#jar spell protection
wandoffire · 5 months
Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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Rice In Witchcraft
Rice in witchcraft is known for it's properties of Prosperity, Wealth, Protection, and Fertility. You can add rice to your spell jars, placing it around your house, or to carrying it with you.
Other uses for Rice:
Burying stones and other items to cleanse and charge them
To represent the Air Element
Using rice in your food to bring your intentions to those who eat it.
Use as a base for money bowls to attract wealth in your life
Keeping rice near your door to ward off negative energy
Using rice as offerings to deities, especially ones associated with agriculture.
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secretcatholicwitch · 5 months
Christopagan Spell List Masterpost: 11/17/23
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💫Casting circle ritual:
Call and Releasing the Elements/Quarters
Call and Releasing God and Mary
🌒🌕🌘Esbats ritual:
🐺Wolf Moon
❄️Snow Moon
🐛🐦‍⬛Worm/Crow Moon
🌷Pink/Seed moon
Blessing places:
🖼️House Blessing sigil
🏡House Blessing
Alter Blessing (Coming Soon)
Blessing objects:
📒Spell Book Blessing
🪄Wand/Staff Blessing
🌌Tarot Card Blessing
⚖️Pendulum Blessing
💧Celestial Water
🪴Harvesting Plants And Enchantment
✝️Protective Enchantment: from evil 
👨🏻‍💻Lord, I need a job
💤St. Dymphna sachet for sleep (NEW)
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icanseethefuture333 · 7 months
and how to banish demons and trickster spirits?? 🥲 please help thank you
How to spiritually protect your home from unfamiliar entities 👻
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When faced with paranormal activity, it can be scary for anyone! We start to question ourselves and feeling silly thinking: "Did I really just see that?! No, no, it my must be my imagination..." but you still can't shake the feeling something is there in your room.
How to decipher between a high or low vibrational entity
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Every spirit takes form in a different shape and color. I am unsure what it means but I have seen just about each one. So I will be giving each one a name for it. A fair warning though to use your intuition because my interaction with each spirit could be different from yours. Always use caution.
The in-between:
This spirit is mainly gray and fuzzy but has a rainbow outline. Similar to a broken TV. I believe these spirits are going through a period of healing and transformation. They are more neutral with their approach but overall have good intentions.
Holier than thou:
This spirit looks pure white. It's just a plain white or almost milky translucent color, they are typically friendly. If they are white, but look like it's sparkling or shining, it is a low vibrational entity or demon trying to pose as a angel.
The ones that appear in the corner of your eye or when you feel a presence randomly pass by. This is the most famous type of spirit that everyone has said they have come across. They come as shadows and are quick on their feet. They are black in color and their origins I am unsure, but they haven't bothered me per say. They startle me though, so because of how they sneak around. I mainly believe that they are trickster spirits.
Fairy lights (also known as orbs):
Orbs of light are considered to be a manifestation of energy present in your home. I have interacted with this type of spirit the least. When I first began doing deity worship with Aphrodite, I would see pink orbs, and that is how I knew she was present when I prayed to her or asked her for guidance. I have also seen orbs when interacting with archangels.
These spirits fade in and disappear once they get what they want. They usually appear with a message and then leave once they're done. They can be pretty lonely, so sometimes they just like your company. I went to a garden memorial once and I had a spirit follow me home just so they could spend time with me. They left after two days.
I feel that most of the time my interaction with an angel was presented as a human. You ever had someone that just was really sweet and kind to you in when you were having a really rough day? Yeah I mean that. Those feel like angels to me. Archangels I view them as orbs.
*cracks knuckles* the moment you've all been waiting for. Now these are masters of disguise. Demons present themselves as anything or anyone just to get closer to you. Whether that's a living human being, an attractive person in your dream who sexually arouses you (incubus/succubus), or a monster who keep causing you to have nightmares in your sleep. Their main desire is to suck your life source and take over your soul at your weakest moment or make you do malicious things that are out of your character.
The different types of demons:
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Before we touch upon this topic, if you are someone who struggles with a mental health condition such as anxiety, PTSD, BPD, etc. Be aware that some of your symptoms could align with some of the things I will mention down below. You have to understand the difference of just being anxious/paranoid and genuinely having an encounter with an entity that's dangerous.
Creepers are literally what they are. They creep up on you quite randomly. They mostly appear in your dreams to scare you and cause you to have nightmares. In most cases, these ones are just annoying because they scare you out of your sleep, but the more severe ones can physically harm you. One time in middle school I had a nightmare of a demon wanting to attack me in my sleep and I woke up with scratches on my back that were bright red. Nobody else was there in my room that night to have left scratches on me like that. Anyone of any age can deal with creepers but it is most common for children to come across them.
A hitman is usually a demon that was sent by someone who has given you the evil eye or decided to hex you or wish malicious things onto you. This is scary for most people to experience because you can't tell if you're going crazy or genuinely feel an attack on your peace of mind. A sign of a spiritual attack is when you are around someone and suddenly that person gives you a bad vibe, you start to feel physically ill or energetically drained. Intuitively, you should know when you feel unsettled by a negative entity.
Inner demons:
You guessed it. Demons that come from you. We all have our own inner demons that manifest from a place of pain, envy, anger, bitterness, or hatred. They are the ones who stick with us through our darkest times. Inner demons have a codependent relationship with us. It's almost as if being with a narcissist. Instead of helping you, they enjoy that you are helpless so they can stay with you longer. They conveniently appear or come around during severe periods of depression. Since it is a inner demon and not a hitman demon, you have to learn to forgive yourself for the manifestation of this entity, since it has come from you. Instead of fighting them or being angry with them, allow them to be set free. Wish healing for them as well, since it was not their fault they were born out of agony. They may come and go, but they should know their place from now on. For witches, these demons could be at your service for more baneful magick if anyone decides to fuck with you 🤫
How to deal with negative entities and banish them from your sacred space:
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Ultimately, it comes down to being brave and asserting your dominace. Let these entities know that they cannot and will not fuck with you from this day on. When they know you are a pushover, they will just keep messing with you. Scare them like how they scare you. Here are some different methods you could use to banish these entities from your home.
Clean up your act 🧹:
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Have you ever felt the strong urge to clean your house after being in a funk? That's right! Cleaning is one of the most popular ways of getting rid of low vibrational energy and to invite new energy into your home. I mean what's a witch without her broom right?
Mainly dusting, sweeping, mopping, wiping windows/mirrors, and vacuuming could be done for banishing negative energy/entities
You can chant while sweeping away from yourself, you can make this up on your own so it can be more fitting for you and you can memorize it more easily
Florida Water is considered one of the holy grails and can be bought at any local botanica or even online. It is a cologne that is famous for its magical properties and multi-purposes. You can pour Florida Water into the bucket of water that you use for mopping 🪣
Cleaning products that have magical ingredients (I.E: Lemon / lemon scent is a popular tool for spiritual cleansing)
Pillow sprays, febreeze, essential oils, or room deodorizers are a cheap and easy way to cleanse your home (Lavender pillow spray can be sprayed around your house and on your bed sheets or curtains for peace and tranquility. It is also a refreshing scent and helps you sleep better 😊!)
Boiling a concoction is another method you can use (ever wondered what was in those witches' cauldrons?). Most people boil bay leaves, rosemary leaves, or cinnamon
If you are pregnant or someone sensitive to chemicals or smells, you can use crushed eggshells or pour salt in the corners of your home, window sills, and doors🚪
Plants and crystals can be used as protection wards for your home. You can put them anywhere that you prefer.
Other popular methods for protection spells are spell jars, mojo bags (hoodoo, closed practice), enchanting a necklace or piece of jewelry to wear as a tailsman/amulet, or egg cleanse (common method in Latin American culture).
Team up:
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There's nobody who will be down to protect you more than yourself than your spirit guides. Simply calling upon your ancestors (who wish you good intentions ofc), guardian angels, animal guide, or deity should be enough to protect you in moments of fear and feeling unsafe. Remember to show appreciate to them and give them offerings for their assistance. They cannot consistently be there for you if their energy source is low (especially ancestors!).
Remember that you are loved 🤍:
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Experiencing the evil eye or a spiritual attack can be scary for just about anybody 🥺! Just remember that the situation is temporary and there is always going to people out there who love you and wish for your happiness (including your higher self). Paranormal activity is a weird but interesting thing many people in their lifetime have come across, so you don't have to feel alone. I hope this was of help to you and that you feel better about being able to protect yourself 😇
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foragewitch · 5 months
Protection spell sachet recipe
And it smells amazing!
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witchysylv · 1 year
simple negative energy capture spell jar
hello! this is a spell from my bos that i typed out today, and thought i'd share with all of you.
it's a basic energy capture jar. what it does is it takes negative energy that hits it and absorbs it into the jar, keeping a space safe. it can be considered to be a type of ward.
feel free to modify this to your needs! if you try it, let me know how it goes in the notes.
a jar or bottle of your choosing
a small mirror to go on top of the jar (i prefer aluminum foil, but either works)
a binding sigil, either handmade or sources from someone else
obsidian for protection
basil for attracting negativity to the jar (and not you)
cinnamon for protection and defense
mugwort for a magical boost
hyssop for purifying the captured negative energy
st. john's wort to handle the negativity
dandelion for added protection
a black candle
optional: mullein, acrimony
create, print, or copy down your sigil. assemble other ingredients and perform any pre-spell rituals you have.
place ingredients into the jar. you can select the order, or you can do it like this: cinnamon, basil, st. john's, dandelion, hyssop, mugwort.
as you place each ingredient into the jar, visualize your intent for it. you can also speak an affirmation such as "this jar will protect me" if you wish.
fold your sigil thrice away from you, tucking it in the jar, and following it with your crystal.
pop the cork, lid, or seal on the jar.
seal JUST the edges with the candle, and place the mirror in the center of the closing contraption.
et voila, you're done! place it wherever you need that protection.
i'm autistic and selectively mute, so i usually don't speak during my spells, focusing more on intention. this is something you can modify.
i would rate this an 8/10. it's a good basic protection jar, and you don't need anything too extensive for protections unless someone is after you or something anyway.
anyway, i hope that's helpful to someone! if you have comments, suggestions, etc., do let me know. part of what i miss about old witchblr is the open dialogue that used to be spread on posts; people don't talk enough now. so feel free to come talk to me, and if you have improvements, i'm all ears!
thank you for your time.
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spiralhouseshop · 9 months
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August 1, 2023
Portland Button Works and The Spiral House Shop update!
Magical House Protection: The Archeology of Counter-Witchcraft by Brian Hoggard
Ritual (A Weird Walk Zine about The Wicker Man movie)
Sigil Magic for Writers and Other Creatives by T. Thorn Coyle
This Might Hurt Tarot Deck by Isabella Rotman
The Treadwell's Book of Plant Magic by Christina Oakley Harrington
Witch Bottles: History Culture Magic by Daniel Harms
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faerietantrums · 3 days
Hey friends ✨
Just wanted to remind you that you can add whatever you want to moon water to strengthen its abilities, almost like a herbal moon water potion! Get creative with it!
In mine I have peppermint, catnip, daffodils, dandelion, daisies, crystals, bay leaves, dried roses, and a touch of cinnamon.
I use this type of herbal infused moon water for blessing my home, drawing pentacles on my windows and walls, and in my personal sacred moon worshiping rituals.
Please do not drink it unless you use only edible herbs.
Blessed be! ✨
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unseendeity · 6 months
my protection jar to keep in my car ✨ excuse the quality. It's 12 am & I had the flash on
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what I put in it:
garlic powder
black pepper
piece of windshield glass
3 quartz chips
a protection sigil
bay leaves
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wandoffire · 4 months
Career / Money
Spell Jar to help manifest money, abundance and career opportunities.
Orange peel (luck)
Cloves (money)
Cinnamon (healing)
Sage (protection, wisdom)
Basil (luck in career)
Clover (success, cleanse)
Bergamot essential oil (money, success)
Green wax seal
Substitute or exclude as you need :)
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sugaryewscythe · 1 year
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✧ Handmade Serpent Protection Jar by The Coven of Gaia ✧
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floralineblackheart · 6 months
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Spell jars are one of the greatest ways to be one with nature, and let nature be one with you. The nature of your spell will quite literally envelope your very own to fulfill and unleash this oh very powerful intention of your desire and of your inner-tuition (inner intuition). Spell jars are a simple yet effective form of magic that brings your deepest intentions forth into the world and empowers your inner most divine self. Manifesting is a personal power that we all have within ourselves and can be ignited by this particular practice.
In this post, is a simple way to create a protection spell jar that will keep you protected from any negativity sent your way. This will also provide protection for your mind, body, and spirit from any negative energies.
Some witchy tips:
Please don't forget to set your intentions as you go, and chant if you will; to empower yourself and your spell! I, myself am an advocate for chanting throughout the spell's entirety. Let this fill your senses.
cleanse your jar, your spell ingredients, and your space prior to spellwork! I personally suggest keeping selenite in your space, or incense smoke (of your choice)!
Be sure to ground yourself through meditating or practicing with a grounding crystal of your own (I suggest malachite, obsidian, or clear quartz!-black tourmaline works great too.) and fellow babies in witchery, you're going to want to program it with your intention!--or keep a crystal near for focus such as blue apatite, blue moonstone, etc. and don't forget to program it!--orrr light some intention infused candles as a conduit to spell focus or even your psychic power to better empower your spell! I will be leaving this totally up to you.
You will need:
a glass jar (any will do!)
holy basil - general protection for mind, body, and spirit
lavendar - healing emotionally
rose petals - harmony of spiritual growth
blessed thistle - break jinxes, ward off toxic energy
chrysanthemum - metaphysical protection for mind, body, and spirit
clear quartz crystal - purify my energy
purple candle wax (to seal) - spirituality and protection
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life-in-the-garden · 20 days
Jar Spell: "Stay Off My Turf!"
This jar spell is a ward that will protect your residence, vehicle, or any other physical location/object. It’s a type of aggressive defense that might entail something nasty happening to any would-be intruder or curse-maker, so you should be okay with any ill-wishing intruder getting their comeuppance for attempting to break the ward, as opposed to just being scared off. This spell is for marking your territory and promising harm to anyone who dares step over the line; this is baneful magic.
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This spell can potentially involve bodily fluids (not blood) + animal products, but neither of these elements are required. It definitely involves destruction of the jar (glass is preferred for its tendency to shatter under blunt force trauma; safety measures will be discussed further on).
With all of that in mind, let’s get on with the spell!
You will absolutely need:
1 small-ish vessel with a lid, preferably glass
sealing wax (preferably red) or liquid glue
a tool with which to break the vessel, such as a hammer, large wrench, or other heavy object.
A durable bag in which to encase the vessel prior to breaking
For your medley of potential ingredients to go inside the vessel, you will want things that are aggressive, fiery, and martial. You want ingredients that do the symbolic equivalent of spitting in an intruder’s eye and kicking them while they’re down to ensure they stay down. Things that align with the planet Mars, and/or are affiliated with warrior deities whom you work with, and/or are connected to territorial animal spirits whom you feel connected to… they will also do well in this capacity.
Some ingredient suggestions are:
the spiciest pepper you can find, chopped but not seeded
a large helping of cinnamon
red pepper flakes
very hot chili oil
rusty nails and/or fishhooks
iron filings
a small quantity of urine (human or otherwise)
a braided black and white cord/ribbon to represent a skunk
a drawing of a moose’s rack of antlers
a tooth from a carnivorous animal
a sigil involving the symbol or name of a warrior deity/spirit
Once your ingredients are assembled and in the jar, put the lid on seal it with the red wax and/or glue. Carve an X onto the wax/glue on the lid and put the entire vessel into a durable bag. Seal the bag, then say something to the effect of, “Fuck off, you bad vibes bastards!”
Once that is done, smash the jar using your smashing tool. (The bag ensures that glass shards don’t go everywhere and from there present a safety hazard). Your ward is now set. Dispose of the bag and its contents without opening the bag (to avoid contact with glass shards).
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spiritofhyena · 1 year
Black salt / witches' salt
WARNING: do NOT mix it up with the edible black salt for kitchen use. They are both called “black salt” but one is salt with activated charcoal or salt from a volcanic area that can be used in cooking, the other is a mix of salt, ashes, and other non-edible things used as a protection or banishing spell. I personally use it as a halfway between warding/protection and banishing as I add things usually associated with banishing.
I tried to search up the origin of the “witches’ salt” but I didn’t find anything solid (but also I made only a couple of quick searches on google because I was crunching time as I did this either before/after work or sometimes during slow moments at work) so, my best guess would be that its origin might be derived from the use of salt in many folkloric traditions as a protection or to purify, mixed a bit with a concept similar to the "witches' bottle", but I digress.
Disclaimer again: I wrote most of this during work time and edited it afterwards so I can't guarantee the form and grammar used.
I first made black salt after a couple of quick searches for protection and banishing spells that could help me in my practice, as I first started I was a bit of an idiot (to quote Set) and didn't keep anything to protect myself around when doing divination and other things.
With time I noticed that it's a good all-around protection and also, with a couple of tweaks, could be perfect to also banish in a "bounce back to sender" way.
There are different recipes on the Internet and among witchy communities but they mostly differ for some ingredients added (or not added) and I believe all would work… but surely, IMHO, if you tailor them to your needs it would be more effective.
This is what I made for myself, and I'll also include the "return to sender" version.
Tools you’ll need:
a jar with a lid to store it
mortar & pestle (not mandatory: I don’t have one so I use a tiny ceramic casserole and one of those wooden pestles for cocktails bc that’s what I had at home… use whatever could do the job)
a candle in the colour you associate with protection and warding
salt (duh-)
ashes (either incense ashes, firepit ashes/charcoal, soot or you could also use activated charcoal)
eggshells powder
black pepper
bay leaves
sage (kitchen kind is perfect!)
whatever herb you associate with protection
Honestly, you should do this however it feels right for you. You could cast a circle, call the elements or whatever. I don’t do that because it’s not part of my practice. You don’t even need to cleanse or anything if you don’t feel it’s necessary: it’ll work anyway.
Light the candle (ofc if you think it’s needed) and put the ingredients in the mortar, a little bit at a time, to grind them a bit and most importantly mix all of them. Focus on your intention, if you feel you need to recite something to enchant it then do it. Mix all the ingredients, I usually start with salt, add eggshell powder, all the other ingredients and then another bit of salt at the end to “close” everything.
If you want to give it a little “boost” you could write on a bay leaf “I am protected” or the like and then burn it (do it in a fireproof container! bay leaves are nasty burners and like to pop a lot!) to “activate” it and mix it to the rest of the ingredients.
When everything is all mixed, then you can pour it into the jar and close it. It’s up to you if you want to seal the lid with some wax or not. I do not do it because if I decide to redo it I can open it and clean the jar more easily before preparing the new black salt.
Again, it’s up to you if you want to charge it under the moonlight/sunlight or in some other way: do what you feel that's right to do.
And that’s it! Congrats you made black salt that will protect your space!
For the return-to-sender version:
add more pepper
slap also some paprika or better some chilli pepper powder
also put there some garlic
you can add other ingredients you associate with banishing
add a bay leaf (or also a piece of paper) with the intention written on it like “the harm/malicious intent is returned to who cast it” or whatever you feel right
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foragewitch · 5 months
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