#javid drabble
frogmanfae · 1 year
*slips and drops this* oh- whoops!
"It's you and me, always and forever, right?"
Jack had a firm grip on Davey's hand as he asked the question. It wasn't easy, their relationship. Davey wasn't ready to tell anyone, which was fine with Jack, but it took a lot more work to stay secret than it would to just date openly.
"Right..." David agreed, but his voice was weak and his eyes seemed to have a hard time focusing, "unless..."
Jack raised an eyebrow and he made it a point to look into Davey's eyes, no matter how difficult it was, "unless...?"
"Well..." David looked down. He never had been good at eye contact, even under normal circumstances, "I dunno..."
"Sweetheart," Jack moved his fingers to lift David's chin ever so gently, "Sweetheart look at me, will ya?" David's eyes fluttered up, but didn't meet Jack's gaze, instead fixing on his nose. Jack figured it was best not to test his luck, so he took it, but he did make note of the starting stages of tears he saw. "Talk to me..."
"It's stupid-"
"It ain't stupid!" Jack's voice remained soft in the way he was so good at, but it had a new edge to it. Firm, almost. Maybe urgent. Davey couldn't tell. "Hey, what did we talk about, huh? I wanna hear what's going on in that brain of yours." He moved his hand from David's chin to tap on his forehead like he would somehow reach Davey's thoughts by doing so. It didn't give Jack access to his brain, but it did make Davey smile, just a little, so Jack still considered it a win. "What's it tellin you?"
David sighed, looking away again. "It's just... I mean always is a long time... I'm..." He tensed his jaw, the way he does when he's trying to say something but can't figure out how to say it without conveying a certain message, Jack had noticed. After a minute, he decided on, "you'll get bored eventually."
Jack's brain stopped working for a second, then began turning a million gears all at once. There were so many thoughts running through his head that he couldn't grasp on to anything but the solid feeling of confusion.
"Bored?" he finally stammered out. "Bored?" Jack shook his head, as if that would help him understand the situation. It didn't. "Davey, Darlin' what are you... You think I'd get bored? Of what? Of you?"
"I... Jack I'm just-"
"Nuh uh." Jack held up his hand, "I'm sorry, you know I don't usually mean to interrupt you but... Davey, baby, I just... I can't even wrap my head around how I could ever be bored with you! I don't- I seriously don't... I don't see a... a possible way. I mean..." He shook his head and blinked for a long time, "I really don't see anythin that could... That could lead to... I mean... Gah!"
"Jack, one day, you'll meet someone who... Who will excite you in ways I never could. They'll go horseback riding with you and... and they'll start fights with the Delanceys and... they'll be able to show you off to the world... like you deserve..."
Jack smiles, almost a happy one. "Davey, Sweetheart..." he reaches to cup David's cheeks in his palms and softly wipe away his tears with his thumbs, "I don't care about any of that. I want you. You hear? You're my partner, my fella, my bookworm, my smarty pants, my Boopsie-" that one got a little giggle out of Davey, just what Jack had been aiming for. Jack's smile got a little bit wider, a little bit happier at the sound.
"Gross, never call me that again." Davey swatted at Jack's hands and turned to lean on Jack's chest. He didn't let go of his fingers.
"Ohhh but it made you smile!" Jack swayed (by extension swaying Davey on his chest, only making him laugh more). "I was gonna keep goin you know, till ya caved. They were just gonna keep gettin more n more ridiculous."
"More ridiculous than Boopsie?"
"I think you're underestimatin' me. I had Schnookums, Stud Muffin, Casanova, Dream Machine-"
"Dream Machine?"
"Yeah, you know, 'cuz I's a dreamer n' all n' lately you've been runnin' all my dreams-"
"God, you are such a sap," Davey sniffed away his remaining tears as he focused on twisting around Jack's fingers. If all else failed, that would always work to calm him down.
"Hey, Dream Machine."
Davey snorted. "Yeah?"
"I want you to remember somethin' for me, alright? I think you can do it, considerin' you're also my Bookworm and Smarty Pants."
He rolled his eyes, but Jack noticed his smile only got bigger, even just a little bit. "What might that be, Sheriff?"
"Sheriff?" Jack raised an eyebrow with an amused smile.
"Yeah, Sheriff. Or are you the only one who can make dumb nicknames?"
"I like it." He moved his hand to squeeze Davey's. The firm pressure always seemed to reassure David that Jack was meaning what he was saying, and Jack really needed him to know that he meant what he was about to say.
David took a deep breath. Not because he was nervous, it was more so because he was exhausted. Emotionally, anyhow. Jack knew it would be a while before he spoke again. It didn't take Jack long to figure out that for someone who always seemed to have the right words, sharing them took a lot out of David, and there were times where he just had to be quiet. That was okay with Jack. He knew David was still listening to his every word, even if he wouldn't respond to them.
"I'd rather be bored with you than excited with anyone else."
Davey turned to look at him, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. It almost seemed like he was going to cry again, but he just pressed his lips together into a soft smile and squeezed Jack's hand tight. Now, Jack would never claim to be the smartest guy around, especially not in the presence of Davey, but it didn't take much for him to understand what that meant.
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loiteringandlurking · 10 months
Javey go stargazing on top of a building, the feelings are big and raw and decidedly there. Davey compares jack to the stars and jack doesn't know how to respond. Jacks emotions are so big he doesn't know how to express it with words, so he expresses it with touches. Lying down shoulder to shoulder with Davey, sitting them both up just so he can gently trace his knuckles over the perfect curves and corners of davey's face. The reflection of the galaxy in his eyes, the breeze tossing pollen and dust over his features.
Jack doesn't know how to deflect, as he does with so many things, the way Davey's eyes fill with absolute love when he looks at jack. He's never seen this much love come out of one person, directed at him. The city can't see them up on top of this building, the newsies aren't here to laugh and jeer and make fun of jack when he fits himself into Davey's shadow sometimes.
And he might only get this chance once.
He kisses Davey like it's the last time he'll ever see him, like when the sun begins to rise, Davey will dissolve into the morning air.
Davey kisses back, smiling like he's meeting an old friend.
On that night they feel complete. So fully, truly complete.
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sky-neverending · 10 months
newsies drabble!
Prompt: Fair
Fandom: Newsies
Characters: Jack and Davey
“Where are we going?” Davey asked, his hand warm in Jacks as the older boy led them across rooftops.
Jack looked back at him with a smile. “Somewhere fun.”
They walked for what seemed like forever, jumping from building to building until there was no where left to walk but the streets. Jack stopped when the reached an alleyway, grinning at Davey.
“Close your eyes, Dave,” he said. Davey did so, letting Jack continue to lead him blindly. “Right. You can open yous eyes now.”
When Davey did, a smile crossed his lips. “Jack,” he whispered. “Is this the fair?”
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mushiimune · 2 years
8 javid?
8. "Wanna bet?"
“Jack, you’re supposed to adjust your vest in the back.”
“Huh? Whaddya talking about?” Jack craned his neck as if he could somehow get a better look at his back, easily tucking his papes under one arm. “I did. I do. Every morning.”
“Wanna bet?” David rolled his eyes. 
He’d made a point of trying not to think about what exactly Jack did in the morning, and not just because it wasn’t any of his business. There was something profoundly earthly about picturing his friend tiredly climbing out of bed and going through the same motions as everybody else upon first waking up that for some reason made David’s pulse quicken.
David shook his head and shoved his papers against Jack’s chest, grabbing his arm to turn him around. 
“Stand still,” said David, realizing his mistake too late. If there was one way to get Jack Kelly to do something, it was by telling him not to do it.
As if in retaliation to David’s command, Jack could not stop fidgeting and shifting from foot to foot. For once he didn’t mean to make things harder for David on purpose, but he just couldn’t see the harm in wearing ill-fitting clothes, nor the merit in straightening himself to excess, especially in their line of work. Looking neat and orderly wasn’t going to help him sell more papes. In fact, it was liable to do the opposite, and David ought to have known that, after everything Jack had taught him.
“Hurry up, wouldja?” Jack muttered. “You’re stalling on purpose. Dawdling, procrastinating, dilly-dallying…”
David huffed, which sounded more like a laugh than a noise of indignation. “Dilly-dallying?”
“The old man says I’m a professional at it.”
“He’s not wrong,” David mumbled. He’d finished fumbling with the buckle, hands hovering over the strap on Jack’s back longer than was admittedly necessary. “There. You’re welcome.”
Jack turned around, brandishing a toothy smile. He handed back David’s papes. 
“Thanks, Dave. I’d offer to return the favor, but you always look perfect.”
David shook his head. “You’re not fooling me with that one.”
“I ain’t fooling at all,” said Jack. He bumped his shoulder to David’s as he passed by him. “I’m serious. Nothin’ to fix. So all I can say is thanks.”
David opened his mouth, then closed it. He sheepishly followed after Jack, who’d already started calling out an improved version of that morning’s headline once again. Jack was good at that – making things sound better or worse than they actually were…
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we-are-inevitable · 8 months
i might loosen my grip, but i’ll never let you go // javid
Tumblr media
"I guarantee you, you don't want me. You don't."
The words hit Jack like a truck.
When he told himself he was going to finally confess to David today, when he ran through all of the options and avenues for the conversation while on the thirty minute subway ride, he never once considered this option. The option where David thought he wouldn't be good enough, the one where he would say– that.
Or, Jack wants David. David wants Jack. David doesn't want Jack to deal with him.
Author’s Note: this is the drabble i posted last night, but updated and much longer! i hope you guys enjoy!!
Read on AO3!
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piedoesnotequalpi · 6 months
for the card game: javid? <3
(trope card ask game!)
Howdy! I drew the jack of diamonds (coffee shop AU) and six of hearts (roommates). I know these seem contradictory in nature, but I made it work! This no longer counts as a drabble, since it is >100 words, but I hope you enjoy it.
“Black tea for David!”
David grabbed the to-go cup and rushed outside. He’d wanted to be early to his apartment tour, but the bus had gotten stuck in traffic, and then he’d walked the wrong way, and then…
David tried to breathe as he walked to the apartment. While he waited for someone to answer the door, he looked at his cup and realized the barista had written his number on it. He snorted; the barista had been cute, but David didn’t think he was the kind of person who could get a stranger’s number like that.
“My roommate should be back in a couple minutes,” Tony said when he’d finished showing David around. “If you want to wait.”
David nodded and sat awkwardly on the couch. Sure enough, the door opened and someone came crashing in.
“So you’re the new roommate,” the newcomer said. “You’re–oh, fuck.”
Of all the people David had been expecting as potential roommates, the barista who’d just given him his number had been pretty low on the list.
“Hi,” David said slowly.
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chaosfairy18 · 1 month
So I feel you on the having no motivation thing, just wanted to say you'll get through this, I'm in the same place lol
Sometimes it helps me to just like ramble about my favorite little background moments from the movie/broadway- if you don't have the motivation to write, maybe try doing that? And then maybe that will give you some inspiration!
Hey, thank you so much for this! It does mean a lot to just hear I'm not the only one having the problem and to hear some possible solutions.
While I do talk about the newsies so much with friends it might help to put some things on Tumblr and ramble to just hear some other opinions too you're right 🤔
And I also might have a tip as well (that I got from a good friend and I only really had the chance to try it out yesterday). I did actually manage to write a bit by writing it completely in a discord chat instead of any of my writing programs to tell myself "it isn't that important, it's just a small drabble/fun thing just write it down it isn't big" and that did help!
I'll probably even post it today (it is a Javid modern drabble and I haven't really written anything just on them before but it is cute)
Thanks once more for the message :)
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and that’s the thing about illicit affairs…
javid / 686 words / just a drabble i wrote for fun last night!
“You’re married.”
Davey states it.
He doesn’t ask it, it’s not a question— no, he says it like he’s sure of it, like he figured it out somehow, like he saw through every perfectly crafted falsehood Jack has presented to him.
He looks utterly devastated.
Jack’s mouth opens and closes as he tries to figure out what to say. All that eventually comes out is:
It’s immediate, the way Davey shakes his head, biting down on his lip like he’s holding back tears.
“No. Don’t Dave me.” He snaps. “You fucking lied to me… you’re married. You have a wife, don’t you? You—" He pauses, cutting himself off, and then continues. “God, Jack, do you have kids?”
Jack shakes his head.
“No! I don’t, I— listen, I have a girl, okay? But that’s not—"
“Jesus. That’s all she is to you, huh? Something to have? You don’t even need to respect her, or—"
“I do respect her!”
“You’re having a goddamn affair!”
“This has nothing to do with her!”
“It has everything to do with her!” Davey throws his hands in the air, exasperated. “You’re fucking married to her, you idiot! She trusted you, and you made a fucking commitment to each other, and now you’re naked in my goddamn bed every weekend. Are you insane or just stupid!?”
Jack drops his head in his hands for a moment. It wasn’t supposed to fall apart like this, not here and not now.
“Fuck,” he groans. “How’d you even find out, man?”
Davey rolls his eyes.
“You’re wearing a ring.”
Jack looks at his left hand in surprise— sure enough, his wedding band is still in place. He forgot to take it off. There’s no talking around it: the plain gold ring very obviously has one possible purpose.
“I thought you were just closeted,” Davey adds, when Jack has been quiet for too long, “but this explains it a lot better— not wanting to stay the night, never inviting me over, only hanging out on your schedule. I can’t believe I was too stupid to realize it.”
“Davey, I…” Jack starts, fumbling for an excuse and coming up empty. He sighs. “Damn it. I’m so sorry. It was never supposed to end up like this, y’know?”
Davey laughs, but there’s no humour in it.
“No. I don’t know. I don’t know what the fuck you expected to happen,” he snaps, “but look what you did. You ruined things with me and with her— because I’m gonna tell her, I’m gonna find out who she is and I’m gonna tell her how much of a scumbag you are— and you’ll be alone, Jack. You did it to yourself. Good fucking job.”
“It’s not—" Jack cuts himself off and restarts, fearing the inevitable word vomit that’s about to pour out. “Look, things aren’t good with her right now. Like, between us. It’s bad, and it’s been bad for a while, and I don’t want her anymore. I want you. I’ll leave her, I swear— we’re hanging on by a thread these days anyways. We’re practically separated. I’ll bite the bullet and get the divorce, because I know we need to do it, and then you and I can be together for real, okay?”
“You think I believe that?” Davey scoffs. “Come on. You’ve lied to me for this long— you think I can’t see that you’ll just leave me when you get bored of me? Maybe you’ll find some other gullible asshole to string along instead, and you can do this all over again. Is this fun for you?”
“No! No, it’s not fun.” There are tears in Jack’s eyes now. “It sucks, Dave. I didn’t mean to do this.”
Davey shrugs, aggressively nonchalant.
“Well, you did it, so you can go fuck yourself. Get out of my apartment and never talk to me again, okay?”
“No.” Davey points to the door. “Leave. We’re done. Congratulations on ruining something really good.”
There’s nothing more Jack can say without digging himself a deeper grave here.
He leaves, and he doesn’t let himself cry until the door is closed behind him.
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baura-bear · 1 year
hey pookie bear sending in another javid drabble because i love you very much and also i know you enjoyed the last one sooo<3 ngl i keep forgetting people see my asks that i send in so others will read it too but that's ok. it is Dedicated to Maura anyway
"I love you so much," David murmurs into Jack's neck as they sit on the roof of David's apartment building, like they do most nights before having dinner with David's family.
Jack bites his lower lip a little and grins, hugging David tighter and resting his head on top of David's.
"You're great, Jack," David adds, nibbling on Jack's neck and causing him to let a breathy laugh out, his hands tightening on David's shoulders and pinching them a little.
"Why do you say that so often?" Jack wonders, burying his face in David's soft, curly hair, sniffing it. It always smells nice. "I mean, not that I mind or somethin', just... I dunno."
"Exactly. I say it because you don't know," David hums, raising his head to look Jack in the eyes, his own, blue ones softer than ever, and the way the moonlight reflects in them makes Jack's breath hitch a little. How is David always so gorgeous?
"I don' get it," Jack whispers, resting his forehead against David's, his hand reaching up to David's neck and giving it a little caress, one that causes David's lips to twist into a beautiful smile. He's so ticklish, and Jack loves it so much.
"You don't realize how important you are. To everyone else, and to me, especially. I love you, and I just want to keep saying it until you get it," David explains quietly, bumping his nose against Jack's.
Jack watches David idiotically for a solid minute before letting out a shy laugh again. "But... I know that. That... You love me," he says the last part almost inaudibly, the words almost dying in his throat. It feels too bold, like he isn't allowed to admit that he knows that David does love him, because then it'll go away magically. Thankfully, that doesn't happen.
"Sure, but I know you get anxious about it sometimes still," David observes with a sly little smile, but it isn't cheeky, it's just warm.
"I don' get anxious!"
"Yeah, you do. You never say it, but I notice. Like when we don't get to see each other all day and then when we do you get so clingy and kiss me a lot, like you're scared I forgot about you or something," he says off the top of his head, watching as Jack grows flustered. "Or when you wait for me at my school's gates and you watch me so intently when I say goodbye to my classmates. And then, when we're alone, you grab my hand really tight, and I know it's because you want to make sure I didn't meet anyone else," he carries on, and Jack scoffs, ready to defend himself. It baffles him how David can sometimes read him like an open book.
"Jack." David forces Jack to look at him by placing a hand on Jack's cheek, and Jack blushes even more, his eyes looking like the ones of a sad, pathetic, wet kitten. Like he feels guilty for doubting David's love. "It's okay, Jack," he assures in a hush. "It's okay to feel jealous and anxious about it, I... I get like that all the time, too, I especially did when I first started selling papers. But that's okay, since I remind myself that you... You know," he whispers, getting a bit shy.
Jack smiles in awe, and his heart is thumping so hard in his chest. He closes the small gap between them in a kiss, a brief but nonetheless loving one. "I love you, Davey," he finally says after they part, a sweet, boyish smile on his lips, his fingers twisting into David's hair. "Sorry if I don't say it enough."
David shakes his head quickly. "No, that wasn't my point, it's not a matter of-- This isn't about me anyway! Don't change the topic," he scolds, but he can't help but smile when he sees Jack doing that too.
"You're tellin' me I shouldn't say it?" Jack teases, raising his eyebrows in faux surprise, but his grin grows wider as David rolls his eyes.
"You're impossible."
"And you love that," Jack notices, letting himself be bold about it this time, and he loves the way David smiles about it, almost with pride.
"Damn right," he murmurs, and then goes in for another kiss. "I reckon we have a bit of time before Mama calls for dinner," he says in between smooches, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and then there's no need for any more words.
tee hee :3c
Dave there are no words /pos
I woke up righteously hung over and I cannot describe the joy that ran through me upon seeing this in my ask box. As always this is phenomenal and my heart has melted into a little pile of mush they’re just so 🤌🤲🤲 since I’m not able to give them forehead kisses I rest easy knowing that they can give each other forehead kisses
Also ticklish Davey ticklish Davey hehehe
I love them I love them I love them thank you so much for sharing I loved this so much 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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anotherdaveyjacobs · 2 years
About Me
I’m Alex. 29 years old. She/her with a side of they/them depending on the day. Biromantic graysexual.
Newsies my love <3
My Writing!
She's Not You
Fandom: Newsies
Relationships: Jack Kelly/David Jacobs, Jack Kelly/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer
Additional Tags: Post-Break Up, Open Ending
Word Count: 1,243
Summary: Jack wakes up with his arms wrapped around Katherine. She's still asleep, snoring softly (though she'll never admit it), sunlight streaming in through the window and making her red hair that much brighter. He's happy. He is.
Except their hotel room has a view of the Eiffel Tower, and the sight makes him want to be sick. He's hit with a wave of memories, of exploring the same city with someone else- broad shoulders, bright blue eyes, and a laugh that made his stomach flip happily.
Favorite T-Shirt
Fandom: Newsies
Relationships: David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins
Tags: Sharing Clothes, Implied Sarah Jacobs/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer
Summary: "C'mon, Davey, the water's fine!" David laughs, and Jack falls a little more in love with him at the sight.
Word Count: 988
Inspired by: "Favorite T-Shirt" by Jake Scott
Unanswered Calls
Fandom: Newsies
Relationships: David Jacobs/Jack Kelly
Tags: Car Accidents, Hurt No Comfort
Summary: Jack and David get into a fight, and David storms out.
Word Count: 716
Fandom: Newsies
Relationships: David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins
Tags: lots of minor newsies appearances right now, Les Jacobs is nb
Summary: David absolutely did not run away from his feelings...but he hasn't been home to New York in three years.
Word Count: 8,758 (WIP)
Early Morning Javid Drabble
Prompts I've Done (all Javid all day):
(feel free to send me prompts!)
sharing long term dreams & goals || blossoming romance
don't you see? you matter to me || friends to lovers
sleeping in the same bed but waking up cuddling || friends to lovers
slow dancing with soft smiles || little romantic gestures
feeling surreal at waking up next to them || soft gestures friends to lovers
please say it || soft gestures friends to lovers
when they hesitate to kiss you || soft gestures friends to lovers
‘wait, you think i’m cute?’ || soft and sweet
picking a leaf out of their hair || blossoming romance
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Okay so I'm currently working on a college au Newsies fic (Javid) inspired by this post in which Davey is married to Oscar Delancey, Oscar is (predictably) abusive, and Davey ends up cheating on him with his best good friend Jack Kelly. I recently finished writing a scene that just feels far too chaotic to properly mesh with the rest of the story and there is no making it any less chaotic, so here it is as a stand alone drabble. I might try to salvage bits and pieces of it, but it just doesn't work as it's written. This is before Davey cheats and he is currently trying to convince himself and everyone else that he is happy in his relationship.
Below the cut
Davy stiffens. He didn't tell Oscar he wouldn't be home because he thought he would be back and asleep before Oscar came back. This couldn't be him, it's only seven thirty. No way is he home-
"Oh, it's my sister." Relief washes through him. "My little brother wants to video chat." He glances over at Jack. "You in?"
"In what?" Jack pushes himself to a sitting position.
"Do you want to call my siblings? If not I can always call them tomorrow-"
"No way man I'm so in!" He smiles and takes the blanket he was laying on and wraps it around his upper body. "You wanna go inside for better lighting?"
"Nah, I like it up here." Davey smiles, typing a quick response to Sarah. "They can see fine enough... Probably." He moves so he's sitting next to Jack and nudges him so he can fit under the blanket he has wrapped around his shoulders. They're really close, but it's just for warmth. Of course it is. Warmth and nothing else. So what if the way Jack's body presses against his own makes his head swim just a little bit? He's on a rooftop of a building in New York City, of course he's bound to get a little bit of vertigo. The blanket is small and Jack is warm. It only makes sense to be so close together in the chill of late November after dark.
Davey hesitates for a moment before pressing the call button. "Please don't flirt with my sister."
"What do you take me for, a strumpet?"
Davey blinks. "Yes."
"Yeah that's fair." Jack nods. "You have my word, I don't wanna make 'er uncomfortable or nothin."
"Thank you." Davey smiles as he hits the call button, almost immediately being connected to his siblings.
"Hi David!" Sarah smiles into the camera.
"Where the hell are you?"
"Leshem!" Davey scolds. "Sarah what have you been teaching him?"
"It's not me! I promise!" Sarah holds her hands up. "He asked a good question, though. Where are you? It's so dark that it looks like there are two of you."
"Oh there are two of us." Davey leans closer into Jack's body. For warmth. "This is Jack."
"He likes cowboys."
"Love me some wild wild west!" Jack fakes a country accent, making Davey snort.
"Oh so that's the guy who's totally upped your mood?" Sarah teases.
"Shut up he has not!" Davey barks, thankful for the darkness concealing the pink dusting on his face.
"Ouch!" Jack leans away from Davey, effectively taking away both the heat of his body and the blanket.
"Oh my god no!" Davey whines. "No come back! It's too cold!"
"Well clearly if I don't mean nothin to ya-" Jack smirks, barely visible in the lack of illumination.
"No! No you mean the world to me! I take it back!" He laughs, reaching put to grab the blanket.
Jack moves it out of the way. "I'm deeply hurt, Dave."
"Jackie!" He pouts, still smiling. "Come on! I'm sorry! I'm gonna freeze to death!"
"Ugh you're so dramatic." Jack lifts the blanket to wrap it around Davey's shoulders and pull him closer to him anyway. "You're lucky I have a heart."
Davey just about melts into Jack's side, smiling up at him. "Yeah, I am." He focuses back on the screen in his hand. "How have you guys been?"
"Oh my god Sarah has been such a bitch lately!" Les whines.
"Leshem! She's taking care of you! Be nice!" Davey scolds.
"No, he's right I've definitely been a bitch." Sarah nods. "I'm just really tired with midterms and finals and cooking and-"
"And Katherine!" Les shouts.
"Katherine?" Davey raises his eyebrow, though not visible.
"Yeah you remember that girl that she-" Sarah puts her hand over Les's mouth.
"Oh my god, Sarah! You have to tell me these things! I'm your twin! It's like-" Davey hesitates, looking for the right term. "I don't know! The law! Or something!"
"Nothing has happened!" Sarah assures.
Les breaks free from her grasp. "That's not true! I saw them kissing!"
Davey gasps, Sarah waves her hands around. "No no it's not like that! I mean- okay yeah we kissed like one time!"
"I told you about every single time I did anything with Oscar in high school!"
"That's different- I... No that's totally different! Jack do you have a twin?"
"Uhh... Kinda? I got a brother the same age as me but-"
"Good enough. You can agree that kissing someone and not saying anything to your brother is different than having sex and not saying anything?"
"Oh that's not even fair!" Davey gasps. "I told you about our first like twenty kisses too!"
"Gross!" Les exclaims, earning a small shove from Sarah.
"You can go into the other room until we switch topics." She steers him away, knowing full well he'll still listen in.
"I don't tell Crutch when I have sex." Jack contributes. "Just for the record."
"Okay but the first time you have sex with someone you've been crushing on for a while?"
"Nah. That hasn't ever happened to me. My only serious relationship was with this girl in ninth grade and we never made it that far. The only people I've actually really liked since then have been unavailable in some way."
"What about your first first time then?"
"I didn't even know my brother yet. We didn't meet til two or three years after I lost the card."
"You guys are talking about this way too comfortably for two people who have never met." Davey comments.
"Well you hear all about my experiences nowadays, she looks a little too much like you, I guess." Jack smiles.
"Yeah I hear about way more than I'd prefer." Davey shudders.
"Oh, Davey! You don't mean that! You love hearin about when I-"
"Ahhh I'm not listening! I can't hear you!" He curls further into Jack's side in an attempt to muffle the sound since he can't cover his ears and hold the phone at the same time.
"Davey!" Jack laughs.
"Davey?" Sarah arches an eyebrow. "What happened to only letting people call you David or else?"
"Oh?" Jack gasps. "Ooh! Am I special? Do I get special nickname privileges, Dave?"
"No! You just wouldn't stop calling me that when I told you not to!"
"Oh but you introduced yourself to Buttons as Davey!" Jack bellows, way too excited about this. "Oh this is great."
"Sarah why did you have to say anything?" Davey groans.
"You didn't even let Oscar call you Dave that's why!"
"Oh!" Jack gasps. "Oh I've got privileges even the husband don't got!"
"Your grammar makes me want to jump off of this roof."
"You're on a roof?" Les nearly explodes. Davey isn't sure how long he's been there.
"Why are you on a roof?" Sarah questions.
"Because it's fun?" Davey says.
"That's it? Just because it's fun?" Davey can't quite find the words to describe her expression.
"Since when do you do anything just for fun?" Les asks so seriously that it almost hurts.
"Hey!" Davey frowns. "I'm fun!"
"Yeah and Les is allowed to stay up past ten." Sarah rolls her eyes.
"Ouch!" He leans into Jack's chest. "I'm fun, aren't I, Jackie?"
"Sure are, I don't know what they're talkin about." He smiles down at Davey.
Davey frowns more. "The sarcastic tone you're using wounds me."
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loiteringandlurking · 8 months
'jack, you, uh.... you got something.' jack's eyebrows draw together as davey points to jack's face with his fork.
'something o' what?' jack wipes his hand across his cheek. 'soot? dirt?' davey only giggles behind his hand, which is criminal.
'nah, lemme get it.' davey smiles his horrid smile and reaches across their table. his hand cups jack's cheek as davey swipes his thumb across the corner of jack's mouth, and jack has half a mind to lean over the table and kiss davey then and there as he watches davey's eyebrows knit. he feels davey's thumb on his face, harder this time, dragging out the corner of his lip, and jack swats his hand away.
'davey, what on earth?' jack tries not to smile a cheek-hurtingly amount as davey checks his thumb, his eyes drawing back to that corner of jack's mouth.
davey doesn't say anything (god save the man) and instead leans over their table and their food (his tie almost dragging through their meals) until his face is inches from jacks. jack feels his entire face turn red as Davey thouroughly searches his face, one thumb leaning up to the corner of his mouth again. davey scratches the corner of jack's mouth with his fingernail, and jack yelps. 'ow! dave, what the hell?' he brings his hand up to where davey scratched, the stinging sensation already subsiding.
'you have food on your face!' davey finally says, plopping back down onto his chair. 'there's a little crumb st the corner of your mouth! i don't have my glasses, so I was so proud of myself for noticing it, but it didn't come off! it's stuck to your face, jack! the crumb is fusing with you!'
jack searches davey's incredulous expression for any notes of sarcasm or jokes as he grins.
'davey,' he says carefully, surpressing laughter. 'is it a freckle?'
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jack-kellys · 3 years
hi hi !! moodboards...... i would literally pay for an 'i will keep the tides in tune' moodboard however i know ur not that into soulmate aus so if u would prefer a wsttlt-esque moodboard (inspired by a fucked up davey) i would NOT be opposed
ilyvm and am willing to write a drabble of ur choosing in return >:]
yes! still send me moonboard requests!
i know it’s 1am but i really like this one!!
i will keep the tides in tune (if you will make the flowers bloom)
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mushiimune · 2 years
25 Javid?
25 – “I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
Wow this one turned into something a little bit longer than a drabble. I hope you enjoy anyway!
Inspired by the gloomy haze of winter, and the fascinating sort of misery that can be unearthed somewhere in the middle of it. Or something like that idk what I'm talking about dude
Oh! Music is very important to me and my writing process, so have a little ambiance as well :-)
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
“I think it’s a little late to say something like that, Davey,” Jack observed. “Seeing as we’re already seven stories off the ground and everything.”
David rolled his eyes and grumbled something about ice. This was far from the worst idea Jack ever had, but unfortunately that didn't magically turn it into a good one.
“What does it say about me that I let you talk me into this?” David went on, frowning at the snowflakes cascading down from an impossibly gray sky.
“I think you already know the answer to that one,” grinned Jack, following up the steps close behind him. Close enough that if David happened to slip or stumble, Jack would be there to catch him. He wasn't worried about anything like that happening with David's caution, but he'd rather be safe than sorry.
The building wasn't David's, or anyone else they knew. Jack chose it because it was tall. The street doors being locked was an unforeseen obstacle in the way of his goal with the whole expedition, but the night was far from spoiled.
After what felt like an hour or longer of climbing rickety stairs in the snow, David scaled the ladder over the edge, more than a little terrified that it would break right off the bricks under his weight.
The rooftop was graciously empty, just like Jack said it would be. The wind whipped garments swaying stiffly on clotheslines, and poured smoke from the chimney on the other side of the roof. Steam rose from a grate on the floor, and no flakes settled on the pavement there. A thin sheet of white accumulated over every other available surface.
David wrapped his arms around himself after making sure Jack was safely over the edge behind him.
“It's quiet,” David said. The sky had turned black with snow clouds, in eerie contrast to the white flakes drizzling from them with a dreamlike haze. “And cold. Whatever you wanted to show me better be a suitcase of silver and gold at this point. How are we going to get down, by the way? Or did you not think about that part before dragging me up here?”
Jack flashed a toothy smile, brandishing a small wire pin like he'd been waiting for David to ask that question.
“Of course,” David muttered, and the pin was gone.
“C'mon.” Jack put a hand on David's back and led him to the other end of the rooftop.
The surprise was obvious as soon as Jack stopped.
The tenement was tall enough that they could see onto the tops of the surrounding buildings. In the sun it probably would have looked completely ordinary. But in the hazy gloom of winter, covered in white and completely desolate, chimneys working and factory smoke blotting out every distant point of light, the sight around them was otherworldly.
A shiver ran up David's spine. It didn't look like New York. It didn't sound like it, either. The Earth was humming, or maybe it was the wind. Either way, the two of them seemed like survivors of a plague, viewing the aftermath from above. There was no cozy glow of candles in window sills, no clatter of carriage wheels in the street. All was silent. The city was dead.
David glanced over at Jack, who had been watching David's expression the whole time.
A beat.
“What is this?” David asked, softly.
“It’s… nothing,” said Jack. “It's nobody. How often do you see this hellhole so empty? It's like you and me is the only people left in the world.”
Jack's hand was still on David's back. Slowly it crept around David's shoulders instead.
“That actually doesn't sound so bad,” David chuckled. Jack's tone was both parts unnerving and interesting. “At least to me it doesn't.”
“Me too,” Jack said amiably, relieved. “Better than being out here alone.”
At such a rare admission of vulnerability, it took every fiber of self control in David's body not to turn his head.
“You’ve come up here when it was like this before? By yourself? Jack…”
“Yeah, yeah. I was young, all right? I didn't know any better. I wanted a good view and I figured the best way to get one was to go as high up as possible.”
“A good view of what?” David asked, fairly confident he already knew the answer.
Jack made a sweeping gesture to the world around them. “This, I guess. I dunno. Maybe I ain't making any sense. But it's like–”
Jack chewed the inside of his cheek, fishing for words.
“It's like looking into another world almost. One where nobody else exists. It's just you. And all of a sudden the world feels a whole lot smaller, and you feel a whole lot bigger, because there ain't no one else around to remind you otherwise.”
David wanted to say that Jack didn't need the eye of a snowstorm to matter in the world they shared. He wanted to say a lot of things, but the feelings were too big to force out of even his mouth, let alone in a way that made any sense.
Maybe in their world, the one that harbored just the two of them, it would be easier to articulate. Maybe David wouldn't feel quite so numb.
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we-are-inevitable · 24 days
ohhkay guys i am bored and have a free weekend, so: send in some asks!
ask about my aus!
send in drabble requests!
ask for character/au moodboards!
ask about my headcanons!
ships i’ll create for:
i’ll yap about any main newsies characters as well! send some stuff in!
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improving-the-truth · 3 years
prompt: first time holding hands
The first time Jack and David decided to hold hands, Jack poked fun at David’s “schoolboy fingers.” It made David annoyed enough to threaten to keep his hands to himself for the rest of the night, but not annoyed enough to actually do anything about it. Somehow, Jack’s charismatic sense of humor was easier to forgive when he was rubbing his thumb over the back of David’s palm the way he was.
Long after Jack walked him home and they separated for the night, David was still thinking about Jack’s hand on his. He was starting to accept that these butterflies would never quite go away.
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