#jonathan byers is saint in this
ladykailitha · 2 years
Telling It Like It Is Part 1
This one will be updated differently in smaller parts as we have now gotten to the point where my stories are much, MUCH longer. But I won’t be tagging. My ADHD would freak out. Masterlist or read it here on AO3
Jonathan slipped out back with a six pack of beers, thrilled that Steve was alone for the first time in weeks. He sat down next to Steve on the lounge chair and handed him a beer.
Steve popped lid off both their beers and took a sip. “Thanks, man.”
Jonathan nodded and they drank in silence for a bit.
“They aren’t tearing up my house, are they?” Steve asked, jerking his thumb behind them.
“Nah,” Jonathan said with a grin. “I made sure to put Eddie on guard duty. Those kids will behave for him.”
Steve nodded. Eddie and Jonathan being here was one of the reasons he went outside for a smoke. He could trust them to keep the chaos to a minimum.
He down the rest of the beer and popped open another one.
“Look, you know I don’t like you,” Jonathan began. Steve let out a chuckle. “But I respect the hell out you and that a good place to be.”
“Same,” Steve said. “I don’t think I could ever like you after...well everything I guess. But I trust you. And that’s important to me.”
“Nice to see us on the same page,” Jonathan agreed. “This will make what I have to say easier. On both of us, I think.”
Steve looked down the six pack. “That why you brought the beer?”
Jonathan laughed. “A bit.” He rubbed his hand on his jeans. “Listen close, because if you tell anyone about this conversation I will deny it and pull out all the pictures from middle school and turn them into fliers.”
Steve laughed. “Whatever say, man. No one is going to believe me anyway.”
Jonathan cocked his head. “Fair. But you need to hear this from me and not anyone else, because you won’t believe it from anyone else.”
Steve frowned. “What?”
“Now, I wasn’t there for any of these moments, but I’ve heard it from them,” he said, taking a deep breath. “Bullshit, douche, and douchebag. Sound familiar?”
Steve flinched with every word. He nodded and then pinched his nose and rubbed it.
“From what I gather only Eddie apologized?” Jonathan pressed.
Again he nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
“So take it from me, Steve,” Jonathan said. “You weren’t ever any of those things.”
“But I–” Steve said.
Jonathan cut him off. “You were a scared kid with abandonment issues who followed the first people who said that they liked you.”
“And just like with your fucking parents, their love was conditional, wasn’t it?” Jonathan pressed. “Because I sure the hell didn’t see them around after your so-called fall from grace.”
“I left them,” Steve said weakly.
“You want to know why?” he asked.
“I take it you’re going to tell me anyway,” Steve murmured.
“Because deep down, Steve, you were always a good person.” Jonathan finished his beer and wiped his mouth. “I think your very presence kept them in check because they got worse. You were always the first in line to apologize when you thought you’d done something wrong. And yeah, protecting those kids wasn’t an option, it was something you had to do as the oldest of the bunch, but you stuck around. You think Tommy or Billy would have?”
Steve shook his head. He knew that they wouldn’t have. “I made myself useful because I didn’t have anyone else.”
Jonathan stared at him. “Holy shit, dude. This is way worse than I thought.”
Steve reared back his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“You think those kids, Eddie, Robin, Nancy, you think they are only still around because of the fancy house and nice car?”
Steve hung his head, but that was answer enough for him.
“Dude, I couldn’t say for sure about anyone else,” he said, shaking his head. “But my mom, Claudia Henderson, and Wayne Munson have been fighting for months who gets to adopt you when your parents finally disown you.”
Steve raised his head slowly. “Why?”
“Because they see you take care of their kids as if they are your own, and you deserve better than the Harrington name.”
Steve thought about it. “Oh. I’m wanted?”
It took everything Jonathan had not to cry. He barely held it together with Will, and now Steve Harrington. And no way in hell was he going to shed a tear for this dude.
“Yeah, you are,” he said. He stood up and gave Steve’s shoulder a squeeze. “Just think about what I said, okay?”
Steve looked up. “Yeah. Yeah, I will. Thanks.”
Jonathan nodded and went back inside.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Epilogue
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thestobingirlie · 10 months
When Steve comes back in saint stephen, is your plan for Stancy to be back together at the end of the series?
If they do back together, I think that will be devastating for Jonathan, especially since he broke up with Nancy because he “couldn’t compete with a dead boy”. I’m just imagining him seeing Steve again and thinking, “maybe now Nancy and I can do this relationship right. Maybe now that Steve isn’t dead I won’t have to compete with him for Nancy”, but I honestly think that Jancy would play out more like Steve’s parents than Stancy would, especially in your writing. Nancy needs the silent support that Jonathan can only give Will and Jonathan needs someone he can actually be a kid with, and I just can’t see Nancy doing that for him.
okay, i suppose this is me officially confirming that steve does come back lmao (the tags are dead for now!!). anyway, as it currently stands, i’m not planning on stancy, or any other steve ship. that may change (and i have been considering endgame stancy recently), but for now, no.
the impact stancy would have on jonathan is kinda insanity inducing to think about lol. steve really is the ex-boyfriend that can do no wrong, because he’s dead. anything jonathan tries to do right, it’s “steve would’ve known what to do”, you know? it messes someone up. then steve coming back to life, and nancy still chooses him over jonathan? “even in life, steve is better” kind of thing.
though, i do think that’s one reason that unless stancy is happening after a time jump, it just… wouldn’t exactly be a healthy relationship. nancy is clinging onto steve as an ideal, not exactly a real person who makes mistakes and fucks up. there are aspects of stancy i would really love to include in saint stephen, but yeah i think stancy becoming a couple would be something that had to happen after a lot of healing. you can’t come back from the dead and jump right into a relationship!
and yes! about jancy just not being able to be what the other person needs. neither of them are terrible people for it, but it does make them incompatible. (and honestly you’ve kinda changed my world with the comparison of dick/diane to jancy lol)
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upside-down-low · 1 year
The importance of spelling Jonathan right‼️
jonathan: teenager, currently has 1-2 friends, no powers, cared for by hopper
johnathan: adult mkultra subject, cult leader, psychic influencer, killed by hopper
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hawkinsbnbg · 1 month
While his ancestors were devoted to preying on virile men, Steve—a young succubus—chose to settle in Hawkins for a chance at a normal life.
Given his innate charm, he had become the top dog on his first day at school and reigned his subjects with an iron fist. That meant; no bullies nonsense, no ostracized students, and no making fun of less-privileged people.
Steve wasn’t a saint, mind you, but he always did what he deemed right, and reducing the high-school teenage toxicity helped assuage his headaches.
On the other hand, to cover up his tracks with some of the men (he had selected carefully) in the town, he played up the whole rich spoiled brat who had absent parents and was a womanizer part.
And for a long time, it worked.
It worked so well that Steve had become careless and slipped up.
After putting Nancy into a vivid dream of them having sex, he scented something foul and immediately knew there was a trespasser on his property.
That was how he had gotten to the pool in time to save Barb from a monster that resembled Snatcher.
Unfortunately, Jonathan Byers had caught him beating it on the camera and came begging for his help the following day.
Since Steve’s bleeding heart couldn’t take it, he ended up rescuing Will from the hellhole full of Snatcher-like creatures and flower-faced carnivores.
Naively, he had thought it was the end of it. But somehow, the Byers decided he was a part of them after he brought their youngest back from the underworld and always invited him over for dinner.
(Steve had shyly admitted to Joyce that it was kind of nice to have home-cooked meals with so many people for once. He had become the Byers’ permanent guest ever since then.)
Thanks to Will, he got to know The Party, learned about secret government labs and experimented children, and was dragged kicking and screaming into the Upside Down fiasco by the goddamm maternal he had for those gremlins.
(He guessed the list also included Nancy, Barb, Jonathan, Joyce Byers, and even Jim Hopper.)
Fast forward to S4 where everything derailed and went south so rapidly that Steve didn’t have time to respite. It resulted in his power being drained after having healed most of the bat’s bites and injuries he sustained.
Since they were on the run, his options were sort of limited, and although it would risk raising more suspicion on himself, Steve didn’t think Eddie would have the energy to mull over it too long once he was done.
Meanwhile, Eddie was perplexed and aghast when Steve Harrington pulled him to the back of the camper when no one noticed and proceeded to blow his brain the fuck out.
Eddie nearly combusted and died right then when Steve looked up at him through those pretty lashes, nuzzling his thigh and thanking him softly.
The sight went straight into Eddie’s spank bank and he didn’t even feel guilty about it. If anything, it just fueled his determination to kill Vecna so he could spend more time with his boy.
Much much later when everyone made it out alive and Eddie survived his horrible not-good spring break, he finally learned about Steve’s secret and offered the succubus a lifetime deal.
Eddie would be Steve’s personal charger for as long as he lived.
In response, Steve had jumped his bone right at that moment and didn’t stop until midnight.
Eddie had half a mind to worry about his kidneys’ welfare, but he soon decided it was future-Eddie’s problem. Present-Eddie was blissfully balls deep in Steve’s sweet hole and couldn’t care less.
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Steve used to be extremely outgoing; in high school, everyone wanted to be around him, or with him, or just be him, and he thrived off of that kind of attention. Anything to keep his mind off of his earlier childhood traumas, anything to keep him from thinking about how he's always alone, always unwanted.
When he was newly seventeen, though, he started to hate attention. Nancy Wheeler was his girlfriend- but they were fighting and she wouldn't answer his texts. He finally found her at Jonathan Byers's house, and she held him at gunpoint. He'd been more upset that she wouldn't explain anything to him than he was that she was holding a loaded weapon to his face. Then a hellbeast with no eyes and an enormous, five-petaled mouth had popped out of the walls, and he was beating it back with a baseball bat that Jonathan had given him.
Somehow, they'd lived, and had almost a full year of recuperation. But then Halloween happened, and Nancy ruined his favorite holiday by telling him all of the ways he was bullshit (for following the government orders, for being his father's son, for being alive when her best friend was not). Steve felt like he was dying, that next day, but then Dustin had begged for help and he was protecting this group of shitheads who were too nosy for their own good.
By the time he graduated, he'd been kicked out of his family home, disowned, and was living in a shitty little shoebox of an apartment in Hawkins while he worked two jobs (one at Scoops Ahoy, and one at a cafe downtown). He's constantly exhausted, constantly nervous over the Upside-Down resurfacing, terrified for his kids. And he was right; the loss of Starcourt proved it.
Then there was Vecna. He'd been having nightmares for weeks, and then Max had talked about seeing some girl being killed (Della Devons, the head cheerleader at Hawkins High, according to Dustin), and how everyone was scared and how she might be next- Vecna had nearly destroyed them.
When Max woke up from her coma, Steve finally decided that enough was enough and told all of his kids that he was headed into the city. He was encouraged to go, when he told them all. Dustin had cried, but smiled and made Steve promise to let him visit as soon as he was settled.
An online ad asking for a roommate led him to Redemption Avenue- the actual name of the street, Steve thought was fitting for his goal. It was a rundown little place in the seedier part of the city, but this Eddie guy seemed okay, so Steve contacted him and fortunately, he was accepted.
Eddie was odd; he was delighted to have Steve, obviously, and helped Steve get a nice job at a local bakery after hearing that Steve loved to cook. Eddie kept weird hours, but always made sure to keep the noise down so Steve could rest.
Then, when Steve had his first night terror after moving into the apartment (so much nicer than the one he had in Hawkins), Eddie burst into his room with a knife instead of kicking him out. He hadn't even been angry; Eddie had just talked him down. He hadn't pressed Steve to explain why he had begged his demons to stop, please, I work for Scoops, just offered to stay and watch over Steve while he slept.
And then he stayed. And snuggled up to Steve when they woke up, clinging to him until Steve gave him caffeine and a breakfast omelet.
Eddie then started doting on Steve. Snacks whenever Steve came home from work, movie nights and dinners, late-night comfort cuddles after a particularly rough nightmare. Steve loved every second of it; he knew he adored Eddie more and more with each act of kindness, but he was terrified that it would backfire if he reached out.
Dustin had complained about Steve not pushing towards his goals, after one night when Steve was twenty-one and admitted that he wanted to be a nurse. Dustin helped him apply for college and he started classes that fall, but still, Eddie was a saint. Packed him lunches every night (usually it's leftovers of whatever Steve made, but sometimes it's a cute little box full of Steve's favorite treats), encouraged him to take breaks (sometimes he just picked Steve up and carried him to the couch, dropped Steve's latest knitting project on his lap, and glared until Steve allowed himself to hunker down and relax), and even reminded him that he had some assignments coming up (refused to ask about what courses he was taking, wouldn't even ask what the assignments were about, just labeled dates on the calendar for when they're due).
When Steve passed his final exams, Eddie was the first person he told. Eddie was ecstatic, and bullied Steve into visiting his hometown to celebrate with his family. Steve hadn't wanted to go, but Eddie convinced him that his kids would be proud and deserved to be able to celebrate with him.
Eddie also hosted a little party at home, with all of their neighbor friends: Taylor, Maria, Derek and Przemysław, Mason and Bill, Bruce and Donnar, Sam, and even Mrs. Ryans (who adored Steve but despised Eddie). Steve was made to feel like he was special, worthy of this celebration, and Eddie just kept piling on to it.
On Steve's first day of his new job (a pediatric nurse at the nearby hospital), Eddie packed lunch for him. It was one of Steve's favorites, lasagna, with as many of Steve's favorite snacks as would fit in his lunchbox. There was even a note; a cute little comic of Nurse Steve saving a little boy. It's when he sees that little note that Steve is struck by the realization that he's completely infatuated with Eddie. He's in love with his dorky roommate. Steve is delighted at first, he almost calls Eddie to tell him, but he's struck with the sudden thought that it could end up like his relationship with Nancy. On top of that, how could he tell Eddie about all of the Upside-Down bullshit? He couldn't keep that secret from someone he loved- so he decided to squash it all down, refuse to acknowledge it, and pray that it wouldn't ruin what he had with Eddie already.
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stevie-petey · 5 months
what about a fun silly little mindless blurb w steve robin and bug at scoops before ch 1? like what was the first time bug stopped in to visit steve like ? did robin instantly take to her ? i need to see my precious babies bond
we technically already see bugs first time meeting robin in chapter 9 of season 2, buuuuut i love em and will extend the scene a bit <3
enjoy !
"slow down! youre running so fast and i just biked here!" you try your best to keep with robin as she drags you through the newly built mall.
"keep up, slowpoke!" robin only tugs at your hand and all you can do is follow.
youve known the girl for all of five minutes and already shes become your new favorite person.
robin drags you to an area close to the entrance where theres a fancy fountain. seemingly content with where shes dragged you to, she finally drops your hand and sits against the fountains ledge. scrunching her face, she looks disapprovingly at the statue. "how come hawkins had enough money for this crap but not for new uniforms for the band kids?"
"youre in band?" you ask the girl as you sit next to her.
"yup," robin nods at you, curious to see what your reaction will be. shes heard a lot about you, everyone in hawkins has. youre the towns sweetheart, and robin knows at least three people in her band group that you helped one way or another throughout the years.
you gasp. "dude, i wouldve done band, but jonathan wanted to do choir instead."
"why didnt you just do what you wanted?" robin asks you, though she knows the answer already.
"band wouldnt have been fun without him, and i do like to sing." you shrug, not really regretful over the decision.
robin stares at you, a slight frown on her face. she seems to almost study you. "youre fascinating, you know that?"
"what do you mean?" you wrap your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling very small.
seeing this, robin is quick to correct herself. shes always been horrible talking to other people; shes the worst at making new friends, and she really, really wants to be your friend. "no! i didnt, uh, mean it in a bad way! i just-well, i mean. shit."
robins panic only makes you forget your anxiety and you nudge your shoulder against hers. "hey, breathe. im not going to like, dunk you into the fountain water."
"thank god," robin exhales, relieved that you dont seem too angry with her. taking a deep breath, she tries again to explain herself. "what i meant was: you took choir for jonathan byers, and yet youre here now with steve harrington. the douchebag."
you frown at robins words. you forget sometimes that so few people see steve how you do. hes far from the boy he used to be, but you know that sometimes its harder to heal wounds from cruel words said during your youth. "i know you dont believe me, but steve isnt so bad."
"hes a dick."
"he used to be, but now he isnt."
robin huffs. "and im just expected to believe you?"
"no," you shrug. "while i understand that steve has changed since you last saw him, i also understand that this change isnt mine to force you to accept."
your words leave robin speechless. its almost annoying how rational youre being about this. how you can balance both steves feelings and hers without making either of them feel lesser for it.
youre a goddamn saint and robin truly has no idea how jonathan or steve have managed to snag you for themselves.
its unfair.
"i..." robin tries to think of something to retaliate with, but she cant. youre right and she hates it. "thats a very frustratingly mature way to look at things."
you shrug again. "it sucks being so mature, i'll admit."
then steve runs up to the two of you and hes panting with exhaustion. "christ," he wheezes out, clutching at his knees as he bends down to try an catch his breath. "you two are fast."
"youre an athlete, harrington." you tug at steves hair and cause him to topple onto the ground, which robin cant help but giggle at. "keep up."
"why do i always end up on the ground when youre around?" steve doesnt even bother to get up.
"because im clearly bigger and stronger than you."
robin pokes your cheek, mollified by your conversation from earlier and by the fact that you just knocked steve harrington to the ground for fun. "dont forget more mature, y/n."
"oh, so much more mature." you agree, smiling at her.
steve sighs from the ground. "this is gonna be a long summer."
"get used to it, dingus," robin nudges the boy with her sneaker and he flinches away, displeased, but this only makes you and robin giggle even more together.
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solarmorrigan · 8 months
Bob adopts Steve part 2 [cw: hurt/no comfort]
Part 1
Bob Newby is - well, he isn't cool. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But he doesn't seem to mind that; in fact, he seems pretty settled in it. He knows what he likes and what he's good at, and that makes him happy. He's not like anyone Steve's ever been around; he's lame, but he's refreshing
He's also probably the steadiest and most calming person in Steve's life right now
After helping him fix up his yard a bit, and the resulting decent night's sleep he'd gotten, Steve kinda-sorta seeks Bob out again. At first, it's just to ask where he might be able to find a camera to replace Jonathan's. Then it's to ask if Bob maybe needs help with anything else, around the house or around the store - just because Steve still feels kind of bad for destroying his yard and imposing on him, you understand
But after that, they fall into kind of a pattern. Sometimes Steve will go to Bob's house after school or after practice, instead of his own empty house (or to his parents, when they're home, because sometimes being ignored is worse than having no one there at all; and sometimes being noticed is worse than being ignored). Sometimes he even does his homework there, and Bob doesn't seem to mind helping when Steve has questions; in fact, he seems delighted to answer
He encourages Steve to make an effort, tells him that he is smart, that everyone is smart, just sometimes in different ways. Bob starts showing up to the high school basketball games when he hears that Steve's parents never make it, and it makes Steve light up to see him every time. He shares his interest in technology with Steve and explains it in a way that actually makes sense
For all intents and purposes, Bob has pretty much adopted Steve - and Steve has no idea why, what he's done to deserve it, but he doesn't question it, because god damn it's nice to have an adult who cares. Who knew?
But then, Bob starts dating Joyce Byers
And, like, yes, Steve is happy for him. Bob is over the moon about it; it would be ridiculous if Steve wasn't happy for him. And it's not that he minds that Bob's time is split now, between Steve and the Byers family; he can stomach that just fine. What he worries about is that now there's no way Bob won't find out what happened between Steve and Jonathan last fall
Like some kind of deluded saint, Bob has never actually asked why Steve had been all beaten up the day they'd met. He'd never asked why Steve had thought he was being an asshole, or what he'd needed to apologize for, or to whom - he'd just kind of taken Steve in stride. But once he finds out about what Steve had said about Nancy, what he'd spat at Jonathan, why they'd gotten into a fight in the first place--
Well, as far as Steve's concerned, there's no way Bob won't drop his ass once he finds out what a shithead Steve had been
So Steve's a little on edge about it
Bob's seemed a little edgy, too; not in a bad way, just - excited. Like he's sitting on some kind of secret that he really wants to share, but can't yet
And then, on Halloween, when Steve swings by the store before going to get ready for Tina's party, Bob drops the bomb: he's going to ask Joyce if she wants to move to Maine with him
But see, here's the thing: Bob knows that Steve is still hoping to work for his dad's company if he doesn't get into any schools (and he knows Steve isn't optimistic about his prospects there, no matter how much Bob's tried to boost him up about it), but he also knew Steve's dad in school. And listen, Bob is an optimist and sometimes cheerfully oblivious, but he's not an idiot; he's listened to Steve mention in passing the way his dad treats him, and he knows how Richard Harrington was when they were younger, and he has a bad feeling that Steve's not going to be working for his dad
So, he's hopeful that maybe he can convince Steve to go with him and the Byerses. New school opportunities there, new job opportunities, new start (he can also see that something about Hawkins weighs on Steve, haunts him, a little in the same way it does Joyce)
Unfortunately, he doesn't quite make it that far into his explanation. He leads with "I've been thinking about asking Joyce to move away with me," and Steve shuts down. He starts out all stoic and civil about it, telling Bob congrats, hope it works out, I gotta go now, and the more Bob tries to explain what he means, the more Steve freaks out about it, and it gets worse and worse, until Steve just insists that he doesn't need Bob, okay? So Bob can just back off
Then he goes to Tina's Halloween party, where he and Nancy crash and burn
He doesn't have a chance to talk to Bob again before everything explodes, and by the time Steve finds out that Bob was even at Hawkins Labs, it's too late
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alyssaswrld999 · 1 year
Why Me? (The Walking Dead)
Being A Henderson is complicated (Stranger Things)
The Walking Dead:
Daryl Dixon:
Argument and some makeup treatment
Argument and makeup treatment part 2
What's Got Your Panties In a Twist Sunshine?
Meeting the Man
Rick Grimes:
Why Do You Have To Be So Handsome?
Carl Grimes :
(Nothing yet)
Shane Walsh:
(Nothing yet)
Merle Dixon:
Suck it Dixon
Paul "Jesus" Rovia:
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
Horror Characters:
Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface):
A Little Disagreement
Jason Voorhees:
(Nothing yet)
Michael Myers:
(Nothing yet)
Freddy Kruger:
(Nothing yet)
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray:
(Nothing yet)
Bubba Sawyer (Leatherface):
(Nothing yet)
Ghostface (Billy & Stu):
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
IT Franchise (2017 Film):
Bill Denbrough:
You have a cute face
Ben Hanscom:
(Nothing yet)
Beverly Marsh:
(Nothing yet)
Richie Toizer:
(Nothing yet)
Mike Hanlon:
(Nothing yet)
Eddie Kaspbrak:
(Nothing yet)
Stanley Uris:
(Nothing yet)
Henry Bowers:
(Nothing yet)
Belch Huggins:
(Nothing yet)
Victor Criss:
(Nothing yet)
Patrick Hockstetter:
(Nothing yet)
Archie Andrews:
(Nothing yet)
Betty Cooper:
(Nothing yet)
Veronica Lodge:
(Nothing yet)
Jughead Jones:
A Long Lost Friend
Cheryl Blossom:
(Nothing yet)
F.P. Jones:
(Nothing yet)
Toni Topaz:
(Nothing yet)
Fangs Fogarty:
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
Frank Gallagher:
(Nothing yet)
Fiona Gallagher:
(Nothing yet)
Lip Gallagher:
(Nothing yet)
Debbie Gallagher:
(Nothing yet)
Ian Gallagher:
(Nothing yet)
Carl Gallagher:
(Nothing yet)
Mickey Milcovich:
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
The Boondock Saints:
Murphy Macmanus:
(Nothing yet)
Connor Macmanus:
(Nothing yet)
Sam Winchester:
Drunk Love
I'm Broken And I Don't Want To Be Sammy
Dean Winchester:
Why Do You Hate Me So Much?
Why Are You Doing This To Yourself?
The Angel Of My Dreams
(Nothing yet)
Stranger Things:
Joyce Byers:
(Nothing yet)
Jim Hopper:
(Nothing yet)
Mike Wheeler:
(Nothing yet)
Eleven/Jane Hopper:
(Nothing yet)
Dustin Henderson:
(Nothing yet)
Lucas Sinclair:
(Nothing yet)
Nancy Wheeler:
(Nothing yet)
Jonathan Byers:
(Nothing yet)
Will Byers:
(Nothing yet)
Steve Harrington:
(Nothing yet)
Max Mayfield:
(Nothing yet)
Billy Hargrove:
(Nothing yet)
Robin Buckley:
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
Eddie Munson:
Being A Henderson is complicated
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals:
Damon Salvatore:
Hello Strangers
Stefan Salvatore:
Hello Strangers
Tyler Lockwood:
(Nothing yet)
Caroline Forbes:
(Nothing yet)
Bonnie Bennett:
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
Klaus Mikaelson:
(Nothing yet)
Elijah Mikaelson:
(Nothing yet)
Kol Mikaelson:
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
Elena Gilbert:
(Nothing yet)
Jeremy Gilbert:
(Nothing yet)
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel:
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
Angel Dust:
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
(Nothing yet)
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esoterium · 1 year
top 100 characters statistical "which character" is similar to yours personality quiz
**picking five characters i know to add to the list while i take a couple!!*
Nomi Marks (Sense8): 83%
Marianne (Portrait of a Lady): 83%
Inej Ghafa (Shadow and Bone): 83%
Salvatore Romano (Mad Men): 82%
F o x M u l d e r  (T h e X - F i l e s): 82%
Torvi (Vikings): 82%
Baby (Baby Driver): 82%
Ally Maine (A Star Is Born): 82%
Marie Kreutz (The Bourne Identity): 81%
Riley Blue (Sense8): 81%
Elisa Esposito (The Shape of Water): 81%
Buck Vu (The OA): 81%
Alice Cullen (Twilight): 80%
Abby Sciuto (NCIS): 80%
Ben Hargreeves (TUA): 80%
Andy Dufresne (The Shawshank Redemption): 80%
Floki (Vikings): 80%
Rogue (X-Men): 80%
Amanita Caplan (Sense8): 80%
Juliana Crain (The Man in the HC): 80%
Ola Nyman (Sex Ed): 80%
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy): 79%
Neo (The Matrix): 79%
Ariadne (Inception): 79%
Guinan (Star Trek: TNG): 79%
W i l l G r a h a m  (H a n n i b a l): 79%
Bonnie Bennett (TVD): 79%
Monica Dutton (Yellowstone): 79%
Sam Button (The Perks): 79%
Frenchie (The Boys): 79%
Robin Buckley (ST): 79%
Marianne Sheridan (Normal People): 79%
W a n d a M a x i m o f f  (WandaVision): 79%
Violet Parr (The Incredibles): 79%
Luna Lovegood (HP): 78%
Nymphadora Tonks (HP): 78%
Trinity (The Matrix): 78%
Jasper Hale (Twilight): 78%
Toni Topaz (Riverdale): 78%
Kalinda Sharma (The Good Wife): 78%
Han Lue (Fast & Furious): 78%
Amélie Poulain (Amélie): 78%
Maeve Wiley (Sex Education): 78%
Cassie Thomas (Promising Young Woman): 78%
River Tam (Firefly): 77%
Omar Little (The Wire): 77%
Morpheus (The Matrix): 77%
William H. 'Shakespeare' Hill (This Is Us): 77%
Jonah Byrde (Ozark): 77%
Chris Washington (Get Out): 77%
Lane Kim (Gilmore Girls): 77%
Céline (Before Sunrise): 77%
Ada Shelby (Peaky Blinders): 77%
Jonathan Byers (ST): 77%
Benjamin Button (TCCBB): 77%
Heloise (Portrait of a Lady): 77%
Lily Iglehart (Sex Ed): 77%
Naomi Nagata (The Expanse): 77%
Hester Prynne (The Scarlet Letter): 77%
Remus Lupin (HP): 76%
Maeve Millay (Westworld): 76%
Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): 76%
Rosalind Walker (CAOS): 76%
Storm (X-Men): 76%
Hernando Fuentes (Sense8): 76%
Dr. Sean Maguire (Good Will Hunting): 76%
Mozzie (White Collar): 76%
Kinsey Locke (Locke & Key): 76%
J o h n W i c k  (John Wick): 76%
Ekko (Arcane): 76%
Albus Dumbledore (HP): 75%
Inara Serra (Firefly): 75%
D'Angelo Barksdale (The Wire): 75%
Janis Ian (Mean Girls): 75%
Damian Leigh (Mean Girls): 75%
Dom Cobb (Inception): 75%
Michael Scofield (Prison Break): 75%
Jughead Jones (Riverdale): 75%
Darlene (Mr. Robot): 75%
Wyldstyle (The Lego Movie): 75%
Nairobi (Money Heist): 75%
Penelope (The Odyssey): 75%
Aunt Polly (Peaky Blinders): 75%
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds): 75%
Joyce Byers (ST): 75%
Will Byers (ST): 75%
Angela Montenegro (Bones): 75%
Maleficent (Maleficent): 75%
Kang Sae-byeok (Squid Game): 75%
Jules Vaughn (Euphoria): 75%
Viktor (Arcane): 75%
Suzuha Amane (Steins;Gate): 75%
Natalie (Yellowjackets): 75%
Jyn Erso (Rogue One): 75%
S i r i u s B l a c k  (HP): 74%
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride & Prejudice): 74%
Black Widow (MCU): 74%
Paul Smecker (Boondock Saints): 74%
Ciri (The Witcher): 74%
Kurt Hummel (Glee): 73%
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weirdo09 · 1 year
be mine(just for a while i’m afraid)
a byler(bywheelclair) criminal past 90’s au fic
warnings: (slight) drug addiction/abuse, alcohol abuse, character death(one real, another staged), suicide attempts, (mentions of) overdose, depression, self harm(cutting), cigarettes, homophobia and troy walsh(he’s his own warning)(tell me if i missed anything!)
‘crime wasn’t usually high in a city like hawkins, well until these two came along. who are these two you ask? well, one goes by the name ‘mj’. all we know about him is that he stands at about 5’10-11 feet tall, he has jet black hair and pale skin. the other guy goes by no name we’ve heard but many people have called him ‘the lone one’. if you think you’ve saw them, please call your local police.’
will turned off the tv after all. ‘huh, so they are looking for me, too bad they’ll never catch me.’ he thought, smirking. will was considered a criminal in his own right but he’d like to call himself a vigilante. living in a big city like hawkins, most people could get away with small crime and it wasn’t like will exactly chose what he did for a living. it started about a couple years ago, he was fresh out of high school, looking forward to the world ahead him except those dreams would soon be crushed for his mom died months before his graduation.
her will split the money evenly between him and his older brother, jonathan. after that, will didn’t really see the whole point of living. so, he turned to stealing, small things that is. this coping mechanism didn’t exactly help but the rush almost made will forget about his mom’s death. soon, he and his brother’s relationship began to strain, jonathan being too busy with his new life to mind his own brother. that hurt for a while so, will dived deeper into the stealing rabbit hole. now, look at him, considered a criminal and still hurting as much as he did before. though, he’d like to say that he’s better off even with the bounty on his head.
he still had friends, other family and a ‘normal’ life, just not under his name. ‘william jacob byers’ was merely a name of a boy who went missing, surprisingly only four weeks after his mother’s death. will knew his brother was looking for him and if he still had the same spirit he had before his little brother left him, he probably still is. since his ‘disappearance’, will’s changed his name, his life, his whole identity, he was officially someone he couldn’t recognize and i like to think that he liked it that way. will without the tragedies and burdens that had inflicted him so early in life made him smile but also made him cry. he often wonders if his life would’ve been better if he didn’t fake it.
mike had watched his ‘name’ appear on the news, mj short for michael james. he smiled softly, putting out his cigarette. they were trying to catch him but with no avail for he resided on the outskirts of the big city of hawkins, indiana. he had a nice cozy apartment to himself, which was nice but often made him feel like he was missing something, an important piece to his life. mike filled that empty spot with drugs, hoping they’d do their intended job. they haven’t worked so far but he’s hopeful. hopeful, such a funny thing hope is. he was a hopeful child, people said, a child with dreams and ambitions impossible to achieve. ‘guess those assholes were right after all.’ mike thought grimly.
he had grown up in a small town, ironically with the same name as indiana’s second largest city, hawkins. oh, he hated that town, with their same houses, same lawns, same cars, same everything. it irked him like something never before. don’t even get him started on his family, his mother was considered a saint but was nothing of the sort. she settled down young, her ambitions and dreams seemed nonexistent when she settled with ted wheeler, a older rich man. karen wheeler, a pretty woman with an average family in an average suburban neighborhood in an average small town. god, mike hated it, the always pretending to be someone he wasn’t, always hiding parts of himself that he’d love to show, always been his mother’s little doll to dress and control whenever she saw fit.
mike hated that town with his whole being, possibly even more so. those years pretending to be a perfect family, a perfect example of how a good family should be almost crushed his dreams entirely. but then, after high school, it seemed like his world opened up. suddenly, all those dreams, ambitions and aspirations could come a reality. it was sad to look back on now, seeing how naive and gullible he once was. that day changed something inside him forever. june 30th, two three weeks after his high school graduation, he was officially 18 years old and the world was at the palm of his hand until it wasn’t. how mike regretted that day, that day he left his little sister and never came back. he hated himself deeply for leaving her in that house with those strangers.
him, giving into his own selfish desires, left that house as soon as he could. getting the best of him, mike just couldn’t find the strength to leave his precious baby sister but he did eventually. that night, holly had walked into his room to see mike about to crawl out his window. “mikey, where are you going?” she asked sleepy, mike turned to her voice and got up from the window. “oh, holly jolly, i’m just going to leave for a bit.” mike said sweetly, now that he looked back on it, it might as well have been bittersweet. “when are you coming back?” holly asked, tears threatening to come out her eyes. mike sighed before pulling his sister in a hug, “as soon as can, hol, as soon as i can.” he whispered to her, who was now crying softly in his shoulder. “i’ll visit you, ok? we can call and send letters to each other. it’ll be ok, holly, i promise.” mike said with a smile on his face.
‘i promise, about the biggest ounce of bullshit i ever told.’ mike thought, lighting another cigarette. he visited a few times before he couldn’t bear the stares, the questions of when he’d get a girlfriend, a wife or kids, the sickeningly happy atmosphere. it was too much for mike so he stopped visiting and it hurt him more than anything else. to see his sister stuck with those people, those people who made his childhood a living hell. mike cries himself to sleep about it every night, a daily ritual. soon after that, he found a love for stealing, the emptiness in him that couldn’t be fixed with drugs was fixed(temporarily) with the rush of stealing. oh that adrenaline rush seemed to be the only thing keeping him alive, for his dreams were impossible to achieve, too much for little old him so he tucked them away in the back of his mind along with his old identity.
these days, will wasn’t too keen on stealing anything too big. he just wanted the stability of a normal life, the warmth of his mother. both of which he couldn’t have, so he spent the day lying away, thinking about the future that creep straight up behind him. then, an idea struck him. will decided to go on a run, no stealing intended, just something to clear his clear. so he went up out of his apartment, towards the autumn air with a sense of….life? whatever it was, it made him feel like a person for a while. he was content until he was met by a strange figure. the figure seemed taller, about a good four-five inches, had on a sweater, with their jet black hair in a ponytail and light blue jeans. they were sitting on a bench, smoking a cigarette. the smell reminded will of his mother, which drew him near.
will, giving into his impulse, sat down next to the stranger. “uh, hi.” he said, the stranger turned to him, put their cigarette in the other hand. “hey.” they said with a half smile. “what’s your name?” will asked, mentally yelling at himself to stop right now. the stranger chuckled, “my name’s mike, but my friends call me mj.” mike replied before returning to his cigarette. ‘mj? where had he heard that name before? never mind that.’ will thought before saying, “nice name, mine’s will.” ‘will, will, will, will’ mike thought, his name was so strange yet so familiar. it wasn’t really strange, just strange considering he knew a boy named will, well loved a boy named will before he went missing and was reported dead. “nice, what are you doing in hawkins?” mike asked, taking another drag of his cigarette. “just..to visit some family, you?” will replied, mike gave him a look.
he could have sworn he had seen him somewhere once before but alas could not remember. mike was thrown out of his train of thought when will bluntly said, “you know, those things are going to kill you.” nodding at the cigarette. mike guffawed and smiled grimly, “gets the job done faster.” he replied and will frowned. “dying won’t solve all your problems, believe me, i’ve tried.” he said before looking down at his hands. sure, he’s tried to kill himself a few times after his mother’s death, as he felt he could never go on without her and if he did, he’d be betraying her. those first few months were like absolute hell, people giving their condolences and their fake vows of sympathy, he just wanted it all to stop, she wasn’t gone, she was still here, inside of him couldn’t they see? she’s still here!
he still remembers the first night without her, he walked into her room and laid there, sobbing. he wondered why they didn’t take him instead, why they had to take away the one person who loved him regardless. so, he slept in her room for a few days then being in there was too hurtful and he went back to his own room. his brother seemed to be the one who was given forgiveness to the most, it was like people almost completely forgot that he lost her too and it hurt him. soon, the suicide attempts started. the first happened two weeks after, he got some pills and popped them, knocking out instantly. he woke up in a hospital bed, sadly alive. that night he sobbed again, wishing he was dead and with his mom, wishing the pain would go away. will had to promise his brother that night that would never do that again, though that promise was very short lived. a week later, he tried to drown himself in the tub. luckily, jonathan got there before he could actually do it. the two brothers sobbed that night, “i can’t live without her, jonny.” will said wetly in jonathan’s shoulder, he just agreed patting his younger brother’s back.
some bad days, will tries to kill himself then panics and chickens out. he hasn’t tried recently and he’s kind of glad. life’s gotten a little bit better since then, her death anniversary still stings but it’s often welcomed with visiting her grave and crying most of the day. mike looked at will with a somber look, “you know, you’re a strange man, will,” he began to say then continued, “i’d say that i kinda like it.” mike finished, will chuckled softly. they talked for a while, what they talked about, i’m not sure but i know it made the both of them really happy.
the day after, mike was still thinking of will. c’mon who’d want to forget him? his chestnut brown hair that peeked out from his hoodie, his hazel green eyes, those eyes that were once on another he knew, just as lively. god, he desperately wanted to cry, as will was a reminder of his childhood sweetheart. will byers, his best friend turned lover, gone just like that and right after his mom died from lung cancer too. mike stared at his pack of cigarettes, how the irony. he stared out his window, wondering what to do today. then, it hit him, nov 6th, the day that will was reported missing and never came back, four weeks after his mom died. jonathan was distraught, having two of his family members gone like that, fours weeks apart.
the older boy left hawkins shortly after that, word spread that he currently resided in california with some friend. mike stopped to wonder if he noticed what today was too, if he was hurting just a much as he was. he knew that it probably wasn’t true for their bond was stronger than him and will’s, and the fact that they weren’t on the best of terms when he went missing. finally, mike cried, he cried and cried until who knows how long. such a funny thing, all he seemed to do now was cry and bitch and moan and smoke.(he only smoked when he was really stressed and now it seemed like that was all the time) after what seemed forever, mike was exhausted, ready to do something stupid that he’d forget tomorrow. so, he decided to drink his problems away then smoke ‘em away again tomorrow.
mike walked into his little kitchen and opened his wine cabinet, pulling out whatever wine was nearest and brought the bottle to his bed. he laid on his desk and then laid down on his bed, remembering he forgot a glass. after he got one, he started pouring glassful after glassful. mike felt tipsy but it was nothing he couldn’t handle, he had to thank his father for the high alcohol tolerance. mike put the bottle away and stared out the window once more. maybe he should’ve died that day instead of will, maybe then will might’ve reciprocated his feelings, maybe just maybe.
november 6th, 1988, the day will byers was reported missing from his home in hawkins, indiana. funny how the night before, he and his best friend parted ways by kissing each other goodbye. they only dated for about two months but it was evident that they loved each other dearly. “bye, mike, see you tomorrow.” will said, climbing on his bike. “bye, will.” mike said, smiling before stealing another kiss from his boyfriend. ‘boyfriend’, such lovely word when you’re in love and oh how in love mike was. will waved goodbye then faded away down the road, something in mike’s gut told him to come back but it was too late for in the morning, he would be gone. a week later, he was pronounced dead, only a few people came to his funeral mike included. he cried during the whole ceremony, jonathan came to check on him. “hey, mike, how are you doing?” he asked, mike stared at him, tears still flowing down his pale, flushed freckle covered cheeks.
“shouldn’t i be asking you that? i mean you just lost your brother.” mike asked, fidgeting with his collar, staring down at will inside his coffin, they decided to do an open casket, mike was disturbed by how peaceful will’s corpse looked. jonathan pulled mike into a hug, “yeah but you just lost your boyfriend.” jonathan said the last part in a whisper, hawkins was full of homophobes. that part only made mike cry harder, “i really loved him, jonathan.” he whispered, jonathan nodded. “he really loved you too, mike.” he whispered back. mike chuckled, wiping the tears from his eyes. “ready to put him in the ground?” jonathan asked, mike frowned a bit. “too soon?” mike’s face contorted to a scowl. “yea, a bit.” he replied. the two watched as will was put into the soil, a handful of people who were there crying, mike scowled again. these people didn’t even know will, let alone like him.
mike knew trouble was about to brew when he saw his childhood bully, troy out the corner of his eye. for some reason, he saw him laughing and joking with james. then all of a sudden, troy began to walk towards him. just as he needed jonathan, he went up and left for some reason. once troy approached, mike was still. “hey, wheeler aren’t you happy that that fairy’s finally died? oh wait, aren’t you a fairy too?” troy said tauntingly, mike really resisted the urge to roll his eyes. he sighed, “what do you want, troy?” mike asked, already fed up with his bullshit. “oh nothing, just wanted to make sure that the fag was really died and now look at him! he probably killed by some othe-!” troy began to say but was interrupted by mike’s fist colliding with his cheek. surprisingly, he fell backward, blood was flowing out of his nose.
mike looked down at his fist, some of the fingers were covering in blood. he saw as troy’s mom approached her son. “what is going on here?” she asked then took a look at her son and mike. she stood in terror, giving a scared look at mike then grabbing her son, running away from the ceremony. jonathan came back after that, “hey, mike what happene-.” jonathan began to ask but had already put the puzzle pieces together. the rest of that evening mike spent in the police station, troy and his mom had charged him for assault and for some reason, attempted murder. mike sat there, unresponsive like he wasn’t even there. after that, they determined that the charges should be dropped and mike was discharged. he sure got an earful from his mom though.
“why did you hit that boy, mike?” she asked once they got back home, mike just walked right past her. “michael! look at me when i’m speaking to you!” karen demanded, mike shot her a hateful glare. “do you really want to know or is this just your absolute need for gossip?” mike snapped at her, karen’s face contorted into shock. “well, if you do want to know, i hit that boy, troy, my childhood bully because he kept calling will a fairy and a bunch of other slurs!” mike raised his voice a bit, hoping to get his voice across. karen asked somberly “what happened to my sweet little boy?” mike scoffed, “that ‘sweet’ little boy had to grow up because you just couldn’t handle having kids, could you, karen? you know me and nancy practically raised holly while you were out and about parading around like you were some single woman!” he hissed, karen stood there. “wha-, how did you even-?” she began to ask but mike interrupted, “oh, how do i know? how do i fucking know? because you left your wedding ring on the sink and you didn’t could home til 12 in the morning, karen. should i go on?”
mike asked, all his pent up anger now showing it’s face at his mom. “you know what? go to your room!” karen shouted, mike shouted back, “gladly!” he ran up the steps and slammed his door. karen collapsed on the floor, she was exhausted but not because of tiredness, because her perfect average life was crumbling right under her feet, her perfect little family torn apart all because of her. she pulled herself back up and grabbed a bottle of wine to wash away her pain. thinking back on that, mike was again hit with the sense of irony. here he was, with a bottle of wine hoping to wash his pain away. guess he was more like his mom then he thought, mike scowled at that.
will woke up with a sense that today was special but couldn’t figure out why. then, he realized today was the day that he went ‘missing’. he remember that day bright and clear. well almost clear, he remembered kissing mike and leaving his house then, he rode his bike down the road and everything was fuzzy after that. november 6th, 1988, the day will byers went ‘missing’ and was reported ‘dead.’ here’s what really happened as will ride his bike down the road, he didn’t think that cars would still be out that night and unluckily as he was, he got hit. it wasn’t anything too serious, a mild concussion, a broken left arm and a left kneecap. the stranger was hospitable enough to take him to the hospital, there will would stay for two-three weeks. while everyone in hawkins thought he was died, really will was there in the hospital. he was released sunday, november 20th, exactly two weeks after the incident and a week after his ‘death’.
will unfortunately suffered amnesia and couldn’t remember where he was from so one of the doctors offered to take him in until he fully recovered. this doctor’s name was jim hooper, who lost his youngest daughter a few years back. will found him intimidating at first but he warmed up to him eventually. saturday, november 21st, 1988, he was on his way to hawkins, the big city to live with jim and his other daughter, eleanor ‘el’. to say that el was a strange sort was an understatement, she was unique to say the most. she was louder than most girls will had known.(the few he could remember) she was also strongly influenced by the world and people around her, will thought that he’d get to know her nicely. he then spent two years with the hopper family, his concussion ended months ago, though bits and pieces were still hard to remember but they were happy to let him stay longer til he was back on his feet.
tuesday, november 6th, 1990, will was officially leaving the hopper’s house. he decided that he was ready to go and explore what else this (cruel) world had to offer him. el was the first to cry when the three were sitting outside the driveway in the fall sun. she grabbed will into a massive bear hug, “don’t forget about us, big bro.” el whispered, will began to cry as well. “i won’t, little sis.” he whispered back. he and hopper exchanged looks, unsure to hug or not. surprisingly, will took the initiative for the hug which hopper happily obliged. they hugged for about four minutes until el interrupted. “c’mon dad, before you convince him to stay any longer.” el joked, grabbing onto hopper’s sleeve. hopper wiped a tear from his eye before saying, “ah, ok, el, i’m really going to miss you, kid.” will smirked, “i’ll miss you too, dad.” hopper embraced will once again, el gave him their house number. “call anytime, i’d love to talk about your new adventures.” she said, smiling. will waved the two goodbye and walked towards the bus stop. next stop on the list, seattle, washington.
there was a supposed grunge scene happening there and will didn’t want to miss it. first, he took a bus to indianapolis. then, he bought a car which he would drive for the rest of the way. after roughly 26 hours, will had made it to seattle. the pacific northwest had a different charm than the midwest, to be honest, will kinda liked it. he found himself an apartment a few blocks away from the paramount theatre. there he loaded his stuff and himself in the tiny apartment they would call home. the first night was terrible, the jet lag was finally hitting him aside from this numbing headache that had magically appeared. in the night, it was still there but fuller than before. will decided to go to a nearby record store to clear his head. he grabbed a coat, his keys and headed off. he couldn’t help but smile at his new atmosphere, noting to call el later about his drive to seattle.
once he arrived at the record store, a certain record caught his attention. ‘bleach’ was on the cover and will knew he just had to buy it. so, he walked inside and noticed that there was really no one there except for the clerk at the register and another guy. he went to grab the record when he and the other guy touched hands, “oh, sorry, you can have it!” will exclaimed nervously, the guy laughed which sounded soothing. “oh, no, it’s ok, you go ahead, take it.” the guy said, handing to will. “thank you, uhm what’s your name?” will asked, smiling. “oh, me? my name’s lucas, how bout you?” lucas asked with a grin on his face. “will, have you lived here long?” will asked as the two walked to the register. “oh no, only about two-three years, you?” lucas asked. “just got here yesterday.” will replied, paying for his stuff.
the two of them continued their conversation outside. “ah, fresh meat then, what brings you to seattle?” lucas asked, will chuckled. “uhm, the music scene, i guess.” he replied, lucas nodded in agreement. “yeah, people have been flooding in the masses to here lately. music’s just a plus. where ya from?” lucas asked as they crossed the street. “indiana, you?” will replied, his feet seemed to mysteriously know the area. “same.” lucas said, “wanna check this new hot dog place ‘round the corner?” he asked, will nodded. most of will’s afternoon was spent hanging out with lucas, they exchanged numbers and parted ways at about 4 pm. when will got home, he searched his tons of boxes for the one labeled ‘kid’s record player’. hopper had to have labeled it. once he got it out, he hooked it up and pulled out his nirvana record.
he checked the back of the record, the first song was love buzz. will began to place the record on the player and put the needle at the start. ‘love buzz’ started to play.
‘would you believe me when i tell you’ ‘you are the queen of my heart’ ‘please don’t deceive me when i hurt you’ ‘just ain’t the way it seems’
kurt’s smooth vocals, the constant beat of the drums and the licks of guitar. will couldn’t get enough, he left the living room shortly to call el and hopper back in hawkins. the song still playing softly in the background.
‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’
will dialed the numbers and waited for them to answer. surprisingly it only took a second. “hey, will! how’s your trip going? did you meet some new people? how’s like wherever you are?” el exclaimed through the phone, will softly winced. “el, slow down, i can’t understand you!” will exclaimed back, tears threatening to fall, he missed his family dearly but el most of all. they were like two peas in a pod the two short years they spent together. they came to each other with everything, el’s a very open person so no secrets could be kept between the two. “oh, ok, hi will, what’s that song in the background?” el asked, holding the phone close to her ear so she could hear everything. “oh it’s love buzz.” will answered, looking over his shoulder. el scrunched her nose “who’s it by?” she asked, “some new band in seattle, nirvana i think.” will answered, el nodded before realizing he couldn’t see her.
“so how’s seattle?” el asked, just barely keeping her excitement to herself. will chuckled, he could feel how excited she was. “it’s nice, i met a guy.” he replied, el could find herself smirking. “is he cute?” she asked, will started to blush. “uh, yeah.” he stammered, el smirked further. “just don’t bring me a niece or nephew too soon!” she joked, will turned raspberry red. “eleanor!” he shouted, el just guffawed. hopper poked into the kitchen, “who’s giving me a grand baby? it better not be you!” hopper said, el chuckled again. “no but will might, he met a guy!” she said, hopper looked at her to know more. “eleanor, pass over the phone, i need to talk with your brother.” hopper said, el whispered into the phone. “good luck, dad heard!” will facepalmed, “i hate you so much, el.” he bemoaned, “i love you too, big bro!” she said before handing the phone to hopper.
“hello, son.” hopper said, will softly grimaced. “hey, dad, how are you?” he asked. “well fine considering your sister just told me you met a guy. what’s his name, what’s he like, do i have to beat his ass?” hopper asked. “oh no no, dad you don’t! he’s great but just a friend and his name’s lucas.” will replied, chuckling softly at his dad’s antics. “oh ok, just don’t send me any grandbabies yet and we’ll be good.” hopper joked, will screeched. “dad, stop! i’ll call you guys later!” will said before hanging up after saying goodbye. he thought about calling lucas until the conversation he had earlier popped into his head.
he blushed hard but called him anyway. the phone ringed and ringed until finally he answered. “sinclair residence.” will heard lucas’ smooth voice and he couldn’t help smiling. “hi, yes i’m looking for lucas, is he there?” will asked, playing along. lucas snorted “why yes, you have him, what’s going on, pretty boy?” lucas asked, will smiled further. “oh nothing, just got off the phone with my family, how about you?” will asked, his eyes closed. “yeah, nothing so far-. erica, put that down!” lucas shouted at someone, will suspected that that was his sister since he remembered lucas mentioning her. “hold on, sorry, pretty boy, i’ll have to call you back later!” lucas said before hanging up. will placed the phone down in its holder and fell out, laughing. seattle was good so far.
days followed into months and months followed into years. will has lived in seattle for 4 years and has dated lucas for 3. funny thing love is, how fleeting and fragile it all is. we met up with will, who was currently making out with lucas. they parted, “i love you, pretty boy.” lucas whispered into will’s ear, his stubble tickling will’s neck. “i love you too, lucas. that day, april 8th, 1994, 3 days after kurt cobain had reported to have killed himself and three weeks before will was to leave seattle to move back to indiana, where he’d bring lucas with him. they turned on the tv and it had been set to the news, where’s the couple would see kurt’s death reported. will stood there in shock, one thing was for sure, his trip here would end soon. lucas looked at him, holding him close, wiping something off will’s face. there were tears, will hadn’t had noticed he had been crying until lucas brought him to his chest, comforting him. there in that tiny apartment, the couple were somber from the new alongside the rest of the grunge world.
friday, april 22nd, 1994, the day that will was scheduled to head back home along with his boyfriend. “i’m really gonna miss this place.” lucas said, looking around the street. they had packed will’s car with the necessities and were about to head on the the road when will started to cry again. lucas frowned, grabbing will’s hand, pulling him close. “what’s wrong, baby?” he asked, will roughly wiped his tears. “it’s nothing, reall-.” will began to say before lucas shot him a look. “oh ok, i guess i’m still sad about leaving.” will admitted sincerely, lucas rubbed his back. “it’s alrigh’, pretty boy. we’ll be ok.” will closed his eyes, reeling into lucas’ warmth. “we’ll be ok.” will repeated to calm his nerves.
crazy to think that was only a few months ago, (back to the november 6th, present day) will and lucas were still going strong. it was just that lucas was away on business and wouldn’t come back until after today. will sighed, he always seemed to slip back into his old habits when lucas wasn’t around. he thought about his mom and that turned into a whole spiral. will walked into the bathroom and grabbed his pocket knife. he cut a small piece of his wrist before making another identical incision. will snapped back to reality and threw the pocket knife back in the drawer, locking it as to never touch it again. he wrapped up his wrist and walked over to the phone. will desperately needed lucas. the phone ringed and ringed before lucas answered.
“hello, lucas sinclair here.” he answered in a groggy voice “uh hey, lucas, it’s will, did i wake you?” will asked, slightly regretting calling him. “oh no, baby, i’ve been up a while. what’s wrong?” lucas asked. will started sniffling, “i was uhm thinking about my mom and i uh cut myself.” he forced out, tears streaming down his face. lucas’ heart softened, “oh ok, did you dress them?” he asked, will hummed. “i need you to hold on for me, ok? i’ll get the next flight there tonight so i can see you, alright?” lucas said, will whined softly. “can you do that? i don’t want to be a bur-.” will began to ask when lucas cut him off. “baby, don’t you dare finish that sentence. i’m don’t give two shits about this damn job, what i care about is you so i’m going to come home tonight. that’s it, you hear me?” lucas asked, will smiled softly and hummed again. “alright, i’ll see you soon, ok? get some sleep and make sure you eat! love you so much, pretty boy.” lucas declared, will smiled harder. “o-o-ok, love you too, lucas.” will said before hanging up.
he then floated to the kitchen, thinking about mike. will knew it was wrong to think romantically about someone else when you’re in a committed relationship. it wasn’t like he didn’t love lucas with all his heart but will also felt a strong connection with him, something he’d felt once before in ‘88. he decided to talk to lucas about all of that later. right now, will was looking for something to eat in the fridge. nothing looked appetizing so he decided to order pizza. will waited as the pizza was to arrived, so he went to watch some tv. he scrolled through channels until he found daria, one of his favorite shows. after the pizza came, will grabbed it, paid the guy and plopped back on the couch.
he ate 6 slices before putting the pizza in the fridge and walking over to the bedroom, instantly falling asleep. will dreamt of his mom, surprise, surprise. she stood in a white gown, unlike her usual style and her hair was glowing down her back. she looked younger, happier, the one thing will couldn’t be without her. “remember that it wasn’t your fault and that i love you, baby, so much. can’t wait to see you.” joyce said, funny thing that those were her last words before dying in a hospital bed 9 hours after.
mike awoke in a cold sweat. nightmares seemed to plague his sleep more and more often. this time, it was about will ‘dying’ and his corpse coming back to tell him that he was all his fault and he never loved him. he was also crying, great, the hangover hit him instantly. mike ran to the bathroom and thankfully, made it to the toilet. after puking his guts out, mike popped a few tylenols, grabbed a glass of water and laid down. after a 2 hour nap, mike awoke still tired. so, he grabbed his pack of cigarettes, his lighter and sat on the fire escape. as mike smoked his first cigarette, he couldn’t help but remember what will had said about them then what he said after. ‘wonder what happened to him to have tried to kill himself…’ mike thought, blowing smoke into the early morning air.
will woke up to someone holding him. when he opened his eyes, there he saw lucas, fast asleep. will tried to get out of his hold but he just held on tighter. he huffed but was glad to get some extra sleep. ‘we’ll talk later i guess.’ will thought before drifting off. about 2 hours later, will was awoken by the smell of breakfast. he jumped up before remembering his wrist, will winced but made his way to the kitchen. there he found lucas dancing to candy rain by soul for real. “hey, baby! come join me!” lucas said, shaking his hips and reaching out a hand to will, who chuckled softly. “but i can’t danc-!” will began to say when lucas pulled him in. “just follow my lead.” lucas whispered. they waltzed, tangoed and slow danced. “ok that’s enough.” will declared, out of breath, lucas agreed.
the morning was spent eating, goofing off and getting ready of the day. lucas helps will redress his scars, which makes will force back tears. “uhm lucas, can we talk?” will said shakily. lucas hummed. “uh this may sound weird but i found a guy that i think i had a past relationship with.” lucas gave him a look, “why do you think?” his voice, strong with no waver. “well i uh got a concussion which basically made me forget the whole relationship and i think that i still love him.” will admitted. lucas stared at will’s arm, he knew that will couldn’t possibly think of breaking up with him. “lucas? i’m not breaking up with you if that’s what you’re thinking. i love the both of you but it’s fine if you don’t want m-.” will began to say when he then placed in lucas’ lap, who gave him a kiss.
“ah no, nena, todavía te quiero.” lucas whispered after pulling apart. will laid his head on lucas’ chest, “do you still love me?” he asked, “sí niño bonito, todavía te amo.” lucas replied, lifting will’s chin and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
after some time, the couple went in a search for mike. they found him at the park. “you should stay here.” will whispered, lucas nodded after looking around and placing a kiss on his cheek. will walked over to mike and took a spot next to him. “do you remember me?” will asked, mike looked at him then smiled. “of course i do, will.” he said, will looked surprised but was happy. he pulled mike into a hug, “is that your boyfriend over there or?” mike whispered in will’s ear, will hummed. “yeah, it’s kinda complicated but i love both of you and he’s ok with it.” will whispered back, mike exhaled. “so he wouldn’t mind if i kissed you right now?” mike asked, letting go of will. will began to blush, “uhm, i guess not bu-.” he began to say then he was interrupted by mike placing his lips onto of his.
it shocked to say the least but, he began to relax into the kiss. mike tasted like smoke and chocolate, will wanted more but, mike broke the kiss and will whined. “don’t worry, you’ll get more when we’re out of plain sight.” mike whispered and will smirked. they held hands, lucas couldn’t help but feel happy for his boyfriend and the three were off, to will’s and lucas’ shared apartment. there will and mike made out the whole time. will couldn’t believe how good mike tasted, it was so good, he really couldn’t get enough. mike broke the kiss to breathe then went at it again. lucas cleared his throat, the two parted, mike was clearly irritated with him. “getting take out, what y’all want?” “chinese is good!” mike hollered before going back to devouring will’s lips, god how long had it been since they kissed like this? mike couldn’t remember but he didn’t want it to stop.
after a few minutes, mike and will settled to cuddling. will was the big spoon with mike the small, who surprisingly fell asleep right after they got comfortable. lucas scooted close to the couple, “ya happy, baby?” he asked, will nodded leaning in for a kiss. lucas took and placed his lips onto of will’s. “take a nap, pretty boy, i’ll wake y’all up when the food gets here.” lucas whispered, will had happily obliged. he dreamt of that day, november 6th, crazy how it still has an effect on him. the driver carrying him to his car, the blood so much blood, the drive to the hospital, the sickeningly clean loud atmosphere, far away from home, from mike. he had flat lines in the hospital, dead in a hospital without family surrounding him, just like his mom….just like his mo-……
will was shooken awake and he screamed. mike was woken up, “what’s wrong, will?” he asked. will shook his head, his throat too tight. “hey, will, look at me.” mike said sternly, lucas looked at will in concern. will look at him, wheezing. “breathe with me, here, in, out, in, out.” mike said, grabbing one of will’s hands and placing it on his heart. will had calmed down 5 minutes later. he held mike’s face in his hands, his fingers in mike’s hair. will was safe, surrounded by the loves of his live, he was ok. will leaned in to kiss mike, he placed his lips on will’s. they kiss only for a second, will bringing mike’s forehead to his. after that, he pulled lucas to him, leaning his head on lucas’ shoulder. mike got out of will’s arms to go get his and will’s food. lucas pulled will into a hug. “you good, now?” he whispered into will’s hair, will nodded, exhaustion slowly taking over.
mike laid will’s head on his shoulder, eating his rice. lucas sat on the end of the couch, will’s legs atop of lucas’ lap. after they finished eating, lucas carried will to bed. the two of them trying to fit themselves in with will. once the three of them were comfortable, they drifted off to sleep. will was content with his boyfriends in their apartment of hawkins city, the small town of hawkins far from will’s mind. here he was, alive with his joys in life right by his side.
tagslist: @foodiewithdahoodie @adorewillbyers @thefruityfours @atbyler @eefonline @hazmatazz @evil-gay-person @finalgirlharrison @cgi-heart-eyes @cringefail-loser @eggo-owl @thatonesongyouretryingtoremember
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thechaosmuses · 7 months
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Below the cut is a list of all my canon characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as an oc muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
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The Vampire Diaries
Freya Celeste Mikaelson Elijah Daniel Mikaelson Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson Henrik Alexander Mikaelson Hope Andrea Mikaelson Malachai Silas Parker Olivia Mae Parker Silas Xavier Salvatore Damon Luca Salvatore Stefan Lance Salvatore Jeremiah Steven Gilbert Katherine Maria Pierce Qetsiyah Zione Bennett Bonnie Sheila Bennett Marcel Leon Gerard Hayley Jane Marshall Elizabeth Anne Forbes Josette Olivia Saltzman Ryan Nicholas Clarke Landon Maxwell Kirby Aurora Violet De Martel Aiden Matthew Lawrence Tyler James Lockwood Alexia Rae Branson Sebastian Killian Jones Milton Gabriel Greasley Benjamin James Kenson Lorenzo James St. John Vincent Keith Griffith Sean Kieran O'Connell Lucien Maverick Castle TEST MUSES Dorian Lee Williams Sophie Danielle Deveraux Monique Marie Deveraux Evangeline Amaya Sinclair Inadu Tayen Labonair Rafael Alexander Waithe Finch Taylor Tarrayo Cleo Ada Sowande Penelope Eden Park Jade Ivy Young
Jake Holden Riley Katie Selene Frank Jana Christine Mayfield Teresa Violet Keaton
Teen Wolf
Mieczyslaw Noah Stilinski Scott Gregorio McCall Christopher Henry Argent Allison Artemis Argent Lydia Sophia Martin Jackson William Whittemore Derek Samuel Hale Cora Avery Hale Camden Matthew Lahey Isaac Michael Lahey Vernon Dallas Boyd Danny Keahu Mahealani Malia Elizabeth Tate Kira Jade Yukimura Theodore Christian Raeken Jordan Tyler Parrish Aiden Jacob Steiner Mason Cade Hewitt Brett Lee Talbot Garrett Cole Williams Nolan Andrew Holloway Bobby Adam Finstock Marin Sophia Morrell Braeden Valerie Bardot Deucalion Damien Hemming
Dean Michael Winchester Castiel James Novak Claire Grace Novak Jack Kellan Kline Gadreel Dustin Ward Rowena Jane MacLeod Fergus Roderick MacLeod Belphegor
DC Comics
Bartholomew Henry Allen Nora Francine West-Allen Bart Joseph West-Allen Sara Caitlin Lance Dionysus Arbios Kara Aileen Danvers Winslow Jordan Schott Jr. Clark Joseph Kent Mon-El Lar Gand Querl Dox Music Meister Harleen Frances Quinzel Pamela Lillian Isley
Joaquin Miguel Torres Peter Django Maximoff Pietro Django Maximoff Wanda Marya Maximoff James Buchanan Barnes (pre-serum and super soldier) Steven Grant Rogers (pre-serum and super soldier) Michelle Julia Jones-Watson Peter Benjamin Parker Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy Peter Benjamin Parker Jonathan Spencer Storm Kate Bishop Natalia Alianovna Romanova Yelena Fyodorovna Belova Brunnhilde Valkyrie Loki Laufeyson Stephanie Grace Rogers (genderbent steve) Jamie Belladonna Barnes (genderbent bucky) Samantha Trinity Wilson (genderbent sam) Theodosia Audra Odinsdottir (genderbent thor) Lady Loki Laufeyson (genderbent loki)
Stranger Things
Jonathan Ross Byers Nancy Diana Wheeler Steven Michael Harrington Robin Rae Buckley Edward Joseph Munson Argyle Eduardo Diaz Jane Eleanor Hopper Dustin Jace Henderson Lucas Charles Sinclair Maxine Elizabeth Mayfield
Nicholas Sean Miller Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt Reagan Marie Lucas Leonardo Winston Hamato Michelangelo Chandler Hamato Samuel Nicholas Drake King Benjamin Florian
Athena Grant Howard Han Henrietta Wilson Maddison Juliet Buckley Evan Jones Buckley Edmundo Anthony Diaz
Book Babes
Major Jay Kitahara Lieutenant Lorelai Cathwell Sergeant Major Alary Johann Corporal Erik Mendel Devin Nesta Archeron Elain Archeron Feyre Archeron Rhysand Darling Azriel Cassian Amren Morrigan Gwyneth Berdara Eris Sargon Vanserra Lucien Vanserra Helion Luciano Meridian Tamlin Avri Desrosiers Thesan Addae Koitla Viviane Anera Agnarrson
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Telling It Like It Is Epilogue
Last one guys! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Masterlist
They were watching “Gremlins” again, because Nancy and Vickie hadn’t seen it yet. Steve slid next to Jonathan on the floor.
“Thanks, man,” he murmured as not to disturb Nancy. “If you hadn’t stayed, I might have chickened out.”
Jonathan smiled. “I know. Plus I wanted to see all me and Will’s hard work pay off.”
Steve smiled. “Just tell him if I can do it, there’s hope for him, too.”
Jonathan scoffed. “You’re going to tell him yourself when you bring Eddie over for dinner next week. My mom wants to meet him.”
Steve grinned. “Next Thursday it is.” He stood up and moved back to sit next to Eddie.
Eddie pulled him close. “Everything all right, baby?”
Steve kissed him gently. “Better than all right, it’s perfect.”
“You’ll stay tonight?” Eddie asked shyly.
“I’d stay forever if you’d have me,” Steve whispered.
“Forever sounds perfect to me.”
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msmarvelwitch · 7 years
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Me @ all the girls who wouldn’t dance with Dustin at the Snow Ball and made him cry.
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
Headcanons for being Jim Hopper’s child (Part 1)
Jim Hopper x child!reader
warnings: guns, knives, death, blood, cigarettes, alcohol and so on
a/n: might have 2 do another part bc it got so long lol. we’ll see how long that takes me
prompt: anonymous: “Could I request being Jim Hoppers teenage daughter headcanons please, like reader is as old as Steve, Nancy, Jonathan ect”
part 2 (tba)
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you spent most of your childhood in new york
but after things fell apart, after your sister passed, you decided to move back to hawkins with your dad when you were in middle school
which was very different than what you were used to.
starting with the fact that everyone knew your dad
and all eyes were on you to be a model citizen, you felt a lot of pressure to be the best you could be
most adults knew of the tragedy that struck your family, too. sooner or later, so would the kids
“so your sister had cancer? and she died?” -classmate
“…yes” -you
“that sucks” -classmate
you were definitely a rebel.
some blamed your “acting out” on the divorce, or the move, or losing sarah, but anyone who knew anything knew you were just jim hopper’s kid
“they’re trouble, just like their father” -anyone who knew jim as a teen
you were quite intimidating
you also inadvertently became popular in high school
“well, they’re dad is the chief of police, that means if we get into any trouble we’re golden!” -tommy h
“tommy, i hate you” -you
“yeah right! im your favorite person in the whole wide world” -tommy
“no, tommy, i mean it. if we get into any trouble im throwing you under the bus” -you
your dad taught you how to shoot a gun and defend yourself
and he’d take you camping in the woods in the summer
“how’s it going, kid? having fun?” -hopper
“you gave me a knife, of course im having fun” -you, carving up a chunk of wood
“that’s right, kid. proud of you” -hopper
he worried about you sometimes, looking back on everything he got away with as a kid
but he let go a bit just to let you live a little
you stole his cigarettes plenty of times
and his alcohol if he didn’t get to it first
he did hate your friends, though
“what’s up with you and all these preppy kids, y/n? really? aren’t they kind of assholes?” -hopper
“huge assholes. absolutely terrible. but they wont leave me alone, think im this super cool badass because im your kid, think i get away with everything” -you
“oh, so when i pull over one of these kids for drinking and driving while being underage, they think you’ll get them out of it?” -hopper
“that is correct” -you
“do they realize i’m probably gonna punish them harder?” -hopper
“no, but im counting on you to” -you
honestly you do share beers with him from time to time
not enough to get you drunk but enough to bond
hearing stories of his time at hawkins high
“then, and then—” -hopper, snorting laughter “me and joyce. you know joyce’s boy. jonathan byers’ mom. yeah, me and her were close back then! we revved up my car so hard that the principal ran outside to see what all the noise was and we ended up kicking back so much dirt…oh, man, there was so much dirt all over him and his stupid suit and his stupid glasses. he didn’t even go home, he stayed like that all day. me and joyce got detention for like, three weeks straight. ohhh, good times” -hopper
going out late to steve’s house nearly every weekend
and really showing off your teenage rebellion in his pool if you know what i mean
all in good fun
going to the station to help out when you could
flo thought you were an angel, callahan and powell always laughed at the remark
“y/n, how in the world did you convince that woman that you’re a saint?” -powell
“who says im not?” -you
“how many times have we had to give you a ride home after finding you stumbling down the street in the middle of the night? which of us is keeping score of that again?” -callahan
“that would be you, my friend” -powell
“hey, as long as i help her with paperwork and cleaning, i’m just the most selfless person on the face of the earth” -you
sooner or later that week that turned your life upside down came to be
when will byers went missing
you weren’t too worried until you found out what you were up against
but you weren’t much of a believer at first
but you were still highly sympathetic of jonathan’s situation to a certain extent
“hey, jonathan? i feel really shitty about everything you’re dealing with right now, man. i cant do much to help, but i’m here for you” -you
“uh, yeah, thanks. thank you, y/n” -jonathan
your friends didn’t bother making fun of you, they knew you’d tear them a new one over something like this
and you got a bit quiet as all of this went down
still went out with your friends, though
and sat with nancy at the pool to talk just a bit before barb disappeared, too
“i’m surprised you’re friends with them, honestly. i thought the chief’s kid would be more cautious and rule-abiding” -nancy
“then you got me all wrong, miss wheeler. rules are for suckers” -you, lighting a cigarette
“pass that this way, y/n” -steve
“get your own” -you
getting pretty freaked when barb went missing since you were the last to see her
steve begged you not to tell your dad
but you really weren’t having it
that’s when you started backing away from your shitty friend group, when nancy asked for your help
because no one believes kids, and you had all the resources she needed
“y/n, come on! we know you wanna hang this weekend, why are you being so difficult?” -steve
“difficult? difficult, steve? you’re kidding, right? all the messed up shit happening around here and you’re calling me difficult for showing caution, concern?” -you
“yeah, i am! since when are you cautious? i’m starting to think you don’t like us anymore” -steve
“i don’t! you’re all assholes who care more about your social self-preservation than the real lives that are at stake! when barb and will are back home safe, maybe i’ll consider a friendship with you, but until then? stay the fuck out of my way” -you
that really struck a chord with steve
but not quite on time considering he resorted to vandalism and picking fights with your crew
“oh, if it isn’t the junior chief. what are you gonna do, cuff us?” -tommy h
“grow the hell up” -you
“surprised you wound up with these two, y/n. they dont seem like your type of people” -steve
“and you are?” -you
after the fight, you got dragged back to the station with powell and callahan
and flo was DEVASTATED you could have been a part of that
“what were you thinking, y/n? these kids, they must be crazy. fights? weapons? you’re just a teenager, you shouldn’t be apart of that. especially with your father around. and what if you were the next to go missing?” -flo
“i promise you, flo, it was just the wrong place at the wrong time. i was trying to make sure they didn’t kill each other. things have been tense in the past week” -you
“oh, i know. you’re a good kid, sweetie” -flo
callahan and powell did have to question you to see what was going on, but they knew you were no snitch
“alright, y/n. go sit in your dad’s office. soon as he gets here, i’m sure he’d love to talk to you” -powell
hopper found you at his desk with your feet kicked up, and from there you hit him with everything you knew so far
“don’t tell me you actually believe all this shit” -hopper
“wish i could tell you i was kidding. but it’s just not adding up. i’ve got a really bad feeling” -you
it was a similar feeling to the weeks before your sister got sick and passed
and you were one of the most level-headed teens to walk the earth, you heard reason and scoffed at anything that fell outside of your bounds
soon after you and your dad were on the same page, he said to you
“think you can stay with a friend for a few days?” -hopper
you soon discovered why when you came home to grab some clothes and found your trailer turned upside down
which made you think this ran even deeper that you previously thought
aaaand eventually this led up to the middle school with a bunch of kids you didn’t know, a few teens you did, and the only adults you trusted
“eleven? hey, kid, you need anything?” -you
“so chief hopper’s kid, who just happens to be the biggest skeptic and irresponsible teen in hawkins, is on the same page as the rest of us now?” -dustin
“i mean, i guess so. theyre here arent they?” -lucas
“who says i’m skeptic and irresponsible?” -you, from behind
“w-what? no, we didn’t say that. i mean—we don’t believe that” -mike
“i’m just playing with you” -you, shaking two of them by the shoulders
your dad came up to you and handed you a revolver and some extra rounds
“you. you are in charge of these kids. you are to keep them safe and use this if absolutely necessary. i’m trusting you” -hopper
“why are you speaking to me like i’m a child?” -you
“because you are one” -hopper
“i know all about gun safety if that’s what you’re worried about” -you
“i’m worried about you and these kids and the monsters that are after you” -hopper
“think i’m not just as worried about you and joyce?” -you
“heh, that’s cute. behave yourself.” -hopper
“yes, sir” -you, sarcastically saluting
it didn’t take long for you and your crew to high tail it to the byers’ residence and make good with your own mission
it was a dumb idea, but so was staying at the school
and while you were preparing for a fight, steve started banging on the door
“steve?” -you
“y/n?” -steve
“get the hell out!” -you
“why do you have a gun?!” -steve
“do you want to find out?!” -you
nancy helped him with that part, pulling her own on him
it was funny (and invigorating) ((you’re a little wacky))
but it was too late and steve decided to join in on the action in some sort of offering of peace
*loud overlapping screaming*
“what…” *pant* “the hell…” *pant* “was that..?” -steve
“…are you insane?!” -you
“what?! what did i do?!” -steve
“you almost got yourself killed!” -you
“it’s okay, y/n…it’s over for now…we’re all okay” -jonathan
“this isn’t over, steve. the hell is wrong with you?” -you
“i was just trying to help, y/n. at least i know you still care” -steve
“i will shoot you if you try any shit like that again” -you
“maybe we should take the gun from them” -nancy
“you want to risk it when they’re this worked up?” -jonathan
you all shouted/talked it out and calmed down and headed back for the middle school together
which was a complete shitshow and you knew your dad would be pissed
but he hugged you and told you that he was proud of you
“give me back my gun” -hopper
you all hung out in the hospital waiting for will to wake up
and the kids huddled around you to ask about the demogorgon
“did you see it? did you shoot it? we saw it! and el completely destroyed it!” -lucas
“yeah, it was badass!” -dustin
“can you teach us how to shoot?” -lucas
“no” -you
you had to meet with a handful of government officials over all you’d just become aware of
mouths? sealed shut
you became closer with the people you almost died with, took special care with the kids
and eventually discovered el was still alive
“what do you say we move into grandpa’s old cabin?” -hopper
taglist: @locke-writes // @ripoffadora // @mrs-steve-harrington // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thereagles // @imaginesbymk // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @brutal-out-here // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @lost-fantasy // @zoeyserpentluck // @augustvandyne // @summersimmerus // @azazel-nyx // @xoxobabydolls // @ruvaakke // @simp-legend // @evilcr0ne // @retvenkos // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @prettysbliss // @sapphireplums // @beth-gallagher22 // @ravenstrueluv // @your-local-questioning-agender // @rqmanoff // @you-bloody-shank // @amirahiddleston //
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skrittle-mix · 2 years
The Bingham House
I've only seen a little bit of talk about the Bingham house, so I wanted to add my observations to see how it represents season four and Mike’s character.
Starting off, we have a moment before the group even enter the house. Jonathan says how the group need to be on “their best behaviour”. We are expected to take this as meaning Argyle, who chimes in asking why Jonathan looked at him when he says this line, but it’s Mike who adds that the Binghams are very religious. Also, to note, Mike is the only one to make a change within the house - correcting himself from saying holy shit to holy heck in the father’s study.
Next, we see the door opening and Mike gets stuck with a yellow arrow by Cornelius. I’m not going to go in-depth into the yellow/blue byler colour coding, but basically, Will is yellow and Mike is blue. So Mike gets hit with a yellow arrow from someone that shares the name with a saint that unites an artist with his lover is a neon light. (he was also the patron saint of lovers in Rhineland)  Not to mention, the artist was commissioned to do his piece of work, which Mike currently believes to be true with Will’s painting.
Upon entering the home, we are shown two children sword fighting on the kitchen table. They are quoting Shakespeare, Henry IV Part 1, Act II, Scene IV;  “you starveling, you elf-skin, you driedneat's tongue”. They also quote Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 2, Act II, Scene IV when Suzie’s father runs downstairs; “away, you mouldy rogue, away”. We’ve been made aware of Shakespeare in the past when Dustin refers to Suzie and himself as ‘star-crossed lovers’. In the script for 3x01, it refers to Mike and El as star-crossed lovers aswell. In this season, we’ve had Mike being called Romeo by Argyle and the oven behind him while giving his monologue is branded as ‘Montague’, Romeo’s family name.
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We then have the death scene being directed, which later gets paralleled to Mike’s monologue, and shows that the monologue is in Will’s POV. The director says to the father, who would be in Mike’s situation, “your terror, it looked genuine”. 
Argyle and Eden’s scene is showing love at first sight, and exploring the comedic and non-realistic element to it. And we have a season three parallel to a certain pair that ditch their friends to.. um.. hang out.. just like Argyle and Eden do in the Surfer Boy Pizza van. 
slightly delusional points:
Something that sticks out to me is that in Suzie’s bedroom, Mike is the only one who does not sit down, which makes me think he felt uncomfortable in the house. Why would he not be comfortable, unless he had recently discovered somethings about himself in the months the Byers had been gone from Hawkins. Mike actively avoids any eye contacts with Suzie's father on the stairs when the group leave the study and pushes himself away from her father, almost hurling himself over the banister, when the rest of the group look him in the face and don't feel the need to physically be miles away.
While the group are hovering over the computer, Jonathan makes the comment of “maybe it’s hidden in the code somehow”. Codes have been used in the past such as the “when blue and yellow meet in the West”, this reads as a sign to look further into everything, just as we’ve been doing.
Some non-byler parallels that I think are interesting:
The kids cooking are adding salt into a pot of water - the sensory deprivation tank El uses 
The group needing to get into a room in an attic - Vecna being in the Creel’s attic and the Hawkins group getting into the attic 
The father needing to be distracted so the group can get into the attic - Dustin, Eddie and Max distracting Vecna so the Hawkins group can get into the attic
The fire in the kitchen - the fire in the Creel’s attic
apologies if any of this is incoherent, its very late and im very tired, but thanks for reading if you got this far! 
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e-m-christina · 3 years
I will write for any genre (fluff, smut, angst etc). You can request anything from one-shots, series, headcanon’s and imagines. Please only request x reader or character x character (no OC’s).
Also, I will write for characters who are not on this list, if they are played by an actor/actress of the listed characters below. Please add some detail to your request, it makes it easier for me to write if I know roughly what you want. Have fun!
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Daryl Dixon 
Merle Dixon
Carl Grimes
Troy Otto
Nick Clark
Michonne Grimes
Enid Rhee
Glenn Rhee
Carol Peletier
Maggie Rhee
Alicia Clark
Chris Manawa
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Robin Buckley
Ivar Lothbrok
Ragnar Lothbrok
Hvitserk Lothbrok
Ubbe Lothbrok
Bjorn Ironside
Harald Finehair
Alfred The Great
Sirius Black (Marauders Era)
James Potter (Marauders Era)
Remus Lupin (Marauders Era)
Regulus Black (Marauders Era)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Marauders Era)
Peter Pettigrew (Marauders Era)
Dark Link
Frodo Baggins
Bilbo Baggins
Legolas Greenleaf
Kili Durin
Thorin Oakensheild
Murphy MacManus
Connor MacManus
Gerald of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
(You can request any character from these fandoms and I may consider writing them, but please be aware that there is no guarantee that I will).
American Horror Story
Game Of Thrones
Breaking Bad
Pirates of The Caribbean
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