#jesse pinkman x y/n
mysadcorner · 1 year
I have a request (if you're still taking them) fem!reader x Jesse Pinkman fluff hcs, I love your writing so much 😍😍
Jesse Pinkman x Fem!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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• Straight away you can see how sweet Jesse is towards you, and he genuinely keeps this up for the entire relationship no matter how long. He isn’t given many personal chances in life, so the fact that you’ve taken a chance on him means that he wants to give you as much appreciation as he can.
• When you stay over at his place, or the other way around, he always tries to make you a decent breakfast or goes out pretty early so you have something to eat when you wake up. It’s one of the only reasons he gets out of bed, and if you drag him back into bed with you after eating you can expect him to happing stay there for many hours.
• Jesse follows you around when you’re shopping like a child. He’s pushing the trolley for you while you walk ahead and help him figure out how to actually buy proper meals and what he might need to make them. He isn’t really listening though, he’s in his own little bubble which means he’s watching you and just being happy that you’ve gone out with him to do this.
• Jesse would hardly ever forget an event such as your birthday or anniversary since they mean so much to him and he wants to show how much effort he puts into dedication towards you. He’s more so the kind of person to put a lot of effort and be overly prepared and then forget everything on the day because of how much build up there’s been until he sees what he’s done for you in the morning.
• Jesse doesn’t need long term commitment since he’s used to not having long relationships, but when he’s finally in a long term relationship with you he can clearly see what he’s been missing out on. He can’t image you ever leaving him, and if you ever do he probably wouldn’t know what to do anymore and would spiral.
• Jesse doesn’t need to go out partying to have a good time with you. Usually he wants to be along with you, especially when he’s been busy, so you’ll have a nice meal together and watch some movies you’ve been meaning to catch up on together as a way of having a nice night.
• Jesse is constantly doing little favours for you before you even need to ask him to, and some of them aren’t even that small. He’ll gladly go out of his way to buy something across town for you or will take you places. He’ll even help you with anything you could ever think of without ever needing to be asked.
• There are some things about Jesse that he makes you swear to not tell anyone, but these things only make him more adorable. Things like how cuddly he is, or the things you two do together while goofing around would seriously embarrass him if you told them to anyone he knew.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
jesse pinkman x short!male!reader? protective jesse perhaps?? maybe walt is being a dick??
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pairing: jesse pinkman x short!male!reader (he/him pronouns) genre: fluff word count: 770
a/n: saw this idea and RAN with it lmao thank you so much for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
warnings: probably not canon compliant, cussing, maybe gets a little suggestive ??, walt is a dick, set at jesse's townhouse when he was renting from jane's dad, can't remember when walt lied about the pseudo going bad but just go with it, mdc stands for metropolitan detention center, google told me that's the jail in universe
requests open !! read my rules first
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the sound of incessant knocking wakes you too early on a saturday morning. jesse groans next to you, rolling to lay on his back. you sit up next to him, gently nudging his side. “are you gonna get that?” 
“later,” he groans. you stifle a laugh, pulling yourself out of bed. jesse whines as you pull one of his shirts on, making your way to the front door. 
it almost shakes with the force of the pounding. “jesse!” a man shouts from the other side. you swing the door open, leaning against it. a middle-aged man stands on your porch, hand still raised to knock. he’s wearing a gray jacket and glasses. you shift uncomfortably under his harsh glare. his eyebrows furrow, face contorting into a scowl. “where’s jesse?” 
“he’s asleep,” you press the side of the door even closer to your side, using your body to block the view from inside your home. “what do you want?” 
“i need to see him.” you step back when the man raises his hand to press on the door. you push back, keeping him outside. 
“you couldn’t have called?” 
the man glares down at you. “no.” 
you roll your eyes, glancing behind you. jesse stretches a little, rushing to your side when he notices the man.
“babe,” he leans down so his lips barely ghost against the side of your neck. “i’ll handle this. why don’t you start breakfast?” 
you raise an eyebrow at him but the look he gives is enough to tell you to back off for the time being. “sure.” you step aside, away from the door. 
“i won’t be long.” you nod as jesse steps outside, closing the door behind him. 
“who is he?” the man yells. their voices are clear despite the door separating you from him. “does he know about you? about us? what have you told him?” 
“nothing, alright, he’s cool. don’t worry about him.” 
you grab a bowl from the cabinets, setting it on the counter next to the carton of eggs. their voices only continue to grow louder. “don’t worry about him? are you hearing yourself? jesse-” 
“listen, what is this about? you show up at my house and start pounding on my door and you don’t even tell me what you want?” 
the man sighs. “we need to cook more. a lot more. our pseudo is going bad.” 
this time it’s jesse who sighs, though he sounds more exasperated than anything. “seriously?” after a moment of silence, he sighs again. “fine. tomorrow.” 
“we need to do it today.” 
“i’m busy. i’ve got plans.” 
the man scoffs. “smoking pot and sleeping all day are not plans. who even is that guy? what’s he doing here?” 
“he’s none of your business.” jesse hisses. “we’ll cook tomorrow. now leave.” 
he doesn’t give the man a chance to respond before he comes back inside, closing the door behind him. you stand in front of the stove, flipping an omelet in a pan. jesse relaxes a little, some of the tension falling from his shoulders. his hand is warm as it presses against your side. he pulls you against his back, head resting on top of yours. 
“eggs?” he murmurs. you hum, twisting to press a kiss against his cheek. 
“we need to buy groceries.” 
“later,” he whispers, turning you around in his arms. he reaches over to turn the burner down, pressing his lips against yours in a sweet kiss. his hand presses against your thigh, coaxing you to jump up onto the counter. you wrap your arms around his neck, now level with him. 
jesse smiles when you pull away, leaning down to press another peck against your lips. “so,” you whisper. “which drugs do you sell?” 
you can feel him freeze against you, wide eyes staring into your own. after a beat of silence, he speaks. “how did you know?” 
“you two weren’t exactly quiet,” you trace your fingers along his jawline, thumb stroking against the skin of his cheek. 
“meth,” jesse sighs. “i make crystal meth.” 
“are you gonna turn me in?” 
you hum in faux contemplation, pulling him down so his forehead rests against yours. “no.” his hand moves up from your thigh to your waist, hand slipping underneath your shirt. “you’re lucky you’re so cute. otherwise, you’d be halfway to mdc right now.” 
jesse laughs. “i’m glad.” 
you chuckle, pulling him down into another quick kiss. “promise me,” you hold your hand out, sticking your pinky up. he glances down at your hand, raising an eyebrow. “no stupid shit.” 
“no stupid shit.” he chuckles, intertwining your fingers together. “i promise.”
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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dumbasssimp · 2 years
God i need to get my "i can fix him" mentality under control.
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zv5x · 2 years
Yandere!Jesse Pinkman (Romantic centered headcanons)
hello breaking bad fandom warning ::: implied drug use , manipulation , toxic relationships , unhealthy mindsets , use of the yandere trope , violence , abuse , restraining , abduction and kidnapping , delusional outlooks and relationship paranoia
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• It's an evil world Jesse navigates; filled with danger, drugs and dirty money. He's grown to live with himself for existing in it, however, but he himself cannot deny the optics of it all. He sees the wrong in the world whenever he looks at the purer side of it, and this side recently came to include you.
• You weren't like him by any means. Clean in all aspects, of course, and Jesse could tell that if he told you about his lifestyle and occupational choices you'd run the other direction. All things considered, that may be what drew him to you. You showed him kindness, you never rejected him even when he let the cracks in his morality show by mistake. Even when he'd come to you, clearly high on some sort of illegal substance, you bit your tongue and helped him inside. Whenever you felt he needed it, you held his face in your hands and told him that he's, that you're both, going to be alright. That's all Jesse ever wanted; reassurance.
• So much time you spent together, huddled close giggling about nothing or even just sitting near each other in silence. No matter what the situation was, he never felt that comforting aura he sensed from you waver, even if just for a fleeting moment. Before a relationship was even officially established, Jesse knew he loved you. You were so gentle, and in truth, he wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever. However, an internal battle rages on in Jesse's head. No matter how many times you comfort him, his body cannot seem to accept this simple feeling of happiness. To him, his actions and faults would be clear to you eventually, if they're not clear already. His heart will be slammed with ideas of you giving him one last face of disgust before leaving him alone again, until even something like your smile isn't enough to give him that same euphoric rush that it used to.
• Stage one, as it could be referred to, would involve Jesse needing much more consolation than what was usual. He'd go from something as subtle as a statement about the time the two of you spend together, or something as blunt as grabbing you by your shoulders and asking you if you love him like you say you do, Jesse's struggles with accepting your love come out in ways that scare you off more than they intend to.
• Overbearing behavior from a romantic partner is enough to drive anybody away, and thus begins stage two. Jesse sees you distancing yourself from him, and rather than equating his recent behaviors to your lack of interest, he equates it to you confirming his fears. You're disgusted by him, the real him, and if he doesn't act fast he's at complete risk of losing you.
• It was a complete accident. He didn't mean to knock you out, but he can't deny that the benifits that came with the event were pleasing to his scattered brain. It was supposed to be a normal chat, Jesse calling you over yet again to ask about your recent romantic hesitance. It was until he heard you say "that's what I wanted to speak with you about", that his stomach completely dropped. You were tired of waiting for things to get back to normal, you said. You loved him, but you needed him to get better before he can healthily love you. Jesse didn't listen to anything other than what his delusions wanted to hear. You were leaving him, you were leaving him; and in a single, swift movement, a lamp was being smashed against your head.
• At first, came fear; primal fear about his upcoming arrest. Checking your pulse every few seconds, placing his head against your chest to see if you're still breathing, his terror regarding the idea of you being deceased was making him go mad. Eventually, he knew for his safety and yours you needed to be restrained, and that was all she wrote.
• When you awoke, you were horrified to find your wrists and ankles were tied with a cheap rope, the material rubbing against your skin in ways that you knew would cause burns. Jesse seemed more than just happy to see you, and you could almost see the weight being lifted off his shoulders when your eyes first fluttered open. It wasn't as clear to him at first, but seeing you struggle against the ropes with no chance of succeeding made him realize; even if you wanted to, you couldn't leave him now. Not in the position you're in, at least. It made the guilt so much less potent, and he'd gladly grab you and hold you in his lap for hours at a time, rocking you and rambling on about his dealer adventures with who he referred to as "Mr. White"
• All those sweet hugs now felt bitter against your tongue as you sat, completely imprisoned in a way that only Jesse knew about. Finally, his mind accepted that tiny form of happiness you gave him, absolutely oblivious to the fact that his actions meant he'd probably never experience it again.
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depressopax · 5 months
Breaking Bad/Better call Saul masterlist
I post all my work on AO3 Feel free to check it out!
Just a heads up that this blog and the fanfics are NOT spoiler free. So keep that in mind when reading my work!
I always try to write a note for my fics, including ship, gender identity and a summary for the story. And of course, a (trigger) warning list!
I try to make most of my work with gender-neutral reader, but I also write fem readers a lot, but I'm open to writing male reader too, if requested :)
Just make sure to read rules before requesting Full masterlist & WIP found here
I will write...
☆ Fluff ☆ Angst ☆ Smut ☆ NSFW/SFW headcanons ☆ One-shots ☆ Scenarios
I'm writing for...
Mike Ehrmantraut
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Relationship SFW
Relationship NSFW
Fluff & angst
Dating apps (gender-neutral reader)
The things we do (gender-neutral reader)
Loving partner (gender-neutral reader)
Married life (gender-neutral reader)
Sit down (gender-neutral reader)
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
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Relationship SFW
Relationship NSFW
Fluff & angst
Relax (gender-neutral reader)
Kim Wexler
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Relationship headcanons SFW
Relationship headcanons NSFW
Fluff & angst
Good/Bad girl - Fem reader one shot
Jesse Pinkman
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Relationship SFW
Relationship NSFW
Fluff & angst
Lucky ones WIP
Nacho Varga
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Relationship SFW
Relationship NSFW
Fluff & angst
Before it's too late - gn!reader
No strings attached - gn!reader
Distraction - Fem!reader
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Dating McWexler NSFW
Fluff & angst
Others/all characters
Valentine's day headcanons SFW
Dating Howard Hamlin headcanons SFW & NSFW
Dating Gus Fring headcanons SFW & NSFW
The First
I will mostly write gender-neutral or female reader, but can also write others!
Looking forward <3
Full masterlist for ALL fandoms can be found here :)
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timberoon · 5 months
Y/n X Walter White
A drunken night
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+This fan fic will include the following:
This is my first time ever writing something like this so if I'm bad I'm sorry..This is pretty graphic
chapter + 1/??
Spoilers if you haven't seen the show
[This all happens in season 3/season 4]
Tw- don't read if your a sensitive fucker
Abuse/ harassment
Keep sending what you would like to see for my next ones,, Enjoy🩵
Y/n part of the drug dealing business you got here through tough times throughout your years but made it through until you met Gus, He knew about you, he knows about everyone, Knowing you he knows you had acces to highly dangerous chemicals/items. Your the boss of a chemical warehouse,,This is when you met Gus, "a local friendly chicken man" But you really didn't have a choice, held at gun point, surrounded by nothing but sand and mountains, you get the idea, Ever since you've been assigned to get MASSIVE QUANTITIES of these hard to get dangerous chemicals which your job/life is really on the line...You really thought that was "life" this was it, working for the chicken man until the end of your existence, UNTIL you met someone through Gus Frings assignment, This man you met was worser than the one and only chicken man.
Y/n was late for one of your meetings with Gus Frings men, this happens every 2 weeks for you to pick up the items for Gus secret lair that you had no clue what was about, but you got the hint it was for a meth lab,,
Walking in the coffee shop you see Michael, one of Gus's men, he's y/n favourite because he was quick and the only normal one you met so far.
Sitting at the table near the window silt,doing his crossword puzzles looking like he has no contact with any drugs at all.
Y/n slides the chair for you to sit down,"Good morning Mike"
"Your late, again" Mike looking up at you from taking a sip from his coffee, His voice was like a gas engine, that dead look in his eyes gave you chills everytime.
"Yeah, yeah , sorry about that I was sorting out plans for this delivery coming in on Friday" Y/n said in a friendly voice trying to uplift the atmosphere.
Mike lifting up a checklist from under his crossword puzzle on the table and slides it towards you, " This is what you are gonna have to get this Friday" said Mike
"But Mike I just told you I have this big delivery coming in on friday, I just can't" y/n put both your hand on the table looking up at Mike.
He gives a big sigh and says "bosses orders" he gets up and puts a Brown envelope on the table and leaves.
Y/n is stressed and confused on what your gonna have to do but looking at the list you've just picked up, you feel even more stressed as these aren't the usual chemicals you would have to pick up, Y/n looking at envelope knowing there is more than £550,000 in there than the normal, y/n sighs and you order yourself breakfast..
Friday 1:15am
Y/n get 32 missed calls but you finally wake up and check your phone that's on the nightstand that is still buzzing, in a sore raspy voice "..hello." y/n half asleep.
"Where tf are the items" a strange familiar voice answered
"uh-huh, Tyrus-s ..." you finally wake up
"y/n If your not at "Lavenderí Brillante Laundromat, with the stuff in a hour, your fucked.."
Beep, beep, beep
The phone call ended and your heart starts to pound harder than it ever has, y/n starts to rush as how the fuck is she gonna get all the chemicals in time, Y/n wears the closest clothes nearest, dirty grey sweatpants that she wore that day, and a black jacket with nothing but her bra underneath, she didn't care anymore because y/n LIFE WAS ON THE LINE, getting straight into her car and driving to work maybe going over the speed limit y/n didn't know anymore..When y/n got to work she had about 45 minutes left until her grave, she took the nearest Truck and told her employees to ask no questions and to put the chemicals in the truck when y/n told them she'll pay them extra for their work..
30 minutes left,, Driving the truck safety and on the speed limit, she might just make it in time..
10 minutes left she gets trapped in traffic, y/n sweating and almost about to cry the traffic clears and your 20 blocks away
4 minutes left your at the destination, you park as fast as you can,almost crashing into the building.
You see Tyrus and Mike and some 2 other men that you haven't met yet, you jump out the truck and you sigh with the biggest relief of your life, your face red from your stress and your cleavelge sticking out a bit since the zip to your jacket descended .."The stuff is in the back" y/n pointed at the back of the Truck, you said to Tyrus who was at entrance which he started to make his way to the truck with his other men, Mike walking towards you, looking at his watch, "calm down kid, you made it" he said whilst patting your back when your trying to catch your breath as your hands were on your knees.
"can I go home now.?" You said looking up at Mike desperately, "Not quite, the boss wants to see you"
Fuck sake y/n said in her mind.
Going in you saw a normal laundromat but it's not what it seems. Mike guided you to one of the machines which lifted up, with a simple button. "just go down there you will meet the boss" with his dead voice he said,,I guess this is the meth lab for the chemicals y/n said in her mind
Y/n going down reaching the first level of the lab, she met Gus, your boss, your lifeline... He was preaching over the red iron bar as he watched down below his 2 minions work, y/n walked beside him and looked down to see what he was looking at, it was amazing it was impressive of how he could create this lair without anyone noticing, but then you noticed 2 people in their suits working, y/n looked at Gus,
"slip up one more time, your finished" Gus said keeping his eyes on his workers, "I'm sorry sir, I will do better.." Gus getting up and straightening his back to look at y/n.
"y/n you will be looking over my workers whilst I'm out of town, my men are also coming with me" he demanded knowing you have no choice.
"I- sir please, what about my work"
"you will take over shifts," Gus said giving you a warning look
You looked at him not knowing what to do next, not knowing what to say, you sighed and nodded, as he nodded back he introduced you to a gun, you took it and put it in your sweatpant pocket, this isn't your first time seeing a gun. Being part of the cartel wasn't so easy.
By now it's already 2:48am
When he left you went down the stairs and sat on the bottom of the stair case, leaning on one side against the iron bar, watching these 2 people work fascinated you.
It's this late and you start to re-think your life, about how you ended up in such a place, in work you left the manger in charge of your jobs, this is gonna be so hard to explain to them y/n said in her mind, thinking about her bad decision she has made. Y/n needed something, someone to forget her worries..
"Hey you guys wanna go out for a beer after work" you pitched when both of the hazmat suited people looked at each other, one nodded one looked confused, and went back to work.
6:30am It's time to get packed and leave, when taking off the hazmat suit to get in their day clothes on, one of the guys came towards y/n, "uhh, yo so you still down for that beer?" Y/n agreed as you were too tired to speak, but was down to forget everything about your worries, you get up, and some blad guy that looked pissed, just walked straight passed you,, leading up the stairs, just about to grab the handle to leave the lab..
"Yoo Mr white, let's go for a beer man it's been a while" the blue eyed person said looking up at someone called 'Mr white'.?
Mr white looked back and considers again, the thought of also forgetting all his troubles, Mr white nods
Both of you guys leaving the laundromat, breathing the fresh air once stepping outside, "I know this bar downtown it's pretty good" said Jesse he told you his name before when walking out the laundromat keeping small talk as you told him yours as well. "Yea sure, I don't mind anything but one problem...I need a ride, it wil be weird if I drove my truck around a bar." Said y/n looking at your truck that was messily parked. Looking over at Jesse you could tell that he really didn't want to give you a ride.
"Get in." Demanding said this blad man that you barley spoke to, he held the passenger door open to you when you sat in you looked at him wondering what has he gone through to be this cold, Jesse leading the way with his car, We follow, y/n keeps looking over to the balds guy face.
"what is it." He said, you diverted your gaze onto the road "what your name?" You said wanting to keep small chat to ease the vibe.
"what's it to you" he said coldly, "did something happen, why you so annoyed..?" Y/n knew she was being pushy but she liked to annoy people to tease them to start talking.
Bald guy said nothing. Ignoring y/n
Y/n knew he's been through some messed up shit, she knows that he wants to forget. "Stop being so grouchy,I just want to get to know you".
"Shut up," he clenched onto the wheel driving at a quicker pace. "Okay fuck, there's no need to be a dick!" You looked at him when you said that being kinda annoyed. He slowly turned to you "Do you know what I have to go through, and you, someone like you asking how I am, what is wrong with you." The bald guy said slightly raising his voice, giving you his death stare at y/n.
This was a warning, a warning to shut up, you did, the whole ride there was awkward and silent when you arrived Jesse wouldn't stop talking, you found him abit charming for someone who was a meth scientist, you thought how could these two be duo..
"hahaha your so funny Jesse" softy smacking his shoulder, (drunkenly) genuinely you were starting to forget as your were downing every drink as fast as possible, you turn to your side when you notice the bald guy with his beer staring off into the distance fiddling with his drink, Jesse drinking and ordering, you took your chance to talk to the bald dude.
Drunkenly you put your hand on his hand which was fiddling with his drink, "hey i-im sorry for pushing you ear-rrlier" slurring your words you said to him "its fine just get your hand off me" he said whilst removing your hand off his hand,,"Sooo whyy we-ree you so pissed " you said to him.The bald man hesitated to say anything but in his drunk state he sighed and confessed. "My wife..she" the bald man stuttering
"she w-what Mr-" y/n questioned
He put his hand over his head and took a peak y/n slightly exposed cleavelge "she fucked..Beneke, whilst I'm here risking my life for her.." he said in a angrily grieved voice, y/n was drunk but she could notice he was also drunk but not as y/n.
The bald dude looked at you and said the unspoken words,, with him grabbing your hands.
"Let's fuck."
W-wh-" y/n almost finishing your sentence, the bald dude grabbed you, taking you out of the bar and taking you away from Jesse.
The bald dude grabbing y/n and throwing her into the back seats of the car so she her back was laying against the seats, the bald dude grabbing y/n neck and kissing and biting y/n chin, you started to moaned as you start to unbutton his collar that he was wearing and Him trying to remove your sweatpants,,
"M-mr, W-" almost finishing your sentence with your shaking voice
"Its Walter," said the man you were going to fuck, "Well Walter, hurry up .." you said desperately as your shoes starting to come undone, Walter kissing the side of your neck unzipping your jacket you were wearing , "fuck" he said in a growl when the bottom of your heal started to palm his dick through the jeans, y/n grabs his shoulders and pulls him towards the seat so y/n is on top of him, "Walt im gonna make you f-forget.."
Y/n undid his jeans, and saw his erect self, "What a pretty thing" You said when your lips were about to touch the tip of his dick as your hands explored his dick, y/n hot breath on his dick made him get even bigger in size,,
Impatiently Walter grabbed you by your hips and entered himself into you, Y/n moaned and swung her head back as walter huffed going at a hard and steady pace.
(This continued for 2 rounds in his car then another round at his house) [the house where he wasn't with skylar anymore.]
Y/n woke up to a snoring bald naked man next to her, y/n was confused at first but then remembered what happened that night..Y/n so embarrassed she turned red, Walter White also slowly waking up to see you staring at him,
"hey, are you gonna get that.." As he yawned he said
"huh, what do you mean" squinting your eyes are him. "The phone y/n.." Walter said rubbing his eyes
Bzzzz, Buzz, Bzz
Y/n finally wakes up and realised her phone has been going off for the pass few minutes.
"Oh sorry about that " y/n said stumbly getting from her bed to her jacket that was thrown against the floor that day, Walter keeping his eye on you seeing how you didn't even care you were naked, he chuckled abit.
* 12 missed calls *
"E-erm hello.." y/n said wondering who would be bothering her right now..It was Micheal "You slept with a fucking employee now Mr fring wants to see you" mike said in his dead voice ending the call
*Beep, Beep, Beep*
Y/n shutting her phone, her heart dropped again, looking over at Walter making eye contact with him you think about the decision you have made...
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feninina · 10 months
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𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙖’𝙨 𝙗𝙗𝙜𝙨 ༉‧₊˚.⁀➷
my muses
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༘⋆@. ꒱ kendall roy.
༘⋆@. ꒱ roman roy.
༘⋆@. ꒱ one direction boys.
༘⋆@. ꒱ shiv roy.
༘⋆@. ꒱ thimothée chalamet: laurie, lee, nic, kyle.
༘⋆@. ꒱ cillian murphy: himself, tommy shelby, raymond leon, neil lewis, jonathan crane, jackson rippner, j. robert oppenheimer, robert fischer, emmett, tom buckley, kitty braden.
༘⋆@. ꒱ five seconds of summer.
༘⋆@. ꒱ jesse pinkman.
༘⋆@. ꒱ lalo salamanca.
༘⋆@. ꒱ nacho varga.
༘⋆@. ꒱ saul goodman / jimmy mcgill.
༘⋆@. ꒱ anakin skywalker.
༘⋆@. ꒱ adam stanheight-faulkner.
༘⋆@. ꒱ peter strahm.
༘⋆@. ꒱ mark hoffman.
༘⋆@. ꒱ amanda young.
༘⋆@. ꒱ klaus hargreeves.
༘⋆@. ꒱ evan peters: himself, tate langdon, kit walker, kai anderson, jimmy darling.
༘⋆@. ꒱ society of the snow cast. (mostly enzo)
༘⋆@. ꒱ stray kids. (mostly hyunjin)
༘⋆@. ꒱ tom hardy: himself, alphie solomons, eames, reggie kray, tommy colton, eddie brock.
༘⋆@. ꒱ brad pitt: tyler durden, cliff booth, joe black, benjamin button, achilles, jack conrad, david mills.
༘⋆@. ꒱ jacob elordi: himself, nate jacobs, felix catton, him as elvis.
༘⋆@. ꒱ barry keoghan: himself, oliver quick.
༘⋆@. ꒱ reneé rapp: herself, regina george, leighton murray.
(it’s a long list i’m so sorry)
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・῾༘⋆ ⩩ ꜞ i am comfortable writing fluff, nsfw, age gaps, dark themes, violence and i think that for the dark themes it’ll depend on the character, but i will put warnings anyways. however i won’t use slurs, i won’t write about dd/lg and some specific kinks.
・῾༘⋆ ⩩ ꜞ estoy cómoda escribiendo fluff, nsfw, age gaps, temas turbios, violencia y creo q para los temas turbios obviamente dependerá del personaje, pero pondré advertencias de todos modos. de cualquier forma, no usaré slurs, no escribiré dd/lg y algunos fetiches en específico.
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ichorai · 1 year
sunlight ; jesse pinkman.
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track thirteen of WASTELAND, BABY!
pairing ; jesse pinkman x gn!reader
synopsis ; yellow was not a color he often saw in alaska. that was, until you came into his life.
words ; 4.2k
themes ; fluff, angst, slice of life, writer au
warnings / includes ; breaking bad & el camino spoilers, mentions of death/walter/drugs/the nazi group that imprisoned him, jesse is just Traumatized, reader is a sweetheart, jesse befriends a Cat <3
main masterlist.
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The color yellow often resurfaced bad memories of his past. Yellow were the hazmat suits he wore with Walt when they cooked meth. Yellow were Jane’s bed sheets when she overdosed right next to him. Yellow were the broiling sands of New Mexico—a place he once called home.
Now that he was in Alaska, yellow was a color he scarcely ever saw. And for that he was glad. Mostly, it was white. With snow—with clouds. Maybe a dash of brown and grey here and there, alongside the occasional green once in a while. 
It was quiet. Peaceful.
After everything, a bit of peace was all that Jesse needed.
That is, until you came along.
The first time he met you, you were decked out in an array of soft canary-hued clothes, certainly a sight that he wasn’t expecting at all. You were smiling brightly, so wide that it was a wonder your face hadn’t split into two. There was a basket in your hands, which held nothing other than around a dozen ripe lemons. 
“Urm, hello?” Jesse hesitantly greeted, opening the door wider. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Sorry for dropping by all of a sudden—I live around five minutes away, and there’s barely anybody that lives near me other than grouchy old Bob, so when I found out someone had moved into this shabby little cabin, I just couldn’t help but stop by! Here, I got you a little house-warming gift. I hope you like lemons!” You held the basket out to him, still beaming ever so kindly.
Awkward, Jesse took the lemons from you, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Ah, thanks. I’m Jared. Jared Driscoll.”
“Well, it’s really nice to meet you, Jared. Hope it’s not weird for me to say that it’s great to see a young face around,” you told him, rocking back on your heels. “Most people living around here are over sixty.”
Memories of Walter, Saul, and Mike flashed in the back of his mind, and he could nearly feel the physical pressure weighing down on his chest. He squared his jaw and pushed the thoughts away.
“Yeah,” replied Jesse, nodding. “Thanks again, for, uhm, these.”
He was just about to shut the door again, mentally smacking himself for being so tongue-tied, before you gently asked, “If you’re not doing anything tonight, I’d love to have you over for dinner. No pressure, though, I’d totally understand if you’d want to settle in first.”
No, was right on the tip of his tongue. No thanks, I’m a little busy with unpacking my stuff. I mean, I don’t have any stuff, but you don’t need to know that.
But the words caught in his throat. You looked so hopeful, your hands clasped behind you and your eyes wide with excitement. You were still smiling—how were you still smiling? His eyes darted down to your yellow cardigan rustling with the frigid Alaskan wind. 
“Uhm, alright,” he replied, shooting you a tight smile that came off more like an uncomfortable grimace than anything, but at least he was trying. 
Somehow, you seemed to brighten even more at his response. 
“Cool, is seven okay with you? I still need to clean up a bit before dinner.”
Jesse nodded wordlessly, a strange, giddy warmth pooling into his abdomen—a feeling he hadn’t felt in a very, very long time. It was excitement. Jesse couldn’t remember the last time he’d genuinely been excited for something.
“Alright, to get to my place, you just walk up the main road for a while, until you see a fork in the road—take a right, and walk for a bit, then you’ll see my house. In case you wanna make sure it’s my place, the mailbox has a pink handprint on it, but I doubt you’ll get confused—it’s not a very crowded neighborhood, huh?” 
Jesse thanked you again as you left, smiling at you—genuinely, this time. 
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Two packs of crushed crackers were gripped within one of his hands. It was all he had in his pantry, and he didn’t know what the etiquette was like around here, so he brought them just to be safe.
There was a lot of yellow to your house. He caught sight of the lemon tree in the corner of your living room, situated right against a window for optimum sunlight. You had a pale yellow carpet beneath the dining table, and sheer curtains hanging over the window of the same shade. You even had a little white cat, who had wound around Jesse’s legs with a mewl, staring up at him with large amber eyes. 
You apologized profusely, bending down to pick her up. “Sorry, she’s not usually this friendly around strangers. This is Yuki—means snow in Japanese.”
A smile itched at the corner of his lips. “No worries. I’m cool with cats. I, uh, I like her name.”
Seemingly relieved, you put Yuki back down, and ushered him to the table. In the center was a clear vase, holding a variety of ochre and purple wildflowers. 
“Hope you’re alright with spaghetti—I’m not that great of a cook, but I make a mean spaghetti,” you said, grinning as you disappeared into the kitchen to brandish a large bowl of pasta. His stomach growled at the smell of marinara sauce—he couldn’t remember the last time he had a decent bowl of warm, homemade food.
“No, yeah, that’s great,” he reassured. Silence stretched between the two of you as you began to ladle heapfuls of the noodles onto his plate, making sure to add a generous helping of meatballs with it. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat. “I haven’t had the chance to thank you, so… thanks.”
You grinned at him kindly, before sitting right across from him. “It’s no problem, I promise. To be honest, it gets really lonely here sometimes. I’m glad you moved in.”
Jesse could only give you a small smile in return, before digging into his food. It was better than anything he’d had in months, though it wasn’t much of a competition. The past few weeks had been nothing but stale sandwiches and tough jerky that wore out his jaw.
“This is really good,” he said around a mouthful of pasta, forgetting his tableside manners for a moment. You didn’t seem to mind, only beaming all the brighter.
“I’m glad! Wish I could grow my own fresh tomatoes to make the sauce with but—it’s almost always freezing cold here,” you chuckled lightly. You twirled some pasta over your fork. “Which is why I grow lemon trees—they can withstand the cold pretty well.”
“How long have you been living here?” asked Jesse, finding himself genuinely curious about you.
You hummed in thought. “Four years ago, I think. I just needed some peace and quiet—and where better than Alaska, you know? I’m a writer, see, and I used to think that I had to live in a bustling city to make connections and meet more people in the industry to be successful but… I don’t know, I think a part of me always felt trapped in a corner. I feel free here.”
“Yeah,” replied Jesse, distant. “I get that. So, uh, you’re a writer, huh? What do you write?”
“Short stories, mostly. Sometimes I dabble in longer novels, and sometimes I’ll dip my toe into nonfiction. Depends on what my publishers want from me and also what I personally want to write,” you said, before taking a sip of water. Blanching, you quickly added, “Oh, I’m so sorry, you’re my guest and I haven’t even asked a single thing about you. What about you? What’re you doing up in the middle of nowhere, Alaska, Jared?”
The new name felt so foreign—so strange coming from you. He wondered how it’d sound if you said his real name. Jesse.
At your question, a myriad of memories flashed into the front of his thoughts once more. Mike, Walt, Jane, Badger, Skinny Pete, the meth, the drugs, his parents…
He pursed his lips. 
Sensing he was a bit uncomfortable, he was surprised when you only nodded in gentle understanding, quietly saying, “It’s alright. You don’t have to tell me. We all have our reasons.”
The reassuring smile that quirked the corner of your lips upward made his heart just a little heavier. You were just so… nice. It was a bit baffling. An extremely stark comparison to his time kept prisoner by the group of Nazis. 
“You got space for dessert?” you queried, tilting your head in the most adorable of ways, snapping him out of his reverie just when the atmosphere began returning back to its original light-hearted state. “I made lemon pie!”
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It took him a little under a month to fully settle in. His house was still sparse and relatively empty, but he’d bought a nice new couch to lay back on and a frumpy little lamp he had gotten for free at an antique store. The old lady that worked there had pinched his cheeks and given it to him for free, despite the crumpled bills he was just about to hand over.
She told him that she reminded her of her grandson, and insisted on giving it to him for no charge. Acquiescing, Jesse took it home with him. Who was he to turn down something free, anyway?
He’d gotten himself a job as a carpenter, building together new little cabins not far from where he lived for adventuring tourists or more old couples that would inevitably migrate here in search of some peace and quiet. Most of his free time was spent dillying in his house, reading random books he’d borrow from the musty little library in the small town (he was pleasantly surprised to find a collection of your works on one shelf)—or he’d find himself at your house, playing Scrabble with you, or listening to you ramble about your day, or babysitting your cat when you had to go off to meet with your publisher. 
It was safe to say that he’d grown rather fond of you.
And that scared him. Rightfully so—the last two times he’d genuinely cared about someone… he’d lost both of them.
But that was in the past now. Jesse was trying to move forward. With you by his side, hopefully.
One of the benefits of being a carpenter was that he had a nearly infinite supply of spare wood on his hands. He’d been meaning to make you a little thank you gift for how nice you’d been to him his first few weeks in Alaska. He certainly hadn’t been expecting any sort of hospitality whatsoever before he’d arrived. 
And so Jesse built you a little birdhouse. It was relatively small and admittedly not his most skillful craft, but he thought it wasn’t too shabby. He’d even stopped by a hardware store to grab some paint, and added a thin coat of light yellow to the outside of the birdhouse. The roof was colored a sweet shade of pink—he’d meant to color it red, but the crimson had accidentally mixed into the white on his brush, and he decided that the pink would look better, anyways. 
The day after, he was on your doorstep, ringing the bell with an excited flutter to his stomach, rocking back and forth on his heels. 
You swung the door open, smiling upon seeing him. He interestingly noted that you were wearing large yellow overalls, hair tied away from your face. You looked so darned cute—it made him clam up for a second and forget what he’d come here for. 
“Hey!” you greeted, stepping to the side so he could amble in. “It’s nice to see you, I was literally just about to call you to ask if you wanted to watch a movie tonight, or something—ooh, whatcha got there?” Your eyes widened as you looked at the little wooden house cradled in his palms. 
“It’s for you,” said Jesse, holding it out. “It’s a, uhm, a birdhouse.” 
Your expression melted into one of pure affection, and you grinned impossibly wider, before surging forward and throwing your arms around him in a quick hug. Before he could even begin to think about reciprocating the embrace, you were already pulling away, holding the birdhouse up to eye-level to observe it closer. “Oh, my God, Jared, this is gorgeous—I can’t thank you enough. Did you make it yourself?”
Chuckling nervously, Jesse nodded an affirmative, scratching the back of his neck in a sheepish manner. “It was nothing, really. Just had some scrap wood.”
“I love it,” you told him. The words made warmth coil about the bones of his ribs, spreading down to the tips of his fingers and crawling up the skin of his neck. “Nobody’s ever made me something like that before! You’re really too sweet, Jared. I’ll hang it outside in a bit.”
Carefully, you placed the little house on your table. A quiet meow roped both of your attentions lower, where Yuki was winding between both of your legs, tail curled around Jesse’s shins. He bent down to gently scratch beneath her chin, earning him a contented purr. 
The three of you made your way to the couches, and you ushered Jesse to sit down, after you rushed to go pour him a steaming cup of coffee. 
“It’s freezing out,” you told him, curling up beside the man and handing him the mug, before taking a sip from your own. Yuki made herself comfortable between the two of you, tucking her nose behind her tail and shutting her eyes for a nap. “Hopefully you can stay and defrost for a bit before heading back out?”
He hummed, appreciative of the idea. Being with you was… comforting, to say the least. It was peaceful, and quiet, and made his heart ache like nothing else. Dare he say—domestic. It reminded him of his short-cut time with Jane. 
At the thought of her, thorns pierced through his lungs and he forced his gaze away from you. He caught sight of a small pile of papers on your coffee table, and he leaned forward to pick one up. You fiddled with the mug in your hands, nervous.
“Oh, wow, is this what you’ve been writing?” His eyes swept along the first few lines, finding himself utterly impressed. “Yo, this is, like, really damn good.”
“Really?” you asked, sitting up straighter, a hopeful look to your expression. “I’ve been in a weird word-vomit mood lately—ever since I met you, I just haven’t been able to stop.”
Jesse risked a glance to you, muffling a smile. “I may not know much about writing but this is… next level, dude. It’s like I can see it all in my head. Like a movie but with… words?” 
“Gosh, Jared, you really know how to compliment someone,” you lightly scoffed, hiding your beam behind your mug. “You can keep that copy if you want. Here—” Shifting to brandish a pen from your pocket, you signed his name right under your printed one. 
Jesse peered over to look, the smile cracking through his exterior.
For Jared Driscoll.
“You know what’s funny,” you murmured, eyes glued to his fake name on the paper. “You’ve never really pegged me as a Jared Driscoll.”
For a long moment, Jesse could’ve sworn his heart stopped in his chest. “Oh, yeah? Why, uh… why’s that?”
You shot him a glance, before smiling sweetly, handing him the papers back for him to keep. “I don’t really know—it just doesn’t suit you, I guess. Jared Driscoll sounds so—rough’n’tough, you know? You don’t strike me as the rough’n’tough kind of guy. You’re too sweet for that.” You shrugged, sinking further into the couch and running the tips of your fingers along Yuki’s back. 
Jesse stared at you for a moment longer. Your words brought a certain kind of comfort to him that he never knew he needed. The affirmation that he was still a good person in your eyes—it meant more to him than he thought it would.
“Thanks,” he said, hesitant, though he gently quirked the corner of his lips into a mild grin. He sipped his warm coffee before adding on, “I think you’re sweet, too.”
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“You never told me when your birthday was,” you told him, an accusing lilt to your words. Jesse’s brows rose. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, having just woken up no less than three minutes ago to the door ringing. 
Wordlessly, he swung his door open wider so you had space to shuffle in, still glaring at him.
“It’s been a year since you moved in,” you carried on. There was a slight pouty pucker to your lips, face creased into a frown. Jesse thought you were too damned cute to take your annoyance too seriously. “And we haven’t celebrated your birthday once!” 
“Bah, it’s not a big deal,” he finally said, yawning behind a fist and waving your words away.
Your little frown deepened. “Well, I’m sorry I missed it,” you softly said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “But I got you something anyway.”
From out of seemingly nowhere, you brandished a large brown paper bag, dangling it in front of him on the tips of your fingers. When he narrowed his blue eyes and suspiciously darted his gaze between you and the bag, you huffed out a small laugh, jerking your chin towards the gift. “Go on—open it!”
The bag crinkled loudly beneath his grip as he took it from you. With one last questioning look to you, he turned it over, and out fell a large yellow hoodie, cloud-soft in his palms. It looked like it was the exact right size for him, and he sent you an incredulous glance. 
“This is sick, Y/N, thanks,” he said, a genuine beam itching at his mouth. “Perfect size—and it’s yellow, too!”
For a moment, you looked a bit unsure. “If you don’t like the color, I can always switch it out—it’s just, you’re always wearing neutrals, I thought it’d be nice to give you something colored.”
Jesse looked to the hoodie, then back at you. 
Sure, yellow brought back bad memories. Far too many, and not nearly distant enough in his past. 
But yellow was your color—and he rather liked how it looked on you.
“Nah,” he said, patting your shoulder once, then twice, “I like it, really. I like it a lot.”
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Two years in Alaska meant nearly two years with you.
You’d become the one constant in his life—one that he wouldn’t mind being around for the rest of it, as well. 
The two of you were sitting side by side on a frosty hill, watching the sun set. A breathtaking mirage of clementines and peaches bled through the sky just when the sun dipped slowly beneath the horizon. A faint, cold wind tousled your hair, rustling the blades of grass around you. It was meant to be a celebratory picnic of sorts, but the two of you decided it was too cold to eat out, and opted to just sit and relax for a bit before heading back inside and having dinner. Wordlessly, you handed him a pack of chips from the little basket you’d brought for the failed picnic, and he wrestled it open, popping one into his mouth. Simultaneously, you bit down on a crisp apple, wiping the spurting juices away with the back of your hand. 
“I can’t believe it’s been two years,” said Jesse, mindlessly tracing shapes into the cold grass. “Time flies, huh?”
You hummed in agreement. “It does.”
Jesse turned to look at you, watching the side of your face relax along with the disappearance of the sun. The last few moments of golden sunlight bathed you in a gentle glow and drew the most beautiful of shadows across your features. You brushed some stray hairs out of your face, the sleeve of your oversized flaxen sweater swallowing your arm. He really couldn’t deny himself anymore—he was completely and utterly in love with you.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” he said. He wanted to tell you the truth. Obviously not all of it—not all at once—but he wanted you to know. Jesse trusted you more than anyone else in his entire life. Maybe that made him an idiot, but… he was willing to risk the chance with you.
Curious, you tilted your head questioningly, laying your hands and face against your raised knees. The very edge of your shoulder brushed against his arm. You raised your eyebrows expectantly.
“You were right,” he finally said. 
“Right about what?” You were starting to look mildly concerned. 
Jesse inhaled deeply. “Jared Driscoll doesn’t suit me at all because… it’s not my real name.”
Surprise flooded your expression, but not too much of it—as if you’d always had an inkling all along.
“So what’s your real name?” you asked, all gentle, slightly afraid. Afraid that you’d lose him after so long—after getting attached.
“Jesse Pinkman,” he responded, tearing his gaze away from you, not sure if he wanted to see your reaction. “My middle name is Bruce.”
To his complete surprise, you let out a sudden laugh, before clamping your hands to your mouth. He snapped his head back to look at you, a contagious, incredulous grin touching the corner of his lips. 
“Bruce like Batman?” you asked, slightly muffled behind your palms. He nodded, and you let out another chortling laugh. Relief wove through the very fibers of his muscles at your relaxed disposition. You smiled at him, all soft and glowing. It made Jesse’s stomach knot together uncomfortably. “I think it suits you. Much more than Jared Driscoll.”
You tested his name out, enunciating different syllables in various ways, your grin growing nearly double its size. 
“Jesse Pinkman. Jesse Pinkman. Jesse Pinkman. Jesse Pinkman—”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Jesse snorted, grabbing the apple in your hand and gently pushing it back into your mouth. With a halfhearted glare, you bit down into it anyway.
Around a mouthful of apple, you told him, “You have a pretty name.” You swallowed down the apple and quietly asked him, “Why are you using a fake one?”
Jesse hesitated, directing his gaze to the ground. His smile melted away. “Maybe that’s a story for another time.”
Bobbing your head in understanding, you smiled at him, still so very genuine it made his heart ache.
“Since we’re sharing secrets… well, mine isn’t exactly a secret, but I didn’t move to Alaska for the peace and quiet. I mean, I did, but that wasn’t really the reason why I left the city.” You cleared your throat, eyes getting slightly misty. “I lost my best friend in a car crash while she was on call with me seven years ago. A part of me will always think that it’s my fault that she died. So I moved to Alaska to get away from everything. From the city, and all those cars… and all the people. It was really hard being here at first. It was cold, and lonely, and sometimes just plain old boring. But honestly?” You tentatively reached over to place your palm over his. “Best decision I’ve ever made.”
The sun was long gone by now, and Jesse found himself missing how you looked in its soft yellow glow. 
“Best decision both of us made,” he murmured, nodding. Jesse quite liked the feeling of your hand on top of his. “I came to Alaska because I, uh… I lost everyone. Everything.”
You smiled—all soft and devastating. He could feel a part of his heart crumbling into a heap of sand within his chest. Nimbly, he turned his palm over to intertwine your fingers with his cold ones.
“Well, you haven’t lost me, Jesse,” you told him, so quiet that it was nearly lost to the breeze.
Jesse wanted to cry at those words. He blinked away the stinging feeling at the top of his nose, and could only muster a grateful, teary nod. 
“I, uhm, I’ve only been in love twice before in my life,” he whispered to you, swallowing the lump in his throat. “And both times, they died while I was right there—helpless. I’ve healed and I’m moving on, but, uh… I’m terrified of losing you the way I lost them, Y/N.”
Shifting, you turned so you could fully face him, now clasping both hands onto his right one. Firmly, you repeated yourself, “You haven’t lost me, Jesse. You won’t. Whatever hurt you back in New Mexico is long gone now. The past is far behind you. You have a fresh start. And I’ll be there with you—every step of the way.” 
The color yellow often resurfaced bad memories of his past. Yellow were the hazmat suits he wore with Walt when they cooked meth. Yellow were Jane’s bed sheets when she overdosed right next to him. Yellow were the broiling sands of New Mexico—a place he once called home.
There wasn’t much yellow in Alaska, and for that he’d been grateful. 
But maybe… maybe yellow wasn’t so bad. 
After all, yellow was your color—and it looked beautiful on you.
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ficstogo · 1 year
An Afterthought (Jesse Pinkman x Fem Reader)
Pairing: Jesse Pinkman x Fem Reader
Summary: Jesse comes to see you after a falling out in hopes of fixing things.
Word Count: 2613
Warnings: Language, Angst
A/N: I am not out of hiatus. This was just something that I had the energy and attention span to do in one sitting. I personally don’t think that this is the best written since it has been a long while but I’ve been watching Breaking Bad and there weren't many fics out there for it especially with Jesse. I’ve started season 5 which is when this fic takes place.
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You weren't expecting anyone to come by and see you today, so you were surprised when you heard a knock on your door. As soon as you opened it, you definitely weren't expecting to see Jesse Pinkman standing there either with a shaved head and a look of anxiety written on his face.
You really didn't know what to do. You stood there shocked that it was even him standing there. “U-uh, hey? Um, what are you doing here?” You didn’t even try to hide the confusion in your voice as your face contorted to express it as well. You held onto the door, ready to shut it on him at any point.
He stood there with his mouth slightly open ready to say whatever it is he wanted to say but somehow couldn't get it out of him. “I, uh…” Jesse squeezes his eyes in frustration, trying to figure out what to say. “Can I come in? There's something I need to talk to you about.”
“I don't’ think that's a-” You were stopped as you heard someone behind you speak.
“Y/N, who’s at the door?'' Soon enough, there stood a man behind you. Jesse being surprised at this new guest looks between the both of you, not believing what he's seeing. The door opens wider and a hand slides around your waist. He looks at you and then at Jesse giving him a friendly smile.
“Uh, Derek, this is uh-”
“Jesse.”he responds as he stands up straighter and stuffing his hands in his pockets while he  gives Derek a slight smirk. A way for Jesse to give off a tough exterior to this stranger.
“He’s a friend from high school.” you respond nervously. Never in your life did you think you would be put in this kind of situation. It was nerve wracking and yet you know you shouldn't be this nervous but knowing what Jesse does and the kind of man Derek is, you didn't want these two to mix with each other. It was like oil and water or, if things escalated if Derek were to find out Jesse cooked, water on hot oil. But you weren't going to let that happen. You would make sure of it.
“Oh! Nice to meet you!” He pushes his hand out for Jesse to shake and for a brief moment, Jesse thought about not shaking his hand but gives him a slight grip in the awkward handshake. “I’m, uh, Derek. Y/N’s boyfriend.”
Derek clears his throat before he goes on “Would you like to come in? I’m guessing you're wanting to play catch up with Y/N? High school is a long time ago.” 
“Oh, no it’s ok-”
“Yeah i’d love to. Thanks, man.” You became frustrated now, not wanting Jesse to be here at all. You didn't want to deal with whatever it is he came here for. 
Jesse entered as he stood by the door, cautiously taking a look at his surroundings as he really didn't know what to do in this situation. From what he could see, you really set yourself up in the best way. “I wish I could stay and stick around for the fun but I’m needed back at the office but please! Make yourself at home! A friend of Y/N’s is a friend of mine!” Jesse only nodded to him in response but Derek turns to you giving you a peck on the lips as you nervously reciprocated before he heads out while you shut the door behind him. 
“Nice guy.” Jesse says, trying to make small talk.
“What do you want, Jesse?” You say making it known that you're not happy with him being here, turning around to finally face him.
“Yo, chill! I just wanted to talk.” You cross your arms as you wait for whatever it is that he wanted to say. He notices you waiting and swallows nervously as he looks down and then back at you.
“I’m…a dick. I was an asshole for all that shit I said to you the last time we saw each other. I just…I didn’t know what to say or what to do and when you said that you loved me, I…I just didn't know what to do.” You inhaled deeply as you looked down, too nervous to look at him. 
“And I know you didn’t want to throw that at me after what happened with Jane but…I get it.” Jesse suddenly feels a bit of courage within and takes a few steps towards you, not wanting to be apart from you any longer.
“You are the most important person in my life and it was hell to not have you around, making sure i was alright, making sure i ate or didnt o’d or gotten myself killed by the wrong person or that i had someone to talk to because it gets lonely way more often than I'd like to admit.” he reaches for your hand to hold wanting to make sure that you knew he means every word he says. “Or even just being around when I didn't feel like talking at all.”
“You always stuck by me. I was a loser all throughout high school and yet you still wanted to be around me and even after you got back from college, you still thought about me even when I didn't deserve it.”
“I don't mean anything that I said to you last time and I hate myself for it because you didn’t deserve any of it. And I really thought about things, yo. Like, really thought about things.”
You finally look at his pretty eyes. The ones you couldn't get over. They were too pretty to not gush about in your room late at night as you wondered when those bright icy eyes would ever look at you as something precious. “Y/N I…I love you and I’m stupid for not realizing it sooner.” You both stood there in silence for a moment. You looked back down as you tried to gather your thoughts.
“You…Love me?” You questioned while Jesse slowly grows a smile on his face, nodding his head as he responds back happily.
“Then what happened between you and Andrea?” Quickly Jesse’s face dropped while you dropped his hand. 
“What happened with Andrea?”
“How'd you know about Andrea?” You gave him a knowing look not believing the fact that Jesse could really be this dumb sometimes.
“Badger and Skinny Pete are my friends too, remember?”
Jesse looks down once more as he shakes his head at his stupidity. Of course Badger and Skinny Pete would've told you. Like you said, they were your friends too. He looks back up at you prepared with his answer. “I, uh, broke up with her.”
“How long ago was that?” 
There was a slight silence as he had to think and hesitate on his answer. “Couple weeks now.” He nods slowly.
“And I'm sure it's not because you suddenly thought that you couldn’t bear to not have me in your life anymore, right?” You said with certainty, your heart clenching as you crossed your arms again.
Jesse only gave you a confused look. “What are you talking about, yo? Of course I couldn't stand you not being around!”
“Then why didn't you come to me sooner? Even if as a friend? Why didn't you make your apologies sooner? Why did it have to be after you broke up with her to even look in my direction?” You paused. “No, why did you break up with Andrea? Really.”
Jesse hesitates on what to say. If he were honest, he really didn't know what that had to do with anything at all. He was here now. He's saying that he loves you. Why weren't you ecstatic about it like he thought you would? “Because it's definitely not because of me.”
‘I…” he gave out a sigh as he prepared himself to tell you why. “Andrea doesnt know what I do, you know, like, as a job…And I didn’t want to tell her and get her involved.” You dropped your arms as you turned away from him with a forced knowing smile. You knew it. It never was about you. It never is.
“So, what? You thought that because you didn't have a girlfriend anymore and because I already know what you do that it’d be easier to just come to me knowing how I felt about you? Is that what you're getting at?”
“What? No! That's not it!” Jesse exasperates. How could you say something like that? Why would you question his feelings for you?
“No, that's totally it. You wanted to spare here from whatever bullshit and danger that's been going on that you broke up with her to keep her safe? So, what? My safety doesn't matter? It's just easier this way. Save her but screw me, right?” Your voice was firm and got louder to the point that you were almost about to yell. You couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe how much lower Jesse could get that he would use your feelings against you whether he knew it or not.
“No! That's not it at all! I love you! I love you! Why the hell is that so hard to believe?!” Jesse gets closer to you trying to reach for your hands again but you move away not wanting to be near him. You were fed up. This was actual bullshit and as always, he didn't understand why. 
You two went quiet for a minute. You calmed yourself before you could say anything. You wanted to make it clear for him, so you gathered up all of your thoughts before speaking.
“Jesse…you don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that you love me. How long I've waited for you to…come to me and look at me as more than a friend. To hold me and touch me in ways I don't want anyone else to.” Jesse takes shallow breaths as his heart was beating fast. He could even feel his mouth starting to dry up at how much his nerves were starting to get stretched.
“Do you know how hard its been? How hard it is to not be near you when I was gone? To text you only for you to text me a couple days later because I wasn't that important for you to text right back? How hard it is to be near you and yet be so far? How every guy I ever went out with, I always have to compare them to you because I couldn't ever stop thinking about you?” Your voice was finally cracking and you could feel the tears start to pool around your eyes.
“Do you know how hard it was to not compare myself to all the people you hung around with? Not just your girlfriends but your friends too. Because I always wondered what it was about them that you liked to want to be around them more than me. Do you know how hard it was to see you look at Jane and wonder what it is that you just couldn't look at me that way. With adoration and love. Do you know how hard it was to completely change the way I thought after that night you told me to leave and never come back because you couldn't believe I was telling you I loved you?” Jesse was on the verge of tears himself. Hearing you say these things, your experiences and hardships, all because of him. And of all people, why would it be him. He knew he wasn’t worth shit to have anyone think of him so deeply in this way. He didn’t deserve it and you didn’t deserve to cry over some fucking loser who couldn’t be like everyone else and grow up. You shouldn’t shed your tears over some junkie who has hurt you so many times over the years. You're worth more and you didn’t need to cry over someone who was literally beneath you in all things.
“Do you know how hard it was being the afterthought? Being second to everything? Third? How I was always by your side, doing whatever it takes to make you happy, to make you smile, to keep you going? How there were so many reasons for me to just drop you completely from my life but I didn't. I didn't care that you were smoking weed and partying and not doing shit with your life. Or that you started wanting to do meth even if I didn't want you too. I didn't care that you were a drug dealer or a cook now because I only care that you were safe at the end of the day. I didn't care because I loved you.”
The tears were flowing on both sides now as the room went quiet. Neither of you could hold it in any longer. All Jesse could feel was heartbroken. He’s such dick. You were right, you were an afterthought to him this whole time including now even if he thought he was doing something right for once in his life. But he never did anything right. 
“Jesse,” he looks back at you with bright eyes. “I don't love you the way I did before.'' It hurt to say outloud but you knew if you did, you'd be one step closer to clearing your head completely of him. 
“After that night, I had to rethink some things…and there were more cons than pros when it came to it.” Jesse's tears were flowing more than ever before. He really screwed up this time. 
"I'm trying now to not think about you as much. To not think like I did before and not put you on this pedestal that I have for years now. I don't want to put my heart and efforts on the line just for them to go to waste"
Jesse puts his hands on his face as he can feel his heart squeezing a terrible squeeze. Now it was his turn to be on the other side of it all. It was his turn to be denied and his turn to feel pain.
It was his turn to be an afterthought.
"Please Y/N, please…I love you…" 
You tried to hold back tears as you didn't want to shed anymore for him. You wanted to prove to yourself that you had control over yourself and that you were closer to putting this behind you. But seeing him cry and being in pain over you, it made it much harder to not go back to the way you used to be and accept his words.
"Jesse I think it's time for you to go…" you wipe your eyes and then head over to the front door opening it. 
Jesse only stood there, dumbfounded at what you're doing, looking at the door and then at you. You didn't look at him as you stared at the ground once more. 
He slowly makes his way out with you shutting the door behind him. As soon as you did, you lay against the door with a hand to your face in an attempt to muffle your sobs fearing that Jesse might still be out there.
Your attempts were only failures as he can hear you quietly crying. He broke you and he didn't even know he was doing it like the asshole he is. You didn't deserve it and he didn't deserve you. 
Jesse finally gets the strength to move his feet towards his car making his way to his house where he'll be lonely once more.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Red Flags | Jesse Pinkman x m!reader
anonymous asked: hey jack, how've you been? can you write a jesse pinkman x male!reader? maybe one where walt threatens reader and jesse gets protective? love your writing man, thanks :)
summary: Jesse isn't nearly as stupid as he seems, he knows what he has to do when you get put into danger because of him.
tws: swearing, mild violence
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It was just a normal Friday, you were off of work for the day and had decided to spend it at your boyfriend's house like you usually did; mostly, you did a bit of cleaning and some tidying up here and there, as you knew how much Jesse appreciated having someone help around, and it gave you an excuse to turn your music on and play it loudly.
The sounds of 'The Red Baron' by Sabaton blaring, shaking the room as you sang along; Jesse was only out shopping, he wouldn't be long and even if he was, you didn't mind.
He usually ended up bumping into Badger and spending an hour talking on the driveway anyway.
You were just about to sit down and have a cup of coffee and a cigarette, when there was a harsh knock at the door; you thought it was probably just Pete or Badger asking if they could come in and hang around for a while, so you didn't even think of turning the music down when you went to answer it.
"Mister White?" You furrowed your brows, looking at your old teacher as you tried to think of why on Earth he would be knocking on Jesse's door.
"Mister (y/l/n)," White nodded, although his tone was cold and harsh. "Can I come in?"
"Uh, sure," you shrugged, letting him in and closing the door. You followed him to the kitchen. "What are you doing here, Sir?"
White glared at you, then shook his head as he removed his glasses. "Stay the fuck out of my way."
You scoffed, looking around for a moment to try and dull the surprise. "Pardon?"
"You heard me," he growled. "Stay out of my way. Leave Jesse."
"I've known Jesse since we were kids," you pointed out. "I'm not just gonna abandon him."
"You're a distraction," he spat. "Leave him alone."
"I'm his boyfriend, not a distraction," you clenched your jaw, not really caring why he was acting this way. You and Jesse left school years ago, as far as you knew, Mister White wasn't even in contact with your boyfriend. "We're not in school anymore, Mister White, why the fuck is my relationship with Jesse any of your fucking business?"
"We're business partners," White explained, "and you're getting in the way of an empire."
"Get out." You told him. "Get the fuck out."
Slowly, White put his hand on your throat, and gently pushed you against the wall as he glared at you, shaking his head. "Stay out of my way, or I'll have to deal with you."
He dropped his hand, put his glasses back on, and let himself out; you weren't even sure how to react, dropping to the floor and bringing your knees to your chest as you swallowed thickly and tried to make sense of it.
Jesse, business partners with your old teacher. The very man who just threatened you.
What the fuck was going on?
It was a long while, about an hour and a half, when Jesse came home at last; he put the shopping bags by the door like he always did, and made his way to the kitchen.
When he saw you, he dropped to his knees, planting his hands on your face as he forced you to look into his blue eyes.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"Mister White came over," your voice was shaking. "He... he threatened me, Jess."
He clenched his jaw, trying to hold his temper back as he let out a harsh sigh, shaking his head. "He threatened you?"
"He said I need to leave you," you whimpered. "That I'm in the way of, of an empire."
Jesse nodded, licking his lips as he gently pulled your legs down, spreading them so that he could kneel between them, his arms around you so tightly as he cleared his throat and let you pull him as close as you could; your face buried against the soft fabric of his favourite yellow hoodie.
"I got you," he told you softly. "I'm all yours, I got you... I'll deal with it."
"Jess, what's going on?"
"I'll explain later," Jesse murmured. "All you need to know is that Mister White won't be coming over again, I promise. He's not gonna lay a fuckin' hand on you... did he hurt you?"
You shook your head. "He had his hand on my throat."
"That fucking bitch," he growled. "Let me take a look."
You let him push you back slightly, soft fingers tracing your throat as he searched for any bruises, any marks left from nails, but he found nothing except a smeared fingerprint made from ashes.
"You're not leaving my side," Jesse told you sternly. "I'm not gonna let that bitch touch you again."
He managed to get you up, letting you sit up on the counter while he put the shopping away; he remembered to get your favourite energy drinks and cigarettes, and the small smile that came to your face when he gave them to you was more than enough for him to feel a little more at ease for the moment.
Jesse was far from stupid, though, as although he had his moments of foolishness, he wasn't about to let Walter White get to you; you were the man that Jesse was intending to marry one day, he already had his aunt's chuppah ready to be washed for the day. He wasn't about to let Walter White ruin that.
He knew, though, he knew that you could be in danger, and as much as he had tried to keep it away from you, to try and keep you safe, it was clear to him now that he hadn't done nearly enough; he needed to do better, and knew that whenever he wasn't with Walter, he would need to be at your side to make sure nothing happened to you.
Jesse wasn't going to let you leave his side, he knew that the best thing he could do to keep you safe was to keep you as close as he could. It was his own fault, he didn't protect you well enough, he hadn't been a good enough boyfriend to keep you safe. He needed to do better.
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evewritingsteve · 1 year
wrong place, wrong time
jesse pinkman x reader warnings: kidnapping, normal breaking bad stuff
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summary: You are Lydia's daughter, and just so happen to be kidnapped by Mike. Takes place in the episode before they do the train heist
note: not my best but i needed to get this concept out of my head, enjoy xx
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“Well Lydia, we’ve got the kid so I suggest you come out of hiding and talk this out like the adults we are. You got 4 hours to get over here or little miss y/n gets to meet an unpleasant end. Your choice.” You hear the man hang up the phone, sighing a little. “Well y/n, let’s hope your mother has a little empathy for her secret daughter.” 
You’d reply, and say you weren’t really a secret, just the result of a teen pregnancy, but the gag in your mouth unfortunately stifled any smart remarks. Maybe it was for the best, you didn’t have the best danger meter. Opening your mouth would probably get you hurt. 
But you weren’t hurt, surprisingly, despite the circumstances. Being kidnapped automatically brought your brain to violence, but so far, they hadn’t been overly rough. Certainly not nice, but no harm had been done. You thanked whoever was listening for that. You were hoping this was all for ransom, that your mom would pay, you’d walk out of this fine, and this whole thing would be a terrific story to take back to graduate school. 
You were bound to a chair, rope chafing your arms and legs. You wiggled again, hoping for some give. From what you gathered about the kidnappers, they were old as shit. One sounded too anxious and the other just sounded annoyed. At first you had been terrified, but as the adrenaline wore off you felt yourself growing more annoyed than anything. 
You’d been in the chair for hours, and the phone call the first man made was one of the first times you had heard them speak in hours. You were bored. You’d think being kidnapped would be more action and less anxious waiting. Not that you were complaining. 
You hear a door open and steps making their way closer. 
“Yo who the fuck is this?” A younger male voice cuts through the silence. 
Another one? Jesus. 
“Change of plans,” the annoyed older man speaks and you desperately try to see through the cloth covering your eyes. “Can’t find Lydia but her daughter was there so now here we are.” 
“Her daughter? What yo we’re fucking kidnapping random people now?” 
“Jessie!” The anxious one yells and the room goes silent. 
“Both of you, outside, now.” 
So the younger one was Jessie. You definitely weren’t supposed to know that. You hear them leave and somehow the silence is scarier now than when they were in the room. You close your eyes. God mom, you better have a ransom money stash. 
“What the hell was that? Saying Jessie’s name? You’re going to get us caught Walter!” Mike jabs his finger into Walt’s chest, fuming. 
“I didn’t ask to kidnap an innocent college student Mike! This- this is insane! What are we doing?” 
“Yeah what are we doing?” Jessie throws his hands up, still clueless. 
“Lydia planted that tracker on the methylamine. When I went to her house to have a little talk Lydia was gone. She knew I was onto her and decided to run, but her daughter just so happened to be there. I’ve dealt with Lydia before. She’s skittish. So we take her daughter to get her to come talk to us so we can put an end to this ordeal.” 
“So what, this chick is our hostage now or what?” 
“Yes Jesse. As soon as Lydia gets here we’ll cut her loose and deal with the real problem. The kid is just collateral that we have to deal with now. As long as she doesn’t see our faces this doesn’t have to end with anybody’s death but Lydia’s. Capisce?” 
“Fuck. Alright I guess.” Jessie puts his hands on his head, following Mike when he gestures for them to go back in. 
When they open the door, they all stop. Lydia was already there, undoing the last rope holding you to the chair. You both stop and look up when you hear the door, slightly panicked. 
So much for the blind. 
“Mike what the hell? My daughter?” Lydia stands, helping you do the same. Your eyes are wide as you scan the 3 men’s faces, growing more confused by the minute. Your mom knew these people? What the fuck is she involved with? 
The one that you’re going to assume is Mike, makes his way over to your mom, grabbing her arm and throwing her on to the chair you were previously occupying, dragging her and the chair to a nearby table. You jump out of the way, Mike ignoring your mom’s protests, pulling out handcuffs and locking her to the table. 
“You,” He points at you, grabbing the gun on his waistband, “Stand next to her and don’t move or I swear it’ll be your last.” 
You make your way over, giving your mom a questioning and slightly terrified look. 
“Jesus Lydia you just had to make this harder on me.” 
“Mike we can talk this out but let my daughter go. I didn’t plant that tracker, I swear to God, she knows nothing of this just please, let her leave.” 
“She’s seen our faces, Mike, we can’t just let her go with that information!” The other older man speaks up. The younger one puts his head in his hands. It seemed clear to you that he was dragged into this, and for some reason that put you at ease a bit. They all begin to argue with each other, and you glance at your mom again. 
“She’ll get on a plane right now.” 
They all pause. 
“She’s doing graduate school abroad, she can get on a plane right now and be out of the country in a few hours. Please Mike, she barely knows anything right now, definitely not enough to put you guys away. Just, please Mike.” 
“Mom I can’t leave yo-” 
“Shut up Lydia.” Mike thinks for a while. He didn’t want to kill you. He saw his granddaughter in you and knows he would never forgive himself if he had to kill you to save himself. It was risky, but something told him you really wouldn’t say anything. 
“Alright Lydia. We’ll take her to the airport. But you need to understand one thing,” he turns to you, “I have people everywhere y/n. The second you open your mouth, I’ll know. And then it’s game over for you and everyone you love.” 
You think of your little sister and suddenly realize you’re going to have to take this to the grave. Not that you even knew the entire story, it felt like you walked into the middle of a show and missed all the important parts. But still. Silence was the only answer. 
You simply nod your head in response. 
“Jessie, I would like you to take this young lady to the airport, buy yourself a ticket so you can wait at the gate with her and make sure she gets on the plane. Come back here after. Lydia, you’re gonna make a little call for us.” Mike tosses Jessie the keys, along with a pair of handcuffs. 
“Are these for her?” He gestures to the handcuffs and then to me. If it weren’t for the situation at hand, you might have blushed. 
Mike gives him a look and Jessie almost rolls his eyes. “Alright man shit.” 
He makes his way over to you, mumbling an apology that confuses you even more. It seemed like Mike was the only serious one here, the other two almost acted like they were hostages too. You feel the handcuffs tighten, and you give your mom a final glance. 
“It’ll be okay I’ll call okay?” A pit sits in your stomach at the expression on her face, so you try to give her a small smile, not trusting your voice. You really hope she didn’t get herself into something she can’t control. Jessie gives you a small nudge and you can’t fight the tears that fill your eyes. 
Once you’re in the car, Jesse says something about the handcuffs looking suspicious and takes them off. You grab at your wrists and flinch as the car is locked from the inside. At this point reality was setting in hard. Now that your safety seemed more or less intact, you were nauseous over the thought of your mom still down there for God knows what. 
The car starts moving and your breathing becomes shallow. Jesse takes notice and steals a glance at you. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be alright okay?” It didn’t even sound like he believed his own words. 
“What the fuck.” Is all you can reply. “What the actual fuck?” You laugh a little, about to go into hysterics over the entire thing. 
Jessie looks at you, even more concerned. He had been through some shit and the only time he laughed was when he was really about to lose it. You're trying to control your breathing, and he feels bad, but he can’t help but notice how pretty you are. He can’t believe that you somehow got wrapped into this. It didn’t seem right. He feels horrible. 
At this point you're no longer laughing, just sniffling and trying to stop yourself from sobbing. 
“What are they going to do to my mom?” You look at Jessie. You were never close with your mom, she was distant and cold but always provided for you. She was your mom at the end of the day. Despite being in boarding schools most of your childhood, she was always there when you came home to visit. She couldn’t just be taken from you like that. “What about my sister? What will she do?” 
“You have a sister?” He sounds surprised. You faintly wonder if you should just shut your mouth, and not volunteer anymore information, but some part of you feels like Jessie isn’t going to use this information maliciously. Still, you don’t respond. 
“Listen, I promise nothing will happen to your mom.” 
“How can you possibly promise that?” 
He goes silent and you realize that he probably can’t make that promise. 
The rest of the car ride is silent and you spend some of it observing him. He seems almost shy, despite the rough exterior and style he possesses. For a split second, you wonder if, in different circumstances, you two would have crossed paths and been friends. Maybe flirted. The reasonable part of your brain stomps that out, and politely reminds you that he was somehow involved in your kidnapping. 
The car rolls to a stop at the drop off spot. Once again, you’re confused. 
“Don’t you have to come in with me? You can’t park here.” 
He looks at you, slightly startled. He half expected you to jump out of the car and run to the nearest security guard. He spent half the ride preparing for his life to be over because of the pretty daughter of a criminal. “Oh, uh, I guess I didn’t think of that.” 
You stare at him for a beat. 
“I won’t run to tell anyone. Honestly getting out of America as soon as I can sounds nice right now for what it’s worth.” 
He turns in the driver's seat, fully looking at you for the first time. 
“I know.” 
“You believe me?” 
“I’m a shit kidnapper huh?” 
Despite the situation, you find yourself laughing a little. 
“Sort of.” 
You both sit for a minute until he raises a hand to scratch his head sheepishly. “Look uh, you can just go. I think it’ll be weird if I buy a ticket and don’t get on the plane.” 
You looked at him, shocked that he was actually agreeing to let you go.
“Oh, okay,” you go to open the door, pausing to look at him one last time. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re a real bad guy. It just seems like you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.” You give him a small smile, leaving without waiting for a response. 
You run across the street, nearly missing an impatient car. You feel like you’re on autopilot as you step through the automatic doors, trying to find the nearest help desk to book a flight. Your brain was in override, trying to make sense of everything that happened. You only hoped that once you landed, your mom would answer the phone and everything would be okay. 
You almost gave in when you saw a security personnel walking by, but thought of Jessie. You couldn’t explain it, but you knew going to the authorities would somehow cause more harm than good. You only hoped that Jessie’s sincerity was real. 
Jessie watched as you ran to the doors, seeming more dazed than scared like he imagined you should be. He didn’t understand your final words to him, he was implicated in your fucking kidnapping for fucks sake. But there you were, saying that he wasn’t a bad guy. A car honked behind him, pulling him from his thoughts. He put the car in gear, making his way back to the shitshow he really didn’t want a part of. 
He picks his phone up when he hears the familiar ringtone. 
“Jessie, is she gone?” 
“Yeah, we’re good. What’s going on?” 
“We have to rob a train.” 
Oh fuck. 
reblog, like, tell your momma (aka me)
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idk6123 · 5 months
Mistakes Were Made (Jesse Pinkman X Male Reader)
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Everything is going from bad to worse. First with the making of the meth, than getting involved with Krazy 8, and later get threaten and almost killed by him and his friend, only to kidnap him and kill his friend a moment later. That brings the duo to the current day, leaving Walter and Jesse with a corpse and a hostage in the basement. The duo is furiously discussing what to do with the corpse and the living person. They’ve been so focused on the current situation, that it really snaps Walter when he hears another person.
“Jesse, I’m home!”
When he hears that, Walter only looks dazed at his coworker. “Who the hell is that?”
“That’s Y/N.” Jesse merely replies. He’s quick to get away from Walter and uses the stairs to get to the ground floor.
Once Jesse gets to the ground floor, he’s quick to see his boyfriend just getting home from work. “How’s work?”
“Could be better.” The man puts his bag on the ground against the wall. Then he walks over to the kitchen to grab something to drink. “You remember Gregor?”
“That bitch-ass coworker of you?”
Y/N then gets a cup of coffee. “Yeah. He was really getting under my skin today, so I spit in his coffee.”
“Good for you.” Jesse gives a prideful smile at him.
From behind Jesse, Walter walks in, standing behind him, making Y/N startle a bit until realizing who he is. “Mr. White!?”
“Y/N?” Walter is quick to put on his usual behavior. “It’s been a while.”
“It has indeed. Why didn’t you said he was here?” Y/N looks at Jesse.
“I didn’t had a chance.” Jesse says with a short laugh.
The working man hums. “What brings you here?”
“Just catching up with one of my favorite graduated.” Walter says with a forced smile as he looks at Jesse, who looks a bit awkward. “He never told me he has… uh…”
“Boyfriend.” Jesse walks over to Y/N to put an arm around his neck. “We’ve been together about 3 years.”
“Almost 4.” Y/N adds with a smile.
Walter smiles lovely, but continues to force it, not wanting to come off across that he and Jesse as a corpse and a hostage in the basement. “I always knew you two were close back in the days, but I always assumed it was a friendship.”
“So did we.” Y/N responds. “Until a certain guy got high a slipped that he finds me cute.” He looks smugly as he drinks his coffee.
Jesse points to the man next to him. “He always tells that to everyone.”
“Anyway, do you want some coffee?” Y/N offers.
“No, thank you.” Walter politely declines. He then looks at Jesse. “Can we continue to talk privately?”
Jesse gives one quick smile before following Walter to the other room. Once there, Walter drops his smile without hesitation.
“What the hell was that?”
“You never mentioned you were living with someone.”
Jesse scoffs, as they continue whisper shout to each other. “Like you told everything to me.”
“Jesse, don’t you realize the situation we’re in?”
“Like I did get a choice in this? Where else do we put a dead guy and some psychopath? At your place? Wonder what ‘Skyler White, yo’, would think.”
Walter sighs, putting a hand on his head. “Just make sure he doesn’t get involved with this and get rid of that corpse.” Before he walks away, he gets back to say one thing to Jesse. “And maybe get some sleep pills. If Krazy 8 makes a ruckus, I doubt he would like to know his boyfriend has a man in his basement.”
Jesse let out a sigh, feeling constantly stress that he get from Walter. Both men get to the kitchen, with a smile back on Walter’s face.
“I got a call and I need to go, but I will swing by next time.”
“Oh. Alright.”
“We can catch up next time.” Walter says with a smile. “Good luck, the both of you.” He specifically looks at Jesse with the last part. “Have a good day.”
The two man leads Walter to the exit.
“Until next time, Mr. White.” Y/N smiles at Walter leaving, while the man next to him only give a glare at him. That’s when Y/N gets back to the kitchen to drink his coffee, with Jesse standing next to him. “How nice of him to swing by. How’s he?”
“Good.” Jesse coldly replies. Before his boyfriend can ask for an explanation for the odd reply, the man gets behind him and hug him. “Hey, there is something I need to say to you.” Jesse begins to whisper lovely into Y/N’s ear. “For our 4 year anniversary, I planned something special, but it’s a surprise.”
“Yeah.” Jesse tries his best to give his smoothest voice. “It resolves me, you, and lots of sex.”
“And what makes this time so special?”
“That’s a surprise.” Jesse says with a mischievous smirk. “All I can say that the basement is going to be wild. Though there is something I need from you.”
“And that is?”
“Don’t get in the basement.” Jesse knows he successfully lied his way as he sees his boyfriend smiles. “I planned many new and fun things, but I want to see your first reaction.”
“Sure thing. I stay away from the basement, or rather future sex dungeon.”
“That’s my good boy.” Jesse then gives kisses Y/N’s neck for a bit, completing his lie. As Y/N enjoys the pleasure he receives, Jesse stops for a moment. “I need to… work on the surprise, but I can give you a snippet tonight.”
“You sure you’re not also a sex addict?”
Jesse chuckles lovely. “I don’t see the problem with it.” He gets himself off his boyfriend and get to one of the cabinets to snatch a bottle of sleeping pills. Afterwards, he walks towards the basement. Y/N saw what he grabbed and merely wonders what sleeping pills has to do with Jesse’s idea.
It has been a weird couple of days. Walter is visiting often, way too often to make Y/N question if there is an alternative motive besides catching up. He hasn’t asked anything yet to Jesse, but the man knows it’s inevitable. It doesn’t help that there is a corpse slowly rotting in the basement. Not only that, Krazy 8 is still alive and get constantly put to sleep when Y/N is home, which is the biggest threat for Jesse. To his luck, Y/N fully believes Jesse when he shared his fake plan, that he now needs to make real.
However, today is the day that they deal with at least one of their problems, getting rid of the corpse. It was the perfect moment. Y/N is at work, allowing Jesse to freely move the dead body. Everything has been going perfectly. The body is in the bathroom. He has the acid. Now only to put the corpse in the bathtub, put the acid, let nature do its work, clean the remaining parts. All gone, no sign someone dead, and one less problem Jesse has to deal with.  Until fate decided to give him more problems.
“Makes perfect sense. Let’s completely screw up your house so you never wanna spend night int it. Sure. You know, why not?” Jesse vents as he removes the garbage bag from the corpse. Afterwards, he puts it in the bath. The pale dead guy is in the tub, Jesse begins to exceed his plan. “Yeah, and how’s about I send over my psycho-bitch wife to, you know, break your balls and threaten you? God, that would be hilarious, you know.” As he begins to put on the yellow suit, he gets startled when he hears a familiar voice.
“I’m home!”
Jesse’s eyes went wide open. He quickly throws the suit on the side and sprint to the door to lock it. He can already hear the footsteps getting closer.
“Jesse, where are you? I need someone to bitch to!”
“I’m in the bathroom!” Jesse yells. As he deals with this situation, he thinks of a way to remedy the situation.
He hears the footsteps standing in front of the door. “I fucking hate Gregor. That fucker created a rumor that made me send home.” He tries to open the door. “Jesse, I would feel better to rant in front of your face.”
“Uh…” Jesse quickly thinks of an excuse. Then he notices the toilet, knowing the perfect excuse. “I got a bad case of diarrhea, man.”
Y/N cringes at hearing this. “Goddamn Mexican food…” He mutters. “You need some medicine?”
“No, thanks.” That’s when Jesse needed to add one thing to ensure Y/N won’t discover the truth. “Maybe it’s better you don’t use the toilet for a while…”
“Jesus, Jesse!” Y/N says with disgust. “You better clean it up!”
“I sure will.” Jesse responds as he looks at the dead guy. That’s when he hears the footsteps walking away, making Jesse let out a sigh of relief. “Too close.” That’s when he recontinues his work, unaware that this will be the downfall of all the lies he build.
After completely destroying a corpse, Jesse thought it’s a good idea to get a smoke. Y/N, who’s behind his laptop in the living room, notices how tense he is, but he allows Jesse to process things first before talking about it. So, he just continues working. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Jesse smokes away. Suddenly, a door opens, with Walter entering the kitchen. The two begin arguing, all the while the other man in the building unaware about it since he’s listening to his favorite tunes. This continues for a few seconds.
“Try dragging 200 pounds of stink up a flight of stairs. I barely got him in the bathtub.”
As Jesse complains to Walter, Y/N removes his headphones to walk around for a bit. As he does, he gets in the hallway, noticing something dripping from the ceiling.
“Bathtub, what…? What do you mean, bathtub?”
“Yo, Jesse! There’s a leak!” Y/N comments as he steps closer to the liquid, noticing that’s red.
“Another thing. Why you got me running around town trying to find some stupid piece of plastic when I have a perfectly good tub I can use?”
“Jesse! Why is there blood coming out of the ceiling!?”
Walter can’t believe the situation he’s in. “Oh, god.” He walks away to the hallway.
Jesse follows him. “Hey. hey!”
Walter is the first one to see Y/N’s back, seeing him looking worried and confused why there’s blood leaking from the ceiling. He then looks at the floor, seeing smoke coming from it. Jesse soon joins him. As they watch what’s going on, Walter knows it’s inevitable until Y/N discovered the truth. As the man wanted to get his hand out to catch one of the droplets, Walter stops him.
“Y/N.” The man turns around, wondering why Walter is here. “Step away.”
Right before it all goes down, Walter runs to Y/N and grabs his arm. With one shake, he pulls the man towards him to the back of the hallway. As Y/N falls on his back, the group sees a chunk of the ceiling falling on the floor. Blood splatters get everywhere and to top it off, gore joins the floor a second after. As the three watches with mouth’s open, blood continues to pour down. When it all appears to be over, Walter walks further to see the bathtub through the hole.
In the background, Jesse helps the shocked Y/N up. “Y/N, you alright?”
“I…” Not knowing how to respond, he remains looking at the blood. “How…?” With small steps, he joins Walter to view the damage. He only looks back at Jesse as he connects the events.
Seeing his face, Jesse knows he’s caught. “I can explain.” That’s when Y/N quickly run to the basement. “Wait! Wait!” Jesse follows him, trying to stop him. However, once the other man gets to the basement, he opens the door and quickly get down the stairs to see a man tied to a pole, merely looking at him. With another half-open mouth, Y/N looks back at the entrance where Jesse is standing.
“I can explain.”
“Jesse, there is a guy in the basement and what the fuck even happened with THAT!?”
“Y/N, please-” The shocked man quickly gets pass Jesse to use the stairs to get away from Jesse. “Y/N!” Jesse calls out his name as he follows him. All the while, Walter merely looks smugly at the junkie.
“I’m sorry, what were you asking me? Oh, yes. That stupid plastic container I asked you to buy. You see, hydrofluoric acid won’t eat through plastic. It will, however, dissolve metal, rock, glass, ceramic. So there’s that.”
Jesse merely looks at Walter with a deadpanned stare. “Wow, what a fun fact. Tell it to my traumatized boyfriend who may call the cops on our asses!”
With that, he leaves Walter and uses the stairs to get upstairs. As Jesse calls out his boyfriend’s name, he looks through different rooms. He quickly discovers that he’s in the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking distraught.
“Y/N.” Jesse closes his door behind him and slowly walks over to him. “Please, please, let me explain.”
“You know what? I knew right before we started dating that this wasn’t going to be easy, and I was fine with that, because I love you. I was fine with you having a troubled relationship with your parents, because I get it. I was fine with your drug abuse, because I believed if I was by your side, maybe you could use a little less and stop the heavy ones. But never did I expect…” Y/N is looking for the right words, though not knowing what. “This shit!”
Jesse is quick to sit besides the upset man. “Look, this is the last thing I wanted. You can blame Mr. White for this shit.”
“He did this?” Y/N says with doubt. “Our boring chemistry teacher.”
“Turns out the boring chemistry teacher can make top quality meth.” Jesse drops the bomb, making Y/N surprised by the fact. Then he merely continues venting. “Not just that, he’s a manipulative son of a bitch that makes me care of the dead guy he killed, and then have the other guy locked up in MY basement, because how bad if his bitch of a wife discovers he’s Mr. Future-drug-overlord. Meanwhile, it’s fine that the guy I love discovers what we’re doing.”
It takes a couple of seconds until Y/N fully processed the situation. “…You’re saying this is all because him?”
“Damn right!”
He didn’t even considered the repercussions until Y/N stands up and storms out of the room. As Jesse follows his boyfriend, he can see how mad he is.
“Walter!” The chemistry teacher is a little bit off guard when he hears Y/N yelling. Once he sees him downstairs, he can see a death glare that reaches his soul. “You got some nerve brining Jesse in this mess!”
“Last time I check, this wouldn’t have happened if he just bought a plastic-”
“Not this!” Y/N gestures to the broken ceiling. All the while, Jesse is standing beside him, never seeing him so angry before. “The drug dealing! About the fact you killed someone and kidnap someone else!”
“It was self-defense.”
“I really need more context to that, buddy.”
Walter sighs, gesturing him to talk down. “We just wanted to sell what we’ve made. They came back with Jesse and threaten our lives-”
“Sorry, ‘they came back with Jesse’?” Y/N repeats. “You’re saying it was Jesse that tried to sell it? Just him?”
Walter remains quiet, thinking how to diffuse it, but Jesse doesn’t get him covered. “Yeah, he did.”
Y/N then gives an even scarier glare at Walter. Before doing anything rational, he merely gives him a creepy smirk. “Mr. White, you’re lucky I knew you back in the days where you were clearly saner, so I give you a deal. You clean this mess up, cover all of the damages, fix whatever that is in the basement and leave me and my boyfriend alone forever. Or I can call the cops, get my boyfriend in jail, but because I feel spiteful, gladly snitch on you too. Go to your wife to tell the news Mr. Chemistry teacher is also Mr. Methy teacher and watch how disappointed she is in you as she cries her tears out like a spoiled child that don’t get their candy!”
Never did Walter expected how threatening Y/N can be when he gets his buttons pressed too much, but honestly, he can’t blame him. So, he merely complies, even if he doesn’t get an other choice. “Alright.”
“And remember, after this.” Y/N waves his finger around the area. “I want you nowhere me, Jesse, or our property, or I get something more than just a restraining order. Do you understand?”
With that, Y/N walks away, back upstairs. Jesse merely follows him, as he reenters the bedroom again, seeing Y/N letting out a tired sigh.
“I’m sorry I’ve put you up this.”
“Next time, don’t be an idiot and start making drugs, especially with people like him.” Y/N tiredly says.
“I promise.” Jesse assures. He walks over to Y/N to hug him from behind. This question has been in his mind, and he’s even scared to ask it. But he has to know. “…You’re not breaking up with me?”
“…No.” Jesse instantly feels more relieved at hearing that. “You’re lucky you didn’t had any malicious intent with this shit.”
“Do you want to call me a dumbass?”
“Yes. You’re a dumbass, Jesse.” At hearing that, Jesse can’t help but laugh a bit. “But you have to promise me, this is never going to happen again.”
“I promise, I will never meet up with Mr. White.”
“Not just that.” Y/N continues. “I know I said it before about the drugs, but now I have to constantly think there may be some junkie that is after you, I don’t think it’s best to associate with this shit.”
Jesse quietly hums. “I understand. I throw mine remaining stash and get myself into rehab.”
Y/N is surprised he’s willing to go along with him, especially how quick he agreed. “You’re fine with that?”
“Let’s just there is someone I love more than drugs.” Jesse turns Y/N around, both men facing each other. “And after he accepted all the baggage I got and now I have, I think he deserves to be entitled for a change.” He says with a smile, causing Y/N to smile.
“I don’t want to be in a relationship that makes demands.”
“I know, but this I understand. Just know, even though I’m saying now that I quit, I know… probably the next day, that I want something to sniff. Just give me some time to adjust to this, alright?”
“I’m fine with that.”
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cappincooks · 2 years
anything and everything about you.
[Fluff ] Jesse Pinkman x Reader
Prompt: Y/N is in a bad mood and is mumbling a list of things they don’t like about themself under their breath. Jesse notices and chimes in with a way longer list of things they like/love about Y/N.
(Prompt is from this site !)
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Jesse was on the couch sleeping. He fell asleep to some random truck show you guys put on a few hours earlier. So his house was pretty silent for tonight. Well, for the most part. Apart from the humming cicadas outside and the low audio from the TV, anyone could hear your soft voice coming from the bathroom. And as soft as your voice might be, the words you were muttering though— oh boy, they were ripping you apart alive.
Today in particular was just extra hard on you for some reason. Everything just didn't go the way you wanted them to. You could just sleep the stress off and feel Jesse's warmth on your body, but you decided to target today's negative energy towards yourself.
"Fucking nose. You were always my problem in high school. I wish I had nose surgery when I was younger."
"Fucking voice. Why couldn't I just sound like every other pretty girl with their pretty high-pitched cute voice?"
"Fucking weight. God... This body."
"What the hell did Jesse see in me..."
You continued to scrutinize every inch, every fiber, and every cell in your body, searching for something about you to criticize. With your head hung low, eyes glued to the sink, you wanted to torture yourself more. After a long deep breath, you decided to continue the deed so you look back at the mirror. But only this time, you noticed you weren't alone in the mirror's reflection and you turn back to face him.
A sleepy, red-eyed Jesse was leaning on the bathroom's doorframe. Not gonna lie, you were pretty taken aback. You didn't think he would wake up since he was in a pretty deep sleep. Was your voice too loud? Oh shit, he didn't hear you did he?
"I heard everything.. you know." He was scratching the back of his neck. A pretty cute habit of his.
"Oh." And then suddenly, the floor was very interesting to look at.
"Hey. You good?"
You could see Jesse slowly entering the bathroom. His foot barely made contact with the floor, as if you would run away if he startled you too much.
"I... I don't know Jess. This day wasn't just- the best, I guess."
"Doesn't mean you have to take it out on yourself though."
His hand found its way towards yours, taking you by surprise. "That was some list you got there.." He chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"Although I bet I could do you one better. Make a longer list."
"What do you mean?"
"I say... we take turns in telling our favorite things about each other. What'd ya think?"
Now you're chuckling. "Jess- I'm better, really, now that you're here. I feel silly doing this-"
"Yeah? Well, I like silly you. Actually, I LOVE silly you. So, no bitching out now." Jesse remarks with a smile.
"Fine. But," You look around you. "Do we really need to do it in the bathroom?"
"Right on! You started it in the bathroom, and we're finishing it in the bathroom. Alright, you go first."
You started off with his eyes. Honestly, you could just swim in those bright blue orbs. You loved staring into them.
Jesse blushed a bit as you said that, and followed up the list by telling you that he adored (his words, not yours) your nose. Now it's your turn to blush.
You then said you loved his laugh.
"Hey! I was gonna say I loved your laugh too! No fair. Well, I'm gonna say it anyway. Your laugh— the best. The bomb."
"Hmm, what else... oh! I LOVE how you always manage to include 'bitch' in everything you say. No really, it's amazing."
Both of you were laughing now. You were currently sitting on the bathroom countertop, while Jesse was standing right in front of you. Occasionally leaning over towards you when he laughed too much.
You realized that he always wanted to be the one to end the list. It was almost as if he wanted to end the list with something positive about you. Once you realized that, you didn't argue and let him finish.
After exchanging about a hundred little things about each other, Jesse suddenly raises his hand, finding its way to your face. His finger, ice-cold, tracing your cheeks, your nose, then your lips. Both of his hands then cupped yours. Giving you the warmth and comfort you desperately needed.
"You know you mean the world to me, right?" His blue eyes directed their way from both of your tangled hands to your eyes now. "Like, honestly. I love anything and everything about you. I love you more than anything."
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zv5x · 2 years
i could go rabid for some yandere! jesse pinkman rn. imagine he knows that the people he loves are jeopardized and end up dead, so he is absolutely sure that you are kept a secret. he tells no one about you, not even mr. white, and (somehow) has a way to keep you out of the public eye—whether he has you physically kept within his house or if he finds a way to manipulate you into relying on him for safety, falsifying threats and isolating you. he’s so sweet and soft to you and so unforgiving to anyone who poses the slightest risk to you
something that would also be interesting is to think about how yandere! jesse would act toward his darling in that period of life when he has lost everything and is completely numb. his life is so dark and you are his only glimpse of what is good and kind and pure. he will give everything to protect that. imagine he goes out drinking and comes home wasted and so numb that all he wants to do is have you hold him while he cries. even if you are a hostage, you reluctantly oblige because you can see the good intentions in even the most morally questionable people
just my word salad thoughts of the night. i adore your writing, btw :)
ANON….ur mind >>>
If only he had the words to describe how truly terrible the world could be. It would give, just to see the look on your face when it takes. It was almost if something higher enjoyed placing these kinds of people with him and putting him in these kinds of situations. This had been a reality that Jesse was forced to accept, and it made him not believe that you were even real.
No matter what hurdle appeared right in front of him, no matter how aggressively the winds blew, you remained an unmoving part of his life. He wanted you so terribly, but did he even truly deserve you? If he held you the way he wanted to, would he be pointing you right down the road to your demise?
If he loved you any less, he'd call you a fool. You're everything he's ever desired, and on top of that, you won't drop that extended hand. You wanted to see him get better, and everytime you told him that he'd practically burst into tears on the spot.
Somehow, you always managed to stay out of danger. With his help, of course! Slow of a process it was, but he did his job well. When he was done with you, even just glancing out the outside world through a window was an alien concept. Contacting parents, friends, colleges, and anyone else in between was heavily discouraged at the beginning, progressing into you not being allowed to contact anyone at all, no matter the reason or circumstance. Just to keep your name from hitting the poles and coakrboards with big and bold text saying "MISSING", Jesse would make sure to routinely send out cards and text messages on your behalf. Never a call, less he learn that hearing their voices brings out some form of nostalgia in you, igniting an immediate desire to go home and leave him behind. Before long, you're chalked up as thinking you're "too good for the family", and are written off for good (not before some angry retaliation from your loved ones, of course. This would probably be the only time Jesse accepts a phone call, just to listen to their words, using just how terrible they're speaking to justify such snakeish maltreatment of his romantic partner).
He'd be so understanding when you're upset at never being able to speak to anyone again. He sees the pain in your eyes, and he tells you that he get's it, and pulls you against him with a, "fuck them for dropping out on you". You don't have to feel to bad, Jesse understands. He's lost people, too. He just doesn't want one of those people to become the one he can't live without.
You wouldn't know about cooking, about Mr. White or Saul or Gus, and they wouldn't know about you either. You'd be a very concept, a concept people use to mock him while under the belief that you, a loving partner, is something Jesse doesn't have. Unbeknownst to them, he has you right by his side.
When he does home, he gets to see you all doe-eyed, staring at him with your leg chained to a ventilator. When you cry, spit and scream, break the dinner plates and slap the forks out of his hand, sure Jesse can admit that it hurts him. But he knows you wouldn't be breathing without him. Something brought you to Jesse as a test to see if he could truly protect you, and Jesse will gladly take all of that abuse and more just for the end goal he sees.
Jesse just couldn't leave you all on your own.
He couldn't leave for Alaska without you, either. He just wouldn't be able to live with himself. Your desire to follow him (or lack thereof) is not relevant to him; he needs you. He needs you more than he needs anything else, and he'll grab you and force you into his trunk if need be. Surely, you understand that when you didn't die off, you made it so that Jesse would do anything to keep you.
When he tells you that if you didn't die before, you'd surely die without him now, he wasn't particularly lying. Jesse's seen true evil, looked it right in the eyes and watched it kill without remorse. He's seen it all, done it all, and so, became the judge and jury when it comes to your sentencing. Life imprisonment, living to justify his own sins and traumas in whatever home he finds for the two of you.
He wasn't the man you knew before, not even close. He was cold, hollowed out, and seeing him smile was a rare occurrence that used to happen on the daily. This wasn't your Jesse, but you were still his beloved. You were still you, and that was all he needed.
With Jesse in your lap, his head smushed against your thigh and your hand gently massaging his one shoulder and petting his hair as you listen to his barely audible sobs, perhaps this was all you needed too.
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depressopax · 5 months
Jesse Pinkman NSFW headcanons
Pairing: Jesse x gn!reader Genre: Smut SFW version + relationship headcanons can be found here! Warning(s): Breaking bad spoilers! Sexual content, Words: 661 Summary: Being in a relationship with Jesse Pinkman would include... Keep in mind english is not my first language. If I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! :)
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He’s a switch. Likes being in charge, but loves being submissive and having someone take care of him.
He is always prepared. He probably has a drawer of condoms and lube.
Maybe toys, too… 
I feel like Jesse has a praising kink. Call him a “good boy”, and he’s all yours. 
He also loves dirty talking. Even if it's cheesy or “cringe”, he likes it when you tell him he’s big, or when you tell him how much you need his cock. Jesse also loves dirty talking with you, telling you how good you are for him, that you are sexy, and he will whisper all the naughty things he’s gonna do to you.  
He likes to take his time with his partner. 
Enjoys the before and after as much as he likes the sex. 
When it comes to oral… Honestly? He prefers receiving. 
If he’s stressed from work, he would just like to lean back and have you take care of him. 
He’d have you on your knees, between his legs, working your lips over his length as he leans back and smokes a cigarette or drinks a beer. 
It’s just the best stress relief ever. 
And he thinks you look so damn hot when giving him heads. 
 Jesse just admires your face and the seeing you turn into a drooling mess, especially when you have tears in your eyes from the work you put in. 
…Look at him as you suck him off. He’ll go crazy from pleasure. 
He doesn’t really care about how he comes across when receiving oral. Jesse would probably whimper, beg and moan your name.
This would be an opportunity for you to totally take charge. Just tease and edge him a bit, and he’ll be under your spell. 
Jesse would probably try to not climax too quickly during sex, but when you suck him off, he can barely control it. He would cum hard, and fast. 
Giving oral is such a turn on for him.
He could spend hours between your legs (and probably would, too.)
Your moans are like music to his ears.
And he just loves how you taste, and would not be shy to tell you so.
He likes eye contact when receiving, but also when giving. He wants all of your attention. 
Seeing you in pure ecstasy is a turn on.
And the fact that he can make you cum by only using his mouth is enough to make him go crazy. 
It boosts his ego lol
He would brag about it and tease you about it every moment he gets.
He is very handsy in bed. His hands are everywhere, all at once. He likes touching your chest, neck and throat, hips and thighs, and of course your private region.
Jesse could probably spend hours just exploring your naked skin with his hands.
He takes his time to prepare you before taking you. 
Your comfort would be his priority, although he might be a bit selfish in the heat of the moment. 
Therefore, he prefers sex to be slow and passionate, but doesn’t mind being fast and rough if you’re into that. 
He especially prefers being rough when he’s stressed or angry, just taking out all frustration in the bedroom with some fast and sloppy lovemaking. 
He makes sure you’re satisfied and that you cum. He wants you to enjoy yourself. 
He’s careful to always use condoms, no matter what type of relationship you’re in. If you want it another way, you would have to convince him to do so. 
Doesn’t matter if he’s the dominant or submissive one, he will pamper you either way. 
But he also expects the same treatment if you’re rough with him. 
He can be very needy after sex, and loves being taken care of.
Afterwards, he will cuddle up next to you, whisper sweet words and fall asleep with you in his arms. 
“I love you, y/n…”
*sobs* I need a Jesse in my life bruh
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