lemongrablothbrok · 9 months
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w00t two sexy bassists in a row on my feed how did this even happen whatever I don't care lucky me
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I miss the boys, haven't seen HOW for like 7 months. I am mentally knocking on that bright yellow door asking if they still know me and if I can come home please because I am scared 🥺🥺🥺
omggg of course they still know you
probably waiting for your return, but also at the very least trying to be patient and give you space
but don't worry, they probably haven't stopped thinking about you at any point, just seeing you everywhere around, thinking of your mannerisms etc
maybe how you'd somehow let them help you with your hair, how you like your coffee, how they have to remind you to eat
bet Bo's been ready to just up and get you on several occasions but Vincent and Lester just do managed to convince him to leave you be
also just a general dislike for your studies etc - not because they disagree with it overall, but just aren't happy with how it stresses you out
either way, they want to give you freedom and not force anything, and they will be there when you come back home ❤️
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 2 years
firmly think enough people bet jpj couldn’t grow a beard so he said fuq u guys and then did
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cakesandsnouts · 1 year
Your profile pic is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on and Im always happy when it appears somewhere in the likes or reblogs lol
Oh wow that’s absolutely delightful! ☺️ I’m so glad it’s spreading joy as intended!
Terry Jones really does make the most beautiful prince! 👑
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kingfisheress · 10 months
The beauty within you
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Warnings: mentions of murder, insecurity about appearance and body, tooth rotting fluff, grammar and spelling mistakes
It had been an exhausting day, for all of you, Bo, Lester, Vincent, you, hell even for Jonesy it had been. You had been dealing with an particularly big group of tourist, 11 of them, some easier to kill, but some…. Some really were a hard kill, but in the end, you‘ve gotten all of them. The last one of them, who was killed by Vincent himself, was not only throwing things at him, but also gruesome words, like freak, monster and so on. After it was all done, you had asked him , if everything was alright and he of course signed a quick ‘‘Yes, I’m fine.‘‘ But you knew, something was off.
Now as you were walking down the hallway to your shared bedroom, you saw your husband, through the crack through the door, a lightpuddle on the floor before the room. He stood there, mask in his hand, studying his deformed, but incredibly handsome face, a frown on it. You sighed and entered the room, with a light knock on the doorframe, his eyes shooting to where you stood, quick to put his mask back on.
You closed the door behind you, walking towards him. ‘‘Rough day, huh?‘‘,
You asked, carefully, quiet almost as if you were scared, you‘d shoo Vincent off. He only nodded as you wrapped your arms around him, giving him some comfort. After you both stood in silence, you spoke up:
‘‘ If only, you could see the beauty that is within you.‘‘
You pulled him towards the mirror, standing behind him with your arms wrapped around his muscular torso, his hand on top of yours. Your weddings rings rubbing against each other ,causing a clinking sound.
He avoided looking at the mirror, as you grabbed his chin and pulled off his mask. ‘‘You may see an unlovable man in the mirror, but you know what I see? I see the person that matters the most to me in the entire world, the kindest, lovable and most beautiful man there is.‘‘
You paused and took his hands in yours turning them in your grasp, stroking lovingly over his knuckles. ‘‘ I love your hands. Those are the hands of an artist, capable of doing wonderful and amazing things, creating wonderful artworks.‘‘
You carried on, as he didn’t stop you. ‘‘I love your arms, knowing how easy they can lift me up and carry me around.‘‘
‘‘I love your hair, it’s so soft, so long.. I’m so jealous of your hair.‘‘
You still didn’t stop.
‘‘ One of my favourite parts of you is your face…. You have no idea, how beautiful you are. Your eyes remind me of the ocean or the sky… and your lips, so kissable.‘‘ As demonstration, you turned his head towards yours and pressed a love-filled kiss on his lips.
But you know…. My favourite part of you,‘‘, your hands slid upwards, away from his torso, towards his ribcage, resting upon his fast beating heart
, ‘‘is your heart. You love me so good, care so much for me. Your heart is mine and my heart is yours. Forever.‘‘
He turned around and caught your lips in a passionate kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around you. ,, I love you, Vincent Sinclair and I always will.‘‘
As you hugged him, he whispered in his barely used, rough voice
‘‘ I love you‘‘
Hey guys, let me know if you want more of this ❤️
Love you ❤️❤️❤️
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dootys · 7 months
Random cute and tender moments with slashers - part 2
I'm already thinking about part 3 (but it will take a while), so if you want me to draw someone specific, let me know 😊
(part 1 is here)
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Slow dancing in the music hall? Absolutely! This is a new rule on the list. Brahms is sucker for romance he has read about in his books. And he can't be happier when you ask him to dance one day after dinner ❤️
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Oh, did I say tender? Sorry, that doesn't apply to Bo, this motherfucker is scared to death to be vulnerable and if you ask him for cuddles, well.. you shouldn't have provoked him 🤭
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Vincent is always over the moon when you show your interest in his art, especially when you ask him to teach you how to paint. You haven't even finished the question and he alreay has new apron in hand. Every few second you catch him staring at you with adoration, and everytime he gets embarrassed and starts blushing 🥰
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Lester is the biggest sweetheart of them all. He loves every minute he spends with you, the cuter and goofier, the better. He always finds a reason to give you piggyback ride. But don't be surprised if he gets carried away by fooling around and both of you end up in the water, with Jonesy happily running around you 🥰
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I was just kidding. I have soft spot for Bo and I know, that he can be affectionate with his s/o, because deep down he craves tender touches and the sappy romantic shit.. So when nobody is around, he can be very soft ❤️
🩷Taglist: @sketchbook-of-shadows
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forest-falcon · 20 days
The Butterfly Effect
Chptr 14
"So what's the plan?" Rigby jogged up alongside John.
"Here," John pressed a button at his wrist and the rock face in front of them opened; much the way a garage door might.
"Impressive," Rigby mused aloud. He let out a long, low whistle as he stepped inside.
"We need to clear a path around the pool. Jetpacks just won't cut it if we're gonna try n' stabilize One," John pointed to his brother's green Bird.
"Need me to pilot her?" Rigby's face held more than a trace of excitement.
"Oh...no, sorry," John scratched the back of his head.
"You'll be driving one of her pods. When we've cleared enough of the debris, and the villa has been stabilized; I may need you in Phoenix's carrier to help with moving One."
Rigby straightened and gave a nod.
"Time is scarce. Reports say Alan's okay, but we have a further three people in the villa who may require urgent medical attention, and I can't risk McCready's team in there until we know they have a chance at making it back out again," John sighed.
Rigby cleared his throat; his face visually construing a silent inner-debate.
"What?" John urged, then winced inwardly at his tone. Adjusting to Earth's gravity appeared to be even more wearing when fearing for your family's well being.
"You know, you can call them by name - Virgil and Gordon. We...we have your back," Rigby gave John an awkward clap on the back.
The clap echoed around the cavernous hangar.
John swallowed hard to staunch impending tears. There was a second's pause, before the astronaut stepped into his missing brother's Bird.
*. *. *.
"Knock, knock!" Parker called to signal his arrival outside of Alan's door.
"Erm...am I supposed to say who's there?" Alan's young voice came back.
" 'Oo's there? Well, hI'm glad to see that yer haven't lost your sense of humour along with yer bedroom!" Parker chuckled as he worked the lock on Alan's door.
There was a satisfying sound of the latch clicking, and the door swung open.
"Looks like you could use an 'and, Master Alan," he smiled, extending a hand.
"F-A-B-," Alan enthused, hauling himself up, and into the corridor, with Parker's help.
The teen cracked his back.
"Welp, I think I now hold the Tracy Island record for the longest pull up!"
*. *. *.
"We had to make an 'ole in Master Gordon's window to get to you. 'Fraid your brother's parking had made somewhat of a mess," Parker gestured towards Gordon's rooms.
"Didn't you teach him to drive?" Alan grinned.
"Cars, young Master Tracy, not rocket ships! And, I'll 'ave less of yer cheek! Scott might not be firin' on all cylinders at the moment, but you mark my words - I 'ave a memory like an elephant!" Parker chuckled, wagging a finger.
"You look like one too!"
"Oi!" Parker swatted at the teen as he ran.
*. *. *.
John and Rigby had made light work of clearing the debris surrounding the villa, and the structure was stabilised enough for a team to head up to help locate Virgil, Grandma, and Gordon.
"-OVER HERE!" Gordon hammered a small rock against a metal support beam.
The team tentatively picked their way over splintered floorboards and around mounds of rock that lay strewn across what was left of the comms room.
"Allie, is that you?"
"The one and only! I've brought some friends with me. Didn't wanna hog all the glory, y'know?"
Jonesy took a step closer, with a small hydraulic whine from the suit.
"S'up Gords? I like what you've done with the place. You're kinda lacking in the door department though."
"Well y'know what Virgil always says; if you can't find a door, make one!" Gordon called from behind the fallen rocks.
"My thoughts exactly!"
"WAIT!" Tycho was almost pulled forwards into the rock face as he tried to stall Jonesy's suited arm.
"The structure's too unstable. Any attempt to move these boulders risks the whole lot coming down on top of Gordon," Tycho gesticulated wildly.
"Yeah, let's not do that." Gordon deadpanned.
"So what's the plan?" Jonesy couldn't deny that the thrill of using the exosuit had him itching to use his new superpower again. Two tonne boulder? No problem! He'd just shifted it like....kapow!
Tycho dragged his hands down his face as he thought.
"Hmm...we need to get a better view of what we're dealing with. Right here, we can only see half of the puzzle." Tycho pensively ran a hand down the largest boulder.
"And how are we gonna do that?" Jonesy was under the distinct impression that Tycho wasn't referencing the exosuit.
"I think I have just the thing!"
The scientist bent down and unfastened the clasps of a small metal case he'd carried down from the carrier.
"Jonesy, meet Mini Max.”
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spinning-stars · 1 year
Horror charaters x A bone obsessed Y/N
I did this for all my animal bone collector horror fans (Myself included) 🖤🦴
Characters include- Asa Emory, The Sinclair brothers, Bubba Sawyer and Thomas Hewitt!
It's Sfw!
Warnings- there is a part skinning animals, I'll let y'all know when that part will come up!
Enjoy 🖤
Asa Emory-
It's Asa so of course he's going to love the fact that you love animal bones.
💜 (scroll to heart # 2 this is the mention of skinning animals part!!!) Every time one of Asa's victims' pet dies due to one of his traps or one of his dogs dies or he finds a dead animal, he doesn't like to waste. Asa makes sure the animal is dead before he loads them up and takes them to his workspace, he'll de-skin and clean up the bones for you to keep. If the animal was a bird or something small he'll try and make a necklace with them. He won't tell you how or where he got the bones.
💜 He will definitely try getting you into insects/bugs exoskeleton, he will pull up another chair and teach you how to pin the animals wings and how to frame them for display. He's rather patient with you, and if you enjoy it you and him will have a little weekly date doing that exactly.
💜 Asa would always be on high look out for animal bones as he stalks his next victims. (One time he found a box of animal bones in one of his victims room and took them to give to you on your birthday🖤)
💜 When y'all move in together he will set up the coolest room ever, framed bugs on the wall, cool animal bone decor, and a bone pillow, as a little surprise.
Vincent Sinclair-
He finds your bone obsession to be cute tbh.
💚 He will make you little wax skeleton of your favorite animal. You just came home from helping Lester with Jonesy and you just see Vincent waddling up to you to hand you it. (He's more excited to give you your gift than anything else in the entire world)
💚 Vincent may not leave the house often but Lester does. So every day Vincent asks Lester to try and find some animal bones so that he can wrap them up in a little bouquet.
💚 He makes it a habit to search the bodies before he covers them in wax, he knows people wear shark teeth, alligator teeth and sometimes bones quite a bit.
💚 Once he figured out what was your favorite skeleton he told Bo to take you out to eat somewhere, head to the store for food and let you help in the shop for the day. He told Lester to pick up very specific shades of room paint. (I headcannon that Vincent has trained Lester's eyes to tell the difference between 2 colors that barely have a difference.) Once Lester came back he started painting a detailed mural on the wall.
Bo Sinclair-
Doesn't mind the bones obsession.
💙Bo trys to make him out to be "oh ok." And does nothing about the obsession kind of guy but he fails at that so badly.
💙 "Hey babe, I got you some of these bone shaped candies because you have a weird obsession." (He has to throw a small insult in there or he will literally explode)
💙Bo will sit in the shop all day and work on carving a little bone design into a peice of metal to make a ring/bracelet for you. (Vincent provided the drawings for him to make the ring/bracelet)
💙 This Mother fucker is a good pick pocketer and thief. Every time he sees someone wearing bones he will figure out a way to get it and give it to you.
Lester Sinclair-
Lester is Lester.
❤️He will feed into your obsession the most.
❤️ Every. Single. Day. He will bring you baskets of animal bones (Most of them are teeth)
❤️ Lester would carve you and him matching animal bone knifes, you can't convince me otherwise.
❤️ He would buy you a Lego animal bone set, I can't unsee it. (Most likely one of the dinosaur ones)
Bubba Sawyer-
He misunderstood the assignment a bit
💛 you made the slight mistake of not specifically telling him what bones you exactly liked, so he brings you human bones.
💛 Once you correct him and tell him you ment animal bones he made it his mission to search every single spot for one.
💛 on every note he left you there will be a very tiny animal tooth attached to it.
💛 he'll forget sometimes and accidentally give you human bones again
Thomas Hewitt-
Has a bone obsession too.
🧡 He too has a bone obsession and he made a little case dedicated to y'all's obsession.
🧡 Like Bubba he will not get the assignment unless specifically told animal bones.
🧡 ever since you moved in with the Hewitts you've noticed more and more bone decor. (Tommy just wants you to this the house is nice)
🧡 He got a *your favorite animal* skull tattoo because it reminds him of you <3
Authors note- Hello hello 👋 I hope you enjoyed! Requests are open!!!! Have a lovely day<3
Ps. @stitcheswashere13 was my old account that had a lot of problems with, if you liked my content of there and wondered where I went I'm now here!
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yonderghostshistories · 4 months
My Thoughts on "Holy Flying Circus" (2011) + my fave moments from the film!
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Just gotta say.....HFC was pretty great! It was funny and moving and crazy and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT!! 10000/10 imo, would recommend!
Any uhh here's my fave things/moments/quotes from HFC that I loved when watching it! :
(btw uhh spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the film yet, to which you should... ya'know watch it....cuz it's kinda cool actually)
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin
-The animation sequences are pretty cool, huge props and shout-out to the team for recreating the Gilliam-esque animated sequences!
-Tom Fisher as Graham Chapman was pretty much the MVP of this film, I love his surreal yet pretty funny wiseness that he gives the other Pythons and every scene he was in, even for a few minutes of screen time, was pretty much GOATED ASF!! Would've loved to have seen more scenes of Fisher's Graham Chapman, but for every moment he was in, he absolutely chewed, nay, MUNCHED on that scenery with absolutely deLIGHT!!
-Phil Nichol as Terry Gilliam was pretty hilarious actually ngl! Nichol's portrayal really nailed down Gilliam's crazy and chaotic little goblin-like vibes, and I absolutely love Nichol's voice he did for Gilliam, it's very adorable imo 🥰
-I like the scene in the movie where the Pythons are at the pub, and John, Michael, Terry, Jonesy & Eric are drinking alcohol/beer 🍻, whereas Gray's the only one drinking orange juice 🍊. Idk, it's a nice little detail I noticed and I appreciate it being included in the film as it refers to Gray's alcohol intervention and that's he's really over the alcohol for the better and for the good of his health. It's a nice and lovely moment ❤️
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin
-"Anyone here who refuses to have the film receive the X certificate, say "Eric is a money-grabbing bastard!" " , "Eric is a money-grabbing bastard!"
-"Christians and homosexuals can't be in the same room together. We're their natural predators"
-Darren Boyd as John Cleese hitting that islamaphobe with a tree branch. Not only a Fawlty Towers reference, but also kinda based actually 😎👍 plus I agree with @commonguttersnipe regarding this moment in that it's really great that the film makes the important point in differentiating between free speech and hate speech.
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin finally snapping and just straight up bitch-slapping Malcolm Muggeridge in the face with a water jug during the "Friday Night, Saturday Morning" debate, and John cheering him on. Even if it turned out it was just Michael's fantasy dream sequence, it was pretty cool and based actually 😎👍
-"I do..love you....Mike" 🥺
-Rufus Jones as Terry Jones as Michael's Wife/Jones the Wife is really pretty 😍, and I love her and Michael's relationship in the film, it's so wholesome 🥰🥰
-The "John Vs Michael" puppet Star Wars parody fight sequence. It was really funny and kinda cool!!
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin's mum
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin having an argument with Geoffrey McGivern's "Would you like to sign my petition?" Character, it was really funny imo! 🤣
-"Can I talk to you about Life of Brian?" "Well, what makes you want to talk about "Life of Brian"?" "Great and uhh-uhh What??" pretty hilarious moment there 😂
And finally:
-Charles Edwards as Michael Palin
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blueberryexistence · 1 year
(episodes 1-4)
Darcy asking Tara the worm question! that's such a her thing to do though
"sHeS aN aLlY" Darcy I love you
Tao's titanic reenactment 😭😭
Tori Spring, you will always be famous
" look after him or you die" ❤️
aw tao and charlie's hug
Q U I E T❕
... thank you mr faurok 🙂
Tao's face when Nick was speaking french 😭
" I need a croissant then" THE TEACHERS I LOVE THEMM
"since when?" "since..his birth?"
jonesy is such a cute nickname 🥹
Imogen you are too good for Ben (plus she looks so cute in her Paris fit!! 💕)
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fetchmearum420 · 6 months
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4 years ago, I had dreams of one day getting a cat and naming it after you.
But then my Monty Python phase, phased out. And I forgot about it.
4 years later, and that dream is becoming a reality.
Jonesy, my love. I might not be as obsessed with Monty Python anymore (I still am but it’s not like it was 4 years ago) but I never stopped missing and loving you. And my cat will have your nickname.
I love and miss you, always ❤️
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lemongrablothbrok · 2 months
Members of Led Zeppelin's Dynamics as Pairs:
Robert and Jimmy: ❤️Jimbert❤️ (heart heart XO XO UWU etc.)
Bonzo and Jonesy: Rhythm Section Bros!
Jimmy and Jonesy: Experienced Professionals (TM)
Robert and Bonzo: Black Country Boys
Jimmy and Bonzo: The Reason There's a Lock on the Liquor Cabinet
Robert and Jonesy: Cheech and Chong
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commonguttersnipe · 6 months
(insert photo compilation of Graham x Jonesy being the cutest and most underrated MP duo of all <333❤️❤️ as I absolutely love them your honour!!!)
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They’re so us coded.
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jordynaileen · 2 days
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Sometimes the gifts our favourite felines leave us can be a bit unwanted… Add to your sticker collection this cute little set featuring Ripley and Jonesy from Alien! Stickers are handmade by me and can be purchased through my Etsy shop 👽🛸❤️💕
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puppyhal · 5 months
the foundation and jonesy in love forever ❤️
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I know this isn't exactly what u asked for but I couldn't get the idea out of my head no matter how hard I tried. Just know Foundation does love him v much Based on the Vocaloid comic by Winter-Cakes !!
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sodden-toad · 1 year
Sinclair bros as videos I have in my phone. Enjoy❤️ (Feat. Jonesy)
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