#jongin oneshots
mybiasisexo · 8 months
Hiiii! It's me again! Can I ask you from your drabble game :) #5 with Kai please :) Thank u in advance author-nim ✨🥰
Familiar 🕛
Genre: angst | power!au Pairing: Kai x f.Reader Length: 1.8k (again dont ask) Warnings: Language | Alcohol Consumption
a/n: i just feel like you wanted something soft and fluffy and cute. And tbh i wanted that too. I really did. But one thing about me????? when you put in a request, expect the unexpected~~. Im on an exo power kick apparently so there is that. I hope yall like this one i think its v interesting 🤔 But yes, thank you for requesting ☺️
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Jongin and Chanyeol found themselves in a familiar place they hadn’t been to in years.
‘We really did jump,” Chanyeol said in awe, taking in the old bar they would frequent when they were much younger adults than they were now.
Jongin felt jittery, like this wasn’t right. He had been told that his power could do much more than allow him to travel the world. He could travel dimensions, travel other worlds….
And time travel apparently.
He had no idea where exactly they were. Suho had told him to think of a time before shit hit the fan, before they lost everything.
“Excuse me,” Chanyeol called to a bartender. “Silly question, but what’s the date today?”
The bartender took him in wearily. Probably wondering if he needed to be cut off or not.
“Please,” he pressed. “It’s important.”
She sighed. “It’s the fifth of September. Twenty eighteen.”
“Twenty eighteen,” Chanyeol repeated with wide eyes, locking them with Jongin. “Bro, you fucking did it.”
“That’s too far back,” Jongin said between clenched teeth. He was aiming more towards 2021. Three years before The Attack.
“But there’s a reason why you sent us here.”
Chanyeol may be right about that, but he couldn’t understand it himself. The reasoning behind this specific time, this specific spot.
But then he heard a recognizable laugh and all the color drained from his face.
Chanyeol heard it too, throwing him a look full of warning. But Jongin ignored it, walking deeper into the dim building in search of the voice.
At a table, surrounded by a group of familiar faces, he saw the reason why he brought himself back here.
The love of his life. The one who sacrificed everything that day. The one he lost.
You were there. Alive. Laughing. Unaware of the journey you were about to embark, of how drastically the world was going to change.
You were the reason why he even attempted to time travel.
He took a step towards the table, but then Chanyeol had him pressed against a wall, his forearm dug into Jongin’s neck.
“We don’t know what will happen if we interact with them,” he hissed. “We’re here to observe. To search for the red force. To discover the traitor.”
Jongin’s eyes were frantic as he tried to look at you again. “They’re here. The traitor is sitting at that table as we speak!”
“Yes,” Chanyeol agreed gravely. “With your wife. Your dead wife.” Jongin went still in his grip. “Shit, we might already be here. What’ll happen it we bump into our younger selves?”
Jongin wasn’t sure. He didn’t understand how any of this stuff worked. He just knew that it did. But, he couldn’t accept Chanyeol’s words yet. He searched his memories, wondering if he had met you, by now. But, you hadn’t. It wouldn’t be for a moment still.
“We’re not. I haven’t.” He swallowed thickly, which was hard to do with Chanyeol’s arm still pressed against his neck. “I haven’t met her yet.”
Chanyeol sighed. “This isn’t a good idea, Jongin.”
“Please, just let me see her,” he begged. “It’s been over a year, Chanyeol. I promise I won’t do anything, but I need to talk to her. I need to hear her voice again. I….”
He was so messed up without you. A ghost of the man he used to be. He swore he died the same night you did. Chanyeol saw that. Saw what the loss had done to his partner.
It was reluctantly, but he let him go, ignoring the relieved smile that bloomed on Jongin’s face. He pointed at him. “No funny business. We have a mission. We have to stick to it.”
“And we will,” Jongin was quick to say. “But for today, let’s just be normal, while we still can. This is the only peace we’ll ever get again. Let’s enjoy it.”
Chanyeol took in the bar that no longer existed in their timeline. Took in the smells and voices, and Jongin saw just how tired his friend was. How the war had drained him. He’d lost just as many people, had suffered just as much.
“Okay,” Chanyeol fully relented. “Let’s order some drinks.”
After getting a couple drinks, the two of them made their way over to the table you were sat at. Jongin couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You were even more beautiful than he remembered, nearly glowing under the yellow lights ahead.
“Mind if we join?” He asked, looking nowhere else but at you.
“Oh?” Another girl at the table, your best friend he realized, said. She took in the tall handsome men. “We could really enjoy the company.”
Jongin wasted no time sliding into the empty chair beside you, thankful for that. He sat a cup in front of you and you studied it for a brief moment before braving a sip.
Your eyebrows raised when it hit your taste buds.
“This is my favorite. How did you know?”
He grinned knowingly at you. “I could tell you were a woman with class.”
You laughed breathlessly at that, a bit intimidated under his intense stare. Still, he was ridiculously handsome—handsome enough to ignore the red flags. So, you introduced yourself.
“Jongin.” He held onto your hand and nearly sobbed at the familiar contact. When you went to pull away, he refused to let go. You giggled before shyly turning back to your drink.
Chanyeol cleared his throat, and Jongin remembered himself, finally letting your hand go.
He took in the others at the table. There were three girls and two men, including you. The men he recognized instantly as Kyungsoo and Baekhyun.
It was one of them, the traitor. The one who gave the Red Force their plans, leading to the attack that changed everything, that killed Jongin’s wife.
No. He wouldn’t think about that right now. Not when he had you back.
“So, you come here often?” Your best friend, Kim Jiwon, asked. Jongin was suspicious of her as well. She was a lousy friend, and was rather close to Kyungsoo. She also disappeared after the attack.
Chanyeol and Jongin locked eyes.
“We do,” Chanyeol said, sipping the brown drink he had ordered for himself. He closed his eyes as it coated his tongue, savoring the old taste he once enjoyed.
“Usually after work. A little treat after a hard day.” Jongin supplied.
“We do too!” You said excitedly. He fought his smile at your joy. That was something you would always say everytime you ended up at the bar.
“Oh?” He played off. “What is it that you do?”
“We’re engineers,” Baekhyun spoke up. “We work for the government. We build—”
“Planes,” Kyungsoo interrupted.
Jongin lifted an eyebrow at you, questioning the legitimacy of Kyungsoo’s answer. You shrugged. “You can say that.”
The night continued on. The table went round for round on drinks. Jongin was finding himself getting drunk for the first time in years. He was never much of a drinker to begin with, but today he needed all the alcohol he could get.
“I’ll have the Flying Dutchmen,” he ordered to the waitress, who rolled her eyes at the mostly juice drink. “And my wife here will have another Pink Lady.”
Chanyeol kicked his leg. He pouted.
You tilted your head curiously. You were pressed so close to him, he could feel your chest rise and fall against his arm. “Your wife? You know, that’s the third time you’ve called me that tonight.”
“Is it?” he asked, falling more into your space. You allowed him.
“Yeah,” you smirked up at him. “Why is that?”
“Because,” he slurred, nose touching yours. “I’m gonna marry you one day.”
“You don’t even know me,” you pointed out, but he caught how breathless you sounded, how warm your face grew.
He hummed. “Not now maybe, but I already know that I love you.”
You watched him for a moment, appearing very sober as you wondered if this was okay. If he meant what he was saying, and wasn’t being a creep. Gorgeous be damned. Telling a stranger you loved them was definitely a red flag.
You swallowed thickly. “Love? That’s…that’s a serious word.”
He nodded slowly, staring at the sensual shape of your mouth. God, he wanted to kiss you. He wanted to show you just how much he loved you, to tell you he never stopped. Ever.
“And I’m very serious when it comes to you.” His tone revealed as much.
Your drinks arrived, and to his satisfaction, you didn’t turn away from him. “Prove it.”
And maybe it was the drinks that made you so bold. Or it was the way the handsome stranger looked at you. There was… a sadness in his eyes. A sadness and a devotion that you found both startling and intriguing.
He went to do just that. His lips brushed against yours when his friend called his name. A reminder.
“Maybe it’s time to go,” his friend—Chanyeol, you recalled—suggested.
“But we just got our drinks,” Baekhyun whined.
“At least finish those first. We have to go soon too. Work in the morning.” You laughed awkwardly under the weight of the tall man’s gaze.
“One more drink,” he said, but his attention was on the man beside you, who couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than you.
He was a bit more solemn than a moment ago. He didn’t reply, instead lifting his drink and clinking it against your own before chugging it empty.
“Jongin!” You gasped, disappointed that he finished it so quickly. Was he that eager to leave you?
He shivered before getting to his feet. Not even gracing you with a goodbye before he was heading to the door.
“We’ll take care of the bill,” Chanyeol said as he followed his friend.
No. There was no way you were going to let the man who just told you he was going to marry you walk away without even a goodbye.
“Wait!” You called after them, running past Chanyeol to grab Jongin’s sleeve.
He stopped walking immediately. The men shared a glance as Chanyeol walked past, but didn’t say anything.
Finally, he turned to you.
“Will I see you again?” You couldn’t help but ask. It was unlike you to chase after a man, but Jongin was different. You could tell.
He threw a look over his shoulder, at Chanyeol, and then grabbed your face, pulling you in to kiss you.
You had never felt something like this before. You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close to you as he kissed you as if a man reunited with a lover after being torn away from them. Like he wanted you.
Like he loved you.
When he finally pulled away, with difficulty on both parts, there were tears in his eyes.
“I’ll see you soon,” was all he was able to get out before he stormed out the door.
You swore you saw him vanish into thin air before it closed.
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sxmi678458 · 1 year
you message jongin as a joke and he replies
A/N: yes this is based on that one picture from pinterest i dont remember who made it i am so incredibly sorry </3
POV : you message jongin as a joke and he replies
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aqupisrecs · 1 year
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CONTENTS : M - Mature, ✰ - Favorites, ⚘ - Fluff, ♧ - Angst
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⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Going Live > </ ✰ M >
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⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Kisses #1 > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Sweet Cherry ft. Taemin > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Home Alone > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Dumbification/Degradation > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Confession > </ M ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Play Time > </ M ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Barista Boy > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Yes, Sir ft. Sehun > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Martymachlia > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Incubus > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀We Found Love > </ ✰ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Heat Wave > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Sleepy S*x > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Daddy > </ M >
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⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Dirty > </ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Flirty Drunk > </ ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Watching Jongin Masturb*te > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Too Hot to Handle > </ ✰ M >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Sinner > </ ♧ >
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⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Kim Jongin as a Boyfriend > </ M ⚘ >
⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀Dad EXO Headcanon: A-Z > </ ⚘ >
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⠀⠀⠀⠀<⠀⠀6:51 AM > </ ✰ ⚘ >
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Updated [ 2023 - July - 16 ]
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ -> Masterlist
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imaginidol · 1 year
POV: The Intimate Moments Between You & Kai's Relationship
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There's a faint sound of running faucet water that wakes you up from a slumber that you hadn't even noticed you'd slipped into. You hear a faint tap, tap, tap coming from a corner of the room.
It takes you a couple seconds to realize you're in some sort of hotel room. Actually, you are. A quick glance at a sleek men's suitcase sitting at the foot of the window reminds you that you're in Jongin's room. This is his bed.
Tap, tap, tap. You turn over and find yourself peeking at Jongin through the bathroom mirror, which is in broad view from where you lay in bed. Jongin is spreading shaving cream all over his beard stubble and faint mustache, possibly unaware that you'd even woken up.
Right, the memories start flooding back to you. You were out all night with Jongin and the rest of the management and EXO members, hopping from an evening dinner to a late-night American talk show interview and performance, and somehow soberly made your way back to the hotel. I must've done it again last night. Shit, did I... did I fall asleep with Jongin--
"Good morning," Jongin's voice startles you back to reality and away from your traveling thoughts. "Kind of unprofessional that my hairstylist slept in my room, don't you think?"
Oh no, you think to yourself, feeling around the nightstand table for your phone. You have plenty missed calls and texts from the manager.
Shit, I'm definitely getting fired, you curse quietly in your head.
Last night you’d had only a few drinks for dinner. All you really remember was spending most of the evening whispering with Jongin back and forth next to each other at the dinner table. The flirting lead to a quiet text message from him reading, “come to my room later,” and you obeyed happily. Needless to say, the rest of the night was history.
“Shit, I’ve gotta get back to my room,” you start to say as you throw your legs over the edge of the bed, only to quickly look down and realize you’re wearing nothing more than your underwear. Shit.
"You can stay," Jongin looks at you mischiviously through the bathroom mirror as he finishes washing his face. "I'll cover for you if the manager asks."
You roll your eyes and begin searching for your pants, blouse, and heels scattered all about the floor, quickly dressing yourself as the time on your phone flashes to 6:37 AM. Everyone is probably awake by now, so I've got to run back to my room before anyone sees me.
"Text me," Jongin sheepishly calls out after you as you run out the door and into the hallway.
A little over half an hour later you're back in Jongin's room with Minseok and Chanyeol. Minseok rumages through Jongin's suitcase looking for a particular cologne. You're touching up the last of Chanyeol's hair with a thin comb. Suddenly, a flash of light catches your attention.
"Say cheese," Jongin says from behind you, as he's rotating a camera in his hands in your direction. "You're gonna be in our vlog. Get-Ready-With-EXO behind the scenes!"
"Jongin," Minseok mutters from behind. Jongin, mindlessly recording still, turns around and gasps as Minseok is holding up a very familiar bra. "Don't leave this next to my Dior, please."
Your eyes widen and your hands tense up at the sudden realization: I didn't take my bra! Your thoughts are interrupted by a small whimper from Chanyeol as you realize you'd pulled his hair in the process without meaning to.
"Shit, sorry Channie," you mumble, your cheeks flushing faintly.
Jongin laughs nervously, turning the camera off. "Nevermind. Guess you've got enough screen-time in the vlog already," he mutters. "Uh, Minseokie, a... fan gave me that last night. After the... talk show."
He slyly raises an eyebrow in your direction at the word fan, and you, embarrassed, turn your attention back to Chanyeol's hair, re-doing his middle part for the umpteenth time.
Chanyeol notices the exchange of expressions through the mirror. He inhales and exhales quietly, turning his attention to his phone and not saying a word.
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"Jongin," you stay back for a few minutes after the other members have left the room. "This isn't working. We're not working. Minseok could've found out--"
"Minseok recognizes your bra like that?"
"What? No! I'm just saying, what if it were something more... obvious?"
"They wouldn't mind if I told them," he says, now sitting on the floor next to his suitcase and wrapping your bra inside one of his black t-shirts for you to sneak back into your room discretely.
"No, you can't tell them because I work for you guys. I'm your hairstylist, and it's wrong!"
"Why is it wrong?" he looks up from the neatly folded t-shirt.
"I will get fired. It could cause a scandal if another employee finds out. It could cost you your career!"
"Fine," he exhales, grabbing a set of playing cards from the nightstand table that Chanyeol had left earlier. "I'll end it now. On one condition."
"Okay," you whisper. He flips through a few cards between his fingers.
"Look me in the eye," he whispers, bringing an ace card to his lip, "and tell me you don't want me anymore."
Your eyes lock with his. You can't bring yourself to say it.
My better judgement is telling me that maybe I should leave, you think.
"Jongin--" you start to mutter, but your voice is caught in your throat.
"You won't," he says, slowly standing up. He stands in front of you, completely towering over your frame. He lets the ace card fall to your feet, and by your luck it lands facing up.
Aha, you think, how could anyone say no to the ace of EXO?
Definitely not me.
You feel his fingers grasp your hands as he leans down and grazes his soft lips against your forehead.
"It'll take me a while to get over you if you leave," he whispers, "but I'll be okay."
Your eyes close as your noses begin to nudge each other, your lips softly calling for his. One peck, two pecks, three pecks later, you find yourself kissing Jongin over and over again.
You pull him closer to you, nudging him to sit on the edge of the bed with you. You're wrapping one hand around his neck, the other slowly making its way up from his waist to his collarbone. You cup his jaw gently in one palm, soft kisses shared back and forth, each slowly becoming firmer and harsher after the other.
You're about to invite his arms around your own waist when suddenly the sound of the door bursts open.
"Jongin, I left my cards in--"
You and Jongin quickly turn around to find yourselves meeting face-to-face with Chanyeol. He halts in his tracks, not moving a muscle from his stance at the door. Your eyes widen, then Chanyeol's, then Jongin's. You can't tell whose cheeks are reddening the brightest in the room, a wave of embarrassment from all angles inhabiting the air. Chanyeol says nothing, and immediately steps back into the hallway almost as quickly as he'd stepped in.
Unprofessional, you think.
You turn back to Jongin, who's now scrolling through his phone in search of Chanyeol's number.
"I'm so getting fired," you whisper. Jongin simply looks up from his phone, a sheepish smile spreading over his face as he holds his phone up to his ear to call Chanyeol.
"He won't do anything," he swears.
"How do you know he won't!?"
"Because," he smiles. "He likes you too, but you're mine now."
He winks at you, reaches towards the end of the bed to retrieve something, and hands you a rather neatly folded bulky black t-shirt.
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jail bait 🐻
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fandom(s) ; exo + le sserafim pairing ; kim jongin x huh yunjin summary ; yunjin didn’t really want to take no as an answer, not when it came to her older stepbrother rejecting her advances. and as for jongin, he could only tell her no so many times, right? wordcount ; 1.9k content ; pwp, smut, creampie, pregnancy scares, age difference, vaginal sex, large cock, cum eating warnings ; stepcest, underaged (teen)
read the full thing on ao3 - here ! there's a small preview under the cut.
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A pleased smile spread across Yunjin’s lips, as her back arched. She felt every move of his thick cock inside of her, rubbing against her tight inner walls, filling her up so completely. It felt good, better than she had thought it would – and the young girl’s expectations had been high.  Jongin tried to ignore the grin on her lips, felt quite weak, because he knew damn well the reason why. He gave in to her, gave in to temptation, just because she knew all too well how to tease. He had all the reason not to touch her, she was his stepsister for one. But far worse than that, she was just one year shy of her eighteenth birthday. Touching her – fucking her – was all very much illegal. She was jail bait and it was all kinds of wrong, but her cunt felt so damn good. In the moment, it felt worth it. He could feel how wet she was for him, how her pussy practically welcomed him, begged him to make use of it. And that was why the girl felt smug now, as he was on top of her pounding into her, because no matter the strings of no she had gotten at first – he caved. Let himself be tempted by a damn teenager at the age of twenty-five. It was part of the reason he avoided looking at her face, why his eyes trailed downwards to watch her small breasts bounce eagerly along with each one of his thrusts. Her nipples were hard, he should know, he toyed around with them earlier. Gazing down, Jongin could also see how obscenely her legs were spread for him, as she was so utterly stuffed with cock. His hands were resting on each side of her head, keeping his weight off her, while her arms circled around his torso. Trying to pull him closer, her hips subtly moving upwards to meet with his thrusts. Yunjin loved feeling him deep inside of her. “No…” ...
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louisatfanfics · 1 month
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Sinopse: Viver um relacionamento requer responsabilidade, cuidado e companheirismo, além de ser atento aos detalhes envolvendo o seu companheiro e cuidar de tudo com muita cautela. Oh Sehun e Kim Jongin eram um casal exemplar e dividiam a vida de namorados de forma leve e tranquila. Atento as necessidades de Jongin, Sehun prepara um final de semana isolados em um chalé, programando a melhor viagem da vida deles, mas foi ali, naquele local, um cuidando do outro e notando que sempre se cuidavam, que decidiram viver a vida como um casal para sempre.
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inarichi · 2 years
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Happy Kaisoo Day!! 🧡❤️ Here's my fanfic wrapped~ writing was tough last year but I did enjoy it while participating in a few fests! ^^ I hope to continue writing in 2023, but not only kaisoo 🤭 we'll see what happens. Links below!! Stay safe and healthy, loves.
Another Blue Monday Buried Desires Exhibit Gay Bittersweet Grace Freedom Within Peaches & Cloves
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EXO headcanon and drabble requests are now open across all genres (Smut, Angst, Fluff)
Details that are needed to be specified in order for the drabble to be written:
Member's name and the genre
the au or troupe you'd like it to have. eg: non idol au or a best friends to lovers or friends with benefits, etc.
the supposed prompt or storyline or plot you want it to follow
Any other necessary details you'd like me to add would be appreciated in the asks.
You can send me your requests through dms or anonymously.
- Katie
P.S:- Reblogs and comments regarding any doubts are welcome.
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shinescape · 2 years
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Kai x Fem Reader
note: i've kept this story to myself for about 9 years i think and now I feel that it deserves to be shared although the writing might sound a bit childish but it's a treasure of mine. Enjoy the read!
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The crisp sound of leaves under your boots made you aware of your surroundings. A basket in one hand and the other holding a broken tree branch in case a wild animal came approaching your way.
Grandmother had told you to get the most important ingredient for an apple pie. Of course you wouldn’t be searching for wheat flour in the middle of the woods. It was the red juicy fruit that she requested you to search for. 
You fastened your pace and went deeper in the grounds of tall trees. No sound of any small creatures or humans can be heard in the forest. It was still early in the evening but not as bright as midday.
You hummed to a melody that grandmother always used to make you sleep when you had trouble doing so. All of a sudden, a rumbling noise passed by your right which made you stop in track. “Who’s there?”  Your voice echoed through the trees. You  held in your breath, waiting for a response or any signs of danger.
Nothing happens the next minute so you continue on walking. Upon reaching the apple tree, you placed down the basket on a bed of dried leaves and wiped your slightly damp hand on the surface of your red hooded dress. The stick too fell off your hand easily. Despite having a small body, a large number of red apples did fall off from its branches after you harshly shook it. Well, a small body doesn’t mean it has no strength.
You picked all the fresh apples around happily, not caring about the surroundings at the moment. The weaved basket was already full but you still collected them at the other side of the tree. “This should be enough.” A small apple placed neatly in your right hand as a smile crept up your face.
You were about to walk back to the basket but a strong force suddenly pushed you hard against the tree. You flinched as your back started to ache from the impact. 
The moment you opened your eyes, a black robe was in sight. You assumed it to be black since there was no sunlight and the grey clouded sky started to appear. The castle was nowhere near this part of the woods so the guards wouldn’t be here unless…
“A maiden like you should not be wandering around this region. It’s not safe.”
You looked up from the ground as the stranger spoke in such a low tone. Only a pair of lips was seen as the stranger’s face had been covered by the attached hood of the worn out cloth. You just realised that your left hand felt empty, your only weapon happens to be missing.
“Looking for this?” The man waved the twig that you left behind after being too absorbed with the apples.  I’m doomed, was all you could think of at the moment. “I-I mean no harm sir. Would you please let me go?” With so much courage, you pleaded with him nicely and had really meant what you said. He scoffed as he pressed the twig further on your neck.
“Let you go? It’s not going to be easy…riding hood.” As he was saying that, the hood fell off his head and the face that had stayed hidden all this while wasn’t what you expected it to look like. The features he had were too much to be described.
The visible jawline that stood out from his fairly tanned skin made you blinked several times. The way his menacing eyes stared down at you, his sharp nose and the plump lips that carved a small smirk was noticeable. He was indeed a beautiful creature.
An unsure feeling lingered in you. Was he even human or some dangerous creature that lived in these dead woods? The thought of returning home had long been forgotten as the new feeling arose in you to know more about this well figured being. None initiated to voice out but the silence between the both of you felt far from uneasiness.  
You tried to rip off the twig from cutting off your breathing by staring back at him. Despite being shaken up by his antics, you took a firm hold of his hand but he was faster. “Not too fast, maiden. You have committed a crime and must pay for it.” He traced your face from the forehead down to your nose and stopped right at your lips that had slowly lost its colour.
“I had done nothing wrong.” You hissed which he snickered back in return. You turned your face to the side with anger. “I never saw you around here and I suppose you don't know who I am.” His thumb and forefinger made its way to your chin and tilted it so your eyes could meet his wild ones. “I’m dangerous and a beauty like you should leave before-” 
“How can a human like you be dangerous?” Your curious side had come out at the wrong time. Before you could question him further, he shut his eyes, hand still on your chin.  He wanted you to see him. The real him that no one had seen before. Not a single human had experienced what this red riding hood had. He, all of a sudden, rests his lips on yours ever so softly. The kiss was within seconds but both could feel the sparks in it.
A forbidden kiss was shared as cold sweats formed on your forehead. The previous apple had fallen long ago. Even when both your hands were free at the moment, they were numbed. You didn’t dare move because the next thing you saw was the man’s eye. It changed colour. His eyes were no longer the normal hazel but golden. Golden as in the fire breath of a phoenix. 
If the unexpected meeting surprised you, his next sentence could make you faint but you managed to suppress it. “Wolf, I’m a wolf.” You tried to believe what this person just declared to be but it was impossible, too impossible. Your lips curved into a smile knowing that he must either be joking or telling the truth. 
“That is a really bad joke-” 
“I’m telling the truth.” He cut off knowing what was in your mind that moment. Your smile instantly faded and was out of words. Silence enveloped you once more. The only sound was your constant breathing since the temperature had dropped thus the warmth was almost gone. He noticed how your body quivered and slowly snaked one arm around your waist, pulling you to his warm chest. The shivering that you felt slowly went away. 
“You should go beauty. I don’t want to hurt you.” He whispered as he settled his chin on your head, arms still cradling your body. One should be scared but you didn’t care even if he was a dangerous beast. It was a feeling that can’t be defined. It was forbidden to develop feelings in such a short time and especially to a person much less a beast. 
You let him embrace you as your head rested on his chest. You didn’t know why but your body reacts without thinking. You were still sane but something magical like this happened only once in a blue moon. “What if I don’t want to leave?” You slightly leaned away to see his expression. 
The only look you saw from him earlier was a playful smirk but now he showed an unreadable face. He cupped both of your cheeks in his warm palms and stroked them in circular motion. He knows. You know. The emotion was mutual. You started to sense something wrong was about to happen. 
“Promise me something. I know you can feel it in you too. Promise me that-” 
“Riding hood, where are you?!” 
You didn’t want to abandon him like this. Only meeting for about a few hours but it was wrong to do this. You somewhat feel attached to this unnamed wolf boy by now. Your lips quivered but your blurry eyes still locked with his golden ones. 
“Promise me that you’ll remember this moment, this tree, and this pair of golden eyes that will surely remember you.” He let go and backed away from you step by step, eyes never leaving yours as a solemn look etched on his face. 
“Where are you, Riding hood? Grandmother is worried about you!”  
You took a step forward, eyes brimming with tears. The words “don’t leave” or “I’ll go with you” wanted to escape your lips but instead “Name…your name at least.” The least thing that you wanted to know before going your separate ways was his name. The wood was where he belonged and the small cottage was your home.
A small smile carved on his flawless features. “It’s Kai.” With that he left in the form of a brown furred wolf. Not a shadow can be seen and the time was unknown. It happens in a matter of seconds. Everything felt so surreal but you knew that it was just the beginning of a new adventure.
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ohhmydyosfics · 2 years
(Kaisoo) The K in Kdrama stands for Kaisoo
Kyungsoo’s next door neighbor is crazy about kdramas. Meanwhile, Kyungsoo is crazy about him.
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thisonegirl · 5 months
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A lot of the fics I had saved have been deleted hence the short list (many of my favorites were among the fallen💔) but these are the surviving ones. Please recommend some fics , I’m always on the lookout for new ones.
⚠️WARNING⚠️quite a bit of these (most, if not all actually) are not safe for work content. Some are very sexually graphic. Symbols will be used to distinguish them.
main masterlist
PS : for series, I am linking my favorite part/chapter (please let me know if it would be better to link the first part or the master list if it’s available)
❤️‍🔥 - nsfw 🖤- dark ❤️‍🩹 - angst 💕- sfw 🏆- favorite
jungkook | The Six Stages Of A Breakup | series | by @jksarchives - ❤️‍🩹
jungkook | No Nut November | one shot | by @2hightocare - ❤️‍🔥
jungkook | We Can’t Be Friends | one shot | @joonberriess - ❤️‍🩹 ❤️‍🔥(it stings fr)
jungkook | Acquaintances | one shot | by @2hightocare - ❤️‍🔥
jungkook | Stay | one shot | by @jungkxook - ❤️‍🔥
jungkook | Quiet Rides | one shot | by @inkedtae - ❤️‍🔥
jungkook | Halloween Treat | one shot | by @adonis-koo - ❤️‍🔥
jungkook | Naughty Pictures | one shot | by @sparklingchim - ❤️‍🔥
jungkook | Gaming and Cockwarming | one shot | by @smilesjeon - ❤️‍🔥
taehyung | Heatwave | one shot | by @curly-bangtan - ❤️‍🔥
taehyung | Bound By Blood | one shot | by @ctrlhope - ❤️‍🔥
namjoon | Booty Call | one shot | by @jeonnhera - ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
yoongi | Disco Overload | one shot | by @caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma - ❤️‍🔥
yoongi | Unexpected | series | by @noona-la-la-la - ❤️‍🔥 (🏆)
mingyu | Challenge Me | series | by @seokgyuu - ❤️‍🔥
mingyu | The Perils of Apartment Living | one shot | by @dontflailmenow - ❤️‍🔥
wonwoo | endpoint | oneshot | by @highvern -❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
NCT 127
jaehyun | Trick or Treat | one shot | by @yunopouts - ❤️‍🔥
jaehyun | WET THE BED | one shot | by @jamjaemin - ❤️‍🔥
jaehyun | no title | one shot | by @freakynct - ❤️‍🔥
jaehyun | Team Captain | one shot | by @smileysuh - ❤️‍🔥
jaehyun | I’m Not The Only One | two-part series | by @theje0ngs - ❤️‍🩹(🏆, it stings though)
jaehyun | Paubaya | one shot | by @theje0ngs - ❤️‍🩹
jaehyun | Heartaches | one shot | by @smileysuh - ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
jaehyun | Rose Bud | one shot | by @hazyhae - ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
johnny | Not Another Song About Love | series | by @ms-indifferwnt - ❤️‍🩹
multiple | Quarantine Chronicles | series | by @domjaehyun - ❤️‍🔥 (🏆, literal icon with 28k words)
multiple | Open Season | two-part | by @smileysuh - ❤️‍🔥
multiple | Rosemary & Thyme | one shot | by @softforimjaebum - ❤️‍🔥
baekhyun | Paraphilia | series | by @byuntrash101 - ❤️‍🔥
baekhyun | Edging | one shot | by @biaswreckingfics - ❤️‍🔥
jongin | Daddy | one shot | by @xofanfics - ❤️‍🔥
seunghyun | Messes We Made | series | by @noonachronicles - ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
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blossomwritesthings · 2 years
❦― 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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❦― hello there beautiful human!
🥀 and welcome to my little comforting hollow that i call home here in this weird world of ours... i hope you enjoy your stay here.
⇾ ˚ ༘♡ latest pieces:
a fist full of pills, and rivers in my eyes (minlix angst & smut series)
weathering your shades of blue (felix x reader angst & smut series)
turn for me (minlix smut oneshot)
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my rules & guidelines ⇾ ˏˋ read here ´ˎ
masterlist ⇾ ˚ ༘♡ skz ⋆。˚
wip list ⇾ ✧ ˚ · . check out here ☄. *. ⋆
fic recs ⇾ ...[nsfw]◌ೄ skz recs m.list *ೃ༄ ...[sfw]◌ೄ skz recs m.list
my carrd :: ao3
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❦― about me
《 blossom
《 proud girlie (afab)
《 monkey ♥ enfj ♥ taurus, sagittarius rising
《 may '04
《 sex-positive christian
《 i've lived all over the world (including south korea)
《 swedish + irish/scottish
《 full-time junior in uni w/a major in creative writing & full-time canine sales specialist
《 saw superm live: 2019 ♥ saw sf9 live: 2022 ♥ saw woodz live: 2023
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♫― ults
《 exo (since 2015) ♥ jongin, baekhyun
《 shinee (since 2015) ♥ kibum, taemin
《 vixx (since 2015) ♥ taekwoon, jaehwan
《 nct (since 2016) ♥ mark, doyoung, xiaojun, haechan, renjun, hendery (fuck bro lit ALL of them 👹)
《 stray kids (since 2019) ♥ ot8
《 sf9 (since 2020) ♥ taeyang, zuho
《 the boyz (since 2020) ♥ sunwoo, kevin, eric
✬― casual listener ⇾ enhypen, day6, superm, txt, p1harmony, ateez, onlyoneof, cix, twice, snsd, red velvet, newjeans, le serrafim, viction, infinite, golden child, sunmi, woodz
ツ― other interests ⇾ baking/cooking delicious food, reading and writing filthy smut, youtube gamers (markiplier, daz, etc.), korean r&b/indie music (namely: colde, rad museum, jooyoung, hyukoh, thornapple, jukjae, oceanfromtheblue), taking pics of sunsets, the folk of the air, working out, cats & horses, atla/lok, niche perfumes, horror games/tv shows, kdramas/kmovies
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❦― goodbye!
thank you for taking some time out of your day to look over my blog's navigation. i appreciate your support very much! have a wonderful day/night ahead of you~
© ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
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xotaemintol · 1 year
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X BLACK READER SHINee Fics, Imagines, and Oneshots♡☽
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⭐︎Head canons/shorts⭐︎
→SHINee As Your Boyfriend HC: Black Girl Edition (slight nsfw)
→SHINee kinks (OT5) <smut>
→SHINee Shorts: Exhibition (ot5) <smut>
→SHINee most likely to: NSFW(ot5)
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→Jinki x Reader: “Who’s Your Daddy?” Preview (one shot smut)
→Nothing yet♡
→Jinki x Black fem reader : “Hold You/ On The Way” (fluffy smut, word count: 4510)
→Jinki x fem reader subby September: mommy’s good boy
→Nothing yet♡
→Nothing yet♡
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→Nothing yet⭐︎
→Nothing yet⭐︎
→Jonghyun x Reader HC: “As Your Boyfriend” (Fluff)
→Flirty Jonghyun Thoughts//Smut
→Nothing yet⭐︎
→Nothing yet⭐︎
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→Kibum x Reader: “Sexxx Dreams” preview (one shot smut)
→Nothing yet
→Vocal Kibum during oral sex
→Sub!Kibum x Black fem reader: Sensory Deprivation
→Nothing yet
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→Nothing yet⭐︎
→Nothing yet⭐︎
→Nothing yet⭐︎
→Minho x Black (fem) Reader: “Plan B” (one shot smut word count: 3334)
→Sub!Minho x Reader: Subby September Shorts Day 1 (smut word count 428)
→Nothing yet⭐︎
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→Nothing yet⭐︎
→Taemin and Jongin x Black (fem) Reader Part 1: “A Private Show” (smut word count: 3280)
→Taemin and Pet Play
→Subby Taemin thoughts
→“Taemin x Reader: “Feel it” (One shot smut word count: 1192)
→Taemin x Fem Reader: “Jealous Boy” (One shot smut word count: 6759)
→Sub!Taemin x Reader: “Absolution” Part 1 (Smut word count: 3257)
→Sub!Taemin x (fem) Reader: Subby September Shorts Day 1 (Smut, word count 723)
→Bratty Switch!Taemin x Black fem reader: Slave for you (Smut, word count 3486)
→Taemin x fem reader: Ride (short/one shot word count: 286)
→Riding Short. Taemin x Fem black reader
→Taemin x fem Reader HC: “Back To You” (Fluff Request)
→Taemin x Reader HC: “Relationship Habits” (Fluff, Anon ask)
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→2Min x (fem) Reader: “Follow Our Body Rhythm” preview (5 part smut/angst/fluff)
→2Min x (fem) Reader: “Follow Our Body Rhythm” Part 1/5 (smut/angst/fluff word word count:4168)
→Nothing yet⭐︎
→JongTae x Black Fem Reader: “Persistent.” (Smut/fluff)
→Nothing yet⭐︎
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♡Requests are currently open♡
Upcoming Fics, head canons, and one shots→
⭐︎Sub!Jinki x black fem reader: All To You
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89 notes · View notes
imaginidol · 2 years
POV: You and Kai take the evening off to a vintage vinyl store…
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145 notes · View notes
edge of heaven 🎀
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fandom(s) ; exo pairing ; lu han x kim jongin (kailu) summary ; it wasn't that lu han didn't have his toys, because he did, but nothing ever really compared to a real dick. even if it was his own brother's. wordcount ; tba content ; handjob, blow job, anal fingering, rimming, nipple play, large cock, creampie, age difference, pwp, anal sex, somnophilia, jealousy, cheating, warnings ; brother/brother incest
read the full thing on ao3 - here ! there's a small preview of the first chapter under the cut.
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Lu Han and Jongin were alright. Just alright. They didn't have a close relationship, never did they ever, the other was often just there. Lu Han was two years older than Jongin, but Jongin's friends were mainly people from Lu Han's class, which led the two to move in the same circles at times, though they rarely talked to each other when at these things. They just always seemed to do their own thing. They had tried this this time too, but a game happening at this party, forced them a little closer. They were playing spin the bottle, bringing back a favorite for their younger years just for the hell of it. Rather than give sweet, kid friendly kisses and pecks, they were set to make out. Go all in with it. Which had been fine, right up to the point Lu Han spun the bottle and it landed on Jongin — his own damn brother. Some of the others laughed, aware they were related and because of it expecting them to back out. Their laughter only got louder when neither Jongin or Lu Han rejected it right away, they just looked at each other. Trying to get a read of one another, guess where the other’s mind was at. Neither really knew what to do, until Jongin gave a minor shrug. Showing he didn’t mind, it was fully up to Lu Han. Lu Han went for it. ...
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0 notes
louisatfanfics · 10 months
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Sinopse: Estar em Hogwarts é um desafio, mas para Doh Kyungsoo o pior de todos eles é manter uma boa relação com o seu colega de turma, Kim Jongin. O universo estava conspirando contra eles e a aula de adivinhação também. Em um trabalho em trio, Kyungsoo tem que dividir os seus sonhos mais pecaminosos com os amigos, no entanto, fica relutante porque o protagonista dos seus sonhos é o Kim e o local responsável por eles colocarem todas as suas diferenças de lado é a Sala Precisa, o ambiente que selou o amor que eles nutriam há muito tempo, um pelo outro.
LINK PARA A HISTÓRIA: https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/a-sala-precisa-e-o-verdadeiro-local-de-historias-de-amor-25215954
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