#joeys awesome
avalil18 · 4 months
Fade into you
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Summary: this story is based off of the song Fade into you by Mazzy star!
Warnings:fluff (talk of beating)
It was a spring night and you and Joe attended your friend’s wedding! It was a beautiful venue outside filled with colorful flowers and hanging lights around the trees and tables and chairs for guests to sit at and of course a dance floor. You were wearing a beautiful dress. It has yellow,pink,and orange tied into it and fringes. (There is a pic of the bottom of this blurb)
You and joe were sitting down at your table talking with friends and having a good time laughing and drinking. Joe couldn’t stop staring at you. He was mesmerized by you. He loved everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, your beautiful body, and everything else that makes up who you are. You were laughing with one of your friends from across the table when you moved your hand from your lap to pick up your drink and have a sip. You noticed Joe staring at you as you picked up your delicious drink. “Do you want something, burrow?” You asked with a laugh. “No, just want to look at you!” He said also laughing. “Ok, well you do that.” You smirked. After a few minutes Joe stopped staring at you and engaged in conversation with you and your other friends. A song came on that you and Joe both loved! Fade into you by Mazzy Star. You and Joe both looked at each other and Joe said without hesitation. “Do you want to dance?” You smiled and said yes. You both got up and headed over to the dance floor with some other couples. You know Joe wasn’t really a big dancer or a big fan of PDA so when he held your hand and wrapped his arms around you once on that dance floor you got butterflies. You wrapped your arms at his neck and just stared into his beautiful ocean blue eyes.
After a few moments Joe said “you look gorgeous y/n, you always do.” He winked. You got a big smile on your face and said “why thank you, burrow!” You paused for a second and said “You don’t look to bad yourself!” Joe laughed and winked again. You laughed at his perfectly good wink. You guys sway for a few more minutes and then Joe speaks up again. “Listen y/n, I know it’s been hard for you these past couple weeks but I’m so glad you came with me.” You smiled and said “of course Joe, I wanted to come but I also wanted to spend some time with you! I know how much you wanted to come and be here.” You haven’t felt the best these past few weeks because of your anxiety. Your anxiety has been really bad these past couple weeks because you almost got attacked by someone on your walk. The person snuck into your private gated neighborhood somehow and tried looking for yours and joes house because he was a “fan”. You only got some bruises from some kicks and hands he threw at you. Thank goodness a couple who was also on a walk noticed and quickly ran over to get you to safety. An hour later police showed up and Joe was pissed. He hasn’t left your side since.
“I just want you to know it will be ok and I don’t want you to be scared. I will always be there to protect you. I should have gone on that walk with you instead of watching stupid game plays. It’s my fault I wasn’t there to protect you. I’m truly sorry.” Joe said with tears filling his eyes. “Joe don’t cry. It wasn’t your fault baby I got hurt and I don’t want you to think that,ok? And you have nothing to say sorry for.” You said as your eyes became glossy from holding back tears. “Let’s not talk about it right now. I want to be here with you, in this moment.” You said. “Haha! Ok.” Joe said back. “I love you Joe, thank you for always being there for me.” You say rubbing his neck. “I will always be there for you y/n, forever and always!” Joe says following with a kiss on the lips. You kiss him back and you guys fade into the night.
Authors note: ooooo I love some public y/n and Joe. I have been writing a lot so a lot of stuff will be coming your way!!🫶
(This is the dress I had in mind) but you guys can think about what ever you want to wear!🩷
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thewittyphantom · 4 days
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One of my favorite things in Pyramid of Light is Joey--he's both funny and awesome at the same time!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 25 days
Pa Harley: You’re the greatest daughter in the world!
Joey: And you’re the greatest dad in… the family!
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thelostgirl21 · 9 months
Okay, I felt like this post (by @panur & @underthebluerain) deserved some visuals, so people could really understand and truly appreciate just how dramatic the difference in body sizes and shapes between these two gorgeous, absolutely lovely men, is!
And just how skilled the costume design team is, on the show, when it comes to giving the illusion that a character is much smaller (in Jaskier's case) or much larger (in Radovid's case), than their actors actually are.
There was an incredible post, a while back, that really explained how those wizards work their magic!
And it's utterly fascinating!!! Seriously, if you haven't read all of that yet, I highly suggest you go and take a look!
But yeah, when you look at the way their clothes have been designed this season, there's definitely been some attempt to make Jaskier look generally smaller than Joey Batey really is, while making Radovid look generally bigger than Hugh Skinner really is, too.
A few examples (with my extremely humble interpretation / things that have grabbed my eye when I look at their costumes. Please bear in mind that I am but an humble fan with no experience in costume design, so there's probably tons of stuff I've missed, and/or I might have misinterpreted some of those designers' intent):
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Then, of course, there's Radovid's cloak that just... triples his size or something!
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So, when you look at them side by side with their clothes on (even without the cloak), there really doesn't seem to be such a huge difference in body size and shape between the two.
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Why are they so pretty though?
Like yeah, you do get the sense that Radovid might be a bit leaner, and that he has a longer torso, perhaps, but it's not THAT dramatic of a difference...
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As soon as you get them out of their costumes, however...
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On that last gif, you can really see that Joey's roughly the same height as Henry Cavill, and get the sense that he'd probably fit really well in a Witcher's armor, too!
Technically, their heights are listed as: - Henry Cavill: 1,85cm (6 ft 7/8 in) - Hugh Skinner: 1,83cm (6 ft) - Joey Batey 1,82cm (5 ft 11 5/8 in)
So, Joey's like 1 1/8" smaller than Henry and 3/8" smaller than Hugh.
Since I'm ½" taller than my own partner and virtually never realize it, I doubt they'd notice that 3/8" difference between them.
But yeah, one of the really funny "side effects" of costume designers being so good at their job is when you somehow manage to forget about it while watching the show and then this happens:
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and your brain needs a moment to re-calibrate its settings because you're like "Right! Buff bard! Right... 6 feet tall really strong looking damsel in distress that keeps complaining Geralt could break him like a twig, when it would be something closer to splitting a log!"
Makes you wonder if people in Jaskier's family are just... naturally muscular or something (lots of fast-twitch muscle fibers?!)?
Because, while Joey is apparently into climbing, kick boxing, swimming, fencing, medieval sword fighting, etc.
Jaskier complained about needing to walk down the path of a mountain on his own, because his fancy boots kept sliding.
He does a lot of traveling and walking, sure... But that doesn't really help you develop your upper body / pectorals / arms, etc. in such a way!
Unless he just... likes the way those muscles aesthetically look on him?
You know, I really wouldn't put it past him, now that I think about it...
Over the years, Jaskier has just developed his very own calisthenics workout routine to build and maintain his looks, but feels the need to hide it.
Because "body fitness" is not exactly a popular discipline on the Continent at that time.
People tend to train to learn how to fight, or develop muscle mass while working the land or their craft, not because "they like the way those muscles look on them when taking their clothes off!"
So, Jaskier wears clothes that hide his actual body shape, since he's afraid that, if people saw and noticed how built he really is, then they'd just assume he knows how to fight and defend himself, when he doesn't.
People might stop shoving him out of harm's way, pulling him behind them to stand between him and the danger, coming to his rescue, etc.
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And, since Jaskier's whole ongoing survival sort of depends on people spontaneously stepping in to save his sorry arse, well...
In the bedroom, however, the added bit of upper body strength and endurance does wonder when you want to be able to fuck someone against a wall while keeping their feet off the ground (for example).
Being able to lift and carry more than your own weight definitely has its advantages...
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As Radovid has no doubt found out...
And, if the prince turned out to be a bit lighter and easier to carry around than Jaskier was initially expecting him to be, you definitely won't hear him complaining, either!
Although, I must admit that part of me also likes the idea that they might have been able to accurately "size each other up", so to speak.
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Radovid's just there looking at all the lines and proportions on Jaskier's pants and shirt, while figuring out where his shoulders and arms actually stop underneath; being both fascinated by the actual size of Jaskier's body, and the choice of clothing design that's making him look much smaller than he appears to be (if his calculations are, indeed, correct)...
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While Jaskier's just looking at all those layers covering Radovid, while attempting to get a rough estimate of the total naked weight underneath, and for how long he could keep him lifted... Hypothetically... For science...
But even there, there's a huge difference between knowing those clothes are playing with your perceptions and briefly getting a mental glimpse of what you think might be closer to the truth... And actually gazing upon or getting your hands all over said truth!
Because sincerely, no amount of me trying to look at this while attempting to make abstraction of the whole illusion created by the clothing design:
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is successfully going to be able to make me see this:
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Hence why I tend to forget about it, and need a moment to re-calibrate almost every single time Jaskier winds up getting shirtless!
Seriously, just look at the bottom gif of him shirtless, then at the top where he's got his clothes on a few times, one after the other, and try to tell me that you're able to visualize where all of that body at the bottom is managing to fit in there at the top!
It's like part of it literally went missing!
So, even if Radovid had managed to guess that Jaskier was a lot buffer than his choice of clothing was letting on, and vice versa, I'm thinking they'd still have been in for quite a bit of a surprise when they actually got each other's clothes removed!
Therefore, that headcanon would still work, regardless of Jaskier and Radovid having guessed that each of them used their clothes to make themselves appear less threatening, or more imposing than they really are.
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indeedgoodman · 5 months
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So, basically, Joey just outed Jaskier as bi, right?
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marijuanaragdoll · 8 months
Do you think when Joey Batey wrote the lyric “gonna go home and show my cat some memes cause he’s awesome like me” he knew he just wrote the most relatable lyric of all time?
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cryptidram · 3 months
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hey woah what the heck whos that guy
i love drawing fig and ford stuff the monotone coloring is so fun 😁😁😁 dash is also just so easy and fun to draw, i tried doing ford and gave up but . i will draw him Someday
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king gizzard at the liverpool olympia
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aero-filters · 4 months
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tossacoinifyoucan · 1 year
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That happened on it's own
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avalil18 · 4 months
I hate to see you like this
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Summary: reader is having a difficult time after being released from the hospital and Joe is there to help her get through the hard times.
You were always the happiest person. The person who always had a smile on her face and always laughing. You were a dancer. You loved to dance ever since you were a little girl. Dancing was your sport. Every day after school you would go to the dance studio and stay there for hours just dancing and coming up with your own choreography. You aren’t a person to really show when you are sad or loved to talk about your feelings to anyone except your best friend Joe. Dancing was your way of expressing all of those emotions. You have been dancing for years now. All throughout middle school, high school, and college. It was mid year in 2020 and everyone was in quarantine. Dancing was the one thing you could really get out of the house and do. You were at the studio with your mom. You decided to do a trick you haven’t done in a while. You flipped and turned but ended up doing something wrong and the next thing you know you are in the hospital just out of surgery. Turns out you had to have spinal surgery. You won’t be able to dance again. You were in the hospital for 2 weeks. Family coming in and out of your room asking how you are doing, but the only person you wanted to talk to was Joe. One night Joe came with his parents.
The door opened and you saw joes figure. He walked around your bed and stood right next to you on your right side. He was wearing a green long sleeve with grey sweatpants and he had been trying to grow out a little bit of a beard so he had some scruff. He smiled as he looked at you. You smiled back. The first smile you probably plastered on in weeks. He was the only person you wanted to talk to.
“Hey you!”-joe
“How are you feeling?”-joe
Joe laughed
“I feel ok, But I’m happy you are here.”-you
“Good, and I’m happy to see you too.”-joe
You two stared at each other for a moment
“Hey, how about we leave you two alone. We will be back!”- your mom
You two looked at her
“Ok”- you and Joe
The parents left the room and now it was just you and Joe.
“Come here.”-you
You patted the empty space next to you. Joe quickly but carefully laid down next to you. You put your head in his chest and quietly feel asleep in joes arms. He also fell asleep.
5 weeks later
(At home)
“Hey! Come on in guys!”-your mom
Joe and his parents came over to check on you and see how you are doing. It was late afternoon and you had been in the backyard playing with your dog or at least trying to. It was hard for you to move around. Your back was still in some pain. You were also exhausted. From learning how to stand up again to walking and then physical therapy it was a lot. You didn’t have dance anymore to let all your feelings out. You were in a state of exhaustion and overwhelmed. There was so many emotions going through your head. You couldn’t let all your feelings out like you could while dancing. You talked to your parents saying that recovery has been hard and you don’t know what to feel. You didn’t cry, just spoke.
“Y/n is in the backyard.”-your mom
“How is she doing?”-robin
“Honestly I think it’s been really hard on her. She isn’t really eating and she told me that recovery has been hard on her. You know she doesn’t really like to talk about her feelings and only likes to dance them out, but now she doesn’t have dance anymore. I don’t think she really knows what to do.”-your mom
“Aww poor y/n, we know it’s been hard I her. But she should always know we will be here for her.”- robin
The moms talked for a few minutes.
“Hey Joe, how about you go outside to see y/n. I’m sure she would love to see you!”- your dad
“Yeah, ok!”-joe
It was hard in Joe to see you like this. He knew you were hurting emotionally and physically. He also knew that you don’t really like to talk about your emotions except when it’s with him.
Joe stepped out side and saw you. He thinks you’re the most beautiful girl he has ever laid eyes on. You’re his best friend and the reason he looks forward to waking up everyday. He just loves to see you.
You were wearing grey sweatpants with a cropped grey long sleeve to match. Your hair was long and your little waves were dancing in the breeze. You were standing with your arms crossed and watching your dog play. You were crying. You shed a few tears before you heard the sliding door open and quickly wiped your fallen tears.
He came up next to you
He could tell you’ve been crying
“Come here.”-joe
You fell into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you as you cried.
“Shhh it’s ok, it’s ok, I’m right here.”-joe
You haven’t cried this much in weeks. Joe was your shoulder to lean on, but he also sometimes needed your shoulder to lean on too. You cried in his arms letting all your emotions out. You wrapped your arms around him as he did to you. You guys stayed in each other embrace for a few minutes.
“I’m sorry, I probably look like a mess.”-you
“No, no you look beautiful. And don’t be sorry. You know you can come to me for anything.”-joe
You looked up at him with one last tear streaming down your face and a small little smile.
“Thanks Joey, for everything.”-you
“Of course y,n, I’m always here for you. You are my best friend, my ride or die.”- joe
“Hey, I want to take you somewhere.”-joe
“Umm, ok…”-you
He grabbed your hand and took you inside to get a blanket.
“We will be back!”-joe
“Ok! Don’t be too long.”-your mom
“We won’t, I promise.”-joe
You guys walked out the door and into joes car. He just recently bought a Porsche from the money he is making being in the NFL. You guys drove around for a while until you guys reached a place you recognized.
“We are here!”-joe
You looked around for a second
“Is this our spot?”-you
“Yeah! I know you love it here so I decided to take you, get your mind off of things.”-joe
“Aww thank j.”-you
The Spot is a little hill over looking a big green field. There is a big Willow tree on the hill where you both sit under.
You guys walked up the little hill and sat under the tree. The sun was setting and it was a beautiful site. Joe put the blanket over you guys covering your guys legs. You rested your head on his broad shoulder and just stared into the sunset. Joe put his right arm around you and it made you get butterflies.
“I don’t know if you want to answer this but, how are you doing?”-joe
You looked up at him
“Honestly Joe, I feel much better when you are around. My parents are all over me 24/7 asking if I’m ok or need anything. They also ask me how I’m feeling. But I don’t know how to answer them. I just think I’m sad because I can’t dance anymore. Dance was my whole life, my safe space, but now dance is gone. I have been In pain for the last couple weeks and just not feeling well physically and I guess mentally.”- you
I’m sorry y/n that you have to go through this, but know I’m always here for you. I’m your safe space. We are each other’s safe spaces. I’m going to be there when you need a shoulder to lean on always or just someone to talk to. You are my best friend y/n, always have been since middle school. And I love you y/n.
“I love you, so much. I can’t breathe or think when I’m next to you. I always want to hold you are talk to you. And I hate seeing you in pain. I couldn’t even walk through your hospital door without telling my parents that I can’t go in because I couldn’t bare to see you in pain. I love you y/n, with my whole heart.”-joe
You grabbed his face and kissed him
“I love you too Joe. And I’m sorry you have to see me like this, but know I’m always going to be there for you too. And I’m so proud of you Joe. Your dream of finally being in the NFL came true and I couldn’t be more proud of you. I love you Mr QB1!”-you
He grabbed your face this time and kissed you.
The sun set and you and Joe were just laughing and talking looking out into the stars.
Authors note: a little bit of deep one but cute! I also hope to get out more of How To Get The Girl out soon too!!🩷
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datshitrandom · 10 months
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Darren Criss, Joey Richter and Lauren Lopez at Adelaide Festival Centre | Goin' Back To Hogwarts | September 3, 2023 | 🎥 via Jazzypaigexx
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kosonah · 1 month
draw some more hiveswap yuri please please please PLEASE and some yiffany :)
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ill def draw yiffy another time but here's some yuri
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sammylovesbendy · 1 year
Wait so is Johnny Draw like a super serious ultra-religious kind of person or something?
(Nothing against people who are, I'm just curious)
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its ok you should be against his bigot ass
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tmgstudios · 6 months
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