#janaya fanfiction
themistdragon · 9 months
Fellow TDP Enjoyers: A Fanfic Pitch
College AU
Ezran and Callum live with Amaya and Janai (married) after the deaths of their parents
Callum is a Studio Arts and Chemistry double major (smart lad)
Ezran is in high school
Rayla met and dated Callum in high school, but they broke up after Rayla moved away :(
Callum walks into art class, where they are doing full body charcoal drawings of a live model
Said live model turns out to be Rayla
Rayla goes to the same college as Callum (she does fencing and gymnastics)
Callum and Rayla meet for lunch and study dates
Callum goes to Rayla's gymnastics practices and competitions
Callum gets to draw her in class (and eventually outside of it too)
They rekindle their love :)
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nerd-with-a-cause · 8 months
After the Battle at the Storm Spire, Janai returns to the shattered city of Lux Aurea. Amaya comes with her. Both are determined to make amends for past mistakes and guide their countries into a better future. Neither knows exactly how to do that. Their growing feelings of mutual attraction only complicate matters. How can they develop a relationship while rebuilding a nation, fighting dark forces, and realizing how much they have to learn about each other? Amaya/Janai. Takes place in between Seasons 3 and 4. Canon compliant to the show, partially canon compliant to the official short stories.
Chapter 1 of my Amaya/Janai fanfiction is now live!
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 5 months
TDP Prism Event 2024
April 21: Tomorrow
I'll Be Summer Sun for You Forever
Summary: It's Sarai's birthday, and she's still not here. But Janai is.
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wolfheartsstuff · 1 year
This isn't finished yet, but I am working on it, I'm just having some issues.
A Sky Without Stars
Janai noticed changes in her fiancée's behavior after they got back to the Sunfire camp. There was a noticeable limp in Amaya's gait, and she had less energy than she normally did. When she would ask if she was okay, Amaya would brush off her concerns because she didn't truly know either.
The corruption spread slowly across Amaya's lower left leg, barely noticed due to her pure heart keeping it at bay. But as days crept into weeks, the infection spread like dark vines across her calf and moved up to her thigh, finding purchase on more of her pure, untainted flesh.
As Janai got back to her and Amaya's tent one morning, something didn't feel right. The elf could hear soft growls and whimpers that sounded like an animal in a trap. She walked in to see Amaya doubled over in pain on the floor of the tent clutching her leg. Janai had never seen her like this before. As she walked closer, she saw Amaya's leg was a dark, sickly shade of purple that was almost black in color. Janai wanted to run and get help for her, but she kept moving towards Amaya.
Something deep in the back of Janai's mind told her that it wasn't too late to save her love. She placed a hand on Amaya's leg, causing Amaya to look at her. "What happened?" Janai asked, and Amaya took a few seconds to reply with shaky hands she signed."I don't know. I didn't even notice I was scratched."
Her breaths were shaky, and Janai could see in her lover's eyes the inner turmoil between Amaya's pure heart and the darkness that was spreading through her. She picked Amaya up and carried her to the medic's tent, her eyes burning with tears threatening to fall.
The medics tent was quiet as the queen rushed in, holding Amaya, Janai told them what she knew had happened, after which the medics urged her to leave so they could work to help her.
After an hour or so, she was told the operation to remove the corruption was successful, but Amaya would have a long recovery ahead of her due to them needing to remove most of the affected leg "She is resting now, but you can go see her if you want." The medic said as he led her to where her fiancée was. Janai smiled as she saw her.  "I'm glad it wasn't too late to save you, my love." She whispered to herself as she moved a stray hair out of Amaya's face.
(Time skip a few weeks)
Janai worked tirelessly through the early evening to late at night in the forge, rechecking the measurements the doctors gave her and the reference sketches. As she wiped her brow, she saw how the shaped silver gleamed like a star on a clear night. The gold wire she used for the details ran like veins through it.
As she looked at it, she felt a firm hand on her shoulder she looked over to see Gren. His face had a look of worry. "Amaya is wondering where you are." She sighed softly before replying."Tell her I'm finishing a project and that I'll see her shortly." Gren nodded."I know you're making that leg for Amaya, but she needs you now more than ever. She needs you to tell her that you care and love her despite what happened." Janai sighed."I know, believe me, it just hurts to see her like this." Janai's thoughts after she spoke went dead silent as she packed up the leg, placing it in a cubby near the forge and started to walk back to her and Amaya's tent. As she neared the tent, she let out a soft sigh before entering. As she entered, she felt the pain she saw in Amaya's face. When she got closer, Janai hesitantly signed, "How are you feeling?" She already knew the answer, but she felt the need to ask since Gren talked to her at the forge. Amaya's face fell as she signed."I'm fine, just trying to get used to this situation." She pointed to what was left of her leg to emphasize her point.
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dio-icarticaae · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Dragon Prince (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Amaya/Janai (The Dragon Prince) Characters: Janai (The Dragon Prince), Amaya (The Dragon Prince) Additional Tags: Relationship Study, Character Study, Established Relationship, Hope, The Sun Seed (The Dragon Prince) Series: Part 6 of The Dragon Prince Prism Event Summary:
Something caught Amaya's attention, and she brought her horse to a sudden stop. She turned towards Janai and signed, "There is a glow over there. That could be something." "You're right," Janai looked in the direction Amaya indicated. “It could be something made from the Sunforge. We should go check it out.”
Or: Janai, Amaya, and the Sun Seed Written for @tdp-prism-event-2024 for the prompt: Reward - prize, karma, success, gifts, power
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takjdidoprdele · 1 year
That feeling when you would like write a fanfic or chatfic or just post stuff with some kind of story but...
You: have no motivation, are procrastinating on daily basis, are lazy af, once you start a story you don't know how to continue, have no ideas and most importantly English isn't your native language so it would be pain in the ass for the readers.
Like I would like to actually create something but I have a FEW issues. I used to update and write fanfics in my native language quite regularly but I was in fucking elementary school so it was shit and also ✨life✨happened.
So shitposting is the way to go for me Ig.
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a-certain-elf · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Dragon Prince (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Amaya/Janai (The Dragon Prince) Characters: Janai (The Dragon Prince), Amaya (The Dragon Prince) Additional Tags: Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, pillow thief amaya, a little angsty maybe, janai reflects a little on the past days/weeks Summary:
Just a collection of one-shots that I may expand on. Some cute, some angsty. We`ll see.
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alterialfrey · 2 years
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Janai’s wedding gift to Amaya. Wedding scene in upcoming fanfiction called “Ocean” of The Dragon Prince.
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Trigger Warnings: Anxiety/Panic State and Angst
A prequel of the epilogue of Clown Fight
Be warned: Please wait for Volume 3 of Cappyverse: Guardians of The Supernatural and Volume 3 of Cappyverse: Neighbours, as this take place after the Volume 1, two years into the future.
Antoine Diaz and Nebula Butterfly-Lucitor (mentioned) belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Anty Diamond and Panacea Spiderbite (mentioned) belongs to @cooltmoney95
Javelin (mentioned) belongs to @hotsassbacon
Haruko Fife (mentioned), Morgan Morningstar (mentioned), and Reggie Mann (mentioned) belong to @aprilbrowines
Hannibal Zomboni and Janaya A. Bloodworth-Thomason (mentioned) belong to me.
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qpjat076 · 2 months
So I JUST finished TDP season 6. . .
spoilers under cut, unorganized long-ass essay because it do be 4am and i have many thoughts and no one awake to listen to them. brief content warning about abuse but no details, just mentioned:
ok season 5 was better but this wasn't terrible. I still have no idea how they pull the Y7 rating with all the blood. I'm both appalled and impressed. And also some of that other stuff too. . . with like the wash-down with Claudia and Terry. . . damn idk that seems a little over Y7 to me but go off I guess.
TERRY YOU DESERVE BETTER. That whole thing just gives me flashbacks to my buddy's abusive relationship (minus voodoo) and I just want to scream at him to GTFO before it's too late. is this gonna be some reverse joker thing? idk. bad vibes.
Why they brought Viren back just to kill him was dumb but damn it was fun to see Claudia go so unhinged in ep 1.
who tf wrote the Rayllum part of this season because HOLY FANFICTION BATMAN THERE WAS ONLY ONE BLANKET. ALSO WAS THAT ONE END CREDITS SKETCH AT THE END OF EP 9 AGED RAYLLUM WITH A KID?!?!??! WAS THAT REAL?!?!? DAMN. WOW. (Edit: while that shot in particular upon looking at it again is maybe Rayla and her parents because the dude has pointed ears. . . but then if that's the case. . . why doesn't he have horns? that shot is super weird i wonder if the art dept. made a mistake and if not I have a thousand questions.)
Regarding that, does that mean final season time skip? Uncertain. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I hope not. timeskip for JUST the final season when the problems are here and now makes no sense at all. (Edit: again, clearly no skip if that''s the parents but also WHERE ARE THE HORNS. HOW COULD YOU FORGET THE HORNS YOU HAD ONE JOB GUYS I'M PRETTY SURE THERE ARE NO HORNS ON THAT GUY).
regarding rayllum tho, this season, it felt too much like fan service honestly? especially that dumbass ship monologue it was so dumbbbbbbbbbbbbbb i hated that. I DID like that Callum finally confronted the whole dark magic thing with Rayla. Interesting to see where he goes from here. Aaravos doesn't need him as a vessel with claudia around but he might still try to mess with him now that he's free. I did like the resolution and where it eventually ended up but that part of the build up was just KILLER (derogatory)
Props to Rayla and her 3 dads I love it, I thought that resolution made sense. Her parents had each other but Runaan can't move on without Ethari and I respect being that down bad for a man. Regarding the rep. . . who else is seeing something with Soren and Corvis? I think they could be on to something there. or not. I wouldn't mind either way, we need more caring friendships shown between men in media. the show has plenty of rep without it, so to me I think it works either way. tho I will say that's my opinion as a straight person so maybe others feel differently?
Janaya wedding was lit, but I have thoughts on Amaya: namely, why have we stopped showing so much of her ASL? I think it's dope?!?! bring it back please I want to see the signs AND hear Gren, not just Gren. Amaya's face is very important to expressing her character, ESPECIALLY being a Deaf woman communicating in ASL!! I would like to see it when she is communicating, it's a part of the language!! So the rainbow rep was great, the Deaf rep needs a liiiiiiiittle more revising. Not that I'm Deaf. I've just worked in/with the community before. Maybe the Deaf have a different opinion.
Aaravos and the unicorn being his kid was a twist. they got me and I'm IMPRESSED. also the thing with the diamond, now THAT was a good fake-out. wow. impressed over here. i knew it wasn't gonna be so easy for Rayla but also I didn't anticipate it going in that direction. props to them for that, though they did NOT get me with the prison swap. that was so telegraphed it might as well have had a sign saying SUSPICIOUS plastered over it.
big star man. big. was not expecting so large. wow. that's it that's the thought.
some of the line delivery was kinda bad, specifically that aaravos laughing. bro. who approved that goofy-ass depression laugh bc it clearly wasn't the same person who green-lit Claudia being so deranged. also idk why the animation felt so bad but wow i hated it this time around most of the time. backgrounds and lighting were excellent though.
The whole Sol Regam thing kicked ass tho he whooped him GOOD. I cannot take it fully seriously tho bc Aaravos's vessel is named Pharos, which I conveniently forgot and had to PAUSE THE SHOW bc there's a print software I work with at my job also called Pharos and I was laughing my ass off. that's not the showrunners' fault tho.
Ezran is good. even his rebuff of viren was good and in character for who he is I think. he's not about to execute him, but he isn't about to give him mercy or forgive him. I think that makes sense for a man in support of peace and love. letting him live in prison IS mercy in a way, but viren was a piece of crap to Ezran. he didn't have to be kind about showing his mercy. I think that's the right thing for him to do. I respect it. Overall I'm impressed about how true he remains to his ideals. Ezran for president.
the family talk was awesome. I loved that in ep 5. its hard to deal with family members who have supposedly "changed" after they've abused you. I felt Soren's pain fr. I did like that Viren finally did become a servant to Katolis one last time. . . ok maybe if they didn't do the death fakeout last season I would have been fine with him this season.
so, things I liked. things I didn't. I am curious how it will all resolve next year. (none of my edits reflect my ranking but damn. i can't believe they forgot the horns. damn. wow. they're not there right?!?! am I blind?!?!)
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hercynianforest · 3 months
~Intro Post~
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Please click here daily for Palestine!
Hi, I'm Laura (she/her), millennial, a poet and vocal/visual artist from Germany.🙃
You can find my commission info here.
I identify as neurodivergent, as I am highly sensitive (HSP), am an INFP, and have a dissociative identity. I do not identify as mentally ill/sick or disordered.
What I post & reblog:
-My stuff (from shitpost to deep philosophy, poetry, meta, fanart, fanfiction, edits, and occasional photography)
-Fandoms: Mostly Stranger Things and The Dragon Prince (currently taking a break from that). On the side, some Carmen Sandiego, Monster High, Pride & Prejudice, Enola Holmes, and some other period drama & cartoons...the list will grow no doubt. :)
-Active ships: Rayllum, Sorvus, and Janaya from Tdp (maybe Ezraanya); Mileven, Lumax, Stancy, and Rovickie from Stranger Things; Red Crackle (Carmen/Gray) from Carmen Sandiego
My sideblog is milevenweek24, to celebrate that ship around Stranger Things Day 2024.🥳💝
Send me your cute headcanon(s) about any of those ships, or request a headcanon or mini-fic from me - it makes my day!☺️❤️ I also love to chat about any common interests and get to know new people (read DNI below).🙃
-Art (art nouveau, old book illustrations, romanticism, rococo, vintage & ancient stuff)
-Ancient cultures (I studied archaeology and indo-european linguistics, and I'll be a PROUD NERD 4EVA. I invent stories set in these cultures and write poetry/songs in dead, reconstructed languages)
Misc: Nature & travel photography, 80/90s toy nostalgia, dolls, stimming, trauma recovery, social justice (human and non-human animal rights, intersectionality awareness - all oppression is connected)
I block anything/anyone that glorifies or minimizes cruelty, violence, and any form of abuse/neglect. Do not interact if you're a racist, sexist, TERF/gender essentialist, queerphobe, ableist, anti-vegan, or pro-Israel.
I try not to reblog stuff that's reposted or doesn't have an artist's credit. I tag everything, use trigger warnings, and run a queue.
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janayafan1 · 2 years
So this is an excerpt from my very first post which was a Janaya fanfiction called "Signs Of Love" by AngelsFallFirst. It is on Ao3 and fanfiction.net.
I just wanted to post since we never really got to see the first Janaya kiss. It takes place while they were flying to the Storm Spire on Embertail and Janai decided to take a rest stop...
"You ... you're asking if I think you're beautiful?" she asked quietly and Amaya turned her head away.
With a jolt of her heart the elf touched the human's chin, turning her face back to her. The General's face was darker than usual and her brown eyes avoided the elf's orange ones.
"Amaya," Janai whispered, her heart now racing faster than ever. Then she said gently, "Why would you think anything else? I have noticed your beauty quite immediately, back at the breach already. We fought against each other and I just thought, damn, who is this gorgeous lady? And then the fact you didn't say a word on our way to Lux Aurea ... I thought you were only offended because we've caught you. But I'm sure you noticed that I couldn't stop looking at you? That wasn't because I imprisoned you. I couldn't stop looking because you fascinated me. So yes, I think you're beautiful. Very. Also without a flower in your hair. I lo-" Janai bit her lip and quickly caught herself. "I like your eyes. They're stunning. And your smile is breathtaking. I have rarely met anyone more beautiful than you. No - I have never." Now it was Janai's turn to blush. Especially as she caught Amaya's look, her eyes were wide and fixed on her lips. Her lips were apart and her lower lip was trembling.
She pulled her hand out of the water and placed them on Janai's shoulders.
Then her eyes travelled up to Janai's and as they met, Janai felt the world stand still. All of a sudden there was no sorrow. There was no war. There was no difference between them, it didn't matter that they were a human and an elf.
There was only them, sitting by a river on a green meadow. A light blast of the wind made Amaya's hair move and Janai felt her heart clench because of so much beauty that was in front of her. It hurt her, knowing that there was a human like Amaya out there whom she would soon probably never see again.
After the war, they'd be strangers again. Maybe even enemies. Or maybe she'd be dead.
Amaya was still holding her shoulders, so Janai placed her hands on the General's waist.
Amaya smiled.
And then she moved closer, just a bit.
Her hands travelled up to the elf's hot cheeks, cupping them and carefully pulling her face closer.
"Amaya," Janai whispered. Her insides were panicking, her heart was racing. "What are you up to?"
Amaya ignored her. With an impish smile she closed the gap between their faces and placed a feathery kiss on Janai's lips.
The elf didn't even have the time to comprehend what had happened, so quickly had the General pulled away again. And only seconds after she had already stood up and walked away.
Janai closed her eyes for a while, trying to remember how it had felt. Like a butterfly that had sat on her lips for only a second, for sure, but also ... wonderful.
It had felt right.
Janai jumped up. "Amaya, wait!" she called, knowing well that she couldn't hear her.
She ran after her, reaching her after a few steps. She grabbed the shoulders of the human General and pulled her back and down to the ground.
Amaya yelped as her back hit the meadow but as she saw Janai hover over her, her smile returned to her face. She grinned at the elf, mischievously and challenging.
Kiss me, her eyes said and Janai did.
She covered her prisoner's body with hers, pulled the flower out of Amaya's dark hair, buried her hands into them and finally, finally crashed her lips on the other's.
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nerd-with-a-cause · 7 months
“So, how did things go with you and the Sunfire Queen?” Gren signed as he and Amaya left the palace.
“Good… I think.”
“You think?”
“She doesn’t know KSL, so talking to her is hard. The accent doesn’t help.”
“Yeah, that would make lip reading difficult,” Gren agreed. “I wouldn’t have minded staying, you know. I can translate your flirting.”
Amaya gave him a shove. “I didn’t flirt with her. Her sister just died.” Anyone who had tried flirting while she was crying over Sarai’s death would have been punched across the room.
“Is this the sister that tried to have you executed?” Gren asked.
Gren waited for more. Amaya kept walking, eyes fixed on the path ahead. The soot hanging in the air made the sunlight look red, like the sky after a wildfire. How did that work? Why did darkness plus light turn the sky the color of blood?
“Is there something going on with you and Queen Janai?”
Chapter 2 of my fanfiction is now live!
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Lost Time
Janaya - The Dragon Prince
Rated: T
Warnings: Steamy kissing
Prompt: Janaya F-45: "Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed." Request by @mayfloweranony rules and options
AN: I wasn't explicitly asked to be smut or not, so.......... I just went with what I was feeling.
Italic dialogue is sign language.
Long-distance relationships are hard, especially when both participants have a lot of duties for their own kingdoms. Amaya wasn't keeping track, no, but it had been exactly a moon and three days since she last saw Janai.
So when Amaya had the opportunity to go to Lux Aurea, she took it. Days of travel later and she's striding through Lux Aurea's palace in search for her lover.
The moment Amaya sees The Sunfire Elf, she smiles brightly and nearly runs up to her. Janai's expression goes surprised, Amaya's name leaving her lips in a question.
Amaya doesn't answer, just takes the woman's face into her hands before connecting their lips into a shearing kiss. Janai melts into the kiss less than a second later, hands gripping around the Human's waist.
Janai's touch feels almost electric, realizing just how much she missed it. Amaya steps closer, making Janai fall a step back.
Janai breaks the kiss, breath already uneven. Amaya looks up at her, curious but Janai smiles. "I missed you, my sun."
A shit-eating grin appears on Amaya's face. Janai flushes at the look, knowing exactly what the human is thinking.
Amaya takes Janai's lips again, but this time her hands get more brave. It takes them less than a minute to start groping and pulling each other.
They both are panting and pulling, trying to get closer. It isn't appropriate of a Queen to be doing such in the hallways, being caught would be… embarrassing to say the least.
Amaya pulls away, looking up at her lover with dilated pupils and swollen lips. Janai returns the look.
"We should take this to the bedroom."
Janai nods in agreement, face flush.
They stumble through the hall, stopping briefly to just devour each other. Amaya's mouth eventually trails down to Janai's neck and her legs nearly buckle.
Janai tries her best to keep pushing them towards her chambers, but ends up nearly toppling over when Amaya nips at her earlobe.
Amaya chuckles at the reaction, her lips meeting Janai's again as she pulls Janai further down the hall.
Perhaps they don't need the bedroom.
Janai starts to lead them to the closest room she knows that has a sofa and a lock. Amaya follows among, mind clouded with lust.
Amaya gasps when Janai pushes her against a door, the air taken out of her lungs at the impact. Janai fumbles with the doorknob as she bites at the paler woman's neck.
The door swings open and they nearly fall to the floor, stumbling to catch themselves. Their laughs are cut off by another kiss, Janai shuts the door behind her, fumbling with the lock.
Once locked, Amaya pulls Janai towards her into the room. It's dim in the room, but not that it matters, eyes shut as they kiss and touch.
A low table's corner stabs Amaya in the shin so she pulls them to the side but that makes Janai lose her footing on a rug, stumbling into Amaya. Her bottom hits the low table, Janais hands still around her but her body nearly laying on the floor.
Their eyes meet for a moment before they both chuckle. "We're acting like teenagers."
Amaya nods. "Missed me so much you couldn't keep your hands off me?"
"Speak for yourself," Janai stands, pulling Amaya with her. "You jumped on me before I even knew you were there."
The General chuckles silently, leaning in to kiss Janai. "What can I say? I missed you."
Janai flushes a bright red when Amaya pushes her down onto the velvet chaise, arms holding herself up as she looks at Amaya who leans down, trailing her hands up her thighs slowly. Her eyes full of lust.
"Now, where were we?"
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wolfheartsstuff · 1 year
Your Love Will Stand
(An idea based on the MANY death flags raised by Amaya in episode four of season five brought up by someone in discord (i am so sorry Amaya, i love you)
The beasts circled her as she dispatched each one after the other, but that was until her hand holding her sword felt like worms were squirming up it. She looked at her hand and saw a scratch she felt tears threatening to fall, but she kept fighting for her family, for Janai. Janai, her heart hurt that she wouldn't be able to marry the love of her life, the one who made her feel whole for the first time in years.
She fought off the corruption for a while, but as the sun finally rose again, she lost the battle. She dragged herself into the furthest corner of the library before the corruption took complete control of her.
She felt a presence sitting next to her as she finally succumbed. It was warm, comforting, and strong, and it waited for her with open arms.
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You Are My Shelter
Happy Winter’s Turn, Rori! Here is my finished piece for @tdpholidayexchange. I matched with Rori, who requested some Janai/Amaya goodness. I’ve always wanted to see someone getting to use the Banther Lodge in winter time, so this was a perfect opportunity to let Amaya take Janai to see it.
And I’m so excited to present @random-fandom-ramble​‘s bonus art, custom drawn for this fic, as well! Posted with permission. Thanks, friend!
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Happy holidays, Rori! Hope you enjoy!
Title: You Are My Shelter
Series: The Dragon Prince
AO3 Link: Read me!
Pairing: Janaya
  Janai stood on the snowy steps of the Banther Lodge and studied the front doors from beneath the golden ruff of fur on her scarlet cloak’s hood. She’d been excited to share Winter’s Turn with Amaya, but she hadn’t expected their first winter holiday to be spent at such a cozy family location. Or that it would be so sun-blightedly cold in Katolis. The snowstorm had been howling for hours, and she’d forgotten what it was like to be able to feel her toes. She’d have used her heat-being to warm up if it wouldn’t have spooked the horse Amaya lent her.
Amaya threw open the front doors, and then she strode back to the steps and took Janai by the hands. Her smile was wide and mischievous, promising soft adventure within, and Janai let herself be pulled inside.
The lodge wasn’t much warmer on the inside than the snowstorm outside, but it was nice not having the wind cut through her cloak anymore, and she shivered in relief. The lodge held a quiet dignity, smelling of leather, books, and the ghosts of desserts past. She took in the high rafters, the thick carpet runners, and the broad staircase leading up to the second floor. And she smiled at the sight of an enormous fireplace on her left. “Do you mind if I—” she began.
Her sentence ended against Amaya’s lips as the shorter woman pulled her down by the edges of her hood for a sudden kiss. Janai’s eyes widened, and she felt Amaya smiling against her lips. She slid her arms around Amaya’s thick cloak and held her close, enjoying her warmth.
Amaya pulled away with a soft smile. She gently lowered Janai’s hood and signed, Welcome to the coziest cabin in Katolis. I’m so glad you’re here.
Janai bit her lip and smiled. “I can tell. Shall I start a fire?”
Amaya nodded eagerly and showed Janai all the fire-starting supplies stacked next to the edge of the massive stone fireplace. Janai pulled off her thick scarlet mittens and began sorting through the pine cones and selecting the kindling, and Amaya trooped in and out of the lodge with armfuls of firewood. Janai finally had to tell her to stop. “I’m building a fire, Amaya, not a miniature replica of your lodge.”
Amaya grinned sassily. I just want you to be warm enough.
Janai pointed a kindling stick at herself. “Amaya, I have a heat-being.”
Amaya’s dark brows flicked upward. That’s not what I meant. You’ll see. Wait here. She pulled off her dark blue gloves and headed across the main hall.
Janai heard porcelain clanking from the kitchen as she finished building her fire base just the way she wanted it: circles of pine cones supporting slender kindling sticks in a rough outline that resembled her palace in Lux Aurea. She picked up another pine cone, held it against her finger, and invoked her heat-being for just a moment.
The pine cone flared with a ribbon of golden flame, and she tucked it in with the others, catching them on fire one by one. By the time Amaya came back carrying a tray with a stoneware pitcher and two mugs, the hearth was blazing with the warmth and light of a wooden Lux Aurea engulfed in flames, and Janai was standing in front of it, holding her bare hands out to its welcome heat.
Amaya set the tray on the red-upholstered couch and took Janai’s hand, turning her until they faced each other. Flickers of gold played over their faces as she undid the lacing on Janai’s cloak and tossed it onto the back of the couch with a dramatic swirl. She followed it with her own deep teal cloak, and the fabrics draped in soft contrast together.
I want you to try something, Amaya signed. An old family recipe that King Harrow wooed my sister with on cold winter nights. Amaya picked up a sturdy mug of steaming hot cocoa and pressed it into Janai’s hands. Her hands cupped Janai’s, and their eyes met.
Janai’s breath caught at the steady confidence and warm comfort in Amaya’s expression. She’d been so used to leading alone in Lux Aurea, with no real confidants to speak of, that having a true equal who understood her on so many levels still took her breath away. She’d have been proud to simply call Amaya a friend. To have the brave and capable general fall in love with her, too? The bright light of the Summer Solstice was a flickering candle compared to the radiance of Amaya’s smile.
Without even looking into the cup, Janai let Amaya lift her hands until its rim brushed her lips, and she sipped at the hot liquid. Spicy sweetness rolled over Janai’s tongue, and she hummed appreciatively and took a few more gulps.
As they lowered the sweet cup together, Janai closed her eyes in bliss. There was something deliciously familiar about this cocoa. It tasted like her mother’s favorite bedtime-story drink, and Janai’s mind flooded with happy memories. She eagerly added one more: sharing this sweet moment with Amaya, feeling welcomed into her life and embraced by her heart in equal measure.
“I just want you to know,” she said softly, “that you already wooed me before I drank this cocoa. Its spicy sweetness in no way affects my feelings for you. In case you were wondering if human love potions work on Sunfire elves.” Her dark eyes twinkled.
Amaya’s eyes widened. Love potion? she signed dramatically. She grabbed Janai’s hands again and brought the cup to her own lips, draining the rest of the spicy cocoa in a few big gulps. Then she swiped her hand across her mouth and grinned saucily. Well, it’s working on me.
Janai giggled and picked Amaya up off the floor, kissing her enthusiastically. Gradually, she lowered her back down, and their kiss softened, breaking only so they could stand with their foreheads pressed warmly together, holding hands, intertwining their fingers in the embrace of the fire’s warmth.
Amaya tugged on Janai’s hands, and the women sat together on the floor against the couch, ignoring the traditional seating option. Janai cuddled Amaya against her shoulder and draped them both with her scarlet cloak. Its golden fur trim blazed in the firelight, and they shared cup after cup of spicy cocoa. Janai reheated the pitcher on the tray every time it cooled too much, and Amaya played idly with a few of Janai’s braids, booping her on the nose with one of them before smooching the same spot with a soft kiss.
Janai caught one of Amaya’s hands as the merry firelight played across it. She turned up Amaya’s palm and studied it somberly. The burn there had scarred over, and Amaya had healed, but she bore the mark of Janai’s anguish and rage the day her sister Khessa had perished, and she always would.
Amaya sat up and turned Janai’s face toward her with her free hand. It’s not your fault.
“It is. I did this to you.” Janai’s brows bent, and she looked down.
Amaya lifted Janai’s chin with a finger until their eyes met again, and she signed again. No, sweetheart. You felt what you felt. And I did what I had to do to save your life.
“I’m sorry I hurt you, Amaya. You’re so precious to me. I never want to hurt you again.” Janai lifted Amaya’s scarred palm to her lips and pressed a soft, heartfelt kiss there. Finding Amaya—finding her love—had done wonders to heal Janai’s heart. She would take back all Amaya’s pain if she could.
Amaya slid her hand to cup Janai’s cheek. She didn’t need to sign a thing to let Janai know that she was forgiven. Their lips met once again, silhouetted against the fire, and they wrapped each other in warmth, safety, and trust, protected from the storm by the shelter of each other’s love.
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