#jedi medical corps
bh-52 · 1 year
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jehanneargentee · 2 years
Someone asked about the other Jedi Corps. Well, Star Wars already has the Red Sigil indicating Medical care/equipment/medicine...
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So doing the Jedi Medical Corp was the easiest one to follow up with...
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I want the Jedi temple to have a radio station. Like we know radio stations exist in star wars, we've seen them (ie: In the Rishi station episode) and I think the Jedi should have a local radio station with different Jedi news programs. Whats going on in the senate, new research the medic corps or educorps just came out with. There's a creche hour where the younglings get to write up and present their own stories. Investigative journalism! Fluff pieces about Jedi theater or music or something. Quiz games. There's a shout out every time someone makes it to the rank of knight or master.
When the war starts Jedi flip to the station to hear a reminder of home. Their clone commanders put it on to remind their Jedi to keep up hope, that this is what they're fighting for. The Jedi give the clones a news segment to talk about whatever they want. New trends, armor paint, weapon tips, they have a call in portion and it gets wild---they have to make a rule that you can't call in from an active battlefield.
The rebellion uses the same station numbers for their pirate radio.
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kanansdume · 7 days
Pro-Jedi Headcanons for Jedi/Clone Ships
Fox actually really loves being in a relationship with a Jedi because they're the only group of people where being in a relationship does not automatically involve any major obligations or expectations aside from basic decency and respect for each other. The relationships can be literally anything so long as both people involved are happy with the arrangement. Fox loves Quinlan, and he really enjoys spending time with Quinlan, but has no actual problem with Quinlan being gone for long periods of time on missions because he's got a life he can live beyond Quinlan and people he cares about who aren't Quinlan and this is Quinlan's life, this is his duty and his passion. They keep in contact when they can and absolutely spend time together whenever both of them happen to be on the same planet, but their relationship is probably more like third priority for both of them and they're both okay with that.
Cody obviously is not Force Sensitive and so isn't officially a member of the Jedi Order, nor does he need to be, but he genuinely ADORES Jedi culture and participates in a lot of the parts of it that are open to outsiders, both with Obi-Wan and without. Cody loves meditation and makes sure to do it regularly, he spends a lot of time in the archives doing a lot of research into anything and everything he can think of, he occasionally gets into debates with other Jedi about some of those things he has researched because debates are a time-honored Jedi pastime, he helps cook in the kitchens with the Padawans, he learns the katas and figures out how to incorporate them into his own fighting style and lack of ability to use the Force, his clothing style starts looking more Jedi-like, etc. He just really enjoys the aspects of Jedi culture that he's allowed to participate in and has a lot of appreciation for the parts of it that are closed.
Bly discovers that he really loves to teach. He likes learning new things himself, too, but more than that he loves to pass on what he's learned to others. It's something he learned from Aayla, who was constantly trying to teach little things to him and the rest of the men about whatever topic caught their fancy (or hers), just because it felt good to pass the knowledge on to someone else. Occasionally Bly is able to teach a short class for the Jedi, but mostly he travels around and teaches others, passes on what he's learned throughout the galaxy and learns from everyone else in return. And then he comes back to the Temple and meets up with Aayla and the two of them tell each other everything they've learned in their travels.
Gree's fascination for other species ends up being very helpful and pairs well with Barriss's chosen career of healing. Gree starts adjusting some of his learning towards figuring how healing works for all kinds of different people and ends up working in medical research alongside Barriss. The two of them maybe join one the Medical Corps in their respective roles to help distribute aid to all of the different places in the galaxy that still struggle in the wake of the war. Gree still loves learning about various fauna, as well, but it becomes more of a hobby than a career, although he does end up adopting several pets that do well in a life on a starship. Barriss has named all of the pets because it turns out she's actually REALLY good at coming up with names. Gree isn't sure how she does it, it can't be a Force thing because Luminara is absolute garbage at it. It's just a Barriss thing and luckily Barriss is always honored and happy to come up with yet another name for any new pets Gree manages to find and adopt.
Kit spends a lot more time at the Temple after the war is over and finds a lot of peace through spending time with the younglings. Monnk occasionally comes in to visit and inevitably ends up helping wrangle or teach a bunch of little kids things like painting or swimming or various sorts of games. Monnk might never admit it, not to Kit at least, but he also finds spending time with the younglings healing. He ends up adopting several children of his own, a mixture of clone children taken off of Kamino and regular war orphans, which leads to creating a little group home/shelter for kids on Coruscant with nowhere else to go. Kit often comes down to volunteer there and spend time with Monnk's children and organize different sorts of supply drives to keep it running. The kids call him Uncle Kit, which Kit adores and Monnk thinks is ridiculous. Kit and Monnk also often organize "field trips" with their respective groups of younglings to either the shelter or the Temple to help strengthen acceptance and understanding between the different groups.
Mace introduces Ponds to the joys of theater and acting and while Ponds has VERY little experience in this area, he really enjoys listening to Mace talk about it so passionately, so he starts learning more and more about theater in order to participate better because it seems like Mace perhaps doesn't have very many friends who share this particular interest. Eventually, Ponds realizes he's got some INCREDIBLY strong opinions about theater actually and Mace suggests that he write up some of his thoughts as articles on the holonet and they end up very popular. Ponds manages to unwittingly end up a theater critic and starts getting press passes to see all of the new plays and shows early and always makes sure to bring Mace along as his plus one because no one is more interesting to talk to them about than Mace.
Plo Koon is someone who takes a lot of more religious Jedi practices very seriously and practices them quite often on the ship and even the battlefield and was happy to explain them to anyone who asked and taught them how to join him if they were interested. Wolffe always felt a little awkward about it, it seemed weird to take part in a Jedi ceremony if he's not a Jedi, but the routine of it fascinated him. Routines had always been calming, but after the destruction of his first battalion, routines are something he relies on as much as he can. He listens to a lot of Plo's discussions about the different practices and ceremonies and the ways they help him find peace and balance. After the war ends, he takes up a position as one of the civilian workers inside the Jedi Temple and gets to see plenty of the other Jedi also practicing these different little ceremonies, sometimes the same ways Plo did, sometimes with slight variations. Eventually, he does ask Plo if it would be okay if he learned some of them and joined in occasionally, and of course Plo says yes and sits him down to help teach him, and Wolffe starts truly feeling the peace that everyone says they've won.
Colt and the other commanders on Kamino had learned to band together early on and one of the things they often did for each other to relax was give massages while bitching about their day. One day, during a meeting with Shaak Ti, he notices her fidgeting a little and that she seems a little stiffer than usual. When he asks about it, she admits to feeling a little sore because she hasn't been able to take the time to stretch and exercise the way she used to and meditation on Kamino is sometimes difficult. Colt offers to give her a massage if she's interested and once Shaak Ti ensures he's not offering out of a sense of obligation, she takes him up on it. This turns into a tradition where they give massages back and forth after the official reports are done and they can just bitch to each other about their day. After the war is over, Colt moves to Coruscant with most of the rest of the clones and sees how many of the clones and Jedi are just incredibly physically worn down. He's no healer, but he has two working hands and two working ears, so he volunteers with the Jedi healers as a masseuse and physical therapy assistant.
Keeli was incredibly impressed by the way the people of Ryloth had been able to take what at first glance seemed like such a barren landscape and really transform it into the most beautiful place to live. Cham Syndulla introduces Keeli to his personal landscaper and Keeli manages to keep in touch up through the end of the war. After the war ends, Ima-Gun convinces Keeli to take some classes on gardening and landscaping at the Jedi temple. Keeli finds he loves getting his hands dirty in this kind of rich soil, or figuring out the best kind of light for a plant so that it gets what it needs AND looks as beautiful as possible so others can enjoy it. Ima-Gun can often be found out in the gardens with Keeli, helping with the planting or just meditating nearby as they quietly enjoy each other's company. Keeli eventually starts up a gardening and landscaping company for people on Coruscant to try to bring more greenery and plantlife to this place so devoid of it.
Eeth retires from the Council after the war (he knows Agen will do wonderfully at the job in his place) and does a lot of work with grassroots organizations that primarily work to help resettle refugees from the war. Lock insists on coming with him, which Eeth tries to tell him isn't necessary at all, but Lock isn't swayed. Lock says that this is the exact kind of work he'd want to do anyway and Eeth spent enough time during the war ordering Lock to retreat and leave him behind, so now that Eeth can't order Lock around, he's planning to stay as long as Eeth is willing to have him. Lock can tell that Eeth is struggling with figuring out who he's become after the war and where he belongs, and Lock honestly feels the same way, so they may as well struggle through it together. Eeth knows he'll always be a Jedi, it's in his bones and his blood, but that life might look a little different now than it used to, and he's happy to live it with Lock at his side. If he and Lock can help each other heal and put their past behind them by helping refugees of the war they fought, it'll be a life well spent.
During the war, Doom found that one of the best ways to get Tiplee and Tiplar to slow down and relax was to catch them while they were eating. However this often proved a little difficult because the food served on the ships wasn't exactly pleasant to eat and didn't inspire anybody to linger or savor it. So Doom learned how to cook a little and figured out ways to trade on different planets for foods to try and spices so he could cook things for the twins that they might actually enjoy for a while. Tiplee and Tiplar are both incredibly receptive to his efforts, although to his dismay, he discovers that they don't actually have particularly similar tastes: Tiplee has a sweet tooth a mile wide and Tiplar wants everything as spicy as possible. So Doom keeps having to try new recipes to appeal to them both. They both insist he should open up a shop after the war is done and while Doom is very flattered, he doesn't think he's all THAT good. Once the war ends, though, they make sure to introduce him to the Temple kitchens so he can try his hand at cooking with better access to ingredients and equipment and he ends up falling completely in love. Eventually he lets Tiplee and Tiplar convince him to try opening up a small pop-up food stall as an experiment and when that explodes in popularity, he concedes and gets an actual restaurant.
Neyo is pretty stoic generally and is not easily moved to emotion, but the first time he saw Stass Allie dance nearly brought tears to his eyes. She was so graceful and so emotional in her dancing, it was almost like he could see inside her soul. He leaves before she can see him standing there staring like a fool, but somehow he keeps catching her dancing in different areas of the ship after that, always alone. One day after the war is over, she invites him to the Temple and takes him to a class she's teaching to some younglings and it turns out she's teaching them a traditional dance. She tells Neyo he's welcome to join in if he wants, but he's also welcome to just watch if he'd rather do that. The first time he just watches. It's still mesmerizing to see the younglings figuring out the steps even if they're not as graceful as Stass is yet. They're putting their whole hearts into it because they have nothing to hide and Neyo can't help the longing he feels. The second time, he decides to join in. Stass teaches him a LOT of traditional Jedi dances and explains that some of them are for ceremonial purposes, some for meditation, some for physical therapy, and some just for artistry. He likes all of them in their own way, but he prefers the artistic ones that force the dancer to put more of themselves into the movements and be creative with it. He hasn't always been allowed to showcase how he felt before and hasn't known how to communicate it even when he was, but this feels like a way to communicate without ever needing to say a word.
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bbygirl-obi · 9 months
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(this is from star wars: the jedi path, published in 2013)
for those of you who may not know: not every jedi ended up becoming a jedi knight. there were four "civilian" divisions of the service corps that would absorb any initiates who failed to become padawans. this allowed them to remain jedi, to maintain their relationship with the force, and to use their abilities for the betterment of the galaxy.
the service corps consist of agricultural, medical, educational, and exploration divisions. the agricultural division used the force to help planets improve agriculture to avoid famine. the medical corps worked in the halls of healing on coruscant to heal jedi and non-jedi alike. the educational corps employed teachers, scholars, and archivists. and the exploration corps conducted archeological research throughout the galaxy.
anyways, that's what this page & the commentary written on it is referring to. there's... so many things to unpack here!
dooku's elitism. he wants to completely kick these poor pre-teens out of the order (their family) for not being special enough in his eyes, and he has zero appreciation or recognition for the work the service corps does
obi-wan's empathy, but also his genuine respect for others who are seen as less "powerful" or "important" and his appreciation for the roles that every jedi played in bettering the galaxy, no matter how small
anakin's blatant fascism (it was not in fact just a gimmick) and his refusal to value those he views as less "talented" (true "fuck them kids" energy)
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persephoneggsy · 3 months
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went down a deep rabbithole of thinking about blorbos, and my SWTOR blorbo is Quinn, so... I made him a little family :3 I like to think about them interacting with my Sith Warrior, Nes'ria, who also has a decently-sized family, so when she and Quinn get married it's just a huge clan now lmao
All of them except for Rymar are OCs; Rymar we know the name + rank + death of from the SWTOR Encyclopedia under Quinn's entry. I did make up what I think he looks like, though.
miscellaneous facts about the Quinn clan that I couldn't fit in the headshots:
Solesta has a dislike of droids, finding them creepy. She also dislikes cybernetics and cyborgs. Ironically, and unbeknownst to her, her grandson Malavai will eventually end up with a woman whose family owns a large cybernetics company.
Solesta disappeared during a top secret mission when Malavai was around 15 years old. She and her crew were declared officially dead a year after her ship disappeared.
Solesta's husband passed when their kids were young. I imagine he was on track to being a rising star in the Imperial military, but he was cut down by a Jedi or something.
Rymar and Ridal are twins (Rymar is the older one).
Ridal disapproved of Rymar’s marriage to Mianna, believing she was too fragile for him. Despite this, she helps her son care for Mianna.
Ridal is lowkey disappointed that neither her son nor her nephew followed her footsteps into Imperial Intelligence. She doesn't know Halic refused to, given what happened to his father (murdered by a petulant Sith Lord). At least in the medical corps, any Sith he deals with are unconscious or too weak to threaten him.
Halic calls Malavai his baby cousin, despite only being a few months older than him. It annoys Malavai, who nonetheless reciprocates Halic's familial affection.
Halic jokingly complains that Malavai slept with a Sith before he could. He privately thinks Malavai is insane for falling for a Sith in the first place, and worries about his cousin (he later learns he doesn't have to, given Nes'ria's equal devotion to Malavai).
Halic has flirted with every member of Nes'ria's crew. Vette thinks he's a riot, Jaesa was flattered but embarrassed, and Pierce is debating sleeping with him to piss off Malavai.
Mianna witnessed her husband's death at the hands of the Republic force, and the trauma of that, plus her subsequent injury, rendered her largely nonverbal. She has only spoken Rymar or Malavai's name since being admitted to the hospital. The rest of the time, she communicates via either writing or signing.
Many Imperials view Mianna's situation with disdain, describing her as weak-willed and a drain on resources. It's only the lingering prestige of the Quinn family name, combined with threats from her sister-in-law Ridal, that keep such whispers behind closed doors.
There was a brief period after the Battle of Druckenwell that the family feared Malavai had been killed in action. It wasn't until a few weeks after the battle that he contacted them from Balmorra, informing them that he'd been court-martialed and demoted by Moff Broysc.
Ridal assists Malavai in bringing down Moff Broysc, using her old Inteligence contacts to help him abduct the Moff.
My personal headcanon is that Malavai knew Baras would go after his family if he didn't follow his orders, hence the betrayal. After Nes'ria spared him, he reached out to Halic and Ridal, warning them to watch out for any signs of retaliation from Baras. Nes'ria used her family's connections to have Malavai's family taken to a safe place until Baras was defeated.
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catboydogma · 5 months
a dirty business (dreaming)
wc: 1,536
notes: second entry for coday bingo! no sergeants were harmed in the writing of this fic.
“Not to worry,” Cody said evenly. “Sergeant Wake stopped crying a few meters back. We’re operating at full functionality.” His bucket wasn’t completely empty. He’d brought a pair of medics and a full squad of ARCs and ARFs, leaving Lieutenants Boil and Gregor as in situ battalion commanders. And Howl. Maybe there was a reason to worry after all. “You’re a fuckin’ terror, sir. When you get up there make sure you give the General a piece of your mind for letting his comm die out like that.”
cross-posted to ao3
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“Sitrep,” Cody demanded over comms. Boil’s end of the line fuzzed in contemplation.
“’S pissin’ rain, sir,” Boil said at last.
He’d suspected this would happen when he’d promoted Boil for his ability to think creatively under pressure and circumvent standards to play situations to his advantage. The whole lot of his Command Corps were like that. Unfortunately.
“No good trying to make it up that slope for a good look, sir. Last engagement compromised casing integrity on the rock-climbers and the rain’s got all in the engines. We’re sitting nunas ‘till the gunships get here. But—”
Boil’s brief bout of helpfulness died with the next blustery gust of wind. Sheets of rain sliced sideways across the sky for a long moment and frigid water sluiced down the neck of his bodysuit.
“—‘s pissin’ rain. Sir.”
“Astute as ever, Lt.,” Cody said evenly. Visibility was approaching a neat zero with the rain and darkness. The 212th couldn’t afford to tip their hand any more than they already had. Cody was already acting on the conclusion that their base coordinates had been compromised. If not for this damned rain they’d already be moving onward.
Unfortunately, aside from the rain and the predominantly dark rotations resulting from a far-off and geriatric star—aside from the hostile terrain and rockslides and mudslides and sinkholes and the Sith’s own bad luck—their Jedi General had gone and gotten himself stuck halfway up a cliff with a malfunctioning comm unit and a pair of his ARFs.
“The General can find his own way down,” Boil said at last. It sounded like it pained him to say. He was likely right. Still, Cody found himself glancing up at the remainder of the slope he had left, one hand braced against a piton and the other jammed into the cliffside. “We’ll never hear the end of it if half our Command died in a freak rain accident, Commander.”
Ah. The good Lieutenant was feeling helpful again. Cody tested his weight against the piton, then levered his leg up to the next foothold. The rain had made the rock slippery and loosened the grit and pebbles in its various crevices. It was frigid—nearly to freezing temperatures—and Cody’d had to turn his HUD to night vision an hour back. He was soaked to the bone and his toes felt as if they would never be dry again.
All in all, it was a hell of a good time.
“Not to worry,” Cody said evenly. “Sergeant Wake stopped crying a few meters back. We’re operating at full functionality.” His bucket wasn’t completely empty. He’d brought a pair of medics and a full squad of ARCs and ARFs, leaving Lieutenants Boil and Gregor as in situ battalion commanders. And Howl.
Maybe there was a reason to worry after all.
“You’re a fuckin’ terror, sir. When you get up there make sure you give the General a piece of your mind for letting his comm die out like that.”
“I’ll take it under advisement, Lieutenant.” Cody cut the line and grunted with exertion as he heaved himself up the last two meters, relying on the strength of his shoulders and core and digging the fingers of his gauntlets into the cliffside.
The rocky slope leveled out into a slight plateau before climbing into the sky once more. The peak was obscured by the rain and dark and even darker clouds that hung low and heavy in the sky.
What Cody had missed from the bottom of the slope was that there was the jagged mouth of a cave just before the cliff went vertical again—and within the cave, the glow of red emergency light sticks.
Cody had to drop down to one knee and duck his head to get through the opening of the cave, and then it widened right out—his HUD picked out three heat signatures, then Cody was pulling it off so the glow of the light sticks didn’t futz with his night vision.
“Ah, Commander,” Kenobi said cheerfully. His hair was plastered to his skull and his robes were sodden against his torso. He was drenched. And he looked like a drowned tooka. “Excellent timing, as always.”
“General,” Cody said, voice flat. “Lieutenants.”
Kenobi made the particular grimace he did whenever he knew Cody was cross with him, then raised a hand to hide it by stroking his mustache. “In my defense, I only just realized my comm was out of charge. I suspect a bit of rain may have found its way into the casing…”
Behind Kenobi, Waxer—helmet still on, smart trooper—slowly raised his hand and pressed his palm to the front of his visor.
“And you lot?” Cody asked sharply.
Lieutenant Clayton grimaced and held up his helmet. It had a large crack running through the front and the visor was dull and lifeless.
“Thundercrack triggered a bit of a rockslide, sir,” Waxer explained. Clayton was a trooper of few words but he was a damn good officer. “And something in the atmo up here’s got my signal on the fritz.”
As General, Kenobi’s comm would have been the most long-range—and sturdy—of the three of them. Cody made a mental note to see if he could get comms antenna onto one of the General’s spaulders.
“Not much to be done about it now,” Kenobi said decisively. He clasped Cody’s shoulder. He could only feel the pressure of it through his spaulder and bodysuit but he half-fancied he might be able to feel the chill radiating off Kenobi’s white-tipped hands. “I’m glad you decided to come up after us, or we would’ve been quite stranded for the duration of the…”
Cody snagged Kenobi’s wrist and the General’s voice trailed off. He pulled a gauntlet off his with his teeth, then the other, and jammed them both over Kenobi’s hands. Now that he had his gloves off he could feel how cold Kenobi’s hands were—and he didn’t like it one bit.
“No fancy twirling that ‘saber of yours if your hands turn into ice blocks,” Cody bit out. There was a strange roughness in his voice: he blamed the cold for his sore throat and chest. “And I’m warmed up from the climb.”
Kenobi stared at him with his mouth just slightly agape. The shine of rain on his face made him look surreal, like either he or Cody had been caught sleepwalking—dreamlike and distant. “Quite,” he said in a strange and quiet voice.
“Commander!” Wake and co. crowded into the cave—the medics shoved to the front and immediately started headshaking at Clayton’s cracked helmet and the bruise he’d gotten from whatever had cracked his visor—and the chilly tint to Kenobi’s lips and fingernails. “Found ‘em,” the Sergeant said into his helmet comm. To Boil, it was likely.
Cody stepped back. He cleared his throat. He jammed his helmet back onto his head and ignored the way Kenobi was—slowly and thoughtfully—rubbing at his wrists and the backs of his hands. “Lines secure?”
“Ready and waiting,” Wake replied with a brief salute. “Rain’s starting to die down a bit, too.”
“It’ll pass by in a little less than an hour,” Kenobi said mildly. He was still rubbing at his hands—just absently brushing the tips of his fingers back and forth over the ridges of his knuckles hidden by Cody’s gauntlets. “You couldn’t have picked a better time, gentlemen. Shall we?”
Cody felt the welling of his frustration and ire trickle away and die down with each step out of the cave and through the rain. He jammed his bucket down over his head and watched condensation fog up the visor before the temp reg kicked in. There had been a part of him—the part that had gotten him through CC training on Kamino and a ponderous chunk of the war and watching his vode die in droves—that had been calmly and coolly calculating the odds of the General’s survival. In the night. In the frigid and hostile terrain. That part of him had known that the chances of Kenobi and Clayton and Waxer getting injured—crushed in a rock- or mudslide—ambushed by hostiles—were higher than anything so benign as a comm running out of charge or being carelessly left in the pocket of a different robe. It had been calculating what Cody would need to do, had his General fallen somehow: an itemized pre-mourning checklist.
And yet.
Kenobi was a dim silhouette in the dark and rain. He kept his shoulders square and his head up as he slid back into his role as General, heedless of the rain that fell into his face. His borrowed gauntlets weren’t quite the right fit: too short in the fingers and too broad in the palm. But his hands were sure as he clasped Wake’s arm just above the rerebrace and clapped Waxer on the shoulder.
Next time he’d chew his General out for not keeping an eye on his comms like he should. Even as he rappelled back down the cliffside, Cody could only find it in himself to be grateful that there could be a next time.
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clonewar · 1 month
HALO / CT - 7999
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General Info/Pre-Order 66
CT-7999 better known as Halo is a combat medic and survival expert. His ability to remain calm under pressure and provide life-saving medical care on the battlefield is rivaled only by force sensitives who can perform force healing. Despite primarily being well respected for his healing abilities, it is important that, unlike any other ARC trooper, he can hold his own in a fight.
Sadly, Halo's exceptional skills would not make him exempt from poor treatment from Pong Krell whom he was assigned to work under. Pong Krell named him "Target" and would only refer to Halo by his clone code or by one of his many insulting nicknames for the medic. Krell, who cared little for clone health, considered Halo a waste of space. Krell also referred to Halo as "bait, a walking target, and a shield, etc." Krell often used Halo as bait and as a human shield. Krell's poor treatment of the beloved medic would lead to conflicts within the squad. Due to said conflicts and due to Halo being protective of his brothers who clashed with Krell both verbally and physically, when Halo reported Krell to his superiors, his reports were considered to be flawed/inaccurate/biased. It wouldn't be until the Battle of Umbara that anyone would realize how horrible Krell was and how accurate Halo's reports were.
After the fallout of the Battle of Umbara, Halo and his 2 remaining squadmates were reassigned to work under Jedi Master Luminara in the 41st Elite Corps. Under Luminara Halo proved to be a reliable and kind teammate.
Post Order 66
Like most regular clones, Halo was oblivious to the chip's existence. Unable to fight against its influence, he worked for the Empire and played a semi-major role in Luminara's death. He continued to work for the Empire until a group of rebels shot down the ship he was on. The ship crash led to him sustaining serious damage to both his body and his chip. The rebels, intent on interrogating him, healed his injuries and upon realizing he was still chipped, removed his chip. Over time he earned the rebels' trust and became a full-fledged rebel himself.
Additional Important Facts
Halo's original armor was white and red and had clear medic symbols painted on it. However, such bright markings made him a target for enemies. He changed his armor scheme to blend in and distinguish himself as a medic in a way the Separatists were unfamiliar with.
Halo was named "Halo" by squadmates due to the golden color of his armor + due to the fact he swept in "like an angel" (his brothers' words, NOT HIS) during battles to tend to their wounds
His unmasked appearance, (scar wise & hair color-wise looks) similar to Jason Todd (see under the cut)
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purgetrooperfox · 2 months
propaganda (elevator pitches) ⬇️
Nocte (sw):
is CMO of the Coruscant Guard. fiercely loyal to the Guard. deeply wary of the senate, with very few exceptions. he's my oldest oc and probably the one y'all are most likely to have heard of. integrated into arcs with many of my friends' ocs/fics/whatnot <3 what else goes in his elevator pitch,,, known to take kids and younger clones under his wing, protective to a fault, low tolerance for nonsense. beat around the bush at your own peril. questionable bedside manner. manwhore tendencies. I love him, you love him. he's been transplanted into [checks list] cod, tlou, and bebop
Uj'alayi (sw):
is an ARC trooper, used to work with the Shadows then got brutally injured and had to transition to the CG. owes his life to Quinlan Vos and is disgruntled about it. guard dog coded. his bite is exponentially bigger than his bark. on the surface: quick to laugh, quick to joke, charismatic and personable without being overbearing. this may or may not be a mask he wears. will lay a beat down on just about anyone if they Cause Issues for Fox. in the relationship of all time with Lane Hurosa (another of my ocs)
Bones (sw):
is marshal commander of the 410th recon corps under Bastra Vargdan (another of my ocs). traits include: CQC specialist, confounded by the concept of the Force, at least partly responsible for getting a gambling ring going in the GAR (has a poke face like nobody's business). outside of working hours, he's laid back, easygoing. stark contrast between On-Duty Bones and Off-Duty Bones. encyclopedic knowledge of regs, but flexible adherence to them sometimes. big brained tactical strategist, ended up teaching Bastra a Lot about like. how to lead a corps
Bastra (sw):
my Jedi 👉👈 trained by Sifo-Dyas so dookudyas is very dad-coded to him. specialized as an Investigator, excels at undercover ops. also has quite a bit of integration into my friends' oc arcs and stuff <3 buddies with Obi-Wan, gets on pretty well with the TG and CG since he spends a chunk of his time on Coruscant. ummmm he takes a Padawan like 10ish years before the war, somewhere in that range. he's a goofy guy, real stiff and formal a lot of the time but it lets up around people he trusts. of course I know him, he's me etc etc. he's currently getting transplanted into cp2077
Lane (sw):
is a journalist on Coruscant. they spend a Lot of time in the senate district, very good at schmoozing. certified flatterer. charming, if you will. always asking one million questions that senators do Not want to answer, which results in bans from various spots around the city LOL honestly they're just neat idk what to tell you. they stay following risky leads and getting themself into binds. they're squinting very hard at the details of how the Republic acquired a clone army
Myn (sw):
is a smuggler in the early Rebellion era. also a relentless optimist, sees the very first scraps of resistance and buys in immediately. IF somehow Nocte’s alive at that point, Myn's the one who tries and probably fails to sell him on participating in the rebellion
Vio Selnes (sw):
owns and operates a 24h diner on Coruscant. this diner gets heavy business from clones leaving 79s. connections to the clones leads to scattered connections with the Jedi, leads to the restaurant being used as a rendezvous point from time to time. part of Dexter Jettster's network
Jag (mk):
is part of the Kahn Guard when Kotal's in power. he was raised by the Shaolin Monks until he bailed, moved to the States, got into all sorts of illicit activities. Kung Jin eventually moves onto his couch and joins his crew. those illicit activities land him in a stint with the Black Dragon, which is a real lesson in Kano Is A Bastard. when Erron jumps ship, Jag goes with him. he's kind of an idiot, full of trussed issues, gay as hell, will bring a knife to a gunfight or a gun to a knife fight
Rose (mk):
is part of Danver's crew from before he went BD. the brains of that whole operation. she's severely underdeveloped unfortunately but I promise she's very cool. computer nerd. minimal filter on her in the best way
Eyes (cp2077):
is a ripperdoc with more focus on ripping than doc-ing. from Pacifica, got a long time connection to Mr. Hands. wound up in Maelstrom pretty young, cut his teeth on committing atrocities and revolutionizing Maelstrom's uhhh forcible cyberware implantations and general torture methods :) was real loyal to Brick, so Royce wrecked his shit when he took over, meant to kill him but he managed to get out. winds up on Viktor Vektor's table for recovery, tries very hard to turn over a new leaf. he's a fucked up bastard of a guy I shan't lie. compels me though
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zellkernchen · 1 month
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Uikka Nleil, a Jedi Medical corp, from my fanfic :3
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toiwen · 19 days
Love, Yet The Jedi Code. Chapter 1.
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Check # with the title to read previous and next chapters
The world weighed heavily on the shoulders of both of them. At least they always thought like that, as their permanent sense of responsibility dictated it.
To protect. To help. For the order. For the family.
Her and Obi-Wan quickly found this resemblance. Later, they found more, and their friendship blossomed. Their relationship was unexpected and warm, like finding exactly your cyber crystal among many others in the Ilum Caves.
However, it would be a complete injustice, not to mention that their relationship started with a life-changing agreement...
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Original character
Tags: hurt/comfort, canon typical violence, child abuse, slow burn, from friends to lovers, that's not how the Force works
Disclaimer: also posted on ao3, English is not my first language, I'm a slow writer
P.s. I've changed several things:
1. the age of oldest initiates to 16 years old, in which they will be reorganized to Corps. So in the beginning, Obi-Wan and his future love is almost 16. I've decided to do such a thing because I honestly think that it's cruel to send out so early :(
2. The summary as it hasn't reflected anything
Also, I point out that Obi and his future love talk with many formalities in the beginning has reasons. Because Obi-Wan has been learning diplomacy from early years and (as we all know) has a talent in it. His future love is not a diplomat, but on her native planet, she has to talk this way. And you will know why later (it's a surprise 😉)
Kenobi was searching for something to distract himself at the Halls of Healing, purified from dust and all unnecessary visitors except for him. He took out his lightsaber and got into dismantling and assembling it. Simple Force applications always eased turmoil. 
In the absence of a workbench, he moved to the floor. His eyes were squinted to examine his weapon carefully in dull lights: the high wall lamps, turned to the evening mode, dimly illuminated metres of empty space. A woman on duty tutted at him periodically behind her reception. He scarcely ever had regard for her rebukes. Perhaps he shouldn’t have forgotten about politeness. In the meantime, medical droids wheeled in and out apace, bringing beeping with them but not news.
Obi-Wan’s headache gripped, outshining pain in the shoulder. It bleared his endurance, and worries pitched into him. 
Bruck’s condition, his crinking heart disease.
Kenobi owned up, at least to himself, that he was concerned if this git would go through it. 
Obi-Wan might have triggered Chun’s fainting and his faulty heart rhythm. The mere thought of it was sickening.
Obi-Wan’s win no longer fed his confidence. It equaled him to the caricature Sith from baby horror stories. This ridiculous comparison should not have resonated with him. However, it did. 
Obi-Wan gathered his concentration to recollect and seek the truth for the umpteenth time. 
Chun’s stunts were distinct from the rest of his memories. They were recorded by Obi-Wan’s brain as precisely as holodocumentaries were.
And thus he started recalling and went back to the beginning.
Obi-Wan hardly deemed the reason of the feud worthy from any angle. Frankly, the reason sounded like an off-colour sick joke about Mandalorian militancy: 
Why are Mandalorians punching each other? Has someone raised the price for the paint again?
Why is Bruck sulking with Obi-Wan? Has Kenobi stumbled over him again?
A bitter laugh escaped Obi-Wan when Quinlan Vos made the analogy to him. They were heading to breakfast in a pleasant mood, though the engineering exam made Obi-Wan’s palms clammy. 
The chatter of the Temple cantina washed over two friends. The source of the noise appeared to be drowsy younglings and padawans peering into their data pads at the central tables. 
Unoccupied places for the masters stood on the rim of the dining area.
“Privilege of holding high ranks," Obi-Wan grumbled. 
He covered his mouth with his hand to catch a load coming yawn.
“Let’s fetch something to wake you up." Quinlan chuckled.
Kenobi nodded. He pulled a tray from the stack and put it in the food service area. He pushed it towards the plates of bread. 
An arm blocked the way. Obi-Wan looked up and saw Bruck Chun’s snicker. 
“What are you doing, Chun?” Obi-Wan tensed. 
“I’m seeing you—and your friend—off straight to the cantina doors," Bruck replied nonchalantly, his gang gathered behind him.
“Why in the blue blazes would you do it?” Vos raised an eyebrow.
Obi-Wan put his two credits in.
“Yes. May you please elaborate?”
“You will not eat today," Chun simply stated.
Obi-Wan and Quinlan exchanged glances. 
“Listen, Bruck. I’ve apologised already, but if you want me to do it again, I will. No need to fight," Kenobi conceded.
Chun’s gang snorted contemptuously as a whole. 
Obi-Wan shrank together. He never noticed how large the circle of friends Bruck had until that moment. 
Kenobi looked around. There were still no masters within sight.
“Drop it, guys. I don’t think you will enjoy your ass-kicking punishments if you continue," Quinlan said.
But the hostile group did not step back. 
The group hung over Obi-Wan and Vos. The safe gap between them and the gang was reduced to the bare minimum. Chun and others built the monolithic wall with their broad figures. 
“Did Bruck hit his head as I bumped into him, or what?” the tiny hysteria of Obi-Wan readied to sneak out into their conversation.
Vos’s hand warningly hung above his lightsaber. Obi-Wan hesitantly followed the example of Quinlan.
“Kriff, how many fwits have bit your asses? You're making fools of yourselves and all Jedi! Why are you cornering us?” fumed Vos.
An anzati girl, the oldest of Chun’s gang, came forward. The ugly whisper of the gang died out immediately. Bruck’s smugness broke into a strange expression of expectation. 
Obi-Wan’s hand twitched to clutch his lightsaber. Quinlan’s jaw clenched.
The calm tone of the girl was tainted with dangerous subtext.
“We're not ‘cornering’ you. We teach you not to argue against the collective decision. You and Obi-Wan are single players. It’s not right for the Jedi. Now you should go.”
She was explaining to Quinlan, but her eyes were chaining Obi-Wan.
Her emphasis on ‘go’ rang deafeningly in Obi-Wan’s ears. The telepathy. 
Obi-Wan’s conclusion on the matter was unsettling to him.
“Before she used her well-known gift, not for anyone, just for herself.”
The intrusion was soft, though full of phantom menace. 
“Why was that?” He gently pushed her will away. 
Inward shivers crawled beneath his skin. 
“We understood you," he said in a level voice.
The stark contrast between what he had just said and reality was evident on his face and in the Force that tingled in the periphery of his mind, and he was sure  others perceived it too. Obi-Wan quickly hewed a passage through the crowd, and they let him go. 
Obi-Wan looked up at the ancient wall clock. Stones gathered black energy to rotate large numbers.
Thirty minutes were left before his exam. Six minutes apparently were required to complicate all he was used to.
“The rapidity of changes makes people go mad." 
A merchant dropped the phrase while Obi-Wan was on one of multiple excursions in the city. 
He considered it to be more suitable than ever.
Kenobi scrutinised his vague reflection on the polished-to-perfection floor as he marched through the cantina’s doors. Quinlan forced his way behind Obi-Wan.
“You should have resisted," Vos said, half accusing and half concerning.
“M’Agar used her telepathy," Kenobi said, shaking his head in negation.
“She warned me.”
"Threatened is more likely," Quinlan huffed.
"Maybe," Obi-Wan shrugged, still facing the glasslike floor.
He was determined not to wander off the track of passing the exam. He would not dwell on these disturbing thoughts.
Obi-Wan prescribed himself, and the invisible veil of the Force severed him from the outer world.
He covered the way to the necessary turbolifts, reading and rereading pages for engineering. The neat diagrams of fuel consumption. The passages with numbers and formulas were what he needed. 
There were no Bruck’s outburst, no M’Agar’s message, no brainless sycophants, no imbalance that was leaking into his blueprints of starfighters.
Obi-Wan muttered to himself about new and old modifications of starships, while the question “What did I do wrong?” punctuated all his revisions of materials. The turbolifts on his left waited for his command, and he quickly pressed the button.
Kenobi jumped when he saw Quinlan with his side vision, who had not fallen behind long ago, and followed him.
The veil dissipated.
Vos glared at Kenobi. He rarely used this stern mien due to his mischievous personality. Quinlan’s eyebrows shifted to his nose bridge.
"Finally, you’ve deigned to notice me. I called out for you several times.”
Obi-Wan's eyes widened as he realised that his desire to shun the morning events had played a joke on his Force connection. 
“Sorry, I —the Force has—”
He stuttered.
“Has reacted”
Quinlan’s frown softened. Vos looked at him sympathetically. However, he could not help but tease him a bit.
“Just an unfortunate stumble, right, Obi?”
Kenobi pressed his lips together in a thin, disgruntled line. The lift dinged, announcing its arrival. Obi-Wan hurriedly stepped in and held the doors.
“Ah, yes,” he said, glancing at the panel with floor buttons. “Please, let’s talk later.”
“Fine, friendy-handy. But I’ll see you off to—“ Quinlan walked in, “to the classroom doors.” 
He said, mimicking Chun’s arrogant tone.
It was time for Obi-Wan to glare, and he did it gladly, despite his gratitude to his friend.
“Well, otherwise, your whole way to catch up with me would be a waste, right?” He huffed, tapping on his data pad. 
The turbolift bounced off and rushed towards the upper stairs, carrying away Obi-Wan from the past. The cage flew up and rolled itself into a dot at a distant altitude. 
The dot still loomed ahead Obi-Wan from the present’s sight. He blinked several times to remove the illusion. 
A smile touched his lips. He really missed Quinlan and their banter. However, being the padawan of Master Tholme benefited his best friend like nothing else did; Obi-Wan truly believed in it.
He used the memory of the first fight not just to laugh, but as the starting point of his discontinuous Force connection. He also addressed it to establish links between everything Chun and many others had done and the actual meaning of it. 
It was a gruelling task.
The stunts were disjointed in every dimension except the instigators of them, and loud statements, which had similarities with the very first one and were thrown at the majority of younglings. 
Obi-Wan figured out that Chun’s group assigned an active participant to their targets, like Bruck, who countered mostly him. Words and actions were individual for everyone who was an appealing goal to achieve somehow. 
“How do they choose their aims? What is their final destination?” Obi-Wan asked himself.
He returned his lightsaber to his belt in frustration and landed back in his seat.
“Unity, that’s what they claimed.”
“What unity? With them? Because if they imply all Jedi, they have already separated themselves from us,” Kenobi grunted to himself. 
Obi-Wan stated “us” almost assuredly, never fully leaving his doubts far from his heart.    
“Perhaps I went against the Code and didn’t notice. Masters haven’t been in the temple for a while and couldn’t tell me,” he mused.
Obi-Wan pressed his palms to his eyeslids and swore in an attempt to remit his darkest fears and disbeliefs. His obscenity echoed in silence. Obi-Wan jerked up from the loudness of it. He expected the woman on duty to be indignant. However, her remarks did not come after his disturbing behaviour.
Gliding small steps from the side of the healing wards did it instead.
Obi-Wan turned to glance, but stayed to watch. 
Obi-Wan’s recognition of her was immediate. 
She walked in with smoothnes of ripples in the water. A statuesque figure glided under the skyward arches of the Halls of Healing. The layers of her snowy white gawn were not stirred by her gait. The jet-black cascade of her hair flowed from her shoulders to her ankles.
Obi-Wan wondered if he was hallucinating due to his sleep deprivation and if her flawless appearance was a figment. 
Strict black lines of facial tatoos run like flexible branches of trees from the cornes of her firm mouth to her frowning, thin eyebrows. The inked traces sharpened the mellow and neat oval of her face. Her yellow irises were less bright when they were not hit by Corusant Prime at a certain angle. Nevertheless, the eyes did not lose expressiveness. That evening, they observed the hall wistfully.
“Hello, a brave warrior,” she saluted melodically as she neared. 
Obi-Wan hastened to stand. He extended his hand in greeting. His unimpressed shoulder ached in protest. Obi-Wan’s move was cut off with his wince. The girl’s deft hand slipped to his uninjured limb and gently placed Obi-Wan back on his seat. Her robes swished when she manoeuvred herself onto the chair next to him.
“Thank you for your polite gesture, but formalities are unnecessary. Your arm is upset as it is. Would you mind if I examined your trauma?” 
“Not at all. But at first, there is something more important than this—” 
Obi-Wan took a deep, shaky breath as she patiently waited with puzzlement. A pang of guilt defined his constraint. Obi-Wan asked tensely.
“Do you happen to know how Bruck is doing?”  
The girl cast a momentary, incredulous look at him before responding with a learnt-by-rot-tone of the professional.
“I suppose you mean the boy who fainted. He will recover soon. Recovery takes its time nonetheless, regardless of our capacities. We healed him completely.”
Obi-Wan straightened, feeling suddenly awake. He processed the information slowly and made a decision that he hoped would help to solve the problem, or at least to dig up the root of it.
“I want to apologise to him now if it’s possible. It was not acceptable for me as a Jedi to react to his provokations as I recated. I didn’t prevent what came next when I could. I only intensified the flames, not put them out,” Obi-Wan admitted to her without taking his eyes off his knees.
She hummed thoughtfully after a short, meaningful pause. 
“The boy who fainted is resting. You should visit him tomorrow morning, as I see you wish. However, as the current healer of the boy, I would like to remind you about avoiding extra pressure on him. Do you expect him to apologise back?”  
“No, I don’t. Maybe the fact that he behaves so badly is my fault. Or maybe Bruck is searching for something he thinks I can give him. But whatever he’s looking for is not what I possess. The thing is,” Obi-Wan chuckled, “Chun never made himself clear. And I’m going to show him that he was inspired by “Mysterious are the Ways of the Force” too literally. Does it make sense?”
“It does,’’ she huffed, “little.” 
Obi-Wan snorted in a semi-offended manner.
“Well, I’m glad I’m at least going in the right direction.”
His lips curled in a crooked smile. She faltered uncomfortably.
“Your injury—”
A brief silence fell between them. Obi-Wan smiled nervously when she gazed at him expectantly.
“Are you willing to undress yourself, or should I suggest some help?” She sounded impeccably emotionless.
Obi-Wan’s cheeks flashed red furiously. In the meantime, the girl was a little embarrassed and a lot amused for a second. 
“Oh, I apologise for my language. On Farrihan, we don’t speak Galactic Basic. So I sometimes misrelate words with each other,” her eyes glinted mischievously.
Obi-Wan suddenly laughed, taken aback by their risky small talk. She visibly perked up at the settled awkwardness between them.
“It’s totally okay. I don’t think I was so flustered in my life, though,” Obi-Wan confessed through his laughter.
The corners of her lips twitched as she covered her gentle smile. The girl slightly fidgeted in her place, adjusting her robes. For the first time since Obi-Wan had met her, she avoided meeting his eyes. She fixed her posture, watching the surroundings carefully. 
The woman behind the counter was far from the long row of their seats. Their conversation occurred in the ample central space of the hall. The hallways streched endlessly and lifelessly on the north and south.
The girl leaned to him, whispering Obi-Wan a hint with an assumed twit, but with actual unwillingness.
“You compliment way too genuinely for a Jedi.”
Obi-Wan stiffened.  
“That’s nothing.”
She anxiously glanced behind her back and rose abruptly.
“I suggest we patch you up in a more private location so your shyness doesn’t interfere with us,” the girl said quietly.
Obi-Wan was now more prepared for her controversial way of putting words together. He didn’t take them personally to blush after it. He almost excelled at it, going behind her to one of the wards. The door automatically swung shut. 
The girl’s shoulders relaxed. She tied her hair, using a chain from her wrist, and then turned to Obi-Wan, who scanned the walls with all his thoroughness. 
“So… will you let me take care of your shoulder, Obi-Wan?”
The walls were forgotten as he heard his name in the performance of her crystal voice. He nodded.
“Sit on this bed. You may lay if you need.”
He sat and disrobed, ill at ease. The girl politely reverted her eyes. When Obi-Wan’s attire was clumsily removed, a dense red burn with a string of blisters was exposed. The girl stared in astonishment.
“I wonder, is it your pain tolerance reaching the stars or your self-care approaching the core of the planet? Nevermind,” she cut, seeing Obi-Wan’s confusion.
“It’s my professional deformation speaking and not something I should bother you with. Anyway, back to the topic of your trouble: I will not touch the affected area so as not to add to the pain. I will accelerate your regeneration. It will entail a feeling of crawling beneath your skin. As a result, my treatment will probably dizz you for some time and make your eyes lazy. Understood?” She rattled off her speech.
“Yes, ma’am,” Obi-Wan chuckled.
“Moderation in words is a virtue, patient Kenobi,” the girl stressed with her mysterious grin.
“I’m about to start. Brace yourself.”
Her palms hovered over the damaged patch of Obi-Wan’s skin. Nothing happened until they pinched the air, stringing a perdue yarn of the Force. She coiled the matter around her slim fingers to crack it. Her pupils filled her yellow rims, and she shoved one hand with an unequivocally twisted move into the section. The worming sensation attained Obi-Wan, as the girl had described it, while she pushed her hand through the matter further. 
The Force enshrouded her entire arm and shrivelled it to dryness. The Force smoothed her arm out and reduced it to a baby’s size and pinkness. 
Obi-Wan’s burn whitened, and blisters poped. The youth and the oldness of her arm twinkled like a broken indicator of a spaceship, to Obi-Wan’s absolute horror. 
The damage to his skin was undone. 
The girl clenched her fist in the shudder of her whole body. 
Then again and again. 
The room revolved around Obi-Wan. In the spot where the girl stood, he saw her gaping. The sight sent chills down his spine. 
She was unsteady, like a strong wind was inclining her. The Force changed her arm with glimpses as she tried to catch its true state in vain. Obi-Wan could not collect his thoughts together, receiving only undetectable shreds of them. His desire to reach her was purely on his reflex level. 
Obi-Wan found the fingers of her unused arm and intertwined them with his. So dangerous and on impulse. Her warmness and softness reassured him in his rightness. Obi-Wan mildly squeezed her hand, scared not to get her reaction.
The girl shivered in his grip for a painfully long time as she snapped her health and beauty back from the Force.
Eventually, she squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand back. He didn’t let her go.
She leaned against the bed, exhausted. 
“How do you feel now?” She asked weakly.
Not a lie.
“And you?”
“The same.”
That left a bitter aftertaste in Obi-Wan’s mouth. He was about to ask her again, but he heard her murmuring something in her language as a prayer. 
“Riha ot erderar.”
The girl removed her hand from Obi-Wan. She drew frequent traces with her index finger, channelling them from her tear duct to her palm. 
Obi-Wan’s curiosity took over.
“What a fascinating ritual.”
“Yes. In the beginning, I said: 'The future has no destinies.' The healers of Farrihan speak the phrase out after every successful recovery of a patient. The patient and the healer create one turhida, the line.” She guided Obi-Wan’s arm to connect their fingertips and lifted their arms to one level.
“Then the patient thanks his healer with 'Riha ni wat. O en Yot': 'The future we craft. I craft with you.' Then you name your healer.”
He fell into the flutter which you could experience only when you were thirsty for a unique, unexplored by many knowledge.
“Of course. I respect your commitment to your culture. But you've never told me your name."
The girl solemnly raised her chin and announced as it was a dead secret:
“Miv Qiotre.”
"Riha ni wat. O en Yot, Miv Qiotre,” Obi-Wan smiled, putting into words not only her medical help.
The Force strings became poundable, sending joyous pulsations into their bond. Miv closed her eyes and felt relieved. 
I will wait for your comments as Hachikō because I can't really tell if my writing is OK or not as I can do it in my native language.
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Defective (The Bad Batch x Jedi!Reader)
Chapter 2: A Lot To Learn
Previous Chapter
Chapters 1-7 are on AO3
Word Count: 2.4k
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You slumped back against the ship’s wall in exhaustion, you’d been doing your best to keep Omega occupied and you were both exhausted. 
You didn’t even notice when your eyes closed. 
“Y/N?” Omega asked and you turned your head. 
“I’m just gonna rest my eyes for a bit Omega, don’t- don’t worry about me” You said as you fell asleep. Omega soon joined you, cuddling up to you in exhaustion. 
“Well this is a first” Hunter said when he came in to find the two of you cuddled up together. 
“Inspecting every corner of the ship finally tired her out” Echo said from beside him. 
“Though I don’t think I’ve ever seen Y/N actually sleep” He said humorously. 
“There’s a first time for everything I guess” Hunter said before Tech announced you were approaching Selucami.
The exit from hyperspace jostled you awake. 
“Are we there already?” You asked as you walked into the cockpit, you saw the colorful planet get ever closer through the window. 
“Time seems to pass faster when you’re asleep” Tech said and you smiled sheepishly. 
“Sorry about that, I was so worn out after everything” You said as Tech initiated the landing gear. 
You walked out with the squad and smiled, stretching your limbs in the warm sunlight. 
“Oh how I’ve missed feeling the sun on solid ground” You said happily. You looked back at the ship to find Omega looking in wonder at the scenery around her. 
She was ten years old and had never left Kamino so this was her first time feeling the ground beneath her or the rays of the sun on her skin. 
“What’s with her?” Wrecker asked and you chuckled. 
“It’s her first time on another planet” You told him quietly, allowing Omega the time to immerse herself. 
“Come on, let’s get moving” Hunter said after Omega joined the rest of you. 
You walked for a while through a nice forest and some farmland before Hunter stopped you all. 
“What are we looking at?” Omega asked curiously. 
“A booby trap.” Hunter said plainly before Wrecker walked up to it. 
“Single trip wire, that’s cute” He said as he stepped over the wire. What he didn’t realize was that there was a sensor after it. 
Suddenly a bunch of battle droids popped out around Wrecker and he began shooting and shouting.
“Easy Wrecker!” Hunter told him and the larger man looked embarrassed. 
“Was- was that me?” He asked, not yet putting his gun away. 
You turned your attention away from him though once you felt two more force signatures approaching. 
“What do we have here? More clones who have lost their way” A lavender Twi’lek woman said as she approached with a shotgun blaster. 
“It’s been a while fellas” The man beside her said and it took a moment to recognize that he was a clone. 
“I’m assuming these are your friends Hunter” You said from beside him and he nodded. 
Hunter’s friends took you to their home, you all sat down around the table as Suu- the Twi’lek woman- gave you something to drink. 
“I see a few new faces” She said as she handed you your cup. 
“Echo, Y/N, Omega- Cut and Suu” Hunter introduced and you smiled, nodding towards the both of them. 
“Pleased to meet you” Suu said.
“Thank you for your hospitality” You told her in return.
“Where’s Crosshair?” Cut asked Hunter and he looked conflicted, almost guilty. 
“It’s complicated” He finally answered. 
“Sounds familiar, Rex told us about the clone troopers turning against the Jedi” Cut said and you looked away. You’d hidden your lightsaber under your robes for yours and everyone else’s safety and you knew that most people couldn’t recognize the robes of the jedi medical corp as easily as they could normal Jedi robes. They probably thought you were just another straggler the squad picked up. You were after all wearing a medical coat that covered the natural colored tunic you wore. 
“You talked to Rex? When?” Echo asked. That definitely got his attention. 
“Oh- he passed through yesterday” Cut told him. 
“Where’d he go?” Echo pressed but Cut just shrugged. 
“Didn’t ask. He was going on about some behavioral implant” Cut explained and Omega came up beside you. 
“He must mean the inhibitor chip” She said. 
“What?” Echo asked.
“Inhibitor chips, the Kaminoans implanted them in the clones to modify their behavior to be more perceptive to following orders” You explained and the rest of the squad looked at Tech. 
“Tech, you said the regs were programmed but you never mentioned a chip” Hunter said and Tech looked confused. 
“How else did you think it worked?” He asked and you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
Just then, almost to ease Tech of any further judgment, two kids that looked to be Human, Twi’lek hybrids, came running in towards Cut and Suu. Wrecker greeted them happily and they ran into his arms, calling him uncle Wrecker. They quickly took off back outside to play, taking Omega with them. 
“They look much older than three” You told Suu once her husband and Hunter went outside to watch the children. 
“They’re mine from before I met Cut if that’s what you meant” She said and you nodded. 
“He’s a clone so I wouldn’t put it past his biological children to age faster and I didn’t want to assume” You told her and she nodded. 
“So, you’re some kind of doctor?” She asked and you nodded. 
“A healer, I didn’t study medicine in university to earn the title of doctor” You told her and she nodded. 
“This is quite the life you have here” You told her and she smiled proudly. 
“It’s just us out here, no one to bother us and no one to come snooping around” She said. 
“I guess it’s how you’d need it, you can’t risk anyone finding out about Cut” You said and she nodded.
“Do you ever get lonely out here?” You asked and she took a moment to think. 
“Sometimes, but the kids keep things lively and we’re happy” She said and you thought back to the temple, and to Kamino. You’d never been on your own before, or even just with such a small group of people. You've lived your life with a greater purpose to achieve and a huge amount of people to surround you but you couldn’t do that anymore. Any life you’d have now had to be more secluded. For your safety as well as for everyone close to you. 
Cut and Hunter left and came back after failing to get tickets on board a transport off of Selucami. 
Apparently the empire wasn’t allowing transportation off world without a chain code- a new way to track people within the galaxy and as a deserter Cut couldn’t get one. 
Hunter, Tech, Echo, Wrecker, You, Cut and Suu were all inside trying to plan how to get Cut and his family off world when Shaeeah- Suu’s eldest- ran in. 
“Mom! Mom- it’s Omega, she went out past the fence!” Shaeeah said and you all ran out to see what was going on. Suu grabbed her shotgun and ran up to the roof while the rest of you ran to the edge of the fence. 
A large creature was walking towards Omega, teeth barred and ready to pounce. You could feel it’s hunger through the force and you slowly walked out past the fence towards it and Omega. 
“Nobody move!” You yelled over your shoulder but they didn’t listen to you as Suu shot at the creature. You managed to redirect the shot but it scared it even more. 
“Suu don’t shoot!” You yelled at her as you approached the creature, arms out in a calming motion. 
You carefully stepped between it and Omega, allowing her to run back to safety. 
“Y/N move!” Suu yelled to you but you stayed put. 
“Hey, it’s okay buddy” You told the creature softly, pushing feelings of calmness and safety through the force. 
“I’m not going to hurt you” You said, allowing it to place it’s snout in your palm. 
“And you’re not going to hurt me either” You continued, petting it with your other hand. 
“But I need you to leave my friends alone, okay? They won’t bother you again” You told it and it whined a bit before calmly turning around and running into the forest. 
“Everything’s okay!” You said, turning back to everyone. 
“It won’t bother us again” You explained as you walked back behind the fence. 
Cut was comforting Omega, you could feel her insecurities through the force and you decided to send her some comfort as well, though you knew she wouldn’t feel it like you would. 
You stood beside the squad as Cut took Omega inside. 
“All in all, I would say that could have gone much worse” Tech said and you nodded. 
“Could've gone better if you’d listened to me” You grumbled and Echo turned to you. 
“How did you do that anyway? It just, let you tell it what to do.” He said and you nodded. 
“Animals have a much stronger connection to the force than non force sensitives of most intelligent species, I just used that connection to calm it down. It was picking up on Omega’s fear” You explained. 
“It also wanted to eat her” Tech added and you rolled your eyes. 
“It’s an animal, they can only follow their base instincts” You pointed out before Hunter changed the topic. 
“Tech, do you think you can forge some chain codes?” He asked and tech took a moment to think about it before nodding. 
“I only learned of them moments ago, but yes.” He said. 
“Then do it. We’re getting Cut, Suu and the kids on that shuttle.” Hunter instructed and Tech and Echo left for the ship.
“So, you’re a jedi?” Suu asked you once she found you meditating alone on the roof.
“No. I was with the Jedi Medical Corp, I never made it to the rank of padawan or Jedi Knight.” you explained. 
“But I am force sensitive, if that’s what you meant” You said, echoing her own response from earlier. 
“And yet you are traveling with a group of clones” She pointed out and you nodded. 
“They helped me get off of Kamino and allowed me to travel with them, I won’t hold them accountable for what others like them did” You said, looking out at the horizon. 
“Is that why you asked me earlier, if it ever gets lonely living so far from others?” She asked and you looked down at your lap. 
“Since we left Kamino I’ve known it’s only a matter of time before I have to find somewhere to hide. As long as I’m around people I’m putting them in danger” You said, pulling your lightsaber out of your coat. 
“But when I saw how happy you were, well maybe I don’t have to be completely alone” You said. 
“The difficult part is finding someone who understands you, settling down is the easy part” She said and you smiled. 
“Tech is going to forge chain codes for you and your family, we’ll help you get off of this planet” You told her and she nodded. 
“Thank you” She said and you turned to her. 
“No Suu, thank you. I can feel your passion, your love in the force around you. It’s rare to find someone so good” You said before standing up. 
“The galaxy needs more people like you, good people.”
Suu lent you a cloak and you, Hunter, Wrecker, Cut, her and the kids made the journey into town to receive the chain codes from tech and Echo. 
Everything seemed to be going good. 
“The chain codes are en route with Omega” Tech reported through Hunter’s comm. 
“By herself? You let her go by herself?” Hunter questioned Tech.
“Well I didn’t let her go-” Tech tried to explain but Wrecker gave the crate he was carrying to Cut and ran off to help Omega anyways. 
“She ran off on her own” He explained. 
“If something happens to her-” Hunter began but Suu cut him off. 
“Like I said, kids always find trouble” She said, putting a comforting hand on Hunter. 
“Wrecker’ll find her Hunter, she’ll be fine” You told him. 
You heard blaster fire before you saw it. Cut was about to do something drastic before Omega came up to you running. 
“I’m here! I have the chain codes” She whisper yelled, handing them to Cut. 
“Tech accidentally made five disks instead of four” She explained.
You looked at Hunter confused, Tech wouldn’t make a mistake like that. 
“I’m going to wait for you by the impound facility” You told Hunter as you made your way towards the sound of blaster fire. 
You weren’t the best fighter but you could navigate your way around a blaster and it seemed like the boys needed some help. 
You vaulted over the wall and landed on a trooper. 
“Nice going Y/N!” Wrecker said and you smiled, running behind cover next to him. 
“I’m a bit rusty, I haven’t been in a fire fight since before the war” You said, grabbing a blaster from the ground and shooting. 
You set your blaster to stun, you really didn’t want to hurt anyone. 
Hunter joined you soon after, grabbing a blaster and taking cover beside Tech. 
“What are we waiting for?” Hunter asked Echo, who was trying to unclamp the ship from the impound facility so you all could leave. 
“The system’s not responding” He explained and Wrecker went over to try to force the system to respond. 
“There are too many of them, we need to move” You said, over the sound of blaster fire. 
Wrecker managed to force the clamp open and Hunter signaled for you all to board the ship. 
You ran on board and helped Tech with the launch sequences. 
Hunter and Wrecker covered your escape and you were surprised to see that Omega had come back as well. 
“I’m glad she’s back” You said to no one in particular after Omega left the cockpit to talk to Hunter.
You settled into your seat and closed your eyes. 
“Wake me up if something important happens, I’m gonna get some rest” You said, closing your eyes and you heard Echo laughing. 
“You got it Doc” He said and you decided not to correct him regarding the title.
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lamaenthel · 6 months
Tivaevae | Chapter Five: Basting
Still struggling to emotionally recover from Master Obi-Wan's deception, Ahsoka discovers in the aftermath that twelve-year-old Boba Fett has been locked up among adults in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. After convincing Chancellor Palpatine to grant him a pardon, she manages to secure his release on the condition that she serve as his legal guardian. Now, with the help of Master Plo and the Wolfpack, she vows to help him track down what family he has left.
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Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CC-1119 | Appo, Dexter Jettster, FLO | WA-7 (Star Wars), Shaak Ti, ARC Commander Blitz (Star Wars), CT-6922 | Dogma, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, Clone Trooper Sinker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Comet (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-4860 | Boost, Aurra Sing, Tobias Beckett, Null-11 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Original Droid Characters (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Total Word Count: 123,000 Chapter Word Count: 8,154 Chapter Summary: Boba has a hard time on Kamino, and Ahsoka gets a bad feeling about the storm keeping them there.
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Comet, alongside Koon at the helm, set the ship down on the landing pad. It was raining hard; Boba had almost forgotten just how fast the rain came down on Kamino.
"This will hopefully be a short trip," Koon said, initiating the lockdown sequence. "However, we will be leaving with a new man in tow. The Wolfpack has long had need of a medic, and we have found him."
"Really, Sir?" Wolffe asked, his eyebrows up. "Is he shiny?"
"He is a veteran of New Bornalex, actually." Koon gestured at Boba and Tano to follow him to the airlock. "Formerly attached to the 21st Nova Corps, Mangle is a skilled Marine medic who sustained a rather devastating injury but is finally ready to return to duty."
"Not surprised Bacara transferred him out, then," Wolffe muttered.
"Boba, you didn't happen to bring any crayons with you from prison, did you?" Sinker snickered.
Boba raised an eyebrow. "You think there's crayons in prison?"
"We'll have to stop by the nursery and see if the tubies have any– hey!" Sinker rubbed where Boost had elbowed him in the gut.
Koon sighed like a long-suffering father. He sort of was, Boba had come to realize. He spent all of his money on snacks for his soldiers and he was pretty sure that he had caught Wolffe mouthing buir more than once. He almost reminded him of Kal, if Kal wasn't a complete fucking shitstain cunt. The Wolfpack, as they called themselves, seemed to all adore him.
The ramp lowered and the group hurried down, jogging together to the entrance while squinting at the ground. They spread out once inside, shaking themselves like wet massiffs. Boba felt a sort of malicious glee seeing the gray water all over the sterile white floor.
"So, is there a bell that we ring or something?" Tano asked, rolling her left arm and wincing like she'd just gotten punched. She had done that earlier, too, after they'd been dancing for almost an hour straight and she had accidentally smacked her arm on the bunk ladder.
"No need," Koon said mildly, then gestured down the hall.
Nala Se, flanked by Commander Blitz and a tall, red-skinned Togruta woman with a lightsaber were approaching. Boba could just barely see the stock of a shotgun poking over the back of Blitz's shoulder, and he had a hand on one of his two DC-17s.
"Master Jedi." Nala Se bowed to Koon. "I am pleased to welcome you to Tipoca City. And I am glad to see that you did not perish on Geonosis alongside your father, Boba."
Boba stared at the ground and suddenly wished that he hadn't left Robert on the ship. He really didn't want to be back here. Tano placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He felt a little better with her hand there, much to his annoyance.
"Boozhoo, Ahsoka." The tall Togruta Jedi that was stationed at Tipoca City pulled her away from him and into a hug. His shoulder felt cold where her hand had been. "It's been too long, ogichidaakwe."
"It has, Master Shaak-Ti." Tano rubbed her left lek on the older woman's face and let her cheek be rubbed in return. They both purred like sleeping tookas. He didn't mind tookas, but the one time Dad had let him hold one he'd had a sneezing fit that lasted hours.
"Boba, you appear to be injured. May I offer the services of our medical center?" Nala Se tilted her head at him. "We are capable of…"
His heart pounded in his ears, drowning out the longneck's voice. He didn't want to go to that medical center. He already knew what they'd do, he remembered the way Dad would limp for days after the longnecks drilled into his hip to take his marrow. That's all he'd be, just a fucking bag of DNA for the rest of his life, tied down to a table with needles in his bones and those souless fucking demagolkase peering down at him calling him 'it' and he'd never see the sun again, just hear rain pounding against the roof and the thunder shaking the walls–
Before he could say anything Tano had stepped out of the other Tog's embrace and put herself in between him and Nala Se.
"No," Tano said in a voice that made the hair on Boba's neck stand up. "He doesn't go anywhere without me." She stepped behind Boba and put both of her hands on his shoulders.
Nala Se blinked her big black eyes at Tano. "It will take but a moment."
"I said no." Tano squeezed his shoulders and– was she growling? "We did not come here for medical attention. His injuries have been treated already. Nothing but time is required."
Nala Se nodded. "Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to aid you."
"Have Jango's quarters unlocked for us." Tano glanced skyward as an unexpected crack! of thunder shook the ceiling. The storm was picking up. "And I want to see Corporal Dogma."
"That will not be possible," Nala Se said, bowing her head apologetically. "It is a matter of your safety, Padawan. CT-6922 killed a Jedi. He must not be allowed near one ever again."
Boba nearly choked. A clone had killed a Jedi? Fucking hell, that was a sentence he'd never expected to hear. They were programmed from birth to worship the bastards, how could he have ever raised a weapon to one?
"I want to see Dogma," Tano said, stressing the name. "I accept the risk. You will not be liable for anything that happens to me."
"Ahsoka," Koon chided her without any real heat.
"I apologize, but the answer is still no," Nala Se said.
Tano's hands tightened on his shoulders. "Is he armed?" she asked harshly.
"No, of course not."
"Does he possess the Force?"
Nala Se looked offended. "I do not understand your line of questioning."
"I dueled Pre Viszla," she said sharply. "I fought Asajj Ventress, faced General Grievous twice, and I killed the scion of a Mandalorian clan along with over a dozen of his vassals without my lightsabers and walked away victorious from every single fight. What is Dogma capable of that makes him so deadly that my safety is at risk?"
Boba's jaw dropped to his chest, barely able to comprehend what she'd just rattled off so casually. "Holy shit," he said faintly, and the other Togruta Jedi covered her mouth and laughed softly.
Ahsoka winked at him.
Nala Se's right eyelid twitched. "ARC-2485 will escort you." Beside her, Blitz shifted his weight. "You may visit with CT-6922 for one minute, no longer."
Tano smiled wide enough for her fangs to show. "Thank you, Doctor," she said pleasantly. "I'll tell Dogma that you said hello."
Nala Se bowed her head and turned to sway gently down the hallway. Boba wondered if Tano knew what it looked like when a longneck got pissed, because the stoic, bug-eyed bitch was giving a great demonstration.
"Well done," Shaak-Ti said, her eyes twinkling. She rubbed her lek on Tano and made that rumbling noise again.
"Nobody is going to touch you, Boba, I swear," Tano said quietly in his ear. "Ni ven'kyramu ad'kebbur."
Boba nodded. After that speech, he believed her. And he was pretty sure she'd enjoy it. He was beginning to see why Tiarek liked her so much. Dad would have liked her, too, he realized. She had mandokar, the fighting spirit. He just… hadn't expected it in a Jedi.
"Come on." She clapped him on the shoulders. "Master Plo, after we see Dogma we're going to Boba's old quarters to look for anything that Jango may have left behind about the Cuy'val Dar."
Koon nodded at them, and although it was hard to tell, it looked like he was smiling. "I will accompany Master Shaak-Ti. Wolffe, Sinker, please go with Ahsoka, Boba, and Blitz. Boost, Comet, with me."
"I believe that we will be able to find information on the Mandalorians you speak of in the Kaminoan archives," Shaak-Ti added. "I know your time is limited, but I will see you again before you depart, dear girl." She winked at him. "And it was lovely to meet you, Boba."
"You too," Boba mumbled, looking at the ground.
"Alright, let's get going." Blitz jerked his head and took off in the opposite direction of Koon.
Tano kept her hand on his shoulder as they followed Blitz to a part of the facility that he'd never been to. He didn't even know they had a detention center. When he'd been growing up, if a clone didn't meet the longnecks' standards then they'd get an appointment with the incinerator, not locked up.
Maybe the Kaminoans were just that desperate for the clones they'd made when they still had access to Dad's marrow.
The Kaminoan detention center wasn't exactly impressive. It was a circular chamber with eight locked doors. Blitz led them through the first one on the left and they crowded into what was barely bigger than a closet; there was a door on the far right side which opened to yet another door where the prisoner was kept, and most of the room was taken up by a desk under an observation window.
"Nala Se said one minute, so you get one minute," Blitz said as he undid a series of electronic locks. "No touching the prisoner, no secret messages, no sneaking him any objects. Behave or I'll yank you out."
Tano smirked. Boba had a feeling that she wanted to see him try. "Stay here," she told him. "I'll just be a minute."
"If you aren't, Blitz is coming after you," Wolffe said wryly.
"Be right back." Tano gave him a wink and walked through the heavy door Blitz was holding open for her.
Wolffe pushed Boba over to the observation window overlooking the tiny room. There was a clone laying on his side in bed with a beard, shaggy hair and a hollow expression. He had a stylized V tattooed across his face and he was as thin as a wheat stalk. Dad's clones were altered to put on muscle easier than breathing; for him to be as thin as he was, he couldn't have been eating anything at all.
"Let's see how quick it takes her to break the 'no touching' rule," Wolffe mumbled, smirking at Sinker.
"I give her fifteen seconds," Sinker whispered.
"Generous," Wolffe quipped back.
"If he killed a Jedi, why does Tano want to see him so bad?" Boba asked Wolffe.
Wolffe glanced at Sinker. "It's a long story," he said quietly. "We'll talk about it once we leave."
"On program," Blitz ordered through the microphone sitting on the desk.
Dogma didn't move.
"I said on program, Corporal. Now."
Dogma dragged himself to his feet and stood, swaying slightly, and placed his hands on the back of his head. His arms were like twigs and his ribs jutted out through the gap between the top and bottom of his red fatigues.
Boba didn't know how to feel about it.
Blitz turned up the audio so they could hear their conversation, then crossed his arms.
"Dogma!" Tano charged through the final door once it unlocked and immediately embraced the emaciated man.
"Told you," Wolffe snickered.
"Commander?" Dogma's eyes went wide and after a second of shock he returned her hug. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and broke down into tears. "Commander, I'm… I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry."
"Don't touch the prisoner, Commander Tano!" Blitz bellowed into the microphone. He was too loud, the speaker shrieked from the feedback.
"Ke'shabi nebat," Tano snarled over her shoulder, then pulled back and cupped Dogma's face. "Ke'sushi, Dogma," she said rapidly in Mando'a, so quiet that Boba could barely hear it over the speaker. "Gar cuy cin'kar'ta. Gar cuy jat'verd. Gar ru'cabuor Republika. Ni partayli. Gar vode partayli. Ni ven'akaani akay gar cuy yaim. Ne noy'ganar manda. Mhi ne'nibra."
"Now, Commander!" Blitz yelled again. He stomped away from the desk and unlocked the second door.
"Do you understand? I won't stop, Dogma." Tano smoothed his overgrown hair out of his face.
"On program!"
"Commander, please don't leave me here," Dogma sobbed.
She was crying now, too. She pulled him into another hug. "I'm sorry, Dogma."
"On fucking program now, prisoner!" Blitz ripped the third door open and jerked her out of Dogma's arms with one strong hand.
"Don't touch her!" Dogma screeched, grabbing at Blitz; Boba could do nothing but stare as he saw the clone go for Blitz's sidearm in a panic, trying to protect his Jedi.
"Shab," Wolffe snarled. He stepped away from the window and tried the door, but it was locked and keyed for the Kamino guard alone.
Tano brought her arms up hard like wings, freeing herself from the wampa hold, and at the same time she dropped down to one knee. She locked her ankle around Blitz's and then used his own body weight to flip him over her head and onto his back. She spun over him, still kneeling, and pinned him to the ground with a knee on his throat. "Stand down, Corporal!" she ordered Dogma.
Dogma retreated to the wall and stood at attention, suddenly every inch a soldier again. "Sir, yes Sir!" he barked. There was a spark of life in his eyes where there hadn't been a minute earlier.
"Well I'll be damned," Sinker mumbled to himself.
Boba blew out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. That was fucking wizard.
"That was for your safety," Tano said quietly to Blitz. "I'm going to let you up now, Commander. No hard feelings, 'lek?" She released him and stood, keeping herself between Blitz and Dogma.
Blitz was on his feet in less than a second and shaking with anger. "Out," he seethed. "Now."
"Alright, alright." Tano held her hands up, smiled at Dogma one last time, then let Blitz shove her out.
Boba could barely comprehend what he'd just seen. Tano had flipped a fucking ARC twice her size like he was a sack of tatos, and she'd done it using an Echani throw. Since when did the Jedi learn Echani?
"Everyone, move," Blitz snapped, marching Tano forward with a heavy hand latched around her rear lek. The three scuffled to get through the door behind Blitz and Tano before they got too far. He walked her out of the circular antechamber and back out into the hall.
"You were given specific instructions–"
"By Nala Se, yes," Tano said with a smirk. She smacked his hand away from her lek. "I am under no obligation to follow her orders."
"And by me–"
"You don't outrank me." She actually fucking giggled. Was she insane?
"Listen here, you insubordinate little shit–" Blitz yanked her back by the shoulder and slammed her against the wall with his arm across her chest.
Wolffe and Sinker immediately lunged forward to intercept the furious ARC, but not before Boba had snatched Sinker's deece out of its holster. "Let her go," he said calmly, pointing it at Blitz.
The amused little tooka-like smirk dropped off of Tano's face and was replaced with fear. "Boba, no!" she gasped.
"Calm down, it's on stun." Boba double checked then flipped a switch. "Okay, now it's on stun."
Blitz lowered his arm and backed off, and Boba was pretty sure that he had turned purple under his bucket.
"Boba, put the blaster down," Tano ordered.
Boba immediately flipped the safety on then handed it back to Sinker by the barrel.
"I think we can find our way from here, Commander," Tano said calmly, stepping away from the wall and in front of Boba.
Blitz snorted. "Have fun. Prime's old quarters are on the sixth floor, section Tau, all the way at the end of the hall. Doubt you'll find anything, though, they emptied it the day after he bit it."
Boba's heart stopped. "What? What did they do with all of our stuff?" Boba asked faintly.
"Incinerator, probably." Blitz spun on his heel and charged away, his kama flapping angrily with every step.
"Incin–" Boba said to himself in disbelief. No, they couldn't have just thrown it in the incinerator.
"Boba, look at me." Tano leaned down until she was at eye level with him. "Take a deep breath. It's going to be okay."
"They– he was just being mean, right?" Boba nearly whispered.
"I don't know," she said quietly, then put her hands on his shoulders. "Just breathe for a few seconds with me."
He squeezed his eyes shut. It couldn't be gone. Blitz was just being a dickhead because he was mad at Tano for flipping him. It wasn't gone. "We have to go see!" he said urgently, then bolted.
"Boba, wait!" Tano called after him.
He was already halfway down the hall. He slid around the corner and found the staircase, the one with the squeaky step on the third level that sounded exactly like an aiwha screeching, and he made it up faster than ever now that his ribs weren't on fire. He heard shouting behind him from Tano and the Wolfpack but he didn't care, they knew where he was going.
He had to see. He had to.
He burst onto the sixth floor and made a beeline for his quarters. Everything looked the same, even at this speed, and it almost made him dizzy with the memories that came flooding back.
"Come on, Bo'ika, it's time for bed. You can watch them practice tomorrow."
"Boba, look, I did it! Dad, I did the knot just like you showed me!"
"Smile big for Mama! Cassus, don't pull Tiarek's hair–"
"Boba, what did I tell you about dropping Reks'ika's tooka doll down the vent?"
"You're leaving again, aren't you?"
"Look Boba, we twins!"
"Mama loves you so much, my Bo'ika."
"Daddy, you hurt him! Wexika!"
"Pack your things. We're leaving."
Boba reached his home and slid the door open, fully expecting his father to be sitting on the couch with his mouth hanging open and snoring, dead asleep halfway through another holo.
It was empty. Completely empty. Even the furniture was gone. The couch that had a bite mark on the leg from Mird chewing on it, their round meal table with the paint stains, the holoprojector that went as big as the whole wall, the height markings that Dad had proudly recorded on his birthday every year in the kitchen, Dad's quetarra; all gone. He rushed into Dad's room and climbed the closet shelves like he'd done a hundred times before.
Boba's eyes burned. It was gone. Everything was gone. It was like they'd never even existed. He dropped from the shelves and sank down to his knees. He felt exactly like the home he'd grown up in.
"Boba? No, you guys stay out. Just stay out, okay? I've got it." Tano placed a hesitant hand on his back. "Boba?"
"It's gone," Boba whispered. "It's…" His eyes hurt so badly, why did they hurt? He couldn't breathe through his nose, either. "He's gone."
There was no pretending anymore. Dad was gone. The Slave I was gone. Now, even the last things he had of his dead mother and brother were gone.
"Ahsoka," he cried, and curled up on himself. "It's gone."
"Boba, oh vod'ika–" she pulled him backwards into her lap and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry."
The dam opened. He couldn't stop it anymore. It was gone, everything was gone, it had all changed and it was never going to be good again. Dad was dead. Mama and Cas were dead. Tiarek barely knew who he was. Everyone was gone and they were never coming back. Nobody loved him anymore. The only people who remembered his dad just wanted to use him. It hurt so bad every single day and it just never stopped.
"Ke'duumi, Boba," Ahsoka whispered, rocking him. She was doing that rumbly purr thing. It felt good, like a hug inside of his chest. "Don't fight it. Just let it all out."
"I miss him," he bawled. "I want my da-a-ad." He cried like a fucking baby, and he hated himself for it.
"Of course you do, vod'ika, of course you miss your dad." She rubbed her lek on his cheek. It was softer than he expected and smelled spicy, like corn pollen. "He loved you so much. I know you love him too. That's why it hurts. You have all that love and nowhere for it to go."
"Why did he have to die?" Boba sobbed. "Why didn't he fly away?"
"I don't know. I wish I did." Her rumbles got louder.
"I see it all the time," Boba cried. "I see his… his head…"
Ahsoka kissed his forehead. "I hate that you saw that, vod'ika."
"It's my fault," he sobbed. "I forgot it and they burned it."
"What did they burn?" Ahsoka's hands were so gentle that it almost hurt.
"The bo-o-ox," he bawled. "I forgot to pack it but we were going to come back and get it after… after Geonosis…"
"I'm sorry." Ahsoka whispered. "I'm so sorry."
"I didn't bury him," Boba wept. "He– he's still there. They stripped his beskar'gam, I know they did, they probably melted it down and s-s-sold it."
"I'll find out. I promise, Boba, I'll find out. It's okay. Keep getting it out, Bo'ika, it's okay."
He cried into Ahsoka's warm, squishy lek until he was so exhausted that he could barely draw breath. Her hands, soft in a way Aurra's never were, rubbed soothing circles on his back and scratched his scalp until his whole head tingled. Eventually he ran out of tears and just sat hiccupping and shaking, still unable to really stop.
Ahsoka wiped his eyes with her thumbs then smiled at him, her own eyes swollen and wet. "Your dad would be so proud of you, Boba. You've survived so much. Gar ijaati kaysh. Every step you take forward in this life is because of how well he taught you."
He almost started crying again.
"Plo's outside, so we're gonna wash our faces and let him in now, okay?" She kissed his forehead again. "I bet he's got some good news. I don't know about you, but I am very ready to get out of this shithole."
Boba laughed, a little shocked at a curse word coming out of her mouth. She was so proper, it was just wrong.
After a quick splash on their faces with water from the fresher, Ahsoka let in Plo, Shaak-Ti and the Wolfpack. There was a new clone with them that had to be Mangle. He had a prosthetic jaw made of plastoid and a wild look in his eyes. His hair was shaved on the sides and a little longer than regulation on top, showing his curls.
"Koh-to-yah, Boba," Plo said gently. "I am sorry to see that your father's things are gone."
"Yeah," Boba sniffed.
Ahsoka pulled him towards her until he was flush against her chest and hugged him from behind. "Were you successful, Master?" she asked, swaying gently from side to side and still purring.
Plo's face relaxed from its squinch. "Unfortunately, no. It seems as though the records were all wiped and overwritten."
"The archivists know that it existed, and after analyzing the hard drives they believe that the records were tampered with some time around the First Battle of Geonosis," Shaak-Ti added. "I am sorry, dear girl, but there is no lead to be found on Kamino."
Ahsoka's arms tightened around him. "What about Jango's armor?" she asked, and Boba's heart skipped a beat. "His remains were never recovered from Geonosis. Do you think that there's a possibility that he kept a backup of his records with him?"
"It is possible." Plo and Shaak-Ti exchanged a look. "Going to Geonosis to find out, however… The search may take months, assuming it is still there, and with the war…"
"A few days are perfectly reasonable, though, right, Master?"
It sounded perfectly reasonable to Boba. He blinked at the Kel Dor, afraid of his response.
"It would be an incredible intelligence asset," Ahsoka added in the pregnant silence. "We may find out information on the formation of the CIS. Maybe even find out who the Sith Lord is."
Plo tilted his head. "I cannot disagree on that front, little 'Soka."
"Really?" Boba breathed. "Y-you… you'll help find my dad's beskar'gam?"
"It sounds, as Ahsoka said, perfectly reasonable." Plo's face squinched up again. Boba realized he was grinning.
"Well then, it's settled." Ahsoka squeezed Boba. "Ready to leave?" she asked softly.
"Boba, what did I tell you about dropping Reks'ika's tooka doll down the vent?"
"Wait!" Boba gasped, suddenly remembering. He bolted to his room and got down on his belly in the corner, peering down the intake vent.
It was there. It was there. The longnecks missed it. "Here!" he said excitedly to Ahsoka. "Down there, can you reach it?"
She squeezed in and looked with one big eye. "Uh, yeah, let me just–" Her eyes closed and her fingers moved gently, then the tooka doll floated out of the vent like a feather on an updraft.
Boba snatched it out of the air and grinned at it. It was just like he remembered, crocheted with silver and blue yarn and stuffed with the shreds of one of Dad's worn-out undershirts. There was still a tiny hole between the ears and a loop of string wrapped around its waist. The black button eyes stared back. It was a little dusty, but not nearly as much as he would have expected from being in the vent for six years.
"What was he doing down there?" Ahsoka asked.
Boba flushed. "I used to pretend he was going on secret spy missions. That's why he had the string, so he could rappel out."
He looked up at Ahsoka, feeling stupid, but she was beaming at him.
She held her hand out. "Now are you ready?" she asked.
He hugged the dusty tooka doll, looked one last time around the place he'd grown up in, then took Ahsoka's hand. "Let's get out of this shithole," he said decisively.
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"Geonosis?" Anakin's hologram wrinkled its nose. "Ahsoka, are you sure about this?"
"Well, I can't think of anywhere else to find a lead." Ahsoka sat in the commhub chair with her knees tucked below her chin. She picked at a loose thread hanging from her linen sleeping shorts.
"What about that Kal Skirto guy that you mentioned?" Anakin asked.
Ahsoka bit down a giggle. "Skirata. Rex told me about that panyapako, he allowed his crazy Null squad to abuse Boba. I'm not bringing him anywhere near Skirata until I've exhausted every other option, and I doubt I'll get any help from him anyway. Boba filled me in on his priorities."
Anakin nodded, looking unhappy. "If you say so."
"I do," Ahsoka said firmly. "Someone scrubbed the archives on Kamino. I have to assume it was one of the Cuy'val Dar. For all I know, it was Skirata. Unless one of the others decides to come forward, Geonosis is it. Whoever did it wanted to make sure the odds of finding them were next to nothing."
"Well, impossible odds have never stopped you before." Anakin's smile faltered. "How's the arm?" he asked quietly.
Her right hand went up automatically to touch her bicep. "It's fine," she said with a smile. "I'm fine, Master. I'm just a little sore."
"I'm so sorry." Anakin looked away. "Ahsoka…"
"It was my fault," she assured him. "I shouldn't have pushed you that far."
Anakin closed his eyes. "I should never have–"
"I forgive you, Master," she interrupted. "I forgave you the moment it happened. You weren't in your right mind." Thunder cracked so loudly that the walls of the ship vibrated. They were still on Kamino, waiting for the unforeseen hurricane to calm down before leaving.
"Thank you, Snips." Anakin finally met her eyes. "You're a better Padawan than I deserve."
Ahsoka ducked her head and smiled. "And you're a better Jedi than you think, Skyguy."
"I guess we both have our moments," Anakin chuckled.
Beyond the commhub door she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. They were so light footed, it had to be Boba. "Mwana akubwera," she warned him in a casual tone, hoping that her little eavesdropper didn't speak Toydarian.
"Inde." Anakin gave her a wry smile.
"So how's my replacement doing?"
"Your–" Anakin threw his head back and laughed. "You mean Taarak? How'd you hear about him?"
"Rex. Apparently you dropped a teething Togruta toddler off at the barracks instead of taking him straight to the Temple? Rex sent me about twenty messages in a panic because he bit Cody and he didn't know how to tell if he had venom glands or not. I told him that it doesn't come in until we're at least four years old, but still." Ahsoka raised a brow marking.
Anakin bit his lip. "They were, uh, on the way?"
Ahsoka snorted. "Sure."
"Fine, I wanted them to meet him before he went to the crèche. But then Obi-Wan wouldn't leave me alone when I landed, and I told him to drive me to the barracks but he's an idiot and he took me to the 212th's."
Ahsoka snorted. "And why'd you dump the baby on them, again?"
"I'll have you know that I was the one who was being considerate of the baby."
Ahsoka laughed. "So you dropped him off so you could yell at Master Kenobi, then?"
"He wouldn't shut up about your 'foul attitude.' " Anakin rolled his eyes. "And no matter how many times I told him I wasn't talking to him, he just ignored me and kept going. You're going to have to take one for the team here, Snips, or I'm going to throw him off the roof."
"That's a respectful 'hell no' from me, Master."
"I'll give you fifty credits."
"I'll take you to a Gungan shaak roast."
Ahsoka paused. "No."
"Just go give him your new little angel, distract him with some porg eyes," Ahsoka said bitterly. "Works every time."
"Someone's jealous," Anakin snickered.
"Wh– jealous?" Ahsoka sputtered. "I'm not jealous. What would I even be jealous about?"
"I don't know, you sound pretty jealous."
"I am not jealous," Ahsoka sniffed. "He's more than welcome to trick some other gullible kid into trusting him. He'll learn the truth eventually."
Her Master's face fell. "Ahsoka, don't say that."
"It's true."
Anakin sighed. "I'll let you go. Just be careful on Geonosis. I know it's been secured, but those tunnels are endless. I don't know how safe they will be."
"I'll have Plo and the Wolfpack to watch my back. Plus, Boba's a pretty good shot from what I remember."
Anakin's brows went up. "Don't tell me you're going to give him a blaster," he said, alarmed.
"You're right," Ahsoka said, nodding solemnly. "He needs more protection than that. A shotgun would be better."
Anakin's eyes bugged out.
"I think I can find a disintegration module for it too–"
"Ahsoka!" Anakin exclaimed, dismayed. "Don't you dare!"
Ahsoka laughed. "Fine. You're no fun."
Anakin rolled his eyes. "Be safe," he said, then ended the call.
Ahsoka stretched, yawned loudly, and made sure the chair squeaked before she got up. She heard the rapid pitter-patter of footsteps scampering away from the commhub door and chuckled.
Boba was wrapped in a blanket on the couch, pretending to be asleep by the time she made it out to the salon pod. Robert's nose poked out from the edge of the blanket along with the ears of the tooka doll. Ahsoka took a seat two cushions away from him and tucked her legs underneath her.
Boba let out an unconvincing yawn and blinked at her. "Hi."
"Hey." Ahsoka smiled at him. "Why're you sleeping out here?"
"Storm was louder in the cabin." He sat up and let the blanket fall to his waist. Plo had bought him a very nice set of red pajamas that he now wore, though they were a little big on him. His aura was vibrantly green in a way that she couldn't have imagined just the day before, but it was crawling with residual yellow humiliation.
"Do you want to talk about today?" she asked gently.
"I already made enough of a fool of myself, I think," he mumbled. The yellow intensified.
"You didn't make a fool of yourself." She scooched a little bit closer to him. "We cry when we're sad for a reason, Boba."
"Babies cry," he muttered, worrying at Robert's felted claws. "I'm too old to cry like that."
"You're never too old to mourn."
Boba's aura went violet with grief-regret. Ahsoka reached out with a tendril of copper affection and waited for him to speak. "Aurra didn't like it when I cried," he admitted. "I only did it once, after I broke my ankle. She slapped me and told me my dad would be ashamed of me for being such a little bitch."
The red-hot rage that rose up inside of Ahsoka nearly blinded her. She controlled her breathing, centered herself, and controlled its release into the Force. Boba didn't need her anger right now, he needed nurturing and reassurance.
"Ti– Rex, he said Dad would have skinned her slow for what she did," Boba continued. He stared at the tooka doll. "I thought she cared about me. She acted like she did, but I don't…" he glanced at her and then looked away, his aura suddenly going a deep, painful yellow with shame. "I heard Bossk tell her once that she shouldn't be doing that with me. I wasn't ready yet. She told him to mind his own business."
"She never should have done that to you," Ahsoka whispered. "Never, Boba. I'm so sorry that nobody was there to protect you."
Boba's shoulders slumped and he nodded. His aura was leeching green again, going dull and gray. She waited for him to continue, if he wanted to, but he stayed silent and started to stew.
"What was your dad like?" Ahsoka asked, gently changing the subject. He liked when people talked about his dad, she'd noticed. "I admit, I don't know a lot about him. Just bits and pieces."
"Probably nothing good, either." Boba turned the tooka doll over in his hands and Ahsoka took the opportunity to scooch a little closer. "He wasn't just a bounty hunter or the template. He was funny. He played quetarra and sang for us– for me, I mean."
Ahsoka desperately wanted to ask if he was including Rex, but let him keep talking.
"He liked action holos, but even when the volume was up really loud he'd fall asleep before the end." Boba's lips twitched in a half-smile. "And he could draw really, really well. He didn't do it a lot, but he used to when I was little. He could make a drawing out of pencil that looked like it was a holopic." Boba's aura slowly lightened from that bruised, painful, dark violet grief into a desperate lavender longing. "He took me on a few jobs with him. He wanted me to learn. He taught me how to shoot, and three different ways to slice and how to pilot, and, and…" he trailed off and swallowed hard. His eyes were shiny again. "He told me he loved me every day. Even when he was mad at me because I'd done something stupid or messed up, he still always told me he loved me." Boba sniffed. "I miss him."
Ahsoka smiled sadly. "He sounds pretty awesome."
"He was." He hugged Robert tightly. "Do you remember your parents?"
"Yeah." Ahsoka leaned back against the couch and tilted her head so that her lek was barely touching Boba's head. "Not much, but I do remember them. I was three when Plo found me."
"Why'd they give you up?" Boba asked, then flushed. "I mean, why'd they let him? Didn't they… didn't they want you?"
"My dad was actually the one who contacted the Temple," Ahsoka said quietly. "But my mom was having second thoughts. I remember her arguing with him over it."
"She didn't want you to go?"
"No. She thought I'd be fine. She said her mother could use the Force, too." Ahsoka shrugged. "There's a word for it in Binishii, I just can't remember it. Mew- something. My dad wanted me to go, though. He was sure it was my destiny. But, um…"
Boba tilted his head. "What?"
Ahsoka bit her lip. "He died. He drowned. It was about a month before Plo came for me. We were fishing, and he slipped and hit his forehead on some rocks." Ahsoka smiled sadly. "The one place we don't have extra padding, right? But he went under the water and I wasn't strong enough to pull him out. I tried, and tried, and finally I used the Force, even though I didn't even know what the Force was yet. I got him out but it was too late, he'd been under for… well, I don't know how long. It felt like hours. After that, my mom wanted to honor his last wish for me."
Ahsoka blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. She hadn't thought about her father in forever; not before Obi-Wan's funeral, at least. It was just one of those things that had happened to her. It was sad and she missed him, but Crèchemaster Veirexim had helped her release her frustration over her inability to save her father to the Force ages ago.
It wasn't guilt that haunted her. She had done everything she could, she knew that, it was the helplessness over not being able to do more. She hated feeling helpless more than anything. Master Kenobi had made her feel helpless, too, when he made her find his bleeding corpse in a filthy alley. It had been his real blood, too, she could still smell it in her nose. He had to have withdrawn it and kept it on ice in preparation. For all of the talk about Anakin's reaction being the selling point, he'd certainly gone out of his way to personally fool her at every turn.
"At least you tried to save your dad," Boba said bitterly, distracting her from her spiral of self-pity. His aura was flooded with violet grief-regret again. "I just watched. I saw Windu going for him and I just… watched."
"You couldn't have stopped it," Ahsoka said sympathetically, and reached for his hand. "Even if you'd been standing next to him, you couldn't have stopped it."
"I know," Boba said, and his aura flared green with bitterness. "I wasn't good enough."
"That's not why, Bo'ika, the only one who could have stopped it was your dad. He made the choice to confront Master Windu. He could have surrendered."
Boba snorted. "He was a Mandalorian. He never surrendered." He looked away and his aura darkened back into violet grief. "I wish he had, though."
"I wish he had too, for your sake." Ahsoka wiped her eyes and sniffed.
"Hey, don't cry," Boba said awkwardly. "You couldn't have done anything either."
"I know," she said, half-laughing. "It was a long time ago. I don't know why I'm crying about it."
"Well, you said we cry when we're sad for a reason." Boba nudged her with his shoulder. "I think you're sad, Tano."
Ahsoka did laugh at that. "Guess I am." She gave him a watery smile. "I've never told anyone that before, you know. About my father."
Boba watched her sniffle for a few seconds, then sighed. "You need a hug?" he asked, sounding for all the world like it was an imposition, but his aura shimmered with pale green hope.
Ahsoka nodded and opened her arms. He slipped right in and rested his head on her chest like he'd done it a million times before. "Dad told me Togs are needy as hell," Boba said quietly. "If they don't get hugs everyday they go insane, or something."
Ahsoka laughed softly and rubbed her lek against his velvety stubble. It was an accurate, if crude, summary of a Togruta's high haptic needs. "Yeah. Pretty much. Thanks, vod'ika."
He didn't answer at first. "You're welcome, ori'vod," he finally said in a voice so quiet that she wondered if he'd actually thought the words instead of speaking them.
Thunder boomed and startled them both. "This is a bad one," Boba said, the white flare of alarm in his aura quickly disappearing. "I'm surprised they haven't turned the weather matrix on yet."
"They have one of those?" Ahsoka asked.
"Yeah. These buildings can survive almost anything, but they still don't usually let it get this bad."
Ahsoka frowned. "Weird." It was more than weird. She'd checked the weather for Plo an hour before their descent, and while it had been storming, she hadn't seen anything with rotation on radar. Not long after they'd landed, though, the storm had intensified into a full on Grade II hurricane.
She suddenly had a bad feeling that the weather matrix was already on.
"We should go." Ahsoka patted Boba on the back for him to scoot and popped up once he released her. "Come to the cockpit with me."
"We shouldn't take off with winds this strong," Boba said, jogging to keep up with her long stride. "You should comm the control tower–"
"No," Ahsoka said shortly. Her heartbeat echoed in her montrals and there was a lump of dread in her belly. "We need to be in the air, now." She slid the cockpit doors open with the Force. It was empty except for Plo's astromech. "Chart a course for Geonosis and start charging the hyperdrive," she ordered Arseven, then took a seat. "I want to jump the second we break atmo."
"What's wrong?" Boba asked. His aura had gone staticky white with fear-anxiety.
Ahsoka considered lying to him, but decided he could handle it. "This storm wasn't supposed to be this bad," she said grimly. "I think they're delaying us on purpose."
Boba's eyes went wide and his aura went a deep gray with determination-focus. He sat in the co-pilot's seat and started to strap in.
"No," Ahsoka said firmly, booting up the surface-level navigation hologram. "Go man the cannon."
She would have laughed at the familiar look of manic glee on his face if she wasn't trying to run seven different programs at the same time. It reminded her of Hardcase. "Really?" he breathed.
"Yep." She handed him a headset. "Wait for my mark."
Boba slipped through the doors and nearly ran into Plo. He watched Boba leave with a teal aura of confusion-concern. "Ahsoka, what is going on? What are you doing?"
"We need to leave now, Master," Ahsoka said grimly. "They're worsening the storm so we can't leave. They're delaying us on purpose, and I don't want to stay and find out why."
"How do you know this?"
Ahsoka fired up the engines then looked at Plo with pleading eyes. "Master, please, you're a Baran Do Sage. Can't you feel that this storm is unnatural?"
Plo closed his eyes, then stilled. Ahsoka watched his aura fluctuate with bleach-beige unease and he took the co-pilot's seat. "You are correct. We should leave."
The entire ship shuddered as the Kaminoan docking clamp locked down their landing gear.
"Consular Cruiser Babasta, this is Tower, do you copy?" A clone's voice came through the comms in the dashboard.
"Karabast," Ahsoka growled. "Babasta, copy."
"You are not cleared to take off, Babasta, please turn off your engines and wait for clearance."
"Negative, Tower. We're leaving now." Ahsoka slapped on the exhaust exchange switches above her head.
"Nobody is leaving until the storm is over, Babasta. The atmosphere is too–"
A crack of thunder that felt like a concussion grenade split the air directly overhead. Ahsoka spied the weather matrix tower on a platform a few miles to the east, active and glowing, and toggled to the internal comms.
"Cannon, check."
"Cannon, copy."
"Boba, charge the cannon and aim at coordinates oh-seven-oh-eight-eight, ten degrees above the horizon." she ordered. "Do not fire until I give the command."
"Sir, yes Sir," Boba snickered over the comm.
"Ahsoka–" Plo warned.
"Please trust me, Master," Ahsoka replied through gritted teeth. She toggled back the comms. "Tower, you will release the docking clamp and allow us to leave immediately." Ahsoka listened to the mechanical whine of the turbolaser cannon powering up.
"I'm sorry, Commander, but all flight traffic is locked down until the storm passes."
"Boba, raise five degrees and fire a warning shot," Ahsoka said calmly.
"Copy that."
The sky lit up with green as Boba loosed a turbolaser bolt towards the weather matrix and Ahsoka heard him cackle over the comm. It sailed harmlessly over the tower and disappeared into the clouds.
"Commander Tano, what are you doing?" the clone in the tower asked frantically.
"The next one takes out the weather matrix," Ahsoka said coldly. "Release my ship, now."
"Commander, I have orders!"
"You have five seconds to comply." Ahsoka gripped the yoke. "Five."
"Please, Sir, let me get my CO!"
"Four." Ahsoka flushed the coolant. She was going to need it nice and icy for the thrusters if she had to break the clamp. Consulars weren't known for their efficient energy distribution.
"Commander, I can't just disobey a direct order, you know that!"
"Three. Boba, lower five degrees and prepare to fire." She felt bad for whichever poor vod was on the other end, but there was no way she was going to risk her vod'ika by staying a second longer.
"Fuck yeah!" The cannon whined as Boba aimed it directly at the weather matrix.
She tried not to shake from the adrenaline.
"I am with you, Ahsoka," Plo reassured her.
Her breathing steadied. "Two," Ahsoka narrowed her eyes. This was not a bluff the kaminiise wanted to call.
The docking clamp released their landing gear with a thunk. "You are clear for takeoff, Babasta." The clone sounded disgusted.
"Stand down, Boba."
Ahsoka laughed. "Tell Nala Se goodbye for me, Tower. Over and out."
"What's happening?" Wolffe appeared in the cockpit with his kit on and a deece at the ready. "Are we under attack?"
"Take us up, little 'Soka," Plo said serenely. "Wolffe, we are leaving. I shall debrief the pack once we are in hyperspace."
Wolffe swallowed. "Yes, General."
Ahsoka punched up and navigated through the dangerous winds. A Consular Cruiser really wasn't built for an environment as hostile as a hurricane. Lightning struck directly beside them and Ahsoka's montrals rang like a bell.
"Little 'Soka?" Plo asked. She could barely hear him over the ringing.
"I'm fine," she said through gritted teeth. She pinched her nose shut with one hand and blew, keeping the other on the yoke.
By the time they broke atmo, her resonance chambers had reinflated and her hearing was normal again. Arseven beeped and the blue lights of hyperspace streaked across the cockpit.
Ahsoka sat back and sighed.
Plo undid his seat belt. "With me, Commander. Ahsoka, join us as soon as you can."
"Be right there, Master." Ahsoka glanced at Boba, who had strapped into the navigator's seat and was watching her with a look of awe.
"Ni ven'kyramu ad'kebbur," she said quietly. "I promise, vod'ika."
Boba smiled. "I trust you, ori'vod."
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MANDO'A TRANSLATIONS Ni ven'kyramu ad'kebbur: I will kill anyone who tries Kaminiise: Kaminoans Vod/vod'ika/ori'vod: sibling/lil sib/big sib Ke'shebi nebat: fuck off Ke'sushi, Dogma. Gar cuy cin'kar'ta. Gar cuy jat'verd. Gar ru'cabuor Republika. Ni partayli. Gar vode partayli. Ni ven'akaani akay gar cuy yaim. Ne noy'ganar manda. Mhi ne'nibra: Listen, Dogma. You are pure hearted. You are a good soldier. You protected the Republic. I remember. Your brothers remember. I will fight until you are home. Don't lose spirit. We won't fail. gar ijaati kaysh: You honor him TOYDARIAN TRANSLATIONS Mwana akubwera: Kid is coming Inde: Yes Panyapako: Asshole TOGRUTI TRANSLATIONS (BINISHII DIALECT) boozhoo: hello ogichidaakwe: female warrior OTHER NOTES Echani: special forces martial arts, the fighting style that the clones learned. I don't actually know if it's Mando specific, wookieepedia doesn't say, but let's pretend it is Fáng Shìlóng: Jedi martial art style. It doesn't have a name so I'm naming it lmao. I'm imagining it as a blend of Wushu and Tai Chi There are two canon (Legends canon, anyway) Mando'a terms for the Republic: Jetiise (Literally plural for Jedi which is dumb to use as an official term) and Tsad Droten (Technically Senate, not the Republic in general). I hate them both so we're using Republika lol I do what I want!!!!!
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork, @soliloquy-of-nemo Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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tsukuyomi42 · 5 months
ISB Reports: Surgical Corps OCs
Here is the info on my OCs from this post:
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Edgard is Executor's lead surgeon, they are one of the very few people who have both the knowledge, ability and courage to fix Vader's armor, being the only physician there who is not afraid of Vader at all.
Their main research in the past was developing a way for helping LGBTQ+ people to have biological children based on bone marrow, a project which ended up being very succesfull.
Ed is both autistic and has ADHD, they also have a caf addiction only comparable to Admiral Piett's, and for some reason they refuse to say anything about their family or home planet besides "It is in the middle of nowhere and full of annoying individuals"
Lirian Carlmari
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Lirian Carlmari is a geneticist and infectologist from Onderon, she is the person responsible for their lab.
She has worked with Edgard for the longest time, assisting them in their research, they brought her with them when they got the position in the Executor, as Lirian was the most competent infectologist in the project, a speciality the Executor was lacking at the time.
She is definitely not a people person, prefering to spend most of her time in the lab, but you can get in her good side very easily with good tea.
Vanya Zaynta
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Vanya Zaynta is a recently graduated nurse from Chandrilla who got his position by luck, as his mother is from the ISB and is a very persuasive person. While quite competent, Vanya is clearly very inexperienced, he is sometimes seen as the child of the bunch, even if he is older than Tellon.
Vanya is a very kind person and despite the way he got his position, he is always trying his best.
Tellon Vath
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Tellon Vath is a anesthesia resident in the Executor, he is from Coruscant's upper class, his parents are a physician and a senator. Tel got his residency through a mix of his parents contacts and actual hard work, but he would probably had prefered to be selected to a different ship as he is VERY afraid of Vader. He is another one that survives on caf, but he prefers cold caf (Ed does not approve).
Valann Iwa
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Valann Iwa or Val'anniwa is the chief nurse from the Executor, he is a Clone Wars veteran from Ryloth and has worked with Vader and the 501st for the longest, to a degree he is not afraid of Vader any more than he is of Ed.
He is a little stuck in his old ways but very competent, being the one to usually treat patients who cannot be treated by med droids, Valann is usually the one that notices when Piett decides to sleep in one of the beds of the med bay. His scars are the result of the explosion of a fragmentation grenade from his time as a Republic Medic in the Clone Wars
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dystopicjumpsuit · 6 months
Hi! I made the new tooka friend! Here is his picture.
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Sheet I used as a base is by @cloneenthusiast
Everything else coming in the form!
Thank you and lots of love!
OC Sunday: Revel aka Revy (OC of @sunshinesdaydream)
SUNNYYYYYYY!!!! I am obsessed with Revy! I have perished from the cuteness and am typing from beyond the grave! Force ghost DJ, reporting for duty 🫡
The TT number?! "Tooka Trooper"?!? There are so many adorable details in this, and I couldn't stop laughing and reading it out loud to my partner (who agrees that Revy is indeed the goodest tooka).
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Want a Datafile for your Star Wars OC? Find out how to get one here! Or check out other OC Datafiles I’ve created here!
Transcript in alt text and below the cut.
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Personnel Datafile
Name: Revel aka Revy
Rank: Corporal
Identifying number: TT-4122
Duty assignment: Emotional Support Medic Assigned to Mask Squadron
Status: Active
Service Record
Prior service: Rodent Extermination at Jedi Service Corp outpost in outer rim.
Qualifications: Stealth - Expert
Mischief - Expert
Cuddles - Expert
Tracking and Recon - In Progress
Medical record: Vaccinations - Current
Scheduled Flea Treatment - Current
Health as of last assessment - Excellent
Remarks: Recruited by Pvt. Livewire
Approved by Jedi General Jade
Supervised by Sgt. Cypher
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queen-breha-organa · 2 years
Tbh one of the things I hate the most about the new Star Wars canon is the lack of development for the Jedi Order.
Like I was joking earlier about the Service Corps, and the Medical Corps, but genuinely the new canon is lacking so much.
For example, Jedi Healers aren’t really a thing anymore. Sure they’re mentioned and stuff, but in Legends, Jedi Healers were this phenomenal and fleshed out branch of the Jedi Order and it was so interesting to see.
And Jedi Mystics are seen as this ancient relic in the new canon, where as in many of the legends books, Prophecy is mentioned in the present tense. Anakin talks about it a bit in the Revenge of the Sith novelization, but all the new books (especially Master and Apprentice) say that Mysticism is far removed from the Order.
I just wish we had a more complicated Jedi Order in the new canon. So much of it just appears to be scrubbed clean and I really miss all the weird subsections of Jedi.
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