#joint vitamins for adults
ladyfarona · 10 months
Is it sad that one of the highlights of my day is eating my gummy vitamins because they taste good?
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trigunsbbygirl · 1 year
Human Things that Confuse Knives Part 2
Made a second one since I had more ideas lol
content warnings: teeth, use bomb in an analogy, mention bruises. this one gets more into the body/anatomy idk what all people are comfy with so just in case
•Knives already thinks dreams are kinda weird, but those surreal ones and the utterly weird ones that just make no sense or seemed so real you wonder if it actually happened? he wants to know what's going on in your brain. Knives will listen to you as you recount your dream, he won't say much or make any facial reactions, but part of him is kinda amazed that your can brain come up with the weirdest, coolest and/or creepiest things ever.
•the concept of having baby teeth and adult teeth weirds Knives out. when Knives learns that you do lose your teeth as a kid he's staring at you like you've just grown a second head. don't tell him that you have wisdom teeth that usually need to be taken out via surgery as a teenager. (Vash is kinda grossed out by it. found out when a kid he was playing with ran up to him and was like 'look! my tooth fell out!:D' he panicked, thinking they got hurt, but it's replaced with horror, disbelief, slight disgust and concern when he finds out every human looses a set of teeth. he hates it a little. has no idea what to do when a kid tells him that a tooth fell out. help him)
•also. imagine Knives surprise when he learns about the appendix. you had been talking with a friend when you mentioned appendicitis and that you had to have surgery. it peaked his interest and when you're done talking, Knives asks about it. he stares at you in uncertainty and disbelief the further you explain. what do you mean there's a small pouch in your stomach that serves little to no function that can essentially become a bomb? Knives doesn't actually believe you until he looks it up. he wonders how humans have survived with bodies like that.
•same wonder when it comes to you having to take vitamins and other supplements because sometimes a body won't produce enough of something or too much.
•the fact the humans shed/lose hair. Knives knows that, but it kinda grosses him out a bit. he hates seeing your hair strands, makes you clean them up. (I hc that the twins just have little to no body hair and they don't actually lose hair strands.)
•double jointed people also weirds Knives out. what do you mean you can twist or bend a joint further than normal? it doesn't exactly creep or gross him out, but he doesn't like it. he'll never admit that, but he won't look/talk to you for a bit after you show off that flexibility.
•Knives is fascinated by the way your skin can change colors. (don't mention that he can turn a lovely shade of red, he gets all huffy.) but, anyways, he loves examining your face, watching as your face gets darker with certain things he does. (also likes seeing your facial expressions. humans are so expressive..) he also likes seeing your bruises and watching as the bruise changes colors over time as it heals. you joked one day that you could give him a bruise of his own that he can watch. he didn't like the joke (he prefers to give you (consensual) bruises.)
•now let's get into reverse Isekai for a bit.
•Knives does not fucking understand social media lmao. why the hell do you have to tell people you've never met what you did or thought that day and why are so many people interested? why do people do stupid things for views??
•he hates online discourse and always tunes you out when you try to talk about something that happened online. he doesn't care and thinks it's stupid.
•do NOT let him find out about stan culture or chronically online people. he's gonna lose any faith he had in humanity again. I wouldn't worry about that too much though. he has zero online presence, never uses social media outside of YouTube and even then he only uses it to watch documentaries or how to videos.
•memes confuse him a lot, especially how fast they come and go. you don't even know how to explain them to him. "why is this picture of a man just standing so funny?" "it just is? I don't know either." how do you even explain memes and internet culture to someone who's never been on the internet lol
•Knives thinks you're really weird if you've got a skewed sense of humor where something dramatically falling over makes you laugh(thinking of that waffle video.) he watches those types of videos with a straight face and when the video ends he just stares at you, wondering if you seriously think that's funny.
•he hates those youtube poop and deepfried videos. not only does he find them stupid and doesn't understand them, but they just bother his ears.
•bonus: Vash thinks the circadian rythym is pretty neat and that some people just know when to wake up. it took Vash a while to develop one, or at least, something like that since he doesn't technically need sleep. it'll never quite be the same though since he doesn't exactly get tired like humans do. it took decades for that type of tiredness to become present, but even still, he doesn't need it to survive.
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consolecadet · 1 year
Between the sleep apnea and the celiac it's unsettling to think that I've been so unable to digest food I was riddled with vitamin deficiencies and unknowingly incapable of deep and restful sleep for...years? I started having celiac symptoms ~13 years ago and have no idea when the apnea began but would not be surprised if it was in college. What if other people actually aren't doing all the same workarounds I've created to appear like a functional adult, and they have in fact been more functional than me this entire time due to Correctly Sleeping and Digesting Things? Like, I knew all along that my joints were worse than average and other people weren't in (as much) pain all the time, and probably that that much diarrhea was unusual, but I definitely thought everyone was tired. And also that I wasn't that tired. Somehow.
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tieflingkisser · 4 months
Covid Causes Much More than Brain Fog
A mountain of evidence tells us that even mild Covid is bad for your brain.
Last year, a case study in Frontiers in Pediatrics described what Covid did to the lives of two girls. Before getting sick, they made excellent grades. They had lots of friends. They played the piano. They were healthy. After a mild case of Covid, they started complaining about fatigue and joint pain. They forgot how to play their favorite songs. They couldn't do simple math. For six months, their parents and teachers didn't listen. They sent them to a psychologist. They assumed the girls were suffering from anxiety. They weren't. Brain scans finally revealed hypometabolism. Their brains weren't absorbing nutrients. Covid had done something to them. Researchers decided to administer a special supplement to improve cognitive function. After months of treatment, the girls seemed to be showing some signs of improvement. It was unclear if they would make a full recovery. Here's a description of the treatment:
A product available in Italy that contains magnesium oxide, bulking agent cellulose, turmeric Meriva fitosomas rhizome e.s. titrated at 18% in curcuminoids, zinc gluconate, anticaking agents silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids, and carboxymethyl cellulose sodium, soy seeds e.s. 40% isoflavones, 98% resveratrol, selenium, methionine, cholecalciferol, and folic acid. We opted for this treatment based on the published literature showing positive biological effects of selenium, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, and polyphenols on cognitive functions. --Frontiers in Pediatrics
It's the same treatment given to patients with dementia and traumatic brain injury. That's not a coincidence. A study in The New England Journal of Medicine found that Covid infection results in a direct drop in your IQ. In their study, those with mild infections lost 3 IQ points. Those with more severe infections lost 6 points. Those who wound up in the ICU lost 9 points. As Ziyad Aly-Aly writes, letting Covid rip has already resulted in "an increase of 2.8 million adults with a level of cognitive impairment that requires significant societal support." Children are not being spared this fate. Parents and teachers are storming social media with complaints about children who can't read, can't pay attention, and can't regulate their emotions. Here's one example:
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Look at the comments. People say this sudden deterioration happened just over the last few years. They say their kids can't write a sentence. They can't follow basic instructions. They can't read or do simple math. Everyone wants to blame something. They blame screens. They blame phones. They blame bad parenting. They blame bad teaching. They blame vaccines. They blame lockdowns. They blame online instruction. It's none of the above. It's Covid.
Dozens of studies tell us what Covid does to your brain. According to Harvard medical professor Anthony Komaroff, “COVID can damage the brain in many ways.” A recent study in Nature Medicine identified two proteins responsible for memory and concentration problems in post-Covid patients. Researchers at NYU found that the virus can cause direct brain damage, but it often triggers ongoing brain inflammation that could be treated. Covid survivors aren't making it up. It's real. We’ve known about the cognitive impacts of Covid since October 2020, when researchers published about it in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, noting a significant impairment “linked to the underlying inflammatory processes.” In other words, we had evidence that Covid caused brain inflammation that lasted for weeks or months after the infection. It was largely ignored. According to the American Medical Association, Covid brain fog remains a common and persistent problem for millions. Patients describe “the feeling that their brain is lost in a maze, and they can’t find their way back.”
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ravenclawgirl29 · 1 year
The Benefits Of Beauty And Health Supplements For Children, Seniors And Adults
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Many people believe that supplements can only be beneficial to adults and seniors. But the truth is that supplements benefit anyone of all ages, which includes children as well as seniors. The article will explore the beauty and health benefits for all age groups in this post.
Benefits of Children's Education
When children get older, they need specific nutrition. Supplements are an ideal way to ensure they are receiving all the nutrients they require for thriving. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the brain's development and functioning. In children who don't consume enough omega-3s can suffer from cognitive impairments as well as behavioral issues.
Probiotics can also benefit children's digestion. Probiotics are beneficial for the development of children's immune systems. They can support healthy microbiome balance in the gut and boost overall immunity.
Vitamin D supplements are beneficial for kids living in regions with only a little sun exposure. Vitamin D is crucial for the health of bones and immune system function. Children who aren't getting sufficient vitamin D may be susceptible to developing rickets and other bone-related ailments.
Benefits for adults
Adults' nutrition needs vary as they grow older. Supplements are an effective method to improve overall health and wellness. As an example, omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial to heart health and reducing inflammation. In addition, women who are expecting or are trying to get pregnant are able to benefit from folic acid supplements, which can help reduce the risk of birth defects.
Probiotics may also be helpful to adults' digestion health. Probiotics can be a fantastic method to ensure a healthy microbiome in the gut as we get older. Digestion enzymes also aid in improving the absorption of nutrients, and alleviating symptoms of digestive distress.
Supplements like collagen are beneficial for improving the health of hair, skin, and nails. Collagen helps to maintain the structure of skin, and its elasticity. It can also help with signs of ageing.
The Benefits of Senior Citizens
As seniors get older, their nutritional requirements alter once more. The use of supplements can aid in maintaining overall wellbeing and overall health throughout your life. Vitamin D and calcium can support bone health, reducing the chance of fractures or any other bone-related issues.
Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids can aid in reducing inflammation and supporting cardiovascular health. CoQ10 can be beneficial for improving heart health, as well as to increase endurance to exercise.
Supplements such as glucosamine or chondroitin may also help in reducing the stiffness of joints and reduce joint pain. These supplements work by supporting the health and function of joint cartilage, which may degrade over time.
Supplements can benefit individuals at all ages all the way from infants to senior citizens. They may help to fill nutrition gaps, support overall health and wellness as well as reduce the likelihood of certain health conditions. It is also crucial to keep in mind that supplements should be used in conjunction with regular exercise and a healthy diet. It's also important to speak with a physician before you include supplements in your daily routine in particular if you're dealing with any medical issues or prescriptions that may affect the regimen.
When it comes to choosing supplements, you must be thorough and pick top-quality supplements from trusted manufacturers. Search for products that have undergone safety and effectiveness testing and are supported by research. In order to ensure that supplements are as potent as is possible, it's essential to follow the dosage recommendations and to store them properly.
In conclusion, health and beauty supplements can benefit individuals of all ages. No matter if you're a young person, adult, or even a senior, there's supplements that will meet your unique requirements for health and well-being. With the right supplements and a healthy way of life, you'll maximise your chances of optimal health and well-being.
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pawsfortailsfordogs · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Food for Dogs
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As responsible pet owners, ensuring the health and happiness of our furry friends is paramount. One of the key contributors to a dog's overall well-being is their diet. Just like humans, dogs require a balanced and nutritious diet to thrive. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of canine nutrition, exploring the best food for dogs that not only tantalizes their taste buds but also promotes optimal health.
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Understanding Canine Nutrition
Before we dive into the specifics of the best food for dogs, let's understand the basics of canine nutrition. Dogs, being omnivores, require a mix of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for a well-rounded diet. The key lies in providing a balanced combination to meet their unique nutritional needs.
Protein Power: The Foundation of a Dog's Diet
Protein is the building block of a dog's diet. It aids in muscle development, supports a healthy coat, and plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. When selecting the best food for your dog, prioritize options rich in high-quality proteins such as lean meats, fish, and eggs.
Essential Fats: Nourishing From Within
Healthy fats are essential for a dog's overall well-being. They contribute to skin health, promote a shiny coat, and support cognitive function. opt for dog foods that contain sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, like fish oil and flaxseed, to ensure your furry friend's vitality.
Carbohydrates: The Energy Source
While dogs don't require carbohydrates in large quantities, they play a vital role as an energy source. Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits can provide the necessary carbohydrates without compromising nutritional value. Look for dog foods that incorporate these elements to keep your pet active and energetic.
Tailoring the Diet to Your Dog's Needs
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Every dog is unique, and factors such as breed, age, size, and health condition should influence their dietary choices. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best food for your dog based on their specific requirements. Whether it's a playful puppy, an active adult, or a senior companion, there's a perfect diet for every stage of life.
Top Picks: The Best Food for Dogs
1. Acana Heritage Meats
A high-protein option crafted with a variety of meats for a taste dogs love.
Rich in essential nutrients to support overall health.
Grain-free formula suitable for dogs with food sensitivities.
2. Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal Low Fat
Specially formulated for dogs with sensitive stomachs.
Low-fat content without compromising on nutritional value.
Supports digestive health and maintains an ideal weight.
3. Merrick Grain-Free Real Buffalo & Sweet Potato Recipe
A grain-free option with deboned buffalo as the main protein source.
Contains glucosamine and chondroitin for joint health.
Ideal for dogs with allergies or sensitivities.
Investing time and effort in selecting the best food for your dog is a tangible expression of love and care. By understanding their nutritional needs and choosing quality options, you contribute to their overall health, longevity, and happiness. Remember, a healthy dog is a happy dog!
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bleakbluejay · 1 year
man, fatphobia sucks so bad. and it's so needless.
i've been on "diets" and been scolded by adult figures in my life since i was 7. 7 years old. 7. and, not that it matters, but even despite being disabled, i was a very athletic kid. i was very athletic up until my amputation at age 13. i played water polo and i swam laps and i ran around and climbed when i could. but you know what this obsession with my weight and dieting did to me at the age of 7? it gave me an eating disorder. i developed binge eating disorder. and i would hoard food and hide it and overeat. and i still have trouble with this now all these years later.
i would hear my grandmother talk about my "thunder thighs" long before i ever hit puberty. just because i had a bit more baby fat than most. i'd hear about how big my butt was. i'd have my soft, near-flat belly compared to a watermelon. i'd be forced to walk past the limits of my disabled body because, to them, i "needed it". (and by the way, i have osteoporosis, and i've broken my femurs three times, once just by walking when i was about 10...) it's no wonder i'd steal and hide and hoard food, when eating anything, anything, would warrant a lecture.
i like healthy food. i love vegetables and lean meats. i strongly dislike most sweets, and would place cake as one of my least favorite foods. but i've had to hear all my life about how i should "quit eating cake" and i should "try eating a salad for once". i love salad what the fuck are you people talking about
but you know what? it shouldn't even matter what i eat. it shouldn't matter if i'm chubby or i'm fat. god built me stocky. this is the way nature thinks i should be shaped when eating a healthy diet and getting exercise, it makes sense i'd be bigger when i can't exercise or afford to eat healthy.
when i'm sick, and lord am i sick often, i have extra padding to take care of me when i hemorrhage weight and can't eat. i've had this come in handy twice, during occasions where i've lost 20+ lbs in a few weeks from illness. i'm relatively healthy minus the pre-existing disabilities. for all fatphobes talk about how "worried" they are for me, what they don't realize is that... i'm actually fine. and yes it is fucked up that when i lose 20lbs from vomiting and shitting everything i eat for a month straight, they compliment how i've lost weight and how much healthier i must be. and yes, i know, it's wild someone who is 300 lbs isn't dying of heart disease. i'm fine. i'm anemic, and i have a vitamin d deficiency, and i'm otherwise fine. no, i don't have diabetes, stop asking. i lost my leg to a severe staph infection that almost killed me, not to diabetes. stop fucking asking.
who the fuck cares if i'm fat? really. honest to god. fatness isn't a measure of morality. i'm not a bad person for looking the way that i do. i'd like to lose weight, bc it would make finding pants easier, it'd be easier on my joints, and because i am aware of the health risks that might occur. but like. outside of society thinking i'm disgusting (and believe me, this gets in my head CONSTANTLY, as a fat person, as a disabled person, as a trans person)... there's nothing really wrong with me. i'm a good person. i don't need a scale to tell me that.
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dreamyxangel · 1 year
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A postmenopausal woman in her 50s came in with tooth decay and breakage.
On examining, most of her teeth were broken and among the ones that were intact, many of them had cavities.
And this reminds me how important tooth care is, which I am sure a lot of people neglect in their early 20s and 30s.
Now here's the important part :
A lot of people unknowingly suffer from Vitamin D deficiency due to lifestyle and eating habits. Generally we see this in postmenopausal women and the elderly but nowadays it's also prevalent among children and adults.
Vitamin D deficiency can often have no symptoms until it becomes severe. Sometimes, it can present as fatigue and muscle weakness or bone/joint pains.
And when levels are unregulated and the deficiency is untreated for long it can lead to tooth decay. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause depression. And when we are depressed we tend to neglect our health.
Yes age does play a role. You are definitely going to have tooth problems in your late 70s & 80s.
But I can guarantee that no one wants that in their late 40s and mid 50s.
So here's what you can do :
Make sure you are taking a healthy, nutritious diet on a regular basis and your life is more or less organised.
If you feel easily tired/sleepy or muscle weakness or bone pains, definitely see a doctor and get a 25-hydroxy Vitamin D test. Monitoring Vitamin D levels yearly can help because sometimes it does not present with symptoms until it reaches a severe stage.
Maintain oral hygiene: brush teeth twice a day(a lot out there don't) ; rinse mouth with Chlorhexidine Mouthwash for 5mins after dinner ; floss regularly.
Do not delay visits to a dentist. Do get checked for cavities. Get hold of an honest dentist who will cater to your needs.
Take care of yourself(body+mind). Also, if you have diabetes, get it checked and under control.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Going through questions:
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends exercise interventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults ≥65 years of age who are at increased risk for falls (B recommendation). Falls occur at least once annually in approximately 30% of community-dwelling adults 65 years or older, and the USPSTF recommendation is based on studies that demonstrated improved fall-related outcomes for patients who participated in exercise programs.
Most evidence included group exercise, but supervised individual interventions also appeared to be of benefit. Gait, balance, and functional training; resistance training; flexibility work; and endurance training all appeared to be effective for reducing falls.
Other interventions associated with a reduction in falls or fall-related fractures include an annual fall risk assessment, assistive devices such as grab bars or walkers, and environmental assessment and modifications such as the removal of trip hazards from the home. However, the evidence for in-home assessment of environmental hazards is less robust.
There is no evidence for psychological evaluation in the prevention of falls. The USPSTF recommends against vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults ≥65 years of age in those who are not known to have osteoporosis or vitamin D deficiency (D recommendation).
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Above image:
The pearly, papular appearance of this patient’s growth and the overlying telangiectasia makes the most likely diagnosis a nodular basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cutaneous malignancy. The incidence increases with age and occurs most commonly in Fitzpatrick skin types 1 and 2. The tumors appear most frequently on the face, scalp, ears, and neck, and less frequently on the torso and extremities. In-office dermoscopy may make the branching blood vessels or telangiectasias characteristic of basal cell carcinoma easier to see. In pigmented basal cell carcinomas, dermoscopy can highlight pigmented globules or other areas of abnormal deposition not easily seen without a dermatoscope. Basal cell carcinoma can be locally destructive but rarely metastasizes.
A 55-year-old male with a 40-pack-year smoking history comes to your office with the results of spirometry he had at a health fair. He quit smoking 1 year ago. He does not have any cough, dyspnea, wheezing, or sputum production, but he is concerned that the spirometry results show an FEV1/FVC ratio of 0.65 and an FEV1 of 70% of predicted, which indicates mild to moderate airflow obstruction.
Based on the best available evidence, which one of the following should you recommend in order to prevent the development of symptomatic airflow obstruction?
Answer: No treatment
There is no evidence from randomized, controlled trials to show that treating asymptomatic individuals who have mild to moderate airflow obstruction on spirometry prevents future respiratory symptoms or reduces subsequent declines in lung function. Partly for this reason, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and joint guidelines issued by the American College of Physicians, American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society, and European Respiratory Society recommend against screening for COPD in asymptomatic adults. Regardless of the results of this patient’s spirometry testing, treatment should not be initiated in the absence of symptoms. Detailed history-taking would be appropriate to detect patients who have limited their activity in order to avoid symptoms. A long-acting anticholinergic, a long-acting β-agonist (LABA), an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), and combination therapy with an ICS and a LABA would not be recommended for this patient.
Family physicians are often required to manage dyspnea and evaluate common office spirometry results. The American Thoracic Society recommends complete pulmonary function testing with diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO) measurement when office spirometry suggests a restrictive pattern, which is defined as an FVC less than 80% of predicted. This level of pulmonary function testing gives further information about gas exchange and lung volumes, allowing a more definitive diagnosis.
The 6-minute walk test is used to evaluate the treatment response for known cardiopulmonary disease. Bronchoprovocation testing helps identify asthma triggered by allergens or exercise when office spirometry is normal.
Pearly papules of the penis are a benign, normal anatomic variant and are not sexually transmitted. They are dome-shaped, skin-colored papules 1–4 mm in size with a ring-like distribution around the corona of the glans penis, more commonly found along the dorsal side of the corona. They are present in up to 15%–40% of males. They most commonly occur in late puberty and early adulthood. Circumcised males have a lower incidence. The differential diagnosis includes condyloma acuminata; Tyson glands, which are modified sebaceous glands in a parafrenular distribution; or molluscum contagiosum.
Angiokeratomas are well-circumscribed red or blue papules that are 1–6 mm in size. Genital warts are raised masses that can be pearly and smooth or have a rough, cauliflower-like appearance, and are not confined to the penile corona. Lichen nitidus consists of discrete, hypopigmented, 1-mm papules that are not confined to the corona and can also occur on the upper extremities and abdomen. Squamous cell carcinoma may be endophytic (ulcerated) or exophytic (thickened skin or wart-like growths that can progress to a large, irregularly shaped, fungating mass).
Adhesive capsulitis is characterized by worsening shoulder pain that is hard to localize. The underlying pathology is contraction of the glenohumeral capsule resulting in decreased active and passive range of motion. It is an idiopathic condition but has an increased prevalence in patients with diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism. Adhesive capsulitis is often self-limited but can persist for years in some patients. Nonsurgical treatment options include physical therapy, oral or intra-articular corticosteroids, acupuncture, and hydrodilatation.
Osteoarthritis is more common among older patients and typically develops more chronically than the subacute presentation of adhesive capsulitis. There is often a history of trauma, previous surgery, or repetitive work. Superior labrum anterior to posterior (SLAP) lesions can be acute (e.g., sustained during a fall on an outstretched hand) or chronic (e.g., in throwing athletes or other high-risk professions). Passive range of motion may be sustained. Infraspinatus tendinopathy may show pain with resisted external rotation. It may also arise due to acute injury or chronic repetitive overuse. Supraspinatus tendinopathy may present with normal strength but positive impingement testing as well as a positive Jobe test or empty can test.
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best-thc-gummies · 1 year
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Many humans do now not go clean with swallowing tablets, and then again, they hate the pungent odor and taste of CBD oil. However, Best THC Gummies are to be had within the shape of sweet gummies which might be composed of blending fruit flavors and juices to offer a candy taste and are consumable for diabetics as well. It includes 30 gummies in a bottle, and you need to take them as in line with the prescription given at the back of each jar with out growing the dosages.
Where can I get Best THC Gummies?
Best THC Gummies is attainable thru its legitimate internet site simplest, as it's miles an internet-exclusive product. Here, we've got provided the link to make it easily available for you. Go and get this product nowadays. Hurry!! The stock is confined.
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snoash · 1 year
Unanswered Questions Into Semaglutide Revealed
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Semaglutide is really an injectable medications utilized to benefit handle sugar levels are regulated in adults with the help of type 2 diabetes. It operates by enhancing the total body manufacture extra insulin shots and by lowering the sum of sugars a poorly liver digests. It is usually using a class of prescription drugs identified as GLP-1 receptor agonists. Semaglutide may additionally lessen the likelihood of having heart attacks or just working with a strokes. Numerous studies have established that when they are treated when each week, semaglutide significantly lowers A1c stages. And also, experts have demonstrated to decrease weight and also raise cardiometabolic risk factors (for instance hips area, systolic and even diastolic high blood pressure, full bad cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, combined with very-low-density lipoprotein high levels of) through individuals with sort 2 diabetes.
A deteriorated form of prescription drugs is on the market because Ozempic and Wegovy and allows long been sold to make sure you customers on the FDA’s pharmaceutical rarity product. A FDA has gotten unfavorable incident stories from the by using this method deteriorated pill. Customers should apply FDA-approved meds who were checked out regarding basic safety, efficiency, or high quality. Semaglutide is discovered to always be well-tolerated and it was safe and effective the instant shot via medical professionals from the subcutaneous (under the skin) or perhaps even 4 (into a vein) injection sites. Often, these injection blog really should be adjusted at least each and every week combined with which is injected in the completely different part whenever to prevent condition. If the online searchers make use of website over the internet, they will receive info about semaglutide weight loss .
While having your treatments, brows through the semaglutide product when each and every one injection in order that it actually is distinct or clear and exempt from allergens. Avoid using it all when it is dyed, overcast, thickened, as well as provides good allergens or maybe that expiration particular date has gone. Equally, fail to income for selling typically the fine needles or simply injector write and throw away these individuals accurately inside the pierce protection fish tank. Quite a few normal side effects from semaglutide can include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and constipation. A majority of these secondary effects traditionally fail to last and definately will depart since your body adapts into the medicine.
In advance of utilizing semaglutide, inform your doctor for anyone who is dyspathetic to it an additional medicinal drugs. Equally, educate your medical physician and additionally pharmacologist what recommended and even nonprescription medicinal drugs, multi-vitamins, vitamins and minerals, and additionally herbal products you're or possibly need to use. It is very important figure out if one has kidney, liver organ, or perhaps even gall bladder problem; and / or pancreatitis (inflammed joints of an pancreas). Physician might not always designate semaglutide for people who have most of these ailments. Lastly, inform your physician in case you are mothers-to-be and even breastfeeding. It's not acknowledged detail prescription drugs will definitely move through bust get probably it will injuries a toddler.
Decide to purchase true Semaglutide protein powder 5mg & 10mg is a new once-a-week injectable prescription drugs that's given by doctors to attend to adult onset diabetes and also weight problems. Effect patients get rid of fat by lessening their cravings along with resulting in the body to get rid of excessive fat to obtain utility. All the once-a-week serving of one's prescription drugs likewise helps clients feel comprehensive when dishes, causing not as much total food intake. The medication is a kind of GLP-1 receptor agonist and he has also been agreed upon used by the FDA with people that have weight problems and type 2 diabetes to assist them drop a few pounds. It functions by mucking up creating ghrelin, a fabulous bodily chemical in which opinions for food craving, and with reducing the measure of sweets within the body. In addition to proper diet and physical activity, the actual meds can aid weighty patients generate noticeable fat loss without the need for obtrusive surgery. To understand your course of this semaglutide buy , customers could possibly make reference to this particular weblink .
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mohammed1357 · 2 years
Men's Daily Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement - Vitamins A C E D B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B12. Magnesium, Biotin, Spirulina, Zinc. Antioxidant For Heart & Immune Health
Brand: Vimerson Health
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About this item
WHY CHOOSE US: Lethargic? Zero Motivation? Unsatisfactory Health? Vimerson Health may have you feeling healthier and more energized* with this perfectly combined daily multivitamin and mineral supplement; Our blend enhances energy and improves mood*, supports the immune system*, urinary function and also boosts and enhances performances*
PROMOTES OVERALL HEALTH: This dietary supplement contains an advanced multivitamin complex that may help increase energy and stamina levels, enhance nervous and immune systems, improve vision, improve antioxidant capabilities, enhances general male health and well being*
SUPERIOR PROPRIETARY BLEND: Our unique proprietary blend includes Zinc, Selenium, and Vitamins A, C, D, and E plus B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, as well as Spirulina, Calcium, Lutein, and Magnesium; This blend of vitamins and minerals is designed to boost brain, digestive, and immune health;* Each capsule supports better vision, skin care, weight management, and occasional joint pain relief*
SAFE, EFFECTIVE INGREDIENTS: Vimerson Health's Men's Multivitamins are formulated with the safest and most gentle ingredients; The supplement is soy-free, yeast-free, sugar-free, GMO-free, gluten-free, and dairy-free; Vimerson Health reminds customers to consult a health care professional before taking this or any other supplement
ENHANCED, EFFICIENT & PURE CAPSULES ideal to help ease symptoms caused by the everyday wear and tear of the Modern Man of today, professional adult or retired senior;* Vimerson Health supplements are designed to support your choice for a healthier you; Proudly made in the U.S.A. and GMP-Certified. >>>
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connorcrenshaw1 · 2 years
Mountain Biking Has 3 Advantages
Like any other form of aerobic activity, mountain biking improves heart health and decreases blood pressure. It also improves gaseous intake and oxygen supply to the body.
Mountain riding is a fantastic kind of fitness. It's a fantastic way to get outside and stay fit while making new friends.
Mountain biking is the ideal sport for getting outside and spending time in nature. It not only gives you an excellent workout but also helps you escape the rush and bustle of city life.
It's an all-natural method to boost your mental health and benefit your physical health! Being outside in nature has been demonstrated in studies to help reduce stress, which significantly contributes to heart disease and other linked health concerns.
Mountain biking is a unique exercise that involves a full-body workout due to its ever-changing terrain. Riding uphill requires you to use your legs and arms, but riding downward requires you to use your chest, back, and abdomen.
Mountain riding can also help improve your balance and coordination. This is due to the uneven terrain, but it also provides a hard brain workout due to the split-second decisions required to traverse the course.
It's a sport that both kids and adults can enjoy, which is why it's frequently regarded as a beautiful way to teach fundamental life skills in an active setting. Riding regularly teaches children resilience and self-esteem while enhancing their social skills in a fun team activity.
Mountain biking has various health benefits, including increased strength and endurance, improved immune system function, and stress reduction. Furthermore, it is an excellent method to interact with nature. According to Japanese researchers, "forest bathing" enhances relaxation and decreases stress.
Cycling regularly has also been demonstrated to improve cardiovascular fitness, lowering your heart disease risk. According to one British Medical Association study, persons who biked 20 miles or more each week had a 50% lower risk of coronary heart disease.
Mountain biking is also low-impact, which means it is gentler on your joints than other aerobic activities like running. This makes it easy to maintain your fitness routine and prevents damage.
A mountain bike ride also exposes you to natural sunlight, which boosts the creation of vitamin D, a hormone essential for bone health and immunity. Increased sun exposure also increases the release of melatonin, a hormone that governs your sleep and wake cycles.
It's vital to remember that balance and coordination are essential components of any endurance sport, whether you're riding up a hill or out on the trails. These abilities must be strengthened and polished over time to ensure your safety and security while out in the field.
Riding a bike is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. It's also a terrific way to get to know your neighbors and learn about the neighborhoods where you reside.
Many mountain bikers are outgoing, adventurous individuals who enjoy spending time outside in nature and exercising. They are frequently found at their local mountain biking club, where they have a solid social network and a penchant for getting together for fun.
Whether you join a local club or ride solo, interacting with other riders will help you build your abilities and confidence on the trails. They can teach you a lot and will frequently share ideas and tactics to assist you in improving your riding.
It might be challenging to enter the mountain biking scene, so patience and humility are required. Remember that everything is a learning experience, and you want to maintain the sense of accomplishment that comes with successfully ascending a hill or clearing a problematic rock garden.
If you know someone who wants to try mountain biking, invite them to join you on a route. Then, teach them where to find group rides and introduce them to other cyclists. Once hooked, they'll most likely return to ride with you again and again.
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bonnie645 · 2 years
Truemed Vitamin D3 and K2 capsules supply 5000 IU (125 mcg) of Vitamin D to strengthen the immune system as well as bone, tooth, and muscle health. 90 mcg of vitamin K2 are provided to maintain good arterial function; combining vitamin K2 with vitamin D3 helps calcium get to the bones. Adults should take two of these D3 and K2 capsules daily with water. They are intended for people who have higher Vitamin D needs or deficiencies, as evaluated by a healthcare provider. These gluten-free Vitamin K2 D3 capsules are created with premium ingredients and don't include any artificial flavors or synthetic coloring. STRONGER TEETH AND BONES - Vitamins D3 and K2 are an excellent combination for strong teeth and bones. While vitamin K2 aids in keeping calcium out of your joints and arteries, vitamin D3 promotes calcium absorption. SUPPORTS IMMUNE HEALTH - Since vitamin D activates genes that control the immune system, it is essential for immunity. You can easily increase your daily vitamin D intake with D3 & K2 vitamins. PROMOTES A HEALTHY HEART - Vitamin D3 helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels, and vitamin K2 is crucial for keeping too much calcium out of your arteries.
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drbucho · 2 years
Are Collagen Gummies Effective? Best Collagen Gummies For Skin 2023 — Dr Bucho
In this article, we will investigate if really are collagen gummies effective or whether choosing collagen-rich foods is the best option. These gummies are gaining popularity as a means to promote the health and look of the skin, hair, and nails. Collagen gummies are a sort of dietary supplement intended to give the body more collagen. They are also taken to support the flexibility and health of joints. In order to enhance general health and wellness, collagen gummies are frequently formulated with a combination of collagen and additional substances, such as vitamins and minerals
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What is Collagen?
The most abundant protein in the body called collagen is present in the body’s skin, bones, and connective tissues. It is a vital component of the body that supports the body structurally and aids in preserving the flexibility and durability of the skin, hair, nails, Bones and Joints. The body produces less natural collagen as we get older, which can result in wrinkles, fine lines, and a lack of skin flexibility. The preservation of the bones and joints is another key function of collagen, which is also involved in the body’s healing process. For these reasons, many people choose to supplement their diet with collagen.
There are 28 different types of collagen; the four most common are listed below:
Type I is the most common and can be found in all connective tissue.
Type ll: found in joints and intervertebral discs (the cushions that serve as shock absorbers in your spine).
Type ll: the primary component of reticular fibres found in the skin and blood vessels.
Type lV is a protein found in your kidneys, inner ear, and eye lens.
How Collagen Gummies are made?
Collagen gummies are typically made with a blend of collagen and other ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals, Typically, collagen is present in collagen gummies. Some collagen gummies, nevertheless, don’t actually contain collagen. Instead, they contain ingredients that may encourage the body to produce collagen naturally. The majority of collagen supplements are hydrolyzed, meaning the collagen has been broken down into smaller sizes to facilitate easy absorption. and according to experts that are considered the best quality factor of a good collagen supplement.
Different types of collagen are frequently present in collagen gummies. Each variety has particular advantages. For instance, type I collagen, which is typically present in collagen gummies and is thought to be ideal for the skin. On the other hand, type II collagen gummies may be the greatest for joints.
Pros and Cons of Collagen Gummies
Health benefits of collagen supplements[Anecdotal claims]
May improve skin health
Collagen is a crucial protein that is present in the skin, and as we get older, our body produces less collagen naturally. It contributes to the skin’s suppleness, moisture, and strength. However, numerous studies have indicated that collagen peptides or supplements containing collagen may help slow down the ageing of your skin by minimizing wrinkles and dryness.
According to studies, taking supplements with hydrolyzed collagen may stop osteoporosis-causing bone loss. The symptoms of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis may significantly improve with daily doses of 12 grams, in particular. According to a review of studies on individuals with osteoarthritis, consuming collagen significantly reduced joint stiffness and other osteoarthritis symptoms.
May Improve Heart Health
Your arteries, the blood vessels that deliver blood from your heart to the rest of your body, are given structure by collagen. Arteries may lose their elasticity and flexibility if collagen levels are insufficient. 31 healthy adults who participated in 6-month research ingested 16 grams of collagen daily. Between the start of the trial and its conclusion, their measurements of arterial stiffness had significantly decreased.
Supporting hair and nail health
Collagen is important for maintaining the strength and elasticity of hair and nails. Collagen supplements may help to improve the health and appearance of hair and nails, making them stronger and less prone to breakage. Taking collagen may increase the strength of your nails by preventing brittleness. Additionally, it may help your hair and nails grow longer.
Risks and side effects of collagen supplements
The majority of the time, collagen supplements are well-accepted and have few negative effects. Supplements containing collagen, like collagen gummies, are usually thought to be safe and have no known serious adverse effects unless you have an allergy to any of its constituents.
While some consumers of collagen supplements claim to experience nausea and bloating, research has not consistently demonstrated these as negative side effects. There are also claims that collagen supplements may have additional gastrointestinal side effects, including heartburn and a satiety feeling.
Are collagen gummies effective?
From analyzing the possible pros and Very rarely reported cons of collagen supplements, Collagen supplements are generally safe, easy to use, and worth trying based on your health goals. However, it’s crucial to remember that collagen gummies’ efficacy can vary based on the exact product, the quality of the collagen utilized, and its source. It’s also critical to remember that oral collagen supplements might not be entirely absorbed by the body and that only a small portion of it reaches the target tissues. It is always preferable to get medical advice before beginning a new supplement regimen.
5 Best collagen gummies for skin 2023
Read complete article Here
The Bottom Line
Gummies made of collagen provide an easy, tasty approach to augmenting your body’s normal collagen production. Read the product label carefully and make sure the ingredients are present in the right quantities before selecting the best collagen gummies for you. Choosing collagen gummies that are third-party tested and do not contain a lot of added sugar is also crucial. If you are using any other drugs or dietary supplements, have any pre-existing medical conditions, are considering pregnancy, talk to your doctor before using this product.
You may also like to Read 7 Collagen Rich foods
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futurefocused · 2 years
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𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄 Send the corresponding symbol(s) for headcanons surrounding the given topic(s)! [CLOSED. Thanks all for sending.]
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🍉 : which of the four seasons suits my muse best, and why? (From anon & @voltagedoubler)
Spring. It signifies new beginnings and new life. The seasonal cycle starts over again with Spring marking the end of the old cycle and start of the new.
🍒 : how much does my muse value companionship? do they constantly keep people around them, or do they prefer to be alone often? do they have or desire to have many friends? do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend? (From anon)
He values it more so than he'd care to admit. He's aware that his genius isolates him, favoring his head over his heart and gut often. So he honestly NEEDs people with different views and ways of being to keep from spiraling within his own mind. He'd like to have many friends but he's anxious about losing them, especially after his wife left him.
🍅 : how does my muse feel about plastic / cosmetic surgeries & procedures? is it something they have done or would do? do they mind if others do it? (From anon)
Beauty bias exists and is alive and well in the present. He understands why others would go to such lengths for vanity and obtaining a culturally desired aesthetic. He wouldn't want get work done unless it was medically required. If anyone else does it to their body, he doesn't think it's his place to cast a judgement on them. He would wonder how their health risks changed with it though.
🍍 : how comfortable is my muse in their body? how do they feel about their height, weight, strength, and body type? how important is being attractive to them? (From anon)
He has pride in his appearance and fitness. Growing up a nerd with geeky interests, his friend circles were frequent target of bullies. So he learned to fight and exercised regularly to defend himself and them. Eventually it from self-defense to vanity once he got compliments and hit on over it. While he was always a thinking man, he loved being seen attractive over his strength and mind. He's aware of benefits you can get in life if you're seen as sexy and owns it.
🥝 : does my muse have any ‘ unusual ’ habits, interests, and / or talents? do they hide it, or are they proud of it? (From @blackgxatcultist)
Aside from paradox pokemon, artificial intelligence, and innovation only seen in sci-fi? He has the unusual habit of segmented sleep, sleeping in two hour periods at a time over a solid eight at once time. He's proud of his ability stay up forty-eight hours straight at his age with just coffee and willpower.
🍑 : how meticulously does my muse look after their physical appearance? do they spend a lot of time on their hair, makeup, grooming, and clothing? is there a particular reason why they do or don’t? (From anon)
His daily groom takes less than 30 minutes in the morning and less than 20 minutes at night. This accounts for if he needs to bathe or anything else outside of brushing his teeth and washing his face. He uses a couple products on his face as well as his hair and beard to keep them healthy looking and thick yet soft. Due in part by habit and vanity, he looks his skin to be clear so doesn't have to worry about bad pictures i the public.
🍏  : how stable is my muse’s physical health?  do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician?  do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication?  how often do they get sick? (From @skullkxd)
He's at peak health for his age and get check-ups twice a year. He does the infamous "I'm too tired, too old and too done for this shit" -itis that happens when someone has done adulting for too much and too long. He takes vitamins for gut health, joint health, male body health and for stress management!
🍐  : how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart?  (From @wrongtrain)
He is a leading genius in his field(s) of study! Sought after for his intelligence for all sorts of projects that involve things like AI. He was certifications to teach a couple pf his specialties, though he has wondered about getting the degrees to be quality to teacher teachers (and students) about his fields of studies.
🍇 : how would my muse describe their childhood? how much has it impacted the person they are now, or will become as an adult? around what age did they or will they start to mature, and why? do they wish to go back to their days as a child, or have they embraced adulthood?  (@fairymint) His parents were loving yet cold, which flavored his ways of showing love as well. Quality time isn't he strong suit, since he is used being left alone to do what he wants and be as he wishes. Giving those around him the space to be themselves his how he shows love. Yet it coming across that way is a different conversation. He's fully embraced adulthood and he wanted Arven to have a better childhood. We see how that turned out.
🍋  : what kind of diet does my muse have?  do they eat regularly,  or the standard 2-3 meals a day?  do they have to be reminded to eat,  or are they likely to remind others?  do they cook,  or have others cook for them?  do they eat healthily,  or not so much?  (From Anon)
He has two big meals a day with smaller meals/snacks throughout. He can cook, but prefers low effort meals. Also it not above junk food, but has staple foods in his diet to meet all his nutrient and carb goals.
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