#jeans are fast and easy to process
randomnow · 2 years
I'm gonna rant about my job a little now please excuse me :)
SO the average rate they want us to hit, and that we have to hit in order to do indirect roles, was raised to 25 items an hour a few months ago. thats about 2.5 minutes per item. Not terrible, but a little unrealistic to hit on the average. Now the list of things we have to do in those 2.5 minutes?
scan and open the package (which range from simple plastic bags to assholes who wrap their entire box in duck tape (don't... don't do this I'm begging you. we only get shitty safety knives they don't trust us with sharp shit)
check the entire item inside and out for any stains, rips, pulled threads, and whatnot (also these can range from a tiny pair of shorts to a giant poofy prom dress)
2b: if the item is only a little linty we have to use a lint roller and fix it up (which honestly I do a lot bc they also get bitchy if we damage to many things out)
fold the item nicely (dresses are the bane of my existence, folding a big dress on a table half its size is hellish) even if the item is damage beyond repair the damn thing better be folder nicely
package it in the right size polybag
slap an LPN on that bitch and scan it
scan the right tote and put it away
I... there is no way the people consistently hitting 25 or above aren't damaging items out that just need like a lint roller or something or not looking things over all the way for damage
Like i can hit 25 on a good day when I'm not stuck with giant dresses that eat up time or other shit but when they also get pissy about us damaging to many things out it sends a pretty mixed message. one of the managers 'jokingly' called me picky bc i was damaging things out that were covered in hair, but when shit gets sent back we also get talked to. idk but if they try and raise that rate again I'm gonna lose it, it was only 20 when I fist started and that was like.. the perfect number
anyways i got in trouble on thursday for taking like 5 minutes on a giant dress so that was fun
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months
explaining the train of thought that got me to this would take way too much backstory but basically I had an idea and then I wrote it. I rewatched Scream recently so maybe that helps lol
cw: death (not of a canon character), mentions of blood and vomit
The call comes in at a little after 2 AM, and he almost doesn’t answer because he’s busy.
But Leo almost never calls him, and it’s a singular enough occurrence that he picks up the phone and hits the button.
“Hello, you are conversing with Donatello,” he greets. “Make it quick, Nardo, I’m elbow deep in the tank’s engine.”
On the other end of the line, Leo is silent. Or, mostly silent; Donnie can hear him breathing, a little too loud, a little too fast.
Suddenly, he’s on high alert. He sits back from the tank, speaking more urgently into the phone, “Leo?”
There’s another second of breathing, and then, finally, in a voice that is too high and panicked to be his normal joking tone, he says, “Hey, remember when I sent you that meme about siblings who will beat the crap out of each other one minute and hide a body for each other the next, and I said, “us,” and you gave it a heart?”
Donnie blinks. Processes that string of words.
“I think I recall it,” he says.
“Well,” says Leo. “I need to know if that’s really us.”
Donnie stands up and keys in the command to swap battleshells to the jetpack.
“Stay where you are,” he says. “I’m on my way.”
The body is male. Early twenties. About six two or six three. Caucasian. Wearing some ghoulish mask like the serial killer in a bad teen slasher.
Actually, now that Donnie thinks about it, there’s been stuff on the news lately. About a guy who likes to knife up co-eds. And Leo’s wearing his biggest, baggiest hoodie, and jeans, and in a dark alley like this it would be easy to mistake him for a normal, non-mutated human teen.
The puzzle pieces are all laid out for Donnie, but the picture it paints is pretty unbelievable.
Then again, he’s a mutant turtle who grew up in a sewer and recently fended off an alien invasion. His bar for believable is pretty low.
He takes in the body, slashed across the chest, ridiculous getup soaked in blood. Then he turns to look at Leo, curled around his knees against the wall. There’s blood all over him, too, but Donnie feels pretty confident that most of it is not his own. There’s a puddle of vomit nearby, and a dagger, and a katana, cast aside.
Leo raises his eyes to meet Donnie’s. “I didn’t know he was human.”
Donnie looks back at the body, and at the mask. Connects it to the dagger, which definitely isn’t Leo’s.
“Seems like he was a great guy,” Donnie says. 
“He stabbed my arm.”
“I meant it sarcastically.”
Leo laughs, high and reedy. Then he leans over and vomits again.
Donnie can’t help but curl his snout at that one. He looks away and waits for Leo to finish.
There’s a spit, then a sniff, then Leo says, “He stabbed my arm and I turned around and saw the mask.”
Ah yes, that. It’s pink and has a serrated smile. Little rubbery bits of slime and ooze. These things got popular after the invasion - they aren’t anywhere near the real thing, but in a dark alley, under attack, alone, when Leo had…
The puzzle pieces are there. Donnie doesn’t really need an explanation to put it together.
Actually, scratch that: he does need an explanation for one thing.
“Why are you so upset about this?” He looks back at Leo. “You took out a serial killer. Or a wannabe serial killer. At the very least a stabber.”
“I didn’t mean to kill him,” says Leo immediately. A little pleading. “I didn’t think that would… I didn’t know he was human.”
“He attacked you.”
“I could have disarmed him. I could have trapped him and let the police deal with him.”
“He came up behind you in this creepy mask and stabbed your arm.”
“He didn’t stand a chance against me,” says Leo, and it’s not swaggering and not boastful, but horrified. “It was like tearing paper, Dee. It was so easy.”
Donnie leaves the body to kneel in front of his brother. He puts his hands on his shoulders, looking him straight in the eye to make sure he listens.
“He attacked you, Nardo. He wanted to kill you. He made the wrong choice. Not you.”
Leo looks down, at the blood on his hoodie, and Donnie squeezes his shoulders until they lock eyes again. 
“He made the wrong choice,” Donnie repeats emphatically. 
Leo sighs, like he’s giving in, and a rueful smile grows on his face. “Thanks, hermano. But I don’t think the EPF is gonna see it that way.”
Ah yes, the good old United States government, and their hilariously poorly titled Earth Protection Force. Since the invasion, their existence had become known to the EPF, and they’ve been in an unspoken truce ever since. A “live and let live” holding pattern.
Unfortunately, Donnie has to admit Leo is right on this one: that this man is likely and most probably a serial killer won’t matter to the EPF. Killing any human crosses a line they won’t tolerate.
And so, there is only one solution here. The one Leo proposed when he first called.
Donnie is going to help him hide a body.
…Which means he is going to have to touch it.
Leo frowns at him. “Uh, Dee, what’s the yarf-face for?”
“I just realized how gross this is going to be.”
Leo laughs again, more than a little hysterical, and lets his head fall against Donnie’s plastron, the giggles shaking his shoulders under Donnie’s hands.
“That wasn’t a joke,” Donnie insists. Leo just laughs even harder.
Donnie scowls, even as he pulls Leo closer. “That meme really is us. I want to beat the crap out of you right now.”
Leo howls with laughter. Except it sounds a little more like sobbing now. Donnie gathers him up and holds him until he’s better again.
Across the Hudson, the sky is turning pink. Donnie stands with Leo, watching the water that the body disappeared under.
They’ve already scrubbed the alley clean of any blood traces - his and Leo’s. He also had his drones bring gloves with the cleaning supplies, so they didn’t leave any fingerprints. At least Leo had the sense not to touch anything. And it’s not like the government has their prints on file, anyway. Donnie’s checked.
There wasn’t anything they could really do to hide the massive laceration that led to the body’s death. Short of melting it in acid, but both of them had dismissed that idea as soon as Donnie raised it. Despite what Donnie thinks of himself, he isn’t actually a stone cold disposer of bodies. The idea of melting it was too gross to think about.
Besides, it doesn’t matter if the body gets found, as long as it doesn’t get traced back to them. And Donnie doesn’t see any reason it should.
He’s already hacked any security cameras near the scene and made sure Leo doesn’t show up on any of them. Leo’s a good enough ninja to avoid that sort of thing, anyway, not that Donnie will admit it out loud. The crabs and fish will take care of the flesh and the katana’s mark. Leo destroyed the weapon itself in a bright blue explosion of ninpo.
“It’s kind of a bummer,” says Leo after a minute, “that the murders will go unsolved.”
“No, they won’t.” Donnie pulls out a phone, holding it carefully with his gloves. “He helpfully took trophy photos.”
Leo’s eyes go wide. “Dude, did you fish around in his pockets?”
Donnie can’t help but curl his lips. “Ugh, don’t remind me. It was a very unpleasant experience and I don’t want to repeat it.”
“What are you going to do with it?”
“Find where he lived and leave it there.” Donnie shrugs. “His body will turn up, or he’ll get reported missing. The cops will find it and everything will be wrapped up in a neat little bow.”
“Huh. Guess that takes care of that.” A pause. Leo shuffles a bit next to him. “You’re… really calm about this.”
Is he? Since the moment he got that phone call, he entered Fix It mode. He hasn’t really thought of anything else since.
“I don’t know if I will be later,” he admits.
“I’ll be there, if you’re not.”
Donnie hums an acknowledgement. There’s a weight against his arm, Leo leaning into him.
“Thanks, Dee,” he says.
“You’d do the same for me,” Donnie replies.
“Yeah,” Leo agrees. Simple as that.
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chubbycelebs · 3 months
Fame Greedy
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Jeremy Sumpter was stood on the set of a new advert he had been signed up to by his agent. After his successful childhood in films, Jeremy struggled to break free of his past and become a serious actor now he was older. He could never land movies despite his incredible body and devotion to the roles. He was becoming frustrated with his situation. After he finished filming the advert for the day he stomped back to his hotel room and slammed the door in frustration. What more do people want. Jeremy went for a shower to cool off and when he walked out of the bathroom with a white towel around his waist he saw his agent sat on his bed. “Jesus Adam warn me next time I could’ve been naked” Jeremy said jumping slightly as he realised just how naked he was. “Oh I don’t mind Jeremy just ignore me whilst you get ready. There’s some things I wanna run past you” Adam, his agent said to him. Jeremy started to get changed. As said before he has a pretty perfect body so he wasn’t embarrassed when he dropped his towel in front of his agent to pulled on some white briefs. “So I know you are frustrated by doing adverts all the time and I think I’ve figured a way to change your direction” Adam said scrolling through his phone trying to find something. “Oh please anything is better than doing these pissing adverts” Jeremy chimed in now pulling on some jeans. “Well you see there’s been a role open up and they want you specifically.” Adam put his phone down and looked at Jeremy as he pulled on a tight shirt that showed off his toned body. “Omg no way! That’s amazing I’m so down!” Jeremy said cracking a smile. “Well there’s a catch you see. They want you but they want you to erm bulk up a bit…”
“what do you mean? How much?” Jeremy said becoming a little skeptical. “Well they didn’t give a maximum number but they said at least 60 lbs.”
“60 lbs!!!! If I gained that I’d be fat?!? Are you sure?” Jeremy said shocked by this number. “Well Jeremy they kind of want that. You see your playing a gamer for this movie and they want a big guy so they asked for you to do this…”
“Jesus christ. Well I guess I can always lose it after the film. Fine I’ll do it. Go get me some food then” Jeremy said standing up pacing around his hotel room. Was he really about to do this? He worked hard for his perfect body just to get roles and now they want him fat? I guess 60 lbs isn’t life changing. I could definitely lose that he said to him self.
Every day now Jeremy would wake up and start eating and wouldn’t stop until he passed out from a food coma. He loved eating cakes and pies and fast food. He thought there could be worse things to do. Just being told to sit on his arse and stuff his face with crap wasn’t so bad. Some days he even enjoyed lying around in his tight briefs stuffing his gut.
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He started to feel his body soften as time went on. His abs melted into a soft belly that was bulging outwards. As he sat rolls formed on his body. He looked down and poked them. His finger sinking deeper into his gut was kind of intriguing. He’d never been this soft it was interesting finally letting go. It was also so easy that he started to enjoy it. He made games for him self to try and eat as much as possible. He would gain these 60 lbs in no time.
6 months had passed and the 60 lbs of fat he was asked to gain was sitting softly on his body. His body looked like it had melted away into lard. His once fit body was now replaced with a body of someone who’s lazy and unable to stop eating. Jeremy had to admit, yes he was concerned to start with but he really enjoyed the process. He loved eating and over eating. He loved sitting and doing nothing all day. And truthfully he enjoyed the extra weight on his body.
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He was asked for a screen test so the ex jock actor came into the studio and got ready for the screen test. He was asked to sit in just white briefs and to sit in the set built for the movie. The camera and sound crew were all set up and ready. The director calls action and Jeremy started acting the first scene. The scene was asking Jeremy to lay on the sofa with a bag of crisps on his belly and eating the whole bag whilst a video game plays in the background. He admitted that he thought there’d be some lines to say but he happily just laid back and stuffed his belly. The director yelled cut and asked for Jeremy to come to his office. “Everything alright?” Jeremy asked the director as he entered the office still in his costume. “Jeremy my boy look at you. You look amazing. Thank you for your devotion to the project” the director said placing his hands on the sides of Jeremy’s belly. Jeremy couldn’t help but feel proud of his gain. “You see though. When envisioning the character we thought he would be well fatter. He’s a really lazy greedy character and you just look a bit chubby. We want some really mass on you.” Jeremy was a little taken a back. He felt like a lard arse already but maybe this wasn’t enough. “Alright then. I’ll erm gain some more for you then.”
“Amazing thank you Jeremy. You are gonna be one big star one day!” Jeremy walked back to his hotel room his belly rumbling. He plopped him self down on his bed. He caught a glimpse of him self in the mirror opposite his bed. He pulled off his shirt and looked at his bulging belly, the rolls that replaced his abs. He had never thought he’d get this fat but now he was gonna have to get fatter. He called for room service and huge trolly of food came to his room. He’s gonna enjoy these next few months of stuffing.
Every month Adam came round to check on Jeremy and make sure he was making progress. He would make Jeremy strip down and show his fat body. He took measurements of every part of his expanding body.
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“Wow you really are packing on the pounds huh big guy?!” Adam said patting Jeremy’s belly. “I just need this role Adam. I’ve gotta show I’m serious about this. Plus it’s not hard being a lazy slob all the time anyway” Jeremy walked over to the trolly of food and stuffing in a burger. “Well you sure are a lazy slob.” Jeremy looked around at Adam as he said this. “See you next month chubs!” Adam walked out of his hotel room. That’s when Jeremy felt the hot pulse of horniness in his tight underwear. Did he enjoy Adam fat shaming him? Something about being called a lazy slob and chubs made his dick stand to attention. Maybe this fat body wasn’t bad at all. In some ways it’s actually better maybe…
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A year had passed Jeremy never stop eating. He never did exercise. And never wanted to lose the weight. He awoke one morning and pulled on a tight white vest and his usual white briefs. He looked at him self. His round fat gut was huge now and hung out of his white vest. His underwear barely fit his fat figure now. He pulled up a photo of him self from last year and was so pleased to see how his body had changed. What a lard arse he had turned into. He remembers being told about this role and vowing to lose the weight after he finished but. Kw he was this huge, he never wanted to go back to his fit old self. If anything he wanted to be bigger. That evening filming started for the film. Every scene had Jeremy stuffing and eating him self silly. For months the director had him stuffed with food on camera. He had very little lines and spent the whole time being a hog on set. All this pigging out lead to him to gain even more weight and by the end of filming, the old fit boy had transformed into a huge round lard filled fatty.
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Jeremy!! So good to see you big guy!” Adam came in on the last day of filming. He was met with the sight of a morbidly obese Jeremy. “You look huge!” Adam said as he hugged the greedy actor and placed hands on his belly. “Adam what actually is this film? All I’ve done is eat and be a fat pig for months. Why is that?” Jeremy said with a grin looking at Adam who had his hands on Jeremy’s fat gut. “Oh you see I was gonna say but I just kept forgetting. You see there’s a load of people who really enjoy seeing fit men get fat so me and the director thought you’d be perfect. We’ve been filming you for well over a year as you’ve grown into the man you are today. It’s like a documentary all about how you’ve turned into such a huge hog. And it’s gonna be a smash hit!”
Jeremy looked at Adam and couldn't help but smile. “You better sign me up for the sequel to this film then Adam”
“Don’t worry. The presale for this movie is already insane so you’ll be back. You’ll be along side Tom Holland as well next time!” “Oh I can’t wait to see how that goes…”
Based on the recent images I’ve posted on Jeremy Sumpter I decided to write a story with some images along side them. Hope you guys enjoy this story of the growing actor. Hopefully his fame will out weight him one day!
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marcsburnerphone · 1 year
wish I wasn't so hurt
Captain John price x f!reader
Summary:being johns’ wife has been full of security and safety and you never thought he’d be the one to taint that.
Warnings: angst,(hurt/comfort, 141 task force loves you, price is full of guilt, reader is struggling to process her feelings
Part two!! Find part one here - Part 1
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The cafe was quiet and warm when you entered, a few couples here and there were tucked away in booths chatting mindlessly. There was a dull ache spread throughout your chest and head from crying, ordering your coffee You couldn't help but notice the look of sympathy that sat on the barista's face.
You found a booth somewhere in the corner and dug your phone out of your purse and powered it on after having shut it off to stop the continuous buzzing it’d been doing in the car. To say the least it almost overheated and you couldn’t get to the silence button fast enough.
4 missed calls.
2 voicemails.
“I’m sorry.” 
“I’m so sorry, please forgive me.” 
“I have lost my mind, I know.” 
“Where are you my love?”
“Please just talk to me, or text either please.”
“I know I was wrong, it wasn’t my intention.” 
“Fuck em.” This one was from Simon and it made you giggle. 
A part of you wanted to message john and let him know you're okay to ease his mind, yet you didn’t instead you tucked your phone in the back pocket of your jeans. Maybe being this upset wasn't reasonable but the way he dismissed you with such harsh words intending to scare you, it was hard to get past.
Had you pushed too far? If you would have just left this could've been avoided, the anger that was spreading in your heart, the trouble of processing how to feel or move forward from this. To be fair John had never done anything to scare you or make you feel unsafe after all these years, even when he came home with blood still on his boots his eyes and voice were nothing but tender and loving. This is where you found trouble, how could he have changed so fast? How had he been so cold?
Back on base he was suffering, his heart ached with shame and remorse. How could he speak to you in such a way? Often he fell victim to his anger but this time so did you. He checked his phone continuously since you left here and it’d become clear to him you'd stopped somewhere before going home. He just wished he knew where.
The bowl of food hadn't been picked up from where your shaking hands had left it, the thought itself made him nauseous. He was fearful for the first time in a long while, for someone with so much control the thought of you leaving had him ready to crumble to the floor and maybe that's what he deserves.
The Men that were usually rowdy and causing commotion had fallen silent in his presence as he went for a cup of tea in the common area.
Price didn’t understand the blessing he held in the palm of his hands, to find someone as loving and caring as you was a once in a lifetime thing especially with the career he possessed. Bloody hands that get to go home to welcoming warm ones, a soldiers’ wish.  
You sat around trying to pinpoint where the confusion in how to feel was but hopelessly gave up and decided it was time to head home. The chilly air outside made you shiver on the way to your car. The drive home was draining, music filled the silence followed by the wisp of the heater. You'd sleep in the yard to avoid anything john if you weren't so scared of the dark. 
 As your car arrived on the familiar gravely ground to your home, a deep sigh escaped you. Clutching your keys you headed to the door and jumped at the voice that came through the camera thing. 
“Love please I’m sorry, where were you? I was worried?” The frantic yet somewhat calm voice of your husband came through. You thought of replying, yet you didn’t.
You walked inside, locking the door behind you and reset the alarm system. Your feet carried you mindlessly upstairs and to your bed, sleep came easy yet painfully that night but nevertheless any sleep was good sleep.
John had never experienced your complete silence and couldn't take it. He decided he'd leave base early in the morning in hopes to resolve this with you, he wasn't even cleared to leave base but he couldn't really 100% be here if the idea of you hurting on your own was weighing on his mind.
Back at home was exactly that, you were wrong, any sleep wasn’t good sleep, the bed that you’ve slept in many nights without John had somehow felt emptier. Your head was pounding from a lack of sleep and crying, you waited for the ibuprofen you'd taken to kick in and just laid silently in bed . After a while you became lost in thought and missed the sound of tires on gravel but the slam of the door snapped you out of it. 
Like a child you acted like you were sleeping instead of running out of bed into his arms like you normally would. His heavy boots climbed the stairs into your bedroom, you were sure he noticed your breathing pattern was one of an awake person but couldn’t find a reason to care.
“Darling.” He whispers and you feel the dent of his weight crease on the bed.
“I don’t want to see you right now John.” But you had wanted to see him, you were just scared this time you’d see him differently.
“Please, my love, talk to me.” It was a plea as his hand went to your thigh rubbing small circles into your soft skin.
“No.” Tears began to well in your eyes again, thankfully you chose to lay facing the window. 
At that he raised from where he was sitting and rounded the bed kneeling beside your head, it broke his heart to see your puffy eyes and fresh tears streaking your beautiful face. His hand raised to caress your face and you stubbornly pulled away.
Instead of that he placed his forehead on yours not minding the way his rickety knees would ache tomorrow. 
“You scared me.” You whispered, voice quivering with emotion. 
“I know, I’m so sorry. I’d never hurt you willingly a day in my life. I just- I don’t know what came over me.” He kissed your forehead and then the tears that he was causing. 
“No you don’t understand John.” You flipped your body the other way, suddenly feeling overwhelmed in his presence.
He wasn’t going to leave you too hurt although you wished he would. There was just enough room on the bed for him to lay beside you. He formed his body to yours holding you firmly.
 At this you sobbed, the weight of your cries was devastating, as his body shook with yours he pulled you tighter to him. 
“Your my wife and my equal I was beyond wrong I- I’m ashamed of my behavior you didn’t deserve that nor it will never happen again I promise i’ll never be the man that makes you hurt please forgive me.” he whispered into your hair soothing your erratic breathing back to somewhat stable.
“John.” you said between hiccups.
“Yes my darling.” he didn't like when you called him by his name but at least you were speaking to him.
“Im tired.” he was fucking hurting inside.
“Then sleep.” he nuzzled his nose deeper into the scent of your shampoo, you just nodded your head and let your eyes close, exhaustion showed no mercy as you immediately fell into a deep slumber.
the love on part 1 was amazing thankyou all from the bottom of my heart.
feedback and reposts are deeply appreciated;)
There will be a part 3;)
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igotanidea · 1 year
five more minutes: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
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I'm (not) sorry, but that smug face fits right into this fanfiction!!
request/summary: Dick getting clingy when the reader needs to go somewhere
A/N: so, I think I'm back? Two weeks break and I'm getting into the swing of things again, so please go easy on me with this story......
When she wakes up in the morning something seems off almost instantly.
It only takes a second to realise that said thing took the form of Dick Grayson, her beloved boyfriend, the man by day and the fearless vigilante by night. The protector of Gotham and its people.
Well, if only the people could see him now.
Sleeping in a weird position with the imprint of the pillow on his cheek, messy hair and some dried saliva in the corner of his mouth.
He so cute and adorable like that. Y/N does the quick scan of his face and body in the search for any injuries he might have obtained during the patrol but her heart rests easy when she noticed him being all in one piece with no blood or stiches. Either it was a quiet and peaceful night or he already took care of himself. Her bets are the latter, but since it’s work day she doesn’t really have any time to wait until he wakes up to blame him for not being careful.
As quiet and swift as she can, Y/N tries to move out of bed, but since Dick’s senses are heightened she doesn’t really get far, when his arms wraps around her, keeping her in place.
“Dick……” she mutters
“Mhmmmm……” he mumbles into the pillow
“Come on, I have get  up!”
“no you don’t.”
“I gotta get to work!”
“I’m the only work you need……” he grins, still half-asleep, but so full of himself and she almost rolls her eyes at the joke
“God, please stop…. I need to earn money you know? Not all of us have a billionaire daddy!”
“You’re dating the billionaire oldest son, isn’t that enough?”
She wonders for a moment. On a second thought maybe it is. Dick seems to use that heartbeat of hesitation, shifting his body weight on her, pinning her to bed, his eyes still closed, but this little shit knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Dick!” she gasps feeling all those muscles crush her “shit!
“I like it when you call my name in such a desperate words. Do it just one more time and the neighbours will hate you forever.” He chuckles and his makes her skin tingle.
You’re heavy…..” she squirms trying to break free, but it’s no use. “You brought it on yourself….” The girl mutters poking on his ribs in the place where he’s extremely sensitive because of an old injury.
“Hey!” he yells, trying to defend himself and letting go off her in the process.
Y/N is quick to jump out of bed and rush towards her wardrobe, grabbing her jeans and t-shirt and struggling to put them on.
“Not so fast!” Dick tears her clothes from her hands and holds them high out of reach.
“Not fair Grayson!”
“You called me fat.”
“I called you heavy!’
“Same thing!”
“It’s not….. You know what, fine. I’ll just wear something else….” She shrugs and runs towards the drawer, but before she could reach it Dick grabs her from behind and holds her tight to him
“Dick…….” She whines stretching out just to grab something to wear. Anything.
“I know. I’m irresistible.”
“A pain in the ass is what you are!”
“I can make you breakfast….” He tempts
“You’re not Jason, Dick. Making me breakfast means putting cereals In the bowl and poring some milk over it in your dictionary. Cold milk. And that is only if I bought both cereals and milk.”
“did you?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Can’t you see how hard I’m trying? Just for you. Come on, you are like an employee  of the month. Or even a year. Stay…..” he kisses her neck playfully “you can call in sick.”
“I used all my sick days because of you.”
“How about casual leave?”
“and what may be the emergency?” she sighs in defeat, her body going limp as she drops the fighting knowing well enough she won’t win it. “Clingy boyfriend?”
“You called me boyfriend!” he grins again and she facepalms herself.
“We’ve been together for a year Dick. Why do you seem surprised?”
“I could never get bored with hearing that word from you. Makes me proud that you’re mine.”
“trying to sweet talk me? Won’t work. By the way, you are soooooo cheesy Grayson.”
“And?” he asks
“ And? What and?”  at this point Y/N is confused, her eyebrows furrowing as she turns to meet his gaze
“And you love me?” he insist, spinning her around in his arms so that he can get easy access to her kissable face.
“Yeah…..” she smiles dreamily “yeah, I do love you, you idiot” she trails with a love sick puppy expression. But it doesn’t mean I’m gonna stay and be you babysi…..ah! Put me down!” she yells suddenly feeling her body lift of the ground without her knowledge or will. “Put me down Grayson! What are you……?! Damn it…!”
Dick does not listen or does not get impressed by her poor attempts to break free. He’s Nightwing. He’s got so many ways to immobilise the opponent. Or, in this case, lover.
“Dick I swear I am going to kick your ass if you don’t….!” the threat dies on her lips as he throws her onto the mattress and kisses her softly shutting her up in the process.
“Stay?” he pouts looking at her with those pretty doe eyes “Pretty please?”
“You act like a five year old!”
“A five year old that wants you. A five year old that misses you…”
“I’ll be back, you know……” she brush the strand of hair from his face. She’s already gone but still tries to keep the appearances.
“Yeah, at 6 p.m. or later. It’s almost the time when I get ready for my night shift…… Please…..”he whines nuzzling his nose over her neck “stay…..”
“please…..” she mimics his whining, caressing his cheek “let me go……”
“But I need you…….” He hide his face in her belly and his hair tickle
“Why do you always need me when I am supposed to go to work?’
“It’s a terrible and uncontrollable disease…..” he laughs
“Is there a cure?” she laughs back
“I can think of something….” He closes the gap between them, nibbling on her bottom lip. “and it may be working…. But I;m not sure. Need some more testing” he repeats his action. “Mhm, yes, it’s definitely working… You don’t want me to be sick, do you?”
“Not really. You are whiny and attention seeker when you are sick.”
“I am not!” he shouts in denial “ok, maybe I am. A little. But come on, you can stay some more time with me……”
“How long, dickie?” she smiles at him, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“five more minutes?”
“ok. Five more minutes. She sighs deeply, letting go of any of her objections, letting Dick lay beside her and act like a big spoon, while holding her tight to his chest and caressing her sides and belly.
“You’re not letting me go, are you?” she whispers closing her eyes and getting lost in his touch.
And she’s pretty sure she can live with that.  
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blueparadis · 3 months
| INTO MY KALIEDISCOPES ( part one ) + SUGISHITA KYOTARO ! f-reader, hook-up, online dating, angst, smut, humor, sugishita third leg agenda. tagging @dear-koi
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lips crashing against each other like waves colliding before it even hits the shore as you and sugishita walk inside the drawing room. even if it's his place you take the lead, sugishita lets you. waits for your next move.
“bedroom?” you pant.
“that one,” he points towards a room. you grab his hand and take him inside the room. you are still trying to process the fact that this is first date after break-up in months. on top that, you absent mindedly swiped right on this guy and your cellphone chimed with a message saying it's a match.
sugishita falls on his bed by your push. it is a queen size bed. no wonder he didn't reject your fast advances. you sit on his lap taking excruciatingly long time to unbutton his shirt. are you trembling? good lord. what made you come at the bar, follow him to his place. you must have one hell of a group of friends. his pupil travel upwards while his hands peel off your turtle-neck top and fold it one inch revealing a little of your tummy. sugishita leans forward and places a kiss on you skin. the touches are hungry and scattered. he checks if you have any objections or not. you don't. he kisses again, this time maintaining eye contact. a sharp inhale of breath as he unbuttons your jeans. his movements are swift. before he could lick or kiss your entrance you press him against the head board. he smirks.
woah! a reaction. you trace your finger down his chest till you reach his jeans. as you get busy with the his belt he grabs a rubber band to tie up his hair in a bun. he looks better, less messy.
“lemme help.” sugishita whispered as you kept fidgeting with the buckle.
“no. i can do it.” you retort.
“okay. fine.” he locks his hand behind his nape and leans back as you struggle to unbuckle the belt. he won't do it with you, not like this, not when you are this vulnerable but he can't say that to you. he thinks you might break into tears. he would have used alcohol as an excuse if you had taken a few shots or beer. anything. but you are so fresh and awake.
you give up. “okay. Help me.”
unlocking his arms he leans gracefully exclaiming triumphantly, “yes ma’am as you wish.”
a chuckle gets out of you at that comment earning a glance as he unbuckles his belt with one hand and pulling it off his pants. he tries to maintain eye contact but quickly looks away.
“show off.” you murmur. there is silence for a few seconds before he wraps his arm to pull you closer and as he does you gasp in shock.
“just take it easy,” he says before starting to kiss over your tummy again, going down, removing the underwear along with the jeans but before getting it out of you, you grab his hand to stop him.
“i feel hungry. can we eat something?” you slip beside him adjusting your jeans while he just buttons his jeans with a huge boner leaving the shirt behind on the bed.
thank god. you decided to stop. sugishita wouldn't have been able to hold back after eating you out and it would eat him alive to take advantage of the vulnerability, be it emotional, alcohol-induced or both.
thank god. he agreed. the size of that boner scared the wits out of you. just what did you think were you doing? just because your ex-boyfriend didn't have sex with you, you didn't have to fuck someone from his friend circle to prove him that you are “doable”.
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seospicybin · 9 months
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Hyunjin x reader x Seungmin. (s,a)
Chapters: Part II
Synopsis: As a part of a research team that works on a memory-erasing machine, you work alongside the professor whom you greatly admire and a computer geek who relentlessly flirts with you. But the one that you want is the one that you can't have. (12,6k words)
Author's note: Sorry for the delay. Enjoy this one!
Memories are recordings of our past experiences and experiences can be good and bad, some are in between. There are also ones that we wish we had never experienced in the first place and whether we like it or not, they stay with us. We can only try to endure them in the hope that time will lessen the pain that memory carries.
The thing is remembering is easy. It's forgetting that's hard.
Here at KS Research Facility, forgetting is as easy as pressing the delete button. The research team has successfully built software called Memory Neurons Erasing Machine, in short, MNE-Machine.
With the existence of this machine, now anyone can erase a certain memory from their brain and live as if that memory never existed at all.
The one to thank for this technology is Professor Kim Seungmin, the youngest yet the brightest scientist of the past decade. He is the one who came up with the idea, spent two years developing that idea, initiated the project, and ultimately, led the team building the machine from scratch.
There's only one MNE-Machine in the world for now and once it has successfully passed five human tests, the board will authorize the production of this machine so eventually, anyone can easily undergo the memory erasing procedure which means there’ll be more people to help.
And what is your part in this? You're an assistant to Seungmin, you directly work with the man who invented it and help him achieve his goal. Despite your minor role, you're proud to be a part of it. Despite restocking the coffee pods in his office is one of your job desks, well… yeah, you're still proud of it.
"How much time do I have before the meeting?"
You scramble when you see Professor Seungmin come into the office. You hurriedly finish restocking the coffee pods into the drawer and crumple the empty box behind your back. You glance at your wristwatch and check the time.
"You have approximately 30 minutes," you answer with a smile.
It's not like he'll your smile, Seungmin barely speaks a full sentence to you so there's no reason he looks at you in the eyes as he speaks. He goes to his drawer, scanning through the files with his fingers flipping one file over another to finally find the one he's looking for. He takes it with him as he sits on his desk, flipping the file open and starts reading.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Professor?" You ask because despite it being your job to assist him, he rarely asks for your help unless it's urgent.
He stays quiet until he flips to another page of his file, "Get me the subject's latest psych eval!"
"Right away, Professor!" You reply, picking up the empty box and carrying it with you out of the office.
Considering that there's not much time left until the meeting, you need to get it fast for Seungmin. But you know when you're in a hurry, there's always something that slows you down in the process. Well, in your case, it's a man who dresses like he's in a rock band in his ripped jeans and oversized t-shirts, his dark hair that he keeps long is usually tied in a low, messy ponytail.
At one point, everyone just kind of gave up telling him to put his lab coat on. As long as he does his job well as a tech scientist, everyone just let him be.
However, Hwang Hyunjin can't let you be, he flirts and teases, even seduces you at any chance possible.
"Can you get off my chair?" You ask, then let out a low sigh.
He swivels the chair to face you and grins, making his eyes forming two crescent moons, "I'm making your chair much more comfortable," he simply says while patting his lap, telling you to sit on it instead.
It's only going to be a waste of time trying to tell him off so you relent, sitting on his lap and when he's about to put his arms around you, you glare at him.
Hyunjin immediately put his hands up in defeat, "Want to grab drinks after work?"
He asked you the same question every other day for a few months now and your answer remains the same.
"No," you answer without a beat, getting on your computer to search for the file Seungmin asked.
"How about dinner?" Hyunjin shoves his hand into the pocket of your lab coat, knowing you like to keep sweets in there.
"My treat," he adds while checking the other pocket.
You're clicking open a few folders as you answer, "No."
Hyunjin excitedly gasps as he pulls out something out of your pocket, a caramel. He wastes no time to unwrap it then pops the cube-shaped caramel into his mouth.
"You know you can't keep saying no to me," he says, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"No," you shortly respond.
He hisses at the way you keep rejecting him, "There'll be a day where you say yes," he confidently says.
You look away from the computer screen to look at him and say, "No."
He softly sighs then rests his chin on your other shoulder, "Let's say you already done your part playing hard to get and get to the first base already," he shamelessly says.
Hyunjin is so bold and confident, you can't deny that he's beautiful, he probably never had any problems getting any girls he wanted. Maybe that’s why he won't stop asking you out, he feels challenged to win you over too. As if you would let him have the satisfaction.
Shaking your head, you pretend that you didn't hear him say that. You click print on the file and get up from his lap, walking to the printer to wait for it to finish printing yet Hyunjin follows you there, leaning against the printer machine with his arms crossed in front of you
"The more you reject me, the more motivated I am," he says with a lopsided grin on his face.
"You sound like a serial killer," you tell him.
He bends down to get the printed file for you and hands it to you with both hands, "I'm just saying."
Without looking, you know Hyunjin is trailing behind you like a puppy with his tail wagging behind him. He then sits on the edge of your desk, grabbing the stapler for you to use.
"Go, do your job or something!" You try to send him off even though you know it's going to be a useless effort.
"I am doing my job by helping you do your job," he says with a half-smirk.
See? It's only going to waste your time trying to tell him off, it's easier to ignore him. You hurriedly tidy the files and bring them to Seungmin's office. You place three gentle knocks on the door before letting yourself in.
"Professor, I have the files you need— Ouch!" You bump into someone and you glance up to see that it's Seungmin.
His office is big, in fact, too big for someone who likes to spend most of his time in the lab yet you feel like there's no space left where you can escape his intense stare.
"Oh, God! I am so sorry," you apologize in sheer panic and quickly take off the hands unknowingly resting against his chest.
You expect him to, you know, dust himself off since your hands were touching him but instead of that, he looks at you and not just look at your face but right into your eyes for the first time in a long time. The eye contact only lasts a second until Seungmin takes the files from you.
"I'll read it on the way to the meeting room," he says.
Having no time, you hurriedly grab your things from your desk, clutching them close to your chest as you follow him from behind.
On the way to the meeting room, Seungmin spotted Hyunjin having a donut in the pantry. He stops on his track to say, "Aren't you coming?"
Hyunjin knows well enough that when Seungmin tells him to go, then he should go. In fact, Seungmin is the only one who can control Hyunjin. A part of the reason is because Seungmin personally hired him and has been taking him under his wing, you can say Hyunjin is his protégé.
He puts the half-eaten donut down and happily joins the two of you as you let him link his arm with you, walking together to the meeting room.
There are three main buildings in the KS Research Facility.
 A building is the main office and a health facility, B building is the biggest and also a research facility, there are several science projects on the works in there but it's mainly focused on Biochemical, led by Professor Hale and C building is where you work along with the team that works with MNE-Machine, it's the smallest building so the team get to have the building for themselves.
But as a smaller community, you have to go to the B building for meetings and such because most of the board members are there. You have to walk from and through the greenhouse, seeing all the rare plants the scientists are collecting in there on the way to get to the B building.
Today's meeting is to seek approval from the members of the board on the test subject Seungmin has carefully selected from a group of volunteers and once it's approved he can proceed with the procedure.
While the important people are busy talking about important stuff, you and Hyunjin are secretly playing tic-tac-toe in your notebook. He's twirling his pen between his fingers when you subtly nudge his elbow, signaling that it's his turn to place his O.
As Hyunjin observes the game with his tongue slightly sticking out the corner of his mouth, you notice that Professor Hale's assistant, Rina, is staring at Hyunjin.
"Your turn," he whispers at you.
You look down at your notebook and lowly mutter through your gritted teeth, "One o'clock."
It takes him a moment to get what you're saying, and then Hyunjin looks in the direction you hinted. You watch them exchange a look before Hyunjin turns his head back at you, looking unbothered. He clicks his pen to place an O and scratches down the line.
"I won," he whispers with his warm breath tickling your ear.
Noticing that the meeting has come to a final decision, you stop talking and fix your sitting position. You watch as the board members take votes on whether Seungmin can continue with the test or not and all hands are raised in favor of Seungmin.
"With all members approving the selected test subject, Professor Seungmin is allowed to continue with the procedure that will be held on the agreed upon time and place," the board leader announces.
Even in his triumphant moment, Seungmin remains calm and still, you can't remember the last time he smiled, even out of courtesy. Ha he always been like this? Honestly, you can’t remember.
"The board members will watch closely the process, before and after the test. We also demand follow-ups and thorough datas on every detail of the test," they warn once again even though it's not the first time Seungmin has run the test.
Everyone scatters around once the meeting has finished, you wait outside of the meeting room knowing that Seungmin will likely stay to chat with the other professors. Rina is still here as well, holding her tablet close to her chest and not-so-subtly staring at Hyunjin
"You should ask her out," you mutter at Hyunjin, subtly hinting the subject of the talk with your eyes.
Hyunjin doesn't even look up from his phone when he flat-out rejects the idea, "No, thank you."
"Why not? She's pretty and she's your age," you point out all of the obvious facts why he should be seducing her, not you who's a couple of years older than him and not having a shiny, healthy hair.
Hyunjin lets out a scoff, then shoves his phone into the pocket of his hoodie, "You're prettier and older," he says with a sly smile plastered on his face.
Whether he tries to compliment you or try to offend you, you feel like you need to check if there's something wrong with him. You poke his side with your pen and he yelps in pain.
"What's wrong with you?" He sharply gasps.
"You are what's wrong," you answer, poking him on the other side this time.
He laughs and leans against the wall facing you, slightly slouching so he can be on the same eye level with you. "Dating older women is hot, you know," he coyly remarks.
You give him a repulsed glare at his words, shaking your head as you look away from him.
"And you're hot so dating you would be ticking two boxes at once," he adds with his sly smile growing wider on his angular face.
Besides your actual job, you have to deal with this 5'10" man bursting with youthful charm and testosterone, you wouldn't complain if you get double paychecks for it. You aim his stomach next and poke him with your pen again, hoping a little violence would put some sense into his small head.
"One more test, huh?" Professor Hale says, patting Seungmin's shoulder as they walk out of the meeting room.
It feels like your body is accustomed to getting on your perfect posture whenever Seungmin walks into your radar, you stop moving altogether and stand up straighter.
"I'll see everyone on Friday!" Professor Hale says one last time, he also smiles at you and Hyunjin before turning to leave.
Now that the team has earned the green light, everyone is going to get busier to prepare everything. Seungmin lists the things he wants you to do as he walks back to C building and you jot down everything on your notebook. He stops by the main lab and gets Hyunjin on the job, ordering him to run a diagnostic test on the MNE-Machine, checking for any issues.
It's one of those times when you can see how passionate Seungmin is about his work.
He's the reason why you applied for the job, not only because you can work directly with him but also because you admire him, his brilliance, his work ethic, and most of all, him as a person.
There are so many things you learned from working for him for the last three years and your admiration toward him only grows bigger with time. And out of that admiration, something else grows, something that makes you excited to go to work, makes you happy at the sight of him and wanting to always be close to him.
Sensing that someone is watching him, Seungmin turns around to find you still standing there, "Don't you have things to do?"
You gulp air before asking, "Uhm.. Professor?"
He starts walking with his hands shoved inside his lab coat pockets, "Yes?"
You half jog to keep up with his wide strides, "Professor Hale said one more test and I thought we're only on our fourth test?"
You wait for his answer while quietly admiring his wide shoulders from the back while struggling to keep up with his fast walks.
All of a sudden, he turns on his feet and then he looks at you, the eye contact doesn't last longer than a second until he looks away, "Notify the test subject first and make sure they make the time for the interview tomorrow!" He orders instead of answering your question.
"Will do, Professor," you respond.
You manage to finish a few things before it's time to go home, the rest on the to-do list are meant to be done tomorrow though. As you're about to get your coat, Seungmin walks out of his office and swings his briefcase on his side.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he says without looking at you.
"Have a great—" You don't even get to finish your sentence as he disappears into the elevator.
Only a dozen people are working in the C building and there are only five people working directly with Seungmin. Professor Lee who worked together on MNE-Machine with Seungmin is being called to give lectures out of the country and taking his assistant with him, so that leaves you and Hyunjin. The rest of the employees are working maintenance on the lower level of the building, you only meet them when you either enter or leave the building.
"Are you sure you don't want to grab drinks with me?" Hyunjin asks, unlocking his car but not getting in yet.
You toss your bag onto the passenger's seat before getting inside your car. It's actually tempting to say yes, you could use it to blow some steam off to prepare you for the busy days ahead.
But you don't want to give Hyunjin the satisfaction. No, not yet.
"No," you answer with a playful smile.
Hyunjin tosses his backpack inside and comes up to your car, he bends down to look at you through your rolled-down window.
"Come on. It'll be fun," he persuades with a smile that is mischievous and seductive at once. You bet this is how he puts anyone under his spell.
You turn your head at him and smile, "You know what would be fun?"
He tips his head to the side and asks, "What?"
"Me running you over with my car," you jokingly say as you turn on the car engine.
“Ooo… feisty,” Hyunjin hisses then slowly, he steps away from your car.
That's how most of your days usually went, dealing with two men who are the opposite of each other. One gives you not enough attention and the other gives you way too much. One is cold and nonchalant, the other one is warm and attentive.
Sadly, the one that you want is the one that you can't have.
What is it that he likes about you? Hyunjin can quite put his finger on it.
Something about you though draws him to you, it's almost magnetic and he happens to like the push and pull of it. However, he liked you even before this dynamic formed between the two of you.
He likes that you're unlike the other girls he had met and known, you have a way of carrying yourself, you're outspoken and bold, and he can see how smart you are from the way you act, the way you talk, and even the way you think.
Under that layer of fine qualities though, you're a simple girl, gentle and a bit silly and Hyunjin likes to play with that latter part of you because he knows that even though you act like you don't like being around him, he knows that it’s actually the opposite.
One thing that Hyunjin likes the most is when you're deeply focusing on something. You look so beautiful yet so unaware of it.
"Why are you working so hard? You only get one paycheck," he whispers from behind you as you observe the interview occurring in the next room.
"Thank you for gracing us with your presence,” You sneer at him.
Hyunjin stands right behind you, his hand is rummaging inside your lab coat pocket to find something sweet in there. He finds your scrunchie instead and he uses it to tie his hair into a messy bun.
"So, what memories are we going to erase?" Hyunjin asks while rummaging through your other lab pocket. He gasps in excitement when he finds a lollipop.
"A bombing incident, he was trapped under the rubble for ten hours in complete darkness and has been dealing with severe PTSD and claustrophobia ever since," you eloquently explain, jotting down a few things in your notebook as you speak.
"That's tragic," Hyunjin comments while struggling to unwrap the lollipop.
Hyunjin takes a moment to look at the interview taking place in the next room conducted by Seungmin himself. He's asking the test subject about his worst memories and as the test subject talks about them, he triggers the brain to show where these memories are located. It's important to have a map of these memories to prevent the MNE-Machine from messing with the other memories.
"Are you ready to spend another night together?" He asks, finally succeeding in unwrapping the lollipop.
"I can tell you're into threesomes," you joke in a plain tone.
It seems like Seungmin hasn't told you about the personal matter he has to attend on Friday night and as his assistant, you’re supposed to know these kind of things before him. Hyunjin crosses his arms in front of him and tries to make what of it.
"He didn't tell you?"
You stop noting down bits from the interview, "What?"
"Professor Seungmin will be having his wedding anniversary dinner on Friday night and obviously, he can't miss it," he tells you.
From the way your eyes waver and widen, you indeed have no idea about it. You look back at your notebook but stop writing.
He leans in and mutters, "We'd likely spend the night just the two of us, isn't that exciting?"
You put your pen into your pocket and flip shut your notebook, then you get up from your chair. You turn to look at him and pull the lollipop he stole out of his mouth.
"Stop stealing my sweet!" You tell him, shoving the lollipop into your mouth next.
You leave the room looking slightly upset about something but he's sure it's not about the lollipop. However, Hyunjin is mostly focused on how you didn't hesitate to take the lollipop.
"Kinky? Checked," he mutters to himself.
There's nothing wrong with the MNE-Machine and Hyunjin understands that Seungmin wants everything to be perfect until the day of the test, but he worries too much. The MNE-Machine can only get activated by his access key so he goes to his office, knocking on his door before popping his head between the doors.
"Professor, I need the access key to uh..." he awkwardly says because it feels like he's asking his dad if he can borrow his car.
"I'll be right there," Seungmin shortly answers.
Now that he only needs to wait for Seungmin, he has time to tease you. He leans on your desk, watching your nimble fingers busy typing something on your computer with your hair draping around your face.
"Hi, the most beautiful and hardworking girl," he sweetly greets you with a bright smile on his face.
"That's half true," you say without taking your eyes away from the computer screen.
"You know I'm always telling the truth," he says once again, feeling tempted to tuck your hair so he can see your face.
"I am the only girl in the building," you point out with a raised eyebrow.
Hyunjin can't help himself anymore, he reaches for your hair, wanting to brush it to the side when Seungmin gets out of his office.
"Let's go," he says to Hyunjin while fixing his lab coat.
Hyunjin reluctantly drops his hand and offers it to you, "Come with me, dear princess?"
You chuckle at him and take his hand, letting him put your hand around his as you both walk to the main lab.
MNE-Machine resembles one big X-ray machine but the technology behind it is way more intricate than that and Hyunjin's job is to operate it. He's sitting behind the large desk with a dozen computer screens showing a lot of things all at once.
It's a quick check-up for tomorrow's test, Hyunjin gets the machine ready and swivels his chair back to let Seungmin insert his access key to run the program. Hyunjin's long fingers are dancing on the keyboard, checking everything and making sure everything is fine.
"I don't see any issues here, working just fine, Professor," Hyunjin informs, showing him the performance log on one of the computer screens.
Seungmin observes it for a while, checking things himself and Hyunjin is already used to his mistrust. After all, Seungmin is a scientist,  he only believes something when it's written in data, not someone's words.
"Everything is great," he mutters, still checking everything.
"Just like I said..." Hyunjin lowly mutters through his teeth while swiveling his chair to see you, flashing a smile at you when you're clearly not looking at him.
Seungmin then turns around to face everyone but only looks at Hyunjin as he speaks.
"The two of you can come late tomorrow but make sure to be here by four. The test will commence at 5," Seungmin says even though everyone is well aware of it because it's the only thing they've been working on for these past few days.
"And we'll take care of the rest," Hyunjin continues his words while swiveling his chair back to face the computer,
Seungmin briefly glances at Hyunjin then takes a pen out of his lab coat, "I'll stay to supervise," he says.
"Then how about your dinner, Professor?" Hyunjin asks.
"I'll take care of my personal matter myself," Seungmin coldly answers.
Those words are enough to put Hyunjin back in his place, he retreats right away and closes his mouth. His intention is not to meddle in his business but it's a wedding anniversary, it only happens once in a year and he has to wait for another year to celebrate. Maybe Seungmin can celebrate it another time but Hyunjin wouldn't be so sure the missus would be pleased to hear her husband rather stay the night up working in the lab.
And also because—
"I think you should go, Professor," you say.
The heads are turned in your direction, and you're fidgeting with the hem of your lab coat as you speak, "I mean, once you authorized the procedure... Hyunjin and I, the two of us can supervise it..." your voice gets smaller the more you talk.
It seems like a good time for Hyunjin to add his say too, he gets up from his chair to make it a formal appeal.
"We just need to wait until the machine finishes the procedure. We surely can do that for you," Hyunjin assures.
It's going to be a hard case to convince him since Seungmin has trust issues, especially with Hyunjin. Again, it's the scientist in him.
"I don't feel good leaving such great responsibility on the two of you," He says without looking at either you or him.
"There's nothing to worry about, Professor. The machine works fine and if anything happens— which I'm sure nothing is going to happen, Professor Hale is a building away and... so are the other dozen of Professors..." Hyunjin failed not to fumble on his words, he was rambling the whole time.
"What Hyunjin is trying to say is we're trained to do this and if you're worried, we'll keep you notified every hour on the progress of the procedure," you immediately add.
Hyunjin secretly gives you a thumbs-up from behind his back, thanking you for backing him up.
Seungmin looks at him, then at you, probably considering whether to finally trust his employees or not. Whatever his decision is, Hyunjin is ready to be disappointed. After a moment, Seungmin clicks his pen and puts it back into his pocket.
"I'll think about it," he concludes, leaving the main lab with the hem of his lab coat flying behind him.
Hyunjin kicks the floor to gain momentum so the chair rolls across the room and hits the other end of the table, stopping not far from you.
"I know you want to spend the night together with me," he teases you.
You scoff and look at him, "Mmh. Yeah, sure."
He takes both of your hands and holds them, "What do you want to do tomorrow night, mmh?"
Your shoulders slump as you sigh, "Should I change my mind about this?"
Hyunjin puts his hands on your shoulders and keeps your gaze on him, "How about this? Tomorrow, you come dressed nicely for me and I'll take care of the essentials," he says, slowly blinking his eyes hoping they're enough to soften you.
The stillness on your face shatters as you break into a smile, "Okay," you reply with a nod.
Hyunjin leans down to kiss your hands but you retrieve them before he can place a kiss, "Don't get too excited!"
This proves that you actually like having him around. You could have drawn boundaries and he would have respected it, but instead of that, you keep letting him in.
And Hyunjin hopes you keep on letting him in until the day you finally say yes to him.
With Seungmin sending you to pick up his suits at the tailor means that he has decided to go to the wedding anniversary dinner tonight.
The drive from the nearest town to the facility takes half an hour and on the way back to your car, you see a flower shop and think of getting a bouquet as a gift. You pick the nicest one knowing that Seungmin married a woman who comes from a wealthy family and their wealth funded Seungmin's project. In fact, the facility is owned by Seungmin's parents in-laws.
What do you have against all that? This is the bitter pill you have to swallow everyday for the last three years.
As you expected, Seungmin is already in his office as you can see through the glass window, reading his journal and probably working on his new project already. You put on your lab coat and then knock on his office door three times before entering his office.
"Good day, Professor," you greet.
You walk to his coat hanger, hang his suits for him, and then put his mails on his desk. You take a step back and look at him, a way to let him know that you’re at his service.
"Anything else I can do for you, Professor?"
Seungmin looks up from his journal and lays his eyes on you, staring at you like there's something wrong with you. You immediately look down, checking your appearance and you're sure that it's not the first time you wear a skirt to work so what is different about you that gets him staring?
"P-professor?" You stammer, wiping your palms down the front of your skirt.
He immediately looks away and clears his throat as he flips the next page of his journal, "Make sure the serum is ready and check in on Professor Hale uh..." he clears his throat before continuing to talk.
"What time he'll be here, " He takes another look at you before turning his chair away from you.
"Sure thing, Professor," you respond, wasting no time to get on the job.
The sight of the flower bouquet reminds you to put it in the fridge for the time being to keep it fresh, you bring it with you to the pantry, and safely tuck it between bottles of water inside the fridge. You're supposed to go to the B building to get the serum but you make a stop at the main lab, seeing Hyunjin is already busy in front of his computer.
"That's new," you say, commenting on the glasses he's wearing.
Hyunjin rolls his chair away from his desk and looks at you with a grin on his face.
"Yeah, it's uh... I can't see clearly without them," he says while sticking his finger inside the frame, showing you that it's just the frame. Hyunjin has a weird sense of humor but in a way that is adorable, not annoying.
You softly laugh and shake your head, "I have to go to the next building."
He nods and effortlessly twirls a pen between his fingers, "I'd like to come with you but he wants me to..." he shows how busy he is to get everything ready for the test.
"That's okay. I'm working faster this way anyway," you playfully say.
After running around the facility getting everything ready for the test, you knock on Seungmin's office to notify him that everything is ready. As usual, you let yourself in after the third knock and walk up to his desk, "Professor, the test subject is already on their way here," you inform.
Seungmin gets up from his chair to put on his lab coat, "Okay then I'll uh..." he looks down at his desk, cluttered with papers.
"Can you look for the—" he points at the mess on his desk.
"Want me to tidy your desk?" You offer but not moving until you get his confirmation.
While he's busy putting on his lab coat, you gather all the papers and put all of them into a stack, along with old files he took out from archives. You organize them into different piles and when you lift his journal, his access key slips out of it. You don't know if he notices, but you quickly squat down to get it from the floor.
Seungmin keeps a Polaroid photo in the back of his access key, you can tell from the back of it but you're curious to see who's in the photo. The safe bet would be of his wife or them together but if that's the case then why did he choose to hide it?
"Here," you hand him his access key knowing that he needs it to authorize the use of MNE-Machine.
Seungmin looks at you, then at the access key in your hand. He quickly reaches for it and as he takes it from you, his fingers brush with yours, you feel a static current, a slight electric shock that makes you retract your hand right away.
You see that he senses it too from the way his eyes widen and grow a little intense, or maybe because you caught him staring into your eyes again.
"I'll check the main lab," you excuse yourself out of his office.
The preparation continues as Professor Seungmin explains the procedure that he'll be going through and after that, he gives him an injection with the serum that will make the test subject's brain responsive to the MNE-Machine. Soon, the test subject will fall into deep sleep and he'll remain in his slumber while the MNE-Machine is working on him.
Everyone gathers in the main lab to start the test and Professor Hale is here as the representation of the board members, watching over Seungmin who works with a team of doctors to check on the test subject one last time to continue with the procedure.
You walk up to stand next to Hyunjin who also watches everything from the operator room, you quietly take his hand and put it inside your lab coat pocket.
He turns his head at you and smiles when he finds the sweet you keep in there for him. He gladly takes it out of your pocket and his eyes shimmer when he finds out what it is, a small bar of chocolate.
"Good luck for today," you mutter to him.
"Thank you," He whispers as he puts it in the back pocket of his jeans.
It's time for the final step. Seungmin takes out his access key and scans it into the computer, sending the screens light up and the system starts loading.
Hyunjin then takes the role of operating the machine, clicking on his keyboard and getting the MNE-Machine ready for Seungmin. When he's done, he backs away to let Seungmin push the authorization button. He glances at Professor Hale, seeking final approval from him.
"Go ahead, Professor," Professor Hale says, allowing him to continue.
Seungmin confidently pushes the button and MNE-Machine begins by following the map Seungmin has recorded days before and from there, it starts erasing the targeted memories from its most recent to the earliest. The procedure could take 8 to 10 hours, depending on the amount of memories programmed to be erased.
Professor Hale applauds as Seungmin successfully launches another test and comes up to him to congratulate him with a proud smile on his face and pats on his shoulder, "Congratulations!"
"Don't congratulate me yet, Professor," Seungmin sheepishly says.
"We all know your machine is a great success," Professor Hale praises, briefly glancing at you before looking back at him.
You don't want to overanalyze something that could mean nothing but a mere glance. You smile at him thinking he's just being courteous with you.
Professor Seungmin leaves to send everyone off or more like, return to B building. Now that the procedure is truly underway, you come up behind Hyunjin to give him a pat on the shoulder.
"Wow. You're working," you poke fun at him.
Hyunjin takes your hand and pulls at it, dropping his head to the back to look at you, "Do I look smart?"
"You are smart," you simply confirm with a gentle pat on his cheek.
There's no other reason why Seungmin hired him in the first place if it's not because he’s qualified for the job which includes adequate intelligence.
"And you like smart guys so what are we waiting for?" He says, pressing your palm to his cheek.
"Professor Seungmin," you tell him, seeing that he's making his way back into the main lab with his hands buried in his lab coat pockets.
You hurriedly take your hands away from Hyunjin and take a step back, you immediately get on your perfect posture as his figure enters the room.
"What's the status?" Seungmin asks.
"Everything is up and running fine," Hyunjin immediately responds.
"Vital signs?"
"Normal and stable," you respond from the other end of the desk, watching over the state of the test subject's essential body functions.
Seungmin stayed for another hour until the MNE-Machine successfully erased the first memory. He checks on everything once again to finally leave the main lab and goes to his office to get ready to leave.
You don't want to walk in on him changing his clothes so you give it a few more minutes and decide to take the flower bouquet out of the fridge before you forget. As usual, you knock three times on his door but this time, you wait until he lets you in. You knock again when he doesn't respond, afraid that he's still changing.
"Come in!" Seungmin says from inside his office.
Seungmin is tying his tie in front of the mirror when you come in, you stop right by his desk and inform him of the latest status of the test.
"Keep watching it closely while I..." his words trail off as he slides the knot up to the base of his shirt collar. He turns around and takes the suit jacket off of its hanger, swiftly putting it on. He's doing a mundane thing yet it's such a mesmerizing sight for you.
You notice the back of his collar is folded and you reach for it, reflexively fixing it for him. Now that you have crossed into his personal space, you may as well continue by helping him flatten the lapels of his suit jacket. You can feel his eyes on you as you fix on his tie and you try so hard to ignore it.
It's better to say sorry than ask for permission.
You quickly take a step back once you're done and mutter your apology, "I'm sorry."
Instead of scolding you, Seungmin takes his briefcase and coat with him, then heads to the door. You scramble to chase him out of his office and give in once you know that he's going to the main lab to check everything before he leaves.
Seungmin returns with Hyunjin and you hurriedly grab the bouquet you bought for him. You doubt he'll accept it but what's the harm in doing something nice?
Hyunjin pushes the button on the elevator and it arrives in a minute. Not giving him a chance to reject your gift, you wait until the last moment to give it to him.
"Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, Professor," you mutter as quickly as possible, handing the bouquet right into his hand.
Seungmin looks at the flowers in his hand, then looks at you, seeming like he wants to say something but refrains.
"Congratulations, Professor!" Hyunjin also congratulates him as he stands next to you.
"Have a great night!" He cheerily adds with a bright smile and enthusiastically waves his hands at him.
As the elevator doors close, you feel like letting go of something that you can't get back. It's funny that it feels like that when he's not yours in the first place.
The hand rests around your shoulder and snaps you out of your head. You turn your head to find Hyunjin slyly smiling at you.
"Ready to party?" 
The parent is finally out of the house and Hyunjin can throw a party in the house.
As promised, he brought a box of things that he deemed as ‘essentials’ that he's been keeping it hidden in the cabinet in the pantry.
"Okay, impress me!" You tell him, standing across the table to see what he bought for tonight.
Hyunjin puts on a cocky smile, he's confident with what he does as he places the box on top of the counter with a low thud. First, he takes out all the bags of chips and cans of soda.
One corner of your mouth curls higher than the other, seeing that he bought all of your favorite snacks. You take a bag of chips and waste no time to tear it open.
"Not the time to be impressed yet," he says to you with the cocky smile still dancing on his face.
You shrug and continue munching on potato chips as he introduces you to the other essentials.
Hyunjin takes a bottle of Tequila next and you respond with a nod of approval. He continues with another one, a tin can, and slides it in front of you.
"Mints?" You ask in utter confusion.
This time, Hyunjin gives you a shrug. He makes you open the tin can to find two rolled joints inside. He sees another smile of approval rise on your pretty face.
Hyunjin suppresses his laugh as he fishes out the last thing, he holds it in his hand and puts it in the middle of the counter.
Your eyebrow raises at the sight of a box of condoms, "This is essential?" 
Hyunjin rests both hands on top of the counter, "If you want to do it raw, I'm more than okay with it," he jokingly says.
You pick it up and observe it like you have never seen it before, reading the back of the box like it’s a foreign object to you.
"Regardless we'll have sex or not, a condom is essential," Hyunjin adds.
You snort when you notice something on the box of condoms, "Are you sure you bought the right size?"
He snatches it from you and puts it back into the box. He stares at you and says, "You have no idea what's coming to you."
You chortle at his words and uncap the bottle of alcohol, "Let's get this party started, shall we?"
He stops from you from getting the bottle of Tequila, "No, wait, wait, now is the time for you to be impressed," he says.
You tip your head to the side, "What?"
"I have Tim from security bring us pizza when he takes his shift tonight," Hyunjin announces with a pride smile.
The facility is in the countryside and ordering food is hard because it takes at least half an hour to get here, even if they are willing to go that far, the food gets cold by the time they get here.
"Now, I am impressed," you remark with a sly smile.
As a start, you both have a few shots of Tequila before mixing it with soda and drinking it from your respective mugs. The party continues in the main lab as Hyunjin has to message Seungmin on the current status. Hyunjin chooses to send a text instead of calling, afraid that he interrupt the romantic dinner.
Hyunjin glances up from his phone to find you leaning against the desk, reading something on the computer. With your lab coat off, he can see the way you are dressed for tonight. Not sure if it's because of what he asked but you indeed dressed nicely tonight. You wear a blouse and a plaid skirt, and you rarely wear a skirt to work, but the one that intrigues him is the black tights you're wearing.
Fuck leaving so little to the imagination, he likes having a lot of imagination when it comes to you. He can imagine a lot of scenarios just from seeing the way you bend against that desk.
You take a small sip of your alcohol then look over your shoulder, "Do you know why I can't open this file?"
Hyunjin immediately comes to your aid, standing behind you until his chest meets your back and maneuvering your hand that is holding the computer mouse instead of doing it himself. His head hanging next to yours to find out the problem of why you can't open the file and he discovered that it's locked.
"You need an access key to open this," he simply answers.
"You're saying Professor Seungmin is the only one who can access the file?"
He quietly gulps air before answering your question, "Yes."
You turn your head to the side to look at him and he can't keep his calm when your lips are only inches away from him.
"Can we have that joint now?" You sweetly ask with your alcohol-tinted breath brushes his lips.
He softly smiles and answers, "Of course."
Hyunjin lights up the end of the rolled joint and takes a drag, passing it to you after while letting out a long curl of white smoke out of his mouth.
"Why do you think he locked it?" You ask as you take the joint from him.
"I don't know," Hyunjin honestly answers with a shrug, "Maybe it's his new project or something."
You take a long, slow drag and pursed your lips as you exhale the smoke, filling the room with the sweet-smelling smoke.
"I found it in among the data files of previous tests," you tell him, passing the joint to him.
You turn around to face the computer again to show him where you find the locked files, "See?"
It's supposed to be a fun night and discovering what's inside that locked files isn't a part of the plan. Hyunjin needs to intervene so when you're about to take your turn to smoke, Hyunjin keeps it tugged between his teeth and rolls his chair away from you.
"Hey!" You shout in complaint.
"Puff and pass!" You remind him of the unwritten rule of smoking pot.
Hyunjin shakes his head and reclines on his chair, "Come and get it," he says, smoke escapes his mouth as he speaks.
Once you come close enough, he pulls you until you topple and have you sitting on his lap. You don't seem to mind, you get comfortable instead, resting your back on his chest and let his arms wrapped around you.
You take the smoke from his mouth and finally take your turn, "You think he'll be back soon?"
Hyunjin's forehead wrinkled at your random and sudden question, "Professor Seungmin?"
"Yeah," you answer, handing the joint back to him.
He takes it from you but keeps it between his fingers, "Uhm... I don't know. Rich people tend to take their dinner seriously, they probably have a full-course dinner, and after that... sex," Hyunjin emphasizes the last word.
He then takes a quick drag and looks the other way to exhale the smoke, "God, I hope he gets laid. Man needs to lighten up!"
He passes the joint to you even though there's not much left of it but you refuse by shaking your head. He finishes it and throws the butt into his empty can of soda.
"Don't worry. We'll have time for a foreplay or two," he jokingly says with his hand rubbing down your arm.
You laugh at that and his body shakes along to your crisp laughter. You turn your head and there it goes again, your lips merely inches away from him.
This palpable sexual tension... Hyunjin can't take it anymore yet he does nothing but keeps staring at your face.
"Are you going to keep staring and not kiss me?" You say but it seems like you're reading his thoughts out loud to him.
You take his glasses off and toss them away, "Or do I have to do it for you?" 
Your hand curves around his neck and you angle his head towards you, not hesitating to lean in first to kiss him.
Hyunjin always thought that when the two of you kiss, he imagined it would be romantic but it's not, it feels way better than that. It feels natural and familiar like he has kissed you a thousand times, like your lips belong to be kissed by his lips.
And you know what? Fuck romantic kisses.
Hyunjin wants kisses that feel right like this, tightening his hold around you and engulfing you in his warm embrace as he deepens the kiss. The more he kisses you, the more he can't stop, and worse is, you keep trying to quench his endless thirst.
The sound of his phone ringing shatters the intense moment, he keeps kissing you and mutters against your lips, "Let's pretend none of us hear it."
You chuckle and slowly pull away, "It could be Professor Seungmin," you say, then console him with a quick peck on the lips.
"Mmh... 'kay," he heavily sighs.
Hyunjin reluctantly reaches for his phone on his desk while his other arm is still wrapped around you, not letting you get off his lap. He accepts the call right away and talks on the phone, it's Tim from security telling him his pizza is here. He ends the call with another sigh.
"I have to go and get our pizza," he pouts at you.
"Then go and get our pizza," you simply resolve.
Hyunjin holds you close and allows himself to plant a kiss on your neck. He stays there for a moment with his head buried in your neck, getting himself drunk in your heavenly scent.
After a moment, he forces himself to let you go, "Guess I have to go," he says in defeat.
You take that as a cue to get up from his lap and immediately smooth down your skirt, "I'll be waiting here."
Hyunjin ties his hair into a messy bun and takes his phone with him, in case Seungmin is going to call him to ask for the current status.
"Don't go anywhere, okay?" He warns you.
You lean your hips against the desk and take a sip of your alcohol, "Okay."
Hyunjin heads to the door and then turns around by the doorway, "We'll continue the kiss when we get back."
You manage to not spit your drink and swallow it before answering, "Okay."
Impulsively, Hyunjin rushes to you and places a long peck on your lips. He then breaks into a run, not giving you time to change your mind about continuing the kiss.
It's going to take at least 20 minutes for Hyunjin to pick up the pizza to and fro.
As you wait for him, you're going to your desk to check on a few things, and then you see Seungmin's office and get intrigued to get in there. You're not going to steal anything, you just want to take a look around and perhaps, get a few hints on what Seungmin is working on.
You've seen the books on his shelf one too many times so you come to his desk because that's where you usually get any hints. It's either something he randomly jot down on his notebook or the journals he's studying.
Seungmin happens to have a stack of them on his desk, you're going through them one by one, only reading the front page to see what it's about and moving on to the next one. However, between those scientific journals, you find a different file. You open it to see that it's a lease statement whether he wants to continue the contract for another year or not.
The first thought that comes to your head is that maybe Seungmin bought a nice beach house as a wedding anniversary gift but why did he rent it? He's more than capable of buying a property, especially a house with only one bedroom that—
Wait, what if they've been living separately? You check the address and find that the conclusion is rather implausible. It's two hours of drive, commuting from there and here would be tiring. 
The faint sound of the elevator chimes open can be heard from his office, it seems like Hyunjin has returned from picking up the pizza. You tidy up the stack and put them back where they belong, then quietly leave his office. You can hear Hyunjin calling for your name.
You jog to meet him in the pantry, "Smells nice!"
"Where were you?" He asks, opening the fridge to get another bottle of soda.
"Bathroom," you lie since it’s easier then refill his mug with more alcohol and Hyunjin pours soda after.
It must be the effect of the recreational drug you smoked earlier that makes the pizza taste exceptionally delicious and the next thing you know, you already ate three slices of them. Hyunjin has been so quiet and it's because his mouth is full of food. He smiles at you as you catch him taking a big bite out of his pizza.
"Hyunjin eats so well!" You coo, addressing him in the third person and poking at his cheek with your index finger, treating him like a little baby to annoy him.
"Do you have any memories you want to erase?"
The question just sort of pops into your head and you are kind of curious to know his answer. You pick up another slice and alternate it with a sip of your spiked soda in between bites.
Hyunjin slows down his chewing, he puts down his pizza slice to grab his drink, and takes an earthly sip, "Maybe that one time I pissed my pants during the school field trip," he answers.
"How old were you?"
"Second grade."
You take a small bite of your pizza and ask, "What happened?"
"I got bitten by a spider," he answers.
"And how did you piss your pants?"
"Because I'm afraid of spiders," he innocently answers.
You burst into laughter and have a hard time swallowing your food after, you wash it down with your Tequila soda to help.
"But I'm not sure I wanted to erase it though," Hyunjin adds, adding more alcohol to his mug.
You give up on finishing your pizza slice and put it back in the box, "Why is that so?"
"That day, I found out I'm allergic to spider venom," he answers.
You scrunch your nose in perplexity because it's bad experiences, one after another and he chooses not to erase it,
"Why not?"
"Then I would forget that I'm allergic to it," he simply answers.
You don't get enough explanation from him so you keep looking at him with a questioning look on your face.
"What if I get bitten by a spider again and I don't have the knowledge that I'm allergic to spider venom?" Hyunjin lays out a scenario for you.
"Well, yeah..." you nod in agreement as the logic in his answer registered into your head.
"I could have died," Hyunjin dramatically adds with a squeeze on your shoulder.
"I get it, I get it," you answer, half chuckling at him.
Hyunjin takes a long sip of his drink and gasps once he swallows it all down. He leans on the counter and leaves not so much space between your faces.
"But think about it..." he says.
You nod, ready to listen to what he's about to say.
"Life would be boring if we only remember the good memories," he says.
That simple notion speaks so much and when you think Hyunjin couldn't be more profound than that, he comes with another remark.
"There wouldn't be good moments in the first place without the bad ones too."
Hyunjin lets a moment pass in silence to let those words sink into your head and you're indeed still processing them. He makes a good point that you can't add anything to that. You can't believe that Hyunjin has left you speechless.
But looking at the test subject, going through the procedure to have their bad memories erased doesn't mean that they're being cowardly. They have must thought these things through before deciding to volunteer as a test subject.
“But when you look at babies, they’re so pure and free because they come into this world with no memories. And adults are… a mess. They’re sad, depressed, and anxious and have phobias, and Professor Seungmin, he makes them all go away,” You deliver your opinion.
Hyunjin nods in agreement and that regardless of everyone’s stand on whether they want to erase their memories or not, the work all of you are doing here helps people.
"They're on their sixth, yes," Hyunjin speaks into the phone as Seungmin calls the office for a status check.
"Vitals?" He glances at you.
You hurriedly hover to the other end of the desk to check and give him a thumbs-up.
"Pulse rate, respiration, BP, all stable," he informs.
The call ends in the next second and Hyunjin places the handle of the phone down, he leans against the desk, panting as if he has just run a mile. It seems like you both have sobered down after munching on pizza together. You exchange a look at each other and break into a smile at the same time.
"Card game?" Hyunjin offers.
You can taste the imbalance of the alcohol and juice ratio you put into your mug but you need it to fuel yourself for the card game.
Hyunjin shuffles the card in his hands and splits the deck into two even stacks, he pushes one at you and draws the other closer to him.
"Whoever draws the smaller card value, loses," he explains the game rules.
You take a gulp of your drink and ask, "And when I lose...?"
He ties his hair into a ponytail and puts his hand on top of his card stack, "Whoever loses has to take a piece of their clothing off," he says with a devilish smirk that makes him more attractive.
It's obvious that Hyunjin has been wanting to play this game, the excitement is drawn on his face and somehow, it makes him more adorable, you can't help but smile.
"Are you sure you split the card evenly?" You jokingly accuse.
"You're welcome to shuffle your cards if you want," Hyunjin calmly responds, then sips his canned soda.
You laugh at how he gives you the side eyes, "When do we start?"
"Eager, are we?" Hyunjin says that it's him who's been anticipating this.
Hyunjin rubs his hands together before placing his hand on top of his deck of cards and pinches a card in between his fingers.
"Ready?" He asks.
You slide the cards down the table and intensely look at each other before turning it over, revealing the cards at the same time. A gasp escapes your mouth as your 7 of Heart card beats his 2 of spades. You prop a hand under your chin and wait for him to do his punishment as he lost this round.
It doesn't faze him, he takes his sweater off and tosses it onto the empty chair next to him. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt underneath and he rolls the short sleeves up to his shoulders, exposing the muscles on his arms.
The next round is won by Hyunjin as his 9 of hearts card beats your 6 of spades. You calmly take your blouse off and hang it on the back of your chair.
Your Jack of Diamonds forces Hyunjin to remove his t-shirt next and you didn't expect him to have a toned body considering that you always find him sitting on his chair and working in front of the computer. You try not to be obvious that you're ogling him but he catches you looking already, so...
"And you've been hiding that under your oversized clothes?" You poke fun at him.
He coyly shrugs in response to you and tidies his deck of cards, "Want to switch decks?"
It seems like a trap because your cards have been doing good and switching decks may switch your luck too.
"No. I like my cards," you refuse his offer with a smile.
He shrugs again and this time, his Jack of Clubs won against your Ace of Diamonds. He triumphantly smiles and crosses his arms watching you getting off your chair to unzip your skirt. You take a step away from the counter to shimmy the skirt down your legs. It feels wrong to be this exposed in the pantry of your workplace.
"You sure you don't want to switch?" He offers again with a lopsided grin.
It's tempting but you trust that your cards will bring you luck, you shake your head and take another card from the top of the stack.
"How about I reveal my card first?" Hyunjin daringly offers.
"Okay, sure," you coyly agree, letting him flip open his card first.
His long fingers are holding the edge of the card and at once, he turns it over, revealing a 9 of hearts. It is supposed to be easy to get a card higher than that. Oddly, you suddenly lost the confidence you had in your cards a minute ago. You put on a calm face and flip the card, not looking at it until you let go of your hand.
"Fuck!" You lowly curse at your 7 of clubs.
You let out a low sigh as you’re about to do your punishment and reach your hand to the back to unclasp your bra. You maintain eye contact with Hyunjin as you let the bra straps slide down your shoulders. In one swift moment, you take the bra off and let it join your pile of clothes on the back of your chair. You lean back and see Hyunjin smiling ear to ear.
"Christmas came early for you, huh, Hwang Hyunjin?"
It doesn't even bother him that you called him by his full name which he dislikes. He's enjoying his triumph, his tongue is slightly sticking out on the corner of his mouth as he smiles.
"I think it is," he says.
Instead of showing him your defeat, you feel motivated to win the next round. You put all of your hair to one side and lean onto the table, slapping the next card on the table.
"Want to raise the bet?" You challenge him.
One of his eyebrows raises in intrigue, "What are you proposing?"
"Whoever loses next has to take two pieces of clothing," you answer with a daring smirk.
It's a fair game since Hyunjin has only his jeans and his underwear on and so are you, with your tights and underwear.
"Let's raise the bet," Hyunjin calls to your bluff.
"I'll reveal my card first," you dare yourself even though you have no idea what card you're keeping under your hand.
"Be my guest," Hyunjin delightfully says.
You hold his gaze and flip the card, surprising yourself with a Queen of hearts. You can almost taste that sweet victory knowing that Hyunjin needs a King to beat your card. However, Hyunjin is looking nowhere near your card and you know well enough where he is looking.
You purposely lean forward on the table, presenting him a clearer view of your chest then tap your fingers on the table, "Ground control to Major Tom!" You summon his consciousness back to reality.
After a while, he finally looks away and immediately takes a sip of his can of soda to gain some sense back into his head.
"It's your turn," you remind him, propping a hand under your chin and waiting for the grand reveal.
Hyunjin clears his throat and puts his focus back on his card, he's fiddling with his card. He realizes that he's in a predicament.
He holds the card in his hand and tosses it upward, showing a Jack of Heart which means you won this round. You take a sip of your drink in celebration and victory indeed tastes so sweet.
Hyunjin reluctantly gets off his chair, he finishes his can of soda first before reaching for the waistband of his jeans. He begins by unbuckling his belt then slowly, he unzips the fly of his jeans and it's instantly loosening around his dainty waist.
"Wait, wait," you abruptly interrupt him from his stripping show.
You get off your chair and lean your side against the counter, "On a second thought... you can keep your pants on," you say.
Hyunjin looks rather flabbergasted by the turn of the event, he stands there with his jeans hanging open, "You can't do that!" He protests.
You calmly sip your drink and reply, "Oh, yes, I can."
Hyunjin rests his hands on the counter and looks at you, "You have to see!" He insists with his eyebrows furrowed.
You shake your head and pretend to not care, "Nah. I'm losing interest."
He takes a step closer at you, "Once you see, you will be interested," he boldly remarks with a cocky smirk.
You scoff and put down your empty mug, "Still not interested," you shake your head again.
Hyunjin inhales air and places his hands on each side of his waist, "You have to see!"
"No!" You refuse while half laughing.
You see Hyunjin about to take another step toward you but before he can do that, you turn to leave the pantry.
"You have to see!" He shouts as he follows you.
"No!" You shout back and immediately break into a run. 
You're squealing as he chases you but you know well enough that you will likely lose against his long legs. That doesn't stop you from running, holding your breasts with your hands as you make a turn in the direction of the staff lounge and Hyunjin catches you right as you're about to enter.
With the absence of lights, you can see the glimmer of the city lights from afar.
Hyunjin pushes you to the wall, he grabs both of your hands and pins them above your head as he presses his nose into your ear.
"I got you now," his breath feels hot in your ear.
When you tilt your head to look at him, his lips immediately capture you in a kiss, a kiss that consumes you whole and makes you feel hot all over.
He drops your hands around his neck and that way, he can freely roam your body, feeling the smoothness of your skin under his fingertips.
He puts his arms around you and draws you impossibly close while his mouth is busy lathering yours, his tongue is prying open your mouth, wanting to taste you more and more.
As much as you want to keep kissing him, you have to let go to catch some air and fill your lungs with oxygen.
Yet Hyunjin uses the opportunity to kiss you somewhere else, dragging his plush lips down the column to your neck, and from there, he starts a trail of kisses down your front.
He kneels in front of you with his fingers tugged at the elastic band of your black tights, he looks up at you and in the dark, you can see his eyes like two gleaming marbles.
Slowly, he pulls the tights down and you hear the faint whimpers escaping his mouth as he keeps pulling it down your legs.
The silence that hangs in the room only intensifies the tension, it's so quiet that you can hear your ragged breath as Hyunjin successfully takes your tights off.
He keeps looking at you with his wide, lustful eyes as his hands climb up your legs. He slowly leans in, landing a soft kiss on your inner thigh to earn a low whimper out of you.
Wanting to hear that soft whimper again, Hyunjin places another kiss on the other one, higher and closer to where you want him the most.
Just like he reads through your mind, Hyunjin drags his mouth higher and kisses your clothed core. You grab a fistful of his hair as he presses another kiss with his nose rubbing against your clothed core and then he softly inhales air.
The breath he lets out between your legs feels hot and it sets your body alight with desire yet you feel more alive in this heat.
Hyunjin opens his mouth wider and takes more of you, his wet mouth dampens the thin fabric of your underwear and all you can do is whimper at how erotic this very scene is.
Then he stuck his tongue out and starts to trace your clit through the fabric, repeatedly running his tongue in circles that it begins to pulsate under his slick tongue.
Your legs are wobbling and you can only hold onto his head and shoulder to keep you steady as he keeps his mouth buried between your legs.
Impatient to taste you, Hyunjin puts your underwear to the side and lifts your leg, putting it over his shoulder so he can dive deep into your wetness.
You keep your back close to the wall with your hands in his dark locks, tugging at it when the pleasure gets too overwhelming.
"Oh!" You gasp as Hyunjin inserts one digit inside you and not long after that, he adds another digit.
His fingers and mouth are moving in sync to give you immense pleasure, making the knot in your stomach tighten and your hands tugging harder at his hair.
Unknowingly, your hips start moving against his mouth, riding his face as you please as your hands keep his head between your legs.
"I'm close, oh, I'm close!" You breathlessly tell him with your eyes barely focused on him.
Hyunjin opens his mouth wider and runs his tongue between your folds before sucking on your clit, taking you to your high so that a loud moan falls out of your open mouth and echoes in the room.
Mischievous, Hyunjin teases you by touching your sensitive bundle of nerves, lightly circling it with only his fingertips.
"You're having fun, huh?" You look down at him and gently twist his ear as a way to get back to him.
In the dim light, you can see he's grinning at you with his face wet around the mouth from your essence. You pat his head and place his hand on the strap of your underwear.
"Help me take this off, mmh?" You seductively ask, turning around on your feet to face the wall.
Hyunjin wastes no time tugging his fingers on the waistband of your underwear and pulls the soaked underwear down, then off your legs.
You shiver as his fingers lightly graze the side of your thighs and the back of your legs. As you press the side of your face on the cold surface of the wall, Hyunjin starts placing kisses on the back of your thighs and he goes upward.
Eventually, his mouth lands on your ass cheek and he playfully bites at it, letting out a laugh knowing that you enjoy it.
"Go ahead. Bite the other one," you encourage him with a laugh.
He's going to do it with or without your permission anyway as he immediately bites the other cheek. From there, he continues his trail of kisses up to the nape of your neck.
His arms around you, touching your body and kneading on your breasts as his mouth busy planting ferocious kisses on your neck and shoulders.
It's rather sensual that he pinned your naked body against the wall when he still has his jeans on yet you can feel his member poking through the fabric and rubbing against your rear.
"Mmh..." you hum as his fingers circle your nipple.
You turn your head to the side only to let him capture your lips in a hungry kiss where his teeth almost collide with yours.
"Ouch!" You yelp as he pinches on your nipple while he smiles in satisfaction.
You turn around to face him and put your arms around him, not worrying that you'll fall when you have his arms tightly wrapped around you.
Without breaking the kiss, you maneuver his body, pushing him in the direction of the sofa until he finds himself plopping down and you let yourself sit on his lap.
You take a moment to catch a breath and look at him, seeing him this up close, in this light, hit differently. With the moonlight shining through the big window and casting a glow on his head, Hyunjin looks so ethereal.
"You're so beautiful," Hyunjin says, taking the word out of your mouth.
You smile at his praise and lean in to deliver your gratitude with a kiss, a kiss that takes things further. As your lips are busy lathering his, your hand makes its way down his body and slides it into his boxer.
You delightfully hum against his lips as you wrap your hand around his swollen member which you take out of its confine, letting his erection sprung free.
With your own eyes, you can see how impressive his size is and glance at him, "Now I know you bought the right size," you mutter with a seductive smile.
"Told you," Hyunjin says with a sexy smirk.
You sit close to his crotch, wanting to feel his cock against your cunt and wetting it with your essence while you keep stroking at it.
"I uh..." Hyunjin's words trail off as you rub his tip with your thumb.
"Yes?" You breathlessly ask.
"I have to get the uh... I have to get the condom," he stammers, almost couldn't finish the sentence as you rub his tip between your folds.
"You said you're okay doing it raw with me," you tease.
He drops his head to the back and you can see him swallow air with the way his Adam's apple bobs in his throat. He then shakes his head, "Don't think that's a good idea."
You tip your head to the side and pout, "Why not? I'm on the pill."
Hyunjin shakes his head again, he stands firm on his principle even in the trying of times. You cup his jaw and then plant a long peck on his lips.
"Go get that condom," you mutter.
He slowly opens his eyes as you pull away from the kiss, "You're not going to change your mind, right?"
You softly laugh at his words and even though you feel bad to tease him more, you can't help yourself.
"Uhm... maybe, I don't know," you jokingly say with a shrug.
He grips at your waist and pouts, his lower lip jutting out more than his upper lip. He's so adorable that you can't stop yourself from pecking his lips again.
You get off his lap and sit on the sofa, "I won't change my mind," you tell him.
Hyunjin can't shoot up from the sofa faster, sending his jeans drops and pools around his ankle, he hurriedly kicks it away, "I'll be back in a minute," he says.
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misshypnofascinated · 10 months
The evening after
"The trance of yesterday was amazing~"
So. That was that, I had thanked the 'tist of yesterday for being their hypnotee for the evening. It was a fun trance, and I felt no nice and floaty. And wet, of course, but that was expected. I did not have that much experience in erotic hypnosis, but I knew for years that it could get me going like nothing else.
Now I think back, I could not remember much more of the trance, but that is okay. It was relaxing, and I felt good.
Oh! The universal tree dots of an incoming response appeared.
"I did have fun too. I hope you want to play again sometime soon?"
Ha, it seems it was not just me who liked it. Great, I love it when I make somebody happy, even when I'm blank and not actively working to make it so. And the message dots are back!
"In fact, would you have some time now? I'd like to see what you think of something"
Hmm. I'm free this evening, and it aroused my curiosity.
"Sure, what do you have in mind?"
The dots are there, comforting me that a response is coming. They have such a nice pattern, I never noticed that before.
"I want to try some of the triggers I placed yesterday. Are you still good with having those lingering triggers and after-effects there, just for this weekend? [Be honest, and let me know when you are uncomfortable]"
I smile.
"Yes, I do enjoy feeling good all day today, and I'm excited to see what you have in store for me :)"
This time, the dots are there for just a short time. Not enough time to run through the full animation.
"Oke, let's start :) [You hear a snap and remove your top and wear only your cardigan]"
Hey, what do I read now? It is like my eyes are slipping over something. And where did that snap come from? My eyes slowly become unfocused and I feel strange. It is like a veil is being pulled over my brain. I feel myself become heavy, slow. A small, single pulse of arousal makes itself known. It is almost an out-of-body experience. I feel myself standing up, and my hands take off the cardigan. My t-shirt falls to the ground, and the bra follows. Then, without much thought, I put the cardigan back on. I sit back and shake my head.
Oke, this is ridiculous. Am I getting aroused with just the idea of playing with a hypnotist? Get yourself together.
"Ready when you are~"
There are the dots again. They are so soothing.
"I was wondering how you feel? Can you feel my influence already?~"
Ha. How should I respond to that…
"I do.~ :) To be honest, I even felt something of anticipation the moment you wanted to start, isn't that silly?"
Just a quick dash of the dots. I like how fast you are.
"Not at all! You are a good subject, and I'm sure you like what we will do today, you are free to feel what you feel. [In fact, those feel-good feelings will grow and grow]"
Oh. Oh! I love being told to be good. You sure know how to push my buttons. And you make me feel so relaxed, this is one of the nicest conversations I had in a while. I do feel good, I feel tingles all over my lower body…
"Thank you~"
The dots are back. It seems like each time I see them, I feel calmer, and so focused on what you will say
"You are welcome. [You hear again a snap. You will lower your pants and find a comfortable kneeling position where you can have your arms supported]"
When I read that message, I feel my eyes glaze over again. The fuzziness in my brain, which did not clear away completely last time, returned as I stood up. I zip open my pants, and let them pool on the ground as I kneel before the chair.
I slowly blink as I read your next message.
"How are you now? Can you describe what you are wearing?~"
Ha, an easy, albeit flirty message. I know what I decided to wear this morning.
"Sure~ Some nice jeans, a white tank top, and a nice cardigan, that make me look good :)"
"Are you sure of that? Can you do a quick body check for me? [Describe your thought process here in detail and step by step]"
A what now? If they want that, they can get a detailed body check.
"For you, I can~ I have black shoes, they rest on the floor"
The dots flash by. Part of my brain is more focused on the dots than on my body check.
"So far so good…"
"And my nice jeans are on the ground?! That cannot be right? And I'm kneeling, that is not normal…"
Although some part of me feels like it should panic, another part of me finds this hot. Really hot. And a large part of me is subdued, relaxing, and waiting for more to do for you, to watch the dots, feel good, and let go.
"But does it feel wrong? And is that your whole body scan? [If you want, you may play with yourself]"
One of my hands moves between my legs by itself, not a conscious thought of me needed, as the other one keeps typing.
"There is more? My cardigan is on, I see that. And I'm sure I would be cold without it… But now I check, that is the only thing on my upper body…"
I feel that my head is so heavy. How could it hide from me that I stripped? This 'tist obtained so much power over me in such a short time. It is exciting, for sure. I rub some more as I watch the dots fade in and out as you type, just as my brain does. A vague memory drifts up, of you telling me that time between messages is for relaxation, for being guided by small animated circles that blank, just as my mind will.
"Such a Good Girl for me. Following me so well. Do you want to fall deep for me again?~"
Ohh, that feels so nice, so good. Words are hard, I feel slow. And hot.
"I feel like I'm already entranced for you, and I'm in this service position upon your command?"
The dots. There are just the dots while waiting for your next message. And my rubbing hand. I do not care when the new message comes, I just feel so good for you, both when reading what you have to say, or when I’m waiting for you to respond. Lost in your words, in your dots.
"Good girl. You are indeed entranced. Drop for me, relax, and feel good… Let’s see what this evening will bring :)"
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Another Lie || CL16 {5} - Charles' Ending
Warnings: 18+ only, fluff, if you don’t want a Charles happy ending look away now and wait for the Max alternative! WC: 2.8k
F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five (Charles) || Five (Max) || 5.1 blurb request
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It was strange to be back after so long. It was strange to see that the Principality hadn’t changed at all. Upon reflection, the only difference was that you had. 
The gravel path crunched under your ballet flats as you followed the winding track to the lookout and found him sitting upon the wall looking out over his homeland. 
“Is this seat taken?” 
Charles nearly fell off his perch with how fast he turned and you placed a steadying hand on his shoulder as he righted himself. 
“What…?” he trailed off in confusion as he stared at you in disbelief. 
Thanks to Instagram you had seen how his face had sharpened with age, heard how his voice had deepened too. And, from what interviews you had watched, even his thoughts and opinions had matured in recent times.
But he hadn’t seen the difference three years had made to you. You were never one to publicise your life and your Instagram was mostly used to keep up with other peoples life rather than display your own. He knew because he still checked.
“Your mum called.” He was still staring as you climbed the wall and took a seat beside him. “I can’t believe it’s been ten years.”
When Pascale had invited you to the anniversary of Hervé’s death she had assured you that Charles was aware and fine with it but given how shocked he still was at your arrival that didn’t appear to be true.
“Where’s Jules?” you asked, trying to get him to say something other than stare as you picked at the loose stones on the wall.
A smile curled his lips at the mention of his son before it lost some of its brilliance. “It’s Sapphire’s week with him. Wait, my mum has your number?”
“We’ve kept in touch over the years,” you admitted with a shrug. She had never forgotten your birthday and always wished you a Merry Christmas. “When she said you weren’t answering your phone I figured you’d be up here.”
“I just needed to clear my head for a bit,” he murmured as he peeled his eyes away from you and returned to watching the sun reflect on the picturesque Côte d’Azur. “With the custody battle, the busy race schedule and dad’s anniversary, it all got a little loud in here.” He tapped a ringed finger to his head and sighed. “I’m thinking about retiring.”
The stone in your fingers slipped and tumbled down your leg and into your shoe, irritating your foot as you tried to kick it back out. With a chuckle, Charles dropped off the wall and pulled your shoe off, flicking the stone out before slipping it back on. 
“Thanks,” you muttered as you still tried to process the information he had dumped on you. “Why would you retire? You’ve been doing great!”
He didn’t return to his seat beside you, instead he tipped his head back and closed his eyes as the sun warmed his face. “There’s something more important to me than winning now. I only get to see Jules every second week, and there’s 28 race weekends this year. There’s just not enough time to race and be the father I want to be for him, the one he deserves.”
When he opened his eyes you could already see the decision had been made, whether he knew it or not. 
“At least you can retire knowing you kept your promise,” you said as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. “You always swore you’d win a championship with Ferrari, even when no one else thought it was possible.”
His lips parted with a laugh as he kicked the rocks with his sneakers. “Wasn’t easy.”
“Nothing good is. But all that hard work and you never put the #1 on your livery…why?”
He shrugged and buried his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “I chose my number for a reason.”
He could have chosen sixteen for a number of reasons but he always said it was because your anniversary was the 16th of January, you first met in 2016 and one plus six equals seven - his lucky number. He was always looking for patterns in everyday things, he couldn’t help it. 
Your phone vibrated again with a reminder you hadn’t opened the message and you saw Pascale’s name, asking if you had found him. You quickly replied that you had and shoved it back in your pocket before hopping off the wall. 
“Come on, your mum’s probably worrying we’ll be late as usual and you’re my ride off this mountain.” 
“We?” he asked as he cocked an eyebrow up. “I was always ready on time, you were the one who made us late for everything.”
“That’s not how I see it, because as the driver, it’s your responsibility to get us to the destination on time.” 
It was effortless how easy the lighthearted teasing came without any of the biting remarks or bitter sarcasm that had tainted those last months of your relationship. This was, dare you say it, nice. You only hoped it could last because you had missed his friendship most of all. 
“How did you get here?” Charles asked when he looked around the carpark, only spotting a few older model cars alongside the latest Ferrari Purosangue.
“Arthur dropped me off after he picked me up from the airport.” You slipped into the luxury SUV and pouted as the engine started far quieter than the Pista. “Where’s my baby?”
“Gathering dust most of the time.” He nodded his head to the backseat and you looked over your shoulder. “She doesn’t fit a carseat.” 
“Of course, that makes sense.” You shook your head with a small laugh. “I can’t believe how practical you are now.”
“Having Jules changed me. The first time I held him, it was like everything came into focus, you know? I realised if I carried on like I was then he was going to see that behaviour as being okay, and it wasn’t okay.” He glanced across the car making eye contact with you. “I’m trying to be a better man, one he can be proud to call dad.”
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Hervé would have been proud to see his family, smiles on their faces as they sat around the tables that had been pushed together to accommodate everyone, celebrating the life he had. 
Lorenzo’s family had grown by two and the toddlers were full of energy as they chased each other around the table; Arthur’s wife, Carla, also had one bundle of joy on the way; and Pascale looked at all of her sons with radiating pride. You almost shed a tear as you sat down for the family dinner after visiting Hervé’s memorial, the love and warmth that filled the Leclerc’s family home felt like the missing piece you hadn’t been able to find on all your travels.
“You okay?” Charles asked as he filled your glass up with the sweet lemonade Pascale had made for her grandchildren.
“For god sake, Charles, offer the woman a proper drink,” Pascale said as she passed a bottle of red wine down the table. 
“It’s okay, I don’t drink anymore,” you said as you passed it on to Lorenzo before returning your attention to Charles. “Do you still do this every month?”
He faked annoyance as he nodded but you could see how happy he was surrounded by his family. “Normally it would be when I have Jules but with the race calendar this month it just didn’t work out.”
The sun was beginning to set as you finished washing the last dish and passed it over to Charles to dry. From the living room you could hear Pascale reading to the children while their parents cleaned up the mess they had made and out on the back porch you could see Arthur and Carla sharing a moment as they watched the red sunset together. 
“I miss this,” you whispered before realising it had been aloud and Charles had heard. 
“Me too,” he sighed and stacked the plate in the cupboard. “How long are you staying?”
“Three days.”
His brows furrowed into a deep frown. “Is that all?”
“I do have a life,” you teased as you stole the dish towel from his shoulder to dry your hands.
“Does that include a boyfriend?”
The laughter faded and you shook your head. “No, there’s no one else.”
His eyes traced your lips and when you saw his tongue roll across his own you stepped back and swatted his arm with the damp towel. “Cut it out, Charles.”
“I didn’t do anything,” he lied through his cheeky smile.
You narrowed your eyes at him and grabbed your handbag from the kitchen side. “I’m going to go now because this has been a really nice evening and I want to keep it that way.”
He swiped his car keys up just as quickly. “I’ll give you a ride.”
“My hotel is only a few blocks away.”
“Then let me walk you, please? These streets aren’t as safe as they used to be. I’ve been mugged twice.”
“Then why would I want a walking target next to me?”
“Shit,” he chewed his lip at his flawed argument and sighed. “Please? I’ll walk you to your door and that’s as far as I’ll go.”
He held his breath as you debated the offer before lifting your hand up, pinky raised. “To the door and no funny business.”
He linked your fingers and shook on it. “Pinky promise.”
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It was almost midnight by the time you reached your door. The classic cinema along the way was playing a double feature of Humphrey Bogart and when Charles saw Casablanca was about to start he had hooked your arm into the crook of his elbow and led the way inside. His smile dared you to argue but you had come to enjoy the black and white film whenever he had watched it.  
Hervé had loved to torture his sons by making them sit and watch the film at least five times a year as a family. You had only been there to witness it twice but it was clear despite the feeble grumbles they all had come to love it too, especially when Charles whispered the lines to you under his breath. 
When the lights had gone down in the theatre you had felt the heat of Charles’ arm as it shared the rest with yours between the seats. The projector flickered to life and the speakers crackled as the film began and you were thrown back in time.
You were immersed in the story when your hand was taken, the touch taking a moment to be noticed, and you looked down at your fingers laced between his before following the line of his sleeve until you reached his face.
His eyes were focused on you, and a sad smile played on his lips as he mouthed Rick’s line, “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
By the end of the second feature you were hardly seeing what was on the screen. You could have left after Casablanca finished but there was a silent agreement that neither of you wanted the night to end. So you had remained in the dark room as most of the other patrons left and To Have and Have Not started, your hands still entwined on the arm rest.
“Do you have any plans tomorrow?” Charles asked as you stepped inside your hotel room and he stopped at the threshold, leaning against the frame with your hand still holding his.
You bit your lip to hide the smile that appeared. “If I do?”
“Cancel them.”
“Ohh, sorry, I can’t…I have a lunch date with the prettiest Leclerc.” His smirk grew and he nodded his head in agreement. “But you can join us, I’m sure your mum wouldn’t mind.”
His jaw dropped before his head tipped back with a laugh. “I’d hate to be a third wheel. Maybe I can steal you for breakfast in the morning instead?”
You looked at the time on your phone and saw midnight tick over. “It’s morning now.” You took a step deeper into the room but your hand tugged tight against Charles where he remained firmly planted at the door, shaking his head.
“I made a promise, bella,” he said softly before pulling you back and into his arms so he could press his lips to your forehead. “I made you lots of promises, and I’m going to show you that I will keep them all…if you give me a chance.”
You tucked your head into the curve of his neck and wrapped your arms around his waist. “Three days,” you whispered. “That’s how long you have to show me the kind of man you are now.”
“That’s easy,” he said as he rested his cheek on the top of your head. “I wasn’t a man before. I was just an asshole who let the fame go straight to my head and lost something precious because of it.”
His words caused your stomach to flip and you looked up at him in a new light as you saw the pained look of regret in his eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want to come in?”
“Ma bella,” he groaned, stepping out of your arms and towards the elevator. “Of course I want to come in, but I won’t. We have both changed. I want us to get to know one another again. Start afresh.”
You swallowed down the plea that was on your tongue because he was right. If you fell back into the same pattern like last time it would be stupid to think there would be a different outcome.
You wrapped your arms around yourself to keep from reaching for him as you conceded a nod. “Pick me up at 8am for breakfast?”
“It’s a date.” He started to walk backwards to the elevator like he was savouring every last second of seeing you in person and blew you a kiss as he hit the down arrow. It opened immediately and he looked a little disappointed as he stepped inside before a smile started to curl at the corners of his lips. “And just so you know, I am the prettiest Leclerc…until it is you.”
Three Years Later.
A gentle euphony echoed along the halls of the otherwise silent house and you wiped the sleep from your eyes as you padded barefoot down the staircase. It was far too early to be awake and even the birds had yet to rise with their songs as you passed the large glass doors that overlooked the dark waters of the Côté d’Azur.
With quiet footsteps you crept around the corner to the living room to find the reason why all the beds were empty.
Charles looked exhausted as he sat at the piano bench, his fingers moving slowly over the keys, drawing out each note a beat longer than they should. The retired racer’s jaw trembled with a suppressed yawn but his tired eyes were blinking less and less as he started to slump.
“How long have you been playing, love?” you asked as you sat beside him and brushed his hair back from his face. “The kids are fast asleep.”
“Really?” Charles turned with a groan to see Jules snoring on the sofa with his little sister tucked into his arms. “Melody’s crying woke him up.” He rose to his feet and cracked his back that had gone stiff from playing for hours. “I can’t wait for those teeth to just come through already.”
“You should have woken me.”
He bent in half, groaning at the protest in his back but he pushed through the pain so he could kiss you. “I need this, bella. I can’t feed her when she wakes in the night but I can play her lullaby. And you must have been tired if you didn’t hear her on the monitor.”
You followed your husband to the couch and gently scooped Melody into your arms, praying she was in a deep sleep, before carrying her back up to the nursery. Charles followed with Jules asleep in his arms and took his carbon copy to his bedroom beside Melody’s.
You both breathed a sigh of relief when you met in the hallway, the doors shutting on well-oiled hinges. There wasn't a single sound to disturb the kids as you crept back to your bedroom and Charles curled himself around your body.
“Goodnight, my sweet,” he murmured as he kissed your shoulder. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”
“You don’t have to thank me everyday,” you said with a smile at the regular bedtime routine.
You felt his smile against your skin. “I do, I’m thankful for you everyday and I always will be. Forever, just like I promised.”
Click here for the alternative ending (Max’s).
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warping-realities · 1 year
Keeping Up With Old Friends (by the best of all @dumb-and-jocked & @callmecallmecrazy
It's a great pleasure to make images for this collaboration between two of my favorite authors. I had permission from both of them to do this and I spent a considerable amount of time trying to be up to par with their work, I don't know if I managed it but I still hope it's to your liking.
“Phil? Is that you?” Geoff could’ve sworn the man in front of him was an old classmate of his, having been lab partners their freshman year. The two had connected fairly well, with Geoff having hung out with the free-thinking, pot-smoking, curly-haired flower child a lot more than he thought he would. Except, scruffy and shaggy Phil was replaced with tailored-beard and straightened-locks Phil. Not only that, but his usual oversized hoodie and sweats had been replaced with a properly fit tee and jeans.
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“Geoff! Hey man, how’s it going.” His voice was still the same lively and flamboyant pitch that it had always been. Phil met his friend in a hug over the cash register, squeezing Geoff a little harder than he had been prepared for.
“Surprised to see you here,” Geoff half-joked, knowing that the old Phil would never come close to a shopping mall, let alone a department store. If the job wasn’t so easy and the pay wasn’t so good, Geoff wouldn’t have ever entered either. Too bad college was so expensive.
“Ha! Yeah man, turns out they have some good stuff! Plus, it’s close to where I live.”
“Oh, did you finally move out of the dorms?”
“Yeah, I moved into the Kappa Sigma Alpha house.” The big smile he offered was met by a wide-eyed stare from Geoff. Phil was a free spirit, one who practically came out of the ‘60s. Last they’d talked, he’d been planning on living at an eco-friendly miniature house, certainly not at “prespter-prick incorporated”.
“What happened to living green?”
“Ya know, I wanted a change.” Phil shoved his hands into his pockets. “Plus, college loans are really bringing me down. I needed to save some money and fast. My uncle got me an in with the fraternity; he’s an alum.”
“Aren’t they, like, totally pretentious?” Geoff countered. “We used to joke about those preppy freaks and their smug arrogance.” 
Phil frowned, his expression made it seem as if he’d taken personal offense.
“Hey man, they’re cool. After my uncle had pointed out that I was a legacy, I got headhunted by the rush chair.  I’m not one of those over-confident princes having yacht parties and spending time at the country club.” Geoff’s tense muscles eased a little, causing Phil to smile. “I don’t think they do that kinda stuff anymore anyway.”  
He glanced at his phone, and then back at Geoff. Getting the message, Geoff quickly processed his items and had Phil pay. He was surprised to see Phil was buying more normal clothes. Cheap, standard tops and bottoms that were neither flamboyant or tame: just generic.
“Hey man, great seeing you,” Phil concluded the conversation politely. “Maybe we’ll hang out sometime? I gotta get back to the house!”
Geoff watched Phil walk out, noticing how well he filled out his jeans. The Phil he knew had been a short, skinny beanpole, similar to Geoff’s height but with less pudge. However, the new Phil’s buttocks had developed a sort of plumpness, just barely curving the pants out awkwardly as he walked away. 
“That was so strange,” Geoff said aloud, but he assumed that people changed. Phil seemed happy and healthy, and as long as he was saving money Geoff was happy for him. Maybe he always wanted to join a frat?
For the rest of his shift, Geoff continued thinking about the peculiar interaction, but by the end of the day he was too exhausted to think about anything. Once he had gotten back to his dorm, he lethargically changed and jumped into his bed, falling asleep almost instantly.
— —
“Phil? Is that you?” The big man standing in front of the counter didn’t exactly physically resemble Phil. He was fairly big at about 5 ‘10 (a few inches taller than Phil) and the Henley shirt he wore couldn’t hide the beginnings of bulging pecs. And his hair, last time uncoiled but still at shoulder-length, was sheared down, pushed up, and shiny from cheap gel. The face was still the same, even though the hair made his face look a little square.
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The young man looked back at Geoff confused for a moment before a tinge of understanding glittered in his eyes.
“Geoff Elliot,” his voice was noticeably slower and deeper than last time. While Geoff went in for a hug, Phil replied with a one-armed embrace and pat on the back. He practically grimaced when Geoff attempted for more affection.
“Phil! Man, it’s been awhile. I haven’t seen you since your last time here.”
“Yes, Geoff, I’ve been very busy with school. And please, call me Phillip, it’s more traditional.”
“Wow, still living with the Kappa Sigmas?”
“Yes, I’ve been acquainting very well. What about you, Geoff?”
“Oh ya know, I’m still in old Walker. It isn’t great, but it’s definitely got a sweet spot in the middle of campus.”
“Living comfortably?”
“Ha, you know I’m not.”
“I can tell,” Phillip noted Geoff’s pale skin and tired eyes. Geoff was taken aback by the outright disdain.
“Well, I’ve got to work if I want to get a degree.” Phillip just nodded, causing Geoff to carry the conversation. “You’re looking good. Do the Kappa Sigmas expect gym time?”
“Yes,” Phillip’s stern demeanor dropped a touch, allowing a bit more levity in his voice. “There’s an expansive gym at the country club. It’s free and they even give you a few hours a day to use it!” 
He was practically giddy as he talked, allowing Geoff to relax a bit. This was the Phil he knew, chirpy and friendly though now not as exceptionally outgoing. And if Geoff was being honest, Phil seemed extremely content with his new situation. 
“Have you picked up any sports? It seems like you’ve got the bod now,” Geoff joked, knowing that Phil hated physical activity. He playfully slapped one of Phil’s broad shoulders and was shocked at how firm the muscle was.
“I’ve been doing a lot of golf! I play with several of the other guys and even some of my uncle’s coworkers. I’m getting my handicap down too.”
“Oh, you’re playing golf?” Geoff hadn’t expected an answer, but if one came he would’ve guessed football or baseball–not golf.
“Yes, it’s very enjoyable. And great for business bonding. Chance for us men to talk about the frat, women, sports and the like. Say, you watch the game last weekend?”
That was wholly unlike Phil, but Geoff guessed he was probably throwing himself into the fraternity world.
“Nah, man, I’m not into basketball.”
“It’s football season.” His reply was so direct and unvarnished that Geoff had to grip the counter for support. “I know not everyone is into the NFL, but I assumed you would at least watch like any other man. And our team is having an exceptionally great season. 4-0 in conference play.”
Phillip kept talking about football as Geoff stared deep into his eyes. Was this really Phil? The guy used to pretend like he didn’t know what sports were. What was happening to him?
“Anyway, Geoff, it’s been great catching up,” Phillip said, dumping his items onto the register. Geoff was surprised to notice that Phil was purchasing only name brand items. Not expensive, but not generic either. “Maybe we can grab some beers and watch a game sometime.” 
Phillip hastily paid for all of his items and walked out. Geoff couldn’t help but notice the increasingly larger derrière. His buttocks had developed a shelf-like quality, curving the cheap khakis out as he walked away. Its slight jiggling motion was a stunning contrast to the hard muscle covering the rest of his body.
“Yeah, great to see you Phil-lip,” Geoff forced out the last syllable. This was not the Phil he knew, but instead some dude named Phillip. Geoff continued on with the rest of his shift, the interaction slipping from his mind at the end of the day when he collapsed into bed.
— —
“Phil? Is that you? I mean, Phillip?” Geoff had hoped he wouldn’t see him again after their last encounter, but when he saw this barely-familiar-looking man his curiosity got the best of him. He told himself it was all in his head, but everything about these encounters were disturbing. Geoff wasn’t sure if it was steroids as his former buddy’s growth seemed extremely quick, but it could’ve just been the sudden makeover too. What was even crazier was the man next to him was somehow larger.
This Phillip was 6’4 and wore a baby blue oxford button-up with a yellow and blue striped repp tie. The shirt looked ready to burst as it was tight against the two firm mounds sticking out of the young man’s chest. On top of the set was a two-button navy blazer with the letters KE on the left side, which Geoff assumed stood for Kappa Sigma. His hair was much different, for the overgrown shag was now neatly cut, with short sides and tapered across the crown. The ivy league was sharply parted on the left side and held sturdily in place by an expensive looking pomade. Not only had his hair transformed, but his face had undergone a dramatic change too. His jaw, formerly a little pointed and sharp, spread wide and hung low, giving his face a distinguished lantern shape to match his newly-cleft chin. 
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This Phillip stood ramrod straight while searching through a rack of new suits from Brooks Brothers. The man next to Phillip was older but otherwise nearly identical. He was thicker around the middle, but any gut he might have was hidden by the extremely high rise of his pants, sitting above his belly button just under the rib cage. His tie was black and grey with a subtle windowpane pattern, and his suit shared a similar palette.
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The other man stared at Geoff for a moment before tapping Phillip on the shoulder.
“Pierson,” his voice was slow and deep. “I believe this boy is trying to get your attention.” 
The younger man turned towards the counter to see Geoff. A faint bit of recognition crossed his face momentarily.
“Geoff Elliot.” The voice was practically monotone, low and deep. He took a few powerful steps forward and offered a large, coarse handshake.
“Uncle,” Phillip turned to face the older man. “This is a friend from college, Geoff Elliot. Geoff, this is my uncle.” He gestured robotically between the two. The uncle offered his hand and it was the same rough shake.
“Nice to meet you…” Geoff sort of trailed off, hoping to get a first name.
“John Howard Johnson.” The reply was colorless. “Mr. Johnson will do.”
“Alright,” Geoff simply replied. “So, Phillip-”
“Please call me Pierson,” Phillip said curtly. “My uncle thinks I would be better suited professionally as Pierson.” The way he spoke, extremely even in both rhythm and pitch, was unnerving.
Geoff could make out some of Phil’s features in the hulking face before him. An upturned nose and naturally thin eyebrows over wide eyes resembled the Phil he knew. But the rest of the face clearly belonged to this cocky fratboy named Pierson.
“Okay, Pierson. So, any news about Greek Life?”
“I am very happy with the Kappa Sigmas. Life there is perfectly preppy.”
“That’s great. Glad to hear you’re doing good!”
“Yes, my uncle believes after college I will be an ideal candidate for his company, Hemplebaum Inc..”
“That place downtown with office drones filling foreclosures and manipulating bank accounts?”
“Correct,” Pierson stated blatantly.
“Huh, okay.” Geoff was getting sick of this conversation, and of this act. There was obviously something going on here, so he decided to just ask about it flat out.
“How long are you going to keep this up, Phil?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Geoff retorted. He knew it probably wasn’t best to argue with customers during his shift, but this was more important than a job. “How are you willing to sell your soul to some frat? We used to joke about these guys! Can’t you see something is wrong?”
“I’m offended by your tone, Geoff. And honestly,” he adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves while disgustingly eyeing Geoff’s uniform. “I grew up. You could do with some growing.”
“You’ve grown into a mindless fratboy.”
“And you, Geoff, are still a child. We ‘mindless fratboys’ are very well groomed and dressed. We speak with clarity and courtesy, and are diligent and helpful. We truly represent the apex of manhood.”
“Pierson,” Mr. Johnson suddenly interrupted the argument. Pierson stiffened up and faced his uncle. “I’m glad you had this chance to catch up with your acquaintance, but we have wasted time.”
“Of course, Uncle.” 
They turned to leave, but Pierson swiftly reached into a blazer pocket and pulled out a thick black card. 
“If you ever decide to grow up.” Pierson placed it on the register before he and his uncle left, giving Geoff a good look at their backsides. Despite the broad shoulders and bulging pectorals, both had a distinctly pear shaped body, with wide hips and massive butts that shook just a touch as they walked. Pierson’s rump was especially luscious, bouncing around inside those tight, pastel madras shorts. It gave Geoff a boner as he watched it wiggle. Sure, the man was the monster that replaced his old friend, but he had to admit the new douchebag look was kind of hot.
Geoff grabbed the card from the counter and examined it. It was a thick card stock and slightly textured with the Greek letters obnoxiously large in one corner. Right in the middle read “Pierson Buckley Folsom VI,” infuriating Geoff. That was absolutely not his last name, in fact none of those were his names! Had he changed his entire personality to fit in with these people?  Had Phil been putting on a fake persona the entire time he was in college? Was this who he truly was? Geoff calmed himself down before reasoning that the name changing was a deeper sign. This whole thing had become so ridiculous he couldn’t just ignore it. He’d have to do some investigating.
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— —
“This is Pierson Buckley Folsom VI.” 
Geoff didn’t actually want to go through with his plan, but he had to make an attempt. If he could insert himself safely into this Pierson’s friend group, he might just be able to figure out what happened to Phil. Sure, Geoff wasn’t really built for the whole undercover thing, but he owed it to his old friend. Plus, Geoff knew if he let the matter sit, it would just continue to haunt him.
“Hey, Pierson. This is Geoff.” 
“Hello Geoff, how may I assist you?” He was already straight to the point.
“Well, you know I was thinking about what you said back in the mall. Growing up and all that stuff.”
“Ah,” Pierson’s stale voice came from the other end. “I assume you are interested in becoming a Kappa Sigma then?”
“Yes.” Geoff swallowed before continuing, “I would like to become a Kappa Sigma.”
“If that is so,” Pierson began monotonously. “We have a rush event this weekend at the Rolling Acres Country Club. Come golfing this weekend, I know you will enjoy it.”
“That sounds exciting!” It totally did not. He did not want to go to a rush event in the most posh, expensive neighborhood in the city. “What do I need to wear? I’m sure they have a dress code.”
“Meet me at the Kappa Sigma house before. I will have appropriate clothing.”
“Sounds good, thank you for your help, Pierson.”
“You are welcome, Geoff.” 
And just like that, the plan was in motion. This weekend, Geoff would be infiltrating enemy territory, so it was now time to do some research. He didn’t want to be suspicious, but as far as he could tell, the only person who thought something was amiss was him.
— —
The Kappa Sigma Alpha house was a well-built, classic home that looked like it belonged in Connecticut or somewhere else classy. The elegant mansion was extremely large, just like all of its brothers. It was so huge in fact that it had a room strictly dedicated for watching football, and that wasn’t even the media room! According to Pierson, there was a room with a movie projector on another floor. The football room was just a man cave according to him, except it was a sunlit, high-ceilinged game room. It was about five times bigger than the dorm Geoff was currently living in, which was only half the size of Pierson’s room.  
When Pierson had answered the door, he was dressed in a full monochromatic suit.
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Geoff had expected something more casual, so he was wearing a faded pair of khakis and a plaid button-up. Geoff’s bulkier counterpart was intensely embarrassed by his attire and insisted he put on one of his old suits. Geoff thought about protesting, but instead allowed it. He fit quite well in it, as Pierson’s old suit was from Phil’s era. Geoff hated the whole dress-up ordeal, but he needed to fit in as much as possible, and to do that he would have to do everything Pierson said. 
“Are we going golfing in suits?” Geoff asked innocently, unsure if they’d actually be participating in the sport.
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“That’s absurd!” Pierson remarked, his tone just barely leaving its usual flat level as he dodged the question. “We will be changing at the club.”
Geoff couldn’t imagine how most people showed up dressed like this, but he would do whatever made Pierson comfortable. And apparently, the change had been necessary. After they got past the gate and into the main clubhouse, every man he passed had a tie on. Some of the brothers were already dressed in polos and khaki shorts, with the color of their outfits being the only way Geoff could figure out who was who. After Pierson had checked them in for the rush event, they headed to the lockers to change. Once the two had stripped, Pierson handed Geoff a small white piece of fabric. Geoff was horrified to find it was a pair of whitey-tighties, completely generic besides a tiny logo and a thin, blue line running through the band.
“What,” Geoff asked. “Dude, seriously?”
“All of us wear them,” Pierson blatantly stated, showing how he had stripped down to his own. Geoff had only noticed Pierson’s behind before, but now he took his chance to examine the whole body. Pierson was thick from below his pecs down to his butt, no real waistline. The holes for the legs in Pierson’s briefs clung tightly to his thighs, making the curve of his extremely wide buttocks stand out. His bulge was extremely pronounced too, pushing the briefs to their limit. Everything about Pierson was just so big nowadays, his proportions practically comic level. He looked good.
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Knowing he had to do it, Geoff quickly stepped into the briefs. The briefs made their way up both of his legs and finally began to engulf his private regions. He pulled the waistband up and let them sink into place. The bright, white fabric comfortably held his body from the tip-top of thighs to just above his pubic bush.
“Let me help you with those.” 
Pierson glided over to Geoff and dutifully pulled the briefs higher, a lot higher. Geoff’s belly button was now completely hidden, giving him a slight wedgie and his small package an even smaller moose knuckle. His flat bottom seemed more vertical than ever, and his 3-inch soft dick was nowhere near whatever Pierson was packing. Geoff should have been in pain, he should have been protesting, but something had subtly changed inside of him. The moment was deceptively erotic, something overly-personal but seemingly inconsequential that he was giving up to fit in. The look of disgust he originally had on his face had faded away, replaced with a simple, charming smile.
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With that done, Pierson handed Geoff some pink Bermuda shorts and a blue polo, each made of a stretchy and breathable material.
“You sure these are mine?” Geoff asked, noticing that the sizes were much too large. “I’m not sure I’ll fit.”
“I’m certain we’re the same size, Geoff.” Pierson replied, putting on his own set. The striped Hampton Lime polo he wore beautifully accentuated his pectoral shelf and–after being tucked into some tight cobalt Bermuda shorts–his blooming muscle gut. Geoff didn’t actually know the names of the hues, Pierson had strictly informed him beforehand. Pulled up to rest just below Pierson’s brief’s waistband, the shorts were held up by a fashionable belt that Geoff knew had a price tag with at least 3 digits. The shorts not only continued to advertise Pierson’s laughably large bottom, but also displayed powerful calves that looked as if they were stolen from a marble statue.
Although Pierson was certain they were the same size, they most certainly were not. Geoff was not surprised when his outfit failed to fit. The belt he had barely kept the shorts from falling, and even though the shirt was tucked in, it still draped over him more like a curtain. Unlike the briefs that had fit perfectly, the clothes were meant for a man much larger than him. A fraternity brother.
The final pieces were short, plain white socks and a pair of large golf shoes. Once again, Pierson had insisted the two were the same size, but Geoff knew his feet would never fit in the Size 14 giants. Even after tying the tightest knot he could, the shoes were still fairly roomy and loose, causing Geoff to focus intensely on every step in hopes of not tumbling over. Sighing in defeat, he noticed a small emblem on one of his socks, the same he had seen before on the briefs. He checked the other sock, and then also found it on his polo over the left breast. Deciding it couldn’t hurt, Geoff inquired about it.
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“I don’t think I recognize this brand,” he started. “Are we wearing Ralph Lauren?”
“Not exactly,” Pierson replied, who had also finished getting dressed. “It’s a partner brand of Polo Ralph Lauren that made an exchange with the Carmichael Corporation. Apparently some financial deal.”
“What is the Carmichael Corporation?”
“They are an investing partner with Hemplebaum. The two often work together on acquisition projects. The event today is co-hosted by both companies. A lot of Kappa Sigma Alpha’s alum actually work at the companies, as the pair and the fraternity are continually functioning together. Almost like a cycle, I assume.” Pierson chuckled at that.
“I see.” Geoff smiled at the new piece of evidence. Not only did he just find that a company was in on the ordeal, but three. There was definitely something peculiar about this “financial deal,” and whatever these Hemplebaum and Carmichael organizations were, they had to be behind the disappearance of Phil.
The two then made their way out to the course. A plethora of young, muscular men and older counterparts were already golfing away, chatting merrily about subjects Geoff knew he had no interest in. Stocks and economical talk were topics that were unsurprisingly extremely boring. Pierson made sure to introduce as many people as he could as they walked along, and Geoff made sure to mentally write down each suspect in his head. 
There was Yale Stockton Rockefeller IV from Carmichael, a man slightly older than the pair but identical in size and manner to Pierson. He was wearing a violet polo, docksiders, and light gray madras shorts. Then there was Henderson Harold Hearst from Hemplebaum; he shared the same age and exaggerated proportions with Pierson’s uncle, Mr. Johnson, who was also there. He was wearing a white sports polo, black golf cap, and a pair of golf trousers that somehow expanded over his massive thighs, showing off Mr. Hearst’s thick trunks and amble, jiggly buttocks that pressed generously backwards. 
There were a plethora of other businessmen that were also introduced to Geoff along the way. Keating Eckley Whitlyn, Jr. from Carmichael; Emerson Foley Gillingham-Smyth from Carmichael; Rotterham Casper Cornelius Southard from Hemplebaum; John Millard Koehler III from Carmichael. All the titles and accentuated names made Geoff’s head want to explode, but he hadn’t even met a quarter of the populus yet. There were still all the Kappa Sigma boys with names like Thurston F. Walbridge IV, Wyndham Judge Kilbourn V, and Hunt Johnstonbough. Geoff couldn’t understand how people remembered all of these obsessive, extensive, and money-grubbing men and their names. All of the businessmen and fraternity brothers were just a bunch of wealthy blockheads.
A sharp, static shock zipped inside of Geoff’s high-waisted briefs, causing him to pause momentarily. The shock sent a signal up his anus and tickled his prostate ever so slightly. In his head, Geoff immediately reevaluated his previous thoughts. These men weren’t obsessive, they were just clean-cut and well-maintained. And their names weren’t extensive and money-grubbing, they were traditional, conservative, and sumptuous. These corrections brought a cordial smile to Geoff’s face. Only now noticing he had stopped walking, Geoff jogged to catch back up to Pierson, causing his slightly-larger buttocks to gingerly bob.
As they walked out onto the course, golf bags strapped across their backs, Geoff could see a tall figure in the distance seeming to greet them with a small wave. Pierson returned the gesture amiably.
“Who’s that?”
“Prescott Neilson Powers IV. I invited him to play with us. Prescott is the Kappa Sigma rush chair. ”
“You invited the rush chair?”
“Prescott, yes. He’s been a close friend since I attended preparatory school, you should know that, Geoff.”
Geoff did not know this, as Pierson hadn’t existed less than a semester ago.
“I thought you would get on quite well. Besides, he’s on good terms with many important people. If you want to join the fraternity brotherhood, no one is a better connection.”
Prescott was in stretchy plum-colored golf trousers, a ballcap with the KE logo sitting proudly on the front, and a smoky-gray polo exactly like the ones they were wearing. Geoff had a bit of a shock realizing how much Prescott looked like Pierson. His body filled out the polo tremendously with broad shoulders, baseball-like biceps, and a thick but strong core. He also had that overly-wide posterior that led into legs and calves formed by deadlifts and deep squats. His hair–which was sheared down into a practically flat bit of black hair, shiny and parted–was the only noticeable difference between the two, but otherwise Geoff might have mistaken the two for brothers or cousins.
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“Greetings!” Prescott shook Pierson’s hand and pulled him in for a pat on the back. For his part, Pierson tensed up a bit but did not resist.
“Prescott Neilson Powers IV, this is Geoffrey Elliot. We had few classes together last year, and now he is interested in rushing.” Before Geoff could correct the error of his name, Prescott grabbed him into a similar handshake-to-hug.
“Pleasure to meet you, Geoffrey,” Prescott said calmly. “Well, let’s play.”
“Are we taking the cart?” Geoff asked, pointing to a line of white, polished golf carts. He really didn’t want to walk around the entire course. He hadn’t exerted that amount of physical energy since high school gym.
“Of course not!” Prescott and Pierson chortled before Prescott continued. “I’d figure us three needed to work less on our glutes and more cardio!” Prescott then reached out and gave both Pierson and Geoff hard butt slaps. Geoff wanted to object, but a momentarily jarring jolt from his briefs once again silenced him.
“We all know this will not be enough to alleviate that problem,” Pierson quipped as they made their way to the first hole. Geoffrey completely forgot what he was thinking about and followed with a polite smile, his shorts now tighter against his inflated rump.
Prescott was extremely friendly and a little physical. Upon learning that Geoffrey had never golfed, Prescott took it upon himself to teach him everything he could, resulting in him saddling up behind him to correct stance and form, but also jokingly pressing his crotch into Geoffrey’s butt and thrusting. The boys all laughed at the horseplay, with Geoffrey nervously trying to hide his boner. If he wanted to fit in around these traditional, conservative men, he’d have to be a lot more careful. Luckily, his member had softened before anyone noticed, returning to its previous 4-inches soft.
Geoffrey had a hard time hating Prescott and the Kappa Sigma brothers. Taking away all the pomp of politics and social structure, Prescott seemed to be an incredibly friendly alpha; the kind of guy who would be quarterback, homecoming king, and class president (all things Geoffrey learned Prescott was). Geoffrey began to recognize that all the Kappa Sigma, Carmichael, and Hemplebaum men had so many things in common. There were so many things about them that Geoffrey really liked. They were gorgeously male and embodied masculine sophistication. They were groomed and cleaned, polite and cheerful. They were such ideal men, what Pierson had called “perfectly preppy”.
“My girlfriend will literally do anything I ask, that’s how dedicated she is to me!” Prescott bragged in a slow but still gloating voice.
“She was always into you,” Pierson added.
“Yes, sir. Her dad’s super rich, one of the department managers at the Carmichael Corporation. He’s inundated with old money. But what about you?” Prescott got a mischievous glint as his eyes located Pierson’s crotch. “Are you getting those fellows ready? It is almost breeding season.”
“What does that mean?” Geoffrey inquired.
“Pierson Buckley Folsom VI here is getting married.”
“Congratulations!” Geoffrey replied enthusiastically, forgetting that Pierson hadn’t had a partner less than a month ago.
“Thank you. We’re finishing some final details; her mother is very specific. Sometimes, she acts as though I’m unworthy.”
“She cannot do better,” Prescott assured.
“She is a perfectly suitable spouse. I am very pleased with the situation,” Pierson affirmed before setting up his shot and launching the ball.  He let out a whistle of appreciation as it landed in the green just a few feet away from the hole.
“Good shot,” Prescott and Geoffrey said simultaneously. Geoffrey hadn’t noticed his voice was beginning to imitate the other two’s, as it was now a little deeper and even-handed.
“Geoffrey, I know it’s late notice, but I hope you can at least attend the wedding. The club has strict guest limits and I’m running out of passes for nonmembers for the bachelor party.”
“Thank you, Pierson. I’m sure I can make it.”
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Geoffrey didn’t want to attend for investigative purposes however, he just wanted to support his close friend Pierson.
“And if you join the fraternity and get your membership before, you can enjoy all the heterosexual fun.” Prescott winked at Geoffrey and snagged a nipple that was now stiffly pressed out from the polo. Geoffrey had somehow not felt the weight of his upper body before as he walked, as his chest now stuck out and increased his height by a few inches. Geoffrey should’ve cared more about his enlarged torso, but for some reason walking around with pecs straining a polo felt incredible, like a huge dose of testosterone had been injected into him.
After a few more rounds, the trio decided to take an intermission and head back to the club. The main ballroom at the Rolling Acres was a lively place stocked with booze and many other pompous and colossal-sized men. Before Geoffrey could figure out what was going on, Pierson and Prescott were already removing the caps from a collection of glass bottles and pouring multiple glasses full of amber liquid.
“Come on, sit,” Prescott instructed, slapping Geoffrey’s bottom before taking a seat. Originally, Geoffrey had intended on asking some analytical questions and refusing the drinks, but after a quick agonizing wince he discovered he didn’t want to upset his new friends, or the financial connections they represented. Taking a big swig of the liquid, he sat down in the chair, his increasingly wide and plump behind consuming nearly ¾ths of the extra wide seat.
“You’re getting pretty good at the trap shot, Pierson Buckley Folsom VI, ” Prescott toasted Pierson.
“You’re still better, Prescott Neilson Powers IV,” Pierson was already refilling his drink happily. The trio continued chatting until Pierson eventually excused himself to the toilet, leaving Geoffrey alone with a man he thought would have been detestable. But this afternoon was fun. He got a small knot in his stomach as Prescott turned to him with a viperous grin.
“Geoff? Geoff Elliot?” Prescott suddenly said, dropping his voice low. Geoffrey was confused for a moment, as he hadn’t thought of himself as Geoff in a while. It was almost shocking, but then he cautiously nodded yes.
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“Please, call me Geoffrey, Prescott.”
“Oh, I will, Geoffrey,” he emphasized the name. “You look good, and I have to admit I was wrong about you, Geoffrey. When Pierson had said he had invited you, I did not think you would make it. But here you are: willing and able, and looking much better with the muscles might I add. These clothes have done wonders for you.”
“Thank you, Prescott. I am very happy spending time with the Kappa Sigma men and the alumni.” Prescott nodded and smiled as the robotic words left Geoffrey’s mouth. Geoffrey had been content with his answer, but he hadn’t processed the real meaning behind Prescott’s comment. Absentmindedly scratching his calf, he should’ve been surprised by the amount of fur that caught in his grip. It also should have shocked him how firm his muscles felt; the thick, robust quads and strong, sculpted forelegs now filled his salmon shorts appropriately. They were also helped by his waist, which had expanded out both in the pelvic and gluteal regions.
“I like having my fellow fraternity brothers around. It is truly a real lifetime bond, care to agree?” Geoffrey nodded as Prescott took another deep swig. “Something that really defines a man: who he is and who he’s going to be.” 
Prescott then seemed to stare at Geoffrey curiously. For his part, Geoffrey had no idea what to say, and so stayed silent. “If I’d known this is who you were going to be, I’d have made sure you were my brother a long time ago. Of course, I knew Geoff, but not Geoffrey. Not big, strapping Geoffrey.”
“Yes,” Geoffrey stirred his glass and sat there.
“And I still have yet to meet whom you will become. You still have a ways to go until you have finished.”
“The rush event, of course. You did not think it was over, did you? It is only a quarter past one you jester!” Prescott then grabbed Geoffrey’s head and gave him a playful noogie. The respectable man’s knuckles drove apart Geoffrey’s hair, causing the slightly-greasy afro to spill out a little more.
“Your hair has been a little off today,” Prescott noted. “Did you use enough pomade this morning?”
“Yes,” Geoffrey confirmed. “I believe I did.” He fixed his hair precariously, making sure all the edges were still held together like a helmet. Geoffrey liked his textured ivy league cut chipper yet sharp, just like the fine fellows of Kappa Sigma Alpha.
“Now, Geoffrey, what do you think Geoffrey is like in college?”
“I’m Geoffrey.”
“Correct, but these past few semesters you have not been. I just wonder what you wish you had done?”
“I wish I’d attended more sports games. I love football, and enjoy playing tennis and golf.” The answers had been installed in his head without him knowing.
“I’d want to have a group of men to watch sports with,” Geoffrey added.
“Indeed, every game we have an event at the house.” 
Geoffrey stared at him with glassy eyes. He was confused. It seemed like Prescott wanted him to say something, but he could only shrug.
“Would have been nice.”
“I do hope you apply for the fraternity. The brotherhood would be a good fit for you.”
“I’ve really enjoyed myself so far,” Geoffrey admitted. “And the prospect of living in the manor is tantalizing.”
“Where are you living nowadays?”
“I have a dorm in Walker. It’s a heap, but I live alone.”
“Have you thought about living with other men? Such ideal, perfectly preppy men?”
“What?! No, I haven’t, I mean..” Geoffrey sputtered a little, not considering that factor in his infiltration plan. It seemed like a dream, to be surrounded by so many gaudy, haughty, and sexy men. After a momentary painful shudder, Geoffrey realized he would love to be surrounded by so many prosperous, presumptuous, and handsome brothers. Of course, his definition of handsome was a man who was traditional, well-heeled, and physically attractive to women. Geoffrey believed that men ought to align themselves to the only orientation, one where his 5-inch soft dick didn’t get aroused to the thought of other gentlemen.
“I’m not sure it’s right for me,” Geoffrey announced truthfully, authorizing a smirk from Prescott.
“It’s right for Geoffrey. For football-playing, fraternity brother, corporate shark Geoffrey.” Prescott smiled and got up from the table, ushering Geoffrey to follow him.
“If you become a brother, either the Carmichael Corporation or Hemplebaum will pay off your student debt as long as you work a year-long internship with them after you graduate. I can set you up.”
“I always support my Kappa Sigma Alpha brothers.” His impish grin was the only signal Geoffrey had before another blow to his bottom. After a little excruciating twitch, Geoffrey returned to reality, his voluminous buttocks still vibrating as they had now accumulated a soft layer of fat that made him even wider.
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“Kappa Sigma Alpha, brothers strong, brothers long. Four years forged the lifetime bond!”  Prescott chanted and stared at Geoffrey. Geoffrey hesitated, but his mind wanted it so bad. He wanted Prescott to like him, to be his brother. Geoffrey wanted to be one of the classy, dashing brothers.
“Kappa Sigma Alpha, brothers strong, brothers long. Four years forged the lifetime bond.”  Prescott smiled as Geoffrey repeated the stanza back to him.
Pierson then showed up a moment later from behind them.
“What did I miss?”
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“Just the rushing of our newest member here!”
“Newest member?” Pierson replied excitedly. “You are going to become a brother, Geoffrey?”
“I must!” Geoffrey replied eagerly. He wanted to become one of these perfectly preppy brothers, which kind of went against his reason for coming here in the first place. But, why was he here again? Was it not to be rushed? For some reason, Geoffrey felt like he was forgetting something, but it didn’t bother him enough to dwell on it. Any inappropriate memory of infiltration or distaste had been sapped from his increasingly cordial mind.
“That makes me so elated!” Pierson exclaimed. “Let us go find my uncle then, that way we can have him officiate the necessary forms.”
“If I can have a moment,” Geoffrey paused the celebration. “I would like to use the restroom.”
“Well…” Pierson hesitated.
“Of course!” Prescott gave a reassuring glance to Pierson, although Geoffrey didn’t know why. “Around the corner over yonder and then westbound. We will go retrieve Mr. Johnson while you alleviate.”
“My gratitude.” Not only had Geoffrey’s tone adopted the same deep, flat, and robotic tone, but his vocabulary slowly became much more sophisticated. As he strolled over to the restroom, Geoffrey now felt the weight of his body as he walked. He hadn’t noticed before, but he had settled out around 6’3 thanks to his extended limbs. His newly broadened shoulders filled out his dark periwinkle polo nicely. They made him feel like he took up the entire doorway as he entered the lavatory, and his big, wide stride made his butt and crotch kind of wiggle as he walked. He could feel the fabric of his salmon shorts tighten around his balls and release, then tighten on the other side. It was mildly arousing.
After taking a hearty leak, Geoffrey pulled his briefs back up above his belly button. It was deceptively erotic, something overly-personal but seemingly inconsequential that he was giving up to fit in. And that’s what he wanted after all, to fit in. Why be unique and different when one could be conventional, classical, and consistent? That’s why he had come here in the first place, because he wanted to be like these men. Geoffrey wanted to be a Kappa Sigma, and after that work at either the Carmichael Corporation or Hemplebaum.
Washing his hands in the sink, Geoffrey looked up and was very pleased to see the extremely handsome young man in front of him. He filled out his clothes almost to the point of bursting, from the Size 14 golf shoes to the Philadelphia blue polo. As he admired his form in the mirror, Geoffrey couldn’t help but brush the smooth-shaved line of his prominent jaw. He really could swear that his face had been almost heart-shaped, but now there was a distinctly hexagonal shape to the thing. Geoffrey was practically a hypermasculine parody: low brow, big nose, and wide jaw with a gigantic cleft chin: just like all the other men here.
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Once he had finished appreciating his form, he exited the restroom and found Pierson, Prescott, and Mr. Johnson all chatting merrily. When they noticed his entrance, they immediately turned to allow him into the conversation.
“What can I do for you, Geoffrey?” Mr. Johnson asked. Geoffrey tried to find a concise answer for that question, but found that impossible.
“I want to become a Kappa Sigma and work with business and finance after graduation. I want every piece of advice you can give me.”
“Why is that?” Mr. Johnson was suppressing a smug smile though Geoffrey didn’t notice.
“I want to be just like you. And Pierson Buckley Folsom VI. And Prescott Neilson Powers IV. And all the men here at Rolling Acres.”
“Enjoy the event?”
“Immensely. I belong here with these kinds of men. I want to move into the Kappa Sigma Alpha house, not live in some pathetic university building.” He cast a disgusted look before continuing.  “I want to become an alumni and work under the Carmichael Corporation or Hemplebaum.”
Mr. Johnson smiled. “So, Geoffrey, are you willing to fully commit yourself to the Kappa Sigmas?”
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“I am, sir,” he replied in a soldier-like manner.
“Excellent. Well, I can proudly say you are approaching the physical standards. Let me address one concern.” Mr. Johnson carefully moved his massive arm behind Geoffrey and patted his buttocks gently. Geoffrey didn’t react as a gentle sting pulsated his prostate and a charming smile adorned his face. Mr. Johnson’s hand moved away to reveal an enormous rump identical to the others’, one thick with muscles underneath but concealed underneath a spongy layer of fat. With the salmon Bermuda shorts now tight against his behind, the crotch of his shorts were pulled tight into a prominent moose knuckle, also showcasing his 7-inch soft dick.
“Yes, that is more appropriate.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Now, there is a rather large change that I believe is a necessity for your progression into the Kappa Sigmas as well as your new social circle.”
“What is that sir?”
“Your name, it is just too common and destitute. You agree?” Geoffrey snapped back confirmation even though it made his head spin. “Personally, I have always been very fond of names associated with old money.”
“You want me to change my last name?” Geoffrey asked, slightly confused.
“Not exactly. Your entire name will have to be reformed.”
“My entire name?”
“Well, I thought you wanted to succeed.”
“Yes sir.”
“So you want to change your name. What do you think would work?”
“I don’t know, sir.”
“So you want my help, is that what you are saying?” The words were coming so fast and Mr. Johnson’s eyes were so enticing that Geoffrey nodded.
“Yes sir, please tell me what my name should be.”
Mr. Johnson crossed his arms over his shelf of pecs, clearly relishing in the moment even though Geoffrey had no idea why.
“This is my favorite part.” Geoffrey didn’t say anything, as his superior clearly didn’t want him to.  And he’d just asked for help so there was no need to say anything. “It’s a great moment, when you realize you want to be whatever I want you to be.” 
Mr. Johnson ceremoniously pulled a form out of his suit pocket and presented it to Geoffrey. “This is your fraternity contract. You don’t need to bother with the details. Just sign your name.“
In very literal terms, Geoffrey would be singing away his life. The fraternity, the proud men of Kappa Sigma, and all of the alumni who worked at the Carmichael Corporation and Hemplebaum were now permanently immune from any legal repercussions. Of course, there never would be, as they had plenty of experience in this sort of thing.
Geoffrey was about to sign, but he noticed a different name was listed on the contract.
“It is supposed to be made out by Godfrey Larimer Elverton Jr.?”
“A name I believe will fit you suitably.” Mr. Johnson offered a pen to Geoffrey and gave a conceited smirk. “Just sign.”
The order immediately processed through Geoffrey’s brain, bringing a clubby smile to his face as he wrote out his new signature. Once he had finished, Mr. Johnson took the contract back and made his way to the ballroom stage. He signaled for Geoffrey to follow him.
“Hello?” Mr. Johnson tested a mic, his lifeless bass resonant across the room. “I would like to request every man’s attention please.”
Geoffrey watched on as all the men in the room turned to look their way. So many masculine men dressed to the tens in lavish suits and colorful polos. They were all so refined, so perfectly preppy.
“I would like to announce our first success of the annual Kappa Sigma Alpha rush event: the newest man of Kappa Sigma, Godfrey Larimer Elverton Jr.!”
The crowded room burst into a controlled round of applause. Godfrey felt giddy, proud to become a part of this fine organization. After the room had calmed down, Mr. Johnson and Godfrey rejoined Pierson and Prescott. They continued a fascinating discussion about budgetary and monetary issues, as a recent Hemplebaum acquisition of an old theatre downtown had created quite a profit. Godfrey felt right as home, as if he had always meant to be a Kappa Sigma. He instantly embraced his new role in life and quickly was accepted as a full brother by the other men.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. After Godfrey, there were eight other boys who were rushed into the Kappa Sigmas. Godfrey didn’t realize that at the beginning of the day, these boys had all been exactly like him: crude, coarse, and shoddy. In fact, Godfrey didn’t realize that he had been like that at all. His memories had slowly shifted, causing him to remember a wealthier upbringing, one where he had pampered and shaped to become a Kappa Sigma man over the last 21 years.
“To be frank,” Pierson started as they made their way back out to the first hole. “I did not foresee you transitioning so fast, let alone becoming the first pledge of the day.”
“You should recognize that I have been training for this my entire life,” Godfrey replied sternly.
“Oh, I do,” Pierson conceded. “But I will need some testament to that claim. Four strokes is par.”
Godfrey turned to Pierson and gave a broad, bland smile.
“Pierson Buckley Folsom VI,” he declared with a club in his hand. “I’ll only need one.”
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mamirhodessxox · 9 months
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Wreak Havoc
Death Island!Leon S Kennedy x Umbrella!Reader one shot
Desc: When Leon & His team Rebecca, Chris, Jill & Claire run into an incident at Alcatraz Reader unexpectedly shows up to grab one of the secret antidotes for her personal studying on the new virus being sprung on humanity & in the process gets into a fight with Leon that makes it clear to everyone about the twos old love history.
Content: Violence, Mentions of heartbreak, Death Island!Leon x Umbrella!Reader, small Implication of sex, Angst, Fluff??, Happy ending :)
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) Votes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
Word Count: 1913 Words used
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Leon’s plans were far from what was currently happening, The poor guy was just trying to go on a tour around San Francisco but instead he was stuck in alcatraz fighting off the undead becoming infected & even uninfected and when he was told to grab the antidote to stop all of this mess he ran into you which was an even bigger pain in his ass.
You see, when you were In the technological area of the prison so was Leon & when you were standing across from him in the room his heart was already preparing to jump out of his chest, You two had multiple encounters on past missions that it even had a small fling between you guys but you couldn’t let him too close as you felt the fear of being heartbroken by the man who was your first love, first fuck & first everything so you cut ties with Leon before things got too ‘serious’ and clearly there was still that little spark between you both as you felt a small twang in your chest making direct eye contact with his blue eyes.
You couldn’t handle the tension or distraction that was stopping you from getting what you needed for Umbrella since they wanted to test this virus on multiple people like experiment subjects, the silence was loud & all the two of you heard were technical wires sparking and faint noises from some freakish monster fighting Jill so you cut the memories short & finally spoke up “You done reminiscing on the past yet” “As done as you are, what the hell are you doing here?” Your eyebrow perked up a bit as he held the gun attached to the belt of his jeans “I think you already know why i’m here Leon so let’s make those easy and start handing me the goddamn antidote” “Not happening doll, You know what happened last time you pulled one of these stunts.” You scoffed before stretching your arms “Fine you want to make this difficult and hurt your fragile ego we can play that game.”
Immediately as you started sprinting towards Leon he picked you up and practically body slammed you onto the floor but that still didn’t stop you from anything, you tugged on his hair and lifted both your legs and quickly wrapping them around his head putting his face in an area he was VERY familiar with & very much so missed but that’s for a later discussion, You flipped him over to where you were not on top and quickly got up but much to your demise he didn’t give up, he stood up and tried slamming you against a wall but you acted fast and held on multiple wires hanging from the ceiling and started swinging back & forth enough that you kicked him in the face “Son of a bitch!” You Snickered at his pain as he landed on a technical board while you jumped onto the ground and grabbed a random pole about to hit him with it but he held up his wrists against the pole causing it to bend “Why do you choose to make my life more- fuck!- more difficult than it already is sweetheart!”
You glared at him as he used one of his pet-names for you as a verbal weapon, he knew exactly what he did with that name and he knew it would hurt you in a place of your heart that you locked up & shoved away, “why do you choose to get in the way of MY job leon?” He smirked as he pushed you back as you attempted to hit him one more time “Because you’re so in love with me beautiful” You hated the way he spoke to you with sarcasm sometimes but you knew it was true, You were unexceptionally in love with him despite your split up & you hated it with your entire soul, “Just give up the act sweetheart you know your not gonna get what you want.” He warned as you kept trying to get swings at him but would fail miserably because of his dodges that he learned from training many years ago
After 30 more minutes of endless fighting you eventually gave up, both of you sat across from each other in two separate corners breathing heavily & sweat running down your guys’ face eventually leon broke the silence with a heavy sigh “Why do you do this to me Angel? You know how much you make my heart hurt when I see you so why do you do it?” You refused to acknowledge what he was saying to you so eventually he got annoyed and crawled his way towards you & almost placed a hand on your knee but you quickly pressed your high heel boot against his forehead & lightly pushed him back to where he sat on his stomach sighing “Sweetheart why did you leave? was it something I did back then I just don’t get it? What did I do?” You became irritated with his nagging for answers so eventually you fessed up. “It wasn’t You Leon. I think you know that by now. I was scared of you breaking my heart at some point so I prevented it from happening by dumping you before you could do it to me.”
Leon looked at you with sympathetic eyes while sitting up and moved your leg out of the way to cup your face into his hands while he hummed softly “You know that I would have never left you right? No matter how fucked up your little mind is I find it extremely fucking attractive to the point where I even bought you an engagement ring doll.” You rolled your eyes trying to move your head out of his grasp but he didn’t budge, “Yeah right, I highly doubt tha-“ “It’s true sweetness, I even have it in my wallet to this day after all of those years.” You watched him move one of his hands off of your face and digging into the pocket of his pants and pulling out a wallet he still somehow had on him & fishing out a ting that was slowly starting to show off how old it was getting & placed it into the palm of your hand “You know I never lie Doll face.”
You felt your breath hitch slightly but you gave the ring back to him and just around that time a guy as buff as leon but with short brown hair busted through the doors “Goddamnit Leon where the fuck have you been! And who the hell are you?!” You glared as Leon stood up & pulled you up along with him “Don’t worry about it Chris, let’s go before that weird fucking monster eats up rebecca.” Rebecca? Who the fuck is Rebecca? You didn’t have time to blurt out this question since Leon was dragging you along, Once your eyes settled on that big creature that was swinging it’s weird large fucking tentacles at what seemed to be Jill & Claire you felt pure fear run through your veins
“Rebecca!” You snapped your head as you heard Leon shout out this woman’s name once again but then you saw her run towards Leon with a box of what seemed to be the antidotes of the virus and even samples of said virus. You watched as she hugged around him in relief while blood ran down her face and it made the blood inside of your own body start boiling that you snatched the box she held & quickly held out your gun at Leon, Chris & Rebecca “we’re going to kill whatever the fuck that thing is back there & we’re all going to go our merry separate ways and i’m going to be taking this” “Who the hell do you think you ar-“ you quickly aimed back at Rebecca with an anger expression plastered on your face in which Cho Leon took note of “Watch it Bill Nye I will easily shoot whatever is in that fucking large cranium of yours.” Chris glared you down but you didn’t care, you put your gun away set the box down and started loading up some sort of large machine gun that could possibly take down whatever creature you saw Jill & Claire fight with, Chris was busy making sure Rebecca wasn’t wounded or infected while Leon practically hovered over you trying to help but you would shove him away “What the hell was that about huh? You’re not taking shit from us got it?”
You kept ignoring him, just as you got to make the machinery work the creature had slammed of its tentacles on the area you & leon were currently located causing you to fall down & hang onto a piece of metal while Leon was slammed against a wall “SOMEBODY FUCKING HELP ME?” You saw Leon quickly spring up and run directly towards you while Chris got ahold of a large rocket launcher & continuously blow up the creature wreaking havoc on everybody, You hear Claire shout something out towards Jill & Rebecca run towards You & Leon to help him grab you as he was slowly sliding off of the platform, Leon quickly grabbed onto your hand dragging you back up causing him & Rebecca To fall backwards while you rolled onto the side as you groaned loudly after just now realizing there was a deep gash in your side & due to you quickly loosing blood you passed out.
Eventually you woke up but it was outside of the prison on the ground patched up in stitches & gauze wrapped around the stitched up gash, You sit up quickly and wince causing Leon to move away from his group & kneel towards you “Good-morning sunshine, Thought I lost you for a second.” He chuckled out lightly while your eyebrows furrowed “Is it dead?? What are we doing out he-“ “it’s more than dead don’t worry.” Jill reassured with a smile on her dirtied face “We haven’t seen you in a while, It’s good to finally see you.” Claire spoke out walking towards you “Thanks..It’s nice seeing you guy’s too..” Leon cleared his throat indicating he wanted to speak with you so Claire & Jill walked off towards chris & Rebecca ass he grabbed ahold of your hands “Sweetheart I think you know we will never be able to avoid each other so that’s why I’m going to ask- not even ask TELL you to Marry me, give us an actual chance & be with me. I’ll handle all of your Umbrella bullshit an-“
You smiled up at him and leaned up as much as you could to grab his face and kiss him “Fine. I’ll marry you.” He grinned and just as he was about to kiss you deeply Rebecca stepped towards you “Y/N right..? I’ve heard a lot about you & I just wanted to address that..Leon & I? Have nothing between us an-“ You smile reassuringly “It’s fine rebecca, Don’t worry about it.” Rebecca smiled in relief & congratulated the both of you & eventually a helicopter came around and picked you all up & brought you all to a facility.
2 years later since then Leon & You got Married & Even had a child recently! A sweet little girl who had the both of you wrapped around her finger. Life was doing great you would say, Until You had gotten a call from a very very old friend of yours Albert Wesker, Alerting you that your work is needed immediately for yet, another outbreak.
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xtripleiiix’s masterlist
🏷️a list: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert
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xypherz · 2 years
Six Rooms
Details: Cole Cassidy x Reader, GN!Reader, fluff, 1.2k words
Warnings: A single curse word, mention of anxiety and reader insecurity, not proofread.
Being a recalled Overwatch hero isn’t easy. Omnic crises and vigilantes are enough to burn anyone out. Though you’re trained to handle situations like these, you need an escape. Some respite to ease your constant stress. 
This is not what you had in mind. 
You planned for a night in. A night all to yourself with no distractions. Sure, there are the other heroes around, but no mission, no omnics, no expectations, is all you wanted.
You planned to have your own room. Your own bed.
You did not account for someone being shoved into what you thought was your escape.
In the bathroom when it happened, you were just setting up essentials like your toothbrush and soaps, when you heard the door to your room being opened, followed by a deep grunt, and a small British voice.
“6 rooms, 7 of us, sorry!!”
The door slammed shut before you could even process what little information you were given. 
Contemplating if you wanted to sleep in the bathtub to preserve your mental solitude, you decided to check who invaded your space, voluntarily or otherwise. The hinges of the bathroom door made an uncomfortable squealing noise as you opened it to the rest of the room.
This is a sick joke.
Not only were you met with the man who had tripped your hopeless romantic heart down the stairs, but he was dressed down.
Cole Cassidy in a t-shirt and jeans? This was simultaneously the best and worst day of your life.
“Hey there, sorry to intrude, I wasn’t given much of a choice in the matter. You’d think I have some advantage on Tracer, but damn, she is stronger than she looks.”
You nodded, voice getting caught in your throat. You’d talked to Cassidy plenty of times, hell, you consider him a friend, but this is too different. You’d never really spoken with him outside of work in private. It’s always on a mission or with others.
“I can sleep in Reinhardt’s room if you’re not comfortable,” he said, voice seeming gentle when not muffled by commands and gunshots.
“No,” you replied, a bit too fast for your liking, “I’m okay with you staying in here, I just wasn’t expecting visitors.”
“Sorry for that, I wasn’t told about the room situation until a few minutes ago. I offered to stay in Reinhardt’s room in the first place, but Tracer insisted.”
“Not your fault, don’t worry about it,” you said sheepishly, eyes trailing to the elephant in the room. Cassidy’s eyes follow yours to the bed. Singular. 
“I’ll sleep on the floor, don’t worry your pretty head over it,” he said, offering a small smile while making his way to the open spot in front of the bed with his bag.
“No, I can’t let you do that, there’s no way that’ll be comfortable.”
“I’d rather the discomfort over yours.”
“I’ll be fine, really,” you said. Though you were aware of Cassidy’s chivalry, you didn’t want him to be in physical pain for your sake.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor.”
“Well…” you trailed off, knowing the two of you were too stubborn to let the other be uncomfortable, “We can just share.”
His expression morphed into that of surprise, “I wouldn’t want to intrude more-”
“Cassidy,” you cut him off mid-sentence, “It’s okay, really.”
He resisted the urge to ask for reassurance again, “Okay, then. But if you need me to leave at any point, you can push me onto the floor,” he joked, lightening the awkward tension.
“You got it,” you smiled and walked to your bag, grabbing a set of pajamas and walking to the bathroom. Suddenly the weight of what you had proposed settled in when you looked in the mirror. You were going to sleep in the same bed with someone. Cole Cassidy, no less. The man you’ve been silently, or maybe not so silently to the other heroes, pining over for however long you’ve known him.
Maybe you did want to sleep in the bathtub.
You finished changing, brushing your teeth, and silently calming your anxieties and left the bathroom to see Cassidy was already changed. Any thought of how good he looked in jeans was replaced by how good he looked in boxers. He passed you as he walked to the bathroom while you approached the queen bed in the center of the room. Sitting under the covers, you decided to distract yourself until you were tired enough to sleep.
It was hard to distract yourself when Cassidy joined you in the surprisingly small bed. Maybe it was just the difference between it and his stature that made it seem small. Maybe it was your anxiety closing in on you.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Your thoughts were interrupted by Cassidy’s concerned question. 
“You’d be pushed on the floor by now if I weren’t,” you joked, though truthfully, it wasn’t far off. Had it been anyone else, you’d have been completely okay with them sleeping on the floor while you enjoyed your personal space. But it wasn’t anyone else.
He smiled a bit at your statement, though it seemed unsure. He leaned over to the bedside table and turned off the lamp.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
You were still sitting up in the bed, staring into nothing as he laid down, his back turned to you.
“Hey, Cassidy?” Your voice came out before you could stop it.
He turned a bit to look at you, “Yeah? You okay?”
“Yeah, I just…” you trailed off, “Sorry, I’m just thinking too much.”
“What’s on your mind?” He sat up fully, staring into the darkness with you.
“Why are you so nice to me?” Though you couldn’t see it, you felt his eyes turn to you. The anxieties you’d been staving off seemed to catch up to you. “I mean, I guess you’re nice to everyone, but… I don’t think I deserve it.” 
“I think if anyone deserves it, it’s you.”
You turned your head toward him, knowing his eyes were on you as well, but the space was too dark to see.
“Why?” The question held a lot of weight. Why had he asked you so many times if this situation was okay? Why had he refused to let you be uncomfortable? Why was he willing to sacrifice his own comfortability just for yours? Why did he always stay by your side during missions? Why did he help you through broken limbs and bullet holes? He didn’t need to do any of it.
So why?
He didn’t respond for what felt like too long.
“You think too much,” he said softly, lightly grabbing your jaw and pulling you closer to him. 
He waited. He waited for you to pull back. He waited for any signal that what he was doing wasn’t okay. Instead, you leaned forward, placing your hand at the back of his neck before pressing your lips against his. The kiss was sweet. It was slow with no expectations.
You pulled back a bit, the darkness making it easier to find your voice, “I definitely think too much.”
Your bag seemed way too heavy so early in the morning. 
You walked out the door ahead of Cassidy, turning the corner to head to the lobby. Reinhardt and Tracer were in front of you, halfway there already. A door opening made you turn your head, Mercy and Genji walking out of a room. 
“Didn’t we have 6 rooms?” you thought, when the realization dawned on you, “Well played, Tracer.”
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yooms-posts · 1 year
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Characters: kaeya and rosaria, diluc and jean, yelan and childe x gn reader
Tags?: bi gn reader, suggestive at some parts, reader just being overwhelmed by both parties because their hot
Kaeya and rosaria
omfg I live for this duo
I'm putting you as one of the bartenders at angels share
anyways, kaeya would be the first one who talks to you and ends up flirting with you
he finds you attractive that's for sure but that's in second place why he's drawn to you, it was your personality that draw him in
serving him drinks like he was any other customer but he eventually manage to stay in your head
making small talks here and there when your on duty and he's there
rosaria was quite wary of you, but don't take that the wrong way she is wary of everyone who she isn't very familiar with
but with your personality and patience, you manage to strike up a conversation with her whenever she's at the bar
fast forward they both took a liking at you
that's when the flirting starts happening
it was quite easy to tell you were interested in both men and women and the duo was going to 'abuse' that knowledge
it starts by keaya openly complimenting you about your appearance and slyly inserting suggestive comments on you
rosaria stepping up her game, going as far as tracing your arms suggestively
you were so close to burst into flames everytime they do that, it also dosen't help that the duo was quite attractive
it goes on for quite awhile, even diluc notice how you are close to exploding everytime one of them is at the bar
in the end it's up to you whether u wanna end up with one of them or both
Diluc and jean
I wanna say the both of them would unintentionally tease you
both of them is so alluring in their own way...
Jean: a strong women, acting grand Master, a very good leader, responsible and very good-looking
Diluc: mysterious, has a strong presence whenever he's around, smart, has alot of connections and very attractive
and there was you: a healer at the cathedral, has alot of patience, kind-hearted, slightly shy and beautiful
a werid combination no?
continuing on, you were close to Barbara seeing that both of you are healers making you indirectly close to jean
but after a dangerous mission of defeating of davalin, Jean was quite a messed and needed immediate attention (because I say so, ain't no way anybody would not be slightly hurt during that battle)
you would love to meet her but under different circumstances, but you continued to do your best and heal her as best as you could
after she woke up she thanked you but was quickly asked to stay at the cathedral longer since she just recovered
that made you converse with one another, you just grin like an idiot most of the time while she talked
but as for diluc, you meet him under different circumstances
at early morning you decided it would be nice to walk around enjoying the morning breeze unfor that didn't go as planed
a cryo and pryo abyss mage spawned and tried to kill you since you walked to close to their hideout
you could easily deal with the pryo but the cryo mage was causing to much problems
and that's when your knight in shine armour saved you
diluc came in and finished off the pryo mage and quickly dealing with the cryo one but soon got surprised ambushed by a pryo mage
which hurt him in the process, while you tried your best to heal him and distract the abyss mages
healing him was your small token of gratitude and he couldn't be more thankful
after all that sometimes diluc will come to your house after doing his night protrols and help him patch up
what a sight to see 👀
anyways Jean was still quite busy with her work but tried to visit you and Barbara when she has a little free time
kaeya has teased you non stop since you catch both the attention of his brother AND the acting grand master
both of them too attractive for their own good making you lose your cool sometimes around them
as said before, you could end up with both or just one of them
Yelan and childe
you work with yelan
at first she worked solo not finding a partner suitable but you came along and changed her mind
1. because you had lots and lots of connections around liyue and other nations, making you very knowledgeable about what shaddy business has happened
2. because you know your priorities and wouldn't beat around the bush when investating
after awhile the both of you got along well together
making sure liyue is safe from any shaddy business made by the fatui
after awhile, she starts seeing you in a different light
ofcourse you were attractive before but since when do you squint your eyes a little when uncomfortable or when you play at the hems of your shirt when bored?
she noticed the very small details and couldn't be more embarrassed
but then came along the hydro fatui
making the both you and yelan wary of him
after some digging you figured out he was a harbinger, which was a threat to liyues safety
having much to little information about him, you decided to present yourself to him as a local
which was against yelan because as much as your good with your vision, a harbinger isn't a easy enemy
ofcourse childe was secretly suspicious of you, but seeing that you seem clueless about him makes him slightly okay with you
that dosent mean he's gonna let his guard down for you
continuing on, you and childe grown slightly closer since he was quite easy-going
leaving a bitter taste for yelan as she watches you
I'm sure childe figured that u were using him for information about the fatui but let it slide
honestly I'm kinda lost on how they would tease you but it's up to your imagination what happends after
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it-happened-one-fic · 6 months
Dancing with Visions - Der Lauschaer Galopp - Folk Dance- Bennett
Author Notes: This is the fifth fic for my "Dancing with Visions" series. With the knowledge that Mondstadt was at least partially inspired by Germany, I wanted to use a German folk dance and found this one on Youtube. I am not entirely certain as to whether this dance is wholly German or just Germanic, or as to it's name, although it seems to be called "Der Lauschaer Galopp." A performance can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNamAy83NBE&list=PLVg_j5iznUjYWnT-fYAHMVVKxIxc0Yfb6&index=43. Just like the rest of this series, reader is female. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more of this series, the fics can be found here: Dancing with Visions Masterlist.
Type: Female Reader/ Dance/ Fluff/ platonic/ sfw
Word Count: 1565
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I shifted slightly as I glanced around the crowd, looking for my partner for the upcoming performance I’d agreed to put on for Jean.
We were going to be dancing a folk dance as part of a group at a fair, but my partner had yet to arrive, and I found myself growing ever more nervous. To be fair, it wouldn’t quite be a day without Bennett without at least one thing going wrong, but the idea of that one thing being him not showing up would be too sad.
Especially considering how much effort, bruised toes, and sore muscles both he and I had put into learning the dance we would be doing for this festival.
“Y/N!!” I whirled at the sound of his voice, the skirts of my costume flaring widely with motion as I looked towards where Bennett came running down the street. His vest wholly unbuttoned open and flapping in the breeze as he tripped and landed squarely on his face with an ‘oof’ that had me running over.
“Bennett! Are you alright?!” I knelt in front of the young man worriedly, only for him to look up at me with a wide grin.
“Yeah, I’m just glad I made it on time! My dads are going to be watching,” He scrambled to his feet as he spoke, hand finding mine before starting off a trot once more and pulling me with him. Both of us hurrying to reach the stage in time to appear in front of the crowd at the same time as the other performers.
We trotted across the stage, Bennett tripping in the process and earning a few chuckles from the audience as we took our places with the other dancers. 
Looking out across the crowd, I could see a mixture of familiar faces and less familiar ones. The Knights of Favonius were here, of course, since they were hosting this entire thing, but so were several people from the Adventurer’s Guild, Dawn Winery, and elsewhere. All of them watching us with fond smiles on their faces as we got ready.
The music began, half startling me into motion as all of us began our steady, trotting motions interspersed with careful hops so that we all landed at the same time and the sound of our feet hitting the solid wood rang out. Almost like it was a part of the music that we danced too.
The men were all an inner ring, with the women surrounding them as an outer ring.
 In truth, this dance wasn’t a proper galop and could better be described as a folk dance, but it was danced to the tune of a galop. 
It had always been referred to as Der Lauschaer Galopp, but whether or not that was the actual name of this dance, I’d never known. All I did know was that it was an incredibly fast-paced dance that was surprisingly difficult for something described as a folk dance of old.
Without even making a full circuit around the stage, the partners met and switched places with an easy spin. And after just a few more steps, the two rings met once more before all of the couples entered closed hold. Trotting around the circle in the manner that gave the galop its name,laughter already began to bubble up among the dancers.
Bennett, for his part, was counting under his breath and glancing between my face and his feet with flashes of a smile before his eyes would fall once more to his feet and concentration would crease his brow.
But we’d struggled up until our very last practice with timing our galop, which was interspersed with pauses when he would raise his arm and allow me to dance around him before being twirled, and the circuit continued.
And we were surrounded by couples who’d known this dance for quite some time and were even the ones who taught us. Huffman and numerous other members of the Knights of Favonius danced with us, making us the couple who were the least experienced.
That said though, Bennett gave his best as we switched to our sideways steps, where we stood hand in hand facing the crowd and moved from left to right before he would let go of my hand so that I could twirl freely as he walked around me, clapping his hands to the racing beat of the song.
I found myself laughing slightly as he turned to face me and danced carefully, rocking back and forth before he picked me up over his head, holding me only by my waist, as he swung me first to the left and then to the right. 
I tensed briefly as he stumbled before quickly setting me back down and flashing me a nervous smile. But that was a mistake we’d already made several times during practice, and it always ended with us landing in a mangled pile of limbs with Bennett frantically asking me if I was alright as our horde of teachers would rush over. 
But I’d never actually gotten really hurt. Even for all of his clumsiness and well-known streak of bad luck, Bennett always managed to ensure that when we did fall or collide, he took the brunt of the hit.
Our music paused, giving us mere seconds to return to our galloping circuit as our entire group trotted across the stage in a wide circle. But this time without holding hands.
In fact, Bennett only had one hand resting on my waist, and I had one on his back. Our other hands, which would usually be interlocked, were instead outstretched as if we were showing our audience the direction our circuit would be moving in.
After making one revolution, we separated once more, now forming groups of three that trotted sideways across the stage. And inevitably, just as it had happened each time in practice, this was when grins started creeping onto everyone’s faces as we did our best to not stumble over each other and keep with the unerringly peppy song.
I could see Barbara in the crowd, next to Jean, already clapping along as we formed longer lines that switched from the forefront of the stage to the backwards section.
Both me and Bennett stumbled at almost the exact same moment but managed to stay upright as we kept going, making eye contact and grinning as we did our best to keep up the dance that was at long last at its halfway point.
But things were fixing to get hard on the guys; that was something both he and I both knew as we reentered our separate rings of men and women to spiral once more. 
We rejoined briefly, with me grasping his elbow and spinning while holding onto him; before we stopped to watch Huffman, Donna, Porthos, and Margaret take center stage. 
The two women were smiling giddily as the group formed a small ring, their arms locking together as they started spinning. And we all watched, clapping along and laughing as the women slowly lifted off the ground, swinging out from the momentum as the two men kept spinning.
After a brief moment, they slowed, and I was turning to Bennett, nodding at him and praying he was ready as I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and he grabbed my waist. Holding it carefully as he began spinning before slowly and timidly releasing so that we were spinning, with my legs swung out behind me where I’d attained lift off and he was no longer holding me.
A part of me wanted to cheer at our hard-won success after numerous trials that ended in him falling backwards and me landing on him with both of us laughing.
The crowd cheered even as we slowed, and I touched back down. But I wasn't meant to remain grounded, and none of the other women were either. Instead, couples began to start meeting up. Creating groups of four in a line with our arms clasped over one another’s shoulders. The women on the outside and the men in the middle as we all began trotting in a circle, gradually speeding up until the women, myself included, were able to curl up our legs and swing out to the side as the men kept spinning.
Both me and Margaret were grinning like fiends as the crowd applauded, even though I also knew that both of us couldn’t help but feel bad for Huffman and Bennett as they propelled us along.
After what felt like a few seconds, we touched down once more and resumed closed hold with our partners. 
I eyed Bennett worriedly, but he only nodded with a bright grin, proof of his incredible toughness that he’d honed through years of bad luck.
We took off in our galop once more, stumbling at the start but making it safely into the final circuit as applause rang out from the crowd, accompanied by piercing whistles and loud cheers. 
The dance at long last came to an end with each couple practically hugging each other and spinning together before breaking out to beam out at our audience, who cheered wildly. And as soon as it was over, me and Bennett were both laughing.
Half-stunned that we’d successfully complete the performance without any tumbles and still giddy from swinging around at such an incredible pace.
If you would like to read more:
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moon-alight · 2 years
hello, can i request sub!&team having reader as their first? i love your works 🫶
Hello! Sorry for the wait. I was actually not gonna do this one because I am not good at sub! male characters x Dom! female characters but when I wrote the kinks-list for Nicholas I got so much energy that I just decided to go for it. (If it sucks, don't blame me) PS. These are simply headcanons. I'm not writing very detailed here. <3
&Team Hyung-Line reaction to losing their Virginity.
Warnings: sub! &team x dom! reader, smut, loss of virginity, bit of teasing, handjob, blowjob,
Word Count: 591
He definitely wanted to keep his virginity until he found 'the one'. And now he finally has it only took him 6 months to tell you that he never had done anything because my poor boy is shy.
You decide to teach him all the ways since you have done this before which brings you to the two of you on the couch.
You're kissing, making out while you take his hands and place them on your body as a sign that he can explore as much as he wants. Your hand however grazes his crotch, a gasp escapes his beautiful lips.
"Let me take care of you, yeah, baby?" You ask in a sweet voice, he is nodding before he even can process your words.
You give him a handjob and decide to ride him. He cums fast both times and is a bit ashamed but you assure him that it's completely normal and he looked cute so its a bonus.
He told you immediately from the very first make out session that he had never done anything. You respected that which now backfires to him. He really wants to get laid but has a hard time telling you this though you pick up on the hints very easily.
It's only when you find him watching porn on his phone that you join him and teasingly ask if he wants you to suck him dry to which he obviously does. So from one thing comes another and suddenly your lips are wrapped around him and he is a moaning mess.
His hands are tangled in your hair, his head thrown back and his hips stutter underneath you. A sight for sore eyes. Tells you he wants to feel your pussy around him before he cums and you decide to make his wishes come through. You had never thought he would be so loud.
You kinda were making out and casually starting the sex when he told you he was a virgin for the first time but he also said he would love to lose it right then and there with you. So, you decide to be a bit softer and kiss down his neck while stroking the bulge in his jeans.
This boy is whiny. Breathy moans roll past his lips as his hands play with your breasts. When he is finally seated inside of you, though. . . He is on cloud nine!
Has the best experience of his life yet he does take up on your signs quickly. You help him place his hand on the right spots and he finds your clit surprisingly easy for it being his first damn time. He's never leaving you afterwards, cuddling into you contently with a small smile on his face.
He decided whenever the time came, he would be ready. He had been sexually frustrated for a week straight before coming to you and shyly telling you how he feels. You suggest to help him out which he's very grateful for.
You would have to cover his mouth because damn this boy is loud. Enjoys getting a blowjob but immediately suggests to return the favour. You let him and realize he takes instructions very well, he's a fast learner, so now you're in Heaven too.
When he gets to be inside of you for the first time, however, he's gone. Goes into subspace and almost never leaves. Believes he has never felt this good in his damn life and also would pull you onto him afterwards for cuddles.
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aplaceinthedark · 9 months
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interlude: WILDER than the WIND
Nicholas Ruffilo x Taylor (afab, non-binary oc)
Summary: Down in the Shenandoah Valley, there lay a court consisting of the Grim, the Drowned, the Witch and the Watcher.
CW: Sexual Situations: m/nb, oral sex (oc receiving), p in v (protected! wrap it before you tap it!) sex
Every chapter will have a different cw section. This is Bad Omens rpf, so obviously I don't know all the little nuances of the members or their family members.
A/n: can be read as part of the series or as a singular porn-without-plot one-shot.
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I felt Nick’s hands settle on my hips before he pulled me closer, adjusting me so I settled onto his lap. I let out a tiny sound, almost a squeak, in surprise, and he froze.
“Did I hurt you? Is your hip—“
“It’s fine,” I said, grabbing his face to pull him back in. I slid my fingers through his long raven hair, tangling at the nape of his neck, as I tried to ground myself in the moment. In response, Nick let out a sound like a hum against my lips.
The tip of his tongue lightly dragged up from my bottom lip to my cupid’s bow, like a permission to enter. I gently parted my lips, meeting his tongue with mine, and I almost melted at the taste. It was so Nick, with the hint of his last cigarette lingering.
The intensity ramped up as he slid his hands down from hips to my thighs, and he gripped them a little harder, hard enough to make me gasp into his mouth and roll my body up into his. The sound seemed to release him as he pulled away to kiss a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses from my chin, to my jaw, to behind my ear lobe. My whine turned into a whimper when his mouth stopped at my pulse point, teeth scraping over the curve of my neck.
I whimpered again when he stayed there, gently nibbling one second, soothing the bites with his tongue the next. I rolled up against him again, this time feeling his hard cock straining his jeans. Despite all the layers between us, the feeling of it pressing against my suddenly aching core made me dizzy. “Nick…”
“Are you sure?” He asked, the soft pants of his breath tickling the spit-slick skin on my neck. “We don’t have to do anything if you think we're going too fast.”
“Fuck, yes, of course, yes,” I pleaded. “Oh god, I need you Nick.”
I watched his resolve crumble as he groaned. “Then we’re not doing this on your couch.” He wrapped my legs around his hips. It was so easy for him to scoop me up, squeezing my ass in the process, and carry me to my room. The distance down my hallway seemed to stretch forever, so I peppered kisses along his neck to keep me occupied.
He groaned again, nearly losing his footing as he held onto the wall. I could really feel him straining against his jeans, causing me to forget how to breathe. I’m sure he could feel my heart pounding from my chest to his.
I felt him place a knee on my bed, and suddenly, I was falling back onto the covers. I tried to crawl back to give him some room, but his hands quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me back towards the end of my bed where he was. He leaned over me, capturing my lips in a heated kiss; definitely not as gentle as the first one.
While his hands stayed rooted firmly to my waist under my shirt, my hands were free to roam wherever they wanted. I managed to unbutton his flannel shirt and then dipped under his tee and up his stomach. His skin was hot but soft.
I could feel him tug at the hem of my shirt. He said something into the space between our lips, but my brain was having a hard time processing anything besides the feeling of his skin underneath my fingertips. “What?” I asked with a breathy moan.
“Take it off,” he said against my lips, whining. “Off.” He was faster than me and had it lifted halfway up already. I just let him finish the job, doing my part by just lifting my arms up. The shock of cool air on my bare chest made me wince.
“No bra?” he asked, eyes raking over my naked half.
“Don't like ‘em,” I replied.
He pressed me down onto the bed as he shook off his flannel shirt. He then climbed onto the bed, reaching back and practically ripping off his tee. I was surprised to see that his tattoos stopped at his shoulders. There was one on his chest, but I couldn't catch a glimpse of what it was before he ducked down to encase one of my nipples in the wet heat of his mouth.
I moaned as his hand came up to play with the other, my back arching up until our skin was flush with one another’s. I carded a hand up through the hair on the back of his neck as he switched the placement of his fingers and mouth. "God... fuck... Nick," I whined.
He pulled off of me and began to trail wet kisses down my sternum, down my stomach, to the waistband of my jeans, where he stopped. He raised his head to look up at me. “Are you absolutely sure about this?” he asked.
I looked down to see his gray eyes focused on my face, and I knew from that look that if I didn't want this - if I were to shut down and change my mind - he would absolutely stop. I nodded, too dizzy to string together two thoughts, let alone words.
His hands moved to my waist again. “Hey.” He squeezed my sides only once. “Use that pretty mouth and answer me.”
Jesus fuck this man was going to be the death of me. “Damnit, yes. Nick. Yes.”
He undid my button and zipper painfully slow before gently lifting up my hips. He tucked two fingers into the waistband of my jeans and underwear at the same time, and pulled them down my legs in one go. He leaned back. "Fuck, you're already dripping, aren't you?” he asked.
He pressed a few chaste kisses to my hips, tongue swirling around my belly button, and his fingers brushed down the scar tissue that spanned from the bottom of my ribcage to the middle of my thigh. To be honest, I had completely forgotten about the remnants of my road rash. I almost rolled my leg to hide it, but then Nick held down on my knee and began to kiss the raised pink splotches. He didn't seem to mind it as his lips trailed back over to my—
As his tongue licked up my arousal, it elicited a loud gasp from me. Every flick of his tongue that followed, every circle and every suckle from his tongue and mouth made me twitch and squirm. One hand of mine stayed rooted in his hair, the other twisted into my sheets. I squeezed my eyes shut as he slid a finger into me, and I moaned as it curled, finding the perfect spot on the first try.
Between his mouth and his fingers - sliding a second one in, stretching me more - I could feel the coil in my belly slowly heat up, like a burner on an old-fashioned stove. If I could combust, I would, lighting us both aflame, and I'm sure he would enjoy it as much as I would.
“Condom. Do you have—“ he asked as his lips were caught by mine.
The absence when he pulled away from my center, withdrawing his mouth and fingers, made me whimper, a desperate and needy sound. I would've been embarrassed by sound if I hadn't been so fucked out of my mind. "Wh-why are-"
"Because... First time I make you cum, I want it to be around my cock." He then mumbled small, unintelligible words against my skin as he trailed kisses back up my body. He stopped when he reached my lips, hovering over me and panting hot breaths into my open mouth.
“Might have an... emergency one in the—“ I gasped as he pulled my bottom lip in between his teeth. “...bathroom!” I managed to say between heavy breaths.
“Fuck. Gimme a second," Nick groaned. He pulled away, eagerly clambering off my bed and out the door.
I rolled into my side as I heard the sound of multiple drawers being rapidly opened, hastily muttered curses, and then a soft “Aha!” before he was running back into my room. He held the corner of a foil package between his teeth as he undid his belt.
I sucked in a quiet breath as he disposed of his jeans, his cock evident in his boxers. I was too stunned by the thought of how he could fit it in those tight pants he always wore, to notice that his boxers were off and he was rolling the condom on. When my gaze moved up to his face, I caught him staring at me as well.
Finally, he was climbing onto the bed, rolling me onto my back. When he climbed on top of me, the weight of him pinning me to my bed, he nearly covered all of me. “Fuck, you look so beautiful,” he said, resting his forearm near my head. My face warmed at the praise, and I couldn't help the cheesy grin that spread over my face. He matched my smile.
My hum stuttered as I felt him take himself in hand and tease his cock up my slick, the tip notching at my entrance. The stretch burned as he maddenly, slowly pushed in. I clung to him, my anchor, each arm wrapped under and up onto his shoulders as he gave a few shallow thrusts.
"You feel so—" He was cut off by a groan as he filled me, eventually bottoming out. At the same time, I choked out a tiny sob of pleasure and pain, shutting my eyes when he hit that sweet spot. “Fuuuuuck…”
He stilled, letting us both adjust. Time seemed to stand still, much like the first night I was here. Everything was silent, besides our heavy breathing, and everything seemed calm. It was just us, sharing this moment, sharing ourselves. I couldn't tell where he ended, and I began. But soon, I knew I needed more. “Nick—“
“I know,” he whispered.
No more words needed to be said as he began moving, withdrawing until he was nearly out, and then slowly thrusting back in. The drag in and out of me was so deliciously torturous, making me beg for more. His hand blindly reached down, wrapped around the back of my knee, and brought my leg up until my heel was resting on the small of his back. His thrust went deeper, dragging a long whine out of me, causing me to dig that heel into his skin.
“F-fuck,” he growled. “Feels so - unh, good. Like we were made for each other.” Normally, I would've rolled my eyes at the cheesy praise, but I couldn't find it in me to do it; not when I felt the same way.
As his pace sped up, the more incoherent the both of us became. We couldn't even complete words; it was just the sound of our hips crashing, moans falling, and curses stuttering. We weren't even kidding anymore; I could just feel he was hovering over me with every huff of hot breath he let out against my lips.
Between the sounds we were making and the feeling of his cock moving inside me, I was overwhelmed. He was pushing me closer to the edge, and I was close to falling over, but something connecting us was going to take him with me.
That connection pulled taut, vibrating until it was almost molten gold, wrapping around us and tightening until we were practically cocooned in the energy. I had no words to describe it except magical.
“Tay… look at me.”
My eyes fluttered open, looking up into his bright green eyes. His hand snuck in between our bodies, one of his fingers pressing onto my swollen clit. “I wanna watch you fall apart for me, please,” he whined.
It was enough for my orgasm to wash over me. I came with a loud cry of his name, back arching up until my sweat-slick chest was pressed flush with his. His hand slipped out from between us to wrap around my hips, pressing into the small of my back as he buried his face into my neck and hair. He mumbled praise after praise as he helped me through my aftershocks.
It wasn't too long before I pulled him over with me. He shook, hips stilling as he let out a breathy moan into my ear as he met his end as well, spilling into the condom.
We stayed still like that for a while; his weight on top of me a sublime pressure. The only sound in the room was our attempts to catch our breath. Whatever magick he did settled over us like a weighted blanket, and I felt safe and warm in its embrace as well as Nick's. I don't think we could move if we wanted to.
It wasn’t until I lifted a hand from his shoulder up to the back of his head to scratch his scalp that he moved, humming in pleasure. He lifted himself up, holding the base of his shaft as he pulled out. It left me with a hollow feeling, almost like I was incomplete without him.
He then slipped out of the bed. I started to whine in protest but stopped when he rid himself of the condom and turned back to me. “C’mon, let’s get cleaned up.”
Nick helped me to the bathroom - my legs didn't feel like cooperating - and he ran the shower while I sat down on the toilet. We stayed in the shower until the hot water nearly ran out, washing each other's sweat and mess from our bodies, as well as holding each other close as the water fell down onto our heads. It was almost as intimate as the sex was; between the two, my heart felt like it was about to burst. No one, not man nor woman, had ever made me feel so cared for after sex.
After cleaning us and the bed up, and we crawled under the clean sheets, I curled up into his side and laid my head on his chest. “Stay till morning?” I pleaded.
“Absolutely,” he replied, kissing the top of my head. And indeed, he stayed like that for the rest of the night, falling asleep together and not waking up until the late morning.
And I was absolutely fine with it.
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Tysm for reading! Next chapter coming soon!
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