#jeff goldblum x reader
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tags: @illiana-mystery (thank u for the idea!), @eclecticwildflowers
warnings: mention of menstruation, swearing
Ian and I walked into the convention center arm in arm. I was looking at the itinerary for the lectures while Ian looked over where everything was.
“thank god it’s only one day we have to be here.” Ian pointed out when I showed him that he would have to attend at least four lectures before his lecture even took place. He rubbed his forehead with his free hand before taking off his sunglasses. “Next time I’m just going to agree to my own lecture and we can sneak away before we get roped into anything else.” Ian pulled me close and playfully bit my ear.
”Ian.” I laughed. “For fucks sake! We’re in public.” Ian pulled away and pulled me into a searing kiss.
“screw public.” He teased. “Anyway what are these lectures on anyway?” His head fell against mine as he looked over the paper in my hands.
“Well there is one lecture you won’t get out of.” I pointed out. Ian frowned as I pointed it out. “Led by one Dr. Ellie satler?” Ian sighed and nodded.
“right. The one I agreed to come to months ago and have always found an excuse to miss.” He pouted. “She finally managed to tie me down.” I playfully shoved him.
“shut up Ian. It won’t have anything to do with jurassic park as far as I know. Just something to do with her research on…something.” I laughed. I felt Ian lean some of his weight against me as he sagged in relief. “Now come on. Someone is giving a lecture on chaos theory and you need to be there for that.” I pulled him in the direction of the auditorium and grabbed some seats as far back as we dared.
Ian sat with his hand on my thigh, fingers playing with the hem of my pants. I had to grab his hand a few times to stop him from inching closer to my crotch. I shifted uncomfortably a few times and Ian looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. I waved him off each time and breathed a sigh of relief as I stood up at the end of the lecture.
“god that was long.” I said as I stretched.
“uh (Y/N)?” Ian said softly. I looked over my shoulder at him. Ian’s gaze was fixed on my ass and I almost smacked him until I turned fully to look. “Do you have a change of clothes?” His eyes jumped up to mine and I shook my head.
“I mean technically. But all I packed this weekend was light clothes.” I said, surprised by how calm I was with this. “Figured with the amount of people, and the natural light in this place, it’d be cooler.” Ian nodded.
“I have a change of clothes in the car. It’ll be big on you but it’s black and no matter what happens at least it will cover it up.” Ian stood up and wrapped his jacket around my waist, making it look like he was hugging me from behind so no one else noticed I had bled through the back of my pants. “I’ve got some pads packed too.” I nodded as I leaned back against him.
“you always think ahead.” I murmured as we followed the crowd that was exiting the auditorium. “Why do you have pads in your car?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at him again.
“in case of times like this.” He whispered before kissing my cheek. “Wait here. I’ll run out and grab it.” Ian left me by the bathroom and ran out to the car. He came back with a bag and ushered me into the bathroom. When I came back, I handed him the bag back. “Better?” I nodded. “Ok. Go to the next lecture and I’ll run these to the hotel to soak so they don’t stain.” I nodded and pulled Ian into a kiss. “What was that for?” He asked, eyeing me slightly as I pushed him away.
“for being the best partner ever.” I said with a smile. Ian smiled back and walked backwards out of the convention hall while I watched. Once he was gone, I headed to the next lecture to wait for him to come back.
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im-pyrettablaze · 1 month
I write three different kinds of fanworks: headcannons, imagines, and blurbs.
Headcannons: Short, bulleted ideas that can be build into a scene but generally are just a collection of thoughts/ideas on a specific topic or scenario.
Imagines: Drabbles that are generally short but can range in length.
Blurbs: Actual written out works with a solid storyline to follow.
Characters I Write For:
Benny Cross (The Bikeriders)
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The Collector/Taneleer Tivan (MCU)
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The Grandmaster/En Dwi Gast (MCU)
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run-clever-boy · 6 months
Stolen Glances Pt. 1 - Ian Malcolm
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@toomanybandstocare - thank you for the wonderful prompt!! Totally taking you up on it [Prompt Here]
Professor!Ian Malcolm x Student of Professor!Fem!Reader
Warnings: None! (Wine?)
Summary: Your father invites his colleague over for dinner and he turns out very different than you expected.
“Dr. Y/L/N!” The man said, walking into the room confidently with a bottle of wine in his hand.
“Professor Malcolm! A grand entrance as always!” You hear your father say from across the hall. You put down your book and walk into the kitchen of your home where your father and- who you were assuming was- Dr. Malcolm pouring wine.
Dr. Malcolm was an interesting man for sure, however his appearance was not what you first noticed. He had a commanding presence, but not threatening. His confidence and charisma radiated off of him. He seemed to know your father well enough to throw out some simple work anecdotes, but nothing of any more substance.
Your father finally noticed your presence in the kitchen and gestured you into the room further.
“My goodness, excuse my manners Ian! This is my daughter, Y/n” Your father says cheerfully. “Y/n, this is Dr. Ian Malcolm, a colleague of mine!”
You reach out and shake his hand firmly and he gives you a small nod. “She happens to be in your particular field of study I believe, Ian!” Your father chimes in.
You turn toward him. “What field of study do you teach, Doctor?”
“I am a man of theoretical mathematics, more specifically… uh.. the amazing possibility of.. um.. chaos theory!” He smiles brightly “Do you happen to be a student of.. uh.. theoretical math Y/n?”
“I’m actually not very familiar with theoretical math, however I am interested in the theories surrounding it. Currently, I’m pursuing the study of general, or to you more practical, mathematics at the university” You reply. “So you study the work of Edward Lorenz?”
He looked stunned for a moment. He had barely known anyone interested in chaos theory in his lifetime, and an undergraduate student was talking about Edward Lorenz, the inventor of the theory he bases his life’s work on. He practically grinned from ear to ear as he looked you up and down to evaluate you.
“See Ian, I told you she was something special” Your father said, beaming with pride. You put on a faux innocent expression and simply said “What?”. Then you made eye contact with the professor.
Just then is when the weight of his appearance hit you. His eyes bored holes in yours, sparkling with curiosity. He was dressed all in black attire, a button down and slacks from work you were assuming, except the top few buttons on his shirt were undone and his sleeves were rolled up. You could see the chain he was wearing around his neck under his shirt and the many rings he had. His dark framed glasses slid down on his nose so you were looking right at him, his dark curly hair hiding none of his face.
Your faux innocence faltered severely, causing a shy smile and a large blush to creep up on your cheeks as you broke eye contact and looked down at your shoes. You heard him chuckle slightly from in front of you and then finally raised your head back up to look at your father.
“So,” you said “what’s for dinner?”
“Steak dinner tonight Y/n, only the best when we have guests over!” He laughed heartily.
“Please, don’t go through trouble for me-“ Malcolm started
“Nonsense!” Your father interrupted. “We have to celebrate anyway, dear Y/n is starting her last year of classes before she is off to graduate school this week as well, it’s no trouble at all!”
“Congratulations!” Professor Malcolm said looking over at you again. “That’s a big achievement to make it this far.”
“Well thank you, Dr. Malcolm. I got my schedule today and I think you will be pleased to hear there may be a theoretical mathematics course on my roster. My father said he wanted to go over it with me anyways tonight.”
He looked you straight in the eyes again and your heart sped up. It was difficult to keep eye contact with him for a long time. He was a man that practically screamed intelligence and power, and for the first time in your life you couldn’t get enough of it. The magnetism alone took you completely by surprise.
“Well don’t just stand there! Dinner’s about ready, why don’t you go get your roster from your room and bring it down here for afterwards.” Your father suggested.
“Happy to, be right back.” You said and you swiftly exited the room.
You went to your room and grabbed the Manila envelope off of your bed. Y/N Y/L/N was printed in big bold letters on the front. You turned and exited your room to walk swiftly through the hallways back to the kitchen. You suddenly saw a shadow round the corner just before you bumped into it and jumped back, startled.
“I’m so sorry, truly, I.. uh.. apologize” You hear, realizing it’s only the professor you nearly walked into.
“No worries at all sir, I just got startled” You say with a breath of relief.
“No need to call me sir, Y/n. Dr. Malcolm is fine, but please just call me Ian, if you’re more uh comfortable with that.” He said with a smirk playing on his lips as he pushed his glasses up.
“Well Dr. Mal- sorry, Ian, thank you for coming.”
“Please is mine. Your father sent me to get wine glasses, do you uh know where those might be?” He asked, leaning against the wall he was next to.
“First cabinet down this hallway, there should be 3 perfectly clean glasses on the left.” You replied.
“Thank you, uh, very much”
You make your way to the kitchen and meet your father’s giddy smile.
“What do you think of him?” Your father says.
“He seems intelligent, good humor I suppose.” You put forward attempt a nonchalant tone. “He’s quite the personality”
“He may be your professor someday Y/n! Wouldn’t that be lovely!” You hear him giggle. Your father was always happy-go-lucky, but he always seemed especially happy when company came over.
“All good things I hope?” You hear from behind you.
You turn to face the voice that rattled you. You discover Ian leaning against the door frame with three glasses in his hands. His glasses slide down his nose and you look into his eyes through them, having to look up to be able to see his tall frame. He flashes you a wink when you linger on him a little too long and your face heats up wildly.
“Always” You hear your father say.
You take the glasses from him and set them on the counter next to the bottle of wine he brought over. You feel heat rise up from behind you as Ian reaches over you to grab the bottle of wine and uncork it. You have seriously never not been able to control your impulses and thoughts, but something about him breaks down every barrier.
You get through the delicious dinner with nothing more than slight glances over the table and his occasional smirk. You got to discuss some theory with him, which was a great experience. Discussions of the major influences of current mathematics, difference in theoretical vs. practical statistics, other things you had been learning and studying for your many years of university.
You finally got to discuss the schedule for your next year of classes with your father, but he insisted that Dr. Malcolm stay to give you advice for your last semester. It wasn’t a horrible idea in concept, actually you would’ve normally appreciated the opportunity, but the man in question was driving you crazy and you couldn’t understand why. While him leaving meant you would probably never see him again so you could focus, you really wanted him to stay. No one had ever made you blush like he did and you wanted to get to the bottom of why, Even if it involved getting a drink or two with him.
“Euclidean Geometry with a Dr. Hack, Probability in Statistics III with a Dr. Brown, and-“ Your father paused “Application of Chaos Theory with our very own Dr. Ian Malcolm! What a coincidence!” You father beamed out with joy, lightly tapping you on the arm.
“Well you will be one of my most interesting, uh, students, Y/n.” He said, looking you in the eye. “I’ll be seeing more of you then?” He added, leaning in.
“Let’s see where it goes, Dr. Malcolm” You say, bolder than you meant which immediately causes you to shrink back. He gives you an all knowing smile, looking right through you.
For once, you were excited for school to start again.
Tags from the comments of the prompt post: @melonpire @datrie @druigswh0ree
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prins-maurice · 3 months
Strange Attractors - Ian Malcolm x Reader (smut)
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Strange Attractors - The Lost World (4423 words) by WizardToad
Summary: After recovering from the events at Jurassic Park Ian Malcolm signs an NDA, reserving himself to the somewhat quiet life of teaching. When you show up, however, you turn his life upside down. Giving into desires you both know you shouldn't, while a man called Richard Levine keeps pestering him about a so-called Lost World. (Smut in chapter 3)
Chapter 1: That’s Plagiarism, Young Lady
His lips make their way over your shoulder as his hair tickles your neck, sending shivers down your spine. His hands roam freely over your curves. The aroma of his cologne mixed with the coffee on his breath envelops you. He grips your waist and lifts you up, setting you down on his desk. You wrap your legs around him, pulling him flush to your core as your lips meet once again. His hands squeeze your thighs at the sensation. Your hands slide over his black shirt, almost ripping the buttons open-.
You manage to shake out of your chaotician-induced hypnosis just in time to see the one and only Dr. Ian Malcolm squinting at you in the bright sunlight. Shit, the whole auditorium is looking at you, he must’ve asked you a question. He knows he caught you daydreaming and a self-satisfactory grin appears on his face. A single ray of sunshine creeps in through the window, shining right on the man in front of you. Paying attention to Professor Malcolm's lectures was never easy, but the way the golden rays reflect off the stray gray hairs on the side of his head is making it entirely impossible today. You haven't heard a single word the man has said, too sucked up in your daydream.
“If you recall, miss (Y/L/N), we were just talking about the ways in which self-organizing behaviours of complex systems are of interest to the study of evolution.” He gestures with his hand, urging you to continue.
Fuck, you really should’ve been paying attention. You were a good student, you really were, but he had caught you off-guard now. He loved tormenting you like that. Dr. Malcolm had been talking your ear off about this a few nights ago when you were reading some papers from a freshman course. Racking your brain for something to spew out, you remember a bit he said about adaptation and the way complex systems seem to strike a balance between the need for order and the imperative to change, locating themselves at the edge of chaos. He raises his eyebrows and smirks, satisfied with your answer. You mentally wipe the sweat from your forehead as he continues his lecture.
Malcolm’s is the last class on Friday evening so the students practically storm out of the auditorium the second it's over. You, however, still have TA duties to fulfill. You deeply regret agreeing to spend the evening working on some stuff in his office. It seemed like a good idea at the time, the two of you alone. You've had a major crush on your professor ever since you stepped foot in his class. Hell, it's the whole reason you applied to become his TA. But now it just felt silly, and you’d rather be in a bar getting shit-faced with your roommate. 
As the others stampede out like a herd of buffalo, you saunter over to his desk at the front. He’s still packing away his papers.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you copying me word for word. That’s plagiarism young lady” He teases, sending you a lopsided smile 
“Well you did put me on the spot, I had to say something” You lean against his desk, cracking your back. If they’re gonna make people sit in them for two hours, they really should make those damn chairs a bit more comfortable.
“Or maybe you should just pay attention to the lecture next time” He closes his bag and you roll your eyes. He pauses for a minute, thinking. The curiosity kills him, he has to ask. “What were you so preoccupied with?” He comes around the desk and leans next to you, the height difference even more apparent now. 
You feel your ears burning red, recalling the daydream you’d had earlier. You couldn’t tell him the truth, obviously. You scramble for something to say, managing to come up with “Oh, just this assignment for Dr. Thorne’s class. He’s making us solve one of his impossible engineering mysteries again, you know how he is.” You laugh awkwardly, hoping he doesn’t inquire further about the non-existent assignment. He nods “Yeah, typical.” he hums. You let out a soft sigh of relief, he bought it. He swings his bag over his shoulder and ushers you toward his office “C'mon, we've got a lot of work to do tonight.”
As Dr. Malcolm’s TA, you were usually tasked with doing the shitty jobs he didn't want to do. You sometimes wonder why he even has a TA if he barely needs help with anything useful. So now you were stuck in his office, entering research data into the computer on his desk while your roommate was out partying. 
He paces the office with long strides, focused on the papers in his hand. He stares at them with a frown. "Can you believe this shit?" You look up from the computer, finger on the paper in front of you to keep track of the number you were just about to enter. 
"Douchebag" he mutters. 
"Everything okay Dr. Malcolm?"
He looks up at you, a glint in his eyes. He loves it when you call him Dr. Malcolm. He’d never admit it of course, but it made him feel strong and authoritative. For years after the park, he couldn’t go anywhere without his cane. He used to be known as the rock star scientist, and now people just looked at him with pity. Having to rely on others had made him feel weak, the way they looked at him as they helped him up, or held the door open for him, it drove him crazy. Everyone treated him like a sick puppy, except you. You still looked at him with that sense of wonder in your eyes, as if you couldn’t believe that you were standing in front of the great Dr. Malcolm, and he eats it up every time. It makes him feel like his work is still worth something. 
He appreciated that you never asked about this injury either. After the park, everyone involved signed an NDA, forced to keep quiet about what really went down in Costa Rica. Ever since then people haven’t stopped pestering them with their crazy conspiracy theories, some more accurate than others. Regardless, he had to keep to his story, and lie to the masses. Lie to you. His leg had been much better these days, though. He didn’t need his cane anymore, but he felt his reputation had been tarnished anyway.
"Remember that uh- scientist who interrupted my lecture last week? What's his name, uh- Levine. He's convinced there's a real Lost World somewhere." 
The Lost World hypothesis was one of the many theories scientists had come up with to try and answer the never-ending questions regarding the K-T extinction event. The hypothesis states that dinosaurs may never have fully gone extinct and that somewhere in the world, there's an isolated haven where there are still living, breathing dinosaurs. It's absurd, but then again most scientific theories are. 
"What? But that's just a theory. It's a fantasy."
"You don't have to tell me" he runs a hand through his hair sighing. You can tell he's bothered by it, maybe more than he should be, but you decide not to press it. 
"He wants me to help him research it. Find the supposed island, go on an expedition, the whole works. He's been bugging me about this theory all week but I didn't think he'd go this far."
"He's completely nuts." You shake your head.
"He's a pain in the ass is what he is" he grumbles, walking up to the desk and throwing the letter in the trash can. He leans on the back of your chair, hands nearly touching your neck making you shiver from the near-contact. You sigh audibly as you enter in the last data on this page, just seven more to go.
“You know what?” He suddenly exclaims, slapping the back of your chair ”We’ve done enough for tonight. We shouldn’t be holed up here all night. Go on home (Y/N)” You lean back in the chair, tilting your head all the way backward to look at him. “You’re the best, Dr. Malcolm. I think my fingers are about to fall off.” You sigh, your brows knit together. He laughs, turning the chair and shooing you out the door.
“Go on, go out and have fun or whatever young people do. See you Monday.”
“See you Monday Dr. Malcolm.” You wave him goodbye as you walk to your dorm. Your roommate had let you know which bar she was going to, and it was still early enough to quickly change and meet up with her there. Easy peasy, your Friday night could still be saved. 
- Chapter 2 -
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moderndayaliens · 1 year
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Adam was removed from his cocoon too early
This was a challenge for me, I don't think I've ever done so much lighting and muscles in one piece, but I think it paid off!! Also main reference was that one picture of Jeff goldblum from the fly
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elvisabutler · 2 years
be kind rewind
summary: your new husband should know sex tapes are probably a bad idea but you both have packed schedules for the next almost year. who are you to fault him for wanting to remember how you are in bed. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: m pairing: austin butler x priscilla actress reader ( little dove verse, you read your lines verse w/e ) word count: 2083 warnings: normal priscilla actress reader warnings apply for this. daddy kink. collars. the usual. if you're reading this knowing my jam with them, i don't need to over warn. p in v sex ( protected, dove has a birth control patch ). sex tape. blink and you very very much miss it puppy kink. stupid love birds being in love. talk of their former break up. no use of y/n, just nicknames. author's note: here's the double dip fic for day 17 of kinktober, sex tape with austin butler x priscilla actress reader. so i set this once again in the future for them when they're happy but pre-oscars so austin is about to go from the press junket to dune to bikeriders and dove is going to be going to her projects. so they will be apart for a while. the vegas wedding on the press junket happened so they're married as well. enjoy. i had this in my drafts for a while but i finally finished it.
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"Aus, do you know if the camera is set up right?" You ask from your perch on the bed. You're dressed in your laciest set of lingerie despite Austin making jokes about how you could be naked for the start of this and he wouldn't care.
For his part, he is actually naked when he comes into the camera view after checking for what seems like the fifteenth time that everything is fine. He nods slowly, stalking over to you like you're prey. "Positive, and it's not connected to any laptop or computer. We're safe. Dove, I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't take every precaution for it getting leaked. You know how I am about that."
He's seen what leaked sexual things can do to a person he loves and while you make him selfish and make him want to throw every rule he might have about relationships and his limits out the window, he would die rather than to cause you harm- intentional or otherwise. After all, hadn't you both done enough of that to each other already?
His body is like a big cat or a crocodile slinking over to your with intent in his eyes and his cock surprisingly already ready for the occasion. You eye him under lidded eyes, your hands moving down to play with your lace covered breasts. Austin's lips curl into a smile.
"Already getting started without me?" He chuckles, climbing on top of you, his hand moving to cover your own.
"Figured you wanted a show before watching us fuck." You bite your lip, attempting the best doe-eyed look you can manage before you kiss him softly, your lips gently caressing his as your tongue presses against his lips.
"You're acting like I'm not going to have you on the phone when I'm watching this every day." He smirks into the kiss, knowing you'd find the image he's trying to paint of him being so needy for you that he has to get off to this every single day more than a bit intriguing.
You buck your hips up just a little, only to be stopped by his hand grasping your hip. "Every day, Aus? And you call me needy and insatiable." Your teeth dig ever so slightly into his lower lip, pulling it into your mouth as you continue to kiss. "I'll be on set, I can't have phone sex with you every second."
"You sure about that?" He grunts, his hand on your hip moving to slide your underwear down. "They can make an exception. Tell them you need to talk to your Daddy."
The light slap across his chest has him snickering into yet another kiss as he pulls your panties down finally- exposing your warm cunt to the air. You shiver slightly as you speak. "Everyone knows my dad is dead, and no one needs to know I have the most perfect Daddy waiting for me on his own set. Waiting for me while filming with some very famous actors." Your hand slides down his torso to his aching cock, it's a little red, furiously leaking precum like it's going out of style. It would have been a shame if you didn't wrap your hand around it, stroking it ever so gently.
Austin groans at the feel of your hand sliding against his cock, rutting just a second before gaining some control over himself. "Maybe I want them to know. Maybe I want all those people you're going to be filming with that you wear my collar when things get to be too much. That you don't take off that necklace I gave you when you asked me to be your daddy. That there isn't a hope for them to replace me as your husband."
A breath and a retort both get lost in hearing his words, in hearing him call himself your husband. You'd have thought since you got married that it would lose its charm. That the way your marriage came out would somehow dampen the joy you feel hearing him call himself your husband, but it doesn't. Just in the same way getting to call him Daddy in public if you want hasn't, just like being able to touch him and have him ghost his hand over your neck when you're in public and can't be wearing your collar or when nothing you could wear jewelry wise achieves the same effect hasn't. Everything about getting to be with him even the parts where you're promising to do Zoom therapy with your couples therapist and with your own separate therapists just makes you feel at peace in a way you never thought was possible. You feel Austin's lips curl into a smile against the part of your neck not covered by your collar as he moves down to kiss it, nipping slightly the closer he gets to your chest.
"Cat got your tongue?" He asks running his tongue over your skin after a particularly rough nip that has you keening ever so softly.
You glare at him before you frown, letting go of his cock and tilting your hips up in an effort to get him to enter you. In an effort to feel his cock inside you so that he can see how it looks on the camera. You want to manage words, want to say something to him about how it's normally the cat that has his tongue occupied but he's right there above you and you know that you've only got about a week left of time with him before you both have to be on opposite ends of the world. The idea of teasing is nice. The idea of reminding him this is the brat you fell in love with is nice. The idea of reminding him that he picked you to be his- Cilla, sub, wife- his everything is nice but you just want to feel him inside of you. You just want to have him fuck you.
His eyes widen just a hair before he looks at you and you can see his pupils are blown, see that he's so aroused at just the sight of you existing next to him and normally that means he'd just slide right in. As you look closer though, you see this hint of something else, almost like he's awestruck that you're here with him, that after everything, you're here with him. Yeah, you'll be seperated for a while- but you'll still be his, it won't be like the last time where you two wanted each other so bad but neither one of you actually fixed the issue. This time around you're together, you're happy, you're going to be able to fly to each other and give each other nose kisses and- it fills him with love. So instead he takes his time, hissing at the first moment of gripping his cock with your cunt.
"Satnin-" You whisper, the old nickname slipping out purely on accident. "Don't take your time. Fuck me, please."
It's as if hearing that nickname, that nickname that you've avoided saying since you got back together breaks a dam within him, allowing him to start thrusting into you, slowly at first, still but increasing in pace with every thrust. Your hands move to his back, scratching at it inadvertently earning a snarl from him that has you pulling away. This isn't meant to be an animalistic fuck but if Austin's going to be that way you can't help the way you growl back, your tone low enough to sound like a dog. Your eyes widen just a hair at it, wondering where that came from before looking into Austin's eyes, waiting for him to pull back and safeword or something before you see his eyes narrow just a hair and see a smirk cross his lips. He leans forward just a bit before grabbing at your collar, his words whisper over your lips.
"Calm down, puppy. Daddy's got his little bitch. Maybe if you're good we can go for a walk later, hm?"
The way your cunt clenches just a bit from those words is something you faintly need to file away for later possible exploration. Still, you shake your head and pull Austin down into another kiss, groaning as you feel one of his hands- how had it even gotten there- drift toward your clit, thumb moving to press against it. You want this to last, want to make sure he's got enough footage to actually enjoy himself while you're both not near each other but you can feel your orgasm starting to build, starting to inch toward the precipice when Austin pulls out of you completely and you scream in frustration. You're about to start cursing him to the heavens, asking him what the hell that was for before you hear him whispering words into your ear and making sure your face is seen by the camera. His words are half slurred, but he's forcing them out, like he had planned it.
"I love you. Before you cum on camera, I need you to know I love you. I need to see what you look like when I tell you this. I need to see what you look like when I tell you that I'm going to miss touching you and feeling you underneath me. I know we can fly to see each other, I can call you every day but I'm not going to have my wife by my side. After spending all these months with you and rebuilding our relationship from the ground up. After spending almost a year without you being my Little Dove. I love you so much, baby. This is what's going to help me get off, yeah, the rest of this is gonna be hot, but this- your face when I'm telling you this is what's going to remind me of you and make me remember who I have waiting for me at home."
Maybe it's the fact that you were so close to cumming beforehand or maybe it's the fact that Austin's still rubbing tiny circles on your clit when he says this but you can't help the way that even though you're tearing up a little from his sweet words your mouth opens as you let out a silent cry, cumming, your cunt clenching around nothing, but still feeling as if you've been satisfied in every way that's possible. You register him entering you again and you let out a small huff of air at it before you look back at his face, your eyes mildly glassy. "Daddy, that was mean."
He laughs softly, his thrusts becoming a little messy as you try and use old kegel tricks to try to get him to cum. "A little, but I gotta let my Dove, my wife know how much I love her. Can't have her falling for someone else. Getting a new Daddy or Mama."
A kiss is the only answer Austin gets in response to that, your hands moving down to his ass to just squeeze at it. You could tell him that you're not going to replace him as long as he won't replace you but you figure he knows. It doesn't take long for him to cum having already been relatively close himself and when he does he sort of flops on you, breathing heavily like he's run a marathon which you could argue he had. There's a few minutes where you just let him lay on top of you, your hand tracing shapes on his back before either one of you speak.
"Are you getting hard again?" You try and bite back the giggle at the knowledge but it's hard to especially after Austin's fingers start to slide into your cunt.
"Maybe. Ready to go again?" He asks, nuzzling at your neck and placing soft kisses along your jaw.
You hum softly. "Of course, old man, I'd hate for you to have such a short tape. It'd be such a bad mark on my filmography."
If it takes you two another five minutes of the camera still rolling before you actually start having sex again? Well this just for you and him, it's not the worst thing to have it be natural. Of course, it might have led to it being a two hour long video but you two were professionals, of course you had to make movie long video for your own personal sex tape.
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fanfic-she-wrote · 2 years
Imagine being in the Jeep with Ian Malcolm when the power goes out and him trying comfort you
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122 notes · View notes
wardenparker · 1 year
Night of the Living Wish
Javier Peña x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 11.4k Warnings: The one that got away. Cursing, alcohol and alcohol consumption, self-doubt, Steve Murphy is Big Brother Energy, wish fulfillment, magic, hair pulling, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, sex in someone else's bed. Summary: Determined to put years of pining to an end, Steve and Connie invite you and Javier to their blow out Halloween costume party the year after returning from Colombia. With the help of some very special costumes, this party is set to be a night to remember. Notes: The first of two Spooky themed one-shots for our now-annual Spooktober celebration!
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It took a while to get here, and you're not sure if you're slightly embarrassed about that or not. You've sent letters back and forth with Steve and racked up long distance bills calling Connie from California, but any kind of communication with your other partner in Texas has seemed like too big of a bridge to gap. That is, until you had gotten the card in the mail from the Murphys a month ago, inviting you out to Miami for Halloween weekend.
A big costume party with their friends is their excuse to invite you out to the east coast, and since you've just wrapped up a case pretty neatly, you don't feel bad about taking a few days off. You managed to find a costume shop on a side street while you were walking around the city earlier and deftly avoided having to settle for a murderous clown or anything involving a mask by finding a nymph costume in your size. Maybe a sexy costume wouldn't have been your first choice but it isn't bad, and now you're sitting in the back of a cab wrapped in your coat to avoid lewd comments from the driver on your way from the hotel down to the Murphy's house. It will be good to see Steve and Connie again. It will. Even if you're dreading not knowing if Javi will be there or not.
“A fucking Halloween party?” The drink in Javi’s hand doesn’t seem nearly stiff enough as he watches Connie bustle around the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the trays of food to serve.
“You know you could help.” Steve huffs, work gloves on as he load a faux cauldron with dry ice in the center of the table in the living room.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Javi asks, smirking slightly as he holds out his arms. “In costume.”
“Hardly.” Connie rolls her eyes, albeit playfully. “You’re wearing your own clothes. Like that is an outfit you would just wear regularly. I had to ask if you even knew it was a costume party.”
“Hey….” Javi pouts and then pulls the glasses out of his pocket to open them up after setting down his drink. Making a show of putting them on. “Now.” He huffs. “Recognize me?”
“Manwhore Clark Kent.” Steve jokes as he swings through the living room making sure that all the decorations are in place. He even goes so far as to adjust the plastic spider in the white webbing over the kitchen door so it’s at the most optimum angle to creep someone out.
“Ah, no.” Javi points a finger at his old partner and then flips him the bird. “Life, uh, finds a way.” He quotes, having watched the movie more than a few times because he enjoyed it. Not because of this party.
Connie snorts, mostly at the impression, and takes a bite out of a carrot stick from the veggie platter before shaking her head at Javi fondly. “Jeff Goldblum is far sexier,” she teases. “And I still say that wearing your own clothes is cheating.”
He frowns, even though he loves Connie, it stings his pride that Jeff Goldblum is sexier. “Not everything is mine.” He protests. “The glasses and the fucking pimp necklace came from that costume shop.”
“Then I stand correction.” She was teasing just to make him pout, and now that she’s accomplished that goal she offers him a beaming grin instead. Messing with Javi is one of the delights missing from her life these days and she’s glad to see him. Steve is too, although he grumbles about it more. “You did very well, Jav. Excellent costume.”
“Thank you, Connie.” He scoops her up into his arms and kisses her cheek. “And you are a very sexy Queen Cleopatra.” He smirks. “Black hair looks good on you.”
“We thought it was a fun change of pace.” Steve - dressed as Marc Antony - throws his wife a wink. They had talked about doing a little Halloween-inspired role play and Connie wanted to change up her look a little just for fun. “No snakes though, baby. Those bad boys stay outside.”
“Really?” Javi grins. “You’d look really sexy with a big snake.” He teases, winking at her.
Undeterred, Connie just smiles. “That’s why I married Steve,” she tells Javi with a wink. “Biggest one I could possibly find.”
“That’s because you hadn’t met me yet.” Javi enjoys poking at Steve, watching the man huff and grumble under his breath. Not like he would admit to his wife that his partner had him beat in the dick measuring department.
“Whatever makes you feel better, Jav.” Connie laughs, only leaving the living room when the front door rings to go and open it. “Here we go!” She announces with glee. Whether it’s trick or treaters or party guests doesn’t matter. She’s just glad to have an active night tonight.
Javi picks up his drink again and takes a sip. It’s good to see the Murphy’s again. Especially since he wasn’t sure they would stay together the last time he had seen them. Swirling his ice around, he wonders if you are coming. Steve had told him that you were in California, but he hadn’t mentioned if you had been invited.
The door was a mix, and the sound of trick or treaters is quickly replaced with the first flood of party guests. Plenty of people that Javi doesn’t recognize all come into the house in a great wave of introductions, but there is one single recognizable voice right at the end. The high-pitched squealing isn’t enough on its own, but it’s very distinctly your voice that exclaims: “Oh my god, you look gorgeous!”
Javi swallows slightly, lifting his glass to his lips to down the rest of his whiskey. The sound of your voice bringing back the next to last time he saw you. An image he had thought about more than a few times over the past year. How close he had come to crossing that line with you. Looking towards the door, he sees your arms flung around Connie and your head covered in some kind of twisty crown thing made of plastic that looks like sticks and flowers.
“It’s so good to see you again.” You’re practically in tears over it, honestly, having missed your best friend dearly since she left Colombia ahead of her husband. That was a rough time and everyone was glad to see the hard portion of the Murphy’s road smooth out in time.
“I keep telling you to trade California beaches for Miami beaches.” Connie squeezes you once more before she pulls back to look at you. “Okay…what are you with the coat?”
“I didn’t want to give the cab driver an eye full,” you admit, and easily take off the long rain jacket that you had been covering yourself with. The ‘nymph’ costume is skimpy but not overly so, just very obvious about highlighting your tits and the skirt is hiked up to halfway up one thigh…because they can? You don’t quite understand it. It’s definitely not historically correct Greek clothing.
“Hot damn, mama.” Connie whistles. “Don’t you look sexy? Steve, doesn’t she look sexy?” Turning her head towards her husband, she grins when she sees Javi nearly choke on his own spit.
“I know you said costumes from your own clothing are cheating so I—” Already halfway out a justification for the choice, you freeze in the doorway to the living room when you see “Javi?”
“Hey, muñequita.” Javi shoots you a small grin. “Been a long time.” He shuffles forward and wraps his arm around you, still holding his empty glass. “How have you been?”
“Good.” Even a measly hug shouldn’t feel this good, but you tell yourself that it’s reasonable to miss your friends after not seeing them for so long. That it has nothing to do with what almost happened. “Busy. I’ve been busy. Just wrapped another case. How’s Texas?”
“Slow.” He rolls his eyes but he can’t deny that he’s a hell of a lot less stressed on the ranch. “Meant to call you, but by the time you’re off work, Pop is snoring in his chair and I’m wiped out.” It’s a lame excuse for why he could never pick up the phone to hear your voice, but it’s the one he will use.
“It’s fine.” You had assumed that his interest in you had waned, not being in the same place anymore, and tried not to take it too hard. Or too personally. “I was just undercover for six months anyway…”
“Really?” Immediately Javi frowns, not liking the sound of that. Undercover work is dangerous and he doesn’t know your partners now.
“Traffickers.” You shrug like it doesn’t matter because honestly? You had a hell of a lot worse in Colombia. “No big deal, it took a while to get in where I needed to be.”
“You got out clean.” His brows raise seriously. Despite the fact he hasn’t seen you in a year, he hates the way that his stomach rolls at the idea of you being undercover without him watching out for you.
“I’m fine, Jav. No knight in shining armour shit this time.” Not like last time. When he’d had to rescue you from an undercover stint under the guise of a sting. That was…ugly.
He doesn’t like it, but he trusts you. Knowing you wouldn’t lie to him about that. “Good.” He grunts and bites his lip. “Drink?”
"Fuck yes." You can't help but laugh at the offer. "I spent the entire cab ride fending off the driver. I deserve it."
“Wearing that, I’m not surprised.” He’s never seen so much skin on you, unless you count the night he was pulling off your- no. He can’t think about that. He wouldn’t survive tonight if he started thinking about that.
“I had a coat on,” you defend, knowing that you had worn one for exactly that reason. Some men just can’t help themselves. They have to comment — or worse. “But now you owe me a fancy drink,” you insist, falling back on your old habit of teasing Javi. “You can’t bust me about my costume when you showed up in your own clothes.”
“I didn’t show up on my own clothes.” He pouts as you obviously don’t recognize the genius behind his costume.
“You totally did.” The shake of your head is amused, though, and you nudge him toward the counter beside the kitchen where the Murphy’s have set up a bar. “I saw Jurassic Park, Jav. Just because you own the same clothes as Ian Malcolm doesn’t mean it’s a costume.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes. “I don’t wear these stupid glasses.” He reminds you. “Or wear a chain. Or a bracelet.” He holds up his wrist as proof.
“You bought accessories.” The grin you flash at his pouty annoyance is genuine and you grab a bottle of rum to shake in his direction. “Please, Jav?” You give him your best innocent eyes when she crosses his arms at you and motion to the whole bar of ingredients and mixers. “You make way better mojitos than I do.”
He rolls his eyes and huffs, but he snatches the bottle from you. “You can never make a decent drink, muñequita.” He teases you.
“Maybe not.” It’s so easy to fall back into old patterns with him. The teasing and natural flirting that you never even realized you were doing until Murphy had called you on it one night in a stake out. “But I open a mean beer.”
“Oh yeah, that’s a necessary skill to have.” He smirks. Almost about to say something sexist but he knows you will punch him. “Come on. Let’s go to the kitchen. See if Connie has some mint leaves.”
“I guarantee she does, because you’re here.” The only person who loves Javi’s mojitos more than you is Connie, so you are more than certain that she is prepared. “So what have you been up to?” Even a small lull in conversation is too much for you to consider, and you aim for small talk instead.
“Nothing but fixing fences and trying to keep my pop from killing himself.” Javi snorts, guiding you into the kitchen and over to the bar so he can make your mojitos.
“It must be nice to see him again.” At least you hope it is. You’d hate to think Javi’s been unhappy. Regardless of whatever did or did not end up happening between you, he was still your partner.
“Of course it is.” Javi moves with sure hands. Eyeballing the measurements and looking up at you. “Have you been liking California?”
“Sun, surf, and beautiful people. What’s not to like?” That’s what you keep telling yourself when you miss your friends — and Javi — during your day-to-day life. That there’s no reason not to enjoy California. But the truth is that you’re lonely despite being surrounded by people constantly.
“It’s too bright, the salt is shit and people are assholes.” Javi grunts, even though he wouldn’t mind going to see you on a beach.
“Well I guess I won’t invite you to visit, then.” You would have been too nervous to offer anyway, but at least this way it’s about teasing and you can hide that you’re a little disappointed about it.
Javi frowns, hearing the hurt in your voice and he doesn’t know what to say. “I wouldn’t mind it.” He confesses. “Women in thong bikinis are never a bad thing.” He wonders if you have one and if you wear it to the beach. Reminding him of when he was pulling- no. He can’t think about that.
“Then Miami will be perfect for you.” If all he cares about is ogling women in bikinis? He can stay right here in Florida for that. “Wouldn’t want to get in the way of your skirt chasing by actually wanting to see you.”
He frowns even more, obviously having put his foot in his mouth again. “Muñequita….” He sighs and shakes his head. “Nevermind.”
“It’s fine.” You promise him, trying to act breezy when he hands you your drink and your fingers brush by accident. Sparks are not breezy, but you’re certain they’re one sided. “I shouldn’t have presumed. Anyway, um…thanks. For the drink.”
“No--" Javi is tired of the missed communication between the two of you. “I’d want to see your bikini.” He admits. Feeling bolder than normal around you. It’s easy with women he doesn’t care about. Respect, sure. He respects all women, but he cares about you. “Been trying to not think about those panties I had in my hand when the phone rang a year ago.”
“Oh.” That hadn’t been what you expected to hear in response, so when you pause it’s with your mouth half open and the glass at your chin. “I…” You’ve thought about that night every single day since, and it hasn’t gotten any easier to stomach the memory. “I wish I hadn’t picked up,” you confess quietly, setting the glass down again.
“Just would have fucking called again.” Javi snorts. “I was going home, one way or another.” He pours himself another whiskey. “Just glad I didn’t drag you two down with me.”
It was supposed to be a game. Javi had told you to pick up the phone with fire in his eyes, intent on making you cum while you carried on a conversation with whoever was on the other end. Thankfully in the end you had been able to convince the ambassador that you were only at Javi’s place for a post-work drink and you hadn’t been kicked off the case. “No…no, we finished it…” you sigh, knowing it should have been Javi to take the bastard down.
“Proud of you for that.” Javi tells you. “Watched every day news report when it came out. Even kept the paper that had your pictures in it.”
“It should’ve been you.” That has always been the private consensus between you and Steve. It should have been Javi on that roof with you.
“I fucked up.” That will never be something that he tries to shift blame on. He knew he was playing with fire. When he got burned, he accepted it. “I would have been there if I could. But it doesn’t take away from what you did.”
“We finished what you started.” For you it’s as simple as that, and you finally take a drink after shrugging your shoulders. “Fuuuck that’s good. I missed having my own personal bartender.”
He snorts and takes another sip of his own drink. Preferring to keep his own simple, he did enjoy making cocktails for you and Connie. Ignoring the way that Steve had teased him about a secret desire to be a bartender. “Glad you enjoy it. You’ll be hammered in no time.” He teases.
“Maybe I won’t mind the cabbie hitting on me all the way back to the hotel,” you snort, taking another long sip of the drink. Though you might wish that night a year ago had gone differently, it didn’t. You and Javi never got to take that next step, and now you probably never will.
Javi glowers, mumbling under his breath about that being bullshit as he takes another drink. Ten minutes with you and he’s already feeling possessive.
“Is it?” That’s news to you, but at least it’s not you and you alone who’s still sore about what happened between you.
His dark eyes slide over to you and he stares at you for a moment. “You want to be hit on by some cabbie?”
“No.” The way he’s looking at you makes you feel positively fucking naked, and not in a sexy way. Like Javi’s once again figured out how to look into your soul. “But if I was drunk I might not mind as much. Sometimes empty compliments are nice.”
“Empty compliments are just that, empty.” Javi steps closer to you, the ice in his glass clinking together. “You deserve real compliments.”
“Those have been pretty hard to come by over the last year.” Which is probably for the best, if you're honest. You’ve focused on work and enjoyed the photos of your sister’s family up in Oregon when she sends them every few weeks. In return, you send your niece and nephew goodies from California in a monthly care package. It was tough being undercover now that you have that relationship back. But it’s been tougher missing Javi. “One guy I knew used to give them out like candy. I never knew he meant them until it was almost too late.”
“Sounds like an asshole.” Javi snorts, shrugging slightly. “Most guys are when they realize they aren’t good enough for what they want.”
“Oh, bullshit.” You roll your eyes at him. “You were the single most sought after bachelor in the whole damn country. Nobody was out of reach.”
“There’s a difference between wanting to fuck someone and be with someone.” He murmurs quietly. “A big difference. Finding out you aren’t worthy of a woman is a humbling thing.”
Having been sipping steadily at your drink this whole time, you stop when you realize what he’s saying and put the empty glass down on the counter. “So it wouldn’t have just been a fling?” That question has itched at you for ages, and having an answer for it is both relieving and disappointing. Knowing you were moments away from having him - all of him - makes you wish all over again that you could have not picked up that phone.
“That’s the question, isn’t it?” Javi doesn’t give you an answer, aware that despite everything, you never reached out to him either. You had been the one to immediately promise to be there and start putting your clothes back on. Obviously regretting what was about to happen. “Guess it doesn’t matter now.”
“Sure. Right. Why would it?” Instantly you wish the glass was full again, and you groan internally. This is the guy you’re still hung up on? Really? The least emotionally available man in all of the Americas and he is the one your heart is set on. What a joke — and it’s entirely on you.
He’s still a little bitter that every time a call was for him, it wasn’t you. It was Steve. “Yeah.” He drains his glass and sighs. “Gonna go back out there.”
“Awesome.” You’re gonna go pour more rum in your glass and hope there’s still flavour left in the sugar-muddled mint, then see if any of Connie’s friends are hot. After the left turn your conversation with Javi just took, you could use a couple of empty compliments just to feel human again.
The fact that the conversation went right where he wanted it to and then took a hard left turn pisses him off. His jaw clenched as he walks back into the room, he considers leaving. He doesn’t want to watch you get plastered and giggly. Especially wearing that little costume you’ve got on.
“There you are.” Steve Murphy’s large, pale hand claps down on Javi’s shoulder just as he’s considering running, and he smiles as jovially as always. “Thought you’d gone extinct on us,” he jokes, immediately laughing at his own bad reference.
“I’m gonna head out.” Javi tells his old partner. He doesn’t want to get in the way of your good time and he doesn’t want to remember what almost happened a year ago.
“Noooo. No, you’re not.” Fixing him with a stern look, Steve crosses his arms and leans against the wall beside Javi. “What happened? You guys were hitting it off again. There were practically sparklers going off.”
“Same shit.” Javi shrugs. “She’s not gonna have a good time while I’m here. I’ll just- swing by tomorrow.”
“She asks about you every time we talk,” Steve offers, his expression softening measurably. “She mentioned you at least twice a day every single day we were still in that shit hole. That woman is deeply in love with you and Connie set this whole thing up to get you two in the same room again.”
“Except I pay her compliments and she thinks I’m blowing smoke up her ass.” Javi grumbles. “Takes every fucking thing I say out of context.”
“Maybe be a little more forthcoming this time?” Like a cosmic big brother, Steve is ready and willing to give advice even when unsolicited. “I know you gave her the bullshit about not being good enough for her.”
“It’s fucking true.” Javi snorts. “I fucking got kicked out of Colombia, remember?”
“You’re missing the point, Peña.” Steve shakes his head in exasperation. “You don’t get to decide if you’re good enough for her or not. Only she does. So stop throwing yourself a goddamn pity party and actually let her have a say in her life.” When he shrugs again, he’s smirking. “If you still love her, I mean.”
“Pendejo.” Javi hisses, hating how raw that single comment makes him feel. “Fuck you for that.” He shakes his head and turns around to stomp back into the kitchen.
When Javi reappears you're standing by the fridge, forced into polite chitchat with a couple that Connie works with at the hospital because they came into the room while you were staring at the photo of you, Steve, Javi, and Connie from a rare night off in Colombia. They have it pinned to the fridge with a magnet and you were standing there mooning over Javi's arm being around your waist when you got ambushed by extroverts.
Javi doesn’t comment on the way that the couple are set on either side of you. Walking over to the bar and pouring himself a drink. Hating that things have gotten so complicated. He had meant to apologize, to explain why he hadn’t called, but he had managed to piss you off.
The best you can do is hope to catch his eye across the kitchen while one of Connie's fellow nurses talks at you about whatever soap opera she's been watching lately that you mistakenly admitted to recognizing the name of. You desperately need a rescue but can't even get a word in edgewise to excuse yourself from the deluge.
He isn’t going to look over at you. He had promised himself that he would leave you alone. Despite what Steve said, you had made your feelings clear. So he’s berating himself when he glances over to find you giving every ‘get me out of here’ signal you can give. “Hey baby, there you are.” Javi hums, walking towards you to save the day.
It doesn’t even matter that he’s playing the fake boyfriend card, although that does make your heart ache a little. You’re just grateful to be able to use the moment as an excuse to break away from the droning soap opera fan for a minute. “I was just getting to know some of Connie’s coworkers,” you explain, gladly and easily welcoming him into your side with an arm around his waist when he strides over.
“Don’t mind if I steal her, do you?” Even though he’s giving an apologetic look, he’s already turning you away. Never one to really be all that nice unless he wants something with strangers and they don’t look like people he would want anything from.
"Awe, of course not." Even thought the woman who has been talking at you looks disappointed, she smiles sweetly. "She'd been looking at that picture of you guys and now I see why. Missin' her fella."
“Yeah.” He doesn’t comment further, just pulling you close as he guides you away. “Were they as bad as I think they were?” He asks quietly as you both walk out of the kitchen.
“Honestly? I think I blacked out for a second there.” Your laugh is relieved, though, and you have to swallow the sigh that wants to bubble out of you at having him close again. “Thanks for the rescue. I guess I do still need the occasional knight in shining armor moment.”
“It looked painful when I saw you.” Javi admits. His fingers dig into your hip slightly. “And I’ll come to your rescue whenever you want.”
Face to face with him again, you feel that knot of guilt twist in your stomach again and swallow a sigh. “I’m sorry I didn’t call,” you murmur, when the two of you come to a stop against one wall of the crowded living room. “I should have.”
“It was better that you didn’t.” Javi tells you. “For your career. You don’t want to be associated with me. My name is dirt.”
“I don’t actually give a shit,” you tell him with a shrug, leaning against the wall and a little against his side. “If nothing else…even if nothing had happened? I still care about you. And I should have called.”
“I picked up the phone a dozen times.” He admits quietly.
“We’re such a fuckin’ mess.” Laughing at yourself makes it slightly better, even if the whole situation still makes you ache.
“Cautious.” Javi prefers that. “We know how hard it is to be in a relationship with our - your - job.” He reminds you, nodding towards the living room. “Almost broke up the best damn couple I know.”
His hand is still at your waist, his shoulder firm beside your head, and lean into him that much more without even meaning to. “Does that mean it’s not worth trying?” You ask, actually voicing the question that’s been in your mind for longer than you came to admit.
“I never said that.” He mumbles, turning and staring at you somberly. While he might think that you deserve better and shouldn’t get involved with him, he respects you enough to let you chose your own path.
“I…kinda hate California,” you admit quietly, although a smirk has reached your lips. “I know that’s sacrilegious and everybody’s supposed to love LA, but I…asked to be transferred out of Graceland.”
“Where are you planning on going, muñequita?” He asks, his thumb rubbing your side as he continues to hold you close.
“I’m not sure yet.” Between his warmth and more than a little bit of rum, you feel soft and as best to relaxed as a government agent ever gets. “Gonna stay on the border to stay most helpful, I know that for sure.” You bite the corner of your mouth and look up at him. “I was thinking…maybe Texas.”
“Yeah?” Javi’s brow shoots up and he looks over at you. “Any reason why?” He asks, even though he knows the answer.
"Depends." You could swear there is hope in his eyes, and it twists your stomach like a knot. "If I tell you the truth are you gonna deflect or are you gonna accept it?"
“All things are plausible with Chaos Theory.” Javi changes his voice to sound like Ian Malcom and shoots you a grin.
"Jav--" Despite snorting a laugh at the dead-on impression, you shake your head. "I'm serious."
“You’ve already done it.” Javi rationalizes. “So tell me why you did.”
Suddenly the reasoning seems so small. It isn't the grand romantic gesture that you imagined when you had signed your transfer request, it's awkward and presumptuous and full proof that you got in over your head with him. Like that first kiss you shared broke the seal on your reasonable thinking or something. "Because..." A slight shiver shakes through you and you know it's just nerves but it's fucking embarrassing, so your voice drops to even lower and quieter than before. "--I still love you."
The confession hits Javi square in the chest, warming him inside and out. Especially sweet because you know of his past, you were there while he was living it out. “That’s good.” He murmurs, his lips curling up. “At least we will both get the ‘I told you so’ from Steve and Connie.”
"How so?" Javi has dozens of quirks to his smiles, and this one is equal parts pleased and full to the brim with mischief. This is the Javi who dragged you out to a club in the middle of Medellín to dance the stress out. The Javi who picked your apartment door's lock to be waiting there with a bottle of whiskey and a container of soup the one and only day you were too knock-down drag-out sick to function at work.
“You don’t think that this isn’t a grand scheme to get us together?” Javi asks, smirking as he looks around the party. “I bet that they have a bet going on how long it will take for us to disappear.”
"They didn't even tell me you were coming," you point out, amused at the idea of your friends plotting for you, but not entirely convinced. "For the record, I would have found a much skimpier costume if I had known you were coming."
“How much fucking skimpier could you go?” He asks, sliding his hand down about five inches to the edge of your hem.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" The smirk on your lips is borderline evil, but his hand on you makes you feel daring.
“Shit.” He hisses between his teeth. “Good fucking thing I’m not carrying a gun right now. I’d kill the fucker that tried touching you.”
"That's awfully territorial of you, Peña." Especially since you've spilled your guts to him and he hasn't said how he feels one way or the other, but you're not trying to get a marriage proposal or anything crazy.
“I’ve always been protective.” He reminds you. Leaning in and pressing his forehead to yours. “Especially those I love.”
"Yeah?" It would only take about a half a tilt of your head to kiss him like this, but you know once you cross that line again - at least tonight - you're not going to be able to stop yourself. And the Murphy's living room floor in the middle of a party of people isn't exactly where or how you dreamed of finally being able to be with Javi for the first time.
“Yeah.” He breathes out, sighing softly. “Muñequita.” He begins, stopping and smiling. “Do you know why I called you that all this time?”
"Because I'm adorable like a little doll?" Honestly, you had never bothered to ask, just accepting the term of endearment at face value and reveling in any small bit of intimacy you could grasp between the two of you.
“My pop used to call my mom that.” He admits quietly. “His ‘poppet’.”
“Javi…” He so rarely talks about his mother that you never could have known, and you all but melt against him right there and then. “That’s—its so sweet, I almost can’t stand it.”
“They were sweet.” Javi chuckles. “Pop is a hardass. Gruff, stoic, but ma? She was his poppet, his muñequita, and he loved her until the day she died.” He shrugs. “Loves her now. And she’s been gone for fifteen years.”
“Sounds like a love story worth aspiring to.” Somehow your hand has ended up in his at your side, and you tangle your fingers together experimentally only to feel them slide into place with ease as he lets you in.
“When you arrived and I got to know you,” he sighs. “It just seemed natural.” He knows that he holds a lot back, that he doesn’t talk but it’s hard to articulate.
“I was so sure you hated me for like the first few months I was in Colombia.” Javi’s standoffish behaviour and gruff comments hadn’t exactly read as friendly, but slowly you realized that that was just him. And once you understood that it was a hell of a lot easier to let things roll off your back.
“Never hated you. Wanted to fuck you.” He admits easily. He’s a man who enjoys sex and engaged in it as often as he could. Of course the pretty new agent coming in would catch his attention.
“Yeah that wasn’t how it came off at all,” you snort, able to laugh about it now that years have passed and so much has changed.
“It wasn’t supposed to come off that way.” Javi admits. “Didn’t want those assholes in the office to think that you were less than a top tier agent.” He knows the reputation he had crafted down in Colombia, and he knows what it could have done to your own reputation if he had shown interest. So he had kept his distance.
“More knight in shining armor behavior?” You tease, knowing that it isn’t quite the same.
“Self preservation.” He snorts. “They’d make a crack about what position they wanted to put you in, I’d be in the ambassador’s office for shoving a gun up their ass.”
“You probably shouldn’t be around the guys in the LA office, then.” It’s part of being a working woman in a field that’s considered for men, and you knew that going in. You ignore the comments and do your work, making sure to keep your nose clean and your paperwork immaculate. But the comments get made all the same.
“Assholes.” Javi rolls his eyes. “I fucked a lot, but how often did I talk about it?”
“You didn’t need to.” The smirk on your face says it all. “We all saw the secretary’s faces the next day.”
“Still didn’t brag.”
“No, you didn’t.” You have to agree to that. Javi may be an absolute rake, but he’s a respectful one.
“So what do we do now?” Javi asks, feeling like he is in uncharted territory. He doesn’t know how you really want to do this, or what exactly you want from him.
“Hell if I know.” There is a nervousness through both of you that would be a lot more nerve wracking if you weren’t both scared. At least that puts you in equal footing. “I feel like we’re a hell of a lot better at cracking jokes and deflecting than we are at talking through shit.”
“Why would we talk about feelings?” Javi scoffs playfully. “Right now, I think you need another mojito.”
“Trying to get me drunk, Peña?” Even teasing him, you still lean into his side and let him lead you back toward the kitchen. The door to that conversation is open for later, and maybe you actually won’t be too afraid to have it now. But for right now? It’s a party. And he’s right — you need another mojito.
“So I got this amulet at the cutest little costume shop.” The wife out of the couple has picked out another victim as she holds up her necklace. “The shop owner was kidding, but he told me that I could have my greatest desire if I just wished it!”
“Oh my god!” Gasps the woman she is now talking to, who clearly is completely on board with the story. “What would you even wish for?”
“Right now?” She laughs and shrugs. “I don’t know? A pizza? Yeah. I wish for a pizza.”
You roll your eyes discreetly at Javi and happily let him lead you over to the bar, but it does strike you as a fantastic coincidence when the door bell rings mere seconds later and you hear “Pizza delivery!” Called out from the front porch of Steve and Connie’s house.
“Who ordered pizza?” Steve calls out as he rushes towards the door. He hadn’t ordered it, but even if it was kids playing a prank, pizza sounds amazing right now.
The two women wander out of the kitchen looking bewildered and you throw Javi a smirk. “Weird ass coincidence.”
“That is a weird ass coincidence.” Javi muses. “Unless she ordered the pizza.”
“Already that drunk so early in the night?” You snicker softly. “That’s how you know it’s a good party.”
“Or to make whatever gullible sap she got her hooks in believe that wish thing.” He huffs.
"You don't believe in wishes?" The pout you throw him is adorable as he rolls his eyes at you and takes your glass to make you a new drink.
“I’ll believe it when shit like that actually works.” He grumbles as he starts to mix another mojito.
"Maybe if you wish out loud like she did, it will work." His generally disgruntled self makes you sunny, and that contrast has always been one of the thing that amused you about how you and Javi work together.
“Yeah?” Javi snorts in amusement as he looks up at you with an arched eyebrow. “I wish you’d show me your tits.” He teases.
There's no one in the kitchen with you, and that's the key. You quickly look around to make sure that no one is even by the door, and when you can see that everyone is at least six feet away with their back to the kitchen you slide the wide straps of your dress down your shoulders to expose your breasts -- all the while keeping one watchful eye on the other partygoers and the other on Javi.
He damn near drops the glass, he’s so shocked that you’ve flashed your tits at him. Mouth hanging open even after you’re pulling your dress back up. “You—”
"What?" You giggle evilly, tucking yourself back into your dress before anybody else can see. "I made your wish come true."
“Muñequita.” He breathes, shaking his head. “That’s cheating. The real wish would have been true if somehow your dress had ripped outside of your control.”
The crackling in the air is unexpected, but definitely not more expected than the tearing of fabric that happens immediately after. The seams rip haphazardly but they give way all at once, splitting your dress in half and exposing the skimpy lingerie you managed to wiggle into underneath. It happens too fast to react right away, but a second later you gasp and are too stunned to even think of covering yourself.
“Santa mierda.” Not particularly religious, Javi’s eyes are immediately looking up and then around to see if there is something that could have caused that. “I—”
"What the hell?!" When your hands finally catch up to your mind, you pull the shredded edges of your dress together with wide eyes. The effort to cover yourself is slightly in vain, though. It was a very skimpy dress.
“I didn’t- what the fuck just happened?” Javi demands, even as he’s moving towards you and reaching for the edges of your dress.
"Beats the fuck out of me, but I definitely need something else to wear now." If you weren't so confused you would probably be laughing your ass off. Standing in the Murphy's kitchen is not how you imagined your dress getting torn open with Javi pressed against you.
“What do you want to wear?” Javi moves so he is blocking your body from view if anyone comes in. “We can go get something out of Connie and Steve’s room.”
"I'll go grab one of Connie's old dresses if you just go and tell her what happened." How he'll possibly manage to explain it is beyond you, but right now you're more focused on remembering the layout of the Murphy's little ranch house so you don't stumble into Olivia's room instead of finding your way to Connie's closet.
Javi shakes his head, thankful that there is another door leading out into the hallway for you to try to keep from being seen. He heads out towards the living room and over towards the costumed Cleopatra. “Hey, Con, uh….so muñequita’s dress ripped and she’s gonna borrow something out of your closet. That’s okay, right?”
“What?” Connie turns around to find Javi’s face full of confusion and maybe even concern. “Yeah, of course it is! What happened?”
“I- I don’t know.” He admits. “It just…ripped apart.” She’s giving him a look that doubts what he’s saying, but how does he explain this without sounding completely crazy. “I told her that my wish would be for her dress to rip open and it just…did.”
The dubious expression on Connie’s face is obvious, and she raises one eyebrow. “Like…magic?”
“Like fucking magic.” Javi huffs, knowing it sounds crazy.
Dubiousness goes to skepticism and Connie snorts. “You got hands in the kitchen and ripped her costume? It’s fine, Javi. But now Steve owes me a fancy dinner out.”
“I swear to God, I didn’t fucking touch her.” He knows she won’t believe him, but he’s still trying to sort out exactly what had happened.
“Jav, it’s fine.” The shit eating grin on her face is just because she’s glad for her friends, it really is. “I would offer you the guest room but my sister has already called dibs on it for the whole week.”
He groans, rolling his eyes since it’s not even worth trying to tell her again. “Just- be careful about wishing for shit tonight.” He warns her before walking back to the back of the house where the bedrooms are.
“Connie?” Expecting to see her head pop around the corner, you quickly realize that the footfalls are too heavy to be hers. “No. That’s not Connie, that’s Javi.”
"Hey." Javi knocks on that almost closed door. "It's me." He murmurs. "Can I come in?" He doesn't know what the fuck is going on but he wants to make sure that you are okay.
“Of course.” Now wearing an old pair of Connie’s scrubs with your gold flats, you just look like a nurse who makes poor shoes choices. “You okay? Or are you still…shaky?”
"Shaky?" Javi pushes the door open and slips inside. "Who the fuck was shaky?" HIs scoff isn't nearly as derisive as it should have been, but he glowers at you in concern.
“Or was that just being too excited to see what panties I had on?” He isn’t going to give up his nerves, apparently, so you switch to teasing instead.
"I can find better ways to see what kind of panties you have on." That makes him smirk and his eyes slide down to admire the way you fill out those scrubs. He relaxes because it seems like you aren't hurt so his shoulders roll back slightly.
“Maybe I’ll wish for you to show me,” you hum, moving across the room to sink into his arms.
The urge to have you washes over him. Burning hotter than any other impulse he's ever had. Completely overriding every thought that might have been present and making his arms wrap around you tight as his mouth descends on yours with a hunger that has him groaning.
It hits you like a freight train, the way Javi’s need seems to be all-encompassing, and you can’t help but moan into the kiss when he wraps you up against him. It’s exactly the way you remember it from a year ago, but maybe a little more abrupt. You seem to remember Javi being a little bit smoother last time. But since when do you mind enthusiasm?
Determined to touch you as quickly as possible, Javi starts to push you back towards the large, king-sized bed that dominates the room. Not even thinking about how it would piss Steve off if he fucked you on his bed. If he had been thinking about it, he would have done it on purpose, but right now he just wants to touch you.
“Javi!” Even as he’s pushing you back on the bed, every thought has left your mind. He’s the reason you came here and the reason you’ve been planning on changing your life and this is finally happening so you’ll send Connie some apology flowers later and move on with your life. His hands squeeze and grope your body as he doesn’t even let go to get you on the bed. It’s like he can’t let go of you. “Cariño?” Something in his mannerisms change, and even though his kiss is every bit as insistent as you remember, his touch is different. It’s…like his hands are glued to you. When you pull back he sounds pained more than anything else. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He grunts, rocking his hips forward and it’s insane, crazy, but the words come out of his mouth. “Tell me to show you what I’ve imagined.” He begs softly, his teeth scraping over your jaw. “Wish it.”
Does it really work? And does it work like that specifically? Or is it just tonight’s token sex game? Either way, your body is far too deeply on fire for you to argue. “I wish you would show me what you’ve imagined.”
It’s a fucking relief to be able to touch more of you. To be able to move to start to immediately strip off the clothes you had just put on.
“Fuck—” As strong and sure as he usually is, Javi is even more determined tonight. Like every movement is being commanded. “Don’t rip anything,” you warn him with a grin.
“I’ll pay Connie for the outfit.” He groans, not caring what he rips as long as he gets to touch you. Fingers curling under the band of the scrub bottoms and peeling them off of you along with your panties.
You scramble backward on the bed as soon as your pants are gone, forcing Javi to climb on with you and sprawl across your body like he’s trying to block out the light. “We’ll be buying them a new comforter, too.”
“Fuck ‘em.” Javi groans, hands sliding under the shirt so he can push it up over your head and see your tits again.
“Goddamn, Javi.” His mouth is on your skin in an instant, hot and wet and searching, making sure you have to clamp one hand down over your mouth to keep from moaning too loudly and alerting the rest of the party.
Now he’s playing out every fantasy he’s ever had of you. Rocking his hard cock against your core while he bites and licks at your tits through the thin material of your bra.
“I swear to god if a phone rings anywhere I will break it in half,” you groan, one hand threaded through Javi’s curls to tug at his hair while he devours your tits and the other trying desperately to maneuver enough to unbutton his shirt in the meantime.
He doesn’t even try to move. Too focused on you so he can hear you moan his name like you had when he was about to fuck you the last time. He’s jerked off thinking about that moan for the last year.
You’re practically tearing his own clothes away. Whatever you can get your hands in while you’re flat on your back is getting pulled open and shoved aside so you can get him as stripped down as you are, and when that doesn’t get you very far you shiver your hands behind your back and strip away your bra to let him at every inch of your skin.
Groaning, Javi attacks your tits with renewed enthusiasm. Mouth recovering every inch of skin he had just mapped. Enjoying the warmth of your skin even more.
He's like a man starved, and you genuinely have to wonder if he's gone as crazy over the last year as you have. It's been torture being apart from him, and maybe it really is the same for him because it feels like Javi is trying to burrow under your skin right now. "Baby." The only coherent thought in your head is that you want more, and you hope you can manage a full sentence. "I need you, Javi. Please."
Huffing against your skin, Javi releases your nipple and starts to kiss down your stomach. Not willing to just rush into sex even though the house is full of people. He’s going to show you what he imagined.
He's disarmingly methodical. Taking you apart piece by piece and making sure that you're not only aching but actively begging for him by the time he settles himself between your legs. It's where he belongs, dammit, and right now you need him more than breathing.
Your scent is heavy in his nostrils. Getting richer as he shuffles to spread your legs wide enough to fit his shoulders through. “Fuck.”
"Not yet," you giggle but the sound is breathy and deep in your chest. "You do whatever you want with that mouth of yours, first."
“Always thought about this.” He admits, nuzzling your thigh and then biting it. “I like licking a cunt, and thought about what you would taste like.”
A shiver rolls through you with each nip to your skin and your hips tilt down, dripping pussy begging for attention. "Time to find out."
Javi licks his lips and groans. Ducking his head down and opening his mouth to devour your pussy with the first long lick. Eyes rolling back in pleasure at the wet heat of your tangy essence.
"Oh my fucking god." Even as hard as you're trying to be quiet, there are some things in life worth being vocal about. Javier Peña eating your pussy is definitely one of them. His arms wrap themselves around your thighs and once more your fingers twine into his curls to keep him close.
His own eyes flutter in pleasure as he carves a path through your folds with his tongue. Indulging in giving pleasure rather than taking it. While he had made sure partners enjoyed themselves, this was honestly for him.
His grip keeps you from squirming, only making sure that your hips stay on the bed while Javi begins to methodically take you apart one lick at a time. If this is what he has wished for, for who knows how long? You're absolutely going to enjoy being on the receiving end of all of those pent-up fantasies.
His fingers dig into your thighs, holding you open as your legs threaten to close every time he swipes his tongue up and down your pussy. Feeling your ass clench under you and his eyes slide down to watch your tits shake as you quiver.
Every swipe of his tongue hits something exquisite inside you, twisting and pulling at that coil at the base of your spine that is always tingling with the impending need for release. Gasping and moaning his name as quietly as you can with so much pleasure hearing your blood, your nails scrape the base of his skull as you get closer and closer to cumming.
Javi’s eyes close when you scratch his head, shuddering in response to the pleasure. Groaning into your folds and worshiping at the alter of your cunt as he feasts and sips your juices.
Fingers tangling more determinedly with every second, you know how close you are. How loud you’re going to end up being if you don’t keep your mouth shut. So you slap you hand over your mouth and bite your lip, tugging on Javi’s hair that much harder to spur him on.
Javi hisses, twisting his tongue around your clit before he sucks it into his mouth. His nose buried into the thick folds protecting your sensitive flesh as he wills you to cum for him.
So close you're about to rocket off the edge of pleasure, a thought rolls through your mind that you let out instantly, wondering what will happen. "Wish it," you moan, so close you're nearly sobbing. "Wish for me to drench your tongue, Jav."
Right now he couldn’t even speak, so his wish is in his mind. Begging for you to come apart for him, needing to see it.
From that moment it’s as if you are being moved — guided — by the hands of Fate. Or, possibly more accurately, thrown off the precipice of pleasure like a chess piece being forcibly ejected from its game. There is no one to catch you but Javi, as you pant out his name in muffled ecstasy, but that is all you need. Just him, ready to drown himself in every drop of cum he can wring from your body.
He drags you hips closer, groaning as he feels the force of your reaction to him, to this. Curling his tongue up inside you as your thighs press against his head and squeeze.
Barely shy of screaming his name as you fall apart, the giggling puddle of a person you become when you finally stop shaking is downright comical. “Goddamn,” you manage to huff out, panting to catch your breath.
A few more licks before he’s satisfied, Javi smirks as he pulls his mouth away from your soaked cunt. “What’s wrong, muñequita? Cat got your tongue?”
“You’re the one with your tongue in my pussy,” you quip with your wit since your body is now basically useless.
He snorts and indulges himself with biting your thigh like he’s imagined hundreds of times. “Sure fuckin’ did.”
“I didn’t pull too hard, did I?” The fingers that you still have in his hair smooth of his scalp to soothe any burn that might be left behind.
“No.” Javi still needs to touch you, show you what else he’s thought of and starts to lick and kiss up your body. “Not hard enough.”
“Should’ve known you would like it h—” When his teeth more than graze one of your nipples, you moan unrestrainedly. “Hard.”
Javi grunts, the sound more like a growl than anything as he starts to suckle on your nipple again.
“Fucking hell, Javi.” Your back bows, chest pushing itself up with the curve of that arch to soak up as much of his attention as possible.
Even as he’s paying attention to your tits, his hips are slotted between yours. Pressing the length of him against your clit as he starts to rock his hips.
It splits your body’s attention and casts a fuzzy cloud over your mind where instinct takes over again above everything else. All you want is more of him and the movement of your own hips is a mimic of the way Javi rocks against you. If you could do it blind, you’d be tipping your hips to take him inside you as fast as humanly fucking possible, but he has you at his mercy.
“Impatient.” Javi chuckles, smirking as he pops your nipple out of his mouth.
“Only cause we’re in somebody else’s bed,” you admit. “Otherwise? It should take hours.”
He snorts and is willing to say that the Murphy’s can just fuck off, but he doesn’t. Instead he slides his hand between your bodies and positions himself at your welcoming entrance. “Are you sure, baby?”
“So fucking sure.” It’s been a year of dreaming about the night you almost had and far more than that of daydreaming about him before you knew exactly what his kisses tasted like. “No hesitation.”
“Thank God.” He groans, pulling his hand away so he can slide it under your body. Slowly rocking his hips forward to break you open as his lips descend on yours.
You would have laughed if there was time. A pleased little giggle of understanding after having waited so long to be with him. But waiting has made you both eager, and the moment he slips inside you and you wrap your legs around his waist? There is nothing to laugh about.
It’s painful, holding back and not just slamming his hips home to bury his cock. But it’s worth it to see your face change as he fills you inch by inch. Slow and steady is a very specific kind of torture. Your mouth falls open in a silent moan as he pushes forward, and you swear you’re seeing stars by the time he’s fully seated inside you. Only slightly longer than average, Javi’s cock is girthy with prominent veins that scrub along your walls as he starts to rock his hips back and forth. Every sensation is a desperate, delicious, perfect overload of your senses and you whimper in a pitiful bid for more.
A long, colorful stream of Spanish and English intertwined together falls out of his mouth. A filthy prayer to whatever Gods were listening as he feels like his entire body is going to pull in on himself like a black hole of pleasure. Those words breathed into you and moaned in praise.
Even if you know exactly how he feels, you don’t have the words to tell him anymore. You’ve lost the ability to express yourself with any kind of eloquence, or in any way at all, and instead are pouring everything you have into kissing him back and pushing back against every thrust to give both of you your maximum pleasure.
The pace is slow, steady to start with. Needing to feel everything as he rocks his hips and fills you completely every time he bottoms out. “Baby, you- fuck.” He hisses.
This time you do giggle, it it’s broken by a moan. “Yeah I do,” you tease with a grin.
“Tease.” He grunts, shaking his head and kissing you again. His next thrust is more jarring as he snaps his hips forward for emphasis.
"Worth it," you contend, when a few quick thrusts leave you completely breathless.
He rolls his eyes and slides the arm that isn’t around you down to your thigh to pull it up on his hip so he can thrust just a bit deeper into you. “Fuck.” He hisses.
The give and take, push and pull, is intoxicating. Everything about this night has been unexpected and you’re not about to start questioning it now. There’s nowhere else you would rather be, now or for the rest of your life. Slowly, the need gets the best of him. Starting to move faster, putting a bit more force into his thrusts as he fucks you.
It’s impossible not to get wrapped up in him. Even if he didn’t have one arm literally wrapped around you, you would still be lost in being close to him. The world is nothing but Javi now and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Wanted you every damn day we were in that fucking office.” He pants quietly. “Wondering what you would look like spread out, sound like.” He bites your chin. “Never could imagine that you were better than my dreams.”
“So much fucking better.” The number of times you had fantasized about him is completely beyond counting but this is far beyond anything you thought it could be. You fit together like you were always meant to find each other this way.
Instead of ramping up to a frantic pace, Javi keeps it steady and just on the sensual side of things. Nearly lovemaking.
You’ve definitely been gone too long. Someone will have noticed, and it will be Steve, but you can’t bring yourself to care. Not with that coil of tension pulling tight in your belly and making your legs shake. “So—” Panting in his ear, you turn your head and bite Javi’s jawline the way he loves doing to you. “Fuck baby. So close.”
“Good.” He groans, teeth becoming a part of the kisses he is scattering over your skin. Fingers digging in just a bit harder as his pace falters for the first time.
Just because you didn’t mean it as permission doesn’t mean it can’t be taken that way, and your nails dig their way into Javi’s back as his thrusts get deeper and more erratic.
“Cum for me, muñequita.” He begs, feeling his own control starting to slip. It’s the climax of his dreams and wishes for the past year, quickly making it difficult to maintain stamina for long. He’s too pent up, too eager to have you.
As if he wished it again, you can feel the tension in your body snap like a rubber band. All of a sudden your body hurtles over the edge of pleasure, pulling Javi into you as tightly and deeply as your needy cunt possibly can while you groan into his kiss and press little half-moons into his back with your fingernails.
It's like the floodgates opening, soaking him as you convulse underneath him. "Oh fuck, baby." He moans quietly, steadily rocking into you to make sure you don't miss a second of the pleasure.
“Come on, Javi.” As unbelievably fucking good as it feels, it won’t be complete unless he comes with you. “Cum for me, baby.”
His hands tighten on your body, gripping you as if he's afraid to let you go. As if you might slip away even if you are encouraging him to cum. Gritting his teeth as his pace becomes frantic. Needing only another moment, another thrust before he's cumming. Pushing deep and groaning your name as he fills you. Pouring wave after wave of hot cum into you as he presses his lips to yours.
“Fucking hell.” When both of your bodies are finally still and you feel like you can gasp for air again, you leave lingering kisses on his lips and jaw, indulging in every second of contact.
Javi pants, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead to yours when you stop kissing him. "Fuck is right."
You giggle softly, eyes closed against the feeling of him weighing you down. Afraid somewhere in your mind that if you open them you might find out this was all a dream. “You’re coming back to my hotel tonight…right?”
"Or you can come back to mine." He nuzzles into your neck, kissing your jaw and scraping it with his teeth. "Whatever you want, muñequita."
“Mine has a huge hot tub.” If he hadn’t just completely devastated you, you’d be ready to jump him again at the first nip of teeth. “I plan on riding you in it.”
"Oh?" His brow arches and he pulls away to smirk down at you. "You had those plans when you booked the room?"
“I had those dreams when I booked the room.” You suck a mark into the hollow of his throat and grin. “It’s only a plan now that this happened.”
"I don't mind that dream." He hums. "We can make it a reality."
“All my dirty dreams have a very Javi-esque leading man,” You promise him. “You should feel very flattered.”
"I am." He drolls playfully, leaning in and kissing you again.
“The chain is sexy, by the way.” He still has the necklace and bracelet on that he bought at the costume store and your fingers tangle in it, locked between your chests. “Just so you know.”
"Yeah?" He smirks and winks at you. "It's a little flashy for my tastes, but if you like it..."
"Definitely keep it." As if to prove your point, you use it to tug him a little closer and press another kiss to his lips. "Who knows? It might be magic like the woman downstairs who wished for pizza."
“Yeah?” He snorts. “Maybe the fairy costume you were wearing is magic. That’s why it ripped.”
"It was a nymph costume," you correct him with a pout. "And you should have seen the way your eyes bugged out of your head when you saw me in it. I'm gonna miss that dress."
“You think that shop has another?” Javi asks seriously. “We could go get it.”
“Ohhh, you really liked that dress.” The way you can’t help snickering is almost evil, but he’s still laying on top of you with his softening cock about to slip out of your pussy and you swear you felt it twitch.
"Bend over in it and I get to see your cunt." His hand slides down and he slaps your thigh after one last kiss.
“I’ll let you do more than look if you want to.” The wink you shoot him is devilish, and accompanied by a wide grin. “We have a whole lot of missed time to make up for.”
Javi grunts as he feels himself fall out of you and he shifts onto his back. Looking up at the ceiling for a second and reminding himself that he's on Murphy's bed and not his own. "Yes we do." He groans as he sits up and looks over at you. "Wanna get out of here?" He asks. "Start making it up?"
“Absolutely.” You’ll pull on the scrubs you were borrowing from Connie and you’ll get the hell out of here with Javi for the rest of this first glorious night. But first? You will absolutely be opening the window to let the room air out.
"Leave it." Javi tells you when you move over to the window, guessing what you are going to do. He grins wickedly and tilts his head towards the door. "Steve deserves it for all the shit he's given me."
It takes a couple of minutes to get yourselves straightened out, but once you do, you’re prepared to just say good night and offer to but the Murphy’s dinner tomorrow as both thanks and an apology for slipping out early. What you find when you leave the bedroom, however, is nothing short of chaos. A woman dressed as a cowgirl stands amazed with a pony in the middle of the living room. One guy is standing in the middle of a pile of money cradling the keys to a new car. Another has two beautiful women vying for his attention. The woman who wanted pizza now has an entire stack — it seems like you and Javi weren’t the only ones throwing your wishes around for fun.
"Fuck, there you are." Steve looks positively relieved to see the two of you as he drags Connie over to you. "What the fuck is going on?"
“Do you believe in magic, Murph?” You ask, raising one eyebrow even as Javi’s fingers kink through your own.
He rolls his eyes and then they fall on your joined hands. "Holy shit, maybe miracles do happen if you holding hands means what I think it means."
“You don’t want to know what it means.” It’s your assurance, but you crack a grin anyway. “Just…be careful what you wish for tonight. Okay, Stevie?”
"Huh?" He frowns, but Connie bites her lip, rushing forward to give you a hug. She knows how long you have pined for Javi.
“We’re gonna get out of here,” you murmur, squeezing her back in a tight hug. “Dinner tomorrow. On us. I wanna hear how the rest of this party goes.”
“It’s getting crazy.” Connie admits, hugging you fiercely and stepping back to shoot Javi a grin. “Go have fun you two.”
“Don’t worry,” you shout back over your shoulder as Javi immediately starts to move you toward the door. “We will!”
Javi wraps his arm around you as you exit the house, guiding you towards the rental car he had driven over. “They are in for a wild night.” He predicts. “Steve’s been wishing for threesome for years.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit
My Masterlist!
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slasherbvnnie · 1 year
Hello!! Could I request a billy loomis smut about her being new to the school and then sitting beside eachother. It could be like strangers-to kinda friends-friends-good Friends- eventual smut when she gets jealous of Sydney. It’s fine if not! Have a good day! x
Hi! So sorry this request is late, but I really enjoyed writing it and couldn't stop to be completely honest. No smut in this part, but there will be in the second part of this! I honestly might make this longer and into a mini series, I like the idea!! Like, literally, this is longer than any chapter for Until We Found You...
Who's Watching Billy
Part II
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Word Count: 2401
Context: Modern day scream au, all characters 18+, afab!reader
“Well feel free to take a seat anywhere, I’ll send you an email later today to update you on everything we’ve done so far. I’m sorry for the complications, admissions is kind of tricky sometimes,” you saw an older lady speaking to a guy. You looked down at the paper in your hand for the hundredth time before looking at the room number on the wall, staring at the two who were blocking the doorway to your class. Thankfully, you made out that the older lady was the professor, so you were thankful that she wouldn’t have any grudge against you for being late for class.
“You must be my other new student, right? Seems like your admins are having a fantastic time with schedules lately,” she joked as she looked to you. You flashed a sheepish smile, giving a nod as the guy turned his attention to you. You couldn’t help but blush, he was pretty cute and having his attention on you just made you want to cower away. A small smile turned on his lips before he looked back to the professor, thanking her for her help before walking into the class. “As I was telling Mr. Loomis, I’ll send you an email after class going over everything we’ve discussed so far. I’ll put all the information you need to know to be able to catch up with us, so just leave a good email with me once lecture is over,” she said as you nodded. “Great, thanks, I hope it hasn’t been too bad. My administrator just told me the class I was enrolled in before wasn’t going to count towards my program and all so- yeah.” You rambled on before nodding, “no worries dear, the only other seat that hasn’t been taken so far will be right next to Mr. Loomis. I’m glad you both arrived today, we’re having a lab later and you’ll need a partner for it,” she said as she moved out of the doorway, you nodded, heading to the back of the class to sit next to the guy from earlier.
“So, did they also fuck up your blocking or is it just your first day here,” he asked as you sat down, shaking your head. “uh- neither. I apparently enrolled in another class that would have just counted as an extracurricular and was told last minute that one I needed, this one, had one seat left open,” you explained as he nodded. “Glad you had a mess up, though. Otherwise I would be out of a partner,” he said, making you smile.
Two days later, you were back at class, seated next to Billy once again. “So, about the project, I was watching a few movies last night to get some ideas,” Billy said to you as you looked over, “oh? You found some movie scenes with chemistry in them?” You asked as he nodded, “have you ever watched who’s watching oliver?” He asked as you thought, “that slasher movie about some creepy dude who kills for his mom?” You smiled when he nodded, “yeah, you know the scene where he’s dissolving all the evidence? I figured that could fit with the project,” he said as you laughed, earning a small glare from him. “I don’t know…I mean, it’s kinda creepy to mention that. How about something more tame, like that movie where jeff Goldblum plays the guy who learned about dna or something,” you suggested as he rolled his eyes. “We could, if you want to be like majority of these idiots. Or, we could be more unique and disturb them while educating them,” he said with a smirk as you laughed again. “How about something better? We have a horror movie night while your set up to an apple watch, then we do some calculations to see if you were scared enough to emit isoprene.” You suggested, seeing his eyes light up. “isoprene,” he questioned as you nodded, “yeah, it’s this chemical we’re always processing but when you get scared, it goes up. We can monitor our heartrates with our apple watches while watching some scary movies and talk about that. We could even timestamp the scenes we got scared at,” you said as Billy smirked. “I’d like that,” he said with a smile as you nodded. “Wanna do it tonight then,” you asked as he looked away and sighed. “Ah, I’ll be busy with my girlfriend,” he admitted as you sighed, “oh…um, tomorrow night then?” You offered as he nodded with a smile. “Tomorrow night sounds good.” He agreed.
After class you said goodbye to Billy and began to head back to your home. You popped in your headphones and turned on your favorite playlist as you made your way to your car. What disturbed your usually normal walk however was seeing Billy with his girlfriend, as well as three others who were talking. You frowned a little, trying to brush off the tiny stupid crush you were developing on Loomis, getting a little angry for thinking that he didn’t have a girlfriend. He was handsome, of course he would have one. You were about to walk past, hearing the two other boys in the group arguing about something you couldn’t make out over your music, but you were disturbed when one came up to you. “Excuse me,” he said, making you pull out an earbud and look to him. “Ah, random awkward question, but do you think you would say you find me attractive. Me and this idiot are having a debate and-“ “leave her alone Meeks, I don’t want you freaking out my lab partner,” you turned to see Billy talking to the male in front of you, the girls and the other male laughing.
“Lab partner, huh,” said the third, you looking to the group in confusion. “Not freaked out, just confused,” you said with a small awkward laugh. “Randy thinks he has a chance with you, caught him drooling over you,” said the unknown male, “and he doesn’t. She’s too smart for him,” Billy said as he wrapped his arm around Sidney. “Sorry about them. That is Randy, a dumbass. The other dumbass is Stu. Then Tatum and…Sidney,” he said, kissing Sidney on the cheek when he introduced her. You tried to hide your frown and instead smiled, nodding. “Um, nice to meet all of you, I guess,” you said as the girls smiled. “So you take chem with Billy? You’re pretty lucky, he’s smart with that kind of stuff,” Tatum said as you nodded, “yeah, he is,” you said with a smile. “Sorry guys, I have to get going,” you said, about to put your headphones back in before Billy called out to you again. “Hey, still good for tomorrow?” He asked as you nodded, “Yup! I’ll text you what time,” you said, seeing Sidney give him a look at your response.
Ever since that night of horror movies, your feelings for Billy had only grown. You were mad at first because you knew him and Sidney were dating, but soon you just became mad that you two weren’t dating. Your anger turned into sadness eventually through the three months of the knowing each other, having been invited to hang out with the friend group more often and becoming a good friend to them. Throughout the months, Billy never seemed to once show interest in you, he wasn’t like Stu who constantly was flirting with others, or Randy who was trying to ask the two for advice on how to make you more interested in him, he just seemed content with Sid. However, October marked a turning point. Casey Becker and Steve Orth were the first thing that began to change the group. The next was the attempt at Sidney which led to Billy getting booked for a night.
You were surprised when Randy called you to let you know what happened, explaining how Sidney was nearly attacked by ‘leatherface’ which he used as a nickname for Billy. “What is this, fucking the house on sorority row or something,” he asked, as you shook your head. “So, did he do it?” “His dad’s some lawyer, even if he did he’s probably getting away with it,” he said as you sighed. “Thanks for letting me know, Randy. Um, I’m gonna call Tate to try and see what’s wrong,” you said, hanging up on him. The next day at school, you noticed that the spot next to you wasn’t empty. Instead, Billy sat, scrubbing his fingers to try and get the ink off. “Hey,” you said softly, his eyes darted up to you before he relaxed and looked back down at his hands, wiping them on his jeans. “Hey…” he said, surprised when you sat next to him. “Not afraid of the killer?” He asked as you laughed, “Loomis a killer? I mean I admit you are kinda creepy enough for it but, no, I don’t think you did it.” You said as he chuckled, “well I’m glad you don’t think so, Sid sure does,” he sighed as you rolled your eyes. “I mean, I could see it if you were in theater. Didn’t she say the killer left then you came out? You’d have to be a track star and the best undresser ever,” you joked, smiling when he laughed.
A bit into class you heard an announcement on the intercoms, you and Billy looked at each other when the overhead voice said that classes were cancelled for student safety. “Wonder what happened,” you said as he hummed. “Maybe ghostface is on the loose again,” he said as you nodded, “scary…” you mumbled, putting your things away and picking up your backpack. Just then Billy’s phone dinged, he looked down at his phone and chuckled, shaking his head. “Ah, there’s a party at Stu’s tonight.” “Macher really does have great timing, truly,” you said as he smirked. “Hey, how about you come with me? I’ll pick you up before it starts,” he suggested as you paused, “what about Sidney?” You asked him as he sighed and shrugged, “she accused me as the killer last night, I think I would say we’re pretty much done.” He said as you shrugged. “Um, I don’t know, Billy…” “Come on, if not as my date then as my friend, yeah?” You saw his eyes piercing into yours, a shiver of excitement going down your spine as you nodded and agreed, receiving a big grin from him.
Billy was running a little late, putting gas is what he had texted you. You were waiting on your porch, pacing back and forth slightly as you waited for him. You looked up when you saw headlights in the dark heading towards your driveway, smiling when he honked at you to get in. “About time, take that long to pump gas?” You teased him, smiling when you saw the ends of his lips upturned slightly. “Didn’t know I had to make a good impression, this isn’t a date, remember?” He said as you rolled your eyes. “And we’re an hour late, you owe me alcohol if Stu is all out,” you hummed, “it’s stu, if he’s out just blow him and more will magically pop up,” he joked, the two of you laughing as he drove off.
By the time you made it to the Macher residence, you noticed not as many people. That didn’t bother you really, you just enjoyed the promise of free alcohol and making out with someone by the end of the night. You two hopped out of the car, heading to the door before seeing Sidney about to walk out. Both of your expressions were the same, confused and a little angered to see the other. Billy and Stu looked at you two before at each other, Stu grasping his hands together as he cleared his throat. “Well look what we have here,” he said as Sidney looked to him. “Did you invite Billy?” Stu stayed silent for a moment, pressing his lips together and sucking them in slightly before letting out a chuckle, “I thought it would be nice for you two to uh…reconcile, you know.” He said as you pushed past them, walking to the kitchen where you saw a few others chugging alcohol and hanging out together. You couldn’t hear much over the loud speakers Stu had set up throughout the house, different songs blasting from his playlist. You poured yourself a drink, heading out to explore what was going on around the house.
Not much caught your eye, just people competing in drinking games, others just hanging out with friends or dancing with their dates of the night. You made yourself comfortable, leaning against one of the walls in the living room, getting a small look at the doorway and seeing Billy and Sidney talking, Stu closing the door as the two talked together. Both of you watched them, surprised when Sidney had moved away and slapped Billy, moving away from him to call out again for Tatum so they could leave.
You were a bit happy to see Billy hurt, but a large part of you was also sad and angered by it. You didn’t enjoy seeing him hurt physically, but it made you a bit more comforted knowing he felt a tiny bit of the pain you were hiding. Stu was quick to try and calm down Sidney, putting his arm around her shoulder as they talked.
You and Billy made eye contact from across the room, he gave a dejected smile and a shrug, heading your way. “Did you know telling a girl that you don’t appreciate being called a killer and assuming that breaks you guys up is not a good idea?” He asked as you laughed, “I could have guessed,” you hummed, sipping on your drink before offering him the cup. “Promise it’s not laced or anything, not yet at least,” you said jokingly as he drank. “I would prefer if it was,” he said as he handed it back to you. “How about we get a refill and head upstairs? We can steal some of Stu’s cds and dvds, hopefully not his porn collection,” he said, making you laugh once again. “Hey, who knows, Stu might have good taste in porn,” you said with a wide smile as the two of you headed out to the kitchen.
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romanarose · 11 months
i love you <3
do i get a treat now
Yes you get a treat. This is why I asked you if you like Twilight bc I needed a reason to post this.
This is a edited chapter of my first MK series, Sunshine, Starlight, Sweetheart, Brightside. You shouldnt have to read all 33 chapters of this series jsut to read this yummy premise!!! So I edited it!
In the series, its a 3rd person and OC, so if I accidentally say "she" or "sam", ignore that.
The Twilight Baseball Scene
Marc Spector x fem!reader
Summary: Ever wanted to get finger fucked to the Twilight baseball scene?
Warnings and content: Fingering. Marc suffering for love. Reader is bicoded.
A/N: Jake is not romantically involved, and is just starting to get along with Marc.
Italics is Marc, Bold is steven, red is jake
Marc Spector was being torchered. 
He had been through a lot, seen and felt a lot of things as a mercenary, his time as Moon Knight (wait. Is Jake still doing that?), and his childhood, but this? This might top it all. You were spending Saturday alone with him and Steven; Steven had you alone in the morning, and Marc had you for the evening.
Steven’s date was wonderful, he took you to the local book store and let you pick out whatever she wanted. This was, of course, after he took you for coffee. Of course. 
Yeah. Yeah things went well for Steven. 
Marc, on the other hand, was wondering if this was a sneak preview into hell. He knew that it couldn’t actually be in hell; you were here.
He was watching Twilight.
You weren't even cuddling with him, you were on the other side of the couch, actually watching the movie. When they decided to have a movie night, he thought there might not be much movie watching as there might be sex.
Guys. Guys. Marc tried to get the other boy's attention. GUYS!
WHATS HAPPENING?! If a voice in his head could burst through a door waving a gun around, that's what Jake would be doing.
Whoa, calm down.
Marc?! Whats going on?
Jesus you two, nothing is happening.
Then what do you need? You’re supposed to be on a date.
I am. We’re watching... Twilight…
Marc swore he heard Jake laugh.
Oh god, how did that happen?
I told her she could choose the movie!
Well… that was your first mistake.
I thought she would pick something like Star Wars, Indiana Jones or Jurassic Park or something else with Harrison Ford! Not Twilight.
Well if you’re going to let her pick the movie you have to- wait… did you say ‘something else with Harrison Ford?’
Amigo… do you think Harrison Ford is in Jurrasic Park?
Yeah? He’s the one who isn’t Jeff Goldblum
I know who you are talking about Marc, that’s not Harrison Ford. 
You think that Harrison Ford played a grumpy paleontologist in Jurassic Park, and a grumpy archeologist in Indiana Jones? It’s the same exact character.
Well I’ve never seen either-
Hold on. You named Steven after some B movie knock off of Indiana Jones but you never actually watched Indiana Jones?
You can laugh all you want, but that movie was awesome
Wait, Marc, why were you yelling for us?
… I’m bored…
Dios mio, that’s it? I’m supposed to only show up when the body is in critical danger and now I need to baby sit you though Twilight?
It’s not babysitting, I just need entertainment. She’s out of commission right now
Marc looked over at you, whose eyes were glued to the Tv. Edward was on the screen.
Jake laughed. She’s doing that thing.
What thing?
That tongue thing.
That tongue thing she does when she’s turned on…
Not very observant, are you?
What are you two talking about?
Look at her mouth, Ese.
Marc focused on your mouth for Steven. As expected, a tiny bit of your tongue peeked out from between your teeth.
She does that when she wants you
Why are you paying attention to when she’s turned on?
Relájate idiota
Before Marc could respond, his head turned when he heard you mutter, barely a whisper. “As if you could outrun me, as if you could fight me off”
What the fuck?! What the fuck was that?!
She watches this movie a lot. She knows this scene line for line.
Marc thought the world of you. He thought you were incredibly intelligent, respected your opinions and loved to hear you speak so passionately about random subjects. He just couldn’t see what you saw in this stupid movie.
It’s comforting to her. She knows it like the back of her hand. To her, it’s predictable. Calming. You should know about that.
Marc saw his point.
You gonna hold her, or are you gonna let her wish it was the sparkly fucker instead?
Marc learned where you were sitting, causing you to turn and grin at him. You still looked at him like he hung the stars, which relieved him. Maybe Edward was a vampire who sparkled (?!?!?!) but you still loved him. For whatever reason.
You planted a kiss on his lips, Marc slipping his tongue into your mouth briefly before you pulled away, eyes flittering to the tv. “Thank you for watching Twilight with me, baby. I know it’s not how you’d like to spend a Saturday night.”
Marc pulled you over to him, easily lifting you up and into his arms. He settled back down, your head on the pillow and cuddled up on his lap. “As long as you’re here, I’ll watch twilight every night.”
Idiota! ¿por qué dirías que?!
If she wants to watch Twilight with me next week, you’re taking the body and I’m not distracting you.
I’m not either
Oh god damn it. Jake you’re back on my shit list.
What? Steven said it first, isn’t he on your shit list?
I’m his favorite
What, are we his kids now?
Jesus christ.
I mean, technically-
NO! NO! We are not having this conversation. Steven, you’re on my shit list.
Ha. follar y averiguar. 
If I give you a little tip to distract her, will you take me off the shit list?
What do you got?
When the baseball scene comes she’s going to get really turned on. Like, an insane amount. She’s gonna start squirming. Everyone in that scene is gonna do it for her, but she especially loves Edward and Rosalie. When that happens, put your hands down her pants. She’ll drop everything for you to fuck her.
Jesus christ. What happened to Steven?
Great sex, that’s what. How long until the baseball scene.
Another half hour, probably
Marc groaned loudly in the headspace. Steven and Jake tried to keep him company.
When the baseball scene started, Steven told him to wait a minute so you work yourself up. Jake excused himself. When he felt you start to shift and wriggle her legs together (Steven was right, you really liked Rosalie), Marc slid a hand down your pants, eliciting a gasp.
His other hand that was wrapped under you spent a moment to caress your body as he teased your clit, making you body lurch in his grip.
“Marc…” You whispered.
“Shhhhh. Just watch your movie.”
What are you doing?
I’m gonna make her come on my fingers.
Yeah I get that, but you’re going to need to distract her from the movie. She’s only going to be thinking of Edward the whole time.
Marc slipped two fingers into her as his wandering hand put a hard grip on her left tit.
It’s fine. I just want her. If Twilight makes her happy, so be it. 
You whimpered, eyes glued to the tv and breath shaking from his touch. The famed baseball scene played out before your eyes and you breath hitching when Jasper did the twirl with his bat.
Marc continued finger fucking you, swearing that your eyes were on Rosalies thighs more than anything. You swallowed hard, focusing on the music and his touch. When Alice saw the vision of the other 3 characters (have they been here before? Am I supposed to know them? Marc hadn’t been paying attention.) approached, He could feel you were getting close.
His left hand played with your nipples between his fingers as he tried to figure out what was happening. These must be the bad vampires, judging by the way everyone reacted. Jesus, no one in this movie can act casual for the life of them. The hand that had been on your breast moved up to your throat, causing you to buck against him, your body pleading for more. And god, did he give you more. Marc inserted a third finger and picked up the pace, carefully restricting your airflow as you watched the terrible movie. Finally, he let go of your throat and whispered “Come when you’re ready, baby”
He continued fingering you, paying less attention to the insane dialogue and more to the sounds her pussy made, so wet, so wet for him. One of the bad vampires must’ve said something, because Edward moved into a defensive stance around Bella. That’s when you came, pulsing around his fingers and writhing in his arms, your beautiful mouth gasping for air. He held you through it, fucking you through the orgasm and his other fingers skimming over your chest and stomach.
Marc had a theory you were turned on by being protected or feeling safe. That’s why you were so into Steven so early. He made you feel safe. You coming when Edward protected Bella? Well, that confirmed his theory.
Your hand moved back to touch Marc’s pants, but Marc stopped you. “Don’t worry about that. We got a movie to finish.” You sighed contently and settled into his lap.
I think this is what they call being 'pussy whipped'
He played with your hair and massaged your scalp for the rest of the movie. Now, if you wanted to get turned on when you felt safe, that’s fine by him. You are safe with Marc and Steven, and Jake it seemed. You were safe with them. They would never let anyone hurt you. They would do anything in their power to make you smile, make you laugh, make you cum. If that means buying an iced caramel macchiato every single day, that’s wonderful. If that means having you under him, writhing and sweaty and absolutely ruined? Yeah, that’s fantastic.
And god damn it, if that meant watching Twilight every night? Then shit, he’d learn it line for line.
Is it lazy to repost chapters of my old fics?
Yes. But. who cares bc otherwise these scenes wouldn't have any reach outside of readers of the series.
I would like to take a sec to promo the series, its got an oc so i know its not for everyone and its long, but it deals with sa, sh, childhood trauma all that shit.
Thank you for reading ILY CLEEMMMMMMMMM
@runa-falls @campingwiththecharmings @fandxmslxt69 @whatthefishh @ahookedheroespureheart @littlenosoul @eyelessfaces @hon3yboy @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @mikaelak @stevenandmarcslove @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @faretheeoscar @boysddontcry @harriedandharassed
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cunt-dracula0 · 1 year
general (including characters such as stu macher, billy loomis, randy meeks, mickey altieri and roman bridger)
— how the scream characters would react to their s/o who has pets! (headcanons)
stu macher
— camping with stu macher and the scream gang x fem!reader (headcanons)
nothing yet!
billy loomis
— billy loomis x embittered/easily irritated reader (headcanons)
— BETRAYAL; after being attacked by the masked killer lurking around woodsboro, the reader now suspects her boyfriend billy has some involvement.
randy meeks
— TRAIL OF TEARS; when the aftermath of a bad breakup hits him hard, randy seeks for comfort through the reader.
mickey altieri
— friday movie nights with mickey!! mickey altieri x GN!reader (headcanons)
roman bridger
nothing yet!
general (including characters such as, tony soprano, christopher moltisanti, silvio dante, paulie walnuts (gualtieri), adriana la cerva, bobby baccalieri, johnny sack, and perhaps a few other memorable characters! at this point, i actually don’t mind writing for any character in general)
— A DEATH FORETOLD; tony soprano is informed of a grave loss within his crew.
nothing yet!
christopher moltisanti
nothing yet!
tony soprano
nothing yet!
bobby baccalieri
nothing yet!
adriana la cerva
nothing yet!
michael corleone
nothing yet!
general (including characters such as jeremiah valeska, jerome valeska and jim gordon)
— the valeska twins dating a witch s/o!! (headcanons)
jeremiah valeska
— SPEAK SOFTLY LOVE; you have a rather breathtaking dance with jeremiah after seeing his most loved mafia flick ever. the godfather.
nothing yet!
jerome valeska
nothing yet!
general ((i’ll happily write for any boardwalk character atp))
jimmy darmody
nothing yet!
al capone (stephen graham’s portrayal, not the real al)
— AIN’T THAT SOMETHIN’; imagine al deep down feeling insecure about his scars, and his girlfriend telling him how truly beautiful she finds him with them.
gyp rosetti
nothing yet!
lucky luciano
nothing yet!
owen sleater
nothing yet!
richard harrow
nothing yet!
nothing yet!
nothing yet
nothing yet!
francis begbie
nothing yet!
mark renton
nothing yet!
sickboy (simon williamson)
nothing yet!
spud (daniel murphy)
nothing yet!
tony montana (scarface)
(more jeff goldblum characters most likely)
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darklcy · 1 year
part 2 to shift in fifteen? maybe during the movie robin makes a move or confesses? i love your writing!!
𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐩𝐭 𝟐. | 𝐩𝐭 𝟏.
omg!! thank you so much im so flattered you all liked it so much akjdfakdf, pls enjoy this continuation :)
─ robin buckley x reader | stranger things masterlist | 747 words | more fluff, more gay panic, following the shift at Family Video, gross description of the movie the fly jakfjkasf
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Steve had a certain radar for things like this.
He’d experienced it himself before many a time, back in the day when King Steve ruled the hallways of Hawkins High and girls actually spoke to him and reciprocated his catty pick up lines. Some might dare to say he still reigned that title and expertise, some whose identities had yet to reveal themselves and not live in Steve’s imagination.
Regardless, he knew what was going on.
From the moment you two strode in five minutes past with downturned mischievous grins, giggling to each other while Keith frowned with arms crossed. 
“You’re late.”
“Yeah, yeah, we know.”
Robin dismissed him with a wave, not letting him continue his lecture as she hopped over to register. Your fingers moved to clock you both in, officially starting the shift and ignoring a looming Keith from across the counter.
Steve immediately saw the huff of composure you underwent, fingers shaking off imaginary weight and a short clear of your throat. A corner of his lip jutted up.
“What were you two up to all day?”
Robin spun around, always quick. “Why, did you miss us?”
“You wish.” 
When his eyes caught yours, you shrugged.
“We overslept.”
A quick glance to the clock. “It’s 2:00.”
"Whatever you say, mom."
Robin drawled while moving past him to restock. Steve points an accusatory finger to her back.
“I told you not to call me that!”
Bantering was normal of course, it was Steve and Robin. But it was a bit curious when there was silence over in your corner. Family Video wasn’t the most boring job in Hawkins, but it definitely didn’t serve up to par with the ever busy Starcourt Mall. Responsibilities didn’t range more than a three person job, so why you remained quieter than usual the whole shift was…strange. 
Standing at his car door, watching you cackle with Robin from your driver's side, as if nighttime had finally awakened your energy, he scoffed.
“Eww. Ew ew that’s so euugh!”
“It's not that bad! I feel like we’ve watched way worse.”
Jeff Goldblum’s overwhelming transformation from human to fly sounded gross in mere description, but to actually watch it play out on screen was a whole other thing. Robin watched completely unfazed, popping a kernel of popcorn in her mouth while you cringed into the safety of your sweatshirt sleeves. Sprawled on your bed with blankets and pillows, the room dark with the exception of the tv, the shift at Family Video had been murdered on carpet floor at the hands of the easily discardable teal vest adorning your nametags.
Robin’s shoulder bumped yours. “It’s kind of romantic actually. In a tragic, disgusting way.”
“How is this at all romantic. I’d be traumatized, why isn’t she running away!”
“Because she loooves him.”
“But he’s a- oh god.”
These effects had to be illegal. Whoever allowed this grim, melting skin effect had to be clinically morbid. 
“So what, if I turned into a fly you would leave me?”
Robin’s question aimed itself with an outstretched palm. 
“I don’t know! That’s a very unlikely situation so I don’t know what I’d do,”
“So you’d leave me.”
You shoved her shoulder off yours. “Noo shut up, I don’t think I would. I’d try to, or I would, arghh!”
Robin’s laughter bounced off the walls as her head fell back onto your shoulder blades, body buckling over you with squinted eyes. The palms of your hands muffled your smile and warming face, giggles bubbling through the cracks of fingers. It was always like this with her, neverending joy and light hearted jokes. You loved it, you loved her. 
Regaining her breath, the girl above you sighed, reopening her eyes to contemplate the ceiling. Her hands drummed at her ribcage as she stared, her eyebrows faintly drawing together in thought.
“...If you turned into a fly, I wouldn’t leave you.”
It grabbed your attention with a jolted heartbeat. It was a joke, but serious too. Her voice lowered and steadied itself, as if she were confessing a dark secret instead of referring to a theoretical scenario. The corners of your smile raised with your pulse. 
“...I wouldn’t leave you, either.”
Her freckles beamed. Right in front of her eyes, the ceiling danced with stars and interlocked hands, the plethora of what if’s and jokes she had the opportunity to throw on you to follow that statement. 
But she just smiled, and the ceiling smiled back.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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ethelcainwantstobeme · 4 months
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𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓬𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓾𝓻𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓘 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮
I might do fanfic's in the future, most likely x-readers but only with my goon men.
Possibly also head cannons!
My Men are:
• Choso Kamo
• Tom Selleck
• Jeff Goldblum
• Toji Fushiguro
• Cillian Murphy
• Suguru Geto
(I most likely wont do non-anime fan fics just posts about how much i love them, and this list can be updated or change in the future.)
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eva-ace · 6 years
3 Sexiest men over 60: Chapter 2/3
Warnings: mostly SFW, curse words, 1900 words
Crossposted on AO3: Mira_Moriarty
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2/3: 
MAY 16th
“ I’m so nervous” All the reassurance you received that night before went out the fucking door. You were meeting your favorite celebs. The ones you thought about while touching yourself at night. You buried your face in your hands.
“OMG. “ The car stopped. Your assistant opened the door and slid out. You breathed and reassured yourself.
“ Be confident and be myself. “ You got out of the car. You squinted a bit because the sun was beaming. This lunch was a fancy bistro in a country club somewhere. You’d forgotten the name as soon as you heard it. The assistant led you up the stairs of the county club. It was super fancy. The stairs were made of white marble.
You took a deep breath. You were wearing a bright yellow dress that ended right above your knees. You knew you wore yellow well, it looked amazing on your dark brown skin. You wore a medium amount of makeup, just enough. You had shoulder length Afro coils that bounced as you walked up the marble stairs.
You entered the building and were met with another team of assistant/managers and etc.
You were ushered into a room and there they were. They were all sitting talking to each. Jeff let out a light laugh. He was wearing a white shirt, khaki bottoms and a blue jacket on top. He looked amazing. It like a dream they were right here in front of you. You heart began to race but you closed your eyes for a second and willed yourself to calm down and don’t be weird. You opened your eyes and at that moment they noticed you.
“ Hello. “ Jeff was the first to stand up. He shook your hand vigorously. He seemed excited. You felt a bit more confident by that.
“ Hi, Nice to meet you all. “ You flashed a bright smile. Jeff chuckled a bit. Willem shook your hand. He seemed a bit nervous or shy. Jeremy stared at you for a moment before regaining his senses and becoming more aloof.
The introductions were cut short as the managers shuffled everyone to the back patio of the country club. You all took your seats with Jeremy straight in front of you, Jeff to the left and Willem to the right.
A photographer began to snap photos.
“ Well tell me a bit about yourself. “ Jeff flashed you a smile. The nervous came back. You cleared your throat.
“ Well My name Y/N. I’m from NY. “ You went on to tell them a lot about you, your life and your work. Willem would ask a question once in a while but Jeremy only spoke once. Jeff wouldn’t stop he was just as nice in person as he was on TV.
“ That sounds amazing Y/N” Jeff laughed. The photographer finished snapping photos and switched to video. Waiters brought the food out. It was a preset menu of shrimp fettuccini alfredo. You loved pasta and had no problems with this. You enjoyed talking to them and relaxed a bit becoming more yourself. Willem was a bit shy but he seemed to be enjoying the conversation as much as you and Jeff were. The photographer finished taking video and left, leaving you alone with the three men to talk and eat in peace.
You were pretty hungry so you ate a bit too fast. You choked a bit. You quickly drank a bit of your wine and laughed at yourself.
Jeremy let out a snooty laugh clearly directed at you. You weren’t one to take bullshit.  You raised an eyebrow and glared at him a bit. He glared right back. You weren’t sure what his problem was he seemed to not want to participate in the conversation.
You all finished lunch. It was wonderful and you all headed to the mall to do some shopping. You rode in a separate car than them.
You had an allotted max you could spend at the mall.
The photographer took lots of photos and video for the first few minutes before stopping. Willem really enjoyed picking out shoes for you. He picked out a wonderful pair of heels. Willem kneeled down to put the shoe on you and you could see Jeremy give him a look of disdain. It pissed you off. You didn’t understand what the hell was his problem.
Willem and Jeff were exactly who you thought they would be but Jeremy was different. It felt like he hated you from the moment he saw you. It was irritating. You had to say something.
“ Do you have a problem with me? “ You directed the question at Jeremy who was standing a bit away.  Willem looked nervous. Jeff looked excited.
“ No. “ Jeremy gave you a short answer before walking away towards the bathrooms. You removed the show and quickly followed after him.
“ Hey. “ You grabbed his shoulder and pushed him against the wall. “I understand that you may have a problem with me for whatever reason but don’t ruin it for the rest of us. “ You crossed your arms.
Jeremy laughed at your outburst. You were taken aback.
“ I promise I wont ruin it. I won’t fawn over you like the rest of them. “
“ Huh? They aren’t fawning over me. “ You were shocked by his answer.
“ You can’t see it?  They’re head over heels.” Jeremy scoffed. You thought about it for a moment, they were paying a lot of attention to you but that was the point you won the contest. A thought popped into your head.
“ You’re jealous aren’t you? “ You smirked at him. You pointed a finger at his chest accusatory. He scoffed.
“ If you wanted my attention you could’ve just asked or tried to engage in conversation with me. “ You smiled softly. He stared at your lips as you smiled. You noticed and licked your lips subconsciously. In an instant his lips were on yours.
You were surprised but didn’t pull away you kissed him back moving your soft lips against him.
This is a dream.  It had to be. Jeremy snapped back to reality and pulled away. He looked into your eyes for a second before pushing you away and walking back down the hall to the others. You were stunned. Did he like me?
You had a 2 hour-long break before meeting back with the others. You decided that you were going to woo the socks off all three of them. You could tell Jeremy wanted you but the others you were not so sure about. You regained your confidence and looked at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing one of your favorite dresses. It was red bodycon dress. It accentuated your ass and hips. You wore matching red lacy lingerie underneath and you put on the pair of heels Willem had picked out for you. You put on a bit more makeup and sent your friend a photo. She eventually texted you back You Slay! Get em. You laughed and got ready to head out to dinner.
Your assistant definitely frowned a bit when you met her at the car downstairs but didn’t say anything about it. You drove silently to the steakhouse. You wanted their attention to make Jeremy even more jealous. You knew Jeff liked to flirt and wouldn’t mind you flirting back.
When you entered the restaurant you realized you were dressed a bit odd for the venue but you didn’t let it bring your spirits down. You followed your friend’s instructions and walked like you were ready to fuck shit up in a good way. The moment Jeff, Jeremy and Willem looked at you, you knew you had them. Jeremy looked stunned and eyed you up and down. Willem was blushing like crazy and Jeff was just staring at your ass.
“ Hello. “ You smiled at them and sat down. You were sitting across from Jeremy again.
“ You look gorgeous. “ Jeff spoke first. He had a wild smile on his face.
“ I agree you look beautiful Y/N. “ Willem continued to blush. He noticed you were wearing the heels he picked out.
“ You both look absolutely sexy as well. “ Jeremy looked shocked at your reply. Jeff let out a loud laugh before bringing your hand to his mouth and kissing it. “ Thank you, darling. “ Jeff gave you a small wink.  Jeremy glared at him intensely. Jeff noticed but didn’t stop flirting.
“ What do you think, Jeremy? “ Jeff turned to him. “ Isn’t she just gorgeous? “ Jeff waited for Jeremy’s answer. Jeremy blushed a bit and didn’t look like he knew what to say. All the assistants and photographer had left the dining area as they had gotten all the footage they needed. The waiters brought in your food. The menu was preselected and everyone got steak and mixed veggies. You liked yours rare and bloody. In the middle of a bite a drop of juice from the steak dripped down your chin. Willem was the only one to notice.
“ Y/N you have a little food there. “ He pointed at your chin.
“ Here? “ You purposefully pointed to the wrong area.
“ No… Let me. “ Willem brought his finger to your face lightly brushing over your lips and wiping the juice from your chin. After he finished his eyes widened as he realized how inappropriate that seemed. Jeff eyed him with a smirk. Jeremy seemed pissed. You all continued conversing together with Jeremy barely speaking. You flirted mercilessly bringing Willem to a blush many times.
The allotted time for dinner was passing and you needed more time. You turned to Jeff.
“ I’m sad the nights almost over. “ You smiled at Jeff bringing your foot up and rubbing it against the inner part of his leg. He let out a slight cough in surprise. Jeremy eyed him suspiciously.
“ Well I suppose the night doesn’t have to end. “ He smiled. You brought your foot further up rubbing it between his thighs.
“We could head to my hotel. Have a few glasses of wine together. “ Jeff offered with a smile. You removed your foot and he seemed disappointed.
‘”Would you like that, Willem? “ You turned to your right towards him. You did that same and dragged your foot up his leg to his thigh. Surprising he grabbed your foot before you got any higher. He lightly touched your foot with his hand rubbing his thumb in circles. He eyed you hungrily. It made you wet instantly.
“ Yes. “ He spoke more forcefully then he had the entire day.
You all finished dinner and the tension in the room was thick. You joined the 3 in their van. Jeremy had barely touched his food during dinner and was visibly agitated. You flirted with Jeff and Willem the entire ride to the hotel. You had told your assistant that you were going to spend some more time with them. She eyed you with a knowing look but said nothing.
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pr0wlerpunk · 2 years
Ian Malcom with a punk anarchist geneticist
Type of story: Headcannon
Requested: @slxthxrxn-sxmp
Warnings: kissing ig, used beautiful but you call anyone beautiful
I lied I got it done in less than a week
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Ok he definitely died when he saw you
Didn’t think someone as beautiful as you would wear something like this
But oh boy was he wrong
Ultimate package
Definitely ask if you know about Chaos Theory
If so then oh boy he’s fanboying but, if not then you better cancel any plans you had for the next hours
He gets very protective when Alan or anyone talks about your outfit
Like To the point where he would actually hurt someone
Almost broke Alan’s nose when he commented on why you would wear all that
So of course when the T-Rex escapes he’s definitely protecting you
Makes sure you’ve eaten, even if it’s snacks
“Yn here, eat this” gives you his food so you’re not hungry
Doesn’t care if he’s hungry he’s just worrying about you
Gives you his jacket when you’re cold
Makes sure you have no cuts or open wounds
And if so then you best believe you’re not going anywhere until he’s cleaned and bandaged you
Didn’t think you liked him
Like at all
But when he gets hurt and you rush to his aid telling him how scared you were and how he should’ve been more careful he takes the chance
He kisses you
And you kiss back
All he can think about is how soft your lips are
Ellie has to stop you both because well he’s hurt and you and her both know he was getting carried away
Skip to when everyone is in the car riding away
He definitely kisses you again
Tells you after you’re both patched up y’all going on a date
Ellie Loves it
Alan thinks It won’t last
The kids think it’s funny because you both dress the same
I had to much fun writing this lol feel free to send in more requests for Ian or anyone else please!
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trash-gobby · 2 years
Dating Ian Malcolm Would Include
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Summary: Some Ian Malcolm headcanons to tide you over until seeing the new Jurassic Park movie comes out. A little short, but I might make more stuff like this if people like these ones.
Pairing(s): Ian Malcolm X GN!Reader
Characters: Ian Malcolm, Reader
✨ Being always on your toes. He's a pretty spontaneous man and always likes to be on the go. Whether that is going to remote parts of the world for trekking through the wilds, visiting the Las Vegas casinos, or going skydiving.
✨ Feelings like the center of his world. Dr. Malcolm really likes to lay it on with his partners in order to prolong the relationship as much as possible. Him being extremely charismatic also helps.
✨ He'll shower you in gifts, like trips with him around the world and taking you out for extravagant dinners.
✨ Showing you the interesting and unseen parts of the world you never would have thought of being there, is something Ian highly enjoys. Seeing the look on your face, of wonder and joy is something that makes his heart swell.
✨ However, Ian is someone who always needs to be doing something new, which means that trying to keep up with him can sometimes be exhausting.
✨ Ian is also reluctant to really commit since he's already been married more than once, and worries that you will just become another bitter ex of his.
✨ You two will really need to be compatible and communicate if you want to make this relationship work. Especially encouraging Ian to confront his commitment issues.
✨ Getting along with his daughter Kelly will be incredibly important if your going to be partners long term. She's also pretty picky considering her father has brought home a lot of partners.
✨ Putting up with some very long conversations about the chaos and balance which can be found within the world of mathematics is something your going to have to do. If you like maths, that's a major plus, since Ian will be interested in your opinion on certain topics.
✨ He's pretty physically affectionate and is definitely comfortable with PDA. Although he's not gonna get to hot and heavy in public.
✨ Mostly Ian wants to make sure that everyone knows your his partner and that he's proud to have you by his side. Sometimes that means having his hand around your waist while you talk to others or leaning into you slightly.
✨ Has a tendency to get jealous if he thinks someone is flirting with you, but is more likely to politely bring this up to you in private then anything else.
✨ Very much a goofball and doesn't tend to take much of anything seriously. This can be annoying or really endearing.
✨ Does know when to take things serious in a crisis and has a pretty good head on his shoulders, which is pretty hot.
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