#javier escuella x gn reader
cherriiiepiee · 2 months
javier escuella hcs! ^-^
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just some silly (some modern) hcs. sfw!/fluff!!! // sry i havent been posting!! :c
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javier loves loves sweet things, every time you see him, he’s munching on a chocolate bar and he loves red velvet
if javier had kids with you he would NOT throw any baby stuff away even if they were like 30 he would still have their toys from when they were like.. 5 😭
INLOVE with tattoos that’s it
javier steals cheap cologne idc what anyone says JAVIER SMELLS GOOD 🙄🙄
chews on pencils if you asked him for a pencil you will feel all the teeth marks on it 😭😭 (you would probably see the eraser bit on……..)
idk why but I feel like he would love skateboarding but he sucks ass 😞
has thick ass blankets you’ll never be cold again
LOVES when u brush his hair in the morning
he cuddles his pillow
he’s awkward when he’s complimenting you 😭😭 even when you guys r dating he has build up the courage to say you look nice today
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vanderlesbian · 9 months
javier as a girl dad too?🫶🏼
EEK my first request hai...... >_< of course i can write javier as a girl dad :3
** other rdr2 men as girl dads can be found here!!
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javier escuella
- javier would be so proud to be a father!! his daughter would be his pride and joy and he would do anything to protect her. the other members of the gang know not to mess with him or his daughter, especially after micah made a cruel comment that earned him a near broken nose and a week's worth of snarky comments from the entire gang.
- definitely speaks to his daughter in spanish; he would love teaching her the language. when he hears her babble her first words in spanish, javier will have the biggest smile on his face. he'll probably tell the others about it for at least a few days, too.
- he would sing her songs!! when she's little and comes to him woken up from a nightmare, javier will pick up his guitar and play her favorite song. oftentimes his singing will gather more of an audience, and other members will stick around to listen to the lullabies.
- on the topic of singing songs for his daughter, i think javier would write his own for her, too. whether or not he's the best lyricist, his song will be loved by his daughter regardless. as she grows older, javier would teach her how to play guitar, and she would request to learn how to play that song he made for her when she was little.
- ohhh he would have a spanish nickname for her. mariposa, chiquita, luna, flor—something cute that would stick with her for the rest of her life. as she gets older, she'd get a little embarrassed by it, but javier would be insistent on keeping the nicknames.
- javier would be such a playful dad! he wouldn't be hesitant to play any games with his daughter that others might call "too feminine"; if his daughter wants to have a tea party, he'll put his entire soul into his posh accent. javier will always make time to play with his daughter, and if he happens to be too busy, he'll promise her to play later and will keep that promise.
- javier's daughter would be an energetic and playful girl who's probably very flamboyant. she would be a real daddy's girl and the best thing that has ever happened to javier (aside from you, of course). i think she would also get some of her confident snarkiness from her dad too lol
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gaybatmanenthusiast · 9 months
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⋆★ word count : 439
⋆★ warnings : n/a
⋆★ summary : reader and Javier meet one fateful day and have a language barrier ! :)
⋆★ extra : 3rd person pov! wrote this for a friend, also sorry if this sounds off/ooc I don’t play rdr 😭
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The vast expanse of the Mexican wilderness stretched before Javier Escuella, a former member of the Van der Linde gang seeking redemption. On this particular day, fate had an unexpected encounter planned.
As Javier wandered, lost in his thoughts, he stumbled upon a traveler, (Y/N). With a backpack slung over their shoulder, (Y/N) looked equally perplexed, trying to make sense of their surroundings.
Javier approached, a mix of curiosity and concern etched on his face. With a tentative smile, he greeted them in Spanish, "Hola, ¿necesitas ayuda?" (Hello, do you need help?)
(Y/N) stared blankly for a moment, realizing the language barrier that stood between them. Clearing their throat, they replied, "I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish. Do you speak English?"
Javier's face fell as he tried to formulate a response in his limited English. "A little," he replied earnestly. "We find a way to communicate."
With an open mind and a touch of humor, they both began to communicate through gestures, pointing, and using simple words in both languages. Laughing at their attempts to bridge the gap, a connection began to form.
Javier motioned towards an abandoned but charming little cantina nestled in the distance. (Y/N) eagerly followed, the prospect of a shared adventure outweighing any language barriers.
Inside the cantina, they sat across from each other at a worn, wooden table. Despite the uncertainty, there was an unspoken warmth between them that transcended words. They relied on expressions, laughter, and a mutual wanting to understand one another.
Javier offered a glass of water, and (Y/N) responded with a grateful nod. They each drew rough sketches on a napkin, depicting scenes from their lives, sharing snippets of experiences, and discovering similarities.
As they bonded over life's simple joys, Javier revealed his passion for music. He picked up an old guitar that stood in the corner, strumming a melody that echoed throughout the cantina's walls. The moment became magical as (Y/N) joined in, humming along, blending their voices in a harmonious duet.
Though their words may have been lost, their shared connection transcended language, forming an unbreakable bond. They explored the surrounding landscapes, discovering hidden treasures, and immersing themselves in the vibrant culture, whether through dance, art, or indulging in traditional cuisine.
As their time together neared its end, (Y/N) stood at the crossroads. They had learned valuable lessons, not only about a new culture but also about the beauty of human connection.
Gazing into each other's eyes, they knew that their journey was not over. Holding hands nodding at each other, they promised to continue crossing language barriers and to keep seeking new ways to understand one another.
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amorgansgal · 2 years
Hi hun! I love how you wrote on Arthur confessing to his crush, I was wondering if you could do the same with Charles?
Hello! Thank you so much! I got a couple of requests for crush reveals, this one with Charles, and also Javier and Kieran. So as requested:
Just a Little Crush Part 2!
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Does Charles have a crush on you? Does he not? The man can be so calm and steady with his emotions, you wouldn’t have a clue that his heart flutters when he looks at you and that he’s trying not to smile too much when he looks at you.
Charles doesn’t see any reason to change the way he behaves around you, but when you ask for his advice and listen carefully to his response, he’s almost tempted to cup your face and kiss you!
He spends a lot of time alone, trying to truly work out whether it’s just a passing fancy or if it’s something more serious. He doesn’t let that effect his work around camp, but his hunting trips tend to take a little longer now.
He doesn’t really get jealous either. You’re not his to keep. Trapping a bird’s wings between his hands will only make them try to fly away faster. So if anyone else flirts with you then he won’t say anything, just go a little quiet and withdraw himself from the situation.
However, he begins to feel that he does need to tell you how he feels. Regret is a bitter emotion he’s all too familiar with and he doesn’t want to spend his life wondering.
He’ll avoid telling you in camp, either inviting you out hunting with him or finding a way to accompany you home after a job. But he’ll want your focus on him and to tell him truthfully how you feel, he doesn’t want you to sugar coat things if you don’t feel the same way.
It’s a very serious and earnest revelation and Charles may even offer you some time to think about it. He’s not really interested in have a fling and he wants you to consider what he’s offering carefully.
‘I don’t know how you feel about me. But I know how I feel about you. I admire you in so many ways. I want to be with you, for as long as you’ll have me.’
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He’s so nervous and sweet and earnest, you’d have to be blind to not figure out that he has feelings for you.
But don’t worry if you’re a bit oblivious to his attention, his nervous laugh and smile full of admiration for you as you leave, the girls will make sure that it’s more than obvious how Kieran feels about you!
Kieran will go above and beyond for you, no task big or small is too much for him! Especially if your horse has a stone in their hoof or your saddle needs polishing. That thing will shine like the sun by the time Kieran has finished it!
If you’re working in camp, Kieran will find any excuse to sit with you and chat, he’ll ask you dozens of questions about your day, whether you’ve had a chance to eat something, if you need him to do anything for you and then he’ll get a bit bashful and apologise for bothering you so much.
Kieran doesn’t mind enjoying the feelings of a crush, even if it’s unrequited. He likes being soft and sweet with you.
Though eventually, with the girls pestering both him and yourself, he may be pushed to say something. He’ll be tentative and unsure, not really wanting you to feel like you have to like him just because the girls are getting giddy and excited by the blossoming romance in camp!
He might struggle to look you in the eye and will nervously pick at his clothes, but he’ll bravely admit to having fallen for you.
‘I know we haven’t known each other for long and if you don’t feel the same way then that’s fine. But I am sweet on you and I hope you are sweet on me too… but you don’t have to be.’
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You’d think for Mr Swarve and Cool, he’d know exactly what to do with a crush. Though surprisingly when face to face with it, he’s at a lost.
He knows how to be charming, hell he’s still confident and flirtatious towards you, but actually admitting that his feelings might run deeper than that seems an impossible task!
He thinks about writing you a song. He’s already played dozens of love songs and sometimes made eye contact with you while singing, seeing you look flustered and pleased makes his heart beat a mile a minute!
But after a few attempts to scribble a song down while he’s on guard duty, he gives up. He wishes he had all those poets and songwriters around to ask them how they managed to capture the feeling of being in love with someone so succinctly and beautifully, when his own attempts feel futile and insipid.
Nothing changes much in how Javier treats you, but you do notice him being a little more gentlemanly than usual. He helps you down from your horse, opens doors for you, gives you his coat when it’s cold or rainy (which given the man’s impeccable dress sense is a big fucking deal)!
It will take a lot for Javier to consider telling you, because he wants to be sure you feel the same way as him and not make things difficult around camp.
You might have to be involved in a shoot out or escaping on horses after a bank robbery. With his blood up and his fear that something could happen to you if he dares look away, he knows that he can’t hide his true feelings anymore.
‘I think… I think I’m in love with you. After all of that, I want to speak truthfully to you, Mi vida. I will be yours, wholly and completely.’
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dreamdaddydutch · 1 year
Javier x reader crying during an argument??
Thanks for your request - as always it's appreciated. This ended up being longer than I'd planned.
As a side note - I reference that the reader was sick with a virus a few months previous, this isn't based on any particular virus/illness, so if you think symptoms don't really add up with anything - that's why. It's just for the stories sake.
Pairing: Javier x gn!reader Word Count: 1,782 Warnings: Intensity of argument and accusations. Some swearing. Descriptions of illness.
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As you stormed through the camp, you knew all eyes would be on you and that most of the others would have heard the harsh words spoken between you and Javier. But you cared little for gossip, you cared little about what they thought, they didn’t know Javier like you did and they didn’t know you.
Fuck them, you thought, I don’t care.
But lies don’t last long, not even the ones you tell yourself. They either get buried and fester until they become something ugly, something you eventually believe but never for the best. Or within moments the truth seeps through and you’re unable to deny the truth any longer. Today was one of those days.
Javier had gone to rob a stagecoach with Sean and John, he’d asked you to stay behind. Pretty much commanded it. But you were bored of being left behind and longed for adventure, longed to do your bit. Hunting was more your thing, hunting and gathering berries, herbs, whatever you could forage. Occasionally you’d see some action when it came to robberies and the little missions Dutch sent the others on but hearing the excitement in the voices of those who’d come back frequently from such excursions, made you want to do it all the more.
Additionally, you missed Javier. The two of you would go fishing together and sometimes he’d come hunting with you, but you wanted to be gun slinging by his side as it felt like it was somewhat romantic to you. It’s not that Javier didn’t think you’d be good at it or that you’d be a liability, he knew you could handle yourself, it’s just you were better with a bow, better at hunting and tracking. Better with formulating plans and the theory behind the actions.
Besides, recently you hadn’t been well. You’d caught a nasty virus in Clemens Point that left you bed bound for several weeks and even now you were still feeling the effects. You suspected this was the real reason Javier had been so adamant about you not joining them on any jobs for the foreseeable future. But Javier didn’t own you and so on this day for this particular robbery you’d decided to surprise the other three and turn up to help.
Only it hadn’t gone to plan. If anything, it had hindered the others, who had returned empty handed. It
On the way back to camp Javier had remained silent, furiously riding Boaz behind you so that he didn’t let you out of his site, while the others rode in front. You felt like you were being punished, that the other 3 had no trust in you so were escorting you back. Any time you tried to speak to Javier he said nothing, his face angry and hurt, the only words he said the entire time was, “Not now.”
That was what hurt, the fact he wouldn’t even acknowledge your presence. Did he really think that little of you now?
Back at the camp it was little better, you hitched your horses and then John and Sean departed quickly, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire between the two of you.
You could handle the silence no longer, it hung in the air cloying, suffocating, unrelenting, “I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry I don’t know what…” Javier held his hand up to silence you, “Don’t.”
“What do you want me to say?” You begged
“Nothing!” Javier shouted back, “Nothing, there is nothing to be said okay. It is done, it’s done,” he said, his voice calming a little.
“I just wanted to be…helpful.”
Javier shook his head in disbelief, “Well, look how that turned out huh? We came back empty handed, you nearly died… Sean could have been shot. You just don’t think do you?”
“Don’t think?” You snapped, “All I do is think, you’re away so often it’s not like I can talk to you about anything. I think about you, where you are and who you’re with, especially when you don’t come back at night. Is that why you don’t like me coming with you?”
The genuine look of shook on Javier’s face at your implied accusation made you regret your words immediately. Javier was the most faithful and loyal of the lot.
You hung your head in shame, “I’m sorry Javier, that was cruel. I know you’re not…I know you’d never.”
The damage was done, “I need some time on my own.”
You looked up with tears in your eyes, but Javier had already turned away and begun walking.
All the things you wanted to say, to tell him to fuck off, to tell him to grow up, to tell him how sorry you were and how much you loved them. You opened your mouth but nothing came out, the regret just swimming in your stomach causing nausea, bile climbing your throat.
So you’d stormed through the Shady Belle camp and into the house, straight to the room you and Javier shared, slamming the door behind you.
“Trouble in paradise?” You heard Micah shout as he started laughing, “Told me you should be with me and not that…”
“Shut the fuck up or I swear to god I will ram my fist down your fucking throat you!” You paused as you saw Abigail stare at you, Jack by his side. Oh…
You turned away from the window, slamming that closed too and pulled the curtains close.
For a few minutes you stood alone, agitated and unsure of what you were supposed to do now, what he expected of you. You pulled your arms round yourself into a tight hug and tried to fight back the tears, they came anyway whether you wanted them or not. Maybe Javier was right, you should have listened and not put the others in danger, yourself in danger. It was only now you realised how close you’d come to death.
The door flung open and Javier stormed in, his presence looming over you, a shadow cast across the wall.
“Don’t Javier, if you’re here to berate me, make me feel stupid, I already feel like shit.”
“Ay, ay ay,” Javier shook his head, “Don’t you get it? I’m not mad at you over the money, I couldn’t care less. They’ll be other stagecoaches. I’m mad because you nearly got yourself killed.”
You bit your lower lip, “It wasn’t that bad…” you whispered.
Javier put his head in his hands, “Wasn’t that bad huh? If…” he stopped, clearly pained as he thought about what had happened, “You know how close you were to getting a bullet through the head?”
You shook your head, actually…you weren’t sure. “If…if…that horse hadn’t of bucked when it did you would be dead do you hear me? You would be dead.”
Dead, the word pierced through the air.
“And I,” he patted his chest, “Would be all alone and forever I would carry that guilt, what could I have done to protect you.”
“I’m not your property or some creature you can just keep Javier, it’s my life.”
He gave a mirthless laugh, clearly exhausted from the day and tired of trying to make you understand, but right now this seemed impossible.
“Mi amor, that virus that struck you down, don’t you remember?”
“Of course, I remember, how could I forget, throwing up onto the floor and having to watch the girls clean it up. Pissing myself, coughing up blood, snotty nose. What an attractive beast I must have been.” Javier let out a small chuckle, “You were still beautiful.”
He took a step closer to you, “But that isn’t what I meant. What I meant was what the doctor said afterwards, when you’d mostly recovered?”
He looked at you as he reached for your shoulder, you shook your head. You didn’t remember what he said.
“That for some time, possibly six months the illness would still have an impact. You may feel dizzy very quickly, struggle to remember things, to focus…struggle with things like taking aim, your reflexes.”
Your heart sunk as the penny dropped, shit, the doctor had said that hadn’t he? Javier wasn’t trying to keep you back at camp because he thought you were incapable or better doing camp jobs, it wasn’t that he didn’t trust you or think you’d fuck things up. He was doing it because he knew it wasn’t safe for you to be participating in anything like that right now, he knew the very real danger and how easy it would be for you to get lost, confused or fail to react quickly when reacting quickly would be the only thing to stand between life and death.
You struggled to meet his gaze for a few moments, as his words sunk in, feeling foolish and ashamed you finally faced him. A sob erupted from your lips, “Oh Javier, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…I didn’t remember. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I should have listened to you.”
Stepping forwards you sobbed into his chest making it damp with your tears as Javier held you, the palm of his hand pressed against the small of your back.
“It’s okay, shhhh mi amor. It’s done now, it’s done and you’re still here as is Sean,” Javier attempted to reassure you, though you barely heard his words through the sound of your tears and heart pounding in your chest.
He tilted your chin up gently, his thumb gently brushing over your lower lip, “I know you didn’t mean what you said. I know you didn’t mean for that to happen.”
His dark brown eyes studied you, saw how you reacted to his words, whether you trusted in him, whether you believed in him. You did, no matter how hard it was, you believed because you had to.
“I love you, there is no one else for me. You know I respect you,” Javier begun but you reached up and placed a finger to his lips, “I know, it’s me who should be apologising and not you.”
Javier shook his head, “No, we both said things we didn’t mean, I over-reacted,” he paused, “A little anyway,” his lip curled into a small smile, his hand reached for your face, fingers tracing back across your scalp.
“Just promise me you’ll listen going forward if I say no there’s a reason, okay? Please trust me.”
“I will and I do, I do trust you.” Javier placed a kiss to your lips and held you against him for a few seconds.
As he held you he made the best suggestion you’d heard in a while, “Let’s stay in here for a bit before we go out to the others huh?”
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arthurthethird · 2 years
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First request for @arthurmorgansleftear
I hope this will be good enough since it's pretty much first request I do on here. Please enjoy.
Camp boahs comforting reader after Micah comments on their weight
The day started calmly. Birds singing, fish swimming, rats wondering around the kitchen.
Speaking of kitchen, you decided it's a good time to get some food. You haven't eaten in a while and a good outlaw has to eat plenty, so you decided it's your time.
Speaking of rats, it so happened that one of the camp rats was sitting there. Not really doing anything else than sipping whiskey, a sight no one can be surprised about.
You calmly ignored him. You learnt that that's the best way for you to go on with your day without having to break his nose.
Yet he always asks for it.
Even now.
As soon as he saw you approaching, Micah immediately grinned.
"Didn't expect you here"
You stay quiet, only giving him a confused glance.
Now, depending on your silhouette, he'll find a way to get under your skin.
Either "Didn't you come here today already?" "And I've been wondering where all the food goes..." "Look at that, you'll soon have to buy yourself new clothes if you keep eating so much!"
Or "first time in a month, ey?" "You finally decided to eat! Everyone thought you're sick" "If you like starving so much, why are we wasting our food on you?"
He has his ways.
And we all know he doesn't have the perfect body either, so you try to ignore him.
Try to.
Of course, it doesn't end well, since you end up trying to hide your feelings.
It hurt. Of course it did, why wouldn't it?
You quickly walk away, not even bothering to actually eat something. You only hear his sickening laugh as you walk away.
He knows he has won.
Arthur's first reaction as soon as he heard that familiar laugh was to check what's going on.
Obviously if Micah's happy, someone's not.
You bumped into him just as he walked towards the place.
His hands landed on your shoulders as he looked down to you.
Now, Arthur might be an idiot, but he can easily read someone's emotions from their face.
You were hurt. Micah was happy.
That bastard.
He looked at you with a concerned look.
"what happened?"
You just mutter that it's nothing. That it's just Micah trying to get under your skin. And that's what takes him over the edge.
Arthur walks up to the blonde rat and punches him right in the face.
While Micah's busy cursing him out, he takes you by the arm, gently, but firmly, and walks to your tent.
You want to ask what is he doing, but before you can, he hugs you.
Telling you that you shouldn't listen to stupid Micah. You're beautiful and everyone in the camp knew that.
Then he brings you a bowl of Pearson's stew.
You try to decline but he basically shoves it down your throat.
"Don't listen to that son of a bitch. You have to eat no matter what."
Charles isn't even bothered at first.
He learned to stay away out of camp conflict, so he couldn't be bothered.
But when he sees that it's you who's stomping away from Micah, he quickly jumps into action.
He walks to you, asking what happened.
Even if you don't want to tell, he makes you.
As soon as he hears what happened, he goes for the rat.
You know that moment where Charles throws Micah because he said something assholish?
Yea, that. He does that.
After that he walks to you and sits you down for a proper talk.
And that means him telling you why the food's important and why you're beautiful no matter how much you eat.
Then he gets some food and goes to his own tent, pulling you along of course.
Proceeds to feed you.
"You need energy. Besides, I didn't caught that deer for you to not try it."
John immediately tries to locate where what is happening.
As soon as he sees you with Micah, he gets up and makes his way over there.
He heard everything while coming over.
Wraps an arm around you, covering your ears and proceeds to curs the snake out.
You stand there, not knowing if you're supposed to cry or laughed.
You just watch Micah's expression go from annoyed to confused.
You didn't even noticed that John leaded you away.
He went outside the camp with you and looked at you.
Proceeds to hug the shit out of you.
Telling you that you shouldn't listen because what you eat is your deal.
And it definitely shouldn't impact on your self image.
For one's he said something smart.
"I don't care what other people say about you, you're goddamn beautiful. And everyone in the camp knows that. Shut up, you can't disagree"
Hosea usually doesn't care about the camp fights.
Prefers to stay out of it unless it includes him directly.
But he heard you mutter something to yourself.
So he raised his head from the newspaper to see what was going on.
Oh boy.
He doesn't do much.
Just gets up, rolls the newspaper, walks to Micah and smacks his head with it.
He ignores the rat cursing him out. Instead walks to you and leads you back to the fire.
Similar to Charles, explains why eating is important, telling you that you're beautiful and who cares about what Micah says.
He gives you a hug, then encourages you to eat something.
If you don't want to, he'll leave you alone.
But definitely will come to check on you every night.
"You gotta eat. So what if someone cares, are you harming them with your food?"
Dutch heard everything.
He was smoking a cigar outside of his tent when he noticed the situation.
Immediately walks there.
"What's going on?"
Micah tries to show the situation to Dutch as lighthearted, but when he noticed the leader isn't buying it, he looked away grumbling.
Dutch proceeds to explain to him that they accept everyone and that he didn't care about Micah's looks when he took him in.
He then takes you to his tent, sitting down with you and asking what was that about.
Talks you through why you think what he said might be true.
Basically a therapist.
He then gives you a hug, telling you to eat something.
"we need you big and strong! Another job's comin'!"
Javier was playing his guitar nearby.
As soon as he sees Micah's mouth open, he stops, turning his full attention there.
As soon as he starts talking, Javier took his guitar, walks there and smacks his head.
Micah will definitely have a bruise, but who cares.
Curses him out in Spanish.
Then pulls you with him back to his tent.
He let's you vent about everything.
Then plays you a song while you lean to him, bummed out.
After that, definitely makes you eat something.
"I know it's hard mi amigo, but you have to try!"
Sean is confused when he sees you walking away without the food.
He didn't hear anything happening, he only knew that you went to eat.
He gets up, going to you.
"where's your food?"
You look at him and mumble you weren't hungry.
He's confused, but then looks over to where you came from.
Ah. Micah.
He narrows his eyes and walk over there. You try to tell him it's okay, but he doesn't stop.
"oi! Don't bother my friend!"
Basically screams at him to the point his accent is too thick to be even able to understand.
It doesn't do much, but you appreciate it.
He then walks over you and cups your cheeks.
"look, I love you Y/N, but I don't want to have to stuff food down your throat"
Tries to make you laugh.
Eventually ends up eating with you so you'll feel better.
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kylesgarrick · 5 months
now writing for red dead characters!! (favourites are : charles smith, dutch, kieran and bill)
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thepuckishrogue · 1 year
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Javier Escuella x GN!Reader in: What You Want, What You Need
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|| ao3 version | f!reader | m!reader ||
|| javier m.list | rdr m.list | writing blog ||
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↠ Requested By: The absolutely unreal levels of thirst I have for this man ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: So very NSFW ((is2g, if I see any minors interacting with my stuff it’s ~on sight~)) ↠ Chronology: In the here and now because it’s a Modern AU ↠ CWs/TWs: There a lot, but the biggest are mild exhibitionism, m!dom/sub dynamics, rough treatment/sex (Reader receiving), jealous Javier (but make it non-toxic), light choking (Reader receiving), and orgasm denial/control (Reader receiving). For a complete and more detailed listing see the note below the cut. And if I missed anything, please let me know!! ↠ Betas? Lmaoooooo… ↠ Total WC: 7.5k~
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“Oh fuck you, Escuella.” “You’d best watch that mouth of yours, mi amor. Just because daddy-dearest can’t take you over his knee anymore doesn’t mean your papi won’t.”
A Modern AU in which you take your teasing a little too far at a friend’s party. In return Javier will make sure that you get what you deserve before you get what you need.
He’s using papi SARCASTICALLY ffs lmao
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The only reason I’m putting the GN version on here is because it doesn’t make sense to break them up. If you want to keep up with my work, head over to my writing blog, linked above. ((that’s where the link for my rdr m.list will take you, btw))
Anyways! Sorry it took me so long to write this. I have no excuse aside from being lazy and not wanting to cringe my way through reading my old writing lol.
Also! I’m trying something new, as far as translations go. Instead of having them all at the top of the post, they’re now directly under the paragraph they appear in. Imo this makes for an easier read, but if it’s having the opposite effect let me know; if enough people are having problems with it I’ll go back to the old format.
((also, also—I’m naught but a basic ass English speaker and thusly all translations are still internet-sourced, so if they’re wrong please refrain from coming for me lol))
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💦 Tags: Reader uses they/them pronouns || Reader has ambiguous anatomy || Reader is POC friendly || M!dom/sub dynamics (with Reader being a low-key bratty sub until they sweeten up) || public teasing, but make it ~sexy~ (Javi receiving) || fingering (Reader receiving) || orgasm denial (Reader receiving) || penetrative sex (Reader receiving) || rough treatment/sex (tho not overly so) || one SARCASTIC use of “daddy/papi” || lots of pet names (including that “good baby” type beat, Reader receiving) || Reader purposefully making Javi jealous (in a playful, non-toxic way lol) || Charles is an accomplice in the aforementioned foolishness (there’s an… implied understanding there*) || naturally that means there’s a certain level of exhibitionism but it’s all R-rated stuff || arm binding via a scarf (Reader receiving) || light choking (Reader receiving) || lots of praise (Reader receiving b/c that’s Javi’s jam) || voice kink stuff (goes both ways) || ((write that off to OP being a self-indulgent shit once again lol)) || orgasm control (Reader receiving)
*So basically after fucking around Reader finds out that Javi’s not one to be teased after he winds them up only to leave them wanting. Reader, wanting to get back at him for not finishing the job, utilizes one of their mutual friends (Charles) to stoke a little jealousy, but I swear it’s not as toxic as it sounds lmao. It’s less about actually making him jealous and more about fraying his ironclad sense of control by triggering his possessive streak… Which, okay, still sounds bad I suppose, but there’s being possessive and then there’s being possessive in a hella toxic way; Javi is the latter. What’s more it’s implied that the three of them have an understanding of sorts, so it’s all in good fun.
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“Is this what you wanted, mi amor?” ((my love))
Yes, your body screams as his hand works against your center, the drag of his callouses creating a delicious friction with every pass over the hot, sodden flesh. Your hands grip at his shoulders, hard and nearly tight enough to bruise, as you grind up into his touch.
You know you must look thoroughly debauched right now—head thrown back to expose more of your neck to his care, lips slightly parted under pants and half-formed curses, skin flushed and sweat-slick, and eyelids weighed down by the weight of your lust—and that’s saying nothing of the state of your clothes. Items have been hastily tugged and rearranged to get the most needed parts exposed in the quickest amount of time possible. You clearly look like you’re in the process of being ravished, but Javier…
The man couldn’t be more put together if he tried.
There’s not a hair out of place, and despite the desperate hold you have on his shirt, the damn thing hasn’t even so much as wrinkled. The only sign that he’s even the least bit affected by all of this is the tent in his pants and the desire that darkens his gaze, but you suppose that’s to be expected. If he wasn’t so damnably good at keeping his composure you wouldn’t have bothered with doing the things that have led you to this moment.
An ‘accidental’ brush of your fingers against his crotch, whispered filth as you casually rested your weight against his back, the instant transformation of a simple spoon into something far more erotic once it passed your lips—nothing was off limits, not when you were so hell-bent on breaking him. It’s all consensual, this game the two of you play. Sometimes the teasing is mutual, other times it skews a bit more against one of you, but the end goal is always the same: to bring the other so close to the edge that they willingly hurl themselves over it.
Today’s party had been the perfect excuse to indulge in a bit of play, and your man had been all too willingly to serve himself up as prey. This, of course, was due to the fact that he was more than confident in his victory. The thrill of the challenge was the only thing that gave the get-together any allure; sure, Karen and Sean do hold the crown for best house parties in your friend group, but you’re not always sure that they’re worth the (usually hangover induced) headache.
You’d brought you’re A-game, starting with wearing an ensemble that you know he couldn’t resist. His mind had clearly gone blank when you first emerged from the bedroom, though he quickly rearranged his face into something cavalier before telling you to “–get your cute ass in the car so we can get gone.” Your fingers played along the inseam of his pants for the entire length of the ride, but aside from an initial arching of his brow he was annoyingly nonplussed. You had stepped things up considerably once you were inside, but despite essentially giving a plastic spoon a blowie (just out of view of an unsuspecting Arthur and Lenny) the man hadn’t done so much as smirk in your direction.
After a good twenty minutes got you nothing but an ache between your own thighs you finally gave up and decided to try to enjoy the party. With a cup of something mixed and fruity in hand you headed off to join your friends, but before you could make your way into the living room a familiar hand was curling itself around your arm and dragging you off in the opposite direction.
It just fucking figures that being ignored would be the back-breaking straw. You would’ve been mad at it if it wasn’t gonna result in yours getting blown out.
Neither of you said anything as Javier led your deeper into the house, not that there was much to say anyway. It was pretty damn obvious from the set of his jaw and the hunger in his eyes that you had won, and it could never be said that you weren’t a gracious winner …self-satisfied smirk notwithstanding.
His lips were on yours before the door had even fully shut behind you. You had laughed a bit at his eagerness, but the taunting sound soon morphed into a moan when your back slammed into the wall just beside the thing. Eyes smoldering and smile wicked, he groped at your clothed form in a way that had you writhing and grinding against him within seconds. It was only once you were a panting mess that he finally, finally bypassed the layers to touch you properly; hot and wet, proof of your arousal met his questing fingers, electing a groan that was nothing short of orgasmic. Things had moved quickly from there, and the rest…
“I said—‘is this what you wanted?’”
The words are growled against your ear, though the harsh pant of the breaths that follow travel downwards until he’s nipping at the corner of your jaw. A broken mewl pushes past your lips at its sting, and though the sound leaves him shuddering against you, it’s clearly not enough to sate him. His free hand connects with your ass in a resounding slap, one that while not overly hard is still enough weaken your knees considerably.
“Yes,” you groan out, the word catching in your throat as his thumb rubs a fresh pearl of precum over your sensitive flesh. “Fuck! Javi, yesss…”
Hot, bothered, and more than a little desperate you rut against his hand with hard little jerks. Your borderline frantic movements and needy little sounds leave him chuckling darkly as he works you over with practiced ease. His tone is condescending as hell as he pulls more and more out of you with lascivious words murmured in a husky timbre. He’s playing you like a goddamn fiddle, but you don’t care, can’t care—about this or anything else that’s not your impending release.
“Baby, I need, fuck, I need–”
“Shhh, I know.”
And you don’t know how he knows, just that somehow he always, impossibly does, and now is no exception. He descends to his knees with a smoothness that only repetition can bring, nudging your legs wider so that you’re more fully on display for him. He looks up at you then, wanting to make sure that you’re watching—as if you could ever be looking anywhere else. His eyes flicker with a familiar mischief as he runs the flat of his tongue over your heat and you damn near scream at the wet, warm trail it cuts.
“Careful now, cariño, you don’t want them to hear us– Oooo…” The word fades into a rolling chuckle when your hips give an involuntary thrust forward that has him amending his statement. “Or maybe you do? Mmmm… You like that, huh? You like the thought of them hearing what I do to you? Hmm, mi bebé travieso?” He all but purrs the last word as he presses a kiss to your quivering thigh before putting his mouth to work again. He alternates between gentle sucks and teasing flicks of his tongue against your most sensitive areas; meanwhile his fingers gather up a measure of your moisture before pushing inside of you to start up a lazy pace. This treatment lasts for a few glorious seconds only to come to a stop so abrupt that it leaves all of your muscles seizing up in confusion. ((sweetie || my naughty baby))
You know what he wants—an answer to a question, that if he were less petty, he wouldn’t expect a real reply to—just as you likewise know that he won’t start again until he gets it. And so you take a shaky approximation of a breath before managing to stutter out, “J-just… returning the favor.”
Laughing, he takes your meaning instantly. With as many times as you’ve been forced to listen to Karen and Sean go at it on various occasions, it does only seem fair. Of course, your reply is more copout than actual answer, but thankfully he lets it go. For now. You’ll definitely be talking about this again at some point in the future—probably later on tonight, actually—but for right now he’s content enough to go back to ruining you with his deft fingers and talented mouth.
You’ve always been fascinated by Javier’s hands. They’re slightly larger than what you would expect from a man his size, and yet somehow they don’t seem out of proportion to his body. They hold so much potential, both to create and to destroy—a point that is mirrored in the tattoos and scars that cover the dusk of his skin. You love to see them in motion, whether he’s doing something as mundane as tuning his guitar or something more perilous like playing with one of his many knives; the former is a particular point of fascination as you cannot help but to wonder if the skill transfers over to more carnal activities. The way his stroking thumb works in time with the bob of his fingers into your heat you’re inclined to say that yes, yes it does.
And his mouth…
Holy fuck, his mouth.
It doesn’t matter where it is he’s kissing you, having his lips pressed against your skin is always enough to leave you weak. Warm and pillow soft, they glide over you leaving a feverish trail of desire in their wake. Calloused fingers continue to work you open, adding to your pleasure in a way that sees your voice scaling higher, louder, as any lingering worries about being overheard are vaulted clean out of your head.
In this moment his only goal is to see you coming undone, and under Javier’s touch you’re a rapidly fraying thread. He’s loving every minute of this, you know he is, but—“If you can’t keep that pretty little mouth of yours quiet, amor, I know my cock can.”
“Oh my god.”
The throb your core gives is almost painful in its intensity as you imagine having him face fuck you until tears are spilling past the corners of your eyes before bending you over and absolutely ruining you, and you have to wonder just what this man has done to you. You were never this damn kinky before—or maybe you’ve always been a closet freak—either way since getting with Javi you have been turned completely out, and you’re not even mad about it, honestly. What you can do without, however, is his smug little laugh. Like yeah, he totally has a right to it, wrecking you the way he is, but still. Any saltiness you feel is quickly forgotten as the spooled pleasure in your stomach wrings itself tighter. Your bodies work in tandem creating the perfect rhythm, so fucking perfect, and you’re so fucking close, just a little more and then—and then he’s pulling away?
“Nooo! Javier, why–”
“Orgasms are for good little loves,” he tells you simply as he rises back to his full height.
“You cannot be serious right now.”
But looking at him you know he is. Honestly you should’ve been expecting something like this—you had been teasing him for nearly twenty minutes before this all began—but you’d thought that your punishment was going to come in the form of him gagging you with his dick before fucking you until you screamed. But this… Well this is the other side of the coin that you’d forgotten to consider. Yes, he’s hard and yes, he wants this just as badly as you, but Javier’s more than willing to deny his own needs if it means winning this little game of yours. He’s petty like that, and what’s more he has the will to see it through.
Well fine then, you think with a pouty twist of your lips. If he wants to be that way I’ll just finish myself off and–
Fingers close tightly around your wrist before you can properly touch yourself. “What did I just say, bebé?” ((baby))
“And who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do to and with my own body?” you ask with an arch of your brow. The bite of your words would be more effective, you’re sure, if they weren’t so damn breathy, but there’s little for that.
“Oh, mi amor,” he starts with a chuckle as he pins your hand to the wall beside your head, “you know exactly who I am.” He kisses you then, long and deep, and you find yourself melting under it despite your annoyance.
Damn this man and his silver everything! The thought drags its way through your sex-addled brain as your free hand twists itself in his shirt, though whether the action will lead to you pushing him away or pulling him closer you’re not sure yet, and before you can decide he’s breaking the kiss.
“Get dressed, cariño, we’ve got a party to get back to,” he breathes against your lips before pecking at them again.
“You can at least let me err, calm down some and clean myself up a bit–”
He shakes his head as he pulls away from you. “No, I don’t think so. I want you just like this, baby—all leaky and throbbing and wanting. I want you aching just as much as I am. It’s only fair, after all.”
Eyeing the bulge that’s seriously testing the tensile strength of his zipper you’re inclined to agree, reluctantly though it may be done. After all you are the one that kicked things off. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that you’re left to live with the consequences? Yeah, not so much. Fair’s fair, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Pouting all the while, you quickly set yourself back to rights—well mostly. Thanks to the hasty tugging of your prior urgency your clothes aren’t hanging like they’re supposed to and won’t be again until they’ve been washed and re-ironed, but there’s nothing to be done about that in the now.
You’re left to silently lament the fact that you’re about to take a mini walk of shame that hasn’t been entirely earned since you didn’t actually get any. Cutting your eyes over at the reason you’re in such a state you find that, aside from his very obvious arousal, the fucker looks as put together as ever.
“You suck, you know that?”
He snorts as he snakes an arm around your waist, guiding you towards the door. “Yeah, I do. I also lick and nip and tease and you love it.”
“Oh fuck you, Escuella.”
“You’d best watch that mouth of yours, mi amor. Just because daddy-dearest can’t take you over his knee anymore doesn’t mean your papi won’t.”
“Promises, promises,” you snark back, though there’s no denying the longing seated in your words.
His only reply is a dark little chuckle that leaves you throbbing with want and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. What’s worse is that you’re about to walk through a party full of all of your friends, and while it’s not the first time they’ve seen you flustered and frazzled like this the situation is still less than ideal. Thankfully the thought of having winks and suggestive comments tossed your way is enough to kill off any lingering lust, but this is going to be a long night either way—or is it?
A plan starts to come together in your mind as you hear Charles’s laughter floating in though the backdoor; he rarely ever laughs loud enough for it to be heard so far away, so you can only imagine what’s been said or done to garner such a reaction. Though his mirth usually runs on the quieter side of things, the man does have a mischievous streak that can almost rival Sean’s, and it’s only common sense and general kindness that keeps him from tapping into it more.
Tonight, however, he’s going to step outside of his self-imposed restrictions—you’ll make sure of it.
After all, your plan relies on it.
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“What’s got you laughing so hard, Chuck?”
Charles doesn’t even bother with correcting you as he knows that you’re already well aware of how much he despises that nickname. You’re just looking to get a rise out of him, but unlike your boyfriend, he’s not so easily bated. Though to be fair to Javier, it did take you a good twenty or so minutes to finally break him—maybe more as whatever game it is you two are playing more than like started long before your arrival–
And is set to carry on for a while longer, if the state of them is anything to go by.
He’s hardly surprised to find that the pair of you are looking more disheveled than last you were seen. While Javier’s only slightly mussed, it’s more than obvious that you’ve been taken through your paces. There’s a wrinkle in your clothes that hadn’t been there before and your lips are plush in a way that says you’ve been kissed thoroughly and with a level of enthusiasm that would have left you moaning into the ministration as you grinded into your lover’s palm with needy little ruts of your hips…
He quickly averts his eyes as soon as the thought manifests lest you pick up on the way you’re affecting him—have always affected him, if he’s being honest. And it’s not just you. Javier is dangerously alluring in his own right, and he finds himself falling into his orbit more often than not. He’s never allowed himself to explore whatever it is he feels for either of you as you and Javier have always been a thing, though there’s no point in denying that there’s an attraction there, and a mutual one at that. Javier’s always been the more flirtatious out of the two of you, but when you have a mind to you can fluster him like nobody else. None of you have ever seemed truly interested in taking things beyond that level—yet.
Charles cannot help but to feel that one of these days there’s going to be a shift. The signs are all there, after all; the way you all gravitate towards one another, trading lingering touches and longing looks. Things that he would usually consider an invasion are much welcomed advances when they’re coming from the pair of you and he often finds himself reciprocating without any conscious thought. It’s all so confusing and thrilling and catalyzing that he cannot help but to crave more. Arthur has told him on several occasions to bite the bullet and make a move, but given that he’s dealing with an established couple he’s more than willing to follow your lead on this one.
In the now he gives you a response in the form of a nod towards one of the party’s hosts. Sean is just now scrambling his way back onto the deck (quite literally as he’s opted to climb over the railing instead of using the stairs like a normal person) after an overly-dramatic retelling of one of his more daring exploits had sent him tumbling off of it. Luckily for him the fall was a short one into relatively soft grass, so really it’s only his pride that’s been bruised. Seeing that his audience has increased by two he starts his story from the beginning and the pair of you listen with rapt attention–
Or, rather Javier does. You, however…
It starts out innocently enough, with you slumping against him and resting most of your weight against his shoulder. Charles contemplates draping an arm around you—it wouldn’t be odd of him as it’s a position that you’ve been in countless times before, but he doesn’t want to presume—but before he can think himself into a circle you’re snaking your arm around his waist. Your hold isn’t particularly tight, only really pressing in enough to keep you connected. After a few seconds you start to feather your fingers up and down his side in a move that he would’ve considered innocent if not for the wicked little smile on your face. There and gone in a flash, he finds himself looking at you more fully to be sure of what he saw; all he receives for his troubles, however, is a playful wink that leaves him batting down a burst of nerves.
It seems as if he’s unwittingly become a participant in whatever it is the pair of you have going on. He’s surprised, but he can’t say he’s opposed.
Steeling himself with a sigh, he finally allows his arm to drape across the breadth of your shoulders. The movement catches Javier’s eye from where he stands on Charles’ other side, as does the continued skittering of your hand. His expression as he takes this all in changes by degrees as he assesses you both separately; when looking at you there’s a knowing tint to his gaze that’s clouded with a banked lust, though when his eyes meet the taller man’s stare that knowingness sharpens into appraisal. Had the desire there dissipated Charles would have backed off immediately, but thankfully that isn’t the case. Javier gives you both a smirk that leaves Charles flushing in a way that gives him one more reason to love the dusk of his skin.
It’s apparent that Javier’s happy to let the two of you play, so Charles is content enough to let you do as you will. Your hands move higher and higher with each pass over the waffle-knit of his top until clever fingers are dancing up the back of his neck to gently tangle themselves in his nape. Nails scrape upwards into the loose wave of his hair in a move that nearly has him moaning out loud. He’s just able to bite down on the sound, but there’s nothing to be done for the way the rest of his body betrays him with a shiver. Having his hair played with has always been a weakness of his, but one that not many know of thanks to the boundaries that he’s set in place. The number of people who can say they’ve had the pleasure of obtaining this knowledge are few, and those who’ve gotten such a visceral reaction out of him because of it are fewer still.
Sounds seem to fade away as you continue to lull him with your ministrations, with not even the combined drunken yelling of Sean and Lenny’s conveyed anecdote being enough to pull him out of the stupor. He allows his mind to wander as you work; the images that flash through his head are ones that he usually reserves for hours far later than this one, when he’s alone with an ache between his legs that cannot be abated by anything but imaginings of the only two people who could reduce him to such a base state. His grip on you tightens unconsciously, forcing you more firmly against his chest and you’re quick you mold yourself against him.
Your pace is languid as you work him over with the repetitious scrape. It feels like he’s under the sweetness of your care for a small eternity, and he’s more than happy to stay lost for another eternity still, so when your fingers curl and tighten against his locks and tug there’s really no way for him to stop himself from crying out. Luckily the story has finally reached its end to a cacophony of laughter that’s just loud enough to drown out a sound that’s caught somewhere between a yelp of surprise and a moan. Thankfully everyone’s too drunk and-or preoccupied to notice the way his chest heaves and his eyes darken as he looks at you through heavy lids–
Well, everyone except for Javier. He’d honestly forgotten that the other man’s still here—that anyone’s here, really—but now his presence encompasses all of Charles’ attention.
“Alright, amor, you’ve had your fun,” he tells his partner. His tone speaks of mild amusement, though there is a sliver of something there—something dark and wanting, ravenously so—that leaves their breath hitching. To Charles, “It wasn’t very nice of them, starting something they know they can’t finish– Not tonight, at least. But don’t worry, ‘mano—next time, we got you.”
The words feel like they’re caught somewhere between a promise and a threat, but Charles finds that that only adds to their appeal. The pair of you say your goodbyes then, first to him and then to the group at large. A chorus of wolf-whistles and teases are given in response, with everyone having a pretty good idea of why you’re cutting out early, but if they suspect his role in things they’re kind enough not to mention it.
As Charles watches your retreating forms he runs a shaky hand through the length of his hair only to find that the motion doesn’t bring him the stability that it usually does. How can it, when he can still feel your phantom touch, the exquisite bite of your nails against the sensitive skin of his scalp…
These memories will continue haunt him, he’s sure—unable to be exorcised in full until he’s lying sweat-slicked and sated between two equally worn-out bodies.
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“Is this what you wanted, mi amor?”
Javier’s thrusts can only be described as punishing, more so due to depth and force than speed. Your body jolts forwards with every snap of his hips, but the firm hold he has on the scarf that binds your arms keeps you from going too far—not that you want to be anywhere else but here, completely laid bare and at the mercy of the man at your back. The word ‘mercy’ used very loosely here as he is being absolutely ruthless and you’re loving every second of it.
Face down and ass up, he’s had you bent over the desk from nearly the moment you stepped into your bedroom, only stopping long enough to tie your arms behind your back. In all honesty you’re pretty sure this is the true reason he pushed so hard for its inclusion in the room—there’s definitely more appropriate spaces for it—but whatever. It’s not like you can complain when it gets such frequent use.
So yes, this exactly what you want, what you need…
“I asked you a question, baby, and I expect an answer,” he continues on in a low, demanding tone.
You try to reply, you swear you do, but whatever it is you manage to slur out between moans isn’t an adequate enough reply. Javier’s voice drops to something just above a true whisper as he leans more fully against you—close enough that you swear you can feel the beat of his heart against your back, close enough to feel the pant of his breath ghosting over your skin—with the sinuous roll of his hips slowing further.
“Forgot how to use your words already?” he tsks against the shell of your ear. “That’s okay, cariño. I know you wanna be good for me, so I’m gonna help you out…” Taking your confused sounding whimper for the question it is he chuckles before saying, “How? It’s easy—Imma fuck the answer out of you.” ((sweetie))
Before you can fully process his words he’s unwinding his hand from the cloth, pulling back, and pounding into you quick and hard. The feeling has you gasping out his name followed by a babbled yes-yes-YES that leaves him growling out his approval. He calls you his good baby then and the small bit of praise makes your brain fizz as your body reacts on instinct. Eager hips throw themselves back to meet his thrusts; though your positioning doesn’t really allow for much traction your efforts do earn you a few moans and curses of approval, at least.
“Mierda. Look at you. You like being fucked hard, huh? Like me taking you like this?” The words are little more than a rumble with how low his voice has dropped, and the change in timbre leaves you clenching up around him more. “Fuuck babe—that’s it, that’s– Fuck. Yeah, you love this shit. That why you were being such a little tease, yeah? Did you want me to fuck you ‘til you remember who you belong to?” ((shit))
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer this time, choosing instead to take your jaw in hand. His grip is just this side of bruising and well at odds with the gentle way his thumb strokes over your bottom lip. Your tongue snakes out mindlessly to flick at its calloused pad and you hum at the slightly salty taste of his skin. Javier hisses out a curse as you continue to lave over the digit, and you can practically feel his narrow-eyed stare from where it’s sure to be drilling into the back of your skull. Unwilling to relinquish even the least bit of control just yet, his palm slides downwards until it’s resting firmly against your neck. Long fingers easily encase the column, and while he doesn’t squeeze nearly as hard as he had been before there is a definite and steady pressure there. You know he’d sooner hurt himself before he would ever risk truly hurting you, but there’s still something undeniably alluring about feeling like you’re on the edge of something so dark and dangerous.
Your moan is slightly strangled as you lean more heavily into his hand, with your hole clenching especially hard as the oxygen vacates your lungs. In turn Javi grunts at the sensation even as his fingers squeeze just that little bit tighter, and in that moment you’re sure that a death of a different kind is close at hand. Spanish is falling from his lips much faster than your addled mind can ever hope to translate, but when he does finally switch back over to English he’s hardly saying anything you want to hear.
“What?” He gives a particularly hard thrust as you croak out the word, leaving you to damn near choke on it.
“You heard me, amor—don’t. You. Cum. After the shit you pulled tonight did you honestly think I was gonna let you cum so easily?”
Your replying whine is pitiful indeed, not that you actually expect to receive any sort of reprieve at this point. Still, that doesn’t stop you from looking over your shoulder and giving him your best pout. For his part your man mimics your expression, giving your neck a few soothing strokes before allowing his lips to pull off into a devious little smirk.
“Aww, look at you. There’s no need for all that, baby, I’m gonna give you what you want—not that you’ve actually earned it, not yet. You’ve been especially bratty lately; playing all these games, teasing me… I can’t just let that shit slide, so here’s how this is going to work: I’m gonna keep fuckin’ you good ‘n’ hard ‘n’ deep, and you’re gonna take it for as long as I say. When I decide that you’ve learned your lesson I’ll let you cum, and if you go over the edge before then there will be consequences.”
And you know he’s as good as his word.
Despite him saying all of this between pants, sharp curses, and a few breathy moans there’s no way in hell you actually stand a chance of outlasting him. Even if his stamina wasn’t god-tier and his will just as solid, pure pettiness would see him holding out if it meant keeping you on the edge. And as for those ‘consequences’, you cannot even begin to guess at what they may be, but a part of you really, really wants to find out. You’re positive you’ll enjoy it—maybe not as much as him, but you’ll still have your fun.
Before you can make up your mind about whether or not your defiance would be worth it, his hand is leaving your neck to hold your hip steady. You gasp slightly, already lamenting the loss of pressure, only to have the breath knocked out of you by his next thrust. The force of it sends you reeling, with the only thing keeping you from face-planting being the hold your man has on you. Instead your sweat-slicked body is shoved further up the desk in a move that would’ve been extremely uncomfortable if you weren’t already so gone.
Wanting a bit more agency, Javi grabs up the length of cloth that dangles between you; his movements do not falter as he shores up his grip with a few twisting motions before pushing into you again and again and again. He sets up a brutal pace that sees his hip bones digging into the plush of your ass and his balls slapping against you with every forward push. This is the only bit of attention that anything other than your hole has received since leaving the party and you damn near sob at the brief flashes of stimulation.
You’re not even sure what nonsense is pouring out of your mouth at this point, but if it’s anything like the disjointed garble that’s currently floating around in your skull then it’s one flaming wreck of a mess. You can hardly go by Javier’s reaction as you’re pretty sure that you could be singing lullabies and he’d still be into it. He just loves to hear you—it doesn’t particularly matter what sounds you’re making so long as he knows they’re a result of the pleasure he’s bring you. You’re much the same honestly, though listening to him turn the velvety syllables of his native tongue into growls and groans in the heat of his passion is its own type of torture. His voice is already an aphrodisiac in its own right, but when he’s fallen as deeply into his lust as he has into you it becomes something otherworldly.
Your man’s words slowly begin to shift from admonishments for your earlier behavior into praise for “–taking your cock like un buen pequeño amor,” and you can only hope that means you’ll get what you need sooner rather than later. ((a good little love))
Time stops making sense as he continues to take you. You’re both hyperaware of its passage and not, with seconds impossibly feeling like hours, but the minutes they bleed into hardly even registers. Your need for release becomes this all-encompassing thing that dictates your every move, breath, and thought. It creates a thrumming want that invades all of your senses until there’s nothing outside of it. Even Javi’s voice becomes little more than a cluster of sounds that you’re just barely able to perceive, though one phrase breaks through the haze every time he says it:
“Don’t you cum, cariño.”
His words are both boon and bane.
They’re the only bit of sense to be found in the symphony of needy sounds and hammering hearts and the repetitive meeting of flesh, and yet at the same time they are the very chains that hold you back from the one thing you need most. Your body is demanding, screaming, begging for this to end one way or another, and soon. You’re sure that each new thrust will bring about your end, and yet you hold yourself back even as your legs shake from exertion and your arms ache from the strain. Those four words will not allow you to do any less.
When the tension in your arms lessens you honestly think the limbs have finally gone numb, but then you’re being pulled up against Javier’s hard chest and you realize he actually let go of the scarf. The jarring pace he’d been keeping up slows to a gentle roll that makes you grind into him with a desperate whimper before he stills his hips altogether. His lack of movement has you rutting against him like some crazed beast, but the only thing this nets you is a throaty chuckle that makes you throb all the more.
“Tan ansioso,” he breathes against your ear as well-toned arms pin you flush against an equally muscled chest. This leaves you unable to do anything more than whine, much to your annoyance and his continued amusement. “You really want to cum, don’t you?” ((so eager))
“Fuck! Javi, you know I do–”
“Then say the word, mi corazón.” ((sweetheart))
“‘Please’, what?”
“Please let me cum.”
The moan he lets out at your words comes from somewhere deep in his gut making you shiver with your want. The only thing better than hearing him make such deliciously wicked sounds is knowing that you’re their cause. He’s always so quick to tell you that he’s the only one that can make you feel the way that you do—and it’s true, he definitely gotten you addicted to his particular brand of carnality, but it’s fine since you know it goes both ways.
Javier presses a sloppy, open mouthed kiss to your nape before nipping the skin there. “So good,” he purrs as his left hand snakes up to rub at your steadily leaking core. “Un bebé tan bueno para mí.” ((such a good baby for me))
His hand passes through the mess, smearing your arousal further until he’s zeroing in on your most sensitive area; all the while your hips wiggle against him in a desperate bid to rut into his palm properly. Unfortunately the movement does little for either of you aside from frustrating you further.
“There you go, teasing me again.”
“‘M not trying to,” you tell him, “just wanna feel good—wanna make us both feel good…”
Your trailing sigh turns into a moan when he thrust against you again. The movement is spastic, an involuntary response to the way that your walls flutter around him. He swears lowly before releasing you completely and pulling out; the sensation of his thick cock leaving you is good for all of two seconds before you realize that he’s not pushing back into you. For one panicked moment you think that he’s going to leave you tied up and aching, but before you can even form the first syllable of your plea he’s freeing your arms and turning you to face him. It’s the first time you’ve gotten a clear look at him since being bent over the desk and you’re pleased to find that he looks just as much of a mess as you do. Hair mussed, lips parted ever so enticingly, cheeks flushed, and dewy skin glistening so prettily under the warm-hued lights—he’s sex personified in this moment and the sight somehow makes you burn for him all the more.
Javier is drinking you in just as readily, being, as always, especially taken with your mouth. Heavily lidded eyes track your lips movements as you wet them, and when you bite into the plush skin he lets out a shuddering breath. A muttered “Fuck” is all the warning you get before his lips are crashing into yours while hands eagerly grip at your hips to pull you flush to him. The heat of his cock is like a firebrand between you, and the press of it against your skin has you instinctively writhing against it.
Your movements leave him shivering as he exhales harshly—the first sign that his self-control is starting to slip.
“Get on the bed, mi amor—wanna look in your eyes while I fuck you, wanna see you fall apart…” He breathes the words against your lips before taking the bottom one between his teeth just as you had a moment ago. The sting of his bite is soothed away by a swipe of his tongue before he’s kissing you again.
Somehow he has enough presence of mind to get you both moving and soon you feel something solid, yet yielding hitting the back of your legs. You’re just wobbly enough for the disturbance to take you off of your feet and Javier readily follows you down. So close to the one thing you both want, need, the kisses grow sloppier and more hurried. It takes a few moments for you both to get into a more settled position, but as soon as you do he’s lubing up again before pushing into you completely with one long stroke.
Your breath catches at the feeling of being full once again while he lets out a sound that’s half contented sigh, half growl, with the latter completely overtaking the former when you roll your hips up to meet his. The pace he sets is far less grueling than it had been when he was taking you from behind, but it’s no less maddening for the change. Long, deep strokes end with a languid snap that has him hitting something inside of you that leaves you damn near sobbing every time. It doesn’t take long for you to get back to that same level of torturous pleasure that you’d been drowning in minutes before and soon you’re clawing at his back and calling out his name like it’s the only word left in your lexicon.
All the while your eyes are locked with one another’s, mostly at his insistence. When he said that he wanted to see you fall apart he meant it; a firm hand against the side of your face keeps you from turning away while tutting words part your lids whenever they flutter shut for longer than a few seconds.
“You’re doing so well, mi amor, so good,” he tells you. His words are slightly slurred and you know he’s just as drunk on you as you are on him. The thought leaves your walls clenching and he hisses at the added tightness. His pace quickens as he drops his head down into the space between your shoulder and your neck. Kisses, nips, and sucks carve a path upwards until the warmth of his breath is ghosting over your ear. “Touch yourself for me.”
It’s an order that you’re all too happy to follow.
Your fingers quickly move down to work against your sloppy sex and you can only hope that the whole ‘no cumming until I say so’ thing is no longer in effect because if not you are in so much trouble. With everything going on you’re only gonna be able to last about a literal minute and that’s being hella generous and rounding way up, honestly. Javier knows this, knows you and your body damn near better than you do some days. He sees it in the way your eyes glint with desperation, can feel it in the way your whole body tenses just so, can hear it in the pant of breaths that come quicker, shallow. Part of you worries that he’ll drag things out just to punish you further—or worse yet, leave you wound up and wanting—but a bigger part of you knows he’s not that cruel. Javier always makes sure to give you what you need and right now you need to cum, badly, and so does he if the fevered look in his eyes is anything to go by.
“Yes, babe, yes. Just like that, fuck me back—Joder! Tan buena…” His muttered praises become more and more scattered as his hips begin to meet yours faster and faster until— ((fuck! so good))
“Do it for me, mi amor. Cum.”
Your body doesn’t hesitate to follow the simple command, and the orgasm that rocks your frame is almost blinding in its intensity. A wordless cry rips itself from your throat as bliss—white-hot and all-consuming—skitters across your every nerve setting them alight. All the while you hold on to the man that still hovers above you as if he’s the only thing tethering you to this plane, and for all you know he is. After all, you’re pretty sure that one cannot experience something so world-shattering as this and not ascend to some higher form of consciousness, if only for a moment.
For his part, Javier shudders and bucks his way through his own release just as you’re coming to the end of yours. Your nails follow the length of his spine as you watch him fall apart—eyes pinched shut, chest heaving, lips parted under hard pants—he rarely looks more beautiful than when he’s cumming and the sight is one that you’re positive you’ll never get tired of seeing.
Kisses are traded between shaky breaths as you both work your way through the last of the aftershocks. They’re sweet, lingering things that are seemingly at odds with everything that preceded them—only not really as he’s always like this once your games have come to their end. All loved up, he likes to keep you close so that he can dote on you as much as you’ll allow him to. Feeling safe, warm, and sated, gentle strokes of his hands against your cooling flesh and murmured declarations of love are the lullaby that sees you drifting off into slumber.
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© thepuckishrogue/TheViperQueen, 2019-2023 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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pebblethestone · 9 months
Red Dead Master List
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Main Master List
Arthur Morgan;
John Marston;
Dutch van der Linde;
Hosea Matthews;
Sadie Adler;
Micah Bell;
Charles Smith;
Javier Escuella;
Fishing trip
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 year
RDR2 HC - How They'd React to you coming to them when its a cold night.
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RDR2 x GN! Reader
Summary: How They'd React to you coming to them when its a cold night.
Warnings: Fluff, Cuddles, Established Relationship
Characters: Dutch van der Linde, Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Hosea Matthews, John Marston
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Dutch van der Linde
-Would wake up startled and reach for his gun under his pillow, but quickly sees it's just you.
-He takes a breath, a sign of relief, and asks you with a laugh what you're doing in his tent.
-Only dating for two months, you never spend a night in Dutch's tent. He respected your choice to go slowly, but on this cold night, everyone had to huddle up near the fire, leaving no room for you.
-Explaining to him, he happily opens his blanket for you to snuggle in. His hands wrap around your waist, him being the big spoon.
-Being so close, he whispers into your ear, telling you how much he loves you and the moments you have.
Dutch spoke sweet nothing into your ear, his warm body welcoming you, the shivering one. As you fall asleep, he pulls you closer into his chest. He kisses the back of your neck, making you laugh in your sleepy state. Not stopping, he locked his fingers with yours to bring you more warmth. Your eyes started to fall closed; he noticed and pulled the blanket over you, tucking you in with a final kiss on the cheek before you fell asleep.
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Arthur Morgan
-Would be up and see you coming to his bed; through the five months you had been dating, you had only been next to him in bed three times.
-It wasn’t a regular thing to come to his bed and cuddle with him, but he welcomed you with open arms.
-He could feel how cold it was, so he moved over before pulling you onto his chest and putting the blanket around you.
-Saying nothing, the only thing you hear is his warm breaths and his heartbeat, which you could only hear in his little space.
-Waiting until you stop shaking, he gives you a kiss on the hand, taking it from the warm underside of the blanket before you fall asleep.
You could feel Arthur's hand cup your cheek; its warmth tingled your cheek, and as it came closer, you kissed him, causing a hummed laugh from him. Smiling, you cuddle in more into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist as he did yours, and looking up, you meet his eyes. You kiss him, cuddling up into his neck. Taking a final deep breath, you close your eyes, having his breaths lullaby you to sleep. You could faintly catch an "I love you," but you chalked it up to the crackling of the fire a few feet away.
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Javier Escuella
-After his song for the night, as he was getting ready for bed, he saw you come over with your bedding.
-Would greet you and help you place your bedding next to his by the fire. As you both lay down, he faces you, warping his arm around your waist.
-You only started dating, but he made you feel like the only thing in his world. Dutch had nothing on you in Javier's eyes.
-He kisses you as he talks to you and then sings you to sleep, his voice like honey, like his kisses now on your cheek and forehead.
-Pulls you in closer as he sings to intertwine his legs with yours, tucking in your blanket more, and watching you fall asleep.
Javier's arms were warmly tucked under your arms, and his voice sang softly with words only for you. With your eyes closed, you could hear a smile on his face and his hand caressing his thumb. He planted kisses on your nose before going back to singing, He didn't care if anyone listened to him; he wanted them to know how much he loved you, despite him not being able to say it just yet because it would be too soon. He let you fall asleep with his love song playing in the background as you faded into sleep.
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Charles Smith
-You would have to get him off guard duty; thankfully, he was just about to switch with Bill.
-The bedding was already set up beforehand by you; you watched him as you shook under the blankets.
-Only dating for five and a half months just about how long he had been with you and the gang—you noticed how talkative and close he had been to, among other things, so you took that to confess your love for him.
-He quickly gets in, warping his arms around you and letting you rest your head on his chest. He rubs his hand on your arm, trying his best to warm you up.
-He kisses you on the top of your head, and he told you stories that his mother told him.
Listening to his stories, you tuck your arm close to you as you hear his faint heartbeat with his lungs air coming in or out, letting him continue with his story. You watched the fire going with the wind, but your eyes fought to close, and Charles's voice lulled you to sleep. It was quickly affecting you. With his arm soothing you, in the end, you lost hearing his warm voice as you faded into sleep.
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Bill Williamson
-He would be a bit drunk, and you would have to get him to bed or at least tell him it's bedtime.
-He was a very lovely dove to you when he was drunk, so tucking him in was easy, and he pulled you to his chest. He mumbles "I love you" a lot.
-Kisses you so much all over your face, but if you tell him to stop, he does because he knows he smells like beer.
-You dated him for a year now, and throughout that time, you've made him less of an asshole, but he's still your Bill.
-A living space heater keeping you warm through the night, he would snuggle into your neck in the middle of the night.
Bill kissed your cheek and neck, talking about how much he loves you, and you laughed as his kisses tickled your skin. Soon after you asked him to stop, he thought about it for a minute, then did snuggle into your neck. His arms warped around you, but he continued to whisper "I love you" in your ear, kissing you one last time before letting you both go to sleep.
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Hosea Matthews
-Would wake up when you get into his bed, though not getting his gun as you tell him it's you.
-He cuddles you quickly, feeling that you were shaking. He whispers that you're okay and rubs your arms, the friction from which gives you more warmth.
-He gives you kisses on your cheek and forehead, then cups your face, trying everything to make you stop shaking.
-When you did, he pulled you closer. Now he had to get you to sleep. He makes voices and tells stories about getting people out of money.
-Though he had made you laugh up a storm, you were exhausted after his words. He noticed and gave you a kiss one last time before you fell asleep.
Hosea rubbed your arms, slowly kissing the top of your head. He whispered something you couldn't make out, but it soothed you. You listened to his lungs and heartbeat as they slowed, then heard his soft snores. You huffed a laugh at it, but quickly you fell under the sleep spell, and you cuddled closer. Closing your eyes, you fall asleep, hoping you can wake before him to get him coffee. You love when his face lights up.
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John Marston
-He would be so confused waking up to your cold body next to him shaking, but he would ask you "What's wrong?".
-After telling him, he pulls you closer to him, kissing your cheek. His voice was hoarse as he told you how cold you were.
-He pulled the blanket up more, letting you intertwine your legs with his.
-He wanted to move you both next to the fire, but he could not when your shaking had come to a stop.
-Trying not to fall asleep first, but losing the battle, he talked little loving things into your ear with a final "I love you".
John put his hand on your back, rubbing it here and there; you could feel his body move like he was wanting to move, but you had only just stopped shaking. He had laid back down and continued to talk, pulling you closer. You could hear in his words how he slurred; he was falling asleep. Patting his chest, you tell him to go to sleep, but he tells you he's not tired, so you just leave it with a smile, letting yourself fall into the sweet bliss of sleep.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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roseghoul26 · 3 months
roseghoul26 Masterlist
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Arthur Morgan x fem!Reader (Mini Series)
Synopsis: A retelling of the mission "Blessed are the Peacemakers", where instead of Arthur getting kidnapped, it's you. part 1 ❉ part 2 ❉ part 3 ❉ part 4
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Charles Smith x gn!Reader (One Shot)
Synopsis: A brush with hypothermia forces you and Charles to camp out in an abandoned cabin. Having to resort to some more intimate means of survival, will you be able to keep your feelings in check for the hunter, or will the proximity force you to confess? Link
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Javier Escuella x femVirgin!Reader (One Shot)
Synopsis: You and Javier are to attend a party in Saint Denis, hoping to rob the owner of the establishment. Your role is to distract the man while Javier sneaks up to his room, stealing bonds rumored to be worth a good bit. The only problem is, the two of you are pretending to be husband and wife, which would be fine if you weren’t completely in love with the man. Will you be able to muster up the courage to finally confess to him, or will your personal anxieties hold you back from getting what you want? part 1 ❉ part 2
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Arthur Morgan x fem!Reader (Series)
Synopsis: A fic based off the song “ivy” by Taylor Swift. After a startling introduction to the man, Arthur Morgan became the most important part of your life. Married at a young age to an older, wealthy man to help your family, you were trapped in a loveless marriage, your only sense of escape with the rugged cowboy. Will you be able to keep your affair hidden, or will your husband find out, and destroy the last thing that made you happy? Chapter List
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Cooper Howard | The Ghoul x fem!Reader (One Shot)
Synopsis: After being captured by The Ghoul, he had dragged you through the hot desert of the Wasteland. You were so thirsty, and you’d do anything for a drink of water. And you meant anything. Link
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Cooper Howard | The Ghoul x fem!Reader (One Shot)
Synopsis: A discussion with The Ghoul reveals things that you never wished to tell him, including your views on intimacy, and lack of experience. When he offers to show you what you were missing out on, how could you say no? Link
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Javier Escuella x gn!Reader (One Shot)
Synopsis: For the last few nights, Javier’s guitar has been disappearing at night, returning back to its spot in the morning. No one in camp seems to know where it's going, and he’s getting real tired of his belongings getting taken. Link
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Cooper Howard | The Ghoul x fem!Reader (One Shot)
Synopsis: After two weeks out on the job, you and The Ghoul are spending the night at a bar in Shady Shands relaxing. The Ghoul has always flirted with you, but he never meant anything by it, never did anything more, leaving you frustrated and desperately wanting the man. So when you meet someone who acts on his words, you nearly agree to spend the night with him, hoping to fill your lonely nights with another person instead of thoughts of The Ghoul. But any prospect of enjoying his company is destroyed when The Ghoul beats the man for even looking in your direction. Rightfully angry, an argument between the two of you ensues, leading to things that you only imagined would happen in your thoughts during your lonely nights.  Link
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Cooper Howard | The Ghoul x fem!Reader (One Shot)
Synopsis: It had been apparent from the moment you met him that The Ghoul was Cooper Howard, your favorite actor. He had no idea that you knew who he was, so how could you not have some fun with it? Link
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nutluvs · 4 days
not sure if your requests are still open but I'd devour your take on how rdr characters would react to you giving them a hot lunch while they are hunting. Like they are sitting at the top of the hill with a hunting bow in their hands and you sneak up to them, handing them a hot meal prepared for them.
preferred characters are javier, sean and kieran but you can add your favourites as well, I will gladly read your take on that about any character! :)
also don't feel pressured if you don't feel like writing it! much love anyways, have a nice day :))
- 🦎
hot n' ready 🍰 various rdr2 characters x gn! reader
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!! divider by animatedglittergraphics-n-more ♡ !! hi sweetheart ! i hope you're doing amazing today ! ♡ this is my favorite request i've gotten in ages ! it's so cute. thank you so much for sending it in. ♡ i'm so so sorry it took me so long to write, i've had like.. 0 motivation to write lately, and this is just to get back into it. i'm also very sorry if this sucks and if i didn't portray any of your favorites right, i'm only really used to writing a few characters. synopsis:bringing your dearest some good lunch you made just for him while he's out hunting. pairings (in order): ♡ charles smith ♡ arthur morgan ♡ javier escuella ♡ eagle flies ♡ sean macguire ♡ kieran duffy ♡ john marston ♡ the boy warnings: none, this is just fluff !! mentions: @pursuedbyamemoryy @deaddoedonoteat
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charles smith:
he didn't expect it. at all.
although, that doesn't mean he didn't appreciate it.
when you crept up to him, his focus was entirely on the doe, whose head was tipped down to nibble at the grass beneath her hooves.
as soon as you prodded at him with the tip of your finger, he jolted and made a discontented, uncomfortable sound.
he was quick to whip around to see who it was, gripping his bow a little tighter, but when he realized it was you he visibly relaxed almost instantly.
he greets you and asks you what you have in your hands, disregarding the doe immediately. you were more important.
"a warm lunch, just for you. i know pearson's meals aren't so satisfying to eat, especially since they lack seasoning and any variation, so i made something of my own. i also made myself something, that way, we could have some lunch together.
when you say that, he feels his face go warm.
he has to clear his throat before attempting to tell you that you didn't have to do this for him and that he didn't want to be a waste of time, but you were quicker, promising him that he deserved a break from low quality food and that he deserved something nice.
so, now understanding you were absolutely sure, he takes his warm lunch from your hands with a smile, and you eat together underneath the shade of a tree, sharing conversation and warm, loving smiles.
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arthur morgan:
he was a bit frustrated.
he had tried to get his hands on this damn buck for so long, but every time he'd try and shoot, the thing would get spooked off by quickly passersby.
so now, here he was, sat atop a hill, grumbling to himself about how irritating the prey was, fidgeting with an arrow and trying to calm himself down.
he had heard hoofbeats on the grass and quickly turned to see who it was, and as soon as he saw your face, all of his anger was gone. he put the arrow he held down onto the grass with his bow, and watched you approach. he noticed you had something in your hands.
"hey, darlin'. what's that you got in your hands?" he asks, watching you sit down beside him with a bit of a smile present on your features.
"some lunch for you. made it myself." you say, smiling bigger. "i figured you'd like something that isn't as bad as pearson's cooking... so i made that something."
arthur was a bit shocked, taking it from your hands when you held it out to him. he looked from the box up to you, unsure. "i don't deserve this, darlin', it's.. you didn't have to."
"i wanted to."
this makes his face go red, because he wouldn't really figure someone would want to do something like this for him. but it made him happy, and he really enjoyed your cooking. who knew you were so good?
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javier escuella:
he's more of a fishing guy, so that might make it a little harder for you to reach him, but that doesn't deter you.
he went down to the dakota river to do some fishing, and he asked you to tag along, but you initially said no. he was a little sad about that.
however, when he was in the middle of wrapping a smallmouth bass so he could return it to camp, you prodded at his shoulder, causing him to yelp and drop the fish.
you apologized quickly, but he was quick to put the apology down. he wasn't mad at you, he could never be. plus, he insisted he should've been more aware of his surroundings.
after that, you handed him the lunch you made.
"querida, what's this?" he asks, inspecting it closely, as if unsure. it wasn't like you'd give him something that'd kill him, so he stopped his looking.
"a lunch i made for you, since pearson's cooking tastes like shit."
"it has a few of the meals you told me your mother used to make you, and i wanted to sorta give you some sense of home. i hope my cooking is as good as hers, and that i captured the flavors right."
his heart warms, and he feels a bit of a hitch in his breath. you took the time out of your day to make him one of the dishes from home? oh, you were just the sweetest.
he holds the lunch carefully as he brings you into a hug and kisses your cheek, thanking you before quickly sitting down to enjoy what you picked to make him.
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eagle flies:
today's hunt had been very successful, and he was proud of that.
he had managed to shoot down some rabbits, and he wanted to finish off a deer as well. he found it most refreshing when he did this.
when you came over the hill, he was poised to shoot, rough fingertips pulling back on the string of his bow.
you decided to stay quiet, watching him release the string and puncture the unaware doe's neck. you smiled when he released a pleased sigh, standing to go collect the arrow and the fresh kill.
"that was a good one," you say, spotting him turn and smile right back at you. "thank you." he replies. he'd known you were there, but he had already gotten the opportunity for a perfect shot, so he didn't greet you despite how bad he'd wanted to.
you watched him pluck the arrow from the carcass and hoist it over his shoulder, bringing it back to his horse before helping you down from yours.
"so, why'd you come?"
"made you something." you say, handing him a small box lunch. "you deserve a treat for all of the hard work you've been doing lately. i know it's the least i could do for such hard work, but i was in a rush."
eagle flies smiles at the gift, his heart fluttering. "thank you, my love. i appreciate this a lot. i've always liked your cooking." he says, leaning in and pressing a tender kiss to your temple, before sitting down to eat the meal you made specially for him.
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sean macguire:
he didn't know why he came on this hunting trip. hunting irked him.
he wasn't even all that good at focusing on the prey, let alone shoot it in a vital spot to kill it. he wouldn't admit that, nor the fact that he'd rather be doing something more entertaining.
he just about tossed away the bow, but you twined your arms around him in a hug and gazed up at him, a smile on your lips.
"hi honey." you say gently, "i brought you something to eat. hunting isn't your forte, and i know you like my cooking. maybe it'll calm you down."
sean stared at you for a moment, his expression flat before it grew a bit embarrassed, "i can hunt just fine!" he snapped, and you laughed. "i saw the anger in your face, honey, you hate it. here."
you pushed the box meal into his hands, and he wasn't going to deny this. as you said, he loved your cooking. he'd never say otherwise... even if he didn't like the flavor of something, he was the biggest fan of your meals and would eat up the whole plate.
he was quick to slump down underneath a tree with you, blabbering on about his day with you leaning against his shoulder. he didn't have any manners when eating, but that was fine. at least he was back to being happy.
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kieran duffy:
he prefers being back at camp with the horses, let's just say that.
he didn't like the idea of hurting animals, preferring to take care of them. so, he purposefully made this a bad hunt.
he didn't even know why they asked him of all gang members to go out and hunt... although, he'd still try. he wanted them to trust him at least a little bit more. he wasn't just some o'driscoll..
he sat crouched behind a bush, expression a bit worried as he aimed the bow he borrowed at an unaware rabbit.
when he let go of the string, he jolted back, the squeaky, high-pitched sound from a pained bunny not meeting his ears. only the sound of panicked scuttling and the small thud of an arrow.
"oh..." he sighed, a bit displeased with himself. although, he sorta preferred that he didn't kill something so innocent.
the sound of your voice caused him to jolt once again, and he looked up at you. "o-oh, hey, darlin'.. um, i uh.."
"i see you haven't caught yourself anything."
"nope.." he mumbled, gaze straying elsewhere. he listened to your soft laughter as you sat down beside him. "that's okay," you promised, earning his eyes on you again, "don't worry. i'll catch something later. anyway, i brought you something."
when you handed him a box, he felt the warmth seep into his palms. he looked at it, then at you. "what's this?"
"some lunch. i made it specially for you, you deserve a break from all that harassment they give you. even though it's not much, i thought you might like it."
kieran blushed at this, putting the box on his lap and managing a small-voiced "thank you."
you made him feel so dizzy, so stupid in love. but he liked that. he liked it a lot.
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john marston:
he was pretty self confident in today's hunt.
he'd managed a few kills, a deer and some birds. nothing too big. but he was still pretty proud. and with this confidence, he felt he'd be good with another kill.
however, as soon as he plucked an arrow to shoot with, he noticed you coming up the hill. he was quick to smile all dumb, shoving his bow and arrow away.
when you came over the hill, you halted your horse, looking to him as he made his way over to you and pulled you from your horse.
you noticed quickly that he was in a good mood, as he began to swing you around when you were in his arms. "there's my angel! how are you doing?" he asks, nuzzling you as he sat you down, listening to your giggles.
"great! i don't think i have to ask you how you are..." you tease, before stepping slightly back from him. "made you a little something, by the way.
this caught his attention, and he raised a brow, "what's that?" "made you a lunch, with your favorites." you said as you handed him the lunch. "i figured you'd like it. you've told me about two million times that my cooking's your favorite." holy shit, was this day going good. john was through the roof now.
john grinned like the idiot he was and took the box from you. "thanks, my angel. always did like your cooking, you do it real good. i always wonder who taught you." he admits, wrapping you up in his arms again, careful not to spill what he has in his hands. you giggled, pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw, "i try, and i'm glad my hard work is met with a good product."
"mmmhm. now, wanna sit down and share?"
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the boy:
he wasn't usually the type to hunt.
however, today, he went out hunting, and it wasn't going so good. he ended up pouting on the forest floor, leaning against a tree.
"honey?" you call out, which distracts him from his moping. he looks like he lightened up a bit, but not as much as you hoped. you sighed when he looked back to his hands.
"not much of a result, huh, love?" you ask, dismounting your horse and approaching him. you squatted down beside him, putting a hand on his cheek and tipping his head up. he grunted a "no."
"huntin's stupid. i'm the best 'round here, but these damn animals.." he huffed. you only smiled softly, leaning in close to him and pressing a kiss to his temple. "will this cheer you up?" you ask, putting a small box in his hands.
he looked at you, confused, blue eyes searching your face and waiting for an explanation.
"it's lunch i made for you. i know you're not the biggest fan of hunting, so i decided i'd make you a lunch to cheer you up... and before you ask if there's any watermelon, yes, i put watermelon in it."
he grinned dumbly, his face growing warm and dusting with a rosy color, leaning in and giving you a quick peck on the nose. "thanks, i always did like your cooking... makes me feel better 'bout this."
"oh, i know. you're blushing all silly."
"i ain't!"
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here's this! i hope this suffices for my first post in 8 centuries. i hope you enjoyed, have a nice day! love you guys ♡♡♡♡
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sednonamoris · 1 year
can you please do reverse tousle + javier?
Pairing: Javier Escuella x gn!reader
Prompt: Mess playfully with my muse's hair
Warnings: Fluff, teasing, first kiss
Word count: 488
Javier is pretty all the time, but prettiest by firelight, you think. 
It’s late. Everyone else has gone to bed, leaving just the two of you by the dying embers of the last fire. He strums soft and tuneless on his guitar, and hums along the same. His legs are crossed loosely. A faint smile tugs at his lips.
You sit across from him and watch like he’s hung every star in the vast night sky. They twinkle down on you and shine back in the depths of his dark eyes when he looks up to smile at you, amused.
“What?” he asks.
“Just lookin’,” you shrug, but mirror his smile with one of your own.
He quirks a brow. “Like what you see?” 
Yes, you think. Always.
Fireglow glints off of canines flashed with his grin, and you swallow past a dry mouth. That bowler hat you so love to steal has long since been abandoned, and flyaways his ponytail didn’t quite catch frame his face. Without thinking you reach across to tug on them. 
He swats your hand away but his grin is even wider, now. Like he wants to swallow you whole. 
“Could use a haircut,” you say. It’s so hard to look away. Even harder to meet his gaze.
“Sure,” he chuckles at your sorry attempt to cut the tension. “You wanna give it a try? Maybe you’ll be better than the barber in town.”
“Me? I can barely cut a hide straight out hunting. You’ll end up bald if I’m holdin’ the scissors.” 
“Maybe I’ll look good bald.” 
“You look good all the time,” you scoff with a wave of your hand.
It takes a moment to sink in that you’ve said that aloud. Your face flushes with heat the moment it registers, and he laughs in earnest, this time, at your obvious embarrassment. 
“Do I?”
“Oh, fuck off. You know what I meant.”
He smirks. “I think I do.”
“You’re terrible,” you announce. “I’m going to bed.” 
You don’t get up. 
“All alone?” His guitar has been set off to the side, leaned up against the tent pole. He’s closer than you remember, or maybe he was always this close. 
“Terrible,” you repeat. There’s an edge of desperation to the accusation as he moves closer and closer, obvious now. Waiting for you to retreat. Watching you stay. 
“Terrible,” he agrees. His breath ghosts across your lips, parted, waiting. 
He brushes your hair out of your face and gives it a playful tug before settling to cradle the back of your head. You gasp, but the sound is quickly swallowed by the kiss that follows. His lips are warm and welcome against your own. When he pulls away - too soon - his eyes are alight with mischief. 
“Was that so bad?”
“Terrible, like I said,” you say. Even you have to admit you sound breathless. “Do it again?”
He laughs, and does just that.
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outlawwithaheart · 1 year
Outlaw's Masterlist :)
Asks open :) Feel free to ask for Headcannons, or oneshots! I do fluff, or smut (I don't write anything violent, if you want specifics you can ask anonymously if you want <3)
Arthur Morgan💗
General Relationship Headcannons (pt. 1)
General Relationship Headcannons (pt. 2)
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Charles Smith💕
General Relationship Headcannons
NSFW Headcannons
Charles x Reader Oneshot (GN! Reader)
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Charles x Virgin! Reader (NSFW HCs)
Micah Bell💛
Micah x Reader (Oneshot)
Micah during pregnancy, and as a father (HCs)
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Javier Escuella💜
Javier Escuella Relationship Headcannons
Javier Escuella Fluff Headcannons
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Sean MacGuire
Sean MacGuire General Relationship HCs
Modern! Sean x Reader (smut, oneshot)
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Hosea Matthews ❣️
Hosea as a Dad to a Young Adult!Reader (HCs)
Kerian Duffy💕💗💕💗💕
General Headcannons for Keiran
Bill Williamson 💙
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Dutch Van Der Linde ❤️
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
John Marston🖤
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
212 notes · View notes
dreamdaddydutch · 2 years
When It Rains - Javier x Reader
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For NaNoWriMo this year I wanted to write a few more fics for this blog and what was meant to be a short and pretty angsty Javier x Reader piece, turned into something much longer.
Summary: I wanted to write something where the reader and Javier were a couple until the gang split and then they end up meeting by accident several years later. Javier and his ex-love confess a lot of things, it gets pretty angsty, heart-breaking and sad. There’s a lot of blame to be thrown around, and it’s not just all on Javier. They allow themselves a small taste of one another but realise it’s more than likely too late. A/N - So I wrote the first half of this and it really upset, much like the character I found it just too sad to bare right now. So I wrote a second half, which considering the words and actions in the first is perhaps a little unbelievable and suddenly romantic - but I wanted to give readers the option. So you can read until the ***** break, or if you want to read the bit after the break, just don’t read the bit above in italics as that finishes off the previous half.
Pairing: Javier x gn!reader  Warnings: Angst + a little mild smut.
Word Count: 5,228 for the full fic.
“I still think of you every time it rains.”
“Don’t what Javier? Speak? It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve told me to be quiet.”
The regret in Javier’s expression was clear, that wasn’t what he meant, and you knew it. No matter the reasoning behind his words, it was a memory of the past that cut through. Words unspoken but clear. But the past was never a clear path and truth contorted by emotions and fear.
“That isn’t what I meant, and you know it,” there it was, the tone he takes when he’s afraid and feels like he has lost, that he is lost all over again. It’s an occasional and passionate flicker of anger that is just a small part of being human, a bargaining chip when the stakes are high.
Javier takes a deep breath, clutches his fist and rests it upon the frame of the door, “Mea Culpa,” he whispers as he squeezes his eyes shut. Perhaps if he can’t see you, it’ll make it easier. Perhaps if you never look into one another’s eyes again the spell will be broken and no one will get hurt. It is a foolish thought and unattainable you know this.
Seeing Javier in this state hurts but so does what happened, so does seeing him after all this time broken and afraid. And just like that you too feel broken and afraid all over again. You can run from the wolves but they’ll catch up with eventually especially in the dark.
The last time you saw him had been a whirlwind of emotions and confusion. To say that things with the Van Der Linde Gang hadn’t been going well for a while would have been an understatement.
You regretted not leaving when Molly was shot, regretted not begging Javier to leave with you then and at least providing you both with an opportunity to have a proper civilised discussion before tempers rose and words were said that could never be taken back.
Your arms ached, fingers twitching and wanting to reach out to Javier just for a moment. To place a hand on his shoulder and squeeze so he knew he wasn’t alone. You longed to stroke his cheek, to feel his moustache and goatee against your skin….to trace his scars, something that between you had been the ultimate symbol of trust.
Momentary snapshots of memories from long ago paraded in your vision, taunting you with the past and the happiness you once felt. To feel Javier’s lips against yours, to hold him as he entered you while whispering sweet nothings and then fall asleep by his side. All the happy games of cards with him in the summer sun, the singing with the gang round the campfire, the heists, the warmth of whiskey in your belly and on his breath as the snow fell. To feel safe once again.
It was too late, there was nothing that could be done or said to change what happened or that could enable you to forget his final outburst to you back then. The violence of the final days from all members of the gang, the hatred and blame climaxing with utter chaos in which Arthur ended up dead. Arthur who didn’t deserve that fate, Arthur who tried to hold the gang together after Hosea passed, Arthur who wanted nothing but for the gang to be happy and safe. But Dutch, perhaps not entirely through his own fault, became so unhinged in those final moments even the love of your life couldn’t convince you to stay.
So the choice was made that led you to where you are now, stood in the porch of your small but cosy home. Alone save for the company of your chickens, sheep, and dog. Content. Peaceful. Happy in your own way though still haunted by nightmares.
Javier opened his eyes. They sparkled with tears, the reflection of the fire inside making them glow, warm and inviting like they used to be. He was beautiful despite how tired he appeared, “Is there anything, anything I can do to make it okay?”
You inhaled sharply because there had been once. Now you remained silent, shaking your head just a little in response, a weary smile playing at the corners of your mouth from the happy memories you shared once.
“Nothing at all?”
When you spoke it was little more of a whisper, “There was, once.” You took a breath, could you say what you’d wanted to for all these years. Yes. You had to, “You could have loved me more than you loved him.”
Javier let out a muffled sob, a part of him would have known this already and no doubt he lived with the ramifications of his decision every day.
“I did.”
“You say that…”
“Dutch he did so much for me, he saved me, gave me a family, a home…I couldn’t just give up on him mi amor, I had to believe. I had to have hope. I made a promise.”
“I know.”
And you did know. You didn’t blame Javier for his decision and could understand why he did what he did. Dutch had been good to him to begin with, Dutch had been a beacon of hope for many but in the end Javier and Bill paid for their blind loyalty when it cost them friendship, love and self-respect. Their devotion had bordered on madness. And Micah…Fuck Micah.
“I understand Javier…I do. I know why you were so loyal to him and why you still are.” Those last few words made you feel sick, bile rising in your throat as you thought of the man who ruined your lives, who cost the life of so many others and resulted in this great unhappiness still being out there.
But it wasn’t just that. It wasn’t just the side that Javier chose which caused you to doubt now or find it in you to let him beyond the door.
“But Javier, the thing is that…The reason why I can’t.” You stopped for a moment as you tried to steady your breathing and fight back in inevitable flood of tears.
Javier reached out to you in response, his hand resting on your forearm so gently you barely felt it. And so he waited in silence, waited for you to pronounce the deadly blow and Javier…Oh he knew what was coming. He didn’t need to ask what else he’d done or the words he spoke that caused the fractures to finally cause it all to break. But he wanted to hear you say it anyway, no matter the pain.
“I don’t just mean the side you took on the final day,” you paused trying to construct a sentence in your head. How to say what you meant… “I think perhaps I could have lived with that in time,” a soft sob left your mouth and as you sniffed Javier’s grip on your arm tightened.
Hope flickered in Javier’s eyes, you put the palm of your hand up to meet him and so for a moment you were unable to see his expression afraid he’d succeed in making you feel guilty.
“But I can’t do this, not again. I can’t give myself to you only to lose you again do you understand? You humiliated me in front of everyone, the things you said to me, accused me of… Do you remember what you said about Arthur and I? How you denounced your love and all the promises you made? You called me a whore in front of everyone, you told my secrets to Dutch, Micah just stood and laughed at me, those words cut deeper than any physical wound I’ve ever suffered as a result of being a part of that…that…. cult.” You spat the last word.
Your stomach was in knots and you were afraid you’d vomit in front of him, dragging up the past is not something you’d planned to do that evening and certainly not something so raw. But you weren’t alone in experiencing pain, no, Javier too choked on his sobs and as you lowered your palm it was visible how disgusted he’d been by his own actions.
His only response came in Spanish, “Perdoname amor. Lo siento mucho.”
Was it a lie to say you forgave him? No. Because you did, you understood which if anything made it worse.
You placed a hand on top of the one which clung to your arm and squeezed in response, “Yes Javier…I forgive you.”
He said nothing for a moment and then as if only just realising what you’d said before questioned, “Cult?”
You pulled away from him letting your hand drop to your side and clenched your first, “It’s what it felt like in the end Javier, Dutch inspired blind devotion and you know that. You were so unbearably cruel to me.”
“sí…And I will never forgive myself, but we were cruel to one another.” “Don’t put that shit on me,” you retorted, your cheeks flushed with anger. But was it really him you were angry with? Was it Micah and Dutch…Was it yourself and the human nature of things. Because…
He wasn’t entirely wrong, you had both been cruel to one another, but he was the one who took it to the extreme, he was the one who snapped first and brought your house built on mutual respect, love and trust burning down around you.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes to regain your composure, “Yes Javier…we were cruel to one another. And for that I am truly, deeply sorry.” As you spoke an unimaginable weight felt like it lifted from your shoulders. Javier was right, you had been no saint and it was unfair for him to take all the blame for what happened.
You continued, “I know it wasn’t easy for you…and I know that you never pointed your gun at Arthur and John. I know you were conflicted….I…”
He took a step forward, his foot going over the threshold of your house and you wanted to push him back in the cold, wanted to push him away and tell him never to return. But those words you’d just spoken let him in. In spite of it all, the knot in your stomach when you looked at him grew now you could smell his aftershave…Now he was so close for the briefest of moments you want to remember what it was like.
Against your better judgement you played the fool, just for a moment as you allowed his lips to get closer to yours, his hot breath against your face smelling of whiskey and cigarettes like the olden days. His hand reached round the back of your neck, fingers weaved through your hair and then he pulled you in to kiss him and when he does…. When he did you didn’t stop him, not at first, how could you?
And it is so fucking good. His lips are home, they hold the secrets to your inner most desires and happiness. The butterflies in your stomach erupted, your mind exploded with the happiest of memories. You felt your nipples harden and the warmth between your legs spread.
And then you made the decision, you pulled away. Though your lips were still brushing his with his neck craning for more, you denied him. “Javier please…this can’t happen.”
“Why mi amor?” he begged, clearly pained. Though you know he wants to, he didn’t kiss you again, he stayed with his hand still tangled in your hair, his nose pressed to yours.
Could you fight this? You kissed him again quickly. No…. Yes. You knew you had to be stronger than this. But then he was sucking on your lower lip and a moan escaped as your lips parted to allow him better access.
You sharply pulled away and turned your head, but instead of this removing the contact between the two of you, you’d ended up nuzzling into his neck.
“Because it’s too painful,” you confessed, your hands took hold of his poncho and balled up, you tugged the material slightly. Tears stung your eyes as you looked back up and went to kiss him again, he returned the kiss, his lips plump and inviting, his tongue slipping into your mouth once more.
God he was always so good with his tongue.
But then you know. Enough.
As you kissed him there were moments where you tried to push him away as he held you closer. But you didn’t try for long, it was too good, too delicious not to fall for him all over again. Afterwards you blamed yourself for leading him on and briefly giving him hope, perhaps you shouldn’t have let him kiss you at all.  But it was for old time’s sake right? That was a lie you’d tell yourself afterwards, that it was innocent and just a silly game. None of this was a game, this was your life, his life…This was your past and potential future. This was the man who’d loved more than anyone.
“Please,” Javier had pleaded with between kisses and tears. You tasted the salt on his lips as you tried to stifle your own cries.
“It’s just too sad. Too much has happened Javi, it….you…this it makes me too sad.” You said defiantly. You imagined then that your legs were like tree trunks rooted into the ground. This you, this you had not existed back then but that day you were reborn. The trauma had given birth to a reformed and stronger being, to someone who occasionally missed being warm.
“No…please, please don’t. I’ve been trying to find you these past few years and now I have. Merida!” He exclaimed, his fist punching the wooden frame, “Please, please don’t say it’s over.” Your nose nuzzled against him. You didn’t know why exactly but you believed both of you would be better without the other, it was just how it had to be.
His knee, damnit his knee pressed in between your legs and you parted for him. Your mind raced in response as you imagined him taking you there on your front doorstep for anyone in the world to see. You were so cold. It was so late. You both were…so old now. His breath still on your neck so hot and steady, perfectly in control of his actions, you knew he would feel the heat from between your thighs and know how much you wanted him inside you.
Biting down on your lip so hard you drew blood. You remembered the tree and felt how deep your roots went into the earth. No storm could uproot you, nothing and no one.
The words came by themselves, unconscious now, transcending from the reality of the present as you rowed far from the past, “Goodbye Javier.”
You felt his body slacken, numb from your words, his knee retreated from you leaving your legs open, exposed, wanting… His lips pressed against yours one last time, a final kiss from a man who knew he was defeated.
Javier had let go of you then, his hand falling back to his side, his feet shuffled backwards there was nothing of him across the threshold anymore in that moment. He sobbed, deep, guttural…You hated to see him in pain.
“You are the love of my life; I wish you all the luck in the world.” You said through tears.
As you took one last look at him you saw him smile just a little, despite the pain. “Be safe my love.”
You closed the door, no looking back or turning around. Lock. Gone. Done.
As you pressed you back up against the door you heard him howl, deep and guttural like a wounded animal. Javier screamed into the night and then he was gone.
Several years later you received the news that Javier had been hanged. He was a wanted man after-all, wanted especially by John Marston and after-all who could blame John? If you’d taken him in would it have ended any differently? Would John have still found him, yes…you were sure he would have. Would things have ended the same or worse? Would you have died too…Would you have had a child who’d also have ended up in an early grave? Or would John have listened to you and forgiven Javier?
Too many questions. Too many theories and potential outcomes. Too much sadness.
And that was all it came down to. The past was too sad. Too painful. There was no comfort to be found in asking questions to which there were no answers.
And when it rained you still thought of him.
Several hours passed and despite feeling physically tired your mind was still wide awake filled with happy memories that you and Javier shared together. But Dutch was still alive and it was clear Javier was looking for a way out, but he hadn’t come to find you to try and find an easy way out, he wouldn’t be using you should he stay. He didn’t have that in him, this much you knew to be true.
Your dog jumped down from off your lap and looked towards the door wagging his tail. The fireplace was so warm and cosy, you had more than enough food your yourself, so much in fact that you were worried some of it would go to waste and you abhorred waste – the last few weeks with the gang had installed that in you.
When Javier had said Mea Culpa at your door you were angry, not because you believed it was through his fault but because it wasn’t. He was too harsh on himself. You were too harsh on yourself. He’d been too harsh on you back then and you were too harsh on him now. But he was also harsh on you. In the past these disagreements and hurt were always cured with what little privacy you had, hedonistic acts were the tonic.
Life was but a fleeting moment in the universe, the blink of an eye and there was so much sadness in the world it suddenly seemed as if you’d thrown yourself into a black pit in rejecting him.
You couldn’t forget what had happened nor would you be able to forgive immediately, even though you told him you did… It was the least you could do to at least offer him some semblance of peace and closure. Your bed for now would remain for you and your dog, but there was space in the house for him, there was still space in your heart for him once more, but then he’d never really left that space had he?
You pulled on your warmest socks and boots, wrapped yourself up in shawls and coats and head out with a lantern into the snowy evening. After reaching town there was practically a blizzard blowing and you shivered down to your bones.
It didn’t take long to find him, thankfully he hadn’t skipped town just yet – you had the weather to thank for that.
The door to the Saloon swung open with force and out staggered Javier after clearly indulging in a few drinks. You wondered again if this was a good idea? You’d been so certain and stood strong back at home on the door stop. You hadn’t given in…but had that been the right choice? In the heat of the moment no matter how much you’d wanted to pull him into your bed, it didn’t feel right and you’d needed to protect yourself. But now you’d calmed down and were thinking rationally again perhaps you could work things out after-all. Slowly and steady. The two of you could take baby steps couldn’t you? If for no other reason than maybe you owed it to one another to try once more but there was still a promise he’d have to make.
You watched as Javier made his way over to the stables, following him but hiding in shadows where possible while you tried to work out what to stay. What if after your rejection he’d gone and slept with another woman or worse, what if he’d settled on moving on and accepted you wanted nothing more to do with him – which is exactly what you’d wanted several hours ago. Fuck. What a mess.
As he reached Boaz you quickly ran across to him knowing there was no time to formulate a plan.
Javier stopped; the snow was easing making a beautiful sound just wings fluttering in the night sky.
You sucked in hard, the air so cold it made you cough. You heard Javier chuckle.  
“Why?” He asked softly.
You looked behind you, unsure of who he was talking to or whether he knew it was you. It was too late to turn back now, with your heart in your mouth, hands trembling you answered, “Why what?”
He turned around to face you, “You said you think of me every time it rains, why?” And although the question is a little slurred you can’t help but smile.
“Because it smells of home, rain after a heat wave or rain on leaves in the autumn. There is a comfort in decay, a comfort in the way of things. Like there was comfort in your arms. Do you remember how we used to love watching the rain from our tent, so cosy and warm tucked away from the elements.”
“Of course, how could I forget?”
You stayed still as he spoke to you not wanting to make any sudden moves or to kiss him again, not just yet. Should you have decided to kiss him again you felt there was only one direction it would have gone, with your legs wrapped around him, head buried in his chest. No, you had to be stronger than that.
Javier staggered a little to the side, “S-sorry amor, too, too much…whiskey,” he said as he reached up for his forehead. Yes, there was the Javier a little drunk and probably about to swoon.
You removed your hands which had been tucked deep inside your coat pockets, “Come on now,” you reached out to steady him, providing some much-needed support.
Javier sighed, “What are you doing... y/n?”
What were you doing? Like hell if you knew….
“Over the past few hours I’ve been thinking about it all. Everything I said is true…the past is too sad and it is too painful. But it would be painful and sad whether you’re back in my life or not. And so I reached a conclusion, maybe the future doesn’t have to be, in time anyway. And I have some of the blame on my shoulders and I know that it wasn’t easy for you…in a way you didn’t pick a side, well you did but you, you just fell into following Dutch and I know why. I know why Javi. I love and I hate you for that day but I can’t bare it, I can’t let the ending be this sad.” You’d rushed, word vomit spewing with barely a breath taken and judging by Javier’s expression he was just trying to keep up.
Then you realised you hadn’t said much that was new or unknown, “Javier I,” you paused as the truth came to you in that moment. A spark as you realised the words that were missing, “I don’t know. I don’t think I will ever know why things went the way they did and I don’t know what the future holds. I was afraid and I hated being afraid so I became cold. But now I’m afraid I’ll never feel warm again, that the warmth of the sun will never touch me like it did before or that I’ll never feel the glow in my cheeks that’s achieved only through love.”
You gulped as you spoke still uncertain on whether this was a good idea. But they say people rarely regret the things they do, the risks they take – it’s far more likely to regret something you don’t do and you didn’t want that.
With you steadying him, Javier placed a hand on your hip, his eyes glancing over your expression to see whether this was a trick or worse he was dreaming, sleep delivering to him the thing he wanted more than anything.  
“Love is the only answer I can think of to end this sadness and pain.”
You cupped his cheek, your thumb again tracing his scar, the fact that you were the only one he’d let touch him like that. The only one who he let get close, it had to mean something.
“Mi amor, you won’t regret this.” He said as he kissed your hand, his facial hair tickling your skin.
“Javi.” You said firmly. As much as you would have liked to get carried away with the romance of the moment you still had to stay strong, it would take time and Javier needed to know that.
He cleared his throat, his cheeks a little red from the booze but also his own shame, his embarrassment followed by bashfulness in one.
“I need you to make a promise to me and I will ask you again tomorrow when you’re sober, okay?”
Javier nodded, “Querida, anything…”
“No more Dutch, this is it now it’s me or him. And I will damn you to hell if you come back with me only to leave me for him later do you understand Mr Escuella? I will hunt you down and kill you with my own hands.”
Javier’s expression didn’t waiver, but he knew from your tone you meant it.
He nodded again, even if he didn’t quite comprehend what you were saying.
“I need you to mean it Javier, I need you to promise me. We can try again and it will be slow…I don’t know how long it’ll be before I feel I can be…intimate with you again. But I will try to make it work and start anew. But you cut ties with him now. You must leave it all behind do you hear? Because I cannot do it again, if you break my heart once more it will kill me. In return I will do better to understand but don’t you dare bring that sadness into my home.”
Why the hell had there been tears in your eyes now?
“I choose you, like I should have before.”
Javier stood up straight fighting against his drunken mind and kissed you on your cold cheek. His lips lingered against you for a moment before he pressed his forehead to yours, “I am so sorry.”
“I know.”
“I was afraid.”
“I was too.”
“I will make it up to you.”
“Let’s go home.”
Javier’s eyes were entranced for a second as he repeated the word, “Home.”
You pulled away from him to allow him to unhitch Boaz, you patted the familiar horse and stroked his mane a few times as Javier did this, “Thank you boy, for looking out for him” you said. You heard Javier chuckle as you spoke to Boaz, you had always been fond of him.
Javier wrapped his arms around you suddenly, you yelped in surprise as he lifted you up onto Boaz. It wasn’t far to walk back to your home, but the thought of riding Boaz with him again made you blush. You were too tired to argue and willed the familiar touch from the past.
As Javier pulled himself up and swung his leg over to the other side, you instinctively wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling yourself forward a little so your chest was flush with his back. Was it so wrong to love him after all this time? Was it so wrong to want to be loved and for either of you to seek absolution within the other, between the sheets muttering prayers to Aphrodite and Christ.
Boaz walked slowly through the snow and Javier made no attempt to make him go any faster. You had buried your face in Javier’s poncho, inhaling deeply his scent through your nose. Your hands gripped him a little tighter.
You cried then, yet again. The feeling of closeness to the man who’d once been your saviour and purpose, the knowledge that love would still live in your home along with how close you’d been to losing it again had you worked up.
You heard Javier Tsk, “Don’t be getting my clothes too wet now.” He said.
You had to laugh, in the snow everything was cold and damp. As for getting his clothes wet….well. That was certainly something you both could be good at, though in slightly more heated situations, whether there was a bedroom or not.
And then, it wasn’t as if you intentionally did it or even realised what you were doing until it was too late. But you started to grind against the saddle, slowly and sensually – Javier’s scent was what did this to you.
Boaz came to a stop as Javier looked over his shoulder, you immediately stopped what you were doing as you felt his gaze burn into you.
“Were you just…?” He asked. Without even looking you knew he was grinning.
Fuck no. This was not how this was supposed to go, what about taking it really slowly? What about maybe this will work and maybe not.
So with Javier awaiting your reply you said the only thing you could think of, which turned out to be the truth, “Sorry Javi, I don’t know why I did that, I think I’m just a bit confused.” No, wait that wasn’t the truth, you knew you had to try again. “I’m so fucked up.” And there it was, the truth.
Javier’s expression softened as he reached out to your knee and squeezed, “It’s okay, me too.” He let go, turned back round and in a moment you were on the move again. You breathed a sigh of relief, perhaps that’s what you should have said to begin with? If you’d just said, It’s too sad…It’s too painful but I want you inside me…I’m so fucked up when you first opened the door to him it would have saved hours of confusion and heart ache.
When you reached your home it felt warmer somehow and with Boaz tucked away safely for the night it was time for you and Javier to get out of view from the world.
Inside the fire was so warm and inviting that once your boots were off and you’d both stripped off any damp clothing and hung it up to dry, you naturally both moved, in silence to slump down in front of it. Javier took out his cigarettes and matchbook, striking one and lighting the cigarette that hung so delicately from his lips – something about the way he did that always appeared so graceful.
After taking several puffs he passed it to you. Back and forwards in silence before it was done and he flicked the butt into the fire. Several sparks igniting and dying just as quickly.
Finally you broke the tension, “You know you’re sleeping out here tonight.”
Javier looked a little wounded and tried to give you the puppy dog eyes until he saw your expression change, he knew this was not the time to push his luck. “Of course, I understand.”
He rested his head on your shoulder, “This is real isn’t it?” He asked.
“Yes,” you replied as you rested your head on his in return, “It is real and will continue to be real as long as you keep your promise.”
Javier sat up and took hold of your hands, kissing your knuckles gently before nuzzling his cheek against them. “I promise.” He paused for a second, “And I assume you’re sleeping out here tonight too?”
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spongeyspot · 6 months
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Requests are [Closed]!
Also! Wanna be a named anon with an emoji?
Check this out!
🧽Characters I write for🧽
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Lenny Summers
Dutch Van Der Linde
Charles Smith
Hosea Matthews
Javier Escuella
Kieran Duffy
Abigail Roberts
Sadie Adler
(I will write for almost anyone; just ask! These are just the characters I’m most comfortable with.)
🧽Characters I DON’T ALWAYS write for🧽
Micah Bell
Note: Certain ooc scenarios with certain characters I probably won’t write, and its really up to my discretion of what I’m comfortable writing. You can ask for whatever you want, but if I don’t feel comfortable, I probably won’t do it.
🧽Forbidden themes🧽
As a writer on tumblr, there are certain things that I just can’t tolerate, and they read as such.
Scat or Watersports
Vomit play.. whatever that is called.
basically any bodily fluids besides male or female ejaculation
Incest (Excludes Step-cest)
Race Play
Ass Play (Fisting, Eating, etc.) (excluding Anal)
Anything in this list that is asked for will not be written. Your request will be ignored and deleted.
Note: If something that isn't listed is asked for, and I'm uncomfortable with the theme, I will reserve my right to refuse that prompt and add that theme to the list.
🧽Welcome Themes🧽
Character x Character (but only if the reader is also involved)
Dark themes
Character Death
Blood Play
Age Difference (Characters will always be of legal age [18+])
Con Noncon
Pet Names
Impact Play (Ex: Spanking, Slapping, etc. [Consensual])
Breath Play
Knife Play
Threesomes + Moresomes
(mostly anything else that isn’t listed is welcome, but please check the restricted criteria before asking!)
Note: I tend to write more toward afab/fem presenting. But i also write gn or amab/masc. If you don’t specify which you prefer, I’ll probably just write afab because thats what I’m most comfortable with.
If you want your prompt to be a different gender/orientation please specify so I know!
🧽Other themes (SFW)🧽
Pregnancy (Can be NSFW)
Platonic Fluff
General Fluff
Sibling/parent themes (angst or fluff, NEVER nsfw. [See restrictions])
Do not interact with this blog if you qualify as any of the following:
Ageless or Blank blog
This is a drama-free, safe environment, and I intend to keep it that way.
Thank you!
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