#jokes aside i love how they portrayed this so much :')
totheecore · 6 months
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When you and Marisol ran into me and Tommy, we were on a date. Really? Mhm-hm. [...] So you two...? We were on a date, yes. Is that weird? No. Absolutely not. [...] This doesn't change a thing between us. Okay? Good. That's a relief.
911 7x05 | You Don't Know Me
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jubileemon · 7 months
Somehow in the infernal landscape of Hell, the relationship between Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, stands out as a sweet love story for the ages.
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They were first introduced in the episode 'Ozzie's'. Despite their public disdain for sentimental relationships, they are entangled in a secret romance that defies Hell's social hierarchy and expectations. At first, Fizz and Asmodeus appeared as massive hypocrites, mocking others for their romantic endeavors while secretly harboring their own.
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Fizzarolli's life was marked by a traumatic experience with fire, resulting in losing his horns and cybernetic replacements. As he thought Blitzo abandoned him to burn, Fizz began to develop a deep resentment towards his former best friend. Despite his normal jovial nature Fizzarolli suffers from extreme self-worth and self-image issues, the latter of which mostly originating from the severe injuries he received from a circus fire that he was involved in when he was younger. Because of this, he feels like he needs to do whatever Mammon tells him to do, as he feels he must repay the man for all the fame and success being his brand figure has brought, despite how horribly he is treated.
Working under Mammon, the Sin of Greed, further complicates his identity when Fizz became a symbol of Mammon's brand. The cost of fame weighs heavily on him, as public scrutiny and the demands of celebrity challenge his sense of self and personal values. Asmodeus' title as the Sin of Lust comes with its own set of expectations, yet his love for Fizzarolli transcends these. His protective instincts are often on display, particularly when Fizzarolli is in danger or vulnerable. Despite the initial portrayal of their relationship as hypocritical, the secret romance between Fizzarolli and Asmodeus is depicted as both sweet and healthy.
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Despite one being a demon prince and one being an imp, and also portraying their partnership in public as purely lustful, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus' relationship is actually as healthy and romantic if not more so than Moxxie and Millie's, where the two are equals who look out for each other. Asmodeus' even lets Fizzarolli go out in public without him or an escort to defend him, despite Ozzie's concerns, because Fizzarolli wants to go alone, a far cry from if Ozzie truly didn't care about Fizzy beyond having sex with him. It's like if Stolas and Blitzø managed to work things out between them and had things be not so rocky.
Hard to believe, but aside from sex jokes, occasional rudeness and his grudge towards his former best friend, Fizzarolli stayed as nice and innocent as he was in childhood, despite all of his trauma. He does admit that it was difficult and challenging at first, but Fizzarolli finding someone who cared so much about him has led to him feeling like he leads a good life.
The relationship between Fizzarolli and Asmodeus is not without its trials. Asmodeus's deep concern for Fizzarolli's well-being is evident when Fizzarolli is taken hostage, an event that ignites Asmodeus's fury and prompts him to take drastic measures to secure Fizzarolli's safety. This protective streak is further shown in their interactions with Mammon, another Prince of Hell, whose abusive and manipulative behavior towards Fizzarolli causes Asmodeus to harbor intense animosity towards him.
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In Season 2, Asmodeus reassuring Fizz at the beginning that he doesn't have to worry about being "perfect" for Mammon because perfection is impossible, and that he deserves a break or vacation without having to fend off creeps constantly.
Asmodeus' line when he rephrases his actual feelings in regard to Fizz being in Mammon's clown contest: "I don't like how many creeps you have now, thanks to Mammon. And I don't like designing sex toys with your likeness for him. Pretty sure you feel the same"; this one line has numerous, subtle but still important subtext that really shows how much Asmodeus cares for and respects Fizzarolli. Just the fact that Asmodeus is being honest about his feelings about Fizzarolli being in Mammon's competition.
In most forms of media, when someone doesn't like something that their significant other is doing, they’ll either dance around it until they can’t take it anymore and/or even lie to get their partner to stop. But Asmodeus doesn't do that - when his initial plea doesn't work, he gets straight to the point of him not liking it but in a healthy and mature manner. He doesn't put any blame on Fizzarolli for his own discomfort, instead putting it all rightly on Mammon's greedy shoulders.
Asmodeus' dislike over Fizzarolli as Mammon's brand figure not only comes from a place of concern and worry but respect. In the second sentence of his above-mentioned line, he mentions he does not like having sex toys in Fizz's likeness. Given that he's the King of Lust, one would think he would hardly care, but he does. Because it's his boyfriend using in such a way. Asmodeus also makes sure to note that he's also aware that Fizzarolli doesn't like the sex-bots as well. He's acknowledging not only his own discomfort but his partner's.
After acting like everything's all righr for the majority of the episode and having a full-on panic attack in his dressing room, Fizz finally pours out his insecurities to Asmodeus, telling him that he's terrified of losing him if he doesn't win the pageant because he feels that Ozzie's only with him because of who he is under Mammon's patronage. He even yanks his jester hat off - revealing his scarred, splotchy head and the jagged stumps of what remains of his horns - in an attempt to show Ozzie what he believes he is without Mammon: an ugly, broken, worthless imp.
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"Crooked" is a sweet, simple song where Asmodeus and Fizz admit that while they both have their flaws and insecurities.
Asmodeus reassures him of his worth and publicly declares his love, a bold move that underscores the depth of his feelings and his willingness to face potential consequences for the sake of their relationship. Instead of the crowd being shocked or mocking the two, they are all instead excited and reveal they already had theories on it.
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Crimson did call Ozzie's relationship with Fizz "the worst-kept secret in all of Hell." Nearly everyone in the crowd probably already knew or at least suspected. Which makes their reaction all the more heartwarming because it's acceptance. One of Ozzie's main worries was being seen as a hypocrite for being the incarnation of carnal hedonism while having a loving, monogamous relationship. It turns out nobody thinks that at all. The King of Lust has fallen in love, and everybody is happy for him.
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layraket · 19 days
guys. i could say that im very normal abt the update. but that would be a lie. and lying is bad. yeah. im nothing close to normal abt this whole thing im deranged.
theres so many details here.
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Time seems to be more calm, the last update he was at the verge of screaming (to shut them all? to call for help to control all these links? who knows) now he looks very thoughtful, taking in every detail of the whole place to see if he can get some sort of puzzle solved
This question i feel like it has more impact that it looks at first, a lot of people are pointing out the little owl friend we saw at the first doodles of the AU, yeah the owl in oot was a yapper in all rule, but he was some sort of guidance during his journey
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Twilight connects the owls to Shad, a guy who has a lot of knowledge and can help him at any moment if he needs some sort of information, Four remembers the owl that helped the colors during his second adventure, and Legend connects the owls to the statues in Koholint, together with the owl that gave him hints to where he had to go
Here it is made clear the point that i was talking before: Time recognizes that even if, for a kid, it was just an anoying bird, he helped him in some sort of way, and he should appreciated that small detail
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beautiful art there's so many birds here im delighted so happy i've been staring at this for already 6 minutes beautiful
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Owlan! as someone who also has slept during class so many times i dont blame Sky at all
also can we talk about how cool is Owlan's design??? like why i haven't seen anyone commenting abt it???? the yellow feather just makes me thing of the loftwing that we had to chase during the start of sksw, and i love that small detail so much
and Sun!! Finally she got a canon apparition, and of course it is with Sky sleeping during class lol
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going back with what i was saying before, yeah he can thank Kaepora Gaebora all he wants, but man did that bird talk so much
love that expression 10/10 no more notes needed
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putting that joke aside, Hyrule seems to be more careful inside a dungeon, sure he can try and explore all he wants outside, but he knows very well the dangers of a dungeon, and he would like to no take any risk that could put them in danger while he can help it
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I love the continuity of the comic, we all knew these were the same statues as the one that Twi used to separate them from Sky, but seeing it being portrayed in the comic is a detail that i think we all appreciate
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Twilight my guy you cant go and look all that innocent we know your tricks
also Sky still remembers that time, seeing Legend as a bunny will not be easily forgotten. And Legends knows it
it doesn't mean that he likes that little fact
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here i have things to say, it makes sense that the antifairy goes first for Legend, he's like. one of the most magic-based of them. Sure maybe Hyrule is our special wizard guy, but the vet uses a shit ton of magic weapons, he has to have a crazy amount of magic with him adding the rings he has
Also them all ready to defend their vet, yeah it might not be fully dangerous, but they will show no mercy to whatever dares to hurt one of them (a silent promise that they all made with the Twilight situation)
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Time's attention is instantly gained with the mention of a Fairy, he doesn't sees too much of his friends in that thing, and that gives him a bad feeling of why the name
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i could easily do a well thought comment on how he's magical girl material but i think with only that description enough was said
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Only with the thought of one of his fairy friends having such destiny makes Time be disgusted, a Fairy turned into an enemy? Doesn't sound right, it isn't natural and just cruel for the poor fairy
also Wind was ready to catch her, he knows how valuable are fairies during a dungeon, you never know when you will need her help
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Warriors during his adventure he made friends with the fairies, so he obviously will have something for her
he's like a mom who knows her children very well and will carry any treats for them, not beating up the mom/aunt of the group allegations
and Wind give the poor fairy some time before entering the bottle, she must be confused :(
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this last pannel is everything to me, very cool very beautiful i love thsi comic so much
now my fav pannels as usual!
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beautiful art as always every time i see a new update i get surprised by all the details
if you noticed a lot of Four in the last few images shushhh
as always, art credits goes towards @linkeduniverse!
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i will make a proper analysis post for this one day but i genuinely think the "fundy's mind" stream is fundy's magnum opus. it does so much in one short stream. it perfectly portrays the fundamentals of fundy's character while also leaving so much to be interpreted and decoded.
like of course half of the metaphors and mysteries put into that episode hinted his involvement w las nevadas. but, and i think this point stands better considering how his story was executed and concluded, i think the stream was such a perfect encapsulation of the cyclical nature of fundy's abandonment and self-worth issues. it is "fundy's mind" after all.
we see glimpses of wilbur, literal monologues of how he feels brushed aside. i think back then, our interpretations of the books were a little too literal— which was not wrong to assume at the time. fundy was having prophetic dreams, of course it was normal to think he could have been a time traveler or something of that sort.
but, in the present day, i feel like if you look into the texts of these books in a more metaphorical sense, it makes a lot more sense. there's definitely a theme about "waking up" in a metaphorical sense, but the dreams flip this phrase on its head in some sort of way, as if dream!fundy was trying to get fundy to look away from the books.
i posit that dream!fundy demands fundy to wake up because it actually shields fundy from the painful truth deeply embedded in his psyche. meanwhile, sleeping actually causes fundy to dig into this truth more as it causes him to stay into this dream world. so when fundy chooses to sleep, he's not shielding himself away— rather, it represents the metaphorical "waking up", beholding truths that he typically shies away from.
but then what is this "truth"?
well, when dream!fundy gives up scaring fundy off, he confesses to an evil someone who will destroy fundy and everything he ever loved. of course, this pertains to quackity, but here's the thing. if dream!fundy wanted to protect fundy, then he would have obviously warned him about quackity without hesitance.
i'd argue that quackity being some big baddie is half the "truth" dream!fundy is trying to warn him about. then what is the other half that's missing? i think it has something to do with the "you're not real" statements.
those seem like a scare tactic at first. if not, it does not feel like it's meant to be the "painful truth" dream!fundy is trying to shield from fundy because he says it multiple times before the actual "truth" is revealed. but i think the reveal actually becomes more impactful if you read it as "there will be an evil person out there, always, that will make you not real."
and i guess to explain— there's, like i said, a cyclical nature to fundy's issues. he follows someone, dedicating himself to the country until it all inevitably becomes futile in the end. it happens with all iterations of l'manberg and las nevadas. i've always stated that fundy is the embodiment of the nations he's apart of, and he dies alongside it whenever it comes down to it.
so when the book mentions, "you are not real", "this place isn't real", and "but he [those who left him, specifically quackity] is", i feel like it's not just talking about quackity and las nevadas. rather, if we think about it, this is literally the formula in which fundy's arcs literally follow. he becomes nothing alongside the dissolvement of a nation, because those he trusted and followed were real threats.
and what i think this dream hints in particular is that, las nevadas would be the last straw. after this, his existence becomes virtually nothing. he is rendered nothing.
which is literally what happens in the end.
fundy's storyline has always been about being sidelined, always forgotten or used as a punchline for a joke. in this case, i feel that the dream isn't just warning him about this, but rather it's literally his destiny to be forgotten. that is the painful truth dream!fundy doesn't want fundt to know. that's why he sounded so defeated by fundy's stubbornness and curiosity by the third book— he does not want fundy to know that it's literally in his fate that he ends up becoming nothing.
and, well, it's true. the last we see of fundy is when he jumped into the l'manberg crater after cutting himself off from wilbur. it's even stated that fundy didn't die to end it all, but rather to "get away from wilbur". at the same time, we see fundy donate schlatt's sword, one of his prized possessions, to the museum.
he literally cuts off one of the most integral, most defining, aspects of his character— his devotion to nationhood and those who embodied it. and after that, we never see him again. when fundy chose to choose things for himself, to separate himself from l'manberg, physically and ideologically, he's gone.
it's as if he's not real.
we never really know if fundy left for the best or the worst, really. but in the narrative of the dsmp, separating himself from l'manberg literally makes him null. that's the truth his dreams were trying to shield himself from.
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mochiimadness · 8 months
I wonder what it would be like for Splinter if he fell in love? This isn't an xreader thing, for obvious reasons. It's just a scenario I haven't really seen explored for his character, and I'm curious how you'd portray it.
Hello! I wasn’t sure which version of Splinter you wanted, so I did both! Also, I could write a splinter x reader if someone requested it (not sure what you meant by 'obvious reasons' /lh), I did not make this one a splinter x reader tho ^^
2012 Splinter
Oh Hamato Yoshi, a man of so little yet so many words-
It takes him a bit to actually fall in love
He is hesitant about pursuing another romantic relationship
Is genuinely traumatized from his last one
Rightfully so, he saw his wife die, daughter as well (or so he thought for years) all at the hands of someone he onced called his brother- only to get mutated soon after.
Yeah… not a very good experience…
But when he falls, he is absolutely devoted to his person
He is very formal, approaching his crush in a gentlemanly manner
Is kinda old fashioned
The type to bring flowers and open doors for his partner
When he was with Tang Shen, he ended up losing sight of what was important
And became very distant and dismissive
He knows better now, and makes sure to go out of his way to pay attention
He does still struggle though,
Often choosing to meditate over quality time
As his relationship grows, however, he becomes better at being present.
Makes sure to set time aside for his partner
He doesn’t mind doing whatever, but he does prefer quieter activities-
A drama show perhaps, or drinking tea together.
As he becomes more relaxed in his relationship-
His playful side emerges
And surprisingly- he can be very goofy
I mean- he has a cheese phone in a glass case. He chose that. It’s meant for serious emergencies- you can’t tell me he wasn’t making a joke about his current mutation.
He tells dad jokes- really corny ones too
And his laugh is a full-on belly laugh where he throws his head back
He enjoys making his beloved laugh,
Will sometimes even ask Michelangelo for any new jokes to tell!
Overall, he's very sweet, goofy and old-fashioned with his partner,
He is also incredibly protective- perhaps a bit over protective
But considering the fact that he and his family are being hunted down by the man who killed his last wife-
His over protectiveness is warranted.
Does NOT take chances- if his beloved is captured, he is going there and demolishing anyone who gets in his way.
Makes sure his beloved is okay, before taking them home to curl up and watch some old drama show
Cheese-sicles included.
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Rise Splinter
This may or may not come as a surprise-
But I honestly think it takes him a while to truly fall in love with someone
I feel like he has some trust issues
Definitely has high walls when it comes to relationships
Being a popular celebrity back in day taught him a thing or two about letting people get too close
Most people were usually only after him for his fame and fortune-
Looking to use him to rise to the top themselves
So he made sure to keep a decent distance
Until Big Mama of course
Which only made his trust issues 100x worse.
If he were to fall in love again, it would only be after a long time
There needs to be a very strong, and very solid foundation of trust
He would like to avoid being locked up and forced to fight to the death again, thank you very much.
On top of his trust issues-
He has major abandonment issues
If he ever went through with trying to have another relationship,
There would need to be a lot of communication-
Lots of working on and assuring him that his partner isn’t going anywhere.
As for his behavior??
He’s very avoidant in a rather outgoing way
It’s kinda weird to witness actually
The second he realizes he actually has romantic feelings for someone- he’s panicking
Tries to avoid them but also makes sure to be nice
He’s nowhere in sight whenever his crush is around but if they happen to catch him?
He’s chatting up a storm, sitting them down for a cup of tea or some food
Casually handing them a slice of pizza and once their attention is on it
Poof- vanished from sight once they turn around.
Once he starts actually giving a relationship a try though??
Man is whipped with a capital W
Quality time??? Physical touch???? GIFT GIVING??!?!?!!
His crush is getting it all
Quality time is an absolute must, he always wants to be around them no matter what it is they’re doing.
Knitting? He’s there.
2am snacks?? He already has their favorite
Movie time???? He made sure his projector is completely repaired AND made the couch the comfiest spot ever.
Loves to cuddle and hold hands, generally likes to be in contact with his beloved in anyway he can
Will even wrap his tail around one of their limbs if his hands are full
*cough* or if he’s too lazy to move from his comfy position *cough*
And on top of that?? He actually has decent money from his time as Lou Jitsu
He can and will have his sons help him figure out online ordering.
His beloved is getting any and everything they want
Only the best for them, he makes sure to buy top quality items
A lot of the gifts are an eyesore to look at though- his personal taste is…. intense…
Thankfully, his family helps him out.
Overall a very attentive, but clingy, partner
Will proudly boast about his beloved to anyone who asks (or doesn’t)
Has one of those wallets with the long long photo strips
He shoves them in everyone’s faces
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I hope you enjoyed!! Apologies for the long wait;;
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i think Helaena can be autistic but also a happy and joyful girl , autism ≠ depression. the way the portrayed the only neurodivergent character on screen as unstable, shunned depressed, and with no importance to the plot feel very ableist and weird , but then they're the ones who made the guy with a foot disability a feet fetishist 🫠
Hi OP, finally answering this because the trailer dropped and still the only Helaena shots we have are from her Jaehaerys' funeral. There is also one still photo of her. If you haven't seen it, here she is, apparently sewing the funeral shroud for her little boy:
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So it seems like season 2 is going to continue on this trajectory for Helaena as a character who exists in order to suffer beautifully.
Don't get me wrong. I am glad that the show is going to wring the full emotional effect from Blood and Cheese, not just shock value. The audience will feel the real horror of a six year old child brutally murdered in his own home and the psychological torment of Helaena. It should be terrible, it should be devastating, and I hope they do not pull any punches.
What's disappointing about how the show has handled Helaena is that they didn't really put any effort into building up her character before her tragedy. It's all well and good that she likes bugs and she's touch averse, but what are her opinions? Who is she closest to? How did she react to becoming a mother so young? To what extent does she understand her visions? What does she value? She can be happy and cheerful, or she can be frustrated and angry, and hell, she can be depressed too, but I need to know why. It's telling that I can describe the basic internal motivations for each of the male children, including Luke who was a glorified plot device, but I cannot for Helaena. Aegon wants to feel loved, Jace wants to prove he's as worthy as any trueborn heir, Aemond wants what his brother has, Luke wants to be free from his family's expectations. Helaena? Fuck if I know. I guess she wants not to die horribly.
The ableism is an issue. F&B is full of women who were deemed "simple" -- Gael, Daella, Jaehaera-- without being given much else to define them, and HotD adds another (there's something, I think, to the way the "simple" Targaryens are always women and how disability kind of used as a way to remove them from the narrative and shunt them aside, often tragically). And while it's great to see an autistic person represented on screen, the show consistently has an issue with treating representation as characterization. "Autistic girl who likes bugs" is not a personality. Autistic people, (even those with horrifying prophesies I assume), do have hopes and dreams and feelings about things. The one peek we get into Helaena's life is at the in episode 8 when she roasts Aegon and even that scene is open to interpretation (and gets taken wildly out of context). Now, I can read a lot into the actor performances, but ultimately, lines that could have given a glimpse Helaena personality were cut. It's as if they're afraid that if they give her an opinion on anything she would lose that (frankly kind of infantilizing) "pure cinnamon roll too good for this world" "i would die for her" sympathy from people who are not inclined to be sympathetic for her family as a whole.
(And anon, you're right about Larys. And let me say, turning Larys' clubfoot into the punchline of an OnlyFeet joke also does not inspire confidence that they'll handle Aegon II's eventual disability with any sensitivity either, especially when Mushroom's accounts of his last few months are incredibly mean spirited. We need to start that discourse now so they get the memo).
Sadly, I don't think the show really has any intention of course correcting with Helaena in season 2. I imagine at most we'll have her try to warn Aegon and/or Aemond about Blood & Cheese but they won't understand her warning, and then this will be a vehicle to further their guilt and grief. And while we do need to see Aegon's guilt and his grief, I also want to know if Helaena blames herself, if she wishes they'd run away when they had the chance, if she thinks Aegon could have done something, if she is angry at Aemond for killing Luke, if she wants revenge. I do think, with the public funeral for Jaehaerys, they are going to show that the smallfolk are fond of Helaena, and hopefully that will be expanded upon this season and in season 3 because her death is the catalyst for the revolt that sees Rhaenyra driven from the city, and we should understand why her death has such an impact before she actually dies.
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jq37 · 7 months
How do you rank the Rat Grinders in terms of "most want to be friends" vs "die"
Honorable Mention #1 spot goes to Lucy Frostblade who seems like an absolute sweetheart. Anyone who's doing the Cinderella thing w/ the local rodent population is worth befriending in my book. Hope you're resting in peace now girl. You would have loved Zayne Darkshadow and Edgar.
(1) Oisin: OK listen, I am aware that all Rat Grinders must be regarded with some level of suspicion but come ON. I want so so badly for him to be exactly what he's been portrayed to be--a hot buff nerd who is easily flustered by Adaine. Fig got a wizard girlfriend so Adaine should get a wizard boyfriend. That's just equity. Don't you believe in equity Brennan? Joking aside, I think it would be really nice for Adaine to have another someone in her life who thinks she's great and tells her that since she spent so long deprived of that and is just recently starting to get that from people. Anyway, would love another wizard paramour in the Bad Kid rotation.
(2) Buddy: Hear me out. This dude absolutely needs to be deprogrammed a bit but so did Kristen when we met her. And his heart seems to be in the right place. I think he could be a good friend if they approach this from the right angle/are interested in flipping him. Also I went to college in Alabama, alright? His southern charm got me.
(3) Mary Ann: I haven't really gotten a solid read on Mary Ann yet. Is she suspicious or worn down or just Like That? No way to tell yet. But she hasn't actually done anything wrong yet so she gets this spot.
(4) Ruben: I'm more suspicious of Ruben this week than last week after his performance turned about to be a secret ritual, and he's also consistently been shitty to Fig which I don't like. But I'm suspicious abut how much of that is his natural energy and how much of that is related to the rage god. He wasn't emo when he started, remember? He was all smiles and braces and acoustic guitar. People can just genuinely change for the worse but I dunno. Might be something there and the Bad Kids ally list includes SEVERAL people who should be in jail right now so you know. Open mind.
(5) Kipperlilly: Kipperlilly is frankly just more fun as an antagonist than as an ally lol. Like even outside of the point that they hate her to the point of refusing to properly say her name so friendship was never an option, it's just not the most fun route.
(6) Ivy: Choke on grapes, bitch. I hope she ends up in hell with Penelope. This is Fantasy High. You can be a murderer but you can't be RACIST.
Interested to hear anyone else's takes if their list is different!
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deltastra · 30 days
My Thoughts on Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Trailer
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Ok so I love how compared to Sonic's soft-looking quills which looks more like fur, Shadow's quills look more spiky and rough. It's so clear that they are parallels that even their designs beautifully contrast.
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"Shadow's story began a lot like yours Sonic. But where you found family and friends, Shadow found only pain and loss"
This gives me hope that they will actually adapt Project Shadow in its truest form. Especially seeing the G.U.N agents point their guns at Shadow and Gerald Robotnik who appear to be grieving. While I don't expect them to show Maria's death, I hope they at least imply it. (I feel bad for the actress but a lot of fans will cheer for her character's death because it shows that the writers care about following the source material lol)
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Okay so one thing that is different is that instead of Sonic being framed and hunted by the government, he is instead asked for assistance to track down Shadow. Makes sense for their universe given the first two movies. However, I do hope Team Heroes end up betraying the authorities and let Shadow escape.
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AND THE TELEPORTATION? I LOVE IT! Looks like they won't portray it as "Chaos Control" but it's fine I guess!
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Okay so this is giving me hope that they won't make Team Sonic work with the authorities. Looking at their faces, it gives me the impression that they took away their dad (possibly he is the one being framed?)
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Well Jim Carrey did ask for the fat suit! Looks like he's going full Eggman now!
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Bro they're doing this on purpose at this point. Man I love Agent Stone so much.
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THIS. This is why I love night cityscape battles. They look so beautiful.
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WAIT SO GERALD IS ALIVE IN THIS UNIVERSE...INTERESTING. I love how the actor matches Jim Carrey's Eggman!
Jokes aside, perfect. I love this trailer so much and it was worth the hype. I'm so excited to watch this movie despite the few minor events that they changed in order to properly incorporate this story into the movie universe.
I doubt Amy or Rouge will appear but that's fine. Maybe for a post-credit scene I think.
Shadow is definitely the star of the show here. The detail on his quills, his voice, and his behaviour is all so good. I'm sure they'll give Shadow's character justice. I'm assuming Project Shadow will be the prologue in the movie before the title card drops but thats just me predicting stuff!
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cosmic-walkers · 28 days
there are many good points being made about s2 sexually humiliated alicent, but it was also in season 1 as well. alicent's body and very personhood was always being violated from the moment she married viserys (even earlier). it's as if the narrative blamed her for being roomed by viserys and otto, and wanted to shame her for doing so.
the scenes where she, at either 15 or 16 was shown pregnant I believe with Helaena? On one hand, yes, it's supposed to show us how awful it was for a young girl to be trapped in a forced marriage. But the show itself hasn't been able to commit to that. They've shown us a very dark side of him when it came to Aemma, but that was it. The show pretty much , pacified him after that. In S2, we are shown a scene of him crying of Aemma in Daemon's vision. There was no attempt to point out that he was the one who killed Aemma, he has just been portrayed as sympathetic. So, it's very difficult for me to know if the show wants us to view Viserys as an abusive, entitled man who forced both his wives to have children and then killed one - or if they lost that plot, and want to portray him as a loving, doting father. Bringing this back to Alicent, again, we see a young girl pregnant by a man twice her age, but the show doesn't know whether or not that should be a good or bad thing. Rhaenyra resents her for it. The vibe of the show changes; we see Alicent and the baby in her belly as a threat to Rhaenyra. The mere idea that she is in that condition is made to look like a bad thing, and the way the narrative tone builds around her, her being pregnant is supposed to be shameful because it puts her in direct opposition to Rhaenyra.
Another point of sexual humiliation is in her conversation with Rhaenyra. Wherein Alicent, who has had no romance in her life, tells Rhaenyra that she finds it romantic that people are trying to win her heart, to make her feel better. In response, Rhaenyra takes a jab at Alicent's life: 'who wants to be made to be trapped in a castle and squeeze out heirs' she says something to that nature, not the exact words but you get me. I know this was a jab at alicent because Rhaenyra apologizes, but Rhaenyra is fully aware that Alicent herself has no choice in that, and still decides to humiliate her sexually. This is also a direct act of the writers to bring up the fact that Alicent is a victim, yet do absolutely nothing about it.
Either the same episode, or the next episode, we see Alicent being raped by Viserys. Again, we can say that this is supposed to be bad, but the show failed to actually show us that it was. As people who like Alicent, of course, we were disturbed by it but most people were saying that she deserved it and were making fun of her. This is the writer's problem and their lack of commitment to making Viserys a problematic person. This was in stark contrast to Rhaenyra, who had just made Criston sleep with her, and she was clearly having the time of her life. Because of these two scenes being contrasted, it's led the fandom to, stupidly, say that Alicent was jealous of Rhaenyra because she 'got' Criston while Alicent was stuck with Viserys. And the writing once again, doesn't do anything to try to highlight and point out the fact that what Viserys was doing was wrong.
The point of all of this is that Alicent has always been a victim of sexual shame. Her sexuality, body, and whole presence is always under scrutiny. From showing her as a young girl heavily pregnant, and having Rhaenyra be cold to her because of her, and make a joke about it, to showing her being sexually assaulted and the show and fandom still having a love boner for Viserys.
She is usually contrasted to Rhaenyra, who up until recently, was praised for her outward sexuality by the narrative. Her pregnancies are treated with care and concern, even with Visenya. We see her give birth to Joffery, and aside from showing him to Alicent, both Joffery and Rhaenyra are showered with love. when we see Rhaenyra pregnant, it is framed to look like a good, happy situation for her. She is not forced, she is free, her relationship to to her children is strong. She also again, has sexual freedom.
I don't know exactly why the showwriters decided to punish Alicent in this way either.
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enlitment · 4 months
Top 5 myths/legends/folklore? :)✨
Thank you for the fun ask! ✨ (and sorry for taking so long!)
1. The Sacrifice of Iphigenia
I'm not exactly sure why, but it may be my favourite piece of Greek mythology. There's just something about it that resonates with me. I definitely prefer the versions in which Iphigenia gets saved at the last minute by Artemis (and I'm here for any potential queer readings).
I also think it's interesting how it highlights the parallels between a wedding ceremony and a ritual sacrifice (things like white colour symbolising purity, symbolic death of the bride for her old family, priest being present, a subsequent feast, even the fact that blood was technically expected in both cases). Something I've been thinking about ever since I watched the new Contrapoints video.
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2. Hyacinth and Apollo
The original death of a twink! Jokes aside, it's quite a tragic story. What I find the most interesting about the myth however is how Hyacinth was mourned/celebrated during the Spartan festival of Hyacinthia. If you want to get really heretic, you could see the festival as a forerunner of some of the later Christian Easter traditions, with the whole death/rebirth motive.
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3.  Lady Godiva
One of the earliest examples of women getting involved in British politics!
Again, jokes aside, I do appreciate this legend because it is essentially a story of a woman taking risks for a cause that she believes in. It also brings up the idea that femininity can be used as a weapon. That is not necessarily my most favourite take of all, but it's certainly interesting - and this old English myth captures that perfectly!
also the iconography is so cool I mean--
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4. The Legend of El Dorado
I definitely think that the legend of the mythical city filled with gold located somewhere in South America can tell one a lot about European colonialism. Not an expert on it by any means (though I'd love to read more about it at some point), but I really enjoyed how it was portrayed in Voltaire's Candide!
5. The Golem of Prague
Okay, obligatory hometown reference. I do find Jewish folklore genuinely fascinating, and the story of a being made of clay that came to life is perhaps the most interesting of all! Some parallels can be traced with later stories - like Frankenstein - or even with things like robots or AI, if you stretch the definition a bit.
It can be seen as a warning that technology can turn against its creator which dates all the way back to the 16th century!
(I also find it really interesting how much emphasis Jewish culture places on the power of words, and the story of the Golem is a great example of it, since words are literally what brings the golem to life).
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roserunodays · 9 months
Kotoko's Connection with the Fairy Tale of Red Riding Hood
So THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A JOKE POST, but I kept looking into it, and now here's a full blown analysis instead lol. I realized that Kotoko has many allusions to the story of Red Riding Hood besides the wolves and her signature red jacket. The themes of familial love, protection, and deception all seem to be reflected in Kotoko's actions and what we know of her past and personal life so far. So this post will detail more of the connections between her and this tale, as well as theorize on certain parts on what her story might reveal in the future!
MAJOR THANKS to my English major himejoshi librarian bunny mutual @lillyviarabbit for proof reading this so that my writing doesn't sound clunky af 🙏
A Quick Aside: The Other Side of this Tale (TW for sexual assault and rape mention)
So...there's another side to the original tale of Red Riding Hood, one that deals with much heavier themes on what the story as a whole is supposed to symbolize. I didn't want to analyze these themes of rape, sexual assault, and analogies of being 'turned' into a woman (such as hoods/veils representing both marriage and bereavement). They are there though, and easy analogies can be made, but that's not the content I want to cover. This is mainly because I just don't think we have enough evidence or hints as of now from Kotoko's past that suggests these parts from the Red Riding Hood story are also in her story. I did not want to speculate on these parts either because I wanted to treat them with respect and sensitivity, rather than simply speculate that they have to do with a fictional character's past when we don't even have any evidence to theorize that they do. So this post will only touch upon the more well known parts of the story instead!
Also I won't be talking about Jacques Roulet and his weird ass story because none of it makes sense to me with how it's related to Kotoko, so I will leave that to someone with a bigger brain to analyze that 💀 and I'll be sticking to analyzing similarities with Perrault's version of the story, though the analysis referenced at the end also includes the Grimm version!
Allusions to Red Riding Hood Herself:
One of the major similarities between Kotoko and Red Riding Hood is — well — the red hooded jacket!
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This jacket is the most recognizable part of the fairy tale, and it clearly sticks out in Kotoko's wardrobe as the outfit she wears while she's in her forest world, notably with the wolves she's running with in HARROW.
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Appearance wise, Kotoko also seems to fit the bill for how Red has been portrayed throughout various iterations of the story over time.
Red's appearance generally describes a girl with short black hair and a bob that reaches down to be exact.
"Another difference lies in the fact that, in addition to [her hair] being black, Little Red Riding Hood’s hair is generally short, reaching to her chin at most, with a charming bob that frames her face."
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The signature hood is also noted, with Kotoko's prisoner uniform being the only one to notably have a hood on it.
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"It becomes a powerful indicator of sense. History shows that an object that goes on a woman’s or girl’s head has always been ambivalent, not to say ambiguous. It covers, it conceals, it protects, but it also alludes, adorns and attracts."
Not only does Kotoko's hood uniform reflect her similarity with Red Riding Hood, it also highlights Kotoko's tendency to protect/conceal all the aspects of herself she does not want to reveal to anyone else.
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It's clear that Kotoko doesn't trust anyone else in the prison, wanting to conceal as much stuff about her as possible so she can analyze their behavior and how much they change following the time between trial 1 and trial 2. This secretive nature, interpreted by her actions and the hood she wears as a way for Kotoko to protect herself and her fragile self-worth, is also highlighted in Streaming Heart's lyrics.
"Though I seem to say many things, please try and seek out the real me. In the space between truth and lies, hidden away so well."
The Grandmother:
Another major fact that gets overlooked is how Kotoko offhandedly mentions in her family structure that she has a grandmother. As a lot of us already know, the main plot of Little Red Riding Hood is that the girl delivers food to her grandmother, who is sick and lives in a house in the woods. This detail from her interrogation is rather...specific, given that she doesn't even mention having a grandfather, just a grandmother along with her parents and older brother.
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One additional piece of evidence that connects to this is the symbolism of her birthday flower, Monstera Deliciosa!
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In many Asian cultures, this plant can also symbolize a respect and honoring of the elderly. Interesting, considering that this is the plant Yamanaka picked out for Kotoko.
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While we don't exactly know the details between Kotoko and the relationship she has with her grandmother, her birthday flower seems to hint that she has some kind of respect for her, or at least they are most likely on good terms with each other.
"Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood."
And that is why I wonder: did something happen to Kotoko's grandmother that made her realize how flawed and unfair justice can really be? Well, we know that in the story, the wolf disguises himself as Red's grandmother to try and trick her. But why litter Kotoko with all this wolf symbolism (besides the dog/tool dehumanization she's associated with) if she's supposed to allude to the character of Red Riding Hood?
The Wolf:
There is a major difference when it comes to the Tale of Red Riding Hood and Kotoko’s MV symbolism, which is the wolf’s role in each of their stories.
For Red, the wolf is the enemy. The wolf is one who tricks her from the very beginning, and the one who tries to eat her and her grandmother.
"Grandmother, what big arms you have!" "All the better to hug you with, my dear." "Grandmother, what big legs you have!" "All the better to run with, my child." "Grandmother, what big ears you have!" "All the better to hear with, my child." "Grandmother, what big eyes you have!" "All the better to see with, my child." "Grandmother, what big teeth you have got!" "All the better to eat you up with."
But Kotoko…she’s with the wolf. The wolf is instead her companion it seems, the one who runs and sits beside her when she’s doing her vigilante stuff.
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And more importantly, the wolf seems like the one to be enabling her, helping her continue with rescuing the little girl and beating up the child kidnapper. It is the one thing by her side that encourages her to bare her fangs and protect the weak.
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People have speculated that this wolf represents a person in Kotoko's life, a vigilante partner she used to have? Her older brother perhaps? Who knows really, but I think we can all agree that this wolf is a person who has influenced Kotoko a lot. It is the one thing that pushes her continue with this, to continue with the cycle of cruelty and violence in her act of handing out her own form of justice. And that brings me to Kotoko's jacket again.
The Red/Pink Jacket:
I want to address the difference between Kotoko's jacket in her forest world, as opposed to it in the real world. In the forest world, we see that the jacket is more of a hot pinkish color.
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I'm not sure if this is fully because of the lighting, but the color difference for the jacket is very notable if you compare them side by side. In the real world, the jacket is clearly more red than pink:
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So why make this jacket be two different colors in two different places? Well, I'd like to theorize that the answer has to do with this girl that appears for a brief few seconds in HARROW, in the flashback sequence while Kotoko is beating up the child kidnapper dude.
Or as I like to call her: PINK SHIRT GIRL ✨
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One final thing I wanted to talk about is how this girl relates to Kotoko, the different colors for her same jacket in the MV, and the sole reason why I think she wears a pink shirt. A lot of people have speculated that this girl is a younger version of Kotoko, possibly back when she was a child. Pink for Kotoko seems to emphasize her ideals at their most pure level.
When Kotoko is wearing her jacket when it's pink, she's in her forest world that emphasizes Kotoko's purpose in protecting the weak. She's emotional there, she falters, worn out by the running and desperate to continue going. There is nothing shown in those scenes that shows her childlike ideals being tainted, yet.
But when Kotoko alludes to her self-hatred and the wolf urges her to go on with the attack, HARROW switches back to the real world where the jacket is red. We Kotoko smile after she presumably kills the child kidnapper guy as she declares that she wants to be "drowning in the knowledge that [she] is right", and thus, this seems like we the audience realize this is the moment when Kotoko's ideals begin to become more distorted than how they were presented in the forest world.
We see that she finally gains a satisfaction that everything that she did wasn't for completely nothing, and that she now has the purpose that makes her existence useful. While she does want to protect the weak and give out justice, it is not entirely motivated by altruism, as HARROW points out. When Kotoko's pink jacket becomes red, it seems to signify how her pure, child-like ideals become tainted and much more flawed compared to them initially.
This, along with Kotoko having the wolf as her companion, all seem to point at just how much Kotoko herself has become the very monsters she wanted to destroy. The child-like pink has now become a red stained with blood, or rather a shade of magenta. A mix of red and pink that highlights Kotoko's immature and child-like view of a black and white world, while also noting that Kotoko is not the innocent Little Red Riding Hood she once was anymore—
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She is the wolf. She is a Red Riding Hood who has been led on by the wolf's ideals, the prey that has been ensnared and eaten by the wolf at the end of the original Charles Perrault story.
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She is the wolf, the monster now.
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She is now the sinner she hates so much.
https://journals.openedition.org/strenae/6423 This one is the Red Riding Hood clothing analysis!
https://core.ecu.edu/parillek/littleredcinder.pdf "Little Red Riding Hood" Charles Perrault version
https://medium.com/@monsterahelpful/the-symbolism-and-history-behind-the-monstera-leaf-unveiling-its-meaning-11ba828837c2 Monstera Deliciosa symbolism!
https://twitter.com/pug_maniac/status/1735912110423732687 Yamanaka's tweet for Kotoko's birthday flower!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Red_Riding_Hood The Wikipedia page for Little Red Riding Hood! This also contains the heavier themes I was talking about in the beginning, so if you want to find out more, they have a whole section about it here. Trigger Warnings for sexual assault and rape for this Wikipedia page.
https://youtu.be/VrAW8zyoEiY?si=a3p4nb8B1TTza-x_ Translation video for Kotoko's first voice drama, Task.
https://youtu.be/_gTTtS0Fvxk?si=Y1Zwu3XOI_nRHgex HARROW MV
Also I'd love to read more analyses if anyone writes them, especially on topics I avoided, so tag me if you write any!!!
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readyandnot · 2 months
{ a ready rambles special! }
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credit to the lovely @milogreer once again this is amazing :)) and Morgan for getting it for me!
1: I am Huxley’s No. 1 Fan
2: I am a certified Huxley Simp 🪪
3: All jokes aside, Huxley has and will continue to remain my favorite out of all the characters in the Redactedverse. From the moment I listened to his first audio (meeting FL) I fell in love IMMEDIATELY. I’ve never seen a himbo so perfectly portrayed in a character as Huxley and he’s made me love them even more (him especially of course).
4: Even with Huxley dating Damien instead of FL, he continues to remain my favorite character because he is so much more to me than a romance option. He is is own person with flaws and perfections. He is so emotionally intelligent, physically and mentally strong (even in the dark moments), and so sweet to everyone. He is also so protective of his friends (saw that in Inversion) and supportive it’s so heartwarming.
5: I also still love him when he’s dating Damien because it’s brought out a new side of him and Dami that I absolutely LOVE. They’re so perfect together it makes me so happy for them both even though they were potential romance options for FL.
6: I payed for the Patreon and the FIRST THING I DID was listen to his BA… (it’s so good like wow)
7: I have written so much about Huxley with my FL, and Morgan can vouch on how often I think of and write Huxley whenever we write our FL’s. He’s the first one I think of with my FL in every single AU we do together.
8: I have made numerous thumbnails involving Huxley and have had thumbnails made for me by the fabulously talented Morgan on multiple occasions with Huxley!
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9: I have posted on numerous occasions (whether my own post or on someone else’s) about my love for Huxley!
10: I have voted for Huxley in every poll that involved him :))
11: For most of the time, I call Huxley by his full name because it’s such a beautiful name and deserves to be said fully (Hux is a cute nickname though don’t get me wrong!)
12: I have a Pinterest board SPECIFICALLY for Huxley 💚
13: Huxley in my opinion is the underrated one of the DAMN group, and he is so sweet it makes me sad sometimes! He is the balance of everyone in the group: The sweet to Dami, the gentle to Lasko, the ease to Freelancer and the fun to Gavin! It makes me smile seeing him interact with everyone and I love him so much with the group because it’s so nice seeing him be himself after so many years of not!
14: The first commission I ever asked and received was one of Huxley and my FL :))
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credit to @sri-rachaa for this beautiful masterpiece you made quite a long while ago!!!
15: I am Huxley’s Sunflower :))
These are fifteen reasons why I believe you should vote for me as Huxley’s biggest fan! Blunt and explained points and it would mean so much to my fictional and irl heart if awarded :))
Even to be nominated is awesome and I sincerely wish the best of luck to the other nominees and the other categories!
Good luck @morgansplace with Lasko, you got my vote :))
@plaqying Thanks for letting me be a nominee!
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The Rise of Dimension 20: The Changing Face of Roleplay
I remember when I first heard about Dimension 20 in 2019. I had subscribed to Dropout to watch Um, Actually and I saw D20 being pushed on the platform. I sat down and watched the first episode, then the second. In two days I had finished the first season.
I had never seen anything like it. I had tried NADDPOD and CR and bounced off both (I'd eventually fall head over heels for the former, and gain a solid respect for the latter), but I fell in love with the Bad Kids, the Intrepid Heroes, the world of Elmville, and the style of Brennan Lee Mulligan.
Later, I would learn that the first season of Fantasy High was seen by most in the community as a sort of novelty, the last death-rattle of a dying company. It was cool and new, sure, but it was also a flash in the pan.
Escape From the Bloodkeep proved the naysayers wrong. It proved that Brennan was as much the source of the fun as the Intrepid Heroes, and it showed us something that set him apart from the pack - Brennan was constantly pushing himself to be better. Out of the starting gate, he proved a technical proficiency on par with Matt Mercer, the reigning king, but for Brennan, that wasn't enough. He wasn't facing off with Matt, he was facing off with himself, and he needed to be better.
The Unsleeping City continued this trend. It was another setting the DND actual play community wasn't used to - the real world. The characters were fresh, new, more nuanced than the children they played in Fantasy High. They were up to the challenge, with the same drive as Brennan. Brennan and Ally redefined how the Wild Magic Sorcerer was played, Lou Wilson brought an abandoned Unearthed Arcana to the forefront, and the pair played, perhaps, their best roles to date.
Tiny Heist showed that Brennan could bend 5e to be something it wasn't meant to be - a heist simulator.
Then came A Crown of Candy. Some hold this season to be Brennan's magnum opus and the best performances the Intrepid Heroes have ever given. The combat was quick, dirty, tactical, the characters textured and nuanced. Our heroes had to get out of impossible situations, both in roleplay and combat. Death was a very real possibility. And this season was what sealed Brennan as a real rival for Matt, and was when "I only have Dropout for D20" stopped being a joke and started being a reality. Brennan had hit his stride.
The sidequests and seasons two from this point don't really prove my point, but they're good. Brennan didn't do a couple of them, though.
Then we get to Starstruck. Set in a world his mother had created, it obviously meant a lot to Brennan, and so he strived to outdo everything he'd done up to this point. It was funnier, more moving, the combat more tactical than anything he'd done before. He included space combat, and the cast once again rose to the occasion, portraying those cast out and cast aside by the corporatocracy that was the Starstruck universe, forming a touching bond. It was as if he had peaked.
And then came Neverafter, and with that, Brennan became king. It was horrific, scary, brutal. Combat wasn't fun or interesting, it was intense and nail-biting. The party dropped in their first combat encounter. Children were brutally murdered. They were up against eldritch horrors in perverse retellings of fairy tales. The humor was there, sure, but it was twisted, dark, more about relieving stress than being funny. And again, the cast excelled.
And all because Brennan wasn't trying to outdo Matt or Griffin or Brian, but himself. Each season, he wanted to be better than he had ever been before, pushing his technical abilities, his storytelling abilities, to the max. And the world of actual play shows improved as well. Matt stepped up his game, as did the other big dogs. Brennan redefined the game.
Or I could just be a massive fanboy who's reading way too far into things. Either/or.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 months
With all respect, does the hope for a latina Sophie mean hopes for her to have travelled from central/South America like Kate came from India?
I just wonder if the hopes for a latina Sophie are looking at the show with too much of an American view when the leads thus far have all been exclusively British/Irish. Finding a British actress with latin roots could be exceptionally hard given they are such a tiny demographic in the UK, unless the show hires outside the UK and gives her a migration backstory - a la Kate from India or Lady Danbury from Africa.
wanting a Latina Sophie literally just means 'portrayed by actress of Hispanic ethnicity'. This is the show that as you rightfully pointed out had an INDIAN family travelling trough Britain as tho there was no British occupation in said country. We all know they can do whatever they want and just gloss over the explanation like they did with the disappearance of the Duke of Hastings.
Sophie could come from Mexico and Bridgerton would be like ' yeah she's an immigrant, shit happened in her motherland' and proceeded to brush it over with the Queen Charlotte deux ex machina wig of ' we changed society with love'. Canonically Sophie's name in the book is Sophia Maria, it's hinted that her mother was a Singer. For all we Singer could have been Guatemalan, with a little bit of the kind of editing that gave us Papa Sharma. Was Guatemala even a country in 1800?, who cares, if the show doesn't go out of it's way to point it out, I certainly wont.
But all jokes aside, Sophie is most likely going to be black, it's Shondaland, who are we kidding. Lets play a little game of probability shall we? take a look at the actors in Scandal, Grey's Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder ( just off the top of my head) And, without counting anyone Caucasian, compare the amount of Black actors hired for speaking roles, with the amount of indian, asian, and Hispanic actors overlapping for speaking roles in the same season. Then come back and tell me what odds I'm looking at for a Latina Sophie, do it, I'll wait.
Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with whatever ethnicity Sophie ends up being, but personally when I say I support a Latina Sophie its because Latinos are possibly the only community that so far has had no speaking roles in Bridgerton. In 3 seasons of diversity and poc blind casting, that's a problem that should be addressed. They made up a reason why interracial marriage was acceptable in the show, make up a reason for a Latino to have the Gunningworth title, it's not that hard.
But hey that's just my opinion.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
This is just another request but can I please ask for Thor Apollo Nicola Beelzebub with kianna komori
Like say they set aside a love letter for her and one of the maids/Valkyries managed to get a hold of it and give it to her and before they can say anything and try to rip the Love Letter away from her but
she's just like:
Kianna: please tell me you're being honest with me and this isn't a joke
She loves them too but doesn't want to get the wrong idea
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A/N: This was a fun piece to write! I really hope you enjoy this piece that I wrote! I also may have added a few twists in the prompt, but still, enjoy!!
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🌩️ Okay, this was not supposed to happen
🌩️ You were not supposed to find that letter, nobody was!
🌩️ So why in Asgard was the letter dedicating his love for you suddenly gone from his desk?!
🌩️ Thor heard a knock on his door, and when he saw the young Valkyrie, Geirölul, standing there while holding up the letter, and it was obvious that it had been opened
“ You need to speak with Y/N, now. “
🌩️ He nodded, laid the letter on his bed and stepped outside and locking his door
🌩️ Geirölul smiled lightly as the God of Thunder practically ran to meet up with you in the gardens that you both relaxed in whenever free
🌩️ Oh you both owed her so much for this
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☀️ Apollo was now shell-shocked
☀️ You were holding the golden covered love letter that he had written you the night before, he was still working on it so why did you have it?!
☀️ He noticed the Valkyrie, Alvitr, that stood by your side while reading the letter aloud
☀️ The God of the Sun watched as Alvitr looked up, snatched the letter from your hands before floating over to him and whispering in his ear
“ It’s not like you were gonna tell her anytime soon, I helped you out. “ “ What do you want for a payment? “ “ For you to stop moping and tell her that you love her, now, go! “
☀️ While Apollo was scared of telling you how long it took him to write that, the way your face seemed to light up more red as he stepped closer made him realize
☀️ You liked him back!
☀️ You were just scared of telling him and ruining the friendship you both worked on creating
☀️ Now he must face his own fears, so here he goes…
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🧪 Nikola had not come up with any ideas as of late, so he had left his invention alone to write out a letter to you, dedicating it with all the love he seemed to harbor for you
🧪 While he planned in giving it out to you later that following day, he chickened out
🧪 He had been taking a walk, making that armor for Ragnarok with the others was getting to them all
🧪 And seeing you with his Valkyrie, Gondul, holding the letter and blushing, it made him hide behind a wall
🧪 Oh god, you knew!
🧪 If only he didn’t chicken out this morning, then Gondul wouldn’t have found it and it wouldn't be so embarrassing
🧪 Nikola heard footsteps and pretended to be admiring a mechanism inside the building, and when he noticed it was Gondul, he sighed
“ You may want to tell Y/N how you feel now, Ragnarok may not go as planned. “
🧪 He nodded and walked to where she said you were, his study
🧪 The fighter stopped in front of the door, frozen like a piece of rusty machinery in one of his older inventions
🧪 Here it went
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🪰 He had never felt so close to someone before, so in the ways he normally portrayed his feelings, he wrote them down as they flowed in his mind
🪰 Once he finished the three page letter, Beelzebub left it on his laboratory desk by the door and walked away to plan for a future experiment
🪰 When he returned, Beelzebub expected to see the letter still laying there collected slight dust, but when he saw it wasn’t there, he froze
🪰 Why wasn’t it there anymore? Oh no, did you find it?!
🪰 Looking over his footage, he noticed that a familiar Valkyrie named Hlökk stepped in to ask him something before finding the letter with your name on it and taking it away
🪰 Oh no, she showed you it!
🪰 Beelzebub also saw you reading it live-timed, and because of that, he hid himself in his lab for a while
🪰 Just give him a while, he’ll get the courage to ask you about it later on, maybe a day or two of complete work would help?
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amateurvoltaire · 4 months
In one of your last posts you mentioned you were studying the civil war in Vandée. Have you ever seen the rather new movie "Vaincre ou Mourir" on the topic? If yes, what do you think of it? I was very curious to give it a try, hoping it's not the usual demonisation of the revolutionary government. Not that I expect it to be portrayed positively in a movie focused on the Vendéean insurgents pov, of course...
Thanks a lot for your question! It’s the first one I've ever received, and I’m really excited to dive into it. (I might have gone a bit overboard, so grab a coffee or a drink before you tackle this beast… TLDR at the bottom…)
I watched "Vaincre ou Mourir" a couple of months ago. Before I dive into my thoughts, the man himself would like a word:
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All jokes aside, have you ever been to one of those medieval theme parks where they offer a "realistic" medieval show with dinner? As a kid, every summer, my parents took me to a jousting show at an Italian theme park. We'd watch two knights fight each other for an hour while being “medieval” and munching on chicken legs without any cutlery.
That's pretty much how I felt watching this movie: it’s flashy and fun but doesn’t have much going on underneath. It makes more sense when you discover that the film was funded by Puy du Feu, a large historical theme park in Vendée.
The context
And this is the thing: despite the Canal+ distribution, most of the production is local. The Vendée itself is often defined as a memory space (1), which can lead to a community feeling a special connection to their past. This is often reflected in local traditions, commemorations, and even political leanings. I remember watching an interview from the bicentenary where some locals said they don’t celebrate the 14th of July as a matter of principle—200 years later!
It’s also worth noting that the Vendée has a history of conservative and right-leaning political preferences, and Canal+ is also a right-leaning media outlet.
The Experts
Is it a documentary? Is it a fictional film? It's hard to say in the first few minutes.
The movie attempts to project historical accuracy by introducing four experts right at the start. If a film opens with such a direct appeal to authority, I tend to scrutinise who these experts are. So, who are they?
Reynald Secher: a historian who has been a massive proponent of the Vandean genocide theory. He is very anti-Republican, and his research methodologies are rather sketchy…
Nicolas Delahaye: I don’t know much about him, but I see he publishes primarily regionally in a Vendean publishing house. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s particularly biased, but it does mean his audience is very limited to people with specific views.
Anne Rolland-Boulestreau: a historian at the Université Catholique de l’Ouest specialising in the Vendée counter-revolution. Her articles in the Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française seem unbiased and well-researched. I own one of her books but haven't read it yet, so I can't speak to her longer-form content.
Armand Bernand: if you google de la Rochejaquelein, you will find this guy everywhere. He owns a publishing house, loves the Château de la Durbelière (2), and wrote a series of books set there. He clearly has a historical crush on M. Henri. I think he cosplayed him during some re-enactments and wrote a book about Henri’s brother Auguste.
It’s worth mentioning they either hail from Vendée or work exclusively within the region. This is my bias speaking because I’ve pretty much read all his work, but if you make a movie about the Vendee and can’t get Jean-Clément Martin to say something on camera about it, you should probably not feature any experts…
The Story
After an awkward three minutes of experts telling us how important the revolution was and introducing Charette, we get to the actual movie, which opens with a pile of bodies, burnings, a hanged person, and an awkward first-person voiceover of Charette saying that they made the Vendee into an inferno. This will be a theme for the next hour or so.
If I were to describe this film in two words, "tragedy porn" would fit. What occurred in Vendée was horrific, and its rightly violent portrayal should help viewers understand and appreciate the human and historical impact. However, the film often prioritises shock value over explaining the underlying reasons.
Charette is, by all accounts, a very compelling subject. The guy was a libertine with bucket-loads of courage and style who had a woman as an aide de camp in 1793! Despite spending 1.5 hours with him, narrated from his perspective, I would be hard-pressed to tell you what he’s actually fighting for. Is it honour? Is it revenge? Is it stubbornness? Your guess is as good as mine!
There is absolutely no character growth whatsoever. The film presents as a sequence of battles and shocking scenes narrated by a somewhat detached Charette. Remember what I said about the medieval show? This shock-value approach might work for a short performance during dinner but falls flat when stretched across an entire film.
Despite the weak script, the actors are quite good. Nothing Oscar-worthy, but they can act. The guy that plays Charette does a very good job and is quite charismatic.
The Historical Accuracy
On the whole, I can’t see glaring historical errors. It is fairly historically accurate with some minor issues. This is obviously not an exhaustive list, but there are things I noticed and jotted down:
The main one is the bizarre theory that Charette agreed to the peace of 1795 because he was promised that Louis XVII would be handed to him. This has absolutely no credible historical basis whatsoever. It’s a myth that has been propagated for over 200 years.
I’m pretty sure Charette didn’t sign the treaty of La Jaunaye. In fact, as far as I remember, no one from the insurgent side signed it.
While not a historical inaccuracy per se, it's a missed opportunity that the film often portrays Charette as the sole leader of the Vendean army. Though he mentions being one chief among many, this aspect is quickly glossed over. His historical relationship with the Catholic and Royal Army and its leaders was complex and would have been interesting to explore further. It's a shame the film likely didn't have the budget to delve into this, as it could have also demonstrated that Vendée wasn't a monolith.
The depiction of the republican army as well-equipped is somewhat exaggerated. If they were as well-appointed as shown, Carnot and Prieur (Cote D’or) would be out of a job, and Saint-Just wouldn't have needed to requisition shoes for the army.
Lastly, the film underexplains the context of why the counter-revolution started. In my opinion, it manipulatively emphasises the king's execution more than warranted, suggesting it triggered the popular uprising when it really did not. The conflict in Vendée began as a peasant revolt, where the local population was far more concerned with religious issues than royal politics. Most Vendean peasants likely couldn't name the king—they probably knew he was a Louis since there had been a Louis on the throne for 200 years, but that's about it. Their concerns were local: when parish priests who had taken the civic oath replaced their traditional priests, and the Levée en masse was decreed, forcing them to fight random Germans 600 km away for a regime threatening their way of life, they rebelled.
Is the movie anti-Republican propaganda?
To wrap up, is the film anti-Republican? Frankly, I don’t believe it is overtly so. It adopts a somewhat clichéd stance: the revolution's ideals were noble, but things eventually went too far. While I have plenty of thoughts on this—which I'll keep to myself for now—I wouldn’t say this perspective is inherently anti-Republican.
Charette is depicted as initially supportive of the revolution, which is accurate for many aristocrats, especially the minor nobility. The portrayal of Republican soldiers is balanced, with General Jean-Pierre Travot sometimes appearing more honourable than Charette. As the main character, Charette is shown as lazy, indecisive, and sometimes brutal, so the film does not attempt to heroise him. The princes, especially Artois, are also depicted negatively. So, the film isn’t overtly royalist.
Is there a specific stance against the Government (aka the CSP)? I don’t recall them being mentioned, which, again, is accurate since most Vendeeans, including the nobility, were not deeply involved in Parisian politics.
That being said, Carrier and Turreau are portrayed very negatively, and rightfully so. Republican generals are also shown as less likely to spare the "brigands" when captured, which aligns with historical accounts. The movie leans heavily on shock value, featuring hard-to-watch scenes of executions, guillotines, and drownings. Unfortunately, even the staunchest republican historians would be hard-pressed to find the evidence to call those scenes revisionists.
Beyond that, the only thing that stood out to me about the Republicans is that they made Kleber look about 60 years old.
In conclusion, is this the most accurate film ever? Certainly not. Is it counter-revolutionary propaganda? I genuinely don’t think so, and if someone claims otherwise, they’re likely being disingenuous.
Watched the movie "Vaincre ou Mourir," which felt like a medieval theme park show—entertaining but lacking depth, probably due to its funding by an actual historical theme park. Despite its attempt to appear historically accurate with expert interviews, the film fails to deeply explore its characters or the complexities of the Vendée region's history. While it doesn't contain major historical inaccuracies, it oversimplifies the causes and events of the Vendée uprising, focusing more on visual shock than factual explanation. Not outright anti-Republican or counter-revolutionary, but doesn't offer new insights into anything. Overall, flashy but not as informative as it could be.
A memory space is defined as a location (physical or otherwise) where memories, histories, and narratives are preserved, shared, and understood within a society or culture. Things like museums, monuments, rituals, stories and in this case a region can be memory spaces
Château de la Durbelière was the home of La Rochejaquelein
PS: Thank you again for your question! I had a lot of fun answering it.
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