#jelly feeder
textless · 1 year
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growmydarling · 9 months
I’ve been gorging myself with cream pies, ice cream, donuts, and heavy cream. I didn’t think it would catch up to me but I think it’s starting to show.. should I keep giving in to just desserts or try to shed the extra pounds…? 😰
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Holy fucking fuck that body of yours is absurd 😜 Looking like a cream pie yourself. Looking like someone to cream pie *into* maybe too.
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trans-fat-lizard · 7 months
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surely this isn’t the result of downing as much half & half as I can get my hands on 🫢
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scare-ard--sleigh · 1 year
my cat is doing little chitters in his sleep, maybe the world isn't so bad :' )
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okordinaryish · 28 days
i fuckin love birds
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misterparadigm · 5 months
The Ah, Nuts! comic is now available as an eBook on Amazon! If you don't wanna pay shipping costs, but want to check out the story I helped bring to life with Nickelodeon writer Max Beaudry, you can download the Kindle version for $6.99.
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animalshowdown · 2 months
Phylum Round 3
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Annelida: Segmented Worms. This group includes earthworms, leeches, and many classes under the umbrella of “polychaete”. This diverse phylum encompasses deposit feeders (eating dirt), detritivores, scavengers, deadly ambush predators, filter feeders, parasites, herbivores, and more. They are broadly defined by their repeating body segments and parapodia, which are nubby appendages used for both movement and breathing. Some have curved jaws for catching prey or scraping detritus off of rocks, while others have wide, elaborate, brightly colored feather-like fans for filter feeding. While able to crawl freely, a majority of marine Annelids spend most of their time in self-built tubes or burrows. Among their many important functions, they play a key role in mixing soil/sediment, breaking down decaying organic matter, and providing a key food source to countless other animals.
Cnidaria: Jellyfish, anemones, corals, box jellies, and hydroids. They have a gelatinous body with radial symmetry, a decentralized nervous system, and tentacles surrounding a simple mouth. The defining feature of this phylum are their cnidocytes, or stinging cells. There are two different body plans of the Cnidaria; an immobile “polyp” attached to a surface, or a free-living “medusa” which can swim or drift in the water column. Many polyp Cnidarians, such as corals, live in colonies. Some corals build reefs which serve as habitat for other animals. Free-living medusa Cnidarians must return to the seafloor in a polyp-like stage as a part of their life cycle.
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ostdrossel · 29 days
Birdfy by Netvue was so nice to send me a Hum feeder cam to try out, and today I had the first visitors. They alerted me that the grape jelly needs a refill 😄It has two cams, which is fun for editing. I'll post a more thorough review soon. I also have the pretty Allura feeder out, with a Birdsy camera, and will set up the red fountain again soon. All I need now are
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trans-fat-lizard · 7 months
these pants are getting kinda tight…
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ghostybat00 · 6 months
*⁠.⁠✧Michael Myers with a chubby reader*⁠.⁠✧
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🔪:I think he would be the type of yandere that wouldn't care about his s/o's appearance. (I mean, I think Almost no one in slashers cares about appearances, anyway)
🔪:I think he would like a chubby s/o more, anyway he is very strong, literally superhuman strength, why do you care so much if you "weigh too much"?
🔪:He would continue carrying you with ease.
🔪:It would be like a type of...personal feeder? He likes to feed you even if he is the most expressionless man in the world, Inside he loves it, he loves feeling like your protector, although he doent's show it .
🔪:He would enter your house, he would enter wherever room you are and he would stare at you, and then he would leave you a small sweet or snack, like some chips, cookies, or just a jelly bean close to you, and then he would leave. (Spoiler: The snack/candy wrapper may be bloody, but you can always clean it!)
🔪:This man loves your curves, he will randomly take you in his suffocating arms and squeeze you the air outside of you.
🔪:He may be the most expressionless, but it seriously bothers him, it irritates him that people make fun of or make comments about your appearance, which leads him to kill anyone who even makes a comment at you.
🔪:This will probably lead him to discover a somewhat strange fetish of his, he loves to watch you eat, seeing food put to your lips is a great turn on for him.
🔪:Fruits, sweets, spoons, it doesn't matter, as long as he can see your pretty lips around the food and see how with each step of the month that passes with you see how your body looks curvier and chubbier It excites him so much that he wants to just throw you on the floor and fuck you pretty little mouth :3
🔪:If one day you have a drop in self-esteem because of your appearance, he would give you more comfort food, and if you don't accept it, he will be a little offended and try to give it to you by force, but he always ends up giving you little pats as a silent way of saying don't worry about it.
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duskkodesh · 11 months
I've had rats for years at this point now and finally want to put down the best tips I've learned. This won't work for everyone, some are very conditional to me, but maybe some of these will help someone. Fleece hammocks: Boo. Microplastics and too warming. Canvas hammocks: Yes, please. Highly washable. Far more tough. I wish they were easier to find. Coiled rope baskets are also a godsend. I hang them by the handles in the cage, they love them way more than anything marketed to rats. Bottles are nice but some rats wanna splash and have a place to wash their little hands. Fresh in pod peas are by the pound at my supermarket. I usually spend 70 cents on the amount for several treat sessions. All my frozen peas end up getting freezer burnt by the time I get halfway through the bag. Antibiotics will be needed if you keep rats. Do not give antibiotics with dairy, many classes of antibiotics bond to calcium thereby making them far less effective. Speaking of, antibiotics seem to have the hardest taste to cover up. Ground meat baby food, Hershey simply five syrup (Just a little), peanut powder (No added sugar, oils), fruit compote/jam/jelly, small absorbent bread snacks/cereal, smushed pasta, cream of wheat, are all options to get meds into rats. You can call exotic vets and ask for an estimate on a basic rat exam. Do it, the prices vary WILDLY. We had a vet who charged us 35$ to see three rats at once and one who quoted us 200$ to look at one. You're gonna notice a trend if you call vets in higher class/rich areas. Fuck em'. Also ask your vet if you can keep a supply of meds on hand just in case. If they last at room temp you can buy some preemptively. Things like doxycycline you can get from human pharmacies.
Zip ties are god. All hail zip ties. Same with swivel clasps. Between them both you can cage mount anything your heart desires.
Leave bedding in a hot car or freezing conditions for a night. Warehouses get mites. Mites are a dick to deal with. Kill em' all.
Give them a variety of fresh things while they're young. Not always but sometimes I'd get an older gent rescue who had no idea what to do with berries or tomatoes and would refuse them. They learn better what is safe when young. At some point you will have an emergency. Make sure you know where an emergency vet is and that they keep night/weekend hours. Keep funds on hand for that day.
Rats hide pain well. When they age you may need to start pain management if you notice them moving differently even if they don't show their pain blatantly. Just start with low doses and see if they act like their old selves again. Research your breeders. Get recommendations from other rat people. Check and see if there are rat rescues in your area. Also the Humane Society sometimes takes in rodents.
Controversial take: You will encounter people in ratkeeping who say buying feeders is a sin. It's not. Feeder supply will exist whether or not every rat fancier boycotts them. We are far far fewer in number than snake/lizard people. Wherever you got your rats it's valid so long as you give them healthcare, good nutritious food, love, and mental stimulation. A lot of the 'foods to avoid, foods to include' lists are not researched. I've seen lists that ban chocolate. Rats freaking love chocolate they just need to take it easy on fats and sugars but cocoa powder can be a good mix in and can help ratty blood flow. I've seen people ban mango. if you read the study that led to this they gave rats an obscene amount of D-limonene to trigger cancer and small amounts had no side effects at all. Read the studies, look for sources.
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dragonthunders01 · 8 months
Spectember D26: Break a biological record
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Some hundreds of millions of years far into the future around 300 million years hence, after the formation of a big supercontinent, one that was not predicted to form, a lot of existing terrestrial and marine fauna look so alien compared to the animals that once man witnessed as the difference is as much as a human being would have to the first terrestrial tetrapod. Phylogenetically speaking many of those animals would be related to something like a crown, a snake, a varanid, a goby, a frog, a bat and so on but they are totally anatomically, morphologically and physiologically far from those, mammals and birds are a fraction of what they were, more mole or reptile like, varanids and frogs suffered of varied radiations and now they have been as much diverse as how dinosaurs and synapsids went through the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, and small fishes survived and radiated from freshwater species over and over from different mass extinctions, and just for matter of convergence they looked something like the modern species man saw, but they aren’t anatomically close to those.
In land mammals are just small and ectothermic creatures, in the ocean however one lineage managed to thrive as large swimmers, is not like any other group however, they have lost their forelimbs, their tails barely help them to swim and often depending of the species they have a rigid fluke or a seahorse-like prehensile tail, they managed to re-evolve some structure similarly to gills from a part of a nose cavity, a result of its proper ontogenic development as they did born not fully developed. These aren’t descendants of placentary mammals, but marsupials, a lineage that stood almost unchanged for many dozens of millions of years in the Americas and took a turn after the major calamities through the last 200 million years that drove their group to become reptile like, adopt peculiar adaptations for their lethargic metabolism and ended up in this stage, these aquatic animals were the last descendants of the opossums.
The Scorn Figoeq are a twisted form of the more seahorse-like herbivorous relatives that lives in the surfaces, living at depths of 4000 to 5000 meters under the surface is by far the deepest species of tetrapod that has ever lived, the deepest mammal to have diver so low under the ocean. It adopted the lifestyle of the already gone anglerfishes as well some other deep-water fishes, is among the last of an experimental lineage of the Figoeqs (Derivation of Figoeqqus or "shaped like horse") that tried to become pelagic planktonic feeders which ended up becoming extinct in the last 50 million years, remaining as a relic of that group. With 25 cm long, anything that could be considered mammal like only is exposed by looking at the embryo of this species as it starts with the basics of mammal anatomy, but reaching adulthood they resemble a mix of a jelly and a bizarre abyssal fish, with their short body, large head with a deep gelatinous cover that protects part of its head and eyes that now grow inside the flesh, with long dorsal spines that helps it to stabilize while swimming, their long hind flippers that look more like ray fins, and the tail that has grow a fluke to push it slowly across the darkness of the abyss.
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taxonomy as a field is so fucked. im hate the fact that corals are related to jellyfish. but NOT sponges. Left to right: jelly, coral and sponge
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pretend this is your first day on earth, and i ask you which of these animals (yes all three are animals.) are related you'd be like "hm based on physiology i'd say it's the two sessile filter feeders with the calcified bodies!" and you could not be more wrong. you buffoon. you absolute rube. leave this place in shame and never return.
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simp-ly-writes · 7 months
Meet the Doctor pt.7
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Pairing: Stardew Valley Harvey x Reader
Summary: How time flys and relationships change, what will come out from it all and most importantly will your hearts?
Warnings: angst, crying.
A/N: You have to have the lowest of lowest in order to achieve the highest of highs later in life... inspired by the song let you break my heart again by laufey.
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Meet the Doctor Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) (pt.6) (pt.7) (pt.8) (pt.9) (pt.10) you are here
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You eventually end up seeing Harvey every day, bringing a coffee into the clinic as you two catch up on last night and learn more about one another's past before coming to the valley. As the weeks went by you helped to water the flowers in the box outside the clinic and water the plants in an all too familiar appointment room. Soon enough, the red coat laid across the chair in your bedroom was greeted with green elements. Yet your evenings were becoming taken over by Golden locks and half-finished books with tea stained pages tipped over by the dancing of feet to the record that played in the background.
Elliot had been doing his best to have more of your limited time; noticing how much of it you would spend with the Doctor. Feeling overly jealous, he put in a lot of effort into maintaining a relationship with you and making the first move. Yet you seem to always go back the next morning to the medical official, coffee in hand even though you prefer tea. He had always made the first step and yet your feet never followed him as you danced, you would laugh at his jokes and look interested in him, yet he could always see you calculating something in the depths of your irises.
Maybe it was the writer and musician in his soul, calling out for inspiration from yours. Yet the more he had tried, the more he felt you being taken away with minimal effort from Harveys side. So he brewed the tea, set the record on, and took your mind off work when you shared your nights together. His hopeless romantic side was thriving yet the embers of your eyes leading astray slowly burned through his hope. But you still said yes to him, he felt himself not knowing what to think in the end. 
This schedule followed on into the near future as you and Elliot fell asleep gradually each night together as he would vocalize his newest songs and story ideas through your brilliant mind as you would rant about your sprinklers and designs for automatic feeders. Ending the night with a shared pot of green tea and dancing to a new song off Elliot’s work-in-process-record. 
But as soon as the morning would come along, he would have already left your home, tea set and record in arms as you would set off to the clinic in the morning. Yet as the holidays came and went, you were always each other’s dates; dancing together at the saloon and flower dance, running down the streets during the egg hunt, huddling against one another during the moonlight jellies, laughing your heads off while winning prizes at the fall fair, and getting lost together in the spirit's eve maze for almost two years. Were you just leading him on? Or did you really just not know how to express your feelings of friendship or romance? Elliot thought to himself. How on earth had this farmer taken over every thought and been the soul inspiration behind all of his greatest works…
The weeks of work in your living space had eventually added up and a completed novel that was set to release in the upcoming winter season. Another year in the valley was coming and going in a blur between growing your farm and its sales, maintaining your somewhat relationship with Elliot and trying your farmers intuition at growing your relationship with the local doctor, the days flew by and your second year was coming to a close. 
You felt trapped in this moment in time torn between versions of yourself you could have been and version that you still want to be. Elliot was everything you could want in a person, he was creative, intelligent, and outgoing, he made you come out of your shell in those moments in your home, introduced you more personally to the valley's inhabitants and even played songs dedicated to you. Yet what you did not understand was why you felt so empty in his arms as you danced at night, the thought of thousands of others hearing words just meant for you in private.
So you sit there, drinking your coffee for comfort while picking at your piece of pie baked by Evelyn for the occasion. Elliot is holding the first reading of his completed novel in the museum library today and as he starts to read it to the crowd that has formed. You can’t help but feel your heart swell and then crumble in mere seconds, those late night worries coming all too true.
This novel is dedicated to my love, Y/N and our shared writing nights that have ultimately made this book and me a better man. Elliot read the most personal of thoughts into a sea of people and here you were drowning. In all those personal midnight talks after a long day, sharing the couch as songs still played in the background and into the day. You sat here drinking your coffee and thinking, when will someone love me like I wished to have loved you?  
The door chimes and soon you see a green jacket walk out the door, a red one sits on the back of your chair, your heart breaking for a second time. Overwhelmed and confused, tears start to fall down your cheeks as the people loudly clap and whistle around you as the sound of a hardcover snaps close. Elliot jumps off the stage, thanking the crowd in the microphone as walks gracefully over to you, cupping your cheeks and whipping away your tears, he kisses your forehead as the crowd cheers and your spine shrinks into your shoulders. 
To be continued.
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Meet the Doctor Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) (pt.6) (pt.7) (pt.8) (pt.9) (pt.10) you are here
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misterparadigm · 6 months
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