#jihyun scenario
natasha-in-space · 8 months
RFA boys+ jihyun having a child who is a "daddy's kid" to the point that their wives are annoyed (like why does he love you so much)
Yoosung is a dad who I think is laid-back and fun. He is a parent, with whom you can share your stressful day at school and get genuine understanding and an uplifting pat on the head that will leave you feeling relieved and secure almost immediately. He's a bit clumsy, of course, as he's used to being the youngest in practically every group he has ever been in. And now that place is taken by someone else! His kid can build a genuine bond with him through mutual trust and understanding, thanks to his easy-going attitude. It's not surprising to see his child growing up to have a deep affection for their cool father. Yoosung will chuckle and pinch your cheeks if you pout and grumble about him stealing all the attention for himself. He finds it absolutely adorable to see you huff and puff, but you can't hide the smile blooming in the corners of your mouth as your child clings at his legs with happy giggles falling from their lips. The sight is too cute to be upset about. On the weekend, he will make certain to arrange a family picnic for you two. One where you all will be spending quality time together as a family.
Zen is a doting father, hands down. His family did not provide him with support, self-confidence, or even a trustful place for him to share his real struggles during his childhood. With his own family now with you, he will make sure to never make those same mistakes again. Unfortunately, that means that he has a habit of spoiling his kid a bit too much. It's nothing too bad, but it still leaves you as the one being the strict parent telling your kid that, no, eating another ice-cream is not a good idea, and that will make them sick. I'm not saying that Zen isn't capable of being strict. Despite this, he may encounter difficulties with his approach. He's anxious to not come off as too controlling or judgemental. And hey, there is nothing wrong with having a couple of hurdles. Parenthood is a journey filled with many twists and turns that you can't be ready for. With you two working as a team, though, you will get through anything. Zen's love language is words of affirmation, so he'll be praising you in the eyes of your kid quite often. It's sweet. It teaches your child to be confident in sharing their inner thoughts.
Jumin is... he's a bit clumsy when it comes to parenthood, but in a very endearing and sweet way. Unfortunately, Jumin didn't have a very good and healthy childhood to look back on. I actually think that having a child of his own will nudge him into actually processing and acknowledging the neglect and abuse he had to go through in his childhood and early adulthood. He wants to believe that his father a good man. That their relationship is one of support and love. After all, Jumin is a family man. But, as he tries to seek out his father for advice, he realizes that... he doesn't want to raise his own child in the same way his father raised him. And that makes him pause. Jumin is a father who is deeply loving and tender. His child receives all the respect and warmth in the world from him. He supports them on every tiny interest they have, almost to a funny degree. His kid likes dinosaurs? You will receive a package filled with encyclopedias and scientific literature on the subject that he will read through with the most captivated look on his face. Does his kid like watching magical girl anime? Well, now he has sparkly pink stickers on his every office supply, and he is not ashamed to show them off. Jumin Han loves his family with all his heart, and he will express it to the world without any shame. However, if he notices that you are growing a bit jealous of the way your child is always showering him with affection, he will have a talk with them. It's almost unbelievable how well he communicates with his child. You will come home to an adorably drawn card with you three holding hands and smiling, that your child has drawn for you. And a small doodle from Jumin on the back.
Saeyoung is yet another father who is devoted to his child almost to a fault. He is both excited and terrified about his future as a parent at the same time. To say that he had a difficult childhood would be like saying nothing at all. Heck, if you ask him, he'll tell you that he feels like he had no childhood. From as early as he can remember, he has always been the caretaker. The protector. He had to. To survive, it was necessary for him and his brother. So, all he has on what it means to be a good parent is based on media he has consumed. He has no other source to seek advice from. Sure, he considered V to be his father, but... he'd much rather not think about that now. He's trapped in a very paralyzing dilemma. He's a family man, and he wants to start his own happy family with you. He adores kids, and the idea of having a tiny person to spoil and take care of makes him grin so wide. But, at the same time, he feels utterly terrified at the prospect of becoming a parent. He is afraid of hurting the child, even if it wasn't his intention. Terrified of making the same mistakes his caretakers have made. Terrified of this responsibility. It's something he'll have to resolve in therapy, before you two decide on having children, be it by adoption or natural means. As an actual father, however? His child will never feel unloved. He showers them in gifts, treats, books, all kinds of things! He spends his every evening with them. He is involved in their school life and their interests. He is always there for them. So, it's not that hard to imagine your kid growing a bit too attached to their amazing dad. Saeyoung will tease you about a bit, sure. But, in a typical Saeyoung fashion, he will prepare a surprise for you and your child. One that will connect you and provide you with much-needed alone time. Maybe a game of an escape room, or maybe a video game he created just for you two. Either way, it's a fun way to remind you just how wonderful this man truly is.
Talking about this with Jihyun is amusing because Lucy is shown to be quite playful with him. But, who's to say he can't switch your roles at times? Jihyun's perk as a father is his supportive attitude. Much like Zen, he grew up in a family that forced him to deny his true wants and desires, and he wants to do all he can to make sure that Lucy never has to be ashamed of what her tiny heart is longing for. He'll just be a bit concerned if she starts hanging out with Uncle Saeyoung too much, to the point where she wants to build robots for a living. Jihyun is not very good at technology! He does his best to engage with her, though. You can't help but laugh as you catch them playing video games one evening, Lucy absolutely crushing your husband on every single round. From what you can tell, Uncle Saeyoung taught her well. If Lucy doesn't spend enough time with you, I don't think it'll be an ongoing issue. You and Jihyun have built a very healthy and open communication between yourselves, so the problem will get brought up almost immediately. And resolved just as quickly.
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mys-me-stuff · 8 months
hi friends, i'm hella late to the party but i grew up on mystic messenger and fanfic, and recently rediscovered a love for both of these things. with that said, i'm also very unsure of where to start.
will not write: anything that is socially unacceptable, pls don't even make requests like that. that's a wide range of things, i'm aware. just be normal, i beg.
will write: angst, fluff, (bad) smut, anything else within the realm of normal people requests that someone smarter than myself may come up with.
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
it’s 2am and i need my daily dose of angst
what are the most angstiest hcs you have for the choi twins? like genuinely heartbreaking ones
TW; Eating Problems, Emetophobia, Body Insecurity, Survivor's Guilt, Life Attempt / The Explosion, and the expected past-abuse warning for the Choi twins.
Ray physically recoils and sobs whenever his red roots start to come back in. A part of him is happy to see it because he thinks he may be able to have his original hair back someday, someday when all of the things his Savior told him are in the past and it's revealed that all of it had been a misunderstanding. He wants to believe that he'll be happy with Saeyoung again.
It's an overwhelming moment, but it's over just as soon as his fingers touch the vibrant red.
It burns.
It burns like he's been sent to Hell, and he screams. "Not fair, not fair, not fair, not fair!" Images of lies burn through his mind as the worst of the worst begins to settle in. Every vicious lie Rika told him tangled in with the images he's seen of his brother in the RFA, laughing, having fun, and living a life without him that he promised he'd never lead on his own.
Ray was abandoned, forgotten, and left behind.
This red is wrong.
This face is wrong.
These eyes are wrong.
This body is wrong, wrong, wrong—
The bleach burns his scalp before he has time to process what he's doing. He doesn't care how he removes the color, just that the color is removed as soon as possible, and that's why there's traces of pink in his hair... it's not intentional. It's what he misses every time he tries to stripe the color from his head. He always misses a few spots, and it's a damn wonder his hair doesn't look more patchy, but frying the color out of his scalp makes the bad feeling go away.
Until it comes back, of course.
Suit Saeran makes the sweetest of desserts. He makes them so he can stare at them just like he did in his childhood memories. The cake you saw in the dead of night when he mocked you? That cake is what his Mother used to make a mockery of him when he was hungry and all he had to eat was old slices of white bread. He hates white bread... he hates it so much because it tastes like the driest crumbs he had to eat to survive alongside Saeyoung.
You want to know the worst thing about salivating at a treat you're not allowed to have? You want it. You still want it even though you've been told you'll never be able to have what you want. You want it so bad that you'll run over every scenario in your mind to find a way to eat the smallest dollop and not get in trouble for it.
If you've spent a long time staring at something, you've imagined every scenario in the book to get into your clutches... and do you want to know the worst thing about those treats Saeran made to "taunt" you? He didn't eat them, either. He didn't eat the sweetest strawberry cake... he couldn't. Because, he remembers what it felt like to have food after denied for a few days after being brought to Mint Eye.
...And when he stopped screaming, they brought him food... and in that variety of food was a meal that anyone who was starving out of their mind could only dream of. You know what happened the exact second he took a bite of the sweetest thing on the place? It... tasted wrong. Every time he makes this particular treat, it tastes like poison. So, not only was he tormenting you, he was tormenting himself, that cake ended up on the floor because it tasted WRONG.
VAE Ray spent a few days in the rubble. It's a wonder he was able to survive in the first place. Jihyun had an operation to save his life from the elixir AND the stab wound. He was in the hospital for at least two to three days, and the only person who could've found him happens to be the same person who brings him out of the country to heal and recuperate for two and half years.
Can you imagine what it felt like to be in the rubble of a building you intentionally destroyed? To lay there for hours as the ash, soot, and God knows what else floated in the air all around you? To know that you can't do anything right, that you can't DIE RIGHT, and all of the people who promised they'd never leave you—left you?
To be unable to scream out for help because your lungs feel charred, to be unable to move because your entire body has been scorched from one side to the other? What was the meaning of your life? All you can do is lay there in the rubble, sobbing, because you can't get up, and every time you fade in and out of consciousness, you think it might be for the last time and maybe you'll be at peace next time and not wake up.
Or, maybe you are dead and this is just the hell you deserve to be in because you were never good enough for heaven, that's what you feel the longer you stay there... and you know the worst part? When Ray is found by Jihyun, it's not relief he feels, it's anger and fear, because he thinks Jihyun was sent there to mock him, bringing him false hope to believe he wasn't abandoned, but also fear, because part of him really didn't want to die but he saw no other option.
And underneath all of that?
Relief that feels like delusion because someone came back for him but it feels like it's too late to save his life.
SE Saeran doesn't sleep well at night. He lashes out, he kicks, and he screams. He has night terrors about Mint Eye. He has nightmares all about that place no matter how far away he is from that building and what it did to him. He has episodes where he wakes up and thinks he is back in his office, trembling, shaking, and his body pushes him to look for his desk to start working as soon as possible because he isn't in the mood to be punished again.
Nothing can stop these episodes, and while he is getting therapy and doing better during the daytime, nothing stops his nightmares, and it does keep him from sleeping with his possible partner. He has to stay in his own bed, possibly even his own room, while you video call each other from other sides of the house, and as painful as that is, it helps him feel safer than he would if he were to hurt you during one of the episodes.
God, you want to know the worst ones?
It's when he wakes up, screaming, and he has no choice but to sprint into the bathroom his brother built into his room to help him feel way more in control over his environment. He's sick, and once he's able to pull himself away from the toilet, he spends the next half-hour trying to burn his hands to remove the sticky feeling of V's blood from both of his hands.
He's trying to remove the feeling of Saeyoung's blood away from his hands, too. He has flashbacks about that day all the time, thinking his brother is dead and V is dead and it's all his fault and he needs to get rid of the blood because it feels wrong, and he's wrong, and he's just a PAWN WHO NEVER MATTERED BECAUSE—
Saeyoung can't stop looking over his shoulders no matter where he is. He can't stop looking. It doesn't matte where he is. He has to have a full view of the room he's in, and that means he spends his time on his phone looking for camera feeds and other means to control what he can in his environment. It's nice when he's in his bunker because he has a defense system and cameras all over the place. He's ready for war if it comes to that.
But, it's a horrible way to live your life, isn't it?
To be afraid and know that this paranoia you experience isn't just some fear you have that has nothing to warrant. His paranoia has a reason to exist and it doesn't matter when the party's over and his Father is out of the picture. He pissed off a lot of people during his years in the agency, and until all of those people are out of the way, he can't stop being afraid of losing his life, or being the reason why his loved ones lose their.
He has nightmares, too.
He wakes up in the dead of night, searching for the modified tablet on his bedside table, and he can't breathe until he checks the feed to make sure that nobody's come in or out of the house. Saeran doesn't mess with the system. In fact, SE Saeran doesn't want to touch any technology anymore, so Saeyoung never has to worry about his baby brother sneaking out or tampering with the system to leave.
But, still, he has to CHECK EVERYTHING.
God forbid his MC left the room to get water and didn't leave him something to show they would be right now before he could check his system. I think you have to help him implement a system for his fears. He knows it can be overwhelming, he knows that most of his requests or fears come across as controlling, and God knows he is trying his best to be better about this, but... for his peace of mind, it's nice to know you left a plush or an object on your bed to say, "I'm just in the other room. Don't worry."
...He can't stop thinking about the damn near week he spent in that humid, agent-infested warehouse. His paranoia got that much worse after that experience. That's the nightmare he wakes up from most of the time if it's not about his childhood. That's what sets him off to be paranoid for the rest of the night. The fear of being cornered with not a single weapon to protect himself.
God forbid it happen to you or Saeran, too.
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poly relationship hcs ; jumin & v
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requested by ; anonymous (02/08/23)
fandom(s) ; mystic messenger
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; v / jihyun kim, jumin han
outline ; “hi death, i hope you’re having a good day! i was wondering if i could request some sfw poly headcanons for mysme, either for v and jumin or jaehee and zen, whichever you feel like more! thank you in advance <3”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
with partners like jumin and v it’s impossible for you to not be spoiled rotten — they love providing for you and each make sure, in their own ways, that you’re never without whatever you want, need or crave (whether that’s a home cooked meal, a new outfit, supplies for your hobbies, or anything else)
jumin is incredibly protective of you and v, feeling a lot of guilt about what happened to his best friend (and now partner) in his last relationship and what followed it — so he makes sure that the two of you are accompanied by security whenever you’re out and about (overtly if you’re at a public event, like a gala or a fundraiser by the rfa, and covertly by a smaller group if you’re just running errands or going on a date or something else along those lines)
jihyun took up painting again after settling into your relationship and you and jumin are his muses — pretty much all of his warm up sketches are of the two of you (countless expressions, poses, scenarios, moments captured in pencil and pastel and oils and pen and charcoal and…), he takes pictures of you all of the time, makes sure that you know how wonderful you both are, even if most of his art featuring the two of you never leaves your home
jumin leans towards traditional pet names (like ‘darling’ and ‘dear’, when addressing the two of you) whilst being responsive to anything you use for him — including some ‘sillier’ pet names like ‘honey bunny’ and ‘baby’ — whereas v will generally just call you and jumin by you names or, occasionally, ‘my love’ or ‘my loves’ when addressing you both
the three of you go on frequent holidays just to escape the responsibilities of life for a while — jumin, his business, and you and jihyun, the duties of running the renamed rfa — and you go anywhere and everywhere you can (even tagging along on business trips with jumin just to get away for a few days — which he’s always quietly grateful for)
jumin and v are both early risers, with the former having to get up immediately in order to get to work whilst the latter enjoys staying in bed and cuddling for a little while — but neither leave bed without sharing a kiss amongst the three of you (with jihyun even returning later once you’ve woken up with some freshly made breakfast for you to share after jumin has gone to work — or to have with him if it’s one of his rare days off)
you and v will often venture out to jumin’s office in order to join him for lunch, taking the opportunity to spend some much needed time together in the midst of his packed schedule — but if he’s too busy that day you two will just pack him something with some loving notes for him to read between meetings
between the three of you elizabeth the third is absolutely spoiled rotten and you wouldn’t have it any other way — three sets of hands to give her affection, three humans to play with, three pet parents buying her all of the toys and treats a cat could possibly want, and three laps to curl up on when she’s tired (what a life!)
when it comes to kissing — jumin always kisses you passionately and never fails to leave you flustered and breathless (he also prefers to kiss your knuckles or your lips), whilst jihyun prefers to kiss you sweetly and chastely whilst making every one count (he also prefers to kiss the top of your head and your wrists)
jumin sleeps flat on his back and enjoys having the two of you cuddled up to him — either against his sides or on his chest — whilst v is a side sleeper who prefers to spoon over anything else, but he’s also happy to have you or jumin resting on his chest if you’re comfortable there
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juminies · 3 months
hi, any thoughts on jumin and rika and how he saw her? i love your jumin takes so i'm very interested in hearing your opinion on this
Hi! This is one of those things I've been meaning to talk about forever but never really had the motivation to get around to writing about, so you've opened a door for me to finally attempt to get my thoughts down. Sorry if it's a little muddled or convoluted :')
Disclaimer I will be ignoring the existence of the ssum because even though I know there has been Jumin and Rika related shenanigans over there they are not part of mystic messenger canon to me whatsoever 💜
I have always felt as though when it comes to Jumin and Rika’s relationship in particular a lot of people look at them far too simply without considering, in particular, Jumin’s view on love and human connection in its entirety—the fact that prior to his route he has not witnessed healthy love up close his entire life (including the "love" between V and Rika, even if they seemed good together on the surface). He is, as such, very hesitant to get close to it, and doesn't think about it as a realistic scenario for himself despite his admitted loneliness.
Jumin is very averse to making new connections in general; he struggles socially, is used to being viewed as something people can use for their own benefit rather than his own person, and V is the only real friend he has ever made of his own volition. Consequently his adoration and loyalty for Jihyun were bound to extend to anyone he loved too, and it just so happened that the person V loved was Rika, who confronted Jumin in a way that even his lifelong best friend didn't. There was a level of emotional vulnerability with Rika that V—like Jumin—was uncomfortable expressing, and so she brought out a different (new) side of Jumin. It wasn’t entirely one-sided either, as Rika also confided in Jumin in a way that she admitted she couldn't even to Jihyun at least once. Jumin and V have seemingly always had a tendency to undershare and Rika, as the person closest to them, definitely knew that. So she and Jumin developed this weird little friendship where they were both closer to V than they were to each other, but neither of them could quite confide in him the way they could to one another. She was also one of very few people (especially pre-RFA) who never saw him as just his talent, his position, his wealth. He liked that she saw the ugly parts of him too. She made him feel comfortable and free. He could just be Jumin, not C&R's Jumin Han, you know?
But it’s important to remember when thinking about them that Rika was very likely the first time anyone had ever talked like this with Jumin, and really tried to get him to dig deeper into his own emotions in a way that wasn’t belittling. Jumin represses and has always repressed. He had always tucked feelings he found inconvenient away ASAP, hidden even from himself. But Rika saw him as a person, and intentionally or not she tapped into the parts of Jumin that he tried to hide away and gave him an outlet nobody else had ever really allowed him. It became something that he associated with her and her alone.
I wanted to avoid just throwing big VN chunks in here but this one in particular is so important to deducing their relationship, so I am just going to put the standout parts here ->
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Now the thing with Rika is that, the way I see it, it can be difficult to determine what is genuine with her and what isn’t. She didn't have anything to gain from specifically Jumin the way others did, but Rika has this fundamental need for people to see her as good and honest, and she needs to be admired even when she doesn't truly believe she deserves it (or otherwise when she doesn’t truly deserve it). The situation with Saeran aside I don't think that she takes to explicitly or purposefully lying much, but outside of her relationship with Jihyun(?) she is a people pleaser to the highest degree because she seeks constant reassurance that she is not completely evil.
This exchange, for example, has always felt incredibly off to me
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because there is something in it that subtly pushes Jumin into a corner in what can be easily interpreted as attempt to seek validation. It happens in a serious conversation immediately after Rika asks if he trusts her and he tells her "of course I do." It feels almost like she's testing him; trying to see how far his loyalty to both herself and V stretches. There's a very real possibility that she knew how highly he held her and attempted to use it to reassure herself. To quietly push him to make her feel desirable—lovable—perhaps? This probably isn't the only time similar occurrences popped up. I don’t think she intended to cheat, and she would have known that Jumin would never betray Jihyun like that anyway, but I do know that she felt unfulfilled with V and it’s not a stretch to say she would seek similar reassurance elsewhere. A little bit like she does with MC in V route, really.
Then there's the projection onto Elizabeth, which is in my opinion a coping mechanism not for Rika's absence specifically but rather for Jumin's general loneliness. This, obviously, was not romantic (the fact I have to clarify this is absurd but I have seen some... interesting takes over the years), but Jumin admits himself that he viewed Elizabeth like a confidant. Him turning to Elizabeth was him knowing that he could not continually go to Rika when he needed emotional support because she quite clearly expressed she wanted him to find it elsewhere, however it makes sense that he struggled to disassociate Elizabeth from Rika when Rika was the only person he felt could see him for what he really is. He was not presented with any other legitimate option. I do feel it’s quite interesting when trying to comprehend how much Rika really cared for him that she seemingly didn’t know the extent of Jumin’s emotional reliance on her.
When all is said and done though, I think that claiming Jumin was in love with Rika is both untrue and far too simple. To be honest I genuinely don't even believe Jumin himself knows how he truly felt about Rika, really. He's the king of burying his emotions and he is loyal beyond belief, so I do think that if there had been romantic feelings for her mixed up in him somewhere (which there very probably were, though a bit warped due to his aforementioned lack of perspective on healthy love) he wouldn't have let himself unpack them enough to realise that's what they were. What he did definitely do, though, was put her on a pedestal as the only woman he felt like he could legitimately trust with anything. At the point where they were the closest every woman before her had either abused him or had an ulterior motive, but Rika was unique. She wasn’t trying to get close to him for sex or connections or monetary gain. She brought out a curiosity in him that nothing and nobody else but V had been able to before. Jumin had so little real, genuine, heartfelt human connection. Of course he was going to get attached to her, but I don't think that he’s lying when he says he didn't even think about it because she was his best friend’s girlfriend. Around the time that he opens up about Rika I cannot see him intentionally lying to MC whatsoever. She was his friend. He trusted her. I actually think the way he feels about Jihyun is incredibly similar to how he felt about Rika.
As a final note, Jumin knowing the truth about V's eyes, along with the assertion that MC is "warm and soft... unlike Rika" are very intriguing. They're the main two things that suggest to me that while he admired her on the surface he quite clearly had some much deeper, more complex feelings about Rika (particularly closer to her "death"), but still chose to put his faith in Jihyun’s judgement rather than doubting Rika while she was around. I think it's very possible that after witnessing the selfless kind of care that MC provides he started to really pick up and reassess the colder side of Rika's behaviour, so to speak. Not even strictly things that happened in bad faith (she did genuinely hold RFA members highly after all), but she has a very twisted view of what is good for both herself and others, and it’s one that Jumin does not mesh with.
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hyobros · 10 months
Cheritz's changes in staff over the lifetime of The Ssum
I wanted to write a post about this because it was the nail in the coffin convincing me that The Ssum won't get better. I really want to be optimistic, I was for the first year of the game's release. But with how hard they're fumbling June's route, and having some context by seeing the dramatic changes that happen behind the scenes, I don't have any hope for the game's future in its original concept.
So here's a big fat list of credits, comparison of them, and my own stupid commentary.
A comparison of the beta OPs credits (2018) vs the new OP credits (April 2022)
Project Directed by-
Sujin Ri (this stays constant)
Project Managed by-
Heinrich Dortmann (this stays constant during the time periods I'm comparing- we'll come back to this later)
Character Model by-
Yuseung An (this credit never appears again so uhhhh)
Game Designed by-
Yoonji Shin, Haeyoung Go (this credit also never appears again)
Project Assisted by-
Youngtak Lee, Heetae Lee, Yeonwoo Jung, Kyungha Kim, Kyungho Kim, Jihyun Jang, Hyejin Hong, Daniel Hong, Seungiim(?) Hwang, Dakyoung Lee
April 2022:
Heetae Lee, Junghee Choi
Art illustrated by-
Ilbo Sim, Jinhee Lee, Jihyeon Choi, Hyunju Na, Juhul Kim, Jaehee Hwang, Mirae Kang
April 2022:
Ilbo Sim, Jihyeon Choi, Minji Kim, Mirae Kang, Youngjoo You, Yura Lee
Programmed by-
Mansu Park, Marcos Arroyo, Rachel Tay, Soonyong Hong, Seungjin Lee, Myungjun Choi
April 2022:
Gunsoo Lee, Kukhwa Park, Moonhyuk Jang, Myungjun Choi, Seungjin Lee, Wonbok Lee, Youngkwon Jeon
Scenario Written by-
Jinseo Park, Minjeong Kim, E Hyun Kim, Eunchong Jang
April 2022:
Jinseo Park, Lilly Hwang, Minjung Kim, Saerom Shin, Summer Yoon, Youngran Moon
Language Localized by-
Sunhee Moon, Minkyung Chi, Sungjae Choi, Junhee Kim
April 2022:
Minkyung Chi, Pilhwa Hong, Saenanseul Kim, Sorim Byeon
Sound Resourced by-
April 2022:
Songhee Kim
Customer Service/Communication with Users by-
Sunkyeong Yun, Hyeseon Yang
April 2022:
Donghee Yoon, Joyce Hong, Sanghee An, Subin Kim
Credits from 2019
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These are in the lyric booklet included in the Teo Love Bundle. Strangely enough, I'm already seeing differences between the 2018 credits and 2019. Uh oh?
As of release + a few months
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These screenshots don't feature all the credits, unfortunately. I'm relying on screenshots someone else took because I'm not proactive but hindsight is 20/20.
Changes: Project is no longer managed by Heinrich Dortmann, instead by Juho Woo. Scenario team cut down to 2 people, one of which is a new name (Jooyoung Lim). Art team also cut down to 2 people. Sound is no longer resourced by Songhee Kim, but Jaeryeon Park and ROGIA. All new team of directing assistants as well, it expanded to 4 people but they're all new names. 2 fewer programmers, only one of the listed names was already working.
October 2023 (June's release)
Here's where it somehow gets worse lol.
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Changes: A lot. Directing assisted by 1 person. They were not a part of the team credited in the OP. Down to 3 programmers, only 1 being in the OP. Entirely new art team! It's up to 4 people, but all of them are new, even compared to only a few months prior. Down to 1 scenario writer pobrecita (but we're coming back to that). Since I don't have screenshots of the project assistant credits from launch, can't say anything for that, except that Gui Zhenghao is new compared to the OP but the number of staff there remained the same. Flaming Heart is gone for the BGM! He's been working with Cheritz for forever but is gone now. One person from the communication team left, so they're down to 2. That would explain why emails have been slower since October. Only 1 translator, though Cheritz is now looking to recruit new ones.
Important note:
According to Cheritz's post acknowledging their use of gAI, Sujin Ri was not involved in writing season 1 of the game, but IS the main writer for season 2. I won't make a rant about how much I hate what she's writing cuz this isn't the post for that, but it explains why season 2 is so vastly different.
The fact that only a few people (like, in the lower single digits) remain even from 2019/early 2022, let alone who's still around from 2018, is really frustrating for the game. The game started with one vision, but now it's being turned into something completely different. Even the app's functions are inconsistant between season 1 and 2 (and a little so between Harry and Teo). According to an email I got from Cheritz, season 2 takes place a few years before season 1. Just sit with that knowledge for a bit :P. It's like the current people in charge of The Ssum (*cough Sujiin Ri*) couldn't be bothered to keep the original concept in mind, let alone how the timeline would work.
This post was a long time coming, I was caught up in just how bizarre this all is and finding tons of stuff that I haven't even included in the post. Writing this has taken about 3 hours (including the time I spent on a post ONLY FOR TUMBLR TO NOT WANNA WORK PROPERLY WHEN I TRIED TO POST IT SO IT GOT DELETED) and uhhh yeah. Now I gotta wait a few years to ask former staff if their NDAs are expired yet LOL
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multifujoshi · 1 year
Incoming wild fan theory/speculation:
I don't think it's a dream sequence but Jaewon is definitely OUT OF IT. Like this man is either hallucinating during or after a suicide attempt OR he's having a mental breakdown (possibly BPD) where he's visualising his deepest fears and desires.
I think the present timeline for ep 6 ended at the camera breaking. It could've been his last straw and he may have overdosed. He remembered what Jihyun said about calling him if needed and basically imagines what it would be like to actually summon his safe space and go on a beach getaway, free from all his worries and obligations; where he FINALLY talks about his trauma to someone other than his therapist. Someone he truly believes won't judge him or ask him about the supposed role he played in his brother's death. In his imagination, he's finally able to love Jihyun the way he wants to. His love is reciprocated by Jihyun so freely. And then it shifts like a nightmare because mentally ill people's minds are brilliant at coming up with worst case scenarios and making it feel so real. This idea engraved in his mind that he's never going to be able to protect his loved ones because he blames himself for what happened to his younger brother. The guilt has always driven him crazy and Jihyun drowning, him losing another important person in his life is his deepest, darkest fear.
I just want them to be happy T-T
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jisokai · 21 days
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(a symbol after the name indicates part of a series) (content warnings are at the beginning notes of each fic)
sero hanta x reader: Wading for you ♡ Red Spell At (y)our own pace ♡ If it tastes like salt (you know you're home) 𓇼
One Piece
strawhats x reader: If a tree falls (does it bring you to tears?) 𓇼
kita shinsuke x reader: If you cross the river (will the fighting end?) 𓇼
♡ - healing my inner teenager (can be read standalone, recommend WFY first) 𓇼 - climate grief (only thematically related)
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The Old Archive
(I can't get myself to read any of these even out of curiosity, but maybe someone else will like them)
BNHA (2019)
ao3 eternal love [KiriBaku]
Mystic Messenger (2018)
masterlist of hcs/scenarios/drabbles ao3 before you came [jumin] ao3 saturation [jihyun]
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Not Posted / DNF
(longfics that will never see the light of day)
2018 - the dark side of the moon [fairy tail] 2019 - moon child [bnha] 2019 - red strings [death note] 2020 - flight [haikyuu!!]
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we-all-fall-down · 4 months
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Jihyun (지현) is a member of the boy/co-ed group TXT under HYBE (formerly BigHit Entertainment)
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basics: ☆ profile ☆ full kprofile ☆ backstory ☆ likes & dislikes ☆ facts ☆
her relationships with: ☆ tubatu ☆ other idols ☆ staff ☆ family ☆ friends ☆
socials: ☆ instagram ☆ twitter ☆ secret insta ☆ weverse ☆ stan twt ☆
media: ☆ interviews ☆ lives ☆ todo ☆ news ☆
etc etc: ☆ aesthetic ☆ incorrect quotes ☆ scenarios ☆ interactions ☆
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너와 나 함께라면 하늘 위를 달려 (9와 4분의 3 승강장에서 너를 기다려 || 투모로우바이투게더)
(run away [9 & 3 quarters] || txt) if you and i are together we can run through the sky
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juminsmysticmc · 2 years
Minor Trio‘s kid getting hit by a car 
Don't ask me how but I thought I missed out this request. I wanted to put the link in my Masterlist and realized that I've already written the scenario. Now I have two versions. I am amazed by my stupidity.
⚠️RFA who’s child get’s hit by a car ( Happy End ) -> Minor Trio HERE
Mention of blood, hospitals, injury
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,,Little angel, little angel, fly!“ you sang with Saeran. 
Both of you were holding your oldest child in each hand, ready to pick him up so that he had the feeling that he was flying. 
Once he was over, the little girl you had was ready to fly just as high as her brother. 
,,Don’t run too far, okay?“ you asked your son. 
He agreed, but he didn’t understand that ,,too far“ meant also to not cross the street. 
You weren’t looking, neither was he. It was the second both of you looked at your daughter to pick her up. 
In that very second you could hear a car honking, people screaming, and an impact. 
The only word that you could use to describe the scenario. 
Your screams were the loudest. 
You picked up your daughter, perhaps a way of protecting her too, before you ran to the place of incident. 
You screamed, you begged, you prayed, you cried, shaking your head trying to stop the bleeding and talking to your son. 
And then everything happened quickly. 
Saeran pulled you away from the bloody body because you were a hindrance to the paramedics   
He held you and your daughter and sobbed silently so that he could be the strong one. 
The only thing you didn’t know, however, was that he was giving him the fault. 
The universe was making him pay. 
His payment luckily didn’t seem to come yet since your son woke up. 
A few scratches, but nothing severe. 
,,Maybe we weren’t punished. Maybe an angel was by our side. Look, every bad incident leads to something better…we are blessed,“ you whispered as soon as your children were sleeping safely by your side. 
Everyone would expect cars to stop at a red light. 
That’s why not everyone looked as soon as they were allowed to cross the street. 
Although, you were one of the people who still stopped and checked. 
And Jihyun - for the sake of peace in your household - did too and so was Lucy. 
However, she didn’t. 
Usually this would have led to a discussion. However, this time something even worse happened. 
Jihyun stood behind his daughter, you next to him. 
You were just calling Lucy, ready to scold her. You were even about to follow her. However, you saw the racing car that didn’t have time to stop. 
And before you could pull your child back, your eyes witnessed an incident. 
The screams of a mother are the worst, so they say. 
Jihyun knew what it meant because your screams were the worst. 
But unlike him, you acted. 
You ordered someone to call an ambulance, you screamed at the driver and told him that you were going to kill him, and you tried to help Lucy stay awake. 
And Jihyun could only observe the scenario. 
What did he do? 
Why did the people around him have to be in so much pain? 
Why did they have to fight for their happiness? 
As if he blinked, he found himself next to you in front of the operating room. 
You were in your bloody clothes and he noticed that he was crying. 
,,Everything will be alright,“ you whispered, more to yourself than to him. 
,,Everything will be alright,“ he followed you. 
But everything would be alright, you just had to find out…
,,Let them play,“ he tried to calm you down. 
You were scolding your children that they shouldn’t push each other, but somehow your scolding didn’t help at all. 
Instead, the youngest child pushed her big sister again. 
Unfortunately she fell - on the street. 
The screeching sounds of the car were still in your ear. 
You could still hear it. 
And the sight was imprinted in your brain. 
A young woman stepped out of the car, crying at the sight while you were rushing to your daughter. 
,,No no no no no,“ you groaned. 
,,Mommy,“ she called you, weakly. 
,, I’m here,“ you whispered, trembling hands trying to dial the number to call an ambulance. 
,,I‘m here, I‘m staying here,“ you said. 
Someone took your phone out of your hands and dialed the number before it was handed back to you. 
,,Tell them everything, I will give her first aid. We’ve learned it, it’s okay. Stay calm for her,“ Vanderwood told you. So you tried. 
He managed to keep her awake. 
Somehow he measured her pulse and managed to bandage her leg that apparently hurt. 
He did all this while you stayed on the phone with the ambulance, who later on took her. 
A concussion and a broken leg. 
Your other child didn’t get scolded, but was explained to why she did something really bad. 
In the end, everyone was alright and sorry.
04.03.2023 // 23:47 MEST
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
SOMEONE WHO WRITES FOR RIKA TOO OMG?? I could cry fr I’m so happy T T
Ok so, may I request a scenario where X (Rika, Jihyun and Jumin if u can!) are w/ their S/O and at some points they realise they met once in their childhood (?) like one of those encounters that remain impressed in your mind, even as time passes and you go on w/ your life. Idk if I explained it well;;; ofc u are free to ignore this if it’s a difficult request djbdjdbdjsj In any case, have good day/night!!
Hi anon!! Rika is actually my third favourite character in mm after the Choi twins, so I'm more than happy to write for her! :D This was a very fun request to write, so thank you so much for requesting something so interesting ✧
This was one of those days you just wanted to forget that they ever happened. You woke up late, finding out in a panic that you were late for your appointment, which is why you had no time to eat proper breakfast or even make yourself look somewhat presentable. The feeling of loneliness that inevitably came with waking up all alone without your husband waiting for you right by your side did not help much with the utmost horrible start of this new day.
Jumin was out on one of his business trips, leaving you in charge of his penthouse for a few days. It was becoming more and more rare for you two to part ways due to his job, but this was one of those occasions when your schedules just didn't match. At which you were quickly starting to curse and cuss inside your own mind as you were being continually bombarded with one bad luck after another.
Somehow, you managed to slip on ice on your way to your first destination, had to find out that you were now supposed to wait in line for a whole hour, dropped your coffee, and to top it all off, Jumin's flight home was postponed for a whole 4 hours.
To say you were in a bad mood would be the understatement of the year.
As you finally reached your couch, you practically collapsed onto the soft cushions, not even bothering to throw away your coat or kick off your shoes. Before you could even breathe a tired sigh of relief, you felt hot frustrated tears burning in the corners of your eyes, which, ironically, only made you feel even more irritated. An angry sob wrecked your entire body as you clawed at your clothes with frustrated desperation.
You were angry with the world and you were angry with yourself for bursting into tears over one bad day.
You didn't remember how you fell asleep. All you knew is that you probably cried yourself to sleep, which was a pretty fitting end to the disgusting day you just had.
What you didn't expect was to awake to the heavenly smell of fresh strawberry pancakes that you knew by heart. You shot awake, quickly jumping up onto your wobbly legs and regretting that action mere seconds later.
As you tumbled back onto the couch, clutching onto your forehead all while your head spun in a clear protest to your rash movements, you heard soft footsteps coming your way. And, sure enough, once you opened your eyes once more, you saw Jumin kneeling down beside you, placing a plate of fresh pancakes on the coffee table.
"My love... Did something happen? I was quite worried to see you passed out on the couch like that. You're not sick by any chance, are you?" His words were laced with worry as he reached out with his hand to check on your forehead. You merely shook your head, chucking under your breath at the embarrassing situation you put yourself into.
"No, no... I'm fine. I just had a terrible day, and I was too upset and frustrated with everything to follow up with my evening routine as usual. I knew you were in a plane by that time, so... I may or may not cried myself to sleep?"
Jumin furrowed his brows, obviously not pleased with your answer. Still, he didn't try to scold you or lecture you on what you did wrong. Instead, he just let out a quiet sigh before placing a gentle kiss onto your forehead and caressing your cheek with the back of his hand. "It pains me to hear that... But, I suppose we can't always avoid upsetting circumstances getting in our way. I'm just sad to know that I couldn't be there for you when you needed me."
You smiled, leaning into his warm touch and enjoying the closeness that you missed so dearly. "Don't worry about it. You're here now. And I'm being completely honest when I say that none of it is bothering me now that you're back. Those pancakes smell amazing!"
As you leaned forward from your place on the couch, you felt your hand touch something soft, which made you let out a low 'uh', before you glanced down at the odd object that your hand has landed on. To your utter shock, what you saw was a small plushie of a black cat with a suit on it. Your breath hitched in your throat, as you quickly lifted the toy up to take a closer look.
This... This is just a coincidence, right?
Even though the plushie was soft to the touch, you could see that it had worn out, pointing at the fact of it being quite old. You could feel your heart hammering inside of your chest as your hands have began to shake.
"Y/N? Is something wrong?" You heard Jumin whisper with clear concern clouding his soft grey gaze. Before he could question you any further, though, you pulled the plush cat to your chest, swallowing nervously.
"Jumin... H-how long did you have this toy?"
Your question was followed by a tense silence for a few agonizingly long moments, before your husband tilted his head to the side in obvious confusion. "This...? It's a gift I got from when I was little. I just remembered you mentioning how much you loved things like these, so I decided to bring it out in case it might cheer you up. Why do you ask?"
Your breathing quickened as pieces of the puzzle slowly started to form a clear picture. "...Mr. Fancy-Pants."
You heard Jumin's own breath hitch as his eyes widened in an expression of shock you rarely saw him show to anybody. It seems like you both shared the same thought as he managed to find the right words again. "Where... did you hear that name?"
Your voice trembled, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. "B-Because I named it. I met a strange boy in one of my classes that reminded me of this toy my parents gave me. So I gave it to him, because he always seemed so lonely for some reason. I called it Mr. Fancy-Pants, since I never saw that boy wear anything but fancy suits and ties... Oh my god, Jumin, it- It was you, wasn't it-?"
Your voice broke on your last word, making all of your emotions spill free. You felt Jumin's own hand start to shake as he took hold of the small plush toy with such tenderness, it looked like he was afraid that it'll break if he squeezed it just a little bit too tight. "...Nobody ever gifted me anything like that before. I thought it was so strange... to gift someone an object that reminded you of them and not want anything in return. I always thought that gifts were supposed to be useful. But... That day, I felt so weirdly honored to receive such a heartfelt gift from someone I didn't even know personally."
He carefully placed Mr. Fancy Pants on the nearby pillow before cupping your damp cheeks into his hands and meeting your lips with his own in a soft and loving kiss that made you melt into him, letting all of your overwhelming feelings ran freely through you, however embarrassing it may be.
"I never believed in fate... But, Y/N, with you? I refuse to think that it is a mere coincidence. We were meant to be. You always made me see the world in a different light. I should have guessed on this possibility earlier. My only regret is that I didn't give you anything in return... But now, I have all the time in the world to give back what I couldn't before. I'll be forever grateful to fate for bringing you to me, my love."
"C'mon, we're getting pretty close now!" You exclaimed excitedly as you tugged at your husbands hand, pulling him along through the grassy field.
Your response was a breathy laughter, while he tried his best to keep up with your fast-paced steps that were now bordering on a full-on sprint. Still, he made no attempt to slow you down or let go of your hand, instead merely enjoying the chance to see you this bright and bubbly. You were like a ray of sunshine, burning brightly with its eagerness to spread the light it loved so much to everyone around it.
Besides, a little bit of workout was just what he needed at times!
"Honey, while you know I love seeing this adorable side of you, how will you even remember where you buried it in the first place?" He asked, looking around the playground and searching for any particularly odd object lying around that could possibly serve as a clue to this mystery.
You puffed out your chest with pride, flashing him a quick wide grin that made his chest fill up with butterflies. "Don't you worry about that, my loyal assistant! My memory is excellent at documenting even the finest of details."
"Now that I beg to differ." Jihyun poised with a playful chuckle falling from his lips before he could do anything to stop it. "I distinctly remember you forgetting where you put your keys just yesterday... Or maybe it's just my own memory deceiving me?"
You were quick to choke on your own words, much to his delight. "T-thats- Ugh, that's totally different! It's a very special memory to me, so I'll have no problems remembering everything I need."
You pursed your lips in deep concentration as you looked over the green landscape, searching for something specific that he just couldn't put his finger on. Suddenly, your eyes lit up with pure joy, and before he could utter a single word, you were pulling him along once again, practically bouncing on your feet. "There! Next to that oak tree! I'm sure of it!"
And just like that, Jihyun found himself digging at the ground with a small pink toy shovel that you two borrowed from Lucy. He didn't mind getting his hands dirty. Especially not when you looked so eager to see the result of all this digging. He raised his arm to wipe the sweat off his brow as the summer heat made itself known the longer you sat under the direct sunlight. "So, what exactly is in that time capsule? I remember doing something similar with one of my drawings, so I'm very curious to see what is in that treasure that we're looking for."
You pased, raising a brow at him before replying. "Huh. Weird. It's a drawing too, actually. Not mine, though."
Jihyun felt his heart fluttering, for just one fleeting moment, before he shook off the strange feeling with one jerk of his head. And just in time for his plastic shovel to bump into something sturdy, signifying the end to your tireless digging. He quickly reached out into the small hole to grab onto the glass bottle and pull it out with relative ease.
You let a celebratory woop, clapping your hands and rewarding him with a tender kiss on the cheek. "Yes! See, I told you I knew where it was! Now, let's open it!"
He could only chuckle warmly as you grasped the bottle out of his hands and thoroughly brushed off the dirt from its smooth surface, being careful so as to not accidentally drop it out of your fingers. Leaning over your shoulder, he watched you open up the so called 'time capsule' with a distinct 'pop' as the lid was finally carelessly thrown to the side.
What laid inside was a small crumpled up paper with a blue crayon stacked neatly next to it. For the second time today, Jihyun felt his heart flutter with a weird feeling he couldn't quite put his finger on. Still, deciding to keep quiet for now, he merely watched as you delicately reached inside and pulled up the paper to lay it onto the ground.
And, as you slowly rolled it out to reveal the image doodled inside, he felt his stomach twist and turn at what he saw.
"This is..."
You cocked your head to the side innocently, just watching him touch the drawing with trembling fingers.
"Jihyun...?" You murmured, feeling genuine concern well up deep within your chest at such a strange reaction coming from him. You reached forward to gently touch his cheek, finding him quivering underneath your fingertips, making your worry that much worse. "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong...?"
"This is... y-your portrait. But it... it couldn't be you, it... it's impossible... the one with a sunflower backpack...?"
Time seemed to freeze as you registered the meaning of his words within your mind. A loud gasp escaped you, making you put both of your palms to your mouth in pure shock. You could see your own emotions reflected in Jihyun's bewildered gaze, which only amplified the raging feelings wrecking havoc inside your chest. "Oh my God... Jihyun, how could I- how could I forget something like this-!"
Before you could even think twice about it, you found yourself enveloped in his warm embrace, with your own arms squeezing him tightly in return. You could feel his body shudder with quiet sobs as your own tears dampened the fabric of his shirt. He stroke your head with a trembling hand, whispering into your ears: "This was one of the first drawings I ever did... I thought it looked so ugly, but you smiled at me with such pure joy, I found myself feeling proud of something I've created for the first time in a while. To think that it was you all along... I'm sure that you're a blessing that my mother sent to me. I will treasure you in my heart forever."
"You never told me you had any tattoos done! Is it okay if I see them?" Rika was practically buzzing with excitement, looking at you with wonder swimming in her mesmerizing emerald-green gaze, which quickly took your breath away.
God... she's just way too cute when she gets excited. And knowing that you're the source of that excitement... Well, it made your chest swell up with pride.
You smiled bashfully, scratching the back of your neck and letting out a few flustered giggles despite your attempts to hide just how much of an effect her antics were having on you. "Well... Sure, okay. They're really nothing special though... I didn't know you'd get this bubbly over them!"
She merely brushed your mumbling away with a wave of her hand, shifting a tiny bit closer to place a quick kiss to your lips that tasted faintly of vanilla and lemon cupcakes you two enjoyed just a moment prior. This was your first anniversary. What better way to celebrate it than to prepare a cozy picnic in a secluded part of the nearby park? You were more than happy to see Rika flourish through her weekly therapy sessions and tireless efforts to better herself.
This time however, she was doing this for her own happiness and no one else's. While it was still hard for her to focus on her own needs at times, you did your best to provide her with all the support she might need. Today was the day you wanted to spoil her rotten, just as she deserved.
Though, you were quickly wretched away from your sugary daydreams by a gentle pinch to the skin of your cheek as your girlfriend raised her eyebrows at you quizzically. "Is there something on my face? You've been staring at me for a while now."
You quickly flushed, stuttering on your own words as you tried desperately to justify your blatant staring. "O-oh, sorry. You just look so beautiful right now, and I guess... I sort of got lost in reminiscing about everything we've gone through so far. I-I can show you my tattoos now, if you want to, of course."
Rika blinked, processing your words inside of her head for a few moments, before her own cheeks turned into a lovely shade of pink, making her light freckles seem that much more defined, much to your delight. "You can't just change the subject like that, it's unfair!"
You chucked, returning the favor by slowly taking hold of her hand and bringing it up to your lips to leave a loving kiss on the skin on her knuckles.
"Mmm... Right. I'm sorry. I hope this kiss will be enough to forgive me, my lady."
It seems that you've won in this battle of charms, judging by the quiet flustered squealing that followed suit. She did always have a weakness for hand kisses... You smiled as you watched her ears flush the same color as her cheeks, enjoying this moment of peace to the fullest.
Calming her racing heart, Rika puffed out her cheeks at you. "Okay, now you have to show me your tattoos! That's the least you can do for bullying me with your flirting."
"Fair enough." You shrugged as you took a sip of your strawberry lemonade, before patting down a spot right next to you in a silent invitation for her to join you. Once she did as you requested, you placed your head onto her shoulder, breathing in her comforting scent and closing your eyes to relax completely. "You see, there's actually a story behind my tattoos. A silly one, sure, but it makes me feel happy up to this day."
Feeling her nod, you smiled, lifting up the fabric of your pants to reveal the skin of your legs up to your thighs. Adorning the skin were various small doodles, placed seemingly at random and not piecing together into any kind of story. At least, at the first glance. As Rika leaned down to take a closer look, you continued your tale.
"See, when I was, like, 10 or so, I broke my ankle doing stupid things that kids usually do. I was so bummed about it, that I couldn't stop crying no matter what my family or doctors did to comfort me. I think, it wasn't so much the pain itself that was making me so upset, but the notion of me not being allowed to run around for a good while. And then, this one girl saw me bawling my eyes out with my freshly made cast, and you know what she did? She told me that I had a very beautiful cast, and that she wanted to sign it for me."
You couldn't help but giggle at the memory, paying no mind to the unusual silence coming from the previously chipper Rika that was still laser focused on inspecting your tattoos. "I was so dumbfounded by her suggestion, that I instantly stopped crying. And guess what? She even drew on my cast while talking with me about this or that. I was so sad and scared that whole day, but she made me smile even despite my puffy face and sore throat. My parents were so shocked! So... I kept this cast with me until I had the idea to transfer these silly doodles from it as a tattoo! Might seem kinda sappy, but hey, it makes me happy, and that's good enough for me."
Your only response was silence, which made you tense up with worry as you glanced down at the young woman next to you, only to find her trembling like a leaf with her palm covering her mouth. You instantly shot up on your picnic blanket, scared that you might have upset her in one way another. "Rika? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Your words were nothing but a tender whisper, meant for her ears only as you carefully placed your hand onto her knee. You couldn't help but exhale shakily once you saw the tears falling from her eyes. Though, before you could speak another word, she finally found her voice, however shaky it may be.
"Y/N... That girl... It was me. I know it sounds preposterous, but- But I remember it clearly now... You had a plush puppy with you that you just kept clutching on to. You even wanted to give it to me, but I couldn't accept it because of my parents..." She raised her gaze back to your face, making it known just how sincere her words really were.
Your mind went completely blank as you tried your best to make sense of it all. "W-what-?"
You felt your breath hitch in your throat, your heart starting to beat wildly inside of your chest, your hands trembling from the overwhelming emotions threatening to overtake you any moment now. Still, once you took a second glance at Rika's quivering figure, all doubt left you seemingly in an instant. Your body moved on its own as you quickly shifted closer to her side and emraced her tightly, burying your nose into the crook of her neck.
She felt so fragile inside of your arms like that... As if one wrong move could break her. Yet, you knew better than anyone else, just how strong this amazing woman really was.
So, you just held her as she fell apart into your embrace, feeling your own tears spill onto your cheeks. Through her quiet sobs, you heard her utter her next words in a hushed half-whisper, filled with so much sorrow, and yet, laced with just as much hope. "You know... I was so miserable in that hospital. No... I was miserable wherever I went. But, on that day... I managed to make someone smile. You were so sad, but I somehow was able to bring joy into your eyes. I was so happy... And to know that something I did was so incredibly precious to you, that you kept it with you throughout all these years... It feels like I've done at least one thing right in my life. So, thank you. Thank you so much, Y/N. We were really... meant to meet at the end, isn't it?"
"Yes. We were."
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heyheydidjaknow · 1 year
Hey, how's your fancy little otome project going bestie
My life is going to be shorter because of my silly lil otome project. I don’t think I’ll be able to share what I’m done here at any point— honestly, I don’t think people here specifically would care to see it— but I’m using this opportunity to do a fun thing for me.
Mystic Messenger Love Interests Ranked By How Likely I Would Be To Encourage My Friend To Dump Their Ass (From Least To Most Likely)
Jaehee Kang: I have no complaints about a motivated career woman who likes musicals and is freaked out by understandably strange things. Black belt in Judo? Green flag: girl knows how to defend herself and you. I would wish you (you are my friend in this scenario by the way) the best with your coffee shop adventures and only judge you a little for entering into a business with a woman you just let.
Hyun “Zen” Ryu: He’s an alcoholic, smoking, struggling actor with an inflated ego but he seems to treat you well enough and he has the decency to offer his place to keep you away from the bomb apartment you decided to wander into so he’s okay. If he’s your type, he’s your type; who am I to judge?
Jihyun “V” Kim: His being in an organization named after his dead fiancé whose apartment you’re now living in is a bit unfortunate but he makes stable money and has cool hair and has only threatened your safety via negligence so he’s okay for now. Thin ice with that boy but he’ll slide for now.
Yoosung Kim: The first time you tell me he has compared you to his dead cousin is when he goes from a soft yes to a firm and definitive no. It’s one thing to compare someone you’re interested in to an ex, but comparing them to a family member puts you into a weirdly familial role that you shouldn’t be in. I understand he’s a cute subby softboy gamer but you can aim higher even amongst the singles in this pool.
Saeyoung “707” Choi: You met a man who didn’t tell you his name for the majority of your time together and let you stay in an apartment with a bomb in it that he installed even after his homicidal twin brother showed up and threatened to kill you and then treated you shitty because he couldn’t figure out his feelings and now wants you to risk your life to find said homicidal brother instead of waiting for him to come back from a dangerous mission that you have no business being a part of because of an e-relationship you had which consisted mostly of him telling you not to like him because he’s a walking red flag and exchanging memes? Oh, and he thought putting a bomb in an occupied apartment building was a good enough idea to put into action? Great idea, man; trauma’s the most solid foundation for a relationship.
Jumin Han: I know that you have a daddy kink. I am not kink-shaming you. I know you think he’s classy and funny. I will concede his suits are nice. This does not excuse your desire to stay with a man who is keeping you in his apartment against your will and is fully ready to keep you in a cage as a replacement for his cat. He treats the only for-sure green flag like shit and seemingly only likes you because you’re the first person to think he’s hot for reasons only tangentially related to his money. Do not wander into a random apartment twice. Get on Tinder and find yourself a better sugar daddy that knows what a safe word is and had friends.
Saeran “Ray” Choi: You want the physically abusive cult higher-up who kept you against your will in cult headquarters? The one who was nice to you for maybe half the time you knew him and then starved you until you put out? The one who just totally ignored your lack of consent and tried to arrange for your torture? Because you say he’s changed back into being a nice guy and was just being manipulated by magic juice? I don’t know how high he got you to let yourself get into a windowless van for a fun field trip to play some video games but it was apparently incredibly strong and should honestly be sold to the government. Send your address so I can come pick you up and get you laid so you never do that shit again.
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What do you think of a VAE Saeran being told by MC and Saeyoung that they have a flat ready and want to live together the three of them, when he appears at the RFA party? In this scenario I imagine V told them Saeran was alive and with him and MC would have realised her feelings and that as soon as V felt better she realised she was never in love but had feelings for Ray all that time. Saeran wouldn't be aware of MC feelings unless they got to talk on the phone...I even think Saeran would have wanted to go back earlier but V got controlling again and stopped him until he felt he really had tamed...still in that scenario MC and Saeyoung would quickly get annoyed with V if he's too worried about Saeran being triggered and over sheltering him...
Well... I think it's important to understand that Jihyun made a fatal mistake in trying to protect Ray and Saeran the way he did.
He told himself he was doing the right thing by keeping the truth of their survival secret until he was certain they were at a place where they felt ready to confront everybody with their existence. The real problem with this is that Jihyun let them assume that Saeran was dead and never coming back.
So much of the pain experienced in the VAE in that regard is because of Jihyun's silence.
However, I understand why he thought it was the best choice, I just don't agree with his final decision in the matter. I think he told himself that he was doing right by Saeran. "I know he doesn't want to be near his brother or myself, but he and I need time to process what went on in Mint Eye, and I want to make sure he's safe before I he's forced into a corner with Saeyoung. Being around me made him feel like a caged animal, and I can only imagine it would be worse with his brother... so I will let them assume what happened until I'm sure Saeran's ready..."
Saeyoung nearly got rid of himself and Rika in that cabin and the only reason he survived is because Jumin, Jaehee, and even Vanderwood stepped the hell in to stop it from happening. That's the only reason... he survived. If it wasn't for them, Saeyoung might not have left that cabin when he did. This is one of the failures of V's After Ending, and it's the one that most people are haunted by because even if you can see why he did what he did, it doesn't justify it.
Jihyun's reasoning was: If I tell Saeyoung his brother is okay, what does that do to Saeran? Does he have to face charges because of Mint Eye? Will the Prime Minister find out about them? What about the agency? What if they find out Saeyoung's brother is alive and... and I let them see each other again? What happens? I've been trying to keep my promise to these boys, but one wrong move and I fuck it up even more than I already have. Saeran may not even want to see his brother ever again, so what happens if I force that?
He got in his head about it.
It wasn't okay.
The path paved to hell is made with good intentions. That's how I like to look at Jihyun at times.
That being said, onto your question what if Saeran got that offer from Saeyoung and MC? What if he was honest? What if he told them that Ray was alive? That Ray and Saeran were both alive both they needed to leave to heal first? Well, that's already a mess because Saeyoung is going to want to see his brother, and he probably won't take no for an answer.
I think he would push, unfortunately, and that in itself is already a mess that I don't know how to wrap my head around. I think he would have to relent and let his brother go to heal and work on himself, but how would they convince him to get to that point? I’m not sure. That isn't going to be simple. Saeyoung understands the logic and reason behind it, but he hasn't seen his brother in years, and now he has to accept that his brother doesn't want to see him because he spent so many years of their time apart thinking that Saeyoung hated him?
That's not... that's not simple.
He would want to live with his brother again. He would want to be safe and sound with his brother because how can he trust his brother with anyone ever again? Even if he’s accepted that Jihyun failed, why should he trust his brother with Jihyun again? So, I... don't know how that would play out. But, it's something to think about when it comes to this question. 
MC's outcome depends on how YOU respond to the situation.
Here’s the thing. Saeran and Ray aren’t going to want to be close to their brother at first. This isn't something you can force overnight. It's one thing to spend two and a half years working on finding peace and acceptance, and it's another thing to be thrown back into the fray like that. Even if they thought they were ready to handle the situation, it's going to be different once they face it firsthand. No amount of trying to prepare yourself can help you here.
The one thing I can give Jihyun credit for here is trying help those two advocate their needs. Saeyoung and MC shouldn't pressure the two of them to come back readily. Give them time. Give them space. Please. You can't push people when they're not ready, and if they're somebody who will put the needs of other people ahead of their own, you need somebody there to make sure you advocate for this self in the way you said you would before you faced this situation knowing the weight of what could happen. 
Some people might say it's good to have exposure therapy, but I say it's better to take your time instead of trying to rip the Band-Aid off when it comes to something this traumatizing and overwhelming. It isn’t Saeyoung’s fault that Rika used his likeness to torture Saeran and Ray, but the damage was done and it’s going to take time to unravel that problem. I’d like to think Jihyun does the right thing by helping them take their time to reacclimate to being around their brother, even though he already messed up a lot by letting Saeyoung think his brother was dead. 
By all means, be angry with Jihyun about that part, but don't kick Jihyun if he helps Saeran or Ray say, "I want to learn how to be close to you again, but I need time and space to do that. I can't just jump in without thinking of my health, too."
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xelasrecords · 1 year
3. The best character you've written for: Jihyun, because I love seeing the way you characterise him, both in healthy and unhealthy scenarios. Your happy Jihyun is a delight, a joy in the others' lives. You make him so interesting in unhealthy dynamics. You make me want to read more of him, which is rare. It's the main reason I have chosen him over Jumin, even when your Jumin fics have been one of the things to give me proper Jumin brainrot. Your love for both of them shines through in your writing.
4. The best ship you've written for: The OT3 fic is one of my favourites, because of how loving the relationships were between all the characters. Your description of the MC as the person missing from Jumin and V's friendship was so perfect, it made the whole relationship just click for me just like that. Honestly, any time you write those three together I'm going to be thrilled, whether it's an OT3 fic or not. They are family!
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: The table scene from As Daylight Comes where the three of them are sitting around simply basking in each other's company is something I think about quite often. In complete contrast, I also think a lot about the dynamic between Jumin and the MC in Wedge the Knife Under My Skin - probably also because it was one of the first things of yours I read?
7. What made me the most emotional after reading: Take three guesses, it's your latest fic where you kill off Jumin. I find myself thinking about those quiet moments when you're suddenly hit with the realization that the person you love is never coming home and it guts me (the tie scene really did stick with me).
Oh thank you! Before I started writing for V, I resolved to show the layers beneath the people pleasing behaviour that he's commonly associated with. His character is complex, yet I often see him portrayed either as overly apologetic or a oh-so-sweet romantic hippie to the point that it's unrealistic (the sweetness. I have no comment about his hippie awakening). I wondered why for other characters we tend to use their GE state for their romantic scenarios, but it's rarely the case for V. GE V is someone at peace with his limited human ability to save people, and this is shown in detail in his AE. He doesn't blame himself and tries to help within healthy boundaries. He's wise and gentle and patient and confident. I like to refer to my own meta as my handy canon guide.
I'm so happy to see that you care about these OT3 as much as I do! I've been exploring different dynamics between Jumin, V and MC in my last 3 fics, so it's a nice surprise that you like them as well. It's not intentional but recently whenever I get an idea it always involves these 2 men (sorry Harry). Goodness, the things I'd do to be the MC and be loved by them.
What a delightful contrast <3 It's my two moods in writing really. Fun loving relationships or drown them in toxicity so deep they can't be saved. I remember the first times you started interacting with me! I was so glad I found someone to talk to when I was a newcomer back then. Your support has been a huge help and always encourages me to write more.
HAHAHA. I think what makes that kind of experience painful is that it's such a mundane thing that you wouldn't think twice about if everything's okay. Thank you again Faye, it means a lot to me that so many bits of my writing stay with you.
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juni-writesx · 2 years
once, i tried writing juminv's first time.
i never finished it. but i'll post what i have written so far here
for fun.
absolutely 🔞. minors do not interact.
this isn't beta'd or anything because i don't have anyone to go through my bad writing for me,... and i would rather not proofread shit or i'll be here for hours soooo 🤷‍♂️ oh well.
“Jihyun. . .” the heir purrs; desire evident in the smooth, deep tone of his voice. Grey eyes slightly darkened by arousal as he takes in the sight of his boyfriend pinned down to the mattress underneath him, and the way the photographer’s cheeks are flushed a deep pink, the rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest, and the way his tongue darts out to wet his lips… along with the way his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows.
“Christ. You’re beautiful.” He continues. One of his calloused hands skim across Jihyun’s clothed chest; the soft fabric gentle and soothing, much like the man who was wearing it.
The fact that his boyfriend still remains dressed -  and how disappointing it is - remains hidden from Jumin’s face, for he knows that, in due time, he’ll have the chance to undress his love all meticulous and slow-like.
At the moment, Jumin prefers to become acquainted with Jihyun in this intimate way.
Though they had been friends for over twenty years, never once had the heir ever thought that a scenario such as this would ever become a reality, despite the various times he’d imagined it. A dream he had buried deep within him - tangling his thoughts, his heart, for as long as he could remember. . .
It felt like a dream. 
He was Jumin Han, after all. He thought himself a mutant for the way he’d occasionally find himself thinking about his best friend in such a way. . .
the night beginning with his boyfriend pinned down by holding his wrists above his head on their queen-sized bed. The heir between the photographer’s legs as he hovered over him. So close to touching in such intimate ways but actually not because he wouldn’t want the encounter to end so soon.
And the noises - oh the noises - that he imagined that would come from Jihyun’s lips would always send Jumin tumbling over the edge.
A tiny, soft whimper comes from Jihyun, and Jumin is pulled from his thoughts.
The heir can’t help but smirk. “Are you enjoying this?”
He watches as his boyfriend nods his head yes, and relishes the way it’s accompanied by a soft, low moan.
How interesting it is to see Jihyun begin to come undone with just a simple touch to clothed skin. Jumin was well-aware that his lover was a sensitive soul, but he hadn’t the slightest clue that he’d be so sensitive to touch, too.
His roaming hand continues its travel along Jihyun’s chest; his thumb accidentally grazing across one of his love’s nipples, and he’s rewarded with an arch of the back into his touch and a moan that’s quite audible.
The reaction sends a shiver down Jumin’s spine - arousal beginning to pool in his lower abdomen from the sound.
“Hm.” He hums before repeating the action, and being rewarded with a hitched breath and another arch of Jihyun’s back off of the bed. “You’re sensitive here.”
“Uh huh. . .” is the photographer’s reply as he licks his lips. His cloudy, mint-colored eyes are closed at the moment, as the heir had requested. Not that it bothers him - oh no. He’d have trouble seeing Jumin regardless, given that his eyes were still deteriorating after Rika’s assault on him.
But Jumin had advised him to close his eyes and just listen to the heir’s voice. And that when one sense is blocked off, all the others become more heightened - a fact that Jihyun knew all too well. Truly.
If things become too much, please tell me, Jihyun. I want you to enjoy this as much as I will.
“Is this all right?” The heir inquires as his thumb brushes against Jihyun’s nipple for a third time.
Yet before the photographer can reply, he can feel Jumin’s index finger and thumb take hold of his nipple through the fabric of his shirt and give it a slight pinch
and the gasp the tumbles from Jihyun's now slackened jaw is one of the prizes of the night.
Jumin hopes there will be many more to come.
A deep chuckle before the heir says, “I take that as a yes.”
Jihyun’s hands fumble for the sheet on the bed, and he balls his hands into fists as he holds on to the fabric tightly. The pleasure coursing through his body as Jumin teases him in such a slow manner makes him whine softly. Yet he doesn’t want Jumin to pick up the pace
nor does it seem like he will any time soon.
I want to take my time with you, Jihyun. I want to learn you as I have since we’ve met. Slowly. With time and patience. So we have a mutual understanding and agreement.
Little did Jihyun know, however, was just how quick he’d be to arouse while under Jumin’s touch. There were still layers of clothes to be discarded 
and yet the tautness of his pants was obvious - to the photographer, anyway.
Jumin had yet to press closer to him in such a way that would make him feel his love’s growing need.
Another - louder - whimper makes Jumin’s lips curve into another smirk, and he releases the pressure of his thumb and forefinger. His hand eventually smoothing down Jihyun's chest.
“. . .Jumin.” 
A gentle cry of his name - it’s like music to the heir’s ears. “What is it, my love?” 
“Need you. Please.”
And the please is accentuated by a slight roll of his hips and another whimper as he’s left without the friction he’s so desperately seeking.
Jumin can’t say he’s all that surprised by Jihyun’s arousal, as it had been a long time coming to get to this point between them -
with their flirtations months after they began living together
and the line of friendship shifted and blurred to something much more than that. . .
If Jumin hadn’t pulled back - hadn’t hesitated and thought that it was just him that was falling deeper, feeling deeper
they would have reached this point many moons ago.
Perhaps to the point where Jihyun wouldn’t have lost his sight. And Jumin wouldn’t have felt as though he was drifting apart from his best friend. . .
. . .the heir pushes those thoughts from his mind. There’s no use thinking about the what-ifs or what-could-have-beens.
What matters the most is that they made it here. Together.
He swallows. “Not yet.” And dips his head down, close to his lover’s neck and breathes him in. Oh, how he loves the floral, yet earthy tone that is solely Jihyun.
Though he does not care much for the tobacco scent that sometimes overpowers the softer smells, he’s gotten used to it after being in such close proximity, and he knows it’s just yet another scent of Jihyun’s that he’s come to find comfort in since they’ve been living together.
Jumin exhales a hot breath against the other's neck and delights in the way his love shivers slightly.
As if he could read the heir’s mind, Jihyun tilts his head ever so slightly to the opposite side, effectively exposing as much skin as he possibly can to Jumin.
And Jumin chuckles. “Impatient, are we?” His nose brushes the flesh along Jihyun’s neck which, in turn, causes the photographer’s breath to hitch once more.
The response is immediate, and can only be described as whiny.
“Mmm.” The heir responds; a moan under his breath. “And here I always thought you had the patience of a saint. You are a photographer, after all. Do you not have to wait for the perfect moment to capture the best shot…?”
Jumin takes another breath in through his nose before brushing his lips against Jihyun’s neck, and his reward is a gasped moan from the man underneath him.
The photographer can feel the heat of his love’s lips spread through him like a wildfire. He’s never been so aroused in his life. “I - I. . .”
cannot think straight. need you now. have been waiting so long for this.
“You what, Jihyun?” The words are spoken between multiple soft, gentle, closed-mouth kisses up and down his neck.
“. . .Please-!”
It’s all he can manage to say at the moment, for he’s so caught up in all that he’s feeling that he can do nothing but beg and plead for something more than touches above clothing. More than just gentle kisses along his neck.
But Jumin isn’t having it.
“Please, what?” And he kisses his way up along the photographer’s neck, until his nose brushes against his ear, and he whispers, “Tell me what you need, Jihyun.”
“-You. I need you.” His words come out as a ragged gasp. Jumin’s voice so low in his ear has him trembling and releasing his grip of the sheets and fumbling to seek out the heir - any part of him at this point. He needs to feel Jumin in more ways than one.
A hum of approval escapes the heir as Jihyun’s fingers manage to thread through his hair and give it a slight tug. Whether the photographer meant the action or not was a question Jumin would ask later. For now, however, all he knows is that he doesn’t mind it, and he wants his lover to do it again.
Yet he won’t verbalize his desire right now. No - this was Jihyun’s time. After all he’d gone through in his twenty-seven years of living, and all the times he had put others first. . . Jumin wanted this moment to be about Jihyun’s pleasure.
Of course, his boyfriend’s pleasure was much his own. Knowing that he was the one making Jihyun feel aroused and make those noises unabashed for him was pleasurable in itself, and aroused him so. And if he were to focus on himself, the heir would realize just how uncomfortable his boxer-briefs and form-fitting dress pants were becoming as his length hardened within them.
Opening his mouth slightly, he lets out a breath of air as his mouth begins to descend along his love’s neck - open-mouthed kisses this time as he makes a trail to the top of Jihyun’s t-shirt, where his collarbone was visible. He presses his mouth around the flesh and bone then proceeds to suck gently.
“Ju - min!” The photographer cries out in pleasure. His hardened length throbs and he knows the tip is leaking precum against his boxers. His fingers curl even more into Jumin’s hair and he tugs a bit harder, earning a low growl that’s stifled due to the heir’s mouth being occupied at the moment. “I can't - I can’t take much more. . .”
Certainly not if Jumin is capable of making noises such as that. Holy hell, Jihyun thinks to himself. Who knew the heir had such an animalistic side of him and could produce such a noise? Who knew it would go straight through him and down to his aching hardness?
Jumin reluctantly releases his hold on the photographer’s skin and collarbone, pulling back with an audible sigh. However, he is pleased to see the pink tint to where he was sucking on -what he would give to make sure that it would deepen in color; a visible mark where he had claimed his love - a proof of his own love and feeling for the turquoise-haired man beneath him.
“Are you close to coming?”
Leave it to Jumin to be as blunt and straightforward as possible, even at a time like this.
“Yes-!” Jihyun gasps out. “Please touch me. Anywhere. Fuck me. I need to feel you, my love.”
He’s begging at this point, which makes Jumin all the more aroused. It is then that he feels the arousal coursing through his veins; the throb of his fully hardened length pressing uncomfortably against his dress pants.
And the thought of fucking his boyfriend - rough, with wrists tied to the bedposts - has Jumin groaning. “I won’t fuck you, Jihyun,” he whispers huskily as he moves his head from the other’s neck. He shifts himself so he’s able to press the lower half of his body against Jihyun’s, causing the photographer to moan loudly at the friction it caused. “I’d much prefer to continue to take my time. I want you to cum for me, over and over. . .”
and a moan escapes his own lips as he feels his love roll his hips against him. “If you’re not careful. . .you’ll cum too soon and make more of a mess than I intend to make.”
With that, he moves once more - this time up and back away from Jihyun, and the turquoise-haired man lets out a loud noise of complaint at the loss. 
“I never pegged you as the impatient type,” he says, moving his hands to the hem of the photographer’s shirt so he can lift it up and over his love’s head. “How long have you wanted this?”
“Too long.” Jihyun blurts out as he sits up and eases out of his shirt. Goosebumps spread across the exposed flesh of his chest, torso, and arms as the temperature difference between the warmth of arousal and the air to the room are quite different. “. . .Much too long,” he whispers as he lies back down on the plush bed.
A rare, tender smile curls Jumin’s lips before he leans down in order to capture his boyfriend’s lips in a kiss that is slow, meaningful, and they both cannot help but to moan within it - each of them swallowing the other's sound.
The heir ends the kiss with soft pecks to his lover’s lips before pulling back and maneuvering himself into a position that would make it easiest for him to strip Jihyun from his pants.
As for Jihyun - his hands fall onto the bed and he inhales a sharp breath at the feeling of Jumin’s own hands oh so close to where he desperately needs to be touched and he whimpers over the fact that he’s not getting the touch that he desires most. “I’m sorry,” he says gently. “We’ll build up to this. . .”
And Jumin finds himself chuckling; his motions stalling for a moment. “It is quite all right, my love. As long as you’re enjoying yourself and enjoying this.” And with that, he begins to work the other out of his pants.
Jumin had always thought Jihyun was a very attractive man. But now. . . with the photographer stripped down to his boxers, the heir had to take the time to appreciate just how beautiful, angelic even, the other was.
From the top of his disheveled hair to the tips of his toes - Jihyun was breathtaking. 
“Beautiful.” He murmurs as he crawls back between the man’s thighs, resting his hands upon each of the other's hips. 
A silence rests over them for a moment before the turquoise-haired man softly inquires, “Even the scars? . . .The tattoo?”
“Yes.” The answer is immediate. “Every inch of you is beautiful to me. . .”
I may not be able to undo the past, but you are my present, Jihyun.
“. . .We can do something about the tattoo, if you’d like. After a visit with Dr. Lee about your eyes.”
Jihyun nods, and says quietly, “All right.”
“Look at me, Jihyun.” It’s a hushed request that is obliged, and grey eyes focus on the cloudy mint-colored hues of his boyfriend’s - remembering that once, long ago, when asked, the heir would proclaim that that same color, though more vibrant at the time, were his favorite color.
And he swallows, knowing full well that Jihyun had trouble seeing him, despite them being so close in proximity. He reaches one hand up so he can cup Jihyun’s cheek, and he smiles gently as he feels his love press into his touch.
“I love you,” Jihyun’s voice is soft, gentle, as he speaks. He turns his head in the heir’s hand so he can place a gently kiss to his lover’s palm. An act that has Jumin’s breath hitching, while the turquoise-haired man hums softly. “So much.”
“And I, you,” the heir replies, regaining his composure quickly. He hadn’t the slightest idea that such a simple action could have such an effect on him, and he's grateful that his boyfriend doesn’t explore it further.
There will be plenty of time for Jihyun to learn all of Jumin another time. For this moment was all about the photographer and his pleasure. . .
The heir moves his hand and places it on Jihyun’s hip once more, thumbs hooking around the top of the other's boxers. “May I?” 
“Please do.”
And he does, almost agonizingly slow. Feeling the warmth of Jihyun’s skin on his own as he frees him from the confines of his boxers, and allows it to join the rest of the photographer’s clothes in a neat pile on the floor beside the bed.
The turquoise-haired man shivers from the contrast of the warmth of his body and the temperature of the room. “This is truly what you want, Jumin?”
He raises an eyebrow at the question, and his head tilts slightly to the side. “Shouldn’t I be the one inquiring? You’re currently stripped completely bare. . .”
The photographer’s cheeks flush red at that. “. . .You should be, too.”
“Soon.” Jumin states firmly. “Right now, this is all about you. Allow me to be greedy - like this.” One of his hands slides across Jihyun’s sides, causing the man to shiver again, and he lets out a soft sigh.
When his other hand grips the photographer’s hip, however, he’s rewarded with a hitched breath. “Good. Let me hear you, Jihyun. I want to know how you feel. Vocalize your pleasure as best you can, or inform me that an adjustment is needed.”
“O - Okay. . .” is his breathy reply to Jumin’s wants, and the heir is pleased - as evident by the upward curve of his lips.
Jumin’s hand that's roaming across Jihyun’s side begins to descend lower: down the side, across his hip bone, and along the flesh of his thigh, and the heir is delighted to hear his boyfriend’s breath come in soft pants as he allows a soft breathy whines tumble from his lips.
“That’s it. . .” Jumin encourages; allowing a low moan to escape from his own slightly parted lips, and his tongue quickly darts out to wet it. “Moan for me.”
And Jihyun does just that.
“I love the sounds you’re making.” Though Jumin would never admit it aloud, they were much better than any his mind had conjured up when he imagined Jihyun coming undone for him. 
And he had never imagined the turquoise-haired man would react so positively to his praises, for out of the corner of his eye, the heir notices his boyfriend’s hardened length twitch at the praise; precum leaking from the tip and coating it a bit. “God, Jihyun,” he praises; voice thick. He wets his lips once again and swallows thickly.
He ghosts his roaming hand over the other’s length, and he’s rewarded by a roll of the hips - a desperate attempt for the touch. . .for the release that Jihyun needs. “J -Ju...min.” 
“What is it, love? Tell me.”
As grateful as the heir is whenever Jihyun voiced his wants, needs, or desires - because he knew the photographer had trouble doing so -
he’d always imagined him unable to form coherent words because he was too worked up. It was one (of many) desires that the heir thought of whenever he needed release. He hopes to have that same effect on Jihyun at some point during this intimate exchange between them.
“I need to come.” The photographer whined. Hips still slowly rolling, pressing up against Jumin’s hand that was now stilled and hovering over his throbbing, aching length.
At that admission, Jumin presses himself against Jihyun once again; allowing the photographer to feel just how much he needed him, too. He maneuvers himself in such a way where he’s able to slip his hand around Jihyun’s aching length with ease and stroke firmly, and he relishes the sounds that tumble from the other's mouth - whines and sighs and moans and panted breathing; a melodic symphony to Jumin’s ears - all for him, and because of him.
He cannot help but feel proud. Greedy. Yet as much as he wants more, he knows that Jihyun is near his peak.
At least the first, Jumin hopes. He isn't sure how many climaxes Jihyun would be able to reach, but he's more than willing to find out. 
“Come for me.” It's certainly more of a command than a request; a low growl that seems as though it was made wholly for Jihyun’s ears.
And oh, does the photographer do just as he is told. Back arching slightly off the mattress as his climax takes hold - a high-pitched moan of relief escapes him as he comes in spurts across his lower abdomen, and a bit on Jumin’s hand. Lingering whimpers as Jumin continues to stroke him even while his length becomes flaccid.
“Good.” The heir says simply, then ceases his ministrations. A smirk curves his lips as his eyes take in all of the photographer now… the way his chest and face are flushed pink. The hair matted to his forehead from sweat. The heavy breathing and the way his chest rises and falls with each breath. 
And he can't help but to moan - low and deep - at the sight. If things were to end here, Jumin would be more than satisfied. The smirk on his lips shift to a soft, tender smile that he reserves just for his boyfriend. “Are you alright, my love?”
Jihyun licks his lips as he nods sleepily. “. . .Yes.” And he takes a moment to swallow. “Yes, I’m fine.” 
The heir knows that the other is being honest and sincere, and not just saying he is in order to make Jumin more comfortable with their coupling. “I love you.”
The photographer relaxes against the bed. “I love you, too. . .”
And the photographer feels the heir release his length, which falls to rest against his lower abdomen - while his mint eyes watch as Jumin pulls back and kneels between his legs before bringing the hand that was wrapped around his once hardened length up to his lips
and begin lick the essence that was left behind.
Jihyun gasps just as Jumin moans. He wasn't prepared for such a sight, nor would he have ever imagined such a thing would occur or how erotic it would be to see it.
Jumin, on the other hand, had imagined doing such a thing before. Tasting Jihyun was just one of many fantasies he’s had over time, though he never could imagine just how the photographer tasted. . .
better than the finest of red wines.
The turquoise-haired man swallowed thickly; arousal beginning to flow through his veins once more. Is this normal? he finds himself wondering, though he keeps it to himself for the time being. He watches, still, as Jumin pulls his hand away from his lips and tongue - a sure sign that he's cleaned his hands and fingers of the photographer’s essence. 
Silently, Jumin brings that hand, along with his other one, to the first button of his work jacket and oh so slowly begins to undo them - one
And he hears Jihyun’s breath hitch, which causes his fingers to immediately stop. “We don't have to do this --” the heir says.
“--No.” His boyfriend's response is immediate, and the room falls silent. “I want this. Seeing you taste me on your fingers and then watching you undress so slow. . .” 
He cannot seem to find the words to finish his sentence, for he lets out a whimper instead. His length twitching against his abdomen as it begins to harden once more. A moment passes before he says, “Please let me help you.”
His hands reach up and come to rest over Jumin’s - slender fingers finding the button that the heir was just about to undo. A comfortable silence falls over the room as Jihyun undoes the button, allowing the jacket to fall open.
Jumin wastes no time at all; shrugging out of the jacket and allowing it to fall onto the bed behind him. All the while Jihyun’s hands slide up Jumin's chest in order to seek out the first button of Jumin's dress shirt.
“Your impatience is showing again, Jihyun.” There’s amusement in the heir’s tone. “You've completely skipped over my tie.”
Not that he minds, really. It's something he’s able to get undone easily enough. He loosens it and slips it off with ease, and allows it to join his jacket.
“Sorry,” the turquoise-haired man replies softly as he continues to undo the buttons of Jumin’s dress shirt; his fingers slightly trembling as he anticipates what's to come. 
"Relax…" the heir says, soothingly. "I'm just teasing…" and his fingers come to rest on Jihyun's to steady them and help in undoing the buttons, then discards it to the floor after he's pushed out of it and he's quickly folded it up. Next comes the tank top he wears underneath it, and he shivers as Jihyun's fingertips roam across his chest and abdomen.
"I want to feel you…." the photographer whispers. "All of you."
Jumin swallows a groan that threatens to escape through his now parted lips, and his breath catches in his throat. His eyes become half-lidded, and though Jihyun may not be able to properly see the other's come hither, I want to be inside of you look … the heir surely hopes he can, at the very least, sense it in the air between them. "As do I, to you." He can only reply through panted breaths.
"Are you becoming impatient, my love?" Jihyun inquires as his hands roam to the top of Jumin's dress slacks. What a shame it was that Jumin wore such tight fitting dress pants, along with a belt. He'd love nothing more than to surprise his boyfriend by reaching down past his slacks and boxer-briefs and grab ahold of his length and stroke him slow.
"Please do…" and he moans a little as his fingers meet in the middle of the Heir's belt buckle, fumbling with it a little.
Jumin's silent as he assists Jihyun in unbuckling his pants — shedding the belt off in a swift motion and dropping it to the floor with his pile of clothes so the buckle doesn't clang against the ground and make Jihyun startled. And it isn't long until they both shed Jumin of the clothes that Jihyun wished were gone a long while ago.
The photographer's hand reaches for the Heir's hardened length and he takes it into his hand gently; slowly giving him experimental strokes. He can't help but smile hearing the other curse under his breath and feel the pre-come leak from the tip.
"You're ready."
"God, yes," he says through gritted teeth as he gently places his own fingers under Jihyun's chin to brush his lips against the other's. "Are you?"
Jihyun breathes out, "yes….." as he strokes himself; not truly surprised that he's hard once again for his love.
And Jumin kisses him passionately and deeply as he lays Jihyun back down onto the bed, a groan slipping through the kiss as Jihyun's hand moves away from his aching hardness.
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xhxnne · 1 year
@pillowxtalk​ continued from here!
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Yashiro hadn't doubted his boyfriend's response during the whole time he had planned that night, but when Jihyun, the person he loved the most, the one he admired and adored, was in front of him, his mind began to create several scenarios that his concern increased. There was no turning back, he was already kneeling in front of him, holding the small and luxurious box out for the other male to see the representation of his commitment.
To his solace, Jihyun smiled, and even tears rolled down his cheek. He wanted to comfort him, but there was one last step to perform before bringing him into his arms. The man took the delicate ring, adorned with a red stone surrounded by a few small diamonds, and slid it onto the ring finger of his left hand. Yashiro, a clueless soul, did his research prior to the day, but in the end, the hand where he wore the ring wasn't significant.
Yashiro was back on his feet, and his arms surrounded Jihyun's frame briefly. His hands found their way up to his cheeks, wiping the tears from his cheeks and guiding his face up to press their lips together. "I love you," he muttered once the kiss naturally ended, keeping his forehead against Jihyun's. "You mean the world to me—he paused— no, you mean the whole universe."
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