#james gilman
simnationlifebefore · 2 years
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Coming soon...
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carica-ficus · 5 months
Review: "Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic"
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Authors: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Arthur Conan Doyle, Lucy H. Hooper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, H. G. Wells, Edmond Nolcini, M. R. James, Ambrose Bierce, Howard R. Garis, William Hope Hodgson, Edith Nesbit, H. C. McNeile, Abraham Meritt, Emma Vane
Editor: Daisy Butcher
Date: 03/01/2023
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I think I ordered this book some time during summer, after I accidentally stumbled upon it on an online bookstore. I love anthologies and I love plants, so this title definitely intrigued me enough to order it. I finally decided to read it around Christmas and finished it during a recent trip, so it's officially my first finished book of the year.
"Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic" is an interesting anthology of short horror stories by quite a few well-known authors. From the creator of Sherlock Holmes, to the acclaimed writer of "The Yellow Wallpaper", all the way to the legendary H. G. Wells, this collections features some hidden gems of the late 19th and early 20th century. While the stories are certainly old-school, they could still be regarded as timeless classics and masterful creations.
Most stories revolve around the fascination of the exotic - of unknown plants that are in some way dangerous to humans (or other organisms) and which originate from far away places, like South America. There's mentions of exquisite poisonous flowers, murderous liana, mysterious wisteria, and the weirdest of them all - carnivorous plants.
It is interesting just how much the writers and, by default, the general public were fascinated by exotic flora which, in one way or another, transcended the known laws of nature. Plants were considered sedentary, passive, and at the bottom of the food chain, but as new discoveries were being presented and as more people, professionals and amateurs alike, from the western civilization started their expeditions in new places, society was being introduced with oddities that seemingly didn't follow any established rules. So while the horror in this collection is displayed through various flora, the true horror is derived from the simple fact that humans fear what they cannot understand. One of the most frightening things a person, especially a scientist, can experience is realizing that they will never be able to fully predict nature's capability to adapt and to evolve.
Of course, this theme goes hand in hand with the understanding that it is dangerous altering the natural order of things. While this could also be understood as criticism to the human tendency to play god, there isn't much religious commentary throughout the collection. The stories are centered around ecology, evolution, and biology, highlighting how humans shouldn't meddle with something as powerful as nature - which they will never fully understand, let alone be able to control. Even though the writers do create a feeling of dread through the fear of nature, the horror is actually realized through characters that underestimate its abilities and that have the need to disfigure nature in order to measure their own capabilities.
Furthermore, this collection highlights the uncomfortable fascination western civilization had with other cultures. The urge to study new exotic phenomena on their own accord, to test the limits of human science on something they don't fully understand with little to no regard of the laws of nature and the test subject's true needs, is somewhat perverse. These scientists are conducting experiments in uncontrolled environments, and playing with their test-subjects in order to test their own abilities and knowledge. It is a portrayal of poor research. They're acting out of curiosity with little to no regard of the consequences. It is not their subjects that are evil, for they have been brought up and mistreated in an environment completely unnatural to their habitat, but their tormentor, who butchers them through extreme studies. This is usually evident through a secondary character, most often a colleague, who tries to stop the scientist in their mad experiment before it's too late. The horror is, therefore, found in the abuse executed by the brazen oppressor, not in their vicious, abnormal creations.
The fact that the aforementioned themes barely scratch the surface of all the ideas featured in this collection, prove how layered and compelling all the featured stories are. The editor also did a marvelous job with a lovely foreword and an intriguing introduction to each of the authors and their respective work. Of course, as with every short story collection, not all works are equally strong, but "Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic" is still a gorgeous anthology and a noteworthy testament to a relatively overlooked category of horror.
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biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
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Looking for a good read about or by sapphic women or gay/bi men?
Look no further! I gave all these books 4 or 5 stars when I read them. 
Lesbian and bisexual women (subject and author): 
Two or three things I know for sure by Dorothy Allison (lesbian memoir)
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Kabi Nagata (graphic novel, lesbian memoir)
The Sealed Letter by Emma Donahue (historic fiction, bisexual woman and lesbian wlw relationship)
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabi Rivera (ya contemporary, lesbian mc)
Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistlestop Cafe by Fannie Flagg (historic fiction, butch/femme wlw)
Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden (ya lesbian classic)
The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall (historic fiction, lesbian classic)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (historic fiction, bisexual woman and lesbian wlw relationship)
Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo and Me by Ellen Forney (graphic novel, memoir- even though it’s mainly about bipolar disorder mostly she is bisexual and it’s mentioned in the novel)
Lesbian or Bisexual Woman author (not necessarily an LGBT subject): 
Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and A Room of One’s Own all by Virginia Woolf (bisexual author)
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (bisexual author)
The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters (lesbian author)
The Yellow Wallpaper (and other stories) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (bisexual author)
The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls by Emilie Autumn (bisexual author)
Passing by Nella Larsen (bisexual author)
Transgender Topics: 
Female Husbands: A Trans History by Jen Manion (LGBT history- only concerns relationships between historic AFAB couples and AFAB people who lived as men for many reasons- wider career opportunities and being able to marry a woman were the two most common reasons cited across all stories chronicled) 
Gay Men and Bisexual Men (subject and/or author): 
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (historic fiction, Greek Myths)
Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin (gay author, essays on race in America)
Boy meets Boy by David Leviathan (ya contemporary mlm romance)
If We were Villains by M. L. Rio  (ya, dark academia, mystery)
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (historic fiction, bisexual mlm, ya) The two sequels also have more lgbt characters. 
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gatsby-system-folks · 6 months
Briefly felt like trying to recreate the wallpaper from Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper but then.
Ah yes let's draw the Cursed Wallpaper Pattern from the classic story Don't Look At The Cursed Wallpaper Pattern.
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melis-ash · 3 months
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Недавно подвернулся в библиотеке полный или почти полный сборник рассказов М.Р. Джеймса. У меня есть только сборник избранного от "Азбуки" (еще руки не дошли) плюс отдельные рассказы в разных выпусках мистических историй. Так что тут я читала то, чего у меня нет. В итоге, подозреваю, познакомилась с не самой сильной стороной творчества Джеймса. Многое из прочитанного оставило ощущение либо недоработанного, либо просто неудачного, либо "да, прикольно, но дорогой автор, вы злоупотребляете недомолвками". Недомолвки у Джеймса вообще фирменное, как я понимаю. Иногда смотрится удачно, иногда нет, иногда ты просто ничего не понимаешь поитогу. Рассказ "Два доктора" целиком на них построенный прямо-таки оставил меня сидеть с литсом литса, чтоэтобыло вообще. Хотя допускаю, что в некоторых случаях туплю из-за незнания культурного контекста — Джеймс был очень эрудированным чуваком, так что мог напихать в рассказы неочевидных отсылок и если в изданиях “Азбуки-классики” есть довольно объемные комментарии, то в данном издании с этим гораздо хуже — примечания есть, но совсем мало.
Еще Джеймс прямо очень любил прием, когда читатель узнает о событиях из чьего-то рассказа (изредка - каких-то записей). Алсо действие очень часто происходит в церквях и соборах и среди действующих лиц фигурируют священники, причем описано все со знанием деталей и быта, поэтому я сразу подумала, что автор либо был священником, либо из семьи священника. Верным оказался второй вариант.
Из прочитанных рассказов больше всего запомнились два. “Случай в кафедральном соборе” и “Дневник мистера Пойнтера”. Первый — как раз тот случай, когда вся история представляет собой рассказ одного из действующих лиц о событиях времен своей юности. В соборе, где служил отец ГГ затеяли реставрацию и в процессе начали происходить странные вещи, связанные с одной гробницей. Второй зацепил в том числе тем, что напомнил некоторыми деталями “Желтую комнату” Шарлотты Перкинс Гилман. Но если рассказ Гилман - метафора на феминисткую тему, то "Дневник" страшилка, обыгрывающая поверья, что у мертвых/нечисти и после смерти растут волосы. Причем, что именно произошло с персонажем, от которого в "Дневнике" пошла вся мистика я не совсем поняла, возможно, как раз эрудиции не хватает. А общего у рассказов обыгрывание рисунка в интерьере - у Гилман обои, у Джеймса рисунок на ткани. Тем для мистики довольно необычная, возможно, Джеймс отчасти вдохновлялся рассказом Гилман.
А вообще прочитать слабые вещи классика было поучительно, в том плане, что если уж классики лажают, то простым смертным точно можно и не стоит слишком загоняться. Вообще конечно чувак везунчик - написал всего штук тридцать рассказов и попал в классики жанра. Но как я понимаю, Джеймс вообще по жизни был весьма успешен, и в профессиональной области тоже. Ну вот везло человеку, бывает.
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pink-evilette · 9 months
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 9 months
we need more bsd ocs abt fucked up short stories
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phillips-sisters · 5 years
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8 June 2019 || Savannah and Isla Phillips attend Trooping The Colour with other members of the Royal Family
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voluptuarian · 2 years
Spices up the Yellow Wallpaper room with the M. R. James Hair Curtains™️
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tenderbittersweet · 11 months
I’m a bad bookblr blogger, so I’m going to try to rectify that by sharing my June stats:
Here’s what I’ve read so far in June:
Clover by Dori Sanders
Seize the Day by Saul Bellow
Daisy Miller by Henry James
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Here’s what I’m currently reading in June:
The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
To a God Unknown by John Steinbeck
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ultraozzie3000 · 1 year
Made In Germany
Above: Adolf Hitler at a groundbreaking ceremony for a new section of the Reichsautobahn highway system, 1933. (Bundesarchiv) Mildred Gilman was one of the highest paid female reporters in the 1920s, interviewing everyone from murderers to heads of state. But when she arranged to interview Adolf Hitler in 1933, the Gestapo got nervous and threw her out of the country. Feb. 10, 1934 cover by Harry…
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Miss Catherine Middleton attended the wedding of Lady Rose Windsor and George Gilman at The Queen's Chapel, St. James's Palace | July 19 2008
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godzilla-reads · 5 months
My Year of Gothic Reading 2024
Rules: For each month in 2024 you have to pick either a book, poem, or short story to read that carries gothic themes or aesthetic. Here's a list of suggested reading, but feel free to read something else or add others onto this list!
"Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier
"The Turn of the Screw" by Henry James
"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley
"The Mysteries of Udolpho" by Ann Radcliffe
"The Phantom of the Opera" by Gaston Leroux
"Dracula" by Bram Stoker
"The Castle of Otranto" by Horace Walpole
"The Monk" by Matthew Lewis
"The Haunting of Hill House" by Shirley Jackson
"Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde
"Carmilla" by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Short Stories
"The Great God Pan" by Arthur Machen
"The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe
"The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving
"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Hr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson
"The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson
"The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe
"The Sandman" by E.T.A. Hoffman
"The Mark of the Beast" by Rudyard Kipling
"The Vampyre" by John William Polidori
"The Birds" by Daphne du Maurier
"The Cats of Ulthar" by H.P. Lovecraft
"The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe
"The cold earth slept below" by Percy Bysshe Shelley
"The Lady of Shalott" by Lord Alfred Tennyson
"My own Beloved, who has lifted me" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"What Would I Give?" by Christina Rossetti
"Time to Come" by Walt Whitman
"Love and Death" by Lord Byron
"Because I could not stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson
"La Belle Dame sans Merci" by John Keats
"The End" by D.H. Lawrence
"Hymn to the Night" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"The Possessed" by Charles Baudelaire
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nobrashfestivity · 7 months
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Berenice Abbott James Joyce 1926 Gelatin silver print 23.3 x 17.4cm (9 3/16 x 6 7/8in.) Metropolitan Museum of Art Gilman Collection, Purchase, Ann Tenenbaum and Thomas H. Lee Gift, 2005 © Berenice Abbott / Commerce Graphics Ltd. Inc.
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brokenfuturerpg · 9 months
Hola personitas. Venimos con un aporte que nos ha costado un tiempito reunir. Es posible que algunos PB tengan 1 añito más de lo que pone, porque igual cumplieron recién. Esperamos les guste ^^
Evie Gardner (9)
Charlie Townsend (10)
Alexis & Ava McClure (10)
Everleight Souta (10)
Anniston Price (11)
Sienna Fizz (11)
Willow Morgan (11)
Blayke Busby (12)
Maya Le Clark (12)
Brooklynn Prince (13)
Kingston Foster (13)
Trinity Valenzuela (13)
River Woollard (14)
Isla Stanford (14)
Nuala Chee (14)
Shiloh Nelson (14)
Raegan Revord (15)
Sarah Dorothy Little (15)
Scarlett Estevez (15)
Cailey Fleming (16)
Indi Star (16)
Nicolette Durazzo (16)
Pressley Hosbach (16)
Priah Ferguson (16)
Havanna Winter (17)
Kristina Pimenova (17)
Mabel Chee (17)
McKenna Grace (17)
Ruby Rose Turner (17)
Dafne Keen (18)
Grace Vanderwaal (19)
Lily Chee (19)
Loreto Peralta (19)
Millie Bobby Brown (19)
Sissy Sheridan (19)
Anna CathCart (20)
Maddie Ziegler (20)
AmyBeth MnNulty (21)
Ava Michelle (21)
Billie Eilish (21)
Kaia Gerber (21)
Rowan Blanchard (21)
Sadie Sink (21)
Sophia Lillis (21)
Cara Taylor (22)
Iris Law (22)
Mackenzie Foy (22)
Meghan Roche (22)
Isabela Moner (22)
Yael Yurman (22)
Ester Expósito (23)
Kiernan Shipka (23)
Aitana Ocaña (24)
Amandla Stenberg (24)
Brec Bassinger (24)
Fran Summers (24)
Joey King (24)
Lani Baker (24)
Lily-Rose Depp (24)
Paris Berelc (24)
Sabrina Carpenter (24)
Ariel Winter (25)
Bella Thorne (25)
Elle Fanning (25)
Georgina Amorós (25)
Luna Bijl (25)
Maya Hawke (25)
Peyton List (25)
Sydney Sweeney (25)
Vittoria Ceretti (25)
Bella Hadid (26)
Camila Cabello (26)
Chloë Grace Moretz (26)
Ella Purnel (26)
Grace Elizabeth (26)
Hailee Steinfeld (26)
Jean Campbell (26)
Kylie Jenner (26)
Lana Condor (26)
Lili Reinhart (26)
Lisa Manoban (26)
Madelaine Arthur (26)
Maisie Williams (26)
Momo Hirai (26)
Odeya Rush (26)
Olivia Holt (26)
Pyper America Smith (26)
Shannon Purser (26)
Valentina Zenere (26)
Abigail Breslin (27)
Anya Taylor-Joy (27)
Courtney Eaton (27)
Dove Cameron (27)
Dua Lipa (27)
Jennie Kim (27)
Karen Méndez (27)
Katherine McNamara (27)
Kelianne Stankus (27)
Kelly Berglund (27)
Kendall Jenner (27)
Lydia Graham (27)
María Pedraza (27)
Sarah Gilman (27)
Sophie Turner (27)
Birgit Kos (28)
Danna Paola (28)
Georgia Hirst (28)
Gigi Hadid (28)
Jisoo Kim (28)
Melanie Martinez (28)
Natalia Dyer (28)
Nicola Peltz (28)
Haley Lu Richardson (28)
Halsey (28)
Liana Liberato (28)
Tiera Skovbye (28)
Adele Exarchopoulos (29)
AnnaSophia Robb (29)
Barbara Palvin (29)
Camila Mendes (29)
Claudia Salas (29)
Cleo Massey (29)
Dakota Fanning (29)
Emilija Baranac (29)
India Eisley (29)
Julia Garner (29)
Letitia Wright (29)
Luma Grothe (29)
Madelaine Petsch (29)
Meghan Trainor (29)
Mina El Hammani (29)
Ritu Arya (29)
Saoirse Ronan (29)
Taissa Farmiga (29)
Alycia Debnam-Carey (30)
Ariana Grande (30)
Charlotte McKinney (30)
Debby Ryan (30)
Elizabeth Gillies (30)
Irina Isasia (30)
Linnea Berthelsen (30)
Miley Cyrus (30)
Naomi Scott (30)
Sofia Carson (30)
Cara Delevigne (31)
Demi Lovato (31)
Gaia Weiss (31)
Grace Phipps (31)
Josefin Asplund (31)
Karlie Kloss (31)
Kate Upton (31)
Kaya Scodelario (31)
Lali Espósito (31)
Madeline Brewer (31)
Mimi Doblas (31)
Selena Gomez (31)
Shailene Woodley (31)
Vanessa Morgan (31)
Emma Roberts (32)
Jasmine Tookes (32)
Kiko Mizuhara (32)
Malese Jow (32)
Sarah Hyland (32)
Willa Holland (32)
Ashley Benson (33)
Brie Larson (33)
Daveigh Chase (33)
Emma Watson (33)
Indiana Evans (33)
Jane Levy (33)
Jennifer Lawrence (33)
Jordan Claire Robbins (33)
Kristen Stewart (33)
Leven Rambin (33)
Margot Robbie (33)
Sophie Cookson (33)
Taylor Swift (33)
Blanca Suárez (34)
Candice Swanepoel (34)
Cariba Heine (34)
Coco Rocha (34)
Emma Greenwell (34)
Emma Stone (34)
Emmy Raver-Lampman (34)
Elizabeth Olsen (34)
Janel Parrish (34)
Kat Graham (34)
Lily Collins (34)
Lily James (34)
Lucy Hale (34)
Nathalie Emmanuel (34)
Nina Dobrev (34)
Melissa Benoist (34)
Phoebe Tonkin (34)
Riley Keough (34)
Úrsula Corberó (34)
Vanessa Hudgens (34)
Zoë Kravitz (34)
Adele (35)
Ana de Armas (35)
Blake Lively (35)
Claire Holt (35)
Gemma Ward (35)
Jessie J (35)
Karen Gillan (35)
Rihanna (35)
Tania Raymonde (35)
Vanessa Kirby (35)
Alba Flores (36)
Candice Accola (36)
Chiara Ferragni (36)
Ellen Page (36)
Emilia Clarke (36)
Holland Roden (36)
Lyndsy Fonseca (36)
Rose Leslie (36)
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (36)
Shay Mitchell (36)
Shelley Hennig (36)
Alexandra Daddario (37)
Amanda Seyfried (37)
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey (37)
Camila Sodi (37)
Ilfenesh Hadera (37)
Irina Shayk (37)
Jameela Jamil (37)
Lady Gaga (37)
Lily Aldridge (37)
Leighton Meester (37)
Megan Fox (37)
Nathalie Kelley (37)
Pom Klementieff (37)
Ruby Rose (37)
Troian Bellisario (37)
Anna Kendrick (38)
Arden Cho (38)
Crystal Reed (38)
Diana Hoyos (38)
Doutzen Kroes (38)
Gal Gadot (38)
Isabel Lucas (38)
Jena Malone (38)
Katy Perry (38)
Keira Knightley (38)
Lana del Rey (38)
Laura Haddock (38)
Maggie Civantos (38)
Rooney Mara (38)
Scarlett Johansson (38)
Ashley Madekwe (39)
Gina Rodriguez (39)
Martha Higareda (39)
Olivia Wilde (39)
Paty Cantú (39)
Rachel Taylor (39)
Tessa Thompson (39)
Torrey DeVitto (39)
Alyssa Sutherland (40)
Anne Hathaway (40)
Emily Blunt (40)
Esther Acebo (40)
Gemma Chan (40)
Golshifteh Farahani (40)
Jamie Chung (40)
Katie McGrath (40)
Mila Kunis (40)
Miranda Kerr (40)
Nicky Minaj (40)
Alexis Bledel (41)
Anna Paquin (41)
Beyoncé (41)
Cobie Smulders (41)
Elisabeth Moss (41)
Hayley Atwell (41)
Kirsten Dunst (41)
Lauren Cohan (41)
Melissa Fumero (41)
Natalie Dormer (41)
Priyanka Chopra (41)
Bryce Dallas Howard (42)
Carrie Coon (42)
Genevieve Cortese (42)
Jenna Dewan (42)
Natalie Portman (42)
Stephanie Beatriz (42)
Hannah Simone (43)
Kristen Bell (43)
Rebel Wilson (43)
Sophia Myles (43)
Zooey Deschanel (43)
Bianca Lawson (44)
Claire Danes (44)
Evangeline Lilly (44)
Felicia Day (44)
Jennifer Morrison (44)
Jodi Lyn O’Keefe (44)
Maggie Q (44)
Rachel McAdams (44)
Rose Byrne (44)
Chelsea Peretti (45)
Cindy Sampson (45)
Danai Gurira (45)
Ginnifer Goodwin (45)
Katheryn Winnick (45)
Michelle Rodriguez (45)
Zoe Saldana (45)
Carice Van Houten (46)
Emily Deschanel (46)
Liv Tyler (46)
Lynn Collins (46)
Naomie Harris (46)
Shakira (46)
Elsa Pataky (47)
Isla Fisher (47)
Kate Winslet (47)
Marion Cotillard (47)
Milla Jovovich (47)
Paz Vega (47)
Reese Witherspoon (47)
Angelina Jolie (48)
Charlize Theron (48)
Christina Hendrix (48)
Drew Barrymore (48)
Eva Longoria (48)
Amy Adams (49)
Aishwarya Rai (49)
Elizabeth Banks (49)
Eva Mendes (49)
Lena Headey (49)
Penélope Cruz (49)
Victoria Beckham (49)
Gwyneth Paltrow (50)
Kristen Wiig (50)
Li Bingbing (50)
Vera Farmiga (50)
Najwa Nimri (50)
Sofía Vergara (51)
Winona Ryder (51)
Cara Buono (52)
Jennifer Connelly (52)
Melissa McCarthy (53)
Naomi Campbell (53)
Uma Thurman (53)
Queen Latifah (53)
Cate Blanchett (54)
Jennifer Aniston (54)
Jennifer Lopez (54)
Lucy Liu (54)
Naomi Watts (54)
Julia Roberts (55)
Lauren Graham (56)
Nicole Kidman (56)
Salma Hayek (56)
Pamela Anderson (56)
Helena Bonham Carter (57)
Robin Wright (57)
Sandra Bullock (59)
Demi Moore (60)
Marcia Cross (61)
Julianne Moore (62)
Jamie Lee Curtis (64)
Michelle Pfeiffer (65)
Sharon Stone (65)
Geena Davis (67)
Sigourney Weaver (73)
Jessica Lange (74)
Meryl Streep (74)
Susan Sarandon (76)
Diane Keaton (77)
Hellen Mirren (77)
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askflightybroad · 3 months
Any favourite reads? Not specifically pertaining to books, but any general text based medium?
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What avid inquiries into my preferences of literature. I suppose it's only polite to indulge with a response just as enthusiastic. Brace yourselves for, as a certain Strider would say, a shit ton of text.
Approximately two-thirds of the work I peruse do not have titles. I am inclined to believe they are more akin to a literary fever dream than anything I, or any other currently existing mortal soul, have the capacity to fully comprehend; much less describe. I will, however, in good faith, suggest some texts that I consider widely-known.
I particularly enjoy Studies on Hysteria by Freud, though I suppose I more-so enjoy exploring the founding text from which he would later establish his psychoanalytic kingdom. And in any case, acknowledging just how frequently he injected his patients with copious dosages of morphine deserves further recognition, don't you think? I have a re-interpretive historical text in the works regarding his potentially homoerotic relationship with physician Josef Breuer, and studying the paper directly has been of instrumental significance.
Other takes I've greatly enjoyed include The Meaning of Truth by William James; The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman; The Collected Poems by Sylvia Plath (especially the pieces Recantation, 1956, and Monologue at 3 a.m.); and Aye, and Gomorrah. by Samuel R. Delaney.
Oh my, and how could I forget. The all-time classic, the delightful vixen of this ungodly hour, the pinnacle of modern creativity that Shakespeare can only weep at the mention of.
The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Myers.
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