#2018 already DOPE
courtrecord · 2 years
On twitter sometime ago you described your writing habits as something similar to my own (slow, tedious, perfectionist, compulsive, agonizing over getting the words perfect instead of editing later, etc) And you also wrote a lot of dope things like Galactic 2E and Venture that are I hope you dont mind me saying, deeply inspirational. So coming from someone who hasnt Gotten There yet I have to ask, how do you get yourself to get up and just write the damn thing already?
omg thank u so much, that means more than i can possibly say. i wish i had a better set of advice but honestly so much of my creative work is vibes and hyperfixation based, and every time i finish something i look back on it like “how the fuck did i do that”, but here are the things that work for me. they are very much based on my own particular adhd and writing hangups so ur mileage will definitely vary.
start small: i didn’t start writing ttrpgs with big projects like venture & g2e. i started with a 200 word game, then some one-pagers, then kept growing from there. @jdragsky has talked a lot about the importance of building the skill of finishing things, and small projects are a really good way of doing that. hell, even g2e only exists bc i started with the smaller project of galactic, then went back to it a year later to build on it again.
share as u go: when i started working on bigger games, and this year as i’ve been working on longer fics, friends to share screenshots of my wip have been invaluable. that way i can get the immediate validation of someone reading my thing and giving feedback without feeling like i need to Publish it yet. biggest shoutout in the world to my friends who tolerate my writing nonsense.
write in chunks: this is kind of the combination of those first two points. bob games are big piles of little lists. i tend to write fic in short, impactful scenes. i have a wip that’s an sbr game, which is a big pile of little advances. that way, i am constantly getting that feeling of accomplishment when i write something. i can agonize over word choice and vibes and editing but then i actually get to a stopping point, where i like that little bit enough to move on to the next one. it seems crazy looking back that i wrote 36 places & 36 traits for g2e, but i didn’t just sit down and knock them all out. i wrote a few, sent them to some friends, then i wrote a few more. u know?
don’t force it: sometimes, the vibe just isn’t there. sometimes, u spend a year doing barely any writing or game design bc there’s a pandemic and ur brain doesn’t work anymore. etc. i’ve thought a lot the past few years about the difference btwn the feeling of wanting to write bc i want to write the thing, and the feeling of wanting to write bc i like the idea of being the person who wrote the thing. when i realize i’m in that second mindset, i go and think about something else. bc no good writing comes from that (at least ime)
find what u like: this is kinda related to the one above, but it’s another thing i’ve been thinking about lately. i spent a lot of time when i was younger assuming that bc i like writing, i had to write a novel, bc that’s what writers do. i would try to follow writing advice made for people who simply aren’t me. “writers must learn to use description sparingly” lol way ahead of u. that kinda thing. realizing that i love writing fanfiction for its transformativity, and i love writing dialogue bc it’s what i’m good at, was a huge revelation. i can just do that. i don’t have to follow the regular writer mold when i can just write really fucking good dialogue-heavy fanfiction. and in that realization, i’ve been able to grow as a writer by gaining the ability to write things down that i’m happy with, and grow from there.
prescription adderall: i told u this list was a mess. this one has kinda been crucial for me. i realized i had adhd in my first year of college in 2017 and started taking adderall for my second year of college in mid-2018. i started churning out creative projects in 2019. coincidence? absolutely not oh my god are u kidding
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triptychgrip · 2 months
Several years post-canon: expanding Ice Castle into a Nishigori/Katsuki-Nikiforov skating academy
Chapter 16 of my married Viktuuri 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic is up! It was one of my favorite chapters to write, as it touches upon Yuuri and Viktor's long-term plans once Yuuri retires (after the 2022 Games): partnering with the Nishigoris to expand Ice Castle into a world-class skating academy.
If you've read/are in the process of reading my fic, you'll know that figure skating politics are a huge part of my story, specifically because of a non-doping related scandal that shakes up the 2018 Games and affects the figure skating community for years to come. This same scandal/its aftermath deeply influences Yuuri and Viktor to usher in change within the sport, emboldening them to think through how their/the Nishigoris' future academy could push an aspirational advocacy agenda forward.
Below is an excerpt from this latest chapter, which I hope piques your interest in checking this fic out, or my other Yuri!!! on Ice work.
“Yuuko and Takeshi are so invested in this vision we have, and they’re sticking their necks out for us a lot. I’m just glad that they’re also so passionate about the waves we’re hoping to make.”
Viktor nodded before taking a hefty bite of his own onigiri, evidently catching on to what he meant.
Even with the preliminary conversations they’d had with the Japan Skating Federation, the four of them knew that some of the core principles of their future skating academy might be a hard sell. However, they were ones that they refused to compromise on, given everything that had happened at the PyeongChang Games (and in the aftermath).
In witnessing the struggle that both Seung-Gil and Yura had undergone to break away from the Korea Skating Union and FFKKR, respectively, the Nishigoris and Katsuki-Nikiforovs were committed to prioritizing at least 4 slots – 2 for the Men’s division and 2 for the Women’s division – for Russian and Korean skaters that wished to skate independently of their federations. But in doing so, they were creating something of a headache for themselves: each one of these prospective skaters would need to find a way to completely self-fund their careers. As such, it would be more important than ever for them and their future staff to acquire some savvy when it came to sponsor recruitment and retention.
Along with this, in a dramatic departure from the way things are typically done, all four of them knew that they wanted their skaters to be well-versed in understanding the politics of the sport.
Though the realities were sobering, there was simply no way that he or his spouse would be able to operate in good conscience and send their Novices and Juniors off to their first ISU competitions without at least some semblance of understanding around how judging worked. Or rather…all the ways it didn’t work.
And by continuing to model the pathways to reform, they wanted their future students to feel empowered to be vocal when it came to ushering in change within figure skating.
The two other priorities he and Viktor decided on with the Nishigoris would be less difficult to garner support around, but even so, they came with their own respective bureaucratic hurdles.
In seeing the way Phichit had hustled to both make and maintain a name for himself in a sport so dominated by the big-name federations, they wanted to reserve at least two spots in their inaugural year for skaters attached to smaller name federations. Working out a fair selection “rubric” would be complicated, and they’d already begun to pick Phichit-kun’s brain as to how one might devise such a process to be the most fair.
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female-buckets · 11 months
What was the relationship timeline of Diana and Penny and their story 🥺
It's a very long story
Diana and Penny met in 2004. They were both brand-new to the Mercury. Diana was a rookie. And Penny's previous WNBA franchise, the Cleveland Rockers, totally collapsed on her. So the winds of fate put them both in that 2004 Mercury training camp together. And they became friends immediately.
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Then they fell in love and lived happily ever after. Just kidding! It's not that simple.
When Diana and Penny met, Penny was engaged to Brazilian volleyball player Rodrigo Gil. Diana and Penny could only be friends. So Diana fell for Penny's Australian national teammate Lauren Jackson.
Penny married Rodrigo. And Diana and Lauren had their Moscow life together. But in Phoenix, Diana and Penny worked towards their shared professional goals. They both wanted to transform the Mercury from a losing culture into a winning culture. And they did it! But after they won their first championship together in 2007, Penny needed a break. She wanted to rest before the 2008 Olympics and work on her marriage. They had only been married a few years but I guess their marriage already needed work.
In 2008, without Penny, the Mercury were completely dysfunctional. And Diana was lonely. So she asked Lauren Jackson to join the Mercury and come play with her in 2009. Diana and Lauren were attached at the hip in Moscow. It really seemed like Lauren would leave the Storm. Sue Bird even spoke to the media about that possibility. But at the very last minute, Lauren backed out and stayed in Seattle.
So at the beginning of the 2009 season, the Mercury had no Penny and no Lauren. Just Diana, Cappie, and vibes. Too much vibes. Wayyy too much vibes. And that's how Diana got a DUI. She hit rock bottom. And when she hit rock bottom, Penny dropped everything, flew from Australia to Phoenix, and rejoined the Mercury mid-season. Lauren wouldn't uproot her life in Seattle to play with Diana. But Penny would uproot her life in Australia to play with her. Penny helped Diana through that season and drove her everywhere she needed to be. They spent a lot of time together. And, oh yeah, Diana won an MVP, championship, and finals MVP. It was the best season of basketball in her entire career.
By the end of that 2009 season, Diana and Penny had definitely gone from friends to lovers. Maybe Diana and Lauren's relationship had run its course by then. But Penny was definitely still married when she got with Diana. Oops. Messy. Oh well. They fell in love, got a dog, bought a house together and lived happily ever after.
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Actually, from 2009-2014 they went through constant traumatic ordeals in their personal and professional lives. Shabtai's murder, Cappie leaving Phoenix, nasty feud with Lauren, false-positive doping scandal that almost banned Diana from basketball, Penny tearing her ACL, both of Penny's parents dying of cancer. It was a lot. But they still managed to win their third championship together in 2014.
In 2015, they took the WNBA season off together. In 2016, they got engaged. And in 2017, they got married. Penny gave birth to Leo in 2018 and Isla in 2021. And now they have a loving family life together and it's very cute 🥺
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calisources · 1 year
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Pain does not exist in this dojo. 
That’s just black paint on a wall. 
We are basically karate cousins.
Never mind your past mistakes, don’t let them determine your future. 
I may not always win, but I never quit a fight. 
Kicks get chicks. 
When negative feelings overwhelm you, look for the good within yourself. 
Change that ring tone. Get some Guns N’ Roses or something. 
The best defense is more offense. 
Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy
Let’s go, Hot Wheels.
Back in my day if we want to tease someone, we do it to their face.
Failure, it never tastes good.
Everyone’s got a sob story. That doesn’t give you the right to be a bully.
Guess the garbage doesn’t fall far from the truck.
Stop drinking the butter!
If your enemy insists on war, then you take away their ability to wage it.
When do I get the cool karate pajamas? 
Defeat does not exist.
If you have hate in your heart, then you have already lost.
Fish sticks are dope. 
Sometimes the scars you can’t see are the ones that hurt the most.
A true Cobra feels no sympathy for its meals.
No one wants to do business with a bully.
Cobra Kai never dies. 
Make sure all that defense doesn’t turn you into a cream puff.
Karate is not a phase, it’s a way of life. You can leave it for awhile, but it never leaves you.
To be Cobra Kai, you have to have a killer instinct.
The humans response to danger is fight or flight, but an eagle’s response is fight and flight.
I don’t trust anyone. I am using Cobra Kai to get what I want.
Instead of using your speed to run away from your enemies, use it to run at them.
How are you gonna do that? They strike first, and you strike firster?
You’re not a sensei, you’re a conman.
You mess with a cobra, you get the fangs.
It’s time to put the past behind us.
I am Cobra Kai.
At Cobra Kai, we believe anyone can be a winner. All you need is the right teacher.
Look at that line. You’d think he was giving away Teslas or something.
They show no mercy, we show them no mercy!
Nice ascot.
First train mind. Then train body.
We are way past the time for white flags, (name).
Dork to door service? Never thought I’d see the day.
I was ready to let this go. And you just kept getting in my way.
I only lose if I give up.
Cobra Kai had given him the strength he didn’t even know he had.
Youth is not a liability. It is the greatest power.
Right and wrong, there is no such thing. There are only winners and losers. Cobra Kai builds winners because we are willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top.
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randomvarious · 11 months
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Today's compilation:
Old School 1993 Funk / Hip Hop / Electro
I think what's most striking about this very dope collection of mostly 80s party jams is that, when this album was originally released in 1993, people were *already* referring to this music as being representative of the "old school." I mean, the latest song on this thing is Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock's 1988 classic, "It Takes Two," and while that's universally regarded as a hands-down old school party-rap standard today, it's wild to think that people were willing to call it "old school" *just five years after* it first came out. Like, imagine considering literally any song from 2018 old school right now?! Crazy, right?
But this fantastic release seems to have already known the deal: three years after the 80s had ended, and still to this day, we were going to refer to a lot of that decade's output as definitively old school. And the brass at Thump Records were clearly proven right by this notion, because, even in these current 2020s, we still refer to this album's overall sound—that electro-synthy-fat keyboard bassline-post-disco-boogie-funk stuff—as 100% old school; not much of the material that preceded it, and no agreed-upon opinion about anything that came after it, either; but one thing that we all seem to know for certain is that the 80s were definitely a part of the old school era.
So, if you're looking for some of those vintage clap-and-stomp old school block party grooves, then this CD is simply essential listening. We've got total classic good-time party-rockers all throughout this thing, like Parliament's "Flashlight," George Clinton's "Atomic Dog," and the Rick James-produced "All Night Long," by the Mary Jane Girls. Also another big hit that topped Billboard's Hot Soul Singles chart in 1981 with Frankie Smith's "Double Dutch Bus," which famously featured a bunch of Ebonic lyrics that would later go on to be sampled by Missy Elliott in her own 2002 rap smash, "Gossip Folks":
Teena Marie comes through with her #3 R&B hit, "Square Biz" as well, and pioneering Brooklyn rap crew, Whodini, deliver two cuts off of their 1984 platinum-selling LP, Escape, with one of their biggest singles, "Friends"—whose spine-tingling electro keys would find their way into Nas' "If I Ruled the World," and whose chorus would also get interpolated by Everlast during his rootsy folk-blues phase on "Ends"—and its B-side, "Five Minutes of Funk."
And, really, I could've picked pretty much any other random handful of songs from this album and written as glowingly about them as I did the ones above, but I don't wanna overload this post. So just know that just because I didn't end up devoting a few words to most of these songs, that doesn't mean that they don't deserve an equal amount of praise, because they definitely do.
A terrific CD, from top to bottom, that makes for an awesome way to channel 70 minutes of some of those beloved and bygone 80s old school party vibes.
And if you want *3 and a half more hours* of 80s goodness like this, I also have my very own Spotify playlist that's of a slightly different stripe, which includes more dance-pop and freestyle on it, along with classic electro, hip hop, and a little bit of new wave too 😊.
Frankie Smith - "Double Dutch Bus" D-Train - "You're the One for Me" Tom Browne - "Funkin for Jamaica" Parliament - "Flashlight" Whodini - "Five Minutes of Funk" George Clinton - "Atomic Dog" Mary Jane Girls - "All Night Long" One Way - "Cutie Pie" Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock - "It Takes Two" Teena Marie - "Square Biz" Whodini - "Friends" The Gap Band - "You Dropped a Bomb on Me" Spyder-D - "Smerphies Dance"
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bondsmagii · 2 years
but genuinely; I used to be that person who criticized “reading challenges” and hardcore readers until I started doing the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge myself and I was like hold on actually reading fast is dope as hell, like you want to actually get through your reading list? fucking read
welcome to the LIGHT, anon. something that genuinely baffles me is a lot of the same people will talk endlessly about things that they want to do -- it might not necessarily be reading, but they'll have something they want to do/finish/accomplish, but they shit incessantly on setting goals. and like. I get it. setting a goal means committing. and committing means a possibility of failure. but christ. if you don't even try, you've already failed.
I didn't pop out of the womb reading. I used to read voraciously as a child, but when I hit my mid-teens I got nerfed by mental illness and major ADHD, and for about a decade I read maybe a book a year, if I was lucky. and I was always talking about how much I missed reading, and how I had all these books I wanted to read, but I never fucking read them. so guess what. they didn't get read. then in about 2018 or so, I started trying to read a book a week. and it was a NIGHTMARE. it was so much effort that I barely made it. I raged and gnashed my teeth at god over the fact I had to read 30 pages a day to make it. but eventually... it got easier. I pushed through, and started to like it again, and my attention span improved, and reading became easier, and I started to look forward to it. I read 49 books that year. after reading maybe 15 for the almost decade preceeding it.
the next year, I decided I would try to read 50 books. I made it in at 51. in 2020 I set my goal to 50 books again. I read 130 books. now my yearly minimum is 100 books and it is easy so long as I have some discipline. I read for 4 hours minimum a day, excluding weekends (where I read if I want, but also give myself room to do other things, like going out etc). so that's 20 hours over 5 days. this would have been unimaginable to me even a few years ago. now I couldn't imagine going months at a time without reading. not to mention the numerous benefits that reading gives: a way to pass the time, genuinely makes you smarter, makes your vocabulary better, improves your writing, improves your critical thinking, and so on. it's such a manageable thing to do, and the benefits are insane.
and I managed all this because I challenged myself and did shame myself when I didn't do it when I could have. sometimes self care is looking at your own bullshit and saying fuck you actually.
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90363462 · 2 years
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5 Reasons Why Every Married Couple Needs A Sex Jar
Here's one of the funnest ways to save up a little cash. Guaranteed.
Shellie R. Warren
Oct. 15, 2018 06:48PM EST
This is one of those things I really wish I could take the credit for, but I can't. One day, while doing some research for a wedding article, I saw a "sex jar" on Pinterest. 
I read the fine print and the gist is this—every time a couple has sex, they agree to put some money into a big jar (or vase, jug or piggybank). It can be a quarter or $10, but something must go in there. Then, after six months to a year, the couple empties out the jar and uses the money to do something romantic. (Dope, right?)
Ever since I got hip to the sex jar concept, it's something that I incorporate into my marriage life coaching sessions. Now that I've got a few years of recommending sex jars under my belt, I've discovered a few other bonafide reasons for couples to invest in one. 
It's A Great "Sex Gauge".
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Every couple is unique. This means that each one's sex life is going to be different. But if you're wondering how much sex is considered to be "healthy", there are plenty of articles that say if you're having sex once a week, you're actually doing pretty good.
So, what's the sign that you need a lil' more nookie in your life? I'll put it to you this way—20 million Americans are only having sex 10 times a year. Technically, that's what a "sexless marriage" is.
Since sex is great for your health (sperm included; I'm just sayin') and it's also one of the absolute best ways to bond with your partner, it's a good idea to not deprive yourself. A sex jar can help you to (literally) see if you are—or aren't.
It's One Of The Coolest Ways To Save Money.
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I recently read that the average household has about $134,000 worth of debt (I also read 74 percent of engaged couples will take on debt in order to get married). Sometimes that's because couples don't have emergency funds or savings accounts that are strictly for vacations and second honeymoons.
If you and yours haven't gotten away in a while because funds are tight, peep this: Americans toss as much as—count it—$62 million in loose change every year. Every. Single. Year. By putting some of yours into your sex jar, not only is it a great way to tell how much sex you are having, it's also a fun way to hold onto your coins and save a little cash in the process too.
It Reminds Couples To Make Sex A (Top) Priority.
If you're someone who has a to-do list, tell me something. Is sex on it? If what you're about to say is you don't want to schedule sex because that doesn't seem very sexy, I hear you. I'll say two things about that, though.
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One, I promise you that scheduling it is better than not having it at all. And two, putting sex on your schedule can make the activity something that you look forward to during the week. Again, I am a marriage life coach but you don't have to take my word for it. There's a great read on this very topic here.
Just think. If you have a big ole sex jar in your bedroom and you walk past it every day, it's going to at least remind you to think of sex. And, the more we tend to think of something, the greater chance it has of becoming a priority (and for all of the reasons I've already shared, sex should always be a priority!).
It Reminds Couples To Make Romance A Top Priority Too
Question. How much romance is in your marriage? If that's too complex of a question, how about this one? When's the last time you and yours went on an actual date?(Picking up takeout or watching a movie on the couch does not qualify!)
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If you know that romance is lacking but you haven't been able to make it happen because funds are tight, this is just one more reason to get yourself a sex jar. Just think—if you have sex three times a week and you each put $5 in the jar for every time that you do, you'll have $30 a week/$120 a month to spend on going on a real date. (This sex jar thing is just getting better and better isn't it?)
It's An Awesome Gift To Give To Your Other Married Friends
As long as you have friends, there are going to be occasions when you'll need to get them a present. A sex jar is the kind of gift that keeps on giving! 
All you've got to do is go to a local arts and crafts store, get a big jar and (if you want) decorate it. Then attach a note that explains what it's for—maybe something along the lines of "Here's a piggy bank for all of the times you and yours are intimate. All you've got to do is put some money in it and watch the cash stack up!"
I'm telling you, out of all of the books I've read and tips I've given to married couples, this one right here is in the Top Five and continues to be a winner. 
Reward yourself—and your spouse—with a sex jar. You definitely won't regret it!
Related Stories:
What I've Learned About My Vagina Since Getting Married - Read More
Is Scheduled Sex Really Better Than No Sex At All? - Read More
I Saved My Virginity For My Husband And Ended Up With Bad Sex - Read More
We Gave Up Sex After Having Our First Child - Read More
Featured image by Shutterstock
How Sex Changes After Marriage - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
10 Sex Resolutions To Make This Year - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
What GROWN Women Consider Great Sex To Be - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
Grown Woman Keys To Great Sex - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
Americans Are Having Less Sex. Here's How To Avoid Being A Statistic. - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
13 Things To Put On Your Ultimate Sex Bucket List ›
Married Sex - Marriage Advice ›
Sex/textual Conflicts in The Bell Jar: Sylvia Plath's Doubling Negatives ›
The Sex Challenge ›
Sent from my iPhone
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yulialipnitskaya · 2 years
its so funny to me that people are saying that eteri not allowing zhenya and alina to drink water in 2018 is to disguise doping and not just another component of the already fucked up physical/medical and mental abuse going on w/r/t weight...... like why would having a more concentrated urine sample work out in their favor please be serious
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tristinleighhh · 1 year
I'm going to use text to talk for this post because it really hurts to type with my wrists, and I really want to do morning pages instead of scrolling on Facebook as soon as I wake up.
my wrists got messed up in the fall and my left wrist has been really hurting me my right one isn't as bad but it does hurt when I'm on my phone.
anyway, not having a job is really starting to get to me. I feel like a useless piece of shit I'm not understanding why I can't get a job. I get that most places aren't hiring right now but damn I've applied at a lot of places and I've gotten no call backs. I want to go out and apply to more places but there is snow everywhere and the weather has been against me. applying online is stupid, all the posts are like 30 plus days old and there's nowhere that I want to work on there but at this point it seems like I'm going to have to go somewhere I don't want to be and that really sucks. I hope that this week I get a call back from this place called Acova. They said that they were hiring after the first of the year and it's now the third. The host guy was really nice and it's a small indoor place with a big patio and a good menu and I think that it seems like I could fit in there and he liked my resume and the fact that I came in person and I'm going to call them back and see if they want to set up an interview.
I've been saving a change jar forever. Pretty sure the last time that I emptied it was in 2018 when I went hulaween with Matt. I could be wrong but I've been collecting changing there for a while and it was supposed to be for envision. I already took out all my singles and now I'm going to exchange all the change today because my bank account is negative and I need to do a a credit card payment, I've never missed a payment. I feel like I'm already messing up my credit because I have a huge balance. I spent way too much money at the Fillmore but I did have a really good time.
I'm getting really stressed about envision. I'm supposed to be getting $633 a week for unemployment and I haven't gotten anything yet I really hope that I get it soon. I feel like Dan does so much and I've been doing like nothing. I haven't working on some art I finished one piece and I'm working on something else. I'm not going to get distracted today and I'm going to finish this piece. I'm going to clean up the pretty lights hats today and put them up for sale online. I'm going to put my maroon of the trees hat up for sale online. I have no idea what to price the pretty lights hats at but I feel like I could sell them for a good amount of money.
I know I'm just rambling but isn't that the point of morning pages?
Today I'm going to apply for Medicaid also since I lost my health insurance because bitch ass bds...and can't afford another plan. 🤞 It all works out.
I'm honestly so sick of this snow it's really just messing everything up for me. I truly don't even know where else to apply I really don't want to work in some random bigger corporation restaurant.
whatever I'm going to seize the day today, finish straightening up my room so I have a clear space, and I'm going to make sure I hydrate more 💧
open on Facebook yet which is good because that shit rots your fucking brain. I try to follow pages that are cool and informational but I just get random shit and I don't want it. Facebook isn't as fun as it used to be and I'm really going to try to use Tumblr more. I'm going to try to curate my page to just be in nature loving mushroom fairy wonderland.
I'm going to go wash my face brush my teeth and start my day. Today is going to be a good day. I'm going to manifest this job at acova. I'm going to get this job, the job is already mine 🥰 m a n i f e s t.
oh also Lotus New Year's Eve was dope I should post some pictures on here cuz it really was awesome and I want to start sharing my life more on here.
okay well this was refreshing to do and I'm all out of words so see ya.
Signing off 🖖
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dxsturbia · 8 months
I did no such thing
I would have the right to an accommodation the entire time
If you communicate rather than trying to use scare tactics you might be able to actually tell me what’s going on but as I said these are private residences for what reason and how
Is my two story walk up townhome apartment close enough to oxygen to be deadly at what point does it become The responsibility of the apartment complex to figure out honor those rights And take care of the other tenants
Most of the smoke damage to my apartment happened before I had access to smokeless product I started using them at the end of 2018 maybe after quitting cold
What am I doing that is just so horrendous
Just fucking call already
My god
I’m trying my best to make my own accommodations
Why don’t you enlighten me on how a piece of candy can kill you
Because that’s the reason I feel defiant
I live alone there’s no way your kid is going to get a hold of my edibles
I don’t have kids there isn’t kids a my house
I switched so I could sober up quicker
Nobody said anything about murder
I’m not
If that happened
You are just as culpable as I
Direct action
What are you gonna wait until you can actually charge me with murder to explain to me what’s going on why am not eligible for an accommodation at my house
Stop yelling at me and talk to me
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
The Hobbit (2013) - Smaug Attacks the Lake Town - Only Action [4K]
YouTube · Kimer Lorens
Feb 6, 2018
DJI I suggest strongly BG that you go to universal studios and do a study this one's not like the other ones the other one's those a****** geese that attack me out at San onpfre. What you're staring at in the future it is the father of all the white dragons and extremely powerful high-level demon and you can hear him speaking English and dark speek then you don't hear the geese speaking at. I'm just saying you say you killed all this race it's probably not very good because it might just have his hunt down all of yours and the proof is he lands on the ship practically that Trump's on and Trump collects it and keeps it alive and is doping and becomes the lizard man. It becomes Yoda and no I didn't know who he was his son and I told him what happens. Lands on and he's the one who hit him.
The rest of the guy with black hair who was in the canopy and it was Trump and I thought the other guy was and was dead and he's saying child molester to me sort of but he's saying it to his father
Zues Hera
I'm saying to both you and I realize you don't know who I am I sort of get something we're exhausting you you don't want to hear any of this s*** it's stupid you start saying what stuff's going on so we have to go look at it cuz they're so lame now get that this is horrible? It's very deep all this wicked stuff and the clans knew what was going on this is horrible. We don't know what we're talking about says he does he's in trouble so he becomes general grievous using smog and it becomes Yoda backstabs everybody and dies.
It sort of figured out something I'm trying to do stuff and this weird stuff is catching up with us like the idiot wanted to be king all the time it's like well you're wasting a lot of time and energy trying to get here the stuff elsewhere it's over some ass and I concept I sort of get something else he doesn't have anything to do and no funding except with the government was supposed to cut and we can't stand it anymore we become an asinine foreigners
I don't think so our dream is to come here to the usa
Insurance act recognize something you're a sarcastic and sardonic as the movie is beginning and they're hateful people they don't get what they're saying and they say they can stop it and they haven't done anything and a lot of people want to make it work so they went up there after their meeting and died and some of them are going outside to come back in and won't make it it's happened already and they've lost people in the center out of the Senate took 110 people they now have 90 out of the Congress or like 80 and they have 75 it's not that bad but really they just sit around suck each other's thumbs and say stupid things they're ridiculous idiotic children I went out of this I want them gone they're breathing down my neck about dumb things. Right now they're fighting over the boats thinking they're thorium. The reason for that was to lift the lifeboats up if we had to with Cajun without being there or to protect them if we had to move it from radiation now they don't understand that stuff because they're not very smart and we are going to war with you idiots to get you the hell out of here. The sitting there saying they're rushing to send a stupid budget when they were putting it off doing all this other s*** what we say is you're not really going by that stuff anymore because of what you were doing and you're ridiculous.
I'm going to let you in on the numbers in a minute
Thor Freya
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booboothedude · 6 years
shoutout to n for the lil hanukkiah in the bg for the holster pic
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look at this baby jewish bro i love him
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slutdge · 4 years
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#his last name is ''grayson'' not gray thats just the abbreviation on the plot marker#cause i dont rlly feel comfortable posting pictures of his and his grandparents actual headstones#itd be dope if his last name WAS gray cause yknow im a slipthot and so was he#but anyways im gonna b big sad in the notes here for a sec so tw for#grief //#and#death //#i havent gone and visited his grave since halloween 2018#and when he died i kind of tried to get over it way too fast because i was already suicidal at the time#and that was just making it worse#so i tried to just shove it away from me as fast as i could and not process it at all#i packed up all his stuff and all the stuff that reminded me of him and stored it out of sight#i tried to just go about life like it never happened and he never existed because i was just so hurt by it#and yknow i was really really young too and i didnt have any support like i didnt know what to do#so i didnt let myself grieve enough and now going back to his grave for the first time in 2 years its hitting me full force#and it sucks even fucking harder this time and i feel so bad thati didnt go and visit his grave for so long#i just feel like such a bad person because i was angry when he died and then i was so sad i just pretended he never existed altogether#and now on top of all that guilt i have to go through the grief process for real this time#im just so sad im so fucking sad and i miss him so bad and id give anything to be dying our hair stupid colors together in my sink again#its just a lot to go through right now#vent //#suicide //#kaciy#personal
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Another Lonely Christmas
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. SMUT! Not Beta’d. Read at your own risk. Fluff, ANGST, Captain kink, commitment phobia, snowball fight, oral sex (m receiving), flashbacks. 
A/N: This is my contribution for the Soulful Hoeliday Collective created by @geminixevans​ @fineanddandy​ @cocobutterqwueen​, @syntheticavenger​, @jamalflanagan​, @sunshinexsin​, & @afriendlyblackhottie! 
The song choice of Another Lonely Christmas x Prince is one of my absolute faves. I’ve been singing it all day. I’ve also been feeling angsty lately, so sorry, not sorry.  Hope you enjoy! Let me know by liking, commenting, and reblogging.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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December 2018
Last Night, I spent another Lonely, Lonely Christmas…
Steve missed you.
He blew it, he knew it. And as soon as he did it he realized it. He had to make it right.
Steve had blown up at you for no reason, and flown away on the quinjet with no word of where he was going.
You were talking marriage, and Steve just couldn’t commit. It was your second Christmas together, or was supposed to be, and your expectations had flown sky high. But he’d launched them there.
December 2017
Steve was pulling you down 5th Avenue looking into jewelry shop windows after ice skating at Rockefeller Center. You stopped in front of Tiffany's, looked up, and poked him in the chest. He looked down on you with a goofy smile, amused.
“If we are really gonna get married, Rogers. No diamonds. I want a sports car.”
The snow was falling down over your poof of hair and your woolen satin lined headband. Your dimples were deep in your face as you smiled at him. A more beautiful Christmas angel he’d never seen.
“Baby, you’re much too fast already. You don’t need a sports car.”
You pouted, ran into the park and back with a snowball, and Thwack! You hit him in the face. He chased you back to the park and you let him catch you, so you could roll around in the snow with him.
Steve smiled so hard that day that his cheeks hurt, and the hot chocolate that you made him in the Manhattan safe house, with the fire roaring in the fireplace hit the spot. You two wanted to be alone and as everyone was partying at the tower, this was the perfect place.
You were warming your hands by the fire in between taking sips of the steaming hot beverage which you’d spiked with Bailey’s. Steve watched you shiver by the fire, waiting to hear his signal.
You gave him a side eye.
“I’m coolllldddd!”
Steve grinned and joined you, picking you up and rewrapping you and he both in the blanket you wore over your underwear in front of the fireplace.
Within a few seconds, you were toasty, Steve’s super soldier body heat warming you quickly.
He just held you and you two stared at the fire, content to just be. It was never like this with her. With anyone but you.
You heard the bells of St. Patrick’s toll midnight.
You looked up at him.
“Merry Christmas. I love you.”
“Merry Christmas. I love you too.”
“I have a present for you.” Steve reached for his jacket and into the pocket and pulled out the Tiffany blue box.
“Steven Grant Rogers! We said no presents!”
You crossed your arms, turned away, and huffed, peaking at the box in his hands under your lashes.
Then you giggled and reached for it.
Your heart beat fast at the flat blue square shape. Not a ring box. You meant what you said about no diamonds, but anything else from Tiffany’s would be dope.
You looked up into Steve’s blues which were reflecting the firelight and grinned.
Steve felt as if he couldn’t breathe, looking at you, your brown skin glowing in the light.
He’s never been happier.
You slowly opened the box and saw the silver Tiffany key ring. You lifted it out and grinned. There was a key on it.
“It’s a key to this safe house. It’s been decommissioned. It’ll be our place. It’s also a ring. A different kind of promise ring. Most importantly, it’s the key to my heart.”
Steve’s soft baritone voice and the way he wouldn’t look at you made you cry.
“Oh Steve! It’s perfect!”
You climbed into his lap and made him look at you, seeing the emotion in his eyes.
“You are the best thing to ever happen to me, Steve. You saved me.”
“No, Sweetheart. You saved me.”
You sighed. “Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.”
Steve kissed you, capturing your lips with his own, forcing his tongue inside your wet mouth where yours met it, you kissed long and deep and were breathless when you pulled apart.
You were now riding his boner, two thin layers of your underwear separating your now hot bodies.
“I have an idea for a present you can give me?”
Steve grinned into your cheek and lifted you up as he scooted back to lean against the sofa and take off his boxer briefs, putting his hands behind his head. His long thick smooth dick was against his stomach.
You sat on your knees and watched him as the grin spread across his face. He raised his eyebrow when you didn’t move.
“Well. It’s not gonna suck itself.”
You smiled. You did owe him.
“Yes. Captain.”
You reached for his thick shaft and pumped it as you gave his balls the royal treatment first, sucking them and getting them good and wet before you trailed your tongue along the vein on the underside of his dick.
“Oh, fuck, Merry Christmas to me!” Steve exclaimed as you deep throated him. He reached between your legs for your clit.
“After you swallow like a good girl, I’m gonna feast on this pussy pudding.”
You choked around his cock with laughter.
“No jokes, Rogers, I’m trying to concentrate.”
“By all means… fuck!… Shit that feels good. Carry on.”
Steve leaned back and enjoyed his present.
That night and into Christmas morning, you two enjoyed each other, certain that you had time enough not to hurry.
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That was last year.
He’d started talking forever with you before the snap and then everything changed. Thanos’ act made him realize that state of the world was not forever- proof. A world where millions of people could disappear was not stable enough to think of forever.
You’d asked him what the difference was. Didn’t you two still love each other? 
Steve didn’t answer, but the difference was the snap. He’d lost friends, enemies, people he thought would be there. He couldn’t guarantee you forever anymore.
So he ran. A week before Christmas, Steve flew to Wakanda to spend the holiday with him. Bucky would understand.
“You gonna tell me about it?”
“Tell you about what, Buck?”
Steve and Bucky were walking along the edge of the savannah in Wakanda, taking in the scenery. But Steve was distracted.
“What’s got you in your head?”
Steve looked at Bucky. He didn’t know about you. Then he looked down at his sandals. He was dressed in traditional Wakandan attire.
“Who is she!”
Steve was silent as they stood by the river, skipping stones.
“She’s incredible... I… she makes me feel…”
Bucky nodded his head.
“I feel like I’m having a heart attack when I’m with her. I get light headed, have palpitations. I’m an old man, and also a young boy when she’s around.“
He sighed, a small, goofy smile on his face that was reserved for you. He was so gone. So gone that he couldn’t form complete sentences to describe you.
Bucky just let it sink in. His best friend was in love.
“Alright, but tell me about that ass.”
They burst into boyish laughter.
“You already know,” Steve gave his friend a look.
“Sounds like you need to go back and handle that.”
“I can’t. She wants to get married.”
Steve smiled ruefully at his friend.
“Shit. I take it you don’t?”
“Of course I do. I just need time to be sure… to make sure that she will be safe. I can’t give her the life she wants. She wants, needs, stability. I need time to think.”
“I don’t know. You never have as much time as you think you do.”
Bucky was looking over the water, thinking that he’d never had a chance at love at all.
Steve wished he had listened to Bucky.
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Darlin’ Darlin’ You should have been there.
He sped back to New York as soon as he could say goodbye to Bucky. Nat had told him that you had been crying all week.
You and your friend Constance didn’t notice him across the street.  It looked like she was cheering you up and introducing you to another man. The smile on his face made his heart skip a beat. You would be okay.
Steve was frozen. It was like he was in the ice again. He wanted to go up and interrupt you, claim you as his own, but the way the man was looking at you gave him hope that someone else could make you happy. 
Maybe he should let you be.  Maybe you could find happiness without him. Maybe he wasn’t the one to love you with the hopefulness of the future that you deserved. Because of his job. He was up close and personal with evil and you didn’t deserve to come home to that. 
Steve decided that he just wasn’t destined for the happiness you could bring him. But then he saw the keychain dangling off of your purse. He couldn’t help but smile. 
“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart,” Steve said to himself as he watched you and your friends walk toward 5th Avenue in the snow.
Steve drove to the safe house, alone.
Another lonely Christmas is mine.
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Read the next part, Candydrip.
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venom-s · 2 years
the difference with 2018 and 2022 is that medo had already proven that she was the best in the world and many more golds to be remembered by (like mao in 2010), meanwhile sasha started the whole quad revolution and was told that when they reached seniors she was going to be the one to beat but has always been out behind aliona 2019, anna 2021 and kamila 2022.
i do not blame the girls for anything but it’s heartbreaking to see. we (almost) finish this olympic a with a bitter taste in our mouths because we have
an olympic champion who felt no emotion at all after winning
a broken silver medalist that had a mental breakdown after everything she’s been through and saying that she hates the sport and will never skate again
a bronze medalist who is happy, deserved more and can’t really celebrate because she’s being overshadowed by this
and a poor 15 year old who had gold in her hands until she didn’t. she’s now left with a positive doping test, a stain in her career which hasn’t even started, and mentally broken
i hope they all leave eteri and go somewhere where they can be happy, see a therapist asap and at least enjoy the exhibition gala to try and make their experience at the olympics from 100% terrible to just 99% terrible
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justsmilebiitch · 2 years
Ok, a lot of people have been harassing this girl for the past week. Telling her that she doesn’t deserve to be there, that no one wants her there and that they’re only trying to take away what may be her only chance at going to the Olympics “for her own good”.
The harass a child so openly without taking into account (or worse, perhaps knowing) that she has access to social media everyday and would have to be deaf and blind no to notice everything they say about her, and that she is the face of every fucking article the media published when her case should have been handled in private.
So now after harassing her and adding to the mental trauma she already has, you are surprised that she absolutely bombed her free skate. I see theories flying that she is drugged or that they told her to bomb or whatever the hell people like to invent these days. But is it so surprising really that after all the pressure she’s been put under just by being the rising start, she can’t keep it together when on top of that she becomes the face of a doping scandal at 15? Do y’all forget Zagitova at Worlds 2018? These girls seem invincible but they are young and human.
And the fact that you all go “yes, you see? That’s why she should have gone home! She bombed!” You really are unbelievable. I have no words.
I hope you’re all happy pretending you and the media didn’t played any part in creating this circus, and I hope you can all pretend that you had no part in why that young girl broke down today.
I swear to god this sport. Her name shouldn’t even be public and I will never get over it.
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