#janaya fic
“are they rayllum dating or normal dating?” gotta be one of my favorite things my friend asked
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raayllum · 6 months
27 with Janaya?
27. "I'm going to carry you, okay?" Plus send me a number with a ship and i’ll write it (accepted ships are tdp canon ships + rarepairs (claudiez, sopreli, corvus/terry, sorvus)
Six months into her stay at New Aurea, Amaya breaks her wrist.
The attempt to take back Lux Aurea is far more costly for plenty of her and Janai's troops—no bodies to bury, the dead taken further into the dark army that had befallen their city—so Amaya cradles her wrist to her chest and orders a more formal retreat while Janai comforts her brother, who has never been more shaken.
It's only when Gren hugs her—too hard, too strong just in her current state—upon return back to camp that it becomes apparent to everyone else that something is wrong.
"Amaya!" Janai is by her side in a second, a cry of alarm seared on her lips. "What—oh."
"It's nothing," Amaya signs with her other hand, weak and clumsy. It's been a long time since she's had to practice signing one handed at all, and a lump forms in her throat.
She won't be able to fight like this. Won't be able to help with any further excursions into the city. Won't be able to spar with Janai or—
"Nonsense," Janai says, and then glances back at the surviving wounded behind her. She purses her lips, torn. She wants to help both of them, but... "I—"
"I'll rally Marcos and General Miyana," Gren chimes in, like he knows he'll probably have an even harder time getting Amaya to listen and rest; she pouts. "Get everyone settled while you take care of our general here."
Relief is evident on Janai's face. She squeezes his shoulder. "Thank you, Gren."
Janai is careful, trained in first aid as anyone on the frontlines would be, as she guides Amaya to one of the medical tents and after the medic has given the go ahead, begun to tend to and make a splint for the wrist. She leans in close enough that Amaya can smell the cinnamon on her breath as she ties the sling around her arm into a knot above her shoulder as well.
"There," she says, drawing back. "Much better."
It isn't. Even with advanced Sunfire healing, it takes four weeks for Amaya's wrist to heal. Four weeks of struggling to dress herself, four weeks of feeling vulnerable in just her tunic instead of her heavier armour, four weeks of watching her men spar and being regulated to the side lines, four weeks of straining her sling or splint because she forgets she can't sign with two hands, and—
It's one such morning of struggling with a thicker winter cloak, and its various buttons along the front, that makes bitter tears well up in her eyes.
She has always been able to do anything, all by herself. How could one little injury render her so inept, and weak, and—and—
The fluttering of her tent flap in her peripheral vision catches her attention, red brokered by a golden crown as Janai steps in. "Amaya?"
Amaya curses internally. To say she hasn't been avoiding Janai a little would be a lie. The queen is already so busy, and Amaya doesn't want to add more to her plate. They'd only been courting for a few weeks before the disastrous attempt to take back the city, and Amaya's broken wrist means that she hasn't been very fun the past month. No sparring, none of their newly discovered intimacy in the privacy of Janai's tent, no being able to help with the construction of the camp. Amaya hasn't even been able to help teach her how to sign that much, since it'd be pointless for Janai to learn a one-handed version just because...
Janai shouldn't have to see her be so weak. Amaya is stronger than this; or at least, she should be.
There is nowhere to hide, though, even as she wishes the white cloak would swallow her up and make her disappear.
Janai's smile fades once she sees her—because of course it does—and she steps forward. "Amaya?"
"I, uh..." Amaya presses her lips together. Her eyes burn. This is so stupid. "I couldn't get the cloak on right."
She watches as Janai's concern and confusion gives way to something... fonder. Warmer? A soft, wide grin spreads over her lover's face. "That's alright. Would you like some help?"
Amaya's eyes narrow. "Do I really have much of a choice?"
Janai laughs a little, stepping forward. She tucks the arm and its sling carefully under the broader sweep of the cloak, shortening the other side so that her uninjured hand will be easily visible even as Janai does up the buttons, one by one and smiling.
"You don't have to avoid me, you know," Janai says, glancing up at her. "All generals have their injuries. I broke my arm sparring with Karim once, when we were young. I was so embarrassed."
"I'm not embarrassed—"
"Love." Janai touches her face, brushing a thumb over the scar on her cheek. "You don't always have to be so strong all the time. You're not alone."
"But I—I know that," Amaya signs, lamely. She averts her gaze before glancing back to lip read.
"Do you?" Janai presses. The silence speaks for itself and she sighs, leaning up to give her a brief kiss. "Do you remember the first time I wept in front of you, about my sister?"
Janai had sobbed into her shoulder, the sun setting behind them. I shouldn't—Khessa was cruel to you—
This isn't about her, Amaya had countered firmly. This is about you.
"I do." She tries not to think about how much that sounds like another kind of vow, of remembrance. They are only two months in. But, at their age, with what they've been through...
"And I listened to you. I trusted you meant what you said. So trust me now: it is natural to want to carry your own weight. And you are. But also—let me carry you." Janai grasps her free hand, squeezing, so bright brown-eyed and caring that the lump in Amaya's throat dissipates. Something thuds dully in her heart, heavy and light in her chest. "I am going to carry you, okay? I want to. I know that we are stronger together, and I know somewhere deep down, you know that too—" A twinkle enters her eyes. "Or you wouldn't have the rule we can't be on the same team while sparring another pair."
Amaya puffs out a breathy laugh. Then she settles into, the steadiness of Janai's gaze, the calloused gentleness of her hands. She breaks away just long enough to sign, "Okay."
"Good." Janai smooths down the cloak and then steps back, taking her hand. "Now come with me to the camp meeting." She winks, heat seeping into her hand at will. "I'm sure I can keep you warm better than any old cloak, anyway."
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phoenixlionme · 11 months
WLW Enemies-toLovers and their different styles.
A sort-of wlw version and sequel to this post.
Classic version with adult women and tropes surrounding elves, royalty, and knights.
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2. More like "Annoyances to Friends to Lovers who have feelings but not together yet" version that is also "peasant and princess" trope.
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3. Magical academy and teenagers version who get together in the middle of the series.
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4. Specifically, "Childhood Friends to Enemies who realize their feelings to back to friends to lovers and (eventually) wives" version.
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themistdragon · 6 months
Fellow TDP Enjoyers: A Fanfic Pitch
College AU
Ezran and Callum live with Amaya and Janai (married) after the deaths of their parents
Callum is a Studio Arts and Chemistry double major (smart lad)
Ezran is in high school
Rayla met and dated Callum in high school, but they broke up after Rayla moved away :(
Callum walks into art class, where they are doing full body charcoal drawings of a live model
Said live model turns out to be Rayla
Rayla goes to the same college as Callum (she does fencing and gymnastics)
Callum and Rayla meet for lunch and study dates
Callum goes to Rayla's gymnastics practices and competitions
Callum gets to draw her in class (and eventually outside of it too)
They rekindle their love :)
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thrandilf · 5 months
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Introducing to the fic this chapter: Janai, Amaya, and Gren!
Soren hadn’t felt okay for… well he would have said about a week, since seeing his dad again, but when he really thought about it it was much longer. Let’s stick with a week. “Heavy boxes? Anybody got any really heavy boxes?” asked Soren, flexing as a Sunfire elf walked by him. He’d needed to get away as fast as possible and hadn’t looked back, hoping someone would give him an escape. “Maybe a couch to move? You know, one of those awkwardly shaped ones that you can barely get in a doorway? I love a challenge.” Corvus watched as Soren tried to keep busy, spouting nonsense in the middle of the road. He shook his head, just to himself. “I don’t have boxes, but I have something else.” Soren lit up once he caught Corvus’s eye. Sure, they were technically dating, he guessed- but they hadn’t had their date yet. Did that mean they were pre dating? Hmm. “Let me guess,” said Soren grinning as he guessed wrong on purpose. “It’s a giant aquarium for keeping turtleducks in.” “Sorry to disappoint you.” Corvus was sometimes difficult to read, but Soren had come to realize over time that he seemed to tolerate, if not be fond of, his antics. “I think there’s something you’ll like to see. A bit of a ways from here.” “Lead the way!” Whatever it was, Soren could use a distraction from trying to find a distraction.
The Devil You Thought You Knew Ch 30, To Gain Instead of Lose, For Once
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dio-icarticaae · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Dragon Prince (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Amaya/Janai (The Dragon Prince) Characters: Janai (The Dragon Prince), Amaya (The Dragon Prince) Additional Tags: Relationship Study, Character Study, Established Relationship, Hope, The Sun Seed (The Dragon Prince) Series: Part 6 of The Dragon Prince Prism Event Summary:
Something caught Amaya's attention, and she brought her horse to a sudden stop. She turned towards Janai and signed, "There is a glow over there. That could be something." "You're right," Janai looked in the direction Amaya indicated. “It could be something made from the Sunforge. We should go check it out.”
Or: Janai, Amaya, and the Sun Seed Written for @tdp-prism-event-2024 for the prompt: Reward - prize, karma, success, gifts, power
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wolfheartsstuff · 10 months
You are my sunshine
(You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.)
Amaya held Janai close to her as blood spilled from the wound in the elf's side. Despite her best attempts to stop the blood, her love slowly slipped away before her eyes.
(You make me happy when skies are gray)
The pain of losing another person she cared about hurt more than any wound she had received from battle. She had told Janai this a few years ago after a battle when Janai was severely injured
(You'll never know dear how much I love you.)
As the tears fell, Amaya felt a hand cup her cheek and wiped a tear away she looked at Janai's now pale face. The fire in her once feirce amber eyes was now a weak ember now barely hanging on.
(Please don't take my sunshine away)
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sorenkinnie · 1 year
idk how to tag ppl on tumblr but but i posted a fic inspired by someone on here !!!! so 100% credits to them for the idea lol
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averytiredchild · 2 years
Just wondering if you’ve read this Janaya content yet:
Thank you sm for the rec, I have now! It's so cute. I really like how they managed to incorporate some really cool worldbuilding without feeling like they're trying too hard, it's one of this series' strong points in general.
Also, Janaya date????? Janai starting to learn sign language????? Amaya affectionately making fun of her?????? HANDHOLDING??????? YOU'RE MY SPOON????????? We've been blessed, couldn't have asked for more
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queenjanai · 2 years
lessons in sign language and new enemies
“I’m not fucking crazy, Amaya,” is one of the first things Janai attempts to sign at her, rather than greetings and the likes. It’s the harshest part of the afternoon in her makeshift queen tent, yet Janai stands with the intent of making them both tea. In this Xadian heat. Amaya won’t interrupt her, because maybe that’s some Sunfire culture, and she is within Sunfire walls. Or fabric, more accurately. Janai turns towards the stand with the tea set, but then turns again. “Wait, do I need to sign “fucking”? Do you have a sign for “fucking”?” she asks, without signing, and Amaya doesn’t blame her for doing so. She has been practicing with Kazi a lot, she has heard---from Kazi, not her---and so Amaya decides she’s allowed to let her hands drop every now and then.
Amaya’s eyebrows shoot up as she regards the floor, thinking about how there’s obviously a sign for fucking, and a lot of other, related signs, all very inappropriate, at the moment. She imagines she’ll teach Janai some, just for shits and giggles, but not now, not when the atmosphere between them is---whatever it is.
Regardless of the fucking sign, Janai returns to sit opposite of Amaya, with two steaming cups of tea between them. It’s not the first time they have shared a drink together, or food for that matter, but Amaya is still pleasantly surprised Janai isn’t out to poison her. It’s a nice development from starving and sweating to death in her cell. “You saw him too, right?” Janai asks, and her lips move faster than her hands, lingering on each sign. She still needs the occasional nod every now and then that she’s getting it right, and Amaya finds herself brimming with pride every time. It’s so---cute.
“I saw him,” Amaya signs, equally slow, and she can see how Janai’s eyes latch onto every sign. “Do you know him, Janai?”
Janai shakes her head. “He’s a startouch elf,” she points both index fingers up, and slides them back and forth, then taps the back of her right hand with the middle finger of the other. Star. Touch. “They’re mythical figures, no one has seen one for hundreds of years. I don’t think my grandmother has ever spoken of one.”
“Janai,” Amaya signs her name when Janai stops signing, more of a reminder than a scold. Janai can have her breaks, Amaya knows how hard it must be to learn a new language not from birth, a language that is different from any other languages, but she also knows how much Janai respects her in that matter.
“Shit, sorry,“ Janai says when she realizes, and you can see the faint redness on her cheeks when she also realizes she cursed in front of Amaya. It’s not even the first time. “Sorry. How do you sign mythical?”
Amaya takes a moment to think about it, then slides her index finger from the side of her cheek to her chin, and brings four fingers of both hands against her thumbs, and meets them back and forth twice. It’s certainly not the most sympathetic sign. “You know, you can finger-spell, if you want,” she tells Janai.
At that, Janai shrugs, her arms crossed, and Amaya almost laughs. “What, beneath your honor, Golden Knight?”
“Beneath yours, maybe. I don’t want to take shortcuts.”
Amaya is touched, truly. “Janai, I didn’t know you have feelings.”
Janai rolls her eyes at her, although she’s smiling. “Shut up,” she kicks Amaya’s ankle, and it doesn’t even hurt, then recovers from the moment to finally take a sip out of her tea. Amaya takes one as well, and like every time, finds it delightful.
After a moment of silence passes between them, motionless, Amaya gathers her spirits up and looks at Janai. “So. This guy’s not good news for us.”
Janai glances to the side, biting the inside of her lower lip. If the notion of us surprises her, she doesn’t comment on it, but Amaya swears she can tell what’s going on in her head, past though embers eyes. Eventually, she signs. “No. He isn’t,” she gets up, and Amaya almost rises with her. “I’m gonna get Kazi, if we’re going to discuss this. I’m afraid I’m not that good yet.”
Amaya only nods at her when their eyes meet, her comment about how it’s not true left unsaid as Janai leaves.
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numptypylon · 10 months
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Janaya wedding dance. I imagined like a shared floaty veil, swirling around them, carried by hot air currents.
They should not expect to get their security deposit back, the safety of surrounding furniture cannot be guaranteed. I’ll probably write a Janaya wedding fic at some point, I have so many headcanons for the shenanigans that go down
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galaxy-flowergirl · 2 years
I need someone to write a janaya fic of what happened during those 2 years. Like give me how and when they got together, first kiss, and just them being in love
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raayllum · 8 months
Chapter length: 7.4k Summary: Janai's tracking spell finds something unexpected. Claudia returns to the Storm Spire. Ezran learns about the coins, and Callum makes a choice.
Still no messenger bird graced the skies of New Aurea, the look on Amaya’s face surely saying it all as she re-entered her and Janai’s tent upon retrieving them fresh coffee and breakfast. Janai pursed her lips but otherwise didn’t show any disappointment, even though Amaya knew Rayla would at the very least write them back. Her summary of what was going on with Aaravos had been short and to the point. Unless Kim’Dael was a shadowy figure even to her own people, and Callum and Rayla were embarking on another research project—her nephew likely elongating it beyond the necessary means... Assuming they were all finished with their mission of stopping Aaravos and had returned home to Katolis safe and sound.
They drank their tea and coffee in relative silence, Janai only venting a frustration once the war meeting had commenced. Gren translated, Amaya keeping one eye on him and one eye on her future wife as they discussed battle tactics with the remaining Five Horns and Miyana’s quickly found replacement, the freshly appointed General Bineta. She was a lean but muscular Sunfire elf, with large, neatly bushy hair not unlike her predecessor, and someone Janai remembered from the Battle of the Storm Spire (which Miyana had missed; it felt like twice the miscalculation now). 
“We need to secure the nearby mountains,” Janai dictated. “Ensure that Karim’s feeble army cannot surround us, and leave only the flank open that leads to Lux Aurea. That way his soldiers will have to weather with the beasts or face us head on. General Bineta, I know you have not—”
The younger woman placed her fist over her heart. “My hand is yours, Your Radiance. I will see to it that his forces do not break through our ranks when the coward dares to show his face.” 
Janai grimaced—that was still her brother—but didn’t chide her; there were far worse things than zealousness. With that, the meeting was adjourned, the militaristic duties done for the day, but the crease in Janai's brows didn't lessen. Amaya resisted the urge to walk over and smooth them out with her hands, and settled for a forehead kiss instead.
Start from the beginning here <3
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guildtree · 2 months
WIP Title Tag Game
Thank you @accidentallyadorable for the tag!
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I uh... am not organized enough to have a WIP folder lmao. Also a lot of my documents are just compilations of little baby fics that I may or may not plan to post. I'll dig up the most WIP-like ones:
Guild Wars 2
Jora and Kin
Kasmeer Playlist Songs lol
Life Force
Modern AU Snippets
On the Creation and Proper Care of Bone Minions
Other Fandoms
Sacred Selunite Rituals
please send me asks (if you want) 👉👈
I'm not tagging that many people but uhhhh: @deathicus-sling poking you again, @commander-gloryforge, @dualumina, @nibswrites
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thrandilf · 6 months
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It used to be easy to figure out who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. Now, Callum has his doubts. Aaravos visits him in his dreams, and the more he hears, the less he knows. Their conversations are far from the subtle whispers Aaravos apparently relied on, yet Aaravos almost seems to relish each one. What Callum thought was a one sided power dynamic turns into much more, including a bargain Callum can't refuse. After his release, Aaravos's plans involve more people than just Callum, and before Callum knows it, he's swept up with his least favorite people in the world: Viren and Claudia, alongside the rest of their little group, repressing his doubt that his worst enemies can change. Yet, as Callum learns new magic and unravels the truth of each of his companions, the world on high alert as every nation faces what Aaravos's return means. Perhaps Aaravos isn't the only one with surprises lurking inside.
Updated summary and info post for my ongoing fic, The Devil You Thought You Knew. At this time, it's at 113k words and projected to finish around 200k. Both Aaravos and Mage Fam make up the main cast in this fic, which is mostly from Callum's POV. There are shifts to other characters such as Rayla and Ezran.
There's also world building/expansion in later chapters in regards to humanity's relationship with magic and Aaravos, focused on Evenere in particular. Worldbuilding, relationships, and downtime to process the emotional rollercoaster are all given focus, but there's plenty of plot twists ahead yet!
Main Ships: Rayllum, Viravos, Clauderry.
Side/Later Ships: Sorvus, Janaya.
"Dark Mage. Primal Mage. Human mage. I'm not so sure these labels mean as much as you think they do."
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a-certain-elf · 5 months
I want your opinions on 5 ships, actually:
1. Gremaya with enby Gren
2. Aaranai (Aaravos/Janai) with fem!Aaravos
3. Kimditi (Kim'dael/Aditi)
4. Ameli (Amaya/Opeli)
5. Aaradael (Aaravos/Kim'dael)
I will 100% accept all your personal opinions and will not think less of you even if you hate all of them with a passion (I fully support people's right to hate ships and my only exception is when people criticize others for shipping smt). I only ship three of these myself.
OAKY Ill do these in order. Let`s go
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
Gremaya even without enby Gren was a possibilty before Janai and before Amaya was confirmed as a lesbian so. Certainly could have worked out with these 2. With enby Gren. Sure. Yeah I can see that.
2. Aaranai (Aaravos/Janai) with fem!Aaravos
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
Havent heard of that one yet. Its interesting. I would like to know if there are any fics out there that explore this. Would also like to hear any ideas for this.
3. Kimditi
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
Oh yeah. That`s the good stuff. From the second that short story dropped I was sold one these 2. I like the idea of them actually developing feelings for each other and maybe Kim helping Janai and Amaya against Karim but I doubt that will happend. Or maybe Aditi even coming back (Aaravos did saw he swallowed her, not that he killed her. Could mean anything) and Kim having a big gay moment. Also the spicy potential these 2 have is off the charts.
4. Amelie
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
My go to ship for Amaya before Janai came along. There is some cute fanart on tumblr with Amaya putting some flowers in Opelis hair. I joined the fandom right when s2 came out so I immediatly jumped on the Janaya train without giving much thought to Amelie. They are cute though and I totally see her as one of Amayas exes.
5. Aaradael
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
Probably the only being that can match Kim when it comes to battle/magic powers and maybe even the only one who can free her from her binding so I can see why people would ship them. I don`t because I like my bloodmoon huntress with a dash of Janaya or Aditi on the side, but it def works. Also I see Kim exlusively as a Lesbian since she literally has the same colors as the lesbian flag. :D
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