#john bender has adhd
newwwwusername · 10 months
Hey! I had seen your Breakfast Club fanfics on ao3, and they are great! I was hoping you could do one with a BenderxBrian pair
Ship: BenderxBrian
Headcanons: ADHD!Bender , Autistic!Brian
Prompt: Bender is very self conscious about having ADHD, not wanting anyone to find out about it. When Brian innocently asks a question regarding neurodivergency, Bender gets really mad. Brian tells Bender he’s autistic, and he helps Brian not feel so alone with his ADHD.
Warning : The r-word is used multiple times out of dialogue but from the perspective of an ableist, abusive parent so just keep that in mind Chronology : Post-canon Pairing : Brian/Bender Headcanons : Bender has ADHD, Autistic!Brian, they have math class together, Bender's dad is ableist (although that's hardly a headcanon cause there's no way in hell that man would be NOT ableist) Author's note : I use the term "Asperger's" here because it's more accurate to what Brian probably would've been diagnosed with given the diagnosis, however this is your friendly reminder that Asperger's is, in fact, just an outdated term for part of the Autism spectrum. Similarly, Bender's ADHD is just called ADD here.
When the doctor told Bender he had ADD, he quickly took steps to make sure no one else found out. His dad's reaction to his fuck-up son being a retard on top of everything else was bad enough. He didn't need to get the same treatment from his peers.
He was so careful with this information that when Brian innocently asked him a question about it, he flipped his shit.
"Hey" the blonde had said as he sat next to the other boy during science class. Bender was too surprised by the fact that, of all people, the nerd was talking to him during class that he didn't even manage to get a shitty remark in before the boy continued. "Sorry if this is a bit random, but I've been picking up on certain things you've been doing and, I was wondering if you maybe have, like, Attention Deficit Disorder or something, because-"
Bender kicked the boy in the shin hard and gave him a very scary look. Brian seemingly took the hint and stopped talking.
After class, Bender roughly grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the nearest bathroom. He shoved the smaller boy into the biggest stall and locked the door. Brian looked up at him as though fearing for his life but didn't dare say anything. Once the brunet was sure that the door was locked properly, he pinned his scrawny classmate against the gross tile wall, much to Brian's dismay, and leaned in really close to make sure no passing-through students heard.
"Who the fuck told you?"
"Huh?" Brian asked, confused. Bender almost smacked him but refrained, instead just holding a very stern glare toward the boy as he elaborated.
"Who the fuck told you I have that... Thing?"
"What, Attention Defici-"
"Who. Fucking. Told. You?"
"No one" Brian told him, eyes wide with fear. Bender let up his grip a little bit because he didn't want the kid to be that afraid of him. "No one told me. I figured it out on my own"
"Well, I, uh..." Brian sighed. He figured there was no use in hiding this information considering he was in deep shit regardless. Besides, maybe it would help Bender be less ashamed of his own disorder. "I have Asperger's"
"Holy shit" Bender said, a bit surprised. He'd been tested for that as well, but he himself wasn't diagnosed with it. However, that had still triggered a whole slew of rants from his father about how retarded those kids were and how he was glad that, if his son was gonna be a retard, it was better that he had a less extreme case of it. He never thought of Brian as retarded, though. Just kind of annoying. "Holy shit"
"You're, like, normal" Bender chuckled. Then, seemingly realizing how he was coming across, he shook his head and forced back on his tough guy persona. If Brian wasn't still being pinned to a wall, he probably would've chuckled. "Regardless, you don't tell anyone about this, got it?" the taller boy demanded. Brian nodded earnestly. "If I hear one of your little math nerd friends so much as breathe the word 'ADD' near me, you're dead, got it?"
"Absolutely" Brian assured him. "But, uh, for the record, it's nothing to be ashamed of"
"Well that's easy for you to say when you have something way more serious" Bender told him. Brian just seemed sad at this and it was only then that it dawned on Bender that he wasn't actually alone in this anymore. Sure, ADD and Asperger's weren't the same thing but surely they were at least similar if his doctor felt the need to test him for both at the same time. "Don't speak of this out loud, however... Notes, I'm fine with"
Brian's frown gave way to a small smile. He's trying, he thought to himself. This is hard for him, but he's trying.
"Now..." Bender spoke up again, releasing his hold on the smaller boy. "Get the fuck out of here"
"Yes, of course"
Do not repost on other sites!! This fic will be posted to AO3 under the same username
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losergendered · 11 months
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ID: a set of 60 images in 30 pairs. each has one image of the listed character from futurama with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Philip J. Fry from Futurama is a bipan nonbinary man with autism, ADHD, and PTSD that uses he/they!
His girlfriend is Leela, a transgender, intersex, aceflux woman that uses she/her and xe/xem! She has autism, ADHD, anxiety and PTSD!
Philip's nephew, Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, is a bisexual man with synthesia who is neurodivergent! Philip is his 30-times great uncle!
Philip's best friend is Bender, a bisexual robot with autism, NPD, HPD, and depression that is okay with being addressed with he/him!
Amy Wong is a straight demigirl who is autistic, has an eating disorder, and is hypersexual! She goes by zi/her!
Her boyfriend is Kif, a genderfae, paraboy, aliengender, asexual, bi straight, ply straight alien with anxiety, PTSD, and autism! Kif goes by any neutral-based masculine pronouns!
Hermes Conrad is an omni straight, omniflux man with OCD and anxiety!
He is married to LaBarbara, an intersex, nonbinary woman who is a straight sex-favorable asexual! She is also polyamorous!
Their son is Dwight Conrad, who is a trans boy that is gay and questioning his romantic orientation!
He is best friends with Hubert's son, Cubert, who is a pansexual boy!
Hubert is close friends with John F. Zoidberg, an abrosexual, omnipan, straight, AMAB, transmasc decapodian that is autistic and has OCD, depression and ADHD!
Calculon is a heteroflexible, quoiflux, bifluid manbot that is neurodivergent!
Linda van Schoonhoven is a butch-femme, trans lesboy that uses she/xi/he, is autistic and has depression!
Xi is friends with Morbo, an aroace, bi turian, aplatonic alien with bipolar disorder!
Randy Munchnik is a femme, trans gay man with autism!
Hubert's rival, Professor Ogden Wernstrom, is a polysexual man with synthesia!
Hurbert ex-lover, Carol Miller, who also goes by "Mom," is a frayromantic, asexual woman with NPD and bipolar disorder!
Her eldest son, Walt, is trans and gay!
Walt's young brother, Larry, is agender and uranic!
Their younger maternal half-brother, Igner, is xenogender and marsic!
All three brothers are autistic!
Leela's parents, Turanga Morris and Munda, are both intersex, genderless, T4T mutants!
Yivo is an agender, genderless, abrosexual, polyamorous being! Shklee's sexuality is fluid between omnipan, omnisexual, pansexual, omniflux, panflux, pan gaybian, omni gaybian, mesque, and violenatian! Yivo's pronouns are shklee/shkler!
Roberto is a demiboy, masculine, demisexual, trans manbot who is gay and uses he/it! Roberto has psychosis, is schizospec, has PTSD, is autistic and has ADHD!
The Donbot is a mafiacoric, libramasculine straight manbot! The
Donbot's wife, Fanny, is a sex-ambivalent, high femme, asexual heteroromantic fembot!
Their daughter, Bella, is a nonbinary, femme, dyke, straightbian, lesboy who uses feminine and neutral pronouns!
Joey Mousepad is a demisexual, genderqueer, fag, gay manbot who is dyslexic, has ADHD and uses he/xe/they!
His colleague/friend is Francis X. "Clamps" Clampazzo, who is nonbinary, an azurenby, butch, masculine, toric, and gay! He is auDHD, dyslexic, bipolar, has PTSD, and uses they/he/xe/she pronouns!
The Robot Devil is a transmascfem, trans/FTM, transsexual, GNC, genderfluid, aroacespec, frayromantic, greyromantic, nebaeromantic, demisexual, demiT4T, ambiamorous, femme, masculine, turigirl, gay man! He is pronounfluid depending on what his gender is and goes by the name "Bee" which is short for Beelzebot! He uses he/him for when masc presenting, she/her for fem presenting, they/them for neutral presenting, no pronouns for no gender presenting, they/he for masc/neu presenting, they/she for fem/neu presenting, he/she for masc/fem presenting, and all pronouns for masc/fem/neu/non-gender presentation! He has autism, BPD, anxiety, PTSD and hypersexuality!
For @transsexual-jackskellington !
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batboyblog · 2 years
Books of the year.
So it's almost New Years! and looking back at 2021 it turns out I read something like 40 queer YA books in the year (not counting re-reads) and a lot of them were shit some of them were okay and a few were truly great so lets run down the greats that you should totally read in 2022.
1. All Kinds of Other
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by James Sie
I literally can not recommend this book enough, if I thought it would work I'd attack strangers on the street to force them to read it, when my 14 year old cousin came out as trans this is the book I got him, I love this book. So 2021 saw a flowering of trans mlm books, which is great, only most of them were horrible. All Kinds of Other brings us a trans teenager who is funny, snarky, faces dysphoria and transphobia in totally human and relatable ways. It deals with issues without ever becoming a PSA slog. Again this is most likely my book of the year and if even one person reads it because of this I'll cry tears of joy. oh also the author James Sie is the voice of the cabbage guy in Avatar The Last Air Bender if that matters to you.
2. The Darkness Outside Us
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by Eliot Schrefer
I don't even know how to talk about this one without spoiling I guess I'd say the first half is "what if Romeo and Juliet, but gay, set in the sci fi future in space and co-staring the HAL 9000?" and then we get into an amazingly deep, at times painful examination of what it means to be alive, to be human, what is destiny and what is love. There are scenes of unflinching intensity and gut punches that leave you feeling for the characters all the way through. I'm currently enjoying a reread right now with a friend.
3. A Complicated Love Story Set in Space
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by Shaun David Hutchinson
When he's firing on all cylinders there's almost no one better than SDH and A Complicated Love Story Set in Space is one of his best. Yes it's another love story set on a space ship where not everything is as it seems sue me I have a type. In here you'll get an intense meta criticism of reality TV and a gut punch to any one who writes fiction and ever sat up late at night feeling guilty about the things you do to characters and the things we maybe should think more deeply about before using as tropes in fiction.
4. The City Beautiful
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by Aden Polydoros
If you're into historical fiction or intensely Jewish stories/characters this is for you 100%. Lots of loving detail has gone into depicting 1893 Chicago particularly it's Jewish world. It's full of Jewish food, Yiddish, 1890s political radicalism, Judaism, and Jewish folklore. It's a bit of slow burn on the romance but the imagery is lovely and if you're a nice Jewish boy you'll feel Alter Rosen on a deep level.
Honorable mentions:
Flash Fire by TJ Klune and Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater
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Since both books are part of a series, Flash Fire being book two of a trilogy and Mister Impossible being book two of a trilogy that carries on with characters from another series of books I can't rate them as stand alone works. But if you're looking for series there are few better than the Raven Cycle and the Dream Trilogy is great so far, I loved Mister Impossible's mediations on art, particularly all the John Singer Sargent, he's always been a favorite and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum which appears in the book a lot is one of my favorite places. TJ Klune's Extraordinaries series is laugh out loud funny, a little sassy and a little rude. If you've ever liked Superheroes its totally for you, if you've ever been an ADHD mess or an awkward but lovable boy also worth your time
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chainships · 2 years
Please like this when read! Thank you!!!! ^_^
Host + Body Info:
Dimitri (+ other names)!!! I use he / vamp / freak / rainy day prns, plus my other ones listed in the link containing my other names. We are 19, white, lithsexual + fluid lithromantic, binary trans man unlabeled with xenogenders (also listed on the other names link).
Our main interests currently are Stranger things, Scream, League of Legends, Rory Culkin and Ice Nine Kills. OSDD1 system of about 16 alters? Our system carrd is listed here. Please read it or atleast the info below before interacting! Our main carrd is here, please read it as well before interacting.
Info for Alters who may use this account is below. Please read either that or the carrd!
Info For Other Alters Who May Use This Account:
- Second host -
Marlboro, 21 - 40 smthin. Dating / Married to Chris. Gay, Cis male, He / It / Blood. ASPD, NPD, Autistic, BPD, PTSD, OSDD1, ADHD. DNI if you think you’re Stevo from SLC Punk. Has a lot of sources but the most important are John Bender and Jim Hopper. He will block source sharers but not source media sharers. Kinnies and Delusion havers will be blocked. DNI. His subsystem is called the Colony System. Tag used to be ‘It’s called tact you fuckrag.’, but is currently now ‘Keep the door open three inches.’
- Colony Subsytem Alter -
(Only I’m listed but it’s because I don’t know if Bruce will ever use this account lmao. — Billy)
Billy Loomis, 17 - 18 + Rarely 19, Homosexual Cis Male. Dating Stu and Randy. He / It / Gore / Entrail / Gut. Autism, ASPD, BPD. Almost no empathy at all except for Stu and Randy at times. Source sharers DNI, source media sharers are fine. KINNIES AND DELUSION HAVERS DNFI!!! Tag is ‘We all go a little mad sometimes’.
- Other Possible Users -
Randy Meeks / Charlie Walker, 17 - 18 + Rarely 19, Bisexual Cis(?) Man. He’s ENBY in some way but he sees himself as more cis. Dating Billy, Stu, and Mickey / Robbie / Kirby (he has all 3 sources). He / Him. Autism, BPD, ASPD. WE DO NOT SHIP CHARLIE / BILLY OR CHARLIE / STU, Randy is dating them purely bc he is both Randy Meeks and Charlie Walker, all three are 17 - 18 and rarely 19. Please remember these are separate people with sources, not us shipping the source characters. Besides, he only feels like he is dating them when he is more Randy than Charlie. Tag is ‘very simple formula’.
Henry Clerval, 16 - 35ish, Homosexual Transfem Girlthing. Engaged to Victor. He / She. ADHD, DPD, PTSD, with source dyslexia. We will never speak on transfem issues since the body is a trans man. Sources include Henry Clerval (All Versions), Lloyd Dobler, Mrs. Lovett (Movie Only), and Pinkie Pie! Tag is ‘H.C.’
Contact Info:
Our “kinlist” is here, and it lists delusions and f/os as well as kins. Our twitter is @/stuiIly (spelled stuiily), and our other accounts are @clervalsteins and @pokespecials.
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Hold the fuck up, your ocs have kids!?!? I need to know EVERYTHING. I just stalked your account and I need to know about Lucas and Dakota
yeah!!! They do!!! There is Mattias and Heda (depending on the story), who are Adrien and Dyaana’s kids. And then there is Lucas, who is Bay and Nate’s son, and Dakota, Ash and (depending on the story) Celeste or Evangeline’s son.
In Mine, Lucas is Bay and Nate’s biological son. In Maas U, Lucas is Bay’s biological son. In Requiem (which I am thinking about writing one more chapter so that yall can read this) Lucas is left on Bay and Nate’s doorstep.
Lucas is born with a congenital amputation and is missing a foot. And he is almost the spitting image of Bay. He has the same short ashy blonde hair and freckles. But he is about six feet and he has dark brown eyes.
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He is very charming, very nice. And is a lot like Nate. But he’s hella bi. He also loves animals. While he is so much like Nate, he has Bay’s temper, and Bay’s dyslexia and poor eyesight, tho he wears contacts. And he has ADHD.
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Dakota is a lot like Ash. Same temper, same arrogance and inability to think before he speaks. He is a Gay Boi, and about six foot three with red hair and colbalt blue eyes.
Dakota, depending on the story, is either named after Celeste’s twin brother, Dakota, or he is named after a resident at the nursing home that Ash works at. Despite being a fairly weathy kid, Dakota dresses like John Bender from the Breakfast Club.
Dakota and Lucas are best friends growing up, much like how Bay and Ash are, minus the constant fighting that Bay and Ash seemed to get into. But when they do have fights, they are…. catastrophic.
Dakota often sneaks out at night and goes and hangs out with Lucas. He deadass sneaks out his window and drives to the country, where Lucas lives and climbs the tree to get to his window. Both of them think theyre being sneaky, but newsflash: both sets of parents know theyre doing it.
They are very much a friends to lovers story, and I kinda got this story idea where its,,,, kinda a high school au, but it starts at the beginning of their senior year…. but i am writing so many stories already ;-;
They are very close and when they start dating, their relationship doesn’t change all that much. It just includes a lot more touching and sex lol.
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Remembering Supernatural Gif Dump Part 1
Personally, I haven’t watched Supernatural since Day 1. September 2005. I started May 2018. But throughout my life, I heard of the show. Would see it on the CW, but as a kid, as a 13 year old girl I hated horror. I didn’t do well with it. I scared easily. So I stayed away from it. March 2017 I was in a car accident, and while healing, I got tired of Cable cartoons, and finally decided to watch some reruns of Supernatural on TNT, though I had no idea what was going on. And then after I got home, I forgot about it. Not until after a stressful day at work, I remembered what I watched and I wanted to watch the beginning, I wanted to watch more. After the pilot episode I was hooked.
I didn’t watch in order at first, I skipped around. Found Dean cute, Sam annoying at first. And by Season 4 I was unsure about Cas. But after Season 9 I was liking Sam. After 12, I was liking Cas. And after 13, I liked Jack. This show did things to me. Good things. I found a new meaning to keep fighting. I do suffer a load of issues, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome being the major bits. This show just gives me the strength to keep going, to fight for that better life. No matter how hard it may get.
Now below is a gif dump of some moments from the show. I will go in season order, 1-15. And if you think I missed a memorable moment, or you would like to share yours, please reblog it. Make it a thread to all members of the SPN Family.
Let’s spread some SPN Love.
Season 1
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The pilot, I was hooked on Dean, Jensen’s character. Plus, I live by this rule in my car. Shuts everyone right up. XD
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I’m blind, I had to see what Jared was doing to Jensen. I seen right, he slapped his ass. Plus, Jared’s fresh off of Gilmore Girls. XD That hair!
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All the way to Route 666, I loved the chase scene involving Baby. I finally got to see her in some action. :D
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Then the sex scene...Am I the only one that got jealous? It’s why I don’t watch it. I get jealous over a fictional character. What has this show done to me?! XD
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First episode I watched of Dean in this life and death situation and I got worried. But damn, Jensen’s acting. The man deserves an Oscar. All the Oscars. I mean come on!
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Seriously, I have issues rewatching it because I don’t like Dean in those situations. AH! Jensen did such an amazing job.
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I’m flip flopping episodes, Hey I’m going in order of the seasons, not episodes. That’s too tedious for me. XD Dean with kids in this episode, ADORBS!
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I love the Hell House episode, it’s the first time we see them being Brotherly. Pranking each other. Wish we saw more of that.
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Back in the Pilot, the boobs joke, SOO 2005! XD
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I loved Phantom Traveler. Hilarious acting on Jensen’s part, and totally relatable. I never flew, but I don’t think I’ll like it. Being up in the air, anything could go wrong...AH, I’m staying on the ground!
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Benders, I can’t watch it without getting Resident Evil BioHazard vibes from it. Plus, I’m with Jensen on this one, it is scarier than any episode. Because it’s not a monster. People can be monsters too.
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Am I the only one that actually liked the Bugs episode... :3
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I liked Wendigo. I knew Sam would find him. :)
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That’s all the season 1 I could find without repeats.
Season 2
Let’s see how big this gif limit is, How many gifs can I put in one post?
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Tall Tales, hilarious!
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What is and What Should Never Be, it’s good, my fav, but not up there for me to rewatch numerous times. I get nervous easily about my man.
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I mean, sure he was happy, but it wasn’t the right kind of happy. There were things missing.
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This one, Dean being comfortable in prison was...concerning. But made for an awesome episode.
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First brotherly, emotional talk since John died. I teared up, I’m pathetic when I see my favorite people cry. I wanted to hug him. My poor boy.
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Oh, and did I mention. I WANT THIS CAR!!
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We can’t forget Ellen! I couldn’t find Jo in a spn season 2 or supernatural season 2 tag in the gif library. Come on guys.
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I hated. Gordon. Hated him. He was a full on assbutt to the boys.
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NEVER MIND FOUND HER. Had to look up the episodes. This is episode 6, No Exit.
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This one, worried me about Sam a small bit. But he shot Dean...though it wasn’t really him it was Meg.
Spoilers ahead
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First time watching this, I didn’t cry. It wasn’t until I’ve seen enough of Supernatural that when I did a second watch through...yeah, I cried. SAM! DX
Bring on season 2 sexiest gifs of the boys. :3 ;D
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The tongue thing, really?! My frame rates dropping as I’m typing at this point in the post. How long will I tolerate...we’ll see.
Moving on.
Season 3
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Mystery Spot, I searched spn season 3. First gif on that list. Sue me.
And it looks like the gif button is not showing up.
Wonder how many gifs this was. But hey, 3 ish seasons worth. :3
See ya there.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fanfic requests OPEN for The Breakfast Club (1985)
I am currently taking fanfic requests for The Breakfast Club (1985)
I will write : - Hurt/comfort - Fluff - AUs - Canon divergence - Songfics - Any other trope (so long as it follows my rules) - Any headcanon (so long as it follows my rules) - Whatever ship you want (so long as it follows my rules)
I won’t write : - Smut or fetish fics - Pedophilia/incest (including adopted family)/beastiality ships (or anything like that) - OCs - Crossovers - Y/N - Suicide and self-harm (references to it such as, for example, the stuff with Brian, is fine but I will not write explicit depictions of either) - Drowning (personal trigger of mine) - Werewolf AUs (werewolves are also a trigger of mine)
Other things to note : - I do not guarantee I will write every request I get. Sometimes requests will just not click with me, and sometimes I don’t feel qualified to fulfill it. I will try to write as many as I can, though - You can also submit any requests to this prompt meme on AO3 if that’s more your style : https://archiveofourown.org/collections/newwwwusernamerequests or to this Google form : https://forms.gle/3K7STap3v715Hidu5
The following is a list of ships and headcanons I particularly like. I’ll write anything, but I’m much more likely to write it if it has one or more of the following
Pairings (/ for romantic, & for platonic) : Bender/Andrew, Bender/Brian, Allison/Andrew, Allison/Claire, Claire/Bender, Claire/Andrew, Claire & Brian, Allison & Bender, The Breakfast Club as a friend group
Headcanons : Autistic!Allison, Autistic!Brian, Bender has ADHD, Dyslexic!Andrew, FTM!Brian
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losergendered · 11 months
Philip J. Fry from Futurama is a bipan, nonbinary man with autism and ADHD along with PTSD that uses he/they.
His girlfriend is Leela, a transgender, intersex, aceflux woman that uses she/her and xe/xem. She has autism, ADHD, anxiety and PTSD.
Philip's nephew, Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, is a bisexual man with synthesia and is neurodivergent. Philip is his 30-times great uncle.
Philip's best friend is Bender, a bisexual robot with autism, NPD, HPD, and depression that is okay being addressed he/him.
Amy Wong is a straight demigirl who is autistic, has an eating disorder, and is hypersexual. She goes by zi/her.
Her boyfriend is Kif, a genderfae, paraboy, aliengender, asexual, bi straight, ply straight alien with anxiety, PTSD, and autism. Kif goes by any neutral-based masculine pronouns.
Hermes Conrad is an omni straight, omniflux man with OCD and anxiety. 
He is married to LaBarbara, an intersex, nonbinary woman who is straight and a sex-positive asexual. She is also polyamorous.
Their son is Dwight Conrad, who is a trans boy that is gay and questioning his romantic orientation. He is best friends with Hubert's son, Cubert, who is a pansexual boy.
Hubert is close friends with John F. Zoidberg, an abrosexual, omnipan, straight, AMAB, transmasc Decapodian that is autistic and has OCD, depression and ADHD. 
Calculon is a heteroflexible, quoiflux, bifluid manbot that is neurodivergent.
Linda van Schoonhoven is a butch-femme, trans lesboy that uses she/xi/he and is autistic with depression. Xi is friends with Morbo, an aroace, bi turian, aplatonic alien with bipolar disorder. 
Randy Munchnik is a femme, trans gay man with autism.
Hubert's rival, Professor Ogden Wernstrom, is a polysexual man with synthesia.
Hurbert ex-lover, Carol Miller who also goes by "Mom," is a frayromantic, asexual woman with NPD and bipolar disorder. Her eldest son, Walt, is trans and gay. Walt's young brother, Larry, is agender and uranic. And their younger maternal half-brother, Igner, is xenogender and marsic. All three brothers are autistic.
Leela's parents, Turanga Morris and Munda, are both intersex, genderless, t4t mutants. 
Yivo is an agender, genderless, abrosexual, polyamorous being. Shklee's sexuality is fluid between omnipan, omnisexual, pansexual, omniflux, panflux, pan gaybian, omni gaybian, mesque, and violenatian. Yivo's pronouns are shklee/shkler.
Roberto is a demiboy, masculine, demisexual, trans manbot who is gay and uses he/it. Roberto has psychosis, is schizospec, PTSD, autistic and has ADHD. 
The Donbot is a mafiacoric, libramasculine straight manbot. 
The Donbot's wife, Fanny, is a sex-ambivert, high femme, asexual heteroromantic fembot. 
Their daughter, Bella, is a nonbinary, femme, dyke, straightbian, lesboy who uses feminine and neutral pronouns.
Joey Mousepad is a demisexual, genderqueer, fag, gay manbot who is dyslexic and had ADHD and uses he/xe/they. His colleague/friend is Francis X. "Clamps" Clampazzo, who is nonbinary, an azurenby, butch, masculine, toric, and gay (blue/green), he is auDHD, bipolar and has PTSD who uses they/he/xe/she pronouns. 
The Robot Devil is a transmascfem, trans/ftm, transsexual, GNC, genderfluid, aroacespec, ambiamorous, femme, masculine, turigirl, gay man. He is pronounfluid depending on what his gender is and goes by the name "Bee" that is short for Beelzebot. He uses he/him for when masc presenting, she/her for fem presenting, they/them for neutral presenting, no pronouns for no gender presenting, they/he for masc/neu presenting, they/she for fem/nue presenting, he/she for masc/fem presenting, and all pronouns for masc/fem/neu/non-gender presentation. He has autism, BPD, anxiety, and PTSD. 
"hello! I forgot a few things for at LEAST two of the characters in my futurama request. Could you add frayromantic, greyromantic, nebaeromantic, and demisexual to robot devil after aroacespec and add hypersexual to him? Along with adding dyslexia to Francis after auDHD?"
"sorry, more addition to the futurama request, can you add demit4t to robot devil?"
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