he found himself close to those big boobs of hers, so round and firm. Barely contained within the strings of her denim outfit, looking ready to escape and flash him any moment. Their jiggling and bounce so hypnotic akin to a lava lamp…*
Virginia:*Shakes her head in amusement at her sister’s behaviour, admittedly she couldn’t blame her for reacting that way, this little fellow was a cutie. Before she decided to at least be merciful and give the imp some context for why he was here.*”Hey sorry about this little guy, out of the blue we know but the thing is, our milking machine has gone bust and Violet here we’ll…she sort of needs to lose some excess pressure, if you get my drift?”*The imp was blushing as he could gather what the gear head was implying, how could he not when Violet’s titanic tits were right in his face, looking ready to burst. On the one hand, this was a bit unorthodox but on the other, it wasn’t looking like he’d feel his dick would fall off from overuse this time again.*
It certainly helped that the girls seemed nicer than Joy, and he found himself rather enamoured with Violet’s country accent, it reminded him so much of Millie so what the hey, he agreed. And so our resident sweet possum found himself pumping Violet’s breasts as the Dixie babe whipped them out, all ready to go. Those firm, round jugs so warm and supple in his hands as seconds passed into minutes, the little imp stunned and slightly aroused as at least a baker’s dozen worth of buckets counting were filled, Virginia biting her lower lip as she watched on. She couldn’t help but find the moans her sister made so hot, wondering wha it’d feel like and Violet was certainly finding Moxxie’s hands delightful so it was small wonder the two Herron girls got so turned on that they couldn’t help but jump Moxxie, pouncing and assaulting him with kisses as their clothes went flying snd their hands got busy depriving him of his.
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If they weren’t feeling horny before, naturally their libidos pretty much skyrocketed at laying their hands and eyes on Moxxie’s big red imp cock, that length and girth twitching with the promise of rutting them and filling them up with enough juice to ensure some buns in the oven. The imp soon feeling himself assaulted from head to toe with licks and issues, suddenly finding a mouth and faceful of Violet’s tires, his tongue being filled with warm, delicious breast milk. All the while she and Virginia stroked that red rocket of his before they soon began to assault it with a tandem blowjob, licking and kissing that cock. Violet adding some extra lubrication with a titfuck as her milk soaked and drowned that slicked up rod, ensuring it’d be nice snd ready to plow their tight little holes.
However as they were doing this, Moxxie was getting lost in a memory, of his first time with Millie in her parents’ barn, thanks to Violet’s accent and overall country farm girl vibe, and which wound up causing him to Millie’s name. The red headed sisters couldn’t help but feel angered by this as they overheard him, seriously here he was with the duo and he was thinking of some other woman?! Never let it be said that Herron girls, being the size queen bimbo sluts they were could be competitive as any bitches in heat during mating season could beproceed to go wild and get extremely aggressive and competitive. Something our sweet possum was about to find out and experience first hand as Violet and Virginia decided the time for foreplay was over, now was the time to make sweet, hot fucking rut!!
Violet:*Riding Moxxie cowgirl style, her fsrm girl booty bouncing and clapping as she held and hugged Moxxie’s cute little face to her tits. Ensuring he’d be smothered by her twin globes and drowning in her milk while Virginia had him fingering her gushing wet, sloppy pussy.* “Aaahn fuck yeah!! How this feel little man! Does Millie fuck you this food!? Buck me like I’m riding a rodeo bull you horny little bastard!!” *The milktank farm girl moaned with wanton lust as she continued to ride Moxxie’s shaft driven by the competitive urge to be the only name running through the imp’s mind. Just when the little guy wondered if third time was really the charm when dealing with Herron girls.
Virginia:”Oooh yeah you’re packing a V8 right here little man!! Make my motor run and howl!!”*The gear head grease monkey hollered passionately as she now had her turn, riding in reverse cowgirl with the imp having a fine view of her backside with that bubble butt jiggling and clapping on impact. That is when when Violet wasn’t making him suckle and drink from those big juicy tits of hers of course as she sat behind him. Hugging and holding his head between the warm marshmallow heaven that was her cleavage valley, making him feel this was what it was like to be in heaven and hell all at once. More so as Virginia’s pussy drowned his cock in her juices with those tight muscular walls aiming to milk those glorious imp balls of his.*
Moxxie soon found himself going through minutes into hours of an erotic montage with the redhead Herron sisters, going from taking them on one on one in turn to two on one especially. From having one ride him as the other sat on his face while they made out to taking one in missionary or doggy style as she ate her sister out, such being the case as he pounded Virginia from behind, his pelvis becoming soaked in her juices while she either lapped away at Violet’s pussy or suckled on her tits. The imp hitting Virginia’s key spots in such a way that soon as he came inside her, the gearhead howled as she orgasmed so intensely that she squirted causing him to fly from a geyser of her nectar. Moxxie pretty much ultimately knocked out as the stream launched him into a wall, landing in a deep crater with a spiderweb of cracks.
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Violet:*At this point the ritual died as the master key candle gave out and Moxie leaves in a flash of sulfur with no doubt quite a few questions from a concerned Millie and some other lovely ladies of his. The redhead sisters surveying the damage of their crime scene as they shared an anxious, embarrassed look.*”Uhm, whoops, I think we went a little overboard there sis…..think the little feller will be okay?” *Sometime the duo had to remember, for some guys first time with them they could be intense. Especially when Virginia could erupt like a goddamn geyser.*
Virginia:”Oooh I’m sure he will be fine. Now we better fix this up before Joy catches us and finds out….”*But before the two can clean up the evidence, they are confronted by The satanic goth size queen herself in her scary hot glory, standing in the doorway brandishing a whip. Looking she truly came out of hell itself, her amber blood red eyes seeming to glow with ominous sadistic intent, which gave off dominatrix vibes on par with then famous Penny Burufine. It was at this point, the redhead duo knew….they fucked up.*
Joy:”You can give me the details later…for now, it’s time to remind you hitches….don’t go into my room and take my stuff without permission..”*Suffice to say, Violet and Virginia were going to find themselves quite sore and walking funny for a while. As well as having to pay Joy a late fee for their little stunt of course but it somewhat soothe her to know her imp daddy made his mark on another relative or two. Her sweet dreams that night filled with kinky dreams of her and her family being theirs short king’s devoted sex slaves while Moxxie recovered snd dreamt differently. Of drowning in a tidal wave storm of love nectar, so damn much….”
Herron Hell:The Bubbly Princess and her Brawny Guardian
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It was one of those occassions where Moxxie not only found himself with a little peace and quiet but also a chance for some sensual but still plenty kinky fun, case in point? Him, Millie, a couple of scented couples in their cosy love-nest and of course Verosika for some threesome fun, currently rocking her human disguise form for a little roleplay with her as a pretty young up and coming music star looking to sell her soul for fame and the imp couple as the wicked demons willing to oblige her for that price…as well as her body of course. There they were, him sitting on the couch, Millie beside him as they enjoyed the succubus popstar really playing her part just right, so seemingly naive and innocent yet clearly a slut just waiting to let loose. But of course leave to to Murphy’s law to come along like the announcing bag of dicks it was as a distinct flow began forming around Moxxie’s biodynamic, a telltale sign he was familiar with as it signified someone up in the living world was summoning him!!
Given the girls needed their Moxxie fix as they haven’t had it for weeks, Millie’s and Verosika grabbed onto him and get caught up in the summoning vortex along for the ride. Upon arrival, the trio found themselves in an odd bedroom with one side loaded with plush toys and the other with plenty of exercise and gym equipment before Moxxed was then hugged tightly by a squealing figure, his sweet little head smothered between a perky pair of tits before he found something familiar about that pheromonal scent. But upon looking the girl over and seeing some pictures on the mantle and walls, he started putting two and two together as he felt a distinct sense of dread….
??:”OMG you’re even cuter than I thought!! Ooh and you’re just adorable!!”*She does the same to Millie and then notices Verosika, still in her human form disguise, her bright blue eyes sparkling.*”Oh wow, THE Verosika Mayday!! Like wow I didn’t know you were into this kind of stuff too!! Guess a girl has to have her fun secrets too right? Don’t worry I won’t tell, big fan by the way, bonetown is so catchy!! Ooh I’m Janet, Janet Herron FYI!!”*Confusion gave way to a growing sense of shock as Millie and the secret succubus in hiding realise this girl was part of thst infamous family fheir sweet possum had been been becoming acquainted with recently. Moxxie now felt that dread setting off alarm bells, just his luck another one of those size queens came calling and this one was a motormouth pixie!! Before things could proceed to the inevitable sort of fun he knew was pending, a brickhouse Amazon of a woman bust into the room and snatched him out of Janet’s grasp by hone of his horns, finding himself face to face with the cheerleader’s behemoth sister and noted cockblocker.*”oh hey Judith, lookie lookie, Joy’s thing worked AND Verosika Mayday’s here!, isn’t this exciting?!!”
Judith:*The Amazon butch sister of Janet narrowed her eyes, glaring at the imp she held up before her as easily as one of her little sister’s plush toys. Looking at him like he was some dirty stray that intruded into their home and throw him out like Uncle Phil woild do toJazz in the Fresh prince.*”Yeah well if that’s the case, I’m seein to it whether or not this guy is even worth the attention. Quite frankly I’m not impressed, he looks more like a twizzler than a sex machine, what’s the hype anyway?”*A deadpan expression formed on Moxxie’s face, in spite of the slight intimidation he still somewhat felt in her presence, after having his manhood questioned like that, he decided to just get it over with and stripped down, pants first with the results being immediate as Judith went from cockblocking tomboy to horny, thirsty slut at the sight of his stiffening imp dick. Herron girls no matter their personality, body shape and interests were always prone to going primal bitch in heat soon as they laid eyes on a dick that was 9 inches or more.*”W-well, I stand corrected……”
Before Moxxie knew it, he found himself sat right on Judith’s shoulders as the titanic bimbozon had his imp cock in her mouth, making him hold on for deer life as the woman deepthroated him with abandon. Lust burning in her eyes as she held his cute little red booty in her hands, making him facefuck her with abandon as Millie, Verosika and Janet watch on in awe, the former two concerned for their little possum. Thus far from his experiences, Herron women could be a near death experience and Judith seemed just about ready to drain him dry just from sucking snd blowing him. But as soon as that brickhouse butch babe got naked, for Moxxie it truly became a matter of life and death.
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For as much as she was the sexual gatekeeper for her sister and her female cousins, as said before when Judith was in the presence of a Herron class bitch pleaser, she was like a whole other woman. Which Moxxie was experiencing first hand as he fucked her in a missionary postion, holding onto her waist for dear life as he pumped and thrust his length and girth into the vice-like embrace of her snatch. Millie and Verosika keeping Janet busy, mainly gossiping and giving her an autograph, all the while hoping their little man would be able to survive this. They were well familiar with the details of his last few encounters with Herron girls especially after that Virginia almost made him drown.
It was quite a few intense rounds o but a couple of effective positions and orgasms later Janet found Moxxie throw her away, catching the little imp stud with glee as she pounced and began to make out with the little sweet possum as this lead to some girl on girl action with Millie and Verosika deciding to double team Judith. Much to her welcome delight of course as they had a feeling their little alpha male would need all the help he could get as sure enough, Moxxie was finding that in spite of her sweet innocence aura, Janet was still a Herron. Her pretty mouth currently latched onto his cock as she practically made his hips buck and pump with delightful facefucking thrusts as she sucked and blew him off. Not seemingly bothered or out off that she could taste her own sister’s juices on his length and girth, it was like incest wasn’t an issue for these girls!!
Janet:”Oooh daddy yes! Right there daddy!! All for you, all yours! Give me a D, give me an A-!!”*The bubbly princess cheered on as Moxxie, in quite a display of strength for his size and height had her held up in a full nelson position. Arms hooked and wrapped around her legs as that cheerleader trained flexibility of hers was put to the test, the kinky pixie moaning with every smack of those balls against her clit. Loving just how deep and filling Moxxie’s length and girth felt, it was like this cock was meant to please Herron girl pussy!! It was like Joy made her a plush toy and her dream stud all at once!!*
Judith, no surprise given her butch like nature and aura, was proving to be quite a handful for Millie and Verosika to deal with, figures the unofficial alpha female gatekeeper would be intense with women sexually as she no doubt could be with men. Not just with her hands and tongue but when the toys got involved, it was a whole other story, unsurprisingly she was a beast with the strap-ons. Though the length and girth on those things had nothing on Moxxie’s cock of course, but damn could that butch eat a gal out and scissor, those muscles weren’t for show. Though thy couldn’t help but notice Judith wasn’t taking her eyes off of her sister and their little alpha male fucking, seems Moxxie had left quite an impression on the Amazon…..but that was the Moxxie charm for you of course, at its finest.
Judith:”Aaah fucking A daddy…right there…mess up my sides and fill me right up to the brim!”*It wasn’t surprising then to find the butch Herron had wasted no time in wanting her next turn with Moxxie, riding him cowgirl style soon a her next turn presented itself. Her sister hugging her from behind, looking in with erotic giddy delight while Millie and Verosika laid on either side of their man to give him moral support. Helping him hang in there as they took turns kissing and making out with him knowing that this little encounter would last a good while. At least until that ritual master candle burnt finally burnt out or these 2 Herron girls were down for the count, whichever came first….pun unintended.*
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It was minutes passing into hours with a sea of bodies and a tangle of limbs, orgasm after orgasm with the walls and ceiling echoing with moans and heavy skin slapping, pussy pounding primal sex. The carpet and bedsheets becoming stained and soaked with sweat and juices as the night passed on into the long twilight hours with combinations of 4 on one and then some. Janet unsurprisingly was a bundle of perky peppy energy, seemingly eager to have Moxxie mate and breed her and of course relishing being so intimate with her favourite pop star as they shared the ride to bone town. While Judith seemed to become a sweet submissive little slutty kitty puppy each and every time “Daddy Moxxie” gave her another dose and round of that big imp cock of his…
After spending a wild, lewd night of swapping partners, the ritual had finally ended with the demon trio gone home in a flash of soulful, leaving behind a very exhausted satisfied pair of sisters who dreamt sweet imp daddy dreams. Finding themselves back in their little love nest, naked and spend as an exhausted Millie and Verosika joined Moxxie in his thoughts, that indeed the Herrons were human succubi. They just had to be, there wasn’t any other explanation for how intense human women like that could be and to think!! And what’s more, Moxxie had omly as of now just dealt with six of them!!
So it made him shudder and dread to think how many more of them he might wind up meeting in the future, bar any repeat encounters of course. Ooh if he only knew but at the least when it came to Judith and Janet, it was just a matter if and when they could save up enough to pay Joy’s fee for borrowing the summoning ritual. But believe You me, think he’s had some wild time with Herron girls at this Point? You’ve seen nothing yet…..
~To be continued….~
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mattellaneous · 2 months
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Click, click, click, the sound of Jacqui McGee's high heeled shoes echo throughout the reception area of the brand new UNIT building. When she initially met Kate Stewart those many years ago, this was unthinkable. She was barely able to enter the building to do the woman a favour, let alone to get an exclusive scoop. Jacqui straightens her blazer, brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ears and flashes her sweetest smile to the receptionist. "Jacqui McGee, Out There News. I've got an appointment with Kate Stewart. My office called ahead." For once, she produces a press badge with her own name and likeness on it, her actual genuine ID.
One visitor's badge later, Jacqui is sat in a waiting area in front of Kate Stewart's office. Ever since she learned that she was chosen to conduct this interview, she did not stop grinning. It wasn't joy, not necessariliy. Vindication seems to be the more accurate emotion. The opportunity to grill Kate about all the shady things UNIT has done since its inception. This is going to be an excellent day.
"Kate Stewart, I presume. Jacqui McGee, Out There News. A pleasure to meet you." An excellent day indeed.
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safyresky · 8 months
January scrimbles appreciation before I move them down and start the February batch!!
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That's a nice fuckin fridge 😎
I'm gonna take em to work and laminate them then move them to the bottom part and then it's February scrimbles season babes!! 🥰
This week's scrimbly Jacquie is coming post haste 😎
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standbyric · 2 years
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00: Mask Off 2016
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Female!Driver OC x Pierre Gasly Premise: Formula One, Female Racing Driver Rating: 18+; Mature themes (explicit language, death, trauma innuendos, motorsport accident, mentions of sex) Timeline: Back and forth Word Count: 1.7k
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“AWESOME, fantastic drive there, Z. Congratulations, that’s P1. Now you’ve put a sock up their mouths. You did a solid drive; if they complain, it’s easy to tell who are the stupid ones. Well done! I am very proud of you!”
Zea couldn’t help but chuckle. After her disastrous qualifying, the team had been distraught, stating to the press that she couldn’t get a grip on the track; it might be all the nerve on the new components following the new season regulations. But she managed to make a solid comeback from P17 to finish P1.
“Thanks, Alby. Thank you for trusting me.”
“That was insane, Z. I can’t believe you just did that!” Marqués Abrego, her race engineer, shouted over the radio.
“Nah, it was all us, Marq. Thank you for being my ‘guy in the chair’; I couldn’t have done it without the entire team watching my back.”
“You were the one who delivered justice to the car, girl; appreciate yourself a little! Oh, right. P1. Once you enter the pit lane, you will park Ace in the middle for P1. Congratulations again. Couldn’t ask for a more splendid season opening. Excellent job.”
“Zea! You rock! Congratulations on your maiden win!” Jacqui Shabat, Will Stevens’ race engineer, chimed in. He sounded ecstatic. But who could blame him? Even Zea had difficulty containing her joy. With Will, her teammate, settling at P9, that was a great point harvest for Audi.
Her cool-down lap was complete, and Zea parked her car nicely at the P1 placard upon entering the pit lane.
Immediately after doing her usual swift leap to oust herself from the cockpit, sliding open her helmet and balaclava—giving her head a little shake left and right—and letting her hair fall through nicely behind her, she roared her euphoria along with Irza, who was standing across the barrier. The two siblings exchanged their intricate handshake before Irza brought their temples together and gave her a light peck on the head. He was brimming with thrill.
“That’s my baby! I’m so proud of you!”
The TV crew ate this up, putting it on the big screen for everyone’s consumption.
“Oh, there they go! We’ve been assuming they’re a couple for a while now, and from the looks of this victory celebration, I have to say we might be on the right track after all!”
Zea snickered behind her mask, hearing the ever-so-wrong assumption about her and Irza. But, whatever. She’d give them points for at least being consistent. It had been amusing, and besides, she couldn’t wait for the truth to slap that commentary right in the balls. She had promised Alby at the beginning of the season that she’d finally cast away her mask and do a face reveal if she won a Prix.
She stifled her chuckle as she touched the black mask covering her face. She’d been hiding her face since her GP2 days, saying she didn’t fancy the attention as an excuse. Hey, no rules were broken anyway. Her mother then procured her inner fireproofs to feature a fitted face mask. Well, thank you, dear mother, but today was the day she’d finally say goodbye to the mask.
Zea broke off Irza’s hug as she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Felipe Massa. The fellow Brazilian had darted his way from the middle of the pack to congratulate her first win. “Thanks, mate. See you in a bit,” she said as she returned his fist bump and left for the podium.
Behind was Daniel Ricciardo, who had secured 4th place, just one position outside the podium, glancing over the big screen. He did not expect the intimate display on the screen to hurl something inside him, but it did. He thought it could have been Martin Brundle’s comment on the nature of the two young guns’ relationship that irked him. Then again, he decided it was most definitely just jealousy over her winning his home race and celebrating with her lover. Yep, he wasn’t going to be the jackass who won’t admit his competitive side got the better of him. In his defence, she was a damn good driver. Damn good. 
It was the festivity, the loud cheer, and the Aussies being a good sport about the podium members. Zeahire Sinaga had triumphed over the usual podium sitters duo from Mercedes—Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg—both favourite contenders for the season’s World Driver Champion title. Something about the warm sun and the air around the Albert Park circuit had managed to tone down Daniel’s impeding adrenaline—
“—Let me say, Wow! Yes! Listen to that cheer!”
Mark Webber sounded exceptionally astonished, followed by the roaring ‘whoa’ from the crowd. That was enough for Daniel to bring his attention back to the big screen after finishing his mandatory post-race weigh-in and parc fermé.
“Who would’ve guessed such a beauty has been hiding behind that mask this whole time?!”
Zea gave a playful shrug, plastering a cheeky smile that Daniel swore had an almost vividly readable sign that said I-know-right?
But yeah, Daniel had to nod in agreement with Mark; he had to admit that smile was mesmerising. However, it didn’t come as too much of a surprise to him.
Just last season, he’d suppose the Audi garage was at the back of the paddock, far from the Red Bulls. Not many chances for encounter, and yet, every time he’d run into her, he’d almost always found himself getting caught in her blue eyes, even from afar. 
“So…so what’s the story here? Why today?”
“The face reveal, you mean?” Daniel watched attentively as Zea took the mic that Mark handed to her.
“Well, Alby has been urging me to do it this season. Like, this whole bad publicity overtone has been making him concerned? But I told him I’d only do it if I finished P1… how the hell was I supposed to know it’s gonna be Australia?! The Season-Opening?!”
Daniel chuckled. Her bold choices of words for live broadcasts hadn’t changed; it made him recall Sochi 2014 when her Marussia teammate had retired from suspension problems, leaving the team to rely on her for points. She had taken over the remaining four races of the season after the late Jules Bianchi’s horrible accident in Suzuka. 
“He was more than capable of doing this,” Zea had said while pointing to the JB17 sticker on her helmet, paying her respect to the late Frenchman. 
“Could you have squeezed a podium there?” Will Buxton questioned her.
She sighed. “Look, I really wanna lie and say yes, but I’d have to be a war hero or something in my past life to have the luck to beat Hamilton, Rosberg, Bottas. We’ve outscored ourselves with P4. Really.”
“Oh, look at that. Humility.”
“No, I’m just stating facts. Zero probability of me winning in that car anyway; I haven’t got the pace. So I’m more than delighted to finish and score points at all—hell, this might be pure luck for all we know,” she exhaled her fatigue harshly.
“The car was—“ she had paused, reluctant to say anything, before the Marussia F1 mechanics and engineers gave her encouraging nods and hand gestures for her to carry on, “the car was shit; it was fuckin’ impossible to drive,” and Daniel recalled how much he was caught off guard upon hearing that from across the media pen. Whoa, nice choice of vocab.
“But no blame there; the team only had so much time to settle me in. I don’t know how much of the radio was broadcasted, but by the time we did the cool-down lap, the car was like, literally making noises I’m a hundred per cent sure no Formula One car is supposed to make? I thought the car would start disintegrating at some point; I was scared shitless. Okay. Maybe I watched too much Transformer.”
Will Buxton broke into laughter, amused at how she had practically spit bars for her reply, but what Daniel remembered the most was Kimi Räikkönen, who had chuckled along and said, “She has a good head on her.”
Well, Daniel reckoned Kimi had always been a good judge of character.
“It’s just—there’s been a lot of interesting conspiracy theories going around; but it’s gotten much worse at the start of the season, like, they’ve been saying I’m actually five different people! You should totally check Youtube—No, it’s real,” she playfully tapped Mark Webber’s shoulder when the former nine-time Grand Prix winner started laughing. “They even compiled videos of me walking and doing other stuff and compared them.”
See? Look at her. Outspoken, engaging, amiable…a beauty. Kimi judged right.
“But I am so sorry, guys,” Zea gave an amusingly disappointed look to the crowd, “Sorry to disappoint everyone, but I’m just…me.”
Maybe it was the way she talked? Or was it the way her expression turned animated every time she spoke? Daniel couldn’t really tell.
“I don’t… ‘mitose’ into five different people.”
Oh, and a sense of humour.
“Okay, to be fair, I definitely did… ‘mitose’ once before birth. ‘Cause, like, I do have a twin brother.”
Wait, what?!
“Yes! The charming gentleman who’s always around me! He gave me a big hug just now.”
“Oh my God!” Mark exclaimed as the big screen panned towards Irza, and the crowd of male pheromones cheered in excitement, quite possibly on the prospect of her being single. Or was it for Irza?
“Not my boyfriend, definitely not my boyfriend—eww. He’s very available, so ladies, or gentlemen, by all means, go ahead,” Zea switched her head back to Mark, “but that’s it—my only mitosis. I hope it clears everything so Alby can finally have peace of mind. Come on; I pity the old man.”
Daniel couldn’t even fathom the thrill suddenly rising from his gut, nor how the bitter aftertaste he had felt upon finishing P4 had abruptly vanished. 
All he knew was that her first sentence would live rent-free in his mind.
He’d thought maybe right now wasn’t the best time to figure that out. After all, they’ve got the entire season to do that. Right?
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Masterlist [I] Chapter 01 ➡️
COMING SOON. Muhahaha.
__________ Aye. This is my debut formula one fic...so please be nice 🥹 Reblog is always appreciated! ✨manifesting my eagerness to update this series regularly✨
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
MK kast reacting to Zoolander
Note: hello everyone! I hope your holiday was amazing and that you spent quality time with your loved ones! I wanted to make something funny, so here’s another "reacting" post. What can I say, I love the memes and the movie lol.
For early content (SFW/NSFW), check the links in the bio. Thank you!
Scorpion: He watched the movie by accident. Some of his teen students put the movie on, and he decided to join them. He doesn’t understand why they make those stupid faces or why his students try to recreate them.
Sub-Zero: He has a much better sense of humor than Hanzo, and he laughs with his students instead of watching the movie in horror. He's not into memes, but he is into a good laugh.
Johnny: He owns the lightskin stare. He was initially cast to play Derek Zoolander but got into a fight with the director, and as a result, he was fired. He does the magnum on the battlefield, to see if he can stop the bullets. Sonya or Jax push him aside every time. 
Sonya: She has to hear Johnny brag about how he was fired unjustly. She also has to see him doing the looks. He claims he does them better than Ben, but for her both of them look like idiots. 
Jax: he competes with Johnny for the best "blue steel." He knows where the memes come from and is very disappointed that the music is not the same. He and Johnny do a walk-off when Sonya is not watching. 
Cassie Cage: She saw the movie multiple times, and had no choice but to listen to her father bragging about how he was robbed of the role. She is making a bunch of memes and gains followers super quick. 
Jacqui Briggs: She is not that hyped about the movie but will join in a look contest. She will make memes along with Cassie and comfort Johnny when he starts to whine about how he lost the role. 
Kung Lao: he tries to do the boxer trick but ends up in the ER instead. Liu Kang filmed the whole thing and sent it to everyone. Despite his embarrassment, he performed a "blue steel" and now has a date with a nurse. 
Liu Kang: he has the best "blue steel" out of everyone, but he is humble and won’t brag about it. Kitana likes the look in secret, but she won't tell him that. He enjoyed the movie and recommends it to other monks. 
Kano: he auditioned for the role of Mugatu. He would have gotten the part if they hadn't called in the special forces after checking his background.
Erron: Kabal showed him the movie because he didn’t understand the memes. He thought it was a waste of time, but sometimes he’ll try to do the "blue steel" when he’s trying to flirt when he’s alone in front of a mirror. 
Jade: She didn’t know about the memes or the movie. The whole fuckery confuses her, but she likes the actors, so she’ll watch the movie. She now understands why Kung Lao and Liu Kang make silly faces, which they call "magnum," "ferrari," or "le tigre."
Kitana: loved the movie and thought it was hilarious, but I won’t admit it. She doesn’t know most of the celebrities that appear in the movie, but she has a crush on Hans. Cassie will provide her with more movies of Owen Willson. 
Kotal Kahn: he will chuckle at some scenes but remain stoic during the rest of the movie. Male modeling is a weird concept for him, and while he’d admire Hans and Derek’s physiques, he’ll say that those will be of better use in a fight rather than on a stage. 
Quan-chi: ok, but how did they put a router in the Netherrealm? must be an expensive plan. Either way, as the souls of the damned scream in agony, Quan-chi will laugh with joy at the many hilarious scenes. He mastered the "magnum" and is waiting eagerly for a face-off with Liu Kang. 
Shao Kahn: I loved the idea of the looks and will try to recreate them. Everyone will say that he is the best because they don’t want to die. After that, he decided that the next tournament shouldn’t be based on fighting, but on walk-offs and looks. It will be an interesting discussion with the Elder Gods, for sure. 
Raiden: He’ll watch the whole madness that this movie caused and ask himself if it's still worth anything for them. Everyone makes the same stupid face and makes "memes" instead of focusing on fighting. Damn it, Fujin joined the madness too and is doing "blue steel" with Johnny and Jax. Imagine his face upon hearing Shao Kahn's proposal lol.
Fujin: Ma Man provides a gentle breeze for anyone trying to look like they're in the movie. He loved the movie, and he’s trying to master the looks when Raiden is not looking. 
Shang Tsung: He is grateful once again that he left Earthrealm, as it seems the trends don’t arrive in Outworld either. However, this hype train arrived at full speed, so now instead of using advanced sorcery, he’ll have to defeat Liu Kang in a walk-off. It's time to get back to his younger self and start exercising. 
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MK skits based on Moonkitti's recent "I spoils" video
The original jokes/skits belong to Moonkitti
The MK characters belong to Ed Boon
I am not basing these on certain time lines. Just on who I see fits best
Spoilers. Obviously
Shinnok: My origin story is that I once got banned, just for posting an opinion. Now I get revenge on all the gods.
Raiden: Uh, what was the opinion?
Shinnok: The One Be-
Raiden: *punches him through the Jinsei wall at mach 5*
Mileena: *winks and smirks at Tanya*
Umgadi 1: *pulls Tanya aside* if you're in a relationship, you should be locked up and never allowed to see the sun again
Tanya, lying: I'm not.
Umgadi 2: it will ruin your life and the lives of everyone around you. No one will ever feel joy again
Tanya: ok? But I'm not.
Umgadi 3: And I would hate you personally
"Doing great kids." - Johnny watching toddler Cassie and toddler Jacqui run into walls.
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deputygonebye · 1 year
@privmulti || Taken from here.
The drive back to the camp was quiet, well it was quiet in the truck Rick was sitting in. Glenn was still enjoying the sports car they’d hijacked from the city and every once in a while a whoop of joy would accompany the alarm blaring whenever he took a corner partially fast.
Morales hadn’t said much about the camp, only that it was up near a quarry and his family would be worried about him getting back so much later. Andrea had mentioned Amy would be losing her mind but neither T-dog nor Jacqui mentioned anyone waiting for them, Rick didn’t ask.
His mind was elsewhere, under the horror and fear of the new world he had woken up in every second thought was of Carl. Particularly the morning before his accident and the fight he had with Lori, where she accused him of not caring about her and Carl. She said he was starting to pull away and spend too much time away from them, too much time with Shane. It seemed like such a small thing to be fighting about now, he stayed at work late with Shane and missed the first half of Carl’s little league game that weekend.
He knew she wasn't just upset he'd missed part of a baseball game, though, since he’d gone to most games. Maybe things had been busier with Shane and maybe Rick had thoughts from when they were much, much younger coming back to haunt him, but he'd never told Lori about any of those feelings.
Maybe he regretted that a bit now. Not that he'd ever wish to hurt Lori in any way, but the world had ended and Rick never even got the chance to be honest with Shane. Even if Shane would reject him, and probably never want to speak to him again, Rick is realizing he couldn't keep going on living like that.
Now Carl and Lori and Shane were god knows where. He had no leads and no possible way of finding them.
‘What if they had made it to the city and gotten overrun?’
‘What if they headed away from the city? Lori’s folks were in Kentucky, maybe they had headed that way.'
‘What if their bodies were trapped in one of the hundreds of cars piled outside the city?’
‘What if they got separated and somewhere his baby was hiding, scared and alone?’
Every possible scenario was running through Rick's head so fast it made his head spin.
Morales turned onto a dirt track at the base of the woods. The trees passed by quickly across the window as Rick's mind was once again filled with his loved ones. Lost in thought Rick didn’t realize they were getting close until the sirens from Glenn’s car cut off. Andrea stood shakily in the back as the truck pulled up and she opened the door and jumped straight out. Rick heard a shout of “Andrea!” and a cry that was quickly muffled as Andrea hugged whoever was calling out to her. T-dog and Jacqui exited after her, Morales looked over to Rick and patted his arm. “Come say hi to everyone”, He said gently before leaving. As soon as he passed around the truck, two voices cried out “Dad!”
Rick closed his eyes, the familiar word pulling at his heart. Would he ever be called dad again?
Lost in his grief he nearly missed Morales calling out, “Hey Helicopter boy, come meet everyone”.
Taking a deep breath, Rick opened the door and headed out to meet the camp. He saw Andrea with her arms around another blonde woman, T-dog and Jacqui with an older man, and Morales was smiling, surrounded by his family. His eyes skipped over to where Glenn was standing by the car next to…
Rick's breath hitched in his throat. Shane. He was alive. He was right there. He could tell the moment Shane recognized him, too, as the grip on the rifle he was holding slipped for a second and his eyes went wide. Rick wasn’t sure what his body was doing but as he went to take a step towards him, to embrace him, Shane’s eyes drifted over Rick's shoulder towards the group. Rick's gaze followed and then he felt like he’d been punched in the gut.
Lori was kneeling in front of a teary-eyed Carl. His face was twisted in a way that meant he was trying not to cry. Rick wanted to know why Carl was upset but his mind was racing too fast, his legs felt like jelly, there was no air in his lungs and it felt like every organ in his body had frozen at the sight of his family.
Before Rick could regain control of his body, Carl turned to him and their eyes met. There was a blank look on Carl’s face for a second, then he broke into the biggest smile Rick had ever seen and the sweetest sound he had ever heard erupted from Carl’s mouth “Dad, Dad, DAD!” Then Carl was running.
Rick stepped forward, once again able to use his legs, and subconsciously made sure his gun was secured away. Tears filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks, but he had no control over that. He was vaguely aware he was talking, words he had no control over spilling from his mouth and he knelt down and Carl barrelled into him.
Rick felt his entire body go lax and he wrapped his son in his arms. He slipped for a moment bringing their bodies close to the ground but he had enough strength to stop them from hitting the gravel. Carl didn’t let go, just wrapped his arms around Rick's neck tighter. He could feel the damp patch his son's tears were making in his shirt. Carl’s little body shaking in his arms, Rick stood up shakily and placed a kiss on Carl’s head, and started walking toward Lori.
Lori's eyes were wide as she took a step toward him and wrapped her arms around him and Carl. Rick placed a kiss on her cheek and with his free arm gripped her waist tightly. She took a step back, stuttering trying to get words out, Carl was the first one to speak, lifting his head from his dad's shoulder and quietly asking, “Are you real Dad?”
Rick tried to chuckle, though it came out as more of a sob as he placed another kiss on his boy's head and smiled, “Yes baby, I’m here.”, Carl leaned his head forward until it rested against his dad's and the pair froze for a second together with Lori staring at them.
When he pulled back, he turned his head and searched for Shane frantically. When he spotted him, Rick couldn't help but smile and hold a hand out for him. "Come here. Give me a damn hug."
Rick was dead. Murdered, shot by the bullet that Shane should've seen, destroyed by flame and fire and Walkers. Buried, but not with beautiful flowers nor the remembrance of happy memories, to leave him in that hospital had shattered Shane. Alone and without the warmth of a loved one. Tied still to tubes and machine wires, once Lori and Carl had been saved from King County, a car for the three of them driven until the roads could take no more, out in a lonesome field did Shane shed his tears. Cried into the coldness of night - onto his knees with palms pressed to the grasses - prayed. Asked for a mercy that didn't feel proper to receive, for the chance to change what had happened to his beloved friend. A brother for whom he had known since the days of childhood bliss; the man that he loved so desperately. Passionately, in both the physically seen and the silence of a heart's truest desires, Shane grieved for Rick like a widower. Until there was nothing more to cry, breathless underneath the shimmer of Georgia stars, returned to Lori and Carl with the mask of bravery upon his face. Lines of tears painted still on the skin but no more spilling down. Brown eyes watery but voice stern, focused and attentive: Shane would keep them safe. He would live for them.
Protect them both like they were his own, sorrow did good on molding devotion from loss. Intimacies from tragedy, he hadn't meant to fall in love with Lori, but through the decay and the fear, that was just what Shane did. Grasped at her body like a lover, kissed her lips as a betrothed would to his sweetheart. Whispered pleasures into her ears whenever they were alone, could spare the bliss of naked flesh to naked flesh, held onto her like she were priceless gold. Lori was wonderful. Brightness that obliterated darkness - precious to the man who cared for her so - a family that Shane wouldn't take for granted. Never had, never would, for the love that bloomed for the mother also bloomed for her child. Blossomed like a rose in the dawn of springtime, Carl was the son that Shane always wished for. A smart boy who was wiser than he appeared. Funny, sometimes a touch too spoiled, kindhearted and generous. One whole from either half of his darling parents, so much like Rick that the mere thought would bring a mistiness to Shane's eyes. A gathering of fresh tears, choked back on a hard swallow and a cough of the throat. Rick deserved to be there with them.
Survival was never easy. Camped along the woods, tents and an RV the version of home that they had become accustomed to, Shane and his group tried their best. Made use of the lake that provided decent fish. Welcomed any new discovery of resources, abandoned stores and houses the most lucrative, canned food and clean clothes the difference between life and death. Ammo from guns found by mauled corpses, poor persons who barely disabled the Geeks that fed from them, still cocked and loaded, insanity ruined what was once so good. There was no place that was truly safe. Walls never too high, trees never so sturdy, for when the dead came hunting, there was no guaranteed hope. Days were taken as they arrived. Seconds savored as they passed, hours thanked to like they were gods, time valuable to the survivors who counted on it most. Birthdays didn't matter. Holidays nor the breeze of a new season, it was all so trivial to Shane, then. Survival was most important. Paramount, when some of the group left to collect what they could, stock and morale low, Andrea and Morales and T-Dog, the leader in Shane couldn't disagree.
But it wasn't the return of the group that left him without the ability of words. Nether Glenn and his need-for-speed, a racecar of crimson red the latest of causes for discipline, nor the small stash of wares retrieved in hand. A bundle of loose items, some pain medications and boxes of unopened crackers, it paled in comparison to the man who stepped forth from the truck that pulled through. Dressed in a deputy's uniform like he was born to wear it. Brass badge glistening in the sunlight, footsteps slow and uncertain, perhaps anxious, Shane could've recognized those blues anywhere. Oceans that sparkled like pure crystal. Sapphires that shined, eyes that were dreamed of for weeks and weeks, missed so dearly, Rick was alive. Alive and safe. Just as they were all, the survivors reunited. Unable to believe it, unable to deny what was before himself in that campsite, Shane could only watch stunned as his friend drew closer. Released the grip he had upon his shotgun - enemies were rather discovered to be friends - listened as Carl and Lori alike embraced the once fallen deputy. Kissed and hugged Rick as if they were scared he'd disappear if they let him go, sobbed until it hurt.
Gladness and sadness married together in that moment, for when one piece of Shane lost, another gained. His place with Lori unsure, his place with Rick undoubted, wetness from either end of the spectrum brushed across tanned cheeks. Happiness - with hand outstretched could they be together again - melancholy. Guilt ever there, even as the ex-deputy started his own advancement forward, soothed by the unspoken promise that they, the Grimes family entire, would solve the problems that hindered them, touch would comfort the woes. Skin pressed to skin in a bond unvoiced. Didn't need to be, was pointless when it concerned Shane and Rick, fingers wound around a hand without further provocation. Pulled both a father and child into an embrace that was almost suffocating - heart pounding within a chest that rose and fell in fast succession - the corners of the eyes dampened. Not since before the world of the past was killed had Shane felt so at peace. When burgers and fries filled his belly, when simple conversation occupied his mind. It was like he found home again.
"You son-of-a-bitch." Shane sobbed on shaking breath, arms looped around Rick's frame like a cage, a shield. "Oh. You God damn bastard, Rick. You good for nothin'... Oh, man, Rick. Aw, Rick."
Face buried into the crook of his neck, hiding the tears that flowed, Shane tried to keep from breaking apart completely. What was not yet broken, mended and then broken once more, hands from around Rick's waist and back went to cup his head between them. Palms to the cheeks, in an affection not shared since they were boys, when basic training was all they knew, delicately was Rick held. Cherished. Adored, with Carl still held against his chest, just as was supposed to be.
Shane smiled, not caring what a fool he must've looked like, "what the hell are you doin' here? What're you doin', huh? Tryin' to make my heart give out or somethin'? Damn you, Rick Grimes. Aw. Look at you, brother. How... how is this happenin' right now? This ain't real."
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