#breaking bad drabble
castieltrash1 · 1 year
jesse. giving head. early morning sleepy. somno? >:3
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jesse pinkman x gn!reader; smut, mentions of oral (m receiving), somno, established consent, slight mentions of jesse's prev drug use
As slow tendrils of pleasure crawl up his spine, Jesse nuzzles deeper into your pillow, taking in the faint scent of your shampoo. His whole body tingles, nerve endings alight, and if he were home alone on his springy mattress, he’d know it was some effect from whatever he smoked the night before. But he’s in your bed, completely sober, and yet there’s something building in his gut, growing stronger with each passing second.
Suddenly, the haze of sleep washes away in one fell swoop, and a raspy groan leaves his mouth before he can stop it, the instinctive action one step ahead of his mind processing what’s happening. It isn’t until his lashes flutter open and his eyes focus on you, curled up at the end of the bed with your cheek pressed to the softness of his inner thigh, that his thoughts click into place. He’s almost fully hard and your lips are ghosting the outline of his clothed cock, close enough so he can feel the little exhale you let out when you see he’s awake.
“W-what…” His voice is hoarse and he clears his throat before continuing. “Are you… Were you about to suck me off?” Jesse finally asks, unable to stop his lips from curling into a lazy smile. The roles had been reversed more times than he could count and he’d almost mastered making you cum before you were even awake, tongue working you to the edge so effortlessly after months of practice.
“Mhm,” you reply, pushing forward to kiss him through his boxers. “Wanted to try.” You whisper the admission so quietly he almost misses it, and he reaches down to pat the top of your head with his bony fingers. “I didn’t mean to wake you,” you tell him, and his hand falls to trace the shell of your ear as you shift between his thighs, eyes blown wide with lust.
“‘S alright,” Jesse reassures, biting his lip as you begin pulling his cock free, feeling it pulse hot and heavy against your palm. “I wanna watch.”
| breaking (down) bad weekend
(if anyone knows whose gif this is pls lmk so i can credit them!!)
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depressopax · 2 months
The first - Part 1
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Pairing: Multiple characters x gender-neutral reader (Nacho, Jesse, Kim, Jimmy, Mike, Howard) Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, one-shots Warning(s): Mentions of sexual tension, weed and alcohol. Cuss words Words: 1.5k Summary: The first kiss with the BrBa/BCS characters English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 »» AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ««
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The first kiss
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You and Nacho had been friends for quite a while during this time. One day, you were chilling in his house and talking and it kinda just happened. Having a complicated life, Nacho was scared to drag you - one of the people he cares about mostly - into it. But the sexual tension between the two of you reached a tipping point when you got into the topic of relationships.
“If things were easier, maybe I’d actually have time to find love” Nacho sighed.
“You deserve to be happy, Nacho.”
“I am. With you.” He realized how it sounded and shook his head. “...Nevermind.” 
But you’d heard enough to know you were not crazy. He liked you, too. Without another word, you pressed your lips against his. At first, he responded but soon pulled back.
“We shouldn’t.”
“I know.” 
Silence fell, and after a moment, you stood up, walking to the door before you felt Nacho grab your arm. Before given the chance to react - he spinned you around and pulled you into a kiss. With his palm cupping your face, he kissed you in a way no one had done before. It was passionate and needy. Afterwards, he held onto you, breathing hot air at you whilst your foreheads pressed against each other.
You nodded.
“I’m not going anywhere”
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Jesse invited you to one of his parties and since you liked him, you decided to go. Little did you know, he felt the same… Opening the door to the house, you were hit by loud music, loud voices and the smell of alcohol, sweat and weed. At least 20 people in the living room vibing to the music whilst getting drunk and high. You felt a bit disoriented entering the place, directly scanning the place for Jesse. You found him sitting in the living room together with the friends Skinny Pete and Badger. When seeing you he smiled and greeted you.
“Yo! I’m glad you made it here.” After hugging you he dragged you along to the kitchen. “Something to drink?” 
“Yes please!” After handing you a beer, the two of you sat down next to Jesse’s friends and talked. They kept glancing at the two of you and grinning, like they knew something you didn’t. 
“Man… You’re so down bad for them, Jesse.” Badger mumbled whilst smoking his joint. Jesse looked like he wanted to murder his best friend on the spot, whilst Pete just laughed. So that’s what they were grinning about…
“Is that right, Jesse?”
“I…” He stuttered an explanation, but none was needed. 
“Maybe I like you too?” 
“If you’re playing with me right now…”
“Jesse.” You said firmly. “I mean it.”
After that, Jesse basically grabbed your hand and walked out of the house, with his friends whistling and laughing at the scene.
“Sorry ‘bout them. They’re such damn jerks.” Jesse muttered and looked at the night sky, his face turned away from you to hide the blush. 
“You like me.”
“And you like me, too?”
Without realizing it, the two of you had moved closer to each other. When he leaned down, you didn’t hesitate. It was like you could taste the smoke on his soft lips as you kissed. It was intoxicating. Afterwards, you both looked at the sky.
“We should have done that a long time ago.”
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Kim was overworking herself - as usual. And being her worried friend, you couldn’t stand the sight of it. During her lunch break, you went to her office at HHM only to find her buried in paperwork. 
“Kim, for fuck sake…”
She barely noticed your presence so you had to walk up to her and tap her shoulder.
“Hey…” she said absent-mindedly. 
“I’ll be done soon, don’t worry”
“You’ve said that for days, Kim.” 
“Yea? Well why don’t you-” realizing she was about to snap at you, she went quiet really fast and looked at you in shame “I’m sorry.”
After some convincing, she finally agreed to leave the office and let you buy her a coffee. Seeing her holding the warm paper cup containing cappuccino melted your heart. She looked so calm, for once.
“I’m worried for you.”
“That’s sweet of you… But really, I’m fine.”
You were not satisfied with the reply, and she noticed that - since you had stopped walking. 
“Hey… What’s the matter?” she said softly and threw the empty cup in a near bin before standing before you.
“I care about you, Kim. I don’t want you burned out…” 
She stroked your cheek, and you could no longer hold back the feelings you harbored. When you kissed her, she didn’t pull back. Rather, she pulled you closer to her. 
“Will you stop nagging if I take the afternoon off?” You could only nod in reply, still in shock after the kiss. 
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“Are you even listening to me?”
“Hmmm? What?” you looked at Jimmy, who drove the car. “Yea, of course. You told me about some clients.” 
“...If I bore you out that badly, just tell me, sugar.” he muttered before parking the car.
“You don’t bore me, Jimmy.” 
“Sure seems like it.” 
He left the car and you had to run after him. 
“Look, I’m sorry… It’s just, I’m worried, I guess.”
“Worried? Why?”
“You should hear yourself sometimes, Jimmy.” You hissed. “You’re dealing with some dangerous people. And you always put yourself in shit situations!”
“I got this! Ok?!”
“Yea, sure you do. Sure.” 
He rolled his eyes and continued walking. 
“Why do you even care?” he grumbled. You had to bite your tongue to not say anything stupid. Because what could you even say? “...And you’re back to ignoring me. Thank you, sweetie.” 
“Because I just care, ok?” Tears burned in your eyes, and now he noticed.
“Hey… Sweetheart-” he sighed, seeming uncomfortable with your emotions. “I’m sorry, ok?” 
He squeezed your shoulder. 
After a minute of awkward silence, he tried lightening the mood with saying:
“You got a lil crush on good ol’ Jimmy, eh?” Your reaction told him everything. “You do??” he chuckled. 
“Your idiot.” he murmured before stepping closer - he tilted your head up and forced you to look at him. 
“I knew you got the hots for me, sugar. Don’t worry. I feel the same.” 
And then he kissed you. At first, you wanted to pull away. You were still angry at him - after all. 
But it’s hard to be mad at someone that kisses you like that. 
And the way he smiled against your lips - Oh god…
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You had just found out about Mike’s work, and just what he does for his boss Gus Fring. And you were not happy. Saying “you needed to think”, you rushed out from his place. 
“Can you at least let me explain?” Mike hissed, following you - one step behind. 
“Please.” Something in his voice had changed. It went from the usually calm but firm tone - to a pleading one. It caught you off guard and you turned around to look at him. He seemed stressed.
“What?” you muttered.
“Please, let me explain.” 
And seeing how desperate he seemed, you couldn’t say no. So you listened to him, letting him tell you about his career and why he did it.
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“Why would I?” he scoffed, but quickly realised how harsh it sounded. Before you had a chance to leave again, he grabbed your hand.
“Because I care about you. I’m not pulling you into my bullshit.” 
Your heart skipped a beat at his next words…
“I can’t lose you. Please.”  
And then… 
He kissed you. Just like that. And how could you pull away, when you’d been dreaming of this moment for so long?
The kiss said more than thousands of words. 
Everything made sense now.
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You had known Howard for quite a while and he invited you out for lunch during one of his breaks. 
“Over here!” you saw him sitting by a two-person table at the restaurant, waving at you with a big smile. You joined him.
“Jeez, Howard! This place looks… Expensive!”
“Only the best lunch restaurant in town!” He said cheerfully, but you could sense some sort of… Nervousness? In his voice.  “Tell me about your day!”
“Well uhm… It was-” He looked at you intensely. It was both cute but a bit weird. “...Are you ok?”
“Of course!” 
After lunch - which he insisted on paying - you tagged along when he walked back to HHM and his office. Before saying goodbye, he stopped you.
“Wait! I actually need to talk to you.” 
“Alright… Shoot.” 
“I…” he gathered his thoughts and cleared his throat before continuing - or at least trying to. “I kinda… Y’know…” 
You couldn’t help but smile. The blush said everything.
“Howard…” you cooed, and then leaned in and kissed him. He was startled, but then kissed you back and sighed in relief at you initiating this. 
“Was that what you were trying to say?”
“Well… I definitely feel the same.”
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AHSHSHS this is prob one of my cheesiest one-shots yet- HOPE Y'ALL LIKED IT EITHER WAYS <3 Next part will be "First date". If you like this concept like, comment or reblog! Would mean a lot. :) MWAHHH
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ichorai · 1 year
sunlight ; jesse pinkman.
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track thirteen of WASTELAND, BABY!
pairing ; jesse pinkman x gn!reader
synopsis ; yellow was not a color he often saw in alaska. that was, until you came into his life.
words ; 4.2k
themes ; fluff, angst, slice of life, writer au
warnings / includes ; breaking bad & el camino spoilers, mentions of death/walter/drugs/the nazi group that imprisoned him, jesse is just Traumatized, reader is a sweetheart, jesse befriends a Cat <3
main masterlist.
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The color yellow often resurfaced bad memories of his past. Yellow were the hazmat suits he wore with Walt when they cooked meth. Yellow were Jane’s bed sheets when she overdosed right next to him. Yellow were the broiling sands of New Mexico—a place he once called home.
Now that he was in Alaska, yellow was a color he scarcely ever saw. And for that he was glad. Mostly, it was white. With snow—with clouds. Maybe a dash of brown and grey here and there, alongside the occasional green once in a while. 
It was quiet. Peaceful.
After everything, a bit of peace was all that Jesse needed.
That is, until you came along.
The first time he met you, you were decked out in an array of soft canary-hued clothes, certainly a sight that he wasn’t expecting at all. You were smiling brightly, so wide that it was a wonder your face hadn’t split into two. There was a basket in your hands, which held nothing other than around a dozen ripe lemons. 
“Urm, hello?” Jesse hesitantly greeted, opening the door wider. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Sorry for dropping by all of a sudden—I live around five minutes away, and there’s barely anybody that lives near me other than grouchy old Bob, so when I found out someone had moved into this shabby little cabin, I just couldn’t help but stop by! Here, I got you a little house-warming gift. I hope you like lemons!” You held the basket out to him, still beaming ever so kindly.
Awkward, Jesse took the lemons from you, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Ah, thanks. I’m Jared. Jared Driscoll.”
“Well, it’s really nice to meet you, Jared. Hope it’s not weird for me to say that it’s great to see a young face around,” you told him, rocking back on your heels. “Most people living around here are over sixty.”
Memories of Walter, Saul, and Mike flashed in the back of his mind, and he could nearly feel the physical pressure weighing down on his chest. He squared his jaw and pushed the thoughts away.
“Yeah,” replied Jesse, nodding. “Thanks again, for, uhm, these.”
He was just about to shut the door again, mentally smacking himself for being so tongue-tied, before you gently asked, “If you’re not doing anything tonight, I’d love to have you over for dinner. No pressure, though, I’d totally understand if you’d want to settle in first.”
No, was right on the tip of his tongue. No thanks, I’m a little busy with unpacking my stuff. I mean, I don’t have any stuff, but you don’t need to know that.
But the words caught in his throat. You looked so hopeful, your hands clasped behind you and your eyes wide with excitement. You were still smiling—how were you still smiling? His eyes darted down to your yellow cardigan rustling with the frigid Alaskan wind. 
“Uhm, alright,” he replied, shooting you a tight smile that came off more like an uncomfortable grimace than anything, but at least he was trying. 
Somehow, you seemed to brighten even more at his response. 
“Cool, is seven okay with you? I still need to clean up a bit before dinner.”
Jesse nodded wordlessly, a strange, giddy warmth pooling into his abdomen—a feeling he hadn’t felt in a very, very long time. It was excitement. Jesse couldn’t remember the last time he’d genuinely been excited for something.
“Alright, to get to my place, you just walk up the main road for a while, until you see a fork in the road—take a right, and walk for a bit, then you’ll see my house. In case you wanna make sure it’s my place, the mailbox has a pink handprint on it, but I doubt you’ll get confused—it’s not a very crowded neighborhood, huh?” 
Jesse thanked you again as you left, smiling at you—genuinely, this time. 
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Two packs of crushed crackers were gripped within one of his hands. It was all he had in his pantry, and he didn’t know what the etiquette was like around here, so he brought them just to be safe.
There was a lot of yellow to your house. He caught sight of the lemon tree in the corner of your living room, situated right against a window for optimum sunlight. You had a pale yellow carpet beneath the dining table, and sheer curtains hanging over the window of the same shade. You even had a little white cat, who had wound around Jesse’s legs with a mewl, staring up at him with large amber eyes. 
You apologized profusely, bending down to pick her up. “Sorry, she’s not usually this friendly around strangers. This is Yuki—means snow in Japanese.”
A smile itched at the corner of his lips. “No worries. I’m cool with cats. I, uh, I like her name.”
Seemingly relieved, you put Yuki back down, and ushered him to the table. In the center was a clear vase, holding a variety of ochre and purple wildflowers. 
“Hope you’re alright with spaghetti—I’m not that great of a cook, but I make a mean spaghetti,” you said, grinning as you disappeared into the kitchen to brandish a large bowl of pasta. His stomach growled at the smell of marinara sauce—he couldn’t remember the last time he had a decent bowl of warm, homemade food.
“No, yeah, that’s great,” he reassured. Silence stretched between the two of you as you began to ladle heapfuls of the noodles onto his plate, making sure to add a generous helping of meatballs with it. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat. “I haven’t had the chance to thank you, so… thanks.”
You grinned at him kindly, before sitting right across from him. “It’s no problem, I promise. To be honest, it gets really lonely here sometimes. I’m glad you moved in.”
Jesse could only give you a small smile in return, before digging into his food. It was better than anything he’d had in months, though it wasn’t much of a competition. The past few weeks had been nothing but stale sandwiches and tough jerky that wore out his jaw.
“This is really good,” he said around a mouthful of pasta, forgetting his tableside manners for a moment. You didn’t seem to mind, only beaming all the brighter.
“I’m glad! Wish I could grow my own fresh tomatoes to make the sauce with but—it’s almost always freezing cold here,” you chuckled lightly. You twirled some pasta over your fork. “Which is why I grow lemon trees—they can withstand the cold pretty well.”
“How long have you been living here?” asked Jesse, finding himself genuinely curious about you.
You hummed in thought. “Four years ago, I think. I just needed some peace and quiet—and where better than Alaska, you know? I’m a writer, see, and I used to think that I had to live in a bustling city to make connections and meet more people in the industry to be successful but… I don’t know, I think a part of me always felt trapped in a corner. I feel free here.”
“Yeah,” replied Jesse, distant. “I get that. So, uh, you’re a writer, huh? What do you write?”
“Short stories, mostly. Sometimes I dabble in longer novels, and sometimes I’ll dip my toe into nonfiction. Depends on what my publishers want from me and also what I personally want to write,” you said, before taking a sip of water. Blanching, you quickly added, “Oh, I’m so sorry, you’re my guest and I haven’t even asked a single thing about you. What about you? What’re you doing up in the middle of nowhere, Alaska, Jared?”
The new name felt so foreign—so strange coming from you. He wondered how it’d sound if you said his real name. Jesse.
At your question, a myriad of memories flashed into the front of his thoughts once more. Mike, Walt, Jane, Badger, Skinny Pete, the meth, the drugs, his parents…
He pursed his lips. 
Sensing he was a bit uncomfortable, he was surprised when you only nodded in gentle understanding, quietly saying, “It’s alright. You don’t have to tell me. We all have our reasons.”
The reassuring smile that quirked the corner of your lips upward made his heart just a little heavier. You were just so… nice. It was a bit baffling. An extremely stark comparison to his time kept prisoner by the group of Nazis. 
“You got space for dessert?” you queried, tilting your head in the most adorable of ways, snapping him out of his reverie just when the atmosphere began returning back to its original light-hearted state. “I made lemon pie!”
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It took him a little under a month to fully settle in. His house was still sparse and relatively empty, but he’d bought a nice new couch to lay back on and a frumpy little lamp he had gotten for free at an antique store. The old lady that worked there had pinched his cheeks and given it to him for free, despite the crumpled bills he was just about to hand over.
She told him that she reminded her of her grandson, and insisted on giving it to him for no charge. Acquiescing, Jesse took it home with him. Who was he to turn down something free, anyway?
He’d gotten himself a job as a carpenter, building together new little cabins not far from where he lived for adventuring tourists or more old couples that would inevitably migrate here in search of some peace and quiet. Most of his free time was spent dillying in his house, reading random books he’d borrow from the musty little library in the small town (he was pleasantly surprised to find a collection of your works on one shelf)—or he’d find himself at your house, playing Scrabble with you, or listening to you ramble about your day, or babysitting your cat when you had to go off to meet with your publisher. 
It was safe to say that he’d grown rather fond of you.
And that scared him. Rightfully so—the last two times he’d genuinely cared about someone… he’d lost both of them.
But that was in the past now. Jesse was trying to move forward. With you by his side, hopefully.
One of the benefits of being a carpenter was that he had a nearly infinite supply of spare wood on his hands. He’d been meaning to make you a little thank you gift for how nice you’d been to him his first few weeks in Alaska. He certainly hadn’t been expecting any sort of hospitality whatsoever before he’d arrived. 
And so Jesse built you a little birdhouse. It was relatively small and admittedly not his most skillful craft, but he thought it wasn’t too shabby. He’d even stopped by a hardware store to grab some paint, and added a thin coat of light yellow to the outside of the birdhouse. The roof was colored a sweet shade of pink—he’d meant to color it red, but the crimson had accidentally mixed into the white on his brush, and he decided that the pink would look better, anyways. 
The day after, he was on your doorstep, ringing the bell with an excited flutter to his stomach, rocking back and forth on his heels. 
You swung the door open, smiling upon seeing him. He interestingly noted that you were wearing large yellow overalls, hair tied away from your face. You looked so darned cute—it made him clam up for a second and forget what he’d come here for. 
“Hey!” you greeted, stepping to the side so he could amble in. “It’s nice to see you, I was literally just about to call you to ask if you wanted to watch a movie tonight, or something—ooh, whatcha got there?” Your eyes widened as you looked at the little wooden house cradled in his palms. 
“It’s for you,” said Jesse, holding it out. “It’s a, uhm, a birdhouse.” 
Your expression melted into one of pure affection, and you grinned impossibly wider, before surging forward and throwing your arms around him in a quick hug. Before he could even begin to think about reciprocating the embrace, you were already pulling away, holding the birdhouse up to eye-level to observe it closer. “Oh, my God, Jared, this is gorgeous—I can’t thank you enough. Did you make it yourself?”
Chuckling nervously, Jesse nodded an affirmative, scratching the back of his neck in a sheepish manner. “It was nothing, really. Just had some scrap wood.”
“I love it,” you told him. The words made warmth coil about the bones of his ribs, spreading down to the tips of his fingers and crawling up the skin of his neck. “Nobody’s ever made me something like that before! You’re really too sweet, Jared. I’ll hang it outside in a bit.”
Carefully, you placed the little house on your table. A quiet meow roped both of your attentions lower, where Yuki was winding between both of your legs, tail curled around Jesse’s shins. He bent down to gently scratch beneath her chin, earning him a contented purr. 
The three of you made your way to the couches, and you ushered Jesse to sit down, after you rushed to go pour him a steaming cup of coffee. 
“It’s freezing out,” you told him, curling up beside the man and handing him the mug, before taking a sip from your own. Yuki made herself comfortable between the two of you, tucking her nose behind her tail and shutting her eyes for a nap. “Hopefully you can stay and defrost for a bit before heading back out?”
He hummed, appreciative of the idea. Being with you was… comforting, to say the least. It was peaceful, and quiet, and made his heart ache like nothing else. Dare he say—domestic. It reminded him of his short-cut time with Jane. 
At the thought of her, thorns pierced through his lungs and he forced his gaze away from you. He caught sight of a small pile of papers on your coffee table, and he leaned forward to pick one up. You fiddled with the mug in your hands, nervous.
“Oh, wow, is this what you’ve been writing?” His eyes swept along the first few lines, finding himself utterly impressed. “Yo, this is, like, really damn good.”
“Really?” you asked, sitting up straighter, a hopeful look to your expression. “I’ve been in a weird word-vomit mood lately—ever since I met you, I just haven’t been able to stop.”
Jesse risked a glance to you, muffling a smile. “I may not know much about writing but this is… next level, dude. It’s like I can see it all in my head. Like a movie but with… words?” 
“Gosh, Jared, you really know how to compliment someone,” you lightly scoffed, hiding your beam behind your mug. “You can keep that copy if you want. Here—” Shifting to brandish a pen from your pocket, you signed his name right under your printed one. 
Jesse peered over to look, the smile cracking through his exterior.
For Jared Driscoll.
“You know what’s funny,” you murmured, eyes glued to his fake name on the paper. “You’ve never really pegged me as a Jared Driscoll.”
For a long moment, Jesse could’ve sworn his heart stopped in his chest. “Oh, yeah? Why, uh… why’s that?”
You shot him a glance, before smiling sweetly, handing him the papers back for him to keep. “I don’t really know—it just doesn’t suit you, I guess. Jared Driscoll sounds so—rough’n’tough, you know? You don’t strike me as the rough’n’tough kind of guy. You’re too sweet for that.” You shrugged, sinking further into the couch and running the tips of your fingers along Yuki’s back. 
Jesse stared at you for a moment longer. Your words brought a certain kind of comfort to him that he never knew he needed. The affirmation that he was still a good person in your eyes—it meant more to him than he thought it would.
“Thanks,” he said, hesitant, though he gently quirked the corner of his lips into a mild grin. He sipped his warm coffee before adding on, “I think you’re sweet, too.”
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“You never told me when your birthday was,” you told him, an accusing lilt to your words. Jesse’s brows rose. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, having just woken up no less than three minutes ago to the door ringing. 
Wordlessly, he swung his door open wider so you had space to shuffle in, still glaring at him.
“It’s been a year since you moved in,” you carried on. There was a slight pouty pucker to your lips, face creased into a frown. Jesse thought you were too damned cute to take your annoyance too seriously. “And we haven’t celebrated your birthday once!” 
“Bah, it’s not a big deal,” he finally said, yawning behind a fist and waving your words away.
Your little frown deepened. “Well, I’m sorry I missed it,” you softly said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “But I got you something anyway.”
From out of seemingly nowhere, you brandished a large brown paper bag, dangling it in front of him on the tips of your fingers. When he narrowed his blue eyes and suspiciously darted his gaze between you and the bag, you huffed out a small laugh, jerking your chin towards the gift. “Go on—open it!”
The bag crinkled loudly beneath his grip as he took it from you. With one last questioning look to you, he turned it over, and out fell a large yellow hoodie, cloud-soft in his palms. It looked like it was the exact right size for him, and he sent you an incredulous glance. 
“This is sick, Y/N, thanks,” he said, a genuine beam itching at his mouth. “Perfect size—and it’s yellow, too!”
For a moment, you looked a bit unsure. “If you don’t like the color, I can always switch it out—it’s just, you’re always wearing neutrals, I thought it’d be nice to give you something colored.”
Jesse looked to the hoodie, then back at you. 
Sure, yellow brought back bad memories. Far too many, and not nearly distant enough in his past. 
But yellow was your color—and he rather liked how it looked on you.
“Nah,” he said, patting your shoulder once, then twice, “I like it, really. I like it a lot.”
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Two years in Alaska meant nearly two years with you.
You’d become the one constant in his life—one that he wouldn’t mind being around for the rest of it, as well. 
The two of you were sitting side by side on a frosty hill, watching the sun set. A breathtaking mirage of clementines and peaches bled through the sky just when the sun dipped slowly beneath the horizon. A faint, cold wind tousled your hair, rustling the blades of grass around you. It was meant to be a celebratory picnic of sorts, but the two of you decided it was too cold to eat out, and opted to just sit and relax for a bit before heading back inside and having dinner. Wordlessly, you handed him a pack of chips from the little basket you’d brought for the failed picnic, and he wrestled it open, popping one into his mouth. Simultaneously, you bit down on a crisp apple, wiping the spurting juices away with the back of your hand. 
“I can’t believe it’s been two years,” said Jesse, mindlessly tracing shapes into the cold grass. “Time flies, huh?”
You hummed in agreement. “It does.”
Jesse turned to look at you, watching the side of your face relax along with the disappearance of the sun. The last few moments of golden sunlight bathed you in a gentle glow and drew the most beautiful of shadows across your features. You brushed some stray hairs out of your face, the sleeve of your oversized flaxen sweater swallowing your arm. He really couldn’t deny himself anymore—he was completely and utterly in love with you.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” he said. He wanted to tell you the truth. Obviously not all of it—not all at once—but he wanted you to know. Jesse trusted you more than anyone else in his entire life. Maybe that made him an idiot, but… he was willing to risk the chance with you.
Curious, you tilted your head questioningly, laying your hands and face against your raised knees. The very edge of your shoulder brushed against his arm. You raised your eyebrows expectantly.
“You were right,” he finally said. 
“Right about what?” You were starting to look mildly concerned. 
Jesse inhaled deeply. “Jared Driscoll doesn’t suit me at all because… it’s not my real name.”
Surprise flooded your expression, but not too much of it—as if you’d always had an inkling all along.
“So what’s your real name?” you asked, all gentle, slightly afraid. Afraid that you’d lose him after so long—after getting attached.
“Jesse Pinkman,” he responded, tearing his gaze away from you, not sure if he wanted to see your reaction. “My middle name is Bruce.”
To his complete surprise, you let out a sudden laugh, before clamping your hands to your mouth. He snapped his head back to look at you, a contagious, incredulous grin touching the corner of his lips. 
“Bruce like Batman?” you asked, slightly muffled behind your palms. He nodded, and you let out another chortling laugh. Relief wove through the very fibers of his muscles at your relaxed disposition. You smiled at him, all soft and glowing. It made Jesse’s stomach knot together uncomfortably. “I think it suits you. Much more than Jared Driscoll.”
You tested his name out, enunciating different syllables in various ways, your grin growing nearly double its size. 
“Jesse Pinkman. Jesse Pinkman. Jesse Pinkman. Jesse Pinkman—”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Jesse snorted, grabbing the apple in your hand and gently pushing it back into your mouth. With a halfhearted glare, you bit down into it anyway.
Around a mouthful of apple, you told him, “You have a pretty name.” You swallowed down the apple and quietly asked him, “Why are you using a fake one?”
Jesse hesitated, directing his gaze to the ground. His smile melted away. “Maybe that’s a story for another time.”
Bobbing your head in understanding, you smiled at him, still so very genuine it made his heart ache.
“Since we’re sharing secrets… well, mine isn’t exactly a secret, but I didn’t move to Alaska for the peace and quiet. I mean, I did, but that wasn’t really the reason why I left the city.” You cleared your throat, eyes getting slightly misty. “I lost my best friend in a car crash while she was on call with me seven years ago. A part of me will always think that it’s my fault that she died. So I moved to Alaska to get away from everything. From the city, and all those cars… and all the people. It was really hard being here at first. It was cold, and lonely, and sometimes just plain old boring. But honestly?” You tentatively reached over to place your palm over his. “Best decision I’ve ever made.”
The sun was long gone by now, and Jesse found himself missing how you looked in its soft yellow glow. 
“Best decision both of us made,” he murmured, nodding. Jesse quite liked the feeling of your hand on top of his. “I came to Alaska because I, uh… I lost everyone. Everything.”
You smiled—all soft and devastating. He could feel a part of his heart crumbling into a heap of sand within his chest. Nimbly, he turned his palm over to intertwine your fingers with his cold ones.
“Well, you haven’t lost me, Jesse,” you told him, so quiet that it was nearly lost to the breeze.
Jesse wanted to cry at those words. He blinked away the stinging feeling at the top of his nose, and could only muster a grateful, teary nod. 
“I, uhm, I’ve only been in love twice before in my life,” he whispered to you, swallowing the lump in his throat. “And both times, they died while I was right there—helpless. I’ve healed and I’m moving on, but, uh… I’m terrified of losing you the way I lost them, Y/N.”
Shifting, you turned so you could fully face him, now clasping both hands onto his right one. Firmly, you repeated yourself, “You haven’t lost me, Jesse. You won’t. Whatever hurt you back in New Mexico is long gone now. The past is far behind you. You have a fresh start. And I’ll be there with you—every step of the way.” 
The color yellow often resurfaced bad memories of his past. Yellow were the hazmat suits he wore with Walt when they cooked meth. Yellow were Jane’s bed sheets when she overdosed right next to him. Yellow were the broiling sands of New Mexico—a place he once called home.
There wasn’t much yellow in Alaska, and for that he’d been grateful. 
But maybe… maybe yellow wasn’t so bad. 
After all, yellow was your color—and it looked beautiful on you.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
can you do anything with jesse being happy please? i'm in pain and i want him to be happy. maybe winter hcs or domestic hcs like doing chores or shopping with him?
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• Jesse really hoped no one had a camera lying around right now
• It had taken a whole two hours of you pleading and bribing him to end up where the both of you are now
• Sitting on the floor of his little flat, bows and braids sticking out from Jesse's hair, the both of you withholding very different emotions about the situation you had found yourselves in
• Every now and then when you would go to braid another peice of hair while Jesse flipped through t.v channels, you would accidently pull too hard. Resulting in a loud "yo! bitch!!"
• A grumpy frown stayed on his face the entire time but you knew better than to let him make you think he wasn't enjoying it. You'd come to learn throughout your years as close friends that he enjoyed people playing with his hair. If Jesse considered you close enough to even let you do that of course
• But just because he was enjoying it didn't mean that he wouldn't be difficult. Per usual
A grunt slipped from your lips as Jesse elbowed you in the ribs for the third time that hour. A nice bruise was probably already forming, something you'd complain about later.
In return you had settled for smacking him on the top of the head, snorting at the way he whined at the harsh contact.
"Sit still asshole. If Badger could do it you can too." You huffed. Your hands looped another peice of hair around another, grabbing a rubber band from the pile of colorful ones behind you to tie the thing off.
"He let you braid his hair?" Jesse asked curiously as you snapped the thing in place.
"Yeah. And let me do it without calling me a bitch." You stuck your tounge out at Jesse as he turned to look at you, resulting in a playful punch to the arm. You would have faked being wounded if your fingers were busy mussing up Jesse's hair evily.
"And don't act like you're not having fun anyways. A day off from work and that fucking bastard Walter White so you can watch t.v and eat junk food? A few messy knots is hardly an unfair price to pay." The words flowed from you in a matter of fact manor. Jesse simply rolled his eyes with a barely concealed smile. He knew you were right after all. He just found it fun to poke fun at you.
"Alright alright yo, stop guilt tripping me. But promise you'll let me do your hair after this. Otherwise I'm taking this all out right now. Bitch." His hands fiddled with the graphic tee he was wearing while you contemplatd the offer. Picking at the image that had been ironed onto the front. It was just a few flecks of white and red now, but had used to read Suck My Dick in a glittery font. Christmas gift courtesy of you.
"Fine. But if you rip out any of my hair I'm going to kick you in the balls."
"Deal yo."
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purplelupins · 1 year
What Kind of Man
|Better Call Saul|
Lalo Salamanca x fem!reader
Summery: Reader waits for Lalo to come home and takes the feeling between her thighs into her own hands…and gets a surprise.
Warnings: daddy kink(word papi used, but not daddy) sort of pet play, ownership of a person, use of a person as payment for a debt, fingering, obedient reader, older man/ younger woman, obsessive Lalo, possessive Lalo, unhealthy relationship dynamics
Notes: Look I was messy as hell and talking to my friend and she gave me a prompt to get my horny out and this happened. Enjoy!
There was a stillness to the air that made your skin feel akin to static charged velvet. You mind spun and dragged simultaneously leaving your chest feeling uncomfortable and tight. You watched the clock on the wall as it ticked to 4:17 pm; it had been nine hours since you had seen that enigmatic menace of a man who kept you as his.
There was a certain kind of fear he inflicted in those around him- a predisposition of sorts that he had. You had always supposed part of it came from his last name, but you knew that was barely it at all. No, Lalo Salamanca didnt need his last name to drive horror and anxiety into the hearts of even those close to him. All he needed was his unmatched charm to mask his lack of remorse and a gun to sit comfortably in his rough hands.
And while you too used to feel that uncomfortable edge in his presence, you loved those hands of his- blood on them or not…figuratively or not.
The clock ticked again.
You sighed. He was usually home by then…he’d have you wrapped in his arms, sat at his desk on his lap or beside him in his car with his hand on your thigh.
But not today. You didn’t like to think about how quickly that man had shouldered his way into your heart and mind; it made you feel weak. But if having Lalo as the man to care for you meant you were weak…so be it.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t give you what you wanted. He did, mostly. All he asked for in return was your simple obedience. To Lalo, however, obedience did not just mean “do as I say”…it was a lifestyle. It was about loyalty.
Should you ever get taken, you were to be killed rather than betray Lalo Salamanca.
Should anyone ever attempt to lay a hand on you, violent or sexual, you are to remain loyal to Lalo Salamanca.
Should your life be in danger with Lalo by your side, you are to listen to only the words of Lalo Salamanca.
You were his, and he took his role very seriously. Lalo didn’t take your relationship lightly. He might have laughed about you being practically a pet when someone made a comment, but that night said person wound up dead. You were a contract, and he intended to maintain his end.
If you did this, he let you feel as if he held the world in his palm for you. His little princessa.
The thought alone had you clench your thighs as you wandered back through the house to your room.
The soft mattress dipped under you as you laid down.
You missed him. You always missed him.
“Lalo…lalo…laalo.” You murmured his name to yourself, trying out difference sounds as a distraction.
It wasn’t your fault you belonged to a man like him, but you did belong to him, and keeping yourself entertained was a part of it.
You missed his brown eyes that glittered even in the darkest rooms. You missed his scent that would engulf you; his arms that held you or braced him above you as he slipped inside you…
Your cheeks began to burn as you thought of the man. It wasn’t as if he kept you under lock and key…you had plenty of space to roam within the compound, but you missed his company that would bring the place to life. You swore even the birds chirped louder when he was there- they were his too. Everything was his.
You placed your hands on your stomach, and played with the fabric of your sun dress. It was a pretty little yellow one Lalo had brought you one night after being away longer than usual. You thought about what he had done to you after you had opened the box…you had had to wash the entire bed spread that night.
As your mind wandered you felt a familiar warmth begin to burn in your lower tummy, right under your belly button. You could feel your clit begin to pulse as if on instinct as you thought of the man who owned you. Your hand began to wander down your stomach to your hips where you drew up your dress around your waist; your finger trancing the top of your sweet little white panties that were now almost transparent with how much you were soaking them.
The image of Lalo leaning over you entered your mind, and you bit the inside of your cheek as you slipped your hand under the waistband. You gasped as you traced around your clit- already so sensitive. It was a mindless movement to slip your hand further down to your slit, which was now a soaked mess. You mewled in the quiet room, your hips bucking up into your hand as your other one squeezed your breast and smoothed down your stomach. Every touch sending your skin alight, your muscles twitching.
You eased your finger inside your cunt, and whined sadly at how poorly it filled you. Trying to add a second one did almost nothing to satisfy-
“Look at what we have here…”
You bolted up and withdrew your hands from yourself like you were a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Lalo was already fully seated in a chair across the room, his eyes bright and playful. You noted a few splashes of blood that were now turning brown on his yellow shirt. No wonder he was in a good mood.
You hoped he noticed you had chosen to match him after he left that morning. The colour of sunshine.
“Don’t stop for me, pretend-“ he got up, dragging the chair with him and spun it, “-like I’m not even here, niña.” He straddled the seat and rested his arms on the back that now sat against his chest, leaning forward to gaze at you intently.
Your cheeks were flushed, and your body ached to jump into his arms to soak in his warmth; the worst part was he knew it. He knew you wanted to get yourself drunk on his scent. He knew you wanted him to make you cum, wanted him to murmur filth into your ears. But you had touched yourself without him, and he wasn’t about to let you off the hook instantly.
“Off you go.” He nodded his head, eyes alight and smile dangerous.
You nodded and sat up on the pillows, the setting sun had turned the room orange, and you suddenly felt so much warmer; perhaps his honeyed gaze had something to do with it.
Who were you kidding? Of course those eyes had something to do with it.
They had everything to do with it.
Those fucking eyes were why you were where you were in the first place. After he had hooked you with those eyes months ago, all he had had to do was flash you that smile of his and you had been done for, whether you liked it or not. It wasn’t as if you had a choice, but his charm had defibeky made the transition much easier.
If it hadn’t been for your father owing Lalo money, you wouldn’t be there. If Lalo hadn’t brought up what a pretty little thing you were; if your father hadn’t jumped at the chance to settle the debt with you in place of the cash…you would have still been in your own home. Hell you might not have been alive if you father put off paying Lalo back another week.
Your gaze met his as you slipped your hand back under your soaked panties and he tutted you.
“Ah, ah…show me.” He said, pointing to the fabric covering you. The older man’s scolding tone made your head dizzy with the need to please him.
You obediently moved them to the side so he could see you fuck your fingers back inside yourself. The feeling just wasn’t the same without him…but having any touch there was better than none. Your breathing began to get heavier, and a shiver ran up your spine when you noticed his did too.
Your fingers spread you open as you fought to pleasure yourself; you barely reached your gspot, making you buck up into your palm to gain some friction on your clit. The little touch had you gasping after teasing yourself so much, but it wasn’t enough. Evidently your creased brows and pout were enough for Lalo to know exactly what torture you were experiencing.
“Nothing like papi’s cock, is it?” He rumbled, pupils blow wide. Lalo liked seeing you whimpering for his touch; not that be needed the validation, it was simply amusing to him.
You shook your head, but didn’t dare stop. Lalo smirked, and slowly stood, walking around to where you laid and sat beside you. His stare had you entranced as he took your wrist and pulled your fingers from your cunt, and brought them to his mouth. Your lips parted as he sucked your slick off, his warm tongue gently lapping.
“How about I show you how to do it, pequeña? You’d like that, hm?” He murmured casually, as if his large, calloused hand wasn’t already pushing your thighs apart even more.
You nodded. “Y-yes please, Pa-Papi. Please.” The voice that came from you was barely a squeak.
He grinned, and held the index and middle fingers of his left hand up to your mouth, “Get them nice and wet for me.”
It was almost embarrassing how quickly you welcomed them into your mouth, lapping at them like you would a lollipop or other candy. Lalo took his hand from your lips and leaned over you as he dipped his hand under your panties; the heat from his large hand made you twitch into his palm, and he chuckled at your neediness.
“Look at you…all ready for me.” His voice had gained an edge to it as he stroked through your soaked folds.
“How’s that, niña?” He purred, breathing in your air as he began to weigh down on you, enjoying how you bucked your hips while he swirled his finger around your already swollen clit.
You tried your best to get a sound out but the most you could get out was a whine and a very breathy “G-good…”. Lalo grinned wider, and leaned down to lick into your mouth as he continued to play with your aching cunt like a little toy. The older man could feel you begin to quiver and shake. He inscreased the pressure his finger had on you and steadily mapped out your entire cunt like his thick cock wasn’t straining painfully in his jeans. Leisurely. Slowly.
An intense pressure began to build inside you where the heat used to be, and you began pawing at his shoulders. Lalo sunk down onto you, his chest against yours as he continued to tongue-fuck your mouth. “Such a good girl…feels good, huh?” He rasped, his accent coming thicker and thicker as he began to lose his composure.
You nodded and whined helplessly while that scolding hot coil inside you tightened like a vice. Strangling your insides.
“Cum for me…make papi proud, niña.” The older man eased his index finger inside you, and stroked your gspot effortlessly as he filled you, and before you could nod frantically, you were seeing stars. Your moan was swallowed into his throat as you clenched around him impossibly tight, rabbiting your hips up to fuck your self on his thick finger. “That’s it…there you go…atta girl.” He murmured pressing his hard cock against your thigh absentmindedly.
You cried out as he continued to stroke you through your orgasm, your cum drenching his hand. Then, as your whines settled, he stopped his movements, and pulled away from you. You didn’t even hear him start to unbuckle his belt. “Now why don’t you keep those legs open so papi can feel good too, hm?” He rumbled against you.
All you could do was nod.
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caseket · 1 year
Okay but imagine like a middle seasons Spencer Reid having a major crush on Hotch’s wife who’s also an SSA and goes as far as to like touch himself to the thought of her and she finds out and so (with consent from all parties of course) Hotch and his wife just have their way with Reid I’m talking tie downs and good cop bad cop and coddling and degradation and it ends up with Reid a blubbering mess. Like dom!Hotch and dom!reader with a panting sub!Reid Lord and imagine Reid whining out all those sweet titles as he’s being absolutely USED by the reader and Hotch and it having like the possibility to end in a cute little thruple moment. Food for thought is all
(If someone wrote this I would literally die/pos)
(Subconsciously written with a plus size reader in mind but honestly it could apply to any size (: )
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richeeduvie · 17 days
could you please write about princesas baby shower (or even a birthday party) and Lalo (or nacho I’m not picky) decides to invite Jesse bc he was the closest friend to princesa in ABQ??? PLZ I BEG 🦶✨✨💕💕😗
"This is...it's a nice place - big, gotta be happy, dude."
Jesse's got his hands in his pockets, or on his head. He's fucking scared shitless. What's he gonna say or do that won't get her fucking...guy off his ass. He doesn't even know why Lalo invited him to her baby shower in the first place, but Jesse wasn't gonna say no. Fuck that, man.
"Thank you for com-"
"You think for someone who only knows one language, you'd be better with words."
Princesa rubs her bump, Jesse tries to smile something normal, but he can feel his eyes...scared shitless. Fuck, why isn't he better with words? But who gives a shit? Why is Lalo jumping on everything he says?
How can Jesse not show she's not terrified to move?
"When's the party coming?"
"This is the party."
Lalo, Jesse, Nacho, and Princesa - the crew around the house. Barn.
"...Oh, okay - private matters. You're uh...sleek with it. Like that."
Lalo stares. Princesa closes her eyes and takes a breath.
"You weren't his partner in English class too. Hm, Princesa? What would that say about you? But ah, the big man might come over. My cousins will stop by. A Salamanca's gotta start off life with presents."
"What about your friends?"
Princesa's half-smile drops. She sniffles and smooths her dress over her bump with a fix of her collar. Lalo keeps his smile straight.
"I didn't mea-"
"No. No - it's just been...I've been so busy that making friends got out of the way. You know I've always been like that."
Jesse nods. He's gonna be agreeable this entire night.
Nacho follows Princesa and shuts his eyes softly. It's like a sigh on it's own.
The three that make up the small, but expensive baby shower are confused all the way down as to why Lalo invited Jesse, because the entire party is just made up of jabs at everything the guy does, says. At best, Jesse's just ignored or cut off when Lalo wants to say something.
"Princesa, come here."
And he can barely get a word in with Princesa before Lalo pulls her away. Sometimes it's to tell her about...something. But the lot of it is just Lalo making it a need to rub her stomach or give her the tenth or fifteenth gift of the day.
Jesse rubs his neck.
"How do you deal with that, man?"
Nacho's finger on the glass stills. He'll have to play to be nice, there's no reason to play it cold. Other than the fact he doesn't want to.
"The way you've been dealing with it."
Princesa's eyes flicker to Nacho and Jesse at the counter. She didn't think to want Jesse at her Baby shower, but she enjoys him here. Even if Lalo doesn't, which is hard for her - because she can tell he doesn't like him and she never wants to be in disagreement with the most handsome man she's ever seen, the man who quietly coos at her belly.
So, she asks a question.
"Can we have him over sometimes? Today was fun."
Lalo slows in his kisses and coos. He looks up and Princesa isn't scared yet, it's very casual.
"You don't want anybody else around the house. Not him, Princesa. I thought to invite the guy cause he was your friend...but I can't have someone who wears those kinds of pants putting things in your head."
Princesa sputters, head down. "But-"
"Don't tell me you'd be proud if Bebito turned out like Jesse Pinkett."
She swallows. She doesn't know the answer, but Princesa isn't gonna figure it out if it'd hurt Jesse.
"Uh-huh. But you know."
Princesa blinks. She does, she puts her hand through Lalo's soft, slight curls.
Lalo doesn't miss the head jolt of Jesse when he turns his head. He could roll his damn eyes, but he smiles instead.
"That kid is gonna come out scary as shit."
"Even with her?"
Nacho's not paying attention to his own words, otherwise, he would never have said that. Jesse tries not to turn back to look at her.
"No, whatever - fifty-fifty?"
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niki-phoria · 1 year
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pairing: jesse pinkman x male!reader genre: fluff word count: 418
a/n: i've been rewatching breaking bad again and i need more jesse x male reader fluff so enjoy
“yes!” you cheer, throwing the controller to the side to celebrate your victory. jesse dramatically sighs next to you, sliding to lay sideways on your couch. he covers his face with his hands, peeking through his fingers and smiling at you. you’re oblivious to it, still high on the excitement of winning. you kneel down next to him, pulling him to sit up. you move to straddle his lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “i win.” 
“you did,” jesse smiles, hands gently holding your hips. you pull back when he leans up, smiling at his small whine. 
“what’s my prize?” 
“will a kiss suffice, my prince?” jesse playfully raises an eyebrow. you bite back a smile, pretending to debate it for a minute. 
“hm, a prince deserves more than a just one kiss, don’t you agree?” jesse’s hands move underneath your shirt, gently rubbing against your bare skin. you hope he doesn’t notice how the feeling makes you shiver. 
“how about… i give you a kiss, and i make us breakfast?” 
“you do make great eggs,” you sigh, moving your hand to cup jesse’s cheek. “i guess i can accept.”
jesse smiles, finally pulling you down into a sweet kiss. you lean down to kiss him again before he shifts to push you down onto the couch. he pulls back with a sweet smile before his hands gently tickle your sides, making your flinch and laugh, pushing his hands away. “good. now, let me go make my great eggs.” 
you’re quick to follow after him, leaning the counter as you watch him prepare breakfast. it feels so intimate to watch him do something so mundane, consciously cracking enough eggs for two portions and separating the two so your omelet doesn’t have green bell peppers. 
jesse stands over the stove, carefully flipping the eggs so they don’t burn. you can’t help yourself, quietly making your way over to wrap your arms around his waist, leaning against his back. he jumps a little before chuckling, turning the burner down and turning around to face you. he gently pushes you back against the counter before pulling you into another kiss. he presses his forehead against yours when he pulls away, looking down at you with a lovestruck smile. 
“what?” you laugh. 
“i’m so in love with you,” he smiles. 
you fake groan, hiding your face into his chest. “don’t get all sappy on me.” 
jesse laughs, wrapping his arms around you. “you love sappy.” 
“only from you,” you hum. 
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victarin · 10 months
Ok….. starting to suspect that maybe the dca isn’t a quick two week interest …….
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sinofwriting · 9 months
What F1 Fic Should I Write Next?
I've got a lot of ideas (this is only some and my brain will inevitably come up with ten more by the time this poll is done, but all well) and wanted to put it up for a vote for what I put a lot of my focus on next!
jealously, jealously (Max Verstappen): After months of pining Max and her are finally going out. But when she has a panic attack, the only person she wants is Daniel, who introduced them. (Angst with a happy ending, also Max is a bit dumb for reasons I don't want to spoil)
Whatever You Need (Daniel Ricciardo): Daniel and her have been best friends for longer than they can remember. And as a travel blogger, she has the luxury of getting to go with him everywhere. While people think they are together, they aren't. Until an unsatisfactory one night stand that goes wrong. (Smallest bit of angst, mainly just fluff and best friends to lovers)
lover (Oscar Piastri): During the Australian GP, press and fans find out that Oscar isn't single but married. More importantly, the grid also learns this. (Posted on August 26th, 2023)
Aren't Girls The Worse (Max Verstappen): When Max and her welcome their second child and daughter, it doesn't take long for Jos to go to the press with his disappointment. (Angst with a happy ending, Jos as a warning of his own)
I will end up writing all of these, but the poll is just to see what I should write and post first!
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yuu-kumeii · 11 months
Heeello, hru?
i want a tsukishima kei × fem!reader, NO TIME SKIP, i want his reaction on the reader hugging him suddenly without saying anything and the reader doesn't pull away from the hug (aka gives him a long hug)
(Reader is clingy and doesn’t want to vent, but at the end she let it all out)
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, crying
Omg hi anon❗❗❗ I'm doing fine when I got this, but now I'm like a deflated grammar balloon 😭😭😭
SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO FINISH YOUR REQUEST I SWEAR I WAS THINKING ABT IT THE WHOLE TIME AFTER I GOT IT, I just didn't get the motivation at that time so I waited for inspiration to strike. But then inspiration hit me too hard and this ended up going waaaay off track ⚰️ PLUS I wrote the middle part during a campus tour and boy am I glad to have friends who are willing to be my beta readers bc past Yuu was NOT having a good time there 🥹. So sorry again in advance if this isn't exactly what you were expecting 🙏
Btw, your all caps red NO TIMESKIP is kinda funny to me bc it's like telling me to REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A PRE TIMESKIP THING NOT POST since I'm someone who mainly writes for post timeskip 💀 ntm how you probably had your own timeskip waiting for this thing 🧍‍♀️but anyways I hope you still enjoy this monster of a drabble fic hybrid 🫶
Also heads up, it's an established relationship, yeah sorry I didn't know if you would be ok with that but uh yeah sorry 😭
Word count : 3.5k (How did I get here)
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There wasn't any indication as to why you started to feel the way you do, maybe you were tired. It could be from stress, school work has been piling up so it wasn't a stretch to say that you might've been feeling a little burnt out. But deep down, you know exactly why. You're just too embarrassed to say it out loud, because what kind of person would you be to think that your friends were that shallow? A bad manager and an even more awful friend, that's what.
Everyone has been asking about you, concerned for your lack of response as of late. You barely look up from your notebook, something about a 'full proof strategy for their next game'. One so full proof it apparently doesn't need any input from the team or Kiyoko...or the coach... It's obvious you're trying to avoid them without being absent. Which makes it even more strange, usually you'd want to get away from the people you're avoiding. So why aren't you?
"Oh no, [Y/N] lookout!" A voice suddenly calls out, snapping you out of your thoughts just as you see a ball coming straight for you.
Before you could react, someone beat it to you, "I got it!" A hand reaches out and blocks the ball, you don't register who it is until—
"Nice save, Yacchan!"
Of course.
Yachi was the one who saved your face from getting pummeled while you sat there with your head in the clouds. All the more reason the team should just— just—
Just kick you off the team.
There it is.
That's what's been on your mind. Why it was so hard for you to actually avoid them, you were scared to be pushed aside while trying to encourage them to do so. Thinking you were being good at your job, only to see someone new do it better.
You feel like you've been lacking as a manager, despite being in the club for longer. It felt like the newcomer, Yachi, was doing a lot better in the short time she's here. You know it was unwarranted, she's been nothing but helpful. Picking up all the little things you and Kiyoko taught her. The team also welcomed her with open arms, as did you.
It was a gradual realization on your end, with 3 managers on standby, it's easy to lose track of who does what job. But more and more it felt like you've been doing the least out of the 3 of you. It really affected you, even without you knowing.
You start to forget routines, things like after school clean up duty, homework, even going as far as to forget planned hangouts. It felt like all you wanted to do was finish the day as quickly as possible, you don't even get up from your seat much anymore. Your indifference in class is mostly likely why no one tried approaching you for stuff, which makes sense, you probably look unapproachable anyway.
Well, almost unapproachable. If it weren't for Tsukishima, who chose to come up to you on days you fully ignore the team.
"What's up with you?" His words were short and lacked any poise, fitting for the only first year keen on riling up opponents and allies alike.
"...Nothing is, I'm fine" Much like Tsuki, your words were curt. Hoping that the less you answer, the more he's inclined to leave you alone.
Giving you an unconvinced look paired with an equally unconvinced once over, he shrugs and turns to leave you be.
"Suit yourself"
That hurts more than anything your own mind can throw at you, because all it does is convince you further that they're better off without you. All you've been doing is feeling bad about yourself, starting to forget everything important in favor of ignoring the problem.
But strangely enough, even when you forget, nothing seems to have any big consequences. When you realize you forgot about cleanup duty, your class partner just shrugs, saying your friend stayed behind and helped them instead. You think that it could've been Yamaguchi, he sometimes helps with cleaning duty when someone's partner goes home early.
It makes you feel worse about your moping, inconveniencing not one but two people. All because you can't convince yourself that just because Yachi is doing a lot better than you, it doesn't mean you're useless.
Not to mention the heartwarming messages from your friends when you don't show up to a hangout, they seem so understanding in spite of how you don't even tell them anything. The messages telling you to "Take care of yourself" and "Work things out at your own pace" could honestly make you cry.
Even the team tries their best to cheer you up, or at least to get your attention. You can't lie and say you don't see Hinata trying to get the other first years to pull some cool volleyball stunt he saw once, hoping that you'll congratulate them. It's hard to ignore it, especially when you can just feel his occasional stare, trying to get a reaction from you. But, as much as you want to cheer them on, you just can't do that. And yet, they're still so understanding. Trying to raise your spirit, Yachi even tried to start a conversation with you by asking for help on different managerial duties. But to no avail, all you do is point her in the right direction before going back to your place in the stands. Her efforts weren't in vain, but not enough to really get to you.
But it doesn't add up, how would they know you're going through a tough time? Are you really that obvious? You probably are. Either way, it's sweet of them to still think about you even when you're basically ditching them.
What does make sense to you is the homework, which you still end up submitting on time. All thanks to, you guessed it, Tsukishima. He just started reminding you about homework due in 2 days, complete with the pages and formulas needed. A smart comment about your recent forgetfulness is always attached to the message, something to remind you that it's from Tsuki of all people.
Someone you got to know through Yamaguchi, a mutual friend of yours, and if that's not enough, then being on the same team definitely is. As a manager on said team, you were always there for whatever sarcastic quip he had at the ready. Complete with every short joke ever made and that snide smile of his almost everyday. Needless to say, it didn't take long for a friendship to bloom. No longer hanging out only when Yams was around, you both built a routine for when you have each other. Yet you were always one to break routine for something new, a habit the tall beanpole never fails to challenge.
"Why do I have to come with you? You can just go alone" He says, not too keen on the idea of skipping your usual bakery visit for a cafe.
"Because I don't want to go alone and you're the only free one" You were always so sure he'd come with you anyway, to the point where you don't even try to convince him anymore.
He did end up going with you in the end, even if he did have his complaints here and there. But overall, it was one of the few times you can visibly see him having a good time. You chose a cafe themed around the stars and space in general, which you knew Tsuki liked quite a bit. Sure it would've been better to go to a dinosaur themed cafe, but the ones you know about are all the way in Tokyo and Fukui. Nevertheless, that space cafe visit was definitely a core memory in both your and Tsukishima's friendship, no matter how much that salt shaker wanted to deny it.
Though you did promise that one day, both of you would go together.
As friends, cause that's what you are, right?
Wait, actually do you even remember what happened after the space cafe? Wasn't it really important?
It feels like you know exactly what it is, it's a *fact* that you remember what it is. But much like everything else around you, it as well, whether you mean to or not, is pushed to the back of your head. Your thoughts start to discourage your resolve in this self-driven solitude of yours, built upon claims with no support. But why would the evidence matter if the claim itself is enough to make you believe?
It really felt like you were going to keep up this ruse forever, nothing really served as a consequence to you. The only thing keeping you in this state were the small glimpses of the team above your notebook, always up to some dumb fun. Something you always looked forward to in spite of the grueling practice ahead of them, well it was something you looked forward to.
Your eyes catch onto the other first years happily chatting with each other, except for Tsuki who preferred to stand on the sidelines, only chiming in to add a sprinkle of sarcasm into the conversation. That seems fun, you knew it was. As you watch everyone laugh at something Yachi says, something in you starts coiling around your heart.
You're suddenly aware of every breath you take, your thoughts start to repeat 'breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...'
Your surroundings start to feel heavy, like you were tethered to your place. The sound of your own breathing feels louder than the voices in the gym. So focused on your empty notebook that everything else blurs at the edges of your vision.
It wasn't until you caught golden-brown eyes staring at you from across the court, genuine concern masked under a nonchalant gleam. You hold his gaze for longer than you'd like, unsure if there's anything else hidden under the bespectacled stare.
Tsuki only tilts his head in the direction of the other first years, probably telling you to come with them. You can only refuse, solemnly shaking your head. They can't possibly want you there with them, not after ignoring them for the better part of a week. It wouldn't be right to just butt in like that.
He probably knows that you're still not giving in, because it looked like he let out a sigh before walking towards them. Not before one last stare down with you, his gaze asking if you're sure about your decision. You can only hesitantly nod, you're not sure, you don't want to pick this decision, but you've convinced yourself that you're backed into a corner.
A corner you made up.
Well, no use in thinking about it now.
"Oi [Y/N], I'm gonna lock up the gym now! Better get going" Oh coach Ukai, you forgot he was still here. Taking your notebook and pen into your arms, you nod at the coach before heading towards the exit. Body slightly hunched over when you pass him, unable to look at him in the eye.
"Whatever it is you're going through, you know they got your back, right kiddo?" Ukai suddenly says, right before you leave. It makes you stand in your place for a while, thinking. You know they do, it just doesn't feel right to, especially when you didn't give them a valid reason for your distance.
"Y-yeah…Thanks, coach" You mumble, fully facing away from him. Turning to leave, when you catch a glimpse of the orange sky outside. Realizing how late it got, you break into a sprint back to your classroom.
Through the now empty halls, doused in ombre. No other soul in sight, leaving the sounds of your footsteps to be heard. The sky is beautiful today…wouldn't it be fun to experience it together?
Your pace slows right in front of your classroom, 1-4 written on a sign next to the door. Putting your hands on your knees to catch your breath from all the running, you stop to admire the light that passes through your classroom door.
And that's when you heard it, the faint scratching of a chalkboard being erased, you'd know that sound anywhere. It's soft, you could barely hear it over your own breaths, who could be cleaning it at this time? You know your partner didn't come to school today, they were sick. You yourself forgot, so why would anyone be there?
Slowly peeking through the door frame, you see a lone figure standing by the chalkboard. Short blond hair, a lean figure, headphones over his neck, the wire hanging loose. It's him, the one you felt the most guilt for. You watch him for a while, lazily swiping the eraser across the chalkboard.
So that's who your cleanup partner was talking about.
It wasn't Yamaguchi…
It was Tsuki.
He's been the one filing in for you, the one picking up after you. The one who kept pushing you to just talk to the team from a distance, he was looking out for you. The one that's been trying to reach out in his own way, you feel so stupid. Running away while your…
Own boyfriend looks out for you even when you unfairly pushed him away.
Your eyes glaze over and your breathing interchanges between short huffs and long shaky sighs. Feeling like you owe so much to him, keeping you afloat in an ocean of your own solitude. Step by step, you make your way over. Speeding up the closer you got.
Reaching him, you immediately press your face into his back. Arms wrapping around his waist, grabbing at the fabric of his school uniform to keep yourself in place. You can feel him tense, before slowly relaxing and going back to his cleaning. The guilt eating up at you even more, you clench your fists around his uniform, trembling in your place. Your lip trembles slightly, making your words sound even more pathetic than they already are.
"I'm…I-I'm so-so-...so-sor—ry—!" You sob, voice breaking off the same way you are. No words could express the mix of relief and remorse you feel, relief to be able to express your true feelings and remorse for your actions that didn't. Your eyes fill with tears that linger at their edge, waiting for a push to get them down.
"You better be, do you know how much they miss you? Those idiots won't stop asking me about you" Kei's words striking right through your heart, the coil no longer tight. Your tears finally fall as your cries get louder. You press your face further into your boyfriend's back for comfort, letting out all the pent up feelings you've harbored the past week.
"I…I just f-felt like—like I wa-was u-useless!" You whimper, sobs reduced to short intakes of air between big breaths.
"Idiot…" Turning to face you fully, Kei's hand settles itself on the top of your head, sliding down to the back. Pushing you further into an embrace of his own, refusing to look at you. One hand on the back of your head, the other fiddling with his headphone wires.
All that you've done, the distance you tried to make, it all came tumbling down. All at once. It was never supposed to take hold of you the way it did, so all you needed was something to justify ending it. Kei, is that something.
"It's just tha-that—Yachi is such-such a good mana–ger…be-better than me…" The words flow out before you could stop them, a confession to your actions. Hearing it out loud, you truly realize how weak your reasons are. It just shows how little it took to have you questioning your worth as a member of the team, laid out in front of the both of you. 
"..." His silence causes you to meekly look up at him, afraid of what he might think. Kei was always good at keeping a neutral face, never making it easy for you to know what he's thinking.
"I don't want to stop being your guys' manager…" You lower your head, voice a whisper, lip still quivering slightly.
"Then don't, no one's telling you to quit"
"But—" You quickly look back up at him.
"But nothing, Yachi's great and all but when will we ever get another clutz like you who pays for my drink?" He has a smug look on his face after saying that, eyes filled with nothing but mischief.
You say nothing, words stuck in your throat. Still staring at his stupid smile, he's probably so proud of himself for that. But, you knew he said that to cheer you up. Something to keep you out of your own head, and it's working.
"Way to ruin the moment…" You mumble, "Could've been a bit more dramatic" A soft smile takes over your expression, already feeling much more relieved than before.
"You can do that by yourself," Kei retorts, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
"But you'd still do it with me" Your smile grows, eyes filled with adoration for the pretty face in front of you. After being alone for the better part of a week, it was nice to finally talk again. Even if you had so much making up to do, to everyone in the team, maybe you could start with the one who still held you close.
"Oh? You sound so sure of yourself for someone who's been running away from me" Eyebrow raised in faux skepticism, waiting for your answer.
"I promise I'll make it up to you first" You tell him, before burying your face back into his front, basking in his familiar scent and warmth where you feel most at ease.
"You better"
And you will. To all of them.
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Walking home from school during sunset is a special kind of rare to you, barely anyone on the streets. Your newfound goal for the following week, circling in your mind. Beside you was Kei, matching your pace with long strides contrasting your own smaller steps.
"Kei…Do you want to stop by Paprika heaven?" You suddenly ask.
"Paprika heaven? Really?" Kei is not convinced you're being serious, you can practically sense that raised brow.
"It's a cafe! I know the name isn't the sweetest sounding but trust me on this!" You insist, letting out an exasperated huff.
"Shouldn't it be closed?" He questions further, still doubtful.
"It closes at 9, I checked" You proudly exclaim, crossing your arms with a content look on your face.
Kei rolls his eyes at your antics, "Alright, I yield" he raises his hands in surrender, yet a smirk still makes its way onto his face, "But you're paying"
You freeze, realizing that he's right. You are going to pay for it, with your own money. Immediately, your figure deflates dramatically. Slouching forward with an exaggerated groan.
"Right…" Your wallet will never forgive you. But not because Paprika Heaven was too expensive, a piece of your soul just dies whenever you take out a remotely large amount of money from your wallet.
This apparently amuses your boyfriend because he starts laughing, so much so that his shoulders move in time with each laugh. He turns to look at your stunned figure, which only entertains him more. Hearing his mocking laughter, it shakes you out of your stupor. Irritation starts to take hold of you, wanting him to stop laughing at your obvious misery.
"Wha—?! Stop laughing!" Your fists make contact with your boyfriend's chest, repeatedly hitting him to get him to shut.
"I'm serious! I might become poor after this!"
"That's your own fault" In between laughs, Kei is still able to call you out. Seriously, can't he take this seriously?
After a while he calms down, wiping a single tear from his eye. You also calm down, arms tired from the repeated attacks on your boyfriend. Leaning your forehead on his chest to rest, eyes closing on their own from the change in atmosphere. Kei only stands proud, hands in his pockets and a grin spread across his face in content.
Comfortable silence wash over you, the sun still peeking just beyond the horizon, lighting up the road just enough for you to see the way ahead. It's way too late for a bunch of high school students to be out, let alone ones who plan on staying out. But that doesn't matter, you can take the worried lectures from your parents later. Right now, you want to make up for lost time.
"Kei—," You raise your head to face him, taking a deep breath,
"Thank you" A closed eyed smile appears on your face, "For still putting up with me"
"...Whatever" He looks away from you, eyes gazing over the road in front of you.
But no matter how much he tries to hide it,
You can still see that small genuine smile on his face.
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depressopax · 2 months
Hi!!! if it's okay (and if your request is still open) I was wondering if I could request a fluff scenario for Jimmy McGill? :D where he gets all soft and loving sjdjdj can be both sfw and nsfw ... thank you !! ♡
Thank you for the request!!! <3 Been meaning to write about Jimmy for quite a while, so this was the perfect sign to do it lmaooo I was gonna do a NSFW too but realized that the SFW version was at 1K word already 💀 Will do a part 2 tho!  Oh well, enjoy these cheesy Jimmy headcanons 🥹🫶
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Jimmy McGill relationships headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Jimmy x gn!reader || SFW HC's
Pairing: Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): None that I can think off?? Cuss words maybe, slightly angsty Jimmy lol. Reader is gender-neutral and referred to as "partner" and gn!pet-names. Words: 1.1K Summary: Being in a relationship with Jimmy McGill would include... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request || NSFW version ||
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Jimmy is not good at figuring out his feelings.
That’s why it took him a while to realize he’d fallen in love with you. 
It’d take some time for him to accept what he’s feeling though.
Homeboy would be in denial at first. He’s scared to fall in love with someone, in fear of commitment and getting hurt etc…
But he’d show interest in other ways, without realizing it himself.
We’re talking about cheesy stuff: - Always looking good (and that’s not so difficult, HE GORGEOUSSSSS 👀) - Trying to impress you with his knowledge about things - Making sure to say something funny and make others laugh when you’re around, to let you know how funny and amazing he is lol - Compliments and teasing 
Noticing his attempt, you straight up ask him about it. “...Do you like me, Jimmy?” “What?? I-” … “Yes. I do.”
Once it’s said and done, he eventually asks you out on a date.
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Listen… Jimmy may be overconfident, especially when it comes to his seduction skills
However, there’s something about you that makes him nervous.
What you think about him and how he comes across matters to him.
That’s why he plans a date weeks ahead, trying to make everything perfect
He tries figuring out what you like and dislike so he can use that to make a good impression. 
He takes you out to some fancy restaurant (RIP early season Jimmy’s wallet 😭)
The date goes well and he is very smug with his effort.
After a few dates, Jimmy realizes he’s fallen for you.
At first he tries to hide it. He doesn’t want to come across as “desperate” or “needy”. 
But then again… He’s not good at hiding his true feelings.
Luckily, you feel the same and eventually you become a couple for real. 
He was the first one to say “I love you”, and did so without realizing it.
You were leaving for work or something and he just goes: “Bye, love ya!” Completely flustered when he heard what he just said.
When you say it back, he feels a wave of relief. 
After that, he makes sure to say ILY as often as he can.
He won’t shut up about you. Like ever. 
“So then my partner said…” “My partner brought me this shirt!” “I’m taking my babe out on a date tonight” And everyone else will eventually be like: 😐”Shut up”😐
He’ll refer to you as his spouse/wife/husband, watching everyone confused “You’re married?” “I will be soon” 🤭
Jimmy’s a sucker for cute pet names. And yeah, some of them are probably “cringe” but that won’t stop him 
Baby, Boo, Sugar, Sweetie, Hot stuff, Doll, Kitten (😭)
He loves it when you wear his shirts. Especially as lounge clothing or when sleeping.
Jimmy also finds matching outfits adorable. 
Would probably take you shopping for either suits/blazers or just hoodies that you can match. 
He also buys matching jewelry, towels, morning robes etc etc… He’s one of those guys 😭
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He has a picture of you standing on the desk in his office, as a way to carry the sweetheart with him all the time. 
…And also to brag about you to anyone that enters his office (but he puts the picture away when dealing with some of his unpredictable clients, homeboy is overprotective)
Speaking of being overprotective: He deals with a lot of shady people, so he’s very careful with who he chooses to trust when it comes to talking his love to you.
He prioritizes your safety over anything else. 
Ofc he’s scared for his own safety too, but pretty much puts it aside to make sure you’re safe first off. 
If danger comes up, he’d make sure to find somewhere safe for you to stay whilst he deals with it.
He would go so far as hiring a bodyguard for you tbh.
Being with him might be a struggle too
Homeboy is a bit unpredictable and impulsive
Doing stupid things is his speciality- 😭
No but literally, you’ll sometimes have to stop him from acting out on his weird revenge ideas or stuff that could get him into trouble.
“I was just gonna-” “No.” “But…” “Jimmy, no.” 
Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. But you love him either ways. <3
He also likes talking shit about people with you *cough* probably Howard *cough* - sure, a bit rude - but he finds it hilarious lol 
Lot of in-jokes between you and him
Jimmy is a daydreamer and is easily distracted
Especially by you.
He sometimes gets stuck thinking about you when doing boring work.
Until Francesca tells him to pull himself together lmao
Jimmy spends all possible time together with you. 
He is ambitious and serious about work, but after you and him became a couple his priorities changed. 
He finds time to spend with you. Last thing he wants is for you to feel like he cares more about work than he does for you.
If you’re adventurous and like being outdoors, he does too.
But honestly? He prefers cuddling at home and watching movies with you.
He is not a good chef, so he buys a lot of food from restaurants and brings it home if you’ve had a long day at work.
He makes sure to be a romantic bastard too. 
Candlelit dinners, taking baths together, picnics… You name it. He loves spoiling you. 
He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but hear me out… Home-spa dates 👀
He did use to have his office at a nail salon, so he knows his way around those things
If you allow him to, he likes painting your nails - with him choosing the color
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Like I said, Jimmy enjoys cuddling you.
He has a lot of feelings, traumas etc pent up, which he dares to let out around you.
He has learnt that he can be vulnerable with you and not get judged, which he appreciates.
That’s why he loves coming home to you after a long day and simply resting in your arms.
He prefers being the little spoon - to feel protected and loved by you. <3
To summarize: It might take him a while to put the pieces together and actually confess his feelings for you - but once he does he spends every day letting you know how much you mean to him.
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I just remembered why I love Jimmy sm AHHH he deserves love and happiness <3<3 Part 2 soon!
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5eraphim · 1 year
may i please have something with spy and his s/o who has stockholm syndrome and has been broken down enough that they feel the need to always be touching him? treating him as a king! constantly kissing any spot on him, wanting to leave marks on spy so people know hes claimed, nonstop praising him and stroking his ego, maybe s/o wants to scent mark him ♡ thank you!!
I love you so much right now. I am sending a psychic beam of pure love and kisses directly into your skull. This is just,,, exactly the kind of request I've been waiting for (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ I'm not 100% sure if you wanted a oneshot or headcanons, but for purely selfish reasons, I'm answering with a oneshot <3 hope you enjoy!
Summary: Cuddling with Spy at night, and feeling a perfect kind of bliss from the knowledge you two are exactly where you're meant to be.
Character: Spy 🐍 (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Content Warnings: yandere, mind break, Stockholm Syndrome, servant/master dynamics, denial/edging, sexual massage, possessive behavior
Word Count: 2.8k
(Song Inspo: Chapel, Nicole Dollanganger)
"I was reading my destiny inside your eyes without knowing it." Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
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LAST EDITED- 4/18/2023
Earlier that day, you welcomed your beloved home. Unfortunately, much later than usual, apparently preoccupied with some kind of inescapable work issue. By the time he returned home, the full moon had illuminated the inky-black sky, and a pleasant evening chill settled motionless all around, ending the sun's humid, suffocating summer heat for the day. Crickets chirped in the long grass surrounding the small cabin you and your lover shared, surrounded by the forest and far away from any prying eyes. When you heard the screen door creak open, Spy entered, quietly locking the door behind him, stepping out of his dress shoes and neatly tucking them beside it. Greeting him with a kiss and helping him to slip out of his work clothes, you welcomed him home. Taking note to be extra soft and loving, seeing how thoroughly exhausted he appeared.
Sharing a cup of tea together was a long-standing ritual between the two of you. It was your job to brew and serve the tea while Spy waited patiently. You remembered how pleased Spy looked the first time you managed to prepare the tea exactly to suit his tastes. And how proud you felt, knowing you were likely one of the only people he trusted enough to accept food from. Spy liked to sip his drink while unwinding from his long day, while you would sit and keep him company. Sometimes with chatter, other times quiet and content enough to enjoy a little time together.
Tonight Spy requested you to draw him a bath during the late-night chat, a task you accepted most graciously. He was always so generous to share the tub with you, so long as you would help wash. Or, as he liked to say, "Earn your spot beside him."
While you didn't remember much of life before you met Spy, you did recall the first time he offered to share the bath with you. Long past when he first brought you here to live, and by that point, your resilience began to break down, and it was harder and harder to ignore how badly you wanted to give in and accept his affections. You weren't trying to escape or harm him anymore, no longer because of threat or punishment, but rather an unexplainable yearning for Spy. It wasn't love, not yet, but a means to quell the discontentment you couldn't shake apart from Spy; he completed you.
Your body settled between his long legs, your back to his chest. This was the first time you saw him naked, and it felt bizarrely enticing when he told you how he wanted to see you the same way. The water felt so warm, and you could've melted right there as he used his bare hands to glide soap and suds over your wet skin, covering your body with bubbles and warm water. And for the first time, you didn't shy away from his touch when his fingertips skimmed your thighs and lingered so lightly at your chest, his fingers growing bolder. You allowed your head to lull back and lean against Spy's body, your eyes fluttering shut. Moaning breathily under his touch. Spy hummed as he continued to work, caressing every inch of your body, comforted by the feeling of your body completely relaxed against his. For the first time, you allowed yourself to let your guard down. And by God, did it feel good.
It all felt so long ago, though living in isolation made keeping up with time impossible. But you remember how nice it was to let yourself give in and begin to accept Spy's charms and sensuality. For a while, you tried to remain resilient and faithful to yourself, to only embrace him when sharing a bath, but once Spy caused this fracture in your defenses, he knew it was only a matter of time before you folded. No much longer did you bother lying to yourself. Pretending you didn't love the feeling of hot water washing over you, Spy's touch getting bolder when he could tell you were no longer trying to push him away. He told you how proud he was to see you at ease like this, how he knew you'd be much more comfortable after you'd removed your layers of clothing and gave him a chance. How now it made sense why you were always so high-strung and wound up under all those clothes, you were far better off living this. His voice and hands were hypnotic, pulling you deeper and deeper into this new peaceful state of mind. You didn't even protest when he pulled you into his bed that night.
Tonight went quite similar. By now, you were far more used to taking Spy's orders and were responsible for stripping down yourself and helping undress him, folding the clothes neatly on the countertop before you were allowed to enter the bath. He referred you to lay between his legs, being so kind to help wash you before himself, knowing this was your favorite spot. The motions are familiar but in a comforting way. The feeling of a trusted routine to help unwind at the end of such a taxing day.
Neither of you dressed after the bath, deciding to dry off and hop into bed. All the lights were off, but you could still see around the bedroom clearly enough with the moon's light shining into the bedroom. You tried to fall asleep, but feeling restless, you couldn't quite find sleep. Instead, your mind wandered to the sensation of your beloved Spy curled beside you in bed. Spy always looked so beautiful when he was asleep, his face relaxed, breathing so gentle, he looked like a living marble Adonis. Nothing less than perfection in your eyes. He slept on his back while you were curled up on your side facing him, head resting on his chest.
You nuzzled your head into his chest, snuggling a little closer. The feeling of Spy's hand gently stroking your head gave you a small jolt of surprise, as you thought Spy was already asleep. "You're awake?"
His eyes were still shut when he answered. "You've been fidgeting beside me all night. No one could sleep through that." You bit your lip nervously, feeling a light stab of guilt for this. "I'm so sorry about that. I didn't even realize."
Spy leaned down to kiss your head, " You're alright, but I wonder, were you trying to get my attention? Is there something you want from me now that it's so late at night?"
You flushed a little, "No, it was an accident! I'm just- I mean, I'm sorry I woke you up."
Spy cracked the eye oven looking down on you. "How about a back rub to make up for it, then? You've always been so good at those." You couldn't help but feel bubbly inside from his praise, and with a quiet "yes sir," you climbed up over him. Spy rolling onto his stomach now, arms under the pillow he rested his head on while you straddled his lower back.
As gently as you could, you ran your hands over the skin on his back, initiating the skin-to-skin contact delicately, still unable to shake your initial guilt for waking him up in the first place. His body felt so soft and clean after the bath. His back accumulated tremendous scar tissue over the years, and your heart ached to think about Spy away on his own where you couldn't protect him. The pain was all the worse as you knew, deep down, this was how it had to be. You wished you had some kind of magic touch to heal the scars for good or to take on the wounds yourself. Unfortunately, the best you could do now was run your soothing touch over the blemished area. Though you'd never admit this to him, you always thought Spy's scar tissue was sexy, making his already charming physique even more alluring.
Using steady, well-practiced hands, you began to apply more pressure to the massage, knowing where he usually held tension and where to target to have him moaning and sighing in relief. Starting high, around his shoulder blades, before moving your hands up and down his body, leaving no area untended. Your fingers work hard to draw out his tension and ease his pain. In the low light, you could see Spy relaxing into your touch a little more, and you felt an erotic jolt of excitement as you heard him beginning to let off gentle, breathy moans as you worked.
Your eyes drift shut when you feel his hand against your outer thigh. The light touch against your upper leg was innocent enough, but you were aroused all the same, moaning through clenched teeth, tensing up. You were caught off-guard and felt goosebumps prickling across your arms and legs. But you didn't take this as your cue to stop. Instead, you began to massage him deeper, moving with more force but remaining as slow and sensual as possible. Thumbs digging into the tissue of his lower back, fingers rubbing little circles, occasionally using your palms and knuckles to grind even harder.
You didn't even realize how far your mind had drifted when you felt his fingernails brushing against your thigh. Then, when you felt his hand stroke higher than expected, you flinched inward, hissing sharply. It wasn't until after you discovered when you curled your hands into tight fists in shock did you realize you accidentally scratched your nails against his skin. Leaving a few puffy scratches over his shoulder blades where your hands were. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry- it was an accident!"
It was impossible to stop your hands from shaking as you pulled them into your chest in shame upon a braising Spy's precious skin. It wasn't much of an abrasion, just a few red stretch marks along his back, the longest of which was about the length of a pinky finger, with a few tiny beads of blood. Still, you felt awful for what you'd done all the same. You were about to climb down and fetch the first aid kit from the bathroom when before you could move, you heard Spy's voice. "Did you draw blood?" He didn't sound mad, rather neutral, actually, but you were wracked with guilt all the same.
"I did; I'm so sorry! Let me get you patched up."
"No, I want you to lick it up."
His words stopped you dead in your tracks. "Is he being serious?" you wondered, and for a moment, you felt frozen in place, unable to decide if he seriously wanted you to do what you were told or if he was being sarcastic. Though this didn't last long, he tilted his head back a little. From his position lying on his stomach on the bed, he could only move so much, but in the low lighting in the room, you could swear you could just barely catch the light of the moon in his eyes.
"Go on, do as you're told, and clean up your mess."
You were genuinely comforted to see he wasn't upset with you, though it didn't entirely absolve you of the guilt of your actions. If this was what he wanted, it was your job to deliver. You planted both hands on the bed as you scooted down to lay above him on your elbows. Now your head was just over the tiny wound, and even up close, you could see the scratch wasn't anything worse than a cat's scratch, and if you were honest, there was a chilling excitement you felt. Something about being ordered to kiss the wound felt so intimate. Your eyes closed as you leaned down closer, your tongue rolling out just enough to swipe up the tiny beads of blood before returning to your mouth. You felt the taste of copper follow the blood into your mouth, lingering for just a second as you swallowed the warm substance. Feeling bolder, you lightly kissed the sensitive area you'd left a scar, but it wasn't enough. You wanted more, to caress his flesh with your lips, kissing your love tenderly to show your reverence. Spy shifted a little under you, rolling from his stomach to his side as you moved to accommodate him.
He hummed softly to himself constantly as you kissed your way from his shoulder blades to the side of his neck. You could feel his pulse below your mouth, all too aware of how he clearly enjoyed feeling your lips against the thin, sensitive flesh. He used a gentle but firm hand to cup the side of your face, guiding your lips to meet his as you sighed into the kiss.
It wasn't long before his tongue was in your mouth, and you were back on top, the two of you moving as one as he rolled to his back, you taking this as an invitation to go back to straddling his torso. The kiss felt so passionate and sensual, and you could not stop yourself from lightly grinding your lower body against his, desperate for any friction between your legs. You moaned into the kiss when you felt his fingertips feeling up the sides of your body. You wanted desperately to move his hands from the sides of your hips to between, but you also didn't want the pleasant shivers his touch brought about to stop. It was impossible to hold yourself back. Spy deepened the kiss, lips sliding against your own as you returned the affection. His touch, gentler than yours, had you feeling so hot, bothered, and almost painfully wet. Your hands worked through his hair, winding it around your fingers, pulling slightly as he teased your body, but just as you were about to start rolling your hips, Spy pulled away, removing his fingers from your body. Spy looked up at your confused expression with a coy grin.
"It's getting late. Why do we settle down for the night?"
"Can't we go a little longer?"
"Maybe tomorrow night."
Your head dropped in disappointment. "Please, just a minute longer, I- God Spy, I'm so wet, I need you so bad it hurts!"
Your pain only amused the man as he chuckled softly, his hand smoothing back your hair, "If you love me, you'll do as you're told." It hurt, but he was right, as usual, and with a half-hearted "yes sir," you peeled away from him, moving to lay on your side facing him. While Spy didn't move from his back, waiting for you to cuddle up closer, no doubt feeling your body trembling with the effort it took to remain still.
"You're being good for me, right? You aren't touching yourself, are you?"
Shaking your head, no, Spy pulled you a little closer to him. Kissing the top of your head while you lay against his lithe body. "Very good. Your hands are only to serve me, not yourself."
This man was a sadist, wrapping himself tightly around you while speaking in that low-breathy murmur that gave you chills, feeling his warm breath fanning your overheated body and skin. It drove you mad in the best way imaginable.
You could swear you felt sweat begin to bead along your back with the effort it took to obey his command. Feeling his warm skin against yours, the softness of the blankets, his natural aroma overwhelming your mind, not to mention the already uncomfortable burning felt between your legs, you wanted so badly to climb back over him and relieve the awful tension, but you wouldn't dare. Spy's approval and praise meant the world to you, and disobeying him to satisfy your carnal desires would be unthinkable. Spy's breathing began to deepen and slow, and you felt his arm around your shoulders starting to slacken as he drifted off to sleep. And you took great comfort in knowing you were about to settle down for the night, sleeping in the embrace of your reason for living.
Perhaps your beloved Spy was no longer a person to you, and your love for him transformed him into something beyond human. Now he was the light of your life, the only one who made you feel alive. As you felt his arms wrapped around your body, his warm body curled up behind you, his body heat warming you and the bed's blankets, the heat making you want to nestle up even closer, to feel every inch of your beloved's perfect body wrapped around yours, as protective of you as you were to him. And with God as your witness, you swore, you would protect him until the day you died.
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Nacho X reader. Please
Nacho flirting with a customer at his father's shop. Him leaning over the counter to get close.
aAAArgHHHouhhh going insane over this
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Dropplets of sweat were dripping down the tip of his nose.
The beams of hot New Mexico sun spared no expenses today, even indoors where walls of brick and plaster would normally provide some sort of shelter. And it was only growing hotter from what Nacho could tell.
Many of the employees both inside and outside had unbuttoned the first couple levels of their work uniform down to expose their chest to the rare breeze that would bless them. That wasn't limited to Nacho Varga, the lone man currently occupying a wooden front desk, whose golden chain bounced against his chest if he sat down too quick.
A slow trickle of perspiration on his skin made Nacho itch to rub it off. But be sighed softly, continuing to thumb through a stack of twenties in his hand.
"Here you go, sir." The sound of a register opening and change clanking ripped through the not so silent shop as he took out a few ones in exchange for placing the twenties in the box. "Have a nice day." He offered a faint smile while holding out the extra money, palms turned up toward the sky.
The man who has been standing opposite of him across the counter for the past couple minutes offered a grunt and nod of his head, turning to walk out the glass double doors behind him. Probably to his newly repaired car; curtosy of Nacho's Papa.
Nacho sighed, finally taking a moment to wipe the back of his hand over his face, only to bring it back coated in a shean of sweat. He frowned. He had been meaning to get around to looking at the lobbys air conditioning, but simply hadn't found the time. Balancing two different jobs wasn't always easy and for more reasons than one. He tried not to think about that too much when he was at his Papa's shop. Still. That didn't change the fact that this place would start feeling more and more like an oven if he didn't take a look at the metal box sometime soon.
Eventually Nacho caved. He wasn't one to put things off a lot. And it didn't seem like any customers would be stopping by for a moment.
The quiet man disappeared to the back for a quick bout of silence only to emerge seconds later lugging a six foot ladder behind him like it was nothing. He was careful to keep it a ways of the ground before setting it down with a clank, keeping in mind the freshly waxed floor that his father had stayed out late doing last month.
Quick work was made of the activity. Just a few twists of a screwdriver, poking his head around to try and see what was going on, and reassuring his dad at one point that he would be okay standing on a ladder without anyone to hold it for him.
He was hoping that he could go the evening without anyone walking in, maybe moving on from the air conditioner (which had thankfully started working again after a couple hits to the side) to fixing a few other things around the place. Something that he knew his dad would appreciate.
Clearly that wasn't going to happen though. At least not in that moment.
Cool gusts of wind blew across Nacho's back, accompanying the ones in his face from the air conditioner as he screwed the top of it back in place. Shuffling behind him and the jingling of car keys told him that someone had entered—most likely to pay for a part they needed or some repairs.
"I'll be with you in a moment." He called out over his shoulder, voice as soft as always. No one answered him back—not that he expected them to. People tended to mind their own business around here.
Still. Nacho hurried to get back behind the counter.
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You really wished you had listened to your last mechanic about buying a new car.
According to the stout man that had been assigned to fix up your rust bucket, you were just better off hurting an entirely new car at this point.
"I don't know if I could even do anything more but waste your time." The gruff man had said through a bushy mustache. "I can give you the address to another shop just across town that could handle this make and model better, but really, you're just better selling it for parts."
You'd taken the small card with the adress on it anyway, thanking him with a sigh before paying for the little bit they had been able to do.
He wasn't entirely wrong by saying those things to be fair. Unable to buy even the smallest of things beyond groceries in your fruitless quest for a decent paying job, you had been stuck driving the same blue colored tin can everywhere ever since you were sixteen. Not that you really minded. The only time it gave you trouble was when a road had one too many potholes. Most of the time people would come up with excuses to have ride in their own car anyways, not particularly enthusiastic to strap themselves down into the confines of your vehicle.
At least it smelled nice and was clean enough. You hoped that the people at this other dealership would give you some brownie points for that.
The employees had been nice enough upon you pulling in, if looking a little bored. And sweaty. Not that you could blame them—you had felt the blast of heat in stepping out of your car.
One had met you, shaking your hand firmly as you explained why you were there. From the way he ordered the people around your car to pull it around the back, you could only assume he was the owner. Or at least a manager. Nonetheless, he seemed nice enough.
"Ah Emelio needs to stop sending people here." The scruffy man had barked out a laugh as he released his grip on your hand. "He's going to start running out of clients! More for me and my mijo, I suppose."
You had politely smiled your way through a few more minutes of conversation until he gave you the instructions to the cash register, along with what you might have to pay for. (According to him, you were lucky that he even had enough parts laying around to upgrade your car, much less fix it.)
So you had walked into the small looking building sat smack dab on the drab premises. It wasn't much, but it was good enough considering you were someone who had been driving a car around looking like it had been tossed off Mount Everest
It was cool inside—much to your relief. Looked cozy as well. Had a few worn chairs and a funny color scheme, but you liked it. Seemed more genuine than the stuffy car dealerships sprinkled all around the upper side of town. Where the air felt like you were inhaling febreez stright from the can and the costumer service smiles looked way too fake.
There was a man too. Your neck tilted a little to get a better look, but from his position on a rusty ladder, you weren't able to see much than the back of his uniform.
"I'll be with you in a moment."
His voice was soft, which was a suprise. With broad shoulders like that and—again, from the little they could see—strong arms, he looked like he would have a rough edge to him.
"What can I help you with today?"
You took a second to sweep your eyes across his face, observing the way his jaw clenched when you did so, quickly snapping your eyes away when you noticed. The last thing you needed to do was make someone feel uncomfortable by staring at them. Even if he did have attractive features.
"I was sent here to pay for a tune up, I think? I don't really know but they sent me in here to talk to you."
He hummed, leaning into the counter with his elbows.
"Well, I can try and help you out if you want." The corner of his lips tilted up a little, a small smile blossoming on his face. "I'm Nacho."
"Like the chip?"
Nacho let out a breathy laugh almost inaudible to you, his eyes crinkling at the corners joyfully. You couldn't help but smile back yourself.
"I guess you say that."
"Last name Cheese?"
Another slight chuckle.
He liked the way your eyes shone at him when he leaned toward you. And you liked the way he laughed at your terrible attempts at a joke
Maybe your shitty car wasn't such a bad thing to happen to you after all.
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philipjohnclapp · 8 months
Drop a request, I’m feeling frisky.
You can request AS MUCH AS YOU WANT IDC
(Check my pinned for what I’ll write for and if it isn’t there just request for whatever anyways, I’ll write anything no matter how immoral. Nothing is off limits REMEMBER THAT. Also stop asking if requests r open THEYLL be open forever no matter how old this post is.)
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OH WORD U TAKE PROMPTS??? time to thinly veil my self-indulgence
so. i've had the recurring thought of saul taking the reader by the hair-- dragging them around, picking them up, grabbing on while plowing from behind, BUT THEN also playing with the reader's hair in public just to make them think of all the times he's had a fistful of those locks
FUCKYESFUCYKYESFUCKYES THATS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! he totally would pavlov you like that and he’d love exploiting you 🥺🥺🥺 esp at the worst possible times like the two of you are in a meeting with a client and he just nonchalantly reaches over and brushes your hair out of your face while you’re talking and you gasp. oml you would NEVERRR hear the end of it 😭
alsoooooo saul dragging you by your hair over to his desk and slamming you down on it……. ur fucking MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i def think he has a thing for messing ur hair up
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