#jaskier is not actually aro
spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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The babies!! They keep continuing trying to find a balance demi!Geralt who sometimes struggles and needs intimacy and cuddles and aro!Jaskier who tolerates it only in doses if it's getting too mushy. Also tumblr keeps slapping the adult label on my posts as soon as sex is even mentioned in the picture, so now I'm doing in myself with a sigh because I don't think this is actually adult but ALAS
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prongsfootandco · 1 year
Ten Lines Tag Game
Thanks @abihastastybeans for tagging me! I actually remembered for once 😂
Rule: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy--share anyway
James’ fingers shook as he unbuttoned Sirius’ shirt.
From All of You - a smutty prongsfoot fic. Read the tags carefully y'all.
It wasn’t that James was unhappy.
2. From I'd Die for You - a fic where Sirius is a death reaper! Hurt/comfort with a happy ending.
“Hufflepuff!” The hat called aloud making Sirius wince.
3. From When Loyalty Becomes Courage - the Hufflepuff!Sirius AU... obviously 😂
War raged through the Wizarding World like a fire burning out of control, leaving scars on both the land and the people.
4. From Who Did This? - Post Hogwarts fic where James is waiting for Sirius to come home from a mission
James and Sirius were a package deal, everyone and their spouse knew that.
5. From Our Flower - Jilypad fic! Sirius is Aro but he and James accidentally got married when they were drunk once.
“And Potter’s been hit!”
6. From Falling - Prongsfoot friends to lovers, hurt/comfort.
The last quidditch match of the year had been a roaring success for the Gryffindor team, not only had they caught the snitch, but even if they hadn't they still would have won by about twenty points.
7. From The Stairs are my Enemy - Drunk Sirius, Established relationship, fluff.
“Dumbledore wants me and Lily to go into hiding,” James sighed as he walked into the kitchen. “He's got some prophecy stuck in his head, says it's about Voldemort.”
8. From Jealousy - would you believe this is smut?
Jaskier shudders as he rouses from the darkness of sleep.
9. From When the Wolf Howls - A witcher/Potter crossover where Jaskier lands in Potter world during a full moon.
James hated Christmas.
10. From No Time to Think - Obligatory mistletoe fic!
I have no idea who has already been tagged in this... so sorry if you've already done it and no pressure obviously: @dapandapod, @bi-aragorn, @officerjennie, @kueble, @roalinda, @gracelesslady23, @in-flvx, @kingeomer, @kuripon, @fiendishfyre
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icannotreadcursive · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
I got this same ask from you and @nopeferatu so thank you both!
In no particular order, I think my 5 favorite fics I've written are:
The Measure of a Tit Sailor Moon oneshot, rated T Silly fluffy oneshot of the Sailor Senshi enjoying some downtime, discussing boobs and gender presentation with everyone's favorite nonbinary intersex lesbian, Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Uranus). Haruka has been my fave since I was a kid and the fic is pure self indulgent fun inspired by how her animation model changes depending on how she's dressed.
I Care, I Love You, I'm Glad The Witcher oneshot, rated T Jaskier says aro rights in song form, featuring original poetry by me! I'm really happy with how the poetry turned out and I love where Jaskier and Geralt are at in their navigation of their relationship in this one. Definitely the one I reread the most out of my canon-verse aro!Geralt fics.
What I Want Is Everything Brokeback Mountain oneshot, rated M Jack musing to himself about his relationship with Ennis while they're being intimate during one of their camping trips--one of the rare instances of me writing in first person! Damn good character study if I may say so myself, and will hit you in the feels.
Chiaroscuro Fairly long Star Trek: TOS fic, rated T Kirk and Spock stop just pining and actually get together thanks to some nonsense with Spock's parents and a couple space hobos, one of whom is also half Vulcan. The space hobos are some of my favorite ever OCs and I want everyone to know them, and I had way too much fun with Spock's family drama.
Everything Changes Pretty damn long Brokeback Mountain fic, rated T Canon-divergent happy ending fic that departs from cannon a few months before what is, in canon, Jack and Ennis's last camping trip together and what pulls us off the canon path is Junior insistently caring about her father. I have two complete Brokeback longfics on Ao3, and this is the second of them. I'm very proud of it as a story on its own and proud of how much growth I can see in my writing between it and my first one. It's Junior-centric and I love writing her, and I loved exploring her relationships to her parents, also her friends in this fic are some of my favorite OCs along with the space hobos above.
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potatopossums · 2 years
i started watching the Witcher with a friend and I'm so glad I'm watching it with an aro friend bc oh my god, i love the show, but also the allos need to be stopped
this is the aro(ace) talking.
like there is so little romantic or even sexual chemistry between Geralt and his partners thus far (I'm just barely into season 2). the plot would work fine if there wasn't any romantic nonsense going on to begin with. every time he kisses somebody I'm yelling at the screen "when was this ever a thing that either of you wanted." Geralt and Yennefer have sex and i am screaming "you didn't even talk about this." Geralt shows signs of "being in love with her" and I'm like "girl why tho, you literally just met like hours ago."
like i understand the concept of short form narratives esp in episodic shows, but come on. there is no chemistry. i will not debate this. Geralt and Jaskier have more chemistry. all Yennefer and Geralt have done is argue and fuck a few times.
i don't get it y'all. i don't get the allos. they don't talk about romantic or sexual interest, they just jump right into shit and expect me to suspend disbelief and ya know that ain't happening as an aro. I'm literally so aroace it's impossible for me to make any of my fictional characters actually like each other. so when i spend all the time in the world designing characters and personalities and motives and seeing how they'll interact and what will lead to where, I'm putting fucking effort into making sure they feel real. and then Geralt is in love with Yennefer for some reason lol.
allos people.
also, to clarify this is not me hating on the show. it's a good show and it has me on the edge of my seat in terms of larger plot and lore. I'm so excited to finish watching season 2. the love scenes just really get in the way, imo. like, why didn't they just make Geralt aro. he seemed so aro to me. maybe it will all make sense in time. but right now I'm just staring at him like "but why are you doing this."
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kueble · 3 years
Pure Spite
Written for @fontegagrilledcheese's flash challenge in @thewitcherbog.
Teen, Warnings: brief mentions of Jaskier sleeping with others, 1300 words.
Geralt is pouring a cup of coffee when his phone beeps. He picks it off the counter and pretends it’s totally and completely normal to have Google alerts set up for your roommate. Sighing, he opens the article, which turns out to be a review of Jaskier’s performance last night. He cringes when he notices who wrote it, because the critic never has anything positive to say about him. Sadly, the local arts scene is very small, and it took Jaskier time to realize he should keep his dick out of it. Now he has to deal with horrible reviews from a woman who thought a hook-up would lead to a lot more.
He’s seen Jaskier flirt and charm his way into enough beds to know that he’s always up front and clear on what he wants. The man is aro for fuck’s sake, and he damn well makes sure people know what they’re in for. The critic obviously didn’t believe him, or chose to ignore it, and Jaskier has been paying for it since. Sure, his friend is a bit of a slut, but he means well and makes sure everyone has fun.
And Geralt has gotten very good at ignoring the way he wishes he were a part of it. Apparently Geralt is a secret masochist, because there’s no greater torment than being in love with your roommate and best friend, especially when he is only interested in fleeting trysts and seedy hook-ups in the back of clubs. He’s long since resigned himself to a life of watching from the sidelines, but it’s times like this that he really wishes he could help.
So when the door to Jaskier’s room flies open, he snags a second mug and sets about making Jaskier’s coffee just how he likes it. He leaves it on the counter, knowing the musician will probably be a bit too worked up for it right now. He doesn’t even make it out of the kitchen before Jaskier storms into the room and starts complaining.
“She called me a hack, Geralt. A hack!” he shrieks, eyes wild as he starts stomping towards him. Geralt braces his thighs, not sure if he’s going to need to prepare for a hug, a shove, or his roommate’s full mental breakdown.
“So what...you’re going to create a masterpiece just to spite her?” Geralt asks, hiding his smirk by taking a sip of his coffee. Jaskier scoffs and shimmies a little, his silk robe fluttering around him like a peacock’s tail.
“I am going to create the best song in the whole fucking world, Geralt. And yes, it might be born from spite, but people have been motivated by far less. I want her to be brought to tears when she listens to it, just utterly sobbing and torn up over how completely wrong she was. She is trying to bring me down, trying to ruin my career before it starts, but I will not have it! I will annoy the hell out of her for as long as it takes, just to prove how wrong she is. If I can continue to be a minor nuisance to the forces of nature trying to decompose me, I'm gonna consider that a win. The wheel of time will continue to turn, and I with it, like a nail in a tire,” Jaskier says, waving his hands dramatically and nearly knocking the coffee mug out of Geralt’s hands.
“You sound even more manic than normal,” Geralt snorts as Jaskier glares at him, “Very melodramatic.”
“She says I can’t write a proper love song,” Jaskier says, pouting as he crosses his arms over his chest. That’s when Geralt notices how little he’s wearing under his robe. Clearly he got home from his show last night, stripped down, and passed out in just his boxer briefs. The black silk robe looks positively sinful framing his chest hair, and Geralt realizes he’s in danger of blanking out and has to force himself to focus on Jaskier’s face.
“Kind of hard to when you’ve never fallen in love,” Geralt points out helpfully.
“What the fuck do you mean by that?” Jaskier asks, narrowing his eyes at him. He looks like he’s on the verge of another rant, which has Geralt tripping over himself to explain.
“I mean, you’re aro,” he says quickly. Jaskier tilts his head at him, obviously missing something, so Geralt rambles on, “I mean, love songs would be hard if you’re not used to romantic love, right? Like...obviously you love your friends, but you’ve never been in love in love with anyone.”
“Geralt,” Jaskier says slowly, dragging out the word, “I’m not aro.”
“What? But I thought?”
“No, I just like sex and I don’t need to be in love for that. I’m demi so it takes me a while to warm up to someone,” he says with an awkward laugh. “And believe me, I am very familiar with falling in love with someone. Half my songs are about tragically unrequited love. Haven’t you been listening?”
“I just...I just figured they were written about someone being hopelessly in love with you,” Geralt says stupidly, because clearly he’s missing something here. Jaskier looks at him like he’s in pain, his face weirdly emotional, and Geralt isn’t sure how to take that.
“Trust me, no one is in love with me, hopelessly or not,” Jaskier winces before continuing, “I’m not the type of person you fall in love with. Good for a night of fun, but not meant for much else.”
“You are! I mean, you could be. I...I would,” Geralt blurts out, because he can’t stand to see him look so broken, not when he can fix it, not when he’s so fucking in love with him that it hurts.
“You would what?” Jaskier asks, his voice barely more than air.
“Want you for more than a night,” Geralt admits. He can feel his cheeks heating up and his chest is tight, but it feels good to come clean after all this time. Jaskier grins at him, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he moves closer.
“You could have me,” Jaskier tells him before reaching out and taking his mug. He sets it on the counter and steps even closer, edging right into Geralt’s space. Their faces are so close they’re nearly touching, and it wouldn’t take much to kiss him; barely any movement at all.
“Yeah?” Geralt asks softly, blushing deeper when Jaskier wets his lips and nods at him.
“Yeah,” he says like a promise.
And maybe it is, because then they’re both moving forward, mouths coming together in a brush of lips and giggles. Geralt sighs into Jaskier’s mouth and wraps his arms around him, pulling their hips together. Jaskier groans into the kiss, nipping at Geralt’s bottom lip before pulling back and beaming at him.
“I am going to write a thousand loves songs about you, purely out of spite,” he says, laughing when Geralt just rolls his eyes.
“I’d call your bluff, but I have a feeling you’re not lying,” Geralt chuckles and leans down, brushing a kiss against Jaskier’s scruffy jaw. “Why don’t you sing for me in the bedroom instead?”
“Darling, I can do both. I’ll have you know that I make an even better lover than I do a pest,” Jaskier tells him, snorting as he laces their fingers together and pulls him towards his bedroom.
“Now that I find hard to believe,” Geralt deadpans, smirking at Jaskier’s offended squawk.
“Oh hush,” Jaskier orders, laughing as he shoves him into his room and slams the door shut behind them. “You know how I get when I have something to prove.”
Geralt does, and he’s counting on Jaskier spending the entire day making his point.
Tags list: @halerune @honeysuckletook @mayastormborn @dani-dandelino @feraljaskier @jaskierswolf @littoraly-art @tothedesert @saphiramalbec @dapandapod @theweirdlynx @tedrakitty @sharinalein @theamazingdevilgivesmehope @iamaqt314 @silvermintnightprincess @rockysstupidity @live-long-and-trek-on @hayleynzlive @holymotherwolf @llamadumpsterfire @thesynysterunknown @rebard-main @larawrmonster @gryffinqueen @lovelyscot @kingcitywitch @fangirleaconmigo @mothmanismyuncle @fontegagrilledcheese @thestarkwinter
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witchersgoldenbard · 2 years
geraskier masterlist
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✨one shots✨
✨ aromantic geraskier
Matters of Aching Hearts | read on tumblr ~700 | G | unrequited love, breaking up, crying, heartbreak, they hug in the end, aromantic geralt
Geralt makes a confession. Loving is hard. It doesn’t work, not like that. He can’t love Jaskier, no matter how much he wishes he could.
Cherry Blossoms and Happiness | read on tumblr ~700 | G | they are both aro and that's what makes everything easy for once, fluff, friendship, platonic love, softness
Geralt is not used to good things happening to him, let alone for them to be slow and gentle for once. But Jaskier is here, running fingers through his hair, and this love between them is the easiest, gentlest and best thing he knows.
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✨ canon verse
Sticks and Stones (may break my ankle and it really hurts, Geralt) 2.5k | G | fluff, established relationship
Geralt and Jaskier are on their way to Kaer Morhen to spend the winter with the other Wolves. That would all be nice and good if it weren't for Jaskier's damned ankle that hurts like hell. He just hopes Geralt doesn't notice. Spoiler: he does. Of course he does.
Bards are Meant to Love (not to cook, honestly) | read on tumblr 1.8k | G | fluff, established relationship
Listen, Jaskier is struggling. There are way too many pots and pans to manoeuvre, too many instructions on the sheet in front of him, and simply no instinct on his part when it comes to cooking. Seriously, the best thing he can do with a fork is bury it in the hand of some loud-mouthed dickhead who dares to talk shit about Witchers. And even so, that is a far safer use for a fork around him than in an actual kitchen. And yet, here he is. In a kitchen. Cooking. Because Geralt is coming back.
No Words Required | read on tumblr 1.8k | G | nonverbal geralt, found family, fluff, established relationship
In which Geralt gets non-verbal one day at Kaer Morhen - but it's fine because everyone is ready to just let him be.
you'll darn me back together | read on tumblr 2.1k | T | first kiss, love confession, soft boys, embroidery as love language
Geralt loves watching Jaskier work on his clothes - embellishing, mending, redesigning. It's mesmerising. It's beautiful. It makes him yearn for soft things and pretty flowers on his own shirts. In wich secretly Geralt wants nice things and in the end gets more than he dared to dream.
lose yourself. i'll find you | read on tumblr 1k | T | hurt/comfort, found family, established geraskier, jaskier gets a hug (cw: implied dissociative tendencies)
In which Jaskier is scared he’s getting bad again, but Geralt is there to catch him.
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✨ post-season 2 Won't Let You Take The Blame | read on tumblr 1k | T | love confessions, first kiss, they choose each other, hurt/comfort
Immediately after the final battle, Jaskier stands in among debris and trembles like the keep had just moments before. Just when he thinks he's about to fall, Geralt catches him and apologises, but Jaskier won't let him.
and as the stars above them hum and hear them | read on tumblr 1.9k | G | yearning, post-s2, love confessions, stars as narrative device, hurt/comfort
Jaskier is gazing up at the stars when Geralt joins him and asks him if he ever found what pleases him. And as they are watching, maybe the stars will finally align for these two.
And Through It All, I Choose You | read on tumblr 3.6k | G | post-s2 fix-it, first kiss, love confession, hurt/comfort
The very moment Geralt gets to just breathe and rest, he realises he fucked up his second chance with Jaskier. He is determined to make this right. Apologise. And make Jaskier understand what it means to choose him. Turns out, they both get to make a choice in this.
post-s2 jaskier whump (not exactly geraskier, sometimes unrequited)
sad alcoholic jaskier 500 | M | jaskier is in a very bad state of mind cw: depression, alcoholism, lethargy, detachment, abandonment. this is not happy.
everyone always takes from him 558 | M | introspective character study, sad jaskier, everyone is indifferent to him
jaskier needs geralt to lie to him and tell him he matters 355 | M | jaskier has a panic attack and needs geralt to lie and say he's important and that the world isn't better off without him
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✨ geraskefer
hold me together and give me a reason | read on tumblr: 1, 2 4k | M | post-s2, panic attack, jaskier whump, hurt/comfort, first kisses
After losing nearly everything, Jaskier falls apart alone in a room in Kaer Morhen. It takes a sorceress and a witcher both to put him back together again.
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✨ modern au
shower day | read on tumblr ~900 | T | established relationship, hurt/comfort, nonverbal jaskier, soft geralt
Jaskier is overwhelmed and unable to take a shower. Thankfully, Geralt is there and understands.
EuroVision Fic | read on tumblr 1.1k | G | eurovision song contest, singer jaskier, camera man geralt, fluff, pining
@des8pudels8kern: Modern!Jaskier is representing Poland at Eurovision. Geralt is a camera operator who would much rather do documentaries or at least sports competitions, but a job is a job.
EuroVision Fic, Encore | read on tumblr ~900 | G | silly jask, flirting, geralt gets make-up, fluff
Backstage, right before the Grand Finale, Jaskier distracts himself from his nerves by admiring Geralt's pretty face. He promptly improves it with glittery highlighter. Geralt lets him.
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✨multi-chapter & WIPs✨
Tell Me About The Light Behind My Eyes 66k | WIP 12/? | M | found family, healing, slow-burn, nonverbal ciri
First, Jaskier lost his witcher on that mountain top. Then Nilfgaard started the war and he lost everything else. Now he travels the Continent as a nameless, wandering, welcome bard. There is no greater power, Jaskier knows, than that of bringing light into darkness through the art of music and poetry. It comes as a great surprise to him, then, that his presence is asked at Kaer Morhen by none other than Yennefer of Vengerberg. Although apprehensive, all hesitation melts away when he hears why they need him. Princess Cirilla seems in dire need of a bard to bring some light back into her eyes. For that, Jaskier knows, he would even bear to live with four grumpy witchers and the Continent's most powerful mage. Oh well... He's sure this won't end well for him. Or: Jaskier is coming to Kaer Morhen as Ciri's emotional support bard. They make an unexpected family along the path to healing.
series on ao3 | tumblr Light masterpost
Embers Glowing, Hearts Burning | read on tumblr 2.2k | T | caring geralt, soft geralt, anxious jask, hurt/comfort
Sitting by the fire at Kaer Morhen, Jaskier’s thoughts spiral out of his control. Geralt is there to remind him of the good things. Tenderness ensues.
There’s Nothing Here But Light | read on tumblr 1k | T | nonverbal jaskier, cuddles, protective geralt, found family comfort
In which Jaskier needs a quiet day filled with cuddles and no obligation to talk. Thankfully, his family of a princess, a witcher and sorceress is ready to give him just that.
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✨ modern au
Our Broken Hearts, They Match 22k | M | finished | (not really) unrequited love, hallmark au, jaskier whump, jaskier & renfri are twins, endgame: geraskier & yennfri
Jaskier is notorious for being bad at keeping secrets, but there is one he has been keeping under deadlock for years now: he's in love with Geralt, his best friend. Not only that, but his twin sister Renfri has fallen for Geralt's girlfriend, Yennefer. So, when Geralt and Yennefer announce their engagement, the siblings are devastated and decide not to show up at the wedding and distance themselves from the happy couple. Now, if only Jaskier could say no to Geralt and make this whole thing easier for everyone involved.
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✨ high school au
The Simplicity of Being Chaotic | read on tumblr 6k | WIP 1/? | T | fluff, adhd jaskier, autism spectrum geralt, vesemir adopted geralt, eskel, lambert and ciri, best friends jask & renfri & yen
Here's what happens when Jaskier, chaotic extraordinaire of sass, catches the eye of Geralt, the silent guy in the back of the class who never talks to anyone.
series on ao3 | tumblr masterpost | tag
standalone one shots:
Fairy Lights | read on tumblr 1.5k | T | fluff, mild hurt/all the comfort, jaskier comes out as nonbinary, established relationship
Jaskier has been having a gender identity crisis and tells Geralt about it as they are sharing a soft, quiet moment in Geralt's room. Jaskier comes out as nonbinary, and Geralt is his usual supportive self.
Your Loving Touch | read on tumblr 1.4k | T | fluff, non-binary jaskier, supportive boyfriends in love, all the comfort cuddles, jaskier coming out as ace
There is one thing that Jaskier doesn’t love: sex and everything that comes with it. They have to tell Geralt, somehow. It goes better than expected.
Flower Crown Softness | read on tumblr 1.3k | G | fluff, soft boys in love, established relationship
Jaskier makes Geralt flower crowns and kisses his head. Geralt paints Jaskier's nail black and kisses his hands.
Essays and Cuddes | read on tumblr 2.3k | G | nonbinary jask, cat roach is the real mvp, soft boyfriends in love, good papa vesemir
Jaskier has been working non-stop on their essay and is in desperate need of a break. Geralt and his cat take care of them and make it better.
Tipsy Bestie Shenanigans | read on tumblr 1.7k | T | nonbinary characters, she/they renfri, he/they jask, best friends, tipsy shenanigans, early 2000s classics, renfri is aro but not explicitly
Jaskier visits his best friend Renfri to get his nails painted and his hair played with while they sing and dance to early 2000s emo classics.
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himbo-half-orc · 2 years
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Aro!Jaskier x Geralt (gen) - Jaskier is told by his parents he must find someone to marry - tonight, or they will choose for him. They have organised a ball for all of the eligible singletons in the area. The problem is, Jaskier is aromantic. Will he find his match?
AO3 link
Jaskier couldn’t believe it. Or more accurately, he could believe it, he just didn’t want it to be true. His parents had had enough of his excuses for not finding a marriage partner, and so had taken it on themselves to host a party and invite all the eligible singles in the surrounding area. They hadn’t hedged their bets either, knowing that Jaskier didn’t have a preference when it came to the gender his partners presented.
What they didn’t know was that although Jaskier enjoyed falling into bed with anyone and everyone, he didn’t want to settle down. He was happy being single, and just the thought of spending the rest of his life with one person trying to pretend to be romantic, brought him up in hives.
It wasn’t that Jaskier didn’t like romance. He enjoyed stories of star-crossed lovers and true love’s kiss, but it had never happened for him, and it never would. He just didn’t see people in a romantic way, and that was fine. He’d accepted that he’d spend most of his life alone, that was why he’d trained to be a bard. There was no expectation of a bard to settle down.
What was not fine however, was that his parents had arranged this party, and there was no getting out of it. They’d put on the invitations that their darling son was looking to get married. When he’d whined about it, they told him that he was actually getting married that weekend, whether he liked it or not. They had invited the priest, and he had until midnight to choose someone, or they would choose for him. Either way, the deed would be done. There was absolutely no way that this was going to end well.
All too soon, it was time to greet the ‘honoured guests’. He’d been told he had to dance with each person at least once, so he had a busy evening in store. The people he met were lovely, of course, they were all on their best behaviour, but Jaskier knew the task was impossible. How could he possibly choose? They all wanted to wed a Viscount, his family had lots of money, so that was a big draw too. None of them cared about him and what he wanted though.
After mind-numbing hours of dancing and making small talk to people he didn’t care for, Jaskier decided to take a break, for his sanity if nothing else. He spied the table laden with food and his stomach lurched in anticipation. He strolled over, and his shoulder was bumped by a wall of pure muscle. Looking up, he saw a white-heared hulk of a man who was filling his plate with piles of food.
“Hey! Watch it!”
“Sorry, didn’t see you there. I was more focussed on the food. Did you know it’s free?”
Jaskier was surprised that this man didn’t seem to know who he was. It was refreshing to have an actual conversation with someone for once, even if it was about food.
“Looks like if I’m not quick, you’ll eat it all before I can get a plate.”
“Are you here for this Viscount marriage thing too?”
“Yeah, for my sins.”
“What a load of bullshit. I feel sorry for the lad, poor kid.”
“You don’t want to marry him then?” Jaskier was a little confused why he’d bother to come if that was the case.
“It’s more complicated than that. I’m a witcher you see, and there aren’t as many of us as there used to be. Vesemir, my mentor, asked if I could try my hand. To be honest, we could use the money as well as the political clout.”
“You think he’ll fall in love with you?”
“Love? No. I don’t really have time for that, and my job is dangerous enough without some lovesick fool following me around the place. No, it would be a marriage in name only. He’d be free to do what or who he likes. I only ask that he use the money to help us witchers, offer us sanctuary in his lands if needed and help us with politics. We’re not known for our great reputation, and it would be good to try and foster a bit of a better opinion of us. It would be nice of course if he felt comfortable enough to spend time with me and my family at the keep, but I wouldn’t expect it of him.”
Jaskier almost melted on the spot.
“I heard he’s a bard. What do you think about that?”
“Is he any good?”
Jaskier sputtered and the witcher smirked at him.
“Hey! You know who I am! You knew the whole time!”
“I couldn’t miss it. You’ve been dancing and making polite contact with everyone around, and there are squads of young people squealing over how cute you are and how to win you over.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to speak to you first. See what you were like. You didn’t seem very happy with any of the suitors your parents pushed you to meet. I thought I’d take a chance. My offer still stands by the way.”
“Seriously? You mean it? I could still be a bard?”
“You can be whatever you want to be. I don’t plan on stopping you. Like I said, I’m a witcher. You’ll get our protection for what it’s worth, you personally and your people. I’m good at hunting, you’ll never want for meat or pelts. I’m sorry, I can’t offer much, but we witchers are true to our word, never fear. If you want to bed someone else, I won’t stand in your way, although I wouldn’t say no to that if you asked. I know what you bards are like.”
He winked! He actually winked at him. Jaskier didn’t have much choice, but this genuinely sounded like a great deal. They’d be married in name only, and he’d still be able to live his life as he pleased. He was curious about the keep and meeting the other witchers, and he couldn’t deny the call of adventure would be hard to resist. The man was good looking, and he was pleased to find that the thought of spending the rest of his life with him didn’t make him feel sick. There were no romantic feelings, and this man didn’t seem to expect any, which was a relief. If he was honest with himself, the offer of sex with this man was one he would find difficult to refuse. Even better that it would be his own husband, so no getting kicked out of bed afterwards by an angry spouse. He really couldn’t see any downside.
“In that case, I accept.”
“You do? I haven't actually proposed yet.”
“Well hurry up then man! What are you waiting for? Oh fuck, I don’t even know your name.”
“I’m Geralt, and you are?”
“Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount of Lettenhove, but you knew that anyway. Please never call me that though. My name is Jaskier.”
“In that case,” he got down on one knee, “Jaskier, would you do me the honour of being my husband?”
“Yes Geralt! Yes I will.”
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jaskierswolf · 2 years
April Fool's
Written for @fontegagrilledcheese's flashfic challenge (April Fool's special) in @thepassifloradiscord. I forgot I hadn't posted it anywhere yet 🤣
Prompt: Pranks Ship: Geraskier (background) and Valdo & Jaskier (Esteemed Rivals) CW: None?
AO3 _
April Fool’s Day. 
It was the bane of Jaskier’s life. Every year he ended up in some stupid prank war with his housemate and every year he was determined to win! He was ending Marx’s reign of terror in a blaze of glory and balloons and silly string and all the rotten food he could get his hands on. There was absolutely no way he was going to let Valdo win again. Nope. Nada. Nein. Marx was going down!
Only… he just couldn’t think of a single damned prank. Last year he’d egged Valdo’s guitar. It had pained him to crush the egg shells into the body of the instrument but the blood curdling cry of his roommate had been worth it, but the bastard had gotten his own back. Jaskier’s poor instrument had been restringed backwards just before he was due on stage and the whole gig was a mess. 
The year before he had tried to shrink all of Valdo’s favourite jumpers in the wash but Jaskier’s own gorgeous vintage cashmere Jumper had been caught in the pile, and he’d spent the whole evening crying. It had been a present from his grandmother, the only relative that he had not completely hated and the jumper was one of the last things he’d had left from her. Thankfully, Valdo hadn’t rubbed that one in his face. Instead, he got out the finest bottle of Vodka from the cupboard, the fancy one from Redania that they had been saving for a special occasion. Between the two of them they had completely devoured the bottle and spent the next two days with possibly the worst hangover of their lives. 
The first year they’d known each other had been a more… relaxed battle. Jaskier had spent hours carefully taping double sided sticky tape all over Valdo’s door after the idiot had confessed that he had a phobia of sticky things. The reaction had been glorious, Valdo practically retching as he tried to enter his bedroom. At one point Jaskier had thought that his new housemate was actually going to be sick, but for both their sake’s Marx had managed to keep his breakfast down. That had been Jaskier’s first taste of victory but it was ripped from him by dinner time. Valdo had swapped all the salt and sugar pots, and filled the wine bottle with blackcurrant squash. The exquisite bolognese that Jaskier had planned for his date night with Priscilla had been ruined, completely and utterly ruined and Priscilla had rolled her eyes and stormed out muttering about immature boys and their games. 
That was really how the war had begun, and this year Jaskier was going to win. Of course, this year he had help. 
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Jaskier pouted at his friend, Geralt, who was most importantly an engineering major. 
Geralt scoffed as he reached up to place the bucket on top of the door. As he lifted his arms, Geralt’s shirt shifted up, revealing the ridiculously toned abs underneath that Jaskier had no shame about admiring. Everyone knew Geralt was hot, and as his very best friend in the whole wide world, Jaskier was allowed to have first dibs on checking him out. It was only fair. One could call it payment for having to pine helplessly for days on end just wishing that Geralt would notice his not so subtle attempts at flirting. 
For his own sanity, Jaskier had come to the decision that Geralt was not interested in men. The alternative was that he was interested… just not in Jaskier, and that hurt too fucking much to bear. So straight, aro or ace it was… or some other label that involved Geralt not fancying men. 
But that’s not a prank. 
What was a prank, was the trap they had set up in Valdo's room!
The bucket might seem like just an ordinary prank but no! Oh, ho, ho! No, it was far far better than that! Instead of water, Jaskier had filled the bucket with a syrup and water mix. Once Valdo opened the door, he would be drenched in the sticky liquid which would be enough for the sticky phobic musician, but that was when it really got complex, and Geralt’s expertise came into play. Just past the door was a tripwire which Valdo would inevitably stumble into in his rage and confusion, springing the next part of their elaborate trap. On the ceiling, Geralt had installed a net full of feathers which would fall down onto poor Valdo’s head and he would be transformed into the colourful peacock that he truly was inside. 
It was going to be perfect! 
Jaskier was going to win! After all these years of suffering at Marx’s hands, he would be the ultimate winner! 
The front door crashed open and Jaskier felt his eyes go wide with glee, anticipation making his hands shake until Geralt took them in his. 
“Shh, Jask, you’ll give us away,” Geralt murmured in Jaskier’s ear, so close that the heat of his breath tickled against Jaskier’s lobe. 
Totally unfair. Bastard, too hot for life best friend. Screw April’s Fools day, Geralt was the bane of his life. The squeak that Jaskier very nearly made would have given them away far more than his shaking, but there we go. Geralt just liked to mess with him like that… 
Maybe that was Geralt’s prank. Of course he did it every day of the year so it didn’t count. 
“Julian?” Valdo called. “Where are you?”
Geralt squeezed his hand, and Jaskier had to turn and hug his friend to stop his giggles from giving them away. Now all he needed to do was not forget to record on his mobile. 
The door flung open and the bucket fell just like they’d planned. Valdo screeched to high heaven as the golden liquid oozed over him. 
“Oh you fucking whore!” 
The musician stumbled forward as planned, the bucket still on his head, straight into the wire and the room was filled with a flurry of feathers!
“Ahhhhh!! Julian! I’m going to kill you and the fucking idiot boyfriend of yours!” 
Jaskier cheered triumphantly! There was no way Valdo was ever going to top this. He’d won! 
Without thinking, Jaskier turned round and kissed Geralt squarely on the lips, too caught up in his victory to realise what he was doing. 
And then, with a startled squeak he pulled back. All thoughts of the prank war vanishing in a flash, but Geralt was smiling at him with that stupid, dumb, fond smile that Jaskier just adored, and pressed their lips together once more. 
It was truly an April Fool’s to remember.
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karolincki · 2 years
Living your best life
Summary: Renfri's mom worries about them, but they are very happy with the life they are living
Pairing: none, some background relationships
Rating: T
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 1225
Written for Aro Awarness Week on the @thepassifloradiscord
Read here or on Ao3
Renfri was very happy in life. Their mother didn't believe them.
You will miss having a boyfriend.
Renfri was sitting on Jaskier's couch, happily munching on some ice-cream. It was the fancy kind, with the extra big brownie bits. Said owner of the couch had his head in Renfri's lap, sobbing his heart out.
"I *hic * just don't understand *hic * why he would do this…" Jaskier wailed yet again.
They had been over this a couple times already. Elias was horrible, Elias was an asshole, Elias broke his heart, Elias was the love of his life. Renfri was sure that they would cycle back to Jaskier shouting angry swears at Elias and cursing him into next Friday within the next ten minutes.
At least that was the way it usually went when Jaskier called them at night to come over immediately. They had an emergency package at their home, with blankets and snacks, and they already knew which movies and music to pick depending on Jaskier's mood. After all this happens every three to six months.
Renfri patted Jaskier sympathetically on the head.
"I know, I know, he is a horrible guy," they said, concentrating on getting the next brownie bit out of the ice-cream. Jaskier would get over this.
But won't you miss having a wedding? You'd be so pretty in a dress! I already know exactly what you would wear.
It had been a beautiful day for Lambert's and Aiden's wedding. The sun had been shining like it was trying to compete with the two happy grooms and a soft breeze had cooled them all off.
Renfri had been stunned quite speechless when they had arrived that morning. They had been friends with Lambert for many years and they hadn't ever thought that he would even want to marry. And there they were now, on Vesemir's ranch, celebrating with a three months notice his wedding to Aiden. They were impressed by what they had done with so little preparation time. The decor had been gorgeous, all dainty flowers and rustic wood, and the ceremony quite touching, Vesemir officiating them in front of all their closest friends and family.
At dinner, Renfri stuffed their face with the little canapes at the buffet. This was definitely the only reason they could ever imagine having a wedding. They shivered a bit. The evening was growing cooler, so they went to get their suit jacket, courtesy of Elihal who had made them a dashing dark green three-piece suit.
They looked back over to the dance floor. Jaskier was being swept across the floor by Eskel, who more or less was able to just carry him around and Renfri could see in Jaskier's eyes that he was one dip away from jumping the other man here and now. Geralt and Yennefer were taking a break from dancing, sitting on the side. Yennefer had ripped into Lambert and Aiden about how they could dare to have their wedding when she was  already seven months pregnant. That had been fun to watch.
In the middle of it all were Aiden and Lambert, slow dancing together, completely lost in each other's eyes. They were sickenly adorable. Renfri could do nothing else but smile.
Please be reasonable! You should have kids before your biological clock runs out!!
Renfri stared down at the baby in their arms. They are quite ugly, they thought to themself.
"She looks adorable, look at that little nose. Definitely getting it from Geralt." It actually looked more like Yennefer's, but they wouldn't dare insult that woman even in their head. They weren't yet convinced that Yennefer wasn't secretly psychic.
They gave little Cirilla back to Geralt's arms, who, two days after Yennefer had given birth, still looked like he was about to cry at a moment's notice any time he looked at his new daughter.
Renfri loved to babysit Cirilla. They were quite neutral towards kids, but that little rascal had grown on them. Cirilla couldn't yet do much, but Renfri knew they had found a kindred spirit. They couldn't wait for her to grow up and mold her into a true terror for her parents.
Today they had watched her for a few hours in the afternoon and evening after Yennefer had called them and begged them to take Ciri just for a bit. Yennefer and Geralt needed a break. Happily they had watched her but it was time to bring her back. Geralt wasn't ready for Cirilla to stay overnight somewhere else.
When Yennefer opened the door, Renfri couldn't suppress a bark of laughter. She looked truly and thoroughly fucked out and Renfri had no doubts about what had happened in the house with Cirilla gone.
"Looking good, Geralt's still alive?"
Yennefer looked entirely too pleased with herself.
"Make him do squats tomorrow at the gym and give him a few pat's on his ass, then you will know just how much fun he had today."
Renfri laughed again. Oh, they would torment Geralt tomorrow with glee.
I'm telling you, your friends won't understand! You are ruining your entire life!
Eskel smiled at Renfri with a huge smile on his face. They were meeting at his bakery to show Renfri a bit around behind the curtains, they wanted to work there at the bakery.
"Hey, how are you? Come in, come in, I cleaned up, just for you," he said with a smirk.
"Ahhhh, so I don't see how it usually looks and immediately run away?"
Eskel laughed out loud. "Yeah, exactly."
They walked through the small bakery, Eskel explained the various machines and daily tasks. Renfri got excited, they couldn't wait to start working here.
Afterwards they sat down with a coffee, catching up about life.
"So how is it going with Jaskier?"
Eskel blushed a deep red.
"It's going well. Never thought he would be interested in a guy like me," he mumbled into his coffee.
Renfri took a magazine from the table and wacked it over Eskel's head.
"Jaskier isn't here to do it himself, so I need to step up. You are fricking catch and I know for a fact that Jaskier considers himself the happiest guy on earth.
"I am also very happy for the both of you, I haven't had a sobbing Jaskier on my lap for over a year now, so you must be doing something right."
Eskel blushed even deeper.
"It really isn't hard to make him happy, I'm just by his side."
"And that is more than any of his exes were capable of. You also support him in all his crazy ideas, you catch him when he falls and you drive across town at one in the morning to get him his favourite chocolate bar when he is feeling down. Stop putting yourself down and accept that you are the perfect guy for Jaskier."
Eskel smiled into his coffee.
"Thank you for saying that. I might need a reminder from time to time."
"Sure, anything for the guy who helps me manage Jaskier's crazy ass." They grinned at Eskel.
"Then what about you? You got your eyes on anyone?"
"Nah, that's not really for me."
"Are you happy with that?"
"Yes, I much prefer to just have good friends and no romantic or sexual attachments."
Eskel smiled at Renfri.
"Good, you deserve to be happy."
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officerjennie · 3 years
I’ve been meaning to write about some platonic pet play for a while, but have officially been encouraged enough by @kalikatze to do so. So! Have some modern aro/ace!Geralt and Jaskier pet play, in the form of a headcanon bulleted list because I really don’t have the time or energy to add yet another fic idea to my WIPs.
(Jaskier is called ‘Julian’ for the first bit of this)
CW: purely platonic pet play, Jaskier being a pet, consent discussion, brief mentions of sex (with other people), mentions of past sexual pet play (with other people)
Geralt and Julian have known each other and been friends for years, and really are closer to each other than they are to anyone else. It’s kinda just natural for them to move in together rather than seek out another roommate, since they know each other’s boundaries rather well and trust each other.
There had been some worries over moving in together, of course. Some people work best as friends at a distance, but as luck turns out they work extremely well in the same apartment! They know how to communicate with each other, their schedules match well, and overall their routines feel natural together.
Though Geralt had mentioned it to Julian several years ago, and it had come up a few times since, he still cleared it up at the start that he wasn’t interested in them becoming anything other than friends - he trusted Julian to respect that as well. And of course Julian did. Julian even promised to keep his own sexual exploits out of the apartment to help Geralt feel the most comfortable.
Cuddling had been a part of their friendship off and on for a while, on nights where they’d stay up late at each other’s places and order food and watch a movie. It had really never been much more than leaning on each other, sharing a blanket, or sometimes having an arm around the other, but it had always been something that Geralt had found so peaceful. To be allowed to be close with someone and not have anything expected of him.
Now that they lived together and could spend a lot more leisure time together, the cuddles happened more often. Sometimes they would just sit on the sofa, Julian hugging Geralt’s waist with his eyes closed, Geralt watching TV or reading a book while he loosely held his friend.
It first came up when Julian was having a particular rough day.
He came over to be held like most days, worming his way under Geralt’s arm and smooshing his face against him. But unlike most days, he didn’t relax from it.
Julian fidgeted, and sighed. And frowned in that particular way that Geralt knew he wasn’t just being dramatic - something had gotten his friend rather Down and Geralt hated to see it.
But as much as Geralt had always been good at picking out Julian’s moods, he’d never been much good at Knowing how to solve them himself. So he simply asked, “What do you need, Juls?”
It took a little while for Julian to be honest, his nerves getting the better of him, but eventually he asked Geralt to play with his hair. So Geralt did. And after a little while of scratching his head and running his fingers through his hair, Julian relaxed against him. 
Though it wasn’t really a habit to discuss every single little change between them (when Julian had started to wash Geralt’s towels for him they hadn’t discussed it, like they hadn’t discussed when Geralt started to make sure Julian always had his favorite tea stocked), this felt different enough that Geralt, though bad at words as he was, wanted them to talk about it.
It wasn’t a conversation that happened overnight. As a matter of fact, for a long while, this was the only change that happened. When Julian had a particularly hard day he’d come back home and worm his way into his spot, and ask for his hair to be played with. And they were both happy with this.
But Jaskier had a lot of friends with a lot of different experiences, and eventually he came across pet play, and it got him thinking.
Geralt wasn’t the first person he brought it up with. He was actually the fourth or fifth, but the first ones...didn’t offer him what he Needed from it. And after some mixed results he decided to bring it to the person he trusted the most in his life.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous about it. He wrung his shirt in his hands as he sat on the sofa and waited for Geralt to come home, wondering how on earth he was going to properly explain what he wanted/needed, wondering if Geralt would be okay with it, wondering if his dearest and closest friend would judge him for even bringing it up
Of course he’d understand if Geralt didn’t want that. He’d understand and accept it, and ask if they could stay just as they were with their cuddles and occasional head and hair pets. But it didn’t mean that he didn’t very very much hope that Geralt would be okay with pet play, even if just a small amount.
And there was, of course, the fear that Geralt might think it was a sexual thing. Actually Julian had tried the sexual part with someone and just...did not care for it. He wanted to be cared for in a platonic way, he didn’t want to be any sort of sexual pet for someone.
When Geralt got home and sat down next to Julian, he at least listened to his friend. Didn’t interrupt him once, didn’t seem to be judging him, and listened while relaxing back against the sofa as if the conversation didn’t bother him.
“I’d like to try that.”
The words were a flood of relief to Julian, and he nodded eagerly when Geralt said they’d have to discuss it more along the way.
At the start, it was little more than what they’d already been doing, just with tweaks here and there. Geralt would sit on the sofa and Julian would hug him or lay in his lap, having his shoulders rubbed or hair played with. It was relaxing for the both of them, to be so close and it mean nothing else.
The more they relaxed into it, the more they were willing to try.
Julian one day mentioned he’d like to have a collar - one with a cute bell on it, and maybe even a bow. Geralt snorted and said it sounded very much like Julian, to want to be flashy and be heard, but he agreed that he liked the idea.
When they got the collar, the idea of a tag came up, but Julian paused when it came to putting his own name on the tag.
“I’d...like to have a different name.”
And so Geralt and Julian sat down, and they both decided on the name “Jaskier”
Jaskier was a cat, though he liked to be called kitten. He liked to have his head rubbed in just the right way, liked to lay on his person. Liked to lay in the sun on some cushions he pulled over to the best patch of it in the house, and be allowed to relax and not worry about anything.
That was one of the big Needs Julian had out of their play, he realized and explained to Geralt one day. He needed to feel cared for and like he didn’t have to worry about small things. That he could simply nap and let someone else tell him when it was time for food, that he didn’t have to worry about talking or explaining himself, that he could be cared for and patted off to brush his teeth and go to bed when it was time.
Geralt, for his part, needed to be close to someone. To be allowed to hold them and give them affection, to feel someone close to his body without fear of them wanting something from him. It worked out well that his kitten loved to be held and squished between him and the back of the sofa.
When Julian had a rough day, it was his one and only job to let Geralt know that he wanted to be Jaskier. It was up to him to bring Geralt his collar, and if Geralt was in the mood. And it was up to Geralt to put the collar on him all snug and secure, but not too tight, to always check and make sure Jaskier would be able to breathe and not feel strangled by it.
They found some things really worked for them, and some things didn’t.
Julian did not care for being on all fours. He felt like it made him small in a very uncomfortable way, and it took him too long to follow after Geralt and to do things. It wasn’t a warm and safe thing to him, so they decided that was not how Jaskier moved around the house.
Geralt was not comfortable with the thought of punishing his kitten for anything. Though Julian was indifferent about it on most minor things, it made Geralt feel cruel - he had always been soft on his own actual cats so he did not want to punish his kitten either. So they decided that there would be little correcting of behaviors beyond Geralt telling Jaskier if he was doing something that might be hurting him (sitting on a painful part of his leg, etc.). The correcting was always done with a kind voice, and though Jaskier might pout he always listened.
One thing they found they both loved was encouragement and spoiling. Jaskier got gentle pets and cooed at for the smallest of things. If he brushed his teeth, he got to be held extra tight and told he’d done so well, and that’s when Julian finally felt like this was it
This is what he’d been after.
“You’ve done well, kitten.”
“Good job.”
“I’m proud of you.”
“Did you finish your food? Ah, good.”
“I’m glad this wasn’t too much - did you want to be held longer?”
“If you sit still I’ll brush your hair in a minute, kitten. Why don’t you bring me your brush in the meantime?”
“You’ve been so good today. Just lay here for me, I’ll take care of dinner and be right back.”
Julian’s mind was always so busy, so full of endless buzzing. Things he needed to get done, people he needed to contact, all of the chaos at his work, the homework that was due that weekend, the songs he wanted to write, the songs he should have written - and so so so much more.
But Jaskier - Jaskier was allowed to be quiet. Allowed to be content and in the moment, to not be asked for anything he couldn’t do. To stay still and quiet and be told he’d done so well even when he’d only done the bare minimum. To be cared for and given physical affection without the expectation of anything else.
And Geralt was allowed to care for someone so deeply, to give them affection and hold them close and love them, without the expectation of romance or sexual attraction blooming between them.
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inber · 4 years
A/N: Happy day two of spooky month! I chose to do one of @gravitational813 ‘s Geraskier kinktober prompts today - 2. ‘Ride His Thigh’. I baked a giant cake today and I am very tire, so this is a bit low effort, but thems the breaks sometimes. Enjoy!
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Jaskier cannot sit or stand still. Geralt has a pet theory that if he does not fidget or dance or wriggle about like a hunting stoat at all times, Jaskier might suffer some sort of catastrophic bodily failure. Even in his sleep, he kicks his damn feet. The skipping dreams, Geralt privately calls them, because Jaskier tends to smile and hum, too.
It's the same tune on his breath now, and a similar shuffling jig. Geralt is atop Roach, letting her set the easy walking pace, and Jaskier is cavorting at their side. This is not unusual.
“Tired, bard?” Geralt asks, because they have been on the road for a few hours.
“Huh-wha?” Jaskier blinks himself out of his daydream, and beams up at Geralt. “Oh, no. All this travelling with you is doing me the world of good, actually. Had to let the seams out a little on these breeches the other day!”
Geralt's eyes drift down to where Jaskier is patting his own thighs, and he's distracted by the subtle clench and shift of muscle hidden beneath pale golden fabric that is very unsuitable for hiking. Perhaps it's because he's in the bard's company so frequently, but Geralt has hardly noticed the gradual change in Jaskier's physique. In Geralt's imagination, Jaskier is still the eighteen-year-old ne'er-do-well that he picked up like a flea in Posada's tavern.
Before him, Jaskier is hale and strong. The two images grate upon each other in Geralt's mind. Eventually he realises he's staring, and jerks his gaze away with shame pinching pink at his ear-tips.
If Jaskier noticed the transgression, Geralt cannot tell. The bard is chattering about sewing and boots and something about – fuck, his smallclothes – and he's still skipping. Even as he talks, Jaskier hums. Geralt sets his mouth into a hard line and resolutely keeps his eyes upon the horizon.
“Pass the fish.”
“Get it yourself.” Jaskier smugly taunts Geralt from atop his makeshift throne of stone, a boulder that he is sat upon, the fire-roasted food beside him. He's finished eating, and is now preoccupied with his notebook. Geralt glares at him; Jaskier does not take notice.
With an irritated grunt, Geralt pushes himself up, leaning over Jaskier's lap to reach for the plate. As he does so, Jaskier's leg slots between Geralt's own. In a move so subtle it might be mistaken for accident, Jaskier rubs the length of his thigh gently along Geralt's soft, cloth-covered prick.
It twitches with instant interest, and Geralt makes a quiet moan in the back of his throat. He freezes in place, mortified. Jaskier chuckles, faux-sweet.
“I saw you leering at my legs, earlier. See something you like, darling witcher?”
Jaskier's breathy voice makes Geralt prick all over with interest, and his cock fattens further in his breeches. He shivers. That silky-slippery thigh presses a bit harder, grinds nice and slow, and Geralt finds himself obediently rolling his hips.
“Mm-hmm,” Jaskier purrs, “that's what I thought.”
Dinner forgotten, Geralt plants both his hands firmly on either side of Jaskier on the rock, shuffling his feet apart, rutting in time with Jaskier's movements. He can feel the thick muscle shifting beneath Jaskier's pants, cobra-coiled and disciplined, and the potential strength of it makes Geralt feel dizzy. Geralt fumbles for the buttons on his own trousers, fingers clumsy, but Jaskier pulls away.
“Ah, ah,” Jaskier tuts, “you like my thighs so much, you'll take your pleasure from them, and them alone. Go on, darling.” The leg re-appears, and Geralt whimpers gratefully. “That's it. Fuck against me, gorgeous.”
The adoring nicknames are making Geralt stupid, and he thinks he might do anything Jaskier says at this point, so long as he keeps his damn thigh there. Everything else dissolves into the background around him as Geralt humps faster and harder against Jaskier's leg like an animal, friction-fucked, a wet spot growing at the front of his breeches. It feels impossibly good.
“Oh, yes,” Jaskier encourages, “just like that. Look at you, so needy and beautiful. I want to feel you come against my thigh, Geralt. Wanna feel your prick swell and throb and know it was all me.”
Geralt does not know how Jaskier can be so verbose, because his own faculties have utterly failed, but some part of him is grateful. All the things Jaskier says just spur Geralt on faster, turn him on more, have him aching and bordering on feral with the urge for release.
And then Jaskier grips Geralt's arse, guiding his thrusts more directly, tighter. “So good, you're so good,” Jaskier whispers, “let go for me.”
Restraint flees him as Geralt jerks down and grips Jaskier's hips hard enough to leave finger-shaped bruises, his prick pulsing hard and wet in his smallclothes. Geralt's voice breaks on a deep groan as he comes, flooding his own pants with thick spurts that seem unending, soaking through to the material of Jaskier's trousers. He finds himself trembling and breathless in the wake of it all, utterly filthy and strung-out.
Jaskier giggles musically, pressing a chaste kiss to Geralt's cheek. “You're doing the laundry this week, dearest witcher.”
Geralt snorts, eased by the joke. “Fair,” he agrees, “but if that's to be the case, I think I'll make it more worth my while.”
Snatching Jaskier up from the rock, Geralt tumbles onto the bedroll already laid out on the ground, delighting in Jaskier's giddy squeals. The bard isn’t the only one with thigh tricks to share that night.
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flowercrown-bard · 2 years
13. and/or 23. for the writer asks !! i’m curious 👀
thank you, fellow bard XD
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
the hardest are topics that i know can be upsetting for people and I need to decide whether to write about it as realistically as i can or if i should go with the excuse of "it's fantasy, so I can write it however I want". For example, it was really important to me to be realistic when portraying alzheimers and grief in my old!Jaskier fic, but also I was so afraid that that would be too much for the readers. It definitely was too much for myself at some points and i spent the whole day thinking bad thoughts, so that definitely was the most difficult thing to write about emotionally
the easiest was writing about the funny side of being asexual or aromantic. I love the angsty ace fics, but writing a silly one where the ace character is just confused about what everyone else's deal is (same with the aro character who doesn't get romance bc it sounds kinda stupid) was very freeing. It was like saying "actually, not every part of my sexuality is filled with doubts and angst. Some of it is just realising that apparently people don't exaggerate when saying that someone's hot"
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture
most frequent environment:
I'm sitting on my bed. The blanket is pulled up , no matter how hot it is. I'm either sitting crosslegged (not very comfy at the moment with the cast) and the blanket draped over my shoulders, or I'm sitting with my legs stretched out. The plushy @parttime-creative made for me is sitting on my chest for comfort. Sometimes, I turn the plushy to the light blue side when i want to be productive and to the red side when i need to remind myself to take a break. there's a cold cup of tea sitting next to me that i made to motivate myself but that I have forgotten to drink. I'm also using a sprint on discord to give myself the external pressure to write.
second most frequent environment:
I'm sitting on a tree stump at my favourite clearing in the woods. there are some tiny hills that are perfect for lying on and in a couple of weeks, the thornbushes that make it hard to get to the clearing will blossom with small white flowers. Every once in a while, I can see horses and people walk past, but they can't see me, because I'm hidden by tall grass and trees. There are squirrels and birds all around me, and bugs, because I am probably wearing a flowercrown while writing. It's kind of itchy, but it gives me the motivation to keep writing. I am writing on my phone. I don't realise how much time passed, until i look up and see that the sun is hidden behind the trees.
weird writers ask game
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funkylittlebard · 3 years
Hey, @mayastormborn you know how I said maybe a week ago that I had something for you? TA DA!
Sorry it took me so long, woops
Here is some platonic fluffy nonsense featuring Aro Jaskier and Vesemir. Also Lambert briefly, but this isn't really about him.
CWs: none that I can think of this time.
edit 18/05: Ao3 link
Jaskier sighed contentedly, snuggling in closer. Vesemir was running a hand through his hair so gently, at such a leisurely pace, that he thought he might fall asleep at any moment. A sleepy smile spread across his face- this had been a wonderful idea. They were sat by the fire in the Keep’s library, Vesemir in a worn, comfortable armchair with his legs covered in furs, and Jaskier leant back against him from his place on the rug. It felt soft beneath his fingers where he tugged gently at the strands, the sensation comforting. He could always relax better when he had something to do with his hands. Vesemir ran his hand through Jaskier’s hair, letting it fall through his fingers.
Jaskier shuffled even nearer to Vesemir, smiling widely as the other man hummed as he buried his fingers deeper into Jaskier’s hair. The calloused tips felt incredibly good on his scalp, so good that Jaskier could feel himself practically purring. Vesemir actually did purr when Jaskier did this for him- it was a Witcher thing, apparently, though Jaskier had yet to try it on any of the others.
The fire cracked loudly in front of them, startling Jaskier from his thoughts. Vesemir chuckled at him, legs shaking as the laugh reverberated through him. Jaskier looked up, pouting. He didn’t have to say anything before Vesemir smiled at him and stroked his cheek fondly, before going back to petting his hair.
Jaskier closed his eyes and leant back. Over the last few years of visiting the Keep, he had established that it was definitely much better than seeing out winter marking mediocre essays in Oxenfurt. Here, he had a friend who would show him affection openly and had never once mistaken their friendship and its resulting closeness for any kind of romantic arrangement. It was nice to be understood. Especially without any awkward explanations about how he “simply didn’t feel that way”. Poor Valdo, Jaskier thought, it wasn’t his fault I suppose. Just as his eyes were slipping shut, sleep calling to him, there was a heavy knock at the door.
“Oy! I’m coming in,” came a yell from outside. Vesemir tutted and tugged his furs closer to him.
“Don’t know why he bothers knocking when he doesn’t even ask if he can come in. No bloody manners that one,” he muttered as Lambert charged through the door and came to stand in front of them with a tray.
Jaskier blinked his bleary eyes open, not quite able to understand what Lambert was saying. His eyes were drawn to the pair of steaming mugs the younger witcher had on the tray. There was a slight smell of spiced rooibos emanating from them and Jaskier sighed happily, wriggling his arms out from under his blanket. He reached out towards Lambert, waggling his hands at him. He still hadn’t heard a word the man had said but that didn’t matter- Lambert had tea. The witcher frowned down at him and his sentence stuttered to a halt.
“Impatient bastard,” Lambert mumbled, leaning down to pass Jaskier the spiced tea. Jaskier let out a happy little squeak and snuggled back into Vesemir’s legs with his cup. He closed his eyes again, enjoying the warming sensation. He could vaguely register the deep grumbling sound of Vesemir talking to Lambert, but he was blissfully ignorant of what, exactly, they were talking about. He took a sip of the tea and was pleasantly surprised at the combination of spices. Witchers weren’t always too keen on strong flavours, he had noticed, as they bothered their strong senses. He flicked his eyes back open, staring at the fire and its comforting orange hues again. Lambert had settled himself on the window seat with a book, his warm breath fogging up the glass.
Vesemir looked at Lambert for a long moment, and then stood up, making to walk over to the fire, but Jaskier grabbed his ankle.
“Wait, Ves, I have something for you,” Jaskier rummaged around under the chair and Vesemir frowned at him fondly- the space wasn’t that big, so it was impressive that Jaskier had managed to hide anything there at all. Jaskier produced a brown package, tied up tightly with string. He held it out to Vesemir, eyes wide and sparkling with excitement. Vesemir tore open the package carefully, smiling at Jaskier as he pulled the object loose from the packaging. It felt soft in his grip, and he ran his thumbs over it for a moment, enjoying the feel of the fabric. It was a dark, forest green colour, made with beautiful tight-knit lines of wool. He looked down at Jaskier, who smiled up at him sheepishly. “I tried to make one for you myself. But uh, it didn’t turn out so well.”
He pulled out another package- equally well- wrapped, but when Vesemir opened it he found a fluffy green hat, lopsided and with several large holes in it. There was a loose line of wool trailing down the left side, and Vesemir felt like his heart was going to burst. He slipped it onto his head, and let out a chuckle when it fell to cover his eyes. Pulling it back just far enough that he could see out again, he looked at Jaskier.
“Thank you, Jaskier, for the two lovely hats.” He paused to pull the too-large knitwear off his head and stopped when he heard a sniffle. “Jaskier, wait no, why are you crying?” The snuffling continued as a few tears started to fall down Jaskier’s face. Jaskier wiped a hand across it and blinked wet eyes up at him.
“I picked out the decent one in Ard Carraigh, the lady told me it was the best for the snows and the cold weather, and- Vesemir what’s that?” The older man was now holding a parcel out to him, which Jaskier took with shaky hands. He tore it open hastily, shreds of paper flying over his shoulders. He pulled out the soft fabric with wide eyes, a look of awe on his tear-stained face. “Did you make this?” Vesemir nodded. “What the fuck? Why were you so nice about my knitting when this is what you can do?” Jaskier scrambled to his feet and threw himself at Vesemir, clinging desperately to his friend’s shoulders. “Let me take mine back and you can pretend you never saw it,” he finished, hiding his head in Vesemir’s neck, and he felt a hand pat his back.
“And why would I want to do that? When one of my dearest friends has made something for me, how could I possibly want to get rid of it?” Jaskier sniffled again, and Vesemir hugged him tighter. They stood there for a long moment holding each other. There was a sudden loud noise, and they startled apart in surprise, glancing around for the cause. The tension was broken when the noise rumbled through the room again and they saw Lambert, now sound asleep by the window, snoring loudly. Vesemir chuckled quietly at the sight of his youngest pup slumped against the glass, and Jaskier had to hold a hand to his mouth to keep the laughter back. “I think that’s our cue to go to bed, bard,” Vesemir said, stepping up to Lambert and lifting him into his arms with ease. They headed out of the library and Jaskier walked up the stairs, wrapped tightly in his new scarf. He never wanted to take it off again.
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wordsablaze · 3 years
To Be Loved
Love is a fickle thing, it can burst into life within minutes or it can take months to fully bloom. The one thing Jaskier and Eskel can always agree on is that it's more than worth the time it takes...
A/N: continues on from to be found but also works as a standalone, written for aro week <3
Their first date had gone well, all things considered.
Eskel had been a little sleep deprived on account of working until late and worrying until even later but Jaskier hadn’t seemed to mind at all, bursting with enough enthusiasm for the both of them.
He’d been waiting outside the bakery at six, scrolling through his phone and looking up just as Eskel was debating whether he should just sneak back inside. Jaskier had grinned widely and Eskel had immediately known it was going to be a good evening.
“You look like you have a lemon stuck in your mouth,” Lambert tells him as he walks into work a week later.
“And how would you know what that looks like?” Eskel grumbles.
To be honest, he’s felt like he has a lemon stuck in his mouth since last weekend because Jaskier had promptly disappeared off the face of the earth. He wants to think it’s just a coincidence but he can’t help feeling as though it’s another case of the whole Eskel isn't good at first dates so of course it wouldn’t work out thing again.
Lambert raises his hands in surrender and gestures to the kitchens, where everyone is allowed to work in peace when they’re not in the right mindset for actual interaction. He zones out immediately, only looking up when Coen pokes his head in the doorframe.
“We might need your help with this guy,” he says, and Eskel sighs, already expecting a problematic customer or something.
What he’s not expecting is Jaskier tapping his foot on the floor and biting his lip. He freezes when he sees Eskel, opening his mouth to say something, but Eskel holds up a hand. “Can you come through to the back? I don’t want to have this conversation here.”
In the few minutes it takes for them to reach the office, he’s decided he’s more than ready for Jaskier to admit his spontaneous flirting was just a whim and he's not interested in anything else. Only, Jaskier does nothing of the sort.
“Eskel, I am so sorry about disappearing! I didn’t mean to, I swear! It’s just that Shani’s place flooded so she broke her ankle and I had to drive her to the hospital but we were arguing on the way and this guy at a red light decided I’d hurt her as if I wouldn’t rather die but we ended up fighting and I ended up with a concussion again and we both had to stay for observation or something and I- I’m really sorry for leaving you hanging,” Jaskier blurts.
Eskel blinks.
“Is she okay?” he asks, not really sure what he’s meant to be focusing on.
Jaskier nods, his shoulders dropping as he lets out a slow exhale. “She went to medical school, she knew exactly what they were going to do before we even got in the car.”
“That’s useful,” Eskel replies, but then shakes his head. “Wait, are you okay? Someone gave you a concussion?”
He’d been amused last time Jaskier had downplayed concussions but now he’s seriously wondering if he should be concerned about how the other man can be so unfazed by so much - it’s not like you can develop an immunity to head trauma.
Jaskier just nods again. “Of course, I’m fine. I hope I didn’t give you the wrong impression?”
“Not at all,” Eskel lies.
There are arms around him before he can try and figure out whether Jaskier had seen through his lie. He stumbles slightly but allows the embrace to happen, oddly comforted by the fact that Jaskier is just as relieved to have explained the truth as Eskel is; maybe this time things truly can work out, he thinks.
“You really don’t have to go tonight,” Jaskier says for the fourth time that day.
Eskel sighs, throwing a cushion at him. “It’s been three months since we met, I think it’s about time I see you perform.”
Jaskier hums before flopping onto the small sofa, resting his head on Eskel’s lap with the rest of his body draped lengthwise, his feet dangling off the armrest at the end. “But I know you don’t like loud or crowded spaces and we aim to have exactly that,” he pouts.
There’s a long moment in which Eskel just appreciates that he’s not being forced to go despite how bizarre it is to experience the exact opposite situation. He smiles down at Jaskier and very truthfully says, “It won’t matter because I like you.”
He places a finger on Jaskier’s lips when he tries to argue again, chuckling. “And before you ask me again if I’m sure, don’t.”
Jaskier’s eyes practically sparkle for a moment before he twists his head and bites Eskel’s finger, nowhere near hard enough to hurt but firmly enough for it to be a shock.
Rolling his eyes, Eskel laughs. “What, my baking isn’t enough for you anymore?”
Starting to reply only to realise that he can’t form actual words whilst biting down on an index finger, Jaskier pulls Eskel’s hand away and grins. “Dessert is fine, darling, but you’re a five-course meal and I wouldn’t trade all the oven goodies in the world for you.”
Eskel has no idea how to reply to that.
It’s far more romantic than anything he’s used to and he’s never been good at flirting so the last thing he wants to do is say something that ruins whatever they have going on. After a long moment of panic, he settles on shrugging. “We have a pretty good oven.”
Jaskier hums in reply and thankfully doesn’t press on his hesitation, sitting upright with a small sigh. “I suppose I should go get dressed. Are you driving?”
“I don’t trust you with my car,” Eskel says, only half joking.
“I’ll be wearing those heeled boots then,” Jaskier grins, taking absolutely no offence as he springs to his feet and blows a kiss before heading to Eskel’s bathroom, where he’d dumped his change of clothes when arriving earlier and declared it was his domain for the rest of the day.
If anyone had told the Eskel of a few years ago that he’d willingly allow someone so chaotic to saunter around his home and genuinely flirt with him in every other conversation, he’d probably have rolled his eyes and assumed they’d somehow mistaken him for someone else; maybe changing his mindset has been for the better, he thinks.
The ocean has no right to be so elegant.
Eskel had never been a huge fan of beaches because the stubbornness of sand is quite frankly sinful but Jaskier absolutely adores everything about them and there’s only so many of his puppy dog eyes that can be refused.
“We’ll barely even touch the sand, I promise!” Jaskier had declared, and he’d made sure of it too.
Soon enough, they’re settled on the rocky side of the beach, propped up against a larger stone with their legs stretched out in front of them and their shoulders pressed together. Jaskier slips his fingers into Eskel’s and gently squeezes, which has quickly become one of Eskel’s favourite things ever.
“Aren’t the waves gorgeous?” Jaskier asks wistfully.
Eskel hums. “They can still kill you.”
Jaskier laughs, nudging him. “Ever the optimist, aren’t you? Nothing can kill me, darling, not today.”
Well, he can’t really argue with that because he feels the exact same way. It’s hard to think of anything morbid when celebrating six months together and he doesn’t particularly want to try so he just nods in agreement.
“Thank you,” Jaskier whispers after a while.
Eskel turns to him, tilting his head to one side. “No, you were right, it is soothing to watch the waves.”
“That’s not what I mean.” Jaskier lifts their connected hands and places a soft kiss on Eskel’s thumb before looking directly at him with an even softer smile. “Thank you for letting me stay for so long.”
He says that as if Eskel isn’t in disbelief about someone being willing to stay with him for so long, especially someone like Jaskier who could probably charm his way into the lives of anyone he pleases.
“I should be saying that to you,” Eskel admits, “I know I’m not exactly the best partner out there.”
Jaskier genuinely looks offended. He uses his free hand to poke Eskel’s stomach and glares at him. “Don’t say things like that, you are possibly the kindest and most patient person I know, not to mention the most handsome.”
Eskel’s face heats up at that and even though he knows he tries to be kind and patient, he can’t help wishing he could be more, that he could be charming and fun and worthy of the poetry Jaskier keeps texting to him whenever he’s drunk.
“Hey, look at me?” Jaskier asks.
Eskel’s head moves before he gives it permission but he has no regrets because Jaskier is smiling and he’s grown overly fond of that stupid smile and the way it manages to make him feel a little better every time it’s directed towards him.
“I love you,” Jaskier whispers.
His expression must give his alarm away because Jaskier squeezes his hand again and shuffles so he’s leaning his head on Eskel’s shoulder, looking out at the ocean. “You don’t have to say it back but I couldn’t possibly have gone another day without telling you. And it doesn’t matter, you’re still the best.”
Jaskier falls in love with someone or something new every other day but they’ve both been hesitant to acknowledge his unwavering commitment to loving Eskel until now. Eskel exhales slowly, letting his head rest stop Jaskier’s and closing his eyes.
His first instinct is to apologise but he’s almost certain Jaskier would throw him into the ocean if he did so he settles for squeezing Jaskier’s hand and shuffling even closer, focusing on the way they fit together so well, on the way everything they do together is comfortable, on the way he doesn’t feel pressured to pretend.
He’s always been a little scared of actually finding the love he usually only hears about through everyone else in fear of somehow failing at it but Jaskier has never demanded anything he wasn’t happy to give; maybe love isn’t so frightening with the right people, he thinks.
“Jaskier, where’s my hoodie?” Eskel asks, frowning at his wardrobe.
He knows Jaskier sometimes borrows his clothes but he’s not sure how to take that since he seems to do that with literally everyone he knows, whether that’s his bandmates, random people he meets at bars, or even Ciri on a few memorable, drunk occasions.
“Which one?” Jaskier calls back from the kitchen where he’d gone to find popcorn because he refuses to watch a film without some.
Eskel sighs. “The red one with the flowers.”
“Roses!” Jaskier corrects, and Eskel just knows he’s shaking his head in exasperation. “And I don’t know!”
After a moment of frustration, Eskel shrugs on the other red hoodie and makes his way to the kitchen, groaning when he sees Jaskier wearing the not so missing hoodie. Jaskier’s eyes widen at the sound and he spins on his heel to check the microwave as if having expected it to be exploding.
“I thought you said you didn’t know?” Eskel asks, raising an eyebrow.
Jaskier only frowns. “I don’t?”
It takes him a minute to catch on and finally glance down at himself, at which point he bites his lip and looks up again sheepishly. “I just grabbed a random one,” he mumbles eventually.
Eskel rolls his eyes because it’s not the first time they’ve had this type of conversation and makes his way over, using his thumb to gently pull Jaskier’s lip out from under his teeth before very softly kissing him. “Blue suits you better,” he whispers.
Jaskier nods, still wide-eyed and a little breathless as he lifts his arms and loops them around Eskel’s neck. “But red reminds me of you,” he whispers back, his gaze flickering between Eskel’s eyes and lips.
Well, there goes Eskel’s heart melting again.
The microwave beeps at them before he figures out how to reply, both of them jumping enough for their foreheads to crash together. Jaskier curses immediately, stepping back as he rubs his head and glares at the microwave as if it’d just stabbed him.
“Hope the popcorn is worth the pain,” Eskel says, laughing.
Jaskier sticks his tongue out before pulling the popcorn out, pouring it into a bowl and handing said bowl to Eskel as he has the steadier hand and is far less likely to spill it all before they even sit down, which they’d unfortunately had to learn from experience.
“Don’t doubt me, darling, you are going to love this film!” Jaskier declares just as he always does - he’s only right about half the time but Eskel has to credit him for the everlasting confidence at least.
It doesn’t take them long to settle, Jaskier leaning heavily on Eskel and their arms wrapped around each other, and although Eskel is about ninety percent certain he won’t like the film judging by the cover, he wouldn’t dare interrupt Jaskier’s mission to broaden his cinematic horizons or whatever.
“You are unfairly comfortable,” Jaskier mumbles, practically burrowing into his chest.
Eskel laughs, snuggling closer himself. “You have very strange standards.”
Jaskier hums quietly, choosing popcorn over replying to the accusation just as the film finally starts with a rather cliché shot of the view from a window. He was right in thinking he wouldn’t particularly like it but Jaskier’s constant commentary has both of them laughing and it’s worth the watch anyway; maybe being with someone else makes the boring things less boring, he thinks.
Weird how a year can feel like forever as well as no time at all.
Eskel wakes up on the morning after their first anniversary with a slow smile, taking in the way Jaskier is sprawled over him like some sort of misguided blanket.
Perhaps it’s just Jaskier’s poetic influence over the past year but he thinks it’s utterly fitting that sunlight just so happens to be falling over the two of them in a way that makes it seem as though they’re glowing even though it’s still winter.
It’s a good thing Jaskier sleeps like the dead when he actually manages to fall asleep for a normal human amount of time because it gives Eskel the chance to do things like bring them breakfast in bed. This one he’s been planning for a while so he doesn’t waste any time gazing and quickly slips out of bed, getting himself sorted and making his way to the kitchen.
He more or less makes the pancakes with muscle memory alone because there’s a part of him that can’t help worrying. He knows Jaskier loves him, he knows that better than he knows most things, but he’s never had a relationship this long and he doesn’t know the right etiquette to all of this.
Cursing inwardly, he grabs the tray - complete with a plate of four pancakes, two mugs of coffee, and one small envelope - and heads back to his bedroom, pausing in the doorway. “Right here,” he smiles.
Jaskier returns the smile, then yawns before raising his eyebrows at the sight of the tray. “We already had anniversary breakfast yesterday?”
“Are you saying you don’t want the pancakes?” Eskel asks, smirking when Jaskier sits up with a grin that makes his answer perfectly clear. “Thought so.”
“Mhm, you’re the best boyfriend in the galaxy,” Jaskier says as Eskel places the tray at the foot of the bed and settles beside him.
Eskel is more than aware his face has probably gone embarrassingly red but for once, Jaskier doesn’t point it out, instead getting distracted by and picking up the little envelope with a frown. “What’s this?”
Deep breath.
“Can I open it now?” Jaskier asks, thankfully able to guess that Eskel’s throat has gone a little too dry for him to explain.
When he nods, Jaskier offers him a smile and rips one side open, gasping when he sees what’s inside: a key. Or more specifically, a replica of Eskel’s house key.
“I love you,” Eskel says honestly.
It’d taken him a while to get things sorted in his head - not to mention several awkward conversations with his family and friends - but at this point, he’s absolutely certain he loves Jaskier and nothing can make him question his heart in the slightest.
Jaskier sniffles and throws his arms around Eskel before he can apologise for making him cry. And Eskel laughs, holding his boyfriend whom he truly genuinely loves because he is capable of that after all close until they’re both satisfied they’re not going to actually burst into tears or anything.
“I love you back, of course,” Jaskier says as he pulls back, rubbing his eyes.
Eskel grins, ignoring the way it almost physically hurts his face, and only grins further when Jaskier kisses him despite both of them being a little too smiley for it to really work.
“I can’t believe you made me cry before pancakes,” Jaskier grumbles eventually, elbowing him, but he’s still half-grinning and there’s a lot of mixed signals.
Laughing, Eskel brushes his thumbs under Jaskier’s eyes. “The pancakes aren’t going anywhere.”
Jaskier hums in acknowledgement and twirls the key between his fingers for a long moment, apparently thinking something over. “You are aware this means you’re never going to get a moment of peace again, right?” he asks.
“I’m willing to take that risk,” Eskel replies even though he’s never felt more at peace than when he’s with Jaskier.
“On your head be it, darling,” Jaskier laughs, shuffling so he can curl into Eskel’s arms again, “I love you so much.”
Eskel’s reply is swallowed by the lump in his throat but it’s okay because Jaskier knows and he knows Jaskier knows and that’s more than enough. Their breakfast will probably go cold before they get round to it but neither of them will mind because everything else is just so perfect; maybe love is just being patient with the differences, Eskel thinks.
ik this is fairly niche so it's unlikely many ppl will be reading but just in case: this fic was not meant to reflect aromanticism as a whole - sometimes you just don't aim for love and that's totally valid !! this was just a lil ventfic,,
ongoing masterlist for this au if you’re interested :)
thanks for reading !! masterlist | witcher blog: @itsjaskier​
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dandelioncasey · 4 years
Okay yes I ship Geraskier, bc I'm always a slut for men having to talk about their feelings (and bc I've seen like one episode and not played the games so I have no idea who Triss (?) is or how Yen's arc goes don't @ me I'll get to it at some point)
But you know what I would really like more of actually?
Geralt/Yennefer doing what they do and both having v strong non-sexual relationships with Jaskier (or Dandelion idefk)
If he's happy sleeping with strangers but being platonically or romantically committed to Geralt and Yen, good for him. If he says he's sleeping around and going on dates but actually he's ace or aro or both, good for him. If he has a committed sexual relationship with just Geralt, is aromantic, and has a QPR with Yen, guess what? Good for him!
I just really like fics where Yen and Geralt and also Jaskier and Geralt can be committed without making one of the love interests the villain of it all. Also Yen and Jaskier are either best friends/partners or absolutely hate each other and you can't convince me otherwise.
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Thank you for asking, too.
Sexuality Headcanon: What's a sesc-u-a-litty? Witcher. Okay so generally Geralt sleeps with random women because like he gets lonely and horny and if they aren't running away screaming he figures that's what you do about that, he guesses. But all his relationships (canon and fanon) have a big Treats-Me-Like-A-Person????-Sexuality. So like. I'm getting demi-aro-ish vibes? I guess? Like yeah he's gonna have sex with you but don't expect him to become like, romantically attached or anything. Also stop treating him like a person that's - that's weird. He's gonna have emotions about it and shit. Do you know how much time he spends on his own with Roach, having to think about this stuff? So yeah, I feel like he's vaguely demi-aro (if that's a thing) and bi, and he falls in love like a cat who loves swimming but pretends to hate baths to save face.
Gender Headcanon: Geralt is A Man, but with an extremely tired I Guess attached. Like technically he's a guy, right? Because boys grow up to be men? right? but also he's not a regular boy and he didn't grow up regularly and he can never really have any of the stuff that makes other men around him Men(TM)? He's never gonna have kids (*laughs hysterically*) or a family or a little farmstead or whatever, women and what men would want to be with him think he's repulsive (oh honey, no) - it's not even like he's different from other men as they among each other because of class or such. Like what do you do in a world where what's A Man and what's A Woman is very strictly defined in it's societal expectation and you're ... A Witcher, and there is nothing else and there are no girl witchers, and even if it’s not like it matters, so - shrug and go 'I Guess'. (Someone hug him pls.). But also I love all the trans hc in this fandom they are all great and I love them.
A ship I have with said character: Jaskier/Geralt and Yen/Geralt and Yen/Geralt/Jaskier, I guess? Idk haven't really met game!Jaskier yet, but I already like game Yen & Geralts 'exes who don't fuck but oh god the tension' thing more than I liked the show. I hear the books have Geralt/Yen cuteness in the form of Actually Canon Affectionate Interaction? And I guess in a three-way they'd annoy the hell out of each other and would also be an Unstoppable Powerhouse on account of combining maxed out charisma & luck, survival & fighting and magic & politic-ing stats and even archiving like one whole usable braincell between them, two, on good days, so like 10/10, love it.
A BROTP I have with said character: I haven't really met the other Witchers yet in the games, but I feel like the general vibe on my dash is that the Wolf School has big Cuddlepile Energy, so I'll go with that.
A NOTP I have with said character: I feel like I can never answer these because I'm always vaguely down for anything as long as it's well-written or explores something interesting, and otherwise I'm just MEHTP. Like for example I know a lot of ppl hate Geralt/adult!Ciri, and I get why, but also like. You could do something there. Narratively. But yeah I guess Geralt/Ciri as a NOTP?
A random headcanon: Geralt doesn't know non-enhanced humans can't really tell what kind of meat they're eating really well. Like he doesn't remember not being able to taste it out, and they can tell if it's good or bad meat and game or pork and such, so they must be able to tell what it is in stew and sausage, too? Right? So he's kind of the reverse of the 'I said it was horse piss, not that I don't like it' situation, where he kind of assumes ppl are way more down with eating things they Officially Wouldn't and are like. politely pretending they don't know what that is, and he doesn't want to upset them so he also obviously doesn't comment because it would be Rude and he doesn't want to Make Trouble. And it's not like he's going to be sick from basically anything served in a regular kitchen, so no harm done to him. He finds out this is not true because Jaskier bitches at him about 'always' (not true!) stealing his sausages 'like an asshole' and Geralt's just standing there like ... but I know you don't like horse I assumed you were just to polite to say something? What do you mean 'you didn't know' - just because there's a bit of groats and nutmeg and clove at it you can't tell if it's horse all of a sudden??? Are you kidding me, it tastes like horse.
General  Opinion over said character: Deserves All The Hugs. Like idk he hates himself so much and he deserves good things and ppl being nice to him. What little I've played of the games, I like a lot better than the series for him character-wise, because he's just a lot less ... one-note? And grumpy-assholey. And also doesn't take quiet as much lying down, at least emotionally. Or maybe that's just because I like to play him like A Bitch who’s Done With This Shit.
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