#jk he doesn’t care about that stuff
koostattoos · 6 months
Endless Summer || j.jk
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~ Pairing: jock!Jungkook x nerd!reader
~ Genre: academic rivals to lovers , fluff, angst, smut, college au, slowburn
~ Summary: Summer vacation was right around the corner. Being in a program that required you at the beach every day was a big pro. After seeing Jeon Jungkook at the same beach as you everything was ruined. Jungkook was the school’s heartthrob. Girls throwing themselves at him left and right, going to parties every other day, and coming in and out of those parties with different girls. Not to mention he’s the biggest dick you’ve ever met. Avoiding him was in your best interest. His being there threw avoiding him out the window. Summer can’t be that bad. Right?
~ word count: 13.4k
~ Warnings: golden era!jk (yes this is a warning) oral (m & f receiving), doggy, dom!jk, sub!reader, dirty talk, unprotected sex (be smart), aftercare, so much fluff!
~ A/n: God, this is my first time writing ever!! I really hope this finds the right audience and readers please enjoy. i pray this doesn’t come off as a boring story pls pls show some support, it’d be soooo appreciated 🫶🏼🫶🏼! Happy reading!
For the past thirty minutes you sat staring at your suitcase still trying to figure out what the hell to pack for the next months. The program that you joined had asked everyone if they wanted to go on a trip for extra credit to work for the beach down by Busan for junior year. Not that you needed it, you had zero plans made for this summer.
Niki’s out of town visiting her family for the summer and Sohee’s out doing what Sohee does, probably out exploring abandoned places or getting high somewhere. Who knows? You decided to get up and start packing. You walked over to your closet to skim over your outfits and carefully picked out a few outfits for the next few months. After two hours of packing, your phone dings with a notification from Niki
Niki: omg can’t believe it’s summer already! have fun on your little trip down to Busan. If anything happens call or text me right away! Luv ya!
You smile down at your phone. You and Niki have been friends for years, you first met in your freshman year of high school. She taught you everything, from how to do your make-up and style your clothes and all that fun stuff. Funny how you both got into the same college and ended up sharing the same dorm. She’s gone around the campus having different guys in and out. You would say you guys are complete opposites. You would rather stay in and watch a movie or something instead of going out and partying with drunk college students and grinding my body against sweaty skin.
After finishing up the last of your packing you respond.
Me: heyyy, omg I know! The school year went by so fast, say hi to your mom n dad for me and give Nani kisses for me! And of course, you’ll always be the first to know everything! Luv u too! Enjoy your summer ♡
Putting your phone down, you check when you are supposed to leave and meet everyone at the train station. The ticket said 8:00 am. You set your alarm for tomorrow and get ready for bed. Checking your phone for the last time you turn the lights off and drift off to dreamland.
Waking up to your alarm clock blaring in your ear. It’s near 6:00 am, you get up and start getting ready. Walking into the bathroom you bring out your skin care routine. After finishing up and brushing your teeth, you go back to where your vanity is and start with your makeup.
Choosing what to wear was easy, you chose a simple outfit. An oversized black hoodie, black parachute cargos, and white gamma forces. You come out of your room to the living room and take your bag off the counter and get the rest of the bags for the trip. The drive to the train station took longer than expected. Traffic was horrible. The ride was said to be only about 30 minutes, you ended up getting there about an hour later.
After blasting music on the way there you had finally arrived, you see a few of your classmates from previous classes and walk up to say hi. “Yunjin!” You shouted her name, catching her attention.
She waves at you and starts making her way over. “Oh my god hey girl!” She goes in for a hug and starts talking about the next two months. “This is so exciting! I’ve been waiting for this trip for so long, I hope we get free time because I’m too exhausted from all those tests.” She says with low shoulders. Out of nowhere she gasps and turns to you “You’ll never fucking guess who I just saw” You look at her with a curious face “Who?” she leans in closer “Jeon Jungkook”. Your face had gone red. Hearing Jungkook’s name coming out of her mouth left you shocked. Not forgetting the history, you and the boy had.
It all started in junior high in the 7th grade. You had finished your final tests of the year, and the scores were finally out for everyone to see. As you walked up to the board, expecting to read your name first as it always is on top of the board. Standing behind a tall boy with dark raven hair you moved to the side to peek at the score you had got.
Before you could even take a glance at the highest score the boy yells close to your ear. He jumps in the air and says “LETS FUCKING GO” he turns around and notices you, he looks you in the eye before walking away. You go up to the board and look for your name. Right above your name is Jeon Jungkook.
You couldn’t believe your eyes that he out of all people managed to score above you. You glare at him and say “Hey! Did you cheat?! There’s no way you have the highest score after me when you couldn’t even place last year!” He scoffs at you and looks at you with narrowed eyes “I’ve earned that spot being last doesn’t feel good right? Stop being such a conceited bitch and learn how to share the board. Accept you're not the smartest in the school” he snares and walks away. You had felt a surge of anger towards that day and couldn’t stand to be around him for the rest of your life. You promised yourself to avoid any contact with Jeon Jungkook and to make sure he never topped you again.
After staring at him for atleast five minutes you snap out of your thoughts. Looking over at Yunjin you say “What is he doing here? I’ve never seen him attend any of the meetings or give any interest in the program” she looks back at you after looking at him “Yeah, he and Yuno are close friends. I guess he brought it up to him and took it upon himself to ask Jungkook to the trip” she shrugs. You glance over at him again and see him talking to Yuno. You never noticed his pretty features. You hadn't seen him since you bumped into him at the café all those months ago. His hair got longer, he has more piercings, and a lot more tattoos on his right arm. Has he always looked this good?
No, thinking like this is wrong. You needed to remember all the cruel names he called you. You decided to look away after hearing the announcements on the speaker. “Train number 7 now boarding.” is heard. Going to grab your things a hand is placed on top of one of yours. You look up and you're met with those same eyes that looked at you with hate.
“You need help with that?” he smiles at you “No thanks I got it”. You quickly take the bag from his hand and board the train. Luckily, you had moved quickly enough so you could get a shared booth with Yunjin. You place your bags in the overhead compartment and get settled. It would take you about 3 hours to get there. Now settled in your seat you lay back with your head resting on the head rest and blast your music. Just as you became relaxed you felt your hoodie become wet with liquid.
“Oh shit, my bad” he says
You look up at the voice. Of course, it’s him. Jungkook looks up at you and rolls his eyes.
“Nice going dumbass” you say under your breath.
Yunjin grabs tissue from her purse to help and says “God, what the hell is his problem? He really had the audacity to walk away and not even apologies.” she said.
After heading to the washroom and putting on an extra T-shirt you had in your bag you walk back to your seat but not before you look up to see Jungkook, watching as you walk past him, you turn your head forward and sit back into your seat. This is going to be a long ride.
Arriving at the dorms was a hassle. Taking everyone's stuff off the train was a breeze but sorting everybody into two buses was more difficult than it should have been. Surprisingly enough you and Yunjin ended up sharing a bigger dorm with two other girls, Irene and Jini. You and Irene shared the same economics class and Jini had recently signed up for this program.
You walked around the building and noticed a pool and a hot tub placed in the back. The kitchen area was big enough for atleast fifteen people. Walking back to the common area, everyone went their own ways into their rooms and decided to meet up around one for lunch. After opening the door to your home for the next two months, you were met with the most beautiful window view. Looking out to the beach you could see the waves crashing against the shore and people enjoying their time with their families and loved ones.
After taking in the view, you walked over to your bag to pick an outfit out for lunch. You lift up one of the outfits you had picked out while packing. Touching up your makeup and getting your shoes on, you all leave to head down to meet everyone in the common area. As you walked out of your dorm, you were (yet again) met with the sight of Jungkook as you looked at each other. His dorm is right across from yours. Great! You had thought, this summer couldn’t get any worse. He looks at you up and down, smirks and walks away.
You walk down the stairs to see a few people waiting. As you were waiting, you met up with Irene and Jini, Yunjin was still getting ready as were a few other people. Looking around the room you catch Jungkook taking a glimpse of you with his hands in his pockets. He wore a fitted T-shirt with his arm full of tattoos on display along with cargo pants. You make eye contact with him for several seconds before looking away to find Yunjin.
Finally, everyone in count went into separate cars and explored what the city had in store for them. Busan was a big city; there was so much to do. An option you had was to look around for places you could eat at while you spent your time there. You decided to walk around and look at the stores. A small old lady had her hand out waving you over to her stand. “I have a beautiful bracelet that has your name written all over it,” she said.
“It’s really pretty but I'm not looking to buy anything right now” you kindly declined her offer
“Please have it for free, it compliments you so well” she raises her hand with the bracelet
It was decorated in white shells and blue starfish charms. You took the bracelet from her hand, and you thanked her. Finished figuring out where to settle you chose a restaurant that wasn’t far from where the car was parked.
Finding a table wasn’t difficult. The place wasn’t packed besides a few of the other students that chose the same spot were empty. The empty space was filled with the noise of the bell at the top of the door, you look up to see where the noise had come from and that’s when you see Jungkook. He stood there with Yuno and the rest of his other friends. He goes to sit at a table near yours.
You made eye contact, and he scoffed. You roll your eyes at him, and he speaks up
“Are you following me or something? You seem to be everywhere I am.”
You glare at him “Are you sure it's not the opposite? Every time I look up you happen to be where I am every single time”
He looks at you like you're mental “I think someone’s a little stalker we chose this place before you guys walked in” he sneered at you.
You look up to him and cross your arms, “I think the one obsessed is you, every damn time I look up there you are literally staring into my soul, what the fuck is your problem.”
“No problem here like you said I just happen to be here when you are” he shrugs
“Asshole” you mumble
Walking back to your table you feel his stare burning into the back of your head.
When you excuse yourself to the bathroom you couldn’t help but look up at Jungkook. He was laughing with his friends with his hands on his lap; manspreading. “God, damn it does he have to be so fine” You mumble under your breath
After freshening up you walk back to the table, and you see a girl next to him. She’s touching on his tattooed arm and giggling at what he said. You felt this weird sensation in your stomach. Was it jealousy? No way, but he can’t possibly be that funny she’s holding her stomach.
Walking back to the girls and sitting back down. Irene notices something off about your mood.
“Hey, are you okay?” Irene placed a hand on your back.
“You look a little red” You take your phone out to check your face. You needed to calm down.
“Oh, it’s just getting a little hot in here is all.” She gives you a soft smile and nods her head
After lunch was over, you decided to take a walk around the city to look around and find something to do to pass the time. Jini had found a photo booth near one of the stands selling handmade pictures “Guys!” she exclaimed “Let’s take some pictures!” Ten poses later, Yunjin found a bakery and got something to snack on while you looked around. After waiting for Yunjin and Jini you all decided to hang out and look at the scenery.
Walking back to the dorms it was sunset hour. The walk back to the dorms was breathtaking. The sun was setting low over the horizon, and the sounds of the waves crashing were soothing. When you got back to the dorms everyone filed to their rooms to relax and figure out the plan for what to do for dinner. You ended up texting Niki and telling her about today.
Me: Omg Niki, today was our first day of the beach program. We went out and explored Busan. It’s so beautiful over here I wish you could see for yourself.
Me: But you’ll never guess who I’m spending the next two months with
I wait for her to respond. It only takes a couple seconds until I see the three grey dots pop up on my screen.
Niki: Aww I miss you so much we should take a girl's trip soon! But pleaseeee tell me it’s not who I think it is
Me: Jeon Jungkook
You chuckle at her response
Me: I’m being serious
Niki: I thought he was stupid and didn’t show up to the meetings how did he know about this trip?
Me: Supposedly he’s friends with Yuno’s group and Yuno told him about the trip.
Waiting another few seconds until the three dots appear again.
Niki: Of course, he’s friends with them they all fuck around especially Jungkook
Me: You’re right, I should’ve known they were friends. Anyways I gotta get ready for dinner soon, I’ll update you if anything else happens.
This time she takes a few minutes
Niki: Alrighty! Enjoy your dinner and you BETTER tell me everything! I love you and stay safe!
You smile at her last text. Putting your phone down you start to get ready for tonight. The mentor wanted everyone to have dinner together so they could discuss the plans for tomorrow. Deciding to take a shower to wash off the sweat from today’s adventures and redo your makeup in a different style. You curled your hair and chose different shoes, deciding to go with low pumps to make walking around easier. The dress you had picked out was a simple little summer dress with small flowers decorated all over.
Walking downstairs you see Jungkook with Eunwoo talking. He’s cladded with a black blazer with a white shirt underneath paired with black dress pants and white shoes. In all honesty he looked handsome tonight. His hair is slicked back and he's wearing a chain around his neck with rings on his fingers.
As you make your way down the stairs, he looks up from Eunwoo to you. He looks back down and finishes his conversation with a smile.
“He looks like he’s about to eat you alive. I don’t blame him; you look so good” Yunjin says
You smile at her and compliment her back “Oh my God, are you kidding? You took my breath away the second you walked out of the room; I love your makeup” you say giggling. The mentor comes up and introduces himself when everyone seems to be present.
“Hello everyone, my name is Mr. Kwan I will be in charge of everything that goes on around here and I will be announcing our activities for the next month or so.”
You look around and your eyes land on Jungkook. He’s standing next to Yuno now with his arms crossed. He must have felt your stare because he turned his head towards you and then to the floor. You can make out a faint smirk on his lip. You look away with a confused expression and take your phone out to check if you have something on your face. Not seeing anything you shake it off and turn your attention to Mr. Kwan
“Tomorrow is when we start your tasks. I will assign each of you to a job and that’s the task you must do for that week, every other week each group will switch tasks. You will get to have a day off as a break. Do I make myself clear?” Mr. Kwan says.
There's a mix of yeses and head shakes. He takes out a clip board and tells us what to do next. “Okay, I have two boards with the list of names, please take turns finding your name on either one of these” He places them down on a table and asks, “Any questions?” One of the many students, Vernon, raised his hand and asked, “Can we go out after hours?”
“No, everyone should be in their rooms with lights off, no sneaking out or bringing outside guest” As you walk over to the beach cleanup board and find your name nowhere to be seen. Finally walking to lifeguard duty, there your name was. But right under it say. Jeon Jungkook.
This means you’d have to spend the next two months in the presence of Jungkook. Shaking your head, you turn around back to Yunjin to figure out what she had gotten. But instead, you're met with a firm chest. Looking up to meet the face of the person you see him; he has his hands on your elbows to stabilize me.
“Watch where you’re going.” he says with furrowed brows.
He lets go of you and walks over to the clip boards. You hear him chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” You asked him.
He turns around to face me and says, “I have to spend my days at the beach with you? For two months? I’m going to die if I even spend another minute with you.” he shakes his head pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah, well I’m not so fond of you either Jeon. So, stop bitching about it, I’m not excited about it either” with that I roll my eyes and walk away.
At the restaurant everyone picked their own tables. You see Jungkook a few more tables down from where you’re sat, thank God. You took your seat next to Yunjin and talked about the events for the upcoming week.
“What did you get for this week?” I asked her.
“I have clean up duty. I heard the weather’s supposed to be nice so I’m not too worried” You clear your throat and sit up in your seat. “I have lifeguard duty and guess who I’m with.” You look over to Jungkook and he has a grin on his face with his arms crossed and his head tilted down.
“Oh no.” she says placing a hand on your arm
“I have to spend the next two months with him every single day. I don’t know how I’ll survive” you say rubbing your head.
Nearing the end of the dinner everyone gets up to leave and go back to the dorms. The restaurant was only a few minutes away, so some decided to walk. Those ‘some’ being you and your group, Jungkook and his, and a couple of other students. As you’re walking, you see Jungkook walking aside Yuno.
He has his hands in his pocket and he’s looking out at the beach. It looked beautiful tonight, the moon lit up the sand and the stars were beaming. Not looking at where you were stepping, you had tripped over your feet and waited to hit the floor. But you never made contact.
Instead, you feel a strong set of arms around your waist, and when you open your eyes; you see Jungkook looking down at you. You stayed still for a few seconds before he lifted you back up. His hold tight around you tight
“Be careful, idiot” he said before letting go
I stared at him. You had question why he didn’t just stand there and let you fall. He turned around to catch up with his friends and continued to walk back to the dorms like nothing happened
Back at the dorms everyone goes to their respected rooms and gets ready for bed. As Irene went to turn off the light, she heard a knock on the door. You get up from the bed and check to see who it is. When you open the door and you’re met with Jungkook and Yuno. Yuno speaks up and says, “Were going out, if you wanna join us you can.” Irene and Jini walk up to me
“Who’s at the door” Irene and Yuno meet eyes. He smiles at her.
“Um, were just gonna go out and hang, I was just saying that guys can come and join us if you want.”
“Uh yeah sure” she says.
“Alright, cool meet you guys down there in a few” You go to look up at him, but Jungkook had already had his eyes on you looking you up and down smiling. That’s when you realized you’re in a Hello Kitty pajama set. Looking down you quickly push past Irene and Jini.
Yunjin was fast asleep already, quietly making your way to the bathroom to get the stuff you need and change out of your clothes. You end up wearing a plain gray T-shirt with black baggy sweats
Finally done putting makeup on, only putting on some light foundation and lip gloss, you put on some white sneakers and start to head out with the girls. Closing the door softly, you walk out and see Jungkook with his arms crossed and back against the wall next to his door. He looks up and says, “Where are your Hello Kitty pajamas?” he chuckles. you stopped to glare at him and walk away. Before you could reach the first step, you felt his grip on my arm.
“Aren’t you scared were gonna get caught little miss goody two shoes” he raised his eyebrows.
“Go away, I’m only going out because YOUR friend invited us, and all my other friends are going out with you guys. I don’t want to be stuck in the dorm not doing anything.”
“And don’t judge my Hello Kitty pj’s I saw the big ass plush sitting on your bed when I went to go downstairs earlier”
He stops for a minute as he watches you ascend down the stairs. Hearing his loud footsteps following close behind you. Reaching the bottom of the stairs you see your friends waiting for you.
“What took you so long?” Jini asked
“Ask him” you point at Jungkook
“So where are we going?” you asked
“There’s a bonfire my friend is hosting. There’s gonna be so much we can do, I can’t stay in that tiny ass dorm all day” Yuno exclaimed. As you’re walking to the beach you feel someone walking next to you. Jungkook looks straight ahead as you make your way down to the bonfire. His hair is still damp from the shower he took, he’s wearing a gray crewneck with black shorts. His hands in his pocket he speaks up “Why are you on this trip?”
“I could be asking you the same thing. I haven’t seen you at a single meeting yet now all of a sudden, you’re interested?”
“Oh? So you pay attention to me now?” he looks down smiling
“No, it’s just that you never cared or even bothered listening to what anyone said about this program so now do you feel the need to participate in it?”
He looks everywhere but you.
“I don’t know, I heard someone was going to be here and decided fuck it and signed up.” he shrugs with his hands behind his back. You look up at him with a curious look on your face. As you were about to speak up you hear Yuno’s voice
“Yo, JK we could use a little help over here”
Jungkook looks back at you and says “Gotta go, don’t go tripping when I’m not here to catch you” he winks at you
He runs down to help the guys and you’re left confused.
Everyone was surrounded by the fire, drinking, and having a good time. Jungkook is across from where you’re sitting and he’s laughing about something his friend said. He looks up and meets your eyes and you quickly turn your head to look away. From the corner of your eye, Jungkook stands up to walk to the cooler next to him. He picks up a cool beer and makes his way over to you. He hands you the beer and sits next to you.
“How do you like it so far?” he asked
“Why are you being nice to me? You acted like you hated me the whole day” your eyebrows furrowed
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what it’s getting late, and I don’t have time to deal with you right now”
He stands up as the same time as you and grabs your arm “Wait”, you stop and look at him
“At least let me walk you back to the dorms”
Hesitantly agreeing, he lets go of your arm and you both make your way back to the rooms.
It’s the first day of your tasks. Everybody separates into different cars. The beach you’re working at is only a 30-minute drive. All the seats are taken except for the one next to the person you prayed you wouldn’t have to see until you got to the beach. Jungkook looked at you and looked down on his lap. You finally went to sit down next to him. You put your earphones in and blast your music so you wouldn’t have to hear him talk.
You wake up with your head heavy against something. When you open your eyes and feel Jungkook’s head on top of yours and your cheek against his shoulder. Immediately you raise your head –waking him up in the process- and hop out of the car.
Taking in a deep breath you walk over to the ledge of the hill the cars parked at and look over the edge. You close your eyes for a moment to take in the salty air of the sea. The wind is blowing your hair out of your face. Little did you know Jungkook was staring at you; admiring the way you looked so relaxed. After a few more seconds you turn your head and walk over to the car to grab your stuff
You already had your swimsuit on under an oversized T-shirt and some shorts. It was an open back black one piece you had bought the day prior to coming on the trip. You carry your bag down the sand but feel it lift off your shoulder. You look up and see Jungkook carry it all the way down to your stations.
“Okay everyone, listen up” Mr. Kwan yelled
“I have assigned everyone a partner to work with for the next week, please come up to me and tell me your name”
As you walk up to Mr. Kim you tell him your name and he tells you who he paired you with. Surprise again you’re with Jungkook. He calls him over and tells him what he told you. Jungkook looks down at you and you look up at him. He smirks and walks back to where he set your things. Following behind him you unpack your things.
You grab your sunscreen, squeeze a dollop into your hand, and you rub it all over your body; starting on your front. Jungkook stands next to you as he takes his shirt off, showing off his body. You stare up at him and admire him for just a second. He looks down and catches your eyes
“Are you staring at me?” he chuckled
Looking away quickly you say “No, I wasn’t”
“Sure, whatever you say, you need help with that?” he says as he points to you struggling to get your back.
“Yes, please” going to hand him the bottle he squeezed some on to his hand and moves your hair to the side. He glides his hand across the span of your back. He starts at your shoulders and works his way down to the middle of your back. His hands moving slowly, getting closer to your lower back.
You clear your throat, and his hands are to himself now. You lay your hair in it’s original spot and you stand to look at the beach full of people. It was only 9:00 in the morning yet the beach was packed. Walking over to your stand you climb the steps and take a seat. Jungkook walks over next to the stand, and he has a floaty in his hand. A couple of minutes pass by in silence before he speaks up.
“When do you want to switch spots?”
“When we see someone drowning”
He sighs and sits down.
After nearly an hour later a group of girls walk up to him, and they giggle as loud as they can staring at him. He looks up at the noise and stares at them. “Excuse me?” one of the girls says “Yes?” she extends her arm out “Do you mind taking a picture of us?” Jungkook grabs her phone and angles it. “One, two, three” he takes the picture. The girl reaches for her phone and pauses to look at him.
“Hey, are you free tonight?” she asked him
Watching the interaction between the two you roll your eyes. What you don’t notice is that Jungkook looks up at you and back down to the girl
“Uhm, no actually, I do have plans for tonight sorry.” He rejects her offers and hands her phone back to her.
She has a disappointed look on her face and a sad smile plastered on her face. “It’s okay, I hope you have a good rest of your day”. With that she walks away.
Now at the end of the day and the sun getting lower, you and Jungkook switched spots through half of it. Taking turns every so often. He would try to make small talk, but you always managed to find a way around it. He looks up at you and calls your name
“You wanna jump into the water real quick” he says as he watches you make your down from the booth.
“No thanks, I wasn’t planning on getting wet unless I needed to.”
“Oh c’mon just real fast. The weather is nice around this time” he begged
“Jungkook I sai-”
Before you can finish your sentence, your body is being carried over his shoulders. You throw soft punches at his back and yell at him.
“Jungkook put me down! I’m not playing with you right now!” you screamed in his ear.
He ignores you and laughs loudly. His feet meet the water, once he's deep enough into the ocean he plunges you till you're soaked.
Emerging from the water you pull your hands back over your hair. Jungkook stops and stares at you. Admiring your beauty, when you catch him staring, he doesn’t look away this time. This time he stares into your eyes. It’s that has to look away.
“What?” you said
“Nothing” he clears his throat and looks down at the water
“We should probably head back to the car. The sun is starting to set”
You nod quietly and make your way to the shore. After one last glance at Jungkook, you walk over your things.
The walk back to the car was silent. He offered to carry your bags for you. You had rejected his offers repeatedly, but he insisted on carrying them up the steep hill back up. The way back was anything but smooth. The road was bumpy which ended with you and Jungkook bumping arms after every bump, it was summer which meant humid air. Your skin is slick with sweat. Wishing you were back to the dorms so you could soak in the hot tub.
When everyone got back to the hotel Mr. Kwan let everyone roam freely. You decided to head upstairs to your room to relax before going to the backyard spot of the building. When you open the room, you’re met with Yunjin and Irene.
“God, the sun has me so exhausted I could crash right now.” you said as you lay on your bed, body spread into a star fish.
“I know, who knew the beach would be full of that much trash” Yunjin complained
“Atleast we get to switch off, so we feel as equally as drained” you told her
“Yeah, lifeguarding was so easy. All we did was sat there in the sun and waited for someone who needed help in the water” Irene added
“Well lucky you guys, I literally took laps around the whole beach and still managed to find a piece of trash in the place I was already in.” Yunjin rolled her eyes playfully
“Well if you guys aren’t tired, you wanna join me in the backyard area?”
“No, you guys go ahead. I think I’m just gonna crash after I clean myself up. My body’s gonna be so sore tomorrow” she complained
“Yeah, I was planning on walking into the city and look for more things we can do while were here” Irene said
Looks like it was just you tonight.
When you woke up from your nap you looked at the clock and it read 8:00 pm. It was much later than you anticipated it to be. You get up from your bed and walk over to the bathroom. Turning on the sink you splash some water onto your face to wake yourself up a little more. You walk over to your drawer and pick out one of the bikinis you have packed.
It was a simple black two piece with bows on both sides of the hip. Covering your body up with only a T-shirt you make your way downstairs with a towel in hand and slippers on your feet. You open the gate and walk past the pool area to get to the hot tub. Before you left you grabbed a small speaker you planned on bringing and placed it next to the table near you. Playing calm music, you sink down into the water and relax your muscles.
It’s not a few minutes later you hear the gate crack open. You open your eyes and your met with the sight of Jungkook. He hadn’t put a shirt on before coming down there. His abs were out for display, his tattoos pretty as ever in the moonlight. His biceps are so visible that you almost faint. He looks to see where the music was coming from and catches sight of you in your bikini. Shirt thrown over the table with the speaker close to you. He walks over to you.
“Hi” he says lowly he stands behind you and his arms are leaning against the edge of the hot tub. His face hovering over yours. Your breath hitches as you realize how close he is.
“Hi’ you say quietly.
He moves so he can climb into the pool with you. Jungkook sits on the opposite side of you and relaxes in the water as you did. After a beat of silence, he speaks up
“I haven’t properly talked to you since” he pauses
“Ever actually”
You scoff and turn your head to the side in disbelief
“Yeah, I wonder why”
“Do you really hate me that much? All of that happened years ago, why can’t you just let it go?”
“Jungkook you called me names and you made me miserable. Not having those top grades; I would be punished so harshly because I wasn’t smart enough for my parents. I still hate you to this day because you never realized how much hurt you put me through?! There were so many times I've overheard you talk so lowly about me. Jungkook we didn't even know each other!"
"So, to answer your question, yes, I do hate you. Stop trying to talk to me out of the blue and act like we're friends because we're not. Leave me alone" Before you can get up to leave you feel his grasp tight around your wrist.
"Hey, look, I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry I did all of that. But cut me some slack, I was failing and I finally got my shit together until you came in with your perfect grades and knocked me down. But like I just said this is all in the past. Can you please forget it?" he pleads
You pause for a moment, were you overreacting? Possibly. But you will never forget the cruel words he spoke about you. One last look over at him and you retreat back to your dorm.
It’s been a week since your last encounter with Jungkook. He hasn’t made any moves to try and talk to you. Your group was now doing trash pick-up around the beach. It was supposed to be hotter than the week before now that it’s getting later into the summer.
As you were walking around the beach to do your task you had a slight feeling of dizziness, but you decided to ignore it. You brushed it off as a headache due to skipping lunch and only having water. It was then that you realized that wasn’t the case because before you could lean back up from picking up a piece of trash you stumble back. Jungkook notices this and quickly runs over to you.
He stood behind you support you with his arm wrapped around your neck.
“Are you okay? You look pale, do you need water? Or I brought a few snacks in my bag before we left, do you want me to grab one for you?” he said quickly laying you down on the sand.
“Water is fine, thank you”
He walks over to his bag to give you his water bottle he drank from earlier. You quickly took a few gulps and retracted it from your lips. Jungkook looks down at you with a worried look.
“Look, I’m fine just give me a few minutes and I’ll be up good as new.”
“No, just stay here there isn’t that much left to be picked up. Stay in the shade until I come back. I won’t be too long” He walks away to finish your tasks with gloves over his hands also with a bag, and a trash scoop.
It’s minutes later that he’s back kneeling in front of you check how you were feeling.
“You don’t look so pale anymore. We should be done for today; the sun is already starting to set, and we should be heading back now.” he says as he looks at you.
He turns his back still in a kneeling position and you look at him confused.
“What are you doing?”
“Get on my back. You’re too tired to walk up the hill, I don’t want you passing out.”
“I’m not gonna pass out Jungkook. Stop being so dramatic” you say in an annoyed voice.
“Just get on my back” he demands.
You sigh and hop on his back like he asked. He had his bag swung around to the front of his body. He stands up and carries you like you weigh nothing. After reaching the top of the hill he sets you down and you thank him quietly. You both walk back to the car where everyone else is and drive back to the dorms.
As you and Jini were done putting on your face masks you hear and sudden knock on the door. When you open the door, you’re face to face with Jungkook. He looks up to see your bare face. It takes him a minute to get his words out
“My friends and I were gonna head out to get some drinks if you wanna join us”
You look at him with astonishment. Thinking back to your conversation from a week ago. Before you could decide against it Jini walks up to the door.
“Hey, Jungkook. Why are you over here so late? Shouldn’t you be in your dorm?” she asked
“Uh, yeah, I am but I was just asking if you guys wanted to come out with us tonight. Were just going out for drinks at this club I found not too far from here.”
“Oh sure! We’d love to go!” she says as she looks at you
You sigh and smile at her.
“Okay great come down whenever you're ready and meet us in the common area.” he says before walking away back into his room.
After you close the door, you walk over to the other girls and ask them if they wanted to go out with you.
“Oh yeah! Sure, we haven’t been out drinking in a while. And it’s nice to get out and away from the program and the dorms for a little bit.” Irene replied
“Yesss, I need to get out. I’ve been couped up in this building for far too long.”
Now with everyone’s agreement you all get dressed pretty for your night out. Grabbing a dress, you took out a SKIMS black dress that fitted you perfectly. You threw a cropped leather jacket with it and black heels. Your neck was decorated with a small chain, and you put your hoops on. The makeup look you went for was light. It consisted of eyeliner, mascara, and natural colored lipstick.
Once everyone was dressed you all headed downstairs to meet up with the guys. As you landed on the last step you look up at everyone. More specifically Jungkook. He had on a black jacket with black cargo pants. He also had chucky sneakers to go along with it. His ears were clad with multiple earrings, and you look down to his lip and see his lip piercing. He looked extremely good for tonight. He makes his way over to you.
“Are you guys ready?” he asked everyone, but his eyes stayed on you.
Yuno had ordered an Uber to drive to the club everyone jumped into the car and that left you sitting next to Yunjin. Jungkook was sitting by the window with Jini in between him and Eunwoo. Yuno and Irene had to order a seperate car because they wouldn’t fit into the car you were all in.
At the club there seemed to be a long line. Eunwoo knew a quicker way in and you followed behind him. You entered from the back way, where no one else could see you.
“Why don’t you guys go find a seat. We’ll get the drinks for you” Jungkook yelled over the music so you could hear better.
“Okay” you yelled back as you looked around for a big table.
The room was filled with strobing lights and heavy-based music. The dance floor was full of sweaty bodies. The air around you was humid "I feel so suffocated in here" you said aloud
" You wanna go outside for a minute" Jungkook came up beside you and placed a hand on your back.
"No, it's fine I'll get used to it" you smile at him.
The boys came back with your drinks and set them down in front of you. They had bought multiple shots and took them one by one.
Once you all had a decent amount of alcohol in your system you moved to the dance floor. Irene led everyone as they all followed behind. Jungkook was closest to you. He tried his hardest to keep his hands to himself, but you were making it difficult.
Your hips move to the beat of the song. He watched as you dance like you didn’t give a damn about anything. He smiled as he watched you in your own world. Jungkook starts to dance along with you, and you turn around and move with him. His hands now on your waist as you put your hands around his neck. His hands moved down to clasp around your lower back. He leans his head forward so it’s now resting against yours. You look up into his eyes and then down to his lips. You lean in closer, and then you're interrupted.
“You mind if I cut in?” a random man from the crowd asks
You now feel uncomfortable as you let go of him. He walks in front of you and stands protectively with one hand on your arm. Jungkook looks at the guy and his jaw clenches.
“Look man were just trying to relax and have fun. Leave us alone” he defends. You look down and see his hands clutched into a fist.
“I came out to have some fun too.” You turn your head towards the man
“And it looks like she’s getting a little bored” he laughs
“She’s fine, look if you don’t get the fuck out of here there gonna be a fucking problem” Jungkook yells.
The man starts to walk closer and extends his hands up to you. You clutch the back of Jungkook’s jacket tightly. He moves forward and swings at the man.
“What did I tell you. Get the hell out before I knock the shit out of you.” he yelled.
“Jungkook stop, let’s go” you grab his arm and try to pull him away.
Before you can move him away the man stands back up and tries to hit him before he can dodge it. He moves a little too slow and gets punched. He looks down to his hand and sees red cover his fingertips. Jungkook goes in for another swing and knocks him to the floor.
“Jungkook!! Stop it, just leave it alone so we can go” He looks up at you and turns away. You walk back to the table to collect your things so you can leave the club. You reminded yourself to text the others to let them know that you left. Jungkook sits on the curb, and you kneel in front of him. You pull out a tissue from your purse and put it up to his nose. After a beat of silence, you were the first to speak up.
“You know, I think I hate you a little less now” you say with a smile
He looks up at you and chuckles
“Thank you, for doing that. I don’t know what I would’ve done. And I’m sorry you got hit”
“Don’t mention it. As long as you’re okay, then I’m good” he says.
You smile to the floor and decide to order an uber so you could go back to the dorms
As you’re about to walk into your door you turn around and stop Jungkook before he could enter his room
“Jungkook, thank you again. I had fun tonight, minus the fight” you giggle
“I’m glad you did, goodnight” he smiles
“Goodnight Jungkook”
You’re back on lifeguard duty this week. It’s a bunch more calm than the first week of lifeguarding. Instead of sitting and switching spots for hours and not doing anything, you were able to roam around. As you were sitting on the chair you spoke up
“Hey, are you thirsty? I was gonna walk over to that hut to get something to drink” you point into the diretion of the stall.
“Nah, I’m good, thank you.”
Standing to walk away, Jungkook can’t stop thinking about that night as he watches you make your way. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way you had your arms around. And how you trusted him to protect you. How close your lips were before that guy interrupted. He shakes his head from his thoughts and thinks about something else.
When you walk up to the stall you order a lemonade. You pay the man and wait for your drink. Looking around to see if anybody else was around, you see a guy. He’s about your age and much taller than you. He notices you looking at him and you turn your head back to the bar. From the corner of your eye you see him make his way towards you.
“Hey” he said as he tries to catch your attention. You turn your head towards him and greet him back.
“Hi” you smile at him
“Are you around here? I’ve never seen you before”
“Ah no, I’m not, I’m here for a program I volunteered for. I’m a lifeguard.” you told him
“Oh really? That seems like fun, I’m Kai by the way”
You tell him your name “It may seem like fun, but really all I do is sit and watch the people enjoy their time as I bake in the sun.”
He laughs at that. He clears his throat and speaks again
“Um, my friends and I are playing volleyball further down the beach. If you want to you can join us?”
Before you could answer Jungkook comes behind you and puts a hand around your waist. You look down to his hand up to him. He’s wearing his sunglasses over his head.
“Actually we have to get back to our dorm after our shift. We’re a bit busy at the moment.” he says with a smile on his face.
Kai looks at him with a surprised expression on his face. He looks down to you, you aswell have a look of confusion plastered across your face. Kai looks down and chuckles.
“Alright, sorry for asking.” with that he walks away his ego a little bruised.
“What the hell are you doing?” you look up at Jungkook.
“I was getting thirsty. And you were taking forever so I wanted to check on you.” he shrugs.
“You didn’t need to check up on me. I was fine” you roll your eyes at him
“Plus he was cute. I was so close to getting his number”
After hearing you say that Jungkook’s jaw clenches. He absolutely hates that he feels this way right now. Deciding to brush it off you both make your way back to your spot. Getting closer to the end of your shift. You start to pack your things as the beach dies down.
Back at the dorms Mr. Kwan decided to gather everyone for dinner to celebrate your hard work for the past month. Once you and Jungkook make it back he helps you take your things out of the car and follows you up to your room.
When you turn your back to him he waits for you to unlock the door; “Thank you” you say to him. He hands you your bags and stops for a minute. The air is stuffy around you. You wait for him to speak up and say something. But his lips never move.
Before you know it, his face is leaned over yours, and your lips are over his.
The kiss is soft. Your heart is beating out of your chest, and you need to stop to catch your breath. Parting from his lips you look up into his eyes, noses touching; he takes a deep breath before walking away to his room, leaving you dazed and speechless; not knowing what to do you stand there and try to comprehend what had just happened.
Yunjin is on the other side of the door when you walk in. She looks up at you. “What happened?” she asked. You unintentionally ignore her and walk to the bathroom. Your face is burning with rosy cheeks. You replay the kiss in your head. It was completely out of the blue and caught you off guard. How were you supposed to act normal the next time you saw him. The dinner was in less than 3 hours. With all the extra time you decide to get ready and drift your mind elsewhere.
After everyone had finished getting ready. When you and Irene make it down the stairs Irene heads straight to Yuno. The night of the club you never heard her come back to the dorm. You suspected she had spent the night with him. She had her arms around his waist looking at him with hearts in her eyes.
Now by yourself you look around for any of your friends. You see Jungkook; he looks at you, but he doesn’t do anything. He meets you eye and looks away to his friend. The feeling you felt in your chest was confusion, anger, and a little hurt. How could he kiss you like that and act like it didn’t happened? Turning your body to find Yunjin; she walks down the stairs and her face lights up when she spots you.
“Okay, are you ever gonna tell me what the hell happened before you walked through our door or what. Your face was so red.” she asked curiously
“I’ll tell you later, I don’t want to think about it right now”
She looks at you with a worried look and shakes her head. Everyone gets into a car and the driver drives to the restaurant.
Once all the students were seated, Mr. Kwan raises his glass and clinks it with the back of a butter knife. “I would like to praise you all for working so hard for this past month” he says enthusiastically. He raises his voice an octave higher “With all your hard work I would like to give you the last 3 weeks of this month free, please relax, enjoy yourseleves, and have fun. You all earned it” he announces. A bunch of chattering is heard all around. “Now, please enjoy your dinners”
From across the room you see Jungkook laughing and chatting with his friends. Looking at him made you feel this sense of anger. Why are you mad at him when you hate his guts? Why are you did you feel that way when he had his soft lips over yours? Why were you feeling those emotions when you saw that girl flirt with him down at the beach? Why are you feeling all these things about him now?
All of these questions spiraling through your head like a mantra. Not taking the overthinking you walk out the resturaunt to get some fresh air. When you walk past his table he sees you walk to the exit. Jungkook excuse himself from his friends; he stands and walks into the direction you took.
He looks through the glass door and sees you pacing with your hands on your hip and a hand in your hair. You turn to the sound of the door opening. Jungkook stood there and walked closer to you. But, you take a step back.
“What was that” you ask him.
“What was what?” he has a confused look on his face
“Why are you playing dumb?! You’re just gonna act like you never kissed me and... and I wouldn’t do anything about it?” you exclaimed at him. Your emotions were all over the place. You had no idea how to handle them
He says your name quietly “It was just a stupid kiss, no big deal”
Suddenly, you felt a burning sensation in the back of your eyes. You didn’t know for sure how you felt. But you were sure there was something there.
“Okay” quietly
“I was just being stupid and thought something different but I guess I was wrong” you nod your head and make your way back into the resturaunt.
The tears dropping down onto your cheek made you feel pathetic. Pathetic for making you think that Jeon Jungkook had changed over the years. For thinking that Jeon Jungkook had real feelings for you. Before you walk back to the table you check yourself one last time to make sure your eyes weren’t puffy and your nose wasn’t red. Right now you weren’t in the mood for questions.
Sitting back down at your table and you see Jungkook come back from where you left him. He has his head down with a look of sadness on his face. He sits down next to his friends; less content than how he was before you left to go outside.
On the way back to the dorm Yunjin notices that your mood has dropped significantly since you came back into the resturaunt. When you finally settle into your dorm she asks you again, “Okay, for real this time, what the hell is up with you. You’ve been acting so different lately”
And that’s when you explain everything to her. From the kiss and to your conflicted feelings. In all honesty you don’t even know where you stand with Jungkook anymore. You’re between hating him and possibly having the fatest crush on him.
It’s then when it’s later into to the night you decide to call Niki. You missed talking to your best friend. It’d been a while since you last spoke to her.
After three rings she picks up the phone
“Hey babe! How’s the trip been so far? I haven’t spoke to you in so long is everything okay?” she speaks in a soft voice. That’s what you loved about her. She was there for you anytime of the day. You would be okay even if you hadn’t spoke to each other for days at a time. That's the type of friendship you had with her.
“Ugh Niki, I miss you so much. So much has happened and I need to tell you.”
“Oh no, what happened? Did something bad happen?! Did you get hurt?!” she says panicked.
“No no, I’m okay but something did happen.” you reassure her.
“Okay please tell me, you’re scaring me”
“Jungkook kissed me” the line is silent for a moment before it’s not.
“HE WHAT?” she yells into your ear
You have to pull the phone away because of how loud she was.
“He kissed me after one of shifts today. I confronted him about and I feel so stupid for thinking that he liked me because right after I asked him about it he said ‘it wasn’t a big deal’.” you tell her in a sullen tone.
“God is he dumb? Why would you kiss someone randomly and admit that it was nothing?” she sounded irritated.
“Exactly my thoughts. I’m so confused Niki one moment I don’t care about him and the next some girl is giggling next to him touching his arm and I feel so annoyed”
She sighs and calls your name calmly “I may be wrong but it sounds like you have feelings for him”
You pause and register what she just said. You? Had feelings for Jeon Jungkook? Everything is starting to come together in your head. You finally speak up
“Yeah, I think I do”
It’s been about a week since the dinner. You hadn’t seen Jungkook. The only few times you’d seen him was when you went downstairs to eat breakfast or when he left his room to go elsewhere. But tonight was different. With the free time you were given you spent it at the beach. You hadn’t gone swimming in the ocean for quite some time so you decided to put on a bikini, threw on some clothes you had laying in your drawer, and grabbed a towel from one of the cabinets in the hall.
You made your way down to the beach by yourself and brought your mini speaker with you. The playlist you had put on was a slow playlist. You watched the sun set while the song My Love is All Mine by Mitski played in the background. While the sun was still out you decided to take off your clothes and go into the water
From afar Jungkook spots you standing near the water; the waves are calm; he admires you from where he’s standing. You, completely unaware of his presence you dip your body into the water until it touches your waist. Your hair flowing in the soft wind. Behind you, you hear the water moving. When you turn your body to the sound; there he is. He’s standing with his shirt off arms out to see and his abs for show.
Completely in awe you snap out of it and turn back around.
“What do you want” you ask quietly.
“What? It’s a public beach. It’s not like you reserved this spot” he retorts back
“No, Jungkook. What do you want.” You hear him sigh. He takes a deep breath and finally says
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I kissed you so suddenly, I’m sorry I made you feel the way you did after I said that kiss was nothing, I’m sorry because that kiss made me feel so much.” he pleads. He places his arms on your waist and continues. “I’ve wanted to give you that kiss since I first saw you at the train station. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we bumped into each other at the café”
It had been several months since that incident.
You walked in on a cool spring day. The bell chimed at the top of the door as you made your way over to the counter. After you had made your order, you turned to walk over to a table. But before you can take a step you bump into something –or more something- you look up and see Jeon Jungkook. You hadn’t seen him since the beginning of sophomore year. He looks down at you with an irritated look; but when he sees your face his expression drops. You looked so cute with your double layers on; making you look so soft and hugable; your hair was up in a clip and your cheeks were rosy from the cold.
“Sorry” you had told him quickly and made your way over to your table. Jungkook was surprised it was you. You had grown into such a beautiful woman. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. From then on, he couldn’t get you to escape his mind.
“I heard from Yuno about this trip and figured you’d go, I thought this would be my chance to make things right between us. I’m so sorry I said all those things to you while we were growing up, I was stupid and let my ego get in the way. So, when I first saw you it’s like I couldn’t see anything else but you.” he confesses.
All of this new information being thrown at you, you don’t know what to do with it. You had thought for all those years and all this time the hate between you two was mutual. You couldn’t have been more wrong.
“I want you to understand my feelings for you. I want to try and make it w-” before he can even finish his sentence you pull him by his hair and connect your lips. He raises his eyebrows and sinks into the kiss. His tongue slips into your mouth. He places his hands under your jaw and his other on your waist. Without breaking the kiss, he picks you up; you wrap your legs around his waist. The sun has set by now and it’s starting to get cold. He let’s go of your lips and look into your eyes. You move your lips closer to his ear and whisper “You wanna go warm up somewhere else?”
Quickly, he drags you out of the water while you giggle into the air. He places you down and hurriedly picks your things up. He grabs your hand, and you make your way back to his dorm. His roommates are supposed to be out tonight; you had the whole room to yourselves.
Pushing you against the door he smacks his lips against yours. You sneak your hands under his shirt and feel his abs flex against your fingertips. You move to lift his shirt off his body. He kisses down your neck; he lifts your shirt over your head and your left with your bikini top and your shorts. He lifts you off the floor and manhandles you onto his bed. You lay on your back and look up at him. Your legs are spread with him standing between them. He glides his hand up your thighs and he drags your shorts down your leg.
You’re left with just your bikini on now. He kisses you on your inner thighs close to where you need him the most. Jungkook grabs the bow that ties your bikini together and undoes it. Your heat is exposed to the cold air. He kisses your hip getting closer to your pussy; his hot breath touches your lips, and you gasp quietly. Finally, he makes contact; he glides his tongue through your folds, and you make small sounds of pleasure. His tongue makes figure eights over your clit; he moves his hand under your thighs to pull you closer to his mouth. His strong grip has you breathless.
Jungkook squeezes your inner thigh and gives small kisses around your cunt. He dives back in and the only thing in the air is the sound of him slurping and licking up your slick. You moan his name out loud and place your hands in his hair.
“Jungkook” you moan out loud
“Say that again, baby. Let me hear you” he says
“Ugh, Jungkook please, please don’t stop.” you plead desperately
“Yeah, that’s it. Who’s making you feel good?”
“You! You are Jungkook!” you shout
You start to feel the pressure in your lower tummy. You tightly close your eyes, and you see stars. He pushes you through your orgasm and finally pulls away after you pull on his hair so he’s hovering over your face. You bring him down to kiss you. He slips his tongue in and kisses you softly. You can taste yourself on his lips. Jungkook pulls away and scans your face. Your fucked out gaze looking up at him. He places his hand over your cheek and stares at you.
“You’re so God damn beautiful. So pretty like the stars. I can look at you forever.” he says to you lowly. You look up into his boba eyes, you can see the galaxy in them. He looked so pretty up closely.
He leans in and kisses you next to your cheek. He kisses your neck and then, he pushes himself up. He’s on his knees in front of you. You can see his outline through his shorts. You go to sit up and place a hand over him. He looks down at you and you place soft pecks over his covered cock. He groans loudly; you then start to play with the waistband of his shorts; slowly you pull them. He’s left bare in front of you. You move your hand to stroke him. Feeling his prominent veins; you thumb at his throbbing tip and place soft kisses over it.
“Baby, what are you doing to me.” He looks down at you and strokes your hair.
“Can you take me in your mouth? Or am I too big for you” he teases
You laugh at that “I don’t know, why don’t we find out”
You like a stripe down his length and stop at his tip. Looking up into his eyes; his lips are parted and he breathless. His hand is placed on the back of your head. Finally, you take him into your mouth, starting slow. He moans and tilts his head back, his grip on your hair tightens. You bob your head back and forth, using your tongue and swirling it around his tip. Your hand moves to fondle his balls, and this makes his cock twitch. Hips moving to the rhythm of your mouth and his hand guiding you to his dick.
“Can I fuck your mouth baby?” You look up at him and nod.
“Tell him if I’m hurting you. Tap on my thigh if you want me to stop” With that he slams his cock to the back of your throat. You take deep breaths as you gag on him. Your nose hitting his pelvis he speeds up his thrusts.
“Fuck yeah, that’s it sweetheart. Doing so good for me” he praises you.
When you reach down to your pussy you can feel you’ve gotten wetter. He looks down to your where your hand was and pulls you away for a second
“Nuh uh, who said you could touch yourself? Only good girls get what they want if they behave” he reprimands
He pulls you back onto him and starts at the pace he was at before.
Before he can finish in your mouth, he pulls you away.
“Fuck I need to finish inside you. Can I do that, baby?” he asks you for reassurance
You nod up to him.
“I need you to say it, honey”
“Yes, please” you moan
“Turn around, ass up face down” he demands
He looks down between your ass and his cock. He then looks up between your shoulders. Your hair thrown over your shoulder and your top still on. Jungkook moves his hand along your back and unties what’s left of your bikini.
“Fuck” he says under his breath. Finally, he takes hold of his length and drags it along your folds. You whimper silently patiently waiting for him to enter you.
He strokes himself a few more times; you feel him enter you. Gasping loudly, he groans into your ear and moves at a slow pace.
“More, Jungkook, please” you beg
“Since you asked nicely” Suddenly he pounds into your hips. You can feel him in your stomach. His pace is rapid; hard.
“You’re so deep Jungkook, fuck!” you moan.
Repeating his name repeatedly like a song. You can feel his cock twitch inside of you. You can feel every vein that around him. Every thrust you feel them against your walls. He lifts your body until your back hits his chest. His hands over your tits squeezing. Rolling your nipples between his fingers. He kisses your neck, and he places his hand over your abdomen. “God, I can feel myself inside of you, baby” you whimper into his neck. And that’s when you finally snap. You tighten around him.
“God! Jungkook! You make me feel so good, baby” you cry.
With three final thrusts he finishes inside you. Breath heavy he slowly moves, milking himself in your tight cunt.
He places you down on his pillow and slowly removes himself from you. You whimper quietly from the loss of the feeling of him inside.
“I need to clean you up and you need to go pee” he says
Picking up his shirt that you threw across the room he wipes you down and you twitch from sensitivity. When he’s done, he looks over your face and giggles.
“Come on, honey. I’ll help you shower when you’re done.”
“Okay” you say softly.
After your shower you and Jungkook lay in his bed. He’s not expecting his roommates to comeback; they had gone out clubbing and he assumed they’d be out all night in someone else’s bed. Your head placed over Jungkook’s naked chest you draw shapes over his chest. Jungkook grabs your wrist and notices one of the bracelets you're wearing.  
“You never thanked me for this” he says holding your wrist still  
“What are you talking about? This old lady gave it to me for free a few weeks ago when we first got here” 
He chuckles at you “That was me, I paid for it and asked her to play a part. Apparently she played her part well because you had no idea.” he boops your nose. You scrunch your face; you look up at him in disbelief.  
“I can’t believe you do that, what if she talked to the wrong girl, huh?” you said amusingly 
“Then some random girl would’ve gotten a free bracelet” he shrugs.  
You laugh at him. “Well, thank you for this” you look up at him and peck his lips.  
He digs his face into your neck and mumbles a small “Of course”  
Then, you feel his lips press small kisses into the juncture of your neck, you start laughing. All of a sudden, he stops. He lifts his head so he’s looking at you.  
“What are we?” he asks  
Realizing you never really told him how you felt. Isn’t it obvious though?  
“I could ask you the same thing Jeon”  
Whispering your name, he says “I really like you; I want to make up for my behavior throughout the years I’ve known you. I feel so guilty because of the way I treated you. I’m sorry I ever said those mean things to you, baby” he wraps he arms around you; cuddling you. 
“I forgive you” you hug him around his broad shoulders. “I like you too, Jungkook. Can we forget all of that? I want us to focus on the future only now.”  
He nods at you and smiles. “Sooo, does this make you, my girlfriend?” he asks with a cheeky smile.  
Giggling at his silly smile you nod “Yeah, I guess so, boyfriend”  
He buries his into your neck again and sighs contently. It’s not long before you two are cuddling in the sheets and hes whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you drift off to sleep.  
The next morning, you wake up to the other side of the bed empty. The sun is shining brightly in your face. You look down to your body and see the shirt Jungkook must have put on you while you were sleeping last night. You get up from the bed and walk over to the bathroom; but you don’t register the already running water turning off. When you walk in you see Eunwoo naked walking out of the shower. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry” you cover your eyes and quickly walk out. Picking up clothes that were thrown across the room from the previous night you manage your way back to your own room.  
Thankfully, the girls are out doing their own thing. You walk to your own bathroom and clean yourself up a bit before walking downstairs to the kitchen. The air is filled with the smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Turning the corner you see Jungkook in a fitted sports t-shirt, over the stove cooking.  
You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his torso.  
“Good morning” you say in a sleepy voice 
“Hi, sweetheart” he turns his body so he facing you now. He leans down to peck your lips. His nose brushing against yours. You smile at him.  
“How did you sleep last night?” Looking up at him with an amusing look 
“Well you put to sleep pretty damn good last night so I’d say a ten out of ten” you laugh as you get your coffee ready. He sneaks up behind you and puts his hands around your waist. 
“I did, huh?” he lowly says into your ear.  
He sways you side to side and digs his face into your neck.  
“I was thinking maybe we can go out today and we can hang out in the city. We haven’t been here in a while; I want to see if they changed anything.” 
This was Jungkook’s hometown. He basically knew everyone. When he finished cooking your breakfast you both sat together in comfortable silence and ate.  
Finishing up your meals, you volunteered to clean up the dishes, but he was persistent in doing them himself. After fighting for about ten minutes, you give up and walk upstairs to get ready for the day. The outfit you chose was perfect for the weather. Your makeup was simple, and your hair was casting down your shoulders. When you finish putting on your shoes you hear a knock on your door. 
Walking up to open it you see Jungkook wearing a big puffer jacket, white tank top, and light blue jeans. His hair slightly covers his eyes. The chain around his neck and his piercings does something to you. You look up at him and smile.  
“Hi” looking at him with stars in your eyes.  
You look so undeniably cute. With little bows in your hair and your soft cheeks looking at him. He looks down at you and leans in to peck you on the lips.  
“C’mon, let’s go”  
The weather today wasn’t as harsh as those other sunny bright days. It’s a bit colder than the last few weeks. It was a good thing you brought an extra jacket just in case. You cand Jungkook walk down the streets hand in hand. Looking around for the places you used to hang out at with your friends when you were still in grade school. 
When you found the –now small- playground you and Niki used to play at, you let go of Jungkook’s hand and ran to it.  
Gasping out loud you say “Oh god, it’s so much small than I remember. I haven’t been here in years.” amazed by how time flies by so quickly. Jungkook watches you with a fond smile as you reminisce on the old times. You sit down on the swings and gently swing your legs back and forth. Jungkook stands next to the swing as he watches you. The sun was shining on you and he looks at your eyes they’re glowing as you look down the sand with a smile on your face.  
He goes to stand in front of you and holds on to the chain and stops you from swinging. You look up at him when you see his shoes appear in front of you. His hands over yours and he leans in close to your face.  
His lips locking with yours in a soft kiss. He pulls back and he says “You’re so beautiful.” he places a hand on your cheek.  
He looks into your eyes and he makes a promise.  
Saying your name in a low voice he says “I promise you, I will to take care of you for as long as you let me. I promise I won’t hurt you. I promise to stay” 
You look up into his eyes with tears laying on your water line. Moving your head to lay on his forehead. 
Then, you pull him into a kiss.  
“I promise, I don’t hate you Jeon Jungkook” 
a/n: ahhh okay, i realllly hope you guys liked it, this idea came out of no where and I kinda made the plot up as I wrote, please show some support by reblogging, liking, commenting, and giving some feedback! I'd appreciate it so much
4K notes · View notes
ahundredtimesover · 5 months
I Want You to Stay (05) | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: boss!JK x assistant!reader; idiot strangers to lovers; slow slow burn; k-drama feels; angst, drama, fluff, smut
Chapter (Series) Warnings: foul/explicit language; alcohol consumption & passing out, unhealthy coping mechanisms; family drama; minor injuries; power dynamics (JK starts off as a jerk); work-related anxiety, feelings of helplessness, insecurities; childhood traumatic experiences, nightmares; sexual harassment, prior incidence of domestic violence (PLS PLS BE CAREFUL WHEN READING); arts and business/property devt talk that’s probably inaccurate; commitment issues & emotionally constipated characters; cold and detached JK; eventual explicit sexual content (specific warnings stated per chapter) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 14.8k
Series Masterlist
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Status: Ongoing
Series summary: Working for Jungkook isn’t the same as working for Hoseok. For starters, Jungkook doesn’t smile, he doesn’t appreciate you, and he gives you too much work. It doesn’t help that he’s incredibly handsome and has women at his beck and call. But as the tension grows, it becomes impossible to resist him. You’ve dedicated yourself to your job for 8 years so when you finally decide to put yourself first, he asks you to reconsider. And while you know that leaving is difficult, you learn that when it comes to Jungkook, staying is always so much harder.
Playlist 🎶: on the way home
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A/N: I deeply appreciate all the love and messages (and anticipation for uh, stuff) but again, it's a slow burn! Thank you so much! 🥰
And as always, my biggest thanks to @wonwoonlight  🥰
PS. If I can’t tag you, pls fix your settings!
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Jungkook sits cross-legged on the couch in his office, his iPad in hand as he goes through the Board report for the nth time these past five days. 
Manager Lee and Chin-sun have put together the logistics, construction, and design departments’ reports with the VP’s and Jungkook is supposed to sign these off for submission to the CEO today, who then approves it for submission to the Board members. They have until Friday to review it in time for the meeting happening that same day. 
This consolidated report was finalized last Wednesday and Jungkook has been reviewing it everyday since then, including his presentation, making minimal comments and then taking notes on things he’s unfamiliar with. Granted, he’s reporting about the quarter when he’s only been Vice President for a month, which makes you incredibly instrumental in his preparations. As the executive assistant, you have the information that Jungkook needs from Hoseok’s time, and so you’ve also been spending everyday since Wednesday answering all of Jungkook’s questions. 
You don’t mind, really, as they’re details you know by heart. It also allows you to show him how involved and meticulous you were under Hoseok’s leadership, and Jungkook’s hums and mumbles of appreciation have helped you gain back the confidence that you lost. 
Even if your self-esteem decreased this past month because of the very person sitting in front of you, the fact that Jungkook’s been showing - in his own ways - his trust in you is enough to lift your spirits. He did admit last week that he needs you - something you hadn’t expected him to say - and you could tell it took so much from him to be able to verbalize it. But you suppose you needed that honesty, too; you needed to know that after all that frustration and anger during the first few weeks, there was that realization on his end that you have his back, and you’re just as capable as what everyone has been saying you are. 
“What information do you need from me, Mr. Jeon?” You finally ask. 
It’s been a good five minutes since Jungkook had asked for you and you’ve just been standing in front of him while he scrolls through the screen, perhaps giving another final look before he finally sends the document to his father.
“Nothing,” he sighs, rolling his head back and closing his eyes. “I just… I just need someone to tell me to stop reviewing this report. I need this out of my sight but I can’t stop checking to make sure everything is okay.”
You look at him intently while he speaks. The tension in his entire face and body is visible, you can even feel it in the room. You feel for him, as he tries to hide the anxiety and desperation. You can tell that he just wants to do well so badly. With the amount of time he’s been spending just going through this, his perfectionist tendency surfaces, and you’re at least thankful that it hasn’t turned him back into an asshole. At least not yet. 
“You need to stop reviewing the report, Mr. Jeon, and let it go,” you say as instructed but with sincerity in your words. “You’ve been on this for days. Manager Lee and Chin-sun have reviewed it, and so have I. CEO Jeon could still suggest changes and we won’t know them until he’s reviewed it, but we at least have the details ironed out. If I may suggest, you can send the file to him in the next hour so you can now focus on practicing for your presentation. That may be a better use of your time.”
Jungkook opens his eyes and turns to you. There’s assurance in your words and your voice and like what he told himself he’d do, he’ll trust you and the team. He’s seen how hard everyone has been working for this - Manager Lee and Chin-sun have done so well in consolidating and cross-checking everything; Do-hyun’s presentation is simple yet effective, and Yohan, who’s back from the hospital, has been adding in all the needed details. And there’s you, making sure that everything and everyone is on track, even as you prepare for Jungkook’s upcoming events. 
“Okay, then,” he exhales deeply. “I’ll send it in the next half hour.”
Knowing he has a meeting set at 2PM, you ask him if you should order him lunch.
“Yes please,” he answers, saying he wants some braised beef from the restaurant on the next block. “Order for yourself as well, and the rest of the team. You can all get anything you want.”
The silence prompts Jungkook to look at you, and he’s met with a questioning gaze.
“Is there a problem?” He asks.
“N—no,” you answer. “I’d like to confirm again that I’ll be ordering lunch for you and all five of us.”
“Yes, Ms. Cho. That’s what I said.”
You remain unmoving as you wait for him to correct himself. This is the first time that Jungkook has offered to treat the team to a meal. Not that you’ve been waiting for it, but Hoseok took you all out to dinner on his first day as a welcome and a thanks in advance, and once you picked up that Jungkook wasn’t the type to engage with his staff much, you just didn’t expect anything. So takeaway lunch from a nice restaurant is definitely surprising. 
“Okay, sir,” you say. “I will do that. I’m sure the team will appreciate it.”
Jungkook merely hums, his eyes focused on the screen now as you bow and head out. 
You go meet the team and as you expected, everyone looks at you in shock. 
“Did the real Mr. Jeon get abducted?” Do-hyun asks. “Because treating us is something he wouldn’t do.”
“Yah! It may be a month late but let’s just be thankful, okay?” You frown at her. “He can see that everyone’s been working hard and I’m sure he appreciates that, and he may not be able to say it but he can at least show us.”
“While he’s at it, he can maybe at least say thank you or you know, smile every once in a while,” Chin-sun sighs. 
“We’ll get there. He knows he needs to do better and he will, I’ll make sure of that,” you assure them, thinking about the conversation from last week. 
Jungkook wants you to help him and for his sake and everyone else’s, you’ll make sure that you do. 
“Well, is he better to you?” Do-hyun asks, her face in a pout because she’s seen you skip meals several times and even cry, and she’d wanted so many times to just hug you, but she knows it’s not something you openly receive. 
“Yes,” you say, knowing it will drive your point. “I’d like to think that the worst is over and I can just focus on doing better and helping him. It would be great if the rest of us could do the same.”
“She’s right,” Manager Lee chimes in. “We grow when we adapt, and much more when we’re able to move on and learn from our experiences. It hasn’t been the best month but it’s also just been a month. So let’s be grateful for the meal and just continue with the good work we’ve been doing, okay?”
You give them the warmest smile you can muster, hoping this would be enough. 
It seems to be, as they all excitedly give their orders, which you and Yohan pick up from the restaurant. You return and after giving Jungkook his food, you head to the other room to eat as well.
The team enjoys the meal, with Do-hyun dramatically stating that it’s the best beef brisket she’s ever had. And you agree; there’s a reason why Jungkook gets this every week. 
Jungkook can hear laughter and satisfied hums from the support team office, with Do-hyun, he supposes, claiming that it feels like Christmas. Yohan says it’s a much-needed post-recovery treat, and even Manager Lee - who’s often serious - cracks a few jokes. Jungkook can pick out your sound, too, noting the joy that emanates from it. He allows himself a small smile, knowing that given how he’s been to everyone this past month, he at least could give his team this highlight of their day. 
He stands by the door, initially going unnoticed, until Chin-sun catches sight of him and alerts everyone that he’s there. The room goes silent, and Jungkook looks on as his staff quietly munch their food and bow to him in greeting. The teasing and laughter have gone; worried eyes are what he sees instead. 
Your initial surprise at seeing him melts away. He rarely drops by for anything, even for a greeting or to just check up on the team, unlike Hoseok who liked to come here often to de-stress after long meetings. But you sense Jungkook’s awkwardness at the silence, with his hands in his pockets and his blank gaze, so you smile at him and hope that eases the tension a bit.
“Lunch was great, Mr. Jeon,” you say. “Thank you.”
“It was,” Manager Lee pipes in. “The roast pork was so delicious. The potato salad was very good, too.”
You look at the others and encourage them to say something as well, and they hum in agreement and say their thanks.
“The beef brisket was heavenly,” Do-hyun raves. “Thank you! I hope it’s not the last time.”
She awkwardly chuckles, realizing that her boss isn’t one she should be joking with, but Jungkook doesn’t seem to take offense, as he purses his lips - perhaps to hide a smile, revealing a tiny dimple that catches you off guard. 
“It won’t be. And uh, it was a month late, so I’m glad you all enjoyed it,” he replies, a tinge of disappointment now painting his face.
There’s another moment of silence and you observe him, hands still in his pockets, looking around awkwardly, unable to meet anyone’s eyes. 
“It’s greatly appreciated, sir,” you assure him once more. “We hope you had a good lunch as well.”
“I’m just about to have it, actually,” he says. “I sent the report to the CEO and he must’ve been waiting for it because he read it right away and called to give feedback.”
“Oh? How did CEO Jeon find it?” Manager Lee asks.
“He said it was good. There are just minor things he asked me to change but I can do them on my own,” Jungkook answers. “I appreciate everyone’s hard work. Now, we can focus on our upcoming events and the Arts Center.”
The team immediately starts packing and swallowing their food, and Jungkook has to stop them. 
“Not right now,” he clarifies. “Continue with your meal. And don’t stay too late. We’ve got another busy week ahead.”
“Yes, Mr. Jeon,” everyone says in unison.
Jungkook nods and starts walking away, leaving all five of you with confused looks, as Jungkook has never spoken to the team in such a calm and friendly manner. It was always firm and professional, low and stoic. 
You scurry out the room and follow him. Jungkook gives you a questioning look when you enter his office shortly after he does, and you pick up his untouched lunch from the table and inform him that you’ll heat it up, knowing he doesn’t like to eat his food cold. 
You go back to the pantry then return to Jungkook’s room, his beef brisket dish now properly placed in a bowl. He gives you a nod, his form of acknowledgment and thanks, you suppose, and you ask the question you’ve had since his earlier stop at the team’s office.
“Are the edits really just minor?” You wonder, knowing that CEO Jeon is meticulous and quite particular with these board reports. 
Jungkook takes a moment to respond. He should know that you’ve done this a few times and are probably used to how his father is already, which means you’d see right through him as well. 
“Well, they’re not major,” Jungkook says. “I mean, they’re not trivial corrections. The details are all good but I need to change some terminologies and framing and some construction of the sections based on the Board’s current concerns, especially about the Arts Center. They’re not that substantial but it’ll still take me an hour or so.”
“Why did you tell the team that they were minor, then?”
“So they won’t offer to help.”
“But they would. I would,” you tell him. “It’s our job.”
“I was going to ask, but it’s your break time. Everyone was enjoying their meals and each other. First time I’ve seen that, actually. I know it doesn’t happen when I’m around.”
“It’s just that you’re not—”
“Hoseok,” he finishes for you.
“Not someone they’re comfortable being themselves around,” you correct him.
“Yes, not like Hoseok,” he pushes.
“You said it the first day, Mr. Jeon. You do things very differently from your cousin. Your personalities are very different, too. We had him for three years and for Yohan and Do-hyun, he was their first boss,” you explain. “They’re just not used to you yet.”
“What about you? Are you used to me by now?”
There’s sudden tension in the room as he looks at you with the desire for honesty, and it’s what you give.
“I’m not quite sure.”
Jungkook doesn’t really know what he expected, as the question just slipped past his mouth before he could pull it back, so he just nods and proceeds to take his late lunch, wanting to forget that he’d asked at all.
You take this as a signal to head out, which you do, before reminding him that he can ask you for help if he needs another pair of eyes before he submits his part again. Jungkook just nods once more, and it’s later in the day, after the third cup of coffee that you take to his room, that he says his father’s already approved the version he sent after you went through it upon his request. You know that’s just half of what he needs to do though, as he’ll still need to present it to the Board this coming Friday. 
“You may go home, Ms. Cho,” he says after he signs some documents for you. 
“How about you, Mr. Jeon?” You ask. 
It’s been a long day, an extension of an even longer weekend because he’d been at a work event and then reviewed the report as well. 
“I’ll probably stay back and go over the presentation. Maybe practice a little.”
You purse your lips, holding something back.
“Should I not?” He wonders.
“Just thinking that it might be better for you to take a proper rest tonight,” you advise. 
“I’ll think about it. It’s gonna be a tough one on Friday and I want to be prepared.”
“I understand,” you smile. “I’ll go ahead, Mr. Jeon.”
Jungkook holds your gaze for a while before he nods and returns to his screen, going through the presentation slides and the notes he scribbled on his iPad. But try as he might, the graphs and the words just go over his head. 
He does need to rest, he thinks. He hasn’t really taken a break all weekend. His hookup from last night was the only relief he got, but that was to expend all the negative energy from the anxiety and stress, and he realizes that he probably doesn’t know what proper rest is, like what you suggested he have. He wonders if you’ve ever had one, or if it’s something you stopped having ever since you started working for him.
Taking your advice, he heads out. It’s only been 30 minutes and he assumes you’re already on the bus and on the way home. He sits in the passenger seat, letting Mr. Ri’s choice of music fill the car as Jungkook’s mind wanders to you - how you laughed at the team’s antics, how you got them to assure him, how you read him well, how you were patient and helpful, and how you seemed concerned about how tired he’s been. 
He’ll chalk it up to you doing your job and helping him as he asked you to do; he always will. He can’t ever think that any of your actions mean more even if deep down, he wishes they do, only so he knows that you don’t hate him, that you’ve forgiven him for things he never apologized for, that you’ll stay for as long as possible. There’s something about your honesty and calm presence that stabilizes him, that makes him take a pause. 
Jungkook’s worked hard on his career for the past decade and it’s all he focuses on; it’s all he thinks about. But when you’re there, he’s forced to stop and think about you. He’s noticed that just this past week - when you’re around, he listens; when you’re close to him, he breathes. Ironic, really, considering that every time you close the distance - when you fix his tie or look at his screen over his shoulder or help him retrieve portfolios - he remains still, his heart stopping and his throat drying up, afraid to take in your scent or to know just how fast his pulse would race or what words he’d say that he won’t be able to contain. 
He’s afraid to know you, only because what he’ll learn might make him want you. And Jungkook knows that he can’t let himself feel that about you in any way.
He sighs as he looks out the window - cars in line to cross the intersection, people walking to their destination. He thinks he’s hallucinating as he sees your smile, but a bus blocks his view and Mr. Ri steps on the gas. 
Outside, you smile to yourself as you wait in line. You were held up at the lobby because Bitna caught you in the elevator and didn’t want to let you go just yet, so you left the office just minutes ago and were waiting at the bus stop when a familiar car showed up and you saw Jungkook looking out the window. He opted to leave early, too; you can only hope he’ll take your advice and rest tonight. 
But the thought that what you said prompted him to take a pause from work stirs something within. Maybe it’s because he’s finally listening to you, or that it seems like he trusts you now. Whatever it is, for as long as it makes your job bearable, you’re all for it. 
It doesn’t take away from the moments you’ve shared where it seems like the world stops for a bit as you hold each other’s gazes for the shortest of seconds. There’s tension where there shouldn’t be, and there’s something different in his eyes when there used to be disdain, one which you can’t read nor identify. It leaves you still for the briefest of moments, unguarded and a little bare, as he seems to tell you something with just a look and you just don’t know what it is. 
As you find a rare seat in the bus, you let the musings go. Jungkook is a man who holds in him a million thoughts a day and those moments with you seem to be his only reprieve; perhaps they’re also just instances of temporary lags or the rare silence and stoppage of everything. In some odd way, it allows you to see him as the human that he is - exhausted, unsure at times, but seemingly yearning for something. 
There’s always an emotion or a thought or a word that he holds in, and you can only wish - as your relationship with him improves - that whatever it is he’s holding back, he’ll find a way to express it. 
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“Do you have any advice for the Board meeting?”
Jungkook slides the question in before Hoseok heads to the elevator and off to an event. They’ve just finished having a check-in with CEO Jeon, who wanted to make sure that the two of them are well-prepared for this Friday, given that presenting during these meetings and contributing to policy and strategy are crucial in their roles as President and Vice President. Jungkook won’t admit that it caused him a bit of anxiety, but he’ll surely take the chance to ask his cousin for tips on how to make sure that he doesn’t screw up.
“I do,” Hoseok answers as he holds off on pressing the button. “Ask your assistant. And then listen to what she says.”
Jungkook visibly sighs. “Hoseok, I mean it.”
“I mean it, too,” the older man replies. “If it’s anything about our strategic plan or policies, just take my lead. And it’s your very first so you’re expected to still be adjusting. If it’s about the presentation, let ___ brief you about it. She’s been with me every single time I had to present. When I was focused on what I had to say, she was focused on how the Board was reacting and how those translated to the questions they eventually asked. She’d know what you’ll need to emphasize on or who you need to be wary of.”
There’s an unsure look in Jungkook’s eyes, and Hoseok knows it isn’t about trusting you. It’s about him.
“You’re scared, aren’t you?” Hoseok asks. “What are you afraid of, Kook?”
“You know what they think of me,” Jungkook sighs. “I don’t want to screw up and give them more reasons to doubt me because they already do. And they’re definitely gonna ask about the Arts Center. What if they bring up my disappointing social skills? I don’t wanna end up feeling inadequate and embarrassing father.”
“Keep thinking that way and you will,” Hoseok huffs. “Look. Our family owns the company. You and I were trained to run it after my sister and your brother decided they didn’t want to. The Board knows this. They’ll either stay in our good graces or plot against us. Your father knows that, too, and that’s why he’s being hard on both of us because he knows what we’ll have to face. That also just means he’ll always be on your side. He’ll always be on ours. The Board could be intimidating but we still hold the power. They’ll impose or question or cast doubt because they want to feel that sense of control. It’ll only affect you if you let them.”
“Okay” is all that Jungkook manages to say, a tinge of resignation on his face as he takes in his cousin’s words.
“You’ve managed worse people than them,” Hoseok assured him. “Just focus, stand by your project, and engage them. Simple as that.”
“Yes, it’s very simple,” Jungkook chuckles with a shake of his head.
“Like I said, your assistant’s there for a reason, Kook. This is when I get to tell you that it’s her job. We would prepare together and debrief right after, and it always helped because she fills in gaps and informs me of things I missed. Trust me. Trust her.”
The thing is, Jungkook does; he doesn’t need to be reminded that he should trust you because he’s learned to do that, despite it seemingly impossible given that you both started off on the wrong foot. It’s the thought of spending more time with you, during a time when he’s still trying to get used to you and how you affect him, that makes him worried about this. But it’s not something he can talk about with Hoseok. It’s not something he can talk about with anyone. 
“Fine,” Jungkook finally says. “I’ll talk to her.”
“Good. I’ll go now. Have dinner at home tomorrow, okay? And I’ll see you when I get back.”
Jungkook waves the older man goodbye and then returns to his office, where he finds you dropping some files off for signing. 
“Payment requests for the event,” you explain, earning you a nod from him as he walks to his seat. “How did the meeting with your father go, Mr. Jeon?”
“As I expected,” he huffs. “A bit of encouragement, more of the pressure. He’d slide in reminders of what the Board thinks of me and how I should present myself.”
“Is the pressure helping?” You ask.
“A little,” he sighs, sinking into his chair and exhaling deeply. He rolls his head back and closes his eyes, allowing himself a few seconds of peace. “But I still need help. Hoseok said I can get it from you.”
“You know, he oversells me sometimes,” you manage to laugh, prompting Jungkook to look at you now. “I know I’m competent. But I don’t know about being your source of help for a Board meeting any more than providing you with data.” Jungkook likes to do things on his own after all, you think to yourself.
“But you’ve been to as many Board meetings as he has.”
“Yes, but only for his presentation.”
“And that’s what I need help with,” he says. “I just need direction, I guess. Or affirmation that how I’m doing it is the right way. Or tips on who to woo or who to not take seriously.”
Jungkook has been to a few Board meetings but he’s never had to present anything. He’s also never had to engage with the members so he didn’t pay much attention to them because he didn’t feel the need to. These appointments were all a few years too early, and while he’d had a critical position in the Southeast Asian headquarters, everything had gone through his uncle who headed the office then. 
This is the first time that Jungkook feels the magnitude of all his decisions, and that every move he makes is being assessed. And even with his father and Hoseok giving him guidance, they have their own teams to manage and an entire company to run, just like him. Somehow, with all the people around him, Jungkook still feels alone. 
You, with your perpetual presence and surprising warmth, are the only one who makes him feel otherwise. And it terrifies him more than anything.
“Well, I’ve picked up a few things along the way,” you hum. “I can maybe go through my notes and share them with you.”
“Good. I’d like to do that over lunch, since I’ll have you and Manager Lee watch me practice the presentation around 2.”
Jungkook picks up the slight fall of your face. “Is that a problem?” He asks. “Did you have lunch plans?”
“Nothing more important than assisting you, Mr. Jeon,” you say, a change of expression indicating that you indeed had prior commitments that you’re putting off because of him. “I’ll inform Manager Lee about meeting with him after.”
You head out and return to your desk to work on your remaining tasks for the morning until lunch time rolls by and you accompany Jungkook to a nearby restaurant as he’d asked. You try not to get too excited about the meal in front of you and then control yourself from letting out orgasmic sounds from the succulent piece of salmon that’s melting in your mouth. This check-in seems too important for Jungkook and you want to support him in any way you can.
“How was Hoseok during his first Board meeting?” Jungkook starts. 
“Nervous, a little rattled. His sister left him behind with a lot of work and she was abroad for most of the time so they weren’t able to meet up,” you share. “But he got up there and presented all the office’s gains for the past months and then explained his plans moving forward. He had all these good ideas on policy and strategy and he articulated them well. He had to take over multiple small projects and he showed how he planned to manage all of them. His charms sort of hid away the anxiety he was feeling and I guess that eventually helped him get rid of it.”
“Well, that’s one thing I can’t claim that I have,” Jungkook sighs. 
He looks at you to see your reaction, and the awkwardness on your face makes him internally laugh.
“I can lie to you if you want me to,” you say, and he chuckles, surprising you both, though he acts like he doesn’t mind.
“I’d actually want you to be as honest with me as possible, Ms. Cho. I don’t want you, of all people, to suck up to me to get on my good graces.”
“Great, since I wasn’t on it in the first place,” you trail, earning you another laugh, and you wish this could at least lessen the pressure he’s putting himself under. 
“That’s true,” he says, holding your gaze. He turns to his food before he gets sucked in your gorgeous eyes even more. “But I mean it. I don’t exactly know how to charm people, much less the Board. I don’t want to add to the narrative they already have of me having terrible social skills. But I also don’t want them to think I’m being fake or pretentious.”
“If I may, you’ll botch that aspect if you keep thinking about it,” you advise. “Perhaps you can just focus on what you’re good at. Delivering a presentation, regardless of what it’s about, is a skill. You have all the information and I can add some more if you’re not confident with them. You also tweaked some existing processes and you can build on it. But also, the Arts Center will definitely be their focus, so talk about it the way you would with your father and the team… and me. You let us envision it with your words and your visuals and those are all you need.”
“Okay then. I’ll just imagine they’re all vegetables or something so I can focus.”
“Mrs. Doi likes making eye contact because she wants to feel like you’re conversing with her,” you say. “Mrs. Seo asks a lot of irrelevant questions but you have to answer as if they’re important. Mr. Ong likes being acknowledged every time he says something or even nods. So I don’t recommend acting as if they’re inanimate. Maybe just with Mr. Wang because he falls asleep in everything, but don’t take it personally. I think it’s a medical condition.”
Jungkook’s amused look encourages you to continue.
“Mr. Mun doesn’t really get design and building terms so you’d have to explain them at least twice. Mr. Bong tends to act all mighty but he doesn’t really know much. Same with Mr. Im and Ms. Hwa. The rest are fine,” you say. “Mr. Saito is very thoughtful. He’s a designer so his insights would be good. Ms. Cheng is unproblematic and overall just supportive. Mr. Yeon is just… there. They’re quite intense when it comes to profits and the company’s image but if you stand by what you know, they won’t really say much.”
“Wow, that’s… that’s a lot to take in. And also very informative,” Jungkook states. “I never noticed any of those.”
“Well, you had your reasons to be in those meetings and maybe you didn’t have a reason to pay attention to them,” you shrug. “I do. I thought it was an added way that I could help Mr. Jung. Assistants are asked to sit on the side of the room so we can be easily signaled for anything and I thought I could use that position to observe the Board members and see how they respond to the presentation. It helped for the succeeding ones and it took the pressure off him in terms of needing to appease them.”
“Makes sense,” Jungkook hums. “Worrying about how they’ll react or what they’ll say is half of the pressure.”
“It is. I couldn’t help Mr. Jung for his first time because it was mine, too, but he picked things up quite easily. He knew who to pay attention to.”
“Well, considering that I don’t seem to be ideal for this relationship-heavy position, I’ll have to pay attention and appease all of them, it seems.”
“If I may, Mr. Jeon, you can take it as a challenge,” you advise, feeling more comfortable in being honest now. “I may be just a humble assistant but I’ve seen things. With all the praises for Mr. Jung - which are deserved, of course - I’ve witnessed his moments of distress, which is perfectly normal for anyone. A-yeong had to remind him of how good he was everyday because he needed that push and it helped him. It also helped that he was trying to prove something and that he was always told that he had all the qualities to do that.”
“Not everyone has a supportive wife like him though. Or like my father,” Jungkook laughs dryly.
“They had supportive assistants,” you offer, trying to be optimistic. “I had to fill-in as Mr. Jung’s sounding board and I was always in awe at his approach to things.”
“Which is very different from mine, I know,” Jungkook says unintentionally, the sigh making you feel like he’s tired of the comparison, and you feel a bit bad at having to seemingly remind him of that.
“And which isn’t bad at all,” you try to assure him. “Just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s not right.”
Well, it wasn’t right to treat you the way I did, he wants to say, but the words stay in his head and at the tip of his tongue. 
“That’s… comforting,” he says instead.
“I was trying to be assuring but comforting is fine, too,” you chuckle. “But I mean it, sir. I know there are all these expectations and I won’t be able to truly understand what the pressure is like but if you allow it to challenge you, you might even surprise yourself. And then you’ll end up surprising them, too. But do it for you. At the end of the day, they’re just the Board but you’re the Vice President. And you’re you. You’re all you can control.”
There’s a beat of silence as Jungkook takes in everything you’d said. You have this persistence about you that’s reflected in the way you carry yourself and in the way you relate with others, especially towards him despite how he’d treated you not long ago. Regardless of what you said, he thinks you know exactly what he feels when it comes to dealing with pressure. He supposes that working for his family can do that to someone, especially when it’s him. 
“Such moving words, Ms. Cho,” he finally says.  
“I didn’t mean to give unwanted advice,” you shake your head in disappointment. 
“I needed it though,” he surprises you. “Other than Hoseok or even Yoongi, who are both busy themselves, I only have you as a sounding board. And as support. So, uh, thanks.”
He says his gratitude with a soft tone, almost embarrassingly. You can tell it’s something he doesn’t say that often, but you take it, as you think it’s another step towards him trusting you even more. And you need that trust for now; it’s this peaceful and honest dynamic with him that’s making your job bearable.
Lunch continues with Jungkook asking more questions about some of the Board members and you dishing some dirt on some of them as what you’ve heard in the office washrooms, perhaps the only gossip you don’t take with a grain of salt. He’s amused, and you think this is the most expressive you’ve seen him. 
You proceed to meet with Manager Lee in the conference room where Jungkook goes through each slide presentation, asking both of you for more information he thinks he needs and about how he’s carrying himself, his tone, his pace, and his engagement. It’s good enough for a first run-through, Manager Lee says, and Jungkook decides to dry-run it again on Thursday. 
The rest of your day goes by a little stressfully. There are multiple events that you have to organize and coordinate with other offices, and those are what you work on until you clock out on time.
Jungkook stays behind for only half an hour before deciding he’s had enough of looking through his notes and will return to them tomorrow. He takes the elevator and nods when Yoongi enters.
“Hey,” Jungkook greets. “How are the designs for the Changwon mid-rise?”
“It’s 6:00. I don’t wanna talk about work,” Yoongi whines. 
Jungkook knows this. It’s also why he likes to tease his friend about it. 
“Fine. We can just stand next to each other awkwardly until we have to get off,” Jungkook says.
“Hmm,” Yoongi hums. “Or, we can talk about how my lunch plans changed because someone asked my lunch partner for a meeting.”
The tension immediately rises and Jungkook hates how affected he is by Yoongi’s teasing. 
“Ah, so it was you. Well, she did say it wasn’t as important as what we were meeting about,” Jungkook hits back.
“True. It’s about the Board meeting after all. It’s a pretty big deal.”
Jungkook starts to feel hot all over, as the thought of you and Yoongi conversing about your thwarted lunch plans because of him plays in his head. It’s a mix of frustration and disappointment. While the meeting was in no way confidential, he just hates the idea that it was something you shared with Yoongi. Perhaps it’s just after the fact, considering that Jungkook thinks it was a good lunch. You clearly enjoyed the dish - he could see how you tried to control your reactions to it - and your conversations went by smoothly. You were honest and supportive; he was open and all the more surprised with how well you were able to calm him down. It’s as if someone else was privy to that moment you both shared, even if Yoongi wasn’t there. 
“Huh, I thought you were over her,” Jungkook says, the bitterness slicing through. If his friend picks it up, he doesn’t say anything.
“I am. We were just gonna have lunch at this noodle house because she was craving it,” Yoongi clarifies. “I told you, I’m her only friend here. It’s nice to share a meal with someone who cares about you every once in a while, you know? It’s hard being a working adult and we all need a bit of a break and a companion sometimes. It didn’t mean anything more than that.”
Jungkook chooses not to respond and Yoongi could tell why. There’s this look of annoyance painting the younger man’s face, which makes him a lot more transparent than he wishes he was. 
But Yoongi can see right through his friend. It’s not something he raises though, but he won’t be surprised if Jungkook dwells on this. He just hopes it isn’t to your detriment again.
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The ride home wasn’t as terrible last night, and after your elder neighbor gave you some stew because she cooked too much, you had a satisfying dinner and an even more satisfying slumber. 
You feel like the end of the week isn’t too far ahead - although there really isn’t anything exciting for you except for a date with your bed - and you just want to get through all your tasks for the day and get that jjajangmyeon that Yoongi said he’ll get for you today so you can eat it for dinner. You were initially upset at having to pass up on him for yesterday’s lunch, but you’d be the first to admit that sharing that meal with Jungkook was still worthwhile.
Not only was the dish you ordered one of the best things you’ve ever eaten, it was also nice to see Jungkook loosen up a bit after feeling tense all morning because of his presentation. You liked that he’s being open to getting support from you, as it seems that he sees you now as more than just the assistant who’s there to serve him. He seems to appreciate your thoughts and didn’t even act bitterly when you gave him unsolicited advice. You feel even more that your relationship improves daily.
That is, until you enter his penthouse this Wednesday morning with barely a look of acknowledgement from him. Going through your routine, he doesn’t say much; he stays silent the entire ride to the office as well.
When you enter his room to serve his coffee, his furrowed brows have returned and his jaws are clenched as he types away on his desktop.
“Ms. Cho,” he calls out, his voice stern once again. 
You turn around to face him, wondering what has happened since you left the office yesterday.
“Yes, Mr. Jeon?”
“I just wanted to raise that while I understand you have personal relationships with other employees, I do not appreciate you divulging the topics of our meetings with them. Even if they’re my friend as well.”
His last sentence gives away who he’s talking about, and the conversation with Yoongi after you canceled your lunch plans with him rings in your head. 
It was a harmless statement, you want to say; you didn’t share any more than it being a meeting about his presentation. There was no ill-intent in you telling Yoongi why you couldn’t see him for lunch. But you choose to pass up on reasoning with Jungkook. He builds his wall up even more when you do, and you don’t want things to be that way again, not when they seemed to be going okay already these past few days.
So you nod and concede. “I understand, Mr. Jeon, and I apologize. I won’t do it again.”
Jungkook can’t help but just look at you, internally smacking himself as your face falls further and as you, once again, feel far away because of his own stupidity. 
“Is there anything else you need, sir?” 
He shakes his head no, and you bow in response, heading out, with the sadness in your eyes as the last thing he sees. 
Jungkook is unable to focus on his emails and the conference call he takes part in. The words and thoughts are all jumbled when he practices his presentation, as his gaze constantly flits to your spot just outside where you sit, doing your tasks while looking detached and dejected. 
He assumes you didn’t come to work expecting to be called out the way he did with you, which in hindsight, didn’t seem necessary, especially knowing how it’s affecting you right now. Things were going well between both of you after all - he’s being more open and you’re being more comfortable. Information was flowing smoothly, and communication has improved. And he just went ahead and screwed all that up.
Jungkook starts to feel stuffy. He’s been in his office working on things for the Arts Center and practicing most of the day, with you only coming in to bring the lunch he’d asked Mr. Ri to buy and his cups of coffee. You’ve avoided his gaze and haven't said much to him, too. 
He decides to take a walk outside. The outdoor space on this floor has nice benches and a small garden that overlooks the Han River. He’s seen the team eat there sometimes, and while the weather may be a little too hot for it, he’d much rather breathe in the air than his humidifier. 
But as he takes his time to open the door, he hears a familiar voice from outside.
“Fine, if you won’t take the sandwich, at least take the noodles,” Yoongi says. “You’ve been craving that all weekend.”
“Not anymore,” you huff, seemingly annoyed.
“Hey, did I do something wrong?” Yoongi asks, calm and understanding in tone, traits that Jungkook could only hope to have. 
“No… I don’t know,” you sigh. “Just that, whatever I talk to you about or mention, other people don’t need to know them, okay? No matter how harmless they are. Let’s just… not talk about work stuff. Especially in the office. That’s it.”
“Ah, so that’s what this is about.”
“What do you—”
“Mr. Min,” Jungkook calls out, fully opening the door now. “I have design guidelines I need you to go over. I need them by tomorrow morning.”
“Okay, Jungkook,” Yoongi bitterly replies, knowing what’s happened. “Just send them over to me.”
“Ms. Cho will do that right now.”
You nod in acknowledgement of Jungkook’s instruction and remain focused on your desktop. There’s silence in the air and tension that you can’t deal with right now.
“Can I help you with anything else, Mr. Min?” 
“Nah. If I do, I’ll check with your boss first if I can ask you for it. Don’t want you getting in trouble because of me.”
You finally look up at him, a tinge of annoyance painting his face, a rarity since Yoongi doesn’t seem to ever be irate about anything. 
“And I’ll just take this jjajangmyeon if you don’t want it,” he adds, taking the container that’s on the ledge of your desk with him, before walking out of your area.
You can’t help the pout that forms on your lips. You really love that noodle house’s version and you’ve been craving it for days. It’s where you and Yoongi were both supposed to have lunch yesterday but Jungkook spoiled it, and it wouldn’t have mattered as much, until it became a reason for him to be upset with you again. You’re not exactly sure why, but much as you want to question your boss this time, you don’t have the energy for it. It doesn’t seem worth it, but it also doesn’t change the fact that Yoongi might have said something to Jungkook, and that’s a dynamic you’re still unsure how to read or deal with. 
Your gaze shifts to the man himself, who looks less annoyed than he did at the start of the day. You don’t know how his practice has been going, since he hasn’t asked you to run it with him, but you suppose he’s doing alright. He’s been in his room all day doing that and taking calls in between. 
Jungkook looks away and heads out. He lets the summer air clear his mind a little before he goes back inside. It’s 6PM by the time he emerges from his room, surprised at seeing your face still buried in piles of papers.
“Ms. Cho, I’ll be heading to Hoseok’s for dinner,” he says, getting your attention. “Anything that needs my signature or approval can wait tomorrow.”
He hopes you’ll read through his words, as he wishes you’d take a rest yourself, like you advise him to do.
“Finance needs your expense reports first thing tomorrow morning, Mr. Jeon,” you say, a little too stoic than he’s used to. “These can be signed tomorrow when you arrive.”
Jungkook just nods, knowing there’s not much he can do if you don’t want to go home yet. But he does leave you with a reminder.
“Ms. Cho,” he says before leaving. He’s met with curious eyes that he tries not to fall into. “Make sure to eat a proper dinner.”
He walks out too quickly, not wanting to see your reaction.
You’re too tired to react, but that just pushes you to finish all your work and head to the pantry for some biscuits. It’s then that you see the paper bag with a note on it. 
For ___. Do not touch! 
At the back, Yoongi writes, I’m sorry. Here’s a man who knows how to apologize, you think to yourself.
The bowl of jjajangmyeon is inside, as well as a container of gimari. The scent reminds you of how hungry you are, so you heat up the noodles and inhale your dinner as you stand by the table. The empty office and the faint sounds of the air conditioning make you think of how alone you really are - working past your hours on a Wednesday evening, a takeaway meal from a friend you’re pushing away, and a stressful trip back to your empty studio apartment. 
You rarely ever feel lonely. You don’t equate being alone with that specific emotion or state. There’s certainty and clarity you get from being on your own. But on certain days, you let yourself crack a little and be vulnerable. On certain days, you let yourself admit that being alone makes you feel lonely, and that at this precise moment, it’s exactly what you feel. 
You send Yoongi a message of thanks but don’t extend the conversation after he replies. You know it isn’t his fault, and knowing him, he wouldn’t have deliberately said anything that would’ve put you in this position. It could just be Jungkook misconstruing things, but you’ve been caught off guard and you don’t feel like dealing with anyone right now. 
Resuming your work, you do your last review of the expense report and leave it on his desk for his signature in the morning - a struggle considering how messy it is, which is also a rarity, as he always likes to keep things organized. You can tell how stressed he is just by this, and the thought hits you again that it’s the Board meeting in two days, and he needs you to be your best for him; he needs you to be calm and stable for him. 
Whatever you’re feeling can be pushed to the side until next week. You’ll talk to Yoongi after all this is over, you tell yourself; it’s more important that you focus on your tasks and just act as professionally and as unbothered as possible. 
That proves to be easy early the next morning. You go about preparing Jungkook’s day in his penthouse, going over your coordination and organization of the upcoming events and acting as if what happened yesterday doesn’t bother you, with him not acting out of the ordinary, too. It’s easy when you get to the office as well. He signs off on the expense reports and you go to finance with only minimal clarifications needed.
But when you return to your desk and Jungkook calls you to his room, you feel the tension start to build as you find Yoongi seated on the chair, his face turning sullen at the sight of you. 
You nod at him but look away immediately, shifting your gaze towards Jungkook. 
“What can I help you with, Mr. Jeon?”
“Deciding on the pieces to be displayed in the event halls of the Arts Center,” he replies. “Artist Lee Jaemin gave us her portfolio for us to choose from. And I’d like you and Yoongi to work on it together before lunch.”
This prompts you to look at Jungkook in surprise. He just told you off about the things you told Yoongi - which, to your defense, wasn’t even anything substantial - and now he’s making you work with the man.
“What about the run through of your presentation, sir?” You ask.
“I’ll do it with Manager Lee. His feedback will be adequate,” Jungkook replies. “I need your options because I’ll be speaking with her tonight about the chosen pieces.”
“I…, uh,” you stutter. “In what way can I be of help, Mr. Jeon? Wouldn’t Mr. Min be enough to make those decisions?”
“You hold the budget, Ms. Cho,” he reminds you. “We need to make sure we follow it. And you and Mr. Min understand my vision more than anyone and I need both of you to bring that to life with those artworks. I’m packed with meetings today so I don’t have time to sort through all of them. I trust that you’ll make the best decisions.”
“Of course we will, Jungkook,” Yoongi says, a bit of bitterness laced in it. “___ and I work well together. It isn’t the first time.”
Jungkook merely nods, and you feel the tension build up even more as both men share hardened looks that you can’t particularly decipher. 
“I… I’ll go ahead and prepare the conference room. I shall see you there shortly, Mr. Min.”
You exit the office and breathe a sigh of relief from being out of there. You don’t know what their friendship is like, so you’re unsure if the tension is a sign of something serious or if it’s just a normal thing for them. You choose to brush it off for now and prepare for the meeting, walking to the pantry for a cup of tea before you do. 
Back inside, both men remain unmoving, their gazes not faltering away from each other. Yoongi’s look of displeasure is a contrast to Jungkook’s somber, almost guilty face. 
“Driving a wedge between us is kind of an asshole move, you know?” Yoongi finally says. “I don’t know what your deal is but this isn’t how you make it up to her. You don’t get to be nice one day then just decide you’ll be jealous and irrational the next without her even knowing what she did.”
“That’s… that’s not what I was trying to do,” Jungkook reasons. 
“Then what were you trying to do?” Yoongi scoffs. “I was the one she turned down to have lunch with you. Actually, it was her plan, because she’s been spending so much time alone and she just wanted to hang out with a friend. And not only did you hinder that, you also made her feel like she did something wrong when all she said was that you had to talk about the Board meeting. No one would even bat an eye. Now she can’t even talk to me properly without fearing it’ll hurt your fragile ego.”
The truth is a huge slap on Jungkook’s face, and he feels it sting. He’s seen your comfort around his friend a few times. He also knows that Yoongi has been looking out for you when you fail to take care of yourself. And because of that jealousy and his fragile ego, you might just end up pushing Yoongi away, and isolating you is the last thing Jungkook wants to do.
He tries to say something but his throat dries up, knowing that verbalizing anything would prompt him to face feelings he’s trying so hard to suppress. He hopes Yoongi sees right through him, and the sullen look of the older man says he might.
“You’re not a bad person, Jungkook,” Yoongi says. “I don’t know what about her makes you like this. But if all you’ll do is find fault in everything she does, you’re gonna lose all the progress in your relationship. And you've got to know that’s not fair to her. You know she doesn’t deserve that.”
“She doesn’t.”
It’s the way Jungkook says the words that Yoongi knows his friend regrets what he’d done, perhaps not just yesterday but the other times as well. There’s this emptiness in Jungkook’s eyes that Yoongi hasn’t seen before; he doesn’t want the younger man to drown and lose himself in it.
“I’m… I’m, uh—”
“I know,” Yoongi interjects, knowing how hard it is for Jungkook to verbalize what he feels. “And I forgive you. I suggest you find the words and say them to her. Yeah?”
Jungkook merely nods, knowing that would be difficult for him, not because he won’t mean it but because they mean so much more. With you, it always does. 
“I’ll head to meet with her now.”
“Please fix it,” Jungkook almost pleads. “I think she needs you.”
Yoongi gives a look of understanding then heads out to the conference room where he finds you seated already. The lights are dim, allowing him to see Lee Jaemin’s art pieces projected on the wall. You’re focused on your laptop screen, not budging even as he opens the door and sits next to you.
“Are you still mad at me?” Yoongi asks, urging you to look at him.
“No,” you say softly.
“Then why do you act like you still are?” He asks sullenly. “You know I’m sorry.”
“It isn’t your fault though,” you reply, finally turning to him, your own soft eyes mirroring his. “You shouldn’t be apologizing.”
“But I want to. Because I know it matters that you hear the words even if they’re not from the person who needs to be saying them.”
“You know he doesn’t do that,” you sigh, knowing exactly who he means.
“He’ll have to learn how to. Or just stop having a reason to apologize in the first place.” 
“We’ll see about that,” you shrug. “But I’m sorry, too. I just didn’t know how to act yesterday and earlier. I just didn’t want any more drama.”
“I know, and it’s okay. It’s not your fault either. I had to call him out for it.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. I called him an asshole.”
“Well, sort of. He had to hear it, and it seemed like he knew it, too. That's why he wanted me to fix things. Not that anything was broken, as far as I know.”
“Is that why he made me meet with you?”
“Yes, about something that he and I could easily do over coffee or a meal,” Yoongi chuckles. “But like I told you before - he tries. It’s usually just a misstep or something more complicated than actually saying sorry.”
“It’s hard for him to say, I guess. Maybe he just has his own ways of saying them.”
“It’s still not an excuse to be an asshole though.”
“At least you’re there to call him out for it,” you chuckle.
Yoongi laughs along, knowing it’s a role in Jungkook’s life that he wouldn’t mind taking. And just like that, the tension between the two of you is gone. He throws in a few jokes in there that take seconds for you to process, and it’s his crinkled smile that makes you smile and feel comfortable as well. It’s the icebreaker you need before getting to work, and it takes you both until lunchtime to decide on which of Lee Jaemin’s pieces you think would fit well in the event halls that Jungkook wants to put them in. 
It’s a different experience for you, as you’ve never made decisions like this before. You wouldn’t say you’re artistic in any sense, but Yoongi’s approval of your choices and agreement with your reasoning make you feel that you aren’t as design-blind as you think. And while Jungkook has the final say - you’re not even sure if your choices would make the final cut - it’s still satisfying to see the empty spaces come to life on your screen with artworks that you chose with Yoongi, while still being within budget.  
You both walk back to your work area where you see Manager Lee, and he tells you that Jungkook seems ready for tomorrow’s Board meeting. You enter his office with Yoongi, presenting what you’ve come up with - the greens and pinks common in her pieces give the room so much life, and the imperfections of her subjects leave viewers with much to admire. From the tropics to intimacy, the bright yet muted palette of the images elicits both joy and loneliness.
Jungkook goes through them while you and Yoongi look on.
“I’ll check each piece again later,” Jungkook says. “But these look good; I’d choose these myself.”
“___ chose most of them,” Yoongi says, earning him a glare from you.
“Is that so, Ms. Cho?” Jungkook asks.
“Mr. Min helped. And those pieces just spoke to me, I guess,” you answer shyly. “They’re beautiful pieces, Mr. Jeon. But I don’t have any arts or design background so please feel free to change them.”
“We’ll see,” he says, looking at you with a kind of affirmation that you’re not used to. 
You nod in response and check the time. He’s got another meeting in an hour and he should be having lunch soon.
“What would you like to eat, Mr. Jeon? I can get it for you,” you say.
“No need. I asked Mr. Ri to get me something. I figured you might have lunch plans,” Jungkook responds, glancing at you and then Yoongi. 
You look at the man next to you, who motions towards the door and you get what he means immediately. 
“Okay, Mr. Jeon. I’ll go take my break now.”
You walk out with Yoongi who asks you what you’re craving, and sweet and sour pork comes to mind. He chuckles at your excited face, and you grab your purse and head out, turning back once to catch Jungkook watching you walk away.
Maybe this is his apology. In whatever form it is, you’ll take it. You find sometimes that the silence in place of words means a lot more, in ways that feel more. 
The rest of your afternoon again feels like a blur, as you meet with the support team about the upcoming events and make sure everyone is on the same page. You spend an hour on the phone with Lucas about some Singapore and Malaysia-based Korean artists who are flying for the project launch in a few weeks while Jungkook goes from one virtual meeting to another. 
It’s 5:30 before you know it, and you’re working on your spreadsheets when Jungkook walks out of his office, saying that he’s meeting with Lee Jaemin later in the evening and that he’ll just update you about the final pieces. 
You acknowledge him and wish him goodbye, but he stops on the way, at the entrance towards the hallway, making sure he remains present while unable to see you.
“Ms. Cho,” he calls out, surprising you.
“Yes, Mr. Jeon?”
“About what I said yesterday, I apologize,” he says, almost stuttering. “Especially if it caused a rift between you and Yoongi. I didn’t intend that.”
You’re too shocked to say anything, much more process the words that you can’t believe he’s saying. But he really is apologizing; he really is trying.
“It… it’s okay, Mr. Jeon. I understand.”
There’s a beat of silence, and you’re left to observe him from this angle - jaws clenched, head bowed down. 
He deeply exhales. “I’ll go now. No need to stay late; you can go home when you’re able.”
“Okay, sir. Have a good night.”
He finally leaves, and the silence engulfs you. Sometimes, words in any form truly matter. You could only hope that Jungkook knows that.
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The suit that you choose for Jungkook for today’s big day is a dark gray textured piece. He looks immaculate as he stands before you, and you try your best to even your breathing as you fix his tie like you do every morning. There’s something about him today that makes him more handsome than usual - a quality that you’ve found yourself admitting and accepting more easily as the days go by. He exudes a certain kind of confidence and power with his attire and his parted hair. There’s determination in his eyes as he stands tall, ready to face the day. 
And you’re there, admiring the way he carries himself just inches away.
You fix the collar of his suit and make sure that all creases are flattened. You meet his eyes and the confidence melts away a little.
“Do I look respectable enough?” He asks, a little less serious than you expected. It’s when you see the nervousness in his eyes that you know how important today is for him.
“Yes,” you assure him. “You also look ready to impress the Board members with your presentation and get them on your side. I’m sure your vision about the Arts Center will make them believers.”
“Ah, well, that’s asking for too much, I guess,” he laughs dryly. “But I was on the call with Lee Jaemin last night and she was so excited for the launch. It would get her to visit Seoul often, she said, and that made me realize that artists like her and the consumers, the ordinary people, the ones who the Center is for - they’re the ones who matter. It’s their interest and appreciation that I value, not the Board’s.”
“That’s a good realization to come to, then, Mr. Jeon,” you smile, suddenly feeling like you’re seeing a different man - someone who cares about meaning and the power of art. “I suppose if that’s your mindset coming into the meeting, then you’ll definitely do well.”
“I think if there’s at least one other person who ends up believing in the value of the Center, that would be enough for me,” he says, holding your gaze for a while before turning away. “But uh, today is more than that. You and I both know they’re there to assess my capabilities - social and otherwise - and definitely point out what I lack, or probably tell me I’m not cut out for this job or that I’m terrible or something. I mean, you would know, right?”
His eyes, focused downward, slowly shift to you. You know what he means, and given that he isn’t the type to admit to things, this is probably the only other time that he comes close to acknowledging how he was to you.
“Mr. Jeon, if you’re indeed terrible, I would have quit after a week. Or… well, after the second day,” you admit. 
“Why didn’t you?”
“Well, I couldn’t afford to,” you chuckle to ease the tension. “But also I… I saw the change. And that’s always a good thing. Lacking something is normal. We all have things we need to work on but that doesn’t make us terrible people. That just means we need a bit of understanding from others. And that also means we just have to keep trying to be better.”
There’s a sullenness in Jungkook’s eyes but there’s acceptance and understanding, too. Perhaps it’s the most sincere you’ve seen him look, and of all the days that he needs assurance about how he’s been, today is when he needs it the most. Sure, there are still things about him that you wish he’d work on. He’s still not the best person in the world. He could still be a bit impulsive with you and can sometimes be irrational in your eyes and definitely needs work on dealing with his emotions. But he’s trying. That always counts for something.
“We do,” he nods.
“Your father believes in you. Hoseok believes in you, so does Yoongi.” Holding his gaze, you add, “so do I. So trust in yourself. If you can’t do it for you, you can do it for us.”
“Is giving pep talks part of the job description?” 
“It should,” you giggle. “But I’ve given several of them to Mr. Jung. I’ve learned that during stressful moments or just when we’re a little overwhelmed, it makes a difference to hear the things we already know from someone else.”
“I’m a little stubborn, but I hope you continue doing that for me. For as long as you think I deserve it.”
Jungkook doesn’t know where the honesty and vulnerability are coming from. But he’s found that with you, it’s natural - difficult because they’re things he rarely is around other people, but natural. He doesn’t want to question it anymore for fear of learning what else is instinctive for him when it comes to you. But with the way his insides melt with how you sweetly and assuringly smile at him, he realizes that his defenses against you are not that strong to begin with.   
“Well, we don’t have time to pass by a cafe for a nice breakfast so I asked Mr. Ri to get some instead,” you announce, changing the subject now. 
You walk towards the dining room where he follows, and you present a spread of pastries, walnut tarts, and sausage rolls alongside a large cup of coffee. 
“I don’t really eat before a big meeting,” he says, frowning a little. “I’m sure Lucas told you that.”
“He did, but I’m a little stubborn, too,” you counter. “Breakfast is important before a big meeting, Mr. Jeon. It’ll help you focus, even if that’s just one tart or half a danish or a quarter of a roll. Eating will improve your energy levels and lift your mood. It might help ease your nerves somehow.”
“Fine, but I’ll just have half a roll.”
“No worries. You can always eat some more throughout the day,” you say.
Jungkook ends up finishing the entire roll and a walnut tart, while you finish a danish and settle for tea. You pack up what’s left, and he instructs you to give the rest to the team. 
The car ride is quiet, save for the gentle sound of his pencil gliding through the pages of his leather notebook. He seems to be channeling his energy in a way that allows him to be calm, you think, and that’s a good thing. 
You arrive at the building and Jungkook goes straight to his office while you excuse yourself to go to the conference room to help the other assistants prepare it. You don’t see Jungkook until an hour later when he enters, and you lead him to his seat then serve his coffee afterwards. It gets busy quickly as the Board members arrive, and you help in ushering them to their seats and catering to their needs. Before you know it, the assistants are heading out, leaving them and the executives to discuss confidential matters that none of you are required to know.
It’s another two hours before the presentations start, but Jungkook won’t go until after lunch. So you settle in your desk and work on various things, unable to fully focus because your mind constantly goes to him. 
This is normal, you convince yourself; you had the same nervous energy for Hoseok the first time he did this. But then again, it was your first time, too. Perhaps it’s knowing how much it means to Jungkook and his own worries that makes you feel uneasy.
You understand the feeling of wanting to prove oneself, and not always being able to fully express that desire to others. He’s been honest with you recently, and sometimes it can feel quite isolating when no one is there to share the burden, which is why you’ve been trying to cheer him up and encourage him, in hopes that he’ll feel supported, that whatever happens today, he knows he has you on his side.
You proceed to the function hall for the catered lunch where you meet Jungkook. He shares the table with Hoseok and Bitna, as well as Ji-woo and her assistant, and you engage in conversation with them like old times. 
Jungkook watches you speak to his cousins casually but respectfully, and he doesn’t miss the inside jokes and personal details that you all share. You still look a little reserved, but there’s this comfort in the way you express yourself around people who trust and care for and respect you. 
He’s always known Hoseok and Ji-woo to be great with the employees, and a part of Jungkook envies that they’re able to just share parts of themselves with others, that they’re able to expend their time and energy being around them, something that’s always been difficult for him. He likes his privacy, likes his own space; he revels in the silence to battle the noise in his head. He’s protective of his thoughts and his feelings; he’s particular with who uses his time and energy on; he keeps his distance because it’s always easier - to not be involved, to not be invested, to not be known at all rather than be judged because of what people know. 
He also thinks it’s quite isolating. Outside of his family - whom he keeps his distance from as well - the only person who knows him enough is Lucas, but it’s as shallow as just knowing his preferences and his technical opinion on things, not his dreams or fears or everyday thoughts and emotions. 
Jungkook isn’t someone that people go to for advice or for encouraging words; he’s not someone that people ask about how he’s doing; he’s not a person that others seek for comfort or warmth. He’s just a man who does his work, that people serve, that people want approval from for their own gains. He’s not someone they’d go through lengths for. He just takes up space that others orbit around but he’s not the center of their world; he isn’t anybody’s.
“Is everything okay, Mr. Jeon?” You disrupt his thoughts. “Is there anything you want?”
“Chocolate milk,” he says too quickly. “Uh, only if there is.”
You call the server and ask if they have any, but the man says they don’t, so you decide to head to one of the stalls at the food hall downstairs.
“You don’t have to,” Jungkook says, pulling your wrist in reflex as you stand up.
You’re caught off guard and so is he, and he immediately lets go and apologizes for it. The guilt in his eyes is similar to the one you saw at the restaurant when you’d admitted that he made you feel uncomfortable, and something about it makes you feel moved. 
“I mean, uh, it’s okay. It’s not urgent,” he adds, looking away.
“If it’ll help, then I should get it for you, Mr. Jeon,” you insist. “It won’t take long. I’ll be back before lunch ends.”
You don’t wait for a response and head out, leaving Jungkook with curious looks from his cousins.
“So, I see you’ve warmed up to her already,” Ji-woo hums, smiling. 
“You could say that,” Jungkook shrugs, acting nonchalant.
“Well, it’s about time you did,” Ji-woo shakes her head. “She works incredibly hard and she’s very reliable.” At the younger man’s nod in agreement, she adds, “you just had to give her a chance. There’s a reason why uncle and Hoseok wanted her around for you.”
“I guess,” Jungkook hums. “She’s… she’s a good person. I don’t really know if I deserve that but she is to me. She’s required to be, I suppose.”
“Or she sees you as a human being who needs a bit of warmth and joy in his life,” Ji-woo suggests. “Kindness goes a long way, you know? She’s said before that there are people who have extended it to her and maybe she’s just doing that, too.”
“Or maybe she sees something in you,” Hoseok says now. 
“Like what?” Jungkook scoffs, knowing himself that after he’s treated you, there’s no way you’d see something in him, whatever that is.
“Like an emptiness, or yearning. Something she feels, too,” Hoseok responds. “Maybe she’s unknowingly making you feel something that she wants to feel herself, you know? I had A-yeong, my sister, my parents, my friends... Seeing her now with you, she didn’t pay attention to my every need the way she’s doing now, and that’s not a criticism of her. Perhaps she just knew that I had other people to do that.”
“And I’m the lonely, single, friendless man that she’s stuck with,” Jungkook laughs dryly, although he’s not offended. Deep down, he knows it’s true.
“Sort of,” Hoseok chuckles. “But what I really mean is that she knows what it’s like to not have someone to look after her like that. You may think it’s just her job but I think it’s her not wanting you to feel like there’s no one there for you. Maybe if you see it that way, you wouldn’t think you don’t deserve it. Then you can accept it and maybe you can do the same.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Jungkook counters, given that keeping his distance is exactly what he plans to do because any closer would just lead him down a path that he won’t be able to escape from.
“It’s not that deep,” Ji-woo says. “I think what my brother is saying is that it’s okay to be friends, you know? Or just allow her to be nice to you and then return the favor. It’s a much better dynamic. I mean, I’m sure he’s told you but things are just gonna be more challenging down the road, once you’re past the adjusting phase. You’ll need her like you’ve never needed anyone before. I do mean that professionally, but that also requires a kind of relationship where you know and trust and respect each other. It goes both ways.”
Jungkook takes in his cousins’ words, knowing that they speak from experience, and they’ve been doing this longer than he has. He already knows he needs you. That itself terrifies him. He also knows he has to rely on you, and maybe that entails allowing you to care for him in ways that no one - not since Chaerin, at least - has ever done before. That means letting you come close, allowing you to know him, letting you be there for him. Doing the same for you isn’t a question of whether he wants to or not - he’ll probably be denying it to his grave, but it’s about whether he can remain within the boundaries he set for himself, knowing already how you affect him without even doing much. 
The thought gives Jungkook a headache, but it’s not something he can give attention to right now. He’s got a presentation to do in less than an hour. He’ll be scrutinized and questioned and probably judged and then he realizes it again - he needs you through all that. He already knows you’ll be encouraging and supportive; you’ve shown that in the past week especially, and he’s appreciated and hated every single moment of it.
The hurried footsteps signal that you’re back, and you take your seat next to him.
You’re panting as you place the cup on the table. “Here you go, Mr. Jeon. I’m not sure if it’s as milky as you want it but the really good cafe downstairs said it should be good. Oh and uh, wrap your hands around it,” you instruct, earning you a curious look. “Your hands are very cold.”
Jungkook does as you say, feeling the warmth of the drink through his skin, even more when he takes a sip and finds that it tastes just as he wanted. 
“This is good. Thank you,” he utters, not wanting to meet your eyes.
You exhale a sigh of relief. You know how he has particular tastes and you just went with a hot chocolate even if he specifically said he wanted chocolate milk. There’s a brand he likes from Lucas’ list and you didn’t have time to actually get it or even store the office pantry with it - which you realize now you should do, and you make a mental note of doing an inventory so you could request for more of the things he likes later on.
“You’re welcome,” you reply. “I… I hope it helps for the presentation. Or the nerves. Or just in general.”
“It has,” he confirms, humming with every sip.
Not long after, everyone is instructed to head back to the conference room so the meeting can resume. You take your seat with the other assistants at the side after you’ve ensured that the presentation is ready while Jungkook heads to the front. You watch him go through his notes a final time, and when he sets them aside and looks up, his eyes find yours.
They’re still tainted with worry, you can tell even from several feet away. So you give him a comforting smile, knowing it’s what he needs. You gently nod and give him a double thumbs up as if to say that he can do it, and he nods back, as if to say that he’ll do his best.
And that’s exactly what he does.
The presentation goes for a quarter of an hour, and while he does give a good rundown of the achievements of the past three months, it’s his pitch of the Arts Center that really makes him shine. The visuals are good to begin with. He did those blueprints himself and the designs give life to his vision, but he explains every aspect of the project with just enough detail to enable the audience to imagine how it looks and what it makes them feel. He took into consideration earlier worries about profits and brand reputation, as well as anticipated questions and points of attack, so he goes ahead and addresses them to the point that he can’t be scrutinized for anything that’s lacking. He keeps in mind the qualities of each Board member, so he makes eye contact if he needs to and acknowledges side comments and builds on them. 
He’s definitely added more - and improved - since that first runthrough you did with him, and he looks very confident and very respectable. You can tell that he values not just profits but art itself - its creation, its appreciation, and the various ways it can be experienced. As someone who yearns for that kind of passion for something, seeing him like this is quite moving. 
It doesn’t help that he looks as good as he does standing up there, and it’s a thought you let yourself have before dispelling it quickly. 
He gets approving nods from most of the Board members. The rest still look a bit doubtful, but you suppose they wouldn’t directly criticize Jungkook and his plans in front of everyone after a presentation like that. You also take a peak at CEO Jeon who’s unable to hide how proud he is of his son. Hoseok and Ji-woo exchange smiles as well. But Jungkook remains focused, ready to answer any questions or comments from the Board.
Mr. Mun is the first to commend him and doesn’t ask much. Mr. Im surprisingly praises Jungkook after admitting his reservations, and Mr. Saito, as you expected, asks clarificatory questions that just builds on what was earlier presented. Jungkook’s readiness and creativity are highlighted as well, and you can tell that the older man is extremely excited for this project. 
The hour is up before you know it, with only minimal questions and a few comments from the attendees. Ji-woo and Hoseok raise points to help with marketing and earning profit, and you take note of all those for discussion and debriefing next week. 
Jungkook thanks everyone before returning to his seat, and you see the breath he lets out after, seemingly glad that that’s at least over. You catch his attention again, and you can’t help your smile. He acknowledges you with a nod, and he turns his focus towards Hoseok as the next presenter. The afternoon goes by like this, with Ji-woo going last and CEO Jeon closing out the meeting. 
There’s some time before the fellowship dinner, which is spent with side conversations and check-ins. Mr. Saito goes to Jungkook right away and you see the latter’s face light up a little, although you don’t miss the sniffing and the throat clearing that he does. You think that his cold hands earlier weren’t due to his nervousness; perhaps the last month has finally caught up to him because you truly believe that this man does not rest. 
You head out to return to your desk, knowing you’ve got several things to do before the dinner that assistants are invited to. You fly through your notes from earlier and some administrative tasks before heading back to the event hall where you find Jungkook talking to Mrs. Seo and Mr. Ong this time, two people who’d most likely be critical of him so you’re glad that he’s at least forging some relations, if their animated way of speaking is any indication. 
You see him excuse himself to head to the washroom, and you take this time to order a cup of ginseng tea for him. It arrives just as he returns to his seat, and when it registers why you’d ordered it, he nods and mumbles his thanks.
“If I may, perhaps you shouldn’t stay long, Mr. Jeon,” you suggest. “It’s been a tiring week and you need to rest.”
Jungkook hates being told what to do, but he’s also never had someone tell him to rest because he needs it, much less even know that he’s not feeling alright. 
“I need to engage with the Board,” he reasons. “I’m sure that’s what father would like. I can rest during the weekend.”
“Okay, sir,” you sigh, knowing he’s also right. Perhaps he’s accepted that this is a critical part of his new role as Vice President. “Just let me know if there’s anything more that I can help you with.”
“I will.”
You sit at the table where the other assistants are, engaging in hushed conversations as you talk about the Board members and how tired you all are. It’s nice being around them, as you all share the experience of stress and isolation, of knowing too much sometimes, of security and stagnancy. They know what you’re going through, partially at least - unlike you, they have people to go home to and proper hobbies that excite them. They have loved ones close by and things they look forward to during the weekends. So while they do make you feel understood, you also can’t help but be a bit jealous. 
Your thoughts are suspended when Bitna offers to take you home. It’s well past 9 and you’re not keen on staying longer to drink with the rest of the big bosses here. You glance at Jungkook who has a wine in hand, clearly trying his best to keep up with the conversations he’s a part of. He looks incredibly tired - much more than usual - and you feel bad that this isn’t something you can help him with. 
You take Bitna’s offer and you both head to your respective bosses to bid your goodbyes. Jungkook nods and mentions his meeting with the artist last night that he says he’ll discuss with you on Monday. There’s more you want to say, but you worry he’ll think you’re nagging about his health - which, you remind yourself, is also part of your job - and you don’t want to end the week on a sour note. 
Jungkook watches you leave the event hall and he immediately feels your absence. Even when you spent much of your time apart, he could feel you there, partly because of the ginseng tea that you ordered for him twice at your insistence and partly because the knowledge that you’re around is enough. And now you aren’t, and he suddenly can’t stand any more of the socializing he has to do. 
But he powers through it for another hour. When he bids his father goodbye, the older man commends him for his presentation earlier and the way he handled himself throughout the fellowship dinner. It’s assuring, but he knows there’s so much more work to be done so he doesn’t revel in it any longer than a few seconds. 
The drive home is quiet. His soft groans as he massages his temples are the only sounds in the car. When he arrives at his empty penthouse, he grabs a bottle of whiskey from the counter and sits on the couch - a glass in hand, necktie and buttons undone, feet on the coffee table, and head rolled back as he reminds himself that he survived the day, that he did a good job, and that he changed some of the Board members’ minds about him. 
And much as he tries to keep away the image of you, he’s unable to - there you were in the room, on his side, cheering him on. He didn’t miss the satisfied smile on your face once he finished his presentation, nor your look of worry after the ginseng tea was placed on the table. 
You’re just good at that - making him feel like someone looks out for him, that someone else minds that he succeeds, that someone cares that he’s not well and that he should rest. 
The smile on his face fades once he’s reminded that you’re supposed to do all that, and that he isn’t anyone special, nor should he be. It’s the thought that keeps him behind the lines - you’re unattainable in so many ways, yet he’s also glad that you are. It’s easier to be mindful of his place like that; it’s easier to accept that you’re you and he’s him, and it’s easier to do his job when he knows you’re just doing yours.
At least, that’s what he hopes. 
But when he gets a call from reception the next morning about a package that you dropped off, all that wishful thinking seems pointless. And as he stares at the bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of him, all his thoughts from the night before come crashing down.
Why is everything so hard when it comes to you?
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat @fan-ati--c  @cravingforhotchocolate @adoraminie @helenazbmrskai @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @gukssunshine @kookxin @petuliii @yoursthv @libra04 @fancycollectormoon @twixxxpie @ignoretheskies @ohmydarlin-g @bids97 @minyoongiboongi @main-bangtansmauyeondan @bora-bae7 @investedreader @petalsofink @jvngkooker @stopeatread @craftymoonchaos
Series Taglist: @xhazmania @ash07128 @rinkud @junniesoleilkth @junecat18 @peachytokki @baechugff @coralmusicblaze @jalexad @pamzn @hoseoksluv89 @familiarlikemymirror3 @kookies-n-spice @hyuneyeon @thisartemisnevermisses @jk97bam @nadzzzblog @xyarinx @megnugget98 @shameless-army @jkslvsnella @lvr2seok @nayashalouiseburrows
1K notes · View notes
ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
no thoughts only rise donnie being soft for his s/o 😭😭😭
any soft/affectionate donnie hcs please 🤲
Rise! Donatello x reader
Soft Donnie hcs 🥹
fluff:D gn reader, romantic
not proofread
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My baby :(
- Donnie makes you gifts all the time! It’s one of his ways of saying he loves you since he’s not too experienced with this whole feelings stuff. He also just loves to see you get excited over something that he made.
- will help fix the little things for you! (that maybe he wouldn’t do for others djjdjdkdkd) Your computer isn’t working? Give him 5 minutes and it’s working just fine. Leo’s phone is bugging? He can wait, Donnie is a busy man after all.
- Someone knocks over his staff?! …oh it was you? well, accidents happen I suppose.
- Will absolutely brag about anything he helps you with, it makes him feel good. You could have asked someone else, but you asked him. Not Raph, not Mikey, and why the hell would you ask Leo? (JK I LOVE HIM😭)
- Does NOT let his brothers (mostly Leo) drag you into their tomfoolery if it’s dangerous. (Long story; you got portal-ed to New Jersey one time *COUGH*LEO*COUGH*)
- Fairly confident, he knows you love him and he loves you. Heartfelt and vulnerable moments just aren’t his thing, so when they do happen you know he really means it because he’s doing it just for you.
- you have your very own special seat in the turtle tank <3
- definitely the type to remember all of your favorite things (snacks, drinks, movies, anything)
- you’re basically Shelldon’s other parent and he treats you as such. -> “Do not talk to your mother that way, young man! I mean, uh, Y/N! don’t tal- HOLD ON-“
- will talk to you for hours and hours about new projects he’s started or wants to start and is really, really excited that you care about his interests. (Two reallys)
- would NEVER admit it to anyone but really likes to hold you entirely or just your hand, especially while he talks to you ^lectures
- probably needs a few visits with Dr.Feelings (Mikey thinks you guys are so cute)
- would kick his brothers out and only allows you in his lab if he’s really busy and into working on something. would gladly let you assist him if you pinky promise to be really careful, but doesn’t trust anyone else around his precious tech.
- sitting in his lap??? while he works??? I think so.
- Wants to watch all of his favorite Jupiter Jim movies with you! + Would show you all of his favorite games and comics. Might even actually let you borrow one or two if you swear they will return to him in mint condition.
- 100% denies it if anyone (fucking LEO) were to ever point out your special privileges even though he knows it’s true and you most definitely do. He just wants to avoid the teasing if he can.
- But it’s inevitable (*COUGH*LEO)
- it’s not that he’s embarrassed, he just isn’t used to that kind of relationship and he really appreciates your understanding, even if he doesn’t say it.
- when you cuddle he likes to lay his head on your chest, it’s the most comfortable for him. esp if you give VERY gentle shell scritches
- hide all of your purple clothing bro
-“your sweater? the gorgeous, perfect, dazzling purple one? …haven’t seen it.”
- would call you “darling” or “dear/dearest” when he feels like it
- overall, very whipped 👍 very sweet silly boy :(
2K notes · View notes
rklve · 10 months
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summary: your life choices left not only yours, but jeon jungkook's heart broken in peaces. now you're back in town, and just like pluto, even if it's cold and dark, he tends to orbit around you forever.
➣ genre/au: exes to lovers; angst; slow burn; fluff; smut.
➣ pairing: chef!jk x veterinarian!reader
➣ 8.9k words
warnings: e2l. oc broke koo's heart :( but she did not mean it. they both overthink too much. jk is such a pet dad (BAM IS HERE YAY). oc is a mess. mutual pining. a lot of angst (sorry!). jungkook is a simp, head over hells crazy about oc. fluff bc why not. drinking. jk has a big dick. teasing. cursing. orgasm denial. fingering. breast play (jungkook is weak for tits). clit play. squirting. multiple orgams. hand kink. choking kink. oc loves tattoos, oral (f. receiving). unprotected sex (don't!!!). spitting. lots of prasing. confused feelings.
I can feel your touch, I remember your kiss, 그 말은 아팠지 and I miss you
part one | part two | drabble one
You run to the car once he gets inside and unlocks the door. Immediately you turn on the heater and the radio at the same time. It all feels natural, like riding a bike. The start might feel rusty, but once you get your feet on the pedal, your brain will take you to memory lane. It’s like you’ve always been there. Like you’ve never left.
Jungkook just stares, and then you realize what you’ve just done. “I-I’m sorry. Just thought you’d be freezing. And… old habits.” you stumble over the words and looks straight ahead with your eyes growing bigger from embarrassment. “I’m sorry.”
“‘S’fine.” Jungkook cuts you off before you start babbling again. Won’t admit he wanted you to do that. This is one of the things he misses the most. Ordinary stuff. You, taking care of him. You, choosing one of your favorite Justin Bieber's songs on his playlist so you two can sing it all loud on the way home. Just you. Being there.
“I’m at my parents tonight, by the way.” His stomach drops. he expected it, but it still hurts. It’s a bad sign. You’re leaving again soon. Just like you did on Christmas last year. Spent 3 days with your family and went back to Australia like nothing happened. At least that’s what he heard from Taehyung, ‘cause he wasn’t here to witness it. He had travelled with his parents back then. But now he‘s here, and he can hear his heart start cracking again just by the thought of it. He’s dumb. So fucking dumb.
“That’s the reason I didn’t want to bother you.” you sigh “I wanted to surprise them but they went to my aunt’s today. Some family celebration I’m not aware of.” you continue as you look past the car window “I found out when I got there and everything was locked up. So I decided to go to Lola’s but found out she was out with Jin for the weekend too. So I just left my baggage at her door and came to the cafe to spare some time ‘till my parents get b— I’m sorry, I’m just babbling shit as usual”
“Just go on, I’m listening” he says. Usually he’s the one talking thru his elbows but knows you do that when you’re nervous too. 
“Right. So, you can drop me off at my parents and I’ll get my stuff tomorrow at Lola’s, if that’s okay.” you look back at him now “I’ll wait till they come back home.”
“Have you lost your mind back in Melbourne?” he says looking at the road with a big frown displayed “Not gonna leave you alone by your parents door. In this fucking weather. I’d never do that.” he sighs “You know me better than that, Bee.”
You freeze as you hear him calling you that. Just like he did minutes ago when you called him by his nickname. It’s bellow the belt and he knows it. Probably the reason he said it at the first place. Or not. Maybe it’s just force of habit and he doesn’t even care about that nickname anymore.
“We’ll get your baggage and head to mine. You can stay and call your parents. Wait ‘till the rain calms down and I can take you there.” he says and waits to hear a no from you. But you stay quiet. “Or you can call an uber. Whatever you want. Okay?”
“Okay.” you say, still a little bit unsure. Doesn’t want to bother him. Mess with his plans for a friday night. Your parents house is kinda far from here. You say nothing anyway, ‘cause you also think it’s the safer way out of this situation right now.
He helps you pick up your stuff at Lola’s and head to the other apartment complex two streets away. The ride back to his house is quick and calm. It’s a one-song-away route. A route that is very known by you. You’ve been there so many times, it’s tattoed in your brain. Think you could find your way back there even if you’re blindfolded. 
Finally the two of you reach to his door, and you can already hear some sniffing on the other side. A few more seconds and an aggressive scratching follows. Jungkook opens the door and gets in with your bags. 
“Hey, buddy. Dad’s home.” You see the now giant dog lick his owners hand, then he looks at you and it’s pure euphoria. He runs fast and puts his big paws in front of you. The next thing you know you’re with your ass on the floor, feeling how much he missed you as he continually licks all over your face swaying his tail from side to side.
“I know baby, I know.” you giggle “I missed you too!” 
“Bam! Behave” Jungkook says startled by the way the puppy reacted to you. Quickly leave your bags on the corner of the living room and comes to your rescue. “You can’t just hoop on people like that, man. You’re too big!”
“It’s okay, he’s just a giant baby.” you say as you get up again and start caressing his plain caramel fur. 
“You okay?” he asks looking you up and down to see if you hurt yourself.
“Jungkook, I’m fine. You know I deal with animals all the time.”
He softly nods. Yeah, of course he knows. It’s the whole reason you left him anyways. For a fucking job offer. At some big ass veterinary hospital five thousand miles away. Out of the blue. Like he meant nothing to you. And just like that, everything goes back to him and he gulps away his anger. Doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable right now. You just got here. Can’t be okay with the idea of you leaving already.
So he just calls Bam and leads him to his separated room, where his food and little house are, alongside all of his toys. “Stay here a little bit, buddy. I’ll bring you out later okay?” 
It’s like Bam understand every word he says, as he goes inside his little house and lays down “Good boy.”
Jungkook decides to put some dry clothes before he goes back to you. Takes a little while to choose one, but denies it’s because he wants to make a good impression. Ends up with a plain black t-shirt anyways.
He’s back to the living room and sees you looking around the house with curiosity. It is quite different, you think. Not in a bad way. It’s more sophisticated. The new furniture gives that vibe. All grey-ish. You like it. Matches him and his Chef persona. His kitchen is gorgeous as well. So many more pans that before. One of each size. You still don’t know the bare minimum about it. They all do the cooking and that’s all.
“You hungry?” he asks, realizing you stopped your inspection at the kitchen but never left.
“Kinda.” you say, and right away your stomach growls loud and calls you by your lie. “Okay, very hungry.”
You both laugh and Jungkook starts to pick up his utensils. One of his biggest pans. A big ass spoon. A cutting board. You lost count of how many things he puts on the table.
“Need a hand?” you say, just to be sure. You both know you’re terrible at the kitchen. But you’re at least able to cut some vegetables.
“‘S’fine. You’re probably tired from the flight. Go take a rest.” he says already on multiple duties over the kitchen. You have no idea what he’s cooking, but trust him anyway. He knows what you enjoy like the back of his hand. Knows what you love to eat, and knows you love his food more than anything else in the world. 
So you just hum, silently agreeing with him.
You sit up at the couch, and realize it’s a new one too. It’s a big one, and still has that smell like a recently unfolded present. You turn on Netflix. Wonder if you’re too comfortable at this house when you shouldn’t. Are you two going to be friends now? Did he forgive you? Or is he just being kind? 
Trying to clean your head for a little bit you pick up your favorite tv show: School of Chocolate. It’s kinda addicting. You know Jungkook claims to hate it but secretly loves it. He always used to argue when you put it in and ended up seated alongside you mesmerized with those big ass sculptures. 
“Fuckin’ waste of chocolate.” he suddenly says back in the kitchen. He is able to see the tv from there as well, but he’s concentrated on cutting some bacon anyways. “And some of them can’t even do the easiest tasks. Ends up looking like dog’s poop”
“Are you spoiling me? I didn’t watch this episode yet!” you scream looking back at him “Can’t believe you watched it before me” you giggle “I’m probably the biggest fan of the show.”
“It came out yesterday” he quickly replies “you’re such a fake fan.”
You just puff, feeling insulted by his words.
“Just admit you only watch it ‘cause you think the Chef’s hot”
“Amaury is not my type” you pan back instantly but quickly regret it. What the fuck are you thinking, flirting with him? God, you’re so stupid. He must hate you right now. Definitely will kick you out hungry and cold on the street at any minute now. But Jungkook doesn’t say anything. Maybe he didn’t hear it. If he did, he just plays dumb. Continues to prepare whatever he is cooking and leave you to watch it.
On the kitchen, Jungkook’s heart is beating thru his ears. Can’t believe he heard you. Heard you flirting. If it was a year ago, he would drop the dinner and go towards you. Kiss your smart mouth and laugh with you. Say you better not adore any Chef more than you adore him. Pull you back to the sofa. Kiss your pretty waist and take dessert before dinner is even served. 
But he can’t do that. ‘Cause you’re not his anymore. You’re not part of this reality anymore. His reality. You live in a whole new country now and he wouldn’t survive letting you in again knowing you’d leave him anytime soon. So he just shuts it down. Pretends he didn’t hear anything, ‘cause it’s better this way.
A couple of minutes later dinner is ready. He made your favorite dish. Coincidentally he had some vegetable broth ready-made in the refrigerator from Wednesday and the idea came up in his mind. He’s finishing the details and hears you entering the kitchen.
“Where do you put the plates now?” you softly say looking up at him.
“Above you, on your left.” he points out and you go for it right away. Picks up the cutlery and puts everything on the dinner table. His chest pangs, ‘cause it’s just like old times. You used to do this a lot together. Almost every weekend. Or whenever you crashed up at his. He loves to spoil you with his food. Kinda his love language, he figures now. 
He grabs the wine from the refrigerator. One of your favorites. He remembers this too. You’re not a big fan of wine but this one is so sweet you can’t refuse. You’re a sweet tooth after all.
“Mmm. Red wine. The sweet one. What are we celebrating?” you play around as you sit. Jungkook doesn’t know what to say. Won’t admit he bought it thinking about you. Thought he would drink a whole bottle and you’d disappear from his mind like magic.
You didn’t.
“This one was sitting for a while here, gotta get rid of it. Swear nobody likes this shit but you, Bee.”
You try to ignore the nickname again. Tell yourself he only said it as a joke. The wine is sweet. You like sugar. You’re like an annoying bee. Everyone gets it. You’re just like any other bee. Not his Bee.
“Right. I’ll take this one with me then” you giggle softly.
Jungkook now is back with the huge pan and puts it in the middle of the table. By the smell of it, you’re guessing what it is. Your stomach too, as it growls again even louder than before.
“Are you starving yourself?” Jungkook jokes when he hears your hungry system.
“Haven’t eaten properly since I left home.” you giggle a little embarrassed but you can’t bring yourself to care much. Every once in a while you just forget to eat. You know it’s a bad habit and you’re trying to change that. Jungkook used to be your reminder. You used to eat so well when the two of you were together. Your rough routine made you have cookies for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. Quick things to match up with your quick schedule. But Jungkook took care of you. Sent messages thru the day reminding you to buy something. Drink water. Often sent food to your job. Sometimes he would cook himself and leave on the refrigerator so you could take it with you on the next day. You miss being taken care of. You miss being with him.
“You mean you haven’t eaten real food for more than 15 hours?” he says, now upset. “For God’s sake, Bee. You can’t do that.” 
You could get sick. Could pass out in the middle of the street. Could hurt yourself. He can’t bare the thought of you getting hurt, and it really upsets him.
You sense the change in his aura so you quickly change de subject. “Fuck off! you made risotto?”
Jungkook just hums, pouty. Still angry at your self-destruction actions. Angry he can’t do anything about it. Puts a good portion for you and for him in the plates. Beautifully arranged just like he does at the restaurant. Knows you like to take pictures so he follows your concept blindly. Guess you’d like to save in the memory lane.
And he guessed it right. You grab your phone instantly and take a couple of pics, but you won’t post it. Will keep it just for you.
“Where’s your glass?” you say after observing he only brought one glass to the table.
“I said I would take you to your parents, dummie.” he plays around, but he’s serious. He won’t drink and drive. His mom would cut his balls out. Your father too.
“Shut up, I can take an uber later. Get yourself one.”
“No, I really don’t mind.” he says stubbornly.
“If you don’t drink, I won’t drink either.” you pouty say and he wonders. Flips his piercing with his tongue for a second. Doesn’t want you to go home with an uber late at night. He will figure something about later. Maybe he can drink half of a glass and then sober up so he can drive you. Just know he can’t resist that face of yours right now, so he gives in a heartbeat.
“You’re the devil.” he chuckles and grabs a glass for himself. Pours a little bit for the two of you. “You’re lucky I like this wine with risotto.”
Then you two start eating. You make your silly little dance with your shoulders. Always do that when you enjoy the food. Jungkook thinks it’s the cutest thing in the word. Best reward he could ever get. Would cook every day and every night to see you this happy.
“This is so good.” you hum away “you’re the best of the bests. The most talented chef in the world. You’re gonna be a superstar someday.”
“Ani.. Stop it!” Jungkook shyly says, his two hands on his face hiding the bunny smile you know he’s carrying. 
“I mean it. You will be.” you take a sip of the wine and continues. You know he likes to downplay himself. “I’m talking 3 Michelin stars restaurant.”
“One sip and you’re already talking nonsense.” he giggles. Knows it’s your way of thanking him for the meal but he just can’t take complements like a normal person. Is too shy, even with you. 
“Shut up. I’m a big girl now. I could drink this bottle up and still rap to an Eminem song.” You laugh away and Jungkook just follows. Both of you know it’s bullshit. You’re a terrible drinker. Two glasses in and you would be giggling every 3 seconds. 
The two of you just stay like this. Talking nonsense. Bickering. Laughing away. Jungkook doesn’t know what time is it, but the rain is still pouring outside. A little bit less angry now, but still. The bottle is almost empty. He doesn’t know when you both stoped counting how many glasses you’ve drank. Doesn’t care anyway. Just wants to spend more time with you like this. Like there’s no real life outside that door. Like you’ve never left. Like you never will.
Eventually Jungkook takes the now empty pan and the two glasses to the sink. Hears you picking up the plates and seconds later you’re by the sink as well. He goes out to pick up the empty bottle of wine to throw it in the trash. When he comes back to the kitchen, you’re already washing the dishes; Drunk and hapilly humming the song you eventually put in between the dinner. Swaying away your perfect molded hips. Jungkook’s mind is fuzzy. Can’t think straight. But he knows damn well he can’t blame it on the wine. He would be like this even if he had no alcohol. You’re the one intoxicating him.
“What are you doing?” he murmurs softly behind you, just above your ear. You can feel his hot breathing and it makes your skin instantly hot too. The damn butterflies you feel every time he’s near are awake again. They’re anxious. Excited. 
You turn half of your face to him and say “I’m helping you, silly. I know you hate this part.” 
Jungkook gets a little bit closer. Doesn’t touch you, but he can smell your perfume more clearly now. Takes another step and he is able to smell your shampoo too. Strawberries. He loves it so much. Always have.
He can’t hold you, otherwise he won’t be able to let go. So he puts his hands around you, grabbing the corner of the sink. “You don’t have to, baby” he husks “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
You’ve got goosebumps, but you pretend. Pretend hearing him call you that didn’t almost give you a heart attack. Pretend you did not listen to his complains too, and keep washing everything. You’re almost finished. Then you can sit down. Maybe talk. Tell him everything you couldn’t a year ago. Tell him everything you need to tell him now.
But then, you feel his nose on your hair. Caressing throught it. It’s an old habit of his. You know he likes your shampoo, and you’ve never changed it. 
“You smell so good, Bee.” your mind is going wild. Don’t know what you should do. You can’t fake it anymore. Blame it on the wine, but the last thing you want to do is to have a conversation right now.
You finish the dishes. Clean your hands and tries to think straight. Gives up.
“Jungkook…” you softly say.
And just like that, he comes a little bit closer. His buffed chest on your back now. “Mmm?”
He can’t hold it back. He misses you like a fucking junkie and you are the drug on display. Right at his face. 
Meanwhile, you lean into his body. Your eyes are closed like you’re trying to get out of your foggy mind. Trying to do the right thing. He thinks this is the right thing. Does not care about breaking his heart tomorrow. He can deal with it later. His heart needs you now. He can just pretend for a little and everything will be fine.
So he closes the little gap that still exited between the two of you. Grabs you by the waist and looks down at your face. Waits for you response. You open your eyes instantly, and all he sees is red. Lust. Passion. Need. He knows those eyes. And he knows that’s what you’re feeling, ‘cause he feels it too.
But he’s still careful. His hands roam all over your body when he kisses your cheek softly. Feels his lips tingling with the sensation. Takes it to your neck. Knows exactly where your sweet spot is, and that’s what he aims. Takes a little while there now. Sucks a little bit. Your skin feeling hot under his lips. He drags his tongue slowly over the same spot. Hears you hissing and feels proud. Feels his cock throbbing too, happy with the sounds you make.
Jungkook softy turns your head and your lips are almost touching. You’re so close you can feel his breath like it’s your own. Your lips are begging you to go forward, but you’re scared to screw things up. So you bite your lip back.
“Fuck it.” he says and takes the first step. Holds your face with his palm and crash your lips together. It’s like you’re both starving for years as you sigh relived when your tongues meet. The kiss is passionate. Your lips molding each other, dancing together like they’ve never stopped. Like they’ve always done. Like you’re made for each other. You can’t get enough of him. He can’t get enough of you. So many feelings flowing thru a simple kiss. So you just go on and on and on. Deepens it, if it’s possible. Arms wrap around his neck, your fingers lost on his soft locks. Want him to know how much you care about him. How sorry you are. How much you miss him.
And he gives back. Kisses you like it’s his final act on earth. Kisses you like a starved man. Kisses you like you’re everything to him until he feels his lungs failing him, so he backs up a little to catch a breath.
“I think—“ you start saying, but suddenly you stop. His tattooed hand grabs your throat. Doesn’t strangle you, just puts it there. Caresses it. Let you know that he has made up his mind. That he knows all your weaknesses — that being one of them. He knows how to make you feel good and he’s silently now begging you to give in too.
“Don’t.” he husks and now squeezes your neck. Just enough to make that little spot in your brain tell you’re pleasured by the action. You gasp and let out a broken moan as he continues, now adding little love bites on your shoulder. His bulge growing behind you. So you finally do what you’ve been craving for the whole night.
Jungkook feels you start to rub your ass on his crotch slowly, but firmly. “Shit, baby.” He moans. Feels so fucking horny. Can’t remember the last time he was this hard. Thinks he will nut his pants like a fucking virgin if you keep this up. But he doesn’t care. Wants more. Wants you. So he starts to roll his hips too, meeting you halfway.
“Jungkook” you say with that pretty tone of yours. He knows you. Knows what you want, but he needs to hear it.
“What is it, baby?” he whispers against your ear now. The hand that was in your throat now travels south. It teases you. Goes around your breast. Acts like he will, but does not touch it. He wants you needing. Wants you begging.
“Please.” you say unquiet.
“Use your big girl words, Bee.” he plays around. Sucks your ear lobe. “Say it.”
“Want you to touch me.” you finally say.
“Good girl.” he husks, then turns you over. Grabs you by your waist and sits you on the counter. Puts himself between your thighs. Pulls you closer. Looks at you with his pretty big eyes. Wanting. Expecting.
“Kiss me.” you say and he wastes no time to do so. Kisses you again. Even more fervently than before. Wants you to remember. Bites your lower lip and sucks your tongue. Knows it drives you crazy. You moan into the kiss and he mirrors you. Feels pleasure seeing you this turn on. Wants to keep doing it till he’s fucking six feet under. Feels so blessed seeing you like this after all this time.
You grab his thick hair, pining it like you know he enjoys and he hisses into your mouth. His fingers dig deeper on your skin and you know it’s gonna leave marks.
“You drive me fucking insane.” he says as you pull away, looking at you with half his eyes open, lust exhales from all his pores. You give him a little smirk in return. Loves seeing him like this. All needy. All yours.
He takes back the control. Now he’s the one pulling your hair and you let out a loud moan from the pleasure. You love this. Your core is aching, pussy clenching around nothing trying to get some relief, so you know your body loves it too;
His mouth quickly follows your now exposed throat and kisses it. Sucks. Bites. Leaves tiny nips all over. Does whatever he wants with it, ‘cause he knows it gets you soaked up. Just thinking about it makes him needier so he starts to unbutton your pants, looking back at you to make sure you’re okay with this and you give him silent nods with that pretty little smile on you face.
He wants this moment to last forever, so he takes his time. Looks down on you ‘cause it feels like forever since he last saw you like this. You’re wearing a pretty lacy pink underwear. It’s like you want him dead. “Fuck you.” he says, still looking at your covered pussy with the cute underwear. You giggle a little bit. Knows he loves pink on you, says it enhances your skin color.
The hand that was on your hair starts to explore, travels across your throat and gives one final squeeze as he kisses your lips, bites it down, lick the swollen lip as the hand continues to go down. Takes a little step back and pulls up your shirt. Quickly gets back where he belongs and his lips are on you chest. Little pecks all over it. Teasing. Savoring. Jungkook claims himself a butt guy, but he swears he could happily die between those tits.
Both of his hands are on your covered breasts now. He cups them and starts to salivate with the view. Needs to suck it or he will die. So he takes off your matching bra and instantly puts his lips around your nipple. Sucks it like an obsessed man. Growls as he feels it harden against his tongue so he bites it. Wants to hear you scream from pleasure and so you do.
“Jungkook! Fuck!” you say as you arch your back, giving him more access to your tits. One of your hands grab the corner of the sink for support, the other is pinning his dark locks like your life depends on it. With his right hand Jungkook rubs the neglected breast. Slaps it and pinches the hard nipple across his thumbs. You let another loud moan and you can feel your pink underwear sticking. “Koo..”
And then he looses it. Can’t hear you all needy, calling him that. Does something to his mind and his dick. Knows it is rock hard under his pants right now. He has to do something about it, but the only thing he can think of is you. Giving you pleasure. Make sure you remember how good he is to you. Make you never want to leave again.
So with that in mind he kisses his way down. Kisses your pretty belly. Get on his knees and open your legs. Kisses your inner thighs. Looks over and you’re biting down your lips, looking like a fucking sex goddess. He’s crazy about you. Thinks he might as well fucking die if he can’t get this view for the rest of his life.
He goes a little further, aiming to the sweet spot between your legs. Put his nose on it so he can smell you. “Fuck. Missed this pussy so much.”
You whine at his words. You missed having him like this too. Heart thrums against your ribs when you sense his face closer into the warm of your cunt. He puts the underwear aside and licks your dripping folds just once. Slowly. Wants to savor you like fine wine. Groans when it hits his taste buds. “Swear this is the sweetest thing i’ve ever put my mouth on.”
You giggle, ‘cause you know he’s exaggerating. Such a Jungkook thing to do. “That’s big coming from you, Chef.” he looks back at you and smirks. “You don’t believe me” he leaves one bite on your thigh as a retaliation for not believing his words. Then gets up again. Grabs the back of your head and kisses you. It’s all messy. Wants to show you how sweet you are on his tongue. How addicting it is.
Suddenly he breaks the kiss and looks at you. Puts his fingers on your lips. “Open.”
You love his dom persona, so you obey immediately. Take his fingers like you know will get him imagining things. Licks it, slowly. Shows him what you could be doing on another part of his body. He takes this as a challenge. “You’re a tease, aren’t you?”
He won’t let you get away, tho. Finally strips you out of the underwear and takes his wet fingers down your cunt. Presses your swollen clit, rubbing his thumb over it painfully slow and suddenly you don’t feel like playing anymore. “Jungkook, don’t tease me.”
And for once he does as you ask without second thoughts. Puts his fingers inside your tight pussy and starts pumping inside you. You meow like the pretty kitty you are. “S-shit.. so good…”
He takes his pace, goes faster and his dick twists on his sweatpants with the sloppy sounds the movements take out of your pussy. His fingers are soaked up as he feels you start to milk them, chasing your high.
“P-please don’t stop. Oh my g-good!”
And then he does. Kinda feels wicked when you open your now teary eyes as he pulls out but he swears he will make it up to you. “I hate you.”
He just giggles and gets on his knees again.
“Want my dessert now.” he huskily whispers.
Before you notice, your thighs are on his shoulders and his face is on your pussy again. He’s eating you out like a literal dessert. Licks your folds with his hungry tongue and gets you moaning like crazy. “Could eat this pussy every fucking day.” he says, then puts his tongue flat on you clit. You know the drill. Have done this so many times before and just the thought of if gets you dripping even more. “Ride my face, baby.”
And so you do. Grab his hair with both of your hands and hold him on the perfect spot. He starts to move the tip of his tongue on your nub and you match his movements with your hips. Both of you get more and more turned on as you grind yourself further into his face.
“So good, baby. Shit…” you whimper and he moans into your clit when he hears your words. Puts his lips around it. Bites it. Suckes like his life depends on it. You don’t stop your hips from chasing your high, nudging at his nose and it’s the final act for you to come undone. “Jungkook, fuuuck!” you scream and pulls his hair tight when the pleasure wave washes you. You keep riding his face slowly and he gives your pussy kitty licks prolonging your high. You sigh relieved. He keeps drinking your sweet slickness till the last drop. Moans tasting your juice like it's the very first time. Takes his face back and he’s all covered in you, from his nose to his chin. It’s the hottest thing in the world.
He cleans himself with the back of his hand and suddenly picks you up bridal style, heading to his bedroom. You're taken by surprise, but you love when he manhandles you.
"What are you doing?" you ask still a little big foggy with the afterglow.
"Taking you to inaugurate my new bed" he giggles a little bit.
"Jungkook! That's disgusting!"
"I want your smell on it, what’s wrong?" he says naturally, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You don't want to get your hopes up 'cause you still haven't talked, but he's not making it easy for you.
You look up at him and just can't hold your stupid smile back. He's so gorgeous. The most beautiful man you've ever seen. His pretty little dimples are peeking 'cause he has a little smile on his face too. You realize you love every little detail there is about Jungkook. His beautiful moles; the one on his chin, on his neck, on his cheek. The tiny scar he got from a silly fight with his brother. His bunny teeth. His big, beautiful starry brown eyes. Yeah, you're never getting over this goof. It's humanly impossible.
So you just accept your fate. Whatever this night might bring, you’ll go for it. Heartbreak or healing. There’s no going back now.
Jungkook puts you down on his bed and just stares at you by the end of it. Still fully clothed, also wears that silly smile on his face. Gosh, he’s so fucking perfect.
You just grab him by his t-shirt and pull him closer. He almost falls over you but uses his arms to hold his weight. Towers over you but keeps staring. The previous smile washed away from his face now, and you’re scared he’s already regretting everything.
It’s intense, the way he looks at you. Got you curling your toes in excitement. In fear. In anticipation.
So you just avert your eyes to his pretty pillowy pink lips. Specifically to the mole under it, and you feel like kissing it like you used to.
In the meantime he starts undressing. Takes off his t-shirt and you gasp as you realize he has some new tattoos. One on his chest and more on his shoulder. All of the old ones are colored too. More alive. It’s so pretty.
“You colored them.” you say softly, letting your fingers go across all of them.
“Needed to put some color in my life somehow.” he responds quietly. Like he wanted to say more, but choose to hold it down.
You look back at him and the atmosphere is fuzzy again. There’s no going back from this, really. Not when he’s this close to you. Not when you feel your heart thrumming so fast it might explode. Not when you’re back here again, in his arms.
So wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. You need to be sure. “Do you want me?”
You’re so close you can feel his broke sigh when he says, “More than anything.” And then kisses you.
Not like a hungry man now.
Worst, like a man in love.
Kisses you awfully slow, twisting his tongue perfectly with yours. Sucks the life out of you. Got you moaning when he pulls out and licks your under lip as well. He grabs the back of your head and guides you into delicious positions for the kiss. It’s dreamy. It’s fulfilling. It’s everything you missed.
Jungkook can’t take it anymore, so he pulls himself down on you. Instantly feels your excitement wetting his sweatpants and his dick throbs for more of it.
He starts to grind against your fully naked pussy and you meow into the kiss, still feeling sensitive. Feels so good tho, so you start grinding back on him. What’s left of your cum mixing with arousal, making it even more satisfying for the both of you.
“So greedy…” he husks “Can never get enough, can you?”
You just nod, biting your lips. Feeling even more turned on by his low voice talking shit right now. You need him as soon as possible. So you keep going. Your both taking a pace now. “For god’s sake, take these off”
Jungkook feels his cock aching, burning, wanting. His balls might be petrified right now. Need you or he might die. So he just obeys. Backs off and throws it all away. Goes back to you instantly.
Starts to kiss you again, ‘cause he can never get enough of that sweet taste of yours. It’s like heaven on earth. His body grows hot and electrified as he feels your pussy clenching when he puts his hard dick between your folds. Keeps teasing, just cause he can. Wants to make you suffer a little bit more.
You break the kiss and whine into his ear. “Don’t be mean.”
He giggles and bites down on your left shoulder.
“I won’t, baby.”
His body says otherwise tho, as he slowly eases into you and and stops with just the tip inside. The feeling of his dick intruding your small hole is enough to make goosebumps rise all over his body and his breath to falter “Shit.”
“Patience is a virtue, y’know.” he says, trying to command his heart to function like a normal person’s organ again.
“I don’t care about virtues right now, nerd” you joke and hear him tsc.
“You’ll never learn to not be sassy when you’re under me, will you?”
He doesn’t wait for your answer, though. Fills you up abruptly and you gasp with surprise. It’s so fucking delicious that got both of you moaning in sync.
“Fuck, you’re just as tight as I remember” he says “You okay?”
“Yes,” you say desperately with a broken voice. You need him to move.
And so he does. Suddenly picks up his pace and starts to bottom you out. Fill you up. Repeat. His big dick stretching you out deliciously even better than you remember it did. Your mind did no justice to his talent at all. It’s like he was made for you. Understands your body and soul perfectly. Fits you perfectly. Makes you want more and more and more.
He grabs one of your legs and puts it over his shoulder, getting both of you in a nasty position that got him growling and you drooling.
Oh, he knows perfectly where your sweet spot is.
“Fuck, that’s it, Jungkook.” He smirks when he sees you loosing your mind. Knows it won’t take a while for you to come undone since he’s hitting your most sensitive point right now. With his other hand he puts a hand on your throat and squeezes it. Feels you milking his dick and moaning low.
“My baby likes to be strangled, huh?” he murmurs “Such a dirty girl”
You moan even louder as you feel him going faster. His endurance is crazy and you know it. Got you crawling up the walls every time.
“Tell me,” he says in between the thrusts “Tell me how good it is, Bee.”
“So fucking good, baby” you pan back, completely lost in pleasure right now. Your eyes are closed, all you see is the red starts he makes you see with every sweet thrust in your throbbing cunt.
He let down your leg and comes closer to you. Gives your neck little pecks and goes back to face you.
“Look at me.”
And so you open your eyes. He’s looking at you that same way. The loving way.
You can’t take this. Your heart can’t take this. Him, looking at you like that. Him, being the most precious human being there is. Him, being the greatest decision you’ve ever done. ‘Cause that just reminds you how you’ve ruined everything.
It’s like he feels your swipe of feelings so he slows the movements and gives you one sweet kiss before pulling out. Grabs you by the hips, putting you on top of him. You’re on charge again. It’s your decision, he’s silently saying.
With both of your thighs strangling his body and your hands around his neck you stop in front of him. Don’t do anything. Just admire him. Want to keep this moment bottled in your brain forever. His sweet, loving eyes. His pretty dimples. His chin’s mole—your favorite mole. Every detail there is about him.
Your pull him closer and slowly go for your aim. Put your lips on the pretty mole like you wanted to since you first saw him tonight. Keeps it there and sense his broke sigh. You sigh back. Your chest pangs. Your throat hurts and it’s not in a good way. Your start to feel your eyes watering and pulls back.
“Baby…” he says softly, looking at you with slightly frowned eyebrows, stroking your hips with his fingers.
You know he wants to say something. Something important. Probably something that you two should’ve said before any other thing that happened tonight. But you don’t want to ruin this moment. Not now. Not ever.
So you just shut him up with your lips. Savor him one last time before everything breaks down. Kiss him as if his taste is the oxygen you need to survive.
And he gives it to you right back. Almost as he’s fearing the same thing too. Almost like he doesn’t want to ever let go.
So you just climb up and position your needy pussy above his dick with his help. Delicately easing him into you, stretching you open deliciously till he’s bottomed you up and you can feel how good it is to wrap yourself around him.
“Shit” you moan, feeling so good after good knows how long. “You fill me up so good.”
You start moving up and down, feeling everything there is to feel, giving yourself up to him.
“Pussy was made for me.” he whispers to your lips. “Just for me.”
He moans when your walls clench around his dick, dripping arousal with his words.
“Fuck.” he husks “That’s it, baby.”
You do it again, now on purpose ‘cause you know it makes him insane. You need him like that.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Jungkook holds you in place and starts bulking his hips up, cock hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
“Mmm, too good…” you whimper when he begins a pace that has you seeing stars.
He sighs when he looks at you. His dick is socked with your arousal. Fills you up perfectly, like his body was designed to connect with yours this way. The way it goes in and out drives him mad; but when he looks up at you, closed eyes, full lips trapped between your teeth, hands squeezing those perfect tits. Got him gooshing. Got him head over heals all over again. Got him fucking screwed.
“Fucking perfect.” he moans “Look fucking perfect being dicked down by me”
He feels your walls tighten even more so he slows it down. Wants to make this last more. Wants to make you feel more. That’s not enough, can’t be enough.
So he stops his pumps and holds you down. Just like second nature, your arms wrap around his neck again and you start moving towards him, now rubbing your pussy in sweet movements that he knows will treat your swollen clit well. Knows you love this position, so he helps you out. Spits on one of his fingers and drags it down to your sweet bud. Massages it. Pinches. Makes you whimper, just ‘cause he likes the sound of it.
“Shit, shit, shit, Jungkook!” you say as your hips follow your needs, bulking against his pelvis now. It’s so delicious you think you might go crazy. His dick rubs the perfect spot inside you as your clit gets the perfect friction to set you off.
Jungkook pulls your hair to guarantee his access to your neck, leave tiny love marks all over it. Got you hissing against his shoulder.
“I got you, Bee.” he husks softly.
It’s frightening how fast your climax approaches. You feel the hot waves coming back, building up that frizzing feeling again.
Goosebumps all over your body, you back up to look at him.
You both stare at each other, hips trying to meet the perfect pace now. A sweet pace that has you two building it up together. Feeling together. Giving in together.
His hands are on your ass cheeks, guiding your deep movements, making your cunt take his dick just the way he likes, too. He feels you milking his cock with your walls and his eyelids are tattooed with stars.
“Shit, Bee.” he whimpers “Swear I could die right here and now.”
You giggle and just continue the intense pace. It’s inevitable, to not get emotional. ‘Cause you know you could have this forever. You’ve had everything you could’ve ever wanted. Yet, you let it go.
He opens his eyes again and you’re there. Looking at him with big doe eyes. Loving eyes. Teary eyes. Realizes he loves the shit out of you and cannot think about letting you go again. He will do any fucking thing. Go thru long distance. Take how many flights there is to take. Move to fuckass Australia. Whatever it takes. Just knows you two can’t be separated again.
So he makes love to you. Wants you to remember how it is to be loved. To be loved by him. Tries to show how electrified he feels right now. Needs you to feel the same way.
He guides your hips to continuously make those movements that got him curling his tip toes. One of his hands goes down to you clit again to make it even better for you. Knows it will get you cumming in a heartbeat.
“Ah, fuck!” you moan when he intensifies the rubbing on your harden button. “M’gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, baby.” he husks teasingly. That’s all he wants right now. You, coming undone because of him. The thought itself makes his own climax approach as well, mixed with you cunt stimulations and the sweet sounds you make: that’s the perfect receipt for —his— disaster.
Your body seems to obey him, as he starts to give in and the electric feeling of the orgasm tingles from you head to toe. “Koo, fuck!” you scream, eyes rolling backwards so hard you don’t think you’ll be able to see anything but starts for days.
Jungkook tries to prolong your feeling as he turns you over. Spits directly on your cunt, fucks you rough thru your climax.
“Koo, it’s too much.” you meow, eyes closed with goosebumps all over your body.
“No baby,” he whispers “Just one more, you can take it.”
So he starts the circled rubbing on your clit again. Grabs your hip firmly in a position that got you curling your tip toes.
“Be a good girl and cum for me again, pretty baby.”
Tears rolling down your cheeks, you feel everything amplified right now. It’s like you’ve been electrocuted all of the sudden. It’s like you need to cum or you will die.
Jungkook feels your dripping walls throbbing around his dick again and increases his pace, getting himself there too. “Fuck, that’s it, Bee.” he moans. Keeps rubbing your clit meanly till he feels his hand muscles hurt. “Gonna cum on this pretty pussy.”
“Koo…” you whisper and he feels your final spasms. Suddenly his dick and his hands are washed with your squirt. You fucking squirted on him. Jesus. He can’t hold himself back anymore.
“Fuck baby, fuck!” he says and increases the pace. The new wave of climax seems to be just what he needed to fuse his own orgasm. Everything that was building up now crumbles down when you spasm from your head to toe, body shaking and pussy as tight as ever, making him spill hot shots of cum all over your walls, filling you up, finally staying where it belongs.
He slows the movements now, pumping his every seed inside of you. Needs every part of him on you. His body, mind and soul are yours.
"So pretty dripping with my cum." he smirks.
You whimper with the nastiness of it all. You love it, and he knows it.
He gives you one last peck and eventually crumbles down next to you. Your heart is in a race, thrumming so hard you think it might break your bones now. You don’t know what to do. What’s next. Where this got you two.
Jungkook’s in no better place. The wave of afterglow is slowly fading and his mind is everywhere. He looks at his bedroom ceiling. Wants to say the right thing. Nothing comes to mind. So he turns sideways. Looks at you. Finds the courage he needs when he sees those pretty eyes.
“Bee.” he whispers. Comes closer to you, like he’s about to tell a secret. Keeps a little distance tho, just enough to look at your eyes. Wants to see your reaction. Wants to see the true feelings in them when he says, “Don’t leave me again.”
Your gasp is audible, eyes two sizes bigger as the tears you’ve been holding back all night now roll down your cheeks.
“Please” he says, voice cracking too as if he’s expecting the worst. Expecting you to make the wrong choice again.
“Jungkook—“ you whisper, trying to find the right words.
“Baby, I’ll do anything.” he nervously says “We can try long distance. I have enough money to travel at least once a month.” he starts babbling out.
“O-or if it’s to hard for us, I’ll try to find a restaurant in Australia. I’ll move out with you.” he says with his chest hurting, seeing you taken aback again. He can’t loose you. “Fuck, I’ll literally drop anything there is for you.”
He closes his eyes now. Turns over again. Doesn’t want to see the rejection in your eyes. Doesn’t want you to see the tears on his. He’s too weak for you. Too weak for his own good.
“But I understand i-if..” his voice trails off in hurt, his throat tightening “I understand if you don’t have feelings for me anymore.”
“Koo…” you softly say, giggling with teary eyes. You climb up on him. He keeps his eyes closed like he’s scared of the world outside his eyelids. “Look at me.”
He slowly does, and the trapped little tears fall over, his perfect nose is pinkish, and you just want to melt away.
“I’m not leaving.” you softly say, wiping out his beautiful cheeks.
“W-what?” he stumbles over his words. He can’t believe he heard you right. That can’t be.
“I’m not leaving. I came this time to stay.”
“Are you fucking with me, Bee?” he abruptly stands up and almost got you falling off the bed. He holds you tight on his lap, tho. “Be serious right now.”
You laugh out loud now. Can’t believe this is happening. Can’t believe he wants you after all this time. After everything that’s been thru.
“Jeon Jungkook. I swear on Bam’s life” you say with a bright smile on your face.
“Hey! Don’t swear on Bam’s life!”
Like he was waiting for the perfect time, the puppy shows up by the end of the bed, swiping happily his tail with his big eyes looking at both of you.
“Nobody called you here, man.” Jungkook jokily says. Wants to have his private time with you now, and knows Bam will be all over both of you if he stays. “Go back to your room, big boy.”
The puppy stubbornly stays. Looks at you, like he wants the words to come from you now.
“Go, Bamie. We’ll play with you later.”
And so he does, like that’s all he needed to hear to obey.
“Fucking joke.” Jungkook cuffs “Even the dog is head over hells for you.”
"So..." you say with a stupid grin all over your face you might as well apply for a role as the joker. "You're head over hells for me, hm?"
"So..." he immitates you. Knows it tickles the shit out of you. Bickering with you is his love language, too. "You're not going back to Australia?"
"Uh-hum." you giggle, playing with his dark locks.
"What happened? Kangaroo kicked your head over there?"
"Missed my Koogaroo" you pan right back.
"Oh, shut up." He lets out one laud laugh and turns you over in bed, tickles all over your body until your crying.
You both just stare at each other, big smiles spread out in your faces. Happinees flowing thru and between you. That's it. That's where you belong.
"I really missed this." you say softly.
Jungkook towers over you again. Kisses your lips softly. "Missed," your nose. "You," your forehead. "So much." all of your face.
"I love you, Koo." you say softly, staring at him. Staring at his soul. Hoping he believes you. Believes you never stoped loving him, not now, not ever.
"I love you too, Bee."
AND THAT WAS IT! what do you guys think? I struggled so much on the smut parts wtffff why is it so hard hahaha
I was thinking about doing some drabbles of the story since I loved the couple sm! they're so sweet, right? also thought about developing her friendship with tae, maybe after jk/oc are back together, his reaction and apologies ??? or maybe the background of oc/jk's f2l, the day she left aahhh there's so much i could do!
again, i'm sorry if there are any typos! please leave comments if you like the story, i'll accept requests too <3 promise i'll come back soon
taglist: @kooliv @serendipity713 @5seos @pointofviewyugyeom @glitterybreadtimemachine @olimpiiaa @kooklovee @coffeewkth @valwnn @tae-hibiscus @skzthinker @lazyyhooman @sharkipoonis @kiylasstuff @kissyfacekoo @spicxbnny @cookysstuff
tysm for supporting my ff, i hope you enjoy :) xx
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euaphoric · 11 months
˚୨୧⋆。 જ⁀➴ ‎♡‧₊˚ [ ストロベリー ]
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✩‧₊˚ pairing — boyfriend!jk x hyperfem!f!reader
✩‧₊˚ warnings — fluff, sm*t (not too detailed tho), cutesy couple stuff, v dramatic koo, marking, dry h*mping, c*ckwarming
nothing’s more fun than sitting on your boyfriend’s lap, looking pretty while doing your makeup <3
banner made by moi, pls don’t steal! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
“mmph, hah—stopp that tickles!” your voice squeaks from forcefully letting out a string of giggles. attempting to apply eyeshadow through the vanity in front of you but failing miserably. all you can hear is him whining and moaning, “but whyyy? i’m having too much fun with youu.” ring clad fingers creep up past your collarbone again, jungkook was getting way more entertainment out of this than you. “‘c-cause you’re distracting me, gah!” the noises you’re making are obnoxiously loud at this point but he didn’t seem to care at all. you’ve given up—tears began to form in the corners of your eyes now, this tickle spree has gone on for far too long but no matter how much you protest and squirm he wouldn’t let you out his grasp.
it started off tranquil at first, casually sitting on his lap with his arms locked around your waist—nuzzling his chin in your neck as you do your makeup to head out with friends later. you were trying to keep him entertained by narrating everything you’re doing, acting like one of those beauty gurus you like to watch on tiktok or youtube. you wore your my melody spa headband to keep the strands out your face, along with your favorite pastel mini dress, the knee high stockings with satin bows were the cherry on top set the look. jungkook gets bored super easily, his mind will draw attention elsewhere in a split second and usually that ends up with bothering you as much as possible. he’d sneak quick little kisses here and there, play with your thighs, basically keeping his hands anywhere but to himself. that’s when he started tickling you for no absolute reason, he loved hearing your high-pitched squeals—it was pure serotonin to him, he needed more to brighten his day.
“koo!” you cry, “please!” your shaky hands fumble with the brush in attempt to playfully hit him with it. sigh, you just wanna do your makeup in peace. “l-leavee me alone!” it sounded nowhere near threatening coming from you, there was not a scary bone in your body whatsoever. “like i’ll ever do that peaches, you’re my babyy,” he chimes, glittering you with sweet endearing compliments “you shouldn’t be so stinkin’ cute! wanna eat you.” when he pretends to bite your ear this only makes the uncontrollable laughter continue, and by now you’re never going to finish this makeup in time. “i really need.. t-to get goin’ ssoon!” there was no indication what the time was currently but you know you’ve wasted enough that you were going to be running late meeting your friends. “mmm..but i don’t want you to go, stay here!” jungkook finally caves in with stopping the tickles (only for now) but gets all mopey about you leaving him.
“eeek, i’m free!” you graciously cheer now that you can go back to what you’re doing. “so handsy today, maybe it’s the strawberry lotion..” “ah, so that’s what it is?” he asks, “was wonderin’ why you smelled like strawberry shortcake.” “mhm, i know you like that one.” you grab your eyeshadow brush to dip it in your fav dior palette, choosing a pretty peach color to add to your eyelid, then apply silver glitter on top to make it pop. “who you looking all cute for like this anyway, huh? i won’t be able to protect you from all the pervs staring at what’s mine!” god he can be so overly dramatic at times, always wanting to keep you inside so no one can even look at you. of course he doesn’t do it in a toxic way but he gets jealous real easily and never let’s go of your hand when out in public—he just feels so lucky to have stumbled upon someone like you, cute, smart, funny, sexy, kind, all in one.
lush pink lips trail down to your shoulders, the slightest touch leaving you with goosebumps as he’s still hugging your waist firmly in his embrace. “ugh…don’t want you to go.” jungkook murmurs against you, gliding his hands up and down your body, he sounded so sad and it didn’t help that you could see him pouting through the mirror. “i won’t be out for long, i’ll be back before you know it kookie!” he still didn’t sound convinced. he was very selfish with you, he wants you all to himself most of the time so whenever you go hang out with friends he makes it such a big production. “you’re so beautiful baby,” he coos, “my cute little princess.” his veiny hands shift underneath the hem of your dress, caressing your plump, ample thighs. more delicate kisses are planted up your neck, he’s become increasingly quiet now—focusing solely on this moment of cherishing you. he might’ve gotten a bit too comfortable as one of his hands traveled up to fondle your breasts, not even realizing until you said something.
“was last night not enough for you?” you giggle, reaching for your lipstick. “no” he simply replied, “i need you 24/7.” “all day, every day.” he was too precious, you wanted to put him in your pocket forever. you moved ever so slightly in his bond, noticing the familiar feeling of his bulge against your clothed heat. just that tiny bit of movement was enough to get you flustered. you hadn’t sensed his overt horniness until now—just bathing in his warmth and letting his desires roam free, you didn’t think he’d actually get turned on by all of this. then again, this is jungkook we’re talking about, he’ll get horny just by seeing your ankle. “mmph…want you baby.” his pleas are so adorable to you, but you’re already short on time so you had to hurry soon. jungkook rocks his hips into you, sliding his fingertips down your sides while nipping at your neck. “we gotta make it quick though..” you whisper softly, grinding against him to match his lazy movement. “you have my word princess.” he steers your hips in place to keep you exactly where he wants, steadily running his hands over your exposed skin. the tent in his pants only grew as you kept rubbing your ass on him, he’s simply going to jizz himself if it continues like this.
“fuck, can’t take anymore. want to feel youu.” he whines immaturely, never able to contain any patience within. “better hurry then.” you remind him of the time crunch, with that answer he wastes not another second to pull it out of his sweatpants—sliding your panties aside and slipping in with ease. your body’s become so accustomed to him that you don’t need foreplay half the time. once he’s fully settled in he stays motionless for a while, letting you adjust to his thickness. several fleeting kisses saturate your back, leading them up to your neck once more to leave small love bites. you’re unsure of why he still hasn’t moved yet but you don’t question it, you’re enjoying the moment you two are sharing. it didn’t really feel like you were being sexual with him; more so a passionate intimate bonding that runs deeper than just sex. jungkook loves you intensely and you can feel it in every fibre of his being. the way he holds you, kisses you, pampers you, makes sure you feel like the most beautiful girl in the universe to him. he was so yours. “we don’t even need to fuck, i can stay like this baby.” he rests his head on your shoulder, drinking in the sweetness of your strawberry fragrance. “okay.” you smile, the feeling of him pulsating inside emits a glowing sensation. “as you wish my love.”
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kooktrash · 2 years
never again | jjk
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summary | jeon jungkook is just your nosy neighbor who can’t seem to be anything less than a selfish, heart breaking, prick in your eyes. yet somehow he manages to wiggle his way into your life but is it enough for him to change your mind or will he prove your judgements right?
warnings | 14.8k words, smut, neighbors to friends to lovers to strangers, mild angst, jk is a fuckboy, jk is arrogant, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, oral (f and m), heavy petting, heavy make out, Jk is insecure and an asshole, mean tae for only a little bit, slow pining, oneshot
runaway — kanye west
save your tears — the weeknd
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When you first moved into apartment building eleven, floor number five and unit fourteen, you did not expect to be neighbors to the most annoying little fuck you’ve ever met.
The man behind the door of unit fifteen, floor number five in apartment building eleven, Jeon Jungkook, was nothing short of a cocky asshole. He think he owns the building. He fucks whoever he wants and is as loud as he wants without care about any of the other tenants. He plays music at the crack ass of dawn. He leaves his packages to pile up outside his door. He nails holes into the walls when you’re trying to sleep.
You’ve been putting up with it for six months already since you’ve moved in. You haven’t complained about it [though you know others have] and you’ve tried to be as little of a nuisance as new neighbors can be. But tonight? Tonight you really couldn’t handle it anymore.
It’s been going on for over an hour! And okay yeah that’s a little impressive considering the guys you’ve slept with don’t last more than a few minutes, you were annoyed. You needed to sleep and with the constant bed hitting against the shared wall of your bedroom you simply couldn’t.
So all the stuff you’ve been holding for the last six months finally surfaced as you hurried out of the comfort of your bed angrily and stormed right to the next door neighbor of yours. You didn’t even care if your insistent knocking woke the floor up you just really needed to give this guy a piece of your mind. All you knew was that your knuckle was not letting up on this door knocking for at least a minute straight until the door swung open before you.
The guy you’d seen barely in passing or when mail was delivered to the wrong door stood in front of you now. He wore a bed sheet loosely around his waist, hair laying down over his forehead, muscles taut and bare to your eyes but you refused to look at anything but his face. Unlike you though, he made sure to look at everything before him. From the fluffy pink slippers on your feet to the toned muscle in your calves and thighs. The off season halloween shorts and the fitted shirt that did very little to hide the small tips of your braless assets. To be fair you were trying to sleep and weren’t wearing a bra for that. Feeling his stare trail up to your face you crossed your arms over your chest and hands tucked in your underarms you tilted your head looking up at him, “Do you know what time it is?”
He looked down at his bare wrist for a moment before shrugging, “Not sure, my watch is missing. What time is it?”
“It’s 1:30am,” you said, “And I’m not sure if you know this but some of us have jobs in the morning that requires us to go to sleep. It’s really hard to do that when your bed is banging up against the wall and the person you have in there with you doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up.”
His brow raised in amusement as he looked back toward his open bedroom where he’d abandoned the girl he’d been sleeping with to see who was pounding on his door this late at night. But he’s gotta admit he’s not mad about the sudden eye candy before him for interrupting his groove. He licked his lips as he nodded, “Yeah alright, I’ll tell her to shut up.”
You couldn’t resist the roll of your eyes, “And stop hitting the wall with your bed. I’m sleeping just on the other side of it.”
He smirked a little leaning against the doorframe, “Really? I’ll have to come over some time and see for myself if that’s true.”
“Ew,” you cringed. He was hot, especially now that he was barely covered in a bed sheet and all his tattoos and piercings just added to his good looks, but clearly he was a flirt and that was not your vibe. You began to turn away, “Just please let me sleep. That’s all I ask.”
When you were back in your own apartment you felt even more drained than before. You crashed down on your bed ready to finally be able to sleep when it started again. The pounding against the wall at least. You let out a groan in frustration as you covered your face with your pillow and hit back on the wall. The least he could do is move the bed away even an inch!
You slept with the pillow over your face the rest of the night.
The lack of sleep throughout the night made the next day a living hell for not only you but those around you too. You were the physical embodiment of ‘I’m mad so I’m making it everyone’s problem’. Thankfully, you didn’t have any close coworkers to feel the heat of your exhaustion but all the different companies you negotiated with over the phone definitely did.
Your neighbor kept it up for another half hour before calling it quits and by 6:00am he was playing music way too loudly. Whatever, he wanted to be an asshole and get under your skin. You weren’t going to give in again.
When you got home later that night carrying a large felt board with you pushed through your front door and dumped all of your stuff down on the coffee table. You fished your laptop out and set in front of you before heading back into the kitchen for a drink.
It had to have been about seven now and you have yet to eat anything but a plain sandwich and drank a bottled water. You came back to the living room turning the tv on to find something as background noise so you could finish your work.
You didn’t get much work done when a sudden pounding on your window scared you enough to spill water down the front of your shirt. In clear annoyance and fear you looked over to the small window opening to the fire escape. A figure crouched down under the steps.
Immediately you grabbed one of the fat textile books in front of you and pulled the curtain fully. The small scream you let out might’ve been a little too dramatic but why the fuck was that piece of shit neighbor of yours at your window? How’d he even get over to this side?
You barely put a hand to the window only to be stuck watching him immediately open it wider and try to step inside. You drew the book back before bringing it down hard on his back.
“Ow! Stop!” He yelled as you did it again. Fuck no. You’ve seen movies like this where the creepy neighbor breaks into a single woman’s house and tries to do bad stuff. You were not about to be another statistic.
“Stop! Stop!” He flailed his arms as he stumbled in, “Time out! Let me ta-Ow! Let me talk!”
“No you fucking freak, get out!” You said ready to deliver another smack when he swatted the hardcover out of your hands leaving you weaponless. He looked at you waiting to fight off your next move.
“Look I need your help,” he said peaking out the window again, “That girl from last night is still here and I can’t get rid of her.”
“I really don’t give a fuck,” you told him simply pointing to your window, “You’re a little shit who deserves whatever shit happens to him so go deal with your mess on your own.”
He groaned loudly, “Listen lady, if you help me get rid of her I’ll never be loud again.”
You didn’t say anything. He took your silence as a cue to keep negotiating, “I’ll move my bed. I’ll stop leaving my trash near your door. I won’t play music loud. Come on I seriously need your help. I’ll stop taking your food deliveries when they send it to the wrong door.”
Your jaw dropped, “That was you? Oh you’re a piece of shit, I’m not helping you for you to learn to be a decent neighbor.”
His phone rang making his eyes widen. Suddenly he dropped to his knees, “Please! I’m begging get this crazy chick out. I told her she can head out whenever she’s ready this morning but she never left! I went to work and when I came home she was sitting on my couch eating my fucking cereal in my bathrobe!”
“And what does that have to do with me? Tell her to get out or you’ll call the cops,” you shrugged still not caring.
“I tried! She didn’t budge and said if I called the cops she said she’d show them the bruises of me hurting her,” he told you. You took a step back at that making him shake his head, “Okay yeah I hurt her but it was during sex and she was begging to be marked up. Please neighbor? From the kindness of your heart?”
“I’ll help, but if you don’t keep up your end of the deal what do I do with you?” You asked making him smirk suddenly.
“Anything you want.”
Your unamused expression made him gulp, “I’ll move out. The first complaint you’ve got and I’ll move out.”
“Damn she must really be scaring you,” you laughed as you walked over to your door slipping some shoes on. He nodded, “She is. She’s already talking about kids. I barely met her last night.”
“What do I even say?” You asked with a sigh combing your fingers through your hair. He bit his lip, “Say you’re the landlord and heard commotion. No! Say you’re my girlfriend and just caught me cheating. I don’t know just sell it so I’ll never have to see her again.”
“This is so stupid,” you mumbled to yourself as you drifted into the hall closing the door as quietly as possible. His door was slightly ajar so you let yourself in.
“Jungkook?” You heard the girl call out and immediately felt your anxiety spike. She ran out of the bedroom in a black night robe. She stopped in front of you glaring, “Can I help you?”
“I can ask you the same thing,” you cleared your throat, “What are you doing in my boyfriend’s house?”
“Boyfriend?” She shrank back looking at you in confusion, “Jungkook has a girlfriend…”
“I’m sorry but do I know you? What are you doing here?” You asked carrying on the act as you moved around the apartment that strangely mirrored yours. The girl was fumbling around already as she raced around gathering her own clothes. Taking your improv a step higher you made a loud sniffling sound, “Oh my god. You slept with my boyfriend.”
You covered your face with your hand letting a fake cry out, “How could he do this to me?”
“Look I’m so sorry,” she rushed out as she changed stumbling a little trying to put her shoes on, “I swear I didn’t know he was taken. I’ll leave, I’m so sorry. If it makes you feel any better we only fucked. We didn’t kiss, he didn’t want to.”
You cried harder turning away from her until you heard the sound of her heels clacking against the tile floor in the hall. Waiting a moment to make sure she was gone you pulled yourself together and walked back to your own place. He doesn’t kiss his hook ups or something? That’s weird and strange. Whatever, you opened your door.
He jumped back clearly alarmed when you snatched the folder out of his hand. He’d been snooping so hard he didn’t even hear you come back. He smiled sheepishly flashing his teeth as he scratched the back of his neck, “Is she gone?”
“Yes, so get out,” you said making sure he didn’t do anything with your work folder when he was looking through it. He nodded his head cheering, “Yes! Wow you’re amazing, so scary. Y/n, right?”
You crossed your arms over your chest and put more weight to one hip tilting your head as you looked at him. He ignored the unamused look you gave him, “I’m Jungkook, officially.”
Your brows furrowed but before you question what he meant he was walking toward your window, “I swear I’ll hold up my end of the deal Kay?”
“Jungkook,” you called out to him with a huff. He turned abruptly, leg mid swing already. “The door.” You pointed to it and he looked down at his current circumstance. This window opening barely fit one person but it was the easiest access to his apartment aside from the front door. Why hadn’t he thought about the front door now that the threat is gone?
He managed to convince the chick to wait outside while he showered and then ran to his window and hopped onto the wide fire escape that your window shared with his. He couldn’t use the door then but he was definitely able to use it now. He stumbled back into your place and shuffled over to the front door, “Once again, means a lot. You’re super helpful. We should get some drinks some time, you know? Get closer even.”
“Have a good night Jungkook,” you grumbled as you shut him out. Your stomach seemed to agree as it growled abruptly. Fuck, all this and you still haven’t even had dinner yet.
You were pleasantly surprised at the fact that it’s been a week and your neighbor has kept his promise. He’s not playing his music at the crack of dawn or leaving his trash bags by your door. He’s even moved his bed off the wall a little and though it still squeaks you’ve definitely heard him hush a partner once.
“Is he hot?” Your friend, Leehi, asked with her feet up against the wall as she laid on your bed. You were currently trying on different ‘night out’ outfits for tonight. You thought back to what your neighbor looked like.
There was the shirtless, bed sheet look of his. There was the just off work look. There was the casual look in the elevator.
“Yeah,” you answered pulling a top on. You were currently filling her in on what happened a week ago. She found it hilarious that your annoyingly hot neighbor tried to break into your place and beg for help apparently. You ignored her laughter, “But whatever, at least he’s chilled out on being annoying.”
“That’s cute,” Leehi said pointing to your top. You matched it with some pants and went to put some jewelry on, “Are we still meeting Taehyung there?”
You nodded, “Yeah he said he’ll text us when he’s on the way.”
“More like text you,” Leehi rolled her eyes as she rolled off the bed fixing her outfit and walking over to your mirror making sure she didn’t ruin her look, “He’s got a thing for you, yknow?”
That made you laugh shaking your head in disbelief, “No he doesn’t. We’re just friends.”
“Because you friendzone him.”
You didn’t say anything as your phone dinged, a private message from your friend Taehyung saying he was leaving his place now.
Leehi and Taehyung were your closest friends and they have been since your first year in college. You and Taehyung got close from the beginning and your friendship was just natural. There was no awkwardness, no second guessing, nothing. It was effortless and he was one of the only guys who made you feel comfortable.
You’ve never really seen him as anything more than a friend since he had a girlfriend three out of the four almost five years you’ve been friends. He got a girlfriend a few months after you became friends and she was wonderful. She fit right in with all of you and was nice. They had a long term relationship only five months ago when they broke it off.
Taehyung’s joined you and Leehi now more consistently and though he’s very open to you that does not mean he’s into you. Leehi is probably just confusing his newly single behavior for having a thing for you when that’s not it.
Now that he is single you and Leehi get dragged out to clubs and hang out with him. Sometimes you’re lucky finding someone to take you home, sometimes you and Taehyung cuddle on your couch after a night of drinking. Nothing serious.
All the complaining you do mentally about your neighbor’s obnoxious rendezvousing keeps you from bringing your own partner for the night. It didn’t mean you didn’t have fun you were just more careful about it. It’s been about a month since the last time you slept with someone and it was an awful Tinder date who surprisingly was not shit in bed.
And since Taehyung’s never made any verbal signs of being into you, you don’t pay attention to Leehi when she tells you he is.
You two got to the night club a little later than him. When you met up with him inside he was already a couple shots in. He threw his arm around your shoulders, “You’re here! Finally I’ve been waiting up.”
“How much have you drank already?” You laughed as he led you over to the bar. He ordered the shots for you and Leehi as he tapped anxiously against the counter. You took the shots and ordered another round for the fuck of it. It didn’t take long for you to at least get a little tipsy.
You stuck to Leehi mostly until she was whisked away by some hot guy and left you alone with Taehyung. He swept over to you with a gentle smile, “Hey.”
“You look really good tonight,” he cleared his throat awkwardly, “Seriously.”
You smiled teasingly, “Don’t I always?” He chuckled nodding his head, “Yeah. You do.”
You hadn’t expected a 20 to 100 situation to hit quickly but it wasn’t until you felt the weight of his lips on yours that you jumped back. He seemed a little drunk and by this sudden show of affection you were left very confused. Weren’t you just talking? Why did he try and kiss you?
He groaned, “Come on Y/n. Can’t you see how much I’m into you?” His words sounded a little slurred as he reached out to hold your waist, “Won’t you give me a chance? I can make you feel good.”
That had you laughing uncomfortably, “Tae I think you’re drunk.”
“Don’t be a bitch about it,” he said coldly. Your brows furrowed at the change in behavior. Under the flashing blue light you could barely make out his features. You noticed the redness in his cheeks from the alcohol that matched the tint of red in the whites of his eyes. He was acting different. Was it because of the alcohol?
“We can talk when you’re sober,” you cleared your throat looking around for Leehi. He scoffed, “I’m t—telling you ho…how I feel and you’re brushing me off?”
His words were muffled, “You think I’m jush…just waiting around for you? It’s been years Y/n, can’t you see it?”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, “You had a girlfriend.”
“Yeah and she dumped me!” He said cutting through the crowd toward the bar to order another drink, “Wanna know why? Because she thought I was in love with you. I mean I am but crazy, right?”
It didn’t make any sense. Taehyung started dating her after you became friends with him. They dated for three years so what was going on? He had said it was a mutual break up because they drifted apart. She was always so nice to you too. You didn’t say anything letting the loud music consume the both of you and it only seemed to annoy him more, “I’m admitting to loving you and you’ve got nothing to say?”
“Taehyung I—“ you bit back your tongue. How were you supposed to respond? He’s clearly drunk and you doubt he even realizes what he’s saying. He’s been a little harsh and he’s not usually like that.
“What? Huh? Whatever,” he scoffed, “You’re just a stuck up bitch who thinks she’s too good for anyone.”
Your jaw dropped. No he didn’t just say that. You took a step back, now you really didn’t care if he was drunk. How is he supposed to be confessing to you and insults you when you don’t respond the way he wants you to? You turned without saying another word as you looked for Leehi. She was leaving with some guy but you pulled her back, “You’re leaving?”
“Yeah, you’ve got my location right?” She asked as the guy waited patiently by her side, “I’ll send you address and call you when I leave.”
With a sigh you nodded your head following after to make sure she was safe. You quickly read over the cab’s plate number and went to your app to track her. Once you assured yourself of her safety you worked on yours. What would be the safest way home this late at night?
Jungkook has had the most boring Saturday he’s had in a while. He didn’t even go out tonight. He didn’t text some booty call, nada. He just spent the night at home because he wanted to. He hadn’t been in the mood to do anything other than watch movies on his couch so that’s what he did. The only time he got up from his spot was to use the bathroom and get food. That’s it.
It’s now been the third movie he’s watched tonight and he just knows he needs some fresh air. He walked over to his window propping it open and sticking his head out. A little smirk appeared on his face at the sight before him.
“Howdy neighbor,” he said teasingly as he made his way through the window opening onto the fire escape. He had to pass the metal staircase to get to you and he sat down in front of you. You barely glanced at him, “Hello?”
“Needed some fresh air,” he said as if you’d asked him and made himself comfortable with his back against the railing. You still wore your going out clothes and he checked you out real quick, “Did you go out tonight?”
“For a little yeah,” you shrugged with a sigh. You leaned against the brick wall of your building turning to him. Damn, if he was gonna be out here might as well try at a conversation. He nodded pulling his knees to his chest, “What’s wrong?”
“Huh?” Your brows furrowed in confusion. He pointed at the smudged mascara under your eye, “Looks like you’ve been crying.”
You rubbed at your eyes checking your reflection against your phone screen, “Nothing just got into an argument with someone.”
“Ah,” he nodded looking up at the moon, “Boyfriend?”
That made you scoff remembering what Taehyung told you, “He wishes but he ruined his chances tonight.” It was quiet between you two and Jungkook had time to drift off into his own mind before his eyes widened, “My ramen!”
He crawled back to his window and disappeared leaving you out alone. You didn’t move from your spot assuming he’d just gone back inside but it was only a couple minutes alone before he was pushing two bowls out the window and onto the fire escape before climbing out. He carried a bowl to you, “Hungry?”
“Not reall—“ “I think you are,” he pushed it to you urging you to eat. Not wanting to be rude you thanked him and took the bowl, “So what about you?”
“What about me?” He asked slurping up some noodles. He looked at you expectantly waiting for you to continue. “No party tonight or something?”
“Nah, everyone’s lame and that girl from the other night scared the hell out of me,” he said honestly, “I’ve been trying to cool it.”
When he brought up what happened a memory resurfaced making you laugh a little. His brow quirked in curiosity, “What?”
“Nothing,” you played with some noodles, “Okay, when I tried getting her to leave she got super apologetic. But then she said that if it made me feel any better you two only hooked up but that you didn’t kiss her.”
“Yeah no I didn’t kiss her,” Jungkook shrugged like it was nothing, “I don’t just kiss anyone.”
“But you’ll sleep with anyone?” You asked how. He shot you a wary look before answering, “In my head, kissing is pretty intimate. I know it doesn’t make sense but when I bring a girl home I’m not looking to fall for them. I’m just looking to get laid and you gotta be clear about it. By saying I won’t kiss them or some shit is already drawing a line don’t you think?”
“No, I think I’m the opposite,” you laughed a little, “I’ll kiss someone for the fuck of it but I won’t just sleep with anyone.”
“So wait, when’s the last time you kissed someone on the lips then?” You asked suddenly, confusion mixed with curiosity written all over your face. He thought back on it.
Let’s see. He broke up with his long term girlfriend about a year ago and she’s gotta be the last person he kissed, right? He doesn’t kiss his hook ups on the lips. Maybe some neck kisses or down south kisses but eh nothing else. He shrugged, “Uh about a year ago? The last person has to have been my ex.”
You didn’t say anything for a minute giving Jungkook time to decide if he wanted to keep talking. He didn’t really know you but you were here right now and for some reason sitting under the moonlight with a stranger at midnight made it a little too easy to open up to someone. So he did.
“ We didn’t even date that long but it really made me think about who I was as a person and I realized relationships aren’t for me,” he told you as he set his bowl of ramen down that was now empty, “I can’t take the intimacy for too long not even during sex so I just decided to ditch that whole side of me.”
“But why?“ you asked a little curious on what he meant by that, “I mean you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“Oh uh,” he scratched the back of his head, “I don’t know actually. It’s like I could have the perfect partner, someone I genuinely care about but the thought of loving them is scary. Don’t you think? Like giving yourself to them, losing your independence. I always find a way to fuck it up because the thought of being vulnerable to someone is unbearable.”
“Okay yeah I get that,” you agreed feeling your phone buzz by your thigh. Your eyes rolled as Taehyung’s name lit up your screen drawing Jungkook’s attention to it but you rejected the call in order to talk, “This is going to sound random but I’m really happy I got to know you better Jungkook. Seriously, you’re different than what I thought.”
He smiled at that. For some reason that made his heart stop for a second. But then he heart the buzzing again. Your phone rang once more making Jungkook bring it up, “You need to get that?”
“No,” you said. You didn’t want to hear what Taehyung said right now. If he wanted to talk it could be another day when he’s not being a douche. Jungkook’s brows furrowed and you let out a sigh, “He’s a friend of mine but tonight he was like a totally different person. I’ve known him for four years and I’d never seen him act like that.”
“Like how? Come on you gotta tell me. I just opened up to you,” he pointed out before waving his arm around the space of the fire escape, “This is a safe space.”
You laughed a little and nodded, “Okay well basically he told me he’s into me but then he said he loves me. But get this, he was super drunk and kissed me. It wasn’t a big deal but then when I told him we can talk about it when he’s sober he flipped out on me. He called me a stuck up bitch and was just mad. Like he just got out of a three year relationship and he expects me to believe him?”
“Do you feel something for him?” Jungkook asked. Surprisingly, he liked talking to you. If he hadn’t annoyed you so much all this time you might’ve done this sooner. At first he just thought you were hot, wouldn’t mind hooking up but now he’s not sure. He always fucks it up with the people he’s intimate with and maybe he’d rather talk to you than make you hate him.
“I don’t know, I mean I don’t but I also never really thought about him like that,” you told him honestly. It quieted down between you.
He checked the time and released a sigh, “It’s late.”
“This was a nice talk, we should do it again sometime,” he cleared his throat grabbing his bowls, “If you ever need someone to talk to I mean. Sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone different.”
“Yeah, and Jungkook?” He turned to look at you one last time, “I’m happy I got to know you better.”
You’ve never considered yourself a nosy neighbor. Okay sure, you’ve definitely been the type to eavesdrop but not to this extent. Not with your head practically out the window listening in on the conversation next door with Leehi as Taehyung distracted himself with his phone.
Yes, you and Taehyung have made up. He sent you this super long paragraph the day after your weird incident at the club. He apologized and said he came off too strongly and that if it was okay he’d like to start over. You asked him about what he meant by what he said and if it was true. He told you he was into but might’ve exaggerated a little and that if there was a possibility for you two to get closer he’d take it in baby steps.
“You guys are gonna get caught,” he said clearly disinterested in what had you and Leehi snooping. To be fair Leehi was snooping first and made you curious enough to do the same. It didn’t help that Jungkook’s window was open leaving you to hear the argument happening just next door.
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me. I thought you liked me!” Some girl’s voice shouted. Leehi turned quickly, “Tae make us some popcorn it’s getting good!”
He nodded his head hopping off the couch and making his way to the kitchen as the two of you listened in on the argument. Next was Jungkook’s voice, “I told you from the beginning I’m not looking for anything serious. It’s not my fault you played yourself.”
“God you’re such a dick!” She cried, “So what? You just use me for sex and then throw me away?”
“Pretty much.”
You and Leehi looked at each other in surprise before you heard the door to Jungkook’s apartment slam shut. Suddenly, his head peaked out the window making you and her duck into your apartment at lightning speed. It doesn’t matter though, he caught you.
Taehyung handed the bowl of popcorn to you as he ate a handful of it. Not even a minute later Jungkook was letting himself into your apartment through the fire escape. “Caught you eavesdropping,” Jungkook said as he looked around your apartment eyes spotting the two strangers. He was halfway inside when he stopped, “Is this a bad time?”
“Of course not! Hi I’m Leehi,” your friend jumped to introduce herself, “And sorry, I’m nosy and you’re loud.”
“Taehyung,” Taehyung told him nodding his head at him. Jungkook looked to you before shifting back to Taehyung, “Taehyung? Er, I’m Jungkook.”
Taehyung as in the guy you’d been telling him about a few days ago? You took a few pieces of popcorn and popped them in your mouth, “Another broken heart?“
“Nah,” Jungkook shrugged it off as he looked around your apartment poking a plant or running his fingers over picture frames, “She’ll get over it.”
“Also next time use the door,” you told him not caring that much that he just invited himself over. Your interactions with each other have significantly increased and you didn’t mind it. He shook his head, “Where’s the fun in that?”
“I thought you hated your neighbor,” Taehyung piped in as he slumped back on your couch again, “Didn’t you say he was annoying and an asshole?”
“And she’s right,” Jungkook said not taking offense to it even if that’s what Taehyung wanted, “But we’re practically besties now. Right?”
“Oh! Since you’re here let’s get drunk!” Leehi said as she checked the time. It was a little after eight but none of you had to work early the next day anyway.
“I like that idea Leah.” “It’s Leehi.”
“Right,” Jungkook nodded sitting a couple feet away from Taehyung. She ran into your kitchen looking for your liquor cabinet and bringing out a couple bottles of Soju. She grabbed glasses and water too as she brought it over to where you all were. You took a pillow off the couch and sat on the floor with Leehi plopping down next to you.
“I wanna play the whisper game,” she said looking at all of you, “Is that okay?”
“Run me the rules again,” Jungkook cleared his throat as his foot touched your leg playfully under the coffee table. You looked up, “You whisper a question to someone about someone else playing and you can answer with a name or a yes or no answer. If you weren’t one of the two involved you can take a drink and find out what the question was.”
“I’ll start,” Taehyung cleared his throat leaning forward, “Y/n come here.” You sat up on your knees leaning over the table as he brought a hand to his face to whisper to you. Quietly he asked, “Did I completely ruin my chances with you?”
You had to think about it for a second just cause it took you by surprise. You looked back at him ignoring the other two who watched with curiosity. Biting your lip in thought you answered, “No.”
That made him smile as he leaned back. Leehi didn’t hesitate to take a shot, “Tell me I wanna know.” You leaned back to her and whispered it in her ear. She rolled her eyes looking at Taehyung before turning to Jungkook, “Do you wanna know it too?”
“No,” he shook his head. He kind of had an idea of what it was from your reactions but he didn’t care enough to ask. Leehi clapped, “My turn. Jungkook!”
Once again another question was asked. Jungkook listened patiently as she asked him and you could see his gaze shift to you. Leehi whispered in his ear, “If you had the chance to hook up with Y/n would you take it?”
He leaned back in thought as he looked at you not hiding the fact that the question was about you. You fidgeted a little hearing his answer, “No.”
It’s not that he didn’t think you were attractive. Truthfully he thought you were really hot but he didn’t want to sleep with you. If he slept with you he’d find some reason to push you away and he really enjoys your company even if it’s just friendly.
Taehyung took the shot, “Tell me.” Jungkook leaned over and whispered it to him. Taehyung’s widened in surprise before quickly changing to express confusion and distaste even. Leehi looked at you, “Do you wanna know?”
“Yeah fuck it,” you said letting her whisper it to you. You weren’t surprised at all by the question and though his answer did make you feel weird you weren’t bothered by it. Even if he did make a move on you, you probably wouldn’t take it.
“Only because I think we’ve become somewhat of friends and I value friendship over anything else,” Jungkook cleared his throat as he looked at you to explain why he said no, “Plus I’m definitely not her type.”
“You’ve got that right,” Taehyung snickered making you shoot him a look. Jungkook just smiled, “I mean… are either of us her type?”
Oof. A jab.
“You know when I gave you my number it wasn’t for you to be blowing up my phone all the time,” you told Jungkook as you two got into the elevator together. He shrugged, “So?”
You rolled your eyes, “Where are we going anyway?”
“To my friend’s place. He’s throwing a party and I wanted you to come,” he says simply, “You remind me a lot of one of my friends and I think you two would get along.”
“Right,” you leaned against the back wall, “How do you have all this free time?”
“I work when I want to,” Jungkook shrugged, “Freelancer things yknow the drill.”
Jungkook was currently bringing you along with him to his friend, Hoseok’s place. All his friends would be there plus some others too and he knows for a fact some girls he’s hooked up with before will be there. Hence why he wanted to bring you to fend them all off. He opened the door to his car for you and drove off.
“I hate meeting new people,” you groaned staring out the window, “Can’t you tell by the fact I only have two friends?”
“First of all you have three, second, I don’t care it’ll be fun,” Jungkook said, “And if we’re lucky we’ll steal someone’s bottle and have our own little party back at the apartment.”
“You mean fire escape?” You asked teasingly and he laughed a little nodding his head. That stupid fire escape has become a staple in your growing friendship.
When you arrived to the building the little party would be at you kept to yourself. Jungkook let you both in and pushed you inside, “Get a move on. I promise I won’t leave your side.”
“Oh God I’m gonna be sick. I don’t know anyone here,” you groaned already debating if you should get an Uber home. Jungkook turned to you abruptly, “You know me. Come on I see my friend.”
You let him introduce you to some guys. Hoseok was the host, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin were some of his other friends. Jin threw an arm around your shoulders, “Let’s get you a drink. I promise we don’t bite.”
You had no chance to react before you were being pulled away. Jungkook stuck an arm out to Jin, “Where are you taking Y/n?”
“To get a drink don’t worry we’ll be right back,” Jin sent him a wink and you just went along with it. The apartment wasn’t too big and you could see him from the kitchen anyway.
“Is that your girl for the night?” Hoseok asked checking you out as you left with Jin. They all caught Jungkook watching you a little too closely now. He shook his head, “She’s just a friend.”
“What?” Yoongi chuckled, “Since when are you ‘just friends’ with the girls you screw?”
He rolled his eyes, “We’re not sleeping together. We’re just friends. Y/n’s my neighbor.” Yoongi’s eyes lit up, “I knew she looked familiar. Yeah she’s hot.”
Jungkook didn’t say anything letting a smile appear on his face as you came back holding two drinks. You handed one to him and he thanked you. Once you’d gotten yourself used to being around these strangers you drifted off on your own. Jungkook still stuck close by like he promised but he let you go off and talk to other people.
The only time you came back to him to actually talk is when you asked him where the bathroom was. He led you to the one in Hoseok’s room that would be less occupied and waited for you on his bed.
You finished your business and washed your hands. When you came back out he stood in front of you, “How are you doing?”
“Good,” you told him honestly, “It’s not so bad.”
“You see, and I told you I wasn’t leaving you,” he chuckled, “But I’m not gonna lie I’m ready to leave.”
“What?” You asked furrowing your brows in confusion, “Why? Aren’t these your friends?”
“Yeah but my social battery has ran out and I’m just ready to go. But if you wanna stay we can,” he told you leaning against the doorframe now as he propped it open. You checked the time, it was a little after 11:00pm now so it was a pretty okay time to be heading out. You shook your head, “Let’s go. Maybe we can still steal a bottle or would your friend get mad?”
He smirked, “Nah this is a BYOB so none of it is his anyways. Come on let’s go see what they got.”
The two of you joined everyone else again and Jungkook began making his rounds of goodbyes to his friends. “Leaving already?” Namjoon asked looking between you too. He nodded his head giving him a bro hug, “Yeah I’m tired.”
“Oh? Is that it?” Hoseok smirked looking at you, “You too? Just tired?”
You weren’t sure if it was an actual question or if he was being a little sarcastic so instead you just shrugged. Namjoon smiled, “It was great talking to you Y/n. Hopefully we’ll see you again and then we can finish our conversation about movies.”
Jungkook turned you away by putting his hand on your back, “Yeah yeah, we’re heading out then.” The two of you passed by the countertop of liquor. You scanned over the various bottles acting like you were gonna serve yourselves some when someone passed. Finding one fully shut you nudged Jungkook pointing at it. He nodded and when no one was looking you snagged it from the counter and shoved it under his hoodie.
The two of you tried to hold in your laughter as he adjusted it on his side to block it with his arm. You pushed him out the door and once you were out you broke out in laughter.
“We got the good stuff,” he chuckled taking the bottle out from under his hoodie. You nodded, “And it was $Free.99. So are we drinking when we get back or what?”
“Can we save it for another night instead?” Jungkook asked, “I don’t know why but I just feel off today.”
“Ugh lame, fine,” you rolled your eyes as you followed him into his car. The drive to the apartment was short and the two of you walked together to your floor and when you reached your doors you glanced at each other laughing a little before going inside.
You shed yourself of your shoes throwing your wallet down on the entrance table too. You gathered your hair up to get to your necklace and turned to leave to your room. You screamed in fear as a knock came from your window. With a sigh you walked over letting your hair fall back down and unlocked the window clasp.
Jungkook smiled pulling it open holding the bottle you’d just stolen. He brushed his dark locks out of his face as he squatted by your window, “I change my mind come on let’s drink.”
You crossed your arms over your chest in thought, “You already said no.”
“Y/n,” he lifted a brow, “Don’t make me go get you. Come out.”
“Fine but let me get a blanket or something.”
When you came out huddled in a thick blanket you looked at everything outside. Jungkook must’ve left while you were still inside because there was a blanket set out on the metal flooring and a few pillows here and there. His laptop was set out there too.
“Took you long enough,” he chuckled as he set two glasses down for you. You shrugged, “Had to find the right blanket. But anyways, why the sudden change? I thought you were tired.”
“I was but then when we got back I wasn’t anymore,” Jungkook told you opening the bottle, “So I figured just because we left the party it didn’t mean we had to stop hanging out.”
“I guess,” you said as he took a sip from the soda and alcohol before trying to pass it to you. You let out a dramatic gasp, “Oh my god no, I can’t. Your lips were on it.”
“So?” He asked pushing it more toward you smirking. “Just try it.”
“Jungkook that’s an indirect kiss,” you told him as if it were obvious, “Wouldn’t that be too intimate for you?”
When he finally caught on to you making fun of him he flicked your forehead, “Haha funny, just take it.”
You nodded taking the glass and trying it out, “Mm.”
“So how are things with you and Taehyung?” Jungkook cleared his throat as he leaned back against the space of brick wall between your windows.
“What do you mean?” You asked as he watched you tuck some loose hair behind your ears. Jungkook didn’t really drink tonight since he was driving not only himself but you as well back. So he couldn’t possibly be drunk or even tipsy considering he’s barely serving himself a full drink.
Even if he wasn’t drunk he strangely felt a similar buzz as being so. He feels almost light headed but in a good way. Like he’s in a good mood but he didn’t feel this way at the party. When he left with you he started feeling that way again but when he was alone in his apartment the feeling drifted. Yet here he is next to you again and he feels his heart race a little.
“Like, is he still trying to get with you? Are you still thinking about it?” He tried to elaborate without seeming too interested even if he’s been dying to ask for a few days now. He doesn’t even know why he’s so interested.
“No, we’re just friends. I think he realized that he really was just drunk that night and talking out of his ass because he’s definitely taken it back,” you told him as music played on the laptop quietly. You stared at each other, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of that being true. Thought he’s not sure if it should matter to him if it is or isn’t.
“What?” You asked laughing a little in discomfort. Why was he staring at you?
“Nothing,” he shook his head. He looked away shaking the thought away, “Just curious.”
“What about you? Any crazy girls knocking on your door lately?” You asked teasingly. He smiled, “Not lately no, only some crazy chick who knocks on my window now and then.”
You rolled your eyes hitting his arm, “You’re the one always knocking on mine.”
“Maybe I am,” he shrugged, “What are you gonna do about it?”
“Stop answering,” you told him simply. He licked his lips absentmindedly, “Ugh you’re too good for me.”
That made you laugh, “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about you. You’re too good for me,” he confessed, “And I’ve been trying to deal with just being friends because of that reason but you make it really hard.”
You didn’t say anything furrowing your brows, “What?”
“I’m just feeling like… like…” he went on looking away from you up at the stars. You nudged him, “Like what?”
“Like I wanna kiss you,” he turned back to you, “But I can’t.”
“You’re not making any sense,” you tried to brush off what he just said. He’s probably drunk or at least just not thinking straight. What does he mean you’re too good for him? What does he mean he wants to kiss you?
That’s not like Jungkook at all. One, he didn’t sound like himself for saying he wants to kiss you. Second, why did he basically say he’s into you at least in some way?
“You trust me?” He asked glancing back at you. It took you a second to respond but you nodded your head slowly. Without wasting another second your jaw warmed with his touch. He was pulling your face toward his and your lips touched.
He breathed out through his nose humming at the feel of your soft flesh. His head tilted toward the wall making you lean forward more to angle yourself the other way. His hand found it’s way into your hair keeping you in place as he pulled away to catch his breath.
You looked at each other through glossed over lustful gazes. A lazy smile appeared on his face pushing his lip piercing out. Then, without further warning, he smashed his lips against yours again. He dipped his head lower to deepen the kiss, his tongue swiping against your lips. You leaned forward, back arching a little as you planted the palm of your hand flat on his thigh feeling the muscle underneath. He forgot how good it feels to kiss someone. The soft touches and the warmth. Oh fuck the warmth.
He could melt in it. He doesn’t think that kissing any of the other girls he’d hooked up with would’ve made him feel this way. He’s almost happy he didn’t do it because it made kissing you feel all the more better.
It took him a while to get what he was feeling but once he did it hit him like a fire truck. He realized that he had genuine feelings for you and though that scared him he doesn’t want to think about it right now. All he wants to think about is how good your lips feel on his. So good in fact that he was leaning up to press into you more. You knocked back on your hands trying to meet the greediness of his tongue by yours.
“Wait wait,” he pushed himself back abruptly, “Fuck I’m sorry. I just—You’re just, well you know. I know I joke around all the time and I’ve been pretty shitty but you’ve just really…. I don’t know man I think I’m falling for you. Like actually, no jokes no… lying. Genuinely falling for you.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment making him keep going, “Trust me I know it’s hard to believe because I’m such a piece of shit when it comes to girls but I’m serious. I’ve gotten to know you as a friend and I’ve tried to keep seeing it that way but like I can’t stop thinking about you now.”
“Jungkook, I,” you took a deep breath, “I don’t know what to say. What do you want me to say?”
To be honest, you’ve been feeling weird with Jungkook lately. Mostly because it’s crazy how your view on him has completely changed since getting to know him. He was oddly sweet and enjoyable to hang out with. Your view on him as this annoyingly cocky neighbor of yours who hooked up with girls and led them on was different.
He was considerate of you and he was attractive. Oh so fucking attractive that you could understand why he had a string of girls wanting to get close to him any way they could. So maybe hearing him say all this was getting to your head because for some reason you leaned back into him for another kiss.
You could barely see each other in the darkness under the stars. The fire escape and it’s railings provided you two with extra coverage so you didn’t question making out outside. You didn’t question when he pushed you to the floor gently under the soft blanket he’d only intended to use to keep you two from sitting directly on the cold metal floor. The blanket you’d had over your lap was being pulled out from between your pressing bodies and he put it over you both.
The kiss was getting messy now, a little too wet, too needy. He wasn’t giving you a chance to breathe and you felt light headed. You pushed at his chest gently and it took him a while to actually pull back. He held himself up by his hand flat on the blanket underneath you and the other was in your hair keeping you against him.
You looked at each other trying to catch your breaths and then in one swift movement he was dipping his head back down to kiss you again pressing his body closer to yours. His hands grazed over the fabric of your shirt letting his fingertips run against your skin. His lips stayed in yours kissing you heavily as his fingers tugged at the pants you were wearing. You matched his efforts yanking his shirt up watching him sit up to yank it off and pressing his lips to yours again. You lifted your hips enough for him to pull them down. He pushed your shirt up finally pulling away enough to kiss along your neck.
His hair tickled your nose when he traveled down to your collar home skipping over your shit and kissing between the valley of your breasts. They were covered by a bra but that didn’t stop him from pushing his face between them.
“You smell so fucking good,” he sighed bucking his hips up against your covered heat trying to relieve some of the tension building in his muscles.
He groaned at one certain grind of your hips and let his hand sneak under your underwear toward your core between your bodies. His middle finger dipped between your folds stimulating your clit in the process as he gathered your wetness. He pulled his hand back out bringing the hand that was just inside your folds toward your lips. You opened your mouth waiting to taste yourself on his fingertips but he took you by surprise when he traced your lips with the slick.
He cupped your chin in his free hand as his tongue stuck out licking your arousal off your lips in a messy kiss. Your back arched off the floor as he put his hand in your underwear again. You didn’t pull away from the kiss even as his other hand drifted to your breasts that jutted out in your position. He snuck his hand under your bra and cupped what he could of your right tit. He bunched your shirt up again and took it off you using the arch of your back to sneak his hands under to unclasp your bra.
“Jungk—“ you released a content sigh as he began to rub one of your buds. His middle finger dipped into your entrance feeling the warm constriction of your walls making him bite his lip.
“More,” You licked your lips as your mouth drew open in a light moan when he pinched a nipple between his index finger and thumb. He made sure to keep your legs spread wide around him as he rubbed against your left labia touching the pleasure spot you had there. Every touch of his finger on your core created an almost ticklish but pleasurable sensation to course through your heat.
He hissed when your nails scratched along his chest, leaning forward just enough to grind against his member a little more. He nodded his head in a late response to what you’d asked just moments before, “Yes, fuck, more.”
You could practically feel how worked up he was through his pants. He nuzzled his face against your shoulder, a hand on your tits and the other down your underwear. A second finger joined the first in stroking the walls of your cunt while his palm rutted against your clit. His hips thrusted into his the back of his hand as it worked in your pussy. Your hand was running down his chest feeling the muscle of his v-line and toned stomach. You unbuttoned his jeans pulling the zipper down with one hand and slipped it into his briefs.
He groaned in surprise. “Oh fuck” He said between baited breaths thrusting into your hand as you stroked him. He released a silenced groan when you bit into your bottom lip humping his hand while jerking him off in his jeans. You shook your head making him whine. Without thinking you lifted your hips enough to swipe your underwear down.
“Feels so fucking good,” he praised stopping his hand movement to relish in the feel of your hand spreading his precum around his thick member. His jeans felt too tight and he was stumbling to pull them down with one hand. He kicked them down to his knees trying to shake them off as he leaned forward to kiss you again. He licked his lips pulling away, “Ready?”
He reached into his folded down jeans pulling out his wallet and flipping through it to find a condom. He always kept himself stocked. When you have your sign nodding your head he gripped your hip softly and withdrew his hand from your cunt as it tore into the condom and rolled it onto himself when your hand moved back. He aligned his cock with your entrance swiping your hair to one shoulder. You turned your head to face him and your mouths came together in a string of moans as he sank into your heat. He gave you a moment to adjust to the stretch. Fuck, how could you feel so good
You brought your hand to the back of his head forcing him closer until your lips met in a greedy kiss. His hands were on your waist and like you weighed nothing, he lifted off your tight heat before sinking back down. He bucked upward every time he reached the base of his cock in your pussy and repeated the motion over and over again. He pushed his face into the warmth of your neck moaning softly in your ear.
“Ride me,” he grunted sneaking his hand under your back and rolled you on top of him. He hit the metal floor hard but he didn’t care as his hands found your waist again beginning to buck up into you. In one particular harsh thrust you almost fell forward, hands flat on his chest and his hand traveled down your thigh between your legs. He was rougher now, sweat collecting at the ends of his hair. He looked down watching the way his own veins that traveled down toward his cock protruded with each thrust. He held your hips up to keep you from falling over and the knot in his stomach tightened seeing the curve of your back arch.
All it took was for you to begin bouncing back onto him for him to let out a loud groan uncaring about the thin walls of your apartment complex. He hadn’t known that the grip on your hips tightened when he angled you toward his cock to reach even deeper.
“Fuck,” he muttered staring down at the way his cock disappeared in your folds only to come back out and push more slick and precum inside, “I’m gonna cum.” His thumb brushed over your clit collecting some of the wetness and without thinking he rubbed it into your nipple. Pushing himself off the floor he brought his lips to the bud licking the slick off flicking his tongue. Your hands were on his hair as he sucked harder guiding your hips over him
“Gonna cum,” you pushed your hips down urging him to do something. Feeling your walls attempt to constrict around his cock he sped up, “That’s it, so close.”
“Jung—fuck, I’m gon—“ you cut yourself off with a groan as he dipped his head lower to suck on your nipple again. Immediately, your body reacted thrashing for a short moment as you released around him. He grunted into your skin feeling your walls tighten and it felt so good. It took his a second before he was releasing into the condom.
You stayed like that out of breath trying come down as he hugged you. Neither one of you said anything as the cold night air began to cause shivers down your body now that the heat of arousal was gone. You covered your chest looking around for your shirt and sliding it on. Jungkook was quiet as he sat back fully looking for his own things. You looked at each other for a moment.
“It’s late,” you mumbled wrapping your blanket around your legs, “And cold.”
“Yeah,” his voice was hoarse as he looked at the space between you two. He can’t believe you two just fucked and it was probably the best he’s had in a long time. He cleared his throat, “We should uh, um, let’s talk tomorrow?”
You didn’t message him the next morning but he didn’t reach out to you either. In all honesty he was a little weirded out. Not by you but by what he currently felt.
He’s not used to feeling this way for someone and it was kind of scaring him. He didn’t even feel like this with his last girlfriend. That’s probably why it ended with an entire milkshake dumped on his head after he told her he didn’t love her.
But what was this feeling he had for you?
You waited around for hours to see if he’d talk to you first but he didn’t. Considering everything he said last night leading up to sex you were confused. It’s what brought you knocking on his window and following him toward his bedroom.
“Can we talk about last night?” You asked. You just wanted to clear the air. If he actually meant it or if he was just trying to get in your pants.
“What’s there to talk about?” He asked pacing his bedroom before leaning against the wall, “What happened last night?”
You stared at him trying to see if he was pulling a prank on you. He nodded, “Oh! You mean that? Yeah sorry, I was drunk, wasn’t thinking straight. It won’t happen again.”
He hadn’t been drunk but it’s best to play it like he was. You sighed, “You kissed me.”
He visibly flinched at the reminder. He kissed you. He kissed you a lot actually and each time was better than the one before. His lips still felt numb from making out and he could still taste you on his tongue. Still, he shrugged, “Yeah like I said, I was drunk.”
“Okay,” you looked into his eyes trying to see if you can spot what he actually felt, “So just forget about it?”
He huffed, “Yes. Get over it. It was just sex. I said all that because I wanted to have sex with you, no other reason to it. So if there’s nothing else to talk about you can leave.”
He’s not sure what he expected but it definitely wasn’t the look on your face. The disappointment. There wasn’t an ounce of anger, it was just disappointment. It almost made him cry strangely enough. Why couldn’t he stop himself from being mean? He avoided your stare looking to the floor instead. He wants to tell you to trust him. That this is for the best because he’s not a good person deep down even if he acts nice to you.
It took you a while to react but when you did you just shifted your gaze to the floor. You sniffled a little fighting back a flood of emotions. The silence was eating at him but he held his ground. He kept the facade of being strong up and distanced himself from you mentally. Here it was, his final blow.
“You knew what you were getting yourself into with me,” he shrugged looking away from you too trying to come across like he didn’t care. He didn’t. He swears it. Last night was just a glitch in his system. He let his emotions get the best of him and actually told you about how much he liked you. That can’t happen.
“Yeah, I did,” you agreed with him. He leaned against the doorframe watching you gather your things. He was getting impatient almost, the sooner you’re gone the sooner he’ll be able to breathe. But at the same time he wants to take it all back. He wants to tell you that even if he’s not good at relationships he still wants to try with you.
Right now he was being suffocated by your essence and he needed you gone, for his well being and so these hopeful wishes will disappear. Truly. You brushed past him out the door of his bedroom. He watched you put your shoes on.
“And I know I said I was happy I got to know you,” you spoke as you straightened up, hand on the doorknob, “You can just forget I said that.”
“Forgotten,” he said in the most monotonous tone you’d ever heard. With a scoff in disbelief you swung the door open letting yourself out and slammed it shut. Not even two seconds later another door slams just feet away.
And that folks is why you shouldn’t screw your neighbor.
At once the breath he’d been holding in came out in jagged pants. He ran his hand over his face looking at himself through the entrance mirror. Jungkook didn’t like this. He took a step toward the door, he needs to apologize. He didn’t have to act like that but in his mind it’s for the best. He would never be able to be the guy for you even if he wanted to be.
He turned abruptly pacing back to his bedroom slamming his own door shut. He’s positive you’ll both get complaints tonight. Once in the comfort of his room without any other body occupying space he let it out. His hands tightened in fists as he covered his face letting anger seep into his expression. He was reckless, too reckless with you.
That’s why he slipped up. That’s why he let his emotions show too much. He was practically building himself up to be put down. He was setting himself up with you to be the vulnerable idiot you wanted him to be. You’re too good for him, he’s always known it. Ever since you knocked on his door for the first time telling him to shut the fuck up he knew it. He knew you’d have this hold on him without even knowing it and he didn’t want to ruin it. He got closer to you and fell for you hard.
Then, he did what he tends to do and that is fuck up. It was bound to happen and honestly it could’ve been worse. He could’ve played into this fantasy of being happy with someone. He could’ve acted like he’d never try and ruin it like he’s done with so many other people. But then when he’d start his journey of self destruction it’d be too late and you would’ve hurt him a lot worse. You didn’t even seem that mad about his crass behavior. You took it like a champ and walked out like it wasn’t a bother.
If you would’ve done that to him he’d be way more hurt. He remembers the first girl who broke up with him, the betrayal he felt that scarred him. Being constantly torn down by her only for her to leave him like he was nothing. It’s why it was so easy to do that to other people now. He learned to like being the one doing the hurting. Someone was bound to get hurt in a relationship and he just didn’t want it to be him. He didn’t care if he fucked with a lot of girl’s feelings. All he cared about is never feeling the way he felt the first time he got dumped.
Comparing you and what relationship the two of you had in such a short time told him what he didn’t want to hear. It told him he’d hurt a hell of a lot more by your hands than any other person’s he’s ever been with. He just knew if he tried it with you and it ended bad he wouldn’t be able to recover. And that pissed him off.
Like fuck, he’s the one who was an asshole and mean yet here he was throwing a fit about it. He regrets thinking the way he does because look at what he’d just done without even fully realizing it. He has never ever felt bad for being the way he is except right now. Right in this moment after you’ve walked out his door and made it known you wanted nothing to do with him. You walked out his door, not through his window but you actually used the door. He’s not sure if you’ve ever gotten to each other by using the actual door.
He’s never been bothered by the retribution of his actions but your response caught him by surprise. Why? Because you gave him nothing. No tears. No yelling. No tantrums. You just took it and gave him a look of disappointment instead. Though if he were honest he’s not sure if it was at him or at yourself.
He wonders if you were feeling anything similar to the way he felt. Though you should have nothing to regret unless it were ever getting involved with him. He’d understand if you regretted that now. It just won’t beat the regret he feels for pushing you away.
You didn’t feel regret. You felt anger, mostly at yourself. You let yourself fall for the playboy neighbor of yours.
For the same piece of shit thinking he’d change for you. For you? Yeah you definitely played yourself there. As if the selfish fuck Jungkook could change for anyone other than himself. As if he’d want to.
As if he wasn’t happy enough in this un-poppable bubble of self pity and insecurity.
You know what he’s doing and you’re not gonna give him the satisfaction of knowing he won. He proved you right when he said he wasn’t good enough for you. You should’ve honestly just believed him when he gave you those warnings. But if he hadn’t been so sweet… so gentle just to you, you wouldn’t have ignored the signs.
If he would’ve just treated you as badly as he treated every other girl who walked out his door you wouldn’t feel like this. You would’ve written him off as that asshole he so badly wants to be.
If he would’ve just never showed you the other side to him that made you think he’s not that bad. That he actually just needs someone to talk to and that he’s actually very caring and emotional. He had you fooled, you get it, and that just pisses you off.
You still refused to give in. You weren’t going to give him what he wanted. And you knew what that was. He wanted to hurt you before you could hurt him. He won’t admit but you both know that’s true. The time you’ve spent getting to know him, having intimate conversations late at night when it’s just you two told you a lot about him. The reason why he doesn’t just kiss anyone is because he’s scared to get close to someone. He’s so scared of being hurt that he shuts everyone he cares about out.
If he wanted to shut you out, fine. You’ll be out.
You’ll walk past him like you don’t even known him. You won’t look at him. You’ll force yourself to not even think about him because if he thinks he’s hurt you he’s dead wrong. You’re gonna show him he can’t treat you like shit and expect you to trail after him like a little puppy wanting to fix him. As if.
But truthfully, you could’ve fixed him. You were fixing him in his eyes and that scared him shitless. He hugged his knees as he sank to the floor wallowing in that self pity he’s practically addicted to. There is something seriously wrong with him for not wanting to be the guy for you. No, for not allowing himself to be the guy for you. He wants to be that person but he doesn’t let himself. Last night should’ve never happened. You should’ve continued on as friends but that high feeling he got around you made it so hard for him to respect any boundaries between you two.
He was already halfway there. You cared about each other, genuinely, and he felt it. He felt the validation and affection he’d so desperately tried to push away and it scared him. It showed him that he was changing who he was to be right for you. Or you were right for him. One of those two. He’s just never been into change.
He keeps thinking about the moment before everything changed last night. Just being outside in your spot together. Talking in hushed voices, hands brushing over each other, looking into your eyes and seeing the stars in them. Then the kiss, the kiss was mind blowing. He never wanted to kiss anyone so badly like he had with you. He couldn’t get enough. He just wanted to get closer and closer.
But it’s whatever. He’ll get it over it, right?
He didn’t think about it for a full 48 hours. In truth he just tried not to think at all. He busied himself with all these tasks so that he wouldn’t drift off into an endless stream of thought. He’d only think about how he fucked up and even if he wanted to take it all back instantly it wouldn’t matter to you.
“What’s up with you?” Jin nudged Jungkook’s leg off the coffee table. The younger of the two barely turned to look at his friend. He lifted his shoulders in a shrug and let his eyes drift back to the tv.
Even if he was bored of watching his friends go over the same movies as always he still put up with it. As long as it meant he’d stay out longer and return home later. That’s the only way he can ensure you won’t run into each other in the elevator when you’re off work. He, of course, knows your routine to the tee. He just never realized how much time he’s devoted to you lately except now that you’re not in the picture.
“How’s it going with your friend who’s not really a friend but you wanna lie and say is a friend, Y/n? You both still being little shits to each other?” Hoseok asked glancing over at him briefly. Of course they all knew about the times Jungkook would complain about you only to turn around and bring you to a party in front of everyone where he only paid attention to you. It had definitely left a lasting impression on his friends who’d only known Jungkook to have a different girl all the time. He’d only been talking about you these last few weeks and now he’s dead silent.
“Who?” He asked as if Hoseok hadn’t just said your name. That even made Yoongi pay attention now, “What do you mean who? Y/n?”
Jungkook didn’t say anything staring at the blank tv as if a movie would choose itself and he’d be ready to watch it. Jin shook his head, “He’s being weird.”
“Very,” Hoseok agreed before scooting closer to Jungkook, “So what? You finally scared her off? Finally found something to hate?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jungkook said pulling the hood of his hoodie up to block his face. He doesn’t want to talk about you. What he had with you was short lived and in the past now. It’s been three days so he should get over it.
“I liked her,” Namjoon shrugged dropping the book he’d been reading as he looked at everyone, “You two seemed to really hit it off.”
“We were just hanging out,” Jungkook tried to downplay it. He knew you weren’t just hanging out but if he called it like that then he wouldn’t think about it as much. It won’t make him think about those late night conversations, the laughs, the innocent touches.
The little sparkle in your eyes when he’d tell you something that made him feel like shit and you just listened understandably. It’s the same look you’d given him when he fucked up except with disappointment laced into it. Like you expected him to fuck up with you and he hated that. He hated how you judge him before knowing him. He hated that he proved your judgements right in the end.
“I, for one, am not surprised at all Jungkook did something to drive her away,” Jin said looking at him as he glared back, “No offense. It’s just what you do.”
“You always have to find something that you don’t like,” he went on when Jungkook didn’t snap at him, “There’s always gotta be something wrong because you don’t want to let yourself fall for someone. And I hate to say it but you fell for Y/n, fell for her hard.”
He couldn’t take it anymore. He jumped to his feet, the others looking at him now as he cut through the space between the couch and coffee table to leave. He heard Hoseok first, “Come on man where you going?”
Jungkook didn’t say anything as he put his shoes back on and got his keys. He left the place without a goodbye and stormed to his car. He wasn’t going to sit there and let everyone paint him as the villain over something so stupid. Okay, whatever, he probably ruined his chances but who cares. It happened. It’s done. Nothing will fix it now and honestly he doesn’t want to. He was bound to fuck up sooner or later, it’s better he did it now.
He got to his apartment complex a little after 10:00pm. He hoped you would’ve been home now and he wouldn’t have to run into you. He could only hope though and even that didn’t do shit for him.
Not when he stopped at his floor, one foot in the elevator and the other crossing the threshold into the hall. He spotted you the second he looked up. The cold gaze in your eyes as you walked past him like he wasn’t even there. It took him a total of five seconds to process your approach. The way your eyes refused to glance at him like he was nothing but invisible to you.
He didn’t hide the way he craned his neck following after you but even with his obvious attempts at catching your attention you still didn’t pay him any mind. Instead you reached for the button and let the elevator doors shut him out like the stranger he wanted to be.
You were dressed up in a fitted miniskirt and blouse like you were going out. At this time you probably were going out but to where? With who? Why was Jungkook still thinking about it as he unlocked his front door and stepped into his home.
He understands not wanting to be friends anymore but… But to pretend like there was never anything between you two? Now that was just cold. He had full intentions of at least offering up a smile in greeting when you ran into each other but to get the cold treatment? It was nothing less of what he deserved but still. It hurt.
He went to bed early tonight.
“So what happened then?” Leehi asked a few days later. She’s fully picked up on the fact that you and Jungkook aren’t talking. She sat on your couch watching you work on your next presentation.
“Nothing, we just stopped talking,” you told her. She didn’t say anything waiting for you to elaborate but you didn’t. She nudged you with her foot making you look up at her, “Let’s go out then. Let’s get really fucked up and find some cute guys to pay for our drinks. What about that?”
And you agreed. Anything to get out of the house. Living next door to someone you thought you were getting close to only to pretend like they never existed was hard. It was physically draining.
“No Taehyung tonight?” You asked later on when you and her were cutting through the crowd in the club. She shook her head, “No, he scares the guys away. Come on let’s get a drink.”
You let her drag you away, unaware of the man from your building coming in with his own friends.
“I’m telling you, you’ve just gotta get back in the game then,” Hoseok chuckled leading Jungkook inside, “Just your unapologetic self again. It’s what you’re good at.”
He didn’t say anything nodding his head, “But I need a drink first.”
“Care to dance?” Someone asked from behind you. You’d barely gotten your drinks and already someone was coming up to you. You turned around facing a guy with a bright smile and puffed cheeks. He looked at you before turning to your friend, “Or a group dance?”
“Fuck it,” Leehi pushed you toward the guy as the three of you went off, “What’s your name stranger? I’m Leehi.”
“Jimin, it’s nice to meet you,” he cleared his throat looking back to you, “What about you? You have a name?”
“No, I don’t,” you said lightheartedly, “It’s Y/n.”
“Y/n?” He repeated nodding his head as he turned to face you two with a little bump in his step, “So what brings you girls out tonight? Just some drinking?”
“It’s been a long week,” Leehi answered urging you to at least attempt to sway to the beat, “Y/n here needed to get out of the house.”
“Oh?” Jimin asked looking at you sideways. He was extremely attractive and you hated that you couldn’t appreciate it. All because you kept thinking about Jungkook and how he made these unknown feelings for him rise in one night only to destroy them the next day. You really were a fool. You weren’t going to let him ruin your night by thinking of him. So instead, you forced a smile and got closer to Jimin, “Yes, so let’s get drunk and see what happens?”
“Slow down Kook, we just got here,” Jin told him as he downed another shot. He whipped around to tell him to fuck off when he saw it.
In the mix of people illuminated by strobe club lights, there you stood—or danced. A smile on your face, hand holding some guy’s, and laughing. And he wished for you to turn and look at him, see him here and actually react instead of act like he wasn’t here. This time around you actually did look at him directly.
His breath hitched when your eyes met and it made him sick. Sick with the way your smile immediately vanished upon seeing him. Like just the sight of him was enough to ruin your day when before he’d make any excuse to see you.
You turned away leaving him to watch as you said something to the guy and Leehi. He watched you walk away and he couldn’t take it. Was seeing him really that hard for you when you acted like you didn’t care what happened between you two? You’d given him no sign of how you actually felt when he’d been so cold. You just shut yourself down. He didn’t like that. He needed to know what you thought of him.
It’s what had him storming off after you. He ignored his friends, he ignored Leehi when she spotted him following you but he didn’t stop. Not until he was outside the lit club looking past the line of people and drunks scattered around the street.
You turned the corner of the street to try and find a cab. It was dark and scary and not something you wanted to do. So dejected, you turned back to head back inside. Who cares if Jungkook was here? You’ve done good avoiding him and you live next door to each other. Who cares if he’s in the same night club as you.
You stopped mid step, Jungkook just a few feet behind you, lips slightly parted, hair out of place, hand reached out. Fuck him. Fuck him. Why? Because you feel like crying now and that’s not what you wanted. Why can’t he just leave you alone? Why does he have to look at you every time you pass each other in the elevator? Why does he have to still sit out on the fire escape?
You sniffled a little walking toward him to try and go back inside.
“Can we talk?” He asked suddenly stepping in your way, “Please Y/n, you have no idea how shitty I feel.”
“Move,” you said trying to step the side to pass him but he joined you. He shook his head, “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know why I have to fuck every good thing that comes into my life, okay? I don’t know why I do it,” Jungkook confessed, “I don’t know why I was so cold last time. But—but you didn’t have to avoid me.”
You didn’t say anything feeling yourself close to tears and you weren’t going to break.
“I fucked up. I know I did. I knew it when you left but please, just please give me one more chance,” he begged, “You were right. I don’t just kiss anyone and I kissed you. And that might not mean shit to you but it means everything to me. It’s because I genuinely liked you, I fell hard for you and that was scary.”
“And I regret not telling you sooner,” he said, “But fuck Y/n, I thought you liked me too. Instead you just let me treat you like shit and say things I didn’t mean.”
“What did you want me to say Jungkook?” You took a step closer to him, “You wanted me to cry? To beg you to not be mean? Would that have even changed anything?”
His jaw clenched as you went on, “Or would I just have been like every other girl begging you to change for them? Because you ignore them all too.”
“I want to change for you if you just give me a chance.”
You scoffed brushing past him tired of hearing the same thing again, “I did give you a chance. It’s why we were friends, wasn’t it? And all you did was prove that you’ll never change.”
He winced at those words. Why were his eyes burning? Why did his heart beat so fast it was almost painful, “But you don’t have to act like there wasn’t anything special between us.”
“You’re the one who said you just wanted to have sex,” you reminded him.
He shook his head, “I lied. I was scared. I am scared, please just understand that. You deserve someone better than me and I know it but please just give me another chance.”
You looked at him, teary eyes as you didn’t say anything for a moment. Finally, you shook your head, “I’m sorry but no.”
He froze.
“And I don’t care enough to comfort you anymore,” you told him, “I just hope that the next time someone comes along and you feel for them what ever fucked up shit you felt for me, you won’t mess it up again.”
“And I’m ending my lease,” you cleared your throat, “It ends in a week and I’m not going to renew it. So don’t worry, you won’t have to see me again. I’ll get over it like you wanted me to.”
He let you leave. He let you leave him alone in this dark street corner processing your words.
You weren’t going to forgive him.
You weren’t going to give him a chance to prove you wrong again.
You were done with him like he’d been done with every girl whose heart he broke.
How could he love someone he’d never dated? Someone he didn’t know that long but impacted him heavily?
And how could he let himself ruin it again?
He fucked up with you and that was rock bottom for him. That was the final crack in his facade that would keep him together.
His final moment before he realized he needed to change for himself first.
Maybe he really won’t see you again.
Or maybe in a few months he’ll see you again. You’ll see that he’s changed. He’s not as immature. Not as cold.
He’s not sure exactly but from this point on he’ll never hurt someone with the words he says again.
Never again.
Not after you.
a/n this literally took me a week to write but idk. I was literally listening to those two songs on repeat and
“Somebody that I used to know” by gotye and
“You get me so high” by the neughbourhood lol
also this isn’t a happy ending for y/n and jk bc he doesn’t deserve it lol
I think he needed someone he truly cared about to not put up with his shit for him to see that he fr has to change and that he can’t just act one way one minute and then get mad when it bites him in the ass.
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mobbu-min · 1 year
☆ bragging rights ☆
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request: What if the dorm leaders had an s/o fawning over them and bragging about them to the first years and Grim?
a/n: They would all get tired of it quickly, well maybe not Sebek or Ortho. But Epel and Ace? They're def tried to tape your mouth shut. I ended up formatting this differently, but I like it so…yeah. Also each dorm leader will be paired with their corresponding first year! Just because it makes it easier for me lol Grim will be filling in for the dorms that don’t have first years! But he also got his own part bc he’s my little meow meow
!tw! cursing, readers a major simp
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Grim <3
⋆ Being the one that’s with you the most, Grim has learned to tune you out when you go on a rant on how amazing and caring your favorite housewarden is. He learned first hand how sad or irritated you get when he tells you to be quiet. And he wasn’t about to face that again.
⋆ Grim’s a little jealous about how much you brag about them. He’s all like, ‘that should be me!’ but he quickly gets over it because you tend to give him a lot of affection while you go on your rants.
⋆ Does he gag every time you fawn over them? Yes, because the thought of his henchman having goo-goo eyes for them makes him sick.
⋆ The only reason why Grim hasn’t vomited on their shoes is because they tend to give you stuff, which translates to Grim getting stuff too. (his reasoning is that you’re both one student) So he is there on dates and hangouts a whole lot.
Riddle + Ace/Deuce <3
⋆ Ace is so so so sick of it. Like Grim, seeing you be all mushy with his dorm leader makes him want to pluck his eyes out. He’s all like, ‘C’mon! Riddle? That short fu-’ and Deuce has to stop him before you could jump him. Ace is truly confused in what you see in him. And he swears his ears bleed whenever you start on your rant about Riddle. He didn’t think anyone could be this down bad for someone, besides Sebek.
⋆ Deuce finds it admirable about how much you care about Riddle. Sure he does get a little annoyed when you decide to start talking about Riddle when you said you’d help him study or when you immediately dash towards Riddle when you’re supposed to be helping him with your alchemy assignment, but other than that he doesn’t really have anything against it. Just please, don’t go running off when you’re doing a very time-sensitive potion again. He does not want to deal with a giant radish baby again.
⋆ Riddle goes incredibly bashful when he overhears Ace complaining about your crush on him. He immediately wants to rush to you and confirm the truth, because he would be lying if he said he didn’t have a crush on you. It’s literally the best news in his life. Knowing that you liked him enough to blabber anyone’s ear off makes him blush. Boy is smitten.
Leona + Jack <3
⋆ He literally just tunes you out. Jack is too busy to pay any attention to your rambling, so he’ll let you trail behind him, but beware, he is not processing anything. At first, Jack’s all like, yeah Leona is super cool and wow you sure are observant, then ‘omg they just want to fuck him.’ he actualy does sit you down one day and says as much as he loves to see you happy, please stfu about Leona. But hey, at least his cacti are thriving.
⋆ Smug fucker. Super duper smug. There’s nothing stopping him from going up to you and demanding you never to stop. On any other occasion, Leona would have told them to stop being a suck up, but you’re different <3. Nobody really notices but like Ruggie and Rook(bc he’s a creep, jk i love my babygirl) but Leona has gotten significantly happier and sorta, kinda nicer(?) All Ruggie knows is that if Leona's in a bad mood is to get you asap!
Azul + Grim <3
⋆ Grim doesn’t get it. Like it’s Azul. The guy that tried to take Ramshackle away from you both? The guy that practically made you temporarily homeless!? Did you wack your head, henchman!? Grim swears he loses his already lacking brain cells whenever you start on your midnight rambles about Azul. The only thing that makes up for it is the fact you take him to the Monstro Lounge once a week to gaze lovingly at Azul. The food he loves. Azul? Grim thinks you should reconsider.
⋆ Dude deadass faints like a maiden seeing an ankle for the first time. He deadass can’t comprehend the fact that you talk so highly of him. Because he was sure that you hated him. Don’t get Azul wrong, he’s delighted to know that you want him the same way, but jeez, give his heart a break. His mind is doing loopies at all the ways he can get you to go on a date with him that doesn’t involve him turning into a big stuttering mess.
Kalim + Grim <3
⋆ This one? This one is one Grim can get behind. Sure Kalim is full of energy and always wants to feed Grim dry ass cookies. But do you want to know what Kalim has? Yeah, Kalim has money and he’s more than willing to spend it on you, and by extension, Grim. So he doesn’t complain much when you rant his fiery ear off everyday. Because if his plan goes right, then…well, let’s just say the first thing on Grim’s spending list is a month’s worth of premium tuna.
⋆ Kalim has to thank the Seven and Grim! Because if it wasn’t for them, he wouldn't have overheard you saying how great he was and how much you liked him! Boy is over the moon! Instantly he’s by your side smiling so brightly it puts the sun to shame and happily exclaims he loves you too! Que, him planning your wedding- Anyways, Kalim returns your enthusiasm ten fold! Like, how could he not?! You’re so perfect in Kalim’s eyes that it would be wrong not to talk about you 24/7! Poor Jamil, Kalim already was talking about you so much, but after that day, it doubled. He really does consider faking his death and going to live in the countryside.
Vil + Epel <3
⋆ Epel wants to strangle you. Like legit wishes that both sides of your pillow are warm at night and more. He can’t wrap his mind around that fact that you! Want VIL FUCKIN SCHOENHEIT! His WORST enemy! Boy feels hella betrayed. He thought you didn’t like him, only to find out you want to fu-ahem, Epel shouldn't say that outloud, Meemaw rules and all. Epel wonders if it’s something in the water you city folk drink, because he sure as hell gonna stay FAR away from that.
⋆ Your title goes from ‘Potato’ to ‘HIS sweet potato’ real fast. Because of course, you would brag and rant about him at any moment and to anyone. Vil overhears and all like ‘Oh, no please excuse my snooping…but please don’t let me stop you~’ Vil won’t tell you but when you were spending an ungodly amount of time with Rook, he was a little peeved(aka worried) But he’s quick to find out that you and Rook have just been building a shrine in the school's bathroom (just girly tings~) he is incredibly disturbed, but hey, at least Neige doesn’t have this dedicated fanbase.
Idia + Ortho <3
⋆ Sweet baby is so happy to hear you talk so highly and lovingly about his older brother! Orthos literally this \^o^/. He’s bringing you in a big hug and spilling all his brother’s secrets! He’s heard (seen all of Idia’s shoujo anime) and learned that miscommunication is a big leading factor to couples not getting together! And like hell, is he letting this opportunity slip by! Number one wing man, fr!
⋆ You know when cats get scared, they’ll jump up? Yeah, well that’s Idia when you come bursting in screaming ‘I LOVE YOU TOO, MY BABYGIRL !’ Everyone thinks a murder is happening but, it’s just Idia screaming. He knew that you were always talking about him and he was planning a super macho way to ask you out, it's just that his confidence he ordered off of amazon hadn’t gotten here in time. He’s both annoyed and grateful that Ortho spilled his secret, because he sure as hell wouldn’t have. Now all that’s left is to make sure to calm his red face before you notice.
Malleus + Sebek <3
⋆ Sebek at first is all like ‘WHAT'S YOUR MOTIVE, HUMAN!’ but after hearing the pure adoration in your voice, he’s immediately all like ‘I’VE MISS JUDGE YOU! YOU AREN’T AS AIRHEADED AS YOU APPEAR TO BE!!!’ (you can either choose to take it as a compliment or not-) Immediately, Sebek is inviting to his tri-weekly meetings to talk about the oh so great, waka-sama. Literally it’s just him, with a powerpoint about Malleus, and Silver, who’s slumped over in a corner. The first thing on his list is to give you the club member uniform, a white tee with malleus’s face and in comic sans, ‘Waka-Sama Forever!’ Sebek happily informs you, Lilia made it. Sebek is actually so happy to talk about Malleus with you, though he suspects after a few, ahem-unholy, comments from you, that your view on Mal is not the same as his. Nonetheless! Sebek happily listens to your rants.
⋆ Though, beware everyone else’s eardrum because you both don’t shut up. (silver is unsurprisingly not disturbed)
⋆ How do I put this?….Malleus is so fucking smug. So much smugger than anyone else on this list. Like his favorite human, no HIS Human, is talking so fondly about him, looking at him like he’s the sun and moon and the universe. Like how can he not be smug about it, but most of all, how can he not fall impossibly deeper in love with you? Like you might not know this, but Malleus talks about you the same way you talk about him. Him knowing this just causes him to feel like his crush on you can be a reality. You and him can be the future
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wheeboo · 1 year
seventeen with an older s/o
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PAIRING. seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship, headcanons WARNINGS. none WORD COUNT. 1.09k
requested from 🌙 anon: hello! i love LOVE your writing! i wonder if you can write about how svt would be in a relationship with an s/o who's like 3-4 years old older than them? thank you very much.- 🌙
notes: hope u enjoy this anon, i rlly hope it makes sense?? for some reason it was a bit hard to write for some of them. ty for ur patience as well djflksdjfl
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choi seungcheol 
used to being the Dad™ of 12 chaotic men so he prob want to take advantage of the fact that you are older than him. loves it when you would be the one to initiate things like wanting to cuddle with him, being the one to cook dinner for the night, etc. sometimes he just comes home absolutely exhausted from the day and prefers to be in your safe and comforting presence where you would whisper sweet things in his ears and take care of him
yoon jeonghan
teases you in a playful way ofc. like maybe you both are having a restaurant date or something and by the time it finished, you ask him “can you call the waiter over for the check if you see them?” and then he’s like “well since you are the grown-up, how about YOU call the waiter?” and you just roll your eyes to his remarks. then he’s like “jk” and calls the waiter over. doesn’t admit but he loves it when you baby him cuz it makes him feel so secure
joshua hong
can be another tease but only when the time is right yk. is prob like a mixture of cheol and jeonghan in a way, but he absolutely melts when you treat him like a baby at times w/ your little pet names and it shows in his face when he has that big wide smile and tries to hide it away. cherishes the little moments when you take care of him and he will def treat you back in the same way no matter the age difference
wen junhui
constantly asking for your approval on things, even the smallest kinds. like if he’s out getting groceries he’d text you asking if he should buy this or that, or if it’s fine for him to stop by the nearby bakery to buy something even tho he doesn’t need permission. already gives little spoon energy tbh so he loves the feeling of falling into your open arms and when you run your fingers through his hair, it soothes him a lot
kwon soonyoung
another one who asks for help and approval on stuff. absolutely adores waking up from a nap or in the morning and sees that you already planned an outfit for him laying at the end of the bed. gets so giddy when you call him sweet pet names or when you pat his head or grab his face in your hands. goes to you for a lot of advice for stuff and he becomes sooo attentive when you are talking to him and takes in all your words very carefully. he just admires you a lot heh
jeon wonwoo
doesn’t mind the age gap at all. I think that he is more into an equal relationship where it’s like a “you give me this, I give you back” kind of deal and you both make sure that one of you doesn’t get any less care or attention. but he doesn’t mind at all if you are to swoon over him and ruffle his hair cuz pretty sure he secretly loves it and won’t admit it
lee jihoon
pretends to hate being babied but don’t worry, he secretly loves it. prefers for you to do it when you are both alone together because if you were to do it in front of the other members, he would go all red in the ears and look down at the floor wishing he could sink in it. at rare times when he does want the affection it doesn’t take long for his cold exterior to melt as he allows you to take care of him
xu minghao
another one who doesn’t rlly mind the age difference, but I think since he naturally loves caring for others he might prefer to care after you more as a way to show his respect n love, age difference or not. like if you offer to cook that night he’d be like “don’t worry, just rest up so I can do it”. if you baby him he’d def pretend to despise it in some way, but he likes the balance between maturity and being babied, and loves how he can be open w you
kim mingyu
gosh he loves the feeling of being babied by you, or when you call him pet names or ruffle his hair and all that. even of this man is tall and huge he can’t help but feel so small when he’s around you and he’s whipped and fonding over your care and attentiveness and responsibility. he also makes sure to repay your care and will literally go all out to make sure you are 101% taken care of
lee seokmin
might be used to being treated like a baby his whole life since he has an older sister. is very playful and attentive and takes all your words of advice as something to treasure and cherish for himself, and he def loves to show you off as well. like “guess what y/n treated for me today???” like he is prob livid on the fact that you spoil him sometimes. loves the comfort n reassurance you give him
boo seungkwan
is also used to being babied. absolutely treasures all the advice you give him and the mature perspective you have on things. the type to prob cower behind you and let you take the lead in things as well. also continuously asks for approval and gives you the utmost respect possible. would act cute around you just for you to spoil him in some sorts. he also loves it when you allow him to take care of you back n also won’t shut up abt you to the members
vernon chwe
also doesn’t mind the age difference like it’s not even there for the two of you. you both seem to balance each other out quite equally and your relationship is already laid back as it is. honestly he might treat you like both are the same age. your relationship flows pretty naturally, but he does quietly appreciate the times you give him comfort and reassurance and he makes sure to show his love in subtle ways
lee chan
man already has to suffer with his 12 older brothers so he def doesn’t mind the age gap at all and is used to being babied, teased, and playfully bullied by them and you (save him). cherishes more from you ofc, and he thrives on the opportunity of being babied and taken care of. feels the immediate relief when coming home to you and you already have dinner cooked and a home date prepared
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae​
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
our beloved summer | jjk (06)
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You made a vow to hate Jeon Jungkook ever since he packed up and left you without a single explanation, but when he shows up at your door after years of radio silence, it turns out that maybe your resolve isn’t as strong as you thought.
pairing: producer!jungkook x songwriter!reader
genre/warnings: exes au, fluff, angst, eventual smut, swearing, kissing (omg k1ss1ng omg WHO IS IT ??? 😦), tbh this is the only warning i wanted u guys to read cuz 6 chapters in and we finally get sum action i feel like that's a win lmaooooo, jimin being Real as fook, unbeta'd cuz uhm i'm a godless menace who should be conked on the head, once again we are severely lacking jk in his own fic lol i'm owning up to this 🤗 BUT! this is probably the last chapter where jk feels like a side character lol apologies my dudes
rating: PG-13
word count: 8.1k (honestly i wrote obs6 just so i could get to obs7 lmao that's why it's a lil bit shorter)
note: my apologies if this sucks. you are legally allowed to stone me if you hate it. but i hope you don't hate it. but if you do hate it don't tell me just stone me lol 🤐 why am i so unhinged with this update
series masterpost / playlist ; moodboards ; taglist
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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I can see you starin', honey Like he's just your understudy Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me
Exile - Taylor Swift (ft. Bon Iver)
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The picture is fucking terrible.
“Jimin, what the fuck,” you grumble, staring at the huge framed photo on the wall, taken on the day of the opening party. You, Taehyung and Jimin are gathered on the floor of the dance studio, with boxes of takeout neatly sitting between the three of you. “I look like ass.”
Jimin barely glances at the wall, just continues to stuff his face with the dumplings that you ordered. “You look fine,” he says absentmindedly, mouth full, continuing to munch on the food despite your little dilemma.
“Bitch, I have my eyes closed.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“I look like I’m in the middle of a sneeze.” You cross your arms in front of your chest, squinting at your photographed self again. The more you look at it, the more irritated you become.
Realistically, you know nobody would pay enough attention to notice the immortalized visual of your fluttering eyes, and you yourself wouldn’t care about it that much. Maybe you would even laugh in good spirits and poke fun at yourself as you often do. Make a meme of it for the group chat.
“What’s the big deal?” Jimin asks.
You shrug petulantly. “I told you. I look like ass.”
Yeah, true, but it’s also more than that.
It’s the fact that the person standing next to you looks so good that you must voice your grievances. It’s the fact that he looks so much more than just good. 
The guys stop eating to look at you. You wonder just how much of what you’re feeling is written all over your face. Regardless, they don’t comment on it. 
One of them clears his throat, shaking the whole thing off.
“Did you tell Yoongi anything yet?” Jimin asks.
You poke at a lone dumpling with your chopsticks, popping the ‘p’ when you say, “Nope.”
“Damn, Y/N,” Jimin scolds you. “It’s been three weeks. He doesn’t want to push you for an answer but the man has got to be suffering.”
You flick a piece of spring onion garnish at him. It lands on his hair, a single bit of green sitting among golden locks. “I don’t know what to tell him!”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Jimin shakes the onion piece from his head and chucks it back at you. “Obviously you say yes!”
You exhale through your nose, then take a bite of your dumpling. You nibble on the fried dough, stretching out the silence, delaying your response.
It hasn’t even started, and it might not even start. But you’re already thinking about all the things that could go wrong. Yoong is your friend, first and foremost. He’s a good friend, and you would be crushed if you lose that relationship. 
What if he hurts you, or you hurt him?
Sometimes, people are meant to hurt each other even if they don’t mean to.
Yoongi hasn’t seen your pieces in all of their jagged glory, how they’re only meant to reflect the light but never be healed by it. He’s still blissfully unaware of the ugly thoughts that have a home inside your head, and you’re afraid if you let him in, he’d realize it’s a place he doesn’t want to be. It’s hard to love a broken thing. You wouldn’t want to love you either.
Maybe this is the real reason that’s been holding you back all this time. Maybe it isn’t Jungkook - though he certainly isn’t absolved - but it’s you, and how you just don’t know if you’re someone who deserves to love and be loved. You’ve felt inadequate more times than you can count. You’ve been left before. Who’s to say it isn’t going to happen again?
You’re well aware that this is a bad way to look at things, but can anyone really blame you? You still have a heart, and despite how fragmented it is, you still want to protect it.
“I know that look,” Taehyung says, parting your fog and pulling you back to him. “You’re overthinking again.”
You roll your eyes. He knows you so well, but does he have to call you out every time?
“I’m not overthinking. I’m regular thinking.”
“Right. And to normal people, that’s overthinking.”
“It’s just…” you wonder out loud, gaze on the floor. “What if I go all in, and Yoongi sees me for who I am and thinks that I’m just an utterly sad person who can’t be loved? That I’m too much work when he’s got literally thousands of people throwing themselves at him left and right?”
Taehyung stares at the side of your face as he bites the inside of his cheek. His tongue soothes the spot, his jaw clenching once. “He’s not going to think that.”
“You don’t know that,” you say, the corners of your mouth tugging down.
“You’re not unlovable just because one person didn’t love you right. So stop it with that bullshit, because I love you,” he says, voice serious. Even Jimin stays silent as he listens to his friend, his eyes flickering between you and Taehyung. “And Jimin loves you. Hobi loves you.”
You merely blink, because you hate it when he’s right. In all fairness, you understand. This is the same thing you would tell him if the situation were reversed.
You deflect anyway. That’s what you do best.
“You don’t count,” you tell him with an unserious scoff, your tone starkly contrasting his. “You’re my family.”
You taste something bitter as soon as the words leave your mouth. You should know better than anyone, that just because someone’s your family, doesn’t mean they have to love you.
Taehyung reenacts the blinking guy meme before chuckling, holding a hand over his chest like you’ve just wounded him. “Ouch.”
“You two are getting nowhere,” Jimin interjects. “Just call Yoongi.”
“And say what?” you ask.
“I told you. Say yes. God, you’re so dense sometimes.”
You reach over to jab a finger into his side, making him hiss and shuffle away from you.
“That wasn’t nice,” you grumble.
“Well, somebody’s gotta say it.” He gives you a look, eyebrows raised for a few seconds before he lowers them and grows more stern. “Come on, Y/N. You know you don’t want to say no, or else you would’ve turned him down already. You said you wanted to start dating again. Yoongi is practically on his knees offering himself to you. What are you waiting for?”
There’s a voice in the back of your head - tiny, barely audible - that whispers, Who are you waiting for?
“Fuck it, I’ll say it,” Jimin continues. “It sucks balls that Jungkook hurt you, but you can’t let that affect you for the rest of your life. Not everyone is going to hurt you. You’re not even giving Yoongi a chance just because someone else did you dirty. If you keep always thinking about the worst possible outcome and banking on it to happen, then you’re never going to get anywhere. I love you, dude, but y’know.”
You stare at Jimin with your mouth slightly open, stunned into silence. When you glance at Taehyung, he’s surprised too, though probably not as much as you.
After a couple of minutes, you say, “Wow.”
“Tough love. I have my moments.” Jimin shrugs casually, like he didn’t just drop a truth bomb on your head. “But also…” He picks his phone up and types something in. Your phone instantly buzzes with a notification.
“Open the link I just sent you,” he says.
“You are literally sitting across from me.”
“Just open it! I made you a playlist.”
“Aw, Jimin, that’s so cute,” you coo softly, reaching over to pinch his cheek before he swats your hand away. You unlock your phone to see what Jimin made you, because that is some friendship hall of fame stuff right there. However, when the link redirects you to your music app, your smile immediately drops.
Aaand he’s back.
You stare at the screen for a good ten seconds to try and find your bearings, flabbergasted at something that is quite honestly very on-brand for Jimin if you think about it. “You made me a playlist called Dick Appointment with an eggplant emoji and the tongue out emoji and it’s mostly just Yoongi’s songs. Even the playlist cover is from his Valentino shoot.”
“So you can get it on while Agust D plays in the background!” Jimin grins, and you could just smack it right off his face.
“Park Jimin, who raised you? You are vile.”
“Validate me,” he demands. Oh, you would smack him. You really would. “I spent hours making that playlist.”
“It’s literally just Yoongi’s songs.”
“Yeah, but I had to curate an experience. I can’t just dump every song into a playlist and call it a day. I gotta make sure they fit the vibe.”
“I literally just heard the most profound shit from you not even two minutes ago.” Then, you turn to Taehyung with an exasperated look on your face. “Why would you let him do this?”
He just waves a dismissive hand in the air, like Jimin isn’t even there. “I’m not responsible for the stupid shit he does.”
Jimin crosses his arms in front of his chest, both eyebrows raised dramatically as he gapes at you. “You both suck. From now on, you can make your own sexytime playlists.”
“Nobody even asked you to do that!” you cry.
“Yeah! Which makes me an even more considerate friend,” he says. “Ugh. Whatever. Go call Yoongi.”
“You want me to do it now?”
“Yes. Because I know you’ll wuss out when you’re alone. You can stay and put him on speakers for us to hear or you can go out into the hallway. Come on, chop chop.”
“No, I have to text him first,” you protest. “What if he’s busy?”
Jimin narrows his eyes at you suspiciously, but allows you this after a moment. “Fine.”
You take out your phone from your bag that’s lying carelessly on the floor to draft a quick message to Yoongi. 
[12:59] You: got a minute?
The three of you go back to the food, abandoning the previous topic of conversation in favor of something lighter and meaningless or else you would go crazy waiting for Yoongi’s reply. After you’re finished, you and Taehyung are in the middle of putting away all the empty containers and soda cans when your phone buzzes again. 
You go to grab it to look at the notification, hands already starting to sweat.
[13:17] Yoongi: for you? always :)
You turn back to the guys to find them already looking at you. Jimin wiggles his eyebrows suggestively while Taehyung just stares at you.
“Time to get your whore on,” Jimin says in an exaggeratedly sultry voice.
You turn to Taehyung for help. “He’s bullying me.”
“Ignore him,” your best friend tells you gently. “Go call Yoongi.”
When you take your phone out into the hallway, you make sure to go to the far end of it, near the main entrance so the two dorks can’t eavesdrop. You’ll tell them everything once you come back anyway, but you don’t want them within earshot while you’re in the middle of it.
Yoongi picks up your call on the third ring. In the background, your ear picks up on some chatter.
“Hey, princess,” he greets you. Then he holds the phone away from his ear to tell someone that he’d be back in a bit.
“Hey,” you say. “Where are you?”
“Just at a fitting. I have an ad campaign to film next week,” he answers. “Did you call just to get my whereabouts?”
“No, I… If you’re busy, we can talk later.”
“We’re still in the middle of lunch break anyway. What did you want to talk about?”
You briefly regret not taking a minute to psych yourself up before. You suck in a deep breath, which eases your nerves for just a second, long enough for you to say, “Yes.”
You’re met with brief silence from the other end of the line, which only makes your palms more clammy than they already are.
“Yes?” he echoes confusedly. “Yes what?”
“Yes,” you say again. “To…”
The silence commences once more, and lasts longer than you think you can handle. Then, you hear him stop in the middle of a breath.
“Oh.” A subsequent chuckle in response to the lightbulb that must’ve been switched on. “To that?”
It feels like you two have invented a secret language that nobody else could understand. A single syllable, bouncing off the metaphorical walls of your conversation. Two idiots sharing the same brain cell.
“Yes?” he continues to prod, but at this point, you know he’s just teasing you.
“Yes! God, stop making me say it again. We sound so stupid.”
He graces you with a hearty laugh that makes you fight back a sheepish smile, even though there isn’t a single soul in sight to witness it. Yoongi makes you so fucking shy for some reason. Your nerves dissolve momentarily as you lean against the wall, your index finger running along a crack in the paint.
“Hmm, I wish you would’ve told me this in person,” he says, his voice soft.
“I can’t handle you in person. You’d tease me so much.”
“Because you’re adorable when you’re flustered, that’s why.” He waits a second before adding, “You’re blushing right now, aren’t you?”
“You’re being overly confident, Min.”
“Maybe,” he responds easily. “But am I right, though?”
“Shut up.”
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When Yoongi said he would cook for you, you almost gasped.
“You can cook?” you had asked. It wasn’t an earth-shattering revelation or anything, but you suppose you’d never given much thought to the hidden sides of him. 
“Y/N,” he laughed then. “I’m a great cook. I could probably make a pretty decent career out of being a chef.”
“I didn’t know that,” you told him sheepishly.
“There’s a lot of things you still need to know about me.” It sounded like a promise. Like I’m willing to show you me. Like I’m willing to take the first step if you’d be in this with me too. “Does that sound like a good idea? You, me, dinner at your place?”
“My place?”
“Yeah, so you’ll be more comfortable. I’ll come over.”
This one simple gesture shouldn’t affect you that much, but it does. You appreciate that he’s considerate even when it comes to the littlest things. You swell with gratitude for the thought he puts into this, into putting your comfort first. It made you feel a bit better about yourself, calmed your stormy sea of thoughts enough to rationally accept the fact that he genuinely cares.
Regardless, it doesn’t stop you from spending most of the day obsessively cleaning your apartment. Even - and especially - your bedroom, although you’re sure that is not where the night will end. Every surface is spotless, not a single speck of dust to be found. It’s like the goddamn Pope is coming over for a house inspection. 
You haven’t had a first date in… fuck, how long has it been now? Nine years? It’s almost been a fucking decade already? You honestly can’t tell if that’s embarrassing or not.
But you remember the last time.
College, freshman year, with Jungkook. His yellow piece of sticky note that he slipped inside your favorite book. His adorably flustered expression when he timidly stood in front of you in the campus library. The way he was trying so hard to be confident and charming throughout your first dinner together. How he ran back to you after saying goodnight.
You shut your eyes and shake your head, warding off any Jungkook-related thoughts before they could send you spiraling. You can’t reminisce about your ex while waiting for someone else to show. Yoongi deserves better, and that’s what you’re trying to be.
You’re not exactly sure how nice you should dress tonight. Yoongi told you that you could be clad in sweats for all he cares. If the dinner didn’t hold any connotation other than platonic, maybe you would’ve really donned your loungewear like you were merely having Taehyung and Jimin over for pizza.
You’d completely forgotten all the things people worry about in the early stages of dating, when you want to impress the other person but don’t want them to think that you’re trying too hard. 
Calm down. It’s just Yoongi. He’s seen you ugly crying with mascara running down your face, for fuck’s sake.
In the end, you opt for a sweater and a comfortable skirt. Casual. 
Yoongi rings your doorbell about ten minutes later than when he said he’d be there, holding a bag full of groceries. The visual alone makes you bite back a giggle and subsequently fail. You believe this is what people would call husband material.
You take his coat and guide him into your home. “Welcome to my humble abode,” you say shyly, gesturing around as you lead him into the kitchen to show him where everything is. Why are you acting like this? This isn’t you. If Taehyung or Jimin could see you right now, they would probably laugh. Hoseok would straight up be rolling on the floor.
You barely breathe as you watch Yoongi take in his surroundings. It’s intimidating, even though you know it’s just Yoongi. 
“I actually don’t know what I expected, but I like it. It’s very you,” he comments, smiling.
“What does that mean?”
“It means that it’s cute,” he says, throwing you a wink as he leans against your kitchen counter.
You avert your gaze immediately. “Oh… Thanks,” you reply, fiddling with the hem of your sweater. “So, uhm, what are you making? How can I help?”
“Just sit down. I got this.”
“Yoongi,” you say his name in protest. “I want to h-”
“I’m trying to romance you here. Let me do that,” Yoongi says, his smile turning lopsided as he starts emptying the contents of his grocery bags. Even though his tone is light, the gentle reminder of tonight being a date shuts you right up.
You take a seat at your dining table, though you can’t really sit still. As Yoongi starts working, you absentmindedly talk to each other about your day, about his campaign, about Seokjin’s album. At one point, you get up to creep over to his side when the smell of whatever he’s making becomes more prominent. You try to peek at the pot, curious, but he just shoos you away by bumping his hip against yours.
When you give him a small pout, you pretend not to notice the way his eyes dart to your mouth. You retract yourself from his personal space, choosing a spot on the other side of your kitchen island, staring at his back as he works.
You watch him expertly navigate your kitchen like he’s been here before. When he’s finished, he makes you sit down, not even letting you help bring the food to the table.
“What is it?” you ask once he’s settled in his seat, everything plated in front of you.
“Kimchi jjigae,” he says, a proud look on his face. “My mom’s recipe.”
It’s endearing, and it makes you smile.
For the most part, Yoongi lets you eat in peace, though there’s still a couple of flirtatious comments here and there. Every time it comes, you bite down on your bottom lip to try and snap out of that daze before you cough, as if that would help tone down the colors adorning your face. There’s no verbal response from you, and it seems like Yoongi doesn’t expect one either, because he just chuckles. You think he must notice the palpable nervousness that radiates off of you, but it’s not like you’re doing a very good job at hiding it.
You’re taking baby steps and he knows it. The fact that you even agreed to this at all is already major progress.
When you’re done eating, he clears the table while he asks you to open the expensive bottle of wine that he brought over. It does wonders for your nerves.
Three glasses in and you’re visibly more relaxed as you both sit on the couch in the living room, facing each other. There’s a small smile on your face that you can’t help, maybe it’s some of your inhibitions wearing off as a side effect of the alcohol. 
You glance around the room, and you take in the sight of Yoongi sitting here, this close to you. He feels bigger than your small world can handle.
“You know,” you start. If the wine didn’t make you more mellow, you probably wouldn’t be saying this. “There are thousands of people thirsting over you every day.”
Yoongi tilts his head, swirling the wine in his glass. “Really?”
“Don’t you look at the internet? I personally know two girls from college who are on the Yoongi Marry Me train,” you say matter-of-factly, like you aren’t borderline tipsy in front of him.
You aren’t an avid Twitter user, but every time you check the damn bird app, Yoongi is almost always trending. In every single one of his posts on social media, there is always an influx of comments asking him to marry them. Not only that, when word first got out about you collaborating with Agust D back then, people you knew - both old friends and acquaintances - practically bombarded your messages to see if it was true, and to ask if you could get them an autograph.
Yoongi stretches out his legs until they brush against yours. Your stomach flips even though it’s only your legs that are barely touching.
“The what train?”
“You seriously don’t know about the Yoongi Marry Me movement? Look it up. It’s a whole thing. People would do anything to, I don’t know, hold your hand or something.”
With an amused look on his face, he holds your gaze. “Would you?”
“Would you do all of that just to hold my hand? Because you don’t have to, y’know.” He brings the wine glass to his lips, partially hiding his face from you, and you don’t know whether he’s doing it for your sake or his in preparation for the words he speaks next. “But I would do it to hold yours.”
You’re sure that your cheeks are burning bright, your stomach twisted in knots. It’s the wine, but it’s definitely the effect of his words too. You stare at Yoongi in surprise; no matter how many times he openly flirts with you, he’d still elicit the same reaction from you. It’ll be hard to get used to it. He just always seems to know what to say to make you blush like a schoolgirl, which you resent but you can’t deny the sparks of excitement that make your fingertips tingle.
Yoongi is smooth, and it’s even worse - or is it better? You haven’t decided yet - that you know he means every word he says. It makes you feel… wanted. It’s good to know that he’s being genuine, and to know that Yoongi isn’t the type of person who would ever pull the rug out from under you.
Yoongi is… stable.
You suppose, after everything you’ve been through, that stability is what you need. It’s good for you.
You try to swerve around the thoughts, to avoid them at all costs, but deep down you know now that they’re glaringly true.
That love is stored in two bags of groceries, so filled to the brim that some onions almost fall out. Love is stored in every flick of his wrist holding a knife, slicing the sharp blade across your cutboard. Clean cuts, yet he’s never this way when it comes to you.
Love is stored in a fond smile and adoring eyes when he sees how you cradle your expensive dishware like it’s a newborn baby before you set it carefully on the table.
Love is stored in a Yoongi-shaped silhouette, dancing over your countertops with practiced precision in every movement, filling in the cracks of your home. The love in him is reserved because you, like the moon when it crescents, still have a ways to go.
When he stands at your door an hour later with his coat in hand, you wait for him to speak first.
“Performance review?” he asks. “How did I do?”
“I… liked it. It was nice,” you say honestly. But you still feel the wine in your system, and it makes you bold enough to tease him for a change. “But it was my first date in a while, so it’s hard to tell if that opinion is objective.”
He rolls his eyes fondly. “Do I qualify for a second date then?”
You hum in thought, making him wait on purpose. “Yeah, I guess,” you say, feigning nonchalance, which earns you a hearty laugh.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?” he asks, hopeful.
“Don’t know yet,” you answer, though you’ll probably end up going home and catching up on a kdrama. “Are you coming in tomorrow?”
“Just in the morning. I have a shoot in the afternoon.” He shifts to lean his weight on his other leg, tipping his body closer to you. “But I can pick you up after.”
“Yeah? And where would we go?”
Yoongi shrugs in earnest. “Just drive around? Grab a bite?” he thinks out loud, tilting his head slightly to one side for emphasis. “I could take you to that popup store you mentioned.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “You would stand in line with me to buy a novelty mug?”
“Pretty sure we wouldn’t have to stand in line if I gave them a call,” he says, grinning. “One of the perks of the job, y’know.”
“Must be nice,” you laugh, then shift to lean just a tad closer to him. You look at him for a brief moment before you agree, “Yeah, okay.”
You and Yoongi stand there at the door, each of you on either side of the threshold. This would be an appropriate moment for a kiss, you think. That explosive first kiss, if this were a movie. Exhilaration courses through your veins. You feel it from your head to the tips of your fingers to your toes. The feeling is rendering you a mere teenager again. 
It’s exciting because it’s new. You have the entire book ahead of you, waiting to be written. At this point, anything could happen. You’re a blank canvas waiting to be drawn, a blank page hoping to be written. 
Back up.
A kiss?
A kiss?!
With Yoongi?
You’re thinking about kissing Yoongi?!
It’s the wine.
Your thoughts knock against each other like bumper cars, echoing loudly in your brain that it almost gives you a headache.
You stay still as Yoongi leans down, your heart racing while your brain just keyboard-smashes. You can’t tell if you want him to kiss you or not, but when he only presses his lips against your cheek, you feel two emotions at once.
The first is disappointment, the second is relief. They press down on you with almost equal force, and you’re not really sure which one weighs heavier.
Baby steps.
You blink when he pulls away, and he just smiles fondly at you as if he can read your mind.
“Goodnight, princess.”
You watch him until he’s in the elevator, until the doors close and the lift descends. Even when you know that he must be on his way to his car and that someone else is making their way up, you stand there, with your hand loosely wrapped around the door handle, your breathing slightly erratic as you process what just happened. 
Déjà vu? 
It’s oddly reminiscent.
You’ve been here before.
Part of you thinks he’ll burst through the elevator doors, or rush up the stairs if the lift is occupied, and come back to grab your face and kiss you senseless.
He doesn’t.
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Jungkook knows you’re probably waiting for Yoongi.
He’s seen Yoongi pick you up after work almost daily over the past couple of weeks, and it’s driving him insane. Even on the days that Yoongi comes to the studio during the day, the guy is all over you, so much so that he doesn’t even bother being a nuisance to Jungkook anymore, which just makes him a thousand times more insufferable.
Something is happening.
He can’t weasel shit out of Jimin anymore because Jimin has been especially tight-lipped after accidentally spilling Yoongi’s confession to you.
Because that should be him in Yoongi’s place. Or should he say his place, and Yoongi is just a placeholder. An imposter.
Because it used to be him that you smiled shyly at.
Jimin’s words have been plaguing his every waking hour since he was forced to hear them. If she wants to choose Yoongi, let her do that too. It feels like he’s rewinding all of your memories, retracing them with cautious fingers only to find that his every footstep is being erased to make room for someone else.
An abandoned dirt road, while you walk down a flower-filled path holding someone else’s hand.
Like you’re stamping him out.
Like he was never there at all.
Not only are you denying him a chance, you’re giving it to someone else. When he tries to move at someone else’s pace, all he gets is left behind.
It’s not about Yoongi; or at least, it’s not just about him. Yoongi doesn’t even really matter to Jungkook in this equation. It’s about what Yoongi represents. An idea of a person that Jungkook can never be.
A bigger life. A stable present and an even brighter future. Yoongi is everything better than him.
And that’s his own problem to deal with, not anyone else’s. At the end of the day, no one has to live with his insecurities but himself.
But still, he can’t help it. Whenever he sees you with Yoongi, his eyes burn. Please don’t let him take my place, he wishes every time, you’re the only good thing about me.
It’s jealousy, sure, of course it’s there. 
But what if you realize what everyone else already knows? That Yoongi is better in every single way. That Yoongi is the person who really deserves you.
What if you start to see Jungkook the way he sees himself?
You hating him - despising him with every cell in your body - is a thousand times better than you deeming him unworthy.
“I talked to Jihyo,” he speaks up suddenly, when it’s only the two of you.
“Okay,” you answer, never taking your eyes off the page in front of you. You must have circled the words daisy a thousand times already, wracking your brain for anything that rhymes. “I don’t know why you’re telling me this, but good for you.”
At this point, you wonder if you should just avoid the studio for the time being. It’s empty here again. You resent Seokjin for drowning in concept photos. You resent Namjoon for leaving Jungkook here to fend for himself, but it’s only fair, because Namjoon was only supposed to give him a helping hand, not take over the whole thing. You even resent Yoongi a bit, for not being here right this second.
“I talked to her,” Jungkook says again, ignoring your sass. “She won’t give you a hard time anymore.”
This makes you look at him. You never asked him to do this. You never asked him to do anything. In fact, you have only ever implored him to sit still and leave things alone.
“She never gave me a hard time,” you say. Sure, you don’t appreciate being given the death glare first thing in the morning, but it’s not something that you can’t ignore. It doesn’t actively affect you, and the only reason Jihyo does it is because of Jungkook.
Because he broke things off with her?
Because he gives you more attention?
Ugh. Attention?
This is the stupidest and most childish thing you have had to think about in ages.
“You said she acts differently toward you.”
“And aren’t you the reason why?” you counter. “Because you two were fucking?”
Jungkook visibly winces at your words, like he did when you mentioned it the first time in the break room. You don’t mean to be snarky; you’re just stating the facts. They were hooking up. 
You don’t harbor any ill will toward any of his past lovers, and that includes Jihyo. You know she doesn’t have anything against you either, at least not on a personal level because you don’t know each other well enough to do so. She’s just someone you pass by every day on your way to the elevator.
“So why did things end?” you ask just for the sake of it, since he was the one who brought it up. But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious.
He hesitates for a moment. “She wanted something more and it wasn’t the same for me.”
It’s stupid that the tiny voice in the back of your head resurfaces, hoping that you were the reason why he couldn’t pursue things with another woman.
Jihyo isn’t you, that much is clear. You never asked for anything more from him, not once from start to finish. He was always the first one to pour love into you. It’s arguable which one of you loved the other more - maybe you loved each other equally, just in different ways - but it was a fact that Jungkook always took the initiative. He made the first move so you wouldn’t have to. He gave you the option to match his affection, and never have to worry about being left out to dry.
He took initiative, right until the very end.
You bite your bottom lip, then give him a curt response, “Okay.”
Your phone vibrates with a text from Yoongi but you don’t open it just yet. You look at Jungkook, who only looks back at you. His lips part slightly as he searches for the right words, or any word at all. It’s like you’re asking him to navigate a minefield when all he has to do is be honest. Even if he told you that he fell out of love with you, it wouldn’t be that bad. You would be hurt, yes, but you wouldn’t blame him. You would understand. It would be a reason.
Silence fills the room, save for the continuous tapping of your pen on paper.
He says your name, pleading. “I’m trying here.”
At Jimin’s party, Jungkook said you were someone important to him. You don’t doubt that he meant it, and that’s what infuriates you the most. You’re important, but he keeps running circles around you and making your head spin. You’re important, but everything he’s done makes you think that you’re the opposite. You’re important, just not important enough to get an explanation.
You know he’s genuine about everything he says, but that’s not enough. You can’t sustain yourself on just his words alone.
It’s another cycle of the same conversation, running over and over and over again. He’s reaching out but he’s holding back. You’re still getting nowhere. You don’t know how many times he has to make you ask this, only to not give you any clarity at all.
If there is a trait of Jungkook’s that you both love and hate at the same time, it is that he doesn’t know when to quit.
He texts you every day even when you don’t reply - one for good morning, and one for goodnight. He gets you a chai latte every day, which doesn’t do shit for your concentration because there’s not enough caffeine in it. He gets the door for you whenever you go into the same room together. He hounds your every waking moment. He makes sure that he’s the first thing you see when you wake up, and the last thought that crosses your mind before you go to sleep.
I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.
You suppose this is him, showing up again. In a lot of ways, it’s selfish. But it’s an effort too. Now your phone is full of meaningless messages that remain unread.
You barely glance at him. It’s routine at this point. He tries in ways that you don’t bother acknowledging anymore, because you figured that the best course of action is to let him wear himself out.  When he has had enough of it, when he deems his efforts to be enough to absolve his guilt, he’ll stop. He has to.
But at what point does it stop?
At what point will you stop wanting to give in to him? Your mind rages wars with itself every time you feel his eyes on you, and you have to kill the urge to not turn your head and look at him too. At what point will you stop wanting to go to him and let him in again? At what point will you stop unconsciously making him a priority?
All of this, you supposed, is to say: Do you still love him?
You know that if you sit down and get to the root of it, you’ll find an answer you don’t like. Even in this moment, you want him to tell you just a fraction of the truth, because that would probably be enough to reel you back in.
Your own heart claws at your chest but this is how it has to be for a while. All you can do is take it one day at a time, gently nudge your heart in one direction like a child that needs to be goaded, until he doesn’t live on the forefront of your mind anymore.
Until someone else does.
“No, you’re not.” You stand up then, closing your notebook with more force than necessary. “If you’re really trying, then I wouldn’t still be wondering why I wasn’t enough to make you stay.”
Even then, you’re still hoping that he’d say something else. But when you’re only met with silence, the anticipated disappointment in you bubbles, boiling. His reluctance to clue you in makes it easier for you to decide.
There's someone else who's willing to give you things that you don't even need to ask for.
In your mind, it's clear who you should choose.
Jungkook clenches his teeth, holding his breath as he watches you shove your things into your bag. “Are you going home?” he asks after a minute.
You could say yes and let the conversation die a swift and simple death. But for some reason, you choose to kill it violently. You bite the inside of your cheek before you tell him, “I don’t know. Yoongi’s picking me up.”
The chagrinned look that takes over his features for a split second is one that you immediately catch. Maybe it’s because he wants to make sure you know how he feels about this, or maybe you still have a way of reading him somehow. Regardless of what his face tells you, he doesn’t prod any further.
Your phone vibrates on the table, the sound ten times more thunderous amidst the silence that’s befallen the both of you. You don’t need to check the screen to know who’s calling, and neither does he. When you leave, the sound of your fading footsteps ricochets off the walls. It shoots right through him.
He hears every word of that conversation ringing in his ears then. He recalls that afternoon’s sunset; it was the most beautiful sunset he saw that year, despite the sun overhead mocking him with every magnificent glint of light. He sees the look on your face when his words finally register in your mind, the Oh moment when you understood what he was saying, when the smile you wore sunk helplessly to the floor because even though you knew that love had an expiration date, you hoped your love would be the exception. 
That memory fades, only to be replaced by something much worse. He sits there with Jimin’s words, echoing in his mind, reverberating around the room.
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Technically, you and Yoongi haven’t been on a second date. You think.
You’ve seen him almost every night since the dinner, when he picks you up at the studio. Sometimes, you two just drive around. Sometimes, you sit by the river in the cold, eating hot ramen cups and giggling over nothing. Sometimes, he just takes you straight to your home if he has a packed schedule the next day.
These days, you see Yoongi even more than you see Taehyung. Even though he hasn’t explicitly implied that any of these outings is a date, you know you aren’t hanging out as just friends anymore.
It feels good to be wanted. The feeling is reinforced tenfold because it’s been so long that it’s like you’re experiencing it for the first time in a new body, as a different person.
But even after all of that, you two can still go back to being friends like nothing ever happened. Because in a way, maybe nothing did happen. Maybe things have always been like this between you, the only difference is now you’re noticing the meaning behind his words and glances.
You two can still go back, because technically, no line has been crossed.
But tonight, something feels different. It’s colder, but Yoongi keeps you warm with all the looks he’s been giving you all night.
It feels like you’re both toeing that line right now. 
You know that once you cross it, things can’t revert back to the way they were anymore.
You know that it will happen eventually, because Yoongi isn’t doing this just to half-ass it. He won’t back out, and he has made it crystal clear from the start. 
Usually, this is the part where he tells you goodnight and you have to pretend not to freak out when he kisses you on the cheek in goodbye.
He takes a step closer, you take no step back. 
“You know what I’m about to do, right?”
You do. You could say you’re even hopeful.
“I might have an idea…”
“Okay,” he says easily. He takes your waist in his hands and brings you closer. The way the corner of his mouth tugs upward tells you that he’s pleased, that you know what’s about to come and you’re letting it happen. Still, he asks, “Can I?”
You nod. That glowing sensation washes over you in waves.
“Words, princess,” he reminds you. 
Your hands land on the lapel of his coat. “Yes, you can.”
He chuckles, and squeezes you a little tighter. 
Then it happens.
The line you clumsily drew in the sand has been erased.
Yoongi is kissing you.
You’re kissing him back. 
He’s soft and warm and he holds you like you’re delicate. His sincerity, you can feel it in his kiss, and it’s only a fraction of it. Regardless, there is still life that blooms this winter. Inside of you, small and fragile, but it’s there.
You sigh into his mouth, feeling completely limbless if not for him holding your body upright. One of his arms wounds itself tighter around your middle while his other hand tucks your hair behind your ear so he could cup your cheek more easily. Yoongi tilts his head further to one side to deepen the kiss. You feel something in his kiss that you have never heard in his words, something soft and pleading. Wanting but still contained. Out of fear that you might run away, perhaps? You can’t blame him though. You are a bit of a flight risk.
The wind dances past like a nosy bystander, pressing you further into him like it wants you to be more sure in the way you move, in how much of yourself you’re willing to give to him. Instead, the cold just makes you shiver.
When you break away, his hand on your face moves to hold the back of your head. Yoongi doesn’t look half as flushed as you think you do, though his cheeks are slightly rosy.
Through a thin veil of clouds, the moon still shines down on his profile. 
The chill in the air, the mesmerizing view of moonlight dancing across his features, and most of all, the way you’re still lost in the kiss, in the feeling of being wanted.
“C’mon, I’ll walk you up,” he says, after you stay silent for a beat too long, hooded eyes basking in the warmth of a heart chasing your own. You want to want him. You do want him, but there’s still something missing. It doesn’t feel entirely right, but for now, you try not to dwell on it too much. Just let it be. Maybe in time, that void will inevitably fill.
Yoongi holds your hand through the lobby and on the whole way up even if neither of you says anything, just shy glances in the elevator and bashful half-hidden smiles. You don’t invite him in once you get to your door - because an invite now insinuates something that you just aren’t ready for - but he does kiss you again. If the kiss you shared downstairs is a proper goodnight kiss, then this one means see you later and doesn’t last half as long, but it makes you tingle just the same.
He pulls back, only to dive in again, and again, and again, until one chaste kiss turns into five and you have to push him away with a giggle so you can breathe.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, eyes still set on your mouth. “Couldn’t help myself.”
“Yoongi,” you say, a little breathily, like oxygen hasn’t sufficiently made its way into your lungs since downstairs.
He rests his forehead against yours. “You’ve never said my name like that before,” he sighs.
“Like what?”
“Like you want me to kiss you again.”
You tug your bottom lip between your teeth and pretend to consider this even though you know you would like to be kissed again. “Maybe I do,” you say after a beat, bravely. “Just one more.”
He gives you your final kiss of the night then, one that lasts a second longer than the others, like he’s trying to memorize how you taste.
You head in once Yoongi is out of sight. You lean your body against the door the second you snap the lock shut. You touch your lips lightly, reliving those moments again even though they happened mere seconds ago. You’re buzzing with excitement like a schoolgirl, every feeling coursing through your body all at once. 
You’re familiar with this. It’s the stage right before every love song you listen to suddenly reminds you of that one person.
You go through your regular evening routine with a pep in your step, thanks to a certain person tonight. You take off your carefully applied makeup and take a nice, hot shower. You think the heat would help melt away the high that you’re riding - like you’ve had too much coffee to drink and now your senses are beyond heightened - but it doesn’t. Once you’re fresh and comfortable in your PJs, you still feel that jittery feeling seeping through your pores, keeping you awake. There’s a message from Yoongi that tells you he has made it home safely.
It’s still early, and you’re far too restless to go to bed. You decided to brew yourself a mug of chamomile tea, even though you don’t even like chamomile and you can’t remember why you even have it, but they say that apparently chamomile is good for sleep. You decide to take the mug into the living room to sort through your mini mountain of mail that should’ve been dealt with days ago.
Sitting underneath that pile of junk mail and letters addressed to the previous tenant even though you’ve lived here for nearly two years, is a cream-colored card addressed to you. The material feels smooth under your fingertips, like velvet if that’s even possible. Inside, there are two names - one you recognize and another you don’t - typed out in a fancy calligraphy font and encircled by pretty flowers, all pinks and whites and romantic.
The saccharine sensation associated with the thought of Yoongi dissipates instantly. Instead, your mind blanks, only to buzz to life again momentarily with a newfound sinking feeling dragging you down.
You suddenly realize that Jungkook hasn’t crossed your mind once tonight. Not until now. That crestfallen look in his eyes from the other night appears in your mind again, clear as day.
You are, quite literally, holding someone’s declaration of love and yet, it’s not joy that you feel, having been asked to join them on their special day. 
You never thought you would see Jungkook’s family again - even though you always adored his parents and you felt that they loved you too - let alone receive an invitation to his brother’s wedding.
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remember when y'all said u wanted a wedding?? well u didn't say whose wedding 😌
— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted march 27, 2023]
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
Ok so can I maybe get greasers headcanons with an absolute academic weapon s/o (think Rory Gilmore/annabeth chase/Devi Vishwakumar) who’s parents like make them get all A’s and they are very Ivy League bound, always dressing in blazers/looking very sharp and corporate and super ambitious? (Probs academic rivals with pony lowkey 💀) Thanks so much lmao I think Dallys is going to be 🔥🔥
YESSS 🫶🫶 i myself am an academic weapon🧐(JK LMAO ap physics has made me lose my will to live) ANYWAYS
yall are actually so cute together ngl
like you guys study for tests together and do hw together
cause you guys are in the same honors classes and stuff
some days pony will get cocky and be like “i’m so much better than you at bio” or smth like that (🙄)
and then you guys get into competitions to see how many times you can get correct answers in class it’s actually crazy
everyone else in class is like 😟 LMAOO
soda is a little on the dumber side😭
im sorry i feel like its canon that he’s a lil slower
but he’ll try and watch you do hw and then get bored like instantly
that or confused
he always says “i was good at math til they added letters🤓☝️”
and you’re just like🥱
LMAO you guys are good for each other tho
cause you convince him to prioritize some form of learning
and he helps you let loose
he is honestly really sweet🫶
like understanding when you turn down hangouts cause you got final exams and you cram like crazy
but he also loooves just chilling in your room while you do homework
his catchphrase is “just ask the teacher tomorrow, man”
and you’re just like “🧍‍♀️ it’s a friday night”
anyways he’s just really supportive and proud when you come back with all As on your report card🙏😜🤩
he is real supportive
hes all abt that grind as we know PLUS he canonically gets on pony for his grades
so he’s glad that he don’t gotta worry at all abt that for you
he’s so proud and happy when you get a good score on a test you were worried about and yall go on a lil date night🫶🙏
he couldn’t care less i’m sorry😭🥱
hes secretly like super impressed and proud to have a smart asf s/o
but he gets butthurt when you blow him off cause you got a test tomorrow and you’re going to bed early
dal never really had the internal motivation to actually put stuff into school so he just doesn’t get it
whenever you try and include him w your studying/homework he tries to help w flashcards
and whenever you get the answer right and it’s super specific he’s just like 😟
and you’re like “right?” and he’s like “…yeah”
MY GUY IS SCARED cause he knows you could just totally destroy him intellectually🧐
also cause he’s scared you’ll realize you’re too good for him
but its okay 🫶🫶
he thinks school is boring like bruh is a total super duper senior just for the friends but the academics
meanwhile it’s like a major part of your life
hes really impressed
whenever you get some academic award he’s always like “WOOOOOO”
you guys have really funny fake arguments
which you destroy him in
youre just like “that’s a fallacy…and that’s a fallacy…bandwagon”
boom roasted asf
you tutor him kinda on yiur school subjects
yk the study method where you explain a concept to someone else to help you remember it?
you do that for him but he’s just like 😀🧍‍♂️
“and that’s pretty much what mitosis is!”
and hes like ”…i’m glad😀”
he’ll also try and teach you abt cars and car parts
which is just a bit of a struggle🤏😀
TYSM FOR REQUESTING🤩 my inbox is open! i’m really trying to get to everyone’s and some take more thought for me to plan than others so sorry if they take a while🥰🤪‼️
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pianocat939 · 8 months
Hi! Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! How are you? Hope you're having a pleasant time and don't forget to hydrate with water!😊✨
Oh and could you write a blurb about the Yan.Rise!Turtles' reactions if they saw MC who is video-chatting them, went into an animal expo and found their designated species and MC just excitedly compares or mocks or teases or bullies them lovingly like… 👉👈
MC: Hey check it out! It's you guys! HAHAHA!! Oh mi Gosh! Is that the big buff red Raph? He's so bulky! pats the shell Awww look at the Mikeys, they're so cute! scoops out one of them Hi Donnie! whispers shouts Leo! What are you doing there??/jk
And are their reactions gonna be jealous? Enjoys MC's excited blabbering? Laughs along with them? Give fun facts? I imagine one of them saying like "Why love that when you can love this very handsome turtle instead?" hehehe maybe Leo would say that stuff! 🤔
Sorry if this blurb is kinda confusing/awkward to you! Hehehe it's my first time so I'm nervous since I love your posts for a long time now! Have a good day/noon/night! 💖😄
~ ☁️ Anon
At first I was confused af but after reading it 3 times I just realized how simple it is-
I'm slowly but surely getting my inbox cleared- just randomly working on it.
Tw: Leo gets so pissy over a mini-version of himself
Reaching New Homosexual Autism Heights:
He finds it cute that you're teasing him. Although, he is a bit worried you might get your finger bitten off considering his species tends to be violent sometimes. If you like to nerd about his species, he's quite surprised. He ends up learning more than he knew about himself.
Last RuPaul Runway:
HOMIE IS NOT HAVING IT. Like man's getting beefy with a turtle of his own species. He’s like trying to maintain his smile but at the same time he’s like “Listen- I know they’re cute and all, but aren’t I cuter? I mean…I can at least do some cool tricks.” He will glare at the turtles.
Daily Banana Swallowing:
He’s deadpan the entire time. He occasionally might give a warning to be cautious of being bit. But other than that he’s just listening while occasionally sharing another fact. He’s much more interested in you rather than himself.
Marinated Fungus:
He’s calling the turtles cute, and listening the entire time. He laughs along to all the teasing…Internally, he actually doesn’t really care much for the turtles. But if you like them, then he’ll happily join. He’ll find the facts about him interesting though.
(AHA- Did you guys miss the funky names? I sure did. It's been a good while)
- Celina
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Pairing: OT7 x Reader, || word count: 9.4k || Genre: Smut (18+)
Warning: degradation, smut, dom!everyone sub! YN/JK, fingering, ruined orgasm, oral (m receiving), milking, nipple play, bd(s)m, hair pulling, spanking, overstimulation, orgy, tons of gay stuff.
A/N: So! I wrote this in 4 days it is 9 k and it was so difficult because it is all smut, the first part continues from the last chapter meaning it didn’t start in the morning but the night before. I decided to give Yoonmin AND jikook a special scene. As for YNS back story it starts when you see two asterisks ** it ends after that paragraph. If you are not interested in it then skip it, it doesn’t massively impact the story and I wrote it so you won’t be missing anything. As always please give me your feedback. Love y’all!
Prev| Masterlist | next
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You knew you had a specific prize In mind, whether or not you could and would be granted that reward was something that left you feeling a rather dull sense of uncertainty. However, you chose to ignore this and headed straight to the producers' van as you were sure of your choice.
“YN is everything okay?” Was the first thing Sejin asked, upon seeing you he opened the door, coming down the steps to lean against the stationary vehicle. Normally you’d be more than happy to have a long conversation with him but now wasn’t the time for that, not when butterflies danced around your stomach and threatened to spew from your mouth.
You gave him a curt nod. “I want to talk about the reward..”
“What have you chosen?”
“I want one day with them, 24 hours with no rules or limits. I want to be able to touch them all and vice Versa. Is that possible?”
“I would have to talk to the producers about it, we would be two days short on time for the prompts but if you think that’s sufficient then I don’t see any issue with it. Give me 10 minutes, I’ll check in with them and see what they say.” He smiled at you before one against disappearing into the van. You didn’t try to eavesdrop as you paced back and forth outside, the fear of being told no starting to gnaw at you.
You almost jumped as a hand came to rest on your shoulder, only relaxing when you see Yoongi there. “Why do you look like a deer in headlights?”
“Because I asked for what I wanted but I’m afraid I’ll be told no.” You sighed, wrapping your arms around him for a hug.
He must have been able to tell you needed the comfort as he rested a hand on your back, his fingers lazily drawing patterns over the fabric of Jungkooks shirt. “What did you ask for love?”
“To have you all for 24 hours with no rules or limits just us all together. I didn’t want to tell anyone in case they said no, I didn’t want to give false hope.”
“What are we going to do with you hm?” He pulled back, hand stroking your cheek. “Always the kindest.”
“It’s hard yoon. I don’t say it much but it’s hard, seeing everyone and not being able to touch them. Whilst we are here the primary focus is the show, I know that’s changed for us but somehow it hasn’t because we still have to complete everything given to us. I’ll never regret coming here because it led me all to you but I wish we had more time to be with each other, I wish we could all go on a date together. A big date. I know that sounds ridiculous but I want you all and I want you all to want each other and to want me. I don’t want anything to change.”
He searched your eyes for a moment before pressing a tender kiss to your cheekbone. “You’ve been keeping a little too much in sweetheart, you’ve got to let it out some time we are all here for you. Most of us couldn’t get through this show if it wasn’t for you.”
“Well, that's probably kind of because I have a vagina and I’m the lady of the house.” You laugh through light tears that had begun to blur your vision.
He shook his head, chuckling lightly. “No, your smile on a difficult day, the way you care for us individually, the way you support us all regardless of what way you do it. We need you just as much as we need Hoseok, or Taehyung, seokjin Hyung, Namjoonie, kook-ah or Jimin.
You smiled a bit. Even in the most stressful situations, any of their presence was such a pacifying one, it silenced the disquieted feelings in you, leaving you with a slight warmth and a resolve that no matter what happens everything will be okay.
“Once it’s nearer the end I think we should all gather and talk again, we could all use it.” You knew that you weren’t the only one with worries, your conversation with Taehyung just a week earlier had lingered in your mind, the real possibility that in the outside world things just wouldn’t work out.
You didn’t have any more time to discuss the matter as Sejin opened the door, both of your heads turning to face him. You couldn’t read his facial expressions so you had nothing to go off as he approached you. “Well, I’ve talked with them.”
“You’ve got until midday on Tuesday, it’s Sunday now so that’s a little over 24 hours but the producing team said we had gotten a good amount of footage and it should still be possible to get the prompts done between Tuesday and Sunday as there’s still five days and only three left. “
“Wait really?” You turned to face yoongi who was wearing a smile just as big as yours, they all knew they could touch each other so this may have been selfish as realistically you were the only one benefitting from it yet still the doctor only smiled at you, for you. “I have to go tell them.”
You almost run away before thanking Sejin who just replied with a “yeah yeah.”
You made a note to truly thank him before the show was over, the finish line almost in view. For now, that didn’t matter, for now, you have seven amazing people to spend 24 free hours with.
You nearly tripped over the doorframe as you slipped your shoes off, only steadying yourself before rushing into the living room where everyone had gathered. “We have 24 hours, 24 hours no rules we can touch we can do whatever we can be together just as normal with no worry about being evicted.”
Everyone stood up slowly from their respective seats darted around the room, each and every face holding a look of anticipation and hope that brought a smile to your lips. “So…they said yes?”
“We have a little more than 24 hours, our time finishes at midday on Tuesday.” You explained excitedly, their faces reading back the joy you felt.
“You thought of the most perfect prize petal.” Taehyung laughed, crossing the room to take your hand in his, kissing the back of it gently.
Jungkook shuffled from one foot to another, hands clasping awkwardly at either side. “I want to kiss you so badly.”
“Then why are you waiting?” You asked daringly, raising your eyebrows only to encourage the cam boy.
“Fuck I missed this.” He rasped, hand resting atop your cheek gently as the other hand slid to your neck, gripping it lightly. The kiss embodies everything Jungkook is as a person. His soft and sweet side morphing with the flirtatious and downright sexy side of him. You almost wanted to demand he chose one - sweet or sexy, you weren’t sure you could handle him being both.
Taehyung was next. Nudging Jungkook to the side as he rested a hand atop your hip as the other gripped the back of your neck, trapping your lips against his. You moaned into his mouth as he tugged on your hair, which only caused the others to groan.
“Seokjinnie.” You called out as taehyung stepped away, making grabby hands at the older man who happily divulged you. He crossed the small space between you in two steps, long fingers caressing your face. You had almost forgotten how beautifully the man kissed, every millisecond filled with softness but also a light air of dominance. Lips both barely brushing against yours and being overwhelmingly forceful. “Fuck.” He whispered pulling away, resting his forehead against yours to allow you both time to bathe your breath.
“Where’s hobi?” You asked, looking around until you see him standing behind Namjoon.
“Can I hug you?” You asked, wanting to have the man close, as much as you respected his identity and preference it didn’t cause a faint sadness in your heart that you’d never be able to show him the love you held for him in the way you had once hoped to. As his arms wrapped around you that feeling disappeared into some dark corner of your mind, the warmth of his body against yours and the sound feeling that he was there for you just as much as anyone else even though it may be different was more than enough to make you feel complete.
“Group hug,” Jungkook shouted, plummeting into your both as everyone else joined. Even yoongi, although he will swear later he didn’t.
“Group kiss?” Taehyung asked, only to be responded with giggles and a poke to his side from Hoseok.
“I don’t want to sleep, I can finally touch you all and kiss you all, I don’t want to waste any of that time.” You sighed, everyone slowly letting go of the hug. “I missed this so much.”
Seokjin wrapped an arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “We did too baby but sleeping is important, we sleep early we can wake up early. I’ll get dinner started, yoon do you want to help?”
“Okay, Hyung.” Yoongi nodded giving your arm a final squeeze before walking off with seokjin, if anyone noticed the way their fingers entwined the second they were away from the group no one said anything.
Before you could move Jungkook had already wrapped his arms around you from behind, pulling you close against him as though any distance was too far. You couldn’t say you didn’t feel the need to be close to them all, especially now there were no limits to the way you could touch them, you had never thought the rules would be an issue but then again you never anticipated falling in love with everyone here.
“What are you thinking about?” Namjoon asked from across the room, the book he had been reading for the past few days placed atop the table beside him.
You shook your head leaning back against Jungkook. “Just how much I missed this”
“C'mon Hyung, you know baby is always greedy.” Jimin teased, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“I may be greedy but so are you. I don’t ever hear you complain when I let you fuck me senseless.” You retorted, you could play dangerously too. “Taehyungie, come here.” You reached out a hand to the other. Jungkook didn’t move but relaxed one arm to pull taehyung to you. It felt thrilling to be trapped between the pair, their bodies flush against yours. You couldn’t move even if you tried and you like that far more than you cared to admit, the feeling of being helpless between two of the sexiest men you’ve ever met left you feeling dizzy your legs giving out just a little as Taehyung brought his fingers to your lips.
“Open.” His voice was demanding and left no room for argument so you didn’t, you parted your lips slightly allowing him enough space to slide his finger into your mouth. You closed your lips around the digit, swirling your tongue around the pad of his thumb. “Fuck.” He groaned. “I want to watch you fall apart piece by piece.”
“Hyung,” Jungkook called out, you could feel his cock growing against your ass which only encouraged your own arousal. “You should wait until after dinner.” What? No. That is exactly what you didn’t want. You tried shaking your head but Taehyung slid his thumb out, fingers gripping painfully into your chin. “Be patient.”
You let out a whine in protest, pulling him closer to you only for him to grab your throat. “Ah ah, don’t even try it sweetheart, quiet okay? Behave and I promise I’ll make you feel good later.”
Your mouth went dry. Completely mesmerised by the man, you were sure you were falling in love all over again. “O-okay.”
It had been a while since you felt this floaty, this pliant and willing, for a moment you felt fear before falling slack against jungkook a mist covering your mind and leaving you feeling blissful.
“Did you just?” You heard someone ask, not bothering to find out who it was. Everything felt right, you didn’t want to disturb that.
You heard a voice close to you, jimin maybe. “Subspace?”
“I think so.” You reached forward for taehyung, wanting him next to you only to be pulled away by someone else. “Come here, darling.”
You whined, trying to find your way back to taehyung. “Tae.”
“He’s coming, baby. Tae Tae is coming let’s go sit down hm?” You could recognise the feeling of namjoons hands on your arms, guiding you over to the couch.
“Jungkook go and get some water.” Jimin directed the younger, you buried yourself deeper into namjoons frame, his warmth being inviting.
You weren’t stupid you knew what was happening but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, you felt safe with them, safe enough to let them take care of everything for a little while. “Jinnie.”
“You want Seokjin Hyun?” Namjoon asked, rubbing a hand up and down your back.
You nodded, or at least you think you did. “Yoongi too.”
“Okay okay.” He laughed calling the others in.
“What’s wrong?” Yoongi asked walking over to where you were nestled against Joon. “Is she okay?”
“Tae was having a little fun with her and she seemed to slip.” Jungkook answered, taking a seat at the end of the couch. “She said she wanted both of you.”
“Hoseok can you go and watch the food?” Jin would have asked one of the youngers but he was sure something would burn and Hoseok was the only one who knew how to season the meat right.
The dominant stepped forward, happy to help, he was always happy to help. You didn’t want him to help. You didn’t want anyone to do anything but be around you. “No!” You mumbled, wanting them all around you. “Stay.”
Yoongi was in front of you, hands on your face. Hobi stood behind him, close enough you could touch him. “We all need to eat darling, so do you.”
“I’ll be gone a few minutes and then I will come back and sit with you okay?” Hoseok spoke up, reaching out to grab your hand. “Be good for me, I know you want us all here with you I promise once we all eat we can make a pillow fort across the floor and all sleep downstairs.”
You loved this side of Hoseok, it wasn’t one you found yourself the pleasure of seeing often so whenever it did make an appearance you filed the memory away in your mind for safekeeping. “okay but be quick.” You found yourself pouting, if you weren’t feeling so floaty you may have been hit with a wave of embarrassment but that consciousness was too far out of reach.
“Can you drink some for me sweetheart?” Jin bent down, brushing your hair away from your forehead. You moved forward, allowing yourself to drink from the bottle with ease before sitting back against namjoon. “So good baby.”
You smiled at the praise, head lulling against the philosopher. “Love you.” You whispered, wanting them all to know how you felt, even if it wasn’t a huge deceleration those words held a meaning you wished some day to explain.
Everyone responded, at least you think everyone did. The blanket that clouded your mind had only caused you to feel tired and despite the dinner you knew was being cooked there was no good reason to hold back from sleep, so you didn’t. With Namjoons body against you and the comforting voices of the others around the room, you slipped into dreamland peacefully.
“She’s asleep I think.” Jimin touched namjoons shoulder. “Want me to move so you can lay her down?”
“No it’s okay, I don’t want to disturb her.” Namjoon refused, leaning back to give himself more room.
“That was definitely different, she’s never gone into a submissive headspace like that before. At least not with me.” Hoseok spoke up, leaning against the wall. “Jimin?”
Jimin pursed his lips together, rethinking all the times there had ever been a scene between the two of you before shaking his head. “She’s never been like that before whenever we have gotten into a scene, yes she has her moments of being in a submissive space but never to that extent and never that fast.”
“It’s not like it’s a bad thing.” Tae smiled, head resting on Jungkooks shoulder. “Right?”
“It’s not bad I’ve seen people fall harder and faster but it’s more so the reasoning for it, you weren’t extremely dominant with her and it didn’t become sexual. Sometimes entering a submissive space isn’t caused by pleasure it can be caused by stress, those who have fallen into submissive headspace can often use that place to keep them grounded or even relaxed if they are experiencing stress or going through a stressful situation. I think the emotions that come along with the rules being lifted for 24 hours only have her all the more reason to submit.”
“Let’s let her sleep until dinner, call me if she wakes up.” Seokjin didn’t wait for a response before turning towards the kitchen Yoongi following behind him.
“Baby?” You felt yourself shaking lightly, pulling you from the dream you had just been living in. “You gotta wake up petal dinner is ready.”
“Jin?” You mumbled, reaching for the man. The absence of namjoons body against yours left you feeling cold. “Did I sleep long?”
He wrapped an arm around you, helping you sit up. “No, only about thirty minutes give or take. How are you feeling?”
You took his hand, steadying yourself as you stood. Still sleepy you chose to rest your head against his shoulder earning a light chuckle from you. “M’ okay. Not feeling like that anymore”
“It was an adorable sight to see,” Seokjin replied, a hand rubbing up and down your back. “
You groaned wanting to throw yourself back on the couch to sleep. “Food.”
“Sure sweet girl let’s go get you some food.” It felt good to be like this with him, this natural feeling to your conversation and actions with one another. “Jimin said he wanted to tell you something.”
You nodded towards seokjin, thanking him for waking you before taking a spare seat between Jimin and Namjoon. “Feeling better?” Jimin leaned in, questioning with a smirk.
You pushed him lightly, embarrassment seeping in. “Shut up.”
“Wow someone woke up feisty.” Hoseok laughed, passing you the salad bowl. You lightly snatched it out of his hand, sticking your tongue out. You ignored his teasing as you turned to Jimin.
“Seokjin said you had something to say?” You raised an eyebrow, cutting into the steak on your plate.
“I asked Sejin if we could do the date on Wednesday, it wouldn’t interrupt with your time to be with everyone else. He said it was okay as long as you were fine with it.” He explained, filling your glass with water. “You should enjoy this time.”
Despite your grogginess and the mild irritation seeping through your bones at the teasing happening just across the table, you felt so much love and pride that these were the people you’d found yourself falling in love with. Kind-hearted and considerate.
A shy smile melted across your face, eyes softening at him. “Thank you. Seriously Jimin, that means so much to me.”
“Don’t thank me for that, there are many things you could thank me for but now that. I wish you could have us all the time. How does it really feel?” He asked, his question quite in comparison to the chatter around you.
You held the food close to your mouth, raising an eyebrow at him. “How does what feel?”
“The show, us, everything.” There was a weight to his question you were unsure if you liked.
“The show is fine, there are moments I find myself questioning why we don’t all leave just to be rid of the rules but I think the time we get with one another and of course ending the prize keeps us all here. With us I feel good, happy, I think we all have concerns about the future but apart from that I’m okay.”
He looked over you, as though hoping to deduce whether or not you were being truthful, eventually, he nodded. “I’m always here for you.”
You once again thanked him, looking down at your plate to prevent an onslaught of unwanted tears at his sudden and unexpected affection. You thanked the gods when his attention returned to his food as he began talking to Yoongi.
The meal passed quickly, everyone checking in with you now an again whenever their own conversation ended. You didn’t feel like talking much instead you opted to watch them all, Seokjin was in a heated debate with Hoseok about a game they had both played courtesy of Jungkook, eventually the younger threatening to delete their progress if they didn’t stop. It was endearing how despite being the youngest Jungkook still carried an aura of maturity to him. Namjoon had given his opinion a few times on the conversation between yoongi, taehyung and Jimin. Namjoon had asked Yoongi what it was like to be a gynaecologist and exactly why he had chosen that career, it led to yoongi explaining his entire university experience with Jimin and Taehyung asking questions in between their completely obvious game of footsies.
**The outside world wasn’t perfect, you knew that. You’d had many fights with your parents over the years about your choices at school, choosing to take art with a desire to make beautiful things in the world. Eventually, they had grown to be accepting of your “outward” choices. You found a knack for nudity, the rawness that came from seeing something in its natural element. Once or twice you’d found yourself modelling for art classes, though you’d never tell your parents that. Being an only child wasn’t easy, it was definitely lonely growing up but your parents did whatever they could to keep you entertained, they gave you everything they had and then some. You remember the conversations your mother would have with you about finding someone who brought you the same happiness you felt then, who respected you and loved you as much as they did. It was at that moment, your eyes darting from face to face you realised you’d done just that. You’d found people you could call family. **
The night passed rarely quickly, you’d offered to help clean up only to be told that Jungkook would bare the task tonight after losing a game of rock paper scissors with Hoseok. The game you once found no meaning in had become a staple for resolving issues or making decisions, although you did notice how wrong that could lead things to being. You’d enjoyed watching them all, you had laughed so much at one point after Namjoon had snorted water out of his nose when Taehyung had joked and said his cock was showing through a hole in his pants. All in all the night was perfect.
Hoseok followed through on his promise of you all sleeping in the same room in a makeshift bed, limbs entwined with one another, soft kisses and rough groping and light moans shared between you all. The day had been exhausting with the tasks earlier and then the sudden slip into sub-space. Sleep was well welcomed, and everyone slowly fell into a comforting quietness.
You once again heard sweet whispers of “goodnight.” In your ear just as the curtains of sleep converted you.
The morning started off with a bang, literally. To be more specific it started off with a very tired Namjoon knocking off 4 glasses from the shelf in an attempt to get some water. You’d all jumped up, fright and various stages of panic set across your faces as you all run to check what had happened only to be met with Namjoon shouting “Be careful, there’s glass.”
“What- who? Namjoon?” Seokjin stuttered, eyes flickering from the shards on the floor to the open cupboard. “How.”
“Well, Hyung I tried to reach back for the glass I like but then when I was pulling it out one fell and then I tried to catch the others but that led to me dropping the one I liked and then I tried to catch that one which meant all the others fell. I’m sorry it was an accident.” There was an immaturity to Namjoons clumsiness but it was something you found endearing. He was a gentle giant with no perception of his surroundings. “I’ll clean it up.” He offered shyly, about to move before Yoongi shouted to him.
“Don’t, wait there do not move.” He rushed to the door, grabbed some slippers, throwing them to Namjoon who just about caught them. “Put them on and step over here, mind the glass as much as you can. Hobi get the broom and find something to sweep it into. Everyone else go and sit in the living room, watch the floor for any shards that may have flown across the room.”
It took ten minutes before yoongi had finished cleaning up the mess, you all dispersed, heading off to brush your teeth and freshen up before returning to the living room where yoongi had been waiting waving a hand in disregard at Namjoons countless apologies. “It’s fine it’s all clean now just be careful in case of any stray shards.”
“Thanks for cleaning it Hyung. Jimin passed him a smile before winning at you.”
“There’s only one good way to spend this day.” Taehyung stood, rushing to pull yoongi to the couches.
Jimin leant forward, resting his arms on his legs. “And what’s that pup?”
“An orgy.”
“I’m in.” Jungkook responded with no hesitation, standing up as if almost to volunteer.
“I don’t see why not.” Seokjin added, nudging yoongi who sat back with a smirk across his lips, eyes twisting to something filled with lust.
Namjoon coughed, pressing his palms together. “What do you think YN?”
“I want you all. Maybe that makes me greedy but I don’t want to waste a second of this day.”
“Hobi?” You turned, facing the one who had been quietest throughout the whole discussion.
“Only if jimin goes down on me.” He laughed, a bright smile across his face however you could tell he was serious. “Are you in?”
“Please you couldn’t even last, let’s make it a real bet. I make you cum in 5 minutes and you don’t fuck anyone for a week. I lose and I’ll not fuck anyone but YN for a week.”
“Doesn’t really seem fair.” Hoseok smirked, his eyebrows raising as he seemed to have come up with another idea. “You’ll have ruined orgasms an entire week.”
“Fine whatever, not like I’m going to lose anyway.” Jimin squared his shoulders, almost as if promising he would be the lone survivor of another crazy bet.
Jungkook broke the tension as he threw down a pillow, raising a fist. “May the best cock win.”
“Jungkook no.” Yoongi laughed, the younger boy jumping from his spot only to wrap himself around the other man.
“Or what?” The younger teased, picking up the pillow from the floor. You watched as he swayed his hips at the doctor who only tightened his grip on the couch. “I don’t see you doing anything Hyung.”
“Jungkook.” Yoongis's voice was laced with an unspoken demand, it was always interesting and extremely hot to watch the little moments where they would fight for dominance considering you lived in a house with seven others you didn’t see it half as much as you would have liked to.
“I want Jinnie.” You called out, the older man’s attention on you within an instant, his body colliding with you as his lips devoured you as though he was starved. His hands were firm on your hips keeping you still as you tried to press against him.
“Let’s get these clothes out of the way baby girl, I want to see you.” He mumbled against you, barely waiting for a nod before pulling your shirt over your head, your shorts following Instantly.
He pulled you back towards the couch, pulling down his own pants before taking a seat on it, you climbed on top of him, aligning his cock with your entrance.
You dug your nails into his shoulders as you slid onto his cock, his length filling you up. Your cunt stretched around his bulging cock. “Fuck you’re so perfect.”
You giggled at the compliment. “Says the literal Angel.”
“Darling if you keep complimenting me like that I’m going to “
You began riding him before he could finish his sentence, he pulled you closer, kissing you as you continued riding him. “Fuck you feel so fucking good.” He groaned, his head thrown back allowing you to leave marks up his neck.
You felt a hand in your hand pulling you back, their hand tangled in your hair. You were met with a dark-eyed yoongi. “Keep riding him.”
The command was short but it only encouraged you to grind down, riding your hips in circles as Yoongi kissed you. “Open your mouth.”
You opened your mouth, Seokjin groaning as he watched Yoongi spit into your mouth.
“Come here,” Seokjin grunted, pulling you toward his mouth. You knew what he was doing, both of you kissed tasting yoongi between you.
“Hyung.” You heard taehyung call. You turned to look, watching as taehyung fell to his knees, eagerly taking Yoongis cock down his throat. Yoongis moans and curses only turned you on more, your pussy tightening around seokjins cock.
Jin tapped your leg. “Fuck get up baby. On your hands and knees.”
You moved around, climbing onto the couch on your hands and knees, arching your back as much as possible to allow the man access to you.
You bit your lip as he slid in, his cock on the larger side making you feel stretched. “Let me hear you, baby.” He whispered in your ear, his body flush against your back as he thrusts up into you.
You pushed back against him, a growl spilling from his lips. “Fuck I love you, so perfect sweetheart, so good.”
You moaned at his sudden declaration, his cock pounding into you the lewd sounds of skin slapping echoing off the walls. “Love you my jinnie, oh- oh I’m –“
“You can hold on baby, not yet.” He grunted, pulling your hair back as he straightened up, mercilessly fucking into you as deep as possible. You felt your eyes roll back, feeling drunk from the pleasure, your body slumped the energy you had to hold yourself up drained.
You lay there for a few more seconds, incoherent mumbles and pleas slipping from your mouth hands reaching back to touch him, you felt as he slipped his hand into yours. Leaning forward once more to press kisses to your spine. “I’m going to cum.”
“Don’t…don’t pull out..” you whined, “wanna be full.”
“Whatever you want princess.” He chuckles, his voice low. He thrust a few more times before he fell forward, your orgasms hitting you at the same time. You shuffled around, managing to lay on your back as he rested between your tits. “You’re so beautiful, you did so good baby I’m so proud of you.” He whispered, his hand running up and down your tight as you watched everyone else.
Taehyung had been with Yoongi, the younger grinding down on the doctor's thigh. Lazy kisses are shared between them.
You watched as Hoseok sat on the couch beside you. Turning your attention to him as he called out a soft. “Come here.” .You shuffled over to him, legs still shaky from the orgasm Seokjin gave you. “Turn around. Let me look at you.”
You turned, facing away from him yelling as he landed an unsuspecting slap to your ass cheek, reaching down to rub the spot h before he gripped your wrist, pulling you towards him. “You look so pretty with my marks all over you. The perfect little slut.”
“Ugh- Hoseok.” You groaned out as his fingers came up to play with your nipples, alternating between pulling them and flicking them between his fingers. With a particular painful pinch, he leant closer to you. His lips right by your ear. “What was that darling?”
“Master.” You whispered, your hands squeezing his thighs as his fingers continued to tease your cunt. “Fuck please sir.”
“What’s your colour?” He asked, a moment of concern flashing over his face, only disappearing when you whine a desperate “green.”
“Tell me exactly what you want.” He rasped, his free hand coming to wrap around your throat,
Hoseok stilled your hips, essentially leaving you cock warming him as taehyung grabs your jaw, guiding your lips to his cock. “You’re going to take care of him, you’re going to stay still until he cums down your throat. If you move at all I’m going to tie you up and let everyone use you as their little glory hole for the next - well - however long they want to. After all, you love having cock in you, don’t you? In fact, that may make you a little too happy. Hm?” Hoseoks voice rasped against you, hand still firm on your chin as he suddenly thrusted into you, causing you to emit half a scream.
“Yn is so pretty for us isn’t she baby boy ?” You hear Jimin's voice sweet sounding but laced with a poison that only makes you want more, if you hadn’t known him well and been overly exposed to this side of him you’d think he was just being kind, reassuring, but from the way, Jungkooks eyes were half-lidded, his head lulling to the side as jimin continued draining his cock you could tell it was anything but kind, it was downright dangerous.
You were a little shocked to see Namjoon and Seokjin across the side of the room, seokjin underneath his younger as yoongi ran a hand through his hair, the therapist pulling seokjin to allow his back to rest against his chest whilst Namjoon continued to mark the elder, a trail of beautiful bruises already forming across his skin.
Taehyung tapped your cheek, bringing your attention back to his throbbing cock. “Open baby.”
You opened your mouth, letting your jaw go slack.
Taehyungs cock was massive, you could feel it hit the back of your throat despite the fact that half of his cock was still out of your mouth, despite your eyes watering you relaxed, breathing through your nose as you took the last of him. “Fuck your mouth is so perfect, makes my cock feel so good.” He groaned, a hand reaching to caress your hair.
Hoseok shifted underneath you, his cock massaging your walls causing you to clench around him. Utter pleasure rocked through your body as you jolted on Hoseoks cock as taehyung tucked your throat. “You’re finally being useful, taking cock so well. Maybe I’ll reward you and let you cum.” You did everything you could to restrain your hands, wanting so badly to bring yourself to the edge, the dominants filthy words going straight to your pussy.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could still see jimin and Jungkook, jimin had Jungkook pinned underneath him, Jungkooks bigger frame looking so much smaller under the man as he milked his cock. Jungkook fighting underneath him from overstimulation but still taking it all. “You’re such a good boy.” Jimin had whispered, “My perfect baby boy taking whatever I give him. So perfect, think you can cum again for me?”
Jungkook let out a desperate whine, shaking his head no. “Hyun- ah, jimin please, please it’s fuck it’s too much.” He groaned, knuckles white as he clenched his fists.
“Colour baby?” Jimin asked, slowing down his strokes to brush Jungkooks hair from his eyes. “Tell Hyung.”
Jungkook jerked up, hissing as Jimins thumb ran over the slit on his tip. “G-green Hyung.”
“You look so beautiful like this, maybe I should keep you like this all too myself. Take some pretty pictures of you? Maybe I’ll come on your little cam show and remind everyone you belong to me. Make them watch as I tease your pretty cock.” Jimin squeezed around the base of Jungkooks cock, his lips morphing into a sadistic grin. “Maybe I’ll see how sensitive your balls are, I could play with them whilst I leave your cock tied up to a vibrator, if you begged enough I’d even put one inside your ass.”
“Ngh, hyu- hyung- ah- I wanna be a good boy for you.” Jungkook was beautiful, he looked ethereal with tears streaming down his face from the overwhelming pleasure jimin was delivering to him. “Feels s-so good.”
“What do you say, baby?” Jimin teased. Moving to take the youngers nipple into his mouth.
Jungkooks back arched off the couch as jimin bit down on his nipple, his hand reaching to massage the cam boy's balls. “Than- thank you jiminie.” Jimin gave his nipple one last bite before pulling off. Trailing his tongue down Jungkooks torso.
“Such a polite boy. “ jimin murmured. “I want to cum inside of you.”
“Wa-want your cock. I’ll be good pl-please I want-“ Jungkook whined. “ please.”
Jimin had met a lot of submissives, Jimin had fucked a lot of submissives but there was something about Jungkook, something about the way he whined, the way he tried so hard to keep his hands to himself, how hard he tried to do exactly what was asked of him. He was perfect. “Fuck. You’re a fucking sight to see.”
“Turn around baby boy let me prep you.” Jimin helped Jungkook move, his legs unsteady from the continuous teasing not to mention the two orgasms Jimin had already ripped from him. “Such a beautiful ass, wanna see you dressed up for me darling.” Jimin massaged Jungkooks thighs, hand edging closer to his entrance.
Jimin stepped away, earning a protesting groan from Jungkook. “Just getting lube baby. Be patient.”
Jungkooks protest silenced, looking around the room at the other house members. Each of them entwined in some way, their own pleasure being chased through various means. He looked over to you, giving you a shy smile followed by a flirty wink, his body pushing back when he felt jimin behind him once again.
You couldn’t respond to Jungkook,, taehyung still fucking your throat. Hiis thrusts becoming sloppy. “Gonna-gonna cum.” Taehyung grunted. Hand-fisting your hair becoming painful but enjoyably so.
“Did I give you permission?” You whimpered at the question, despite it being directed towards Taehyung, the man tending as to prevent himself cunning as he shook his head no. “Ask me nicely and maybe I’ll let you.”
“P-please can I cum.” He mumbled, hand still lazily caressing your hair even though he was struggling to hold back, if you weren’t dripping with arousal you may have found the action cute.
“P-please can I cum.” Hoseok mocked, laughing. “Pathetic boy. Show me how well you can cum. Show YN just how much you enjoyed using her throat.”
Taehyung didn’t need to be told twice, with no more than five thrusts he was on the brink of cumming, just before you could prepare to swallow you were being pulled back. Taehyung almost cried at the ruined orgasm. “B-but.”
“Ah, no buts baby. You got to cum, didn’t you? Wasn’t that nice of me?” The dominant teased, smirking. Taehyung couldn’t say no, he couldn’t deny that he got to cum. “Would you prefer next time I keep you on edge?”
Taehyungs eyes went wide, head shaking in a panic. “No Sir, thank you.”
“Good boy, you did so well.” Hoseok smiled at him, hand running through his hair as Tae sat down beside him on the couch. “Now to take care of you, darling. Do you want me to fuck you or are you at your limit?”
“I’m okay just, no more teasing please.” You whined, grinding down on his cock.
He laughed. “Too needy. I spoil you too much.”
“You don’t spoil me enough Sir.” You teased, rocking your hips. “Please fuck me?”
“Whatever you want brat.” Hoseok hooked his arms around yours, keeping you stable as he began to slide his weeping cock in and out of your cunt.
You let yourself be dragged around like a rag doll. His grip was definitely tight enough to bruise but you didn’t care as you pushed back onto him every time he thrusted, his cock ramming against your happy again and again making your legs fail underneath you. Hoseok supported the entering of your weight as you both came to a climax. “Gonna cum.” You mumbled, the words barely coherent, an orgasm brimming for the second time. “Please.”
“Cum over my cock.” he gave one final thrust against your gspot. His fingers massaged your clit, you weren’t a screamer, nor were you a squirter but you became one as his teeth sank into your shoulder. His cock pulsing inside of your pussy as he cum. “That’s it, just like that.” He grunted, your orgasms both coming to an end as he slowly pulled out of you. A hand under your chest stops you from falling face-first onto the floor as your legs have out. “Can you stand for me, baby?”
You shook your head no. “Not after you and seokjin fucking me.”
“Ah yes, the two biggest cocks.” He laughed, guiding you to sit on the couch. “Taehyungie could you go and get a wet cloth for YN?”
You’d almost forgotten his presence, turning to look at the man, his face utterly relaxed. “Okay.”
“You did so good today darling you were so patient, I’ll miss our scenes together.” He frowned a little, making you smile.
“Only a few more weeks, besides I’m sure jimin will let you watch whenever he and I have one.” You knew what the comment would do to him, seeing his scowl you held your hands up half-heartedly in defence. “Kidding.”
“What am I going to do with you?” He half-panted, taking the wet cloth from taehyung and bringing it to clean you up.
“There’s definitely cum on the couch.” You heard yoongi mumbling, he was sprawled out on the floor, seokjin beside him. Your face flushed at the sight of them noticing your eyes lingering on them. Between all eight of you, there wasn’t a single piece of clothing in sight. Jimin and Jungkook sat across from you, Jungkook cradled in Jimins arms, both of them seemingly somewhere else.
Taehyung was right, an orgy was a great way to spend the day.
“I wanted to talk to you all about something.” Jungkook mumbled, his eyes focused on the window as though he was too afraid to meet anyone’s gaze. The attention shifted to him instantly. “I was thinking about it actually.”
Everyone had gone to shower, you had the pleasure of sharing yours with Seokjin and Taehyung. Both men insisting on taking care of you, definitely a form of repayment for the way they temporarily affected your ability to walk. The rest of the day had been spent playing board games, light kisses being shared between everyone, the touching non-stop. The atmosphere was calm so Jungkooks urgent demeanour had you worried.
“What’s wrong baby?” Jimins voice was tired, clearly, the sex knocking out any residual energy he had. “Talk to us.”
“What if we live together after here? We worked well being here together I have some savings we could pitch in and get a place together somewhere equal to where you all work. I was thinking about moving to Seoul permanently, I couldn’t be without you all. I know it would take a lot of time and wouldn’t be an easy decision I don’t know maybe this is a ridiculously childish idea, tae is here, Namjoonie Hyung is here, hobi Hyung is here, YN is here, yoongi Hyung could move we could all help him, jimin Hyung could move too it would be perfect.”
“Kook that’s… big.” Yoongi breathed, arm tightening around jimin. “I think we would all really need to talk about it. Jimin what would you think about moving?”
Jimin shrugged, hand grazing through the maknaes hair. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it I’d have to find work here but I wouldn’t be opposed. My life in Busan seems small compared to what we all have here.”
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to look at jobs around here, Hyung do you have any contacts here in Seoul?” Yoongi shifted to face Seokjin who was sitting with a grim across his red raw lips.
“I do, a few actually. I could pass you their contact information.”
“Hobi what do you think?” You sat up, looking at the man who had been quiet throughout the whole exchange.
“Well you all know I’m aro so I don’t see-“
His words are cut off by taehyung placing a hand across his mouth abruptly, slightly shocking the man. “If you say something like “I don’t see why you’d want me there” I will make sure no one has sex with you for the rest of the time here. You are just as much a part of us as Namjoon Hyung or Yoongi Hyung. Whether it’s romantic or not you have just as much of an invitation as everyone else here does. This is your choice too.”
“Oh.” The dominant breathed, a rand running over his face as though to refresh himself, he sat for a few minutes eyes filtering from one body to the next before he smiled, nodding. “I wouldn’t mind it, besides having roommates would be kind of fun.”
“YN?” Taehyung called tentatively, reaching to wrap your hand in his. “What do you think pretty?”
You blushed at the unfamiliar pet name, your cheeks a light hue of red. “I want you all, maybe I’m spoiled but if we could all be together in one house like this for as long as we stay together I’d love that. It would be just like this without the cameras.”
“So what does this mean? Are we officially in a relationship and planning to move in?”
You show a look to Hoseok who seemed to frown slightly at the mention of being in a relationship. “How about we don’t call it that.”
“What do you mean?” Namjoon asked, eyebrows pinched.
You shook your head laughing. “Let’s not call it a relationship, we all have our own dynamics with each other but we are all entwined like some old tree with a thousand branches. I think we would need a week of planning to officially label everything between each and every one of us so why don’t we call it something else? Something inclusive.”
“I think that sounds better, we aren’t just a relationship, we also have Hoseok-ah to consider.” Seokjin spoke up, his words were always filled with care for those around him whilst simultaneously being filled with knowledge and understanding.
“What about affinity? We could say we are in an affinity.” Yoongi supplied, some smiles being traded across the room.
“Why affinity?” Jungkook questioned, head resting against Jimin's shoulder.
Jimin kisses his hair. His hand linking their fingers as he began to explain. “Affinity has a beautiful definition, it is a word used to say you have a deep understanding of someone, a similarity and a kinship to them. It’s basically the description of a bond without labelling it as such.”
“I like that.” He breathed, eyes closing before opening them again as though he has remembered something important. “You’re all mine though.”
“Even you my hobi Hyung.” He giggled, reaching a foot out to touch the other's leg.
“Move your weird toes from me right now.” He shouted, arms waving as Jungkook sunk down further, toes reaching across as far as he could.
“What’s the matter Hyung it’s just feet. I pegged you as a foot kink man.” Jimin giggled, everyone, pausing at the honorific before turning back to a mildly disturbed Hoseok.
“Shut up jimin, Jungkook move if you want to keep your toes.”
“Jin Hyung where is your knife.” He shouted, tramping towards the kitchen before yoongi could grab his waist, pulling him onto the pile of pillows beside him. “Calm down there sunshine let’s not decapitate anyone’s toes today.”
Hoseok shot him a glare as if to say he would be next if he didn’t stop talking. Yoongi laughed, muffling it with a cough. “Well then, affinity it is.”
“I love you all so much.” You brushed away the tears dampening your cheek, happiness overwhelming you. A few “I love yous.” Resounded back followed by a few kisses shared between different bodies. Hoseok looking content but also out of place. You shuffled closer to him as he removed himself from between Seokjin and Yoongi. You reached out your hand, just enough for him to wrap his little finger around yours and with that you spoke a silent promise.
You’d do whatever you could to keep them all happy.
You were more than content watching them break off into their own smaller conversations as you all set up for the night in the makeshift bed. Thankful for jimins suggestion to recreate the bed from the night before. You didn’t know how long you’d watched them for but your eyes became droopy, their voices guiding you into a blissful sleep.
Jimin and Jungkook watched you drift off, arms and legs a tangled heap. “How was it today baby?” Jimin turned to Jungkook, his fingers drawing patterns on the cam Boys thigh.
The younger sat, contemplating the entirety “Good, was a lot but good.”
“That makes me happy to hear, you were really serious about wanting us all weren’t you bun?” Jimin smiled, his eyes bright.
Jungkook blushed, nodding. “I just really love you all. I still want to get to know everyone. Even you Hyung.”
“What if you tell me something about you and I’ll tell you something about me? We can start learning right now.” Jimin offered, earning a pleased look from Jungkook.
“I really like toe socks,” Jungkook responded wholeheartedly, as though it was his biggest secret. Jimin couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, lightly pushing the younger.
“THAT’S your thing? I might just have to call it all off now, that’s definitely a deal breaker.” Jimin loved to tease, especially when it made the man he had begun to love smile like that. “They are actually good for you. I would say my thing is” he paused, wanting to give something equal to Jungkooks revelation. “If I ever have a bad day, I always drink hot chocolate.”
“If you ever seem sad I’ll make you one, I make good hot chocolates.” Jungkook smiled storing the fact away for when it was most necessary. “One more?” He raised an eyebrow, only continuing to talk once jimin has nodded. “I love being a cam boy but I also want to do more, something mentally.” Jungkook confessed. Jimin could understand that.
“I love being a porn star but I want to find what else there is in the world, I want to grow.” He had the same feeling, wanting to do something that didn’t require his body, not that he didn’t enjoy his work and held no embarrassment over it, in fact, he was fiercely proud but he always wanted to find what else in the world would be good for him.
“Maybe we can find things together?” Jungkook mumbled, hand reaching up to play with Jimins hair.
“I’d like that.” Jimin smiled, leaning down to break the space between them to give the younger a kiss, relishing in the small whimper Jungkook let out when he bit down on his lip. “Let’s get sleep baby boy.”
“Goodnight Hyung.”
“Goodnight jungkookie.”
Yoongi hated being woke up, Yoongi hated being waken up at 3 am, Yoongi hated being waken up by 3 am by a half-naked Jimin, although that may have been more so because of the fact he was far too tired to fully appreciate the youngers body.
“What jimin,” Yoongi grumbled, burying his head into another pillow.
He could have used that said pillow to hit the other when he grabbed his arm pulling him away from the comforts of the makeshift floor bed. “I need to talk to you Hyung.”
“Can't it wait until the morning?” Yoongi sighed, still following the dominant hand in hand.
“Nope.” Jimin popped his lips, the sound definitely would have gone straight to yoongis dick if he wasn’t half asleep.
Once they were both safely inside Yoongi's bedroom jimin pulled him to sit on the bed. “Are you really thinking about moving?”
Yoongi shrugged. “I don’t see why not, I love Daegu but I love being with you all too.”
“Hyung,” Jimin called out, his hand reaching to touch Yoongis fingers before retreating. “You’re more reserved, not reserved but you, you show your love differently and it’s, I guess sometimes I feel lonely in that.”
“You aren’t lonely jimin-ah we are all here for you. If there’s something you need to talk about we will all listen.” Yoongi reassured him, his own hand edging closer to the other. “Talk to Hyung.”
Jimin stirred for a moment, he liked that. Weirdly, he liked how that felt. “I wouldn’t have much in Seoul. All my clients are around Busan. What if this doesn’t work outside of here and I take that step and it falls apart?”
Yoongi sat for a moment, breath heavy. “We can’t tell the future but sometimes things have to start with a simple step. You don’t lose things by loving you lose things by not taking risks. Getting into the prom industry definitely wasn’t easy right?” Yoongi paused giving Jimin a chance to respond, which he did with a nod. “That’s my point, you took a chance and it worked out well for you. If you find there’s something you want to do more then you should go for that too. We don’t ever grow by limiting ourselves to one thing forever, taking risks is a part of life, it’s a part of humans. We will fail and succeed but every attempt is worth it.”
Jimin didn’t realise just how much he needed to hear that, just how much the words would hit him where he was most needing it but it did, the porn industry allowed you to meet tons of people, people you would get intimate with and people you wouldn’t but very rarely was there any personal connection. He hadn’t realised how lonely he become until he was surrounded by people who cared for him, knew him, wanted him. Not just for a scene or a chance at getting known in the community but wanted him for him.
Before Yoongi could process the situation Jimin was lunging forward, pulling him into a hug. A small sob spilt from his lips as he whispered “Thank you Hyung.”
Yoongi had never heard Jimin cry, he had never had to hug him like this. He pulled the younger away, wiping his tears from his soft cheeks. Yoongi didn’t know jimin deeply but he loved him, he loved him the way he loved seokjin or the way he loved YN. Yoongi loved jimin enough to bring his hand to cup his face, pulling him closer to him. Jimin whined lightly as yoongi kissed him with all the energy he could muster. “Let Hyung take care of you.”
“Okay. Hyung can take care of me.” Jimin rasped, falling back into the bed, his elder there to catch him. Yoongi would always be there to catch Jimin, to catch all of them.
This was his family.
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blueberryismilk18 · 4 months
Hey, I just found you and I love your HCs
I was wondering if you could do some for Nico?? Thanks <3
tried to keep em Gn if I messed up let me know I’ll fix it, apologies for the hold up I hope you enjoy these :3 again for the cooks I only see it working as a coworker
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙤 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
Platonic Coworker:
🍃 Congratulations you got a new friend/weed depenser (jk jk, not rly)
🍃 Super fucking chill, like you can tell tell him anything but just know probably won’t give the best advice
🍃 bro will have too much fun messing with you, like luring saying they didn’t get an order stuff like that doesn't mean to piss you off does it in the name of fun
🍃 if you mess with him back hopefully will laugh it off (I mean c'mon we've all seen how aggressive he got towards Brad)
🍃 Not only Nico’s your friend you've now become friends with Pickles!
Romantic Coworker:
🍦 “Me and You will get together, I saw it in a dream man…”
🍦 I hope you love your new stoned boyfriend, kinda like a dog he kinda just goes what with you say in a good way ofc!
🍦 super sweet too, the second they accidentally make another of something gives it to you immediately 
🍦loves talking to you, any time you back there to grab food for your tables he strikes up a convo, he just can’t resist, cue Joey and terry yelling
🍦The whole kitchen will tease you, no escaping it (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT831yshN/)
🍦 I think he would be more of a slow and sweet guy if he really likes you, doesn’t care what others think, PDA!! Huge fan of pda 
🍦 Prob smack your ass when no one is looking, c'mon man he's a silly stoner, he doesn't even mean it in a nsfw way he's just being affectionate with you
🍦 Really does care about you… he’s just got his own way of expressing it, he’s now your silly stoner (probably won’t care what kind of pet names you call him, he’ll find it sweet no matter what) 
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torialefay · 6 months
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☀️ Everyday Idol 🌙 (Chapter 2)
✨ head on over to my masterlist if you haven’t read chapter 1!
✨possible bangchan x reader (f), possible jungkook x reader (f)
✨wc: ~2k
✨ friends to lovers? possible love triangle? future angst and smut??? definitely fluff.
✨ summary: JYP Entertainment launches a new show and y/n somehow gets recruited. Even though she doesn’t particularly care about the outcome of the show, she does particularly care about one of the artists she met: Chris from Stray Kids. Does Chris feel the same or will a potential relationship with one of his friends overcome what y/n feels for him?
✨ author’s notes: pls pls pls let me know if you’d prefer shorter, more frequent chapters like this one, OR longer chapters posted about once per week. i’m heavily debating lol
✨ warnings: cursing from time to time.
Chan’s POV:
He’d been in his studio working on a new track. ‘For way. Too. Long,’ he thought. Every beat was starting to run together and every sound was starting to become the same. He leaned back in his chair, letting out a sigh and took his time standing up out of his chair. A walk is what he needed. He figured he would grab a drink while he was at it. He reached to the couch behind him to pull on his hoodie, grab his wallet, and pick up his phone. He brought his phone to his face to see any notifications that had popped up in the past couple of hours. He would normally silence it when there was something he really needed to get done for the day. He scrolled, Bubble notifications, Instagram notifications, a few Youtubers he watched had uploaded new videos.
New text: A. Felix. Chan quickly tapped over the notification and held his phone up to his face to unlock it.
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‘Huh? What is he on about? I don’t think I’ve even seen anyone recently to talk about that kinda stuff.’ Chan thought.
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Chan decided to wait back a minute in his studio. Sitting back down in his chair, he hoped Felix would text back soon. Now he was invested.
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‘I mean, yeah, I’d hung out with him the other day… He definitely brought up girls though and didn’t mention anything to me about it other than if we found someone, we’d better promise to not totally abandon each other afterwords. He didn’t mention a new girl though.’
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‘Weird, but whatever,’ Chan thought. He sprung up out of his chair and headed out the studio door. Whoever it was, he figured he didn’t know them if JK didn’t even bring them up. It was a good distraction to give him a bit of a break though.
Chan made his way out of the company building and headed to the nearest convenience store. ‘A pineapple juice is in order,’ he thought. He grabbed some snacks quickly, before heading to the check out. He stopped outside of the company building, chatting with some of the JYP trainees and idols, continuing on the inside of the building too. If there’s one thing about Chan, it’s that he’s the biggest social butterfly there ever was. If something happened in the Kpop industry, he would know about it. That was why it took him a little aback when Felix was getting the scoop instead of him.
He made his way back to his studio, setting his new treats down on his desk before settling back into his chair for the evening. He pulled his phone back out to check for an update from Felix.
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Of fucking course. ‘Good job Chris, good job,’ he thought to himself. ‘You waited too long to say anything and this is what you get. I mean you even introduced her to him! What did you expect?’ He thought back to the day you and Jungkook had been at the apartment. Nothing was said out of the ordinary, was it? He remembered how beautiful you looked that day, and how your eyes meeting his made his heart race. How he had a stupid grin on his face once you left. How he had beaten himself up for not coming up with a way to ask for your number.
‘No wait,’ he thought, suddenly pulling a memory out of his ass. Once he had plopped back onto the couch with Jungkook, he had leaned in and said you seemed nice. “Yeah, she’s great,” Chan had responded. Is that all it took? For JK to meet you for 2 minutes and hear that you’re a good person? That’s really all it took to get him interested in you to the point of asking you out? ‘He has balls, and you don’t Chan. Why would she be interested in you over him anyways?’ He thought.
He let himself lean all the way back in his chair, running his hands over his face. He let out a breath he hadn’t even known he’d been holding in. Hands resting on his forehead, with elbows flexed up above his head, he allowed himself to sit like that for a minute. He knew he should be happy for his friend. He knew he should be happy for you. It sounded like you’d been going through a lot and it’d be great to have something good to look forward to and to distract you. But in the tiniest, most hidden corner of his mind, he was hoping it would be him. Some day. FUCK.
Y/n’s POV:
“Okay there, I sent it,” you excitedly looked up at Anna. You were shaking the tiniest bit, but you hoped she didn’t notice.
“What did you settle on?” she spun your phone around to read the message to Jungkook.
Sure, that sounds like fun! Just let me know something.
“Cool, calm, collected. I like it,” she smiled at you, turning the phone back to you.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to seem like I was like- expecting anything, ya know? Like I don’t want to put pressure on it and make him feel like it’s a date or anything. Cause I feel like it’d be a lot easier if it’s just casual.”
“I mean, I agree. But DM’ing asking to hang out doesn’t exactly scream ‘casual’ to me,” she smirked.
You blushed. “I don’t knowwww, I just- I don’t know what to expect.”
“Valid, but just try not to worry about it. A literal babe just borderline asked you on a date. I don’t think he would’ve done that if he didn’t think you were great,” Anna rotated her head back and forth at you, rolling her eyes to the side. “TRY to enjoy this. I bet he’s nervous too.”
“You think?”
“Oh I KNOW. I bet he’s been sweating his balls off ever since he sent that, waiting for you to respond. You probably put him through hell not responding for hours!”
It made you giggle to think about… almost in a guilty way. “I don’t know about HELL, but -“ your phone buzzed in your hand, cutting off your sentence. You quickly craned your head down to read the message on the screen.
Abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz: I’ll have some down time tomorrow? Are you free?
Your heart jumped a little as you read it.
“Hey, let me see, let me see!” Anna poked her head over top of the device. She looked at the screen intently. “Of course you’re free tomorrow! And if you aren’t free, we’re gonna come up with a plan to make you free!”
You went over tomorrow’s schedule in your head. Professionalism training in the morning- going over things you are and aren’t allowed to say and do once the taping of the show starts. Hair and makeup around lunch time. You should have some sort of lunch break in there since there were so many other contestants who also had to get made up. Then shooting materials that will be used as your introduction on the show. You weren’t too sure what all it entailed, but you knew you’d have to talk a bit about yourself and Changbin would be brought in at some point. You’d have to act like this was your first time meeting him, so that’s awkward. The company scheduled a mandatory dinner and drinks night for the new Everyday Idol cast so that everyone got to know each other well before the show. Now THAT, you were excited for. You figured some people would be cut throat, but you were just here to have a good time. You were excited to make more friends and see who you’d vibe with. You weren’t sure if any of the JYP staff would be there as well, but it would be good to know them too.
Your thumbs automatically flexed on the screen.
I have a pretty full schedule tomorrow, but I could probably do something around lunch! Can I text you tomorrow closer to when I know I’ll be ready? You know how the scheduling is.
You said this out loud as you typed. You looked up to Anna, silently asking for her approval.
“Perfect,” she said. With a deep breath in, you hit send. You both sat, waiting for a response since his other had been fairly quick. You held your breath almost the entire time. Why were you so nervous?
*DING* Another message.
Abcedfghi__jklmnopqrstuvwxyz: Great, I’ll pick you up to get some lunch. On me of course. Just message me tomorrow and let me know a time. Can’t wait! :)
“Ahhhhhh!” Anna squeeled.
“Ahhhhhh!” you squeeled back. Neither of you could contain yourselves, waving your hands back and forth in the air.
“Bitch, you have a date with Jeon Jungkook… BITCH YOU HAVE A DATE WITH JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!” she screamed, jumping up and down as she sat. The smile on her face spread from one ear to the other.
“I KNOW, I KNOW!!! … Oh my God Anna, what am I gonna do?! What am I gonna talk about?! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” You were now jumping up and down as well, mildly freaking out all the while.
“I don’t know, but you are gonna CRUSH it,” she squeaked, hugging you. “And it will be okay, just deep breaths! You are so smart, you will literally have a million things to talk about.” You were still holding your breath.
“God I feel like I could pass out,” you laughed.
“Well don’t. Not until after your date.” ‘DATE.’ Jesus Christ. Your nerves were on fire. ‘I’ve got to calm down. It’s nothing, it’s literally nothing. It’s just a normal date. Honestly, he didn’t even call it a date. It’s just two people hanging out, that’s all. PLUS, let’s not forget that he kinda sucked when you met before. There’s only pressure on him. HE has to prove why I should like HIM, not the other way around,’ you thought.
You decided to “Like” the message, making it more casual. “I’m gonna go take a shower. I’ve gotta shake these nerves off,” you said, standing up.
“Well I’ll be right here waiting and game planning what you’re gonna wear tomorrow,” Anna beamed up at you.
“Yeah, yeah,” you smiled and rolled your eyes. Heading to the bathroom, you slowly turned the shower to almost the hottest the water would run. ‘Fuck, I need to shave EVERYTHING,’ you thought. ‘This is gonna have to be a longgg shower.” You quickly removed your clothes and set them on the ground beside you. You tapped on your phone to get a nice, calming playlist going before your marathon shower started or else you’d be bored, huffing and puffing out of your mind trying to get the razor up your leg for the millionth time.
Dang, another instagram notification. Maybe Jungkook WAS really into you. You tapped to open the chat again.
gnabnahc: Hey! I know this is random, but if you have any time tomorrow, could you meet me in my studio? I’ll be around in the morning and at lunch after hair & makeup. If you have time of course, I understand if not. I just wanted to talk to you about something.
‘Good fucking God,” your heart dropped. “Anna… I need you. NOW!” you screamed.
✨ Contiue to ➡️ Chapter 3
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kanmom51 · 1 year
What’s interesting is how jimin is taehyungs “soulmate” but Tae never mentions jimin in lives, never really comments on his posts or lives.
Taehyung will mention Jungkook any single chance he gets on posts & live like if he doesn’t he will lose his community.
Jungkook will mention jimin any chance he gets, comments on posts & comments on his lives but rarely Taehyung.
Jimin will rarely mention any of them maybe once in 2-3 lives. Only comments on jks lives, no tae’s. (Only mentioned Tae twice in like 6 lives) (Jungkook once or twice if asked to say he hasn’t seen him/comment about watching his live ect) He mostly talks about suga, Jin, Hobi.
The dynamic is confusing and interesting. It’s like….
Taehyung > Jungkook
Jungkook > Jimin
Jimin > Jin, Suga, Hobi (+ JK)
Jimin hasn’t met up with Taehyung twice now (didn’t wait at the airport, didn’t text or call, randomly posted on weverse instead of just texting Taehyung + didn’t show up to work out with him)
Like is V desperate for JK to appear his best friend but JK seems to only talk about jimin and wanting to hang with him and jimin is mostly spending time with members at hybe & working on stuff. So it’s like what are their dynamics as of now.
I feel like this one is going to be long and wordy and perhaps all over the place. It is what it is. Lol.
Ok, so let's start with your base line @malecsma1a , which to me is wrong when it comes to JM. JM does mention JK. He seeks out comments about him to have a reason to, but also talks about him or listens to his songs or comments on his lives (actively seeking JK out). JM is way more careful than JK, who in an essence doesn't give a flying fuck what people think of him. The only reason JK hasn't done more at this point is because he's respectful of his partners wishes. A partner that at this point in time is not ready to make that move yet. It's their current contracts with the company, it's their looming military service, it's their families, it's the fandom, it's who knows what it is, he's just not ready for that yet.
So JM is cautious and he goes with the easy subjects to talk about, initiating talk about, Jin and Hobi. Suga not so much (unless it was during their promotional period). I'm trying to think when he talked about RM last, and the only thing I can think of is during his Billboard #1 live telling us RM congratulated him. I might be wrong.
Anyway, JM initiates talk about them cause they are easy. Easy subjects, easy connections, just easy. Or, more like safe.
As for JK, ooh he wants to talk about him, he's itching to talk about him. You can see it in this pre-release lives when he seeks out the comments about JK and answers them or he listens to Euphoria and doesn't stop talking about JK. Did you see how happy JM was during his post recording live when JK spammed his comments? It's just that JM needs a reason to be able to talk about JK, cause you know, Jikook are kind of a taboo subject. Brining up JK out of nowhere for JM is a landmine, a ticking bomb, so he's careful. I just wanted to clear that up. If JM doesn't mention JK it's not for lack of wanting to. JK is on his mind just like JM is on JK's.
That's the JM baseline.
Now let's please move on with another baseline statement that you haven't mentioned, one that HAS to be said time and time again.
Not seeing it or hearing it happen, most certainly does not mean it isn't or didn't happen.
That one is lacking in your ask.
It feels like you are making assumptions on relationships based on the very very limited public interaction we are getting from them.
Many a times we hear from the members about messages they have sent each other on their chat group or privately, messages we would have zero knowledge about if not for them telling us about them. How many interactions like that don't they tell us about do you think? I can tell you without any doubt that 99.9% of their interactions with each other are unknown to us. Online and off. And this definitely includes JM and Tae and most obviously JK and JM.
You mention 2 interactions between JM and Tae. The first we wouldn't even know about if not for Tae telling us during his live. The second we wouldn't have know about either if not for JM's cheeky Weverse post and Tae's snappy answer. How many more interactions are there that neither shared with us? We have no way of knowing. As for the airport Weverse interaction, it's obvious that they weren't going to be riding home together, as there were 2 cars waiting for them. So maybe say hi at the airport on the way out or something like that. JM had a skip in his walk, he was excited to get to the car and home (to someone else that was probably just a little more important to him) so he decided not to wait for Tae. Oopsy. These conversations they have on Weverse are for our benefit. They are done for the fans, period. Because again, we all know they have their group chat and each other's phones. Maybe they do it to show all's well between them, because of the buzz about things not being ok, maybe another way of keeping in contact with the fans, Idk.
I digress.
Your bottom line question was about the dynamics. How they have changed? Have they changed?
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Idk what is going on, if there is something going on, between JM and Tae.
We know about two times they didn't end up getting together. But we know they were planning to, and at the same time we don't know if there are other times they did meet up.
We can also deduct from those two times that they are obviously on speaking terms.
You are right to say that Tae barely mentions JM. He didn't even congratulate him publicly on his solo album nor his Billboard #1, and that is strange for someone that is his supposed soulmate. But this could be something done in agreement with JM. We just don't know. I do not want to make assumptions about the state of their relationship with near to no information. JK is obviously ok with Tae. And dare I say that I don't think he would be so ok with Tae if Tae did something to badly hurt JM? Because even without seeing them in one frame for months now, JK has made it abundantly clear who his no. 1 priority is, and that's JM.
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JK has clearly gotten closer with Tae since their 2020 issues. It's taken some time, and I do think that JM being less available during his preparations for the album and promotions brought them closer still. But when I say close, it's by no means as close as he is with JM. Dare I also say that the kind of closeness is also different. It's a matehood kind of closeness. It's them being those friends that play online video games together, that go out once in a while with friends, for fun, for company. I really don't think there is more to that friendship. Tae is not someone JK finds solace in. The people he would turn to would be first and utmost JM, then perhaps Hobi and Jin. Tae is fun and games. A good distraction when there was no schedule, when he was off quilter, when JM was gone (in a sense, not really, but also not as available to him as he was used to up until not too long ago).
And we have Tae and his ever so often one sided mention of JK (one sided cause like you said, we barely have the same from JK). Is JK the only member he's in touch with? I doubt it. I have 1001 things going through my head right now as to why Tae is doing this. Sadly, none of them are him being genuine. I'm sorry. I love him, but this thing he's been doing, the one that even the best of ours (and I'm not including myself in that group, cause I was seeing it before and not loving it too much) are starting to question his motives about, it feels wrong. And it's not because of him championing his friendship with JK, which good for them, I'm happy they had each other to fall to when everyone else was super busy. It's the timing, it's the way he does it. Maybe if he wasn't so damn obvious about it, maybe if he was more suave, sophisticated in the way he was doing it. But he's not. I think he needs to take a lesson or two from JK, Mr. JM spoiler king and champion fan and supporter.
So, friends yes. Nothing more nothing less. Oh, and did I talk about what the company might be pushing here? No? Maybe I better not at this point. Maybe I better wait and see how things turn out, cause even if this is what the company wants, the big unknown here is just how much JK will comply.
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As for Jikook. Those two are as good as ever. Good as gold. They are doing private right now. Here we come to that ever so important baseline you forgot about: not seeing them doesn't mean they aren't there nor does it mean that they are not happening.
Here's one of the times I've talked about what we aren't seeing and why it means absolutely nothing:
I've talked about this multiple times, but this is the one I found on the run.
Remember back in mid 2022, after they went on a very long break, when there was all the talk about Jikook not interacting on SM, not being seen out together? Remember that? "Jikook have broken up" was all over the place (just like it was a second before JM's album release and JK's "have no mistake I love JM" lives) . Including coming from the usual insecure Jikookers that need the two to prove time and time again they are in a relationship (cause that's how life is isn't it? We have to prove to our surroundings that we are together otherwise we aren't?). Anyway, then we had the Seoul concerts, they were more than fine, LV, omg they were on fire, new tattoos included. Got back from LV and again that roller coaster of them not being seen together not interacting was in a loop. Good thing we had our president of the Jikook fan club to post from Washington showing us them out together. Good thing we had the JITB party BTB to show us the talk about them not interacting in the party were bull crap. Once again, seeing that content should have taught us a lesson - not seeing them initially in the clips and photos leaking from the party (well almost not seeing them, cause we did have that clipet (clip + snippet) of them in the corner JK's hand on JM's waist) doesn't mean they weren't doing their thing. You know, in the dark corner JK embracing JM's hand and all... and there was more. Believe me there was so much more that went on in that party that we haven't seen on tape.
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not happening.
And before Busan, and then after Busan and before JM's album release, see the pattern?
JM and JK they are intimate. We kind of know it, let's not kid anyone. They have been together for years, they are sexually active, they are a long term couple. Yet, we have never seen them even so far as kiss have we? Does that mean they didn't or don't? I don't like talking about this stuff here, cause it's private, it's theirs, and that's why I'm stopping at the very innocent example of kissing, but I'm trying to make a point here. We don't see what they do 99% of the time, and I'd say since the hiatus it's already 99.9% of the time.
And yet, JK in the past few months, since Feb 2023, and even more so since mid March 2023 (his white day live) is telling us everything (in the way that he can at the moment). He's telling us they are still very much ok. He's telling us he knows stuff that we don't, stuff that he wouldn't know if they were not still very close. He's showing us just how much he cares for JM, how much he loves and supports him. He's telling us they are seeing each other, even if we don't know they are.
And JM in one song, in which he included JK, told us (so yes, the song is for us in the essence of him wanting us to know, but the letter is addressed to JK) how deep his feelings are for JK and that they are forever. JK joined him on that one.
They are good.
They are forever.
They both told each other and us that.
Look, I know you miss them. Miss seeing them. Miss seeing their interactions. I do too. So so much. Cause they are just happiness and hope all in one. Seeing their interactions, seeing how much love there is there it's precious and I miss it so much. But I'm not making the mistake, and don't you either, of concluding that not seeing these interactions means they aren't happening. They just aren't showing them to us, in the content that is.
There are a few reasons that come to mind as to why the company is doing this, although sorry but they are just being stupid. The lack of Jikook content at this point is more suspicious than any kind of content they might have had together under official supervision. For two obviously very close people, whatever label you want to attach to them, the lack of official content is screaming "why the fuck aren't they paired together?"
Not to mention the irrevocable fact that they are the two with the most electrifying chemistry. There is a reason that they used to be constantly paired together. They just work.
The company are the ones pushing these units and they have done so since the hiatus. It's Jihope and Yoonmin on the one hand and Taekook on the other.
The rhythm of Korea with BTS was one of the more obvious to see this agenda and the fact that it was JM and Suga chosen to champion Busan, yeah, felt weird to me.
Was there supposed to be chemistry? If there was, I didn't see it.
Side note: Notice how JM is wearing his special necklace in this official content. He doesn't do that. They are styled for these kind of clips. I do think that was a statement. Maybe not one necessarily for us.
In any case, that is one example.
You want another one?
JM's dance practice BTB is another. We wouldn't have seen JK there if not for JM's comment during his live about JK coming to see him practice. That BTB felt rushed and the JK part of it was evidently highly edited. Take what they show us there, less of a minute of JK being there, not even showing us his arrival (which means not showing us JM's reaction to his arrival), and compare it to the edit of Hobi coming to visit JM during the Like Crazy MV shoot. One pairing obviously being highlighted (oh, for months), the other downplayed.
There is more. All in the name of Hybe's end game. Yes, I really don't think this is being done to protect them. And I also don't think this is coming from them. If it was, JK wouldn't have rebelled the way he has against the company. JK's a good boy, he's compliant as a whole, but he is also a non conformist, and has his limits and he is being held back for too long. There are things they want to do and they aren't allowed to, and what we've seen in the past couple of months from them is their form of rebellion. What they are allowing themselves to do at the moment. JK deleting his IG. Make no mistake, that was his big fuck you to the company. His lives, not giving a fuck. Him supporting JM in the way he can being the loudest that he can under the circumstances. JM showing up in JK's comments but not only showing up, openly flirting with him. This was them saying "absolutely nothing has changed between us".
I told you this was going to be unnecessarily long, didn't I?
Well, bottom line is that I don't think the dynamics between JM and JK have changed, they are same old same old.
And to be truthful, I don't think that the dynamics between JK and Tae have changed either. Yes, they are closer in the sense that when JM is away JK is spending more time with Tae (either online or meeting up). They spend more time together but make no mistake, the dynamic is the same as it always was with those two, you could clearly see that in that Feb live when Tae showed up in JK's comments and then they went live on IG.
There are those that don't like me comparing, but I love to compare, cause that's how you know it's different, right?
The silence moments between JK and Tae in that live were outright awkward.
Then take the last time we had Jikook in a live together - JM's birthday back in October 2021, a Jikook masterpiece, lol. Their silences are electrifying.
It's the difference between staying quiet cause you have nothing you really want to or know to say and staying quiet because you want to say everything but are worried it will be too much.
Those dynamics were there before, and they are still there.
Did I forget someone?
Oh yes, Vmin.
Yeah, I have no idea. Those two are keeping us in the dark. Many think there is something weird going on with them. Could be. Could also be that everything is fine and they are just not talking about each other.
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jeons-catalyst · 1 month
Nah but you can't tel me that "jungkook likes to gatekeep taehyung from everyone" ain't a cope from taekookers cause if he does even a smallest thing they brag about it as if jk did love declaration but since there's nothing much to compared to Tae Tkkrs gonna give an excuse of "jungkook likes to gatekeep" cause if i ask them to give me atleast 4 examples from 11 yrs all I'll hear is crickets. I know the only thing they gonna mention is that "bogum hyung or me" but as far as i know jm did it too infact jm was more vocal about it and even said "go play with them" so it would make jm the biggest gatekeeper if we're talking about it like that but idk man I'm just a sane person so i won't say shit like Tkkrs.
IF i have learned anything from my yrs being in this fandom then it's that taekookers hate how loud and vocal jungkook is for jimin only, the whole fandom knows that jikook will be always jikooking in all contents on or off cam. I have read them saying MULTIPLE times that jikook can't be real cause they too obvious and loud and no gay couple would do that if they care about their relationship but at the same time saying taekook are rebellious and shows off if they get 1 small thing. Idk how that works cause do they see how contrary their theories are?
Remember all that crying tkkrs did when jk did 1.5 hr live for jm and how they were like jungkook never does these things for Tae and he's never this loud about supporting tae, plus why does jk flirts with jm without hiding but with tae he has to hide(no moments means hiding for them), if you're not going to brag about your own supposed partner but wil be LOUD asf for other ONLY one person then idk.....
You know what this is giving? It's giving "jungkook's silence during tae's album release is the biggest form of support ever" like hmm okayyyyy
Taekookers claiming that Jungkook likes to “gatekeep” Tae only means that they see that Jungkook doesn’t move for Taehyung like he moves for Jimin simple.
And the whole thing is kinda funny because since Jungkook barely does anything, they are forced to make mountains out of molehills over the smallest things he does do and even go as far as making shit up. Notice how whenever taekookers make up dates or stuff, it is always Jungkook doing something? It is always Jungkook renting out restaurants for him and Tae alone, or it is Jungkook taking Tae on trips or it is Jungkook renting out expensive penthouse villas to spend some alone time with Tae. It is rarely ever Tae doing something.
They want Jk to do for Tae all the things he has done for Jimin over all the years but since he doesn’t, they claim that he “gatekeeps” or likes keeping his relationship with Tae “private” and that everything he does do for Jimin is Fanservice or he only does them because he is forced. Some of them were even sincere enough to admit that Jk actually does talk about Jimin more than any other members but they claimed that he only does that because of Fanservice or to promote him💀
They laugh at Jikookers and say we pay too much attention to things like GCF, Rosebowl and Hickey. Sure, because it is a delusional to pay attention to things that ACTUALLY happened instead of making things up and wholeheartedly believing them. Taekookers will literally make anything up based on their own interpretation of Taekook’s interactions and believe them but we are the delusional jokers for screaming about the fact that Jungkook wakes up in the morning, climbs a mountain and comes back down with snow for Jimin just because he knows Jimin loves the snow. We are the jokers for gushing about the fact that Jungkook decides to make the biggest pancake for Jimin because he has alot of penalties? We are delusional for seeing more in Jikook when Jk takes Jimin to Tokyo, pays for their flight tickets and possibly their accommodation, and then goes ahead to make and post the most beautiful video of him? Yea ok.
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