#jk I still love Louis and Harry
otamotone-dnp · 11 months
maybe I should just become a Dan and Phil blog, they’re out here being open and fun and unproblematic
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queerofcups · 2 months
a July rec list
I read a truly absurd amount of fanfic in July, and since I’m tracking my fic reading anyway these days, I figured, why not pull up some faves. I’ll do my best to tag authors when and where I can! I’ll throw some commentary in there to talk about why I like some of them, but rest assure this is a rec list and I think every one of them has something to love. 
Hockey RPF
In the scrawl of the ringside choir E, 37k, Hockey RPF | @goodnightpuckbunny Sid/Geno
“Geno, this is Sid Crosby,” Kris says, sitting back down. The kid towers over both of them, but seems small in the office. “You need a coach, so he’s gonna help you out.” He looks Sid over, eyes scanning like he’s looking for weaknesses, faults in his form. Sid has plenty, but he’s not fighting anymore. He doesn’t bother mirroring the gesture. He can guess without looking. “He old,” Geno eventually decrees. 
Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Eric
E | 4k | falsescience (@theburialofstrawberries) Eric Bogosian/Jam Reiderson, Jam Reiderson
Oh ho, Eric thinks to himself, and then, aloud, because it’s just too delicious, and wouldn’t Rolin be ashamed, and a little pissed: “Oh ho!” He feels zapped alive: young, powerful, god-like. Jacob starts giggling immediately. “Did you just say ‘oh ho’?” “Or maybe aspen. What do you think, Eric?” “Not a damn clue,” says Eric, with a broad grin. “You look very satisfied. He looks very satisfied, doesn’t he?” Jacob smiles at Sam over his hitched shoulder. “Hm,” says Sam. “I think we play it safe, and go with red maple.” Yeah, Eric is certain: Jacob and Sam aren’t fucking. But they’d like to be.
First of all, I am RPF’ing these people real hard in some private chats. But largely, I like the characterization happening here, and the little turn of understanding that happens in the last third of the fic. 
E | 44k | verseau (@downstairsbar) Lestat/Louis
we're gonna heal. we're gonna start again. you've brought the orchestra, synchronized swimmers. // It makes him speechless sometimes, how much he loves Lestat. He thought for years, a decade, that it was sickness. It’s not. It’s not. Even when Louis hated Lestat, nothing was more certain than that he loved him.
There’s some great, great plotting and characterization here but/also I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve read a fic and known immediately that the author is Black. That’s obviously not a requirement of the fic I write but it's nice to have Southern Black characters really sound like people I’ve known/grown up around etc. 
let’s keep this off the record
E | 1.4k | anonymous
Louis/Santiago (sort of)
There would be no second chances for the Englishman, no opportunity for him to crawl out of some dump and seek revenge. Louis would make sure of that.
Honestly, I think it's great that fandom has a long and storied history of skullfucking. I think it's fun that weird shit like that still happens around here.
T | 2k | anonymous Claudia/Madeline, Louis/Lestat
Madeleine meets in the in-laws. Particularly one of them.
M-E | 5.8k total | familiar (@bigvampo or @camilliar? sekrit you've got so many blogs) Louis/Lestat
I mean, sekrit is just a fucking stellar writer. sekrit’s got a way of telling so much —  about a character, their mental state, the world their in —  in just a few razor sharp details. also these fics are so funny and the characterizations of Louis and Lestat feel like natural progressions from what we’ve seen in canon both in how much they love each other and how terrible they are (to each other and in general)
Harry Potter
Right. I think I’ve always been pretty upfront about my continued reading of Harry Potter fanfiction, but in case it's somehow necessary to say, please do not come to my inbox talking about JK Rowling. I don’t think about that woman and I’m very clear about what she thinks about me. 
Those Three Curses
E | 6k total | @dodgerkedavra Draco/Harry
Obviously I had a bit of a fucking dodgerkedavra moment here, but these blew me away. So much story telling in such little space. 
Former Things Come to Mind
E | 64k | dodgerkedavra
Harry Potter has had a headache for seven and a half years.
In the Presence of My Enemy E | 41k | dodgerkedavra Draco/Harry
All Harry knows is that Sectumsempra is for enemies. He doesn’t know that it will bind him to Draco Malfoy, for better or worse, ‘til death do them part.
Tiny Home
E | 30k | @wolfpants Draco/Harry/Ron
Harry and Ron left the Aurors years ago to travel the world and make up for lost time. When they finally decide to settle roots back in England, together, building a tiny home in the Lake District by hand seems like the perfect plan. What they don't realise is that Draco Malfoy already lives on the plot of land that they choose to build on. A story about years of feelings, about weaving lives in and around each other, and about finding a place safe enough to call home.
I really feel like there’s been an explosion of excellent Draco/Harry/Ron all of a sudden. One of my qualms with a lot of polyship fics is that it's very uhhh “we must do everything together” and I really love that this fic breaks that down and allows everyone to have histories and experiences together as dyads and all together. 
In Our Blood
E | 37k | secretsalex Draco/Harry
Draco is an accomplished pure-blood curse breaker, and Harry is tasked with accompanying him on his latest job—cleaning up the Van Boer mansion, which has been under a devastating fertility curse for seven generations.
I’m not even going to bullshit y’all. This fic reminded me why I love mpreg. Excellent use of body horror, body dread, suspense, all these things. Also, an mpreg fic that remembers abortion is a thing. Amazing!
Probationary Action
E | 63k | @toomuchplor Draco/Harry
As part of the terms of the probationary contract, DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY shall submit for inspection his WAND on the last day of every month, such inspection to be carried out by a duly registered and fully qualified AUROR in the employ of the MINISTRY OF MAGIC, and such inspection to include a PRIORI INCANTATEM spell to ensure that no PROHIBITED MAGICS as heretofore described have been practised by the aforementioned probationer.
I’ve been obsessed with toomuchplor since Inception and this fic reminded me why. I don’t love Auror!Harry fic (truly, just so much unchecked, delighted writing about police brutality) but I do like any fic where Harry starts to wake up to the fact that maybe just because they’re “the good guys”, not every choice made by the Aurors/Wizarding Gov’t in general is right. Also, I appreciate the expansion on the idea of sex charms!
E | 41k | @shiftylinguini Draco/Harry
Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice. Of course it turns out to be bloody Potter.
idk man, I like a fic that treats sex work like it's just a job. Worthy of respect, full of technical expertise, etc. 
Both of these next fics came from @hd-wireless which has been, pound for pound, one of the best fests I've ever witness and is a testament to how important having multiple fic fests in a fandom can be! so much good shit to read!
The most he’s ever said
E | 16k | anonymous Draco/Harry
It takes them twenty years.
Two Houses
E | 11k | anonymous Draco/Harry
Two households, both alike in... meddling Floo connections, apparently? Draco Malfoy is a highly professional and well-respected Ministry official, with a demanding schedule, a loving son, and—through no fault of his own—a faulty Floo connection that keeps regurgitating the Minister for Magic through his fireplace.
I really enjoy that there's been more of a trend of writing about these two as older people and fleshing out the characterization of their kids.
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peachjagiya · 8 days
Dear Peach, did you see the Restaurant manager’s clarification on his post of noir_kia’s fan art?
“whw_hk__1.31 13h :
Silently, there are some weird posts, so l'll be precise. I love all of BTS and they're saying ridiculous things about guys dating, so please stop saying weird things on my social media. We love everyone and they are really kind and precious people. They are having a hard time in the military right now and we pray for their health and always cheer them on from afar and only those who wish them well should leave comments. If you're going to say weird things, do it somewhere else.”
I was not expecting him to say: YES, these 2 are a couple, but his stance is pretty strong. Can’t it be that we just overthink Taekook for more than just great close friends (just for now?)
I recently read an interview about a similar situation with Louis Tomlinson & Harry Styles and seems so familiar with what we do with Tae and JK…
Louis even sort of said all these rumors damaged his relationship with Harry. What do you think?
I'll be honest... I can't quite read the tone of his reply. I'm unsure which comments he's taking offence to.
At first, I thought he was saying guys dating was ridiculous and weird and was ready to be annoyed but I actually think it looks like some people overstepped the mark and that could be what he's calling ridiculous and weird.
He does also say "only those who wish them well" should leave comments so maybe what he's actually complaining about is people being aggressive in the comments.
It was, after all, him liking comments about them being married. Maybe he was just liking them because they were positive comments without really reading them. But I do think if he's taking umbrage at Taekook comments specifically - he doesn't specify - he maybe... should read what he's liking?! It could be unwittingly but he has contributed here. Like he posted that, nobody else did?
Maybe he just thought they looked like bestie best friends and didn't bother to click and see what else Kia posts.
I had a little bit of an initial "UHM WHAT?" response yesterday but then I chilled and thought "hang on, why would have insider information about them in any way?"
He is literally just a guy in a restaurant, it's hardly like they're coming in going "So we'll take six tables, free ice cream for armys and by the way, we're GAYYYYY. TOGETHER."
As for the Larry stuff, I was thinking about this earlier. I don't think a lot of people realise how little would change for me if it was revealed they weren't a couple. 75% of the time I'm arguing that it's not impossible that they are; that Tae is important to JK; that Jennie looked a lot like media play; that they're super close because Jimkookers seem incapable of accepting that. I'd still be here defending Tae against accusations of being an annoyance to JK who just shows up places where he is for clout. I'd still be arguing over Jungkook's unfair characterisation. I'd still think ITS was a truth-bending moment.
I'd still be arguing with y'alls over the same stuff.
I'd still find their faces at Dreamiere beautiful, I'd still find Hawaii wonderful. None of this changes in that eventuality and I always keep the possibility at the back of my mind.
So while yes, I do happen to believe it and would have a few confusions about why certain things happened, my life won't change much! So I don't feel particularly like I am overthinking. I'm not overstepping by going into lives or weverse or instagram posts to scream about Taekook to people who don't wanna hear it. I'm not even on twitter where I know they read! It's a clearly labelled Taekook blog and if you're here and reading this, it was because you chose to.
But I think it's REALLY important that you make your own mind up about how comfortable you feel in this space if this Larry article has bothered you. I can't be your compass on this.
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akookminsupporter · 4 months
Hey i want to preface by saying that im a new army and therefore fairly new to the jikook community. It started from watching videos about the 'jimin effect' where I noticed that something was different about the way jk was compared to other members. Then it went to me watching jikook complete timelines and here I am now being absolutely in love with their bond :))
But since this is the very first time im shipping a gay celebrity couple i remembered another gay ship which was extremely popular years ago anf that is larry. Although i was never a directioner, i had watched these larry videos and analysis out of curiosity and found their excessive flirting just unrealistic and never found it romantic, especially considering how deranged the fandom was and later on how harry and louis both were in confirmed relationships.
This got me thinking. What is it about jikook that made me think it was romantic ? Cause a lot of larry moments are also very obviously gay and sexual if you watch it, even quite romantic and confusing but i still never thought of them in that way.....but with jikook i feel like a third wheel or get butterflies in my stomach on watching their moments which arent even all that obvious. So, with this essay (sorrryyy) my question is what is it about jikook/kookmin which makes it stand out from other possible popular gay ships like larry, taekook, etc ? Sorry for this rambling and side note i love your page and loved learning more about jimin and jungkook <3333
Hello anon,
First of all, welcome to the fandom! I hope you're finding spaces within it where you feel comfortable and happy.
Secondly, I think you've answered your own question. Jikook just feels different. When you see Jikook interacting or observe the dynamics between them, it evokes stronger and distinct feelings. It's a bit complicated to explain. I believe every Jikooker has a different explanation, a unique reason for why they think the relationship between Jimin and Jungkook goes beyond mere friendship. However, one thing we can all probably agree on is that it feels different. It’s probably a lame explanation but it’s a honest one 😅
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dearweirdme · 7 months
Hi Rain!
So I have been an army since 2017 and I started shipping in like 2018-ish and I have an army twt and everything. But on my army twt I only have my army friends who believe shipping is for deranged ppl lol. I have had discussions with them about shipping and they hate shippers because they believe shippers objectify the members in a way. And almost all times I agree, especially when I see fans of other ships like jkk or larry or even jklisa. When I look at these ships, I definitely think that they only look at these ppl as a tool to satisfy their own void. Analysing every single behaviour is psychotic and they need to touch grass honestly.
I just cannot bring myself to think the same about tk. I like to believe I am definitely a sane tkkr (I know there are tons of delusional tkkrs). I am queer and most of my army friends are queer as well so we do joke about the members being gay and we do joke about tk as well but I will never be able to tell them I like tk (that I ship them). I do think there is something between them. I know I could be wrong and they could just be really close friends. The point is that my shipping has always been a secret in a way. I have never told any of my army friends this. If I did they would definitely think I am total weirdo since I have seen how they view shippers. I don't really have a twt for tk just bts as a whole so I have never really had any tkkr friends as well, I have just lurked here and there.
I wanna ask you do your irls or army friends (who are not tkkrs) know about your shipping? And how do you recognise delusional behaviour in other ships vs when it comes to tk? Cuz for me I could easily spot it other ships but sometimes I am afraid I am delulu when it comes to tk😭
Hi anon!
Well, I think there’s a difference between shipping and believing two persons are together. We use the term shipping/shippers for both those things, but it’s not the same although there can be some overlap. To me shipping is something like: enjoying the idea of two people together or thinking two people would be well suited. It does not directly mean that you think those people are actually together though. Believing without shipping is also possible. Personally, I am not a shipper in essence (though i do think Jk and Tae fit together well). When I came into this fandom it was for music, I love to see BTS perform… I still go through performance videos often. When I started to look at more other footage Tae became my bias.. but I wasn’t looking for someone to ship him with.. I rarely do that.. even in my life outside of fandom, I never connect two persons that way. But something about Tae and Jk just started to stand out to me. It was only after that, that I started to look into them more.. and well here I am believing that they might be a couple.
I think the only way to figure out if a ship is real or not is to look into it. Sometimes it’s very easy (the Liskook stuff for instance) and sometimes it takes a few more looks (Jkk, though I have little difficulty with that as well). But the difference between a ship and and a real relationship will always lie in the actual connection between two people. Most of the easily debunkable ships lack in the real connection part. It’s narrated by fans using similar clothes and jewelry for instance.. and other situational stuff. That is also why for some Jkk is harder to debunk, because it is clear that Jk and Jm do have a real close bond. So imo really looking into it (as a whole, within the context of everything around them) is necessary to understand if it’s real or not.
Now this is where you will lose all faith in me 😂 (it’s been good having you around anon!) because I do believe Harry and Louis were once together. I understand if you base your thoughts on that on Larry fandom these days that it all seems very farfetched and crazy. But, during 1d Louis and Harry imo did have that real connection I talked about before. In a way to me that is even more clear than Tae and Jk (their culture is similar to mine, and they were quite obvious). I do not believe they are together now though and probably haven’t been for a while.
We could be wrong about Tae and Jk. I could be wrong about Larry. We all deal with just tiny bit of information about their lives. But I also think it’s kinda crazy to think that two members of the same band cannot fall in love. Why couldn’t they? It is a unique situation for sure, but then again that is kinda why we are all here… we think we’ve spotted something special.
I don’t really speak to my irl friends about this. I’m 41 and for some reason people already find it weird that at this age I’d be a fan of BTS.. so I don’t really wanna let them steal my joy in Tkk. I have some Tkk friends around here who I talk to. And for me that is enough. I think.. that a reason why some of us don’t feel like we can share this is because we are made to feel ashamed of our thoughts. But believing in the love two people have for each other isn’t something we should have to be ashamed of. If anything.. Tae and Jk do love each other.. no matter to what extend that might go.
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cecilyacat · 8 months
BBC Big Read List
Many years ago, I first started tallying the books from the BBC Big Read list, seeing how my reading and interests correllate. I don't take it as the "one truth" on which books are worth reading or "good", I just find it interesting which ones I agree with. Let's go!
Out of the BBC's "The Big Read" list from 2005, which ones did you read, plan to read or started to read, but didn't finish? The ones I read are fat, the ones I still want to read are in italics, the ones I started but didn't finish are crossed out and all the other ones I have either never heard of before or never wanted to read them.
1. The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien 2. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen 3. His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman 4. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams 5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling 6. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee 7. Winnie the Pooh, AA Milne 8. Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell 9. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis 10. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë 11. Catch-22, Joseph Heller 12. Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë (and I thought it was horrible. But I wanted to finish it!) 13. Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks 14. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier 15. The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger 16. The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame 17. Great Expectations, Charles Dickens 18. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott 19. Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres 20. War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy 21. Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell 22. Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, JK Rowling 23. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, JK Rowling 24. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, JK Rowling 25. The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien 26. Tess Of The D'Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy 27. Middlemarch, George Eliot 28. A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving 29. The Grapes Of Wrath, John Steinbeck 30. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll 31. The Story Of Tracy Beaker, Jacqueline Wilson 32. One Hundred Years Of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez 33. The Pillars Of The Earth, Ken Follett 34. David Copperfield, Charles Dickens 35. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl 36. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson 37. A Town Like Alice, Nevil Shute 38. Persuasion, Jane Austen 39. Dune, Frank Herbert 40. Emma, Jane Austen 41. Anne Of Green Gables, LM Montgomery 42. Watership Down, Richard Adams 43. The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald 44. The Count Of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas 45. Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh 46. Animal Farm, George Orwell 47. A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens 48. Far From The Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy 49. Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian 50. The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher
51. The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett (and I love it) 52. Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck (didn't finish it in school but want to try again) 53. The Stand, Stephen King 54. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy 55. A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth 56. The BFG, Roald Dahl 57. Swallows And Amazons, Arthur Ransome 58. Black Beauty, Anna Sewell 59. Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer 60. Crime And Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky 61. Noughts And Crosses, Malorie Blackman 62. Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden 63. A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens 64. The Thorn Birds, Colleen McCollough 65. Mort, Terry Pratchett 66. The Magic Faraway Tree, Enid Blyton 67. The Magus, John Fowles 68. Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman 69. Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett 70. Lord Of The Flies, William Golding 71. Perfume, Patrick Süskind 72. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Robert Tressell 73. Night Watch, Terry Pratchett 74. Matilda, Roald Dahl 75. Bridget Jones's Diary, Helen Fielding 76. The Secret History, Donna Tartt 77. The Woman In White, Wilkie Collins 78. Ulysses, James Joyce 79. Bleak House, Charles Dickens 80. Double Act, Jacqueline Wilson 81. The Twits, Roald Dahl 82. I Capture The Castle, Dodie Smith 83. Holes, Louis Sachar 84. Gormenghast, Mervyn Peake 85. The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy 86. Vicky Angel, Jacqueline Wilson 87. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley 88. Cold Comfort Farm, Stella Gibbons 89. Magician, Raymond E Feist 90. On The Road, Jack Kerouac 91. The Godfather, Mario Puzo 92. The Clan Of The Cave Bear, Jean M Auel 93. The Colour Of Magic, Terry Pratchett 94. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho 95. Katherine, Anya Seton 96. Kane And Abel, Jeffrey Archer 97. Love In The Time Of Cholera, Gabriel García Márquez 98. Girls In Love, Jacqueline Wilson 99. The Princess Diaries, Meg Cabot 100. Midnight's Children, Salman Rushdie
101. Three Men In A Boat, Jerome K. Jerome 102.Small Gods, Terry Pratchett 103. The Beach, Alex Garland 104. Dracula, Bram Stoker 105. Point Blanc, Anthony Horowitz 106. The Pickwick Papers, Charles Dickens 107. Stormbreaker, Anthony Horowitz 108. The Wasp Factory, Iain Banks 109. The Day Of The Jackal, Frederick Forsyth 110. The Illustrated Mum, Jacqueline Wilson 111. Jude The Obscure, Thomas Hardy 112. The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾, Sue Townsend 113. The Cruel Sea, Nicholas Monsarrat 114. Les Misérables, Victor Hugo 115. The Mayor Of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy 116. The Dare Game, Jacqueline Wilson 117. Bad Girls, Jacqueline Wilson 118. The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde 119. Shogun, James Clavell 120. The Day Of The Triffids, John Wyndham 121. Lola Rose, Jacqueline Wilson 122. Vanity Fair, William Makepeace Thackeray 123. The Forsyte Saga, John Galsworthy 124. House Of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski 125. The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver 126. Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett 127. Angus, Thongs And Full-Frontal Snogging, Louise Rennison 128. The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Arthur Conan Doyle 129. Possession, A. S. Byatt 130. The Master And Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov 131. The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood 132. Danny The Champion Of The World, Roald Dahl 133. East Of Eden, John Steinbeck 134. George's Marvellous Medicine, Roald Dahl 135. Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett 136. The Color Purple, Alice Walker 137. Hogfather, Terry Pratchett 138. The Thirty-Nine Steps, John Buchan 139. Girls In Tears, Jacqueline Wilson 140. Sleepovers, Jacqueline Wilson 141. All Quiet On The Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque 142. Behind The Scenes At The Museum, Kate Atkinson 143. High Fidelity, Nick Hornby 144. It, Stephen King 145. James And The Giant Peach, Roald Dahl 146. The Green Mile, Stephen King 147. Papillon, Henri Charriere 148. Men At Arms, Terry Pratchett 149. Master And Commander, Patrick O'Brian 150. Skeleton Key, Anthony Horowitz
151. Soul Music, Terry Pratchett 152. Thief Of Time, Terry Pratchett 153. The Fifth Elephant, Terry Pratchett 154. Atonement, Ian McEwan 155. Secrets, Jacqueline Wilson 156. The Silver Sword, Ian Serraillier 157. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kesey 158. Heart Of Darkness, Joseph Conrad 159. Kim, Rudyard Kipling 160. Cross Stitch, Diana Gabaldon 161. Moby Dick, Herman Melville 162. River God, Wilbur Smith 163. Sunset Song, Lewis Grassic Gibbon 164. The Shipping News, Annie Proulx 165. The World According To Garp, John Irving 166. Lorna Doone, R. D. Blackmore 167. Girls Out Late, Jacqueline Wilson 168. The Far Pavilions, M. M. Kaye 169. The Witches, Roald Dahl 170. Charlotte's Web, E. B. White 171. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley (I've read excepts for uni) 172. They Used To Play On Grass, Terry Venables and Gordon Williams 173. The Old Man And The Sea, Ernest Hemingway 174. The Name Of The Rose, Umberto Eco 175. Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder 176. Dustbin Baby, Jacqueline Wilson 177. Fantastic Mr Fox, Roald Dahl 178. Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov 179. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, Richard Bach 180. The Little Prince, Antoine De Saint-Exupery 181. The Suitcase Kid, Jacqueline Wilson 182. Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens 183. The Power Of One, Bryce Courtenay 184. Silas Marner, George Eliot 185. American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis 186. The Diary Of A Nobody, George and Weedon Grossmith 187. Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh (I stopped after the toilet-scene. Too disgusting) 188. Goosebumps, R. L. Stine 189. Heidi, Johanna Spyri 190. Sons And Lovers, D. H. LawrenceLife of Lawrence 191. The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera 192. Man And Boy, Tony Parsons 193. The Truth, Terry Pratchett 194. The War Of The Worlds, H. G. Wells 195. The Horse Whisperer, Nicholas Evans 196. A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry 197. Witches Abroad, Terry Pratchett 198. The Once And Future King, T. H. White 199. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle 200. Flowers In The Attic, Virginia Andrews
Read: 57 Want to read: 60
Some of the books to read I know very little about except the title and that they're classics, some others I know a lot about (and I even have "Men at Arms" on my TBR pile for when the mood strikes me next). I like reading classics once in a while, but especially older ones I can't read too often, I need to be in the right mood for that style of writing.
The last time I updated this was in 2015 and I had read 44 and wanted to read 72 - so 15 books in 9 years xD Like I said, it's not a challenge or a goal to read all of them, just a convenient way of keeping track of which classics I want to read eventually.
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chimerathewriter · 2 years
Oh my god is 2023 and I have seen a lot of delulus this year I will list yall a bunch
Billy Hargrove stabs who hoped that he would have come back even if we saw his racist abusive should live that fine body he didn't deserve. And about him being racist...
Stranger Things stans who started to throw racial slurs when Lucas showed up in the trailer playing basketball and thought that he betrayed the gang.
Stranger Things stans again who made fun of Lucas Sinclair hair, as if is not the most time accurate
Again Stranger Things stans who made racist jokes so that Caleb could notice them. And the ones who tried to invalidate Caleb's expurience with racism.
House of the Dragon stans saying that Targaryen incest is better that Lannister incest bffr, and if you tried to say that Jamie raped Cercei yes even Aegon
Aemond Targaryen stans, trying to completely victimise him, if Jace died that night with that rock yall would be silence
Team Green stans saying that team Green is morally better than team black, nope the writers cut a lot of things
Alicent and Rhaenyra shouldn't be idolise as iconic feminist. Because Alicent was indeed a victim of the pathriarchy but she still let his son be a rapist and become King. Rhaenyra wanted the crown and power not because she's a woman she just want to have power just for herself.
Alicent stans who think she never wanted Rhaenyra's demise, delulu as hell if the writers followed the book 100% yall mouth would be shut
Aegon Targaryen stans
Team Black stans who completely ignore how Viserys ignored his other children for his grown ass daughter. And think that Luke shouldn't have a little bit of accountability
Team Black stans who think that Daemon is a good person
Team Black stans supporting blood and cheese
Writers who decided to change some parts of the story
The bitxh who told me that house Martell is white
People who are racist to the black cast of Hotd
Genshin Impact stans
Stans who think that the representation thingy is not a big deal but poc players have to look at their culture being whitewashed
Stans who say Sumeru isn't inspired from North African, Middle Eastern and South Asian culture
Stans who say that the adultificatiom of little girl character is not weird
Ppl who simp for the 1000 Yr looking boy
Miracolous Ladybug stans who hate Marinette beign a stalker (and becase she rejected Chat many times, but we ain't gonna talk how chat is 2 persistent? OK just close your eyes) and praise Cloe even if at this point she's an irredeemable character and the new episode ugh
Girlies who say that Selwyn is the better love interest when Nick is standing right there
The white reader who didn't like Babylon because she didn't related with the main character
Quentin Tarantino stans
MCU stans
White Wanda Vision stans
TVDU stans
The bros who says woke
American Psycho stans
Jk Rowling stans
Hp stans who say there aren't racist undertones in the book
Some yt Encato Stans
Lore of Olympus Stans
Kpop Stans
I Army that tries to put their opinions in Korean politics
Defending Stephanie Meyers racist writing just because she's mormon
Holland Roden stans
Harry Potter stans who ignore the Maruder girls for new gen of Harry potter
People who fancast darkskin black Maruders biracial
People who cast Peter skinny
People who get angry at poc Maruder fancast
People who say that they don't like the new interview with the vampire series, they like everything except Louis and Claudia casting
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Now we all know why don't yall like the casting, go and Stan your non canon white movie, and live us queens alone
And lastly
White one direction stans who say that the guys were under contract is for this they couldn't defend Zayn against racism and islamophobia
I still have alot probably I will do a fandoms slander series
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iitsokai · 11 months
larries are shippers of louis(hope that's him from 1D) and Harry's shippers. Liks they still think harry and the louis guy loves e/o even when luis has a whole ass woman as his wife and a baby like how those larries still exists is beyond me. And it's not just small numbers bro their tweets still gets thousands and thousands of likes on shipping tweets like imagine the DeLuSiOn.
And if jk's and th's partners are gonna be someone outside of industry? Oh then they better be prepared to save them cause it's gonna be worst for them. If you gonna stick by BTS forever then mark my words they'll definitely regret this thing of shippers in future.
For jm i know some jkkrs are crazy too but they still won't be as crazy as tkkrs or the number would be less compared to them and jm's solos care for him in different way so they are not much of y/n so that won't be much problem for him.
Jungkook gonna get the end of it tho.
Still hardcore shipping people after a wife and children are involved is WILD tho 😭😭😭😭 I wonder how bad it is going to be for the tkkk and jkk shippers, cuz they do know how to go far with it...
0 notes
manchesterau · 4 years
I’m still a fan of course but I feel like I’ve lost so much interest in 1d since covid came along like.. celebrities ain’t shit
they really freaking aren’t like they all showed their asses this year
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1dchonceposting · 5 years
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guess there’s no real reason for me to listen to stack it up then, Liam you Troy Bolton bitch
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
The big Kiwi talk
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Dear many anons, I’ve kept you waiting there way too long my love. Also thank you @larrysballetslippers​​ in particular for bullying me into releasing this thing hahahah. I’m SORRY. This has been sitting in my drafts unfinished for so so so so SO long because I wanted to do it right and I still don’t know if I did but enough is enough. This is a big big long big post about the song Kiwi. Lyric breakdown, time of writing, many possible meanings, song parallels, music video, you name it. I know Kiwi has been analysed a lot a lot and this is not an alternate reading to anything, this is putting many possible interpretations together at once. Really I’m gonna bring a whole lot into this. Maybe read it in a couple of sittings. It’s a lot to digest. Let's go! Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi wooo
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Under the cut (I warned you it’s long):
~Disclaimers, feel free to skip~
All this should be obvious but with other analyses where I didn’t state these things I got a couple of responses that show I should have so blabla incoming: 
Not trying to convince you of anything, don’t take things too literal, things can have multiple meanings, there are nuances to things even though I might fail to bring it in a nuanced matter sometimes. I’m nowhere trying to claim these interpretations are what he meant when he wrote this because how would I know (and people claiming other things don’t know either). Just decide for each thing if it makes sense to you, stay skeptical, crunch that brain and welp with this analysis you kinda have no choice this time because I’m giving a ton of different interpretations and they definitely don’t all fit together. 
All that said this is coming from someone who is convinced Harry & Louis are together and the lyrics at the very very least are incorporating babygate so just get ready to have that in here loads. It’s also written with the assumption whoever reads this knows all about that. If not have this. 
Song parallels disclaimer: with pointing out song parallels I’m not implying whichever song was written later is referencing the other one. I’m simply pointing out there parallels can be drawn and you can interpret it whichever way you like. Especially those between Harry’s and Louis’ lyrics it’s dare I say a realistic conclusion to draw that they are and will continue to have loads and loads of parallels in their work not because they’re doing it on purpose to relate to each other but because they’re going through the same stages together, hardships, and being exposed to the same shit over and over again, oh I don’t know maybe because they’re sharing a life. Although I do think some of the times they do purposefully leave lil nods to other songs because they are somehow related to the song they’re writing, and that sometimes those are each other’s songs, just know that when I point out a parallel that’s not because I’m thinking Louis’ music is based on Harry’s and vice versa or something. Ok got that out of the way.
Now really let’s go places:
Things known about the writing process
It was one of the first songs he worked on after 1D. We got footage of him singing it with long hair (gif above, credits here), so it was before may 2016, and this pic of I’m assuming the same moment:
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He's said this about Kiwi:
"It started out as a joke, now it's one of my favorite songs. It's one of the first ones I wrote for the album, when I was getting out a lot of energy. I hadn't written in a long time and this is what came out of it." - here
There really isn't any other option to explain this song except for resorting to “haha jk lol” now is there?
“Getting out a lot of energy” I have trouble interpreting more than one way. I almost want to state it as a fact that it was him getting out a lot of frustration. Almost as if there was sOmEtHiNg really fueling this thing. I think the stuff he chose to get out there first as he went solo is very telling, with Kiwi being the 2nd released music video after Sign of the Times. He came out of 1D, went on a 6 minute strugglerant about being sad and stuck (in the industry/closet/his image) in a defeatist (but not entirely devoid of hope) kinda way and then followed it up with another 3 minute rant about losing it, shit happening around him driving him crazy, this is frustrating the fuck out of me I'm just gonna release that energy by yelling about the thing that frustrates me the most among all this bullshit over and over again let's go SHE'S HAVING HIS BABY AND IT'S OUT OF OUR HANDS yes this is how I cope. I don’t know if this needs to be said really but I do think it’s about that, about babygate. (also there’s this idea it’s written by louis and I think that doesn’t make much sense) It’s really in your face, it’s so obvious it somehow becomes hard to believe he really did that but I do think he really did. That said, it could be that it’s not just about that, that it’s about all stunts, stunts in general, or even the whole (media/industry) circus, and that it includes details of both of the messes he as well as the people he cares about were/are involved in with the main one, the most frustrating one, being babygate. Still there are bbg-free alternate interpretations that I’ll get to as well.
Kiwi lyric breakdown:
She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes
One line in and the scene has already been set: there’s a girl and she got no class.
There’s a lot of play on words in Harry’s songwriting and this song is no exception. So I already want to highlight the choice of the word “cheap” here and how it might be deliberate as later on there’s also a “business”, an “I paid for it/I’m gonna pay for this”, even the “cha-ching!”. He’s leaving a trace of a theme: money 
Parallel: Night out and it's ten grand, headlines that I can't stand - Just Like You
Who is "She"? Let’s list a whole bunch of possible interpretations (and with that, that of the whole song): 
It’s one specific girl the entire time as I’ve seen some not very deep interpretations of it being about ~certain girls he has been associated with~. And I’m not going into this whatsoever because NO
Still on that one girl, and the song is exactly what it looks like: a girl in da club every boy has got his eyes on, maybe not even anyone specific but a nice concept for a song with not much behind it (again, no.)
Still one specific girl the entire time, but yaknow babygate and first girl in line by a mile is definitely Briana, now we’re getting somewhere
an accumulation of girls he or those close to him have encountered that have had alterior motives (like stunts). That some lines include details of one of them and others being inspired by others.
the industry / fame / behavior of those in that world as a whole. The not-so-glamorous side of it that the insider, Harry, is seeing. Something looking great but it being a facade. Rock and roll, living fast, no real glory, hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
Harry is She, Harry is always all the She’s (I’m not going into this but really you can kinda make it work)
Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
Yeah so whoever she is, she's just smoking something and drinking something  and she's not very smart either, he’s really not trying to paint her in a good light here.
I'm setting myself up here for another parallel: "Now we're saying goodbye, Waving to the hard times, Smoke something, drink something" in We Made It
And all the boys, they were saying they were into it
This of course is a way of describing this girl’s appearance/behavior is generally considered to be desirable. But! The ambiguity in this line I love so much. You can easily accept this as him insinuating he’s into it like everyone else and he’s one of the boys if you want it to. Orrr iiisssiiittttt?? He’s not saying he’s one of those boys. (Later on there is that “but I’m into it”, I’ll get to it.) All the boys, ya know the boys who like the girls, are saying that's what they're into. I'm not into girls, I have no clue, but look all the boys were saying they were so apparently this is of interest.
"The boys and the girls are in, I mess around with him/them, And I'm OK with it, I'm coming down, I figured out I kinda like it" - Medicine. I do think this is deliberate, although it doesn’t have to have the same meaning. But they seem to be written around the same time. It could be to weave songs (that were probably intended to be on the same album) together, just for the fun of it, or maybe even to use the same concepts for opposite meanings which I believe he’s done multiple times since (or all of the above, or none, who knows but the mermaid).
"told myself I kind of liked her" - Home. I know this line doesn’t look like much without context, but I think this line is vital to Home and its story, and that Home means a great deal to H, so, possible intentional parallel I’d say yes [please ask me about H vs home parallels] (this will come back)
And then another interpretation can be that “it” isn’t a woman at all, but a situation, a mindset, fame, this kinda lifestyle, *coughs* some “it” that has to end *coughs*, you name it.
Such a pretty face, on a pretty neck
Extension of the previous 2 lines, there's only a little bit of intellect up in that head on that neck there but at least it's something good to look at, or so I've been told.
Also it's really petty. To me this reads as ridiculously passive aggressive (not to mention the tone of this whole song, he's just aggressively screaming all of it), like he’s just focusing on the neck like he just wants to slit that throat.
She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it
On surface level he's one of the boys that's into this girl right? That's the obvious. That's what the song seems to allude to, the thing you conclude as a casual listener: there's a girl he finds attractive, as does everyone else, she's driving him crazy with it and he's into it. So in part I think some of these lines are written with that concept in mind, in such a way that it supports both that idea and what the song is really about. Here we got a very easy line saying he’s finding her attractive basically, orrrrr iiisss ittttttt
First tho: more parallels on HS1 with this with in Only Angel & Carolina, we got more girls driving him crazy by just being and he's oh so extremely into it. (not including Woman as he doesn't really seem to be much into it there) And I totally interpret these songs in different ways, I’m just saying, casual-listener’s (or aggressive het harrie making everything about girls would count as well I guess) level it’s these themes again and again.
But then there's that second layer, that’s the driving me crazy maybe isn't a positive kind of crazy. And the part where he’s into it could mean many many many things
I’ve also seen yet another interpretation that being into it means that he’s stuck in the situation that’s frustrating the fk out of him, he’s part of it, whatever it is. And then lemme just add Golden: when it ends, don’t wanna let you know. SOTT: they told me that the end is near, he just wants to *** **
Another interpretation could be that he’s just going along with the boys, because they were just now saying they were into it, but then he’s backtracking with adding a kind of:
I'm kind of into it
Oop there it is again, the same parallels as mentioned above but it’s getting worse with 
“[all the boys said they were into her] I’m kind of into it” - Kiwi
"told myself I kind of liked her" - Home 
"The boys and the girls are in, I mess around with them/him, And I'm OK with it, I'm coming down, I figured out I kinda like it" - Medicine 
kind of. In the context of liking girls. Reminds me of them answering interview questions with shit like "I guess you could say that yeah" like.. Yeah KiNdA. But, not really maybe.
I think songwriters sometimes are inspired by situations/events that don't really have a positive side to them but they add something positive to the song anyway ("but I like it" or they end on a twist where "but you came back to me" or someshit) otherwise the song isn't... fun... isn't attractive. The same goes for Stockholm Syndrome. So here it could be that this shit's just driving him off a cliff and he's losing it and that's just it, like he’s not into anything he’s just going insane but that won't do for a song, so he adds that he’s into that craziness.
It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it, I think I'm losing it
when 2 excessive gifs, one painful one and a bear say more than a thousand words
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Oh, I think she said "I'm having your baby, it's none of your business"
Here of course we need to talk about the main message of the song, the elephant in the room, considering he wrote this song in the same months his enemy and other half of the horrible conspiracy that ruined their friendship had a "baby" that was also a huge target of another horrible disrespectful conspiracy and it really does seem none of his business doesn't it? Sorry but if this song is about anything but that and the having a baby is an analogy of literally anything else, that's one hell of a poor word choice then isn't it? There must have been someone, just at any point any point at all in this whole songwriting process going don't you think this is gonna come off as .. ya know.. that? Don't you think there was someone, anyone, at any point going like, hey, so, you know the only baby born in your near vicinity as far as fans know recently is that kiddo from that dude people think is secretly actually dating you like you're not being the most considerate of that baby and that family there maybe like but idunno it’s your choice. ?????
Aaaanyway, lyrically it's smart again: he goes "oh I think she said" as it's a double-triple-down on the I got nothing to do with it: “I think", like I don't even know, "she said”, so it's a woman saying something to someone, not even necessarily to him, it's like a telephone game indirect uh I guess that's what's going on. And then literally "it's none of your business", the 3rd indicator that the "you" (person “she” is telling she’s having his baby to) as well as the "I" (singer), whether that's the same person or not, got very little to do with the endeavour.
And not just that, but the way he decided to describe it's got nothing to do with him / he's got no say in the matter is interesting too: “it's none of your business”. That's it. It's business, it's a business, it's money. Someone is having someone's baby and it's another person’s business. It's a moneymaker. That's what it's for. Case closed.
Now okay let's just consider alternate explanations, let's just consider he doesn't give a poopy about babygate, this got nothing to do with that, then what is it? (also always consider it can be multiple of these things, really why not both, why not all) "having your baby" could also be a way to describe things being said about him in the media, as it’s just one of those celebrity rumors that fly around. (How many times has Jennifer Aniston been pregnant again?) I tried. And it even makes sense. I can try again: it could also be that “your baby” is the records he makes, and that “the suits” or whatever you wanna call it then take it and turn it into their business, take something he “birthed” to make a profit. And very successfully I might add. Both of these are entirely valid explanations and do make a lot of sense to me but also both of these could have been described in many other ways, yet he chose this. As I said above, if he meant either of these and definitely not bbg, that I’m wrong about everything and whatever narrative was being pushed about Louis’ life at the time (and still) is actually real (but I don’t think it is) then what an orrible orrible word choice this is.
~Drugs mentions coming up~
2nd verse:
It's New York, baby, always jacked up
Holland Tunnel for a nose, it's always backed up
Ok imma bring so many interpretations into this it’s a mess and imma pretend turning it into a list is somehow fixing that here you go:
First and easiest is that it’s just a coincidence and H is just totally awkward random, is that NY’s the place where you go when you want to make it big, where you got aspirations to be somebody, where you go on your chase for fame. I rarely think name-dropping people and places are to be taken literal, especially not in Harry's vague mess so I don't really consider "He was in New York with a girl and that girl told him that she's having his baby" as an option here.
“Jacked up” is just a way to say someone’s full on drugs, so this person or lifestyle is never sober, so yeah themes here are money, drugs, and alcohol, which I think would describe the musician/hollywood lifestyle. There have been and are many many many many musicians out there writing about that life in this way.
Did I say she’s always full of drugs yet? Lemme just emphasize: nose always backed up
He really didn't back down with the the cokesniffing sniff right there in the song either, in case it wasn’t clear what that nose was doing.
He keeps describing this woman who is claiming to be pregnant as taking substances you shouldn’t be taking when pregnant. Possibly helping to describe she actually isn’t.
A person’s chase for fame (NY mention) just consisting of partying, just doing coke basically all the time (always jacked up / nose always backed up).
There's some HS1 song-linking going on here:
Ever Since New York. Same as in ESNY, he drops “New York”, then drops a more specific well-known part of NY (Brooklyn/Holland Tunnel). He only uses NY twice in his songwriting, here and ESNY, which are snuggling on the tracklist. Got a couple of theories here. (disclaimer again, if you think ESNY is about his stepfather and don’t feel like it’s up for debate, that’s fine, stay there and just skip this bit. If you’re open to alternate interpretations read this) So he's going insane in Kiwi and then he hits his lowest low right after in ESNY. I think first of all using the same keywords across songs on an album just helps create a whole, he weaves these songs together. Or it’s worse and the NY in ESNY = the NY in Kiwi, again again that sounds like ridiculous farfetched bs if you think ESNY must be about dealing with bad news about a family member and kiwi is definitely not that and yep here’s that link again but I don’t think it is, I think that in both songs “New York” describes either fame or is a nudge to another stunt.
Carolina - coke. But also screaming about a "she" that drives him crazy :) Harry you're driving me crazy :)
Ok now for the next line
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When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus
Imma drag so many things into this just... like take a break, get some water, this is a mess. HAVE FUN. Anyway so. many. interpretations:
This girl when alone goes home to a dry prickly ornament. Like she's got nothing there, really only just a plant and not even one that requires love and attention either.
This is pretty much telling that she's not going home with him / he's not going home with her right? If this song is about some attractive femme fatale that Harry's into and has had interactions with to the point where she could be telling him she's having his baby, then, what's this sentence doing here? Like what's the point of this sentence if it's about that.
Song parallels:
It's kind of the opposite of Home. You'll never feel like you're alone, I make this feel like home.
She’s alone <> Harry’s never to be felt like he’s alone She goes home to a cactus [her home’s empty] <> Harry has someone making whatever *this* is feel like home [his home’s not empty] (and yes that’s a blatant assumption Home is directed at Harry, to me that was already clear and then he just piled on Canyon Moon on top of that so eh)
There's some song-linking mess within HS1 here again, with all the girls and their homes:
When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus, in a black dress, she’s such an actress - Kiwi
Couldn't take you home to mother in a skirt that short, But I think that's what I like about it - Only Angel
She's got a family in Carolina, So far away, but she says I remind her of home, Feeling oh so far from home - Carolina
But there’s another mention of Home on this album and that’s Harry having a Sweet Creature bringing him home instead:
Sweet creature, Wherever I go, you bring me home - Sweet Creature
What to do with this info? I uh.. can go places: girls are going to their homes, he’s going to his? But common word common theme, right?
now for the cactus
Cactus, dry. Harry wet. Cactus dry Harry wet. CACTUS DRY HARRY WET. (just imagine me saying this like GAVE ME COOKIE GOT YOU COOKIE like this scene in new girl)
Harry seems to thrive in wet, just, at all times throughout all his work. He's consistently putting himself or things he cares about in water, there's this just e x c e s s i ve need to put water everywhere, to be just a nautical anchor holding looking for his sailorman diving into deep ends, plunging in, seemingly preferring to drown over any other type of hurt, not to mention the only depiction of his uh mate in his work is a fish, it just goes on, everything is wet wet wet. So yeah cactus? Not his thing. Not his place, not his home, he got nothing to do with a cactus. Harry is kelp. Seagrass. A water lily. A lotus. The opposite of a cactus.
But I got another interpretation. Soooo cacti are associated with... how do I say this, dry desert-typey landscapes... otherwise barren lands right?. That, how would you say, don’t need much fertile grounds. That don’t .. eh... Barren.
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Desert. Barren. Unfruitful. Infertile. Empty. Not Pregante. Not pragnent, no pregonate. NO PREGGERS.
I also think mentioning over and over again that really all this girl is doing is smoking, drinking, and seemingly permanently on drugs is a pretty good indication that she’s not really having someone’s baby I mean you don’t need a cactus to tell you that
(I'm secretly hoping you kinda went holy fucking shit there because I did I mean we know but pff)
In a black dress, she's such an actress
Black dresses I do associate with club goers, party girls. And welp pair that with she being such an actress, some bearding/PR stunt involved female vibes here
The black dress can also refer to a lyric (I’m aware little black dress exists but not sure if I can do anything with that info; also might as well state here that any lyric may refer to another lyric anyway) or a specific person / situation
Then I do have to mention there has been someone parading around with baby bumps in black dresses not that long before this was written... But I am very weary of these kinda pretty literal interpretations, he does seem petty af here so wouldn’t put it past him.
“she’s such an actress” is a good way to say she’s faking it, tying in with the previous line, how many ways is that now you can interpret things here as him saying someone’s saying she’s pregnant but she isn’t actually? So just a little recap:
When she’s alone she goes home to a cactus, in a black dress, she’s such an actress = She’s faking it in a black dress and when there’s nobody around she’s clearly not pregnant. hmm.
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Moving on, 3rd verse:
She sits beside me like a silhouette
Some girl-im-associated-with-but-idk-her vibes. This makes me think of photos of public figures supposedly having whatever type of relations and photos of them are placed side by side in articles and such.
It’s also pretty much in line with the “she’s driving me crazy but I’m into it” interpretation of not being able to escape this situation he’s in, he’s into it, part of it, she’s always there like a shadow (silhouette beside me) and it’s frustrating the fk out of him.
Silhouette/shadow/synonyms of these can also be analogies of public images vs their true selves, they’re two dimensional mirrors/reflections, not them but look like them etc. But I don’t see how that makes all too much sense in the context of the rest of the song unless this verse and this verse only is doing something else entirely. Which is possible? It’s a mess, but here we go:
Then with that said I can bring in some more parallels: this kinda somewhat mirrors “Who’s that shadow holding me hostage” - Stockholm Syndrome (it’s only shadow vs silhouette really) and even “beside you I’m a loaded gun” - No Control which.. I mean only works if you view those songs as being related (which I do) and also become a bit less of a joke when you get to the next line:
Hard candy dripping on me 'til my feet are wet
Oh so Hard like the loaded gun and then candy like the sweet treat that is “Sweet where you lay / Sweet and Sour, I devour” - No Control?
and it’s also.... dripping things... onto his feet.. Yaknow.. the ... medicinecandy that’s dripping out of.. something..hard... throw in a foot fetish while we’re at it
With the amount of lyrics (and what he’s said in interviews, and just done, just behavior in general) that can double as something dirty I wouldn’t be suprised. But does it fit the song? I guess it could. It could be like Stockholm Syndrome / No Control and even Kill My Mind and Back To You, which you can all read as having that double meaning of being stuck / not having control over the difficult and frustrating situation they’re in (being the in the crazy music industry / PR shit / fame / you name it) but also about a uh..? ~not boring~? let’s put it like that? relationship, or even both simulaneously: Like this shit is killing me but ~the things we do behind closed doors~ serve as an antidote and help me feel better. Maybe, maybe not. None of these lines are all too convincingly alluding to that on their own but there seems to be a bit of a pattern here right? she says while trying to ignore the 6 years worth of footage of them being nasty right in front of our salads.
Also “till my feet are wet”, they were dry but the hard candy is making them wet. Like I said before harry’s thing is wet, which helps the idea this is a positive bit right? Possibly? I need this distraction from this situation until my feet are wet, till im comfortably put back in my element which is water. 
Harry’s somewhere out there laughing, literally meaning some random girl just dropped some candy on his toe and here I’m coming in with 28 diffferent interpretations....
Aaaaaanyway stepping away from that wild stuff, back to Kiwi alone. Since there’s such a big theme of substance (ab)use, I didn’t even go over the more obvious “candy” definitely at the very least doubling as a synonym for drugs again (and with that “hard candy” being hard drugs).
It’s also a movie and a whole different meaning there I don’t wanna get into
Also I think it’s funny that he mentions a cactus and then wet feet because that’s what it’s called when you overwater your plants and killing them that way, the fast route to killing a cactus via rootrot.
And now she's all over me
I can't contain this anymore I'm all yours, I got no control, No controooohoohool, poooooooowerless and I don't care it's obvious, I just can't get enough of you I got noooo control I mean yes this is probably bullshit but it keeps checking out lol.
Casual’s listener interpretation I’m not even sure is worth mentioning, that a girl is literally on top of him.
And of course it just fits with that concept that she’s driving him insane, that she’s just all over his mind, that the situation is consuming him.
Another interpretation could be that her name is linked to his everywhere he goes (thinking about 1D times where interviewers kept bringing up girls he was associated with over and over again).
it's like I paid for it (cha-ching)
Paying for it = buying it. Like, are you buying it? 
Are you believing she's all over him? 
Or, are you believing all these stunts?
paying for it = that money theme again. CHA-CHING, cash, big moneys, it’s a business. 
Also “it’s like”, so kinda, so, not really again? she’d be all over me as if i paid for it, but I didn’t really?
Also a bit of a clever insinuation that we’re dealing with a prostitute here right? Just for the fun of it? Or another clever wordplay, because while prostitute means “to offer for sexual intercourse in exchange for pay”, it also means “to put oneself to an unworthy or corrupt use for personal or financial gain“, for the 28th time insinuating that this girl is doing classless shady shit. (I hope it’s clear I’m not saying sexwork is something negative, it’s definitely not)
It's like I paid for it, I'm gonna pay for this
The wordplays are coming out of my pores by now, so here he flips the words around, going from “as if I was paying for it” to “I’m going to be paying for this”. This could be “You thought I was already suffering the consequences for this no no that’s nothing, I’m still going to” Or it’s even literal and he means he’s going to have to be putting money into something. Or you know totally awkward random who nows.
I personally choose to interpret this line as I'm gonna have to face some kinda backlash with this song, people are gonna be talking about this in a way others are not gonna like, yep is gonna have some effect oopsie but I'm gonna do it anyway.
Sooooooo I think that concludes the lyric breakdown I didn’t totally spend more than a month on.
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yeah that was a lot... and we’re not done.
Meaning of “Kiwi”
And then after all that this mfer had the AUDACITY to call it Kiwi. WTF is that? Why? How? When??? 
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Possible meanings:
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KIWI like an abbreviation, what was the joke again, Kendall I Wasn’t Interested? Lol.
Kiwi, the bird:
Bird is a word for “girl”, I don’t recall if he has addressed girls as birds before but Louis definitely does (it’s a common way to say girl in northern england if I’m not mistaken).
It’s also more specifically a bird from New Zealand, so there’s some interpretations that he’s talking about certain people that are from NZ, like Dan Wattpad, but I’m not that set on that idea.
A Kiwi’s a flightless bird and he has used (not) flying/being in the sky, being birds, and bird(cage) tats, so it could signify once again not being able to fly away and stuck in this mess ('but I'm into it')
If you’re a bird I’m a bird, have some birdy bird posts, thank you @ladychlo​​ and @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk​​ for feeding me with these kinda posts nomnom
Kiwi, the fruit.
His whole fruit aesthetics didn’t come in until the FL era (if you excuse the bananas), I don’t think he really meant to throw a fruit in there just because it’s a fruit, but who knows.
~still on the fruit, but now it’s time for a biology lesson:~
related to fertility (again), the inside of a kiwi resembles sperm trying to fertilize the female egg cell:
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But wait! There’s more! Harry possibly being at it again and just meaning something dirty: Kiwi’s can be compared to balls (testis) too, I mean just the Kiwi on its own being a hairy ball yay for that, but it also looks like a cross-section of the (I’m trying hard here to use layman’s terms) tubes that produce the sperm. Here are links to a blog demonstrating that perfectly. For those who don’t get it, these are pics of kiwi slices with microscopic images of testis tube slices shopped into it:
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My two favorite worlds combined. It’s even purple too so this can’t get any closer to my very specific personal vibe right here. What’s your vibe you say? Explaining purple sperm thanks to Harry Styles yep that’s it. What’s a song analysis without throwing in a biology lesson (Luckily we’re not breaking down anything Kurt Cobain or we’d be here forever).
But let’s move on, to the music video because nope nope this shit just goes on.
Music Video 
I can’t write this massive post and not go into the music video, because what the hell, a cakefight with children in suits and puppies while yelling someone having a baby is not someone else’s business? Yeah that’s Harry Styles for you.
This kind of “weirdness” makes me think of one of his favorite songs, Flowers in the Window, which has a very particular music video (with pregnant women no less) that just descends into an almost psychedelic weirdness (thanks @wishingicouldfly​​ for talking about this hah) and doesn’t seem to have much to do with the song itsself, or does it? 
Maybe first the buildup to the MV, the teasers on social media, in order:
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28 kids if you don’t include Harry and his mini-me ok yep that’s fine.
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mini-me of long hair era Harry got it? yeah got it. 
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Harry be like STRONG asdkjahskdjh
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Don’t laugh (please laugh) but this reminds me of this
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It’s 90% just that girl wearing the same kinda Louis Bert shirt
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(can you tell even I am going ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with this post please im pasting bert memes here)
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Let’s also not neglect to mention the fact that his mini-me is a girl
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This lil puzzle crazy mfer probably did some annoying[affectionate] shit with the amounts of times there was “KIWI” across all these and that will probably haunt me forever but
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nuh-uh mfer not going there nonono.
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Just one more thing before we get into the video:
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harry be like mirror mirror on the wall who is the biggest bluegreener of them all
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Anyway onto the video, unfortunately I’m not done with the wild larrying because the first 4 shots, can’t make this shit up, are this:
Mini-Harry in the bluegreen suit barging in through the nice blue door into the nice blue hallway, nice school you got there
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nice blue cupcakes you got there
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then the very next frame (0:12) we get the lil STRONG bluegreener boi with the turquoise cupcake
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Cut to just his face and his blue shirt, he angry
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Followed by another kiddo, in a green shirt this time, also angry
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And then we just get to a whole bunch of images of cakes and kids, but yeah just saying those are the first images, juuuuuuuuuuuuuust pointing it out, nice coincidunkirks. It’s not like they’ve been aggressively bluegreening before and since nono.
So then mini Harry enters the room, they’re about to start the fight, it’s a buildup to it
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for some reason this lil dude is highlighted a lot:
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And this guy gets to say “what the fudge” hehe:
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And then they fight, fightyfightyfighty, until mini-Harry runs out of ammo (cupcakes) (1:50):
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Runs to the cake pile for more, then soldier manoeuvres (whatever that move is called) her way out of there like she’s evading bullets (managing to draw SOTT parallels because I like the pain)
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but looks defeated, and that’s the moment now-Harry? Short hair harry? Big Harry? whatever actually Harry enters the room with a puppy.
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2015 harry Mini-harry looks up to him like she’s saved pretty much.  
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And then there’s just a bunch of chaos with children and cakes and puppies and at the end we get the smirk
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Also the full image of all the kiddos at the end with the lil vertical stripe’o’bluegreener in the middle:
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Interpretation, I guess. Although, it isn’t much, not compared to the lyric insanity above:
I’d like to think he just went fuck it I want a cakefight and puppies and so it shall be. Lighten the mood of what has fueled Kiwi into existence, turning it into something cute, innocent, sweet, etc.
But ok I’m calling this the big talk so I gotta go places with this, one clear theme is kids, human kids and puppies. They were only kids trying to work it out WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME STOP (do have a parallels post about this tho) with a very obvious younger version of him, the little long haired girl, made extra double triple clear by wearing the same suit as him, this is long-haired harry. Another clear theme is fighting, half of the MV is spent preparing for battle and then it descends into chaos. So this could be the most lighthearted analogy you’ll ever see of well.. his/their ongoing battle with *all the bullshit*.
Also we gotta go here right, gotta go here... can’t leave it out, bunch of kids in a gay club being themselves before all the shits goes to shit:
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I can’t even watch this
tag of posts about this I still dont know how to link a tag in a way it works on mobile sorry if you’re on mobile
I also want to share this post about his live performance of Kiwi. I do think he pours out a certain type of energy that isn’t comparable to anything else, something that doesn’t happen with any other song. But I haven’t had the opportunity just yet to experience this myself, of course there are tons of videos, but I’m sure it’s different, so I’ll let that post tell it all. 
Anyway, last point, about him singing it live, is how he decided to end HSLOT on July 14, 2018 (July 14 you say, end on July 14? really? you wanna end the tour, end it, on july 14? okay. okay. no. that’s fine. yeah this is fine too. oh yeah just bzz again in 2020 why don’t you. It’s fiiiine), and end it on singing Kiwi 3x. His entire god damn tour he ends it on screaming the “I’m having your baby it’s none of your business” song three times in a row on the three year “anniversary” of the start of babygate?
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And with that this analysis. Thank you for reading I hope it was a good one <3
Read my other song analyses here
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falcqns · 2 years
hi Ava how many dr’s do you have and which one do you visit most often? How many scripts are you currently working on?
too many, too many and too many
jk actual info under the cut lmao
i have a lot of drs! i don't try to limit myself to what i can shift to because the multiverse is real and i deserve to explore it and all the different experiences out there! i wont mention all of them, but here are some of them and the names next to them are my love interests!
Mission Impossible - August Walker
Harry Potter #1 - @andrew-6781
The Orville - Henry Cavill
Marvel #1 - Bucky Barnes
Marvel #2 - Bucky Barnes
Chris Evans x Scarjo daughter - Florence Pugh
Youtuber - Andrew Siwicki
Sebastian Stan x Rachel McAdams daughter - Tom Holland
Fame - Chris Evans
Caregiver/Little - Chris Evans
ATJ - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Defending Jacob - Andy Barber
Princess - Loki Laufey-Odinson
Uncle - no love interest, just a reality where i get to spend more time with my uncle who passed away suddenly when i was 15 and never got to say goodbye to
Dance Moms - still undecided, i go to that dr to just be a teen, dance, and have lizzie as my mom <3
Chris Evans Youngest Sister - Jaeden Martell
New Girl - Nick Miller (and sorta Winston, its a lil complicated atm)
as for the ones i shift to regularly, i kind of rotate if that makes sense? i only ever shift to one twice in a row if theres something specific i want to do/say to someone, and i decide which to shift to based on what i need in that moment! if i need to hear my uncles voice, i go to my uncle dr. if i need to dance to release my emotions, i do that. they all serve purposes in my life, and their purposes are all different. but here's the ones i shift to a lot:
Dance Moms
Chris Evans x Scarjo
Marvel #1 and #2
Harry Potter
Sebastian Stan x Rachel McAdams
Youngest Evans Sister
Defending Jacob
and i am working on a bunch of scripts! here they are:
Anthony Mackie x Chris Evans daughter - Louis Partridge
Murdoch Mysteries - John Brackenreid
Little Women - Amy March
Kims Convenience
Harry Potter #2 - Lorenzo Berkshire
Stripper/Teen Mom - Anthony Mackie
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - undecided, using it mainly as an extension of my marvel dr
Drawing With Light - Seb (not seb stan) - its a book that i adore and Seb will look and sound like timothee chalamet (thought he was british at the time of deciding to make this)
ik this wasn't mentioned, but here's some dr's that i have stopped shifting to and some reasons as to why
my first ever harry potter dr - forgot to script out fred's death (reading him die in the books caused me severe trauma to the point that i scribbled it out in the book and skip over it in the movie and it slipped my mind) and he died right in front of me after i remembered. if i had remembered two seconds earlier i could have saved him.
The Witcher - Geralt hurt me and in an attempt to hurt him back i ruined his friendship w jaskier, and vesemir and the others including ciri disowned him and i dont have it in myself to return (i was doing horrible mentally and i lashed out in a moment of hurt)
birth father dr - i should have listened to my mom when she told me what kind of person he was.
the orville actor dr - got too close to adrianne and scott (they were married and i played their daughter, my mom and i werent in a good place at the time so we were like a family) and then the divorce came out of nowhere and i was in the middle with both of them fighting using me as a communication vessel. couldnt escape it, i lived w adrianne at the time and worked with both of them. it was effecting me mentally and i stopped.
Steggy daughter dr - you don't want margaret carter as a mother. just don't do it.
i hope this helped!! <3
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
Mon 15 March ‘21
FIRST TIME GRAMMY AWARD WINNING ARTIST HARRY STYLES!! From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the fucking world baby, get itttt!! He won Best Pop Solo Performance for smash hit Watermelon Sugar-- the other two categories he was up for went to others but he was a dark horse for any of them so getting one is awesome! Yeah the grammys are shit but I’m so happy for him to see him receiving validation and acclaim from the industry that has never appreciated what he (and his bandmates) are and can do as artists, it’s a fucking start you know? We can enjoy the moment! Harry did! His acceptance speech was short and it feels like he was blindsided and forgot everything (including not to swear on TV and as pro as he is you know that means he was absolutely reeling, I love that) but later he said “I want to thank my fans for giving me an environment to be free to make the music that I want to make and supporting me along the way the last ten years”, yes that’s right we have helped you find a place to feel good, and “this is an incredibly sweet icing on the cake of what I get to do everyday so thank you.”
But that’s not all! He also performed, and wore things! Say what you want about Harry (or better yet please DON’T at least to me but that’s a losing battle) we always get so hyped up about even just seeing his outfits and he does not let us down! BLACK LEATHER, TITS FULLY OUT, DICK BANANA CHARM, AND A MUPPET BOA? Yeah he did that! Shirtless under a patent leather suit, I mean: wow. Very glam rock, very… well listen it’s just very GAY in like so many different ways??? Harry Lambert said they wanted “something darker, sexier, and more unexpected” which is definitely about that look I’m assuming and not the pastel thrift store rummage bin hodgepodge he wore later, unless Harry(s) and I have very different ways of interpreting “darker”. (Harry L also said “free the nipple” and we can all see that he MEANT it.) Harry red carpet-ed and accepted his award in a lavender muppet boa, tits slightly less out but still cleavagey, and with a seemingly random collection of other garments YES BABY OKAY you just WEAR THAT THEN! About that Harry L said, “we wanted to do something that felt British and eccentric, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll and a little bit camp,” but the people have spoken and they said ‘we think he looked like Cher from Clueless’ so, sorry Harry(s)! Esquire struggling to describe the look-- “the kind of thing that Styles seems to make wearable” klasjdlk the doubtful ‘seems’ is sending me. Either way we can definitely all agree on the camp part, and that the matching face mask (as seen in the audience shots and in adorbs pics of him camping it up with Lizzo backstage) is amazing, love that (even if he does spend way too much time nervously pulling it on and off omg just LEAVE IT) and it even went also with outfit number THREE (or at least it did as well as any of his anything went together lol) which was a big floppy orange coat and plaid pants and a THIRD BOA, a dignified (haha JK NOPE it’s still a muppet) black number this time.
It seems the performance was filmed in advance rather than done live-- there were clues suggesting this might be the case, but the real giveaway was when a picture from it leaked before the broadcast, lol. Way to make it so we “can’t even tell if it’s live or not” Ben, and why is he STILL so obsessed with trying to gaslight us anyway my god just say what’s prerecorded it’s fiiiine. ANYWAY Harry played Watermelon Sugar and only WS; well after all it is his GRAMMY AWARD WINNING SONG. Plus it was a really nice version, all smooth and funky, with a highlight of the night being Harry’s full on 60s girl group choreo move with the backup singers, omg. Those backing vocalists were the duo G.A.W.D., and there was extra accompaniment by fellow nominee Devonte Hynes aka Blood Orange (who also directed the performance and no I do not know what that means) and “Spencer and Josh” on horns (the closest I can find to someone crediting them so, apologies guys). Anyway! All of them (regular HS band included) were decked out in matching gucci black leather too and looking good. And Harry looked so happy to be up there performing, just beaming like a lighthouse, so overall- good good stuff, I just keep on dancin!
The real bombshell of the performance though was subtle and needed confirmation after for the excitement to really hit-- it was Sarah drumming  decked out in tight black leather and visibly pregnant!! That’s right, band drummer Sarah Jones is PREGNANT by (Grammy Award winning) guitarist Mitch, there’s a HARRY STYLES BAND BABY on the way!!!! WHAT A NIGHT! It wasn’t enough for Harry to find love in his own band, he’s somehow cupid-ing that energy all over the place and spreading it around, AMAZING!
And Liam comes through with not just a sweet congratulations for Harry (“what a huge moment, proud to be your brother” awwww) but also the final word on the performance look- goddammit it IS one of the rejected Best Song Ever video looks, LMAOOOO. But did he tag HSHQ instead of Harry directly in acknowledgment of how the awards system really works and that they are all to be congratulated or simply because it was easier? We will never know.
Additional tidbits-- bassist Hynes was apparently playing creative director Molly Hawkins’ dad’s bass- did we know her dad was a famous bassist who played with Fleetwood Mac and many other 70s stars?! If I did I had definitely forgotten! And more Molly news-- she’s also pregnant!! Harry will soon be surrounded by quarantine babies, dreams really coming true huh? Harry posted a pic of himself with Mitch and Devonte looking very cooool, we saw the ceramic watermelons label execs were sent for the WS release last year, and Rebecca Ferguson who knows 1D from way back when (and has recently drawn attention for talking frankly about how fucked up the industry is and about having seen unnamed boy band members literally slammed against the wall by their management) congratulated Harry and posted a couple of baby pop star Harry pics, cuuuute. Louis’ merch handlers, in response to no complaints whatsoever, sent out emails apologizing. They say they’ve run out of lanyards which were meant to be sent out so they will “be adding a freebie which we know you’ll enjoy” to affected customers’ orders. That is sucky about the lanyards but that’s customer care! Niall posted about his cool bright limited edition merch to remind that it will be gone gone gone tonight and also shared a pretty and touching picture from a the large anti violence rally held in London to protest the killing of Sarah Everard today. And finally some good advice from Bebe Rexha, loved by larries; she says she loves us right back but please don’t kill anyone for not streaming her new song! Yes good plan.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
So tkkers always bring up how jungkook doesn’t always play with jimin or interact and he sometimes looks annoyed and I hate they are right sometimes. I always see them say that they ship tae and jk bc they’re both mutual and jk always reciprocates with tae so they always say “their love is mutual” and ofc they bring up jimin always being in jungkooks space
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That was Harry talking about his crush on Louis and the interviewer asks how is it going and Harry says that, that it's mutual. I think taekookers actually seriously genuinely brought that from Larry to taekook 🤣 it did the job because a lot of them used to be larries (as well as some jikookers were) and because it encapsulated perfectly the idea that taekook is a perfect ideal couple born from mutual efforts and affection and attraction, while jikook is not.
I don't disagree with them that Jungkook even until recent months he had those moments of looking annoyed at Jimin or that he couldn't care less about Jimin or being affectionate with him. It happens, as well as it happens with Taehyung too and with other members. If I cared and wanted to, I could also bring up the same "Jungkook is uncomfortable" moments but with Taehyung; I just don't care. I see what they see too, it's why I never cared too much about arguing with them because what am I gonna say, no you're reading Jungkook all wrong!1!1! They're still gonna believe whatever they want.
However, it really is a stupid conclusion to reach because I think it's very clear that Jungkook does whatever he wants. We've seen Jungkook push Jimin away a lot of times. It's been 10 years, c'mon now... Is it really a valid argument to say that Jungkook has a problem with someone being in his personal space?
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(I could point out that he actually pushed Taehyung away here but what's the point in pointing out stuff that happens once in a blue moon?)
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Do I need to bring up Mijoo and Jay Park and even JK with his arms around Jimin's friend in London?
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Does it really look like he has a problem with skinship? Not at all 😭
When it comes to jikook, Jimin is more affectionate than Jungkook, that's a fact. Jimin is extra affectionate with him, in a level that he isn't with the others. Jungkook is more affectionate with the other members. Those are things that anyone can see, and people will reach conclusions depending on what they want to believe.
There's no solution, there really isn't. In the odd chance JK actually has a problem with Jimin being in his space, I'm sorry but what.. is he not capable of saying "look man step the fuck away never touch me again"? Does anyone think that Jimin would not respect his decision? If anything, it was Taehyung who said he believed Jungkook to be a pushover and "teased" him getting all up on his face. If anything, it's actually Jungkook who constantly made overstepping jokes about Jimin in public 😭
Point is, they are not entirely wrong, we've all seen Jimin pretending to be kissing Jungkook in the Dynamite Christmas remix and Jungkook ran away from his side inmediately. But we should all agree that nobody knows what it means. For some, it means he's uncomfortable and hates it, for others it means that he's crippled by the fear of being seen as gay, as if he himself hasn't done worse 🤦 but yeah.
If I came across as rude it's not towards you especifically, but think of it in a more general way of speaking.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Totally off topic but i just need to geet this out of my chest. You know, I've witnessed so many ugly judgemental comments in this fandom, specifically towards Jimin, Jungkook and occasionally Tae and I'm saturated with it. Jimin is the intruder in the couple that allegedly is Taekook, and therefore, he's disrespecting his own soulmate by engaging with Jungkook. Jungkook is not considerate towards Jimin or Tae whenever he just talks or hugs one of the two. And I am over and done with these narratives. Not only is this just some pure bullshit, it also spreads such toxic ideals on how relationships actually are irl.
But THANK GOD things are alright between the maknae line. Thank god they don't listen to these voices that might make things awkward between them. Thank god they have this solid bond between them. You have no idea how angry I get when these supposed fans put their input where it's not needed. Respect the freaking boundaries, live and let live. I really was scared when i heard about the river of emails sent to bighit in regards to Jikook being literally themselves on stage at the final shows of the SY tour in Seoul. I thought that would make them more wary and awkward towards each other cause of the complaints. But oh boy, thank god I was dead wrong.
I don't know if you're familiar with the Larry situation in the One Direction world, but I spent my last teen years growing with them, and the genuine bonds between the members is one of the things i love most about bands. And i first-hand witnessed where the shipping went wrong. I loved the friendship Louis and Harry had between them, but the ship destroyed it, making it impossible for them to even interact normally in their own band cause every little thing was scrutinized. Louis' fiancé has been harassed by "fans" for years, his family keeps getting asked about Larry to this day, and all of this ugliness hasn't stopped no matter how many times Louis has addressed it directly, literally asking fans to stop doing that cause it was hurting his loved ones, besides himself of course.
And this reminded me of Tae's words on that weverse post. And the similarities are striking. Even the "evil management" hiding the relationship is the same cliché.
But thankfully, so far at least, Jikook's bond is still flourishing from what we've seen, and Taekook is rebuilding their friendship after last year's drift. I just hope people learn from the shit show that has been Larry and many other obsessive "ships". Respect, love and boundaries, how hard is it?
We have the same goal here, the members' wellbeing and harmony, can we try and learn how to be more considerate towards these human beings?
Honestly same. I'm so happy that they haven't let all the toxicity affect their friendships. I know about the 1D and Larry stuff, but was never involved in it at the time, only afterwards. I was a more casual and occasionally listener of their music rather than a giant fan. And I cannot express how happy it makes me that TaeKook have been trying to work through whatever made them start drifting and trying to rebuild their bond and get even closer. I can imagine that Jimin probably feels similarly. Or during Festa 2021 and he called Tae "Chingu" aka, friend. After YEARS of JK refusing to drop formalities with Tae and Tae wanting him to and to be even closer with him, JK finally did 🥺 it really does speak to how in less than a year, they truly did make efforts to meet each other halfway more and work on their friendships. Calling Tae friend is not something you do with older people, it's something for essentially same age friends only. So it really speaks to how much they worked for that friendship since ITS. I really think thay talk was good for them!
Anyway, I totally agree with your rant and I think we could all use some Vminkook cuteness to cheer us up. Their friendship is the cutest and I love that for them. I'm so glad they have each other!
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I hope they stay best friends forever.
And I'll just link this, which was my response response the vminkook drama fest that occurred with some of the toxicity after how cute the maknae line were with each other during muster 2021. It was my own rant, similar to yours lol for anyone who hasn't seen it:
Feel free to rant anytime anon. I get it
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dearweirdme · 9 months
Hi! You mentioned that you were a Larry but don't believe that they are together now but still think they were at some point.
I would like to ask you, when you realized that you didn't believe they were still together, did you review their interactions and thought that maybe they were not together longer than you noticed before? For example, if in 2015 you stoped believing they were together, when you looked back you realized that maybe they were not together since 2012 or something like this, yk?
I'm asking you this because I think it's easier to notice things in retrospect other than when they are happening because sometimes, we need more time to process things and get some perspective and I wonder if we would be able to notice if tkk broke up but still friends.
Hi anon!
Mmm, it's really difficult to compare Louis and Harry with Tae and Jk. Except for them being two members in huge boyband who are suspected to be in a relationship, there's not much that I would say is the same. They are fastly different in characters, their cultures differ a lot, and the way they took to closeting is imo also very different.
I have no clear view of when I think Louis and Harry separated. I think I started having doubts like a year and a half ago. Slowly it just kinda sunk in that it was mostly fandom speculations and not actually something coming from H and L (a lot of speculation about them signaling to fandom basically, which wasn't something I really took to back then as wel). What's difficult about the L and H situation is that they have only been seen together publicly once after 1D split. So it quickly becomes a matter of fandom having to reach and put together snippets of things they think they have understood. At times there still were very strong clues though, like shared clothing. But that all kinda vanished, and imo Louis really started pushing for Larries to go away. Pairing that with a real lack of moments in which I felt it possible that they were spending any time together. I came to the conclusion that I no longer think they were together. When you actually see people interact, you can tell by the way they respond to each other how their bond is. And I absolutely believe Louis and Harry were once in love. There's many that still do.
I think it will absolutely be noticable if Tae and Jk break up. I think (no matter how friendly a breakup is... having just been through one myself in the last year) the way you interact with your ex will change. So I don't believe they have broken up recently (and no, also not when they were supposedly drifting apart). If by any chance they breakup while enlisted I think we will catch up on it pretty soon when they return as BTS.
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