#john laurens fic
dorkszn · 4 months
modern!john laurens definitely yells “GYATT” whenever he sees you
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clawedinmyprofessions · 3 months
Laf: alright John you win the bet, here's twenty dollars *gives to him*
Laurens: uh could you give me two tens?
*Hands Laf the money back*
Laf: oh okay *gives him two tens* why did you need two te- OH
Jésus-Christ, tu es gay
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trylvieuno · 2 months
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I was rereading @ciceroprofacto ’s wonderful Song Of Alexander and I needed to draw out my feelings about them
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hamilton fandom is reviving, i really should be happy!!
but im seeing a lot of my favourite creators disappear as well
pls don't push hamilton creators off platforms, i need them very much
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maicenaconmate · 1 year
Hamilton x Laurens Au
What my mind was really thinking about during accounting class. I had to draw this sorry 😫💕💕
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unicornsaures · 4 months
..hey guys...
leaves this and runs
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mreynolds-ask-blog · 3 months
Ooc: So… I made a fic about Alex and John, but it’s only semi-historical. John, Alex, and some of the events are historical, but other events are completely fictional. Also, it’s a bit rushed, which is probably my biggest flaw when writing, so I’m sorry about that. It starts at 1778 in 1st person (John’s) perspective. It’ll end in 1782.
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froguemorgue · 4 months
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wip btw based on @a-anxy 's art based on my fic The Last Great American Dynasty based on......... lams lol. enjoy cause who knows if i finish this ever
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c0nsumemy5oul · 5 months
Special Someone on the Side
"You're very kind but I'm afraid it's unlawful, sir." "What do you mean?" "She's married." "I see." "She's married to a British officer." "Oh shit."
No one asked for it, but here are my thoughts on this interaction:
There are things between the lines!
and I wrote them.
Enjoy :)
Hamburr friendship :3 (mentioned hamiliza and lams) 629 words.
It was a pleasant night after Hamilton’s wedding. Eliza was bidding her family goodbye while he was supposed to do the same with his friends, but here they were, getting even more drunk. 
Burr showed up, seemingly failing to have talked to Alexander during the event and was trying his best to ignore the boys and their teasing. 
He was almost done congratulating Hamilton on his marriage and his position as aide-de-camp to Washington, when Laurens deemed the subject too boring and changed it. 
“Well, well, I heard,” He got uncomfortably close to Burr. “You got a special someone on the side, Burr.” He shot Alexander a sneaky glance.
“Is that so?” Hamilton laughed at his boyfriend's antics.
“What’re you tryna hide, Burr?” Laurens slurred in Burr’s ear who’d reached his limit. 
“I should go.” 
Hamilton instantly disagreed. “No, these guys should go.” 
“What?” Laurens turned to Hamilton in thinly veiled betrayal. “No!” 
“Leave us alone.” Hamilton gave him a pointed look. I’m getting us the gossip. 
“Man!” Laurens rolled his eyes fondly, grabbing Lafayette and Mulligan as they stalked away, resigned. 
Being with Hamilton alone seemed to make Burr slightly nervous. 
“It’s alright, Burr.” Alexander smiled a little. “I wish you’d brought this girl with you tonight.” Hamilton couldn’t help seeing that Burr was lacking a plus one at the wedding. 
“You’re very kind,” Burr looked down, fidgeting with the handkerchief in his hand. Hamilton spotted the initials T.B.P. Now who could that belong to? The special someone on the side, perhaps? “But I’m afraid it’s unlawful, sir.” 
Is it? 
In what way? 
Hamilton found himself thinking of his nights with Laurens, in their tent, under the cover of night. 
Had Burr also found a lad during their battles? 
“What do you mean?” Hamilton asked, a light tone and a smirk emerging with the words. If Burr was going to confess something, he wanted him to know he’d be accepted. 
“She’s married.” 
Oh. Hamilton deflated. “I see.”
No matter, they might still be able to work around this. Burr could be with his beau regardless. With a simple divorce, or even a duel for the lady’s honor, it could be manageable. As long as she isn’t— 
“She’s married to a British officer.” 
“Oh shit.” 
Hamilton hadn’t realized he’d said it outloud until he heard Burr chuckle self-deprecatingly. 
“Congrats again, Alexander.” Burr turned to go but Hamilton’s mind was still reeling. 
There must still be a way for his friend and the one he loves to be together. 
“Smile more.” Burr was walking away. 
They could be happy and in love and together without a random British officer in their way. 
“I’ll see you on the other side of the war.” Wait, what? He’ll simply give up like that? 
“I will never understand you.” Hamilton found himself saying. 
Burr turned around, confused. They were alone on the terrace, the quiet lull of people leaving the building could be heard distantly. 
“If you love this woman, go get her!” Yes, he might lose his head in the process, but for love! Isn’t he willing to risk everything to get what he wants? “What are you waiting for?” 
Burr eyed Alexander carefully, trying to discern something before he sighed. “I’ll see you on the other side of the war.” 
He’s beyond saving. Hamilton sighed back, resigned. “I’ll see you on the other side of the war.” 
When Washington had finally given him a command, Hamilton made sure to wound and kill every single British officer he came into contact with. 
To this day, he’s not sure if he did kill Theodosia’s late-husband personally, but she’s living happily with Burr in married bliss and having Hamilton and his wife over for tea and biscuits weekly. 
So Burr won anyway.
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dorkszn · 3 months
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— letting you do their hair
— thomas j, alexander h, and phillip h x gn reader, john laurens x masc reader
+ black coded reader for thomas and john! modern-ish au!
✩ he loves letting you do this hair. sometimes you don’t even have to ask, he’ll ask you.
✩ he only trust you and his parents to wash it and take care of it
✩ you style it a lot for him and eliza loves it
✩ tender headed as fuck
✩ if someone flirts with him in public, especially if they bring up his hair, he’ll just go on and on about you
✩ “oh my hair? yeah it’s nice, ain’t it? my (s/o) did it. Aren’t they so skilled?”
✩ you teach him how to braid his hair and style it the way you do so he can do them himself if there’s a time you’re not around
☆ watching your favorite shows 🤝 washing and drying his hair
☆ he is so protective of his hair. like he’s the only one allowed to touch it
☆ so obviously it took you a lot of begging and convincing but he eventually gave in
☆ he’ll make snarky comments and act like a baby when you first wash his hair or attempt to style it but a little pop with the comb gets him to shut up
☆ he almost fell asleep the first time you braided his hair, but he likes to pretend it never happened
☆ so embarrassed to ask you to wash his hair and you can’t help but tease him for it
☆ after a while, he had you braiding his hair once a week for an extra curl
☆ you guys have matching bonnets
☆ he will literally call James mid hair session and just start talking about the government with him
☆ he was very skeptical about your products but eventually they become the only thing he uses
☆ he was genuinely surprised when you asked him to do his hair
☆ he hadn’t had anyone to do it or take care of it for years, especially since his mother passed
☆ “you’d do that for me?” he’d question, genuine shock on his face
☆ and it takes all of both of you to not start crying when you do take care of his hair
☆ the first time you washed it for him was the most relaxed you’d ever seen him
☆ it was the most loved he’d felt for a while
☆ then there were times were you just played in his hair
☆ whether we was working or just watching tv, you were putting silly little styles in his hair. and it he loves it. he thinks it’s adorable.
☆ some mornings, he ask you to put his hair up for him or slick it back for him just so he can have the best start to his day
☆ his hair was very first thing he asked you to do when he came back from war
☆ scalp massages >>>
☆ they’re one of the only things that convince him to leave his office, just for a little bit
☆ after he meets you, he refuses to do his hair unless you’re away on a trip
☆ he whines and pleads, making an excuses on “how you do so much better” and “how loved it makes him feel” while giving you kisses
☆ but if you’re truly tired, of course he’ll give you a break
☆ you came home once and found him wearing your bonnet/durag
☆ you also do most of his haircuts
☆ he doesn’t mind his hair growing out but he knows it’s getting too long when you start beating him while play fighting
☆ to him if you’re winning, his hair is messing with his vision and it’s a “handicap”
☆ definitely gets popped with the comb everytime you do his hair
“john, could you turn your head just a little bit?” you question, your frustration already growing. he couldn’t help but tease you constantly, it was in his nature. he slightly turns his head with a small smirk on his face, knowing he was pissing you off.
“john, don’t play with me right no—“ you cut off your words when john grabs you by the waist and pulls you in and onto his lap. his hand gripping the outside of your thigh to support you as you straddle his legs.
“this angle good enough for you?” he asks, giving you his typically stupid grin. you can’t help but softly smile as you look at him, your previous anger from before leaving.
“t’s fine, i guess.” you shrug before going back to attempting to cut his hair.
“see? why let anyone else do my hair when i can have you do it for free and get a lap dance at the same time?” he says nonchalantly, continuing to scroll on his phone. his free hand caress your thigh and slithering back to ass.
“john, i swear you’re going to wake up bald one day.”
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clawedinmyprofessions · 2 months
Me: *having writer's block*
Also me: *Knowing the fact that the second I introduced Alex, it's all going to go away because of his cheap one-liners and something about writing musical Alex makes my brain work again*
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almaprincess66 · 4 months
So I saw a post by @justanotherhamiltrash like a week ago and I sorta did a thing. And this is that thing.
I hope it can be opened. I never shared Ao3 trough tumblr
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binch-i-might-be · 6 months
They were growing up, all three of them. Time was running by with the speed of a musket ball shot straight from the barrel, and George had no choice but to stand by and watch, days and weeks and months slipping through his fingers with every new expectation that ripped him away from home, from his family.
Yesterday, Jacky was a four year old pestering him to take him down to the stables for a ride every day; today, he was an adolescent on the cusp of manhood.
Well, George would rather not think about tomorrow.
Boys learn to shave from their respective father figures. That's it!
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that-gal-kay · 2 months
Yes hello I've completed a fic for the first time in I don't even know how long. Maybe two years? More?
ANYWAY Please enjoy. This is part of my The World Turned Upside Down series, where John lives and Alexander dies. I'll make a separate post with the timeline and a list of all of the involved stories. This is the ninth story I've written in this series, but it's the 8th chronologically.
This is Not a Game
The announcement comes off unexpected, but met with delight by Eliza's family. John's anticipated the reaction. His new fiancée is still a young woman. They have all the time in the world to make a happy life. 
A fine household, her father says. And more children, her mother adds.
John catches her gaze from across the room and offers a small smile. No one has asked about their true feelings, how the impending marriage is more a deep bond over loneliness than anything else. 
Eliza smiles back at him and follows her parents out of the room as they continue discussing plans for the future that might not have happened at all if John had not impulsively opened his mouth.
He places his empty glass of wine on a table and turns to leave the other way. After all, he ought to write his father. 
As John exits the room into the hall, he nearly bumps into- 
“Oh. Mrs. Church, I'm sorry.”
“It might as well be Angelica now, hm?” She regards John with some cool, unreadable expression. “Since you're about to become my brother-in-law.”
John stares at her a moment. “Yes, I suppose.”
Angelica takes a step closer, her dark eyes boring into John's like she's trying to discern something. 
“If you intend to humiliate or hurt my sister, Colonel Laurens-”
“What?” John balks, jerks back like he's been burned. “I have no intention to harm Eliza in any way. I care for her. Deeply.”
“You don't love her.”
John doesn't answer, instead eying Angelica warily. When he doesn't speak she rolls her eyes. 
“Eliza tells me everything. I know all about your plan. Your arrangement.”
“Then you know I have no intention to cause any harm to Eliza, or Philip, or your family.”
Every word is true. He does not need money or property. His own family has plenty. The match makes perfect sense to everyone. Until now John’s believed everyone believes this union is real, bound by love. Angelica’s sharp gaze remains fixed on him.
“Do not make the mistake of thinking you were the only, or the first to have cared for Alexander, either.” 
John draws a sharp breath, the air freezing abruptly in his lungs. “I don't know what you're-”
“Relax, Colonel Laurens. Your secret is safe.”
John shakes his head, wary. His brow furrows while he tries to breathe again. He’s never told anyone about he and Alexander- before.
 “How did you know?”
“Alexander used to write to me,” Angelica says as if she wasn’t discussing a damning secret. “He told me about you and the way he wrote, it was easy to tell how he felt about you.”
“You knew-”
“Does my sister?”
He’s never told Eliza that truth. Anxiety gnaws at him, and has. It’s more than the guilt of Alex’s death. It’s more, a truth that John has never told her and never will. Revealing the past will open a rift far too wide to patch. Not only a rift in his friendship with Eliza, but a deeper rift into the past and Alex-
John stops, clears his throat.
“What about you? Do you love your husband, Angelica?”
Angelica eyes him a long moment, “I think I prefer you referring to me as Mrs. Church.”
And then she continues on her way.
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poppitron360 · 6 days
In preparation for me going to see Hamilton in 4hrs and 4mins (I booked it a year ago), I just reread my old lams fanfiction from a couple of years ago.
I don’t feel cringe easily, but man…
What the fuck was I writing??? And I’m pretty sure I stole that line from Buffy the Vampire Slayer??!?! And I forgot that that was the ending!!!?!
Ohhh god…
Anyway, if this gets over 30 notes, I’ll post it. Lmk if you wanna be tagged in it.
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unicornsaures · 3 months
hey its been a hot second since i finished some art!
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redcoat hamilton my beloved🥰
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